#does it make any sense? nope! does that matter? absolutely not!
teewritessmth · 5 months
Arranged Marriage
(Part 01 / ?)
(Niko Omilana x f! reader)
Warnings : None
Summary : In order to be the grateful daughter, you have to comply with your father's request. But what is it?
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"WHAT!?!!?", you stand up abruptly, question whether you had misheard the sentence.
"Y/n, you're gonna listen to your father, we're not going to argue over something as trivial as this". Your stepmum, Ryona, interjects rudely as she pulls a chair and sits down.
"TRIVIAL?", you exclaim.
Why did she care, you ask? Nope, I don't know either.
"Dad, why are you doing this? I mean give me a proper reason at least. You can't spring up a topic this serious and tell me to go with it." You try pleading with your dad, but he remains unfazed at your outburst.
"We've always wanted the best for you y/n. I've given you everything you wanted, done everything you asked me to. And when I tell you to say yes... You question me as your father?"
Your eyes drop to the floor. It was true. Your father was an amazing man and an even better parent. A sense of shame crawls through your spine as you realise just how much you owe him. He had done so much for you, yet you couldn't agree to one thing he had asked?
"Dad please, this is so stupid. I don't want to be married right now. I just started my career-", you reason.
"Making little videos isn't a fucking career, Y/n. Maybe you're pulling a few hundred dollars here and there, but that doesn't mean that this is a stable job. Do you even know how embarrassing it is to tell people that our daughter makes 'videos' on the internet. I mean even the phrasing of it is absolutely hysterical and shameful!" Ryona finishes her comment with a quick glance at her husband, motioning for him to speak.
"Y/n, please... ", Your dad looks at you with hopeful eyes. What you failed to notice was how that man's eyes filled up with tears as you sighed and started walking towards your room.
The following week was uncomfortable. Whenever you came down for breakfast, they'd stop talking. They'd drop whatever the hell the were doing and wander off somewhere else. I mean, you were used to Ryona pulling shit like this all the damn time, but not your dad.
He avoided you like the plague. This had gone to such an extent that the old man couldn't bear to be in the same room with you, avoiding your eyes everytime you tried to speak.
Perhaps it was how they treated you, or perhaps how that bizarre idea had implanted itself into your head. You weren't interested in anyone, and god forbid to say that you didn't have any personal goals to hit. You'd love to have a family, you'd love to have someone at home, just for the sake of it. You'd build the family you could never get as a child.
But how?
The were talking about marrying you off.
Or that's how you heard it.
Yeah, Definitely marrying you off.
But how does an option like that sound so much better than living in this hell hole.
Fucking hell.
It's been one month, that your dad and your stepmum have completely iced you out.
"I'll do it". You state, matter of factly, raising an eyebrow as your 'parents' turn towards you. They weren't gullible, they knew what you wanted to say.
"Y-you'll marry him? You'll marry Nikolas!", Your dad pulls you into a bone-crushing hug which you don't return. How could he be so happy at the thought of his wife sending their child away to a man they don't even know.
Well, they know him. You don't.
He's the son of your dad's bestfriend. Of course the know each other to an extent.
You had dug your own grave, might as well get it over with.
"But, I can't just say that I'll get married to him? He has to agree in order-".
"The boy has agreed a month ago. It was YOU who kept stalling the wedding. How long were you planning on doing this? Don't you see that we have an image to maintain? Now stop your wailing and mentally prepare yourself. You'll both get married in a week's time. I'm calling the Omilanas and confirming". Ryona makes herself very clear, making it painfully obvious that they were going to get you married forcefully if you didn't agree otherwise. Or else how could they manage a whole venue within such an acute time frame?
You nod weakly and head back upstairs, feeling defeated. Your future was written already, your yes meant NOTHING.
You've heard of him. He's big on YouTube, people in his comments often ask him to collab with you. You'd be lying if you said your comments said otherwise.
Oh how'd the internet would have an absolute field trip if they found out that their two favorite creators were about to me married.
Well....married for the sake of marrying.
Married for the sake of a title.
Married for the sake of your father.
You look at the dress and accessories you had picked out and sigh into your hands. It was happening.
Your wedding..........was tomorrow.
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loveandleases · 1 month
Sorry if this has been asked. I tried to search but couldn't find it.
How do the RO's deal with jealousy. I notice that Cam, G and Ardent all are quite high (I mean Cam and Ardent are in a different legion). How do they deal when they see MC being hit on or someone just doing a flirty joking thing.
Can't wait for the release ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
I can't recall if it has or not. (I'm going to have to pick a designated day to sort out a masterlist) Answer below! (Me too, so excited okay more nervous than excited. I'm editing a wee bit of code that was broken from first round of beta. Not too much of a hassle!) ❤️ Cam - He should be used to being jealous of people making eyes at MC or when MC was dating, etc. But to Cam it was just ya know him being protective of his friend. That's all it was, so simple, so innocent. Until he came to terms with his feelings, which in turn kind of flipped a switch in his head and made it all make sense. His face reacts before his thoughts can sometimes, so he would be scowling, angry. Stumping around and pouting, Cam would try to diffuse the situation as quick as possible, if someone is flirting with MC, looks like Cam just remembered they've totally seen this person before. He will then put himself between MC and this person, "Hey weren't you here last time with your partner?" (he will think of so many ways for this person to leave mc alone. maybe even make a list for what works the fastest)
💙 G - I'm absolutely not jealous. Out of all the emotions I feel that is so far from any of them. (such a liar)
G denies, because they shouldn't be jealous, why do they care? Caring about MC about who they're interested in or whose interested in them shouldn't matter. Is the person a friend of MC's? That shouldn't matter, it shouldn't but damn it if it doesn't. G has more bite, they snap a bit, or they turn complete ice cold. As if MC doesn't exist, but they're paying far too much attention for that to be the case. Because realizing they're jealous hurts them, disgusts them.
💚 Kara - There are moments when Kara can and has gotten jealous when in regards to MC. Some of those moments was when MC and Chris were together. Was she jealous because MC was spending time with her older sibling who she considers a close friend? Or was it more? Whose to say (I can't!). When not in a relationship she doesn't believe she has a right to be jealous when it comes to MC, so she does get conflicted when it happens, however seldom. She likes attention, if she's getting it from MC good if not...well maybe she just needs to do something to change that. She tries to brush it off, lets it settle. Because clearly that jealousy is fleeting right?
💛 M - So M is a tricky one, they are close to very few people so if and when MC becomes one of those and they see that someone is trying to take that time with MC away from them, they get kinda jealous. They'll blush, brush it off. Then their tongue will slip and they will say something catty. Apologize profusely. M doesn't know how to handle those emotions, they haven't had experience with it so it's a learning time for them.
💜 Isaac - It would take a lot for Isaac to get jealous. Would have to be in deep crush/early relationship stage for it to really start. It would scare them, but they would hide that from MC. Isaac knows pain, so if they get jealous then they worry that can lead to other feelings other fears. They'll try to ignore it, because if MC and Isaac are together, they have to trust its for a reason. It's not just a thrill of a moment. So they deal with jealousy with patience, or try to.
🖤 Ardent - Ooooh goodness. Ardent doesn't deal with it. Nope, even crushing stage. He's not dealing with that. He would be brash, to the point. Tell the person to back the fuck off, and if he sees them again well, that's going to be a problem. When Ardent cares for someone, he does it with every fiber of his being. So seeing someone trying to overstep their bounds especially if that person is making MC uncomfortable. That would get his temper quicker than anything. Ardent would be clingy, so clingy so annoying. Like hold his hand, better yet let him wrap you in his arms because this guy is sulking.
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May I request BEN, Toby, and Puppeteer comforting their chubby s/o about their self image? “I love you, no matter what size you are.”
Brain is not braining today, sorry!
Hope you’re well!
Hope you're doing well too! I always forget to say it, but I do tag all my chubby requests with chubby reader, so if you ever need to find more you can look through that tag ^_^
Toby can be found by clicking here
Similar BEN request can be found here
Listen, Pup is the type of guy who just does not see anything wrong with being chubby. Like- it doesn't make sense in his brain why you weighing a bit more than someone else is a bad thing in any capacity. So long as it's not actively impacting your life, why should it matter? He's never been critical of your form, and he finds you to be very attractive. He loves how soft you are, how nice you feel when he squeezes you tight, how warm you are against his cold body when he lays down with you. You're absolute perfection in his eyes, so when he learns how critical you are of yourself, it shocks and upsets him.
Although he's been quite critical of himself as well, so he understands where you're coming from on that front, but that doesn't mean he thinks it's okay for you to judge yourself so strongly. He's quick to pull you against him, humming as he looks down at you, scrutinizing your appearance. He tilts your face, turns you around, looks over every inch of your body, analyzing you and looking for any falt. When he's done he hums once more and says, "Nope, couldn't find a single thing wrong with you anywhere. I looked here, and here, and here, and here... But everything just seems absolutely wonderful to me." He'll poke you gently in different areas as he does so, tickling you and getting you to laugh. He's not always been the best at comforting others and sometimes he freezes up or isn't sure what to say, but he'll pull you close again and reassure you that he thinks you're the most attractive person he's ever met, and that he doesn't see anything wrong with you, so neither should you. 
He asks you if someone has been saying things to you to make you feel this way, or if it's you saying these negative things to yourself. Regardless of your answer, he reassures you that those negative opinions hold no weight or value, that you're very beautiful, and those negative opinions should be replaced with positive ones instead. He tries his best to help you, now complimenting you every single day when the two of you wake up and get ready together, and he means it. He also gets a bit more touchy with you in public. Normally he doesn't like any sort of displays of affection, but he'll hold your hand more, pull you close when you're walking, press sporadic kisses to those soft cheeks of yours, all to remind you that he loves you and he's proud to be your partner, regardless of what you look like. He knows confidence doesn't change overnight, and that you'll have good days and bad days, but if there's one thing he absolutely will not stand for in this world, it's watching his beloved be upset, especially at themselves. He'll always be there for you, paying attention and reassuring you whenever he feels you need it. He genuinely, genuinely loves your body and you for how you are, and he wants you to feel the same way about yourself.
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numinously-yours · 6 months
Pick a crystal: Messages from your inner child
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I've been doing a lot of my own inner child work lately and really felt called to channel all of (well, as many of) yours as I could. This reading is looking at:
What did you need as a child?
How is your inner child now?
What do they want you to work on next?
I also gauged the time of your childhood that I think these feels really became a part of you - but the ranges are large and don't necessarily mean it's not for you!
Choose a crystal and see below the cut for your reading
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Pile one, stability is the world I would use to describe what you needed as a kid. It feels like every time you ALMOST felt settled, your caretaker would get too scared to commit and you were off to the next place. You never got the chance to really make connection. Yeah, you've always had friends but you never had that connection that really showed you what friendship was. I'm here to tell you that all of the people you were worried about liking you are thankful you were a part of their lives, no matter the length of time.
I REALLY hope my intuition is correct about how your inner child is feeling right now. It is beautiful energy. It's either a relatively recent happening or it's happening very soon, but your sense of emotional fulfillment is so strong. Since this time in your childhood, you have finally started to understand what unconditional love feels like. I want to cry, pile 1! There is a huge sense of relief coming over me. You're realizing that it doesn't matter how long you've been somewhere, as long as you are your authentic self and you allow others to be their authentic selves, that is all you need space for.
What your inner child wants you to work on next is believing that others know this too! In your heart of heart, you know it's true. But you wonder if you're being an imposter of your own self. Are you making up that this is the truth?! Nope. This is only your ego talking. It's trying to protect you, but you don't need it this time around. Take your time learning this, remembering this, and giving yourself grace when you forget it. It will come back easier each and every time.
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Pile two, I don't think you were allowed to actually be a child when you were a kid. It's not that you weren't able to have fun, but I think your parental unit guilt tripped you a lot and sometimes made you the parent. You may have heard phrases like "You don't appreciate what I do for you", "I'm a terrible mother/father/etc", "You'll never be able to make it on your own." It can be any parental figure, but I am feeling strong feminine energy. This person wasn't like this ALL the time,. In fact, you have a lot of fun memories from your childhood. You don't think your childhood was bad by any means, but you wish it didn't still affect you like it does.
I absolutely believe that you've grown a lot. I think this person still does this and, while it doesn't always get to you, every once and awhile you feel really let down. You may be having some trouble trusting your instincts, lately. You're wondering if you're saying "yes" to the people you love because you WANT to or if it's because you're going back to your old ways? Your inner child wants you to know that you're allowed to trust your gut. You will know when you're doing something for yourself versus for other people.
What your inner child may need now is the chance to grow on their own, without the influence of this person. It might be time to take a brief separation from this person if possible. It will be difficult, and you may need to grieve, but I think the grief is really toward letting your childhood hopes go versus feeling badly about hurting this person. I'm sorry you have to worry about this step, but it's so going to be worth it.
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As a child, pile three, I think you have to leave someone you love and, even if you didn't have control over the situation, ou still feel guilty. For some of you, you feel like an outcome would be different if you never left. For others, you haven't had much contact with this person since leaving and you feel like it's something you did that didn't make you "worthy" of being reached out to.
Right now, your inner child knows you're putting in the work to heal this wound. I'm proud of you! Sometimes, though, when you feel yourself feeling unworthy, you can tend to be hard on yourself. "I know the cause of this feeling, so why can't I just get rid of it??" But you are doing a GREAT job of being patient with yourself. You're taking initiative in your own healing. You are continually finding new ways to take care of yourself. You are confident that there is always a way to make it through.
Next up on your healing journey is letting others help you, too. I think you are afraid that if you let someone get close that you'll just end up leaving them again OR that if you get to vulnerable you'll see why the person above never reached out to you, and anyone you let in is bound to leave you instead. Your inner child knows exactly what you've been working on and wants you to know that this work has made you strong enough to let someone else in.
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Hey pile four. First, I wanted to make note that this is the only pile I felt like I was really talking TO your inner child versus asking the universe for information. While shuffling for the first question, I said "you're can tell me" ; while shuffling for the last question, I said "you're allowed to work on yourself, babe." I think things are feeling tough right now for you and your inner child and I hope this reading helps brings some insights.
First, something you needed as a child was someone to commit to you. You may be a child of divorce who split time between your parents' houses and there were multiple times where one of the parents didn't take you for their assigned times. If your parents/parental figures were together, it seemed like they could commit to everything else, but not you. They could commit to work and they could commit to other relationships, but never showed up for you. All you wanted was the adults in your life to just BE there.
At this point in time, you seem to be indulging in the needs of your ego. In an effort (conscious or not) to not worry about your traumas, you push your sad/angry/disappointed feelings into the shadows. What your doing seems like it should be fun, but are you actually enjoying yourself? Your inner child is telling you that you're holding back in an effort to protect yourself and it's time to think about what you REALLY need to help you feel better.
Pile four, you deserved to be loved the way you needed and I'm sorry that you didn't get that. But, it's not too late to love yourself this way. Be gentle with yourself when you start your new phase of healing. You have the capabilities to see beauty in the drabbest of places and you'll find the beauty in this, too. It isn't going to be easy, but damnit, if little you doesn't deserve this healing <3
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sansacherie · 7 months
i feel like if they chose to go in the direction of not only officially confirming alicole feelings but that they were also physically intimate, it would feel most natural to me to have that physical side of their relationship only develop in the time skip after episode 7/after the events of driftmark.
there are numerous reasons why i think it works better in this time skip rather than in the one in episode 6 (where 10 years have passed). one, given alicents fears about the security of her children, she's not going to have an affair. the alicent who was against helaena's betrothal because she saw that rhaenyra was desperate to protect her sons right is probably going to be an alicent that recognises that rhaenyra would absolutely use any adultery of alicent to undermine her and shield her own sons from rumours of their bastardry if rhaenyra found out about it.
secondly, she's a religious women in a feudal medieval setting. her faith is dear to her and while she isn't attracted to viserys, she doesn't want to "betray" their wedding vows (even though she never wanted to marry him in the first place, it was viserys who sought her) by sleeping with another man, even someone as close to her as criston.
thirdly, as alicent is still so young, they're not going to want to risk her getting pregnant. however what makes this time skip really important is that it's these 10 years which creates the tension between them that we see in episode 6 onwards and its a good foundation for this potential consummation in the 6 years that pass after laena velaryon's funeral. driftmark is turning point for alicent when it comes to viserys. whatever faith she has in him is shaken. he is weak. and i highly doubt that her anger at viserys over how he treated what hapened to aemond suddenly just magically went away overnight. nope, most people are going to be angry for a long time and it's this anger which i think drives her first encounter with criston, who does not like viserys. he's part of his kingsguard but it's alicent that he's devoted to.
the idea behind it makes more sense when you factor in the death of laenor velayron, who from the greens pov, rhaenyra got rid of, and her marriage to daemon targaryen, a marriage that viserys should have demanded be annulled but chose not to. so with everything, why does it matter if alicent and criston decide to succumb once to their attraction? and it's this that potentially leads to more
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autistichalsin · 16 days
I love my mom but the lying and guilt tripping gets to be so much sometimes.
IE she overheard me talking about getting my brother a ticket to fly to comic con with us. She got pissed about money (fair enough I guess since he still lives with her and my dad) but then I brought up we were helping, and she got mad at me saying she missed my college graduation because of money so why didn't we help?
I just about lost it. I BEGGED her to come. I offered to pay for all the hotels or plane tickets. She's scared of flying so wouldn't do that, and won't let my dad go anywhere without her, so that was a no. And she said the drive was way too long, she'd be really uncomfortable, and my dad couldn't take that long off work.
She didn't come because she didn't think it was important. Bottom line.
In fact, I even mentioned at one point before the graduation I was grateful, as much as the pandemic sucked, that the graduation would be getting livestreamed because it meant she and my dad would see it no matter what. And she (granted, drinking at the time, but still) said it was horrible for me to celebrate people dying just so I could have a graduation.
EVERY TIME I brought up my graduation, she never showed the slightest interest, nor the slightest bit of sympathy that she was missing it. She went out of her way to blame me, act like I was the one being unreasonable. She continued showing absolutely no interest for my Masters graduation, so that I ended up not even bothering to travel (online program) because I knew no one would be there for me anyway, so why bother.
I didn't even get to go to my high school graduation, because it was an online program on the other side of the state. I had to be held back a year when depression hampered my academic performance, and my older siblings had already dropped out; in desperation, trying to motivate me not to do the same, my dad promised me that if I made it, they would too. So I worked through, got the credits I needed... and nope. My mom screamed that my dad spent too much on getting the car up to pass inspection standards (how does that even make sense) and that we therefore couldn't afford to go. So I didn't get to attend that either.
And you know what? Honestly, I made my peace with it- with the fact that my mom will never care about me the way she cares about my sister, that she just doesn't think my successes are worth celebrating (unless she can brag to someone online to seem like a good parent, I guess) and lacks the empathy to understand why me having my parents with me at major life events is a big deal. I worked through that and made my peace with it and have quietly decided I am not even going to bother inviting them to any future events I have, unless maybe I get married one day, I guess, though I feel she'd still try to find excuses not to go to that if it was more than a four hour drive from her.
I could deal with all that. But she fucking LIED about it to guilt trip me. She lied that she WANTED to come and it was money preventing her. That I never tried to help her get to me. And that's the part that hurts the most. That she wasn't there to celebrate when it mattered, but now has the nerve to lie about it and play victim, as though I'm the reason she wasn't there.
She always does this shit! When I was a senior in undergrad, there was an undergraduate research symposium everyone in my major was required to present at. It was ALSO on Zoom, so no excuse not to make it. I asked her and my dad multiple times if they'd like to see my present my research paper on a Japanese death cult and the effects it had on Japanese culture. They BOTH declined. So I invited my grandma, who was happy to be invited, and my best friend even walked her through setting up Zoom for the first time. AFTER the event, when I was telling my mom and dad on the phone about my grandma loving my presentation, THEN my mom got livid and said she had NEVER been invited, and of COURSE she would have come if she had the chance, why did I invite my grandma and not her?
She doesn't want to share in important things with me but then she gets pissed if I then share them with others instead. I guess she wants to feel so important that her declining would make me refuse entirely instead (as with my Masters degree ceremony?) I don't know.
I'm just tired of this man.
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verai-marcel · 11 months
Rough and Tumble (BG3 Fanfic, Astarion x GN!Reader / Halsin x GN!Reader, 18+)
Of course. Of course it was bound to happen. Me? Write smut for a new fandom? You knew I couldn't stay away.
Summary: You thought Astarion had rejected you, so you went elsewhere for pleasure. Turns out, you just hadn’t piqued his interest yet.
Author’s Notes: Have I beaten the game? No, when I wrote this fic, I was barely in the middle of Act 2. Am I romancing either Astarion or Halsin in my save file? Nope, I went for Gale. Am I making shit up about these characters just because I want to get railed by both? Fuck yes, absolutely. Buckle in for some wild, made-up characterization, all because I want to write super horny fanfic. (And because certain people have bullied me into writing this…) For the timeline, this takes place during the tiefling party in Act I, but forget the real timeline of character romances and just play along. Also, if you’re not familiar with my writing, I try to be as vague as possible about reader description in my gender neutral fics so that anyone can enjoy them. However, I do have a size kink in this one, so imagine you’re a smaller hero this time around. 
Tags: gender neutral reader, halsin x reader, size kink, rough sex, doggy style, gentle dom, some after care, astarion x reader, humiliation, degradation, name calling, sloppy seconds, cock gagging
Word Count: 4,545
AO3 Link is here, sweetheart.
“It’s not you, you understand, it’s me.” A pause. “I have standards.”
Having been shut down so brutally, you shrugged and walked away, unwilling to partake in any further conversation with the infuriatingly attractive vampire.
It’s not like you even said anything about sleeping with him. He just kept talking, like he does, as if he didn’t want to listen to you. You wondered why you had let him bite you the first time, and the second, and the third time. You cursed your weakness to his not-so-subtle glances. 
He’d look over at you, his lips twitching as if he was stopping himself from saying something. So you would ask if he was hungry. And he’d give you this look. ‘No no, I’m fine,’ he’d say, looking away and frowning, making it apparent that he was not fine. You, in your infinite dumbassery, would immediately cave in and offer up your neck. Was it your need to take care of anyone you took under your wing? Was it your stupid bleeding heart?
You knew your little motley crew only shared one thing in common: a need to get the tadpole out of your skulls. But if anything brought people together, it was facing a common obstacle.
Except that not everyone shared your need to do the greater good. You had been making a name for yourself as an honorable mercenary, taking only the jobs that aligned with your sense of morality. Not everyone liked that, especially with the number of assassins that had been sent after you. But that was before you were taken captive aboard the mind flayer ship. Wrong place, wrong time.
Nothing you could do about that now. Face forward and carry on, that has always been your way. There was no reason to change that.
You found yourself walking towards Halsin, standing tall on the outskirts of the camp. He was quietly enjoying himself, a mug in his large hand. He called out your name gently as you approached.
“You do not look as cheerful as I expected on a night like this,” he said, his eyes roving over your face. “What is the matter?”
You sighed. “It’s nothing.”
“It must be something if it is making you frown so.” He stepped closer and put a hand on your shoulder. “Come, let us walk for a bit. Nature will bring perspective.”
You followed him quietly away from camp, away from the crowd and into the forest. Soon, only the peaceful sound of the trees rustling in the wind and insects chirping into the night surrounded you, the party far away. Halsin’s hand wandered from your shoulder to your back, his thumb rubbing slow circles. It was a soothing feeling, and you leaned into him, grateful for his warmth, even if you didn’t need it on this balmy summer night.
“I don’t know what goes on in his head,” you blather suddenly. “I thought he was coming onto me, but then he wasn’t, and while I was trying to figure out what he wanted, he said I was below his standards…”
You hadn't realized that you had stopped walking until you felt Halsin’s touch on your temples, gently massaging your headache away.
“Sounds like he didn’t know what to do with a gift like you,” he said casually.
Your eyes darted up to meet his. You were surprised, but pleasantly so, by the veneration in his gaze. A slight shift, and he was closer to you than he had ever come, the heat from his body radiating like a warm campfire. Cozy and safe, you had a sudden urge to lay your head on his chest and cuddle up to the big druid.
His fingers slowly traced the curve of your ears. “If there is anything, anything at all, that I can do for you, I will gladly do so.”
I want you to crush me—
You shook your head. “I’m alright. I just needed… this.” Leaning your head against his chest, you took a deep breath. He smelled of the forest, of the earth, of nature itself. Your nose twitched. There was a hint of something more, something primal in his scent that stirred you.
Halsin called out your name again. You looked up, and he looked at you with concern this time.
“I’m alright,” you repeated. You thought back to what he said. “What do you mean, didn’t know what to do with me?”
He smiled. “Perhaps he is flustered. Internally, of course. Gods forbid he show it. So he pushed you away once he felt conflicted.”
“Conflicted about what?”
“About manipulating you, of course.”
You frowned.
Halsin touched the two most recent little scars on your neck. Astarion had a tendency to bite a different spot every time, to prevent permanent scarring, he had said.
“I’m not…” you trailed off. Yes, you knew he had manipulated you into letting him bite you the first and second time. The third time… part of you had wanted it too. That time, he had snuck into your bedroll, holding you from behind. You could feel his fangs skim across the skin of your shoulder before he bit into the soft flesh behind your clavicle. His hand was wrapped around your mouth, stifling your groan as he fed, and much to your shame, you had felt the beginning of pleasure warming your lower body. You broke away from him before he could finish, turning back to him to apologize. But he was already getting up, walking away without a single word. You had caught him giving you one last look, a regretful frown, and you had assumed that he lamented having his meal cut short.
“Alright, maybe he is a little manipulative," you conceded. "But I know that."
"And yet you keep giving into him," Halsin said, without any judgment. 
You hung your head. "Yes."
Halsin tipped your chin with two fingers until you were looking up at him. His smile was understanding and tender. "It's alright to care for someone and give into their needs, as long as you take care of your own as well."
You blinked. "But I want…" Trailing off, your cheeks warmed with embarrassment. Like it or not, you had been thrust into the role of the unwilling leader of this ragtag band. What you needed didn’t exactly align with what the team needed from you. What the others needed you to be was a commander, controlling the situation ahead of you.
But what you wanted, needed, was someone to command you, just for a little while, so you didn’t have to constantly think three steps ahead. You looked up at Halsin and felt a sense of trust. He was older, wiser, and most importantly, willing.
"Go on," he coaxed. 
Swallowing, you pushed down your fear and spoke your true desires. "I want to let someone else be in control, just for a little while. I want…" You paused, taking a deep breath, drawing in the courage to continue. "I need to be fucked. Not made love to, not a gentle roll in the sack. I need something… more."
Looking up, you saw a desirous glow in Halsin's gaze. He considered your vague request for a moment before giving you a soft smile. "Is this something you'd like me to do for you?" 
You thought of the large druid holding you down, his hands around your wrists beside your head as he fucked you from behind like a wild animal, growling into your ear. His voice rumbled through your body. Take all of me, little one. Give me your pleasure until it overwhelms your luscious body. 
You blinked and the mental image vanished, but not the desire. "Yes," you answered breathlessly. "Please."
Halsin gently stroked your cheek. “Of course.” He leaned in, nuzzling your temple with his nose. He softly whispered, “if I get too rough, say ‘honey wine’, and I’ll stop.” He pulled away to look you in the eyes. “Understand?”
“Yes sir,” you said.
He gave you one last tender smile before he straightened his stance and took a step back. “Good,” he said in his arch druid voice, powerful, commanding. “Now, strip for me.”
You swallowed and began to take off all of your clothes at a languid pace, letting him enjoy the moment as each article of clothing came off your body. He circled around you, a small smile on his lips as his eyes roved up and down your body.
As you finally stepped out of your underwear and kicked it aside, you felt strangely free. Anyone could walk up and find you two. Yet he was fully clothed, while you were naked to the elements.
And it felt good.
Halsin placed his fingers on your belly and walked around you, his touch leaving a warm trail along your skin. When he was behind you, he stopped. His hand splayed across your lower abdomen and pulled you close.
You gasped at the feeling of his bulge against your bare ass. His leather breeches rubbed against your skin. His chest, though covered in his druid clothes, was warm and comforting. And because he towered over you, he could easily kiss the top of your head.
Taking one of your hands with his free one, he brought your fingers to his lips and kissed them. 
“Show me how you pleasure yourself,” he said, letting go of your hand. He kept you tight against his chest.
With your hands, you began to touch yourself how you liked, teasing yourself at first before pleasuring yourself, harder and faster, until you were panting, your head lolling back against his shoulder. Your knees were beginning to wobble, and you grabbed his thigh for support. Gods, he was like a tree trunk, thick and solid. Your moans were growing louder, and you covered your own mouth in shame as you continued to touch yourself. Your hand was slick from your arousal, the wet sounds echoing around you. Just a little more…
You whined, but did as he bade.
He suddenly let you go, and you nearly fell to your knees if not for him grabbing your arm and keeping you upright. You could hear him undoing the laces of his breeches.
Then you felt him rest his shaft against the curve of your ass. He pulled on your hand and wrapped it around him, smearing the slick from your palm.
“That’s it. Stroke me.” His voice had taken on a deeper timbre. The voice of command.
You did as he said, running your hand up and down his cock. It was hot, hard as iron, yet felt like velvet to the touch. And so girthy as well. You could not wait to take him inside of you.
So focused on pleasuring him, you barely noticed when he began to prepare you, one finger slicked up and sliding in and out of you. He added a second, and a third, all the while caressing your body with his other hand, his lips never far from your skin. You stroked him faster, gripped him harder, but he touched your wrist and slowed you down. 
“Patience, little one,” he murmured. “Don’t end this before we begin.”
You nodded. 
“Good.” He placed a hand on your back and gently bent you over. “Hands behind your back. Grip your forearms.”
You did so, and he grabbed your arms like the reins of a horse. He pulled his fingers from you, and you whimpered, but soon they were replaced by the tip of his cock.
Halsin grunted, and his hips shot forward, filling you full of him in one hard stroke.
Before you could scream, his hand was over your mouth. 
“You don’t want everyone knowing how well you submit, do you?” he asked.
You shook your head.
“Good. I’m going to let go of your mouth now. But stay quiet.” He gripped your arms with both hands now and began to move his hips. The first few strokes were slow and steady as he gauged how well you were opening up to his invasion. Then he sped up, dominating you with his strength, his hips slapping against your ass.
You couldn’t help yourself, you moaned and whimpered with each thrust.
“Can’t stay quiet, can you?” he gritted out, slowing his pistoning. Pulling out of you, he waved his hand and a soft bed of moss appeared on the ground. “On your hands and knees.”
As soon as you fell into position, he climbed over you, his chest against your back, one arm wrapped around your shoulder. He stuffed his cock inside of you once more with a deep growl, almost… bear-like?
You turned your head to look back at him.
His eyes were glowing a fiery yellow, a feral snarl on his face. 
“Halsin,” you whispered in awe, lust, tinged with a bit of fear.
He picked up on it immediately, the caring elf that he was. He took a breath, and the glow in his eyes began to fade.
“No, no!” you panicked, grabbing onto him and clutching at him like he was a life preserver in an icy cold ocean. You didn’t want him to go easy on you, didn’t want him to simmer down just because you were a little bit shocked. You wanted all of him, all that he could give. “Take me, please!”
The glow stopped fading. “Take you, little one?”
“Yes, please,” you begged. “Please.”
His only response was a low growl as his eyes glowed once more and his hips moved in a measured rhythm, his pace steadily increasing until you could barely draw a breath between each stroke.
“Such a good little lover,” he murmured. His lips caressed the shell of your ear as he rutted into you, the dichotomy of his soft moans to his hard thrusts making you lose yourself to this heavenly euphoria. The fevered trance of being fucked without having to think about anything at all was so freeing. You devolved into a mass of writhing and moaning, unable to control your volume any longer. The coil of desire within you was growing tighter, wound up with every thrust, every low, beastly grunt that Halsin gave.
You felt your hands and arms buckle, and you sank your chest into the soft moss beneath you, your ass still up in the air. The cool vegetation against your skin contrasted with the heat from the druid pounding into you from behind.
“Touch yourself,” he commanded. “Finish what you started before.”
Gleefully you reached down and stroked yourself eagerly, your body tensing as the ecstasy built higher and higher. You clenched around Halsin’s thick cock, and he rumbled with satisfaction. He sped up, driving himself into your body with wild abandon.
Your climax ran through you like lightning. One moment, you were at the top of the mountain. The next, you were free falling, pleasure guiding your wings as you soared with rapture. You spasmed below the large man, crying out into his arm. He held you tighter as he fucked you through your orgasm until your knees gave way and you collapsed onto the ground.
You felt like a blissful ooze, boneless and relaxed, but Halsin was speeding up, his breath hitching, his moans becoming deeper, more… animalistic.
“Do you want my seed within you?” he asked in nearly a growl.
“Fuck yes,” you breathed, excited by the prospect. “Give me every last drop.”
He roared and pinned you to the ground, his hips jerking against your backside as he poured his essence into you. With one last push, he stayed inside of you for as long as he could, keeping part of his weight off you with one arm so he didn’t crush you. But the warmth, the comfort of his body felt so very nice. Like he was shielding you from the rest of the world for just this one moment, and you desperately needed it.
Halsin groaned, and he pulled away from you. Turning over, you looked to see him holding his arms, taking a deep breath.
“It’s alright. When my blood runs hot, my wildform… is harder to control.” He backed away. “I need to run around for a bit, until I’ve calmed down.” He looked up at you. “But I will wait until you are ready to return.”
You smiled. He was kind, thinking that you, an adventurer in your own right, savior of the grove, needed a guard. But it was sweet of him to be so considerate. “I’ll be alright.” You reached up and touched his arm. “Go, run wild. I’ll see you back in camp.”
You watched as Halsin transformed. No matter how many times you saw his bear form, it always took your breath away. The power, the pure might behind that fur. You had seen him tear goblins limb from limb with that power. But right now, he gently nuzzled your face before bounding away, his mighty roar echoing in the night. He exuded elation as he loped into the forest, and you couldn’t help but chuckle. It was cute.
Walking back to your pile of clothes, you leaned over to pick them up. Just as your hand gripped the fabric, you sensed something, or someone, in the trees. You let go of your clothes and grabbed a pebble nearby. With effortless speed, you flung the pebble into a nearby tree.
“Ouch. What was that for?”
“Get down here, Astarion.”
The pale elf gracefully leapt down from the tree and casually sauntered towards you. The only thing giving away his nonchalant look was the fact that the front of his pants looked a bit stretched.
He gave you a withering look as his gaze wandered up and down your naked body. He paid particular attention to the trail of Halsin’s seed dripping down your thighs.
“I never took you to be so… docile,” he said, a sly smirk on his lips. “Who knew you had it in you.”
You crossed your arms. “Had what in me?”
“Well, another man’s seed, for one.” He chuckled at his own comment. “But I was more impressed by your… willingness… to submit.”
His eyes flashed with a beguiling look and he stepped closer. Standing your ground, you ignored the flush of heat in your nether region as you stared back at him defiantly, until he was face to face with you. Damn his height, forcing you to tilt your head up.
“You should have told me what you needed, darling,” he purred. “I would have indulged you… for a price.”
You glared at him.
“Come now, don’t be offended. You’ve already given yourself to me for free. It would be gauche of me not to return the favor.”
Blood. He wanted to feed. The small puncture marks on your neck pulsed. And so did lower parts of you. But your annoyance with him made its way to your mouth first.
“I thought you had standards, Astarion.”
“Oh, but I do. However, I don’t mind lowering them for a little fun.”
You seethed for a moment. “Did it occur to you that maybe you’re below my standards?”
His eyes widened a bit at your vicious banter. Then he smiled knowingly and your stomach dropped. You knew from his look that he had something on you. He leaned in until his lips were a mere breath away from yours. “You think I didn’t notice the scent of your arousal the last time I bit you?”
You swallowed. Shit, he knew.
His eyes glanced down at his last bite mark. “You’ve already proven yourself to be my little fang slut. Why don’t you become my whore as well? I’ll pay for my meal with your pleasure.”
You should have been offended. Insulted. Outraged.
However, your body, relaxed after having been thoroughly fucked, betrayed you in the worst way. You flushed with carnal heat, your eyes dilated, and your breath hitched. And Astarion picked up on every last iota of your reaction.
“Well, looks like your body is much more honest,” he said in a low voice. His eyes glanced down at your lips for a moment before meeting your gaze. His lips grazed yours, so light that you barely felt it.
“Kneel.” His command, in a voice so low that you felt it as a rumble from his lips to yours.
You obeyed immediately, your eyes remaining locked with his.
He patted your head condescendingly. “Good little pet,” he purred. With one hand, he deftly freed himself from his pants.
As you began to lean forward, he tutted at you. “Stay still.”
You froze.
He smirked, a little bit of fang showing as he placed his hand on your head and tilted it up slightly. “Give me your hand,” he commanded, holding out his.
You put your smaller hand in his, and he placed it at the base of his cock. It grew slightly from your touch.
“Open your mouth,” he said softly. When you did so, he guided your head to him until you had engulfed him.
“Now you may move,” he said magnanimously, and you began to pleasure him as best as you could with your limited knowledge. Your eyes went up to his for a moment before you closed them, savoring the feeling of him growing larger and harder in your mouth.
“Look at me.”
Your eyes shot open again and you looked up at him. He gazed at you fondly, similar to how one would look at a beloved pet.
Then he shoved his cock down your throat.
You gagged and tried to push away, but the hand holding your head in place would not budge. Your eyes watered and you began to choke a bit.
“Relax your throat, darling. Breathe through your nose.”
You did as he said, and began to feel a bit better, but it was still difficult, controlling your gag reflex. Soon he released you, and you coughed, bringing your hand to your throat.
“Not ready for that, I suppose,” he said as he caressed your head and looked down at you, appraising you with one long look. His eyes lingered between your legs and his nostrils flared. You turned your head away, knowing that he could smell how aroused you were, and felt a bit of shame well up in your chest.
He held his hand out to you, as if to help you stand. You didn’t question why he wanted you to do so, you just took his hand and stood, somewhat shakily.
Leisurely, he circled around you until he was behind you. His hand went up to your throat, gently stroking it up and down, slowly, a whisper of a caress punctuated by moments of pressure in your most vulnerable points. He stepped forward, his chest to your back, and took a deep breath at your neck. He let his lips linger on your skin where your blood, sped up by his touch, lay closest to the skin.
“I can feel your pulse against my lips,” he murmured against your neck. “For some reason, I keep coming back to you.” His other hand caressed your bare backside for a moment before you felt him nudging himself between your legs. He pushed slightly, spreading you open. Your body accepted him easily, as if it was waiting for him.
“My filthy little pet,” he teased. “Any normal being would be resting by now.” He slid further inside of you, making you gasp. “But you’re anything but normal, are you?”
You wanted to snap back at him, but then he gripped your hip, anchoring you in place as he pushed himself into you, all the way to the hilt. Your voice cracked, your comeback dying on your lips. You could only let out a wordless cry of surrender.
Astarion’s dark chuckle filled your ears. “Who would have guessed?” He pulled his hips back, leaving only the head inside, just to tease you. “The hero of the grove.”
He slammed back into you, chasing away your breath once more. “You’re just a deviant, aren’t you?” His words were punctuated by his thrusts, reducing you to nothing more than a quivering mess, slave to his touch. 
Your mind began to blank, and though the logical part of you screamed to keep your wits about you, another part of you screamed back: you were tired. You just wanted to be. And the pleasure he was giving you, despite his cruel words, or perhaps, because of them, was overwhelmingly good.
The grip on your throat tightened just a bit. Not enough to hurt, but enough to let you know that he was in command. He could end you with one snap. You were foolish to let him have you in such a compromising position.
The light scrap of his fangs on your skin made you gasp, your heart rate skyrocketing. Instinctively, your body knew he was a predator, and you were his prey. His tongue flicked out to lick your pulse. He trapped your arms behind your back, his arm looped at your elbows, forcing you to arch your back.
“How will your blood taste, tinged with ecstasy, I wonder,” he mused, his voice deeper than you’d ever heard him. He gripped your jaw and forced you to look up at him, His eyes, scarlet like the blood moon and twice as hypnotizing, were dilated with need. 
“Come for me, pet.”
You had no choice. You simply did as he wanted, moving your hips shamelessly, sinking down on his cock over and over until you began to feel your climax spinning towards you.
Just as that blissful tide came rising up within you, a sharp pain came down on your neck. Your brain, addled with so many things, couldn’t handle it. The sting melted into the euphoria until you couldn’t tell one from the other. 
“Astarion!” you cried, whether to beg for mercy or to beg for more, you weren’t sure.
His hips slammed into you harder and you felt him empty himself inside of you, just as he moaned against your neck.
You felt yourself falling, and wondered if it was you, or the afterglow.
Slowly, too slowly, you realized it was your body, and you braced for impact.
But it never came.
With a surprising amount of strength, Astarion held you, carefully letting you sit down on the ground. He knelt down with you, and without thinking, you leaned your head against his shoulder.
“Thank you,” you whispered.
He froze for a moment before awkwardly patting your back.
That was… strangely not like him, you thought. Looking up at him, you were met with a curious expression on his face. 
He blinked, and the expression was gone, replaced by his usual rakish smirk. You felt a little sad that he had put his mask back on.
“Darling. We’ll have to try that again sometime,” he said, licking the corner of his lips to catch the last drop of your blood.
You cocked your head. “Was… was it that good?”
“I’m not sure,” he said mischievously. “I’ll need another…taste… to find out.”
You closed your eyes and smiled. You knew what he meant.
I’d like to do this again.
“Any time,” you replied.
End Notes: Throughout my writing this, I ended up doing a tiny bit of research (and by research, I mean I looked up the sex scenes on pornhub), so I hope this was at least somewhat hot for some of you. Thanks for reading!
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sarnai4 · 6 months
Deleted Scene??
This is something I noticed and am very curious if anyone else has too. Spoiler alert for RTTE. Is it just me or did both Grimborn brothers just randomly start hating Dagur? I think the first interaction between Dagur and Ryker was in "Night of the Hunters'" after the Riders tried to escape and it failed. Dagur makes a suggestion to kill one via throwing them off the side, Heather counters that to say they should spare them for Viggo, and Ryker just immediately implies that Dagur's an idiot. It's almost funny how unnecessary this was. It's also amusing to me how Ryker OF ALL PEOPLE would say, "Know who got the brains in your family." Excuse me, good sir, but you are not one to talk when you're taking orders from your baby brother, THE Viggo Grimborn. Hypocrisy aside, what Dagur said wasn't even foolish and would have actually been a smart move if they wanted to discourage the others. The Berkians would have been absolutely devastated if one of them had died that day. Instead, Ryker goes with Heather's plan, insults Dagur, and hits him on the back.
Just about every scene with them is like this. Heather even defends Dagur when Ryker complains in a later episode after seeing that not all the Riders left the Edge like Dagur wanted them to. In the same one, Ryker and Dagur find out that there were deserters. Dagur asks who and is upset when he learns that a Grimborn cousin turned traitor. Makes sense. He hates traitors and is a family-oriented person. This would shock him and he's always been an outspoken guy. When Ryker starts growling at him, he backs off and decides to suggest a new plan to make up for the losses. End of the tension, yes? The thing that was upsetting Ryker has stopped and now he can be calm again? Nope. He starts choking Dagur. Again, it nearly makes me laugh because it really comes out of nowhere. Why is he even mad at this point? Was Ryker that offended about Dagur talking about his turncoat cousin that even when he stopped, he still needed to be choked out?
This isn't even the last thing he does! In "Maces and Talons Part 2," Ryker threatens Dagur in case he thinks about hurting Viggo. I find this very amusing since this is the same man who had recommended killing Heather and is part of the idea to have Dagur imprison his own sister. But family means sooo much...when that family is Ryker's.
Viggo has way less scenes with Dagur, but they still manage to all be very passive aggressive. In his first line directed to Dagur alone, he practically calls him an imbecile, wondering if there are "any brains under all those scars and tattoos." Note to self: don't play a game with Viggo because you'll get your feelings hurt. Since we came in on the end, maybe Dagur really was just taking that long, but I also feel like his level of patience wouldn't have let him stand there for minutes on end without doing anything besides figuring out his next play. Since we've also seen Viggo insult Ryker's intelligence, I think this one is just because that's who he is and he will never respect someone he thinks is more of a physical threat. He's now making me think of that "mean nerd" trope in some stories where they try to bully the jocks by making them feel less than in other ways.
Viggo does take this a little further and have his first snappy scene too. This, of course, is directed at Dagur because why wouldn't it be? Not to sound like a broken record, but this doesn't feel necessary either. Yes, Dagur was being snarky, but Viggo also asked a pretty obvious question. Dagur would obviously know that the dragons were free if they're flying right above them. He just wanted to contribute to the plan since he is a chief in his own right. Not wanting to listen is one thing and I could understand Viggo not wanting to use someone else's ideas, but to say in a matter of words, "Fool, you exist to follow orders. Don't think. I'll do that for you," is a little bit of an overreaction.
The dramatic irony of this is how their hatred was warranted, but they didn't know it. Dagur really never was on their side and was planning to kill them, so unless a deleted scene happened where he just cursed out everyone with Grimborn blood, maybe they intuitively knew something was off with him. If neither of those happened, I think the Grimmies just decide to pick on the new guy and see how long it would take for him to turn on them.
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wosomarvel · 9 months
communication - 06
a/n: i'm pretending there are no more injuries! manifesting i guess. i'm so sorry this took so long. the end of the semester was really tough for me but i have the next three weeks off, so i will try my best to get a few more updates out. i'm thinking two or three more parts until this series is over.
warnings: this episode talks (briefly and not in detail) about depression, anxiety, and shitty parents. it's not too bad, though. more hurt/comfort than angst. even then, bordering more on the comfort side.
i am going to once again reiterate that the schedule of games does not follow real life. i'm going based on vibes and vibes alone.
"sim, we need you to settle something for us."
sim's heart dropped at the sight in front of her: mary and millie, both in their training kits, arms crossed with no hints of a smile on either of their faces.
"whatever it is, i'm sure someone else could-"
"it has to be you, because you're the most impartial person here right now," millie cut sim off.
"and we trust you to be honest," mary added.
sim's face contorted with confusion.
"who would win in a fight? me," mary gestured with her hands towards her own body, "or millie?"
"nope!" sim replied to the question. "i refuse to get involved."
sim knew better than to definitively answer any sort of question like that. no matter who she picked, she would pay for it in the form of relentless teasing or tickling.
her eyes darted around the meal room, looking for a savior to come to her rescue. she gulped almost comically when she saw there the few people around were otherwise occupied.
"it's alright, darling, you can admit that i would absolutely wreck mearps here. as vice-captain, i'll make sure she can't attack you for it."
as tempting as millie's offer was, sim was almost certain that millie could only protect her for so long.
"how about i ask the fans?" sim prompted.
now it was their turn to look confused.
"i'll put a poll up on the instagram or something," sim added, pulling her phone out of her pocket.
"see, this is why it was a genius move to hire you. smart, she is," millie praised.
a blush took over sim's face as she fiddled with the phone she'd just pulled out of her pocket.
across the meal room, leah watched on fondly as georgia and keira conversed around her. it was nice to see sim come out of her shell a bit more around the team. though leah still had the distinct feeling that it would be a while before the younger girl felt comfortable being vulnerable around them, it still brought her a sense of relief that sim was no longer so painfully shy. she actively participated in the conversations and shenanigans typical of the team.
the team had taken well to sim's steady presence, adopting her as though she was a playing member of the lionesses.
it had only been a few months since their conversation on those bleachers, but leah could already see the difference it was making. sim looked... lighter, in a sense. like the weight on her shoulders had eased. leah was starting to to see a light in sim's eyes that hadn't been there when they had first met.
"what are you lookin at?" georgia asked.
leah's lips turned up in a slight smile as she nodded her head in sim's direction. "remember how closed off she was when she first got here?"
keira shifted her gaze, smiling when her eyes settled on sim's figure filming mary and millie.
"she's fit in quite well," keira agreed.
"she's cool. she said she'd let me tattoo her once i've properly learned how," georgia added, nodding her head.
"she what?"
sim sighed, settling into soft sheets. sarina had permitted her to room with alessia at st. george's park and sim had never been more grateful.
she closed her eyes, the melody of alessia's singing wafting in from the bathroom, its door left ajar. she let it ease the tiredness that had settled into her bones.
this particular camp was exhausting. she knew it wasn't her job that was draining her energy at this point. the federation had recently hired a few other people to help out in the social media department so sim was now only in charge of the instagram, twitter, and tiktok. the longer form content and brainstorming was no longer under her purview.
sim suspected leah and sarina had something to do with that. she'd been annoyed at first, but was now incredibly thankful for their interference.
despite that, sim was still feeling drained and on edge. it frustrated her that she couldn't put a reason to the way she was feeling.
the past few months had been good to her. her relationship with alessia was blooming into something beautiful. there was no pressure when alessia around, and sim was starting to become accustomed to the light and airy feeling that came with her presence.
sim had fallen into a steady routine. now that her workload with the lionesses had significantly decreased, she had a lot more time on her hands. though her pay from the lionesses hadn't gone down, sim had still taken up a casual job at arsenal as a photographer. though she'd majored in communications in uni, she had minored in visual media.
working with the lionesses was fulfilling, no doubt, but sim missed the more creative aspects of her visual media minor. alessia had proposed the idea of working with arsenal one day during an impromptu photoshoot, sim taking random photos of alessia as they spent an off day lounging at home.
jonas was used to seeing sim's face and after a quick conversation with the higher ups, sim had secured a press pass.
in the mornings, sim and alessia would meet up with beth, viv, and leah for a quick coffee before training. she'd spend the day at colney with the team, taking pictures. she had befriended laura and teyah, the two remaining members of the ACL squad. after training was done for the day, alessia would drive her home, the two spending the rest of the day together.
sim hadn't moved in with alessia, but she spent more nights at the blonde's place than her own.
once or twice a week, sim would accompany alessia to team bonding. she stayed in contact with ella.
sim was content with her life. happy, even.
the way she was feeling now, however, had her scared. scared that the feeling would linger and turn into something heavier. scared that she would slip back into old ways, having to push herself just to get out of bed in the mornings, to eat something, to want to exist.
sim didn't want to go back there. she didn't want anyone to see her like that. more importantly, she didn't want alessia or leah to see her like that. she didn't want to be a burden. the two gunners deserved better than that.
"hey, baby."
sim was broken out of her thought process by alessia's voice, followed by a quick peck to her forehead.
sim hummed in response, moving over to make space for her girlfriend on the bed. alessia set her kit and toiletries off to the side before sliding in beside sim, pulling the comforter over the two of them as the younger girl turned her back to assume the little spoon position.
sim breathed a sigh of relief as alessia's arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her close, almost cradling sim to her front. she felt some of the tension leave her body as alessia pressed a gentle kiss to her neck.
"are you alright, love?"
sim contemplated telling the truth for a moment, ultimately deciding against it. it's not even that bad. i just need to grow up, she reasoned with herself.
"yeah, just tired," sim replied.
"can you turn around for me?"
of course alessia would see right through her. it was honestly frustrating at times.
sim had always been good at lying, something she'd had to learn to survive her parents when she was younger. however, alessia could always tell when sim was lying.
not that sim made a habit of lying to her girlfriend. she just wanted to shield alessia from the darker parts of herself for as long as possible.
"love?" alessia prompted.
sim turned with a sigh, keeping her eyes closed. she would crack as soon as she made eye contact with alessia's baby blue eyes.
alessia's hand came up to sim's face, pointer finger tracing the subtle crease between her eyebrows.
"can you open those pretty eyes for me, baby?"
sim relented, never having been able to refuse a request from alessia. leah never let her forget it.
sim's eyes fluttered open, causing alessia to frown at the clear exhaustion evident in the set of her eyes. "what's wrong?"
again, sim debated whether or not to tell the truth. she had almost settled on trying to lie, but her resolve crumbled at the look of concern painted on alessia's face.
how could anyone ever lie to a face like that?
"everything just feels... heavy. it's hard to explain. it's like my entire being is just exhausted. especially my mind. there's just this weight over everything."
it was silent for a few beats. alessia's hand came to rest on the side of sim's face, her fingers gently scratching at sim's hair.
alessia considered her next words carefully. she was thankful that sim was starting to open up to her and all she wanted to do was help. to alessia, what sim was describing sounded a lot like depression, but she didn't have nearly enough information or qualifications to come to that conclusion. she also didn't want to push too far with her questions and cause sim to shut down again.
alessia settled on a question that would allow sim decide how much or how little to reveal.
"do you feel like that very often?"
"not anymore," sim whispered out, averting her eyes. "it's not that bad right now. i actually feel good most days. i still feel better than i did before the FA hired me. i'm just tired the last few days. don't know why."
though it concerned alessia that this feeling seemed to be somewhat familiar to sim, she was also happy to hear that things were okay at the moment.
"that's alright. everyone has bad days. what do you need from me right now, my love?" alessia asked, pulling sim closer, the hand that was on sim's head pulling the girl's head to her chest.
sim's eyes teared up slightly at alessia's actions. she had never felt so loved and cared for. it quieted the insecurities that plagued her mind, that constantly told her she was too much but at the same time never enough for alessia.
"i just want to be with you right now."
despite the waver in sim's voice, alessia's heart melted.
"alright, love, i've got you," alessia replied, pressing a quick kiss to sim's temple before shifting so she was on her back, sim automatically placing her head on alessia's chest, curling into her side.
sim let the warmth wash over her, grabbing a fistful of alessia's sleep shirt as she tried to snuggle closer.
"thank you," sim breathed, drowsiness starting to take over.
"you don't have to thank me. i'll always be here."
"i love you," sim said without thinking.
there was a moment of silence and sim's heart dropped.
of course, she just had to go and fuck this up too. they hadn't said it yet. why did you have to go and ruin the moment? she thought to herself.
her muscles tensed before she moved to pull away, but she was stopped by alessia's arms squeezing her tighter.
"i love you too," alessia said back. sim could almost hear the smile in her voice.
the lionesses' next game was against spain, a world cup rematch. it went without saying that the girls were a mix of excitement and nerves. everyone dealt with it in their own way.
leah was immersed in film of barca and spain in the days leading up to the match. she remembered how helpless she had felt watching the world cup final and was determined to lead the team to a win this time around. it didn't matter to her that this was a friendly, that great britain had already qualified for the olympics.
millie could often be found beside leah, the two huddled over a tablet.
esme had created so many friendship bracelets that she had to order more thread.
katie had taken a bunch of the girls around town shopping, going to different coffee shops and trying to stay distracted.
ella had organized a mariokart tournament in one of the conference rooms for the girls that had stayed behind.
alessia was beside herself with nerves and had opted to waste away in her room under the guise of resting. sim had tried her best to assure her girlfriend, but her duties as social media admin made it difficult to get time alone with her.
sim was relieved when her latest round of meetings with the other media staff was over. she wanted nothing more than to care for alessia.
sim quietly eased the door open in case alessia actually was sleeping. when she turned after closing the door, it was to the sight of alessia sat on the bed, staring into the space above the television as it played old episodes of friends. her heart panged a little at the sight.
sim walked over to the bed, making a quick plan in her head. she knew that nothing she said was likely to make alessia feel better, so she settled on physical comfort.
alessia was shaken from her trance by the soft kiss sim placed on her temple.
"today's a hair wash day, right?" sim mumbled against alessia's skin, getting straight to the point.
"yeah, why?"
twenty minutes later, sim was sat on the couch with alessia sat on the floor between her legs, the pair watching old episodes of superstore, sim's hands massaging coconut oil into the blonde's scalp.
"how did you even think to do this?" alessia mumbled.
"oiling hair is just a thing desi people do. i don't remember the exact origin. different people use different types of oil for different reasons. my maasi* used to do coconut oil before a wash once a week. in the winter, when our hair was dry and frizzy, she would rub baby oil just into the ends every now and then." (*maasi is mother's sister or cousin sister)
"yeah, but why are you doing this now?" alessia prodded. considering this was the first time she had heard sim voluntarily speak about her family, alessia didn't want to push too hard, but she was curious.
not that she was complaining. the massage was doing wonders for her headache and she was more relaxed than she had felt in weeks.
"just noticed you were stressed. obviously, i've never been in the same situation as you so i can't do much in the way of words. but i remember how relaxing this was for me so i figured i would share," sim replied somewhat sheepishly, hands stilling.
alessia was overwhelmed with affection for the younger girl. it was almost offputting how easily sim could read her, how she could anticipate what alessia needed before she herself knew what that was.
alessia reached a hand up to squeeze sim's arm, unable to vocalize how she felt in the moment.
"the massage part is almost done. then we need to let the oil sit for at least a half hour, and i'll wash it out for you."
the pair fell silent, no words needed between them. when it was time for a rinse, alessia sat on the ledge of the tub, leaning gently on sim's body behind her.
"as much as i am loving this right now, i'm going to have to ask you to hurry it up before i fall asleep here," alessia said, breaking the silence.
sim chuckled softly before turning on the water, using the handheld shower to rinse alessia's hair.
"thank you for this," alessia spoke, grabbing a soft towel to dry her hair off.
"you don't have to thank me," sim said shyly, a blush creeping on to her face.
alessia turned to look at sim, and the younger girl almost melted under the tenderness of alessia's gaze.
alessia knew that it was hard for sim to accept any gratitude, so settled for rushing forward and wrapping the girl up in a tight embrace, arms settling around sim's shoulders as hers wrapped around alessia's waist.
sim rested her forehead against alessia's sternum. sim's family never showed any physical affection, so it had taken her a while to get used to just how touchy her girlfriend could be, but sim would be lying if she said she didn't come to love it.
"let's head to bed, yeah? i'm going to fall asleep standing up and take you down with me. then you'll have two bad knees," alessia giggled.
"and then you'd have to carry me everywhere and we can't have that, can we? because then you'd have bad knees and leah would have my head!" sim replied with a chuckle, turning alessia's giggles into full-blown laughs.
the cloud that seemed to be following sim around refused to fully recede, always lingering around the edges of sim's consciousness.
she had done a well enough job of hiding it from everyone. she'd made the effort not to push people away, but that didn't mean that she was asking for help either.
a part of her still felt ashamed and annoyed at how she was feeling. her life was the best it had ever been, so why was it so difficult for sim to just suck it up and enjoy it?
it was currently match day -1, and the lionesses were doing some light training on the pitch before they would head inside for a film session and tactics meeting.
sim was bundled up against the cold on the sidelines, filming when she needed but mostly just watching her girls work. the jealousy she felt while looking at them hadn't abated completely, but she could mostly shove it down and not let it become a problem.
"how's it going?" ella nudged sim, having made her way over after sarina concluded the training session.
"yeah, i'm alright, you?"
ella wrapped an arm around sim's shoulder, starting the walk back to the locker rooms as she chatted about something joe had said to her a few weeks ago.
alessia stole sim back from ella as the team filed into the locker room.
"hey! you get to see her everyday!" ella whined, making grabby hands as alessia steered sim towards her own cubby.
alessia simply stuck her tongue out at ella before gathering the things she needed for a shower and stepping out.
"oh! my family is all coming out for the game tomorrow, so don't run off with alessia so quick because i want you to meet them," ella said, grabbing sim's arm and setting her down on the bench in front of her own locker.
a nervous smile took over sim's face. "really?"
though the idea of meeting ella's parents was admittedly nice, it make sim more anxious than anything else.
"oh, yeah, they'll probably end up liking you more than me," ella responded jovially, trying to pull sim out of her head.
"speaking of," leah interjected, "sim, do you need tickets for any guests of yours? i can probably get them into the friends and family section."
sim immediately stiffened. she couldn't have this conversation with the team. not today, when she was already feeling so on edge.
"oh. no, i don't have anyone i'm bringing to the match," sim said, trying to make it clear with her tone that this wasn't a topic she was willing to elaborate on.
unfortunately, it seemed no one got the hint.
"what, parents couldn't make it?" millie chimed in.
"nah, they're not around anymore," sim said with a sigh, trying to brush it off with a wave of her hand.
however, it seemed to have the opposite effect. there were a few silent moments of tension before rachel's voice cut through.
"i'm really sorry to hear that."
sim's brow furrowed in confusion before she realized how her statement sounded.
"oh! no, don't be. i'm pretty sure they're still alive, we just don't... we're estranged. we don't talk anymore," sim rushed to clarify. the last thing she wanted at the moment was sympathy. especially when it came to her parents because the truth was, she was much, much better off without them in her life.
there was still a lingering tension in the locker room, though the air had lightened considerably. this was the most the lionesses had heard sim say about her family. even leah didn't quite know what to say. she settled for taking a seat beside sim, whose face still donned the same look of confusion.
she didn't understand why this seemed such a big deal.
"you don't want to reach out? mend things?" rachel continued quietly.
"trust me, it's better for everyone if we stay very far away from each other," sim said with a chuckle.
she cut herself off when she realized no one was laughing with her.
"you can't know that for sure. you should consider extending an olive branch, while you still can." rachel had turned to face sim properly now, almost a pleading note in her voice.
sim's back straightened, hands clenched into fists in her lap.
she took a deep, grounding breath before speaking. "look, i'm telling you, my parents and i do not talk anymore and it's for good reason. i don't owe anyone an explanation. please, drop it."
leah didn't think she had ever heard that level of iciness in sim's tone. she looked at sim, biting her lip as she did. it was like looking at the face of a different person. sim's face was completely blank, not a trace of emotion to be seen.
leah didn't say anything, figuring that rachel would respect the younger girl's wishes and stop pushing.
that didn't seem to be the case.
"i just don't see what could have happened that you're okay with never speaking to your parents again." rachel's voice had taken on an accusatory tone.
millie placed a hand on rachel's shoulder, trying to signal to her best friend that she should stop before things got too heated.
before leah could say something herself to defuse the tension, sim stood abruptly.
"rachel, i respect where you're coming from. really, i do. but i'm starting to get very frustrated with this conversation, so i'm going to leave before i say something i regret."
with that, sim left the locker room, the rest of the girls stunned into silence, only the sounds of sim's cane hitting the floor being heard.
"well, i think that is the politest way i've ever heard someone say 'fuck off,'" said millie.
leah stood to go after sim, but beth beat her to it. "i'll go," she whispered. leah nodded before rounding on rachel.
rachel looked like a fish out of water with the way her mouth opened and closed, searching for words.
"i know your heart was in the right place, but you pushed too hard. just be gentler next time, yeah?" leah asserted, her voice stern but not unkind.
"i'm sorry, i just-"
"it's okay. it's not me that you should apologize to. and don't take her reaction personally, alright? i don't even think alessia knows the full story about her parents."
alessia walked back to her cubby, running a hand through the tangles in her damp hair. by the time she was pulling on a hoodie, she noticed a few things.
for one, her girlfriend was not where she had left her.
secondly, the few stragglers still in the locker room had their eyes trained on her, but averted them when she returned their gazes.
tooney was also stood awkwardly in the space around alessia's cubby, as though waiting for her.
"what?" alessia spoke with a frown, looking to ella when everyone else refused to meet her eyes.
"well..." ella's voice trailed off. she wasn't quite sure how to explain the situation without framing it like an argument and blowing it out of proportion. she did not want to be caught up in the middle of the awkward tension that now permeated the space.
"what?" alessia repeated, her voice now stern.
"look," ella said, holding a placating hand up to alessia, "it's not bad. there was just a conversation about sim inviting her parents and things got a little... tense? but everyone is fine, and beth went to look for sim."
confusion was replaced with concern and a little bit of anger.
"a conversation with who? where is she? is she alright?" alessia rushed out.
"you should hear it from her. i don't know where she is, but beth went to look for her, so it's okay. don't worry. it wasn't a big deal."
that was the thing, though. alessia wasn't sure that it wasn't a big deal.
sim's parents had come up in conversation a few times, but the most sim had ever let on was that they were no longer in contact.
it wasn't for lack of trying. however, the few times alessia had tried to venture further and pushed, sim had shut down, going almost completely silent and stony-faced. each time, it took hours to bring the girl back out of her shell.
the fact that sim wasn't feeling herself recently didn't do anything to ease the concern she was feeling.
with those memories in mind, alessia rushed out of the locker room to find sim and beth herself.
beth looked everywhere for sim. she checked back on the training pitch, in the bathroom, the meal room, the media office, before finding her figure sat in a corner of one of the physio rooms.
beth's heart melted at the expression on sim's face. it was clear from the tightness in sim's jaw and shoulders that she was trying hard to keep her emotions in check.
sim was so caught up in whatever was going on in her head that she didn't notice beth's presence until she felt a hand settle on her clenched fist, forcing it open.
beth frowned at the indents in sim's palm from where her nails had dug into the skin.
"i'm sorry," sim rasped.
"what for? you didn't do anything wrong. i actually think you handled that in a very mature way."
beth's words seemed to fall on deaf ears as sim continued rambling.
"i'm not angry with rachel. i promise, i'm not."
beth shook sim's hand, prompting her to look up. "even if you were angry, you're allowed to feel that way. clearly, she pushed you on a topic that was sensitive for you," beth said gently, almost as though she was explaining something to a child.
"but she didn't know she was pushing. rachel didn't do anything wrong either. i can see where her reaction came from. she lost her father, and i know that he meant a lot to her. she would probably do anything for a little more time with him. i just-" sim ran her free hand through her already messy hair.
beth stayed silent, prodding sim to go on with a nod of her head.
"it's just that not all of us got lucky with our parents. i'm happy she has a great relationship with hers, trust me, i am. but some people have shit parents, and don't want to be pushed into mending bridges that were burned for good reason."
beth noted sim's reluctance to use the word "i" instead of "us" but chose not to say anything. as far as she knew, this was the most anyone had gotten out of sim about her parents.
"her heart was in the right place, but she was still insensitive. she could have been a bit kinder to you. i lost my mum too, so i know where she's coming from, but i also know that not everyone has nice parents like mine or hers. you don't have to defend rachel to me, alright?"
sim nodded, resting her head on beth's shoulder.
"you don't have to talk about what happened with your parents, but i'm here to listen if you decide you want to. i'm sure the same goes for the rest of the girls as well," beth continued.
a comfortable silence fell over the pair. in that moment, sim was overcome with affection. she felt so seen by this new family she had found in the lionesses. unable to voice how much it meant to her, sim tried to put all that emotion into a squeeze of beth's hand.
when beth squeezed back, sim knew her message had been received.
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thegamingcatmom · 9 days
Hey its the anon who got intrigued about miranda
Slowly making way through watching RE7
(Also dived in head first to just reading fanfiction, not sure if that's the right call)
(Still know very little besides like second hand info from fanfics/fan content)
Thoughts/questions on Miri the tired studhorse that came to mind randomly:
Now that MM is locked on to MC
Will she stop seeing the village girls in her chase for MC? Or with how MC is with wanting to very much nope the heck out of there, will she continue on with the village girls but still pursue MC for her use?
(Like in the off chance that MC doesn't work she's still gonna continue on doing what she do)
God it kinda gives fuckboy falls in love with one girl who knows Fboy's reputation and doesn't want any part of it
But instead it's Miri has found her perfect vessel in MC who would rather not be anywhere near her.
And then thoughts went:
MM finally has chance with MC, potential seed had taken place
MM learned how to talk/flirt with MC (made MC feel like the one or whatever)
MC falls for MM (idk if MC would fall for MM but if she does)
And then it turned sad:
But MC hears words out of context, or finds out MM still using the other Village girls (could be MM stopped after a bit cause idk genuine feelings she won't acknowledge for MC, idk if this is a MM falls for MC type thought)
(or literally village girl comes to door, MC sees from a distance the girl flirting and MM doesn't do anything so assumptions are made)
MC gets heartbroken
Somehow escapes
MC was the successful vessel for Eva but since she ran well idk Eva grows up far away and MM tries finding MC
MM still tries with villagers unknown to her, her daughter who's back
(Again idk if MC could even escape or if possible)
So yeah, now my brain is kind of stuck on what ifs for miri the tired studhorse
Hey there!
Are you now? We love to hear it!
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Marguerite sure does. 🕷️
How are you liking it so far? ^^
As for going straight to fanfiction: absolutely valid. I mean, there isn´t exactly a "right" or "wrong" here, really. As long as you´re having a good time, that´s all that matters. Besides, there´s lots to learn from fanfics as well when you´re looking to dive deeper into the lore of it all.
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(I fucking love that shot of her, can yall tell?)
To say I am most pleased about this recent development (as in: Miri the Tired Studhorse seemingly haunting your waking hours) would be a severe understatement. Mission accomplished.
I love your thoughts. Also because I´ve been thinking about the exact same thing. And, yknow, I think Miranda would defo continue her...affairs with those village girls. At least until she´s worked her charm so thoroughly that MC´s gonna spread those legs at the mere sight of her-
...Which means she´s gonna continue banging the village girls for quite a while, LMAO. And not necessarily because she´s trying to create Eva 2.0. No...
Listen, that woman is frustrated. AF. Like, imagine finally finding that perfect vessel, you´re SO sure of it that just being near them makes you struggle. You wanna jump their bones so badly cause you just know it´s gonna work this time, it´s meant to be. Like, Miranda firmly believes MC showing up in her village is fate or some shit, it´s gotta be, right?? MC was meant for her and only her, so that she may be filled with divine purpose that will bring forth divinity in return-
...In other words: Those village girls go from being her specimens to being her outlet cause MC wants no part of whatever-the-fuck is wrong with that village and its residents. Our girl´s gonna drive Miri nuts and someone has to pay the price. (I have a feeling it will be paid rather willingly though, thirsty bunch that they are, lmao. They´re all of us, basically.)
Miranda has to work for that one and that´s something our Birb Momma just...it just doesn´t make sense to her, yknow?? Because she is quite used to them ladies spreading their legs at the mere sight of her, tyvm.
So, to answer this part here:
...will she continue on with the village girls but still pursue MC for her use?
(Like in the off chance that MC doesn't work she's still gonna continue on doing what she do)
Yes, to all of that. But it´s more that MM´s entirely convinced MC´s the one, so the village ladies will serve as a...distraction until MC comes around basically. (I almost feel a tad bit sorry for Birb Mama. Almost.)
God it kinda gives fuckboy falls in love with one girl who knows Fboy's reputation and doesn't want any part of it
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That´s maybe kinda perhaps exactly what this is, lmao.
(And, honestly? It sounds sexy af.)
Like I said, Miri isn´t used to someone like MC. Meaning: Someone who rejects her. Like-
Perhaps that´s exactly why Miranda believes it´s meant to be, lol. Cause, yknow, Miranda´s a woman who seeks answers. If she doesn´t have them, she´s gonna work herself to death until she does. (I mean, have you seen that woman´s lab? There´s papers and jars scattered everywhere. She´s a messy nerd and that´s so damn sexy.)
...OR: She just goes ahead and puts her own spin on it (which sounds very likely cause bish is crazy af). Miranda seeks an explanation for MC´s sudden appearance in the village, so she promptly decides that, yes-
Surely, this must be it. Her perfect vessel. Why else should an outsider make it into the village in the first place? Why would her power (aka her charms, lol) decide to leave her right when this...innnteresting specimen enters her village? How can Miranda not see it as a sign she´s meant to pursue this newcomer? It is meant to be-
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...This gif makes about as much sense here as Miranda´s train of thought, so that should tell you quite a bit about her, lel.
As for everything else you´ve said:
Right off the bat: If MM doesn´t want someone to leave the village, they won´t. She´ll find ways to prevent it, I´m sure...
With that said: I really like your thoughts on that, but MC leaving the village only for her/their daughter to come back and meet Miranda is highly unlikely to me. There´s no way Miranda would ever let MC leave if she believes there´s even the slightest bit of a chance to get her Eva back. So, once MC´s in, she´s not gonna get out again. Period.
...At least not until the bun´s out of the oven, if yknow what I mean. After that? Hm...we´ll see. 😏
I can defo see Miranda trying to make MC believe she harbors actual feelings for her, similar to how she made the village girls believe they´re serving a "divine purpose". (I mean, it´s not entirely a lie, if one was to ask Miranda...) Whether that´s gonna work out for her remains to be seen...
(I have my doubts, lol.)
The scenario with one of the village girls coming at Miranda like "Sooo...you wanna yknow what orrr...? *wink wink*" is also something I can defo see happening. It´s actually kinda hilarious to imagine because, in my head, MC´s probs gonna be either
pissed af and she´ll just straight up slap Miranda across the face before storming away all huffy and puffy, OR-
MC just...doesn´t care. At all.
Both cases include a Miranda who´s just this mix of "you DARE" and "wait what". Like, that woman´s not used to ANY of it - whether it´s getting slapped or being ignored.
In fact, Miranda isn´t quite sure which of those two she finds more insulting. 😤
As for MM falling for MC: That´s kinda the plan...I think, yes. Much, much, much further down the line.
But, seeing how it´s Mother Miranda we´re talking about, you can bet your ass nothing about that "plan" will be even remotely sane, lel. When that woman commits herself to something (or someone), she´ll do it in the most dramatic and obsessive of ways. She'll let it consume her to the point where it overshadows everything else. Anyone who crosses her path better prove their worth (likely by becoming Miri´s eyes and ears when it comes to MC), or they´ll get crushed beneath her foot like the ant she believes them to be.
...On the plus side:
Miranda is nothing if not devoted. ;3
FINALLY some spotlight for our fav Birb Momma! Miri deserves a lot more attention and recognition than she´s getting. Honestly, how´s there not...more? Just more?? 😤
(I think Lady D might be to blame for that, lol. She did always strive to become the favorite...)
Thanks a lot for your ask! 💋
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ineffablydelighted · 1 year
[How exploring the Ineffable Husbands' dynamic in Good Omens can help us figure out what the show/book is all about, Part 3.1/?]
Also called: This human has, apparently, too much time on her hands and will be trying to Effable the Ineffable for [...] hours.
Hiya, Angels! 👋
Hope you're all doing well!
First of all, if you randomly came across this analysis, I guess you would expect me to entice you to read the first two parts beforehand... And you would be absolutely right.
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And since I'm nice [and because I fully understand the importance of saving people as much effort as possible to catch a larger audience - Duh 😇], here are the links for Part 1 and Part 2 🥰 so that everyone is on the same page as we dive into Part 3.
As I previously announced, we'll dissect our favorite pair's next two encounters today which are S1 3004 BC (Noa's Arch, The Flood) and S2 2500 BC (Job's ca-
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[future me rereading this before dropping - Yep, nope, not happening just yet]
By doing that, I will try my best to prove to you the main point of my analysis I've revealed at the end of Part 2.
Repeat after me: Good Omens is a philosophical essay disguised as comedic/satyric/romantic fiction.
[Yeah... here she is, already giving orders strong recommendations... I'm so Metatroning you right now.]
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[And, since I'm at my best when I'm Metatroning people, this is the moment I'm gonna take to strongly recommend you to ingest the human matter of your choosing - Num num num.]
*In Crowley's voice* OOookaay, let's start!
3004 BC (Mesopotamia - Noa's Arch, The Flood)
In S1, Right before this encounter happens, the scene starts by making us, the audience, witness Aziraphale very badly lying to God about the flaming sword, an event that I already mentioned in part 2 because of the contrast it was considering he did tell the truth to a newly Demonized Crawley in comparison.
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BUT [Yay, first "but" of Part 3! Are you having fun?], I really want to talk about this bit some more because that remains one of the scenes that, to this day, bugs me THE MOST in Good Omens as a whole.
To sum things up, you're telling me that GOD:
BOTHERED to pop in to ask one of their Angels a question.
That the said Angel seemed suuuuper anxious about from the start: looking everywhere aimlessly, almost asking them WHAT A DAMN SWORD EVEN WAS... basically giving away EVERY TELLTALE SIGN, both in their voice, mannerisms, and the simple fact that they were literally back to the wall, that they were about to LIE, proceeded to give God the UNanswerest answer EVER:
"Oh, must have, uh, must have put it down here somewhere."
And God just... just... LEFT THAT LYING ANGEL ALONE?! Just as quickly as they arrived?! No arguments, no further questions, no reckoning, just... NOTHING. HAPPENED?!
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WHO DOES THAT?! That is a real question! WHO?!
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I mea-
I'll never recover from it.
Oof. Okay, I'm fini-
I NEED an answer in Season 3! This is all I ask! I don't need the world to be saved, I don't need Alpha Centauri, man, I don't even need Aziracrow to reuni- [okay, no, can't say that, even if I like being dramatic, I take that back, this is all I want and all I've ever wanted, please, I just need to see Aziraphale in a white dress and Crowley demanding him to remove his 200 yo jacket on top of it because it "absolutely ruins it", please!] I. NEED. ANSWERS.
*clears her throat* Yeah. So. I'm perfectly fine with this scene. Moving on!
Aziraphale and Crawley meet in Mesopotamia during the year 3004 BC.
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Crawley is the first to notice and to greet Aziraphale VERY enthusiastically. Which is, first of all, cute, but also an indicator that they haven't seen each other in a very long time, more precisely, since Eden (a thousand years prior to be exact). We know that because the first thing Crawley says after his "Hello, Aziraphale!" is the direct continuation of their conversation back in Eden:
"So, giving the mortals a flaming sword. How did that work out for you?"
Aziraphale answers what will never cease to bug me:
"The Almighty has never actually mentioned it again."
Which still peaks my interest because it could mean two things, and pretty different things at that:
One, God and Aziraphale never directly interacted again and nobody from the Main Office ever asked him about the flaming sword at all, which made Aziraphale believe that God never asked them anything about it.
Two, God and Aziraphale DID directly interact again but the flaming sword subject has never been brought up once more.
Given the way this sentence is constructed and the emphasis on "actually mentioned it again," I'm more inclined to believe in the second option, which would be a very interesting thing to pounder:
Aziraphale might have a "privileged" relationship with God considering they probably interacted somewhat directly and more than once.
I'll go back to it later because we need to keep that in mind for the Job's case encounter.
Crawley says that it is "probably a good thing" until his attention is drawn to what is happening around them.
Then, they will debate the subject of the day, which is pretty much the same thing as before but formulated differently and condensed:
What is the point of Good and Bad? Do these concepts even have a meaning or not?
The main difference between the two previous encounters compared to this one is that this time, Aziraphale and Crawley are both active in the debate and do find common grounds here and there. It is shown cinematographically: they share the screen.
Aziraphale explains to Crawley that God got "a bit tetchy" and wants to drown the human race (well, at least the Middle Eastern humans) and Crawley takes that announcement astonishingly, which still aligns with his creator-at-heart persona.
"All of them?"
Insists Crawley.
Aziraphale first tries to mitigate what appears to Crawley as an extreme reaction by stating that Noah, his family, and their spouses will be spared but you can see that he, himself, doesn't really believe in what he tries to say.
"But they're drowning everybody else?"
Crawley really, really cannot comprehend what is happening.
"Not the kids. You can't kill kids."
This reminds us of their very first meeting because Crawley, here, judges God and tries to put himself in their place. Again.
Aziraphale answers with a worried nod: both because he is scared (his Fear of God cannot be anything but present at that moment) and because... he agrees.
And THEN, Crawley says that:
"Well, that's more the kind of thing you'd expect my lot to do."
Now that Aziraphale is more inclined to be part of the debate, Crawley tends to be more forthright about his opinion:
If God can do what Satan and his demons do, what is the point of separating the two? Are they, really, that different?
And, more so:
Is God a Good being anyway?
If Good or Bad exists, of course. [Oh, yes, I know I'm annoying. 100% aware. 😁]
To Aziraphale, it is clearly the case, and that is why he tries, again, to mitigate God's actions:
"The Almighty's going to put up a new thing, called a rainbow. As a promise not to drown everyone again."
A rainbow, huh? How interesting...
A rainbow is basically a demonstration of the union between Water and Fire. God and Satan. Good and Bad. Blah blah blah.
Almost as if...
Almost as if they both needed to exist at all times!
Also, Aziraphale almost sounds like he is interpreting the rainbow as God's excuse for having a tantrum.
Which Crawley responds with a very sarcastic:
"How kind."
That's when Aziraphale cannot bring himself to follow Crawley's opinion any further (even if it is clearly shown he DOES agree, he is just SCARED to be).
After telling Crawley that he cannot judge God, that's when the "Ineffable" word is brought up again. This time, by Crawley. Because he already knows what Ineffable means to Aziraphale:
I am not important, or mighty enough to judge God and I am not supposed to. I am supposed to do what I am told, no questions asked.
Does it sound repetitive? Yeah, because it is 😅 That is Good Omen's main theme, after all.
This story is, as I mentioned before, a satire. Of religion, but also, of the concept of hierarchy, and the danger of ideologies as a whole. "Ineffable" is an ideology. "Ineffable" literally means "so emotionally overwhelming and powerful that you cannot translate into words"...
But Good Omens wants to bring you to ask yourself: cannot or don't want to?
Aziraphale is a character who doesn't want to think by himself because he is scared of a higher power (hierarchy). But he cannot just... stop thinking. Oppositely to Crowley, who kind of always, naturally had that ability.
Therefore, that makes it difficult for the both of them to understand each other [Oh yes, we'll talk about that further when we finally talk about that S2 finale that left us traumatized. According to my rhythm and how my Muse is an erratic bench, I'd say this conversation will occur in about a year or two.] Just as it is difficult for any of us to understand the people who think dramatically differently than us. Good Omens is an invitation to debate with people who do not share our views. That is how we stay open-minded and prompt to change.
Basically, folks: don't blindly stay in the boxes you're in.
Hierarchy is heavily criticized too, because it is a big cause - if not the main one - of people staying put in their respective boxes. Religion is a box among many others, hence the fact I prefer to say that GO mocks ideologies as a whole.
But hierarchy can be different things, and, more so, can use many different tones towards its subordinates: hierarchy can be nice, and affectionate (family, for instance - or not, definitely not always). Hierarchy can also be threatening, physically or mentally, or both (dictatorship, for instance).
Basically: hierarchy can either come from love or fear.
Or... well, both. That's how you get... propaganda? That is the most blatant example that came to my mind. We tend to associate love with good. We also tend to forget how often love has been used as a weapon.
Good and bad are...
[You know the end of the sentence, now, do you? If not, it means I haven't harassed you enough, so let me remind you]
Good and Bad are always mixed up. If they exist.
Anyway, I feel like I'm starting to digress.
.... Actually? I'm not done with that segment just yet.
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[You right now.]
Hierarchy can also come from... habits. History. Some hierarchies that we are under today are still there because of how long they have been installed, but not really because they are that relevant anymore. I am not going to bring examples here because I do not want to offend anybody and because you are more than capable of interpreting this statement in a way that speaks to you.
We'll talk about this more when we'll reach the... Jim/Gabriel subject. [In about a year and a half.]
ANYWAY. Moving on to a lighter reflection:
Romantically speaking, Aziraphale remembers that encounter because Crawley displayed strong empathy and concern during that whole meeting.
He asked Aziraphale how he was after the flaming sword incident,
He could not comprehend how killing kids was okay,
He bothered to alert Noah about the escaping unicorn.
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[Also, maybe, because damn - Also, it might come as a surprise to you who have seen me fangirling over Crowley for the last 3 parts but my favorite is actually Aziraphale 🤣]
After this conversation, The Flood starts and neither of them is protecting the other from it. Because of habits (after a thousand years spent on earth, they know this will not hurt any of them), but also as a way to tell us, the audience: they have started to realize they were in this together.
[Insert the "We're all in this together" Disney's High School Musical song right here... Yeah! I'm a Millennial, how could you possibly have guessed?!]
They are Equals.
Another really important topic in Good Omens, by the way, but it is time to dive into one of my favorite encounters between Aziraphale and Crowley and-
Huhhhh. I feel like analyzing two meetings including a whole episode in only one part might feel too heavy (to me, at least). So... I guess see you next time? 😅
Bye, Angels!
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[No, no, I'm not saying you are "sssuckersss" okay? Just wanted a Crowley gif.]
Need help to find the rest of this analysis? I've got you covered! Follow me, Angel 😇
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pinkanonwrites · 2 years
Seeing that you are familiar with FFXIV. Maybe we could have the Twst Housewardens react to a WOL-MC? Since this is a magic school maybe how would they react to some of the Caster classes if you can. If that's not possible then then ignore the classes react part
No problemo! I ended up going with Summoner because that's the caster class I know the most about (the most being literally any, I'm a filthy melee DPS main and doing other stuff is scary). This also ended up being not really shippy, I hope that's okay.
GN! Reader
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You have to be, without a doubt, the most skilled mage Riddle has ever seen in his lifetime. And ooh does that drive him up the wall. You can cast magic willy-nilly, without even a second thought about blot as you summon your strange little creatures to do your bidding? And just what exactly is a "Mothercrystal?" Sometimes it feels to him like you're speaking a foreign language, with all your talk of primals and egi and things and places his well-read brain has never even heard of before. At the very least he can rest safe in the knowledge that you're rarely, if ever, using these tremendous powers to get into major trouble.
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You kind of creep him out a bit to be honest. Not like you actually scare him or anything, he just thinks it's weird how gung-ho you are about solving everybody's little problems. Skipping all over campus with your freaky, floating little monsters in tow, with way too much energy for someone who's just been sucked into a new dimension from their own. For the most part he does his best to steer clear of you, as he learned from the first few times he asked you to run an errand for him instead of Ruggie that you'll soon come knocking on his door asking for some sort of favor in return. Leona isn't a favors kind of guy, so it's easier for him to just avoid you.
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As per usual, the first thought to cross Azul's mind is "How can I monetize this?" But what Azul will soon discover is that it doesn't matter what sort of obstacle, fetch-quest, or impossible puzzle he can throw at you in a contractually obligated agreement to try and swipe your powers, because somehow, by the grace of a goddess from a literal other dimension, you're able to blast past them all with ease. You make him want to absolutely tear his hair out at every turn, and there's next to nothing he can do about it.
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Finally, someone who appreciates what the Warrior of Light has to bring to the table. Kalim is like your own personal cheerleader, he's utterly amazed by everything you can do and are capable of. His favorite pastime is sitting cross-legged on the floor with you in the Scarabia lounge area, carbuncle sleeping in his lap, as he fires off question after question about all the things you've done and seen in your homeworld. When you tell him that this isn't even the first time you've dimension-hopped before, that's when he's certain you've got to be the coolest, most magical mage he's ever gotten to meet.
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For the most part, Vil seems to be pretty indifferent to you. He acknowledges that you have some very spectacular skills in magic and summoning, even more so than the most adept students at the academy, but Vil isn't the type to grovel or lower himself to try and gain the friendship of people in power. So if you seem to have no interest in him, he will have little in you. If your glamours transfer over to Twisted Wonderland however? That is a completely different story. He can't help but be curious about your magicked-in fashion, your strange armors and elegant robes of fine design. Tataru would be flattered by all Vil has to say about her excellent craftsmanship.
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Nope nope nope nope nope. Idia knows a protagonist when he sees one, and you are a cookie-cutter protagonist by every sense of the word. And the last thing he wants to do is end up as another lame background NPC in someone else's hero's journey. Try as he might though, he can't keep the complete distance he wants because Ortho thinks you're so damn cool. So friendly too! He keeps trying to meddle and get you to meet his older brother and it's starting to give Idia some serious anxiety-shakes. The only thing he's interested in is your carbuncle. A little glowing fox-kitty that you can summon to snuggle at any moment's notice? Sign him up for that!
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You fascinate Malleus in a way that he didn't even know he could still be fascinated anymore. For the first time in his life he's meeting someone who might generally outrank him in every sense of power... and he kind of loves it? You're so odd, so overwhelmingly powerful yet so eager to lower yourself to help in even the smallest and most insignificant of circumstances. He's never met someone as humble as you are in his life before, and it's delightfully refreshing. He has plenty to ask about the world from which you hail, and is willing to offer plenty in return, fully safe in the belief that you are the type of person to never, ever try and turn it against him. You are far too virtuous for something like that.
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0alix0 · 9 months
sith inquisitor story is boring... let's fix it
so... i've been thinking about what exactly was wrong with it and how it could've been improved, and one of the things was that writers really failed the whole "old ways vs new ways" dynamic between inquisitor and Thanaton, because despite them being a slave (most likely from non imperial space, probably alien, who discovering force much later in life and never even heard about it before) it's INQUISITOR who actually relies on the old ways (literally ancient ghosts) and just so happens to be from an old powerful bloodline as an (absolutely unneeded) explanation for inquisitor being able to shoot lightnings out of their ass.
SOooo instead, try to imagine this:
Inquisitor is still a slave, but that's it. no distant fancy bloodline, no ghost grandpa to save the day, nope! you're on you own BUT you have a lot of raw power, which naturally draws Zash's attention.
Instead of getting random artifacts the whole first chapter (which you do but about it later), the plot is about inquisitor kind of learning about Vitiate and Zash theorizing about how does one manage to live so long. And to spice things up, from time to time she says stuff like: "well maybe his body DID get old, he just changes them... oh well :)". So they still go to planets, but this time they're picking up valuable information related to Vitiate and immortality, maybe relics that make you (who isn't dumb) VERY suspicious about Zash's intentions.
THANATON IS THE ONE WHO SHOULD BE USING GHOSTS, and inquisitor is the one who should be searching for possibilities to cut his connections to them! So they have to use the most unorthodox things (at least by empire standards) to win: alliance with aliens, imperials (that most sith have a very low opinion of), non-force sensative people, technical weapons, traps, anything that is considered "weak" by the """true""" sith.
and your companions would actually make much more sense: Ashara - there are things to learn even from your enemy, Xelek is a proof that you can be any species and be powerful non the less, Talos, a talented historian, helps you to learn what artifacts/ghosts Thanaton uses (despite being non-force sensitive), Andronicus as an unconventional ally that most sith would dispose of immediately or at least wouldn't even consider keeping him around, but you gain more by just being a good and respectful leader. and Khem... maybe Khem is learning to adapt in a new world? And you constantly challenge him to stop concentrating on his past?
you know make the story really show how stagnating the empire actually is. LS inquisitor actually tries to improve things, meanwhile DS inquisitor is just like malgus, war is a war we have to win no matter what BUT also inquisitor (as a former slave) is much more cruel and manipulative especially towards high ranking imperials and sith traditionalists. Cycle of abuse and all that.
and in the end of it all, you also help some dark consul members (with diplomacy on Voss, and with your unorthodox mini army of aliens on Correlia like JC) so you're allowed to face Thanaton on Korriban like SW faced Baras. Using your new knowledge, you cut his connection to force ghosts showing that his power wasn't really his own, and that to become stronger you have to be able to learn and change
...anyway thanks for joining me in my "bioware just hire me" rant, i'm here every day of the week
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my-rose-tinted-glasses · 10 months
Welcome to Absolute Zero Day aka Yes, I'm still watching this show Day aka I'm dead inside Wednesday.
I am well aware that no ones cares anymore but sharing this is helping me keep my sanity through the show.
Here we go again…
FYI we are with the kids now.
One of them is telling the other one what will happen if they keep seeing each other. Really doesn't matter which one at this point. Just pick one.
One of them starts crying, now the other. Now they're hugging each other and crying.
I can't stand the music or the heartbeat sound anymore. I know it's suppose to elicit some kinda emotion on me but nope. I'm dead inside.
Now one of the adults is crying, if you guessed Soon you were correct. yawn Now we get to be reminded about Adult soon and young Ongsa. Yey.
More crying.
OK. Stop. I need to say this. The episode is at 18 min. But really 16 minutes because of the previous and the credits. Of those more than 6 minutes were crying. 6 MINUTES OF CRYING IN 16 MINUTES OF EPISODE. This might be some kind of record. (and yes I timed it because I knew it was coming and I might as well do something)
But wait... that's not all...
Cause there was not enough real time crying, let's have a flashback to the crying we saw not 10 minutes ago. Dead inside.
This is what? the 3rd time I'm watching Ongsa watching Love of Siam?? if they removed half the crying from this show I could've watched all these movies. if I stopped watching the show right now I could watch anything else.
Who the hell is grandpa? How does he know all this? And can he please tell us???
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Well with only 2 more episodes left, I should hope so.
The letter still exists. I'm ignoring the paradox. I've abandoned all hope that this will ever make any sense. And we're back at the cinema and now with adult Ongsa.
Adult Ongsa is now crying.
So Adult Ongsa is just gonna ask everybody is they know a person named Suansoon? (if you're curious the answer is no) So now in this present, and by present I mean where we started this wonderful journey, 2018, they are not together.
Oh the amazing butterfly is back. Great. And next week they'll meet as adults. I can't wait.
(I just wanna say to whoever abandoned this ship early, like @lurkingshan and @bengiyo and I'm sure many others, you have my admiration and respect and I wish I was half as sane as you)
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smooshi-graysimp · 6 months
I feel that there can be potential darkness in Larry and Lawrie and I will not not cook about it even if it’s trash
I’ve seen people draw L+L silly, goofy all that stuff and it’s not wrong it’s fun still. Thing is I think people think that L+L are 100% good (maybe I don’t think I seen enough L+L content tbh).
But I have a question, do they have morality?
You see in their voicelines they’ve never said they’ll do it for the good of people only that rules are the best and people should follow the rules.
Now listen Morality can equal to laws but laws can’t be equal to morality
For example, there could’ve been laws that hurt a certain minority or laws that would’ve shield people away from the truth of their country or something. You know dictators control.
And personally I think they’re more laws than morality or at least choosing laws over people/morality.
In my HC they prob see the world in a black and white situation. You’re either good or bad and though while there may be some cases that it’s gray I think they wouldn’t think about too much or they’ll follow the rules even if they care.
(Though this is a bit of a bad take since I HC Lawrie as trans but then again apparently there’s Transphobic Trans People soo there’s that but there’s still plenty of ways to explore this though)
And with this, this is why I like contrasting or have them interacting with Willow and Angelo.
Both Willow and Angelo are unapologetically themselves, yes they are mean and toxic but they’re themselves enjoying what they like.
And with their toxicity L+L have to control them the very thing that Willow and Angelo don’t like.
Which is why I like thinking interactions of them, it’s mostly comedy but I think there can be potential well say foils or opposite viewpoints ish.
Again Angelo and Willow are unapologetically themselves mean and toxic but what if I told you there can be still morality ish to them?
Ex: They can be mean to other mean or even worse people.
Plus they could have gray viewpoints (or I guess black ish gray they’re more in the selfish side)
Ex: I feel like both of them (or Angelo) would know that no matter what people will still hate you. You may be absolute perfection doing nothing wrong following rules and being a good person overall. People will still hate you. And plus you have yourselves you don’t need anyone to approve of what you are, you have yourself to be approve of. And so they don’t have to be nice to everyone. Yes selfish, but so everyone else is actually. And that person you hate that also hate you? There could be a very valid reason that they hate you. Heck you’re maybe the problematic one here. (Long story short basically the song Villain by Stella Jang)
And with their contrasting viewpoints L+L would be like “we’re just trying to help people and have them follow rules!” And Willow and Angelo “rules mules do you have any idea that they can be bad and toxic too?” L+L “I see you have chosen death” Willow and Angelo “see here you are wanting to help people but wanting to kill us? Aren’t we people too? Monsters can be human and human can be monsters. Anyways ew we’re speaking like we have morality so like- HAHAHAHA NOPE FOR FUN 4EVER FOOLSSSS”
Or if Willow and Angelo have a sad backstory (in my HC Willow getting taken advantage of and Angelo being rejected and hated by bigotry and yes that does make them hypocrites when doing the same to others but victims can be a holes too, maybe internalized hatred arc?) “then why didn’t people like YOU help us prevent from being THIS?” L+L “O_O, damn we’re sorry we can help-“ W+A “Ha? Help? Nahhhh we got this covered lmao we don’t neeeeeed help we have ourselves.”
(Also it has just occurred to me that L+L and W+A both have something to do with control so there’s that)
Oh and ig it also makes sense for the Starr park lore where Larry and Lawrie seemingly good is actually controlling people.
Other than that, that’s my rant, I feel like I badly explain this esp with Angelo and Willow morality thing part, and esp that there’s prob but most likely better people with gray morality thing (though it has just occurred to me… that Gray would’ve been the one DAMN IT- yea I see Gray as being part of Gray morality) but I do hope I get my point across people.
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thehollowwriter · 7 months
Trying to pick one I've not seen answered in some way or other so far has been a fun little challenge so here we go~
🐺 what relationship does your oc have with Jack?
🍎 what relationship does your oc have with Epel?
🏹 what relationship does your oc have with Rook?
Ohhh boy, this one's gonna be interesting. Thanks for the ask, Cyan!
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At first? Finn is neutral to Jack. He doesn't know this fluffy first year at all, and he's quiet enough so that's fine. He gets some amusement out of it when Jack is roped into Chapter 3's chaos, but that is quick to fade after the destruction of Azul's contracts.
He's pissed. He's so so pissed and the neutrality towards Jack is absolutely shattered, and he has it out for this guy almost as much as Leona, Yuu, Grim Ace, and Deuce.(Finn is not very mentally stable atp so..)The only reason he isn't as angry with Jack is cause Jack was kinda just swept up in things most of the time, and he's not malicious. If there's any possible opportunity to make Jack suffer, even if it's just an inconvenience, Finn is going to take it.
Jack finds Finn creepy and untrustworthy and dislikes him almost just as much as the Octavinelle trio. When Finn used Ace's voice to lure him and the others right to the tweels, it was almost like something out of a thriller. The way Finn honest to Seven tried to blast them after Azul's overblot did not help matters.
Unfortunately, neither of them like each other at all. It is unfortunate because if it weren't for Azul's OB, they would've had a chance of getting along.
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He finds Epel kinda funny, to be honest. He's not sure what is specifically, but he finds Epel really entertaining. He does appreciate Epel's ambitions, even of he may or may not think it's... odd. He talks about Epel with Vil a number of times, and can understand the potential Vil sees in him. Finn is curious to see what this little potato will grow into.
Epel, meanwhile, is cheering to the rooftops because, oh, Great Seven, there's finally someone shorter than him around! He doesn't mock Finn for his height, but he has a habit of pointing out Finn's shortness when other people are around, as some kind of way to 'prove' he's not the smallest.
Other than that, the creepy vibes he gets from Finn does freak him out, and he wonders if Finn is secretly some kind of fae to give off those vibes. He attempts to challenge the other first years to "poke" Finn, although that never went anywhere.
Finn is neutral to Epel apart from some mirth at his antics, and Epel is really freaked out by him.
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Oh. Oh, Finn does not like Rook. No no no nope nope, please, for the love of god, get this creepy human away from him. Rook calling him 'beauté silencieuse' was something that threw him off once he figured out what it meant, as he's unused to being referred to in a positive light, nevermind being called beautiful, by strangers, especially humans.
He found Rook's antics entertaining when he first came to NRC, and even interesting since he learned a few things, but when Rook started stalking Jade, Floyd and Azul, Finn was protective and weary, and honestly considering eating him.
When the stalking extended to him, it was really awful because the feeling of eyes on him/being watched triggered a panic attack. He despises Rook and frequently implies to Vil that he should be stripped of his position as vice dorm leader.
Rook, in true Rook fashion, finds Finn utterly fascinating. A quiet, unconfrontational (is that a word?) student, a walking mystery. Yes, he feels that sense of dread just like everyone else, but all it does is fuel his curiosity and need to know more about Finn. Finn, so we'll behaved an poised, with a restrained violent and sadistic side that made Rook's skin tingle.
And when he discovered Finn was an incredibly rare species of shark mer: a cookie cutter shark? Ohhh, he doubled his efforts to learn. He was delightfully surprised to discover that Finn was romantically involved with those three Octavinelle students. Why, love is such a beautiful thing, is it not? He is excited to observe the four of them and their unique ways of showing love further.
Finn is considering turning himself into sushi (this is a joke), and Rook is endlessly fascinated and curious. Send help. Please.
Tagging: @distant-velleity @krenenbaker @theleechyskrunkly @skrimpyskimpy @officialdaydreamer00 @the-banana-0verlord @minteasketches @whspermy-name @oya-oya-okay @cynthinesia @kitwasnothere @boopshoops
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