#i think the other fics need to go in the fridge for another couple months before i can come up w anything new for them atp
Flings this at you, the first fic is finally published after 5.5 months
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unmotivatedwrit3r · 2 years
Of Cold Weather and Holiday Shopping
jason todd x reader
(A/N): This is a fic for @citrinesparkles as a part of a batfam holiday fic exchange we did with @glorified-red,@quillsareswords , and @birdy-bat-writes!
Citi! Happy Holidays!! It’s me (again).
Not sure if you’re tired of my writing yet, but I had the best time writing this fic. Established relationship is so fun to write, and I did much more worldbuilding than I had any right to but I hope you love it!
wc: ~1200
warnings: reference to chronic pain (jason) and one kind-of curse word; so fluffy it will rot your teeth
“Jay, they don’t have the brand of cinnamon we usually buy, will this one work?” 
Jason turns around from where he was reading through your shopping list. You both have come to the conclusion that putting a magnetic notepad on the fridge to spontaneously add things you need when you think of them works best. Two years into this method, you change the notepad by season. Jason usually remembers to grab it or take a photo as you walk out the door. The paper he’s holding today has evergreen trees dusted with snow around the border of it.  
You hold the spice out to him as he reaches for it, watching amused as he squints at the label for a couple seconds before he hands it back. 
“Yeah, should work.” 
“Phew,” you tease, tossing it in the cart, “it’s passed the Todd test.” 
Jason sticks his tongue out before grabbing a jar of cloves—this time of your usual brand. 
“I’ll have you you that if it’s the wrong kind, Alfred will know, and he’s finally letting me make the molasses cookies so-” 
“It has to be perfect. I know, hun, I was just teasing.” You take Jason’s hand in yours and pull it up to your cheek. “He let you do it because he trusts you. He’s going to love them.” You pause, eyes roaming his face. “And I’ve got you, so we’ve got this.” 
“Yeah we do.” 
Jason squeezes your hand then lets go to return to the cart. 
“We should grab another dozen eggs.” 
“I’ll get the orange juice and meet you there?” you ask, motioning towards the other end of the refrigerated section. Produce and snacks are already sitting in the cart: the weekly items on your shopping list. Jason nods. 
“If you grab another bag of tiny marshmallows, we can meet at the register.” 
“Ooh I forgot about those, yeah. Meet you there.” 
Jason’s standing right outside the self checkout when you get there, and you hold up a bag of doritos as you walk towards him. 
“I got distracted.” 
“I see that,” Jason responds, an amused smile on his face as you add the three things you’re holding to the cart. “You remembered the juice though, so it’s a step up from last time.” 
You spin around to face him, dramatic outrage on your face. “Says the guy who got so distracted by nice dark chocolate last time that we nearly forgot bread.”
Jason shrugs. “Peppermint dark chocolate, doritos. Not the same thing.” 
“Pfft,” you say as the two of you move to the self checkout machine, “says you.” 
After check out, you drop your bags off in your car and walk across the other parking lot. It’s much easier to park at the supermarket than fight crazy Gothamites holiday shopping in the big mall parking lot. 
You’ve shared an apartment in central Gotham for the past few years now, but neither of you have conceded to gloves during the winter months. Instead, you have one set of hands linked together, tucked in Jason’s pocket. You love his jacket; it’s warm and heavy and the pockets are lined. And it was a gift to him from Bruce the first Christmas you spent with Jason’s entire family. 
When you get inside, Jason pauses, his other hand coming to your shoulder as he flexes his right knee. You unlink the hand in his pocket and put your hand over his; to no surprise, it’s cold. 
“You alright, love?” Jason nods, straightening his knee out again with a heavy breath. 
“I should’ve taken your advice and worn the brace because damn I can feel it in the cold.” Jason takes his hand off your shoulder and twists it to hold yours again instead. 
“Did you want to stop for another one? There’s a sports store in here somewhere, they’d have one.” 
“Nah,” Jason says, tugging at your arm as he walks forward, “you’re all the support I need.” You snort out a laugh. 
“I forget sometimes how holiday shopping turns you into a sap. You’re cheesy, love, but you know I’m going to bug you about this for the rest of winter right?”
“Yeah I know.” There’s only warm fondness in his tone and Jason turns to give you a quick kiss. It’s just a couple seconds, but you can feel the still clinging winter chill defrosting nonetheless. 
There’s not much to buy at the mall—that’s your justification for going to the grocery store first. Well, that and the 27 degree temperature outside. You’re not too worried about the perishables, but you stop into Target to pick up something you’d ordered to the store (for Jason, so you shove it in your coat pocket as soon as it’s in your grasp) and head to an art store. 
The Wayne family Secret Santa is a holiday tradition, and you’d been a part of it for two years so far; this year is the third. Alfred is always good to make sure no one gets themselves or their partners. You all do generally get a gift for everyone every year, but because there are so many of them, those are small. The Secret Santa gifts are larger and everyone shares a wishlist to be consulted for that purpose. Only Bruce and Alfred don’t participate, though Bruce doesn’t mostly because he likes to buy gifts for his kids (and their partners, you found out) and Alfred because he runs it and also everyone gets him gifts. You love Alfred. You and Jason found a spice rack for him this year you’re hoping he’ll love. 
This year, your gift receiver is Damian, so you stop into the art store to pick up the package you’d ordered for him there. Jason, who is gifting to Steph this year, has his gift already. It’s in the pile of “to be wrapped” things sitting in your living room. 
You make a stop in a Bath and Bodyworks type store to grab a couple small things for Cass and Steph (joint spa day gift for two of them—your idea) and Barnes & Noble to grab a book for Duke before heading back out into the cold. You slide into the driver’s seat before Jason can and hold your hand out for the keys, eyebrows raised in a challenge. Jason, wisely, sits in the passenger seat, bags on his lap. 
You pull into the parking garage that caters to your apartment and grab the grocery bags from the trunk. Jason’s next to you when you close it, and he’s holding his hand out, the five bags from the mall in his other one. You laugh and grab his hand. 
“Hey, look,” he says, nudging you. You look up from where you were locking the car. The streetlights are wrapped in multi-colored lights, lit up in the 5 o'clock darkness. You lean your head so it hits against Jason. 
“Hey.” He turns to look at you. “I love you.” A smile spreads across Jason's face. 
“I love you too, babe.” 
You pull him away from the cold outside, heading towards your apartment. He’ll take tonight off patrol, you’d both decided a couple days ago. Tonight, it’s baking cookies and music in the background. 
And you’re finally wrapping that pile of presents in the living room. 
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DickTim Week Day 4: AOB
Rated Mature, 1150 words, while no archive warnings would apply these would be my warning tags: omegaverse, talk of mpreg but no actual mpreg in fic, alcohol mention, hangovers, mentions of drunk texting.
Posting a couple days late for @dicktimweek but I think I'm almost done with today's entry so it'll be on time!
“Fuck… fuck, fuck, fuck!” Tim rolled out of bed to pace across his room while continuing to check his phone. “Oh fuck.” 
“Uh, Tim, buddy? Wanna slow down and tell us what happened?” Steph asked from where she was sitting up on his bed. 
“What happened? What happened? You know what happened! You were there!” He stopped to stare at her. “Why didn’t you take away my phone after we did shots?!” He demanded. 
“Wouldn’t let us,” Cass grumbled and grabbed the blanket that Steph had moved off of them. “Sleep now, food later.” 
The other omega settled into Steph’s lap and started to snore again. 
“I drunk texted Dick!” Tim snapped and that woke Cass back up and got both girls looking at him. “Why would I do that???” 
Cass sat up and groaned. “Food first, then feelings.” 
“Well, I would love to go out on a date with him! But I already poured out all my feelings to him last night.” He hissed. 
Steph threw his pillow at him. “She means for us, idiot. Give me your card and I’ll order delivery, I am not taking you out when you can smell the distress coming off of you from a mile away.” 
Tim felt his face heat up and then started digging around for his wallet before tossing it to her. “Use the purple one, I’ll go shower. There’s water in the fridge.” 
He walked to the shower and then froze when his phone chimed with an incoming message. Quickly turning on the water he checked it, it was a message from Dick and he dreaded opening it knowing what he had sent last night.
Hope you’re feeling okay this morning. Need anything for the epic hangover you probably have?
Tim hovered his thumbs over the keys and finally gave up on sending a message back. He needed a shower and some water before he thought about talking to his long-time crush after confessing his feelings for the alpha. “Ugh! Stupid!” 
Tim was settling down to eat breakfast with Cass and Steph when there was another knock at the door. They all looked at the door and then back to one another before Steph got up to check it. “You expecting anyone, boyfriend?” 
Tim shook his head and watched her open the door. “Oh thank god he’s not alone.” Dick’s voice drifted into the apartment. 
“Hey, Dick!” Cass called from the table inviting him in. “Want some pancakes?” 
Tim kicked Cass under the table and glared at her. She turned to stick her tongue out at him. 
Dick looked around when Steph got back to her seat and then looked straight at Tim. “Sorry, I know you guys are probably recuperating from last night. I was just worried when Tim didn’t answer my text this morning.” 
“Uh, yeah, sorry. I was in the shower and then food was here when I got out.” Tim couldn’t keep eye contact and kept looking back at the table. 
“Welp! This is totally not awkward!” Steph stood up and grabbed Cass by the hand. “See ya later Tim-tam, let me know if you need anything.” 
The girls were out of the apartment before Tim could say anything to stop them leaving him with a wink and a lear on Steph’s part and a thumbs up from Cass. 
“Have you drank water?” Dick asked from much closer than he had been before. 
Tim turned to look at the alpha and nodded. “Yeah, drank a bottle when I got out of the shower.” 
“Good,” Dick responded and then moved in closer to Tim. “I have some questions.” 
Tim sighed and looked down at his hands. “Yeah, that makes sense. I said… a lot last night.” 
Tim heard Dick pull Steph’s chair over so he could sit right next to Tim. “You did, and I know you, so I know that it’s likely if I didn’t track you down this morning then you wouldn’t let me near you at all for months until I quit asking about it.” 
Tim shook his head and picked at his eggs. “Wouldn’t have taken months.” 
Dick chuckled and carefully pulled Tim’s free hand into his own. “You’re right, but it would have been unstable.” 
“Ask your questions,” Tim said in a small voice. 
“Did you mean it?” Dick asked carefully. 
Tim winced and kept his attention on his plate. “I- well I- it’s-”
“Omega, look at me,” Dick commanded him and Tim was compelled to look at his chosen alpha. “Don’t try to explain it away, just yes or no, did you mean it?” 
Tim swallowed and gave a jerky nod. “Yes.” 
Dick trailed one of his hands up Tim’s arm. “All of it?” 
“Yes, alpha.” Tim whimpered when Dick lightly tickled the inside of his elbow. 
“You want me?” Dick asked again.
“Dick, I want you more than sober me can explain,” Tim admitted. 
“Try to,” Dick whispered, leaning in closer. 
Tim thought about it for a second and then looked at Dick’s eyes, they were warm and open and loving, and maybe this would be okay. He took a shaky breath and started. “I crave your scent, even when I’m not in heat. I want to be near you and to make you smile makes me so insanely happy. I light up when you laugh at one of my jokes because I know that you’re pleased with me. When I smell other omegas on you I want to cover you in my own scent and make you smell like mine. When I am in heat all I can think about is the one emergency heat cycle that you spent taking care of me. I want you to claim me, and mark me up, I want you to make me smell so much like an owned omega that the board members gag on it. I want to have you in my nest for every heat and I want you to pump me full of pups.” 
Dick smiled at him and placed a hand on Tim’s cheek holding his face still. “If you have no objection, I’m going to kiss you now.” 
Tim stared into his eyes. “I need you to be sure. I can’t be a fling, not with you.” 
Dick brushed a thumb under Tim’s eye. “Babybird, you have no idea how many nights I have stayed awake wishing to hear those words from you. Every time you came over I wanted to take you to my den and have my way with you. I want to feed you and provide for you, I want to see you be the dam to my pups and help me train each of them to be tech geniuses and acrobats combined into one. Tim, I want you so badly, and reading your drunk texts just confirmed that for me. Please let me kiss you, please let me claim you.”
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madsworld15 · 3 months
New Fic Alert! i'd fall to pieces on the floor Brian/Justin post-series
This is for the QaF Prompt Challenge 2024. It is my 6th prompt submission. I wrote it yesterday, but I am just posting it here today. This one is for the prompt: The first time Brian and Justin see each other after 513. (Prompt #7) [6/21 for me personally]
Brian was nervous. His decision to go to New York this week had been supremely last minute. The last video call he’d had with Justin had seemed normal on the surface. But, Brian knew better. He could tell that Justin’s smile no longer met his eyes, a sure sign that something was wrong. The blond had only been in New York for 6 months, but if Brian was being honest, it had felt twice as long. 
They talked on the phone at least once a week. Sometimes that call switched to a video call via their computers so they could jerk off together. And though Brian was better about telling Justin how he felt, he still wouldn’t admit that those video calls were the highlight of his life right now. 
Babylon had just recently reopened. Brian hadn’t sold the club after all, but he didn’t frequent it that often. Without Justin around, clubbing seemed very monotonous and not enjoyable. Brian wanted to dance with Justin, not a bunch of strangers. Which was a way he was maturing and changing. Brian wasn’t a club boy anymore. He chose to stay home most nights and think of Justin instead. 
But then Justin’s smile didn’t reach his eyes on their call last night, and Brian knew he needed to see him in person. So, he bought a last-minute plane ticket and took an overnight flight to JFK. He was staying at the William Vale Hotel in Brooklyn. It was only 8:30 in the morning, but he wanted to surprise Justin by waking him up with coffee and pastries.
His hotel was a few blocks from Justin’s. So, Brian went down the block to the local bakery. He grabbed a couple of croissants and a couple of danishes. Then getting two coffees, Brian was ready to head outside and grab the car service he loved using anytime he was in the city.
The sleek black car made quick work of getting over to Justin’s artist loft. Brian didn’t know much about where he lived, just that he shared the building with a bunch of artists and that his loft was currently paid for by residuals from Rage. He was still working on another issue with Michael, but it was slow going due to the distance between them.
Brian rang the doorbell buzzer next to the door. It was answered by someone on the first floor who was coming out anyway. Brian threw a smile at the young woman with bright green hair. He looked at the mailboxes by the door and discovered Taylor next to 3H. This meant he was on the third floor. And, of course, the elevator was broken.
Brian trudged up three flights of stairs. Once he reached the desired floor had to pause and catch his breath. He glanced left and right trying to decide what direction Justin’s apartment would be. From what he gathered, going to the left would be best. A few minutes later, he stood before 3H. He wore his biggest smile as he rapped his knuckles on the door.
He shuffled his feet, waiting for Justin to answer. At just past 9 a.m., it wasn’t likely the young man would be up already. Sure enough, when the door opened, Justin was rubbing his hand through his hair, which was sticking up all over, and yawning. He stopped mid-rub and let his mouth hang open.
“Brian?! What are you doing here?”
“Surprise!” Brian smiled and held up his offerings. “I brought food and coffee. I figured you wouldn’t have any.”
Justin stepped aside and let Brian in. “You figured correctly.” 
Justin shut the door and didn’t say anything more. Brian, however, placed the cups and pastries down on what served as a kitchen counter in the apartment. He looked around, clocking everything and assessing as quickly as he possibly could. There was a huge pile of dishes in Justin’s sink and an overflowing trash can next to the fridge. The rest of the space was scattered with unfinished drawings and dirty clothes dropped on the floor, futon, and various other surfaces.
Justin had always been a bit more sloppy than Brian, but this was more than that. This was Justin just not caring. In fact, the clothes he was currently wearing looked as though they’d been worn for a few days at this point.
“Not that I’m not happy to see you, but I ask again, what are you doing here?” Justin grabbed the cup that held his coffee and took a big gulp.
Brian watched him for a bit. His heart ached to see just how out of sorts Justin was. He could tell Justin was depressed, even if the blond hid it extremely well. The brunet stepped forward and placed a gentle hand on Justin’s cheek. Their eyes met, and Brian finally spoke.
“After our call last night, I was worried. So, I hopped a plane.” Brian whispered, hoping his answer wouldn’t spook Justin.
Justin resisted Brian’s affection and piercing gaze by stepping back and turning his back to the man. Brian didn’t say anything or make any moves to regain their physical touch, despite desperately needing to have hands on Justin to prove to himself the lad was okay. Instead, he stood there drinking his coffee and watching Justin nonverbally try to deny Brian’s claims. 
Then, almost as suddenly, Justin’s walls crashed down, and his shoulders slumped. He turned back around, and Brian could see the brokenness and hurt in his eyes. It ripped Brian’s heart out, crumpled it up, and shoved it back into his chest. The blond didn’t move closer to Brian, opting to move toward his bed a bit further back in the room. Brian let him. Though his arms itched to grab the younger man and never let him go, he knew that Justin needed to call the shots if he was ever going to get honesty out of him.
So, Brian simply followed Justin to his bed and then sat on the edge while Justin crawled back into the center, where he clearly slept. Brian silently observed as the blond curled himself up into a ball as if needing to protect himself from the conversation about to happen. Brian waited until Justin seemed settled, and then he placed his coffee on the bedside stand and crawled into the bed. He settled in right next to Justin, above the covers allowing the younger man to have all the comfort blankets he needed.
Then, Brian tentatively reached out and placed his hand on Justin’s shoulder.
“No one else can see what I see. Because they aren’t looking for it.” Brian whispered, subconsciously knowing that Justin needed reassurance that his walls worked for almost everyone.
Justin quietly nodded, his eyes meeting Brian’s with a vulnerability he hadn’t seen since that night at Woody’s right after Justin was released from the hospital post-bashing. Brian wanted to wrap him up in his arms and take away whatever struggles and pain Justin was currently feeling. It took some time, with the two of them lying there in silence, for Justin to finally speak.
“I can’t keep up.” His voice is tiny and insecure, but Brian chooses to stay quiet and just listen. “Most gallery owners want a series of art pieces before they even think about considering featuring you. My hand…”
Brian’s heart broke as he looked at the hand Justin was presenting to him. His mangled hand, which was also his art-creating hand. Even now, just lying here relaxing, Brian could see that it spasmed frequently. Brian reached over and placed warm, gentle hands on the tightened tendons and massaged them. Justin’s face loosened up, and he closed his eyes.
“Okay. So, create a bunch of art and then give a big fuck you to the gallery owners.” Brian knew as soon as he said it this wasn’t what Justin was looking for as a solution.
“It doesn’t matter, Brian. I can’t make art fast enough to support living here. I got a job at a diner on 52nd Street in Manhattan, which pays the bills, but doesn’t leave me any energy to paint or draw. Michael keeps hounding me about the next issue.” Justin paused to take a deep breath. “I’m just so tired.”
Brian swallows what he really wants to say, knowing that begging Justin to come back to Pittsburgh wouldn’t be productive. Instead, he pulled Justin against his chest and hugged him tight.
“I just feel so alone and scared all the time. I was never like this in Pittsburgh, looking over my shoulder, worried someone was going to attack me.” Justin added with a big sigh.
Brian pulled back from Justin. There had to be a reason Justin was scared of his own shadow here. Sure, there was always a bit of nervousness when you first moved to a new city, but it shouldn’t still be around after six months. He looked over Justin with trained eyes. There was a physical exhaustion present in every bit of his body. 
“Justin,” Brian whispered, his fear that Justin had been hurt and didn’t tell anyone bubbling just under the surface.
“I’m fine,” Justin mumbled, but he broke eye contact and started fiddling with the blanket on the bed.
“I think you’ve said that word so many times over the last six months it’s started to lose all meaning,” Brian replied, not letting Justin cower away again.
“But, I am. Fine, I mean.” Justin argued, setting his blazing gaze on Brian as if to prove a point.
“Justin, I was dumb enough to believe you when you said that multiple times over the last few months. I honestly can’t believe it took me this long to see it. You’ve been spiraling since you moved.” Brian stroked his cheek, “I just can’t understand why you weren’t honest with me.”
“Because!” Justin’s outburst caused Brian to recoil a bit. They both sat up on the bed. “You had been the one who told me I would be missing out on an opportunity of a lifetime if I didn’t even try to do my art here in New York. Lindsay was constantly telling me how wonderful of an artist I am. Debbie and my mom constantly told me they were proud of me. I was failing miserably, and I didn’t want to say anything because I had to prove that I could do this one thing on my own. Eventually, I would hear everything you guys were saying to me but let it go in one ear and out the other because I knew the truth. I am a terrible artist who was stupid and naive enough to think New York was my calling.”
Once Justin paused to take a deep breath, Brian moved closer to him and pulled the young blond against his side.
“I would never think you failed. I am proud of you for trying. Do you think I always succeeded at everything I did when I was in my early 20s?” Brian placed a kiss on Justin’s temple. “Please don’t shut me out, Justin. I…” Brian paused, still struggling to be emotionally present for the man he loved. “I worry about you.”
Justin lay his head on Brian’s shoulder and finally let his tears flow. He tightened his grip around Brian’s torso as if he was afraid Brian would disappear. 
“I was robbed in my first week.” Justin finally whispered, not looking at Brian, choosing instead to keep his head on the man’s shoulder. “I was walking home from the subway stop after work. A guy jumped me, took all my tips, and shoved me to the ground.”
Brian didn’t respond. Instead, he tightened his grip on Justin’s back. It brought the blond even closer to him and allowed Brian to put all his love into the physical contact. He wanted to yell and scream that Justin should’ve told him. But he knew that Justin was reluctantly telling him now and that he needed Brian to be calm about it. Instead, Brian placed a kiss on the top of Justin’s head.
“So, what do you want to do?” Brian finally whispered after Justin seemed to calm down.
“Can we just lay here?” Justin’s voice was needy and vulnerable. Brian was not immune to it. 
“Of course. But I meant after. What do you want to do about New York?” Brian rubbed his fingers along Justin’s bicep and waited.
“I can’t quit.” Justin’s determination was finally seeping out of his every pore. “I said I would give it a year. It’s only been six months.”
“Justin.” Brian started but found he couldn’t quite get the words to come out. He worried that Justin staying would mean he’d just get worse and worse. The thought of Justin not being around broke his heart in two.
“Brian, I can’t come back to Pittsburgh with my tail between my legs.” Justin’s eyes pierced into Brian’s soul.
Brian licked his lips. There was so much he wanted to say, but he wasn’t sure how well Justin would receive it. It was part of the reason it took him five years to admit to Justin that he loved him and wanted to be with him for the rest of his life. No one had really ever given him the chance to be vulnerable, except for Justin. Now was no different, or at least it shouldn’t be, but it was.
Taking Justin’s hand in his, Brian slipped out of their intimate embrace in order to be face-to-face with Justin. He needed to see the young man’s eyes when he said what he needed to say.
“I don’t know what I would become if you weren’t around. You make me a better man. I believe in love and commitment because you showed me how. I don’t want to live in a world that doesn’t have you in it.” Brian was practically begging Justin by the end. “Being here makes you so depressed you no longer believe the people who love you when they tell you good things about yourself.”
Justin reached out and placed his hands on Brian’s cheeks, boxing his face in and forcing the older man to look at him as he spoke. Not that he needed to. Justin had Brian’s full attention.
“I’m not depressed. I’m not so bad.” Justin said the words, but Brian didn’t believe them because Justin’s tone didn’t instill confidence.
“Justin, be honest with yourself,” Brian whispered gently.
After resisting for some time, Justin’s demeanor crumpled once again, and he leaned his head against Brian’s chest. “I miss you.”
Brian pulled Justin’s head up so that they were making eye contact once more. “I miss you, too. So, damn much.”
“But, what do we do with that?” Justin’s eyes searched Brian’s face for some kind of answer.
“You stay here since you insist that you can’t ‘quit.’ And I will come visit.” Brian forced a smile. He was nervous that Justin would reject him. Even now, after Justin had confessed he missed the brunet.
“The reason we went our separate ways instead of getting married was because of this very thing. I need to do my own thing, no matter how much it hurts, and you need to let me.” Justin pulled away from Brian and stood up off the bed.
“You staying here is you doing your own thing. Me coming to visit isn’t me stopping you. It’s merely a suggestion for how we can miss each other less.” Brian also got off the bed and stood before Justin. “I would never stop you from your dreams. Me wanting to be here is so I can support you.”
“Brian, I need to do this on my own.” Justin’s petulant nature was back in full force. Brian rubbed his temples in frustration.
“Justin. You are! I want to support you. That means be there as you struggle and celebrate with you as you triumph. It doesn’t mean I’m going to turn around and force some gallery owner to show your stuff by throwing money at him.” Brian paused to catch his breath briefly before he hammered his last point across. “That’s such an insult to the insane talent that you naturally have.”
“You have to say that. You love me.” Justin brushed him off.
“Bullshit.” Brian spit out, trying to remain calm but extremely frustrated at Justin’s stubbornness. “I once told Michael that I would tell you if something you made was bullshit, and I stand by that. If your art was shit, I wouldn’t keep trying to buy it off you.”
“You just want to provide for me.” Justin continued to resist taking Brian’s compliments. 
Brian wrapped his arms around Justin, boxing him in this time around. “And what’s so bad about that? Can’t I want to support you and show you that you are brilliant while also providing for you?”
Justin looked into Brian’s eyes, trying to read him for any lies he may have uttered. But he soon realized something, “You mean it.”
“I’ve never meant anything more. I love you, Justin. And for me, that’s not an easy thing to admit.” Brian leaned his forehead against the younger man’s, “So, let me worry about you and take care of you.”
Instead of answering, Justin leaned back and pulled Brian into an emotional kiss.
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twenty-thirty-two · 3 years
Bucky Barnes x female!reader
Summary: The reader has insomnia but hasn’t told Bucky about it until he finds her awake at 2 am
a/n: this is my first fic so it may not be 1000% perfect but I hope you guys like it! Is this slightly self-indulgent? Absolutely! Enjoy
Please understand that because I am 18+, I do not want minors on my page or reading my work
I do not consent to having my work reposted on other sites, or translations
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2:36 am
The red numbers on the clock reminding you that it’s too late for you to be up. You were no stranger to these late nights, in fact, you can’t remember when you weren’t up at this hour.
You sigh and look over at the peacefully sleeping man next to you. It had been way too long since Bucky had slept through the night without waking up sometime throughout.
Slowly, you move the comforter to the side and slip out of bed as to not wake Bucky. You pad through the compound and find it quiet, the rest of the Avengers, either out or sleeping. You find yourself where you regularly find yourself on such sleepless nights: the kitchen. Pulling out a mug from the cabinet, you begin to make yourself a warm drink in hopes of getting yourself at least a little tired before morning.
You’ve been with Bucky for a couple of months now, and he’s yet to see one of your episodes. Usually, he’d be away on a mission or have a rough night where you’d comfort him. Sometimes you wouldn’t even be in the same room, so while Bucky would be having a good night’s sleep, you’d be tossing and turning.
“Another rough night, Y/N/N?” You hear behind you. You turn to find a messy haired Natasha standing in the doorway. You gave her a small smile and sighed.
“You know it,” You groan as you run a hand over your face.
“What’s got you up at such hour? or rather who?” Giving her a mischievous smile, this causes Natasha to give a small laugh and shake her head.
“I don’t kiss and tell.” She smirks as she saunters towards the cabinet. She grabs a cup and walks over to the fridge and fills the cup with water.
You continue a small conversation with the redhead as you finish preparing your drink. You bid her good night and head over to the living room.
Grabbing a nearby blanket, you situate yourself on the couch. You grab your drink and take a small sip as you turn on the tv, making sure to set it at a low volume.
Soon, you turn it off and set the empty mug on the nearby coffee table. Your eyes begin to feel heavy, but not enough to pull you into the deep sleep you’ve been desperately needing. You pull the blanket over your shoulder and get yourself comfortable.
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Bucky turns to your side of the bed and throws an arm over in an attempt to hold you. He’s met with a cold, empty spot and that causes him to be more alert. He looks around and finds you no longer in the room. He waits for a moment, thinking you had gotten up to go to the bathroom or get a glass of water.
Minutes pass, and with each second, he begins to get nervous, you’ve never been the type to just get up and leave, not without telling him. So he gets out of bed and begins his search for you.
He heads over to the kitchen and finds Natasha, now sitting at the table with Steve, who is sitting across from her, conversing quietly. He greets them both before leaving after seeing you weren’t there. He goes over to the living room, where he sees you, laying on the couch, immersed in whatever 90’s sitcom is being shown.
Bucky sighs as he sees you, wrapped up in a blanket, clearly not have gotten any sleep. He walks over to you and sits on the edge of the couch. You move your legs in order to make some space for him.
“Oh doll,” he runs a hand over your head, you give him a hum of acknowledgment. You sit up and place your head on his shoulder and sigh. Bucky places a kiss on your forehead and he goes to turn off the tv.
“How long?” He asks after a beat of silence.
“A while.” You whisper causing him to sigh. For a moment, you both stay as you are before Bucky gets up and tells you to follow him. You get up with the blanket still wrapped around you and tread behind him.
It’s not long before you find yourselves on the roof of the compound. It’s a clear night, and below the never ending bustle of the city. Bucky motions for you to sit down and you do, you grab the blanket and throw over some of it over his shoulders.
“When I first got to the compound, I had many sleepless nights, and one night I got up and found Steve in the kitchen. He somehow knew that I hadn’t been sleeping so he took me up here. Says that this is where he comes when he can’t sleep. Whenever you’re away, I come up here and stare out at the city, it’s quite peaceful.” You look over at him and see a small grin on his face. God, this man has found a way to make you fall in love all over again, it never ceases to amaze you.
You place your head on his shoulder and he places his head on yours. You look out at the city, buildings high and low occupied by fast living people. Cars with passengers with many different stories. Many of which you will never see again. The two of you stay like that for a while. Bucky’s warmth and the city out in front of you slowly lull you into a state of serenity. Bucky notices your breathing even out and waits a few minutes before carrying you back to his room. He places you on his bed and as he goes to join you, he smiles and places a kiss on your head and whispers,
“Sweet dreams, doll.”
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simplee-dreaming · 3 years
A/N: Finally another fic! Thank you to the anon who requested - I always love ler!Wanda
Word count: 1695
Summary: The reader is new to the Avengers, and after a fight breaks out, Wanda knows just how to initiate them.
“And this, right here, is the kitchen. The most important part of the compound and where you’re most likely to find Sam,” Tony gestured with his hand as Sam shut the fridge door.
“Man’s gotta eat,” Sam shrugged. Tony rolled his eyes at you and you giggled awkwardly.
You were the newest member of the Avengers and Tony had taken it upon himself to settle you into the compound. You managed to meet almost everyone along the tour that Tony kindly gave you.
“Right well, I guess that’s everything. If you have any questions then I’ll either be in my lab or in the lounge…”
“Or stuck in the ceiling…” Sam interrupted.
“Hey, that was ages ago,” Tony sighed. Sam laughed loudly as he left the room.
“Stuck in the ceiling?” You questioned.
“Trialling a new suit. Someone messed with the controls and it sent me flying. Crashed through the ceiling where I was stuck for a couple of hours whilst they tried to get me free. I got my revenge though don’t worry,” he winked. “Anyway, feel free to do whatever you want now. You know where to find me.”
Tony gave your shoulder a reassuring squeeze before leaving you alone in the kitchen. You decided to head to your room to recharge before engaging with everyone again.
“Hey, it’s Y/N isn’t it?” A voice came from the room you just passed.
“Um, yeah..” you back-tracked a few steps to see who spoke.
“I thought so. I saw Tony giving you the tour but didn’t have time to jump in and introduce myself. I’m Wanda,” she said, giving you a warm smile.
“I’m Y/N,” you said.
“Yeah…I know…” she said, giggling when you realised. You smiled but shifted uncomfortably at the threshold.
“You can come in, I promise I don’t bite,” Wanda gave you a reassuring smile and patted the bed beside her. You slowly made your way into her room and sat on the edge of her bed.
“You okay?”
“I think so. Everyone here is so lovely but I just…” you fell silent.
“You feel like a bit of an outsider?” Wanda finished. You nodded slowly.
“It’s okay, I get it. It’s so daunting being the newbie, especially when everyone has known each other for so long. I’m actually the former newbie so I do understand.”
“How long have you been here?”
“About a year now. It took me a while to settle in, I had a few setbacks but this place is home now.”
“How long did it take you to settle in?”
“Few months. But people didn’t like me to begin with. I’m sure it’ll be different for you!”
Wanda rubbed your back and you smiled.
“Thanks Wanda. I needed to hear that.”
“No worries. Come on, let’s go to the lounge. It’s slightly less daunting when you’re not on your own,” Wanda got off the bed and gestured to you to walk with her.
When you reached the lounge, you were greeted by Nat, Steve, Clint, Thor and Bruce.
“Ah, the youngling! They’ve returned!” Thor stated.
“The youngling has a name you know,” Wanda said. She gently put her hand on your back and led you into the room.
“H-hi…” you said, nervously.
“Y/N wasn’t it?” Nat asked, smiling at you. You nodded, returning the smile.
“So, youngling, how long do you intend to inhabit here?” Thor asked.
“Oh, I, er-I haven’t really thoug-”
“Leave them be Thor, it’s literally their first day,” Clint interrupted.
“He doesn’t mean to sound rude, he’s just…not from round here…” Bruce said.
“Where are you from?” You asked.
“Asgard. The great, the beautiful. The place where I shall one day be king,”
“Then why are you here?” You asked. Thor looked at you.
“Yeah, Thor, the all great and all powerful. What are you doing on such a puny planet?”
“Thor doesn’t use the word ‘puny’, that’s Banner’s thing,” Tony strode into the room.
“No, that’s Hulk’s thing,” Bruce replied.
“Who’s Hulk?”
“His alter ego,” Clint teased.
“Hulk is…well…sort of me…sort of not…”
“Right…” you said.
“Yeah then he gets all big and strong and “oh look at me, I’m a big, strong, green guy”” Clint laughed.
“Shut up.”
“Then there’s Banner. Not so strong but a hell of a lot smarter,”
“Hey, I’m kind of strong,”
Thor roared with laughter.
“Hulk is far stronger than Banner! You fall from a tiny poke,” Thor poked Bruce’s side and he winced.
“Hey! Not there.”
“Ahh yes Banner is soooo strong…but so ticklish!” Nat exclaimed, suddenly launching herself at Bruce. She pinned him to the sofa and squeezed up and down his sides.
“NAHAHAT!” Bruce cried. He tried to bat her hands away but she was too quick, moving from squeezing his sides to clawing at his ribs and back again.
“Big strong Banner is sooo strong until he gets tickled!” She teased, tasering his ribs.
“Same could be said for you, Nat,” Clint walked over and rapidly squeezed Nat’s sides. She shrieked loudly and retracted her hands from Bruce, falling off of him in the process.
“Clint! You little-” She launched herself at Clint and stuck her hands in his armpits. He wiggled and squirmed on the floor, giggling. Bruce took this as an opportunity to get revenge. He snuck up on Nat and shoved his hands into her armpits. She shrieked even louder than before when he wiggled his fingers.
WIthin the blink of an eye, Nat, Bruce and Clint were all play fighting with each other. Thor joined in and helped Clint to get Nat, whilst Bruce decided it would be a great idea to tickle Thor. It wasn’t long until Steve joined in, followed by Tony who declared himself the great tickle monster…that was until Steve managed to pin him to the ground and tickle his tummy.
Wanda laughed along with them and turned to you. You sat there, eyes fixed on the tickle fight that had broken out. Your face was bright red and you let out nervous laughs. It was like you didn’t want to watch out of embarrassment…but you also did want to watch…
“You okay?” Wanda asked, making you jump. You could hardly hear her over the roaring laughter and squeals coming from the group. Tony suddenly snorted which meant the rest of them ganged up on him just to hear it again.
“Y-yeah…um…” you stuttered. You were desperate to join in but was also too embarrassed to. They would absolutely destroy you if they knew how ticklish you were.
“E-excuse me,” you said, suddenly leaving the room before your head exploded. You could still hear their shrieks from your room.
“What’s up?”
You jumped and turned around suddenly to find Wanda leaning on your doorframe.
“Nothing, it’s nothing. Just…um…just needed some space,”
“You seemed perfectly fine until they got into that fight. What’s wrong?”
“Honestly, it’s nothing. Just being stupid,” you nervously chuckled.
“Was it getting too loud in there?”
“Does tickling make you uncomfortable? It’s perfectly okay, I’ll just make sure they don’t do it around you!”
“No, no, it’s not that.”
“Then what?”
You fell silent, your face bright red again. Wanda tilted her head.
“Hang on…are you embarrassed by it?”
You shook your head far too vigorously.
“Don’t tell me you’re also ticklish?”
You shook your head so much you were surprised it didn’t spin off.
“Oh well…I think it’s time for your proper initiation..” Wanda smiled as she slowly walked towards you.
“N-no…I don’t think there’s any need…”
“Oh, there’s plenty of need..” Wanda launched herself at you and you fell backwards, onto your bed.
“Wanda pleheHEHEASE!” You squealed as she kneaded her fingers into your sides. She had straddled your waist so you couldn’t move.
“Now this is adorable,” she cooed. Her long fingers snaked around your ribs and drilled in between the bones. You cackled loudly and tried to push her hands away, but every time you opened your arms to do so she would wiggle her fingers in your armpits.
“Yes?” She giggled with you as her nails lightly tickled your stomach. Somehow, that was worse. You screamed and tried to twist away but she would squeeze your side every time you did.
“Blimey, no wonder you wanted to hide this. You’re definitely the most ticklish person I’ve ever met,” she let one hand tickle across your lower tummy and used the other to tickle your neck. You flopped about like a fish below her and bellowed out screams. You hadn’t been tickled in so long and she was so good at it, it was practically torture.
She tickled down your sides once more before kneading into your hips. That was your breaking point. You let out a loud scream and collapsed into silent laughter, your body too weak to push her away.
“Okay, okay, breathe. Don’t want to kill you on your first day,” she giggled, getting off you.
“That…was so mean…”
“That was brilliant,”
You sat up suddenly and saw Tony, Steve, Nat, Thor, Clint and Bruce stood in your doorway.
“H-how long-”
“Long enough to learn how ticklish you are. Once we finished our fight, we heard you screaming so came to investigate. And boy was this a good find…” Tony said, winking at you. You went bright red and hid your face in your hands.
“It’s alright Y/N, you’re definitely one of the team now,” Nat said, sitting next to you.
“We’ll for sure include you in our tickle fights now though,” Clint laughed.
You looked up and smiled at them all.
“Welcome to the Avengers, kid,” Steve said.
“Thanks…I think,”
They all chuckled.
“Besides, now that you’re fully initiated, I think it’s only fair that we help you seek revenge,” Tony said. Wanda laughed before her face dropped in realisation.
Wanda yelped as Tony and Steve tackled her to the ground.
“You’re up Y/N!”
It didn’t take much convincing for you to join in. You knelt down and began to tickle Wanda. The others soon joined in and another tickle fight broke out in the compound. But this time, you were pretty much at the centre.
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notnctu · 4 years
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━ ❝ i’d love to see me from your point of view.❞
❀ lee donghyuck x fem!reader ❀ genre - slow burn, fluff! angst, (optional smut is marked with ****) ❀ details - best friends to lovers!au, college!au, ft. best friend mark, slice of life?, inspo by pov by ariana grande ❀ word count - 6.1k ❀ warnings - swearing, dangerous reckless behavior, fingering, penetration, public?sex?, unprotected, slight dirty talk ❀ synopsis - Donghyuck gradually falls in love with you, his best friend, through unprecedented intimate moments that reveal more than what meets the eye and a drunken shared kiss on your birthday makes him realize how hard he’s fallen for you. You’re oblivious to it all, trying to indulge and seek a one true love through bad tinder hookups or men you meet at the club, all to only end in self doubt that Donghyuck has to reconcile. And he always tells you what you need to hear, while also leaving out the part where he so badly wishes you can love yourself the way he loves you.
❀ a/n - make sure you read the first part as it’s a continuation! please please leave me feedback, i would really appreciate it :) this is going to be my last long fic for the time being! thanks for dealing with my spam for the past few weeks after months no of writings <3
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Donghyuck thought about that kiss every night since it happened, yet knowing you didn’t do the same. How unfortunate it was, when he panicked waking next to you in the morning and wondering if you were to confront him about it. However, there was nothing, no follow up. You didn’t remember it and he couldn’t tell if the sigh that left his mouth that morning was out of relief or despair. 
Regardless, that became his epiphany and the more his love for you grew, the more he wished to be around you for all his days. Donghyuck jumped at every text message, picking up the phone to see if it was you and noting the disappointment in his heart whenever it wasn’t. He found himself smiling whenever your name was brought up, fondly thinking of how you make his heart race. 
The moments that you were together, he swears on every universe that he’s the happiest he’s ever been. There’s something about you that makes him want to believe in love, and it’s not because of your unrealistic desires to find one. As selfish as he came to be, he wanted you all to himself and to be the sole reason behind your smiles.
“No Mark?” Asking as you hop into Donghyuck’s car, the clock on his dash reading the red digital numbers 2:12 A.M. 
“Why can’t we just hang out for once?” He whines, but hopes that it’s playful enough to where you can’t tell that he’s actually serious. Donghyuck hears your melodic chuckle and everything inside him rumbles with glee and satisfaction. 
He steals quick peeks over at you in the passenger seat, greedily taking in your appearance. “That’s not exactly how a throuple works, but I’ll let it pass. Mark never has time for us anyways.” 
There is something so intimate about the late nights; the outside world is dead in its sleep and vulnerable to chaos. The streets are completely empty and it truly feels as if it’s you two against the city. It brings no regulations, easy escapes, staying up all night to feel something the day can’t give you. 
You are the perfect person to spend them with. You’re the very definition of a good feeling, where he’s forgetting all his bad days and soaring through the heavens. The most accurate human form of excitement, the adrenaline and sweetest thrills that run throughout his body. 
“There’s something I’ve always wanted to do…” As Donghyuck pulls into a gas station parking lot, the small convenient store is brightly lit with a blinding white sign that reads a popular chain establishment. 
Hyuck blinks at you curiously, head tilt and waiting for you to finish your sentence. Getting out of the car, you stand on your toes and rest your chin on the roof of his car to speak directly to him, “you know that big intersection over on 34th Boulevard?” He catches the mischievous twinkle that shines in your eyes and a grin so fearless fits your face perfectly.
He nods, spinning his car keys on his finger and walking up to the store. But he’s looking back at you with eyes that ask for you to proceed with him, and you’re running towards him with a sudden youthful energy and a jump in your step. 
Your hand latches onto his arm and his gaze drops momentarily to follow it, “I’ve always wanted to just run down the middle of it. To run down a busy traffic area when it’s empty, knowing that this would be the only opportunity to do it without getting run over.” 
“Is that what you’re suggesting we should do next?” Hyuck opens the fridge and grabs his favorite prepackaged ice cream cone. Your grip on his sleeve tightens, your dazzling eyes never leaving his.
He hands you a random popsicle and you take it mindlessly, your train of thought still trying to convince Hyuck to embark on achieving this new thrill of yours. “If you didn’t have anything else planned…”
“Am I some Fairy Godmother? Granting your wishes to come true?” Using sarcasm to hide his undying desire to scream yes! may be the best thing he’s learned to utilize. However, you don’t need to beg any more when a small smile curves at his lips. He’s more than convinced.
“Ah, a happy couple. You two look great together.” The rather talkative cashier compliments while he rings up the icey treats. 
Just before Hyuck can clarify, you’re pulling him closer by the arm and using your fake saccharine smile. “The best boyfriend ever!” His throat freezes, but he’s following your lead closely. Confusion wandering his thoughts, but heart swelling at your usage of the word boyfriend to reference him. 
The friendly stranger laughs wholeheartedly at your giddy act, completely falling for your overplayed nature of a lovey dovey girlfriend. “He always buys me what I want, like this ice cream. He knows it’s my favorite.” You blink innocently up at him, but he finally understands your malicious motive.
Shooting a glare at you, he complies silently and pulls out his card to pay for both of your treats. “Right. Anything my baby wants.” He says the pet name so easily that it shocks him a bit. 
“Hey, you’re a good man.” The clueless cashier smiles even wider and prints the receipt. With a simple gratitude, you both exit the store and you’re laughing the loudest form of mockery.
Jumping into the car, Hyuck is quick to roll his eyes. “He always buys me what I want.” He imitates your previous statement with a silly voice. “I can’t believe you robbed me.” 
The ridiculous scheme actually managed to work, leaving your stomach to hurt from the intense fit of giggles. “My baby? Where did you learn that?” You say between your spurts of laughter.
Heat rises up his neck, slightly embarrassed. “So what? Nicknames are cute.” He admits bashfully, while shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly. 
Your chuckles die down and you’re leaning over the middle console to get a closer look of his expression. “Really? Didn’t think you were the type. You never used them with your exes.” 
“Around you.” A cringe runs down your spine when you witness Hyuck bite his ice cream, settling back in your seat with a grumble.
“Pet names in private.” Now, his palms grow a bit slick with perspiration. “That’s endearing.” Unwrapping your melting popsicle, you don’t probe him more about the subject. Instead, Hyuck turns up the stereo to drown out any more talk about romantic gestures.
After several rounds of finding street parking, Hyuck finally swerves into a spot situated just before the large six-way intersection. The traffic lights blink in view at the end of the street and in the darkness, there are no cars around. An unfamiliar scene, this place is nothing but a wide open road with five lanes that meet in the middle and lead to six different directions. The white painted lines that divide up the road are as chaotic as it looks during the day filled with traffic.
Nonetheless, you are right. There is no other chance to see it so dead, so empty, so free. 
And you’re already hopping out of the car that Hyuck breaks his daydream and hurries after you. Standing the middle of the road is a dangerous scheme, yet these are the thrill seeking moments that you crave too well. 
Extending your arm out and your palm facing the night sky, you grin enticingly at Hyuck to join you in the middle of the chaotic lines and the adrenaline picks up within him. He, too, matches your smile and lets every form of enthusiasm fuel him. 
“Race you to the end.” Hyuck begins bolting down the long runway, causing you to scoff in disbelief at his sudden challenge. 
The wind that takes flight against his body is crisp on his skin and driving his strands into a wild mess. Turning around, he sees that you’re quick on his tail. However, the one thing that catches his eye… the one thing that makes this moment another one of your most beautiful ones is the utter bliss and peace in your facial expression. 
Eyes are closed and arms are spread out as if you’re letting the wind carry you away. The air slips between the spaces of your fingers and the night is filled with nothing, but your gentle out of breath giggles. 
Donghyuck stops in his tracks right under the colorful traffic lights at your astonishing image. And if you are to open your eyes, you’ll see the marvelous image of your sun waiting for you in the middle of the largest intersection of the city with his mouth slightly agape and marked under a trance.
An exasperated sigh escapes as a puff of smoke and his heart works extra hard to pump oxygen in his veins. In his perspective, the excellent city skyline at the horizon remains your background and you’re running toward him with a breathless joy. Another splitting breathtaking image that will live in his mind for as long as he knows you.
So he throws caution to the wind and though it feels too good to be true, he loves his best friend more than anyone he’s ever come across.
By the end of your rendezvous, you two find a secret rooftop to fully enjoy your silent city. Standing side by side, you both lean with your elbows on the ledge. 
There is something so unspoken and intimate about this very moment, where existing in each other’s presences becomes wholly more comfortable than anything in the world. And this safety allows for vulnerable secrets to spill, for questions that your heart has always been afraid to ask to fall from your lips. 
But you’re not here with just anybody. Donghyuck probably knew what was already on your mind, he just needed you to speak them into existence.
“Hyuck, do you think I’m unlovable?” 
Perhaps, it’s the intimacy that allows for him to talk more confidently about how he views you. Heart over mind, he scoffs in disbelief. “Absolutely not. You’re the most lovable person I know! From your happy giggles to your overall easy going aura. We’re not perfect people, but you’re worth every glance and every praise. I wanted to be with you the very moment you made me laugh.” 
Donghyuck passionately rambles on about your attributes and everything you’ve allowed him to experience over the years of your friendship. While he’s always been there for you, you’re always by his side and making sure he’s living a memorable life. He thanks all his sweetest memories to you, that you are the most impactful person of his entire college experience.
“I came to college thinking I’d have my nose in textbooks all day long, but you fell into my life like an opportunity to escape. I love my nights trying to crush Mark on the leaderboards, but I’d give that up any day to run down a major intersection in the middle of the city with you.” 
With a playful soft chuckle, you say something that practically makes his heart stop and regret oversharing. “You know, from how you describe me… it almost sounds like you’re in love with me.”
“Maybe I am.” He bites the inside of his cheek, unsure what suddenly overcame him. His heartbeat pounds in his ears and he’s anticipating your response, trying every way to decipher the quizzical look on your face. Nevertheless, your hesitation causes him to panic and he intercepts before you can respond. “I meant that as your friend.” 
His heart drops into the pit of his stomach, gaze averting away from you. Lies. Lies. More fucking lies. He should’ve waited to see what you would’ve said. 
Nodding knowingly, you lightly place your hand over his. The warmth of your touch soothes his aching and disappointment. Why is he hurting from a simple look? “I know.” He can’t tell what’s worse, the fact that you truly believe he only loves you as a friend or that you saw right through him and are trying to let him save face. 
“Something happened the night of your birthday that I think I should tell you.” Hyuck sighs out all his frustrations. 
He pulls his hand from underneath yours, “you asked me to kiss you as a birthday favor.” There is no confidence to watch your reaction, his eyes remain focused on the dark city. 
Instead of a painstaking rejection, you laugh wholeheartedly and somehow, he feels much lighter. “And did you?”
“How could I say no to you on your birthday?” Peering over, your fingers softly graze your lips and a wandering look is present in your dazed stare.
“It’s not the first time we’ve kissed, Hyuck.” Smiling at him, Hyuck looks cluelessly at you and doesn’t recall another time. He would’ve remembered. 
“Guess who I stole that same request from?” Your eye lashes bat firmly at him and he gulps at your implied question. There was no way.
“Me? When?” This all causes him to rack his brain of lost files, something he must’ve missed.
Sighing, you bid him a kind smile. “Your birthday party a few months ago. Drunk out of your living mind, you pulled me privately into the kitchen and asked if I could kiss you as a birthday gift.” 
Fuck, no wonder why he couldn’t remember. He didn’t remember a single thing from that night. “It was right after my break up.” 
Nodding, you affirm his realization. “You told me that you felt so lonely, and somehow…. someway… I’ve always made you feel seen. Perhaps, you do the same for me and my drunk ass was bold enough to ask for a similar request.” 
But did you kiss him as if you loved him? With the same amount of love that he did the night of your birthday? 
Nonetheless, you shrug off the topic and move on from it all. “We should go, the sun comes up in a few.” 
Hyuck notes this odd detail. You’re not one to end the nights so abruptly, so it almost seemed as if you didn’t want to speak more about it. 
Perhaps, you did kiss him like you meant it but every fear in your body about loving your best friend stops you from admitting it all. 
Because you shouldn’t love your best friend, but something deep down has always wanted to.
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How ridiculous he was to believe that you could ever possibly share the same feelings as him. How foolish he felt the moment you burst into his apartment announcing how you’ve finally found the one after another random Tinder date. 
It’s as the night on the rooftop a week ago didn’t even exist or mean anything to you. But that night ate him up alive, to the point where he sought out love counseling from Mark.
“Oh dude, this is serious.” Mark watches Hyuck pace the room, double around the floorplan with his head in his hands with utter frustration and confusion. You’re the only thing that’s been running through his mind the last few days. 
He grunts and rolls his eyes at how Mark’s face had fallen sullen. “I practically confessed everything I loved about her. It’s pretty serious.”
Mark stands and stops Hyuck by the shoulders, looking dead into his eyes. “I’ve liked her before too and would have done some dumb act to get her to like me back. I get it, Hyuck. So, what do you want to do?”
Donghyuck initially scoffs and tears away from his best friend’s intense stare, “of course you liked her too.” His voice fades out at the end of his sentence. “Mark, I like her so much it’s hard to look at anyone else. She’s…”
“Mesmerizing?” Mark finishes his sentence with a small proud grin on his lips. 
Hyuck couldn’t hold the ridiculous laugh that escapes at how smug Mark looks, but then a silence falls over him. He realizes how perfect that word is to describe you. You are every dazzling trance he’d fawn under. 
“It’s wrong, Mark. She’s our best friend, I can’t ruin us.” Hyuck slumps his shoulders forward and a pout extends. His eyes are wandering the ugly carpet but he’s thinking about every moment you’ve smiled. 
“How did this happen in the first place? I thought you never would’ve liked her…” Mark’s question has Hyuck raking his brain to find his epiphany. “It’s not about your ex, is it? y/n is way too good to be a rebound.” 
“No. This has nothing to do with my old relationships, I genuinely like her… so much.” Hyuck understands the implications in Mark’s sudden abrasive questions. Even it’s difficult for himself to say how it all started and so this has Donghyuck reflecting back on his entire friendship with you.
If only he had noticed your lively smiles sooner, a little earlier, it would have saved him all this time searching for someone who would last. You’ve lasted through every college relationship he’s had and that speaks louder than any confession. 
“I never liked her because I never thought I had a chance. Have you seen her? Our best friend who has 400 matches on Tinder.” Though he blames himself for realizing a little late that he loved you, it was always hard to compete with everyone else. 
“So, what changed then?” 
Hyuck leans against the door to Mark’s room and crosses his arms to contemplate. “Not that I have a chance now, but I can’t hold these feelings back anymore. I want to kiss her until we’re out of breath, to love without any conditions, to be the reason behind her every beautiful moment.” 
Mark raises a confused eyebrow, “but you are.”
“The only reason.” Hyuck speaks his truest desires and Mark coughs aggressively before composing himself. Right, he didn’t stutter one bit. 
So, Hyuck had planned to confess, all until you gave him the very reason he couldn’t. When you showed up unannounced with one of those wide grins that has your eyes shimmering with hope, he just knew something was wrong. All his love and future aspirations were replaced with sheer disappointment and envy.
“I’m falling hard for him.” You begin and your hands are clasped together so innocently. “He brought me to this overlook on a cliff and we just talked for ages. It felt so right and then, he asked to see me again!” Your eyes are completely wondrous and distracted, like the one thought in your mind blocked out everything else. Jumping happily, you’re squealing with excitement thinking about this new person in your life and there is no consideration of Hyuck’s silence.
“That’s… great.” He barely stutters to fill the air and to replace the sound of his heart breaking. He lost you before even getting the chance to even have you. 
“I know right!” You yell joyfully and though your smile is the biggest it's ever been, Hyuck refuses to see this moment as beautiful. He’s no longer looking at you objectively, his bias tainting it all and he sees it in an ugly light. As your best friend, he should be happy for you and rooting for you. He’s known more than anyone else that you have been waiting for someone like this your whole college experience.
However, he can’t feel a single good emotion as you ramble on about your alleged one true love.
“Did you need something?” He cuts you off, growing a bit irritated by your endless praise about a man who never wishes to meet.
Clearing your throat, you take Hyuck’s hand in both of your palms. With begging eyes, you say, “my sister is getting married this weekend and they invited you. 
His hold escapes yours as he walks toward his bedroom, “shouldn’t you invite your new man to your family events now.” It’s difficult for him to hide the bitterness in his voice, but you run up to him and grip his arm. 
“But they think I’m dating you, remember? Plus, my mom referred to you by name. She really likes you.” You snicker, clearly not understanding why Donghyuck seems to be rather distant at the moment.
His ears perk up at the compliment and though it’s a selfish thought, he feels content knowing that he was able to win over your family. So, his heart burns at how your hand slowly travels down to intertwine with his own and how your chin rests on his shoulder lightly. His head turns and he is met a few inches away from your tender lips. For a brief moment, he’s staring at them longer than he should. 
“Come on, Hyuck. Be mine for one more time.” Your whisper is gentle and soft, your breath tickling against his cheek. Despite everything, he loves how you make him feel. It’s always a mixture of happiness and safety. There are no fears with you because you’re absolutely fearless. He can’t imagine how he would’ve opened up without you around, that he puts every form of trust into you. 
So, every little thing that you do. every single passing look. every touch and every spoken word. He falls harder for you every time you simply see him, every time you bat your eyelashes at him. And this love that festers inside of him feels easy and genuine. Perhaps, you’ve been his one true love all along. He’s never felt remarkably seen, where every part is exposed and right at your fingertips. 
And you… have been so patiently waiting for just anyone to steal your heart. How can he let just anyone love you? 
“I’m yours for however long you want me to be.” He lightly ruffles the top of your hair before slightly shrugging you off, afraid that your hold will eventually have him saying other sweet implications. “But don’t expect me to enjoy it.” He smirks at your small chuckle, the roll in your eyes.
“At least pretend.” But he really doesn’t have to. He enjoys every moment being yours. 
When the day finally arrived, the grand wedding may have been another day that Hyuck will never forget how beautiful you looked. Prancing out in your bridesmaid dress, you run towards him through the large field of fake grass. He catches you when you jump into his arms, practically failing all over and tripping over the ends of your chiffon dress. He hits the ground, cushioning your fall. 
“Hey..” you grin down at him breathless, hand resting perfectly on his chest as it was the night of your 21st again.
Hyuck gulps and sends you a glare, “I should have dropped you.” 
“That would have been very chivalrous of you.” Sarcasm bites back at him as you push up and off of him. He’s quick on his feet and brushing off any dust from the bottom of your expensive dress, avoiding the long open slit that runs down to expose one leg.
“Donghyuck, you’re looking ravishing.” Your mother steps out, tall and prideful, but with the most delightful expression as she opens her arms to invite him into a hug. 
He leans into it, while cautiously making suspicious eye contact with you. You shrug back, also confused at why your mother has a sudden change in demeanor. “It’s been so long since the holidays.”
“It’s a pleasure to see you again.” He bids your mother a respectful smile when she pulls away, to which she absolutely fawns at and you’re tugging at his sleeve to drag him away.
“The pleasure is all mine. You make y/n a better person.” And there is no context that Hyuck understands this single phrase before he’s walking away from your force. Your mother waves a small sweet goodbye as she watches you two leave behind a cobblestone wall behind the large reception building.
It’s covered in long vines that grow up the old stones, a beautiful background for an outdoor wedding. “Rude.” He whispers when you finally stop pulling him away.
“She was starting to say odd things.” You laugh, quite nervously actually. Nonetheless, you shake out of your nerves and a beaming expression replaces your troubles. “So, guess what? I’m meeting my man afterwards.” Yet again, the curve of your lips at the thought of another rumbles his own yearning heart.
Shoving his hands into his pockets, he looks down while kicking at the loose pebbles on the ground. “Good for you.” grumbles Donghyuck mindlessly.
You don’t notice his low spirits again, you’re talking away about this man as if he’s all you’re consumed with nowadays. On and on, the same speech about how you’re practically ready to give it your all and how he fits someone unimaginable. Eventually, Donghyuck becomes fed up by how your eyes blink up to the sun with another reflection in them. “It’s like you forget who you are when you’re with someone new.” 
And you’re in mid-ramble when you hear his harsh comment that picks aggressively at your skin. It stings, “what?” You cross your arms defensively and raise an eyebrow at him. The tone in your voice is jarringly upset and he opened a can of worms that he isn’t ready for.
Donghyuck swears underneath his breath, looking away at the tall trees behind the small parking lot. “Forget it.” He mumbles, rather frustrated at himself for ticking you off.
“What are you implying?” 
“There is someone that actually makes you a better person rather than someone completely different.” He scoffs, his emotions fueling the worst of him. The words flow from his mouth full of anger and spitefulness. 
Your eyes narrow at him, crossing your arms defensively. “Like you can give me the love you think I deserve? This whole fake boyfriend gimmick has gone too much to your head.”
And his heart is bursting at the seams and all he can see is your angry expression, so he says something he never hopes to regret. Every impulse beats his rationality and in the heat of the moment, Donghyuck confesses, “if only you can see yourself from my point of view and all the emotions I feel when I look at you.” 
With a sharp intake of breath, you’re slightly shocked at his bold statement. You blink cluelessly at him, speechless and deciphering how to respond. The anger fades from the both of you, knowing that the connection you two possess is mutual. Somewhere deep down within you, a light switches on and you’re basking in your sun’s radiance in this moment. 
“Tell me about it.” Your curiosity brings much confusion, but he doesn’t wait a second of hesitation. 
“Happiness, you light up my nights in dark cars with your smile. Trust, there is no one else I’d run down a dangerous intersection with. Courage, being bold enough to dance in a crowded room like no one was watching. Love, when kissing you felt incomparable to anything else in the world. Vulnerability, looking at you and knowing everything about you.” 
Donghyuck takes a cautious step forward toward you. A whirl of thoughts and emotions overwhelmingly flood your heavy mind, but fear no longer holds you back from the one person you’ve always wished to love, harder than any person you’ve ever encountered. “Donghyuck.” 
He freezes at the call of his name, waiting patiently for your next words. “I want to love me the way that you love me... because nobody loves me like you do… even myself. So, I’d love to see me from your point of view.” 
Donghyuck releases the sigh that suffocates him and every firework lights up in his chest. His eyes wander across your canvas and absorb everything wondrous about your features. Even though you’re not entirely smiling, you’re puckering your lips cutely out of embarrassment. And he reassesses how pretty you simply look in your expensive formal chiffon dress and the bold color on your lips that has made you feel good before. 
He thinks aloud, the words leaving his mouth before they can be stopped. “This is your most beautiful moment.” 
When you’re looking up at him to meet his dreamy gaze, a new enthusiasm washes over your entire body. Looking rather inexplicably attractive in his suit, Hyuck stares at you as if you’re all he can see. So, you pull him into the only source of gratitude you can give. A kiss that gives every emotion back to him, one that resembles closely to the one he gave you on your birthday and the one you gave him for his. 
An emotional kiss that tells him more than he can see. He feels it on the tip of your tongue and every ounce of love that rushes over the both of you.
Donghyuck’s wandering hands travel down your waist, over your hips, all until it reaches in between the slit of your dress. His hand instinctively grips at your naked thigh, the feeling of your raw skin driving him wild with impure thoughts. Your hands are quick on his tie, loosening it from around his collar and unbuttoning the first few as you’ve done once before.
“Can,-- Is it okay if--?” Hungry eyes search his face for confirmation, but you’re so lust driven that you’re a stuttering mess. “Do you want this?” 
“Yes.” Says Hyuck without any hesitation. Taking his hand, you’re quick to lead him inside to a more secluded part of the venue. The lavish private bathrooms are brightly lit and he lifts you on top of the marble counters.
“The reception starts in 20 minutes.” You moan as Hyuck kisses down your neck hastily, a hand up the slit of your dress to push your panties aside.
“We’ll make it quick then. I’ll show you love another day.” His knuckle lightly grazes against your erect clit and your grip on his shoulder tightens. Whimpers fall from your lips as your hips mindlessly grind into his hand. “Never took you the type to be so loud.” Hyuck raises an eyebrow and tilts his head mockingly at you.
“This isn’t even close to how loud I can get.” Your statement causes him to swallow hard. Being your best friend, he has kept a rather clear mind from any sexual attraction toward you. He had to know he loved you in order to even see you in that way. 
Gathering your slick, he rubs your clit with two fingers before dipping them into your hole. You lean back into the mirror and prop your feet on the counter to spread open for Hyuck to see. “You let all these idiots fuck your pretty pussy? They don’t deserve you, as a person or a potential partner.” He fingers you deeper and with flicking motions, he hits your sweet spot and causes you to jolt.
“Please, just fuck me. I’ve always wondered how good you’d feel.” His eyes twinkle at your bashful confession, but understands your lustful desires even for your own best friend.
“You think about fucking me?” He asks abruptly, taking his fingers out to suck your juices clean from them. A coined flattered smirk appears on his lips as he unbuckles his belt.
You’re averting eye contact, “well no, maybe just once. I get horny when I’m drunk sometimes.” You admit and he’s rushing to take himself out of his restrictive dress pants. His dick hits the air and he adjusts closer to your dripping core.
And he enters, slowly and slowly inching in so you can adhere to his size. You bite back every yell of pleasure and grip the ends of his dress shirt. Hyuck fills you up deliciously, and you two are connected through bodies beyond any way before. He leans in to give you a sloppy, yet passionate kiss before dragging out his hips and pushing them back in.
There is no guilt, no pain, no sorrows. Knowing Hyuck, he fucks you in the same way he wishes to love you. His hips drive into you passionately and quickly. The time crunch being something that causes him great distraction, but his heart is swelling simply feeling your warmth wrap around him so well.
“My baby is so tight.” Pet names in private. A small grin appears on your face at the sound of the sweet nickname and you pull him closer by tugging his shirt.
“Harder, Hyuck. Don’t hold back anymore.” Moan after moan, Hyuck relentlessly drills into you. His arm is hooked underneath your left thigh to keep it up, and your head keeps banging against the mirror.
Your eyes roll back when his thumb rubs circles on your aching clit. The mixture of both pleasures stimulate you until the build up tension in your stomach begins to reach its peak.
“Cum, I know you fucking want to.” He grunts, keeping the same rhythm that pushes you over your edge. Your walls squeeze around him tightly as your legs shake sporadically from your release. You’re smart to cover your mouth, knowing that the bathroom will only echo your erotic sounds. Your chest rises and falls from the momentum and adrenaline that Hyuck helped you reach, breathlessly trying to calm your heart rate down.
After a few more harsh bumps, he pulls out and motions you forward. Jumping off of the counter, you kneel on the ground and suck his tip lightly. Your swirls are enough for him to empty into your mouth, his hot streams of salty liquid hitting the back of your throat. He looks down at you and your wide eyed expression with his cock in your mouth drives him overboard. 
And you swallow, getting up to lightly plant a sweet kiss on his cheek. A lip stain being worn proudly for just a moment. 
“You amaze me.” Hyuck whispers, holding you against his flushed body and fast paced heart beat. 
“Hurry out you two!” A voice startles the both of you with a knock on the door and you two are quick to readjust yourselves. He hopes to love you a little longer next time, without any interruptions.
After the glorious and excruciating long wedding, you’re walking Hyuck to his car in the small parking lot. During the rest of the night, he held your hand the whole way through and the love that he looked at you with was more than real. 
He talked with your distant relatives as if he’s always known them. Hyuck conducted the dinner table, always knowing what to say. There was no doubt in your head that seeing Donghyuck in the aftermath, he was always going to be someone who was going to make things better. 
The love you long searched for, the love that you had been too afraid to touch, intertwined itself so lovingly underneath the white table cloth. Donghyuck is the one and it took needing to see him a bit more to realize. A little more acceptance from the both of you had to be the final straw.
Donghyuck sheepishly scratches the back of his neck when you reach his car, unsure where the path of your friendship will diverge to next. “Have fun on your date then…” His voice trails off, kicking the rocks at his feet again.
There goes your melodic laughter that soothe his aching heart and the familiar gentle grip on his fingertips. You lift his chin up, the both of you seeing each other clearly now.
From his perspective, you’re absolutely dazzling in the low light and butterflies swirl in the pit of his stomach. He can look at you forever, until months turn into years. He can love you until you two grow old. You’re his fearless, beautiful, inexplicably marvelous best friend. And he patiently waits for the day you’ll let him finally be yours.
From your perspective, Donghyuck shines even when the night overtakes the sky and possibly, the warmth in your heart bubbles across your chest. You can stay with him forever, until months turn into years. You can trust him like it’s you two against the world. He is your silly, charming, timidly benevolent best friend. And you’re slowly falling and hoping for the day you get to be his. 
“I’m not going to see him anymore. He’s not the one.” Hyuck blinks at you, full of confusion and shock.
“But you sounded so happy.” His voice gets lost in the stillness of the intimate atmosphere. 
“No, Hyuck. You make me happy and I’ll say it again for you to hear me. Nobody loves me like you do.” Reaching up, your hand caresses his cheek and he falls into your palm lovingly. His heart runs a mile, reaching the greatest high he’s ever going to feel. He hopes his eyes don’t deceive him, but the utter perfection on your face makes him feel whole.
You wish that Hyuck can teach you to love yourself the way that he loves you. 
“Take me home?” 
“How could I ever say no?”
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thank you for being patient with me! its finally done and i will be going on a writing hiatus for a bit. housemating and ridin club will come out sometime soon, but i really need to step away from writing for a bit. please understand, thank you for reading :) 
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talkfantasytome · 3 years
Something Deeper - Part 1
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Nesta broke up with Cassian over six months ago, but have either really been able to move on? Even when Nesta starts dating someone else?
Warnings: Angst; Pining | Word Count: 1,122 | Read on AO3
a/n: OKAY! I've wanted to do a piece based on "The Way I Loved You" for Nessian for MONTHS, and finally have the motivation! As I was working on that piece, I wanted to put in a comment that would have referenced this conversation - basically deciding in that same instant that this conversation happened, which is another piece I've wanted to write since I heard this particular song - so I decided to write this as a prologue to that other piece. That's really what this is, a prologue to give us insight into the two boys before I go into the main piece that's entirely from Nesta's POV.
If you don't know the song 'If You Love Her', here it is on Spotify.
And, yes, there's a chance I was motivated by @unhealthyfanobsession 's 'All Too Well' pieces. These are going to be quite different on a number of levels, including the songs (obviously lol), but that motivation I finally had could be coming from her fics and a certain hole they're leaving, and a need for some sense of hope. 👀 So I'll throw that out to give credit where it's likely due. lol
I'll be back to the fluff after this. 👀😬
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If You Love Her
Cassian couldn't believe his damn luck.
He should've known they'd be there. Together. Even if it made him want to vomit.
But today wasn't about him. It was about Rhys and Feyre, celebrating their engagement with close friends and family.
And their significant others.
It had been almost six months since he and Nesta broke up. Or, more accurately, since Nesta broke up with him suddenly, with no reason. At least not one he could understand.
He tried to figure it out, he really did. But every time he thought about their relationship all he felt was pain, truly torturous pain in knowing it was over. He knew they weren't some perfect couple, he wasn't delusional. Nor was he sorry about that. Being perfect was boring. He didn't care that they fought. That they so often ended up shouting at each other. Not when those fights ended in soft caresses and sincere apologies and the most mind blowing sex he'd ever had. And then he'd watch Nesta drift off to sleep in his arms, safe and warm and completely at home.
If what he had with Nesta was simply love, then Cassian had never known the feeling before. But, he tended to believe that they'd found something more, something even deeper.
It was one of the reasons he couldn't move, despite how hard it was living right next door to her. A desperate hope she might see the mistake she'd made and come back to him. And a need to still be able to see her, even if it was from his porch as she took her late night jogs or went out to go grocery shopping or whatever. To be able to admire her beauty when he wasn't supposed to.
Now, however, that hope was fading faster than the water rushing from a broken dam.
He knew Nesta had started dating someone new about a month before, but he didn't think much of it until now. Until he watched as this new man kept Nesta's hand in his while he engaged in a conversation with Rhys, the two clearly friendly after just a month of him being with Nesta.
It wasn't a betrayal. Cassian had to remind himself of that as his brother laughed at something the ginger just said. He couldn't ask Rhys to shun this man just because Cassian still loved her, not when he was marrying her sister.
Still, it didn't mean Cassian had to watch.
He ducked out of the room, making his way to the kitchen to grab another beer, hoping that might loosen him up a bit. Or at least keep his organs from twisting as if they were trying to ring whatever fluids were in them entirely.
So focused on his own thoughts, he didn't hear the footsteps of someone else coming into the kitchen as he reached into the fridge. Turning as he shut the door, Cassian started when he saw the pale face of his rival standing in the threshold, wearing a look of cautious determination.
"Hi," he offered kindly.
Cassian grunted a short, "Hi," back.
The man stepped forward. "I wanted to introduce myself, but I didn't think Nesta was interested in making the introduction."
His eyes narrowed slightly at the red-headed man, his only response.
"I'm Eris," he explained, placing a hand over his chest.
"I know." Eris laughed awkwardly. "I just…I figure we're going to end up seeing each other at least somewhat regularly. Thought it might be worth it to try and be on good terms." He looked over Cassian, noticing how stiffly he held himself, and the way his hand was clenched a bit too tightly around his bottle of beer. "Or at least decent."
Cassian could feel his teeth grinding. The nerve of this man, who had decided he'd be around long enough to want to be on good terms with him. It had Cassian's mind flooding with thoughts of indignation. Who did he think he was, to request this from him? When he was hoping to keep the woman that Cassian knew should still be his.
Eris waited, but Cassian wasn't able to speak. Or, well, he was keeping himself from speaking so as not to say something stupid. This guy really didn't deserve all the things Cassian wanted to throw at him. It wasn't Eris's fault. How could Cassian blame him for liking and wanting Nesta? When he, himself, felt the same way? Cassian saw how Eris looked at her, a gaze full of adoration and hope, like he felt she could be an answer to some prayer.
That's exactly what she'd been to Cassian. And, despite everything, Cassian did love her enough to want her to be happy, to find what she was looking for. He'd never stop hoping he could still be that, but if he couldn't…he did want her to find it somewhere.
"Wait," he rasped as Eris finally turned to leave the kitchen. The man paused and pivoted on his heel to look back at Cassian.
He exhaled a deep breath, placing his beer on the counter as he braced himself. "She loves to dance."
Eris's brows furrowed in confusion. "What?"
"Nesta…she loves to dance. And she'll swear to all the gods it isn't, but her favorite music genre is pop. She prefers giving to receiving gifts, but she absolutely adores getting love notes. She can't accept compliments to save her life, but she will scold you like crazy for not accepting hers." Cassian couldn't help but chuckle slightly at the memory, how she completely chewed him out for disagreeing with her that he was good at building gingerbread houses. "She loves her family and friends more than anything else, so don't ever insult them. She likes it when someone plays with her hair, and you'll have to remind her constantly how beautiful she is."
He took a breath, Eris staring at Cassian in complete shock, but he didn't stop. "She doesn't fall asleep easily. It's why she tends to operate on more of an eleven to seven writing schedule. But she does love laying in bed and cuddling beneath the blankets. It's one of her favorite things, so long as she feels safe in your arms. So make sure she does. She's…She's the best thing you'll ever have, so don't take her for granted." He picked up his beer and started out the kitchen, stopping just in front of Eris.
"She'll love you if you love her right. Be sure you do."
He didn't give Eris a chance to respond before he walked through the archway and went straight for the backdoor, choosing to spend the rest of the party alone in the garden.
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@live-the-fangirl-life @generalnesta @secretlovelybeauty @nestaisgod @julemmaes @boredserpent @autumnbabylon @angelic-voice-1997 @moodymelanist @sv0430 @confusedfandomslut @gwynrielsupremacy @katekatpattywack @moonstoneriver77 @deedz-thrillerkilller16 @swankii-art-teacher @lemonade-coolattas @whoreforgwynriel @emily-gsh @my-fan-side @champanheandluxxury @sayosdreams
Let me know if you'd like to be on my Nessian or general/all tag list! 😄
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arrowflier · 3 years
can you write a fic where they talk about having kids? maybe after the finale and mickey kinda starts the conversation 👀
It started slowly, and it started with Franny.
She had been staying over more often lately, Debbie taking night jobs again to make ends meet--though at least she was tending bar at a friend's place and not at risk of losing the rest of her toes this time. Debbie would bring Franny over after school and drop her at their door with a backpack full of clothes and crayons, staying just long enough to give her daughter a kiss and threaten Ian and Mickey with the same.
Sometimes Mickey pretended it annoyed him.
"What if we had plans, man?" he'd grumble as he helped Franny off with her coat and tucked her bag into the corner by the door.
"It's Wednesday, Mick," Ian would reply patiently. "We never go out on Wednesdays. Besides," he'd add as he ruffled Franny's hair and sent her ahead into the living room, "Debs asked us like two days ago."
"Didn't say goin' out kinds of plans," Mickey would mumble so Franny couldn't hear. "And she didn't ask, she fuckin' told."
Ian would just snort a laugh at his antics. "Please," he'd drawl, "you'll fall asleep with Fran on the couch by 10, you always do."
There would be no answer to that. Mickey would pout and grumble all day about it if he could, but as soon as their niece stepped through their doorway, it was all smiles and playful teasing and chasing each other through the apartment and down the hallways (much to the displeasure of their stuffier neighbors).
Ian loved watching them. For all of Mickey's insistence that he wasn't ready, or that he'd make a terrible father, he certainly did right by the children already in his life. And when you spent all day playing with a child, feeding them, bathing and dressing them and reading them to sleep, well. It wasn't that different from having one of your own. Not that he would ever say that to Mickey, though. He knew better now than to push.
So it was a surprise when, a few weeks into this new arrangement, Mickey brought it up on his own, albeit in his own, Mickey way.
"We gotta get a bigger place," he mused one morning as they brushed against each other in the narrow kitchen.
Why?” Ian asked, curious. “It’s just us, and we've been doing fine so far. Unless…,” he paused, turning from the open refrigerator to eye Mickey cautiously. “Unless you need some space...?”
Mickey rolled his eyes, and brushed past again roughly enough to knock into Ian's shoulder with his own.
“No, Ian, I don’t need fuckin’ space, jesus,” he answered. “But we need another bedroom." To Ian's confused look, he expanded on the thought. "Franny sleeps here all the time, man, think it’s time she gets an upgrade from the sofa, that’s all."
Oh. That made sense. Ian hid a smile as he ducked his head back into the fridge, pretending to search for the eggs that were right there on the shelf.
"Sure Mick," he agreed. "The lease is up soon, we can start looking for a two bedroom."
It's quiet behind him, and he pulls back just in time to catch Mickey biting his lip nervously, though the other man doesn't see.
“And maybe we can fit a couple beds in there," Mickey said casually, betrayed only by a slight hitch in his breath and the way his eyes darted everywhere but Ian's face. "Just in case.”
Just in case. Ian's heart soared.
"Good idea," he forced himself to say in a normal voice. He didn't want to scare this idea away. He knew by the way Mickey looked at him that he hadn't quite managed the nonchalant tone he was going for, but that was okay. They could both pretend it was no big deal.
They didn't talk about it for a while after that. Not until Lip started bringing Fred around.
"You sure your girl is okay with this?" Mickey asked the first time, holding the kid away from him like he was a ticking bomb.
Lip just chuckled. "Are you kidding?" he asked. "This was her idea, Milkovich, you can't get out of uncle duties that easy."
Mickey looked offended at that, automatically bringing Fred closer to his chest and putting a protective hand on his back.
Ian stepped in before he could say anything too brash.
"We're just surprised, that's all," he told his brother. "Tami doesn't usually let Fred out of her sight."
Lip shrugged, then clapped Ian on the back, squeezing the back of this neck once before letting go. "She sees how good you guys are with Franny, and we need a break, man," he admitted. "Besides, she thinks Mickey here is some sort of kindred spirit."
They both raise their eyebrows at him until he explains.
"You know, willingly joining the Gallagher crazy and all," he said, only half joking. "If only she knew what an upgrade it was for this one," he added with a nod to Mickey, darting out the door before they can do anything about it.
"Diapers are in the bag," he shouted back to them, "try not to kill my kid!"
Ian and Mickey stared at each other after closing the door behind him, the stared at Fred, who had settled his head against Mickey's shoulder and was staring up at him with soft, sleepy eyes.
"Well," Mickey said slowly. "What the fuck do we do now?"
As it turned out, Mickey was great with babies, too. Of course he was.
They had Freddie in the bath after he had ruined his last diaper, Mickey keeping him safely propped up while Ian scrubbed him down. Neither of them mentioned the last time they had done this, but they both remembered the drill.
"Kids are fuckin' nasty," Mickey said, wrinkling his nose as Ian washed away the last of the mess.
"You're fucking nasty," Ian retorted, and then they were splashing each other with the dirty bathwater until a wave of it got Mickey in the face.
He sputtered, trying to grab for something to wipe it off without letting go of Fred, who was watching them and giggling.
"You asshole," Mickey growled, "you know where that's been, jesus Ian!"
Ian laughed at him, but stood and fetched a clean washcloth. He threw it at Mickey, then grabbed Fred out of the water and bundled him into their fluffiest towel, leaving Mickey muttering curses behind them as they move out to the bedroom.
Later that night, with Fred sleeping quietly next to them in his worn pack'n play, Mickey brought it up again.
"Don't they make, like, little kid bath things?" he questioned in the darkness. "We should get one of those, make things easier."
Ian rolled over to face him. "Yeah," he said slowly, "but Fred will be too big for that soon anyway."
He could feel the sheets shift when Mickey shrugged. "Should get one anyway," he said. "Might come in handy."
Ian didn't answer for a long moment, then answered with a simple, "okay."
He fell asleep smiling that night.
Things finally came to a head a few months later, when Ian got home to find a brochure on the table.
A brochure for an adoption agency.
He stared at it. Grabbed a beer out of the fridge, took a long sip. Stared at it some more.
He was still standing there when Mickey came in from the bedroom, and stopped still for just a second before continuing toward the fridge.
"Hey," Mickey said as he grabbed his own beer. "What are you thinkin'?"
Ian just looked at him.
"About that," Mickey clarified, motioning toward the pamphlet with the bottom of his bottle. "The adoption thing."
Ian swallowed hard, and took another drink before answering.
"Not thinking much yet," he admitted. "But I'm wondering where it came from."
Mickey rubbed at his eyebrow with the thumb of his free hand, not looking at Ian as he answered.
"Got it from some lady a few doors down," he revealed. "Said they're lookin' for more couples to step up."
"We wouldn't qualify," Ian managed to say past the lump in his throat. "Two ex-cons, gay, self-employed?" He forced an awkward laugh. "We're like a nightmare for those places."
He wasn't sure what he expected from that, but it wasn't for Mickey to come closer, setting down his beer to wrap and arm around Ian's back.
"Hey," he said softly, shaking Ian a little. "It don't gotta be adoption, man, just..." he hesitated, but pushed on, "been thinkin' about it, you know?"
That made Ian smile. "Yeah, I know," he admitted. "You're not as subtle as you think."
He turned in Mickey's half-embrace, leaning a hip against the table and bringing his own arm up so he could tease the hair at the back of Mickey's neck.
"You sure you're ready for this, Milkovich?" he whispered, hand moving to cup Mickey's face, thumb stroking at his cheek.
Mickey smiled back, leaning closer. "Damn straight, Gallagher," he murmured just before their lips brushed. "Damn straight."
195 notes · View notes
baby-bearie · 4 years
the 7 ways he’ll tell you he loves you
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jj maybank x reader
taglist: @snarkystarkey @sunflowermotel @howdyherron @drew-starkey @maraseavey @outerbanqs @yelyahryan @obxwriterfan @avashroom @rewindlr @raekenliar @imsad05 @ceruleanjj @dolanfivsosxox @heyhargrove @lashtonandmalumsbaby @beautyandthebleh @pancahke @outrbank @johnbsflowr @corleigh @poguemacking @maybe-maybanks @katie-avery @5sos-seavey
a/n: this is unedited, so sorry about the mistakes. i saw a lot of trouble going around with plagiarism on wattpad and i did report a lot of books with stolen fics and props to you guys for getting a few actually taken down!! plagiarism and theft of intellectual property is HURTFUL, writers put SO MUCH into their work, and it’s not so you can get some votes on a wattpad page. also, boys using lovely as a nickname is ;alsdjffenve. 
How long is forever supposed to be? Months? Years, decades, lifetimes? Forever was supposed to be you and JJ. 
Forever feels like the 15 minutes that he’s been fighting you for. 
“Y/n, I don’t get why you’re turning this into such a big deal.” 
“Stop doing that. Stop acting like I don’t get to be mad. I do! I am! You know, you always do this JJ.” “I do not.” “You do. I’m sick of it. I’m- I’m sorry, JJ, but I’m done. I don’t wanna do this anymore,” you sniffle. You refuse to cry. Not in front of him. “We’re going in circles, I really think it’s time to, to just call it quits.” You shrug. JJ is silent. You wait, you yourself need to process what just came out of your mouth. 
JJ is on the couch. He leans on his knees with his elbows and his head is hanging low. He nods. Slowly at first, then quicker. 
“Okay,” he sighs, “You’re right. You’re right.” You nod, relieved that he agreed with you. A bigger part of you was upset that he agreed with you. It would’ve been nice if he had put up some kind of a fight. 
“So, uh, I’ll go.” “Yeah.”
You collapsed onto the couch, rubbing a hand over your face. A brightly colored magazine was open on the coffee table in front of you. Cheetah printed bold letters spelled out a headline: 
The 7 Ways He’ll Tell You He Loves You.
Talk about bad timing. You flipped the cover back over it. 
#1: He’ll flat out tell you. 
“You know, you’re one of the dumbest boys I’ve ever met.” “Right back at you.” JJ grinned up at you. “Oh, low blow, dude.” You laughed, tackling him down onto the bed. JJ fell back with a loud oof, the breath knocked out of his stomach. 
“One day, you’ll do that and I won’t get up, you know that? You’re actually going to be the death of me.” “Oh, I hope so. I’m already sick of you.” “This is literally you confessing to my murder.” He laughed, shoving you off him so he could hover over you instead. “They won’t arrest me, I’m too cute.” You gave him a cheesy smile. 
“That you are,” JJ smirked, leaning down to press soft kisses into the skin between your jaw and your neck. You hummed in approval as he pulled away. You fiddled with the necklace which dangled from his neck. “I love you,” he muttered. 
“ ‘Til I murder you?” 
He pecked your lips. “Til you murder me.” 
He couldn’t have fought for you? Put up some sort of argument? This was a stupid battle to pick with yourself. You were the one who instigated the break up.  
Maybe you weren’t expecting him to actually agree with you. You weren’t expecting him to let you end things.
#2: He’ll protect you. 
“Maybank, I swear to god, if you don’t get us down from here right now I will throw your ass off this cliff.” “It’s really not that high up!” “Holy shit!” You yelped and turned to bury your face in JJ’s chest. He instinctively wrapped his arms around you. 
“Hey, you’re okay, alright? You’re okay. I’m not gonna let anything happen to you. I got you. It’s okay, I got you.” JJ assured you, laughing a little through his words at how tightly you were clutching his tank top. 
The next couple of weeks hurt like hell. It’s a sad process, trying to leave behind someone you were rooted to so deeply. You’d see him at parties or even just out on the street sometimes. 
His eyes always followed you. When you were dating, you were amazing at being able to tell when JJ was watching you.  A shiver used to run over your spine, and you’d turn and immediately meet his eyes. He’d smirk and raise his hand to salute you. 
God, how you missed that smirk. 
Apparently, after you stopped dating, your body never forgot what it felt like when his eyes were on you. These days, when you turned to look at him his eyes were intense. He held your eyes for a second. One second when you could forget how you cried and how he left without kissing  you goodbye. 
Then he looked away. 
#3: He thinks of you when you’re not with him. 
“Hey, baby, look at this.” JJ threw the door to the Chateau open and marched over to you. His smile was proud, like a child trying to impress his mom. He stuck out his hand and dropped a small square magnet into yours. You flipped it over to see the front. 
It was brown and painted badly to look wooden. There were two u-shaped magnets painted on as well, and it read, ‘I can’t help but be attracted to you’. You read this out loud and JJ grinned, ecstatic with his choice.
 “Where did you get this?” You snorted. “It was at some cheesy gift shop. It made me think of you so I had to buy it.” “It’s perfect. I love it.” You stood to kiss his cheek and slid the magnet onto the fridge. “You’re very welcome.” 
JJ has always been nearly unreadable. He’s scarily good at hiding his thoughts and feelings from everyone around him, often including his best friends. You knew John B at least had some knowledge of JJ’s emotions, but you doubted the rest of the group did. 
You had at least managed to make a couple cracks in the hard walls he had built up around himself. 
#4: He shows you his emotions. 
You gaped in awe at the bruises littering his torso. You had no idea just how bad it was. You had no idea why he never told you. 
“I can’t take him anymore, Y/n, I can’t take it- can’t do it anymore.” JJ sobbed, his arms tightening around you. You guided his head down to your shoulder. 
“I know, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, J. C'mere.” You took a deep breath. You would not cry. Not when he needed you to be strong. “Let it out. You’re okay now.” You locked eyes with John B, terrified.
His tears soaked the skin on your shoulder and the first of many that night fell into his hair. 
But since the breakup, from what you saw of him you couldn’t get anything. His face was expressionless every time you made eye contact with him.You had seen him smile at his friends once or twice, but nothing real. JJ was very good at fake smiles. They looked nearly identical to his real ones. But you loved him for long enough to know what a real one should look like. 
#5: He’ll try and make you laugh. 
“Why are you sad, lovely? Stop it, I hate seeing you sad.” JJ pulled you on his chest, brushing hairs out of your face. You shook your head, tucking your face into his chest. 
“Ok. Fine. You leave me no other choice.” JJ sighed loudly. “What do you call Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson when he tells time?” 
He waited a second for an answer that never came. “Dwayne ‘The Clock’ Johnson.” 
You laughed abruptly, but it came out as a sob. You didn’t lift your head. 
“Alright, you want more, fine. What do you call Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson when he won’t shut up? Dwayne ‘The Talk’ Johnson. What do you call Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson when the doorbell is broken? Dwayne ‘The Knock’ Johnson. What do you call Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson when he wears comfortable, breathable footwear? Dwayne ��The Croc’ Johnson.” 
Your whole body was shaking with uncontrollable laughter now. You were certain that JJ had been practicing those at some point. 
“No more, no more, please,” You finally lifted your head and JJ wiped away a fallen tear with his thumb. You choked on a laugh. “So how long did it take you to come up with those?” 
JJ frowned. “What do you mean, I came up with those like just now!” He laughed.
“Okay, sure, JJ.” “Don’t test me, I have like, 8 more.” 
You think the worst part about this is being lonely. You’re surrounded by comforting friends who try and take you places and get you to have fun but at the end of the night you go home to an empty bed and you wake up in an empty bed.
And every morning without fail, you’ll wake up and reach for him. And every morning without fail, he won’t be there. 
#6: He’ll make romantic gestures. 
“JJ? Where are you?” You sat up, groggily. He wasn’t in bed, that’s for sure. 
“G’morning, lovely,” JJ strolled into your room, carrying a tray. You propped yourself up on the headboard and took it from him. 
“Aw, JJ, what is all this?” “Breakfast.” “You made breakfast?” 
JJ stole a berry off your plate and popped it in his mouth, nodding. He took a seat near your legs. 
JJ can’t cook for shit. 
“Baby, it’s okay, it’s the thought that counts, I thought it was sweet!” “Nah, dude, that was shitty, I’m sorry. That bread tasted like a frying pan.” “The berries were good.” “That’s because all I did to them was wash them.” 
You hit up another party with your friends. They were the best kind of distraction. You pulled up the green bikini strap that was falling down your shoulders. This was his favorite top. 
“Y/l/n!” You heard a voice shout. “Y/n!” 
You turned to see who was shouting your name and smiled at John B. “Hey, Routledge, good to see you!” “Hey, Y/n. Look, I know you guys aren’t on talking terms- “John B, no,” You interrupted, but he kept talking over you. 
“But, please, Y/n, he won’t talk to anybody and we’re all worried about him.” “I really can’t, I don’t think he- “He’s in the van. Driver’s seat. Thank you!” And then he was gone. You huffed. 
You could see the van from here and you could barely make out a figure sitting in the front seat. 
You stood there for a second before you forced yourself to get over it and you made your way around dancing teenagers to the van. 
You pulled open the door and climbed into the passenger seat. He turned to look at you. 
“Hi,” you forced out. This felt uncomfortably unfamiliar. “Hey, Y/n.” 
“How are you?” He asked. He was being formal. He was never formal with you. 
“Fine, I guess. What about you?” 
He said nothing. “Small talk? Is that what we are now? We have to make small talk?” He laughed, exasperated. 
“I know you hate small talk.” 
“What happened to us?” His eyes are wet, and he doesn’t look at you, just stares straight ahead. “I made a mistake.” You said it out loud. You hadn’t forced yourself to admit it yet. That you were wrong for putting him in this position. 
“What?” He turned to look at you. 
“I shouldn’t have broken up with you. I think some part of me thought you wouldn’t actually let me do it. That you would fight to make us work.” You shrugged. Your eyes watered up. 
“Well, I didn’t want to break up with you.” He spoke quickly. 
“What?” Now it was your turn to be confused. 
“Of course I never wanted to leave you, Y/n. I love you.” “But you said I was right. And you left.” “I thought that was what you wanted. I want you happy. If that means I have to get out of the picture, then I’m gone. I left because I thought you wanted me to go.” 
You scoff. “So, all this time we’ve just been playing ourselves.” 
JJ laughs, a wet one. “You know, nobody told me just how fucking useless I was going to be without you.” He finally really looks at you. 
There’s a half smile on his face and his eyes are full of tears. 
You leap into him, and he meets you halfway. He buries his forehead on your shoulder and his hand is holding the back of your head. “I missed you. I missed you so much, lovely.” He cries into your hair. 
#7: He’ll do anything if it means you’re happy. 
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
Mon Amie
Coco Cruz x F!Reader
Request by @elivanah-writes​: So I was thinking what if he met a girl one day or already knows her for some time but she's moved there maybe a few months ago and only speaks french and english. And she teaches him some words in french. And ends up singing a song for him. The song in the fic can be found Here
Warnings: language, alcohol, a split second of light angst, Coco being a cutie pie
Word Count: 2.8k
A/N: So I did tweak the original request a little bit but I hope you still enjoy it! I know zero French so hopefully I did alright pulling this together. I kind of love these two together though I can’t lie. Hope you guys enjoy it!
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General Mayans Taglist: @mayans-sauce​ @thesandbeneathmytoes​ @paintballkid711​​ @tomhardydallasstarsgirl​​ @queenbeered​​ @sillygoose6969​​ @sesamepancakes​​ @yourwonkywriter​​ @chibsytelford​​ @gemini0410​​ @multiyfandomgirl40​​ @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead​​ @plentyoffandoms​​ @georgiaaintnopeach​​ @twistnet​​ @garbinge​​ @themoonandthewicked​​ @bucky-iss-bae​​ @encounterthepast​​ @everyhowlmarksthedead​​ @rosieposie0624​​ @mylittlelonelyappreciationtoo​​ @mijop​​ @xladymacbethx​​ @blessedboo​​ @holl2712​​ @lakamaa12​​ @masterlistforimagines​​ @kkim120​​ @toni9​​ @shadow-of-wonder​​ @crowfootwrites​​ @redpoodlern​​ @punkgoddess-98​​ (If you want to be added to my taglist let me know!)
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“Nah, I’m just saying,” he chuckled as he watched you pull things from your cabinets to start making dinner, “if you’re livin’ this close to the border, you should know some Spanish.”
“I’m not saying you’re wrong,” you shake your head slightly as you bite back a smile, “I’m just saying that trying to learn Spanish immersively when I know none is a bit much.”
“I could teach you,” he watched for your reaction as he took a sip of his beer.
The offer made you turn to face him, “Oh? Could you?”
“What’s that look for, ma?” he laughed.
You shrug, giggling quietly, “Just didn’t know that you were a teacher as well as a biker.”
“There’s a lot you still gotta learn about me,” he paused, “But forreal. I can teach you if you want?”
“Coco, you really don’t have—”
“I know I don’t have to. I want to,” he lightly drummed his fingers on the countertop, “How ‘bout I’ll teach you Spanish if you teach me French? Deal?”
You laughed, twirling the spoon idly in your hands, “You wanna learn French?”
“Why you gotta look so shocked at everything I say?” he flashed you a quick smile.
“Well, like you said,” you smiled, biting lightly at your bottom lip, “I’ve got a lot to learn.”
You’d spent a lot of time with Coco ever since you found yourself in Santo Padre. You couldn’t quite pinpoint what drew the two of you to each other in the first place, but you became fast friends. The first time you’d invited him over to your place for dinner you could see a million different thoughts flash across his face and you couldn’t deny that being flustered looked cute on him. You reassured him that it was just a friendly invite—no pressure whatsoever. And somehow that turned into him coming over on a somewhat regular basis. There was a sense of security for you in the friendship that the two of you had been building.
Once he agreed to start teaching you, though, you felt like the two of you saw each other practically every day, even if he just stopped in quickly on his way home. He was teaching you the basics, the practical things that you needed to know. And in return you taught him the same things in French. Both of you got a kick out of the other trying to master the emphasis and accents of the other language. Every now and then you’d write words down in French for him just to watch him get blown away by how something spelled out one way, was said completely different.
“Ah, mon amie, don’t give up on me now,” you laughed as you looked over the list of words that you had been “studying”, although that was a bit of a strong word for it, “I’ll get this, I promise.”
He laughed, “I know you will,” he paused and you could feel his eyes on you as you read the paper, “What’s that mean again?”
“Hm?” you looked up at him.
“What’s that mean? Mon amie?”
A soft smile took over your features, “My friend.”
He didn’t say anything, simply nodded in acknowledgment. But despite his silence you could see it on his face that there was a certain kind of comfort in the title. Of course the two of you were friends, but you could tell by the look in his eyes that knowing it and hearing you say it were two completely different things.
“Alright,” he snapped back to the real task at hand, “you remember how to ask where the grocery store is? That’s a good one to know.”
“Yes!” you paused, picturing the flashcards you made for yourself in your mind, “Dónde está,” you pressed your lips together, hesitating on whether or not you were thinking of the right word, “el supermercado?”
He smiled, nodding, “You got it. Basically, if you got dónde está, that’s like ninety percent of all those questions. So you’ll be good.”
“How often do you think I’ll be getting lost?” you chuckled as you got up from the table to grab a couple drinks for each of you.
When he didn’t have an immediate response, you looked back over your shoulder at him and you could see that he was trying to think of the right word. You paused, placing your hands on your hips as you waited to see what he was going to say.
“Souvent,” he finally got the word out.
You laughed, placing your hand on your chest to feign offense at his statement, “Really? You don’t think I have a good sense of direction?”
“You text me at least twice a week asking where shit is in town, ma. And the town ain’t even that big,” he chuckled.
You shook your head as you pulled two beers out of the fridge, “First of all, rude,” you laughed, “Second of all, I’m glad the French lessons are sticking when you really need them,” you mumbled and continued shaking your head as you popped the tops off the beer bottles, “Often. This guy…”
“C’mon,” he chuckled as he got up and walked over to you, “don’t be mad.”
“I’m not mad,” you laughed, handing one bottle over to him, “I’m just…” you racked your brain for the right word in Spanish, “decepcionada,” you laughed as you said it, letting him know that it wasn’t true.
“Don’t worry. You’ll be able to talk shit to me in Spanish soon enough.”
“I can’t wait,” you smiled.
There were a few beats of silence and just as you were about to ask if he wanted to stay for dinner his phone went off. He reached into his kutte and pulled it out, and you could tell from the shift in expression on his face that he was about to have to take off out the door. You tried not to feel too disappointed about it, because you knew that you were just a very small piece of the larger picture of his life.
He held the phone up to his ear, “Yo. Yea, yea, alright. I’ll be there in a few.” The conversation was over as quickly as it started. When he looked over at you, you could’ve sworn that you could see it in his eyes that he didn’t really want to go, or maybe you were just projecting, “I gotta run.”
“I figured,” you took a sip of your beer, “I’ll talk to you later?”
He nodded, “Yea, ‘course,” he stepped in and hugged you, and before he could stop himself he placed a chaste kiss on your cheek, “Bonne nuit.”
You smiled, a soft giggle slipping past your lips as you listened to the way his accent wrapped around the French words, “Buenas noches, Coco.”
“See?” he flashed you one last smile before taking off out the door, “You’re gettin’ it.”
Once the door shut behind him, you let out a small sigh. Your bottle hung limply from one hand as your other came up and lightly caressed over the spot where Coco’s lips had just been. Perhaps friend wasn’t quite strong enough of a word anymore.
You didn’t see him for a few days after that. It wasn’t the strangest thing in the world, really. You knew very little about what the club was involved in but you knew that it was time-consuming if nothing else. But Coco popping in had somewhat become a bit of a routine and it was weird to go a few nights in a row with no sign of him. He’d responded to your texts asking if he was at least alive and safe somewhere, and the sarcasm in his response let you know that he was definitely fine, just busy.
You were sipping on your glass of wine as you watched your pie baking in the oven. Baking late at night when you weren’t ready to fall asleep was something you’d done ever since you started living on your own and realized that no one was around to stop you. It was usually an activity coupled with a large glass of wine and mellow music—just a nice way to relax when it was late.
Over the sounds of the music you could hear someone knock at your door. You knew that there was really only one person it could be. You turned the music down slightly before walking over to the door. When you opened it, you saw Coco on the other side—he was safe and in one piece, but you could see the exhaustion on his face.
“Hey, you alright?” you motioned for him to come in.
“I know it’s late. I didn’t mean to—”
“It’s fine,” you cut him off, not wanting him to feel bad, “I was up anyway.”
He glanced over your shoulder into the kitchen, “You cookin’ at 11PM?” a tired smile crossed his features.
You laughed, “You don’t get to come over this late and then judge my late-night activities.”
It got him to laugh, “I ain’t judging you. I just figured you’d be, I dunno, fuckin’ asleep or something.”
“And yet you’re still here,” you studied his face for a moment, “You sure you’re okay?”
He shrugged, “Just been a long few days. Needed uh, un ami.”
You smiled, taking his hand and tugging him towards the kitchen, “You came to the right place.”
Trying not to get too distracted by how much you loved the way his rough, calloused palm felt pressed against yours, you motioned for him to sit down at the counter. You grabbed another stemless wine glass from the cupboard and poured him a glass. You could see the dubious look on his face and couldn’t help but to laugh.
“Trust me. Wine after a bad day just…hits a little different than a beer. Plus,” you nodded towards the oven, “it’ll taste good with the pie.”
“You’re bakin’ a fuckin’ pie at midnight?”
“Eleven,” you corrected with a smile.
The two of you existed in comfortable silence while you waited for the oven timer to go off. As much as you wanted to ask about what had been going on, to pry about what seemed to have put him in a bit of a mood, you didn’t. Your home was a place away from all of that for him and you were more than content to keep it that way. As the minutes ticked by, you could see it in his face and body language that he was relaxing.
The timer went off, causing both of you to perk up a bit. You took another sip of your wine before setting the glass down and grabbing your oven mitts. You pulled the pie out of the oven and set it on the hot-plate that was on the counter. You smiled when you saw Coco’s eyes light up at the sight of it.
“Espere,” you waved the pie server at him, “It’s hot.”
He smiled for a moment at your recall of the word before asking, “How long we gotta wait?” he took a drink from his wine glass.
You chuckled, “Until I say it’s ready to eat.”
The only sound in the room was coming from your phone as it continued to softly play music from your playlist. You hummed along quietly as you started getting plates and forks out for the two of you. As you were gathering things together, you almost completely forgot that Coco was there and you started to sing quietly, more to yourself than to him.
When you turned around and saw the look on Coco’s face, you became very aware of what you had been doing. Heat rushed to your face and you stopped singing as you set a plate down in front of him.
“I don’t think I’ve heard you sing in any language,” he was smiling, eyes filled with awe.
You laughed nervously, “Singing is usually a Me Time activity.”
“What song’s that?” he nodded towards your phone.
“It’s called Je Vais T’Aimer,” you started cutting into the pie to avoid looking him in the eye.
“You can keep singing, if you want,” he ran the tip of his finger along the edge of his glass, “It can still be You Time.”
“Ask me about it again after I have a few more glasses of wine,” you replied with a smile as you served a piece of the pie onto his plate.
“What if,” he asked through a mouthful of pie, “I said that I’d learn better if I listened to you sing the words?”
You laughed, shaking your head, “I’d say that you’re full of it.”
The two of you sat on opposite sides of the counter and talked about anything that didn’t feel heavy or serious, and it felt good. You each had a few more glasses of wine as you chatted, fingers occasionally brushing against each other as you reached for the bottle. It was already the small hours of the morning before you finally decided to start rinsing off the dishes.
You both had been talking long enough for your playlist to completely loop back around again. You weren’t going to comment on it but you could see Coco’s eyes light up a bit when he heard the slightly familiar piano notes coming from your phone. Making a point to not look directly at him, you quietly began to sing as you started to clean the dishes you’d used while you were baking, the ones that you and Coco had just used to eat.
Coco materialized next to you by the sink, leaning back on the counter. He didn’t say anything as he listened to you sing, and watched you meticulously clean each dish and piece of silverware. You caught smile on his face from the corner of your eye, and it was soft, genuine. For a moment you thought about pressing your lips to it but you stopped yourself.
Even when the song ended, Coco didn’t stop watching you, “You got a good voice.”
You finally fully looked over at him, “I’m glad you think so,” there was a tinge of amusement in your voice.
“Nah, I’m serious,” he playfully nudged your shoulder, “I might not know all the words but I know what sounds good. Don’t gotta be fluent for that.”
You laughed, “I suppose not,” you shut the water off and dried your hands, moving so that you were standing in front of him. Taking a chance, with a little bit of liquid confidence at your back, you reached out and gently stroked your thumb along his cheek, “Feel better?”
He nodded, smiling as he rested his hand over yours, “Yea. Th-thank you. Or, y’know, merci.”
A quiet giggle slipped past your lips as you admired the way his hand continued to envelop yours, “You’re welcome.”
It was evident on his face that he had a thousand different thoughts going through his head at once. You let him get there on his own, saying whatever it was that he wanted to say, “I don’t, um, I don’t wanna fuck this up,” he motioned back and forth between you with his free hand, “but I really…I really wanna kiss you.”
Your heart pounded inside your chest, “Then…do it,” your voice was hardly a whisper.
His eyes widened—he didn’t have to be told twice. He gently tugged you towards him and pressed his lips to yours. You cupped his face in both hands as his arms snaked around your waist, pulling you flush against him. For a minute there wasn’t a single coherent thought in your head as you melted against him. You wished you’d done it sooner.
When you finally pulled your lips off of his, there was a smile on his face and a softness in his expression that you hadn’t seen before. Your hands rested lightly on his shoulders as his fingers drummed against your hips.
You saw his expression shift to one of deep thought and you gave his shoulders a light squeeze, “You okay?”
He nodded, “Yea, yea. I’m good, I just, gimme a sec,” his brows furrowed in thought, “I know this one. Hold on…”
It then hit you that he was trying to remember how to say something. You lightly bit down on your bottom lip, toying with the ends of his hair while you waited for him to remember what he wanted to say.
When he recalled it, it instantly showed all over his face. His eyes met yours, and with calculated certainty he said, “Je t’aime.”
Your stomach erupted in butterflies as you pressed a quick, soft kiss to his lips, “Je t’amie,” you paused, unable to tone down the grin on your face, “That wasn’t one that I taught you.”
He chuckled, “Nah, yea. I, uh, I hit Google Translate for that one.”
You laughed, kissing his cheek, “You’re perfect.”
232 notes · View notes
itsbeaconhillsbaby · 3 years
a luminous love || tom holland x reader
a/n: I feel like I should apologise for the length of this. I was not intending for it to be as long as it’s ended up, but I hope that doesn't put anyone off! there is also a follow up of this planned: the subsequent road-trip. both are definitely stand alone’s but there will be a few casual nods to this fic throughout. i’m thinking of doing a couple shorter blurb style fics as these longer ones take up a bit more time to plan and write. also looking to delve into my angsty side after doing so many slice of life, fluff pieces. let me know what you think, thank you all for reading and being amazing as always! come chat! x  
word count: 2556 warnings: alcohol use summary: its the annual summer BBQ extravaganza at the holland household
The patio doors were wide open, folded in on themselves as shimmering golden sunlight enveloped the kitchen. Sunbeams glinted off the mirrors and glass surfaces, rainbows dancing around the open space. Light music was playing from a portable speaker, the birds chirping along to the soothing tones. You could hear voices all talking over one another, loud laughter and a dog barking. From your position in the hallway you could see people sheltering in the shaded kitchen from the sweltering heat that was London on a glorious summer day. Bodies filtered in and out through the large open space, congregating both inside and out. You felt a gentle squeeze of your hand. Taking your eyes off the crowded room and glancing up, you saw tom had rested his bag in the hallway, and was waiting for you to do the same. “You okay?” he asked, as you stepped out of your trance and copied Tom’s actions, “It’s only the family, you’ve met them before - and a couple family friends...” he trailed off. “Oh.No, I’m excited I promise!” you reassured him. Tom grasped your shoulders, spinning you round slightly so you were standing directly in front of him, your bodies touching. His smile widened, pressing a feather light kiss to the top of your head, “I got you.” You leaned into the kiss, closing your eyes quickly as you soaked up the closeness. You picked up the discarded gift bag, lost in amongst the jumble of things you and Tom had brought in for your quick stay at the Holland household. He entwined your fingers together, rubbing the back of your hand slightly with his thumb before jerking his head questioningly, ready to face the onslaught? you nodded, grinning. Pulling him in close beside you, he stretched his entwined hand across the back of your neck and up over your shoulder casually. “You weren’t having a summer Holland BBQ without your favourite, right?!” he bellows, as you both appear in the kitchen entry way. A myriad of eyes darted over to the pair of you, everything stilling for a millisecond. Even Tessa dropped her ball. Then the place erupted. “Oh honey!” “Ayy, about time guys.” “Favourite? yeah right!” “Only in your dreams you div.” “Oh look who he brought!! Thank god, I needed someone to talk about...” “My favourite non-Holland!” The cacophony of voices echoed around the room, people whooping and hollering before finishing their previous conversations. With another light squeeze, you feel the weight of Tom’s arm disappear from around you. His fingers ghosted across your back before he was hugging his brothers, pulling out high fives and fist bumps. You found yourself immediately enveloped into a perfume filled, soft hug, Nikki running a hand through your hair complimenting the slightly lighter colouring, “- I’m so glad you could both make it! I was worried you’d miss out what with your trip but it looks like we were just in time.” You were heading on a road-trip up to Scotland to visit your family since Tom had some proper free time off work, him wanting to drive and explore some pretty hidden routes with you. You’d decided to stop off for a night at his family’s house before heading off the next again morning. “We wouldn’t miss it! Yearly tradition and all, also it’s just a wee thing but please just accept it no questions.” Nikki pulls a face at the gift bag, “You don’t have to do that, you’re family - no need for gifts!” You can feel yourself falling into a grin at the comment before thanking her for letting you stay the night and for the amazing spread. You hear the pitter patter of tiny feet on the tiled floor, before your four-legged friend jumped up on her hind legs, tail thumping the ground and front legs pawing at yours. “Oh hi baby, hi Tess!” you coo softly, kneeling on one knee to stretch behind her ear and rub her belly as she continued to hop on her back legs, her tongue sticking out to lick your face.   Her ears suddenly pricked at a whistle, and both your heads turned as she noticed Tom - immediately forgetting about you and bounding over to him. He sticks his tongue out at you menacingly. You rolled your eyes, grinning as you stand back up again. Nikki leading you to a group of people gathered around the island, “Anyway! Let’s get you a drink and introduce you to some friends! Tell us how you’ve been, it’s been so long.” //// You were laughing with the twins, watching Paddy show some of his new football tricks. Tessa was trying to get in on the action, pink tongue hanging out as she ran around you all. You’d already been handed plenty of drink, a table set up in the corner of the kitchen with every kind of spirit laid out for guests to help themselves to. Massive beer crates were stacked next to the fridge, clearly on a rotation. You had met and talked with so many family friends already, before the groups dispersed and you were waved over by some familiar faces. The boys were taking up a whole section of the garden with their games. Far away from the BBQ and food, as directed by Dom. “What do you say to a game of beer pong?” Harry asked you, shaking out some of the curls that were beginning to stick to his forehead in the sweltering sunshine, “Bet a tenner I’ll sink you.” You laugh, smirking, “Alright kids, you’re on!” He groaned, “I hate that nickname, you’re older than us by literally two months!” Paddy acts as referee as you and Sam pair up against Harry and Harrison who were already squabbling about each other’s techniques. As you watched your last shot dive into the cup, bopping about slightly, you cheer loudly. The competition, beer drinking and sun already heating up your cheeks, staining them pink. You hug Sam in celebration and made a beeline to Harrison for a commiseration’s handshake-turned-hug, hearing Harry to have it out with his twin next to you.   “Cough up, bro.” You held out your hand upright as Harry begrudgingly slapped the ten pounds into your hand. You all start laughing as Harry downs the last cup, not before sloshing it all down himself. //// You’re lounging in a deckchair, listening to some childhood stories of the boys until you feel a shadow block your sun. “Hey darling, you alright?” He hands you two platefuls of food before pulling up an empty deckchair beside you. “Hey! So good. Warning I’ve definitely had more than my fair share of your gross beer.” You thank him for the food, pressing a soft and quick kiss to his cheek as he chuckled at you. He had already taken to the sun, his face now painted with a sun kissed glow. You take a minute, swallowing slightly as you take him in. The food plates resting on your lap, he lounges back slightly, a bottle of beer in one hand. Tess immediately jumps into his shorts clad lap, his striped linen shirt was unbuttoned and his dog tags shifted as she lay down, panting and eyes softly blinking in the sun, mouth upturned as if she was smiling. “You look good.” You whisper as you pass across his food, trying to avoid Tess’s eager snout as you did so. He quirks an eyebrow, “Oh really?” he laughs, “How many beers have you had exactly?” “Well, I played beer pong with your brothers...” He nods his head in understanding, smirking at the slight wobble in your voice. “Did you win?” “You bet I did!” The hand that was resting on Tess’s back he instead used to high-five you, laughing as he turned his head in search of his brothers. That same hand now resting on your bare thigh comfortably as his leg leant against yours. “Well, if you’ve got another round in you later...we can beat them again?” You agree enthusiastically, knowing that you’d be at a slight disadvantage seeing as the sun and alcohol was already going to your head, but that Tom would carry your team easily. More people gather round the two of you with their plates of food, engaging in conversation about golf, work, filming etc kindly including you in their conversations as you munched on your food, hoping it would soak up a little bit of the alcohol. You soon found yourselves back indoors, stomachs nice and full, as you took a break from the sun. Tom was leaning back into the arm of the sofa, wrapping his arm around your back and resting it on the opposite side of you, pulling you super close. He was talking animatedly to the man on his left, one of Dominic’s friends that you’d been introduced to earlier. You were fiddling with Toms tags, lightly dragging them back and forth on their chain as he conversed about his latest job. “I found it!” Nikki announced as she made her way over to the sofa, everyone shifting up as she squeezed in-between you and Harrison’s girlfriend, who you’d been chatting with on the opposite side of the couch. Tom groaned. “Not another one mum! I’m surprised you still have any left to show at this point.” Nikki ignored his objections before pulling open the photo album, and immediately you were taken in by the cute small toddler in a variety of places around the house; in the bath, under the christmas tree, in his high chair with chocolate birthday cake all round his face, outside in the grass on a blanket - giant smile plastered across his little face. Tom had rested his chin on your head, peeking over you. His cold tags making your back flinch slightly at the change in temperature. you cooed and laughed along with her as she took you through the book, telling you stories about her eldest, mischievous son. You could feel the vibrations against you as he laughed at different pictures, his mum leaning across to ruffle his hair. “You two would have the cutest kids, I’m just saying-“ Nikki blurted out. Tom groaned and immediately pulls himself and you up off the couch, “-I’m just saying! Tom!” “Oh, here we go! Mum you’re cut off,” he says laughing, guiding you back out into the sunshine, and past the BBQ, “Dad, mums at it again.” Dom sighs, then laughs before heading inside, “What has got into her!”   You stifle a giggle, Tom with a hand on either shoulder his body pressed flush against you as he propelled you through the throng of people gathered round a fire pit, and led you back to the beer pong table. “Please ignore everything my mother just said.” You spin around quickly so you’re chest to chest. Bringing a hand up to cup the back of his neck as you pull him down just slightly, whispering in his ear, “Whilst we’re definitely not ready for kids yet, I’m definitely not against some practice in techniques...are you?” He pulls his head back sharply, golden eyes coming to life in the glittering sun. His entire face breaks out into a smile, “You’re such a tease, move it!” 
Spinning you back around, he presses you forward brushing your hair behind your shoulder as he sinks some light kisses into the side of your neck, as you both continue towards the beer pong. You pretend to shove him off, his breath tickling your cheek. 
“PDA! PDA! Ew, get a room guys!” Paddy jokes, cupping his hand around his mouth and announcing to the garden. “What are you, twelve?! That’s it Pads!” Tom suddenly bounds away from you, leading to a chase as Paddy runs nimbly around the garden; dodging people, chairs, cups and plates - Tom hot on his heels. You burst out laughing, shaking your head as Tom lifted Paddy, chucking him over his shoulder. You sat yourself down on the dry grass, waiting for the boys to finish their play fighting. As you do, you feel a soft body lean itself against you, tail hitting off your legs. “Hey baby,” you murmur, clapping and stoking Tess as she lay belly up in the sun, “Whose a clever girl?” //// “Here.” You sit up, having been lying on the grass since the latest beer pong match which led to copious amounts of drinking games. You’d questioned if the world would stop spinning if you lay down, a chorus of laughter coming from the boys and their friends.  Tom passes you a glass of ice-cold water which you gratefully take, before hunkering down next to you himself, sitting with his knees up and his arms clasped around them. You take a couple sips before balancing your cup in the tufts of grass, he opens up one of his arms and you cuddle into him. “Your brothers suck,” you joke, the water chasing away your light headache. He laughs. “Thank you for pushing our trip back to fit this in,” You rest your head on his shoulder and look out at all the people, still having a great time despite the fact the sun was slowly disappearing below the trees. “Tom. Of course, my folks completely understand. I love your family and you don’t always get the time off to see them. What’s one extra day, hm?” He turns his face to look at you and you lift your head off his shoulder. You had a spattering of pink across your cheekbones and nose, your freckles peeking out. Your hair was falling out of its messy half up-do. yes twinkling as you looked up at him through your lashes. His hand brushed against your hair and the side of your face before he tilted your chin upwards and took your mouth in his, brushing his lips against yours. You smiled into the kiss, letting him press soft clusters of kisses on your nose and cheekbones. You laugh and bring him back to the centre. “I love you,” he announced, taking a breath before kissing you again - you unconsciously reached for the back of his neck to pull yourself in closer. “I love you too.” you sigh, shifting yourself to now lie between Toms’ legs. letting him whisper soothing words into your ears, of all the places you were going to visit on your trip.
“Oi lovebirds,” Harry comes bouncing over to the two of you. Tom leaning back on his elbows as you sit comfortably between his legs, him tightening them around you.
“I took these. Thought you might like them. Who’d of thought? You guys actually look really cute.” You hit his arm, as he dramatically yelps and rubs at the attacked area.
He held out the polaroid’s as Tom balanced on one elbow, shifting his weight to the left as he reached out and took the pictures.
“These are actually sick Haz, thanks bro!” He shifts back, sitting up with your back pressed flush to his stomach as he brought his arms round for you both to look at the small collection of photographs Harry had taken throughout the day.
You smile wide at the joy and love plastered on your faces, a tiny miniature you beaming up at your goofy boyfriend squinting in the sunlight. You feel Tom’s arms wrap around you tighter. breathing each other in, you feel him relax behind you, you trace patterns along his sun kissed skin with your fingers as the sun begins to paint the sky in gorgeous oranges and pinks.
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daydreamtofiction · 2 years
Would love to know the answer to 2 in relation to the Glass series!
‘What scene did you first put down?’
Omg this is so boring but I think the first scene I actually physically put down was the opening scene of chapter one lmao. I’d been visualising the story for so long and one day I finally just sat down at my laptop, opened a blank word document and started writing from the very beginning.
The first scene I actually thought of though, the one that started coming into my head as a daydream before I even knew it was going to become a fic, was the scene where Sherlock returns from being ‘dead’ and Margaux’s standing there like ‘this bitch’.
The two parts of the scene I first thought of were this:
‘They heard a chain rattle, followed by a click and a creak as the door opened slowly. There she was, standing on the other side, her smile suddenly evaporating as she laid eyes on them.
Sherlock smiled another rare, genuine smile. "Surprise," he said.
She walked slowly back into her flat, the two men following behind, and turned to face them in the middle of the hallway. She was barefoot, her hair tied in a bun, her face clear of makeup except the slight stain of whatever lipstick she had worn that day. She seemed smaller, or perhaps Sherlock had just forgotten. There was silence among the three; John watched as the pair stood opposite each other. He saw the pain in Margaux's face, the confusion, the betrayal, and he recognised it all in himself.
Sherlock inhaled as if he was about to speak, "So–" But he was met by a hard, stinging slap across the face.
"You pretended to die," she said slowly and quietly. "You come back here after two years, knocking on my door uninvited and the first thing you say is 'surprise'?"
"I'm sorry," Sherlock whispered as he clutched his cheek.’
And this part:
‘She threw the bag of vegetables back in the freezer and leant against the counter, covering her face with her hands. She let out a huge breath before reaching for the bottle of gin in the cupboard. John walked in, looking down at the bottle in her hand.
"Gin and Tonic?" Margaux offered.
"No thanks," he smiled. "Actually, go on then."
She poured two glasses of gin and topped them with tonic water from the fridge. John noticed her hands were shaking.
"He's been home for weeks, John." She looked over to him, tears forming in her eyes. "I'm not saying I was this big, important person in his life. But to not even cross his mind when he came back?"
"I don't doubt for one second that he's thought of you."
"Clearly," she scoffed. "And you. It's been two years; you didn't pretend to die, what's your excuse?"
"Hey," John began, holding his hands up. "I swear I tried to catch up with you. It was a couple of months after he... Well, I went to your work. They said you–"
"Yeah, I took paid leave for a few months and never ended up going back. Sounds stupid now that he's sitting in my bloody living room but, Sherlock's death... It changed things."
"Yeah don't I know it." John took a sip, "Where are you now then?"
"I lecture in forensic psychology at the University of London. Yes, I'm a teacher." She laughed into her glass. "It was just easier with having Vaughan. More 'sociable' hours; I can take him to nursery and pick him up again. It is better."
"Well he's lovely, definitely worth it," John nodded.
"Oh absolutely."
"And very clearly older than twelve months." 
They looked at each other intensely, the silence growing uncomfortable.
"He's Sherlock's, isn't he." John finally said.
There was another long, empty silence. Margaux put her glass down on the counter.
"I was going to tell him the baby survived. Then he decided to go and die before I got the chance."
"Don't tell him, it's been too long now," she said quietly.
"Tell him? Margaux, it's Sherlock, it's only a matter of time before he bloody deduces it for himself."
"Well then there's no need to tell him, is there."
"Yes there is. He's sitting in there right now with his son and he doesn't even realise it."
"And I've spent the last eighteen months raising his son by myself; explaining to a baby that his daddy lives in a special place that we can't ever visit. Now he's suddenly back, and he's sitting on my couch, and you're saying I owe it to him?”
"He didn't know, Margaux."’
The rest of the story just sort of built around them over time!
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forever-rogue · 4 years
Hi! I have a request and whenever/ if u get to it I’d be super happy😊 it’s been a rough week and I would love a Javi fic where he wakes up next to you and it dawns on him that he loves you, and some fluff or smut ensues 👀? Have a great day!
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I love this - I went with some fluff, because I am feeling soft. Here we are, some gentle, soft, and introspective Javi. 
Javier x Fem!Reader; no warnings
Javier Masterlist
»»————- ♡ ————-««
He came home late. Again. For the millionth time this week - rather this month. Year?
He always insisted that you didn't have to wait up for him but it didn't matter - you always tried anyway. For the days when you were able to stay up and welcome him home into your arms, he always seemed to ease up and melt into your touch. It wasn’t much, you never thought it was, but to him it was everything. To be able to come home to your smiling face, especially after a day out in the field was better than anything he could imagine. You were the singular, bright light in his dark and desperate world, reminding him that no matter what horrors he witnessed, there was always some good in this world. That no matter how bad of a man he felt, how evil and corrupt, you made him feel like that he wasn’t just filled with aching blackness. He was a good man and he was doing good things. 
The way you’d whisper his name as he walked into your shared apartment was always reverent, gentle, but firm, a catalyst to ground him and drag him out of his DEA head-space. Sometimes, you’d have dinner ready and waiting, almost as if you could sense when he’d be back, cracking a cold beer open for him as he sat down before gently kissing him. 
Other days when it would be late - too late - you’d meet him at the door and pull him along to the bathroom where you ran hot water filled with gently perfumed oils and stripped him of his clothes before guiding him into the tub. Sometimes you joined him, when he’d reach for you with eager hands and let you lay on his chest as he spoke about his day and got it off his mind; other times he just wanted the touch of your skin on his as you laid together in silence. Some nights you sat on the edge of the tub as you held his hand, telling him about your day, or something random, followed by washing his hair and body for him. It was something you enjoyed doing and he often did the same for you. He never verbalized just how much it meant to him, but you knew, you could always tell when he’d look at you with those soft chocolate, glossy with unshed tears before he kissed you. 
There were a hundred million ways that you told him you loved him without ever saying a word. Your actions always spoke volumes, and sometimes they overwhelmed him so much, he’d retreat into himself and go off into his head. Sometimes he was convinced that he didn’t deserve this - you - any of it. That he was masquerading around and had you fooled and thinking he was a decent human. But even in those times, you let him go, didn’t push or pull too much. And you went back to showing him in all the ways you could that you loved him. That you needed him as much as he needed you. That he was your everything. 
But this particular evening, he came home extra late. The stakeout had gone on longer than he intended and he wanted nothing more than to come home and crawl into bed and into your arms. 
By the time he entered the apartment and tossed his keys, badge, gun, and wallet onto the side table, he knew you were asleep. You weren’t there to greet him in person, but in your place was a scrawled note on the counter top.
Javi - dinner is in the fridge - I made your favorite. Eat and take a hot bath (I insist) and then come to bed. Tomorrow’s your day off and I want you to rest. Te amo.
An overwhelming sense of warmth started in his core and spread throughout his body as he read over your words. Never in his life had he expected to be part of this level of domesticity, but fuck - it sure felt nice. He ran a finger over your gently scrawled words before tucking the note safely away into the pocket. 
Just as you instructed, he went to the fridge and pulled out the plate you had prepared for him, heating it up while he got a beer and flicked on the television to quietly listen to some rerun of an old movie. As he ate, he listened to your soft snores coming from the bedroom as he smiled to himself. He knew he loved you, hell, he’d known that for a long, long time, but it had never really hit him just how damn much. It was the little things, and the big, that had him falling for you, over and over again. And - gods, he was completely smitten with you, overwhelmed and all consumed by you. 
He finished his plate and beer, going to set them in the sink before deciding against it and washing the few items up and tucking them in the cabinet. It wasn’t much, but he wanted to do it so you wouldn’t have to. Padding to the bathroom, he sneaked a quick peek at your sleeping form before smiling and stepping inside and turning on the tap for the hot water. He filled it with oils and bubbles, just as you always did, before stripping and sliding into the warm, blissful water. A low groan escaped his lips as he already felt the tension leave his body; you had been right - this was exactly what he needed. 
He took his time to wash his dark locks, to scrub himself free of any of the stress and grim, both literal and metaphorical, from the long day he’d had. He was off for a few days now and he wanted to start anew, to have a couple of fresh, clean days to get lost in you, to get lost in the simple pleasure of a normal life. It was nice sometimes, to get a reprieve from the constant darkness. One day, you promised him, this would be an everyday thing. And he couldn’t wait. 
Once he was satisfied with his handiwork, he got out and dried himself off and grabbed the clean pajamas you had laid out for him before crawling under the covers to join, taking care not to disturb your slumber.
But it was no use; as soon as you felt him slip into bed, you whispered his name with a smile tugged across your features. Your eyes didn’t open as you held your arms open and motioned for him to come to you. He eagerly complied as he let you wrap him up in your arms, pulling him tightly against your chest before tangling your legs with his. Javi made a small sound of content as he buried his face in your neck, pressing a few kisses to your soft skin before yawning and feeling the sweet call of slumber win him over. 
“I love you, Dulzura,” it was a soft whisper - a promise - a reminder that even if he didn’t verbalize as often as he should, it was true. 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
By the time he woke up the next morning, or rather later that morning, the sun was shining brightly through the sheer curtains, the chirping of birds and the excited shouts of children reaching his ears. Javier moved to reach for you, but found your side of the bed empty. He huffed lightly, wanting nothing more than to feel your skin on his, but his despair was quickly turned upside down.
The delicious smell of cooking - bacon, coffee, pancakes - met his nose as he listened to you softly singing along to whatever was playing on the radio. Suddenly his world stopped as he realized with a burning intensity that this  - you  - were his everything. It was overwhelming and nearly bowled him over as he realized that he already had everything he could ever want. 
As if you sensed that he was awake, you padded down the hallway and poked your head into the bedroom to find him grinning back at you. 
“Good morning mi amor,” you beamed at him, that soft, gentle smile that still managed to make him weak in the knees. God, that smile had won him over within about five seconds of meeting you. You stepped in and walked over to him, leaning down to press a soft kiss to his lips. Javi reached up and grabbed your face, holding you against his lips as he savored your sweet, saccharine taste. He traced over your features, studying you closely as his eyes softened, “what’s wrong, Javi?”
“Nothing,” he promised with another soft kiss, “I’m just happy. What a sight to wake up to.”
“I’m happy too,” you promised him, “I’m glad you got some rest, but now go back to sleep, it’ll be a little bit before everything is ready.”
“I’m wide awake now,” he insisted as he sat up and you ran a hand through his messy locks.
“Was I being too loud?” you frowned, hoping you weren’t the cause.
“No,” he promised softly, “I got enough rest. Let me help you - “
“It’s okay, Javi,” you insisted, “I want to do this, besides, it’s your day off. Let me take care of you.”
“I love you, dulzura,” he said suddenly, reaching for your hand before you could get away, “I know I don’t tell you enough, or show you, but please just know, I love you more than you will ever know.”
“I know Javier,” you gave his hand a squeeze, “I know you do. You prove that to me every day, even if you don’t realize it. I love you too.”
“Let me come and help make breakfast,” he moved to slide out of the bed and stand up, stretched as he did so. 
“Javier, you don’t have to…”
“I want to,” he promised gently, wrapping his arms around you before pulling you into his chest, “really. And maybe this afternoon we can go to the beach. Just you and me. What do you say dulzura?”
“I’d like that Javi,” you grinned at him as touched his cheek, getting lost in those soft brown eyes, “I’d like that a lot.”
“And I like you a lot - I love you always, even if I don’t say it enough,” he insisted, “you have my heart, now and forever.”
“And you have mine, Javier. Always.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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golden-barnes · 3 years
First of many
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Summary: This is your first anniversary with Spencer. And it’s nerve racking.
Pairing: Spencer Reid X GN!Reader
Content/Warning: Just fluff cause I’m a softie. But a few curse words and mention of anxiety.
Word Count: 2,021
Author’s note: I wrote this for @homoose​ ‘s creator challenge because I love her Spencer fics. I am so happy that you reached 2k, you deserve it and more. 
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Spencer was, scrolling through Netflix, while you were getting some snacks. He came across Pan’s Labyrinth, which was the first movie the two of you had ever watched. 
Very early on you had realized that Spencer hasn’t watched a lot of pop culture-relevant movies and that’s when you decided that they would have mini movie marathons to get him caught up. Spencer smiled at the memory that was in the first months of your relationship. And then it hit him, like a bag of bricks. 
Their first anniversary was coming up. Real soon. Like in two weeks soon. How could Spencer forget? He had an eidetic memory. It’s just that everything was just so fast and nice, that it seems like time passed him by and he didn’t even notice. He didn’t have to stress about anything, everything came naturally between you two. 
Yes, there were ups and downs. Spencer is a stubborn man and you can be even more stubborn. He would try to protect you by closing off, you would call him out on it. He had his bad days and you had her bad days too, but would always talk it out and resolve it.
He loved you with all his might and you had made this year incredible. He felt at home when he was with you. He never imagined being able to feel this love for a singular person. And he was excited to show you. 
One problem though; this was the first time one of his relationships has lasted more than a few months. He didn’t know how to start. He didn’t know the proper etiquette for anniversaries. Hell, he had never read any literature about how to celebrate an anniversary. Fuck, what was he going to do? 
Meanwhile, in the kitchen, while waiting for the popcorn to be done to get back to cuddling with your boyfriend, You had an inkling that you were missing something. It was like an itch you couldn’t scratch. You grabbed your phone to see if there was anything that would help you remember. But nothing. You still felt something wasn’t right. That’s when you saw it.
You knew you weren’t going to remember, you didn’t have Spencer’s memory. You wrote it on your calendar that was on the fridge. It was right there, with a red heart around the day and everything. Fuck.
Your anniversary was coming up. And you had no idea what to do. But that wasn’t the most stressful thing about the entire thing. It was that it was a reminder that you were Spencer’s longest relationship and this was the first time he has ever lasted a year with someone.
Spencer told you in the beginning about his woes and struggles with dating and being in a relationship. You found it adorable how nervous he was trying to figure out how to manage these relationship things. You even heard him talking to Derek and Luke one night to get advice. 
Thankfully, he was much more comfortable now and realized that he just had to be himself. But those first months were filled with you reassuring Spencer that he didn’t have to change or anything. That you loved him just the way he was.
That’s why you wanted to make this day special for Spencer. To celebrate that you have overcome multiple obstacles and are still together, one year later. To show him that he was the best boyfriend you could ever wish for. But, how can you do that? How can you make this the perfect day for the certified genius that was sitting in the living room? 
Out of all his friends, he knew only one of them could help him. Someone with the creativity, the passion for love, and the knowledge of you and that was Miss Penelope Garcia. Before he could even finish his sentence, she already knew what to do. 
She grabbed a piece of paper off her desk and started to scribble some words down. 
“Okay, boy wonder, you will meet me here after your last class. I will not accept any excuses. ” She gave Spencer a piece of paper. He smiled at his friend.
“Oh, I’m not done yet, mighty professor. How do you feel about shopping?” Spencer’s eyes widened. Shopping with Garcia wasn’t an easy thing, or so he heard from JJ.
“Hey, Reid! What are you doing here?” Luke said, poking his head from the door. 
“I- uhm. My classes are later in the day and I wanted to ask Garcia something.” Spencer told his friend, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. Luke smiled at the brunet and turned his attention to Garcia. 
“It’s Spencer and Y/N anniversary in a couple of weeks and we are gonna help our beautiful genius.”  She said with the biggest smile. Luke laughed at Spencer’s confusion.
“Oh, this gonna be so much fun.” Garcia clapped.
You, on the other hand, were on a phone call with Emily ranting about it. You had no idea how to start. You knew what you were going to get him, sorta. Okay, you thought about one thing. But it wasn’t enough. It didn’t feel like enough.
“Y/N, calm down.” Emily laughed.
“Emily! Please, I need your help.” You groaned while Emily let another laugh. 
“How about a picnic?” She suggested.
“I don’t know. He probably won’t like the grass being close to the food. And then there’s all the people at the park. I don’t think Spencer would enjoy all the germs there must be. ” You rubbed your eyes, stressing out.
“Well, picnics don’t have to be in parks.” And that, folks, is why in Emily Prentiss we trust. You both started scheming to make this the best anniversary ever.
It wasn’t a competition but not even an unbiased jury of profilers and behavior specialists can decipher which one of you two was more nervous. 
On one hand, we had Spencer checking his gift that he put in the backseat so you wouldn’t be able to peak. His head wasn’t even in the conversation you were trying to form, keyword trying. He just felt his hands getting clammy. His heart was in his throat, not literally but he felt it. He had never done something like this.
Then, on the other hand, we had you. Gripping the steering wheel as if someone was going to rip it from you. You were trying to calm yourself down by talking with Spencer but he kept looking over his shoulder, staring at the gift he got you. He said he wasn’t gonna show it to you till you reached your destination. The minute you saw a big purple gift bag, you felt your heart stop. But also your brain starts to run. What if he didn’t like your gifts? 
You parked in front of the location and turned off the car. Spencer gave you a soft smile and grabbed your hand. He kissed it and rubbed the place where he planted the kiss.
“What was that for?” You giggled. 
“No reason. Just because I love you.” He gave you a wink. You grabbed his face and pulled him in for a soft kiss.
“C’mon, sweetie. Let’s go.” You opened your car door and headed out. You entered the place, trying to set out everything.
“You can do this, Reid.” Spencer took a deep breath, grabbed the gift, and headed to where you were. 
Spencer knocked on the door and quickly you opened it. You gave him a smile and let him in. Spencer gasped.
“Ta-da!” It was an art gallery, filled with brand new paintings and unknown artists. But in the middle of the room, there was a blanket, a light candle, and a picnic basket. 
“What? I- How did you do this?" Spencer couldn't believe what he was seeing. It was just too overwhelming.
"Well, Emily Prentiss has friends in high places. And one of them just so happened to own this gallery." You explained, grabbing his hands leading him to the blanket. "So what do you think?" 
"I love it so much! It's- Woah." Spencer was speechless. His eyes were sparkling with love. He couldn't believe it.
"Did I just render doctor Spencer Reid speechless?" You joked, Spencer rolled his eyes.
"You know it's not that difficult for you." You smiled at his words. Spencer remembered his gift and started to scratch his neck nervously. How could he top this? What he didn’t realize is that you are still nervous.
"Do you- uhm- want to have your gift right now?" He grabbed the purple gift bag, clenching it close to his heart. 
“Well if you want to.” You said, trying to ease his discomfort. 
“I mean you already gave me my present and it was spectacular. It’s only fair and just that I give you yours. Obviously, if you want to wait it’s fine by me. Or if you don’t want it till we get home, I understand. I-” Spencer rambled, before being cut off by you.
“Spence, hey, calm down. First of all, this isn’t your only gift.” You stated. Spencer looked at you strangely. 
“Woah, it’s not that I don’t appreciate the thought, but this is enough. I mean look at this. This is incredible. I can’t believe you did this. I love everything about it. It’s the best way to have a picnic. ” He exclaimed. You chuckled at your boyfriend’s excitement. 
“It’s just a small thing. Don’t worry about it. Now.” You made grabby hands at him, and he laughed while giving you the gift. You opened the bag to see a familiar color purple ball of yarn, a box, and a little book.
“I know you like my purple scarf and since I take it to cases sometimes, so I made you one.” You pulled the scarf out of the bag.
“How?” You gasped. 
“Garcia took me to this recreational center she volunteers at and they had a knitting class. I don’t know, it just made sense.” Spence explained. 
“It’s even warmer than yours.” You said putting it around your neck. Spencer’s heart clenched. “Wait, there’s more. Right.” You pulled the box out of the bag and opened it. It was a simple gold necklace with an S on it. You gasped at the gift. 
“Spencer, I-” “That’s not all. Look at the book.” It was a simple leather small letter notebook. You gave Spencer a look, to which he responded by giving you a reassuring smile.
You opened it to see Spencer’s writing on the first page. 
Whenever you are feeling sad, lonely, or need a pick me up, read a page from this book.
With love, Spencer 
“They are a collection of love letters. Or messages meant to be in love letters, to you.” He said softly.
“Oh, Spencer!.” You pulled into a hug. He gripped you tightly. You pulled away and started peppering kisses all over his face.
“I love you so much.” You said, grabbing his face. He smiled. Something Spencer loved was when you hold his face in your hands. It made him feel safe and loved.
“And I love you.” He leaned in and kissed you. You pulled away first and gave him a smile.
“‘Now time for your present.” You opened the basket to pull out a box. Spencer grabbed the box out of your hands and started to take off the gift wrap. Spencer gasped, his eyes almost bulging out of his skull.
“You didn’t.” He said his eyes never leaving the book in his hands. You chuckled. Spencer had recently been going through all of his mom’s scrapbooks. And you would sit in his lap while he explained every picture and every article. It was like a therapeutic thing. So you decided you wanted to make one for you guys. 
“Oh but I did.” You winked at him. He went through the pictures with tears in his eyes. A year’s worth of memories, right there. He noticed there were a couple of blank pages.
“For the years to come.” You said softly. 
“For the years to come.” Spencer repeated.
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Leave No One Behind
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Chapter 16: Endings Beginnings
Co written with @icanfeelastormbrewing​
Summary: Ari and Hannah settle into life back home, but it isn’t all as smooth as they’d have hoped…
Warnings: Bad Language words.
Pairings:  Ari Levinson x OFC Hannah Horowitz
Word Count- 4.5k
A/N: It was recently brought to our attention that in a few other chapters there have been a couple of things that Ari has said/done that are not technically accurate for someone of Jewish heritage. First up, it was reference to Ari observing a ‘Sunday Roast’ when he visited Mama Navon. We just wanted to remind people that Hannah is of Catholic Christian and Jewish heritage (Spanish Catholic Mother, American Jewish Father) and her and Sammy’s upbringing has always been a combination of the two. So, when Ari visited Mama Navon when he was home from Sudan, clearly this was her tradition he was observing. Secondly, in another chapter Ari was praying to the ‘God and the Saints’. Of course, Judaism does not have saints, so there’s a slip up on our part with that one. As with the third point, when we described Ari rushing Sarah to the alter. He would have rushed her to the hoopa.
Regarding all of the above, we would hasten to add, that Ari grew up in the USA, leaving when he was 18. From what little we learn of him in the film, we know was taken by a British Soldier, who married an American Nurse. From the way he talks about it, we don’t get the impression his ‘adoptive’ parents were Jewish, so that alludes us to suspect he had a largely Christian upbringing, whilst clearly  being aware of his heritage. Therefore, we don’t think it is beyond the realms of possibility that he would pick up the odd little thing such as the above three points.  
That aside, we hope the above didn’t distract anyone else from the narrative as it did the reader who brought it to our attention.
Now, just a personal plea from myself in general. Myself and Storm do this for free, and not being a person who pays much attention to religion at all (that’s another debate in itself) it is for this reason I was VERY nervous about continuing this storyline beyond the plot of the film. We certainly don’t have the time, nor brain capacity to be researching things into any kind of huge depth. It’s why most of my story lines centre along similar types of things that I have a good background in. This fic was never supposed to focus on the ins and outs of a particular race of people, just the lives of two dumbasses in love. As all writers on here, we do this for free, and the moment it becomes hard work or unenjoyable, we won’t be continuing. So any other little slip ups, please, unless they’re offensive, give us a little leeway and put it down to Ari being exceptionally Westernised as pointed out above.
Sorry if this comes across as being a little harsh, but this has been playing on my mind a lot over the past few days, to the point I was seriously considering if we ended the fic where it currently stood. That said, I think we have a lot left to tell of Hannah and Ari’s story so, I’ll shut up now and let you read it…if you want that is.
Leave No One Behind Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Part 15
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“You haven’t forgotten tomorrow?” Hannah heard her mother ask, as the woman stood up from the table while holding the teacup and saucer to place them in the sink. “You do remember you have to pick Sammy up from the airport tomorrow afternoon, right?”
 Hannah rolled her eyes at her mother’s back. “No, I haven’t forgotten,” she sighed as she played with the crumbles of the pastry she had been nibbling on, “I mean, it’s not like I’ve got anything else going on, is it? Seeing as Ari is with Maya and according to Sarah’s stupid rules I can’t be there with them…”
 At that, Maria Navon turned, giving her daughter a sympathetic look and Hannah snorted in anger.
 It had been four months since they arrived back in Tel Aviv, and Hannah had to concede that for the first few weeks it was fine. She and Ari settled nicely in the apartment Mossad rented in Ari’s name once all the paperwork following the end of the mission had been sorted. Ari had asked Isaacs for an upgrade of his living quarters, given he was now having Maya over to stay every other weekend, plus numerous nights of the week. Not to mention the fact Hannah was moving with him. When Isaacs had asked Ari to put a justification forward, he had simply shrugged, “I fucking earned it, Isaacs.”
 So he got it. Just like he usually got what he wanted, one way or another.
 Hannah was back working at the clinic. Her hands and the experience she had acquired while in Africa were needed more than ever now that it was only her mother and her to run it, although how long it was before her mom decided to retire fully was anyone’s guess. It had been a couple of busy months, what with interviewing for new nurses and locum staff, but Hannah would be lying if she denied having enjoyed every minute of it. She might have Mossad secret agent skills, obviously passed down by her father, but she was a doctor at heart. And that hadn’t changed in the two years she had been away.
 The team had split up within a month of arrival back in Tel Aviv.  Ari and Max had been working to help the refugees. Many of them had simply melted away post their arrival, still not trusting the mysterious white men who had come to their aid. However, some had stuck round; being housed temporarily in hostels, and was those who Ari and Max were tirelessly working for. They focussed their efforts on obtaining them permanent, legal status along with finding them better places to live and jobs of sorts to help them fit in their new reality. 
 Jake had headed back overseas to continue work as a diving instructor, this time in Jamaica, whilst Sammy had been in the States with Rachel for almost two and a half months now, and was, as Maria just reminded Hannah, due back the following day. Hannah suspected, however, not for long, fully expecting him to move there permanently to be with Rachel.
“Sammy is lucky, you know? He has none of this shit with Rachel’s ex.” Hannah grumbled, “Sarah is just being a pain in the ass. And I know for a fact it’s because we told her we got engaged. She was fine with me being there when Maya was until that point.” Hannah finished her rant as she placed her teacup and saucer on her mother’s extended hand. 
“You can’t be sure about that, sweetheart. Maybe there’s something else."
“No, she’s being a bitch.” Hannah quickly stopped her mother’s attempts at justifying Sarah’s behaviour. “She seems perfectly fine with us having dinner during the week and going out and stuff but won’t let Maya stay when I’m there on a weekend, basically just preventing us from spending those days together, for no reason other than she’s bitter.”
Maria Navon sighed. She knew where her daughter was coming from but, being the gentle and caring woman she was, she couldn’t help but try to put herself in the other woman’s shoes. She saw Hannah bite her lip and twirl her engagement ring round her finger, a rounded blue sapphire as deep as the ocean set against a halo of smaller white diamonds on a white gold band, before she spoke again.
 “I wouldn’t mind mama but they’ve been legally separated for years! The terms of their divorce are basically already been agreed. All they need to do is sign the damned papers but recently, well, Ari seems afraid to even raise the issue in case Sarah starts making it all awkward again and stops him seeing Munch.”
“Hey, sweetheart. Listen to me.” Hannah’s mother caught her attention as she pulled out a chair to sit next to her. “Everything is going to be ok, she’ll sign eventually. She knows there isn’t anything she can do about it, she’s just grieving.”
 Hannah’s brow creased at her mother’s choice of words. “Grieving for what? She left him, years ago!”
“She left him because she couldn’t cope with his lifestyle anymore, and he wasn’t winning any awards for being husband of the year, Han. That doesn’t mean she didn’t love him,” Maria woman spoke softly as if to appease her daughter’s raging tone.
“So, basically, I’m just stuck here waiting until she gets her head out of her ass?” 
“Have a little patience, honey. You two have waited over a decade, one way or another, to be together. You sure can wait a few weeks more.” Maria smiled as she reached out for Hannah’s hands who were fiddling with a teaspoon. 
“That’s the thing, Mama.” Hannah sighed as she looked up to meet her mom’s eyes. “I don’t think it’s just going to be weeks.”
“You don’t?” The woman frowned. “Well maybe she’s more stubborn than I thought.”
Hannah shook her head and then noticed her mother’s features had suddenly softened into a smile and she was looking straight over her shoulder. Hannah turned to see Ethan walking into the kitchen in his signature crisp work suit.
“Hi Ethan,” Hannah smiled at him and then looked up at the clock over the fridge before standing up and shrugging. “I should go. Spend the night with my fiancée before I’m banished back to my childhood home for the weekend like a love sick teenager.”
As she left the kitchen dramatically, she heard Ethan ask Maria. “That bad?”
“She’s pissed off,” Hannah heard her mom whisper back, “can’t say I blame her but she needs to make an attempt to see this from the other side, so to speak.”
With an angry growl, Hannah slammed the door and set off walking back to their apartment, in even more of  bad mood than she’d been in when she arrived at her mother’s. 
 Why was anyone treating her like she was the spoiled brat?
Ari was getting ready for Hannah’s arrival. He had been cooking, or sort of, making an attempt at dinner for a while and was now setting the table for two. He wanted to make tonight special as he knew this week was going to be the third weekend out of six that he and Hannah would be apart thanks to Sarah and her fucking rules. 
He was finding it hard himself. He’d gotten used to sleeping besides his Firefly since they had got together in Sudan, especially at night. But he knew Hannah was finding it harder. He was sacrificing their time together so that he could spend his allotted weekends with his daughter, which lessened the blow a little, but Hannah was basically being banned from living her life as it was for two days every two weeks, and that make his heart ache. 
And the worst bit about it all, was that he had seen it coming a mile off, and had been powerless to prevent it.
It was a bright Friday morning when they told Maya about their engagement. The previous evening Ari had proposed to Hannah for a second time after buying her a lavish ring. Thus, they had decided to take Maya for a walk and ice cream to break the news to her.  The little girl had been over the moon with the idea of her dad and Hannah getting married, which hadn’t surprised Ari seeing as his daughter had been all over his fiancé ever since they had met at Mossad headquarters the morning they had arrived home.
Now, as he approached Sarah’s apartment to take Maya back, he was about to tell his ex-wife and he was not particularly looking forward to it. But, he was being cautiously optimistic. Sarah had, after all, been amendable since they’d gotten home and seemed okay with Hannah being a part of Maya’s life.
Still, he felt his stomach churn as Maya walked up the apartment they had all shared once upon a time, and rang the doorbell.  No sooner had Sarah opened the door, Maya bounced in blurting the news out without hesitation.
 “Mom, guess what? Dad and Han are getting married! He asked her yesterday and she said yes!”
Ari groaned internally to himself, “Sarah, I didn’t ask her last night,” he smiled bashfully as he explained himself, “and I certainly didn’t do it in front of Maya.”
Sarah shook her head and brushed it off.  “Don’t worry, Ari and … erm, congratulations, I guess.”
“Erm… thanks.” Ari blinked. “I just thought you should hear it from me first… even if you technically did hear it from Munch.”
Despite the civil exchange, Ari could tell that Sarah was hating she didn’t have time nor the privacy to digest the news, and that wasn’t what he’d planned at all. He’d wanted to tell her, quickly, and leave, but Maya had put paid to his plans. Ari could feel coldness of his estranged wife’s stare, along with the tell-tale faint twitch of her nose and upper lip. He knew Sarah well and he, also knew how she deep down felt about him and Hannah. 
“She seemed cool about it but I know her, Han. Too cool for Sarah.” Ari told Hannah that night over dinner. “I can’t help feeling this is going to be bad…”
For once, Ari wished to God he’d been proven wrong. But, Sarah ended up doing what he feared, reverting back to being petty and petulant. She called him the next day to announce from that moment on, when Maya stayed with him, be it during the week or on her agreed weekends, Hannah wasn’t to be there overnight because, as Sarah had put it, it wasn’t appropriate for Maya to be around when they were… well, “up to stuff.
Hannah went ballistic, telling Ari his estranged wife was being ridiculous and she could go to hell, but Ari knew Sarah well enough to know she needed to get this out of her system. He tried his best to explain to Hannah that until she did, there was nothing he could do but roll with it, certainly for the time being. Making Sarah angry would not only risk her going back on terms of the divorce they’d set out in their separation degree, but also, he feared, make her get pissy about him seeing Maya. And that simply wasn’t something he was prepared to risk. He’d already missed too much of Maya over the years, admittedly through his own fault, but he didn’t want to miss a single second more than he had to.
Just as Ari was turning down the heat under their dinner, Simon’s ears pricked up and a second later Hannah’s key was heard in the door. Air smiled at the dog, who let out an excited whine, and leaned to give him a scratch behind his ears.
“Mama’s home, buddy.”
The pooch looked up at his master almost like he was pondering his words and Ari scoffed. 
Yeah, home. Bar the weekends when she’s banished to her mother's…
 Simon trotted off and soon after Ari heard Hannah greeting him. A moment later she walked into the living area and gave him a tired, but genuine smile. 
“Hey Lobo.”
 Ari beamed at his fiancé as he walked to meet her and without warning, he grabbed her face with both hands and stamped his lips on her plump ones, kissing the hell out of her. Hannah moaned in surprise but melted into his hold, her hands instantly reaching for Ari’s bearded cheeks.
“Hey Firefly.” He whispered when he broke the kiss.
She smiled at him as her hands travelled upwards and tangled in his hair. “Something smells good.”
“Thanks, I just showered.” Ari drawled, a cheeky smile on his face.
“I meant the food, you ass.” Hannah laughed as one of her hands slapped Ari shoulder, but his grin never faded.
“I’m a whole meal, honey.” He continued, playfully. Hannah rolled her eyes and stepped back. “But yeah, I’ve been cooking or rather mixing things in pots and pans.”
“Hmmm should I be worried?” She shrugged off the light jacket she was wearing to shield her from the summer showers.
“Well, Simon tasted everything and he’s still breathing.”
“Simon used to eat jellyfish, Ari. That’s not a bar to measure your cooking with.”
“Hey, I tried, okay? Give me some credit. I’ve never cooked for a woman before.” He grabbed her hips and pressed her to his body, one of his big hands splaying over her back.
At that Hannah smiled at him lovingly. He was right. She suspected he had never cooked for Sarah and he certainly hadn’t cooked for her, not once. Never in the brief amount of time they had been secretly dating, and at the resort it had been Chef Aziz's job to cook for everyone.
“I’m honoured, and I’m sure it’ll be great. Give me five to go wash up okay?”
“Sure, babe. I’ll plate the food and open the wine.” He winked at her and Hannah stood on her toes and gave him another quick peck before she headed into the bedroom, Simon following her.
True to his word Ari had done a pretty good job and thirty minutes later they were both sat at the table after having enjoyed a dammed passable and tasty attempt at a beef stroganoff on Ari’s part that left Hannah pleasantly surprised. 
She sighed with satisfaction as she left her fork on her plate and when she looked up she noticed Ari was looking at her intently, his eyes shining under those long eyelashes.
“You trying to seduce me before my carriage turns into a pumpkin tomorrow, Levinson?” Hannah asked before bringing her glass of wine to her lips.
“Hannah...” he sighed.
“Please don’t, sweetheart. I don’t want to argue.” 
It was her turn to sigh, heavily. Ari’s words were more of a plea than a warning to her, but she couldn’t help the way she was feeling. Granted, she wasn’t quite as pissed as when she had left her mother’s house, but she still had a sour feeling which was nagging at her. 
“I don’t want to either, Ari. I just don’t like the prospect of spending my weekend away from you. Again.”
“And you think I do?” He asked, reaching for her hand over the table. “Honey, this won’t be forever. Sarah just needs to get her stupid tantrum out of her system.”
“Yeah, I know and I don’t want you having trouble with Maya because of me, I wouldn’t keep you from Munch, ever. But you’re my fiancé and I just...” she trailed off, shrugging, “I don’t want us to be apart.”
Ari licked his lips and pondered for a moment as he looked at their entwined hands. “Okay, I’ll talk to her when I pick Maya up tomorrow.” He nodded with determination when he looked up at her. “See if I can reason with her and...”
“Don’t Ari. You’ll only set her off.” Hannah rapidly cut him off.
Ari groaned and let go of her hand, his look and voice growing harder. “Well then, what do you want me to do? You literally just said-“
“I know, but I don’t want you to poke the bear! I just want this fucking ridiculous situation to be over.” Hannah shook her head. She knew she was riling Air up, but she was sick of everyone trying to get her to accept the situation they were in without so much as a word of complaint. “I’m not blaming you, it’s just…forget it, can we just pretend we are a normal couple who are having a normal evening dinner?”
“We are a normal couple. Well, as normal as most anyway.” Ari took her hand again, his features softening. “Look, I’m sorry. I really am. I just don’t know what I can do.”
“Love me.” Hannah stated after a while.
Now that puzzled Ari. Was that a request or was she doubting him. She couldn’t be doubting him, right? With concern written all over his face he pushed his chair back to stand up and hurriedly crouched beside Hannah, his hands grabbing her thighs firmly as his eyes searched for something in hers. 
“Firefly, I do love you. You know this… I mean, at least, I hope you do.”
“I do.” She nodded as she looked down to him. “Just don’t stop loving me, no matter what crazy ideas Sarah comes up with.” 
“Hannah, that’s not gonna happen.” He assured her after swallowing hard. “I promise you. Nothing she says or does is gonna change the way I feel about you.” 
Ari meant what he said and took it upon himself to make sure his Firefly was left with no doubt as to his feelings for her all through the night. And then again he made sure she hadn’t forgotten the following morning too before she left to pick Sammy up from the airport.
Ari collected Maya, as arranged, from the summer holiday camp run by her school and then, throwing caution to the wind, took her to Maria’s to see not only Hannah, but Sammy and the family. Hannah was surprised, but pleased to see them both and hugged Maya tight as the girl threw herself at her, chatting away about her day. They ate a lovely dinner, courtesy of Maria, and later, retired to the shared garden in the warm, July air. 
As Maya sat with Sammy, who was telling her stories about the states and Rachel’s kids, Ari found himself watching Hannah. She was sat with her mom and Ethan, the three of them sipping wine as the dusk drew in. It wasn’t long before the first little twinkles around the tree flashed through the darkness, signalling the fireflies had come out to play. 
Ari’s mind quickly travelled back to when he first met Hannah, how those little bugs had been present in the garden, earning her the nickname. His nickname for her, which had stuck and become a term of his love for her, symbolised by the pendant round her neck. It was that pendant, or more specifically how he had given her that pendant, which had fixed the idea on how to present her with the sparkling sapphire and diamond ring on her finger…
It was a Thursday morning, and Hannah walked into the bedroom after her morning shower. Ari looked up from where he was fastening up his short sleeved shirt and smiled as she grinned back at him. 
“You really do suit that colour, pretty sure Ethan’s secretary will approve.”
“Ethan’s secretary?” Ari continued, stopping two buttons under the collar.
“Yeah, that’s what I said Lobo.” 
“Ethan’s secretary is nearly a hundred years old, Firefly.” Ari rolled his eyes with a chuckle, his hands on his hips as Hannah frowned.
“Well who was the young, blonde girl at her desk the other day when I called in?” She picked up her hairbrush from the top of the chest of drawers that served as her vanity unit.
“Lorraine? She’s an intern, Mrs Goldman is training her.”
“She likes you. I can tell.” Hannah hummed, combing out her locks which had been piled on top of her head to prevent them getting wet.
Ari rolled his eyes as Hannah pulled her hair back into a neat ponytail. “Whatever.”
“You can whatever me all you want,” Hannah sang as she picked up a bottle of lotion and sat on the bed, “I can sense these things.”
Ari snorted, looking down at his girl as she sat on the bed applying lotion to her legs. “You getting all territorial on me?”
“Do I need to?”
“Don’t be an ass!” Ari snorted, leaning down to kiss her. 
As they moved around the room, Ari took his time, a lot longer than usual, dragging his morning routine out as long as possible. If Hannah noticed he was making a meal out of tidying his beard up, something he had taken to doing since returning to civilisation, she didn’t notice.
He was stalling for one reason, and one reason only. The surprise that was waiting for her in her underwear drawer.
After what seemed like an age, she crossed the room and pulled it open. Ari held his breath as she reached in for a pair of panties, but instead she gasped, he hand flying to her mouth.
When Hannah spun around, the red, velvet box in her hand, Ari was waiting on one knee, beaming up at her. “Still wanna marry me, Firefly?”
Tears brimmed in her eyes and she nodded, her voice thick with emotion, “yes, you know I do!”
“Had to ask with a ring, sweetheart.”
He watched as she opened it, her mouth dropping open once more as she stared at the ring. 
“Lobo, it’s gorgeous… I… I love it!”
As Ari rose to his feet, he sighed with relief, “good, ‘cause I had a hard time finding something worthy of my girl.”
“It reminds me of the ocean,” she smiled up at him, “and your eyes.”
“Kinda why I bought it, the ocean that is.” Ari smiled as he took the ring from the box, slipping it over her knuckle, watching as the sapphire settled at the base of her finger. “Hannah Maria Navon, I love you, baby girl.”
Hannah glanced at the ring before she beamed, her hands cupping his cheeks, “and I love you, Ari David Levinson.”
Ari smirked a little at the memory, they were totally late for work after getting a little ‘distracted’ so to speak celebrating their engagement once more, only this time in a bed and not the back of a shitty jeep in the Sudanese desert. 
“Dad?” Maya bounced into his lap, drawing a huff from him as she accidentally elbowed him in the ribs, “Are those fireflies?”
“They are Munch.” He nodded, kissing her head as she watched them zipping around. “Can you see now why I call Hannah my Firefly?”
She grinned, “yip!”
Hannah, who had been watching them, cleared her throat. “Ari, it’s getting late. Shouldn’t you two be heading back to your apartment?”
Ari looked at her pointedly. “Our apartment, sweetheart.”
Hannah was about to shoot a response back but then remembered Maya was there so she merely sighed. “Ari, look, you shouldn’t even be here now anyway. It’s not worth the argument if she finds out.”
“Why can’t we stay here, dad? I wanna stay with Han!” Maya piped up and Hannah groaned a little, shooting Ari a look.
“Because Han needs to stay with Sammy tonight, she’s not seen him for a while. You can stay some other time, okay?”
“I’m not gonna say anything to Mom if that’s what you scared of.”
At that, Ari and Hannah exchanged a look. “Why do you say that? Why would we be scared?” He asked and Maya shrugged.
“I heard Mom say some things.”
“What things, Munchkin?” Ari smoothed her long hair back and waited for her to reply.
“Well, I was upset, because at first I thought Hannah didn’t like me anymore as she always left when I stayed over. But one day last week, I heard Mom tell Grandma on the phone she had made you and Hannah spend the weekends apart because I was with you.” Maya paused and looked at Hannah, “Is that why you don’t stay with us at the apartment?”
Hannah blinked, she was stuck. She didn’t want to lie but also didn’t want to start bad mouthing Sarah in front of Maya, no matter how tempting. “Erm, it’s, well it’s complicated, sweetie. You and your dad need to spend time together. But I promise you it’s absolutely not because I don’t like you. I do, I love you very much.”
At that Maya stood up and launched herself at Hannah.  “I love you too, Han.”
Ari and Hannah could do nothing but exchange a look, which Hannah broke as she leaned down to hug Maya, tears visible in her eyes.
And it left Ari feeling even more like shit than he already did.
No, he had to fix this, even if it meant pulling Sarah up on her attitude despite Hannah asking him not to. Whilst he understood Sarah’s anger, and that she had every right to direct it at him, the fact that it was clearly having an impact on Maya was something he couldn’t let slide.
With a sigh, he stood up, instructing Maya to bid everyone good night. Before he left, he pulled Hannah into a kiss, his hands cupping her face.
“I’m gonna fix this,” he whispered against her lips, “trust me, baby.”
“I do.” She sniffed a little, her nose bumping his. “Go, go on. I’ll see you Sunday.”
As they walked the few blocks home, Maya’s hand locked in Ari’s, he was only partially listening to his daughter as she spoke. 
“Dad!” Her voice drew him from his thoughts about how exactly he was going to approach the subject with his soon to be ex-wife. He glanced down at her.
“We’re you listening to a word I just said?”
“Honestly, no!”
“Daaaaaad!” She whined and Ari chuckled.
 “I’m sorry baby, what were you saying?”
“I was saying that I should get Hannah something for luck.”
“What do you mean?”
 “Well, Mom was talking to Auntie Louisa, and she said that Hannah was going to need plenty of luck being married to you so…”
Ari took a deep breath, anger flashing through his system, rolling his eyes. “Oh, did she?”
“Yup.” Maya nodded.
“And, do you think Hannah’s gonna need luck?”
Maya looked at him, and grinned cheekily. “Well, you are an idiot!”
“Rude!” Ari narrowed his eyes playfully, “mind you, technically, you might look more like your mom but you’re half me. Guess that makes you half an idiot, huh?”
Maya went to dig him in the ribs and with a chuckle, Ari swung her up and onto his shoulders. Her hands tangled in his hair as she giggled, before she leaned down, fingers threading into his beard.
“Han’s right, you do look like a wolf.”
Ari laughed, his hands tightening around his daughter’s ankles as her heels lightly bounced against his chest with each step he took.
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