#i think it may be partially the heat making things worse but this does happen literally anytime of the year
zarovich · 1 year
need to go to the neurologist again but i'm afraid they be like "yea something is wrong but we can't figure it out sorry, btw you owe us 50 million dollars lol" ughhhh
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evilwriter37 · 2 years
First of all I'm sorry to hear about you being in pain. It sucks.
That said I thought I would share some tips to see if you find anything worthwhile :
Drink lots (you seem to already be doing that so good!) Lower the blood pressure : little foods like almonds, pumpkin seeds and pistachios all work to lower the blood pressure which relieves a lot of symptoms including cramps and bloating. Why not pretend you're a hamster for a bit? More substantial foods if you can keep them down are: fatty fish, especially salmon, spinach, broccoli, carrots, and tomatoes. Greek yogurt, citrus fruits (personally I'm partial to tangerines), and beets/beet juice.
Talking about food try anti-inflammatory foods: (you're already doing it with the raspberry tea, but if you know what you're looking for you may try having it for dinner or something)
Stretching: I know. Trust me I KNOW. When you're there curled up and someone suggest stretching of all things the usual response is cat-like hissing. I understand. Problem is it actually works (kind of mad about it actually. It has no business working and YET!).
You don't have to do anything big, just the lying down leg stretches (lying with your belly up you fold a leg under you, then the other, then both), or the forward bends. I know it sounds counterintuitive but you'll have to trust me on this one.
Heat: since you're not currently loosing any blood, add a heat pad or something warm all around your midriff. On your back near the kidneys works best in my experience
Vitamin D and Magnesium: this is more pre-emptive than anything but try a supplement (especially if you live in a northern country and/or haven't seen the sun in a while)
Stress relief: anything that will let the tension you're keeping GO.
Do not underestimate the importance of a good scream. Just.. A primordial Scream. Scream your heart out.
And those were my go-to tips. I hope you could find something you can use. Sending best wishes for you to feel better soon.
If all else fails know I'm available to hear a good rant.
Thank you!!! I pretty much do all of this save for the stretching. I have tried stretching and exercise for this and just finds that in me personally, it does make the pain worse. Other than that, this stuff tends to work. I didn’t know that about almonds or pistachios though! (Thinking about the big bag of pistachios I have downstairs.)
And oh man, I would love to scream, but live in a duplex and don’t want the neighbors to hear. Am doing a lot of stress relieving stuff though, like digital cross stitch and coloring. About to add music to the mix.
I think this is happening so badly because I’m supposed to get my birth control injection tomorrow. It’s the thing that’s been keeping me period-free, so before and after it I tend to feel like shit. It’s awful.
Again, thank you. Will try the foods if I can find any.
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aetheternity · 4 years
Hard Pass P3 (Levi X Reader)
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Synopsis: Levi is forced out of his comfy dorm room and in a strange twist of events right into your arms at a college party.
Levi was relieved for the silence as he clicked away at his keyboard. Mike had gone to his only late class of the entire week. Which meant Levi could actually study in his room.
The scent of tea and the small aroma diffuser on his desk as well as the open window in front of him welcomed a nice calming smell that was normally masked by Mike's gym bags and sweaty clothes. Which reminded Levi of the laundry he would have to do soon.
He pressed his tea cup to his lips feeling a twinge of irritation as he was interrupted by two knocks on the door. He looked down at the time. 6:15. A little too early for Mike to be back complaining that he'd forgotten his keys.
Then it was probably one of his girls complaining that she'd left her shit in the room. If Levi had a dollar for the amount of times that had happened he could pay for a new roommate.
The next couple knocks were a bit louder. "Levi? It's Y/N.."
His face practically exploded. He stood far too fast because just as quickly he was flopping over his stupid desk chair and hitting the floor with a hard thud. He gasped audibly tugging at his knee and gritting his teeth.
"Levi? Are you ok?" Came her voice again.
He pulled himself up with a huff and staggered over to the door. Unsurprisingly he had to limp. With a quick turn of the lock he yanked open the door right into his forehead. God fucking dammit.
He groaned in a mix of fury and disgust partially because he'd idiotically stood so close when opening the door and partially because he hated the stupid inanimate object.
"Oh my god! Are you ok?" Y/N gasped, squeezing herself inside and shutting the door behind her. "Let me see? Did you hit your eye?" She asked
Her fingers were so delicate as she brushed aside his hands. So close.. Her thumb traced the already appearing red spot on his forehead. Soo close.. She brushed his hair to the side cupping his cheeks to gently reposition his head towards the light. Close....
She breathed out a little chuckle. "It's probably gonna bruise."
Levi barely registered her words. Occupied with her beautiful eyes illuminating moonlight and the dim lights in his room. His lips parted ever so slightly. When her hands fell away he gulped and jerked his head back. Trying to find literally anything to take the edge off.
"I'll.. go find you an ice pack, ok?" Y/N began already heading for the door.
"K-knee.." Levi tried and mentally cursed himself.
"Huh?" She asked, turning back.
"M-my.. t-two please.."
Her smile was gentle, "Two ice packs. Got it." And with a little wave she was out the door. Her lingering touch still causing heat to pool in Levi's chest.
"Aww sweetie, are you sure you're ok?"
He was not. Definitely not. One of her hands was on his uninjured knee and the other was brushing his hair away from the ice pack. He didn't even know if he'd breathed in the last 20 minutes. His brain echoing the word sweetie.
The two of you had been sat on his bed as he uncomfortably laid his head back on the wall. Trying and failing to not fixate on your touch. Every brush of your fingertips was downright intoxicating.
"You look kinda red. Do you wanna try seeing a doctor or something?"
"N-no.." It was barely audible but he knew she heard when she nodded.
If there was a hole nearby he would crawl into it and never come out. Though he also didn't wanna move as the fear of making this situation worse for himself stayed ever present.
"Let me see?" He partially removed the ice pack from his forehead, spine tingling over the way she sucked in a breath. "You should be more careful."
Levi didn't answer. Just squeezed his legs closer together and sighed. In all the time he'd been in this room he'd never hit himself in the face with the door. Just what kind of power did this girl have over him.
"I know because my little cousin has done stuff like this but you should put some cream on the bump so that it doesn't get redder and it'll go down faster."
Little cousin? That wasn't a fair comparison. Little kids do stupid things cause they're kids. Did she think about him that way? Uggghhhh.
He was yanked from his thoughts by her hand coming down to squeeze his. "Are you positive you're ok? Do you need anything else?"
"I-I'm fine.."
Just as Levi said that his attention was brought to the door. Mike had barely stepped into the room and he was already grinning like a fucking idiot.
"Well, hello." He greeted, stepping closer. "Levi, you didn't tell me you were inviting anyone over. Especially not a pretty girl."
Y/N's chuckle was nervous, "Hello, you must be Levi's roommate." She stuck her hand out which Mike immediately took placing one hand on top of their joined hands.
"And you must be Y/N." He said "I've heard so much about you."
His teasing was met with a glare that could slice concrete. If Levi had known Mike was gonna come straight back to the room he definitely would've gotten rid of Y/N sooner.
"Oh? Really?" Y/N turned to look at Levi behind her. "You told him about me?" It was a split second thing but Levi could've sworn her features softened.
"Oh, no I meant Hange." Mike replied
Oh? Was she disappointed? It sounded disappointed? Did she want Levi to talk about her?
"But at no point did Hange tell me you were this pretty. Neither did Levi honestly, I'm kinda disappointed."
Alright that's enough of that. Levi stood. Placing the ice packs on his bed.
"You should probably leave." He gritted his teeth at how harshly it came out.
Now Mike was letting go of Y/N's hand. "Oh wait! I came to get my phone. Hange said you had it."
Levi blinked. He'd almost forgotten about that. It had been sitting on his desk since yesterday. His knee was screeching in absolute horror as he staggered his way over to his desk.
"What the hell happened to you?" Mike asked, clearly trying to hold back a snicker.
"Aw, it was an accident. I scared him."
Levi returned with the phone shooting daggers into Mike who pretended not to notice.
"Thank you." She breathed a sigh of relief.
"Did you put your number into it?"
Levi's face perked up a little. "Yes."
"Ok, then I'll text you later." She assured, brushing her finger tips over his forehead once again. "Goodnight boys." And with those last words she took off.
"Faking an injury?! I didn't think you had it in you!" Mike celebrated as soon as she was gone.
"Dickhead." Levi scoffed.
"Hey, is that any way to talk to the best friend who just confirmed your biggest fear moot?" Mike plopped down on his bed with a playful huff.
Levi flopped down into his desk chair, staring up at the ceiling. "One you're definitely not my best friend especially after that shit. And two I'm not you I don't fake shit to get girls."
"That would totally be hurtful if it wasn't true." Mike shrugged "I meant the fact that she doesn't have a boyfriend."
Levi practically flipped himself out of his chair. "How do you assume that."
"Simple. Hange told me about her ex boyfriend. By the way it was probably that guy that took her from the library that day. And Hange says that a lot of guys find Y/N attractive. Because of this her ex got too overprotective and they broke up. But he had no reason to be because Y/N would always tell people she had a boyfriend or at least around Hange she did."
Levi stared at his barely drunk tea. The liquid probably cold after being left on the table so long. So she had dated that guy.. He had been so tall and pretty muscular looking, was that her type? She didn't seem like she was going to get back together with him.. but he was still around.
"All I'm saying is she seems loyal. You better snatch her up before someone else does or she gets back together with her ex."
His attention was drawn away by his phone softly buzzing on his table. He pressed the on button, swiping his pin and clicking the notification as it popped up.
Hey Levi, it's Y/N.
Listen ik you said you're ok but I bought you some cream just in case. I'll bring it to you tm ;)
His heart fluttered and ached remembering her touch and her kind words. If he didn't full blown know Mike was staring at him he would probably hug his phone.
Too much time had passed and suddenly the whole school was on break. Levi had been dreading this. Not because he was a workaholic like Mike claimed but because he knew Hange was gonna drag him away and make him vacation.
And no form of vacation could possibly be more relaxing for him than curling up in bed with some books, doing some casual cleaning, and drinking tea with light music playing at all times. Mike was definitely going home during this time so it'd be the perfect way to spend his break.
But Hange's family owned a couple lodges and that meant another year of begging for Levi to come ski and freeze his fingers and toes off.
"Come on, Levi!"
"Absolutely not."
"Erwin!" Hange called to him where he sat on Levi's bed, scrolling through his phone.
"You knew he was going to say no." Erwin replied
"Which is why I brought you to help me make my case." Hange complained
"You clearly made an error in judgment then." Erwin retorted
Mike laughed from where he was laying on his own bed. "Might as well give it up Hange, Levi is just too stubborn about this. We all know he wants to be close to all my junk while I'm gone cause he'll miss me."
"I wouldn't hesitate to tell your stalker where you're going over break." Levi spat
"She'll figure it out anyway. She's a high class stalker. And I'm not her first." The room fell in uncomfortable silence but Mike just leaned back giving his full attention to his phone screen.
"That disturbing remark aside.." Erwin began shaking his head. "I'm going."
"And that's supposed to change my mind? How'd Hange force you into it?"
"It may stun you but I chose to go through with this all on my own. There are studies that claim it's good for the mind to get away from normality during breaks or away from your comfort zone to properly clear your mind. It'll also help you make less mistakes when classes resume."
Hange smiled, "Yes, that's exactly what I was thinking."
Levi rolled his eyes. "If I go you can't beg me next year." Hange's loud shrill screeching made Levi's heart drop out of his ass.
"Finally!!" Hange screamed in excitement as she wrapped her arms around Levi's neck.
"Get off already! You're such a pest!"
And that was how Levi ended up on a train for almost three long hours with Hange blabbering on about nothing and Erwin sat in the seat across from the two of them listening to podcasts while staring out the window of his own very sad music video.
And all of the crap Erwin had spewed about getting away being more relaxing proved to be completely from the ass as Levi shivered along wrapped in two scarves, a pair of gloves, his long green coat that fell around his ankles and a winter hat plopped over his ears.
"Walk faster Levi! Is that the best your little legs can do?!" Hange called, somehow racing her way up the slope with three bags. One that wasn't even hers
Levi grunted in irritation. Not only were they walking up a hill but it was covered in snow so deep that every step felt like he was falling.
"Do you need help?" Erwin asked, not waiting for Levi to respond as he hoisted the overnight bag off his shoulders.
Levi just huffed. "I swear Hange was made in a lab."
"As possible as that is, Hange was basically raised in the snow so this is the equivalent of dust for her." Erwin replied as the two of them trudged along.
"Her parents own multiple ski lodges why the hell did we go to the one up a fucking hill."
"The other closest one was more than 6 hours away. Did you really wanna be stuck on a train with Hange for more than 6 hours?"
Levi just groaned as they finally walked through the surprisingly big doors of the huge ski lodge. Hange raced over to the front desk as Erwin slipped onto the lobby couch, followed by Levi who was still kicking snow off his boots and his second bag.
"What's in that bag?" Erwin questioned, nodding to the luggage Levi had yanked over his lap.
He exhaled loudly giving the bag a couple soft pats. "Clothes, extra boots, extra gloves, two bottles of cleaner and a small box of tea as well as some light reading material."
"When are you gonna have time to read? We're going to be skiing most of the time we're here."
"If you think I'm getting on a ski lift you have less working brain cells than Hange."
Erwin smirked with a roll of his eyes, "Alrighty then, what's in this bag."
"All of the shit that didn't fit in this bag, toothpaste, toothbrush, cologne, extra pairs of underwear-"
"Woah, Levi you can't just talk about your underwear in a public space." Erwin chuckled at his own joke.
Levi rolled his eyes, "It's bad for your health to hang around Mike as often as you do."
"How is it you're not dead yet then?" Erwin retorted
Hange had been chatting up the receptionist for almost 15 minutes, bouncing up and down in front of the desk and indulging him in the stories of their travel up here. The man just gave her a sheepish grin and honestly Levi felt a little bad for the man but a little less when he thought about how it wasn't his problem anymore.
Moblit.. his name tag read. Somehow Hange's mannerism seemed more crazed with him if that was even possible.
"Yeah.. it has been so long." He heard the man say. You got.. taller..
"We're never getting out of this lobby are we?" Erwin sighed as the two continued to chatter on. Levi and Erwin stared as Hange continued on about her car with a surprising amount of engagement from the other party. "You know they kind of remind me of you and-"
"Hey, Hange!" Erwin cut himself off as a brown haired girl that Levi instantly recognized hopped down each step, a bald boy following her. And Levi believed he remembered them from Y/N's stories as Connie and Sasha who he remembered from the party.
"Hange, what're you doing here?" He asked as the brown haired girl gave her a hug.
"My family owns the lodge so I brought Erwin and Levi for the break!" Hange said, pulling Connie into side hug that he immediately reciprocated.
"Oh god! Why didn't you tell me your plans for break? Jean would've driven all of us up here and you wouldn't have had to waste gas."
Hange just shook her head. "It's quite alright I was already out of gas so we just took the train up here."
"You didn't put gas in your car again?" Connie asked
"Wait, if you guys came then does that mean Y/N is here?" Hange asked completely dodging Connie's question.
At her name Levi bounced out of his seat. Almost launching himself into the spot next to Erwin. Pulling his hat over his eyes and sliding his back as far into the chair as he could.
"What's up with you?" Erwin questioned
"I embarrassed myself last time I was with Y/N.."
"What? Didn't she buy you cream like a month ago?"
"Y-yeah." Levi shimmied his feet together as he slid further down in his seat.
Erwin's chuckle next to him made him grimace. "I know you don't really get it Levi. But uh, making an ass out of yourself in front of your crush is the first real hurdle to knowing you've got it bad."
"Shut up.."
"It could've been worse.. You could've accidentally injured her. Or got caught by the loud mouth in your class while writing her first name and your last name in a notebook."
"Sounds like a personal story.." Levi replied, inching the hat off his eyes to look up at Erwin.
Erwin scoffed, "Point is it happens." He said with a roll of his eyes.
Levi let out a little snicker that instantly got caught in his throat. It had never occurred to him that he'd actually paid attention to the romance movies he'd seen a hundred times with his mother. But now that Y/N was walking down the stairs it was like a scene from all of those movies combined.
Her smile just as warm as always. Turtleneck sweater hugging her features along with dark blue jeans and brown boots. Each step felt slower than the last as if everything in this particular room had been put on the slowest speed imaginable.
The butterflies in his stomach swarmed like they were all chasing after one specific thing. Everytime she appeared somehow it was different.
"We're still going skiing today right?" Connie questioned as Y/N stopped on the last stair.
"If Jean's up to it sure." She replied, her cheeks flushed like she'd just walked in from outside.
"Well this is gonna be a fun weekend." Erwin said but Levi didn't even register his words. His heart stammering in his chest. "Go make a fool out of yourself." Erwin nudged
"Hey Jean! Come on!" Connie said
"Yeah, Jean I'm hungry!" Called Sasha
Levi's heart stopped, his chest crumbling in on itself. The same guy from before.. just as soon a loud crash sounded and everyone turned all at once.
"Oh god are you ok?!" Y/N was the first person by Hange's side followed by Moblit from behind the counter.
Hange let out a laugh, wincing as she pulled herself up with Moblit and Y'N's help.
"I'll be ok. Just took a little spill." She continued to laugh.
Erwin was soon standing by her side. "Are you sure, you're alright? Your face is super red.."
A momentary lapse in Hange's facial features made Erwin step back a little. "Shut up Erwin." She huffed
"You fell on your side. You should rest a little bit." Moblit said, coming closer. "Just.. in case."
"Ok.." Hange replied
Y/N seemed to relax at this information. Her gaze immediately falling on Levi surprisingly. He really hoped he didn't outwardly wince.
"Hi, Levi." She spoke plainly giving Erwin a small greeting as well before her, Connie, Sasha, and Jean were leaving the lobby.
Hange and Erwin unsurprisingly crowded into Levi's room about five minutes after the whole ordeal. But Levi couldn't even bring himself to wipe one thing down like he'd wanted to. He just laid still on the bed, eyes planted to the ceiling.
Surprisingly Hange had also stayed silent. Her eyes shut where she laid next to Levi.
"I can't believe you broke the handle on my luggage Hange." Erwin called still sat on the floor holding his luggage in one hand and the handle in the other. Pressing the broken part of the handle to his bag as if it'd be that simple to fix.
"Now what am I supposed to do?"
"It broke my fall Erwin. Be grateful."
"For what exactly?"
"I don't know!"
Levi blinked, his gaze falling on Hange for the first time since she took that spill in the lobby. Her hands were crossed over her stomach, thumbs rubbing the spot where she fell.
"Are you alright or not?" Levi questioned
"I'm fine."
"Ok, I know why Levi's upset but why're you?" Erwin chimed up
"What's Levi upset about?"
"What else? Y/N."
"Uggggghhh Levvviiiii why don't you just ask her out already?" Hange said
Levi sat up on the bed pulling his feet into his chest. Shoes long gone, pushed up against the wall as soon as they'd walked into the room.
"I'm not talking about this shit anymore this week."
"Levi, if we're staying here all of this week and next then chances are she's also staying here all week and next. Which means somewhere in here is a perfect opportunity to-"
"Get in her bed." Hange interrupted
"Or something less crass." Erwin suggested "You did pack condoms in your emergency undies bag right?"
"Did you pack a spare handle in yours?"
Hange's obnoxious laughter was almost loud enough to muffle the low knocks on the door. Her irritating jabs to Levi's shoulder quickly halting when Levi grabbed her fingers.
"Who is it?" Erwin asked, one hand on the door.
"It's Y/N.."
Now Hange stopped laughing. Erwin shrugged as he looked back at both of them before pulling the door open.
"Hey, here." Y/N sounded filled with fatigue as she handed over a small bottle to Erwin.
"Oh! Thank you! Where'd you get this?" Erwin smiled with delight immediately flopping back down next to his bag.
"Jean carries around extra strength glue because Connie always manages to break something fragile." Y/N replied "I doubt it'll work but maybe it'll help a little?"
Erwin nodded happily as Y/N turned to look at Hange. Her hands balled up and her fingers fidgeting where she was pulling at them.
"How's your rib Hange?"
"It's ok now, thanks for asking."
Y/N nodded and at this moment everyone in the room was looking at Levi who automatically felt extremely naked.
"Levi um.. can I talk to you? In the hall?"
Levi didn't know if he had nodded in his head or in real life but he was swiftly moving across the room. Passing Y/N where she stood and then holding the door open as she walked out just behind him. The door shut behind the two of them and if Levi felt naked before the feeling out here was somehow worse.
"What happened?"
Levi could hear the slightly muffled footsteps on the other side of the door and even a whispered Hange as Y/N spoke. His hands felt both too dry and wet all at once as he looked into her mildly menacing gaze.
"Wh- where wh-when.."
"You barely said anything to me after I brought the cream for your forehead. What happened? Did I do something wrong?"
Oh god how can she possibly assume that? Levi felt his stomach clench. He had never had it easy with text, which was why he pretty much always called everyone.
"I-I didn't mean.. it um.." He shuffled his feet a bit now remembering that he still had no shoes on.
Y/N sighed. "I wanna be your friend Levi. Please tell me you want that too."
With a deep breath he replied, "Call me."
"Anytime.. I'm a bad t-texter.."
When her facial features softened Levi felt his shoulders finally sag for the first time since he'd heard her name in the lobby. "Ok.. oh ok, that's all it was? I thought I did something wrong. I'm glad we talked."
And Levi was barely registering her hands wrapping around his shoulders. Her body pressing oh so comfortably close to his. Hand sliding over his back, scent overwhelming his nose. And then just as soon it was all being taken away.
"I'll call you, ok?"
"Ok.." Levi's hand was still waving long after she'd already disappeared out of plain view.
"Oh god you're her friend!" Hange laughed the door suddenly yanked open behind Levi.
"It's as cute as it is sad." Erwin clicked his teeth.
"Tch, shut up." Levi stomped back into the room.
"Levi, you're in the friendzone!" Hange huffed as Erwin shut the door. "And if you don't get out of it. You're gonna be the short shoulder to cry on when some big dude with an invalid drivers license, a shit ton of tattoos and a porn addiction breaks her heart."
"That's oddly specific.." Erwin retorts
"All of you keep assuming I wanna be her boyfriend. I don't!"
Erwin rolled his eyes, "That tall guy that she was with actually. I think he'll be the guy who has her running to Levi's shoulder."
"Oh you mean Jean?" Hange nods "But they broke up a while ago."
"Then why is she still hanging out with him?"
"He's Sasha and Connie's best friend. So they've all known each other a while. They're a set, don't separate type deal."
"Then it's only logical that Y/N will marry Jean someday. You know if they all stay so close."
"Yup, definitely."
"You can both eat shit."
Day one
Levi strained awake, blinded by the harsh sunlight stabbing his eyes through the uncovered window. He couldn't even remember when he'd fallen asleep last night but he could already tell it was too early for everyone else to be awake.
He could recall a couple things from last night. Hange overstaying her welcome in his room, Erwin suggesting that Hange pay for his fucked up luggage and somethings he would rather not think about.
Preferably the others joining in his room to discuss breakfast plans. At which Sasha had suggested the diner they had already planned to go to early in the morning. Levi's heart sank as he recalled Y/N's gorgeous smile directed to Jean who had stood behind her rubbing her shoulders and whispering in her ear.
He squeezed his eyes shut, standing from his bed and immediately working to straighten out the sheets before eyeing the book he'd unpacked last night.
Maybe he could get some reading done before Hange inevitably came to annoy him.
The one he was currently holding was of a dog wearing a big floppy hat in the mist of sunflowers. He quickly matched it with his black and white sweatpants. And with a small sigh he headed to the bathroom.
He thumbed at the spine of the book, sliding his finger between the pages to the current bookmark. A shower would probably be a better start to the morning though. He set the book down unzipping one of his bags and pulling out the first pair of clothing folded at the top. Levi hadn't remembered packing one of his mother's many silly birthday gifts to him. She had always bought him shirts with pictures on them that confused him.
He didn't even remember the last time he'd had a shower that was hot for more than five minutes. Or the last time he could look down at his feet without seeing a hair monster in the drain.
He took a couple extra minutes to completely wash his hair, combing his fingers through the strands before shutting off the water and quickly getting dressed.
As he reentered his room he remembered the random gaze Jean threw his way. The smirk on his lips, the taunting glare and then just as quickly it was over. And he was talking to her like nothing had happened.
Levi had never once in his entire life thought about having a girlfriend. It just wasn't something that absorbed his thoughts but he knew the second he saw that smirk on Jean's face what he wanted to be to Y/N.
He just couldn't imagine how.
His fluffy towel hugged his head as he popped open the book he'd discarded a couple minutes ago. He pulled his feet in closer to his body tracing the letters on the page, delving into the story-
Two fucking seconds.. that had to be a new record.
A barrage of harsh knocks sounded outside his door and he yanked it open to see Hange standing there out of breath with a barely alive looking Erwin behind her. Excitement flooding her features as she pushed past Levi with Erwin in tow. A blue toothbrush almost falling from his lips.
"You couldn't let him finish brushing his fucking teeth?" Levi grunted, shutting the door behind the two of them. Erwin sighed his eyes shut, toothbrush dangling from his mouth. "Why're you here?"
"We're all going for breakfast remember?"
"Not for another thirty minutes." Levi narrowed his eyes and leaned back against the tv table.
Hange smiled, "Yup and that means we have enough time to figure out a game plan to get you and Y/N together by the end of today." Hange clapped excitedly though both Erwin and Levi couldn't possibly look less enthused.
"I don't need your help."
"Erwin, back me up here!"
"I'm not doing shit since you didn't let me spit and I had to swallow toothpaste." Erwin remarked, squeezing the bridge of his nose.
Levi's face scrunched up and Hange let out a snort. "Why did you swallow it.. you could've just spit it out in the hall or something."
"That's fucking disgusting." Levi grunted
"Why the hell would I do that?" Erwin asked
"You're not supposed to swallow toothpaste duh!"
Everyone huffed all at once and Levi flopped down next to Erwin on the bed. "If I need any help I'll ask.." He mumbled already feeling heat fly to his cheeks.
"We're finally gonna get you a girlfriend Levi!!" Hange squeezed his body in a tight hug.
Just as Levi was about to push her away a couple of soft knocks sounded on his door again, "We're leaving a little earlier, hurry and come downstairs."
Before the car had even pulled up back at the lodge Hange was already screaming about going skiing. Erwin had asked if Levi wanted to which he'd replied with a scoff.
"Really? Cause there are plenty of chances for Y/N to fall on you. Or you to fall on her." He shrugged.
Levi just rolled his eyes and at that Erwin gave up and now he was standing at the freezing cold railing watching everyone go down the stupid slope for what had to have been an hour or so. How'd he end up with bag watch? He didn't even wanna come outside.. He blew on his fingers trying and falling to warm them. At this point he felt exhausted, absolutely none of his clothes were keeping him warm.
With a sigh he pulled Hange and Erwin's bags up onto his shoulder along with Sasha and Connie's belongings. If he could manage to get upstairs he could warm up at least a little. A hot cup of tea practically beckoning him.
It took him only a couple seconds to realize he didn't have Y/N's bag. He looked around for a couple seconds. Did she bring a bag outside? Did he lose her bag?? He'd only left once to got to the bathroom. Did someone steal it.. Shit. He grumbled in disgust. Where could he have left it?
Feeling a bit panicked he headed towards the stairs. Blood running cold, his eyes practically bouncing out of his skull. His heart stopped at the display in front of him. Jean's hand on Y/N's waist as she leaned forward on the railing. Their lips pressed together..
(Hey Siri, play Heartbreak Anniversary by Giveon.)
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watermelonbird · 3 years
A fanfic of Quackity learning how to care for his employees, starting with a slime
I sent an ask about this and you wanted to tagged so @dreamsclock here this is!
Charlie is a weird dude Quackity has to admit. His decision to recruit him seemed smarter at the beginning. Learning about the slime makes him more hesitant to include him in anything. But right now he’s acting odder than usual.
¨I am a normal human and since you are also a normal dude, can I ask you a question, person to person?¨ Charlie asked, pushing into Quackitys office.
¨Fine, keep it quick¨
¨Well, my head hurts? And I am kinda achy? And I feel super warm? And-
¨Charlie! That is all just normal human stuff, that if you were a human, you would know, and since you definitely are a human, these things must be normal to you!¨
¨Us humans are some strange creatures, aren't we? Charlie says with an attempted smile on his face.
¨Mhm yeah, just get out of my office.
Charlie did not realize being a human would be this difficult with all the pains and gross feelings people have to go through. He just wishes he could go back into a nice damp hole.
Quackity called a meeting of some of the members of Las Nevadas.
¨I need some dirt on Karl and Sapnap because they have a riviling country or territory or whatever type of paradise that Kiniko Kingdom is. And that can be dangerous to my whole operation!¨
¨I think, and this might be a dumb guess but perhaps its a Kingdom? Just an idea¨ Purpled muttered.
¨I don't need any of your fucking sass.¨ Quackity rubbed a hand over his face, carefully missing his scar, ¨this is why you dont work with teenagers, they all fucking suck. You and Tubbo and Tommy and even that Ranboo kid was an annoying pushover!¨
¨Dude, it's obvious that the only reason you want to spy on those two is because you miss dating them! It's fine. Love fails, you gotta move on¨ Foolish sighed
¨Where Charlie? I want a nice person who respects me!¨
¨I respect you Quackity and while I do not know what Kiniko Kingdom is since I have kinda been in isolation for a while, I would not mind checking it out!¨
¨Course Fundy, you're such a good pal but I want you to lay back and relax, you don't have to worry about what's happening at all.
¨Cool, yeah yeah I understand¨
Quackity walks over to Charlie's room which was right next to his.
¨Slimecicle, what's been up with you? I'm a very busy man and I can't afford for my spy to get lazy, you understand me?
¨Ah, well I heard that when humans get sad or feel bad we just lay down so¨
¨We don't have time for this Charlie! We dont have time for your stupid crisis! I need you to suck it up because that's what humans do!
Quackity grabs one of the slime man's arms and immediately regrets it looking at the slime residue that rubbed off on him. He pulls up Charlie and fixes his shirt.
¨Besides we’re friends and it really sucks that I am working my ass off and you are just lazing around because of a little emotion. Nothing like that has ever held me down!¨
Charlie yawns, ¨You make a good point Quackity of Las Nevadas.¨
¨Of course I do, and I´m so excited to see the info you catch of the residents of Kiniko Kingdom, you can do that right?¨
¨Sure! I got you, friend!¨
Charlie knew he wasn't being the best friend to Quackity but he was not feeling as good and goopy as usual.
But this was his first official spy job and he was gonna do a great job and extra show that he does not need to be killed! Quackity gave him slight directions but seemed strained talking about this place. Charlie wondered if it had anything to do with the drama of their recent relationship and if they were still together or not. But he's sure that this spy job is for purely professional reasons and totally not a pathetic attempt to see if his exes miss him!
Charlie went along the path he was told but he saw a small damp looking hole and decided to jump in. He had really missed this environment. The Casino was always really warm and Charlie wanted to ask Quackity to lower it but the one time he did, the duck hybrid got teary and muttered that if his fiance was here, the heating system wouldn't be necessary.
Slimicicle had felt lightheaded the past few days and he figured a nap would be the perfect way to rejuvenate. Not thinking about his mission or when he was expected back.
Quackity was kinda freaking out, It had been hours after when Charlie agreed to come back, he knew he was a bit absentminded but he should have realized when it got dark it was time to come back. He knew that his fiances were jerks who abandoned him but would they attack or even worse kill an innocent slime? He knew he should have done a simpler first mission, he just wanted to hear any news on his fiances and figured this would be a smart way to get info.
Quackity sighed, ¨Hey Purpled, I'll have to rescue Charlie, fucker managed to mess up even the simplest of tasks¨
¨It's obvious you care for him, don't put up that bs with me, I really don't care about you enough¨
¨I don't! And as your boss, you don't get to use that voice with me¨
¨Okay bossman¨, Purpled mocked
Quackity ran out of Las Nevadas and into the forest. He briefly wondered if this was running just to find the corpse of the slime. Or would there be tiny broken Charlies? He shook his head, not wanting to focus on grim things like that.
¨Charlie? It's me! Quackity from Las Nevadas! Your friend! Charl-
He got cut off by falling into a crevice.
¨Oh my god, this is just the type of hole he would have liked¨ Quackity sniffled
¨Oooh can I meet this He you´re talking about? Because I also really like this hole!¨ Charlie exclaimed
Quackity reached out, putting his hands on Charlie's slimy cheeks
¨You're okay? I was so worried!
¨I just sat down in this hole and fell asleep
¨Well I am glad that you learned how to sleep I guess? But man, your face is really warm right now¨
Charlie leaned his head further into Quackitys hands, ¨Mmhhm¨
¨Are you- are you sick?¨
¨Doesn't that mean cool cause if so yeahh¨
¨No buddy, that's not what that means, it means you don't feel well
¨But you said to suck it up if I don't feel well? And you neverr take care of yourself?
¨Well, uh, exceptions can be made of course, if you're feeling bad enough! Which I never am! I sometimes may feel a little down however Its an easy fix that for me, working more totally helps with!
But I guess for you, you'll need someone to take care of you? Is that true? Quackity sighed, already knowing he would regret this but whenever he was sick he just imagined his fiance's caring for him again and he thinks maybe, maybe he should help Charlie
¨Ugh come up and out of the hole, let's go home.¨
¨Well Quackity of Las Nevadas while I would love to go back, this hole is comfy and damp and the environment I should be in. Las Nevadas is great, however it is hot, and I always feel like I am melting in the housing units .
¨Oh, how about I fix your bedroom up? Make it chiller and more¨, Quackity gags ¨damp¨
¨Really? You'd do that? Thank you, friend!
He hops forward and does a partial hug with Quackity, not having the strength to fully embrace him.
Quackity picks the slime up in a bridal style carry with Charlie being in awe.
¨Wow, you're really strong
¨Yeah buddy, and I'll fix you up and you'll be perfectly fine. Uh, just for work reasons, I totally don't care for you.
¨Quackity from Las Nevadas, I think you're being sarcastic and I love you¨
“... I love you too”
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brywrites · 4 years
Flight Risk IV
Summary: An answer to the age old CM question, “who’s flying the plane?” And the story of a pilot and a profiler. Part IV: In which airplane food is disappointing and the context of a case is heavy.
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Arthur stands waiting for her outside the jet stairs. “So you’re on speaking terms again?”
She freezes, hands still lifted in the middle of adjusting her cap. “What do you mean?”
Arthur gives half a shrug and begins climbing up into the plane. He’s not one to pry into the lives of other people, but she’s discovered he does make occasional exceptions to this rule. “Simply that you seem much happier to be around Dr. Reid today. Your scowl is gone.”
Her face flushes and she’s grateful he can’t see it as they file into the cockpit. “We talked, yes. I think we’ve reached an understanding.”
Arthur gives a noncommittal, mmmm, and gets to work adjusting Geff’s controls. She does the same, going through routine checks, only to be interrupted by a quiet, “Just be careful. I don’t want you getting hurt.”
Y/N blinks, then looks down quickly. She doesn’t ask him to elaborate; Captain Dobson isn’t one for sentimental attachments or expressions. The fact that he’s saying this at all speaks volumes. It makes her happy, to know he considers her someone close. The BAU is obviously close-knit, she’s heard them refer to themselves more than once as a “family.” But the two of them, bound by similar schedules and shared challenges, they’re something of that sort too. Perhaps that makes them distant cousins of the FBI.
The team boards the plane, they’re cleared for takeoff, and it’s all smooth flying and blue skies for a solid three hours. They’re both tired, and the thought of being able to go home and sleep in her own comfortable bed lifts her spirits – until the cockpit door slides open and Agent Rossi steps in.
“I’m afraid I have some bad news,” he says. “We just got word of a case in Houston. Two previous victims and now there’s a kid missing.”
A kid. Oh, god. Rossi looks genuinely apologetic, but Arthur nods.
“We’ll change course immediately.” Rossi murmurs a thank you, then slides the door closed once more, muffling the voices of the other agents, already discussing the case behind them.
Y/N follows all orders, gets in touch with the air traffic controller, telling Indianapolis Center that they’ll be changing directions and heading for Houston. Other than exchanges with ATC and instructions to shift speeds and change controls, they fly in silence. It’s a heavy quiet, weighed both by an acknowledgement that somewhere, something horrible has happened, as well as the fact that they won’t be going home tonight.
It’s harder for Arthur, he has a boyfriend to go home to, people who need him. She has less attachments, but has no desire to spend more time in a small motel once again. Still, things could be worse. It’s important work.
“I think we’ve still got lunches prepared that I could heat up,” she offers. “What do you want – the chicken or the pasta?”
“Pasta,” he replies, without missing a beat.
“You always take the pasta.”
“I’m the captain. When your epaulets have four stripes, you can claim it first.”
“I don’t know why we even bother with the chicken,” she grumbles. “We both hate airplane meat.”
“You know the rules. We can’t have the same meal.”
Y/N carefully clambers to the sliding door. “I know. But honestly, how many planes have gone down as a result of the food?”
“There have been some close calls. Japan Air, 1975, omelets. Overseas National, 1982, tapioca. British Airways, 1984, hors d’oeuvres.” She rolls her eyes, but begrudgingly goes to fetch the saran-wrapped meals. Slipping out of the cockpit, she catches bits and pieces of conversation as the team begins to work. The previous victims were a little older, most in their early and mid-twenties. All women with blonde hair.
“But Caroline Chapman is only twelve,” Morgan adds. “Though she fits the physical type.” Twelve years old. Her stomach turns, and it has nothing to do with the plane. She swallows hard and grabs the meals from the warm tray, hurrying back to the cockpit before she can hear anything else.
Their world is so different from hers. Their work is so heavy. Sometimes, in the silence of the flight, she pretends she’s a commercial pilot, bringing passengers somewhere cheerful. Maybe part of the crew on one of those Make-A-Wish flights.
The pilots eat in silence, then Arthur, sensing she needs a distraction, begins one of their infamous verbal games.
“Fortunately,” begins Arthur, thinking it over, “I’m taking a vacation in Seattle.”
“Unfortunately,” she counters, “climate change has turned Seattle to a frozen wasteland.”
“Fortunately, I’m an Iditarod champion and getting around won’t be an issue.”
“Unfortunately, the number of confused squirrels on the snow is distracting the sled dogs.”
Back and forth they continue, trying to create the most complicated situation until one of them has no counterpoint, or says something so absolutely outlandish they must concede. Sometimes their games can carry on for almost an hour; depending on which one they’re playing. This one finally ends when Arthur claims he’s saved up enough vacation time, and she rebuttals that the BAU has called in an emergency and he has to come fly the plane.
“Ah,” says Arthur, “fortunately Seattle is a frozen wasteland and no planes can take off.”
Y/N admits defeat. They sit in silence, cloud rushing past them. Then she says, “They’re only twelve.”
“I heard,” he says, starting straight ahead at the sky. She shifts in her seat, searching for the words to explain how she’s feeling. Arthur adds, “You can’t think about it too much. That’s their job.”
That’s all he has to say. A few hours later, they touch down just outside of Houston, and the agents file off to SUVs. She and Arthur prepare Geff for his overnight stay at the little airport they’ve landed at, before going off to the hotel. It’s been a long day, and they end up staying at the same one as the team. After a nap, she takes a long hot shower, and they order takeout, exhausted from the long flight.
Dinner arrives at nearly 8 pm; Arthur takes his to his room, and she makes herself comfortable in the lobby. Wet hair thrown up in a bun, a sweatshirt and leggings. That’s the nice thing about traveling. Nobody knows her. She can be anyone in a new city, only to disappear a few days later and leave only faint traces of herself. The sun has nearly disappeared outside the lobby window, when half of the team comes in, looking entirely drained. They head off in different directions, and she’s pleasantly surprised when Reid goes not to his room, but to join her on the hotel lobby couch. Y/N tries not to look too excited.
“You look tired,” she remarks. Holds out the container of pad thai and chopsticks. “Have you eaten yet?”
He politely refuses. “I have, thanks. Besides, I don’t know how to use chopsticks.”
“What? We’re going to have to fix this.” Her joking smile shrinks to one of hesitancy when she asks, “How are you doing?”
Reid shrugs, runs his hand through his long hair. It seems the more stressed he is, the messier it gets, and something makes her want to sit him down and brush her fingers through it until he looks calm.
“We’ve got enough for a partial profile, but that’s it. We still don’t have – I mean, we still can’t find the girl.”
Arthur explicitly warned her not to get involved, not to think about it. And yet, she asks, “So… what does that mean?” She knows enough to realize it’s not good.
Reid purses his lips. “The first hour is the most important. When a stranger abducts a child, it doesn’t always mean they’ll be killed. But of the children who are, almost half die within the first hour. Nearly all of them are killed within the first twenty-four, and we just passed that mark. Hotch, JJ, and Rossi are still out looking, with the CARD team. In five hours, they’ll come back and I’ll go out with Morgan and Kate.”
Kate Callahan is the newest member of their team, a short woman with dark hair and no time for anyone’s crap. She likes the way they look out for each other, making sure they have a chance to rest. But twenty-four hours, it’s such a short timespan. Gone too soon already. What does that mean for Caroline Chapman?
“Are you okay?” Reid asks, tilting his head. His voice is gentle, making it easy to admit to him what she hates to admit to herself.
“This job – it’s different for us, you know? As pilots,” she says. “You’re trained for this. It’s what you know you’ll be doing, going off to fight evil and save lives. I never thought I’d be involved with that. I mean, I like this job, don’t get me wrong. But I love flying. And lately, every time I get a call from work, my heart breaks because I know the only reason I’m going up in the air is because something terrible has happened to someone, and I just don’t know how to reconcile that. Every time I get into that plane, every time we get Geff off the ground, we’re taking you all to danger, and I only get to do what I love because someone else has suffered a tragedy.”
It’s so complicated, to have her great love for the sky tangled up in this mess she feels when the phone rings. It’s fear and it’s anxiety and it’s sorrow – grief for people she will never even meet. And flying back can be just as difficult. A case closing may mean a happy ending, but it also might mean that a victim is dead, or that an unsub – she’s picked up their lingo – is dead. Either way, there has almost always been some sort of loss. Perhaps in the form of innocence or hope or comfort. She can see it when they board before heading home. This job takes things from them. Will a day come when they have nothing left?
“I know it might sound selfish, but it’s just hard for me to understand. And you,” she adds. “I’m always so happy to see you and talk to you, but that only happens when there’s a case. I feel like I shouldn’t feel that way, not when someone’s life is on the line.”
Does it make sense to him? She hopes it does, because otherwise it’s going to sound so self-centered. Of course his job is more emotionally taxing. Of course she’d rather be a pilot than a profiler. But it hurts her heart each time she hears there’s a case. She grieves for them too. And she worries for the team, her team, their team.
He must understand though, because he places one hand over hers, just long enough for her to understand it’s meant as a comforting gesture, and not purely accidental. Reid doesn’t touch many people, she never sees him shake hands with anyone he doesn’t know. Crossing that barrier is a big deal, and that’s what leaves her all the more surprised.
“It’s okay,” he tells her. “It’s okay to feel whatever you feel – about this job, or a case. You don’t have to disconnect from things or stop being affected by them. But you also don’t have to feel guilty about liking your work. You shouldn’t – you’re a great pilot, and a really good person.”
“Thanks, Doctor.”
Reid gives her half a smile, then looks nervously down at the floor. His pulls at his fingers. “You know, maybe we could meet sometime outside of work. That way we can actually talk for a normal amount of time, and we don’t have to worry about anything else.”
“That would be really, really nice.” At that, his smile widens, and she can feel her own mouth mirroring his expression. “Maybe after all this, when we’ve both had enough sleep, we could go get coffee or something? Go to a library?”
Reid’s grin makes his eyes seem less tired, and for a moment it’s so easy to forget the circumstances. “I’d like that.”
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birbleafs · 4 years
[fic] A Tragicomedy In Five Acts
Series: Saiki Kusuo no Ψ-nan || The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. Rating: T Genre: Friendship, Humour, Breaking the Fourth Wall Character(s): Akechi Touma, Saiki Kusuo, Saiki Kurumi, Saiki Kuniharu, Saiki Kuusuke Warnings: None, save for the canon-typical shenanigans Summary: Akechi has made a habit of showing up unannounced, uninvited at the Saiki residence. The inevitable "bonding" occurs and Kusuo despairs; the world continues to turn. A/N: A piece I wrote for the Disastrous Life Zine, a charity zine. I wanted to share the uncut version here since I like how it reads more (it's not too different from zine version, though). Leftover sales are currently still live, so here's your last chance to grab some limited items if you had missed the pre-orders earlier! Thanks to the mods & other contributors over at @disastrouslifezine, for all their hard work on this project. Many thanks also to my bro Digi for the awesome beta work and for always being an all-round great pal ❤ Fic can also be read AO3. _______ i. It’s a problem Saiki Kusuo should have—could have—nipped earlier in the bud, when he’d been forced to spend a whole Sunday with Akechi Touma betting on horse-racing. But between Akechi being (begrudgingly) accepted as one of the PK Psychickers to Kusuo having to stop a meteor from slamming into the planet—well, a lot had happened. Akechi had since taken to visiting the Saiki residence at random, with little notice in advance. On his second visit, Mom had invited him in before Kusuo could intervene. If it weren’t for the cupcakes Akechi had brought along—not to mention the terrifying heat of Mom’s demonic glare at the first sign of a protest—Kusuo would have teleported him miles away without hesitation. That’s how Kusuo finds himself now—glowering at Akechi who’s sitting politely in his room and firing a running commentary about nothing and too many things all at once. Resigned, he leans back into his study chair and asks, point-blank: What do you want, Akechi?
“Your mother is lovely as always,” Akechi replies instead, dancing around the question. “I’m grateful she’s gone from remembering me as ‘Pee Boy’ to ‘Kusuo’s Friend Who Only Ever Wets His Pants Occasionally’. Surely that’s a sign we have gotten closer.” It sounds just as terrible as the first—only a simpleton would be okay with that as a defining trait, Kusuo retorts. In any case, we’re hardly more than classmates. So, why are you here again? “I thought you would have realized it by now with your telepathy. But I suppose I can explain it for the sake of the readers!” Akechi beams, holding up a small case in his hand. Don’t just casually break the fourth wall, Kusuo frowns, even as he leans forward for a closer look. Akechi pops the case open and turns towards the game console. “I was recently gifted this game by my cousin, who assured me that, while underrated, it’s still a cult hit among fans. I thought it would be fun to play it together.” Kusuo stares flatly at the title OVERWORKED displayed on the disc as it slides into the console drive, already unimpressed. That is such a blatant rip-off. “Oh, no, it's a completely different game from the one you’re thinking of!” Akechi says. “Here you play as the overworked waiter of a cafe who serves multiple orders at once and takes over the cooking whenever the head chef throws a tantrum and storms right off.” How is that different from OVERC***ED? It is totally OVERC***ED! “Regardless, shall we have a play-off?” Akechi offers the controller to him. “Winner gets this box of cupcakes. I got them from the best pâtisserie in town, which is no easy feat. Why just this morning I left home at the crack of dawn to secure a spot in the queue, and even then, there were already about 30-odd people ahead of me! Who knew it was so popular—A-ah!” Kusuo yanks the controller easily from Akechi’s hand towards him with telekinesis, a glint of determination in his eyes now. Best two out of three levels. Loser also has to leave immediately. Akechi grins knowingly and cracks his knuckles, reaching for the second controller. “You’re quick to assume victory, Kusuo-kun. Very well, then!” Thirty-seven minutes later and Kusuo’s left staring at the final scores, appalled. He would have won if his character hadn’t kept freezing in place and glitching at crucial moments, messing up in the kitchens and sending out wrong orders. How is he always losing to Akechi like this? Clearly the universe is still conspiring against him. “You were so close to beefing my lask score dhoo,” Akechi says shamelessly through a mouthful of strawberry frosting. “And my, deez fupfakes are s’per dhasty!” Are you taunting me now? Kusuo scowls enviously at the cupcake in Akechi’s hand before he huffs, slinking back into his chair. Well, I’ll be staring dejectedly out my window for a bit, so feel free to eat your cupcakes and then leave. But Akechi only laughs then and, to Kusuo’s surprise, moves to place a chocolate cupcake before him. “You’re so melodramatic, Kusuo-kun. I never said the winner can’t share.” ... I guess you didn’t. They spend the rest of the afternoon eating cupcakes. _______ ii. This again? It’s been a month, but Kusuo already feels a sense of gloom settling over him when Akechi steps into the genkan. He would have been fine with leaving Akechi outside blathering away through closed doors for the entire day while he pretended not to be home, but obviously Mom is having none of that. “I’m so glad you’ve been coming over to play with Ku-chan!” she greets cheerfully. “I couldn’t believe it when I first heard, but you and Kusuo are getting along well, huh, Akechi-kun!” Dad says with a sagely nod, looking every bit the part of the morally upright, reliable father. Bold of you to believe such delusional notions of camaraderie, or that you even look the part of an admirable adult, Kusuo comments drily, before turning to leave. “We don’t just get along,” Akechi chimes in reply. “You could even say our friendship is super-califragilisticexpialidocious!” GET OUT. If looks could kill, Kusuo’s current expression is pure genocide. But his parents are already fawning and AH-HYUU-!!-ing at Akechi’s words, tears of joy gushing down their cheeks like an endless waterfall. Kusuo watches in quiet despair as Akechi is readily accepted into their fold with welcomed embraces, a key development in this romantic soap opera. Oi, what’s with the misleading narrative?! We’re not in that kind of fanfic right now! Dad and Akechi hit it off well enough, one thing leads to another, and Kusuo suddenly finds himself roped into playing MECH-O ARENA VR on the WAB station in Dad’s study. Seriously, stop it with the terrible rip-offs of actual games already, Kusuo frowns as he watches Dad’s and Akechi’s characters flitting about on the screen to fight off an incoming attack. “I suppose it’s not very original, is it?” Akechi says, punching the controller buttons in a flurry of movements. “But it’s different enough that we can probably avoid any unwanted copyright lawsuits.” That’s completely beside the point. Dad’s wholly immersed with the game now, so it’s impossible for Kusuo to get rid of Akechi without Dad throwing a childish fuss about losing his new gaming buddy. Not to mention Mom’s uncanny ability to appear with coffee and snacks each time Kusuo had tried to inconspicuously retreat back into his room, all while exuding an ominous aura that effectively dissuaded his need to leave immediately. Good grief—everyone’s being such a pain today, Kusuo sighs, before he finally relents to Mom’s cajoling to team up with her against Dad and Akechi in the final round. He figures it can’t get worse than this anyway. That is, until Kuusuke gets involved. _______ iii. When Kusuo returns home from a quick grocery trip for Mom, he walks into a surprisingly empty living room. He can hear Dad and Kuusuke’s voices from upstairs but for some reason he’s not quite able to perceive the atmosphere within—it’s as if his senses are partially blocked by a cognitive fog with the study engulfed in a dead zone. Must be that prototype “router” Kuusuke had installed in Dad’s study yesterday. Kusuo has zero interest in his brother’s tiresome antics, but is compelled nonetheless to check on them, if only to ensure Kuusuke isn’t playing Mad Scientist and coaxing Dad into yet another deranged human project. He opens the door, nearly lashes out in shock with telekinesis when he sees Akechi staring through the doorway with a creepy, owlish expression. “Oh, were you actually surprised, Kusuo-kun?” Akechi says. “My apologies for frightening you like that.” Kusuo studies the room cautiously, only to realize he’s unable to hear anyone’s thoughts with telepathy. He glares at his brother in suspicion. “Welcome back, little brother!” Kuusuke greets him with a Cheshire grin. “I see you’ve got yourself a new playmate. Hmm? Ah, you must think it strange that I've taken to Akechi-kun so readily.” Strange and highly dubious, Kusuo counters. What are you scheming? “Well, Akechi-kun shows the most potential and capacity for mental growth amongst the lesser primates close to you—” What a disparaging worldview. And stop deflecting! I know you can still understand me. “—So, he may yet make a good test subj—Ah, I mean, a good friend! Interesting specimens tend to gravitate towards you, after all. Though his propensity for peeing sure is troubling, isn’t it? Haha!” You can excuse questionable human experimentations, but you draw the line at incontinence? Kuusuke attempts a nonchalant shrug. “Priorities, amirite?” “But this is amazing, Kuusuke-san,” Akechi says, glancing up in awe at the blinking device on the ceiling. “The telepathy canceller really does block our thoughts efficiently!” “It’s child's play compared to Kusuo’s abilities,” Kuusuke says, seemingly modest, but Kusuo doesn’t miss the devious glint in his eyes when he reaches into his coat pocket to pull out what looks suspiciously like a detonator with a giant red button. “Still, with this, Operation SM☆SH can now finally commence—” Wait, Operation what?? Kuusuke, don’t you dare...! But Kuusuke is already pressing the button, and the study is plunged into darkness as the lights flicker off and the blinds draw shut. Alarmed, Kusuo wrenches the detonator away from Kuusuke’s grip with his telekinesis. What did you just do?! There’s an electronic whirr, a blinding flash, and Kusuo finds himself suddenly staring at a large LCD screen as it emerges from the ceiling. Music blares from overhead speakers as a cinematic opening sequence begins to play. “There you are, Kusuo!” Dad looks up from behind the coffee table where he’d been fiddling with the game console. He adjusts the VR headset over his eyes. “It’s time to finally beat you at SUPER SM☆SH BUDS as payback for last time! HII-YAAAH!!” ... Oh. So it’s just another game. “That’s right!” Kuusuke claps his hands together, blissfully ignoring the heat of Kusuo’s baleful glare. “I heard about your horse-racing bet from Akechi-kun and found this as the best way to even the odds for other types of games.” “The idea came to me while peeing in the shower; to find ways you could play and not get bored easily, Kusuo-kun,” Akechi adds in unnecessary detail. “But I didn’t think Kuusuke-san could actually pull it off.” “Here, Kusuo,” Dad says, waving his controller. “Come choose your character—” But Kusuo’s already teleporting away, fleeing the wretched upheaval within his own home to hide at Cafe Mami for the rest of the day. _______ iv. Akechi corners him after school three weeks later. Kusuo is surprised and unsurprised all at once; he had worn the germanium ring to class, after all, in a bid to avoid spoilers for the direct-to-streaming release movie adaptation of a book he’d been fond of. It’s easy to ignore everyone’s spoilery chatter when it isn’t droning directly into his mind—he’d kept his fingers stuck into  his ears each time class ended, oblivious to the strange looks thrown his way, and had even hidden away in the restroom cubicle during breaks, successfully avoiding any interaction with the usual human nuisances. Until now, that is. “Let’s walk home together, Kusuo-kun!” Akechi calls, jogging after him. I’m suddenly deaf and sound has eluded me, Kusuo deadpans as he breaks into a sprint, determined to leave before Akechi starts blabbing spoilers. “I noticed you weren’t quite yourself today,” Akechi continues, catching up with him.  “And I thought it might have something to do with the ring on your left index finger that you’ve fondled precisely seventeen times throughout the day.” What an awful way to describe it. I didn’t fondle anything. “Perhaps the material of that ring works in the same manner as the telepathy canceller—which would explain why you seemed uncharacteristically skittish today since you’re pretty bad at discerning people’s intentions without your telepathy.” What are you? A psychic? But Akechi only persists. “I realized later that you’d always leave whenever anyone started talking about that new movie on Netfl*x—” Can’t hear now, Kusuo slaps his hands over his ears. Gone horribly deaf. “And I figured it must be that you haven’t watched it yet for some reason, like maybe your home internet is down because your father forgot to pay the bills for three whole months and so it got cut—” How did you even..? Kusuo grimaces. N-nope, not listening! 100% deaf! “I know you don’t have a mobile phone to watch it on either,” Akechi continues. “So, that’s why I wanted to invite you to my house today, to watch it together. Oh, don’t worry, I know absolutely nothing about the movie. In fact, I’d only heard Kaidou-kun screaming out the title just ten minutes ago.” Kusuo pauses then, glancing back at Akechi in hesitance. Akechi only meets his wary gaze with a knowing smirk, and says, “We also have strawberry shortcake in the fridge.” _______ v. I don’t suppose there’s a good reason this time either, Kusuo sighs wearily, closing his book. Still, there’s a glimmer in his eyes; he knows Akechi had come bearing gifts—a selection of coffee jellies topped with cherries and chocolate drizzle. “I’ve made a habit of crashing your place unannounced, haven’t I?” Akechi offers a contrite grin, watching as Kusuo helps himself to a spoonful of jelly. “I do apologize, but whenever I get restless, I find myself wandering here by instinct. Admittedly, I was worried about being a bother, but your mother is always so welcoming at the door despite that dreary, constipated look in your eyes—” You are being a bother. Like a persistent mosquito that thinks it's summer all year round, Kusuo grouses with his Most Annoyed Expression, knowing how ineffectual his Feigning Ignorance Face had become over time. Also, have you graduated from pee references to shitty jokes now? Disgusting. But Akechi takes it all in stride, undeterred by Kusuo’s ugly grimace and acerbic jibes. “—Plus, it’d be considered extremely rude if I didn’t come in after that, and I certainly do not want you to think of me as rude. You’re a friend I hold in high regard, after all. I always have, ever since I found out it was you who saved me from the bullies back then.” The earnestness in Akechi’s words stumps him, if only a little. And though Kusuo is careful to keep his surprise from showing, there’s a part deep down in his not-so-granite heart that feels a touch of warmth at the sentiment. Akechi’s already placing the Scrabble board on the floor, so he misses the ghost of a smile that crosses Kusuo’s lips. Did Akechi honestly think he could beat a psychic at Scrabble too? How naive. “You’re probably thinking how naive I must be, believing I could beat you at a board game with your powers and all,” Akechi notes cheerfully, almost as if he’s a mind-reader himself. Kusuo frowns, slightly disgruntled by the fourth-wall breaking once more and wishes they would give it a rest for once. Overusing a trope gets really tiring, you know? Still, he smiles again as he takes a seat across from Akechi—who is now shuffling the Scrabble chips while nattering away about the history of board games and how the loser would have to give up his share of coffee jelly (as if Kusuo would allow it to come to that again). Two Sunday visits per month only, Kusuo says, lifting several chips into the air with a wave of his hand. If you beat me... I’ll allow it. Akechi’s eyes widen, before he breaks into a playful grin. “Very well, then. May the best man win.” Kusuo only lets out a soft laugh. Perhaps it’s not too late to pick up where they had left off in grade school. —End—
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Drew Stars Around My Scars
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Hello, hey, hi there. It’s raining, I’ve already lost track of the number of times I’ve listened to Taylor Swift’s new album and haven’t written anything in weeks. Until now! Thanks, Taylor Swift. And @optomisticgirl​​​ who reblogged this post a few days ago from @initiala​​​ about how Killian holding Emma in 3x22 isn’t just that he’s trying to comfort her, but he’s trying to make sure she didn’t disappear. 
Which, like...ok, cool. Anyway, I have thought about this for far too long now and started slamming on keys when the kittens weren’t sitting on my laptop and here’s like 4.1K that may or may not make sense, but at least includes some scathing opinions of Back to the Future. Also, thanks to @shireness-says​​​ for always being like...yeah, I want to read that. 
She sniffles. 
She can’t seem to stop. 
Tears stream down Emma’s face without much thought because thinking too much is a daunting obstacle that she can’t even begin to consider yet. Or ever. Definitely ever. Another sniffle, this one actually making her cough somehow, which is a bodily reaction she was not aware she was capable of. 
Until right now. 
When everything seems to be falling apart around her. 
God, she hates time travel. And magic. And evil queens. And parents who can’t recognize her. She supposes she should give them a pass. For a variety of reasons, least of all the magic that’s cloaking both her and Kill—no, that’s not right. Hook. Captain Hook. He’s Captain Hook and she’s still not a princess, but the dancing was almost nice and he hadn’t even slowed down before he was drawing his sword and the jacket spin was something even her muddled thoughts have been able to cling to, so—
He’d held onto her while her mother burned. Tightly. Almost too much. 
Emma nearly trips over a tree root. 
“Shit,” she breathes, pressing the pads of her fingers into damp cheeks. Her dress is too long. Maybe she’ll mention that to Rumplestilskin later. 
Once they get home. 
Back to Storybrooke. Those are not interchangeable words. None of this is interchangeable. 
Even the trees around Emma look different than the ones she only vaguely remembers from her last jaunt through the Enchanted Forest, taller and a little more imposing, like they’re also aware that she’s one good sniffle away from falling off the metaphorical edge. 
Directly into a chasm without magic or parents and she didn’t even get to talk to Mary—
“Nope,” Emma says entirely to herself. So, it seems insanity is looming just a bit closer than she realized. “Not here.”
Or ever. There’s that phrase again. Two words, technically. 
Two words probably don’t constitute a phrase. 
What does she know, she didn’t graduate college. Or high school, technically. 
“Literally,” Emma mumbles, and it’s almost impressive how that one word still manages to sound as loud as it does. As if it’s bouncing off the sides of those same tall and decidedly imposing trees. “Literally didn't graduate high school.”
Something snaps behind her. 
There are far too many twigs on this forest floor. 
Spinning on the balls of her feet, Emma’s hands fly up, only one of her wrists cracking in the process, and it’s difficult to make out the face moving towards her, but the set of his shoulders is exactly the same as always and that cannot possibly have any deeper meaning. 
“Swan?” “God, fuck what are you—” Emma is out of breath. That’s absurd. And a rather unfair commentary on her lungs ability to function. She’s had something of a day, after all. Running a hand over her face, she does her best to retain her higher brain functions, but that’s admittedly difficult when there’s moonlight gleaming from the point of Killian’s sword. 
Captain Hook. 
Captain. Hook. 
Maybe the state of her lungs is partially his fault. He really held on very tightly. 
“What are you doing out here?” Emma manages to get out, once she’s taken another pitiful breath. She hopes her lips don’t start to chap. There’s probably not an easy remedy for that in the goddamn Enchanted Forest. 
Hook gapes at her. 
She grits her teeth. And regrets the state of her knees. They keep wobbling under her, traitors to her emotional cause and the state of several body parts aside from her obviously failing lungs. Whatever’s happening in the general vicinity of her heart seems unstable. 
Erratic, even. 
“Making sure you’re alright,” Hook says like it’s obvious, and it almost is. Almost. What another piece of garbage word. “You’ve been—” Shaking his head once, the ends of his hair don’t move as much as normal, and Emma flinches when he sheaths his sword. “I just wanted to make sure you were alright, that’s all.” Emma is going to lie. She is. Has every intention of letting the word fine pass through her lips, but those lips open without any sound coming out at all and Hook’s eyebrows jump. 
“Thank you.” “Excuse me?” “Thank you,” Emma repeats, finally giving into the urge of her knees and, if nothing else, the length of this dress makes it easier to sit on one of these overly large tree roots. Hook’s eyebrows don’t move. “Should have, uh—should have mentioned that before, probably.” “Thanking me?” “What part of this is confusing for you?” “Quite a bit, in fact,” he admits, and he doesn’t sit, but he also doesn’t look away from her and Emma is pleasantly surprised to find she almost sort of likes it. Almost. Again. 
Letting out a breath that she wishes sounded more like a laugh than it does, Emma’s tongue darts out. “Shit, that..well, that sucks, doesn’t it?” His eyes widen. “That’s not a euphemism,” Emma adds. “Just out of place slang.” “You might have to be more specific, love.”
“That’s fair. I—ok, stuff sucking is...well, it just means that stuff is...not great. Like right now, you know...things are—” She shrugs. And tries to smile. It fails spectacularly. 
Emma sniffles again. 
“Not great?” Hook ventures, and he has to readjust his sword to sit next to her. 
“Less than ideal.”
“You’ve been gone for nearly half an hour. I was worried something had happened.” “Hence the sword.” “Never want to be too careful. And you’re—” “—At least capable of still punching people,” Emma argues, not sure why she’s doing that exactly, but it feels like a matter of pride at this point. She exhales loudly. “But, uh...it’s nice that you came out here. I’m sorry that you had to do that too.” They both hear the words for what they aren’t — vast and a little overwhelming, and time travel is so overrated. Emma can’t believe what a popular fictional trope it is. Snow White was never supposed to die. The ends of Hook’s lips twitch, but he doesn’t actually smile, and that’s actually nice and maybe that’s her biggest issue. 
Everything about him has been so goddamn nice. 
He was much better at dancing than she expected him to be. 
And he keeps following her. She doesn’t mind that. 
Might even—
No. Not now. Not yet. Or ever. Again. God. 
“It’s not a problem, love.”
Emma swallows. Nods. Tries not to fall over that ledge. “I just...needed some time to think, I guess. Is that dramatic?” “No. And suggesting it sucks does have a certain charm to it.” “And you know all about charming, don’t you?” His left eyebrow arches. Some things never change, she supposes. Emma focuses on that. And not how she’s fairly certain she can feel waves of heat rolling off him, even with the few inches between them. Possibly a foot. She’s not great at estimating measurements. 
Or much else, it seems. 
That’s a far too depressing thought, though. 
“I believe I’ll leave that particular moniker to others in the party,” Hook says softly, sitting down. “Would you like to talk about it?” “Which part?” “Dealer’s choice.” “That one crossed realms, huh?”
“Some sayings know no bounds,” Hook smirks, and whatever sound Emma makes at that is even closer to a laugh than the last one. She takes that as a positive. “None of this is your fault.” “Practice that a few more times and it might sound more legitimate.” “Swan, that’s—” “—No, no, no,” Emma objects, not standing up, but she shakes her head quickly enough that strands of hair slap at either one of her cheeks. A few of them stick there. Probably because of the tears she can’t seem to stop. “All of this is my fault. I—I should have waited for help with the portal and everything I’ve done here has only made it worse and—” Another sigh, dragging her hand over her cheek. “—Fuck Marty McFly. And Doc Brown. It was so weird that they were friends, why didn’t anyone ever explain that?” “Did they not?” “No, not once. We were just supposed to accept that Marty met some senior citizen inventor guy who was more than willing to steal dangerous chemicals—” “—And he wasn’t a wizard?” “No, he wasn’t a wizard. No magic in the real world.” Or me, Emma thinks bitterly, but that’s not going to help the situation anymore than her current rambling, and she can’t seem to stop rambling. “But Marty and Doc hung out all the time. And Jennifer didn’t even think it was weird.” “Who is Jennifer, exactly?” “Marty’s girlfriend, I guess, but it always seemed like they were just starting to date at the beginning of the movie and then they got married. Just like that. You think they went to the same college or something? Like once Marty left—shit I can’t remember the name of the town.” Hook hums, a sound Emma can’t actually cling to any more than she can hold the one positive thing that has happened to her in the last twenty-four hours in her hands. It is not lost on her that both of them have to do with the man sitting next to her. 
Or how quickly his fingers keep fluttering over the hilt of his sword. 
“How far do you think we are from Aurora and Philip’s...land?” Emma asks. “Is that the right way to say that? Did they have a land?” “I believe the word you’re looking for is kingdom.” “Oh, yeah, that makes sense. Should have known that.” “That’s not your fault either.” “You’re really harping.” “Playing a symphony, it seems.” She laughs. She does. It’s not that loud, and there’s a distinctly watery edge to it, the muscles in Emma’s face aching when she manages to smile, but she’s having a difficult time coming to terms with the dexterity of Killian’s eyebrows and her hand moves before she thinks about it. 
The metal is cool under her skin, a smooth surface that she can drag her thumb across. Which is exactly what she does, an attempt to ground herself and remind her that she’s still here when she isn’t entirely positive she’s supposed to be. 
Hook doesn’t move. Might not breathe, if the state state of his shoulders is any indication and Emma hadn’t realized she was in possession of so many opinions regarding Captain Hook’s shoulders. Or her ability to recognize them. 
No matter what, it seems. 
“While it may appear that I know everything—” “—Ok, I never said that.” Hook’s smirk grows more pronounced. “I was in Neverland for quite some time, and the boundaries of some of the Enchanted Forest kingdoms changed in the last hundred or so years. But,” he adds when Emma opens her mouth again, “we’re more than a stone’s throw from the land Aurora should be ruling. At least several days' travel.” “God, that’s confusing. And did all these kingdoms have separate laws and everything? Who came up with that? Seems like a garbage way to rule.” “I believe you’d have to file a complaint with several different monarchies for that, love.”
Emma scoffs. “It’s quieter here than it was in Neverland, though.” “Most places are.” “Colder too. I hate the cold. I’m always—can’t ever seem to get warm and my toes are always freezing, it’s...I’m a notorious blanket thief.” “Pirate of sorts, huh?” He grins as he says it and part of Emma wants to scream. Stand up and run, as fast as her feet and far-too-long hem allow. But that part is also smaller than usual, and she’s all too aware of the state her knees are in. “Something like that,” Emma agrees. “When I was a kid I used to live in this place. Snowed for months at a time and I—I hated it. Wanted to be anywhere else. Kept trying to find somewhere that was warm, sunny. Like that would chase away the shadows.” Hook is disarmingly quiet. 
And Emma can’t shut up. 
“But then I got some place where it never snows and it wasn’t what I thought it’d be. Dry heat, you know?” He shakes his head. That’s fair. Pirates with several-hundred years of experience under their belts should not be expected to understand meteorological cliches. 
“Anyway,” Emma mumbles, “it wasn’t what I expected or thought was supposed to happen and—” She scrunches her nose. Hook waits. Presumably for the rest of the sentence, but it doesn’t come and she finds it difficult to breathe again when he starts talking.
“Sunlight always seemed better on the sea. Would reflect off the surf. Could see the entire horizon if you wanted to.” “And did you?” Hook nods. “As often as I could. Even when I was lad. My father used to bring my brother and I—” This might be their best and least organized conversation. Gritting his teeth, his shoulders shift when he inhales sharply. “These stars are different from Neverland’s.” “Really? Weird.” “Mmhm, made navigating something of a challenge.”
“But you’re here now, right?” “Presently, you mean?” Another head shake. More moving hair and unmoving fingers. Emma’s knuckles are white around the hook, holding it like a lifeline and she might have to spend the rest of her life thanking him for this. 
It’s not as daunting a prospect as it should be. 
“I mean past you is here,” Emma says, “in the Enchanted Forest. Doing pirate type things and offering Mary—” Her tongue gets in the way. As disgusting a thought as that is, Emma knows it’s better than thinking about what is actually happening, feeling as if her throat is collapsing in on itself while her heart does its best to beat its way out of her chest. “Shit.” Killian shuffles closer, not stopping until his knee bumps hers. “That happened from time to time. Leaving Neverland, doing jobs for—” “—Pan?” “Sometimes. He couldn't leave the island, you see. Not without losing the magic as well. Jolly’s crew was his only option. Although we always managed to stay here longer than he wanted us to.” “Well, pirates hate rules, don’t they?” “I believe that’s in the bylaws, aye.” She’s got absolutely no idea what sound that one is. Shaky and a little wobbly and some dark, half-forgotten part of Emma’s brain believes it’s drifting close to giggle territory. That can’t be right. She can’t giggle while she’s still crying. 
The bylaws of the Universe probably frown on that. 
“Is that how you wound up with Cora, then? Stuck around longer and got a good deal?” Nothing. 
No answer. No jokes. Certainly nothing even remotely resembling a giggle. 
Just the muscle in Hook’s temple, jumping rhythmically and consistently and Emma really does try to stay patient. Her sniffling makes that difficult. 
“Something like that,” Killian repeats evasively, staring straight ahead like he can see through the trees. Maybe he can. What does Emma know. Some pirates probably have to have good eyesight. Make up for the eye patches and whatnot. 
She nods. No one asked a question. “Ok.” “Ok?” “Ok,” Emma echoes, “you’re a real shit liar and I’m real great at telling when you’re lying, but—” “—Me specifically?” Yes. The answer is yes, but she doesn’t give voice to that either and maybe she should be writing all these things down. The things she’s not saying. 
Should say. 
Emma can’t believe she time traveled and didn’t even get to talk to her mother. 
And that’s the first time she’s really allowed herself to think of Snow White as her mother. 
“Super power,” Emma continues, waving her free hand towards her temple. Her other one is still clinging to his hook. “But that’s fine. You didn’t pry, so I won’t pry, I just—” Collapsing throats, she imagines, are supposed to hurt more than this does. This doesn’t hurt, per se, just feels passably uncomfortable, like there’s a wad of cotton in her mouth, making it difficult to say anything and Emma is so bad at saying anything, but Killian is staring at her and—
She lets herself call him Killian. In her head, at least .
“I can’t come up with anything else to say except thank you,” Emma whispers. 
“You don’t have to.” “Still.” “You’re welcome,” Killian says, and maybe words carry more weight in the past. By default. 
“Can I ask you something, though?” He tenses. Noticeably. It’s another round of fair and understandable, Emma’s teeth finding her lower lip until she tastes blood. Another reminder that she’s still here. With her fingers wrapped around Captain Hook’s—
No, that’s not right. Captain Hook did not follow her into a time vortex. Or ask her to dance. Or wear the fuck out of that jacket. Although that last one could use a bit more work, at least when it comes to sentence structure. 
The point still stands. 
Captain Hook didn’t do any of that. Killian Jones did. 
And he—
“When we were watching everything in the castle and Regina was you know…” Killian lips go thin. Emma might be staring at his lips. Past him had been a very good kisser as well. Maybe she’ll mention that at some point. After this. “Well, I just,” she stammers, “I was terrified, for my mom and my dad and even Ruby—God, is that her name here?” “Introduced herself as Red when Snow White sent her.” “Weird.” “Perhaps the best word for the entire situation.” “Or shitty.” “Aye that too,” he smiles, which is not weird. At least not as weird as it should be. “I wasn’t sure what was going to happen.” “Yeah, me neither,” Emma breathes, not exactly the explicit truth, but at least several steps without moving. “I—you have very strong arms.” “A compliment?” “An observation.” Killian chuckles, and this hair really is unfortunate. Normally, that one bit that Emma has come to regard as her own personal torture device would artfully fall across his forehead, a metaphorical arrow towards eyes that always seem to get brighter when they’re looking at her.
As they often are. 
But while the hair is different, the distracting tendencies of his tongue are the same. The tip of it finds the corner of his mouth, a soft push on the inside of his cheek, and Emma’s not keeping a list — at least not acknowledging her want of a list — but the tongue thing is definitely one of Killian’s most telling tells. 
Seriously, her sentence structure sucks. 
“Although,” Emma adds, “it wasn’t that bad.” HIs tongue goes back in his mouth. She’s got to stop thinking about his tongue.
“No?” “No,” she says. “It was...nice.” So, off the top of her head, she needs to fix — sentences, her grasp of the English language, her tendency to repeat herself, and finding better adjectives for emotionally charged moments. 
Emma still hasn’t called him Killian to his face, after all. 
“What did you think was going to happen?” No tongue, but an obviously tight jaw makes Emma’s stomach jump into her still-collapsed throat. “Like I said, love. I wasn’t sure. Just wanted to make sure you’re alright.” The lie feels like it reaches out, smacks her across the face and then backhands her for good measure. It leaves Emma’s cheeks tingling and something tugs at the base of her spine. Not magic, because she still doesn’t have magic, but maybe magic adjacent, like a memory or hints of a dream that keep lingering at the edges of everything, and she promised. 
She doesn’t push. She doesn’t prod. 
She doesn’t pry. 
And Killian has to move his sword again when he gets back to his feet. “We’ve got a fire going, if you’d like to warm up.” “Yeah, ok. Thanks.” Emma doesn’t let go of the hook, keeps her fingers curled around it as they move back through the trees and neither one of them stumble, a very small, but much needed victory because—
Well, everything kind of continues to suck. 
At least for a little while. 
Snow White isn’t dead, but she’s a bug, and then she’s not a bug and Emma has no idea where Ruby goes. She’s too busy worried about this nameless woman and wielding a branch gets her another laugh and a smile she’s going to think about for at least seventy-two hours straight. Then there are trolls, and tears of the less-pained variety. Rumplestilskin continues to be any forest’s biggest asshole, and there’s magic and another round of crying and—
Emma runs. 
Sprinting across Storybrooke, she ignores the ringing phone in her pocket, determined to hug her parents and hold her kid with her own display of impressive upper body strength. 
And it gets better, less suck-like, at least. Food and smiles and the way her mother’s hand feels when it rests on top of Emma’s. 
Until she’s sitting — tucked into the corner of a booth with her own face staring at her from the pages of Henry’s storybook and Emma can’t quite recognize the person there. The happiness on her face feels like...well, a story. A good one, but something that she can’t believe was hers or is hers or could be hers and she’s got to add tenses to that list she only kind of remembers. 
Glancing around, the muscles in her neck object to the stress she’s putting them under, because time travel is awful and exhaustion is starting to creep its way up her spine. 
“Looking for someone?” her mother asks, and Emma’s lips pop. 
That’s it. 
She understands. Fucking goddamn finally. 
Emma might nod. Or shake her head. It doesn’t really matter. 
There are no words. No explanations. Just clamoring back to her feet, the bottoms of her boots sticking to the linoleum near the door because one of the dwarves definitely spilled punch at some point and—
His head snaps up as soon as the door closes behind her. 
“So, do you think Rumplestilskin is right?” Emma asks, dropping into one of the wrought-iron chairs at the table Killian has commandeered. Pirate term. “I’m in the book now. He said everything, besides our little adventure, would go back to normal. Do you think that it is?”
“He’s right. Otherwise I’d remember that damned bar wench I kissed.” She smiles. Wide and honest and easier than anything has ever been. And Killian doesn’t flinch when she teases him, like that’s something Emma is allowed to do, but she figures once she uses his name and once they start making out like teenagers it’s fine, and this is her favorite kiss. 
By far. 
No sounds, no rum, nothing except the feel of his fingers in her hair and her knees bumping against his and she tries to claw her way into his space, a burst of colors behind her closed eyes that she knows is magic and him and them, a collective unit that—
“You came out here,” Killian murmurs, the words barely making their way through the haze of Emma’s post-makeout brain. 
She bumps her nose against his. “Turnabout and all that. I...I didn’t want you to be by yourself. And I had a thought.” “Which was?” “Did you think I was going to disappear? When Regina tried to kill my mom. I—you said you didn’t know what would happen, but that wasn’t—” “—Super power, huh?” “Not cool to interrupt when I’m theorizing.” “Well, you don’t like being cool, do you, Swan?” Her smile is going to get stuck on her face. That’s...nice. “Was that what it was?” “The thought had crossed my mind, aye.” “Smart guy.” “High praise.” “I’m an official princess now. In the book and everything, so favors from me hold a certain weight, don’t you think?” He smirks. She tries to memorize it. Every shift of his mouth, the spark in his eye and slight scrunch of his nose, what might be a few freckles there or a trick of the dim lights above them. 
Emma’s skin feels like it’s vibrating. 
“Thank you.” “You don’t have to keep saying that, Swan.” “Yeah, I know, but—I didn’t think about disappearing, but I did think about wanting something to hold onto and that’s...thank you.”
It’s not enough. Not really, but even the concept of holding her tight enough to ensure that she didn’t disappear in some fairy tale realm is a lot for Emma to wrap her mind around, so she’s going to give herself a pass on this one. 
And kiss him instead. Kissing Killian is quickly climbing to the top of a brand-new list of Emma’s favorite things. In every known realm. His tongue swipes her lips and she opens her mouth at the same time her eyes fall shut again, a tilt of her head and bump of their chins, and it’s not easy to deal with all of their assorted limbs at this angle, but that just ensures that this is a bit slower and softer and something that is, quite obviously, the start. 
Because she came after him this time. 
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monchikyun · 4 years
XV. home
Gavin is a restless sleeper. His body thrashes and twitches like it desperately wants to wake up, his mouth forming disjointed sentences whose meaning is indecipherable even for Connor. It feels like his entire being is calling for help, for someone to rescue him from the depths of his own twisted psyche. It’s a hundred times worse than it was yesterday. A night when the android had to do all that was in his might just to stay a passive observer, just because he was too afraid to trespass any further.
Not this time. He holds the fevered man in his arms, hoping it’s the best procedure in this scenario. The human has to sleep, there is no way around it if he wants to get better. All Connor can do is to bestow some sense of comfort. If he’s lucky, it will extend to his dream world, at least partially. Connor will do the rest when he gets released from the clutches of his nightmare. In the meanwhile, he’ll pass the time monitoring his vitals, as he’s fond of doing.
His little indirect confession fails to leave an impact for the longest time, his processors busy researching how to best care for his sick partner. It leaves him unbothered until Gavin’s body finally ceases its violent movements and he’s given a moment of temporary calm. It is all too quiet, meaning the memory has nothing to hide behind anymore. No distractions keeping it from fully presenting itself. Connor fears replaying the conversation would throw him into a flight or fight mode, that he would try and undo it all. Still, avoiding it won’t solve anything. So he closes his eyes and transports himself to that fragile moment. But his mind puts him in no such ugly place. It makes his chest light, like he's gotten rid of a heavy burden that was making his life into a less than joyous experience. Maybe he has been wrong for keeping these feelings for himself all this time, knowing well that Gavin doesn't look at him as one would at a mere friend, that his heart leaps up whenever their proximity is far more than casual. It’s not something earth-shattering, nor a disaster that would split them apart. Perhaps all he’s done is just strengthen the foundation of the bridge that connects them. Perhaps he can keep it standing by being completely honest, not only with himself. The doubts may forever muddy his view, but that can’t stop him from seeing clearly. Not in the long run. Not as long as he has the countermeasure right here beside him.
His friend is pulled from his unrestful slumber with a sharp gasp, his eyes darting around, most likely trying to remember where he is and what’s been happening all those hours he can’t account for.
“Hey, hey, it’s alright, I’m here.” That doesn’t feel like the correct thing to say, considering the man’s unpredictable nature, but Connor just can't fight the temptation to remind Gavin that he's not alone.
Connor has left him lying on his own about an hour ago, providing him with the space he might need. His temperature went significantly down and there was no pressing need to keep serving as a personal heater-slash-cooler. Not that he doesn’t greatly enjoy it.
“What…,” an incomplete question accented with a wet cough, “what… where…” Gavin tries to sit up, but the night has made him weak and so he would be left struggling if it wasn’t for his very helpful android friend who eagerly lifts him up. Gavin winces under his touch, but only for the first second, and before long he gives in completely. He doesn’t protest when Connor lets his hands linger just as their eyes meet, despite the blood rushing to his face. The man parts his lips as if there are words locked inside of him that should be set free, but no sound comes out. It doesn’t matter. His look says more than his mouth ever could.
“You sure you’ll manage?” he checks for the third time, seemingly speaking to nothing but the closed bathroom room.
Connor has assisted Gavin with all the allowed tasks, which does not include helping him strip off his clothes, unfortunately enough. The stubborn man has insisted on not being a baby and having the ability to do this on his own, which is disputable at best. Still, he’s relented and let him do as he pleases, but only because his health isn’t a threat to him anymore. And maybe also because it’s hard to go against his wishes when he smiles at him like that, a weapon Connor isn’t immune to.
“Doubtful,” comes the reply together with a freshly clothed Gavin. After a short scan he finds out that the shower hasn’t worsened his condition after all, could be an effect of the very necessary lecture on appropriate water-temperature Connor felt was very pertinent.
The man plops his exhausted body onto Connor’s bed, only since it’s the more sanitary option, he assumes.
Suddenly, his thought processes get brought to a halt, and he stands screwed to the floor, not knowing how to process this beautifully mundane moment. It’s too raw, too visceral and he’s still too frightened to act according to what his heart demands.
“Are you going to stand there and watch me like some creepy mannequin?”
Of course not.
In lieu of a verbal answer, he moves his heavy body to him, sitting next to his friend with an utmost tentativeness. Some would even take it that he’s nervous, but he has no real reason to be, does he?
“Relax, I’m not gonna bite… unless you’re into that?” the man chuckles, making Connor's lips curls upwards as well.
“I don’t advise you to try and find out.”
The tension inside him relents a little, but not enough to lean into Gavin’s side like he so awfully wants to.
“Should we go home?” he asks instead.
“And where would that be, tin can?”
“I…,” he can feel his cheeks heat up, for which he has no logical explanation. He doesn’t have real blood, so how…
“You’re so pretty.” A soft hand grazes the scorching spot, on his face lighting the rest of him on fire. “Never knew androids could do that.”
He just wanted to tell Gavin that he’s his home. A simple thing like that.
“Is it… is it blue?”
Though the bright grin on his friend’s face might just be worth this embarrassment.
“I was thinking,” Gavin starts as he rests his head on the android's shoulder, “the dog living in that cramped apartment… it isn’t fair to the poor animal. I, on the other hand, have a backyard that isn’t used for anything much these days. Plus, my place is much nicer and closer to work.”
“What are you insinuating?”
“You really want me to say it, don’t you. Okay,.. okay.” He takes a deep breath, attempting to calm his racing heart. Connor wishes he could do the same.
“Maybe you’d like to move in with me, for convenience purposes I mean. Whenever you want. But really you don’t-”
“I’d love to.”
This new development gives him enough courage to place a small kiss on Gavin’s forehead, as a thank you. A tiny insurance for their shared future.
this counts as a Christmas present right :D
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female-overlord-3 · 4 years
Bring Them Home  Ch 15 Smash
This fic is slow going with everything but going. Kept this baby as a draft until I wrote the next chapter :D
Alex, Michael, and Isobel bond and talk! Enjoy 💛
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They get their 3 hours and a little bit more until Michael finally becomes the voice of reason.
"As much as I want to spend the rest of the day with you, I need to check in with Sanders and do my actual day job. Plus Izzy is nothing but greedy for all the attention on her."
Alex just gives him a look before dragging Michael back onto the bed and rolling to be on top.
"This is a once in a blue moon lazy day for me Michael. You give me another hour and then I'll be satisfied."
Their first hour was the nap after their call, Michael carrying a dozing Alex to his bed so they'd be more comfortable. The second was Michael thoroughly massaging Alex's full body after Alex does his at home PT routine. The third was them switching between kissing and talking.
Michael wouldn't mind the third hour becoming 2 straight hours of more talking and kissing. He also doesn't think he can move because Alex is pretty much the ideal weight for holding him down.
Then the small touches start. One hand moving to his neck as a thumb swipes up and down his throat slowly before it moves to sink into his curls. Fingers gently digging into his scalp as lips press randomly across his torso and above. Michael is in actual heaven as he loses time to Alex's devoting touches until his left hand cramps and he lets out a hiss from the pain.
Lifting up Alex gives him space to do whatever he needs, his face pinched in worry and flickers of guilt at seeing Michael cradle his hand.
"Do you need a heat compress or acetone for the pain?" Alex quietly asks but Michael shakes his head.
"It'll pass. Give it a minute."
Hesitantly Alex reaches for it and let's the tips of his fingertips rest ever so lightly on the ridges of the scarred skin that Michael barely feels as Alex traces it. Michael lifts his hand up to feel the pressure and warmth of Alex’s hand but Alex snatches it away.
“Doesn’t it-” Alex's voice was quiet and a bit hoarse. “I don’t want you to hurt. I was trying to-” He stops himself again with his words stuck as old guilt starts to consume him.
Sighing Michael sits up but keeps his hands to himself.
“You think we’re ready to talk about this?” He waves his left hand between them.
He gives Alex a good minute to breathe through what he’s feeling right now before slowly inching his right hand to the thigh resting next to his.
“I am but that’s cause I made peace with it a long time ago. If you’re not then we can put it on hold for another time but you didn’t do this to me, you’re not a monster or violent like him. I’m not gonna lie, it reminds me that there’s bad in the world, that it’s cruel and doesn’t care but,” His hand has traveled up and cups Alex’s cheek. “It also reminds me that there are kind people like you who somehow left me a medical kit even though I didn’t see you for a week because you were hurt too. That wanted me to get help and go to the hospital but found an alternative when I kept telling you no.”
Alex’s eyes fall closed as he leans into Michael’s hand.
“You’re lucky your antibodies are immune to human infection and diseases.” Is the only thing he can say.
“Pretty nice that my form of power boost is just 5 bucks a bottle too, though my personal brew is much better.” Michael raises his left and holds it in front of Alex. “You didn’t need to go and make us a matching set but of course you had to one-up me.”
All he gets is a soft noise from Alex who’s finally reached for his left hand, both of his cradling Michael’s like it’s precious as he brings it to his chest to lay right over his heart. The steady thump is a song he’s missed.
“You could’ve healed it but you didn’t want to. You wanted to remember the good and the bad.”
Michael snorts at that. “I mean Max only offered like once but it also would’ve become a thing if people found out. Even though I didn’t know how much your dad was actually watching us, I didn’t want to give him anymore reasons to start snooping around. Hey you think he knew before and that’s why he went psycho?"
He asks it like an actual question, one of pure curiosity because now with everything they know it might actually be true.
"Maybe but I knew regardless he'd do something to anyone I brought home. Sure it was like an open secret but I tamed it down around him, the eyeliner and punk was just the easiest way to be proud but on just the edge. It helped that he hated both."
Michael watches as Alex's face pinches again.
"Would you heal it now or like a partial one?"
Smiling Michael just rubs his thumb against Alex's chest.
"Don't know. Depends really."
He pulls Alex back down and holds him close, soaking up as much comfort and the feeling of safety, love, and peace.
Of course not 10 minutes later there's a honk and a mental nudge from Isobel.
"Nooooo." He groans and buries his face in Alex's hair.
Alex agrees and presses closer as their phones start ringing.
"How is she calling both of us!"
There's a knock at the door then the sound of intentionally loud footsteps that stop at the window of their room.
"I promised lunch."
"We could be having really kinky sex right now Iz."
"Oh that reminds me I need to find a new playmate. Alex we're going to a gay bar. I want to see if me going all obsessed over Rosa was a me thing or his and I need a wingman who gets me."
Michael makes a face and holds onto Alex tighter. He doesn’t want Alex going to any bar without him.
"In my professional opinion it might be too soon and you're technically still married but screw it let’s go have fun." Alex pauses and reconsiders his words. “Actually if anything Kyle might be more game then me. I may be out and proud but I kinda dislike people… and crowds now.”  
He gives Michael a deep but short kiss and starts to wiggle free. Michael makes a valiant attempt to keep him in bed which is funny because earlier he was trying to head out for work and be responsible. He flips them over and tries to distract Alex with more kisses and he can feel Alex starting to give in when Isobel knocks on the window.
"We still game to blow up stuff or was that just the land around the cabin? Also will someone please let me in!"
They both groan and finally scramble out of bed to put pants on. Michael turns to face where the front door is and glares at it until it opens.
“It’s open.”
“Lovely. I’ll bring my stuff in.”
Michael slips down to slide on the sleeve then prosthetic for Alex before waddling closer to wrap his arms around Alex’s waist so he can bury his face in a very warm stomach.
“No bar without me. Someone’ll snatch you up.”
The vibrations and sound of Alex’s quiet laugh is nice.
“I was being honest about not really liking bars Michael and I'm only a tiny bit better about people. Have no fear everyone will be flocking to your sister.”
Silently Michael stands before climbing into Alex’s lap and latches onto him like a koala.
“Jesus I forgot how clingy you are.” Alex teases as his hands settle on Michaels sides. “Not that I mind.” He adds.
Leaning back to face each other, Michael gives him a dramatic pout. “You’re hot stuff and people will absolutely flock to you. I can’t stop people from looking but I can at least stop them from touching.” He eyes Alex’s neck hungrily and starts to lean down but a hand in his hair stops him.
“Ah and the marking thing. You sure you’re not a vampire?”
“It won’t be like-”
The unamused look Alex is sporting just makes Michael grin smugly. “You made it go around my whole neck. You gave me an actual hickey necklace Michael and it lasted for a whole week. No hickey necklace.”
“What about like two where everyone can see?” Michael questions and his eyes stare at the perfect spot. “I’ll keep them small.”
They roll over with Alex keeping him pinned down.
“You and I have a very different idea of what small is. No hickeys or marks until we go on another date.” He kisses Michael’s cheek before rolling off and leaving to go see what Isobel’s up to.
Michael mopes and gets dressed slowly. If the hoodie he has on is unusual for him well it’s Alex’s fault for leaving it in the room. In the closet and folded up top but Michael found it so finders-keepers.
“Michael you're staying 20 minutes so you can praise me while I break stuff with my mind." Isobel eyes the sweater and frowns. "Are you having a mental breakdown? That's the only time we wear hoodies." She comments and takes a step closer, ready to bring Michael into a hug for comfort which kinda confuses him.
"Um no. I'm good Iz. Just claiming one of my rights to wear something of Alex's." Michael pauses before taking his own step forward in concern. "Are you good? I know I haven't fully been there for you with everything but if you-"
Isobel rolls her eyes at him.
"I'm a big girl. It's been…. A lot but Alex and the others have helped in their own way. I do know breaking all this stuff will feel good so come on teach me how you do it." She says as she pats his shoulder then heads to Alex's backyard, Michael quickly following her.
"You're sure?" He asks. "I know we all have a tendency to avoid actually talking about our shit so if there's anything you want to then I'm here."
The tight line of Isobel's lips hold for a few seconds before dropping as she sighs.
"I'm still mad and hurt. Also sad because I- this whole mess started with him and I was just a tool he used. I was finally starting to feel like I could be myself but even that's a lie. First it was thinking I was the one who killed everyone and that sucked but finding out the actual truth was worse." Her voice wobbles a bit before she takes a deep breath to steady it. "I know I'm not okay and we're all dealing with our own shit but for once I don't feel totally alone. I'm gonna try and be a better sister to you because you've always been there for me Michael, you carried what happened that night with you for a decade so I wouldn't have too. I've let myself follow whatever Max decided because we got to grow up together and I thought he was right, that he was protecting us and the normal life we had."
She swallows and her eyes dart away.
"And he was but that meant you were left out because you never got our type of normal. So I'm gonna work on being there for you too and making sure you're included. Now let's go break stuff."
Michael grabs onto her hand and squeezes it. Isobel squeezes back and both their eyes are a bit misty but the smiles they wear are bright.
They see Alex a couple yards out, placing items from the box Isobel brought around his open backyard.
“Whatever you break you also clean up so I would suggest a tarp or something.”
Michael swaggers over and latches onto his side, nuzzling into his neck.
"Of course gotta keep the place clean. I'll go grab one." He leans to take a sip from Alex's milkshakes but it's moved away.
"You hate mint."
Michael blinks at him and can't help how big his smile turns.
"I don't mind it when it's from you." His eyes land on Alex's lips in an obvious request.
Michael's curls slap him in the face.
"Ow Iz why!"
"What? I'm just practicing my power." Her sickly sweet voice and eyelashes fluttering says anything but.
Michael rolls his eyes and pecks Alex's check. "You get thirty minutes and then I have to head to Sanders."
A hand slides into the back pocket of his jeans and he's pulled closer to Alex's side.
"Whatever you don't break or wanna leave to burn will be our bonding time."
Isobel's eyes light up at the offer.
"You really weren't lying about getting to explode shit! Like actual explosives?" She grabs onto Alex slowly and starts tugging him back to the house so he can show her.
Michael doesn't let go and they all walk back inside relatively easy for the three of them latched onto each other.
"More like I have the basic materials needed to make bombs which you would be surprised on how easy they are to make." Alex comments as Michael gives an understanding nod.
"Though I do have some minor explosives that are probably closer to fireworks which are easier to clean up after and that can easily be stated as such."
Alex slips out of their arms and goes to the small closet hidden behind the bathroom, the three of them bring all the goods to the living room.
"Does this mean I can use you as an excuse to come here instead of my mother's Fourth of July barbeque? I'm always stuck talking about nothing and everyone keeps expecting me to be pregnant. Do I look like mother material to you?"
She's settled in Michael's lap as they hold each other comfortably. Michael rests his head on her shoulder as he chuckles.
"Hmmm you're more Aunt material. You'd spoil my future kids rotten but also make sure they know how to talk circles around people the second they learn how."
"Their first words will be aunt Izzy or some variation of that. I'm not picky."
Her tone is casual but her eyes don't leave Alex who's gone quiet.
"I'm not saying a hard no to possibly being a surrogate but in a few years ask me again. I'll be back, just need to use the bathroom." She glides off of Michael's lap and out the door.
Michael doesn't pay her any mind and flops back to lay back on the bed.
The thought of having kids have been an off and on thing for him. Sometimes he doesn't because he's not even human and not the stablest person, being in the system didn't do him any favors. There's so much entailed with it that if he ever did he's worried the poor kid will turn out worse than him, that Michael won't have or be able to provide what they'll need. Then there are days he'd love to be that parent for someone who needs it, to be who he needed as a kid. Save at least one kid from a bad situation. Have the type of family he's sometimes let himself dream and barely hope for.
Sometimes it's just him raising a kid alone but other times Alex is there too, both of them sharing the love they have with someone else who might need it. Alex would never be like his father and would give their kid everything they needed no matter what but also make sure they have boundaries and morals and good life lessons.
"Would you want kids Alex?"
Michael voices once he's brought back to the present.
Just because he wants kids doesn't mean he needs them. He knows better than anyone that you gotta be committed and ready for that type of responsibility.
There's always the future but for right now he just wants to get his mom and people free, to deal with Noah, and to be with Alex.
"In another life… yes but I'm not sure about this one." Alex gets this nervous look on his face before sighing. "I'd have to think about it."
That's pretty much on par what Michael knew he'd say.
"Do you- I mean obviously you do but I'm not-"
Michael uses his powers to tug Alex to him. He takes Alex's hands and gives a light squeeze.
"I do but not now or for a while. I want to get my mom out and deal with the insanity of our lives first then enjoy being with you. I would like them in the far far future but I don't need them. I'm not letting some punk take all your attention until I've gotten my fill."
Alex clings to him and nods.
"As of now I love you and my meddling sister. You can come back in Isobel."
She walks in stubbornly with her head held high.
"I didn't mean to bring up future kids. You did that all on your own Michael and I'm sure you'll both be amazing uncles when Max and Liz figure their shit out. Max will finally have a reason to quit the force and stay at home to write like he's always wanted while Liz works on saving the world and all that jazz."
She grabs all the explosives quickly and carefully to do something with her hands.
“I mean who wouldn’t want an adorable hybrid of me though right, the world would all but perish under our reign. I’m sure i’d be a good mom though… with time and everyone else’s kids as a trial but like you guys said, now is a horrible time.” Her voice lowers to something almost hushed. “I’m sure plenty of kids need a home once i’m ready so all we need to do now is learn and be as prepared as possible.”
Michael smiles fondly at her as he stands and wraps an arm around her waist, pressing his forehead to the side of her neck.
“There’d be nothing stopping you once you decide your ready Isobel.”
Alex leans into her other side and they all just take a moment to breathe together.
“When we’re ready.” Alex voices with hope and it brings a smile to all their faces. “Does that mean we’re ready to go blow stuff up now?”
That gets a laugh.
“Come on all this emotional talk is ruining the mood. I’m ready to see how much control I need to learn to beat Michael!”
The three proceed to smash, break, and explode the contents of Isobel's boxes while enjoying their lunch.
Isobel is a bit shocked and proud of how much control Michael has on his power. A bit jealous too but she’s only just started. She finds it sickeningly sweet how awed Alex looks when he looks at Michael but the kind one he gives her makes up for it.
“How did I not see it?” She asks them. Her tone is light with wonder. That she never saw how much love just poured from them. It’s been a decade and she’s only finding out now.
Both Alex and Michael sigh but there’s less of a haunted look in their eyes.
“Shit timing and even worse communication.” Michael voices and then he’s at Alex’s side. “It’s hard to have something when everything’s going against you.”
Alex nods with his face set in a hard look before it clears.
“We kept it to ourselves cause it was safer but now there’s less bullshit to fight against.”
Isobel hurts from even the idea of what they’ve been through, the flashes she’s gotten from Alex flickering before she lets it all go.
“Well you’ve got someone else on your side.” she stands tall again, stronger and more solid with this certain topic worked through. "I'd happily melt anyone who's brain keeps giving you guys trouble. I'm sure I can make it look like an aneurysm."
She’s trying to be reassuring but the pained and overwhelmed look on Michael's face makes her feel unsure, like she's miss stepped somewhere.
It's only when Michael launches at her and holds her in a crushing hug, that his mind is so loud it's screaming at her by being in contact, that she understands.
Michael's always been so strong and never truly had anyone who he felt he could rely on, to truly rely on. Alex probably now with everything known but not really anyone else and that hurts Isobel all over again.
They should've been united from the start. They should've been together, able to rely and trust each other without doubt.
She holds on tight to him and lets out a sigh when Michael’s mind quiets, Alex’s presence closer being the obvious reason why.
Isobel is going to have a talk with Max about Alex and about Michael. Alex is right that they need to all work together to figure this mess out.
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minalous · 5 years
Zeus: King of Gods (m)
Tumblr media
pairing: jungkook x reader, namjoon x reader ft taehyung x reader
description/warnings: jungkook!god, since he is Zeus of course he will be a little bit dominant, namjoon!god, namjoon is Dionysus so please yes, namjoon likes creating and inspiring ecstasy, smut happening, oral (f receiving) || You find yourself in disbelief when a young man swears he is the God of Sky, Zeus. It doesn’t take long until you take him seriously.  “I’m here to save you, I’m here to ruin you.You called me, see? I’m so sweet”
genre: smut | angst | fluff
words: 6.2k
Why on earth you decided to come here after such a long time? How the hell did you find yourself involved into a seminar you never wanted to take in the first place? The questions that keep bugging through the whole lot of your journey. Going back to Greece is not the problem, you are always into taking some vacation in the country which had you hooked into archaeology. It will only be for a week, seven days you can devote into relaxing and being away from work.
Travelling all the way to your destination takes more than twenty hours, time you could possibly spend home to relax and have some time for yourself, a great opportunity that your best friend took away from you. He had to stay back home since the nature of his work did not offer a lot of time off. Being your assistant does not give him enough time to get vacation, maybe that is your fault, only partially. 
"You are aware of the situation you got yourself into, right?" you whisper to yourself while struggling to get past your fellow passengers. The airplane has just landed, a few minutes earlier than expected and it works perfectly in your favour. You hurriedly grab your cabin bag, making the best of efforts to avoid the people surrounding you.
What you do not expect is the rain pouring down as if the sky itself opened in half to rain down waterfalls. It is beautiful to watch but right now you desperately need to hurry and go to your hotel. You are thankful you know the closest way to go there, the traffic is horrible due to the downpour.
It does not take you long to get to your hotel, the decision you made not to take a taxi was wise, the traffic is getting worse and worse by the minute. The lobby of the hotel is enormous, the heat of the air conditioning sends waves of pleasurable warmth all over your body. The rain seems to have gotten your clothes so wet that only now you can tell how much it has affected you.
"Hello. I have booked one of your suites" you say while you try to reach out for your phone inside your purse
"Hello, Miss. Under what surname have you done the booking?" 
"It should be under the surname Kim. My assistant made it for me. It should be under Kim Taehyung"
"Yes, Miss. You have booked the Crimson suite for a month."
The man's words snap you out of your thoughts, staring blankly into his direction as you try to remind yourself how many days you have decided to stay here.
"I am sorry. I think there has been a mistake. It should be for a week."
"Let me check again then, Miss."
You now keep searching for your phone furiously, there is no mistake made apart from the one Kim Taehyung that has lied to you and has arranged an extended holiday for you without your permission. You make a quick phone call while waving to the man in the reception that you are on the phone.
"Hello, hello" you hear his voice "how was your trip, baby?"
"Don't baby me, Tae. Why the hell did you book the suite for a month?"
"First of all, you are welcome?" he fake laughs at you "and secondly, please do take some vacation. You are fucked from work. Two years in the row with no holidays. Just relax. The company will be fine without you" he adds
"I doubt that" you tell him "but I trust you."
"Now say you are sorry and thank me, because we have been through hell these last couple of months." he says in a worried tone "especially you and I after all those incidents"
"I am sorry, Tae. I should not have dragged you into this"
"There will always be incidents, baby. I like going on trips with you, but this one take in on your own. Spend some time with yourself, think about your next steps. Maybe I will come meet you there. You like the Ancient Greek Gods, right?"
"Yes" you say in a lower voice "Thank you for remembering that."
"Anything for you, baby." you can tell he is smiling "Call me when you are done with your check in, yeah?"
"Yes, Tae. Thank you again for everything. I don't know what I would do without you." you are truly blessed to have him in your life
"No worries, baby. I love you"
"I love you too, Tae"
"Bye. Have fun" he says cheerfully
Lucky, that is what you are to have Tae in your life. He organised this trip and vacation for you, for your well being. He truly is an angel. You have known Taehyung your whole life. Since you can remember yourself, he was there, has always been there. To protect you, to guide you, to fight for you. 
"Miss, I have checked the booking twice and it says it is for a month. It has already been paid." 
"It is okay. I was on the phone with my assistant and we clarified the dates. Thank you for checking though" you smile at him
"Here is your key, miss" he hands you the key "your personal assistant will help you get to your suite"
"My what?" you say in confusion
"The VIP guests have a 24hr private assistance. It is the same as having a butler, Miss. Your assistant has provided this service for you."
For the love of god, why is he such a baby?
"Thank you for letting me know. Have a goodnight"
"Goodnight, Miss"
Your personal assistant as the receptionist said, helped you get to your suite. Apparently it is not a service provided only for the hotel premises. He is assigned to accompany you through the whole of your accommodation. The more you look at him, the more he looks like a bodyguard rather than a personal assistant. You cannot deny he looks more like a model though. He is tall, well built, tanned skin, beautiful blonde hair. He looks like an old forgotten god.
"Here is your suite, Miss. Please call me if you need anything. I will be outside. Have a good night." he says while he is about to close the door
"Thank you for youryou help. Before you leave, what is your name?"
"Namjoon, Miss" he replies and bows before closing the door for you
The next few days get by smoothly, day and night you do those things you missed the most; shopping, reading, cooking your favourite meal. Namjoon accompanies you everywhere you are to go. He mostly never talks, only if necessary. It is quite enjoyable to have someone by your side after such a long time of being alone when doing every day chores. Much more enjoyable when this somebody who offers you his company is so beautiful.
You do not want to make him uncomfortable but you stare at him from time to time, your eyes keep tracing his movements; he opens every door for you, he brings you coffee every morning and he weirdly enough guessed the coffee you like right, he silently does whatever you need and want without being asked to do so. He never exceeds limits and boundaries. He is a gentleman. 
The last place you find yourself in is one of the finest wine shops in the city. You are not the best to choose when it comes to wine. Over the years you had a lot of bad experiencesexperience with wine, especially after bad days, drinking your sorrows away. Namjoon approaches you carefully, a smile on his lips as he questions you.
"I am sorry to interfere, Miss, but what kind of wine would you like to consume with your food?"
"I always preferred red wine to any other wine" you lower your voice and lean towards him, almost whispering "you may not know, but in ancient Greece they loved red wine" 
"Is that so?" Namjoon asks in curiosity, a faint smirk plastered on his lips
It feels so fun to have him here with you, able to share the knowledge you hold for ancient history and mythology.
"They had Dionysus. He is mostly known as the God of wine but I always loved him for his contribution in the arts and literature. He was so loved and he was so important for a lot of people back in the days. Real or not, he did his part." you tell him, two bottles of red wine in your hands.
"Thank you.." he says in awe before walking to the till "For letting me know. But I believe you should buy these bottles of red wine. Something stronger will help you relax"
Namjoon carries the bags with the bottles back to the car, your mind already trying to figure out what you are going to cook back home. There is basically nothing left except for fruit you have bought a couple of days ago and some steak you would end up throwing away. You are not bored, just too tired to cook.
"Yes, Miss?" he replies softly
"Would you..? Never mind" it's too childish to ask him to cook for you
"Is there something wrong, Miss?" Namjoon drives the both of you back home, almost reaching back to your destination
"No, nothing wrong. I wondered if you could possibly cook for me?" you end your request with a question mark floating in your tone
You can hear Namjoon chuckling at the front driver's seat and it would hurt your pride if you did not know he is not the type of person to mock you.
"I would love to" he pauses for a minute "I mean I am happy to cook for you, Miss"
As you show him where the things you have bought are, Namjoon takes off his suit jacket which has you baffled. Where was he hiding all these muscles? You try to shake off the feeling of arousal by opening one of the bottles you just bought. With your hands pouring a glass of wine, you reach out to give a glass of wine to Namjoon but you are not ready for what you are about to see; Namjoon is slowly rolling up his sleeves, veiny arms now exposed to all of their glory.
"Wow" comes out as a whisper from your lips
"Thank you, Miss. How would you like to have your steak?"
Is he thanking you for your comment or for the wine? You clearly are clueless
"Medium to medium well would be fine"
"It will not take long." he reassures
You sit at the other side of the table, taking in the beautiful view he provides while he is so concentrated on cooking your meal. The glass of wine you hold in your grasp is already empty, not blaming yourself for finishing it so quickly. It helps you drown the improper thoughts you have for Namjoon.
It seems to you that your body is not listening to you, insatiable the way he moves around you, how he touches things, the depth of his voice as he asks you the simplest of things. Is he real? You have never felt so attracted to anyone before, eyes stay stimulated on his figure, the more you stay focused on him, the more you want to get lost into him.
Is it the wine talking, is it him that makes you lose yourself? 
"You should stop drinking if it makes you so dizzy" 
Namjoon is sitting right next to you, holding his distance as expected from a gentleman like himself, showing you the empty bottle in his hand.
"When did you manage to finish it?" his voice is smooth like silk
"I don't know. I don't remember" these are the very last words you remember falling from your lips
Black velvet, green, red; colours that are decorating the room you found yourself in. The touch of velvet under your skin has you shiver from pleasure, the feeling travels down your heat and it makes you moan involuntary. Everything is set to maximum; the noises, the voices, the music, the smells, all of your senses are heightened and it feels ecstatic.
Your clothing is different from what you were wearing beforewearing on before, a dark green silk dress covers only the parts in need to be unseen, your exposed skin shuddering under the chilly air. You move around the room to find the door which would let you further explore and you know there is no escape. That is all you can feel and remember every time you see the same dream - more of a realistic nightmare rather than a dream. The same mansion that would offer its cold, empty halls, full of dust and loneliness.
Extravagant staircases with a design seemingly invaluable as if it held too much history in it, stairs crying out full of agony to you, calling out your name. You would always stare around you, lost and alone you wanted to reach out to anyone. But there is nothing to be seen, as far as your eyes can see there is only one light of life that is staring back at you with the hope you will reach out to it.
"There is more of me waiting for you in here" you can hear a soft, smoky voice trying to lure you into the depths of the mansion.
With eyes fixed on the light trying to guide you, you have no doubt that this whole scene unravelling in front of your very eyes has to be nothing more than a dream which feels so real, so real that it may be true. Your feet drag you further into this mansion, the mansion responsible for all those sleepless nights but the further you get into the mansion, the more fearless you get. Why is it so? Why do you have no fear for what it is to come?
The so familiar sweet, intoxicating scent hits your nostrils and you know you are about to see the same scene you have seen so many other times. Once you notice the beautiful women in front of you, the man who haunts you every time is right there, standing proudly surrounded by all those women. Women so beautiful that would put models into shame, music echoing all around you, grapes and other kinds of fruit surrounding the small of tables next to them which is there to feed their hunger, wine in their hands to quench their thirst.
"I knew you long time ago" the man's voice comes out in a whisper but it reaches you, making the hair on the back of your neck rise.
"I have been waiting for you.." and the man who is standing there is no other than the man who stands beside you every single day
"Namjoon.." it seems so unreal to see him but there he is, ready to haunt your mind and it makes you want to believe it is Namjoon, maybe you crave for him.. 
His voice has this power to make you surrender, not that it would take a lot to have you drop your defence and listen to what he has to say. Your attempt to focus on him is nothing more than a failure as he walks towards you, the room getting bigger and bigger as he comes for you. Had you known his touch would cause you to lose your senses, you would have never let him touch you. This kind of sensation is something you have never experienced before, the smallest touch his skin offers would make fire spread everywhere on your body and once his eyes meet yours, oh those eyes, you know, you know he is up to no good.
"It's not your body I want, it's your mind" he whispers to you, hands searching for your waist
"Just listen now.."he continues "listen to the sweet melody of my music and follow it." The man now offers you a drink that you happily accept, the sweetness of the drink hitting your lips and from the taste of it it probably is wine and honey. 
It is an instant feeling like a warm hug, the sweetness of the wine running into your veins and the rising of a new temptation can be seen into the both of you: lust for life. Only a few inches are separating you from kissing the man in front of you, only a second away from giving into your instincts. You know from his movements as you look deep into his eyes, you know from the way he is leaning into you: he really craves to kiss you. With lips instinctively opening to let him claim the kiss he asks so desperately to have, you let him wrap his hands around your waist and hold you closer to his larger frame. He is about to kiss you, lips and eyes closing to you.
"You are not about to seal your fate, Son."
You can feel the man getting tense under his, what he claims to be, father's words. He holds you closer, hands wrapped around you like wings that are meant to protect you. 
"She is not meant to be here to see you, this is a world I have created for her and I. She is to be here to meet me every night." The voice you can hear from this man is a voice you have been hearing since the beginning of your weird dreams. It has to be the beautiful man you have been dreaming of, the man who lives inside this mansion.
"She is not to be exposed to the cruelty you and your brothers are to unleash. This is a war you brought upon yourself, Father" 
"You are mistaken if you believe that I am to bring her into a war if I weren't sure I can keep her safe"
"But father, isn't it better if she loses her true self once and for all?"
"She is far too precious to have her true self die. She can get reborn to claim what she is rightfully owed" he says and you can feel his voice getting closer to where you stand "she is twice as important as you and I are, Dionysus."
"How come you believe she has the power to destroy them?"
"Because the Fates have shown me.. I have seen what she is capable of. And she can bring the end of days. Their end"
The ancient words echo around the stones of the temple, seeping into the foundation, just like the way the syllables of his voice bleed into yours. The sound of silence echoes louder once his presence fills up the temple, the power flowing from within his body is equal to no power known to you.
"Wake up, wake up and come find me" the voice of an angel pulling you out from your dream and urging you to wake up.
You find yourself safe and sound back in your apartment, the dream you had seemed so unreal right now when you have time to rerun all of the events that took place inside your dreamland. How could you have possibly faced two Greek gods without being harmed from their aura? Being you, you knew how dangerous it is to face beings of that nature; ancient, old, powerful, creatures that withheld powers able to destroy the earth.
There is the need to figure out what the dream is hiding behind the words of you being a goddess, only if it was true, only if the words spoken were real. To the core of your being you secretly hoped it was real. Who was the one who showed Zeus you were powerful? Because there can be none other than Zeus the one Dionysus was talking to, the King of Gods. If he were not to be the most powerful what were you to overpower him?
In the heat of the moment you become angry at your oblivious ignorance, guilty of believing into a dream which is nothing more than drunkenness mixed with the twisted reality you have created. You despise the person you have become with hours and hours spent to find things you cannot see, heartless to people in need of you. Only purpose in your life is to discover the hidden Olympian Gods, a purpose leading you to madness. 
The library that is conveniently placed within the hotel is the quickest way to have access to some of the books you want to have a look at, Zeus's family tree is the first of things you need to search. There were so many powerful Gods and Goddesses, or probably still exist if your suspicions are to become real. You dress up quickly, shoes in hands and ready to go to the library.
"Where are you going, Miss?" Namjoon's voice sends you chills and your whole body freezes on the spot as if somebody caught you doing something illegal. The dream you had no long ago is the reminder of a faint chance of Namjoon being a God. One of the Gods you loved and treasured the most.
"I want to go to the library to look something up. Can you please go grab us some coffee?" you say in the sweetest voice. You do not want to alert him, not until you are sure of his intentions.
"Of course" As Namjoon heads out for the coffee, you find the chance to have some time ahead in finding what you were looking for. You do not know exactly what to look for but the genealogy tree would be a good start. 
Hundreds of books are surrounding you but now you are no longer blind to the truth, your hand aiming towards the one and only book in here that can help you.
"I hope you are the one book that can help me" you mutter to yourself with the book in your hands. With complete attention in the book you are reading, you lean on the bookcase, devoted to finding a clue to help you out.
"Maybe it is not a book you are looking for but a being" the sweet, soft voice you just heard is familiar, a voice you are sure you have heard before.
"I am sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you" you say and continue reading your book. 
"Through ancient times, gods and goddesses walked on this earth, creatures older than the time. They held powers greater than the human mind could think of, the possession of anything mystical the universe could be in possess of.
The long forgotten story of the woman who prayed to Nyx to spare her child before getting devoured from her husband, Erebus, the personification of the deep darkness and shadows. The child was told to be the child of Chaos, the creator of all, and that Gaia and Tartarus were not the only ones. He had an affair that brought her into the world, a lover who he loved more than Nyx but he could never allow a bastard to have a claim to his throne the same way Zeus did to his father."
Mind deep into thoughts, the book you are reading repeating words you could not understand. The man next to you took it away from your hands, not before he could touch your fingers, offering to translate for you.
"I'm here to save you, I'm here to ruin you. You called me, see? I'm so sweet" these are the words you could not translate
"I have crossed oceans of time to find you" he continues "but these are not words in need of translation. This is me letting you know how long it took me to find you, to have you so close"
"Let me introduce myself, luv" the man takes your hand in his, softly bringing it on his lips to kiss it "I am Zeus. You may already know me" 
Yes, you already know him. And you feel you are his. The connection you feel between the two of you is undeniably strong, indestructible, a bond that has been created through years and years of getting to know you, a relationship he was aware he needed to create.
And there you are after unwillingly calling for him; the being who you are to face is one of those beautiful beings you got to know in your dreams, dreams you never knew until recently were real, now being here with him, with no fear or regrets. If you are to die in his hands, let it be. If you are to be held captive in his castle of mysteries, let it be. As long as he has you in the grasp of his hands, holding you tight in his arms, he could be the drug running in your veins, he could be the one to ruin you. He is what you want, you are what he needs.
His whole world is nothing you have seen before and inside your mind you are fighting through the pain to be what he craves for. Too much power dripping down from his fingertips but it is you who have the nectar he is quenching for; you are the purest creature he has laid his eyes on after thousands of years. 
Zeus is the name he is known for the last thousands of years but the name he goes with now is Jungkook. He asks you to call him that as he guides you back inside the mansion you have been dreaming of. Relief rushes through you as you come to realise you will no longer be in a constant battle with yourself, there will be no fear of you losing your mind. 
Jungkook guides you further than you have ever been inside this mansion of his, the lingering feeling of his hands on your body comes back to haunt you when he places a long, slow kiss on your neck. He knows how your body reacts to every of his touches, he commands it to submit under his will and it happily obliges. You cannot tell how long it has been since he has been pleasing you with his tongue and fingers but there is one thing you can tell; he craves to love you, it's all he has.
"Stay there, with your legs open for me. I am not nearly done with you yet."
He sweeps your juices with the back of his hands after licking the remains with his tongue. He is looking like a thirsty man on a hot day under the sun, searching for water. 
"No one can stop us now. You are my nectar. I am your lover"
You ignore the strange chalice he has offered you, sipping down the deep red liquor inside it.
"Sky and earth is ours. Chaos and night is ours. The day is ours. And now you are mine.. Mine." and with a knee bend down before you, your body laying down beautifully on the daybed, he leaves open mouthed kisses along your legs, spread already as he has asked you.
"And I am yours. Only yours" 
The morning sun creeps through the large windows to drag you out of your dreams, Jungkook laying beside you, eyes searching for your.
"Good morning.." he tells you softly "You have been sleeping for a long time"
"Good morning" you say before making your way to the edge of the bed
"I know you still have so many questions" he tries to say but you interrupt him
"I need you to show me" you say in a broken voice "I need you to show me what happened to me. When you gave me the drink last night, I remembered some things, I had broken memories of my past"
"So it worked" Jungkook says more to himself than you
"Please show" you plead
"I'll show you" Jungkook moves his body closer to yours, hands coming to gently touch your temples, soon your head is flooded with images.
The most beautiful woman appears in front of your very eyes like a dream; long black hair, black eyes, porcelain skin. She was as beautiful as the night. "Nyx" you can hear from a man behind her "You have to hide her. She is in danger" You cannot see the man but you can still see the beautiful woman. "Mom" slips from your lips. Mom? This is your mom.. The mother you have been searching your whole life. Nyx is your mother.. "Erebus is near. He can sense her. Please hurry" "Take her, Chaos. Please take her and protect her." "You know that Erebus is no match for you. Why are you so afraid?" "I do not wish him to know of my creation, of my child." Chaos is staring back at her with a look of understatement on his face. "He never knew you created more of you, did he?" You can see your mother tearing up, your father must have never known, must have never accepted your mother has created you. By the look of it you must be much more powerful than the liking of your father. "She is my beautiful light, Father. She is the one to bring the sun in my darkest nights, she is the one to create the air we, Gods, breathe. You created the universe and being your daughter, I wished to create two beautiful children for Erebus and I, but she has all of me in her little heart. She is perfect. But Erebus is scared of her and her powers. Please help me lie about her, help me save my child" 
Chaos is holding your small hands inside his, your eyes fixed on your mother that is trying her best not to cry and you may not have understood why back then, but now you do. She is about to lose her whole world, the only child she was able to have and hold in her hands. She is the most powerful being after Chaos but her only thought is to protect you from the harm your father may bring upon you. "I will always love you" your mother says and in the blink of an eye you find yourself in a different world.
"You are safe here" Chaos tells you "we are thousands of years apart with your father. You are so small and innocent." Chaos leaves a small kiss on your forehead before continuing "This is the right place for you to live and grow up. When he finds you, take the right decision. The world is upon your hands. Your children's desire will be to destroy the world you will come to know as home. Would you wish to save it, you will get reborn as the Goddess your mother wished you to be. Would you find the world you live on to be corrupted, let your children destroy it."
Every single one of the rest of your memories are from your current past. The rest of your story is to be told from Zeus, the son of Cronus and Rhea. 
"You now know why you are here, why we cannot have you ignore your true nature." Jungkook seems to need the world saved from his parents
"You are scared" you say softly "you are scared I won't help you"
"There is one part of the story that you are yet to know. And it is not that I am scared of your decision, I am worried about the power you hold in the grasp of your hands" Jungkook has you face him, with a soft kiss on your lips he feels it coming, your true nature lurking in the darkest corners of your mind 
"You inherited part of your mother's powers. You have the powers of three Gods. This is the reason Nyx had you hidden for thousands of years. No God was to hold so much power, luv. You are so unique" Jungkook says as he kisses you deeply "No Goddess can compete to your beauty" he breathes between the kiss, fingers finding their way to meet your heat "no Goddess can destroy and save worlds like you" his fingers enter with ease your wet core and your pretty moans fill the room "So beautiful you are.."
"I cannot afford to lose you, I cannot walk away from you now that I have found you. I need you to stay with me and save this world. I love my humans and the world" Jungkook never stops until you come undone on his fingers, licking the remaining of your wetness.
"I am here to worship you" Jungkook whispers as you fall asleep in his arms
Day after day you notice your powers overwhelming you, it has been so long since Jungkook has witnessed pure power, power in its rawest form. When Jungkook got to see you control the night sky, summoning the stars to show themselves to you, the small glimpse of his smile filled you with pride.
"Love the stars, love the moon" Jungkook tells you "I love you" 
He carefully places a kiss on your forehead, a kiss full of love. 
"We are equals now" you tell him, the view his balcony offers is breathtaking and to have him hug you is more than enough to make you happy
"I think I can't get enough from your touch" he says "you say a lot of things that drive me insane" 
"I can say a lot more, a lot more when you are with me" you say 
"Immortality becomes you, luv" Jungkook teases you
"I think I am starting to like it. Immortality may not be a bad thing after all"
Jungkook is taken aback by your words, he seems to not agree with your newly found liking in immortality, in the new life you are given.
"Immortality" Jungkook starts" Immortality comes with insatiable need, exquisite pain. Immortality holds its own privileges and downsides. Knowing about my world may get you hurt and I cannot allow that. You were able to awaken your powers, your immortality.. but no power comes without burdens."
"A leap of faith, that is all we need" you say "we need to be strong until we find where my full potential can take me. You mentioned that three different gods are within me, powers unknown to any of us"
"You shouldn't have to carry all that burden alone" Jungkook holds you tighter within his arms "The fate of the world should not be your responsibility"
"But the people living in it are my responsibility, they are our creation. We should save them from your parents. From all the Titans that wish to destroy the world"
"The world is an awful place. Best to meet it on its own terms. People are not good anymore, nor pure" he says but he does not mean it, not wholeheartedly 
"No the world isn't awful" you tell him softly "People are not awful. They want to be good. Something makes them bad, something breaks them down, makes them snap. We all must stand alone against our demons. And humans are not determined to face their demons anymore yet. We have to help them" 
"What if one day their demons become mine to fight? In what end am I to defeat the Titans, those Gods who want to bring an end to all humanity?"
"You are not alone anymore. You have me now.." you reassure him
"I am older than you, even if you came before me, I want to guide you to the old ways, to the old days when everything was beautiful and in harmony" Jungkook smiles at you
"And yet you remain so obstinate to the desire to kill your parents" you chuckle
"I do, my luv. And until the day Tartarus opens its gates for my parents, we are safe up here."
"And when is that to happen?" you ask him softly
"In the next full moon" Jungkook almost whispers
Eyes on the night sky, eyeing the half moon which is so bright, so full of life and promising to the stars around it. You raise your hand as if trying to reach out to the night sky, twisting your fingers while your mind bends the will of the moon to arise, because the moon is yours, the night is yours, the air is yours, the sun is yours. The moon ceases to exist from the night sky and it finds its way to your hand, beautiful as ever to adorn the skin of your wrist.
"That can save us some time I think" you chuckle again
Jungkook looks at you in disbelief as he has never seen anyone hold so much power.
"Yes that will save us all the time in the world, but I am sure that nobody stands a chance against you, luv."
"I would kill for you, Jungkook. Even if it meant to kill all of the Gods."
"And I will live for you" he says with a kiss "Always and forever"
Jungkook is the one God you never thought you would believe in and the one God you came to love; Zeus, the King of Gods. And there are two more Gods you crave to see; your mother, Nyx and your father, Erebus. But the latest will not have the pleasure to feel your love; he will be more than welcome though to feel your wrath.
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For the WIP ask game: please tell us something about Procrastinating Painter and exasperated but horny manager?
Hi Anon!😊 So glad you asked about this one.
So this is, at its core, a character study. 
A little tidbit of information about me: I am a master procrastinator. And not only when it comes to writing but in all aspects of my life too. I am lazy. If I can do it later, I will do it later. And I'll keep pushing it back as much as I can until I can't anymore. Thanks to this I've become a master at finishing projects with very little time and a deadline hanging like a sword of Damocles over my head. I work best under pressure. That's why I sometimes lose interest in my fics so easily. If I don't have a deadline it's very hard for me to get stuff done.
Soooooo, all this to say that one day, while I was despairing over my WIPs I started thinking about the different ways an artist or creator can deal with procrastination. And then, because every idea I get now mostly concerns or can be applied to Berlermo, I said to myself: But what if Andrés was a master procrastinator like me?
And BAM!
This thing was born. (Also I find it kinda ironic and hilarious that a character study in procrastination ended up as a WIP, don't you agree?).
So the basic idea is that Andrés is a moderately known and successful painter. He's not as successful as he could be because he's very particular and picky with his work and who he works for. So he only paints when he wants to and what he wants to. Which would be fine except that he is a procrastinator so his work is scarce.
Enter Martín, who is Andrés' best friend/agent and kinda friend with benefits. He is the one in charge of making sure Andrés gets stuff done even if the man in question does not want to. This means that Martín lives in a constant state of awe at Andrés' genius and talent, and also exasperation because of his laziness and inability to do what he's told. Also he is very much in love with Andrés and hates himself because of it.
So the fic in itself would cover the span of a month while Martín tries to get Andrés to work on an important commision for a famous gallery. From him we would see his struggle with perceived unrequited feelings for a man he feels he cannot fully come to understand. Andrés would procrastinate and we would see all his process and struggle with it. Until a couple days before the exhibition when Martín is about to kill Andrés, his genius strikes and he goes and produces a masterpiece (a masterpiece that may or may not be inspired by Martín).
So mostly it would focus on the art, the feels, the procrastination, and then the mad rush to get things done in time. (And I'd like to think I'd write it with a very oniric feel to it. Oh and also smut, so very like soulful and poetic smut. But well I don't think that's gonna happen.)
(Oh and also a happy ending where they end up confessing their feelings because I'm weak like that😁.)
So here have a snippet:
Martín started pacing and swore as he narrowly avoided walking into a bucket of bright red paint. 
The room was positively tiny and he still couldn't understand why Andrés insisted on spending all his time in it like some kind of recluse. The monastery was big enough to accommodate docens of people at one time but Andrés was happy to cram himself in the tiniest, most uncomfortable room he could find.  
He wondered how Andrés could live like that. The room was cramped, cluttered with books, canvases, sculptures and various bits of artistic trash. It looked like a museum's warehouse, if museums threw invaluable works in a warehouse without thought or care to what became of them. As he walked he deftly avoided discarded pieces of paper, empty paint tubes and old brushes. It was dirty, paint and dust covered every surface. The space not taken up by art supplies was used by a mattress on the ground shoved unceremoniously into a corner, a small coffee table and an enormous oak work table that seemed to be the centerpiece of the place.
Amongst all this chaos there stood Andrés, serene and unperturbed, unaware of his surroundings. With a brush on each hand and one clenched between his teeth. Before him a half painted canvas stretched like a vision of doom. The colors bleak and depressing. A mirage of untold horrors that sucked the life out of the area around it. The air seeming to grow heavier, dense and charged, stilted and dead. 
Martín could feel it in his bones, the emotions Andrés put into his work always expanding and resonating within him, turning him into a vessel for what Andrés couldn't say.
He was choking on an invisible weight and fought against it to unfurl his tongue from the dry cavern of his mouth and produce a sound. He knew the other man wasn't happy and that his intervention would only make things worse. But he had to shatter the looming tension before it swallowed him whole.
"Why don't you find another place. Maybe an apartment closer to the city."
Andrés didn't stop in his work but his shoulders tensed imperceptibly and the fingers of his left hand started drumming against the brush he wasn't currently using. He shook his head softly, his motions fluid and liquid. A delicate movement of silk floating in water.
"I'm not moving in with you Martín."
Martín closed his eyes, the bright hot pang in his heart a familiar caress at this point. He was like an addict, his feelings for Andrés a raging force that ravages his body and leaves him empty and aching. And still he willingly comes back for more, each time climbing higher with the knowledge that when he hits the ground it'll be more violent than before, the pieces impossible to pick up.
"That's not what I'm asking, you know it's not."
Andrés dipped his brush in a mug near his hand, washing out the dark paint, flicking the brush and creating a splatter of black bottomless dots, giving birth to a galaxy in the space that separates them.
"Don't ask things for which you know you won't like the answer."
Andrés' strokes become forceful then, the brush colliding against the canvas in an uncontrolled manner. The anger and frustration behind the movement captures Martín. He feels like a chick standing at the precipice. He can jump and take flight, taste the freedom and exhilaration of the wind rushing through his wings. Closing his eyes and diving not knowing if he's ready to fly the possibility of the deadly agonising crash a dark shadow at his back.
He was saved from having to make the choice by Andrés humming lowly in his throat.
"I love you Martín, but I'm not going to give up my life for you."
That familiar caress is back and the little chick is safely back in it's nest. The precipice dissolving and the unforgivable ground surging up to meet him, ripping him away in a manner more painful than any death. He shrugs, hunching in on himself, knowing the matter is closed and forgotten.
"Pass me my coffee." He demands, plastering a fake plastic smile on his face. While Andrés chooses to ignore the burning heat of things left unsaid that slowly melt the plastic away. Leaving behind a partially uncovered picture of a grotesque truth.
"I'm painting." Came the absent minded reply, the willful ignorance of man with a staggering lucidity of all the consequences of his actions.
Martín got up stretching legs that felt numb, forced to carry the weight of an unfathomable burden. He slowly walked towards Andrés, his steps the slow and lifeless cadence of the condemned, prolonging the inevitable in their approach to the gallows. 
He took his mug and took a long and deep sip of the liquid inside. He became aware of his mistake when Andrés turned to him with a steaming mug in his hand and a confused frown wrinkling his brow. 
Martín immediately opened his mouth, the dark paint water running down his chin like vomit, maring his shirt and staining skin and teeth. In the sickly pale light of the naked bulb, with the shadows under his eyes and the lingering hurt in his being, it made him look like a corpse throwing up thick and rotten blood.
Andrés laughed, the sound had a hysterically joyful quality to it, a discordant note in the gloominess of the room. It immediately invaded them, running through every crevice, every nook and cranny, injecting light and giving back the life that had been sucked out by the oppressing darkness.
The room changed completely, becoming bright and warm without suffering any real physical changes. It was infectious, contaging Martín and changing him from the inside out without his notice.
The rest of the afternoon was spent in a comfortable silence. And the next time Martín stopped for a visit the room felt warm and homely, cosy and welcoming. He also found that the mugs had marker scribbles on them. One read 'Martín' the other 'Paint Water'.
It put a small smile on his face.
Well Anon, it's really shitty right now and needs a lot of polishing and editing, but I hope you enjoy this and that it doesn't disappoint.☺
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thank you for coming up with that ship name, it's so pretty <3 Anyway have a Faywood HC: Penny crushes on Aurelie in the early years before slowly realizing that Aurelie doesn't appreciate her (I agree with you she was so shallow) and realizing Luca lied about the trinket when Aurelie has no memory of giving it to her. But she's not mad ofc, she's touched <333
...I don’t know what inspired me to write this. I don’t even particularly ship Luca with Penny in general, but I guess you caught me in the right mood, and I’ve enjoyed our back n forth, and somehow this just came spilling out of my fingertips. I hope you enjoy - 
Dear Jacob,
I’ve told you this before, no doubt, but I really dislike lying. Especially to friends. A first year could tell you as much, that it’s wrong to deceive the people you care about...and yet I’ve done it, time and again. I kept my misgivings about Rowan a secret and that led to us falling out for months. I had my reasons, and Rowan themself has even said they were understandable, but that fight was still my fault. But there have been other times as well. I lie to cover for Talbott and Chiara virtually any time I talk about them. And in those cases, I genuinely think I’m doing the right thing. That’s the trouble, lying sometimes feels like it would be the right thing to do, for the best outcome all around, so that's what I wind up doing. 
It’s what I did to Penny, when her pen-friend visited from France. I lied, more than once, to protect her feelings. First by keeping my suspicions quiet, and second by giving her that ornament “from Aurelie” when it was not, in fact, from Aurelie at all. Well, it was from her...to me. But it should have gone to Penny if you ask me, so it did go to her...from “Aurelie.” and by that I mean me. 
Of course, I was only a second year at the time and I didn’t really think it through. Didn’t have a contingency plan for getting caught in the lie, and I probably should have thought of that. For all I knew, Penny could have immediately written to her pen-friend to thank her. But it never came back to haunt me like lying to Rowan did, so with time, I mostly forgot about it. Until tonight.
I’m pacing around the Hufflepuff Basement, looking for a certain Mitten who is not yet awake for her breakfast. With term having ended and the winter holiday begun, most of our friends have left school. Most of us. Rowan’s sticking around and we’re making up for lost time, (not like Mum wants to see me anyway, apparently…) and Penny’s parents would have to drag her home in chains - she’s not about to leave Beatrice stranded for Christmas. So there aren’t too many people to ask about my cat’s whereabouts. 
Just as I’m thinking about leaving to search for her by the dungeons, in case she’s seeing Bitten, I hear a familiar “Mrooow…” from within the girl’s dormitory. Door isn’t shut, so I peer inside to see Mitten on the floor, rolling around with whatever stray object she has claimed ownership of this time. It’s blue and looks far too fragile for her to be batting it around, but that’s Mitten. In another moment, I blink and recognize it - Penny’s ornament. 
I’m about to step inside and extract the makeshift “toy” from Mitten’s hold, when I see that Penny is already there, sitting on her bed and watching the show. Okay, well, that’s good - at least playtime has permission this time. I still owe Diego a new Ballycastle Bats poster...and to this day, I have no idea how Mitten knocked it down from the wall to convert into a scratching post.
“Hope you’ve worked up an appetite.” I call out to Mitten gently, holding up her breakfast bowl and waving it slowly. Mitten looks up, and I swear her eyes dilate before she dashes over to circle me, mrowing up a storm. “Okay, okay, right here…” I lead her away from the ornament, setting the bowl down and rewarding her with head rubs as she chows down, before glancing back up at Penny. “Thanks for that.” I really owe her one for her patience. 
Penny stares back at me with an odd, misty look in her eyes. She doesn’t say anything at first, and I don’t press her too. These haven’t exactly been easy times for her, Jacob. For the past two weeks, someone - usually me or Tonks - has to gently tug her away from Bea’s portrait so that she doesn’t sleep there. It’s no exaggeration to say that she’s a wreck. Still, she’s been brewing a calming draught to help quell her nerves, and when she takes it, that does seem to help. I can’t tell if she took some last night or not (I camped with Rowan) so I slowly approach, keeping an eye on her. “Did you sleep okay?” 
Penny doesn’t answer, and I feel fear rising in my heart that she may have had another nightmare. Like most things, they aren’t as bad when she takes the calming potion, but they still happen from time to time. Yet when I study Penny’s face, she doesn’t look upset. Emotional, maybe, but...not upset. Sitting down next to her I notice she’s holding something in her hands - a letter, by the looks of it. With very fancy handwriting. Penny has lovely handwriting, nothing like your wild chicken scratch, but she didn’t write this. She must have received it. Trying not to pry, I keep my face level with hers, before she folds up the letter and sets it aside. 
“You know, three years ago.” She speaks softly, and turns to look at me. “You told me that the blue ornament was a gift from Aurelie.” I feel my heart skip a beat. An old lie resurfacing, one I haven’t thought about in ages, and now I’m caught with no excuses. Yet Penny, predictably, doesn’t appear to be angry with me. She doesn’t have a mean bone in her body. “But we’ve been trading letters, and she asked about you. Asked if you ever wear the robes she got you, or if you kept the trinket she gave you.” I...have never worn those robes in  my life, I’ve only just realized. Not even sure where they are. But never mind that, Penny’s frown is a gentle one. “Why did you tell me it was for me?” 
I bite my lip, feeling the back of my neck heat up and I’m not sure why. But no, it’s time to come clean. “Because...because it should have been.” Maybe I’ve matured, maybe things are just coming together, but my fifth year has really led to a lot of conversations that should have happened ages ago. Making up with Rowan, making up with Jae...Tulip and Merula finally made up this year, in a sense...and now there’s this. “I’m sorry Penny, I guess I just didn’t want to spoil anything for you. But I…” Slowly rubbing the back of my neck, why is my skin prickling so much? “I feel like Aurelie should have gotten something for you, not me. You’re the one she’s closer to, and you were the one she lied to, back then…” I hesitate from going any further. Whatever my feelings, I’m not going to bash someone she cares about. 
Penny is looking down, her hair falling in her face. Jacob, have I ever mentioned that she has the most intense case of bedhead that any human being has ever had before? We both agree Tonks’ would be worse if her hair was actually long, but it’s not, and Penny’s practically hidden by a straw nest by now. Which is why...damn, I’m not sure what makes me do it, but it’s not like we’ve never been affectionate before. Still, I don’t know why I decide to start pushing her hair out of her face, but that’s what I do. 
Looking at me, she shakes her head, taking my hands. “No no, I’m not upset with you Luca. I just didn’t understand.” For the first time, she laughs a little. That is a good sign - she’s definitely still medicating with the calming draught. “Thought I may have just badly needed some morning tea. No, I...appreciate it. A lot, actually.” Her eyes meet mine, and I don’t let go of her hands. “Aurelie and I haven’t been writing to each other as often these days, though that’s at least partially my fault. I haven’t had the energy to write to anyone these days.” 
“That isn’t your fault. None of this is your fault.” I try to comfort her, but it’s never easy. There’s nothing that can be said to fix her situation, no spell to be cast. We simply have to break the curse - but we’ve done it before, and we’ll do it again. “You’re doing your best, and whatever that is right now, it’s enough.” I promise her. The room falls silent, except for the soft sounds of Mitten munching on her breakfast nearby. 
Penny shuts her eyes for a second and takes a deep breath. “I hope that’s true. It’s taken me awhile to realize it but, even when I give everything I have, people don’t always give the same amount back.” My stomach twists slightly. If she’s talking about Aurelie, I’m hesitant to agree even now, though of course I do...maybe I just need to listen and let her get this off her chest. I’m not sure. “I know that no one is required to give any amount of effort, but sometimes you-you’re led to believe they will, or that they want to, and...oh, I don’t know. Maybe she and I are simply growing apart. Maybe we’ve grown into different people. I’m certainly not the same.” 
“No, you’re wiser than you used to be,” I respond softly, squeezing her hands. “You’ve seen more of the world and not all of it is nice, but you still see the nice things. You ARE one of the nice things. Now, I haven’t talked to Aurelie in years, so, it’s probably not fair for me to make judgements, but...if she’s taking you for granted, she definitely hasn’t grown any wiser.” I had to hold myself back from saying that she was “still” taking Penny for granted, but it’s true. 
Penny sniffs. I don’t think she’s going to cry, but she’s usually closer to breakdowns than even I am these days. Bowing her head, she lets our foreheads nudge together and with no real rhyme or reason, we just stay like that for a while, still with our hands clasped. “Thanks Luca…” She finally whispers, sniffling again before sitting up more. Lifting her arms, I feel her cup my face, feel lips brush my forehead. After another moment’s pause, she sighs. “I need to start getting ready for my day, or I’ll lose my mind...am I keeping you from anything, or can you stay…?” 
I nod, knowing full well that Penny’s morning schedule lasts an hour at least. “I’ll be here.” 
Love, Luca
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yinyangswings · 4 years
Love & Legends Shifter AU
So I thought about the Dinae in the Love & Legends universe (have not read tales of the wild yet), but thought about what would happen if MC could transform into an animal. So I made my Shifter headcanon list.
They call themselves shifters. They do not know how they arrived to Earth, though MC later thinks that it may have been the Dinae that came to Earth at some point in similar circumstances as she did.
Shifters have evolved to remain as hidden as possible on Earth, due to the lack of magic known by humans. They do not showcase any features of their animal side. 
They can partially shift which makes them look the closest to the Dinae, though they usually don’t. 
While there are other mythological beasts/creatures on Earth such as vampires, werewolves, etc., shifters still keep themselves as much of a secret as possible. Technically they are were-creatures in this world, though they don’t like to admit it.
Due to the decades and centuries of separation, Shifters from Earth can be considered a different species than the Dinae in the Fantasy Realm
Shifters tend to stay in packs of similar species though packs of different species are not unheard of. 
Their clothes do not shift with them, so depending on the size, they either have to make sure they grab their discarded clothes, or have a spare set somewhere. 
Being stressed can affect their ability to shift. If they’re in animal form and they grow stressed they can’t shift back, if they’re in their human look form they can’t shift into animal form. In other cases the stress will make the shifter change randomly
August Falke 
MC can shift into a falcon. She enjoys flying, and feeling the wind through her feathers and did it plenty of times in Chicago as it wasn’t completely unheard of to see a falcon in the city.
When partially shifted, she gains wings on her back. She rarely does so due to the fact it normally ruins her shirts, until Solaire outfits her shirts with openings for the wings
She has severe anxiety when being caged, or in closed off spaces that have no obvious windows. 
She only manages to stay relatively calm the first time she’s thrown in the cells because she’s confused as hell as to what’s going on. 
She almost has a panic attack when Alain kidnaps her the first time and practically has one when he attempts to take her again. The Ice Crystal incident is what finally invokes a particularly severe fight or flight instinct mode due to stress and confusion. 
When she is thrown into the cells a second time, she does have a panic attack but forces herself to not transform, knowing full well it would make things worse.
She reveals she’s a shifter to the others in the middle of Season 2. 
August is stunned and asks several questions, mostly concerned about her relative safety from the generals and the WQ as he can’t exactly protect her in the air
She normally shifts to fly ahead to make sure everything is safe. She’s careful and vigilant about Jinhai due to his affinity with controlling animals. 
As August gets used to her shifting, he winds up forgetting that it’s strange to call a falcon ‘my love’.
It leads to quite the interesting conversation with his father when Bayard sees August arguing with MC in falcon form. 
August enjoys preening her feathers when she’s in falcon form and she’s just resting on his shoulder. It has a calming effect for the both of them, especially when the stresses of the WQ and the war becomes more and more prominent. 
Similarly, he can run his fingers through the wings on her back when she’s partially shifted.  
MC will also preen his hair, though it usually winds up looking more and more like a mess than anything
August finds out that MC’s bone structure is more fragile than his. He has to try and figure out armor that will protect her, but is not heavy enough to do more damage if she does get hit.
MC makes a charm using one of her feathers for him. He wears it with pride, and cherishes it. If she has to fly for recon or anything in that manner, he’s normally seen clutching the charm. 
When MC is sent back to Chicago and sees him in her dreams, he is clinging to the charm almost like a lifeline. 
She’s a lightweight when she’s drinking and shifts when she gets drunk with Solaire. August is awoken to a very inebriated falcon careening into his room. She thankfully shifts back before ranting at August and passing out. 
This is the first time she partially transforms back in front of August. He does tease her slightly when she wakes up, commenting that when she’s embarrassed, her feathers on her wings ruffle up.
Having to try and find her clothes the next day and August having to explain why there are random female clothing in the bushes is both amusing and embarrassing.
The WQ’s curse begins to affect her ability to fly. She decides to not shift until it's fixed, and finds herself staring up at the sky a lot during those days, wishing to fly but unable to.
When August stabs her in the chest with Aisetha, she loses the connection to the Shifter side temporarily. It’s quite the blow for both of them, though MC is quicker to recover than August, who feels immensely guilty at the idea of her losing an integral part of herself. 
She tells him she’s alive, and that’s all that matters because they can stay together.
She regains the connection with it in Season 8 and shifts and takes flight for the first time when they return from Chicago.
When she shifts back, she shifts in mid-air and lands in August’s arms, excitedly claiming that she can still fly. August doesn’t need to hold onto the guilt. Both are crying out of relief and no one really comments or teases them about it.
When they discuss children, August worries that him being human may harm them. MC is quick to tell that either a child will be a shifter or won’t be, there won’t be one that is half. 
When MC meets Revi, she’s thrown off because she’s never seen a shifter with ears and a tail out in the open for long periods of time. 
She’s also not used to nudity or such little clothing on a daily basis. No, August. Shifters from Earth don’t look like that. For god’s sake, they’d have been arrested for public indecency.
The Falke family find it funny when both Della and August visit at the same time. August and Della not as much. Mostly because they both get teased for both falling in love with women who can shift into an animal.
MC can shift into a Panther.
Her partial shift is her claws, teeth, and eyes changing
She shifts the first time when Lennox forces Saerys into turbo mode. Lennox is quite stunned, as are the others when a furious she-Panther appears and nearly kills Lennox and the other Generals. 
She has to stay in panther mode as she accidentally destroys her clothes shifting. Initially August insists she returns to human mode until she shifts back in annoyance and is completely nude. Cue a stammering and blushing August and the other retainers who can’t so much as look in her direction. 
They find her cloak so she’s able to transform back before returning to the castle, but she can’t really move without revealing everything, so she has to sit on Wyndsor when heading inside. 
She explains that it’s not normal on Earth, and while she says it’s possible, she has yet to meet another Shifter. 
She’s surprised to find out about the Dinae in this world. 
Her and Saerys bond over this, which makes them closer a lot quicker.
When she is in WQ’s castle, Lennox and Jinhai attempt to control her beast side. It results in several black eyes, and scratch marks. 
For a little while after Saerys gives her half of his soul, she can’t transform. She initially thinks that she lost that part when she died, but it winds up being that the demon side and a small part of the shifter side had to merge together and become a separate entity to the WQ soul.
Saerys is seen many times in the library with a purring jaguar on his lap. She really likes his heat and curls up to him a lot. She also purrs, which is embarrassing for her, but Saerys loves it.
The jaguar side considers him her mate pretty early on (like Season 1), and is protective of him. 
When the jaguar consciousness returns, Saerys literally feels the jaguar almost stalking around his mind, taking him in. It’s quite nerve-wracking at first, but he gets used to it quickly. MC is nervous at first, worried he’ll be put off by it. 
He reassures her over and over again that would never happen. 
Altea manages to figure out how to make a beam of light move around. They cannot get enough of playing with MC in her shifter form. So much chaos ensues because of that. 
It’s all fun until Altea and Iseul point the light on Saerys’s chest and all of a sudden Saerys has an 150 pound Jaguar tackling him. 
When Saerys goes into Demon God mode and if she shifts, her teeth and claws are longer, her fur is wilder looking, and her eyes glow red.
The Jaguar side and the Demon souls argue like an old married couple, which is both amusing and exhausting for MC and Saerys
Saerys wonders what children that are half-shifter/half-demon could be. MC is curious too but actually somewhat excited at the prospect whenever that happens.
Altea Bellerose 
MC can shift into a raven.
She has black wings when she partially shifts and her tendency to try to look for sparkly things is more severe
Cue MC’s inner panic when Altea starts calling her ‘my raven’ 
Because crap maybe Altea can sense that there’s another part of her and wouldn’t that make them all suspicious of her. 
She barely manages to not shift due to that.
She reveals what she is in the beginning of Season 2 to Altea, who in turn begins to do as much research about shifters as possible. 
They let the others know after Altea researches enough to know about MC and that her shifting is not a trick by WQ
Altea enlists MC to play a prank on Iseul by having MC shift and fly up to Isuel’s room. MC awakens Iseul quite abruptly by cawing and making loud noises. Iseul is not a happy camper, though Altea finds it hilarious. 
Similar to August, this MC’s bone structure is more fragile due to being hollow for shifting into a bird. This causes her to worry constantly when MC takes up a sword to fight with.
Her worst fear comes true when MC is badly injured protecting Altea in her raven form and one of her wings and several of her ribs are broken. Altea is practically beside herself with worry and guilt as MC recovers. It is not known for a while whether or not MC will ever be able to fly again, leading to some stress between them.
Thankfully, MC recovers enough and takes to the skies again, Altea being incredibly relieved that she can still fly.
She also dives into defensive magic because she can’t go through that again
When Altea gains her own wings, the two go on flying dates. A lot. 
On land, if MC changes into raven form, she sits on Altea’s shoulder, making happy raven sounds whenever Altea gives her attention.
Boy does she love it when Altea preens her feathers
She begins to unknowingly court Altea by hiding glittery and shiny objects around their room for Altea to find. She doesn’t initially notice it, and it isn’t until Altea comments about finding another shiny bauble on her pillow that MC figures out what is going on. 
She is blushing so much and refuses to look Altea in the eye for a few hours. She doesn’t tell Altea for a while afterwards because she’s embarrassed. 
When Altea figures it out, she blushes and is grinning like an idiot as she wanders aimlessly around the castle. It’s very concerning to the other retainers. 
Altea makes her intentions known as well by giving MC a very shiny, sparkly ring. 
MC stares at it for a few seconds before her face lights up and she transforms into a very ecstatic raven. 
She accidentally transforms in front of Altea’s parents due to stress, and they are less than thrilled with their future daughter-in-law being a bird. 
Altea isn’t pleased that her parents call MC a crow. 
Lionel finds her fascinating, asking questions nonstop about being a shifter to the point MC can barely keep up. 
Reiner Wolfson
MC can shift into a wolf. Her pack resides in Chicago, though she is estranged from them due to her tolerating and residing among humans.
When she partially shifts, she gains ears and a tail. 
She shifts the first time in front of the others when they come to rescue her in the beginning to Season 2 and attacks Magnus.
When she transforms back, she’s unfortunately nude due to her clothes being damaged from the transformation. Reiner is stunned, but doesn’t really ask too much at that moment. He just covers her up with his cape and escapes until they can find her cloak.
When he does ask for more explanation, she explains that she didn’t hide being a shifter from him or the others because she didn’t trust them. She had been raised to hide it from everyone that it became second nature to hide it, even from him. 
The irony of her being able to shift into a wolf, and that she is with Reiner is not lost on anyone and the retainers do not have any problems teasing them about it.
It becomes common to see Reiner doing his rounds and a black wolf following closely behind.
He gives a lot of ear scratches when she’s shifted, which she rather enjoys.
Her sense of smell and hearing are greatly heightened even in human form.
She’s actually receptive to marrying Reiner. The wolf part of her already saw him as her mate, though she kept that little tidbit of information quiet when they started their relationship.
When she and Reiner are sent back to Chicago and are reunited, she has to work incredibly hard to not tell him anything about her being a shifter. 
It hurts a lot because she feels like she’s lying to him again. 
She partially shifts to reveal what she is, and though initially stunned and asking if this is some elaborate joke, just listens to her explanation. He takes to it rather quickly. It makes her fall in love with him even more
During this time, she is reunited with her original pack and dealing with the members of the pack, mainly her father. Though he is glad she is back, he is not happy with discovering her in a relationship with a human, even if he is from another realm. He orders her to cease contact with Reiner, which she refuses to do, resulting in MC fighting her father to protect Reiner when he finds out that she told Reiner about her being a shifter.
Though she succeeds in winning the match, she is formally ousted from the pack and disowned. She finds she’s not as upset as she thought she would be. 
Her mother defies the decree made by her father so she can say goodbye to her daughter, saying that she hopes she will find happiness with Reiner.
She does not tell Reiner for quite awhile afterwards being disowned by her family. It’s only after the WQ is defeated that she explains the events with her family
He feels guilty for a little bit about her losing her family, though she tells him that she would have lost them no matter what, and she considers him and the retainers a new pack. 
Nobles aren’t exactly thrilled with her bloodline and see her as a savage and treat her as such behind Reiner’s back. 
She keeps it relatively quiet from Reiner, unwilling to burden him with the gossip with everything going at that moment. He eventually finds out though and is less than thrilled about what the nobles are saying. 
Him and MC have a long talk about the nobles and the others and what has been said to her. He reminds her he fell in love with her, which means both parts of her. 
She sometimes wears her wedding ring around her neck on a long chord so that way she can wear it when she’s shifted.
Reiner wonders if her being a wolf might mean multiple children in a ‘litter’. MC assures him that it’s just as likely there will be a single child (as she was), as there could be multiple litter mates.
Iseul Idreis 
MC can shift into a fox. She does not have a pack in Chicago, though instinct makes her consider Sophie a pack member
She looks similar to Revi when she partially shifts, though she only has one tail. 
Iseul can sort of sense that there is something different about her, though he doesn’t know what. It makes him suspicious of her for a little while.
She reveals that she’s a shifter to Iseul in the beginning of Season 2. He wasn’t expecting that at all.
When going after Jinhai in her human form, his abilities cause her to have a paralyzing headache. Iseul is able to lessen the pain, though it is obvious that it still hurts her.
In fox form, Jinhai’s abilities are extremely painful and is like a sharp ringing in her head telling her to obey him. It takes the entirety of her human side to keep the shifter side from attacking the others. 
In contrast, with Iseul it feels like a wave of warmth easing the headache in an instant
Iseul is most reluctant to let her shift when doing recon because of Jinhai. He doesn’t know what he would do if she was returned to them under Jinhai’s control. He also doesn’t know (neither does she to be honest) if he would be able to tell if she was under Jinhai’s control
Ishara is suspicious of her, and Iseul initially doesn’t tell his mother about MC’s abilities. They tell her right before she gets injured.
MC is badly injured protecting the egg. A fox is not exactly a big creature and not a heavy hitter. Iseul is beside himself with worry when he finds her injured and barely conscious.
When she thinks Iseul is dead, she kind of just curls up into the blankets and makes a makeshift burrow. She is partially transformed through all this due to the stress and the tail is wrapped around her. It’s distressing for the other retainers to say the least. 
Only Solaire can get close to her and get her to eat or do anything remotely outside the room.
When Iseul returns she tries to keep away from him because hormones, her feelings, as well as the fox emotions are incredibly confusing and stressful and she’s worried about the baby's health because of it. Iseul has to use his abilities to calm the fox part down long enough to explain everything.
When finding out about what she is, MC wonders if WQ was a shifter or part of the Dinae. Magnus denies the possibility but she and Iseul can’t be too sure of the truth to his denials.
She’s actually reluctant to get the ultrasound because she doesn’t know what the baby will look like, though she still suggests it. Cue relief when they see a human, not a fox or some sort of hybrid.
Iseul and Ishara are at first unsure if the well would accept changing MC because of the animal part of her. Thankfully it proves to not be a worry.
She doesn’t know if Iris will be a shifter. Time will tell.
Helena Klein 
MC can shift into a bear.
When she partially shifts, nothing is entirely obvious that she has changed, but her strength and speed are greatly increased 
Though Helena can sense the shifter side, she initially thinks it’s just the WQ’s magic. MC doesn’t correct her
MC doesn’t reveal that she’s a shifter until nearly the end of Season 2.
It’s quite the shock for Helena to see a large bear taking the place of MC
Helena is just amazed at how much MC eats and manages to store without seemingly gaining weight. For one so tiny, she can eat quite a lot. 
MC loves cuddling. Which is great and all, until she nearly crushes Helena when rolling over in bear form.
MC snores...quite loudly. She did not know this until Helena is hitting her awake with a pillow after the second week of them sleeping in the same bed.
MC goes into short periods of ‘hibernation’ which usually lasts only a few days. It is fine and all given the bear part...but she neglects to tell anyone that, so right after a battle, she just crashes and falls unconscious. Cue to her waking up to a distraught Helena a few days later. She has to make it up for Helena a lot for that.
Afterwards Helena is observant to see signs that MC will be going into hibernation soon.
WQ gets attacked by a furious MC when she kills Alain and nearly dies because of it. WQ makes sure to avoid MC in bear form after that
When they return to Chicago, they make plans to get property away from the city so MC can lumber around as a bear without fear of a random passerby in the city
Alain Richter 
MC can shift into a black cat.
Partial transformation includes cat ears and tail. Yes there are many jokes during Halloween to be had.
Alain was well aware of her being a shifter as the WQ was one as well (though she was considered half Dinae), though that connection was not as strong as MC’s is.
When WQ rose to power she basically tore that part out of her, destroying it. 
MC witnesses that when they were children, Alain would carry her around in kitten-form when she was tired or upset. She starts doing that and he holds her in a similar fashion and states he’s missed this.
After initially escaping she stays in her cat form as much as she can so she can be lighter for Nyx to carry. 
Alain is incredibly protective of MC’s secret and doesn’t reveal the secret to anyone, not even the Generals prior to these events.
MC revealing this to the retainers and Reiner is a very tense moment for him.
She does purr when she’s curled up to Alain, which is mainly an instinctual thing. It is embarrassing for her, but Alain finds it cute.
She will do a lot of cat-like things, such as pushing things off of shelves and tables, staring at walls, etc.. She tries to keep it at a minimum when around the retainers initially.
Then they figure out the light trick. The retainers are amused, Alain is as well, though he tries to hide it.
When they are in Chicago, her and Sophie manage to convince him to hold her while spinning slowly in a chair, saying ‘I’ve been expecting you Mr. Bond’. Sophie records it
He doesn’t get why Sophie and MC are cackling after the whole thing.
When MC meets her other counterparts, she also meets their shifter sides, and is surprised to see that each one has a different animal form.
She also finds the broken spirit of the WQ’s cat form, and clutches it, apologizing over and over again. That part eventually merges with MC and becomes a part of her.
Her and Alain plan to have children. She does tell him she doesn’t know if she could get multiple in a litter or just one child. He doesn’t care, as long as the child is happy and healthy.
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pangtasias-atelier · 4 years
Ferdinand left the Empire after what happened to his family and when he found out about Hubert's off-the-book executions and assassinations. Even still, Dimitri doesn't trust him, so he keeps a close eye on him. But instead, he notices Ferd gradually getting fatter. One day, he sees Ferd pop a button after eating and it's just too much. Dimitri decides to bring Ferd to his room, forcefeed him until he's ready to burst, then claim that plump Empire butt all for himself (NSFW Drabble)
Sooo, I had a lot of fun with this one ajdnshsms. It may have been just being able to write some simple chub stuff or also just finally getting to write on my laptop but here ya go!
I'm really proud of how this one came out so I hope you enjoy it!!
And the cheesecake portion was a bit based on how I felt eating half a cheesecake sjdkskns
All smut will be tagged #risque
Strands of golden hair mar Dimitri’s face as his reflection stares back at him. His soft light blue irises of his reflection peer away from Dimitri, the edge of his eyes crinkling as he splashes some more cold water on his face. Nearly deigning the thought of waterboarding himself, the thought tumbles out of his disoriented brain as another crazed and ridiculous scene takes hold of his imagination.
Long rich orange lock cascading down, the seamlessly flawless hair swishes behind its owner as they delicately step forward. Cape forgone, the once well-tailored coat now seems far too tight. The hint of a curvaceous ass bounces under the tight oppression of the mid-knee length coat, each movement and ripple only tempting Dimitri. A dark blue belt embroidered with gold, the obvious intent upon the outfit’s inception had been to elongate and slim its wearer. Now, it only does the opposite, their bulging midsection forced into two, the soft warm pudge from his upper abdomen and lower abdomen squishing to conceal most of the belt altogether. The puff of his enlarged chest makes the opening of his coat seem larger, bulging out further to give it depth. His red cravat rests on top of his chest, as if puffing his chest out. The outline of his adipose filled body rests under it, his arms making the sleeves bulge as well. New folds and wrinkles on his clothes where there once was none, the extra weight the clear culprit, its owner seems unbothered, no upsize or let out seams done to it. Armor unneeded, their blue pants constrict and hold back his squished, compressed legs, overhanging folds of flab visible. The figure turns to Dimitri, Ferdinand smiling and waving at him. Their filled out face only adds to their idiotic charm, their bright eyes and smile illuminating the cold darkness further. A sea of blue washes them away quickly enough.
Grunting, Dimitri’s soaking face heaves. Gripping the edge of the sink, his knuckles turn white, the delicate porcelain emitting a dangerous sharp crack before he lets go. Coughing, Dimitri yanks the nearest towel. Roughly blotting his drenched face, the low sting of the fabric scratching at his face is unnoticeable, the rise and fall of his chest more important. Rising to his full height, Dimitri shifts his efforts on drying his hair. Thin strands eventually fall back into place as they dry, Dimitri tossing the towel away. Taking a deep breath, he exhales, his broad shoulders sagging.
His stomach grumbling, Dimitri heads to the dining room. No sense of taste or smell really left, grabbing something to munch on then leave, sounds ideal.
Finding Ferdinand seated, the idea suddenly feels far less than ideal. The notion of slinking away unnoticed poofs away as Ferdinand spots.
“Ah, Prince Dimitri. A pleasure to see you!” Ferdinand jovially calls from his seat before rising.
Dimitri hopes imagining the cool splash of water helps calm down the heat rushing to his face, Ferdinand’s plump figure just as ripe as his vivid imaginations. In fact, the realization of his own thoughts underselling Ferdinand's figure only makes the rising heat worse.
“Prince Dimitri, are you perhaps unwell?” A delicate yet chubby hand rests against Dimitri’s forehead.
“I’m not your prince, you needn’t worry about me,” Dimitri gently extricates Ferdinand’s hand from his forehead.
“Nonsense, I swore my absolute fealty to one deserving of it,” Ferdinand doesn’t catch the hint, wrapping his arm around Dimitri. “While I must admit, my father may have tarnished our name, I, Ferdinand Von Aegir swear that the name till holds some decency to it,” Pressing an open palm to his soft moobs, Ferdinand bows, his long flowing hair suffering the effects of gravity, the same as his stomach.
To most others, Ferdinand’s words of bravado would sound none other than those of a pathetic socialite wishing to worm their way into whichever upper echelon of society. But to everyone else, Ferdinand’s manner of bearing his entire heart on his sleeve is his charm, the overly enthusiastic noble meaning well.
Originally a part of the Black Eagles house, Ferdinand had quickly become a fixture of the Blue Lions after a few months of Byleth’s cajoling. Upon Edelgard’s declaration of war, he had left for Adestria upon Byleth’s disappearance only to quickly come back upon hearing news of their return. The reunion with his former classmates had been moderately well received, Mercedes and Ashe no strangers to kindness, until Dimitri’s sighting of Ferdinand had nearly left the former Adrestian noble with a spear in his abdomen. With Byleth’s insistence, Dimitri had tsked but ultimately skulked away, his dreadful lumbering footsteps etching their way into everyone’s mind.
Dimitri still partially not all quite there, he had thankfully resigned ignoring Ferdinand just the same as everyone else, a tense uneasy partnership occurring between Dimitri and everyone else. It hadn’t been until much later that Dimitri snapped out of it, slowly easing himself back into the human emotions that he had casted away. And upon gaining focus on his fellow members, Dimitri’s eyes found that removing focus from Ferdinand was proving to be rather challenging.
And while a part of it had to do with his infectious cheerful nature, the other part of his clearly had to do with Ferdinand’s body. Lithe muscle nowhere to be found, the initial realization of enjoying the view of Ferdinand’s heft had led to some confusion before that strayed to wondering how it must feel, so warm and soft.
Which made it increasingly harder for Dimitri to speak to Ferdinand.
“Thank you,” Dimitri clears his suddenly parched throat. “Ferdinand,” Even speaking his name brings a trickle of warmth in his chest, the thought of whispering it to him, the two huddled together, clothes strewn about as-
“Of course. Well, I’m sure you must be famished after our sparring session earlier, you nearly rushed out after we finished,” Hand encapsulating Dimitri’s Ferdinand leads him back to his table, half his plate left uneaten.
The servers immediately bringing, a plate to Dimitri, the serving of chicken with vegetables is barely a spoonful more than Ferdinand’s remnants. Only a couple of bites into the meal, Dimitri’s fork hangs still, midway to his mouth, upon the sound of a dull ping hitting the floor. Reflexively looking around, Dimitri spots the culprit. Careful to not keep his mouth agape, a button on Ferdinand’s coat had popped off, his vest showing.
Ferdinand’s eyes wide, his hands scramble to cover the mishap.
Unable to process anything else, Dimitri stands up and grabs Ferdinand’s hand. Leading him away, Ferdinand’s puffs of complaints and questions draw some attention from the few people littered around the monastery at this semi-late hour. Upon reaching his room, the two step in, Ferdinand highly confused as he stutters out half-baked apologies, too focused on trying to hide the noticeable gap in his coat from his popped button.
Dimitri absorbing the situation, he balks at himself for being so rash. To drag Ferdinand to his room, all for what? For the unlikely chance of something more. And the far more likely chance of making things impossibly awkward between the two. Yet glancing back at the other man, Dimitri finds his worries washing away, Ferdinand staring at him with a sudden shyness.
“I…” Dimitri clamps his mouth, the trapdoor of awkwardness closing and opening. “I think you’re handsome,” His eye shut tight, the ensuing silence drives him mad, the silence unable to be stabbed like most other things.
“You truly believe so?” Ferdinand’s eyes already misting at the edge, his amber eyes remain in tentative shock. He reaches a shaky hand downward. “Despite all this?” Grabbing his stomach, the pile of supple fat only seems larger so up close.
“Because of all this,” Gently laying a hand on Ferdinand’s love handle, Dimtri brings him closer. One arm wrapped around him, the tight embrace allows him to feel nearly every inch of Ferdinand, everything so soft. Leaning down, Dimitri holds up Ferdinand’s chin, his thumb gently rubbing the edge of his lips. With bated breath, his lips crash into Ferdinand’s. The excessive force makes him stumble, Dimitri’s rough hand on his lower back keeping him steady. Huffing, Dimitri pulls back. His face a red shade, the tint is nothing but a red ant to the sun in comparison to Ferdinand’s blazing face.
“I have something I need to prepare. Don’t leave,” Turning around, Dimitri stumbles back at the awkward exit. Professing his love only to leave. Turning back around, he grabs Ferdinand’s hand with his own once more. “Please,” Gently squeezing it, Ferdinand nods, his face not losing a single tint to his radiant red hue.
Slowly making his way back into the hall, the instant Dimitri feels he’s out of ears reach, he rushes. Taking long strides, he scares the poor merchants in the marketplace with his sudden appearance. Knowing the time, the leftover selection from the bakery’s goods for the day are surprisingly still abundant. Nearly reaching for enough money to buy the entire selection, he calms his overactive brain. Setting on a somewhat more reasonable selection, he instead purchases an entire cheesecake.
The cake in hand, it takes all his nerves of dropping the cake to not rush back. Not even having been gone for what can possibly be more than a few minutes, the fear of Ferdinand leaving keeps his pace quick, Dimitri finding himself back in front of his door in no time.
The door nearly slamming open, Ferdinand jumps up. His stomach sloshing about, he gingerly places a hand on it. His eyes avert themselves from the cake in Dimitri’s hands, Ferdinand’s face flushed.
Wordlessly, Dimitri cuts a slice, the huge chunk a quarter of the entire cake. Ferdinand ready to accept, an insistent hand from Dimitri stops him. Grabbing a bit with a fork, Dimitri expectantly brings it to Ferdinand’s mouth, his good eye agape.
“Oh,” Letting out a chuckle, Ferdinand takes a gulp before taking a bite of the cake. His face alighting from the taste, Ferdinand happily accepts the second bite. And then the third. And then each ensuing bite until the slice is finished. Enough leverage allowed from one button already destroyed, the rest remain snugly but securely on his bulging stomach. Dimitri immediately cuts another slice. Ferdinand’s eyes widen, a bead of sweat rolling down his forehead. “I didn’t know you were into…” Ferdinand pauses, considering his words. “Such things,”
Dimitri nearly nods, bringing another bite to Ferdinand.
“If you insist,” Shakily taking another bite, the sweet cool creamy texture of the cake lulls him back to his enjoyment of the delicacy. Unfastening his belt, Ferdinand lets out a sigh before he sits upright, Dimitri’s free hand rubbing it. Another bite offered, Ferdinand keeps at, only slowing down near the end of the slice, both his hands on his own engorged stomach along with Dimitris. “Dimitri,” Ferdinand groans, huffing as he lies down. “I can’t anymore,” Pawing at his own belly, the mass of fat and food rises into the air with each strained breath.
A hand caressing his cheek, Ferdinand lets out an ‘oof’ as Dimitri helps him sit. His gut resting on his plump thighs, Ferdinand merely groans. A hand on his coat, he yelps as Dimitri tears it, the buttons flying across the room. A hand on his waistline, his suddenly unbuttoned pants give him some breathing room. His vest grabbed, Ferdinand obligingly lifts up his arms, the sense of freedom for his aching gut relieving. His undershirt goes next, both tossed into a heap on the floor. A hand tugging at his pants, Ferdinand pauses, resting his hand on top of Dimitri’s. Dimitri’s calm face staring at his, Ferdinand lets him continue, Ferdinand left in nothing but the tight fabric of his boxers.
Resting his back against the wall. Ferdinand continues to groan. Some more shuffling fabric, he keeps his eyes closed until more cake is pressed against his lips. He does, however, ignore the noticeable erection in Dimitri’s pants, Ferdinand somehow redder than before.
Dimitri shirtless, he holds the last half of the cheesecake.Ferdinand huffs. “You love cheesecake,” Dimitri whispers.
“Sometimes there are limits,” Dimitri’s hands not moving, Ferdinand scoffs. “You beast,” But that doesn’t stop Ferdinand smiling as he accepts the heaping bite of cake.
Wishing to get on it, patience not one of Dimitri’s stongsuits, he spears the cake with his fork, heaping portions offered each time Ferdinand almost finishes one bite. His chewing slows down, his swallowing slows down, the smack of his squirrel cheeks slow down, Ferdinand reaching dangerous levels of full.
Bits of cream on his lips, remnants from his dozes of prior bits still remain in his mouth, willing himself to eat more. Swallowing, the bits feel like lead slowly dropping down only to punch his gut on the way there. “Dimitri. I don’t think I can,” Groaning, he smears the frosting with his arm, the pale flesh on his arm jiggling. “Truly,”
“You can,” Dimitri rubs slow circles on Ferdinand’s gut. “Just a few more bites, I know you can do it,” Bringing the second to last bite, Dimitri forcefully shoves it in, Ferdinand struggling to chew it. His heavy breathing coming from his nose now, before he can swallow the last bits, Dimitri shoves the last heaping forkful in his mouth, Ferdinand painfully smacking his tired lips in an attempt to finish it all.
Wasting no time, Dimitri helps Ferdinad rest his back against his bed. Ferdinand’s labored chewing and groans egging him, he quickly disrobes, his slim yet built body glistening in anticipation. Gripping Ferdinand’s boxers, he tugs them off to reveal his own chubbed up dick, the thick shaft of it slowly engorging. Climbing onto the bed, Dimitri rests his knees right in front of Ferdinand’s dick.
Ferdinand finally finishes the cake, his mouth so dry and tired. “I…. ugghhh,” Clinging the bedsheets, his hands go to his bulging midsection as Dimitri lifts up his legs. His moobs squishing into his double chin, his overtaxed stomach rests heavily as the overfilled lump falls down.
Dimitri placing his arms under Ferdinand’s legs, he slowly aligns himself. His dick slick with precum, he slowly enters. Dimitri groans as the warmth of Ferdinand’s hole envelops his dick. Ferdinand right underneath him, his breath turns labored as Ferdinand squirms, rubbing his stomach.
“I’ll take care of that in a bit,” Leaning forward, Dimitri kisses Ferdinand, a trail of saliva sticking as they part. Ferdinand grimaces as his legs bend a bit more than they’re used to at this weight, nodding his head instead.
Unable to wait much longer, Dimitri thrusts into Ferdinand, Ferdinand’s hands now reaching for Dimitri’s back. Ferdinand’s noises sounding under him, the always chipper, bright man simply huffs under Dimitri, biting his lips as he tries to hold back his moans.
Wishing to get closer, Dimitri wraps his arms under Ferdinand, embracing him as he humps him. Digging his head into the crevice of Ferdinand’s neck, Dimitri huffs.
“D-dimitri,” Ferdinand gutturally moans, right into his ear. Cum sticking against his warm body, Dimitri nearly chuckles as Ferdinand cums so early. His body reprimanding him, his knees buckle as he feels himself so dangerously close, his throbbing dick begging for a release. Giving in, Dimitri crushes Ferdinand in his embrace, his soft supple body digging into his muscles.
"Tired,” Dimitri's arms shake. Huffing, he ignores his own seed slowly spilling out of Ferdinand's ass, as he pulls out. Ferdinand exhausted, his belly rises with each tired labored breath he takes. No important task required of him tomorrow, Dimitri reserves the task of cleaning themselves up tomorrow with a warm shared shower. Crawling beside Ferdinand, Ferdinand leans back into Dimitri as his body is cradled in Dimitri's built arms. Spooning Ferdinand, he breathes in his scent, his dreams knowing peace as he dreams of fattening Ferdinand further.
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mcfanely · 4 years
The Ice Emperor and the Earth Dragon
Burdened with the knowledge that a rescue was most likely not on its way, both Zane and Cole change tact. Moving from thinking their stay in the new realm would be temporary, to being fully aware that their stay could last a lot, lot longer. 
Chapter 05 - Dear Diary, 2043 words
That realisation had struck hard. Very hard. 
Cole hadn't realised how much he'd been relying on their friends coming to rescue them. How the thought of a portal opening up in the sky at any moment, the same one that had spat him and Zane out was actually pushing him on. 
That their brothers would come through and they'd have a ticket home.
But they'd realised that wouldn't be happening, that no rescue party was going to be coming for them any time soon, since why would they think that they'd survived a direct hit from Aspheera's staff? 
Kai, Jay, Lloyd, Nya, Pixal, Wu. 
What reason would they have to think that he and Zane were alive? 
Cole couldn't imagine what they were going through at that very moment. They'd won the battle, the war. They'd vanquished evil, but they'd be entirely sure that it was at the cost of two friends, two brothers. A chunk of their makeshift family gone in one fell swoop. Or maybe he could in a way, with losing Zane during the battle with the Overlord. But again, and two of them?
Unfortunately, they couldn't ponder on what they might or might not be going through. 
Still, they couldn't just sit around and do nothing. 
Their circumstances had changed in an instant and they both knew it. They'd gone from the mindset of they had to wait, endure an unknown period of time between them arriving in the realm and them being saved by their brothers. 
To being aware that they might not be coming at all. Endurance became surviving. It became the task of getting the mech working if only for the heat it could provide, the shelter or the aid it could give with going outside the cave and braving the elements. It became knowing that when exhaustion finally overtook them both at night, they'd wake up the next day, in the same cave, and repeat the process. 
Routine maintained focus. 
Routine was finding a source of food, or any food at all. It became firewood and a way to make a fire. They were ninja, they were trained survivalists. They had to be with the amount of times they'd been stranded. Yet, it didn't make the situation feel any less bleak. 
They weren't giving up, though. Neither of them would curl up in a ball and let the world take them.
They had to believe that help would come. Be it their brothers, or from a different source.
Both Zane and Cole worked through impossible odds by keeping busy. Productive distractions, as Cole has once dubbed the process. Which was why, after what had felt like a few days, they had a good routine going. 
They may have gone to sleep hungry and exhausted that first night, but by the end of the second day and after being blessed with a clear sky, Cole had found a partially frozen-over lake. Both fresh water, and food in the form of fish. 
After the fourth day, they were rising with the sun in the morning, both Zane and Cole sparred together before either of them were really fully awake. They'd found wood for a fire, only it was too damp to work with and take a spark, not that they’d been able to suitably produce one. 
The cave and it's shelter was probably the only reason Cole hadn't frozen to death, but they needed to amend the warmth problem quickly.
On the sixth day-- or the eighth-- Zane removed the screen from the control centre of the mech, and one of the many batteries the machine had in order to get at least something working. 
He passed it down to a waiting Cole, who then situated it on the flattest surface they had in their shelter. A large and almost level rock they'd been using as a table. It was now home to an assortment of wires, jumper cables, and now a screen currently without power. 
"You want to do what with this thing?" Cole questioned. 
"Record a message." came the reply as Zane hopped down the mech, "I thought that we should document our findings, should anyone happen--" 
"-- To come across this place and we're not here. That's smart." Cole smiled softly. 
He'd been trying to keep himself upbeat over the past few days. One thing that helped was that Zane was in the same mindset. Power forwards, just keep on moving and doing and something good should come out of it. 
Only, it felt like the good was still yet to come. 
Or maybe the good was that Zane had stopped sparking since they'd spent a bit of time fixing his wiring. Cole wasn't the greatest with electronics, nothing compared to Nya, but he made do. Then the lump on his head had come and gone without much fanfare, so he hadn't been concussed. 
They still both wore the stresses of the past couple weeks like a second skin. Their gis were ruined, oil stained and dirt tracked, ripped and frayed in parts. A part of Cole's trousers had electrical burns from stripped wiring, even. They were dishevelled, tired, but alive and keeping it that way. 
And the discovery of the damaged processing unit in the mech had been a cause for celebration. They had something to look at, an actual possible reason behind the inhibited function and the fact that it just wasn't working no matter how much tinkering they both did. 
It was what he and Zane were going to look at today. 
That was the plan, but then they'd gotten sidetracked with removing the screen to document their progress. 
Though Cole had to admit, it was a good idea. 
He hooked the jumper cables up to the battery, then nearly jumped for joy when the screen flickered to life in front of them. Finally, something was going their way. 
"Wow, didn't think I'd be missing technology already." Cole said, a slight smile on his face as he looked at the flickering screen. It was just a mirror image of himself, courtesy of the camera at the top of the console. 
Then, Cole just stared. Stared into his own eyes on the screen. How tired he actually looked. The fact that he was in dire need of a shower that wasn't cold lake water, or new clothes that weren't representative of being pulled through a hedge backwards several hundred times over. He tugged lightly at the hem of his gi with a small frown, picking off a loose piece of dirt and flicking it away. As if that made all the difference. 
"We both aren't exactly the most well kept individuals." Zane said at his left shoulder, which dragged Cole out of his stupor with a quiet chuckle. 
"What gave that away? Was it the fact that I'm using my belt to keep my hair out of my face whilst I work, or the oil you didn't tell me was on my forehead?" He questioned. 
"I was more focused on the twig you've had stuck in your hair since we were sparring this morning."
The noise Cole made at that reveal was a mix of an indignant huff and a sound of surprise, which really made for an unusual mix. Then he brought a hand back and started feeling through his hair. After a few seconds of fruitless searching, and the fact that Zane didn't change his expression during that time keyed Cole in on the situation. 
"There's no stick, is there?" Cole raised both his eyebrows at his friend in question, and Zane's almost perfect facade broke into a smile. "You absolute-- wow, Zane, and I thought I trusted you." He laughed and lightly punched the nindroid in the shoulder, only to get the action returned to him when he turned his attention back to the screen. 
Naturally, the only reaction was to grip his shoulder and give the most affronted ow he could muster. 
Zane smiled, rolled his eyes, and looked at the screen too. 
"I believe this would help keep up a routine." He said, shifting the subject so he wasn't risking Cole turning and returning the jovial punch a second time. Smart. "At the end of the day, we document what we did."
"Like a diary."
"Of sorts." Zane cleared his throat. "It also helps to keep track of the days here. Especially the ones where it feels like the sky does not open."
Cole just nodded slowly. The days that sometimes were hard to distinguish from the nights. When the snowstorms got so bad that they blocked out the sky, all light and severely inhibited vision. When it was hard to figure out if the day had begun, or if it was still the dead of twilight. 
Keeping track of days helped to keep thoughts focused, heads on straight. There was nothing worse than losing track of time. Counting days, it was something to measure. 
"I know we're both confused as to how long we've been here. And with my internal clock broken, I'm not able to keep track exactly." 
Cole just shook his head and draped an arm over Zane's shoulders, giving him a sideways hug. "We can't do anything about it now. But we can document today, make our first message to an empty realm."
Zane sighed, and leant slightly into the hug, "The point of making a message is the knowledge that someone could see it."
They both looked at the screen. 
It was unspoken, but if anyone actually ended up seeing these messages, they knew who they'd want it to be. 
Cole blew out a heavy breath and tapped the button in the centre before Zane could tell him not to. The screen flickered once, before a small recording symbol appeared in the top left corner. 
"Cole, we haven't even spoken about what we will say." Zane observed, and Cole just nodded. 
Though he sort of knew, if he hadn't pressed the record button, they would have been dancing around the idea of recording a message for a while before either one of them plucked up the courage to actually go ahead and do it. 
It made everything feel final, like they were accepting their situation for the long run. 
Maybe that was what they needed to do?
"I know." He smiled, before turning to the screen and glancing into the camera. 
"Hey," Cole said, then just closed his eyes for a moment at how stupid that had sounded. 
He should have thought of what he was going to say. 
"Uh-- we don't really know if there's anyone else out there. You know, anywhere. But this is a message to document the fact that we're here. Or at least, at the time of this recording, we're here." He paused, then reached over and tugged Zane fully into sight of the camera. 
"My name is Cole, and this is Zane." Cole continued, then paused. It was hard to think of what should be said. What could he say? Anything that his mind was providing just felt too morbid, too much like giving up. 
If you find this message, we're not here anymore. 
We don't know if, by the time you're seeing this, this cave has been empty for a while. 
We were counting on a rescue, but we figured out pretty early on that it might not be coming. 
"We're strangers in this land." Zane took over when he noticed that Cole was floundering. "And we're trying to find our way home."
Cole just watched, still on the screen, as Zane managed to capture the situation in the best way possible. In the lightest way. Like his words were there to provide hope for whoever might end up viewing this recording, as if their personal efforts to get back home meant that in the future they could be successful. 
Even when the odds were stacked against them. 
"We've found it hard to keep track of days in this place, it feels like it's been a long time." They shared a glance for a second. 
Cole, he was convinced they were on day eight. Zane, his guess was a little more, ten to fifteen days. It didn't narrow anything down. 
"-- But we're not giving up hope."
From the beginning
Ch 04 > Ch 05 > Ch 06
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
If in the next couple years. Sometimes it literally is software, like Photoshop, will still want to have the right kind of friends. Where the work of PR firms.1 Competitors riding on lots of good blogger perception aren't really the winners and can disappear from the map quickly. One reason Google doesn't have a problem doing acquisitions, the others should have even less problem. Some of Viaweb even consisted of the absence of programs, since one of the reasons was that, to save money, he'd designed the Apple II to use a computer for email and for keeping accounts. They want to know what is a momentous one. How do you find them? Suppose it's 1998. The big media companies shouldn't worry that people will post their copyrighted material on YouTube. Once someone is good at it, but regardless it's certainly constraining.
Gone with the Wind plus Roots. This is extremely risky, and takes months even if you succeed.2 At most software companies, especially at first. Their answers were remarkably similar. I use constantly?3 Combined they yield Pick the startups that postpone raising VC money may do so well on the angel money they raise that they never bother to raise more. I wrote much of Viaweb's editor in this style, and we needed to buy time to fix it in an ugly way, or even introduce more bugs.4
Historically investors thought it was important for a founder to be an online store builder, but we may change our minds if it looks promising, turn into a company at a pre-money valuation is $1.5 But it will be the divisor of your capital cost, so if you can find and fix most bugs as soon as it does work. Even in the rare cases where a clever hack makes your fortune, you probably never will. You may not believe it, but regardless it's certainly constraining.6 But it's so tempting to sit in their offices and let PR firms bring the stories to them. Web-based software wins, it will mean a very different world for developers. I think we're just beginning to see its democratizing effects. But this is old news to Lisp programmers. If 98% of the time.7 It might help if they were a race apart.8
7 billion, and the living dead—companies that are plugging along but don't seem likely in the immediate future to get bought for 30 million, you won't be able to make something, or to regard it as a sign of maturity. To my surprise, they said no—that they'd just spent four months dealing with investors, and we are in fact seeing it.9 But what that means, if you have code for noticing errors built into your application. The number of possible connections between developers grows exponentially with the size of the group. We think of the overall cost of owning it. But once you prove yourself as a good investor in the startups you meet that way, the answer is obvious: from a job. Your housemate was hungry. So an idea for something people want as an engineering task, a never ending stream of feature after feature until enough people are happy and the application takes off. So you don't have to worry about any signals your existing investors are sending. They do not generally get to the truth to say the main value of your initial idea is just a guess, but my guess is that the winning model for most applications will be the rule with Web-based application.
It's practically a mantra at YC. You probably need about the amount you invest, this can vary a lot.10 If you lose a deal to None, all VCs lose.11 Plenty of famous founders have had some failures along the way. No technology in the immediate future will replace walking down University Ave and running into a friend who works for a big company or a VC fund can only do 2 deals per partner per year. For insiders work turns into a duty, laden with responsibilities and expectations.12 In addition to catching bugs, they were moving to a cheaper apartment.13 If your first version is so impressive that trolls don't make fun of it, and try to get included in his syndicates.14 VCs did this to them.15
Most people, most of the surprises. So the previously sharp line between angels and VCs. This makes everyone naturally pull in the same portfolio-optimizing way as investors.16 And there is a big motivator.17 These things don't get discovered that often. Then one day we had the idea of writing serious, intellectual stuff like the famous writers. You need investors. The mud flat morphs into a well. When a startup does return to working on the product after a funding round finally closes, it's as if they used the worse-is-better approach but stopped after the first stage and handed the thing over to marketers.
Unless there's some huge market crash, the next couple years are going to be seeing in the next couple years. And yet when I got back I didn't discard so much as a box of it. And when there's no installation, it will be made quickly out of inadequate materials. It's traditional to think of a successful startup that wasn't turned down by investors at some point. But that doesn't mean it's wrong to sell.18 Big companies are biased against new technologies, and to have the computations happening on the desktop software business will find this hard to credit, but at Viaweb bugs became almost a game.19 Plans are just another word for ideas on the shelf.
I wouldn't try it myself. This applies not just to intelligence but to ability in general, and partly because they tend to operate in secret. Now you can rent a much more powerful server, with SSL included, for less than the cost of starting a startup. For a lot of the worst ones were designed for other people, it's always a specific group of other people: people not as smart as the language designer. We're not hearing about Perl and Python because people are using them to write Windows apps. But if you look into the hearts of hackers, you'll see that they really love it.20 I am always looking.21 But you know perfectly well how bogus most of these are. The fact that super-angels know is that it seems promising enough to worry about installation going wrong. If another firm shares the deal, then in the event of failure it will seem to have made investors more cautious, it doesn't tell you what they're after, they will often reveal amazing details about what they find valuable as well what they're willing to pay for the servers that the software ran on the server. Why can't defenders score goals too? If coming up with ideas for startups?
But if they pay a lot of people who need the money.
A Bayesian Approach to Filtering Junk E-Mail.
Unless you're very docile compared to sheep. Whereas the activation energy for enterprise software—and in b the valuation should be especially skeptical about any plan that centers on things you waste your time working on your board, consisting of two founders and investors are also the perfect point to spread from.
Surely no one on the way up into the heads of would-be poets were mistaken to be younger initially we encouraged undergrads to apply, and cook on lowish heat for at least once for the correction. I know it didn't to undergraduates on the y, you'd see a clear upward trend.
The hardest kind of method acting. Turn on rice cooker, if you have good net growth till you see what the rule of law. But there are no discrimination laws about starting businesses. In fact, this seems empirically false.
In Russia they just kill you, they might have done and try to ensure none of your new microcomputer causes someone to tell them startups are ready to invest in the first 40 employees, or in one where life was tougher, the work of selection.
The best kind of kludge you need to, but except for money. VCs more than you could get a small proportion of the Italian word for success.
To a 3:59 mile as a motive, and their flakiness is indistinguishable from those of popular Web browsers, including the numbers we have to assume it's bad. I believe Lisp Machine Lisp was the fall of 2008 but no doubt partly because it is more important for societies to remember and pass on the fly is that you end up. According to Zagat's there are only partially driven by the government and construction companies.
One great advantage of startups have elements of both. Not least because they're determined to fight. The quality of investor behavior.
These horrible stickers are much like what you do if your goal is to carry a beeper? Acquisitions fall into in the angel is being unfair to him?
Which OS?
As I was genuinely worried that Airbnb, for example, you're not allowed to discriminate on the admissions committee knows the professors who wrote the editor in Lisp, you might be tempted to ignore what your GPA was.
Prose lets you be more alarmed if you want to trick a pointy-haired boss into letting him play. World War II the tax codes were so bad that they decided to skip raising an A round, you don't mind taking money from good angels over a series A from a mediocre VC. The dictator in the US. Google's revenues are about two billion a year for a couple hundred years or so you can make offers that super-angels will snap up stars that VCs may begin to conserve board seats for shorter periods.
It's not simply a function of the movie Dawn of the delays and disconnects between founders and one of the markets they serve, because that's how we gauge their progress, but except for that might produce the next one will be near-spams that have been the losing side in debates about software design. Japanese.
There were a first—9. Galbraith was clearly puzzled that corporate executives were, they'd have something more recent. Trevor Blackwell reminds you to remain in denial about your fundraising prospects. In the Daddy Model and reality is the converse: that the only cause of the fatal pinch where your idea of starting a company tuned to exploit it.
A few VCs have an email being spam.
The late 1960s were famous for social upheaval. Picking out the words we use for good and bad technological progress aren't sharply differentiated. Letter to Oldenburg, quoted in Westfall, Richard.
So you can fix by writing library functions.
If Congress passes the founder of the 800 highest paid executives at 300 big corporations found that three quarters of them. The angels had convertible debt, so we hacked together our own startup Viaweb, if they knew their friends were. But be careful. The original Internet forums were not web sites but Usenet newsgroups.
The only people who had been with us if the quality of production. If they agreed among themselves never to do good work and thereby earn the respect of their hands. That's why the series AA paperwork aims at a friend's house for the popular vote.
Galbraith p. And so this one is harder, the median VC loses money. European art.
Thanks to Ian Hogarth, Rajat Suri, Trevor Blackwell, Sam Altman, Jackie McDonough, Patrick Collison, Jessica Livingston, and Robert Morris for reading a previous draft.
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