#i think i said something similar about theo’s route
fictifile · 11 months
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courting the crown / maeve’s route / part 1 of ?
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brynnne · 25 days
I dont know what to say other than I read @pendale 's titanic au drabble like an hour ago (go read that if you havent) and then furiously wrote this.
"James Cameron is full of shit," Eloise says as the screen fades to black and the credits begin to roll. "I still say they both could have fit."
"Not this again," Theo laughs, half out of desperation, and half actual humor. He pinches the bridge of nose. "For the last time, El, it's about the bouyancy, not how much space they had to occupy."
Eloise smirks, popping a piece of popcorn in her month. To the victor goes the spoils, she thinks. It's become much, much too easy, lulling Theo into an argument like this. Most of their movie nights end up following a similar route.
"All they had to do was tie Rose's lifejacket-"
"I swear to God, if you bring up the Mythbusters thing again-"
She throws an M&M at her boyfriend's face, aiming for his forehead. He catches it in his mouth instead. She would be more annoyed about it, but it was an pretty impressive catch, so she gets her revenge by throwing herself at him and toppling them both down onto the couch cushions.
She settles on top of him, and Theo's arms wrap snugly around her waist as he peers up at her with a gaze so open that even after years of receiving it, it still sparks crackling electricity to erupt throughout her body.
(The same sensation she had had the first year of university watching him arrive in the middle of a lecture with the most endearing blush on his face before taking a seat next to her.)
"I don't think Jack and Rose were in the right frame of mind to have come up with such an elaborate plan," Theo tells her, "you know, with all the freezing to death and what not."
"Sucks to be them," Eloise says plainly. "I  would have thought of it."
"Of course you would have."
She sinks more fully onto him, pressing them further into the cushions. She'd called it payback for his teasing, but it's hardly a punishment. "I'm just saying, if I had a gorgeous peasant in front of me I wouldn't simply sit back and do nothing while they turn into a corpse."
"I don't know if I should be flattered you called me gorgeous, or offended you called me a peasant."
"Who said I was talking about you?" She raises a challenging eyebrow.
Theo laughs. "Well, you're too old for Leo Dicaprio, so I know you're not talking about him."
Eloise smooths her hands down his solid chest, appreciating the way his features get caught in the glow of the television. Something anchors itself in her ribcage, heart tied to this spot, this moment, this man. She holds no desire untether it. "I would have gotten us out alive," she says softly-- not a boast, but a declaration. "I would have saved you."
"I know you would have," Theo pulls her closer. "There's not a bone in my body that would ever cast doubt on you."
She shows her gratitude for such unwavering confidence by capturing his lips in a kiss-- slow and sweet, and without any emerging danger or impending doom to hurry them along. Theo’s fingers tease the hem of shirt, and her own take to their favored position of curling in his hair, and her opinion is only cemented further.
James Cameron and the freezing waters of the Atlantic Ocean be dammed. There's nothing in the world that could keep her from having this.
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operationnope · 6 months
Casa theories
I’ve seen some predictions, so I thought I’d throw my hat in the ring. Forever being an optimist and being on Theo’s route, I’m totally biased, but here’s my thoughts 💭
Whatever couple you saved, they’re gonna twist. For me, it’s Sophie and Jack and let’s face it- they are MESSY. No one will be surprised when they twist, but they’ll both be like, “I can’t believe you twisted!!”🍿😂
Hari will twist. Unless they somehow make it clear that we’re coupled with him, why wouldn’t he? It’s really confusing that they didn’t clarify that before we got the text. But it’s fb, so that’s pretty on brand 🙃
Your LI/partner that was fake dumped will stick. If it’s like s6, MC was still technically coupled with Elliot (and they kept reminding us about it 🙄), so it could be similar. Maybe they’ll say something while we’re at Casa that gives us some indication of what the heck is going on with our coupling. But our returned LI already said they would wait for us, so they’ll be loyal💖
Bea and MC are tricky because we’re in couple limbo. I’ve seen a theory from the lovely @crimswnred that maybe Bea will be the Chelsea decider- if MC sticks, she’ll twist and vice versa. Fb really picked a weird time to send us to Casa 😵‍💫
Now for the whole reason I am making this post- I think Claudia and Theo will stick. Claudia is a potential LI (if you’re on her route), so unless she pulls a Dana, she’s going to stay loyal so she can eventually couple with MC. And my boy Theo will stay loyal because he and Claudia are still good friends, and he wants to make sure she’s safe. And also because he wants to couple with MC, and I’m plugging my ears about him twisting 🙉
Obviously, I could be the biggest clown and Theo will twist. But we’ve not even had a chance with him, so for him to twist would be devastating. Even the Claudia girls got a night on the terrace, while we’ve been getting crumbs. I’m just trying to stay positive that Theo will not break my heart 💔🤡
I’m sure there will be some shenanigans from both sides and the dreaded postcard (but that usually turns out to be nbd). I hope the Casa boys are cute because my MC is gonna get hers. Also, I’m curious if one of the Casa girls that gets brought back will also be a future LI…
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alitgblog · 6 months
vol vi thoughts bc fusebox keeps bringing me back
although we're in casa so ya know.... story is bound to get bad soon after casa
first of all, Hari. im so disappointed with his sprite because I'd so go for him for looks alone otherwise (his hair is nice and hes indian and hes got the rohan sort of physique albeit more muscle-y). but somethings up with his face and his eyes are a little red and his torso is doing the thing Vicki does, so he just feels like a leftover from S7 (and what a shame bc Tyler is drawn so well but barely gets time to impress us in the villa!)
OK anyway personality wise though hes giving nothing. Bombshells gotta cause more chaos and I think he'd be a fine and dandy OG in the real show but he's just kinda here. I mean idk maybe I tapped through his dialogue too quickly but in my head rn he's similar level to Elliot. Elliot I can at least make gamer jokes about and the girls had more to say about him than just: he's hot, and MC should go for him. that being said what I'm about to reveal i did in a few bullet points will not make sense.
The note was obviously gonna be from Jin (your LI), so them dragging it out was a little annoying. And I have personal opinion on what types of things should be gem choices and part of that is having a good enough excuse not to go through with it and I think not reading the note for no reason is not good enough. Anyway I did choose to read the note and it's sweet and references Jin's whole "funny guy but now I'm serious about you" shtick and I just wish they write that a little differently but it's still cute.
Then we get Bea's messages and it's odd bc I can't think of a reason or another season on the show that they dragged out the bombshells arrival like this. Like first of all, they might as well have given a message to Theo as well instead of just Oakley and Hari. But even more than that, why put the messages at all? just to have a cliffhanger at the end of the episode? I think just straight up during the sports day challenge, have someone read a text that a new couple is joining, and then bam it's Jin and Bea. maybe one text from her but the multiple was bugging me.
I also don't know why I got it in my head that Bea was gonna flirt with Theo/Claudia depending on who you flirted with, plus also your current LI but like that would've been a nice addition since I think Theo and Claudia should be done for but they don't make it clear???
Oakley messing with Emel about the drink was funny ngl, but I do miss the routes not merging because it just doesn't make sense to me having Oakley do that. Jack or Jin, maybe, but Oakley is the silent, serious type. Like in my head, he's more like Noah.
There is very briefly a few friendship moments between MC and Theo this volume and in my head they are besties and I wish that was canon/more explicit because I'm not going after him anyway. That way you get the friends who get closer and become lovers storyline from either Theo or Claudia and the other you still get to be friends with.
I'm surprised Claudia and Theo aren't just fully broken up because Claudia is asking for advice and I'm like, did yall not already get that sorted?? it's been so long. One of them should just go for the bombshells.
A chat with Claudia! finally! (albeit a gem scene) I thought we'd get to know more about her but it's mostly just a game of word association which is odd. I will say admitting that MC associates love with Jin made me laugh bc I'm cruel
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The girls then say that MC needs to graft on Hari because they're both single and I get the support, but also MC is still getting over Jin lol.
Remember how I said the way I'm gonna play this doesn't make sense? Okay so I decided I needed to create my own mess, just to see if fusebox is gonna let my MC have consequences for her actions. So this is for science, in a way... Okay. So I may have let my MC flirt with Hari. And then maybe she got a sexy massage from him. And then maybe they kissed. What can I say? She's out of her mind without Jin. 🤣
okay no but seriously, in my head she does start to revert to her old ways, her old type, but she knows Hari isn't right for her. She misses Jin but she's not used to having a connection so fast with someone. And when he's gone she misses him but over the course of the day after putting on her brave face, she's convinced herself she's overthinking it. the letter was sweet but it scared her a little. she knows he was gonna ask her to be exclusive and she freaked a little. she just needs a little distraction....
I enjoy sports day but in my head it's usually a late in the show game. Like around in S2 when they have the bird thing happening or the S4 musical (OK maybe not that late, like probably pre baby challenge, but it's generally a challenge with very little drama is my point). still it was fun to have here.
and then of course return of the king, Jin comes back. and with the way I've been doing shit, yes, MC did kiss Hari when Jin entered and ohhhh he was upset.
Bea is cute but playful and still competitive and okay she goes for your couple, but also I get like Chelsea vibes from her (no canon reason why, I just think it's the hair) so love her.
Double date is so fun when your other partner is nearby, like it's almost enough to forget they did the same thing in season 5 because it's so much better this time around.
for fun and for angst I just imagine in the show, mid date they cut to a beach hut scene where MC is like "yeah I had a fun time with Hari but he when he was talking about all the things he wants in a life partner, I kept thinking about how I want that with Jin." 🥺
anyway yeah bring back beach hut
So I'm not a big fan of how they introduced the bombshells and LI return but it's not bad. I just think we could've gotten more time with Jin, Hari, and Bea. It's unclear but I think it's implied Jin, Hari, Bea, and MC are all single and I hope that's true because that way there will be little consequence (as in no sudden dumping) if you or another one of those characters brings someone from casa. because you're not in a couple anyway. (I mean I always hope there's no Dumping immediately after casa bc the arguments are more fun but this is how they've been doing it recently and i think part of that is bc of how they force the routes to merge)
it's also nice we don't get immediately stolen from our partner a la Tom/Cora entrance (or Elliot/Chloe) but it's sort of implied with how the sports day couples went? like I wish there was just a little more time before Casa so it's clear they're all single
or fuck it, give us a recoupling and post casa don't dump the other LI right away if you switch. Like you should be able to make up with your LI or not and it's boys choice and if they wanna keep the slow burn Theo picks last I guess and gets Bea just to also fix the Theo and Claudia together but not storyline. Maybe between your original LI and Hari, one of them picks Claudia (or give us another mlm couple if you're on a Claudia route and let him couple with Theo lmao)
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dazaiswindow · 4 years
ikevamp oc: franz kafka
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(image made using artbreeder)
ye so i’m also jumping on the train; meet my ikevamp oc Franz Kafka!! 🥳🥳 (i may have went a little overboard with this lol but i really put my brain into this and did a couple research on the real Franz Kafka, but obviously not everything i put down below are historically accurate, i mostly just took inspirations from it)
Part 1 // Part 2
Part 2 contains more background info about him (past life, why he came back as a vampire, etc.), how his route would be like, and random headcanons about him.
General Info
Name: Franz Kafka
Birthday: July 3rd
Height: 178 cm
Past Occupation: Novelist
Vampiric Type: Lesser Vampire
Really, really dark brown hair it’s almost black. Thick eyebrows that is the same color as his hair. Green eyes which at times could look distant, but naturally it looked cold and piercing. He’s not much on the toned body type, but rather on the slender type with a hint of well-built muscles. He mostly wore darker color clothing. At first, he might look intimidating because of the nature of his piercing gaze, but he’s actually pretty friendly and he smiles A LOT.
He’s composed most of the time, distant and yet still very courteous and kind. He tends to be pretty adaptable and is quite popular amongst the 19th century Paris society, although he always kept a reasonable distance and lets no one get pass a certain level of intimacy and attachment with him. Like Arthur, he had spent quite a number of nights in the arms of some Parisian women (although it’s still not as many as Arthur), but he made it clear that there are not and will not ever be an emotional attachment between them.
Relationship with other residents that I think would be most compatible with him, in no particular order (these are all platonic)
This relationship is ...complicated, the only other person Mozart actually talks to in the mansion besides Jean, is Franz, at first he was mainly only enjoy talking to him because Franz can also speak his language, German, but obviously Mozart never tells him that. But as they talk more and more, their relationship progress to something more like a love-hate relationship (kinda like Arthur and Theo’s friendship). Mozart enjoys his company and likes talking to him, but he doesn’t particularly likes Franz as an individual lol, he views Franz’s habit of spending nights on some random woman’s bed as despicable and uncouth (Mozart thinks that habit of his really doesn’t match with his refined, dignified manner and personality), and Mozart has also nagged him about it on more occasions than once.
Franz quite like Napoleon and so does the latter, they are somewhat alike in one way or another. Franz pretty much respects Napoleon for who he was and who he is now, even when he is no longer The Emperor of France, it was clear that he is a true leader and a honorable gentleman. Meanwhile, Napoleon is just glad that he can count on Franz whenever there’s a problem in the mansion like when the other residents are making a fuss like usual. Franz has once proposed the idea of him writing a novel or a short-story which the main character is being inspired off Napoleon, and the Monsieur de Wahaha just laughs and said sure, he will gladly read it if ever Franz actually write it.
Okay they're pretty much very different from each other and so their personality contrasts whenever they spend time together but they just work, somehow. Franz is very calm and collected while Arthur, well... not so much lol, they're drinking buddies and occasionally will go to the bar together (along with Theo too sometimes, but more often than not, it's just the two of them because frankly, Franz doesn't feel very comfortable around Theo so Arthur had to divide his drinking time between the two of them). Also, Arthur would never admit this to him but lately he had been feeling a lot little irritated that Franz seems to be attracting more girls than he did whenever they go to the bar together.
Surprisingly, these two get along pretty well. They bot have similar view that the world is a cold and shallow place, somehow they could understand each other without really having to say anything, as someone who has also suffered from self-destructive habits and depression, he felt a great sense of empathy towards Dazai (although they never actually talk about it). Franz also likes Dazai’s ludicrous humor and enjoys his company, the two of them would sometimes occupy the library to just read in silence together.
So yeah that’s all i could think about for now haha, I do think that he deserves more traits and random facts about him but for now this is all my brain could muster up, thank you to anyone who’s still reading up to this point, despite this being a self-indulgent imagination of me 😂😂
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Like I’m gonna be real wit y’all I was looking forward to le Comte for a while, but I was always side-eyeing Jeanne. He’s a blunt hermit and grump and 100% mood, so I hoped his route would give me more insight into how I feel about him.
Ladies. When I tell you. It was EXCELLENT. I mean there are so many gr9 routes in the game, I don’t want to take away from them, but there was just something about his that hit me so hard???? (MY KOKORO BROKORO)
More under the cut since his route won’t be out for a little while (we still got Isaac, then Theo, then Jeanne), as a little treat. As usual, pls don’t read if you don’t want spoilers, thanks!
Okay so going into this route I was fully expecting the big sads. I mean, if history has taught us anything it was that Joan D’Arc was a badass but good lord, that doesn’t mean the people of her time were kind to her. (I need to do more thorough research on her, so if I’m getting any of her pronouns wrong or neglect something, I do apologize.)
That being sad, I was like aight DECK MY SHIT WITH TRAGEDY, JEANNE. And at the beginning it’s p fascinating. He’s very ornery and resistant to any kind of consideration or attempts at friendship MC extends. But eventually, after a good deal of persistence, he relents little by little.
I’d also like to level with y’all for a sec. Being someone who knows a great deal in regards to the kinds of mental and emotional shit Jeanne struggles through, I think they handled that part of the route so, so well. Granted, I’m not the kind of person to launch a crusade over different writing styles--but for me it just feels all the more poignant when it makes sense; when certain dispositions or trauma are conveyed with that depth. To me, it made 100% sense that Jeanne would be so against accepting other people into his life immediately.
He and Mozart vibe because they’re so similar, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s comfortable letting just anyone in--much less a complete stranger. I think it’s more that Mozart and Jeanne share a kind of indelible bond/mutual recognition through their talent, actually. They were both prodigies, absolute geniuses in their fields (military vs. music) but their social skills were shot to hell for the very same reason. To be brilliant--beyond one’s potential posthumous legacy--tends to mean being hated. Plus, they’re both principled to absolute extremes. When they’ve decided on something, they will not waver. They’re stubborn and austere, but behind those walls lies a molten core of sensitivity.
This is important to understanding him, I think, before I move forward.
While one could argue that their reaction is a result of that deficiency of emotional and social support (which I entirely concede does contribute to the matter at hand, it shouldn’t be overlooked) I think the real crux of the matter here is control. Think about it. Among the oldest residents in the mansion (let’s say that were born more than 100 years within the range of the present period of the game) are Mozart, Jeanne, Isaac, and Shakespeare. What do they all have in common?
Extremity. For Mozart, it comes in the form of a kind of OCD, as perfectionism. For Jeanne, it is generalized anxiety and PTSD. For Isaac, it is primarily social anxiety--but it’s still noticeably severe. And Shakespeare runs around with a knife, insecurity through the roof, literally unable to trust anything or anyone (psychosis? schizoaffective? I’m really not sure, these are all ballpark assessments based on the evidence I have). In order to adjust to their new surroundings, there was a cost--and in some ways their coping mechanisms become noticeably maladaptive. They were born into eras that were mercilessly unpredictable, and the only way they knew how to cope was to was to either take the blame--make it a personal failing that tragedy struck--or try to immerse themselves into their craft. They all seek to regain some kind of control (this is even visible in Vincent, to a degree--painting was an escape from his emotionally turbulent world).
Granted that’s not to say that the others don’t struggle with such issues at all, I just feel like the characters from more unstable time periods tend (as a general trend) to mirror that instability within their personalities.
All that being said, (I apologize I am a tangent-monger and love meta), Jeanne’s self-imposed isolation is only partially caused by the above dynamic. Yes, he is unwilling to let people into his heart for fear of betrayal. (It’s almost like an entire nation clamoring to watch you burn for something you didn’t do after spending your entire life and talents trying to protect them would do that to you, but I digress >:| ). But there’s another devastating and potentially less obvious reason for keeping people out.
He thinks he deserves it.
Loneliness, melancholy, aimlessness. These are all the punishments that he incurred on himself after a life of what he conceives to be considerable sin (hahaha battlefield enemies go ripppp). Whether or not he was operating purely out of a sense of duty, even if he felt sympathy for his enemy combatants, it’s not enough. And the condemnation of his king, of his entire nation, only served to magnify that self-loathing to a dangerous degree. (Don’t get me started on his parents I’m still so angry >:| they more or less disowned him since he was constitutionally weak as a young boy, and thus could not serve as an adequate farmhand. Don’t work? Don’t eat/live).
It’s hard enough living in a reserved way because you’re afraid of getting hurt, but to think that you deserve it when hurt finds you, no less? And my favorite part, that he’s so profoundly sure that it is an extension of a personal, fundamental failing? That for a person to survive, they must be strong, that there can be no other way--that there is no time or space for ruminations on fairness or unfairness, there are only those who manage to survive and those who die.
Now my friends, esteemed comrades, legendary sluts. Is that enough for us, Cybird asks, are we feeling enough pain quite yet? Fuck no.
Most of his route after we get over the hurdle of his hesitation is just him. Being. Bashful and gentle as all FUCK. Like he is the definition of “I'll kill you, but also I’m babie.” For instance, she insists on teaching him how to read and write at night when she finds him trying (and not succeeding) to read “The Ugly Duckling”. Yes I mean the children’s book. I CRIED THE FIRST TIME AND I’M CRYING NOW. So, naturally, MC buys him a notebook to practice with and he puts his name in big letters on the front. When MC sees this, she asks him about it--wondering why he would given he’s so self-conscious of his own writing (boy writes all squiggly like a little kid because he’s never done it before ;-;).
The scene goes a little something like this:
MC: Wh....whatcha go there Jeanne? Jeanne: ? My notebook? MC: I...mean that you wrote your name on it? Jeanne: Yeah? MC: Why? Jeanne: ._. It was a gift from you, and I figured it'd be hard to practice if I lost it...so I put my name on it... (HE WAS SECRETLY TOUCHED I BET AND IM--) MC: Why such big letters? Jeanne: So people can spot it quickly, obviously MC, inches from crying and laughing: Jeanne: Mademoiselle??? Why are you laughing? MC: Because you’re cute, Jeanne!
Like. They start out so rocky and Jeanne is so SIGH. I guess I’ll agree if it’ll get her to stop looking so sad and ask me to join her for stuff. But then he just can’t help but go full softe at how patient and kind she is, starts feeling comfortable just...being who he is deep down. A man that’s always hoped for better in life, a person that only ever takes up his sword to protect--that has an incredibly pure and clear heart, despite so much pain.
And good lord, they are GOD TIER romantic slow burn???? Swear to everything holy, I was BEGGING for them to make out by like chapter 10, I was just suffering for most of the route until the bangarang premium. Here’s probably my favorite moment in the entire route:
Basically Sebastian and Mozart pull out all the stops trying to bring Jeanne and MC together (once they see Jeanne show some interested in her). And so Jeanne asks her to join him in the courtyard the next morning, and they’re playing with Cherie (Jeanne’s pet baby white tiger). Besides being ungodly adorable--because Jeanne invited her for the sole purpose of hoping to see her delightfully surprised--Mozart begins to play a love song nearby. They don’t name the tune, but Jeanne canonically starts singing along (I wholeass cried, I WANT TO HEAR HIM SING????). And so she asks what the song is about, and he explains that Mozart once played it for him, but he couldn’t make out the words at first. Mozart explained that it was a love song that speaks to the difficulties of being in love (the worry, the strife) but also the beauty of the intensity and passion. He goes on to say that even when he learned the words, it never made much sense to him back then--it never resonated.
He’s singing softly with a fond look, and so she asks, does he understand it now? And he looks her dead in the eye, and says “...I think I’m starting to.” Like. AM I SUPPOSED TO NOT LOSE MY MIND AT THE TENDERNESS????? WHAT A SMOOTH MOFO????? MAN RAISED TO BE A SOLDIER, NO KNOWLEDGE OF ROMANCE OR WOMEN, AND KILLS ME IN MILLISECONDS?????? I DEMAND JUSTICE. (Or it’s just me thinking sincerity is the best aphrodisiac, but that’s beside the point.)
This has been your quarantine 2d boy meta and yelling, provided by your local mod Minnie. Now if you’ll excuse me, it’s time to get to the things I’ve been procrastinating on while reliving/dissociating about one of my favorite rts in the entire game. Stay safe and well out there y’all, peace out!
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jq37 · 4 years
The Royal Report– A Crown of Candy Ep 13 Family Ties
Welcome back to Candia, y’all.
As the cast tries to get a handle on their giggles from whatever shenanigans happened off-screen between episodes, the PCs land back at the monastery of the Spinning Star. All the rescued civilians are grateful and the monks help to patch them up. The group is a little worried their enemies will follow them through the standing stones but only a high level Candian magic user would be able to do that so they’re probably fine. They also learn that all the weapons they stole are basically +1 to attack magical items--not useful to them but maybe for their allies.  
Spearia tends to Joren (and we’re cursed with the phrase “wrist milk”) and then goes Full Mom Mode on Liam with a several minutes long hug. Theo joins the hug so he can ask Spearia if she knows any other Druids that could do that transportation (she doesn’t know of any in Buzzybrook but there could always be others she doesn’t know about) which turns into a discussion about the SPF. Ruby thinks the SPF is on their side but the others are more wary and Rina, as before, is specifically against her. She says the SPF gets her powers from the Bulb and the sharp division between the two is just a kind of distraction from the bigger issue. Ruby calls it a conspiracy theory (though Theo says Lazuli believed something similar) and stalks off. Amethar runs after her but, en route, stops to have a conversation with Joren. 
He tells Joren that Rina is queen now and that he (as in both of them really) need to start doing the smart thing and not just the tough thing. Joren razzes him about the new attitude until Amethar says that Jet is dead which turns him sympathetic and basically gets him on board--it’s not the fight Liam was anticipating. He says that they’re gonna have to make a big show about recognizing Rina if this is gonna work and asks if they have any allies who can vouch. Amethar says the Dairy Islands are with them and they have a crazy plan that involves getting the Book of Leaves (St. Citrina’s Lasso of Truth book).
Theo runs to catch up with Joren and Amethar but, on the way there, catches Ruby and says they need to stick together. Then the three guys go and find Rina. They basically bend the knee to her and say they’re at her service. Rina is not as excited as you might think though. She accepts the endorsement while barely holding back tears, saying that she’s aware the support doesn’t come with enthusiasm but she appreciates it all the same. Then she goes with Gooey back to her contingent of followers to celebrate with them, not seeming like she’s in a celebratory mood at all. 
Cumulus and Liam have gone to the library of the monastery to try and dig into the info they grabbed during the fight and Ruby goes to talk to Liam. She confides in him that she thinks this plan sucks because even if they are able to get Rina onto the throne, it still means they win on the terms of their enemies. They’re still working within the system and the people who killed Jet and killed Preston don’t pay for anything. Liam says he’s still super down for killing all of these people and he really doesn’t think the plan is gonna work. He thinks it’s going to end in war either way. They try to decipher the map but it’s hard and they recruit the monks to help work on it overnight. 
Snicker-Snack talks to Cumulus and says--echoing his own thoughts--that Rina is crazy powerful and a possible heir to Lazuli’s title of Archmage. He wonders if they should swear themselves to her the way they were sworn to Lazuli. Cumulus thinks it might be a good idea and Snicker-Snack says that it’s Cumulus’s call since he’s the most senior monk.
Theo finds Rina again and asks if she thinks they’re in danger of getting ambushed by the SPF. Rina (after getting a head shake from Brennan) says no, not this night but she is worried that the SPF is working with the Bulb. She and her guys will be up all night keeping watch (and partying) so he can, “Go back to [his] family.”
Brain Food
In the morning, the monks have finished looking through all of the info the PCs stole last episode which means it’s time for a good old fashioned info dump. There’s a lot happening so I broke it into sections:
Military Movements
The south of Candia has been totally taken over by Calroy and his guys. He’s fully posted in Castle Candy and every state except for the Dairy Islands has recognized him as a legitimate ruler. 
The only non-traitor Candian troops are basically all at the Great Stone Candy Mountains (bc they were on route to help Jawbreaker). 
As in Ruby’s vision from Lazuli, the invasion of Castle Candy did fall apart due to discord. Specifically, it was a mix of Plumbeline’s troops and Bulbian troops and because the Pontifex held the position that there could be no Concord without all of the states of the OG Concord under the terms of the OG agreement (meaning including Candia) Plumbeline said, “Fine. If there’s no Concord, there’s no reason I have to help you,” and she withdrew her troops. 
So, to be clear, Calroy did a coup. The Imperial soldiers that are there are not there to invade Candia. They’re there doing peacekeeping stuff. The non-Imperial bread soldiers are Ciabatta’s men--he went home post spy session with the girls and used the info he stole to assassinate all the obstacles between him and being dictator for life and then decided an invasion of Candia was a good way to keep the peoples’ approval. Candia was picked for no reason other than it was a sitting duck due to all the other insane stuff that’s going on (chief or which is loss of Concord protection). And the church is there cause...actually, let me start another heading for this because it’s a doozy.
The Bulbian Church
The Pontifex has decided that the Ramsian Doctrine is in full effect. The reason they’re in Candia is because they’ve called a crusade. 
Kerradin has a fancy new title--Mace of the Faith--and is leading it.
She’s called open season on all Candians--not just soldiers, literally anybody. She’s calling for a full genocide. The church’s policy is, if you kill a Candian, your soul is saved. If you destroy Candian standing stones, your soul and your family’s souls are saved. It’s real chilling shit. 
There’s been pushback from bishops and archbishops about the policy--obviously Candian ones but from other countries as well--saying that they can’t support this and please can she reconsider (they can’t really be more forceful than that without risking being killed themselves). 
Calroy, sensing the way the wind is blowing, has sent out an official statement saying that he renounced his pagan ways and wants to be re-baptized into the Bulbian faith.
We learn that the reason the Pontifex is being difficult with Plumbeline about the technicalities of the Concord agreement and why it can’t just be back on is because she wants to stay in limbo for as long as possible so she has a chance to also call a crusade against the Meatlands--both for being so openly pagan and for the killing of Archbishop Raddica (mentioned in I think episode 3).  
There was a lot of money that the crew ignored while looting last episode and that was money to be used to pay Meatlander mercenaries apparently. 
Group Dynamics
So Calroy is kind of courting all three camps here. As I said before, he’s agreeing with the crusade and saying he wants to be baptized to court the church.
Cal is also saying to Ceresia that a crusade is needed to cleanse Candia and a new Concord could be formed if Ceresia were to conquer it and make it a part of Ceresia. Ciabatta in an intercepted letter says that Cal could possibly be governor of Candia as a province of Cersia--exactly what he wants. 
Whenever Calroy talks about the new Concord, he mentions a Concordant *Empress* who could be anyone, which also gives Plumbeline what she wants. He’s basically like that Always Sunny clip about playing both sides so he always comes out on top. 
Everyone is planning a meeting to talk about logistics and a new Concord and all that but Ciabatta doesn’t want to meet in Comida or Vegetania after the whole deal with his name being spoken and rejected by the Book of Leaves. Cal has opened Castle Candy as a meeting place. 
The Pontifex is bringing Kerradin and guards to protect her and the Book of Leaves to make sure there’s no funny business happening (ie: Cal conspiring privately with Plumbeline or something). 
And, to be clear, none of these people seem to like or trust each other. It’s all a matter of being able to use each other for mutual benefit. There’s lots of evidence of discord and resentment. [To that point, here is some very dope art.]
The various baddies haven’t been able to figure out watersteel--it seems that Alfredi left something out of her notes and took the secret to her grave. They did figure out the bread constructs though as we saw last episode. 
There are notes about the Sanctus Putris which is a church doctrine that runs counter to the Ramsian Doctrine and it says that to keep the Hungry One at bay, there has to be a certain level of rot in the world.
There is a letter between Onionpatch and the Sanctus Putris dudes saying that they have located the home of the SPF (the Ice Cream Temple) and will get there tomorrow (as in tmrw from their POV). 
Finally, rumors of Rina are floating around and the policy is basically, “Who cares if she exists or if she’s legit or not? If you see her, kill her.” So Emily has gone from being a huge target to...being a huge target. That’s what happens when you play two heir apparents in a row.
And deep exhale. That was A Lot.
Joren thinks the best plan is to get all their armies together and publicly take the knee to Rina at Manylicks to help legitimize her. Ruby, again, is against this plan because it would mean, at least on paper, being on the same side as Ciabatta. Spearia gets where she’s coming from but says it’s just to get things settled and they can always leave the Concord again once they’re back in control.
Gooey brings up the meeting everyone is gonna be at and Liam suggests getting someone from the Meatlands there so they can force the Pontifex to say on the Book of Leaves that they’re her next target, winning them an ally. Rina pipes up that she has allies in the Meatlands so maybe she can help arrange that. Jawbreaker also wants to just spread the word that Rina exists to make things more politically complicated and give the Dairy Islands (and possibly the Meatlands) a legit reason to side with them/stop the Imperials since the Concord will be back on. 
Rina, unprompted, says again that she doesn’t care about the throne, she’s just anti-Bulb and pro magic. Cara and Ruby kinda glance at each other while that is going on.
At this point, Jawbreaker is fully on board with her and toasts to her as queen. Liam warns her about the target on her back but she says she grew up abused by Bulbian nuns. She can handle herself. Cumulus also officially pledges the service of the Spinning Star monks to her. She’s just picking up allies left and right.
Anyway, Jawbreaker, Spearia, and the rescued townsfolk plan to go for Manylicks to rally the troops. Spearia asks for an escort so they send Jack and his sailors to protect them. Before they leave, Liam has a heart to heart with his dad about how war changes you and forcing yourself to be hard so others get to be soft in which Joren finally calls him the correct name.
Cumulus thinks that, if a crusade is happening, the monastery will be a big target so it makes sense for the monks to gather the artifacts and hang with Rina’s marauders for a bit. They also decide to disassemble the teleportation circle once they leave so they’re more secure.
Ruby and Amethar are up on the parapets of the monastery kinda doing that thing where you’re not fully talking but just being like, “*Huge Sigh*”/”Yeahhhhh” with someone you’re close to. Cara shows up and says she’s going with Jawbreaker and his people to Manylicks while the PCs go for the Ice Cream Temple. Ruby asks how long she’s known magic and Cara says Lazuli taught her. Ruby asks why she never taught them and Cara says she was going to when they matured but since they never did, she didn’t want to give them more tools to run away with. Ruby says maybe they wouldn’t have run away so much if she’d trusted them. Cara basically takes psychic damage from that and Rina, who is near enough that she can see what’s happening, catches her attention for some sympathetic eye contact because she knows what that feels like.
Amethar asks for a moment alone with Ruby and apologies for having been a bad dad. Ruby protests that he hasn’t been one but he insists that he has and says that he hasn’t known what to do to help her process Jet’s death. Ruby says it’s not his fault and there’s nothing he can do. The fact of the matter is she was never alone and now she’ll always be alone. Amethar says that’s not true. She won’t be alone because he’s there for her and Jet still is too, though in a different way. He can’t stand watching her push her friends away at every turn. He asks her to please, just be here with them. Ruby breaks down a little and says that she had to run away as the most important person in the world to her died and the only way she can even begin to live with that is by getting revenge. Oh don’t worry, Amethar says. They will be killing *all* of those people.
Sickly Sweet
The team to raid the Ice Cream Temple is comprised of the PCs plus Swifty, Jon Bon, and Gooey (who is having some mutually confusing dom/sub sexual tension with Theo which is a sentence I hate to type but posterity is the main goal here so I don’t have much of a choice now do I). They teleport as close as they can (the monks disassembling the teleportation mechanism once they get there) and then it’s still another 2-3 hours to get there. It’s very cold, like the Himalayas and everyone takes cold damage just by being there. Rina (Invisible) and Cumulus (tied to a rope held by Theo) are up front to try and keep everyone else from triggering traps as they walk up the steps. 
They eventually come upon gates in front of an arch and a hallway with a huge locked doorway in front of it. And there is a symbol of a huge spoon in front of the door. Rina passes Winterscoop in front of it and it opens. They follow her down the hallway and Cumulus triggers a trap when he takes point but Rina, holding Winterscoop, learns that if she takes the lead, she auto-disarms the traps. 
As they walk down the hall, Rina sees the eyes of the SPF and hears her voice in her head, “I can’t see you, but I know you’re here.” The SPF says the temple was made by those like her (Rina) but she (the SPF) is the only one who’s been there for quite some time and her pupils narrow to slits. 
Amethar sees an image of Saphria who says, “Long way from home, brother,” before disappearing. 
Because of how well lit the hallway is, Ruby currently has no shadow. 
Liam, as they walk, smells a quick whiff of hot chocolate and cinnamon.
They get to the end of the hallway which branches off into three directions: there’s a staircase going up to a door (marked with the Sucrosi symbol for the SPF which Ruby recognizes because Laz shows up as a quick vision and tells her and Theo recognizes as having appeared in the sky before the battle that killed Laz--Rina also recognizes it and it is the SPF’s actual name, not one of her titles, so it seems possibly magically significant), to the right there’s some weird combo of illusion and conjuration magic which makes them think that there’s a combo of true things and tricks and like maybe some of the stuff they’ve been seeing out of the corners of their eyes as they’ve traveled would be there, and to the left there’s a locked door marked armory. 
Ruby uses her thieves' tools and Mage Hand to get the armory door open and it turns out it’s actually a library (which everyone but Theo is disappointed about). Inside, they find a book in Bulbosi that’s filled with with ancient spirits of the other realms--the Jolly Giant, the Hamburger Helper, and (at Emily’s prompting) Wonder Bread. It’s basically a checklist of magical spirits from the other kingdoms that the church has destroyed and further proof that Candia isn’t more inherently magical than anyplace else. They’ve just fought to protect their magic. 
On the last page, there’s again mention of the Dracoria Azucar with an inverted symbol of the SPF covered in spikes and surrounded by magic and then in the middle of the page a chocolate egg which Rina tells Liam is what they’re there for. 
The book suddenly slams shut and flies away. Outside, they hear the door at the top of the stairs open. They get out and walk up the stairs into this chamber at the heart of the mountain. It's a massive room with huge icicles coming down, dim light, and a ton of mist. They're kind of on a platform suspended above a bunch of emptiness. In the middle, there's a tower of frozen ice cream scoops and at the center is a small opening. Surrounding it and floating around it are huge freezer burned ice cream cones and popsicles. At the top of the tower, frozen into it is a chocolate egg (a chocolate smear inside the ice indicating that it was incredibly hot). 
The SPF appears in front of them in her cute glamour bearing the mended teacup, the note from Lapin, and the heartseed Liam left for Preston. She thanks them for coming and apologizes that she can’t bring Jet back but says now she can bring them to Jet. Ruby asks what that means and she suddenly sees figures in the mist--4 adult women with a younger adult woman along with a figure that looks like Amethar’s dad. There’s a brightly colored road made of illusory light going from where they are, down into the mist. The SPF says it’s a pure Candy-only place and she can take them there. The church means to burn everything sweet out of the world forever and this is the only way to keep them safe. She’s taken a lot of other spirits there already and everyone they’ve lost and love will be waiting for them and they’ll be together forever. 
Amethar openly expresses suspicion at the SPF and the SPF says she’s only using the glamour to make them feel more comfortable. Rina says she’d like to see the SPF’s true form and the SPF says, “I bet you would,” seeming ticked off that she has Winterscoop. She compares Rina to Lazuli who wanted to take everything that made Candia special and let it get used and abused by the rabble (her opinion, not mine). Look how that turned out for the Jolly Giant and the Hamburger Helper.
Ruby, in Twinspeak, asks the misty figure of Jet, “Are you real?”
The Jet in the Mist (played by Emily who is on the spot drafted by Brennan to be Jet once again for this moment) says (with the knowledge to back it up), “It’s true, but I don’t know if it’s good.”
With that answer, Ruby gives the SPF a placid thanks but no. She’s grateful that she’s been protecting the magic of Candia but they need it now to keep Candia safe. The SPF says that that’s what she’s doing. If they go into the mist, they’ll be safe. No, says Ruby. If they go into the mist, they’ll be dead. The SPF doesn’t see a difference. Safe and dead? Safe and alive? To-may-to, To-mah-to.
“Are you mad at me?” the SPF asks, childlike.
“No,” Ruby says, evenly. 
The SPF says she’s only ever tried to help. She sent Lapin to protect them even though she knew he’d die and they’d lose everything because she knew they wouldn’t come unless they lost everything.
Ruby pauses for a second that feels like ten minutes.
“Did you kill my sister?”
The SPF looks slightly sheepish. “Would you have come here if she was still alive?”
Ruby does the only thing she can do. She pulls her bow.
Looks like someone just jumped Ciabatta in her to-kill list everybody. See you next week! 
Things I’m Concerned About
I mentioned this in an ask but I’m concerned Cara is about to pull a Cat’s in the Cradle--meaning, she keeps getting brushed off so I’m worried she’s gonna get really hurt and the PCs will suddenly care and it’ll be too late. This fear is based on nothing except what I would do to be mean to my players. I have a semi-similar fear about Rina but I’m gonna let that sit for a bit.
Ruby. Girl. I know what you’ve just been through but...girl. Please be smart here.
I never love a battle map you can fall off of. That always gives me anxiety--especially when your enemy can fly so it’s not equal footing so to speak.
I feel like “concerned” is a bit of a weak word to describe my feelings on a genocide but I named this section during episode 1 before I knew where things were going so yeah. Bad.
Everyone the group hates being in one place is hypothetically very good but also has the potential to be VERY bad depending on how it plays out.
I really wanna know what the Sanctus Putris is planning is to at the Temple. How aligned are they with the mainstream church? Their main tenant runs pretty counter to what they’re doing right now. Are they potential allies? Why would they be communicating with Onionpatch, known close confidant for the Pontifex? Were they trying to sway her with something there?
Five More Things
Woah! Oh man, that whole last scene with Ruby and the SPF? The music? The tension? The constant, calm No’s from Ruby until the SPF Said That and then the instant switch into Terminator mode? What a scene ender y’all! When I watched it again for this recap, I knew what was coming and it still bodied me. The immediacy with which Ruby/Siobhan grasped the, “This is death” thing was so impressive to me. I loved everything about that last 5 mins. So it seems like the SPF is the one who set up that letter. She might have been posing as Cara in that moment, or maybe it was a full illusion--that seems to be her school of magic. I knew this Fae was shady but man! Can you imagine the world where Lapin is still alive at this point? Would love to know his take on this.   
There’s a bit I didn’t mention in the recap when they get back initially and Brennan tries to have the NPCs overrule the PCs on the cuteness levels of the corn monster from last ep that is so funny. Nothing like ganging up on the literal god of the universe you’re playing in. Also funny is him going, “No Zac, this is good,” when he starts listing out the other house spirits/brand names. Gotta love having a captive audience for your carefully constructed nonsense. 
OK, so question. What exactly is Calroy’s plan with the church, huh? Because, you can get baptized all you want, you’re still cake my dude. Is he hoping they’ll let him, what? Die of old age while slaughtering his people? Yikes. 
When Swifty opened his mouth the first time I was like, “Absolutely not,” but now I kind of love him?
So we learn in this ep that all other spirits get their powers from the Bulb or the Hungry One ultimately which is interesting conceptually. “Power is neutral except for how you use it,” is cool and also generally correct imo. Rina mentions the SPF, “Working with the Bulb” at some point and do you think she means the Bulb or the church? Because the Bulb is mindless but she doesn’t necessarily know that. And if she means the church that would also be wild considering what we learned this ep. 
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ikevampeventarchive · 4 years
[ERS] Urgent Bloodsucking ~Vincent
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Duration: 11/8 (Fri) 04:00 PM ~ 11/15 (Fri) 09:00 PM
Even in the midst of being assaulted by a horrible thirst, Vincent won’t bite you. Desperately resisting his bloodthirsty urges while telling you to run away, how will you reply...? 
Once unleashed, drown in the endless depths of sweet desire ——
Event Prologue | Route Preview
[This is an unofficial work based on fan-translation. Copyright belongs to Cybird.]
Common Route
Arthur, Isaac and Vincent all drink down their glasses of Rosé, and for a long moment, nothing happens. Arthur says that he doesn’t feel anything out of ordinary, while Vincent says that the Rosé is really sweet, commenting that Theo would enjoy the taste. Arthur pouts because he expected something to actually happen, and Sebastian chides him, reminding that the purpose of Rosé is to act as another blood replacement, not for thrills. 
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Arthur: Compared to drinking blood directly, however, this isn’t as satisfying. Doesn’t that count as a failure then?
Isaac has been silent for the entirety of this exchange, and when Vincent checks up on him, he turns and lunges towards MC, growling that he wants blood. Vincent quickly steps between him and MC, and while Arthur holds Isaac back, Sebastian quickly brings a glass of Blanc for Isaac. After downing the Blanc, Isaac bemoans his fate and wonders why the side effects had to kick in for him of all people. Arthur agrees, saying that it’s quite pitiful that it worked on Isaac, the person who already suffered from such thirst.
Vincent suddenly requests another serving of Rosé from Sebastian, explaining that while Isaac was experiencing the side effects, he couldn’t think of what to do for Isaac since he was protecting MC. Thus, he needed to experience it himself to know what to do. MC and Isaac both protest this, with MC worrying about the side effects and Isaac exclaiming that it was perfectly normal for Vincent to worry about his lover first. Sebastian and Arthur, however, start teasing Vincent, Sebastian remarking that they all live in a kind world with a smile while Arthur says that he expected as such from their resident angel. MC pleads for them not to joke around too much.
While MC is busy with Sebastian and Arthur, Vincent gets his hands on another glass of Rosé and downs it. He starts groaning and pressing a hand to his mouth. MC panics, wondering if the side effects have really kicked in this time. 
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Vincent: Ugh…. argh…..
MC: Vincent!?
Vincent: ….It really is too sweet for me. 
Everyone watching lets out a sigh of relief when nothing happens. Isaac again tells Vincent that he doesn’t need to push himself so hard, and Arthur reasons that the side effects probably won’t kick in for Vincent because he isn’t the type to have a strong sense of bloodlust. With disaster avoided for now, the scene changes to Vincent and MC out in town for a shopping trip. 
Vincent is still disappointed at not being able to understand the pain that Isaac’s thirst causes him, and tells MC that he was hoping that Isaac would feel more at ease if there was someone who knew what he was going through. MC chuckles and says that Vincent is truly a kind person. She also thinks to herself that even though Vincent is kind, that also means that he would put others ahead of his own well-being, and she doesn’t want to see him in pain. 
Suddenly, Vincent doubles over, groaning. Through labored breaths, he tells MC to run away from him right now. MC quickly realizes that it must be the side effects from the Rosé kicking in at the worst moment, and tells Vincent to hold on as she pulls him into an empty alleyway. Checking one last time for any passersby, she quickly unbuttons her blouse and sweeps her hair to the side, telling Vincent to bite her and ease his pain.
At MC’s urging, Vincent is about to do just that, only to push her away and refue. His actions leave MC floundering, and she’s left wondering what to do when Shakespeare appears on the scene. 
The three of them relocate to Shakespeare’s house and explain the situation as Shakespeare gives Vincent some Rouge. 
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Shakespeare: So it is all because of this Rosé…
Vincent: Ha…. Sorry for troubling you, Will… 
Shakespeare: I do not mind. 
Shakespeare: That being said, however, it must be quite the intense side effect to make Vincent crave blood so. 
Vincent drains the bottle of Rouge, and after seeing how his forehead is beaded with sweat, MC heads over to try and wipe it for him. Just as she is about to do so, however, Vincent’s hand shoots up to grab her wrist before letting go like he’d been burned. Shakespeare explains that Vincent’s reason and instincts must be warring with each other, and as Vincent questions why the Rouge did not cure his thirst, he suddenly changes his line of thinking and loudly requests for Shakespeare to tie him to his own bed. 
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MC is, quite reasonably, shocked by that statement, to which Vincent explains that he doesn’t know what he would do if left unrestrained. Shakespeare agrees with a serious face, while MC tells him that he really shouldn’t just jump on the idea so easily, thank you very much. 
As Shakespeare goes to retrieve some rope, MC wonders to herself why Vincent’s symptoms had not stopped even after one hour had elapsed and drinking some Rouge, finally realizing that it must’ve been due to Vincent’s two servings of Rosé in an attempt to understand Isaac’s thirst. Shakespeare sighs, commenting that it does sound like Vincent to do something like that. 
Vincent calls MC from where he’s curled up on the sofa, telling her to return to the mansion before him. MC is confused as to why he would say such a thing, and thinks back to the time he avoided drinking her blood in the alleyway earlier. Shakespeare explains that her presence is like poison to Vincent right now. As there is a direct connection between romantic love and bloodlust, having MC around — who is Vincent’s lover — while he is in this state is similar to hanging a piece of meat in front of a starving beast. MC counters that it’s because she is his lover that Vincent should just drink her blood, only to be interrupted by Vincent yelling that he would not. 
He explains that he doesn’t want to hurt MC, and that he's scared of drinking too much if he does bite her. Even as MC protests, he smiles and pleads for her to leave. Frustrated by her powerlessness, MC bites her lip, unable to say anything in the face of Vincent's request, yet also unwilling to let him suffer. 
Shakespeare takes that moment to tell MC that they would be able to use blood replacements to placate Vincent’s bloodlust. On the other hand, with Shakespeare living on his own, his Rouge and Blanc supplies are limited, and since none of them know how long Vincent’s symptoms will persist, he would likely be suffering for an extended amount of time. 
Shakespeare: Now, what shall you do, MC?
Sweet (Love’s Devotion) End
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The thing he truly wants, even more than blood....
“Because you are my precious treasure, I held myself back.”
Wholeheartedly drown in this sweet and gentle time for just the two of you—
As MC struggles to decide on the best course of action, Shakespeare suddenly presents another bottle. He tells them that he had already received a test batch of Rosé as well as an antidote in case the rare side effect did occur. MC and Vincent are shocked, MC saying that the mansion never received such a thing. Shakespeare continues, saying that though an antidote, it is not a guaranteed solution because, like the Rosé, the antidote is also a trial product. There is a chance that Vincent’s symptoms can take a turn for the worse. Vincent accepts anyway and drinks the antidote without hesitation. 
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Shakespeare: Drinking an unknown poison, all in order not to harm the one you love. … That is very much in character for you, Vincent. 
Vincent: But it’s not poison, is it…? You would never give me something like that… Will. 
Shakespeare agrees to that assessment, and Vincent smiles. Soon after, however, Vincent starts coughing violently. MC rushes over to prop him up, telling herself that if the antidote didn’t work, then she’d tell VIncent to drink her blood, no matter what happens to herself. 
Vincent’s coughing stops and he perks up, telling MC that he feels a lot better and the thirst is gone. Seeing that he’s okay, MC and Shakespeare both relax. Vincent thanks Shakespeare for the antidote and Shakespeare smiles, saying that the situation was quite dramatic, so he might even take some inspiration from today’s events. 
MC and Vincent return to the mansion, where they tell Isaac and Sebastian what happened. 
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Vincent: Now I know how painful it is when you thirst for blood like that. 
Vincent: From now on, I’ll support you more when it hits, Isaac! 
Isaac: No, I think you had a harder time than I did, Vincent. 
Vincent says that he was actually okay since he had MC, which confuses her, since MC thought she wasn’t able to do anything at all. Just as Sebastian was expressing his joy that Vincent was okay, Theo barges into the room, yelling for Sebastian to prepare some Rouge. It turns out that Theo and Arthur were out drinking when the side effects suddenly kicked in. Theo had to stop him before he attacked any of the women at the bar and dragged him back home, leading them to this current situation. 
Later, MC comes to Vincent’s room, asking him if he’s really okay. Smiling, he assures her that he’s fine, adding that he feels pretty good right now. They sit on his couch together and MC thinks back on the day, remembering Vincent’s earlier words and lamenting her helplessness. Noticing her dark expression, Vincent asks her what’s wrong. MC reluctantly tells him, and Vincent reveals the reason why he didn’t want to bite her both in the alley and in Shakespeare’s house.
He tells MC that the moment the thirst revealed itself and he was suffering, MC immediately offered him her blood without hesitation. Seeing her selfless kindness, Vincent resolved himself not to hurt her; to protect that kindness and endure his thirst. MC is touched by his words and resolves to support him the best she can from here on out. Vincent agrees in good humor and they laugh after bowing to each other. 
Vincent then kisses MC softly, saying that he had been wanting to do that all day. MC narrates that his kiss warmed her from the inside out, ending the route on a gentle note.
Premium (Instinctual Bloodsucking) End
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Ensnared by desire, he yearns for blood....
“Your sweet scent always makes me feel weird...” 
Vampire instincts steal away both your heart and body ——
Hearing Shakespeare’s words, MC thinks to herself that she can’t leave things as they are. No matter how small, she wants to help relieve Vincent’s pain in any way she can. Resolved to do just that, she picks up a sharp letter opener on lying on the table and presses it to her palm.
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Shakespeare and Vincent: !
MC: I’m sorry Shakespeare, I’ll repay you for this knife afterwards. 
Vincent: MC, what are you doing?!
MC: Don’t worry, I’m only making a very small cut. 
MC: If I don’t, you won’t be able to drink my blood, no? 
Vincent: You shouldn’t hurt yourself because of my own selfish needs…. 
Seeing how Vincent is still attempting to stop her while suffering himself, MC smiles and gently admonishes him. 
MC: Vincent, you said that you didn’t want me to be hurt, but I also don’t want to see you in pain. 
MC: That’s why I’m going to do everything I can. Be it sadness or pain, let’s shoulder it together. 
Having said that, MC brought down the knife — only to be stopped by Vincent catching her wrist at the last second. He apologized to MC, but stated that he will not let her do such a thing for him, turning her hand over and checking for injuries before stroking it gently. Seeing the scene before him, Shakespeare retrieved a small bottle from his table, murmuring that while it might be risky, they might as well try it out. 
Shakespeare presents the bottle to Vincent and MC, informing them that the dark pink liquid inside the container is an improved version of the Rosé, complimentary of the producers due to Shakespeare’s friendship with them. MC suddenly felt like she just heard something that shouldn’t be revealed to others and doesn’t make another comment. 
Vincent asks Shakespeare what he intends to do with the other version of the Rosé, to which Shakespeare replies that he intends to fight poison with poison. 
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Shakespeare: Originally, the Rosé was formulated to combat the expected bloodlust from the side effects in addition to serving as a blood substitute. 
Shakespeare: For its high effectiveness, however, said side effects could turn out to be even stronger than usual, depending on the individual in question. 
Shakespeare: Yet, it is exactly this thicker concentration that may be able to assuage the thirst that even Rouge was unable to cure. 
As he speaks, Shakespeare pours out a cup of the improved Rosé and places it down in front of Vincent. MC protests, saying that if this is the same Rosé, then wouldn’t the side effects kick in as well? Smiling, Shakespeare confirms exactly that. He never hoped to cure the side effects, but rather delay the current thirst affecting Vincent long enough for him and MC to return to the mansion. Skeptical, MC thinks to herself that it’s better to give Vincent her blood after all. 
Just as she starts to voice as such, Vincent stops her with a smile and drinks the Rosé down without hesitation. He immediately starts coughing, saying that it’s bitter yet burns his throat like something incredibly sweet. Shakespeare wryly remarks that the taste was also one of the things the producers had to improve. As MC rushes to Vincent’s side to check on him, Vincent confirms that he does feel better and Shakespeare bade him return to the mansion and drink ten times as much Blanc and Rouge as before to combat the stronger side effects. 
MC and Vincent both thank him, and Shakespeare smiles, saying that the two of them suit each other; both prepared to get hurt instead of letting harm come to their partner. 
After returning to the mansion and retreating to Vincent’s room, Vincent clutches his throbbing throat before rushing to drink the Rouge that Sebastian sent to his room. MC frets over him, telling Vincent that she could run to grab more from the kitchen if this isn’t enough for him. 
Vincent turns and pins MC down to the floor, panting out that he can’t restrain himself any longer, yet also telling MC to run away from him while he can still bear it, his words contradicting themselves within the same sentence.  
Vincent: Sorry, MC. I can’t hold on anymore….
Vincent: There’s Rouge here too. I can endure it by myself, so…. 
Vincent: So, this time… run away from me…. 
Realizing that he’s still trying to protect her while suffering through the effects of the painful thirst, MC tells Vincent to bite her, reminding him that she wants them to share their pain and shoulder it together. Touched, Vincent does bite her for real this time, drinking deeply while MC moans into the heated air. He breaks away, murmuring that this thirst isn’t just due to the Rosé alone, but also due to the sweet scent that MC is giving off and kisses her. Giving into the throes of passion, they spend the night together. 
Note: This is where the paid Epilogue starts.
Epilogue Preview
Reaching its limits, his desire yearns for you to the point of madness....
Vincent: It’s not just blood, I want you too...
Vincent: I want... to just stay like this. 
(For Vincent to lose his composure and become this needy...)
Directly faced with his want, my body becomes hot like a fire has been lit deep within. 
Vincent: MC.... 
(He’s rougher, than usual....)
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Vincent: Sorry... I’m so rough with you.
Mingling breaths and lewd, wet sounds. 
As we are pulled between pleasure and immorality, love and affection grow stronger  ——.....
Vincent: I can’t stop anymore... accept my everything. 
Event Info | Isaac Route | Arthur Route
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yakocchi · 4 years
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Be My Princess Social // Yakov Chernenkov, Season 1, Episode 1
// The Great Prince of the Country of Ice
o wats this, self-indulgent crap?? haha the joke is that all the translations i post are self-indulgent crap, thank you for coming to the press conference
This is going to be part of a translation of the Yakov Chernenkov route for the Be My Princess Social Platforms (GREE, Joshige, Eternal Kiss, etc.)
I figured this should be… relatively all right given that it seems like Voltage is done with BMP Social games forever in terms having English versions. tbh kinda surprised no one ever took the task of doing it. publicly at least? i searched a bit, found nothing. if someone already did it pls tell me lol  …..but i guess something like this is a stan’s job to do, right (゚▽゚*) 
idk, we’ll see how this goes… only did 1 ep as a test run to see if i feel like doing this rn lol this is lengthy endeavor
Image-heavy!! Please credit if you take any of it, thenk u (・ω・*)
Intro & Legend
This route is similar to Zain’s in that they wipe just about everything from the Paid version (the one with Sergei and the Anastasia backstory…lol that was wild thinking abt it) and start anew with the character. But Yakov is different from all the other BMP1 characters in that they also changed his personality almost completely. This is reflected in his profile when they change his blood type and age from the Paid version (B → O, 25 → 31)
If you’re familiar with the Social Zain route, you can kinda see through his bits how they changed him. A BMP fansite master describes him as “high-handed, but charismatic - a person with the character of a king” which sums it up better than anything I could ever think up
So I guess it would be a good idea to not carry over expectations from the Paid app route to this route because that’s just a recipe for disappointment lol. i know a lot of people like the Yakov from the Paid route, so I wanted to put that out there. It’s a shame bc that character is effectively “gone” but… the yakov i stan is the social one, so if that had to happen so my 2d man could come into existence…well…
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thank u for ur sacrifice
➤ are my own commentary.
➢ are the choices that pop up. For the most part I have both (iirc I don’t have one near the end bc I forgot I was trying to pick the wrong ones on purpose lol). Note that all my wrong answers are from the original version’s text and thus they may have been changed for EK. Correct answers are labeled with ❆
➼ at the end of a line signals that the choice text has “ended” and it returns back to the general text. The general text resumes on the line that begins with a ➼. This is mostly just for organization on my part - the docs I type+format these on get very, very annoying to scroll through, so
Bolded dialogue reflect the screencaps.
I hope you enjoy some part of it! ( ´◡` ) Thanks for reading
Episode 1 // The Great Prince of the Country of Ice
➤ Interestingly, the original title they used for GREE and Joshige is The Cold, Rational Prince of Sanct Sybil Kingdom. I dunno why they would change it except maybe it was too long for the title card to look pretty lol
When I opened the door at the sound of the chime, there stood a man wearing a gentle smile on his face. Taking note of my presence, he places his hand to his breast and gracefully bows.
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[Zain]: “You must be Miss Kara Go. I am Zain, the personal steward of Nobel Michel Castle.” [Zain]: “As promised, I have come to pick you up.” [Kara]: “Y-Yes. I am indeed Kara Go.” [Kara]: “To go out of your way to come here - thank you so much.” (Am I really… not just dreaming here?) Pulling a letter out from my pocket, I recall the events over the past few days that had led up to today.
I had torn the seal of a blank-white envelope that had no written return address, and my eyes widened in shock. “I want you to become an exclusive designer.” In the enclosed message - along with a bit of contact information, the end of the letter had been signed by Nobel the XIII, the lord of Nobel Michel Castle. (This must be some sort of mistake… A-Anyhow, I should try to verify it.) Thinking that, I call the contact number on the letter…
But, indeed - the letter was not a mistake, and they spoke to me about wanting to have a proper consultation about the position. I was told that Lord Nobel wanted some time to talk in-person with me, and eventually the promised day where I felt that my dreams were coming over the horizon… finally came. (Even when it’s finally here, in front of me of like this, I still can’t believe it…) [Zain]: “Thus, His Grace awaits. Let us depart.” [Kara]: “O-Okay…” With a spring to my step, I get onto the limousine with Zain.
(It would’ve never crossed my mind that I’d be going to Nobel Michel Castle for a second time.) (And on top of that, I’ve been called here in terms of being a designer of all things…) I was pretty nervous the time I had come here for Jean Pierre’s errand, but now I’m even more nervous compared to that day. I felt my heart noisily thumping as I waited for Lord Nobel, and eventually the parlor door opened.
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[Zain]: “My Lady, we must deeply apologize.” [Zain]: “His Grace’s conference is going longer than expected, so it seems you will have to wait a few moments longer.” [Kara]: “I see…” [Zain]: “Since you took your most valued time to come here― Would you like to take a look around the castle gardens until the conference is over?” [Kara]: “Castle gardens… you say?” [Zain]: “Indeed. Several varieties of the rare flowers we raise are currently in bloom– so if it pleases you, I can guide you around.” (You don’t get the chance to tour the Nobel Castle gardens everyday.) [Kara]: “Then, if you may.” [Zain]: “Very well. Shall we go now?” With Zain as my guide, I get to visit the castle gardens.
[Kara]: “Wow… it’s absolutely stunning.” [Zain]: “Thank you. Everyone who visits these gardens tend to voice similar sentiments about it.” The courtyard stretched over a vast space, and it was a feast for the eyes even with a simple glance. (In a way, it’s as if I’ve been sucked into a fairy tale.) As Zain explained the parts and features within it, I was completely enamored by the beautiful garden― When an teenage boy clad in a butler’s uniform comes running to us from the castle.
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[???]: “Zain! So this is where you were.” [Zain]: “…Theo, you are before a guest.” [Zain]: “I must apologize, My Lady.” [Zain]: “This is Theo, who is training in this castle as an apprentice steward.” The boy called Theo – at being scolded by Zain, straightened his posture accordingly.
➤ i can’t believe bmp2 stans denied us from having the wacky family sitcom a theo route would have smh my head bro
[Theo]: “…I am Theo.” [Kara]: “I’m Kara. Nice to meet you, Theo.” [Theo]: “M-Mhm…” Theo, whose face still held remnants of childlike youth, averted his eyes shyly. Then Zain, who had witnessed all of this, lightly presses the boy in a gentle tone. [Zain]: “Theo, did you have any matters to discuss with me?” [Theo]: “Ah-, right! I was sent by His Grace to relay this message to you.” [Theo]: “He urgently wants your input on something, so you gotta come to the conference room.” [Zain]: “His Grace does?” [Zain]: “But, right now…” His eyebrows knit together, as if troubled. With a smile I turn to him. [Kara]: “I’ll be all right by myself. Though while I wait, may I take a look around the garden?” [Zain]: “Yes, of course.” [Zain]: “I apologize for being unable to guide you around myself for now– but if you could meet with me afterwards…” [Zain]: “Can you wait just a moment?” [Kara]: “All right.” Sounding apologetic in his words, he then goes with Theo towards the castle. (Being the exclusive butler to Lord Nobel must be quite the busy job…) I thought about that as I took a stroll around the calm gardens, sunlight beaming… When―
[Man]: “Please, at least, once more– Please consider thinking about it…!” The cries of a man at his wits’ end cut through the silence of the courtyard. (Is something going on…?) Looking in the direction of the voice, I find three men standing from the other side of the building. The shouting from earlier seems to have come from a man who looked slightly older from other two, and said man also seemed to be desperately calling for something. [Man]: “…The state of the administration right now still is unstable.” [Man]: “If we act too carelessly, the balance of the three nations could collapse once more!” [???]: “…I have long past made a decision.” The words that had answered the aggravated man were bound to a terribly icy voice. As this man stood with his back facing me, I was unable to see his face; but from pitch alone he seemed to be a young man. With his long, platinum-blond hair having been pleated into a single braid, he silently rebuffs the rage of the older one.
[???]: “Even if you did indeed manage to chase me all the way here― Decisions are not something to turn back from.” [???]: “That is all that need be said, so I shall leave first.” [Man]: “…Yakov–Sir, why are you this impatient?!” [Man]: “It can't be that you don’t realize that now is a crucial time for the country, is it…?!”  In pure exasperation, the older man grabs onto the man called Yakov. But in doing so, a man in a butler’s uniform that had stood across from him swiftly yanks the man off.
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[Butler]: “What are you thinking in that head of yours, grabbing onto someone of his (Yakov’s) status?” [Butler]: “Even if you get imprisoned for disrespecting the state, this is an inexcusable situation you’ve found yourself in.”
➤ so the term he uses is specifically for lèse-majesté, which is the fancy term for insulting the ruling sovereign, monarchy, ruling state, etc. etc. but i didn’t want to just throw in that term bc i felt like it’s not… very common? idk i feel like the bmp mc wouldn’t know what that is granted i guess you could do the galaxy brain take and be like “she doesn’t know what that term is and that’s why she couldn’t piece together that yakov is royalty” 
[Man]: “Urgh…!”   The older man was then pinned to the ground, and as his arms were confined behind his back, he groans in pain. The moment I see the expression on his face, a cry spills out from my lips.
[Kara]: “Ah…!” [Yakov]: “…!” Hearing my voice, the platinum-blond man whips his head around. 
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His eyes, peeking out from behind his long bangs and deep blue like the sea, then sharply leveled at me. [Yakov]: “…What is your business?” [Kara]: “Uh…”
(What should I answer with?) Menacingly asked to speak, I…
➢ I’m unable to say anything. ➢ “He’s in pain.” ❆
➢ I’m unable to say anything. (This person… has an awfully intimidating air to him.) Unable to say anything particularly impactful, I only turn my eyes to the man held to the ground. ➼
➢ “He’s in pain.” [Kara]: “I don’t know what’s going on here, but you’ve gone too far… He’s in pain.” [Yuri]: “Of course. It’s only natural for it to hurt when you’re bound down like this.” The man in the butler’s uniform answers me with a smile plastered on his face. (What the-… He’s smiling, but it’s honestly quite frightening-) [Kara]: “B-But… if you end up injuring him, that’d be terrible, no…?!” While paralyzed with fear, I managed to raise my voice at him. ➼ 
➼ With that, the platinum-blond man shifts his eyes to the man in the butler’s uniform. [Yakov]: “―Yuri, release him.” [Yuri]: “…” At his words, the one called Yuri immediately relinquishes his hold.
➤ Yuri’s name might actually be Urey, as one of Ivan’s Birthday Event routes note how Ivan’s wolf Urey and butler Yuri have the same name (by coincidence). But the JPN version always spells it as Yuri so I’m just used to it. Not that you should really be taking the app’s romanization as official though given they have stuff like “Lewis” (Louis), “Jean” (Jan), and the occasional “Robert” for Roberto ( ´_ゝ`) 
As the older man staggers back up from the ground, the blond man speaks to the two of them. [Yakov]: “Do not start trouble in the castle grounds of other kingdoms.” [Yakov]: “ ―Regarding what happened here today, I shall overlook it this time. Good?” [Yuri]: “Understood.” [Man]: “…My sincere apologies.” As the two men lower their heads, the man called Yakov then directs his piercing gaze towards me.
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[Yakov]: “Forget what you just saw and heard here. Not a word to anyone.” With only those words to me, he leaves with the other two following behind him. (That “Yakov” person, and “Yuri” too… what terrifying people.) Alone in the garden, I was completely petrified to the spot from the overwhelming pressure those men had left me with.
[Theo]: “―Miss Kara, here is where His Grace’s been hanging o– awaiting your presence, rather.” Afterwards, Lord Nobel’s conference had ended and Theo had come to take me to him. While heading to the parlor where His Grace was waiting, Theo’s innocent self causes a smile to crack my features. [Kara]: “Just ‘Kara’ is fine, Theo. On that note, you don’t have to speak so formally with me.” [Theo]: “Uh- But…” [Kara]: “I’ll be more at ease and less nervous that way.” [Kara]: “Besides, I’m in a similar situation as you.” [Theo]: “‘Similar’?” [Kara]: “I’m only a rookie designer.” [Kara]: “So like how you’re an apprentice butler, it’s kind of a similar position.” [Theo]: “Gotcha…” At my explanation, Theo, apparently happy about some part of it, breaks into a smile. [Theo]: “…I get you. Then- When we’re together like this, I’ll be sure to do it.” [Theo]: “Since only super-distinguished people ever come to this castle, I get pretty stressed out.” [Kara]: “Hehe, I’m feeling the same too. Just entering this castle makes me anxious.”
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[Theo]: “Right?! Lord Nobel and Zain treat me really well so it’s all right for now, but…” Theo wore a smile that was quite fitting for a young boy like himself. Calmed by his pure sincerity, I enter the reception room.
[Theo]: “…Your Grace, I have brought Miss Kara Go.” [Nobel]: “Thank you for your hard work.” [Nobel]: “Kara, sorry for making you have to wait on me when I was the one who called you up here.” Lord Nobel wears a merry smile on his face as he kindly welcomes me. I bow my head down in gratitude. [Kara]: “I am, indeed, Kara Go.” [Kara]: “Thank you for inviting me to such a meeting.” [Nobel]: “You don’t have to greet me so formally,”  [Nobel]: “as the truth still stands that I was the one who summoned you today. I just wanted to talk with ya about something.” [Nobel]: “―So, Kara, do you know of the country of Sanct Sybil?” [Kara]: “Yes. I’m only knowledgeable with news and info that’s been reported to the public, but…”
Sanctis, Sybil, Versurk― Those three countries had united into one, and the resulting nation is apparently called “Sanct Sybil” from what I’ve heard. With this as my sole knowledge of the country, Lord Nobel speeds up the conversation.
[Nobel]: “Then I’ll cut to the chase.” [Nobel]: “The truth is that Sanct Sybil is planning to join the Nobel Michel Alliance.” [Nobel]: “As they’re still a new nation, they’re searching for talent both inside and outside the country.” [Nobel]: “In pursuit of capable individuals, the prince of Sanct Sybil has come to me for some guidance, so…” Cutting his own words short, a smile then markedly graces his features.
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[Nobel]: “Kara, you are to be the exclusive designer of Sanct Sybil Castle.” [Nobel]: “I thought that I’d like to go see you work there.” [Kara]: “Uh-…” (I’m… going to be the exclusive designer… for a royal castle?!)
[Nobel]: “Besides yourself, I’ve been in talks with other talented folks in all sorts of industries.” [Nobel]: “It’s only the designer position that’s yet to be decided.” [Nobel]: “I personally wanted to recommend you, but… what do you think?” [Kara]: “Um… I’m truly grateful to be able to have this conversation with you, but…” [Kara]: “Since I’m still new to this, I don’t have any achievements to show for anything.” [Kara]: “Knowing that, why did you call on me for this…?” I can’t hide my own utter confusion from his sudden invitation. Voicing my bewildered thoughts with that question, the corners of his lips quirk up into a smile.
[Nobel]: “I learned about you through a list I asked from Jean Pierre.” Lord Nobel, upon consulting with the prince of Sanct Sybil, requested Jean Pierre to produce a list of designers with promising futures. (Jean Pierre himself put me on that list…) [Nobel]: “Certainly, you don’t have any prior accolades… but within the multitude of applicants, I saw your design sketches,” [Nobel]: “and I was considerably charmed by them.” [Nobel]: “I grew delighted just from simply looking at that design.” [Nobel]: “And for that reason I wish to bring you to Sanct Sybil, a nation newly born into this world.” [Nobel]: “I think that a person full of zeal like yourself is necessary for such a place.”   [Kara]: “Your Grace…” [Nobel]: “By all means, please consider it for me.” (I’m simply unworthy to be having this sort of discussion…)
At Lord Nobel’s invitation, I…
➢ “Give me some time.” ❆ ➢ “If it is all right with the other party…”
➢ "Give me some time.” Having heard all of this from Lord Nobel so far, the feeling of wanting to give it a shot comes to me. (But…) [Kara]: “…Could you give me a bit of time to think about it?” [Nobel]: ”Of course. You should go ponder it a great deal before coming to a decision.”  ➼
➢ “If it is all right with the other party…” [Kara]: “If it is all right with the other party, I feel that I would like to accept this offer.” [Kara]: “However…” There’s an uneasy feeling in my heart about it, and my words drift off. Then Lord Nobel, as if he understood my thoughts nods his head once. [Nobel]: “It’s all right if you don’t rush yourself to a decision.”  ➼
➼ [Nobel]: “Can you give Zain an answer a few days from now?” [Kara]: “Understood.” Putting my answer on hold for a moment, I depart Nobel Castle.
(The chance to be the exclusive designer for a royal castle won’t ever come by me again, but…) (While Jean Pierre is having a hard time, I can’t just leave him like this.) Turning down the offer to be dropped off at my apartment, I head towards the office of Jean Pierre.
[Jean Pierre]: “Oh my, is that ma petite?” [Kara]: “Pierre!” Not expecting to meet him like this, I’m surprised to see him here. As if he had sensed something about me, he smiles.
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[Jean Pierre]: “…With a face like that, looks like you got something to talk about, hmm?” [Jean Pierre]: “Instead of standing around outside to chat, please just come on in.”
Pierre unlocks the door to his office and I come inside. [Jean Pierre]: “You somehow came all the way here… Could it be that you had talked with Lord Nobel?” [Kara]: “…Yes.” [Kara]: “I received an invitation to work as the exclusive designer of Sanct Sybil Castle.” [Kara]: “But for someone like me, who has no experience nor achievements, to take up such a grand job is…”  [Kara]: “I don’t really have the confidence that I can do something like that.” [Kara]: “And on top of that, I want to be further taught by you…”
[Jean Pierre]: “What are you saying?! Is this not a good thing? This is your big chance!” He looks at me with a serious expression. [Jean Pierre]: “In that list I submitted to Lord Nobel, there were also designers that had prior achievements.” [Jean Pierre]: “Despite that, I was convinced that you would be the one to be chosen.” [Kara]: “Why… is that?” [Jean Pierre]: “From your designs, I feel this power to them.” [Jean Pierre]: “There are some parts that are rough around the edges, but there’s this energy, one that can completely transform people, hidden within!” [Jean Pierre]: “Lord Nobel definitely sensed that too, I bet.” [Kara]: “Ah…” (Thinking about it, Lord Nobel did say something along those lines…) (He said that the designs- from simply looking at them, he grew delighted…)
[Jean Pierre]: “Please believe in yourself.” [Jean Pierre]: “I, as well as His Grace, would never recommend someone who we’d feel couldn’t do the job.”  [Jean Pierre]: “I believe in your potential, ma petite.” [Kara]: “Pierre…” Even though he himself is in a difficult position, he’s so firmly supporting me in this. With my heart overwhelmed with such emotion that I couldn’t speak, Jean Pierre smiles. [Jean Pierre]: “I’m also going to use this moment as a source of encouragement for myself, as I plan to work hard as a designer once more.” [Jean Pierre]: “One day, no doubt in my mind― the offices of Jean Pierre will be restored!” [Jean Pierre]: “And that’s why, ma petite… without worrying about these offices, please just go and try what you want to try.” [Kara]: “…Thank you!” (I can’t let this chance from Jean Pierre and Lord Nobel just pass me by.) Urged on by Jean Pierre, a smile appears on my face as my chest is enveloped in this determination. 
―That night. Resolute in accepting the offer of exclusive designer, I contact Zain as soon as I return to the apartment. [Kara]: “Concerning the aforementioned position of Sanct Sybil’s designer… I think that I will accept the invitation.” [Zain]: “Thank you very much. I think that His Grace will be quite pleased to hear that.” In a soft tone - As if thinking for a moment, Zain continues to speak. [Zain]: “If I can be honest with you, the prince of Sanct Sybil himself is actually coming to stay at the castle for official business.” [Zain]: “Normally, we would hold your interview over at Sanct Sybil, but…” [Zain]: “Since the prince will be coming over, how about you two introduce each other here at Nobel Castle instead?” (Is that so?) (Even if Lord Nobel is recommending me, it could become a situation where the prince of Sanct Sybil is not too impressed by me.) [Kara]: “I see… If you could reserve some time for that, that’d be great.” [Zain]: “Then, I shall make the proper arrangements and contact you again.” And with that, it was decided that I would meet the prince of Sanct Sybil.
A few days later―
I’ve been called to Nobel Castle once more. While having a spot of tea with Lord Nobel and Theo, I bow my head again. [Kara]: “―Thank you for granting me an opportunity like this.” [Nobel]: “Ohohoho.” [Nobel]: “At any rate.. you’ve become quite resolute about this.” [Kara]: “…Yes. Your Grace has given me words of immense appreciation, and Jean Pierre has also encouraged me.” [Kara]: “I think, as a designer, I want to take advantage of these chances given to me.”  (But… with no achievements of my own, I wonder if the Prince will approve of me…) Anxiety running through my heart, Lord Nobel smiles while stroking his beard. [Nobel]: “I also have hopes for you, Miss Kara.” [Nobel]: “I believe that, surely, the prince of Sanct Sybil will indeed require your power.” [Kara]: “Thank you…!” When I beam at Lord Nobel’s kind words, Theo then cuts into the conversation.
[Theo]: “So Kara… really is a designer, huh.”
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[Theo]: “But… if it were possible, I was hoping that you’d become the designer for this castle.” [Kara]: “Hehe, thank you.” [Kara]: “I think that I definitely wouldn’t be able to be the designer for Nobel Michel, but I hope one day I’ll be able to make clothes for you, Theo.” Replying to Theo with a smile, Lord Nobel watches us with a gentle look on face. [Nobel]: “Ho ho, looks like you two have become quite close.” [Nobel]: “As I thought, Kara, you seem to have this charm that just mellows out everything around you.” He laughed heartily when there came a knock on the door. [Zain]: “Please excuse the interruption,”
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[Zain]: “For I have brought Prince Yakov of Sanct Sybil.” 
➤ “op are u just making excuses to post caps of zain as much as possible” perhaps PERHAPS if im gonna need to break down the blobs of text, zain is nice to look at
(Ah…) I get up from my chair, and face the doorway nervously.  But at the next moment, my eyes instinctively open wide. (That, person…) The figures that followed behind Zain were two men I was familiar with― 
The platinum-blond man with the air of intimidating beauty, and the man in the butler uniform who had worn a smile on his face― 
The people I had witnessed in the courtyard days before.
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[Prince Yakov]: “―As I have heard that you have found a candidate for the designer position, I have come.” [Prince Yakov]: “Your Grace, I give you my humble gratitude for granting my request.” [Kara]: “Eh…” [Prince Yakov]: “…” I inadvertently let out a small cry of surprise, and the Prince finally meets my eyes. For a split second his eyes had widened, but almost immediately after it shifts into a sharp gaze. (A person like him is the prince of Sanct Sybil, of all things…)
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Steeped in the shocking reality of it all, I stare dumbfounded at Prince Yakov―
➤ now part of me was thinking, do people really need all the screencaps of when he makes the -_- face but honestly him doing the -_- face for half of his portraits on this route is part of the experience
To be continued…
➤ so uh this might be a crapshoot in terms of placement bc there’s diff letters based on the special story you choose, and also i forget where the last few letters go loool but that won’t be a problem until later
From: Yakov Title: (untitled)
…So you are the designer recommended by Lord Nobel? If you come to my country, you will be treated to the finest hospitality. Therefore you should not ponder over unnecessary matters and just bring yourself here. Good?
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holy fucc idk why this is more tiring to translate than other stuff. maybe bc this is a slow route where we have exposition and non-romantic chara development we have to tread thru first. also lol translating the bmp writers’ style seems like more work? vs stuff like cybird? idk it’s hard to explain.  i’m not a super big fan of what i have rn…. in fact i’m like wtf what is this incomprehensible garbage i made... but i’m too tired to do revisions rn…… aye… but i’ll definitely look over it again in attempt to give it more clarity+readability so yea. there’s nothing’s “wrong” in terms of the literal meaning per se - it’s more like i’d like to make it flow better and actually follow grammar rules instead of cheating with dashes and line breaks hahaaa 
anyway guess ill see u at the next part when (if?) i bother to do it. hrmmm i should try to make the chunks larger given that this story is 15 eps + 3 special stories (with ~3 variations for each story) + epilogue but fuuu ill get there when i get there
Next Episode…
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“If you wish to hear of my tastes - you will have to ask me in a more alluring voice.”
yea thats rite im hitting u with the azn drama cliffhanger. well now i have to do this translation or else this would be mean….. this is a psychological effort to get me to not leave this unfinished
Again, thanks for reading!
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tetrakys · 5 years
About Ikemen Vampire...
I finally got around to do the Ikemen Vampire first impressions post no one asked for, but I said I would do.
I’ve had the app on my phone for a while now, I mostly login and do the minigame to pile up on points and diamonds, but I’ve also played the butler event and a few chapters of Napoleon’s route.
FYI I only red a couple of spoilers on one route, so I’m jumping into this completely blind. Here we go.
The Premise:
A bunch of famous men from history turned vampires all living in the same mansion during a specific time in the past. On one side this is kinda interesting, on the other I know too much about many of these people (including their real aspect) to not face-palm every time I read their names, that’s why it took me so long to start this game. I knew it would need some getting used to it, and I have to admit I still find it strange at times. But well...
MC is, at least for now, the typical japanese otome game MC, so nothing exciting here, but maybe she will get gutsier moving forward? One can only hope. At least I like her love for travelling and she seems to know several languages.
Anyway if I’d been in her place, spending one month in the past with all these famous historical figures around, like hell I would’ve accepted to be a maid. I would’ve spent the whole time exploring and interviewing, I would’ve cut a deal with Le Comte, I’m sure he would’ve said yes. 
Anyway, let’s get to the guys, knowing that I’m an otome hoe and of course the plan is to get with all them (except maybe one). Team harem always for the win.
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Ei fu.   Siccome immobile, Dato il mortal sospiro, Stette la spoglia immemore Orba di tanto spiro, Così percossa, attonita5 La terra al nunzio sta, ...
99% of the people reading won’t know what this is about. It’s one of the most important italian poems ever, it was written to celebrate Napoleon Bonaparte, it’s called Il Cinque Maggio (the date of Napoleon’s death... or in this case... resurrection as a vampire?). It’s huge, 108 verses, and I had to learn the whole thing by memory in school. It was so painful that it stuck with me to this day. That’s why I have a sort of love/hate relationship with the man.
But I decided to start with him for two reasons: I find this version of him hot and mysterious and I know his sexy scene is free so... who am I to turn down sexy times for free??
His back story of being half human half vampire is interesting and I am curious to see where this is going. I’m also curios to see how much cybird is sticking to history because the emperor had an interesting life to say the least. Including two wives, which I don’t want to think about because I am extremely jealous of all my otome boyfriends so I hope they are going to ignore this detail.
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Yeah... no... this is so wrong... the guy died in exile in St Elena after failing to get his power back, speculations say that maybe he was even poisoned. It wasn’t a peaceful death and definitely he had regrets. 
I feel like I am putting too much thought into this and I should take the game as if these are just random people.
Anyway, Napoleon the character has a really pretty design, I love his eyes and his mysterious aura, and he looks like the honorable knight type. I hope he has also a kinky side because that’s how I roll and too good is not exactly my thing. He said he’s not attracted to MC pfff.... bullshit of course. We’ll see.
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I don’t have much to say about Mozart because I’ve seen very little of him. I like his design, he seems to be the cold and slightly asshole type which I generally like, but too cold could put me off. If they’re going for any realism at all there could maybe be some daddy issues in his route?
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This was the route that originally interested me the most because Leonardo was a genius and he’s the closest to home. Let’s ignore the fact that people keep using Da Vinci as if it was his surname WHICH IS NOT ,“da” means “from” and “Vinci” is a town, Leonardo from Vinci, he didn’t have a surname because he was a natural son. But other than that, there are two main points that make me consider skipping his route altogether. 
First of all, this is the only spoiler I have about the game, I know this story is sad whatever the ending, and I don’t do sad in my escapism. I only want happy endings, people may not agree but that’s my personal philosophy for playing these games.
Second, that “cara mia” triggers my rage every time I read it. As I explained in another post, “cara mia” is paternalistic and kinda offensive, “mia cara” is the sweet, caring one. The writers picked the wrong one and it’s soooo annoying to read. Especially because he repeats it quite a lot.
So, I’m not 100% sure yet, but this might be the first time in my history as an otome-player that I skip a route.
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This. Adorable. Rascal. He might be the second route I play after Napoleon because I can’t wait to banter with this guy (if MC’s personality allows it). 
He seems as smart as his real counter-part and I like it.
I find a little annoying that he speaks like someone pretending to be British, it seems like the writers tried too hard, but what he says is kinda hilarious and I want him to (try to) bite me 👀
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I assume they didn’t go completely with the realistic route here, otherwise Vincent should be a little coo coo, but the guy was sensitive and fragile and it seems that this was somehow preserved in the character. He has both ears though, so he probably isn’t completely suicidal. 
However he seems the totally sugary sweet type which is really not my thing. But I also heard he has one of the hottest sexy scenes in the game so colour me intrigued 👀
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THIS! This is my man! I don’t know why I always fall for the tsundere, it’s not like I’m a masochist and like to be mistreated, but I like the bantering and I hope that MC is going to be cool enough to allow me to reply to him in tone. I really want to fight with him! 👀
Also, he’s sexy, and the fact that I know absolutely nothing about him, helps me not feeling annoyed by whatever it has been done to the character. 
I don’t know what to expect from his route. Does he have a brother complex? Is he jealous because his brother is a genius and he was a simple merchant? Why were they both turned? So many questions. Give me this beautiful asshole’s route soon cybird!
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I know nothing about him too, but there’s something in him that irks me. He has a sort of paternalistic attitude, too many compliments, too polite... Also, that kimono has a strange fit.
On the positive side he seems protective and I like his quirkiness, so we’ll see.
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Newton is the one that, together with Leonardo, interested me the most for pure principle. And, in this case, I am quite satisfied. I like his aesthetics and personality-wise he seems similar to Mozart, quiet, distant type. We’ll see.
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I keep wondering why they turned a female character male, they could’ve added a wlw route. Anyway, I won’t complain because look-wise I like him the most out of everyone. The eye patch intrigues me, I like his style and I find him really beautiful. I know though that his route is the least sexy and that’s a bummer. I am curious about him and his route and wonder if he also hears voices in his head.
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In this case I’m pretty sure we’re far away from the real person. William the character is the yandere of the group and even the other vampires seem a little preoccupied by him. I wonder if his route is maybe a little dangerous, I’m intrigued.
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Mmm... I know I’m going to attract the disappointment of his many fans but I don’t like Saint-Germain. He’s handsome yes, but the one thing I hate in LIs is fakeness and duplicity, and I feel it with every bone in my body this guy is a liar. He emanates the same vibes as Lucien and Leiftan. There’s so much you’re hiding Comte, and you don’t fool me one bit! Also, his colour palette is too yellow for my tastes.
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Sebastian is just boring to me. I don’t know.... he looks and sounds so plain. I hope there is some big mystery behind and that he will show more personality because at the moment he’s just meh. Also he can’t be just a simple, unknown human there must be something else (I hope).
So, currently, the characters who interest me are: Theo, Arthur, Isaac, Napoleon, Jean, William, Wolfgang 
While Vincent, Sebastian, Dazai, Leonardo and Comte all follow at the back of the queue.
Let’s see after a couple of months of playing if my opinions change.
And btw I’ve seen the three new vampires and they look so much cooler than all the main ones combined! I can’t wait for their routes to come out.
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eirian-houpe · 3 years
Cobra: In Your Prayers
Fandom: cobra (2020), UC: Undercover, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV), Miami Medical, 24 (TV), Airforce One Is Down
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Characters: Robert Sutherland (Cobra), Cody (UC: Undercover), Eleanor James, Fraser Walker, Jake Shaw, Frank Donovan, Jordan Reed, Alex Cross (UC: Undercover), Ava Zambrano, OCs, Sam Wilson (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes
Additional Tags: Technology, Graphic Violence, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Politics, Airplane Crashes, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
Summary: Sutherland's government and cabinet members might think the disasters faced because of the cyber attacks are finished, but around the world, allies and enemies alike are discovering that not to be the case. Disasters escalate, and it takes multiple agencies to tackle the problem head on. As if that weren't enough, the personal lives of people seems to be unraveling before their very eyes.
Read previous chapters on AO3
Chapter 3 -  Apotheosis
noun noun: apotheosis; plural noun: apotheoses
the highest point in the development of something; culmination or climax. "his appearance as Hamlet was the apotheosis of his career"
Similar: culmination, climax, crowning moment, peak, pinnacle, summit, zenith, apex, acme, apogee, high point, highest point, height, high water mar
Opposite: nadir
Origin: late 16th century: via ecclesiastical Latin from Greek apotheōsis, from apotheoun ‘make a god of’, from apo ‘from’ + theos ‘god’.
“…the fuck could something like this happen. You told me you had it!” Sutherland gripped the phone so tightly that his fingers actually hurt. The last thing he wanted was to leave the hospital, with Anna in god knows what kind of distress, but the country, and the safety of its citizens and visitors came first; had to come first, no matter how he felt about his chief of staff. He had to bear up against the likes of Archie and his sycophantic hangers on, and letting something like this pass by without him being right there, in charge, would be just another nail in his rapidly sealing coffin.
“Never mind that.” He tried to dismiss his own irritation and force himself to hold the phone less tightly, then asked, “Where are we now?”
ATC are reporting systems either delivering false telemetry, or going into complete blackouts spreading up and down the country.
“Shit,” he hissed, and then leaned forward to tap on the glass between him and his driver, making ‘hurry up’ motions as the man glanced in the mirror to see what he needed. “Is there anything we can do to avert this, to… to right the systems? To fix them?” 
The only thing our analysts have come up with so far was to shut down and restore from back up.
It completely fried the system, and the back up data.
Quite. Eleanor sighed on the other end of the phone and Sutherland shook his head.
“I’m on my way. Reconvene a full COBRA and pull in everyone you feel you need to.” He sighed. “I don’t need to tell you that Archie’s going to be all over this.”
Of course. He thought she sounded profoundly uncomfortable, and for a moment he wondered whether he’d said the wrong thing; wondered whether she wasn’t in Archie’s pocket too, but then he took a breath, forced the thought out of his mind.  He couldn’t keep believing that if he was going to get the county through this. He couldn’t keep seeing demons on every corner and thinking everyone was out to get him - wanted to see him fail.
“I’m about ten minutes away, Eleanor. Keep my seat warm,” he said, then hung up.
The flight attendants were doing their best, Jordan noted, to reassure the passengers while still trying to strap everything down, and make sure that in the event of a hard landing… what did he mean, ‘in the event of’? Though the flight had leveled out, even he could tell that things weren’t right, and not just because of the solicitous nature of the flight attendants’ behavior.
“Agent Reed?” A light touch on his shoulder made him realize how much he’d zoned out. He looked up and offered her a smile. He tried not to turn too much, because moving hurt. Probably a busted rib or something.
“Yeah,” he confirmed.
“The captain would like to see you,” she said.
He nodded and unbuckled the seatbelt, and then winced as he drew himself up to his full height. He walked behind the attendant as she took him forward, and then into the cockpit of the aircraft, where he took a deep breath at the array he could see before him through the window.
Not one for heights, but not actually afraid of heights, the view was dizzying, and given what he knew, he wasn’t at all sure he liked it.
Before he could take another step, however, another man stepped in front of him and put a hand on his shoulder to halt his forward motion. It jarred him to a halt, and drew another wince from him, though he was pretty sure, within seconds, what was going on.
“Air marshal?” he asked. The man nodded.
“Stewart,” He confirmed. “Let me see your ID please.”
Jordan nodded, and reached into his back pocket for the wallet that held his CIA credentials, before handing them over to the other man, who flipped open the black vinyl cover and peered at the identification. Jordan wondered, just for shits and grins, what would happen if he asked Stewart for his. As if reading his mind, when he handed back the ID, he flipped open his own wallet to reveal that he was who, and what, he said he was.
“Agent Reed,” the captain interrupted their little inter-agency posturing, and Jordon turned and stepped toward where he sat, clearly wrestling with the plane while his co-pilot moved from one side of the cockpit to the other. “Before the other aircraft clipped our wing, you said to the flight attendant that you needed to speak with me; that you believe more than just this aircraft is at risk. Why?” 
“I’m a technical analyst. I was working on deconstructing hostile code provided by Division 45 of the UK Cyber-Unit, and I believe I uncovered a serious threat to the integrity of air traffic control.” Jordan said. He felt a little disconnected from himself as he spoke the words calmly and dispassionately, given what had just occurred barely ten minutes ago.
“You think that’s what happened?” the captain looked horrified. “That The Tower is out?”
“It would be…” Jordan swallowed, “…consistent with my findings, Captain,” he said.
“Jesus!” the captain hissed, then turning his full attention back to his instruments, and nodding to the second seat as the co-pilot came into view. “Fuck!”
Jordan’s lips pressed together in a tight line, and he did his best not to react to the clear panic reflecting in the darkened windshield at the front of the plane. He couldn’t read the instruments, but he could see that the lights ahead - on the ground - were getting progressively nearer.
“What are the chances of getting this thing down in one piece?” Agent Stewart asked the question that Jordan was sure was on everyone’s mind.
“We’ll be putting down hard,” the captain said honestly. “And once we dip below 5000 it will be harder to control the aircraft, but,” he shook his head, “if the tower reverts to contingency, they’ll be ready with fire and rescue.”
“And what about the plane we clipped?” Jordan asked, feeling guilty that no one had even mentioned it until that point.
The captain turned enough that he could meet Jordan’s eyes, before he said slowly, “I don’t know.”
“What have we got?”
Sutherland swept into the COBRA room with all the force of a category five hurricane, trailing secretaries and aides behind him as he rattled off direction, seemingly at random, but each picked up by the appropriate representative, who then peeled off to go about their assigned task.
“What am I seeing?” He nodded toward the screen.
“We’re looking at a live feed from Heathrow airport,” Eleanor said as she came to stand beside him as he came to a halt before the bank of monitors. He felt as though he’d only just left them, and the illusion was only strengthened by the scrolling lines of code on a monitor at the edge of the multi-screen displays. “Air Traffic Control report their ASR is intermittent at best and they can’t guarantee to be able to enforce traffic separation.”
“The entire—”
Eleanor cut him off with a curt nod. “Every single airport in the UK is reporting the same.”
“So how—?”
“The only way we know what’s currently in British airspace,” Fraser came to add to the growing dread in Sutherland’s gut, “is by following the current airline schedules.”
“Fucking marvelous!”
“It gets better,” Eleanor said, looking at Fraser, who sighed when Sutherland looked at him expectantly as well.
“Various eye witness accounts are appearing all over news outlets and social media claiming to have seen - and I quote - ‘sparks flying’ along one of Heathrow’s flight paths,” he said.
“You think it’s possible that there’s already been some kind of… what? Mid-air collision?” Robert Sutherland couldn’t believe the question was actually being spoken, nor that he was the one to be speaking it.
“Heathrow ATC are denying any loss of separation between aircraft in their airspace,” Eleanor answered.
“And you’d think if there were,” Fraser added, “There would be evidence of some kind of… debris by now.”
Sutherland swore again. They were running blind, and he knew it; knew it and hated it.
“There has to be something we can—” he said almost angrily, but his anger turned to an expression of the concrete fear that bubbled up inside of him like some kind of solidifying mass when, on one of the screens the brightness of an orange flash, and tiny crumbs of white light, like a Guy Fawkes night rocket that failed to lift skyward, split the otherwise bland darkness. “What the hell is that?”
He stepped closer to the monitor in question and peered at it, as if being closer would somehow give him the answers.
“What are we seeing here?” Fraser echoed urgently, addressing one of the technicians that was running the video board.
“Um,” he answered.
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thiamfresh · 7 years
Yo so I read that one fic of yours on archive with Theo living his days as a wolf in the woods could u do something similar but have him use his ability to fully shift for like part of the packs plan to stop an enemy?? Idk I'm bad at these
SO AM I!! I totally forgot what this prompt said and just remembered ‘theo does the wolf’ and wanted to do something for day 1 of thiam week and came up wih this. So here it is, a fic you definitely did not ask for but i’m too tired to really think about that right now. (I am so sorry)
“I can do it.” Liam eyes snapped to Theo as his voice echoed through the room.
“What?” Liam asked.
“I can find the werewolves.” Theo said calmly.
“Really?” Stiles asked, voice dripping in disbelief. “You came up with a plan?”
“Alright, well lets hear it then.”
“I join their pack.”
“What?” The unanimous reply came.
“You heard me.” Theo said. “I can shift into a wolf. They’ll let me join them.”
“You think if you doggy swim over to them they’re just going to say Hey join our pack?” Stiles scoffed.
“Yes. Something tells me their membership standards aren’t exactly high.”
“You want to join them?”
“You said you can’t get close enough to find where they actually take the humans they abduct. But I could.”
“That’s the worst plan I’ve ever heard.” Liam said seriously. “You remember how they almost murdered Scott when he walked near them right, and he’s an alpha. If you walk in they’ll-”
“Liam’s right, it’s a sucky plan.” Stiles said Liam nodded happily. “But it’s also the best plan we’ve got. I say we try it.”
“Wait what?” Liam hissed. “No! You agreed it’s an awful plan!”
“Okay, if we’re doing this then we need an exact plan.” Scott sighed.
“And contingencies. I’d rather not know you’re winging it when I’m trapped with the murder pack.” Theo said.
It was the worst plan they’d ever had and that was saying a lot. Liam shifted in his seat, glaring at the small tracker beeping away on Stiles’s phone.
“This is a terrible plan.”
“Theo’s up for it.” Stiles said with a shrug. “If anyone can pull it off it’ll be that conniving manipulative little bas-”
“He could die.” Liam said, for the thousandth time. Scott turned in his seat, eyebrows of concern landing on Liam.
“It was his plan, Liam. He wouldn’t do it if he thought that he’d get himself killed.” Liam opened his mouth, ready to argue. He knew it was Theo’s plan, he’d been there fighting against the stupid plan until he’d been sent to get some food so they could come up with a real plan and came back to a pile of clothes, a guilty-looking Scott and Theo’s fading scent. “We don’t know what they’re doing to Mason.” Scott said and Liam’s mouth snapped shut, teeth grinding together.
“Exactly.” He said after a moment. “Which is why we need a better plan. We know he’s alive, but if this goes wrong-”
“Theo’s got this. It’s like you’ve been saying, he’s changed.” Scott said, Liam let out a frustrated groan, of course, Scott would finally agree with Liam that Theo was on the path to redemption when he was either going to get himself or Mason killed.
Liam ran a hand through his hair trying to calm his breathing. This was without a doubt the worst Christmas break he’d ever had. It had all been going fine for about two days until people had started disappearing and they found out about the maucoba pack, a pack of full shift werewolves who apparently enjoyed hunting humans for sport.
They wouldn’t kill them, at least not at first. From what they understood it was some wolf versus human hunger games. They’d kidnap humans and then, when they saw fit set them free again, wait for them to run and then go after them.
The idea of it turned Liam’s stomach even before Mason had been taken the scent of wolves and clumps of fur left around his car.
Knowing Mason was in danger was bad enough, he didn’t need a half-cocked plan that rested entirely on Theo following and infiltrating them long enough to find Mason and then challenging the alpha so the wolves were distracted until the McCall pack managed to sneak up to fight.
Liam eyed the hunters in the cars behind them.
“This is a terrible plan.” He said again.
“Mason will be okay. I promise.”
“And what about Theo?” Liam snapped, because sure, he knew Mason would be okay. Theo wouldn’t let anyone touch him while he was there and then Liam would be there to keep him safe and he’d die before he let another stupid werewolf put an oversized paw on his best friend. But Theo was his friend too and Theo was walking into a pack of volatile werewolves alone.
“Theo can take care of himself.” Stiles said bitterly. Liam snorted because fuck no Theo couldn’t take care of himself. The last time Scott and Stiles had seen Theo the idiot had been sleeping in his truck and too dumb to think to mention it to any of them.
If he doesn’t die I’m going to kick his ass when we get home Liam thought.
God, he wanted to just be home. In his room with Mason and Corey playing games and Theo stretched across Liam’s bed watching it all with eye rolls as if he didn’t have his own room five feet down the hall
A howl tore through the sky, floating on the wind.
“That’s Theo!” Liam said, sticking his head between the front seats.
“Oh you think?” Stiles snorted.
“Stiles drive!” Liam yelled.
As much as Liam hated the stupid plan he stuck to it. He ignored the howling of the wolves around him and the answering gunfire and followed Mason’s scent. It was his job to get the humans to safety, or at least, to get Stiles to the humans so he could circle them in mountain ash so they couldn’t be touched by werewolves until the fight was over.
He could hear Mason’s heartbeat, thumping rapidly, his voice quiet and shaky as he tried to explain to terrified humans why they should stay calm despite the gunfire and angry wolves flying every direction.
Liam stumbled through the tree’s, he was getting closer. His eyes locked on the mouth to a cave, Mason’s voice still echoing from inside it. They lowered slowly his throat constricting as he spotted the two wolves outside of it.
He knew, even without a scent, that one of them was Theo. His back to the cave hackles up and sharp fangs on show as he growled deep and low, eyes sparking amber. The other wolf had his back to Liam and Stiles, towering over Theo by at least half a foot with silky looking honey fur that Liam thought had no right looking so soft.
Stiles was silent, not a single of the dog jokes Liam knew he wanted to shout out to the wolfed out Theo passing his lips, barely even a breath.
The alpha moved slowly, low to the ground taking a step towards the cave. Theo moved forwards, gnashing his teeth spittle flying making him look rabid.
Liam eyed the tree’s either side of the cave, they needed to get inside. If they could get inside Stiles could place the barrier and then Mason and the others would be safe. The alpha and the other wolves wouldn’t be able to get in. He leaned forwards trying to peer through the trees and see if there was a route that would somehow keep them unnoticed. The bushes rustled as his arm brushed past low-hanging leaves. The alpha’s head snapped towards them, growl rumbling like thunder.
“We should ru-” Stiles started. The alpha moved, spinning on its paws and leaping towards him. Liam’s claws were out in a moment. He’d been told not to fight them but he was sure he could make an exception when one was flying at his face.
The Alpha didn’t make it to him. Theo crashing into it, sending the two wolves slamming into the floor with snarls and yelps as Theo’s teeth clamped down on the other wolfs leg dragging it across the forest floor, head shaking from side to side like a puppy with a chew toy as Theo made room for Liam and Stiles to go past.
They took the chance, sprinting across the clearing. Liam refused to let himself look back and figure out whether it was Theo or the alpha whining in pain until he was inside the cave. Stiles threw the line of mountain ash down the second they passed the mouth.
Liam barely had time to turn back around to look before the Alpha was slamming itself into the wall of mountain ash, flying back like he’d been blasted. Liam’s eyes moved to the edge of the clearing, locking on Theo as he pushed himself back up, blood stained the white patch of fur on his chest as he growled again, stalking towards the Alpha.
Liam was yanked backward suddenly, his eyes widening as he was smothered in a hug his hands came up instantly, patting Mason’s back, shoulders drooping in relief.
“Hey.” Liam breathed. Mason pulled back with a grimace.
“You know how I used to say I wanted to be like Mowgli and live with wolves.”
“I was so wrong.” Mason said. Liam laughed weakly, eyes moving back to outside the cave. Theo and the alpha circling each other slowly. Despite the alpha’s bloody hind leg and obvious limp Liam still, couldn’t help but notice how unfairly matched they were. Theo wasn’t even a real wolf, he was a chimera. He looked like the runt of the litter next to to the hulking Alpha.
“Theo, don’t fight it. Run.” Liam hissed. Theo’s eyes stayed trained on the alpha, paws moving in a soft pattern barely ruffling the leaves as he stepped.
“Do not run!” Stiles hissed. “Don’t give him bad advice Liam.”
“That thing will kill him-”
“You think it won’t if he turns his back on it?” Stiles said.
“That’s Theo?” Mason asked.
The alpha moved, diving towards Theo who barely dodged the snap of teeth. Liam’s could barely keep up with the two wolves as they fought. The gunfire stopped as the howling of wolves came to an end. Liam heard Scott’s heartbeat creeping closer, the footsteps of hunters as they followed the final sounds of the fight. Liam could feel his hands shaking, mind counting down the seconds for the hunters to reach them, for the Alpha to be well and truly surrounded and for Theo to be able to back away, to turn back into a human so Liam could kick his ass for doing something as stupid as infiltrating a pack of feral wolves. An animalistic and bone-chilling screech tore through the night air as the alpha’s claws drove deep into Theo’s side sending him crashing to the floor.
“THEO!” Liam took off, trying to make it to Theo, to do something, when he slammed into the barrier, he hit the floor with a heavy thump as Argent unloaded a clip of bullets into the alpha. Liam scrambled back up. “Stiles! The barr-” Stiles was already on it, kicking the mountain ash out of place. Liam ran, darting around the still twitching Alpha as he skidded to a stop beside Scott. Theo was already shifting back, bones clicking into place leaving Liam grimacing as bloody fur turned into bloody skin.
“Mother fucker.” Theo whined, hand pressing against the gaping claw wounds on his side.
“Are you okay?” Liam gasped.
“I could use some pants and a rabies shot.” Theo groaned Scott let out a bubble of laughter. Liam swallowed the bile in his throat.
“He’ll be fine.” Scott snorted.
“Unfortunately,” Stiles whispered.
“You’re an idiot.” Liam said stiffly. Theo’s lips twisted in a smug smirk that vanished the moment he moved from his place perched on the end of his bed, replaced with a pained grimace.
“I’m fine.” Theo insisted.
“Your wounds are bleeding again.” Liam said stiffly eyes running down to Theo’s chest, clean white bandages dotting with blood.
“It’s from an alpha. It’ll take a few days to heal.” Theo said. Liam eyed Theo’s too pale skin, gaze catching on the sweat glistening on his skin, the way his muscles were pulled tight beneath it. He let out a sigh finally moving from the door frame where he’d spent the last three minutes glaring at Theo as he tried to pretend he wasn’t as hurt as he looked. Liam sat on the bed beside Theo, careful not to jostle the bed too much, even so Theo winced, face twisting and breath stuttering.
“You shouldn’t have risked it.” Liam said, staring at Theo’s hands, curled into fists on his lap. “You could have died.”
“And I didn’t.”
“But you could ha-”
“And Mason would have!” Theo growled. Liam let out a huff, things were far easier when Theo was just a selfish asshole. Theo took a shaky breath, eyes shut tight as he no doubt tried to stop the pain shooting through his side. Liam glared at the bloody bandages, stuck between wanting to say that Theo deserved it for the dumbass plan and checking if the chimera was alright. Slowly Theo blinked his eyes open. Liam drew his eyes to meet Theo’s with a frown. “You let me into this pack. Your pack and Mason’s a part of that. I’m not letting him die when I can do-”
Liam didn’t let Theo finish, diving forwards to slam their lips together, frustration pouring into the kiss as he nipped on Theo’s lower lip. Theo returned it instantly as if they’d done it a thousand times. It was hard to remember the hadn’t when his hands were cupping Theo’s cheeks and pulling him closer, mouths moving seamlessly as Liam felt the edges of someone else’s pain seeping into him.
Theo pulled back after a moment, eyes blown wide skittering across Liam’s face. Liam licked his lips, ignoring the frantic thump of his heart.
“You know you don’t have to kiss someone to take their pain right?” Theo said, lips twitching in a small smile.
“I wasn’t trying to take your pain. I just wanted to kiss you.” Liam grumbled bitterly. Theo’s breath stuttered. “I don’t want Mason dying but that doesn’t mean I want you dying for him either. You should have listened to me, we should have come up with something safer. So next time, don’t be a dumbass.” Theo nodded mutely, eyes flickering down to Liam’s lips, before he was leaning closer, slow breaths puffing soft and warm against Liam’s lips. Liam forced his heart to stay steady.
“I won’t be a dumbass.” Theo promised. “You kissed me.”
“I did.”
“Does that mean I can kiss you?” Theo asked, lips twitching in a smirk. Liam answered it with his own. Theo shifted closer.
“Not tonight you can’t.” Liam breathed, he stood up quickly leaving Theo almost overbalancing. “I’m still far too pissed with you.”
“So what? Your revenge is blue balls?” Theo snorted.
“Yes.” Liam said seriously stalking out of the room ignoring Theo’s indignant complaints.
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hard-satin · 7 years
Ouroboros (5.08)
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Together Theo and I right the overturned jeep while Stiles sits stunned nearby. He hasn’t said a word.
“We should get you to the hospital. You took in a lot of smoke.” Theo tells him as we both study the shell shocked boy.
“I’m fine.” Stiles assures him as he struggles to get to his feet.
“Stiles you’re not fine.” I tell him walking over to help him up. He swats my hand away.
“I said I was fine.” He growls out at me before rising to inspect his jeep.
I step back away from Stiles. I know what he’s going through right now is hard but he didn’t need to yell at me. Theo walks up beside me and runs a reassuring hand down my back. I lean into his touch.
“Suspect in 187 is in custody and en route to station. Suspect's name is Yukimura, Kira.” A voice comes from the police scanner in Stiles jeep.
“What’s a 187?” Theo asks as my mouth falls open in shock.
“Homicide.” Stiles answers as my hand falls into Theo’s. All at once it feels like everything is coming unraveled and the only thing for me to hold onto is him.
Theo, Stiles, Malia and I are standing in the McCall living room. Lydia texted me this morning. She and Mason were trying to get information from Corey about the dread doctors. Liam and Hayden had been taken and his memories about where they held him could be the only way to find them. So far they hadn’t been having any luck.
“Scott.” I called to my alpha as he walked in. He didn’t acknowledge me or the others.
“Is Kira okay?” Stiles asked him as he walked past us without a word.
“Scott?” Theo called after him as he raced up the stairs.
Something wasn’t right. I followed closely behind him. I heard Corey talking to Mason and Lydia in the bedroom. He was only on the second chapter of the book.
“We don’t have time for that anyway.” Scott announced as he walked into the room.
“No, Scott. Don’t.” I heard Lydia warn as I rounded the corner to see Scott plunge his claws into the back of Corey’s neck.
“Scott!” I yelled rushing forward to tear him off the boy but Lydia stepped in my way.
“It’s more dangerous if you tear them apart now. All we can do is wait.” She told me. I didn’t like it. This wasn’t who we are. The pack was falling apart.
“It’s not right. This isn’t what we do.” I growled out glaring at the back of my alpha’s head. I heard footsteps in the stairs as Stiles, Malia, and Theo ran up to see what all the yelling was about.
“Don’t get to close.” Lydia warned as the looked on with thinly veiled horror similar to the expression I no doubt wore on my own face.
“What is he doing?” Theo asked.
“Tapping into Corey’s memories. It’s usually something only alphas do.” Lydia filled him in.
“Yeah, Alphas with years of practice and experience.” I added. Theo moved to see exactly what Scott was doing.
“Is it as dangerous as it looks?” He asked.
“Probably more.” Stiles told him.
“Does anyone know if it’s working?” Mason asked. I could tell he was worried about Corey.
Suddenly Scott breaks away from Corey, gasping like the whole time he was in his head he was holding his breath.
“What the hell did you do to me?” Corey asks him appalled.
“You’ll be alright.” Scott assures him as Stiles helps him over to lean on the desk.
“What the hell Scott?” I ask him. He ignores me.
“There’s blood.” Corey notices as he touches the back of his neck.
“You’ll heal.” Scott repeats.
“Scott…” Stiles tries to say something.
“He’ll be fine!” Scott growls out. I snap. I’m across the room in two strides shoving Scott into his bedroom wall. The foundation of the house rattles and I know my eyes are glowing in rage. Scott eyes change to match my own and he lets out an anger filled roar at me. It shakes me to my core but I do not look away. I don’t know what happened but this is not my friend. This is not my alpha. I roar back with everything I have. We stare at each other chests heaving before he breaks the stare and grabs a pencil and paper from his desk. He begins to sketch. I turn away from him to check on Corey.
“Listen. I think it worked. There were tunnels, pipes on the walls. There were two huge blue pipes at the entrance. Two on both sides.” Scott reports as he creates a crude drawing of what he saw. Stiles looks tentatively between us before going to look at what Scott has drawn everyone else stands with Corey and I on the other side of the room.
“I know this, I’ve seen this before. It’s one of the tunnels i used to skateboard in before my dad caught me one time and told me to never go back.” Stiles tells him.
“It’s the water treatment plant.” Lydia pieces together.
“That’s where they are. That’s where we’ll find Liam and Hayden.” Scott realizes. Without another word Scott turns and rushes from the room. The rest of us follow closely behind him.
“Scott. Scott, slow down. Just think for a second okay. Mason shouldn’t be going.” Stiles tries to reason with Scott as he leads the army out.
“Liam’s my best friend. I’m going.” Mason fires back at Stiles.
“Oh did you suddenly get super wolf powers all of a sudden?” Stiles asks him.
“Well if you’re not coming I could use all the help I can get.” Scott tells him.
“No, I’m coming just as soon as I talk to my dad. He’s moving the body. He want’s to make sure that this time no one steals it.” Stiles clarifies.
“How’s he going to do that?” Malia asks.
“I don’t know but whoever took the last one was strong enough to flip my jeep.” Stiles tells her.
“We can bring Theo. Me, you, Mason, Jamie, and Theo should be enough.” Malia tells Scott.
“Who said I was going?” I asked.
“What are you talking about?” Scott asks.
“I’m sorry Scott but after what you just pulled I’m not following you anywhere.” I tell him before turning on my heel and marching back to the stairs.
“What are you going to do?” He calls after me.
“Look after the innocent kid you just assaulted.” I fire back at him over my shoulder.
“Maybe I better stay here. You know in case the Doctors decide to make a house call for Corey. Jamie won’t be able to fight them off on her own.” Theo tells him as I stand with Corey by the stairs.
“Scott maybe we need to slow down and think.” Lydia tries to talk sense into him.
“I am thinking about how Liam and Hayden might already be dead.” Scott tells her.
“You could have hurt him Scott. Really hurt him.” Lydia points out.
“By that she means kill. You have no idea what you’re doing and you’re running around Beacon hills half cocked.” I add.
“I have to find them.” Scott tells me.
“At what cost?” I ask. He doesn’t have an answer. He turns and leads Mason and Malia out the door.
“Text me for anything.” Stiles tells Malia.
“I got it.” She assures him before following after Scott.
Lydia wets a washcloth in the kitchen sink as I take Corey’s pain. Lydia cleans the back of his neck. When the washcloth comes away the cuts have healed. I share a look with Lydia.
“It healed didn’t it?” Corey asks us.
“Yeah. Completely.” Theo tells him.
“Alright then. It’s been fun. Especially the part where the werewolf forced his way into my brain with his claws.” Corey tells us before turning towards the door.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. You know Lydia’s a banshee, it means she can tell when someone’s close to death. Lydia what happened if he walks out that door?” Theo asks her. I almost smirk at Theo’s manipulation.
“It’s bad very bad.” Lydia plays along. I push past Lydia and Theo.
“I’ll take my chances.” Corey tells him.
“Corey wait. What Scott did was wrong. There’s no justifying it. I’m sorry he did that to you and I’m sorry I didn’t stop him. I don’t know what’s going on with him. Or any of us for that matter. Before you knew us we were a pack committed to keeping Beacon Hills safe. Now it seems like everything is spiraling out of control. The line Scott has drawn in the sand has been crossed by everyone now including him. His moral highground is worth shit, but Liam is still in danger. Please, he’s like a brother to me. And when I say that it means something because I don’t have any biological family left, so if there’s anything else a fragment of a memory you can remember that might help us find him please stay.” I beg unapologetically. I can tell it works because I see Corey’s expression soften a split second before he nods.
“What else did you see?” Theo presses him.
“There was the hospital, and they took me out of my room.” Corey begins to recall.
“And then where?” Lydia presses further.
“The tunnels. Like I already told you. That’s it.” Corey insists.
“Yeah, yeah, and nothing after that?” Theo continues to press him for information.
“No.” Corey says sadly.
“There has to be more. Think for one second just think.” I beg him again. He pauses if only to humor me, but I can see it i his eyes as something new starts to surface in his mind.
“What?” I ask not allowing myself to hope just yet.
“There was a basement.” He recalls.
“Where? Like in a building?” Lydia asks him.
“A house. It was old and there was a broken stone wall in it like a bomb went off.” Corey tells us. A smile stretches across my face as I realise I know where he’s talking about.
“The werewolf with the talons the one that attacked Scott. Didn’t Parrish say that it smashed through the wall of a basement? Wasn’t it something like that?” Theo asked Lydia.
“No, it was exactly that.” Lydia confirms. Theo looks to me.
“We’re going.” I tell him before pushing past Corey and running out the door. I can hear footsteps following me and I know Theo is close behind.
Theo and I I never slow once we pull up outside in his truck. I kick in the front door of the house from the report and we rush into the basement. Together we go through the hole in the wall. The tunnels we find ourselves in smell terrible. I can’t catch a scent so I reach out with my ears. In the distance I hear Liam’s voice.
“This way.” I tell Theo before leading him down a new tunnel. When I round the corner I see them.
“Liam!” I call rushing forward, Theo next to me.
“Jamie, Theo wait!” Liam calls to us in warning, but it’s too late. We reach out at the same time and as soon as our hands come in contact with the gate I can feel the electricity flowing through me for a second before my world goes dark.
“Jamie? You alright? Theo can you hear me?” Liam asks as I stir. I was only out for a second. My body is getting better at recovering from unconsciousness. I can feel movement underneath me and when I open my eyes I realize I’ve fallen on top of Theo. I move to get off him and rise to my feet before pulling him up with me.
“I’m good.” I assure Liam before looking to Theo.
“You?” I ask him. He nods.
“Can you guys go get help?” Liam asks.
“We are the help.” I tell him before looking back to Theo.
“You go left.” He tells me.
“You go right.” I tell him.
We nod at each other before grabbing onto the gate again. I growl as I feel the electricity run through me, but I don’t let it stop me. Together Theo and I force the gate apart.
Theo is driving his truck back to Scott’s house. My body is nearly done healing from all the electrical burns. My head is resting against the window and my hand is in Theo’s. Liam and Hayden are in the backseat.
“Does it hurt?” he asks her.
“Everywhere. I’m not healing. Not like I did before.” I wince at her words.
“It means I’m a failure doesn’t it?” She asks him. I look to Theo. We both already know it does but Liam’s not going to tell he that. I look at him in the rearview mirror. Instead of reassuring her with some bullshit line he leans in and kisses her. I watch the black lines track across his face as he takes her pain.
“It’s gone. The pain’s gone. How did you do that?” She asks him.
“I don’t know.” He admits.
They smile at each other before kissing again.
As soon as we get back to Scott’s, Liam and Hayden fall fast asleep on the couch. Scott, Malia, and Mason show up not long after. Theo makes the round hugging them all starting with Scott. I stay where I am studying the true alpha as he looks at Theo. I can smell it on him. The jealousy. He must have noticed that Theo is the one keeping everyone safe now. He;s the one holding the fragments of the pack together.
Scott turns to look at my hard gaze. It doesn’t change when his eyes meet mine. I can tell he knows. He’s not the only one who's noticed.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 7 years
uhhh wouldn't the multiple timelines thing for Persona become overkill? I mean, that was the thing in Zero Escape, which led to ZTD... Plus Persona's mythology is confusing enough with all the soft resets every game does *looking at how P5 basically ignored everything explained in P4 and the spinoffs* i feel like adding multiple timelines to all that would just make things worse
Yes and no. Multiple Timelines can be overkill as a downside, if not played well. ZTD seemed to focus more on advancing the story and the science behind jumping timelines. Persona would....be using it to expand it’s universe you could say. Focusing more on “what if” scenarios, like SMT If which lead to Persona or how P3P showed a new side of things. Atlus can make games that don’t require having to know knowledge of past games, you can dig deeper into the lore if you so wish but that’s only optional. I think the if Persona focuses on the journey rather than complex nitty gritty it’ll be fine.
In theory, they can make as many mainline Persona games they want, even soft resetting back to P3P and soft/hard resetting back SMT If...  without hurting new players. The reason being is that Persona does a good job keeping each mainline game self contained. I mean there’s an over arching plot and stuff, but those are mostly seen in spinoffs (at least for Hashino, Tadashi has it in his trilogy but it’s still possible to play his games out of order without having your head blown off over confusion...so like...*shrugs*).
The spinoff titles can be were the crossovers and/or more explanation on multiple timelines/universes can come into play. Those are Atlus’ more experimental products so they can go crazy if they want tbh. And these are usually the products people who are biiiiiiiig fans and do want to know more of the crazy lore, will buy.
So how about an example (under the cut cause it’s long).
 In theory Atlus could release a game called “Persona P” and a sequel to that being “Persona S.” The P and the S are obvs word, what those words are can be whatever fits the plot of said games (and maybe even foreshadowing the spinoffs). Tho it should be noted that "S" is drawn in it's latin form "Ƨ" (you can probably see where I might be going with this). Anyway say that Persona P was announced, it's announced just like a numbered mainline game, but, of course, without the number. The game comes out, plays just like a Hashino (or maybe post-Hashino) mainline game in both gameplay and length. Same thing happens when Persona S is announced. The odd thing about these games is that........you aren't sure when they take place on the Persona timeline, like are they after P5? During? Before? Of course Atlus has easter eggs that hint at the place on the timeline, but they're very well hidden. But......there's something not right about this game, as a person who has played the other games something feels off(as this is something a newcomer wouldn't even think of catching). On the TV (that's optional to see of course).....it's stated that Rise would take a break....but didn't this already happen in P4? And it's strange it happened on the same date as it did on P4....actually....the calendar is the same as P4 (and P5).....wait is this taking place in 2011? Or the 2020s? At a later date it's revealed that she'll quit being an idol all together. But that didn't happen in P4! Curious, you begin to try to find all the hidden nooks and crannies of the game. Talk to every NPC, on everyday since there's a chance one of them only states certain things on certain days. Over the course of talking to them you find out about Namatame and his affair, you find out about the murder and/or sexual assault that happened that lead to the arrest of an officer.....but no other killings. So wait the murders didn't happen in P4? So P4 didn't happen? Even more strange, after finish talking to these special NPCs,  their lines are usually followed by a statement in red text stating "It has nothing to do with your problems." Why does this sound familiar? Actually maybe we should talk to Igor....come to think of it Margaret is part of the Velvet Room in this game too.....you didn't think much of it since she's basically fulfilling Marie's role in P4G and isn't really your main VR attendant..... And it’s not like she left the VR like Liz did....wait was Liz mentioned to have left in this game? Or was it Theo?And....it’s funny, the last time Margaret was a support attendant was.....wait.....that's it....it was P3P! And that red text....wait it was just like what Fake!Vincent said in his cameo! Then Persona S comes out, similar things start to happen. Calendar dates are the same as P5. NPCs saying weird things. There's no sign of the Phantom Thieves anywhere.....actually there's no sign of any of the cases Goro caused. But from what you can gather this is 2016 just like P5 was...... Now Atlus has announced a new title, a crossover between P and S (either a fighting game, a Q game, or something else). One of the key themes (at least one I would choose) is mirrors and reflections. Through talking between the VR attendants and diving more into the lore we find out.....that this is a different timeline from the numbered games we are aware of. They run parallel to the numbered games. P is paralleled to 4, and 5 is paralleled to S/Ƨ. Now a new door has opened. The next crossover (spinoff game of course) stars P3, PP, and PS characters, we learn more on how just a change in MC in P3 really changed these timelines. This leads into the next crossover game, one big bombastic crossover of the Male and Female routes. Of course it's like world ending the same as EP and PQ when the timelines were manipulated in those games, of course these crossovers will end with them forgetting, but it's the journey and the fun of seeing all these characters interact.....That’s the main draw of these crossovers.
Or.....we don’t have the big crossover.......Maybe Atlus just......releases a new main branch “what if” series branching from SMT If (but with the Male MC instead)... and/or P3P just to experiment. Maybe it’ll lead to a big crossover, maybe not. Maybe they can use it to explore new possibilities that they weren’t able to before. Or maybe the new director was afraid of living up to Tadashi and Hashino’s legacy so they pushed the soft reset to P3P  or hard reset to IF.... so they can try something new while not having to worry about being tied down to “P6.” Maybe it’s all those things maybe it’s none of those things. The main point is-is that Persona has a lot of potential to do something other’s can’t or haven’t done. Maybe this can lead to a spinoff series for Persona similar to how IF/Persona was a spioff for the mainline SMT, but still have it connected in-universe (unlike Catherine which is....a similar concept but different since the Vincent that shows up in P3P is a fake, also hurry it up on my Catherine/Golden Theater sequel Atlus! ;w;). It’s just.....sooooooo many possibilities. ;w; And it’s just....kinda frustrating it’s not taken advantage of......
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ikevampeventarchive · 5 years
[ERS] Once Again, I Will Fall In Love With You - Vincent
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Route Preview:
Year 2XXX, Paris, France
Having been drawn to a certain painting, I met the artist. His eyes filled with warmth would sometimes have a look of longing, for me…..?
In a place full of memories, the times I’ve forgotten have been awakened---.
[This is an unofficial work based on fan-translation. Copyright belongs to Cybird.]
Warning: Spoilers Underneath.
Route Summary:
Common Route
Year 2XXX, Paris, France
MC’s out on vacation in Paris and she just finished a tour of the Louvre. She thinks its weird she feels nostalgic when it’s her first time in France and brushes it off saying it’s probably because of the dream she’s had for two consecutive mornings already.
She starts feeling a bit tired and decides to go find somewhere to rest when she sees a painting of a woman that looks like her in front of a tea salon. Bewildered by the resemblance she continues to look at the painting when a man calls her attention.
When MC turns around, she sees a man with sweat dripping down his forehead and the moment she looks at his sky blue eyes, a feeling similar to love bursts in her heart. The two stare at each other in silence before the man decides to break it by apologizing for calling her so suddenly and he introduces himself as Vincent, the artist of the painting she was previously looking at. 
He’s apparently doing a solo exhibition at the tea salon and has a meeting coming up afterward. MC tells him the painting was lovely, and deep inside she wanted to ask Vincent more about it but was worried that his meeting might start soon. As she looks at him again, she sees the sweat on his forehead and decides to lend him her handkerchief.
Vincent accepts the handkerchief and wants to thank her properly but MC realizes she hasn’t told him her name. When she introduces herself, Vincent dazedly looks at her as he repeats her name and once he snaps out of it, he smiles and thanks to her again.
He asks MC if she’s in Paris on vacation and she replies that she is and that she only arrived from Japan the day before. MC shares that she felt like she needed to visit Paris especially the Louvre.
She notices she’s been talking for quite some time and apologizes to Vincent but he says that he actually would like to listen to her story more and that he was glad she’s here.
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Vincent: If you like, do you want to look at the painting more closely?
MC got confused because she thought he was in a hurry to go to the meeting but Vincent says he only ran to avoid lack of exercise and that the meeting doesn’t actually start until the evening. He then says there are other paintings and he would love to tell her more about them if it wasn’t a bother.
MC thinks about how there’s no way she can refuse him with the way he was smiling and that she really did want to learn more about the painting now that she was given the chance. She also believes that Vincent isn’t a bad person so she agrees to his request.
Inside the tea salon, as MC sips black tea she thinks about how nice it was getting to hear the stories behind the paintings from Vincent and that even though the artworks at the Louvre were nice, Vincent’s paintings reach deeper in her heart. At first, she thinks it’s probably because the woman in Vincent’s paintings look like her but she feels there’s another reason.
MC tells Vincent it was nice to have a solo exhibition at such a place and he shares that sometimes he rents a bigger place in hopes that someone would notice the existence of his paintings. MC then says it was probably fate that she was able to see the paintings.
At that moment, Vincent stares at her with longing and her chest tightens once again when she looks in his eyes. MC’s confused as to why it feels like she has forgotten something important and asks Vincent if they ever met somewhere before.
Vincent was surprised by her question and was hesitant about saying something when MC realizes what she just said, quickly taking back her words and tried avoiding the topic by drinking her tea.
Just then a man who entered the tea salon went up to their table with a surprised look on his face. MC figures that this man was probably the one Vincent is going to have a meeting with and excused herself, saying she didn’t want to be in the way of his work as well as thanking him for his time. The moment she left, Vincent wanted to go after her when his arm was grabbed by the man, who was revealed to be none other than Theo.
Theo still can’t believe that the woman is MC, telling his brother to be cautious and not follow her or else he might be accused of being suspicious. However, Vincent is determined and explains to Theo that he is aware that there’s no proof and that she doesn’t seem to remember anything but he knows it can’t be a mistake.
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Vincent: I’m the one who’s in love with MC, there is absolutely no reason for it to be a mistake.
Knowing how stubborn his brother is, Theo finally lets go of Vincent’s arm and advises that he should take MC’s handkerchief with him so he has an excuse as to why he needed to see her again. Realizing that he never got to return it, Vincent hurriedly grabs the piece of cloth and headed out in hopes of catching her in time. As Vincent was leaving, Theo looks warmly at his brother’s retreating figure thinking about how the woman they just met was definitely MC.
By the edge of the Seine river, MC can’t seem to get Vincent off of her mind. How his eyes and paintings feel very familiar to her and she can’t understand why. MC suddenly remembers the recurring dream she’s been having but when she tries to think about the dream further, her head starts to ache so she decides that it was probably time to head back to her hotel room.
At that moment, two suspicious men suddenly approach her and try to drag her away at the guise of helping her go back to her hotel. MC was about to tell them to leave her alone when one of the men grabs her wrist, and that was the time Vincent appeared telling them to stay away from “his MC.” 
He pulls the man away from MC as he pushes her behind his protectively as the two men proceed to fight him, however, Vincent dodges all their attacks effortlessly.
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Vincent: If you put this person in any more danger.....I won’t forgive you.
Once the suspicious men realize they don’t stand a chance, they made a run for it and left the two alone. Vincent asks if MC’s alright, she says she is but is confused as to why he’s there. Vincent then pulls out the handkerchief from his pocket, saying he wanted to give it back to her but would like to wash it first before he returns it.
Hearing the sincerity in his words, MC begins to thank him but Vincent says he should be the one to thank her for lending him her handkerchief. She quickly tells Vincent that she is grateful for him speaking up and calling her his earlier since it really helped her out with the suspicious men.
MC notices Vincent’s eyes were wavering before he had a look of determination on his face. He tells her that he meant it when he said she was his. She asks him in surprise if he was joking and Vincent says he is but MC notices his eyes were full of love and pain instead of laughter.
MC feels the need to get to know him better but the moment she told Vincent that, a vision too clear to be a dream flashes in her mind and she realizes she uttered the same words to someone before, but she has no idea who the other person is.
Vincent: I.....already know you.....—
But he suddenly cut off his words and instead, Vincent breathed in as if he were thinking about something before proceeding to talk again.
Vincent: If you would like to thank me, will you model for my painting?
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Chance Meeting End (Sweet End)
The two of us, connected by an unseen thread, fall into a love that cannot be fought for a second time...
“This feeling of ‘love’ towards you, it’s something that is eternally important to me.” 
A few days after Vincent asked MC to model for him, they both went out to a flower field and while Vincent was busy preparing the materials he needed, MC was beside him thinking about the recurring dream she’s been having lately.
She noticed ever since she met Vincent, the dreams are getting more vivid each time but the day goes on as normal the moment she wakes up, and MC can’t help but feel frustrated that she’d forgotten something.
MC’s mind starts to wander off until she felt Vincent’s hands on her cheek, pushing them up to a smile. She was confused at the sudden gesture and he explained that MC looks much better with a smile on her face.
As he starts removing his hands on her face, Vincent smiles warmly at her. MC then jokes that the smile is too forced but Vincent points out that it’s not true since she was really smiling now.
Vincent slowly reaches out his hand towards MC’s cheek but before he could touch her again, he stops and just looks at her in a loving way. MC still quite doesn’t understand what she’s feeling but she can’t shake off that they’ve met each other somewhere before.
MC then tells Vincent about her dream of a mansion in a foreign country and that there was someone who lives there that she should never forget no matter what. For some reason, she thinks that person must be Vincent and she apologizes because as much as she wants to remember him, but she can’t.
Vincent assures her that it’s alright then mentions his promise about finding her again, and how he’s been painting her all this time in hopes MC will see it one day. He says that the past may be important, but right now, he’d rather cherish the future instead, making sure MC fall in love with him no matter what. 
Vincent: From the past until now, the only one I fell for is you. That is the one fact that will never change......
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Vincent: Because this feeling of ‘love’ towards you, it’s something that is eternally important to me.
At this point, MC starts crying from happiness and tells Vincent she’s sure she always wanted to find him. The next thing she knows, she’s enveloped in Vincent’s arms, and he says that just like her, he wants to get to know her better as well.
Vincent: What you’re thinking of, what you're wishing of.....will you tell me again from now on?
Vincent: I always want to know everything about you.
Vincent then slightly loosens his hold on her to gently kissed her on the forehead while MC hugs him in return, and the two stayed in the position for quite some time. Suddenly Vincent looks up to the sky and says that it was probably going to rain really soon which confuses MC since the weather looks good until she felt a drop of water on her cheek.
Before the rain got any worse, they quickly pack up and Vincent suggests they should probably run while reaching for her hand without any hesitation. As he was walking a few steps ahead of her, the view overlaps with a certain scene in MC’s mind.
MC realizes they’ve run from the rain in the same way before and if the two of them would spend more time together, she was sure she’d remember more memories with Vincent as they both focus on their future together.
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Fated Love End (Premium End)
His feelings that have endured over time, rouse sleeping memories within me —.
“The one who charms me, so much that my heart yells out with affection ... there is no one besides you.” 
The moment the two arrive at the flower field, Vincent notes how the place hasn’t changed since then while MC on the other hand still can’t understand why her chest would tighten at times, and it seems she’s been getting the same dream ever since she met Vincent. 
Before Vincent starts painting, he suggests that MC should sit on the chair rather than the ground because she might get tired, and MC can’t help but feel nostalgic as she looks on to see Vincent’s figure in front of the easel. 
Suddenly a gust of wind swept through flipping Vincent’s sketchbook open and as the pages kept turning, MC couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw so many drawings of her smiling. Realizing it was impossible to draw that much in a short amount of time, MC’s heart started beating faster and her mind suddenly fills with memories of their past.
Vincent’s gentle voice calls out to her and MC tells him that he can stop being formal with her now that she remembers everything. When his eyes started watering, she immediately jumped in his arms to embrace him. Vincent tells her they’re tears of joy, saying it was MC who taught him about happiness and love.
MC apologizes for making him wait so long, thinking he probably felt lonely all this time. Vincent gently holds her as he assures her he never felt lonely after she was gone because in his mind he had a clear, unwavering image of her that helped him paint her countless of times.
Vincent: I promised, didn’t I? I’d definitely find you. 
Vincent: I never doubted it once. I’m sure we’ll see each other again. 
MC: But, I could’ve been born in a different country.....
Vincent: I’ll find you no matter what. Because.....
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Vincent: The one who charms me, so much that my heart yells out with affection.....there is no one besides you.
 It dawns on MC that all of Vincent’s drawings are clearly full of love instead of loneliness, she thanks him for keeping his promise and had the strong urge to kiss him. Just as their lips were about to touch, Vincent gently cups her cheek, saying how MC is unfair because he was the one who wanted to initiate the kiss. 
Vincent’s hand moves from her cheek to the back of her head, his tongue tracing her lips which made her gasp and he took that as an opportunity to deepen the kiss. The moment they parted, MC can feel Vincent’s hot breath against her lips.
Vincent: MC, I…..want to take you away.
MC:. T-take me away…..
Vincent: To my room.
After hearing those words from Vincent, MC felt excited and asks if he still lives in the mansion. He confirms it and tells her she’ll probably be surprised that nothing has changed. At that point, she realizes the man she saw at the tea salon was Theo and she would like to talk to him again properly this time now that she remembers everything. She also mentions that there were probably other people in the mansion that she is looking forward to meeting again.
Noticing that Vincent has been quiet for quite some time, she looks and sees he has an awkward smile on his face. He then asks MC what he should do, saying he doesn’t want to take her back to the mansion just yet because he wants to be alone with her.
Much to her surprise, Vincent is possessive and it made her feel hot when she saw the desire in his eyes. MC tells him she wants to be alone with him too and soon his fingertip slides down her neck, his lips soon replacing it as his hands trace her body.
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Vincent: Hey, MC. All of you, give it to me again…..?
As heat rises between the two from the fate of meeting again, Vincent slides his hand across her barely exposed body. Telling her how happy he is he can touch her again as he begins to undress MC while they kiss.
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Vincent: Let out your voice, no need to hold it in.....I want to feel that you're here. 
Note: This is where the paid Epilogue starts.
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Secret End
Once again, until the day you meet again — Relying only on his love for you, the thoughts that he, who has lived for an unending time, has for you is....
(A world where I won’t be able meet you again for the second time, I couldn’t even imagine it.)
One morning at the mansion’s dining room, Theo keeps worrying about Vincent because his chest started aching since the previous day, but Vincent refuses to go to the hospital to have it checked out so Theo’s encouraging his brother to at least tell the symptoms to Arthur who was a former doctor. As Vincent starts describing what he felt lately, Arthur pointed out what the painter is feeling isn’t any illness but love. 
Leonardo points out how could that be the case if Vincent was alone, and everyone in the room all thought of MC. Vincent’s chest suddenly started aching again, and figured now was probably the best time to share the idea that’s been filling up his mind lately. He goes on to tell everyone that he feels different this time and that his chest would only tighten when he thinks about MC which makes him believe that it must mean she was nearby.
No one in the room wanted to say anything to let down Vincent until Theo carefully asks if such a thing was possible, that was when the Comte enters the room saying there is a chance that a bond was formed due to how strong the feelings are, and vampires might feel it more clearly than humans.
Vincent decides to head out to the city to look for MC, he noticed the feeling got stronger when he ended up by the Louvre, the very place where MC found the door that let her travel through time. He thinks about how all this time he doesn’t feel lonely despite not being with MC because the moments he spent with her is always in his memory.
As Vincent began to walk again, he saw a very familiar back on the other side of the road. He quickly ran towards her while screaming her name but due to the heavy traffic of cars, he lost sight of her when he finally was able to cross the street. His chest starts aching again and Vincent doesn’t know whether it’s because of MC or from all the running he’s been doing.
Finally, Vincent sees the figure staring at his painting in front of the tea salon. Even though her face couldn’t be seen, he knew there was no mistaking that it really was MC because Vincent always believed he could recognize her in one glance since he couldn’t imagine a world where he can never meet her again.
Not even bothering to wait to catch until he catches his breath, Vincent calls out to her and she starts to turn around, he wonders what kind of expression he’ll see on her face.
Event Info Post | Mozart Route | Leonardo Route
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tipsoctopus · 4 years
Exclusive: Shaun Wright-Phillips on his time at Chelsea, returning to Man City and the problem with MLS
Shaun Wright-Phillips enjoyed a successful career in football, spanning 18 years, playing for the likes of Manchester City, Chelsea, New York Red Bulls and England. The winger won the Premier League, two FA Cups and the League Cup, and also represented the Three Lions at a World Cup.
During that time, Wright-Phillips became known as a tricky, direct and pacey winger and was often feared by opposing defenders. But how did he put himself in a position to achieve all of that and what did it take for him to make it as a professional footballer?
It’s no secret that making it in football is the dream of millions of kids around the world and it’s even less of a secret that it’s one of the most difficult industries to be successful in.
To make it, you need dedication, sacrifice, hard work and perseverance, and even then it still might not enough to earn a pro-contract. However, there is a new app that is designed to help footballers of all ages to gain an edge both on and off the pitch.
On The Ball is the world’s best football training platform and offers users of all ages and abilities access to tailored training programs created by Premier League players, to help teach real skills and training techniques. With over 1,000 training videos demonstrated by some of the biggest names in the game, users literally have everything they need in one place in order to improve their fitness, skills and technique whenever they need it.
Shaun Wright-Phillips is one of those big names and he sat down with us at Football FanCast to talk us through what inspired him to get involved in the platform and also to talk about his career as a professional footballer…
What made you want to get involved in On The Ball?
“The most important thing is it was something that I never had growing up.
“Me and my brother [Bradley Wright-Phillips] were basically very self-taught. We kicked around on the grass, we tested our skills on each other. We shot at goals in between two trees.
“So we didn’t have something like On The Ball to give us that extra learning before we got to where we were. So before we actually signed for our clubs you could pretty much say we were just raw talent.
“So this is more to give an opportunity for kids to be ready so that if they do get signed with somebody, they at least know the basics and the routines of what training is going to be like and the dedication need.”
What did you do to get an edge over your teammates when growing up?
“I was one of those that when training finished I’d always do extras, even up to when I retired I would always stay and do extra shooting and extra crossing.
“Growing up playing Sunday League, our training program was pretty much at a place called Moonshot in New Cross in South London, and we would just do a few laps around the athletics track and then play 11 v 11.
“There wasn’t really any guidance or certain ways to dribble as such. We just improvised in situations and never really had too many guidelines from the coaches. The coaches at the time were more like,’ I can see you guys want to play football, I’ll help out, I’ll sort the games, we’ll create a Sunday League team’ and in a way, it kept us off the streets.”
Do you think a more relaxed approach to coaching benefitted you?
“I think if the coaches had a way to learn how to train the kids properly and professionally, I think it would have made a difference not only to my career but a lot of other players because there were kids in the area that I grew up with that didn’t have the same self discipline as me, and I feel like the drills and certain aspects of training, create environments where you have to be disciplined.
“You can take that away from training and it makes you a better person, you respect certain situations better, you have discipline within yourself and you treat your body better because you know the load of work that you have to do when it comes to training.”
Why did it take a while for you to settle at Chelsea?
“I think there were a lot of factors at play. Obviously, the older I get the more I’m seeing and the more I’m realizing but in my first spell at City, the ball came to me very quickly and I was always that person who was going to make something out of nothing or get people off their seats.
“I was quite fearless. I didn’t think about it in my head. I was just like, ‘I’m going to beat you, I’m going to cross the ball and hopefully create a chance.’ That was my mindset and I think the difference was, when I went to Chelsea, I had to get used to the fact that it wasn’t just me that could do those things.
“I had to learn to be a bit more patient and then I noticed that times when I was getting the ball, I was trying to do everything too quickly instead of playing my way into the game. At Chelsea I had to take my time.
“I look back now I can say that is was the wrong approach. I just needed to just play the way I play.”
Was that a lesson you had to learn the hard way or did you get feedback from the manager and coaches?
“It was a bit of both. At that time I was a big signing and to be fair, I was becoming an adult and had been playing long enough to be able to solve that situation myself.
“Jose Mourinho and all the coaches, and especially the players and the fans, were amazing at the time for me. I never once felt like I shouldn’t be there, I never once felt like I wasn’t a part of the family.
“I think all that love from the players and especially the fans was something that helped me grow into Chelsea, otherwise it could have been a whole lot different.”
You returned to Man City just days before the takeover was announced – what was that like?
“I didn’t know anything about it! Because it was so close to the deadline, there wasn’t really time to decide whether I wanted to stay at Chelsea or not.
“I wanted to play more for England and I knew I had to play more regularly at that time because the likes of David Beckham, Steven Gerrard, Aaron Lennon and Theo Walcott were all doing well at the time, so many wingers were doing well at the time in the Premier League and so I had to make a decision.
“If I had the chance I would have loved to have finished my full contract at Chelsea.
“But I always said when I left City, before I retire, I will come back one day and thankfully the opportunity came up. I had a call about them and Spurs and when City came up and I just jumped straight at the chance really, I didn’t even think about it.”
Did the mentality at Man City change as soon as the takeover went through?
“I think the mentality has always been the same.
“All the managers that have been there have always known how big City is as a club, and they’ve all had the dream of doing the things they’re doing now. Sadly, in the past they didn’t have the budget to do it.
“I think Mark Hughes set the pace. It was incredible to play under him, he came with entertaining football, we played well on the break.
“I think we were sitting fourth when he got the sack. We couldn’t believe it. But that’s football. When a lot of money comes into the game, a lot of things change.
“But as for them looking forward and changing, I think Man City always had the desire to be where they are now.”
What differences were there in Chelsea and Man City, two clubs you’ve played for that have had massive takeovers?
“From a mentality perspective, Chelsea’s success was instant and City’s was structurally built. From the facilities, the way they’ve bought players. I don’t think they have spent over £60million on a player. They’re more strategic.
“Whereas, when Chelsea were doing it, it was just instant and it worked, but it’s something that would never work again.
“It’s the same if you look at Liverpool where it has been structurally done and they never had a massive takeover. When Jurgen Klopp came in he brought little things in slowly and I think that is a route a lot of clubs will go down from now on if they ever have a takeover.
“Despite that, Chelsea and Man City both had the same aspirations. They both wanted to win titles and play in the Champions League.”
Were there any differences in training methods between the clubs and the national team?
“You could say it was relatively similar, but I  always noticed that whenever we were with England we never played the way we played in the Premier League, we played completely differently.
“I always used to think if a coach came in that just played the way the teams do in the Premier League, England would do well because it’s a system that everybody’s so used to playing in.
“Gareth Southgate has come in and pretty much done that and you can see everyone just seems comfortable with it. It’s entertaining to watch, just like if you were watching a Premier League match.
“I’m not saying they’re unbeatable or that they always play well, but it’s still entertaining to watch. That’s why everybody loves it at the moment.”
What was it like moving to the MLS after playing your entire career in England?
“It was a big change physically. American athletes are athletes!
“There wasn’t a tactical side to it, there wasn’t any slow build-up play or anything like that. It was just, you attack, I attack, and it’ll be like that for 90 minutes.
“When I signed for Red Bulls, I was under Jesse Marsch, Chris Armas, and Denis Hamlett, and they were great coaches, and I’ve worked under some good coaches.
“The philosophy they had, even in the New York humidity of 80%, was literally press for 90 minutes. You literally just aggressively pressed for 90 minutes.
“Don’t get me wrong, it works. But if you’ve got a team, for example, like Man City, or what Orlando did to us, and they beat the first press, you’re wide open. So there was never a backup plan. Managers in Europe, if it doesn’t work for the first 15 minutes, would change.
“Tactically they weren’t as sharp as clubs in Europe. It’s not because they weren’t good enough to change it, they just stayed the way it was in the MLS. For example, Jesse’s gone to Germany now and he’s doing amazingly well.”
Do you think the MLS is catching up with European football?
“No. If I’m being totally honest, I don’t think it will for a while because, in Europe, we’ve got a whole grassroots system.
“But in America, they miss like four to five years of being coached and learning what it takes to be a professional footballer. You either play in the second tier, which they call the USL, and then from that you jump straight to the MLS. There are no bridges, you’re jumping a lot of gaps to get to the MLS without actually being fine-tuned as a footballer first.”
Who was the best manager you played under?
“I’d definitely say Jose Mourinho was the best in my career. But Joe Royle was the most influential because at the time he brought me through,  I was only young and it was all new to me, coming from South London, and he believed in me.
“So he was a key manager in my whole career.”
Lastly, what do you think needs to happen with football during the current pandemic?
“I think they have to cancel it. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to be sat here watching the Premier League in lockdown. There’s nothing to do so I can see why people would want it on but it’s not worth people’s health – these players have all got families.
“I’d rather be bored now and be able to watch the Premier League next year with the Premier League’s greatest players in it rather than them risk it and God forbid anything bad happens. We need to put people’s health before money and TV.
“I would just null and void the season. Liverpool deserve to win the title but then if you give them the title, then you have to give them a bonus and where’s the Premier League making their money from now?
“Then if you give them the title, realistically you have to relegate the three teams. There are like three or four points between them down at the bottom, So then there’ll be an argument on that side. And then if you do that, then you’ve got to decide who’s getting promoted and who wins the play-offs without even going into it.
“So I think it’s a little bit more difficult than just giving Liverpool the title. I would just null and void it, even if they then gave Liverpool a 10/15 point headstart next year.
“But we need people to stop thinking about and just think about staying healthy.”
Become a better coach, improve your fitness and develop your ball skills with the On The Ball App – download on Apple and Google Play now!
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