#i tried 💃🕺
rzbi-art · 2 years
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sunnibits · 4 months
hey, if you have arfid/any ed/any food sensitivity issues in general, do me a favor and reblog this and tell me these in the tags!: (as many or as little as you’d like - this is just for fun :))
- your current favorite safe food
- your favorite food in general
- one food that you can always manage to eat no matter what (if you have one!)
- one food that isn’t currently safe, but that you WANT to like or think you would like if you tried it
- the most recent new food that you have tried, and did you like it? (I’m so so proud of you either way!)
#I’ll go first!#my current favorite safe food is wellshire dino chicken nuggies oh my god they are SO good AND gluten free?? an actual miracle#genuinely idk what they put in that shit but it is way better than a chicken nugget has any right to be. ungodly. absolutely luxurious umami#anyways moving on 💀#my favorite food and the one food I can always eat is popcorn!#although brownies and ice cream are probably close second faves on the favorites category#one food that isn’t currently safe but that I WANT to love is stuffing :O#I think it smells great and I’ve been taking little bites of it recently whenever my dad makes it#and I enjoy the bites! I think I will rlly like it some day! but for some reason by the time I’m eating it on my plate I don’t like it#we’re working on it tho 🙏🙏 I WILL become a stuffing girly I WILL#and lastly the most recent new food I tried was a black raspberry chocolate ice cream from the place my friend works at#not that scary but still proud of myself for how casually I just took that whole bite down without being afraid!#it’s definitely not my thing but i would say it was a stress free experience#also. now that I’m thinking about it it’s kind of wild that I tried it in the first place??#like? that I WANTED to try it even after I found out it definitely wasn’t a flavor I would like?? I still just wanted the experience#that’s actually crazy wtf I didn’t think about that.#progress!!!!!#baby steps. baby steps.#tw ed#tw ed mention#gem don’t look#this is such a random post I just wanted to talk about recovery and have some community bonding yknow#we’re allll in thissss together 🕺💃🕺💃🕺
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aychama · 4 months
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Dancy dance 💃 🕺💃🕺💃🕺
@strawdool I tried to do what you told me the other day!
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wingamy24 · 13 days
i get asked my community headcannons often, and I don't know what to say because like
jeff: bisexual with preference to women. That man will die thinking he's straight.
britta: tried being a lesbian so bad but didn't make it. Had a few girlfriends in high school but they were more platonic than anything. Maybe bisexual with heavy preference to men (HORRIBLE men, in fact)
annie: girlie thinks she's straight cause she likes twilight and abed. she likes women a lot honestly
abed: bisexual, male pronouns but simply not gender. His gender is Abed
troy: that man is gay
chang: gay
frankie: lesbian demiwoman
duncan: straight but has a weird thing for jeff. what do we think
dean: dean
alright that's it thank you guys
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rustytrident · 2 years
i think the hc that occupies my brain the most is the "demonic nature is kinda like human world animals' instincts" so here is the breakdown no one asked for: why i believe demons are much less scary after you actually get to know them!
so, in case it hasn't been evident in my three posts and some lint i have about obey me on here (sarcasm) i am obsessed with the idea that even the most powerful of demons aren't able to resist their demonic urges. like their brain kind of blacks out?? and they do whatever tf either demon brain or sin brain (or both) tells them to do.
lucifer checks himself out on every. single. reflective. surface. fixing his collar, combing his hair, straightening his sleeves – he absolutely hates when he realises he does it but demon brain goes "oohhh!!! it's me im here!!" and sin brain goes "ihavetolookmybestatalltimespleasetellmeilookgood". every time he catches himself with his hand midway through his hair he sighs and tries to go on with his day (one time satan and belphie pranked him by putting mirrors everywhere) (they didn't know lucifer has memorised the layout of the hol and can walk anywhere with his eyes closed).
mammon is that one kid that touches anything shiny and sparkly. you could be wearing highlighter and just feel a poke on your cheek. turn around. it's your demon boy. his pupils are dilated. finger still on your face. half a toof fang sticking out of his mouth. fucking elated. glittery shiny sparkly holographic things are his demon brain cocomelon. sin brain just hoards any and all glittery shiny sparkly holographic things he can find. whenever he's upset he watches those slime or chalk asmr videos but they have to be the ones where the creators use a whole bag of glitter (or! or! the ones where people flick brushes full of glitter above their cameras in slow motion yknow the ones).
leviathan has to be quirky different not like other girls. he has to be the one with the most marine knowledge in the family, the one with the most ruri knowledge in the family – you get the point. i believe he has a touch of the demon tism so if you think you know anything about his special interests no you don't. he was actually there when it happened so joke's on you. yes he did witness the creation of the first amoeba now move. he's also that younger sibling that sees you get praise for doing something and does the exact same thing to get praise too. sin brain goes "if they get that then i have to have it". you see him wearing your clothes sometimes and when you think back you remember you got a compliment on it about a week ago (week agoo 🕺💃) and like yeah. makes sense (pls tell him he's pretty pls).
satan has chewy toys and wears a retainer pretty frequently because that wrath may be chronic but them teeth won't stay there for long if he keeps baring them!! he buys new ones once a month because he absolutely tears through them and everyone is just used to him popping in his acrylic retainer every time lucifer comes in the room. he isn't even half ashamed of his toys because trust me it's not a cute sight. this man is one of the most imposing beings you have ever encountered creating holes with his teeth in places you believe there weren't any before through what you're guessing used to be something green and made of rubber, but you aren't too sure. you ask him what's wrong and he just stares at you blankly and goes "nothing? why would anything be?". it's just a casual case of both demon and sin brain going "AUURGHHHDHS *chomp*". absolutely feral unicorn man with the straightest teeth you've ever seen.
asmodeus is in the same predicament as lucifer when it comes to checking himself out but instead he embraces the moment. and checks other people out too, as long as what they're wearing catches his attention. he's a very touchy demon so you can find him absentmindedly having his hands on you without even realising he does it: twirling a strand of your hair, playing with your fingers, tracing your jawline. it's just that demon brain goes "ohoho!! my humnan look at my humin go!!" and can't not touch you after that. he also bites. you think it would be mammon or beel but nope it's asmo!! you're just too pretty and he wants to feel close to you!! don't bring it up though he gets embarrassed. you know that meme where person a says "i wonder what i taste like" and person b says "i can help with that" and a imagines a kiss and b imagines biting person a? yeah, inside asmo are two wolves.
beelzebub is the randomest fucking demon in that household idc. he's always so quiet and you never know what he's thinking until one day he brings home a human world ostrich like it's nothing and gives it a "tour of its new home"??? absolutely insane. he also buzzes randomly?? like you'll be hanging out in the common room and all of a sudden you hear "bbzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" only for another brother to go "beel. i can't concentrate on my book. please refrain from buzzing inside the house"??? hello??? i think he's got a passion for cleaning too (thousands of years of food and blood stains, crumbs and mould have taught him a couple things) so he is always ready to assist in cleaning his brother's rooms and won't stop until they look brand new. his most demon brain moment is when he lifts things. doesn't matter what or how heavy it is, if he sees something new around him he has to give it a little lift. same thing with the people he's fond of. you have been grabbed by the armpits one too many times to have an impromptu simba moment for three seconds, only for beel to just go on with his day, no explanation. what a demon *sighs dreamily*.
belphegor is the most like his familiars (or at least his habits are most prominent). you see the demon chewing and chewing and chewing like one bite of food and if you dare look at him weird he gives you the cow stare (pls tell me you know what im talking about). you see him in full demon form running headfirst into a wall with his horns (#satan_and_belphie_bonding_activity) and if you dare look at him weird he gives you the cow stare. kinda like his twin, he does random moo or hffphhhmp noises according to his mood without realising ("no belphegor, you can not destroy every wall in this house with your horns" "moOOO"). demon brain goes brrrr with some human world grass and some sunshine. like he absolutely loves being in that mediterranean countryside, twirling some grass between his fingers, eating it, living his life. best brother to go on a picnic with hands down.
fucking dorks *heart eyes*
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honeybeefae · 1 year
Congrats on the 2K!! 🥳🥳🕺💃🕺 I am feeling a lil hurt trope/ enemies to lovers for an Azriel X reader fic (BUT only if you would like!!)
Enemy of My Enemy (Azriel X Reader)
WARNINGS: Blood, pain, bandaging
You were in the middle of battling some of Hybern's forces, your stance strong as you landed hit after hit against them. The rest of your group, Rhys, Feyre, Cass, Azriel, Mor, Amren, and others were also fighting them off as the army desperately tried to invade your lands.
"Bloody bitch!" One of them sneered at you through their helmet, his sword clashing against your own as you swiped under his feet and made him fall on his ass.
The tip of your blade immediately went through the helmet and into his face, ending his life as easily as blowing out a candle. You let out a huff of breath and spit on him, tasting the blood and dirt that coated your face.
"See what calling me a bitch earns you, you bastard." You snark, not noticing the large man coming up behind you.
His foot hit against a fallen Hybern soldier as he rose up to strike you, alerting you at the last second. You had just enough time to avoid a killing blow but he still caught your arm, slicing through your skin and leaving you in searing pain.
"Fuck!" You hissed, feeling the familiar sting of faebane on his sword as you ducked from the following swing. Blood was oozing from the deep cut as you let out a loud cry and sliced him through his stomach with your good arm, your eyebrows furrowing as you heard a loud horn blow three times in the distance.
Suddenly all of Hybern's soldiers winnowed away, retreating like the cowards they were. You looked around and did your best to get a head count, grimacing as you counted less than you had arrived with.
"You need to pay more attention." A deep voice rumbled from behind you. "I saw you almost get taken out by a single soldier and I had half a mind to let you since you were being so careless."
Azriel's voice made you scowl. He had had it out for you since you joined this group to fight. Besides not fawning over him like every other woman in his life, you didn't know what you did to make him hate you.
He was a cold, heartless Illyrian as far as you were concerned. You hated how he tried to analyze you and how his shadows drifted after you when you passed him by. The feeling was definitely returned by him since he tried to get in a dig every time he saw you.
"At least you admit you have half a mind." You quipped, turning around and eyeing his bloody attire. "Though I think half a mind is a little generous."
One of his hands came up to grab your shoulder, probably to shove you onto the ground until you cursed through your teeth and gave a small cry. Immediately his eyes were scanning your arm, his eyebrows furrowing when he noticed the wound.
"Who did this to you?"
You didn't answer as you tried your best to sheath your sword with one arm. Azriel grabbed your face roughly, turning it until you were staring directly at him.
"I asked you a question. Who did this to you?" He asked lowly, hazel eyes burning with anger.
"Get off me." You say roughly, pulling your face away in an attempt to get some distance. "Why do you care? You just said you would let me die a minute ago."
"I have my reasons that do not concern you. Now, for the third time, who did this to you?" You could tell he was getting impatient, his tone tight. He continued to stand right in front of you with little room left between your bodies. The scent of his sweat mixed with dirt and blood was something you were surprised and disgusted to find appealing.
"A Hybern soldier." You mumble, looking back down at your cut. "Now, if you can leave me be I really need to dress-PUT ME DOWN!!" You end your snarky goodbye with a screech, wriggling against his body as you are suddenly lifted into his arms as the two of you take off into the skies.
"Azriel, by the old Gods and the Mother, if you do not put me back don't put me back on the ground-"
"You're going to make me go deaf with all that screeching." He said with a smirk, ignoring the feeling of your warm body pressed against his. "I'm taking you over to the healer's tent. I don't want that getting infected."
"I am a grown woman and I can walk there myself!" You protest, shoving him with all your might the second he lands you both outside the tents. "There was no need to manhandle me like that. Go save that for one of Rita's girls."
"Trust me, Y/N, if I wanted to manhandle you it would be much rougher than that." Azriel's chest rumbled, his tan skin glistening with the last rays of the sunset. "I do find it funny that you seem to know about the girls from Rita's. Have you been spying on me?"
"I have better things to do with my time than watch you." You spat angrily, turning on your heel and walking towards the healer as they tended to other wounded soldiers.
You thanked her when she handed you some dressing and medicine to rub on it, turning around to see if Azriel was waiting outside for you. Luckily he wasn't and you felt like you could breathe again.
As you began to clean and wrap your arm you couldn't stop imagining Azriel's hands doing it for you. How he had gripped your face and said those words earlier made your head spin.
No. No. You were absolutely not going to think about this anymore. Not him. Not ever.
The nurse in front of you giggled and looked past you which made you turn again, your eyes widening when you saw the Shadowsinger completely shirtless and tending to his own cuts.
Sweat made him shine from head to toe and you got the very dirty thought about licking the small bead running down his stomach. You immediately clenched your legs together, frowning as you went back to your task.
You needed to get a grip.
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songbirdseung · 1 year
studio choom / nishimura riki
No one saw this coming, neither did you and ni-ki. As far as you knew, idols of the opposite gender would refrain to even look at each other when they are in public together. But today, you stand in a HYBE dance room about to practice a performance collaboration with Ni-Ki., a hip-hop dance routine with intricate partner work.
Ni-ki was already there, standing in front of a large mirror, studying his reflection with a focused expression. He looked even more captivating in person, his charisma and talent evident even before you started dancing. You couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement mixed with nervousness as you approached him.
"Hey, Ni-ki," you greeted him, trying to keep your voice steady despite the racing of your heart.
He turned to you, and a warm smile lit up his face. "Hey, Y/N," he replied, his voice soft and friendly.
As you began discussing the choreography and the steps you'd be working on, you both maintained a professional demeanor, determined to keep your emotions in check. But beneath the surface, the chemistry was undeniable.
The first few attempts were filled with awkward moments as you tried to find your rhythm together. Your bodies brushed against each other, and your hands occasionally touched as you navigated the intricate partner work. Each time it happened, a rush of electricity shot through you, and you couldn't help but steal glances at Ni-ki.
You noticed that Ni-ki, too, seemed affected by the closeness. His cheeks flushed slightly, and his gaze lingered on you a beat longer than necessary. It was as if the unspoken attraction between you both was dancing alongside the choreography.
As the practice continued, you gradually fell into sync, the movements becoming smoother and more natural. With each passing hour, you and Ni-ki's connection deepened, both in terms of dance and something unspoken. It was a unique form of communication, where your bodies moved in harmony, speaking the language of the dance.
By the end of the practice, you were both exhausted but exhilarated. You shared a genuine smile, a sense of accomplishment washing over you.
"Great job, Y/N," Ni-ki said, his voice filled with admiration.
You couldn't help but blush as you replied, "You too, Ni-ki. We make a pretty good team."
Then just like that, your schedule was jam packed with your own group activities, individual work, and the collaboration. But with the never draining energy and passion you had, ni-ki and you eventually finished practicing, polishing, and filming the choreo at studio choom's building.
You and everyone else just had to wait for the video and behind to be released. The comments and post from fans once they saw the announcement was a joy to read through. The announcement that you and Ni-ki would be dancing together on Studio Choom had taken the K-pop world by storm.
"OMG, Y/N and Ni-ki dancing together??? I can't wait! This is going to be epic!!! 😍😍😍"
You continued scrolling, reading more and more comments from fans who were over the moon about the collaboration. There were messages of support, encouragement, and excitement. Some fans even shared their predictions and hopes for the performance, while others gushed about how much they admired you and Ni-ki.
"Y/N and Ni-ki are both incredible dancers! I know this is going to be legendary! 💃🕺"
"Can't believe my two favorites are dancing together! My heart can't handle this. ❤️"
"Y/N and Ni-ki, you're going to slay this! Can't wait to see the magic you create on that stage!"
"I've been a fan of Y/N for years, and watching her growth as an artist has been amazing. Now, seeing her collaborate with Ni-ki, it's like a dream come true. I can't express how proud I am of her."
As you continued scrolling through the comments and posts about your upcoming collaboration with Ni-ki, you couldn't help but stumble upon a few negative comments from jealous fans. It was inevitable that not everyone would be thrilled about the partnership, and you braced yourself for the less enthusiastic reactions.
"Ugh, why is Y/N dancing with Ni-ki? There are so many better dancers he could've collaborated with. 🙄"
"I don't get the hype around this. Y/N and Ni-ki? Really? They don't even match in style or talent."
"I used to be a fan of Y/N, but this collaboration just feels forced. She's trying too hard to stay relevant."
"Ni-ki deserves to dance with someone better than Y/N. He's too talented for this."
"I hope this collaboration flops. It's so obvious they're doing it for attention."
(a/n: see how ridiculous that sounds? So.. I hope none of you guys do this)
You couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment as you read these comments. You knew that not everyone would be pleased with the collaboration, but it still hurt to see such negativity.
Y/N had just finished reading the negative comments from jealous fans when your phone buzzed with a new message. It was from Ni-ki, and seeing his name on the screen brought a small smile to your face.
Ni-ki: Hey, Y/N! 😊
Y/N: Hey, Ni-ki. How's it going?
Ni-ki: Pretty good! I read a few comments from the announcement, and I just wanted to check in on you. I know reading those comments can be tough.
You sighed, feeling grateful for his thoughtfulness. Ni-ki always seemed to know when you needed a boost.
Y/N: Yeah, it's been a bit disheartening, to be honest.
Ni-ki: I get it, but remember, we're did this collaboration because we believe in each other's talents and that's what matters most.
Y/N: You're right, Ni-ki. Let's focus on the positive!
Ni-ki: That's the spirit! 💪 We're going to rock this collaboration, and the fans who believe in us will appreciate our hard work and dedication.
Y/N: Thanks, Ni-ki. Your support means the world to me.
Ni-ki: Anytime, Y/N. We've got this!
Eventually the anticipated content comes out and your groupmates are more excited than anyone else. The living room was buzzing with excitement as you, along with four of your group members, huddled together to watch the newly released collaboration video featuring you and Ni-ki. The air was thick with anticipation, and you could hardly contain your nerves as the video began.
As the performance unfolded on the screen, you couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and excitement. Ni-ki and you moved in perfect harmony, executing each move with precision and flair. The chemistry between you two was palpable, and the fans' reactions had been overwhelmingly positive.
The cheers and claps from your group members filled the room as the video played. "Y/N, this is amazing! You guys are killing it!" one of them shouted.
"Yeah, seriously, it's like you were born to dance together!" another chimed in, her eyes glued to the screen.
But as the video progressed, you knew what was coming. The partner work section was about to start, and you could feel the teasing glances from your group members even before it began.
Ni-ki lifted you with effortless grace, and the chemistry between you two during the lift was undeniable. Your group members couldn't contain themselves any longer.
"Ooooh, look at that chemistry, Y/N!" one of them teased with a sly grin, nudging your shoulder playfully.
Another one joined in, "Yeah, Y/N, I think you and Ni-ki make a great team! Such natural chemistry!"
You blushed furiously, attempting to hide your embarrassment behind a playful glare. "Oh, come on, you guys! It's just a dance!"
But your group members continued to tease you relentlessly throughout the partner work section, their laughter and playful comments filling the room. Despite the teasing, you couldn't help but secretly enjoy the camaraderie and support of your friends.
As the video came to an end, your group members erupted into cheers and applause once more, showing their genuine pride and excitement for you. It was a memorable moment, and you couldn't help but feel grateful for the amazing friends who had been with you every step of the way.
Meanwhile, Enhypen was in their living room. Everyone's eyes glued to the screen. Ni-ki's charisma and talent shone through as he danced, and the members couldn't help but cheer him on.
"Go, Ni-ki!" Jake exclaimed, clapping his hands enthusiastically.
Sunghoon nodded in agreement, adding, "He's nailing it! Look at those moves!"
The praise continued as they watched Ni-ki's performance, and his face lit up with a proud smile.
However, as the partner work part of the performance came into view, the members couldn't resist the opportunity to tease Ni-ki, knowing his feelings for Y/N.
Sunoo nudged Jungwon playfully and winked at Ni-ki on the screen. "Oh, Ni-ki, you're looking extra close with Y/N there! Any sparks flying?"
Jungwon chimed in, "Yeah, Ni-ki, did your heart skip a beat during that lift?"
Ni-ki blushed and tried to play it cool, though his embarrassment was evident. "Come on, guys, it's just a dance routine."
Heeseung couldn't resist joining in. "Hmm, I don't know, Ni-ki. Looks like there's some chemistry there."
Jay laughed and added, "Ni-ki, you're busted! We know you've got a crush on Y/N!"
Ni-ki's face turned a deeper shade of red, and he buried his face in his hands as the members continued to tease him relentlessly. As the video finished, Ni-ki's phone buzzed with a new message notification. He quickly grabbed it and saw that it was a text from Y/N. A warm smile spread across his face as he read her encouraging words.
"Ni-ki, you were amazing! Your hard work truly paid off. So proud of you!"
Jay, always the observant one, noticed Ni-ki's smile and leaned over to peek at the message. He couldn't resist the chance to continue teasing Ni-ki. "Oh, what's this, Ni-ki? A text from Y/N? Is she congratulating you on your dance… or maybe something more?"
Ni-ki's cheeks flushed even deeper, and he playfully swatted Jay away. "Come on, Jay, it's just a friendly message."
The other Enhypen members joined in the teasing, laughing and egging Ni-ki on as he tried to downplay the significance of Y/N's text. It was all in good fun, and Ni-ki couldn't help but chuckle along with them, grateful for their support and camaraderie.
And of course, we can't leave out the fans.
"Ni-ki and Y/N's chemistry on stage is INSANE! They absolutely killed it. 🔥🔥🔥"
"I've been a fan of Y/N for years, and seeing her collaborate with Ni-ki is a dream come true. They're a match made in dancing heaven! 💃🕺"
"The way Ni-ki and Y/N move together is pure art. You can tell they put their hearts into this performance. ❤️"
"This collaboration just proved that Ni-ki and Y/N are both incredibly talented. I can't stop watching it!"
"I was hoping for a better collaboration. Ni-ki deserves a partner who can keep up with his level of skill."
"Y/N should have chosen a different partner. Ni-ki's good, but this just doesn't work for me."
Nonetheless, the collaboration undoubtedly left a lasting impression on those who appreciated the talent and hard work that went into it.
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cheegu3 · 2 years
◡̈⋆ʜᴇʟʟᴏ(●’◡’●)ノ bestie back at it again in your ask box 🕺💃 may I request yandere seventeen profiles please 🥺🤌 thank you (ㅅ˙³˙)♡mwah❣️
hi bestieee, apologise for the delay :p
tw / trigger warning: yandere themes, murder, blood, manipulation, possessiveness, jealousy, swearing, mentions of vomiting, reader gets called a slut, gaslighting, abuse, dead animals, man-handling, 18+ (sexual themes) - YIKES, this really has it all lmao
{Seventeen - yandere profiles}
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yandere type: strict
S.Coups is strict with you, but although he can be violent he isn't very sadistic.
There's not much enjoyment in punishing you, it's just something he knows he has to do - to make sure you'd be molded into the perfect partner for him.
You'd be expected to follow strict rules and be on your best behaviour - he didn't tolerate any brattiness or disobedience.
With all of his demands, you'd end up with him being the only person left in your life. He was the only one you talked to, spent time with and saw during the day; which of course wasn't accidental on his part.
'' Don't test my patience, you know what will happen if you do '' he warned lowly, taking a few steps towards you.
You were cornered now, nowhere to run but into his arms. All the confidence you had just a minute ago came crashing down and you were getting ready to beg for him to be lenient on you - as he'd expect you to do.
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yandere type: sweet + manipulative
To you, he was the sweetest boyfriend you had ever had. No matter what, he was always there to take care of you.
Scraped your knees or hands from some minor injury? It didn't matter, he'd be there in seconds, cradling you and putting a plaster over the wound.
Had a bad day? Jeonghan would show up outside your work with a bouquet of flowers and a wide grin on his face, ready to take you on a long and romantic date.
Needed a ride? He would drive you, anywhere and any time.
As time would pass and he continued to hide underneath his perfectly crafted personality, you'd start to believe your boyfriend could do no wrong.
'' Do you know what a psycho your boyfriend really is? ''
Your stared down at your coworker that you had by chance stumbled upon in an alley on your way home from work. She was beaten up badly, blood dripped from her nose and she had a black eye.
'' My boyfriend? '' you scoffed in disbelief.
'' Why are you suddenly bringing him up? ''
'' He did this to me! ''
You left as soon as you heard that, thinking it was the most ridiculous lie you'd ever heard - and Jeonghan who was watching from the shadows, smirked proudly, ready to kill the girl once you'd left.
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yandere type: calculative
Joshua was far too dangerously smart for you - always being one step ahead and being a torture to deal with.
Overall he was sort of a classic yandere but it would be way harder to get away from him than others, near impossible. He knew you like the back of his hand; what you'd say next, what your fears were, what you liked and what would make you break.
But even though Joshua was smart, he didn't bother hiding his yandere side to you - he may be a psycho but he wasn't fake. Plus it would probably be too much of a nuisance if he had to put up an act in front of you all the time.
'' I'm going wether you like it or not, my friends are waiting for me ''
Your boyfriend tilted his head slightly, knowing he was sure to enjoy this spectacle you tried putting on now. He couldn't wait to see your brave face fall soon as he'd win, once again.
'' Oh really '' he drawled tauntingly making you halt your step.
'' Yes, really '' you spat back.
'' I don't think they'd be happy to see you since you were talking shit about them on social media '' he sighed innocently.
Rage burned inside of you as you ran up to him, fists clenched to your sides.
'' What the fuck did you do? ''
The corners of his lips curved upwards into an amused smile.
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yandere type: delusional + aggressive
This man genuinely believes you are just as obsessed with him as he is with you.
And if you even thought about doing anything that would break his fantasy - think again. He will immediately become aggressive, and in some cases violent.
Before you were together, he would leave you sickeningly sweet love-notes as if you were already dating. They terrified you, which he observed, so he was sure not to mention that it was him that had left them.
If you managed to shatter his delusions once you were together, which would be incredibly hard, then he'd feel some sort of resentment towards you. But he wouldn't let you leave him anyway.
Jun accepted it.
'' Fine. If you don't love me now, that's okay '' you heaved a deep sigh of relief, getting ready to gather your things in his house.
However, you didn't get far as his next words made you freeze.
'' I'll make you love me ''
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yandere type: possessive + clingy
Hoshi would be quite insecure and possessive over you, leading to him resorting to extreme clinginess to make you do whatever he wanted.
He feigned innocence and would even force tears out if he needed to. Whenever he heard that you were going out, anger started bubbling inside him. But he couldn't risk you seeing him as anything but a sweet and helpless boyfriend who just '' loved you so much ''. So he clenched his teeth every time and went out, ready to put on the best acting performance of his life.
It might've felt a bit humiliating in the moment, but as soon as your eyes would turn glossy as you'd hug him and cancel your plans, murmuring apologies to stop him from crying - it was all worth it.
'' Babe, it's been months since I've seen my friends '' it was getting hard to get your words out as you felt tears start to well up, like they always did when your boyfriend pulled this antic.
'' If I cancel again, they won't ask ever again and our friendship will probably end ''
He didn't answer. Only sniffles could be heard in the room which had now fallen silent. His eyes were red and puffy from crying for so long. It had been an hour now, way longer than what it usually took for you to give in.
Hoshi kept his anger underneath the surface, waiting patiently until you would say the magic words; only then could he finally relax.
'' I'm sorry '' you sighed, defeatedly.
There it is
Your boyfriend smirked into his hands that were hiding his face from you.
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yandere type: sadistic
The worst to deal with. He could be violent, but he preferred to watch you suffer without him having to lift a finger; it made him feel more accomplished somehow, boosting his ego in a sick and twisted way.
But since any and all kinds of suffering were of great amusement and pleasure to him, you'd experience physical violence too. It would often be after you'd done something to piss him off, something that needed a quick lesson.
His psychological tortures were more of just a side-quest for him. You probably hadn't even done anything wrong. But just the act of planning something meticulously and then watching you as you'd fall victim to it - felt so rewarding and addictive, he couldn't resist it.
So I guess you could say that bit was a hobby, one that came with him no matter how well behaved you were.
'' Didn't you like my gift? '' he tilted his head while a sinister smile crept up on his face.
You backed away from him, head shaking frantically as you felt bile coming up your throat at only the mention of that sick prank he had pulled on you.
'' Why not? ''
The box was still in view, its contents scattered due to you dropping it as soon as you took a peek inside. The dead rat's eyes stared back at you, almost looking eerily alive.
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yandere type: cold
Woozi would be the type to come off as cold or distant even though he didn't really mean to. It was just a bit hard for him to express his feelings. So he'd rather skip the awkwardness and just not voice his thoughts or opinions to you, ultimately making him a mystery.
It was hard for you to read him. He was locked up in his studio, writing and producing most of the day, which meant you barely saw him.
But when he'd come out, he didn't look like he had missed you; immediately he ordered you around, telling you to make both of you food.
While eating there was silence - no questions about your day, nothing about his and he would barely even glance at you.
It was all very confusing. For someone who claimed to be in love with you to the point of obsession, it sure looked like he just said that for a laugh now. Did you even act like a couple?
It felt more like a prisoner - guard, type of situation since he still barely let you go out. The only time he showed affection would be right before bed, when you couldn't see his flushed face in the dark.
'' Come here '' Woozi said sleepily.
You could hear the covers ruffle and assumed he had opened his arms to make room for you, so you slowly shuffled into his warm embrace.
You felt him breathe in your scent and relax, as if you were a sedative to him.
'' I love you '' he murmured into the crook of your neck.
'' I-I love you too '' you said, a bit confused.
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yandere type: stalker
Approaching you and actually getting into a relationship would be a difficult task for DK, who had only watched you from afar.
Yet the more he watched you - the more he knew that just stalking you wouldn't suffice. He wanted to be close to you, hold you and make you laugh, just like all those people around you that he had to get rid of.
He craved being the reason you'd smile while looking at your phone or the person that made your face twist in pleasure.
Being so in love with another person while they had no idea, or if they knew they still probably wouldn't reciprocate his feelings - made him feel something dark inside.
Once he'd reach that point he didn't care about all the sweet manipulation it would take for you to date him - because his self-esteem was so low that he believed you'd never accept him.
That's why he just took you one day.
'' This is your new home now '' Dokyeom crouched down to your level and pulled out the rag that was stuffed in your mouth.
He couldn't wait to hear your beautiful voice, finally speaking to him.
'' Who the fuck are you? '' you spat at him venomously, shooting daggers at him with your glaring eyes.
A frown appeared on his lips. Not exactly what he had expected.
'' Well work on that attitude, hm? '' he smiled.
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yandere type: obsessive + jealous
Knows every little thing about you. It creeps you the fuck out because he won't reveal how he knows it.
Things from your childhood that only you knew or your friends and family knew; there wasn't a thing that was secret from him.
Of course he kept it a secret from you though. What would you think of him if you found out he would get crazy with extreme jealousy at times, and beat up anyone you had ever taken a picture with?
Searching them up on social media, never giving up even if it took weeks to find a specific person and then going to their homes or stalking them - just so he could beat them to the brink of death.
It was the only way he could get all that jealousy out.
Mingyu hated seeing you enjoy yourself if it wasn't with him. But he hated it even more when you made other people happy. That was meant for him, and him only!
'' Where did you go? ''
Your boyfriend froze in his steps at the sound of your voice. He could hear from the slight huskiness that you had just woken up.
A quick glance at the clock told him it was 4am, so you were probably just up for a glass of water. If he played it right, he might just be able to pull himself out of this.
'' Go? '' he sounded confused, looking at you as if you were crazy.
His eyebrows raised.
'' I didn't go anywhere ''
'' Oh...I thought '' you lost your train of thought and licked your lips, suddenly feeling like the confused one.
Maybe you were just imagining things after all...
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yandere type: violent + possessive
Prone to violent outbursts and it's hard to read him. He could have an extreme temper, especially if things didn't go his way - what he wanted you to understand was that things had to go his way, and he wouldn't accept it any other way.
You'd witnessed him lash out at people working close to him and whenever he did he was ruthless and violent, perhaps a bit sadistic too in the way his eyes glinted with burning passion inside.
That alone, was enough for you to be terrified of him when you two were alone. Any small thing could set him off so it was like walking on eggshells 24/7, which was exhausting.
Minghao secretly loved when you were too tired to care, making small mistakes that gave him an excuse to punish you. Arguing made him feel alive after all.
Most of the time, it was when you didn't feel like being rude to people trying to flirt with you or befriend you. You'd feel his burning eyes on you, even if you were across the room from him - because he hated people touching what was his.
'' You shouldn't have done that ''
Minghao's low voice would usually send alarm bells ringing inside your head on any normal day, but you had just had a long day and couldn't be bothered to put up with his childish act so you brushed it off - another mistake.
His lips formed a sour smile as he watched you with amusement.
'' Have you forgotten what I can be like? '' his fingers found your chin, forcing you to look straight into his eyes.
'' Maybe I have to remind you because it's been too long. You've become a spoiled little slut, going around eying other men ''
Finally you understood that you had fucked up, but it was late, way too late.
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yandere type: controlling
Seungkwan feels a need to be in control with you and your relationship. He's not exactly sure where this is coming from, but perhaps certain insecurities arise due to past relationships.
It turns into a bit of an addiction - he decides what you eat, when you shower or sleep, when you go out or what you wear.
But why? If he's not in control of every little thing in your life, he turns ballistic, thinking that you're gonna cheat or leave him, or some other insane thing.
Whenever Seungkwan feels like he's losing control, he'll take it out on you. Because, he's not quite sure how else to fix it. Punishing you for it always makes him feel better, but don't cry - it'll irritate him.
In the end, you're being treated like a doll more than a person but that's exactly the way he likes it. Perfect can't disappoint him in the end, right?
'' I look so stupid, babe please let me change '' you begged, eyes pleading to your boyfriend.
He looked very pleased however, letting you know it was falling to deaf ears.
'' No. You look good, trust me '' he came over to give you a peck, a small smirk decorating his lips.
You were covered from head to toe, wearing something quite childish and he knew that, but at least no one would try to hit on you now when you'd go out with your friends.
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yandere type: classic
Vernon is a classic yandere - you behave and he'll be generally kind to you, if you misbehave then...not so much.
It was a normal relationship for the most part, if you ignored his yandere tendencies that is. It would mostly present itself in jealousy and some control issues.
For example, he wouldn't stop you from going out. But when you did he needed constant text messages and at least one phone call. If you did that, he'd feel calm as he trusted you.
If you didn't, he'd storm right over with anger evident on his face as he'd forcefully drag you away while flashing a charming face to your friends, so they'd suspect nothing.
Then he'd spend hours punishing you in ways that would leave scars, to make sure you would never forget your mistake.
'' You deserve this '' he'd say, in an almost apologetic way before he'd slash your skin with his knife.
You were about to answer his text after putting off his calls, but you didn't want to interrupt the flowing conversation, of course that enraged him - next thing you knew, you were here in his basement again, getting punished.
You whimpered while looking at him through tearful eyes.
'' Say it ''
'' I deserve this '' you said weakly.
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yandere type: clingy + unpredictable
Quite unpredictable too - he could he smiling one second and then be incredibly angry the next, without you knowing what you did wrong.
As soon as his smile would fade, you knew you were in danger - as he'd tend to get very violent when he was angry. Dino would man-handle the fuck out of you, just to prove a point that he was stronger than you and the one in '' control ''. He did this whenever he felt threatened, which was quite a lot.
'' Let's go home now '' your boyfriend suddenly uttered, making you turn around.
'' What? We just got here '' you protested.
You had gotten dressed up and everything for the occasion, it felt mildly irritating that he wanted to leave the party straight away.
'' I said- '' he stepped closer, teeth clenched '' We're going ''
You had to stop yourself from rolling your eyes or getting angry, that would only make the whole thing worse. Whatever he wanted, he got, not matter how obscure it was.
You weren't even sure what had set him off this time but it was better not even questioning it, just going with whatever he said, for your sanity and safety.
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nightcolorz · 3 months
Top ten dumb pop songs that you didn’t know were actually written about Part 1, Chapter 4 of Queen of the Damned, The Story of Daniel, the Devil’s Minion, or the Boy from Interview with the Vampire!!!!All the creators of these songs u often hear on the radio actually were inspired bu thus iconic chapter in Anne Rice’s queen of the damned!!! Featuring evidence
Teeth by five seconds of summer (it’s about a guy going crazy over his crazy girlfriend with teeth and blood metaphors 🤷)
ET by Katy Perry (Katy perry is in love with a sexy alien, she wants to be his victim and his lover, she isn’t sure if he’s a devil or an angel. 🤷 he’s from a whole nother world, a different dimension. Just replace alien with ginger boy vampire and it’s basically devils minion chapter by Anne rice)
Your love is my drug by Kesha (daniel molloy said this about Armand but rlly he’s just addicted to his blood womp womp. Ur blood is my drug, laugh out loud)
Addicted by Kelly Clarkson (same as the last one but uses the metaphor of addiction to portray how a fucked up relationship is consuming Kelly. Your love is my drug intense scary version. Devils minion the way Daniel is addicted to that thang)
One way or another by blondie (one way or another he’s gonna find ya he’s gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha. Haha run boy 🏃🏃🏃haha)
Tainted love by soft cell (once I ran to you 🕺🕺now I run from you 💃💃 this tainted love you’ve given, I give you all a boy could give you 🕺🕺take my tears and that’s not nearly allll —-Daniel molloy. Yknow they’ve got that tainted love yknow.)
Bad blood by Taylor swift (controversial but true) (um idk blood and break ups and stuff lol, it’s funny)
Pompeii by bastille (cuz they first got together in Pompeii and then their relationship fell apart lmao I’m clever) (Pompeii getting exploded by the big volcano is a metaphor for Armand and Daniel breaking up 💔)
Animals by maroon 5 (this song is so odd lmao, but you can start over you can run free, but u can’t stay away from me, baby I’m praying on you tonight 😾 hunt u down eat u alive 🦁🦁 baby u think that u can hide but I can smell ur scent for miles 🐺🐺. This song is aboit Maroon Five having a abusive relationship where he is threatening some gal about how no matter how she tries to move on he’s gonna hunt her down and swallow her alive like deviant art so like just like Armand devils minion am I right tumblr ha ha)
sweet but psycho by Ava max (I think that Daniel wrote down the lyrics to this song feverishly in his journal as original poetry venting his complex feelings on Armand as he hunts him down)
paparazzi by lady Gaga: (armand he stalks Daniel Lmao)
BONUS: Anne rice actually did irl say that she associates the nine inch nails song “the only time” with Armand and Daniel’s romance so do with that what u will
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
idk how it’d be done but you’re a genius so some form of spicy enemies-to-lovers type of flirting between Spencer and Reader but in a Christmas setting?? If the Christmas thing is too difficult to place just stick w the flirting bae 💞💞 SO HAPPY SPENCER IS THRIVING ON YOUR BLOG RAHHHH 💃🕺💃🕺💃
man i love your requests. you're the absolute best. i genuinely have no clue how to write enemies to lovers with this man so i wrote more annoyance to lovers LMAO
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"You're telling me there's free alcohol out there and you're still stuffing your nose in books?" Spencer sits in front of me, on the ground, littered in a pile of open books that have scribbled writing covering their pages. He looks up at me with a tired look, curls falling in his face as he blows them away, giving me a simple shrug.
"I don't drink." He rolls his eyes at the dramatic groan that leaves me, my arms swinging at my side as I step up to him, ruffling his hair. He squeaks and inches away from my touch, eyes glaring up at me before he references to the books around him with wide eyes, almost saying 'can't you see that I'm busy?'
"Doesn't mean you can't laugh and make fun of those who do. Penelope is fall down drunk, Spence." I giggle, sitting down beside him with a sigh but not before sneaking a glance at Penelope who's clinging to Derek as they dance. "C'mon, it's the Holidays." He just nods and continues to read, nimble fingers skimming against the pages.
It took a month for Penelope and I to convince Hotch to let us hold a family work party here at the office, let alone on Christmas Day. We did everything, ordered the food, decorated, went to the liquor store and spent way too much. But I can already imagine Penelope's disappointment when she sobers up and learns that Spencer didn't participate.
"Trust me, I'd spew one fact about how the Catholics stole holiday traditions from the Pagans and they'd be kicking me out." A frown tugs on his lips and I go to argue with him but quickly realize he's probably right. The rest of the team does have a lack of patience when dealing with Spencer and his fun facts, facts that I could listen to him talk about for hours.
But I think that's just me.
"Well, I think all of your facts are kinda cool." I bump his shoulder with my own, loving the gentle blush that spreads across his cheeks as he sends me a soft smile, eyes flickering back and forth between mine with furrowed brows.
"Are you drunk too?" A tipsy giggle escapes me but I just shake my head, ignoring the obvious buzz that rages through my veins.
"Not too horribly."
"I was going to say, you never compliment me." He scoffs but his implication only offends me and my hand raises to rest over my heart as he rolls his eyes at my feigned offense.
"Maybe if you were nicer to me, I'd compliment you more." I shove him, pulling a cute laugh from him and he finally shuts the book in his lap, turning to me completely with a cocky smile.
"I'm always nice to you. It's not my fault you're always wrong and hate being corrected." My jaw drops at his teasing, not completely prepared for him to be able to dish it as well as I do. Maybe he needs to stop spending so much time with Derek.
"Ouch, see what I mean?" I chuckle, lip jutting out in a pitiful pout. "C'mon, I even put up the Christmas tree and hung all the dreidel cutouts." He smiles softly at my whining, eyes briefly lifting to the conference room ceiling to look at my heartfelt decorations.
"I give your inclusivity credit."
"Can I at least help you with whatever it is you're so caught up in?" I ask, reaching out to take the book from his lap and he immediately protests but I just send him a stern look.
"What would you get out of it?" He asks, brows furrowed cutely.
"Spending time with my most favorite genius is pretty good." His cheeks darken once more, blush climbing down his neck and below his sweater that hugs his torso. "Maybe you'll just have to owe me a dance." It's not the first time I've tried to pull physical intimacy out of him other than the incessant teasing that he throws my way. I've tried to get hugs out of him, high fives (which typically fly with him) and I've even gone as far as inviting him out to the club with Penelope, Morgan and I when we're out of town.
But he always gives me the same answer.
"I don't dance."
"I can be pretty persuasive." His eyes gawk at the hand that reaches out to rest on his thigh, tongue sweeping out to wet his chapped lips. He struggles to catch him breath, chest rising and falling in staggered breaths, wide eyes eventually rising to look at me.
"Are you flirting with me on the Lord's Day?" He asks breathlessly, lips rising in a small smirk and my jaw drops in obvious shock.
"Are you, Spencer Reid, being sarcastic?" I ask, reaching out to slap his chest but he just giggles sweetly, hands pushing my own away. "Wow, I'm almost proud." I snicker, feeling so lucky to have all of his attention for even a brief moment, loving the weight of his eyes as they look over me in my ugly holiday sweater.
"Yeah, well, you rub off on me, I guess." His voice is timid and smile is bashful, lip tucked between his teeth and I smile warmly.
"If Morgan's teaching you to flirt, tell him to keep it up."
"He says I have hidden game that I just 'suck at using'." He chuckles, brows furrowing in subtle confusion but I know that he knows he's attractive and it all chalks up to his intelligence and kind eyes.
"I'd say he's pretty damn right." I chuckle, fingers brushing against his own on the floor between us and I avert my eyes from him, knowing I won't be able to look him in the eyes after my next blatantly inappropriate comment. "Pull out some magic tricks and my panties would be gone."
"Oh my god, stop."
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the heart @vampviolets@haylee-e @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife
@officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy @myaloveee @thyris-is @lagataprrr @aaaaslaaaan @witxhy-lexx @minjix @luvroseee @tee-swizzle @savageneversaw @admiringlove @hysteriahall @piceous21 @starlightandfairies @igotmajordaddyissues @drewstarkey-wife1
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meltypancake · 4 months
Do you have any tutorials on how you paint?? Its so lovely and beautiful, and I've tried replicating parts of it, but with no success. If you don't want to that's fine, just wanted to ask. Thanks for sharing your lovely work!! :D
ANON...DID YOU KNOW (art is my favorite thing in the world) and i will yap about it any day... conveniently i was making a process guide for a friend as well, so this is great timing! here you go :]
>>> process doc <<<
i will be painting this image 💃🪩🕺AND THANK YOU SO MUCH for the kind words!! <3 <3 (rips open shirt like werewolf)
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jelliezellie · 1 year
hey hey !
I hope you're having a good day here !
I saw that you requested some request about levi and thankfully, I am also back in my aot phase 👀
would that be possible to have something, (platonic or romantic, i dont rlly care) maybe a cadet who's having a panick attack, maybe not on the battle field but more before or after something big happened tho? and our precious levi taking care of them ?
no presure, feel free to decline if you want 😌
(your others works are fire damn 💃🕺)
A/N: Thank you so much! I'm returning to my roots for this one; a need for comfort is right up my alley. I gotchu >:) if you couldn't tell... I'm back in my aot phase, too. I have Levi fever at the moment. I also wrote this while I was fighting off my sleep meds, sorry. - please keep in mind that everyone who has panic attacks has them differently, so mine could be vastly different from yours. I am just writing from experience! With that being said, please stay safe and, um, don’t touch glass when you have a panic attack as Y/n does.
TW: Panic attack, blood and very slight depictions of gore (Marco), Levi bandaging you up, and mentions of death.
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You slammed the door to your room in the barracks, stumbling to your bed. You coughed, trying to breathe, and clutched the fabric chest when you were unable to. “I,” you gasped, wanting to cry out for help, but being unable to. Who could you talk to about this? The other scouts were trying their best to forget it already. Half of his face was gone. He was your best friend and half of him was gone.
Tears streamed down your eyes as you coughed and grabbed a glass of water. You had to calm down. You drank some, but it dripped down your shirt and you flinched, dropping the glass on the floor. “No, no,” you whisper-screamed as your trembling hands tried to shovel the broken glass up. 
A knock came on your door.
You shakily inhaled enough breath to call out, “Go away.” 
“It’s Captain Levi.”
You cursed to yourself as you stared at your bloody hands. The shards from the glass must’ve cut you when you were trying to clean them up. When you didn’t respond and let out a sob, the door opened. 
“What’s going on in here?” He asked, his eyes going from the tears streaming down your face to the broken glass to the blood on your hands. “Shit, cadet, what happened?” He muttered, his tone filled with worry.
You sniffled, unable to catch your breath. You turned away, not wanting to look weak in front of him. You heard his footsteps recede and thought that would be the end; you thought he would have just left you alone. You thought he would because it was Levi; he wasn’t a therapist or anything. He was just a guy. But you felt something tug at your wrist and you flinched hard. 
You turned to see him, sitting on your bed with a first-aid kit. You, again, tried to put on a brave front, but you felt your heart palpitate and you gasped as you thought all of the air in your lungs was escaping. “Can’t,” you cried out in a panic, “can’t breathe.”
Levi seemed to recognize this fairly quickly. His eyes widened slightly and he showed you his hand, then placed it on your arm—a reminder that you could still feel. That you were still alive and real. “I’m here,” he stated. “Breathe with me, okay?”
The blood dripped down your arm and you shivered as you felt it. “But the—”
“We will deal with that in a moment,” he replied, his voice soft, yet stern. “Breathe. In,” he inhaled, “and out.” He exhaled. He waited for your shaky breath to slow down before he repeated it softly. “In,” he whispered. In. “and out.” Out. Levi nodded when your breathing was under better control. “Good,” he murmured, “just like that.” Your tears still fell, but something about the way Levi’s chest was also rising and falling at the same time as yours was calming. You kept your eyes on him.
“I’m going the clean up your hands and bandage them now, okay?” He asked for confirmation before touching you. You nodded slowly, holding your shaky arms out. He looked at you with furrowed, worried brows before examining the state of your injuries. “Whenever you’re ready to talk—if you want to talk—you can.”
Levi took a wet cloth and cleaned all of the blood off.
“Half of his body was gone,” you mumbled. Levi looked up at you with a familiar sadness in his gaze.
“I know. Marco, wasn’t it?”
You nodded.
“I know cadet,” he said, his voice softening as you let out a sob. He shushed your cries, nodding. “I know. I know.”
Levi then used tweezers to pick out the tiny shards with care. He poured gauze over your wounds. When you didn’t even flinch, he looked at you again. “Cadet?” He called out to you, making sure your mind was still there, “Are you feeling any better?” He wrapped your hands and arms up.
You shrugged. “I don’t know.”
He stayed at your side as he put everything back in the first-aid kit. “It has been a long day, cadet. Let’s go down to the mess hall and get something to eat. You need to maintain your strength.” You nodded silently. Something about your silence irked him. “I’ll show you where I keep my tea, too. We can make some.” You nearly smiled at his attempt to cheer you up. 
“Thank you, Captain.”
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masterjedilenawrites · 7 months
❤️ Star Wars Blind Date Game 2.0 ❤️
Okay okay I made up my mind... I am doing another blind date game to celebrate my 3 Year Blog-versary + Valentine's day! 🎉🕺💃🍹
But this time with a twist of randomness! I've come up with hundreds of different date elements that have been parsed out into random generators. Send me an ask and I'll spin the wheels to give you a truly blind date 😜
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Every date will include a randomized... Location and activity, song, and gifted item from your date to you. The lists of options have a mix of Star Wars-specific and real world things.
The following elements will still be randomized, but you can specify which category you'd prefer ("surprise" will pull from all the lists):
Character: Clones | Heroes | Villains | Surprise
Character Gender: Male | Female | Surprise
Romantic Gestures: Physical | Non-Physical | Surprise
Vibe (pick 1-3): Energetic | Peaceful | Romantic | Friendly | Nervous | Confident | Surprise
None of the options are explicit, but some are suggestive. If you'd rather not have that in your date, please include that stipulation in your request and I'll filter those out for ya.
Once something has been drawn for someone's date, it's then taken off the list for anyone else. So your date will truly be unique to you!
Some combinations may end up being really random. I'll write a little something for each one that tries to tie things together, but still, be prepared for some potential silliness! 😅 This is all in good fun.
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A big sappy thank you to all who have read and supported my writing at any point over the last 3 years. 💋 Truly means a lot. If I could take you all on a date I would. 🤗
xoxo Lena
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wayliparker-co · 5 months
PARKER WHAT THE HELL 😭 your mike pov’s never fail to make me feel like someone’s poking my heart with a million tiny forks 😔✊
I still feel like this fic was specifically made for me and my algorithm because the present timeline is the windows of this love in a different font (aka The Breakupfic™️ which I’ve read multiple times and also shoved down my friend’s throat so I could rant about it 🤭) and the past timeline is a fake dating trope which scratches my brain every single time somehow it’s so fun (for me, usually not for Will) 🕺💃
Anyway I have some quotes that i thought were important enough to copy and paste into my notes app:
“Barring that one time, which Mike tries very hard not to think about too hard just so that he doesn’t go crazy, it’s been radio silence on Will’s end, which should have been enough.” ME WHEN REFERENCES TO THE PAST I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT 👀👀 my current theories are ✍️drunk text✍️ or ✍️post mental breakdown call✍️ but we’ll see we’ll see (I’m so calm and normal)
“If it’s any consolation , Mike thinks as he gives up on strumming and pulls the guitar to his chest, just on the off chance Will can somehow hear him, I didn’t mean to break it. To break us.” Might as well physically punch me in the gut. Insanity. Not okay. I would say ‘phone on the table’ but I’m too excited about the next chapters so I guess I’ll let it slide.
ANYWAY I loved this chapter and I’m very excited to read wayli’s chapter in a few weeks 🕺💃 my exams are coming up (they’re haunting me) so I might not have time to read BUT that hopefully means more chapters will be up by the time I return 🤭 OKAY BYE I LOVE Y’ALL MWAH 🫶🫶
HIIIII im so glad u enjoyed mwahahaha <33 youre so right present timeline Does have so many of the same elements of twotl which i loveeee bc messy breakups are literally so fun to write and i esp like this premise bc unlike twotl like. they genuinely never believed they'd see each other again/get back together. which is a different type of pain and is SO FUNNN i love them <33 and YES fake dating is also so fun and i love getting to use two vastly different tropes in the same fic esp bc wayli is nailing the fake dating vibes fr fr.
and YESS US WHEN REFERENCES TO THE PAST YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT !!!!!!!!!! that line was my fav little easter egg and will indeed be revealed in due time. love reading ur theories hehe
anyway TYSMMM and gl with your exams i hope they go so so well mwah <33
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inspiredwriter · 9 months
*se que a mi no me la película de las tortugas ninja mayhem😕😅 pero una idea se me subió en mi cabeza😃😁✨*
Mayhem Leo :*entra el apartamento* muy bien Leo sé que es tu primera cita Stefany 🥰😊💖💕*sé acomoda su chaqueta* voy a llevarla a comer pizza y una caminata en el parque y tomámos en la mano y besarnos 😁😍🤝🍕🏙️💞💝💘¡Así que no lo vayas a arruinar! 😌😤💖❣️💞*toca la puerta*
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Mayhem Stefany :*abre la puerta*hola Leo, Perdón por tardarme tú vi que arreglarme el cabello y poneme el vestido😄☺️👗👠💄💅*mueve sus orejas*ya estoy lista para nuestra cita 🥰☺️💘💞💗
Mayhem Leo :*mira a Stefany*Oh Concha, te ves muy hermosa mi gatita 😳😍💖💘💓💞
Mayhem Stefany :*se sonroja*Oh muchas gracias tortuguita eres muy dulce 😄🤭💕💝💖 ¿te encuentras bien estás un poco nervioso? 😕😟
Mayhem Leo :*traga saliva de nervios*S-si estoy bien no te preocupes Mejor vamos a nuestra cita 😅😉💗💕💗
Mayhem Mikey :*patina por la calle* muy pronto voy a llegar a la pista de patinetas el que están mis y dales mi autógrafo 😁😏🛹✨*salta de su patineta una bolera* Oh sí eso fue saltó super cool 😃😎🤟*escucha a aplusos* ¿quién está aplaudiendo? 😕👏🔊
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Mayhem Anastasia :*aplanden* ¡¡Bravo eso estuvo muy increíble!! 😃🤩👏🛹✨
Mayhem Mikey :*mira a Anastasia*(pensamientos💭) wow ~😳😍💘💓💕¿Quién es esa chica es la más linda qué he visto mi vida? 🥰😏💖💞💗*por accidente se tropieza con la patineta y cae al suelo* Ay,me dolió😣😵💫
Mayhem Anastasia : ¡Oh dios mío! 😲😱💦* se acerca a Mikey y lo ayuda a levantarlo* Mikey te encuentras bien😟🥺💕💓
Mayhem Mikey :*se soba la cabeza* Sí estoy bien señorita no me dolió tanto ☺️😉siempre me tropiezo cuando no veo por el camino mientras patino 😁😅🛹*agarra su patineta* te agradezco que me ayude a levantarme🙂☺️ ¿Cómo te llamas linda? 😏😘💖💘💕
Mayhem Anastasia :*se sonroja* Oh si, mi nombre es Anastasia y soy tu gran fan número uno que salvaste de la ciudad del mutante gigante 🥰😄🌁💖💞💘me darías tu fotógrafo😍☺️📝✨💗💕❣️
*In the pizzeria*
Mayhem Leo and Mayhem Stefany: *Sitting at the table and eating pizza*
Mayhem Leo: (Thoughts💭) Oh my shell, Stefany is so beautiful and so graceful that I’m just scared to be in her company😰😓 What if I destroy something...😖 Ehh, why did I even decide to invite her on a date?..😥
Mayhem Stefany: *Takes Leo's hand* Are you okay, Leo?🤨🍕 I think you're very nervous🥺💝💗💕
Mayhem Leo: *Swallows nervously* No, no, it's okay, my kitty, I was just thinking about something😅😁💖💘💞
Mayhem Stefany: *Wiggles her ears* Ah, very good that everything suits you😃🥰💓💖💗💕 *Takes Leo’s hand and gets up from the table* Let’s go dance, there’s such romantic music playing here🤗🕺💃🎶💘💓💕
Mayhem Leo: *Hugs Stefany's waist* Well, okay, I don't mind😅😘💝💗💞 *Dances with Stefany*
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Mayhem Stefany: Lee, tell me, do I really look good in this outfit?😅😁👗
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Mayhem Leo: What kind of question, my flower, you look great!😲😍💓💖🩷💕 *Spins Stephany* And the fact that I’m next to you doesn’t bother you?..😅 I’m so awkward turtle😥😓
Mayhem Stefany: *Hugs Leo's shoulders* Not one bit, you are the most beautiful turtle in the world, you dance amazingly, you are not awkward at all😲😤💝💗💓💞 *Drops her ears* Believe me, I know what real shame is...😓😣💦
Mayhem Leo: Oh, let's go outside then and you can tell me about it if it bothers you😟🥺💖💝💕
Mayhem Stefany: Yes, I have to tell someone about this...😟😔
Mayhem Leo and Mayhem Stefany: *Leave the pizzeria*
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Mayhem Stefany: So, little turtle, you probably think I'm perfect, but in reality I'm not at all like that😓✨ A year ago I tried to join a group of teenagers, for this I had to wear a cap that hid my cat ears and pants that hid my tail, but one day when we went to the same pizzeria where you and I were now, there was cool music playing and we started dancing to it🏪🍕🕺💃🎶 During the dance, I got so carried away that I lost my disguise and everyone saw that I was a half-mutant👥🗣️🐈🕶🧢 My friends left me after that and broke my heart😭💔 But now, after human society has accepted mutants for who they are, an autumn ball was held at the school🕺💃🍁🎶🎊That’s when I decided to gain the courage to meet people again, I put on my most beautiful dress and my mother’s beads, and then I unexpectedly met you...🥰👗📿 Just, please don’t think that I’m with you only because you popular, I'm not at all like that!😰😖 *Kisses Leo on the cheek* Muah~😚💋💗💝💖💞 I love you for who you are, but I am immensely grateful to you for saving the city from a huge mutant and giving people like me a second chance🤗🥰💘💓💗💕 *Hugs Leo*
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loonarmuunar · 1 year
Idea: Zora has a phobia of blood. She ages her targets to dust, it’s clean and quick there’s nothing left but ash in the wind. But when things get messy she tries to get over with it as fast as possible. She gags at the smell of blood, and can barely stand the sight. The worst thing though, is when she has blood touching her, on her body, and especially when it’s not her own.
She still feels her parents’ blood on her hands, shaking their shoulders and trying to wake the dead, warm and sticky and the smell of iron suffocating her. Zora hates water but she needs to get it off get it off getitoff
Is it ooc? Probably. Do I care? Absolutely not, I’m here to make Zora angst, not shit that aligns with canon 💃🕺💃
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