#i tried to choose facts that i think are amusing but i'm excited about my birthday
🌻 If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog 🌻
I have an OSHA 10 certification
My birthday is in 17 days, 3 hours, and 50 minutes
I've been Tumblr mutuals with everyone I've ever dated
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fraugwinska · 5 months
Hi! Okay, damn, sorry, i tried to chill out and not request again so quickly 😅 but I've been constantly thinking about your writing, and I've read all your Alastor one shots like 10 times each...
I'm especially hung up on the ending of More than Words, I did not expect you to end it in such a sweet way and honestly I'd love to see a follow up to that, basically a part two :)
Plot wise I was thinking:
It's been a few weeks since the two of you fell asleep on the couch and Charlie is getting impatient since nothing else happened between Alastor and reader but she can see the way the two looks at each other when they think no one is watching. So, Charlie being Charlie, makes up a plan to set you two up. She also involves everyone at the hotel and some people outside (Rosie) - she makes it so whenever there's some activity, you two are always paired up, or Rosie invites you both for dinner but five minutes into it she leaves saying she forget about something important. And you notice what she's trying to do and while you do appreciate it, you also see that Alastor feels anxious and pressured (you see that but not the fact he's growing feeling for you), so you decide to talk with her. And Alastor hears everything? And we get another amazing sweet emotional ending? 👀🥰
Last thing last - please do not feel pressured to write it or anything, i just wanted to share this with you cause it's been on my mind 😅❤️
You ask - the fluff fairy delivers! 🧚✨ I loved More than words, so I was super happy and excited to write a continuation - and it's as fluffy and wholesome as can be! :> Thank you, Anon, for the suggestion and your beautiful, kind words!!!
Louder than Words
"...and with Niffty choosing Husk, that leaves you two."
Charlie clapped her hands together with a gleeful smile, eyes darting between an annoyed looking Alastor and an annoyed looking you.
"Yes. That leaves us.", you sigh.
"Again.", Alastor adds, the smile on his lips twitching.
"Oh come on, guys, don't be such spoilsports. Look at how much fun this is!" she gestured to a blindfolded and beaten up Vaggie, cursing at Angel in Spanish who howled with laughter as he pushed her through Charlies makeshift obstacle course with much too much carelessness.
"Well I'll be damned. Ange actually managed to get her to to run into the same desk twice without gettin' punched.", Husk said in amused bewilderment, just as a loud "OUCH, ey, stop it Vagina!" was heard. Niffty giggled, blindfolding herself and taking Husks paw. The cat groaned but started to lead her - or more she dragged him - through the course, constantly (almost purposely) hitting something in her way.
You and Alastor looked at each other.
"Well, I guess you don't feel like going through a minefield of office furniture.", you shrugged, and took the last blindfold from Charlies hands, ignoring her excited squeal as you put it on. "Don't let me run into the coffee table, my shins still hurt from last weeks bonding exercise..."
Alastor let out an exasperated sigh. "Very well, then."
This was getting out of hand. As you felt Alastor's hand on your back, pushing you into the blindness forward, you thought about the last few bonding and trust exercises and how blatantly obvious Charlie was in her determination to get you and Alastor together.
At first you didn't mind, since she didn't make you do anything that wasn't bearable. On one activity, you had to tell your partner what you appreciated about them, that had been easy. Before Alastor could turn to Niffty, who stood next to him, she had almost hauled herself away, insisting on Angel as her partner, and Angel - next to you - nodded with unfitting eagerness. Alastor told you about how good you were at listening and giving good advice, and you had told him you loved the way he spoke - the accent, his way of choosing words and the melodic voice he had, and that you liked his laugh. Easy.
On another activity, Charlie made everyone pair up (of course, you were Alastor's partner, and this time you were sure the sticks you drew were marked by Charlie and Husk by the way they had shared mischievous looks) and hug their partner for five minutes. That had been less fun. You were much too aware how averse Alastor was to physical touch, and although he could've had it worse with Angel or Vaggie, you still felt bad when you saw the look on his face as Charlie set the timer. "We don't have to, Al. I can just sit this one out.", you had told him, but with a pained smile, he wrapped his arms around you stiffly, holding you in an awkward embrace. "It's alright dear, just... stay still, would you?" It had been a weird, uncomfortable silence, those five minutes. You avoided any touch yourself and did not dare to look him in the eyes, so to not make it any more weird for him.
It had taken you a long time to understand that the radio demon was, in it's essence, just another former human being turned sinner. A man with a lot of traumas and issues, who had died and gone to hell. Not a good person by heavenly standards... by most standards really, being an overlord and cannibal and all, but in hell that didn't really mean anything, you were all there for a reason. It certainly meant nothing to you. With a lot of work from your end, he had learned to trust you, and in return he let you get to know him, step by step.
But all these efforts could go down the drain at this infuriating persistence of everyone around you to force something that shouldn't be forced. Alastor was already uncomfortable at being touched, already hesitant to share things from his past, or his feelings, already on the fence of showing genuine kindness and trust. The last thing you wanted was to lose all the progress you've made with him.
The feeling of his arms around you had burned itself into your memory, and the scent of him had stuck to your skin for a long time. You weren't stupid, it had been a long time coming, this goddamn crush on him, this fluttering feeling one gets when getting too close to another. You had fallen for him a long time ago, and you could argue with reason all you wanted - it didn't change the fact you liked Alastor more than just a friend. BUT - and this but was important - he never had shown any interest in relationships, romance, love or anything. And that was fine. You were content to have him in your life, and if that was as 'just' trusted friends, you would still take it in a heartbeat.
"Watch out, darling, armchair to your left." Alastor's voice, right next to your ear, made you flinch. "Careful now, the carpet is starting to change into hardwood.", he warned and you nodded, taking careful steps. You had no idea where you were in the foyer, or if you were nearing the door or the stairs. "Are we anywhere close to the finish line?", you asked him and you heard his quiet chuckle.
"Oh no, we still have quite a way to go. Don't worry, my dear, I'll make sure you're not going to run into the remains of the cupboard Niffty just destroyed." His hand on your waist, guiding you, made you swallow nervously.
That gesture reminded you of another instance of your friends overreaching insistence - your visit at Rosie's last week. Rosie, your long-time friend, had invited you and Alastor for a dinner party. She had sent a message through Charlie (which should have been your first clue that something was not right), but both of you had decided to go, because who were you to deny her hospitality? You had been surprised to find her emporium so... empty, when you entered. No servants, no other guests, no one. Only you, Alastor and Rosie, sitting in her lounge chatting about the newest gossip of hellish politics before she served a whole feast of venison, various vegetables and side dishes, all of which had looked exquisite and overly fancy.
She had left almost as soon as you and Alastor sat down, saying she forgot to pick up something important from across the colony, and to not wait on her while she rushed out of the room with a glistening smile. You had watched her suspiciously, knowing she was up to something. It didn't take a genius to realize she was trying to set you two up, and Alastor seemed to have understood the same, because of the way he pinched the bridge of his nose, visibly uncomfortable and tense the whole evening. It had been a somewhat awkward affair, the two of you eating and desperately chatting, unwilling to waste the food. But you couldn't even get a proper bite down your throat with how much your stomach was twisting.
When Rosie returned, she found you sitting on the sofa, drinking tea, while Alastor was absent.
"Did something happen?", she had asked you with a pinch of impish curiosity, and you had replied "No. Nothing." in a dry tone. She had sat down next to you, asking how dinner had been, and if the two of you enjoyed yourselves. "Oh yes, it was lovely, although your seat empty surely was a little damper on the fun." you had answered, giving her a fake smile. You never saw her that abashed before. When Alastor returned to bring you back to the hotel, the walk had been... silent. Awkward, as you hung on his arm he had presented you, with him unable to look you in the eyes and you not wanting to press him into more talking. When you had arrived home, he guided you through the double doors, his hand on your waist, before quickly saying good night and melting into his shadows to rush away into his room, leaving you alone in the dark foyer.
It was like you were standing on glass, always having an eye out to make sure others wouldn't push too hard and break the thin ice you walked on, with a dangerous fondness deep beneath the surface, too fragile to poke.
"...listening, Darling?"
"Huh? What?"
You felt the blindfold being removed from your eyes, the sudden light blinding you.
"You look a little flushed my dear." you blinked your eyes, only to see Alastor stand directly in front of you, just barely out of arms reach, staring you in the face with a scrutinizing expression. "The exercise is over, we made it through the course without a scratch, I hope I didn't cause you any discomfort."
It took a moment for you to realize that you stood at the edge of the maze of furniture, but what really knocked you off your balance was the way Alastor's head was tilted slightly to one side, his crimson eyes almost boring through you, staring deep into your soul, as if he was looking for you, truly seeing you, and how he reached out a sharp tipped hand towards you with the look of worry on his face. You took a step back, laughing nervously and raking a hand through your hair.
"All good, Al. I'm just glad there's no imprint of my face on any of the cupboards." You saw him jerk his hand back with a pained smile. "Splendid.", he laughed, the edges of it trembling. He looked everywhere but at you, "Shall we join the others, then?"
You followed him to one of the sofas and let yourself fall on the plush cushions next to him. You watched his ears twitch as Angel hollered a jubilant cheer of Vaggie's name, who finally reached the end of the course, the blood on her shins almost dried. Husk patted a panting Niffty on the back with a fond look, while Charlie cheered as Angel bowed for her with a big grin.
"Told 'ya the spicy taco and I could make it out alive and in one piece, Charls!"
Vaggie gave Angel a deathly glance, then sighed. "It's high time for lunch, hon. All the blood loss made me hungry..."
The group collectively agreed and headed towards the kitchen, talking and laughing loudly with each other. You couldn't help but give Alastor, who kept his gaze anywhere else than to you, a look, furrowing your brow. This had to stop, now.
"Charlie, do.... do you have a minute?"
The princess stopped to look at you, her smile disappearing and her eyes widening as she saw the stern expression on your face.
"Uh- Yeah, sure.", she shot Vaggie a look, as if begging for her help, but you just grabbed her hand and pulled her away into a nearby corridor while the others snickered and headed off, telling them to take their time. Charlie gave you a nervous glance, and the pitiful face of guilt only worsened your mood.
"Charlie, I know you mean well, but you have to stop."
"Listen, I didn't mean any harm..." Her face was full of pitiful remorse. You pinched the bridge of your nose and sighed.
"I'm aware of that, Charlie, but you are making Al uncomfortable."
"I'm sorry, really, that's not my intention! I just Thought you two need a little push in the right..."
"This whole... THIS might end our friendship all together and I don't want to take that risk! You're even getting the others involved. For fuck's sake, even Rosie is in on it. Al doesn't want this - us, relationship-thing, WHATEVER, and it is not okay for you to press us!"
Her eyebrows shot up. "But you want it."
"What?", you said, irritated.
"You're only talking about him, and his feelings. But what I'm hearing is, that you... you like him, right? You'd say yes to..."
Tears of frustration shot into your eyes. Why didn't Charlie get it? "That doesn't matter. It's not something only one can decide, you should know that. He doesn't feel the same, and that's fine. He doesn't want to be with me, and that's fine. I can accept that. What I can't accept is the way you're hellbent on forcing a relationship on us. He is happy the way we are, and I don't want you and the others to mess that up."
You turn away from her, angry and hurt. "I just... want him to be happy. To have his boundaries respected."
"I... I'm sorry...", Charlie started, but you already walked off.
You were angry. Angry at Charlie, angry at everyone, angry at yourself. Almost at your doorstep, a hand on your shoulder stopped you.
"Dearest? I'd like to talk, if that's alright with you."
It was Alastor. Of course it was Alastor.
Your heart was pounding in your chest, a feeling of dread and guilt washing over you, as if he had overheard the entire conversation, and you slowly turned around, swallowing. He didn't seem upset, but his face was calm and serious, not the usual cheerful smile on his lips.
"Of course."
He held the door to your own room open for you, closing it behind him after you entered.
"Take a seat, Darling, if you would."
You sat down, hands in your lap, avoiding his gaze, looking at your carpet with feigned interest. Your heart was hammering against your ribs, a painful stinging sensation in your stomach.
"Darling, would you look at me, please."
With a heavy sigh, you obliged, looking up.
"Al, listen, I'm sorry...", you started, but were interrupted by the radio demon's hand, raising up.
"Please. Let me talk, would you, my dear."
You closed your mouth, and he nodded, a gentle smile on his lips.
"I know I'm a... difficult man. And I am not exactly the best in understanding the feelings of others. I also know that the princess and - under her meticulous orchestration - our fellow residents, are quite adamant in their endeavor to try and push us together."
You swallowed, hard. The way he looked at you made your stomach drop.
"Al, listen, it's alright, I've talked to Charlie and I'll tell the others to stop..."
"Darling, would you PLEASE shut up for a minute?"
The room was suddenly silent. He rarely talked like that to you.
"As I was saying..." He sighed, and you couldn't help but think he was utterly frustrated. You felt horrible. "I don't appreciate it when people assume what I want or don't want."
"Neither do I.", you mumbled, and he let out a laugh.
"That is precisely my point, Darling." Alastor took a few steps towards you, his cane twirling in his hands before he poofed it out of existence. "And as such, I've been pondering for a while how to proceed. The way the others keep pestering us, I thought it's better to clear things up between us."
Your heart sank. So he did overhear your conversation with Charlie, after all. You couldn't blame him. You would've done the same.
"Alastor, I understand..."
"Do you now?", he asked, tilting his head to one side, an incredulous smirk playing on his lips. Lips that were suddenly awfully close to your own. When did he get so close? Why did he get so close?!
Everything slowed down - his arm snaked around your waist, his hand came up to your neck, a thumb caressing the little dip of the bottom of your jaw. Your trembling hands came to rest on his chest, and you felt his heartbeat hammering underneath the fabric of his jacket. His eyes, those beautiful crimson eyes, were fixed on yours, and your breath came out in a shaky sigh before his lips closed over yours, kissing you so softly and sweetly you could barely comprehend what was happening. Your fingers gripped the lapels of his jacket, holding on for dear life, and as he deepened the kiss, you gasped, your whole body tensing, melting, yearning.
It felt like a dream, an out of body experience, and for a short, panicked moment, you felt the cold, hard grip of fear around your heart. What if it was just a dream, and when you wake up, everything is back to the way it was before? What if he would pull away any moment, and apologize, saying he made a mistake?
But the fear disappeared almost immediately, when Alastor hummed contently, and pulled you even closer to him.
You could feel the warmth of his body, the way his hand on your neck got tangled in your hair, how his breath was mingling with yours, and the scent of him filled your nose. The faint smell of spices, old books, wood and something like burnt amber, a scent you would never get enough of.
"Now tell me, dearest, if you understood.", he murmured against your lips, the grin audible in his voice.
"I... might need a little more explanation."
You could almost hear him roll his eyes as he leaned in to kiss you again, and his laughter against your lips made your heart skip more than just one beat. The sound of wood cracking and a loud rumble snapped both of your heads towards your door.
In a pile of heads and limbs, five bodies fell through the splintered wood of your door frame, groaning in pain, the remains of the door still swinging in its hinges.
Alastor looked at the pile of eavesdroppers, a wide, dangerous grin on his face.
"Dear me, what an entrance. I wonder, did the door offend you, or was that the result of a lack of proper manners?"
Angel, being the first to poke his head out of the groaning mess of sinners, pointed at you with one of his arms, the others fisted the air in victory.
"A-HA! WE FUCKING DID IT, fuck yeah!"
Niffty, the next one to crawl out of the pile, nodded eagerly.
"I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!", she chanted, jumping up and down excitedly on a groaning Husk's back.
Charlie's face came into view, a guilty look on her face as she untangled the others in a hurry, shoving them out of the door.
"Uh, so, sorry, the door was kinda in the way. Didn't want to interrupt anything, sooo, We're just gonna... get back to cooking."
With her tail between her legs, the flustered princess and her entourage vanished faster than the speed of light, leaving you and Alastor alone with your heart pounding fast, your hands still clutching the front of the overlords jacket, and his arms around your waist in a protective embrace, your breaths mingling.
"Would it bother you terribly if I killed them?", Alastor growled low in his throat, his smile widening.
You just couldn't stop grinning. "As tempting as that is... I rather you don't. For now, that is. Ask me again when they are finished cooking."
He returned your smile. "Fair enough, dear."
He closed the gap between you and his lips meet yours halfway in a soft, and most certainly not-enough-to-last-a-lifetime kind of kiss. You thought you could get used to this.
"I'm sure they can handle lunch by themselves, don't you think?", he hummed into your ear. You didn't trust your voice to reply, and simply nodded.
Tagging all commenters on 'More than words', because LOVE @mysterypotatoink @ladyzaunis @penelope-potter @lustylita @saints-wrapped-in-plastic @katgirl05 @deadt3tinside and @minkdelovely (for the daily dose of fluff)
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hubbvrd · 7 months
Don you still take request? If you, can you #5."But you hate [food]" — "Yes but you love them. So I get them." with Sam Hubbard, please
Cinnamon rolls | Sam Hubbard
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summary — Sam and you are spending a day in the mall. Your boyfriend literally reads your every wish from your lips and so he then buys you cinnamon rolls, which he doesn't really like, but after a brief persuasion on your part he tries them and maybe he doesn't think they're so bad?
pairing — sam hubbard x reader
words — 1096
notes — thanks for your request. I hope you like it!🧡
Hand in hand, you and Sam stroll through the mall. In your left hand and Sam's right is a bag or two, which suggests that your shopping trip has been pretty successful so far.
You've spent the last two hours exploring countless stores and the odd item has made your pockets fuller and your money a little less.
"I'm really hungry, Sammy," you look up at your boyfriend, almost pouting, who looks down at you with a broad grin on his lips.
Actually, Sam didn't really like shopping, as he was always in a bad mood or would find a cozy corner to sit in most of the time while you were lost in your shopping frenzy.
But today Sam seemed to be quite excited about the shopping trip, because Sam seems to have changed this time.
The Bengals player hadn't sat down once or looked bored. On the contrary. He was pretty much in his shopping element too, so you ended up being the one who had to wait for your boyfriend.
"Then we should eat something. I don't want my girlfriend to starve to death"
Sam gently pulls you over to the corner of the mall where there is a large selection of different meals.
"That's really very nice of you, Hubbard" you reply with a grin as you look around and try to decide from the huge selection of different foods.
"There's so much to choose from. How am I ever supposed to decide?" you tilt your head and look at your boyfriend, who rolls his eyes with a grin.
"What are you most hungry for?" Sam asks you as he follows your gaze, hoping to find out what you want to eat by looking at you.
"Hm, burgers and fries doesn't sound too bad, but I guess I'm not too hungry for that..." you begin to think aloud as your eyes wander over to a small stall selling your favorite pastries.
Cinnamon rolls. The sweet pastry that always makes you weak in the knees.
Ever since you tried this pastry for the first time at your grandma's about twenty-two years ago, you were hooked and could eat it in quantities almost every day.
In fact, you had already tried baking them yourself a few times, but either something went wrong or your cinnamon rolls didn't taste anywhere near as good as your grandma's, so you finally gave up and the cinnamon rolls from the bakery had to suffice until the next time you visited your grandma.
"Cinnamon rolls, then" Sam noted with amusement after finally finding out which stand you were literally staring at.
But actually, Sam should have known exactly, because he knew how crazy you were about these pastries. "Then I should go over and buy some cinnamon rolls."
"But you hate cinnamon rolls..."
"Yes but you love them. So I get them."
Sam kisses your cheek before setting his bags down next to you and then walking over to the stall to get you cinnamon rolls.
It was really sweet of him to wait in the long line to get your favorite pastry, which he didn't even like.
You kept trying to convince Sam that the cinnamon rolls were the best pastry.
Each time, however, Sam had grimaced in disgust and visibly struggled not to spit out the pastry.
Each time you had watched this moment with a laugh, even though we had felt rather sorry for your boyfriend that he was once again struggling with the pastry, which he seemed to detest above all else.
It was a few minutes before Sam came back with a packet of fresh cinnamon rolls, which seemed to be still warm - the way you loved them best.
"They're even still warm?" you ask with wide eyes as Sam opens the lid of the box and the smell of cinnamon and yeast dough begins to fill your nose.
"Yes, I asked if I could have some of the fresh and warm ones. I know how much you love them warm," he replies with a smile on his lips as he lifts a perfectly shaped cinnamon rolls out of the box and holds it in front of your lips.
Without hesitating for long, you take a big bite and begin to moan with pleasure as you chew the warm cinnamon roll and close your eyes for a few seconds to fully absorb the taste.
"That good?" Sam asks you with a grin as he watches with amusement as you stand there chewing.
"Incredibly good" you reply, mumbling, before taking another bite of the cinnamon roll.
Over the past few months, you've visited countless bakeries to buy cinnamon rolls, but none of them have come close to the ones your grandma baked, except for this one.
"They taste like my grandma's. Really!" you babble as you shove the rest of the cinnamon roll into your mouth and then lick the cinnamon off your fingers.
"I should probably try it then, shouldn't I?" With a grin on his lips, Sam opens the box again to take out a cinnamon roll for himself.
"But you don't like cinnamon rolls..."
"If this one tastes like your grandma's, then I have to try it, don't I? Because if you always rave about your grandma's cinnamon rolls so much, I have to give them a chance. Because the next time we're together at your grandma's and she makes cinnamon rolls, I don't want to disappoint her."
You watch Sam excitedly as he brings the cinnamon roll to his mouth and then takes a big bite, which he chews on for quite a long time without changing his expression, making you slightly impatient.
"Aaaaaand?" you ask impatiently.
"Wow. I mean awesome. The cinnamon roll is really good. Better than the other disgusting cinnamon roll stuff you've been feeding me for the last few months." A wide grin forms on Sam's lips before he shoves the rest of the pastry into his mouth.
"Ha, you finally believe me! And I can hardly wait for you to try my grandma's cinnamon rolls soon. They're twice as good as these. But I can finally love and accept you completely."
"Oh, so you didn't love and accept me completely before?" Sam asks, almost indignantly, as he carefully puts the packet away in a bag.
"I did, but even more so now" you quickly save your words and press your lips to Sam's before your boyfriend can even begin to say anything back.
And so nothing could stand in the way of your grandma's cinnamon rolls.
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omgsuperstarg · 1 year
#K-popaddock- Toto Wolff x reader
You know I love nothing more than K-pop! So what better than dance challenges with some of the drivers and even the boss man himself for some good fun in between races.
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As a driver, you knew it had been stressful having to push the pedal to the metal every weekend but you loved it and wouldn't have it any other way. Everyone knew how much of a K-pop fan you were by the edits and dance covers you uploaded and they loved when you got the chance to show off your skills.
The Mercedes admin gave you the honour of creating some content for the Team Socials and the fans knew that in your spare time, you loved to dance especially to K-pop songs. So you started the #kpopaddock in which each race weekend you tried to do at least some challenges personal and fan-voted. So for the newest edition, it was time to see the other drivers on Grid show their moves and the poison was EXO Kai's Rover since it was the easiest and you knew most of the guys could pick it up well.
And so it began, it was enjoyable seeing the guys try their hand at the choreography. Charles and Carlos put their own flavour and comedy into the dance as you knew the C² would. Max and Daniel did the dance well and Lewis put his own style and improvised a dance to the song.
Now this was the moment that the fans would go ballistic over. It's a proven fact that Toto is a staple to the F1 internet and what better way to get the fangirls screaming than their fave principal dancing. The admin had him agree to do some content but he doesn't know what kind so it was time to break the news and document it.
"Hey boss man, I hope you're ready for your special challenge", you say smiling hiding your evil intentions on what your boss has to do.
'"I hope nothing too difficult and embarrassing.", the Austrian principal speaks with a hint of amusement.
"As we all know, you can party hard and dance so I want to challenge you to bust a move utilizing some k-pop choreo and the whole garage is going to be your personal cheerleader", the garage erupts into cheers and whistles with some taking out their phones ready to capture the moment.
Toto's face resembles a cherry with blood rushing to his cheeks but knowing Toto he's not one to refuse but I did have a stipulation if he did forfeit.
"Just so you know sir, if you fail to accept you must wear wolf ears for the remainder of today's proceedings. So choose wisely!", you say in giddy excitement.
You could hear him mutter in German at the mess he's about to enter.
"Don't worry boss, your dance will be cool and simple to complete and that song is 2PMs My house. Get your popcorn yall cuz this is finna be a show you'll never forget", you profess like an announcer at a circus saving the best act for last.
You begin to teach Toto the moves and he's a surprisingly quick study, its always nice to see the man you look up to have a little breather since race days always have him stressed and the cherry on the cake is that it gives the team a morale boost.
"You think you're ready Mr. Wolff?", you inquire to your commander.
"Yes, I hope I don't embarrass myself too much. I'm marvelled at you. Not only you're a great driver yet here you displaying another facet of your talent. Im quite proud of you.", he confesses after which he gives you a huge wolff hug.
NOW ITS SHOWTIME!!! With all cameras at the ready and baited breath, this was his debut and you placed the cat headband on him for good measure and then the music started.
It was such a huge moment that even some of the other garages came to sneak a peak at the powerful Wolff getting his dance on and in the end, he did pretty great and the crowd loved it. Some cameramen even documented it live. It was truly an ICONIC Toto moment! You didn't think Toto was able to move his hips like that but he proved you wrong.
You even sent the video to Mrs Susie so she could see her beloved husband in action and she LIVED FOR IT AS WELL as well as little Jack laughing at seeing his dad dance😊😂👌
"AHHHHHHHHH, yep!!!!! This is millions-worthy right here. THE FANS ARE GOING TO EAT THIS UP!!!!!", you say as you observe the footage.
"You did really good Toto, im proud of you. The ears stay on", you said running to prep for the day's races before he can rebuttal.
Bonus Clip
At the end of the day, you placed P4 and to celebrate you had one more challenge to do and it was a compilation of Lee Chaeyeon's Knock. You've been practising for all four levels of the dance and now it's time to bare the fruits of the labour. Dressed in your outfit, you proceeded to leave it all on the track for everyone to see!
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jacevelaryonswife · 2 years
A gift for you | HOTD Modern 「AU」
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You loved Secret Santa, but you were unlucky enough to receive dubious and average gifts.
pairing: Jacaerys | Aegon | Aemond | Lucerys and Helaena x Fem!Reader
a/n: Merry Christmas sweeties, here in Brazil is the 25th, in other places to the east is probably the 26th. I hope you have a great day and holiday ❤️
You loved Secret Santa but were unlucky enough to receive dubious and average gifts. Even so, it was always a pleasure to join in the fun with your friends, family, and strangers — a story for another time. For the friend Secret Santa you had taken Helaena, loving the result of the draw because a little while ago she had mentioned a reputable book on entomology. Of course you bought the book — hoping she hadn't bought one too — and boxed it up with a cute picture of you at the beach last year.
When the night of delivering the gifts arrived you were very excited, but you hoped that Aegon didn't take you away again. He was HORRIBLE at choosing gifts. You also didn't want Luke to have taken you because he probably wouldn't know what to buy and would end up turning to Jace, telling him who took it. Soon, only Aemond, Jace, and Helaena were left as decent gift givers.
By drawing lots to determine the first to reveal, you have started the most anticipated event of the year.
“So, my Secret Santa. is someone very special to me and-“
“Awn, honey, you are also very special to me too,” Aegon interrupted, earning a glare that was a little irritated from the others and a little amused by your own.
“I know, Aeg. Moving on, the person I took is very sweet, kind, and quirky. It’s an extraordinary person who I have a lot of admiration for.”
“Then it’s not Aegon,” Luke teased with a shitty grin that made him curiously cuter, making everyone but the eldest Targaryen laugh.
“Fuck off,” he let out a huff, but surrendered to the mood of the moment. "Not Aemond either, he's not sweet.”
Before Aegon noticed his brother's slashing gaze, you countered: “He is very sweet!”
"Thanks love,” Aemond's expression softened at the praise, drawing his brother's attention to you.
Going back to the presentation, you added:
“This person recently expressed interest in a specific gift that I hope they didn't buy. My Secret Santa is Helaena!”
The two of you shared a big smile before/during the hug.
“I can't believe you bought the book! I loved!!!! Thank you so much sweetie, I love you.”
“Love you too Hel.”
She took her turn, picking up the red bow wrapper. Fun fact about Helaena: even though she is an excellent gift giver, she is horrible at mysteriously revealing her Secret Santa, nothing subtle, although she tried.
“My secret friend is someone very kind and sweet-“
“Not Aegon again,” Jace interrupted this time, earning a satisfied smile from Aemond. “Sorry.” He told Helaena.
“You guys really love me,” the eldest grumbled.
“And I'm so happy to take you out again! It's you Jace!" She grinned at the Velaryon.
Okay, you think her spontaneity was cute, but rather anticlimactic. Last year she had given him a sweet dog named Vermax (it was quite difficult to get him to the place without him noticing). This year she handed him a football autographed by Joe Montana, making him nearly choke in disbelief.
“Oh my god, how did you get that? This is the best gift ever! After Vermax of course, but oh my god oh my god.” He freaked out, grinning as he caught the ball as gently as a newborn baby. It wouldn't be surprising if he kissed the object made of leather.
“You wouldn't believe me if I told you.” She smiled after hugging him, returning to her seat beside you on the comfortable rug in Targaryen mansion.
“That was impressive.” Aemond pointed out, fully aware that no other gift would top this one.
His sister confirmed in self-knowledge, earning a sideways look from the youngest. Next up was Jace, who had an adorable decorated box and a cute smile on his face. Important fact about Jace: the first person you look at during the speech will be his Secret Santa. Everyone knew but no one warned him, it was fun to watch him do it every year.
But apparently, he had noticed such a habit and decided to keep his eyes on the present tense as he spoke:
“So, my Secret Santa is a really, really special person. This person is smart and kind, has one of the biggest hearts I know, and is one of my best friends. She always complains about receiving bad gifts, like a picture frame, soap kit and a set of three aluminum pans last year-“ Oh! Okay that was surprising. He took you!!!!!
Your smile was so wide and happy as he revealed it, heart warming immediately.
“In my defense, you always liked to cook.” Aegon cut him off at the hint. Yes, he had given you three aluminum pans that would stick to ALL the sauces and food you cooked. Maybe if they were good pots you would have appreciated them.
“You like to fuck and that’s why I should give you condoms?” You asked. “Also, the quality of the pans were horrible.”
“Oh common.” The blonde grumbled, pouting cutely.
“Okay, so even though I've known you for years it was quite difficult to find a really, really good gift. For a moment I almost bought a set of pants and t-shirts at forever 21, but who gives someone clothes for Christmas? So, since you're a bit of a nerd and quite conceited, I thought I'd buy something to tie that together.”
You hugged him before opening the present, resting your head on his shoulder. “If you had bought a set of clothes I would have killed you. Love you, Jace.” Your voice was low on the last part, almost confiding.
“Love you too.” He kissed your temple, handing you the box.
Your eyes widened to the gold necklace with your favorite heroine's symbol carved into the pendant with small stones the color of her uniform. Below was the hardcover novel of your favorite saga, which was also hers. There was a note inside, and a small box of jewelry.
"I loved Jace, I can't believe it, it's perfect, I love you so much!!"
You touched the note with a knowing eye, saving it to read later. He noticed this, smiling sweetly at your act. He returned to sit across from your, keeping a sweet gaze in your direction.
“I'm next.” Aemond announced, rising elegantly. Fun fact about him in Secret Santa: he's incredibly methodical and direct, there's no much suspense, but he's really good at describing. “My Secret Santa is a brat, and he can be a real brat sometimes, but he has a big heart and knows how to be… adorable. I didn't really know what to buy initially, but when you said you wanted a good zombie game for Xbox I thought it would be a good opportunity.”
Another interesting fact is that Aemond sometimes purposefully confuses the audience in his description, and he's really good at it.
"For a moment I thought it was Aegon." Helaena said in confusion. You agreed with her, seeing the smile curl the youngest Targaryen's lips.
“It was intentional.” He looked at Luke with a small smile as the youngest ran towards the present, hugging him. “Left 4 Dead is a classic, I hope you like it.”
“Did you buy both? Thank you Aemond, this is so cool.” Lucerys's big blue eyes were excitedly over the gift.
The blonde smiled proudly in satisfaction. “Glad you like it.” As I said, he is very methodical and doesn't usually disappoint.
"Okay Jace, which gift did you pick for me or Aemond?" Aegon teased him with an unimpressed and aware look as Luke took the relatively large box in his hands.
“This one is mine, actually. I had bought a better present for my Secret Santa, but since he embarrassed me in front of Baela and Rhaena last week and didn't apologize I decided to buy something he will probably put to better use.” Luke quickly blurted out that Aegon was his Secret Santa, leaving him intrigued by his new gift.
“I didn't embarrass you entirely. Entirely." The blonde took the box curiously, opening it to find a crate of Heineken and a Marlboro wallet. “I don’t even like Heineken!”
"I know." The younger Velaryon retorted with a proud smile.
“How did you buy a case of beer and a pack of cigarettes? You’te underage.” Aegon complained. "This was worse than anything I've ever given you."
“Thanks Luke.” You thanked him in amusement, watching Aegon pick up Marlboro Watermelon's wallet with a slight frown. “You like to smoke, I think it was a valid gift.” The elder's gaze was incredulous and accusing towards you, making you jump to answer. "And no, I didn't buy it."
When Luke confessed that it was Daemon, Aegon's gaze narrowed. Turning now to him, the last to deliver the gift, the terror of all participants in the competition. Aemond heaved a sigh as his brother walked to the front of you, not sparing a grumpy grunt.
"Oh Jesus."
“I'm sorry, dude.” Jace comforted him with a hand on his shoulder, making Aegon roll his eyes before starting.
“Every year you complain that my presents are awful. This time I made sure not to make the same mistake as it may not look like it, but I love you guys and especially my little brother here. It was fucking hard to find something good, since you don't like anything-"
"I like a lot of things." Aemond cut him off sharply, holding back from rubbing his eyes in realization.
“Anything fun. So I hope you like this one, it's pretty nerdy.”
“Is it a teacher-student porn?” Jace asked in mock serious tones, eyebrows raised and eyes cynical.
You chuckled before raising your hand towards him for a high five, but then, Aemond unwrapped the gift to reveal a rather fancy book on the history of the Persian Empire. Okay, it was a really good gift.
"Are you okay?" Helaena asked the elder in mock concern. “That sounds like a decent gift.”
“It is, thanks brother.” Aemond rose to embrace him, trully satisfied with the new addition to their collection. Knowledge is never too much.
“Glad you liked it, that was pretty expensive.” He stressed. “And now, what shall we do?”
“Let's take a picture with our gifts.” You suggested, turning on the phone to put on the camera.
“No please.” Aemond complained again, earning a bored look from him. The man was a hiding machine.
“Yes please!” Finding the perfect position that featured all of you and those in the selfie, you instructed, “Say fuck Aegon.”
It didn't take much prodding from the other four.
“Oh common.”
For my lovelies: @madame-fear @damatheirin @faces-ofvenus 💓
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darkfictionjude · 4 months
Etymology nonnie here! 
There is so much to talk about. I used the update as a chance to play everything again from the beginning. So I have a lot to say (apologies to you, and your eyes, as I'm not sure if you have fully recovered, and yet here I am writing long ramblings). 
1) This is basically about what I became known for. Names. I became the etymology nonnie after writing about the origins of the names of the Crown siblings as I was trying to come up with a name for my MC that was the right fit. 
Well, I also did an ask a time later rambling how, while I like the name Indiana, I thought it became a bit of a meme, when placed along Cairo Crown. After all, it's almost as if Victor and Prudence went and said: “This kid is meant to be an archeologist, hence the name”. And I would have left it at that, if it wasn't because the name began to call me more as time went. As well as the idea of having the name of Imre's idol felt exciting and interesting. 
So, I ended up having my MC being Indiana, or Indy. Me, who found the name funny initially, ended up falling in love with it and now I cannot name my MC anything else. 
It doesn't help that it means now both my MC and Imre have the same initial. So, if my MC was a cheesy (and way to wholesome given what we know) boy, I could see him drawing a heart with I+I inside. Worse, it doesn't stop there. It can be ever cheesier: I+I=We. 
I just know Imre would be amused by it. I'm not sure if he would find it cute, silly, both or neither. But I know he would be amused for certain.
Speaking of my beloved. I did enjoy reading how he reacts to MC when we are romancing him. How he seems perplexed by what he is feeling, and yet actively used his charm and seduction to bring MC to his side. And I love how my MC is “I cannot trust him, I know it. And yet, I keep bringing myself to trying to”. 
The whole phone call, if it wasn't for the murder of Sammy, was also delighful in this regard. The back and forth. MC being awkward because he praised Imre's voice in a way that makes obvious he is enamored. Imre using the chance to flirt, to praise MC… As if I needed even more reasons to romance Imre. 
2) I replayed the first side quests to see which one is more urgent for me. After all, I may like my MC to be a good Samaritan, but I prefer to focus on what will help someone the most. 
Because of that, I tried to play the taxidermy side quest and the siren side quest. And, while I spent more time on the latter (and liked it a lot). The cheese rat side quest seems significantly greater of a problem to be solved. As is actually dangerous to Mr. Ewekes (I hope I got his name right). But it could become a danger to the town as whole, if left unsupervised.
That said, I love the lake side quest too. Had this been an RPG, of which I'm rather fond to, I would probably played them all. Yet, because you structured the side quests in a way that only one can be played, I had to choose the cheese rat ones. It's the biggest problem overall. Also, I do love the social classes commentary of the cheese rat quest. 
3) Speaking of which, this brings me to the Crown family and their money troubles. I realized Sally said Victor and Prudence wanted MC back. Yet, for the life of me, I cannot see a reason why they would want MC back. Then, it struck me. It's money. They probably don't have enough money to keep MC there, or they don't consider it a priority. 
Is that, or Sally is very sus. I do still suspect (although I think I'm wrong), that Victor may be dead and Sally is covering it. And the fact Sally is almost desperate when he says Prudence wanted MC back (in that scene from the previous update), when she never seemed that affectionate towards MC (if anything, Prudence seemed entirely checked off from MC) and now is way too apathetic to actually demand something as important as getting MC back home. Well… Maybe Sally is not in the best place mentally. And not just in the traumatized parentified mess we have previously discussed, but also in as something more serious. Could be Sally making this whole thing up? 
Speaking of messed up relationships. I don't think I explored everything about the emotional mess Percy is in. While it is clear he is in complete denial about Prudence affection for him and her favoritism for Orla (which may be a coping mechanism). It's how Sally treats him that probably has a stronger effect on him. 
For instance, Sally, by virtue of being parentified, does have a parental role. For MC this is obvious and clear, as there is also an infantilization of MC following Sally's parentification (which is shown wonderfully by how Sally seem surprised MC went through puberty, like, why were you expecting MC to remain a kid forever?). But in the case of Percy, he still has to more or less answer to Sally. If MC is the kid, Percy is the rebellious teenager. The problem comes, however, from the fact that Sally has decided to ignore Percy for MC in a blatant and undeniable manner. Inside the home, is not MC who is the black sheep. But Percy. Since only the brothers and MC are the ones who are effectively living and interacting together. 
So now I'm not surprised at all that Percy would trade places with MC. MC was gone for two years, has done nothing to warrant the level of affection Sally shows. And yet, he is still preferred over Percy. Sally, even if way too overprotective and condescending, is so incredibly caring to MC. While Percy is only criticized and ignored by him. 
Of course, Sally does not have a responsabilty to be Percy's parent. Arguably, none of them want that. But because of the parentification, Sally doesn't seem to know how to he a sibling. And has only widened the distance between him and Percy. It's heartbreaking, really. 
And from the flashbacks we have had… I think Percy was in a better position than currently, yet it was obvious he still was paid less attention than the rest. Sally is the heir, Orla was the only/eldest daughter, and MC was the baby. Percy was, at most, the spare.
I+I=We 😭😭😭😭 a good pun crime. I do like how you used Indiana for a male mc I feel that even though most use it for girls it serves very well in a unisex capacity like the name Ashley
Also yeah I try not to have a favourite in side quests but Mr. Ewekes has to be the most entertaining for me since it's not only funny but the choices are extreme to how to deal with it
Very interesting what you say about why MC was brought back... is Sally telling the truth?
I think how you explained it, MC is the baby and Percy is the rebellious teenager lashing out to be paid attention to and envious that MC does nothing is achieves more
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valentinoappreciator · 7 months
i'm back. with more alastor x valentino:333 you missed him, i know i did. and this idea came to me just because my birthday is coming up.
oh, by the way, this is somewhat explicit gore (i guess) so... don't read it if you're sensitive and just ignore this.
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first of all, imagine a yandere! alastor with valentino. at first the radio demon doesn't understand this strange feeling in him at the mention, photo or even presence of valentino. he feels disgusted, why would he be interested in that nasty moth?
As time goes by, he becomes more suffocating and decides to make a stop at the Vees' tower. To Valentino's studio, to be exact.
I can imagine Vox noticing and intervening, believing that Alastor is coming to see him. The radio demon laughs loudly.
"Oh dear, did you really think I was coming to visit you? How adorable. But, please, move along. You won't let me see your dear pimp friend... I need a good view of him."
Valentino for his part is confused but the situation amuses him. Alastor came to see him...strange. Still, he agrees when Alastor tells him to go somewhere more private.
The radio demon is direct. Very direct. He tells him everything he's been going through, everything he's been feeling, everything he's been thinking about him and who knows what else. Valentino first looks at him silently and then bursts out laughing like he's never laughed before.
He doesn't believe him. Not at all. He thinks Alastor just wants to play with him and he finds it incredibly comical and absurd. Alastor just stands there, static and his smile seems to grow darker.
That's the end of the conversation. Alastor leaves and Valentino is left with the fact that it was all a joke. And of course, he tells what happened to Velvette and Vox who laugh and tease Alastor with him.
A few days pass, everything is normal. Valentino just goes on with his work and eventually forgets what happened with Alastor... until an anonymous letter arrives.
It's a neat and beautiful letter but the content is... disturbing. Or so Valentino feels for some reason when he reads it. At the end, a signature that reads "Your Darling." and a smile. Haunting.
He decides to ignore it. But more letters arrive. Same handwriting, same signature, same smile, same disturbing content. Now Valentino does begin to question what Alastor told him.
He sends Angel Dust to keep an eye on the hotel for him. To look for any kind of information, to watch him from afar, anything. But Angel gets nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Then Val's birthday rolls around. Usually, he's usually a little excited because well, it's going to be his day. So that serves to distract him from the letters, which he throws in the trash because he doesn't want to look at them because of how uncomfortable they make him feel.
His birthday arrives. He usually spends the day with Vox and Velvette but oh surprise, they're not there. He looks all over the building for them, texts them, calls them all the way to voicemail, but nothing. In the end he chooses to believe they went to buy a great gift for him.
What else could it be? Of course something didn't happen to them... did it?
Later in the day, a letter arrives. Accompanied by a large bouquet of roses. The letter has red ink but the page is stained with it in places. That makes it look weirder. Apparently, someone invites him to a special dinner alone, at the top of the Vees' tower.
Night comes and he goes up. Upon entering, nothing is visible and it is pure darkness. But there is a horrible smell that makes him nauseous. He tries to turn on the light but cannot. And suddenly, a candle is lit on a table that he didn't see in the dark. At the tip, Alastor sits and grooms himself.
"Greetings, my dear! You look ravishing, absolutely ravishing." suddenly, Alastor appears in front of him and takes his hand and kisses his knuckles "Like every day and night..." he murmurs in a voice... hoarse.
He pulls her hand away and walks away. He demands explanations and keeps asking questions and making threats until Alastor interrupts him.
"Easy, love. I'll answer your questions, but first.... let's have dinner!"
Alastor manages to light up the place and Valentino's expression warps in absolute terror.
Around the table, sit Vox and Velvette... or well, the corpses. Vox doesn't have his head, he's missing an arm and several of his wires were ripped out. Velvette has no eyes and her mouth is gagged with her own guts and her legs were ripped off.
"So, dear! What do you want first? Arm? Eyes? Legs? Liver? Or..."
Alastor shows him a cake and Valentino screams from fear.
It's a padtol full of blood, decorated compartes of Vox like his nuts, wires and that kind of stuff (I don't know what Vox is made of, so I'll use my imagination) and you can even see his fingers spread out. As the main decoration, Velvette's eyes and heart.
"Happy birthday, my dear, go on, try some! It tastes just like your friends...”
holy SHIT 👀 👀 This is BRUTALLLL 😍
I'm A FAN omgggg now I wanna try writing something like thisssss 😭
also, hello again!!! tumblr decided I shouldn't be allowed to see this in my inbox, so I had to do some workarounds to find it, but I hope this shows up alright 😭
ALSO ALSO!!! Happy birthday when that comes around!!! <3
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schleckermaul · 2 years
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( 🍭 unprompted valentine's! )
Strangely for today's occasion, Cuscuta's approach was rather noticeable and distinct; noncaring of how much noise she made, hurried steps were quick to approach him unlike her normal pace, almost as if the girl was excited. ❝ Break … Happy Saint Bridget's Day, ❞ she greets with an attempted smile. Gingerly, she hands two items to Break, a bag of treats and a flower, notably a purple iris.
Tied with a yellow ribbon, in the plastic bag were obviously hand-made chocolates and cookies with how misshapen and even slightly burned some of them were. ❝ I gotten the idea to try making sweets for the holiday. I made sure to put sugar rather than salt this time, but I'm still not sure if they're any good … It's okay if you don't want to eat them, ❞ is what she comments when pointing them out. As much as she tried to follow her own advice and put her feelings into them, as expected, her chocolates and cookies were probably not as good as store-bought ones. Still, she can only hope Break appreciates the gesture, even if he doesn't eat them. Or that they weren't actually that horrible.
❝ As for the flower, I remember reading about it in a book ... It reminded me of you. I thought you would like it. ❞ Her statement almost made it sound like an afterthought, but for someone who liked flowers as much as her, it was clear the gift beared some significance. Rarely does Cuscuta grow anything but black or white flowers, however this felt like a special occasion; she did choose this specific flower and color for a reason.
After explaining her gifts, Cuscuta goes quiet for a moment. Shifting her weight from one foot to another, she seems almost hesitant now. ❝ Break, ❞ she finally says. ❝ If there's anything else ... specific you want for today, just let me know … I'll do my best to get it for you. ❞
( geez, break, how come you get three things from cuscuta sorry break for the horrible awful chocolates )
— @revivancy
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HE'S ALREADY SMILING THE SECOND he hears those particular footsteps approaching. it's funny, that you can tell cuscuta is in a very different mood just by the way she walks up to him. break doesn't question the change in his own mood too much, how some of the weight on his chest lifts, how he feels a bit warmer. it's nice. it's very different to feeling panicked when she speaks up, standing right behind him, without him noticing her presence at all beforehand.
   it's happened before. plenty of times, in fact. he'd like to think he's learning, or maybe he's just bridging time until he can rely on mad hatter a bit more, to tell him when even the quietest of people are getting closer.
   break takes the flower first. he doesn't know too much about what kinds there are, or what they mean, despite it being a big topic in noble circles back home. sharon certainly talked his ear off about it being a trope in one of her romance novels plenty of times. he regrets not listening to her explanations every single time, now. but, still, stroking a few of the petals carefully, he can tell the difference in shape, its fragility. as he listens to cuscuta's explanation, he lets out a soft breath, carefully tucks it behind his right ear alongside a few strands of white hair.
   ' sugar instead of salt sounds like a good idea, ' he huffs, clearly amused, but with a different note in his voice than anybody would be used to: fondness, clear as day. nibbling at one of the cookies, break's composure dissolves into a short burst of laughter.
   oh, they are horribly burnt. crunchy, one could say. there is the subtle hint of a sweet flavour in there, which must be the sugar she mentioned, but it's mostly burnt, tasting slightly of ... is that caramel? that's almost impressive. definitely better than anything he could whip up in a kitchen. it's humbling, to know that she spent time and effort doing something she hasn't done before, hasn't mastered yet. that she's here, delivering it anyways, despite the uncertainty about whether or not he'd like it. she tells him he doesn't have to eat them, she tells him she read about a flower in a book and went out of her way to collect it for him, because she thought he'd like it.
   he is reminded, vaguely, of sitting in the gardens of the rainsworths, his left eye still healing, covered by bandages. a small lady sharon approaching, shy, bouquet in hand. having gone out of her way to gather flowers, for him.
   ' well! miss cuscuta— thank you very much! ' break does not give her any warning whatsoever. scooping cuscuta up under her arms, break lifts her into his arms and twirls, in a few circles, holding onto her tightly, making sure she won't fall. when she's set back on the ground, break's grin is as wide as it can get, a delighted chuckle on his tongue, patting her head a few times.
   ' i have something for you, as well. ' he rummages once more, but is fairly quick about it this time, excitement evident. before he can think about why, he's already knelt down in front of her, paper in hand.
   ' one card, for the sweet lady. ' it's another simple design, a pastel blue card with two figures drawn on top, easily recognizable despite his lack of artistic talent, since he kept it to very simple shapes: a blue doll, looking an awful lot like emily, next to a black bunny with golden eyes. in zhilan's handwriting, it says, happy valentine's, miss, underneath the figures, with a small heart at the very end.
   break doesn't wait for her to react. in fact, he's used this moment of her looking at it to grab the second present, safely tucked away under his coat. ' and one hat! i knitted it myself, i hope it fits. ' he's tempted, immediately, to put it on her, but instead merely holds it up by the ... are those ears? oh, they certainly are. after receiving cuscuta's drawing, this is either a very smart move, or a very good joke. or maybe it'll be both. here's hoping.
   ' i made sure to include your ... ears? so you can keep them warm, in cold weather like this. can't have you getting sick. who will i spend my time with? ' it's the chunky yarn he'd bought a while ago, but in mustard yellow, this time around, expertly crafted. peeking above the hat, break squints lovingly at cuscuta. ' and as for things i'd like to do ... how about we take a walk? collect some flowers together? i can't be the only one who has one, i'd feel bad. '
   and he doesn't. he doesn't feel bad. he feels good, and happy, if a bit nostalgic. but with things to do, who has time to dwell on that?
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casspurrjoybell-22 · 1 year
Master - Chapter 28b
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*Warning: Adult Content*  
I look back down at my own path when I feel myself descending quickly and prepare my body for landing.
One of the reasons why Vampires didn't like to use their strength to jump, beyond the fact that it left little room for coordination, was that if one didn't know how to meet the ground correctly on their descent, they would shatter a large number of bones.
By large number, I meant about all, leaving them essentially cripple until they healed or died.
The higher you went, the more difficult the landing.
There was no way to learn how to land a jump properly besides doing it until you got it.
For me, there was a year where I was particularly bored, so I was really good at it now.
As gravity pulls me down, I lock my knees and position my feet to let my heels meet the dirt first, tensing my body all over and brace myself.
"Ow," I groan as I climb out of the hole I'd made in the earth.
All my bones were in tack but that didn't stop the numbness that began throughout my body in protest, apparently, it didn't like doing that anymore.
Dusting myself off, I take a breath and look back towards the woodlands.
If I was going by the sound of many rushed footsteps and my temporary tie to the clan, I'd say that I had about three minutes before I'd have to run again.
I make a mental note to amp up my personal exercise.
"Stretching?" Wenquie asks with amusement as I bend my arms behind my head and look up to see him swinging upside from the branch of a nearby tree.
"You are stretching, now?"
"I didn't think to earlier," I admit, choosing in advance to ignore whatever comment about my age Wenquie would spew from his fluids mouth but to my surprise, he doesn't."
"For someone who was very opposed to Malcolm's idea, I think you're enjoying it more than he is," Wenquie comments with a devilish smile on his teasing lips.
"Impossible," I deny as I bend one leg behind my back.
"I glimpsed him moments ago, he's having a field day."
"And so are you," Wenquie sing-songs.
"You're actually enjoying this, like a lot, like a surprising amount."
With an ignorant shrug I mumble.
"It's not bad."
"Sure, because you haven't been smiling this entire time," Wequie comments which instantly makes me scowl. I open my mouth to rebuttal his accusation but he beats me to it.
“Do you want to stand here lying to yourself, or do you want to run? They're almost here."
I refocus my attention on the clan members and curse to myself when I feel them pouring in from all sides, they were surrounding me in a circle.
"I am excited to see how you're going to get out of this one," Wenquie says, his tail curling and lashing out behind him.
Tuning him out, I let my mind scan the positions they were taking as they approached from all angles.
I counted seven makeshift rings of vampires around me, made up of both newborns and elders, who were apparently working together.
In each ring, the Vampires were in different positions, strategically placed to cut me off at every angle if I tried to slip through them.
It was becoming clear how much the Anouk Clan despised losing... if only I wasn't the same they may have stood a chance.
I don't jump again or run before they can completely secure their rings, I wait and let them advance until I could see them all.
"Oh, shit. Yes. We've got him now."
"If he gets out of this, he's a God. I don't care what anyone else says."
"He’s too calm. I think we fucked up."
"Keep still. We just have to stick to the plan. Then we've got this."
"I've still got both my legs. So I'm taking tonight as a win."
The whispers disappear the moment I straighten to my full height and look around, turning slowly to swipe my gaze over them all.
They were smart, completely shuffling their positioning so that there was no one cluster of newborns without an elder who could direct them quickly.
My mental picture showed the strongest of them to fill the outer ring, their clustered power like a pulsing light in my brain.
"How long has it been Wenquie?" I ask, loud enough for each of them to hear me.
"Just over ten minutes," he replies readily.
"Ten minutes," I repeat as I stop my circling and smile.
“And not a single one of you has come close to catching me."
That was a lie because Alexander had come very close, too close if I was being honest but that was hardly important.
Not all of them knew that and it would work to my favour here.
Apparently successful, the air fills with a stream of annoyance and the need to rise to the challenge.
Those who were part of Alexander's first attempt were assumedly angered by the false claim and those who weren't were annoyed that it was true, for them.
Either way, it worked out in my favour.
"I'm going to get through this little barricade," I say with a feeble gesture of my hands.
“And then, I'm head up there," I say pointing to the top of a nearby mountain.
"If you can't stop me here, you should have better luck stopping me up there."
I wasn't the mocking type, at least I thought I wasn't but seeing how making so many of the clan enraged by my words amused me, I thought to myself that maybe I was.
"Ready, set," I say with a smirk.
"I'm going now."
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fangirlies · 2 years
Dude I would loooove to visit Australia, but I feel like, when I take my first step off the plane, I would immediately die because of their beautiful but deadly nature💀 Australians have all my respect✊
Well, you see, to me it's like what's the point of me 'kinda' knowing these languages, if I cannot communicate. I can't consider being able to read as an achievement :( English is my only pride even though I make probably tones of mistakes, but I can freely speak on it. So you are, bestie, incredibly cool in my books knowing Spanish and English!! And Spanish is such a beautiful, melodic and lyrical language. It is also the one I want to learn someday and often I beat myself that I didn't choose to learn it at college meh. I'm planning on seriously to take up French, when I'm finally out of college, which is luckily soon.
When I thought I couldn't appreciate you more, you've proven me wrong... I deeply love and adore people like, who want to bring something good and prosperous into educational system!! There should be more teachers like you, who want this job, who understand the depth and value of this tough profession and who want to encourage children to seek knowledge. You are amazing! I know that you will achieve it all, you will do such awesome things, I believe in you💙
And, bestie😡 don't you dare feel bad about reblogging your works, they are your babies! And for me personally it gives opportunity to reread them hehehe, especially now that Xavier's tag is do dry😟 Expect, obviously, my favourite Home is whenever you are my second favourite is Raven!! It just Xavier's sheer excitement with the whole process and him acting so giddy and joyful, the usual and kinda domestic setting that I clearly love. And maybe my purple hair plays a bit of a role too lmao...
What do you like writing more: fluff, angst, smut or something else?
- elliot anon
No hate to Australia, it seems beautiful really. But definitely ruled off my list.
Don’t sell yourself short bestie. You’re a badass in my eyes. English isn’t all that easy either so the fact that you can communicate so well is enough to be proud of. Spanish is harddd, even I sometimes will be like ‘no I said it wrong let me try again’ but I encourage learning it to add to your list! And YES don’t give up on French. I can tell it’s something you want to learn for yourself. If we give up on things we love them what else is there to do on our time on earth!
Thank you bestie! You’ve managed to put a smile on my face yet again. It’s not an easy profession for sure but to me it’s definitely worth it. I feel as though it’s one of those that you get home exhausted but part of you feels fulfilled no matter how your day went. I’m excited for it truly.
HIS TAG IS SO DRY!! It makes me so sad. Raven was done in like 4 hours in the middle of my Washington trip 💀 I remember being iffy about it because I’ve never box dyed my hair & was afraid to get something wrong so I tried to be as vague as possible when it came to the actual dyeing. NO WAY YOU HAVE PURPLE HAIR. should’ve called you my raven anon 😭 you sure you didn’t request that one too 👀
Yikes tough question.. see angst is really draining for me to write even though I think I’m better at describing heart break or just sadness in general. But I think I have to be in that state to actually write it. Smut is fun and I enjoy writing it but there comes a point where it sounds too repetitive. So I think my answer is fluff. Fluff can be very corny and cheesy but it’s amusing seeing what I can come up with. After all, I’m just a delusional girlie who is projecting. What’s your favorite to read?
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esther-dot · 2 years
It bothers me that I've never heard GRRM defend Sansa the way he defended Catelyn, and never heard him expressly say that he likes Sansa they way he said outright that he likes Arianne. I'm happy he's expressed unambiguous support for those other unfairly maligned female characters, but I wish he would do the same for Sansa, and the fact he hasn't makes me fear he doesn't like her. Oh, I think he "loves" her in the way all authors love their fictional creations, but I don't think he /likes/ her, if you get what I mean. He knows about the intense hate she gets because he's mentioned it more than once, yet he's apparently never felt compelled to stick up for her like he has for Catelyn and Arianne. His opinion of her doesn't change my own feelings about her, but it does make me sad to think he doesn't think she's worth defending.
I don’t remember reading his defense of Arianne, but I’m glad he defended her if people were being gross. I did find this quote about Sansa and Cat:
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and I think it’s amusing that with the lack of egregious behavior, fans used the the complaint that Cat and Sansa are whiney to justify their hate and he wasn’t even having that. 😂
I understand your feelings and why you wish he’d go ahead and offer more in defense of Sansa, but I think it’s very possible he feels it’s unnecessary because the story will be her defense. Since we still don’t have the ending of the series, that doesn’t solve your problem, but there’s a post from two years ago on Martin’s blog that is pertinent to me. I don’t know the context (it’s about choosing to think about the good a person did after their death, not allowing the bad to eclipse it), but it’s hard to read it and not think of her:
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(at the end of the post)
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Martin has written into his story the legacy of certain characters, Ned’s legacy specifically which has made the North remain loyal to him/his family even after his death, so the good Ned did did not die with him ie we can see how Martin is writing what he wants the world to be into his story. Again, this post had nothing to do with ASOIAF, but knowing this is how he truly feels, and then seeing how it pops up in the series tells us a lot.
To see that his better world would be gentle, kind, loving, peaceful, non-violent, empathetic…I think we’re seeing the discussion of how to achieve such a world play out in his story, the discussion of whether or not violence, war, can achieve these desired ends or if other methods must be used instead. Where violent means are necessary, where war fails. Anyway, reading that description of his better world, I thought of Sansa. Sansa who is forced into a marriage with an adult, an enemy of her house, is told she must consummate and finds it in herself to pity the man who stands to benefit from it. Sansa who tries to heal her enemies instead of kill them. Sansa who walks into a blank canvas of snow and builds a castle from her dreams. Sansa who believes the stories of a good world, a beautiful world, who learns that hers isn’t, and how to navigate it, but, who better than the person who wishes it were that perfect world to build it?
I too wish Martin would just set the record straight on a few things, but I don’t think him not calling out fans indicates anything about his feelings for her. I think he loves her, I think he has good things planned for her. We may not get the ending which would validate all of our hopes, but I think people reach for reasons to hate her because she has done very little wrong, her nature is kind, gentle, compassionate. Fans may not find that as exciting as the characters who fight and kill, who have magical abilities, but what fans value isn’t what he does—he values peace. It may be small comfort to Sansa fans who want to be validated now, but I think the validation of who Sansa is will be written into the ending of his series.
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Your ot7 drabble was awesome! Do you think you can do something similar with just the hyung line? I'm sorry I'm such a slut for the hyung line
The ot7 drabble that's being referenced
Hoseok wasn't your ex. You only hooked up with him for a while, you were never really dating. But that's what Namjoon seemed to think since when you flirted with him he talked about how he couldn't do that to his best friend. He did it though; fucked you once or twice. With Yoongi it was a one-time thing, you swear, and it was only because you were both drunk. And now Jin… He was a new one. Perhaps you should feel bad for getting with almost everyone in their friend group... But was it your fault they were all insanely hot and horny for you? What, you can't just say no to them!
The way you had ended up out for drinks with Jin was almost accidental, but the way you were making out in his car certainly wasn't. A "finally" whispered in between your lips was what gave him away, but you couldn't agree more. Finally. He drove you back to his place and there was excitement bubbling in your gut, until you walked in and saw three more boys waiting on the couch.
"What, you thought I wouldn't tell them?" Jin asked from behind you when he saw how you had frozen, mouth open and eyes wide. He was so casual about it, walking up to his friends as they all checked you out nonchalantly.
“Even Jin?” Hoseok spoke first, laughing but not seeming amused. “Wow, you really are a little slut.” You had no idea they knew what you had done, yet it was now obvious they didn’t keep secrets from each other. How was it that this was allowed? If they knew, why did they all try to get with you?
“Hobi, I—” You were at a loss for words. Do you apologize? But you didn’t do anything wrong. If you did, shouldn’t they be feeling guilty, too? They did this on purpose.
Namjoon got up suddenly, walking to you. “It’s okay, sweetie,” he murmured, and a hand came to stroke your chin momentarily. “We like you because you’re a little slut. All we want to know is what you plan on doing now.”
You blinked, looking at him with your eyes still wide as if you were terrified, not really understanding what was expected from you. And Jin, as if he knew, draped an arm over your shoulders. “What he means is… are you gonna make up your mind about which one of us you want?”
“Or are you just gonna keep fucking all four of us?” Yoongi’s voice was coarse and he didn’t even look at you. And you gulped.
“And what’s wrong with that?” you mumbled. Like you said, you weren’t dating any one of them. So why would it be wrong if you wanted to fuck different men since you were single?
You heard Hoseok chuckle from behind you as he was circling you. And then he leaned in right next to your ear. “Careful what you say or you might get yourself in a difficult situation,” he whispered, making you shiver.
“Baby,” Jin called to get your attention. “If you don’t want to choose, you don’t have to.”
“Right…” Namjoon breathed next to you, getting closer and closer to you. “I don’t mind sharing.”
Perhaps you should indeed feel bad. You should act decently. You didn’t though, let them know how much you wanted them. All of them. Because if they all wanted you, why would you say no to them? Yoongi pushed through the others to kiss you, lips harsh like they were trying to hurt you, and you figured it was desperation deriving from the fact that he probably couldn’t remember your kisses very well. And then Jin made sure to devour and feel you up for a long while, since he was the one still processing the feeling.
“Wanna see how good you are,” he admitted. “Wanna see if your pussy is as good as they say.” Had they been talking about what it’s like to fuck you? The image made you moan hard.
“Shit,” you heard Namjoon cuss while he was palming himself through his pants. “Missed those pretty moans of yours, baby.” And you whined louder for him, reaching out until you were kissing him sloppily.
“I missed that hot body,” Hoseok countered. “C’mon, little one, take those clothes off and show my friends what you got.”
You were spread on the couch, naked, and the boys let Jin handle you first, out of respect for their hyung and his curiosity for you. He chose to have his asymmetrical fingers diving in and out of you while he licked your clit. And the other three boys observed you for a while, marveling at your expressions and noises. Something about being watched by them got you so worked up, feeling an orgasm already near. And then Yoongi came closer, caressing your cheek before he let his thumb press on your lip.
“Do you want something in your mouth, baby?” he asked in a low tone, remembering how you had loved to suck on his fingers last time. This time he filled your mouth up with his dick instead. Hoseok joined too, wanting attention so you alternated between their cocks, sometimes even licking both of them at the same time, hands stroking them and keeping them close. Of course, Namjoon wouldn’t be left out; he brought his mouth down on you, kissing your tummy and inner thighs at first, until Jin allowed him some room to suck on your clit while he continued to fuck you with his hand.
You came like that. Screaming loudly as you creamed Jin’s fingers and choked on Yoongi’s dick. You were instantly being turned around, on your wobbly hands and knees, and the eldest man grabbed your ass to drill into you. A grumpy Hoseok was shutting you up very soon —because you were being too damn loud— by fucking your throat properly. The other two enjoyed the view with their palms around their dicks.
“What a good girl,” Jin said one too many times. “She takes us so well.”
“You like being fucked like that, don’t you, you little whore?” Hoseok was growling, always harsher than the rest. And you had tears rolling down your cheeks from gagging a bit too much around him, your pussy pulsing around Jin from the effect their words had on you. You came another time, freeing your mouth and Jin pulling out, falling down as you tried to catch your breath.
“I know you can do better than that,” Namjoon was scolding right as he grabbed you by the waist to lift you off the couch completely. He laid on the floor. “Ride me, baby.” So you straddled him reverse cowgirl, taking him deep inside you before you started bouncing up and down, meeting his own thrusts. Your legs were shaking but you were fucking yourself on his cock hard, his thickness always making you crave more of him.
“Yoongi,” you moaned, reaching out for the man that was keeping the quietest through it all. “Fuck my mouth, baby, please.” And he immediately carried out your wish, standing in front of you with his hands buried in your hair and letting you take him to the rhythm your rocking was creating. Jin and Hoseok were on either side of you, enjoying you stroking them as best as you could with your bad focus. All four of them fucked by you at the same time. And when Yoongi lost his control and spilled down your throat, it triggered another orgasm for you. Your pussy getting so tight around Namjoon’s cock that he cursed and pulled you off him in order to coat your ass white, too.
“She can still take more dick,” Hoseok said with confidence. “Let me fuck that pussy till I fill it up, yeah? Just like the old days.” Making sure Jin was included, he was sat on the couch while you bent in front of him and got railed by Hoseok from behind. Trying to keep the older member in your mouth but moaning so much it was hard. The sight alone was enough for him though, and he spurted all over your face. Hair pulled until your back was arched and you were crying, begging for Hoseok to be gentler as the rest of the boys could only watch how he abused your cunt in a practiced manner, feeling their dicks slowly get hard again.
He spanked you a few times. “Gonna fill this slutty cunt up,” he grunted, getting close. “Look at how many dicks you let fuck you like that. How many dicks you need to be satisfied. Fucking whore.” He did just as promised, seed flowing inside you with another spank and his fingers rubbing your clit in a desperate attempt to make you milk his cock.
And you came for the fourth; one for each of the boys you couldn’t choose from.
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hanemiso · 3 years
Operation: Dairy For Dazai
>>>a dazai osamu x reader<<<
request: "omg i love your post about Dazai and his possibility of having lactose intolerance hahaha, i wish you could do a fanfic out from that"
a/n: um this is such a great idea??? this was so much fun to write omg i hope y'all like it! also i know dazai doesn't necessarily drink coffee with milk and sugar/creamer, but for the sake of the story he does! also sorry if the gif looks weird, i couldn't find his weird little run anywhere else.
synopsis: no one has seen dazai drink milk or consume dairy of any kind...it's up to the agency to figure out if dazai is lactose intoleralnt or not!
warnings: one swear word, dazai not being able to handle dairy
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"hey atsushi, you ever notice that dazai doesn't consume dairy?"
"what do you mean, y/n?" atsushi asks, glancing up at you from the computer.
"think about it. have you ever seen dazai drink milk? eat cheese? buy ice cream?" you press on, raising your brows.
atsushi takes a second to think before responding with, "now that you mention it, no i haven't...why are you asking anyway?"
"i think dazai is lactose intolerant."
you now have atsushi's full attention as he rolls closer to your desk and furrows his brows. he looks around the room for the brunette you're talking about before turning back to you, "you think so? i don't know...maybe it's like a dietary thing."
you deadpan, "you really think the man who goes out of his way to try new attempts at committing suicide--the one who came into the office with a hallucinogenic mushroom from a random mountain--is concerned with his own nutrition?"
atsushi goes silent and nods his head in agreement.
"come on, atsushi. i mean, why would that be the one thing out of his entire diet that he'd choose to cut out?"
"that's true, i've seen the kinds of things he eats...but why is this something you're interested in?"
"because, atsushi, the thought of THE dazai osamu even having one slight weakness--and the fact that it very well may be dairy, of all things-- is amusing. you don't find it interesting? that he can survive things like bullet wounds and getting kidnapped without any problem, but a glass of milk could completely ruin him?"
atsushi was beginning to take interest in what you were talking about. you had a point, he couldn't deny that. they don't know much about dazai and his life as it is. just as it began clicking in his brain, kunikida walks over to your desk to tell you both to get back to work. at the sound of his footsteps, you turn towards him and before he can say anything at all, you ask him the same question as atsushi. kunikida has a smiliar reaction and response to atsushi, which just adds to the curiosity of dazai's possible dairy problem.
"i don't pay attention to that idiot's diet anyway, nor do i care." he says matter-of-factly.
anyone could tell that kunikida was slightly interested, just by the way he was continuing to linger by your desk as you continued talking about it with atsushi. soon enough, tanizaki had joined the conversation; then ranpo and kenji, and soon everyone in the agency other than fukuzawa. everyone was huddled around your desk, sharing memories of dazai's lack of dairy consumption. it was then decided that this theory of dazai being lactose intolerant would be put to the test when dazai returned to the office.
ranpo had come up with the idea, it wasn't too elaborate but a simple plan that could trick even the likes of dazai into drinking a glass of milk. during the discussion of dazai's dietary habits, it was also brought to everyone's attention by kunikida that it seems dazai doesn't have a high spice tolerance either. with that in mind, the plan was for the agency to have a joint dinner tonight, with curry on the menu tonight; spicy curry to be exact. dazai always flirts with you in the office, so it was your job to distract him by indulging in his pick-up lines and such. once he takes a bite and realizes it's too spicy for him, he'd try to find water to alleviate the pain, but coincidentally there is no water in sight. because of this, he'd be forced to drink the glass of milk you hand him. of course, if this didn't work, for dessert you'd give him a cup of coffee with milk and sugar (he uses non-dairy creamer in his coffee anyway).
you and kyouka set up a table to put the bowls of curry on, while atsushi and kunikida began bringing in the curry. tanizaki, naomi, and ranpo were in charge of getting the desserts to really sell the image of a nice gathering. kenji and yosano were in charge of tinkering with the water pipes to close off any possibility of access to water. this task was treated with such care, as any mission brought into the agency would be. each and every one of you were interested in learning about this side of dazai; are you going the extra mile for such a minuscule detail of someone's life? yes, but will it be amusing to find out the truth? also yes.
soon enough, dazai is spotted out the window. the truth is about to be revealed, and you are all nervous but excited.
"remember guys, act natural! operation: dairy for dazai starts now!" you exclaim quietly.
you can hear everyone take a deep breath and begin "talking" amongst themselves as dazai walks in. he stops in his tracks as he eyes the table holding all the bowls of curry and widens his eyes in surprise.
"oh? what's this?" he asks, gesturing to the table.
"y/n suggested having dinner in the agency tonight, so we got some curry and desserts." atsushi explains.
"have a bowl, dazai-kun." you smile at him as you hand him the bowl of spicy curry.
"ah, you're too nice, my belladonna!" he exclaims and grabs the bowl.
so far so good, you think.
you can feel the tension in the room as everyone waits for dazai to take a bite. the conversations carry on amongst people, but no one was truly paying attention to what was being said. the gazes of each member of the agency shifted to dazai as he raised the spoon up to his mouth. you could hear the sound of everyone in the room holding their breaths, even kunikida was sweating.
once the spoon had been placed in his mouth, everyone froze in place. you and atsushi tried to pretend to not be paying much attention to dazai, but it was so hard not to when all of a sudden he stopped chewing. you both slowly turn your head towards him and see his eyes go wide once again. he hurries to the nearest trashcan and spits out the spoonful, quickly turning and looking for a cup of water on the table.
"w-what's wrong, dazai-san?" atsushi asks, also sweating.
"h-hot! spicy curry! atsushi-kun, i need water! please!" dazai exclaims.
you run to the table and pretend to look for a cup of water before grabbing the glass of milk and hurrying towards dazai.
"sorry dazai-kun, i couldn't find any water, but i heard milk helps with the pain!" you hold out the glass of milk.
it feels like time stops as dazai sits there, breathing shallows breaths in attempts to stop the fire in his mouth, and contemplating whether he wants to try his luck with continuing to gasp for air or drinking the milk. he hates suffering, after all. in his mind, all that matters at this moment is extinguishing the flames dancing on his tongue. he grabs the glass, just as planned, and drinks a couple big gulps. everyone is now turned to him, asking if he's okay.
"i'm...fine." he says between pants.
now it was only a matter of time. the dinner continued as normal, but dazai wasn't as social as usual. he sat down with you and atsushi as you continued to talk about different missions.
"oh yeah, dazai-kun, do you remember--" you turn to look at him but realize he's staring at the ground intently as sweat beads on his face, "dazai?"
he blinks once and tries regaining his composure as he looks up at you with his usual smile, "yes, belladonna?"
"are you feeling alright?" you ask with concern laced in your voice.
"of course i am!" dazai tries to reply cheerily, but his bright tone is cut off by a rumbling in his stomach that makes his face twist.
he tries replacing his expression with a smile again, but it looks more pained as another low rumble emits from his body. at this point, everyone in the office is stealing glances. he looks back at the ground as his eyes widen yet again, and only two words are uttered before he takes off running to the bathroom:
"oh shit."
everyone stares at the door, processing what just happened. it was so silent, the only sound you could hear was dazai's rapid footsteps echoing down the hall.
"i knew it." you smirk a bit to yourself.
but your feeling of victory is brief as the horrid smell invades your nostrils. your poor co-workers get assaulted by the same stench, and you all are forced to evacuate.
operation: dairy for dazai was a success, but at what cost?
BONUS: how chuuya found out about dazai's lactose intolerance
chuuya was the only person who knew of dazai's problem with dairy, but the way he found out was purely accidental and scarred him.
the event took place when they were 17, and they were both stopping for a drink at a local cafe after a mission. the mission wasn't too bad, but it was early in the morning and chuuya wanted coffee. dazai told him it would stunt his already lacking growth, so chuuya wasn't in the greatest mood; he never was around dazai.
"i wanna sit down so you can order for me!" dazai claps his hands together.
"hey! i don't wan-" chuuya begins to protest but dazai cuts him off while walking away.
"you know what i like!"
chuuya grumbles in annoyance as he heads to the counter and orders two drinks. in his fit of anger, he accidentally ordered two coffees with milk and sugar, but failed to notice as he brought the cups to the table dazai sat at. he narrows his eyes as he sets the cup down in front of dazai and sits across from him. chuuya stares out the window to try and tune out dazai when he hears dazai ask him something quietly.
"is there...milk in this?"
chuuya scoffs and replies, "what's wrong, can't handle a bit of milk?"
he was obviously joking, but the sound that emits from dazai's body in response makes him realize it was no joke. dazai quickly stands and runs to the bathroom while chuuya sits there in disbelief, but with the hope that the rest of the day won't be ruined because of it.
that was wishful thinking though, as they frequently had to stop at public restrooms on their way home and chuuya had to deal with the rancid odor that followed dazai as closely as his own shadow.
taglist: @justmycupoftea93 @loveliestmolly @darlingimawitch @b-i-t-t-i-e-s @browneyespinkhair @silverstar22x @stupidfrogfreak @anotakugardener @jhopesstickeredcarrier @joyfulartisanstudentlamp @spacedoutcoffeebeans @puddingowo66 @kaeyapng @beomluvrr @imobsessedwithskkanditshows
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starrconch · 3 years
hiii i love your work!! can i request kazuha comfort where reader is shy and socially anxious??
★ Includes: Kazuha, GN reader, comfort
★Word Count: 1136
★ Master List
★ Notes: Heyo! Thank you so much :D I'm not personally a shy person or socially anxious, so I hope this is okay ♡
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★ Ever since your partner had fled Inazuma with you and entered Liyue, all he had wanted to do was explore the new country. Well, that and find a way to bring the light back to his friend’s vision.
★ You had supported this wholeheartedly as you also wanted to explore the strange, foreign place. However, your fear of meeting and talking to people was a dreaded nuisance that got in your way.
★ Because of this, you hadn’t told Kazuha about it as you didn’t want him to worry about you.
“I think I would like to try another one of Wanmin Restaurant’s famed dishes today, what do you think?” Kazuha asked as the two of you sat atop a rock in the housing district, fiddling with a leaf in his hands as he spoke. It wasn’t one of the maple leaves that he had come to adore, but it still amused him how it flew through the air towards him.
“Again?” You chuckled, brushing your arm against his. “Didn’t you just go there yesterday with Beidou?”
“I did indeed, however, I did not make the trip with you like I wished as you were out on a commission. Would you indulge me just for today?” He let the leaf be carried back off in the wind, giving it an extra nudge in the direction it travelled in with his anemo vision. “I think I might ask for a crab roe tofu.”
You sighed, though a smile was present on your face. “Alright then, we’ll go to Wanmin Restaurant only if we can go somewhere I would like afterwards.”
He returned your smile, his hand finding yours. “Of course, my dear.”
On the walk over to the restaurant, the crowd of people seemed to expand tenfold, making you instinctively stick a little closer to your partner. Everywhere you looked, a person was to be found. It made your heart beat rapidly in your chest and your breaths panicked as you approached the front of the queue.
“Ah, a returning customer! Couldn’t get enough, could you?” Chef Mao grinned. “What would you like today?”
“Of course, your food is most delectable. You made it so quickly and yet the love and care put into it is obvious.” Passion shimmered in his eyes that you tried to focus on instead of everyone around you. It wasn’t often that Kazuha got excited about food, he was quite the fussy eater after all. “May I have a crab roe tofu?”
“One crab roe tofu coming right up. And is there anything I can get you?” Chef Mao turned to you, an eager smile upon his lips.
You knew you should have ordered, to just say you would have the same and get it over and done with, but your mouth was sealed. In fact, your whole body was frozen with fear.
“Y/N, my dear?” Kazuha’s hand squeezed yours. While the owner of Wanmin Restaurant couldn’t tell what was happening, thinking you were simply having trouble deciding what to order, your partner could see the terror glazed in your eyes.
As you were taking so long, the people around you began to turn and stare, muttering to their friends about what the hold up was. It couldn’t be happening to you, right? This was all one big nightmare. The things that you dreaded most were happening and there was no way for you to stop it.
Noticing the tears that began to line your eyes, Kazuha took it upon himself to resolve the situation. “I apologise, sir, but I think we shall return once we know for sure what we would like to order. Could you cancel mine for the time being?”
“Of course! There’s nothing to worry about, take your time to choose what you’d like. Wanmin will always be ready for you once you’ve decided!”
Tugging on your hand, he led you back towards the housing district and to the rock you were sitting on earlier.
“What is the matter, my dear? Are you afraid of Wanmin Restaurant?” His fingers drifted up to your cheek where they brushed away a sole tear that rested there.
You couldn’t help but laugh, still shaken up from the experience. “No, I’m not afraid of that. I just suppose I’m socially anxious is all. It frightens me to talk to people, go to large gatherings, and such.”
He hummed in response as he thought about all the other situations the two of you had been in together where you seemed just as terrified. No wonder you hadn’t wanted to join the crux’s feasts below deck where everyone was crammed together, being forced to socialise with one another. He mentally cursed himself for not realising sooner. You had been suffering right in front of him for so long when he could have assisted you, and he hadn’t even noticed.
“I see.”
“Oh! Not you though! It doesn’t make me nervous to talk to you,” you quickly clarified, looking down in embarrassment. You hadn’t meant for him to find out this way, or at all for that matter.
“I’m glad.” Kazuha smiled softly, drifting his fingers so that they caressed your cheek while his palm rested on it. “Why did you not tell me before? I could have helped you, I would have never forced you into a situation where you would be uncomfortable otherwise.”
You couldn’t help but lean into his warm touch. “I didn’t want to make you worry about me.”
“Worry is not a bad thing, it simply shows that I care about you and want you to be happy.” He pulled you in for an embrace, placing a kiss on your forehead on the way. Kazuha combed your hair with his fingers as he spoke, hoping you would find some serenity from it. “Being anxious about social situations is not a bad thing either. It also shows you care about how others perceive you, and I find there is nothing wrong with that.”
You turned your head so your face was buried in the crook of his neck.
“Please let me know the next time you get too scared so I can help you, or if you reckon you are not quite up to a situation you are presented with. There will be nothing to fear, I will make sure of it.”
“Thank you, Kazuha, truly. I love you.” You leant in to kiss him on the cheek, noticing the tinge of pink that appeared on his face when you did so.
“There is no need to thank me, my dear. I love you too.” He pulled the two of you out of your hug, standing and stretching his legs. “Now, where should we head off to next? I do believe I promised you could choose where we go after Wanmin Restaurant.”
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angellesword · 4 years
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Summary: You live in a world where people see in black and white. The solution to finally see the colors? It's simple. You need to meet your soulmate and look at him in the eyes, but what if the person bound to you is already contented with the monochromatic world? What if...Jeongguk, your soulmate, is already in love with someone else?
"A future without you is a world without color."
Genre: soulmate au, e2l, slow burn, angst, fluff, roommate au
Pairing: Artist!Jungkook x Lawyer!Reader
Word Count: 2.9k
Note: I just wanna dedicate this chapter to @jooniebugg coz your feedback in Your Eyes Tell (09) is <333 and it inspired me to write chapter 10! some lines in this update is my response to your comment heheh :*
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You were not in trouble, but Jeongguk was.
"Guk," Jimin let out a breath as he closed his eyes. "Slow down, okay? I can't understand what you're saying."
But Jeongguk couldn't do it. He was sobbing uncontrollably that Jimin literally had to tell him to breathe.
Jeongguk tried to follow the instruction of his best friend's boyfriend. Breathe. It should be easy, right? He only needed to stop thinking about you in able to breathe properly.
Unfortunately, it was difficult to get you out of his mind.
"You good?"
Your soulmate nodded even though Jimin couldn't see his face. They're currently talking over the phone. Jimin called him after finding out what happened during the trial.
It was all over the news. Countless of articles were published online. Most of them were unreliable and full of speculations.
Jimin gave up after reading one sentence. He knew he had to call you to know the truth—or at least the fragments of truth. Jimin wasn't really interested in the case; he was only interested to know what was up with you.
Were you alright?
Jimin found some of your decisions in life questionable, yet he didn't say anything. He remained tight-lipped when you told him about your entangled fate not only with Jeongguk, but also with your assistant and client.
Just like your soulmate, Jimin could not understand why you were trying to defend Kim Seokjin. Their reason was different though. Jeongguk's thoughts were selfish. Jimin, on the contrary, was plain curious.
Why were you so invested in this case?
Was it because of your stubborn nature? Jimin knew that once you set your mind into something, you wouldn't stop until you won.
Jimin only learned to accept your competitive side when he realized that you were raised this way.
You didn't choose to be like this. You were actually forced to be like this. This being the case, Jimin was only able to release an exhausted breath after Jeongguk told him what happened in the courtroom.
Some might say that you pushed too hard, but this didn't give Mrs. Kim the right to hurt you.
"It's my fault, hyung. I wasn't there to protect her." Jeongguk bit the inside of his cheek.
It had been an hour since you locked yourself in your room and Jeongguk wasn't sure whether to comfort you or to just leave you alone.
It felt like you preferred the latter option. Jimin told your soulmate that you weren't answering your phone, an obvious indication that you didn't want to talk to anyone. This was also the reason why Jimin decided to just call Jeongguk to know if you were okay.
You weren't.
It was weird, but Jeongguk was positive he could feel your heart breaking. If this was any other day, he was sure that he would simply ignore this, but something definitely changed. Jeongguk didn't know why, but he had this intense urge to embrace you—to make you feel better.
"But you can protect her now, Guk. It will be hard, but please..." Jimin begged your soulmate. He didn't want to burden Jeongguk; however, the latter was the only person who could comfort you right now.
As much as Jimin wanted to embrace you, he couldn't. He was in Busan, his hometown, at the moment. Jimin was processing some important documents because he's planning to ask Taehyung to marry him.
"W-What can I do to make her feel better?" Jeongguk stammered. He's nervous, but he's decided. He couldn't let you go through this alone. It hadn't even been a day, yet he already missed your goofy side.
"You're a smart boy, Jeon. You'll figure out what she wants."
What do you want?
Jeongguk's heart was recoiling once again. He realized that he never knew what you wanted since you were always catering what others wanted.
You were a people pleaser.
"But if nothing works, just call her parents." This was Jimin's last reminder before ending the call.
Your soulmate didn't understand why Jimin thought it would be a good idea to call your parents. Jeongguk was pretty sure he could bring the smile back on your face without the help of anyone. He just needed to make sure you were not in some kind trouble first.
Jeongguk opened your laptop to send an email to your boss and other clients, telling them that you were taking a break from work.
Jeongguk was tired by the end of the week. Jimin was right. It was difficult to help you get back on your feet, mainly because you weren't trying.
You stayed in bed most of the time, you barely touched your food, and he felt like you didn't even want to live.
You looked so unmotivated that in the end, Jeongguk decided to just message your parents and invite them to your apartment—this was the reason why he was in trouble.
"You can't just do this without consulting me, Jeongguk."
His scowl deepened when you called him using his given name. You only did this when you were serious or mad. In this case, he figured out that you were mad—or at least he thought you were mad. Your voice was rough, similar to the tone you used when you were inside the courtroom.
Jeongguk was scared.
He was scared to upset you again.
"But Jimin-hyung told me to call your parents!" He reasoned out. Blaming your best friend was the only way Jeongguk could think of so that he could finally escape your piercing glare.
It worked.
Your expression softened a bit, though this didn't mean that he wasn't in trouble anymore.
"Jeongguk," this time your voice sounded tired.
"Y-Yes?" He pretended like he was busy sweeping the floor. Everything needed to be perfect because your parents would be here shortly.
You already accepted your tragic fate. It was decided. You were going to meet your mother and father today.
Damn it.
"Why did you block Hoseok's number?"
You saw how Jeongguk froze after hearing your question. No doubt, he was guilty.
"I-I didn't do it!" He lied.
You narrowed your eyes at him.
"You're not a good liar..." Amusement was now dancing in your voice.
Jeongguk had been using your phone to respond to your prospective clients. These people just didn't know how to stop. They kept texting your personal number even though Jeongguk told them that you were on a leave.
Your phone didn't have a passcode that's why he was able to freely access it.
You didn't mind. In fact, you were grateful. He saved your career. If he didn't send a notice of leave to your boss, you were sure you're gonna get fired.
"I'm not lying!" His lips protruded into a sulky pout. "I didn't send those messages!"
"Huh." You arched your brow. "But I only asked why you blocked Hoseok. I didn't say you texted him using my number."
Jeongguk's eyes went wide.
He was instantly busted.
"H-He was spamming you with useless messages!"
"I don't think so," you shook your head as you read the conversation. His excuse just kept on getting worse.
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 "Wow. You're cold," you could imagine Hoseok's disbelief upon seeing the thumbs up emoji. It was actually apparent by your friend's response.
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 "Jeongguk..." You called his name again.
"What!?" Why was he getting annoyed?
"You don't want Hoseok to kiss me?"
Jeongguk looked like the emoji he sent to Hoseok.
"And why would I want that!?" His chest was heaving up and down. You couldn't see, but his face was as red as tomatoes.
You suddenly laughed, causing Jeongguk's heart to swell in joy. This was the first time he heard you laugh after weeks of getting used to your impassive face.
Were you finally moving on?
Jeongguk guessed you were. Your expression literally changed the moment your parents arrived.
You looked happy to see them—too happy that Jeongguk felt like he was only imagining your annoyed expression a short while ago.
Didn't you say you hated the fact that he invited your parents to your place?
You did say that. Unfortunately Jeongguk had no idea how much you hated talking to your mom.
You swore you loved her with all of your heart, though her principles were different from what you believed in. It was draining to pretend like you agree with her.
"So how's the case you've been handling, sweetheart?" Your mother's sweet smile made you cringe.
It hadn't been long since she pulled you inside your room to 'talk.'
Your parents had already met Jeongguk. As expected, they loved him. Your soulmate made it very easy to like him. Perhaps it was because of his eyes. Damn those big, doe eyes. It never failed to make your heart melt.
"Good." You walked towards your bedroom door. "Let's go back to the kitchen. I think Jeongguk prepared some desserts."
"Dessert could wait, dear." Your mom offered you another sickening smile. It was the kind of smile that told you to give up. She always had her way of making you follow what she wanted you to do.
"Come on, eomma." You laughed nervously as you told her that your soulmate was excited to let her try his yaksik, a popular dessert that your mom truly loved.
You didn't know how Jeongguk found out your mother's favorite dessert. You just knew that you were willing to eat dozens of yaksik just to get away from your mom. You didn't even care if your stomach was still full after eating the lunch your soulmate had cooked.
Your mom only shrugged her shoulders as if she didn't hear what you said.
"Tell me about the Kim's case." She demanded as she meticulously inspected your wardrobe.
Your heartbeat doubled.
It was easy to simply give into what she desired because you were certain that she wouldn't stop anyway.
Sadly you couldn't speak—not anymore. Not when you knew how all of this would go.
You wanted to move on from this nightmare on your own. All your life, you relied upon what your mother would say.
"You can't be sad over this. It's nothing compared to what I've been through!"
"Stop crying. You just think you're hurt. You're not."
"No. You can't. That shows weakness."
These were some of the things your mother would say whenever you encountered problems in life. She honed you to be this strong person who wasn't allowed to mope.
You remembered her telling you that it was insensitive of you to cry over little things when it was clear that so many people had it worse than you.
This was exactly why you didn't want to meet your mother today. She would force you to stop feeling bad about Seokjin's case since it was petty.
It was funny actually. People admired you for always ignoring the pain you felt.
You found this toxic. It felt like you were expected to be strong—making you feel like you should heal right away and not with your own pace. This was also the reason why you found it hard to open up to people, even if you were really close to that someone.
Your mother made you feel like there would always be some kind of adversary when it came to handling inconveniences in life. Sometimes you wished people would shut up and just listen. You didn't always need advice. What you wanted was for them to stop quantifying pain because people had different tolerance when it came to feeling what's painful and what's not.
"I think I lost," it took everything not to cry in front of her. At the end of the day, you were still afraid to be perceived as weak.
She had that much control over you.
"Why did you lose?" Her voice was stone cold.
Your response was automatic. You told her what happened during the trial in spite of telling yourself that you would never get swayed by her authoritarian nature anymore.
"You don’t have to answer. I know now why you lost." She crossed her arms as she shook her head at you.
"Didn't I tell you? You lost because you didn't acquire enough knowledge." She proceeded to tell you what you already knew.
Your mom always said that knowledge is power, but the word "knowledge" that was delicately tattooed on your Achilles heel said otherwise.
For you, knowledge is downfall. This was why you chose to have that word tattooed on your Achilles heel—a part of your body that symbolized fatal weakness.
You were working as an auditor before you decided to go to law school. You knew this field inside out and it came with a price. You helped a firm conceal fraudulent acts using your knowledge.
It was a dangerous thing. Your mom tolerated your unprofessionalism since she was a major stockholder in the said company. She actually pushed you to continue the misrepresentation; however, you were guilty.
You couldn't do it anymore. You couldn't use the power you acquired to fool people. Law school taught you to uphold justice, but you were blinded once again.
You failed to see the impact of your actions to Soobin, an innocent soul. Maybe your mother was right. You were bound to fail your law career. Maybe you should just go back to the corporate world and help billionaires to achieve their disgusting scheme.
"Sorry," you swallowed hard, looking straight into your mother's eyes. "I'll do better."
"You should be." She gritted her teeth as she continued to invalidate your emotions.
You wondered when the torture would stop. You just wanna lie in bed and sleep the pain away. Luckily Jeongguk came knocking on your door, saving you from your mother's poisonous words.
"Wait," Jeongguk stopped you from following your mom to the living room.
"What's wrong?" He cupped your face; worry was evident in his eyes. You looked like you were in pain.
Did your mother say something to you? Jeongguk wondered.
"Nothing." But you brushed him off before he could ask.
Jeongguk pursed his lips into a thin line. He swore something was wrong, but he didn't want to push it since it was clear that you were not in the mood to talk about it.
But he couldn't stay still knowing that you were bothered. This being the case, he went out of his way just to make you smile.
Jeongguk was being such a good boy. He kept on praising you in front your parents. He was also respectful towards them. His jokes were appropriate and he smiled so kindly at them.
His lingering touch on your wrist, waist, and shoulders didn't go unnoticed by you. It was like he was guarding you from any possible danger.
"What do you think about this, my sweet daughter?" Your father showed you his artwork with a proud smile.
You chuckled.
Jeongguk was teaching your father how to draw.
"You did great, Appa!" You weren't lying. He had done a good job sketching The Hulk.
"Really? What about the color? Do you like it?"
You nodded eagerly. It wouldn't hurt to lie, right?
"I like the shade of green that you used."
You were expecting your father to smile back because of your compliment. Sadly, he only stared at you blankly.
"What?"  A nervous giggle escaped your lips.
Your parents and even Jeongguk were making you feel awkward. Why were they looking at you like you were a poor, poor soul?
"This Hulk is color pink." Your father said softly, making your breathing hitch.
He was trying to show contrast. The Hulk was the personification of rage. He colored him pink because in your world, the mentioned color symbolized gentleness. He wanted you to see in his drawing that people should be gentle even though they're angry.
You ruined it.
They probably know by now that you were lying when you said earlier that you could see colors.
Why did you even lie?
Why couldn't you just tell them that Jeongguk wasn't in love with you?
"Ah," you scratched the back of your head. "Is it pink? Sorry, Appa. I'm still trying to learn colors."
Your lie was understandable. You told your parents that you met Jeongguk a few months ago. It was impossible to know all colors in a short period of time.
You knew you weren't a great liar, but damn. When you looked at Jeongguk, he was smiling as he mouthed, "it is okay," to you.
He was saying that you were doing well, that you didn't ruin what your father had been wishing for: he wanted you to be loved by your soulmate.
You felt like Jeongguk loved you.
You couldn't stop staring at your soulmate as he continued to smile brightly at you.
In this moment, you swore you could see the brown in his eyes.
Or so you thought.
You just couldn't have one peaceful day, could you?
"N-No..." Your voice broke, tears falling down on the sheet of paper you were holding.
Your parents already left. Jeongguk was kind enough to drive them back to their hotel.
You were alone in the house.
The paper in your hand was mocking you, telling you that you would forever be alone in this house.
TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP IN A CONTRACT TO SELL Vendee Jeon Jeongguk of  Room 13, Apartment X, Seoul, South Korea—you stopped reading the next words.
You couldn't believe it.
Jeon Jeongguk was going to leave you.
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gaybarbiegirl · 3 years
simbar for the ship ask game!! thank you!
Of course!! Simbar my beloved!!
1. Favorite scene of them
Just one?? I love these two so much and they have so many amazing scenes, this question is pretty much impossible for me. Especially because even though they have plenty of big romantic moments that I could choose from, what I'm really a sucker for in most of my favorite ships are the small moments, the simple and casual interactions that show so clearly how much they care about each other, and Simón and Ámbar have so many of those.
But if I'm listing off some of my favorites, I'd say that the scene in 2x54 where Simón gives Ámbar four drinks to choose from and tries to cheer her up since he knows she's not doing okay, their talk on the bench in 2x71 where they tell each other how much they enjoyed their date and their kiss, the scene in 3x47 where Simón talks to Ámbar about how much he misses Mexico and the Dia De Los Muertos celebrations that he used to do back home, their bench talk and rollerskating date in 3x55, and their locker room kiss in 3x59 are all elite Simbar moments that I love with my whole heart.
2. What do you like the most about them?
The way both of them give each other exactly what they need in their lives, and encourage each other to become their best selves. Of course, we see a lot of that from Ámbar's perspective - the way Simón was the first person in her life to show her true kindness and to believe that there's good inside of her is something that makes me so emotional- but it's also there from Simón's perspective, and I wish we talked about it more. Ámbar was always encouraging him to put himself first and to stop compromising his own needs for the sake of keeping other people happy, something that he desperately needed to learn how to do.
In short, the two of them bring out the best in each other, and they're both happier people for it.
3. A random headcanon
I hc that Simón comes from one of these huge, super affectionate families, and that when Ámbar first meets them they're all so excited to get to know the girl who's been making their boy so happy that they shower her with more affection than she ever got in her life. They're full of kindness and hugs and questions, they wanna know everything about her and make her feel welcome in the family, and by the end of the night, she's already his grandma's new favorite.
4. If you could change something about them what would it be?
I think some of their late s3 drama wasn't necessary and was really just there to drag out their story and prevent them from getting together sooner, so I'd change that. The Felipe Mendevilla drama and the Dia De Los Muertos/Benicio drama in particular are two plotlines that really didn't need to exist (and the second one, I believe, was mishandling a very personal and sensitive subject). If I could, I'd just get rid of those and make Simón and Ámbar get back together 5-10 episodes earlier. It would make their story neater, and we'd get to see more of them as a couple.
5. If you could date one of the people who would you choose?
I'm a lesbian who's always all head over heels for girls who are smart and though, so Ámbar for sure.
6. Favorite hot scene of them
This one is actually a though question because they have quite a lot of scenes like this, and the fact that they're bringing this energy to a Disney show is always so amusing to me. Like, Mickey Mouse is really going wild over here.
But I'd say that my favorites are the 3x11 "¿quieres saber de qué tengo ganas?" and the 3x22 "¿realmente no sabes lo que es que yo necesito?" "¿por que no se lo pides a tu novio?". Both of them left me thinking "wow, they really went there, huh?" and they're great for it.
7. Favorite quote
This one was gonna be another "just one??" answer because they have so many beautiful quotes, but even though this might seem silly, I think my favorite is the one in 2x67, when Simón and Ámbar are walking in the park, about to have their third almost kiss, and Ámbar says "tengo un solo amigo pero él es el mejor de todos."
Sure, it's small, but it's just so sweet and genuine, and I honestly teared up the first time I heard it. This relationship really meant everything to Ámbar, didn't it?
8. How do you see their relationship in the future?
I definitely see them living a very long and happy life together, and being there for each other through everything. I think there might have been a few periods in their relationship where they did long distance - Simón going on tours with the band, Ámbar going to international rollerskating competitions - but it would never shake the love they have for each other in the slightest. Quite the opposite, it would just make the time they spend together even more special.
Eventually they would settle down, though, and I actually see them as the first couple in the main group to get married. I think Simón would already be itching to propose less than a year into the relationship, but he knows that would be too fast for Ámbar, so he'd wait for a few years and just spend all of that time planning the most romantic proposal ever. Like, he'd have notebooks and notebooks full of proposal ideas, all based on things that he learns about Ámbar throughout the years, her likes, her dreams, the special moments they have together. Maybe one day, after they're married, they could spend an afternoon going through them together and falling even more for each other with every page.
Also, I don't really see them having children in the future, but I do see them as the cool aunt and uncle who'd pretty much act as second parents to all of their friends' kids. They'd just live a very happy life together, full of all the love and joy that both of them deserve.
9. Scene that makes you emotional?
If we're talking about emotional-bad, then their break up scene in 2x72, it was heartbreaking. If we're talking about emotional-good, then like, half of their scenes, but some huge mentions are their ¿Como me vés? performance in 2x51 and the white rose scene in 3x56.
Thank you so so much for your ask! As you might have noticed, I got a little carried away, but that's just because I love these two with my whole heart ❤
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