#i thought we had settled this already in bvs guys
batfleckgifs · 2 years
Can Man of Steel 2 be Clark and Bruce had a one night stand and whole movie is just them trying to figure out who came in who?
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What if ... ?
First, I want to say that I was actually considering to post this on both the wonderbat and the wondertrev tag as some kind of peace offering, some kind of bridge between the two ships, but the more I read their hateful and self decieving posts the less I think they would be able to accept any peace offerings. I would dare to say it must be a young, thus very passionate,  public who discovered Diana Prince through the movie. They are bashing on wonderbat and batman and have no idea that their dreams may actually been crushed to death with Diana Prince killing their beloved Steve Trevor during the movie Flashpoint (that is if the movie makers will dare to use the real comic/animation story). I could tell them to chill down because they are lucky that until Flashpoint Diana was still symbol of hope, compassion and feminism after that ... polygamy with Aquaman, cold blooded murder of his wife, not to mention the whole SuperCheezyWonderThing ... but I can’t find it in myself to deny them the time left until the upcoming Flashpoint movie.
It must be my “Batman” side : staying in the shadows, percieved as the bad guy, the “asshole” or the “dickbag” as they call Bruce Wayne, but still watching over them from the darkness and making sure they don’t get hurt ...
So, only for the Wonderbats and more specifically for those who like “past wondertrev” and “today’s wonderbat”, here it is ...
What if Steve Trevor's eternal soul was mated to Diana's ?
Its a bit sad to see wondertrev bashing so much over wonderbat even if with Diana's immortal life it makes sense. I have the feeling most Wondertrev mix up the face of Chris Pine with Steve Trevor. He is just an actor and the next time someone else could play his role. The fact that some people try to pair her up with Captain Kirk is a sign that they actually ship more Chris Pine then Steve Trevor. Remember William Shatner was James Tiberius Kirk a Hell of a lot longer than Chris Pine. Diana Prince with William Shatner ?
But that's not the point here. Lets use our imagination a bit and look at things with another perspective.
What if Diana's father Zeus decided to ground his Immortal daughter by bonding her with an ever returning mortal's soul ?
Note : a similar concept has been used in DC’s “Dark Days : the Forge”  a prelude to the “Metal” event, except it is the Nth Metal that brings Carter Hall and his mate Princess Sheira into a cycle of contineous re-incarnations from ancient egypt back to the current time.
Zeus could have decided to give his daughter eternal love, but eternal loss as well to remind her the weaknesses of the mortals, to remind her every time that she needs to protect them. Zeus knowing how hard it is some times to keep peace between genders but that if you make it right it can be the most beautiful of relatioships ... He knows himself and Hera aren't the best examples, but he knows someone needs to show the mortal human beings how to do it right so he binds her immortal soul whith the one of a human mortal man that will return only when her loss has been settled and the time has come for her to find a man's love again.
Steve Trevor died a hero in the movie during WWI, and his soul departed that body. Now lets just imagine that 100 Years after this first loss Diana is ready again to open up, so Steve Trevor's soul returns in a new different body. A body that is able to fight at her side the new immense threats that she will face, just like his previous incarnation did during WWI. Maybe some of you have already seen stories with different incarnations of souls ? Then you know the incarnations don't have the same names (they have often the same face because it is easier for people to understand the concept but they actually should have different faces as well ... only the soul is eternal not the body) Lets imagine that, this time Steve Trevor's soul find his incarnation as the boy of a wealty physician. To be up to the task of sharing Diana's upcoming future, the boy gets genious level intelligence and he needs to be the most capable of mortal man in combat. He has to be hardened to face a world where threats are overpowering any other mortal and no matter how broken he gets in the process, Diana will be able to heal him slowly with her love.
Steve Trevor's soul will enable this man to be selfless and sacrifice his own life for others without a second thought. He will save the day even if that means leaving Diana to save the World. this new Steve Trevor will believe in justice, and truth and fight for it without ever backing down. And his new name will be Bruce Wayne.
If you look again at all the movies from BvS to WW and the Justice League with this perspective you get a Hell of a Fantastic Romance:
Imagine Steve Trevor and Bruce Wayne’s Soul is one and the same and then remember the moment they see each other for the first time after a 100 years at Luthor's meeting. The moment their souls recognise each other. The moment he knew he could trust her and share with her the higly sensible data he uncrypted. The way Diana just can't return with her flight to Paris knowing somewhere inside of her, that this man would get killed by Doomsday because he wouldn't run away. The moment she knew she had to uncover herself to the world because he was already trying to save it alone and getting killed by doomsday's heat vision. When they meet later at Clark's burial and she decides to trust him and to tell him where she was all this time. Even when he told her that she would have to fight again she didn't run away. How Bruce Wayne couldn't get over her and had to find that Picture for her knowing deep down this was very important. How confortable he was having her in his most secret place, the batcave. How she felt at home with him. How they were tip toeing around each other still not knowing what to do with each other. Fighting together over guilty feelings but regretting it deeply the second after. Superman “deserved” to rest in peace, and again he shows her "it isn't about deserve it is about what you believe". It is about saving the world again and again. Like in the WW movie when Diana refuses to keep up the fight, he doesn’t back down. She refuses to take the lead, then he does. She refuses to raise superman, he does it anyway. She thinks Superman is gonna kill him, and he prooves her wrong with the love of Lois Lane. But this time, when he decided to “save the day” alone, attracting all the parademons and sacrificing his life to allow her to “save the world”. This time she just wouldn't let him go. Together they build the Justice League. Together they will lead it Diana on the battlefield and Bruce outside of it. They will fight together until one day, fate breaks them up again. Leaving their souls to find each other again and again for eternity ...
How is that not romantic ?
At least untill the dreaded Flashpoint kills “wondertrev” AND “wonderbat” in a row with aquawonder followed by superwonder or whatever other “Justice league member”wonder DC sees fit ... maybe we get lucky and they won’t do to Diana what they did to her in the comics.
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silver-tangent · 7 years
So I finally got around to watching Batman V Superman. Honest opinion? 3/5...
Get ready for a Tangent review. I have ripped in BvS before but hadn’t actually seen it. I find that to be unprofessional of any nerd philosopher. If you are going to dislike something you need to know what you’re disliking. So I watched it… and before the lovers of the film get too excited, my opinion hasn’t changed. A 3/5 for a superhero movie isn’t quite up to par. Call me stubborn but I want a 7/10 or better.
I did watch the directors cut, because that’s all I had access to, so I don’t know what was removed from the theatrical version, please keep that in mind.
So no restraint on spoilers ahead, here we go…
The movie was pretty great… until Batman fought Superman. Even before that it was falling apart, but that is the kryptonite spear that did it in.
Here’s the thing; it’s okay to establish this as an alternate universe, and get away with a lot of character changes, but if you call it “the expanded universe” and never say “this is it’s own thing, not a cinematic earth 1” you’re going to be judged like it’s earth 1.
Let’s start with Batman: ruthless, dark, and no restraint on killing. He didn’t break his golden rule “no killing with guns” but he did in his dreams. That… I guess that’s okay? But Snyder even said that he took inspiration from the original comics; “Batman DID kill people back in the day.”
Okay… I’ll get back to that at the end.
Batman then blamed Superman for the destruction during Zod, and people were divided, with Bats saying “no he’s evil.”
Superman of course confronts him during a reckless chase against Lexcorp’s smuggling operation, somehow miraculously doesn’t destroy his own tracking device when he PLOWED INTO THE TRUCK! And then Superman says “stop it” and Batman says “YOU’RE NOT MY MOM!”
This all blows up when the hearing held by the… Superman senate? Who I really thought was run by his mom… was blown up. Sabotage.
Batman has had enough, and he basically calls Superman down for a death battle….
Let’s pause here for Supes… framed for murder, and not painted in the best light towards the people but completely innocent…. and feeling terrible for all of the people that get hurt…
But here’s probably my first complaint there; in every Superman movie, Superman is super fast, and basically able to do anything… unless someone has plot armor. Seriously Plot armor is a bigger weakness to Supes than Kryptonite in this movie. He didn’t even try to outrun the bomb, he just stood there in shock, when we’ve seen that he’s faster than a speeding bullet… faster than a speeding bullet; fast enough to go “oh shit a bomb!”
Yet he doesn’t. He also doesn’t grab Lex and SHOW HIM AND THE PHOTOS TO BRUCE WITH HIS SUPER STRENGTH AND SPEED, he immediately caves.
He has super hearing too. There are so many times someone could have whispered; “it’s a trap, don’t go…”
But… the plot… it’s called Batman v Superman. They have to fight.
Well then how about Lois Lane? Well Lois Lane used to be the damsel in distress character back in the 60s, but I’m fairly certain that even pre-crisis Lois had already started to become a feminist icon. She’s tough, she’s capable, she can take care of herself, and she’s the daughter of a military general who taught her how to fight……. and while she has situational awareness in this movie, she is somehow overpowered by two hired convicts, even though she recognized the ambush and called it out… and again by a bony, early twenties Lex Luthor… Before that I forgive, the guy at the beginning had a gun and she was surrounded. You’re probably sensing a theme here, and I will get to it in my closing statement.
So finally we have Lex. Despite all of the hate that Jesse Eisenberg got as Lex, I feel like his Lex was the best performance in the movie! “But he had hair!” I hear you say, “And he was wacky and erratic, not cool and collected!” Ah but Lex Luthor used to have hair, in fact he was a redhead before his hair fell out because of kryptonite induced cancer… back in the 60s… So Lex is a difficult character. We’ve all been spoiled by Michael Rosenbaum’s Lex, and why not? He was Lex for 10 years, but we forget that Lex has been changed over 50 years. The original Lex wasn’t a misunderstood genius who thought himself a savior, he was a land owner, a mad scientist/billionaire who wanted more money. A lot of his schemes were based around land ownership, no joke… Jesse Eisenberg’s Lex is like a combination of Gene Hackman and Kevin Spacey, and in that light he was terrific! He was wacky, but always in control, he played himself as a spoiled foolish child, but he was playing the audience the whole time! But… the question is why? He completely Sherlocked the audience with a twist “I planned all of it from the beginning” moment… yet… he… why did he do this? Why did he want to see Superman and Batman fight? He didn’t know about Darkseid until the end of the movie, he wasn’t trying to prevent that. Did he just want to watch them kill each other? Did he think he was saving the world? Did he just want them both out of the way? His original plan was either to get Superman to kill Batman, or have them kill each other… but… if Superman kills Batman, then what? Will you maintain control of him? How? The point of this made no sense, and what made even less sense was initiating plan B before plan A even failed… did the ship tell him something? That’s the only explanation, but again he was already planning to frame Superman, he already HAD framed Superman once. What was the motive?
Backing up from that; here’s my biggest issue with Lex… it felt like Snyder’s solution to make Lex appear smart was to make everyone else in the movie a complete idiot. That’s a great cop-out but it’s kinda obvious. Batman was looking into Lex, but never suspected a setup? Superman was defeated by Martha being kidnapped, and Lex didn’t even have kryptonite as insurance? Lois figured him out and was damseled IMMEDIATELY? Really it felt like Snyder didn’t know how to write Lex as a genius so he settled for writing Lex as smarter than everyone else…
So we get to the moment when Superman is sent to kill Batman… and Superman says “No you need to listen.”
And Batman says, “I’m a detective and have been doing this for years, so of course I’ll hear you out, what do you have to say?” “F** you I’m Batman” and sets off booby traps…
And Superman says “No listen.”
and Batman thinks he may have some important information, still doesn’t listen, and picks a fight…
And Superman quits trying… for some reason… and batman shoots him with Kryptonite and beats the crap out of him!
Superman starts to get back up! He’s not as powerful, but that’s okay because he still has kryptonite in his system and we watch as the kryptonite wears off and he suddenly has the upper hand… and uses it to talk some sense into batman kicks batman’s ass because that’s what the title is about!
Batman shoots superman with another Kryptonite gas bomb, and superman for some reason hasn’t learned the first time and doesn’t avoid it… maybe he was still a little weak… 
But now Batman has an advantage. He’s a genius. He was testing it the first time, counting the seconds! Now he knows how long the kryptonite lasts… wait… it… it just stays permanent this time… no consistency in how long it works…
and suddenly Batman pulls a spear out of nowhere…
and then the Martha scene, and for some reason even though it’s their job to kill her, they put off killing her to try to kill Batman… because movie…
after that though, I think the last segment is pretty decent. Not the best, but not bad, just a bit forced in the writing…
So what’s my takeaway? Well… a lot of Batflek fans have argued that this Batman is the ORIGINAL Batman, and that’s great! Yet they hate Lex… the thing is that for all it’s faults, it seems like Snyder was trying to make a classic DC film; a 1960s pre-crisis Batman and Superman film but set in the 21st century… and that would be okay I guess? 
But here’s my opinion on that… Batman, Lex, and Lois all changed for a reason. Batman’s was that gun violence was frowned upon and the publishers asked to get rid of guns. Some people want to rebel against that, but this happened before Batman was 5 years old… the truth is that as a character, he developed into the modern Batman, regardless of the reason. As for Lex and Lois? Their original characters aren’t relevant to the modern world. Lex evolved to appeal to the audience and became a Julius Caesar; someone who wants the best for his people but becomes a tyrant to make it happen, and that version of Lex has become the more popular version. Lois became more capable because of the women’s rights movement, and because a damsel in distress who has to be saved every single issue was going to get stale and unmemorable. These character changes are all relevant to who the characters are, and the fact that it was ignored for this movie was in my personal opinion a bad move.
Lex was handled okay, but it’s obvious that people want Julius Caesar, not Goldfinger, and he was somewhere in between that I could appreciate, but obviously a lot of people didn’t.
This movie, for what it was, was good and enjoyable… but it wasn’t spectacular or memorable. It won’t sink the DCEU, but it didn’t do it any favors. It was just a set up for a grand entrance later down the road, and I honestly think that it would have been a better movie if they took out “Batman vs Superman”
The entire team pushed too hard to make Superman and Batman fight, and I don’t think it was necessary. In the grand scheme of things they damaged both characters by making them fight.
Batman was too stubborn. He wasn’t rational. Batman can kill, sure, and Batman can even have guns to an extent, but he was completely reckless and the only point was to make Superman not like him, and to make him jump the gun. He’s supposed to be clever and forward thinking, but instead he jumps right into things over and over, without any regard for bystanders, his own tracking devices, or what the heck Lex is up to. The fact that he tracked packages back to Lexcorp should have been a red flag that something was amiss. He should have been willing to listen. Instead he became extremely angry and irrational, and yes I recognize that he just lost Robin, but even at his most broken state, he wasn’t this reckless.
Superman gave up too easily. He gave in to Lex’s blackmail, he froze when the bomb went off, he sacrificed himself pretty quickly, and he gave up on trying to talk with Batman… why?
Those two things, even when rationalizing it as a pre-crisis based movie, just don’t fit, and really it could have been written better to come to the same conclusion. However, as the characters that they’re supposed to be, they wouldn’t have fought. It would have made more sense to blackmail Batman into killing Superman than the other way around by having Robin be captive the whole movie…
So yeah, 3/5 good action movie… about as good as any other Batman movie…
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k18fics · 7 years
Oh Brother
Summary: A series of k18 one shots with an over-laying plot. Also featuring GCC, BV, GoVi, and more. Warning: general warning about the rating. Some chapters in this story will contain mature language, violent scenes, and adult situations. It is not recommended for anyone under 18 (not that I can stop you if you choose to read anyways.) I will warn you in advance so you can skip those scenes if you so prefer.   
Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ/S/GT or any of its characters. 
Warning: This  chapter has a scene of adult nature, feel free to skip.
12. Discussion 
It was only five minutes after they settled into bed together that android 18 spoke in that soft tone that told Krillin that she wanted to have a serious conversation.  They were cuddled together with 18 draping her leg over Krillin's thigh and her head tucked under his chin. She placed a gentle kiss on Krillin's chest and said, "I think we need to talk about something." 
Krillin looked her in the eyes but did not sit up until she did. They both sat crossed legged on the bed looking at each other. Krillin nodded and said, "what is it baby?"
"Marron really likes her cousins," 18 said.
Krillin smiled. "Yes she seems very happy."
"It got me thinking that maybe Marron could have a kid around here all the time," 18 said. "You know after 17 and his family move out."
Krillin's eyes shot open. "Wha--you mean..." he gulped. "Another child?"
18 nodded. "Marron could do with another sibling."
"B-but you said you didn't want anymore children..."
18's eyebrows crunched together in anger. "You don't want to have another child with me?"
"That's not what I said!" Krillin said waving his hands, "I'm just trying to understand what you're saying. We have to discuss pros and cons here."
18 calmed down and nodded. "I want Marron to have a sibling."
"Agreed, but do you remember your pregnancy?" Krillin said. "It was exactly planned but Bulma still had to monitor you constantly because of the android parts. It could be difficult like that again."
18 sighed. "It was not a good experience but worth it. Marron is the best thing to ever happen to us, and any other child I had with you would be the same."
Krillin smiled. "Of course. What about finances? I am doing really well in the police force but that is a a large expense to add to everything."
18 frowned at that. "You're right, that is not something I had thought about...and I'm always thinking about money."
Krillin chuckled. "Well it wouldn't be impossible, it'd just be difficult."
"If knowing all of this you still want to have another child I am more than willing 18," Krillin said taking her hands. "You and Marron are everything to me and if we can add more to our beautiful family how can I possibly say no?"
"Good because I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant."
Krillin's jaw dropped. "What?"
"My human cycle has not occurred in three months," 18 said. "I'm pretty sure that means I'm pregnant."
Krillin stared at her blankly for a moment before he burst into tears and pulled 18 into a hug. "Oh baby that's so great! We're gonna have another baby!"
18 could feel his excitement through his hug and couldn't help but smile and hold him tightly.
*3 months earlier*
(This is probably the part you shouldn't read if you don't like nsfw content)
18 arrived at capsule corp at 9am sharp to pick up her specially made birth control pills. Apparently Dr. Gero had plans for an android army and their enhanced bodies made them both extra fertile so regular human birth control pills were not strong enough to actually avoid pregnancy. Thankfully Bulma was a bigger genius than Gero and enhanced the pills to make them strong enough for 18. 18 usually had to go for a refill every 3 months of so.
She was greeted at the door by young Trunks and Pilaf and his gang. "Hi android 18! Are you looking for my mom?"
"Yes Trunks is she home?"
"She had an emergency in Satan City at one of the factories and rushed out, she asked me to give you this note."
18 took the note and read it:
Dear 18, sorry for not being here something just came up, I don't trust my son with your pills so I sent a capsule carrier over to your house with the pills. It should be arriving tonight. Sorry for wasting your time! See you soon,
18 sighed and said, "thank you Trunks."
She took to air and flew towards Chichi's house to pick up Marron from her play date with Goten. She landed in front of the house where Chichi was grumbling in frustration and both Goten and Marron were hollering and cheering.
18 stepped closer and saw that the two children were cheering on a spar between Goku and Krillin. Krillin was wearing just his gi pants. His shirt had been torn off and was lying in the dirt. His muscles were bulging and sweaty and there were scratches and bruises all over his skin. Goku didn't look any better because his gi was completely covered in large weights that were pulling him down.
It was obvious that the weights slowed him down greatly and it gave Krillin the chance to actually inflict damage on his considerably stronger friend.
18 gulped. She felt like a dog in heat. Krillin was practically glistening underneath the sun and 18 was drooling at the thought of licking off that drop of sweat that was sliding down his lean torso. She wanted to follow it down to his belly and then lower.
Goku lunged at Krillin with a yell of fury but Krillin caught the fist and delivered a swift kick to his chest. Goku stumbled backwards but was careful not to pass the line of leaves that they had used to create a ring.
Goku zoomed towards Krillin again this time dodging the kick and slamming Krillin in the back. Krillin tumbled to the ground but did not fall out of the ring. He jumped to his feet narrowly dodging Goku's foot that had slammed into the floor right next to where he had been moments earlier.
18 saw a flash in Krillin's eyes and she knew he had a plan. The smirk that crossed his face made her body tremble with desire.
Krillin walked towards the edge of the ring and suddenly dropped to his knees with a painful groan and Goku came at him to finally push him out of the ring. 18 grinned and Chichi cried out, "Goku it's a trick!"
Through all her complaining and whining, Chichi had been silently supporting Goku the entire time. Goku stopped in his track at the words but it was too late, he had already fallen. Krillin leaped high into the air over Goku's head, with both of his feet he hit Goku's shoulder blades. Goku tumbled forward and since he was so close to the edge of the ring he fell right out.
Marron cheered loudly as Chichi said, "Goku how could you fall for that trick?"
Goku scratched his head and laughed, "good spar Krillin. You really got me! It won't be so easy next time."
"I don't imagine," Krillin said giving Goku a fist bump. He turned around and said, "oh hey 18! I wasn't needed at work today so I thought I'd train with Goku then take Marron home. I thought you'd be longer at Bulma's."
Krillin didn't know about the pills he thought they just got together for girl talk or something.
"Bulma had a work emergency," 18 said. "Come on let's go to the lake and get you cleaned up."
"Yeah here's your other outfit Krillin," Chichi said with a knowing look towards 18. "You guys should stay for dinner, I cooked porkchops and filet mignon steak."
"Chichi that sounds perfect!" Goku said salivating.
"Well go shower first, you will not sit at my dinner table all sweaty and gross," Chichi said. "Kids play for a bit more, dinner is almost ready."
"We'll be back shortly," 18 said taking Krillin's hand and tugging him towards the lake.
"I can clean myself up babe," Krillin argued as she rushed them into the woods. "Also why don't I just use the shower in the guest bathroom?"
"Shut up will ya?" 18 said throwing Krillin against a tree. Krillin grunted at the impact but before he could protest 18 was kissing him.
18's breathing was hard and erratic as she shoved her tongue into his mouth and ground her hips against him. It took only moments before she felt his hardness pressing against her.
She slid one hand into his pants and stroked him once. He groaned lowly and gripped her shoulders. "18, fuck, we are, expected at dinner, ah..."
"Then shut the hell up and fuck me."
She backed away from him and pulled her underwear out from underneath her skirt. That was all it took for Krillin to lunge at her like a panther. He slammed her into another tree that creaked loudly at the impact. He raised her up against it and she wrapped her legs around his waist. With one hard thrust he was inside of her.
18 grunted loudly and gripped his shoulders. He started moving his hips hard and fast instantly. His gi pants were pooled at his feet but that did not stop his momentum. He pushed off the ground with his feet as hard as could plunging into her deeper and harder.
18's skin would bruise from the impact if she has been a regular human, but she encouraged him to go faster and harder. He pushed more and more until 18's eyes clenched shut and a cry ripped from her throat.
Krillin grunted and thrust erratically before releasing himself into her.
*Present Day*
Bulma glanced at the couple over her desk. "Seriously? Three months 18 and you didn't think to get checked? You know how dangerous it could be."
"I missed a few cycles I thought that happened to females often," 18 said with a shrug.
"Missing cycles? No not at all," Bulma said shaking her head. "It can happen to some women but it is no way normal, especially not for three months in a row."
"So what now?" Krillin said.
"The test results should be in very soon and then we can proceed from there," Bulma said. "If this is anything like your pregnancy with Marron your android parts are going to try to assimilate the fetus to create an android baby. I worked very hard to stop that from happening, so I did create some prototype prenatal pills that can help with that."
"Prenatal pills? When did you do that?" Krillin said.
"After the craziness of your first pregnancy...you know just in case."
"Do they work?" 18 said.
"I don't know, you weren't pregnant to try them out, until now."
There was a beep and Bulma sighed. "Okay the results are done."
Krillin took 18's house nervously as Bulma typed away on the computer reading the results. After a moment Bulma looked at them and said, "the results are positive. Android 18, you are pregnant."
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