#then after i actually showered and got into my bedroom it was already 4:40
fabulouslygaybean · 2 years
its 5am and i still can't fucking sleep
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baroquebucky · 3 years
fool for you
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bucky just wants to be with you forever
word count: 1.9k
a/n: hi bffs !! hope u are all well <33 pls enjoy this v fluffy one shot inspired by own post :’ ) let me know what u all think !!
You were tired, your eyelids felt heavy and you struggled to pay attention to the tv. Your head falling to the side as you drifted off, eyes shooting open when you realized you were falling asleep. You got up quickly, splashing your face with water and settling back on the couch, rubbing your eyes and focusing on the tv again.
1:57 a.m.
You checked your phone in hopes of a “five minutes away :)” text from bucky, but there was none. You yawned again and changed the channel, flipping through some channels to try to wake you up before deciding to just switch to netflix instead.
You smiled as your favorite show played, nuzzling into the blanket bucky had given you and focusing on the show. The sound of keys rattling woke you up, you hadn’t even realize you had fallen asleep.
“shit” bucky whispered as the door slammed into the wall. “sorry” bucky spoke, apologizing to the wall before dragging his suitcase as quietly as he could. He kicked off his boots and his eyes landed on you asleep on the couch.
“buck?” you mumbled, willing your eyes open. Your vision was fuzzy and you could hear the tv still playing, you moved a little, forgetting you were on the couch and slipped off the edge. You couldn’t even process that you had fallen by the time bucky caught you in his arms, smiling at you.
“hi doll” bucky smiled at you, kissing your forehead gently and easily lifting you in his arm. He turned the tv off and carried you into your shared room, gently placing you on the bed.
“what time ‘s it?” You mumbled, rubbing your eyes and yawning, finally waking up.
“almost 3” he smiled at you softly, rummaging through his drawer and taking out a change of clothes. You nodded as he pulled out a black t shirt and some boxers, walking towards you and kissing your temple.
“I’m gonna shower doll, you can go to sleep” he assured you and you nodded, knowing full well you’d end up waiting up for him anyway.
“don’t slip” you smiled and he rolled his eyes, waving you off with a small smile on his face.
“it was one time!” He groaned before closing the door to the restroom.
You smiled to yourself as you heard the shower turn on, rolling over to your side and closing your eyes. The sleep that had been taking over you earlier was nowhere to be found. You kicked the covers off you and groaned, frowning as you stared at the ceiling. You grabbed your phone from the nightstand and scrolled through Twitter for a while, waiting for bucky to finish showering so you could cuddle up to him and fall asleep.
You could feel yourself growing hungry, glancing at the time on your phone you frowned a bit, it was already 3:07 am. you drank some water and tried to fall back asleep, cuddling into your pillow and letting out a soft sigh when you finally got comfortable. Right as you were finally going to sleep bucky opened the restroom door, the sound making your eyes shoot open and heart race. 
“did I wake you?” bucky whispered, a frown on his face as he heard your heart rate quicker than usual. You shook your head with a small smile. He knew you were lying but he didn't say anything, he just threw his dirty clothes in the laundry basket and settled next to you under the covers. He threw his right arm around you, pulling you closer to him and kissing the top of your head. 
“g’night doll” he mumbled and closed his eyes, already falling asleep from how exhausted he was. 
“goodnight buck” you replied softly, closing your eyes and relishing in the feeling of his arm around you. It was silent, with only the sounds of the city flowing through the Brooklyn apartment. 
Then your stomach growled, causing bucky to looked at you with wide eyes and you stifled a giggle. You mumbled a ‘sorry’ before closing your eyes again, hoping it wouldn't keep growling. 
You were wrong. Your stomach was relentless, and finally you got up, slipping from Bucky grasp and scurrying into the kitchen to find something to eat. Bucky felt your absence almost immediately, he opened his eyes and frowned, getting up and making his way into the kitchen. 
“didnt mean to wake you angel” you apologized as he walked towards you. He shook his head and wrapping his arms around you, letting his chin rest onto of your head. His eyes fluttered closed as you relaxed into him, your arms snaking around his waist and leaning your head against his chest. The sound of the microwave made you pull away from him, grabbing the hot cup of Mac and cheese and setting it on the dining table, Bucky soon following you and sitting next to you. 
“now im hungry” he frowned and you laughed, giving him some of your Mac and cheese which he gratefully ate. Within minutes the small bowl of Mac and cheese was empty, the two of you still hungry.  You stared at bucky, a small smile creeping onto both of your faces. You were both thinking the same thing. 
“no we shouldn't” you shook your head and bucky agreed. 
“yeah no its almost 4 we should get to bed” he replied, you both got up, making eye contact before bursting into a fit of giggles and smiles, heading straight towards the kitchen and definitely not bed. You pulled your phone out and put on some music. 
“you were thinking about French toast right?” you asked and bucky smiled, already opening the fridge for the ingredients, you grinned and you opened the pantry to get the other things you needed. You both sang along to the music softly, swaying to the beat. 
As bucky made the mix you grabbed the bread and two plates, heating up the pan and putting some butter on it, letting it melt. You moved easily in the kitchen with bucky, ever since you had moved in together everything just seemed to work for you guys. 
As you dipped the bread into the batter before putting it in the pan. Turning to bucky and using the spatula as a microphone, singing along to some 40s song you had added for bucky. You smiled as he took the spatula from your hand, setting it down and grabbing your hands, dancing along to the song. 
Bucky had the brightest smile on his face as you followed his lead, letting him twirl you around as the song played. You looked up at him as he danced with you, meeting his light blue eyes. Your eyes met and bucky couldn't stop himself. 
“I can't wait any longer oh my god” he rushed out, letting go of you and rushing back into the bedroom, leaving you along in the kitchen. 
You frowned, did you do something wrong? You focused back on the French toast, flipping the slice so it wouldn't burn before placing it on Buckys plate. You frowned as you looked for the powdered sugar. Realizing you hadn't taken it out you turned around to get it, your back to the bedroom door. As you searched for it your mind raced, was he breaking up with you? Was he just really tired?
Meanwhile Bucky was rummaging through all his drawers, wondering where the hell he put the ring he picked out with Steve seven months ago. His heart was racing as he heard you cooking the french toast, confused as to why he left you. Finally he found the black velvet box in the back of his sock drawer, smiling as he ran back out to meet you in the kitchen. 
Bucky saw you facing the drawer, so he wasted no time sneaking up behind you and getting down on one knee silently, opening the small box to reveal the ring. 
You finally found the powdered sugar, opening it and turning around. You turned quickly, eyes immediately landing on bucky, right in front of you. 
On one knee. With a ring.
You dropped the powdered sugar, causing it to land all over you, bucky and the ring. Your hands flew to your mouth as he smiled at you brightly.
“are you joking? this is a joke right?” you questioned and bucky shook his head, still on one knee despite having powdered sugar all over his shirt. 
“y/n I love you so much, I wanna spend forever with you. Everything feels so right with you I just- its like we’re just meant to be, I can't imagine a life without you. I wanna make you happy, I wanna travel the world with you, I wanna dance in the kitchen at 3 am and make French toast at ungodly hours with you for the rest of my life” he rambled, you felt your ears burning as he continued, your mind still processing that he was actually proposing. 
“-I love how competitive you are and how excited you get over anything and everything, I just love you so much-” he cut himself off when he looked at you for the first time since he started rambling, smiling softly up at you as you looked at him, fondness in your eyes and a tear rolling down your cheek. 
“will you marry me?” he spoke, breathless. 
Never in your life have you nodded so quickly. 
“yes, of course yes” you whispered and bucky smiled, jumping to his feet as you cupped his face, crashing your lips onto his, smiling into the kiss. You pulled away with a sniffle, smiling as he took your hand and slid the ring on, he blushed at the sight of it. 
You looked at each other with a smile, kissing once more before you realizing the french toast was cold by now. You pulled away quickly, grabbing the powdered sugar bag from the floor and sprinkling some lightly on your plates. 
“sorry about all that” you laughed, motioning to the powdered sugar all over the two of you and the floor. Bucky just grinned, waving it off as the two of you ate the French toast, a smile never leaving either of your faces. Both pf you giggling as the sun came up and birds began to sing. 
Not long after you finished Bucky cleaned up your mess, you changed into one of his t shirts and slipped into bed, a smile on your face as he walked into the room, taking his shirt off and slipping out of his sweats before moving into bed next to you. 
You wasted no time as he laid on his back, moving his arm so you could rest your head on his chest. He cradled you gently as you got comfortable, kissing the top of your head once you settled in. 
“love you so much angel, can't wait until we get to spend forever together” you mumbled with a smile on your face, already drifting off to sleep. Bucky smiled at your words, letting his fingers run through your hair. 
“and I love you more than yesterday” he whispered, “but less than tomorrow.”
Bucky meant his words. He meant them with everything he was. He fell in love with you everyday. He always found himself falling deeper and deeper, but he never complained. Now could fall in love with you for the rest of his life.
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twinklelilstarkey · 3 years
Cuddles - Mathew Barzal
Words: 2.7k+
Type: Fluff
Summary: Every time Mat comes back from a roadie, he becomes the clingiest person known to Earth, which means that he will do absolutely anything to get your attention and his god damn cuddles.
Warnings: PDA - just Mat being really touchy and stuff. There isn’t a mention on reader’s gender.
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Mathew is not really the type of person that constantly seeks affection. He just likes his own space from time to time. Especially outside of the house, he’ll hold your hand but he’s not one to hug you out of nowhere, unlike some couples in your friend group.
But, that is only when he hasn’t been away from you for some time. If, for example, you two go spend the holidays with your families (separated), Mathew is not leaving your side when you’re back together. He absolutely will not let you go to do anything. 
So you better take the week off work, every time, you got a man to cuddle. 
And now that you two have been dating for a longer time, officially living under the same roof and doing everything like a whole married couple, Mathew’s seeking for affection after being away is through the roof. Like, he’s out for 2 weeks for a roadie, expect that men to hug you by the bus and never let go of you until you need to pee.
You believe that it might be because he now gets so used to seeing you everywhere in the house that when he leaves, he has that silence and that person missing. 
Yet, still, you never, in a million years, expected him to take his hugs so seriously.
And that is exactly what’s happening right now. He went out for a long roadie, which he can’t complain much because the Islanders won a lot and he had a great time with his friends, but, god damn it, he hated that he had to spend such a long time away from you and just staring at you through a screen.
He came back home late at night, around 4 in the morning, and even though you two felt exhausted - and you were half asleep - he still hugged you and stayed with his arms around you for a good 5 minutes. That is even without closing the front door when he came in.
And when you did reach the bed, you two fell asleep in just a few seconds.
You were able to wake up, naturally, early and Mathew looked so peaceful when you woke up that you tried your best not to move too much and wake him on accident. That man needs rest, and you seriously can’t take that away from him. 
So, you used your silent Sunday morning to the best of your ability, did a lengthy morning routine, just to have that moment with yourself in calm days: take a long relaxing shower, and even do a mask and test new products on your face.
You’re honestly living your best life.
And even after those good 40-50 minutes in the bathroom, Mathew is still asleep when you walk out. 
So, you decide to go have breakfast and probably, just if you’re feeling like it, clean the apartment - an activity you’ve been hesitating to do for days, but, sooner or later, you do have to do it.
And you, like the brave soul that you are, started working on it as soon as you can. Literally downed your coffee like a shot, ate a granola bar, and cleaning you went.
The living room and bathrooms were fairly easy and quick, but as soon as you started with the kitchen, a wild sleepy Mathew makes an appearance.
“Morning.” You say with a smile.
With his eyes still half-closed yet a grin on his face, Mathew walks over to you, slowly starting to open his arms. You put down the rag onto the counter and meet him halfway to wrap your arms around his torso. His arms wrap around your shoulders and squeeze you close.
He leans his cheek onto your head and you close your eyes, feeling and enjoying Mathew’s warmth through the thin shirt you’re wearing.
“How did you sleep?” You ask him.
“Good. I was so tired.” He says while letting out a sigh.
You squeeze him one time and move your head back to stare up at him. He looks down to meet your gaze and gives you a quick kiss, almost as if he’s stealing one.
“What do you want to do today?” He asks you, and you can’t help but hold in a cringe.
“I don’t know if we can do anything exciting today.” You tell him slowly.
“Why?” He asks with a confused frown.
“I have a lot to do today.” You start, “I have to finish cleaning the house, probably go grocery shopping and do my meals for the week.”
A loud and long groan leaves Matthew’s mouth as he throws his head back dramatically and you unwrap your arms from around him to hold his sides.
“I’m sorry.” You try to make it better with a soft tone. “Were you planning on doing anything?”
He brings his head back up and shakes his head.
“Just wanted to spend time with you.” He says before pulling you into a hug again, “And cuddle.” He says against your neck.
You wrap your arms around him again and run your hand up and down his back comfortingly.
“I’m still going to be at home. I just won’t be able to cuddle until I’m done with everything.” You tell him and he sighs dramatically. “You can always help me? So I’m done with all of this quicker.”
Mathew stays silent, still snuggled into your neck, and doesn’t even move a muscle.
Accepting his silence as an answer of ‘no, thank you’ or even ‘let me wake up first and I’ll answer you’, you try to move away from him, laying your hands by his sides again and pushing him away ever so slightly. But, right as Mathew feels the pressure of you pulling him away, he stops you by squeezing you a bit closer.
“Nooo.” He whines, making you laugh, “Just a few more seconds.”
Mathew, surprisingly, after his long morning shower and eating his breakfast (over the table you just cleaned), actually offered to help. He ignored your surprised look, looked at you, and just asked “what do you need me to do?”.
And off Mat went to clean your room and make the bed. You just finished off with the kitchen and swept some floors, and, honestly, you don’t think you’ve ever got everything done so quickly.
With Mathew still in the bedroom, you decide to start working on the list of groceries. Opening every cabinet and the fridge multiple times, you typed into your phone’s notes what is missing and what you’ll eventually need in a space of a few hours after cooking.
While deep into your task, you don’t notice Mat coming back from the bedroom with the full dirty laundry basket - mostly because he just emptied his travel bag and just changed the sheets. He walks through the kitchen to the laundry room and yet you don’t blink an eye in his direction. 
You are so focused that Mat is starting to think that someone could rob the apartment, right now, and you wouldn’t even notice them.
When the laundry is separated and some of it is already on the machine, which is already on, Mat walks back out to the kitchen and notices you typing on your phone.
“Do you want to go to get the food before lunch?” He asks you, in hopes you would answer him.
You just nod, while scrolling through the list to see if you didn’t repeat anything.
Mat stares at you for a bit, taking a second or two to admire you - something he was unable to do for a good few days. He takes a few steps closer, almost as if testing the waters, and stands right beside you.
He acts as if he’s checking the list you’re writing, and leans in close to you. You, still in your own world, pay him no mind and continue to type and check at least 3 times in the row if anything is missing on the list.
His arms sneakily wrap around your hips and he pulls you closer to him to the point of completely having you against him. He lays a kiss on the side of your head and looks down at your phone again, not wanting to disrupt you too much.
Your vacant hand lays over his arm, caressing it unconsciously as you delete a few words and type some new ones.
“Want to go to the store with me?” You ask him.
You look up at him as Mat doesn’t say anything and when your eyes meet, he gives you a quick nod. You smile at him and he kisses your cheek.
“You know...” You start while looking at the shelves down the aisle, “You’re making it really hard to walk, babe.”
“I don’t know what you mean by that.”
You laugh at Mat and he smiles against your shoulder. He has been doing this every time the aisle you’re walking down is empty - which is almost every aisle. He has his arms around your waist and is holding you from behind close to him while you try to walk with the shopping cart right in front of you.
You don’t even know how many times you’ve tripped over each other’s feet, but Mat doesn’t seem to mind it at all.
You look down at your list and delete the name of another item as you throw it inside the cart.
“You look really beautiful today.” Mat says against your ear before pressing a kiss over the side of your head.
You look over at him and he leans his head back to look at you better, as well. A small grin lifts off the corners of your lips and he smiles before giving you a kiss.
As you two pull away, you turn your attention back to the aisle in front of you.
“Good to know I just look like that today.” You say to him in the most serious tone ever.
Mat giggles at your words beside your ear and soon your serious act lifts off. In your defense, it’s hard to do so when he’s that close to your ear, giggling his sanity away.
“You know what I mean.” He says while poking your side.
“You’re lucky I do.”
He smiles brightly and goes back to leaning his head over your shoulder. Good thing for him, the store is almost empty, so he can do that for most of the time you’re here.
You stop the cart once more and start, with the best of your ability, putting the things you need from the shelves into the center of the cart.
Soft humming is heard a few meters behind you, yet both you and Mat seem to ignore it. An old lady, with a little basket on her hand, walks down the aisle innocently, looking through the products on the shelves, and as she studies all the varieties, her eyes land on you.
Her view is quite interesting. You’re looking down at your phone, lifting your gaze to squint at what’s in front of you - what she assumes is the signs about each aisle - and a man, Mat, is with his dark hair mostly covered by his hoodie, even though some strands are falling to his forehead, hugging you close to him while peeking down at your phone.
If she wasn’t such a romantic person, she would’ve thought about and probably criticized - in her mind - how clingy you both looked. Yet she’s not one to turn her nose in disgust at such things, quite the opposite. She’s the one that smiles upon seeing them.
“Mat, can you pass me that bag?” She hears you ask the boy while giving him a pat on the head to get his attention.
He doesn’t verbally answer, but, right away, he stands upright and reaches up for the bag your pointing at the top of the shelves.
“Wait- Not that one.” You told him.
“Why not?” He frowns in confusion.
“It doesn’t look good.”
He gives you a look as if you’re going crazy and grabs your wished bag of sugar while listening to you giggle at his annoyance. When the bag reaches the center of the cart, he goes back to behind you and goes back to his warm, kind of, hiding place. 
And that’s when the lady decides to not stare for much longer, in hopes she wouldn’t spook anyone, and walks away to continue her shopping.
You, without even blinking at Mat’s actions, start moving forward out of the aisle and onto the next one. And that’s when your eyes land on the lady, who is walking by you now, at a way faster pace - you got to blame Mat for that one; you swear that a sloth moves faster than you two.
“Are you done, now?” Mat asks for probably the 100th time in the past hour.
You put down the rinsed pan on the washing machine and finally look back at Mat while closing it.
“Really?” He asks with widened eyes, “Or are you joking?”
“I’m 100% serious.”
Mathew stands from the high chair of the island and walks over to you right away. He grabs onto your hand and starts pulling you towards the living room and couch, finally going after what he has been wishing all day long. His god damn cuddles.
You have been cooking for the past hour and some more minutes for your meals to eat during the week for work - a habit you’ve started having for a few months and can’t seem to not do it when there’s a big week incoming.
In other words, the restaurants around your work aren’t that great, you’re tired of sandwiches and you’ve been finding yourself too tired during the week to do lunch in the morning or on the night before. So, meal prepping, it is.
You and Mathew walk into the living room and he’s quick to snatch the largest blanket you had just folded this morning. He lets go of your hand before giving a look, almost as if to tell you, ‘don’t you dare move’.
You smile at him as he lays over the couch and motions you to come closer. He grabs onto the tv remote first, probably to get a movie going, just for background noise, and you lay with him.
Your face lays over Mat’s chest comfortably and you feel him shake the blanket around before draping it over the two of you. A little grin is planted over your face as he practically starts tucking you in, close to him.
As soon as the movie is chosen, Mat’s arms wrap around you and he pulls you even closer.
The both of you stare at the TV in silence. You’re just curious to see what movie he chose, while Mat just wants to see if the movie is any good. 
But then, suddenly, an uneasy feeling hits the end of your tummy.
Oh no, he’s going to absolutely hate you.
How are you even supposed to tell him this?
You try to focus on the screen and forget about all your needs. You just got to focus, Y/N, come on.
Not even five minutes later, you feel like you can’t hold it in anymore. Ugh, just do it.
“Hey, Mat?” You ask, tone a little hesitant.
“Yeah?” He asks, moving his hand up and down your back.
“I need to tell you something and, please, don’t be mad.”
Mathew frowns and looks away from the screen at you. He’s confused, you can tell. You can’t really blame him, you were just fine a few minutes ago, and now you sounded like you were about to unleash a bomb.
“Okay...?” He says almost as if to encourage you to talk, since you stayed very quiet.
“I might need to go pee.” You tell him.
His hand abruptly stops moving on your back and his expression of confusion falls into an expression of disbelief.
“Are you serious?” He asks.
“Yeah.” You say, biting your lips as if to keep in your giggles.
“How dare you?”
A giggle finally escapes your mouth and you notice his lips twitching slightly as he tries not to smile and continue his serious act.
“I’ll be right back, yeah?” You tell him as you start sitting up on your knees.
“Screw you.” He tells you and you laugh again.
You’re quick on standing back on your feet and make your way to the bathroom, very fast-paced.
“I love you too, Barzal!” You tell him as you walk out of the room.
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Hope this is good!
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sapnxps · 3 years
(WTL) Chapter One: Greg the Neighbor- Georgenotfound x Reader
If I knew that when I moved to London, I'd have two weird neighbors, I'd laugh in your face. Now I'm friends with an old cat lady. Now I'm enemies with my cute neighbor that's definitely not single, who also screams too much.
Even though he's a dick, why can't I stop thinking about him?
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My parents told me I’d regret moving to London from the state before I left because I’d miss them and the US too much.
They were half right.
I’m sitting on a box messily labeled ‘kitchen’ in the hallway of my new apartment complex. I huff, wiping the sticky sweat from my forehead. The moving bill is almost 4 thousand dollars. If I knew moving would be this expensive, I wouldn’t have moved out from my parent’s house until I was 40. Sure, I moved a lot of my belongings across the Atlantic ocean, but 4 thousand dollars? Who do I look like, Jeff Bezos?
Today has been hectic, to say the least. Three of my boxes somehow drifted away to Spain. Don’t ask me how that happened, I don’t even know. I’ve been unpacking by myself all day. A box of my kitchenware got shattered upon arrival. I should’ve listened to my Mom on that one, she told me to just buy plates and glasses here instead of shipping them here. Big mistake I’m never making again. Finally, the biggest chunk of my problems: My apartment is full of boxes and I don’t feel like unpacking. Maybe it’s the fact that I’ve been sleeping on an air mattress for two days, maybe not, but I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. If one more thing goes wrong, I think I might lose it.
Begrudgingly, I lift myself up from the box I was sitting on. It’s a bit dented now, but the way it felt on my ass, it���s just pots and pans. I open the door, pulling this box into my apartment. I weakly push it into the kitchen. It collides with one of the boxes filled with shattered plates. The sound of the broken glass sliding across the box sounded like nails on a chalkboard. I need to make a note to properly dispose of that. Turning my head to look around my new home, I feel my brain's short circuit. All these boxes unpacked, I’ve barely made a dent. This is going to take for-fucking-ever. Moving is modern-day torture. Oh, that’s funny. Remember to tweet that later.
The next three hours of my life are taken up by filling up my kitchen cabinets and drawers with cutlery and various kitchen utensils. The counter was now less bare, housing my toaster and breadbox. My Tupperware containers sat in a special place in the far-right cabinet by the sink. It looked like this home was lived in, as long as you didn’t glance anywhere else besides the kitchen.
I soon after tackled the bathroom, which was the less intimidating room compared to the living room and bedroom. I got the shower curtain hung up, which made it look nice. The rug found its way to the floor, protecting my feet from the cold, cream tile. The shelves were now stocked with a few fluffy peach towels and soaps. Underneath the sink had cleaning supplies as well as spare toilet paper. Living alone meant having nobody to give you another roll if you finish the other one. Kinda sucks. I had a boyfriend during high school, and two years into college. I dreamed of living with him, we planned it all out. I’d finish college, we’d move to a city and rent out the tiniest apartment we could find. We’d live it out until eventually we made ends meet and the rest would be. Dreams cut short though, he cheated. It’s part of why I left in the first place. Needed a change of scenery, new people.
That’s where I am now. New people. Stuck on that part. Haven’t gotten a chance to meet any, which is oh so tragic. I can’t decide if I want to introduce myself to the neighbors or let them come to me? I’m stuck pondering on the thought until I hear a knock at the door. I wonder if my lost boxes have mysteriously arrived.
Opening the door, I’m greeted with an older woman, holding out a small cake into my space.
“Hi dear, I’m your neighbor to the right. Heard all the commotion, saw all the boxes. I had to see for myself the fresh meat in the complex,” She paused before lightly tapping my arm with her free hand. “Just teasing! It’s great to have another lady on this level. The young man to your left, handsome fella, never comes out much though. Hopefully, we can have a girl posse or something,” Her posh accent made her much different than me. Is it wrong to already feel isolated?
I grin at her, moving out of the way to invite her in. “Nice to meet you, feel free to come in. I apologize for all the boxes scattered around, moving has been proven to not be quite my talent,”
The woman smiles brightly at me, shock plastered on her face. “You’re American!”
“That I am,” I chuckle. She hands me the cake, which I gladly accept. My diet has consisted of soggy hash browns from the complex lobby. She makes her way to what is settled in the living room, politely setting herself on my suede blue couch across from the large wall in the room. I place the cake on my counter by the stove, making a mental note to grab a slice once the woman leaves.
The shock never leaves her aged face, “Oh goodness! How amazing. I have a foreigner as my neighbor. You’ll find London quite lovely. I know how it feels to be isolated and removed from what you’re used to, but I promise you’ll fit right in,” She says as I settle myself on the loveseat a bit away from the couch.
“Where are you from?” I ask. She obviously isn’t American.
She smiles, “Just a bit east of Surrey. South of London. Beautiful area, grew up on a small cottage,” The woman was glowing as she spoke of her hometown. She was obviously proud of where she grew up. Compared to my southern Arizona town, this place seemed like heaven. A cottage? Sign me up.
“Sounds lovely,” I speak truthfully.
“Welp,” The woman slaps her laps, a way of signaling it’s time to end the conversation. Despite only speaking for a small amount of time, she seems like someone I can come to if I ever have questions about London or the terminology that I hear around the city. I’ll need to remember that she’s the neighbor to the right. As she began to see herself out, I remembered the other neighbor she mentioned. The young man to the left. I believe she used the term ‘handsome fella’ to describe him. Once she was out in the hall, I felt the need to find out more information.
“Oh!” I shout, hanging myself out into the hallway. She pauses her steps, turning back to me. “By the way, who’s my other neighbor? The guy you were telling me about. Does he have a name?” I ask.
“Greg,” She nods, resuming her short walk back to her apartment.
Greg. Ugly name.
I completely forgot about the conversation by dinner time. As I was munching down on my cake, delicious by the way, I heard loud yelling from my right side. I wouldn’t even call it yelling, more like high-pitched screaming. Who was my neighbor over there again? Greg? Greg. He was causing a ruckus and a mere heart attack at that. He was screaming so loud I nearly jumped out of my skin the first time I heard it. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think he’s facing a very, very gruesome murder right now. Well, I guess I don’t know any better. I’m just wishing for the very best.
Another hour passes. The yelling never stops. It’s only 8, but my body is as awake as ever. I still have yet to get used to the new time zone. At times it was difficult, but I’m using it to my advantage now. I have some extra time to unpack and get my actual bed ready. My bed frame was put together professionally during lunch, so that was one thing checked off my list. The mattress I ordered was delivered yesterday. Now it was just the matter of putting the sheets on and preparing my duvet.
Fitted sheets fucking suck to put on a bed. I was currently struggling to put it on my nice mattress. It was edging close to 10 pm. The sky was dark, and I was stuck in some odd mixture of a starfish and the downward dog position. If this moment was a picture, it could be used for blackmail. The closer I got to finally getting the top right corner on my bed, the more stretched out I became. I was like one of those sticky hands you’d get in those toy dispensers at the grocery store. I was just about to get it, when another loud shriek could be heard. In shock, I slammed my head on the bed frame and lost grip of all four corners of the sheet.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” I mumbled underneath my breath.
Whatever. He probably has a greater reason to be screaming like this, right? Justified shouting, whatever you want to call it. My bedroom is closer to his apartment than the kitchen was. Is it nosey to try to figure out what he’s saying? I don’t want to be that type of neighbor. I’ll continue minding my business because I don’t want to find out some weird shit about Greg that I don’t want to know.
The screaming never stopped.
In fact, if anything, it got louder. And louder. And louder. Is it okay to call the cops here?
It’s midnight now. The next fucking day. And Greg is still screaming at the top of his lungs as if everyone else isn’t asleep. If I saw some normal citizen just trying to get some rest, I’d be fed up. Well, I’m still fed up. I’m also running on a messed-up sleep schedule, so it’s not like I was trying to sleep anyways. My bed is made now, and comfy as hell. I built a shelf to house some of my small decorations, with the entertainment of my noisy neighbor’s yells to accompany me. For some odd reason, it made me feel less lonely.
At about 2, I began to reject the company. I felt irritation grow in my chest as I heard the same high-pitched shrieks that I heard at 8. The annoyance that bubbled in me overtook my politeness. Before I knew it, I was up and in the hallway banging on his door. I didn’t have the time to care about my Daffy Duck pajamas sticking to my legs due to the heatwave hitting England right now. Before I even realize it, my fist is slamming on his door. I never knew I had the power to knock that hard, but my anger and blossoming resentment overpowered me. I continued banging until the door pulled away from its frame. Now I’m face to face with Greg.
Boy was he handsome.
I was met with a man, about 5 foot 9. His dark brown hair was disheveled. Strands of hair laid across his forehead messily. If he wasn’t screaming, I would’ve thought he was sleeping. He was wearing a fluorescent green hoodie with an odd smile plastered on the front. It was a bit large for his skinny frame, that’s unimportant though. His grey sweatpants were twisted on his legs. What the fuck was he doing? His face was delicately shaped. This jawline looks sharp yet fragile like it was constructed of the most fragile rose crystal I’d ever seen. His brown eyes reminded me of caramel, thick and way too easy to get lost in.
“Hi, uh Greg-” I start. I’m just realizing now how close I am to him. The scent of his spearmint gum floods my nostrils. It’s a bit powerful, crinkling my nose at the smell. It wasn’t gross, just very shocking.
“George,” He spat. That’s fucking embarrassing. I’m meeting him for the first time and I got his name wrong. I’m not taken aback for long though, because his attitude oozing from his simple correction was enough to disgust me. I’ve done nothing wrong to him, except maybe get his name wrong. Was my moving too much of a nuisance to him? Poor little British thing, he can deal with it.
I cringe, “Oh, um, sorry.”
He leans into the door frame, sweatshirt adjusting to the movement. Forget a tiny bit large, he was swimming in this thing. “Yeah, no problem. Can I help you or are you selling girl scout cookies at,” George checks his watch. “2 in the morning. If you are, I’m not interested, sorry ‘bout that,” His outfit makes me feel a lot less aware of mine. Despite his face being rather attractive, the outfit makes him look like he just rolled out of bed.
“Oh, yeah. I was wondering if you could lower the volume a bit, please. Or just stop screaming entirely, if possible. I don’t know if you have some weird shouting fetish, but I certainly don’t,” I chuckle. George, however, doesn’t chuckle. Actually, he looks rather unamused. If a human was an art museum, it would be George. Curling into a ball and falling into an endless void doesn’t sound too awful right now. I think I’ll add that to my itinerary. I’ll do it in my bed so I’m at least comfortable while I’m drowning in my own self-pity.
He grimaces, “Yeah. Sure.”
He’s blunt. Got it.
The second I turn my back to the door, it slams. Wow. What a cunt. Shaking the interaction off, I begin to feel the wear and tear of the day beginning to hit me. Moving all those boxes made my muscles ache. The solution to all my problems today seems to be going to bed. Not that I’m not okay with that, just funny. The day before I left for London, you’d think I was shocked by lightning. The electricity that was running through my veins was no match for any ADHD medicine the FDA had ever approved. Now, my body is beginning to fall victim to the earlier time zone. Not that it was a big deal, it was going to happen eventually. These next few days would just entail a difficult sleeping schedule. Nothing I haven’t dealt with before.
I quickly find my way back to my own bedroom. The yelling was quieter, but I could still hear George through the thin walls. He was murmuring to someone softly. This apartment complex was all 1 bedroom apartments. He didn’t live alone. How lovely! I made a fool of myself to him, and he was most definitely telling his partner right now. Talk about dignity, am I right?
I scrolled through my phone for an hour, before the screaming returned to its original volume. Would it be overdramatic to say I felt my face go red with anger? I don’t think so. I think I handled the situation as politely as I could. Hell, I even cracked a joke so he could know I wasn’t that upset over the situation! If I knew he was going to resume his disruptive noises, I wouldn’t have been so nice or absolutely hilarious. Nobody that douchey gets my amazing humor. He didn’t even laugh! I hear another shout followed by a slam to a desk. What the fuck is wrong with this guy?
Welp. Welcome to London!
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the-fiction-witch · 3 years
NSFW 100 Paul
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1. What's the dirtiest thought you've ever had about a total stranger? About a stranger? Ohh I don't know? Maybe that time I thought about having sex with that girl with the huge boobs in the bus but that was years ago.
2. Do you prefer sex at night, in the morning, mid-afternoon, or NOW? I like morning sex, theses something sweet and cuddly about it
3. What's your favourite way to be seduced? It's gonna sound weird but like pet me, like run your hands down my arm, or my neck, or stoke my chest or my hips or something just literally touch me and I uhhh I am good.
4. What's the dirtiest fantasy you've had at work? At work? What are we counting as work? Because I don't really think about much other then music.
5. How would you dominate your boss sexually if given the chance? Who are we classing as my boss? Our manager? Ooohh noo no no thank you.
6. What do you do when you get horny in public? Just kinda... Untuck my shirt and use it to cover my pants. And usually notify my girlfriend to uhh help with that.
7. Have you ever masturbated in a public bathroom? No! Have you been in a men's public bathroom. I don't even wanna go in there unless I absolutely have to and even then if I can't just piss in a bush, there usually three blow jobs, a murder, a drug deal and someone with horrific diahrea... I don't wanna step food in there.
8. What's the weirdest thing you've thought about while touching yourself? I don't know I don't really think all that much, I thought about a cup of tea once but to be fair I did just want one when I was finished so...
9. What's the strangest prop you've used to get yourself off? ...... A shower head. Look we have an old rickety shower okay! And when the water comes out the whole head like moves and stuff we had to put an elastic band around it so it actually stayed on the wall it moved around so much and, one night after me and y/n has been, kissing a little in the early dating stages I kinda just held it to my shaft and ... You can imagine what happened
10. Do you remember the first time you felt aroused? Yes! The first time y/n came over in this little blue dress she had always worn fairly high neck dresses and such but uhh this was a uhh well low cut and I saw cleavage and boobs and I uhh yeah I got very very hard.
11. Who gave you your first orgasm? I did! We technically my pillow did, same night after y/n had gone home I uhh yeah kinda just wrapped my legs around the pillow thinking about her and next thing I knew I was cumming. That was an eventful day.
12. Do you remember what that first orgasm felt like? Not at all. All I remember was that it hit like a tone if bricks and I had to bite the pillow so I didn't scream
13. Have you ever had sex with someone whose name you never knew? Not sex. I've got a blow job from someone I didn't know the name off but that was before me and y/n where dating.
14. What's your favourite thing about a quickie?
Hearing her trying to be quiet it's so adorable and cute.
15. What the most sexually daring thing you've ever done?
Sex onna bus! Yeah we where heading home to my flat one night after a gig and we where sat at the back of the bus all alone and I pulled her on my lap and we uhh yeah we had sex.
16. Have you ever fantasized about fucking one of your teachers? No I have not. That's a weird thing to do.
17. Do you ever mentally strip strangers just for kicks? Nope. I do not have the time or the thought capacity
18. And then imagine, in dirty detail, what it would be like to fuck them? Nope. You know who I imagine does thought. John.
19. Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex?
Yes.... George. John dared us! I got him back I made him show is cock at a gig.
20. What inspires you to make the first move? Ummm Im not sure, usual just the thought comes into my head we have been sitting her a while or kissing a while or whatever so my hands just kinda take that as there sign to uhh do something already.
21. In your opinion, what does it mean to be good in bed? To pleasure your lover.
22. Have you ever cheated on a boyfriend or girlfriend because you just couldn't help yourself? No! I saw the other boys do it and saw how it ruined everything, I love y/n far to much to ever hurt her like that.
23. Have you ever pushed the boundaries of fidelity to the brink and then retreated just for the rush? No!
24. Do you have a go-to masturbation fantasy? Y/n climbing out my shower wrapped up in her little towel, dripping wet, coming into my bedroom putting my shirt on and nothing else and getting all cosy in my bed and maybe playing with herself a little... But I'm usually done by then
25. What kind of porn turns you on? I don't mind some of the magazines, not the ones where there like fully naked I like the little linguee and long shirts kinda magazines
26. Have you ever had sex with your eyes closed? Many times, not on purpose I just get overexcited and shut my eyes
27. Have you ever blindfolded or handcuffed your partner? No, but... If y/n would like to I have no issue with that.
28. Does naughty talk get you aroused?
Yes... 29. Are you sure about that, my dirty little forest nymph of a sex god?
Never sure my sexy babydoll
30. What's the dirtiest thing someone's ever said to you during sex?
I don't know honestly she doesn't talk all that much
31. Have you ever watched another couple get it on without them knowing?
32. Have you ever watched another couple have sex with their permission?
No! What is with the pervy questions!
33. How would you respond if a couple approached you to be their "third"?
No thank you I have a beautiful girlfriend and I am very content with her
34. What's the most flattering thing someone's said about your naked body?
So beautiful, so sexy, I want you inside me now!
Yeah we both went a little nuts that day
35. When's the last time you had a vivid sex dream?
Like three weeks ago, I don't sex dream all that much maybe were having to much sex to make me horny in my dreams?
36. What do you think an orgy would be like?
Hot, sweaty and gross, no thank you
37. Have you ever propositioned a total stranger?
A couple of times usually egged on by john, but the most that ever came out of it was a blow job
38. What does your ideal one-night stand look like?
A nice sexy time, maybe a spoony cuddle, a cup of tea and then off home
39. How long does it take you to get yourself off, on average?
Myself about twenty minutes but I don't usually count when I'm with y/n
40. What's the weirdest thing that turns you on?
Seeing her in my clothes... That does things to me that I can't explain but it's so hot! My shirts, my boxers, ummm she looks so good!
41. Have you ever had a naughty dream about a close friend or family member?
I guess y/n counts before we where together as she was one of my best friends
42. Have you ever woken up humping your pillow?
Yes. Many times.
43. When's the last time you orgasmed in your sleep?
Years ago. I don't do that anymore now I just wait till I see y/n luckily she usually right in bed with me
44. What's the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you while hooking up?
John walked in on us during a uhh delicate time, as I was literally about to fucking cum! And now he knows to fucking knock!
45. Do you like touching yourself in front of the people you sleep with?
Many times y/n likes to watch me sometimes, and she likes to call me up and listen to me while I listen to her
46. What's the dirtiest text you've ever sent or received?
Well she once handed me a note that said "My house tonight parents are out x p.s being by favorite toy please xxx" ummm just thinking about it makes me hard.
47. Do you prefer professional or amateur porn?
48. What's your favourite blowjob technique?
Uhhhh suck I guess I don't know if you have it in your mouth I'm happy
49. If you had to pick, would you be a dominatrix or a submissive?
I think I am... Submissive. Just a little bit, maybe a lot
50. Is there anything you won't do in bed?
Anything with anal can fuck off on me or her
51. What's your dirtiest sexual fantasy?
Y/n coming in the room in my shirt pulling me around by my tie, tieing me to the bed and ummmm letting her do whatever she wants to me and I'd be bad just so she'd spank me.
52. How many people have you slept with?
Uhhh I think two. Maybe three? But I think two.
53. Where's the weirdest place you've had sex?
On john's apartments kitchen counter, he and the other guys went out to get take out for dinner and uhh we may have had sex on his counter top... Sorry John.
54. What's your favourite part of Y/n's body?
Her boobs. Or her hips I like both
55. Have you ever had anal sex?
Yes and it can fuck the hell off! I do not get what guys love about it so much it was had for me bad for her, the only time it was tolerable was when it was me! Ohh... I don't think I should have said that.
56. If you could choose what Y/n was wearing right now, what would you choose?
My blue boxer shorts and my red button down... Ummm with half the buttons undone
57. Where on your body is your favourite place to be touched?
My chest, I like when she pets me there.
58. If you could have sex anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Our bed of course?
59. When did you first had sex?
Ohh it was a terrible night, bent her over a bench in the park, the boys could hear us it was a weird time and I didn't enjoy much of it at all as I really liked y/n and this was just some pub girl named alice then but after it I got some courage and asked y/n out and we've been happy ever since
60. What's the best sex you've ever had?
The first time we did it in my apartment, we could be loud, we could take as long as we wanted, we could be kinky, we didn't have any worries and it was amazing!!
61. What's your favourite position?
I like to be ridden. But what boy doesn't?
62. Have you ever been caught having sex?
Yes, many times, john, my dad, her mum, all of my band, we get caught alot
63. Do you watch porn? I look at magazines
64. What kind of porn do you watch?
65. How often do you masturbate?
Before y/n and I where dating actually even we where dating, before we became sexual in our relationship, twice a day at least now... I don't I literally haven't for over a month y/n takes care of me now
66. Name a sex position you'd like to try?
I wanna try reverse cowgirl so badly!!
67. Do you prefer to give or receive?
Give! I like hearing her gasp and moan for me
68. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
Yes! It was fun I wanna go again but it's really really cold.
69. What's the most sex you've had in a day?
Ten I believe is the record.
70. Are you loud or quiet during sex?
Loud, we are not a quiet couple
71. Have you ever tried using food during foreplay?
Yes! We used honey my god it was so sticky never again!
72. What's the first thing that sexually attracts you to someone?
Personality, the boobs.
73. Would you say you have any fetishes?
I like to be spanked. And tied up.
74. When it comes to BDSM, how far have you gone/would go?
She has tied me up, and she spanked me sometimes, and... We may have done anal on me but that's it
75. What's your favourite toy?
Either the shower head or... Y/ns little spanking paddle she keeps at mine
76. Do you ever read erotic fiction?
No, but that sounds fun
77. Have you joined the mile high club?
No but I shall one day I vow to do so!
78. Do you think you could take off Y/n underwear with no hands?
I know I can I have done it many times I use my teeth and my tongue
79. Would you say you're kinky?
I don't think I am that kinky but y/n is and I just allow her to do whatever she wants to me
80. Do you enjoy shower sex?
Yes!! It's so good, so warm, and wet and the shower is good too, plus we get to use the shower head on each other fucking hell she sqeauls!
81. Where's the weirdest place you've ever masturbated?
Under the table at the school library, I couldn't stop thinking about y/n and yeah I uhh did that
82. Do you like to be spanked?
Yes... but only when I've been a bad boy
83. Have you ever fantasised about someone else during sex?
Once, the first time, I imagined she was y/n
84. If y/n caught you masturbating, would you stop or would you finish?
I would do whatever she asked me too but I know she'd likely wanna watch me finish for her
85. Have you ever had an inappropriate crush?
Not really, y/n was pretty normal a crush so no.
86. Have you ever cried or fallen asleep during sex?
I have cried many times,
87. Do you prefer eye contact or not during sex?
I like it but it tends to make me louder and more needy
88. Do you like to kiss during sex?
Very much, the more kisses the better
89. Do you get tired after sex?
I do, usually I cuddle up to y/n and give her a kiss and we fall asleep in each other's arms
90. How many positions do you think you've tried?
Uhh not all that many four I would say as a guess
91. What's the longest you've ever gone without sex
I guess about a week, if we are not counting before time
92. How high is your sex drive?
Medium, y/n has a higher drive then I do
93. What's a surefire way to turn you on?
Rub your hand across my neck as we kiss and all the way down till your rubbing my cock, fuck it makes me hard!
94. Sex with lights on or lights off?
On! I wanna see what's going on
95. Do you like dirty talk?
I like when she calls me a bad boy, especially if she is also rubbing on my cock or spanking me at the same time the dirty talk adds to it
96. Do you prefer one night stands or longer-term sexual partners?
Long term
97. Do you prefer to be on top or bottom?
98.Rough or romantic?
99. Quickie or marathon session?
Marathon! I wanna go for hours and hours!
100. What's the best thing about our sex life?
Awww, that we have complete faith in one another I don't worry about you while I'm gone and you know you don't have to worry about me, so when we get together again I get to have my perfectly smutty girly that I love ever so much, that and it's fun when the boys ask where I get my brusies from and I get to say there hikis from my sexy girlfriend, even if they are in usually places.
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marleyrose17 · 3 years
Almost Paradise ( Owen Patrick Joyner Fic )
Hey everyone! This story is gonna be a Owen Patrick Joyner story and I will be pairing the reader with Owen, so I’ll put Y/N anytime the main character is mentioned or is talking. This is my first story since high school so please bear with me as the writing will slowly become better the more I write. I hope all you fellow Owen simps like myself like this story. FYI this story takes place if COVID 19 never existed. Please check out my best friend Sydney ( @imsydneywalker) for cute Charlie Fics. Love Yall.
Summary: Y/N just turned 22 and decided to make a spontaneous trip to L.A California USA from Dieppe,New Brunswick, Canada to visit her best friend Charlie Gillespie for her 22nd birthday present to herself. He doesn’t know she’s coming, hence the surprise. But little does she know would she get a little surprise of her own on her way to America.
Chapter 1: Someday
House outfit: https://urstyle.fashion/styles/2814065
*Week before Reader’s birthday* 2021
Y/N’s thoughts: It has been forever since I’ve last seen my best friend Charles Jeffrey Gillespie or how I like to call him Arlo *as I hold onto the necklace he gave me for my 15th birthday*. Weird nickname I know, but I’ve been calling him that since kindergarten and I’m not changing it. It’s almost my 22nd birthday so I felt like I should treat myself to a present of seeing my best friend for a little while. Momma bear doesn’t know yet but I don’t think she’ll care as much since she loves Charlie as one of her own kids, so just taking a trip cross country shouldn’t be too hard to tell her. Right? Let’s find out.
*Y/N walks down to the kitchen from her bedroom*
“Hey mami,” Y/N says as she sits on one of the barstools, popping a green grape and dipping it into nutella into her mouth.
“Yes Y/N nickname?” Y/N’s mom says in a what do you want tone, while finishing cleaning up the kitchen after dinner.
“What?” Y/N asks.
“I already know you want something. You never come back downstairs after dinner unless you’re getting a snack or you want something. I’m your mother, remember.”
“Damn, that predictable huh? Anyways, yes I wanted to ask you something or more like tell you something. So I was thinking for my 22nd birthday I could possibly fly down to America and see your adopted son for a couple weeks. You know I’ve been wanting to move down to L.A so why not go for my birthday. I’d obviously stay at Arlo’s, money shouldn’t be an issue since I’ve been saving plus birthday money from past years. Sooo?” Y/N finishes saying while looking at her mom with puppy eyes.
“You already bought your plane ticket didn’t you?” your mom says while staring at you with one eyebrow raised.
“.... maybe…. no actually, I wanted to see what you’d say first before splurging.” Y/N  says while looking down at the bowl of grapes and looks up again to smile cheeky at her mom.
Your mom rolls her eyes and laughs. “ Sure, why not. Do you want me to call Maman J so she can tell Charlie?” your mom asks.
“No no, I want it to be a surprise. It’s kind of a birthday present to myself since Arlo decided to be like “ I wanna be an actor and blah blah blah”. You say mimicking him.
“Alright, well as an early birthday present, I’ll buy your ticket. Should I make it a round trip or a one way?”
“Ummm make it a one way trip, I’ll let you know when I want to come home. You know Arlo, he always has some random hiking trip he wants to take, and knowing him he might drag me to one of those trips” you say rolling your eyes.
“No problem. You better go upstairs and start packing.” your mom says.
*You dip one last green grape into nutella and pop it into your mouth before you hop off the bar stool to give your mom a kiss* “You’re the best mami!”
*You run back to your room and start planning the whole trip*
*5:30pm One day before reader’s birthday and your flight*
*you're sitting on your bed finishing up some last minute packing, when you hear a knock at your door.*
“Come in.” Y/N says without turning around.
“Hey hun.” your mom says.
*you turn around to face your mom* “Hey mami, whats up?” *you say while sitting on top of your luggage trying to close it*
Your mom chuckles, “Here is your plane ticket for your flight, it's at 5:55am, you have a connecting flight to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma which will have a connecting flight to L.A.X.”, your mom says handing you the tickets. “So you better finish packing and get some rest.”
*You reach for the tickets while trying not to fall of your luggage* “Awesome, thanks mami.”
“No problem, just get some rest ok. I will drive you to the airport.” your mom says while walking out of your room.
“Ok!” you yell through the door. *You finally got the luggage to close* “YES!” you say standing up on the edge of your bed but then proceed to fall off your bed in the process which leads to a loud thud hitting the floor. “I’M OK!” you yell before your mom asks.
You place your luggages and carry ons by your door and start getting ready for bed. You look into the mirror one last time and stare at the picture of you and Charlie at the waterfront, ( https://www.instagram.com/p/B-suC_WF8Cu/) ( just pretend its yall, I know its like his cousin or friend)
“L.A.X I’ll see you tomorrow.” you say to yourself before walking to bed.
*Reader’s birthday* 3:00am
Airport Outfit: https://urstyle.fashion/styles/2813992 (girl on the left is what your hair looks like)
*your phone goes off at 3:00 am with the song I See Fire by Ed Sheeran playing from your phone softly.*
*You groan annoyingly wondering why you’re up so early, when you realize it is your 22nd birthday and you have a flight to catch in two hours. You spring out of bed, pop your airpods in and blair The OtherSide from The Greatest Showman and begin getting ready for your long day of flying*
*Dancing towards your bathroom, you turn on your shower to warm up and start brushing your teeth. You lay out the outfit you will be wearing to the airport on your bed, take out your headphones and head into the shower.*
*20 mins later. You hear a knock on your bathroom door*
“Almost done sweetie?” your mom asks.
“Yes, I’m just finishing up, I’ll be down soon.” you say through the door.
*Because you’re going to the airport you didn’t put too much makeup on, just enough to make yourself look kind of awake on the flights. You put your hair in a messy bun, put on your jean jacket, take one last look in the mirror before you shut off the light and head out.*
*You look around your room to make sure you grab any last minute items for your carry on. Especially making sure you have your Beats, charger, spare hair elastics and gum. You go to grab your luggage when you realize your mom already did and placed them in the car. Best mom ever. You grab your guitar case and your bag and head out.*
*Skip the car ride, you’re already at the airport*
“You’re sure you have everything right?” your mom asks while taking the stuff out of the car.
“Yes, I promise, I have everything I need. If I forgot anything important I will call you and have it shipped to Arlo’s.” you say while closing the trunk of the car.
“Alright, have a safe trip hun, please be safe and try not to get Charlie in too much trouble ok?” your mom says while hugging you goodbye.
*GASP* “ HEY! I’m a good noodle, Arlo’s the one who dared me to jump in the fountain at the mall. You know me I could never pass up a good dare.” you say while breaking the hug.
“Haha, yes I know which leads you to getting sick. Remember, it was winter.” your mom retorts back.
“ Yeah yeah I know, I’m still a good noodle though.” You chuckle while grabbing your stuff again.
Your mom shakes her head, “Go before you miss your flight silly.” She says while turning you around.
“Ok, ok I get it you want me gone.” You say laughing while walking towards the automatic doors.
“OH SWEETIE!” your mom calls out.
You turn around. “Yes?” you ask
“Happy Birthday!” your mom yells in front of everybody.
You stare at her like really. “Thanks mami. I love you too”
*You walk inside the airport and walk towards the check in line to check in all your luggages.*
*Skip to you’re already on the plane before take off.*
*You check your phone for the time, plug in your Beats, place them on and hit shuffle before. You look out the window watching the sun just barely starting to rise before you close it and begin to read your book, for the next 4 hours.*
*4 hours later*
*You finish up one of your books, you pull off your headphones just in time to hear the pilot announce that you guys are about to land. You place your book and headphones back into your bag and prepare to land.*
* You get off the plane and check the time on your phone to notice that your connecting flight is almost here and you begin to panic. You check your ticket and realize that of course your flight is on the other end of the terminal, so you begin to run and book it to the other end, hoping you’ll make it on time.*
“Excuse me! Sorry! Sorry! Excuse me!” you say as you weave through airport traffic.
*Half way through your running spree you look down at your phone again to make sure you didn’t miss your flight when you feel your arm get tugged from behind you. You notice one of yours and someone else’s luggage clipped each other by the wheels and they both go flying. “Sorry, my bad.” you say as you grab a luggage, not even looking up to see who you collided with and go back to your sprinting.*
“Yes!” you say to yourself as you make it to your gate. The flight hasn’t boarded yet so you take a seat and wait for your row to be called. You get to your gate, hand the lady your ticket and proceed to board your flight.
*You place your carry-on luggage into the overhead bin and take your seat, when you notice a very sweaty guy just barely making it onto the flight. You chuckle to yourself.*
*3 hours later*
“Alright passengers, we will be landing very shortly. The weather today is 89 degrees, partly cloudy, and 40% of humidity. Welcome to Los Angeles, California passengers.” the pilot announces over the intercom.
*You place your headphones back on, and calmly this time walk off the plane and head towards baggage claim*
*As you’re waiting your favorite song Someday by Max Schneider starts to play. You begin to sway back and forth, humming to the tune when you then feel a tap on your shoulder. You turn around to see who it was and begin to stare at him weirdly wondering why you can’t hear the guy talk*
“Oh shit, my bad. Forgot.” you say as you take off your headphones to actually hear what the guy was saying.
“It's cool, all I was saying was that I was sorry for colliding with you back in Oklahoma. I wasn’t paying attention, I was in a rush and didn’t see you. It wasn’t until after that I noticed that the gate was in the opposite direction.” A dirty blonde guy explains to me.
“Oh no, it was totally my fault, I should have been looking up instead of on my phone. I guess we were both in a rush. But hey, I like your jean jacket. Pretty dope.” I say to him.
“Right back atcha.” he retorts.
*Awkwardly stands next to each other waiting for your luggage to arrive*
“Welp, that's my luggage. Have fun in L.A.” The guy says as he grabs his other luggage and heads towards the exit.
“Thanks, you too crash buddy.” you say back.
*you grab your luggages from the conveyor belt and pull to the side so you’re not in the way of people. You go to open one of your luggages to make sure nothing spilled on the flights/crash over, when you notice that the things in one of the luggages isn’t yours.*
“Shit, I must have accidentally switched luggages with that guy back in Oklahoma.” you say to yourself as you look around to hopefully see if he is still around.
*You close up the luggage, and begin to gather your things and head towards the exit, hoping the guy hasn’t left the airport yet. You get to the exit, head outside and don’t see the guy you bumped into.*
“Damn it!” you say defeated, “How will I ever get my stuff back? What a way to start off my birthday.”
*You get an uber and head towards Arlo’s place*
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gustafsnightangel · 3 years
Shattered Lives Ch 40 Pt 4
She was sore, all over sore. That was the first thing she realized when she cracked her eyes open, everything hurt. She grinned, but what a night. They’d fucked each other like a couple of horny teenagers and even though every muscle in her body ached, it was worth it. She’d slept later than Gustaf, his side of the bed already empty, the sheets cold. Hissing as she climbed out of bed, she wrapped her robe around her and padded out to the kitchen to see the kids at the table eating breakfast, Gustaf in the kitchen making tea.
“You know that massage you offered my ass the other day after ice skating?” She said as he kissed her.
“Mmm, I do.” His smirk playful.
“I may cash that in.” She snorted. “I’m so sore. Muscle sore, like I used every single one.” She chuckled as he kissed her tenderly. “Who knew there were that many of them in the most uncomfortable places imaginable.”
“I’m sorry.” He said wrapping her up in his arms and kissing her again.
“Don’t be, it’s a good sore, but damn.” She laughed. “I’ll be feeling you for days.” She purred in his ear and she nipped it.
“Don’t tease kitten.” He kissed her and winked. “Or I’ll have to take you out to the igloo again.”
“Give it a few days and you can igloo me all you want.” She grinned and sat at the table with the kids as he brought the tea over, the don’t tempt me look in his eyes making her stifle the whimper.
They spent the morning out finishing off the forts and entertaining Lily with a pint sized snowball fight. Gustaf recorded the twins hitting Sildie in the face with a giant snowball. He laughed as she got her own back, tossing them into a fluffy snowdrift. He loved seeing that smile, not a care in the world, happy, and stress free. This trip had been good for all of them, relaxing, bonding, and working toward being the family unit the kids desperately needed. But most of all it was just the time to really process everything that had happened last year since he’d met her. His life had done a complete one eighty and he love it, it would settle more with time. Eating an early lunch Sildie stayed indoors with Lily so the boys could have boy time and snowball the hell out of each other. If she was being honest the night had taken a lot out of her, she was physically and mentally exhausted, but in a good way. He gave her that freedom, a freedom to let all control and responsibility go and just feel. When Lily went down for a nap at one, the boys were well into their snow wars, so she took a few videos and some quick photos on a semi cease fire and left them to it. Curling up in bed with her book she passed out a little while later.
She surfaced much later, dark outside later, and she felt worse than when she’d gone to bed. “Probably too much sleep now.” She snorted and went to take a shower.
When she came into the living room the kids were around the fire toasting marshmallows while Gustaf read to them, Lily half asleep in his lap. He stopped when he saw her and smiled.
“There’s my sleeping beauty.” He smiled, his comment earning him a snort from Sildie.
“Sorry guys I crashed out.” She yawned.
“It’s ok we had our snowball war, part two tomorrow.” Gustaf grinned like the kid he was at heart. His brow creased as she went to put the kettle on, something was off. Getting to his feet he snuggled Lily in and stood behind her, hand resting on her hip. “You ok love? You look a little pale.”
“I’m ok, just tired still, I actually feel worse than I did this morning.” She said honestly.
“You catch a chill last night in the fort?” He was concerned, no trace of humor in his voice now.
“I hope not, but if it is, it is. I have zero regrets, especially after what you did to me.” She smiled and played with Lily’s hair. “Go put her to bed, she’s out cold.” She kissed his cheek. “I’ll be fine. I’m going to have some tea and maybe some toast and go back to bed.”
“You’re sure you’re ok.” He looked at her flatly not quite ready to believe her.
“Stop fussing.” She said and chuckled. She was fine, just a little off which could be explained by the vigorous activity they’d partaken in last night. She sat with the boys as Gustaf got Lily down and heard about their day, the fun they had as she munched on some toast and jam.
Gustaf put Lily to bed and got the boys settled, Sildie on his mind. He hoped he hadn’t got her sick with his insistence of sex in the snow, igloo or not it had been cold. He came into the bedroom to find her curled up with her book reading like any other night. “How are you feeling?” He asked stripping down and getting under the covers.
“Stiff and sore and just generally tired, wiped out. I think it’s a combination of last night and all the stress leaving my body like you exorcised it.” She chuckled.
“Be serious Sildie.” His tone changed and her face fell.
“I’m ok, honestly, I’m just sore and wiped.”
“Did you eat something?”
“I wasn’t really hungry, but I had some toast.” She went back to reading her book.
“Proper breakfast tomorrow ok, don’t skip too many meals love.” He wouldn’t push because if he did she’d shut him down.
“I promise, breakfast tomorrow.” She shut her book and snuggled down as he flipped the light off.
“I love you Sildie.” He said tenderly.
“I know you do, but I’m ok.” She kissed his chest where her head lay. “I love you too.”
At three in the morning she knew she was in trouble when the mad dash to the bathroom hurled up bile and not much else, her throat feeling like she’d swallowed a coil of razor wire and the devious little gremlins were playing tug-o-war with it. “Shit.” She spat, she was sick. “Fucking shit.”
“Sildie?” The soft tap at the door made her feel worse. Gustaf would blame himself for this.
“I’m ok.” She said feebly as she hurled again.
He came into the bathroom to see her sitting on the floor, hair held back in one hand the other gripping the bowl like her life depended on it for stability. She’d gone ashen grey, his woman was sick. “You’re not ok.” He said gently.
“I feel like ass to be honest.” She croaked, even her voice was sore.
“I’m so sorry love.”
“Don’t.” She held up her finger. “Don’t. I don’t blame you. Shit happens, I’m sick, we’ll deal with it.” Once she realized nothing else was going to be expelled from her gut she started to get to her feet, Gustaf helping her.
“I’ll get it. Brush your teeth and get back into bed.” He said as she went to flush and clean up the mess she’d made.
“I can...”
“Teeth and back to bed. Don’t fight me on this love, you’re sick and look like death warmed up.” He kissed her brow. “And you have a fever.” He added with a sigh. “Back to bed.”
“Ok.” She said simply at the concern on his face. “I don’t blame you.” She said meekly.
“I know love.” He smiled and helped her get toothpaste on her brush. “I didn’t want you getting sick from it though.” He kissed her head and started brushing her hair, the loose braid enough to keep it out of the toilet should she need to puke again.
“Thanks.” She mumbled, resting her head against his chest while she tried to find the energy to walk back to the bed.
“Get into bed, drink some water. I’m going to see if I can find some broth or something so you have food in your stomach or the ibuprofen will burn a hole in your gut.” He waited until she’d finished in the bathroom and helped her into bed before heading to the kitchen. Hunting through their groceries he sighed when it didn’t yield any broth, but there were some cans of chicken noodle soup. “That will have to do.” Sitting the soup on the stove to heat he found some ibuprofen and took it into her, he needed to get the fever down. “I have some chicken noodle soup warming up.” He said handing two tablets to her and a cold cup of water.
“If this gets worse Sildie we’ll have to take you home.” He said softly.
“No.” She said quietly, it came out more like petulant child’s whine. “I’ll be fine, probably just a head cold.”
“Here’s hoping, but if you get worse we go, no arguments from you.” He would hog tie her to the roof rack if he had to.
“The kids will be heartbroken they spent all that time on their fort.” Why, she thought, why when everything was going so well did shit have to fall apart? Couldn’t the kids have one fucking vacation, one fucking memory where nothing bad happened?
“The kids will understand. Your health is more important.” He kissed her temple. “I’ll be back with some soup and toast.”
Placing the soup in the biggest mug he could find he picked up the toast and brought it in for her, she was already dozing. Grazing his knuckles down her cheek she woke and focused on him, eyes glassy with fever. “Eat love. I’ve already let it cool a lot so it won’t scald your mouth.”
“Honestly that would feel better than the razor wire coiled up in it.” She sulked. She hated being sick and hated that she’d let herself get sick when the kids were finally building some good memories.
“Probably. Let me see what’s in the medical kit here at the cabin, we might get lucky with some throat lozenges or something.” She nodded and took a tentative sip of the soup. He came back to find her dunking the bread in the soup and eating slowly. He could see it was painful as she swallowed but at least she was eating. “I found a packet of lozenges and some stronger paracetamol and ibuprofen. That will have to do for the moment.”
“Better than nothing. Can you make me a ginger tea? I’ll see if I can sweat this out of me.” She handed him the empty cup and plate and got out of bed to put her base layer thermals on and a set of sweats. She was so cold her teeth were almost chattering.
“You’ll cook.” He huffed.
“Yeah, well, sweating it out is the only option I have so I’m not ruining the kids vacation.” She muttered and drank the water. Fluids and sweat it out and sleep. “Well that’s my itinerary for the next few days at least.” She mumbled bitterly as Gustaf went to make some tea.
“This is so fucking typical. I stop to rest and relax and bam, I get sick.” She grumbled to herself. After drinking the ginger tea she bundled herself up under the covers and shivered, the fever had well and truly set in. Sleep took her again and Gustaf stayed awake watching over her. Checking his phone for reception he texted his mother and she confirmed that they were doing all they could for the moment.
If it goes to her lungs bring her home and straight to the doctor. Normal cough is fine, coughing up yellow or green usually means it’s in the chest and possibly pneumonia. Don’t wait on that. Pneumonia, straight to the doctor or emergency room.
Thanks, I’ll keep you posted.
Please do. I’ll let Sam know as well.
Thanks mum.
Take care of her Gustaf.
He drifted to sleep until Lily’s cries woke him with a start, Sildie was still out cold. Brushing his knuckles to her brow he frowned, her fever was raging. He collected a cool wash cloth and wiped her face gently before placing it at the back of her neck to draw some of the heat away. The last thing he needed was her convulsing. Changing and dressing Lily quickly he woke the boys and gave them the run down. They were understandably bummed. “After breakfast I need you to pack your bags and help get everything ready in case we need to leave in a hurry ok? We’re not leaving yet, so you can play in the fort as much as you like.” They all nodded and hugged him. “She’ll be ok, were hoping it’s just a head cold.” Deep down he knew it wasn’t, not with a fever like that. The minute she started coughing they were heading home. They should probably head there now but he’d wait for now.
She slept most of the day, only waking when Gustaf forced her to drink and take pills to get the fever down. She hated him for it, but knew it was a necessary evil and he was worried. Her throat felt worse, she had a headache, and her appetite was non existent. The only blessing was she wasn’t coughing, yet, but she knew it was only a matter of time. She waved to the boys as they stood in the doorway and told her about the snowball fight they’d had and she smiled. At least they’d snuck in another round, she thought. And that was why she didn’t want to go yet. They needed as much time here having fun as possible.
It was around 2:30 in the morning when she started coughing. It started with an occasional one or two in her sleep, a slight tickle, but by seven she was coughing to the point of throwing up. She was a mess, hot, delirious, cold, achy, headache, the cough that wouldn’t quit, her throat so shredded and sore she could barely swallow, and she was only able to take short breaths. It felt as if her body was trying to expel her lungs out via any orifice willing to let them escape. And she was fatigued, like someone had taken all her batteries out.
“Sildie I need you to sit up love.” Gustaf said gently. “Stay sitting up ok?”
“I’m sorry.” She croaked and the tears she couldn’t hold back anymore fell. “I’m so sorry.” She cried and coughed, in no condition to keep her emotions in check.
“It’s ok love. You’re sick, let’s get you home so we can get you well ok?” He kissed her brow, the fever still raging. Whatever had her, had her fully and wasn’t letting go any time soon. “I need you to sit here while I get the boys ready and the car packed alright? Just doze and I’ll come get you when we’re ready to go.”
“Ok.” She sniffed, which only prompted another coughing fit. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s ok love.”
It was eleven by the time they’d packed the car up and double checked they had everything. Texting his mum he had a spot waiting at the hospital when they arrived, he’d drive them straight there.
Megan will come and sit with the kids and take them home. Sam will meet you at the hospital.
Great thanks.
How is she?
Worse. High fever, coughing until she pukes, short of breath.
It may have gone to her lungs.
That’s what I’m thinking.
Be safe, get her here as soon as you can.
Thanks mum.
Once he had the kids in the car he collected Sildie, carrying her from the bedroom straight to the car, she was barely coherent. Their vacation may have been cut short by a few days, but they’d made some memories at least, he thought as he drove. They would be back again for sure. The boys helped out so Gustaf could keep driving, feeding Lily a snack, keeping her occupied and happy. With one hand on the wheel the other held Sildie’s, the gentle squeeze every so often and reply squeeze letting him know she was at least conscious.
Megan met them all in the waiting room, Alex was with her for some additional support and a driver if needed. “Brendan.” Gustaf said quietly. “I know you’re all worried about Sildie, but I need you guys to go with Megan and Alex and let me get her seen to ok? I’ll call when I know what’s going on.” He hated doing this to the kid, the grief from the last time something major happened well in the forefront of his mind. The teen nodded barely holding back tears.
“I’ll be ok B.” Sildie croaked and winced at the pain in her throat before a coughing fit stole her breath.
Gustaf didn’t wait, he wheeled her to the desk and got her seen immediately. Sure he pulled some strings and his brother came in a moment later with the ER doctor. Sildie waved a hand at Sam, the thought of talking and the pain that came with it making her clam up. They took her away for chest X-rays and after a swab of her throat the doctor confirmed Gustaf’s suspicions, pneumonia.
“We’ll have to wait for the test results to be sure, but I’ll start you on some antibiotics, get some fluids into you and see in a few hours whether we need to admit you.”
Sildie shook her head. “I don’t want to stay.” She said, throat feeling like that razor wire had been ripped from it.
“You may not have a choice love.” Gustaf said gently.
“No.” She shook her head again and the coughing fit silenced her. “Not staying.”
“Let’s see how we go.” The doctor said and went out to order up what she needed.
“Sildie don’t make me fight you on this, if you need to stay to get well, you stay.” He had to be the voice of reason and he knew this wouldn’t end well.
“Then I’ll fucking walk out of here myself.” She spat. “I’m not staying.”
“Love you can barely stand.” He murmured, trying to keep the edge out of his tone.
“Fucking watch me.” She wheezed.
“Breathe love.” That wheeze was panic not pneumonia, though neither helped her right now.
“I feel like an elephant is sitting on my chest.” She hissed.
“That’s because your lungs are full of fluid.” Sam said gently. “Sildie I’m not going to tell you what to do, but you might want to consider staying.”
She shook her head. “Not. Staying.” Her voice breathless, but the edge was still there. That edge that clearly said don’t fuck with me.
The nurse came in and hooked her up to an IV, the drip forcing fluids in at breakneck speed, the antibiotics they added hitting her hard. Within about twenty minutes she was almost asleep.
“Lay back and rest love. We’ll be here for a bit.” He kissed her temple and wiped the tears. “I need to go call the kids let them know what’s going on ok? I promised them.”
“Don’t leave.” She cried softly. “Please don’t leave.” Complete panic took over, her wheeze almost causing her to pass out.
“I’ll call them Goose.” Sam said catching on. “Stay with her.”
“Tell them I’m ok.” She croaked. “And I love them and I’m coming home and I won’t leave them.” It clicked for Gustaf then, he should have see it like a flashing neon sign and mentally kicked himself. Fear.
“I will.” Sam smiled at her. “I’ll tell them you’ll call in a little bit ok?” She nodded and wiped her tears away, angry they’d fallen.
“I’m sorry love, I should have realized.” Gustaf said tenderly and held her hand not occupied by the IV, thumb stroking her inner wrist. She just shrugged and closed her eyes, willing the whole process to go faster so she could go home.
“It’s stupid. I’m a grown ass woman scared out of her fucking mind about being left in a hospital.” She mumbled before the coughing fit took her breath away.
“It’s not stupid and stop talking.” He said holding up his hand as her eyes focused on him when she opened her mouth. “I won’t leave you here, I won’t make you stay. You will however, do whatever it is the doctor tells you to do, no arguments. None Sildie.” He said sternly as she was about to protest. “You wanting to argue with me tells me this stuff is already working.” He kissed her fingers. “Close your eyes, rest, sleep. I’ll stay right here.” With that he kicked back in the chair and read his book he thankfully had on his phone.
The hours ticked by and she slept, to the point where the doctor came in to assess her and decided that while she was out cold to add another bag of fluids and antibiotics. Gustaf was more worried about the fever now than her lungs as she shivered, the heat radiating off her, hot and dry.
“I’ll have them draw some antibiotic shots for you to take home, we can keep her on the IV until the fever breaks, the bags are easy enough to change out. It’s either that or I admit her.”
“You’d have to knock her out and she’d never forgive me.” Gustaf said wearily, he was so tired.
“I’ll get you setup then.” He smiled. “Lay down next to her and get some sleep. I’ll discharge her in the morning unless her condition changes. Let’s keep her here as long as we can.”
“Thanks.” He scrubbed a hand over his face. “I’m sorry about her outburst before.”
“No need, I remember her brother and wife.” Gustaf nodded, there wouldn’t be many in this hospital that didn’t remember.
Sildie barely moved when he stretched out beside her. Quietly he pulled the side bumper up so he could lean against it without falling out. “Lovely lady.” He sighed out, pressing a tender kiss to her temple. He breathed out and relaxed, she was in the right place for help, he was here with her, the kids were safe with Megan and his brother. It was the best he could do. It has to be enough, he thought. Even half comatose she found him, his scent wrapping around her. She shifted, curling against him, seeking the comfort and security of his body, of him. “I’m here love.” He murmured and caged her in with his massive frame. “Sleep now, rest.” He mumbled. Gustaf felt himself slip into sleep, the exhaustion finally pulling him under.
Gustaf wasn’t sure how long he crashed out for. However, Sildie attempting to get out of the bed woke him in an instant. “Sildie?” He murmured.
“I need to pee.” She fought with the covers trying to get free of them, her strength was non existent.
“Ok, let me help.” He said softly, half expecting the snap of her temper, it surprised him when it didn’t come. “How are you feeling?”
“Like shit.” She croaked as she accepted his hand to steady her as she got to her feet, her cough stopping her cold. It stole her breath and he could see her chest heave as she fought for oxygen.
“Let’s get you to the bathroom then back on the oxygen.” He helped her shuffle to the bathroom with the IV pole, her legs weak like jelly. Sitting her on the toilet he left her to take care of business and stood outside, the door cracked open so he could hear her if she fell or passed out. He got her settled in bed again and sat beside her. “You should stay a few days love.” He held his hand up to silence her. “I understand you don’t want to stay, and if it was something a little less serious I’d agree with you, but you’re sick love, you’re struggling to breathe, and you’re fever is still raging. You need to be here, getting fluids and antibiotics to kick the crap out of whatever is destroying your system.” It broke his heart as tears streaked down her cheeks. “I love you Sildie, and I know being here scares you, I know that it’s the absolute last place you want to be, but we need to get you well love.” He took a Kleenex and handed it to her, the coughing and tears making her nose run. His decision to keep her here was strengthened when the tissue came away pink, tinged with blood. “I’ll do it with or without your approval love, but we need to admit you and get you better. Your approval will make it easier. You can hate me for it once you’re well.”
“I don’t want to be here on my own.” She sobbed quietly, she had no energy to fight him on it, her body wanting nothing more than to shut down entirely.
“I know love, and I’ll be here with you, but at some point I’ll need to go see to the kids and calm them down because I have a feeling they’ll be freaking out a little by now.”
“I need to see them.” She sniffed. “Be with them, not here.”
“I’ll bring them to visit.” He kissed her brow and willed her to just let him take care of her. “Let’s get you settled, I’ll see if Bill or dad can come and sit with you and I’ll go get the kids and bring them here for a visit.” He gripped her chin gently and brushed his thumb over her cheek as she cried. “I know you hate this and you’re angry at me for forcing you, manhandling you. I’m not doing it for giggles, it makes me sick to the stomach.” Her eyes met his. “I love you Sildie, let me take care of you.” Her subtle nod had him breathe a steady breath of relief.
As the admissions staff got her settled he phoned his family, Eija was free and would be there in thirty to sit with Sildie. He needed to get home, shower, eat, and get a grip on how he was going to function with the kids over the next few days. He called Megan and spoke with the boys, the fear evident on their faces as they FaceTimed.
“She’s ok, we just have to keep her here for a few days so they can make her better.” He said gently.
“Can we come see her?” Brendan asked, his voice shaky.
“I’m going to get her settled in and come home. Once I’ve had a shower and food we’ll come visit her later this afternoon ok?”
“Ok.” The teen nodded.
“She’s ok.” He saw the kids shoulders relax and knew it would be better once they saw her.
Eija waved to him as he paced waiting to see Sildie. “I’ll hang out until she’s settled.”
“Sounds good. She ok?”
“Pneumonia. It got her pretty good.”
“Yeah, and she doesn’t want to be here, same hospital as Quinn and Dana were in.”
“Oh shit.” She breathed.
“Yeah, the kids are freaking out a little too.” He blew out a breath and slumped against the wall.
“Just breathe big brother, you got this and we’ll help.” She smiled at him.
“Have I ever told you you’re the best little sister a guy could have?” He sighed.
“I’m the only little sister you have doofus.” She slapped him playfully as Gustaf hugged her.
“Thanks Eija.”
“Anytime goose. You two are good together.”
“Yeah we are.”
“She’s the one isn’t she?” Eija said softly.
“She is.” It was said without hesitation and was the absolute truth. Sildie was his soulmate and he’d protect and care for her until his last breath.
The nurse came and found him and took him into see her, she looked so small and frail curled up, eyes closed. Eija waited outside as he sat on the edge of the bed and toyed with her hair, it had lost its shine. Her eyes opened at his touch.
“Hey there lovely lady.”
“Hi.” She whispered, her voice and throat too raw to speak properly.
“Eija’s outside she’s going to sit with you for a bit ok?” She nodded at his words. “I’m going to head home and bring the kids back this afternoon. I’ll bring you your toothbrush and stuff.” He kissed her brow as the tears fell. “I’m coming back love, I need you to sleep and let the meds do their job.” She nodded again and it broke his heart to have to do this to her. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” Her fingers gripped him, her separation anxiety flaring. Eija came in when Gustaf called softly.
“Not quite the girls day in, but I’ve worked with worse.” Eija grinned and it got a slight smile from Sildie.
“I’ll be back this afternoon love.” He kissed her hair and stepped away, he had to make it a clean breakaway or he’d never go. Eija sat in the chair and started talking, pulling Sildie’s attention to her. As he closed her door he leaned against the wall and took a few breaths.
“You’re killing me love.” He sighed, letting his head thud against the wall. “Fucking killing me.”
The doctor updated him, she’d be in for a bare minimum of four to six days. She was slightly improved this morning but not enough now she was coughing up blood and Gustaf felt a little better at forcing her to be admitted. He headed straight home, a shower and food at the top of his to do list. As he sat for food, the clean clothes making him feel like a new man, he organized a schedule with his family for the kids to be watched and someone to be with Sildie while he bounced between the hospital and home. He knew this was going to shackle Sildie, make her feel like she’s being handled, incompetent, but he had little choice and would take her wrath if it came to that. He felt like an asshole for pushing her, but her health was more important, she could rage at him after. His next call was to Oliver. Sildie was supposed to start back at the office on Monday, that was going to be postponed a few days. The kids tackled him in a group hug when he stepped through his fathers front door, he saw the worry on their faces, that deep seated fear for Sildie. “She’s ok, Aunt Eija is hanging out with her until we get there.” He took Lily from his dad as she lunged for him with her usual dad dad squeal.
“I’ll come with you, bring them back home tonight, I’ll stay with them at your place, they’ll settle better in their own beds.” Stellan said softly.
“I’ll need to stay with her overnight.” Gustaf said, knowing she’d sleep and heal faster with him there while she slept.
“As you should, she needs you.” They sat at the table and Megan sat a coffee and a plate of cookies beside it, the gentle squeeze of his forearm reassuring him that he’d done the right thing. “We’ll take care of the kids, you focus on Sildie.”
“She’s pissed at me for having her admitted.” He snorted as he bit into a cookie, Lily wanting one. He gave her a small piece and she stuffed it in her mouth devouring it.
“She’ll get over it.” Stellan assured him. “Sometimes you’re screwed either way. She’s sick, you made the right decision, don’t doubt that. She’ll see that once she’s able to think straight.” Gustaf nodded at his statement, he still felt like shit for overruling her, especially when she was so fiercely independent.
His conversation with his father and Megan relaxed him, taking the edge off his own anxiety. Loading the kids into the car, his father drove so Gustaf didn’t have to focus on traffic. He was exhausted already.
“Feels weird being back here.” Brendan mumbled and Gustaf pulled him in close for a hug as they walked.
“She’s feeling much the same way.” He told the teen, Brendan got it, he understood it a little better than the twins.
His heart lightened as he stepped into the room. She was sitting up trying to eat something, Eija eating her own sandwich. He watched her face light up at seeing him, the kids rushing in. “Ok, boys, don’t make her talk, it hurts.” He chuckled and she waved him off.
She didn’t care if it hurt to talk, she was relieved to see the kids. The boys told her about what they were doing and their stay at grandpa’s, their speech going a hundred miles a minute. “It sounds worse than it is.” She croaked, the use of her voice sending her into a coughing fit.
No, he thought, it’s much worse than you’re letting on love, but nice try. She was trying to set their minds at ease knowing they would be freaking out much more than she was. He sat Lily on the bed and she crawled into Sildie’s outstretched arms, the both of them needing the contact, her soft mum mum making Sildie smile.
“Hi little lady.” She whispered, whispering didn’t hurt as much. The rest of her felt as if she’d been dragged behind a truck for a thousand miles. So fatigued, just keeping her eyes open was a struggle, her bones feeling like someone had replaced them with lead, and she had a nagging headache. She knew Gustaf had made the right call by forcing her to stay and felt like a cranky bitch for fighting him on it. She’d grovel later, oh how she’d grovel.
He watched her energy fade, the fight to stay present for the kids, to make sure they were alright. Eija said her goodbyes and told Sildie she’d be back tomorrow to give her a manicure and watch some really bad b movies while Gustaf had kid duty. The boys crowded in for a group hug, the separation not as brutal as Gustaf had envisioned. Stellan had after all promised ice cream so the kids were putty in his hands. They were suddenly alone and he saw her relax back, eyes closing, it had exhausted her energy reserves.
“I’m sorry.” She whispered.
“Rest love.” He sat on the bed and stroked her cheek with the back of his knuckles.
“No, about fighting you on being here.” Her hand searched for his and she squeezed. “I’m sorry.”
He kissed her temple and lingered. “I would have tied you to the bed if necessary.” He growled and she huffed a chuckle which made her cough. “Shall we get you up for a bathroom break and to brush your teeth?” Her nod was enough. “You’ll feel like a new woman with clean teeth.” He helped her shuffle to and from the bathroom, a smile from her after cleaning her teeth lightening his heart. He sat her on the edge of the bed and undid her braid, gently brushing her hair, the action soothing them both. She leaned into him as brush and fingers soothed her anxiety, lulled and relaxed her body and mind. He took his time braiding her hair, the kiss to her head lingering to breathe in her scent and offer her the same comfort. “Let’s get you into bed.”
“Are you staying?” She asked, her words shaky.
“I’m staying.” He kissed her temple and got off the bed to help her get settled. Putting the bumper up he stretched out behind her and raised the bumper on his side so he wouldn’t fall out.
His arm came around her snuggling her in. “I love you.” She whispered.
“I love you too, sleep now love, let your body heal.”
“Thank you for staying.”
“Nowhere else I’d be.” He kissed her head and felt her relax, giving herself over to the fatigue and plummet into sleep.
That was his brutal routine for the next five days, wake, help Sildie, go see the kids, bring the kids to see Sildie, stay with her overnight, rinse, repeat. The upside was she was getting better, eating a little more, coughing a little less, but she was still fatigued and from what Sam had said she would be for weeks once she got out of the hospital. His time spent with the kids at home was put to good use finding a cleaner and persuading Alice into working for them part time while he was away, starting a few weeks before he left to get used to their routine. At least Sildie would have breathing room when she got home to take the load off, the only issue, getting her to slow down until she was back to full health.
She woke to the feel of him next to her. Her lanky man curled up in a bed not really made for someone of his height and massive frame snuggled in close. Rolling she looked at him, he was exhausted, dark circles painted under his eyes, a slightly haggard look of someone under a shit ton of stress with not enough sleep. She’d put that look there and felt terrible about it. Her own stupid stubbornness and pride. May as well have beaten him about the head with it, she scolded herself. Her head was clearer than it had been in days, the headache a dull roar, her throat still raw. But it was the soul crushing fatigue that she couldn’t handle. She needed a nap every few hours not able to stay upright or awake, her body was literally making her slow down or putting her down on her ass.
His eyes snapped open as fingers brushed his scruff, ice blue eyes looked back. Clearer than yesterday and she had a little more color in her cheeks. “Morning love.” He said softly, his arms tightening his hold on her as if she’d slip from his grasp.
“Morning.” Her whisper was still more comfortable than talking.
“You’re looking better.” He smiled. “Less corpse like.”
“Feeling better, little bit.” She shrugged and his smile got bigger. That was more than she’d said or done in nearly a week. “Can we go home?”
It was the first time she’d asked that since he had her admitted. “I can ask.”
“I’m glad you put me in here, I needed it, but I want to go home now, be in our bed.” He kissed her forehead.
“I’ll see what I can do.” Her fever had finally broken two nights ago, she was a normal temperature instead of that raging inferno burning her from the inside out.
“And I want to shower. I feel gross.” She chuckled.
“I think we can manage that.” He kissed her tenderly before prying himself from her side. Making sure she’d started eating, he went to the nurses station to page the doctor for her to be released, he really hoped he allowed it because fighting with her on this again would be the end of him. He needed a few days sleep in their bed too.
“Well Sildie you’re doing much better.” The doctor said positively. “But if I send you home you’re going to need to continue to rest and not push yourself. The fatigue you’re feeling is normal and it’ll take a few weeks for your body to bounce back. Your energy is going to be low for a little while longer and I want you to stay on the course of antibiotics for another two weeks.”
“She’ll behave or I’ll bring her right back.” Gustaf said in that tone that told her he meant every word and would in fact tie her to the bed if he had to bring her back. He raised his eyebrow at her glare, just try me, he thought.
“If your body says sleep, you sleep. The more you sleep, the more you rest, the faster you’ll heal.” The doctor added.
“I’ll rest.” She whispered, and she would, she didn’t want to see Gustaf look like this again, like he’d not slept or eaten in a month because she’d scared him halfway to an early grave. “I just want to do it at home.”
“Ok then. I’ll get one more round of IV antibiotics into you and you can go home this afternoon.” He said and that was that.
“Do you want a shower now or after they pull the IV?” Gustaf asked.
“After. I want to scrub this place off me before I leave.” She smiled. “You’re so tired love.” Her whisper caught in her throat. How could she have done this to him?
“I’ll be ok once you’re home and we can sleep for a few days.” His smile weary.
“I’m so sorry.”
“Not your fault love, shit happens.” He kissed her gently.
“Not your fault either.” Her fingers over his lips and the slight shake of her head silenced his retort. “It’s not. I probably picked up the bug ten days or so before I showed symptoms. It could even be as far back as the Christmas party. The doctor said with the bug and the amount of stress I’d been under it was no wonder I ended up sick.” She kissed him gently. “Not your fault at all my sweet man.”
He nodded, not trusting himself to speak as the relief flooded him.
“And I’m sorry I snapped, freaked out.” She added.
“I understand why. After everything that happened here I don’t think I’d want to be here either. Sam was here, mum works here too, they know me, us, it’s was easier. Next time I’ll take you to a different...”
“No. It’s fine. I just need to stop freaking out. That was then, this is now. Just the entire thing got shoved in my face, pushed my anxiety to the brink and being sick made it worse.”
“The kids were a mess when I went home the first night.” He said softly.
“I’m not surprised. That was the other reason I didn’t want to be here, what it would do to them. I didn’t want to put them through all this shit again.”
“They’re ok love and will be happy you’re on your way home. I know I am.”
“I want our bed.” She sighed. “In our home.”
“Oh fuck me I hear you on that one.” He chuckled.
“Are we ok?”
His brow creased in a frown. “Stronger than ever love.”
“I hurt you and I’m sorry.” His fingers toyed with the wisps of hair at her face, tucking them behind her ear.
“You didn’t hurt me Sildie, just scared a few years off me.” He kissed her temple. “No more now, we move past it. Get you better, lots of sleep and rest, and get those goddess curves back where they belong.” She’d lost weight, a substantial amount and she looked gaunt.
“You saying I’m too skinny?” She played.
“I like your curves.” He growled. “I’d like them back please kitten.” He hooked his finger under her chin and tilted her head up to look at him before slowly kissing her, that tender yet erotic kiss that made her toes curl.
“Then I need more than jelly.” She screwed up her face, clearly over the taste of it.
“I’ll get you settled in at home and go get whatever you want.”
“Pho. Buckets and buckets of pho and coconut shrimp.”
“I think I can manage that.”
“I need to lay down again.” She sighed. “Just being vertical wears me out.”
“Lay down and I’ll go make some calls, let dad and Megan know you’re coming home.” He said standing and helping her back into bed. “Dad’s been at our place with the kids so they can sleep in their own beds. And before you get upset, he chose to stay so they’d have more stability, it was the right call.”
“I know, it’s just... what a fucking mess.” She sighed.
“Don’t worry about it. It’s family, we stick together.”
“Still acclimating.” She mumbled as he kissed the top of her head and smirked.
“They’ll grow on you.” He said as she coughed. It was still there but not as bad as before, that was progress, it still left her short of breath. “Nap time, I’ll find you some ice cream or something and I have calls to make.” The real progress was her not clinging to him for dear life because he left her alone in the room for five minutes.
After talking with Stellan for nearly an hour he made his way to the dessert shop across the street from the hospital. With a tub of sorbet in hand he grinned as he saw her dozing. With the tiniest amount on the spoon he pressed it to her lips, her eyes fluttering open. “I would leave you napping but this will melt and it’s sacrilege to waste premium pear sorbet.” He said softly,
“Yes it is.” That smile, he thought, how he’d missed that smile. He handed her the tub and pulled his own out of the bag, she giggled which ended in a coughing fit. “I’m ok, better to cough it up than keep it in there.” She said and started to eat. “I can’t taste much but that feels so good on my throat.”
“Don’t make yourself puke. He chuckled. “That’s why I only got you a small one.”
“It’s enough and it’s not jelly.” She said eating another spoonful.
They talked as the final IV bag and medication worked it’s way through her system, the nurse coming by and giving her the last dose of antibiotics by injection and pulling the IV out. The nurse ran through her meds and got her ready for discharge, the doctor coming by saying she could leave when she was ready. “I want a hot shower before I go anywhere.” She chuckled and started coughing.
“Need some help?” He smirked.
“You are not fucking me in the hospital shower.” She quipped as she shuffled past.
“No sex for you for a while, period.” He countered. “I want you at peak performance when I have you next kitten.” He growled, kissing her hand before nipping her knuckles.
“Now there’s some motivation.” He heard her mutter as she closed the bathroom door. Smiling to himself he packed up her things, knowing she’d want to hightail it out of here as soon as she stepped out of the shower.
At this moment in time the shower she was currently broiling herself under was better than sex. There was nothing in the world like a good hair wash and scrub after you’d been sick and wallowing in your own sweat even when you’d done the personal hygiene wash twice every day. She emerged a new woman, had Gustaf help her dry her hair as she was already tiring, and dressed in some leggings and a sweater, total comfort.
He wasn’t wrong, no sooner had her feet pushed into her shoes she was ready to go. “Stay here I’ll bring the car around.” He said as he wheeled her to the foyer.
He left her sitting in the wheelchair just inside the door to keep her in the warmth and jogged to the car, pulling up at the curb a little while later. She felt bad for having to lean on him so much, her energy fading as they drove home. “We’ll take it slowly, there’s no rush, the kids are still at grandpa’s with Valter.”
“Mario Cart wars?”
“Something like that. It took their mind of everything.” He chuckled.
“Good thinking.”
They made it to the elevator when the coughing fit started, the cold air getting into her lungs and bringing her up short. Pulling her sweater up over her nose and mouth to breathe warmer air she tried to level out her breathing as they took the ride up. “Damn that’s fucking dynamite.” She sighed exhausted.
“I bet.”
“I cough so much and I can’t stop. It makes me want to puke.” She whispered.
“Your body doesn’t want all the muck in there anymore.”
“Nope.” She said shuffling to the front door. “Home.” She sighed and he thought it was the most beautiful sound he’d ever heard. Her tone held such longing and love, they were home, their home. He opened the door to balloons and a welcome home sign the boys had made strung up over the kitchen island. Those boys jumped up excitedly and hugged her as she shuffled inside. Such love in this apartment now, he thought as he watched them, that smile on Sildie’s face both joy and relief.
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sidemenimaginesss · 4 years
and they were roommates - simon minter
requested: yes - “Hey can you do number 40 with Simon?☺️”
prompt: 40. “stop saying things that make me want to kiss you”
summary: you barely know your new roommate simon. what happens when the tension between you keeps rising after multiple inconvenient run-ins?
wordcount: 3500
you got linked up with simon through your mutual friend vik after he found out that the both of you were looking for a roommate in london. you couldn’t contain your excitement and immediately agreed to live with this unknown man. he’s a friend of vik’s so he must be nice. you’ll probably get along just fine... right?
you’ve been texting him back and forth about certain aspects of your new home, such as who gets which room, who brings which piece of furniture et cetera, but you haven’t really had the chance to get to know each other. guess that’ll have to wait until the day you actually meet.
it’s the day of moving into your new flat and you and your parents are the first ones to arrive. simon texted you earlier that he still needs to figure some stuff out before he can move in. and so box after box filled with your belongings and pieces of furniture fill the room. you sigh when you’re finally done bringing them all in. you thank your parents and say your goodbyes before you sit down on the floor for a few minutes and take in your surroundings. finally, your own place.
you put on some music and spend the next few hours unpacking. you start with your bedroom, making sure your bed is all set up so you don’t have to sleep on the floor tonight. you continue by setting up different pieces of furniture around the living room, making sure that there’s still enough room for simon’s stuff.
at around 9pm you realise you’ve been working the entire day and still haven’t eaten any food. you decide to quickly order some chinese before continuing the unpacking process.
at around 10pm you’ve finished your takeout meal and you decide it’s time to get some rest. you want to take a shower, but are simply too exhausted to do so. instead, you simply jump into bed and fall asleep soon after.
your alarm goes off at 8am, reminding you that you still have a lot of work to do. before you start though, you decide it’s time to go take a shower first.
grabbing a towel and some shower gel, you walk into the bathroom and get out of your clothes. you put on some music you can sing along to and figure out how the shower works before jumping in.
whilst washing your hair, you receive a notification on your phone, but you decide to ignore it. about 15 minutes later, you turn off the shower and get out.
you grab your towel and dry yourself off before realising you need to grab some clean clothes. you put your hair up in a quick bun, ready to walk to your room, before the bathroom door suddenly opens. “oh my god!” you scream loudly when the man who opened the door looks at your naked body in shock and quickly turns around.
you slam the door shut and start breathing heavily. you grab your phone, thinking of calling the police, when you notice a text message from simon on your homescreen: ‘surprise! almost here. finished up packing everything last night. can’t wait to meet you.’ you quickly wrap your body in a towel and call out “simon?”
when you don’t get a response, you open the bathroom door slightly and peek around the corner to see simon’s back facing you. you realise your music is still blaring loudly through your phone’s speakers and you turn it off completely before trying again, “simon?”
this time, he turns around slowly and you’re met with a smug face. “that’ll be me. nice to meet you, roomie,” he extends his hand and you awkwardly shake it through the small gap.
you let out a small laugh when he lets go of your hand. “hey, you wouldn’t be willing to grab me some clothes, would you?”
he smirks and answers coolly, “not a problem. where can i find them?” you step out of the bathroom slightly to point towards your bedroom door and he follows your finger with his eyes. “that room, box next to the wardrobe. you can pick out something nice,” you smile. he nods and looks back over to your face, suddenly making you realise how close the two of you are actually standing. you meet his eyes, lick your lips and look down to the floor, only looking up again when you can’t feel the heat of his body next to yours anymore.
“so how do i look?” you ask simon when you’re finally done getting ready in the bathroom.
after looking up from his phone, he looks you up and down from the couch and nods. “you look great.”
you nod and can’t help but feel flustered when you remember he didn’t just see you naked a few minutes ago, but also picked out your underwear for you. talk about a first impression.
you join him on the couch and try to start a conversation. “so, simon, tell me about yourself,” you smile at him as he puts his phone away and sighs. “well i’m simon, but you already knew that. i do youtube, just like vik. did i ever mention i have like nearly 9 million subscribers? it’s no big deal. but you probably already knew that though, right?” he asks for confirmation and you nod slowly, feeling weirded out by his big ego. you didn’t catch that vibe through his text messages.
“oh by the way, because of that, don’t get confused when i have some people over and throw parties here from time to time. that won’t be a problem, right?” he stares you down with confidence, seemingly trying to intimidate you. “as long as there aren’t too many people, it should be fine,” you answer skeptically and smile, trying to hide how uncomfortable you feel. “good. well what else do you want to know about me?”
you cringe slightly at his tone and think of how to phrase your next question without sounding too rude. “where did you get that arrogance from?” you perk up one eyebrow and watch his jaw tense, your own lips curving into a smile. he quickly readjusts his demeanour as he once again looks you up and down. he narrows his eyes at you and tilts his head to the side slightly, poking his tongue in his cheek before a sarcastic smile settles upon his lips. “where did you get your feistiness from?”
“i asked you first,” you shoot back, quick-witted. “and i asked you second,” he smiles sweetly.
the two of you stare each other down for a few seconds before you sigh and look away, making him puff out a chuckle and say something under his breath, “that’s what i thought.”
the rest of the morning was spent pretty much avoiding each other. you went back to your room and continued unpacking the boxes whilst he worked on the living room. you didn’t do any bonding, getting to know each other or even much more talking except for when you asked simon if he wanted anything to eat during lunchtime. he declined and kept on installing your new tv whilst you sat in the kitchen, munching on some leftover takeout from last night.
you watch him struggle with several cables for a while from the kitchen island, minding your own business until he groans out of frustration. you let out a snort and see his head snap up to you in anger, “what‘s so funny?”
you chuckle softly and smile it off, “nothing, please continue putting those cables in the wrong places, i’m quite entertained.”
after a few seconds of silence you look up from playing with your food to see him staring at you. “oh, so you think you can do this better?” he answers, nostrils flaring in anger. you nod cockily, jumping off of your barstool and joining him in front of the tv.
you grab the instructions out of his hands and feel his breath on your neck when he towers over you to read where you’re pointing on the paper. “see, you keep putting them in this,” you point at a real plug-in, “but you should be putting them in here,” you hold the paper next to the right plug-in post to compare the two.
you look up to see his jaw tense up once again as he nods at you stiffly. “i guess you’re right. how do you even know this stuff?” he mumbles, earning a victorious smile from you. “i studied cinematography for 4 years. i also learned how to install cables there. see, i would’ve told you earlier if you had asked. but you were too busy bragging about all your 9 million subscribers or whatever. anyway, i’ll be in my room if you need me.”
it’s 7pm when you hear a knock on your bedroom door. you look up from the box you were digging through and towards the door and answer, “you can come in.”
the door opens slightly to reveal simon holding a bag of more takeout. “so i noticed you eating chinese during lunch and didn’t know what other kind of food you liked so i just ordered us some takeout.” you laugh, making him look at you confusedly. “why did you order me chinese?”
he blinks, taken aback, “oh, uhm, i can just order us something else if that’s what you want. if you’d rather have, like, i don’t know, pizza? or anything, i don’t mind ordering-“
“that’s not what i meant, simon,” you look at him sternly and let him think over your words for a few seconds, watching the realisation hit him through his facial expression.
“right. i just wanted to say thank you for helping me earlier and sorry for accidentally walking in on you as well, i guess,” he answers awkwardly.
“and?” you smirk, liking the fact that you’re in control of the situation now. he sighs, “and sorry for pretty much being a dick the entire day without reason.”
“i accept your apology, roomie. now, let’s go eat before the food gets cold.”
about a week after moving in, your new apartment is almost fully finished and you and simon both agree on throwing a housewarming party. the two of you have had time to get to know each other better over the past few days and you’ve realised that a kind heart lies behind that stupid smirk of his. you just gotta make him feel guilty for being an absolute pain in the ass to reveal his sweeter side.
you’ve also learned that the two of you have loads of stuff in common and you seem to be hitting it off pretty well. except for the unexplainable tension the two of you have from time to time. you brush it off and blame it on your similar personalities clashing and competing for the title of the alpha in the house.
you snap out of your thoughts when you hear the front door open and simon yell “honey, i’m home!” you let out a giggle and get up from the couch to help him unpack the groceries for the party tonight.
“that’s... a lot of alcohol,” you laugh as he puts down several bags full of bottles onto the kitchen island.
he looks you in the eye and smiles, “there are going to be quite a few guests, remember? better too much than too little!”
you help him put the stuff away in silence for a few minutes before you attempt to start some small talk, “so how are you when you’re drunk?”
“i get really horny,” he answers within a heartbeat. instead of bursting out into laughter, you can feel your cheeks heat up and so you quickly turn your back to him, pretending to be putting something in one of the cupboards to hide your red face.
“oh, i-“ your breath catches in your throat and you can feel your blood stream through your veins when you suddenly feel simon’s presence right behind you. you turn around, biting your lip when you see him tower over you. he innocently smiles down at you, “well? are you going to move out of the way so i can put these chips away or what?”
you quickly close your mouth when you realise you were gaping up at him and move away from the cupboard when he gives you the space to do so.
“sorry about that. uhm, is it just me or is it getting hot in here? i think i’m just going to check the thermostat real quick,” you stutter out an excuse to leave the room, still feeling the blood pulse through your body in certain places.
you lock yourself in the bathroom and try to catch your breath. you can’t believe that just happened. you can’t believe you’re feeling this way about your roommate after meeting him just a week ago. you want this feeling to stop so you don’t ruin the small beginnings of the friendship you’ve only just started to create.
so you decide then and there that you’re going to shut him out. at least, in that way. you’re just going to ignore the sudden attraction you feel towards him. well, you’re going to try to.
it’s around 11pm when the first people start showing up. you and simon entertain your guests with tours of the house, beer pong, music playing loudly on the dance floor created in the living room and enough booze in the kitchen to pass out from. you don’t hold back on the alcohol yourself either.
“vik! oh my gosh i cannot thank you enough for messaging us about this place. this truly is all thanks to you,” you greet him with a tight hug and kiss on the cheek. he smiles at you brightly, “no thanks needed! i just felt like you and simon would be a perfect fit!” he grins and you try to shake off the stupid smile forming on your lips. “thank you again vik, please help yourself to something to drink in the kitchen! i’ll try to catch up with you later.”
after the next hour of greeting guests your house is fully loaded with people and it’s going to be a lot harder to move around in. abandoning your hosting duties at the front door, you go to grab yourself another drink in the kitchen when you bump into an old friend. “harry! hey! when did you get here?”
you can tell just by the look on his face that he has been here for a while: he looks absolutely shit-faced. “i don’t remember, to be quite honest,” he slurs out his answer, making you giggle a little. “what are you doing here? i didn’t know you knew simon,” he asks and you raise your brows. “i’m literally living with simon. this is our housewarming party!” harry seems to be in thought for a moment before it all clicks, “oh! you’re the hot bird he said he was living with, it all makes sense now. hey, wanna dance?” he practically drags you over towards the dance floor when not only your vision, but also your thoughts get a little cloudy.
your mind wanders over all the reasons why simon could’ve said that to harry. what else did simon tell him about you? does he usually describe his girl friends as ‘hot birds’? does this mean he is as attracted to you as you are to him? lost in your thoughts about simon, you barely even realise the fact that you’re grinding against harry.
when you open your eyes the room is spinning. you blink a few times until you can see clear. only now you notice simon standing across the room looking at you, jaw tensed as always, nostrils flaring and steam practically leaving his ears. still oblivious to your close proximity to harry, you eye him with a frown on your face.
you can see simon roll his eyes and disappear into the crowd so you decide to just ignore him, like you promised yourself you’d do. you continue dancing to the blaring music, swaying your hips dangerously from left to right. you finally remember harry dancing behind you when he grabs your sides and pulls you even closer. you lean into his touch, your head pretty much on his shoulder. you close your eyes, letting yourself get lost in the music.
after a while, you can feel yourself get tired and tell harry you’re going to get yourself another drink, leaving him on the dance floor.
suddenly getting overwhelmed by the huge crowd in your living room, you make a beeline for your bedroom instead. you close the door behind you, still feeling the bass of the music in your body but only hearing muffled lyrics being sung.
you sigh and make your way over to the bed to lie down for a second. you’re so intoxicated and don’t know what to do with yourself. that is, until someone barges into the room.
you sit up straight and see simon at the door, looking at you angrily. “what the hell are you doing in my room?” your eyes widen when you take in your surroundings. “shit, i thought- thought this was my room,” you stammer and stand up quickly, a little to quickly: your knees give in and you stumble to the floor. “fuck,” you groan, simon immediately coming over to help you up. “how many have you had to drink? christ, you can barely stand up,” he shakes his head in disappointment.
“i don’t- don’t remember. what about you? are you horny yet?” you ask him in a sudden boost of confidence.
he once again shakes his head in disappointment, biting his lip at but ignoring your comment. “we should probably send everyone home now, i think the party is over.”
you sit back down on his bed and pout. “you’re no fun! it’s only- it’s barely 1 am! right?” you slur out, looking at the blurry numbers of the alarm clock on his bedside table.
“it’s 3 am. i think it’s best if we send everyone home-“ you cut him off, “but harry is- he’s still waiting for me out there. i- i told him i’d be back.”
this immediately gets a reaction from simon: tensed jaw, narrowed eyes and crossed arms. “you’re not getting back out there. especially not to dance with harry,” he spits out his name in disgust, making you giggle, “hey, hey what’s up with that? i thought you were friends?”
simon rolls his eyes while he runs his hand through his hair in frustration. “i don’t want to talk about harry right now. just- stay here for a sec and i’ll-“ he is about to open the door when you cut him off. “wait wait wait! did i just hear... jealousy? in your voice?” you bat your eyelashes at him innocently while he grits his teeth.
“no, i-“ he tries, but you cut him off once again, standing up when you speak. “it sure sounds like jealousy to me! what, you didn’t like it when i was dancing with harry, huh?” you slowly make your way over to him, continuing your innocent act.
“is that it? you’d rather have been the one who was dancing with me? the ‘hot bird’ you’re living with? right? harry told me that’s what you called me. i bet you still think about that first time you saw me-“
“shut up! we’re not having this conversation right now. you’re- you’re not able to think straight right now,” he frowns, yet his cheeks still redden when you get close to him. you smirk and touch his chest with both of your hands.
“maybe not, but jealous you is like... really turning me on right now,” you bite your lip coyly and look up at him through your lashes.
you leave him breathless for a second as he rolls his head back for a second, slightly gasping for air. “you know what you’re doing to me, don’t you? you’re making it very hard for me to control myself right now,” he licks his lips and his eyes flicker between your eyes and your mouth.
“then stop trying to fight it, simon. i want you,” you drag out your words slowly. at this, he switches positions with you and pins you down against the door, foreheads touching.
“stop saying things that make me want to kiss you,” he mutters to you, breathing heavily.
you finally close the space between you and kiss him harshly. after a few seconds, you gasp for air and he leaves your lips to work his way around your neck, locking the door whilst doing so. “simon,” you moan, throwing your head back as he trails kisses down your neck. once again, you feel your blood and the bass from the music pulse through your body. “fuck,” you trail off as his hands roam your body. you meet his lips again in one of many heated kisses that’ll follow that night.
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horansqueen · 4 years
You & Me : chapter 43
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his -4.5k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- notes: wow, it took a while didnt it? i have a hard time writing this story for a few specific reasons and thats why it takes me longer. i also need to plan the ending of this and its not easy because im scared to forget something. but i hope you enjoy this chapter! thanks so much for still reading this story!!!
if you want to be on the list of blogs i notify when this is updated, just message me :)
requests! : its late and i hope i dont forget any! i didnt add everything from the 2nd request in my chapter tho. i also promise more requests in the next chapter! its all planned so thank you!
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Chapter 43 : His chapter
June 25th, 2018
"Okay, move slightly on the right." I heard her, doing what she told me cautiously. "Now watch out, there's a step."
"Big or small?"
"Uhm, medium" she replied after thinking about it.
"Gee Liv, thanks!" I replied sarcastically before I carefully tried to put my foot on the step.
She guided me with difficulty until the car and I packed her last few boxes in the trunk. We sat in the car and I started it, feeling her gaze on me but I tried to ignore it until I felt her hand on my thigh. I suddenly relaxed and my eyes met hers for half a second before going back on the road.
"You should have let me help you." she pointed out with a soft voice. "I can carry more than one box, you know."
The left corner of my lips raised gently and I glanced at her again before stopping at a red light and turning my head completely her way. Her eyebrows raised and I sent her a small smile, shaking my head.
"I want you to let me take care of you." I admitted, bending closer to press my lips gently against hers in a quick kiss. "Besides, an old lady like you shouldn't carry heavy things."
With a chuckle, she slapped my arm gently as I started laughing and started driving again. It was already mid june and we had been working on her moving in with me for about a week. Most things were actually bought by Louis so all the furniture stayed there but it took us a while to pack all her stuff and bring the boxes to my house. I mean, our house.
"I'm only two years older than you!" she argued, making me laugh even more. "Do I have to call you 'kiddo'?"
"Please, I'm a man." I let out with a frown, half-joking. "You know it, you've seen me naked."
"Oh how my life has changed since then." she replied wih a chuckle, making me smile too.
We brought her stuff to our room and started unpacking together after I put music on. It invaded the house so loudly that the neighbours probably heard since we had opened the windows. It was a warm saturday afternoon and I still had a little bit more than a week off. I knew we were going to miss each other since I was about to leave for three months (even if i was going to be back here at some point in august for a few concerts) but we didn't talk about it much, as if it would make things worst.
I kept glancing at her from time to time as I was putting her stuff in my closet and my lips curled when I noticed she was dancing while putting her clothes in her dresser. It was nothing new. She had always been like that but somehow, at this exact moment, it made me realize how perfect this moment was. Loud music, finally sharing a house with the woman I loved, watching my girlfriend dance and sing happily close to me with a promise ring hidden in my underwear drawer. That whole scenario happening right in front of me felt like the accomplishment of something very very important and even if I couldn't define exactly what, I tried to remember this in my brain like the movie of a memory I wanted to watch over and over again until i'd be on my death bed. The smallest details seemed important and when she moved a lock of hair that had stuck on her lips behind her ear, I held my breath. Could I write a song about this?
She turned around and our eyes met and suddenly, her lips curled into a fond smile. I loved when she looked at me like that. I was used to it, because she's looked at me like that for as long as I could remember, but it's only now, the second time we're dating, that I realized what it meant and how important it was.
"Are you gonna help me or are you just going to stare at me while I do all the work?"
I chuckled and rolled my eyes before shaking my head and grabbing an other box. It was heavy and when I opened it, I saw a bunch of books, the first one on the top being the one she was reading at the moment. I knew because sometimes we'd just sit together in the living room in silence. She'd read and sometimes i would too, or id end up writing, or playing guitar. Just being in the same room was enough sometimes and I liked it. I grabbed the book and turned it around to read the summary but something else caught my attention and I frowned. Something was sticking out of the book and I pulled on it slightly only to see my face and hers on a few pictures. It came from the photobooth and if my memory served me right, it was from the first time we dated. I pulled on it more to see all the pictures and finally just opened the book so she wouldn't lose her page and let my eyes roam on the older pictures of us. I remembered how I felt, but I was well aware it was not comparable to the feelings I had now.
"Can't believe you kept this."
My eyes didn't move from the pictures but I felt her stop moving and finally get closer to me. I sat on my bed and I felt her sit next to me in silence until I finally looked up in her eyes.
"You have no idea of all the things I kept." she admitted and I could swear her cheeks turned a soft shade of pink. "I kept a lot of souvenirs of you, Niall."
My smile curled a bit and she chuckled. "Really?"
"Oh don't look at me like that, it's not like I built a shrine for you or anything." she just rolled her eyes. "But your friendship and your love... yea, it's important for me."
I ran my thumb gently on the pictures for a few more minutes and finally put them back in the book before closing it. I stared at it until Liv grabbed my hand and I squeezed her fingers, looking up at her and sending her a smile.
"You know we need to christen the rooms." This time, she let out a loud laughter and it made my lips curl. "It's true!"
"It only applies to new places, Niall!" she laughed more. "We've already had sex pretty much in all the rooms of this house, and that says a lot!"
"Are you sure?" I asked, raising my eyebrows before she nodded. "All the bathrooms? Bedrooms?" She nodded again and I raised my nose up with a low groan, making her laugh again. "There must be somewhere we didn't fuck!"
"On the dryer."
"What?" I frowned.
"We never fucked on your dryer." she repeated with an amused smile, her head tilted. "We fucked in the showers, kitchen's table, kitchen's counter, on the couch, on the floor of the living room, in all the beds, on all the bedroom floors, in the music room and against that piano.. One time you even grabbed me when I got out of the shower to fuck me against the wall in the hall."
The left corner of my lips curled as the memory came back to my head and I raised my eyebrows. "Oh yea, I remember."
"But I don't remember fucking on the dryer."
My eyes roamed on her and I licked my lips. "We can do that now."
"Join me in 5 minutes?"
I raised my eyebrows in surprise when she suddenly got up and left. My fingers gripped the book in my hands tighter and I finally put it on the bed before turning my eyes to the alarm clock on the bedside table. It was the longest 5 minutes of my life and if I wanted to be honest, I only waited 3 and a half anyway.
I heard the dryer's noise and frowned a bit when I realized she had started it and when I got there, she was sitting on it and I noticed the matching black and silk panties and bra she was wearing. Her legs were hanging down the dryer and she was holding herself with her hands slightly behind her body, her dark hair falling near her back, and I stopped as soon as our eyes met.
"When did you put this on?"
"I wore them all day." she admitted with a smirk before chuckling when my face changed. "I mean, I wanted to show you but we were sort of busy."
I took a few steps closer slowly and put my palms on her thighs, sliding my hands up very slowly on her soft skin.
"Spread your legs, petal." I whispered as she bit her bottom lip but did as I asked.
"I wasn't sure if it actually looked good on me." she admitted low and I shook my head quickly.
"Oh shut up, darling, this makes me so fucking hard." To prove my point, I turned my hips a bit and pressed my hard cock through my pants against her naked thigh. "See?"
I ran my hands up to her breasts, touching them before slipping one of my hands under it to run the tip of two of my fingers on her nipple. "I'm so torn right now. I want to rip it off of you, but watching them on you is so fucking hot."
"Just move my panties aside and fuck me."
Her eyes seemed to sparkle but her expression was needy and I just licked my lips, bringing my hands down to my jeans and unzipping them as I kept staring at her.
"Such a needy little slut." I let out in a low tone. "Tell me how bad you want my cock. Beg me."
Her eyes never leaving mine, she brought her feet on the dryer, exposing her panties even more to me and slowly, I took my cock out and started stroking it. I could feel the dryer getting warmer and the way she seemed to shake over it made me want her even more.
"Fuck, Niall, I want you so bad. I need you deep inside me." she whimpered and licked her lips. "Please, Niall, I need your cock, please i'm begging you, fuck me."
I jerked off harder, making sure the tip of my dick rubbed against her pussy over her panties, and she whimpered and bit her bottom lip harder.
"Move your panties, pet. Show me your pretty little cunt."
She did as I asked and my eyes dropped between her legs as I moved even closer, close enough for the tip of my cock to push inside her. I groaned low and she let out a short whimper as I felt her throb around me.
"Deeper." she breathed out. "Fill me."
Quickly, I pushed myself inside her until I was balls deep and she let out a moan, her head falling back slightly and her eyes fluttering.
"Like this petal? How does my cock feel?"
She squirmed slightly and with difficulty but I watched her shake glancing a few times down to watch her grind despite herself on my dick. The feeling was amazing and I groaned louder when I felt her clench around me.
"So good, so fucking good." she whimpered again.
"You're so fucking wet and horny I just want to watch you fuck yourself on my cock until you cum all over it, baby girl." I let out without thinking. "How about you do that?"
I moved as close as I could and she ground on me for a few minutes. I loved the way she moved, all her facial expressions and the way her moans sounded but after a while, I couldn't take it anymore and grabbed her waist, my fingers sinking in her skin as I pulled her against me in motion with my thrusts.
"Fuck, i'm gonna cum." I just said still going hard.
I didn't know if it was because of my words or if she had been holding it for a while but she started shaking even harder against me as she came, my name escaping her lips in incredible moans and bringing me to my own orgasm. I shut my eyes tight, pushing myself so hard against her to make sure I went as deep as I could, and when I got down from my high, I leaned my forehead against hers, eyes still closed, as we both panted with parted lips.
"This is so much better." I whispered, moving a bit to reach her lips with mine.
"Better than what?" she asked in a breath as I kissed her gently again.
"Better than anything. Better than anyone." I confessed. "Better than sex without feelings."
It took her about a minute to talk but her words made me open my eyes suddenly.
"Are you in love with me, Niall?"
I pulled away to look in her eyes and frowned for a few seconds before shaking my head. I knew she was probably asking me simply because she wanted to hear it but I couldn't help but fear that she doubted it.
"Yes. I am in love with you, Olivia." I affirmed. "It will never change. I'll always be in love with you, for as long as I live, and maybe even after."
June 29th, 2018
I was a bit sad she had insisted on inviting Louis and Eleanor on her birthday but I went along with it because it was her day and I loved her. She also had asked for nothing big, just a movie and games night with our friends, and somehow, I was down with that. Normally, I'd want to celebrate in a bar with many more friends but we were about to be separated for a while and I was not in the mood to celebrate that. I was just grateful I could spend her birth day with her.
"Okay, Liv, you sit next to me. Your boyfriend can sit next to El." I heard Louis say as I walked back in the living room with two bowls of popcorn.
"Excuse me? I pretty much intend on watching this movie cuddling my girlfriend, thank you very much!" I argued with a frown as I stood in the middle of the living room.
"If we do that we'll just spend an hour and a half making out!" Louis explained with round eyes. "At least you two will! You're both horny animals!"
"It's not like we were gonna fuck in front of you." I pointed out, rolling my eyes before sitting next to Eleanor who just laughed.
"Don't be a jealous boyfriend, Niall. Liv was my roommate before being your girlfriend again and I'm very sad that I can't wake her up by literally jumping in her bed at 6 in the morning anymore!" he joked with a chuckle before turning to my girlfriend. "Bet you miss it too!"
"6 in the morning?" I repeated with a frown again. "You never wake up so early."
"He did when he had meetings for his album." Olivia pointed out. "As you already know, 'pain in the ass' is in his DNA."
I laughed and she did too but the way she looked at me made me smile. Louis placed his arm on the back of the couch, near her shoulders, and I groaned low at sight. It's not that I wanted to read too much into this, but it was bothering me a lot and it was tough to hide. I was not the type to be jealous and I knew Olivia loved me, but every time I saw them near each other, I couldn't help but remember that they fucked multiple times and that nothing could ever erase that.
What took me out of my thoughts was something hitting my nose and the sweet laughter of my girlfriend. I shook my head slightly and sent her a smile as she sent me more popcorn and I grabbed some from my own bowl before throwing it at her, too. She laughed louder and we kept on throwing popcorn at each other until Louis groaned and stopped the movie. It was crazy how easily Louis could make himself home. He was using my remote for my tv, was sitting on my favorite spot on the couch, cuddling with my girlfriend.
"Fine! Fine I get it!" Louis gave in, raising his hand up in defeat. "You guys can't stay too far away from each other for too long. It's sad but it is what it is!"
He practically jumped off the couch and walked up to me. After a quick head movement, I sent him a smile and got up to. I let myself fall next to Liv and immediately, she cuddled my side like a magnet, making me smile more. I had no idea why I was insecure when it came to Louis, but she proved over and over again that I had no reason to be. I wrapped my arm around her to pull her closer and we finished the movie before grabbing a few beers and talking. It was almost 3 in the morning when Louis and El left and I watched as Liv got up, yawned and stretched.
"I'm so tired, let's go to bed, yea?"
"We really should clean first." I pointed out, grabbing a few bottles.
I was about to bring them to the kitchen but she stopped me with a grimace and a groan. "Niall, we need to sleep. Come onnnn, we can do that tomorrow."
I stared at her and sighed, not really sure I liked the idea but I finally nodded and followed her to the room as she held my hand and pulled me with her. We fell asleep quickly but she did before me and for some reason, I enjoyed watching her snore lightly, her lips parted, as I held her close to me. These days, we fell asleep holding each other face to face and it was very different from our usual spooning. Still, I liked it but when I woke up, she was on the other side of the bed, her legs were over mine, and I smiled at how much she had moved.
I got up, put sweatpants on and made coffee before drinking a cup as I looked at the mess in the living room and the kitchen. She joined me about half an hour later, entering the kitchen as she yawned. It made me chuckle but I liked the mess of her hair and her lazy smile. I wanted that every single morning of my life.
"Slept well?"
"Yes but not enough." she just shrugged with an other yawn.
I poured her coffee in her favorite mug and we both drank in silence, leaned against the counter. After I was done, I put my cup in the sink and without turning back to look at her, I sighed.
"We need to clean now."
"Mm, I just woke up. We can do that later in the afternoon." she just shrugged.
"Liv, we need to clean now. That's what happens when we postpone these kind of things. It'll never be fun but doing it now means we can do something else after."
She stared at me a few seconds and sighed, letting her head fall back on her shoulders. I didn't want to argue with her, and I knew how messy she was, but she also knew I was the opposite and that leaving everything as is the night before had been annoying to me.
"Well I don't want to do it now."
I didn't expect that answer and took a step back as my eyebrows raised.
"Why are you being like that?"
"Why are you being like that?" she repeated. "This can wait! I can't believe we're arguing over that!"
"Olivia, please! We left this mess last night and we need to clean!"
"You knew how i was before I started living here, it's nothing new!" she let out a bit roughly.
"And you know how I was too!" I argued before she brought her hands to her face and sighed. "You need to make efforts, okay? I am!"
My voice was a bit too loud and I knew it but I was getting pissed. I couldn't believe we were arguing over something like that. After all we had been through, I didn't want to accept that something so silly could be what would end us.
"I just... I need a shower."
I left without waiting for her answer and stayed a bit too long under the hot stream but when I got out of the bathroom with clean clothes, my lips curled at the sight. She had cleaned a good part of the living room and was now working on filling the dishwasher. I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist from behind, leaning my chin on her shoulder.
"Thank you." I whispered, leaving a few kisses on her neck and she finally turned in my arms to look in my eyes.
"I'm sorry."she sighed and licked her lips. "I'll make efforts, I promise."
We finished cleaning and ended up sitting at the table with an other cup of coffee and eggs. The problem was, I couldn't stop thinking that I was leaving in a few days and it bothered me. I wanted us to discuss it but at the same time, I was not sure she wanted to talk about it. I knew that she thought mentioning things out loud made them more real or concrete but ignoring them and pretending the problems weren't there wouldn't make them disappear.
"It's gonna be tough, you know. We'll be away from each other for quite a while."
It took her a few seconds to answer as she seemed focused on her coffee but after a while, she breathed in and sighed.
"I know it won't be easy, Niall, but I also know that it will never be as hard as it was without you for a whole year. So yea, I think we can get through this and come out stronger." she said in a calm way before looking up in my eyes. "I hate being away from you but that won't change my love for you, not even just a little."
I reached for her hand on the table and squeezed her fingers before sending her a small smile. "It won't change mine either. And you're right, that year without you was the worse I've ever been through."
"It's... different." she told cautiously, looking up at me and noticing my questioning look. "You spent that year without me because you decided it, it was your choice. You did it for a reason and you wanted to be alone to live things you clearly thought you couldn't live with me. But me... I suffered through it. You broke up with me, broke my heart... I lost my best friend and the love of my life at the same time, you know? We didn't live that year the same way."
I felt my heart thump hard in my chest and I just nodded very slightly, as we stared at each other.
"You know, Niall... you left me with nothing." she said and I could swear I heard her voice crack. "I tried to find someone else, to find what I was missing from someone else, but I never really found it because what I was missing was you." Once again, she breathed in and sighed. "I know it's not easy but maybe you should try to put yourself in my shoes and... try to understand how I feel, you know? How I felt all those months."
I remembered that she told me it was tough for her but I never really understood how hard it had been until I found out she had literally tried to kill herself. Still, I felt like I couldn't really know the feeling and never would be able to. I remained silent as her words kept running in my head and finally held my breath. I couldn't believe I was thinking about writing a song in such a deep moment but I was and I just shook my head.
"You're right, Liv." I admitted, reaching for her other hand and squeezing both of them tight. "I'll try to understand how you felt in that year we were apart, after I broke you. It's hard to imagine but, I know I've hurt you more than I ever hurt anyone else, and I'll listen to everything you have to say about it."
She sent me a fond smile and nodded. "I can't really put it in the past." she added low. "Not because I don't want to, but because I feel like it's part of our story. I thought I knew who you were, I thought you'd never leave. I mean, we've known each other for decades... I thought you would never break my heart. But it was hard to accept, you know? That I didn't know you as well as I thought I did. I felt like... you ripped my heart out. Like you stole something from me that I could never get back without really knowing what it was. And I wanted it back. The worst was.. I still wanted to be with you. If you had came back I would have said yes in a heartbeat. I was always thinking of you, no matter who I was with, and yes, it includes Louis."
I stared at her, blinking a few times but still remained silent. I didn't want to let go of her hands and I also didn't want to talk. I thought it was just time to listen.
"I just... I went in bars and clubs to change my mind, I tried to date other people, I tried to drink my pain away... I just wanted to get over you and nothing worked, because I had nothing left." She paused again and shrugged. "I learned that making you the center of my life was not a good idea but it was something I was used to, I did it since I was a kid. Now I don't want to do things for you, Niall. I want to do things for us, and I want you to do the same. It's a team work. I mean, it's us against the world, right? That's what we said?"
I sent her a bigger smile and nodded. "It is. You and me."
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fleckcmscott · 4 years
Watch What Happens - Chapter 7
Chapter links: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Summary: Arthur, an aspiring comedian, has struggled to find normalcy and compassion his entire life. Y/N, a hard-working paralegal and transplant to Gotham, has just been put on a case for the Wayne Foundation. When they meet, unexpected sparks fly.
Chapter warning: Adult Situation, Swearing
Words: 1,927
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When Arthur arrived back home, it was nearly seven. He’d gone to Pogo’s, again, to try to get a spot to perform. No money was coming in and he was desperate for a chance. With a sigh, the manager had told him about an upcoming open-mic night for new comics next Tuesday. That gave him almost a week to perfect his set. He hadn’t hesitated when he signed up. Until then, he’d continue to practice his facial expressions and punchline timing in his bathroom mirror.
Penny still didn’t know about his firing from HaHa’s - he didn’t want her worrying. In the morning he’d leave the apartment and search for work a couple of hours, going from business to shop to anywhere. He hadn’t had any success. There weren’t a lot of opportunities for an uneducated clown with an unstable employment history, even if he had a work ethic.
Luckily, he never had to be out too long to hide his unemployment from her. Penny didn’t pay much attention to the exact times he was around and rarely asked questions. As long as he was there to check the mail, get meals, keep her company for a few minutes, and watch Murray Franklin, she didn’t pry. At times he wished she would, but her lack of meaningful attention was currently convenient.
It also meant he didn’t have to tell her that his therapy appointments and medication access had been stopped due to budget cuts. That had been a blow. He didn’t understand how something he’d been court ordered to participate in could be taken away. The appointments weren’t particularly helpful, he thought. But they were something on his calendar, and he hadn’t missed a single one. He’d shifted his work schedule around, missed out on good gigs to get to them. He’d written in that damn journal, the one thing that seemed to do him some good, every day. At least he could continue with that.
Fuck. And to be told right after the first date in his life…
He smiled softly, thinking about Y/N. If the day had ended after their pie and stroll together, it would have been perfect enough to frame. She’d asked him about his condition, seemed to be curious about it in a caring way. At first, he was uncomfortable talking about it. Normally, his involuntary laughter only came up when he was apologizing for it. But she had discussed his affliction in a way that stopped him, at least temporarily, from feeling like a freak. And the way she’d caressed his hand at the diner when she’d noticed his discomfort… It had been wonderful to be touched by someone other than his mother.                        
As they’d walked together, their steps in sync, he longed to put his arm around her waist. To feel the warmth of her body against his side, turn his face into her hair and kiss her head, the way he’d seen in films. And, if he did that, every person they passed would know that she was with him. This city that he hated, its thoughtless inhabitants, would know this beautiful, accomplished woman had chosen to spend her time with Arthur Fleck.
He would never comprehend that choice. But he was grateful for it.
When she had given him a pen and paper to write his address and number, it took him a moment to gather himself enough to jot it down. He hoped he’d been able to keep the look of shock off his face. To his surprise, Y/N had called that night to thank him for taking her out. She’d given him her home number, too, which he’d written on a paper taped to the wall next to the phone, and on a paper that he’d put in his wallet, and in his notebook. The conversation had been short, sweet, and she’d asked if she could call the next night.
Christ, she had to ask? He’d finally have something to look forward to after watching television with his mother.
Since then, they’d spoken for at least a minute or two each night, though their conversations had gotten a little longer with every call. Admittedly, Y/N called him most of the time. He’d been confident enough to reach out twice, though, and he felt good about that. He could tell she’d been pleased, too.
During every conversation, Y/N asked him to tell her a joke. Arthur happily obliged. Her gentle groans and chuckles made him grin, and caused a tight feeling in his chest. More than once, he’d pinched himself to make sure he hadn’t made her up - afterward, she was always still there.
The facts he’d learned about her went straight into his journal, so he could reread them multiple times a day. She recently started work on a case involving the Wayne Foundation. (”Will I ever stop heering that name?”) She lived in Burnley. (”Three train stops or a 40 minut walk away!”) She’d been divorced for over ten years, but it had been mutual, so, in her words, “no baggage there.” That last one made him painfully aware of his own inexperience.
When she pressed him to talk about himself, it was hard to know what to say. He couldn’t tell her he was on a ton of medications, or that he’d been in Arkham. She’d already claimed to have accepted his laugh - he wasn’t going to press his luck this soon.
No one besides doctors and counselors, and occasionally Gary, usually wanted to hear anything about him. And he thought he’d covered everything he didn’t have to hide in the diner. “There isn’t much to tell,” he’d breathed.
“Well, I guess I’ll just have to see you again, Mr. Fleck.” Her voice had dropped conspiratorially. “Can you come by for dinner Friday night? Around seven? I know it’s short notice, but it would be great if you could.”
Oh my god.
His pulse sped up. He pressed his palm against his chest. “Yes. Yes, I think I can. I can.” He wrote her address down shakily, as if he was afraid the pen would stop working.
“Great. I can’t wait to see you, Arthur.”
After he’d hung up the phone, he’d been so thrilled he did a little two-step. Then he went into the bathroom, the only room that would lock and guarantee him a moment’s peace, and turned on the shower. He’d stepped in, taken his erection in his hand, and stroked and tugged himself to completion. Remembering her voice, imagining it was her hand on him, his mouth on her lips, on her neck, between her thighs. The water muffled his cries as he leaned against the wall with his arm.
Now, Thursday evening, Arthur was mopping the kitchen floor, a cigarette hanging from his lips. The radio was on, playing Lawrence Welk, and he swayed to the music. He hummed softly, his movements becoming more of a dance as his thoughts turned to tomorrow night. She’d be cooking for them, for him. Even though he was never hungry, he’d do his best to enjoy whatever she made. He wondered what her apartment would be like, sure it would be as warm as she was. Would there be candles? Did the wallpaper have flowers on it? Should he bring something?
He brought the mop handle up closer and led it around like a partner, feeling a little foolish but also enjoying himself. He closed his eyes. “What, Y/N?” If he concentrated hard enough, he could almost feel her against him. “You want me to do what?” Chuckling, he shook his head. “You don’t mean that, you-”
The door buzzer broke him out of his fantasy. Who the hell would be coming over now? Furrowing his brow, he straightened and leaned the mop against the counter. He smoothed his hair back, plucked the cigarette from his mouth, and opened the door.
Gary stood there, a small smile on his face. “Hey, Arthur. How’s it going?”
“Gary, hi.” Arthur had never had a co-worker over before. He didn’t mind the intrusion, though. “What are you doing here?”
Gary lifted his arm and held out a small plastic bag. “You forgot to take these when you left.”
Arthur took the bag and looked inside it. A couple of pots of blue and red makeup were in it, as well as brushes he’d left on the vanity at HaHa’s. He nodded at the thoughtful gesture. “Thanks.” He motioned towards the apartment with his left hand. “Do you want to come in?”
Gary looked surprised, but stepped forward. “For a minute, yeah.”
“Happy, who’s that at the door?” Penny’s voice came from the bedroom.
Arthur closed the door, then turned and called back to her. “No one, mom. They had the wrong apartment.” He looked down at Gary apologetically. “My mother…”
“It’s okay.” Gary put his hands in his pockets and leaned back against the wall. “So…have you got a new gig yet?”
It felt strange to Arthur to have a conversation with Gary in his own entranceway while towering over him. As there were no chairs nearby, Arthur moved to sit next to him on the floor. “Not yet. I’ve been writing a lot though. Five jokes in a week. Actually,” he brightened, “I’ve got a show on Tuesday. It’s not paying but it’s a start.”
“That’s great,” Gary said.
“Yeah.” There was a long pause, then. Arthur looked at Gary as he took a drag off his cigarette. “And I… I have a date tomorrow night.” He hoped he hadn’t crossed a line. They hadn’t been close, but Gary had never made fun of him. He had merely needed to tell someone besides Penny.
Gary looked genuinely happy for him. “Who is she?”
It was strange but good to talk about Y/N to someone. “Her name’s Y/N. She’s pretty.” Even though he still didn’t understand what she did for work, he said it with pride. “She’s a paralegal.” He laughed softly. “It’s crazy. I met her at a grocery store. Now I’m going over for dinner.” A sigh escaped him, his eyebrows lifting as insecurity filled him. “She’s important to me. And I don’t know what I’m doing.”
Gary pursed his lips. “Did she invite you over for dinner or dinner?”
Arthur blinked at him in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“How long have you known each other?” Gary asked.
Arthur did a quick count of the days in his head, then shrugged. “Three weeks?”
Nodding, Gary said, “Hm. Just be a gentleman. Don’t try too hard. And be ready in case she wants dessert.”
Arthur caught his meaning then and felt himself blush. A short chuckle escaped him as his hand went to his forehead. He made a mental note to go through all his Murray Franklin tapes and re-watch every Dr. Sally segment he could find.
Gary straightened then. “Well, I gotta go. It was good seeing you,” he said.
Arthur pushed himself off the floor. “Sure.” He reached for the doorknob, thinking a moment before opening the door. “Gary, you were the only one at HaHa’s that was nice to me. Thanks.”
Gary took a step back through the door frame, a small grin on his face. “Take care, Arthur.”
“You, too.” Arthur started to close the door as Gary started down the corridor, but thought better of it and stuck his head out into the hallway. “Gary?”
Gary turned around. “Yeah?”
Arthur paused, then went for it. “You can tell Randall I have a date. If you want.”
Tag list (Let me know if you want to be added!): @harmonioussolve​@clowndaddyfleck​ @stephieraptorr @rommies​
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joshslater · 5 years
The Cupbearer
This is a relay, doing a continuation of tamed-jock’s continuation of jd07201990′s story. Similar stories and bonus material on my Patreon.
Let's write a captains log, like Tyler and I used to do, only this time I have actual observations and events to record. It is now approximately 2 hours and 25 minutes since he placed the cup on me. I immediately went home, and have done some preliminary studies of the object.
My most immediate concern is the attachment mechanism. I can really only think of three, suction, adhesion or some sort of mechanical attachment to my... thing. Observations are a bit limited as the object responds to stimulii. In the first instance when I grabbed it in the rest room there wasn't much of a response. The feeling was similar to that of a vacuum pull in the whole area, but I'm not feeling a constant force as I would expect from vacuum. Also, when the cup was applied it felt like it was filled with, or quickly filled up with a gel of some sort.
Wanting to rule out vacuum, or in best case break the vacuum and remove the object, I attempted to insert a narrow tube from my model steam engine in between the skin and the object. That did provoke a response. It felt like the contents of the cup was rapidly replaced or infused with icy-hot gel. This entry has been delayed by approximately 40 minutes, as I have been lying on my bed and desperately trying to avoid touching it. Every time I fail I get like a pulse of renewed icy-hot in the cup.
I've decided to avoid further experiments and focus on observation and external research. The cup itself appears to be mix of carbon fiber, titanium and some other fairly high tech materials. This points to high tech origin, but beside the logotype I find no other markings like brand, manufacturer, patents, serial number etc. My first attempts to Google this kind of product or stories from someone with similar experience come up short. I took a picture of the logo, cleaned it up and sent it through USPTO image search to see if anyone has a trademark on it, but came up empty as well.
It sure smells bad. I need to come up with an excuse for mum.
I told mum that I'm having my scent-month, as if every teenage boy has one. I said Tyler just had his, so if she checks with his parents they will confirm it. Why does it smell so bad though? It is clearly the cup that emits it, since the smell came on pretty strong only seconds after Tyler attached it. Is it distraction? Is it to mask something else? Is it to make the wearer body conscious or odor conscious and avoid contact with other people? Is it to acclimate the wearer to the smell? I don't see how I can answer any of these questions purely from observation though. Something to sleep on perhaps. How do you pee with this thing?
So the pee just kind of filters out in the lower part of the cup. If you want to use a toilet you have to basically sit on it reverse, do you thing, and then wait a few minutes for it all to drain out. A big drawback is that you have to step out of pants and boxers to even sit reverse on a toilet.
I think the damn thing just woke me up. Or I'm just have a restless night because of all that is happening, and more importantly what will happen. Fuck you Tyler!
It's definitely the cup that woke me. Just as I was waking up I could feel some sort of vibration down there. What other crazy shit have they packed into the device. My bedroom smells like a locker room. Thanks Tyler!
Fuck it, I'm getting up. I'll pee in the shower.
So that didn't work as well as I hoped. I could pee fine, but when I turned on the shower it was like pouring water in a gym shoe. If it smelled bad before, it absolutely reeks now. I think I'm gonna steal one of mum’s pads and tape it to the front, since it is still leaking God knows what and then wrap it in plastic and hope that contains the worst of it.
I didn't think of mobility enough. Jeans are clearly out of the question, so I went to school in chinos. It's bad enough that the cup is rigid, over sized and fully attached. Add to that some extra padding and cram it in chinos that aren't exactly lose to begin with, and you have something that looks funny stationary and awkward/hilarious when moving.
If I walk slowly I think I might come up with a gait that might be described as exaggerated jock sway, which would be step up from whatever ludicrous I'm doing now. Damn, I should have practiced yesterday.
I need to find some better pants, because these are too tight and restrictive.
My efforts to contain the smell isn’t fooling anyone, but I hope it just smells like I have a bad hygiene day. My crotch is a sauna though. The plastic wrap needs to go. Tyler kept his distance. I wonder if he is ashamed, or if he doesn't give a shit. Perhaps they have some sort of protocol he adheres to.
Day 2, 4:40 pm
Let's stop fucking around with the childish infection timer. This is serious. I found something sobering when doing some online patent search.
I was just blindly trying to find patents for any of the different things this cup does, and managed to find a description on "bio-polymer adhesion complex and application for individualized restriction control". I don't understand more than a fraction of what is written, but in the schematics there is a drawing of EXACTLY the cup I'm wearing. The list of example uses in the description includes prison inmates and persons under house arrest. This is a retrofitted fucking ankle bracelet.
It's originally designed to never come the fuck off through tampering. Fuck.
Day 2, 6:30 pm
Mum gave me some Vichy Laboratories excessive odor control deo roll on she bought at the pharmacy. Roll on to what, exactly? Well, she can only solve problems she knows about I guess. Should I tell her? Would she mind having a sports jock son? She would probably tell me to do whatever makes me happy. Would I be happy? Tyler certainly looks pretty fucking pleased.
Day 2, 8:20 pm
I've not spent that much time on wanking before. Like once or twice a month. But now that I can't my mind kind of wanders to it all the time. I've done some, let's call it research, that you can orgasm pretty well by putting something in your ass. Not doing that.
Day 2, 9:46 pm
Got some weird hot flashes in the cup while taking a shower. Smells as bad post shower as the last time. I don't know if it is the smell or I'm tired, but I went to bed early. I'm too hot and sweaty to fall asleep though.
Day 3, 2:12 am
Can I go to the police? This is clearly some sort of assault. Tyler would be the first one under the bus. Perhaps the coach. Probably not further than that. This is backed by serious money after all, so they will just protect themselves and their IP. Does it really matter though? By the time they've forced any action I've had this thing on me for a month, I've grown a donkey dick and gone completely mad. Much good some cash compensation will do then. And do I want to punish Tyler? Fuck yeah I want, but not like that. He's a victim too.
Go directly to a hospital then? If I can't figure out what this thing is or does, how would hospital staff be any better. They'll probably start cutting around it, and there is no telling how it will respond. It was designed to never come off, at least not without a fight. Probably horribly so, to set an example.
Day 3, 2:28 am
I'll try to sleep in the garden. It's cooler outside and doesn't stink.
Day 3, 4:51 am
Dozed off a bit I think.
I've been thinking about the construction of the cup. There are a some design details that has been nagging me. For something that small it appears to be almost magical in abilities and power storage. But then it hit me, it's not crammed packed with batteries, electronics, vials of chemicals and all other stuff you might need to build something like this.
It's biological. Perhaps not in the "alive" sense of an organism, but "alive" in the sense a virus is alive. It's a biochemical robot following instructions encoded in DNA, or something like it. If you consider it a manufactured parasite it all makes sense. It has access to the resources of a full human body and can leech heat energy and pee chemicals off the body indefinitely. The "bio-polymer" attach to the skin, and perhaps even have direct access to nerve impulses. There is really thin membranes in the dick, so it can probably send stuff directly into the blood stream as well.
Day 3, 9:36 am
I just realized I can't remember a thing that has been said so far in school today. I need to cum!
Day 3, 11:23 am
Becky spent her presentation on "Manspreading". She probably started working on the talk already last week, knowing her, but she clearly directed a lot of the points directly at me. Looked directly my way for most of the talk. No, Becky, I'm not subconsciously asserting dominance.
I found a different pair of chinos that works better, Becky. No matter what I do, there will be a pretty sizable bulge down there though, Becky.
Day 3, 14:02
God Dammit! The inside of the cup just went super cold 10 minutes into math class. I couldn't finish a single thing. Just not jumping and screaming was hard enough. It's mostly back to normal now, I think.
Day 3, 15:14
This is what I think happened. They started to test the cups on inmates. By mistake it started to leak chemicals or active DNA from the device into the inmates. They had tested the cup technology artificially before, on pigs perhaps, and hadn't seen these effects. But they didn't put it on the pig’s dick, did they.
So suddenly their inmate control device has turned into the worlds best slow release injector for men. Perhaps even the original formula made dicks grow. They just made the minimal needed changes and paid coach to start human trials on teenagers.
Then why the fuck do I need to keep this log? They must have so much more data on what is done to us to have a useful trial. I guess this might come in handy in the inevitable court case.
Day 3, 16:40
I went to have a cold shower. If anything things just went even worse. How is this happening! FUCKING FUCK TYLER FUCK
Day 3, 20:18
Why do I have to do this? I know what the end point is going to be. A fucking dumb, arrogant jock dick. Assuming it is inevitable, and I don't see any way out, why not have it over and done with tomorrow. Just walk to the gallows and submit. Whatever that thing is doing, physically and mentally, is minimized the sooner it's off me. Back when Becky would speak with me she told me a rumor that the nerds gone jocks all had monster cocks. She didn't say anything about the regular jocks, so it probably is specific to this procedure.
And if they, the old jocks, are not joining up hand over fist to get such dicks, the procedure itself, or the side effects, must be pretty discouraging. Otherwise they would just cram the cup down their own pants.
Let's get rid of this thing first thing in the morning.
Day 3, 11:49 pm
Fuck, it vibrates.
I've been sweating balls, trying to sleep naked without any sheets. I was just sort of tugging at it, to see if I could feel anything in the dick, when it started to vibrate. It's been going for like 15 minutes now.
Day 4, 2:11 am
I smell.
The cup stinks, but I smell. While trying to ignore the humming dick I noticed that my armpits smell like moist gym bag.
I showered like 10 hours ago. That's never been a problem before, so it's definitively changing me somehow.
I fucking need this thing off me ASAP!
Day 4, 2:20 am
fucking god dammit it went ice cold again
Day 4, 7:38 am
So I went to the locker room. Once inside I realized I didn't really have a plan. What if they were not all in on it? I would appear like a lunatic, ranting about sci-fi balls cups. Turns out I didn't need to worry. First guy who saw me, Derek or Devin or something. Big guy, short buzz, looks intimidating. Anyway, he saw me and started shouting "You are not supposed to be here." I was like "I need to get something removed".
He walked up right into my face. "You are not on the list. Tyler fucked up so someone has to be punished. Fuck off!"
I hesitated to leave. He took one step forward, physically pushing me backwards and almost had me trip over. "GET OUT!" he shouted right in my face.
Day 4, 9:16
I've been locked inside the disabled toilet and crying since leaving the locker room. How long can I go with this thing on? You physically die after about a week without sleep, but it is letting me sleep in short bursts, so perhaps it could keep up indefinitely. I can't. I won't. Why shouldn't I just tell everything to mum, have her call the school, the coach, the press. Whatever is needed for someone to get this thing off me.
I should think this over carefully. But how is that possible if you are sleep deprived, horny AF and your dick is on vibrate mode? I can't stay here though. I'll walk home and tell mum first thing she gets home.
When I open the door, the first thing I see is Tyler, leaning against the opposite wall and smiling a smirk.
- Sup bro? - FUCK YOU! You ruined my life! - It was a shit one anyway. You should get another one. - That's not happening either, is it?
Suddenly I was bawling my eyes out. Exhaustion, sleep deprivation, rejection, horniness, anger. It was all coming together.
- Heyyy bro, come here.
I fucking hated him, but somehow I didn’t just bolt. I walked right into his arms and let him hug me. I realized that his change in appearance and personality had obscured his bodily changes. Just feeling his arms around me, I could tell he had gotten a lot stronger.
- You know Steve O'Conner in the chess club, right?
It was such an odd non-sequitur. I had to struggle a bit, but yeah, I'd helped him with a science project last year.
- A little bit, why? - I talked things over. Give him this and you are back on the list, second place.
He handed me another cup, packaged in a sealed, tearable plastic bag. I know I should feel sorry for Steve, but the only thing I could think of was my vibrating dick.
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fanofafan2ff · 4 years
52: Arrived
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I adjusted the blinds in the room so the sun wouldn’t come in as much. It didn’t matter though. Chloe was only going to sleep for an hour before she woke up because she either realized no one was holding her or she was hungry.
Is it possible that a baby could already be spoiled at six weeks? Because Chloe  Monét Brown was just that.
After Mijo and Mel’s wedding, it was like my pregnancy was moving in slow motion. The weeks were going by so slowly, I felt like I’d never hit 40 weeks. But when I did and sis still wasn’t here... I was completely over it! I was beyond uncomfortable, tired, sick, fed, and up- in that order.
Our doctor had given us a two week timeline and if she wasn’t out by then, I’d have to be induced. But, Little Miss Brown wasn’t having that. A day shy of being seven days overdue, my water broke in the middle of the night. I was surprisingly calm.. but all that flew out the window once my first contraction hit.
Thankfully, Chloe didn’t torture me for hours labor wise. I was already dialed to 4 by time we got to the hospital. It didn’t take me long to get to 10 before I was pushing. She was 5 pounds and 2 ounces, which surprised me because I thought she’d be a little bigger than that.
And as young as she was, she already had a personality of her own. She loved to be held and cuddled by everyone, especially Christian. He loved his sister and nobody could tell him anything about his Coco. That’s what he called her and he made sure nobody thought they could call her that too. He was already so over protective of her.
It was definitely and adjustment, having both him and Chloe. Having two kids was no joke. It was extremely difficult about three weeks ago when we got to take her home. He was having kind of a hard time realizing he wasn’t the only child anymore. He had a whole tantrum and even told Chris and I that we liked the baby more than him.
My poor pumpkin felt like we didn’t love him all because he wasn’t the center of attention anymore. In a way it was cute but also concerning. Dr. Lopez had informed me about stuff like this happening but to actually see it was crazy. So one night, after dinner, we made sure to sit down with him and just talk things through.
We let him know that even though Chloe was getting a lot of attention it didn’t mean we loved him any less. And once we incorporated him into her routines, he couldn’t get enough of her. He loved taking naps with her and whenever he’d wake up before her and she started fussing in her sleep, he’d rub her back just the way Chris and I taught him how to so she would doze right back off to sleep. He especially loved to give her his special big brother good night kisses.
Sometimes I swore this wasn’t my life.
It was around 10am, so Christian was in school today and wouldn’t be home until around 4:30. The house was clean and quiet and I was in heaven.. at lest for another hour. I made sure to readjust the baby monitor so I could see her clearly on my phone and pulled up the door before exiting and making my way to the bedroom.
Since giving birth six weeks ago, I’d already dropped 20 pounds which I was grateful for, since I’d gained damn near 50. I’d been eating better, trying to exercise, and breast feeding helped a lot too. All the extra weight on me just didn’t make me feel like myself and I hated it. This shit had to go.
I sheded my pajamas and pulled on some compression shorts and a T shirt. I slipped on the first pair of Nikes I saw and sauntered downstairs to the gym.I kept the baby monitor app up and watched Chloe’s chest fall and rise and she napped in the dimly lit room. I popped one of my Airpods in and started some music up while I started the treadmill up.
MoneyBagg Yo’s voice flowed through my ears as my fast walking turned into strides. Not before long I was in a groove and jogging at a nice pace. I wasn’t anywhere near where I wanted to be weight loss wise. I intended on losing the 50 pounds I’d gain during this pregnancy and well as an additional 20. All together, I needed 70 pounds gone.
Of course everyone around me though my weight loss goal was crazy, seeing as though I was only six weeks postpartum, but I needed this time in the gym for myself. I hadn’t been working as much while I was pregnant with there being so much going on so there was that. After giving birth, I was stuck in this routine of being a stay at home mom and I never saw this for myself so it was weird.
But breast feeding full time came with a lot, so I told myself I’d give it 6 months and then slowly ween Chloe off my boob. After that, I’d go back to working and getting my business back on track. My pockets weren’t hurting for cash at all, thank God. But, I never saw myself living doing the stay home mom thing for real.
And you know who was supportive the who every step on the way when I told them my plan.
Christopher Maurice Brown.
I’d told him my weight goal and before I could even get the reasons why out of my mouth he was already asking if I needed him to get me a trainer. He even vowed to get healthier with me. He wanted to know what he could do to help me out of the funk of the stay at home mom routine. He wanted to help me revive my business. He just.. was everything. I really loved that man to the moon and back.
It was having his support that made literally everything so easy.
Especially with the kids. Chris made sure to make his family a priority- even while having a million and one things to tackle. He was front row center for everything that had to do with Christian and Chloe. He was getting Christian to school and packing lunches, he was changing diapers and rocking her back to sleep when I was too tired to move.
I just really had to thank God for blessing me with this man, even with everything we had been through.
An hour later I had ran about 3 miles, did ab workouts and also worked on my glutes. I was feeling good. I made my way back upstairs and checked on Chloe. I was surprised she hadn’t woken up yet. I used to time to indulge in a super long shower. I even got to wash my hair. She’d not only help my gain a little more junk in the trunk but my hair had grown an extra five inches. I was so thankful. My hair needed a break from wigs and extensions.
After I got dressed and ran some product through my hair, I climbed back in the bed and got comfortable. As the weeks went by she was sleeping a bit more soundly and I was so thankful. I finally had a moment to myself and decided to indulge in social media.
I honestly hadn’t been on there in a while. Between being so busy and actually not caring about what people posted for real these days, I only found myself on here when I had a few minutes of down time.
Cute outfit.
New boutique.
Cute hair style.
“Oh, her nails are bomb.” I said out loud to myself. I continued to scroll through my feed making sure to like a few things. I could feel my eyes slowly getting heavier as I scrolled through my feed. I double checked that Chloe was okay and decided to take a nap. I made sure to set an alarm for 1pm, ensuring that I’d sleep for at least 45 minutes.
I wasn’t sure how long I’d been asleep when I felt wet lips on my face. “She sleep man.” Chris laughed. “But I missed her today.” Christian whispered. I guess he wasn’t trying to wake me up. He was the cutest, I swear.
“Hi pumpkin.” I giggled. He crawled back over and suffocated me with a mini bear hug. “I made Coco a picture today at school.” He boasted. “Oh, you did?” “Yeah, and daddy said I could show it to my grandmas cause they’re gonna come today.” He rambled. Today?
I look at over Chris who was shaking his head at Christian. “Yooo.. you can’t hold water.” He laughed. “Surprise.” Chris shrugged. “Aw, they’re coming?” I smiled tiredly. “Yeah they should be here tonight. I knew y’all was missing each other and they wanted to come see Christian and Chloe. So, I got em some flights and they’ll be staying here for a week or two. And you need the help when I leave.” He said.
He would be leaving for a promo run for his album next week. He’d only be gone for a week and a half, but that seemed like forever these days. We’d spent so much time together lately I honestly forgot what it was like to miss him. And I really didn’t want to remember.
“You’re the sweetest.” I said honestly. “Gimme kiss.” I puckered my lips for him. He leaned over and pecked me quickly. “Ew.” Christian gagged. He got himself off the bed and ran to his room which made Chris and I laugh. I swear he was so dramatic.
I grabbed my phone and checked the time to see I’d only been sleep for 30 minutes. I checked the baby monitor app and saw Chloe was still sleeping. “Why did you pick him up so early?” I asked. He still had a cool 3 hours left. “I missed my son.” He shrugged. He eased on the bed and laid himself right on top of me making me laugh.
“Whyyyyy?” I whined. “Cause I missed my wife too.” “Fiancé .” I corrected. He kissed his teeth. “Fiancé.” He mocked in a voice that was supposed to sound like mine that made me laugh. I placed both my hands on his face and gave him another kiss. “Did you check on Chloe when you got in?” I asked. “Yeah, was still knocked out. That titty milk be having my babygirl gone.” He laughed before rolling off of me.
He placed his arms behind his head and got comfortable. He done a white T shirt, grey Nike shorts, and some socks. His was growing out his facial hair and slowly but surely, his beard was connecting. The scruffy look worked for him. But then again, what doesn’t? He looked so comfortable.. yet so fine.
“Madison.” I heard before snapping back into reality. “Huh?” “Where yo ring at?” He asked. I looked down at my left hand immediately. Shit, where did I put it this time? “I think I took it off in the bathroom last night.” “You think?” He chuckled darkly. “Aight.” He nodded before rolling out the bed and heading to the closet.
My ring was just a little too big for my finger, so it was always sliding off my finger whenever I wore it. Chris and I meant to get it resized but, it’s just been too many things going on. I kept telling myself I needed to do it as soon as possible because I was truly sick of us having this petty argument.
I got up and made my way to the bathroom. I opened the small jewelry box on my vanity and pulled my ring out before slipping it on my finger. I sauntered into the closet and watched as he pulled one of his million duffle bags from the shelf. He had been putting off packing for his trip for days but he was just ready to do it now.. all of a sudden. He was so aggravating I swear.
But, honestly, I was in no mood to argue today. I walked up behind him as he sorted through his Nike collection, trying to pick out some shoes. I pouted as I wrapped my arms around him. “Don’t be mad at me.” I whined. “I’m sorry. See, I put it back on.” I extended my hand so he could see.
“Cool.” He uttered, not even bothering to take a look at the ring. I walked around and stood in front of him. I put his face in my hands for the second time today. “Christopher. Stop being petty.” I rubbed over his ears to relax him a bit. “I keep telling you, it’s too big. I don’t want it to fall off and I don’t want to lose it so I take it off. You think I’m trying to look single out here or something?” I asked.
"I have two kids, nobody’s gonna want me.” I shrugged. The joke made him kiss his teeth. “Stop being mad at meeee.” I continued to whine. “I’m not mad.” He ensured. I let his face go and he continued to sort through his shoes. “I just want you to wear it, alright? I love seeing you have it on your finger.” He explained. “We getting it resized before I leave. Cool?” He asked. I nodded and puckered my lips for a kiss.
He bent down and got dangerously close to my lips before pulling back, “Ha, you thought!” I hated when he did that shit. “You’re not gonna kiss me?” I pouted. “I’m good love.” The side eye I was giving him was vicious. He thought that shit was so funny. I nodded and backed away from him. 
“Keep that same energy, Brown. Keep that same energy. Cause when I get clearance from my doctor next week, you’re gonna be sick. You’re going to live in the doghouse. Better get real acquainted with that left hand, play boy.” I stuck my middle finger at him and made myself comfortable on top of the island which was a few steps away from him. 
He looked back at me with a playful smile. 
“Cap.” He muttered. I lifted my eyebrow, daring him to continue. “I know your body like the back of my hand. You just went six weeks without this dick. And if you put me in the doghouse.. you gon be sick.” He chuckled. “Why does this sound like a bet?” I grinned.
“What you tryna put on it, baby mama?” He asked as he walked over. He knew what he was doing. His hands immediately came in contact with my thighs. He ran small circles over them while staring in my eyes. Ugh, I couldn’t stand him. 
“Let’s put a week of dirty diapers on it.” I said pushing his hands of me. He found it funny but nodded anyway. “Seal it with a kiss?” He asked puckering his lips up. I learned forward and just before we could kiss, I backed up and placed my hand in his face. “You thought!” 
“What she said sis? That pussy is clear for take off!” Kaya clapped. “Pchttt!” Ashley cosigned making the worst airplane sound I’d ever heard in my life. I laughed obnoxiously loud as we sat in the back of the Mexican restaurant. 
I had just left my 6 week check up and I was all good to have sex again. My health was in good shape as well, and I’d lost an additional five pounds. I was feeling good. I had been locked in the house for weeks and I needed to get away and just breathe. So, Mel decided we could all have lunch together. 
Both my babies were at home with both their grandmas. The love and support I’d been smothered this week was so needed. Chris left a few days ago and I was really missing him. Christian would get so sad when he wasn’t here to bring him to school everyday, but Chris promised they’d pick right back up where they left off. 
Both Mama J and Tasha were loving being here with them, but honestly, I think I loved it more. They wouldn’t let me do anything but breastfeed her Chloe. After I’d feed her they’d whisk her away from grandma time which gave me time to catch up on some sleep. My skin and body were so thankful for it. My dad was a bit too busy to take off work but he’d let me know he’d be out to visit soon. I felt like it had been so long since I seen him. 
“It’s just a shame that yo husband ain’t here to be the pilot.” Mel nudged me. I hadn’t told them about the bet and I wasn’t going to. They would root for Chris anyway. I only giggled i response to her words. “I do miss him.” I admitted. It had only been a week and I was ready for it to be over.
“So when are you gonna start planning the wedding?” Mel asked. I shrugged. “Any theme in mind?” Another shrug. “Who’s the maid of honor?” Kaya asked. Another shrug. I literally had no idea. And honestly, the wedding wasn’t on my priority list right now. 
Our waiter came over to the table and somehow Kaya convinced me to get a margarita. I was only having one to celebrate my health and I knew I had to pump and dump my breast milk for the next few hours. I was so glad I’d decided to pump before I decent amount before I had left this morning. 
After a few sips, I was already tipsy. I had never been a light weight, but being away from alcohol for so long had me feeling like I was a college freshman again. It wasn’t before long that I was officially drunk. Shit, it was barely 1pm and I was gone. 
The girls immersed themselves in girl talk as I quickly sent a message on my phone. 
I miss you. 
And your dick 😢
I was trying my hardest to not lose this bet Chris and I had going... but fuck. 
We had sex up until I was about 8 months but after that I literally just couldn’t bother. I was so uncomfortable those last couple weeks I didn’t want to be touched. But, in this moment Chris was making me eat my words. 
I was sick.
I stared into space quietly and I could see myself laid out in the middle of our king sized bed with my legs spread open while Chris sucked on me like his life depended on it. I blinked, and I could see him pushing my thighs back into the mattress and he pounded into me and whispered how good I felt in my ear. I had to take a breath because it’s was as if I could feel every bit of it. 
“Hello?” Ashley snapped. “Did you hear me?” She asked. “Sorry, what?” “I said, I’m single. I’ve decided to devote this year to myself and career.” She shrugged. “So, no more fucking Austin?” I asked. “Nope.” She made sure to pop the third letter. 
“Well, I’m gonna try not to.” She laughed. “Fuck, I just be having them stupid ass moments of weakness when I’m drunk. And Austin never tells me no. That’s he problem!” She reasoned. “Why toxic dick be so goooood?” She whined. “Preach, sister.” Kaya clapped. 
“I’m just gonna keep the focus on myself. Stay celibate- to the best of my ability. Build my brand and kill shit. Period.” She signaled with her hand. “Well, you got our support babes. Always, you know that.” Mel chimed in. “Plus, you know we gon call you the fuck out if you start fucking him again and don’t tell us. Yeah, bitch I’m still salty.” Kaya rolled her eyes. 
Once all the hoopla around Mel’s wedding went away, Ashley spilled her guts on her and Austin messing around again. Turns out they had been having sex wayyyy longer than anyone knew about. She thought he was trying to rekindle the relationship, but turns out he just really wanted to keep having sex. He was stringing her along and once she picked up on it she was out. She would slip up a few times though. 
Ashley rolled her eyes right back. “Well, like I said, toxic dick be good.” She said making us laugh. “I think I wanna move to Atlanta with Ant.” Kaya blurted out. My eyes bulged. That was a big ass step. Especially since Kaya was so strategic with her love life now. Ty really fucked her head up. It took a while for Ant to get through to her, so to hear that she was thinking about moving to another city for him was big.
“Yeah, I know.” She let out a nervous laugh before shrugging. “Wow, that’s big Kaya.” Mel weighed in. “Crazy thing about it is... I’m not even afraid to do. I think... I’m gonna do it.” She sighed. “Am I crazy?” She asked. 
“No!” We agreed in unison. “You love him, and if you think y’all are ready for that step, we’re behind you 100 percent of the way.” I stated. I’m sure Ashley and Mel felt the same way and my sentiments were correct when they chimed in with the nods and words of approval. She looked like she let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. 
“Wait.. that means we’re not gonna be a foursome anymore.” Ashely stated. “Bitch, we gon always be a foursome! The fuck. I wish y’all would have a bitch try to take my spot.” Kaya ranted. I swear we could never have a moment. 
We continued girl talk and I had decided to have one more margarita and take another shot or two. I was officially down for the count. Mel wasn’t drinking really and opted to drive me home. On the way home, I couldn’t shake the feeling between my legs. I really missed my man. 
He still hadn’t texted me back so I decided to call him. No answer. I sighed and slipped my phone back into my Birkin. I was over it. We pulled up to the house maybe about five minutes later and I let Mel know she didn’t have to come inside. I walked up the driveway and slipped inside the house quickly. 
I immediately noticed how quiet it was so that could only mean no one was home or they were all asleep. I waltzed in the kitchen fumbling with my bag as I tried to pull my phone out. My eye cause the pink reminder slip hitched under the magnet in the kitchen. 
Took the kids to the zoo. We should be home around 4. Love you!
- Mama and Tasha 
They were so cute. I found it funny that they never opted to just text me, they always left notes. I sighed at the quietness throughout the house and grabbed a bottle of water out the fridge. I downed the water quickly before shuffling up the steps and into the bed.
I needed nap.
I stripped myself of my jeans and bra and snuggled into the bed with just my shirt and panties on. The buzz I had was going to make for a excellent nap. I yawned and hummed for a few minutes before I felt myself drifting off. 
I stirred when I felt cold hands on my skin. They ran from the top of my thighs down to my knees and then back to my thighs again. A pair of lips connected to my neck next and I thought I was dreaming when I saw Chris staring back at me. 
“So what you missed more? Me or this dick?” He asked before planting his lips on mine. “Definitely the dick.” I giggled. I wasn’t even about to ask how he was here right now. All that mattered is that he was. I pulled him down for another kiss. “I missed you... so much.” I mumbled in between kisses. 
“I.. missed you...more.” He replied. His tongue instinctively found its way into my mouth and I let him take control. He used his knees to spread my thighs so he could lay in between them. He pressed himself against me and I could just feel how hard he was. I was still a little buzzed which made all of this feel even better.
He helped me out my clothes quickly before pulling off the shirt and Nike shorts he was wearing. With barely any foreplay, I was soaked and ready. He began running the head over my clit which sent shivers through me. He literally watched as I got wetter for him. I was sick of him playing with me. 
As if he knew how antsy I was getting he stopped the teasing and began pushing my thighs back so they were touching the mattress. It always amazed me how flexible I could be once it involved taking dick. He used one of his hands to guide himself to my entrance. He began teasing me again, and just before I could protest, he slowly slid inside me. 
I gasped and instinctively sent my hand to his lower torso. He pulled out some before sending a few more inches inside of me as I cried out. “Shitttt.” I sighed. He moved slowly as my body got reacquainted to his size. Once he sensed that I fully adjusted he picked up his speed. 
I could hear how wet I was over our skin slapping together. The beautiful harmonies our bodies created made me even wetter. His hand found its way around my neck and my eyes rolled at the pleasure the lack of oxygen sent me. I shut my eyes for a second before I moaned and forced them open to look him in the eyes. 
He was concentrated on watching collide. “Fuck.” I heard him groan before looking away and finally into my eyes. “You lost.” He grinned.
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saradamnnnn · 5 years
Headcanon: “Sasuke Uchiha Jealous? No way.”
A/N: Wherein dinner between friends end up with a game of Truth or Dare, aided by a bottle of Sake.
Sakura let out a sigh of relief as she finally reached her office. Three surgeries within the day, plus hospital rounds! She was beat.
She reported for hospital duty at 5 AM and now, if the sky were any indication, she guessed it would be sundown soon.
As she closed her door, she realized there was someone in her office. She recognized him right away.
“Anata,” she said softly. Just seeing him made her feel a whole lot better. Sasuke stood up to greet her, it took no more than three strides for him to get to her.
Almost instinctually, Sakura wrapped her arms around his torso. With his one hand, Sasuke returns his wife’s embrace, pulling her close to his chest.
“When did you arrive? It’s a shame, you just missed Sarada, she was assigned on a mission.”
“Ah. I heard. I’ll still be here when she gets back,” Sasuke said, leading his wife to the couch she had in her office.
He had noticed how depleted of energy she was the moment she entered the office. He knew his wife would just give him an earful if he told her to stop working too hard, so he did the next best thing: subtly get her to rest.
“Oh? How long can you stay?” Sakura asked. She was leaning on his shoulder as she drew circles on the palm of his hand.
“4 days. 5 at most,” he said. He leaned his head on hers. She smelled like strawberries and isopropyl alcohol, a smell Sasuke has come to love because well, it was Sakura.
They sat there in silence, just being with each other was enough. They felt at ease, content.
“Sakura, the dobe told me something about a dinner tonight,” Sasuke said. His wife was about to drift into sleep but he didn’t want her to skip her meals, tired as she was.
Sakura’s eyes suddenly popped open and she jumped in panic. “WAIT— isn’t the dinner on the 13th?”
“It is the 13th today,” Sasuke said, his eyebrows furrowed.
“No, that can’t be? I’m certain today still has to be the 12th,” Sakura goes over to her table, which was cluttered with paperwork.
She still had to tackle a tower’s worth. She grabbed the file, the most recent, on top and read the date on it.
“Shannaro...!” Sakura exclaimed weakly. She thought it was an extra long day at the hospital, turns out she’d been here for two days.
Sakura plopped back onto the couch, not even bothering to prop herself up properly. She felt disoriented.
“Sakura, don’t tell me you’ve been here for days and didn’t even know it,” Sasuke said in an icy voice.
Sakura gulped and scratched her head sheepishly. “Want me to make you your favorite tomato soup later?” Sakura said with a grin, attempting to deflect her husband’s reprimanding glare.
Sasuke shook his head at his wife’s attempt. “You’re annoying,” he said, but a small smile escapes.
Sakura couldn’t help but giggle. “Shall we, Anata?” Sakura said, standing up and holding her hand out.
Sasuke takes her hand. “Ah.”
“No.” Sasuke was watching his wife make bad decisions.
Sakura groaned in annoyance. She and Sasuke stopped over at the supermarket to buy something for the dinner, which was going to be at Sai and Ino’s home.
Sakura thought it would be a good idea to bring sake.
“Aw, c’mon, Anata. I bet the rest already bought meat and whatever else for the potluck. We’ll need drinks.”
“Last time there was Sake, you and Naruto took turns puking on me,” Sasuke said with no fondness of the memory.
“That Baka Naruto thought he could beat me in a drinking contest! I had to fight for my honor, Anata!” Sakura said, but slightly blushing because she didn’t realize Sasuke remembered — but of course he did.
Naruto thought it would be a good idea to have a Team 7 reunion. It ended up with Kakashi bailing when Naruto was puking into a water fountain and Sakura passed out on the ground, on the small crater she accidentally made when she tried to save herself mid-fall. Sasuke was left to babysit the usuratonkachi and his darling, drunk wife — who told him “I can hold a drink, I’m not weak!”
“No.” Sasuke said with finality. Sakura pouted but Sasuke didn’t let her have her way. When her back was turned, Sasuke let out a little smile.
They ended up buying meat.
Sasuke and Sakura got to their home around 6:40 PM, the dinner was not for another 50 minutes or so; they still had time to bathe and get changed. Sakura showered first.
Sasuke thought his wife would be ready by the time he got out of the shower but when he does, he’s greeted by the sight of his wife, sitting on the foot of their bed, snoring.
She was clutching onto two dresses, still on their hangers: the first was white with cherry print, and the second a plain navy blue.
Sasuke couldn’t help but snort. His wife always insisted that “I don’t snore, Sasuke-kun. Shut up!” Sasuke used to have a hard time sleeping because of her snoring but now he’s quite fond of it, it made him feel easy, it was a way to know she was there. He still teased her for it though.
“Sakura,” Sasuke gently prodded, poking her forehead. Sakura opened her eyes slowly and immediately turned red in the face.
“Why are you so close!” She jumped back in shock. Sasuke’s face was only an inch away from hers. She knew it was so stupid for her to shy away from her husband but she still very much had a crush on him.
Sasuke rolled his eyes, quite amused. He gently pats her head and says, “navy blue,” as he walks out of their bedroom.
“Shannaro! You’re so annoying!” Sakura throws her shower slipper at his retreating back. Sasuke smiles to himself. Sakura was so fun to tease.
Sakura was left in their room, her face heating up to what seemed to be a thousand degrees.
Sakura walks out their bedroom and Sasuke’s eyes are immediately drawn to her. The dress fell gracefully on her curves, the dress stopping just a little above her knees. She was also wearing the necklace Sasuke got her; a dainty little thing, an Uchiha fan pendant.
His wife looked gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous. Sasuke looked away, feeling a little embarrassed that he was staring a little too intently.
Sakura couldn’t help contain her smile. Her husband looked so handsome in his black button down. He could make such simple clothing look magnificent. She went over to him and gently combed her fingers through his hair to fix it. It was sticking out a little, reminding her of his porcupine hairstyle back in the day. Her heart swelled with nostalgia.
“Ready now?” She asked. “I wasn’t the one snoring,” Sasuke said with a smirk. Sakura’s smile turned into a pokerface. She knew it wasn’t something Sasuke would lie about be she swears, she doesn’t snore!
While Sakura went over the checklist in her head, Sasuke was already by their doorway, wearing his footwear.
“All appliances turned off, stove is turned off, all faucets closed properly, the meat, house keys, wait where are the house keys?” She thought out loud.
She went back into the bedroom and found them on their dresser. This is when Sasuke noticed something about her dress. His eyes widened a fraction. He didn’t realize the dress had been backless.
“Got them!” Sakura exclaimed, ready to go. “What about your coat?” Sasuke asked. He felt himself grow a little overprotective and this annoyed him. But outwardly, he looked like his normal expressionless face.
“It’s a short travel. It’s fine,” Sakura said, not noticing what Sasuke actually meant.
“Ah,” was all Sasuke could say. It was logical, he pushed his overbearing thoughts aside. He did choose the dress after all.
The walk to Ino and Sai’s, even if it was only 20 minutes away, felt long to Sasuke. They had taken a shortcut, through the town square. So naturally, there were lots of people.
A lot of them recognized the pair, Sakura would greet them back and Sasuke would just nod in recognition. Sakura noticed the slight shift in her husband’s mood — she guessed it was because he wasn’t a fan of crowded place. She didn’t think much of it.
Sasuke noticed men were gawking at his wife. Sakura, enveloped in conversation, didn’t notice this.
Sasuke didn’t know if these men were openly doing it or they were just doing a poor job at hiding it.
Suffice to say, this put Sasuke in an off-putting mood. Sasuke moved from walking beside his wife to walking in front of her. Without realizing it, Sasuke had begun glaring at the men, who immediately avertered their sights in fear of the Uchiha patriarch.
Sakura noticed that Sasuke was walking ahead of her now. He always did walk too damn fast for her, much to her annoyance. He was 6 foot 2 and she was a mere 5 foot 4. Sakura took this as Sasuke getting impatient with their pace.
“Anata,” she whined in a small voice, he caught this. One look at her and Sasuke knew. She’s always complained about him walking too fast, “little legs here!” It was one of their squabbles back when they were traveling together.
Sasuke wordlessly went back to his place, by her side. What was the point of backless clothing anyway? It serves no purpose. Stupid, he complained in his head.
“Sakura-chan! Sasuke!” Naruto drawled as he watched his two best friends enter the house.
Naruto went in to hug them but only Sakura returned it, Sasuke stepped out of the hug in his lightning speed fashion. Sakura couldn’t help but laugh.
“Hi, Hinata! How’s Hima?” Hinata had brought Himawari to Sakura a few days ago because she had a fever.
Sasuke took the available seat which was next to Naruto, who already began to talk his ear off. Sasuke sighed.
“She’s doing better now. I think Naruto and Boruto annoyed her into feeling better!” Hinata chuckles.
“Forehead! I haven’t seen you in forever. I thought you wouldn’t ever leave your hospital cave!” Ino went in for a hug, with Sai tailing behind her.
“Wow, you don’t look ugly today, ugly,” Sai says, this earns him a punch from Sakura.
Sasuke used to be displeased whenever Sai called Sakura ugly. But he’s come to realize it was just banter between two friends now. If he didn’t know about Sakura and Sai’s friendship dynamic, Sasuke would have been livid over anyone disrespecting his wife.
“Sasuke-kun! When did you get back?” Ino asked in excitement. It was always a treat to have Sasuke over at one of their gatherings since it was quite rare.
“Hey, what about me!” Naruto complained, pointing at himself. Ino waved him off.
“Nevermind you, I’m so sick of your face!” Everyone, except Sasuke who just gave an amused smirk, at the table bursts into laughter. Because he was Hokage, Naruto’s face was everywhere.
Temari and Shikamaru enter the home.
“Sorry, we’re late. Some people are such a drag,” Temari says sarcastically. Giving her husband a dirty look.
Shikamaru smiles sheepishly. He got carried away with a game of Shogi with Shikadai. Mendokusē, he thinks. “Hi, everyone,” he greets.
(They began catching up and chattering about. This is when Kiba arrives with Shino.)
“We got the goods!” Kiba yells, raising up a case-full of bottles of sake.
“I tried my best to stop this. My apologies,” Shino says.
Naruto, Sakura, Temari, and Ino clap animatedly. The rest, not that excited for what was to come.
They still had a bit of food left, which no one was surprised of. Choji couldn’t come so they were bound to have extra food.
“I apologize, I have to head out first. I have an early class to teach tomorrow,” Shino said.
“Stay for a little while, Shino! We rarely get together like this,” Naruto said, but also aware he had a ton of work to do at the Hokage’s office.
Shikamaru chuckles because he’s just read Naruto’s mind. There was more paper in Naruto’s office than actual furniture. The adult life was really something.
“Honestly, when it’s past 9, I already get sleepy,” Shino shyly admitted.
“Oh boy, we’re getting old,” Temari says, amused. She could relate.
“Not me! I’m still so youthful!” Naruto exclaimed, still the only one chowing down on the food. Hinata stared at him adoringly, Sasuke and Sakura shook their head. He was still such a messy eater.
“Can’t believe this idiot is the Hokage,” Sakura and Sasuke thought in unison, they look at each other as if to see if they were thinking the same, and one look from each other and they knew. Sakura giggles and Sasuke hides his smile as he drinks water from his cup. Ino notices this exchange.
“You guys are so cute!” Ino expresses in glee. Sakura blushes and Sasuke pretends not to hear.
“Don’t leave, Shino! I’ll be outnumbered by the couples!”
Shino looked at Kiba blankly. “You already are. They came in pairs, you are single. Akamaru doesn’t count.”
“That’s because you don’t get sleep, Naruto,” Shikamaru chimes in.
“That’s because I don’t need it. Sleep is for the weak ‘ttebayo!” Naruto shouts with pride. He flings his chopsticks in the air as he does this, this causes grains of rice to fly.
“Naruto-kun!” Hinata scolds, Naruto realizes the mess he’s made and sheepishly apologizes. “Sorry, dear! Hehe.”
“Why are you apologizing to her? I’m the one who’s gonna have to clean up,” Sai deadpanned. This earns a collective laughter.
“You’ve trained him well, Ino!” Temari howled in laughter.
“Hey, I help around the house, too,” Shikamaru piped in. Temari rolled her eyes at her husband playfully.
“What can I say? He’s helpful and cute,” Ino said, patting Sai on the cheek affectionately. This makes Sai smile.
The rest of them made puking noises. “Should we leave?” Kiba asked jokingly.
“Let’s play a game!” Kiba says, hauling the case of sake onto the table.
The lot of them beamed in excitement, except Hinata, Sasuke, and Shikamaru.
Temari rolls her sleeves up her elbows and Shikamaru visibly gulps. “Mendokusē. I already foresee the disaster,” Shikamaru said, scratching his head. Sasuke and Hinata shared Shikamaru’s sentiments. They didn’t need their kekkei genkai to see this was indeed going to be disastrous.
“Let’s get this party started dattebayo!” Naruto claps excitedly. He produced shadow clones to help set the dishes aside.
“If you puke on the floors, I will personally use you as a mop to clean it up,” Sai told Naruto with a smile. Ino bursts into laughter, she knew well enough that Sai was serious — they just had their floors done and Sai was borderline obsessed with keeping them spotless.
“Me? Puke? As if. I can take my drink, unlike some people,” Naruto said the last bit in a whisper.
“Excuse me, what was that?” Sakura piped in, feeling her competitive side pique.
“Don’t provoke her, idiot,” Sasuke said. He still remembered the shock he felt when he found out Sakura accidentally reduced their home into rubble.
“You’re so biased, Sasuke!” Naruto exclaimed, childishly.
“It’s just facts, Naruto-kun. I can take a drink better than you,” Sakura said with a confident smile.
“It’s true. Women can take alcohol better,” Ino piped in and the rest of the kunoichi agreed.
“Ohoy! Is that a challenge?” Naruto exclaimed. “That’s just not concrete fact,” Shikamaru added.
“So I suppose we have to see. You ladies vs us men?” Sai said
“Let’s go!” Naruto cheered.
“This’ll be easy,” Sakura said, cracking her knuckles. She went over to the other side of the table, along with Hinata. They switched places with Shikamaru and Sai.
Naruto noticed Sasuke didn’t show any indication that he was up for the game — which by all honesty, wasn’t out of character.
“Hey, Sasuke. C’mon!” Sasuke looked at him and shrugged, “my wife’s not weak.”
Sure, Sakura could get into such a drunken state but Sasuke knew she was much tolerant to alcohol than Naruto.
Sasuke’s comment earned hollers from the men and gushing from the women, Sakura looked down at the table, blushing at her husband’s compliment.
“So whipped -ttebayo!”
(28 bottles of sake later...)
Only Sasuke, Shikamaru, and Hinata were sober. Sakura was walking the fine line of being drunk & being tipsy. The rest were outright drunk.
Naruto found his way over to Hinata, plopping himself beside her. He then began poking her cheek. “Hinata-chaaaan,” he drawled.
“What?” She asked her clearly drunk husband. “Hi!” At first Hinata found it cute, but at the 11th time he did it, she smacked him off the bench they were sitting on.
Shino and Kiba somehow thought it would be a good idea to play Tag. They ran to the Yamanakas’ backyard with loud chuckles. The both of them couldn’t agree on who would be ‘it’. In the end, they decided they’d let there shadows chase them. It made no sense but in a drunken thinkinf, it was the best idea ever.
Sai decided to play some music on “Karaoke!” He yelled, he was now standing on top of the table. Sai, Ino, and Temari began singing their lungs out and swaying to the music.
“You sound so good!” Temari told Ino, who then replied, “You do, too!” the kunoichis then high fived.
But in reality: Temari was out of tune and Ino was out of sync. Sai, dancing on the table didn’t match the song’s rhythm one bit.
Sakura was the only one who was still drinking. She chugged two whole bottles all by herself and then some. She was currently finishing up the 29th bottle they had.
“Shannaro! How can you guys be such weakshits!” She giggled, raising the bottle in the air like it was a trophy. Sasuke decided it was nearly her drinking limit — if her pink cheeks were any indication.
Swiftly and quietly as he could, he took the last bottle of sake and hid it. At this point, he’s moved seats and is now sitting next to his wife.
He was holding her head up because it would lull back and forth, ever so slightly, every now and then. Her exhaustion plus alcohol intake taking its toll.
“A-anata. Where’s the last bottle? I’m going to win this!” Sakura hiccuped, now resting her head on her husband’s shoulder.
“It’s gone,” Sasuke said, he technically wasn’t lying. Sasuke was a little relieved that Sakura still had some of bearings, she was still aware of her surroundings.
“Oy! You kids come back here,” Shikamaru yelled at Shino and Kiba. Who to his surprise, listened, he guessed following orders was basically a reflex action for ninjas.
The rest of the drunk people followed suit. When Kiba reached the table, he eyed the bottle that was in Sakura’s hand, thinking it still had some contents in it.
“Awww,” Kiba whined when he realized Sakura had emptied it.
Sakura sees Kiba’s sad expression. “Don’f be sad!” She stands up, and gets dizzy by the suddeness. Both Sasuke and Kiba hold her to keep her from falling. Sasuke gets a tad annoyed. He can take care of his own wife.
“Don’t be sad! C’mon let’s dance!” Sakura told Kiba. Sakura was naturally compassionate person and it heightened whenever she had alcohol in her. She could see a dog in the rain and she’d cry for a straight hour.
Sakura takes hold of Kiba’s hand and they join Sai. Kiba forgets about the sake and gets lost in the frenzy of the music.
Sasuke notices all of this, his annoyance growing. He watched as Kiba and Sai put their arms around Sakura as the three of them jumped in glee to the music.
He was pleased that Sakura was enjoying himself but Kiba and Sai could enjoy themselves, at least a feet away from Sakura, too, he thought to himself.
“You lot settle down, come back to the table,” Hinata said gently, the three of them obediently followed.
When Sakura came back to sit next to him, he tugs at her hand from under the table, inconspicuosly pulling her closer to him.
“Truth or dare! We have empty bottles to spin now!” Kiba exclaimed, taking one from the pile that’s accumulated from the floor.
“Yes, twenty-nine to be exact,” Shino said, counting the bottles, swaying at his step.
“Sasuke-kun! See? Missing one!” Sakura whined.
“Shh, that’s enough,” Sasuke whispered in her ear. Sakura pouted and rested her head back on her husband’s shoulder.
Kiba spun the bottle and it landed on Temari.
“Okay, Truth or da-“
“Dare!” Temari slams the table and stands up as she yells this.
“I dare you to tell us the most embarrassing memory you have with Shikamaru!” Kiba chuckles
“Oy!” Shikamaru complained, his wife was incredibly blunt when intoxicated. He tugs at her sleeve to get her to sit back down. She ends up sitting on his lap, she was too drunk to feel embarrassed about it.
“This idiot brought me to a hotel for what I thought was our first date! I thought he was some kinda pimp! Turns out he was asking me to help choose a gift for your wedding!” Temari says with a laugh, pointing at Naruto and Hinata.
Naruto was half passed out cold, resting his head on Hinata’s shoulder, his mouth wide open, drooling. Hinata laughs, mainly because Shikamaru has turned three shades of red.
“Mendokusē,” he groans. “Pimp!” Temari teases him.
Temari spins the bottle with such force that it teeters off the table. Shino retrieves another bottle. “Good thing we have a lot of spare.”
This time the bottle lands on Sakura. “Dare!” She says with energy but her heavy eyes say otherwise
“Was there a time you got horribly jealous?” Ino asked, her arm around Sai, who was still animatedly dancing in his seat.
Sakura chuckles and hides her face in Sasuke’s shoulder.
He smells so nice, Sakura thought. Sasuke didn’t show it but he wanted to hear her answer.
“Well, when we were traveling, there was this inn keeper who openly flirted with Sasuke,” Sakura said, wearing a bitter smile on her lips.
Sasuke didn’t recall any inn keeper. He looks down at his wife with raised eyebrows.
“She asked you out for dinner while I was right beside you, Sasuke-kun!” Sakura exclaimed.
“You can be so dense sometimes, Anata. Good thing you’re so cute,” Sakura giggles, pinching Sasuke’s cheeks.
“Woah!” The group was so shocked at the scene before them.
Sasuke Uchiha, one of the deadliest ninjas in the world was just called... cute and had his cheeks pinched... and he let it happen.
Even Naruto sobered up a little due to shock.
Sasuke was paralyzed, his face heating up. To make matters worse, Sakura gives him a smack right on the lips.
“Cutie Sasuke-kuuuuun!” Drunk Sakura drawled. Very unaware of the fact that her husband’s turned into the very shade of a tomato.
“I really am drunk, did that actually happen dattebayo?” Naruto asked, looking around if anything he was seeing was actually real.
Luckily for Sasuke, Kiba pukes at that moment — diverting the attention.
“NO!” Sai leaps to his feet.
From there, the dinner took an official close. “Don’t worry, they’re all too drunk to remember this,” Shikamaru told Sasuke who was looking at his smiling albeit drunk wife with a facepalm.
Hinata made a zipping motion across her lips, indicating, what happened would be kept secret. Sasuke nodded in thanks.
“What about you, Sasuke-kun? Do you ever get jealous?” Ino asks, face on the table, clearly dizzy.
Before Sasuke could formulate an answer, Sakura beats him to it. “Sasuke Uchiha jealous? No way!”
Sasuke scoffs.
List of my SasuSakuSara headcanons 
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beanfic · 5 years
Pairing: Tyler Joseph x reader
Word count: 1966
Warnings: Talk of sex, angst, and language
Author’s note: Part 1 of a little mini series! Not sure how long this will be, either 3 or 4 parts! :) 
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“Holy shit,” you mumbled under your breath as you peeled your eyes open from the sleep that crusted them closed. You looked around at the unfamiliar room you were in, and the unfamiliar bed you were laying in. The body that laid next to you tossed and turned, and you groaned slightly as the memories of last night came back to you. 
The light from the window made your head pound from the hangover that was slowly creeping its way up. You wanted to get out of bed and close the blinds but there was no way you wanted to wake him. 
‘Him’ had a name. It was Tyler Joseph. It also happened to be your ex’s best friends brother. Her name was Maddy, and you and she had been inseparable since elementary school but that all changed when college came along. It just wasn’t the same, and you guys grew apart, and now you barely even exchange looks when you have invited to any of the parties that her brothers threw. 
“Ty,” you softly nudged the tattooed shoulder of the boy that laid asleep. It took you a second to realize that you were also not wearing clothes, and you pulled the sheets up to your chin as Tyler sleepily opened his eyes and smiled at you. 
“Good morning, Buttercup,” he yawned and he wrapped his arms around your waist, closing his eyes once again. Your heartfelt warm with the name that he called you. You remember when you first kissed Tyler, it was at senior year prom inside the photo booth. You two never made it official, and you definitely did not want to act on the emotions after you and Maddy had you're falling apart. 
“Can you explain to me what happened last night,” you chuckled. Tyler leaned over the side of the bed and when he sat back up he held an oversized Twenty One Pilots shirt. 
“Here, wear this.” He handed you the shirt and you threw it over your bare body. “Jay threw a party last night, and I saw you and you invited me to play beer pong with you, Jay, and Jordan.”
“Who won?”, you asked as you pulled your knees up to your chest and held them closely as you waited for him to tell the rest of the story.
“You and Jay did, but Jordan and I got close. Josh and I didn’t even want to go to the party since it would be filled with 20-year-olds but he convinced me and then I ended up actually having a really good time with you.”
“I’m glad you showed up because I kept on trying to avoid Maddy all night. It sucks being friends with your family but being hated by your sister,” you sighed and Tyler rubbed your back.
“It’s okay, anyways, back to the story! We both kissed, and then took more shots, and then kissed some more and now we are here.”
You groaned and covered your eyes with your hands, “Did we?”
“I think so,” Tyler rubbed the back of his neck with his hand as he stared into your eyes. 
“I’m so sorry,” you spoke softly but Tyler lifted your chin up with his hand and he pulled you in close for a kiss. His lips were soft, and they tasted like leftover alcohol.
“Don’t be sorry, we both wanted it,” he whispered as he pulled away and you smiled shyly.
“That’s very true,” you admitted. You had been wanting to make love to Tyler for the past two years, but it was rare when you got to see him because he was busy touring with Josh. 
“I wish I could just make you my girlfriend.”
“I know, Ty, but as I said before it would be too hard with you touring and me going to college. Plus your sister hates me.”
“The tour part is a good excuse, but you got to stop caring about my sister. You guys haven’t been friends for two years but my family still invites you over all the time. You’re one of Jay’s close friends too.”
“I know, it just is really hard to lose a friend, okay? You wouldn’t understand because you’re a guy,” you groaned.
“Whatever you say,” Tyler kissed your lips again and threw his legs over the bedside and started to stretch. You watched in awe as the bluish morning light danced over his back and shoulder muscles. You noticed their faint scratch marks and you started to blush.
“Do you know exactly what we did last night?” you asked shyly and Tyler turned around to look at you?
“What do you mean?”
“Like I know we made love, but your back has scratches on it, I guess I just don’t really remember exactly what happened,” you bit your lip nervously as you waited for his answer.
“I guess you liked it rough,” he chuckled and you threw a pillow over your face to hide the embarrassment. “I’m going to take a shower, and then did you want a drive back to campus?”
You nodded, “that would be nice. Is this your childhood bedroom?”
“Yep, the one and only,” Tyler smiled as he looked around at the blue walls. You had never been in his room even though you had spent almost every weekend over at his house when you were little. 
You pulled on the pair of jeans you wore the night before but kept on Tyler’s oversized t-shirt. Hopefully, he wouldn’t mind that you were going to keep it, you just didn’t want to put on the tube top that you had worn to the party. The time from when Tyler went in to take a shower, and when he walked back into the room wearing just a shower seemed like 5 minutes. 
“Why are you staring at me,” Tyler smirked.
“You’re just so handsome.”
“Thank you, and you are beautiful to Buttercup.” He dropped his towel as he pulled on a pair of boxers, followed by a pair of jeans. His Nintendo hoodie was the last article of clothing and you finally were able to look away. He was mesmerizing, he always has been. 
Tyler headed downstairs and you followed close behind him. You really did not want to run into his siblings, but at least you did not have to worry about his parents since they were out of town. Your luck was run short as Maddy and Jay were sitting in the family room watching an episode of the Office.
“Y/N, I didn’t know you spent the night!” Jay said and you nodded shyly before looking away. 
“We’re headed out, see you guys later,” Tyler waved. You looked back just in time to catch a dirty glare from Maddy. You could tell that both she and Jay knew what ended up happening, and you really did not want to deal with that. 
“When are you leaving for tour again?” you asked Tyler once you were in his car as an attempt to make small talk. 
“I leave for two weeks for some festivals in South America on Wednesday!”
“Wednesday? That’s in two days and you just got back from your Europe tour,” you pouted.
“That’s the life of a successful musician!”
“And an egotistical one!” you joked and Tyler laughed. You were disappointed though, you wanted to spend more time with him one and one, and maybe even go on a few dates. You enjoyed being around him, and he was so loving and caring towards you. 
“I’ll text you, okay?” Tyler promised as he dropped you off at your sorority house. You nodded and shot him a thumbs up. Tyler waved as he drove away and you sniffled away your sadness. You did not want to cry over someone you aren’t even dating. 
“Are you okay?” a girl asked from outside the bathroom stall that you were puking in. You wiped your mouth with toilet paper and flushed the toilet.
“I think I have the flu,” you murmured as you opened the stall door. Your friend, Taylor, stood outside with her arms crossed. 
“This is like the tenth time you have thrown up this week! You should go see a doctor,” she suggested but you shook your head.
“I don’t like doctors, and I’m pretty sure it’s just the flu!”
“Whatever you say, have you talked to Tyler since he left?” she asked and you nodded.
“We text whenever he has free time, which hasn’t been that much. I miss him and he has only been gone for a week.”
“It’s understandable, you’re in love,” Taylor teased you and you rolled your eyes. 
“I think love might be a little dramatic.”
“Whatever you say,” she sang as she headed back to her room. You headed back to yours where your two roommates were in there eating breakfast. One was your “Big Sister”, her name was Emma and she acted as not only as honorary Big Sister in the sorority but also as a real sister because you always go to her for advice and everything. 
“Hey Em, can I talk to you?” you asked nervously. She nodded and grabbed her car keys. Since the house was filled with about 40 girls, the only private place to talk was in Emma’s car. You both headed down and hopped in the front seats.
“What’s up?” she asked. Her eyes danced across your face as she looked for a hint as to what was going on.
“I’m l-late,” you stuttered and you broke down in tears. 
“Hey, hey, hey, it’s okay,” she rubbed your back. “Y/N, look at me.”
You looked up at her through foggy eyes, “I’ve been throwing up, and I’m late. Emma, I’m fucking pregnant.”
“You don’t know that something else could be going hormonally which is making you late and feeling sick.”
“I bet he didn’t use protection that night, I didn’t even think to ask and I don’t even really remember it,” you ranted and Emma just hugged you tight and allowed you break down.
“Let’s go to the store and I can pick up different tests to see, it’s going to be okay,” she said as she tried to calm you down. You nodded and wiped your nose in your sleeve. 
You scanned the aisle of various pregnancy tests, but you could not get your brain to focus on any of them. You were terrified. 
“Should we do this one?” you asked, grabbing what seemed like a reliable brand. Emma came over and inspected it.
“This looks good, but we should get a couple!” She grabbed two other boxes. 
You checked out, got a weird look from the register lady, and headed back to the sorority house. Your heart was already racing.
“Wish me luck,” you tried to joke. 
“I’ll be in my room, come find me after!” 
You nodded and went into the stall. You opened the three boxes and read each of the instructions. Luckily, they were al similar, and it was a good thing you had drank a lot of water. You peed and then all you had to do now was wait. 
Time was going by slower than it ever has. You tried to distract yourself by scrolling through your phone. You wanted to text Tyler, but you also did not want to freak him out during his tour. You decided that if worse comes to worst, You will tell him via phone call. 
You jumped a little when the timer went off on your phone. You took a deep breath and looked down at the results. Your eyes had a hard time reading them all, but eventually, your eyes were able to make out the faint lines.
The faint two lines.
“Fucking dammit,” you whispered.
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hollowcrovvn · 5 years
The Ostensive Fumblings of Being Human (part 2)
Pairing: Connor x female!reader Rating: G for Gross Cute Crap Summary: Set two months after the ending of Detroit: Become Human, androids are living in government created “pop-up” communities while efforts are being made to integrate them into society. You are a grad-student volunteer with the Detroit Crisis Response Unit (DCRU), working to help with relief efforts… or at least, doing the work no one else wants to do. Which brings us to part 2.
(part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (part 5) (part 6) (part 7) (ao3)
The moment kept playing in your mind, giving you little snapshot glimpses of his face when he saw your phone number written on the cup. His face, perplexed, but so curious as he took in your every word with such rapt attention. 
“Ugh… no.” you whined towards the ceiling, throwing your head back and sinking further into your sofa. Some TV series played ideally while you tapped a stylus on the screen of your tablet, opened to some notes regarding your most recent class. You risked short glances over to your phone. 
“Stop it.” you said to yourself, “It’s not a big deal and you don’t even know if he’ll text.”
You sat silently for a moment, nearly forgetting about it in the thrall of the TV and procrastination on your assignment when your eyes slowly drifted over to it again.
“Son of a bitch.” you huffed, throwing tablet aside as you got up and made your way across the small one bedroom apartment to your smaller bathroom. You needed a shower and some comfy clothes and maybe some sleep. 
Several minutes later you came out from the bathroom, towel drying your hair and feeling a bit more human with the cold no longer biting at your skin still from the damp outside. You weren’t looking, not really, your eyes just fell to the phone on the small kitchen table and noticed the screen was list with an envelope icon.
You managed to pretend not to be interested for approximately fifteen seconds before you were over, picking up the phone and trying to not think about how fast your heart was going as you opened the message…
… which was just from your DCRU supervisor reminding you to go to the DPD station downtown after checking in on site tomorrow.
You felt your heart fall and sighed as you clicked the message and set a reminder. Someone in Jericho had requested a number of open human-on-android violence cases as well as android-on-human and someone had to go get the stats. Most android cases were still considered “sensitive” so the only way to get the information was from the source. It was a placating act, something to make Jericho not so hostile to DCRU and their efforts, even if they could realistically do nothing about the numbers. You wondered if you would be lucky enough for it to be the same station Connor worked at.
You took your phone and headed off to bed, setting your alarm. It was nearly 11:40, which was not ideal if you didn’t want to be a zombie tomorrow. Sighing, you flicked off your lamp and curled up, closing your eyes and tucking in. Your breath began to slow and your body relax when suddenly the darkness behind your eyelids lit.
You opened your eyes a slit and saw the envelope notification with a question mark attached.
[ new sender ]
[ accept msg y/n? ]
You never hit “y” so fast in your life. 
[ from: DPDCNSL#317
Thank you for agreeing to continue corresponding with me. I am looking forward to the experience.
And thank you for the coffee.
Have a good evening, ---.
Connor ]
And then before you could respond the little dots indicating he was responding popped up immediately.
[ from: DPDCNSL#317
Lieutenant Anderson has informed me that saying, “I am looking forward to the experience” sounds “creepy”. I am looking forward to being able to speak with you more.
Connor ]
You smiled and quickly wrote up a reply-- which you waited a few minutes to send because… like that is what you did right? You didn’t wanna reply too fast… right? You killed some time, changing his name in the message box.
[ from: ---
You’re welcome. And pls don’t thank me for that pitiful excuse for bean water. Next time, I’ll get you a latte and you’ll never be the same again. ]
[ from: Connor
You are correct, but not in the way I believe you think.
Regardless, I would like that. You are studying at Wayne State, correct? ]
You froze, staring at the words with shock. How the hell did he know that?
[ from: ---
You pull up my file, copper?]
[ from: Connor
I did a search on the internet. You came up under the staff listing as a research assistant for Urban Studies. Is that correct? There is no image, so it could be another ---. ]
[ from: ---
Bit weird to be searching for someone you just met. ]
[ from: Connor
I agree. Lieutenant Anderson located the information and sent it to my terminal. I was… curious. I apologize, I do not wish to cause you to feel uncomfortable. ]
It didn’t really matter much. All the information on the website was basic things and any social media you had was hidden from the outside. It was harmless, as far as most things went.
[ from: ---
It’s alright, next time you can just ask me. Though I think to make it up, you can buy me the coffee. Only fair. :)  ]
[ from: Connor
I do receive a salary now, so that is a possibility.
--- it is now almost midnight. You should be resting as you have already lost two hours of the recommended time for sleep. I would recommend lowering your caffeine intake to 300mg per day to prevent further sleep disturbance.
Good night, ---.  ]
[ from: ---
You can pry my coffee from my cold dead hands, hippy.
Good night.  ]
Wildly specific advice aside, it was-- kinda sweet. That bit that you assumed was a joke about “receiving a salary” got a small chuckle from you. After waiting a few minutes though, it appeared that he was done messaging for the night.
Not too bad, you hummed to yourself, First potential friend outside of campus in four years. Adult humaning at last.
“Checking in on site” was just code for “bring us all our coffee order before you do any real work” and you did so as usual, dropping the cups off at the various desks, crowded into the small “conference” building. All of the DCRU’s own buildings were of the same shake-n-bake quality as the shelters put up for the androids. They did little to hold out the chill, but they kept out the damp. Several people had space heaters beneath their desks or blankets wrapped around their legs.
After dropping off the last drink, you made your way over to the desk of the person you liked most of all the superiors, chiefly because he would never ask you to bring him coffee. His name was Josh, and he had served as one of Markus’ companions during the start and the heart of the revolution. Prior to Jericho, he had been a university professor, which was something you found common ground with.
He was sitting still, as if staring off into the distance, but a quick note of his eyes would show them flickering back and forth. He was reading.
“You ready to do some real work?” he said, voice tinged with faint humor as he continued to scan through whatever files were working their way through his synthetic mind. You’d gotten use to this.
“Yes, for the love of Markus Christ.” you huffed, enjoying in the private joke. Since the revolution there had been no less than 112 articles official and amateur declaring Markus as an android “Messiah”. Based upon Josh’s word, this caused the actual Markus a great deal of discomfort, but still the metaphor stuck.
“I’m going to have to tell Simon that one.” Josh said with a laugh, finally turning his eyes to you indicating he was finished with whatever he was working on.
“But first things first.” he said, pulling out a tablet and handing it to you. It was one of his.
“You know most of these “deviant” criminal cases are still on lock down?”
You nodded.
“We’ve gotten clearance to have the files downloaded. Part of our agreements with the government involve… some explaining. I won’t sugar coat it. Some of these open cases are violent, resulting in death of the human or the android or sometimes both.”
You swallowed, eyes flicking to the tablet as if there would suddenly appear images but there was only a menu showing how to accept file download.
“... death can be a hard topic for anyone. Even more so for your people when it involves Android on Human crimes. You may see some disturbing things. You alright with this?”
“Of course!” you said, a bit quickly and a bit more defensively than intended.
“I mean that… I want to do anything I can to help. I know that… I know they are pressuring to have these androids turned over for prosecution.”
If Josh were non-deviant, he wouldn’t have tensed at the words, but he did. 
“Historically speaking, we haven’t given any android justice. I know this is important. Anything I feel is secondary to that… is what I mean.”
Josh smiled warmly, standing up and hesitantly patting your shoulder.
“You remind me of my old students, ---. I’m sure you’ll do what you can.”
You nodded vigorously, because you would. 
It was too far and too cold to walk the length of Detroit back towards downtown, so you took an automated cab. You’d tucked Josh’s tablet safely away in a rucksack over your shoulder and flipped through your phone idly.
You hovered over the message window with Connor for a moment before quickly sending off a few lines.
[ from: ---
Just so there are no surprises, I’m heading to the DPD station rn for unrelated stuff. Might see you! ]
It took you way longer than necessary to actually hit send, but when you did you were shocked that his response was almost instantaneous. 
[ from: Connor
Unrelated to what? Also, are you alright? Do you have an open case with the DPD? ]
[ from: ---
It’s all good. And meant I just happen to be that way as opposed to ya know, stalking. ]
[ from: Connor
“Stalking” does imply stealth, which would be in direct opposition of your current actions if that was the intent. I agree that your  actions do not constitute “stalking”.  ]
You huffed a sigh, but then were startled as the message pinged again.
[ from: Connor
Bit weird though.  ]
You felt a smile slowly form at one corner of your lips
[ from: Connor
That was a joke, in case it was too vague.  ]
[ from: ---
I gotcha ;)
See you in a bit maybe.  ]
And with that, you shut off your phone’s display just in time to exit the cab out front of the DPD building. Inside, the DPD had the same tell tale signs of the android revolution with its lack of noticeable androids. It was not until you got up to the reception desk that it dawned on you they both were identical. They were androids, they had just removed their LED. She was even wearing a name tag that said, Alicia in clear bold font. She was wearing regular professional wear, no Android identifiers in sight.
You’d heard the DPD had gotten on board relatively quickly with providing androids with pay, not wanting to lose the bulk of their staff. While the cleaning crews were absent, the receptionist turned up her face and smiled pleasantly,
“Good morning, how may I assist you?”
“Good morning!” you said, a bit too quickly, “My name is ---, I’m here from the Crisis Response Unit. I have a meeting with Captain Fowler.”
“Yes, we were told to expect you! Do you have your I.D.?” she said, and you were struck by how… friendly she was, as opposed to all the other ST300’s you’d encountered. You pulled out your “badge”, which was nothing more than an I.D. card with a special DCRU designation stamp inside a flip wallet. You passed it to her and she scanned it quickly.
“You’re all set! Just head right through these gates here and go straight back. Fowler’s office is the one in the middle with the glass doors, it should not be hard to miss, but if you get lost just grab one of the officers. They all should know all too well where his office is.” she said with a faint laugh at some private joke.
You nodded, fumbling to put your I.D. with a quick “thank you” before you headed through the gates. It was bigger inside than you expected, with several desks and lots of people working, standing and having their morning coffee or otherwise engaged. You noted the glass enclosed office towards the middle of the room and headed in that direction. There were three people already waiting inside and two of which you recognized immediately.
Captain Fowler was up, preparing to come open the door for you, but Connor beat him in a few brisk steps.
Hank was grinning at you in that suspicious way that you recalled from grade school… like he knew something you didn’t. In this situation, it was pretty unsettling. Did they find that parking ticket from sophomore year?!
“Good morning Ms. ---, please, have a seat.” Fowler gestured to the one other empty chair next to Hank, “These two suspect characters are Lieutenant Hank Anderson and his partner, Connor. They have been working the deviant android cases since the start.”
Connor politely offered you his hand, which you took. He squeezed gently, mischief glinting in those brown eyes before he let go and all but ushered you to your seat. Hank snorted.
“We’ve met.” Hank said, disregarding any pleasantries. 
Fowler looked surprised.
“We frequent the same coffee shop.” you added, “So it was a very brief meeting.”
“You’re lucky.” Fowler said, eyeing Hank with disapproval. Hank seemed oblivious, or more likely, immune.
“We’ve been informed that the ADA’s office is seeking to prosecute these androids. It is highly likely that they are being concealed among the deviants at the relief camp.” Fowler leaned back in his chair, “So, we’ve been told to assist you in whatever way you need.”
“Some of us are a bit too eager…” you heard Hank muttered under his breath. Connor’s eyes trailed on him slowly, making no expression you could see but Hank must have gotten the message because he grumbled and slumped back.
“I appreciate that, Captain Fowler.” you began, “Markus has agreed that his people will search into the population of their androids for these individuals. It’s a good start to integrate androids into the justice system.”
Though you had your own opinions regarding the effectiveness of that. How could any android expect a fair trial when a jury of their peers would most likely be full of humans? But that was a topic for another time and place.
“These files are sealed, so we are requesting a downloaded copy so that efforts can be made to locate these androids.”
Captain Fowler looked unconvinced.
“I have confirmation from the governor and the President’s staff approving this request, if you would like to see it. The governor also said you might like to call her office as well.”
“I think I will do that. In the meanwhile, if you’d gentleman escort Ms. --- to the break-room where she might be a bit more comfortable?”
Hank stood and gave Connor a hard pat, “All you buddy.”
He left without a second glance.
“Right this way. ---.” Connor said, Chief Fowler now too engrossed with his phone to notice Connor used your first name.
It was hard to contain a smile as you walked alongside the detective, following him to a small break-room.
“Coffee?” he asked and you nodded briskly. He poured some of the dark, strong smelling liquid into a mug that read “#1 Dad” and after considering for a moment, pot still in his hand, he poured another.
Bringing both he came to sit with you at a rickety table, stabilized by a half folded paper plate under one leg.
“Don’t think this counts.” you said, taking the mug in both hands, enjoying the warmth if not the overly strong taste.
Connor did not drink.
“You work with the Detroit Crisis Response Unit?” he said, getting right to the point.
“Volunteered. Don’t give me too much credit though. When I joined up, it was all about flooding relief. The Android situation was a surprise.”
“Do you dislike Androids?” he asked.
“Wow. Talk about a hot button topic, Connor. You sure you don’t wanna ask me what my favorite color is first? My favorite movie?”
“No. I would much rather know your stance on the current events seeing as you are working as a relief volunteer.”
Direct. You hid behind the lip of the mug, feeling his eyes keenly on you.
“Why do you wanna know?” you countered, taking a small sip.
“I’m simply curious as to how you feel about your current assignment.”
“I feel just fine.” you said, “I guess… well. Guess sometimes they just spook me. Just like most people.”
“I see.” Connor said, seeming to relax a fraction, “You are afraid of them?”
“Not “afraid” just-- reasonably cautious.”
Connor seemed to be processing this, tapping his fingertips against the mug in his hand and watching himself do so intently.
“You worked on “deviant” cases for awhile, yeah?” you began, “Are… do they make you nervous? Because that’d be understandable given what you’ve seen.”
“They-- did. Before. Now I realize it’s the same as humans. We’re all capable of violence.”
Before you could continue, another man walked into the break-room, smile slick as oil.
“Well, there you are, tin-can.” he said with a smirk, picking up the coffee pot and sloshing some of it onto the counter as he poured a mug full.
“Whose this?” he said, giving you a smirk.
“A liaison from DCRU.” Connor replied coolly, bringing the coffee mug to his lips.
“Is that even good for your health, Con?” the man asked, but Connor ignored him.
“And who is this charming fellow.” you asked, voice dripping with sarcasm.
“Detective Reed. Gavin, Reed.” he answered, giving you a wink, “Now I can see why Con here was in such a hurry to get his ring off before you showed up.”
Ah. That. That was. Not expected. Your blood ran cold, eyes immediately falling to Connor’s left hand as if you’d catch sight of a tan line or some other indicator that you’d been incredibly stupid.
“I got some super glue over at my desk if you need a quick fix.” he said, tapping Connor’s chair with the toe of his boot. Connor, looked somewhere between deflated and coldly controlled anger.
Hank’s appearance in the break room door thankfully put a halt to whatever was going on between the two men, his eyes fixing Gavin with a vicious glare.
“Don’t you have reports to finish, detective?” he said, circling in so that Gavin was forced to walk towards the door.
“Just tryin’ be a good wing-man for my bro, Connor.” he said, disappearing into the hall with a laugh.
Hank looked between you and Connor, noting the change in your demeanor, arms pulled in and looking anywhere but at his partner.
“Fowler uh-- got the call. You can come over to my desk and we’ll get you sorted.”
You hurriedly stood, fishing out your tablet so you’d be ready to download those files and get out of here as soon as possible.
Connor said nothing in his defense, but he watched you intently, searching.
“... thanks for the coffee.” you said, following Hank out.
Connor did not join you at Hank’s desk, which must not have been part of the plan because every few seconds Hank looked over his shoulder for him.
“Here. You should get a prompt to download any second now. There are photos, so if you’re squeamish I advised ya not look at the screen while they are downloading.”
You took his advice, letting the tablet drop unceremoniously to the desk as you leaned against it, arms crossed.
Hank was not scowling for once, but you were, brows furrowed tight and troubled.
“Look… ---, right?”
“Don’t-- just don’t judge Connor before you get to know him. I know he’s a weird one. I know most people, hell even me, have this innate prejudice, but he likes you. Which is a big deal for him. He’s learning how this goes, so I don’t know-- maybe give him a break.”
“... did… did his wife die or something?”
Hank stared at you, eyes wide and confused.
“His wife.” he repeated, not so much a question but a confirmation of whether or not you were a rambling idiot.
“That detective! Gavin whatever-the-hell said that Connor took off his ring before I got here!”
Hank groaned, resting his face in his hand as he shook his head. The sound quickly turned into a laugh of sorts. He looked back up at you with that same mystified look he had before.
“You really don’t know. Kid, Connor took off his LED before you got here. That’s what Gavin meant. He’s an android.”
A lot, like a lot of things suddenly made sense now.
You sunk into a nearby chair, dazed.
“You really had no idea? With how fuckin’ weird he is?”
“I thought he was just… like, ya know. A hipster intellectual.”
Hank choked on nothing, busting into a loud laugh, “Well you ain’t wrong, kid!”
The tablet pinged, indicating it had finished downloading. Hank popped up, dismissing the file before you could pick it up.
“Like I said. Some gory stuff. I’d advise you get that to whoever wants it and not go poking around in it.” he handed you the tablet, “And for god’s sake, go talk to him before you leave. You’re the first person he’s been around that ain’t me and trust me, that’s good for him.”
You ran your hands over the tablet’s smooth sides, mind going a hundred miles a minute. You turned to leave and saw Connor coming back towards the desks, seeing clearly now the flashing LED he had replaced on the side of his temple.
His expression was blank, but you had dealt with enough androids that you could just faintly see the lines of nervousness and… hopefulness as he passed you.
You caught his forearm, touching the same place where androids connected systems.
“... I don’t dislike androids.” you whispered, risking a look at him through your eyelashes. He was-- smiling and it was so damn beautiful you felt the wall you had started constructing around your heart from Gavin’s words crack open.
“I’m glad to hear it.” 
You smiled, “Text me when you are ready to shell out for that latte.” and gave his arm one last small squeeze before heading out of the station.
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years
NSFW 100 : Newt
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1. What’s the dirtiest thought you’ve ever had about a total stranger?
I don’t think of strangers that much… likely the first time I saw y/n and I kinda went ‘ “dam...boobs!”
2. Do you prefer sex at night, in the morning, mid-afternoon, or NOW?
At night, while the other boys are sleeping even if it means we have to be a little quieter so we don’t wake anyone else
3. What’s your favourite way to be seduced? 
I don’t need seducing just kinda point or poke me
4. What’s the dirtiest fantasy you’ve had at work?
Well… I had one about bending y/n over a planter while everyone was at lunch 
5. How would you dominate your boss sexually if given the chance?
No thank you, Alby or Zart either I would you rather not.
6. What do you do when you get horny in public?
Uhh… Usually take my hoodie off and wrap it around my waist so knowone sees any issues that arise.
7. Have you ever masturbated in a public bathroom?
Uuuuuuuuuuhhh…. No.
okay maybe once… or twice, before y/n became my girlfriend and she walked around the glade in… shorts.
8. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve thought about while touching yourself?
Being chained in the med jacks, with y/n. 
9. What’s the strangest prop you’ve used to get yourself off?
A pole from the gardens, I am not explaining how I used it!
10. Do you remember the first time you felt aroused?
It was once the night y/n arrived in the glade I had never felt about sex before I saw her but most of the day I was taking care of her and the other jobs I had to do so by the time I got back in my hammock I noticed it
11. Who gave you your first orgasm?
12. Do you remember what that first orgasm felt like?
Like an explosion of repressed urges and tension. Like when you stretch and crack a bone that's been annoying for like a week.
13. Have you ever had sex with someone whose name you never knew?
14. What’s your favourite thing about a quickie?
The sneakiness and the fact everyones happy and satisfied before we run off to do whatever we still have to do
15. What the most sexually daring thing you’ve ever done?
Sex on the watch tower… Im still surprised we did that, and that we didn’t get caught
16. Have you ever fantasized about fucking one of your teachers?
No! Definitely not. Then again I don’t remember them… so maybe I did
17. Do you ever mentally strip strangers just for kicks?
Well… not strangers. Just y/n. 
18. And then imagine, in dirty detail, what it would be like to fuck them?
Maybe, if already honry then yeah but again only y/n and even more once I didn’t have to imagine what she was hiding from me anymore just remember what she looks like without her cute clothes.
19. Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex?
Once. In dares, It was minho… not that bad actually kissing a guy better than I expected.
20. What inspires you to make the first move?
Gally did he told me if I didn't he was going to so I had to so I jumped into action and made her a picnic in the woods and I asked if I could kiss her and she said yes from there we were a couple
21. In your opinion, what does it mean to be good in bed?
It makes your partner happy and satisfied.
22. Have you ever cheated on a boyfriend or girlfriend because you just couldn’t help yourself?
No never! I would never betray y/n
23. Have you ever pushed the boundaries of fidelity to the brink and then retreated just for the rush?
No! Why would I ever want anyone but y/n, plus the only other girl is teresa… she’s nice but not for me she’s attractive sure but i'm not attracted to her plus thomas likes her and I couldn’t do that to him or to y/n
24. Do you have a go-to masturbation fantasy?
Y/n cuddling close in my bed and playing with me instead of my hand 
25. What kind of porn turns you on?
I’m not sure what is classed as porn? Is listening to y/n touch herself through her bedroom wall classed as porn? If so YES!
26. Have you ever had sex with your eyes closed?
A couple times but not on purpose sometimes it's just already dark so I can barely see anyway, or when I shut my eyes because I got a little overwhelmed
27. Have you ever blindfolded or handcuffed your partner?
Well… she kinda blindfolds me sometimes and ties me up to the bed a little
28. Does naughty talk get you aroused?
It does so so much especially if she whispered
29. Are you sure about that, my dirty little forest nymph of a sex goddess?
I am very very sure
30. What’s the dirtiest thing someone’s ever said to you during sex?
Properly “I’m going to cum my dirty little girly”
31. Have you ever watched another couple get it on without them knowing?
By accident yes. Accidently watched minho and thomas having sex in there hammock I didn’t mean to it just kinda happened
32. Have you ever watched another couple have sex with their permission?
No! Because that's creepy
33. How would you respond if a couple approached you to be their “third”?
Uhhhhhh no thank you. 
34. What’s the most flattering thing someone’s said about your naked body?
“Your such a beautiful boy” It still makes me blushy
35. When’s the last time you had a vivid sex dream?
Probably last week, they get worse when I’ve been drinking
36. What do you think an orgy would be like?
Awkward. There are two girls and sixty boys. I don’t think it would go well. I’d rather just nuzzle in y/ns bed with her let everyone else have the orgy
37. Have you ever propositioned a total stranger?
Nope, and I don’t think I’ll ever want to
38. What does your ideal one-night stand look like?
A nice dinner then a snuggle up in y/n’s bed and a sexy night until we cuddle up all night and wake up in the morning. 
39. How long does it take you to get yourself off, on average?
About half an hour depending what is being done to me
40. What’s the weirdest thing that turns you on?
Stroking, stroking hair and stroking skin just the whole thing in general
41. Have you ever had a naughty dream about a close friend or family member?
No! Only ever about y/n
42. Have you ever woken up humping your pillow?
So many times more times then I like to admit mostly before y/n started fooling around with me
43. When’s the last time you orgasmed in your sleep?
Yesterday… y/n was spooning and she kept wiping her butt on me so… I couldn’t help it
44. What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you while hooking up?
I may have… cum on y/n’s stomach the first time she let me touch her boobs. That was embarrassing
45. Do you like touching yourself in front of the people you sleep with?
I wouldn’t mind if she wanted me too but I tent to keep it a little bit of a secret that I still touch myself, even if everytime she’s caught me she lets me have sex with her
46. What’s the dirtiest text you’ve ever sent or received?
Y/n sent me a note while I was working that said if I cleaned her room for her she’d suck my dick… needless to say her room was spotless.
47. Do you prefer professional or amateur porn?
Uhhhh I guess watching y/n shower is kinda amateur porn.
48. What’s your favourite blowjob technique?
A Lot of tongue and a lot of sucking
49. If you had to pick, would you be a dominatrix or a submissive?
Submissive… she’s better incharge of me
50. Is there anything you won’t do in bed?
Nothing to do with bodily fluids… just ewwwwww!
51. What’s your dirtiest sexual fantasy? 
Being locked up all day and letting y/n do whatever she wants to me for the whole day
 52. How many people have you slept with? 
One. Just my sweet little y/n
 53. Where’s the weirdest place you’ve had sex?
The pond in the woods.
 54. What’s your favourite part of Y/n’s body? 
Her boobs.. And of course her personality, but definitely boobs
 55. Have you ever had anal sex? 
No!! And I don’t want to try! We don’t have lube in the glade! I don’t wanna try it will hurt somebody
 56. If you could choose what Y/n was wearing right now, what would you choose? 
My hoodie and her little panties or those tiny little shorts
 57. Where on your body is your favourite place to be touched? 
My hips I have a weird fascination with being touched and rubbed on my hips
 58. If you could have sex anywhere in the world, where would it be? 
Somewhere cosy and privet I don’t care where
 59. When did you first had sex? 
After Y/n had been here a year
 60. What’s the best sex you’ve ever had? 
The first time with y/n its the best ever!
 61. What’s your favourite position? 
Being ridden! I love it so much
 62. Have you ever been caught having sex? 
By Zart yes. Twice to be fair we were in the garden shed
 63. Do you watch porn? 
I watch Y/n
 64. What kind of porn do you watch? 
Y/n. I watch Y/n.
 65. How often do you masturbate? 
Twice a day… unless I get some sex
 66. Name a sex position you’d like to try?
Reverse cowgirl! Pleeeease! I wanna try so hard
 67. Do you prefer to give or receive? 
Give! I will give as much as y/n wants me too but if there if an offer to be receiving I will do anything I’m asked
  68. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
Yep in the pond in the woods
 69. What’s the most sex you’ve had in a day? 
Twelve on our day off anniversary
 70. Are you loud or quiet during sex? 
Quiet when we are trying to be sneaky but loud when we wanna make the glade here us
 71. Have you ever tried using food during foreplay? 
Never… seems sticky and gross
 72. What’s the first thing that sexually attracts you to someone? 
The personality of course… Boobs help second
 73. Would you say you have any fetishes? 
I like being restrained
 74. When it comes to BDSM, how far have you gone/would go? 
Tieing up, and maybe a little biting but that's about all
 75. What’s your favourite toy? 
Rope.... I like rope a lot
 76. Do you ever read erotic fiction? 
No… but I’m curious
 77. Have you joined the mile high club? 
No But I want to, we have fooled around in the tallest tree we could find but I want more the world will hear us!
 78. Do you think you could take off Y/n underwear with no hands? 
I have… many times. I normally use my mouth 
 79. Would you say you’re kinky? 
 80. Do you enjoy shower sex? 
Yes! I love shower sex! Or shower watching… anything to do with showers I am onboard!
 81. Where’s the weirdest place you’ve ever masturbated? 
The Garden shed.
 82. Do you like to be spanked? 
Well… Maybe sometimes. 
 83. Have you ever fantasised about someone else during sex? 
No! Of course not! Why would I want to
 84. If y/n caught you masturbating, would you stop or would you finish? 
I would stop if she wanted too, but normally if I get caught she takes over or finishes me off in another ways
 85. Have you ever had an inappropriate crush? 
Not really, just on y/n 
 86. Have you ever cried or fallen asleep during sex? 
I cried the first time I was so embarrassed I came so early and because of how good it felt inside y/n but only asleep after
  87. Do you prefer eye contact or not during sex? 
I love Eye contact so much it feels so nice when you have eye contact
 88. Do you like to kiss during sex? 
Kisses always 
 89. Do you get tired after sex? 
So sleepy once I’ve cum but that's perfect for cuddles
 90. How many positions do you think you’ve tried? 
Most of them I guess
 91. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sex? 
Other then before I lost my virginity, But once we did it the first time after that I think it was about three days
 92. How high is your sex drive? 
Very very high!
 93. What’s a surefire way to turn you on? 
 94. Sex with lights on or lights off? 
Candles on...
 95. Do you like dirty talk? 
Very Very Very much!
 96. Do you prefer one night stands or longer-term sexual partners? 
Long term always
 97. Do you prefer to be on top or bottom? 
 98.Rough or romantic? 
Romantically rough
 99. Quickie or marathon session? 
Marathon all of the day off!
 100. What’s the best thing about our sex life? 
The amazing love of you my beautiful girl. 
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