#i think there's a moment in voe
darlingofdots · 8 months
once again three cheers for Will Laurence parenting superior-officering Emily Roland under truly the wildest of circumstances for like 7 years and doing such a fantastic job of it. He was basically her primary caregiver from age 9 to 16 and no matter how she might gripe, he took his job so seriously and you can tell she appreciates it! She runs away from her official posting during the Invasion to come serve under him again because he treated her with respect and gave her responsibilities suited to her skills, and also he has modelled a set of principles that she clearly understands and agrees with even when she thinks he's going about it wrong. And she is so fully On His Side anyway, she's so righteously outraged on his behalf when people disrespect him, and like. that man is not her father but he is her dad. That night when she was 9 years old and afraid for her mother and Excidium and he was so gentle with her is so emblematic of his attitude to his "young gentlemen" in my opinion; he is firm and professional at all times but he pays attention, he knows his people's backgrounds and families and he is so invested in giving them the best possible chance at success, and it's clear to me that people respond to that! including the terrible teenagers he accidentally got roped into raising
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talysalankil · 1 year
vai means woman
fuck i keep mixing them up, truly proof that i'm nonbinary and all this gender stuff is nonsense to me
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nkirukaj · 6 months
The Radio Demon & the Billboard Doe (2)
It's a double feature! Here take it! Take Chapter 2!
Pairing: Alastor x Fem! OC
Warnings: Swearing and mentions of sexual activity?
Genre: Angst?
Word Count: 3.8K
<Chapter 1
2. Freaky Face
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“You’re a deer!” Was the first thing she said in response
“Indeed I am, darling. Though most tend not to mention it.”
“That’s cool!”
Alastor’s smile grew wider at her child-like reaction “Why thank you.” was all he said
“So what’s your name, you cutie patootie?” Charlie interjected, lovely as ever “We gotta have your name if you’re gonna stay here!”
“My name? It’s…” she stared at herself in the mirror, thinking of what she was now. She was different, yet felt the same. “My name is Voe.” A mix of the old and the new. “Yeah, Voe.”
“Amazing! Love it! Now let’s get you settled, Voe!”
Charlie had felt the need to show her absolutely everything, including the floors that she wouldn’t be staying on. The room she would be staying in was on the 9th floor. The room was equipped with a bed, a small closet, and a full bathroom, including a tub and a shower. She spoke very fast and very much. She spoke about everything. It got to a point that Voe started to tune her out. Her voice became background noise as she studied the patterns and pictures on the walls, wondering how she had the time to do this with every new guest that came to the hotel. Vaggie and Alastor had decided to join them as well, however they were not speaking. She examines the girlfriends’ faces. Charlie had her arms open and was gesturing around quickly, and her eyes were wide and alert, while Vaggie’s eye was somewhat lidded, and her arms were focused inward. Her eye was only focused on either Charlie or the floor. Voe concluded that Charlie was the bright and friendly one, whereas Vaggie was the more standoffish one. 
Alastor though…she could not get as much of a read on him because he chose to stay at the back of the group, and she couldn’t exactly get a clear look a him without very conspicuously turning her head. What she had seen of him that she could picture was his lankiness and his large sharp smile. His smile was constantly in place with only slight deviations between moments. In the time she’d had to look at him, his smile did not budge. 
“And that’s the end of the tour. Any questions?” Charlie beamed at the doe
“Um, so you have like magic right?”
“Well, yes…but I meant questions about the hotel-“ the princess mumbled under her breath
“Can you fix my glasses?” Voe pulls the cracked frames out of her pocket, the lenses gone and legs off-kilter. Charlie leans down and examines them.
“I don’t know, but I’m sure Alastor can help!”
Alastor blinks as if he’s just been brought back down to reality “Hmm?”
Voe turns to him “Can you fix my glasses?” She asks in a flat tone
“Of course!” He puts his hand out and she places the frames in them. Green and black energy starts circling the frames and they pop up as good as new
“Nice!” She takes the frames back and looks at them
“Aww, I’m so sorry! You were walking around here blind and I didn’t even notice!”
“Well, I actually don’t need them,” She smiles “I can see just fine. But I like to have them,” she places the glasses on her face. 
“Oh,” Charlie’s eyes widen as she turns to her partner
Voe turns back to Alastor, who is grinning absentmindedly. She stares at him for a moment before his pupils move down to focus on her
“Did you need something else, my dear?”
She cocks her head “No…” she drags the word out, slowly turning away from him
Voe laid on her back in the bed of the hotel room that Charlie had shown her. What does it mean to be redeemed? How would she know when she was? Or if she was?
There were a lot of things she didn’t know, but what she did know for sure was that she would definitely go stir-crazy if she was kept in this room with nothing for her to do. She left the hotel room and sauntered down to the front desk where Charlie and Vaggie were standing and having a conversation
“So…Charlie!” She interrupts them with a wave “Would it be possible for you to give me money? Because I think that it would make my path to redemption a whole lot easier if I had a phone, a camera, and a laptop.”
“Hmm, I guess that’s true.” 
“Wait wait!” Vaggie stepped in “How is that essential to your redemption?”
“Because…” Voe drags out her words, looking for something to say “It gives me something to do. I personally feel that if I’m being productive, I will be a much better person. You know, instead of feeling awful about myself because I’m just sitting in bed all day.” She glances at Charlie, whose eyes turn sad
“I don’t know about Charlie just giving out money.”
“Oh nonsense! Charlie loves giving out money! She talked about it on the tour!” 
“I did! I do!” Charlie drops a stack of cash into Voe’s open palms
“Amazing, great. You’re the best!” She called to Charlie as she was on her way out the door.
When she returned, she had a plethora of bags. About 10, 5 in each hand. She’d developed the skill of carrying lots of bags in life, and luckily for her, it became easier in death.
“Geez! How much fucking shit did you buy?” A tall and thin white spider. Voe’s jaw dropped when she saw him, she run’s over bringing the bags with her
“Oh my gosh! You’re so beautiful! And you look social! Hi, I’m Voe!” she waves at him
He sits up and smiles “Well thank you. Finally, someone’s appreciatin’ my good looks! And the name’s Dust. Angel Dust.” he does sparkly fingers over his face
“Angie ya bitch! How gay can you be?” A sexy Cyclops woman with a crop top, ripped jeans, a boot, and a flat.
“How much of a whore can you be?” Angel says with a smirk
“I’m a whore?” She laughs, punching him in the shoulder
“Yeah, I do it for pay!”
The Cyclops woman punches him a few more times before noticing Voe “She’s still standing there,” she whispers to him. He looks back over to the doe.
“Welcome to the Hotel! Wait, what I am doin’ I don’t work here.” Angel slinks back down, the length of his body taking up the entirety of the couch.
“Hi, you’re sexy. I’m Voe! What’s your name?” She asks to the Cyclops
“Cherri Bomb…nice to meet you.” She looks a bit apprehensive before turning to the deer. She sits next to Angel, lifting his legs and letting them lay over her lap. He sits up and removes his legs
“Do y’all have Sinstagram? This is mine.” She shows Angel Dust her phone
“Voe the Bee-ow?”
“It’s pronounced like ‘bow’. It’s rhymes!”
“Oh.” Angel looks towards Cherri, silently asking for her to save “That’s nice.”
“Well, we’re gonna go,” She leans down to whisper to Angel “I got some wicked LSD, we can forget whatever the fuck that was”
“Aw Cherri, you know I’m tryna get off that stuff,”
“Alright stay then. Stay here ya’ lousy bitch!”
He scrambles to get up “I’m still comin’”
Cherri and Angel speedwalk out the hotel doors, leaving Voe on the couch alone. They were nice. She thought.
Technically, Voe did ask Charlie for money to get a laptop, a camera, and a smartphone. However, Charlie, being so nice, gave Voe way more than she needed for everything, so she also decided to make some stops at other stores, to get things like a tripod, a ringlight, and maybe some clothes. She set up all her electronics, making sure that the ringlight was in the right place to highlight her best features, and then pressed record.
“Hey, I’m Voe the Beau and I’m here to give you all my opinions on things such as makeup, beauty trends, and technology! Today I’ll start by showing you my outfit hall from today.”
She tried on dresses, blouses, shirts, pants, leggings, and shoes all for the camera, making comments about every single one.
“Now I love the pattern and length on this blouse, but the trimmings make it look like I’m about to go churn some butter,” she chuckles and snorts “and some of these shirts are not ear-friendly. So if you have ears at the top of your head like me,” she points to her ears “Then watch out. Maybe avoid this brand?” Voe zeroes in on the tag “Sinners’eye? Yeah, don’t shop there if you have ears like mine. The hats they sell don’t even have holes in them! So non-inclusive! Also by the way does anyone know a brand or store that sells satin bonnets with ear holes? Because it is incredibly uncomfortable to sleep with my ears covered. I feel like I’m deaf! Or at least like anybody can come into my room without me knowing, like shit! I will say that the shoes come with a hooves-friendly warranty which is great, not for me personally, because I don’t have hooves. No sir, I traded that for this big black schnoz.” She points to her nose. While trying on another dress, she tells the camera “I kinda dig having a tail.” She yanked on it with a bit of force on camera “I’m like a dangerous furry” she growled jokingly with bared claws. She stands directly in front of the lens once more ”I’m thinking of trying makeup next for my video, comment some brands that you think I should try. For makeup, clothes, or tech. I’m Voe the Beau, so let me know!” She wiggles her fingers as a goodbye and gets up to stop recording. 
After sitting in silence for a moment. Voe gets up to retrieve the camera. After connecting it to her computer, she turns it on and sees herself. 
“Hey everybody! My name is Voe! Ugh no. Hey, what up motherfuckers! Ugh, what? That’s way too tryhard. My GOSH, let me just do it.”
She turns on presses record again and suddenly she’s live. 
“Hey, what up Pentagram City? Y’all can call me Voe the Beau, and I’m here to tell y’all what’s Gucci and what needs to go kablooey! As you can see I love rhyming ha ha!” Is heard from demon’s smartphones, tablets, and computers. She hadn’t exactly been expecting zero views, but she definitely wasn’t expecting to get around 1,000 on her first live. 
What can I say? I really am that bitch. 
“So I just got down here to Hell and let me just say, why do we just fall out of the sky into concrete with no idea where we are or what we’re doing? I can goddamn guarantee you that the souls that go to Heaven don’t have to go through that! There’s no welcome committee or nothing. Nothing to ease you in, and I’m like ‘damn’! It’s like getting rammed in the ass with a cactus. And why is everything red? I swear the sky is red, the buildings are red, everyone wears red, or like shades and accents of it. It’s like the only color you see around here is red. I, myself am partial to the color pink. Specifically hot pink, as you can see from the fabulous outfit that I have on right now. Do you guys want to see my outfit? Of course, you do.”
She pushes her chair back and stands in front of the camera, showing off her hot pink blouse and black pants with hot pink wedges.
“I adore these shoes. Do y’all like my shoes? I got them from Sinnera’eye, but beware to all you cats and rabbits, and other animals with ears on your head they don’t carry clothes for you. You can see my full review in the video I’m going to upload later!”
Words begin scrolling up the screen and Voe leans into her laptop to read them.
“Who am I? Well, I’m Voe! I said that at the start. Someone needs a lesson in paying attention. And as you’ll come to learn-I am that bitch Any other questions? How old am I? I’m 27 and like I said, I just got down here to Hell.”
Oh Christ Gen Z is dying now
Do you guys think she’s in Hell ‘cuz she’s gay?
Are you gay?
“Yes, bitch I’m gay as fuck! I love me some pussy! I could eat that shit day in and day out. It’s my favorite snack!”
Is that your real name?
Are you Italian?
“As far as you need to know, yes that’s my name. And no I’m not Italian, I’m blickity Black!”
Does this bitch even know the difference between race and nationality?
“Yes, I know the fucking difference! I wasn’t fucking done. Slut!” She shoots back at the commenter “I just wanted to let y’all know that! No misconceptions. ‘Cuz people used to say I was Hispanic or something all the time when I was alive, and I sure as fuck ain’t letting y’all whores do it!”
Her voice is heard from many devices in Hell, including some in the hotel. Demons are crashing into walls or falling down the stairs from the sheer captivation of her sound and her image.
“So I’m staying at the Hazbin Hotel, run by Charlie...? Charlie something, she ain’t say her last name. And she is cute as fuck. Charlie is so adorable, she’s so light and bubbly and I’m like that could never be me.” She cackles into the camera “Running a Hotel of a bunch of ungrateful ass bitches, could never be me! She got a girlfriend too. Her name’s Vaggie! She is so pretty, honestly, they are both mad cute and they cute together. I’m not gonna break them up like I used to do to people. Hmm? She’s the what? Princess? Holy shit, Charlie’s a Princess? Lucifer? That motherfucker’s real? I need to meet him. Is he hot?”
While walking down the halls a certain facility manager of this hotel seems a bit put off by the lack of people that are running at the sheer sight of him, only to discover that they are glued to their devices. He rolls his eyes. Demons don’t know true entertainment anymore. Back in his day, whole towns used to gather around the radios and listen to what stories the hosts were about to spin. Now everyone’s addicted to these miniature picture boxes that rot their brains even faster than the real thing.
Although walking past these wayward souls had the Radio Demon’s ears pricked at a certain sound. A certain voice. He halts his pursuit to listen from afar.
“Apparently, I’m a doe which is super sick, and I’m the only one that I’ve seen for the few days that I’ve been here. But there’s a stag here with me. Well, not with me, but like-“ the voice pauses “No, here at the hotel. Huh? He’s like tall and really thin. Nah like lanky, bruh.” she laughs “It’s not bad! I didn’t even say anything mean! Yeah, yeah, yeah. And he’s got on a bunch of red, with little antlers on his head. Yeah, he’s got ears on top of his head, it looks like hair, but it’s ears. A doe knows.”
Alastor could hear the smugness in her voice. Who was she to be discussing him on her pathetic technological picture box? Who was she at all?
“Yeah! He’s got this big ass grin all the time.”
The comments start flooding in much quicker than before.
That’s the Radio Demon!
You’re there with the RADIO DEMON
the radio demon isn’t even all that i heard he got his ass kicked 
FUCK THE RADIO DEMON!!!!!!!!11!!!!1!!!!11!
“The Radio Demon..? Huh? This guy said his name was Alastor”
“Oh. So Alastor is the Radio Demon? Why ya call him that?” 
Alastor’s grin grows knowing that his reputation is still intact and keeps on his merry way. Still wondering why this girl felt the need to bring him up at all. Still, he would find that all out in due time.
Charlie had asked for all the residents to be down at 8:30 in the morning, which is a disgusting time to expect people to be awake and ready to interact with people. So Voe came down at 9, even that was pushing it.  All the other demons were already down, so Voe commanded all the attention when she strutted in like a celebrity.
“Sorry to be late, but 8 AM is ridiculous.” She plops down on one of the couches
“That’s okay!” Charlie reassured her “We just finished breakfast and now we’re doing the first activity of the day!”
Angel points to one of the plates on the table “There’s still toast.” He glances back down at the plate, “Oop, well there’s crust.” Niffty runs by and grabs the plate “Never mind.”
“It’s fine, I don’t need to eat.”
“Huh, I guess you don’t” Angel returns to his phone.
“All right, everyone!” Charlie tries to get their attention “Everyone! Oh gosh, we’ve never had this many guests before” she whispers to Vaggie. She gets slightly louder. “Everyone! We’re just about to get started, okay so everyone listen up, please!” Everyone lowers their volume, though some, including Voe, remain distracted by their phones. The click-clacking of dress shoes is heard descending the stairs, everyone turns their heads to see Alastor approaching the parlor.
“Alastor! You’re just in time for our first activity of that day!” Charlie smiles widely at the red demon
“Oh? So it appears I’m early..” He turns on his heels and retreats back up the staircase.
“Oooo-kay! So, we’re going to go around and introduce ourselves and say one interesting thing you did while you were alive!
Ugh. Voe always hated these when she was alive. It’s always so nerve-wracking to think about. What do other people find interesting? She could never figure it out! They went all the way around, from demons talking about how they’ve hosted the 7’o clock news, to catching butterflies, to fucking 5 bitches in the same night.
“I tried Heroin for the first time and then died.” Angel offered
“You only tried it once before dying?”
“Well, I’d already done a bunch of drugs that day, but when my friend came with the horse, I knew I had to try it! Then I died.” 
“No way! I died with an actual horse! It kicked me in the ribs!”
“This is going great! Not exactly what I had planned but this working Vaggie!” Charlie is filled to the brim with excitement 
“No one gives a fuck about your horse,” Angel responded. “I was talking about heroin.”
“I know…” the girl said, sounding disappointed
“Why can’t I make any friends?”
“You’re up new girl,” Angel gestured to Voe, who sat in silence for a moment, still pondering on what to say. She started sweating from all the pressure of the eyes being on her and her being unprepared. She couldn’t think of anything, at all. All that she could remember was her little sexcapades. She was rich of course, she had done cool things, so why couldn’t she remember any of them?
“Hey,” Angel Dust interrupted her thoughts after what seemed like forever “Weren’t you on live yesterday?”
Voe’s demeanor brightens up “Oh, yeah! I’m guessing you caught it?”
“Yeah, I caught that live too!” another demon chimed in, soon the majority of the room was buzzing about her live. Voe beamed at being able to speak on something she was prepared for.
“So you into Freaky Face or something?”
“Angel! Don’t just assume things!” Charlie butt in, also interested in the live
“I’m sorry, Freaky Face?”
“Alastor.” The whole room responded to her
Voe shakes her head quickly, “Oh no no no. I was just commenting on the fact that he’s the only deer I’ve seen besides myself.”
“Mhmm, I guess you could say mating season is open.”
“Ha! That was funny ‘mating season’” said the horse girl, to which Angel responded with a blank stare
“He’s good-looking! I can’t be the only one that thinks that. I am not the only one that thinks that. Stop making me look crazy!”
“No one even said anything,”
“Actually mating season for deer is between October and December” Voe interjects
“Well,” Charlie tries to take charge of the conversation “Alastor is a very nice-looking male.”
Vaggie speaks from behind her girlfriend “He’s…okay. But did we forget that he’s a vicious overlord who not only owns many souls but is a psychopathic, deal-making, mass-murdering cannibalistic monster?”
“Really? But he’s like…” Voe trails off, making gestures with her hands
“Like what?” Angel Dust probes
“Like,” she thinks “Cute.” some of the demons are taken aback by her claim
“You think Alastor is ‘cute’?” Vaggie questioned, hands on her hips and full of skepticism. 
“Yeah,” Voe shrugged “Like, it’s giving…stuffed animal. Or like a pet dog”
“Nah she hasn’t seen all the creepy shit he’s done around here yet. That opinion’ll disappear real soon.” Angel Dust took a swig of his drink “Don’t say that shit to him!” he laughs to himself.
“What is… ‘it’s giving’?” Charlie asked innocently 
“Ugh.” Voe slapped her hand on her forehead “It’s just… I don’t know like, that’s a vibe.”
“It’s just the feeling you get from someone or something,” she shakes her head “I forgot y’all are ancient.”
“Wait, so what do you think of him though?” Angel questioned point-blank
“I don’t think anything about him, I don’t know him.”
“So why’d you talk about him during your live?”
“I don’t know, because he’s a buck! That’s literally it!”
“Mhmm.” Angel takes another swig
“Wait, are you shipping us just because we’re both deer?” Voe looks confused
“I’m so glad that you all feel a sense of community!” said Charlie, after having clearly lost control of the conversation. Vaggie tapped her shoulder to tell her to just give it up. Most demons were just talking amongst themselves at this point, including Angel Dust and Voe, when the very demon they spoke about made his appearance once again.
“I hope that I’m actually on time now.” Alastor stands just outside the parlor, as the demons are instantly quiet in the presence of a supposedly cruel overlord. He had all the eyes in the room on him, saying nothing.
“Well, Alastor we just finished our activity.”
“Wonderful, so I am on time!” He glances at the clock above the fireplace “Well, I have errands to run.”
“You literally just got down here,” Vaggie spoke with annoyance in her tone
“And now I literally have to leave. Best of luck chums!” He exits the hotel and the air is filled with noise again. Voe stares after him. She didn’t notice before that he had a radio filter on his voice. Was that natural or on purpose? 
“Whatcha lookin’ at toots?” he whispers in her ear
Voe looks back at him “Oh, um nothing.”
“Uh huh, maybe you’re not so weird,” he tops off his drink
Chapter 3>
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To the anon that had asked me last month about writing Yunobo and being put in a mating press............................
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 I’m sorry this took me so long - truthfully I needed to build up the courage to write this holy fuck cause it was overwhelming to think about. I also lost the ask as I was writing this because Chrome decided not to cooperate which is why I don’t have the original ask on this post. Uhhhh...yeah! Allow me to lay my thirst below the cut oh my asdja. Let’s see what happens when you take a much more confident Tears of the Kingdom Yunobo, and pair that with a sprinkle of breeding and a full-on mating press 🥴 Hint: Something incredibly nasty. Reader is written female/afab because this lowkey self-indulgent bye 💗
It was a passing conversation. Something he swore he didn't mean to eavesdrop on, but in all fairness you weren't that far away from his particular earshot. You'd been chatting with Ramella who had just gotten back into town from her home in the Gerudo desert. He recalled hearing your squeal and at first thought something was wrong, but as he rounded the corner he realized it was a sound of embarrassed delight. "I'm telling you - you must ask your rock voe to hold you in a mating press while you passionately embrace. Ashai swears it's a delightful position," Ramella muses loudly at the way you're already blushing. "A-And it won't hurt when he pushes my knees toward my chest like that?" you stuttered, starting to swelter at the idea. The Gerudo merchant giggled at your question, nearly shouting she replied, "Not if you're flexible, it shouldn't!" "I-I suppose I could...ask..." you shyly mumbled back as you pressed your hands to your cheeks, face reddening by the second. Yunobo tucked his fingers to his chin in thought. Something you needed from him? Judging by your facial expressions and words, you sounded like you'd wanted whatever this hold was. But what exactly was it? Ramella mentioned it being a position, and he did overhear her say 'passionate embrace'...was it like a hug? "No that's not it, goro..." Yunobo said to himself, head tilting the opposite way as he thought further. Hugs don't normally involve your knees being at your chest last he checked; he also doesn't know you to be overly blushy about hugs in general. So what was so different about this 'mating pr--" And then it clicked. Now he understood why your cheeks were lighting up like a night lantern - and he couldn't stop himself from doing the same the more he thought about it himself. --- "Ahhh, Yunooo" you whined, back arching so your chest was further pinned to his. His colossal hand splayed across your back as he slowly filled you, his torso spreading your thighs as far apart as they could go. You relished in the feel of him, impossibly hard and thick inside of you - so much so your fingernails were already biting at his forearms. "Easy, goro...nice and ngh...slow, love..." he breathed into your ear. You had to applaud his restraint; Yunobo was always delicate with you at the beginning of your love-making, taking into consideration how much preparation and wherewithal it took for you to truly take him all in. Lashes fluttering from the deep stretch you moaned through a bitten lip at how the slight sting was dying out to pleasure now. Your hands slid up his arms, reaching to wrap around his neck. The Goron champion lifted his head just enough to seal his lips over yours, his hips drawing back and then thrusting forward. Your mewl into his mouth had him gripping you a little tighter, though his pace was kept exactly how you needed it for the moment: slow, hard, and as deep as your pussy would allow him. Each thrust would acclimate you, bend you to the shape of him and open you further. "Feel...good?..." Yunobo panted, blue eyes darkening to a rich navy as his eyelids fell halfway. Your lip was snatched between your teeth, your head leaning to the side, exposing your neck. "Yes! Ungh, goddess yessss!" And he believed you. With your breasts shaking under him, your lips parted in a semi-permanent 'O' and the feel of your hands holding onto him for dear life, he believed he was delivering your body the summation of his love and lust just fine. But something nudged at the back of Yunobo's mind, a pebble of a thought. He removed his hand from your back, gliding his palms down your hips and slotting under your knees. His body stilled for a moment, the sudden cease of his actions sending chills down your spine and causing you to flutter around his length. Your Goron beau hissed in a pleasured wince, before sitting upright on his knees and pushing yours to your chest. Your breath fell short as you were gently folded, still stuffed half-full with Goron cock. "Mmm..." Yunobo purred, a tinge of grit and machismo in tone. He leaned back over, caging your legs in place with his biceps, "Like...this, right, goro?" Eyes blown wide at how he could possibly known what you’d been silently working up the courage to ask, you gasped as he sunk back into you again. This position had him working into you deeper now, hitting a spot inside you that had your voice keening in another octave. Stars gathered behind your eyelids, your senses clouded with only the pleasure that stroked your walls and the sound of Yunobo's low grunting in the crook of your neck. He thanked Hylia for placing him in the right place at the right time - Ramella was right, this position was incredible to have you in. Something surged in his chest - fire and power lit his blood aflame as he felt the need to move faster inside you. Hoarse pants and sweetened moans dove into deeper growls and teeth-gritting grunts as he fed your body thrust after thrust after thrust. The hard edges of his hips smacked against your thighs, and you clawed desperately at his arms for purchase. Your breathy moans sang heavenly in your Goron’s ears as he hit a sensitive spot inside you.  “Oh! Ahhhhhhn, Yunobo, I--!” you cried out, your body aching to have him even closer than he was already. His thrusts grew sloppier as Yunobo let his instincts take him - barreling past the line of gentler sex with you and straight into full fucking you. His mind drove him to one objective: fill you up. With the way your hands dug into him, the bend in your spine with your head thrown back, and even the flex of your calves that most undoubtedly meant your toes were curling in absolute pleasure - you were close and he knew it. Yunobo’s powerful fingers ground harshly into the smooth surface beneath you both, cracking the build of his sculpted bed.  In your ear he panted low, “You gonna cum soon, love? I can hnnnk, feel it, y’know,” he licked a wet strip along the side of your neck, the slight hint of salt on his tongue, “So good to me...oooooh so good for me...gonna f-fill you up haaaahhh, sweetheart...you’ll take it, wontcha?”  His babbled, passionate words were sending your nerves into a frenzy, your cunt clenching around him as the ebb and flow of your release crept up your limbs.  “YES!” you sobbed, whole body wracked with desire, “Yunobo, please, I’m so close, mmmmf I’m, I-I’m...!”  Your words cut short at the sharp, empty scream of your voice, a blast of heat and ecstasy ripping through your entire body. Yunobo groaned heavily at feel of your pussy clamping tight on him, milking his cock with your rippling silken heat until even he could hold on no longer.  “That’s it, love, thaaaat’s it. All of it, goro, hahhh ffff--” His orgasm shot through him at lightning speed - a series of moans tumbling from his throat akin to a rough crescendo as he came buried deep inside you. The brawn in his thrusts softened to simple rolls in his hips as his growling lightened to airy huffs. His spent cock had emptied as much of him as would fit in your poor pussy, and when he pulled out of you - the wet squelch of it dribbling from your hole was unmistakable. Carefully, Yunobo set your legs down, making sure not to move too quickly so you could acclimate. When he was sure you were okay, you were easily flipped to sit in his lap, his arms tucking behind your back and holding you close. A gentle nuzzle of his nose on your cheek stirred you from the high of your post-coital bliss, followed by the cover of lips to your still heated skin, “I didn’t hurt you...did I?” came Yunobo’s meek whisper, tickling your ear. You sleepily shook your head in a negative and proceeded to rest on his chest.  He hummed quietly, “I’m glad...I don’t know what came over me, goro...I just...ya felt so good and then suddenly I was hit with this strange urge...” His chin rested on your head gently, “Felt like fire was in my blood - and the only thing ready t’quench it was all those n-noises you were makin’” You could hear the nerves in his voice tangled up in his words, the sense of him feeling like he did something wrong clouding his thoughts. A soft press of your lips to his pectoral, “It was incredible, Yunobo...every bit of it,” you nuzzled into his chest some more, “I wouldn’t mind doing it again like that at all.”  That seemed to lay the Goron a little more lax, albeit with wildly flushed cheeks. His hand rubbed soothing circles into your back, the other, affectionately coming to the back of your head.  You would definitely have to remember to thank Ramella later - though you were sure she was being loud during your conversation on purpose now. As you shifted you felt liquid traveling down your thighs.  “Yuno...maybe we should hit the hot spring, I um...i-it’s starting to,” stuttered you, face growing more crimson by the second. Immediately Yunobo caught what you meant, “O-Oh! Yes, let's! S-S-Sorry, hold on.” You were lifted bridal style in his arms, shifted only slightly in his hold so he could give you your dress and slip his fundoshi back on.  “I can walk, hunny,” you giggled, sweet smile accompanied by a reassuring look. Yunobo chuckled back at you, pulling your frame a tad closer to his chest, “I know, but I figured I’d give ya a break after nearly foldin’ ya in half.” Your jaw dropped at his words, and it wasn’t until he realized what he’d said - and so casually at that - that his face turned as red as Goron spice. 
“F-FORGET I SAID THAT!”  The saccharine smile on your lips turned devious in a matter of seconds; accompanied by the fresh memory of his biceps hooked under your knees as he pounded away at you had it grow more devious still, “Oh Yunobo...never.” 
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toushindai · 9 months
Seeing your thoughts on Rauru, I am now curious: how do you approach Ganondorf as a character? How does that compare or contrast with how you think about Rauru?
Thank you for the ask and all your thoughtful comments!! I've really appreciated them.
Approaching Ganondorf has been a different, more conscious process from how I approached Rauru; when I sat down to start brainstorming "A Sense of Entitlement" there was very much a moment where I had to ask myself "well, what am I trying to communicate about Ganondorf here?" I felt like, because I was putting all this mental work into complicating Rauru, I owed it to Ganondorf to complicate him as well, but I don't think the game presents quite as many juicy contradictions in Ganondorf's character. The game doesn't really seem interested in a well-rounded Ganondorf, a Ganondorf who has a point in resisting Hyrule's formation. Which sucks! Thank god we've all invented fanfiction and can do whatever we want forever.
It took me a little while to pin down the exact shape of him, but what I did decide on very early was that he is just deeply unhappy, the way a bottomless pit is unhappy. Nothing can fill him up besides being in control and exerting that control cruelly. Trace that backwards a bit--back further than he is willing to trace it, because there could be weakness at its source--and there is a paranoia, an inability to trust: only force and domination can be trusted to be real, anything else will be toppled when a strong enough force comes along. Any ally who does not fall 100% in line must be brought into line or self-evidently cannot be trusted. And then peel that feeling back a little more and I see alienation and a hideous, howling loneliness. A how-do-you-survive-this loneliness. And that's the feeling I place at his core--though it's well and truly obliterated from his conscious awareness.
I like writing about alienation? Not realizing that you're queer and autistic until you're in your twenties will do that to you, eh. The alienation from his people that I see in Ganondorf I do honestly read as a bit of a queer one, specifically, given that he is the only person in his culture who is going to exist in his gender category for the entire length of his lifespan. I think that has to feel pretty weird! I think it has to feel alienating, even if the form the alienation takes is that of putting him on a pedestal as king (but also, I have to assume--I will take the liberty of assuming--still being suspicious of other voe in a way that would be obviously visible to Ganondorf). In the fic I have him speaking of the Eighth Heroine, and while when I originally wanted that to be something he learned from Twinrova to inspire him to take pride in himself and the people he would one day lead, I uh. I had to nix that idea because the story of the Eighth Heroine doesn't accomplish that. It is not a story that would make a male Gerudo feel welcome among his people OR reassure him of his people's power! (It is frankly a bad story.) So instead it's something he found when he was--as a much younger man--searching for any evidence that a voe might have a place integrated into Gerudo society. The answer he found was "lmao not even if you save our entire ass 😌." He does not like this story. But to acknowledge how rejected it made him feel would be to look at something he believes is weakness, so instead he focuses on his disgust that even the Seven Heroines needed the strength of an outsider to conquer their enemy.
He has no place in his culture but he has an inescapably prescriptive place in his culture. He was raised knowing that he would be king, that everything he desired would be given to him because he is male. It is impossible to say textually what Twinrova wanted for him because they are. easter eggs. and so I just had to make it up: and what I decided was that they wanted him to be a conqueror, to lead the Gerudo and take over the rest of the land (solidified at some point during his lifespan into the kingdom of Hyrule). They wanted him to rule the Gerudo and the Gerudo to rule the world; but when Ganondorf lost his faith in his kinswomen he also lost interest in being an arm of the Gerudo and instead just wanted power for power's sake. I said this in a comment response but if the game is not going to give me a Ganondorf who is resisting Hyrule for the sake of his people--if it is going to give me a Ganondorf who, upon ascension to the form of the Demon King, seemingly abandons his Gerudo soldiers (Gerudo soldiers who were on board with his attacks on Hyrule! COME BACK THAT WAS INTERESTING) to go joyriding with a bunch of monsters and a rather cool horse instead--then I am going to make that a part of the tragedy of his character. It is a tragedy that he is so disconnected from his people. It is an enormous gaping hole inside him, this lack of connection with anyone.
But to acknowledge that, to feel it, would be to feel weak, and he cannot ever allow that. So he converts it all into cruelty and hatred and misery. He looks at people who have allied with each other and judges them weak for loving peace, for joining together instead of tearing each other apart. (In the Japanese, I am told, he explicitly hates the Zonai for accelerating this process.) He looks at any subordinate--or frankly at any other Gerudo--who does not fall in line with his agenda of unflinching conquest and scorns them for disloyalty and softheartedness. He hates whatever he sees and that hatred would be all-consuming if he were not so strong, so deliberately in control of himself. NOT to toot my own horn but I'm damn proud of this sentence:
Each movement is almost a meditation on his rage, fostering a measured alliance with the disgust and hatred he feels.
I think that is how he experiences just about every waking second. He has cut off all his access to happiness that does not come from dominating and taking away the power and happiness of others, and he has walked so far down this path--each step taking him further away from holistic contentment, each step taking him closer to the ability to dominate all he sees--that he could never turn back now.
Urbosa could've fixed him. imo. when he was much younger. (I'm saying this like a joke but I mean it.)
WAit I forgot to get into how he contrasts with Rauru. The thing between them is that both of them want power, want to have power over others; but Rauru hides this from himself because he thinks the desire for power is evil and he wants to think himself good, whereas Ganondorf... I think is probably comfortable thinking of himself as evil, or at least as what others term evil. And his comfort with his desire for power allows him to wield it much more effectively than Rauru does. We've got a bit of a hard power/soft power contrast going on. Ganondorf believes in power and physical force but Rauru's power lies in diplomacy and civility. In the trappings of social niceties. Ganondorf subjects himself to this framework by swearing his false fealty to Hyrule and finds it more ensnaring than he enjoys (he enjoys it zero), but once he has the opportunity to actually act in his own element by seizing Sonia's secret stone, the social niceties are powerless against his brute force.
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michaelasworlds-blog · 3 months
Sugar, Spice and Nothing Nice
Chapter 11: The Dress
“Well well what brings you back here?” Alastor turned to see Bean standing in the doorway. She kind of seemed scared? In pain? Embarrassed? He didn’t think now was the time to give her a Creole lesson.
“Um, yeah, I -”
“Did something happen my dear?” He walked up to her.
“No- I mean yes I just can’t say it- I mean I don’t know how I don’t know how this was any different I don’t know how this is any different-”
Alastor grabbed her shoulders and she immediately pulled, “No! Please, no.”
“Are you hurt?” He asked.
Bean stays silent looking at the ground, Alastor closes the door, “This will only be between us.”
She slowly took off her jacket revealing deep cuts on her back, “Don’t say anything please..”
Alastor stayed quiet staring at it, he didn't know why he was so angry, maybe he did; his mother always taught him how to treat a lady with respect. Or maybe because he never actually saw what the Vees did to the souls they owned, he thought of them as a nuisance but most lower sinners feared or worshipped them; some did both. He cleared his throat managing to get words out, “Did you tell anyone else about this?”
She shook her head, “Can I have my jacket back?”
“You can’t leave these untreated, you'll get an infection,” Alastor advised.
“I don’t care!” She shouted.
“How many people would you like to tell about this?” He raised an eyebrow.
“I don’t want anyone else to know-!”
“Then I’d advise you not to yell, calm down; let me think,” Alastor said.
“I’m sorry, I just- I just don’t want to be touched..” Bean looked at her fingers.
Alastor took a moment to think, after putting two and two together he walked to his room door; “I’ll be back, stay put.” He left the room dissipated to the 9th floor, knocking the door at the end of the hall. It took a few minutes but the door finally opened, revealing Voe, “Good morning my dear.”
“It’s one in the morning,” she crossed her arms. Alastor grinned, staying silent, Voe rolled her eyes; “What?”
“I’m in need of your assistance,” he answered.
She scoffed, “YOU need help from ME?”
“Well not me, I have a friend and she needs help; however she’d rather a more feminine hand,” Alastor said.
Alastor puts his hand out for her to take, once Voe’s hand is in his he shadows them back to his room.
He turns to her, “Before we go in I must also let you know that my friend does not want anyone to know about this, no one can know.”
“Okay,” she shrugged.
“That includes Angel Dust.”
“Okay fine, just let me in,” Voe rolled her eyes.
Alastor opened the door, Bean was looking around at a bookshelf. “I told you not to move!”
“I wanted to stretch my legs,” she whined. Alastor pointed to the bed, Bean rolled her eyes going to the bed.
“Oh, wow,” Voe was shocked seeing Bean’s back. She looked at Alastor, “I’m sorry, what exactly do you want me to do?”
“Well I remember you saying you know how to sew..-”
“Yeah buttons and rips in clothing, not skin,” she gestured to Bean.
“Come now, think of it like clothing; what’s skin but clothing we wear everyday?” Alastor laughed.
“You’re sick,” Voe looked at him slightly disgusted. “Okay,” she goes over to Bean. “You gotta lay down.” Bean does what she’s told.
Alastor makes sewing material, gloves, towels and alcohol appear, “You’re going to need this,” he hands them to Voe.
“Brace yourself,” Voe put alcohol into the towel before putting it on Bean’s skin.
Bean gripped the sheets, covering her face. Alastor was staring at Voe continue to help Bean, “Have you ever been to the Hell Mart?” He asked.
“I’ve heard of it,” She didn’t look at him.
“I haven’t,” Bean answered.
“Really?!” He was shocked. “It’s a lovely place where you can get ALL sorts of wonderful things!”
“Sounds like the black market,” Bean giggled as Voe started to sew her back.
“You can say that,” he smirked. “How are you feeling?”
“I don’t know, I’m just upset; he ruined my dress,” Bean looked as though she was on the verge of tears.
Voe looked at Alastor, he glanced at her then looked back at Bean; “Hell is filled with over a billion beautiful dresses, I’m sure you’ll find something,” he smiled.
Bean stayed quiet and Voe continued to sew rolling her eyes, Alastor cleared his throat feeling the tension; “Are you done yet?”
“Don’t rush me,” Voe got defensive. “And yes, this is the last…” she pulled the needle through. “One, okay now I’m done.” She cut the string.
Alastor looked at her back, “Wonderful job my dear.”
“Whatever,” Voe blushes. “You just need to go easy on your back, trust me these stitches will pop,” she looked at Bean helping her sit up.
“Thank you,” Bean smiled. Voe smiled getting up to leave the room
“Yes thank you so much, we’ll be VERY careful,” Alastor guided Voe to the door.
“We?” Voe looked at him as he pushed her out the door. “Hey! Don’t push me!” She turned around, hitting his hand. “What do you mean ‘we’?” She narrowed her eyes.
“Oh relax, we’re just going on a little adventure,” He rolled his eyes.
“Hm,” she smirked, raising an eyebrow. “I’ll allow it.”
“You’ll allow it?” He chuckled.
“Yup, have a fun adventure,” she turned to leave but stopped turning around. “And Alastor..”
“Yes my dear,” he responded.
“It’s not just about the dress,” she said compassionately.
“Hmm?” He tilted his head.
“With Bean, it’s not just about the dress; just keep that in mind please,” she said concerned.
Alastor got that there might be some trouble but what he had planned had nothing to do with clothing, “Don’t you worry, I will,” he said ominously.
Voe stared at him for a second then sighed, “Good night Alastor,” she started walking down the hall.
“Sweet dreams”, he called out. He heard Bean gasp.
“We’re going on an adventure?! I’m so excited!” She bounced enthusiastically.
“As am I,” He smiled evilly.
“Where are we going?” Bean asked for what Alastor thought was for the hundredth time. They walked down a pretty gross looking part of the city, Alastor rarely came here; it was usually to meet other overlords; it was nice seeing these low-life sinners struggle. “My feet hurt,” she whined. “Where are we going?”
Alastor’s eye twitches, “Luckily we are here.” They stopped in front of a bar with a broken window, a demon got thrown out of the last unbroken window.
“That’s for snorting my coke jackass!” Another demon shouted.
“Uh..why are we here?” She looked at the unconscious demon in disgust.
“Welcome to uh..um..this place has no name,” Alastor said. “Only the sleaziest sinners come here, this is a place where you will always see someone you know.”
“So?” She shrugged.
“So..if you see someone you know, say hi” He grinned.
Bean looked at him confused, then shrugged walking into the bar. Alastor stood there, his grin becoming malicious. She walked inside, there were tons of demons drinking, fighting and a bunch of other weird shit that she didn’t wanna get into.
Bean found an open seat at the bar, “Hello,” she said smiling to the bartender, he turned around with a grimace on his face; Bean stopped smiling trying to be intimidating. “I want a drink” she raised an eyebrow.
“What drink?” He said, looking her up and down.
She looked at the drinks behind him, “Um..uh..gimme that,” she pointed to a glowing red bottle.
The bartender turned to the drink, “Hell Raiser?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Yes please- I mean did I stutter?” She tried glaring.
He rolled his eyes before pouring the beer into a large glass, Bean could hear screaming as it reached the top of the glass, “Enjoy.” The bartender said before walking off. Bean looked at the screaming glass, then over at other sinners just downing the same drinks like water; she took a breath then started to swallow and didn’t stop until the glass was empty.
Once she was finished there was a horrible burning in her chest, then her mouth was full of saliva. She gagged but held her mouth shut, looking around Bean spotted a bathroom and ran into it throwing up in the first toilet she saw.
Bean was hacking up into the toilet until she heard the bathroom door open and closed the stall.
“YOU GUYS ARE TOO MUCH!” A familiar voice laughed.
“RAY HURRY UP!” A male demon yelled.
“I GOTTA TAKE A PISS!” He yelled back.
Bean’s eyes widened, she was frozen for a moment then grossed out hearing that his pee was coming out in chunks, “I need to get checked out,” she whispered.
“Finally, gets harder every time,” Ray said.
She heard him leave the bathroom, snapping out of it she washed her hands then left too. Bean looked around the bar when she bumped into someone, it was Ray.
“What the fuck?!” He turned around. “Oh, hey,” Ray smirked. “Back for more?” He smirked.
Bean glared at him in disgust, “You’re disgusting,” she mumbled.
Ray stood up towering over her, “Repeat that? I didn’t catch that.”
She scowled up at him, toxic waste coming from her mouth, then smirked; “Probably because it’s too loud in here, let’s go somewhere quiet.”
His friends “ooo” and whistle, “Fine,” Ray smirked .
Bean and Ray walked out the back of the bar, he walked into the alley and Bean followed; closing the door behind her. Ray took out a cigar before lighting it, “So, what were you saying?”
“Nothing really,” she grinned as toxic waste oozed from her body and her eyes dilated. Ray turned around shocked, dropping his cigar on the ground, it lit a fire lighting up Bean’s face.
Alastor looked at his watch, he was beginning to think something had happened when in the alley he heard an ear piercing scream, along with loud crunching noises; a splatter of blood rushing out from the darkness and the screaming stopped.
Alastor grinned, seeing a blood covered Bean come out of the alley wearing a jean jacket with spikes on the shoulders; “I told you you’d find something better than the dress.” Bean smiled as they started leaving.
They got back to the hotel and Bean went straight to her room, she sat in the dark pulling a finger out of her pocket and placed it on the nightstand; “Here, now leave me alone please.”
Out of the darkness walked the woman, she picked up the finger, “Kiyes sa te ye?” She looked at the finger.
Translation: “Who was this?”
Bean shrugged, “Who cares?” The woman smirked at her. “What?”
“Mwen te konnen ou ta tounen,” the woman put her hands on her hips.
Translation: “I knew you’d be back.”
“Yeah..no, I’m not coming back; I came to give you this then I’m gone in the morning”, Bean said.
“Kidonk w ap abandone m,” The woman looked down.
Translation: “So you’re abandoning me.”
“You know you can go out and do things, we don’t have to be near each other; the deal was I collect souls for you that’s it go out and live your..afterlife or something, and I’ll visit you, I have stuff to do-”
“You know you wouldn’t be able to do any of this if it weren’t for ME!” The woman burst out in English. “You were nothing when I met you! I helped you find your confidence and now you look to these other sinners that care nothing for you-”
Bean’s phone goes off, “Hold that thought.” She took out her phone, Vox texted her.
Voxy 💙 - Hey how are you?
Bean - Fine
Voxy 💙 - Do you wanna see me?
Voxy 💙 - Because I’m not busy, if you’re not.
Bean rolled her eyes, biting her lip. “Hey!” The woman snapped her out of her phone.
“What?!” Bean said annoyed. The woman stood there crossing her eyes, “You know what, fine fine; you can come back, however I’m in charge.”
The woman grinned, “Thank you cher!”
“Don’t thank me yet, you can come back when I say so,” Bean smirked.
“And when will that be?” She rolled her eyes.
“I don’t know, later;” Bean blew her a kiss before leaving out the door.
“What the fuck! What do you mean?!” Valentino yelled.
“We can’t find him,” the director cowered behind the cameraman. “He didn’t show up this morning.”
Valentino snatched the cameraman, throwing him out an open window. “Kitty! A drink!” He yelled at the fizzbot.
“Sir what are we going to do? How are we gonna film?” The director gulped. “I think you killed our camera guy.”
Valentino looked at him, narrowing his eyes.
The director came running out of the studio almost hitting Angel with the door.
“Holy shit!” Angel moves out of the way just in time. A chair came right after the director hitting him in the head. “Uhh..Val?” Angel walked into the studio with caution.
“Angel baby,” Val grinned at him. “Just the sexy sinner I wanted to see.”
Angel stood still, feeling nervous, “What do ya need?”
“I’m so glad you asked,” Val put his upper arm around him. “Ray was supposed to be performing at the club tonight, but he’s missing and now I have no openers for you!” He throws a glass at the wall.
“And.. what does that have to do with me?” Angel crosses his arms.
“Well..I was thinking that you can be the opener and the main act,” Val smirked.
“Whoa! Whoa! How am I supposed to be BOTH acts? I’m the one everyone is coming to see as the main act; those acts are like ‘and we’ve saved the best for last’ type shit,” Angel replied.
“What, so you don’t want to be the main act?” Val narrowed his eyes.
“Never said that, I was saying another opener,” Angel suggested.
Valentino stared at him for a moment, “Who?- Actually don’t tell me! I want it to be a surprise!” He grinned.
“Uh.. ok great, I’ll be on my way-” Angel was interrupted by Val grabbing his face.
“Do not fuck up my show Angel,” He threatened.
“I won’t, I promise,” Angel smiled nervously.
Valentino let go of him, “Good boy,” he smirked.
Angel didn’t know who could be the opener, it definitely was not gonna be fuckin tit fucker, He didn’t even know why Val picked Ray, the guy never shows up on time. His thoughts were interrupted when we bumped into someone.
“Oh my God! I’m not that short people!” A voice groaned. “At this point, this is on purpose!” Angel looked down seeing Bean picking up papers.
“Oh shit! Hey!” Angel was shocked, it had only been a day but he didn’t expect to see her so soon. “How have ya been?”
“Um.. you literally just bumped into me-”
“Not that,” he interrupted her. “I meant after ya know..”
For a moment Bean looked confused then it hit her, “Oh! That.. yeah it’s fine, everything’s fine you know Val-”
“No stop, stop giving him excuses; he’s a piece of fucking shit!” He raised his voice. “If I wasn’t forced to be here I wouldn’t!”
“I don’t know what to say ok, I’m fine,” she looked everywhere but him. He could tell she was lying but he didn’t want to push it.
He sighed, “Sorry, I’m just stressed; I have to find an opener for the club tonight or it has to be me..and I kind of feel bad about what happened..”
“Angel.. You don’t have to feel bad, I’m fine and if it weren’t for you leaving I’d probably be smashed all over the studio floor; if anything I owe you,” she hugged him.
Angel stood there smiling for a second when a lightbulb went off in his head, “Hmm..I guess you do; say…how would you like to be the opener for tonight?”
Bean let go of him, “I meant a ‘thank you’ so.. thanks..” She said awkwardly.
“Come on, I thought you knew how to dance,” He put his arm around her.
“No I don’t,” she rolled her eyes.
“Right.. that’s Sugar’s job,” Angel looks at her with a straight face.
She’s silent for a moment looking at the ground, “I just don’t want her to have full control, she scares me.”
“You ever tried stopping her from getting full control?” He asked.
“I can’t, I’ll get in trouble..” She sounded scared.
“You have to try, you stood up for me;” Angel smiled.
“Well you’re my friend, I’d do anything for you,” Bean gave him a small smile. Angel smiled back at her, she rolled her eyes; “Fine, I’ll do it.”
“Awe thank you Latte! I owe you!” Angel hugged her.
She pushed him away, “Yeah yeah,” Bean laughed.
“I just realized, where’d you get that jacket?” Angel raised an eyebrow. He’d seen that jacket before.
“I don’t know” she adjusted the jacket. “I found it.”
“Uh huh,” Angel wasn’t convinced. “Whateva, be at the club at 10” he shrugged before walking off.
He hoped he’d made the right decision.
“What about this?” Bean twirled in the mirror
“Ugh, why do you always dress in black? It’s like you’re in mourning..” the woman’s voice was filled with annoyance.
“Why are you so mean?” Bean mumbled. “It’s lace..”
“You wanted my help, I should’ve said no on the account of you being a smartass yesterday ,” the woman scoffed.
Bean rolled her eyes, “Whatever, ok I’m ready.”
“Me too..”
Before Bean could stand up, she felt her mind begin to cloud. She began to panic, “No no no you can’t! You promised!”
Yeah but then I had to remind myself…
Bean’s vision went dark, and Sugar stared at her reflection smirking.
“Who owns who.”
Angel stood next to Bean backstage, “Ready?” He turned to her.
“Uh huh,” she hands him her jacket before walking onto the stage.
Angel looks at the jacket, examining it he realized the spikes on the sleeves; it was Ray’s jacket for sure. To be fair she could’ve just found it. Or she probably stole it. To be honest Angel could give two shits.
The music started and Angel immediately knew what song this was, it was “Out Tonight” from some movie Voe showed them about rent. She started singing the song literally dominating the stage, he didn’t know if this was Sugar or Bean but she was better than Angel thought she’d be. Angel looked out into the audience, the crowd was eating up the performance, even Val was amused. Angel kept watching her looking smug, “Can’t dance my ass,” He scoffed. Angel immediately squinted, he noticed scars on her back.
The performance finally ended, she ran off the stage ecstatic, jumping up and down like a child; “Did you see me?! I did it! She tried taking control but I didn’t let her!” Bean smiled.
“I’m proud of ya,” Angel smiled back. He didn’t want to ruin this for her. Bean ran off backstage.
“Next, it’s time for Angel Dust!!” The announcer yelled. The crowd cheered as Angel seductively walked onto the stage.
“Let the show begin.”
The demons all sat in the limo with Val, he had his arms around two male demons; the were other demons sitting on the couches drinking and laughing. “Angel cakes good job tonight,” he grinned at Angel who was sitting next to a still happy Bean.
Val gestured for Angel to sit next to him, he slowly got up and sat between Val and one of the demons.
“Did you see Sugar tonight? She was great,” Angel smiled nervously.
“Hmm no I didn’t notice,” Val blew smoke from his cigar. Bean looked down at her hands.
“I saw a stupid bitch jump around the stage,”Dymond; a female demon smirked. “Is that what you were talking about?” Val and the other demons laughed.
Bean looked embarrassed, her blue face tinted pink.
“Fuck off, she danced better than you can walk bitch,” Angel smirked. The female demon glared as the others snickered and gasped.
“Angel…you’re so feisty tonight,” Val smirked. “Just how daddy likes it,” he blew smoke in Angel’s face.
Angel coughs fanning the smoke away.
“Do you think I’ll be able to perform again?” Bean asked.
Val cracked his neck looking at her, “Excuse me?”
“I wanted to know if I could do that again?” She repeated but was more shy.
“Why would I do that?” He looked confused. “You didn’t think that performance was good did you?” Other demons whisper to each other.
“My performance was better than anything that you put on camera,” Bean mumbled.
“Oh shit..” Angel became scared. It became quiet. Val got up going over to her.
“Say that again, I didn’t quite catch that,” he grabbed her face.
Bean- no Sugar smirked, “I’m just saying, you can’t see what you’re putting on camera; no wonder it’s always crappy-” she was interrupted by Val pulling her hair.
“And you can’t see that nobody wants you around, if I had crushed your bitch ass that day no one would miss you; not Vox or anyone at that fucking hotel,” he growled pulling her hair harder
“That ain’t true,” Angel spoke up. Everyone turned to him.
“I was just kidding Val, it was a joke,” Bean laughed nervously. It was as if she was apologizing for a whole other person.
“I know it was,” Val let go of her. “Now.. get out of my limo!” He grabbed her arm before throwing her out of the moving car.
Everyone laughed as Val sat back down, Angel looked out the window making sure she was okay.
Bean slammed the door to her room, after an hour of limping she had finally made it back to the hotel, “Get out,” she said angrily. “GET OUT!” She yelled.
The woman appeared behind her, “Who do you think you’re talking to?” she threatened
“You! Why did you say that stuff?! You could’ve got me killed, you could’ve-” before Bean could finish she was yanked by a blue chain. She was pulled where the woman stood, but now Eugenia was standing where she stood.
“No, I don’t think you do know,” Eugenia slammed Bean’s head on her desk, pinning it down. “I let you slide with a lot of shit, but I’m just about done with the disrespect.”
Eugenia pressed down on her head making Bean whimper, “You belong to me, your soul is mine..remember, you wanted MY help! And in return you do what I say! Because unlike that idiot Val, I won’t give you or anyone else an ultimatum; I will crush your goddamn skull right then and there!”
Bean stayed silent, tears falling down her face; Eugenia yanked her up by her hair, “Are we at an understanding?”
“Yes..” Bean mumbled.
“Yes what,” Eugenia growled.
“Yes mama,” Bean said defeated.
“My my,” the two demons heard a voice. Alastor stood in the middle of the room. ���Now I thought you wanted to talk to her, not abuse her.”
Eugenia turned back into the woman, she glared at Alastor; “This does not concern you Radio Demon.”
“I don’t know what type of mother treats their child like that, it’s very disturbing..” He narrowed his eyes at her.
The woman scoffed, “What does a man know about being a mother? Do you even know how to be a father? Probably not, yours wasn’t around much; am I right?” She gave him a smug grin.
Alastor gave off radio feedback as his smile looked like a somewhat snarl, “You know I never really liked hurting women, but there’s only one respectable woman here; you I’m not so sure about.” He stared at the woman, his feedback getting intense the longer she stared back.
Finally, she dropped Bean and walked out staring at them on the way out without a word. Alastor looked down at the girl on the floor, “Are you alright?” He offered his hand to help her up.
Bean simply shook her head, hiding her face behind her legs, like a frightened child, “Please leave..” She mumbled.
“I would if I knew you were okay,” he looked down at her.
Looking up, the Radio Demon could see tears in her eyes, “I’m fine, please leave!” She raised her voice.
Alastor continued to look at the frightened sinner, he stood there; not to be a jerk but he knew that she didn’t want to be alone. He didn’t…
“Why are you still here?!” Bean cried. “Leave! Just leave me alone!” Alastor sat on the floor in front of her, he wanted to say something; anything to calm the sobbing girl.
He cleared his throat, “How bout a game of Numbers?” Bean looked up at him through her tears confused.
“No, I don’t want to fucking play Numbers,” She wiped her face smudging her makeup.
“But we haven’t made it to infinity,” he said.
Bean was so confused she couldn’t speak, “What? We haven’t even made it to five Alastor, let alone infinity; do you even know what comes before infinity? Cause I don’t!”
“That’s why we should try!” He said, trying to sound cheerful.
“I don’t want to play fucking Numbers!” She raised her voice.
“Oh I see, you’d rather sulk the pain away,” he rolled his eyes.
Bean stared at him before getting up and walking to the door, “Get out,” she opened it. His shadow immediately shut it. “Douche,” Bean glared at it.
“My dear you’re going to have to make me,” Alastor grinned. Bean stared at him before sliding down the door and back onto the floor, she started silent, starting to cry again; he sighed walking over to her and sitting down next to her. “Where's that wonderful smile darling, you yourself said that it’s clothing; I’d say you’re half dressed right now,” he joked.
She looked at him, and tried to smile, but the more she tried the more pathetic she felt; “I can’t!” Bean cried.
“Why is that?” He asked.
“I’m broken,” she said through sobs.
Alastor took a handkerchief from his coat pocket, he turned Bean’s face to his, wiping the tears as she continued to cry, “And there is nothing wrong with that.” He lifted her chin. “But guess what?”
“What?” Bean hiccuped.
“The worst part is now over,” he grinned. “Now you show everyone what happens when they decide to.. What is it? Fuck around?”
Bean gasped, “Alastor!” She laughed.
“There it is..” he booped her nose.
“What?” She tilted her head.
“You’ve decided to get fully dressed,” Alastor pat her on the head. Bean rolled her eyes wiping the last of the tears off her face, “So about that game of Numbers?” He turned to her.
Bean laughed before turning to him.
“Let’s try for ten.”
Dymond was walking down the somewhat empty streets of Pentagram City talking into her phone.
“Yeah that bitch got flung right out the limo,” she laughed into the phone. “It was so funny me and Donnie couldn’t contain ourselves..hello? Girl, can you hear me?” She looked at her phone. “Damn it, it died.”
“Hey do you need help?” A voice said. Dymond looked, seeing a figure walking up to her, she rolled her eyes.
“No, get lost!” she yelled.
There was silence for a moment, “Okay just be careful..” the voice continued.
The figure was now right behind her, “I HEAR DUMB BITCHES GET THEIR FACES RIPPED OFF!”
Before Dymond could turn around, the demon grabbed her by her hair and slammed her on the ground; her screams were cut off by the demon tearing her face off with its teeth. The demon stood up spitting some blood and some of Dymond’s teeth into their hand.
“Ugh, she really should’ve gotten her teeth fixed,” Bean said before placing the teeth in a baggie.
(Just a reminder that Voe isn’t my OC, she belongs to @nkirukaj from the “The Radio Demon and the Billboard Doe” , her short AU Human series “Our Renaissance” and the sequel of “The Radio Demon and the Billboard Doe” : “Fawning for You” which is coming soon! The stories are amazing check them out ☺️)
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elexuscal · 8 months
character ask game: granby temeraire? (yes his last name is his first name now for fandom fullnaming purposes :P )
Okay so i first read the Temeraire novels when i was like 14 and i'll be honest i do not recall what i though about granby on that first read AT ALL so this will be a "first" impression from like 3 months ago
First impression: ahhh hello character who hates the protagonist but will gradually come to respect and trust him :) [i love this archetype]
Impression now he's such a great second in command. he's so tired, So done. i love having a character who can actually swear in fanfics.
Favorite moment i think it's really sweet when he offers Laurence a place to stay/support during the Traitor Arc in VoE. Laurence is so depressed by Granby won't abandon him! ("Damn you, Laurence!" when Laurence tries to let him leave his command during the guerrilla war crime phase later)
Idea for a story not generally for modern day AUs EXCEPT in this case. Granby's new co-worker is beyond belief. 'stick up his ass' is underselling it. man talks like a Jane Austen character. John calls him "Larry" one time to try and chill him out and the dude glares at him and says, "Laurence is my surname". WHO GOES BY THEIR SURNAME. then on the weekend he's out with Matt and Cathy at the park and it takes them like 10 minutes to realise the tanned guy with a "suns out guns out" sleeveless shirt throwing frisbees for his 1 month old dragon is the same dude from work. wtf.
Unpopular opinion i'm not deep enough in the fandom enough to know what's (un)popular really. that said, based on what i can generally guess about shipping, i'm not super into Granby/Laurence and prefer them as platonic best buds. EXCEPT if it's funny which it sometimes very much is.
Favorite relationship honestly probably Granby+Laurence, but i can't ignore Iskerkia. she sucks so bad. he loves her anyway.
Favorite headcanon Granby was crushing Hard on Laurence for like years 1-3.
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Have to admit, seeing more people confirm my suspicion that the female characters in totk felt... let's say lacking, both new and old, is kinda a relief. I thought I was just hyper-critical, but I guess not as much as I had feared. I also have seen someone criticise Yona for feeling like a glorified sign-post, and only there to be Sidon's emotional crutch, with no real quest-arc of her own to build her character beyond "Fiancee" being rushed in. Sonia could have had potential, but just became Zelda's mom stand-in. Kind motherly sweet. Mineru: Probably the only newly introduced female who could be a bit different, and she literally only has like 2 cutscenes, and even she feels more like a "kind and gentle" character. It also feels like in Totk, most of the female characters, exception Riju and almost Mineru, with some bigger role are follow a specific kind of personality. Like the cute, sweet, affectionate kind girl trope. In Botw we at least had Urbosa. Compared to the male characters, who feel a lot more diverse in personality and general presentation, the pool of girls just feels like a shallow puddle.
Yeah, I completly agree. There's a sweetness that prevails every main female character, to the point where it almost makes them nonsensical at times? I have already talked about my confusion regarding Mineru's feeling of responsibility regarding the Imprisoning War, that feels more like there to soften her as a character rather than about making her relationship to Rauru, Sonia, Hyrule or Zelda any clearer --since... what did she do/didn't she do that could make her feel like she should take responsibility?
Even Riju kind of follows the trope of "not feeling enough" in a way that almost doesn't land with her actual role within the gameplay, and that is kind of a redux version of her BotW arc where it did make more sense since she was a child --and she went through turmoil before once. Buliara does a lot of the heavy lifting here (literally I suppose).
Shoutout to some side characters tho. Lots of gerudo characters that I really loved (I don't know why I love the two racers so much but I do, the girl who works at the Bazaar inn and literally could not care less whether you live or die, I even felt Emotions about Mattison and her father even thouuuugh I have many issues with the message being "you will eventually come back here and marry and have a child of your own" like, she's 6 years old??? let her decide for herself???? and also the fact that the game doesn't want to give weight to that old tradition of keeping voes out makes it feel arbitrary when it could be a genuinely interesting moment of the difficulty of having to shoulder a complicated cultural heritage VS your personal comfort, which is, like, biculturality 101 and VERY relatable, anyway), I think Paya is better handled in this one, Impa's little roadtrip is fun...
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bigsoftmarshmallow · 2 months
Preggo ELady: I actually think it'd be interesting if the kid turned out to be a Voe in the cases of TP, WW, HW, & TotK. Because, all four of them were sealed away for at least 100 years, so it may well be the time for the next Centennial King. Though, I can’t help but think that he’d find himself a bit of a fish out of water, because he likely has no clue how to raise a boy into a man. (Girl? Sure!! He can be a girldad & it's exactly what he'd always expected to be! Even if only until she reaches 5, he thinks mournfully.) Because he typically isn't raised around men. At the same time, I can also see him being… I dunno, excited? But also kinda nervous. Like, he has the unique opportunity to be able to raise a son.
Meaning, his son would have him to explain things to him (which the Dorfs likely didn’t have themselves). He’d be there & he’d understand the things the boy would be going through both socially, emotionally, & biologically. He’d have his dad to prepare him for what it means to be the next Gerudo King. Rather than being born with all that pressure on him immediately. Or simply having him be expected to know everything or figure it out on his own.
(It always weirds me out how so few people seem to really think about just how isolated & alienated Ganondorf likely was growing up.)
GANONDORF AS A DAD WOULD MAKE ME FERAL. Which is hilarious for me, tbh. He would give the world for his children, and no one can convince me otherwise. Girldad, Boydad, He's just happy to have his wife and children.
How would the Ganondorfs (Wind Waker, Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, Hyrule Warriors, and Tears of the Kingdom) and Demise (From Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword) love most about raising a son? What would they struggle with? What is the best memory he has of raising his son?
Wind Waker Ganondorf
What He Loves Most: Wind Waker Ganondorf would love seeing his son grow and develop his own personality and strengths. He would take great pride in teaching his son the skills and knowledge he himself had to acquire the hard way, ensuring that his boy had a strong foundation for future leadership.
What He Struggles With: Ganondorf might struggle with patience, particularly when his son makes mistakes or doesn’t grasp concepts as quickly as he’d like. He would also struggle with balancing his own ambitions and responsibilities with the needs of his son.
Best Memory: His best memory would likely be the first time his son successfully defended himself in a sparring match, showing both strength and strategy. Seeing the determination and skill in his son's eyes would fill Ganondorf with pride and a sense of accomplishment as a father.
Ocarina of Time Ganondorf
What He Loves Most: Ocarina of Time Ganondorf would love imparting his wisdom and strength to his son, knowing that he’s grooming a future king who will surpass him. He would relish in the opportunity to provide his son with a father figure he never had.
What He Struggles With: Ganondorf would struggle with showing vulnerability and affection. He might find it hard to express his love and pride openly, often masking his softer feelings with sternness and high expectations.
Best Memory: His best memory would be watching his son ride a horse for the first time, mastering a skill that Ganondorf himself excels in. Seeing his son embrace the Gerudo traditions and excel in them would be a moment of deep pride and joy.
Twilight Princess Ganondorf
What He Loves Most: Twilight Princess Ganondorf would cherish the bond he forms with his son through shared activities, like training in combat or exploring the desert. He would love seeing his son’s curiosity and courage develop under his guidance.
What He Struggles With: He might struggle with being overly protective, fearing that his son might face the same dangers and betrayals he has. He would also find it difficult to let his son make his own mistakes, wanting to shield him from any harm.
Best Memory: His best memory would be a quiet evening spent with his son, telling stories of their ancestors and teaching him about their heritage. Seeing his son’s eyes light up with wonder and respect for their lineage would be a treasured moment.
Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf
What He Loves Most: Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf would love the challenge of raising a strong, capable son who can stand by his side in battle. He would take great pride in molding his son into a warrior and leader, seeing in him the potential for greatness.
What He Struggles With: He might struggle with his own expectations, pushing his son too hard in an effort to make him stronger. Balancing his desire for his son’s independence with his own controlling nature would be a constant challenge.
Best Memory: His best memory would be fighting alongside his son in a battle, watching as his boy holds his own and earns the respect of their warriors. The pride of seeing his son become a true warrior would be a highlight of his life.
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf
What He Loves Most: Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf would love the intellectual and cultural lessons he could pass on to his son. He would delight in teaching him about the Sheikah and Gerudo cultures, blending the two to create a well-rounded heir.
What He Struggles With: He might struggle with allowing his son to follow his own path, especially if it diverges from the one he has envisioned. Accepting his son’s individuality and supporting his unique interests would be a learning experience for him.
Best Memory: His best memory would be seeing his son master a complex piece of Sheikah technology, showing both intelligence and innovation. Knowing that his son can blend the old with the new to forge a bright future would be an incredibly proud moment.
What He Loves Most: Demise would love the strength and power he sees developing in his son. He would take great pride in raising a son who can continue his legacy and bring even greater glory to their name.
What He Struggles With: He might struggle with expressing any form of gentleness or empathy, often defaulting to harsh training methods. Balancing his desire for his son’s strength with the need for emotional support would be a significant challenge.
Best Memory: His best memory would be a moment of mutual respect and understanding, perhaps after a particularly grueling training session where his son proves his mettle. The silent acknowledgment of his son’s growth and potential would be a powerful moment for Demise.
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Twitter is a wild place. Saw just some insane Nozel hate, practically hoping for Acier to kill him and believing she's punishing him for Noelle, while that's not what she said from what I understand. I get that not everyone likes him, that's fair, but this kind of hate is really not understandable in my books. It actually makes me angry, because it looks like those people didn't understood the story and if Noelle would hear them talking about her brother like that, she would be more than pissed. At least, tumblr is calmer and for me, you're one of those who understood Nozel the best. All I hope now is for him to stand up like he did in the elf arc and prove that he still can be stronger and fight alongside Nozel, so be it (and that petty side of me hopes it would shut the haters down, but petty me is someone I need to shut up as well).
Yeeaah... I mean, some people like Twitter as a platform, but it's not a place for me, which is why I'm not there. And if I can be perfectly honest, I don't think I have heard a lot of good things from there... Which is why I don't see a reason to join. It might be a good place to gain more followers and advertise your blog, but I don't really care for it.
Tumblr is indeed a lot calmer and there's, not at least in my circles, no haters. (Like sure people are passionate about their blorbos, but that's a completely different thing.)
And I don't think the Nozel hate is, sadly, anything new. It has existed from the very beginning, and I think that a good portion of the hate stems from not really reading the story and the reasonings and characterization in there. The Silva story is complex and it has a lot of nuances for sure, but I think that it's ultimately a tragedy on many accounts. It's about being able to read things that are not said downright, but which you need to read from in between lines. Also I agree, I think that Noelle would be quite pissed to hear such talk about her brother (or any of her siblings tbh), because... if she wanted them dead all she would have needed to do is... not show up. "Oh voe me I was late to save them" -kind of a thing.
But she is there to defend her siblings, which I think speaks volumes about how she feels about her siblings. And there is great opportunity for Tabs to continue on the monologue Nozel had after Spade with "the curse is lifted but I still don't know how to speak out the words". Maybe he can find them after this fight. There is that window of opportunity. And Nozel needs to live for that!
And I think everyone has their petty moments. I sure as hell am petty about some things I have seen in this fandom through all the years I've been here. I just talk about those things to my friends in dms or discord chats. Another thing I've once done is to write an essay about it to yourself, if it helps, just to get out all the emotions.
I'm glad you've found a comfortable place here on Tumblr and my blog ❤️🔥
Have a great rest of the day ^^
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am-i-interrupting · 1 year
Riju and Hylian reader (platonic) telling Riju that they are nb or doesn’t mind any pronouns.
Would you ever do one with Zelda? Mainly botw/totk?
Still Not A Voe
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Tags: 524 words, non-binary!reader, afab!reader, coming out
You were out shopping, out in public. Maybe it wasn’t the best idea but there were only two other people in the room, the store wonder and Buliara.
You were looking at shields with Riju. This was your first time being able to make it in time for the annual seal surfing tournament and Riju was determined to at least make you ride one. As such, she also was determined to find you the perfect shield.
“It’s easier for beginners to use a rectangular type shield,” Riju said as she looked over all the shields with a critical eye. “The size depends on the size of the rider. The bigger you are the more sturdy the shield needs to be but it’s recommended for you to have a sturdy shield regardless. The last thing we want to happen is for it to break while you’re on it.”
She placed her hand to her chin, her finger tapping just below her lip. She was deep in thought. You didn’t think you’d be entirely wrong if you said she was taking this more seriously than her decisions she made as chief (not that those weren’t taken seriously, because they absolutely were). It was flattering, how much care she was placing into this.
Maybe that’s what spurred you to say, “I have to tell you something.”
Riju turned to look at you with a slightly raised brow, “Is it that you can’t do this because you’re allergic to sand? We’ve already discussed this, I’m pretty sure that’s not a thing and besides you have made the trek here and—“
“No, I just,” you tilted your head back with a noise of frustration. “I— Hylia, why is this so hard?”
“Hey,” she said, placing a hand on your arm, “breathe. Whatever it is, it’s okay.”
You watched as she did an over exaggerated breath and copied her. Her hand rubbed up and down your arm.
It was fine. It’d be fine. Nothing would have to change, would it? You’d still be allowed in the city, right? Or would you? Only vai were allowed. Telling her this would be telling her you weren’t a vai and if you weren’t a vai you wouldn’t be allowed in the city and if you weren’t allowed in the city you wouldn’t be able to see her and oh Hylia! This is why it was so hard.
“Do you want to sit down?” she asked.
“I’m non-binary,” you finally blurred out.
She looked at you for a moment. “That’s still not getting you out of seal surfing,” she said. She then turned to a shield and tapped it, “What about this one?”
“So you’re not mad?”
“Why would I be?”
“I can still stay in Gerudo Town?”
“That doesn’t make you a voe, does it?” she asked.
“Then yes, of course you can stay. Now, back to my question, what about this one?” She took it off the hook that kept it on the wall. “It’s very sturdy and it doesn’t have any grooves or designs on it so it’s less likely to get caught on things, makes it a smoother ride.”
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kylosbreedingkink · 2 years
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I would love to know more about what happened between these two moments. Snoke being a friend Kylo could to when scared, to becoming a master that hits him.
This was clearly not the first time, as Kylo seems to accept this treatment from Snoke.
I think Kylo always viewed Snoke as a master somewhat. Afterall, he killed Voe, claiming there was no point to her living without a master. So he must have already viewed Snoke like that otherwise there would be no point in him living himself, going by his own logic.
But when did Snoke start to frame himself as a master and not as a friend? What was Kylos reaction then?
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nkirukaj · 5 months
The Radio Demon & the Billboard Doe (12)
Pairing: Alastor x Fem! OC
Warnings: Swearing; Sexual Activity
Genre: Angst, Fluff, SMUT (& Humor!)
Word Count: 6.3K
<Chapter 11
12. Deer Tingz
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At work the next day Velvette was very pleased with her work, her stance, her walk, and her poses all seemed to get quite a genuine smile out of the Overlord.
“Excellent job, excellent!” she clapped
Voe stopped to look at her “Are you sure?”
“Absolutely! You are definitely getting the hang of this. You know, after months of being at it,”
Voe smiles “That’s more like you,”
Velvette smiles back “Finally someone who appreciates my honesty!” Voe heads toward the dressing room “Where you going?”
Voe does a double take “Oh! I thought you wanted to see how the new clothes fit me.”
“Yeah, just change here. It’s just me, no one else.”
“Oh,” Voe is surprised
“Come on, it’ll save time!”
The doe starts to undress and Velvette doesn’t even pretend to look away, she stares with her arms crossed as the doe strips to her underwear. Voe looks up for a moment to retrieve the dress, seeing her boss staring at her with a smirk. She feels a bit self-conscious “What?” she chuckles nervously
“I’m waiting for you to put on the clothes,” 
Voe steps into the dress and pulls it up over her body “Oh there’s a zipper,” she says 
“Oh, let me help you with that,” the doll approaches the model from behind and presses her hand on Voe’s lower back, right above her tail. She slowly drags the zipper up her back, breathing on her model’s neck all the while.
There it is again, Voe thought, the warmth. She felt her nipples press against the fabric.
“Oh, that won’t do,” Velvette breathes down her neck. Voe looks up at her boss
“Hmm? What?”
“Your nipples are showing,” she runs her hands over the doe’s nipples quickly, and after it’s like it never happened “I’ll have to get you some pasties for that.” Velvette turns her around “But other than that, it fits wonderfully!” She holds Voe by the waist.
“Great,” Voe breathes out
“By the way, I’ll need you here early tomorrow for an impromptu photoshoot.” The doll walks away and Voe raises her brow “Don’t give me that look, it’s not just you. A bunch of other models will be there as well. They’ll be taking photographs for,” she turns to Voe with a glint in her eye “a billboard, planned to be mounted in the middle of Pentagram City,”
Voe seems shocked “Wait, really?”
Velvette smirks again “Yes, really.”
“Oh my gosh!” Voe exclaims, covering her mouth in glee “Oh my GOSH!”
“Yes, yes” she waves the excited model off “See? Giving me your soul wasn’t that bad right? I told you I can make your dreams come true.” Velvette puts her finger under Voe’s chin “But of course, you’re going to have to do better on info with the old-timey prick. Vox is insatiable. Have you got anything else?”
“I don’t think so. He just killed a group of demons yesterday, that’s all.”
“Really? Why?”
She shrugs “I don’t know. I guess he was mad or something,”
“Oh, the Radio Demon mad?” 
“I guess he blamed me, for my live or whatever.”
Velvette grins ”So he was embarrassed? Interesting. Any more?”
Voe chuckles “I mean, I don’t know if this is anything, but…” She rolls her eyes “Recently, he’s been doing this thing, where he like…” she snickers “Sniffs me? Whenever I’m in the same room as him?”
“Wow, what a creep,” Velvette says while on her phone
“But yeah I don’t know if that’s a big thing,”
“You’re doing great,” she grabs Voe’s waist, squeezing it “Keep up the good work.” She plants kisses on both sides of Voe’s face “Now take off the dress, don’t want it getting wrinkly.”
Voe sits in the parlor with Angel, not doing anything really, just enjoying each other’s company, when Voe’s ears turn towards the stairs. She looks up and sees Alastor approaching, grin wide as ever, the smile actually reaching his eyes at this moment.
“Hi,” she says to him, then ducking behind the couch in case he’s still angry with her
“Good afternoon, my dear.” he stops behind the couch
“You look happy,” she comments
“Taking care of a group of degenerates did satisfy me, yes”
“That’s good,” she looks up at him “Real good”
The air is awkward between them as they stare at each other
“Oh my god, would you two FUCK already?! Preferably not here, cuz I already called this room.” Angel exclaims, finally looking up from his phone. Alastor stares at the spider, confused “What?” he gets back on his phone. Voe looks back and forth between the two men.
“Anyway, is there something you need?” he asks Voe
She looks away, chest warming “Uh, no. Just wanted to know how you’re doing. ‘Cuz um, you were upset with me before.”
“I am fine, my dear. I just hope you’ve learned your lesson.”
She nods meekly and lowers herself on the couch. She takes a moment before speaking again “That was pretty cool, yesterday. Taking out all those demons.” Her face is flush as she replays it in her head
“Are you well?” he sounds confused
“Yeah! Why?”
“Why are you being nice to me? What do you want?” He raises his brow
Angel mimes fellatio off to the side, Voe slaps his hands down. “Nothing! Would you rather me be mean?”
“Well that’s your default darling, can’t blame me for being surprised.”
She shrugs again “I just thought I’d give you a compliment.” She smiles, trying to hide her arousal
“Mhmm,” Alastor’s grin grows wider, looking as confident as possible
“Oh, look at this guy,” Angel says, turning around “Look toots, you fed his ego. That’s what you don’t do here!”
“No, I’m that guy” Alastor responds playfully
Voe raised her brows in surprise “Excuse me?”
His grin takes up his whole face “I’m that guy.”
“How do you know what that means? Who taught you that? Angel, did you teach him that?”
Alastor blows a kiss at her before shadow teleporting away. 
Voe stares at the spot where the stag once stood with wide eyes of disbelief. 
“Did he just-?” Angel stopped himself
Voe had no words to even say at this point. Her body was boiling and she had no control over anything at all.
She ran into him later on in the hallway, where he stopped her once again
“Fine afternoon it is, hmm?”
Voe stops in her tracks “What?”
“Lovely afternoon?” he raises his brow
“Oh, um I guess so.”
“What are you heading off to do?”
She looks up at the ceiling “Nothing…”
“Doesn’t seem like nothing, you’re practically red in the face, my dear”
Voe rubs her arm “That’s nothing,”
“Oh my, I hope you’re not getting sick,” He leans down, cupping her chin “My my, you’re quite warm,” he leaves his hand under her jaw
She leans into his palm, comfortable against his fingers. Once she realizes what she’s doing pulls back “Oh, I-“ 
Alastor regrips her chin to keep her from leaving “Your face seems very delicate. I wonder what you looked like alive and what was your name?”
She pulls herself together for a moment to question “Why do you want to know my name?”
“Oh come now, you know my true name,”
“That’s not fair, EVERYONE knows your true name! That’s all we call you!” Alastor smiles playfully “We don’t even have a nickname to call you!
He shrugs “What can I say? I’m proud of who I am,”
“I’ll tell you my name if you let me come up with a nickname for you,”
“Fair Enough,”
“I’ll call you… Bambi.”
“Bambi?” He raises his brow
“Fine then,” he twirls his cane “I’ll call you Belle.”
“Why?” She asked fiercely 
“Because you insist on misusing the word ‘Beau’ when the term Belle is the correct one.”
“It just means good-looking,”
“Technically true, but it is generally used towards men, to mean ‘handsome’.”
“There are handsome women.”
Alastor chuckles “You my dear, are not a handsome woman.”
Voe crosses her arms “There’d better be more to that statement.” 
He holds his cane with both of his hands “First off, you are small. Your face is round and your features are soft. Your eyes are piercing but in a gentle way. Your skin is supple and smooth, and your lips are full and plump. Your entire look and demeanor exude femininity. Which isn’t bad of course. But it isn’t how one would define ‘handsome’.” In the time that he was speaking, a blush had crept up the doe’s face. “So I shall call you Belle. It is more appropriate.”
“You already call me Voe,” her voice lowering slightly
“Yes, but that is not a nickname, it is your new name.”
Her eyes dart around before landing on the man’s face. She takes it in and really looks at him, getting lost in his features, he notices of course and his smile turns cocky as her body grows warm once more.
“It’s Vera.” She says between heavy breaths “My given name is Vera.”
Alastor places both of his hands behind his back “My my, that’s a beautiful name! And very fitting for you and your face. I think I like it more than ‘Voe’ actually!”
“Yeah, well my name down here is ‘Voe’, so don’t go around calling me that in front of other people.”
Alastor leans down to meet her eyes, his scent hitting Voe right in the nose “But it’s fine in private?” he asks, his crimson eyes riddled with mischievous intent, as he was unaware of what his look and his tone were doing to her body right now.
“I mean, I guess if that’s what you want..” she mumbles, blushing and unable to cope with how close he was to her face.
“Lovely,” his pitch lowered and his radio filter removed, to reveal a smooth and suave, voice that had been hidden all along. Voe could not do this right now, she was going insane, because Alastor was doing so many attractive things and he wasn’t backing away, so she couldn’t even hide her face.
He finally stood up straight once more, his arms and his cane in front of him.
“Well, I have some business to handle at the moment, but do come and find me again” he removes the filter and lowers his voice once more “Vera,” before he dissipates in front of her
She was finally able to breathe once he left, and luckily she didn’t expose the waterfall she felt between her legs.
Voe arrived at the studio at 7 AM with a bunch of bustling women. Velvette had sent a car to pick her up, filled with coffee and hot chocolate which she was currently sipping as she entered. She didn’t understand how people could be so full of energy this early in the morning.
“Put that over there-! What are you doing with that?! I did NOT tell you to touch that! Put it down! Are you an idiot?! Yeah, you! Are you an idiot?! No, I’m actually asking! ARE YOU A FUCKING IDIOT, YOU BITCH ASS CUNT?! MELISSA, FOR THE FIFTH TIME, OVER HERE!” Velvette turns in every direction screaming at every possible person “Valentino! What are you doing?!”
The moth stood in the corner of the studio, with a compact “I’m powdering my nose bebita,”
“Don’t baby me motherfucker! Get off your buggy ass and HELP ME!!” the makeup artist trailing behind Velvette was having a hard time placing the makeup on her face
“Oh, Miss Velvette-“
The doll ignored her “Get off your ASS!”
“What do you want me to do?”
“Get your actors together! They’re in the corner FUCKING EACH OTHER!!”
Valentino turns to see his actors in a giant orgy “Come on amorcitos,” His mouth spreads into a devilish grin “Without me?”
“UGH!” she stomps her foot in frustration
“You know, that’s very unattractive for a lady,”
“Valentino…help me or I will kick your ass!”
The moth man purrs “Don’t threaten me with a good time,”
Velvette’s rage bubbles over, she turns and grabs a cup of coffee from Melissa, throwing it at Val “DAMN IT VALENTINO!!”
“Okay okay!” He flinches away from the scalding coffee
Voe stands in the corner and watches all of the chaos, sipping the remains of her hot chocolate. Another demoness comes and taps her on the shoulder, making her flinch.
“Oh, um sorry. Are you Voe?” she asked
“Um, I was assigned to you. To do your makeup.”
Voe hands her the cup “Can you throw this out?”
“Oh, uh okay,” She takes the cup and walks off
Voe walks up to her boss, not knowing if it’s okay to touch her “Um Velvette,”
“WHAT? What?” She turns to Voe. “Go over there and get changed!” She points to a corner
Voe heads over to her area that’s partitioned off, there hangs the dress she had tried on. A slim-fit hot pink bodycon dress with one puffed sleeve. She pulled it up over her body, noticing the extra padding in her breast area since the last time.
“What do you mean you lost her?? She’s in her corner!! WHERE YOU SHOULD BE!!!!!! I swear the NEXT PERSON who is in the wrong place is getting FIRED!!!!!”
The makeup artist comes behind the partition “Oh, there you are. Can I take down your hair?”
Voe shrugs “It’s your job,”
The makeup artist runs her hands through Voe’s curls, pulling them back into a ponytail. After about ten minutes she turned Voe around to reveal the final look. “And voila!”
Voe looks at herself, she looks like a clown. The foundation is 5 shades too light and none of the colors or styles match her features “What did you do to my face?”
Velvette comes in “All right we’ve got about 10 minutes I hope you’re finished,”
Voe turns to her boss “Look what she did to my face!”
Velvette snatches the model’s face, turning it vigorously. She looks at the makeup artist “You’re fired. Get out now! AND LEAVE THE MAKEUP! I swear I have to do everything myself around here!” She sprays Voe’s face with a spray bottle “Don’t move!’
Thirty minutes later Voe leaves the partition with her makeup done perfectly, pink eyelids to match the dress, perfectly done eyebrows, and highlighted cheekbones with a natural lined lip. She steps out into the studio waiting on Velvette’s word.
“All right, you’re good. Come,” She zips up the dress from behind her and leads her to the studio. “Valentino, are your actors ready or not?!”
Voe tilts her head, squinting in Val’s direction. He’s yelling at someone, yanking them by their arms and grabbing them around the throat.
“Stop playing with your boy toy and get him on set!” She crosses her arms
Val whispers something else to the demon and throws him toward the rest of the models and actors, as he comes forward Voe can see that it’s Angel.
“Angel?” She calls her friend “Angel,” she calls slightly louder
Velvette snaps in front of her “Voe, pay attention. You need to be here.” She points at a spot in the middle “You’re right in the center, so you’re getting the most attention. You’re my flagship model, so you have to be on your A-game. Hey! Are you listening?”
“Yes yes, I’m listening.”
“Good. Alright! We’re going to be doing the group photos first, then individuals! After that, my employees can go home. I have no idea what Valentino has planned for the rest of you! Let’s do it!”
They posed for hours as Velvette insisted on more and more photos. Moments where she had to stop and physically reposition some models, or where Valentino came to have a ‘chat’ with some of his actors about smiling. Angel was positioned next to her and in between moments of shooting, she tried to take quick glances at him. She was unsure if he was so in the zone that he didn’t notice her or if she was being ignored. There was a moment where Velvete and Valentino started arguing about whether or not some of the models and actors should make out, which is when she made her move to speak.
“Angel,” she whispered, trying not to move out of position
“Huh?” he finally responded
“I didn’t know you were gonna be here,”
“Yeah, it’s for the actors and models…” he trails off
She glances at him “Is everything okay?”
“You looked kinda sad,”
“Are you sure?”
He nods “I’m sure,” 
“Okay,” she puts her face back the way it was before, just in time for Velvette to continue the shoot.
After another hour Velvette yelled out “Alright the rest of you fuck off, we want some of just you two,” she pointed at her and Angel “Okay I want you two back to back for this one”
“Ay Chiquita, this is boring!” Val walks onto the set “Why don’t we sex it up?” He shimmies toward Velvette
She shrugs “Why not?”
“We should have your little doe here sit on Ángel’s lap,” he grins with pleasure
She looks up at her friend, seeing his discomfort with that suggestion
“Are you sure you’re okay?” She speaks between her teeth
“Yes,” he mumbles
“You look like you’re gonna throw up.”
“I’m fine.” he grits his teeth
He sits down and she sits on top of his lap as instructed.
“Put your arms around her waist,” the moth tells the spider. He leans down to speak to Voe “Relax chica, he doesn’t bite, back up,” he pushes her back by her shoulders onto Angel’s crotch. She hears the spider huff and then groan. This earns him an evil eye from Valentino, displeased with the noise.
“Can we hurry this up, we still have singles to take!”
“You heard her Angel, hurry this up.” Val’s voice bordering on threatening
Angel pulls Voe closer, she is for once aware of the tension in the room but isn’t exactly sure what to do. 
“Great, take the pictures,” Velvette calls
“Ooh, how about another where you two kiss each other.”
“I swear you are not using that picture,”
Valentino grins disgustingly “I’m using it for something,”
The doll rolls her eyes “I swear, you love wasting my time. Whatever, get it over with.”
“What’s a kiss between friends?”
“I’m sorry, what?” Voe stands up
“I do have other things to do Valentino,” Vel rolls her eyes
Voe waves her arms “Excuse me?” Both the Overlords turn to look at her 
“Is there a problem?” Vel asks
She looks around “Yeah, what the fuck are we doing?”
“A photoshoot?” Val says condescendingly
“Yeah, why are we kissing though?”
“Just to liven things up a bit,”
“Yeah, but he’s super gay though.”
Val raises an eyebrow “Oh, does Angel have a problem?” He looks behind her at the spider, who lowers his head
“No, this is all me.”
Val turns to Velvette “You did say this is your employee, right?”
Velvette scoffs “Oh fuck off.” She turns to Voe “What’s the problem?”
“I just don’t understand why we’re throwing in random shit,”
She rolls her eyes “So you don’t want to do it?”
“I want to do the photo shoot, but maybe not this…?”
Vel turns to Val “She doesn’t want to do it.”
Valentino sneers at the doe, and then his smile returns “Fine, fine. It was just a suggestion,”
“I’m okay with doing it,” Angel chirps up, but it’s too late
“Nope, we’re moving on!”  Velvette calls out, shooing Angel off. He walks over to his boss who snatches him up and starts berating him like before.
“Let’s get you in a two-piece,” Velvette suggests off to the side. Meanwhile, Voe is too busy watching her friend be degraded by his boss. Velvette snaps in her face “Voe!”
“Huh? Yes?”
“I said, let’s get you in a two-piece, come on pay attention!”
“Yes, of course,” she says taking one last glance 
The singles went by fine enough, they had her posing with a hot pink whip, one where she lays down with her legs kicking upward, and one where she’s squatting with her back to the camera. It all went by so fast since she wasn’t thinking about herself. In all her free moments she kept staring back at Angel to see how he was doing, and every time he wore the same grim expression, though she knew he would never admit that something was wrong. Once her singles were over, she was dismissed from the shoot.
“Um, is it okay if I stay and watch?”
“Whatever, just take off the outfit.”
When it came time for Angel’s singles, Valentino was up and present. Angel does a bevy of sexy and provocative poses as Val just watches him. Voe swore she could see a bulge rising in the moth’s pants. Gross. She thought. 
“Finally, we’re done. You are all dismissed!” Velvette screams out, walking back into her office.
Voe walks up to Angel “Hey,”
“Hey,” he sounds monotone
“I watched your singles.”
Angel smiles “Oh yeah, what’d you think?”
She smiles back “I think you sir, were born to be on camera.”
He looks flattered “You weren’t so bad yourself,”
“Thanks,” he nods at her smiling “Did you wanna go home together?”
“Yeah, sure I-“
“Angel baby,” Valentino calls for him “Let’s go,”
Angel’s face falls “I’ll just see you back at the Hotel,”
“You don’t want me to wait for you?”
“No,” he shakes his head “Just go I’ll be fine.”
“Okay…” She glances back at Valentino, who looks a bit too smug for her taste. She squints her eyes at him “Okay, bye.” She holds her arms out for a hug, Angel goes to hug her back, but Valentino calls again
“Angel,” more stern this time
“Bye,” Angel says and follows his boss out of the studio.
Voe stands in the same spot watching after them for a while before going back up to her boss who jumps at her presence.
“Fuck! Warn a bitch next time! Almost gave me a fucking heart attack!”
“Is Valentino like that all the time?” she asked with no lead-up
She scoffs “Nah, he’s just a big baby,”
“That was pretty weird, no?”
“That’s just business.”
“That doesn’t bother you?”
“The whole ‘trying to make us kiss’ thing?”
“Nah, he’s just weird. and annoying. Ugh Throwing me off schedule. I swear those two are always throwing me off schedule.”
But Voe isn’t listening “Is there something weird going on?”
Velvette blinks at her “What do you mean?”
“Like, with him and Angel.”
“Are you sure?”
Velvette turns stern “Voe.”
“Do you work for Valentino or do you work for me?”
“I work for you,”
“So focus on what I tell you to do and not what’s going on over there. Got it?”
Voe lowers her eyes and volume “Yes ma’am.”
Voe enters from the front doors and approaches the bar where Husker drunkenly stares off into nothing.
“Hey Husk,” she waves her hand in his face
“Hey you,” and stares past her
“I’d like a drink, and you have to make it for me now.” She purses her lips in superiority
The bartender scoffs and rolls his eyes in her direction
“I can’t believe he has me making you this trash,”
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t get it. He’s killed other demons for less than all the shit you’ve pulled since you got here. Why are you still breathing?” An exasperated Husk questions the doe at the bar
“Because he likes me,” she responded confidently 
“No, but really”
“I’m serious! He likes me!” Voe insisted to the bartender
“That son of a bitch doesn’t like anyone.”
She taps the table excitedly “Well, he likes me. I’m sure of it!”
Husk sucks his teeth “Yeah, whatever.” He slides her the glass, which she happily takes and sips with grace. Over towards the couches, Voe could hear familiar footsteps approaching.
“Speak of the Devil,” she says in a sing-song tone.
Alastor sits on the couch reading, while Charlie and Vaggie are conversing with one another. Voe approaches him after downing her drink.
“Hi,” she whispers in his ear
Alastor looks up to acknowledge her “Good evening,”
“What’s that?”
“This my dear is a book,”
She rolls her eyes “Duh. How are you?”
“I’m quite well, how was your work?”
She leans on the back of the couch “Fun,”
“Is it all you’ve ever dreamed of?” He asked, a hint of playfulness in his voice
“Hmm, I suppose so.”
“Good for you, darling,” He returns his attention to the book in his hands.
Voe stared down at the overlord sitting and fought with an overwhelming impulse. She fought…and lost. Bending forward toward his side profile, he felt her breath on his skin, but before he could turn and react, she took her elongated tongue and dragged it up from his chin to his eye. Alastor slowly turns his head up and stares at her like she’s lost her mind. Charlie and Vaggie see this and wait with bated breath.
“I’m sorry, is there something wrong with you?” He stands, his hands behind his back
She looks to the side “I don’t think so.”
“Then, why on earth would you put your tongue on me? On my face no less.”
“Why do you have such a lickable face?” He stares at her stunned “Besides, I just had the urge. You can’t lick me back because I have makeup on.” She smiles smugly “But idk. Deer tingz” she waves him off
“Regardless of your reasoning, it was entirely inappropriate, and I expect it never to be repeated. Are we clear?”
His stern tone has her dripping, she bats her eyes coyly and nods, answering “Yes Mr. Radio Demon.”
He squints, full of frustration “I don’t feel like you’re taking me seriously,”
Voe can’t help but stare at him, drinking in his body “Oh I am,” 
Alastor begins to stretch unnaturally, his limbs elongate in strange and monstrous ways. His antlers grow enormous. His eyes turn black and his mouth drips with blood, while he emits deer screeching. 
“A̶̧͔̘͕͈̱̥̍̃ͅr̷̮̪͕͐̃̎ë̵̤̫̼̜͍̞́ ̴̨͇͚̦͚̒̌͒̾̌̅̐̂w̸̭̙̮̐͌̓́͌̅ȩ̴̬͙͓̠̩̝̦̻͒͐̄̊̀̈́̏͂͐ ̸̧̮̜̟̫̫̖̰̻̪͌̑̅̂̕͘͝͠͝c̸̡͖̹͖͎̾̿̋̊͝͠͠ͅl̸̠͚͊̿̿̽̄͋͐̚͘͝ͅẹ̸̱͖͔͉͉̝͚̄̌͋̌̕ą̵̮̖̘̏͂r̷͕̰̫̮͍̺̾͂̕͝?̶̲̖̠͕̫̺̼̮̻̌̔̊̑” His voice distorts, sounding more radio than human
But surprisingly, Voe just takes a step back, her eyes widening, and bites her lip, looking absolutely giddy. She nods again and releases her lip staring at him with an open mouth. 
“I love it when you get scary,” she grins maniacally.
He returns to his normal form with a look of shock, disgust, confusion, amusement, and intrigue on his face, his smile still intact. “Are you unwell?”
She leans in, standing on her tiptoes “Are you?” 
His eyes settle, determining that his interest was warranted. 
“See this is the shit I’m talking about!” Husk calls from the bar
Alastor gathers his book and shadows away, unclear of how to proceed with this interaction
“Bye,” she says, waving at the empty spot
Hours later Angel finally walks through the door, looking battered and bruised. He heads towards the stairs to get to his room. Voe chases after him.
“Hey,” she touches his shoulder, and he turns around. She can see that he has a black eye. “Oh my gosh! What happened to you?”
He waves it off “Rough shoot,”
“You did a whole nother shoot?”
Angel furrows his brows “Well, I am an actor.”
“Is that where you got that black eye from?”
“Like I said, rough shoot.” He sighs “I’m going to bed.”
“Wait, Angel.” He turns back looking kind of annoyed “You’d let me know if you weren’t okay, right?”
He pauses for a second “Yeah,” he responds, and walks away. But she already knows that he’s lying.
A/N: ok so the smut is below this line here; just a head's up!
Lucifer hears a knock on his door while he’s lying in his bed, thinking about anything and everything, so he is quite grateful for the distraction.
“Hi,” Voe stood in his doorway
“Hey Ducky, come in come in.” she does and he closes the door behind her
She turns around abruptly and states “I need a favor,”
“Yeah, anything.” 
She shakes her head “No, you don’t understand. Thank you so much for the duck and all but this next favor is like a huge deal.”
“Okay…” He says somewhat confused
“Okay, so I’ve been feeling really emotional, and everything’s buzzing in my head and everywhere I go, I start heating up becauseeveryoneisreallysexyandIdon’tknowwhattodowithmyselformybodyrightnowbecauseI’msoconfused-“
Lucifer grabs her shoulder “Whoa, hey. Just tell me what you want. I promise I’ll do it.”
She gulps and takes a deep breath “Will you have sex with me?”
Lucifer blinks in stunned shock and doesn’t answer immediately. Voe feels a pit in her stomach as her embarrassment grows
“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!” She turns to leave when Lucifer snaps back into reality 
“Hey! You don’t have to leave!”
“No it’s fine! I’ll go!”
“No!” She yells her face burning
Just before she reaches the door, Lucifer grabs her arm, pulling her back and against his chest. He wraps that arm around her waist and plants a deep kiss on her lips. When he pulls away, he says “I said, whatever you want, I’ll do it.” With his thumb on her chin. 
Voe grabs Lucifer’s face and pulls him back into another kiss. They grab at each other like they can’t control themselves, he reaches up cupping her breast in his hand and massaging it through her clothes. She moans at the sensation, and the throbbing in her clothed cunt grows more intense. Lucifer uses his magic to lock the bedroom door and leads her over to his bed, where he has her sit.
He looks up at her “Are you sure you want to do this?”
“Yes,” she replies quickly, ready to be taken by the King.
He goes down and removes her pants, kissing all the way up her legs until he reaches her soaked panties, planting a kiss there as well. He had caught a taste of her wetness and was now craving more on his legs, on his cock, on his tongue. He takes off his shirt and his hands under hers, lifting it off. He returns to her chest to rub and pinch her nipples through her bra, Voe moaning all the while. She pulls him close with her legs as she feels herself getting wetter and wetter. Lucifer’s cock jumps against the restraints of his pants and underwear, but for now, he ignores it as pools down her bra and sucks on each nipple, switching between them until he pulls them both together and sucks on them at the same time. 
Voe pushes his face into her breasts “Harder,” she commands him “Suck them harder,” as his suction on them increases. He pops them out of his mouth and lies her down by gently laying on top of her. 
He traps her lips in a kiss as twists and plays with her nipples, moving down to her neck, kissing and licking. 
“Let your king hear you, baby,” he whispers to her “Make some noise for Your Majesty,” he sucks on her neck making her moan as he pinches her nipples, leading to her first orgasm of the night. 
“Oh cumming for me already? Well, I’m not finished with you yet,” he holds her by the throat. 
He walks his hand down to her panties, peeling them off. He’s smacked in the face with the tasty scent of her dripping cunt.  
“Wanna unbuckle me, Ducky? Hmm?” He bites his lip 
She unbuckles his pants and pulls them down, along with his boxers to set free his thick white cock. Voe bites her lip and pumps it, just to feel it in her hand. Lucifer moans her name at this touch. 
She lines the tip up to her soaking core “Take me now please,” she whimpers, as he enters her cunt, pumping slowly and gently, while losing his mind at how wet she is. 
“It feels so good Ducky, do I make you feel good?”
She nods, reaching up for him, her palms slapping down on his back. He increases his speed, feeling the bed shaking slightly. 
“Yes,” She moans looking up at him. “You’re so hot Luci, so fucking hot,”
His neck reddens. “You’re so fucking sexy,” increasing his thrusting speed once more while his expert fingers find their way to her swollen clit.  Another orgasm ripped through her body, harder than the first as Lucifer excitedly pulled out from her and laid on his back, hungrily stating “Sit on my face,”
Voe’s eyes widen “Are you sure?” She asks self-consciously
He nods and sticks out some of his forked tongue “Yes. I have to taste you, gotta have that pussy on my tongue” he wiggles his tongue at her
“Okay,” she giggles at his excitement before lowering herself onto him, instantly feeling his tongue making its way around her folds, licking up the access wetness around her cunt then landing on her actual lips. She moans as his tongue finds and flicks her clit, circling it reverently before finally inserting his tongue into her cunt. Voe moans as she can feel his tongue expertly slithering deep inside her and stimulating all the sensitive spots of her walls, this sensation made her twitch not just with her cunt but her entire body. He reaches up, grabbing her waist to still her as if to say sit and feel this pleasure I’m giving you.
She rocks back and forth, creating friction against her clit, Lucifer returns his attention to the bud, gently sucking on it to intensify her current sensations. Her third orgasm took them both by surprise as she dripped all over Lucifer’s face, just after he finished licking it up. She gets off of him blushing, harder than ever before. 
He sits up with a giant grin “That was great! Are you down for one more?”
Voe bites her tongue “Yes” 
“Amazing,” his eyes turn red as his voice swells with lust “Get on your knees for me okay?”
She obliges and he pushes her top half down, so only her butt is in the air. She heard him reach over to the side of the bed, then felt him place something on her head. It was his hat. 
“Since you love to wear it, I figured you could wear it while you take my cock. Is that okay?” He whispered
She nods in response while Lucifer stands. The very next thing she feels is his fingers teasing her folds as if she wasn’t wet enough. He dips them inside her for just a few seconds to make her jump. He then rubs the tip of his cock against her puffy clit, just to tease her further.  
When he finally does enter her, he does so just as gently as before but picks up much quicker than earlier. He’s holding her by her hips, listening to her moans, and watching his hat bounce on her head. 
The more he fucked her, the wetter she became, dripping all over his cock. He pulls her so she’s in an upright position, so he can hold her by the throat. 
Feeling him deep inside her as he thrusts upwards, he’s able to play with her clit as well as watch her breasts bounce from behind her. 
“That’s right baby, bounce on your King’s cock.” He whispers to her, kissing her shoulder. “Fuck!” He yells out
Voe’s eyes are closed tightly so she can focus on feeling the pleasure. Lucifer’s voice in her ear just added something extra, she reaches behind her and pulls him close, he bites her shoulder with his sharp teeth. Besides their breathing, all that can be heard is the sound of her wetness, sticky and dripping on the bed. 
“Fuck! I’m gonna-“She doesn’t even finish her sentence before the waves of intense pleasure burst through her body. She lets her head fall, Lucifer picks it back up and buries his face in the crook of her neck, as he fucks her through it. The waves get smaller and smaller until she twitches one final time, which allows Lucifer to empty inside her. They stay in that position until they are both still. Then she flops off of him onto the bed. 
She feels him touch her arm, “How do you feel?” 
“Better,” she says without moving “Like I can actually think now, so thank you.” She turns to him and smiles 
“No, thank you,” he grins handing her a bottle of water “That has been on my mind since we kissed.” He heads to the bathroom 
She drinks from the bottle and laughs “You could’ve asked!” She calls after him
He comes back into the room with a towel and dabs her face and body with it, removing her sweat. “I know,” he chuckles “I guess I was nervous,”
Voe raises a brow “The most powerful being in Hell, nervous to ask me for sex?”
He laughs again, dabbing her legs now “You may not notice, but you’ve got some power yourself, Voe. Your confidence is legendary, and it can intimidate even me,” he walks his fingers up her legs as she drinks more from the water bottle. 
“Thank you,” she says suddenly 
"For what?” He sits next to her 
“Reminding me,” 
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Chapter 13>
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I need help. How tall gorons are? Like...From botw, google knowledge about Link and common gorons. I found out that mostly gorons are 1,5 - 2 size of grown hylian. Link in last games is around 5'7" feet tall (around 174 sm). And using moment from botw and maths (god I really needed it for first time). I found out that Daruk is around 10 feet tall (305 sm). And it's not including his top hair, because then he would be all 11'4" feet tall. Like... What??? I knew what they are big but... The hell they are that big??? I am 5'4"... 😶
You know...I didn't want to believe that was right, but I did my own digging and that might ACTUALLY be correct or at least close lmao (about Daruk that is). Hear me out: In Breath of the Wild, there's a Gerudo that laments about her height and having terrible fortune in finding a voe:
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So let's, for the sake of argument, assume that the average build of a Gerudo woman is about 8 feet (around 244cm), right? We'll assume Urbosa herself is that tall.
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Daruk stands PRETTY tall above Urbosa at her full height. Granted perspectives can be wonky, and he might standing a little more frontward than she is (as is Zelda), but I think we can safely say he might at the very LEAST be about 9 feet (around 274cm) tall. Which by way of comparison, that might make Yunobo is the high 8 feet range judging by this picture (Yunobo is just behind Daruk here, but I believe he only might be a few inches shorter than him)
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And this picture right here (that I took - look at us, we matched Boulder Breakers uwu) might corroborate that, because Link here is at just about Yunobo's bicep. Rough estimate lends to higher end of 8 feet (may like a solid 8'9" ~ 267cm ) if you ask me.
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So...yeah! Gorons are pretty tall!
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silverjirachi · 1 year
😅 What’s a story or scene you’ve created that you’re a smidge embarrassed exists?
The Rhoam Cucking Chronicles feels like it was written in a nyquil-induced fever dream but I don't like, regret that I wrote it. I'm the only person in the world who ships Colress and Concordia though so I just kind of have to look at the 120k I've written of them doing absolutely nothing and take that as it is
🤡 What’s a line, scene, or exchange you’ve written that made you laugh?
VOE AND YOU. Or the Miss Vai Contest. Any of the Stories from Exile bits I've written about my 16 year old Kohga dressing in drag and going into Gerudo Town to get therapy on how to talk to boys so he can date Sooga. I live for that.
But I have so many little bits that make me laugh in all of my fics. The Dead Sea Trilogy is so lighthearted actually and there are so many bits in it (especially in Icarus, which I am still writing btw) that make me giggle. One such is a moment when Colress goes on a fourth-wall breaking rant (twice).
💖 What made you start writing?
I've been writing ever since I was very little. Like, as soon as I could spell words. And honestly I think I even tried before I could spell words. I completed my first book when I was like 8 or 10 but I made all kinds of little stories before then too. My brain just never stops thinking and I need a way to get all these scenes and stories out.
As for writing and posting fic, that started when I was around 18 with my Hardenshipping (Maxie/Archie) Pokemon fic, The Devil and the Dead Sea. I took a long hiatus from writing for mental and emotional reasons, and it caused me to abandon this story for five years, and what it came down to was I sat and had a conversation with myself where I was like, "Do I want to go my whole life without telling this story?" and the answer was no, and I've never felt better since.
Writing Emoji Asks! ☺️💖📝
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Sugar, Spice and Nothing Nice
Chapter 13: Take Control
A few months ago, Hell
“Come on! Are you even trying to walk?” Vox’s voice became a little distorted. He was getting beyond frustrated.
Bean, who had been at V-Tower for at least a week now still wasn’t improving, “I’m trying,” she mumbled from the floor, not looking at the TV demon; “It’s hard.”
“No…it’s not,” Vox slowly walked up to the smaller demon, lifting her face, “You clearly haven’t been trying.”
She looked at him in disbelief, “Are you serious? You have cameras everywhere! I am trying!”
“Clearly not enough,” he sighed looking at his phone, “This is how you thank us for bringing you in?”
Bean scoffed, “Then why am I here then? If I’m such a waste of time?”
“Val wanted you here so-”
“And you let me stay! You made me this thing, I just got it okay!” Her eyes started looking glassy.
“Are you seriously about to cry?” He rolls his eyes. Bean covers her face, starting to cry. Vox sighs feeling kind of bad, he bent down in front of the female demon. “Come on, stop that; some might hear.”
Bean continued to cry, “I’m trying so hard.”
Vox held her face in his hand, “Hey! Calm down, you’re right,” he wiped her tears.
“Yeah, I know I’m right,” she sniffled. “It’s hard though.”
“Then how about I help you,” He offered.
Bean smiled, “Really?” Her eyes lit up.
Vox blushes, smiling warmly “Really.”
Present Day, Hell
“Wait! He THREW her?!” Bean gasped into her phone as she made her way down the hall.
“Yeah!” Angel’s voice came from the phone. “He was pissed! And then Charlie threw him out!”
“Charlie?! Like princess of hell Charlie?!” She stopped in her tracks.
“I know! I’m proud of her,” Angel said. “Anyway what’re you up to?”
“Nothing,” Bean continued to walk into the lobby.
“Nothin my ass, you better not be tryin to get with Vox, do not fuck that man,” Angel sounded serious.
Before Bean could lie she saw something that made her blood boil, Vox was talking to Voe, no, flirting with her, “I’m gonna call you back..”
“Uh huh,” He sounded unconvinced.
She ended the call, staring at them; what the fuck was he smirking about? Bean’s eyes widened when Vox trailed his finger down Voe’s neck, she clenched her teeth; toxic waste coming from her mouth.
What the-
“Fuck, Vox!” Bean stormed into his office.
Vox rolled his eyes scrolling through his phone, “Why are you so loud?”
“Why is she here?!” She walked up to his chair.
“Well she works here- wait she who?” He looked up from his phone.
“Voe!” She crossed her arms.
“Oh yeah, because she works here,” Vox went back to his phone.
“But she- she ugh!!”
“What? Are you jealous or something?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Yes, actually,” Bean looked at the sharks in the floor. “She’s amazing, she has so much fame and she’s so beautiful; I don’t have much.”
Vox sighs, “Ever think the reason she has all that fame is because she deserves it?”
“And I don’t deserve it?” Bean was taken aback.
“Huh? I didn’t think about it like that, but I didn’t say that; you did.”
“You literally implied it,” she scoffed.
“No..” Vox stood up. “You’re jealous, and you’re letting it cloud what you think about yourself; you’re hearing what you want to hear,” he said coldly.
Bean didn’t say anything, “What was that whole neck thing about? You don’t touch me like that, you treat me like I’m fragile.”
“First off, none of that is true, secondly we’ve done shit.”
“We’ve made out,” Bean sighs. She was just gonna say it, “Vox, I have feelings for you.”
It’s silent for a moment, at first Vox looks surprised then he laughs, “What?” He chuckles in disbelief.
“I have feelings for you, I have since I was brought here and-”
“What are you doing Bean?” Vox looks down at her. “Why are you doing this now?”
“Doing what?” She was confused.
“Ruining what we have, what you think you’d be my girlfriend? That I’d show you around to all of Hell?” His voice was becoming more and more distorted.
“Well I just wanted to tell you how I felt,” Bean’s voice became small.
“My dear, you are a doll but you aren’t someone I’d parade around with, it’d make my image look weird; like I’m into…children,” He explained.
“I’m not a child!” She yelled.
“Bean, you don’t know the first thing about being an adult,” He pat her head. “I treat you like a child because, well you are one; you throw tantrums and you’re insecure.”
“I throw tantrums?!” She scoffed. “Sir, you LITERALLY blow a fuse when Alastor coughs in your direction! Do not talk about me throwing tantrums! I’m looking at a 6 foot man child!”
Vox glared, trying to look for something to say, what could he say; he had to say something. “Look it’s not my fault that you caught feelings, you were just so easy I had to take advantage of the opportunity,” he shrugged looking as if he couldn’t care less.
Bean felt tears in her eyes but refused to let them fall, “Wow, okay,” she took the necklace from around her neck and handed it to him. “You can have this back,” was all she said before leaving the office, and V-Tower. She walked down the cracked streets trying not to cry, this day couldn’t get any worse. Just as she thought that a car zoomed by splashing dirty water all over her. “Okay what the actual fuck!” She screamed.
“Eat shit!” The demon screamed from down the road.
She groaned, continuing walking but stopped when she saw Alastor across the street, looking both ways Bean ran over to him; “Hey!” She called. He turned to her, annoyance in his eyes.
“You smell disgusting my dear,” he looked the wet demon up and down.
“Um yeah, it’s water,” she looked down. “I heard about what happened.”
“Did you now?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah it’s awful, I don’t think Voe would do something like that, she must feel terrible.”
“Why do you say that?” He crossed his arms. “Because perhaps she was only the messenger, and the spy was somebody else.”
“What- wait what are you saying?” Bean raised an eyebrow, she was about done with today.
“All I’m saying is that Voe wasn’t the only new addition to the Vees,” he looked down at her.
Bean was beyond pissed, “You’ve got to be kidding me, this has to be a fucking joke; you really think I was getting the information from you?”
“You act like it’s far-fetched, maybe you playing dumb was an act,” He was serious.
She laughed in frustration, “Okay first, I’m gonna pretend you didn’t just call me stupid; secondly I’m gonna say something then I’m gonna leave. I find it insulting that you would even think that I would’ve betrayed your trust, I know you’re hurting but do not take it out on me!” Bean stormed off leaving a dumbfounded Alastor.
Finally making it to the hotel, Bean stormed inside; it seemed pretty empty. She felt like she was gonna burst into a crying mess, and really wanted to get to her room. Rushing towards the stairs Bean bumped into Cherri Bomb.
“Holy shit! You alright babe?” Cherri put her hands on Bean’s shoulders. Bean said nothing, just hugging her before breaking down into tears.
Angel walked over eating a popsicle, seeing the two demons hugging he looked at Cherri confused, she shrugged also confused.
“Come on toots, it’s been weeks,” Angel stood in Bean’s room doorway. “You can’t stay in here forever.”
“Well it’s been a week so.. I’m pretty sure I'll be okay,” she rolled her eyes, staring at her phone. Bean looked through her text messages, Vox hadn’t texted her at all; maybe it was time to let him go, maybe she had overreacted, now she was lonely and had no one to talk to. Had she ruined their relationship?
“It’s almost been like 3 weeks, you at least gotta come downstairs and interact with people, you’ve been talking to the dog; it’s not healthy Latte,” Angel said concerned. Bean said nothing, just pretending like he wasn’t there; he sighed. “Fine, you try talkin to her,” he said into the hallway before walking away.
Bean looked up seeing the woman, she hadn’t seen her in weeks? Months? She lost track of time, she looked different, the woman wasn’t wearing her weird white clothing, she wore black and red cocktail dress and her black coily hair was out of it’s ponytail. “Well don’t you look fancy,” Bean rolled her eyes.
“Mersi” She smiled sitting on the bed next to her.
Translation: Thank you.
“What do you want? Another soul?” Bean said.
“No, I’m here to tell you that I’m leaving,” the woman replied.
Bean was surprised, “Wait what? Are you getting redeemed?”
“Oh no sweetie, I’m opening a club on the other end of town, it’ll be called ‘Ruby’s’ ” the woman flipped her hair. “I finally have enough power to be on my own.”
“Who’s Ruby?” Bean tilted her head in confusion.
“Me, I never could remember my real name so I’ve decided to go with something simple but fitting for someone like me,” Ruby said.
“So…does this mean I’m free?” Bean smiled, feeling hopeful.
Ruby laughed, “Of course not, mothers are mothers for eternity, I can’t let you go; I love you too much,” she booped her on the nose.
“I definitely felt the love, especially when you slammed my head into the dresser,” Bean said sarcastically.
“Mothers make mistakes,” Ruby waved her off. “You will always be my favorite child,” she held Bean’s head in her hands.
“I don’t understand what you ever saw in me, why you stuck with me for so long even after I died,” Bean looked down.
“When I first laid eyes on you I saw that you were broken, you needed help;” Ruby smirked. “You had the ability to help yourself, you were just afraid; and I had to help you. I will always be there to help but you have to help yourself, stop standing behind people and take control.”
“You know who also said that?” Bean smiled.
“Alastor?” Ruby rolled her eyes.
“Valentino, we had the exact same discussion, except it was a totally different scenario,” Bean said.
Ruby looked disgusted, “Yeah well, your mother is telling you to take control of your life, to konprann?”
Translation: You understand?
Bean nodded, “Good,” Ruby kissed her on the forehead. “I’m gonna get going, stop by sometime; I’d love to see you,” she got up from the bed and left the room.
Bean sat there in silence for a moment, “Was that supposed to be helpful?” She was so confused. “What do you think Barktholomew?” She turned to the red dog that only groaned in response, “Whatever, I’m not leaving this room for any reason.”
“Latte! You gotta check this out!” Angel yelled from downstairs.
Bean jumped out of her bed, falling on the floor, “Ow!” She got back up, “I’m coming!”
Bean, Angel and Cherri Bomb sat on the couch watching Voe’s live with shock on their faces, she had just sucker punched Vox in the screen, then ripped out his heart.
“You can tell she’s got a lot of pent up anger,” Cherri stared at the screen.
“Velvette was always tellin him to get a screen protector, now look,” Angel shook his head, he turned to Bean, “You okay?”
Bean shrugged, “Should’ve had a screen protector.” She wanted to care but she couldn’t, maybe he’ll learn..she didn’t know what he’d learn but there was a lesson somewhere to be learned. The three sinners laughed watching Valentino get burned alive.
“This is for Angel,” Voe said in the live, before ripping Valentino’s head off with her teeth. Cherri and Bean turned to Angel who was trying hard to hide his tears of joy.
“Awe! Angie you got a shoutout,” Cherri smirks pinching his cheek.
“That is some sick strength!” Bean laughed.
“Whateva! You bitches are annoyin,” he smiled, still watching the live.
They continued to watch the live when the doorbell rang, “Not it,” both Angel and Cherri said at the same time. Bean groaned sliding off the couch, walking up to the door a paper slid under it. She picked it up examining it, it was an ad.
It read:
Bean stared at the paper, then crumbled it up, “Lame,” she threw it in the trash.
Ruby strutted down the street to her club, she hummed a tune smirking as male demons winked at her. Finally making it, she didn’t show it but her heels were killing her. Ruby had the key in the door when suddenly something hit the ground beside her. She turned around shocked, it was a someone. A new sinner had dropped down, how exciting; the demon was female with grayish skin, and yellow eyes. Ruby smirked, she knew exactly who this was, “Hello Eugenia..”
“Welcome to hell.”
- ♏️
(Hey guys that was the end of the story, thank you readers and commenters! I appreciate any kind of support if you want to read it on Ao3 it’s on there too! Thanks 😊)
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