#i told myself i was gonna go upstairs at 2:30am
fabulouslygaybean · 2 years
its 5am and i still can't fucking sleep
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sweetest-honeybee · 4 years
To Hell and Back
Chapter 26
Summary: Introducing....The Lord of Darkness.
Characters: Impulse, Keralis, Xisuma, Doc, Wels, The Lord of Darkness, Evil X, Hels
TW: A bit violent, this chapter
“Impulse get up, your turn.”
Groggily, Impulse turned over in his bed with a whine. “It’s 4 already?” He sat up slowly, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. When he took his hands away, Doc was already halfway flopped onto his bed snoring.
He snorted, but knew that the creeper was up for at least a day before he finally got some sleep. Impulse had a habit of sleeping in so he wasn’t in bed until nearly 2am, and now only having gotten 2 hours of sleep. Thankfully, he had one of the shorter shifts as did Keralis. Xisuma and Doc decided they would be the ones to keep the longer hours.
Tiredly, he threw his legs over the side of the bed and threw on his armor from his inventory. Grabbing his sword from beside the bed, he made his way out of the room and down the blinding white hall. Xisuma could at least put some concrete or honey in here too to not make it so harsh on the eyes but he couldn’t complain when there were more pressing matters.
However, Impulse wasn’t halfway down the hall before he heard shouting- no, screaming- from behind the piston door. Screaming Impulse’s name. Suddenly wide awake, he pulled the lever to the door, preparing for the worst. And boy, did the worst hit him.
The moment he opened the door, he was met with a red eyed stare, but not from Wels. The knight in question was sat up straight, wide eyed, but behind the chair stood a tall shadowy creature. It looked vaguely like a wither skeleton but draped in long black robes that faded into the floor seamlessly. Curled horns made their way from its head and before Impulse would react, large hands seemingly made of shadows quickly made their way to him.
They didn’t grab him. Instead, they shoved themselves inside him and it felt as if they were ripping at his organs. At first, he let out a spine chilling scream, but as the seconds passed, Wels took on a deadly glare and with the tilt of his head towards Impulse, the man fell to the floor.
Behind him, the three from the other room joined with their gear and swords ready. Though they hadn’t prepared themselves for what they saw. They thought it was just Wels lashing out again, probably escaped, but it wasn’t that. Easily, Wels broke through the chains on the chair with a mere tug of his limbs. The creature laughed, a howl of thunder ringing around the room.
“Who are you?!” Xisuma yelled. Nobody made a move to attack whatever it was just yet. Impulse was unconscious and Wels stood stock still just….staring. He wasn’t lashing out nor spitting snarky comments at them. Just red, slitted eyes, gazing at them blankly.
The creature spread his arms as if to show off himself and held his head high. “I am the Lord of Darkness, a creature of pure hatred and chaos, here to destroy your world once and for all.”
The Lord of Darkness….Where had Xisuma heard that from? Quickly his thoughts were shoved aside by a deep chuckle from his left.
“Well,” Doc began, taking a more crouched stance. “I can’t let you do that.” With that, he charged at The Lord of Darkness, but was swiftly caught by Wels. This time, Wels had a vice grip, not showing any signs of letting go.
“I can’t let you do that,” Wels parroted. His voice sounded as if there were four of him in the room. With no struggle, he ripped the trident from Doc’s grip and the creeper growled. Doc was easily a foot taller than Wels, how could this be?!
“Wels, take care of him for me.” The Lord of Darkness turned to Xisuma and Keralis. “And you two-“ It held up a hand, red particles emitting from it. “Can work for me.”
As the particles shot their way, both deflected them with their swords and made a run for it. They both felt incredibly awful about leaving Doc but what could they do? Kill Wels? Kill The Lord of Darkness? The two made a beeline upstairs and out of the base, throwing on their elytra and fumbling to pull out their rockets. Behind them, all they could hear was the growing thunderous cackle emitting from the ground, practically making the jungle trees shake.
“Ohhh that’s bad. That’s really bad,” Keralis worried. “What do we do now?!”
“Would you calm down?!” Xisuma snapped. “I don’t know yet but we need to find Evil X, he might know something about this. He’s mentioned something about The Lord of Darkness before.”
Keralis fell silent, not wanting to stress the admin further. Internally, however, he was terrified. He fired rockets like there was no tomorrow to get away from- from that. Whatever the Lord of Darkness was planning to do to the server, he could only wonder what Wels and Hels had to do with it. Maybe The Lord of Darkness was The Lord of Hels to some extent.
Was Evil Xisuma from Hels? Or lived there? Did he know The Lord of Darkness? Keralis thought up hundreds of questions within the minute they flew. He glanced at Xisuma, only just barely seeing his eyes through the tinted visor. In front of them, the sun was peeking on the horizon and the sky began turning a deep blue. While he could only see Xisuma’s eyes, his brows were quite obviously knitted together.
They circled Evil X’s base, not finding him, nor Hels, outside. Xisuma figured as much, since it was beginning to probably just pass 4:30am. They were presumably asleep. They landed on a decently made stone pathway leading to the front. Glancing at each other, they went inside, but stopped when their communicators buzzed.
Docm77 was slain by The Lord of Darkness
Their breaths hitched at the death message. They could only hope that their creeper friend was okay. At least he would respawn, despite it not it not being very favorable among the Hermits. Both Xisuma and Keralis kind of wondered what The Lord of Darkness did to kill him. Given the current events, it must’ve been torture of some kind and both of their stomachs twisted at the various ways it could’ve happened.
ImpulseSV was slain by The Lord of Darkness
“Oh jeez. I don’t like where this is going,” Xisuma muttered, pocketing his communicator. “Come on, we’re losing time.” He gestured for Keralis to follow, which he did.
Thankfully, both Hermits had been to Evil Xisuma’s base quite often with their close proximity. They knew the Ins and Outs of the place and had no problem descending the winding steps into the darkness below. With their frequent visits also came the knowledge that the darkness was only temporary to scare some people off if need be. Slowly, the light level lifted and they were back to sea lanterns and glowstone littering the walls randomly.
Their communicators were going off repeatedly and Keralis decided to check his while Xisuma led the way, vaguely listening to any minor comments from the admin.
<Stressmonster101> The lord of darkness?
<Tango> The lord of darkness?
<GoodTimesWithScar> Who’s the lord of darkness?
<Tango> Oh wait
<Tango> You guys ok?
More questions about The Lord of Darkness littered the chat, but Impulse, not Doc, had replied and that only worried him further. Nearly hitting a wall on their way down, he replied.
<Keralis> We’re fine but we’re going to the end to find evil xisuma
<Keralis> X said he probably has something to do with it
<Welsknight> I’m afraid they already have, Helsknight.
Keralis’s eyes widened at the texts and finally, they made it to the portal. Before they went in, however, he tugged on Xisuma’s shoulder, stopping the other. Trying to pull up the previous messages, the chat only became more clogged when other Hermits were trying to contact Wels.
“What is it?” X huffed.
“Hels said not to try to stop The Lord of Darkness and….Wels replied to the chat.”
With a raised brow, Xisuma looked at Keralis’s communicator. He frowned. “Well, the more reason to find them, but I’m still gonna help.” He turned to the portal and without hesitation, he jumped into it.
Keralis groaned at the other’s antics. He honestly was starting to grow wary of his friend, but it was just stress he supposed. Like he told himself for the tenth time that minute. The admin also didn’t get much sleep, he knew. If anything, Xisuma probably got an hour or two after handling a few different responsibilities with Doc.
He sighed. He wasn’t doing anything to help by standing here. Following after Xisuma, he jumped into the portal as well, feeling the familiar soft end stone beneath his feet. Looking around, he didn’t see Xisuma but with a closer look into the sky, he spotted the familiar red armor and flew up to that.
Evil X couldn’t be that far away could he? The man was made in The End, he thought. In the void at least. He probably knew his way around the place like the back of his hand. Keralis wondered how far out he’s gone before and how far he went yesterday. Probably much more than they’ve gone. They’ve gone a few thousand blocks out but if Keralis knew anything about Evil X, it was that he liked a lot of space when he wanted to be alone.
He caught up with Xisuma, flying alongside him, not really starting any conversation. The moment was too tense for a conversation in his opinion so he stayed silent. The admin had coordinates displayed on his visor, probably leading him to his brother.
And about twenty thousand blocks out south seemed to do the trick when they found an old broken down end city draped in cobwebs. Near it over the void was a floating ship and that was where Xisuma led them.
Landing on the back near the steering wheel, it was no surprise when they saw Evil X sat against the first mast at the front of the boat, some other legs sticking out behind him. Keralis applauded Xisuma silently, making a proud expression at him. Briefly, the corners of X’s eyes crinkled but that left as soon as he started walking over to Evil X.
The counterpart, on the other hand, shuffled away from Xisuma a bit fearfully, guarding what he just assumed was Hels behind him.
“I’m not mad at you. I need your help,” Xisuma stayed blankly. He peered around Ex. “What’s going on over there?”
Ex shifted to show Hels, who was quite obviously not looking very healthy. His skin looked greyer than it usually seemed. “Um….I don’t know….” At his response, the knight only gave Xisuma a pained expression.
“What happened to Wels while you were there,” asked Hels. He winced at a random surge of pain in his stomach. “What did The Lord say to you.”
Xisuma crouched to examine the knight but Ex pushed him away.
“You said you’re not cleaning up my messes.”
Xisuma shook his head, not having any of it. He kept trying to do so again and again but huffed when Ex kept him away from Hels. “Fine, this is your mess! What did you do to Hels, then?”
Ex huffed as well. “I don’t know but I’m figuring it out. The Lord is here because I kept failing at my tasks.”
“Same here,” Hels added.
Xisuma dragged a hand down his visor with a groan. He felt surrounded by idiots.
“Hold on, all of this is happening because of you?!” Keralis asked from behind the admin, growing more frustrated. The man couldn’t believe that his friend was suffering mind controlled rage all because Evil X was on the server and he would not stand for it.
The counterpart ducked his head. “....Yeah, but it was probably inevitable. Though, Wels isn’t the only one going through it.”
Ignoring Keralis’s anger, Xisuma pushed further. “Who else is going through it?”
Ex looked up, meeting his eyes. “You are, Xisuma.”
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Lost one sibling, gained four more; Queen x teen reader pt.2
*Author’s note*
Okay so here we go w/pt.2 now here is where we get to majority of the angst towards the middle and the end of the story. So I hope you all got your handkerchiefs out cause you’ll need them for this part. I’m sorry in advance for any heartbreak that I’ll cause but it ends with fluff, don’t worry. Enjoy my lovelies
"(Y/n). (Y/n)~ wake up sleeping beauty." I moaned and groggily opened my eyes to see Deacy smiling down at me. I felt his hand stroking my hair and I let out a soft yawn.
"Are we there yet?"
"We're just about to turn into the driveway right now." I heard Roger say. I got off Deacy's shoulder and as we finally arrived up at the studio I was surprised to see it was more like a barn than a recording studio. "This is it?" Roger asked.
"This is it boys and girl. Welcome to your new home for the next several weeks." Our driver parked the car and we all got out. I raised my arms stretching them out trying to wake myself up and all around me I saw nothing but miles of greenery, some animals out and about like cattle and chickens.
"It's pleasant. I think it'll do good." I said to myself.
"Oi intern! Make yourself useful and grab some of these bags." I heard Paul's nastily voice snap at me.
"Watch it Prenter. Less you wanna be thrown over the barn." Roger threatened him.
We were then given our rooms. Freddie of course got the biggest one, Rog's was quite comfortable looking, Brian had the rickety old bed, poor John was shoved down the basement in probably the smallest room in the whole house, then just before Paul could stick me down in the middle of the living room, Roger came down and said.
"Hang on, there's a spare room jointed with Freddie's. I think (y/n) should take that room."
"That won't do any good Roger, I've already called that room." Paul said.
"You sure you want that room Prenter? Because I just went in it and I saw this big, nasty, hairy spider about the size of a dinner plate. Not to mention the rat burrows I found in the drawers." At hearing Roger's tale, Paul's eyes widened and he said.
"Better yet, why don't you take that room lass?"
"Thanks you for understanding Prenter." Said Rog as he came over and wrapped an arm around me and brought me back upstairs.
"Please tell me there's no spider or rats." I whispered to him.
"Of course there's not. I just said that to jerk him off. You didn't really think I'd let you sleep in a room like that, did you?" He then opened the door to my room and it was fairly big in itself.
A beautiful wooden wardrobe with carvings of horses designed along the frame, a Victorian style dresser, a pretty big bed maybe a queen sized mattress and a joint bathroom.
"Plus I figured you deserve your own bathroom than having to share it amongst us men. Leave the fighting to us, no need to drag you into our morning squabbles of who gets the first morning shower." I set my stuff down and said.
"Thanks Rog."
"No need to thank me at all love, just hope you can handle Fred as a roommate."
"I managed while we were in Japan, didn't I?"
"That you did, well I'll leave you to unpack your things. Breakfast will be made in about an hour. Deacy's cooking today." I moaned already thinking of the delicious meal Deacy was going to prep for us. After unpacking my stuff, I lay down on the bed to test it and already I felt like I was on a heavenly cloud.
"Oh my god this bed is so comfortable." I turned towards the window and looked out to the green paradise that reached our far beyond the horizon. "God Kay, you should really see this view." I then grabbed my journal and did a quick sketch of the outside. The sky, clouds and even rays of sunlight peeking out. As I kept working, I soon heard Deacy's voice proclaim.
"Breakfast is ready!" I smiled and set my journal down and raced downstairs. "Well first one down, first one to be served. And also given something a little extra."
"Thanks Deacy." I thanked as he gave me extra cheese on toast and eggs.
"How come she gets extras?" exclaimed Paul. Deacy and I turned towards him and he said.
"I only give extras to first arrivals. And (y/n) here deserves every ounce of extra food because she alone appreciates my cooking."
"What are you talking about I appreciate your cooking Deacy darling!" Freddie proclaimed.
"Just last week you said my toast was too crispy for your liking."
"I was recovering from a hangover and I needed flavor, not dried up ash."
"Exactly my point Fred. Now everyone else come make your plate." We all then gathered around the table with me sitting between Brian and Freddie and Roger sitting across from me.
As the day went on, the boys went immediately to work after breakfast and tested out the recording studio across from the main house. They were all scattered around currently trying to come up with song ideas.
I was walking along outside to get some fresh air when I saw Roger bothering some of the chickens.
"I thought you were supposed to be working? Not bothering the livestock." He jolted before turning towards me and he said.
"I am working. In fact I've poured my heart and soul into this song."
"Oh really? And what song have you poured your very being into?"
"Come into the studio with me and I'll show you." He then guided me to the studio and went over to his drumkit and began playing his song to which he named "I'm in love with my car."
After he played it, I'll admit I was intrigued. It definitely had a good drum feel to it, because this was a song where the drums really got to shine and I haven't heard a song do that yet.
"How was that?" he asked me.
"It's......" I tried to find the right words on how I really felt.
"Please tell me you don't hate it. Cause I swear if you do I'll lock you in here till you say you love it."
"No, no Rog I don't hate it. I love the fact that it has a good drum feel to it. They really shine more than anything I've ever heard of from any rock and roller. It's just the lyrics.....Please tell me you don't actually want to have—"
"No! It's a metaphor (n/n). In fact Johnathan is inspiration to this."
"Wait Johnathan Harris, one of the roadies?"
"Yeah. He says that the current love of his life is his Triumph F4. So as appreciate for what he's done for us on the road, this song is for him."
"Ahh I see."
"So you—do like the song?" he asked almost insecurely. He stared at me with nervous baby blue eyes that made him look like a nervous puppy about to go to the vet. How could one say no to his face?
"I like it." A proud smile spread wide across his face as he came up and picked me up and spun me around.
"Oh thank you lovie. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!"
The next morning I woke up to the sound of an argument downstairs. I stood up and walked down the stairs to see Roger throw a few strips of bacon right at Brian.
"Is that strong enough?!" he then cleared the entire counter. Food, plates, the vase with some flowers and water all slammed right on the ground and broke into a million pieces. "What about that!?" he then reached for the coffee machine and was ready to smash it when Brian and Deacy exclaimed.
"What is going on here!?" I snapped. The three of them turned towards me and that's when they all began talking over each other. I rubbed my fingers to my temples immediately regretting even saying anything. "SHUT IT!!!" at that point they all went quiet.
"(Y/n), please tell me you didn't actually agree to a song like 'I'm in love with my car'." Brian pleaded with me.
"I did. I think the song has some potential. I mean yeah the lyrics are a little iffy but it's catchy." At that point John and Brian groaned out while Roger gave me a wink and a thumbs up.
"And to think I was gonna make you Veronica's special apple pie. But now I take that back." Deacy said.
"I thought you had good taste in music (y/n)."
"And she does. At least it's better than calling someone sweet like they're cheese."
As the day went on, we were now recording Freddie's song to which he's titled "Bohemian Rhapsody." I'll admit the lyrics made absolutely no sense whatsoever, but Freddie had a vision for the song and just hearing him sing and play the piano of how he wanted this song to be, made me begin to really like this song.
Right now Brian who had just had an idea for a guitar solo for this song, was in the studio recording what he had in mind. I'll admit it this'll probably be the first time a guitar solo is sung, and when people finally get a taste of this song, they'll probably be singing this for decades to come.
Weeks continued to pass by and we were still focused on Fred's song. But what was really going through my mind was that I hadn't heard from my mum since the second day we came here. I know I've been busy with the guys but I would've thought Paul being the message keeper, he would've at least told me if my mum had called.
But then again you should never trust a snake with secrets.
It was currently 2:30am when I kept tossing and turning in my sleep. I kept whimpering out as my breathing went ragged and heavy.
"No. No.....no Kay don't.....don't leave me."
"(Y/n). (Y/n) dear. Darling wake up!" I suddenly opened my eyes someone reached for my lamp and when the light came on, Freddie stood hovering over me. "It's okay, it's okay darling, you're okay."
"Freddie wha—what time is it?"
"2:30 darling, I could hear you whimpering from my room."
"Ahh shit I'm so sorry Fred I—I didn't mean to wake you up."
"No, no it's fine dear. Are you okay? It sounded like a pretty bad dream." He said as he stroked some hair out of my face. I sighed heavily.
"It's been over 3 weeks since I've talked to my mum. And just the last few times that I have called I got no answer from the house phone. Freddie I'm—I'm worried something's happened to Kay. What if—what if she's....."
"Hey, hey, hey no don't think like that darling. Come here." He sat down beside me and pulled me close so that my ear was pressed over his heart. "Don't automatically assume the worst dear."
"Then why haven't I gotten word from my mum yet?"
"I'll sort it out with Paul in the morning. For now try to get back to sleep, yeah?" I sniffled and nodded. I lowered myself back into bed and Freddie helped tucked me back in. "There we go darling. Snug as a cute bug in a rug." I hummed a chuckle and he smiled at me. "Stay here for a minute."
He then left my room for half a second before finally coming back in with a candle in one hand and his lighter in another. He set the candle by the nightstand and flicked his lighter on before lighting it up. He turned my light off, letting the candle be my only source of light.
"What is this Fred?"
"Something I used to do with Kash when she was a little girl before I went off to boarding school. While this candle is a light, they are the eyes that a brother leaves behind to guard his sister while she dreams at night. No nightmares would dare enter while this candle is lite."
"You promise?"
"I swear it." He smiled and brushed my bangs out of the way before placing a gentle and loving kiss at the center of my forehead. "Goodnight my little kitten."
"Night Freddie." He smiled and gave me one final kiss to each of my cheeks before walking out smiling softly and shutting the door. I kept my eyes on the candle as it flickered on an invisible breeze. I soon felt my eyes grow heavy as I fell back asleep.
Early the next morning, we were starting the Operatic section of Bohemian Rhapsody. Roger being the high range singer that he is, recorded his bits for the Galileo parts.
"How was that?" he asked.
"Freddie?" Deacy spoke trying to get Fred's attention as he stared at the meters.
"Higher." Freddie said. Roy rewind the tape as Deacy said to Roger.
"Can you go a bit higher?"
"If I go any higher, only dogs will hear me."
"Try." Said Fred.
"Freddie's note, sorry." Said Deacy.
"Go on, roll the tape." Sighed Roger. Then on take 24 Rog tried the Galileo's again, this time they were higher as he did grand arm gestures to help make his voice go higher. "How was that? Better?"
"Higher." Freddie bluntly demanded. Brian pointed up to the sky with his pen and Roger growled out.
"Jesus, how many more Galileo's do you want?"
"Freddie wants to do a few more overdubs." Deacy stated.
"Do we even have any tape left?" asked Roger.
"I do have to say the tape is wearing out. It can't take much more."
"Yeah we can't afford much more. What are we three weeks overscheduled?" questioned Brian as he wrote down some notes while I was drawing Roger in the studio.
Soon enough one more take turned into 9-10 takes before Fred was finally satisfied. The operatic session continued with the next line, Freddie who was pacing around said with a grin.
"That's it." After Roger was done singing Freddie continued, "It's beautiful. Love it!" with a clap of his hands, they continued on.
Now all four of them were in the booth going back and forth from the low ranges to the high for the Bismillah section.
The guys got into it so much especially at the final vocalization that by the time the rock out section came on, they were all bouncing up and down so much that they actually made the flats collapse backwards, barely missing some of their stuff.
Freddie and John came falling to the ground, while Rog and Bri were the ones responsible for knocking the two flats behind them down. I couldn't help but laugh myself as I knew this song was gonna change Queen's life forever.
"How was it (y/n) darling?" asked Freddie.
"I love it guys. It's perfect! This is gonna change the world forever." I said into the microphone and the guys all cheered.
Whoo what a rush! I thought we'd never get the song done. Guess being a perfectionist finally paid off, because as I've said repeatedly I truly believe "Bohemian Rhapsody" is gonna change the way of music forever.
Now with the song finally done and the guys taking a break for a bit, I decided to try and call my mum again to see how Kaylee is doing.
I typed in my home phone number and I heard it ring three times before my mum's voice said.
"Hey mummy."
"Yeah who'd you think it was Debbie Reynolds? I've......"
'(Y/n) I've been trying to call you repeatedly for weeks hadn't you gotten any of my messages?' her voice was frantic and cracking with sorrow.
"Whoa, whoa mum slow down. What's happened?"
'I've been calling you repeatedly nonstop. This man who answered said he'd relay my messages to you. But you never called me back, why didn't you call me back?!' Paul. Goddamn you Prenter!
"Mum I didn't get any messages. What's happened?"
'(Y/n)......it's Kaylee.'
"What about Kaylee is she alright?!"
'Oh sweetheart I'm so sorry......it just happened so suddenly, the doctors tried so hard to revive her but she—she died a week ago.' At this point I just froze.
No she—she couldn't have. Not Kaylee, not my best friend. She can't be dead, she can't be!
"(Y/n) dear! Come on out and party with us! We—darling?" I saw all four of the guys come in from outside and they must've seen the horrified shock on my face.
I could hear the faint sounds of my mum trying to get my attention but all I did was drop the phone and race upstairs. I slammed the door shut and leaned up against it.
My chest felt like it was being squished by a car as I could barely get a breath of air out. Then I guess I must've blacked out because all I could faintly hear was the sound of crashing, the faint feeling of my fist beating against a wall and just screaming. I don't know how long I was doing this but it wasn't until I felt the familiar arms of Roger wrap around me trying to get me to stop.
I ended up crying and screaming as I just collapsed into Roger's lap and wept hard and long.
I was now back in London ready to bid a final farewell to my sister at her funeral. I only just wish I could've said goodbye to her before she passed away. Since it was an open casket, my mum and I stood side by side of each other as we stared down at Kaylee before we would bury her.
"She loved you (y/n). I hope you realize that." Said my mum.
"I wish I got to say goodbye to her though."
"I know." She wrapped an arm around me and kissed the top of my head and rubbed my arm and back. She then left me alone with my sister. I stared down at her and it was like she was asleep, like our favorite Disney Princess Aurora. However I knew that not even true love's kiss would wake her up, because unlike Aurora my sister is actually dead and no spell can reverse it to make it a sleeping curse.
I didn't even know what to say. My throat was choking up as it felt dry, my stomach was in tight knots, and I felt like crying but my tears were all spent. I felt sick and just wanted to curl up and disappear, maybe even die myself so that I could be reunited with my sister. I leaned down and pressed my forehead against hers and whispered.
"Goodbye Kay." I kissed her forehead and began to realize just how cold she was. I backed away from her casket and lowered my head as I felt sobs coming out of me once more. I felt a presence behind me and that's when I heard Roger's voice say.
"We're so sorry (y/n)." I whimpered and immediately nuzzled myself into his chest as my voice trembled.
"Thank you Queen." Roger wrapped his arms around me and placed his head on top of mine and kept hugging me.
It was surprising that the boys wanted to come to the funeral to pay their respects to Kaylee, and it was also surprising that from some of the profit they've already made from their previous records, as well as payment for this album to help pay for this whole funeral.
I soon was passed over to Brian who gave me a soft but assuring bear hug.
"We're truly sorry for your loss (y/n). Kaylee didn't deserve to be taken away so young. But she'll always watching over you from the stars."
"And we're always here for you precious darling." Freddie stated. He came over and cupped each side of my face and he said as he wiped away my tears, "Paul's out. After finding out he kept these messages from you, we fired him. We wish we had found out sooner, you know we'd stop the recording and drive you back home to say a final goodbye. You know that right?" I nodded and I felt him kiss a tear away.
Deacy soon came up and he held his arms out for me. I instantly went to him and clung onto him. And even when he refused to say a word, this was the best comfort I could ask for.
I didn't need all this sympathy talk, or the repetitive 'she's always watching over you' or 'she's never really gone. She's up in heaven with the Lord watching over you.' Or whatever religious BS people have to say.
He just held me and pet my hair, and that's all I needed.
After that I—I couldn't go back to work for the guys. I had no motivation anymore, just due to the fact that I needed to be with my mother now. She had just lost her first born child and I can't imagine what she's going through right now. I need to be there for her, no matter what to let her know I'm still her. Even if it means letting go of my dreams.
2 years later; I was working a 9-5 shift at a shopping center. I basically did what Mary used to do at Biba. Along with that, my mum's forced us to go to therapy sessions to try and talk about our feelings after Kaylee's death.
Since I was now done with work, I had to go to my independent weekly session. I was sitting on the couch with my therapist Dr. Lockwood sitting at his desk.
"So how have you been handling all this so far?"
"I mean—I get by day by day. Some days are hard, some are easy." I answered.
"Have you entered into Ealing art college yet? You said you wanted to be an artist."
"I decided not to go. So I just work at the shopping center a few miles away from here. Sorta near Biba."
"Why did you decide to give up your dream? I thought being an artist was your dream?"
"Yeah well dreams change." I sneered.
"Okay, okay I can understand that. So do you like this job better than your old one?" I remained silent. "Your mother said that you worked alongside Queen. They've got good music, my daughter's bought every one of their records."
"Yeah they're.....they're talented guys." I muttered.
"So about your previous job? Was it better than your current one?"
"I mean.....I don't have as much fun as I used to but....." I trailed off and couldn't bring myself to answer.
"Do you think your sister would've wanted you to give up your job with them?" I turned to look at him and I snapped.
"Why must you assume what my sister would want of me!? You're not her! You don't know what it's like to lose your best friend! You're just trying to make me feel guilty, that's all you've ever done!"
"I'm not making you feel guilty. Your mum told me that your sister was thrilled that you were working with both of yours favorite band. She knew you were special and just what Queen needed."
"I just......"
"(Y/n), I bet the boys of Queen miss you just as much as you miss them. I know why you had to leave, it was your way of handling your grief, and to be there for your mum. But the boys had helped you throughout your internship, as well as during the funeral. No rock band would do that willingly." I leaned back against the couch and sighed heavily. "I believe your sister wouldn't want you to push them away as you have been."
"They—well Roger mostly has tried to reach out a few times for the past couple months. I never did call him back though."
"I think you should go see them. Aren't they going to perform in Houston in a couple days?"
"What if they don't want to see me since I've been avoiding them?"
"If they truly loved you, I doubt they would turn you aside."
So I took Dr. Lockwood's advice and got a ticket and went on the next flight to Houston, Texas for their concert. As usual the boys performed magnificently on stage, especially with their new album News of the World out. I also took notice that Rog, Freddie and Deacy had shorter hair than I last remembered.
But they still were awesome up there, hell I thought they looked even better with the shorter hair. They continued to work the audience with each song and seeing the crowd react bigger and more energetic than ever before it made me happy to know the guys were finally reaching the popularity they always wanted to have.
When the show was over, I stayed behind and somehow managed to sneak backstage. I walked along the underground hallways that lead to the dressing rooms when I was stopped by a security guard.
"Excuse me do you have a backstage pass miss?"
"No but I know the band."
"Uh-huh you and every other young teenage girl that pulls this move." He stated as he gripped hold of my arms and began to take me outside.
"No, no let go I'm not kidding! I used to be their lawyer's assistant!"
"Young lady I gave you fair warning, now please leave or else I'll have you arrested."
"What is going on out—(y/n)?" I turned and gaped.
"Phoebe?" It was Freddie's assistant Peter or as Freddie like to call him, Phoebe.
"Oh my god you—you actually came." He said with a wide smile.
"Yeah I—I was hoping to also maybe......talk to the guys."
"Yes of course ohh you have no idea how happy they'll be to see you again."
"But....." the security guard tried to butt in and that's when Phoebe slammed him.
"Oi back off pal, this young lady here is Queen's personal assistant. She's just been on personal leave for a while. So if you don't let her through, you'll have to face the wrath of the four Queens." With no other words from the security guard, he let me go and Phoebe extended his arm out towards me and I followed behind him. As we walked along the corridors he asked me, "So how have things been for you (y/n)?"
"It's.....been rough."
"I know what you mean. When my mum died I didn't know what to do."
"Are—are they upset with me?" I asked nervously.
"Of course not darling. Not once have they talked about you in anger or resentment. If anyone did, Roger and Fred were the first to pop those bastards in the face." I nodded. Soon we reached the dressing room and he said, "here we are love. They should be decent by now. Go on in."
"Thanks Peter." He smiled and patted my shoulder before leaving to check out to see if the roadies had finally cleared the stage and packed everything up. I stared at the door and took a deep breath in before exhaling softly and slowly opened up the door.
"He threw my best fucking pair of maracas away the first day. Great sounding maracas and I mean....it took me hours to steal them." I softly smiled as I heard Roger's voice for the first time in 2 years. I could hear the sounds of laughter before Freddie spoke up.
"Now they know I'm gonna throw those things...."
"And he just goes..."
"Actually they were wonderful I must say, I'm sorry."
"One in a million maracas and I'm never gonna get them back." Roger whined. I slowly stepped further in the dressing room to see Fred sitting down in his green and gold robe getting unwind from the performance while Roger continued to pace around muttering about his maracas while Brian and John were adjusting the sleeves on their normal clothes.
Freddie continued to talk about the maracas and that's when I picked up on Brian saying.
"You can throw me in the audience." Freddie stood up and he said.
"You don't...you don't rattle as good." That's when he looked over and he must've seen me because his eyes went wide briefly and his face turned solemn. Brian then turned around and he saw me as well hiding in the corner.
"(Y/n)?" everyone soon turned their attention towards me.
"Hey guys, long—time no see, ehh?". Knowing of my story, the assistants, makeup people and roadies all left the dressing room leaving me alone with Queen.
The four men stood before me and neither of us spoke until I finally broke the ice.
"I—I'm really sorry I just left guys I.....I was stupid, selfish, and you guys didn't deserve me at all. I just—I was lost and I know that's no excuse but—you guys didn't deserve to have a broken girl hanging off you just as you were finally about to rise to fame. And now look at you all, famous on pretty much every country, our own home country finally recognizing your talents. If I had stayed I would've just dragged you four down and—" I trailed off as Deacy was the first to stand before me.
Mr. King of the one liners, I've witnessed firsthand of him breaking people with just one phrase or sentence. I could only imagine what he was going to say to me after all this time. You get on John Deacon's bad side and he'll make you know it, for life.
But I was shocked when he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a comforting hug. I was frozen but it wasn't until I heard him say.
"You are anything but what you just called yourself poppet." I slowly began to relax as I buried my face into Deacy's chest and wrap my arms around him. I felt him pet down my head much like he did at the funeral and allowed me to let out a couple of tears.
"We understand you needed to process your grief (y/n). We're not mad at you for leaving us." Said Brian. I looked up towards the spaceman guitarist and that's when Roger spoke up.
"But we are disappointed of the way you shut us out for two years." His tone wasn't anger filled or upset, but it did have that disappointing tonality. I lowered my head in shame and I muttered.
"I know."
"We were willing to be there for you in any way you needed. Even if it was just to sit there in silence. We wouldn't have hounded you darling because you didn't need that. It would've been nice to hear your voice again, just to see that you were okay." Said Freddie.
"I'm really sorry guys. I—I came to ask if you'd forgive me." They remained silent and deliberated with each other just by looking at each other and that's when Brian came up and cupped each side of my face.
"There's nothing to forgive love." I felt my lip tremble and I choked out a sob. Soon enough I was once again for the first time in two years, in the middle of a Queen group hug.
I'm glad I chose to come here. I guess in a way it was my sister telling me that even though she was gone, she knew that I would be looked after by four amazing and loving big brothers to look after me for the rest of my days until the day comes when I pass on and be reunited with my best friend once again.
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prorevenge · 5 years
You don’t want me to sleep for 9 months? Ok, guess you don’t need your degree.
So, I wasn’t sure if this story qualified for pro or petty. Everything I do, over the course of this, is extremely petty, but I think it probably is what I would consider a ‘scale up’ from low tier revenge, mostly on account of the last part.
So some backstory. This was about 6 years ago, during my first year at university. In the UK, you basically have two options for accommodations in your first year. The first option is called Halls, you stay in a huge apartment complex with a bunch of different students, you share a floor with about 10-15 people. Or, you go to a student house, which is basically a normal house, that some greedy landlord converts all the available space into bedrooms for 5-6 people (but, this is not always the case, in my second year I lived in a house with 15 people, many Petty Revenge stories there if I find the time to type them out). Anyway, I chose the latter.
I moved into what would be a 3 bed house, turned into a 5 bed. What would have been a living room, was converted into a bedroom below my room. 3 of my housemates were fine, we were civil to one another, but not really friends, we just lived different lives. We would go out for the occasional bevvy, have dinner together, but mostly just coexist peacefully. Notice how I said it was a 5 bed though?
Enter housemate in question. Let’s call her Cathy. Cathy was of African descent, very rich parents, sent to live in the UK to study Engineering, as the educational system in her native country was very poor. She was short, fat and quite obnoxious. When I moved in, I made a point of introducing myself to everyone. My first impression of Cathy wasn’t great. An issue I noticed immediately (of which persists throughout the entirety of our living together) is that Cathy f***ing stinks. You know when you work out for 4 hours but you crash out and forget the shower before? It was like that x1000. It was extensively unbearable. On top of that, Cathy is really rude. She basically starts out by saying she’s been here for 2 years already, and she wasn’t gonna change again this year. This had me a little concerned, but at the time it wasn’t a huge issue, I told her I kept to myself a lot, so she wouldn’t see any problems from me.
The first week or so I didn’t notice many problems. I was out partying hard during most nights (at English University, the first week is called ‘Freshers’ where everyone goes out and gets wasted for a week the week before studies start) other than some of my food going missing, and dirty plates staying on the side. F**k it, it’s week one, it’s fine.
Then Cathy rears her ugly head. So, I’m going to bed at 9pm the first night before studies (I had an hour commute to my campus and 1st day I wanted to be very awake) and I hear her shouting downstairs, she sounds very excited. I would find out tonight that Cathy is an avid gamer. Now myself I love games, I have late night sessions all the time, but I’m respectful of my housemates. I lie in bed, awake until 2:30am, hearing Cathy scream at her monitor and the sounds of a shooter in the background, very loudly. I didn’t want to be a bad housemate, so I let it happen. I barely slept and I went into my first lecture completely exhausted from sleep deprivation. I figured it was a one off, or it might happen every now and again. I was very wrong.
This carried on for 4 days before I said anything. On the Friday, I approach her in the kitchen and politely say “hey, don’t want to be rude, but can you try and keep it down a little late at night, I can hear you loud and clear through the floor and it’s really messing with my sleep. I don’t wanna be rude but I’ve noticed it’s been happening a lot”. She basically tells me I’m overreacting, she’s doing nothing wrong, nobody else has complained so it’s not a real issue. Cathy shares a wall with another housemate on the ground floor, so when she gets home I ask her about the issue. Turns out Cathy gave her the same spiel as to me. We knock on her door and ask what’s the problem, together. She gives us this whole sob story about how hard it is to make friends, that her online friends are her family, they live all across the world and she doesn’t want to break that relationship. I feel bad (stupidly) and tell her I totally get it, but just try and be a little quieter on weeknights. She says “I’ll try, maybe” and we leave it at that.
That night I slept fine. I thought it was over. The next night she’s screaming again, but it’s the weekend, so I get high as a kite and fall asleep in the bathtub. Sunday night rolls around, she’s screaming again, I can hear the sound of her rifle firing in game and she shouting obscenities with every shot. It gets to 11pm and I go downstairs and knock. Nothing. I wait a little while and try again. No change. I try again, same, so I go into the back garden and knock on her window. I hear her shout F OFF a few times and give up. I go to bed, but not to sleep.
This happens for the next few weeks. She screams, I go to confront, she screams at me through the wall till I leave. I approach her in the day, and she tells me she could hear me, doesn’t know what I’m talking about, I must have been DREAMING, think of a bs excuse and it’s probably on the list of things she would say.
So begins the revenge. I start by just going downstairs, flicking the power off and on for the router, and going back upstairs. The house is kind of old and creaky, so it’s pretty obvious that as the WiFi goes down, it’s me. This happens a few nights until she confronts me as I’m leaving in the morning. I tell her bluntly, yeah, it’s me, stop with the screaming or things are just going to get worse. She threatens to call our landlord on me. Great idea. I leave the house, go to my lectures, and after Uni I visit the landlord. I tell him the entire story about everything that’s happening, and how hard it’s making our lives. He says he’ll look into it, please be patient.
More weeks go by, no more pranks from me but no interference from the landlord. The night I contacted him was silent, but after that everything went back to scream-a-palooza. I contact him again, he says trust him, no changes. I try again, guess what no changes.
So I start getting pettier. So, I failed to mention before (at least in great detail) that Cathy is messy AF. She would eat, then leave all her plates, pots and pans on the side and return to her lair. For the first month, we just washed them up for her, nobody wants a messy kitchen. But, I was pissed off. So I started a new system. If I see a dirty plate of hers, I’d leave it in front her door. This was funny for a few days until I started finding my dirty plates she used at my door. From this point on, all kitchen equipment that was mine would from there on out live in my room until the end of my tenancy. This went on for another sleepless week until I am awoken by my landlord with a police officer. I’m told I’ve been stealing from my housemates and I need to go to the station. I promptly explain the situation, and my other housemates back me up. The officer clearly is annoyed to have his time wasted by us and leaves. Me, the housemates, Cathy and landlord have a group discussion on how to end the hostilities. We demand quiet weeknights and a clean kitchen, in exchange we (though, really it was just me) will not perform passive aggressive petty revenge. Seems like a fair deal right? No. Landlord said he can’t give any ‘preferential treatment’ so we need to stop regardless. I’m glad to say though, even though this guy was an awful landlord, he never interfered again, allowing for further pettiness to ensue.
So, back to revenge. Cathy would run an Ethernet cable from the modem to her computer, along the floor and into her room. I would start by unplugging this cable any time she was screaming. Cathy then started taping the cable so it was harder to pull out the socket. It got to a point were our hallway had a huge mess of tape and wire going across from the router all the way to her room. But f**k Cathy. I bought a roll of the same tape she had used, waited for her to leave the house. I had to wait 3 weeks for this opportunity. When I finally had the chance, I pulled up the tape, took a pair of scissors, cut the cable and taped it all back down. How she got into university was beyond me, as she didn’t figure it out for a few days. I slept wonderfully those nights. She confronted me days later and accused me of my crime. I simply denied it, and slammed the door in her face.
After this it was fairly passive aggressive both sides. Any time I heard noise I’d unplug the cable. She started eating my food (so I ended up buying a mini fridge and storing all my food in my room) and she would regularly throw out my belongings if I left them around the house. It was all getting a bit much. Mid year, I bought a cheap, turtle beach headset. I knocked on her door, and offered it as a peace treaty. I said the noise had to stop, and the revenge was starting to get out of hand. Please, take the headset, continue to enjoy your games, but I desperately need sleep. She took the headset, said thank you and promptly retreated to her room.
(As a side note, I’d never seen her room up until this point. It, was, disgusting. Old food everywhere, wrappers and cans. Her bed was half a space to sleep, half pizza boxes and rubbish. The smell was so bad, that after the conversation I went upstairs and threw up. I would only see the inside of that room once again until I moved)
So, overly generous peace offering? Yes. But I was desperate. The lack of sleep was really starting to affect my work, social life and relationship. I hoped it would turn a new leaf. Well, no. All night that night, screaming. I woke up the next day, and had a smoke in the garden. As I was pacing, I looked over at her window. Hanging out the window, I see a very damaged turtle beach headset. I decided in that moment, to destroy her.
Before I get into the big stuff, here’s a few c***ty things I did on top. I would pour salt into her milk and juice. Any time she left the house, I would cut the Ethernet. I put toothpaste onto her door handle. Any soft drinks she bought? Took them to class and donated them to my friends.
Anyway, so you notice that I said I had to wait 3 weeks for my cable prank? I became very aware that Cathy barely left the house. She was 100% not going to lectures or assignments. I started posting letters to her faculty posing as her parents asking for updates on her studies. After a few weeks she would start to get into shouting arguments with her parents over the phone. I then started ringing the faculty to let them know when she wasn’t in attendance. Our university had a relaxed approach to this, but all courses were expected to have an 85% attendance rating, or you’d face potential problems. After speaking to her staff supervisor, she had a whopping 23% rating. After a few more calls, it was established that she would have a ‘meeting’ as essentially a case for her to plead herself as to why she should stay. I took the time to somewhat befriend her supervisor, and asked if I could be present at the meeting to profess my story to aid in her expulsion. He agreed. As the days to her meeting rolled up, it was clear (due to the arguments with her parents on the phone) that she would not be staying here if she did not keep her position on her course. She began cleaning up after herself, and actually spoke to me semi-civilly begging me not to speak to the university any more. I told her, if she didn’t shout any more all the way to the hearing, then I’d retract all of my previous statements and give my verbal support to her staying. Zero noise. I slept like a baby for 3 days. Thursday night (meeting was the Friday) rolls around.
A final note, whenever Cathy did get up in the mornings, she had an extremely loud and obnoxious alarm clock, which would be on ages.
Thursday night, I give each of my other housemates the run down, and ask them to either skip town for the night and let it run its course. 2 stayed 2 left. Come 9pm, I proceed to invite my entire society around for drinks. 30 people in our tiny house drinking, shouting and playing loud music until 3am. Cathy comes out angry, begging, at one point in tears telling me to stop. But F this B, she had this coming. I go to bed at 4:30am. I wake up at 6am. No noise in the house. Good, she’s asleep. I go downstairs to the switchboard, and cut the power. I go out, eat breakfast, and go to the meeting at 8:30am. Much to my delight, Cathy does not turn up. At 9am I give the committee a full rendition of the past 9 months of hell, and proceed to strongly advise expulsion.
Afterwards, I call my university and fake having the flu, asking for a recovery period of 4-5 days. They accept, and I go back home to see my family for a week.
I return to a house one less occupied, with a few stand out pieces. In front of my room door, the now almost dust turtle beach headset. LOL. But, I ventured to her room. The smell had not left permanently, but it was bearable now. Many of her possessions were gone, but many left behind, most notably her printer and several pieces of balled up paper around it. Firstly, balled up print out copies of flight tickets to her native country, and a flight map. A letter from the university, denoting her immediate expulsion. A letter from our landlord, noting that as per the tenant agreement, if she cannot find study again within 28 days, she will be forced to leave the house. And finally; the creme de la creme. A letter, clearly intended for me and the housemates that she gave up on, telling us how this was all our fault and one day she would come back to haunt us.
(source) story by (/u/Tucker_Design)
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spoopy-rayvynnnox · 4 years
Ok so this is gonna be a little bit of a vent, sorry bout that
So I get woken up this morning at like 6am, way before I had to be up for virtual schooling. So it's a shitty day already. So I'm like whatever, I do my morning chores, do the dumb attendance thing for school, and go back to sleep. Skip to about 10:30am, and I'm up again getting ready for meetings that start at 11. English is first up, and my internet connection is absolute shit so I get kicked out of the meeting because my internet is awful. Whatever, I'm used to that, so I just join again. Internet is still shit, but I dont get kicked out again so I dont really care. Finish that meeting, and I have a 30 minute break where I dont have a meeting, so I take a quick nap. Wake up again for my next meeting, and I have 3 in a row, so that takes me from 11:45 to 1pm. I get another little break where I have no meeting, and then its chem and my day is done after that except for homework.
So I finish all of my meetings, and I decide to take another nap because I feel like shit. I give myself about an hour, and hey guess what! I'm woken up with the news that my rooster is dead. No clue why, he was fine yesterday and I was snuggling him and he was being his usual self. He was about a year and a half old, and he was my snuggle buddy. I would hold him and rub in a certain spot under his wings and he would practically melt and fall asleep on me. I have taken a nap with him sleeping in my arms. My mom has pictures of it, and he was so precious.
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Blurry photo, but this is me holding him. His name was Thor, and he was the best rooster you could ask for. He would find spots for the hens to lay their eggs, he would take care of the smaller chickens and the chicks. He would bring the girls treats that he found, and would make sure they were all nice to each other.
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So now I feel even more shitty because my baby is dead. And so I just kinda lay in my bed almost crying but not really, and I get told that our bearded dragon is missing, so I have to get up and help find her. My brother had taken her out to snuggle with and he fell asleep without putting her back, so she is somewhere wandering around upstairs. My sister finds her under my other sisters bed in our room, so that's good.
Fast forward a little more, and I start cramping. Bad cramps, and guess what now? Fucking shark week. And I get really bad cramps and I get really fucking depressed and dysphoric when it's that time of the month. So now I'm grieving, in pain, and lowkey having an anxiety attack because my body hates me.
Oh yeah, and I'm behind in most of my classes because this whole hybrid schooling thing that my school is doing is fucking awful and I dont understand anything.
So I'm in pain, freaking out bc yay dysphoria, grieving, and I'm having a panic attack because of school.
So individually, I may have been able to deal with everything if they hadn't happened all within a few hours. But they did, so now I just want to curl into a ball of tears in excessive amounts of blankets and pillows, but I cant do that because I have several things due by midnight today. That I have to get done because I'm already behind in most of my classes.
So now I have music blasting in my earbuds, while I'm writing this and avoiding my Honors Algebra 2 homework because idk how to do exponents like this and I don't know how to write the dumb story for History of the Americas, both of which are due in less than 5 hours.
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So yeah I just want to cry 👌
0 notes
kellyzeagman · 5 years
So, about once or twice a month we do practice drills for emergency situations. Mostly for fires but also security threats, man overboard, evacuations, etc.. It’s always a pain in the butt to do them because they take up to two hours sometimes and you have to participate even if it’s your time off. It also often affects time off at ports. If I had the day off to go to an island, I can’t get off until the drill is done. ANYWAYS. Practice drills are all fun and games and laughs and everyone complains about them but they are important because truth be told, no one knows what is going on ever, so it’s important to prepare people if there actually was an emergency which just so happens to have taken place on Jan.18th for REAL this time. We are always given a warning when there is going to be drills, or it’s put in our schedule, but this one came as a surprise to everyone at 1:30 in the morning. The emergency code for fire on a ship goes as followed on the announcement- “Bravo... Bravo... Bravo... “ and then is followed by the location of the fire on the ship and then in practice drill situations is always followed by “this is a drill for the crew” so we know it’s all chill and not a big deal. BUT on Jan.18th it was far less chill as it came as a surprise to everyone and was not a drill.
So, after we had all gone to bed and had started falling asleep, we were all abruptly woken up to a REAL bravo. Announcements never come on in crew cabins unless it’s a real emergency, which is 99% of the time a medical emergency. So, while it’s still shocking to hear the PA system come on in your room, it’s always just for medical reasons. When I heard the announcement turn on, I just laid there with my eyes closed waiting for them to say “Alpha.. Alpha.. Alpha..” which is code for medical emergency because it happens quite often. HOWEVER. When the words bravo, bravo, bravo came out of the persons mouth at 1:30am, shit got REAL. I had never sprung out of my bed so fast. Every department has certain duties for a bravo, and ours is to go up to the kids club and wait for further instruction. You have to get to your location in 7 minutes or less. As I was frantically changing into my uniform, my co worker down the hall knocked on doors around her to make sure we were all up. I dashed out of my room and met up with 2 others on the way and were about to boot it up 12 flights of stairs until we saw the chief engineer taking the elevator so we went in with him hahaha. (You aren’t supposed to take the elevator, but I figured if he was taking it we could as well). Crew were all sprinting down the corridors to get more info/to get to their locations. While people were keeping their cool, everyone was definitely panicking. My team of 12 all waited at our spot for further instruction, all confused and experiencing minor panic as we had no idea how bad the fire was. After about 10 mins, the captain came on the system and said there was a small fire in one of the food prep areas but that it had been contained and we could all be dismissed. Absolutely mental. Because, my first thought as soon as I sprung out of bed was that the ship was gonna burst into flames and sink, or we would have to get everyone onto life boats and evacuate the ship. The process of getting 3,000+ guests on life rafts is just hilarious to think about, it would be SUCH a mess. If a real emergency happened, god I just can’t even imagine the chaos. I was expecting it to be a really, really long night, but alas, just a small little fire that was put out easily. As we waited upstairs for our fate, a big part of me was hoping that a good chunk of the ship would get damaged by fire (no injuries of course) and that we would have to shut down for a few weeks to rebuild and we could get put up in hotels in Sydney. However, no such luck. Once the drill was over, I couldn’t stop laughing just because of how much of a gong show it was and how crazy it could have been. It was hard for anyone to fall asleep that night after the adrenaline rush of knowing there’s a fire on a floating vessel. So that was just a crazy, stressful, intense but hilarious situation. My friend has worked 5 contracts and had never experienced a real bravo, so it’s crazy for a lot of people.
Speaking of getting people on life boats, I have quite a funny situation. Some people at home actually already know because I told them when I found out but for others, here’s a nice laugh for you- crew and staff are all assigned to over 25 different life rafts in case we ever needed to evacuate. Out of all the possible ones I could have been assigned to, my friend Laura and I are assigned to the same life raft as the captain, chief safety, chief security, hotel director and staff captain. Aka, this is the last life raft to abandon ship. What is our luck. So, allllll of those important people, a few restaurant staff, a few maintenance guys, other random departments and two youth staff will all be the last to evacuate. Cheers! I’ll just be waiting till absolutely everyone gets off the ship until I’m allowed to leave with the captain. Good stuff. (Obviously I’d try to sneak off earlier). Hopefully we never have to :)
I’ve been quite lucky the past 2 weeks because I have had the shoebox room to myself. Unfortunately, my roommate Lucy had to be signed off in Sydney at the hospital/a hotel during the last 12 day cruise because the doctor feared she had German measles. In the end, there was never a complete diagnosis, but she stayed off the ship for those 12 days and she completely had to move everything out of her suitcases in case she got sent home. After she returned, she ended up getting placed in another room and I was assigned a 55-60ish year old sports staff from Poland. She completely cleaned my room, vacuumed and bleached and cleaned the bathroom, amazing. However, when I woke up in the morning she was gone without a trace. Completely packed up like she was never there. It turns out she requested to move cabins because mine made her too sea sick?? Strange considering everywhere on the ship rocks. Anyways, I know am on day 19 of having my own room and will more than likely get a new roommate when we get back to Sydney and a bunch of new people sign on.
Speaking of the 12 day cruise, what an absolute shi* show. We had our highest kid count so far (1,200) and we were already one down with my roommate being signed off. Then on the second day, we were two down because another guy on our team got confined to his room for 48 hours because he got the flu. I worked multiple 11/12 hour days. We were absolutely exhausted. The sports team was down 2, the cruise entertainment staff were down 2, and then mid cruise the cruise director aka the face of the ship who is responsible for all entertainment on board cut her foot on coral and had to get 20 stitches in her foot and couldn’t walk for a few days. Needless to say, everyone was overworked and had to help out in extra ways over those 12 days. Still managed to get off a few times and enjoy some beach time though. Feeling #blessed that those 12 days are behind us. I’m hoping that is the craziest it will ever get. Australian summer is now officially over as of yesterday (the 26th) school started today (27th) so the kid counts should go down. But there’s still a cruise coming up in 2 weeks with 800 kids so I don’t understand. Apparently aussies don’t care about having their kids out of school. I’m sure it will go down as soon as I leave on March 7th with my luck.
On the topic of leaving, if I was Chinese, I probably would not be able to go home. This Coronavirus is obviously being taken very seriously, even with royal caribbean. As of now, they aren’t flying home practically any Chinese employees. For example, a friend of mine is supposed to fly home on turnaround day (tomorrow as I write this) but is allowed to extend his contract because they aren’t letting people fly into parts of China and royal is letting them extend to keep safe. Same with the other way around, the process of getting them on board is difficult and has changed. Originally, they weren’t going to be sending any Chinese citizens onto ships, but now some are allowed depending on where they are from/when they start. There are 3 girls leaving my team on feb.5th, meaning 3 new ones are coming. One of them is Chinese, and we didn’t think she would be able to come. However, it turns out she is now coming, BUT has to be confined to a room for TWO WEEKS. All Chinese staff coming on board must be confined to a shoe box room for 2 weeks to make sure they are fine, how CRAZY. No window, sunlight or fresh air for 2 weeks. It seems a bit stupid to me that they just wouldn’t decide to send them at later times rather than make them do this. ANYWAYS, we will see how it goes. This is her first contract, so she has no idea what to expect and will start off her journey by being confined for 2 weeks.
On a side note, Spectrum of the Seas sails out of Hong Kong and the crew received some amazing news. Even though the circumstance is obviously horrible (the virus), they are cancelling all cruises for at least the next 2 weeks and all the crew will sail to japan with no guests and stay there for 2 weeks, no guests. I believe they will be able to get off and tour around as long as the coronavirus doesn’t make its way there. Those employees are living the absolute dreammmmm.
This virus will have a big impact on ships because many, many employees are Chinese. However, the Chinese employees do not even come close to the amount of Filipinos and Indonesians. There’s probably about 60 Filipinos for every non-Filipino. Filipino, Indonesian, Indian and Chinese are for sure the top 4 most popular nationalities on board. There’s also a lot of Ukrainians on this ship. There’s maybeeee 10 Canadians? Not a lot, but more than Americans I think. I think there’s only about 5 that I know of. Lots of English and Romanian people as well. I’ve said it before, but my team is made up of 2 Canadians, 1 Russian, 1 Ukrainian, 1 from Chile, 5 English, 2 Brazilian and my boss is Filipino.
We went to Lifou, Loyalty Islands a few days ago and I experienced perhaps the craziest story I will ever have experienced/ be able to tell in my entire life. After missing out on some cool tourist locations due to lack of money, my friend Vera from Russia and I decided to test our luck at the beach. We walked far down a path to bring us to an area where there were no crew or guests. Just a tiny, tiny little beach that had about 15 locals swimming at it. My friend Vera has never snorkelled before and last time I was at this exact spot I found a really nice area that had a bunch of nemo fish about 80m out from the shore. All of the locals were chilling about waist deep just cooling off, whereas I was going out decently far to go find this coral/the fish. I told Vera that I would wave her down once I found it and she said she would come swim out to me. So, after making it out there and somehow miraculously finding the exact location I had stumbled upon before, I turned around to start waving to Vera to make her way out only to find out that I am now quite literally the only person in the water and all of the locals are now standing on the sand. Not only are they now all standing out of the water, they are frantically WAVING me down yelling at me to swim back to shore and giving me the SHARK FIN symbol and yelling “SHARKKK SHARKKKK” So at this point, I am the only person in the water, with 80m to swim to safety and swimming with a shark. I pretty much blacked out and tried not to think about what was happening and just swam with my eyes facing towards the shore. I didn’t dare look under water with my goggles because if I saw a shark I would have absolutely lost my shit. Sharks have never scared me and I saw them at mystery island and wasn’t bothered, but the fact that I was alone and decently far out and was not expecting it, I definitely panicked. The whole time I was swimming back I was just WAITING to feel a chomp. My friend Vera waiting for me on shore was definitely freaking out as I swam back. Once I got out, I laid on the beach for a good 5 mins like a beached whale trying to process what had happened and for my heart to stop beating so fast. Anyways, I’m alive and it made for a great story. On the way back to the ship while waiting for the tender boats to pick us up, we saw 4 sea turtles by the docks too, perfect way to end the weird day.
Australia Day fell on our last cruise, which is just like Canada day but for Australia. It was also India’s national day the following day, so we had a huge party at our crew bar area to celebrate with the hundreds of Indians that work on board. I didn’t see much of the Australian festivities, but it is definitely unique to see people so patriotic for countries (India and Australia) that you aren’t a part of.
The next two cruises are going to be quite interesting. They are 3 day and 2 day “tasters”. We did one after the crossing. The boat literally just goes out to sea and back, how silly. The kid count drops to 500 which is nice going from 1200 and 800, but it’s still TOO high. At least these will go by fast and we will get to go to Sydney 3 times over 6 days. Then, we have a 2 week cruise which we are all praying has a small amount of kids. Australians went back to school a few days ago after their summer break, so one would assume the counts would drop a bit. After that 2 week cruise is done I’ll only have 17 DAYS left. Absolutely insane. I’m finding it rude that this year decided to be a leap year and February has 29 days instead of 28 like usual, as I’d get to have one less day on my countdown to coming home. Still having a good time, but the countdown is most definitely on. “Sign off” mode is setting in.
Well, I must go now as I have to go participate in “waves”. This is a farewell event for guests which consists of a special guest show, and then a royal caribbean song performed by the singers and dancers about thanking the guests for cruising and that we will see them again soon. It’s quite literally the corniest thing you will ever see, then people from each department (me) walk along the stage and wave goodbye to everyone.
Final thought- I’ve seen so many birds flying around over the last 2 sea days which makes no sense to me- how do they survive on the open ocean without any land near them? Where do they sleep? The closest land was hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of miles away.
That’s all from me :)
Email me about you and your [email protected]
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lovelydeceitff · 7 years
Chapter 4
I don’t ever tell you how I really feel, cause I can’t ever find the words to say what I mean… Just a little bit of your heart is all I want
It’s only been 3 weeks into the semester and sad to say I’m already over it. Well not completely, I guess you can say I’m more overwhelmed. I’m taking 18 credit hours and I’m trying to get a head of my syllabus before I become lazy. My classes aren’t bad.. it’s just a lot of work. I have a solid 3.0 cumulative right now and I’m trying to raise that as high as I can by the end of the year. Im shocked that my gpa isn’t higher than that being that I’ve had over a 3.2 for like 3 semesters but whatever.
Living with Keith has became a bit stressful too… on top of my job and school work. He gets so stressed and takes it out on me. Right now we’re going through a thing where he’ll give me an attitude for no reason at all. I get him food, he has an attitude. I talk to him, he has an attitude. I’ve been dealing with this for so long I really should be used to it. He gets so stressed with school and work that I just become like a fly that won’t leave him alone. I understand. I try my hardest too. But imagine going through this often. Like at least twice a month, but for days each time. It’s tiring.
It makes me not want to be around him, but since he’s staying with me I have to. Some times I just leave my room and hang with the other people in the building when he lays down for bed so I won’t go to sleep angry. He’s so up and down I never know what to expect with him.
Right now I’m in my room waiting for Keith to tell me to come let him in. Today has actually been better than others. We’ve been texting all day and honestly that could be the reason I’m in a great mood. Keith plays a big part in how I’m feeling for the day unfortunately. If he irritates me, I’ll be annoyed until I can get my mind off how much he pissed me off. But today we’re good.
9:06pm Keith❤️: leaving the rec now, I’ll be downstairs in 5 minutes.
Once I got that text, I hurried up and cleaned the little mess I made trying to get dressed this morning then I went down to let him in. He wasn’t there yet, so I conversed with my coworker who was working the front desk until he arrived.
He knocked on the glass door to signal me that he’s here, I went towards the automatic doors so he can come in.
“Hiiii baby” I happily greeted him as he walked in.
“Hey” Keith said dryly.
See, up and down with him. He was just fine.
We’re waiting on the elevator which is right off the sitting area of the lobby. It’s people down here tonight and for some reason I feel like everyone can sense how awkward we look. Well, how uninterested he looks. I always feel this way even though we aren’t talking very loud and chances are no one is paying us any attention.
“How was your day today?” I asked trying to make some type of small talk to break the ice.
“It was cool.”
We got on the elevator. “Yea mines is going pretty good. You okay?”
We got off the elevator and I keyed into my room. Silence. No words from him. No words from me. Keith began to heat himself up some Ramen noodles and then got the books out of his book bag. I guess that’s what’s wrong, he’s stressed again
“You sure you okay? You must have a lot of homework.” I asked
“Im fine. I just have to revise my paper and turn it in. ” Keith said plainly as he started to eat his food.
“Well let me tell you about my day…”
I began to tell Keith about a situation that happened with my coworker and I. I started off with a what would you do question. But I got silence so I never even was able to actually tell my story. I literally asked what would you do if blah blah? And I got nothing back. Was I talking to a damn wall? Come on now.
“Keith, what would you do?”
Silence. He was eating his noodles while starting up his laptop. He gave me silence as if he started revising his paper and was trying to focus. To stop me from snapping, I just quit everything I was doing and went to shower.
This happens too often for me man. Imagine being so excited to talk to your boyfriend just to get pAid dust. All the time. It really sucks because when we’re good, We’re excellent. Imagine your significant other treating you so awesome and like you’re the queen of his world in front of all your friends. Making you smile and feel all special. Just for you to go upstairs to your room and not get that same energy. Instead you feel like you’re unwanted.
Unwanted. That’s how I’ve felt on way too many occasions. I’m fed up. Keith is so complicated and I hate it.
Before getting in the shower, I opened Twitter just to let out some type of frustration.
@ShiningShay: I’m so tired of this shit man
I scrolled a bit then got into the shower. I immediately started to cry. I’m not emotional from this one incident it’s this one and every time and other thing before it. He keeps coming to MY room and won’t even talk to me. That’s so disrespectful. Act like you love me, then you can get all sour. This particular thing has been going on for a few days. Eventually we’ll be good again, I just don’t know when.
I got out of the shower. And just relaxed in my towel for a minute. I didn’t even want to leave the bathroom. I grabbed my phone just to find a text message from Chris.
10:02pm Chris: You okay?
10:07pm Shai: Yea, I’m fine. Thanks for asking.
I really just wanted to tell him everything that’s going on. But, that’s against the code. You don’t tell your relationship problems to another man.
10:07pm Chris: No problem, just checking on you. How’s your relationship going?
This is not an uncommon question for Chris to ask. I was never able to figure out why he asks me this. I think he just wants to make small talk, but sometimes I’m like naw…he wants to know if I’m single.
10:08pm Shai: Going good, hbu? Got yourself a girl yet?
Last semester, our spring semester of sophomore year, he’d come to my room in between our classes and we’d talk about his girl problems. Seriously. His girl problems, his friend problems, and any other thing. He claims he’d come to my room to nap since he moved off campus but this dude never went to sleep. He’d always wanna talk.
I decided to leave the bathroom. Keith and I still said no words to each other, it was still awkward and I kept laughing because of it. Not too long after i made myself comfortable, Keith closed his computer and got in the shower. I always feel like he’s cheating on me when these times come around. Keith honestly doesn’t have much time to cheat and I truly believe he couldn’t. I become the girlfriend that checks her boyfriends phone around times like this. I know, horrible. But can you blame me? If Keith isn’t talking to me, he gotta be talking to somebody but no. He’s never secretive. He’ll leave his phone around me, even ask me to check and respond to messages. He doesn’t do weird things that make me suspect that he’s cheating other than not talk to me.
It doesn't help that Keith is as fine as he is. So I always end up thinking some girl stole his attention from me. Keith and I met through mutual friends but I already knew who he was prior to us meeting. He was literally jaw dropping fine. I seen him and was stuck one day. Yea I don't know how I got him. But the universe wanted us together for whatever reason. It worked out though. Through his rollsrcoaster emotions we made it 1 year and 6 months. We'll make 2 years in March. If we can get to March.
10:24pm Chris: Lol no, no girlfriend. You know that.
10:25 Shai: I was just asking lol remember last semester you was telling me about those girls. You said you was thinking about wifing one.
10:25 Chris: Oh yeah! Wow Shay, that was so long ago. Things changed lol. If I had a girl, you’d know. No doubt.
I probably wouldn’t know. I don’t talk to Chris like that. We made a promise that we’d try to work on our friendship over the summer. We said that when school started we’d talk and hang more. So here we are.
Keith came out of the bathroom and began getting his things together for tomorrow.
“Did you get your paper turned in?” I asked him
“Yes” He said, but this time not as dry.
10:29pm Shai: You’ll get one lol then we’ll see.
I turned my phone on vibrate. I didn’t want to start any arguments on why Chris was texting me. Keith and Chris don’t know each other. They’re two different kind of guys, they’d probably never even run into each other. I don’t mind them knowing each other, Keith does know that Chris and I are friends. I just don’t want him to trip that it’s 10:30 and we’re talking about him not having a girlfriend. Even though the conversation isn’t like that.
Keith got into bed after he finished up his nightly routine. He told me goodnight and rolled over. I continued to play on my phone and text Chris. Homecoming is in 2 and a half weeks so I’m choosing between my final 3 outfits so I can order them. Homecoming came quick this year. September 30. Like wtf. We just started school. How can I focus on school work and what I’m gonna wear to the hoco parties??
I sent pics to my best friends, Ashley and Kammy. We’ve been helping each other so we won’t go out looking busted. Or in the same outfit.
I eventually finished up my convo with Chris. He asked me what I was doing, I lied and told him I was going to sleep. We ended our conversation with a goodnight. I really didn’t wanna keep talking with him. Plus I really did need to go to sleep.
I woke up the next morning to Keith calling me to open my door. He went to work and class. So it’s almost 9:30am. I hate being woken up out of my sleep so much. He knows that but, I’ve been doing better. I normally give him a huge attitude when he calls in the morning to open my door. I have no clue how he gets in the building but whatever. He came in and greeted me happily, shockingly. He talked to me about work and then we went back to sleep until it was time for his next class and my first.
I woke up to Keith preparing for his next class, meaning that it’s time for me to wake up. It’s 10:50. My class is at 12. I kissed Keith goodbye and then checked my phone.
10:37am Chris: Goodmorning Shay 😌
I sent him a good morning back while carrying confusion all over my face. I don’t usually get a good morning message from Chris. I thought he was gonna say that he was about to come over and nap before his class or something. Like he used to. But no instead he sent:
10:40am Chris: how’s your morning going?
Since when does this happen? I only get messages like this from Keith. He texts me good morning everyday while he’s at work. Chris must be trying to make sure I’m not sad from yesterday. Matter of fact, that HAS to be why. It is why. That’s how Chris is. Being thoughtful and trying to make sure others are happy.
10:45 Shai: just getting started, I just woke up
10:46 Chris: I forgot you said you start at 12! Well enjoy your day Shay 😌
Let me stop thinking so hard on this…
Time to enjoy my day, as he said.
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livtries · 4 years
after all these years... j. bassett pt 2
after all these years... part two
pairing: joshua bassett and female reader
summary: you had talked to joshua for nearly a month over the phone, and you found out that you were going back to california for the summer, and he was going to be back in town too.
warnings: some swearing in some parts of story.
word count: 2077 words
you sat on the couch, contemplating whether or not you wanted to watch the new series, HSMTMTS on disney+. of course, you did. but it just didn't feel right to you, to watch it, knowing that joshua was in it...
"mom, should i watch it?" you asked your mom who was still standing beside you on the couch.
"that's up to you, honey. it seems like a good show, and i know how much you liked the originals." she said to you, starting to walk away back into the kitchen when her phone rang. you peeked your head over her shoulder, and you saw the name, 'Laura'
you didn't want to impose and listen in, but i just couldn't help myself. what if it was about josh? you puttered around in the kitchen while your mom talked on the phone.
"yeah, yeah. she's right here... i think she's listening." your mom looked over at you, as you blushed. you heard the voices on the phone, there were multiple... what if that was josh?
"do you guys wanna talk?" my mom asked, and you heard a deeper voice come on the phone.
"y/n, honey. someone wants to talk to you." she held the phone out to you, and you walked over to take it.
"hello?" you spoke to the person on the phone.
"hey, y/n..." i recognized the voice. it WAS josh.
"hi, josh." you smiled, and you could practically hear his smile as well. "how've you been? it's been forever..."
"i've been good. pretty busy though... i'm actually in the new series on disney+." he spoke proudly.
"yeah, i saw! i'm actually in the middle of episode 1. you and olivia are such great actors!" you compliments him, and he chuckled.
"thank you! but, trust me. olivia is a much better actor than me. she's been in the game alot longer than i have..." he said.
"hey, still. your song-writing skills are on point! your songs are amazing." you complimented him once again.
"thank you, y/n. i really appreciate it." he told you.
"i-uh, i think i'm coming back home in a few days. since schools nearly out, i think i'm gonna come back for the summer." you told him, and you could hear him gasp softly.
"wait, really? that's awesome. i think i'll be back in town in a few weeks. maybe we can hang out?" he asked you, you lit up.
"um- yeah, yeah that sounds great. i'd love to." you said to him. "ok, well. i have to go do some errands. i'll give you my number though, so we can talk later. if you want to..." he trailed off, audibly grinning. "that would be great, josh. i put your number in my phone. my number is '***-***-****' i'll let you go, so you can do your errands! but, can we talk later tonight? there's just so much to catch up on..." you asked him. "yeah, yeah. of course! i'll call you around 8." he said to you, making you smile. "ok, talk later. yup, bye." you said to him, and hung up. "oh my gosh... mom!!!" you ran into the kitchen, where she was working on some new sign ideas for her flower shop. "josh and i exchanged numbers, and are gonna talk later tonight!!" you told her, as she smiled. "i've talked to him a little bit. he really missed you when you left, you know. he really liked you." she said to you, as you tilted your head to the side. "why didn't you tell me that??" you asked her, curious. "i was going to, but, looks like you feel the same?" she questioned, smirking. "what?? no..." you faked. you missed him too. yes, when you left, you had just turned 14, and we're about to go into your freshman year of highschool. it was a lot to handle. new school, new friends, all along with your freshman year. you kinda lost touch with all of the friends you had back home, but that was gonna change. you were going back home for the summer, and you couldn't be more excited. — later that night, around 7:30 you were sitting on your bed, finishing up some homework, when your phone started to buzz. you got up out of bed, and grabbed your phone. 'joshy' read the contact name, along with a baby picture of him that you always loved. "hello?" you answered. "hi, y/n." josh nervously said on the other end. he was nervously twiddling his thumbs, and pacing, like normal. "how've you been? i didn't really get the chance to ask earlier." he asked you, causing you to blush. "i've been ok. i miss everyone though. you said you were going back to california in a few days, yeah?" you asked him. "yeah, yeah! i think i'm leaving friday. you said you were going back for the summer?" he asked you. "yeah, i am. my parents are thinking about moving back. there's a job for my dad, and a building just went up as vacant, so my mom can set her business up there. i just wish we hadn't moved in the first place... it would probably be so different." you said, reminiscing on the memories josh and i made. "do you remember that one time when we were like 7? it rained really hard one day, and then we decided to go outside, and jump in the mud? your mom was so pissed at us." he said, also thinking about the past. "oh my god, i do!! i was just thinking about some stuff we did. like that one time when you came along on a road trip with my family. we were eating cheese cracker sandwiches. you opened the sand which, licked all the cheese out of the sandwich, and put the crackers back in the box. hands down, the soggiest crackers i've ever eaten..." you said to him as he chuckled.
you guys talked for almost 3 hours after that. you guys talked about a bunch of different things. old times, new friends, new memories. and everything in between. — last day of school, june 7th "guess who's officially on summer vacation?" you walked through the door, throwing your backpack on the floor. "that was today?" your dad walked in through the living room. he was rarely home, because he worked overtime a lot, but he was actually home today. "yeah! no more school for three months." you chuckled a little, and walked past him, to get a snack. "you want anything, dad?" you asked him, he shook his head. "no, i'm good. thanks though, kid." he said, as his phone started ringing. you made yourself a snack, and went into the living room. "high school musical?" you asked yourself, (and your cat, who was now contently purring next to you.) you scrolled past the new series, and clicked on the original movie. you thought about watching  some more of the new series. "should i?" you looked to your cat, who was looking up at you. he closed his eyes, and purred. "oh, what the hell? why not?" you said, scrolling back to HSMTMTS and clicked play. you were about halfway through the episode, and your phone buzzed. "hey, y/n." he said on the other end, he sounded like he was in the car. "are you in the car?" you asked. "yeah, just on the way home from work, can't wait to be home." he spoke. "how was your day?" he asked you. "it was good. today was my last day of school." you told him, smiling. "that's awesome!" he said, whilst he pulled in his driveway. "yeah! we're flying to california early tomorrow morning. i think around 6am. so that means we have to learn around 4 to be able to get to the airport in time." you told him and he lit up on the other end. "that soon? that's awesome. i can't wait to hang out again!" he said, grinning from ear to ear. "yeah! is the bowling alley still open? we need to get a group together and go. or just us, and catch up a little." you suggested, hoping he'd get the hint. "uh, duh! the bowling alley used to be our favorite place to hang out. i can't wait to hang out again." he said to you, while he was still nervously pacing around his living room. "i can't either. it's been forever! i have to go pack my stuff, wanna stay on the phone?" you asked him, shutting the television off and walking up the stairs to your room. "sure! make sure to pack a shit ton of swimsuits. i've already planned a beach day." he said to you, making you blush. "awe, josh. i can't wait to get back to the beaches there! i'll just bring all my swimsuits." you chuckled, and he did too. "what's the first thing your gonna do when you get here?" he asked you. "come see you, obviously..." you joked... kind of. "really? you're too cute, y'know that?" he said to you, making you turn red yet again. he sure had a way of making you blush. — 3:30am the next night, a half hour being you had to leave for the airport. you were up and downstairs, about to hop in and take a quick shower. you wanted to be clean for the plane ride, which was nearly 4 hours. you turned on some music and hopped in the shower. once you finished, you went upstairs and put on some comfy clothes, and gathered the rest of your toiletries  and packed them in your suitcase. — 11:30am. your plane just landed in LAX you were shook awake by your dad who was say next to you. "wake up kiddo, we're here." he said, rising from his seat, and grabbing his luggage out of the overhead bin. you stood up and gathered the book you were reading and put it in youro bag. as everyone exits the plane, you were anxious to get out. you knew what you were gonna do we doin as you were off the plane. well, the second thing... you had to use the restroom, and THEN you were gonna call josh. your parents had gone to gather your guys luggage at the baggage claim as you were coming out of the restroom. you all grabbed your luggage and continued your way to the exit. "who's picking us up?" you asked your parents. "they're right there..." your mom pointed to a woman, about your moms age, and what looked to be a boy who was turned around. you were already walking towards them, but as soon as the boy turned around, you nearly bolted towards them. "j-josh..." you said, as he wrapped his arms around you, and swung your around slowly. "hey, y/n." he hugged you tighter. you pulled back, and admired the handsome boy that was standing in front of you. he had always been handsome, but the more time you spent apart, the more attractive he seemed to get. you heard your dad clear his throat, and you realized you were still hugging josh. you pulled away from each other and exited the airport. you all piled into the bassett family car, had enough room for everyone. josh and you say in the way back, your dad sat in the middle, and your mom sat in the front. — 3pm the same day. you woke up from your nap, and josh had tried calling you. "hey, sorry for not answering, i fell asleep. what'd you need?" you asked him. "you still up for that beach day?" he asked you. "uh, yeah!" you smiled. "ok! i'll pick you up in 20." he said. "ok, see you soon." you said and hung up the phone. you went to where your suitcase sat, and dug out a bikini, and a big t-shirt to put on over it. "where're you goin?" you mom asked you. "josh invited me to go to the beach with him. can i go, please?" you asked her. "sure, honey! i'll see you later. i'm gonna go take a nap." she told you. "ok, mom. i love you! i'll see you in a little while." you spoke to her, before closing the bathroom door and changing into your swimsuit. —— sorry this one is so long! i hope you guys enjoyed this part! :) love u all
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innerpsyche · 5 years
thoughts, thoughts, thoughts
Happy Full Moon ~ 
Today, I celebrate my successes and struggles. 
In the last month, I have shedded layers of skin. Here are some events: 
-Johnny and Sophia visited Portland during the first week. My heart was filled with joy. They’re always a good time. But our individual drug habits come together and we all just get fucked up -- that part’s bad. Definitely threw me off that week. It was not the best way for me to start the month. Lots of cocaine, lots of alcohol. I did discover my new fun friend and from there, we found teslas. We decided to go to a rave that weekend and had a blast. I ended up running into my rave boyfriend, Fonso. Also had a rave girlfriend, Alicia. Fun times. A few days before, I had pulled an Amy Winehouse and passed out on my bathroom floor while my friends were on my roof tryna get me out of the bathroom because I had locked myself in there and I was 100% unresponsive. They thought I had died. Honestly, if it wasn’t them and it was someone else who found me, that definitely would have been a 911 situation. I was relieved when they had finally left. 
-The following weekend was Jai Wolf with Mena and Geronimo. I bought Geronimo’s ticket from a stranger at a somewhat higher price because it was a sold out show. I felt very friendly after the teslas kicked in and was sooooooooo so happy to be around such high energetic people all night. We went out clubbing after the show and I of course showed off on the dance poles at Dirty. We went back to my house and snacked on bell peppers and hummus and all fell asleep on my bed. I woke up the next morning super groggy and still drunk/high and realized that Geronimo was trying to finger me while I was asleep. It didn’t happen for very long because his alarm went off and he had to leave for work. I felt very disturbed and ashamed that morning. Bryan had also texted me and he carried this enthusiastic vibe in his text message as he told me that he saw me at Jai Wolf dancing all over another guy and didn’t want to “disturb” me. I was clearly upset and at that point, I haven’t seen him in a month. I was deprived, I felt hot, people gave me attention. But I still felt that slut shame afterwards. He ended up being really sweet to me and came over a couple days later and spent the night. He hasn’t done that since December. My heart was happy. 
-I went to Psychedelic Club for the first time in like 6 months! I brought my friend, Chris who I met after Quix’s show at 45East with Sophie and Johnny. We had a fun time hanging out with Carolina and Bella and this girl Elizabeth who’s I think Italian and Filipino? Soooo pretty.
-The following weekend was really nice and chill. Me and Jeni went and saw Jordan’s fire show at Dante’s where I connected with Halo again! I met his girl, Julissa who also is a part of the fire dance group. We only stayed until after Jordan performed, and then we went to the Bithouse Saloon where we met the psychedelic club for this acid dance party. We danced for an hour and ended up at White Owl and danced till 2am. I found my rave boyfriend again, Fonso and hella made out with him so that was fun. I didn’t go super hard that night and we had a pretty good night. I was proud of myself for not going overboard. 
-Okay so this day was pretty bad. I was supposed to go see Dr. Nicholas Powers with Psychedelic Club but decided I needed to write a paper and finish my research for another paper. Didn’t happen. I decided to invite Sevan to Mac’s Wine Cellars for their free wine tasting. They had 5 wines to taste and we only did 2 until we decided to split a bottle. We were there for like 3-4 hours doing our homework and drinking. I had to drop his PCC classes for him because there was no way he was gonna pass those classes at this point. He was upset. Then he invited Gerdy  to come hang out with us and I was pumped because I haven’t seen Gerdy since Kodiak last November. By the time he came I was pretty buzzed and Sevan had asked if I wanted to come to this thing at Mississippi. I decided to come even though my sober Jessa voice screamed “noooooo”. Gerdy drove us to Sevan’s house to meet with his roommates and of course Sevan broke out the half gal vodka. They’re both high functioning alcoholics and I do this thing unconsciously where I try to keep up with the people I’m drinking with. After the third shot, I blacked out.  I woke up in Grady’s couch and he told me that I kept trying to make out with him lol. I also wouldn’t tell him where I lived so he couldn’t buy me a lyft home. My night ended around 10pm. They wouldn’t serve me at the bar we were at. Grady carried me everywhere and helped me vomit. He layed me on the couch at his house, put a trash can near my face, kept all my belongings close to me and set my alarms for work, and slept on the other couch and didn’t abandon me. Bless his heart. Grady has my trust. I invited him to cuddle with me that morning before I had to leave for work. I went to work super fuckin noticeably drunk. The good thing was that it was such a slow morning. By the time I had sobered up, it got busy. But I can’t tell if Jessica and Hannah were happy with me. I did leave Jessica quite a bit to take my “breaks” because I had realized that Brook was on vacation so I hella took advantage of that. I didn’t get a hangover that day, but I was full of shame afterwards and was really quite. 
-I also decided to fly to Colorado for Sonic Bloom during the summer solstice weekend. Cody and I have been talking quite a bit and he offered to buy my ticket if I could get that weekend off. We’ve been facetiming a lot since then and we both had our doubts and our friends felt sketched, but we both had a really good feeling about each other which was why he offered to buy it and I decided to take it. 
-The following weekend I had broken down. After Brook came back from her vacation. Someone had told her that I was drunk the weekend prior and she and I had a serious conversation. She was pissed with me and I felt that miles away. The conversation ended her saying “you broke my trust. and hannah’s, kateri’s, jessica’s, and asia’s” which I interpreted as “you fucked up. we dont trust you. we don’t like you”. she almost fired me but instead sent me home for the week. She asked for me to let her know by the end of the week to let her know if I wanted to continue working there. I already knew my answer was no. Especially after that conversation. So I went home and cried forever. Sevan called me and I told him what happened. I ended up dog/house sitting for him for the week which gave me some time to be away from people for a minute which was good. That day I decided to stop drinking for a while. I’ve decided to go to Refuge Recovery, Shambhala meditation, and Smart Recovery and even sign off of all social media while I sober up and reground myself and focus on school. 
-I had mailed my work key and sent Brook my letter of resignation/apology letter. I had great feedback from her and left me in tears. I appreciate her so much. Hannah ended up reaching out a few days later, and so did Kat. I had mixed feelings about everyone there after that incident. But honestly, I think it’s mainly shame that I was experiencing. There’s no way I can go back there anytime soon without feeling like a piece of shit. 
-I finished the month with Living Prism’s RAW with Mena and River. We went out and had a great time. I didn’t drink either. I lost $34 because I couldn’t find anyone else to come with so that sucked. I have decided to drop acid and had the most fascinating acid experience there. The first two hours was me dancing and socializing. The next two hours was me sitting on my ass over by the balcony upstairs not talking to anyone but was taking hella notes. It was very insightful and entertaining. Sevan was with me till 1:30am. I felt amazing the next day. It was a rich experience. 
-First week of June I made new intentions to work on being more conscious with my decisions. Sure, I may start drinking after I hit my 4 week mark, but I’m trying to not pull an Amy Winehouse. I did a second acid trip with the psychedelic club. We were at Bella’s and I felt like I was hanging out with a bunch of moms. These gals were 20+ years older than me and it was fascinating for me to see how we’re all emotionally and mentally on the same level but we’re so different physically. I loved spending time with them. We’re planning an ayahuasca ceremony together before I leave for Colorado. 
-I finished the spring quarter with straight A’s once again! I worked my ASS off during the last two weeks and spent hourssssss studying and writing two essays. It all paid off. Parent’s are happy and supportive of me not working.  
0 notes
Friday, January 18, 2019
post #375
main points:
- woke up to shovel snow
- toaster strudel breakfast
- one punch man episode binge through the rest of season 1 / talk to mudit about CS career stuff
- clean up phone photo files
- smash tourney! i showed up on stream :O 
today i:
- woke up around 8am. i saw that our school district had a 2 hour delay so sheena was still home. i set an alarm for 8:30am cause i saw there was already snow collected on the ground from last night. if it kept snowing, i was gonna shovel it so the kitchen guy could come in. dad’s also sick so i didn’t want him to shovel
i got up really groggy and sheena was already up doing APUSH annotations. she said she heard dad go outside. i was like “ahhh no dad”. he was just heating up sheena’s car. i rushed downstairs and told him to go inside and i would shovel the snow. it was pretty thin, maybe 2-3 inches. my dad suggested i use the broom and then went back inside
i shoveled/broomed the snow for maybe 30 or so minutes and got it cleared + the sidewalks 
- i came back in around 9am and sheena was on her way out. cause of the two hour delay, school started at 9:25am. i heated up some toaster strudels as the kitchen guy came in. he asked mom what she thought between the two vs. three lights. i was kind of confused cause my mom said she wasn’t sure what she thought would look better. i personally thought three would look good but also it’s her kitchen so she should decide :p the kitchen guy suggested two and after some deciding, my mom settled on two. i finished making the toaster strudels and started eating them and decided to watch S1E5 of one punch man
then i went upstairs and continued to go on a binge... LOL i love this show so much. i watched S1E5 to S1E10 or so, then took a lunch break around 1pm. i ate the salad that mom leftover from panera two nights ago. i also finished the blog post for yesterday cause i watched one punch man last night instead of writing it
- i had constipation earlier this morning when i was watching one punch. i held back on applying the medication for the hemorrhoids cause i’m not sure what to make of it. i’ll give it a few more days and see what happens
applied the medication after i finished eating lunch and then finished one punch man S1E11 and S1E12. ahhh i want moar one punch
- also talked to mudit about CS career stuff. he was asking if i had any resources for behavioral questions and general programming practices. i tried to give a few examples of behavioral answers i give and realized that they might not actually be that impressive... but i also feel like interviewers don’t worry too much about it cause they usually focus on the technical portion. we talked about the question “what’s a challenging project you’ve worked on?”. what’s considered “challenging” is subjective and i felt like my example HQ bot answer didn’t really help him... :’( i tried :shrug:
- spent some time from 4pm cleaning up my phone files. i realized that apple Photos doesn’t let me create separate Photo app things -- they all get bunched into the same thing. but fortunately on my backup hard drive i have everything broken down by months manually in folders when i made the switch a while ago. since i can’t put the Photos format on my external hard drive since it’s not apple formatted, i use the plain folders there. i decided on my mac, i’m just gonna keep dumping everything into the Photos app and just call it “2018-” until i decide to stop adding to it. i liked the geotagging/visualization and live photos feature. otherwise i’d just delete it and manually use my own folders
- shaved my face and then left around 5pm. i stopped by walgreens on the way to get metamucil to increase my fiber to try to help out with my stool. cause i’ve been having constipation since i started applying the medication. then i stopped by wawa near the smash venue, getting a bacon avocado club sandwich and mac and cheese. i just ate it in the parking lot :p 
- i got to the venue around 6:15pm and checked in. then i just hung around for a bit. i hopped on a setup and a guy joined me for friendlies. his name was vincent i think. he had a diddy kong that was really good and he wrecked me. then he used mewtwo and i got more wrecked. but after 5 or so games we got kicked off the set up to be used for doubles. but then the setup was open after the doubles game was played so we hopped back on. i met another asian guy named... i forget. his name might’ve been vincent actually... but anywho, we chatted a bit about our lives while we played friendlies. he and his friends just started freshman year of CS in new jersey :o that’s wild. i told him i just graduated LOL i’m so old. we played some falcon dittos or a bit, then got kicked of the setup and played on another one shortly afterwards. we also just kind of chilled at the wall talking. it was nice getting to meet him. we talked about what video games we played in middle school and high school and how his classes are going at university
- singles started on time around 7:45pm. my first set was against a link and i won 2-0. the winner of our set got placed on the streaming setup against a really good king dedede. while i was waiting i was messaging deepak about it LOL. he saw that the guy i was playing against placed 9th last week at the venue and his dedede is really good. oh boi
i got on the set up around maybe 8:30? anyway i saved the link so you can see a play by play but i got wrecked 0-2 LOL. he was really good at spacing with his gordos and i also kept overextending when i shouldn’t have. he was also part of a crew and they were also cheering him on on the side occasionally which was kind of distracting but oh well. he was clearly the better player. after we finished, we went to report the score and he told me about falcon’s nairs. i can’t string them in a combo on heavy characters like dedede unless i have rage or something. that was really nice of him to share with me :)
waited around for a little longer and then played against an ike in loser’s bracket i won 2-0. i felt kind of bad cause i found out it was the first tournament for the guy i was playing against. so basically me last week :p 
finally my fourth game was against a lucina. i won the first game, lost the second game in a really close one, and then sd’ed in the third one and lost 1-2. it was a really close matchup though. we kept getting neck and neck, one stock each and at like 100%+. oh well, gg’s to him. he said i should ask him to play friendlies later
i hung around for a bit until a setup opened up and just as i got on, he also got knocked out. i learned that his name was matt and we just played friendlies from 10-11pm. he was a really nice dude. he played pichu and wolf. i played snake and mario. and then we both went back to lucina vs falcon for a few times at the end, playing another mock set. again, so close each game but i lost 1-2 :p
he game me his phone number cause he said if i wanna play doubles with him next week i should let him know. i was like booyah yeah sure. if i can make it next friday i’d be down
- drove home and got back around 12am. watched myself play on stream just to see what the commentators were saying. one of them gave me a semi compliment saying i wasn’t playing too badly considering i’m a newer player LOL
i’ll take it
anyways, that’s about it
i went to sleep around 1am
the end
0 notes
mauridianhallow · 7 years
how was your day off? what did you do?
Oh. My. God. My Day Off™ (as we shall be referring to it) was AWESOME! Mediocre in some regards, but we must remember it is not the extravagance of the act but the freedom to act itself that made my Day Off™ so good, and why I have been looking forward to it for weeks! This is gonna be a long one, because I am so excited to talk about it, so strap in friends. Let’s go! We shall begin, as all stories must, at the beginning. Saturday 18th of November. 12:30AM. I have just finished work, my cousin’s funeral had been on the Friday, and I had been working in my family’s pub at the wake, (big Irish Catholic fam, take the stereotypes and multiply them by a random number, you’re probably right) and after finishing cleaning and making sure my bar is absolutely spotless, my aunt and I finally locked up. It was now, officially, my Day Off™. The first thing I did was crack open a beer. A Miller’s. I’m not usually a fan of American beer (because in all seriousness most of it is catpiss) but this? This beer? This beer which I was able to sit in my kitchen, speaking to friends, and just Enjoy™? It was the second best tasting beer I have ever tasted. I went upstairs, having informed the world through Snapchat that for the next 24 hours, I was free, and just stripped off. I just got to stand there, had a look at the scars on my back, my leg muscles, the bruises and cuts on my arms. Life. I realise I’m always rushing about, always from one thing to the next, sometimes that takes a tole on your body and while that’s nothing to be ashamed of, as I stood there naked I decided that sometimes I was a little hard on my body, the only one I’ll ever have, and I’m gonna look after it a little. After all, it’s my body’s Day Off™ as well. I ran a bath, I don’t usually get a chance for a bath, but my aching muscles needed it. One of my best friends, Carol, works in Lush and for my birthday a few months back she got me a bath bomb, so it seemed I was going all out this evening. It was 1:15AM. The bath was heavenly. I got to take care of myself, my body, my spirit felt rejuvenated, I got an opportunity to shave for the first time in a while, and when I stood up to get out of my bath, I felt prepared for the coming day. Just as I went to enter my bedroom, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror in the spare room, it wasn’t the same body that went in, it truly looked relaxed. It felt it too. 1:45AM. I’m still 100% awake, I’ve had a coffee and I decide to catch up on some shows I’ve not had the opportunity to see because of life. The latest episodes of Flash and Arrow, I’m excited for the 2 night crossover event and put the date in my planner. I switch to Designated Survivor, a show on Netflix that I’ve become addicted too and although it’s very “feel good, good guy always wins, moral of the story is...” kinda show, there’s nothing wrong with that. I love it! It’s about 4AM now, some sleepiness has started to come over me, my eye lids are getting a little heavier and I know I’ll be sleeping soon. I give myself a long sleep when I set my alarm, for about 11AM, because I deserve it. Why not, eh! The sleep was perfect, I had wonderful dreams about my friends, about the Reading and Leeds Festival during the summer, and when I woke up it was naturally with no alarm blaring, no one knocking on my door reminding me I have responsibilities. It was 10:45AM. I get up, stretch and go make myself some breakfast, no one is home (and won’t be until 7PM) so I don’t bother even dressing. There’s something strangely liberating about being able to wake up, walk downstairs, make and eat breakfast naked. But I’ll move on, I’m sure no one wants to hear about THAT hahah! When I’m deciding what to wear for heading into Glasgow, I pass over the darker colours of my wardrobe, no greys or blacks today, no today I want to walk down the street and feel awesome! I settle for my blue tight-fit gym t-shirt, my red tartan (plaid?) shirt to go over it, blue jeans and a pair of nice brown winter boots I bought a while back and never really had the chance to wear. I’m wearing my expensive underwear, it’s comfy and I feel great. To cap it all off, my blue double breasted long coat, the very same one I wore when I was 17 and walked into my last year of High School. I have a special connection with this coat, and I always feel great wearing it! I pack my bag, not of study material for today I refuse to study, but with my notebook and planner, a book I haven’t had the chance to finish in months, some snacks and a can of Arizona Green Tea. I wrap my scarf tightly around my neck and I walk out into the world! I catch the 11:21AM train into Glasgow, I’m going to get my phone screen repaired but I’m not worried. I’m messaging Chelsea, we’ve been talking a lot more recently and I like it. She tells me she’s working today, in Glasgow and I make a note of the time. If I get a chance I’ll pop in a say hello, if only briefly because I know she’ll be busy. I still feel great! It’s about 12PM that I finally get into the City, walking past the Counting House in George Square, I decide to jump in for a quick pint. I know there’s football on today so the place is packed. I only stayed for 30 minutes but I reminded myself I wasn’t jumping from one thing to the next today, I was under no obligation to hurry. It felt nice. When I reached the Apple Store, I entered into its clinical environment reminded of how cut off this place is from the rest of the world. I hand my phone in, they quote me a time of around 4/5PM, and when I leave I feel strange. I really am so used to having my phone in my pocket, I fidget with it a lot, I feel slightly cut off and while there’s a brief moment of anxiety, it soon passes. The world in mine today. I visit some shops, most are preparing for Christmas time and all look beautiful. I have about 3 hours to kill, to do what I want. As I’m passing by the Stairs at the Buchanan Galleries Concert Hall (if you’ve ever been in Glasgow you’ll know the ones) and am hit with a sudden wave of nostalgia. I’ve had so many good memories here; shopping trips with my parents as a kid, summer days as a teen, first kisses, teenage crushes, political rallies, moments of pure peace and moments of excitement! I’ll be truly sad when they are gone to make way for something else but I smile as I head to the cinema. There’s only one thing for it today, Justice League! I’ve been so excited for this! I can’t wait to see my childhood heroes come together, I haven’t been this excited for a superhero team up film since the Avengers all those years ago! I pass by the machines that let you book tickets immediately, and go to stand in line. Not because I don’t want to use the machines, but because I very rarely get to go through the excitement of the cinema experience. Standing in line, buying a ticket, talking with the people and what they think of the film. Again, it’s the freedom to do it that I am enjoying! It’s about 1:20PM. The film is beautiful, so fantastic, and while this blog post isn’t a film review, I will definitely recommend it! If someone had told little 12 year old me that one day I would be seeing live action adaptations of my heroes, he would’ve cried probably. A slight tear did in fact gather, more of nostalgia than anything else, for the innocence of childhood and how I really do need to remind myself to enjoy the little things more. When I leave the film, the wind and cold hit me but I’m smiling and very happy! I jump into the Apple Store to check how the phone is coming along and they say about half an hour until it’s finished. I thanked the lady and decided I have time to jump in to Chelsea’s work, say hello, and grab a coffee. I just hope it’s not too busy! When I walked in the door I managed to get a look at her without her spotting me. She was so excited to get this job, and I can definitely see why! She seems in her element, and happy! We speak briefly, joke a little, I pick up my coffee and go sit in the corner. I’m in no rush. I bring out the book I’ve been reading throughout the day in the small moments I get between things, and finish a couple chapters, I’m so close to the end! My coffee tasted great, extra caramel, whip cream and all! Just as I check my watch for the time I see it’s 4:15PM, but because I promised myself there would be no rushing today, I stay seated. My drink isn’t finished, and I’m enjoying my book. I give it another 10 minutes and as I go to leave I try to say goodbye to Chelsea, although the shop is quite busy now and I’m not sure she heard me. No worries though! I do make a promise to try and see her more often, maybe we could do something around Christmas time, but I put it from my head and leave to pick up my phone. I am content. The people at Apple were very nice, I had expected to be paying upwards of £100 for this new screen, but I was told that I was under warranty and it wouldn’t cost me a penny! I am elated! This day just gets better and better and better! I check my watch and see it’s about 4:25PM, and start walking to High Street. There’s music in my ears, memories of a good day in my head and happiness in my heart! I could have went to Queen Street, it’s closer but as I say again, it wasn’t the need to hurry that was driving me today, but the choice to relax and enjoy myself. The walk was very nice, the train journey nicer. I managed to finish my book, and while we all know the emotions around finishing a book you’ve been trying to read for months, I was very very happy. I used the train WiFi to but some Christmas presents for my niece and nephew, and when I got home, into the heat, there was no collapse of exhaustion. No falling onto my bed dramatically, I got into my pyjamas and jumped into bed. A quick nap, I deserved it. When I wake, it’s about 8PM, I’m rested and feel hungry and decide I don’t want to cook tonight, I’m going to treat myself to a pizza takeaway! I spend the rest of the night talking to friends, messaging Chelsea, eating and playing some of the new Assassin’s Creed. I can’t remember what time I went to sleep, because I didn’t need to worry about it. The day ended with complete contentment, my heart felt light and my head cleared. My Day Off™ had been perfect. Did I do much? Maybe not. But everything I did do was because I COULD! Let’s look at it like this; I slept late, got my phone fixed, did some Christmas shopping, saw a film I’ve been excited about for a long time, saw a girl I hadn’t seen in months, had great coffee, ate great food, napped out of deserving not out of exhaustion, played some video games, and fell asleep at a time I didn’t need to worry about. No studying. No work. No responsibilities. Perfect. And that my friends is the very long story of my Day Off™. It was one of the best days I’ve had in a long time. I hope I get another some point soon. Thank you for asking Anon, that was very nice of you. I just woke up about 20 minutes ago, it’s 8:18AM, Sunday 19th of November. It’s no longer my Day Off™. And life is good.
0 notes
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
post #303
condensed post:
i got gifted mario kart from deepak!!?!??!?!
- woke up around 11am, made some oatmeal pb + banana and got right into taking care of some logistics for our hackathon
i set up slack so that only people who should be able to post in certain channels can, etc. spent a bunch of time following up with emails and messages to all workshop runners to make sure that they are aware that they are confirmed and up to date with all relevant information
i worked on this for 2 hours until 1pm. then i switched gears to set up sqlite for my OOP project since that’s something we wanted to get working
- went to OOP class 2:30-4pm. met with eric and nik but we decided to just go upstairs and work since it was an open class anyway. we continued brainstorming the layout of the object design and then started talking about database schema and that’s where it got kind of complicated... cause it might not necessarily work the way we need to/might get messy. we also clarified some points about how our UI would look. we decided to pocket the database stuff for later and focus on everything else for now
- walked back home and snacked on some tofurky and cheez-its since i didn’t really have lunch. i purposely didn’t eat anything cause i was gonna meet with denis for dinner. set up my nintendo switch and connected it to the internet. there was some extra config needed for the school wifi
- went to get dinner with denis from 7pm-8pm at nud pob. it was really good. i got the indonesian fried rice. i haven’t had that in a long long time. yummmmm :) 
- denis and i went to bulletproof from 8:30-10pm. it was a really fun session. there were a lot of people there, and the music was also fire. i also saw genesis there and he saw i was trying to learn how to windmill. he told me i should try to punch through and land on my shoulder to try to get momentum. i tried on some gym mats and it actually sort of worked. this was like the next step that i was missing and had no idea how to do. and that’s all i needed to actually start spinning cause all i had was like the turtle freeze. and then sort of a backspin which is tangentially related. thanks genesis!!! he was really helpful and pointing out what i was doing wrong/should do
- walked back home, took a shower and then started my laundry cycle. i ate some leftover nud pob (i intentionally didn’t want to stuff myself at dinner before the dance session). i chilled a bit and sent out some emails
- then i logged onto my switch to play botw and i saw an extra thing on my screen. it was mario kart??? i was like WHAT. deepak jokingly suggested he’d gift it to me earlier today and i was like no it’s okay. but then i logged on and saw it there and was like ?????. it was a really fun and nice surprise. i called him and then tyrone came in (i later learned he was in on it too)
we played mario kart from 11:30-1am. we played some classic racing stuff, some shine thief, and renegade roundup. and then (since i had to set up nintendo online to play with deepak), there was an NES simulator that comes with it. so we messed around with some games from the 1980′s for a bit until like 2:30am. it was pretty fun and cool to see those old style games
now i have mario kart and botw and NES. and i learned that deepak asked tyrone to hop on my switch to enter the gift code for mario kart while i was at dinner/dance. so that’s how he was able to get the actual game on my switch. i thought he gifted it to me and it just sends/arrives to my console. thanks deepak :’) 
went to sleep around 3am
the end
0 notes
Thursday, March 8, 2018
post #59
main points:
- OW ethics mini talk
- vlog editing
- legend of korra 
- fortnite
today i:
- woke up around 10:30am. my mom told me to get up so that the people coming to clean our house could clean my room. so i took my laptop downstairs and just browsed youtube and facebook for a while
- around 11:30pm ish i think they left? and then i decided to get working on the OW mini ethics talk i was planning to give to the club. i have most of it done on the powerpoint and a good idea of what i want to talk about so i think that was pretty successful
- i heated up another auntie annie pretzel dog for lunch. i kind of wish i ate more than that but it was good enough. around 2pm ish i started working on the rest of the vlog. i finally finished editing around like 6:30pm, and i think it turned out pretty well given my lack of direction/recording over the time span of the weekdays. i didn’t really have much footage because of midterms and homework so. yeah. but i finished editing, i just need to come up with a name for it and then i can post it
- ate dinner with the fam around 7pm. i was so hungry. while we were watching my sister put on legend of korra season 3. and then i got sucked into watching it after dinner. it was near the end of the season when korra was fighting zaheer and the red lotus. the finale took place in the north temple where the red lotus members tried to wipe out the airbenders as leverage to make korra turn herself in. then she got captured and then was poisoned to summon the avatar state, and then zaheer tried to kill her but didn’t succeed.
- i went upstairs around like 10pm ish, took a long shower and around 11:30pm joined trevor and josh who were playing fortnite. i had a really great first game where i was building so well and was able to take out an entire squad near tilted towers. after that the games were okay. chris also downloaded it and played with us for the first few games. then trevor and chris had to go around 12:30am, josh and i played one last game and we got sandwiched. and josh left. around 1:30am i decided to try out the 20 person mode (5 teams of 20 total). it’s pretty chaotic but kind of interesting i guess. 
i stopped around 2:35am and decided to watch ninja twitch stream but he was hosting another player. i watched him play and now i’m gonna go to sleep
it’s 3:02am. i really need to stop doing this but i’m justifying it to myself cause it’s break. sigh
get hyped
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