#i think some of them have a hunch but aren't certain
allsassnoclass · 2 years
every time someone who i know from 5sos land follows my main blog i have a very strong ???????? reaction
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sumicchin · 3 months
❃ a wind breaker (satoru nii) reader insert.
Sakura needs to remind everyone that his apartment complex doesn't have galvanized steel extensions. (1.5k words)
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content warnings: female reader, everyone testing sakura's patience
No luck here on our end!
nada here as well!!
she's better at hiding than me that one time with KEEL
Skill issue
Sakura reads the messages his classmates sent in their group chat, all of them having the same result. They all decided to go by pair with the exception of the captains and kings as solo to respond quickly to their subordinates. Sakura found himself wandering near his apartment, what's already eerie in ambiance has been worsened by the rainy weather. The perfect hiding spot for a fugitive, he thinks. While there's the possibility the target already escaped to the next town, him feeling the target's skin told too much that the person wouldn't last long if the rain persisted.  'If only I was quick enough, I could've caught this person easily,' he mutters to himself. 
He feels his phone vibrate in his pocket and whisks it out swiftly. A message from Kusumi, one of Kaji's friends, was sent to all Bofurin students with a video attached.
Sent a video.
This is her right????
Sakura watched the short clip and sees the now clear figure of a girl hanging onto a lamp post, back hunched and labored breathing. His phone rang again, another message from Kusumi.
Kaji and I are near an alleyway by the bakery btw!
Come quick >< !!!!
I think she knows we're here but she's not moving (⁠;⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠)
Sakura doesn't understand, but he immediately runs to the said location. Just earlier, he was trying to fight this person, but now he's running with all his might under the rain for some stranger. 
Many students had already arrived at the girl's location, but none of them knew how to handle the situation. Kaji, already waiting for about a minute or two, stepped forward but was pulled back by his shaggy-haired vice-captain. "She's gonna die from hypothermia if we keep acting like pussies," Kaji scowls. He turns his head back to the girl, only to see Umemiya next to her. Sakura arrives just in time to see Bofurin's leader take off his dark green tailcoat and put it over the trembling girl who hasn't moved an inch.
"We aren't here to harm you, we promise you that." Umemiya keeps his eyes on the girl whose lips are a shade of purple, hands gripping the lamppost already pruning.
What they didn't expect was to see their leader in a defensive stance as he blocked a punch directed to the face.
"Let us help you, please." He states with a firm tone while making sure he isn't gripping the girl's fist roughly. He felt like he was touching ice, and he needed to work his magic soon to save her fast. Umemiya was thinking of having someone come out and help him seize the girl, but he noticed the pressure on his arm was gone.
He felt a weight on his chest instead.
Everyone watches as the girl falls towards Umemiya, who is fast enough to catch and wrap his arms around her. He then proceeded to carry the unconscious girl who was barely breathing in his arms.
"Whose house is nearby, quick!"
Everyone looked at each other, until a certain first year raised his hand.
"My place is nearby, but I don't think it's the best place to keep her," Sakura says. Umemiya however argues that it's their best option so far, so they decide to rush over to his lodging. Some of the boys ran to shops to get supplies such as heat packs and warm soup.
Umemiya, Kaji, Tsubaki and the first years arrive at his seemingly run-down apartment a few minutes later, laying the girl down gently in Sakura's futon for warmth. Said homeowner unfortunately did not own pillows, but Nirei was kind enough to offer his lap as a makeshift cushion. Normally, Sakura would've been embarrassed by what he was seeing, but the severity of the girl's condition had him too worried to care about public displays of affection.
"Kaji says that his group is going to arrive soon with food and heat packs," Hiragi relays to Umemiya whose gaze is stern and clearly bothered, different from his usual demeanor.
Hiragi swears to himself that Umeyama's expression had something other than concern showing.
Suo and Tsugeura were seated oppositely at the girl's side, their much larger hands taking in her cold, paler ones to warm her up while waiting for the heat packs. Kiryu and Tsubaki offered to rush to Cafe Pothos and ask Kotoha for help and spare clothes. Not much was going on inside the room while they waited for the second years to arrive, with only the labored breaths of the girl permeating their senses.  
"So this is yer place," Hiragi tries to break the ice as he looks around the room, searching for at least one piece of furniture. "Didn't know yer a minimalist."
Everyone looks at the two of them, the room's atmosphere slightly lifting. Sakura however feels embarrassed, having his friends over in such a cramped space. "I-I don't have any need for furniture...just a waste of money."
Umemiya lets out a chuckle from his underclassmen's persistence, "I can get you a bean bag and some curtains if you'd like!"
Sugishita glares at Sakura upon hearing Bofurin's leader offer his rival free stuff, "You should be grateful Umemiya-san is offering you gifts!".
"It was pretty concerning the first time we came here..." Nirei says with Suo nodding in agreement, feeling the girl's hand feel warmer as time passed. "I have faith that Sakura will eventually learn how fun it is to decorate."
Other than warming her up, Tsugeura fiddled with the girl's hands as if he were massaging it. A thought suddenly appeared in his head, face scrunching up as he imagined it.
"Doesn't this mean that she's gonna stay here with Sakura for the night?"
Said homeowner exploded.
A few hours passed, and everyone seemed to calm down a bit. After Kaji's group arrived, some of them bid their farewells but reassured they were willing to help if needed. Kiryu and Tsubaki arrived with Kotoha in tow, allowing her to clean and change the girl's clothing into warmer ones. They all sat in silence as they prepared warm food and drinks for everyone.
"So, is no one gonna fill me in?" Kotoha breaks the silence, everyone turning their heads towards her. Umemiya could only let out a weak chuckle, scratching the back of his neck. "Sorry Kotoha, we didn't mean to keep you in the dark." Bofurin's leader turns to resident chatterbox Nirei, who still hasn't given up his job of makeshift lap pillow to retell the events—from the beat-up red light district traffickers to Umemiya almost getting squared in the face.
"She must've run away," Kotoha says looking at the near folder yet tattered kimono beside the girl.
Suo stares intensely at her sleeping figure whose breathing is now at a normal pace, "Perhaps she works at an izakaya...or even a brothel."
Everyone started formulating their own theories, on how this girl came to be and what drove her to act violently before succumbing to weakness.
"She looks like a princess while sleeping, straight out of a fairytale," Tsubaki says with smitten eyes, pushing away strands of hair covering her face. "I believe that Kotoha and I should be the first ones to have a talk with her once she wakes up."
No one seemed to reject the idea, so it was decided that they all go home to freshen up and come back once Sakura let them know she was awake. Upon hearing the idea, Sakura went into panic mode, asking his more experienced peers what to do if the girl woke up.
He was ignored.
So it was like that for hours.
The Haruka Sakura, resident bad boy lone wolf who happened to be given the flaw of being the worst at socializing, is now alone in his very humble (and minimalistic) abode with a girl who was now sharing his futon. He hasn't moved an inch since arriving at his own room, mind you. Every time he dared to make a move, to maybe freshen up since he stunk as hell from having damp clothes and a face full of wet concrete earlier, he suddenly retreated once he heard the girl make noises in her sleep.
Is it normal for girls to do that, he asks himself. His train of thought was broken when he heard actual words come out of her resting figure, repeating the phrase "Get away from me" with intensity.
His feet drag him towards the girl, her face sweating profusely and eyebrows knitted. She's having a nightmare.
Does he wake her up? Sakura finds himself reaching out to her but immediately retracts his arm. This internal warfare kept going until the girl calmed down on her own.
Nicely done, Sakura.
What he didn't expect was to suddenly have eyes staring back at him.
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dovand · 1 year
public service (bearvice?) announcement
i think that this website in particular needs to be aware of the existence of sloth bears. look at this dude
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(image description: a sloth bear sitting hunched over on the ground. the sloth bear is broad, with thick black fur that obscures its body. the fur becomes thinner towards its face, where its muzzle and the inner corners of its eyes are splashed with very pale brown.)
the book that i'm reading (Eight Bears by Gloria Dickie) laments that conservation efforts for sloth bears are hindered by their lack of charisma—especially when compared to, say, a tiger (a creature that does pose competition re: conservation) but like. look at this guy.
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image description: another sloth bear, this time standing on an uneven rocky surface. there's a certain mournful quality to its eyes. it looks almost doglike, mostly because of the fur on the sides of its face that hangs down like huge fluffy ears.
they're the only species in Melursus (one surviving genus out of three in the Ursidae family). females range from 55 to 105 kg (121 to 231 pounds), while males range from 80 to 143 kg (176 to 320 pounds). their diet is mostly ants and termites, and their mouths are suitably adapted—a lack of upper incisors lets them vacuum up more bugs, and they can close their nostrils completely.
it is worth noting at this point, i think, that sloth bears are the deadliest bears in the world by a large margin (though this seems to be largely because of expanding human settlements encroaching upon Bear Land and thus creating conflict. I Think). they have caused seriously horrible injuries and deaths but they are wild animals and we cannot blame them for this. they have inherent value despite the harm they have caused, not just because of how aesthetically appealing they are, but because they ARE. just because they exist. they are living things, so they have value.
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image descriptions: the first image shows sloth bear in the middle of a step, its gaze fixed on something off-camera. its fur is hugely fluffy and luxurious, especially around the sides of its face/the back of its head and neck.
in the second image there are three sloth bears—an adult and two cubs. the adult's mouth is open, giving it a sort of vacant smile. also, it is standing against a shadowed background, such that its fur blends in with the dark behind it, rendering it one indistinct mass of bear. beside it are two small cubs. their fur is shorter and spikier, and their proportions markedly different, but their colouring is the same.
i don't have a call to action. there aren't any petitions to sign, at least not that i can see. i just think that the sloth bear deserves some more love :-)
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fastcardotmp3 · 1 year
Jonathan & El cw: implied past child abuse
The first time he hears her call herself bad it strikes him so hard in his sternum that he can't buck up and do something about it.
Jonathan looks at this girl, his sister, who has saved the world time and again, who had saved his brother from a slow death in a terrible place, and she lays claim to a badness that makes him feel kind of sick, actually.
It's the same feeling he got when Will started calling himself a freak, the same feeling he got when Jonathan himself first started learning to play music loud enough he couldn't hear his parents fighting in the other room, even years before he taught that trick to Will.
It's a feeling, ultimately, that swallows stability whole and leaves you to stumble across uneven ground until you find your footing again.
Jonathan just has to-- find his footing again. And that means someone needs to talk to El.
"Because I am," she says when he asks why she calls herself that, sitting at the kitchen table with two mugs of her latest culinary obsession between them-- hot chocolate.
"But what makes you think you're bad?" Jonathan asks, genuinely curious, genuinely getting thrown to the ground by the shake in the earth. "I don't think you're bad."
El presses her lips together, eyebrows low over her downturned gaze as she looks intensely at the little marshmallows sitting on top of her drink like she's trying to solve the puzzle of the world.
Jonathan supposes she kind of is, in a way, contemplating human nature after spending so many years being told what to be, how to fit within a certain set of parameters, how to behave the way Papa wanted her to.
That's another thing that gives him big feelings. Those feelings could probably be solved by caving Brenner's face in, though.
"I have hurt people," is what she lands on, still not looking up but the scowl line between her brows deepening.
And there's no denying it, she has hurt people; she's killed people, as a matter of fact, and she's watched them die, so there's no point in dodging the reality of that here, in trying to say you didn't mean to when he knows she did.
Jonathan opens his mouth and then shuts it again, though, catches himself in the act of trying to tell her that the good she's done outweighs the bad because, for one, he doesn't know if that's true, and for two, maybe it doesn't matter.
"You know," he clears his throat, elbows digging into the table and shoulders hunching up around his ears, "stories-- like Will's books and Hop's TV?-- have really obvious villains most of the time. Bad guys, right?"
El looks up at him, thinks about it, nods.
"Okay," Jonathan keeps going, "well, that's because people have always been trying to find-- easy answers for hard things. Things like good and bad. So they created monsters who only ever hurt and heroes who only ever help.
"But, just because it helps us understand why people do bad things, it doesn't mean that-- none of it is really that-- black and white?"
"Black and white?" El questions, but she's not pushing back against him so Jonathan has hope that this is working in some way or another.
"Like, clear and obvious. Like everything has just one answer, but that's not really the case, is it?"
"No," she says with zero hesitation. "Some things are-- confusing."
"Yeah, they are. People are," he pulls his mug closer to himself and taps his fingers along the ceramic.
"So there aren't... bad people?" she looks confused, like she doesn't believe it, like she's actively losing faith in his judgement, so Jonathan shakes his head quickly.
"It's-- It's more like there are just people," he flounders. "And I really-- I don't think I've ever met a person that's only ever been good or only ever been bad."
El looks down at her hot chocolate. Grabs the can of whipped cream and sprays more on top of her cooling drink.
Doesn't take a sip.
"You've only ever been good," she says it slowly, obvious confusion still touching her tone in ways that don't even overpower the rush of emotion Jonathan gets and knowing she really feels that way about him of all people.
He breathes sharply through his nose, opens his mouth and shuts it twice before he manages to say, "I've hurt people too, El."
It's not going to be an easy thing, Jonathan thinks, making sure she understands that people are largely just the choices they make and that people are allowed to choose to change, to get better, and that the people who hurt her, the people she hurt in return, won't be missed by anyone who loves El but might be missed by someone and that no matter how complicated it is and no matter how messy and no matter how surface level wrong it may be she is still not bad.
It's not going to be an easy thing, made clear by the way she looks at him now and visibly tries to make sense of the fact that someone she had deemed as good could possibly have ever done wrong, because those people in that fucking lab drilled absolutism into her head from birth, but fuck. Fuck.
"You're just a person, is all I'm saying," he implores, because it's going to take longer than one conversation over hot chocolate to make any of it make a modicum of sense, even to him. "You're a person and we love you."
Something shakes loose in her gaze at that, a tension releasing from her shoulders, because if there's one thing Hopper and Joyce and those damn kids have done right it's making this make sense to her.
"I love you too," she tells him, and Jonathan has the self control of a saint to not start crying.
When she adds more whipped cream to her drink, he just follows her lead.
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synchodai · 2 months
HotD Episode 7 Live Reaction
But if you close your eyes, does it always feel like nothing's changed at all. But at least there be dragons.
I stiil don't like that Seasmoke fell in Addam's lap. Addam should have been the one to actively claim Seasmoke. I just really don't like HBO's insistence on "power is better wielded by those who don't want it."
"I may appear lowborn but I know much and more of service." Those two statements shouldn't have a "but" between them.
Maester Orwyle continues to be the surprise MVP of the greens.
The Master of Laws Iron Rod getting dialogue? The rumor mill works fast in Westeros.
I like that the nobility are putting so much resistance to lowborn claiming dragons. If there's anything that threatens highborn, it's social mobility.
For "20 years the lords of this realm levied insults against my sons," Jace confirmed to be 20. So he's just one year younger than Aegon? Now that wouldn't make sense because Rhaenyra wasn't even married during Aegon's first nameday during that hunt episode. Good to know Jace has been aged up though. He, Aegon, and Cregan are probably all in the same ballpark age.
I love Addam's acting, he's almost as expressive as TGC. But why are the interaction scenes on this show so short? "The family doesn't know how to communicate their feelings" yeah, yeah, but at least write down for them to have SOMETHING to say. Corlys came to this room literally just to say 6 words.
They should have given Oscar Tully red hair to make him stand out from the Riverlords. The scales on his armor are cool, but there should be more to visually signal that this kid is basically a petty king.
The camera following it's actors from the back is kinda...not doing it for me. I don't wanna see their hunched backs, I want to look at the sets and their faces.
"We honor the old ways." Most of y'all don't, though? Only certain houses in the Riverlands worship the Old Gods, one of them being the Blackwoods who are being accused of going against the "old ways." What do the HBO writers think the "old ways" mean?
Out of all decapitations on this series, this one had the least punch. Music and sound design did all the heavy lifting.
Also, I can't imagine how this war will end if the Blackwoods aren't black loyalists. With Daemon executing their House head, I don't see them being that enthusiastic about supporting Rhaenyra anymore. Are they just gonna replace Benjicot with Oscar? And Aly is just...gone now? Who's gonna stop Cregan Stark then?
Again, we're just letting whoever inside the king's room even when he says they can't come in? Guards really suck on this show.
Alyn's voice is like honey. I could listen to this man read audio books.
And they just let the Targaryen princess run off like that? The guards on this show really suuuuuuuuck.
Poor Rickard Thorne dragged into Alicent's impromptu camping trip.
EEEEEEEEEEEEEY JACE, LOVE CLASSIST JACE. LOVE AEGON'S DREAM CRITICAL JACE. EEEEEY JACE AWARE THAT WHEN RHAENYRA DIES PEOPLE WON'T ACCEPT HIM. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT. Finally some character drama and juicy interpersonal conflict that makes sense with characters clearly stating their stance through dialogue and we don't have to fill in the blanks as the audience. I was so starved. They actually made what was in the book better with this one.
I like Hugh the Hammer's new storyline, sue me. It's a cliche call-to-adventure fantasy peg, but I like it.
"I need more dragons to end bloodshed." Rhaenyra, what do you think dragons do? Rhaenyraaaaaaa
Beautiful Vermithor shot. And of course they leave all these innocent poor people to the mercy of a merciless behemoth. Ugh, beautiful, blood sacrifice, cruelty, impressive sfx, yessss.
CLAIM THAT DRAGON. CLAIM THAT DRAGON. DO IT NAMED CHARACTER, you have a name and backstory so you can do it!
"Come on!!!" Vermithor: Well...when you put it like that, I suppose.
Nana Silverwing! She looks gorgeous.
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a-libra-writes · 1 year
Apologies if requests are not open, but could I please have some headcanons (long or short, whichever you prefer) about sleeping in the same bed as Mordecai Heller? Like how long it would take to get to that point and how he sleeps maybe?
Sooo uhhh I went a bit overboard so uhhhh, enjoy this fanfic of the 3 times you and Mordecai slept next to each other. its nearly 4k and also GN reader lets goooooo!
The first time you slept next to each other.
You peeled yourself out of the car, your clothes sticking to the soaked seat just as they stuck to your skin. The rain was unending, beating down on your face and your eyes. The door slammed shut, the sound muffled by the storm. There was no point in pulling your coat over your head. The window shield and passenger window had long been shot out, exposing you and your fellow triggerman to the elements.
With his dark colors and clothes, Mordecai almost disappeared in the night. You felt around the car, trying to make your way to him. You still had to shout over the rain and thunder. "Over there!"
"A house! I'll show you!"
It was so dark, you couldn't figure what Mordecai was doing until he turned on the flashlight. The beam was pathetic against the night and the rain, but it was something. He shone it toward the car so the guns could be retrieved, and a filthy briefcase. You took the latter. Then you pointed off into the distance.
"There, I saw a farmhouse," You said. "Still has a roof, I think."
"You think?"
"Most of it. Come on!" You didn't pull his arm, but you walked on ahead. The flimsy light was only a few inches ahead of your face, even with Mordecai two steps behind, so you walked carefully through the sodden grass and dirt.
The door wasn't locked, but stuck. It groaned painfully as you kicked it open, and the whole house seemed to creak and shudder with your violent movement. You stepped in at once, your body shivering even if it wasn't that cold.
"At least it's not snowing," You said. "Just, ah ... muggy. And humid."
"Anything is better than cold," Mordecai grunted. He peeled his coat off, just as you did, but he was far more bothered by how thoroughly soaked everything was. The house was musty and surely filled with mold, but there was a roof, and a smattering of furniture.
You walked about, surveying the pitiful place. "Stairs aren't worth the risk, but the sitting area works just fine."
Your fellow gunman's green eyes danced around the room. He took it in just as swiftly, and came to an immediate conclusion. By this point, you could knew the way those green eyes glared, his ears flattened and his shoulders hunched. The scowl really sold it, though.
"Obviously, not the couch. Or the chairs. I'm fairly certain there's all sorts of little rat surprises in them -"
"And in the walls," Mordecai said, looking toward the one closest to him. He stepped away. You didn't doubt there were probably dozens - well, maybe hundreds around this place.
"It's just for the night - not even that, a few hours -"
"Absolutely not."
"Mordecai," You tried not to let the exhaustion come across in your voice. "We left St. Louis at the crack of dawn, it's nearly dawn again, we can't see a damn thing in this rain and we're both -"
"I can hear them in the walls, there's probably black mold all over the ceiling, I know there's all manner of - of vermin, raccoons and whatever else -"
"We're both too exhausted to drive, and our windshield is ruined. The storm -"
"-- If you think I'll stay one more minute in this dilapidated excuse for a shack, let alone rest -"
" - I know for a fact you can't drive through this, because last time -"
Your overlapping voices were completely drowned out by a massive clap of thunder. The whole house rattled, and you felt the noise deep in your chest, like a hundred drums. Faintly, you wondered if the roof might come off; but this wasn't a tornado. You could swear you heard scurrying and squeaking under the floors, but didn't bring it up.
"One hour," The exhaustion was there now. You didn't bother to hid it. Just holding your shotgun and the briefcase and soaked coat was proving to be too heavy. "Just one hour, Mordecai. Even if the weather was peachy keen, I can't drive like this."
Mabye you really did look pathetic, or he was finally feeling his own fatigue. The shadowy cat looked just as bad, his clothes soaked and disheveled, nearly all of his hair out of place, his glasses threatening to slip off. He sighed heavily.
"One hour."
You let him determine where the place would be. It was beside the fireplace, a section of the living room that was far away from the couches and rugs, nothing but an empty table beside it. You easily moved it aside, cleared the cobwebs and attempted to dust off the floor with a rag Mordecai found in the kitchen. You both hung your coats up on the rickety stair railings, not thinking for a moment they'd actually dry.
Your gun was still at your side as you sat down, your back against the wall. It was an old habit, keeping it close, even for just a few minutes of shut-eye. You flicked the safety on and laid it across your lap, the muzzle facing away from Mordecai. Eventually, very slowly, he carefully lowered himself beside you. Your head pressed against the wall as you leaned back, closing your eyes and taking a breath.
There was no need to look at him to know he was tense. He was probably stiff as a board, his ears twitching as he looked around, hearing who knows what in the walls and the floorboards. You knew he had a thing about rats, and spiders. You made sure he didn't see the cobwebs.
"Try to sleep," You muttered. "I won't let you nap in the car back to the city."
He scoffed. "You're better worrying about if you'll fall asleep at the wheel."
"I won't, because I'm sleeping. The thing you should try."
You heard him shift his weight. The wet clothes made it easy to perceive, but anything else was difficult. The fatigue was hitting hard, weighing down your eyelids and settling over your sore, cold body. You'd feel stiff and miserable when you woke up, but the storm would be gone. At some point, you may have felt a weight against your shoulder - something wet, and not that heavy, but it was hard to say.
By the time you woke up, that sensation was gone. You awoke with a start, grasping your gun and looking around. It was bright. The sun was leaking through the broken glass windows. Your bleary eyes darted all around, looking for someone - and your heart finally settled when you saw him.
Mordecai put his glasses back on his face. Somehow, he was even more of a mess than before. Maybe it was just easier to see it in the morning light -
"... What time is it?" You asked, your voice hoarse.
"Time to go," Mordecai said. He'd retrieved his coat, as well as your own. The briefcase was in his other hand.
On the way out of the house, you rubbed your shoulder. For whatever reason, you were especially sore there.
The first time you slept in his bed.
For the past few hours, you’d done nothing but look at ceilings. First was the shithole you’d barged into, though looking up at that was better than the angry mug that was looming over you, ready to put a bullet in your head. He would’ve done it, if not for Viktor’s spectacular tackle. Then the ceiling — roof? — of the car. Then … the garage, you thought. It seemed like a garage, but maybe not the one you were most familiar with. Did they take you back to the Lackadaisy? No, the drive was too short … Well, whoever’s ceiling it was, it was leaking. Now this ceiling — simple, clean, blissfully not leaking.
You blinked at it several times, unsure what time it was. Your stomach was churning, your head was hammering. It was hard to tell if you wanted water, or food, or something to put you back asleep. Something itched at your eye — you realized only one was open, strange — and you reached for it.
“Stop that,” A voice. A familiar one that made relief wash over so quickly, it was dizzying. “Don’t fuss with it.”
You tried to say his name, but it was too many vowels. They came out in a jumble. “Where’m …”
“You’re back at the cafe. I just said to stop touching it.” Mordecai scolded. His dark figure came into your blurry vision, reaching for something you couldn’t see. Oh, it was your hand. He put it back on the bed. With your good eye, you scanned your surroundings, even lifting your pouding head. There was a lamp with a soft glow, some kind of dresser-table-thing. That desk looked familiar. You groaned and fell back on the pillow.
“Wha’s th’ damage?”
“Stitches on the side of your head, a black eye, and probably a concussion.” He said. You could see his tail swishing behind him, and it was hard to tell if it was quick agitation or slow annoyance. It was hard to tell with your addled mind.
“The morphine is wearing off by now.”
He turned away, leaving your bedside. No, this wasn’t your bed. You didn’t live in the Little Daisy’s building. You squinted, recognizing that desk and that plant in the corner. You noticed the dark coat hanging on the door.
Oh, this was his bed. For a crazy moment, you thought you were dying. ... No, not dying. He’d just leave you in the car if that was the case. Still, it was strange being here on this bed in this position. Normally you hung around the doorway, or sat by his desk if you wanted to pester him.
“You need… n’ ‘prtment,” You slurred.
“What was that?”
“App- ‘artm’nt… you.” Your finger pointed to him, though it was hard to keep it straight.
Mordecai sighed and turned back to whatever he had been doing. “Go back to sleep. You’re more incomprehensible than usual.”
The words were all jumbled in your mouth, just as much of a jigsaw as the thoughts in your head. You wanted to explain that if there was a couch, you could take that. You could’ve gone to your own home, though recovering alone with an apparent concussion didn’t sound pleasant. Where would he sleep? Was this alright? Would he burn the sheets, or wash them three times then painstakingly get a magnifying glass and tweezers and pick up every strand of hair you left behind?
“What are you smiling about?” He asked, utterly exasperated. You giggled.
“Nothin’. M’ sleepy.”
You rolled over to your good side, and pain immediately shot up the other side of your body. You groaned, clutching the sheets as you waited for it to pass. Mordecai immediately reached for you, anticipating you’d roll right off the bed, but you didn’t. His arm slowly dropped to his side. He waited, watching the smile slowly slide off your lips. Your breathing slowed, and your hand relaxed. You released the sheet. The bandages were still in place, no blood staining them yet. He needed a way to keep you from tossing in your sleep.
Exhausted from both the night’s illicit activities and then the frenzy to get you to an ex-nurse Viktor insisted on, he dragged his desk chair over to his bedside. Your bedside now, maybe. He was trying not to notice the stray hairs on the sheets — his own black ones bothered him enough. He sat down, figuring how he might keep you from turning. If the morphine was still in your system, you might not feel them if you scratched in your sleep or turned too much … He rubbed his eyes and rested his elbows on the edge of the bed.
The bed was always cold when he eventually laid down each night, but it was warm this time. It struck him as unusual, out of place, not part of the routine, but … not bad.
At some point, there was a knock. He may have dreamed it. Mordecai’s whole body tensed, and he flew to his feet, nearly tripping over the chair he was seated in. It teetered, but chose not to clatter to the floor. You were still asleep in the same position, not the slightest disturbed. Then his eyes flew to the actual source of the noise — the young gunman’s body had been running on adrenaline for hours, only relaxing in the past hour — wait, had he fallen asleep? — but it shot back up as he turned on the intruder in the doorway.
Mitzi gasped. She put her hand to her chest, startled by his sudden movements. “Oh — sorry, sweetie. I would have knocked, but …” She glanced over to the bed. “I didn’t want to disturb the two of you.”
Mordecai said nothing, but his face heated painfully from both embarrassment and panic. His heart was still racing, and the distinct, strange agitation he always felt around Atlas’ new bride was crawling up. She was intruding, on multiple accounts. His room, the disheveled state he was in, the state you were in. Something about someone seeing you like this was raising his hackles, even if he was certainly she wouldn’t hurt a fly.
Mitzi wasn’t deterred by his glare, fearsome as it was. Her worry was too strong. “It was a close one, wasn’t it?”
“… Not especially,” Mordecai eventually replied. Yes, it was a lot of blood, but that was the nature of head wounds. And yes, it was a metal pipe, and the fact you didn’t get up right away, but — you were here now, sleeping and breathing with all your brains inside. He didn’t like the way her eyes fell on your prone body, full of pity.
“Poor thing. First thing in the morning, I’ll call the doctor —”
“The horse doctor?” Mordecai didn’t even want to say that charlatan’s name. “Absolutely not.”
Mitzi’s perfectly arched eyebrows raised just so. “You’ve already arranged treatment, then?”
“Yes, a friend of Viktor’s. It’s been dealt with, there’s no need to call a charlatan. He’ll just change the bandage and overcharge us on morphine.”
“I see you feel strongly about it,” She said. It was a simple statement that dug at him, and he couldn’t place why. Why did she have to hang around all the time? Why did she care to talk to her husband’s triggermen? Mitzi stopped leaning on the doorway, knowing full well she was unwelcome. “Well, tell me if you need any more pillows, dear — for either of you.”
He could have grit his teeth — he did, but his utterly exhausted and rattled expression completely lost on Mitzi. She’d already turned her back and left, walking with a grace that made her footsteps almost imperceptible … especially when she wasn’t wearing her heels. Mordecai moved the chair back into place, trying to will himself to calm down. You were still blissfully unaware, still in the same place as he left you, before he… dozed off. Granted, it was just his arms and head that were on the bed, but it still bothered the black cat. His heart still wasn’t settling down; he almost felt jittery.
Mordecai thought he was used to all this — the shooting, the running, the close calls. He didn’t understand why the fear was hitting so hard, why now it was all rearing up. Hadn’t there been closer calls? Maybe for himself. Maybe for you — he never asked. It was hard to imagine you getting in a worse scrap than this.
He didn’t want to look at your relaxed sleeping form anymore. It contrasted too sharply with the bruises growing across your face, and the bandages wound tightly around your head. With a sigh, he stood, moved the chair back to his desk and tried to occupy himself with some paperwork. Better to fall asleep here, than the … other option. Even if the other option was much warmer.
The first time he slept in your bed.
Upon returning from the bathroom, you discovered that Mordecai was both dressed and still staring at the bed.
That was a little worrisome. The past hour or two had been … well, a lot. For him, especially. You hadn’t considered what how Mordecai might act after it all happened. You were so focused on helping him through the present, you hadn’t thought that far ahead.
This didn’t seem like an oh-god-what-have-I-done kind of 1000 yard stare, though. You knew this expression. His ears were a little flat, his tail twitched, he was focusing very hard on… something. A specific something. Your partner (could you call him that now?) was trying to problem solve.
You walked over beside him, quickly puzzling what the issue was. You kept brushing your teeth, glancing over to him. Those white eyebrows were totally furrowed in concentration. God, it was like when he’d get worked up over a chess match with Viktor. It was painfully endearing.
You knew he knew that you were standing there. You also knew he was trying to avoid looking at you, even though you were no longer naked. You’d thrown on nightclothes for his sake, assuming he’d do the same … and yup, he did. Finally, with your tail swishing and speaking around your toothbrush, you offered, “It’s alright. Happens a lot.”
Mordecai nearly flinched. “Do .. Do people just … ignore it? You can’t tell me they … sleep on it ..."
“They'll sleep around it, if they notice. Sometimes there’s not a mess, because clothes are in the way, or position, or they aren’t on the bed at —”
His fur was completely standing on edge, his tail puffed out like he’d seen a spider. Mordecai threw a hand up. “Don’t - that’s enough. I don’t need to hear any more. People are repulsive. They’re animals.”
“Mmhm.” Talking around your toothbrush made some toothpaste and spittle run down your chin. Mordecai was mortified. He turned on his heel and walked over to the dresser, where at some point, he’d folded his and your clothes. That was also painfully sweet, and ridiculous. He was getting something out of his coat pocket.
“I’ll get new sheets,” You said.
But first, you went back to the bathroom to spit in the sink, wash off your toothbrush and gargle some water. You spat again, idly rubbing at your chin. Back in the room, Mordecai had already stripped the bedding and was handling it like it was covered in plague. He was obviously mentally debating between leaving it rumpled and tossing it out the window, or folding before the tossing.
You made the decision for him, taking the sheets off his hands. “Clean ones are in the broom closet, down the hall.”
“The one you haven’t dusted in months?”
You had to laugh. “Excuse you, I did it last week. I dusted the bookshelves too, and scrubbed the kitchen tile, and the bathroom — I know how you like things.”
His sharp expression softened. “I noticed,” He said softly, all the prickly anxiety and nerves slowly melting. You wanted to touch him, to express the affection that was building up — no, it was always there, and it was wanting to spill out again. But after the huge chasm you two just jumped over, you wanted to be careful.
While you went to setting aside the dirty laundry, Mordecai brought in the clean sheets and fitted them over the mattress. It was better and neater than you’d ever seen it, like a hotel. You went ahead and changed the pillowcases, even if there was no need, and you felt his eyes on you as you did so.
“All done,” You said. “What do you think? Do you want a clean blanket, too?”
It was a genuine question, not a mocking one. You’d been considerate like that all evening — how is this? Is it okay? Should I stop? Do you need to breath? — and the tall cat was trying to come to terms with it. As much as it bothered him, he had needed to stop, and breath, because sometimes he wasn’t okay. He didn’t know why, and it hadn’t been a problem — well, much of one, before you. But it wasn’t you treating him like a problem, it was himself.
It was difficult, all of this. Rather than thinking any further, he pulled out a hankerchief and cleaned off that damn toothpaste you left.
“Don’t talk with your mouth full,” He grumbled, but you only smiled.
“Thanks.” You turned off the nightstand lamp and climbed into bed. You knew he’d take some time to join you. If he really lingered, you’d offer to move to the couch, but eventually you felt the bed shift and you felt the covers move. Then his body shifted — you could tell he was facing away from you.
Your brain was telling you to be careful, to slow down, but sometimes it hurt you to stay so far apart. It physically ached to have to linger right on the edge. So you risked it, slowly turning over and moving yourself closer. You pressed your face to his back, lightly, and rested your hand on his side.
Mordecai’s whole body tensed up. His tail froze against your legs, and you watched his ears stick up. You waited. After a few seconds, he slowly settled. You pulled your hand away, and you watched the outline of his body relax.
You wanted to say something. He did good. Great, even. He tried hard, for your sake, to overcome a great mental hurdle. You knew that, and you ought to be more respectful of his space. He’d already given so much to you. So rather than wrap him up and overwhelm him with all the kisses and touches and affection you had, you stayed there, your tail gently brushing against his.
“Thank you,” Your voice said quietly, barely disrupting the darkness. Some moonlight was peaking through the blinds, just enough for you to make out Mordecai’s dark silhouette. “We don’t have to … you know, anytime soon. Or ever, if you want. I’ll — regardless, it won’t change my feelings. I like being close to you.”
It was maybe a fraction of how you truly felt. That physical ache was back, but you had to stop here. You weren’t ready to say it all, not yet. There wasn’t an immediate response, and you didn’t expect one. You listened to his steady breathing, feeling solace in it.
Mordecai reached behind him, carefully taking your arm and putting it back over his middle. You pulled him in, just so, nestling your body against his. He didn’t flinch, even as your legs brushed each other and you pressed your face against his warm back, taking in a deep breath. Of course he’d immediately showered right after, but you didn’t mind in the slightest. He smelled like your soap.
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adasknife · 6 months
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i know capcom doesn't overthink certain details, but ada wong's lack of gloves is fun for me. (I'm a very boring person) more rambles;
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in re2 og, ada has no gloves; in re4 og, no gloves; in damnation, nope. re6, gloves; re2 remake, gloves until no; re4, gloves.
of course, there's nothing super special about it, but allow me to over think. in the way we see ada's hands, she has a manicure and barely has accessories with her (rings, bracelets or even painting her nails.) according to some gun owner, your gun can rub your ring due to reaction of pulling the trigger.
so, ada takes a lot of care of weaponry. in re2 remake, ada has a broom hc also known a simple handgun. according to fans, it's a pretty weak gun so strong guess of ada probably not knowing her way around it. or why she had a weak gun in a zombie attack especially in a police station. leon and claire had guns they got throughout the game. once again, according to fans, at least it's reload fast.
so, why am i talking about guns if I was talking about ada's lack gloves. I don't know either, i guess it was fun.
leather gloves are good for gripping. ada needs that extra grip, especially with the grappling hook. which makes sense.
at first i thought ada wanted to wear gloves to avoid the gunpowder that expelled from the gun. but nope. there will be no reason. the gunpowder can still land on her face. her finger nails are perfectly shaped for the job but enough to make it have her personality. and the painting nails either comes with her aesthetic or that it'll be annoying to paint it a lot: strong hunch she'll have to paint them a lot because nail polish can crack if exposes with too much water.
(also, she seems a minimalist with her style. either it's because of work or she really dresses like that. the only real clothes that be seen less minimalist is probably re4 og. that means her style of clothes is very classic fashion to a certain way)
i have no explanation on why og ada doesn't wear gloves, but only that probably capcom didn't really care about that detail. because re6 her gloves make sense.
but also that her fashion statement matters more. in re2, she took off her gloves when she took off her trenchcoat, and also those gloves aren't for work like leon's or krauser's
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obsessivelysweet · 2 years
Gold that Bleeds Thorns
Synopsis: You never wanted to use your blood at all on anything or anyone but you had to this time.
Notes: This became somewhat lengthy but I hope you enjoy it! There might be missed typos so sorry for that but I do hope whoever reads this you like it! Hopefully the more I write down these ideas the more I get better at it. Thank you and have a good day or night!
Warnings under the cut!
Warnings: Hostage situation, cult au, blood, sagau, depictions of bodily fluids and gore/flesh, curse words, suggestive creepy behavior.
Gender-neutral reader for this one
The room was silent except for quiet breathes and the ever so slightly movements from your acolytes. The tension in the room was so thick you could feel it weighing you down, could even drown in it. All of your followers eyes were solely on your hunched form.
In the dead center of your throne room stood a couple of male figures, eyes filled with bloodlust, looking down at you. Your most loyal subjects wanted to strike down the ones who stood before you, wanted to punish them for even breathing the same air as you but they resisted the urge because you told them to not interfere.
Your hands and feet were bound by cold metal shackles that echoed in the silent room whenever you would shift your body around. Fear was painted on your face, so much so, that your apprehenders could see it with one glace.
Even though you looked afraid on the outside, you were calm on the inside. Being in this position you begun to think to yourself how could these brutes threaten you and your people!? That they could best you? You wanted to laugh at the thought but you kept it in, didn't want to break your facade now would you? Honestly though what gave them the idea that they could go up against their own creator?
While you were pondering this the leader of this small group finally spoke up to break the silence. This tall muscular built of a man was the one who chained you, their leader of the group. His messy dark brown hair swayed ever so gently as his green eyes looked down at you. He kneeled to close the distance between the two of you.
He pulled your chin up to face him, digging his nails into your cheek, making you whince a bit from the sudden pain but it soon went away. He laughed at your form, saying that he couldn't believe such a meekly being could be the "Oh so PoWeRfUl creator." He spat at your face before throwing you back down, the sound of your hitched breath mixed with the metallic ringing filled the room once more. He turned and walked away putting back some distance between the two of you as he faced your followers with a smirk.
"So, which one of you fuckers gonna save their beloved creator hmm?"
His voice commanded the audience's attention, yearned for it even. He loved that he was in control, in the spotlight and that he had the upperhand. He walked to where your most trusted acolytes were while pointing at you.
"The dogs aren't gonna save their master? Y'all really just a bunch of bitches who could care less about them." The leader continued his so called speech in a condescending tone to the reluctant audience. He became feverish with his words that a crazed look took over his features while drool hanged from the corners of his lips as he spat his words to the crowd. It was really undignified look to be honest, you couldn't help but cringe a bit on the inside.
You knew this couldn't go on for much longer, considering how you could feel certain onlookers desperately clinging onto their weapons readily. So you decided you would poke the bear just enough to where you could potentially get hurt.
Now only your most trusted acolytes knew what you could do with your blood but never witnessed it in person. So it was safe to say that they were ready to see firsthand if you chose to use it.
You scoffed at him, shifting your body upright to face him while puffing some hair away from your face.
"You're the leader right?"
That grabs his attention so he turns to you, eagerness in his eyes, to see what you'll do in your pathetic bound state. Seeing that you have his attention now solely on you, you continue with a monotoned voice.
"You have me chained up, hands and feet, unable to run away...yet you still haven't done anything."
"For you to call me weak is honestly laughable. You should really look in a mirror sometime soon".
A smirk tugs at the corners of your mouth, your eyes make direct eye contact with his. Just one more push you told yourself and he will surely lunge at you.
"So....you thought that if you were to threaten the people I love that I would do whatever you say? Bend to your will? Hmm? You really thought I would just let you shackle me? Did you honestly think you had me? Or are you just that stu-"
He didn't let you finish your sentence, before you knew it he came lunging at you.
Grabbing a fistful of your hair which made you yelp in response. You tried your best despite being bound to push this brute's hand off of your tender scalp to no avail. In one quick motion you could feel cold steel against your throat. This exchange made the room feel even more tense, it was suffocating. Looking at the man's eyes you could see a darkness in them waiting to tear you apart.
Your followers were itching for just one word, one faint syllable that would fall from your delicate lips. Just one word is all you have to say for your followers to strike, to be in their arms safe again. However despite everything your word was absolute. Going against it is unfathomable, equal to death, so they watched and waited even if it meant watching you suffer in silence.
The brute started to eye you up and down staring to long on certain parts of your body while licking his lips. He started to yell at you, saliva hitting your face everytime he spat an obscene word at you.
"Fucking whore, want me to mess you up? I'm sure you've already slept with everyone in this room"
He presses the knife a bit more to your throat, it was uncomfortable, you could feel the knife's blade on your vocal cords. The cold steel moving slightly everytime you had to swallow. You turned your gaze to your followers who looked at you in anticipation.
You managed to move your head slightly to your subjects never changing your gaze at them as a smile forms on your face before opening your mouth to say
"When the rose blooms you may strike".
That was it!
That was all they needed to hear from you. Finally there was a change in the air, a readiness, a willingness for bloodshed, to see the brutes eyes become lifeless. Only your most trusted acolytes knew this code, everyone else was confused but intrigued as to what you meant by that, so they kept quiet with berated breath.
However this made the brute more angry and confused as to what you just said. That's when you took his confusion as an opening. With all of your might you kneed him in his crotch which made him immediately hunch down taking the knife with him.
Adrenaline was coursing through you that you didn't notice a small cut formed on your throat until you were surround by your followers. In a flash you were in the arms of Thoma holding you up, checking your wound and undoing the shackles. While the rest guarded you from the 4 men.
Thoma helped you get up onto your throne with his arms softly supporting you. His warmth from his hands on your back lingered long after his hand left. He soft green eyes looked at you with a mix of worry and anger. He softly spoke to you with a calm demeanor
"Your Grace, hows your cut? Please allow me to clean it once you're done."
You smiled at him with a nod making him gleam back at you with softness emanating from him however it was short lived as he went back to anger as he turned to face the 4 men.
Once you were comfortable your eyes trailed downward to the black marbled flooring. Against the dark color was a small pool of golden blood. The small cut on your throat bled a bit which made a slight trail to where you sat. With your hands placed gently on top of each other, nestled in your lap, you drew a circle with your index finger into your other hand. This was a command to yourself, which made that bit of blood follow suit.
The brute looked at you about to lunge back at you with his 3 men follwing behind him but they soon realized it was futile.
The leader looks down at his hands then at his legs, the anger he had before slowly became fear. His hands were in front of him tied to his neck, almost like in a praying position while his legs were folded to make him kneel. He tried to break free from this strange beautiful rope that coiled tightly around him however it wouldn't budge no matter how much he struggled. This gold like rope was tough but looked like liquid at the same time so what could it be he thought to himself.
The beautiful gold like string that glistened under the light that lumanaited from your chandelier above was your gold blood to be exact.
Even though you got a tiny cut, that was enough blood to coil around each of the 4 men tightly. All 4 were now kneeling in a prayer position with panic setting in. The leader started to desperately shout at you in his panicked state.
"So this is the true nature of the creator, a-always knew you were pretending to be kind, what are you gonna do? Make your followers do the dirty work?" His eyes take a quick glance to the ones surrounding you on each side like a shield. It's almost as if he's trying to convince himself it will be ok. You rest your head upon your hand as you lazily look towards him.
Your kind eyes scan him up and down with a gentle smile caressing your lips as you hum a soft yet audible enough for only them to hear "~no".
You point to the gold string that shined beautifully against their skin. Your eyes shifted to around the room to see everyone's expressions then back to the leader. Still with the smile on your face you said just one simple word.
Even though you sounded sweet in your tone, everyone could sense the vemon in the word. Even in your eyes there was a glint of something ugly. That single word is what made the 4 men start trembling, pleading for your mercy. Honestly it was a bit amusing you couldn't help but chuckle a bit which made the men shake even more.
You announced to everyone in the room to leave if you brought your kin or can't handle torture. There was hesitation and hushed whispers from your people.
How could such a divine creature utter such a word. However even though some wanted to stay to see what would happen they followed your command. The room only held a few of your followers alongside your trusted ones. You returned your gaze back to the group in front of you still pleading, snot dripping from their noses.
"Enough" your voice commanded, ushering the men to look up at you once more.
With that dark glint still in your eyes you looked up to your beautiful chandelier made of small like star crystals that glistened with a soft light.
"Even though I'm your creator I gave you free will. I've could've been a tyrant and controlled you from the very beginning yet I didn't." You slowly moved your gaze back at them.
"I chose to give you free will because I wanted my creations to live their life as they choose. However I'm starting to learn that some creations don't deserve my mercy at all" You're words were elegant, melodic yet hurt like venom seeping through their veins.
The men cried out in pitiful sobs, 2 of them pressing their faces on your marble floor snot mixed with drool pooled around their faces as they plead for your mercy.
One was still curious as to what you said, he looked younger then the rest, he hesitantly met your eyes before he asked you
"Your Grace...what did you mean by watch? By torture?"
His azure watery eyes were somewhat visible by his blonde locks as he looked at you. You just smiled at that silly question of his as you said "you'll see"
With a snap of your fingers the room became deathly quiet. The 4 men waited for anything; a sting, a cut, your men in waiting to lunge at them in a blink of an eye heck even for the ceiling to come down on them but nothing happened.
At first they thought you were showing them mercy, that you pityed them, they were about to say thank you until one of them broke into a frenzy. It was the young blonde who was the last one to question you.
He started to writhe in pain while his blood currled screams echoed off the walls. The other 3 watched in horror as anxiety wracked their bodies waiting for whatever he was experiencing to take them as well. It wasnt long until the whole room filled with their screams. It was a grotesque way of dying to be frank. You didnt want to watch but you had to see it through. All of the men squirmed on the floor, drool mixed with blood hanging from their mouths almost to a foam, hot tears streaming down their cheeks as their skin bubbled from the inside out. Eventually these bubbles boiling began to burst. It was like watching a pot of hot water boiling. Screams turned into muffled cries which then finally came to a halt. To them it probably felt like an eternity but it was only a good 2 mins until they were nothing more then a pile of fleshy mush.
The room was quiet once more except for the slight sizzling of the 4 men's flesh. The smell was pungent to say the least which didnt help the pit in your stomach from forming. The rest of your followers didn't know what to say or do, heck some didn't even realize they were holding their breath.
You brought yourself to look away and towards the small crowd who looked at you with mixed reactions.
You were at your limit, you couldnt keep this up any longer. The way everything made you sick from the smell, the way they died, the way their faces twisted and contorted made you want to puke.
You had to get the rest of your followers out, so with the little strength you had left, you turned to them once more with a pitiful smile no less. You waved your hand to dismiss everyone except your most loyal subjects. Even though they must've had questions for you they followed suit one by one out of the room. You were afraid though of what they were thinking. You thought to yourself of all the possible things they could be thinking, you were lost in your own thoughts.
(Do they hate me now? Did everyone who left find me disgusting or are terrified of me?)
It was the loud thud from the door closing that made you get out of your head however that just made you realize how exhausted you were.
You finally crumbled into yourself feeling that pit in your stomach now wanting to be released. You could feel the hot bile rising in the back of your throat, the taste slowly creeping towards the fron of your mouth. Covering your mouth as your breathing became short and heavy in response to the sick feeling.
You never wanted to use your blood like this but you knew you had to set an example especially after hearing rumors of some followers wanting to hurt you.
The ones left beside you tried their best to comfort you. Now all that echoed in the room was your muffled cries as you covered your face.This facade you had on the whole time crumbled and you only allowed your trusted acolytes to see you like this.
They knew you were kind, pure and gentle with everything you touched not some fearsome being who brought suffering to others. Even though their comfort was welcomed and appreciated, you still feared that they wouldn't see you the same way anymore after today.
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jplupine · 1 year
Day 12: Akon ~ Portal
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Pairing: Akon x Wynter Hughes [Nonbinary OC] Word Count: ~6.5k Date Published: October 12, 2023 WARNINGS: 18+ MDNI, Sub!Akon, Pervert!Akon, Light Yandere!Akon, Small Dom/Big Sub, Teasing, Portal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Cunnilingus, Praise + Degradation, Vaginal Sex, Breeding Mount, Finger Sucking, Anal Fingering [Male Receiving], Biting, Creampie, Dub/Non-Con Note: Terms such as pussy/cock/dick/etc. get used. Wynter also uses terms like 'good boy', 'dirty boy', 'pervert', and 'darling' to refer to Akon. If that makes you uncomfortable, you might want to skip this fic.
Summary: Wynter shows affection through food, and Akon handles his budding feelings in an unusual way.
You can also read it on AO3!
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
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  "Wynter, pass me that pen, would you?" Mayuri gestured at the table in front of me, and I glanced down to pick it up. "Take this one. It's dried up." He tossed the pen he had at me before taking the one in my hand.
  "Sir, you know why I'm here."
  "So, I'd like you to stop pestering me."
  "I would stop 'pestering' you if you let me get a look at you." Mayuri walked away while writing on some paper pinned to a clipboard. "You seem to have some anomalies according to your physicals that I want to get a better look at."
  "You're not even supposed to have access to those records!" I raised my voice out of frustration, and Mayuri spun around to look me in the eye as he towered over me.
  "Watch your tone with me. Be glad I'm even offering rather than cutting you up while you sleep."
  "You don't scare me, Captain. So stop trying."
  "....That wasn't a threat. I am truly tempted to just slice you open and have a look inside." Mayuri tapped my nose with the end of his pen before poking me in the chest with it. "But I fear your death would interfere with the findings. I'm not yet certain if these anomalies can only be studied with you alive or not."
  "Then you're not getting those findings. I'm not stupid enough to let you anywhere near me with a scalpel." I retorted, and Mayuri began to chuckle.
  "We'll see about that." He then swiftly turned to walk away while scribbling more things down on his clipboard.
  "Asshole." I hissed under my breath.
  "Mind your words. He has better hearing than you might think." I looked to the side to see Akon tinkering with something on the table he was hunched over.
  "See if I care. I'd say it to his face if he hadn't walked away so fast." I sighed and leaned on the table with my arms crossed. "What are you working on?"
  "A portal." He answered while picking up a screwdriver. "It reads brainwaves to connect to wherever the user desires. Or at least it will." Akon stood up straight and stretched out his neck while sighing. "I'm thinking of using it to transport food so I don't have to waste time going and getting it."
  "Don't you think leaving the lab sometimes is good?"
  "Not during important projects."
  "I dunno. You're looking kinda scrawny, Akon. You should get out more and eat better food." I glanced over at the taller man and raised my eyebrows. "You don't look like you've slept much in a while either."
  "I'm fine." He waved me off, and I sighed through my nose.
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  "What's this?"
  "Food." I stated after setting a brown bag down on the table. Pulling out containers, I scooted some tools to the side to make room. "I cooked it, so you better eat it."
  "....You made me food?" Akon finally looked at me with a blank expression, and I nodded.
  "Home-cooked meals are better than prepackaged and heated-up ones. I'll be back later for my containers, so don't throw them away." Patting his shoulder, I then left.
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  "Wow. You really did eat it all." My eyebrows rose at the empty, cleaned-out containers stacked in a neat pile.
  "You told me to."
  "Aw. You really are a good boy, aren't you?" I smiled while teasing him, but he fumbled and dropped the tools in his hands. Akon managed to catch them before they fell to the floor after rolling off the table. His eyes were wide and his knuckles were white from how hard he was holding the tools.
  "I, uh, I am an adult."
  "I know."
  "I'm not a boy. Let alone a good one."
  "Akon, I was just teasing you."
  "Oh." He seemed to relax and turned away from me to focus on the tech he was building. He glanced at me from the corner of his eye for a split second, then made it clear that he wanted me gone without even saying another word.
  Taking the containers with me, I couldn't help but smirk while thinking about how severely he had reacted to something so small.
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  "My patience is wearing thin, Captain!" I shouted while storming through the lab. "Don't you ever try going over my head again! No one can give you permission but me, and I sure as shit won't!"
  "If you agree, I can make it as painless as possible." Mayuri stuck his hand through a metallic circle, and it disappeared into a swirling blue before suddenly appearing right in front of my face. He roughly grabbed my jaw and dragged me forward while forcing my mouth open.
  It wasn't hard to figure out Akon had finished building his portal if Mayuri was using it now.
  "Hm. Foul mouth and yet good oral hygiene all the same." The Captain was using the portal to get a look in my mouth while staying several yards away. "Ow!" He hollered when I bit his hand and pulled away from the portal that had been created in front of me. "Someone can't take a joke. Look! You even made me bleed, you little rat!"
  "You're more of a rat than I am!" I shouted before turning on my heel. "And I won't tell you again, Mayuri! Stay out of my files!" I heard him mock me by pitching his voice higher. The rage boiled, and I was about to start yelling again when I instead jolted with a surprised yelp.
  Spinning around with my face burning, I was going to raise Hell.
  Except, when I looked at them again, Mayuri and Akon were just shoving tools through the portal and sending them flying across the room. Neither of them were paying attention to me at all anymore.
  "This could actually have many practical uses." Mayuri held his chin before sending a screw through, and it clattered against the floor on the opposite side of the lab.
  If they were toying around with the portal by throwing things around and no one else was nearby....why had it felt as if someone pinched my ass?
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  "I'll make you dessert if you do it." I said while setting new containers of food down on the table next to Akon.
  "And we both know he won't back off just because I ask him to." His eyes were glued to the computer screen as he typed away on the keyboard. I wasn't sure what he was doing, but it looked like he was putting in data based on how the numbers were grouped together.
  "Then what do you suggest? You know Mayuri better than anyone else here."
  "I suggest you agree to be a research subject."
  "Don't make me hit you. Now get to a stopping point and eat."
  "Define 'stopping point'." Akon droned, and I sighed through my nose. Taking the lid off the container in my hand, I then grabbed Akon's shoulder to force him to turn in his seat. With a spoon full of food, I shoved it into his mouth as soon as he went to vocally retaliate.
  "Eat." I raised my brows at him while his eyes narrowed. He chewed and swallowed with his arm resting on the table.
  "You're annoying."
  "Does it look like I care?"
  "Now think. How can I get Mayuri to leave me alone without him studying me." I gestured with the spoon, and he heavily sighed.
  "Given his stubbornness and tenacity, killing him might be your only option." Akon then paused while looking to the side with his head tilted. He seemed to be thinking before he looked at me again. "Or let me do it."
  "Let you do it?"
  "Yes. He'll be jealous not being able to do the work himself, but he'll want the results more." Akon waved his hand. "I can also do it without any surgeries. Virtually painless." He then leaned forward, bringing his face closer as his dark eyes seemed to glitter.
  "Well....you certainly have more tact. But why virtually painless instead of just painless?"
  "Blood samples and the sort will come with a little prick." He seemed serious, and I couldn't believe I was actually considering it.
  "And he'll stop badgering me?"
  "He will with the research being done."
  "All right. Fine." I put another spoonful of food into his mouth. "What's your favorite dessert?" His eyes lit up, and even if he was just as knowledge-hungry as Mayuri, at least he went about it in a different way.
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  "This auxiliary lab will give us more privacy. I doubted you would be comfortable enough in the main lab." Akon led me into a wide-open room filled with equipment and shelves of materials.
  "That was a correct assumption. So it's just us?"
  "Yes. You needn't worry."
  "No offense, but I know your colleagues aren't exactly known for respecting boundaries." Placing my hands on my hips, I then looked around the room again. "So what's first?"
  "External examination. I'll need you to take your uniform off."
  "All of it?"
  "....Even my underwear?"
  "Yes. This is purely research, Wynter. Think of it like a more extensive physical." Akon turned on a computer with his back to me and pointed to a table a few feet away. "You can put your clothes there."
  Shifting on my feet, I took in a deep breath before loosening my sash. Pulling open my kosode and shitage, I then folded them over and placed them on the table. My sash and sword were next, followed by my hakama.
  The chill air in the room gave me goosebumps. Leaning on the table, I lifted one foot while listening to Akon type away on the computer. When I took the ties out of my hair, I heavily sighed since all that was left was my underwear.
  Glancing at Akon, I saw that he still had his back to me as he clicked on a few things. Taking the last garment off, I was left awkwardly standing there with my hands over my crotch while feeling the cold floor against my feet.
  "Before we start, do you have any scars other than the one on your mouth?" Akon spoke up.
  "Uh, yeah. Two on my chest. I had a double mastectomy."
  "Any others?"
  "That's it."
  "Good. Then this should be easy to get through." Akon finally turned around and paused while looking at me. I nervously shifted on my feet and dropped my gaze. "You have more muscle mass than I thought. Hm. Whoever did your mastectomy did a good job. Having the incisions follow the lines of the muscle tissue and with such clean cuts...." He trailed off while holding his chin and getting a closer look at my chest. "Does this hinder you in any way?"
  "No. I had no complications even during healing, so no problems."
  "I see." He stood up straight before reaching his foot under a table to pull out a stool on wheels. Akon sat down on it in front of me while sanitizing his hands. "You seem nervous."
  "Just hoping you'll be gentle with me." I chuckled, but he paused with a blank expression on his face. He then took in a deep breath and stretched his neck until I heard a few pops.
  It was hard to tell what just happened.
  He grabbed one of my wrists to bring my hand closer. Akon was surprisingly delicate as he spread out my fingers to look at them. He even checked my palm when flipping my hand over before his gaze moved up my arm.
  It was quiet in the room as he continued to get a close look at me. He briefly squeezed my bicep and shoulder before humming inquisitively. I was able to relax since he was maintaining professionalism, and I'd yet to see any sharp instruments.
  Akon had me turn around and swept my hair out of the way. His hands brushed down my back with his thumbs going along my spine.
  "You have no internal body modifications?"
  "I don't."
  "Your training and genetics seem to have gone hand in hand quite well. From what I'm seeing, your skeletal structure is nothing overtly impressive, but it does have more range than average. Reach back with both hands." Akon's hands left me as I put my arms behind me. He then grabbed my wrists and raised them with my elbows straight. "See, here is where most people will reach their limit, but you seem able to go further."
  "Being my size means I have to take advantage of what I do have and work with it." I chuckled, and Akon raised my wrists higher.
  "So you've trained to increase your flexibility?"
  "And agility." I replied as he lowered my wrists.
  "Hop up here. I'm going to look at your legs now." Akon pat the examination table, and I pulled myself up onto it. It was freezing cold against my ass. Once I got comfortable, Akon started at my feet, checking my nails and soles like he had my hands. "From the looks of it, your medical files are correct in that the noticed anomalies aren't visible externally. I'll start with blood, saliva, and epithelial cell samples to see if there's anything there."
  "And how do you plan to get the cell samples?"
  "I can just scrape your forearm." Akon walked away to gather supplies, and I was honestly relieved. Given the research department's reputation, I feared this might sour, but Akon was sticking to our agreement.
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  I softly grunted while pulling my pillow closer. It was dark in the room, and I was too groggy to tell if I was still asleep or not. The moon peeking through the window near the bed did have a dreamy glow.
  I vaguely registered feeling something moving over my ass as I lay on my stomach. There was a gentle squeeze before something slowly swiped over my core. The next squeeze had my body unconsciously leaning into the touch since it felt good.
  I on some level realized it was a hand touching me, massaging my ass in a wide palm with long fingers. The hand traveled higher, hooking its fingers behind the waistband of my shorts before pulling them down. A tingle went up my spine when a few fingers traced the crease between my ass and thigh.
  The slow caresses and feather-light touches felt nice. The hand dipped lower and squeezed my inner thigh in a way that made my gut clench. Knuckles brushed against my core before pressing harder through the fabric of my underwear.
  Fingertips then traced over my labia before adding more pressure against my clit. I clenched and softly grunted as those fingers continued to stroke and gently push. Heat rushed beneath my skin and pooled between my thighs the more I was touched.
  Even if this sex dream was a bit strange, I wasn't opposed to it.
  My underwear was pulled down, exposing my ass and wet heat to the cooler air. The hand was joined by another when both grabbed my ass in a firm grip. My breath shook, feeling thumbs drift lower and sliding through the accumulated slick between my lips.
  They spread me open while exploring more. Those gentle fingertips tracing over my skin and circling my pussy kept me in a relaxed but needy state. My hips raised as I groaned into my pillow.
  One of the hands left me before two fingers pressed against my core. Given how wet I was, they slid right inside. The thumb found my clit and rubbed slow circles over it while the fingers began to pump in and out of my pussy.
  This damn dream was torture as I craved for the other hand to come back. In fact, I wished this stupid dream would give me more of whoever my mind was conjuring up.
  The fingers curled inside me, causing my spine to arch as I moaned. Whoever it was never went faster or harder, keeping a steady pace that made me squirm. Clutching my pillow, my brows knit together while my breath shook.
  The delicious torture continued, and wet sounds reached my ears with every thrust and curl into my pussy. The thumb on my clit also never stopped working, making sure that throbbing bud had attention that shot sparks of pleasure through my nerves. The slow, steady rise of building pressure just might actually release if this continued.
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  "So how do they look?" I questioned while watching Akon studying the X-rays in front of him.
  "Normal enough. I'll have to go more in-depth. I have a hypothesis the anomalies are possibly related to your Zanpakuto's powers or even just hyperactive pheromones. Perhaps both."
  "Pheromones? Do I stink?" I grabbed my kosode and pulled it closer as I sniffed it.
  "According to those with more sensitive noses, you give off stronger chemosignals. I'm trying to figure out if this is just a natural occurrence or an influence of your abilities. There are also a few other things that showed up in other scans that are far outside of the normal range." Akon turned to look at me with his hairless brows furrowed. "But your bones, muscles, and other organs seem to be like any other."
  "A win for me, I'd say." Running a hand through my hair, I glanced over at the sectioned-off area hidden by curtains. "So what's back there? The curtains weren't there last time."
  "Some equipment had to be moved in here to make room in the main lab." Akon replied while entering data into the computer in front of him. A nagging feeling made me think he was lying for some reason.
  Standing up, I quietly went over to take a peak. If it really was just equipment, no harm no foul. But if it was some contraption Mayuri was planning to use on me, I'd break it before he could.
  "....Akon, I might be mistaken, but that just looks like a breeding mount." I stated with the curtain pulled back, and Akon's head whipped in my direction.
  "Which is equipment."
  "So it is a breeding mount?" I made a face, and I saw the tips of his ears turning red. "What the Hell would you guys need this for?"
  "We pride ourselves on thorough research, which happens to include the breeding habits of certain subjects."
  "So why the curtains if it's 'just equipment'?" I raised my eyebrows at him, and his gaze averted to the side.
  "Some people get....uncomfortable around such equipment. I wasn't sure if you were one of those people."
  "Thankfully, I'm not." I let go of the curtain and crossed my arms while walking back.
  "Then why did you react that way?" He looked at me again, and it was my turn to avert my gaze. Should I tell him the truth? "Wynter?"
  "Look, I don't know. Maybe you guys are a bunch of perverts or something."
  "Wha- I- We-!" Akon stumbled for words and actually looked embarrassed with wide eyes and red cheeks. "We are researchers! Scientists! N-Not perverts!"
  "Yeah, yeah. My bad. Come on. Let's go get dinner."
  "Unbelievable." Akon huffed.
  "Maybe if your entire department didn't have such a weird reputation...." I muttered, and he rolled his eyes while putting the X-rays away.
  Dragging Akon away from work to go eat had been easier than usual at least. However, he'd been quieter than normal. From the look on his face, I could only assume he was thinking about something. Probably work.
  After parting ways and going home, I was plagued by yet another dream so much like the previous few nights. The same hands gently caressing and groping tenderly, leaving me aching and throbbing.
  But this dream finally gave me more. It gave me sweet kisses to my inner thighs creeping closer and closer to my dripping heat. A broad tongue followed, lapping at my arousal with such hunger that made me shiver.
  Hands on my thighs spread my legs more before soft lips pressed against my clit with a kiss. I knew who I dreamed to be touching me this way. It was the first face that kept coming to mind even if I didn't actually see his face in these dreams. But those hands....those careful touches....and the low groan that vibrated his tongue had familiarity.
  I panted while clutching my pillow and silently begging for more. I was at the mercy of my dream that never truly gave me what I wanted, and what I wanted was all of him. To feel his entire body against mine, the warmth of his skin, and listen to him whimper my name.
  His mouth and agile fingers tried to coax as many orgasms out of me as possible before the blaring morning alarm had me waking up with a jolting start.
  Panting, I saw my bed in utter disarray as the morning sun lit my room. Heavily sighing, I groaned in frustration as my head fell back. These damn dreams kept leaving me with soaked underwear and terrible bedhead.
  Perhaps giving in to what I wanted might make the dreams stop. But there was no way trying to fuck Akon wouldn't have consequences.
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  Going into the auxiliary lab late at night, I found myself unable to sleep due to the things running through my mind. I hoped talking to Akon could help clear things up and kill these things eating away at me. And since he hadn't been at home, this was the next best place to find him.
  The lab was mostly dark with some light coming from behind the curtains in the corner. I could hear music playing at a low volume with heavy bass that got louder as I got closer. As I had guessed, Akon was working late again. What project could possibly be keeping him up this time?
  "You're a sick fuck." Akon grumbled and heavily sighed. "'Pervert' is putting it lightly." My brows furrowed in confusion as I wondered what the Hell he was talking about and to whom.
  Grabbing the curtain, I slowly pulled it back to peek inside. I didn't want to interrupt if Akon was having a private conversation.
  But I only saw him casually leaning on the breeding mount while looking at a metallic device sitting on top of it. It looked like the portal he'd been working on before but with a few changes to it. Was he talking to his own invention or himself since no one else was there?
  "No. It's for research." Akon reached a hand toward the device before snatching his hand back and walking away from the mount. "If it was for fucking research, you wouldn't hide it, and you know it." His tone went harsh, and he leaned on a table littered with tools, a computer, and an ashtray with crushed butts.
  The heavy bass continued to play as he silently stood there. He then sighed and turned back around to reach out to the portal again.
  "You're an idiot and an addict." He turned on the device, seeming to have finally come to a conclusion after arguing with himself. I kept quiet hoping to figure out what the fuck was going on.
  Gone was all his previous hesitation as he put a few of his fingers through the portal. I jolted as my spine went stiff, and I covered my mouth with my other hand. My eyes went wide with utter shock as I could feel fingers rubbing between my thighs.
  My heart began to hammer in my chest as realization dawned on me, and I couldn't look away. Akon tilted his head while sighing as his fingers found my clit and began to rub slow circles. I watched as he changed his position and got closer to the end of the mount. Akon was still touching me through the portal when he grabbed the knot of his sash and loosened it.
  He was going to fuck the breeding mount while touching me.
  "Akon!" my voice made him jump as he twisted around.
  "Wynter?!" He looked shocked as his voice cracked, and he quickly backed away from the portal. "I-I-I-" He kept stepping back as his face flushed red until he ran into the table because of me advancing on him.
  "How long have you been doing this?"
  "I-I can explain-"
  "How long? Those weren't just dreams, were they?" My tone was firm as I placed my hands on the table on either side of him. He was trapped with nowhere to go.
  "Back up! Back up, back up, back up!" He sounded frantic, and I already knew why. I'd seen his erection before trapping him between me and the table.
  "No. You're gonna answer me." I took a step closer, forcing his legs to spread as he leaned one arm against the computer monitor. I could feel his dick getting harder as he looked down at me.
  "....A....A while. Please, you're too close."
  "What? Ashamed of getting caught in the act?" He turned his face away as his jaw clenched. "You owe me a big fucking apology."
  "I'm sorry."
  "You don't mean it."
  "I do."
  "Don't lie to me, Akon. I don't deserve that. Especially not after what I've done for you." I grabbed his thighs to hoist them onto my hips, causing him to make a sound of surprise as things on the table rattled. "And you're right. 'Pervert' is putting it lightly." His sash came loose with a simple tug, and I dropped it to the side.
  "What are you doing?"
  "Call it revenge. You left me to clean up your mess morning after morning. I think it's well past time I left you a mess."
  "Wait, what?" His eyes widened, and I opened the front of his uniform to expose his torso.
  "Hm. Look at what just a little bit of care does for you." Akon's skin looked smooth and unmarred, and he no longer looked as if he'd break just by touching him. It was still dark under his eyes from the lack of sleep, but I had a feeling he'd be sleeping fine when I was done with him.
  He watched as I pulled my own clothes off and didn't say a word the entire time. However, he spoke up when I grabbed his hakama to pull the garment off.
  "Wait. Shouldn't you be....mad?"
  "Akon, I've been bringing you home-cooked meals. I agreed to let you research me. I'm mad and I want to fuck you. Now get up." Grabbing his kosode that was barely hanging on his shoulders, I yanked him to his feet. "What do you think Mayuri will say if he finds out you've been using that portal to be a massive perv?"
  "That one is for personal use only. The one for the lab stays in the lab."
  "You made more than one?"
  "So you made a portal just to mess with me?"
  "I don't think I should answer that." Akon muttered, and I scoffed. Letting my gaze drop, I looked over his naked body with excitement flooding my veins.
  Letting him go, I went over to the portal and plucked it up from its stand. Akon tensed while watching me.
  "You know, something's been bugging me about the modifications you've made. It got me wondering...." I trailed off before slotting the portal into a bracket that held it perfectly right in front of the hole in the breeding mount. It fit too well to not be an intentional design. "You really are a dirty boy."
  "I didn't think you would notice that."
  "I notice a lot." I shrugged while leaning against the mount. "Now get over here." Akon seemed hesitant but did as told. "Mount up, stud." I pat my hand against the padded surface of the breeding mount, and Akon's blush deepened.
  "I didn't stutter." Our eyes were locked as we stared at each other.
  "You know where that will lead to right now."
  "I won't tell you again. Or do you need help?" I smiled while grabbing his wrists to pull him closer. Placing his hands onto the mount, I then stood behind him. With one hand on his lower back, I reached around with the other and wrapped my fingers around his dick.
  Akon took in a sharp breath before I began to stroke along the shaft a few times. He was hot and thick in my hand, making me even more eager to have him inside me.
  "What are you planning to do to me?"
  "Are you scared?"
  "You're making me feel as if I'm pinned beneath the paws of a predator, but I can't stop being hard. It's a very confusing mix of fear and arousal."
  "Honey, the only thing you need to fear from me is being devoured." I nipped his shoulder blade and smiled. "And you look pretty delicious." Akon's blush spread, turning the back of his neck a shade of pink.
  Guiding him forward, he tensed right in front of the portal. Keeping my hand on his lower back, I rubbed my thumb against his skin.
  "You can think of it as research. Believe me, having your cock inside me is very different from just your fingers or tongue." My voice was close to a purr as I looked down at his length in my hand. I was aching to feel him more, and he took a shaky breath before moving forward.
  The tip disappeared through the portal, and I felt it press against my core. Akon dug his nails into the mount as he could feel how wet I already was. Between his earlier touches and pinning him to the table, I was already close to just pouncing on him.
  Shifting on my feet to spread my legs a little more, I then used my own arousal to wet the head of his dick. I kissed Akon's shoulders and back as he slowly went a little further. His tip pushed inside first before inch by inch of his shaft followed.
  He was going so slow as I held his hips in both hands. Resting my forehead against his back, I bit my bottom lip while focusing on how he felt inside me. The sound he made, so soft I nearly didn't hear it, made me lose patience.
  Shoving his hips forward, he hit the mount while going balls deep. He made such a guttural sound as he hunched over and crumbled. I hummed and kissed his spine.
  "This is.... Fuck." Akon muttered as I smiled.
  "That good?"
  "It's so hot." He leaned against the mount more. "So wet....for me."
  "That's right, sweetheart. But you better get to work, though. You've got plenty of nights to make up for." My hands traveled up his back before going down his sides. He shuddered and pulled his hips back before thrusting.
  Akon's breath shook as his hands gripped onto the breeding mount. My palms ran up and down his thighs, exploring every inch of him that I could reach. His inner thighs were so soft as I raked my nails up them. He clenched and whimpered from my touch.
  My hands then went up his stomach to his chest, feeling his heart pounding beneath his ribs. I licked over his spine as he continued to thrust into the portal and in turn my pussy. His panting and muffled sounds had my clit throbbing.
  "You don't have to be so gentle, Akon. Here, let me show you how to do it." Placing my hand on his lower stomach with my fingers on either side of the base of his cock, I put my other hand on the mount. With my hips pressed against his soft ass, I thrust my pelvis forward.
  I kept his body between my hand and hips, grinding against his ass as I taught him how to fuck me. He moaned with his forehead against the mount. It was hard to keep control of myself when he looked and sounded so enticing.
  He clenched his jaw to muffle his moans and quiet grunts, and I nipped his back.
  "Open your mouth."
  "I want to hear you. Tell me how good it feels, Akon."
  "Good. So good."
  "Better than your hands, huh?"
  "Yes! Fuck, yes."
  "Keep going." I cooed and grabbed his ass, making him jolt. "I said, keep going."
  "Like this?" His breath shook as he maintained the pace I showed him.
  "Just like that." I bit my bottom lip with my eyes closed in bliss. Feeling his thick cock filling me to the brim over and over again while listening to him was utterly delightful.
  Looking down at Akon, I held his hips again as my thumbs brushed over the dimples in his lower back just above his ass. The curve of his spine and how his muscles rolled beneath his skin as he squirmed was like looking upon some forbidden delicacy. I continued to grind against him and moaned.
  Leaning over, I littered more kisses over his back, and each nip made him buck. I could hear him panting curses while whimpering beneath me. It drove me wild.
  "Are you sorry now?" I questioned with my lips brushing up his spine.
  "No." Akon didn't hesitate in giving his answer this time. His horns nearly tore through the mount when he groaned.
  "I knew you were lying."
  "You feel so damn good."
  "What made you do it?" My arms wrapped around him as I leaned against his back. He didn't stop thrusting and dug his fingers into the mount's padding.
  "I wanted you....all to myself." Akon panted, and I hummed.
  "What a greedy boy you are."
  "A-And the way you taste.... I couldn't forget it."
  "Yeah? You really are an addict, huh?"
  "Y-You heard that?"
  "I did." My fingers slid up his throat to his lips. His hot breath rolled over my skin with each heavy breath. "This more than you bargained for?"
  "Unexpected. Not unwanted."
  "How far are you willing to go, little pervert?"
  "As far as you want. Make me yours. Please." Akon whined when I pushed my fingers into his mouth.
  "I'll take good care of you." I muttered before kissing his shoulder blades. My fingers pressed against his tongue as he moaned. It didn't take long for his saliva to be dripping down my knuckles and palm. It was even dripping from his chin onto the mount. "My, aren't you a drooler?" I chuckled while pulling my fingers free.
  Akon's saliva bridged between my fingertips and his bottom lip. Moaning, I lowered my wet hand between us. He nearly jumped when he felt me touch his ass with my slick fingers.
  "Shhh. Relax, darling." I cooed against his back while feeling the tension in his muscles. Rubbing my drool-soaked fingers over the puckered muscle of his asshole, Akon began to shiver. "Relax. That's it."
  I would've preferred proper lube, but his own spit would work well enough this time. Pushing one finger inside, Akon tensed again with a whimper. I didn't move any further and continued to kiss his back and shoulders to help him relax.
  He took a shaky breath, and I slowly began to pump that finger. His hips stuttered with his cock still buried in my pussy through the portal, making me smirk. Akon tilted his hips back as if seeking more, and I obliged.
  Getting in a second finger, Akon gave a broken moan and nearly fell from his knees shaking. The breeding mount kept him standing as I chuckled.
  "Oh, I'm gonna love this." Thrusting my hand, Akon nearly squealed while ramming his hips into the portal. I moaned and placed my other hand on the mount for stability. I didn't stop pumping my fingers, and Akon was turning into a mess under me with shaking legs and drool still dripping from his chin.
  He reared back while crying out my name as his hips went back and forth between the mount and my hand. I couldn't stop grinning while watching his body writhe and twitch from pleasure.
  "You're so fucking cute. Look at you. Barely even able to stand." I bit his shoulder while groaning, and his hips bucked. I knew when I'd found his prostate because he gave a broken moan as his voice cracked. He had to lean his elbows on the mount and was moaning with every thrust.
  He was getting close and losing rhythm. Curling my fingers, Akon's back arched while his voice filled my ears. Electricity danced across my skin with my eyes closed and my mouth hanging open in a moan.
  Akon's cock began to twitch as heat flooded my core and began to drip down my thighs. He groaned while giving a few more shallow thrusts that made more of his cum spill down my thighs. And, as he was deep inside me, I also hit my peak and orgasmed while groaning and biting his shoulder.
  Panting, I leaned against his back and slid my fingers out of his ass. Akon grunted, and I kissed the red bite mark. He slowly rocked his hip back to pull out while trying to catch his breath.
  As cum kept dripping down my thighs, I glanced around and spotted a sink a few yards away. Leaving Akon, I went to wash my hands and legs. When I was cleaned up, I glanced back and saw Akon collapsed on top of the breeding mount with his arms dangling over the sides and his cheek against the padding as he panted.
  Getting some paper towels, I carried them with me back to Akon. Folding one up, I used my other hand to tilt up his face and clean the drool from his chin.
  "You did so good." I cooed, and he hummed in response. Helping him get cleaned up, I then threw away the dirty paper towels. "You can have a little break, but I'm certainly not done with you." Brushing his hair back, I kissed his forehead.
  "My knees are still weak."
  "Are they?" I chuckled and gently held his face in my hands. "You poor thing." Kissing his cheek and then the other, I paused with my nose brushing against his. "Maybe I'll ride you next time to give your legs a rest." Akon's breath shook as he glanced down at my mouth.
  Leaning in closer, I press my lips against his with my thumbs brushing over his cheeks.
  "I'd like that." He muttered.
  "Good. You've only made up for one night after all." I kissed him again, and his arms wrapped around me as he leaned into it.
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slashingdisneypasta · 11 months
I promise I'll send in asks other than the weasels (I'm trying to figure out an imagine to send you for a certain gross, asshole law professor you've been obsessed with lately). But with the dragon patrol still in my head, I had to send you this. Not necessarily headcannons for their S/O, just like, how I see them looking and what kind of wings they have (I love character design XD).
Smartass is the smallest dragon out of them all, but he is still pretty big compared to a human (like maybe sitting down next to a standing average sized person, he'd be 10 feet? 13? I hope I'm doing my measurements right, I'm not using the height chart XD). He is light in color, still pink with a white underbelly abd some magenta spots along his neck and shoulders, so unfortunately that makes it difficult for him to blend in with most environments, and thus have a hard time hunting on his own. That's how he figured out the strength in numbers, and why he keeps all these other jerks around XD. In place of the diamond in his tie, I like to think Dragon!Smartass has a luminescent but very hard plate over where his heart would be. So any knights that try to kill him that way will find themselves unsuccessful (*cough and it may or may not symbolize how he keeps a hard wall around his heart and emotions to defend himself cough*). His wings, despite his size, are in pretty good shape, and he can fly pretty fast.
Greasy is a good sized dragon, coming in around 17 feet (again, if I got my measurements right. I'll have to double check this later. Also this height is just meant for them sitting up right; it doesnt count the tail), with a bit of fat on him. Not Stupid's level, but still. He is of course a lovely shade of green. Forest green at that, and it allows him to blend in and sneak around the forest best. He also has black spots/spinal scales going down his back and down his tail, as well as a paler underbelly. Not white like Smartass', just a lighter color (I'm trying to reference their dress shirts without making them all white XD). His wings are pretty unique since at the top tip of them, he sort of has an extra set of claws/hands that he definitely uses to grab things he shouldn't (have you seen that kind of dragon design? I love it ^^).
(Imagine Dragon!Greasy grabbing you by his wing claws rather than his actually hands/claws. It can either be to grab you when you're too far away from his grasp, or to try to make sure he doesn't hurt you with his bigger claws. Or in a more nsfw scenario, Imagine him using both set of hands on you. Ok bye-)
Wheezy... Is a fucking mess as usual XD he's a big boy, coming in close at 19, maybe 20 feet, but he's also got slim muscel too. He's supposed to be a more navy blue with a silver under belly, if he took care of himself more. But he's grayed out with dirt, he's got flakes of dry lizard skin all over him that he either can't get off himself or is too lazy to do so, and his claws aren't the prettiest. And that smoke that keeps coming out of his nostrils doesn't help at all (I'm thinking he's almost always on edge like your neurosis headcannon, so he's almost always got a fire in the back of his throat. Hence the smoke). His wings though, out of all the patrol, are the biggest compared to the rest of his body. It can be hard to stretch them out so he's kind of hunched over most of the time, but he can definitely wrap himself in those wings for sleep! Or just alone time (Imagine being tucked away with him in his wings)
(Another Imagine for you. Imagine helping him clean himself off! Or at least get all the dray skin. You're climbing on him, scratch and scrubbing away the old skin, maybe popping his back too while you're at it, and Wheezy is just soooo relaxed and content now. You notice that for once, he's not blowing out smoke anymore!)
Psycho is an odd one. He's not that much bigger than Smartass, only 15 feet. He's mainly yellow in color, but he also has white and blue spots and swirls along his body as well as an ivory underbelly. But despite his bright colors, he's still a lot more skilled at hunting and sneaking than Smartass is. He's got the sharpest set of teeth and claws out of the patrol too. His wings also come with an extra set of claws at the tips too, but he uses his for climbing, mostly. He's the fastest and most efficient at scaling large buildings or stony mountains.
And Stupid is the biggest, of course. Coming up to 23 feet tall. But he's also round! If it weren't for the horns (which all the other dragons have, I'm just not sure how to describe their horns XD) and snaggle teeth, he'd look so huggable ^^ he's a bright red hue with a sky blue underbelly. His wings however, unfortunately, are the smallest out of all the patrol compared to his body size. He can still fly, though not as well as the others. So if he can, he sticks to the ground. He can already cause enough damage with his size anyway 😬
Bonus for Shiny since I'm making her a dragon. She's bigger than Smartass and Psycho, though a bit smaller than Greasy, coming in at 16 feet. She's a royal purple, with a deep yellow, almost gold colored underbelly. Her scales are also more glittery(?) Then the others, making her stand out in the light more. Her wings are also a bit small for her size- not as much as Stupid's is, but still. That's because her wings are technically more for showing off like a mating dance 👀. So although they are more flexible and allow more movement than just the typical flap, she can only fly for short distances at a time. Her tail however, she has learned how to use that to grab things with.
I hope you like these descriptions! Do you have you're own designs for them? If so, how do they look like in your head?
First of all, you're trying to think of W H A T ? AHH don't feel pressured to do that at all, but that is so sweet though!! If you did!!-- i would C OM B U S T- XD
Second of all, you know you can come here and blast us with your top tier weasel content whenever you want! Don't be silly! ^^
I love these designs!!! Omg!!! First of all- I'm so glad we both thought of Wheezy having a small lack of control over his smoke/fumes XDD That's just p e r f e c t for him and I love it so much. He'd look so scary and cool!!
And- I cant be the only one of the two of us who thought of this right??-- wing size = ... (; another size . Yes? No?😅XD Sorry sorry!!- 🤣🤣
Second of all I also love that Smartass has a plate over his heart!! Yes! I want to draw him so bad but I wouldn't even know where to start drawing a dragon!! 😅😅😅 Also Shiny's sparkly wings!!! She would be so prettyyy. And I'm getting some woozle vibes from Psycho, I dunno why XDD He's like a giant, fire breathing woozle XD Also- um- Stupid is 23 feet tall, you say??? Ohhh boy... XDD
That Greasy imagine though!!! Eeee. Imagine him taking you for himself but keeping you a secret from the other dragons (They wouldn't treat you as gentle, and he wants to keep you in one pretty piece- you're a precious commodity). So basically you're his dirty little secret. And he knows how to keep a secret; you'll never be found out. And um, imagine a splash of Stockholme syndrome, too??... yeah??... okay I'll see myself out XD I'm having not-so-pure thoughts about this dragon, oh no XD
And no, sorry!! I don't have my own thoughts on what they look like 😅 I like yours though a lot!!
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kafkaoftherubbles · 1 year
话匣子:《致不灭的你》 日语名与英译名的小小想法
Due to what I do for a living (which my extra ass adamantly refers to as "language alchemy"), I easily fixate on certain features of languages and word choices. My favorite subtitles are dual-combo of Chinese and English because I get to compare notes between the two while watching stuff (reading Chinese subs while watching in English is a lot more effortful, and it risks distracting me from the show itself already). I even humor myself by giving characters "more authentic" (your mileage may vary) Chinese names that aren't transliterated (I was supposed to place a record of the names here, in this blog, but I balked in the end).
The point is: I have some thoughts about the Japanese title, 不滅のあなたへ, and its (official?) English translated title. There are two separate thoughts!
(1) Thoughts on the English-translated name first:
The most literal translation for 不滅のあなたへ would have been "to (へ) an immortal (不滅の) you (あなた)". As my non-TYE-watching best friend once pointed out, "Why the hell is the English name translated to what it is, though?"
The original rationale would have to come from the translator(s) who coined it, but I have a pretty strange interpretation of my own.
In English, there are forms of address to people in certain roles. The most famous example would be "Your Majesty," from Latin maiestas (greatness). Others one can easily think of will be "Your (Royal/Imperial) Highness", "Your Excellency", "Your Holiness", et al.—ya know, fancy schmancy human-created hierarchies. You catch my drift.
The "Your" in "Your Majesty" meant it as a second-person address, while the second word is whatever quality one associates with that role. "Majesty." "Holy". "Excellence."
And that is exactly how I interpret the English translation. Fushi is eternal, innit? So, "Eternity." And they are the immortal caretaker of their world's inhabitants. As much as I personally like to zero in on Fushi's humanity, I'd be remiss to forget their canonical divinity (or alien-ness! Meheheh!). They are necessarily seen as "an important figure occupying an important role" the way monarchs and popes are seen.
So to me, the English translation is a deferential address to Fushi.
I don't think the translator(s) who coined the translated name would ever see my post, but on that off-chance—however slim—they are reading it now? I wanna say, as a translator to another: brutha I love what you translated, man
(2) Thoughts on the Japanese title
The title is simple enough. "To an Immortal You." But it can also be read in a very... romantic or intimate way. The sort of "romantic" I'd expect from a poet or something!
It's kinda simple. あなた can also be used, by women (not sure about men/masculine genders), to mean "dear." An address for thy lovers.
So when interpreting it in that sense, doesn't this title become "To My Undying Beloved?"
Now, I don't pretend to know who, in this entire story, would be that person who calls Fushi "my eternal beloved". I honestly think that person is Ooima herself, ha! Maybe it's us, the readers. Or maybe it's the inhabitants under Fushi's care, or it really is one specific character (throw your bets!) in the story. Either way, it's fucking poetic, romantic, and/or poetically romantic.
Combining these two interpretations yields a pretty amazing picture, doesn't it? Imagine that! Someone in a wooden cabin sometime in winter, hunching over the table from their chair by a flickering candle. Writing a long, long letter to an undying beloved. A moving letter, written in experiential emotions and emotive experiences.
Perhaps it was narrated by the lives and life of this world, meant for its immortal caretaker. Perhaps it was written by an immortal being, meant for his successor.
Or perhaps it was written by the immortal themself, addressing all the lives and people they had, have, and will acquire. Because by being a part of them, these lives have been immortalized.
And as any letter penned by someone who fancies themself a wee bit of poetic flourish, it starts,
To, Your Eternity ...
Thank you for reading my ramble.
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Green, fate, music
And now you’re here—the light is gone, night set in, it’s cold and the only sounds to focus on are a lone crickets music and the drip drip of what could either be water or blood. The thought makes you queasy. Her hero’s aren't here. You didn’t think they would be—you’re too far out. There’s no way they would have made it here without some fancy high tech ride or anyway for them to really pinpoint where exactly you two are.
In fact you’re surprised you found her here with you at all.
She glances up. Surprise clear in her doe eyes. She smiles.
And for some reason that annoys you—after having beaten each other black and blue on top of falling into a ditch of your own making and waking up with a concussion—you should really be more tolerable of a small smile.
But the plain sincerity, the honest to god plain sincerity in such a small and kind gesture has your pride puffing up again.
She should count herself lucky you don’t decide to continue your little silent game and instead just give her a half assed grimace before continuing.
“How did you guys know I was gunna be here?”
For a second—you think she might have decided to ignore you, refusing to answer in favor of staring at her hands, contemplative and far away. Maybe your abrasive attitude has finally worn her down, scrubbed that cutesy sugar sweet coating off. Your irritative nature too much for her, should have worn more layers before trespassing; sick of life attitude become viral and infectious, even for someone as clean as her.
But, of course not. She’s better than that.
Way better than you. Miles better.
“We didn’t”
Her eyes meet yours, andthe confusion must be clear as she once again gives you a smile. Much less annoying then the previous ones. This one’s tired and worn. You can get behind that one. Tired and worn smiles are much more familiar. Much more understanding.
“We—well, I had a hunch.” She looks away, you guess the dull rocks that surround you must be easier on her eyes.
“I had a hunch. But I didn’t have enough… information to really say for certain that it was—“ Enough information your ass. She just didn’t want to believe it. Her gaze hardens. You’re happy she’s still not staring at you. You’ve only had her look at you like that once before. Back when you were still green; ‘Lacking empathy’ she had said to you after a mission together. It’s not your fault, why were you suppose to care if a few people got hurt. You’d never had to before.
You didn’t interact with civilians after that though. Don’t say anything if you have nothing nice to say and all that.
“That it was me?”
She looks to you, but that hardened gaze has been left behind instead you just see a tired copy.
“I figured I should keep a eye on you”
“But when? When did you figure it out? I didn’t think I was being that obvious”
“Since that night we snuck out together, remember?” Shes shifted her gaze again, back to the the crumpled in walls.
“You couldn’t sleep…so we went out for esquites instead…”
You can’t find it in yourself to look at her either. Embarrassment flooding you.
“You let it slip that night.”
“Well…I didn’t think I did” you’re telling the truth. What had given it away? What had been your slip up.
You startle at the sound of her aggravated huff. She’s gotten up, by the look on her face her body clearly disliked the idea. There’s barely enough room to move in here anyways. You can barely see her from where you're sitting on the floor, even with being less than five feet from each other.
You startle even more, your eyes wide as you realize what she’s attempting to do. Her bruised body moving slowly as she crouches and squeezes her way over, she must be having trouble seeing too, now that she’s closer you can see how she’s holding out her arms. Feeling the ceiling and the sides.
She sits next to you; her movements slow until finally it seems her knees give out and she plops down next to you with a bang and a noise of pain.
If it weren’t for the fact you already pressed up to the wall, you might have scooted away from her out of pure pettiness. But as it is you’re forced to stay seated right where you are now thigh to thigh with the girl you’ve just tried to beat black and blue. What is more aggravating to you is that you don’t mind all too much.
“You asked me if I was okay”
You turn to her confused.
“That’s how I figured it out. Well kinda…”
To your horror she lowers her head to your shoulder. The weight causing you to stiffen, you two hadn’t been this close, or rather, this soft with each other in a while.
“You asked if I was okay—if I was hurt. After the fight. At first I didn’t think anything of it”
You don’t look at her, gaze pointedly straight ahead, but you feel how her lips turn up in a small smile.
“I’d just assumed you saw the fight on tv or something ha, you know? I was actually so giddy that you asked! Haha…it was nice to know you were worried about me” she sounds pitiful.
“But then…well. later when me and…when we were looking over the fight…I realized the one time I got hit had been out of view. There was no way any civilians were around either to take a quick video or snap a shot…so I was left wondering…”
You don’t startle when you feel her head lift but you do jerk when you feel her calloused hand on you cheek. You shut your eyes, tight, when you feel her turn you to face her.
“How did you know?”
Her warm breath so close to you makes you jerk back. Snapping your eyes open to look at her—she’s still smiling. A small and sad thing.
Your own lips turn up in a sick mockery, less smile more snarl.
“You asked if I was hur—“ she repeats.
“I wanted to make sure the hit landed—I wanted to make sure there would be damage!” there’s no whine in your bark now. A warning.
Her smile finally drops. She doesn’t heed it of course.
“Then why—why would you patch me up after?!” The accusation sounds desperate, even to you. The unanswered question as her eyes flick to your lips.
Why had you kissed it better?
You don’t have an answer for her or for you. Because why had you?
“I don’t know!”
You snap at her instead. A cornered animal. All you want to do is bite. You’re scared too.
She’s quiet. You refuse to look at her again; so you don’t expect the hand at your shoulder. Tentative and cautious. You let her give you that small comfort. She must be confused. The real question here is who is more confused, you or her.
Your whole thing was just to infiltrate. That’s all it was supposed to be. Not this sick twist of fate, you weren’t supposed to care about her.
“How do you do that?”
“Do what?”
“How can you just push the world out so easily?”
“Because it is easy? It’s easy not to care about what’s happening to others—especially knowing I can’t do anything even if I wanted to”
“But what if you could? How do you know you can’t if you don’t try? You don’t even attempt?” If you don’t exhaust every possible angle, even if that means exhausting you in turn, easy for you fill in in your mind. You don’t know what to say to him.
“I guess I’m just selfish”
He’s silent at your confession.
Is he judging you?
You resist the urge to crawl into his head—give him his privacy. And why should you care in the first place—the thought makes you angry.
You can’t do anything, right?
You kinda hope so now, knowing you could make a difference somewhere, to someone? The thought might drive you mad.
Ugh, you are guilty—you don’t think you’ve ever felt guilty for being selfish.
He’s looking down at his hands. You don’t know what to do, you’re shit at comfort. But fuck, he looks pathetic. Suck up your bastard dignity and scoot over; hip to hip arm to arm resting your head on his shoulder, just barely reaching. You take one of his hand into yours, he hasn’t looked up from them, you feel him relax all the same, feel the pressure as he leans his own head against yours, his breath coming out ragged slightly toying with the baby hairs not glued down with sweat. You sit like that for a while, thumbing along his hands, trailing, tracing, his scars, the cameras don’t focus on them and to your shame you realize you don’t either. It’s hard to imagine someone like him actually having to live with the more grizzly aspects of life. You almost startle when you feel the wet trail on your head. You wish you could fool yourself into thinking the rain finally broke.
OKAY IM TAGGING @ladyshivs and @gonesoft-ish and @iggydabirdkid ya guys don’t have to do it obvi haha but if you do here are the words (I went on a random word generator haha)
Cloudy Sparkle Glass Repulsive
Oh yes! And thanks @wonda-fhr I actually don’t write too much so that’s why I just choose these two since they actually have Somthing going on but I’ll probs never finish them 🤷🏽‍♀️
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vicmillen · 8 months
I'm sorry u can't sleep I hope u can rest at least. If u can't here is some unhinged shenanigans based on the sewing thing if u want it lol
"All stitches are temporary if you have scissors and aren't a coward," Wild mumbkes distractedly while he and Legend hunch over the tunics of the others with sewing kits out.
"I think our current problem is some of us could use a little bit if acting a coward. Really, Twi, if you got any more rips in this you'd have nothing left. Hylia if I wasn't so good at this you'd have nothing left."
"Snark all ya want, Vet," Twilight drawled from the fireside, "I seen the extra clothes you hide so ain't nobody can give you hell over wreckin' your tunic."
"Put them back Wind."
The younger hero in question startled at Wars's no nonsense tone cutting through the lazy afternoon.
"You heard Wild," the seafaring hero puffed out his chest, "any stitches are temporary ifnyou aren't a coward! Besides it's itchy, and probably fine anyway! C'mon!"
Warriors grappled with Wind, who tried his hardest to hold the prized thread snips out of reach despite the height difference. It didn't last long, and Wind pouted and hissed out in exaggerated pain when Wars tilted his wrist to get Wind's grip to slacken.
"Ow! Watch my stitches!"
"The ones you were just about to pull out? The ones 'you don't need it's probably fine'?" Wars countered, "Wild meant in sewing, you little gremlin. I'm sure Time and Hyrule will have feelings about this."
"Huh?" Wild perked up at his name, "Oh, no- I meant all of them. Any of them?"
His sentence was punctuated by a dramatic tearing of a seam ripper through some temporary stitches on Four's cold weather tunic. The motion bringing the Champion's own scarred hand into the light, where there were some half-healed dots lining a rather fresh looking scar.
"I swear on the three, Wild! When did you take out your-" Warrior's words dissolved into a frustrated grumbled sort of shout.
"Cool, now gimme those back my arm itches something fierce and- ah!" Wind ended off in a squeak as Twilight scooped him up and away.
"Y'all are a bad influence," he chided, "no resourcefulness."
"DON'T START," Warriors warned, "I have seen a certain wolf chewing on his stitched wounds too often for you to get to say anything! Hypocrite!"
"Or," Legend interrupted, "hear me out. You just don't let anyone give you stitches in the first place. It's easy if you, I don't know, try dodging once in a while."
Warriors defeated handed the scissors back to Legend and they all fell into silence with only the dramatic tearing if thread through fabric to break the tension.
"And quit your high-and-mighty attitude, Wars," Legened smirked, "I've seen your kit you take yours out early all the time."
Oh my, this is lovely! Thank you @hyah-lian
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mousemousemoose · 9 months
I wanna start writing about the games I play so here's a little review on Clock Tower. "Review" in the sense of looking back on it, not in the sense of like. IGN 8.9/10.
I first played Clock Tower on an SNES emulator in middle school with friends. One of them said it was the scariest game he'd ever seen (watching it on YouTube instead of playing it himself). We'd hunch around a computer and sort of try to figure out how to play it. Now that I've played it myself in twenty twenty four, I can see why it was such an uphill battle.
I played the game (again with friends) at first blind, and after about an hour of trying and failing to grasp it I looked up a guide. Turns out, there are a bunch of intricate (and semi-random) systems in place that more-or-less obscure the path towards completing the game. Rooms that shift locations, items that might not be in the same place between playthroughs -- it's an interesting method to increasing playtime, but not something I think makes the game more engaging. I think the designers wanted the search for the true ending to require trial and error. But (in my mind) trial and error really only work if the results are deterministic, and the fact that they aren't makes playing the game multiple times confusing.
Despite the clunkiness of the gameplay (and not to mention the kind-of-thin story), Clock Tower nails presentation. The house is gorgeous and the sound design is probably my favorite from any game of its generation. The footstep echo and the scissor noises stand out especially. And the music! The music rules! I'm not knowledgeable enough with music stuff to know if it's technically impressive on the hardware, but I haven't played anything from this era that sounds anything like it. The only problem with the music is that it makes it too obvious when you're safe -- it only plays once scissorman isn't pursuing you, and so it's all too clear when you're safe.
Speaking of scissorman: he's the most engaging part of the game by far. His appearances are effectively shocking and his pursuit of Jennifer feels dangerous. At least, it feels dangerous until you realize you just need to mash the "panic" button on him and you can win pretty consistently. But some of his scares are brilliant. When he topples the doll in that weird mannequin room, or when he crashes through the ceiling in the garage -- it was cool and felt true to the horror movies that clearly inspired the game. One friend I was playing with agreed with me that it felt a lot like Suspiria, which is a cool movie and it's cool to play a game in the same vein (lo and behold, the game's director has said that Clock Tower was made in homage to Suspiria's director! Wow! Intertextuality!).
The game has some other 1990s game weirdness going on. Needing to stand still for health regeneration, bizarre actions you need to take to solve puzzles with seemingly obvious answers, but honestly (and I say this as someone who played with a guide) I found a lot of that stuff to be kind of charming in the way that a lot of old games are charming. I especially loved the character portraits and sprite CGs (made by digitizing photos of real people! that's so cool!). There's a sequence where Mrs. Barrows (one of the antagonists) lifts her face up to catch more shadows and look more menacing. It's only a three frame animation but it absolutely rocks. I feel a little bad for having played this game with a guide since, incidentally, playing with one meant I missed some content. However, I'm fairly certain I wouldn't have finished it without one thanks to my thin patience for unneeded slowness, something this game has in abundance. It was definitely worth the revisit, and I'll happily espouse the impact this game had on me as a kid. I'm excited to see what the upcoming remake ends up looking like, and if they'll change anything about the original.
If you made it to the end of this, thank you for reading! I'll probably do more of these going forward since I had fun with this one and it made me think more seriously about the game and how I felt about it.
edit: typo lol
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underjumble · 2 years
Welcome to the world of Underjumble!
I've never really been a fan of most swap aus, because it always just felt like a retexture to me. Yes, they have a different look and name, but I like swap aus where the characters aren't just character A 2.0 but also that they're a different enough character. So here's a dumb little au of my own! Each character's personality is not only or mainly the character they replace are, and I'm hoping I made them rather in character. This does not mean that the characters will always be 100% canon compliant ofc, they're still somewhat different. idk how to describe it ;-;
Don't have any sketches at the moment, but here's some explaining! I have a lot of little bits of world building that's small things that I'd love to share :)
The backstory stays mostly the same, but some boss monsters, afraid for their life, sided with humans. They were granted in because the more the better. After that, though, they were outcasted and were seen as unequal. Although, some reproduced with humans, giving a breed. Most look like normal humans or monsters, but they have certain qualities and they're different enough for both of the races to be able to absorb their souls. Sans is like monsters, but his soul lasts for a little while. He has a very unhappy past and has some problems with emotions and lashing out. He deeply regrets a lot of his actions, but he can't fix it now. He is 12 and his au nickname is Wisp. I can't remember where I got that.
Unrelated to Wisp, but if you have any suggestions for any nicknames or changing it, feel free to shoot an ask! You can also use different nicknames for people but I'd like to know first so I can understand ^^
Papyrus takes the place of Asriel/Flowey! In present instead of a flower he is a dog plush, and the eyes were cracked by being dropped on when he was still alive. He's also color blind like an actual dog, leaving him with subpar vision. With this and the fact Frisk hunches over with their hood on, Doggo mistakes them for Sans. He has a resentment of being coddled and treated like a baby from Sans (who does have a reason, but Doggo doesn't know that. He's not mad at Sans though.) He believes Sans is upset at him for being weak for not continuing the plan. He's 9 mentally, and his au nickname is Angeco. It was originally a mix of French words, but I realized that I chose the parts that are exactly like the English version. It's a mash of ange corrompu, or corrupted angel.
Asriel takes the place of Toriel! Asriel is an adult. He is not a father to Sans and Papyrus, but is the King's past advisor. He was really good with the kids, though, leaving him their babysitter a couple of times. He doesn't hold as much hatred to Gaster as Toriel does to Asgore. Asriel tried to reason with him, but after realizing nothing would work, they went their separate ways. Asriel does not like Gaster due to his decisions, but he's not as brutal to Gaster as Toriel is to Asgore.
Xakial is his au nickname, a misspelling of Zadkiel, the angel of mercy.
Napstablook takes Sans' place! They aren't lazy or really as aware as Sans is. Instead, they're kinda jumpy and scared, which is why they're not the best person to post at a station.
They are better at keeping their promise than Sans. They try to help you throughout it but are too afraid for combat. They met Asriel through venting to the door.
They are the final boss of the genocide route, but don't like it and realizes they have to do it because of how they don't want you to hurt anyone else. You keep attacking and attacking but you don't hit them, until the final hit where Sans takes control. They blurrily know that you can go back in time, and thinks they can stop you because physical attacks can't hurt them, but know not too much other than that.
Valuar is their au nickname. It's a mash of valu pisarad, which means tears of pain
Mettaton takes Papyrus' place. He wants everyone to idolize him and doesn't really care about the royal guard in any other sense, and is less selfless than Papyrus. However, there are still moments where he shines and shows care and love for others, despite being mostly self absorbed.
Maddie takes Gaster's place. She was a mad scientist type where she just fucked around and found out. She isn't too serious of a character lol. She follows around Frisk sometimes but mostly hangs out with her cousins while making crude jokes although they can't see her. She does miss being with her family sometimes though, and would do anything to be able to interact with them. Au nickname is Madcie, based off her name and mad scientist.
Chara takes the place of Undyne! Like Sans, they are one of the very few human monster hybrids. Their soul would shatter quickly, so there's no reason for them to be slain. This brings them a bit more self hatred, that they aren't able to give their soul. They don't know what happened to Asriel, and misses him. It has katana magic, and has some muscle with some scars. In the genocide route, their eyes and mouth get gooey to show that the magic side of them is unable to handle the determination. As you defeat them, their magic becomes melted.
Au name is Lehanial (Perennial, a yellow flower, + Lehanii, a tribute to a friend)
Asgore takes the place of Maddie. He's just a sad little dude who takes care of the flowers in Waterfall. He's an optional fight, as he will only fight you if you nag him. He won't try to kill you. There are two ways to end the battle. Kill him, or wait until Napstablook finds you and gains the courage to tell him to leave you alone (He wasn't really looking to fight and thought you wanted it just as a game, but Blooky doesn't know that)
Toriel takes the place of Alphys! She and Chara are in a rocky relationship because Toriel doesn't agree with the violent approach. Chara argued it was the only way that lead Toriel to try the true lab. They miss each other but believe the other is angry, which Frisk has to make them come together again in true pacifist.
She's also why Asriel and Chara have such high rankings, because she knew Gaster and thus Gaster knew that the two were qualified from them meeting a lot.
Alphys takes the place of Napstablook. She's shy and wants to be your friend, but is scared of annoying you. She looks up to Undyne, they were once friends (well. Crushing on each other) before Undyne got famous. Undyne planned on coming back but always got caught up and was under a lot of stress. Alphys keeps watching and coming to her stuff, hoping to get her attention.
Undyne takes Mettaton's place! Toriel got her a boost in success due to her status and being well known. Undyne believes in Justice and isn't super self absorbed like Mettaton. She always planned on coming back to Alphys but she got juggled in all her work that she lost sight of what was important. She's a celebrity, but doesn't do shows like Mettaton, instead being more known for fighting.
Gaster takes Asgore's place. He isn't as heartbroken over hurting humans, but he doesn't enjoy it. To him, it's a necessary sacrifice. He holds no hate to the human children, seeing it as professional.
These aren't the only ones switched but they're the main and I've gone long enough FUGKXGIDYIDYID-
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anyu-blue · 1 year
I have FEELINGS about the new Tears of the Kingdom game.
No want spoilers- plz scroll!! I need someplace to word vomit a bit and this should be the only post
Mkay so this is so I can see if I nailed it or got it WILDLY wrong... Because I gotta know.
The game is decently hard not gonna lie 😅 I'm struggling a bit even having come in straight from BotW.
I'm absolutely in love with Rauru... Ah. I'm certain he's taken but just AH. He's beautiful and sweet and kind and just AH. Also. Ded. VERY ded. Held on long enough to save Link many thousands of years in the future from when he lived... But he's gone after that first bit- and that KILLED me... And then it killed me again to realize... We're going to see his death (again) aren't we? Before his spirit fades... Because of all the time hubub... We're gonna see all that. And I just NOOOO!! It broke my heart already to see the sacrifices he made that I've seen!!! ... And I'm absolutely dreading one of the possibilities... That when Rauru succeeded in trapping Ganondorf... The gloom/withering stuff ate away at his body until nothing was left but his hand. As in.. He remained trapped in spirit down there like that after suffering HORRIBLY. Thousands and thousands of years. *Shudders* this damn game may well break my heart if I'm right.
I also have the hunch that Rauru was the reason his home didn't fall out of the sky/remained hidden away... And now that he's gone, it's crumbling and is doomed to fall entirely. (Thinking Ganon wiped out his people... OR, worse, Rauru is the only one of his kind 😅 don liek dat- though the former is absolutely worse... Mass culling bad/sad)
The shrines are a bit.. odd.. but they seem to be merged into another realm or something... Something outside of and beyond time. Absolutely beautiful... Though strange. And it killed me again to listen to that beautiful text when a shrine is completed because it sounds like a male and female singing... Like the essence of who the Statues represent. Beautiful Harmony. Dagger... Meet heart TT^TT
The other thing that's nagging at me... Is I'm starting to wonder if with all this time stuff ... If Link and Zelda (our very same protagonists) aren't the two depicted on the murals... The hero and princess from 10,000 years ago sealing Ganon away... As time repeats the cycle. Again and again. Perhaps Ganondorf did not merely recognize the "descendants" or "reincarnations" of the hero and princess... Perhaps him recognizing them was him recognizing THEM... Juuuust not WHEN he is.
I'm pretty certain some of the stuff I've run into is time fuckery with things having been thrust forward perhaps... But I'll be happy to help wrong about that.
I have so many more questions... Like why the dragon/animal motifs everywhere for the Zonai? What significance or relation do the dragons have to Rauru (and/or his people if he's not the only one)? Because that was made EXTREMELY clear right off the bat. What are the constructs made of? What's that stone? Why is that temple in the sky called the temple of time?! Is Link going to end up with his normal arm again with all the cleansing? Did Rauru do all those weird modifications himself? He was obs born- he has a belly button... Right? Is the Shekiah technology BECAUSE of the Zonai? I don't think he was, but was Rauru the one to banish/shun them?? (I've always had the feeling they did something they weren't supposed to to achieve what they did.. will we find out?) Where the FUCK are all the guardians and towers and old shrines??? WHERE GO?! Those things were EVERYWHERE and HUGE... WHERE GO??!!
What exactly is the thing implanted in Ganondorf's forehead, and how does it relate to the one he steals it from and/or the triforce?
I have more... But right now I'm too tired 😅
Dear gods... This game is fucking HUGE... But I think we'll get there.
Also.. LOVE the underground foliage.. absolutely love it. *Chef's kiss* perfection. Love every bit if it (though I DON'T love the gloom- ouchies!!)
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