#i told him how my type for men is usually guys with long hair
wrioluvr · 5 months
flirty playboy x mature male reader
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this stupid ass meme had been on my mind forever and i realised how funny it would be to have a slutty playboy who just sleeps with anyone to seriously pine over a more mature, secure guy who doesn't fall for any of his shallow charms and tricks.... here are just some blurbs of their dynamic (˵ ¬ᴗ¬˵)
his name is roman. he's a little toxic, but he just wants to be loved.
cw: some smut, top male reader
it all started with a little night out. you didn't do those often, due to devoting most of your time towards work and earning a stable career, but finishing this particularly gruelling assignment called for a celebration. at the bar, dancing with your friends, a good-looking man with a playful glint in his eyes approached you full of bravado. he told you how handsome you were, and had been eyeing you from across the room for a while now. but from a single glance, you could tell he was the type to break hearts. beach-blonde dyed hair, a tight fitting tank top revealing his muscular build, an eyebrow piercing, the way his mouth curled up so subtly into a little smirk.... he was everything you knew to avoid getting serious with. but a little hookup couldn't hurt, right? you deserved a little fun.
and it didn't hurt you at all. a few failed relationships had made you wise beyond your years, knowing to easily seperate the good guys from the bad. you knew your self-worth. roman, on the other hand, was absolutely smitten. no other man had fucked him THIS good, gave him such gentle aftercare, and even let him stay as long as he needed. the way you so effortlessly lifted his legs up to thrust in and out of him at a rhythmic pace, or fondling his tits and squeezing his nipples softly while you hit it from the back, or tenderly running your fingers down his spine, arching it sensually.... he loved it all. it was clear to him that you prioritised his pleasure as much as your own, and it showed in how he orgasmed several times before you even came in him once, panting breathlessly while wearing the sluttiest expression of his life. it was nothing like any of the men he had sex with before. afterwards, you let him stay the night in a guest room, and even brewed a cup of coffee for him in the morning.
roman was damn near tears when you offered to drop him off at his house before you headed off to work. if he was being honest with himself, his insecurities were the root of his constant need for sexual intimacy, so being treated with genuine kindness for once was new to him.
"is dropping you off here alright?" you ask, turning into the road of his apartment complex.
"y-yeah...." he looks out the window, unsure how to look you in the eyes.
"okay. thanks for last night. stay safe." your words carried an air of finality to them, like you were so sure the two of you would never cross paths again. he didn't like that.
"uh, uh......" he stuttered, all his usual flirtatiousness thrown out the window as he couldn't meet your gaze. "could i... get your number?"
your friendly smile froze on your face. "uhhhh.... sorry, i'm not really looking for anything serious right now."
he quickly regained his composure, charm turned up to the max. shifting his tank top so more of his chest was exposed and you could notice his nipples protruding, roman whispered in a low tone, "that's okay! we can just be casual... and fuck anytime you like." a wink. a hand on your thigh.
"jeez... okay, no offense, but i've heard rumours from my friends that you're a bit of a... playboy. i'm not interested in being your toy, sorry."
roman's face flushed in embarrassment, knowing what you said was true. except the part on him seeing you as a toy. that was untrue. he could feel a warmth growing from the pit of his stomach at the thought of spending more time with you. were these... butterflies?
maybe begging would work.
"okay fine, i am a bit of a player... but please, please, pleaseeeeeee.... let's be in contact, okay? as friends?" roman sniffled pathetically, shaking your shoulder in desperation. he needed to be in your presence. why weren't his usual maneating tactics working?!?!
"alright. here you go. just don't spam me or anything, okay? i gotta go for work. see you." you sigh, a little exasperated but choosing not to let it show. he immediately lit up, typing your number in his contacts and saving many hearts next to your name. you prayed your acts of basic human decency wouldn't cause him to catch feelings. you needed to focus on your job right now.
i know you said not to spam you but like
i miss u
can we meet up at the bar for drinks or something like that? please?
you check the messages on your phone, rolling your eyes and ignoring them. he was probably sending this text to at least three other guys right now. he had a history of cheating, based on what you heard from your friends. you weren't going to be another one of his victims.
are u ignoring me?
im sorryyyyyyyy
pls hit me back when ur free
7.30 pm
sorry, just got off work. will be super busy this week, so not free. mb.
oh, its okay! next week then?
i'll see
this went on for a few weeks, you constantly evading his invitations, being polite and professional, never too intimate over text. roman was starting to get fed up. he's so used to getting everything he wants, he doesn't know what to do when he actually has to work for the one he desires. he actually hadn't hooked up with anyone since your one night stand, but you didn't believe that.
roman was at his wits' end. he could only think of one final plan to get your attention.
trying to make you jealous.
over the next week, he hooked up with any and everyone he met in the bar, not bothering to keep his slutting around discreet. he wanted you to hear the rumours. he wanted you to feel a sense of unease within your very being. he wanted you to feel possessive. he wanted you, to want him. the whole time, even as he was getting fucked, he could only imagine you caressing him, holding him close, loving him.
his deeds didn't go unnoticed. your friends told you about it, yet you didn't feel anything in the slightest. you were right, after all... he forgot about you within a week and moved on to whichever poor man he would leave high and dry next.
the next time you bumped into him at the bar, roman was his usual, party-loving self, excitedly slinging an arm around you, a drink in hand. his plan had to work, surely? you would be begging to have him back. but yet, when he offhandedly (yet so intentionally) mentioned how much dick he had been getting the past week, anticipating your change in expression, nothing happened. "oh. good for you." was all you said.
he sputtered, flustered by your calm demeanour. didn't you care? at all?! "but.... but.... aren't you jealous? that i've been hooking up with other guys?!"
you stare at him, a genuine quzzical expression plastered across your face. "why would i be? it's not like we're dating or anything. it was just a one time thing."
your words hit like a knife through his heart. he clutched his chest dramatically, a pout forming on his lips. "i'll be faithful! i promise!" his words came out more desperate than he intended. he felt so vulnerable, so naked, yet you were the face of serenity. your unimpressed eyes stared through his soul, as if you were scrutinising his very core. he knew you could heal him, make him feel loved, but he was starting to doubt there was any possibility you would feel the same.
"i'm sure that's what you said to the last guy you cheated on."
i intended for this to be lighthearted but why was it actually kinda depressing tbh
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antiquarianfics · 3 months
Accidental pt. 4
What happens when you accidentally kidnap the exact man you were looking for?
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pairing: mob!bucky x reader
warning(s): canon level violence, kidnapping, profanity
a/n: it’s my birthday, so let’s celebrate with their date 🤭
You do not have permission to copy, translate, or repost my work; however, feel free to like, comment, and reblog.
part 3
"Oh, and one more thing," you say, catching the man's attention before he gets back into the SUV. He raises an eyebrow, you smirk. "Tell James he better damn well bring flowers."
You sigh as you stare at your reflection in the mirror, smoothing out your blouse. You turn to the side to see the back of your outfit and straighten back out again.
“You’re wearing pants to a fancy date with a crime lord?” Ellie asks, judgement lacing her question. You turn and raise an eyebrow at her, crossing the room to find the loafers you planned to wear.
“Yeah. Problem?” You ask, not really caring about Ellie’s opinion of your date attire. After all, it’s really more of a business transaction than a date.
“Yes! He’s probably expecting a dress, heels! Something low cut! You’re supposed to look sexy! You,” she pauses, gesturing to your body with an exasperated hand motion, “look like a JCPenney commercial.”
You scoff, a smirk teasing your lips. “Ellie, I don’t care. First of all, I can run a hell of a lot easier in loafers than heels, in slacks than a dress. Second of all,” you pick up your handgun where it lie on your dresser and check the safety, “I can’t hide this as easily in a dress.” Once you’re satisfied the safety is on, you tuck the gun away in the back of your pants, pulling your blouse back down over it. You look in the mirror again and fiddle with the tucking.
“Should I French tuck this?”
“Yes,” Ellie says distractedly before continuing. “But, Y/N, this guy is dangerous. You should play it safe. It’s just a date, so be who he obviously wants you to be.”
You sigh, turning back around to look your sister in the eyes.
“Ellie,” you say, tone dead serious. “Why are you so afraid of him? What did he do to you?”
Ellie blanches and doesn’t say anything. You sigh again turning back around to the mirror to fiddle with your hair, making sure it’s out of your face.
“I never saw him,” Ellie says suddenly. You watch her through the mirror where she sits on your bed staring at her hands. “I never saw him,” she starts again, “but I don’t think I was important enough for him to spare me his attention.
“I was at home making dinner when his men came for me. There was knock on the door, and when I answered, they stuck a bag over my head. Next thing I knew, I was in a dank, small room. There was a mattress on the floor for me to sleep, a toilet. Nothing else. I was there for maybe two days before someone came for me. I was taken to a conference room. There was a man there. I forget his name, but he was tall. Blond. He asked if I knew why I was there, I said I did, and he asked if I had any way to repay what I owed.”
“What did you owe?”
“750,000 dollars.”
“Ellie! How do you—? What? How?” You’re shocked, unable to comprehend how your baby sister could owe anyone so much.
“I… I met this guy, Zemo. We were just friends, but he started taking me around his friends. His friends hung out in these speakeasy type clubs. They played poker and stuff. I don’t know. I usually just watched, but after a few times, they talked me into it. Told me it was easy money, and, Y/N, I needed the money! So, I played, and I was doing really well. So I kept playing long after Zemo and his buddies left. I made so much down there, but I got too cocky and I lost an all-or-nothing. I played again to try and win it back, but it was like I’d lost my mojo, like I’d been playing on beginner’s luck.”
“Ellie,” you say sympathetically.
“I was $750,000 in debt and I couldn’t pay it, but the man I’d lost to—I think he felt bad—he said I could have 72 hours to get him his money. If I didn’t get him the money in time…” She trails off and you realize you’re clenching your jaw. You consciously unclench it. Ellie takes in a deep breath and exhales slowly. “He said if I didn’t get the money to him in 72 hours he would just have to find another way for me to pay him back. I don’t really know what he meant by that.
Anyway, the blond man asked if I could repay the money. I said no. He looked… sympathetic? He told me I’d have to go back to the cell until they could find use for me. I was there until they brought me home.”
You sit next to her on the bed, circling your arm around her. “Elle, I’m so sorry. I wish you’d come to me for help. I would’ve helped.”
“You don’t have that money, either. Plus, you are helping.”
“I guess.”
“What time is it?”
“Are you nervous?” Ellie asks.
“I accidentally kidnapped the most powerful man in the city and threatened his life, sis. I’m not nervous at all,” you say sarcastically.
Ellie opens her mouth to respond but is cut off by the ringing of your doorbell and a knock on the door. The two of you exchange a surprised look and you double check your watch: 6:34.
“He’s early,” you say, standing as you take a deep breath and try to swallow your nerves.
“Hey, you’ve got this. I know it,” Ellie reassures you, but she makes no move to follow you as you leave the room and go to make good on your end of yours and James’ bargain. You’re settling her debt and she makes no further move to support you.
You sigh as you reach the front door, swallowing your nerves and the tiny bit of resentment for your sister forming. Swinging the door open, you come face to face with the same man you had kidnapped and assaulted the day before: James Barnes.
James is looking around him when you open the door, but his attention is immediately on you as the door opens. His striking blue eyes meet yours, take in your person, and meet your eyes again. He grins.
“You look beautiful, Doll,” he says. He sounds breathless, completely blown away. You give him a questioning look, still so unsure of his motives.
“Thank you. You clean up nice. Not being tied up to a chair suits you,” you say. Your words come out funny. The ‘thank you’ sounds somewhat genuine but the compliment comes out somewhat strained, like you’re not sure you should be saying it.
James ignores your tone and lets his grin widen. He then takes a hand out from behind his back—you hadn’t even noticed his hand was behind his back—and hands you a bouquet of blue hyacinths. You just stare at them for a while as your brain attempts to catch up with your eyes.
“You actually brought flowers.”
“You threatened me again,” he teases.
“James, I…” You trail off, speechless. You wonder how you keep getting away with threatening him. Most people would be, at best, locked away, at worst, dead.
“My name,” he says, “is Bucky.”
You let your eyes trail from the hyacinths up to his eyes (you can’t help but notice they’re the same color), and you think that he looks shy—timid. James—Bucky—looks like he is nervous to ask you to call him by this other name.
“Bucky?” You ask, and, against your better judgment, as you ask it, you pull back your front door and step aside, inviting him into your home. He looks equally surprised you’d do such a thing, but he enters, taking a few steps into the corridor before pausing to look around and to wait on you. You close the door behind you and lead him to the kitchen where you pull out a vase for the flowers.
“Yeah,” he says. “It’s—erm—a nickname. It’s what my friends call me.”
“We’re friends?” You ask skeptically.
“Well, no, but we’re going on a date. ‘James’ is just a little formal,” he says, wrinkling his nose at his own name.
You offer him a friendly smile (which surprises you). “Well, Bucky, you’re lucky I’m ready because you’re, like, half an hour early.”
Bucky has the decency to look embarrassed, but he ignores the accusation. “Well,” he says instead, “shall we go?”
You nod and follow him out to his car. Once you make it to the vehicle, Bucky opens the car door for you, carefully shutting it behind you. He takes his spot in the driver’s seat a moment later.
You let out a breathy laugh and he side eyes you as he starts the car.
“Nothing! I just sort of expected you to have a driver. You’re just… surprising.”
He smiles at your admission. “Careful, Doll. Someone might think you like me.”
It’s not a long drive to what is certainly a high class establishment—an establishment nicer than any you’ve been to before. Bucky gets out of the car, rushing to let you out. As you get out of the car, he offers his keys to the valet and his arm to you. You glance briefly at his arm and give him an annoyed look as you loop your arm through his.
Bucky escorts you to the double glass doors that lead to the restaurant where a doorman waits to open the door for you. You say “thank you” as you pass and Bucky gives you an unreadable look. Then, once inside the restaurant, Bucky whispers something to the host who nods and leads you towards the back and up some stairs that lead to a glass enclosed landing where two guards stand on either side of the door leading to the rooftop seating. Bucky lets go of your arm and steps forward as the male security guard mirrors him. The guard pats Bucky down, finds a handgun tucked away in a holster at his waist, takes it, and then allows him to step to the side so that you may take your turn.
Your breathing picks up ever so slightly as you watch Bucky get frisked, especially once you realize they’re going to frisk you, too. You start to worry when you realize they’re going to find a weapon on you—how is that going to play out? Will Bucky go back on his word? Will he kill you? Then, when they take away Bucky’s weapon, you remind yourself to breathe normally and regain some confidence. He brought a gun, too: he doesn’t trust you and you don’t trust him.
You step forward, making eye contact with Bucky the whole time. You hold your arms out ever so slightly as the female guard steps forward to frisk you. You raise an eyebrow—maybe you’re challenging him to do something—when the guard finds your gun and pulls it out of your waistband. She holds it up and offers you a “seriously?” look, which you see in your peripheral. You shrug at her, eyes still on Bucky. He’s smirking.
The two of you are then led by the host through the guarded door to a single table that sits on the balcony. The balcony has been well decorated with myriad plants and string lights. There’s soft music playing in the background. Bucky pulls out a chair for you and you sit, watching as he takes the seat across from you. The two of you just watch each other as the host offers you menus and promises a waiter will be with you soon. Once the host is gone, the two of you sit, watching, waiting.
“Lovely weather we’re having,” you finally say, picking up the menu. If he isn’t going to say anything, you decide, you’re going to play coy.
Bucky raises his eyebrows, letting out a laugh and looking away before returning is gaze to you.
“You brought a gun to our date,” he says.
“So did you,” you reply, still looking at the menu. “Is the chicken alfredo any good here?”
“What for?” He asks, ignoring the alfredo question.
You sigh, setting down the menu. “Why did you?”
“You held me at gunpoint the last time we met. How was I to know you wouldn’t try to finish the job?”
“I held you at gunpoint the last time we met, but I had you tied up. How was I to know you wouldn’t take the shot now that your hands aren’t tied?”
“We’re here because I already shot my shot.”
“I’m not going to hurt you.”
“I’ve given you every reason to.”
He laughs humorlessly. “If I wanted to hurt you, don’t you think I would have done it already?”
“Why am I here, James? Why don’t you want to hurt me? Aren’t you supposed to be some big, scary crime lord? Because you’re not living up to your name.”
Bucky clenches his jaw and looks away. You think you’ve maybe finally struck a nerve, finally gone too far.
“Have you ever once considered, Y/N, that maybe—just maybe—I’m a person, too? Did you ever think you were capable of threatening someone’s life until necessity made you?” You flinch. He notices. “I have a shitty job. I do shitty things. I do even shittier things to even shittier people. But it’s the job I was given, the job I have, and the job I do. Maybe I’m a monster, a freak, an emotionless robot, but maybe that’s just what I have to be so I don’t go crazy. At the end of the day, I’m just a man who wants to live his life, so forgive me for wanting to do that.”
Bucky is breathing erratically. He’s worked up. You stare, mouth slightly agape, surprised. You have a feeling he’s felt this way a while and never had the chance to voice it, but you also realize that your existence in his life might be more to him than just some girl who wants her sister back, some girl who extorted him.
“You actually like me,” you say, genuinely surprised.
He looks at you, eyes softening and looking a little embarrassed.
“You’ve got terrible taste.”
He laughs. “That so?”
“I never even introduced myself. You clearly only know my name because you know who my sister is and put two and two together. I’ve been terrible to you. I mean, I have my totally logical and understandable reasons, but I’ve been terrible.”
“That’s true, but I was holding your sister hostage. Not the best conditions. I’m sure she’s thrilled about all this.” He gestures to the table in front of you, the two of you.
“She recognizes I’m cleaning up her mess.”
Bucky looks at you, expression sad.
“Cleaning up her mess,” he repeats quietly. “You don’t have to do this,” he says, louder, more confident.
“This date. You don’t want to be here. You’re not interested. I get it. You’re cleaning up your sister’s mess. You can just go,” he says, looking far off onto the horizon. “Don’t worry about Ellie. Her debt’s forgotten.”
You don’t move. You sit, you stare, you chew your lip, and you consider the man in front of you. You consider the handsome, powerful, sad man in front of you who—to your surprise—is genuinely interested in you. You make a decision.
You hear your chair scrape against the floor as you stand up and start to walk back towards the door. You take a few steps past Bucky, turn around, and walk back to the table. You stop right beside Bucky and hold out your hand. Bucky looks at your hand outstretched to him and trails his eyes up to you, and you watch as he carefully searches your face.
“Hi,” you say, smiling. “I’m Y/N. Mind if I join you for dinner?”
Bucky’s face breaks out into a grin as he takes your hand, grasping it firmly as he shakes it. “Bucky,” he greets, playing along. “I wouldn’t mind at all.”
@cjand10 @vicmc624 @mostlymarvelgirl @livingoutsidethetardis @onceithough @thedonswife13 @kaithesimps-blog @buckitostan @julvrs @unaxv @searchn0tfound @10ava01
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Lads, it's been such a long time since I've returned to my roots—Lu/Law/Lu and I'm happy to say I have an idea! I've read a thread discussing dilf Luffy and it reminded me of my own Dilf!Lulaw fic I wrote some time ago. I'm OBSESSED with Dilf Luffy so follow me.
Law and Luffy are childhood friends. Law babysits Luffy when they were 13 and 6 respectively and they get along. Law would teach Luffy about the anatomy of various small animals, showing him how to dissect (or pretty much butcher) any type of animal they could find and Luffy would watch, quietly and thoroughly intrigued.
When Luffy was 10 years old, he thought the 17 year old Law was just the coolest guy ever, apart from Ace and Sabo. Law's tall, super smart and his deep voice (whenever it doesn't crack) is super nice.
Sure, he's stuffy and a nerd but if Luffy throws enough rocks at Law's window, Law's the best guy to prank people with! He has backup plans after backup plans to get them both out of trouble. He one-ups Luffy's ideas in a non-condescending way. He's also super pretty when he laughs...
When Law's 20, he tells Luffy that he's moving overseas on some sort of scholarship to Japan. Luffy had no idea what Japan was but Ace and Sabo tell him it's a pretty country with plenty of food. Luffy made Law promise to take him there some day, and Law agreed to, figuring why not.
Sabo also tells Luffy to get his contact information and Law agreed, giving Luffy his phone number and social media handles in case he wanted to text.
And text, Luffy did!
[insert image] "This is my new dorm."
"looks boring lul :P"
"Not allowed to decorate too much, unfortunately. However, I have a roommate soon."
"My partner. I'm seeing someone atm."
"atm? wots that Traffy 0_0"
"It means 'at the moment'."
For some reason Luffy felt kind of sad. Maybe it's one of those emo spurts as he's growing up but Traffy never dated when they hung out. Did Traffy not tell him anything? That's upsetting.
"Who is it!!! They btr be nice to u >:("
"Don't worry about that. They're very kind to me. I'm looking for a nice picture to show you."
And Traffy sent Luffy a picture of the guy. It's a tall, buff guy with reddish-brown hair and a scruffy chin. Luffy felt his chin and realised he had a little stubble.
Luffy said that the guy looked plain when Ace walked past and asked what's up. Deep down though, Luffy was annoyed that he's actually quite good looking and that he's way older.
"Is there something wrong, Luffy?"
"I don't know. You're the first person I told this to... Sorry, I didn't know you're not supportive."
"Support what"
"I like men, Luffy. I'm gay."
"0-0" Luffy thought of how to respond. A couple friends told him something similar before but he seriously didn't care. "is fine lol"
"I didn't know how you'd react." And then Traffy was seen typing for a few minutes. "Thank you for not dismissing me."
They text on and off more from there. Indeed, it felt like when they were kids where Luffy would share whatever's on his mind with Traffy and Traffy would reply politely. They talked about whatever, sometimes deep things, sometimes lighter things but it's usually always fun.
Sometimes, Traffy would talk about his relationship with Drake, as Luffy learned his name later and for some reason, that's Luffy's least favourite subject.
Traffy was neither happy nor unhappy. He talked about him the same way Traffy talked about the weather in anime, Japan. Heck, Law probably liked Ace and Sabo more and they don't even talk!
Luffy didn't have the words or courage to ask whether Traffy really loved Drake and so he never talked about it. As he got older, he couldn't accept that Law—the coolest, nicest, raddest guy ever—would marry some guy.
Law invited Luffy to the wedding ceremony but Luffy couldn't go, partly because he had exams and mostly because he just refused to. Ace and Sabo were surprised to hear that but they eventually understood why.
Whenever Luffy pulled up Law's wedding pictures on their social medias, he would only pinch his fingers on the screen to zoom in on Law's barely smiling, kind of sad face. He'd pout and ask what made Drake so special...
They talk on and off but life got in the way for them.
Law's busy with his hectic job as a surgeon. Law's trying to take more time off social media to be more offline. Law's going to therapy and journalling more. Of course there's his marriage.
Luffy's life's developing nicely too. Luffy's busy with all his friends and being present for them. He's his brother's biggest cheerleaders in their respective sports teams. He's also trying to study a little bit more to do well enough to make it in college.
And so they stop texting for a day. And then a month. And then a year. And then a decade rolls by easily. It's as if they never met.
And now, Luffy's 40 and he settled into a nice suburban area as a single-pringle. His house became less of a home and more of a gathering space.
Ace and Sabo drive over to have wild cookouts with their respective partners and kids. Zoro and Sanji come over to drink alcohol. Nami and Usopp for movie dates. Franky gave Luffy a sexy ice cream machine. Robin and Chopper would come over to bird watch in Luffy's backyard. Brook would host charity concerns in his front yard for the children and Luffy let Jimbe tutor kids in his living room.
Life hadn't felt so full in a while. Luffy smiled at his framed pictures and thought, "Wah... I've made it."
One day, he heard some people move into the vacant house next door. After all, how could he not hear them? They were arguing so fucking loudly.
"Shut up, nerd! I do what I want to do!"
"If you're as smart as you say you are you'd be more careful! Those drums are expensive! Be nice to them!"
"They ain't your drums, shit head!"
"But I'm responsible!"
And then Luffy heard something fall down and it made this horrible noise. Enough! He said. He put on a shirt and walked outside. There, he saw the culprit of all that noise.
It's some big man, a guy as big as Luffy with flaming red hair and a permanent scowl. He turned to Luffy and said, "What's your fucking problem? Can't a guy move into his fucking house?"
Luffy hated his attitude—what's his problem!
"I asked ya a fucking question, dipshit."
"I don't like you, you're a jerk!"
"Oh, is that-"
"Shut up, Eustass!" Both Luffy and the guy turned their heads to face the balcony.
And Luffy gasped.
On the balcony, stood a tall man who moved gracefully like an ice prince. He wore a loose Sora the Warrior tee shirt, tucked into light jeans. He had piercings on his ears. His jawline was sharp.
"You're annoying me, Eustass. Hurry up."
"Shut up!"
The not-Eustass-guy turned to face Luffy when he realised Luffy was staring. It started with an apologetic look and then he looked cold, annoyed. Why was Luffy staring so much and so intensely? The man squinted as if that would help him. He frowned and put his glasses on. The man blinked rapidly, in complete disbelief.
"I-" Luffy broke into a large grin when the other man's coldness morphed to surprise. Slowly, he warmed up and there's this warm look in his eye that took Luffy back to when he asked Traffy a question about the frog he was dissecting in the woods for Luffy's entertainment.
No way. Luffy shook his head. NO FUCKING WAY.
He made a little sign and Luffy knew what it meant even years later. It meant that he promised that he'd be back. He kept his promise. About twenty minutes later, Luffy heard a knock on the door. He never sprinted this fast in his life.
"Hi-" And Luffy enveloped the guy in the biggest bear hug he had ever given. He's just so fucking happy! And then Luffy pulled away to actually see him for himself. He was always handsome but since when was he smoking hot? Tall, thin-hipped and slightly muscular.
He looked up at Luffy and his sharp, annoyed eyes softened with tender affection. OH YES WAY!
"Hello, as I was saying. It's been a while."
"Hell yeah! How've you been, Traffy!" It's nice to even say his name again! He felt like a little kid again! Traffy smiled indulgently when Luffy slapped his back.
"I'm alright, thank you."
Luffy saw that Traffy was fiddling with his ring finger and said so. Traffy noticed it too and apologised for the habit.
"I'm going through a divorce now. Eustass, being nice for once, offered to let me stay with him and his partner while I figure out what I want to do with myself. It'll take time for my dad to get that carpet installed in his new house nearby so here I am now to kill time."
"We fell out of love, let's put it bluntly," Law said, now distant. "I found out he's been cheating on me."
"Oh." Luffy suddenly felt like that dumb thirteen year old who didn't know how to handle Law coming out to him. "That sucks."
"Yes, it indeed 'sucks'. I was so shocked I didn't even cry about it for a week when I found out last year."
There was the awkwardness of feeling like one of them did something terribly wrong. Law smiled tersely.
"Enough about that, I'm keeping my hands full with idiots who claim that they want to 'help me out'." Law laughed gently. "Some classmates from Anime, Japan are coming to visit for a few days next week. I wonder how they're doing."
Luffy smiled. His heart ached.
"What do you want to do, Traffy?"`
"Me?" Law gave it thought. He glanced to the side. "Well, first things first, I have to help Eustass over there move in."
"After that?"
"After?" Law blinked. "I'm not sure. Probably brush up on my Japanese. Why?"
Bright-eyed and a little bit scared, Luffy said, "Let's go out!"
"It'll be fun!" Luffy was totally winging it. "We can get beef bowl at Sanji's place! Do you like camping, Traffy? Ace and Sabo set up a really cool fire place out back—why don't we fire that up later! How about ice cream? Robin made cheese cake too! It's super yummy!"
Law started laughing so much tears came out. Luffy thought with some sadness that Law wasn't done crying about his divorce.
"You haven't changed at all!" Law said, smiling widely. Luffy felt proud of himself for that much. He didn't realise how much of a hole Traffy left behind in his heart when they stopped contacting each other.
Life doesn't give second chances but maybe, just maybe...
"It's really nice seeing you again, Luffy. I... I've missed you. It's been a bit lonely these few months, so let's catch up, i-if you want."
Maybe Luffy could finally show Traffy just how much he loved him...
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WIBTA if I report to my managers about my co-worker despite him not really doing anything yet?
At my job there’s this one guy (40 something M) who has said some unhinged things, the first thing he ever said to me was telling me masks don’t work the one time I came into work sick. He’s apparently said some shit about the “trans lifestyle”, dislikes the Barbie movie and was looking at the only other guy at the table at the time for like back up and thinks Disney shouldn’t have changed their rules about visible tattoos, facial hair and men having long hair and told me about how one time he fed people deer meat and told them it was steak and tried to justify it by saying it was “healthier then beef” like he was doing them a favor.
I try to avoid him since I’m not a fan of his takes or his vibe
Last night as we were leaving work I (21 afab non-binary) was kind of between two hunks of people but I was pretty ahead of most people, he sped walked to catch up with me and so then it was just me and him in that area, he didn’t say anything as he approached from behind until he literally walked into a spider web and reacted to it but even then he was only like 4 feet from me by then.
Then he walked with me all the way to the parking lot and the entire time alarm bells were going off in my head and it really freaked me out and I’m not usually the type to get creeped out by people easily, i usually give people too much leeway honestly but for him my got was saying something was up with this guy.
Luckily he didn’t follow me to my car as I got away from him once we got to the wardrobe building and I got over to the co-workers who were ahead of us so I wasn’t alone with him
I feel like I should tell people about how my gut was freaking out about him but I don’t even know what I would want to happen if I did report? Plus idk what I’d say since nothing has really happened yet but like I also wanna express these warnings that went off in my head BEFORE something happens??? Like I don’t wanna get him fired but maybe just something to ensure I won’t be left alone with him or maybe have him scheduled a different shift than me or something?
I’m worried I’m just being paranoid but like I’ve never had alarm bells go off to that degree before
TLDR: my co-worker has said some weird shit including stuff about trans people and feeding people deer meat and lying about it and last night he sped walk to get over to me when I was alone and really set off just about every alarm my body has, I’m not sure if I should report this or not since well nothing has really happened yet but I also don’t wanna wait till something happens to make management aware. But I also don’t wanna ruin his career by reporting him for not really doing anything either
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yunhoszn · 6 months
alright babes you already know it's bro but sleep deprived
anyway we were talkin abt this in the dms but i think its time to share w the class
who in atz are briefs guys and who are boxers guys?
also i love you •3•
ateez & boxers v. briefs
erm mentions of underwear?,,,, extremely suggestive….. half of this makes no sense im high as shit typing this and my logic probably does not logic like i thought it did…
OKAY ok here we go
⟢ hongjoong likely wears boxers.. i feel like if he did one of those calvin klein ads, he’d wear the briefs for the bit but that’s about it. he seems like the type who likes the free-ness of them if that makes sense 😭
⟢ seonghwa. ok. i feel like he varies. i could def see him in boxers like… hovering over you, knees caging you in, his hair long enough that it wraps and curls around the base of his neck— i’m gonna stop talking about this— but i could also see him in that same calvin klein ad setting and i feel like he would look really good in some grey briefs…
⟢ yunho is fs a boxers guy. tbh i feel like most tall men are just cause they’re comfortable and most tall men are carrying very well endowed,,,, packages,,,, so yeah i think he would wear boxers, but not too loose. like they’re actually on the snugger side
⟢ yeosang is a briefs guy. u cannot convince me otherwise. (i’m imagining the jeremy allen white calvin klein ad) that’s how i imagine yeosang in briefs. like it just makes so much sense to me.
⟢ san…. i told u my thoughts on san. but i’m sharing with the class now <3 i think if this were inception era san, the answer would be boxers no questions asked. but current san, extremely built, shaped like a dorito san, the answer is obviously briefs. they hug his thighs and his ass just right… muscular men in briefs is a weakness…. a plague…
⟢ mingi is another obvious briefs choice. slightly dorito shaped, mingi is the exception to my ‘tall men wear boxers’ disclaimer from before. U cannot look at him and tell me he does Not wear briefs. then ur lying straight to my face. tell me u do not see this man being the ateez man who would Actually do the calvin klein ad.
⟢ wooyoung, i had to toss around with. but ultimately i think he’s a boxers guy. my conclusion is more of a technical analysis bc i was thinking about his style and the kind of clothes he wears, which are usually on the baggier side, so i’d think he prefers comfortability. and tbh boxers fit that whole vibe.
⟢ jongho is also a boxers guy no doubt. his wasn’t even a meticulous analysis or anything. i thought about it for one second and immediately came to the idea; ‘jongho wears boxers’. solely based on vibes. like look at him. once u see the vision, u just do and there’s no turning back. boxers guy.
(also hi i love YOU MORE!!!!! :3 hehe i got the last word so i win in terms of size of love)
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© yunhoszn. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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aimbutmiss · 7 months
The day started like any other normal day. And it was, to Mihawk at least.
Yes, it was his birthday, but he never really cared for the occasion. Was he grateful for the life he was given? Of course he was. But he never saw the point in celebrating. He remembered the day when Shanks had showed up out of nowhere, ten years or so ago. He was overjoyed to see the man, hands itching to reach for Yoru, but the man stopped him with a whine.
"Nooooo, I come in peace! We can't fight, not today of all days!"
He held up the bottle in his hand with a bright smile. "We're gonna party until the sun goes down and comes back up!"
A frown pulled down on Mihawk's face, who was not quite understanding the situation. "What are you talking about?"
Shanks' smile quickly dropped too. "Don't tell me you forgot your own birthday."
Ah, right. So that's what this was about. The man had told him his date of birth some time ago, and in his surprise and perhaps slight tipsiness, he had admitted that they shared the same birthday. In hindsight, he should have known the red head would pull something like this. It was definitely in character. He sighed in frustration.
"I'm not quite the type to celebrate. You know I don't like to party like you folk."
"That's nonsense!" Shanks walked up to him and slapped a hand on his back, strong enough to send a normal man flying. But of course, Mihawk didn't move an inch. "Parties are like, the best part of being a pirate! And even if I respect your mysterious and lonely guy schtick, it's your damn birthday! You can make an exception for one day of the year."
He looked up, reminiscing about the past. "The captain was very firm about that. He would throw me and Buggy the most extravagant parties. He never once forgot; can you believe that?"
The captain he was talking about was indeed the King of the Pirates, Gold Roger. It had shocked Mihawk at first, learning about Shanks’ past. But the more he got to know the man, the more it made sense. A man of his caliber couldn’t have come from anything else. Shanks was a very talkative drunkard, so Mihawk was used to listening to stories about that time of his life. And frankly, he quite enjoyed it. These men in his stories and the stuff they went through were like straight out of legends... He gave a small smile to the excited man in front of him. "I guess I could indulge you just this once, but only because it's your birthday too."
He snapped out of the memories and slowly got out of bed, having had enough nostalgia to last him the day. But he was stopped by a floating hand pulling on his night gown.
Mihawk looked to the source of the muffled protest, which happened to be the blue mess in his bed. "Let go, Buggy."
He sighed as he sat back down on the bed, fingers immediately going for the soft blue locks. An approving hum came from the clown as he brushed through his hair with his long fingers.
This sleepy man, with whom he shared a bed, was one of those from Shanks’ stories. Except he was nothing like them. He wasn’t brave and fearless like in the stories, he was weak. But he knew exactly what he was and what he was capable of, and Mihawk loved him for that. He was charming beyond words, and a little stupid, but Mihawk was into that, as embarrassing as it was.
“Get back into bed and get your birthday cuddles.”
Mihawk chuckled at his partner. “Nice try, sweetheart.”
He got up to leave for the bathroom. “Do you know where Crocodile went?”
“Nope! How should I know?” Buggy answered way too quickly, which made the swordsman’s brows furrow.
“Hm. He’s probably in his office like usual.”
“Yes! That’s it.” Buggy exclaimed in triumph, for what he didn’t know. “He’s such a workaholic.”
“Indeed.” He replied nonchalantly as he reached for his razor.
“Wait!” Buggy ran out of bed to his side with a smile. “Let me do that for you.”
Mihawk stared at him with a raised brow. “You want to help me shave? For what reason exactly?”
“It’ll be relaxing! I’m good with my hands, you know.” Buggy wiggled his brows suggestively, which made his lips curve just the slightest bit. The clown could be funny sometimes, mostly when he wasn’t trying. Oh, how he loved this silly man.
“You literally have no reason to do this.”
Buggy sighed in frustration. “I’m just trying to pamper you, birthday boy. Take it or leave it.”
Mihawk thought about it for a second, and reluctantly gave the razor to the clown. “You better not mess this up. I have a very particular- “
“I’m aware, dear. Just trust me.”
He gently held his face and got to work, carving out the intricate design with capable movements. After he was done, he wiped his face with a fresh towel and gave him a kiss on the cheek to seal the deal.
“Was that a part of the service?” Mihawk jokingly asked.
“Only for you, handsome.”
Mihawk was never one for being coddled, always believing that being spoiled was being looked down upon. He didn’t need special attention and privilege to make it in life. But this, this he could get used to.
He pulled Buggy into a kiss that started innocent, but quickly grew more desperate. He was sneaking his hands under Buggy’s polka dot pyjama shirt when the man pushed him away.
“Nuh uh.”
“Nuh uh?” Mihawk stared at his boyfriend in bewilderment.
“Not now. I’ll give your birthday gift at night.”
Mihawk frowned. “It’s my birthday now too. What difference does it make?”
“God, you’re impatient. Night. No negotiating.”
Mihawk pursed his lips and didn’t protest. He was not happy, though.
Buggy stayed with him throughout the day, keeping him company and making sure he stayed away from the beach.
Yes, Mihawk could tell. But to be fair, Buggy wasn’t exactly being subtle. But he didn’t say a word, indulging in whatever the man was planning.
A surprise party, perhaps? God, he really hoped it wasn’t that. Crowds and being the center of attention didn’t agree with his constitution.
And where was his other partner (both in romantic and business contexts), Crocodile? He wasn’t in his office like he initially assumed. He was sure Buggy knew where the man was but refrained from asking questions. He was quite sure the two situations were somehow connected.
That in itself was quite ridiculous to think about. Crocodile didn’t seem like the type of man to care about birthdays either, like himself. Maybe Buggy had somehow convinced him? It all seemed very unnecessary. He knew the clown had good intentions, but he would have been fine if no one acknowledged his birthday at all. It wasn’t of importance to him, simple as that.
Then why was this bothering him so much? He tried to focus on Buggy’s rambling but that feeling did not leave.
Why did it feel so wrong to be celebrated just for existing? To be loved and cared for?
Don’t get him wrong, he wasn’t unhappy with it. Quite the opposite actually. But it just felt so… foreign. He needed time to adjust, to make his peace with it.
He thought he had gotten over this particular problem after he formed a relationship with his two business partners. It had taken a lot out of him to simply let them in, to feel comfortable in their presence, to not fret from every touch… And even though he trusted them completely, here he was doubting his place.
It just didn’t make sense. They were wasting their time and effort for an inconsequential event that would pass by, leaving nothing changed. So, what if he got a year older? What did that change? Why did they care so much about something he himself didn’t care for? To show their love? But Mihawk already knew they loved him.
“Earth to Mihawk, hello?”
Mihawk snapped out of his thoughts, staring at Buggy’s concerned eyes. “Hm? Sorry, I got lost in thoughts. You were saying?”
“I was saying I want to walk along the beach… You sure you’re okay?”
“Yes, don’t worry. I’m alright, just a bit sluggish today. And sure, we can go for a stroll.”
He walked hand in hand with Buggy, trying to ease his mind and keep small talk going. He wasn’t big on physical touch, but he really appreciated the warmth of Buggy’s hand then. The clown always had a way of comforting him without trying. Mihawk stopped walking when he saw the dinner table placed on the beach. That certainly wasn’t there before. It was adorned with red roses and lit candles, setting a romantic atmosphere. Crocodile was standing beside the table, looking at his pocket watch.
“You’re late.”
“I know! I got lost in my speaking, and hawk eyes didn’t try to stop me so I lost track of time…”
“You and your big mouth… I guess it’s alright, we didn’t miss the sunset.”
Crocodile walked up to him, wrapping an arm around his waist and sharing a chaste kiss.
“Happy birthday, hawk eyes.”
“Thank you.” Mihawk broke the eye contact as he felt his cheeks get hotter.
Crocodile gave a sly smirk. “Someone’s being bashful.”
“Well, I didn’t expect… this. I was convinced you were throwing me a party.”
Buggy frowned at the thought. “Of course not! That would make you uncomfortable, wouldn’t it? That’s the last thing I would want on your birthday. A private dinner on the other hand…”
“Is much more your style, is it not?” Crocodile completed Buggy’s sentence.
Mihawk was the luckiest man alive. He gave his lovers a small smile. “Yes, indeed it is. You are too thoughtful.”
“It’s literally the bare minimum but okay.”
“I can’t believe this, but I agree with the clown. What kind of partners would we be if we didn’t know your preferences?”
Mihawk sat on the chair the taller man pulled out for him as Buggy poured him a glass of wine, one of his favorites that happened to be quite expensive.
“I just don’t quite get what’s so important about this day, or what you would go through all this trouble for.”
Crocodile and Buggy shared a glance and turned to him with sad eyes.
“Because it’s the day you came into this world, and therefore to our lives? Because we love you?”
“Indeed. I don’t see what’s so confusing about us wanting to cherish the man we love, to show him how much he means to us. Is that a problem?”
Mihawk stared at the two in astonishment and eventually, a big smile stretched across his lips. “No, not at all.”
The swordsman had a lot to learn about love, about being loved, but he had two perfect partners to help him through the steps. He could get used to celebrating his birthday if it meant he got to share it with the people he loved. Maybe that’s what he had been missing all these years to give this day a meaning. Company.
And after dinner, Buggy didn’t forget about his promise from the morning. Easy to say Mihawk went to sleep a very tired but satisfied man.
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gothgoblinbabe · 1 year
Marlboro Red 100's (pt.1)
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Daryl Dixon x FemReader
Modern/no apocalypse/no walkers AU
Word Count: 3765
Warnings: Mentions of smoking, fluffy-lovey-dovey crap, suggestive-ish, swearing, mention of slight age gap but no ages specified
A/N: This is like my second ever one shot I've posted to Tumblr pls enjoy and don't rip me to shreds <3
1:30 to 2:00
2:00 to 3:00
Then 3:30 to 4:00
4:00 to 5:00
5:00 to 6:00
Your shift dragged on and on the more you glanced at the clock, watching the hands circle around and around, painfully slow. Six more hours. You could do six more hours of this, right? Monotonously scanning items and cashing out customers, fixing displays, cleaning spills, scrubbing toilets, checking inventory; all the wonders of being a minimum wage employee at a gas station corner store. Overworked and underpaid, a sentiment shared by many.
There’s handfuls of regulars at any retail store. Some are pleasant and will make small talk with you, asking about your life or commenting on the weather. Others, not so much. Men can be creepy and some people will share every detail of their life with you, whether you want to hear it or not.
There’s rare times, though, when there's a customer that you actually have genuine interest in talking to. Like today.
The door chime rang out through the desolate store, causing you to repeat your usual “Hi, how’re you?” and turn your gaze from your shift paperwork up to the front door. 
There stood a man, broad shoulders and shoulder length, dark hair. He wore dark jeans, heavy-looking boots and a leather vest over a flannel that had the sleeves torn off. His tan, muscular hands and arms were covered in what looked like motor oil. He wiped them on a red rag he took from his back pocket, shaking his hair out of his eyes. 
“Hey,” his voice was low and gruff with a bit of a southern accent, “you got a bathroom I could use?”
He raised his arms, showing you the mess on his large hands.
“Yeah, uh, right in the back, to the left.” you stammered, gesturing towards the back of the building.
You’d probably die before you told anyone this, but the whole hot mechanic look some guys came in with really got you going. Not often is there a good looking guy that comes in that you drool over, but every now and then there would be a mechanic or a construction guy or a painter who just looks dirty and you wanted them dirtier. It was weird, you didn't know why, but maybe it was just the idea that they weren't afraid to get their hands dirty, literally.
You watched this one walk to the back, eyes on his biceps. Oh, how you’d like to be nearly crushed between them. 
Seriously, being here so long with so little to do makes your mind wander just about anywhere and everywhere and half of what you did during your shift was daydream.
When he disappeared into the men’s room, you leaned against the cigarette wall behind the register, eyes scanning the parking lot outside the window. It was almost abandoned, except for an older man pumping gas into his Subaru and a worn-looking Harley Davidson motorcycle propped up out front.
“Of course he rides a motorcycle,” you mumbled to yourself, shaking your head with a little grin. He definitely seemed the type.
“Say somethin’, sweet ‘eart?” his voice startled you from your thoughts, noticing he’d already washed his hands and was now standing up against the counter.
You couldn’t help the light blush creeping across your face at the nickname, shaking your head and pointing outside, “just sayin’ I like your bike.”
You blinked at him from behind the register, watching his eyes almost light up at the mention of his prized possession. You could feel your heart beating faster at the scent of his cologne mixed with a little gasoline.
“Ain’t she beautiful? Just got done workin’ on ‘er, made a mess but it’s always worth it.” He grinned, glancing out the window at his bike.
“You new ‘round here? I’ve never seen you before,” you decided to blurt out, “think I’d remember ya’.”
“Yeah? Why’s that?”
“Not many new people come through here, is all.” you lied, so many different faces slid through every day, but you’d remember his because you’d think about it later with your hands between your thighs.
“Huh,” he hummed, “can I get a pack of the Marlboro red 100’s, darlin’?”
You nodded, turning around and reaching on your tiptoes to grab the pack of cigarettes from the top shelf. Had you been able to feel the way the man’s eyes traveled down from the top of your head to your heels, you would’ve melted into a puddle right there.
“Anythin’ else?” you asked, placing the cigarettes on the counter top.
“One more thing,” he said, handing you a twenty dollar bill, “what’s your name?”
You pointed to the name tag fastened to your shirt and he read it outloud, erupting butterflies in your stomach.
‘’I’m Daryl Dixon. And yeah, I’m new ‘round here. I’ll be back in though, you’ll see more of me.”
“You gonna be a regular?” you asked, crossing your arms and once again leaning against the wall of cigarettes after you handed him his change and closed the drawer.
“Hope so, only If i see more a’ you.” 
You rolled your eyes and tried to bite down the smile on your lips, failing miserably. 
“Uh-huh, I’m always here, Daryl Dixon,” You teased, letting his name roll off your tongue.
“Then I’ll be back for sure.” He flashed a sweet smile, tapped his hand on the counter and turned to leave. 
Once he was out the door, you watched him mount his bike, raking his hands through his hair and kicking up the side stand. As he pulled away, you felt the butterflies still flutter in circles in your stomach, your thoughts still focused on him.
You would see him again. It would be Daryl’s ritual to come in every Friday afternoon for a pack of Marlboro Red 100 cigarettes and sometimes a lighter. Truth was, even if his pack wasn’t empty yet, he’d still stop in every Friday afternoon just to see your pretty face and to watch you stretch the top shelf, his eyes raking over your shape. Jesus, he wanted you so badly it almost hurt, but he had no idea how to approach you about it, he didn’t even know much about you. Small things, like your family stuff and what you did for fun, but nothing much else. To make matters worse, he had to be at least 20 years older than you. What would you want with an old man like him?  
Was he really old? 
No, but he felt like it. 
Except for when he was lost in conversation with you.
 Every time he saw you, he felt as though there was no divide and you could’ve known each other years before, old friends meeting up every Friday for a couple months straight. He’d ask questions about you, what your favorite color was, your favorite animal, favorite song, movies, foods, anything he could learn about you, he absorbed like a dry sponge tossed into water. You’d always return the questions, ask him the same, and make mental notes of the answers, the same way he was.
On one sunny, dry, hot Friday afternoon, the door chimed and in walked your favorite regular, Daryl Dixon.
“Hey, honey,” He grinned your way, but instead of walking towards the counter as usual, he turned towards the cooler in the back.
“What, no cigarettes?” you pretended to be shocked, hand over your heart.
‘’I’m gettin’ a drink, hot as shit out there,” he replied, shaking his head and disappearing momentarily behind one of the shelves.
You smiled and rolled your eyes just as the door chimed again, another customer walking in. 
He was a short, scrawny guy who couldn't have been more than a couple years older than you. You said your usual greeting and he ignored you, walking up to the counter and simply stating a brand of cigarettes you assumed he wanted. Daryl got in line behind him just as you turned around and bent slightly to grab the pack of cigarettes on the lowest shelf.
From behind you, you heard a whistle.
You snapped back up, looking back and glaring at the asshole. He was chuckling to himself.
“Aw, c’mon, it was a compliment, baby, you got blessed back there,’’ He laughed.
“Fuck off,” you muttered, tossing the cigarettes onto the counter and swiping the scanner over them.
“What was that, babe?” He raised his eyebrows.
Daryl looked like he was about to explode, piping up from behind the guy, “you heard what she said, why don’t ‘cha? Fuck off.”
He nearly spat his words, seconds away from stepping between this douchebag and the counter.
“I ain’t gonna let no bitch talk to me like that,” He snarled, swiping the cigarettes off the counter.
‘’Alright, that’s it,” Daryl placed his drink on the counter and slid it to you, “hold that, sweetheart, okay?” before turning to the other man.
‘’Fuck you think you are, talkin’ to a lady like that? She ain’t no bitch, that’s you. Get the fuck on outta’ here.” He spat, roughly grabbing the younger man by the collar of his t-shirt and shoving him towards the door.
‘’She ain’t no lady-” the guy started, back to the door, but Daryl cut him off.
“She’s every bit a’ one, now get the hell out and leave ‘er alone before I kick your fuckin’ teeth in.” 
The guy tried to walk forward, but Daryl shoved him out through the door, onto the pavement. He scrambled up, seemingly too embarrassed to walk back in, and sped off. Daryl picked up the cigarettes from the floor where the guy had dropped them when he was shoved the first time and gently placed them onto the counter.
‘’You alright, honey? I’m sorry ‘bout him, fuckin’ asshole.”
You were just about breathless, a pit in your stomach and a tingle in your chest. You’d hate to admit it to yourself but the way he had defended you turned you on to almost no end. Your heart was beating a million times a minute, deafening in your ears as you blinked at his baby blue eyes.
You almost couldn’t speak, “ ‘m fine.”
“You sure?”
‘’Y-yeah, thank you.”
“Ain’t gotta thank me for nothin’, I’d never let some prick talk to ya’ like that.”
You had a bad idea, it was definitely bad and there's no way he’d say yes but your tongue was on a route that your brain couldn’t stop.
“Mhm?” he hummed in response, leaning on his forearms on the counter, so engaged in anything and everything you had to say.
Which made things so much worse for you.
“What are you doing tomorrow night? Are you busy?” you blurted.
Oh, this could be so, so bad.
“What?” He replied, steading himself to stand straight. 
Okay, yeah, bad.
“Nevermind, I’m sorry, I don’t know what I-”
“No, no, sorry for what? I ain’t busy tomorrow night, what were you gonna say?”
Daryl looked intrigued, if not a little confused.
“It was stupid, I was gonna ask if you, um, If you’d wanna maybe have dinner or somethin’. Like a date.” You managed to get out, picking at your fingernails with anxiety.
“I ain’t too old for ‘ya?” was the first thing from his mouth after a moment of tense silence.
“Too old?” you questioned, tilting your head, “I’m an adult, Daryl. You can’t be too old for me.”
He sighed, grinning and rubbing the back of his neck as relief filled his body.
“When you want me to pick you up, sweetheart?”
You smiled wide, feeling giddy like this was your very first date all over again.
“Let’s do six o’clock? Here, I’ll give you my address,” you find a piece of a scrapped receipt and scribble your address and phone number, handing it over to him.
He gladly accepts it, folding it and placing it in his jeans pocket.
Before you know it, it’s six o’clock the next evening and you're focused on yourself in the mirror. You’d worn your favorite outfit and done your hair, waiting anxiously for the doorbell.
At five minutes past six, it rang.
You excitedly scurried to the door, opening it to see a slightly nervous Daryl Dixon in his leather vest and flannel button down. 
He shook his hair out of his eyes to get a better look at you, making note of every curve and dip that made his head spin.
“You look…real, real pretty,” He managed to mumble out, having a hard time keeping his eyes on yours.
“You do, too,” you teased, stepping out into the evening air and closing the door behind you.
You followed Daryl to his motorcycle, your stomach turning with nerves.
“So where we headin’ off to?” you inquired, watching his broad shoulders in front of you.
“ ‘s a surprise. Figured I outta’ do somethin’ special for a girl like you.”
You blushed, shaking your head and only giggling in response.
“You alright gettin’ on the bike?” He asked sweetly, placing a gentle hand on your elbow.
You could melt under his calloused touch, instinctively leaning your body towards him.
“I should be alright, I think. Just never been on one before,” you caught your lower lip between your teeth.
He noticed the small nervous gesture, reaching over his bike and handing you the single helmet.
“You’re safe with me, alright? Hold on real tight and don’t let go, trust me, ain’t gonna let nothin’ happen to you,' ' He reassured you.
You hesitated for a moment before tugging the helmet on and letting Daryl help you on the motorcycle behind him. You wrapped your arms tight around his abdomen, leaning your weight on his back.
He was glad you were behind him so you couldn’t see the shade of pink his cheeks had turned or the way he couldn’t wipe the smile off his face even if he tried. You were significantly smaller in stature than he was and he adored the way your smaller arms wrapped tight around him.
“You ready, honey?” He kicked the side stand up, rearing the engine of the bike.
“Sure am, sugar,” You shot back.
His smile grew wider as you both started forward, wind through your clothes sending a light chill through you. The hum of the bike filled your ears as you watched your shadows dance upon the pavement, cast by the late afternoon sun.
Before you knew it, Daryl slowed the bike to a stop and turned to speak to you.
“Wasn’t so bad, was it?”
“Nah,” you tried to act nonchalant, though your heart was beating like crazy as you handed him the helmet back, “it was fun.”
“So you’ll let me take ya’ out on it again?” 
“Well, I’ll have to if we’re gonna go on any more dates, huh?”
Daryl smiled at your quick response, hopping off the bike and helping you do the same.
You checked out your surroundings, a green and desolate park, open lawns with freshly mowed grass and large oak and willow trees.
“You take me here to kill me?” you joked, watching a dragonfly hover over the cement near your feet.
“Nah, cmon,” Daryl chuckled, waving his hand to motion you to follow him, “got somethin’ set up for ya’. Hope you don’t think it’s stupid, I ain’t ever really…’guess I’ve never been on a real date before, so I, uh…I don’t know, hope you like it, is all.”
His nervous babbling as you followed in his direction into the field of grass made you smile wide. 
“I’m sure whatever you got up your sleeve is -”
Words failed to form as you saw what he was leading you to. A blanket was laid out under the shade of a beautifully full weeping willow tree. Containers of all sorts of delicious foods were spread out along with a bottle of red wine and two glasses.
“Oh, Daryl, you did all this? For me?”
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t want to kiss him right there for being so damn sweet.
“Of course, for you,” Daryl smiled, taking a seat on the blanket and tapping the empty space next to him, “what other sweet lady would I do this for?”
You couldn’t hide the large smile spread across your face as you plopped yourself down next to him, taking in the array of foods.
“Wow, this is…you really out did yourself. This is perfect.” you assured him, taking note of the way he was scanning your features to see what you thought of his gesture.
“Think so? Just wanted to make it ‘nice as I could.” 
“Perfect, all of it.” You smiled and opened a container of strawberries, popping one in your mouth and offering some to Daryl.
He took one appreciatively, doing the same.
You had a mischievous idea and picked up a strawberry, offering it to Daryl, “Now is this the part of the date where you feed me strawberries like in the movies?”
You thought he’d laugh, shake off your joke in slight rejection and change the subject.
Instead, he gently took the fruit from your fingers, hovering it in front of your lips.
‘’Yeah? Go ahead.”
Your stomach did back flips and you could’ve sworn it tied itself in knots at his words.
Daryl was glad you didn’t seem to notice the way his hand started to shake.
You leaned in, slowly, and caught the fruit between your teeth. You kept your eyes on his as you bit down, pulling away to wipe the juice from your lips.
Unfortunately (or fortunately) for him, that was one of the hottest things he’d ever experienced in his life and he immediately went for the wine to calm his nerves. 
You watched him uncork the wine in his lap, noticing the slight bulge in the front of his jeans as he tried to hide it with the bottle, though it didn’t do much.
The way you had to do almost nothing but exist in his presence to make him excited had you biting down a smile, watching his hair fall in front of his face as he finally uncorked the bottle. As he poured your glass, you reached a delicate hand forward and brushed the hair from his face and tucked it behind his ear. His eyes shot up to yours, lost in the way the sun hit them and made the color even more stunning.
You were beautiful, ethereal, an angel on earth he had been blessed to be touched by.
And you made him spill the wine.
“S-shit, sorry, I shoulda’ been lookin’, too distracted,” He laughed a little, glancing at the stain of red wine on the blanket.
‘’Distracted with what?” You teased, grabbing the bottle from his hands to pour him his own glass.
“How am I supposed to pay attention when there’s a pretty girl like you lookin’ at me like that?”
“Like what? I’m just lookin’ at you!” You giggled, going to hand him his wine glass.
“Like that!” he exclaimed with a smile, gesturing with his free hand as he took the glass from you, “with them beautiful damn eyes and that pretty smile and that gorgeous face, drivin’ me damn near insane.”
“Oh, please, you say it to flatter me,” you shook your head and laughed, taking a sip from your glass.
  “Nah, but if you wanna feel flattered, I’ll sure keep tryin’,” He said, doing the same, “but it ain’t flattery if it’s true.”
You playfully rolled your eyes and had another snack. Daryl sat back against the tree and watched you intently, your lips, nose, jaw, hair, hands, every bit of you. 
“You wanna know somethin’?” He said, gaining your attention.
“I don’t really go through a pack of smokes a week. I just come in every Friday to see you. I like seein’ your pretty face and I like seein’ you reach up to grab ‘em from the top shelf. It’s cute.”
It felt like he knocked the wind right out of you. He really was too damn sweet.
“And I like talkin’ to ya’, like knowin’ more about ya’. Could talk to you for hours.” he added in admission, smiling in adoration at you.
It was almost too much. 
He sat up, leaning towards you, “Yeah, sweetheart?”
“I want you to kiss me,” you sighed, watching his eyes change, “please, kiss me.”
He wasted no time in placing a gentle hand on the back of your neck and connecting his lips with yours. His lips were soft against yours and tasted of strawberries and wine and cigarettes. His breathing was soft against your cheek as he deepened the kiss, placing his other hand on your waist and absentmindedly tracing circles with his fingers. Your hands were both in his hair, twirling his locks around your fingers. You both eventually broke apart to gaze at each other, breathless and giddy like teenagers.
“I like you a lot, Daryl.” you admitted, again playing with his hair. He leaned into your touch.
“I like you more.” He smiled, fingers still tracing patterns on your waist.
“Oh, you wanna start that fight?” you teased.
“Only if we can make up at the end,” He smiled.
You kissed him again, this time adjusting yourself to be nearly square on his lap. His breathing hitched and he gazed up at you, swiping gently at the hair that had fallen in front of your face.
“Show me how much you like me.” Was all you had to say to have Daryl’s tongue in your mouth, swiping lovingly and softly. 
His hands caressed from your shoulder blades down your back to the sides of your hips, kneading your thighs while you tangled your fingers in his hair. He pulled away just an inch to kiss along your jaw and down your neck, biting and sucking softly, earning small mews and moans from you. You mumbled his name in ecstacy, making him groan against your neck. He continued to kiss back up your neck and jaw to once again meet your mouth, using one hand on the back of your neck to keep you as close against him as you could get.
When you two finally broke away from each other, reluctantly, neither of you could wipe the smiles from your faces.
It was no surprise then, when he dropped you home later and walked you to your door, that you both agreed to a second date.
wooooo pt2 coming eventually!
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bigdicktitties · 1 year
The Dead man and the Austrian
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Your phone buzzed, jumping, you took the vibrating object out of your pocket and checked the notifications. It was from the group chat the boys had put you in. You, Soap, Ghost, Konig, price, and Alejandro decided to keep in touch, and thus made a group chat named "The boys". You giggled when you heard that idea. Mainly over the thought of those big burly men, using Snapchat.
     You opened it to see the usual flow of memes, and occasionally random phrases in German, that you learned long ago was Konig's way of throwing the most creative curses you had ever heard into the chat. You rolled your eyes at the chats. A bitmoji appeared at the bottom, it's masked face tilted up in thought. What was the point of creating a bitmoji, if they were just going to cover everything up? You didn't even bother with emoji's.
     Much like Ghost and Konig, you wore a mask, and you often took it to extremes with covering your face. You wore colored contacts to hide your own eye color. You remembered when you would switch the colors daily to fuck with Soap. You didn't want them to know your face at all, and they understood that, afterall, it wasn't abnormal, seeing as how half of the team had their faces covered.
     However, it wasn't like Ghost or Konig who covered it for safety reasons. Looking in the mirror, you knew once more why you wear that mask, that was more of a veil. Your shoulder length hair hung messily around you, dripping water onto your bare chest. Your bra laid next to you on the sink, and you didn't feel like putting it on. All you wore were your panties.
    Your phone buzzed again, Ghost's chat appeared on the screen, "Drinks tonight with the boys, you in Oni?"
     Ah, yes, that nickname. Price made the joke one time, 'I bet you're a demon in the sheets.'
    He was drunk one night and didn't know it was you. Not that you looked particularly masculine back then.You were shocked when a hand grabbed your ass, causing you to turn around and shout in Japanese at him. His eyes went wide when he saw the mask in your face, to them, you were a guy. The whole room erupted in laughter. They wanted to call you demon after that incident, but you told them if they did, they had to say it in Japanese. Not that you wanted to be remembered as Price's drunken mistake, but you had no choice. It had stuck before too long.  It was better than them calling you (L/n).
    You picked your phone up, wiping the condensation off the screen, and began to type. You let the click of the keyboard echo out through the bathroom, "Sure, let me get dressed, and I will meet you guys at the bar.We going maskless tonight?" You typed with a few emojis to show the joke.
    Konig's bitmoji, almost identical to Ghost's, popped up, "Sure, maybe we can make it a striptease if Ghost can get on the pole." Laughing emoji.
     "I will shove that pole up your ass."
     I laughed at that. They were like an old married couple most days. You stuck the toothbrush in your mouth and quickly began to type, trying to get a word in before you were cut off, "okay, ladies. I will be there in an hour."
       I sat the phone down and walked to my closet. I pulled out my binders and my mask. It looked a lot like Konig's, but it was mesh, so I could see through it. It also had an oriental design embroidered into it. You couldn't tell it by looking at my actual face, but my Japanese ancestry meant a lot to me. I carried a piece of my actual self everywhere, and right now it was on my mask.
    I looked at the fabric in my hand, and chunked it to the side. It didn't look as badass tonight, and  the airiness of the mesh would give off the flowery smell of my body wash. I dragged a box out filled with many masks, I bought over the years in case I ever had to change identities. I dug until my hand felt a smooth, plastic horn. I pulled it out from the bottom of the pile.
     My sister had bought me an Oni mask to hang on my wall as a gift, but the mask was fully functional, so I wore it tonight. I walked to the mirror, binding my hips and chest to my body before I put on black cargo pants and an anime hoodie. I dried my hair, letting it hang free this time. It didn't look too girly, so that was enough for me.
    I left, making sure that every trace of my woman hood was swept away under baggy clothes. I didn't feel like driving, and it was only a few blocks to the bar, so I decided to walk. I needed to break my shoes in anyways. The sun was starting to set behind the clouds, and night was beginning to fall over the city. Most people, especially women, would be scared, but after being in the military for four years, I was confident some dope head with a knife, would not be the end of me.
    I heard the group before I saw them. I shook my head, opening the door. They raised thier glasses, cheering when they saw me. Everyone except Ghost who just stared. His eyes burned through me, and for a moment I wondered if I forgot to bind all the way or something. I sat down beside him, his eyes following me the whole time, "You're looking at me like I got a dick hanging from my forehead."
     "I didn't know you had that much hair." He said, taking a sip of his drink.
     "Ha! Did I finally pull the wool over the eyes of the infamous Ghost?" I playfully elbowed him in the side.
     He rolled his eyes, and Konig sat down next ot me. I turned to him, 'dabbing him up'. "Hey Konig, what you up to?"
     He put his arms around my shoulder and pulled me close, pointing to some generic blonde chick at the end of the bar sipping on a grey goose martini. I cringed behind the mask, don't tell me Konig has a type. "Oni, you see that frau over there?"
     I could smell the liquor on his breath, It had taken me an hour and a half to get here, and he was already hammered, "The blonde one? No thanks." I put my hand up.
      "No, the Asian bartender. I tried taking to her, but she don't seem to really understand me, go hit her up for me. You speak Chinese don't you?"
He smiled, still pointing.
     You swatted his hand down, "First of all you drunkard, I'm Japanese, and she is Korean. Neither of us speak chinese. Secondly, she probably understands you, you're just too slammed to make a coherent sentence." I waved my hand in front of my face, "How many drinks have you had."
     "Same as Ghost."
    I pushed Konig back, "Okay, well Ghost probably drinks away his sorrows, and look at those sad puppy dog eyes, he has a lot of sorrows. You are the biggest lightweight i've seen. Go drink a glass of water."  I looked over to see Ghost glaring at me. I smiled shrugging my shoulders. "Don't take that personally."
    The night went on, and it was filled with more banter from the team. You tried your hardest to fit in, but the more sake you drank, the more out of place you felt. The room began to feel more hot to you, so before long, I had taken my hoodie off to reveal a thin, plain black, long sleeved shirt on. You had a couple cups of sake, and you were a bit buzzed, enjoying the atmosphere.
    To tease Price back for the years ago he harassed you in this same bar, you strolled over, sitting in his lap, and running your hand down his face. The other guys began to laugh. You never understood how very open, homosexual acts could make them laugh so hard, they choked on their own tongues, but you didn't care. This is what being a boy entailed. You had to be a complete dumbass.
    You got up, excusing yourself to the bathroom, praying it was empty. Thank god it was. You rushed to the stall next to the urinals, seeing as how it was the only one in order. I jerked my pants down, slamming my butt on the toilet. That sake ran through me quickly, and I was pissing like a racehorse. A sigh of relief left my lips when I finally let it out.
    The door swung open and a pair of boots stumbled in. You heard a burp, and realized Konig had stumbled in here. You finished up, and opened the stall door. Thank god, I had that mask on, because when I left the stall, Konig was standing there with his dick out. A blush spread across my face at the sight. Konig was hung like a fucking horse. He made no attempt to conceal the thing. He was uncircumcised, but that don't matter when his dick looks like it would split me in half.
    He caught me staring, "You look like you have never seen a dick before. Don't get gay all of a sudden."
     You rolled your eyes, "Please, like I would get turned on by a guy who wears a fucking trash bag over his head. You're probably ugly anyways."
       He put his dick back in his pants, zipping them, "Is that why you wear the mask? I bet your one ugly hosensheiße underneath that mask." He stumbled forward, pointing a finger.
     He tripped over his shoelace, falling into your arms. He was fucking heavy, and it was taking everything in my power to not drop his drunk ass, "Jesus, your fucking heavy."
    "Sorry, that's just my ~burp~ huge cock." He put his arms on either side of my body, and pushed himself up using me as a prop. He picked up my mask and held it out to me, "oh shit you dropped this."
     I didn't even know that I dropped it, and shock flooded through my body when I saw the red, chipped painting. I didn't put anything on under it to conceal my face, I felt no need to, boy was I wrong for that.
    Konig's face dropped before his eyes went wide. They looked like they would pop out of his skull and roll onto the ground. You flinched, putting your arms on the counter. Your face alone was so painfully feminine, that no matter how much you bound everything else, those long lashes, full cheeks, and plump lips gave it away. You looked up at him through your lashes, "You better not tell the others. Konig I swear to god, I will tell every one about the time you was smoking at my place and sold your feet pics for pocket money." You threatened.
    He held his hands out in front of him, "Okay, Okay, I won't, but it will take more than bribery to buy my silence."
    He moved closer to you, pressing his body against mine, "W-What do you have in mind?" I closed my eyes as I felt his breath snake down my neck.
    He began twirling a lock of my hair, "A Blowjob. Suck me off, and I might think about keeping your little secret."
    I pushed his body off me. He was drunk enough, that it didn't take all that much to shove him back. Konig is usually way more controlled than this, but the copious amounts of liquor in his system has him unraveling. "Just a blowjob? Nothing more?"
    He shook his head. I sighed, silently agreeing by getting on my knees and unbuckling his belt. It was nothing to suck some dick in order to guard my most precious secret. It's not like I haven't given head before. I lifted his shirt, seeing a trail of hair that went down his stomach. My mouth watered at the sight of ripped abs and the smell of his body made me want to bite him.
     I pulled the belt out of the buckle, and I unzipped his pants. I traced his v-line with the tip of my finger, a shiver ran down his spine. He growled under his mask. "du machst dich über mich lustig" (You tease me)
    You cocked your head, not understanding his german, but finding it sexy that he has reverted back to his most basic instinct. I finally got enough courage to pull down his boxers. It almost hit you in the face when it sprang up, freed from it's prison. I knew I couldn't take all of it at once, but I was still really excited to see what I could do. He had minimum hair, giving me a clear view of everything.
     You parted your full lips, looking ups at him through your eyelashes. He stared at you with intensity as he saw his own cock disappear behind that velvet face that you had. He put a hand lovingly on the side of your head, as you took what you could, stopping about half way. He shook his head, disapproving of your decision to stop, " I think you can take more, Bärchen." You shook your head, trying to look at him pleadingly, "Do you need my help?" He stroked down the side of your face, your caramel eyes, pleading for his mercy.
    He put both hands on either side of your head. You slammed your eyes, knowing what he was about to do. He chuckled, "Eyes on me, Hase. I will be gentle." He slammed his cock to the back of your throat. The precum lubricated it, allowing it to slip further down with ease. You gagged, feeling tears prick up in your eyes. He slipped out, allowing you air. "Take your clothes off, I want to see your body."
    "I thought this was just a blowjob? Why do I need to get naked?" You asked, hoping he hadn't changed his mind. it was one thing to give head, another to actually fuck.
    " I would come quicker if you were naked. Don't you want to get this over with sooner?" I nodded, taking off my shirt. I averted my eyes when he began to pump himself. "Look at me. I want to see those eyes."
     You gave a whimper of protest, but abliged anyways. The army had you so used to doing what you were told. Your bare body now lay on the wet bathroom counter. You slid off, getting back onto the floor, you took his cock into your tiny hands. Putting the weeping tip in your mouth, you swirled over the small slit that settled on top.
    He threw his head back, "Scheiße!" He howled. His whole body shuddered. You took his cock deeper into your mouth, adjusting slowly. Inch by inch you felt his thick cock slip past your throat and press against it's insides. You gagged, just so he could feel your throat tightening around him. He moaned, spewing german nonsense from his lips. He was so close, and you was ready for this to be over with.
    That was until the door swung open, and you saw Ghost walk in. He stopped, staring at you. Your cover had been blown again, and this time in the worst way imaginable: you in between Konig's legs, taking his dick like the whore you were. Ghost widened his eyes, seeing the scene, "Bloody hell Konig, where did you find a prostitue?"
     I pulled back, ready to fire off, saying how I wasn't a prostitute, but right as I began to slide off, Konig, slammed my head back down, "She isn't a prostitue, but she was desperate." He looked down to you. You could see the smirk in his eyes. That damn bastard.
    "How desperate? I came in here looking for you and Oni, but I guess you have been occupied...Wait!" His eyes went even wider as he realized the tiny woman that clutched Konig's thighs with mascara running down her face was the same guy that once killed forty men with a single knife. "You mean he was a girl this whole time?"
     I choked on his cock, causing a shiver to go down his spine. Konig noded. There was no use in hiding it, Ghost had already put two and two together. You pulled of his dick with a pop, "M'sorry for lying. There was no way 141 would take me seriously as an asian female. You all would have sexualized me for no reason!" you shot a spiteful glance to konig as he rubbed the back of his neck chuckling.
     Ghost stalked closer, "I see your point, but if you don't want repercussions, I suggest you give me a good reason not to turn you in." He looked stern. You could see the betrayal in his eyes. The person he shared so many personal thought and moments with turned out to be lying to hims about the biggest thing: who they really were.
    You put your hands up to beg, but Konig cut you off, "I think she needs to be punished." He said to Ghost, sarcasm and lust lacing his voice.
     "Your right Konig, and good news is you get to help me. Turn the bird's head my way." Konig put his big hands on the sides of your hand and turned you towards Ghost. He walked closer, tugging his pants from his waist, revealing his half hard cock. You widened your eyes, because where Konig had all the lenght for days, Ghost was girthy as fuck. Not to say he didn't have length, but it was no where near Konig.
    Konig directed your precum stained tongue to the twitching cock in front of you. 'You didn't know how to feel about taking your lieutenant down your  throat, but the thought of being kicked off the team sucked worse. You thought about the effects of your actions and how something as harmless as lying about your gender could get you dishonorably dishonorably discharged.
    Ghost pressed his tip against your lower lip, "Quite the dick sucking lips innit?"
    Konig, pressed his masked face to the crook of your neck, "You hear that schatzi? How do we thank the lieutenant for complimenting you?"
You wrapped your lips around his cock, hearing him groan. "Good girl, that's the spirit." Konig said, giving a light slap to your ass.
     You moaned, sending vibrations up Ghost's dick. He decided to take it upon himself and slowly inch his way down your throat. He could feel the walls of your cheek suckle him, trying to milk him of his cum. He reached your tight little throat, pushing his way past. You gagged around him, feeling tears prick in your eyes from gagging.
    The feeling of your throat flexing around his cock made him ache for your sweet sweet heaven between your legs. Konig kept his hands on your head, pulling your head back and forth onto Ghost's cock with a nice pace. Ghost had moved his hand to wrap slightly around your neck, relishing the sight of your throat bobbing with the thickness of his cock. "I wonder what's between this lassie's legs? Maybe we should take her home and try her out?"
    You shook your head in protest. Konig had promised this would only be a simple Blowjob, but Ghost hadn't. All he said was that he intended on punishing you. You gagged more on his thick cock, and when your lungs began to burn, you pulled back. A string of precum hung between your tongue and the red, weeping tip that was held in front of you. You looked up to Ghost with pleading eyes, "Please don't."
     "Why is that? Afraid we will break you?" He held her chin in his hand, stroking his dick right by her face.
    "Yes actually, please!" You begged, "Look, I've given head before, and I have even touched another guy. I've done just about everything but actual sex."
      Konig pulled your hair back to meet his eyes, "So we got ourselves something to break in huh? Don't worry Hase, we won't be too rough." He released your hair.
     "I'm a soldier dammit! Why are you doing this?" You crossed your arms.
     Ghost pried your mouth open, aiming the head of his cock at your pretty pink tongue, "You're quite dishy when your being disobedient. I might keep you personally." You could see the amusement in his eyes.
    You were too busy focusing on those dreamy brown eyes to see the ropes of cum splattering onto your face. You closed your eyes, opening your mouth. Both men gave a chuckle at your surprise.
    You felt their hands withdraw from your body, and you clutched yourself, covering up your bare body. Cum dripped down your face and onto your bare breast. Konig handed you a paper towel, "You might want to clean yourself up. We decided to take you back to your place and have some fun~" He smirked.
     Slowly you got off your feet and began to dress yourself. Your knees had prints in them from sitting on the tiled floor for so long. Your joints cracked and popped from the weight of you lifting yourself off the floor. You timidlycleaned yourself off and put your mask on.
     The boys walked you out, waving to the rest of 141, "I'm driving Konig and Oni home, they had too much to drink." Ghost said, grabbing his keys and heading out the door.
    You kept your head down, still ashamed of what was to come next. You never thought you would sleep with a superior, but here you were about to have a threesome with not just your Lieutenant, but a member of another team.   Where was your pride and dignity?
    Ghost clicked his keys, and the headlights of a truck began to light up across the parkinglot. The sleek, white finish had you a little jealous, but when you saw it had no backseats you looked at Ghost, "How will we all fit?"
    "The middle seat folds up, your small enough to sit there." He opened the door and helped you climb inside. You watched Konig climb in, ducking his head to fit his massive body into the truck. You locked eyes with him, and hurriedly turned away to look at Ghost.
     He was also trying to fit his massive body in the truck. When they finished settling in, you found yourself wedged between two giant men, and you found your mind wandering to dirty places. You wanted to be sandwiched between them while they filled your insides. You began to whimper to yourself.
     Konig reached over, taking your mask off, and grabbing your chin, "What's wrong little maus?"
    You blushed making eye contact with him, "Please." You begged, not really knowing what you wanted specifically, but knowing that you wanted something.
     Konig looked at you intensely, his gaze piercing you, making you whimper even more. You began to rub your legs together to do something about the burning that you created by having such sinful thoughts. His eyes followed your shaking figure all the way down to your crotch, watching your legs grind against each other. His eyes widened, "You want me to touch you maus?"
    You pouted, nodding. You didn't care that you looked pathetic right now, begging for a man to touch your pussy, you only cared about getting that feeling to go away.
     Konig unzipped your pants, sliding his hands down to your crotch. He stroked your slit through your cotton panties, hissing when he felt how wet you were. You clung to his arm, watching his hand move under the fabric of your pants. He pulled your panties aside, and began to slide his finger between your lips, spreading your wetness over your whole body. You threw your head back, moaning.
    Konig slipped a finger in you, relishing how tight your walls are. Your head snapped up, wide eyed as more choked moans fled your lips. Konig pumped his finger in and out of your slick cunt, feeling it suck his thick digits in with every thrust. It made obscene noises the whole drive.
     You felt another hand join. Looking over, you saw Ghost with one hand on the wheel, watching the road intently as his other hand found your clit. He stroked it in big circles, making sure you felt it everytime his finger dragged across each nerve. You could swear he had a smirk on his face as you threw you head back, feeling the overwhelming pleasure from being played with.
     You felt the car stop, looking up, you saw Ghost lean over, switching hands, he bagn to stroke your face, "That's a good little slut. Just sit there and feel good while we do all the work. Let the men do their jobs." He purred into your ear while your moans and hisses filled the truck.
    Konig leaned into your other ear, making sure you can feel his hot breath snake down your neck. He picked up his pace, adding another finger. You flexed your legs at the stretch, mewling over the two men simultaneously finger fucking your whining pussy. Konig purred in your ear, "So eine Kissenprinzessin. so eine hübsche kleine Schwanzhure." Such a pillow princess. Pretty little cock whore.
    Your eyes rolled in the back of your head as you felt your lower body grow hot. You arched your back as your orgasm hit you like a steam hammer. You opened your mouth only for strangled noises to escape. Your body felt like it was being pulled apart, and you loved it.
    Konig watched you ride out your orgasm with dark eyes. You could almost see the dark fantasies he had about you playing through his mind. If it felt better than this, then you would fulfill his darkest fantasy. You held eyes as he slipped his fingers from you and placed them in his mouth, licking them. He pulled them out with a pop, telling you how good you taste.
     Your legs were shaking. They felt like jelly. Ghost opened the door, offering you his hand. You took it, allowing him to pull you into his arms bridal style. You clung to his grey shirt, burying your head into his chest, enjoying his scent. He tossed Konig the keys, and he unlocked the door. You anticipated what was to come next. Would they carry you to the bedroom, or would they simply fuck you right here in the living room while you were sandwiched between them. 
     Ghost walked over to the couch, setting you down. Your legs shook, and you whined from the lack of contact. You reached down to your sopping cunt, trying to play with yourself in hopes of relieving some of the pressure in your body, but you had never done it manually. You made enough money to afford toys, so you never learned how to do it by hand. You looked down between your legs with a defeated look on your face. 
     You felt a presence behind you, and a hand snaked between your legs. You could smell the alcohol on his breath, " Does the lass not know how to touch herself? That much of a princess?" He sank his finger into your wetness, watching as you tilted your head back and rested it on your shoulder. Your mouth stretched open as did your pussy as Ghost slid two finger deep inside of you. "Good little bird. Come on sunshine, mewl for me." He continued to whisper in your ear as your legs clamped around his thick arms. You felt os small compared to him in so many ways. That turned you on, just imagining your tiny body being pulverized by these two giant men...wait no. You were a soldier, and you needed to act like one instead of throwing yourself onto people like this. If they were the enemy, you would already be dead. 
    Would death really be that bad if you got to feel every inch of an Austrian and a brit going in and out of you? You hoped it would ill you to be split in half over them. To be juiced like an orange on their dicks. Your mouth began to water at the thoughts of what they would do to your bodies if they had the chance to. You felt your legs being spread apart. You were snapped out of your daydream, seeing bright blue eyes resting beneath you. 
     Konig pulled your pants off, swatting away Ghost's hand while he spread your lips apart with his fingers. He took in the sight before him, " Heilige shieß, so klien und perfekt." (Holy shit so small and perfect.) He said, running a finger up your slit. You let out a cry of pleasure not caring about your dignity anymore. Konig began to kiss your thighs through his mask, trailing up your leg, stopping right before the thing you wanted him to kiss the most. He looked up at you, "Willst du, dass Daddy dich auswärts isst? bitte darum Prinzessin." (Do you want daddy to eat you out? Beg for it princess.)
     You didn't understand german that much, only what Konig had took the time for in the past, but you knew what he wanted. He wanted you beg. "Please Konig." You took a moment to mentally put together a sentence with what german you know, "Bitte Konig. Fick mich. Ich mich aus!" (Please Konig. Fuck me. Eat me out!) You screamed, just wanting contact from him. He was the one that got you into this mess, he might as well make it worth your while. 
     Konig's eyes perked up at your german. You saw the surprise fade into primal, animalistic lust. Part of you felt scared of the look on his face, but the other parts were begging him to eat you out with fervor. He lifted his mask up slightly, showing his pink lips. You caught a glimpse of him licking his lips before he rested the bottom of his hood on the crevice between your stomach and pussy. 
    He huffed on your clit, teasing you with his breath. You whimpered under his touch when you felt his tongue go down on your swollen clit. He worked in so many different patterns. He went in circles, and then he switched, going up and down. You felt like you would pass out from the feeling. It was too much to feel his wet muscle glide over your small clit. It felt like your ovaries would tie in a knot from this. Your holy body felt alive. 
    Ghost was beginning to feel jealous of all the attention Konig was giving you. He walked around the couch, sitting down beside you. He slid his pants off watching Konig go to town on you. He wanted to dip his tongue inside you just as much. He tapped Konig on the shoulder, "Oi, move to that side, and we will tag team her. Punish her real nice." You could see the smirk under his mask. 
    Konig moved over, focusing his tongue on one side of your clit while Ghost got on his knees and pulled his mask up. You felt his tongue next. It flew over your slick folds, and your hips bucked, pushing their faces deeper into your cunt. You wanted to take their masked faces and slam them into your pussy, rubbing their faces in it like dogs. They made this mess anyways, and their skilled tongues were next to make a mess. 
     Your body slid down into the couch, but perked up when they both slid a finger each into your tight hole. Your back arched, causing you to scream. They picked up their pace, aroused by your screams. You leaned forward, caressing their head, muttering in Japanese as they feasted upon your body. 
     The knot in your stomach was getting tighter, and you couldn't tell if it was from the extreme fingering or the cunnilingus. All you knew was that you was slowly inching closer to sweet release. You wanted it so bad, and much like them, face deep in your whining cunt, you could taste it. It was that close. Sparks began to form behind your eyelids like a lit firework, and as they took off you could feel that spike, that climb. You were ready for the mind numbing orgasm, but right as they were to explode, they stopped. 
    You opened your eyes, glaring at the two men. They pulled back. You saw ghost stick his finger in his mouth, pulling it out with a pop. His eyes rolled back at your rich flavor. Konig licked his lips, and swiped tow fingers up your cunt. He held the digits up to your mouth. You didn't need him to tell you as you leaned forward, wrapping your puffy lips around his soaked fingers. You bobbed your head up and down, making eye contact. Konig grabbed your chin with his other hand, "You just want me to fucking ruin that needy little whore hole of yours don't you?"
    You pulled off his fingers, "Please do. I want my tight little body to be abused tonight. Make me regret lying to you!" You cried, wanting them to get this show on the road. 
    Ghost grabbed you by the legs pulling you against him, "That's all you needed to say." He leaned close, lining his dick with your entrance. You could feel him breathing on your collar bone, sending shivers down your spine. His breaths formed words, "I'm going to make you my cumdumpster." He stated as he rammed his thick cock all the way into you. You screamed feeling the stretch happen so suddenly. He held your hips as you leaned back over the arm of the couch. The stretch was intense. You wee afraid to straighten your back, thinking that it would snap. 
    "Cup your tits together Schatzi." Konig spoke, stroking your sensitive nipples. You brought your hands up, pushing your boobs together. Konig took his precum soaked dick and slid it between your tits. His lubed up dick sliding through with ease. He put his hand on his back as he thrusted. He cupped her mouth forcing it open, "Open wide for me pretty." He slid his balls in your mouth as he tit fucked you. 
    You felt like their little slut. It made you smile a bit. The two most feared men on 141 and KorTac was making your their little fuck toy. You were positive that the socks they jerked off into as teenagers got more respect than you in this moment, and that was fine. You were in the army, it was nothing for you to get yelled at and degraded. Honestly its half the reason you joined: to hear men tell you how fucking pitiful you are. 
     You would be as pitiful as you needed to be for them. You hoped they fucked you out of pity. You hoped that everytime their thick, heavy balls slapped against your sopping pussy, they felt so sorry that they fucked you harder. 
    All your pride and dignity had flown out the window. 
     You felt Koing withdraw, "Ghost. Let me have a turn inside of her."
     "Alright, I was about to cum anyways." He pulled out, watching a string of juices follow. Koing walked around, eyeing his prey. His deep oceanic eyes, stalked you from your spot. You began to whimper as you watched him lurk around the couch, his hard cock being pumped by his equally as big fist. You were scared to have him inside of you, but you needed it so bad. 
     He grabbed your legs, pressing them together tightly. You placed your hand over your mouth, whimpering as you felt the tip probe your wet hole, and gradually it pushed it. You could feel the weight of him pressing against you from just the tip.  Your eyes rolled into the back of your head when you felt the stretch he supplied you with. Gods it was fucking beautiful.
     "Like a bitch in heat." You heard Ghost say, his caramel eyes, looking at you with predator intent.  He took you hair in his hands, almost petting you as he watched Konig disapear in you just to resurface again. Each time, drawing a moan from your lips in the most begging way. His string of broken German made you want to cry. You could'nt tell what he was saying, but you knew it was so dirty that even Satan would have to plug his ears to this.
     Ghost sat there, lightly tugging on your hair as your eyes rolled into the back of your head. Your mouth hung agape, and you didn't even try to stop the noises that left your lips. You felt Ghost tug your head back by your hair. You closed you eyes, when you felt his tip probe your cheek. You welcomed it. He slipped in, using the juice he picked up off you earlier to lube up his journey down your throat. Your body stiffened. You felt so full. You wanted to always feel like this.
     You felt so nice being used and abused by these two big men. You could do this all night, just having them fuck you like some sock they would toss behind their beds after a quick wank. The way their bodies pressed against you like a slutty little Chinese finger trap made you want to cream that very instant. It was so good and they were so heavy against your tiny body. 
      Ghost was slowly slipping his tip in and out of your throat, liking how your throat flexed around him as you gagged on it. The girth bringing  you to heaven. He dragged it in and out slowly, before deciding you were ready for the full effect of it. He put his hand on your throat and clamped down, tightening the already snug space in your throat. 
     You let out a moan and a gag as your body tensed up causing you to clamp around Konig. You could feel his thrust grow sloppier inside of you, and neither of them had a condom. You wondered if they would fill you or cum on you like some cheap whore. You didn't know which part had you more excited. 
     Konig leaned his body over you, and he began swirling his tongue over your nipples, feeling the roughness of the hard peaks on his tongue. You moaned with Ghost in your mouth. You loved being filled to your hearts content, and you wished it would never end, that they would fuck you like their little cum dumpster for the rest of their big, burly lives. 
     Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as another orgasm hit you like a freight train. Your body shook with fervor as you felt your heat pulse with ecstasy. Your small frame trembled under their grip as you opened your mouth letting out a scream. Ghost pulled out of you, holding you from under your arms. Konig drilled into you as you came all over his lengthy cock. 
     Ghost leaned in petting you, "Right there baby, right there. When you get done cumming like a good little slut, I'll go back in, and me and ol' konig here will tag team you." He planted kisses on your temple, felling your body shake with every wave of euphoria that washed over you. It felt like it would never end, but soon your trembles died down and you could breath again. 
     That was until you felt a tip probe your sopping whole from behind. You shook your head trying to say you wasn't ready, but he pushed past, stretching out your body so well. You were ruined now, and hoped that maybe this is a forever thing now, because no other man could ever want you after this. These two big men just ravaged your body and there was no turning back now. You were forever sealed to these men. 
     They pumped in and out rhythmically. When Konig pulled out, Ghost pushed in. You were never empty of them. Ghost held you from the back while you wrapped your legs around Konig, feeling as they tugged you back and forth like a saw on their dicks.  You let out so many screams and moans. Your throat felt dry and you just wanted some water, but the only thing that seemed wet at the moment was your cunt that was weeping onto the men holding you. 
      You felt like you were going to explode everywhere, all over their throbbing hard ons. You couldn't keep quiet and Konig had to clamp his hand over your mouth. You looked at him wide eyed as it turned you on so much to be dominated, deprived  like this. He leaned in closer where his blue eyes met yours, "Can you still breathe liebling?"
     You nodded not being able to breathe. He gave you a curt nod before resting his forehead on yours. You were starting to feel tired and wore out. You came all you could, yet again and again they rung orgasm after orgasm out of you. You felt dried up and used. You gripped the part of konigs mask on each side of his head while Ghost buried his face in the side of your neck, placing hickeys up and down the side as he drilled his hot cock into your tiny pussy. 
     Konig pulled his mask up to a little above the tip of his nose, and locked lips with you. He had tiny beads of sweat on his upper lip, and a stubble had begun to grow in. You could feel his long hair on your shoulders. You broke from the kiss to moan. You felt a firm hand slap your ass, and looked back to meet eyes with Ghost. "Keep going, I'm almost there. be a good girl and I will finish in you." You moaned at the thought " You like that? You like the thought of me filling you with my hot, wet cum? I bet you want it dripping out of you and onto my couch? I'd let you ruin my couch with your weeping cunt. I bet you feel honored." You shook your head violently. 
     Konig jerked your head around to meet him, "Enough of him hase. Look at me, I can fill you more. You want my Austrian babies? Oh I bet they will look cute with those lips of yours. I will take you back to Germany with me. C'mon. I bet you would rather have this huge cock ramming into you every night. That british asshole can't fuck you like I can."
     Ghost rolled his eyes, "I have more experience with women. I know what make you tick. What makes you cum," He reached around to rub your clit in circles. 
     Konig began palming your nipples, "You don't want a depressing guy like him. You can't get anywhere with him. He doesn't exist to the government, but me? We can live and go places."
     "Who do you want to cum inside baby, just tell us. We won't be mad. Whose babies do you want to have?" Ghost cooed into the nape of your neck.
     "B-both..." You stammered out cautiously. 
You felt a slap on your ass, "Good girl." Konig pulled you close, "Let us both cum in you and play baby roulette. I bet you will look so good swollen with my german babies." HE began to pump faster inside of you.  
     "Don't listen to him (y/n) think of my little brunette babies with their chocolate eyes and your high cheekbones, we would practically raise models." He breathed into your neck as he began to hammer your hole. 
     "Oh fuck~I'm cumming~ fuck!" You shouted as you felt your walls give and pump hot cum onto their balls. Your body went limp as you shook in their arms. You were ready to be filled with their babies. You wanted it so bad.
     They got closer, sandwiching you between them tightly. Their bullying cocks pumped so fast they were sweating and panting. Finally after enduring the feeling if being rammed into so tastily, you felt Ghost bite your neck as he emptied his balls deep in your womb.
     Konig was soon to follow with his string of german curses. As they both emptied their seed inside of you, the spilled, catching their breath. They pulled out of you, hearing you whimper from not being full as you were used to being for so long.
     They laid you down on the couch while Ghost petted your hair and Konig left to get something to clean up. "Shhh, its ok. Its over now. Just relax in my arms princess." He pouted as you shook from everything.
     Konig returned a moment later and began to wipe you down, throwing his shirt at you to put on. You started to get up, but he stopped you, "Dont stand liebling. We don't want anything to seep out. Where do you need to go, I can carry."
     Your voice came out small and hushed, "I want a bed to sleep in please. I'm so tired."
     Konig turned to Ghost. He pointed down the hall, "Put her in my room, she can sleep there tonight. You can sleep on the other side and we can stick her in the middle."
    Your brain was cumdrunk and you couldn't think straight. To think you were once feared by many just for you to lay there in a tshirt, rubbing your sleepy eyes, "cuddles?"
    He cupped both sides of your face, bringing your eyes to meet his, "Yes, luv, cuddles all night. We don't have anywhere to be tomorrow, so we can sleep in."
     You gave a sleepy smile as Konig wrapped his arms around you, carrying youback to the room where he laid you in the middle of the bed. " If he lets me I'll steal his kitchen to make us some breakfast." He kissed you on your forehead.
     You closed your eyes to drift off to sleep as you felt them climb into bed and wrap their arms around you as you allowed your body to finally rest. To think you fucked a dead guy and a German.
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The Senator from Montana
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CHAPTER ELEVEN: The Best Of Montana
Featuring Sen. Jon Tester
My name is Russell Teague and my companion Sam Morgan are Montana's ambassadors for the Young Gay Montanians program, and we've the trek all the way to DC to share our essays and ideas about helping gay montanians. Both Sam and I had a thing for older men so we decided to take up our senior senator from Montana, Jon Tester's open invitation to stop by his office for any Montanans visiting the nation's capital. I really hoped we would hit it off, even though I knew nothing would happen, I was still getting randy just in anticipation. Finally, after meeting his receptionist, there he was with a warm smile on his face and a strong handshake.
Damn, he sexy man for his age, not fitting the modern profile of the Senate, sporting a flat-top haircut, big bellied (which I didn't mind on a man), six feet tall and pushing 300+ pounds. My cock twitched immediately as we sat in his office and made the usual “how was the trip?” type of conversation before talking about our program. During our discussion, his eyes would often meet mine. I began to notice his entrancing eyes, and I would find myself admiring his 66-year-old figure. His ill fitting suit, scuffed black boots, his callused, seven-fingered hands, his a direct manner, the way he addressed us with our last names and his repeatedly swearing, all I found oddly appealing.
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During our conversation, we talked about everything from school to life in general. He told us about his 1,800-acre organic farm that he and his wife, Sharla, work together. With that being said, I suspected he might be interested when he said he had always had a strong fancy for men, but had kept that side of his nature fairly latent until he got to D. C. and he was now discovering the delight of good M2M friendships and sex. After admitting that, our conversation turned into how Sam and I would satisfy him if I got him into my bed.
Sen. Tester flashes a big grin, and without missing a beat, asked, "Have you two ever done two guys before?"
Both of us simultaneously answered, "Yes."
All of us were getting interested and I could feel my juices building as I blurted, "Are  you interested?"
"Yes, as long as we all have fun. And kept it between us."
A feral smile arose on me as we anxiously agreed and stood up in front of the senator. Both of were semi hard as Sen. Tester locked eyes onto the slight of the bulges in our pants. Sam had a lovely fairly thick 7” cut cock, while mine just scrapes by at 8” slim and uncut.
"Oh, I guess I'm in fucking trouble now, seeing I have the two of you to deal with..." Sen. Tester said as I dropped to my knees in front of him.
Sen. Tester spread his legs as I began rubbing up and down his thighs while Sam removed his tie followed by unbuttoned his shirt to reveal his chest and ample belly. Both of us started to explore the senator's body with our hands, rubbing and caressing every part of him. Sam was lightly caressing the flesh of his man tits while I grinned up at the two of them, raking my hands along the upper slopes of Jon's thighs as he parted his legs even more. On the next pass I unbuckled his belt followed by reaching down and pulling off his boots. Jon ran his hands through my hair as I grabbed the legs of his pants and began to pull them off. Jon put his hands on the arms of the chair and lifted up so I could get them all the way off.
Noticing his beefy calves on his smooth legs, I ran my hands over them, enjoying every curve before pushing my face into Jon's boxer shorts and began massaging his cock with his mouth through the shorts. He shuddered in pleasure as I took in his musky smell. Sam was enjoying himself too, nipping at the lobe and ran the tip of his tongue along the crease of the senator's ear. Both of us heard the senator let out a deep breath and when he released it, it was followed up by a long, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"  
Sam moved to the other side and gave his neck and ear the same treatment as his hands circled around Jon's thick body and closed around his firm, pert tits. He used his fingertips to tease and tug at his stiffening nipples. And the more Sam nibbled at his flesh and teased his tits, cause Jon's legs drifted even further apart, offering his ultimate treasure for me to feast upon. I was encouraged when I felt him shiver and release a long groan, "Ohhhhhhhhhh yesssssssss, suck my fucking cock!"
Quickly, I put my fingers in his shorts and slowly slid them off his legs as I kissed Jon's tubby tummy. I was rewarded with a pretty decent cock. It was about 6 inches, thick, veiny and most importantly, hard. I lowered my head and inhaled Jon's intoxicating scent before licking it from the bottom of his shaft to the tip as he shuddered in pleasure. Then I put my mouth over his throbbing cock and began to suck the senator off. I could feel the veins on his cock as my lips glided up and down. His salty precum hit my tongue and I looked up at him.
Jon let out a gasp, but it was cut off as he and Sam's lips met. It was a gentle kiss at first as they relished in the heat of their mouths on each other. Sam's hands clapped down harder on Jon's heaving chest and his lips parted. His tongue moved past his and met his tongue in her mouth. Jon returned Sam's kiss with the same intensity. He arched his back and released another groan as my hands slid beneath him and clutched at his ass so I could take him deeper.
Sam immediately resumed playing with the senator's nipples as I bobbed up and down Jon's cock. I was spurred on by his louder, more vocal sounds escaping from his throat. The smell of musk and sex filled my senses and it was intoxicating. His hands gripped my shoulders as if he wanted me to stop, but I wanted it. I wanted his cum. I wanted his satisfaction. He thrusted his hip as he could no longer hold it in anymore.
Suddenly Jon grabbed me by the hair and fired his load down my throat and with his loud groan I had finished him off. I doubled my efforts as I continued sucking his cock and drank down all he could expel. Jon couldn't take it any longer and he pushed my head as hard as he could; breaking the vacuum I had created.
"Give a guy a chance to recuperate, I'm game, but I need a tiny break." He groaned.
Sam chuckled and said, "I want some of that Russ."
"Wait a fucking minute or two. I'm not letting anyone get back down there until I get some feeling back in my legs! Holy Fuck Teague, that was fucking fantastic, truly fantastic." Jon said shaking his head as he tried sitting up.
"My pleasure, senator!" I said as I the few drops of cum that escape my mouth.
"If the two of you are adamant about continuing this, I'd much rather do it somewhere more private. I'm not a person who likes to put on a show; heaven knows you two already did."
After getting dressed, we made our way separately to Sen. Tester's Capitol Hill townhouse he rents for "meetings" like this when his wife is in D.C.. By the time we got to Jon’s townhouse, he was ready and waiting. Once in, I made the first move, leaning in to kiss him.
"Maybe we should take this to the bedroom."  Jon said as he led us to his bed room.
Jon's burly body was too resisting, so I kissed again. Quickly, he started unbuttoning my shirt, unzipping my pants, and basically tearing my clothes off as he moved his tongue around inside my mouth. As my clothes fell to the floor, I pulled his pants down, unleashing his mammoth dick and balls. It was at full staff as Sam and I admired it. And just as I was about to get my hands on it, Sen. Tester quickly sat on the bed, drew my erect cock towards him. He smiled when he felt my cock twitch in his fist before taking a a deep breath and parting his lips, wrapped them around the huge head and locked his lips tightly around my quivering shaft.
"Oh Sen. Tester..." I moaned as , Jon grabbed hold of my ass and clutching at it in his callus hands, pulled me towards him, taking him deeper into his mouth.
Jon wiggled his lips until they were pressing against my nut sack before gagging and pulling back quickly. I saw the excitement course through him as he bobbed up and down my cock. He looked up, saw the amazement on our faces and winked at us as he resumed focusing on me. I couldn't believe how lucky I was to have him milk me.
But I was being selfish, so I finally pulled my cock out of his mouth and turned his face to Sam's cock. He fed his cock to Jon, forcing his throat down deep on his cock. This married man was a ferocious cock hound. He couldn’t get enough of sucking cock as he went back and forth sucking our cocks.
Ready to take things to the next level, I took control and told Sen. Tester to get up on the bed on all fours, anticipating a cock up his ass. I quickly kneeled on the bed behind him with his ass up for me to reach. He stiffened when he suddenly felt my tongue tickling his puckered hole.  
"Fuck, boy." He said as I began probing the senator's asshole.
I stiffened my tongue and dipped in and out of his hole over and over again, making sure to get it properly lubricated. I was lucky my cock was still coated with Sen. Tester's saliva as I wasn't about to wait any longer than I have to fuck him. Feeling me getting into position behind him, Sen. Tester began swaying his ass from side to side in anticipation of getting fucked. It was like he was a matador waving his flag at me before I grabbed a hold of his wide hips and charged into him; spearing Jon with his one stiff horn. He was tight, but Jon was so wet, I slid in easily. I pulled back and forward a few times and as I did, I felt him relax and it slid in all the way to my swollen nuts.
Sen. Tester rolled his head from side to side. He'd been fucked before, but having my cock turned him on even more. His mouth dropped open as he drew in as much air into his lungs as possible. Then Jon straighten up his arms; allowing the incredible sensation of my cock to slide in and out of his supercharged ass.
"Get that fucking cock over here. I need you in my mouth while Teague finishes off in me."
Sam quickly position his crotch just before the senator's hanging head. Jon grabbed hold of his shaft in his fist, holding it at the base. He examined it and his mouth began to water, anticipating it in his mouth and throat as I picked up the pace. Just seeing what was about to occur, turned me on even more. I loved spitroasting a guy; having him nailed from both ends. I thrust into Jon harder, sending my swollen nuts slapping over and over again against his swollen hole.
As Jon closed his lips around my cock, he let out a groan, finally having both of our cocks in him at the same time. Sam to fuck the senator's mouth as he watched me fuck him from behind. I could tell he was impressed with the senator as he watched his big, lush body take both cocks in him at the same time. He caressed his cheek before saying, "You are one hellava cock sucker Sen. Tester."
"You can say that again. I nearly lost it a couple times, but now, this, having him as he sucks you, I'm not gonna last long." I said as I slapped his ass lightly.
Hearing this, Jon spread his legs out wide and arched his spine, trying to make me grind over and over against his aching ass. The three of us created a passion circuit without any means for it to escape; it just grew stronger and hotter. I thought I was the luckiest man alive as Sen. Tester buck his hips, meeting my urgent thrusts while sucking on Sam's cock even harder.
"Oh you fucking bastard! Yes, just like that! Ahhhhhh Fuckkkkkkkk! Fuck me, fuck me hard, I need you to fill my ass with your cum!" Jon growled out after tearing his mouth off Sam's cock.
I lost it, hearing the senator say what he did, especially knowing what a powerful man he was. I lost it and began bathing his ass with my hot cum as I clutched at his ample hips.
Just then, the dam gave way and a strong orgasm ripped through Jon, causing him to release his load beneath him. It also caused him to doubled his efforts on Sam. Tightened fist and opening his mouth, he swallowed all that was visible above his fist. Sam threw back his head as I wasn't the only one turned on by the senator's obscene vocals. He was so close and watching me fill him with my load and watching Jon lose it, so did he. He grabbed hold of his head and pushed it downward as he began to send blast after blast of his hot cum down his throat and into his belly.
Jon began to cough and gag as he pulled away and was rewarded with a face full of hot cum. It clung to his cheek and ran across his and down his neck. Sen. Tester was now having both of us cumming on and in him at the same time. My thrusts begin to weaken as I shivered from the aftermath of one of my greatest day, sexually, I've ever experienced.
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laylaackles · 8 months
Supermassive (MOC Dean Smut)
Warnings: rough sex, smut, hair pulling, choking, mark of Cain Dean.
Song is: Supermassive Black Hole by Muse.
Ooh baby, don't you know I suffer?
Ooh baby, can you hear me moan?
You caught me under false pretenses
How long before you let me go?
Two weeks ago, Dean was given the Mark of Cain. Two weeks ago, he became a completely different person. He became cold, distant, and just plain rude. He didn't mean to. He couldn't control it.
You set my soul alight
You set my soul alight
Dean shut you out, even though you just wanted to be there for him. After all, you've been dating him for three years. He told you he didn't want to scare you. He didn't want to do anything to hurt you.
Glaciers melting in the dead of night (ooh)
And the superstars sucked into the supermassive (you set my soul alight)
Glaciers melting in the dead of night
And the superstars sucked into the (you set my soul)
(Into the supermassive)
Tonight, you had had enough. You begged Dean to let you in. You wanted him to open up to you about how he was feeling. Or to at least give you some attention. And now, you find yourself here.
I thought I was a fool for no one
Ooh baby, I'm a fool for you
You're the queen of the superficial
And how long before you tell the truth?
Dean had enough of your begging and decided to give you the attention you wanted. It wasn't normal for you guys to go so long without having sex. So that was how he was going to give you attention.
You set my soul alight
You set my soul alight
Dean's hand is wrapped around your throat. Your back is pressed to his chest, and his cock is pounding into you relentlessly. His hand on your throat is squeezing a little tighter than it usually does, but you don't mind one bit. If him using your body like this is how you get him to open up to you, then so be it.
Glaciers melting in the dead of night (ooh)
And the superstars sucked into the supermassive (you set my soul alight)
Glaciers melting in the dead of night
And the superstars sucked into the (you set my soul)
(Into the supermassive)
Dean let go of your throat and pushed you down so you were positioned on your hands and knees. You loved the way he was tossing you around. Dean isn't always the rough and dominant type in bed. But you love it when he is.
Supermassive black hole
Supermassive black hole
Supermassive black hole
Supermassive black hole
"You're doing so good." He said.
His words surprised you. That was the first thing he's said since he finally gave in earlier.
Glaciers melting in the dead of night
And the superstars sucked into the supermassive
Glaciers melting in the dead of night
And the superstars sucked into the supermassive
Glaciers melting in the dead of night (ooh)
And the superstars sucked into the supermassive (you set my soul alight)
Glaciers melting in the dead of night
And the superstars sucked into the (you set my soul)
(Into the supermassive)
Dean wrapped your hair around one of his hands and used it to pull you up once again.
"Your pussy was fucking made for me. You were made for me." He said.
Dean's cock was throbbing as he pounded into your clenching pussy over and over again. He's so fucking good at this. He has ruined you for all men.
In one quick motion, Dean flipped you, so you were lying on your back staring up at him.
"Wanna see your face when you cum on my cock." He said.
Supermassive black hole
Supermassive black hole
Supermassive black hole
Supermassive black hole
With a final thrust, you and Dean came at the same time. When he pulled out, he laid his head on your chest, listening to your heartbeat.
You combed your fingers through his hair as he laid there.
"I'm sorry for being an asshole." Was all he said before the two of you drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.
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shiesan · 1 year
You at First Sip - Banzoin Hakka x Reader
You At First Sip - A Banzoin Hakka x Reader Fic. by shiesan.
Gender Neutral Reader x Banzoin Hakka
- just fluff, but there is a bit of swearing
(this fic is dedicated to one of my good friends, kana. Fuck you.)
I never proofread, I’m sorry. But ! I did my best.
It was a normal day in the land of Xenokuni. The streets were as lively as ever since spring has sprung. It’s usually this time of year when the citizens of Xenokuni love walking around the main town as it’s filled with flowers of all kinds.
Ah~ what a nice day to be outside
You’ve been stuck in your room catching up on work deadlines for weeks. It’s refreshing getting a breath of fresh air. You go down the streets to find your recent favorite coffee shop, Café Vanguard. It opened a couple of months ago and ever since then you’ve been going there almost every other day, well, at least when you’re not swamped with deadlines.
The bell chimes as you open the door and the familiar smell of roasted coffee beans fills your nose. You quickly search for the owner, with whom you’ve become quite acquainted, Josuiji Shinri. Shinri has been such a delight to be with! When times are slow he’d often chat with you and give you a pastry since you’re a regular. He acts like the kind and cool uncle you’re excited to meet at family gatherings.
But much to your surprise a different person mans the counter, someone you haven’t met before. He’s not too tall with beautiful purple hair. He doesn’t notice you come in as he’s screaming at Bettel, one of Shinri’s employees like he’s pissed off because of something. This makes you giggle a bit, he looks cute when he’s angry. You like his clothes and try to pick apart the details of his outfit, ‘He looks so stylish’ you think to yourself.
You don’t know how long it's been since you’ve been standing at the entrance but it’s been long enough for Shinri to call you over. “Y/n!” Shinri calls. “I haven’t seen you in weeks.” He said with a smile. You hurriedly place your belongings on one of the tables near the counter and walk up to Shinri. “Hi, Shin! Yeah, I know, work has been really rough and I barely had enough time to get myself groceries these past few weeks. But after working my ass off they’ll leave me alone for a few weeks, well I hope.” you say.
Whilst you and Shinri catch up, on the other side of the café chaos occurs. “Bettel, where the fuck did you put the opened carton of Almond milk?!” Shouts the purple man, Banzoin Hakka is his name. Shinri’s newest employee whom he hired a week after you started not coming to the store, which explains why you’ve never seen him before. 
“I don’t fucking know, Hakka! I already told you my last order needed *Oat* Milk. Not fucking Almond Milk. I did not touch that shit!” An angry Gavis Bettel replies.
“If you guys don’t stop arguing like a married couple I will personally ask Shinri to make you guys delivery men!” Shouts Flayon as he enters the front of the shop. You catch his eye.
“OOooh~ Y/n! Nice to see you again!” He walks up to you and gives you a small hug.
“Flay! Nice to see you too! Deliveries getting busier eh?” You smile at him.
“Yeah! It’s gotten more tiring but at least most people tip great!” He says.
Hakka and Bettel’s attention drifts toward you. 
Is the only word running through Hakka’s mind. You’re just his type. And Bettel knows this, so as to attempt pissing off the exorcist even further Bettel says “Dibs on manning the register for them” with a sly smile on his face.
Hakka, who is appalled, raises an eyebrow. “Excuse me? Get your ass back to cleaning tables. It’s *my* turn.” He looks at you excitedly. Hakka notices how cute you look while Flay and Shinri are talking to you. ‘Damn what a smile’ he thinks as he dreamily looks at you, head resting on his chin and all. 
Soon your convo with Shin and Flay ends and you walk towards the counter. “Fuck” Hakka whispers to himself as you slowly walk to the counter and he struggles to make himself presentable.
“Hi!” you greet him with a smile. Holy shit is this cashier cute. You think to yourself.
“Hi~ Welcome to Café Vanguard! May I take your order?” Hakka greats you happily.
“Yeah, Hakka, I’ll have the hazelnut latte and an egg tart please.” You say with a smile.
Hakka sweats profusely, ‘how the fuck did they know my name?’ he thinks.
“Will that be all?” He manages to muster up. 
“Uhm, does your number happen to be on the menu?” You cheekily say while mentally digging yourself a grave and praying to the universe that they make your exit a painless one.
A small blush appears on Hakka’s face but he’s quick to recover, “u-uhm. Not for everyone, but for you I guess I can make an exception. That’ll be $5.60 in total” He smiles ‘What the actual fuck, Hakka’ He thinks to himself.
You hand him your money, “Great! You’ll just bring the order to my table right?” You smile at him.
“Y-yeah!” He smiles nervously. You notice a certain funny man behind Hakka,
“Oh! Bettel! How have you been doing?” You ask him. “Y/n! Been great! But I need to go back to the kitchen, take care of our little boy here for me ha? He’s a bit shy” Bettel says as he walks closer and puts a hand on Hakka’s shoulder.
“Okay, roger that.” You chuckle and give him a fake salute. “Well,” you turn your attention to Hakka who looks a bit more nervous, “I’ll be waiting over there.” you point to the table where your belongings are at. “Don’t forget the secret menu item that I ordered.” You tell him with a wink.
“Well, how could I forget something that someone as dazzling as you has ordered? Only the best service you~” He says and winks. With a light chuckle you walk to your table.
When he was out of your sight Hakka immediately turned to Bettel. “What the fuck man! You didn’t tell me you knew them! What was that fucking dibs for then?”
Bettel laughs. “Oh don’t get your bird briefs in a twist. Just a little payback for blaming me for the disappearance of the Almond Milk.” Bettel smirks and adds, “But hey, seems like they like you though, aren’t ya happy?” 
“IT SEEMS LIKE THEY DO! Did you see that Bettel, they *winked* at me. They even called me Hakka. How’d they know my name?!” Hakka says excitedly. 
“Yeah they like you but they didn’t fucking do a background check on you dumbass. You have a namecard? Hello??” Bettel says and heads into the kitchen.
“Oh yeah.” Hakka says in defeat. But that won’t get him down. You’re clearly interested in him! It shows!! He quickly assembles your order and prepares to bring it to you, making sure to look out if there are any other customers that he needs to tend to before he goes to flirt with you.
“You can go take a break, Hakka. I’ll be here at the counter for a bit” Shinri smiles at Hakka and winks. 
“Thanks, Shin. You’re the best” Hakka smiles and fixes his hair before walking to you.
“A hazelnut coffee, egg tart, my number, and the cutest and coolest exorcist in Xenokuni for the wonderful Y/N” He says as he places the items on the table one by one, apart from him of course.
You chuckle, “I don’t remember ordering the last thing on the menu.” You say as you reach for your coffee and take a sip.
Hakka smiles and watched you take a sip and enjoy the cup of coffee that he made. “Well, it's an ongoing promo for cute customers like you.” He winks and rests his chin on the palm of his hand. 
A slight blush appears on your face. “Oh yeah? Hmm.. Nice to know I’m special. Do I get to know more about this ‘Cutest and Coolest’ exorcist in all of Xenokuni’?” You say. 
Hakka chuckles and you guys talk for a solid 15 minutes. The rest of the boys gather at the counter and silently watch you both flirt back and forth. They found it cute that their little birbo finally found someone he likes, it was rare to see Hakka like this. They’re even happier that Hakka likes such a nice person like you, who they consider a close friend.
Shinri notices a big group of customers about to enter the shop and quickly calls Hakka over. “Hakka! Break time is over” He says.
“O-okay!” He shouts back at Shinri and quickly looks at you. ”Y/n, I had a really nice talk with you today and, only if you’d like, I’d like it for us to talk on another day. A date…maybe?” He looks you in the eye with a faint blush covering his cheeks.
“Sure.” You grab a tissue and write down your number. “Text me.” You say as you grab your stuff and wave goodbye to Hakka and the other guys.
Hakka waves back with the biggest smile on his face.
“He is so whipped for them.” Says Flayon.
“Yep. You could say it was love at first sip.” Bettel adds.
A chuckle emerges from Shinri, “O-kay everyone, back to work.” 
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA finally finished it! Hope you guys enjoyed it!
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skyechaser · 7 months
Bumbleby Bike Gang AU Part 1/?
The bar was usually quiet on tuesdays. Just the regulars showing up for their drinks and the eventual college idiots getting into shenanigans. Nothing seemed to indicate that this night was going to be any different. She couldn't be more wrong. Yang had owned the place, Ember, for about two years and she enjoyed her work a lot. She liked making drinks and talking to people. The blonde had some of the best stories to tell at parties and sometimes she could even give some well received advice.
It was almost two in the morning when she heard the roars. It was like a pack of wild bears was screaming directly into her ears. When they stopped they were replaced by voices. Then the door was thrown open and what could only be described as a gang entered her bar. There were around twenty five people, mostly men, in matching leather jackets. They all had the same logo on the back: the profile of a wolf like creature and the words "The White Fang".
I hope they don't cause me any trouble Yang thought to herself as they all sat sat down, making significant noise in the process. One of her waitresses, Nora, approached them to take their orders and the blonde held her breath, hoping the group would behave. After a couple of hours and many beers, the gang was starting to get on her nerves. Specially since some of them had made some stupid comments at Nora as she brought them their drinks. She had come pretty close to throwing them out but they were paying very good tips and her waitress said not to worry.
"I'm sorry for the disturbance" a soft voice said, very close to her. She turned her head to see a girl, around her own age, sitting in front of her. She had been so focused on the group she hadn't even noticed her approaching. She had amber eyes and black hair and something about her made it feel like they had already met.
"Its okay" a lie "I've had worst" a truth.
"Could I have a Coke, please?" the girl asked.
"Had enough to drink for the night?" Yang replied as she got what the other one requested.
"Oh, no" she replied "I don't drink" she smiled. Yang's heart skipped a beat. There was something about this girl but she couldn't wrap her finger around it yet.
"I'm Yang. What's your name?" she asked boldly.
"I'm Blake" the other one replied.
"How long have you been riding with these guys?"
"All my life" Blake answered "My parents founded the group"
"That's a long time to be on the road. Are they here?" Yang questioned as she looked at the clearly drunk group sitting not so far away from them.
"They left a while back" the black haired girl said, not understanding herself why she was telling her whole life story.
"And you stayed?"
"They seem like an interesting group" Yang said, trying to break the tension.
"They can be... A lot to handle but I'm used to them by now"
"Excuse me if this offends you in any way but you do not seem like the biker gang type girl"
"None taken. I'm more low profile than the rest of our group. I'd rather stay and read a good book than get into trouble" Blake said.
"Any good reads you can recommend?" Yang asked and the other girl's eyes lit up like a child's in Christmas morning. They talked for what seemed hours about books, bar stories and family. Yang told her about her little sister Ruby and how she was studying to become a veterinarian. Blake, on the other hand, told her about all the places she had been in during her travels. Their conversation was cut short by the sound of breaking glass.
"I got it!" Nora said as she walked towards the table, her eyes visibly tired but her pockets full.
"Do they get into trouble often?" the blonde asked.
"It depends on Adam's mood mostly. He's our current leader"
"Blake!" a red haired man yelped drunkly "Come over here, love!"
"That's him. I gotta go. It was really nice talking to you, Yang" she smiled again and the blonde was finally able to realize what the deal was. She liked Blake. Everything about her was charming and enticing. It had been a while since she had liked someone so it didn't surprise her that she had missed the signs.
She watched Blake walking away and that's when she saw it. On her lower back she had a tattoo that read "Property of the White Fang".
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yaesnovels · 2 years
Hello! Not sure if I am doing this correctly but I'd like to request a fluff of the Genshin men (specifically Zhonglo, Xiao, Ayato, and Al-Haitham, and Diluc) comforting s/o who got harrassed at work.
I received a very disgusting and creepy comment bordering sexual harrassment but was told it was not a big deal amd have been very stressed and sick. I just want a big hug from my Genshin husbands and ignore that the world exists for a bit. 🥲
– calm & comfortable
a/n: hey anon! i'm sorry u went through this :( please know that it is definitely a big deal if it made you feel this way, and i hope this made you feel a little better <3
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– xiao ! 
absolutely unsure how to help you, when you tell him about your bad day at work after you called for him. no matter if you tell him details or not, he just sits silently next to you, subconsciously and gently pulling you in closer, head on his lap, brushing through your hair with his fingers as he listens to your soft, slow breaths when you slowly drift off to sleep, comfortable with your lover’s sweet, comforting touches. 
– zhongli ! 
being the one who comes home way earlier home than you from work, he made his mission to spoil you after your long days at work, cooking, running you a bath. but once you tell him about the guy at work making you absolutely uncomfortable, he makes it his mission to spoil you much more than usual; bringing you a tablet with your dinner to bed right before he goes ahead and runs you your bath with those sweet smelling scents and this time, for a change, he joins you, sitting behind you as he softly comforts you from this horrible day. 
– ayato ! 
he wasn’t someone who was going to let his beautiful girlfriend feel bad because of someone from his own commission. so the moment he makes you finally cave and tell him you felt disgusted by comments coming from someone who works for him, he was absolutely angry. 
how could you hide something like that from him? but once he calmed down and realized he shouldn’t put out his anger on you but the prick from his commission. he makes sure that the man is no longer employed while he has you in his arms, hugging you and whispering sweet nothings into your ear. 
– alhaitham !
alhaitham never was the type to comfort anyone close to him – he simply just never knew how it worked and now he was just reading his book while you were ranting about someone who bothered you at the akademiya. at first glance it would appear that he wasn’t paying any attention but your boyfriend was extremely attentive – despite not showing it directly. 
being the acting grand sage for now, he made sure to find out who was bothering you and silently make sure they wouldn’t be able to do so anymore <3 
– diluc !
definitely not the type to let things slide – especially when you feel uncomfortable right under his sight because of someone who was working for him in the winery. keyword, was working, because diluc immediately fired them as well as spoil you with your favorite meals – well, adelinde had prepared them for you – and he was spoiling you rotten with gifts and your favorite flowers. 
he’d do everything just to see you smile beautifully again for him <3
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moonxmagix · 1 year
A Room Full of Silence
A/N: Hey !! This is not what I usually post so I apologize. I really wanted to write about my feelings of these past few weeks/months. It was such a in the moment story, and was able to get it done in maybe 30 minutes max. Enjoy !
There I sat on the edge of my bed, in the deafening silence of my dimly lit room. It wasn’t clean by any means, clothes scattered, makeup taking up space on my vanity, posters hanging on the wall, some beginning to peel away from aging tape. 
I sighed while taking a bite of the donut that was bought for me at the end of the night. Another date, failed. I spent so much time getting ready and dedicating myself to this one person, ignoring anyone who dared to talk to me. Thinking anything would come from it. 
If they saw your room, that disinterest would only worsen between us I thought to myself. I got up  still in my uncomfortable date clothes tidying up my room. I normally would change as soon as I got home due to my sensory issues but I felt too numb. My body is almost trying to savor the moments of the night. 
Clothes were put away, put in the laundry, makeup was organized neatly in draws, posters hung up with new tape, plants were watered. I felt accomplished in my work, I checked the time to see it hit 1AM. My date clothes were put in the wash while I put on my t-shirt that sported my comfort character and pajama bottoms. 
My comfort character could never hurt me, they’d be perfect for me. Right? I thought to myself. 
I turned the lights off, my fairylights casting a faint glow making it hard but not impossible to see in my room. I took my glasses off and  reached for my phone, no messages or new notifications. I sighed, not even a “Hope you got home safe!” text. 
I went and searched for the content of my favorite character. Giggles filled the room as my infatuation grew deeper. I decided to check my dating apps and swipe. Finding a few men I thought weren’t too bad. 
My alarms blared and I hesitantly arose from my coffin. I did nothing but rot there anyway. I went about my morning and decided to check my dating apps. One guy in particular caught my eye, long brown hair, dead sleepy eyes, skinny, almost dead, just my type I thought. We clicked instantly and our energies bounced off perfectly against one another. 
After spending a week talking we decided to meet up at my place for a movie night and some takeout. We matched even better in person, calling me beautiful, telling me how he liked my stretch marks and how they complimented me perfectly. Unable to keep his hands off me for a second, whining when I had to get up even a couple seconds. 
I knew this person was different, there was a special bond between us. He left that night and his smell lingered on my pillows, smiling from the joy of another person's touch. But that feeling soon changed, my lips tightened, my nose burned, and tears welled in my eyes. 
The second time we hung out, not even a date which is fine I guess. I’ll make an exception for him. Do I dare bring it up? Oh god no, you don’t wanna seem desperate do you? Let him make the moves. 
There he stood at my door, dressed in sweatpants and a band t-shirt. Similar to something I’d wear, I talked to him about my sensory issues and he understood surprisingly enough and said he related to me. It was such a sigh of relief not having to explain yourself and the way you acted. 
He left again that night, smiling and giggling, smelling, showering, and then crying. At least he told me he had a good night, right?
This is the third time he’s coming over! Maybe I’ll dress up a little more, maybe then he’ll ask me. Right? We cuddled, watched movies, talked about the stuff we love and dream about, we laughed until he spoke, “Just so you know, I’m not looking for anything serious,” my face drops. 
The energy shifted and he knew that. “I’m sorry, I should’ve told you sooner. We can still do this though with just no strings attached,” he said, trying to sound remorseful. I just nodded, clenching my jaw to stop myself from crying. “Yeah,” is all I could say, choking back tears. 
The rest of the night was tense, not much touching went on. Conversation was dim and held no substance. What did I do wrong? My apartment was clean. My makeup was done up nicely, not too heavy but not too light. Did I say something? Is it because of how I look? 
“It’s getting late, I should go,” he said, his words uncomfortable and awkward. I led him to the door, not even taking him fully out like I would usually do. Not a “goodnight”, not a “I’ll see you again”, not a “I had fun”. Just an odd, uncomfortable smile and wave. 
I shut the door and locked it, the sounds of the horror movie we were watching filled the room. The screaming and pleading of the victims were comforting to me this particular night. Is it because they were suffering along with me? 
I sat at the edge of my bed and sighed. Looking at my disheveled room, I didn't think it could get this messy this quick. The dissociation kicked in, there I sat frozen in place for hours. Unable to do anything with myself.
I pushed myself back into bed, clothes remained scattered scarcely along the floor, posters remained un-taped, food scraps and garbage remained on my nightstand, plants remained unwatered. 
But the next one will be different, right?
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therecordchanger62279 · 2 months
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Something from the archive. This is the first of three pieces I wrote about attending the Montgomery County Book Fair. It's something I did every November for years until they moved from the fairgrounds to another location.
One of the things I most look forward to each year is the annual Book Fair held at the Montgomery County Fairgrounds the second weekend of November. I’ve attended the fair nearly every year since I moved to Dayton 24 years ago, and I always have a great time. This year was no different.
There’s something about the smell and the look of old books; books that have been read and reread; books that have been passed from generation to generation; books that have been loved and cherished. I like being around them. I love book fairs, and used bookstores, and libraries.
The annual book fair here is not only an opportunity to get some bargains, but it’s a great chance to people watch as well. There are tables set up throughout the gymnasium, each labeled a different topic with the books separated accordingly. If the tables weren’t labeled, though, you might still be able to tell which books were where simply by looking at the people gathered around them. For example, you’ll probably see pregnant women or women pushing strollers at the Parenting table or the Children’s Books table. The men dressed in button down shirts, and corduroys look like teachers and professors. You can find them perusing the Poetry and Philosophy tables. There are a lot of female senior citizens at the Mystery and Romance tables, while men of that generation can be found in History and Government (guilty – although I’m still a generation younger than most of them).
The tables with Vinyl Records or Video draw an array of different types. I didn’t have a lot of luck finding used LP’s today (though I did score a couple of things I was happy to get), but the company was interesting. There was a guy next to me that looked to be in his late 20’s wearing a surgical mask – presumably afraid of getting H1N1 from the rest of us. He was crowding me a bit so I coughed a couple of times, and saw the look of abject fear in his eyes as he took my hint and bolted. (He probably headed straight to Walgreens for a second shot before making his way to the emergency room at Miami Valley.) There was another guy with a flannel shirt, and suspenders, balding, but with long grey hair in the back looking at the rock records. He asked me who in the world would want Iron Butterfly’s In-A-Gada-Da-Vida album. I told him that my wife owned that LP and that I found it in her collection when I looked through it on our first date. It was there filed alongside a lot of Barry Manilow, John Denver, and Air Supply records. When I asked her how she happened to own that one, she told me she thought it was a birthday present, and she kind of liked the song when she heard it on the radio. The guy laughed and said, “I wonder if she was as happy with it when she found out the version on the album is almost 20 minutes long.” There were a couple of guys in their 30’s who were discussing the plethora of Dixieland and Big Band jazz records this year. (I didn’t want to disappoint them by telling them they were the same records you see there every year.) And there was a woman who was deliriously happy to find boxes of sheet music labeled “Hymnals”. From the way she was going on about it, you’d have thought Jesus himself was standing there handing them out to the crowd.
After I left the vinyl tables (where I picked up a Chick Corea LP, Leon Redbone’s debut album, Joan Baez’s Christmas album, and a copy of Louis Armstrong’s ‘Hello Dolly’ LP on Kapp in mono) I wandered around for awhile, visiting my usual haunts, going through my annual routine. I hit Philosophy, Plays, and Short Stories and then moved to Classics. Then I made my way over to Sports where I found not a single book about the Cleveland Indians or anyone else I cared about either. I had no luck with the Mysteries or Westerns either. But two tables of History and Government were calling my name. And it was there, largely, where I made my greatest contribution to the cause (in this case, Planned Parenthood).
While I’m disenchanted with the state of the country, and more so with the men and women who are in the process of running us aground (read presidents, vice presidents, senators, representatives, and all media) I still love my country and what I love even more is its rich and varied history. I’m also a student of politics and government, and I walked away from those tables with about a dozen books on various topics.
I love books about the period in which I grew up, but if you’re a student of history, you limit yourself to understanding it better if you restrict yourself to reading only the books written after the history was made. There are revisionist historians everywhere, and I’ve discovered that it’s beneficial to also read the books and texts that were written while the events were occurring because too often the details that better explain why the history came about are lost to the ages. Too many people write history books based on other history books without going back to the source of that history. That’s the lazy man’s way of doing it, and it does a disservice to readers. Anyway, I’ve been collecting books about Russian history because I got little of that in school, and I added a few more today. I also picked up a few books about the Kennedy administration – including a collection of speeches. I saw Kennedy on a DVD release of the old Jack Paar show not long before he was elected president, and was stunned to hear some of his policies. He sounded to me more like a hard-line conservative than the liberal Democrat he’s thought of being today. Which made me realize he might be a good subject of further study.  My best find at this table, however, was a collection of essays (vintage 1960’s) by one of my favorite writers, the late William F. Buckley, Jr. I have a number of his books, but this was one I’d not seen. And it made the entire trip worthwhile. Whatever disagreements I might have with Buckley, he was a brilliant writer, with a remarkable wit and sense of humor. And he is always a good read.
I also like biographies, and the People table had a few finds as well. I found a 1968 autobiography by Joan Baez, along with a book about Mayor Richard Daley of Chicago, and his entire political machine written by longtime Chicago newspaper columnist (and personal favorite of mine) Mike Royko. But the best find here was a biography of actor James Dean written by his best friend William Bast. I read a terrific bio of Dean when I was in my teens, and had searched for this book by Bast for years because I’d heard it was even better. Now I’ll find out for myself.
Sometimes I’ll even buy something I’ve already read, or already own simply because there may be a different edition with a better cover, or possibly something added to it, or maybe it’s a paperback edition or a nice hardcover copy. One of the first serious books I read as a young boy (I think I was 9 or 10) was Jim Bishop’s ‘The Day Lincoln Was Shot’. I bought a paperback copy of it a couple of years ago at the fair because I’d like to read it again. Believe it or not, it’s a real page-turner even though we all know how it ends. Anyway, today I found an edition that matched the one I had as a boy. What does sentiment cost? Just a buck, according to the inside first page.
I did break my usual habit of visiting the snack bar for a hot dog and a Pepsi before heading home. The tables were all full today, so I called the wife and offered to pick up lunch on the way home. When I checked out, the guy who bagged my books for me looked at the titles and asked, “History teacher or History buff?” I answered “Buff.” The woman behind him said, “That’s quite a collection of topics.” I smiled. I don’t mind being mistaken for an intellectual.
When I walked into the Subway to get lunch, I saw what I hope was a premonition. There at a table eating a sub, and reading a book on a beautiful autumn afternoon in November, was a man who looked to be in his 60’s, to my eyes, retired, and enjoying some time on his own. I thought, I hope that’ll be me once I’m able to retire. Because who has time to read all these books now? I’ve got a record player that’s warm all the time from always being on, a computer that taps me on the shoulder whenever I leave it for too long, and a job that’s necessary to earn me the money to buy all the books I hope to find the time to read once I retire. I can resolve to read more books now. Today! But the best intentions don’t always become reality.
So that was my trip to the book fair. I’ll play the records before the week is out. The books will be filed while I try to finish the two I have going on the coffee table at the moment. And then when I’m ready to read a new one, I’ll go into the small room where I keep them all, and I’ll pick one. Maybe it’ll be one I bought at this year’s fair. Or maybe one I bought at the ’89 fair. Or maybe one from ’96. Or…who knows? I’ve got a great library in there. Now all I need is all the time in the world.
© 2009
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sicito · 6 months
Daddy's Journal 020324
Previous journal entries: Daddy's journal 012724
February 1, 2024 Lake had text me early that morning to meet. I told her we could but got pulled into a quick conference call. I text soon as I was out. An hour went by. Then another. Then I went to lunch. By early afternoon still no word.
2024 will be my 7th year of banging Lake. Anyone following me long enough might remember. And for that reason, she has a long leash with a bloke. And just as well. I'd been thinking about Angel’s 😸 all morning and yesterday. Lake was priority...but Angel was where my lust was.  I liked how she let me run that kitty last time. So around 4pm I texted her. I barely put the phone down before she answered.
I told her I wanted to see her. She said she could but then tried to raise the price. We went back and forth for a half hour before we settled on our original amount. I jumped in the car and headed to the spot. Admittedly I was a little turned off. Lowkey wanted to cancel. I read somewhere girls get turned off when guys try to lowball or change the amount $$$. No different for Daddies. Changing and raising the price was the equivalent of a guy lowballing a woman. All that negotiating and pricing turn men off too.
I was still feeling some type of way when I pulled up to the hotel. It all changed 15 minutes later when I saw Angel walk into the room. I could feel the surge of passion in my loins as I watched that little body of hers. The little 5”1 Latina was wearing grey sweat pants, off white sport top that didn’t quite touch her tiny little waist and a navel piercing.  No makeup. Hair in a ponytail.  That negative energy quickly dissipated.
I went to the bathroom and dropped my pants so I can freshen up the boys. “Oh I wanted to tell you,” she said from the other room. “I’m going to Chicago this weekend. I’ll be gone for about 10 days.” I was like, “Glad I hit you up today. Maybe I can see you one more time before you leave. What day are you leaving?” “Probably Sunday,” she said.
I finished cleaning up and walked out. Angel was on the bed, naked with her legs tucked underneath. She looked like a present waiting to be unwrapped. Bartholomew jumped hard. She was kind of staring at it as we talked more about her upcoming trip.
I laid down on the bed. I wanted to see what that throat was like. She half climbed on top of me and started tonguing me down. I loved the Girlfriend experience. I was getting into it when she stopped and started kissing on my neck. Then worked here way down to my chest. Kissing on it and sucking on my breast. Then down to my stomach and then further down... Before I knew it Bart was in her mouth getting that sloppy toppy🍆💦 She stopped strategically and spit on him before returning to her work. The knowledge was strong with this one. She was smart. A genius even. She kept stopping and staring at it. Then slopping him up like a popsicle. Repeat...applying slober as needed. It was enough to drive a bloke insane. I was ready to explode but I couldn’t go out like that. I stopped her and told her it was my turn.
We switched and I slid  my tongue between her vulvae. She was fresh this time. My tongue found her clit and I went to licking it like a rabid animal. She put her hand on my head squeezed tight while I dined on that pretty muff. I grabbed her legs under her knees and pushed her legs back. Fuck it. I went down further and ate the groceries for a bit. Sometimes you just gotta freak these hoes down. Get them caught up.
I went back up to the clit and licked some more trying to make her cum. After several minutes it still hadn’t happened. Usually I would be patient...methodical until she got that nut. But babygirl had me going. I wanted to be inside of her.  I rose up, Bart hard off that vibranium I took earlier. As if she even needed to, she spit on her fingers and rubbed her kitty to prepare for entry. I slid right in. She was a little tight at first. I took my time with it...gentle...steady strokes to loosen her up. Soon I could feel her sugar walls relax.
She was ready. I plowed into that pussy like a jack hammer. I tried to knock the bottom out of it. Really I did. She took all of it too. That 😸was ready for war. Her eyes would open in disbelief as I got all in them guts. Hit that pelvic bone.  I was about to cum again but thought about them back shots from the last time. I flipped her over and slid in from the back for some canine. Last encounter she was down on her face, back arched. This time she was on all 4s preventing me from disrespecting her like last time.
It didn’t matter....the sight of my 🍆 going in and out, her wettness, made short work of me. I was doing all I could not to cum as I pounded her. She creamed the dick making me go even harder. After a few minutes I pulled out and sprayed boaw boaw boaw boaw boaw....all on her back. Young Nudy.
When I was done I sat back on my knees while she slid to the side of the bed and hopped off. “I’m going to clean myself,” she said. She disappeared into the bathroom and I laid down to enjoy the post nutt euphoria. When she came back I was at the sink doing my own hoe bath. She  told me more about her trip. She was going out to Chicago to dance at some club. Probably said the name but post nut had my brain foggy. We both got dressed and I slid the💲💲💰 in her purse as we hugged and kissed.
“I’ll try to see you again before you go,” I lied. She was like, “Cool. I’d love to see you before I go. ” At the door we hugged and kissed again before we step out.
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