#i think they're neat your honor
nebuladreamz · 1 year
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Starlit Skies' Y/N!
Here they are!! The funky skrunkle themselves! I may update it the more deep we get with the story but for now, it's them!
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maplesleep · 2 years
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Happy Halloween! 🎃 🎃 🎃 🐺 🧛
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vitwixt · 7 months
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wanted to draw that one mononoke sceencap set with these two, it felt appropriate. I wanted these as one continuous image instead of two frames so figuring out the rest of the composition was a very fun challenge!!
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complexraspberry · 2 years
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Nothing like the world's worst father and sunshine child hanging out
[id: two digital illustrations. The first drawing shows Mikey and Draxum from the chest up. Mikey has his eyes closed, smiling while hugging Drax from the side. Drax looks annoyed but accepting of this. There are yellow sparkles around them.
The second image is the same except that Mikey is now wide eyed and mouth opened with the text "GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER" above him. Drax now has a more concerned/fearful looked with his ears pointed down and has small white dots for eyes. The sparkles are falling down. /end id]
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j3llyf1shdust · 3 months
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alright fine ill make a sonadow roommate au- BUT IM MAKING IT HOW I WANT!!!
(im writing a fic about it. idk I just wanted to play with an idea thats been sitting in my books for a while??)
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willowfae82 · 1 month
just noticed this:
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and i'm ... 10/10 no notes. the boy is a twink.
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bananashipsstuff · 11 months
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Listen. Listen. I got inspired by @hiding-in-the-vault and their forest spirit Dream, and I also have a forest spirit/God au with Dream and I just. I just think they'd get along lmao.
He just wants to play fetch uwu (with a whole ass tree).
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geonij31 · 11 months
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The Lovers 💫
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mx-legend-of-faye · 9 months
I’m sure someone on here somewhere has made a similar post to this but…
Time and Wild bonding over their moon trauma. Time and Wild bonding just in general. Time and Malon just kind of adopting Wild. Twilight joining their little family as somewhere between a dad and older brother to Wild. Just those four being a family. Epona being there too.
The rest of the chain being like the cousins you see mainly on holidays except they see each other all the time and they’re more like brothers too.
Malon and Wild cooking together. Twilight and Wild helping take care of Epona together. Time and Wild outside watching the moon, making sure it’s acting normal on a night neither of them can sleep. Time and Malon using Wild’s slate to take pictures of Twilight and Wild when the two of them sleep in accidentally.
The whole chain + Malon taking a family picture with Wild’s slate. That being one of Wild’s favorite pictures right alongside the one of him, the other champions, and Zelda.
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bare-your-soul · 2 years
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yeah no, I don’t think y’all know just how much of a chokehold these two have on me
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imthursdaysyme · 11 months
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Early mornings with Steve and kali
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junijupi · 2 years
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"You're so pretty"
.~*---------* ~.
Macaque being a shameless romantic, and SWK pretending to be clueless
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petuline · 7 months
Whatever non-relationship, definitely-not-a-friendship-eww thing Muderbot and ART have going on, I want it, too 😭
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im eating dinner at the beach, watching a group of surfers and all im thinking about if the ghouls going surfing so here r some head canons i just came up with.
Rain is a natural, obviously. hes really elegant as he does it, super relaxed. He makes it look really easy because it is to him. He knows which waves are strong enough and which aren't. He could spend hours surfing and be more energized by the end of it.
Dew is also a natural from his water ghoul days, but he's definitely not as elegant anymore. Its harder for him to tell the strong waves from weak ones as he's not connected to the water anymore and it pisses him off. Once he's on the board, however, he's a sight. He's either doing tricks and showing off or basking in the sun, letting his arms and shoulders drop.
Swiss likes to think he's as good as Dew or Rain, but he's never been super connected with water. He falls off the board frequently and always claims it was the wind, even when there is none. He doesn't get angry like Dew when he can't do something, though, just laughs it off and tries again. He also tries to do tricks, but ends up laughing at himself and falling. Still has a good time.
Mountain can surf, he just doesn't. It's not his thing, but he likes spending time with his pack so he indulges them. He was a little shakey at first, not liking how unstable he felt standing on the board, but got used to it after a while. Usually when they go surfing, he just swims out with them and watches as the others have fun.
Aether doesn't surf. He never saw the appeal. When the others go, he'll sit on the shore waiting with towels, water, snacks and clean clothes. Absolutely the dad of the group on these days. Dew tried to get him to surf once, it didn't go well. He never asked again and they don't talk about it.
Phantom, being newly summoned and all, is bad. Rain and Dew have tried to teach him because he really wants to learn, but he just can't get the hang of it. At first it was because he still hadn't figured out his balance, but even after he did, he never really got it. It doesn't stop him from trying though, he's very determined.
I got kinda carried away with this. oops.
I want to add the ghoulettes, but I don't know them well enough to do them justice, ill do a part two though if people actually like this.
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cadaver1967 · 10 months
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AUGH I FORGOR TO SHARE THE REST OF THE SKETCHES (and all of them in one photo) plus a bonus fully colored and rendered drawing of the first Hunter sketch I made today
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chaossalad · 2 years
So um. Something about domestic stanarrator is just yes. They try to bake a cake together and then fail miserably and they're looking at their house, it's an absolute disaster, everything is covered in flour and chocolate powder and they just look at each other like.
"Let's just.. get pizza?"
"Let's just get pizza."
And then they order and eat the pizza and The Narrator starts cleaning up agressively and Stanley just. Doesn't have motivation so he starts singing random songs (he was selectively mute but eventually became comfortable enough to actually talk to The Narrator) and The Narrator is amazed by Stanley's singing skills like. "How did I not find out about this, we've been married for 50 years"
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