#i think it might be a neurodivergent thing idk
just-editor · 6 months
I feel like a sim who's low on one of their needs except the interface froze and won't let me see the bars so I can know which one it is
like I NEED something, my body NEEDS IT BUT IT WON'T TELL ME WHAT IT WANTS PLEASE we're both suffering because of you
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babyboybuckley · 2 months
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Gonna do a painting a day until they tell us the truth
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kasumingo · 6 months
So tired of mfs going "everyone wants to be lgbt/neurodivergent now!! stop using our language!!"
it's as if the internet gave people ability to explore themselves and realize there is something going on, especially when they congregate together in groups that share those traits
It’s as if these words describe their experience and helps them in one way or another
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daydreamtoropova · 9 days
I'm the [tumblr] person who overuses comments in tags.
[tumblr] autosaved my tags even though I used them once.
Look in the tags and have a laugh.
(Possible tag game?) @author-of-the-year @jenumarts @thonethatflies620 @iamunabletothinkofablogname @ all my mutuals
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ipusingularitae · 5 months
my dad: *telling me i do have socialization deficits, that i need to step out more and interact with people and look like i am part of the environment and that i am "there" and present*
me, knowing damn well i have socialization deficits and feeling overwhelmed in social situations, especially when I don't feel like i fit and when I don't know the other people: ... okay
my dad: did you get upset with me telling you this?
me, dissociating so I don't start crying in front of him: ... no
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calamitys-child · 11 months
Thank u all for being so niceys abt my little activities cs not to sound lit a whiny bairn but every time I tell my dad anything I've been up to he just immediately tells me the negatives of it and I may be an adult but it still sucks ass every time
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crowfromfoggyforest · 3 months
I don't want "life" and "person"
I want "story" and "character"
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the-acid-pear · 10 months
It's not easy to be a guy with a weird gender and complicated relationships with its sexuality and romantic attraction and fat and autistic and traumatized to the bone but someone has to do it
#luly talks#i tried to rb a post but i hit post limit and i lost it LMAO but i find it interesting how my things overlap#bc as some of you might know i grew up as a fat little girl and you know the world fucking hates us#and on top of that autistic although i had the most neurodivergent ppl along w me#i still wasn't like my other friends tho i always was slightly more lonely slightly more disconnected#they were in on things i didn't seem to be in the social spectrum and i never understood that#and one of those things was indeed romance and dating and in my teen years sex too#like by default i was seen as undesirable. just by virtue of being fat and also kinda androgynous#and the autism just. kept me far away from any social circle or interaction that'd bring me closer to an encounter of any kind#and i always yearned lord knows i still dream of Ana but the thing is i...#i just. love romance in paper#i love the idea of romance. i love the yearning i love the feeling#i know the feeling bc i know euphoria! i know the euphoria that comes from love.#but to me that's a very short lived feeling specially when engaging directly with it#i think its part of a matter of being taught what romantic attraction is and how they paint it#it's similar to how you are taught X and Y is hot even before you understand why#like i remember my mother always joking w me about male mannequins' cocks and like sure i played along#bc i thought it was funny and if the adult i seeked approval from did it then i absolutely should too#but she also scolded me once (and btw i was like 15) bc idk i was acting. like a perv?#and it's so bizarre in retrospective bc it might have been before the age of 15 bc i really didn't care about such matters then#I've always been amaizing at masking i love understanding people and why they do what they do and replicating them#so me being positive to sex and romance is to be expected#but at the same time its weird bc i cannot bring myself to hating it but i also just. dont fucking feel it#but at least w sex comes the horror of having a body too like there's a lot man#but my point is that its funny how despite being seen as undesirable for society i was unaffected bc i was oblivious to it
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lynxalon · 1 year
Love; Disconnection and Connection
I am a matryoshka doll
Within me I hold
My mother
My grandmother
My great grandmother
And her mother
And her grandmother
But I am not my mother's
Does that line end with me
I remember
Going to my grandparents house
And taking those matryoshka dolls
It felt like love
To take someone apart
Want to see all of them
It's all the matryoshka doll knows
What comes before them and
What comes after
Do I hope for that kind of love
Or do I hope
To be held so tightly
Crushed and put together over
And over
What love do I want
What love will finally (finally!) fill me
I know love because
I hold it within me
So why
Why am I still
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weirdlizard26 · 3 months
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pantestudines · 6 months
having a "former gifted kid" type mental spiral
#i say this because the spiral is actually about how much i hate the word and the general culture around giftedness#mostly because its incredibly inconsistent between schools so people often mean different things when they say it#but also because in my specific case its certainly not a gift but like. what am i supposed to call it.#its literally a neurodivergence in my case that has had many effect postive and negative on my life. but its also a school club.#and its also nothing! before the advent of like modern standardized public education i wouldve just been a curious kid#Without modern public education im not sure i wouldve even been different from other kids. maybe a little socially awkward still but idk#and like. Am i really different from other kids? am I now as an adult different from my peers? Occasionally i will get told as such#how the fuck am i suppose to talk about how much being seperated from my peers and held to higher standards sucked#when the name of the reason why this happened might as well be 'gods specialist little boy'#none of the things that make people think im smarter are really all that useful day to day. and most non-gifted people are like. still smar#i happen to be good at memorizing the kind of facts schools test you on as children#but is that just because i was told as a kid to be good at school and so i tried hard to do that?#even if I am uniquely good at that#does that really make me more intelligent than the high school dropouts who can fix cars like its nothing?#in fact i would say they are at least wiser than me for picking something practical to be smart at#at my school being gifted usually implied you were a little neurodivergent and bad at socializing#often our gifted kids were actually failing classes because they were smart enough to realize they didnt matter#(not me but still)#but at some schools being gifted just means you were an avid reader or were pressured by your parents to maintain perfect As at all times#so if i say. wanted to talk about how being 'gifted' has often made some aspects of academia like hating emails and having time blindness#and not having a good friend network and having many unadressed issues around not really knowing how to make friends#if i wanted to talk about that. and i say 'I was gifted growing up and this sucked'#the person on the other end might hear 'oh woe is me im so smart and this makes my life so hard'#AND FURTHER STILL#on tumblr especially 'former gifted kid' has kindve become parlance for 'guy whining about nothing'#or even 'person who they were told was smart but is actually kinda dumb'#which... yeah! theres a reason many former gifted kids are like that! thats kindve my issue with the program in the first place!#it takes otherwise relatively normal if well achieving kids and tells them they are gods specialist little children.#THIS CANNOT BE HELPFUL TO ANYONE? like whatever chance the kids had at seeming normal has been stripped away#and they now also think they are the smartest person in the room in every situation
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scarlet-bee · 8 months
I was thinking about my OC Molly, but I accidentally thought the name Wally instead, so my thought ended up being "Thinking about making ADHD Wally canon," as if I have that power.
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my friend just showed me a tiktok about someone doing something weird and labeling it something autistic people do and then looking at me and being like who knows maybe im autistic
like girl i love you but that’s not how it works oh my god
i hope she wasn’t being fr because it was about someone sleeping with their chin in their hand like oh my god that’s not THE SIGN.
that tiktok wasn’t saying “ALL AUTISTIC PEOPLE DO THIS AND THIS IS THE BE ALL END ALL OF NEURODIVERGECY” that is just,,, something someone with autism could do bc they were autistic.
this is one of the things i have a problem about with mental disorders on social media,, disorders are boiled down into symptoms and sometimes even misinformation and then instead of it being a joke that can be shared with people who are neurodivergent, it is taken as a definite diagnosis.
like she fr saw two tiktoks about someone’s sleeping position and thought she has autism now. i can’t—
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seawitchkaraoke · 1 year
Everyone rec me your organisational apps pls?
Specifically things that will send me push notifications are good bc I tend to get an app and then just never open it... Even better if those notifications are really customisable, have a snooze option etc.
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seimsisk · 7 months
did I tell you guys I apparently accidentally overdosed on a brownie? yeah I didn't nearly die because you can't really die from THC poisoning but I definitely THOUGHT I had died (or at least become detached from the physical existence as whole) and that was the #1 scariest experience of my life (*) and I kinda wished someone had warned me that was a possibility
I think my mistake was eating it with an empty stomach. Plz don't repeat my mistake y'all.
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realboutfatalfury · 1 year
it might just be bc it's late and i get sad sometimes when it's late but i'm sad i like feeel soooo bad about several things and i feel like i want to cry but i can't ughh idk...
#just gonna like write out my problems in the tags bc that like helps me process them 👍#first of i feel like i can't connect well with people at all#especially with people in school.. there are some people i am fine with i can like talk with them fine and feel a connection#but then like with others i just feel..so out of touch with them idk#i just feel like they don't want to be around me anymore and i'm just some annoying guy that is there#but like i know that isn't true (hopefully)#ugggh and then like i go back to thinking they do actually not like me and yeah just a whole loop going on#after i get tired of thinking about that i think about school in general and start getting stressed about it#even though i am doing alright it's idk..#it;s just i'm like thinking of stuff that happens later through the school year and thinking i want things to get finished quickly#i like want to get my paintings and projects done already but i gotta think and take my time and shit!#i want it done now so i won't have to do it anymore even though i do like working on them#when i work on something i want to like sit down and work on it till it's done#which is kind of a not good habit to have i know i've been trying to like try to get rid of it#or like minimize it#ok i'm like reading over these and like. i think it's bc i might be neurodivergent.#i keep forgetting i got a high score in that autism test...hmmm#anyway also stressed about this camping trip for school that happens next week#1) my mom keeps nagging me about how i am physically weak to like go camping but still wants me to go to it#2) we have to be in groups and you don't like get assigned one you have to like just form it... which like#if you've read above i am having trouble with people and connecting hence i haven't found a group yet orz...#and that's like it for that.#school is just stressing a bit and i don't want that....#last problem is like kind of dumb but like my youtube feed has sucky videos i don't want to watch and i haaaaate it.#it's like it doesn't get me at all.....whatever...#ok i think that's like enough...feel a bit better laying it all out#still feel those things but like doing this made me feel better feeling this way and understand them#feeling things is good and alright 👍
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