#i think he basically confirmed to me that 1) he would leave me if someone better came around
fen-luciel · 1 month
Jealousy part 1
Part 2 here
Warnings: age gap/toxic behavior
Vernestra-Padawan reader/jedi Qimir
I'll update the tags as the story progresses, there should only be two more parts.
I'm not sure how far I'll go with certain behaviors, so leave a comment and let me know what you think <3
(This first part is to provide context, the other two will set the story in motion)
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Becoming a Padawan was a lifelong dream. Of course, I was young, so my view of the world and what I would experience in the coming years was very limited. The idea of being taken under the wing of a more experienced Jedi master, learning many more techniques, the missions, the travels, all the people and aliens I could meet... I was bursting with happiness.
Not that the exercises at the temple weren't stimulating, I was glad to have made friends, to have developed a routine with them, but I was ready for something new.
So, when I was finally introduced to my future master, I was bursting with joy. I recognized her immediately, it was hard not to. Vernestra was an important member of the Order, involved with the Senate, and was known for her numerous successes. It was an honor for me to receive that position by her side.
Over the years, I had been recognized as an excellent future Padawan, with the ability to learn quickly, a strong sense of observation, and a positive and kind character that always accompanied me. I was often praised for the way I presented myself to others. In short, everyone saw a bright future for me, but I had difficulty seeing it myself. I was young and inexperienced and I believed that the important thing was to follow the rules, the rest was just a part of me, something I did naturally.
I imagine that becoming Vernestra’s Padawan was just the confirmation of that golden path everyone saw me on, but I was too caught up in the newness to really think about it.
However, I soon realized that I lost the balance I had created up to that point, I lost some friends, some simply due to distance, others were... cold towards me.
I didn't understand what had changed. I would never have accused anyone of feeling emotions like jealousy or anger towards me, we were children. Missteps were normal, and we were taught that it was right to face them and learn from them.
But if you asked around, many would have described me as someone who never made mistakes, who always responded with a gentle smile, a comforting word, a hand on the shoulder, or even just a pleasant company if you needed to vent. Perhaps that was the problem. I appeared too perfect in the eyes of others.
And yet, the Master didn’t make me feel that way. She taught me everything calmly, I followed her every step, she reprimanded me harshly, but always with care. She soon realized how much I sought validation in everything I did.
It was stronger than me, I believed I was always making a mistake, that I was in the wrong. After all, who was I to say something was right or wrong? I was just a Padawan. A child.
And anyway, it wasn’t the Jedi’s job to give answers, but rather to push people to understand for themselves.
Even though it was a concept I found difficult to grasp myself.
Anyway, that’s how I met Qimir.
He was Vernestra’s former Padawan, now promoted to Jedi Knight and independent in his duties, but he often visited us, either to seek advice from his old Master or just to ask how she was doing. I found him very sweet.
The first time I met him in person, I already knew his name. He had managed to stand out as soon as he started his duties as a Knight. Among the younger ones, there was a sense of reverence towards him even though we had never seen him in person. And besides, it was rumored that he was terribly handsome, not that it particularly interested me at the time.
I remember I was in the library with Vernestra, she had assigned me some basic readings to start my future physical training. Young ones are already taught at an early age to defend themselves and to learn various positions, but it was more about building an understanding of your Force signature, learning to trust your senses. The real training would then be individual for the student once they had a Master, so she had recommended these introductory readings on the various forms of combat and their use.
Those were afternoons I remembered with particular affection. Sitting in silence, she would take a more suitable book or bring her work documents on her datapad, and the hours would pass in an instant. Sometimes, I would glance at her to see what she was doing. She noticed every time, smiled slightly, and gently scolded me, telling me to return to my tasks.
I was happy. I felt cared for, appreciated, but not in the cold manner of a teacher with their student. It was a feeling I didn’t quite know how to place in my heart, and it worried me a bit, but I kept my doubts for another day.
On one of those quiet afternoons, I met Qimir. The room was particularly deserted that day, so the sound of footsteps approaching could be heard clearly along the shelves. Thinking it was the librarian, I didn’t pay much attention and remained with my nose buried in the book. Even when he stopped in front of our table I didn’t pay attention. Then, a deep male voice I didn’t recognize spoke Vernestra’s name.
Curiosity flared up in an instant, and as the two began a light conversation next to me, I slowly raised my gaze, the book almost serving as a shield, my hair partly covering my eyes. In front of us stood a young man in his twenties, dressed in the classic brown Jedi Knight attire, speaking casually to Vernestra. His slightly long, smooth hair, a light smile, and dark eyes framed by a chiseled jaw.
It was the first time I saw him. And the first time my heart beat so fast in my chest.
I didn’t know if it was because he was undeniably a handsome guy. I had never been too interested in that sort of thing, and anyway, it was forbidden for Jedi to have too impure thoughts. It was more... his aura. The amused smile but attentive eyes, the neat but relaxed posture... he seemed to shine with his own light. It was what I felt when I saw a member of the council, when I glimpsed Master Yoda in the corridors, reverence, respect, a bit of fear.
He was captivating, and he seemed to be aware of it.
I didn’t even realize that I had been staring at him longer than I should have. He noticed the insistent gaze on him. I must have looked quite ridiculous, a young girl hiding behind a book while staring at the great Jedi Knight, but the smile he gave me right after almost took my breath away as I blushed, perhaps for the first time in my life.
“And you must be the new Padawan who took my place. Nice to meet you, I’m Qimir” he said, extending a hand, and after casting a nervous glance at Vernestra, who was smiling at me, I hugged the book to my chest with one arm, my palm tingling, unsure whether to return the handshake.
Another inner turmoil came with that first touch. His hands had long, slender fingers, marked by numerous calluses, probably from gripping the lightsaber or the various missions he faced. It was just another reason why I started to admire him. I could see all the dots connecting in this figure that represented everything I wanted to become. A Jedi. A reference point for those in need.
I said my name in a low, timid voice, and he leaned towards me with a slight frown “Such a small voice, are you always like this, or am I making you nervous?” he joked, but I bit my lip, not knowing what to reply, I pulled my hand away, but he didn’t let go. Instead, he began to gently rub my knuckles with his thumb.
“Leave her alone, Qimir. She’s shy, don’t start with your teasing” Vernestra scolded him, at which he let go. I hid my hand under the table, clenching it into a fist, my skin tingling.
“Sorry, sorry. It must be a relief for you to have someone like this after me” she sighed but didn’t deny it either, at which I let out a smile and he, noticing, winked at me.
That was the first time I had dealings with him. But soon I began to see him everywhere. When he wasn’t on a mission, he stayed around the temple, so I encountered him in the corridors, in the halls, in the meditation room, and he always had a kind smile for me.
He made me feel special even though I knew it was a selfish feeling. When I managed to study with other Padawans in the library or practiced in the courtyard, he always stopped by to give me a nod. My friends were jealous, but I wasn’t really offended. Qimir was... kind.
It was like seeing the Force alive and pulsing around him. It was impossible not to look at him, not to wish that he would glance at you even just once.
Everyone wanted to be like him. Charismatic. Confident. Everyone wanted to be his friend.
One of the first missions I did with Master Vernestra was another point of contact. Being young, I wasn’t yet allowed in particularly dangerous scenarios, not to mention that if there was one thing I was lacking in, it was combat. I followed the Master almost everywhere, political life was just as important in a Jedi’s path, and I had to understand the mechanics early on for when I would be older, even though they were often more moments of leisure.
The meetings lasted hours, often discussing places, people, and things I knew nothing about. I tried to stay focused, but it was really difficult, and even Vernestra thought I shouldn’t strain myself too much, so she let me roam around, maybe continue studying, or even just take a little break.
One day, ready to depart, we were loading the luggage onto the ship. We were going to spend a few days on Hoth, and I was incredibly excited since I had never experienced a planet with that kind of climate before. As I was lost in my thoughts, a light knock interrupted me. At the foot of the ramp, Qimir gave me a half-smile "Is there room for me too?" I was still intimidated by his presence since we had never really spoken before. I opened my mouth several times, glancing around awkwardly, not sure if he was teasing me or if I was too stupid to understand what he meant.
"I hope you didn’t bring your usual baggage" Vernestra said behind me, gently placing a hand on my shoulder. I looked at her, confused "Excuse me Master, is Qimir coming with us?" I struggled even to pronounce his name, it felt like an insult to do so, as if I didn’t have enough experience to earn such a privilege.
"What, you don't want me around?" he smiled as he walked up the ramp. I squirmed uncomfortably, realizing the embarrassing situation I had caused "N-no, I didn’t mean that—" He smiled even more, but Vernestra intervened again, scolding him "Give her some space Qimir."
The plan was simple: it was a diplomatic mission, and Qimir had joined us to study for a few days with his former master. I didn’t know exactly what he needed, but he wanted her advice. We left a few minutes later, and I avoided the control room like the plague. I only entered once to ask how much longer it would take, burning alive under Qimir’s gaze, then I shut myself in the bedroom and did my homework.
Hoth was as beautiful as it was freezing. But it was worth it; I had never seen such an immense expanse of white, the ground soft underfoot from the snow, the ice mountains, creatures I had never seen before. Vernestra stopped to talk to some locals, and I approached the enormous door overlooking the ice field. I wondered if the entire planet was like this. Did anyone live in those isolated areas? How could anyone survive in such a harsh climate?
A gloved hand rested on my back, snapping me out of my thoughts.
I turned, expecting to see my master, but under the hood, it was Qimir’s dark eyes that looked at me with a gentle smile on his face.
"Beautiful, isn’t it?" he asked before turning back to look at the white expanse before us. I nodded hesitantly. Nervous about speaking to him, I bit my lip but managed to gather the courage "Do you know... if there’s anyone who lives in these lands?" He looked at me, puzzled, and I quickly corrected myself "I mean... besides the local species. Or aliens accustomed to these temperatures. Do you think others could live in a place like this?" He let out a small amused puff, "Well, we actually know for sure. There are many bandits or pirates hiding in these lands. Mainly to hide something, you know, it’s not worth sending search teams into snowstorms for a single man" he explained.
I made a sound of acknowledgment, but he continued "And if we’re talking about others... I think so. Someone who likes solitude or seeks peace. It seems like a good place not to be found" At that point, I turned toward him "Completely alone? It seems..." sad. But I was afraid to say it out loud, sadness wasn’t one of those emotions a Jedi should typically feel, but it felt natural to feel melancholy at the thought of people wanting to lose themselves in nothingness, to never be found again.
"Sad?" he seemed to read my mind "You see, emotions are very complicated to recognize. What might seem sad to you might mean peace to others. As Jedi, we often take many emotions for granted, but we often forget to give them context" I listened, hanging on his every word.
The conversation seemed... strange in some way. It made sense. Of course it did, he was older than me, had more experience in the field, and knew what he was talking about. I should have just nodded and thanked him for sharing those words.
I ignored the burning sensation I felt and thanked him in a faint voice It felt silly to do so, but it was the least I could do.
He smiled at me and gently took my hand "Let’s go, we need to warm up a bit. Trust me, in two more minutes, you won’t be able to feel the tip of your nose" he joked. I stifled a giggle and let him lead me inside toward the rooms. I didn’t know if it was because we were both wearing gloves or because of the conversation we had just had, but I didn’t feel uncomfortable being held by the hand.
A couple of days later, I was alone in one of the bases scattered across the ice. Vernestra was in a meeting and had forbidden me from attending due to the sensitivity of some of the information that would be exchanged. The problem was that these places weren’t particularly full of people or things to do. Yes, there was a bar area, but after the third cup of hot chocolate, I was afraid of pushing my stomach to the limit, so I stayed at the entrance, my feet in a pile of snow as I doodled or made small, questionable-looking statues.
I was so engrossed in the crooked little house I was shaping out of the ice that I didn’t notice the snowball being thrown in my direction.
I let out a startled yelp when it hit the hood on my head. I spun around just in time to see Qimir burst into laughter "Why did you do that?!" I stood up quickly, brushing the snow off my head.
"You looked so bored, I woke you up, didn’t I?" he chuckled.
I glared at him with a pout while he continued to laugh, so I decided to get revenge.
I bent down to grab a pile of snow, quickly making two balls. I threw the first one, but he easily dodged it.
He turned with an arrogant smile, ready to boast when the second one hit him square in the face.
I burst into laughter. He wiped the snow from his nose, his smile gone before bending down to grab more snow.
I shouted his name, realizing immediately what he was about to do, and started running through the snow with him on my heels. We didn’t even have time to make proper snowballs, we just grabbed the snow in our hands, compacted it as best we could, and threw it at each other in a never-ending war. Sometimes I noticed people giving us amused looks as they arrived or departed from the base, but I didn’t care, I was so happy that, for the first time, I didn’t even care what people thought of me.
An hour later, Vernestra called us back, giving us a confused look. She sighed and sent us to dry off. I felt a bit embarrassed at that moment, and I apologized for the childish behavior, but she smiled at me and assured me there was nothing wrong with what we had done.
In the end I took a full shower someone had left dinner on my bed, considering how long I had been under the hot water. I ate and, putting on one of the heavy local pajamas, decided to step out into the hallway to ask the Master what we would be doing the next day. I knew she wasn’t in bed yet, based on her nightly habits.
I walked down the hallway on the second floor, where the various guest rooms were located, when I noticed that her door was already open.
I approached slowly and immediately recognized Qimir’s voice.
"I’m just saying, if we block the main routes, they’d be forced to come out into the open" With a sense of curiosity, I pressed myself against the wall to peek into the room. The two were looking at an old map spread out on the table.
"I agree, but it would take too many resources, and we don’t know the exact times or routes. It would take a lot of time" she replied wearily. Qimir, standing next to her, bit his lip before flashing one of his smiles, "Or... we could sneak in"
She sighed again "The point is the same. We don’t have the resources—"
"I’ll go in myself. I’ll cut the power right under their noses, and—" She interrupted him with a wave of her hand.
"Do you realize what you’re saying? Sneaking in like a thief, and then what? Even if I let you do it, they could still escape, and..." He circled the desk, positioning himself in front of her, his back to me, so I barely heard what he said "No one said we need them alive—"
A sudden thud made me jump. I pressed my hands to my mouth, paralyzed, afraid they had heard me "No. Stop this nonsense, Qimir."
I don’t know what they said after that, I was too busy slipping back into my room, the conversation I had just overheard spinning in my head.
Sometimes, as a Jedi, you had to make drastic choices, right?
Or at least, it seemed that way.
I tried to forget about it and went to sleep.
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| percy jackson x popstar au
| au masterlist ☽
warnings: swearing and one mention of drinking wine
a/n: the dead returns 😌 WE WILL NOT TALK ABOUT HOW LONG THIS TOOK ME TO GET AROUND TO OKAY? LETS ALL COLLECTIVELY IGNORE IT. KAY GREAT WONDERFUL anyways enjoy! also gasp too parts in one night? woah
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you were bribed.
lia and riley had to beg, stacey was pestering you for days. you were firm on no until you were bribed with lia's mom's famous cookies. and anyone who's ever had one would know that her cookies are to die for.
so now you're sitting next to the asshole in question, both staring at your managers. "another good reason to go along with this is, a publicity boost-" stacey says continuing on with the list she had prepared to convince you both.
"i don't need publicity," you and percy say at the same time. lauren and stacey both hide smiles and continue on.
you're about too seconds away from leaving but stacey's warning look has you sighing and staying in the seat. percy groans as the two managers start to ramble on about a soft or hard launch. neither sound appealing.
"why did i agree to this shit again?"
☾. ⋅
"you post the launch this afternoon okay?" stacey says looking up from her paperwork to you.
you sigh, "fine whatever." a cough erupts from the the other side of the room and you look up to percy curled up on the furtherest chair from you as if your being physically repulses him.
after the photos you took this morning and yesterday it seems warranted. i mean you had to hold hands. gross.
"you know you too will have to be more friendly with each other in public right?" lauren asks from her spot next to percy.
"i can be friendly."
"ok let me re-phrase that," lauren pauses. "you're going to have to act... couple-y."
"... i can still do that."
you scoff at percy's words. "yeah right, you looked like you were about to throw up when we were taking photos earlier."
percy glares. his eyes scanning your face while he clenches his jaw in thought. "fine," he huffs standing up and walking towards you.
you panic slightly. whats he doing? whats going on? you look to stacey for an answer but her eyes are trained firmly on percy seemingly asking the same question.
he stops when he reaches your chair and drops down to a crouch so you're at eye level. "um.. what are you doing?" you ask.
he leans forward slightly so you're only inches apart. his eyes travel across your face as if memorising every feature, they stray to your lips - and falter there - before they return to your eyes. trying to diffuse some of the tension you tilt your head down avoiding eye contact. but a finger on your chin guiding your eyes back to his, has your head tilting back up. "eyes on me sunshine."
you're pretty sure you just gasped. maybe. a little bit.
"what are you doing?" you ask again, your voice barely a whisper.
a smirk overtakes he face and he speak loud enough for stacey and lauren to hear. "proving i can act like your boyfriend in public." he drops your chin as if it burnt him to touch you and walks away to his chair.
your face is on fire. "yeah, uh." you clear your throat. "that'll do i guess."
☾. ⋅
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liked by underovergrover, clarisse.la.rue, the.annabethchase, lia.mandel, rileywest, yn's.team, and 1, 849,426 others
percyjackson so.....
view all comments
user2 percy/n confirmed??
user3 i think i died a little omg
user4 omg a soft launch???
underovergrover congrats man
percyjackson thanks 😉
user5 someone become an fbi agent and tell me if thats y/n rn.
user6 PLEASE
user7 who is sheeeee???
☾. ⋅
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liked by underovergrover, lia.mandel, rileywest, pjackson.team, maisiehpeters, gracieabrams, the.annabethchase and 2, 748, 925 others
yn.official surprise!
view all comments
user3 you cannot tell me that them posting a soft the same day one after each other means they're not together. i wont believe it.
lia.mandel ahhh congrats babes <333
yn.official 😘
user4 the teams like their posts??? percy/n is real!!!!
user5 IKK they couldn't have made it more obvious.
user6 ...i mean they could've hard launched?
user7 anyone else notice how their captions kinda line up? "so....." and "surprise!"
user8 delusion is strong with us today
rileywest happy for you !! 🤍
liked by yn.official
☾. ⋅
you look up from the thousands of comments on the post and over to the sleeping lumps on your couch. lia and riley decided to stay the night for moral support. we'll their idea of moral support is breaking out a bottle of wine and watching movies. they didn't even make it through the first one before they zoned out and fell asleep.
you sigh and glance down at the countless comments and likes on your post. the idea was to soft launch to get more suspense or 'attention' as lauren and stacey like to say.
it seemed simple enough except for actually getting the photos taken. that was a nightmare.
the next step is another post or two and then an outing. together. and then from there who knows.
let the games begin...
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TAGLIST‧₊˚ ☾. ⋅ [if you're name is white it means i couldn't tag you]
@lauptimist, @itzmeme, @mariaaaaaahhhh, @paankhaleyaar, @maybxlle,
@lara20aral, @cxp1d, @user-3113s-blog, @pleasingregulus,
@avihashearts4lix, @inlovewithmorales, @brokecollegebitch, @user-3113s-blog, @officiallyalbino
@gloryhaddock, @kozumesphone, @moonlightwonderlan, @starxshining, @taintedrosee
@lovelyygirl8, @cleothefrogo, @sungjinwoomybeloved, @hearts4li,
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linkspooky · 3 months
Spinner ending kind of confirmed for me that even if Horikoshi does bring back Shigaraki/Tenko, it won't be so he can heal the League, and they can reform together. I get the sense that we are even supposed to feel like all of the villains *deserved* their fates, that it isn't something they deserve saving *from*. It's like he couldn't decide between having them be evil + getting punished for it and having them be sympathetic to an extend + humanising them. I'm seriously trying my hardest to wrap my head around this, it feels so cruel??
I already talked about it in this post, but Obito's death is a much better example of how to "save the villain's heart" then what MHA is trying to sell us.
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It's this excessive focus on whether or not the league's crimes are forgivable that's really the problem, because it comes down to the implication that once the league has crossed a certain line into unforgivable territory they're "no longer human" and therefore not deserving of human empathy for what they've suffered.
The main characters constantly use that line "I can't forgive them" so they don't have to think about the league as human beings who have suffered greatly.
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What does it matter if they're forgivable or not? My Hero Academia is not a work that analyzes moral philosophy. I'm not reading Crime and Punishment here.
The theme they brought up is "Are heroes obligated to save the villains too, even if those villains have done unforgivable things."
I've stated this before but whether their crimes are forgivable or not is irrelevant to that question, because it's about the heroes obligation to save everyone not pick and choose who to save. They are government servants who are supposed to use their quirk to stop villains and save lives, but at the start of the story heroes only focus on the brutally beating down villains part of the job. The central theme of the manga is that the greatest hero wins by saving, and saves by winning, therefore Deku must save even his enemies.
The worst part is that despite bringing up the topic of forgiveness, MHA basically has nothing to say about the issue of what should be forgiven, what shouldn't, and how justice should be applied in this situation. It is wildly inconsistent because the villains are all held to task, whereas characters like hawks are never held accountable, and Enji while put in a wheelchair suffers way less consequences than his son and victim Toya.
Since MHA has like nothing intelligent to say about accountability, redemption and what merits justice and what merits forgiveness it might as well have just swept everything the villains did under the rug and thrown them in prison because we would have gotten the same result regardless. The story never addresses anything it brings up or applies consequences to the heroes so why do villains need consequences too?
I'm reading another comic right now Gunnerkrigg court, which actually discusses these themes of morality, and whether victims should be saved even if they've harmed others in the past.
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Zimmy is a character being used as a human battery for the court's (a shadowy organizations) plan to create a new world without the Ether, which is a chaotic force that warps reality. Omega is a character who is for this plan, because she is 1) a semi-omniscient being who sacrificed her own bodily autonomy in order to help the court by giving them predictions of the future that furthered it's plans.
(Therefore, she does have the understandable perspective of, Well I sacrificed myself for the greater good so why can't Zimmy?)
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and 2) Zimmy is kind of a jerk, who has an incredibly dangerous ability that puts everyone around her in harm's way. Therefore if you're going to sacrifice someone for the greater good she makes sense.
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Zimmy isn't a perfect victim. She constantly gaslights her girlfriend by telling her that everyone hates her except for her so she'll never leave. (A girlfriend who is rather selflessly devoted to I might add). She is like, a walking bomb ready to go off at any moment.
At the same time the story never minimizes Zimmy's suffering with the idea that she "deserves it" for being a bad victim. The main character is consistently advocating for her, which also SHOWS the main character's empathy rather than MHA's habit of continually INISTING upon Deku's empathy without ever showing it.
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I don't think the author expects us to side with Omega, but it does entertain her argument so it's a two sided discussion. To cap this off I hope this demonstrates the difference between what I think is a thoughtful depiction of a bad victim and to what extent the main characters are responsible for saving them, and a completely thoughtless one and why one is more entertaining to read than the other.
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frostironfudge · 2 years
Baby, Keep Those Off - Bucky Barnes
Summary: based on this request by @angieptt 'I was wondering how would Bucky react to listen to you mention about you being insecure walking around the house without pants on even though you love it but hate your body at the same time, and last time you mentioned something your last partner said "to me you are okay" , the last word breaking you and confirming in your head you are disgusting and not desirable even "when they love you".'
Word Count: 1.5k
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, you are responsible for your media consumption. fluff, angst, reader is insecure as stated in the summary, bucky comforts reader, insecurity over body mentioned, mild smut, allusions to implied future smut, also it's their first valentines together, they got together a year ago just after valentines day (basically last week of feb 2022 for reference incase their timeline is confusing), oral f receiving mildly described, bucky is a starving man, also bucky on his knees a delicious sight.
A.N. 1: thank you so much for sending in this request! i hope you enjoy what i came up with!❤️ i didn't go into a lot of detail into the insecurity because this is something i struggle with too and i didn't want it to get too much for me, i'm glad you sent this in though because mr. barnes knows how to take care of his girl 💖
Main Masterlist || AO3
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Dust specks dance in the bright sunlight peeking through the blinds. The bed is warm yet cold. The sheets carry only your body lotion’s scent. The soft sheets nor do the blankets envelop you as you crave this morning. 
You miss the warm arms sleepily pulling you closer, lips slightly chapped that brush against your shoulder and neck. The stubble that draws laughter with your first breath when he nuzzles into you. The sleep laden smile that is whispered against your forehead. Cedar and amber surrounding you, grounding you. 
Unfortunately away on a mission leaving you pulling the pillows closer, burying your head into the piece of clothing that isn’t holding your favourite scent. Sighing against the pillowcase. 
The alarm clock has you know the date, it stares at you mockingly. Lifting up your phone does uplift your mood. A plethora of messages from the man who graces your lockscreen wearing the cat ears from the winter funfair you went to on a date for new years eve. 
You remember the laughter bubbling from your chest and Bucky’s scowl turning into a grin, the way he pulled you close, as snowflakes fell on your shoulders and hair as he kissed you senseless before stealing your phone from your back pocket and squishing his cheek to yours to take a picture. It had been your matching lockscreen ever since that night.
Bucky: Happy Valentine’s Day, my doll, I’m on the quinjet and you have me for the whole day, not sticking around for debriefing (don’t let the team know) 
Bucky: i know you’re sleeping, can’t wait to come back into bed with you just wanna hold you close and maybe let my hands wander 
Bucky: definitely let my hands wander. 
Bucky: I miss you doll. Counting down the hours to celebrate our first valentine's day. 
You laugh, sending him messages right back. 
You: Happy Valentine's Day, Bucky. Counting down the minutes till you get home. Can’t wait to feel your hands wander, maybe I could wear the gift I got.
You: I even brought a backup in case you rip the first one.
You: Yes there are two. Lacy and very pretty.
You know he has no option while on the quinjet, but teasing Bucky had its perks that led to a delicious ache between your thighs. Skin warming you roll out of bed, Bucky’s oversized shirt caresses your thighs and you chuckle as you spot the typing dots appear. 
He was letting your house sit since Alpine needed someone to be there. You smile thinking about how you met him just in the last week of february last year and now he’s yours to love and cherish.
When you exit the bedroom, flower petals trail from the door to the living room. You pause. Your phone chimes.
Bucky: Well, your early gift should be ready despite being a little tease. Go on see it.
Giddy with excitement the walk to the living room is even shorter as you round into the room a gasp leaves you. Bucky stands there with a bouquet of flowers in hand. Breakfast arranged on the table. When you look back from the table to Bucky his eyes are on your legs.
Oh shit, shit, shit. 
He was not supposed to see this apart from when you two were getting intimate.
Bucky traces his eyes over your limbs, his shirt being very lucky this morning. Well luckier than him. His lips part to declare his admiration before you scurry back. He frowns.
“Doll?” His feet carry him in strides to you.
“I’m, I’m putting on pants, I thought–, I know it isn’t that good of a thing to see…” 
He catches the door in time before you shut it, “What do you mean? This is honestly,” He just stares at your bare legs again, licking his lips, “Doll, fuck, is this how you roam around when I’m not home?”
“I, um,” Your fingers gripping the sweatpants halfway up your legs and you look everywhere but at him, twisting your fingers you try to find the words, “I don’t like how pants feel… for the most part… sometimes I don’t like how…” you pause, the day would be ruined.
“So you mean to tell me, I could have had this glorious, gorgeous, and fucking beautiful sight greet me everytime I’m home?” He pushes the door open wider. 
Your cheeks heat, “B-Bucky you don’t have to say that, I know it’s just okay.” 
His brows furrow at your voice growing quieter.
Bucky walks over to you cradling your face, “Doll?” your eyes meet his, he’s smiling. Softness and tenderness wrap around your heart at his loving gaze, “Doll, you look absolutely beautiful and I don’t need you wrapped up in lingerie to appreciate the beautiful woman I have and call my girl.”
You smile at his words, “But sometimes I don’t think I look good like this.” your admission is met by his lips brushing over your forehead.
“Doll, some days with our bodies are hard, but you know how you remind me to love my body and be kind towards it? Thank it for getting me through so much?” He rewards you with another forehead kiss when you nod.
“I’m right here to remind you to be kind and loving towards your body. Maybe even give a physical demonstration to allow me to thank your gorgeous body.” He laughs when you swat his chest lightly.
“It will be a long road or a short one, it's different for everyone. I’ll be there for you, every step of the way.” He promises.
The crack in your confidence fills in the slightest, he was right it would be a while before you’d be fully confident, “Thank you for saying that, Bucky.”
“I hope you know I’m not just saying that, I believe it, and we’ll work on it so that you won’t have to depend on me to make you feel confident, you will be confident from within.” He assures, you kiss his cheek.
“But I want you there to be jaw dropped each time I’m without pants roaming around our place.” You let the hope for a future with him slip. 
“Trust me Doll, all my blood went to my dick when I saw you. I had this whole cute speech planned and it all flew out the window. I was tongue tied. I still am but thats only till I look at those fucking gorgeous legs again, want them wrapped around my head.”
You bite your bottom lip, “Really?” 
“Baby, keep those off. That is my gift for this year and the next several years.” He smiles as he affirms his own want for a future with you, “And if anyone made you believe otherwise then I’m going to change your belief today. Also then track down and beat the shit out of them for making my girl feel underappreciated and made doubt her beauty.” 
Bucky moves his hands from your face, grabbing your hips, in a fluid motion you’re propped up against the door, legs wrapped around him and you can feel his hardness. Your sweatpants are a forgotten article and thought.
“No panties too? Fuck Doll.” He groans, the fabric rubs deliciously over your folds. Your whine goes right to his cock, “You aren’t wearing pants or panties at home anymore.” He groans, lips latching onto the exposed skin of your chest, his flesh hand rubbing the flesh of your thighs.
“Bucky–,” you moan as he nips at your skin, your legs tightening around his waist. He undoes all the buttons of the shirt.
“Can’t waste a drop, Doll.” Your legs are placed down, Bucky kneels, eyes darkened he stares at you like a man starved.
Your right leg over his shoulder your fingers move to his hair as he stares at your dripping cunt. The sight of him turning feral only sends thrums of arousal through you, your need for him increasing. 
“I’m going to show you exactly why the sight of you just in a shirt is fucking magnificent.” He kisses your inner thigh, licking his way to your folds. He kisses your aching clit then hums in delight. 
You ask for more of him needily.
He pulls away, looking back up at you with those darkened eyes and glistening lips and chin.
“You don’t mind that I’m skipping breakfast for my dessert right?” He smirks when you glare at him.
“James,” Your angered tone turns breathless as his mouth returns to devour you.
He moans against your folds, palms digging into your flesh. Oh you weren’t leaving the apartment as he had planned, he’d stay right here and worship you, hear you only remember his name.
A.N. 2: he's a menace. bucky is a menace. also happy valentines day to all you lovelies!!
bucky permanent tags: @slutforsexyseabass
permanent tags: @stevesmewmew @pandaxnienke
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esmedelacroix · 10 months
Coffee Shop Love Pt.7
pairing: miguel o'hara x f!reader
summary: He's as stern and cold as the snow falling from the sky blanketing the bustling streets of Nueva York, Miguel O'Hara stumbles upon a hidden gem of a coffee shop just around the corner from Alchemax. Only problem is the annoying-as-shit smiley-ass barista.
contents: slow burn, no use of y/n, fluffy, not proofread,
author's note: Hey lovies, I've had so much fun writing this series. I'm very happy that so many people like my writing. I'm trying to improve always in my English skills so I hope they are good. I hope you love this finale as much as I do, enjoy...
word count: 1.1k
Pt.1, Pt.2, Pt.3, Pt.4, Pt. 5, Pt.6, Pt.7, Sequel: Sweet Tooth
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There he was standing at the entrance not even willing to listen to what you had to say. Miguel holding up his hand for you to stop taking was like a smack in the face. You had basically confessed to him, confirming the verity of the contents of your voicemail, and his response was for you to stop?
"Come here Baby," he muttered in a low tone. You slowly and cautiously walked up to him. You faced him where he stood right in front of the entrance.
"Look up," he commanded gently.
Then you saw it. The reason for him running back into the store. The reason why he wouldn't even walk all the way into the store to speak to you about your confession. Those bright green leaves with the red ribbon. He had planned it all. Of course he did, you were both standing under the mistletoe. The very mistletoe hat had gotten his hair caught in all the time. The very mistletoe you had both stood under together staring at each other once; before awkwardly dispersing. Only this time Miguel had brought you here.
"Someone told me once, that they were a great kisser, but I lacked the holiday cheer to get a smooch," he started causing you to giggle at the reference. He held intimate eye contact with you while pulling you closer by your waist. "Kiss me, Baby," he muttered.
And so you did. You got on your tippy toes and kissed him. It was short and sweet. But too prompt for Miguel's liking; he had been waiting far too long to kiss you. So he cupped your cheeks with his hands and pressed his lips to yours.
His kiss was like a mix of want and need, and you could practically taste the craving. Your heart was doing a marathon, keeping up with the rhythm of his passionate kiss, like a beat that had a mind of its own. His hands, calloused and warm, traced the contours of your face, leaving a trail of sensation that burned like the touch of a summer sun. In that stolen moment, it was like the world outside had just disappeared, and you were caught up in this whirlwind of feelings where the line between you and him was blurred. The scent of his cologne mingled with the raw scent of shared breaths, creating a symphony that encapsulated the intensity of the connection. The world outside ceased to exist, and in that fervent embrace, you were enveloped in the sweet frenzy of a kiss that transcended the ordinary into the realm of the extraordinary.
The two of you pulled away to catch your breath. Your face immediately heated up thinking about what had just conspired between the two of you. "That was—" Miguel started.
"—magical" you sighed as you turned into putty in his arms.
"I'm really happy you chose to send that voicemail. I was thinking the same thing as you. I just didn't know how to tell you without scaring you away. I'd rather live with my feelings for you haunting me than lose you as a friend," he confessed.
You suddenly wrapped your arms around him resting your head against his chest. He hugged you back rubbing your back with his big hand. You both pulled away to look at each other with the comfortable silence embracing the two of you. "It's already so late, would you like to stay over?" you asked as you fidgeted with your hair.
"Yes I would love to," he replied.
The two of you went straight to bed that night. After taking your shower you sat up on your bed waiting for him to come out, while processing everything that had happened. You were fatigued but you wanted to wait for him to hold you like he had before. Your eyes were practically shut but were trying your hardest to stay awake.
The bathroom door finally swung open and Miguel walked into your bedroom to see you struggling to stay awake. "Were you waiting for me?" he asked as he walked over to the bed. You nodded your head and spread your arms out waiting for him to come and cuddle. He cuddled at your cute action. Just then you felt part of the bed sink in, compelling you to mile softly.
You could feel his presence even when he wasn't touching you yet. He finally took you in his arms and laid you down against him. You rested your head against his chest, you could hear his heartbeat. It was slow and relaxing.
There was something different about the night. Miguel was running his hand through your hair and patting your head. All you could feel was an incredible sense of warmth. For once you didn't feel cold in bed. Maybe all you needed to cure your sensitivity to the cold was someone to hold you at night.
For the first time in forever, you slept in complete peace. Wholly protected from the cold by Miguel.
The next morning Miguel left for work with a hot black coffee, a muffin, and a kiss. Even the neighbors picked up on how upbeat you were feeling that day.
The following night while you sat at your shop waiting for Miguel to walk through the doors you couldn't help but fantasize about your blooming relationship with him. Your love life was finally blooming into something beautiful and—JINGLE! JINGLE! You looked up to see Miguel walking in with a grin.
"Welcome to Mug & Muffin, what can I make you tonight?" you asked looking up at him with a sweet smile.
"Could I get a kiss from a smokin' hot barista?" he quipped.
You ran around the counter and wrapped your arms around his neck to give him a kiss. You kissed him like you hadn't seen him in years. He suddenly lifted you up onto the counter and trapped you between his arms. You squealed and giggled hitting his shoulder playfully. He rubbed circles in his hips slowly and kissed you sweet and slow. He kissed you sweet and slow and you felt the world around you melt away. "Alright that's enough, I made you a drink," you said.
You hopped off the counter, got your own drink, and sat at his favorite table with him. You couldn't help but feel the warmth of the love that had blossomed between you and Miguel inside the warm confines of your coffee shop as you both sat there, enjoying your Christmas brews.
Next Sequel: Sweet Tooth...
@iite-cool@jewelz-teehe@br0-please@thesilenthill@d1lf-loverrr@corpsebridenightamare@laysmt@bitchystrawberrystudent@lotionlamp@local-mr-frog@scaleniusrm@migueloharastruelove@thedevax@veyveys @amber-content@3zae-zae3@simmerarmy
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realbylershit · 5 months
Alright so it’s safe to say that someone is shouting for Steve to run away from something and the first instinct is to be worried for Steve because he would definitely pull the sacrifice play if he had to…but personally I’m a little bit more worried about Robin (or both of them)..let me explain why.
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We know Will is there, a source claimed that in fact ‘everyone’ is. But we also know that Millie isn’t, as a picture of her not being on set right now came up. So it’s safe to say that we most likely have a big portion of the cast around during the shoot and not the entire cast.
In the first recording it was pointed out that someone could have been yelling out Mike’s name instead of the first “Steve!” and whereas that’s personal interpretation I can definitely hear it. And I can also hear Will’s voice out of that. Makes sense, right? Will shouting Mike’s name? That would just mean that Mike is present, too. We knew that he and Will would be attached to the hip in season 5 thanks to the foreshadowing in season 4. And we confirmed that there is someone else that will at some point team up with both of them.
Dum dum dum, Robin.
I personally believe it’s only Will shouting but regardless of you believe it to be and who it actuallyis (Dustin or Jonathan perhaps), they’re telling Steve to run, which means that Steve most likely refuses to leave the battle field.
To point another thing out about the video, I also believe that we can hear Steve himself at the very beginning of the recording and he sounds kind of desperate, in my opinion. If I’m not completely crazy I’m pretty sure I can hear a “Let her go!”
So what I’m trying to say is, what if Vecna has Robin and Steve refuses to leave her side and that’s when himself is targeted, which we can hear in the second recording.
I can’t add the video but Maya Hawke has recently talked about Robin’s arc in season 5 and stated that she’s more involved in the supernatural stuff than ever and finding friends and looking for love.
I find it really hard to believe that they are going to kill off Steve, Dustin’s second father/big brother figure after doing it to Eddie in season 4. I’m pretty sure they introduced him so they didn’t have to kill Steve. Besides, Steve means a lot to most people in the group whereas Robin is probably the least connected person as she’s the newest, meaning that her death would hit everyone, but it wouldn’t break them like Steve’s death would- except for Steve himself.
It’s clear to me and probably most people that Will is going to suffer plenty next season and him making friends with Robin and then losing her to Vecna right away would definitely hit home. And because he already lost Robin, he doesn’t want to lose Steve too.
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Just another small theory I wanna throw into the mix:
Will shouting for everyone to run reminds of him telling Joyce to run through the lights in season 1. Despite being in the upside down, he found a way to help Joyce by telling her to run. I’m thinking that in this scenario Vecna might have him trapped somehow, in a way that results him being cut off from the others in some way that they can’t hear him? As in basically torturing him because he can’t help his friends out, who possibly don’t see Vecna coming, and has to watch them die. That at least would explain even more why he’s the one yelling…
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stop-talking · 6 months
Honestly? I'm not surprised the FNAF movie is delayed.
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They're DEFINETLY struggling to come up with a plot for the next movie. They planned to make three movies if the first went well, but they didn't really leave themselves much room for a sequel.
What do I mean by that? Well...
• The driving conflict of the first movie, that got Mike to work at Freddy's in the first place, was the custody battle with aunt Jane. But they fucking killed her off. (In the movie, it seems like it's possible she still may be alive, but in the book it's pretty much confirmed she's dead.) Abby sees her "lying in a puddle of ketchup" or something when golden freddy comes to get her. And I have a direct quote from Mike.
"You know," he said, "I think my aunt has finally decided to move on." I mean... she kind of did, Mike thought. (Pg 317)
• Oh, and also in the book, it's said Mike gets a nice new job as a contractor after the events at Freddy's, so it's not like they can pull the "Mike can't find a job so he HAS to work at another Freddy's location!" thing again.
• AND, they resolved his storyline with Garrett. He's found the killer, and watched him die. (Even if we know he's not dead). Mike realized Abby is much more important than his dead brother and he no longer torments himself with thoughts of Garrett... so I don't think he'd go poking around in another Freddy's location to "figure out what happened". He knows what happened. And he's finally over it.
• It seems like they TRIED to give themselves something to work with in the end credits. You know, the "C O M E F I N D M E". But honestly? It's not all that helpful. There's no clear way to tell who it's addressed to or who it's from. Everyone seems to agree it's Garrett speaking to Mike as the puppett, but honestly? That doesn't make sense to me.
• I've already explained that I don't think Mike is interested in learning more about his brother's death. He knows who killed him, and watched that man die. Mike is as "at peace" as he's ever going to get. Besides, I don't think Garrett is the puppett!! At all!!
• In the movie, Mike says he feels closer to Garrett at Freddy's. I think that means his soul is LITERALLY there, in THAT Freddy's location. Why else would he say that? Just because there are ghosts there killed by the same man? Also, in the novel, Mike literally sees Garrett's ghost in the pizzeria and it leads him to Springtrap. Finally, the "It's me" messages that keep appearing near Mike. Who else would be writing that shit? It's not just a little Easter egg for the audience. It has to be someone Mike knows. Garrett. (Also I think there's a strong argument to be made that Garrett is co-posessing Golden Freddy with the little blonde boy)
Honestly? No clue. But I think there are a few interesting directions they could take things.
1) From Mike's dad, to Mike.
In the movie they sort of imply Mike's dad offed himself, but in the book they reveal he just walked out on them. So he's still out there somewhere, and they could totally reveal he had some kind of connection to Freddy's and William, and it would explain why William drove all the way to goddamn Nebraska to kidnap some random ass kid.
2) From springtrap, to some unfortunate soul dumb enough to set him free
In the games, he was locked away in a bricked off room for like 30 years before being set free, but I don't think these movies are going to have that big of a time skip. Probably a year at most. So I could see the next movie starting with some idiot freeing springtrap.
3) Okay yeah I cant think of anything else.
And I know I'm not a professional screenplay writer but those bitches are anxiously struggling too!! In every interview where Josh Hutcherson (Mike) has been asked about a sequel, he says they're still trying to figure out the story. No shit!! They didn't give themselves anything to work with.
• So basically, Mike has absolutely no reason to go back to another Freddy's location, and the little secret message at the end is almost too vague to be useful.
So, what DID they leave themselves to work with in the next movie? What plot points remain unresolved?
• For one thing, they didn't even give William a fucking motive for killing kids. Or for luring security guards to their deaths. This version of him seems to have a much better understanding of remnant and possession that his game counterpart, but there's no reason given for that either. In the game, he does it all for his dead son. He wants to "fix" him. But they didn't set up any hints to that in the first movie. Mike talked to Vanessa about HIS dead brother, so I feel like if the whole "dead son" thing was the case, she would have mentioned she lost a sibling too.
• Or maybe William would have brought it up at the end when he was getting mad at Vanessa. The "mess YOU created!!" scene. He probably would have said something like, "You know why we have to do this, Vanessa." But he didn't. There's literally no known motive, and it'll be kind of hard to set one up without any breadcrumbs left in the previous movie.
• Mike was TOTALLY falling for Vanessa in the books. Yeah, I know, a lot of people feel FNAF isn't a place for romance, and SCHMELLY isn't a very popular ship... but that doesn't change the face he almost kissed her in the novel. (Also in the book she threw his EMPTY PILL BOTTLE into the river, didn't actually toss bro's meds! So she's a little more likeable!)
"Vanessa and Mike grinned at each other, and Mike felt something zing inside of him. It was a palpable 'wow' feeling that was much more intense than his casual appreciation of her beauty. And the zing felt like it was going both ways. The look Vanessa was giving Mike was one he hadn't ever seen before... not directed at him anyway. Her reciprocation of his feelings was so strong that he felt himself leaning toward her." (pg 186)
(They didn't kiss though, Vanessa blushed and looked away and changed the subject.) Still... now they have to address their little romantic subplot in the next movie as well.
• Vanessa. Just as a character. There's a lot to work with there. Personally, I think it would be interesting to use her coma to tell a story. You know, have her flashback to there's childhood with William and at Freddy's. (Honestly if they don't do that they're dumb and missing a huge opportunity. Why else put her in the goddamn coma?)
• Also, in the novel, they heavily implied she's... a robot? Apparently, her eyes drastically change color and Mike notes she flips from "girl mode" to "cop mode" on a dime. In the movie she just looked bipolar.
"Yeah Abby, let's use the tables for the fort! 😄"
"Mike if you bring her here again I will SHOOT YOU. 🤬"
• But yeah apparently she's a robot. A robot so convincing that even hospital nurses and doctors can't tell. With no explanation for how William could have built that. Or why there's a photo of her and William where she's clearly a child. Did he build a child robot that grew up into an adult woman robot? Or did he build two robots? Or did child Vanessa die and he replaced her with a robot? Who knows!
"Mike watched, mesmerized, as Vanessa's irises deepened noticeably in hue. They went from their usual soft, almost greyish-blue to a deeper indigo. The shift was so pronounced it almost looked computer-generated. It was also enormously disquieting. Mike felt like he was watching a human turn into..." (pg 184)
• So for the next move, Mike has no motive to go visit Freddy's, William has no motive in general, and Vanessa is a robot. The script practically writes itself, am I right??
And then there's the way Scott Cawthon likes to incorporate fan feedback into all of his projects.
(Ex: People complained FNAF 3 wasn't scary, so he made FNAF 4 horrifying)
• I have no doubt he's going to incorporate the fanbase's favorite characters into the next movie. (Ness, Doug, Maxine, Jeremy) Which honestly just complicates the plot further, adding more stipulations to the script.
• Bringing Ness back would be easy? Mike and Abby could have a scene in the diner, I guess, but it's also sort of unnecessary, and I'm not sure MatPat would agree to another cameo. He's retired.
• Bringing Doug back would be more complicated. He's aunt Jane's lawyer... but they fuckin' killed her off. So. Doug is not needed.
• Jeremy could come back? Maybe? He's really a background character... It's not stated whether or not Mike was friends with him outside work, or kept in touch with him after being fired.
• Maxine is a lot more complicated. The actress who plays her, Kathryn Sterling, said herself that she was originally supposed to have a bigger role in the film but it got trimmed down. And THEN there's the way she was stuffed into a purple Freddy suit, which a lot of fans theorize is supposed to be Shadow Freddy. On her TikTok, she basically confirms this, hinting to her character coming back in the next movie and being more important.
So in the next movie...
1) Mike has to somehow have to end up tangled back into Freddy Fazbullshit even though he has NO desire to... (Remember the way he looked at Abby when she asked if they could visit them??)
2) They have to reveal or at least hint towards Vanessa being a robot
3) Mike & Vanessa romance subplot??
4) William needs a fucking motive for killing people
5) The audience needs to be able to tell who "come find me" was said by AND who it was directed towards
6) Bonus points if they can cram in more youtuber cameos & beloved characters from the last movie like Jeremy and Doug
So yeah. It's a lot to consider when writing. And the clock is ticking, because kids, especially little kids like Garrett's actor, grow up FAST. And ghost kids aren't supposed to grow up. Ghost kids are supposed to be dead.
I do want to say though, that despite the plot holes, I LOVE the FNAF movie. I've watched it 20+ times. It's genuinely one of my comfort movies. I'm excited for the next movie, but I'm also sort of expecting it to be late 2025 before we get to see it.
Scott is notoriously picky. He turned down, like, 8 scripts for the first movie before settling on the Mike storyline. I don't mind waiting, especially considering how difficult this next movie is gonna be to write. Also if you read this whole rant?? Damn?? Kiss me on the mouth rn.
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rat-cannibal · 6 months
i have no idea if you write for adam, but here i am
i am the ultimate angst asker, if you're okay with that
adam or lute(ilovewomenbumpersticker) x reader who does in the extermination without them knowing.
aaaa thank you so much for the request!! i am a fellow lover of women, so I will do Lute at a later date. i wasnt too sure about what you meant by 'does in'. i did give you a sad ending though, so hopefully that makes up for it!
how would adam or lute react to the reader finding out about the exterminations? Part 1
- Adam -
you and adam started dating before he started the exterminations
you're an amazing person - kind, sweet, innocent, everything an angel should be. and also everything Adam isn't.
adam is already so insecure about anything that has to do with hell bc lucifer stole his wives (cue pussy eating hand gesture)
so he doesn't even mention it when he starts thinking about the exterminations
you're suspicious, obviously, because he's going off on so many meetings and is becoming more distant
but you dont say anything because you love adam, and he would never lie to you.. would he?
when adam finally gets his extermination team approved, he's overjoyed
he comes home and immediately kisses the shit out of you
You whine as he pulls away from you, your lips swollen and your face flushed. You try to catch your breath. "Not that I'm complaining, but, uh, what exactly was that about?"
Adam grins widely, squeezing your hands. "What, am I not allowed to kiss my beautiful partner hello?" You sense a hint of deceit in his voice, but choose not to question him about it.
you and adam always sleep in the same bed at nights. you have practically since you started dating.
so when one night he doesn't come home, alarm bells immediately go off in your head
is he cheating on you? maybe he found someone else, someone better
no, you reason, surely he's just held up at work
your suspicions only intensify when he returns the following morning, hair tousled and clothing ruffled
he looks exhausted, like he didn't get any sleep. usually this would indicate a long day at work, but theres a smile on his face that paperwork could never cause
dread grows in your stomach
he greets you happily, like nothing's wrong, and you play along, not wanting to fight with your boyfriend about something that could very well have been a misunderstanding
next year, though, when he disappears again and comes back looking thoroughly satisfied, your suspicions are confirmed.
adam is cheating on you.
you're a very conflict-averse person, so these yearly meetings go on for nearly two decades (time works different in heaven ok just roll with it. 1 year = a month to them basically)
eventually, though, you come home from a hard day of work and Adam isn't there.
that pushes you over the edge. you pack a bag and store it in the closet before going back to your room.
you would look for an apartment in the morning. for now, you just want to sleep.
you wake up and join adam in the kitchen for breakfast. he looks like he always does after these meetings - ruffled, yet satisfied.
"Adam," you say simply, "we need to talk."
"Uh-oh," teases Adam, "am I in trouble?"
"Where were you last night?"
Adam swallows thickly. "What?"
You glare at him. "Where were you last night?"
"I was busy with a work thing - you know how it is, babe, they work me to the bone. It's ridiculous."
"Why do you look so happy, then, so fulfilled?" You sigh. "Look, Adam, I know you're cheating on me. I've known for years now. I guess I just hoped you'd have the balls to admit it."
adam tries to frantically explain that he's not cheating on you, that he's been leading a yearly extermination
he would never cheat on you, he loves you
you demand to know what an extermination is, and he tells you in more detail than you ever would have wanted
you listen in silence as he describes the joy he gets from killing demons - from killing human souls
you retrieve your bag and leave your shared apartment for good
adam begs you to stay, says he'll change, that he'll do anything
but you can't be with a murderer
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certifiablyinsanez · 8 months
Buckle in guys this is gonna be a doozy. Keep in mind that some people have sworn this isn’t their experience with the fandom and frankly I would like to know what spaces you are in because this is mine:
As someone who loves HH and HB, I’m going to say it; the Hazbin and Helluva fandoms are probably the worst I’ve ever encountered. Here are my top 5 gripes. Mentions of SA within the show ahead.
1. The problem fans have with the actors, studios and of course, most of all Viziepop. I’m not going into that drama, the point I’m trying to make is that white cishet men have been getting away with absolute murder for ages in this industry and have not received even a crumb of this much flack. The fact that an independent, queer, woman of color is being put through the SHREDDER online and her work is devalued despite having extensive queer, BIPOC creators, cast and characters frankly leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I don’t think she’s perfect and free from criticism but I’ve seen people foam at the mouth in defense of people like Taylor Swift (despite her being a billionaire because yes being a billionaire is never ethical and an eco terrorist). I don’t think I have to spell out the double standards further.
2. The HORRIFIC sexualization of characters. This is so bad I have to split it in categories.
•In Helluva Boss it’s Loona. Seriously, the way people are absolute CREEPS about Loona is one of the worst cases of perversion I’ve seen of a character within a fandom. And I watch anime. I’m very familiar with the incel-y, body-pillow having, foaming-at-the-mouth weird perverts that come with animation. The fact that it’s possible Loona started out the show underage makes it worse but here’s the kicker…if Loona was not and is not underage, the obsession with her is still gross to me. About 90% of content with her is basically rule 34. They joke about it in the show with the fourth wall break, but honestly guys? Get a hold of yourselves. Especially under certain context that she might be an SA victim is worse. (See the syphilis comment in the pilot. That disease manifests symptoms over years this isn’t necessarily canon but if it ever does become canon in the future it will make the sexualization downright unforgivable).
• ALASTOR. Alastor would be a clean #2 below Loona on the sexualization scale. As an asexual aromantic person, I’m frankly insulted (but not surprised) by the fandom’s approach to Alastor. Alastor is a canonically asexual character. People will (and have) argue with me that he’s canonically ace but it’s technically not confirmed that he’s aromantic and therefore use that as a justification to use him as bait for shipping wars and fic material. Viziepop said that she doesn’t mind certain things and has the one condition that we be “respectful”. I honestly think the fandom has entirely and spectacularly failed at that. People see Alastor in 2D. He’s witty, funny, sassy, self-assured, dare I say fabulous. Therefore, people seem to forget he’s ace. I’ve literally seen people say “I’m supposed to believe this guy is ace?” YES! Because he is! This hurts me as bad as it does because I have been out as aro ace for 10 years now and I’ve been exposed to so much vitriol at our community. If you haven’t been exposed to that, I’ll just say that the general picture people have of our community is that we are robotic, loveless, and empty from something people consider as fundamentally “human”. Still to this day people debate whether we’re even real. Alastor doesn’t fit that picture with his candor and charisma, and therefore people drop his ace identity at the drop of a hat. I can see it happening here because I’ve seen it happen with real people countless times. Even if that’s not how you see it, look at it from this perspective:
It’s confirmed that Alastor had no relationships in life or in death. Some people swear that he’s canonically sex-repulsed which I agree with but can’t confirm so I don’t claim it to be true canon just yet. But look at it like this. What have we seen from Alastor so far? Angel’s advances disgust him. He rebukes all advances. It’s canon that Alastor very likely cannot see others in a romantic way (and here is why I’m sure why): because he thinks pretty much everyone is beneath him. Yes it seems he is friendly with fellow cannibal overlord Rosie and lets Nifty touch him whereas others cannot, but what does it tell you when the “closest” people to him don’t catch his eye in the slightest? Because pairings in these shows are EXTREMELY intentional. I should also say the reason I’m adverse to shipping Alastor with anyone is the same reason I don’t ship Sir Pentious with anyone. It’s absolutely not important to their character. I understand having a fascination with him, believe me I love him too, but it really seems as though these shows have been reduced to shipping fodder. Also, Angel is canonically gay and no one ships him with women because that is something folks can understand and have respect for. I personally don’t see the difference between the two (in terms of sexuality).
3. The hyper-criticalness of it all. I honestly feel bad for the cast and crew because I swear y’all are never satisfied. I see endless complaining that Hazbin sucks because the “developments are bad” or some shit. What??? Including the pilot there have been 5 EPISODES. For fucks sake WAIT. Many great stories didn’t start off awesome. Why did we all forget that stories take time to come off the ground? I feel like everyone’s been poisoned by the writing advice that if you don’t “immediately hook the viewer on the first page/episode then it’s bad” or something. With Helluva Boss that has more episodes, its usually the fact that people hate the female characters. “Loona is a bitch to everyone”, “Octavia exists solely for Stolas’ development”, “Millie doesn’t exist outside Moxxie”. I’ve even seen people SYMPATHIZING with STELLA. Okay, first of all:
• Loona is canonically the lowest class in hell and very well could’ve been born and raised in a pound for 17 YEARS. Imagine if you grew up in prison and your only chance out was for someone to come along and buy you. If the comment from the pilot holds any weight (it may not but it might), then she was SA’d too. That’s complex trauma folks and ITS NOT PRETTY.
• Octavia literally had her own episode that showcased development for both her and Loona as well as the rest of the cast. But at the end of the day, her being sidelined for Stolas isn’t a shock because who is going to carry more weight in this story? Her, or her father who is the love interest of the MC? Stolas has a bigger role, that doesn’t mean Octavia is good for nothing else. I think it’s an interesting showcase to have her as a teenager going through the trauma of a divorce initiated by an affair. It’s a very real thing that happens but I never hear talked about. I just think that it’s a pointless battle trying to have her and her fathers importance be equal. From a storytelling perspective they just aren’t and it’s okay.
• Millie is a WONDERFUL character! For anyone who has seen Demonslayer, I say that Millie got the “Mitsuri Kanroji treatment”. She’s one of few female characters that isn’t necessarily defined by a traumatic past. So far it seems like her story is a country girl born and raised on a farm with lots of siblings and somewhat iffy parents. Not exactly as dramatic and horrifying as Moxxie’s mob past, or Blitz’s life ruined by fire. I know the biggest critique is that she’s nothing outside Moxxie. Like, I’m sorry, what? Since when is it a crime to be madly in love with someone you married? I would say Moxxie is more dependent on Millie than the other way around and yet the burden of that is placed on Millie and I KNOW it’s because she’s the woman. I ADORE Millie because she’s just…normal. She’s funny, bright, sweet and bad af. If I’m being perfectly honest, I’m not entirely sure as to why she is hated so much. I genuinely don’t see what’s not to love about her.
• STELLA??? Guys it’s gone too far. Do you sympathize with her because Stolas cheated and the marriage was just as arranged for her as it was for him? Because after everything she’s done I don’t care in the SLIGHTEST. Because Stella had ALWAYS been cruel. Did you not see her kid picture??? She TORTURED LITTLE ANIMALS. If someone does that in real life, we don’t defend those people for a second. It’s clear that she’s hit him before. That shot where Stolas catches her hand implies that there were many times that Stella did that and he did not intercept. Stella always talks bad about Stolas no matter what. Whether it’s to her friends at parties or to Stolas’ actual face. I know she brings him down around her daughter too. She humiliates him any chance she gets while Stolas has been shown to usually refrain from doing so (does Via even know it was her mom who tried to kill her dad?). So far we have not seen her have any real love for Octavia (Stolas put her to bed always and she never got up for her). But also, the tiny detail of SENDING AN ASSASSIN AFTER HIM. And she had not a cent of concern for how that would affect Via. I genuinely see nothing in her that’s worthy of defending. Sometimes women are abusive guys I don’t know how to tell you this.
4. The hate on Hazbin ladies. People hate Charlie, Vaggie, and Nifty. They always say it’s because Vizi cant write women, I just think it’s the fact that their media literacy is in the toilet. If Charlie was anything other than the eternal, naive optimist the story of Hazbin wouldn’t even exist. It would be impossible. No one else would’ve ever started such a project as a soul rehab in hell. I’m excited to see more developments with Vaggie (cuz I know that five episodes isn’t enough to have the perfect picture of a character) but so far I’m fine with her. I like how easy and low key their relationship is. Which is funny because everyone else hates it for the same reason. Nifty is comedic relief and everyone LOOOOOVES those characters…when they’re men, which Nifty isn’t so they hate her.
5. Finally, the fact that I can’t tell who are the haters and who actually likes the show. Because the tie in with the hyper critical responses but also the fact that people cannot simply not interact with this media. Some people genuinely watch it to shit on it. I don’t understand why. Please leave us in peace to have fun and enjoy. I’ve never seen so many haters in a fandom space before.
If yall have a response like “bro where the fuck have you been interacting with the fandom” PLS tell me where y’all have been avoiding this because this shit has haunted me EVERYWHERE.
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idkirdkok · 4 months
Rewatched the ep for like the 100th time and needed to categorize the major points. So here are the major mistakes they each made throughout the last 5 minutes, and why they made them
Mistake no.1: stolas calling off the deal and springing the confession on blitz without any buildup or warning
Why i think he did it: he was nervous as fuck, he'd been thinking and overthinking about this for a very long time, and blitz was trying to get them into bed and stolas saw how he almost gave in, so he immediately started talking to avoid temptation. He was also, judging by the duet at the beginning, a bit hopeful that blitz would stay. So he wanted to get to that point quick, to "set them free" as soon as possible. I also think that maybe he (wrongly) assumed that blitz would be expecting it, since stolas kept canceling their fullmoon plans and instead invited him just to talk? And blitz mentioned to fizz that stolas kept asking him about how his day etc. Stolas doesn't know that Blitz firmly believes that someone like stolas couldn't care for someone like him, or that he never entertained the possibility of stolas actually caring about him.
Mistake no.2: blitz taking the confession as a joke/roleplay
Why he did it: "am i not fucking you good enough?" "I can always do better" he got a whiplash from thinking he was being thrown away cause he, once again, wasn't good enough, to stolas suddenly saying what he said. Given how things went at Ozzie's, he was still under the impression that "it's nothing more than stolas wanting blitz to fuck him". Again, Blitz never thought someone like stolas would ever actually care about someone like him, and he also didn't want to lose stolas. So he immediately convinced himself that 1)it must've been a joke and 2)he HAD to do something to change stolas' mind and keep the deal, to keep stolas around.
Mistake no.3: stolas dismissing blitz and walking away instead of giving him time to process
Why he did it: stolas saw blitz' reaction not just as a rejection, but basically a confirmation of what he was worried about, which is that it's always just been about sex, and he's been forcing blitz into this transaction, that being with him was never what blitz wanted. Which is why he immediately tried to leave, he wanted to "set them free", as he said in the duet.
Mistake no.4: blitz yelling and getting aggressive, kicking the door and swearing at stolas.
Why he did it: for one, he doesn't know about Stella and how abusive she was, so he had no way to know that acting like that would cause stolas to shut down. He also was feeling frustrated with how stolas didn't give him a moment to process, he even said that he needed time to think. He actually wanted to have the talk, after he was done yelling, he waited for stolas to snap back, and the moment he saw stolas cry, he went to apologize. He didn't want to actually hurt him.
Later things got worse because Blitz, in not knowing about Stella and how her abuse and literal attempt at killing stolas was affecting stolas, accidentally triggered stolas' flight response by yelling at him. I'm almost fully sure stolas didn't register anything from blitz' yelling, other than the insults and the general aggressiveness of his tone.
Also, about what stolas said before teleporting blitz away:
"I think so very highly of you" was in response to blitz implying that stolas thought blitz was "smaller and not as important". He needed to let blitz know that that wasn't the case at all.
"I didn't realize you think so low of me" as a statement/observation, because he never actually knew how blitz saw him. It hurt him. Which is why he immediately sent blitz away. He most likely didn't want blitz so him break like that.
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Lesson #1: Know Thyself
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A/N: first installment is finally here! Let me know what you think. warnings: smut. read the prologue here. ———
“okay, so, should I-“ Amelia’s trembling fingers reached for Matty’s belt buckle, attempting to undo it. He laughed softly, shaking his head and reaching for her wrist to stop her. “No need to rush. Hold on a minute. Why don’t we talk about this first, hmm?” he leaned against the headboard patting the space next to him, urging her to sit by his side. She felt embarrassed for acting a tad too eager. Exhaling and blowing at the hair that had gotten in her eyes, she crawled over to his side of the bed and sat next to him, thankful that the dim lighting in his bedroom gave her some cover. “what’d you wanna talk about?” She asked, her voice frail and clearly exerting considerable effort into acting cool. “well, I just- wanna set some ground rules. Make sure we’re both on the same page….”
“if this is about to be a lecture on consent- look, I’m just saying, I know what we’re doing. I want this-“
he chuckled, again, making her feel silly. “I just think we should have a way of communicating. You know, so we’re both comfortable.”
She rolled her eyes, already starting to wonder if this was a mistake. Perhaps she’d given him the wrong impression. The last thing she wanted was for Matty to think of her as some kind of helpless, fragile creature. It would ruin their friendship if he started treating her differently. “do you do this with all of your hookups?”
“mostly, yeah.” He nodded instantly. “oh.” She hadn’t expected that kind of answer.
“what? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“No, I just- didn’t picture you as the chatty kind of guy…”
“you know, I mean-“ she felt her cheeks grow warm as the words left her lips. “Kinda thought you liked things pretty rough and heavy…I never thought you were the ‘sit down and talk’ kinda guy”
Matty grinned at her words, “you think about how I like to have sex?” He was practically gleeful at this news. “No! I don’t! I didn’t mean it like that!” She tripped over her words, flustered by his reaction.
Matty leaned in close, his face almost touching hers. “For your information: I do like it rough.” He whispered in her ear “but I like to get to know my partner first. Know their body. What they like. What makes them moan. What gives them pleasure. So I can use this knowledge to my advantage.” She swore she almost felt a whimper leave her lips, goosebumps prickled her skin at his words. He backed away slowly, his eyes never leaving hers. “don’t be shy. Tell me what you like. What your limits are. Wanna make sure I give you exactly what you need.”
Her words got caught in her throat. She stared up at him, her mind vacant. “What- umm, what I like? Like- like positions, or?”
“Sure, yeah…” Matty shrugged. “I… don’t know that I have enough- umm- information to give you an answer.” she felt her lack of experience making her seem thoughtless, so she began to get defensive. “I mean, if I’d known there would be a- a quiz… a questionnaire…what? Am I gonna fill out a customer satisfaction survey at the end of the night?- I thought you were gonna show me how to suck a guy off properly. I didn’t do homework.”
Matty sensed that he’d broached sensitive territory, so he seamlessly brushed off her comments, taking a deep breath and deliberately keeping a relaxed smile on his face, so as not to make her feel bad. “Alright. That’s fair enough. We’ll get to sucking guys off later. But, why don’t we start somewhere…more basic, first? Before you can feel comfortable giving someone else pleasure- it might be good to know what you like. Can we do that?”
“You- want me to-“
“touch yourself for me.” He confirmed, bluntly. “I mean- that’s- okay. It’s just not the most exciting thing in the world-“
“why don’t you let me be the judge of that?” “but-“
“pretend I’m not here, okay? When you’re alone and you’re feeling….on edge. What do you usually do? Go on. Show me.” she felt hot under the thin layer of fabric that covered her body. Matty’s eyes watched her with lust as she slowly relaxed into the mattress, looking at him hesitantly. He gave her an encouraging nod as she nervously fumbled with the waistband of her skirt. “mhm, slide it off. Good.” He spoke softly. “I- umm…don’t really do anything exciting.” She whispered, feeling the need to give him as many warnings as possible. There was really nothing enticing about her touching herself. She never thought about how it looked to other people, and, embarrassingly, the word that currently came to mind is ‘bland.’ She didn’t want to disappoint him. Her hand reached underneath her underwear, but Matty immediately clicked his tongue.
“give yourself a minute. Why don’t you- umm…take off your top if you’re comfortable with that. Is that alright?”
there was an unusual tenderness to his voice. She’d never heard him so uncertain. In a strange way, it made her feel safe. Like this territory wasn’t only weird for her. Knowing that they were both treading unsurely felt good. she peeled her top off her body. Tossing it to the ground.
“wow.” Matty muttered. “Sorry. You’re just- gorgeous.” He said so casually as if he’d apologized for bumping into her or accidentally cutting past her on the street. she blushed, closing her eyes to hide away from his intense gaze. “play with those tits a little- that’s it. Just like that.” His voice guided her hand as the moves up and down her body, caressing her nipples first, then slowly traveling further down. “Go ahead, darlin.’ Can see you’re wet.”
She jolted at her own touch, even though she knew it was coming. Her lips squeezed together to trap a pitiful moan in her throat. “oh, don’t hold back on my account, honey. No need to be polite in here.”
she whimpered as her fingers moved the way he’d instructed, his praise egging her on. “Good girl, just like that. Yeah, keep going darling….ready to add in another finger, baby? How’s that feel?”
“oh- Matty-“
Matty had to admit that hearing her call out his name as she worked herself up was one of the hottest things he’d ever seen. He swallowed, harshly, keeping his focus on her pleasure. “good girl, baby. That’s it. Go a little faster now…perfect. You’re perfect. So…perfect.”
Her panting filled the hot air of the room. Matty found himself slowly inching closer and closer to her body as it writhed and ached for release. “I’m gonna- I’m so- close…”
No longer able to hold back, Matty’s hand slowly took over hers. “You’re doing good, baby. I’ve got you. You can let go now…”
the initial surprise of feeling his touch turned into just the element she needed to push her over the edge, she came, trembling around his finger inside her, his other hand rubbing her clit. for a brief moment, she felt her entire body go numb. Her ears ringing. Her lungs gasping for breath as she laid there, Matty’s arms around her, feeling like she could melt into the mattress. He ran a hand through her hair, speaking gently. “You did so good, darlin.’ You’re a quick study.”
she smiled up at him. Was it the post-orgasm haze or has he always been this beautiful?
“th-thank you.” She managed, feebly. “this is gonna be fun. Not that I doubted the idea…” he laughed. “What’d you think? You feeling alright about it all, or?”
she nodded. “Yeah- that- that was amazing. Feeling great.”
She liked this. Him being there. Taking her through the experience, encouraging her, telling her how well she did. She could get used to it. She definitely wanted more of it. He reached into his pocket for a cigarette lighter and then took one out of the back next to his bedside lamp. “Want one?” He offered to her and she quickly accepted. She smoked in silence, next to him watching as the smoke disappeared into the air, bringing him back into focus after every puff she blew. “shit!!” Smoke blew out of the side of his mouth as he cursed and scrolled through his phone.
“what- what is it, Matty?”
“I- umm… forgot. I’m meant to be meeting this girl for drinks. I- fuckin hell.”
he jumped off the bed, looking around the room for his wallet. “Listen, I’m so sorry. I- I’ve gotta go. Feel free to stay as long as you need, yeah? Just lock up when you’re done, okay?”
“Yeah, yeah- umm..of course. You should- just go.”
the sinking feeling in her stomach at the sight of him walking out of the room surprised her. This wasn’t the first time that she’d watched him get ready to go meet some woman he’d had met at a party and swapped numbers with for a random “drink.” So, why does this feel different? She shook her head, swishing the cigarette bud into an ashtray, and hoping to squash those strange feelings away with it.
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kakashiislut · 10 months
Who is it?~ GhostFace
Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4, Pt 5, Pt 6, Pt 7
“HEY!! You brought the stuff right?!”
You nod your head at Tatum, opening up your backpack as you’re walking towards the fountain.
You pull out a large container of fruit. Slices of watermelon, honey dew, strawberries, black berries, raspberries and some blue berries.
“NICEEEE!!!” Stu exclaims, hands already out for the container. You sit down in between Sid and Stu and pick at the green grapes they bought.
“Please, eat it all, I have so much more” you smile sweetly, Billy reaches across of you to grab a piece of melon.
“How do you gut someone?” Syd mumbles, voice icy.
“You take a knife and you slit them from groin to sternum…” Stu sounds like he’s done this before, but you simply stare.
“Hey, it’s called tact, you fuck rag.” Billy speaks sternly.
You only moved to Woodsboro, California 3 weeks ago…over a past incident…but you could tell something was up. You noticed it every day. Every time that you’re around them, Billy and Stu always looked at each other weird. Almost like they had something to hide, almost like they were doing something. If stu would act out, Billy would stare at him until he’d shut up. They always exchanged looks like they knew something we didn’t.
And Billy? Billy always stared like he despised everyone in the group. Even syd. His own girlfriend. You tried to brush it off, maybe he’s stressed? Maybe it’s his resting bitch face? Every time he’d stop smiling, it’s almost like he was deep in thought. Maybe that’s what it was. Just a resting face.
It didn’t matter anyways, someone was dead and that’s what was causing an outrage at school. You cut back into the conversation, something about Stu killing Casey.
“You killed Casey?” You mumbled, eyes flicking towards Stu then at Randy. “Stu was with me last night, okay?” Tatum confirms, “ya I wasss…” stu grins like a horny dog.
“Was that before or after he sliced and diced!” Randy impersonates a lisp, causing you chuckle a tiny bit.
“Fuck rag,” you say, causing Randy to frown, but you cut in again, “what’s a fuck rag?” You lean over to eye Billy.
“Fuck rag? Like a rag a man cum’s in when he’s done jerking off, or like a rag he uses to wipe up cum and sweat, I guess” Billy shrugs his shoulders.
You just stare at him for a bit. You turn to look at Stu and point at him “are you made out of cum, Stu?” You question. “HELL YA I AM!” He screeches, picking up a grape and tossing it in his mouth.
“Oh my god, stupidity leek!” Tatum groans, smacking her boyfriend in the chest.
Stupidity leek? What’s so stupid about Stu? He’s tall…large, clean, funny and so so so handsome. It’s something you can’t get over, it’s something you’d die for….no maybe..kill for? Stu was easily the man of your dreams and yet here he is, dating some stuck up cheerleader who doesn’t even know how to handle all that.
Everything that comes out of her mouth is selfish and syd only says backhanded shit. Are they both even thinking at times? Fuck no.
What the fuck is wrong with them. They’re basically asking to be bullied. Tatum’s pretty, but that’s all she got going for her. That SNOTTY LITTLE BITCH-
You gasp, turning to look at syd, before looking at her hand. You pull your hand back. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t even notice I was squeezing your wrist, syd. I got lost in thought, I’m sorry” you squeal, rubbing at her red wrist.
“I-it’s okay! I was just worried, you got quiet and s-stuff!” She stutters a bit, she looks scared, so you pull away and pack the empty container in your bag. “I’m leaving early today, my last two classes have substitutes.” You toss your bag on your shoulder.
“You don’t love us?” Randy whines, causing Billy to do the same. “I didn’t even get to ask you what you did yesterday…”
“I did nothing. I stayed home.”
“For the three weeks I have known you, that’s been your answer everyday that I’ve asked you.” Randy groans, “I’ll figure it out, ya know! If you have a boy friend or not” Randy yells after you as you walk away. You simply wave before heading to your car.
Maybe he’ll call again?
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awritersstuff · 7 months
" I promise"
Guess who is back ! 🤪
A smoky fic that took me 2 hours to write .
Warning - a random oc ,a lot of pet names and a little change in og plot ( not little)
If someone would have told you 1 year before that you will a happy life with smoky, you would have kicked there asses . You knew smoky as the leader of rude boys one of the 5 groups of SWORD but You didn't really cared about SWORD and kurya being the youngest amamiya and a very good doctor your only goal was to find your oldest brother takeru with your other older brothers masaki and hiroto. So you traveled with your brothers to find the oldest amamiya. But you never thought your whole life would change when you found a injured little boy trying to hide in a corner of a dead end of a street . You didn't really care but being a doctor didn't really helped the situation. So you did what a doctor should do you gently picked up the child and gave him a  rescuing smile ,the little boy was too injured to protest . You toke him to a convince strore and started treating all his injuries when his stomach loudly growled.  he shyly held onto his stomach and looked at you . You gave him a sweet smile "it's not a shame to be hungry, that's a basic human need , you know what I am also hungry let's go eat something " . You toke the boy to a small dinner and as soon as the food arrived the boy looked mesmerized "can I really have it ?"  he asked as he was not confirm if he was allowed to eat that food " yes its all yours " you said giving the boy a small smile . The little child became very exited he was about to take a bite of the food as he suddenly stoped like he rememberd something " why are you helping me I don't know you , you don't me , then why " you looked at him in pure shock how can a small child be soo hostile,  but you smiled a little before speaking again " Okey then let's become friends I am yn amamiya and I am new here , it's  nice to meet you " the boy a bit taken aback at first but then he gave you nice smile and introduced himself "I am haru and it's nice to meet you too , yn "  as haru started eating his you asked him " so , where are you from haru , you know I can drop you there " haru looked at you "nameless town" he said his mouth still filled with food . ' No wonder you look so thin' you think to yourself. After finishing your food yn took her bike and went to nameless town.  As they entered the roads she could already feel some eyes on her , as she dropped haru off the bike she looked up in the sky . She could see a back of a man leaning on the railing of a very high building,  yn had a fear of heights so she herself couldn't even imagine standing there . As you turned to take your leave from the town , only to be blocked by a group which you assumed to be the rude boys." What is the amamiya sister doing here ?" Yn turned as she heard a cold voice. A boy with unruly hai stepping down from the metal steps "so, you are smoky "
If someone would have told you will live a happy life with smoky 9 months ago you would have given them a weird look, because how do they know about you and smoky. Even your brothers didn't know that just often you visited nameless town and spended your time with rude boys and the children there . Masaki will be more then pissed when he will find out that instead of hanging out with him when he asked.  You were with your "really good friend" smoky (as smoky told lala) on top of the highest building of nameless town looking at  the city lights as he made you realize how beautiful  his home is "there is nothing more beautiful than home and family"  in smoky's words . But that was a event of 2 months ago right now was a total different story . Smoky was on the bed, shivering from all the pain as you were treating his injuries. 
If someone would have told you that you will live a happy life with smoky 6 months ago you would have busted into tears.  Smoky's condition was getting worse day . Nothing was helping and the wound on his back was also getting worse . After returning from little Asia and losing takeru,  your two brothers got into trying to expose kurya with there previously enemies kohaku and tsukumo  . You still don't understand why masaki decided to trust them but you believed your older brothers.  As for you , you never really thought that you will lose takeru but here we are but now your only goal was to save smoky and the other victims of the disease.  You already lost a brother and losing Smoky,  you swore to yourself that you will , no must save smoky.
"You will live a happy life with smoky" hiroto said to you 3 months ago while you were sitting beside smoky, who was on the hospital bed still not awake. But all you do was give your brother a weak smile. It has been 2 months since the downfall of kurya.  The war was over but still it felt like you are not free.  You still rememberd the day when you reach just on time to help smoky, you don't even wanna imagine what would have happened If you were late , even by a second.
" are you going to stare at me whole night, anjel?" a very familiar voice broke your thoughts as you realized that you were staring at a sleeping smoky  for what it felt like hours . Smoky  lightly turned  his head to the clock on the bed stand and again at you " go back to sleep anjel you have to go to the hospital tomorrow " saying that he hugged you close to his chest " I love you" you said softly,  smoky only replied " go to sleep,  anjel" and a little smile tugged on his face . It still felt like  a dream finally being able to see him smile calmly after being through soo much , everything was finally okey . " your stareing again anj-wait why are crying,  baby " smoky was concerned seeing tears in your eyes "do you need something, honey" smoky asked as he tried to get up from the bed but hugged him even tighter " just don't go , stay with me " you said still crying " I am here and always will  be , my love " " lier , you were about sacrifice your skinny ass just some months ago " you fought back through tears hearing your words smoky let out a heartily laugh as he added " I will my love  , I promise "
Thanks for reading 😊
Love you, byeee 💜💜
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shinozaki-ayumi · 6 months
Ok I'm just going to post it lol.
I’ve had this theory about Dead Patient (but I guess now Darkness Distortion too) for ages, but I always felt it was too insane and I was just coping. BUT I finally saw someone on Twitter make a similar connection so I feel comfortable enough to put it out there now.
All my thoughts under the cut! Will contain some spoilers for Blood Drive and Dead Patient if you are new to the series and want to avoid those.
First, regarding Dead Patient:
So I've basically always had this theory that Ayame Itou might somehow actually be Ayumi inside her own Nirvana experiencing amnesia, and that her Nirvana took the shape of a hospital because… idk. I guess because she’s been effectively disabled since the end of Blood Drive and probably has to be in the hospital more often? If I’m remembering correctly, Yoshiki mentions in the Dead Patient drama CD that he has to bring Ayumi to the hospital, so maybe it’s the same one?
Either way it was a very incomplete “theory” and more something I thought up because it would be a fun fic idea lmao. DP isn't finished so there isn't really enough material to build a theory off of; I was mostly going off of their names sounding familiar, the amnesia thing, and the fact that the very first thing we see in DP is a catatonic Ayumi, implying that she is relevant to the story somehow. But I looked a bit more into it and there are a few things here and there that I’ve had some fun theorizing about, even if it's a stretch.
#1: This limited edition alternative costume for Ayame. They could’ve picked any character, but they picked Ayumi (this is a massive stretch, I just thought it was neat and could potentially carry some hints under the guise of a meaningless costume).
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#2: The way Ayame’s name is written in hiragana, not kanji. This is pretty uncommon in Corpse Party characters. The vast majority of them use kanji -- except Sachiko (サチコ), Yoshikazu (ヨシカズ), and Yoshie (ヨシヱ), whose names are written in katakana; and Sayaka (さやか) and Ayumi (あゆみ), whose names are in hiragana. Again also a stretch, but an interesting correlation given how their names already sound similar.
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And #3: This aspect of Ayame’s background, which is left pretty vague. Since this is a fan wiki I double-checked their source and it does say this in official material. The vagueness of it is obviously meant to correlate to Ayame’s amnesia, but it also leaves it open to the interpretation that maybe an amnesiac Ayumi has trauma-informed responses to these things due to her experiences in HH (even if she doesn’t remember it concretely).
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Either way I didn’t really expect this idea to hold any ground and mostly put it away in the back of my mind as a silly thing to build my own post-Blood Drive headcanons with. Certain inconsistencies also existed that made me believe it wasn't possible and I was just looking into it too much (e.g., Ayame's last name is Itou, which both looks and sounds nothing like Shinozaki, so the name similarity point kind of falls off track).
Now, with Darkness Distortion:
We have another character named "Ayame." The ritual/curse in Darkness Distortion is called Ayame's Mercy. In general, people are under the impression that the girl in a wheelchair seen in promotional material is Ayame. I mean, this part of the trailer probably all but confirms that:
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Ayumi is also in a wheelchair as of the end of Blood Drive/beginning of Dead Patient:
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This time around, the name comparison also holds a bit more value, I think. Darkness Distortion's Ayame's full name is Ayame Kirishima. Someone I follow on Twitter pointed something out about how this new name sounds:
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Translation: “I’m saying this very quietly, but, if ‘Ayame-san’ is ‘Ayumi,’ then wouldn’t her surname(?), ‘Kirishima,’ become ‘Kishinuma’?”
We know that Yoshiki is basically Ayumi's caretaker post-Blood Drive (or at least becomes her caretaker sometime between the end of Blood Drive and the start of Dead Patient) and she presumably lives with him. So I suppose it wouldn't be entirely unbelievable that an only semi-conscious or amnesia-riddled Ayumi would latch onto his name as a form of self-identification or just genuinely mistake it for her own?
The question obviously remains whether Ayame Ito and Ayame Kirishima are the same character. I don't really think it's just a coincidence they have the same first name and the setting is a hospital again. The Ayumi connection is questionable, but after getting more thoroughly reacquainted with Blood Drive (I hadn't played it since it came out 10 years ago. Oops) I feel like it's not entirely crazy to think Ayumi could have manifested her own Nirvana like Sachiko did. Maybe Ayame Ito and Ayame Kirishima function similarly to the White Sachiko and Red Sachiko in Blood Covered? (i.e., two separate manifestations of the same soul representing different emotions).
Idk. I don't expect any of this to be true lol. But it's fun to theorize while we wait for real answers.
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ask-the-four-lords · 1 month
Dear Lady Dimitrescu,
While I am no noble, I’m certainly not a manthing, so here’s a list of reasons why I would be a perfect candidate to be Daniela’s spouse. (HUY SPOUSE??? exag na)
Though before I get into that, how was your day? Was it pleasant? Did something inconvenient happen? If so, please tell me about it before thinking about slicing me to ribbons..
So, anyways, I will be giving my reason then explaining, so if you’ll give me a moment of your time, that would be splendid.
Reason 1: The usual ‘I’m kind, empathetic, caring, etc.’ spiel. I have evidence to back this up because I’m the therapist friend TM (charot). I don’t have receipts but my friends can vouch for me, I swear. I’m open-minded and not easily disgusted by things, so I have no problem with being around death and all that.
Reason 2: My music taste. It doesn’t really count BUT it should, because who would want to be with someone who only listens to rap or drill? I have a diverse music taste, including: jazz, classical, broadway/west end, pop, and rock. It doesn’t say much, but it basically does. Music taste is a large part of someone’s personality, and music is a thing people use to express themselves, hence the whole thing.
Reason 3: I’m educated. Thankfully, I am, and although many are, I’m also educated in pretty niche topics, so yippee!! I can’t exactly delve deep into it as it’s a bit complicated so I’ll leave it at that.
Reason 4: My hobbies! I love reading, so I’m sure it would be a good match with Daniela. I can also write, albeit not that well to an extent, but I can be poetic when I am. I love performing, especially acting. It’s like an escape for me, and I’m good at it too, thankfully. I also love learning about niche topics, and it’s something I’d love to share with someone. I love photography, and taking pictures whenever I see something beautiful. No doubt my SD card would be filled with photos of Daniela. (it’s giving.. autism? jk) But if she’s willing to listen, I could go on and on about certain topics.
Reason 5, hopefully the last reason, though I can still give more: My personality. It goes without a saying that personality plays a big role in spouses and their compatibility, and I (firmly) believe my personality is fit for Daniela. Although I can also be quite energetic at times, I can mostly keep calm and a level head. As I said before, I’m not easily disgusted and I don’t have a weak stomach, so I can handle all the blood and the killings n stuff. I can be silly at times, and serious at some. It’s a perfect match, I swear. I’m not judgmental, and I’m extra lesbian so yea..
All in all, I’m not quite sure if you can make your mind with these. I desperately hope you won’t slice me to ribbons for even suggesting the idea, but please try to keep an open mind. As always, have a good day.
— K.D.
Oooh, I like this one far better so far. Some actual manners, *cough cough* Odysseus. Still, it's almost improbable I will give up Daniela to anyone, I will listen to this one. Well, my day was perfectly acceptable, this is also an acceptable stalling tactic as in the event I decide to "slice you into ribbons" there will be no running. Although something rather inconvenient did happen, that tragic un-babysat toddler Heisenberg tried to get Moreau to decide if my wine or his repellant moonshine whiskey was better. That blathering freak chose his whiskey, then again that does confirm how repulsive and classless he is...
To your first reason: Yes, yes, blah blah, I've heard it all before. Especially from that clown who couldn't even get national clown college certification although it's probably best you can handle the viscera.
To your second reason: Good, as you may know I was a jazz performer. I'm in support of jazz and classical as genres so good for you. And yes, the ribbon treatment would be inevitable in the event you did say drill or rap.
To your third reason: *sighs* it's something, at least you're not entirely a peasant.
To your fourth reason: And on and on you have went although you still seem a better candidate for my darling Daniela as of yet but she still most likely won't be married for another century, I imagine. Still, House Dimitrescu will only accept those with true talent, so on the off-chance you have that than that will assist your chances.
To your fifth reason: Well... I don't even know how to respond to that. Daniela will decide that in the event you get as far as meeting her.
In conclusion, you are the best candidate so far but it's still more or less improbable you'll receive my sweet, lovely Daniela's hand. And I will keep an open mind, although if you test me, even slightly, you'll find your mind far-far too open, my claws do have a habit of "opening minds."
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etrosgate · 4 months
a death note chapter 1 vs episode 1 comparison
I think people tend to be under the assumption that the death note manga and anime are basically the same besides their endings and the foot washing scene, and thus generally interchangeable. Personally, i don’t believe this is the case. Though many of the changes are small things a casual viewer might not notice, to me these small changes add up to such a degree that despite being so similar, reading the manga and watching the anime are two very different experiences (not even getting into how the anime butchers the second half lmao)
For the record, im not against significant changes in adaptations. On the contrary, i find the oft-hated 2015 tv drama to be a compelling alternate take on the narrative (even if it often struggles in the execution of its concepts). Rather, this whole Thing is more of a documentation of the big and small changes made in adaptation, through the lens of my own extremely subjective interpretation of both versions.
the anime naturally makes many structural changes to the narrative so for the sake of consistency, i will generally be going through things according to the anime’s chronology. If i believe one of these changes has a notable effect on how the narrative comes across, i’ll mention it. I’ll try not to repeat things that are identical between versions, so naturally some existing familiarity with either version would be preferable
Let's Begin
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Light: this world… Ryuk: …is rotten
The anime takes the opening lines of the manga (which are spoken separately by light and ryuk, respectively) and gives light ryuk’s line, while light’s is then shared between both of them.
Though they are very obviously visually drawing parallels between the two characters in the manga, i think the actual sentiment expressed in their respective lines isn’t meant to be quite as connected as the anime portrays it. the role “boredom” and “morality” play in their respective motivations is pretty important later on in the chapter, so just keep this in the back of your mind for now.
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After light picks up the note for the first time, he puts it back down and starts to leave, dismissing it as a stupid chain letter. But once he thinks about the fact that it’ll supposedly kill people, he turns back (and goes back for it). This choice to go back is not present in the manga, he simply picks it up, laughs, and puts it in his bag without a second thought.
Though light laughs at it in both, in the manga the sequence in general feels lighter in tone compared to the anime (where light only takes interest in it Because it claims to kill). 
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In general, light comes across as more mature in the anime, in his facial features and behavior. Tragically, there is no “fwaah” 🥺
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It’s minor but Anime light entirely skips manga light’s rationalization of finding someone it’s “okay to kill”, though he does immediately rebuke himself for taking this so seriously
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This may just be up to translation differences but anime light seems almost eager for the death note to be real, while manga light seems to just want confirmation, and is much more distressed over the circumstances. Again, the anime leaves out light determining who to kill specifically in terms of who it would be “okay to kill”. And here he then doubles down to someone who “ought to die”, as the situation has gotten more serious
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It’s a small thing, but the anime completely removes this scene (the teacher is knocking him out of his thoughts of killing one of his classmates). It’s only notable to me in how it connects with the wider tonal differences between the versions of the story, and of how much less willing the anime is to portray light’s more mundane immature/human aspects
I'm not including pics but this sequence where light comes across a woman being harassed by a group of bikers is a lot more graphic, showing the preamble to sexual assault where the manga just implied it to be a possibility.
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This one is probably more subjective, but when light pulls out the note to stare at it and laugh a little eagerly, the anime’s delivery is really like. Obvious overt Supervillain laugh (even if it is fairly quiet). The manga comes across a little more….. Idc, childish? Immature? Not to mention the sweat on his face
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A small change, but in the anime there’s no disbelieving “a…[bold text] shinigami?”
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Anime light sweats at his initial meeting of ryuk, but it’s gone as he resolves himself. Manga light sweats and sweats and keeps on sweating through most of the rest of the conversation, the closed eye expression being one of frustration before he opens his eyes and resolves himself.
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In the manga, light’s hand trembles as he grabs the chair while getting up.
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With the context of the rest of this chapter/episode, these lines come off very differently to me. Anime light feels like he was only surprised by the sight of ryuk+jumpscare, and is wayyy more confident in this situation. That he has been waiting for ryuk feels like a true statement. But in the manga, it really comes off like he is pissing himself scared right now and is desperately pretending to be cool and lies about it to try and have some control over the situation
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The anime omits this hilariously awkward line, which really adds to the “light’s absolutely freaking out” of the manga
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Ugh, for such a little thing im genuinely kinda devastated that the anime just doesn’t have that look between ryuk and light. It makes the “most people would be too scared” feel so much less pointed. Light later says that there’s “some power that makes you want to use the death note” and i think this bit really drives in how truly abnormal light’s behavior is, even for people who willingly use the death note. 
Off topic but I Hate those “the death note has supernatural powers that makes you evil” theories i really do, it gets rid of everything interesting about the narrative, i’ll fight you. anyways.
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Again, the difference in composure. Anime light is still sweating over this, but overall way more “cool” than manga light’s heavily shadowed, serious expression and hunched shoulders
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Im so sad at how they’ve removed so much of this lowkey humor in the anime. Light’s awkward laughter is so funny and characterful to me, he is sooo internally freaking out…
i think the juxtaposition of dark shit with humor to be one of the big appeals of the manga, and one of the main reasons i find the anime pretty boring tonally. 
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They need to stop getting rid of light’s awkward bits, it really humanizes him
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Light has resolved himself to his mission, he proclaims it with a smile on his face, in both versions. (Manga light finally doesn’t have sweat on his face anymore)
But why is he doing all this? Ryuk even asks flat out in the anime. And what does light say?
Well this is where it gets really interesting… It is here where what i believe to be the single most significant adaptation change occurs. 
Light has two RADICALLY different answers.
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A childish, wide eyed smiling proclamation that “nobody will commit crimes anymore. the world will start to become a better place,” versus a serious “i was bored…too.”
once you strip away the cat and mouse games to reach the thematic and emotional bones of death note (the manga), i find it to be a story that is fundamentally a character study of our beloved beloathed protagonist light yagami. As such, i find Altering something so critical to who he is like this irrevocably changes the entire narrative. 
And the thing is, both sentiments are expressed in both versions, but come across very differently due to their contexts. 
←- right to left
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This first chapter has had some fairly major structural changes done in the process of adaptation. While the anime goes from light seeing the death note fall from his classroom window to meeting ryuk for the first time in chronological order, the manga has a timeskip in the middle of it. What did they skip? Light’s first time actually using the death note. So when ryuk later tells light that he dropped the death note for a human to pick up out of boredom, light responds that he was bored too… leading directly into a flashback of when he first used the note. 
In the manga, the juxtaposition of events leads us to read “i was bored too” as: 
“Light used the death note for the first time because he was bored” 
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In the anime, the same line is instead a direct answer to ryuk asking his motivation for becoming kira. Reinforced by following it up with a flashback to the immediate aftermath of light discovering that the death note truly works (+ his decision to become kira).
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Though not significantly different, i do find it interesting how the anime has omitted light considering getting rid of the death note and thinking that the second victim didn’t deserve death (then talking himself into accepting it). As a result, anime light’s rationalization of his behavior feels less personal, and has much less doubt.
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Again, the manga goes way harder into light’s emotional state, and doubts about this whole thing. “Just two, and look at me…” Also, no guilt blanket burrito in the anime ☹️
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Now back to the conversation with ryuk, the anime is very notably missing this line from light. Ryuk has never seen someone write as many names in the notebook in 5 days as light has, and light is not dealing with it well. He’s being flippant about it, but this little line is some of the most damning evidence that the guilt of killing people is actively eating away at him, and to a pretty severe degree.
Though anime light does bring up the same/similar lines about making the world a better place and having doubts about his mission, their place in his motivations has been significantly de-emphasized. The general change in light’s characterization seems to make him look much colder, cooler and more capable, at the expense of removing most of his humanity and a lot of the dimension to his character, particularly regarding his personal feelings re: being kira.
This wouldn’t be so much of an issue to me if (ironically) the anime had changed More in order to support its new direction (the shift in light’s characterization+increased emphasis on L as well as L and Light’s dynamic), but i don’t think it executed it very well. I honestly think the musical actually delivers on these specific goals much more successfully, but we’re leaving that for another post.
can you believe i wrote all that for one chapter/episode. Christ.
Anyways look at this loser who deep down knows he’s doing the wrong thing but chooses to just keep doing it.
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