#i thought about maybe putting a wedding ring on ethan's hand but thought better of it. but if you want you can imagine him about to propose
mysticmoondancer · 1 year
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Etharah Week 2023 - Day 4: Free Day
"Life After The Cure"
After the Lucifractor explosion and defeating Stern, Sarah and Ethan decided to give dating another shot. Almost a year later, a cure for vampirism was found and of course, Sarah took it. Now eight years later, their relationship together is still going strong, and they couldn't be anymore happier. Funny how the darkest time of one's life could also bring so much light into it, as well. She may not be immortal anymore, but her love for Ethan always will be, though. For their love knows no end. Whether it be in this life or the next.
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alostlovergirl · 1 year
Come Back to Me: Tony Stark x Reader
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Summary: You will come back to him.
Warnings: Abusive husband, violence, stalking, trauma, PTSD, Implied Non-con, Greed, Insults, degradation, Asshole Tony
There will be a part 2 to this.. Enjoy the story, loves.
‘Buzz Buzz’, my phone illuminates the room, my eyes shooting open. Tony’s snoring calms my shaking hands as I reach for my phone. I tilt it to the side, unlocking it with my thumb print. Tonight was the night. I was going to escape from this horrid relationship. I thought that being in love with, dating the billionaire, Tony Stark, would be lovely. He was so nice, charming, handsome and rich. I thought that I would never have to worry about money, or having someone that would spoil me with gifts after the hard life I have had. 
I’ve been in foster care all my life after a car crash took my mother’s life. Separated from my sister, placed in an abusive foster home with parents who put on a fake smile and alone, I was forced to work and clean at a young age. I have been working hard all my life to make enough money to get the things I wanted in life, but it wasn’t enough. I was poor, living in a horrible situation and was struggling to find a home to live when I met Tony. He helped, giving me money to get a down payment on a small apartment and even helped me get a better job opportunity. 
We started out as friends, then he wiggled his way into my life, making me fall hard for him. I was so in love that I married him quick, in a 2 years and became Mrs. Stark. The relationship was amazing at first, but then he started to get controlling. He started to want to know where my money was going, made me get fired from my job because he kept calling me, he stopped pleasuring me and started using my body for his own pleasure. I thought that maybe we needed counseling, so that’s what happened. 
We went to counseling to try to make our marriage work out. Everything got better and stayed like that for a few months, but when it got bad again, it came in full force. He started to beat me. Everything I did was wrong at that point. I couldn’t even greet him at the door anymore because he was always angry or just frustrated. Our relationship started to get worse and worse, therapy stopped working. So, I am done. I am done with this relationship. I tried to leave multiple times, but he won’t sign the divorce papers. He makes it seem like he is a perfect husband, hurting me, but never leaving bruises on places where people can see them, so I couldn’t get a protection order from him. So, I have decided to sneak away from him. 
I look at the message on my phone from my friend, Ethan. “I’m here. Hurry up”, I nod to myself, deleting the text message. I squirm out of Tony’s arms, carefully maneuvering myself out. I roll on the ground, letting out a quiet groan. I quietly make my escape from the big, echoey room. Once I was out of there, I ran towards the living room. I let out a sigh, sniffling as tears ran down my face. I take off my wedding ring, putting it on the kitchen counter.
“Mrs. Stark? What are you doing?” F.R.I.D.A.Y spoke in quiet mode. Tony put the A.I on the mode, so it didn’t wake anyone up in the house. Quiet mode was literally the A.I whispering. Even with the A.I. whispering, it still scared the hell out of me. “You should be in bed..” 
I ignore it and go in the elevator, hoping that the computer won’t alarm the billionaire. I sit against the wall, sliding down it, whimpering softly. ‘Why couldn’t it work? I thought it was gonna go so well.. Why did he have to ruin the love?’My mind was racing as the elevator got closer and closer to the garage. Tears continue to floor down my face as I desperately try to wipe them away. The elevator comes to the halting stop and I get out of the elevator, shaking. I walk to my old car, picking up my car keys off Tony’s work desk. I get in my car and leave, never looking back. 
3 years later
It’s been a long 3 years. I have struggled and still am struggling, but I rather struggle than have to rely on Tony’s money every again. I got divorced from him by showing pictures in court that he didn’t show up for and was allowed to divorce him with his signature. Ethan helped me as much as he could with getting a home and he keeps supporting me by getting me groceries, supplies and money whenever he can. 
Once again, I rather be doing this than ever going back to Tony. Last time I heard about him, he has won an award for one of his inventions and the abusive marriage has been swept under the rug. He didn’t even say that we were divorced, just that we have taken a break. I am in therapy for all the trauma he has caused me and I can’t even watch any of his interviews cause I go into an immediate panic attack, so I have cut everything out of my life. Inventions, paintings that he has given me, anything he has given me has been broken or thrown in the trash, including my phone.
But, even though I am away from him, I cannot stop thinking about him. It feels like I see him everywhere even if I cut him out completely. His billboards are everywhere. His inventions are everywhere, taunting me. ‘Come back to me.. You know you miss me’, his voice is constantly playing in the back of my mind. I talked about it with my therapist, but my therapist doesn’t know how to handle it. She put me on anti-psychotics, but it isn’t helping. The voice got louder and louder everyday, so much so that Ethan has started worrying about me. 
“Y/N…Y/N?” He snaps his fingers in front of my spaced out face, snapping me out of my trance. All I saw was a cup that looked like his and I spaced out, going deep into the back of my mind. “You okay, darling?” I nod my head, shaking myself out of it. I grab his hands and smile, breathing deeply.
“I am alright.. Just a little worried..” 
“You have been away from him for 2 years, dear. You don’t need to worry anymore. He isn’t going to get you anymore. He seems to be more focused on his own life, instead of getting you back.” Ethan lets out a soft sigh, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles in comfort. He gives my hand a comforting squeeze. “And if he does, I am going to protect you no matter what” 
That warms my heart. Ethan has always been a sweet friend, helping me in any way he could and giving me anything I need. He put himself in danger by picking me up that night when I ran away from Tony. “Okay.. let’s enjoy our lunch.” I say as the sun beamed down on our untouched food in the sunlight cafe. Ethan nods, letting go of my hands.
When I get back to my small apartment, I collapsed on my bed.  My mind was racing, thinking about the events over the last 2 years. My head was hurting as I curled up in my cotton comforter. I need to stop thinking about him. I am over him and he is over me. I crawl under my blankets, kicking off my jeans, laying down and going to sleep. My eyes closed easily as the exhaustion was taking over my entire body. Soon enough, my room was filled with snores and sounds of movement.
Tony’s POV
I don’t understand why she thought she could get away from me. I am always going to find her no matter where she went. As soon as she went to sleep, I crept out of my hiding place in the closet and walked towards her small bed.  
“Oh my poor baby.. Don’t you miss the luxury life.. You sleeping in this small bed, in this run down apartment…” I run my fingers along the curves of her perfect body. The pads of my fingers touching all the little bits that I have missed so dearly. Oh how every curve fits my touch. I gently squeeze her plush thighs, humming in delight at the slight weight gain. It just gives me more things to grab on her body. 
Now, how should I punish her? Punish her sweet little ass for running away from me. Forcing a divorce and getting an order of protection from me. Maybe I should steal her away and isolate her? Or maybe I should ruin her whole fucking life. 
Either way, she will come back to me. I’ll make my decision sooner or later. 
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In which Joel Maisel passes away the week before Stars Hollow finds out about Rory and Dean’s affair. 
Midge takes all of this...poorly.
Lenny calls Jess in for backup. 
Big thanks to @alixinwwonderland for chatting with me while I wrote this.
His cell phone rings as he’s getting in from work. 
“Oh, good I caught you,” Lenny’s voice says. He sounds tense. “You busy?” 
“Tired. Just home from work,” Jess responds. “Something wrong?” 
“Yes, but it’s not life threatening, so if you wanna tell me to go fuck myself when I ask this favor, that’s fine.” 
Jess frowns. “What’s wrong?” 
Lenny sighs heavily. “Okay. So. Midge’s ex-  the cheating idiot - passed away about a week ago, and this week, the entire town found out that Dean - you remember Dean, tall, brainless - cheated on his wife with Rory.” 
Jess stays completely quiet, attempting to process that information. 
“And I am aware that this is a big ask, considering your…previous entanglements with Lorelai the younger but Midge is taking this very, very badly,” Lenny goes on. “Very badly. And I know you just escaped from your mother’s circus of a wedding, but-” 
Jess takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. “Midge isn’t okay.” 
“She is not, in fact, okay,” Lenny confirms. “I thought maybe you could drop in, spend a few days with us, help distract her a little -” 
“I’ve got the next couple of days off,” Jess tells him. “I can drive in tonight.” 
“Oh, kid, you are saving my life here,” Lenny tells him. “Seriously.” 
“Well, you did your best to save mine when I was fucking up, so…I figure I owe you a little.” 
“Why don’t you leave the car, take the train in. I’ll buy you a ticket and pick you up in Hartford,” Lenny offers. “You can nap on your way.” 
He almost says no. The idea of not having a quick exit putting him a little on edge, but he’s got the Schneiders and Luke in Stars Hollow to protect him from whatever bullshit he might encounter. And a nap in a comfortable train seat sounds really nice.
“Yeah. Okay. Thanks, Lenny.” 
By the time they get back to the Schneider’s house from the train station, Midge has cooked everything in the house.
“Jess! You’re here! You’re hungry, right?” 
He blinks. “Uh…” 
“I made two kinds of kugel, and I made homemade gefilte fish - so much better than the jarred stuff, blech. There’s roasted chicken and lamb chops, and tzimmes and I made potato knish, which I know you both love, and there’s apple cake and I was just about to start the sufganiyot!” 
“The what?” Jess asks. 
Lenny sighs deeply. “She’s gonna fry jelly donuts. Sweetheart, there’s so much food.” 
“But the donuts will be great with coffee in the morning,” Midge beams. “The guestroom is all set for you, Jess. I pulled out all your favorite records to listen to including that noisy Pavement thing I hate, but if you keep the door closed I don’t hear it.” 
Jess shakes his head, bewildered. “Thanks?” 
Midge beams at him. “Sit! Eat! How was the train?” 
“Fine,” Jess says slowly. “Midge, are you okay?” 
“I’m good,” she tells him, patting his shoulder as she passes him plate after plate of food. 
Lenny rubs his eyes and sits down. “Hand me the fucking knish.” 
Midge lights up and hands them over. 
Eventually, Lenny is able to convince Midge to get some sleep, and he and Jess sit out on the front porch, each smoking a rare cigarette. 
“Joel’s funeral was tough,” Lenny confides in him. “Mei - Joel’s second wife - wanted Midge to give a eulogy, and Midge wouldn’t do it. Mei shouldn’t have asked. I warned her not to, but Mei didn’t want to give a eulogy either.” 
“So what happened?” Jess asks. 
“Neither of them did. Ethan gave one, and Joel and Mei’s daughter gave one,” Lenny sighs out a puff of smoke. “But the entire day was a mess. Midge wanted to be in the background. She didn’t want to play the grieving wife because she hasn’t been Joel’s wife since 1958. But everybody was treating her like she had never gotten over Joel…so…she got day drunk, told Mei ‘I hadn’t seen that penis since 1958, stop treating me like a fucking sister wife’ and then…we left.” 
“Jeez. Poor Midge.” 
“Grief does very strange things to people,” Lenny shrugs. “When my mother died I drank an entire bottle of whiskey and wandered around her house with my underpants on my head, yelling at her for being a terrible parent.” 
“That is extreme.” 
Lenny shrugs. “I was alone that day. I didn’t feel too bad. But Mei is in this weird space where she’s pretending she didn’t spend the last fifty years with that guy. That Midge was always Joel’s one true love and so Midge should take responsibility for…I don’t know. Something. It’s strange, and it’s sad. And Midge…has been reliving the night Joel left.”  
Jess nods, listening and taking another drag off his cigarette. 
“She threw out our suitcases the other day,” Lenny says quietly. “She said she didn’t want to take any chances, as if after all this time I’m going to find something better than this. Better than her. So they went into the garbage. Suitcases, who gives a shit. If it makes her feel better, I’ll buy fifty more and she can throw those out too.” 
“And then there’s uh…the Rory stuff,” Jess says hesitantly. 
Lenny sighs and looks at him sympathetically. “I’m sorry, kid. I know I dropped that on you without warning, that wasn’t fair.” 
“Not fine,” Lenny finishes. “It’s not. Rory fucked up. Dean fucked up. It’s a mess.” 
“What happened?” Jess asks. 
Lenny takes another drag, blowing out the smoke. “They slept together the night of her mother’s inn opening, and then she immediately left for Europe. While she was gone, she had Lorelai give Dean a letter telling him it couldn’t happen again because it was wrong, and Lindsay found it. Now the whole fucking town knows.” 
Jess pulls out another cigarette and lights it, taking a more stressed out drag. “You know, I -” he stops. “You know what? No. Rory isn’t my fucking mess. If my asking her to leave with me drove her to fuck Dean? That’s a sign.” 
Lenny looks at him as if he’s crazy. “You asked Rory to leave with you?” 
Jess rubs his face. “I…I asked her- I - I just thought-” 
“Aw, Jess.” 
“Nope. I’m here for Midge. Rory can clean up her own crap.” 
“I’m gonna go to bed.” 
Lenny watches him go and stubs out his cigarette as well as Jess’s that he dropped as he went inside. “Fuck.
“Oh, my god, you have to be kidding me.” 
Jess closes his eyes at the sound of Rory’s voice behind him in the diner. He’d stopped in to grab coffee and donuts since Midge hadn’t fried hers the night before. As well as check in with Luke, let him know he’s in town.
“What, are you stalking me now?” Rory accuses, obviously upset. 
“Outside,” Jess tells her, gesturing towards the door, and the two of them stalk back out to the sidewalk. 
“Midge’s ex husband passed away last week. I’m here to visit her,” Jess explains. “She’s having a really hard time and Lenny asked me to come back to town.”  
“Nobody believes that, Jess,” Rory tells him in an annoyed tone. 
“Not everything is about you, Rory!” Jess snaps, louder than he means to. “Or did you forget that in all of the drama of fucking someone else’s husband?” 
Rory stares at him for a long moment before storming away. 
Jess shoves a hand through his hair. “Shit.” 
"Oh, please."
They decide to hit the diner for lunch the next day as Jess helps Luke with the lunch rush, but it’s less than a great idea.
Lenny sighs heavily. "Shit."
Teresa Lister has been bitching about her daughter's impending divorce and "that slut Rory Gilmore who broke up my baby's marriage" for a good twenty minutes and Midge has clearly had enough. 
"Excuse me?" Teresa snaps. "How dare you-"
"How dare I. You're the one blaming the wrong person. Did it ever occur to you that Rory or no Rory, Dean was always going to find a way to cheat? That's what cheaters do."
"Dean isn't a cheater!"
"What the fuck do you call coming onto another woman behind your wife's back, and sliding off your wedding ring to fuck her?"
The entire diner goes silent and still. Dean has just walked in. Rory and Lorelai have been huddled at a corner table. Jess and Luke are behind the counter. Babette and Miss Patty had been trying to talk Teresa down. 
"No?" Midge asks. "Nothing? No accountability for the man who did the cheating, just a good old fashioned verbal witch burning for the woman he cheated with? Typical."
"Dean was seduced!"
"Happily married men don't get seduced. He was looking! And Rory did your daughter a favor with that letter. Dean was too dumb to actually hide it, though she didn't think of that."
"That slut-"
"Saved your daughter from months - maybe years - of being lied to," Midge snarls. "Because that's what men like Dean do. They stay in their unhappy marriages because they're fucking comfortable, and they promise their side pieces they'll leave eventually and then they don't because who the fuck would give up a nice home with someone who cooks for them and washes their underpants? Thank god Lindsay is getting out before they had kids. Co-parenting with a man who deems you unworthy to be his wife after years of marriage and partnership is hell. It is literally hell, Teresa. And I wouldn't wish that on anyone. If it hadn't been Rory, it would have been someone fucking else." She takes a breath, trying to steady herself as Lenny takes her hand gently. 
"And no one will ever blame him!" Midge cries, starting to get really upset. "What is it, Dean?" She asks, looking at him. "You're too dumb? Too innocent? Easily seduced? Rory used her underdeveloped feminine wiles to trick you into bed?"
He stands at his full height and opens his mouth, but she beats him to it. 
"I swear to God, if the words 'I love Rory' leave your damn fool mouth, I will beat you to death with a hot frying pan from Caesar’s stove. You wanted what you wanted, and it has nothing to do with either of the women you've hurt. You don't love Rory. That's not love. That is lust. And I'm right, aren't I? You were never going to leave Lindsay. You were always going to do your damndest to have your cake and fuck it to."
Lenny squeezes her hand. "Midge" 
She stops talking, squeezing his fingers back. 
"Out, Dean," Luke says evenly. 
"Out. Now."
“That was some rant,” Lorelai says quietly as she sits next to Midge in the gazebo late that night. “Like Mrs. X at the Gaslight take 2: Electric Boogaloo.” 
Midge snorts softly as she takes a puff off her cigarette, offering the pack to the younger woman. “I am nothing if not verbose when I’m pissed off.” 
Lorelai declines and sits back. “Luke told me about Joel. I’m really sorry.” 
“He wasn’t a particularly good man,” Midge shrugs. “He wasn’t…kind or generous. He wasn’t exceedingly smart. But for a few years, he was my husband. And that means something. I don’t know what. But something.” She sighs out some smoke. “You know, Joel’s mistress was about as dumb as a box of hair. She was a certified idiot. Rory’s a smart girl. She’s not supposed to fall for the kind of shit Dean was selling that night.” 
“I think she’s just…feeling lost,” Lorelai says quietly. “She knows it was wrong.” 
“That won’t stop her from starting a relationship with him now that Lindsay’s thrown him out,” Midge smirks wryly. 
“I don’t know,” Lorelai admits. “I don’t know what happened. I couldn’t believe it when I found out, and then she went to Europe and had time to think and realized how bad it was, and now…” 
“Now he’s fair game,” Midge shrugs. “What a fucking mess. I don’t envy you. LIving through it was bad enough. Watching your kid live through it is probably a sonofabitch.” 
“It hasn’t been my best summer, that’s for sure,” Lorelai agrees. “What do I do? How do I…shake her out of this.” 
“You can’t,” Midge tells her. “She’ll either realize she’s fucking up or she won’t.” She looks at Lorelai. “And eventually Dean will remember that Rory is too smart for him and find an idiot to fuck. And then the shoe will be on the other foot.” 
“Maybe you should talk to Rory,” Lorelai suggests.
Midge chuckles darkly. “She may not survive that talk.” 
“Really, though. You’ve lived through this. You…you were in Lindsay’s shoes. She’s not seeing Lindsay as anything but someone who was making Dean unhappy. If Rory hears what you went through, she might…snap out of it.” 
Midge thinks about that for a long moment before nodding. “Okay, then. I’ll kick the boys out tomorrow afternoon, and she can come over.” 
When Rory shows up at the Schneider’s the next day there is a veritable feast of leftovers sitting on the dining room table. 
“I figured you might be hungry,” Midge shrugs as they sit down together. 
“This is a lot of food,” Rory comments quietly. 
“It’s been a tough couple weeks,” Midge admits. “My ex-husband passed away a week or so ago, and while funerals are never really enjoyable, this one was particularly terrible.” 
“I…Jess mentioned, but I thought-” 
Midge shrugs again as she takes a couple of knishes onto her plate. “Lenny called in some backup to help handle my…well, I didn’t have a breakdown, but it wasn’t like I was totally sane.” 
“I’m really sorry, Midge,” Rory says. Her voice is still quiet. 
Midge takes a breath. “Thank you.” 
“I guess-” Rory stops and considers her words for a moment. “I guess what’s been going on with me hasn’t been…helping. With grieving the guy who cheated on you.” 
“It hasn’t,” Midge admits. 
Rory sits in silence, poking at the food on her plate, unsure of what to say. 
Midge takes a breath and lifts her hands, slipping her engagement ring off before taking off her wedding ring and holding it up. “Consider the simple wedding band.” 
Rory looks at it, swallowing. “I never really looked at yours. I guess I thought you would- have a fancier one. Famous and all.” 
“There’s a lot of beauty in simplicity,” Midge tells her. “I didn’t used to think so when I was younger, but as I got older, and lived a little more, I learned that very basic things can be very beautiful. And more than that, meaningful. It means something to put one of these on and promise to be someone’s partner.” 
Rory looks away. 
“Even when I’m not wearing it, it still means something that I put it on in the first place. When I take it off to do the dishes or take a shower, I’m no less Lenny’s partner.” She pauses for a moment. “Dean wasn’t any less Lindsay’s partner when he took his wedding ring off that night, Rory.” 
Rory finally looks at her, getting heated. “Lindsay was-” 
“His wife,” Midge finishes. “Lindsay was Dean’s wife. Whether she was making his life miserable or not. Whether he was happy or not. Whether she was whatever he said she was or not. Lindsay was Dean’s wife. And that’s meaningful. The second he put that ring on for the first time, he became Lindsay’s partner. If he didn’t want that anymore, he needed to deal with it on his own. He made it your problem, and that was wrong of him. It was wrong of him to prey on the fact that you were attracted to him, and it was wrong of you to give in to that attraction..” 
Rory swallows, staring at her. 
“The sooner you realize that, the sooner you can move forward from this.” 
“It’s not fair,” Rory blurts out, looking upset. “He was- he was mine first.” 
“I don’t know that I’ve ever heard you say anything that childish, and I have known you since you were in diapers,” Midge says. “You’re not a little girl anymore, Rory. You’re going to be twenty. You’re an adult, and these are adult matters, and adult feelings, and if you don’t have the ability to deal with them like an adult, you shouldn’t be having sex yet to begin with.” 
“That’s not fair!” 
“Neither is finding out the man you married fucked someone else behind your back,” Midge says evenly. “You helped Dean destroy his marriage. You helped him break Lindsay’s heart. And if you’re unwilling to come to terms with the part you played in this then you’re not the person I thought you were.” 
Rory says nothing.
“Is this the way you want to live your life?” Midge asks. “You want what you want and fuck the consequences? Fuck the collateral damage?” 
“That’s not what I want!” 
“You cannot go through life like a bulldozer,” Midge warns her. “What you want is not the only thing that matters.” 
She’s about to respond, but stops, staring at her. 
“If you don’t start thinking about the feelings and the wellbeing of the other people around you, you’re going to wind up very, very unhappy,” Midge tells her softly. “Nothing happens in a vacuum.” 
Rory stays quiet, tears starting to well up in her eyes. 
“Your actions hurt Lindsay. They hurt your mother. They helped Dean hurt the people in his life,” Midge goes on. “Accept that as reality. Let yourself feel guilty, and disappointed in yourself. Let yourself feel pissed at Dean. And Pissed at yourself, and then move on.” 
“Without Dean,” Rory says bitterly. 
Midge nods. “Without Dean.” 
“Why?” Rory snaps. 
“Because cheaters rarely cheat just once,” Midge tells her. “And next time, he might be telling some other unsuspecting girl how unhappy he is in his relationship, and he’ll be talking about you.” 
Rory swallows. “Dean wouldn’t do that.” 
“He did it once,” Midge shrugs. “There is absolutely nothing stopping him from doing it again.” 
“Dean loves me.” 
Midge closes her eyes and takes a breath. “Dean doesn’t know anything about loving someone.” 
There’s a long, long moment of silence, before Rory eventually bursts into tears over her plate of food. 
“I don’t want you to be right,” she sniffles. 
Midge nods, putting her rings back on. “I know. I don’t want me to be right, either.”
Jess steps onto the Schneider’s from porch that evening, finding Midge sitting there with an untouched bottle of wine. 
“Am I interrupting, or…?”
She grins a little and pats the seat next to him. ��I’ve been thinking too hard to drink. Where’s Lenny?” 
“He stopped by Al’s to pick us up some dinner,” Jess explains. “He says you’ve cooked enough, and he’s dying to try Al’s Kung Pao Quesadillas.” 
Midge wrinkles her nose and laughs. “He can’t get enough of Al’s bizarre creations. I swear it’s like the flea circus fixation all over again.” 
Jess chuckles a little and sits back. “How’d it go?” 
“It…went,” Midge nods. “I think she listened. I don’t know if she’ll actually heed any of my warnings, but…there were tears. But no broken bones, no bloodshed.” 
“That’s somethin’ I guess,” Jess says. 
“What about you?” Midge asks.
“Me? I’m dandy.” 
“You are not the bullshit artist you think you are, Jess,” she tells him. “C’mon. Talk to Grandma.”
Jess sighs heavily. “She’s going through some stuff. I can’t help with it, and I don’t really…want to.”
Midge nods. “And that’s hard.” 
“It’s really hard,” Jess agrees. “But I gotta wait for her to come out the other side of this, and…I guess maybe we might be friends again.” 
“Just friends?” 
Jess shrugs and looks out at the Gilmore house. 
Midge rubs his back comfortingly, as she’s done a million times with her own (other, really), grandchildren. “It’ll all work itself out.” 
“You think so?” he asks, glancing at her.
“Generally,” Midge shrugs. “Look at my life. By all rights I should have died sad and alone after Joel left me.” 
Jess rolls his eyes. “Bullshit. That’s not you.” 
“It was a lot of other women,” Midge says quietly. “A lot of divorced women just…stayed unhappy. I got pretty lucky.” 
“Lucky my ass,” Jess tells her. “That was all you. You saved yourself.” 
Midge huffs out a soft laugh and ruffles his hair. “Cut this.” 
“Dinner!” Lenny calls as he walks up the porch steps, holding a takeout back. “Kung Pao quesadillas, and chow mien subs.” 
“Gross, I can’t wait,” Midge tells him, standing up to peck his lips.
“Chow time, Jess,” Lenny says as he opens the door, letting Midge in first. 
Jess takes a breath and gets to his feet, giving one last look to the Gilmore house before following them in, grabbing Midge’s unopened bottle of wine on his way.
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pennylanefics · 3 years
Soft Alphabet v. 2 - Isaac Lahey
a/n: i’ve had this done for so long but have been lazy to transfer it over 🤣
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A - Attention (how much attention they give you/when they do/what they do)
if you’re alone, you’re his main focus. he just loves you so much that when you spend time together, he wants to spend time with you. sure, he can come over and do homework and sit in silence together, but he can do that at home, or scott’s. he won’t ask for much, watching a film would be just fine as long as he can just have you in his arms. if you are dealing with supernatural stuff, though, he tends to focus more on that, if it’s not at home. if you’re doing research together for the pack at your place or scott’s, he can’t help but kiss you every few minutes just to let you know that he’s thinking of you and is happy to be with you.
B - Baby (do they want a family/how are they as a father)
isaac definitely wants a family in the future. he didn’t want to end up like his dad, and he wanted to make sure his life was better than the way it was before he met you. he only ever wanted two kids, and that’s what happened. you gave birth to a boy, and then a girl. he is such an amazing father, and with his werewolf abilities, is able to take their pain when they get hurt or aren’t feeling well. he wonders if they’re going to be wolves as well, and is more than prepared to teach them everything they need to know.
C - Certain (when did they realize they wanted to be with you)
when he realizes you are his anchor. he struggled to find his anchor for the longest time, but as soon as you came around, he noticed he was able to calm down easier and control himself quicker than before. he just figured it was something in the back of his mind, he couldn’t quite figure out what it was. until one day, when he flipped out on derek, did he realize. derek shouted at him to focus on you: what you smell like, what your touch feels like, the feeling he gets when you’re with him. it instantly turns him back to human and derek just smiles. that night, he asked you to be his girlfriend.
D - Doubt (what happens when you or him doubt your relationship/being together)
you both doubt it at different times. after a couple months of dating, isaac was dealing with being a werewolf, school, a relationship, and just his mental health. he is beyond tired of juggling everything and asked for you to take a small break. since he was important to you and you cared for him, you agreed to it. later on, when you get back together after a few weeks, he starts focusing more on the pack and supernatural world, resulting in you feeling neglected. he was of course upset with this and it resulted in a long night of talking your problems out so you wouldn’t break up again.
E - Emergency (how do they react to you being hurt/in danger, vice versa)
he panics terribly. if something happens to you or involves you, he is not okay. one time, while fighting ethan and aiden, you got caught in between him and aiden, which resulted in you getting clawed and thrown against the wall. scott took over handling aiden so isaac could get you. he takes you to the hospital and as you are taken in for surgery, he doesn’t stop pacing. he’s biting his nails, tugging at his hair, refusing to sit down. when you’re out and awake, he is in your room within seconds, crying into your hands and whispering how much he loves you and how he was so scared you were gone. he also takes your pain away too much for his own good.
F - Family (introducing each other to your families)
you were quick to introduce isaac to your family. he was more than happy to meet them and allow them to see that he’s not like what the town says. he got along with your parents very well, and your little sister had taken a liking to him, specifically. after dinner, your mother invited him to stay for the family movie night. he of course was glad to, and during the film, your sister fell asleep against his left side, you cuddled up to his right. in that moment, he feels at home for the first time in a long time, and he can’t wait to spend more time with them.
G - Grief (comforting one another in rough times)
being in a supernatural hotspot, you were bound to see death and sadness within the pack. when allison was killed, you and isaac took it the hardest next to scott. you and allison had been friends since she moved to beacon hills high. you two had a couple classes together and grew very close. when she started dating scott, she ended up introducing you to isaac. so it was her to thank that you were with the one you love. that night, the three of you talked and stayed up all night in scott’s living room, talking about memories, what you loved about her, what you’ll miss. isaac held you in his arms the entire time, his head resting on yours. his grip tightened every time you sobbed out, wanting to take your pain away more than anything.
H - Hold (holding each other/holding others/holding pets)
with how much trauma isaac has endured, holding him in your arms to calm him down from nightmares or just general flashbacks was normal. and it’s not something you minded one bit, but it did break your heart. you could feel every shake of his body, every cry, every whimper, the tears pooling on your skin or shirt. it was a horrible sight to witness, but you stayed strong for him and rubbed his back, underneath his shirt. your touch against his skin was calming, and his fingers were always attached to you while holding him, no matter what.
I - Insomnia (what you/they do when either of you can’t sleep)
when he can’t sleep, he tries to keep it from you. he doesn’t like waking you up, bothering you, as he puts it, to talk with him and ease his mind, so he tries some ways to calm down that you told him to do so. he tries reading, that doesn’t help. he tries writing his thoughts down, but that just makes things worse. he attempts to watch tv or listen to music, but still, nothing. finally, after going through everything, he wakes you up, apologizing and cuddling you close to him. he feels awful, but you let him know that it’s okay to wake you up if he’s having trouble sleeping and just needs someone to talk to.
J - Jewelry (gifts they give you, fancy or not)
he gets you certain gifts for anniversaries. like for your sixth month, he got you a big bouquet of flowers and took you out for a nice dinner. on your year anniversary, he got you a beautiful necklace. one on occasion he got you a simple ring, not for anything more than to show his love for you. he usually doesn’t know what kind of gifts to get you, so he doesn’t get you anything at all.
K - Kryptonite (their weaknesses)
isaac’s weakness is definitely your touch. it’s also his anchor. so when he’s raging on a full moon and close to losing control, you are always there to grab his face and make him look at you, instantly calming him. it’s something you do when he’s also close to wolfing out anytime. one touch to his cheek and his eyes are back to normal and his fangs are retracting back into his gums. it’s also a way to get him in the mood. if you’re feeling worked up, all you have to do is cup his chin to give him a kiss, maybe run your finger across his cheek, and he is putty in your hands.
L - Lingerie (their reactions to seeing you in fancy lingerie)
isaac is stunned silent. he didn’t know how to react, so he just stood there, staring, heavily breathing. as you stepped forward, he gulps nervously and you tenderly place his hands on your waist. he feels the lace against your skin, the color of the lingerie complimenting your skin tone perfectly. he couldn’t stop staring every second, and when you tried kissing him, he pulled away to finally compliment you, awkwardly giggling and pulling you back in for a sweet kiss.
M - Marriage (what a wedding is like with them/what married life is like)
i feel like getting married to isaac would just make him ten times softer. like dating is great, but marriage is a forever commitment, technically speaking. that means he has to ‘up’ his game to keep you, as he sees it. he’s much more loving and cuddly, so happy that you two made it to this point. every night before bed, he pulls you close to him and just gives you kisses all over your face and neck. after you two settle, he expresses how happy he is that you’re married and promises to make you happy for the rest of your life. the sincerity and love in his voice makes you cry every single time.
N - Nervous (were they nervous for any first times in your relationship: first meeting, first kiss, first time)
everything, basically. he’s nervous to kiss you, nervous to have sex, nervous to spend the night with you for the first time. he’s never felt this way about someone so he didn’t know what was right or wrong when it came to some things. he had to ask scott and derek, though the latter wasn’t much help, about how to go about these things. what should he do if he wants to kiss you? what should be the proper way to ask you to spend the night with him? all of these things, he was supposed to have learned from his dad, but he was happy that scott was willing to help.
O - Overreact (how often do you/they overreact and how bad does it get)
you sometimes overreact to him dealing with the supernatural world. obviously, you don’t know everything and oftentimes, you do your own research. so when you go to isaac and tell him he needs to be careful or to not mess with a certain creature, he tells you it’s fine. you’ll go on a big rant about how you hate that he is so careless with this stuff and he doesn’t really care about his own safety or even yours, but he is quick to silence you with a kiss. he assures you he knows what he’s doing, as scott and derek are pretty well trained with the supernatural and wouldn’t approach or attack something that they don’t have the power for.
P - Past (how does their/your past affect your relationship)
isaac’s past definitely makes some things hard in the beginning of your relationship. he has trust issues, problems with being in closed spaces, being spoken to in a different tone than usual, things you wouldn’t think are a problem. but when he flips out because you dragged him into a closet to steal a few minutes of a makeout session, you feel horrible. later that night, he cries in your arms and tells you everything about his past, things with his dad, how he was treated, and it made you be more careful with your words and actions around him.
Q - Quarrel (fighting with each other)
fighting with isaac is never a good time. he picks at the littlest of things in the beginning of your relationship, which is also when he’s still trying to come to terms with the fact that he’s a wolf. things like you not being able to hang out because of homework, hanging out with scott instead of him, making comments about the supernatural world. usually, they don’t last that long because you tell him he’s being ridiculous, when he is. when fights get more serious later on, though, you can spend days not talking to one another.
R - Romance (how your relationship has progressed over time)
at first, your relationship progresses slowly. he’s never been in a real relationship so everything is new to him. he’s scared of making the wrong move or saying the wrong thing, so he’s wary of taking things too far right off the bat. but when you get more and more comfortable with one another, things take off, and you fall in love very quickly. isaac is a great boyfriend, so it was easy to progress your relationship when the time came and feel at ease with each other.
S - Sorry (what happens after fights)
you let him calm down after fights. he’s usually close to wolfing out most times, so when you see his eyes begin to glow, you walk away, telling him to anchor himself and come back when he’s ready to talk things out as a human. it doesn’t take long before he’s trudging to wherever you are in the house/apartment and crying uncontrollably in your arms, whimpering that he’s sorry and he doesn’t want to lose you over a stupid fight. sometimes fights can last days. well, the silent treatment from both of you. but either you, him, or someone in the pack forces you to reconcile and resolve things.
T - Tender (how sweet they can be in different moments)
isaac has never had a loving family, so when you showed him what love is, he wanted to reciprocate. he is tender all the damn time. cuddling? he’s rubbing your back or shoulder soothingly, pressing kisses to your forehead and whispering how much he cares for you. the only time he’s not really affectionate is in public. he loves you and all, but he’s not one for much pda. holding hands, yeah, kissing, not really. unless he’s jealous and trying to prove a point.
U - Upset (what you do that upsets them/vice versa and how they react to it)
when you talk shit about certain pack members. you understand that they are practically his family, but some of them, in the beginning, didn’t treat him so well, including derek. sure, you didn’t know everything that went on behind the scenes, but you knew general things. at times, derek was taking advantage of isaac and his trauma, which is what you spoke out about. this led to a small fight with isaac defending his pack.
V - Violence (what you do when they turn to violence)
isaac can’t help but turn to violence, due to his werewolf nature. sometimes, you’re okay with it, knowing that he has to fight against other supernatural creatures and use his werewolf abilities. but when it comes to just randomly getting into fights because he was jealous or angry at one of the pack members just because, you anchor him to get him to stop. you don’t like seeing or hearing that he fought with someone. you know he’s used to using violence as a response to anger, but you don’t like seeing him so angry.
W - Wait (how long they wait to make a move or do something)
after allison introduced the two of you, he didn’t make a move for a while. you became friends first, and he got advice from scott, derek, boyd, and even stiles on how to make a move. he wanted to make it right, he wanted to make sure it was a memorable experience for both of you and an important moment. when he finally asks you out on a date, or to be his girlfriend, he explains why he waited so long. you admit that he could have asked you to be his girlfriend in a janitor’s closet and you would’ve been happy.
X - X-Rated (are they dirty in inappropriate times)
he usually prefers to keep dirty things for the bedroom. as mentioned, he’s not one for pda, so if you’re at a pack meeting, or at school, or even shopping, he doesn’t like whispering dirty things in your ear or being inappropriate. you’ve done it a couple times, but he voiced his opinion on it, so you stopped right away. he also is slightly embarrassed about the idea of sex, not having much experience, so it wasn’t something he wanted everyone to know.
Y - Year (what you do to celebrate one-year celebrations)
he takes you to paris, which is the main reason you end up moving there together after allison’s death. he surprised you with tickets the night before, and you spent the early hours of the morning packing excitedly and talking about what you wanted to do there. he got you two a very special, nice hotel room, equipped with a hot tub in the bathroom and everything. it was a very romantic week and it was nice to just take time away from the supernatural and focus on each other.
Z - Zzz (what it’s like to sleep with them, just sleep)
isaac is a cuddler. like he has to hold you in his arms otherwise he can’t sleep. you don’t mind one bit. you love cuddling close to him, nuzzling your face in his neck or sweater. there are times where he sleeps shirtless and you love it because you get to be really close to him, his warm skin keeping you cozy and comfortable. before he nods off, whether you’re awake or not, he always has to press a kiss to your forehead or cheek, whichever is easiest for him to reach; most times it’s your forehead. it’s such a sweet and intimate gesture that he started early on and continued to do for the rest of your relationship.
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vintagedolan · 3 years
Post fix concept #1- how did gray propose???!
this makes me so 🥺
Indiana barely had time to let out the breath she had been holding before Grayson’s lips were on hers. He pulled her to him by her hip, grateful that there wasn’t a barrier between their seats.
“I’m so fucking proud of you.”
Indy smiled, her adrenaline still pumping enough to make her fingers shake as she ran them over his scruff. She rested her forehead against his for a moment, catching her breath as the flight attendant came over the intercom.
“G’day, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Sydney Australia Airport. Local time is 9:04 am and the temperature is a lovely 29 degrees. For your safety and comfort, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened until the Captain turns off the fasten seatbelt sign.”
“29, what is that, like 85 fahrenheit?” Indy asked, eyes moving to the windows that were opening on the opposite side of the aisle. They revealed a new place, a new world. It felt different somehow. Calm, and welcoming as she looked out over warm tones of brown and the far off ocean.
Grayson looked up the aisle, spotting his brother and Eden in first class, peaking their heads out to look back and check on Indy, no doubt. He threw them a quick thumbs up while Indy wasn’t looking. There had been a few moments on the flight he’d missed his usual first class ticket across the pond. But he knew with the wall between the seats, he’d have more trouble getting to Indy if she needed him. So, they went one step down, to the reclining wide seats next to each other in economy plus, big enough for Indy to climb over into his seat and sleep throughout the 15 hour flight if she needed him. Most people were there so long they forgot they were even in the air.
Indy didn’t. She slept more than she expected to though, only lulled off by Grayson’s gentle snores in her ear as he held her tight. Her body was confused, but it wasn’t anything worse than a hard 12 hour shift at the hospital. Still, her adrenaline from landing made her legs wobble when she stood in the aisle, hard enough for Grayson to stabilize her hips from behind her.
“You good?”
“Yeah, just ready to finally be off a plane,” she chuckled, reaching back to squeeze his fingers as they squeezed her waist. The group walked slowly through the line of people, made it through the airport, got their bags and made it out relatively quickly, and fresh air never smelled sweeter than on the curb before they climbed into their uber. 
It didn’t hit Indy until they were there, scrunched up in the back with her between both the twins and Eden in the passenger seat.
“I did it. I actually fucking did it,” she said to herself. She turned to Grayson with a smile. “We’re here. I’m in fucking Australia!” Despite herself, she started to tear up a bit. Somewhere, tucked away, was ten year old Indy, leaping for joy at the fact that she’d accomplished something she never thought she’d be able to do.
“Hell yeah we are!” Ethan cheered, wrapping an arm around Indy’s shoulder and shaking her just barely. “Proud of you sis.”
Indy blinked back her tears and leaned against Grayson, closing her eyes as they made their way to their home for the next week and a half. 
Grayson held her head against his shoulder for every bump and turn they encountered, turning his head to kiss her hair. 
His mind? Well, other than keeping his girl comfortable, it was wandering to his bag in the back. Specifically, to a small wooden box that was wrapped up in one of his speedos for safe keeping. 
A box that Grayson was paranoid that Indy would find every minute that he didn’t have his eyes on her. He’d been so excited to show her his favorite place, and even more excited to have his girlfriend all to himself in a king size bed that he hadn’t bothered to find a better hiding spot for it.
It worked out - there wasn’t a minute that he didn’t want to spend with her anyways. They packed their days with everything adventurous they could think of - snorkeling, beach days, exploring the outback. They went ziplining, and held koalas and pet kangaroos and learned about Australian history and culture. 
Every night, they found themselves showering off the day together and crawling into bed with just enough energy left to get lost in the rhythm of Grayson’s hips and the sound of their lips on each other’s skin. 
Except for the night of September 23rd. That night, Grayson put on his nicest shorts with pockets and slid the ring box into them with shaky hands before he went down the hall to find his brother. 
Ethan perked up, confused for a moment before he smiled. 
“Today’s the day huh?”
“Yeah. I think so.”
“You know so. You sure you don’t want me to take pictures or anything?”
“Nah, just want it to be us. I’m fucking scared bro.”
“That just means you love her. “ Ethan stood up and pulled his twin in by the shoulder, giving him a tight hug. “You got this man. Can’t wait to see you all when you get back.”
Grayson nodded and tried to settle his breathing down. 
It picked right back up when he walked into the room and saw Indy in front of the mirror. She was in a sundress - a short dusty blue number that kissed the tops of her thighs, resting delicately on the curve of her ass while she leaned closer to the mirror to put on her mascara. 
She smiled when she saw him, finishing quickly and turning around.
“Hi baby. I’m almost ready, just gotta pick out a lipstick.”
“Lipstick makes you sticky when I kiss you,” he pouted, making her roll her eyes playfully at him. 
“Fine. Just for you.” She kissed him softly as if to prove her point, humming when he pulled her in by the hips. She melted against him for a moment, getting lost in his like she always did before her mind wandered back to her. 
“We’re gonna be late to our reservations.”
“I made them for later. Wanted to show you something first.”
Indy was never one for surprises growing up, but the nervous excitement was welcomed now. She knew she could trust him, wholly, with anything. So she slid her shoes on took his hand and let him lead her to the car. 
She bit her tongue when she wanted to ask where they were going, what they were doing. But it didn’t stop the worry when she pressed her fingers into Grayson’s wrist in the car, pausing the hearts she was tracing.
“Your pulse is 104. Are you good?”
“Okay human apple watch,” he laughed, pulling his arm away from her dramatically for a moment before giving it right back. “I’m fine baby. Maybe you just make my heart race.”
Indy snorted. “You wanna pull over for me to throw up or should I just do it out the window as we’re going.”
She kissed the back of his hand as they laughed. 
Grayson on the other hand was 99% sure he was the one who would puke when he put the rental car in park. 
Indy cocked her head to the side for a moment. Then she craned her neck up, trying to see over the embankment. 
“Is the restaurant down there somewhere.”
In a moment of panic, Grayson raced to put his hand over her eyes, hitting her nose in the process.
“Okay ow?” Indy muttered.
“Fuck, sorry, sorry baby.” He leaned over and pressed a fleeting kiss to her temple. “Just close your eyes, I want it to be a surprise. Don’t open them until I say.”
“You coulda just said that,” Indy grumbled as Grayson got out of the car and went to her side. He pulled her door open, heart pounding so loud he was sure she could hear it when he leaned over to unbuckle her seatbelt. 
“Okay, come out here.”
He guided her out of the car to stand up, putting his hands on her shoulders. He looked at her shoes - dainty sandals - and then at the thick sand they would have to get through to get to where he wanted on the beach. On the horizon, the sun was setting, painting the sky in shades of purple and pink. Avalon was the most beautiful beach he’d ever been to, and he knew it would only be even more special after that night.
“Get on my back.”
“Just jump on my back,” he said, turning around and putting her hands on his shoulders.
“My ass will be fully out in this dress if I do that,” she countered.
“I’ll cover it with my hands or something, just jump.”
“So demanding,” she teased, but she jumped anyways. He smoothed the fabric down over her butt and held her up as he moved through the sand to the lookout he had in mind.
She rested her chin on his shoulder as he walked, eyes still squeezed shut.
“I hear the ocean,” she hummed, already content. 
When he got to where he wanted, with the perfect view of the beach, he closed his eyes for a moment and sent a prayer up to all his angels that he would find the right words to say. 
He sat her down gently on her feet and moved behind her, pulling the box out of his pocket. Slowly, he knelt down, watching her dress blow in the wind. 
“Okay, open.”
Indy opened her eyes. The sun burned for a moment, and then she took it all in. The water was a painting of bright hues, reflected back off the sunset that tinted the clouds. The beach was pristine, fine white sand laying perfectly for as far as she could see in either direction.
“Oh wow. This place is perfect.”
And then she turned around. 
The ring caught the fading light, sparkling in it’s little box lined with velvet. His smile was brighter. And nervous, more nervous than she’d seen it in so long. She watched him swallow as he looked up at her.
“Oh my god.” She covered her mouth, her legs feeling like jello beneath her. 
He forgot his entire speech in the moment, and it didn’t matter. 
“I love you. I knew I wanted you to be a part of my life from the first day that I met you. And then I fell in love with you, and I knew I was going to love you for the rest of my life, no matter what. I want everything, all of it. The wedding and the honeymoon and the kids and the good days and the hard days and the days when we’re old and gross but we still have each other. I want forever with you, and for me, marriage is the promise for that. And you have me, forever, no matter what. So... Indiana Jamie Cross... will you marry me?”
“Yes. A million times yes.”
She couldn’t kiss him fast enough. She crouched, cupping his face in both her hands as he stood up, desperate to have him. He wrapped his arms around her waist, spinning her around and sending sand flying that neither of them noticed as they laughed with tearful eyes. 
indy was dizzy when he sat her down, hands shaking as he held up the box again. The ring was beautiful and delicate, with thin gold all the way around the stone.
“I got it custom. And I had them round out the top and bottom edges just a little bit so it doesn’t get caught on your gloves at work,” he explained. 
“I love you so much. Forever,” she whispered, kissing him again just because she could. He breathed her in, squeezing her again before he pulled back and reached for her left hand, sliding the ring on, letting out a relieved sigh when it fit. 
“Oh my god that really just happened,” Indy whispered, and all they could do was laugh and hold each other as it sank in. 
Gray kissed her hair. “No going back now, you already said yes.”
She smacked his shoulder playfully, admiring the way the ring caught the light when she did. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders, nuzzling into her hair as the swayed back and forth, soaking in the moment.
“Also, sad news. I totally lied about the reservation, and Ethan’s contribution is cooking dinner tonight. So we might be celebrating our engagement with food poisoning.” 
Indy laughed into his shirt. “Well hey, at least if we’re puking our guts out later we’re doing it as fiancees.” The word felt foreign but somehow electrifying coming off her tongue. 
“Fuck yeah we are. You ready to go home, or do you wanna stay another minute.”
“Just a few more minutes. I wanna remember this forever.”
Gray smiled his brightest smile and kissed her slow and warm before wrapping her up again, closing his eyes as they held each other again.
Against his back, through his shirt, he felt her finger move. 
bonus: this is the ring :’)
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perriewinklenerdie · 4 years
We made a vow (Ethan x MC)
Open Heart, Ethan Ramsey x MC
A/N:  Hey, hi, hello! How are we doing this (kinda, but not really, uni started and I feel the need to sleep and complain even tho nothing has happened yet, really) fine day? It's weekend, guys! Yesterday I got an ask with an idea that felt way too painful and emotional for me to not write. (I almost cried while writing it, cause I got emo :) ) So, we brainstormed; we wrote; we made an edit; here we are now.
It’s part of the ESIMY series but can be read as a separate work. (E and C got married before they started working together. That’s about all you need to know.)
Tag list: @paleweasels | @kittykatchoices | @valiantlychaoticbarbarian |   @radlovedreamer | @usuallyamazinglyaverage | @awhmilkywey |   @cordoniaqueensworld | @princess-geek | @faithhasnowords | @mightyfangirlofthefandoms | @drakewalkerfantasy | @timmagicktoad  @laceandlula | @greywitchyshots | @llamasgrl |  @gingerjane15 |    @marywrites-things | @ethanplaysfavorites | @mfackenthal | @betelgeusebee | @simsvetements | @owleyes374 | @aworldoffandoms | @l822 | @cream-ray | @silverlitskies | @justendlesssummerfeels | @togetherwearerapture | @desmaranj | @edgiestwinter | @friedherringclodthing | @waytooattuned | @choicesgremlin | @lapisreviewsstuff | @writerapprentice | @chasingrobbie | @x-kyne-x | @thisperfectmemory | @drakewalker04 | @rookie-ramsey | @jlynn12273 | @thepinknymph |  @dr-brianna-casey-valentine | @a-i-n-a-a-s-h | @justanotherrookie |  @mvalentine | @starrystarrytrouble | @akshara16 |  @maurine07 |  @natzz-b |  @aylamreads  | @openheartthot | @tsrookie | @takemyopenheart | @mrsramseyy | @blossomanarchy | @thegreentwin | @doilooklikeiknow​
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Summary: What impact would the events of Chapter 11 have on Ethan and Claire if they were married at the time? 
Enjoy! <3
Nothing that happened so far that day clued him in that something was about to happen. He went about his day as usual, depending on his coffee to push him through the sleepiness he was feeling. A slight smirk appeared on his lips every time he remembered how his wife kept him up all night, being the sole reason for his tiredness. She would, of course, deny everything and say that it was him who kept her up, not the other way around, but in those moments, neither of them ever cared who started and who made it last.
Everything that day was going perfectly. Which should have been his first red flag.
He never would have believed it was possible to happen, but as soon as he turned the corner, the air changed. A blow to his chest and a hand wrapping around his heart, squeezing tighter with each step forward he took. It was getting harder to breathe and he couldn’t explain it. Then he looked inside the room of the senator, and suddenly he knew everything and nothing at once.
Claire noticed him almost immediately. Their silent conversation lasted only a fraction of a second, after which he was throwing himself at the door, trying to reach her and find answers to his confusion. But the door wouldn’t budge; her grip on the handle was tight, her shoulder keeping the door closed.
“Ethan, don’t come in here.” She exclaimed, panic seeping into her features. He didn’t understand; he desperately needed to, though, because with each moment that passed with a barrier between them, the chances of him keeping a level head were getting smaller and smaller.
“Claire, what’s happening?” he asked, pulling his eyes away from her, not without effort, to diagnose the situation in the room. Pieces of the puzzle were falling into place, painting a horrifying picture in his mind. He looked back at her, pleading with his gaze for her to tell him that it wasn’t what he already knew was the case. But she couldn’t do that.
“Travis just tried to kill the Senator. Ed escaped, and whatever was in that can got on Travis, Danny and Bobby. Rafael and I were affected too, though not as much.”
“How much?”
“I breathed some in. Maybe some more on my hands.” They both looked down at her wrists, a layer of an unknown substance sparkling in the bright light of the room. “It’s bad, Ethan. I just don’t know how bad yet.”
Ethan refused to look away from her for a long moment. If only he could take her into his arms and shield her from it all. They could be far away from this, far away from idiots like the Senator, far away from danger. It was too late for that now; she was already affected. She could already be on her way to leaving him, and all he was able do was stop and stare at her. Scared that if he looked away, she would disappear.
After making sure that no one could see her face, she mouthed ‘I love you’, her lower lip trembling as tears threatened to fall down her cheeks. He couldn’t mirror her gesture, with people standing behind her having the potential to see him, but he could place his hand on the glass and pretend that he could feel the warmth of her hand when she did that too.
“I’ll make it right, Claire. You’re not dying on me. Not now, not ever.”
“Dr. Herondale, you need to change into these.” A nurse’s voice was a bit quiet due to the hazmat suit she wore. Extending her hand, she handed Claire a plain gown, waiting patiently for her to change in the bathroom. When she was handed back the clothes the blonde doctor was wearing, she noticed a necklace around her neck. “All the jewelry too.”
Claire shook her head. “I never take this off. I can’t.”
“I’m afraid there’s no other choice, Dr. Herondale. I’m sorry about that.” She responded with a sympathetic look on her face, but there was no discussion.
With a shuddered breath, Claire reached for the clasp at the back of her neck, taking the necklace off tenderly. A golden band was hanging from it. Her wedding ring. When she’s at work, she keeps it hidden to not raise any questions, and so does Ethan. But as soon as their shifts end, they fall back into the comfort of their marriage and rings go back on their fingers.
She traced the rim of the ring with her thumb. Pensively, she turned to the nurse. “Can you give it to Dr. Ramsey? For safekeeping?”
“Of course, I’ll get that to him right away.”
Claire didn’t have to wait long to see her husband again. As soon as he got the ring, he shot up from his seat and practically ran to her. She was sitting by the wall, eyes closed most likely due to a wave of nausea that she was complaining about the last time he saw her.
“Claire?” he called out, his voice coming out much gentler than he knew it should. She looked at him, standing up slowly to walk over to the window. She didn’t even have to ask to know why he was there.”
“You got it, right?” she asked as a formality, an attempt to make them both feel better. He laughed quietly, raising his hand to show her a thin golden chain, wrapped around his hand lightly, a sparkling band touching his wrist.
“How are you feeling?” he nodded towards the room, grasping at any shred of information to ease his mind even a little bit.
“My head hurts a bit, but nothing else has changed. Any progress on the diagnosis?” as soon as the question left her mouth, his face fell. He shook his head, closing his eyes in shame.
“I feel like I’m letting you down.”
“Ethan, no.” she interrupted him before he could say anything else. “I can’t shake you literally, so you’re going to have to do that yourself. None, and I mean it, none of this is your fault. You hear me?”
“Yes, Dr. Herondale.” He teased, smiling for the first time since the incident. He hesitated for a bit, then decided to go with his idea. Unwrapping the chain from around his hand, he slipped it around his neck, letting it rest against his chest, protected from the view by the fabric of his shirt. “You better come out to take it back. I have mine, it needs you to have the other one.”
Sienna was keeping her eyes trained on the road ahead of them, nervously twisting her fingers. Ethan was almost waiting for his wife’s friend to ask the question that he could practically hear in the way she was shaking impatiently in her seat.
“Claire talks a lot about you.” she said innocently, doing exactly what Ethan expected her to do. And yet, he didn’t know how to respond. You should have thought of a response.
“We’re friends.” He decided to play it safe, hoping that she would drop the subject. She didn’t.
“It seems like more than friends, with all due respect.”
Ethan was never a person to say the first thing that comes to his mind. So why did he start now? “I have feelings for her.” And as soon as the words left his mouth, a flash of cold ran down his spine, freezing him in place.
Sienna gasped, her face lighting up giddily. “I freaking knew it! You have the vibe!”
“I beg your pardon?” Ethan stuttered, trying to do some damage control that he knew was most likely a futile effort. She turned to look at him with a serious glint in her eyes.
“It’s very subtle, I just notice those things. Does she know? About your feelings?”
“She does.”
“So you two are dating?” another excited scream filled the air in the car, making him feel as though the walls were closing in on him. They spent so long trying to keep their feelings hidden, and then there was Sienna that seemingly saw through it all, even if she didn’t know the details. Clearly, she didn’t know everything, but with enough reckless confessions from him, she’d put it all together.
“No.” he answered truthfully. “We’re not dating. We talked about it and decided to stay away from each other at work, so we wouldn’t risk her career. And that’s all I’ll say on that matter.” He added, cutting her short when he saw her opening her mouth to ask more questions.
The only sound that could be heard was the gently hum of the car moving on the concrete. The atmosphere got heavier as the glooming vision of possible tragedy hung over their heads.
“Do you think they’ll survive this?” Sienna asked quietly, fighting the tightness in her throat and the tears in her eyes. Ethan didn’t want to have to think about it. Up until this point, he wouldn’t let himself even think about the possibility of losing Claire.
“I- I don’t know.” He hated not having an answer, hated the feeling of uncertainty. He’s been terrified before; he’s felt helplessness before too. This time was worse on so many levels that his mind refused to register all of them. His determination was burning in his chest, fighting the terror in his mind. It wasn’t over. Not yet. “But I’ll do everything in my power to make sure that they do.”
They’re left alone as their friends and colleagues rushed off to race against the time and find the cure. Ethan stood by her side, looking at her from behind the plastic pane of his suit, his whole body aching as though he’s ran a marathon. Because in a way, he did. She was looking at him with tired eyes, her signature glimmer in her eyes gone. The only thing that was still left of his wife that hasn’t changed was the smile on her face. A smile she had only for him; a smile that was the first thing that made him fall for her. He could see through her façade, though, knowing how much it cost her to smile like that.
“Claire, I-“ he started speaking. He thought he was strong enough to pull them both through it. How wrong he was. He choked on his words, all defenses falling to the ground and baring him to the pain that was shadowing him for the whole day. She fell into his arms, her tears trailing down the stiff layer of his suit, the skin of her cheek sticking to it uncomfortably.
“Promise me.” she whispered, trying to clear her throat enough to make her voice more audible. “Promise me that you won’t shut down. That you won’t push everyone away.” she felt him freeze when he realized what she was doing. He tired to move away so he could protest, but she kept him in place firmly, her arms holding onto his waist tightly. “Promise me you’ll take care of Jenner. And let Naveen in. And Alan. And Louise.” He stopped fighting, surprised by her words. She nodded, nuzzling her face into his chest. “Yes, her too. You’re going to need people to survive this if- if I-“
She started hyperventilating, unable to finish whatever sentence she had in mind. Ethan’s grip on her grounded her in reality that she didn’t want to be in but wouldn’t have it any other way at the same time. Because in this reality, she had him, and he was everything she ever needed. She wouldn’t give him up for anything.
Ethan’s entire body began to shake, wrecked by sobs that stole the air he was supposed to be breathing. He picked her up and carried her to bed, gathering her in his arms and rocking them both in a gentle back and forth motion.
“Stop. You’re not dying. You’re not leaving me this soon, and I’m not leaving you either. We promised each other a life together.” He picked her left hand up, pressing his thumb to her ring finger. Remembering that her ring was with him, he places her hand over the place it was resting, letting her feel the outlines of it through the rough material of the suit. “It’s waiting to go back on that little finger of yours. And it will. We’re gonna find a cure and you’ll be fine.” His embrace brought her closed, making her basically lie down on top of him, as close as their current situation would allow.
“I’m going to take you back home and take care of you. Help you overcome all the demons that haunt that beautiful mind of yours.” He continued, their legs tangled despite hers being covered by the blanket, her hand holding onto his tightly, wishing she could feel his skin instead of a thick layer of plastic. “I’m going to love you so much and so hard that you’ll forget about the world outside. I love you Claire. We’re going to have a long and happy life together, you, Jenner and I.”
“And we’ll get a cat.” She laughed, the sound mixing with her sobs that slowly begun to subside. He smiled at the thought, finding it hard to disagree with her.
“I’m sure Jenner would love that.”
“I already asked and got the approval.”
“Of course you did.” there was lightness in his voice, some of the weight lifted off his chest. Long as she was breathing, talking and holding him tight, there was still time. “We’re going to get through this.” he whispered, holding her long into the night as she slept.
Next morning brought them the hope they needed along with the cure. Hour after hour, her situation was looking up and eventually, she was cleared to be transferred to the other room. Claire couldn’t begin to explain the sheer happiness she felt when she saw her husband walk through the door without that ridiculous suit on. Her body came to life when she embraced him tightly and actually felt him, the warmth of his body, the lines of his muscles, all of which she knew by heart. Tears were falling down her cheeks and his, mixing together the further down they were, and their embrace didn’t seem friendly, but they were both beyond the point of caring. No more distance, no more danger to keep them away from each other.
Ethan walked her to her new room, taking his time to not strain her too much. He even suggested carrying her there, but she refused to let him out them like that, saying that there’s a perfectly working wheelchair that would do the job almost as good as his arms.
“Though, for the record, I prefer your arms.” She grinned, winking at him playfully.
He took a quick look over the corridor, making sure they were alone before locking the door behind them and stepping closer to her. He reached for the chain around his neck and took it off, sliding the ring into his palm. Taking her hand in his, he put the ring on her finger, something changing in the air around them, clicking into place. Ethan raised her hand to his lips, pressing a kiss to the golden band, his eyes finding hers and locking them in an intense gaze that said everything that needed to be said.
“In sickness and in health.” He muttered, pulling on her fingers to rest her arm on his shoulder as their lips met softly. She laughed sweetly, nuzzling her nose against his in a tender act of affection.
“For better or worse.” Claire wrapped her other arm around his neck, pressing them closer together as the world melted away for a short while.
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rookie-ramsey · 3 years
Songbird, Chapter 9 (Ethan X MC)
Description: She thought the biggest obstacle of her life was surviving medical school. Life had a funny away of proving her wrong with a breast cancer diagnosis.
Preview: His dad reached out and gave his shoulder a squeeze.“I’m proud of you, Ethan. I never thought I’d see this day.”
“Thanks, Dad.” Ethan smiled softly, relaxing and letting out a deep breath. “And honestly, I never thought I’d see it, either. I never thought it was something I’d want, but things change. I know that now.”
Previous Chapter
The next day, Ethan took Olivia home. He had plenty of days saved that he could take off to stay with her.
As soon as they walked into his apartment, Olivia made a beeline for the couch. She flopped unceremoniously onto it and curled up under the plush Edenbrook blanket Bryce and Sienna had gifted her.
“You rest for now. I’ll wake you up for dinner later.”
“Okay.” Closing her eyes, she wrapped her arms around a pillow and dozed off in a matter of minutes.
Unwilling to be far from her just yet, Ethan sat at the other end of the couch and quietly busied himself with some patient files. Once the afternoon sunlight gave way to evening, he left the living room to start dinner.
Per her request, Ethan made Georgian stuffed chicken. By the time the oven buzzed to alert him that the chicken was done, Olivia was awake and shuffled sleepily into the kitchen.
“How do you feel?”
“Still tired. I feel like I could go into hibernation.” Olivia washed her hands and accepted the plate of chicken he handed her. She took a seat at the table and took a bite of chicken.
Ethan sat down as well. “You need all the rest you can get. Your body is still recovering from the infection.”
“I know. I just wish I didn’t feel like sleeping all the time. At least I have an appetite today.”
He nodded encouragingly. “That’s good. You haven’t had one in a few days.”
Olivia ate her dinner in slow, small bites to avoid unsettling her stomach. She ate half of it before she felt full and stopped. “I won’t risk it. I’d like to get through one night without violently puking.”
After dinner, Olivia felt more alert and wanted to rest on the couch again instead of going to bed just yet. She made herself comfortable next to Ethan as she clicked through Netflix to find something to watch.
“There’s something I’d like to talk to you about.”
“What is it?”
Ethan cupped her cheek in his hand and stroked her jaw with his thumb. “Do you remember that conversation we had several months ago? When we talked about our future.”
Olivia nodded curiously. “I remember.”
“You said you saw marriage in our future. Do you still see that?”
Her expression softened, her eyes giving way to longing and barely concealed pain. “I remember. I just hope that future is a reality for me one day.”
“Who says we need to put it off?”
At that, she arched a brow. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying? An impulse marriage?”
“I’ve given this plenty of thought. And your impulsivity… well, it’s contagious.” Ethan couldn’t contain an amused smile. He reached into his pocket and revealed a ring box.
Olivia’s eyes widened. “You’re serious…”
“Aren’t I always?” Ethan opened the box to reveal the sparkling band. “You told me once that love doesn’t have to make sense. I understand that now. I know you’re going to live to see your future and I’d like to be a part of it, if that’s what you want. Will you marry me?”
Her eyes glistened with tears. Nodding shakily, she threw her arms around him and smiled. “Yes.”
Ethan pulled her close and kissed her head. He took her hand into his and gently slipped the ring on her finger. “I love you.”
“I love you, too…” She laid her head on his shoulder. “I want to get married in the summer. I’ll be done with chemo then. Maybe by then I won’t look like a walking skeleton.”
“Don’t,” he chastised gently. “You would look beautiful regardless of when we held the wedding. But we can have the ceremony whenever you want. It’s up to you.”
“In the summer. I want the weather to be nice. And that gives me time to finish my treatments before we start planning.”
Ethan nodded and looped his arms around her. “I’ll be content with anything that you want.”
She grinned. “I feel so spoiled.”
“That’s my goal.” Ethan’s eyes softened. “Anything you want.”
“Whipped,” she teased.
“What can I say?” Ethan grinned and kissed her softly. “I enjoy spoiling you.”
Happier than she’d been in months, she leaned into his kiss. Then she held her hand out to admire the reflection of the light against its stones. “How long have you had the ring?”
“A while,” he admitted. “I had planned on an elaborate dinner proposal, but… some things don’t go as planned.”
“I like impulsive Ethan,” Olivia agreed. She leaned against his side and closed her eyes. “I’m ready to go back to sleep, but there’s one tiny problem.”
“What’s that?”
“The bed is all the way at the end of the hall, and I don’t feel like getting up.” She opened her eyes enough to give him an innocent pleading look.
“Sounds like a predicament. What am I supposed to do about that?” Ethan teased. He stood up and lifted her into his arms. With a smirk, she wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned up to kiss him as he carried her to their bedroom.
“See? I told you. Whipped.”
Her first two nights of leave were peaceful enough. She knew it would only last until her next chemo session, so she took advantage of it while she could by spending as much time as possible eating her favorite foods and staying out of bed.
Just as Olivia suspected, her next chemo session left her feeling miserable. Normally, the side effects didn’t hit her until a few hours later, but this time she felt ill barely an hour after they’d left her appointment.
Half-asleep, she blinked tiredly when she heard keys in the front door, followed by the door opening and closing. A minute later, Ethan joined her in the bedroom. “That was fast.”
Ethan shrugged. “I didn’t want to leave you alone longer than absolutely necessary.” He reached into the bags and set out the ginger ale and medication he had picked up.
Nauseous and uncomfortable, Olivia sat up and dispensed two of the tablets into her mouth, following it with a slow sip of ginger ale. Any medication she had tried barely made a dent in the nausea, but she figured some relief was better than none at all.
Sighing, she curled up further under the covers. A tremor went through her, making her wince. Ethan’s hand smoothed over her forehead, brushing away a strand of cold sweat.
“Is there anything else I can get for you?”
She shook her head. “Just keep me company. I don’t want to be nauseous and bored at the same time.”
“We can’t have that.” Ethan sat on the bed and leaned against the headboard. He opened his arms to her. Grateful, Olivia snuggled into his chest and sighed.
“Ethan, I’ve been thinking about something.”
“What is it?”
“I don’t want to wait until summer. I want to get married sooner. I know everything is looking better for my illness, but… you know how unpredictable things can be. And I don’t want to risk not seeing that day happen.”
Ethan froze, his throat clenching a little. “You’re still worried that you won’t go into remission.”
She nodded slightly. “I know I’m supposed to focus on the positive test results, but all it takes is one setback to make things go south. I want to make sure our wedding day happens, if it’s okay with you for us to have it sooner.”
He rested his head against hers, kissing it softly. “I already told you that I’m happy with whatever you want. Are you sure that this is what you want?”
“I’m sure.”
“Then we’ll start planning.”
All of their friends were surprised when Olivia rescheduled their wedding, but they understood.
She didn’t think she would ever lose the fear that her cancer would kill her, so she wanted to take every opportunity possible while she could. If things worked the way they were supposed to, then she would recover and they would enjoy a long married life together.
Still,  if there was even the slightest chance that waiting until summer would mean she would die before their wedding, she wouldn’t risk it.
A month after Ethan proposed to her in their living room, they held a small ceremony in the hospital’s chapel. They kept the guest list small and the ceremony simple.
Ethan felt his heart racing with an unusual nervousness as he waited. His dad reached out and gave his shoulder a squeeze.
“I’m proud of you, Ethan. I never thought I’d see this day.”
“Thanks, Dad.” Ethan smiled softly, relaxing and letting out a deep breath. “And honestly, I never thought I’d see it, either. I never thought it was something I’d want, but things change. I know that now.”
The pianist started playing a soft melody. Inhaling sharply, Ethan moved into his position on the altar and watched as their small wedding party walked down the aisle, stopping when they reached the altar.
When the melody changed and Ethan saw Olivia at the end of the aisle, standing next to Naveen, his breath hitched in his throat. A soft smile pulled at his lips as the two made their way down the aisle.
Halfway down the aisle, Olivia faltered a little with dizziness. Ethan noticed and instinctively started to step off of the altar, but Naveen steadied her and they started walking again.
When they reached the altar, Ethan reached out and gently took Olivia’s hands into her own. She smiled, leaning slightly into him for support. Ethan gazed down at her, his eyes softer than she’d ever seen them.
Naveen took his place and gave them a warm smile before he spoke. “We’re gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Ethan Ramsey and Olivia Winchester…”
Next chapter
Tag List, Part 1
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nessaiscute · 3 years
A great body
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” My husband asked me as we got out of the carraige.
“Ash dear.” I groaned, “Its going to be fine. I need to get away from Machina's tower and the nevernever. Don’t worry Glitch will make sure no one explodes the kingdom.”
Me and Ash have been married for a long time, I’ve learned so many things about him. Things that during the Ferum war I wouldn't believe if I told my past self. For one, Ash is a worry wort by nature, extremely. I trip one time and hes following me like a puppy. I'm a klutz, I’m going to trip. or when Kerrian was a toddler; Puck came by both Kerrian and his uncle went to play. Ash didn’t stop watching the gate once, and when Kerrian came home Ash glomped him. heh, Kerrian was confused as hell. Puck got a little offended. I’ve learned so many other things ‘bout him too. Too many to mention here, I love him more then anything.
“so out of all the places we could of went, why the beach?” My husband inquired.
I chuckled, good question, “its summer and I feel like showing off my body.”
“To who? I’m the only one thats gonna be there. The beach is technically closed.
I waited till his eyes were on me and then grinned, “exactly. The only one I want to be there.”
“Oh.” Ash realized and then I took his hand in mine and we walked towards the beach. 
Humans can’t see fey unless we let them, i heard all the beaches were closed due to some virus. Our bodies are strong enough to handle this affliction and its only us, i doubt we’ll spread it back to the nevernever. Gods I hope not, I...
focus snapped my brain
But it was so hard, but not for a thinking reason. Ash’s hand was so warm, I wanted to cling to it forever. I didn’t want to let it go at all, I was so distracted I forgot bout the scorching heat. I found myself staring into Ash’s sliver eyes, He really is the only one in the world for me.
“Is something the matter my queen?” Ash asked.
“I haven’t told you how much i love you. thats what.”
That made him chuckle, “I love you too. However my queen i need to apply sunscreen to your back. Please let go of my hand.”
I slowly released my grip, the warn feeling leaving my hand and feeling very sad. Ash placed a towel on the sand and I sat on it. I felt Ash’s heart beat rise, if only slightly. Hes a stubborn cookie, he hasn’t commented on my attire at all, I'm wearing a red bikini with red panties, also my breasts have gotten much bigger since I became iron queen, I’m at least a D. But for some reason, I can’t seem to get Ash’s attention. he says I'm beautiful but would it kill him to stare at me once in a while? I’d love to feel his eyes on me, knowing there is lust in those eyes. feeling the desire and love for me.
Maybe... hes losing interest in me?
“Meghan are you okay?” Ash asked, “Your glamour is very low.”
He finished putting the lotion on my back, I was so lost i thought I didn’t notice. Ash then got in front of me, when he smiled my heart skipped a beat.
“Go play in the water love.” I told him, “Just yell out if you run into trouble.”
He pressed his lips to mine and ran off. 
I puffed, he didn’t even notice my body...
 I stared up at the blue sky, is Ash... really happy with me? Did I make a mistake saving him from the winter court? Does he blame me for our son turning traitor? Maybe...I was never attractive and hes just coping with the fact he married such an ugly wife. 
swamp girl
I forgave but I never forgot high school Waldrop and the rest of the bullies. that nickname still hurts, its what everyone called me. Even Puck one time when he  was mad at me. Am I... not beautiful? Am I even pretty? When we was younger Ash called me beautiful almost every chance he got, now? I don’t even think that idea crosses his mind.
“Wait a second..? Swamp girl??” said a confused voice.
my heart stung at that word I looked up and there was Scott Waldrop. Gods, not now. Humans can’t see me... wait a second, when I was younger he didn’t realize who I was without a name cause he was happy I was gone. but now? his hatred for me must of caused him to recall me therefore he can see me. Waldrop was with girl clung to his arm, I saw a ring on both of their fingers. Married, huh? Waldrop himself has seen way better days. Hes no longer lean and handsome, hes fat and has a bald spot on his head. his wife might look better but her hatred for me makes me afraid. She’s a red head with red lipstick and wearing a black bathing suit. her eyes green.
“Honey who is this?” Asked the woman.
“A real freak. heard you got kidnapped and killed.”
The smile that ran across his face when he mentioned kidnapped and killed, he really does hate me...
“Nope. Still kicking. I’ve just been living life.”
Waldrop noticed the gold ring on my finger. and he snarled, “holy crap the swamp girl got a sugar daddy??”
“Hes not a sugar daddy!” I snapped, “Hes my husband!”
“Don’t snap at my husband freak!!” Snapped the red head.
I was silenced for her scream was deafening.
“Yes mam...” I mumbled, “I’m sorry....”
“Wait a second, where is this ‘husband’? is he seeing his true love. are you being cheated on-”
“Maybe in your dreams.” Stated Ash as he approached.
“Ash??” I gasped, was he keeping track of me the whole time?
Waldrop’s wife checking out Ash made me sick, but Waldrops glare at Ash was making me even more mad.
“Who in the hell are you?”
“Don’t remember me Waldrop? not too shocking we didn’t have much contact when we were younger. But youre harassing my wife. Its going to stop.”
“I don’t believe that Scott dear, hes too... hot to be married to a freak like this.”
Ash twitched, and my heart dropped Ash didn’t bring his wedding ring. said he coulden’t find it, how would ash prove it? I thought my life was-
However Ash pulled up his hand and there was a gold ring on his finger. They both gasped.
“Wow you must of-”
one Glare from ash silenced them both, he has a habit of doing that. 
“Get lost.” Ash snarled and they both stomped away.
Ash was fuming, i felt it, the anger in him was reaching unhealthy levels.
“Let me kill them.” Ash snarled.
“No you idiot! You can’t just kill people for no reason.”
“I have one.” “And that is..?”
“Look at you!” Ash shouted, “Youre shaking life a leaf! Is that how you were-”
Ash caught himself when he saw tears in my eyes. He then sat down next to me and played with my hair.
“Im so sorry Meghan.... I didn’t mean to yell. Can you forgive me? “
“Yes.” I sobbed.
Ash then curled his arm around me and pulled me in, my breasts pressing to his chest. I didn’t feel any heart beat rises. He must really-
“Ahem. I must apologize for my chest.”
“Pardon?” I asked.
“Touching your breasts. I don’t mean to offend you, it is not my intention to grope you.”
Wait a second...
“Ash have you been afraid to notice my body for this reason..? Or am I just not pretty to you?”
Ash has given people odd confused looks before, hes normally not one for nonsense but I have to take credit for the most confused look hes ever given someone. 
“Not pretty to me? Meghan what the hell are you talking about? I think youre the most perfect woman in both the worlds. Have you really not noticed my eyes on you whenever youre not looking. I stare at you quiet often.”
Oh gods I feel so stupid, but at the same time... my heart is soaring. replacing all that sadness with a happy feeling that is impossible to contain.
Ash then softly cupped my breasts and I felt my face get a little warm.
“These are especially nice, I’ve noticed. Its just impolite to scream it out.”
I giggled, “Well they’re only for you. You should stare at them more often.”
Ash chuckled, “Very well. We should go home before I lose my patience again” 
Before that I cupped his face and kissed his lips, he kissed back. My husband loves me, he thinks I’m beautiful. I love him so much. We got into the carriage and drove off.
While driving Ash kept looking at me sympathetically. We both knew what was on his mind.
“Yes, that was my life before Ethan got kidnapped.”
“I just don’t understand how people could be so mean to you.” Ash mumbled.
“I don’t get it either Ash. I don’t.... ever want to go back to that life.”
“And you won’t.” Ash stated as he curled his arms around me.
“Promise? Promise you won’t let me go back to that life....” Ash then kissed my ear “I promise. You’ll never go around those people.” 
I don’t recall what happened after that. I just felt safe falling sleep in my husbands arms.  
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lonelyreputation · 4 years
Trouble in Canada
a/n: hey hi hello!! tis been a while :’) but I'm back bc quarantine got me feeling nostalgic of writing! My computer crashed in September 2019 and all of my writing was no more :( but miraculously, TiC was the only writing saved to my cloud and it only felt fitting to repost it with some ~minor tweaks!  Whether you read TiC when it first came out a few years ago, or it’s your first time, I hope you enjoy :) Hoping everyone is staying happy, healthy, and sane during this time!! Happy reading!! Come chat!! It’s been a while!!
“I’ll see you at the next session?”
            You picked your head up from rummaging in your bag and smiled at Ethan, the cooking class instructor, “My husband should be back in town, but I’ll see.”
           Ethan nodded his head steadily.  He held your gaze for a few moments, but after a while of looking at each other, you diverted your gaze down towards the wooden table.  Slowly, you saw his tapping fingers inch closer to your hand that rested on the table.
           Quickly, you moved your hand, and placed your engagement and wedding ring back on your ring finger.  You didn’t like cooking with your rings on, in fear that they could fall down the drain, “Uh,” you cleared your throat, “thanks for the lesson, see you later.”
           He lifted his head up from staring at your left hand with sad eyes, “See you next week, Mrs. Mendes.”  The last part was said with a hint of distaste that he didn’t care to hide.
           As fast as you could, you scurried out the door and saw your friend, Jessie, waiting for you outside.  She saw your flustered expression and smirked, “Looks like the teacher has a crush on the student.” 
           You rolled your eyes, “Married,” You held up your left hand and showed off the rings that you proudly wore every day out of love to your husband.  Jessie let out a small laugh as the two of you walked down the streets of Toronto.  
Since Shawn had left for tour about three months ago, Jessie stepped up her best friend role by keeping you occupied whenever Shawn was away.  Out of the three months he’d been touring, Shawn had been home for four days.  It got lonely around the house with no one there, especially since this was the first time Shawn was away for a substantial amount of time since you had been married.
You missed rolling over in bed and reaching a hand out to lay on your husband’s chest when you were both too lazy to get up.  You missed playfully kicking his feet underneath the table during dinner, even when it was just you two in your apartment.  And most importantly, you missed it when he would come back with coffees and bakery items from the coffee shop down the street from his gym early in the mornings.
To fill up the gaping holes of the time you normally spent with Shawn, Jessie suggested that the two of you take cooking lessons at a place in down town Toronto.  You thought it was a wonderful idea, seeing as you couldn’t even cook pasta correctly, and Shawn got a kick out of the idea of you being in a kitchen setting.  
A little bell dinged over your head when you opened the door to a coffee shop that was a block down from where you and Jessie took your kitchen lessons. The two of you stood in line to order your drinks in silence.  Once it was your turn to order, you asked for an iced latte, even though it was February and snow was on the ground.  After Jessie ordered her decaf coffee, the two of you found a seat by the window.
“Ethan knows you’re married, right?”
You nodded your head as you crossed your right leg over your left, “Called me Mrs. Mendes as I left today after he tried to make a move.”
Jessie scrunched her nose up, “Like, I can see the appeal to having a little crush on someone who’s married––they’re unattainable in a sense––but dude,” Jessie paused her words when a server brought your drinks over to the table, “Keep it to yourself and don’t be a home wrecker.”
You took a sip of your cold drink and stifled a laugh, “I honestly think he doesn’t care, and it kinda freaks me out?”  Your mind couldn’t properly put together why Ethan would try anything out on a married woman, “Like when he was trying to show me the correct way to cut whatever it was and he came around from behind—almost like the boy trying to teach the girl how to swing a golf club,”  Jessie nodded, “I just feel weird.”
Peering over her coffee cup Jessie’s eyes were curious, “Do you want to get a different teacher?” 
You shook your head, “I’m sure it’ll calm down.”
It was a Tuesday night, and instead of it being spent in your bed reading a good book, you were pacing your room on the phone with your husband.  You understood that the life he led was full of uncertainty and things popping up last minute, and even after years of dealing with it, the feeling of being let down grew more and more familiar.
“Andrew won’t let you do it earlier?” You crossed your arms as you paced around the bedroom.  
You heard Shawn sigh on the other end, “I already asked.”
 Shawn was currently in Cape Town, South Africa, so while you were ending your day, he was just beginning his.  He was supposed to come home Thursday for five days and then get back on the road.   But now it seemed as though the plans had changed. Shawn was to be in Cape Town for an extra two days.  So, with the added days on to his schedule, and the travel days, he would essentially not be home at all.  
 “Should you even bother coming home?” You questioned him as you went over to the bay area window of your apartment.  The twinkling lights of the city and the sound of traffic below made the lonely nights bearable, “I know you don’t do well with traveling, and I don’t want to disrupt your tour schedule––“
“Y/n,” Shawn spoke assertively into the phone, “You’re my wife, of course I still want to come home to you.”
Even with no one around, you felt yourself trying to hide the blush that was making its way onto your cheeks, “I don’t want you to work yourself too hard––“
“You’re sounding like you don’t want me to come home,” There was a pause before Shawn spoke hesitantly into the phone, “Is something going on?”
Your eyes widened and you felt your previous warmth shift into nerves in your stomach. You weren’t hiding anything from him, but your mind drifted over to Ethan and how odd he’d been acting lately, his confidence growing more and more with each class. Of course you had no further interaction with him other than him teaching you how to cook, but you didn’t want Shawn to find out that the teacher had been flirting with you.
“Of course I want you home,” You looked down at your left hand and twirled your engagement ring as you smiled and softly whispered, “I miss you.” 
“I miss you too,” Shawn instantly replied back with a sigh.  It was silent for a moment until you heard his voice pipe up, “Are you sure I don’t need to worry about anything?”
Your mind drifted to thinking that it might be in your best interest to inform your husband about the handsy cooking instructor.  Surely he would understand that it made you uncomfortable and that you didn’t reciprocate any of the feelings.  It seemed trivial to explain everything to him, he knew you loved him, you took a vow to love Shawn for the rest of your life. 
With the little debate you had in your head, you came to the conclusion that it wasn’t important to tell him.  The class would be over soon and you wouldn’t have to worry about Ethan again.  And you knew that Shawn trusted you with his life, so he would know that nothing would come of it, so you shook your head, “You don’t have to worry about me.”
“I’m your husband,” Shawn let out a small laugh, “It’s my job.”  You let out a small laugh as well, but your thoughts kept drifting back to the not so subtle advances Ethan has tried on you. They made you uncomfortable, and maybe it was in your bet interest to confided in your husband, but just as you briefly opened your mouth, Shawn spoke up, “I have to go, but text me throughout the day?  I’m not sure when I’ll be able to pick up the phone and actually talk.”
“Yeah,” You answered him dismally, “I can do that.”
“I love you.” Shawn’s words were spoken in unwavering confidence into the phone.
With a stinging feeling pricking behind your eyes, you let out a breathy laugh to cover up your heavy heart of not being able to see your husband as soon as you thought, “I love you too.”
You hung up the phone and let out a deep breath you didn’t know you were holding in.  Of course supporting Shawn was something you would do no matter what, but with him constantly being away, it was beginning to take a toll on you.  You thought that it would be better once you got married, but that wasn’t the case.
Then thoughts that never once crossed your mind in all of the years you and Shawn had been together; what would it be like to be with someone, to have dated or be married to, that wasn’t him?  To have someone who wasn’t constantly traveling the world. What would it be like to be married to someone who spent more time with their wife than a tour bus?
 Trouble in Canada?
            Newlyweds Shawn and Y/n Mendes are no stranger to the media, especially when it comes with rumors circulating their marriage.  Just a few months shy of their first wedding anniversary, the couple has been caught in the middle of a few fiascos.
           If we’re being quite honest with ourselves, keeping up with the Kardashians is easier than these two.
           Shawn is currently on his world tour and about to start the European leg. Earlier in the week, Shawn was supposed to be traveling home to spend a short break with the Misses before the European part of his tour officially kicked off.  But according to a source close to Mr. Mendes, he had to stay in Cape Town, South Africa for a few more days.
           “He tried everything he could to get out of staying,” The source close to Shawn said. “He misses Y/n, but even with the amount of times they call each other or FaceTime in a day, it’s not the same as talking to each other face to face.”
           But as Shawn slips into a land of everlasting bliss between he and his wife, it looks like Y/n has been spending her time with someone else as of late. Below, pictures of Y/n and a mystery man have appeared over the course of a few weeks, starting just after Shawn left home.
           “There’s been a noticeable change in him,” the source said, who has requested to remain anonymous, added in, “Everyone around him knows how much he loves his wife, so when he saw pictures of her with another man in that room, it really hit him.”
           Since pictures emerged of Y/n and the mystery man, people have commented that Shawn has been distant and more quiet than usual.  
“It’s another reason why he wants to get back to Toronto so bad, he wants to settle things with Y/n.  He’s tried to convince himself that it’s just a misunderstanding, but everyone around him knows how it’s already going to play out–and it’s not going to end well.  It seems like he’s catching on.  Those pictures leave no room for questioning what’s going on between his wife and someone that isn’t him.” 
           Have Shawn and Y/n Mendes followed in the steps of many other famous couples, and not been able to handle their marriage in the spot light?  We were banking on the couple hitting the five-year marriage mark before anything like this happened.  
 What do you all think? Leave your comments in the section below.
           “Hey, Shawn,” You sighed into the phone.  It was the fourth time he had missed your call, “It’s uh––me, again.”  Pacing around your room, you didn’t know what was going on with him that made him miss your calls multiple times.  Usually, he wouldn’t ever miss one, and if he did, he would call you back ten minutes later profusely apologizing.
  You had enough with pacing around your room, so you took a seat at the edge of your bed.  It didn’t stop the nerves though as your leg began to bounce, “I’m just calling to check up, it’s uh,” You looked over at the clock on your wall, “It’s almost midnight here, and I don’t know where you are,” Your voice dwindled off at the end as you held back a small cry, “I hope you’re having a great day, or that you’re getting a good rest because you work yourself too hard doing what you love,” You tried to lighten your own mood by letting out a laugh, “Just call me back, I love you and can’t wait to see you when you get home.”
           Quickly, you hung up the phone and dropped your head to rest between your knees.  Your whole body felt off, there was a reason why Shawn wasn’t calling you back and you couldn’t think of anything.  The thought of him purposefully ignoring you felt like being stabbed in the chest with the knife twisting.  Your head started to pound, and you couldn’t help but start to chew the inside of your lip.  
           You made your way up to your pillows on the bed and slowly made your way under the covers.  You brought the white sheets up to where they were tucked under your chin and curled up.  With a constant sharp pounding in your head, and uneven breathing, you realized that you had begun to cry without realizing it until you sat up and saw tear stains on the pillow.  You brought both hands up to your eyes to wipe away the tears, but it was useless.
Your husband was dodging your calls.  You knew he had been on his phone because he seemed to be constantly Tweeting more than usual.  So he had to have seen your calls.  Then the thought struck you that this was the first time you didn’t know where in the world your husband was. 
           “I haven’t heard from him in a few days,” You spoke to Jessie as the two of you walked into the building for your weekly cooking class, “Not even a––“
           “Y/n,” You were cut off when you heard a familiar voice call your name, you cringed a bit, and turned to the right to see Ethan, “Thought you weren’t going to make it in for this lesson?” 
           You cleared your throat, “Uh, yeah, I wasn’t supposed to because my hus–––“
           “I’m glad you could join,” He cut you off, with a gleaming smile, before the word husband could make its past your lips. The way he was looking at you made you slightly uncomfortable so you awkwardly smiled and looked the other direction without a reply.
           With a nod of your head, you gave Jessie an odd look that she returned with a shrug.  The two of you made your way over to a little a cooking station and placed your bags under the table.  Jessie and you chatted as other people strolled into the class area and set up in their usual position as Ethan made small talk with the people around him.
           Once the time came to start the class, Ethan clapped his hands together to get everyone’s attention, “We’ll be learning how to make a steak dinner,” He looked over and into your eyes, “For two.” 
           Jessie leaned over to you and whispered, “I think I threw up a little.”  You stifled a laugh because you shared the same reaction.  
           First, you and Jessie both successfully made the creamy scalloped potatoes and the little side Caesar salad to go along with the steak. You then seasoned the steak, put the steak to bake in the oven for a few minutes, and then turned on the gas burner on the stove.  You put canola oil in the pan, butter, garlic, rosemary and thyme as you took the steak out of the oven.  As you pulled the oven pan out, you bumped into someone.  
           “Oh, I’m sorry––“
            “You’re fine,” Ethan’s voice filled the air. You scrunched your nose up as he took a step closer to you from behind and, along with your hand, he took hold of the oven pan and settled it on the counter top.  Jessie side glanced over as she cooked her steak, and all you could do was widen your eyes and beg for help.
            Ethan then took a pair of tongs and placed the steak in the sizzling pan, “So, now what you do––“
           “I can help her cooking the steak,” Jessie cut him off.  She sensed how uncomfortable you were, and it even made her feel weird seeing how close Ethan pressed himself up against you.  She didn’t like how he was treating you and thought the behavior was inappropriate. 
           Ethan shook his head, “I’ve got it.  I should help my students out.”
           You cleared your throat, “I can handle it, someone else may need your help––” 
           “What am I getting paid to do if I don’t help you out?” Ethan raised an eyebrow. 
           But you weren’t backing down easily.  He’d made other advances on you during other lessons and this was your time to put your foot down, “I’m fine––“
            “Mrs. Mendes––“
           “Yes, Mrs. Mendes,” You stumbled over your words and began to talk faster than the speed of light.  Whenever you got extremely nervous, you always seemed to talk with your hands, “That’s my name, the one and only, and the prefix indicates that I’m married––“
           It seemed like Ethan didn’t like you mentioning how you were married and very much not looking for a relationship.  His eyes narrowed at yours and he took hold of your wrists.  His grip was too strong for your liking, and you looked up at him in shock.  The glowering possessiveness in his eyes frightened you.
  Ethan gripped your wrists tighter, “Moving your hands and having them fly around while other people are cooking isn’t safe––“
           “Hey,” Jessie turned off her stove, “You probably shouldn’t touch her––“
           You didn’t let Jessie finish her sentence before you ripped your wrists out from his hold.  Part of you was shocked that a teacher would take hold of his student in such a rough manner, and the other half of your brain couldn’t process what was happening because with pulling your wrist back, you brought your elbow down and it collided with the handle of the searing pan that the steak was cooking in. 
           You felt the sting of hot oils run down your back, and in response, you jumped forward, and Ethan was the person in front of you who caught you.  He looked at you with concern in his eyes, “Don’t move, you could be burned––“
           “Stop!”  Your voice was high and scratchy as you raised your voice at him.  It was then you realized that everyone had stopped their cooking and turned their attention toward the two of you.  Embarrassment flooded your whole body.   And you felt yourself heat up in a mix of anger, embarrassment, and fear.  You grabbed your bag from under the table and rushed to put your coat on, not wanting anyone outside of the cooking studio to see the oil stains on you.
           You didn’t want to make any more of a scene, so while biting the inside of your lip to keep yourself from crying, you shook your head, “Thank you for a wonderful lesson today, but I don’t think I’ll be returning ever again.”
           And before he could reply, or try and put his hands on you again, you swiftly turned on your heel and sped walked out of the kitchen studio.
           Sitting at the little breakfast nook in your apartment with a cup of tea would be more relaxing if your husband hadn’t blatantly been ignoring you for a few days.  You knew he was coming home today, but you were clueless as to where he was flying from or what time his flight was getting in.
           You were sipping on your tea, watching the Toronto traffic from your window, when your phone buzzed.  You looked down and saw Shawn’s name popped up.  You had to look at it again because after all the voicemails you left him, his first contact to you was a text message. 
            Just landed in Toronto.
           You stared at the blue text bubble in confusion.  Every time he was about to get on a plane, he would always text you, no matter what time it was.  He knew that you liked to know his travel schedule.  But this was the first time he hadn’t told you his travel information.  It made your stomach churn because now you definitely knew that something was wrong.
           So you sent him a text back; Do you want me to pick you up? 
           Almost instantly, he replied, No. 
           Your heart sank just a little when you read his message.  And then you started to feel it break piece by piece as you read the one word, one syllable, answer that held more negative. emotion than it should have.  With tears threatening to fall from your eyes at any time, you felt your phone buzz once more with a text from him; Andrew is driving me back. 
           You nodded to yourself as you typed back a simple; Ok.
           Neither one of you said how excited you were to see one another.  Which was odd because you and Shawn would always count down the days until you could see each other again, but this time, the two of you hadn’t talked in what seemed like forever.
           With the stress about not knowing what was wrong with Shawn and what happened yesterday at the cooking class, your heart was racing and you felt jittery until you saw a familiar car pull up to the side walk down below.  You peered out the window and saw your husband for the first time in a few months. Even though there were tons of unsettled questions between the two of you, you still felt your heart pick up speed at the sight of him like it had on your first date.
           He pulled out a little over the shoulder bag from inside the car and then you saw Andrew come around with a larger suitcase.  You saw the two of them exchange some words, but since you were so high up and looking down at them through the window, you couldn’t hear what either of them were saying.
           But a few moments later, Andrew and Shawn hugged, and then Shawn walked towards the building and Andrew got into his car and drove away.  Shawn didn’t even send you a text that he was close to your apartment, like he would normally do so you would be waiting in the lobby to greet him.  It looked like he didn’t want you to greet him in the lobby.  Or see you at all.
           He didn’t want you––his wife––he one who promised to love him forever no matter what, to be the first person to greet him when he came back from a long month or so from traveling.  Your daunting thoughts kept themselves on a loop in your mind that you didn’t even hear the door open.
           It was the sound of a suitcase rolling and a bag dropping on the floor that made you look up from the window.  For the first time in months, your husband was standing right in front of you and you didn’t have the need to run up and hug him.  Seeing him made your blood boil because of how unreliable he had been recently.
            You sat in the little nook and took a sip of your tea, “Have a nice flight?”  You kept your voice monotone.  You didn’t want him to know that your past few nights had been hell with him ignoring you, and that you were getting no sleep, imagining what your reunion would be like after radio silence from him.  And here you were, after every scenario you created in your mind, it did not turn out how you thought. 
His hair was disheveled, t-shirt wrinkled in every place, and his left sock was raised higher than the left.  It looked like he had the same problem as you––not being able to sleep for the past few days.  All you wanted to do was reach out to him and feel his arms wrap tight around you.  You missed his familiar smell, the one that his pillow still smelled like, even after countless washes.  You slept on that pillow every night he had been on tour.  
           In your mind, you imagined Shawn either apologizing for his silence, or having his face turn red as he yelled at you for something you had no idea about.  But it wasn’t either of those options.  It was just like how he had been treating you for the past few days; silence.
           His eyes held no emotion, the exhaustion evident in his face.  Shawn was silent, something that was worse than blowing up at you.  You imagined anything but him being mute about his feelings because Shawn was always a vocal person.  
It was the most deafening silence you had ever heard.
           You were waiting for a response to your seemingly innocent question.  But as he didn’t respond, you began searching for any facial clues as to any answer you could possibly find.  You were growing frustrated.  His face was kept with a neutral look; no creases in the eyebrows and not a scrunch of distaste with his nose.   
           Then you began to search for any other signs that would give away his answer.  He wasn’t tapping his foot, he wasn’t swaying from side to side, and he wasn’t twiddling his hands out of nervousness.
           His hands. 
           It was tiny, a detail that wouldn’t be caught by many. But with being married to a man for almost a year, you began to notice every little thing about them.  There were certain things that you knew Shawn would always keep on him, and as a married man, you knew he always wore his wedding band.  But as you looked at his left hand, you noticed that there was a small sliver of his skin that was lighter shade than the rest.
           His ring finger.
           You looked down at your left hand, your engagement and wedding ring were in their place, and you quickly looked back at Shawn’s left hand to see if your mind had been playing tricks on you.
           Shawn wasn’t wearing his ring, the symbol of marriage that brought two people, who loved each other more than life itself, together.
            Your heart stopped and you felt as if you were about to throw up at any minute, a feeling of doom weighed down your chest with every moment of silence passing.  Biting the inside of your lip, you opened your mouth to say something, but nothing came out.  The silence that surrounded the two of you stole your voice.  You looked up at him, wanting to ask him why he wasn’t wearing his wedding ring, but with silence stealing your voice, he gave it to Shawn who spoke without hesitation in his voice.
           “We need to talk.”
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layce2015 · 4 years
The Last of Us Part 2 (Joel Miller x Reader)
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What If (y/n) Died pt 2
What if (y/n) died pt 1
The Last of Us pt 2 Masterlist
The next day, Joel, Aiden and Ethan were standing in front of (y/n)'s grave, visiting and mourning her. The twins set down a couple of drawings they had made for her while Joel set down a rose on the fresh mound. Joel takes a deep breath as he tries to stay strong for his sons but it was getting harder to keep it together, especially when his sons started to cry.
He kneels down and the boys turn to him and hug him, he hugs them back and closed his eyes. Seeing his sons this upset over their mother’s death hurt him more than anything else. She won’t get to see them grow up, bring home a girl for dinner, get married, have a family of their own.
Hell, he won’t get to be with his wife for the remainder of his life as her life was cut short. Even though they live in a cruel and unforgiving world, a part of him had hoped that he and (y/n) would grow old together and maybe die together. Maybe be that typical old couple that sits on the porch and reminisce about their lives, good and bad. That could be the old romantic part of him talking but still, he had hope.
But now that was never gonna happen. She was gone and he was never gonna be able to talk to her, hold her, kiss her, sleep next to her, make love to her...anymore. 
After a few moments of hugging the boys, Joel let's them go just as he felt a comforting hand on his shoulder. He looks up and sees that the hand belonged to Ellie.
"Hey." She greets, softly.
"Hey." Joel said, his voice shaky and full of tears. He clears his throat before he stands up. "Um...Dina said that Maria has the whole town on lockdown. Stables are locked up as well." She said. Joel sighs then curses his brother for not fighting harder.
"Well, looks like we're doing this the hard way." Joel said and Ellie nods. "Dina said she'd stay behind and watch the boys." She said and Joel looks at her. "She sure? I'd hate to put that on her." Joel said but Ellie waves, dismissively, at him. "Her idea. She loves kids." She said and Joel smirks a bit. "Alright, well...I  guess we'll be heading out." Joel said, making Ellie smirk.
They head back to Joel's house, only to see Maria sitting on the doorsteps. Joel raises an eyebrow at this and walks up to her while Ellie takes the boys hands and holds them back. "What are you doing here?" Joel asked her. She glares at him then pulls out a letter then clears her throat. "Maria, I'm headed to Seattle. I have to make these people pay. Ellie and Joel are gonna try to come after me but stop them, especially Joel. I know him. Take their guns. Lock up the horses. Maybe lock them up. Buy me some time so I can finish this. Love you always, Tommy." Maria reads then she looks up at Joel.
"He's going to get himself killed." Maria growls. "Why the hell did he go? It was my fuckin' wife that was killed, not his." Joel said, angrily, just as Ellie tried to covered the boys ears so they wouldn't hear him curse. "She was our family too, Joel." Maria said. "He should've told me he was leaving!" Joel shouted and Maria sighs.
"So, what are you gonna do to us, Maria? You gonna lock us up?" Ellie asked her. "I prefer you two stay." Maria said. "That's not gonna happen." Joel said, gruffly. "I'd prefer you guys stay but I know you two better." Maria said as she looks between the two.
"So it's just you two?" She asked and Ellie and Joel exchange a look before Joel turns back to her. "Yeah." He said. "I told the stables to let you guys out with yours and Ellie's horses. Grab some ammo too." She said and Joel nods. "Thank you, Maria." Ellie said, appreciatevly.
"Do me a favor and bring my dumbass husband home in one piece." She said to them and Joel could see the pleas in her eyes. "Of course." He said. "All right. Get going, you're losing light." She said as she stands up. "I can watch over the twins." She said. "Okay. Ellie, go get ready." Joel said and Ellie nods then turns to the twins. "Okay, little terrors. Let's go inside." She said and the three head off towards Joel's house and enter.
Just as Joel was about to follow Ellie, Maria stops him in his tracks. “Joel...” She said, softly. Joel glances over his shoulder at his sister-in-law, curious to know what else she had to say. Maria gives him a sad look and continues. “The boys had already lost their mother, don’t make them lose their father too." She said and Joel lowers his eyes a bit then looks back at her. "Just...make sure all of you get home safe.” She said.
“I will.” He said and with that, Joel heads inside of his home. 
"Are you going after the people who hurt Mommy?" Ethan asked Joel once they enter their home. Joel looks down at his son and couldn't bring himself to lie to him. "Yes." Joel replied. "Are you gonna make them...disappear?" Ethan asked, unsure on what to say, and Joel sighs but nods. "They won't come back and hurt us, right?" Aiden asked, nervously.
"I won't let that happen, boys. I promise." Joel said as he kneels back down to them. "You two are important to me and I've gotta make sure that these people don't come back for you two." Joel said and both boys hug Joel, tightly, tears running down their face. "Please be lucky." Ethan said, tearfully, which broke Joel's heart.
He pulls back then looks at his boys before he kisses the top of their heads. "It'll be alright. Now, you two need to pack up." He said and the boys nod and head upstairs. Joel sighs, heavily, at this then heads up the stairs himself, and enters his room. He goes into the closet and flicks through his clothes but looks over to the other side of the space and stares at (y/n)'s clothes.
He frowns at this then picks up on of her shirts that was hanging, holds it and looks at it. He brings the fabric up to his face and sniffs it; it still smelled like her and, in a weird way, it was comforting him. Almost like she was still here with him.
I miss you so much. Joel thought as he, slowly, puts her shirt back up then grabs his backpack, his guns and some clothes to pack up before he starts to leave. But a glint of silver caught his eye and he looks at his dresser, where he sees a chain with a woman's wedding ring hanging on it.
He walks over to the dresser, picks up the chain and puts it on around his neck before holding up the hanging ring and brings it up to his lips. He tucks the ring in his shirt before he looks out towards the doorway to see Ethan and Aiden packed and ready. 
"Let's go, boys." He said and the three walk out of the house.
Joel and Ellie finally made it to Seattle after being on the road for about two weeks. The two would talk amongst each other and Ellie would ask him about (y/n), learn more about her. It took a bit but Joel did give her a couple or three memories he had with (y/n) and Ellie would listen intently.
But once they made it to Seattle, the two were in mission mode as they make their way into the abandoned city and tried to follow Tommy's track. They shot and killed any infected or WLF that got in their way. They even met the new infected, the Shamblers, when they had to hide in the abandoned subway after getting chased out of the TV station, which was a lead to one of Abby's people.
The duo fight their way through the subway and make their way to an old theater, making it their shelter. Joel and Ellie check around the building until Ellie found the power generator and turns it on.
Joel smiles once the lights comes on and goes to the double door that leads to the stage area. He looks around at the place and was reminded of his first date with (y/n), which was actually an action film. He smirks then he goes towards the stage and looks around the backstage area until he found a guitar case.
He opens it and sees a guitar that was in great shape. He picks it up then walks back out and sits in one of the seats. He strums a few notes on it then he begins to sing. "If I ever were to lose you, I'd surely lose myself." 
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He stops as he realized how true those words have become. He sighs, sadly, then looks down at the guitar and runs his hand over the surface of it before he reaches around his neck and fiddles with (y/n)'s wedding ring. He sets the guitar down then runs his hands over his face just as Ellie comes in and walks up to him.
She places her hand on his shoulder and he looks up at her, tears running down his face. "Joel..." She said, softly, and he looks down. She sits down next to him as he wipes away the tears and clears his throat.
"Anything out of the ordinary?" He asked and Ellie gives him a concerned look before she replies. "Besides a busted old radio from upstairs, there's nothing." Ellie said and Joel nods. "I'll take a look at it." Joel said and he stands up and walks out. Ellie frowns then sighs at this and picks up the guitar and strums it.
Ellie felt sad and guilty about (y/n)'s death, sad that she died but also felt guilty that she didn't get to reconnect with (y/n) just like she's slowly doing with Joel. Even though she was enjoying her time with Joel, it still felt weird that (y/n) wasn't there. Joel felt like he was a shell of himself, like he was on auto pilot. The only time he seemed to be himself was when he killed any infected or any WLF soldiers, which made Ellie worry as he seemed more aggressive and more violent than when she first met him.
"Wish you were here, (y/n)." Ellie mutters as she places her arm on top of the guitar, and leans her chin on top of it.
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lis-likes-fics · 4 years
ᛖᚦᚨᚾ (Elijah Mikaelson x Reader) - Chapter Ten
Y/N thanked the Mystic Falls residence for their help. Now that she was in her right mind, she had been able to befriend some of them, finding that they weren't so bad to be around. Worrying about Ethan had really taken a toll on her. They all seemed to like her more, now that she was back to her old self.
She had said goodbye to her new friends with promises of visiting and returned to New Orleans with her family.
As soon as they got back, Y/N, Ethan, and Elijah spent the day together. Ethan and Elijah got along perfectly. They did a lot of stuff together that only made Ethan love his father more.
Afterwards, Ethan spent time with his Aunt Rebekah and Uncle Klaus while Y/N and Elijah spent time together.
They took a stroll through the park. It was the first true quiet time they'd had together in forever. They were calm and at peace and filled with their love for each other and it made the moment perfect.
"I missed this." Y/N said, her hand wrapped around Elijah's as she ran her fingertips over their interlocked hands. "Being here with you. Everything is so calm, peaceful. It feels so much better."
Elijah smiled, bringing their hands up to his lips and kissing them softly. "As have I, dearheart."
"You know what else I've missed?" She asked him, stopping them as she faced him with a smile.
"What?" He questioned, looking into those beautiful eyes of hers. She stood on her toes to reach his lips, pressing hers against his as she engulfed him in an intimate kiss.
He kissed her back quickly and easily, placing his hand behind her head as she tilted his own for a better angle.
She tangled her hands in his hair as she deepened the kiss, so engulfed in the feel of his lips on her own.
They pulled back, their lips still hovering over each other as they smiled. "I've missed that, as well."
She chuckled and went in for another kiss. He spoke, "Wait." She stopped, moving her face away to look at him properly.
He smiled and told her, "I have something to say first."
She nodded to show she was listening and he spoke, "I've loved you for so many years and I hope to love you for so many more. And I hope to do it properly, and there's only one thing keeping me from that."
He kneeled down in front of her, taking her hand while his other disappeared in his pocket and took something out.
He took out a small black box and opened it, revealing a beautiful diamond ring that glistened when it caught the light just right.
She covered her mouth, tears springing to her eyes as she watched him. He continued, "Being apart from you was the worst thing I ever had to endure, and being a part of you will be the best thing to be. The family I have with you is more than I could ever have asked for and I want to continue to share it with you. So, Y/N Axeldottir, will you do the honors of becoming my wife? Will you marry me?"
Y/N nodded, smiling wide as she wrapped her arms around him, "Yes, Elijah, of course! You know I would!"
He smiled as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close and holding on tight. He slipped the ring on her finger and kissed her again, this kiss filled with love and joy and passion.
When they pulled away, she told him, "You do realize we were already engaged, right?"
He nodded, "I'm aware. I just wanted to do it right. Besides, no one knew."
"Everyone will know now." She told him, wrapping her hand around his once more and engulfing him in another loving kiss.
When they reached the compound once again, they smiled at each other with hearts practically rising from one another. "What's got you both so happy?" Rebekah asked, walking over to them with Ethan.
Y/N ruffled Ethan's hair with a smile and looked at Elijah before turning back to Rebekah and Klaus, who were sitting in a chair reading.
"Elijah and I..." She started, the smile on her face growing.
Elijah finished for her, "We're getting married."
Rebekah smiled and ran over to give Y/N a hug, "I'm so happy for you! It's about time."
She then hugged her brother, "One thousand years of being in love and you're finally typing the knot. Congratulations."
Elijah smiled, "Thank you, Rebekah."
Klaus stood, taking his time to walk over to the two, his face blank as he folded his hands behind his back.
He stopped in front of Y/N first and a slow smile spread over his features, "I'm glad I finally get to properly call you my sister."
He hugged her tight and she hugged back, "And you, my brother."
When Klaus pulled back, he gave her that smile as he rested his hands on her shoulder and looked over to Elijah.
He smirked, "I'm happy for you, brother. You finally found the love you deserve."
Elijah couldn't help the smile that broke on his face as Klaus hugged him, a true brotherly hug that he hadn't given him in a while.
Ethan looked up at Elijah and smiled, then at his mother. "Yay!" Was all he said as he ran off to another part of the compound.
Y/N furrowed her brows, "Hm."
Elijah shrugged and smiled at her. A moment later, he was in front of them again with his camera around his neck.
"Say cheese!" He exclaimed as he held it up to his face. They both shared a laugh and got in the frame, smiling.
Ethan lowered the camera and urged them on, "Say cheese!"
Elijah and Y/N smiled even more and did as told, "Cheese!"
Ethan clicked the camera and looked at the picture, smiling wide as he ran off to another room, disappearing in a second.
"Hm, do you think he's going to show us?" Y/N asked. Elijah shrugged, "Perhaps..."
Y/N just shrugged and sat back down, Elijah following suit and picking up a book to read while they waited for Ethan.
A few minutes later, a scream was heard from Ethan's room, making everyone rush to his room in a blur to find him staring down at his photo album.
"It looks so good!" He squealed, grabbing the book and holding it to his chest. Y/N let pit a breath and sighed, "Whew. How does it look, Eth?"
He shoved the album in her hands and she chuckled as she opened it and looked at the page. Elijah looked over he shoulder at the page it was turned to, the picture he'd just taken in the middle and surrounded by a couple of drawings Ethan had scribbled in carefully and stickers he really liked. At the bottom of the picture, the words read, 'Beautiful Days'.
They both smiled and showed Rebekah and Klaus. "It's beautiful, Ethan." Y/N told him, stooping down to pull him into a hug.
He got his camera out again and took another group picture. "We're gonna need more books." He muttered with a smile.
The day of the wedding finally came a long week later. Y/N had woken up with no Elijah and a note that he'd see her on the isle. She was then rushed out of the bed by Rebekah and her friend, Cami, who Y/N quickly got along with.
They spiffed her up, getting her in the wedding gown they'd chosen earlier in the week. It was sleeveless and had long white gloves, the front of the dress hung low into a V and had lacy flowers decorating it. Y/N wore simple pearl earrings and a necklace Elijah had presented to her earlier that week.
When she was finished, Rebekah finally allowed a couple of the eager guests to walk in. Although, they only allowed family in, so it was only a couple of people.
"You're here? I didn't think you'd come!" Rebekah exclaimed, a smile in her voice. Y/N turned around to see who'd stepped into the room.
A smile grew on her face and she rushed over to the little sibling she loved. "Kol! It's been so long!" She exclaimed.
Kol had his arms open and a large smile on his face, "Y/N!"
He picked her up and swung her around. "I never thought I'd see you again! I missed our ventures in the woods." He told her.
"As did I." She replied, that smile in her face and a few tears springing to her eyes. "Don't cry, the makeup will have to be redone!" Cami warned with a smile.
"Oh, yeah." Y/N said, stepping back to look at Kol and carefully wipe at her eyes, "Well, you look great."
Kol smiled, "Speak for yourself, you look beautiful. Elijah's a very lucky man."
"And I, a very lucky woman." Y/N responded.
Kol nodded and told her gently, "I missed you, Y/N. Hey, maybe we can cause some more mischief soon."
"I'd love to." She responded, a mischievous spark in her eyes to compliment her smirk. Rebekah nodded, "Yes, well, it's almost time so you need to go and you need sit still do I can put this pin in your hair.
Y/N nodded and gave Kol another hug, "I'll see you later, K." He nodded and smiled, "Congratulations, sister."
She smiled and he headed off, after being shooed away by Rebekah with a newspaper. The music started playing and they knew it was time, Cami left to go find her seat and Rebekah stayed behind as her Maid of Honor.
Y/N sighed and stared at the door, shaking off her hands. Rebekah placed hers on Y/N's shoulders and asked, "Are you alright? Not getting cold feet, are you?"
Y/N shook her head and looked back at Rebekah, "I've been waiting a thousand years for this. I'm ready. Besides, we've been engaged all of those years so...I think we've waited long enough."
"I'm sorry, what?" Rebekah asked.
"Later." Y/N answered simply. Rebekah nodded and said, "See you out there." She headed out, giving one last nod of luck before disappearing behind the door.
Finally, her cue was up and Y/N grabbed the bouquet of flowers and walked out of the room and toward the entrance of the isle. She took a deep breath and stepped out in front of everyone.
Her eyes wandered around the room at first, looking at all of the faces, familiar and otherwise. Cami, Kol, Davina, Hayley, and many others.
Then her eyes scanned closer to the alter, seeing Ethan in a tux with the rings on a pillow and a smile large on his face. He shifted the pillow over and gave her a thumbs up. She smiled and chuckled lightly, giving a little nod of acknowledgement.
Her eyes then shifted over to Niklaus'. He had a large half smirk, half smile on his face, proud of his brother, his new sister, and of course his wedding planning skills.
He gave a simple nod, which she returned as she continued to walk, clenching the flowers in her hands.
She then saw him. His chestnut hair, his chocolate eyes, his smile. She saw it all. He was beautiful. He gazed at her lovingly, his smile growing when his eyes locked with her own. She smiled as well, a tear already running down her cheek as she kept from biting her lip.
She finally reached the alter, the crowd sitting as she passed the flowers to Rebekah. She placed her hands in Elijah's offered ones and smiled more.
Marcel, who was wedding them, smiled and started the ceremony. Everyone could tell by now that the two had tuned most things out, lost in each other's eyes as they finally had each other.
"Hey." Marcel whispered to the two. They turned toward him. "Hm?" She whispered. The part of the crowd who heard chuckled slightly.
"The rings." Marcel chuckled. They both looked at Ethan who was standing with tired arms, presenting the rings for them.
"Oh, yeah." She muttered as the two scrambled clumsily to grab the rings. Ethan sighed and wiped at his forehead as he took his place next to Niklaus again.
They slipped the rings on each other's fingers and Marcel spoke again, looking to her. "Do you, Y/N Axeldottir, take Elijah Mikaelson to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?"
She nodded, "I do." Her voice was slightly unsteady, but clear enough to understand. Marcel nodded and turned to Elijah, who never took his eyes away from hers, scared he may lose her again.
"Do you, Elijah Mikaelson, take Y/N Axeldottir, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?"
He nodded, "I do."
Marcel smiled and spoke out loud for everyone to hear, "Then by the power vested in me, by the state of Louisiana, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the-"
Elijah took no time in taking her in his arms and planting a firm kiss to her lips, passion igniting in the both of them as they eagerly tied that knot.
"Bride..." Marcel finished with a smile. After the kiss, they stared at each other for a moment before finally turning to the crowd in front of them, who were cheering and clapping their congratulations.
Ethan ran over then, hugging Y/N and Elijah tight, "I love you guys."
Elijah smiled at that, pulling him a little tighter, "I love you, too, son."
Y/N smiled, wiping away a tear. Elijah gently swiped his thumb across her cheek to clear the tear as well. "I love you."
"I love you." She said, kissing him again.
The reception started and they were already being crowded by a bunch of people. Thankfully, it was people Y/N was roughly familiar with.
Marcel spoke, "Congrats, you two. It's a good thing he has you, Y/N."
She smiled. Elijah spoke, "Marcel is family, so he knows what he's talking about."
She chuckled, "That's for sure. I know how crazy this family can get at this point."
Davina gave a congrats as well, which slightly shocked Elijah, for some reason.
"I'm surprised you came. All of you..." Elijah spoke.
Caroline spoke, her friends next to her shrugging, "We heard Y/N was getting married and came to support."
"And, well, an Original getting married? I was waiting for something to go wrong." Damon spoke.
Y/N rolled her eyes at that, "Nothing could ruin this day for me."
Damon shrugged and walked off after another congrats. Caroline rolled her eyes, "Ignore him. He's annoying."
"Congratulations, Y/N." Stefan spoke beside her. Elena and Bonnie came up as well, followed by a lot of unfamiliar faces.
After a lot of talking and a few toasts, the two of them began dancing. The two to them started the slow dancing, it was close and intimate, their eyes never left each other.
Soon, more people joined in, grabbing their partners and dancing the night away. Elijah was smiling as he gazed into Y/N's eyes, but he suddenly looked away and frowned when his eyes caught something.
She frowned as well, "What?"
"Get behind me." He told her. She frowned more and looked to see what he was looking at. The veins under her eyes pulsed slightly when she saw what Elijah had been stating at.
"Y/N..." Elijah warned, trying to attract her attention to calm her a little. She parted from him and he grabbed his hand in her to make it seem at least a little normal. However, the sudden change had gotten Niklaus, Kol, and Rebekah's attention and they saw what was happening as well.
They joined their side and stormed over to the scene. Ethan looked up at his mother and father and shuffled over to them and away from the person he was just with.
Y/N brought him to her side. "Finn, what are you doing here?" Elijah asked with his voice quiet and low to keep from drawing too much attention.
Y/N clenched her jaw slightly, focusing on her hand in Elijah's. The oldest brother looked at his siblings and Y/N. "This is the wedding of my little brother, do I not have the right to come?"
"No, you do not." Niklaus spoke up, taking a step forward.
"If you don't recall, Finn, you killed my mother and tried to kill me. That's not going to earn you a warm welcome." Y/N spat at him, holding Ethan tighter. Ethan looked up at her with a shocked and expression and then back to him.
"I was doing what was right by my family, but it doesn't seem like that matters." Finn responded, "I see you had the little thing."
Y/N hissed at him, "Ethan is not a thing. He is my son and you will not speak about him like that, nor will you speak to him."
"He could have ruined this family." Finn argued.
"I sincerely doubt that, brother. I think it is best you leave. Go back to forgetting about us." Elijah warned, his tone more threatening than Y/N had ever heard.
Finn could easily hear the threat in his tone, the slight challenge. But Elijah had Rebekah, Niklaus, Kol, and Y/N on his side, along with countless other vampires, he didn't stand a chance.
Finn nodded, "Congratulations, brother." He glanced at her and turned, leaving them alone as he left.
"Well, it's not a Mikaelson wedding without a bit of drama, isn't it?" Kol commented when Finn had completely left.
They chuckled weakly and continued with the reception, putting it behind them. "That was Finn?" Ethan asked.
She nodded, "Yeah, and he's a real pain. If you see him, tell us immediately, he isn't good news."
He nodded, "I will, Mom."
He gave her a large toothy smile. She smiled and brushed his hair back with her fingers. She sighed, "Did you grow a little bit? You seem the slightest bit...taller. Your hair's a little longer, too."
He shrugged and said, "I dunno." He then skipped off as he saw Rebekah waving him over. Y/N sighed and shrugged, "I dunno." She repeated.
Elijah wrapped his arm around her waist and asked, "Back to the dance floor?"
She nodded, "Of course."
After finally being wed, Y/N, Elijah, and Ethan now had their own official little family. A month passed after the wedding and Ethan had, indeed, gotten bigger.
They soon found out that his slow aging process was because of the necklace. Since it kept his witch counterpart locked away, his vampire genes became dominant with his human genes and slowed his aging. When his magic was finally awaken, it allowed his aging to speed up again, far quicker than Y/N was used to.
In the next few months, he went from being the little nine year old, to be a tall seventeen year old who wore more suits as he took after his father more. He hair had grown out more to his shoulders and he was coming up on her height.
The maturity in his nine year old body had shown more in his seventeen year old one. Y/N was sad to see him grow up so much faster, but she cherished every moment even more because of it.
Y/N was sad to see him grow up so much faster, but she cherished every moment even more because of it ~
"Ethan!" Y/N called.
"Yes, Mother?" He asked, coming down the stairs and over to her.
"Hey, do you know where I set my keys?" She asked, looking through her purse again.
He shook his head with a chuckle, "No, you probably left them with Father."
Elijah entered the room, swinging the keys around his finger, "You did. You handed them to me in case you forgot them."
"Ah, I did." She said. She then turned to Ethan, "Are you sure you'll be okay tonight? We don't have to go."
Ethan laughed, "Yes, Mom. I'll be fine. Besides, Aunt Bex is here if I need anything. And if I go out, I've got Marcel and his vamps watching me, you've made sure of that."
"Yes, but you hang out with Kol and Niklaus so much, you do have a mischievous streak." She reminded him.
He laughed again, kissing her forehead, "Yes, I know, but I promised I'd stay out of trouble and I will. Now go before you decide to stay."
She sighed and kissed his forehead, "Okay." Elijah wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her forehead before turning to his son.
"Behave so your mother doesn't come back for you. Because she will." Elijah told him.
He nodded with a smile, "I know. I'll behave, I promise."
Elijah grabbed her waist and lead her away after a nod to his son. "Bye, Ethan! We'll be back in a few days!" Y/N called after him.
Elijah continued to haul her out as he threw over his shoulder, "Goodbye, son."
"Bye!" Ethan called.
"Bye! Be good!" Y/N continued. Elijah picked her up when she'd turned around to give her son another hug, throwing her over his shoulder and carrying her away and to the car waiting in the front.
"Hey!" She yelled and kicked her feet. He sat her in the car and closed her door, getting in the driver's seat and started the car.
"Are you sure he'll be okay?" She asked.
Elijah chuckled, "Yes, he'll be fine. He knows how to handle himself and he knows to behave. Besides, it's only a few days and we've needed a vacation."
She sighed, "You're right, I guess I should stop worrying."
He nodded and leaned over, placing a soft kiss to her lips. "Let's go." He spoke, driving down the street as they headed out.
When Ethan was sure they were gone, Rebekah came from the other room at his signal and said, "So, how about that trip? Kol's got the car ready and the bags are packed for France."
Since Ethan heard from his mother that she and Elijah were going on vacation for a week, Rebekah and Kol decided to take him on a vacation of their own. They were going to go to France for a few days to see how much trouble they could actually get in before Elijah would allow Y/N to come down to get them herself.
Ethan smiled, "This is going to be a fun trip." He definitely took after his mother.
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Always and Forever Tags: @alien-sida​ @xxwritemeastoryxx​ @melodiclovesong​ @thebrotherssalvatore321​ @satedbond​ @strangerliaa​
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innerpostmentality · 3 years
On the 8th day of ficmas…. Loose at Edenbrook a Naughty Elf with a Santa Suit
An Open Heart inspired fiction featuring Ethan Ramsey and (MC) Tia Sheldon Words around 1700 Warnings: this follows Ethan and Tia after my Kinky Cards 2020 submission so it is M- erotica All rights to Pixelberry characters and settings are acknowledged Thanks to emichelle and leelee10898 for organizing this and for their patience with me. 12 Days of Fictmas Tag list
Writers : @texaskitten30 @leelee10898 @emichelle @zaffrenotes @alj4890 @burnsoslow @kat-tia801 @darley1101 @msjr0119 @annekebbphotography @god-save-the-keen @plumeriavibes @ofpixelsandscribbles @camillemontespan @ao719 @cocomaxley @cordoniansgonewild @twinkleallnight @the-soot-sprite @cordoniantrash @axwalker @innerpostmentality @lucy-268 @janezillow @katedrakeohd
Readers : @mom2000aggie @sfb123 @bbrandy2002 @debramcg1106 @desireepow-1986 @speedyoperarascalparty @hopefulmoonobject @drariellevalentine @tornbetween2loves
  Tia was looking over the detailed list that Sienna had given her, checking it twice, she grinned and couldn’t keep herself from softly whisper signing “… makin’ a list, checkin’ it twice…. Dum de dum dum.. So naughty, but nice…” She slipped a small neatly wrapped silver brocade package with a tag that read “Merry Christmas Dr. Ramsey From: Your naughty Elf” into the large red shoulder pack that she’d been filling with the small tins of cookies and treats that Sienna had made’ and other small packages for staff and patients who were having to spend this Christmas at Edenbrook.  She pulled her phone out to check the time and frowned, it was later than she thought, and she had missed a call from Rafael who was supposed to be their Santa Claus. She sighed and called him back.  Rafael picked up on the first ring. ”Tia? I’m so sorry. I’ve got a fever.. I thought I’d be better once I got a shower and some coffee but it’s gotten worse. I don’t think I should do this. I don’t want to get anyone sick.”  Tia could hear the congestion and sadness in his voice. “Oh no. I’m so sorry you’re sick, Raphael. I understand. We’ll find someone. Just take care of yourself. Lots of fluids and plenty of rest. Doctors orders! We’re going to have a little New Year get together. You get better and we’ll see you there.”     She looked forlornly at the Santa costume draped over her desk. Then a mischievous grin settled on her face as she pulled out her phone and called Ethan.                  ________________________________ “This is all bass ackwards if you ask me.” Theodore Sheldon kept his dark eyes on the road as he grumbled. “… driving half-way across the country so we can at least meet this guy. AFTER they are already engaged! Two weeks before the wedding!... What if we didn’t want to come for Christmas? Maybe we would have liked to come for Thanksgiving! Maybe we already had plans for Christmas.” Marie’s smile was a soft, private one as she glanced up from her book and over at her handsome, ranting, husband. The years had made him a perfect fit for the term debonair with a kiss of salt and pepper in his hair but only a single streak of white in his immaculately trimmed beard. He was usually very calm and genial perhaps with the exception of any suitors of their only child, Tia. Then all the proud, incredibly protective papa came full to the fore.  “Did we, mi Amor?” “No. But that isn’t the point. He didn’t ask. He should have asked. We should know this man who is taking our Tia. He could be a complete fraud. Some charlatan out to take advantage of her. He’s too old for her. Something is wrong with a man never married and 38 years old. Maybe he is married. Left his wife and their kids in a trailer park in Detroit looking for greener pastures.” “Theo, Stop it!” Marie shut her book app and frowned over at the mature man now pulling a face a five-year old sulking boy would be proud of. “You know better. The moment you got off the phone with Tia when she told us they were engaged you Googled him. You know he’s a renowned doctor.  He’s a good man, Theo. And Tia is in love with him. Be happy for them. You know they were off on vacation when he proposed. And this works perfectly. We’ll get to spend Christmas and New Years and then the wedding the next week with them. It’s a lovely holiday for us the way this is working out.” She reached over and gently stroked his arm. “Te amo, Theo. I’m looking forward to exploring Boston with you mi Amor.” “He should have asked…” he grumbled but patted his wife’s hand on his arm.                        _________________________________ Ethan was reviewing the cases that had come into the ER that morning. Thankfully they were all treat and release. A few minor burns, some cuts that required stitches but not surgery. A kid that swallowed a marble. Another with a broken toe and some pretty bad scrapes who was trying out his new skate board. Slow was always good in the ER. But it was so slow that he was having too much time to be anxious about meeting Tia’s parents later. It was a strange feeling for him, wanting to impress… well anyone besides Tia.   Then his phone rang and he smiled as he answered, “Hello Tia. Have you heard when your parents will be arriving?” “Ah. No. I think this afternoon or evening. But I have a problem I was hoping you might help me with. If you’re not too busy.” “It’s been blessedly slow so far today. I was just reviewing cases. I think I have a bit before the afternoon food poisoning cases start arriving. I’ll join you in a minute.”                     _____________________________      He was wearing fake hair, bells and a fat suit.  Seven years of medical school three years of residency, Published seven times in the American Journal of Medicine. Two text books published on Diagnostic Methodology and the Interpretation of Diagnostic Modeling. He was wearing fake hair, bells, and a fat suit, and a grin as his very naughty elf bounced up to him jingling in her little green velvet elf suit with her peppermint knee sock clad legs, his ring on her finger, and bells bedecking the pointy toes of her green elf shoes struggling to carry a giant red sack that had presents sticking out of the top. “Tia? Put that down and let’s find a cart. I do not want either of us getting a hernia for Christmas. It would definitely interfere with you making this up to me later.” A few minutes later they settled on an empty IV tree as a Santa bag holder and went wheeling the bag through the halls distributing the assortment of goodies to the staff, popping in to occupied rooms and giving patients little gifts that didn’t violate dietary restrictions and brought lots of smiles to faces. As they left the last room Tia grinned and held the small silver box up. “Only one left. Say’s it’s for Dr. Ramsey. I guess we should go to his office and see if he’s there…” Ethan raised a brow and his bright eyes twinkled with amusement. “Lead the way.” Tia smirked and sashayed her way to the elevator. She paused for a moment before hitting the button for the 4th floor. The moment the elevator doors closed Ethan pulled her to him and kissed her. “4th floor is diagnostics not emergency.” He murmured as he let her go and the elevator door opened. Tia sighed and giggled. Then led him down the hall toward her office stopping by the door just before hers. “I think you should open the present now.” Ethan broke the tape seal and opened the box as his gaze held hers. Finally he looked down. There was a note, and a skimpy bit of green lace underwear wrapped around a key. ‘Look what I’m NOT wearing, just for you! Doctor Banerji pulled a few strings and got us adjacent offices!’ He slid the key in the lock and opened the door to the darkened office letting her go in first. Shutting the door behind them he slipped his arms around her as he whispered, “I love you, my naughty elf.” “Ummm… I love you too, Ethan. Thank you for doing this.” She kissed him sweetly then deepened the kiss.
He slid his hands down her back then below her skirt and found her bare bottom. Lifting her she wrapped her legs around him so he could carry her. She giggled softly as he carried her across the room to the desk, kissing her all the way. He set her down on the desk then stepped away and started wrestling his way out of the Santa suit.  “Hurry, Ethan. I need you.” she purred at him in the darkness. “This damn suit is not cooperating.” The fat padding was attached with Velcro to a spandex body suit. He tried taking the spandex off without removing the fat pads first but that wasn’t working so he rolled the spandex back up and started ripping the fat pads off. “I can’t see a damn thing.”  Tia giggled as she heard the rrrrrip, rrrrip of Velcro separating.  A few minutes later his hands cupped her face and he was kissing her again. Her hands explored the warmth of his bare chest and then wandered lower caressing his growing stiffness. His fingers found her wetness a moment later as he slipped one and then a second finger into her, curling them up and stroking across her g spot. He heard her breathing change and soft mewls marked the nearing crest of her passion. His voice was very low, “Lie back Darling. I need to be in you now.” He pulled his fingers from her even as she guided his velvety hardness into her. His arm slipped beneath her to protect her from the edge of the desk as he began to thrust. Ethan knew all the mechanics and still the wonder and marvel of making love to this precious woman shattered him and remade him every time. “Ethan… Ethan… I … “ Her back arched and he felt the storm within her clench around him and he was gone.  “Tia..” He held her to him tightly releasing deeply in her. “I..” They both heard the knock and Sienna’s voice in the hallway. “Tia?”  “I’m not sure exactly where she is, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon. Maybe she’s down in Dr. Ramsey’s office. Let’s check there. I know they were going to be distributing gifts but I think they already finished.” …….. Merry Christmas!.....
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bittywitches · 5 years
Take Your Time (Grayson Dolan Fanfic)
A/N: This is basically me becoming super obsessed with the idea of husband!Grayson and I wanted to write a cute husband and wife thing rlly badlyyy  >.<
The idea is y/n is working at this newspaper but there’s an opening for a more executive position and she has to do this application for it which she’s super stressed out about. Grayson is there to help her feel a little better :)
(oh btw do y’all want me to do word counts? idk lmk)
Anyways thank you babies for reading ily <3
The click of the door shutting after a long day of work was really what Grayson needed to hear. 
He was absolutely exhausted, as he spent the entire day showing this one particularly annoying couple multiple downtown houses that seemed to fit their requests only for them to conclude with the idea that they’d rather get an apartment instead. 
He kicked off his shoes and sighed deeply, stretching out his back. His feet ached from having to walk the two to so many different residences, but either way, he was getting paid for it.
“Babe, I’m home!”
“Hi, honey!”
Grayson followed his wife’s voice and found her in the office room sitting cross-legged in the wheely chair. Her hair was up in a messy bun, and she was wearing a loose T-shirt and checkered pajama pants. 
“How’s the most gorgeous girl in LA doing?” He threw his jacket and bag onto the armchair.
“Awful.” She swiveled around to face him and had her arms stretched out reaching for him. He hugged her, rubbing her back, and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“How come, baby?”
“Ugh, it’s this stupid application stuff.” She turned back around to the computer. Grayson pulled up a chair and sat beside her.
“What’s the issue?”
“That’s the thing, I don’t know!” She threw her hands up in the air. “It’s like anything I write, there’s just something wrong with it that I can’t put my finger on. I swear, I’ve written like seven versions of this exact same article.”
“It’s probably just the stress of having to get it done for tomorrow.” He rubbed her arm. “Don’t be too hard on yourself.”
She sighed. “But this article has to be perfect. This job could mean so much to me, I’d finally be able to have so much more control on the paper’s projects.” She looked over at him. “I really think I can do some good for this company. So I really don’t want to screw this up. It’s probably going to be my only chance.”
Grayson got up and kissed her on the forehead. “Whatever you write, they’re going to absolutely love it. I promise.”
She smiled. “Thank you, baby.”
He returned it. “I’m gonna go change. Have you eaten yet?”
“No, lost track of time.”
“Want me to make something?”
“Don’t worry about it, you’re probably tired from work.” She grabbed his arm. “Oh! Speaking of, how did it go with that couple?”
Grayson rolled his eyes. “I don’t want to distract you from your work, but to give you the short answer: not the greatest.”
“Aw, bub.”
“It’s okay. I’ll tell you about it after. Want me to heat up the leftover lasagna?”
“Yes, please.”
“You got it.”
A few minutes later, Grayson was in the kitchen, getting the leftovers from last night out of the fridge. He’d changed into an old T-shirt and sweatpants. 
He put the food in the microwave and started it. He yawned, stretching his arms above his head, groaning a little bit. He leaned against the kitchen island. 
Y/N had been working on this application for the past few days, and Grayson had to admit, he was glad it would be done by tomorrow. He obviously wanted her to get the job she wanted, but he hated how much it was stressing her out. He hadn’t had much time himself to help her out since his job had been taking up a lot of his time the past week. He wanted to do something special to relax her, but time sometimes just got the best of him.
He did love how passionate she was about writing, though. She worked so hard, it made him feel motivated to do more too. He just wished she would give herself a moment to breathe every once in a while. But then again, that is what he was there for.
He had started to fiddle with his wedding ring, which he tended to do quite often whenever he got lost in thought. It was a simple piece of jewelry, contrasting quite a bit to his father’s. It was a simple silver band, engraved with the initials of both his and her name. It was probably one of his favourite things in the whole world because it made it feel like she was always with him even when she wasn’t. 
He smiled to himself, thinking how, just three years before, he dreamed of spending the rest of his life with Y/N. And now he was.
“Babe, come eat!” He shouted.
“Yea, in a minute...”
“Gorgeous come on, you need to eat.” He took the plates out of the microwave and set them onto the dining table.
“I gotta finish this Gray...”
Grayson walked back to the office room. “Baby, what did you eat for lunch?”
“Uhh.. stuff..” she was completely concentrated on her article.
“Y/N.” he spun the chair around, jerking her away from her somewhat trance-like state.
“Honey, please! I need to get this done!”
“You don’t have to starve yourself to do that!”
She groaned. “Babe I don’t have time-“
“Y/N. come eat.” He grabbed her wrists, trying to pull her up.
She narrowed her eyes at him. “I hate you.”
“I love you too, gorgeous.” He pulled her up and kissed her. She finally stopped straining against him and relaxed against his touch.
She pulled away. “I really missed you today.”
Grayson sighed. “I know. I’m sorry.” He wrapped his arms around her waist and she stretched hers around his neck. “I missed you too.”
She smiled a bit. “You know, we should go out this weekend. We haven’t done that in a while.” She played with the hair on the back of his head.
“Yea? What do you have in mind?”
“I don’t know. Just something.” She kissed him again, then let go. “Okay, come on. I’m starving.”
The pour of the water from the tap as Grayson cleaned the dishes was just overshadowed by the sound of the television in the living room. He rinsed off the dirty plates and set them on the rack. 
“Hey, hon, how’s Ethan doing? Did you call him today?”
“Yea, he’s good.” He wiped his hands off on the rag and made his way over to the sofa where Y/N was sitting. “I’m glad you decided to take a break.”
She rolled her eyes as Grayson sank into the seat beside her. “Only because I’m basically done and just have to edit.”
“Mmm, either way.” He kissed her cheek.
“What’d Ethan say?”
“He just said we should all hang out soon. Maybe this weekend.”
She jerked her head to face him. “But I thought we were going to-“
“And I told him that we were busy,” she rubbed her arm. “So maybe we could meet up for dinner another time.”
Y/N smiled. “I’m sorry. You probably wanna hang out with him. It’s been like four days since you guys have been able to actually do anything together. That’s like a century for you guys.”
Grayson laid back, and Y/N nuzzled herself up against his chest. “It’s been a rough week for both of us. I think we need some time just together too.” He rubbed her shoulder and kissed her temple.
She sighed. “What did I do to deserve someone like you?”
“You stole my heart, that’s what you did.”
“Yeah well...” she laid her head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. “You never asked for it back.”
He brushed his fingers through her strands of hair. “That’s because I wished you’d take the rest of me too.”
She blushed. “Well lucky for you then, huh?”
“Oh yeah.”
Y/N took his hand that was laying on his stomach. “I love you, baby.”
“I know.”
She slapped his stomach, sitting up abruptly. “Grayson Dolan!”
He laughed. “Oh, I’m kidding princess.” He cupped her cheeks in his hands. “I love you so much. I’ll never be able to show you just how much I do.”
He leaned in and kissed her. Soft, but meaningful.
Y/N suddenly pulled away. “Oh my god, my article!” She got up, but Grayson grabbed her wrist.
“Noooo, stayyy baby girl.”
“Oh my god, you literally kill me.” She pulled away from him. “But I have to work babe. Just keep watching the show, Okay?”
“I literally forgot the Tv was even on.” He gave her big puppy dog eyes.
“Give me a half-hour.”
“But snuggles!”
“Oh, fine. Okay.”
An hour later, Gray walked into the office room with two cups of tea. He knocked on the side of the door. “Am I intruding?”
Y/N finally looked away from her screen. “Hm? Oh, no not at all.”
Gray handed her one of the cups, and she took it gratefully. “Mmm, thank you.”
“Are you going to be done anytime soon?”
She stretched. “I actually think I’m about done.”
“Great, can we go to bed?”
She shook her head. “I was wondering if you could read it over?”
“Oh of course baby,” he placed his cup on the table and swiveled over to her. “What do you want me to do?”
“I don’t know. Just review it, tell me if it sounds weird, if it’s not going for the vibe I’m looking for, even just grammatical stuff. I’ve been staring at this thing for so long I think it just needs a fresh pair of eyes.”
“You got it. Just bear with me, I’m a really slow reader.”
“Take your time honey.”
After a few minutes, Grayson looked back over to his wife, who was sitting in the armchair. 
“It looks really good honey. Just, okay c’mere a sec..”
“Mhm.” She walked Over to the computer.
“You see this part? You could talk less about it but focus more on what’s in the next paragraph.”
“Hmm, ok yea I see that.”
“Also this part-“ he scrolled down. “It’s like a lot of information all at once. It’s like, too dense. You get what I mean?” 
She pulled a chair over, skimming over the section. “Yeaa, your right.” She dragged the laptop over to her and started typing something up. “Is this better?” She pushed it back over to him.
“Yes, this is a lot easier to follow. Just do that with the next part too, and I think it’ll be better.”
“Ok. Thank you so much, baby.” 
Grayson got up and moved his chair over so Y/N could reposition herself. “No problem, hon.” He kissed her forehead.
“I'm gonna go wait for you in bed, okay?”
“Don’t stay up too late.”
“I won’t.”
Another hour later, Grayson shuffled back over to the office room once more. He’d almost fallen asleep but was determined to stay awake until his wife was done. 
He rubbed his eye and yawned. “Babe I think it’s time to just let it be done. You must be exhausted-“
Grayson stopped when he saw the small figure of Y/N laying her head down on the table, completely passed out.
“Aw, honey..”
He tiptoed over to her, listening to her soft breathing. The light from the screen illuminated her hair and bounced off of the now empty cup of tea she finished. She was sleeping on top of many papers and files. He looked up at the screen and saw the email she had drafted to send her application in. He sat down next to her for a bit, and opened up the documents she had attached, making sure all of them were there and skimming through them to make sure they were ready to go. He quickly finished it up for her, just adding some thanks and signing her name, and sent it.
“Y/N?” He rubbed her back slowly. “You wanna come to bed now?” He chuckled to himself.
“You never listen to me, so you?” He reached under her arms and legs and gently lifted her up bridal style. She groaned slightly, but she only seemed to stir slightly to muzzle herself closer into Grayson’s chest.
He shook his head. “You are so adorable.”
He walked back to their bedroom and gently placed her onto the bed, covering her up with the blanket. She grabbed the nearest pillow and squeezed it. He kissed her on the forehead. 
“Goodnight, baby.”
Two weeks later, Y/N was idly scrolling through her phone while Grayson was making dinner when suddenly she got a notification from her email. She opened it to find...
A clang was heard in the kitchen, like something falling onto the ground, and was followed by Grayson racing out of the kitchen. 
“WHAT? What’s wrong?”
Y/N jumped up from the couch and turned her phone screen to Grayson, jumping up and down. 
His terrified expression was quickly replaced with one of excitement. “Oh my god, Congrats baby!” He spread his arms wide and Y/N ran towards him, practically jumping onto him to give him a hug. 
“Oh my god oh my god oh my god I can’t believe I got the job!!”
“I’m so proud of you baby!!” He picked her up into the air and spun her around while she squealed.
“I can’t believe this is actually happening.” She pulled away from him to read the email in her phone again, her face absolutely glowing.
“You deserve it, hon. You worked so hard for this.” He smiled, then his eyes lit up. “OH my god, we need to celebrate!”
Y/N grabbed his face and kissed him, startling him so bad he almost fell backward. She pulled away from him, grinning like a fool.
“Or, you know. That works too.” He chuckled.
She laughed as well. “Grayson, I never would’ve been able to get this job without you.”
His arms made their way around her. “What are you talking about? You did this all on your own.”
“False. Without you, I probably would’ve killed myself before I got it done.” The edge of Grayson’s mouth quirked up, but he let her continue. “You were so supportive the past few weeks, and I really needed it. Thank you. So much.”
The warmth of his forehead pressed against hers spread through her. “I’m always going to be here for you, Y/N. that’s what you get for deciding to marry me.”
Her fingers grazed his jawline. “Well, I guess I made a good decision then, huh?”
“Mhmm.” He leaned and kissed her once more. The warmth and flavour of his lips spread through her. Her arms made their way up into his hair, then she bit his lip, making him moan.
She smirked. “You know, there is something we could do to celebra-“ a loud beeping noise suddenly disrupted her, and she watched as Grayson’s eyes suddenly widened.
“Oh my god the food!” He let go of Y/N and rushed back into the kitchen, followed by her Y/N’s laughs. A loud clang was heard, probably him dropping the steaming pot into the sink, then Grayson peaked his head around the corner.
“So.. how’re you feeling about take-out?”
She rolled her eyes. “Yea yea. I’ll order.”
253 notes · View notes
holidaywishes · 4 years
It Had To Be You XL
Chapter Forty: All Dressed in White
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  Summary: "I don’t know, guys. A custom dress is a lot,” you said but Jackie pressed. “He’s my son. My oldest child and I want the best for you two. A custom dress makes sure that happens.”
  Warning: Short chapter but other than that nothing really, maybe a little bit of angst at the end...
  Author’s Note: How’s everyone doing in their quarantine? Feel free to fill up my inbox with anything you’re feeling. I’m here for it, for you. Anyway, I’ve decided that this series is going to end at 50 so there will be 10 more, likely put out in the next week or so. After that, I’ll focus on finishing up my Gally series and then my Freddie series. That’s it. That’s the note! Enjoy the chapter!
  P.S. I guess I have one other note. I described a dress in here and, if any of you have seen Love is Blind, I think I was picturing Giannina’s Dress because I loved the way it flowed but there was also this one but of course, you can imagine whatever dress you want and switch up the description to fit that!
  Song Credit: All Dressed in White -- Benjamin Francis Leftwich
  the other masterlist
  It’s not like you were discouraged when you couldn’t find a dress in Calgary but you did hope that your family could be there when you had that ‘I found my dress’ moment.
  “We can fly them here,” Tyler said after you told him that you felt like they were missing out on things, “they’d probably love that!”
  “Where would we put them all?”
  “It’s not that big of a space,” you admitted, “it’s not your Mom’s space.”
  “Well, there’s always the Lake House...”
  “Aww the Lake House!” you cooed, “we had our first ‘moment’ there.”
  “I know. Isn’t it perfect?” he laughed, bringing you close to him, “It’s so perfect that we could even have the wedding there. What do you think?”
  “Really?” you thought about it for a second, “I mean it would be great but would there be enough space? Your family? My family? Our friends?”
  “I think so. I mean it’s not like we’re going to have 500 people there or something. It’ll be relatively small won’t it?”
  “Not if Chris has any say in it,” you laughed, “besides, you have connections with the entire league so I’m sure we’ll have at least 100 people there on your side.”
  “Whoa,” he said, putting his hands up to halt you, “that seems like a lot.”
  “Does it? You’ve got a big family, that loves you, and a lot of friends who are shocked you’re engaged. How many people were you thinking?”
  “Like maybe 100 in total...” he said and your mouth gaped. It was strange to you that he didn’t want to have a huge party but you didn’t want to push him
  “I guess we’ll really have to sit down and discuss the list then...” You said, an unsure smile on your face and he pulled you into his side.
  “By the way,” he interjected, “my Mom and Candace are coming in to help you pick out a dress”
  “Yeah, I really didn’t have a say in it. That’s why I said we could fly Chris and Karen and Lucy here”
  “And Diana and Ethan and--”
  “Yes, fly anyone you want here. My mom is insisting though, she thinks she can find you the perfect dress. When she heard that you didn’t find one back home, she knew this was her chance.”
  “What about Cassidy?” you asked
  “She’s got some internship that she can’t get away from but mom said she’ll Facetime her”
  “When is this all supposed to be happening?”
  “Well...” he started but was interrupted by the doorbell ringing
  “WHERE IS SHE?” Jackie squealed, “ahh! the beautiful bride to be!”
  “Ha-h-hi,” you scoffed, playfully, “I didn’t know you guys were coming!” Candace waved to her after hugging her brother and shrugging at Jackie’s enthusiasm
  “SURPRISE!” she yelled, “Ty says you’re heading out to the Lake?” You glared at Tyler for a second, noticing him rub his neck.
  “We are!” you replied, gritting your teeth, “yeah and Chris and Karen are on their way here with Lucy!”
  “That’s awesome!” she hugged you, “Oh yay! That means they can come Dress shopping with us!”
  “Dress shopping?” you asked, trying to hide your concern
  “Don’t we need like an appointment for that?”
  “Of course. Ty made one for us last week. Didn't he tell you?”
  “No..” you said, turning your attention to Tyler, “it must have slipped his mind.”
  “Oh, well..” she added, “we’re here now and the appointment is next week. So... we can discuss what you see yourself in. What you didn’t find last month when you went home..”
  “Uhmm” you stammered, watching Tyler dial a number on his phone as he walked away
  “Mom,” Candace laughed, “give her a second to welcome us in. Maybe we can go for lunch or something to talk about all of that but for right now, we have to settle in.” She rubbed your arm and directed her Mom into the guest room that the two would be sharing. 
  Getting everyone into the Lake house was a struggle, making everyone comfortable was nearly impossible, but eventually everyone was happy with where they were.
  “Alright,” Jackie sighed, smiling as she looked at you and Tyler, “let’s talk wedding! Now that everyone’s here, we can make a game plan”
  “Mom..” Tyler scoffed
  “No, she’s right!” Karen interjected and Lucy looked over at you from beside Candace, “having us all together might help make the planning easier.“
  “it is what you said you wanted when you came home last month” Lucy added and you tilted your head at her
  “Okay,” you agreed, reluctantly, “but the final decisions are up to Ty and I. Got it?” You looked around to make sure the group was nodding in agreement. You talked about colours, themes, decor ideas, venues, and guest lists
  “Alright... so an intimate wedding here?” Chris said, a little judgement in his tone
  “Yeah,” Tyler answered, shifting forward in his seat, “we want to be surrounded by the people we love most.“ You noticed Chris exaggeratedly raise his eyebrows
  “So what was it about the dresses that you looked at that wasn’t it,” Candace interrupted, diffusing any tension, “that made none of them the one.”
  “Is it a cop out if I just say I didn’t have that feeling?”
  “Yes,” Karen laughed, “but I understand. How about this? Imagine your perfect wedding dress, from the ones you’ve seen to the ones you wished existed. Put them all together. What does that perfect dress look like?”
  “Oof,” you exhaled before smiling at the group, “Something flowy on the bottom but fitted and lacy up top. Classic lace, maybe a little bit of a vintage feel but not like Grandma’s doily. I want more lace than beading but a little bit of sparkle, just enough to make the dress seem like it’s glowing out in the sun, would be amazing. I think sleeves would annoy me, but I’m open to the idea...” You stopped, opening your eyes that you hadn’t realized you’d closed, and saw everyone staring at you.
  “That sounds gorgeous!“ Jackie exclaimed
  “Yeah but finding this gorgeous dress is another story...” you sighed
  “Hey,” Tyler whispered, rubbing your back, “you’ll find it. I’ll pay. No budget! How does that sound?”
  “I don’t know, Ty, I can get pretty carried away” You admitted, snickering at your own words
  “(Y/N)” he started, “there’s no better time to get carried away than shopping for your wedding dress.”
  “He’s right!” Lucy and Candace chimed in before you could argue
  “Don’t let him change his mind” Candace urged and you laughed, reluctantly nodding and smiling at the group in front of you.
  “What if...” Diana interrupted, “you got a custom dress?” The group gasped in agreement
  “That’s perfect!” Candace exclaimed
  “Totally! That way you’ll get exactly what you want!” Lucy added
  “I think that’s a great idea,” Tyler added, “you’ll be sure to find this gorgeous dress of yours that way.” You smiled at him, giving him a peck on the cheek in thanks
  “It’s settled then!” Jackie interjected before you could argue, “a custom dress is what you’ll have!” You would’ve liked to discuss it more but both Karen and Jackie were insistent that a custom dress was the right choice and the girls agreed that you deserved it. So, two days later, Jackie and Karen were waking you up at 6 AM to head to the bridal store to try on dresses
  “We already know you’re getting a custom dress but we just want to see the shapes,” Jackie exclaimed, “to get a better idea.” Her smile was so big that you almost had a headache from looking at it
  “Okay, just let me shower first” you yawned just as Candace, Diana and Lucy walked out of their rooms.
  “The boys aren’t up yet?” Diana scolded and you rolled your eyes before closing the bathroom door. While you let the hot water pour over you, you tried to think about your wedding day and what it would look like. A small ceremony was what you had pictured when you were younger, because you didn’t have a big family, but Tyler’s life was so big that you thought he would’ve fought more to include everyone. It hurt you a little but you knew it would be a beautiful wedding no matter what. When Tyler and Chris woke up, they wandered into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee, mumbling to themselves as the group of girls puttered around the house.
  “What if we come with you?” Tyler offered, making everyone face him in shock
  “You want to go wedding dress shopping?” Chris added
  “YOU CAN’T!” Jackie yelled, “IT’S BAD LUCK!”
  “Oh come on, Mom,” he replied, “that’s such a dumb rule. I’m sure we’ll be fine... I want to help her pick out a dress.”
  “It’s her dress, Ty,” Lucy chimed in, “it’s the one thing that she shouldn’t have to get your approval on.”
  “I’m not saying she has to have my approval on anything. I just wanna... see.” You went straight from the shower to the bedroom to change, putting on a little bit of makeup and blow drying your hair before heading into the living room where everyone was.
  “(Y/N)!” Tyler shouted as you came out
  “Whoa!” you gasped, “what’s going on?”
  “Do you think I should stay back?” He asked
  “It’s bad luck for the groom to see the dress before the wedding?” Jackie interrupted
  “I--” you tried but got interrupted
  “Again. That’s a dumb rule, don’t you think babe?” Tyler continued
  “Well I--” you started again
  “I can always leave if you find one that you really like. Besides you said you were getting a custom dress right? So it’s not like either of us will know until y--”
  “OKAY ENOUGH!” You finally yelled, taking a breath before continuing, “I think that some sort of traditionalism is nice. You can come for a bit, though I don’t really think you’ll enjoy yourself, but I do want Chris to be there...” Chris was silent for a moment before smiling
  “Of course, (Y/N),” he said, “I wouldn’t miss it.” You let out a sigh of relief and the group apologized for stressing you out before following you out of the house.
  “Hello there!” a woman greeted you and your group as you entered the bridal boutique
  “Hi,” Tyler said, budging his way to the desk, “we have an appointment. Under (Y/L/N) or maybe I put it under mine, Seguin?”
  “Ahh yes,” she replied, “(Y/N)?”
  “That’s me,” you smiled, meeting Tyler at the front, “hi”
  “Hi,” she smiled back, “follow me this way.” The woman directed to your group to an area with a beige couch and told you that your consultant would be there in a moment. About a minute later, a tall, slender woman introduces herself to the group with a bright smile on her face
  “Who’s the bride to be?” she asked
  “That would be me!” you smiled, grabbing Tyler’s hand for support
  “Hi there!” she said before her eyes caught Tyler, “is this the groom?” You looked over at Tyler and smiled, noticing a small blush flood his cheeks
  “Yes,” he replied, “I am the groom”
 “Awesome!” her voice rose, “so who all do you have with you today?” You introduced everyone in the group to the consultant and they took turns shaking hands.
  “It’s a bigger group than we expected” you laughed and the consultant smiled and waved it off
  “The more the merrier!” she replied, “do you have an idea of what you’re looking for?” You described the details of the dress, followed by the details of the wedding including the theme that you’d picked and the consultant nodded along before taking you to the dressing room and pulling dresses for you. She pulled a lot of options
  “Wow” was all you could say. The consultant began putting you in the dresses and you nixed a few of them before deciding on one to show everyone. The first dress you showed your group was a big, poofy, Cinderella ballgown that you imagined every girl wanted when they were growing up but you weren’t impressed with it on you and neither was the group; quickly throwing up signs with versions of ‘no’ on them and you quickly moved onto the next dress.
  “I think we should try this one next” you pointed to one of the dresses and the consultant helped you into the dress
  “So...” she started, “tell me about you hubby-to-be!” You smiled to yourself and tried to think of where to start
  “His name is Tyler. We met about 9 years ago and we’ve been together about 5 years. He’s one of the dorkiest people I know and he makes me laugh all the time and he’s just one of the most amazing people I’ve ever met.”
  “Aww that’s so sweet. What does he do for a living? He looks familiar...” she said, which you thought was a weird thing to ask but you answered anyway, “Oh my goodness! I thought that was him!”
  “That’s him! That’s my dude...” you smiled
  “That’s so cool! Congratulations!” she said, almost through gritted teeth, and aggressively did up the laces on the corset of the dress and directed you back out to your group. You stood in front of everyone, including the consultant, and got their feedback but you weren’t saying anything and Diana was the first to ask if something was wrong
  “I agree I don’t like the dress,” Tyler said and the consultant giggled and you looked over at her quickly, “I really don’t think it’s you.” You laughed and nodded
  “I don’t either,” you admitted but directed your attention to Diana, “can I talk to you in the room for a second?” She nodded and followed you and the consultant to the room, who you gave a look to that made her leave the room.
  “What’s going on babe?” she sat down on one of the chairs in the room while you looked at yourself in the mirror, examining the dress
  “Aside from the fact that I can’t breathe?” you laughed, “the consultant is really interested in Ty.”
  “What do you mean?”
  “When I told her about him, without mentioning his job, she said he looked familiar so when I finally said he played for the Stars she got very... I don’t know. She was like ‘congratulations!’ and like trapped me in this dress by pulling the corset so tight.. I don’t know I just feel weird about it.”
  “Do you want to continue with her?”
  “I wish she hadn’t said anything but yeah, I’ll continue with her,” you sighed, “can you just watch her for me?” Diana agreed immediately and she called the consultant back in, checking if you were okay for her to leave and you nodded.
  “Alrighty!” the consultant exclaimed, “which one is next?” You pointed to one dress and showed it to the group who immediately dismissed it, so you tried on another which the group didn’t like either; you slumped back to the group, rubbing your forehead in frustration and the consultant left the room for a minute, only to come back with Tyler
  “Ty..” you said in surprise, sitting in the silk robe the boutique provided, “what are you doing back here?”
  “Thought you might need some help” he smiled
  “Did you find the perfect dress?” you giggled and he shrugged his shoulder
  “Try on this one“ he said, holding up a fairly plain dress and kissing your cheek. You tried on the dress and walked out to the group.
  “I don’t know, guys,” you sighed, “these dresses just aren’t it...”
  “What shape do you love?” Jackie asked
  “I like the flowy-ness of this skirt,” you started, “but I liked the lace and the sparkle on the first one?”
  “So why don’t we combine them?” she added
  “Like a custom dress?” the consultant perked up at the thought, “that’s a great idea!” You imagined that she would get a great commission on a custom dress because the price would increase and you winced at the idea
  "I don’t know, guys. A custom dress is a lot” you said but Jackie pressed.
  “He’s my son. My oldest child and I want the best for you two. A custom dress makes sure that happens.” She stood up, smiling as she walked over to you, “you’re going to be part of our family now and I think this perfect dress will be amazing.” You looked in the mirror at the rest of the group, watching their reactions, noticing Chris wasn’t really showing anything
  “Chris?” you asked, grabbing his attention
  “Yes, love?”
  “What do you think?”
  “I think you’ll look beautiful in anything,” he cooed, and you cocked your head to the side, “but it doesn’t seem like you’re finding the dress you want. So, maybe, a custom dress is the best choice.” You bit the inside of your cheek, contemplating the option, before the consultant came back with the owner who offered to draw up an idea of a custom dress for you that you immediately fell in love with.
  “That’s it,” you whispered and it was like an epiphany, “that’s the dress that I haven’t been able to find.” Everything about it was perfect, even though you couldn’t see it in person, you knew it was right for you. When tears started forming in your eyes, Karen came over and asked if that was the dress, “Yes,” you said, nodding emphatically as happy tears escaped your eyes, “that’s my dress.” The group let out in cheers and you laughed at their exclamations before hugging Candace and Lucy, looking to find Tyler to share in his embrace when you saw Diana’s eyes looking somewhere else. Following her stare, you found the very thing you feared would happen. That damn consultant was giving Tyler her number.
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bi-cookie · 5 years
“With all my Heart”
• 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 : Ethan Ramsey x Kinsley Kentwood 
• 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 : 1,682
• 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 : full on fluff
• 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞����𝐲 : a messy kitchen , an old pup , and one slow dance Leads to an unexpected proposal.
• 𝐀/𝐍: this is Day 10 prompt : Proposal , Requested by the lovely : @lives-for-fanfics for the @choicesseptemberchallenge Hosted by @ramseyandrys // this fic is inspired by the song “Lover - Taylor Swift” , enjoy 💗.
• 𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭 : @hayden-deserves-better , @a-i-n-a-a-s-h , @lovechoiceslove , @lives-for-fanfics
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 Ethan walked into his apartment Building suite case in hand, sliding into the elevator after a 9 hours flight he couldn’t wait to get home to his beautiful girlfriend of two years
He darted off the elevator and down the hall, stopping in front of their apartment
getting his keys out and Inserting them into the keyhole he gave the wooden door a firm shove and pushed it open,
“Kinsley, are you here?” He called out as he sat his suitcase on the floor
taking off his jacket and putting down his keys on the coffee table before turning to shove the front door closed behind him.  
He walked around through their apartment towards the living room but there was no one there he checked the bedroom , the bathroom and nothing
Then he heard the faint sound of music playing in the background along with a humming whispers coming from down the hall.
He followed the sound of music all the way to the kitchen only to be met with a barefoot Kinsley dancing aimlessly around the kitchen with Jenner jumping up and down following her lead, she was wearing a sleeveless yellow polka dot sundress that complimented her body so well covering each curve to perfection, her hair was worn down not in her usual ponytail , the golden locks brushing her bare shoulders this a sight he’ll never get used to
plus it didn’t hurt that she was wearing his favorite shade of crimson on her lips , it made them look even more kissable than ever, and oh boy did he loved smudging that lipstick all over her face with his delicate kisses.
Unaware of her surroundings with a bowl of velvet cake mix in her hand she whisked away and danced even more While Ethan crossed his arms on his chest leaning onto the kitchen door watching in amusement .
A few moments had passed and she was still unaware of his presence , Ethan sneaked up behind her sliding his hands on her waist hugging her with all his might before kissing the crook of her neck and burying his face into her beautiful blonde hair it smelled like cinnamon, vanilla and well him.
“How is my gorgeous rookie doing on this fine evening ?”
He trailed butterfly kisses onto her neck while taking in her scent , she grabbed onto his arm caressing his stubble grinning like a school girl
“I am doing better now that you’re here, how was the conference darling ?”
“Absolutely boring without you “
He continued sprinkling his small sweet kisses on her neck and shoulder
She was lost in his touch basically melting in his arms when all of a sudden he decided to grab the bag of flour on the counter and dump it on her
“ AHHHH , you little—“ Kinsley takes ahold of the frosting and starts spraying it all over his face
And just like that a food fight erupted into their quite little kitchen , mid-way through the frosting throwing and the flour splashing Ethan grabbed her by the hand closer to him
“Hey , you got a little something in here “ he removed a little bit of frosting from her left cheek licking his thumb clean “ and here . . . and here . . .“ he started sprinkling feather-like kisses on her right cheek , her nose , her jaw right until he reached her lips trailing his thumb on her lower lip “ and here . . . “ he whispered crashing his lips on hers kissing her with so much longing , yearning and love. she tasted of strawberry and mint  their breathes mingled in a heated kiss , she wrapped her hands around his neck slipping her fingers into his hair .
The radio stopped playing the upbeat song she was dancing to earlier and shuffled into a slow song  “Lover by Taylor Swift” started playing In the background Ethan broke their kiss his crystal blue eyes transfixed on hers
“ Dance with me ,Rookie “
“ Ethan I’m covered in flour and frosting “ she chuckled at his suggestion
“So what ?” He grinned
He wrapped one arm around her waist and took one hand in his as he twirled her around the kitchen before bringing her even closer to his chest descending into a slow dance, his steady heartbeat was a beautiful melody that played into her ears making her feel all sorts of emotions all at once , she closed her eyes melting into his embrace slow dancing in the kitchen was her new favorite thing to do with Ethan now.
“You know—“ He whispered still holding her close to his chest
“I’ve always wanted to live in a suburban home“
She looked up at him puzzled
“The GREAT Ethan Ramsey behind a white picket fence driving a fancy car and going to PTA meetings now that’s something I never thought I’d hear you say”
“It’s true I had it all planned I’d buy a Ranch style home deep in Brookline I’ll drive a grey Lexus UX, hell I even practiced being nice for the sake of being a friendly suburban neighbor the one thing that was missing was finding someone to share this life with” 
He smiled
But Before she could blink, before she could open her mouth, before she could breathe, before she could even think, he disappeared from her line of vision.
Her glance shot immediately down.
He was kneeling…
With her shaking knees and trembling hands , she gaped at him , he was no longer smiling but his eyes still held that same fiery excitement.
He was kneeling …On one knee…
She couldn’t fathom what was going on , she tried to calm herself but she simply couldn’t , she couldn’t even manage a simple exhale.
“Marry me.”
 she was gaping like a fish, but she just couldn’t manage any other expression. 
Did he…To her…? What…?
Her heart was beating faster than the speed of light , her soul almost left her body her jaw was falling down right there on the marble floors.
 Did she hear him right?  how did any of that make any sense…with the suburban home and marriage and…MARRIAGE ? 
Was she dreaming? Maybe she was just hearing things , I mean ETHAN  her ETHAN was kneeling right in front of her on one knee
“Marry me, Kinsley ,” he repeated, taking her hand and turning her palm. Something light and smooth and warm fell into it and afterwards he clasped his hand over hers. His hands were so warm.
“There’s only one person I want to share the rest of my life with I don’t give a damn where we go , we could live in a cardboard box for all I care , all that matters is having you there with me”
A sly smirk found it’s place on his lips again. God, she loved it when he smirked. 
Quite frankly, she was far too stunned to do anything other than stare blankly at him. her mouth felt like it was moving but she couldn’t seem to find her voice or her words for that matter, She didn’t even know if she had a voice nothing seemed to be coming out, let alone the lack of thought except for her brain playing “Marry me” on repeat. 
Marry him, marry him, marry him?
They were two simple words and yet they rendered her silent.
He stood up taking a step closer to her leaning forward, his hands reached for her own as he caressed them gently bringing them up so that her knuckles pressed against his chest. His stubble hair tickled her cheek as his lips brushed her ear.
“Open,” he murmured, his voice low and breathy and she felt his whisper like a pleasant electric current.
She obeyed, stretching her fingers to reveal a small silver…ring…a RING ! He was serious ! He was…serious? She brought it closer to her and inspected the tiny diamond details on the band, entwining to hug a beautiful polished emerald in the center.
“ETHAN,” she gasped, her eyes wide as she glanced at him.
His smile was knowing and warm now, and it just made her heart flutter even more , even after all this time she could never get used  the effect he had on her.
“I was trying to be romantic, but now I’m getting apprehensive and impatient,”
he coughed as he blushed and looked away, tousling his already messy hair. Vulnerable Ethan was her favorite Ethan , I mean she loved all of him but there was something about vulnerable Ethan that she simply couldn’t resist.
She chuckled.
Carefully, sliding the beautiful dainty ring onto her finger, biting her lip and watching it as it sparkled slightly in the hazy evening moonlight that spilled through the windows.
“Yes Ethan a thousand times yes in every lifetime YES ! “ 
He immediately relaxed with a heavy sigh and pulled her into a tight embrace as he placed a chaste kiss to her forehead, she jumped into his arms hugging him tightly and burying her face into the crook of his neck . Goodness, he smelled so good, like rain forest and mist and his skin was oh so soft.
His heartbeat was a tattoo of unspoken yet well-known words against her ear. 
“So future Doctor Ramsey what do you say we clean up this mess, and take this to the bedroom” he grumbled against her hair.
" I’d day let’s leave this mess be and you could show me how much you’ve really missed me Doctor Ramsey "
She tip toed to meet him whispering in his ear
“I’ll be in the bedroom with nothing on but my wedding ring your welcome to join “
she moon walked out of the kitchen and disappeared into the their bedroom
“Ahh, to hell with it “
He hurried after her slamming the bedroom door shut , leaving behind a messy kitchen and an old pup sleeping on the floor .
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Ink On Skin Chapter Three
Chapter One Chapter Two
Ethan had to get up early the next morning so he could finish Paul’s bouquet. He had the flowers set aside and a general idea of what he wanted, so it wouldn’t take too much of his day. It was still going to take a while to get the image in his mind perfectly created. He made sure to take a shower that night, washing away all of the issues of the day before.
He once again stood under the stream of hot water and inspected his body for any new tattoos that might give him a hint to who his soulmate might be. He wondered who they had their eye on in their life. He couldn’t find anything new.
The two of them decided that either of them could be with whoever they want and that they didn’t have to give their soulmate any information if they didn’t want to. Ethan remembered the guilt he had felt when he slept with his high school crush, Danny, before he dropped out.
He had told his soulmate and they didn’t judge him, telling him that they had been with other people as well. But, it had never been romantic. Both of them had this unspoken worry of falling in love with someone other than their soulmate.
Ethan didn’t tell them the name of who he was thinking about dating. He felt like it would make things worse if he did fall for her. His soulmate seemed to agree, as he had no clue who they had fallen for.
He stepped out of the shower when he finished and dried himself off before going to his room and getting dressed. He grabbed a white knitted sweater and black jeans before he went to the front room, where Greg was sleeping peacefully.
He scooped his cat into his arm, not caring that some of the ugly cat’s hair would get on his Sweater. He smiled down at Greg’s grumpy face as he made his food. He sat the bowl and his cat down as he moved to get himself some orange juice.
He just drank some out of the carton, then grabbed his jacket. Ethan walked out of the apartment, making sure to lock the door. He made sure to tell Greg to watch over the house before the door was closed.
It was a beautiful day. While it was cold, the sun was shining and people were out and about. As he walked down the populated street, he couldn’t help but add a little pep to his step. He was ready to take on the day.
He was lucky enough to get to his shop half an hour early and started on Paul’s bouquet. He weaved the flowers together, and within the hour it was finished. It was beautiful and delicate. Ethan was proud of it.
He wrapped a white ribbon around the bouquet for Paul, wanting to make it look nice. It was lovely when people bought flowers for their soulmate. Something about it just felt intimate, and it was something Ethan loved to be a part of.
When rock music softly played through the walls, Ethan smiled. It was nice, knowing the person he worked next to. It was even nicer that she was attractive, funny, nice, smart, and a good person.
Paul came in at about one thirty, a little earlier than Ethan expected. The man’s eyes went wide when he saw the bouquet, thanking Ethan a million times over. Ethan just shrugged and took the eighty dollars for the well put together flower arrangement.
He didn’t expect to be given a one hundred dollar bill. When he went to make change, Paul stopped him. “It’s a tip. This looks amazing, and I’m sure Emma is going to love it. So, you know, keep the change.” He gave a nervous smile and left.
Ethan carefully put the bill into the register, his day now even better. Even though he accepted tips, no one ever tipped more than a few dollars, which was a bit of a joke. He thought about Paul’s soulmate and how lucky she was. He hoped that he could do things like that for his soulmate, or Lex, one day.
He took a reasonably timed lunch break that day. He heard the music turn off and realized that Lex was taking her break. He thought he might as well join her. He locked his door just in time to see her walking out of her parlor.
“So, where are we eating?” Ethan asked her. Lex looked over at him with a grin.
“I was just going to walk over to Beanies, you’re welcome to join me.” She offered.
Ethan nodded, and the two walked side by side, chatting about their days so far. Apparently Lex was having a good business day as well, and had already made a killing on walk-ins alone.
He thought about what it would be like to get a tattoo of his own. He had seen some of Lex’s work, he would want her to be the one to do it. He wondered what his soulmate would think about his choice, and if they would comment on it.
Soon they arrived at Beanies, and Lex opened the door for Ethan this time. He thanked her as he walked in, standing in line. He silently wondered where Hannah was, but Lex didn’t seem at all worried so he let it go.
He got himself a large hot chocolate and a muffin that looked less than toxic or hard as a rock. It seemed like a safe bet when the barista behind the counter didn’t have to pull too hard to get it off of the plate that they were on.
He walked to a table near the back and waited for Lex and his hot chocolate. The former walked over holding a sad looking breakfast sandwich. She pulled a packet of hot sauce out of her jacket’s pocket and put the spicy stuff on the inside.
“So, how much do you charge for tattoos?” Ethan asked, picking off a piece of his muffin and popping it into his mouth.
“It depends, but usually it’s around a hundred bucks.” Lex told him, taking a big bite of her sandwich. “Why do you ask?”
“I was thinking about getting one.” He told her honestly.
“Oh, well it’s a big decision. I put a lot of thought into the ones I have.”
“How did you decide on which ones to get?” Ethan asked, thanking the manager as she sat their drinks down at the table.
“Most of mine were actually drawn by Hannah. She’s so talented, I swear she’s going to art school one day. Others I designed myself. One on my shoulder is from a postcard.” Lex told him, finishing the breakfast sandwich.
Ethan nodded, thinking about the tattoos his soulmate had. He wondered how they had decided on them. He wondered what he would get. He wanted to show them a part of him.
His attention was diverted from Lex when he noticed Paul walk into the coffee shop, badly hiding the bouquet of flowers behind his back. He sat at a table and waited until the shortest barista took off her apron and pulled down her hair for her break. ‘That must be Emma.’ Ethan thought.
Emma sat down at Paul’s table, and Lex and Ethan watched as Paul awkwardly gave her the bouquet of flowers. Emma took the bouquet and nodded to whatever he had said, rolling her eyes fondly.
“Wow.” Lex said, watching the exchange.
“Yeah. One day, I want that.” Ethan told her honestly.
“How did I expect that?” She smiled back.
When the two of them finished, they stood back up and left. Ethan walked next to Lex and thought about what they had just done. Was it a date? It kind of felt like a date, but he hadn’t been on many dates.
“So, that was a really good lunch date…” He said awkwardly.
“It was a date?” Lex asked. There was a smile in her tone, but Ethan was still worried that he had offended her.
“I mean, not if you didn’t want it to be.” He said quickly. His face was warm. “I was just thinking that maybe it was. Sorry if-”
“I’m teasing you. It was.” She laughed. Ethan calmed down.
“Right.” He stuffed his hands into his pockets.
Soon they got back to their buildings and Ethan walked in, relaxing his shoulders. He sat by the phone and waited.
It took until seven in the afternoon until something happened. The woman who had gotten roses a few days ago walked in, a new engagement ring on her finger. She walked up to the counter.
“Hi. Do you do weddings?” She asked, tilting her head.
Ethan felt his breath escape him, weddings were what kept his shop open. “Yes! Yes we do!”
“Perfect! I’m getting married to my soulmate in a few months, and I was hoping that you could make my bouquet out of roses.” She suggested.
“Of course, and what roses would you want?” Ethan asked.
“Red and lavender. Maybe also add some pink. And white gardenias.” She told him. He was glad that she already had an image in her head.
“Well that’s doable. Can you come in sometime before the week of so that we can make it perfect?” He asked, giving his charming smile.
“Yeah. I have your card, so I’ll call you?” She suggested.
“Sounds perfect.” Ethan smiled.
She nodded, then bought a small ten dollar bouquet of red carnations. She left with a smile after giving him a decent tip. Ethan was stoked.
A few hours later, Ethan closed up, making sure that the door was securely locked before he started on his walk home. He felt a fuzzy feeling in his chest when he thought about the lunch date with Lex. It was something he couldn’t wait to tell Greg about.
When he walked inside, he noticed Greg laying on the top of the couch, sleeping. Ethan walked over and patted his head, waking him up. He fed him, and Greg ate his food happily.
He then started on his own dinner. He made himself an egg sandwich with cheese, making over easy eggs to put on the sandwich. He added a dash of hot sauce and sat at his table, digging in. He was proud of himself for remembering dinner.
He took time to enjoy his dinner, even turning on the tv. He changed the channel to a show about pregnant teens. God, he loved trash television. It reminded him of some of the kids at Hatchet Field High. Each year there was at least one person who got knocked up.
He found no issue in deciding to sleep on the couch. With Greg snoring on his stomach, there was no problem staying on the couch. He turned the tv off as he felt himself falling asleep and fell into a deep and dreamless sleep.
He woke up to Greg hitting his chest. He was in a good mood for once. Ethan scooped him up and walked over to the fridge, feeding his fur baby. He grabbed an apple on his way out before locking the door, taking a bite as he walked down the street.
He smiled at a few of the people looking at him as he walked to the flower shop. He unlocked the door and walked in, setting up to open for the day by taking some of the dead flowers and tossing them.
He swept up and spent his morning singing to himself. He smiled as he looked outside. The sky felt prettier than normal. He felt like he was in a musical, where everything was happy and would end up perfect.
A guy walked in with his hands stuffed into his khaki’s pockets. He had a dark mustache and hard eyes. “Yeah, hey, could I get some flowers?” He was chewing gum.
“Well that is my job. What kind would you like?” Ethan asked.
“Somethin’... romantic. But not too romantic.”
“I think that pink roses would work. Romantic but not as much as red. Sure to please anyone who receives them.”
“Great, I’ll get a bouquet of those.”
“Premade, we only have bouquets of twelve. Is that alright?” Ethan told him. The guy looked like he wasn’t above yelling at him about the price.
“Sure, whatever.”
“That’ll be forty dollars.” Ethan told him, pulling one of the beautiful pink bouquets from behind his desk.
To the man’s credit, all he did was grumble as he pulled his wallet out to pay. Ethan looked down at the name on the card, Ted J. He silently wondered what the J stood for as he swiped the card and handed over the flowers.
Ted left after collecting his card. Ethan pulled out his phone and scrolled through tumblr until he heard rock music from the wall. He smiled to himself, thinking about Lex. He almost couldn’t wait to see her again.
Ethan took time to breathe as he waited for the rock music to be turned off. Before then, a man walked in. He seemed to be normal as anyone, and he wasn’t someone Ethan recognized from Hatchet Field. It was odd that he was eating an apple.
The strange man walked over and bought a singular daisey for a dollar. “So, it’s getting late in the day. Have you taken your lunch break yet?” He asked, trying to make conversation.
“I’m about to, actually.” Ethan smiled politely up at him. He looked down at the card before he handed it back, ‘Wilbur Cross’ was the man’s name.
“Oh, well you should try the place on main street. Best tacos I’ve ever had.” Wilbur told him, giving him a sly smile. It sent uncomfortable shivers down Ethan’s spine. He was thankful when the man walked out, smelling the flower that he had bought.
Ethan watched him walk out, tossing the half eaten apple into the bin on his way out. It had obviously been thrown with more than enough force than needed, as there was a loud ‘bang’ when it hit the metal side, making Ethan flinch.
Ethan walked out and noticed Lex already walking down the street. She turned and waved at him, and he jogged up to her. She was wearing an old yellow plaid jacket. He recognized it as one that Hannah had worn a few times. He had to admit, Lex looked better in it, but Lex would look better than everyone wearing anything. She was just that beautiful.
The two of them talked as they walked down the street, Ethan letting Lex lead them to wherever they would be having lunch. She eventually chose a sketchy taco truck parked in front of a playground.
When the amazing smell hit him, Ethan was thankful for Lex’s amazing taste. The two of them walked to the window and ordered, Lex smiling at him as she paid for the two of them. Ethan couldn’t even pretend to be angry with the cute smile she gave him.
With their food, they sat at a bench. Ethan looked down at Lex and wondered what her soulmate would be like. They would be someone badass and smart, like she was. And they wouldn’t be afraid of anyone or anything.
Lex was thinking the same thing about Ethan. She thought of someone just as kind as Ethan surprising him with flowers that they had planted together. It would be disgustingly cute. And if Ethan would leave her for someone like that, she couldn’t blame him.
She pushed the thoughts out of her head and rested her head on Ethan’s shoulder. She felt a shift and looked up to see him smiling a dumb and lovestruck smile at her. She had never wanted to kiss someone so badly, but she didn’t. Not yet.
“How’s the burrito?” She asked instead, wanting to just take in their world for a little bit longer. Things had been pretty good since she started talking to Ethan. He just… fit into her life. She wondered if that’s what it would be like with her soulmate. She hoped so, because it felt amazing. Even Hannah liked him.
“It’s good. It’s perfect actually.” The way he said the second part, looking at her with his big eyes and the same smile, made her heart swell. She wanted to stay in that moment forever.
“What a fucking nerd.” She smiled back. She hoped her smile could convey what she was trying to communicate. He gave a soft laugh, so she assumed they did.
They sat like that for a while, even after they had finished their food. At some point, Ethan had wrapped his arm around Lex and she could see the peak of a tattoo from under his sleeve. She didn’t dare move it though, she didn’t want the crushing disappointment of proof that he wasn’t her soulmate yet.
Even though it was the perfect day, with birds chirping and the sun shining, they had to get back to work. Lex sent Ethan ahead, wanting to grab a drink to take back with her. She thought back to that morning, and when she had to calm Hannah down from a panic attack. Something about ‘smoke in the walls and a bad man’. When she promised her sister that she would look out for it, Hannah seemed to calm down.
She waited in the short line and about ten minutes later she was walking back sipping on a cherry coke. People didn’t pay her much attention as she walked, and she returned the favor.
She only looked up when she got back. A few people had gathered around, looking inside the shop. Ethan was still outside, but he was on his knees. The door to his shop was wide opened. There were fat tears rolling down his cheeks.
Lex slowly walked over and her breath was taken away. His shop was ruined. It was almost blurry. The register was on the floor and there was smoke coming from the back door. It was then that she heard beeps coming from a smoke alarm behind the closed door to the back room.
Ethan broke down.
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