#i think imma cry
gigifluidcat · 3 months
I am both ashamed and honored to tell you all that I am the ONLY Nate Howard simp in the world. You may give me all the cookies and throw all the tomatoes.
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original video: 'Being a Jerk in Fallout 4's DLC' - ICEnJAM
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yesifitswithyou · 2 years
"i told you i was faithless, which might be true when it comes to the gods, but not with Vex'ahlia [...]. she gives me my power" VEXLETH CRUMBS PLEASE
Keyleth is so gay for the twins
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cant-get-no-worse · 1 year
i’ve got 0 trust in xaviball btw. my faith rest solely on the frail tibias of Frenkie de Jong and Pedri (20 yo sleep deprived) and the restless hormonal rage of Gavi (15 years old driver license deprived)
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yvmoveon · 2 years
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lilbitosunny · 2 years
OH MY GOD first off your art is amazing and second of all I just finished your chosen by the gods fic and I am losing my damn mind it was so good
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sadisthetic · 7 months
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normal kid. normal amount of tears
cropped in version so you can see his face and his goopy ghibli tears i had fun animating
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bernard-the-rabbit · 2 years
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Zuko and Aang being besties ft an emotionally repressed Zuko
[ID found by clicking alt on the piece]
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ywpd-translations · 25 days
Ride 787: The back that was pushed!!
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Pag 1
1: Packed with the passion of everyone in Sohoku... a full throttle injection of will-power!!
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Pag 2
1: Iitsuka-san!!
Goo Fukuoka!!
Oh, Tomaribata!!
Fukuoka, take the mountain!!
2: What about Hakogaku's Manami!?
3: Don't worry about him. He did catch up to me but then suddenly stopped
When I shouted at him, he closed his eyes and fell silent!!
4: Is it because he found out that Iitsuka-san is Fukuoka Josei's “mountain shogun”?
Yeah, probably!!
5: Let's take the lead now!!
Ahead there's also Fujiwara-san from the Kyuushu team Kumadai!!
6: But anyway for a moment I was so scared....
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Pag 3
1: When Hakogaku sent ahead their ace Manami!!
2: I can hear it
4: The first day's mountain prize!! Let's take it, at our hometown's Inter High!!
5: Wait....!!
6: “The sound of wheels”? “He's catching up”?
Could it be that Manami is waiting for someone?
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Pag 4
1: And that's why he slowed down....!?
2: Raise your pace, Tomaribata!!
4: We're still at the start of the mountain, if we use up our legs here....
It's fine, we'll establish a good distance now
Huh!? But
Think, idiot!! If you think about it, you'll get it!! The person Manami slowed his legs down to wait for....
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Pag 5
1: It's Sohoku's “Mountain King”!!
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Pag 8
1: Mountain King!!
2: Fo-fo-for the first day's mountain!?
Why even the Mountain King, even the Mountain King!!
I don't know!! I don't know but that doesn't change the reality!!
3: Last year so many times we couldn't race each other
So I thought that maybe this year too...
4: What do I do if he doesn't come, I thought....
5: I was scared
6: For a while I couldn't even open my eyes
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Pag 9
2: I caught up
4: Thank god it's real!!
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Pag 10
1: You came, Sakamichi-kun
Yeah!! Manami-kun!!
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Pag 11
1: Can we race?
2: Yes!!
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Pag 12
3: Everyone in the team pushed my back!!
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Pag 13
1: Onoda-kun!!
2: He should have caught up with Manami around now!!
3: Onoda-san!!
4: Hahaha!!
5: Back-gate slope-senpai!!
6: At full throttle!!
At full throttle!!
Please run!!
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Pag 14
1: Nghh...!!
2: “Nghhh” it's right!!
3: Ahaha
They're suddenly laughing, let's raise our pace!!
4: It was during your training camp on our first year
5: When we raced for the first time
6: I remember I was so excited when I heard that our names were “Sakamichi” and “Sangaku”
It's the perfect combo!!
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Pag 15
1: I was surprised you didn't even have your feet fastening on
We stopped at the summer house and talked
2: We were so free back then!!
We didn't have any responsibility, not teams nor jerseys!!
3: Ahaha
4: When you're in second and third year the things you have to do increases so much....
5: I'd throw this “captain” title away anytime!!
Hahaha I get it, it's difficult for me too
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Pag 16
1: If someone on my team heard that they would get angry
Doubashi-kun especially would get angry!!
Sounds scary...
4: You're wearing the number “3”
Ah, yeah, uhm, we talked with everyone on the team
Huh.... on official races the winner of the previous year should wear the number “1”
5: I see, leave it to me then
I'll push through, hahaha!!
Thank you!!
Is.. is that alright?
Waa, Pierre-sensei is so reliable!!
6: Your teacher....!!
7: Yeah, “3” like Makishima-san's “173”
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Pag 17
1: I'm also wearing Toudou-san's number “13”
2: “Sleeping beauty”!!
Kuah!! Toudou!!
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Pag 18
1: That day, the first day of the Inter High two years ago
2: While we were pulling the team, I imagined those two fighting for the mountain prize....
3: I'm sure they must be having fun
Fighting until you're empty
It can't not be fun!!
4: We can't go right now, but let's do it
A fight until the last drop, until our limits!!
5: We promised to race
Today may be the day to truly make that wish....
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Pag 19
1: come true!!
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Pag 20
1: Our third year, the last Inter High
2: The first day.... a fight to compete only for the colored bib
3: The purity of this race is infinitely high!!
4: Yeah!!
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Pag 21
5: Let's do it, Manami-kun!!
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Pag 22
2: I've been waiting to hear those words!!
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weadapt · 1 year
I think it’s interesting storytelling how in the beginning of the game Cal says the Sixth Sister’s name, Masana Tide, and reminds her of who she used to be—and it visibly distresses her because it hurts what was done to her and Cal isn’t wrong in what he’s saying. The shocking thing for me was the moment when Cal said “It’s time to set you free”. It was such a surreal feeling hearing Cal say that, those kinds of words, to know he decided it was time to strike her down; it’s understandable because she killed his entire crew, but for Cal to be the executioner in that way was scary to see coming after only experiencing the young kid he was in Fallen Order. Now you really get the feeling Cal has been through a lot, he’s grown as a man since Fallen Order and he’s calloused, not entirely in a bad way given he’d have to be to survive but still in a depressing way, as a result. I know overall and gameplay wise, Cal has killed a lot of people, it’s nothing new, but storytelling wise it’s a serious moment for Cal. It’s a moment you know is going to follow him the rest of the game for character development. After he kills her, it’s made clear by the music and by Cal’s body language that this isn’t a good thing coming from him. It isn’t a triumph. Even BD-1 knows and worries for Cal with his little “Boop…?” and Cal is only able to respond rather shakily, “Yeah… I’m okay”.
When he meets up with Bode and Bravo and they ask him what happened to the Inquisitor, he gives a simple, no emotion, “Dead”. The long pause of Bravo not saying anything in response to me says a lot; it feels like he isn’t used to Cal having a reaction like that.
Then we have Rayvis. Cal defeats him in battle and asks him to join in the fight against Dagan. He doesn’t want to kill Rayvis—“You don’t have to do this”. The oddly tragic part to me is that Rayvis has dreams of seeing Tanalorr again. If Dagan succeeds his dream will be realized, but he’s given up on the dream and wants a warrior’s death now. He wants to die, and in his mind, honorably, by Cal’s hands, and he’s going to force Cal to do it. But for Cal it’s another execution on his part. He pauses before he lifts his saber and kills Rayvis. It isn’t a triumph. Again we’re given a sudden swell of music to tell us the emotion behind the action of killing Rayvis. You can see it’s affected Cal badly. BD-1 seems to ask Cal the same question as before, “Boop…?” but this time Cal doesn’t acknowledge the question and just replies, “We should go”.
Killing Dagan hurts for Cal too. Dagan is a Jedi, someone who held onto the Order, who tied his entire identity to it and all of his goals are focused on restoring the Order and fighting to change the universe. Just like Cal in a way. Dagan is single-mindedly focused on the mission, so obsessively, he lost himself and the one he loved as a result. Cal understands and see the parallel of that kind of drive in his own mission against the Empire and it terrifies him. Dagan could’ve helped him fight the Empire but it became another tragic moment of having to kill a once fellow Jedi. This is another tragedy. Bode doesn’t care about Dagan being dead on the floor but Cal does. Cal has enough respect to place Dagan’s lightsaber on his chest. Cal pauses to reflect but Bode immediately gets back to getting the compass.
We have this interesting arch of reactions to killing his opponents. They were each killed for the mission. It was necessary. They each started the fight against him. No matter the reason though, it’s still very painful for Cal.
Cal is being pushed into this direction of forcing him to question his beliefs and who he is. His whole identity at this point has been tied to the Order, of being a Jedi, and it’s very clear by his conversations in Fallen Order that it really matters to who he is. By the end of Survivor, we have three fallen Jedi: Masana Tide, Dagan Gera, and Bode Akuna. So who is Cal Kestis? What will he become? Is he doomed to fall like they did? That’s what troubles him—“Let’s just say I don’t wanna end up like him [Dagan]”.
He’s afraid he’s going to lose himself.
The fear is almost realized when he’s about to kill another opponent. The one behind the murders of his friends and mentors. Cal’s been killing each of his main opponents up to the point at Nova Garon—this one will be no different. Except killing the man who sent Bode on the mission to infiltrate his team is different. Cal is on the edge of losing himself to the Dark Side. In Fallen Order he pleaded for Cere not to use the Dark Side because “She’s stronger than that”, “[she] still had a choice”. But Cal is failing to remember any of that for himself. He wants to kill because he’s angry, grieving, and in immense pain. Merrin has to bring him back—“This is not you!” There’s a question of whether or not Cal would’ve been able to stop himself if Merrin hadn’t been there though.
When we get to the final battle, Merrin is warning Cal of what’s likely going to happen but he ignores her for a while which prompts her to say, “Well? Say something!” He doesn’t want to acknowledge that Merrin is right and they’re likely going to have to kill Bode, and with that, taking Kata’s father away—a loss of family Cal and Merrin know too much about. So they both try and give Bode every chance to stop and turn away from what he’s done, despite how much Bode had hurt them. Sadly, Cal once again is forced into using the Dark Side to prevent Bode from killing Merrin. It was worth it. It was worth using it to save Merrin. He couldn’t let her be killed. He couldn’t see that happen before his eyes like he had with all of his friends and mentors.
After everything is over, there’s this sickly feeling left behind. Not simply because of Bode’s death, but because of the impact on Merrin realizing Kata has lost family just like she and Cal had, but also because of the impact the death of Bode has on Cal. And after Cal carries away Bode’s body, the music changes to an eerie, ominous, high pitch, minor key when we see Cal board the Mantis. The kind of change in music which lets the audience know there’s something seriously wrong. Things are different now. Cal’s different. And he knows it.
He’s lost in time watching the pyre, reflecting on everything that had happened but also on how grateful he is to Cere, but he knows the impact of her loss will continue to be with him for the rest of his life. Just like Jaro Tapal. Another guiding force in his life is gone. With Cere and Cordova gone, there is no longer any Jedi wisdom to seek out. He’s now alone in that way as a Jedi.
“I’m scared… I almost lost myself… I don’t know if I’m ready.”
Cal and the audience are left with the dreadful realization—
“I don’t know if I’m ready for what comes next”.
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a-driftamongopenstars · 6 months
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foxy-kitsune · 16 days
someone please sedate me right now
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i-am-a-l0st-gh0st · 1 year
A soulmate who wasn't meant to be~ Alhaitham x Gn!reader
Was our relationship just a joke to you...? T/W- angst, slight yelling, break up, mentions of alcohol, no comfort
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"You can't just admit your wrong can you?" You barked
"You're so irratating." Alhaitham just seemed so fed up.
"Oh I'm irratating, you're the one who won't listen to a single thing i say."
"You're being so irrantional."
"Just leave Alhaitham."
"I wish i never married you."
Alhaitham never went out for drinks, but tonight was different. He had just accused you of cheating, and couldn't admit he was wrong. Because he never could, his precious ego would suffer a serious blow.
Usually going out wasn't his thing, be he needed to get out of that house. You were upset and crying and he just couldn't deal with it. All alhaitham could think about is how you were most likely texting other guys. Probably organizing to go over to their places because he was out of the picture.
He drowned his anxiety in more beer, just trying to forget the horrible things he'd said. But it was you who caused this, you had been texting other guys? Hadn't you? He started to feel a little tipsy and the same could be said for another person across the room.
Slowly the girl started to make her way to Alhaitham, tripping and stumbling all while not spilling the drink in her hand.
"Wha.. Whats a hand *hic* some man like yo.. you doing here?"
"Not much"
"Oh co...come onnnn."
"I just felt like going out".
She made advances on Alhaitham but he didn't seem to mind. If you were over him, surely he could have some fun. The girl made her way towards his lips, just trying to get a taste. Still, he didn't resist, letting her take control
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Where the hell is he? You thought.
He had been out for hours, usually, he'd be back by now. He'd always come back... right? You decided to go out looking for him. Despite the argument you missed him, he may have been a bitch, but you still loved him. You wanted to apologize for what you said and maybe get him to as well.
You wandered the streets, looking in every place you thought he could be. It was starting to reach midnight and bars were still open. Maybe he had gone to someone else's house, like Kaveh or Tighnari. Alhaitham was just nowhere to be found.
Well, that was until you walked past the window of a bar. Alhaitham was sitting on a barstool holding a woman on his lap. His lips were pressed against her and she was holding his head to make the kiss deeper.
"What...? Alhaitham..." Tears formed quickly in your eyes, blurring the scene.
You walked into the bar, staring directly at the man. You were shaking and just wanted some type of explanation. No, he didn't deserve to get one.
He stopped the kiss and looked at the voice who called him named. "Honey?"
He stood up pushing the girl off his lap and ran towards you. "Love you here!" His words were slurred he was obviously drunk.
"Don't call me that. Was our relationship just a joke to you?"
"Don't play dumb with me, I watched you make out with another person. And right after you accused me of cheating as well." The tears were leaving stains on your cheeks and they were refusing to stop coming. "We're over Alhaitham."
You went to walk out as he grabbed your wrist and pulled you in for a kiss. "Don't touch me."
Even if he was drunk he could see you were pissed. "Y/N don't leave me, please. I love you."
And with those 3 words, you walked out of the bar whispering,
I loved you too..;
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theserlingbucket · 6 months
A really sweet moment from Dingdong (and Julians) stream on March 20th that I thankfully snagged
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ivymarquis · 7 months
How am I supposed to go out into the world and attempt to date, knowing that John Price is a figment of our imaginations and not real. What is even the point
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tategaminu · 8 months
Watching Hazbin Hotel feels like going through the five states of grief
Episode 1 is denial‚ episode 2 and 3 are anger‚ episode 4 and 5 are bargaining‚ episode 6 is depression and episodes 7 and 8 are acceptance.
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pinacoladamatata · 2 months
so like i was dressed up as ellen ripley, right, and some little girl saw me and started tugging on her dad's shirt excitedly going "dad! dad it's ripley! ripley's here!" and her dad turned around and saw me and was like "yes she is! that's why we're safe from the alien!"
and i
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