#i turned this in without correcting it cause i forgot and i corrected it before posting
ralvezfanatic · 8 months
Kiss me! Kiss me!! Kiss me again!!!
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Spencer Reid x Tall Male!Reader
Garcia steps out to go buy food, leaving Reader and a tired, annoyed and definitely not pouty, Spencer alone for a moment. Unfortunately she forgot something causing her to go back and walk in on the two lovers kissing.
Warnings: Kissing. Being caught. Not really proofread. That's all I can think of, lmk if I missed anything. Reader is taller than Spencer. Whiny Spencer. Sorta OOC
Title stolen off of Kiss Me <3 bc i love Vampyx !!
Word count: 1.2k
"Go on Garcia! It's like..." You check the clock quickly, thinking a second trying to remember the time zones before speaking again.
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"...4am in New York!" You finished, wanting Garcia to leave without too much worry.
"3am. It's 3am in New York, the team hasn't called us in a while, and we'll be fine if they do. I'm here! With this genius, we'll be alright for a few hours."
"3am." Spencer mumbled out to correct you.
Garcia looked at you, a smile on her face appreciating your kindness. She stood up, nodding as she finally gave in.
"Okay! You're totally right, lover boy, right right. I can leave for a little, get something to eat quickly." She continued nodding, collecting her things as she talked.
She was hesitant to leave, it was a stressful case, most leads ended up in a dead end. She knew you would be fine if the team needed something, but the stress didn't want to let her go out.
She stopped, wondering if she had everything. "Umm.. yes.. yes?" She listed things off. With a last "yes" she hummed and thanked you again.
"I'll be back soon. I'll bring something for you two, don't worry." She smiled, ruffling your hair.
"Thank you Pen!!" You waved at her, but she was already walking out, her heels clicking with each of her steps. Finally she walks out the door and closes it, leaving you and Spencer alone.
He had injured himself once more, and wasn't allowed on the field for a while so he was left with the tech analysts again. He didn't really mind, spending time with his best friend and boyfriend was not something to be complaining about. He spun a bit in his chair, looking down at the floor, wishing he could go home and sleep. He was tired, uncomfortable and slightly irritated from the case.
You turned to him, watching him move in his chair with a smile on your face finding his movements silly. Even though he was obviously annoyed, he still
"C'mere.." You called to him, rolling your chair closer to him before he even had the chance to move.
You stood up, pulling his arms to make him stand up with you. He looked up, not wanting to stand up but was only met with your pleading eyes.
He sighed and started to stand up slowly, using you as support. You smiled at his compliance, helping him so he doesn't put too much weight on his injury.
You wrapped your arms around his waist, pulling him closer to you. You looked down at him, your faces inches apart, a smile on your face.
"Did you make me stand just to stare at me? Or to remind yourself of the small height difference?" Spencer asked you, unamused with the fact he stood for seemingly no reason.
Honestly you didn't know why exactly you made him stand, his questioning made you chuckle though.
"No, of course not." You shook your head and leaned down in an attempt to kiss him.
He blushed and shook his head trying to pull away, or stop you.
"No! We're at work, in your shared little room. It's unprofessional!" He frowned, desperately wanting to give in and just kiss you, but not wanting to be break the rules at work.
"Nobody is going to walk in! It's like.. past 2am, the teams across the country and Garcia just left to buy food, we'll be fine." You insisted, knowing that you two would be safe to kiss.
"No, what if someone else walks in? What if someone comes looking for one of us! What if-".
You quickly cut him off with a kiss, which immediately shut him up. He was still worried, scared someone would walk in, but he didn't do much to pull away from your kissing. Actually, he melted into it quickly, wrapped his arms around your shoulders, both for comfort and support.
You hummed out feeling his arms wrap around you, happy he gave in. You had only meant for it to be a short kiss, but Spencer had let out a small whimper when you pulled away. Now, how could you even think about making your injured boyfriend sad.
You shook your head, a chuckle escaping at his pouty face.
"Thought you said it was unprofessional?" You raised your eyebrow at him, only to be met with furrowed eyebrows and a bigger pout.
"Y/N!" He whined, sounding like a child about to throw a tantrum. You rolled your eyes, leaning down to meet his lips again, but spoke before actually kissing him.
"Don't start stomping your foot now." You laughed before he crashed his mouth into yours, wanting to shut you up from your stupid comments.
He pulled you closer, trying to deepen the kiss which you quickly allowed, turning the supposedly sweet kiss into a small makeout session.
"Hey boy genius and boy genius lover!" Penelope's voice called out from outside, quickly opening the door before either of you could move.
"I forgot my-" She started, the door swinging open and immediately cut herself off seeing you two leaned against the desk.
Spencer quickly broke away from the kiss, but not daring to face her, his face completely red from embarrassment. You looked over at Penelope, cheeks flushed as you continued to hold Spencer by his waist.
"Oh! Am I interrupting, boy.. time..? Sorry sorry.. let me just quickly grab this and leave." She apologized quickly, shuffling in and leaning around the both of you to grab her forgotten item.
She backed up, patting Spencer on his shoulder before she walked out. "Didn't think you had it in you Spencer, making out at work!?"
"Derek is not going to believe this.." She giggled before closing the door and leaving.
Spencer cringed at her comment, knowing Derek was going to tease him about this nonstop for the next month (if not more).
He turned his head up, glaring at you as he spoke.
"See! I told you we'd get caught!" He huffed, pulling his arms off your shoulders and looked away from you.
"Well it's not like I was the only one participating in the kiss was I? Or the one who whined when I tried to pull away." You responded, not appreciating how your boyfriend tried to put the blame all on you.
He let out another annoyed huff at your comment, knowing you were right, but obviously he wasn't going to take the blame when he could just continue to put it on you.
"You gave in to the second kiss when you could have easily just stopped."
"Yeah and then deal with your whining and pouty ass the rest of the night?"
"I don't whine!"
You stare at him, eyebrow raised wondering if he seriously believed that.
He did.
"What? I don't pout, or whine! I'm a grown man, not a child.." He said after a couple of seconds of being stared at.
"Mhm.." You hummed out, not wanting to continue with this anymore. Spencer, of course, did not pout at your lack of response.
"Whatever you say Spencer." You chuckled, giving him a soft kiss on his forehead.
He let out yet another huff, completely unappreciating your comments about his maturity.
You let go of his waist, allowing him to back away and sit back down, but instead he looked at you as soon as you let go. You looked back down at him, wondering why he wasn't moving back to his chair.
He turned around, making sure the door was closed before leaning back and tugging on your shirt to meet your lips once more.
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isa-belle1367 · 4 months
Desmond head canons (with a few non desmond head canons thrown in) (I love desmond and all non-desmonds equally I swear)
Desmond once came out of the animus and tried to greet the others, but he couldn't figure out which language to use, so for about 5 minutes, he cycled through different languages trying to find the right one before just giving up.
Ezio has chronic pain from climbing buildings because he never learned the correct way to climb them, nor the correct stretches to stop the pain
Haytham once convinced Connor to come with him to a tavern, Connor ended up getting drunk and zoning out for 30 minutes before putting his head down and silently crying in the corner
Connor never processed his mom's death because after she died, he had to rebuild the village, then he had to learn to fight, then he had to worry about his villages safety, etc. So he never processed it
Altair and desmond suffer from migraines and not the "my head hurts" migrans I'm talking the ones that cause you to black out for a minute and get sick
Altair once was learning to do a leap of faith, but while it was being explained, he accidently turned on his eagle vision and nearly freaked out (his dad had to take him home right after and explain what Altair was seeing)
After a few days of reliving ezios' memories, desmond started to gravitate towards Shaun because (just like Leo) Shaun smells like books
Altair has the stupidest sense of humor
Ezio collected cats, Altair collected birds, connor collected dogs/ wild animals, and now all animals are just drawn to desmond
Desmond once fist fought a gang leader *and won.* He also got the leaders' respect. (Being a bartender in Manhattan does things to you)
Desmond with adhd
Connor doesn't like walking into new places without being able to scope out the area first
Altair has severe attachment issues, so bc of this, he distances himself as much as possible, so he doesn't get attached
Desmond got into an argument with Bill and got so frustrated that he started talking in native American without realizing Bill then said something snarky and desmond snapped in a perfect native America accent. "Haytham, you are unbelievable"
Desmond can control his ancestors' ratatouille style
When there is a time jump in the animus (for example, the time jumps in the training montage in monteriggioni), it's super disorienting for desmond bc he gets the memories of his ancestor but if he focuses on them he can't remember them
Desmond once cried for an hour in his room bc he couldn't remember Rebecca's name when he came out of the animus
Desmond nearly attacked Bill on multiple occasions because his bleeds made him appear to be a Templar (Bill is no longer allowed near desmond as he is getting out of the animus)
While they were in the temple, a bear wandered in, and everyone freaked out, but desmond just helped the bear find its way back to his mom (they now get random prey left outside of the temple)
One time, desmond tried to reach for a throwing knife before realizing he dosent have throwing knives, and he nearly died, lol
Desmond called Rebecca Claudia once, and she never forgot it
I have so many more, but I don't feel like typing them out rn
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randomwriteronline · 2 months
"Ah! You're one of those," a voice came to his ears.
Nuparu turned to find a tall Gaquri standing at the entrance, looking at him curiously.
"I am a Toa," he corrected.
The other nodded: "Yes, I do know that. Forgot the name is all. You're a, uh... Ko?"
"Hm! My mistake. Which element is that, again?"
"Earth. Do you need something?" the inventor cut their small talk short, lightly tapping a tool similar to a wrench against the skeletal frame of what appeared to be a heavily modded chariot: "I'm working on a project."
"You know where Berix is?" the Gaquri asked. He raised an arm: an interesting weapon, with a jagged light blue blade at one end and some kind of projectile mechanism attached to the handle, dangled from it casually. "Wanted to drop this off to him. The thornax launcher's been jamming up more often and I know that boy can make it work like a charm again."
"He's getting parts," Nuparu answered. His eyes rested once more on the blade and he added, tilting his head intrigued: "You can leave it here if you want."
"So you can study some original Bara Magna manufacturing?" the other joked.
"It's not really my field, but it looks remarkable."
He watched the organic being laugh heartily as he approached - with a fairly heavy limp, he noticed: "Remarkable! Now that's a bit of an exaggeration, kid. I made these from some bones, whatever viable scraps I could find from wrecks of the Core War, and a few patches across the years when I could afford it. It's held together by spit and whatever Ackar's friend did to make it spurt water."
"From what I understand, spit doesn't seem like a good adhesive."
"That's what we say here to mean something's parts are real shoddily connected together."
"Hm! Like dried mud. Or aluminum sheet."
"That's the idea. Ah, where should I put this, anyhow?"
"There is fine. What's with your leg?"
The Gaquri gave a grimace: "Nothing much - just my knee acting up," he replied, patting the guilty joint. "Something must have gotten rusted. It happens."
Even through the lack of expression of his mask Nuparu treated him to a baffled look.
"Organic parts don't rust," the Toa sputtered. "At least, ours don't."
The other eyed the tendons and muscles peeking through black armor, and his lips perked up in a little smile.
Without a word he placed his weapon on the least cluttered corner of Berix's work desk before redirecting his now free hands to the side of the faulty knee, messing with what appeared to be the graceless stitching of a large wound: his fingers sank deftly into it and pried through the gaps enough to loosen the whole thing, and before the less organic being's flabbergasted eyes pulled down the fake skin and meat to reveal a fully mechanical joint, complete with pistons and springs and even what seemed like wires.
"Don't worry," he chuckled with a wave, "Ours don't either. But most crusty old Glatorian like me haven't been completely flesh and bone in a long time."
If the inventor's attention had been piqued before, he was completely captivated now. He was leaning on his seat towards him, vehicle project all but forgotten, intently studying as many details of the prosthesis as he could see from that distance.
His eager interest made the other laugh again: "Why all that surprise! Don't you see something like this on you every day?"
"Yes, but I'm not you!"
"And what's that mean?"
"You're all flesh! And meat! And skin! How does that work?"
The Gaquri considered something for a moment. "If you can get me a seat and figure out what's wrong with it, I'll be glad to let you have a closer look," he offered at last.
Nuparu pulled the stool from right under himself so fast that he fell on his ass.
He then placed it down with extreme care and patted it insistently.
The other barely held back a snort.
His implant hadn't caused this much of a scene since the first day it had been up and functional.
"The name's Tarix, anyhow," he introduced himself as he sat down a little heavily. "Since you'll be rummaging knuckle-deep through the insides of my leg for the next thirty minutes."
"Hm," Nuparu replied as he kneeled until his mask was all but grazing the joint.
Tarix waited a dozen seconds, and added: "You got one too, Toa?"
"One what?"
"I see. Ah - nope, nope, don't-" his fingers quickly pinched the mechanical being's and lifted them away from the scarified tissue binding the meat to the metal: "That's real flesh, don't peel that - the nerves still work, you'd put me through the pains of Plude."
"What's that?"
"You folks have a place in your lore built just to torture you forever?"
"Yes, Karzhani. I've been there."
"Huh. Well, I've been to Plude too back when it still existed, and I'll just say that the only good thing the Lord of Sand might've done was collapsing it on itself. So, you get what I mean about the pain."
"Hm. Yes, I can imagine. But how do I - see, to check the individual parts, I'd need to pull them off..."
"Oh - hold it, let me just..."
Angling his leg in an uncomfortable position and hunching down with a hiss, the Glatorian set to work carefully pulling screws loose with the help of an empty pipe he'd fetched from his pocket. The small parts dangled from their sockets without falling, just distant enough from the point the metal touched to allow the top and bottom pieces to be pulled apart without needing to pull the much more easy to lose components out of the whole.
"Hold the calf a moment, will you?" he muttered with the pipe now stuck between his teeth. Nuparu complied, holding the lower half of the leg still as Tarix worked his magic on the inner wires. At last, satisfied, he unfurled his back up once more and puffed satisfied: "There, pull."
When the Toa did so, the prosthesis came apart as easily as a house of cards. Suddenly, in the mechanical palm was a whole calf, still warm with life and undoubtedly organic.
Tarix watched genuinely amused as Nuparu tested the ankle in his hands and on the ground, miming an attempt at a walk as though playing with a very concerning doll with nothing short of pure unadultered fascination.
He posed it as if stuck in a sprint: "Can you feel this?"
"Not a single thing," the Glatorian replied. He patted the metallic femur's exposed head: "And neither can I here. The connections are all in the wires, they go right into the nerves, see? So long as they're apart I can't feel crap anywhere from over here," and he pointed to the flesh that stopped around the middle of his thigh "To the rest of the leg underneath. Not that I should be able to, frankly, if we wanted to abide by nature's whims, but luckily for me us Spherus Magna natives never cared much for that."
Nuparu hummed: "How'd you get it like this, anyways?"
"Oh," the Glatorian shrugged as though it were the most normal thing in the world, "Blew up."
"It just exploded?"
"Not by itself, of course, someone shot the whole thing out of me."
The Toa treated him to an appalled look.
Tarix waved a hand harshly, chewing on his unlit pipe: "The Core War was absolutely barbaric, kid! I've witnessed stuff I wouldn't wish on a Skrall. When I saw that half you've got there in your hand fly over my head as gracefully as the ugliest bird known to any being with eyes, I thought I was going to die of shock like a Mountain Striker with a broken wing. I still have no clue how I managed to keep awake through the bloodloss and pain long enough for the fixers to figure out I was still alive enough to be taken down to the medic."
Nuparu regarded the half of a limb in his grasp with newfound horror and fascination. A whole portion of leg, shot right out... He wasn't sure if even the Vortixx could have had something capable of doing that. Oh, sure, they had plenty of possibly worse things, but even the most blunt tended to have slightly more complex effects than just 'blows a chunk off of you'.
And the fact that they had managed to rebuild the broken joint and connected it to the rest of the nervous system was nothing short of miraculous, compared to the same thing done on a mechanical being - whose organic components regenerate, too.
"And all Glatorian have something like this?"
"Us older ones, yes," the other nodded. He watched with a sort of lazy interest as the Toa turned his attention to the mechanism of his prosthesis, checking for damage as he had promised. "The rookies tend to have the usual stuff, thank goodness - scars, plaques, maybe a limb, some fingers..."
"Yes, some of them. They tend to nip 'em a lot during training, you know, when they start to get the hang of it and stop holding their weapons like they're gonna grow a mouth and bite them - they cut tendons often those first few times. Or just the whole thing."
He chuckled, playfully waving his fingers: "Gresh keeps losing them. If you look closely you can tell which phalanxes are still his."
"I thought he was good at fighting."
"He is. He's just young. And a little too brash at times."
Nuparu hummed, moving onto the piece of implant attached to his thigh: "You mentioned limbs, too," he noted absentmindedly: "Is that also common, during training?"
"Losing them? Oh no, that happens out in the desert. Or, used to happen... Well, the desert's still out there, just smaller, so I guess - point is, you'll sooner get one cut off by a Bone Hunter or chewed up by a Vorox than find a fellow Glatorian who'll do that to you, on purpose or not. We made sure to try and avoid that sort of thing when we made the rules for the job."
"And plaques?"
"Oh, these," and he tapped some strange metallic protrusions on the top of his legs, on the side of his arms, and on his shoulders. "Nothing special, they keep armor in place. Easier than having to strap it on. We install them when we come of age."
Their shape was somewhat familiar: "Berix has them too, I think."
"I think everybody gets them - Agori, Glatorian, Skrall..."
"They are pretty useful," the Toa nodded.
He couldn't really imagine how they could have managed to stick armor to themselves otherwise. Maybe through some cloth? But then it might chafe their joints, and they'd have to find a way to insert it in the metal anyways...
He hummed thoughtfully, wracking his brain as he tried at once to figure out both the logistics of putting armor on fully organic beings and whatever was wrong with the implant.
So concentrated he was that he actually jumped a little when the pipe gently smacked his shoulder.
Tarix had a strange look on his face as he pointed down at a spot on his prosthesis: "Don't - it's nothing to be worried about yet, just, watch it," he warned, "That coil there you've got near your index, she's real frisky. Won't be a problem now that it's taken apart, but when you stick it back together you'd better avoid even just so much as grazing it - it'll pull my calf back at top speeds to kick my ass. Been like that since the start."
"Oh! Sounds painful."
"It is!"
With a hand already rummaging through a box of springs, Nuparu offered: "Since I'm here already, I could replace that..."
"Ah, there's no need really," the Glatorian quickly stopped him.
"But it's a liability."
"If it's out in the open like this, yeah, but - well, when it's covered it's a lot more manageable, and the wires-"
"It's still a malfunction. I can fix that without any trouble."
"I get it, but it's - I - hm! Let me explain. See, when - if I cover it up, see, with my-"
"The fake flesh?"
"Yes, that - it still jerks back if touched, but not as hard, you get me?"
"But it still does."
"Yes, and here's the - the thing is, I also have my nerves connected, right? Right, and when the coil gets touched and makes my leg jerk, it... Er... See - have you ever - hm! Hmm-hm. Hold on. Do you... Is there something that you know is not good for your body, but when you do it it just feels nice?"
"Alright, this complicates things."
"Oh! Oh, no, wait - when I cut metal with a saw, I like to keep myself as close to the sparks as possible so they can hit me because they tingle. It's fun. Do you mean like that?"
"Eeeh, close enough! That's what's going on with that coil."
"It tingles?"
"It... Uh... Sure, let's. Call it that."
The change in tone was weird, and he seemed to be somewhat embarrassed about having brought the subject up.
Now, in regards to asking personal questions, Nuparu tended to be as uninterested in other beings' private matter as much as a Kofo-Jaga is in lightstones.
However, this was directly related to the machinations of an impressive, if a little primitive, handmade mechanical joint.
So yes, he would have loved to pry.
The mental manifestation of Turaga Whenua repeatedly smacking him over the head with his drilling staff was currently the only thing keeping him from inquiring on any activities Tarix might have enjoyed dabbling in outside of his work hours, but luckily for the Glatorian that singular imaginary scenario was also an extremely effective deterrent for any Matoran or Toa that had ever at some point of their lives resided in Onu-Koro.
As such, the Toa just shrugged and diverted his attention onto the object the Gaquri was now nervously twisting in his hand: "What's that, by the way?"
The total swerve in subject matter destabilized the Glatorian briefly. He looked down at his fingers, then back at the Toa.
"A pipe?" he replied.
Nuparu squinted at it a little better: "That does not look like a pipe." he decreted.
Tarix lifted an eyebrow, curiously: "It's just an Agori pipe."
"That's not a pipe," the inventor insisted.
"And how should a proper Toa pipe look like, then?"
"Matoran pipe, maybe-" the Toa scoffed, rolling his eyes and making the other chuckle a bit while the mechanical hands went right back to checking on his implant in the midst of his correction: "First of all, it's far too small to be of any proper use; second, that seems to be made of wood, which is the worst material for this kind of thing - even if you could fit that tiny piece in a proper hydraulic system, long time usage will lend it to rot and come apart much faster, which is why we used to trade iron with Le-Koro to avoid the whole village from caving in on--"
"Oh!" Tarix interrupted him all of a sudden, smacking the object on his palm with a hollow sound: "Oh, you meant - no no no, it's not that type of pipe! It's a, uh -- pipa! Nagele! Sghitt!"
"Don't curse at me, please."
"I'm not cursing at you, it's just different names for this! You really don't have a word for-?" then he cut himself off as he seemed to remind himself of something evidently obvious: "Ah - well, I mean, you don't have a mouth, of course you can't smoke..."
"Yes we do."
"You do?"
"Yes? How else would we hold our masks?"
Tarix blinked, briefly wondered if he should have asked, and decided it didn't matter: "But you don't smoke? At all?"
"No? Unless we get catastrophically overheated or are set on fire," Nuparu replied as he attached the disjointed calf into the thigh again. "Both of which in all fairness have happened before. Not very often, but they have happened."
"No, I meant... Ah, hold it, hold it..."
He stuck the unlit pipe back in his mouth, puffing out nothing a few times with a thoughtful expression on his face.
"See - it's a bit like the coil and the sparks again, the matter with smoking," he decided to start explaining: "There's certain plants, if you dry them and burn them well, that make really pleasant smoke."
"How is smoke pleasant?" the Toa muttered.
"The smell can be," the Gaquri shrugged, "And the taste too. Wait-" and he gently knocked the foot of the pipe on the top of the Volitak before the inventor could interrupt him again "-Wait a second, I can't very well clear this up if you keep cutting in. Alright, so the bigger part here, the bowl we call it - you need to press the dried plants in here and light them up, only a little before the whole thing burns up; once they're charred nicely, you inhale through the shank, and then you puff it back out. That's how the smoke gets in your mouth and you can taste it."
"And how does it taste, then?"
"Ah, depends on what you smoke," was the whistful answer. "Same goes for the smell. The Lebori have a certain bark that gets real flexible when wet - they make whole pipes with it, they burn up real well, but it's a bit too sour for me. Before the Shattering there used to be a type of kelp I liked, and Kiina said they had River Eyes up near the Dormus that made some terribly sweet smoke."
"River Eyes?"
"It's a flower! Small, round, blue, and it grows on river banks. Never got to try them, though, and it's better I don't go around asking for some with the lungs I've got. Like I said, smoking's the same as the coil and the sparks: feels good to do, but it's bad for the body."
Nuparu hummed deeply, rummaging inside the knee as he handled the hanging wires carefully.
"I think I figured out the problem," he announced.
At that Tarix perked up: "Rust?"
"One piston has developed a limestone growth that makes it much harder to move properly, and as a result one of the springs is bent out of shape and chafes right against the nerve."
"Ah! Well, damn. You can get limestone in there?"
"If it's humid enough, it can build up over time."
"Hm... Alright, I guess all those years sweating in arenas and whatnot were bound to do the trick eventually."
"Also there was rust."
"Hm. Where?"
"Three screws. I changed them already."
"Wait, really? When?"
"While you were talking about the Core War."
"Huh! You're quick. And quiet."
The Toa shrugged: "I like working."
He pulled the prosthesis apart for a second time, laying the calf down on the floor. He then leaned back to search through a tool box brimming with bits and pieces - bolts, nuts, coils, springs, and all sorts of other things - with what his mask's stillness still managed to convey as a focused furrowed brow, evidently still thinking about what course of action to take now that he had pinpointed the anomaly to fix.
Changing his mind, he stood up and made his way to one of the various piles of junk and assorted more or less useful knicknacks to start looking for something in there instead.
"Speaking of the Core War," he said, implying he wanted to start a conversation but without really adding to that sentence.
Tarix waited a few minutes, puffing out in silence while watching him shift towels or bottles until he found what he was looking for (a clean enough rag and flask containing a murky liquid), before figuring that he was waiting for some kind of permission to continue on the admittedly not particularly pleasant topic: "Yes?"
"You said other older Glatorians also got implants like this from it."
"I implied it, but yes, that's the case."
The Toa hummed as he settled back before him: "And they're all knees, like yours?"
"You want to ask what their own prosthesis are?"
At that, he got no response.
"You can, by the way," Tarix reassured him, "It's been a damn long time by now, it doesn't hurt as much as say, eighty hundred years ago. We've been living like this long enough to joke about the whole thing and whatnot."
Nuparu mumbled something indistict as he soaked up the rag and began scraping the limestone off of the metal with it.
"Don't act all shy now, kid! As I said, it's no trouble." the Glatorian repeated. A sly smile curled the corners of his lip: "You can't get embarrassed like this every time you have to ask about new possible clients, you know," he jokingly reprimanded him, "Otherwise you'll have a hard time getting any."
"I don't want to be paid!" the Toa replied. "I'm just curious, is all! This is... Well, I didn't expect it to be something you'd have."
"Oh, don't worry, not everybody's missing a whole chunk of leg like me," Tarix chuckled. "We Glatorian like to keep ourselves distinct from one another."
"In implant too?"
"Of course! Let me think, now..."
He inhaled a long breath through his pipe, leaning back a little as the kid continued on with his work, and exhaled with a whistle.
"So, let's see - Vastus, he's got a good chunk of his lower spine replaced and, oh, 'bout three quarters of his intestines," he began: "Kiina had her hip crushed and put back together, and that should be... Ah, nope, nope, half of her left hand and the whole ulna too. Telluris I haven't see in a long while now, but unless he's figured out how to place his brain in a tin can I'd bet his head's all that's left. Certavus, bless his memory, I don't think he had a single original organ left by the end, and Gelu's got bionic feet - one foot, one leg, right, a whole leg, so then Strakk was the one who got his eye shot out and his nose crushed. And the jaw, of course. I don't remember if it was him or Malum who cracked his head but I do think it was him, because Malum had the femur that got split in half and it worsened with that problem with his ribcage where the metal was corroding and messing with his blood... Which is why he had to get his marrow replaced in his leg later on. Oh, and Ackar also had to... Ah, wait, which one was it? Right, right. Ackar, poor guy, his back itself is worse than a Plude street but his real problem's his right shoulder blade, which got essentially pulverized - I was there, ghastly sight - so they had to replace the whole thing, and that was bad enough; but then, and this is the fucked thing, the implant actively degraded the rest of the arm, so he had to keep replacing bits and pieces of it until it was just completely gone."
Nuparu lifted his head, eyes wide and flabbergasted: "The fixing made it worse?"
"It did! He kept having trouble moving it."
Tarix raised his shoulders: "Beats me," he replied just as baffled. "It's a common thing for Tapyri, honestly. It's hard to tell if the material's bad quality or has trouble with the heat. Perditus too - after he got half his leg replaced, the damn thing somehow managed to melt halfways and left him limping almost worse than he would if he just didn't have it."
"And he can't replace it?"
"It's grafted onto the bone and the muscle has grown over it. They'd have to carve the whole thing out with it, it's just not worth it."
The Toa stared at him positively appalled.
"That is horrid," he spat, punctuating the adjective with a harsh yank of his hand over the faulty piston, thus launching a loosened piece of limestone to skid across the floor.
"You're tellin' me, kid."
"That's - it's inadmissible. It's insane."
"And I haven't told you about the Agori."
"What about the Agori? Were they fighting too? Do they-?"
"No, not fighting, usually - it's something we got in common with your lot: we're basically the same species, but we are much bigger and they're much nimbler. So you had us larger folk tearing one another to bits properly, while they tended to work as scouts if they weren't busy trying to put us back in one piece."
The Gaquri interrupted himself to stretch his arms up, pulling one towards his head.
The movement produced a loud 'crock!' roughly around the height of his shoulder, followed by much softer pops crackling all the way up towards his wrist as it twisted.
Satisfied with the sound (which instead made the inventor a little uneasy considering their conversation), he moved to massage the sides of his spine with his knuckles, rolling his neck: it seemed to make a curious ticking noise in place of a meatier sound, filling in the quick pauses of Nuparu's rag scrubbing the limestone away.
At last he puffed into his unlit pipe: "If you look at the older ones - the Agori, I mean - you'll see they've got less lower half than upper."
"That makes no sense."
"It does if you don't count implants. We've got them a bit everywhere, I told you, but an Agori with an arm prosthesis is a real rarity. They've got them mostly between their soles and the top of their hipbones."
"And why's that?"
"It's 'cause the lucky ones stepped on mines."
The Toa hummed thoughtfully.
He did not raise his eyes from the almost clean piston: "And the unlucky ones?"
"Well, we were trained to aim for either the neck or the head."
Those certainly had been unlucky.
For every thing Toa and Glatorians seemed to have in common, a complete opposite came around. To imagine a Toa willingly kill was already hard, though not impossible - the Mahri themselves had been met with the chance to do so once or twice, and it had been tantalizing to say the least; but to envision a group of his brothers and sisters being not only instructed but even trained to kill, and especially to kill Matoran...
Well, he was glad he did not live in that kind of world.
"That's just how life is," Tarix sighed in the end. "Nobody wins. They've got their metal hips, and I've got my leg held together by wires and pistons. And an artificial diaphragm."
That snapped Nuparu out of his unpleasant musings: "A what?"
"That one wasn't the war's fault, though - well, it was, but it came in later. See, I had some sharpnel that got stuck in there but nobody noticed, and then one day I got a shove in the wrong spot during a match and just stopped breathing. So I had to get a mechanical one, and when I have to put myself under any sort of strain I need to hook myself up to an oxygen supplier to make sure it doesn't collapse under the effort - you know, that tube thing you might have seen on me, sort of like yours."
"Your gills?"
"I..." the Gaquri briefly did a double take. "You call those gills?"
They blinked at each other briefly.
"Yeah," Tarix conceded, "Yeah, I guess those would be gills for you folks, huh. Makes sense."
"What was it that you had to replace?"
"My diaphragm."
"What is that?"
"... The muscle?"
"Which muscle?"
"The... The one that makes the... Lungs? Work? I understood you did have lungs?"
"Lungs work on their own."
"No they do not?"
"Yes they do. They are muscles."
"No they are not??"
Before Nuparu could further argue his point by lifting his chest plate and forcing Tarix to behold the disquieting spectacle offered by his very much clearly autonomously moving lungs, the unmistakeable noise of a small variety of hollow brass objects gracelessly crashing on the floor and being hurriedly chased after by stomping feet attracted their attention elsewhere.
Berix did not notice them as immediately as they noticed him, since he was busy making his entrance on all fours as he scrambled to pick up a bunch of scrap metal that had spilled from his arms.
The other two beings made no sound as they watched him curse to himself after stepping on a rogue bolt. They decided to simply observe him in silence much like an equipe of entomologists observes a particularly frenetic spider panicking for some kind of fault in its web, making no motion to lend the young Agori any help as he crawled along the ground to collect the scattered pieces of his scavenged treasure of junk.
It was particularly fascinating when he accidentally shoved several bolts in his mouth to the point of almost stuffing his cheeks with them, realized his mistake, and spat them in what looked like an exhaust pipe.
He almost cried when they fell out of it and rolled away again.
Then he lifted his eyes briefly to the other two silent beings in the room and failed to recognize them.
Meaning he then proceded to jump almost three whole bio straight in the air once he figured there were people looking at him - landing on a screw.
"FUCK!" he whimpered.
Tarix waved: "Hello to you."
"Do you need help?" Nuparu asked with a notable delay.
The Agori kneeled to the ground and skidded across it: "No no no, I'm good! I'm good, I'm - hey, hi, Tarix, hi, when did-? What are you-? Uh," he said nervously as he tried to catch as many nuts and springs as possible, "What is going on there? Is it, did I interrupt or, should- should I leave? Again? Should I leave again?"
"Nuparu's fixing my leg."
At that Berix snapped his head with a deafening gasp to look directly at him, the most betrayed expression to ever grace his face plaster across it.
"But I wanted to do that!" he cried out in anguish like a desert fox cub experiencing the horrors of its mother's tongue bath for the first time: "I told you I could do it, I- I replaced Gresh's ribs and, and I fixed his lungs when the Skrall got him and he hasn't had problems with them since, I told you I could do it, I'm good at fixing-!"
"I know that, and Gresh told me you did real well," the older Gaquri stopped him, "But - don't take it personally, kid, you're good and all, but when it comes to my leg I only trust you as far as I can throw you and believe me, it ain't far."
"But then why does he get to do it!" Berix wailed, pointing at Nuparu still scrubbing off the limestone.
"He's got a whole body like this, I'd imagine he knows what to do."
"But I know what to do too!"
"I told you, I'd rather have a specialist on it."
The Toa briefly wondered if being a descendant of the Water Tribe had something to do with how outstandingly wet Berix could will his eyes to look, or if it was just a specifically Berix thing.
Mabe it was an Agori defense mechanism. After all, it would have been pretty hard to want to hurt something that appeared to be the personification of the verbs 'to whimper', 'to whine', 'to sob', and last but not least 'to wail'.
Whatever the origin of such an expression of anguish, Tarix was not immune to its effects: "Oh, don't be like that," he finally pleaded with a tired but guilty tone, and pointed off to the cluttered desk not too far away: "There, I've got something for you too, alright? I came in 'cause my Thornax launcher's busted and you're the best with 'em. Could you fix that for me? Pretty please?"
That was enough to light the younger being's face up again.
With the sort of excited thin howling laugh that a mischievous ghost might have, he scuttled away to the mess of a table that was the headquarters for most of his projects: onto it he dumped the rest of his scraps, not caring even in the slightest that it only helped to worsen the general situation he already had going on as he was already completely absorbed by the thought of the inner mechanics of the weapon at hand.
The perfectly good chair right beside him thoroughly ignored in favor of sitting on the ground in a curled position that would have made a shrimp suggest booking an osteopathic appointment, he immediately started tinkering around to figure what the problem was with the drive and precision of a blood hound.
That had been perhaps one of the best things their unplanned collaboration had brought Nuparu - aside from all the knick-knacks and thingamajigs and vehicles and tools he'd been able to make or just plan out with the Agori, of course. Watching Berix work on something was such a fun and fascinating experience: his intensity gave his body language a sort of visceral desperation that contrasted his careful fumbling motions, pulling pieces apart with his scarred skeletal fingers and letting them fall all around him as though discarded carelessly - yet he somehow always knew where to search when he needed them again, and if in the middle of his fixer's frenzy you asked him for a specific nut or a gear he could pick it up without even looking, always on the first try. The thunderous act of creation and its rhythmic symphony played on rough instruments whisked the both of them away from the world at large, but when the Toa managed to pull himself back to reality (whether done or stumped or just in need of a break) it was enjoyable if not just all-together mesmerizing to observe the other hard at work on his own project.
A loud bang was not enough to deter him from the launcher either.
The equally loud voice that followed with an exasperated bark did, however: "BERIX! THE DOOR!"
"RIGHT! RIGHT- RIGHT, HOLD ON!" he squeaked hurriedly, abandoning (with a little more care) the weapon to scuttle away as fast as he could to the entrance of their laboratory.
The figure that emerged from the held open door replied to his rambling apologies by grunting every few steps - not without reason, seeing as they were carrying the carcass of an older model of chariot intertwined with some other mean of transport that had clearly gotten lodged sideways in its back, trying to balance the hellish thing on their shoulders in a way not too dissimilar to how a shepherd might carry a too small Mahi tired from a day of running wildly.
The mess of a car accident was dropped rather gracelessly onto the first largest spot of floor available; freed from their herculean weight, the being sighed and pulled back their arms, making the rather dull metal vertebrae poking from their skin creak in a somewhat unsettling fashion.
Nuparu briefly wondered if they were encrusted in limestone too.
They sort of looked like it.
Now he had to wonder if it was a common yet not very well-known problem for organic beings with mechanical implants. Maybe it had to do with an excessive production of sweat?
While he was busy pondering that, Tarix grinned at the sight: "Hello, my beautiful wife who sucks at killing me," he crooned lovingly.
Vastus turned to him with a smirk, thin feathers raised and brows slightly furrowed in a manner that was much more fond than annoyed: "Hello, my beautiful husband who can't aim for shit," he replied; upon noticing the Toa kneeled before him, he cheekily added: "Committing adultery, I see?"
His partner wheezed a loud gurgling laugh: "Twelve thousand years we've been married! Twelve thousand years and now you mistake me for Gelu!"
"For who?"
"What, you haven't heard about--?"
"NOT IN FRONT OF MY PROJECTS!" Berix shrieked.
The Lebori chuckled - it was a strange sound, some kind of hiccuping hiss - and reached out to rub his hand all over the younger Gaquri's head; the kid swiveled away from him with a soft rattling noise as his annoyed trembling arms shook his scales against one another, face contorting into a piqued grimace, and returned to the launcher to tinker the other two away from his conscious perception.
"And where'd you get that?" the Glatorian inquired, pointing at it with his chin as it was common to do in his tribe and getting no answer.
"It's mine," his husband reassured him, "He's fixing it."
"Jammed again?"
"Seems like it."
"Bet you just didn't clean it properly."
"You don't know that."
"But I'm right," Vastus teased him as he approached to steal the pipe from his mouth. "And over here, what's going on?"
"He's fixin' up my leg. Nuparu, by the way, that's his name - he's a, ah, Ko- nope, Onu-Toa, he said - thought it was rust but I had limestone in it."
"We can get limestone?"
"Might be the sweating," Nuparu interrupted them suddenly. He fixed his unmoving mask onto the Lebori: "Can you turn around, please?"
Tarix snorted at the other's brief baffled blink: "Hey now, kid, I get you've put your hands in me and all, but you shouldn't go around just checking my wife out like that!"
The Toa looked between the three of them with no clue what any of them was going on about: "I thought there might have been crusts on the vertebrae," he explained. "Since I have the solvent at hand already, I could handle that already if it's the case..."
"That's what they all say," the Gaquri snickered.
His confusion was palpable.
Vastus flicked a playful finger at his husband's head, warning him: "Berix is gonna kick you out at this rate... But I'm sure it's just some dust, kid, nothing to worry about."
"It still would not hurt to do a simple visual check."
"He's right," Tarix interjected while trying to snatch his pipe back and failing: "Maybe you've been building up a limestone deposit this whole time without knowing it."
"I don't have limestone."
"You don't know that."
Vastus smirked at him as he turned around for Nuparu to check: "But I'm right."
"You can't keep answering that and get away with it."
"I can if I'm always right."
The inventor gave a high pitched hum: "False alarm. That's just dust," he confirmed.
A triumphant grin briefly met the Gaquri's eyes as he rolled them.
Nuparu reached into a box to pull out a short variety of springs in order to compare their size with that of the one that had been bent by the affected piston, now cleaned and hopefully ready to work smoothly; careful not to dislodge anything else, he carefully pried the ill piece out and hooked up its replacement.
Satisfied with how the procedure had done, he pulled himself back a little and announced: "I have another question."
"Shoot," Tarix answered instantly.
"What do 'wife' and 'husband' mean, exactly?"
A hot second of silence passed in which the Glatorian regretted opening his mouth.
He glanced at Vastus.
His wife glanced back.
The quiet persisted.
"We're married," he answered lamely at last.
The question he dreaded slapped him in the face with outstanding punctuality: "And what does that mean?"
Having had his fun of seeing his husband's best full-body impression of a yam turning exponentially smaller when fried to a crisp piece of coal, the Lebori finally intervened: "You folks have contracts?"
"We do."
"Marriage is a contract between people where you become part of one other's family. And tribe, if you're from different ones like us."
A vacuous gaze met his explanation.
"Alright, what's confusing you?"
"The 'becoming part of' thing."
Vastus shrugged, his feathers puffing out for a moment before returning flat in a way similar to how certain avian Rahi did before starting a very long song: "It means we become relatives," he tried again. "Here, look - Tarix is a Gaquri and I'm a Lebori, so my family and hers come from different tribes. By marrying me she became a sort of honorary member of the Jungle tribe, and everybody treats her almost as though she was my brother, or my cousin; in the same manner, I became an honorary member of the Water tribe and I'm treated like her sister or cousin."
"So... It's sort of like assembling a team?" Nuparu tilted his head, puzzled: "There's no need for a contract for that. All Toa consider each other siblings already."
The other clicked his tongue as though he'd bitten it by accident: "I shouldn't have used that metaphor," he muttered.
"Why not?"
"First of all marrying your actual blood-siblings is frowned upon."
"Why? What's a blood-sibling?"
"I'll tell you when you're older. Secondly, I can assure you marriage is nothing like siblinghood."
At that, the Toa frowned: "It sounds the same to me."
"Your knee and Tarix's look the same to me, too," Vastus argued: "They're both made of metal, so they're the same thing."
"They really aren't." then he blinked, bright eyes flashing briefly, looked to the ceiling to recollect his thought, gave a loud hum, and met his gaze again: "I see your point."
The Glatorian smiled: "Good kid."
"Back to the point - how do 'wife' and 'husband' fit with all that?"
"That's just how you call someone who's married."
"So they're synonyms?"
"Yes, pretty much."
The answer seemed to satisfy the inventor greatly.
"I'm learning so much about your species today," he commented in a giddy tone. He returned to the discarded robot calf on the floor, dusting off its mechanical parts to make sure not even small amounts of debris would interefere with its functions; just as he plucked it back into the bulk of the implant, he looked again at the two Glatorian and told them with complete and total earnestness: "You know, if you were significantly smaller, quadrupedal, perhaps vaguely insectoid and incapable of speech, Turaga Whenua would have the best day of his life writing down and trying to decypher your absolutely incomprehensible habits."
That was the highest compliment an Onu-Matoran from the island of Mata Nui could bestow upon someone.
It was not categorizable as such by perhaps any other being in the entire universe, considering the source of such an idiom had been cut off from all other known civilizations and it was generally not considered particularly flattering to be told that you would make for a great petri dish for one's paternal figure to microscope if you were any less sentient, but luckily his tone did manage to properly convey the positive nature of his otherwise insane sentence.
So instead of knocking his head off with roundhouse kick, Tarix and Vastus smiled awkwardly in an attempt at not laughing in his face and just replied: "Thanks."
His Volitak did not have a mouth, but Nuparu's grin was blinding.
Berix chose that moment to shriek triumphantly.
"Fixed!" he declared, Thornax launcher hoisted into the air like it was the second making of the Element Lords.
The older Gaquri turned to him with eyes wide: "What, already?"
"It was encrusted with Thornax juice!"
Not even the time to feel bashful about such a silly and easy to fix thing hindering his battling performance so much that his wife was already leaning down into his line of sight with a smirk so wide that he could have just bitten his whole head off with it.
"What did I say?" he teased.
Tarix sighed, a weary smile on his face: "You cannot keep getting away with this."
"Yes I can," Vastus gloated, "If I'm always right."
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cardansriddle · 2 years
can you write tom and reader being in an established relationship (with her not really knowing how psycho he is but noticing like little things that aren't right) and they get into a fight when she tells him to leave, which makes tom go a lil psychooo
(love how you capture toms essence)
The darkness within - Tom Riddle
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warnings: dark possessive tom? not proofread
A/N: tom gets progressively worse in this story and I loved writing it. thank you anon for the request!
buymeacoffee <3
The soft pads of his fingers rose goosebumps on their trail as they caressed the skin of your neck gently. 
You smiled into your book, knowing there was no way you would be able to concentrate if Tom kept innocently touching you any further. His touch was electric, igniting the cells in your system and sending fiery sparks through your entire body.
"Distracted?" His low voice sounded from next to you in a teasing tone and you felt heat rise to your cheeks. You ducked your head down to hide the scarlet shade of your skin. 
"It is hard to concentrate with you pressing up against me." You admitted bashfully, before catching yourself and adding, "someone might think you are starved for physical affection, Tom." 
He shook his head, knowing you were trying to turn this on him. "Mhm." He hummed in mock belief. The comfortable silence engulfed the atmosphere once again, giving you the opportunity to savour the smell of cologne that seemed to follow you everywhere you went. 
Suddenly, the wizard next to you tensed—his fingers caressing your skin halted— and he sat up from his relaxed position. You turned to look at him in confusion, but he seemed far too focused on the contents of the book he was reading to notice you. You tried to look at the book in front of him over his shoulder in an attempt to understand what had caught his attention, however, he quickly snapped the book shut and the only thing you could catch were words such as "immortality" and "soul". 
"I have to go. I forgot I was supposed to meet with Avery." He quickly said, retracting from you completely and packing up his things. Your brows crunched together at his sudden departure but he seemed to pay no mind to you as he gathered his mystery book and left without another word. 
You leaned back into your chair, wondering what could cause that drastic change in his demeanour. 
"Settle down everybody! Let us proceed with today's lecture." The professor beckoned everybody to sit and quiet down as he walked to the front of the classroom. He began to drone on about the purpose of various magical creatures and you found yourself glancing at your partner. 
You were in your usual seat next to Tom and he was twirling his wand with his slender fingers disinterestedly. 
"We will cover those in future lessons, however, today's topic is unicorns. Precisely, the uses and effects of unicorn blood." 
This seemed to peak Tom's attention. His fingers quit their motion, and his wand clattered against the desk as it fell from his hand. He leaned forwards, his full attention directed at the professor as he started covering the topic in depth. 
"While everybody is aware that these equines possess magical properties, I doubt many of you know just how powerful and potent their magic is." You watched as Tom cocked his head to the side, his dark curls falling from their neatly put place and onto his forehead. "Can anyone name any uses of unicorn hair?" 
Several hands shot up and the professor picked a random Hufflepuff to answer the simple question. "It is generally used in wandmaking. They make quite a powerful core for a wan because they are known to produce the most consistent magic." 
"Yes, correct. Now...can anyone name any uses for unicorn blood?" 
No hands were raised—except for Tom's. That was not unusual, since Tom knew everything possible. 
"Very well, Tom. Do tell us." He gestured towards the wizard, urging him to answer. 
Tom inhaled sharply. "If a person is near death, consuming the blood of the creature would grant the drinker immortality." 
That word again. 
"Five points to Slytherin." The teacher awarded before continuing his lecture. "While that is true, it is important to understand the cost of such an action. Unicorns are the purest creatures in our realm. To harm or worse—murder— them would be an unforgivable action. The drinker would only lead a tainted, cursed life from the moment their lips would touch the blood." 
Tom ground his jaw at the new information, appearing displeased and strangely angry. 
"Is everything alright with you?" You asked him quietly, not wanting to disrupt the class. He slowly turned to look at you and you held in your gasp at the intensity of his gaze. His onyx eyes had darkened dangerously and for the first time since you started dating Tom, you felt afraid. 
What had gotten into him? 
"I am fine." Was all he said before he turned away.
A sudden shriek woke you up from your deep slumber. 
You looked around the dorm to understand what happened, but your dormmates seemed just as puzzled as you were.
The door to your dorm suddenly burst open and the Head Girl barged in, looking dishevelled and very out of breath. "Everyone out! Go to the Great Hall immediately!" She commanded, trying to appear confident, however, her usual authoritative tone was gone and replaced with fear and unmasked panic. 
"Merlin, Aisha! What happened?"
She straightened up before giving you the answer that caused chills to run down your spine. 
You all scrambled to get off your beds, not bothering to throw your robes over your nightgowns as you rushed out of the room. 
The common room was filled with nervous whispers and once everyone was out of their beds, the prefects started leading you out of the common room and into the Great Hall.
Your mind was racing with endless questions that you had no answers to. Who was murdered? How did they get killed? Was Tom alright?
Your eyes began looking for the familiar figure of your man, trying vainly to locate him amongst the crowd of students. You nibbled on your lower lip nervously, fear starting to take its hold on your heart.
"Silence!" The Headmaster's voice boomed, echoing throughout the grande hall. "Everyone please calm down and settle. A student has been found dead and we are actively searching the castle in order to find the culprit. Until they are found, no one is to leave the Great Hall." 
The beat of your heart quickened. Where was he?
What if something happened to him? 
The whisper of your name snapped you out of your trance. Your friend placed her hand on your arm. "Quit your worrying. He is over there." She pointed towards the opposite side of the hall and sure enough, he was there, staring back at you. 
Your body relaxed as you sighed out in relief at the sight of him unharmed. But the way he was looking at you—almost as if he could see through you— threw you off. From the distance, you thought you saw his eyes turn crimson but you quickly brushed it off and blamed it on your exhaustion. Your mind must have been playing a trick on you. 
Soon enough, your eyes slowly closed. You leaned against your friend's side and before you knew it, both of you were lulled to sleep.
The morning arrived earlier than you would have desired. 
Tom was walking you to your common room, standing protectively by your side and glaring at anyone that thought twice about approaching you. 
"I just cannot believe it. Hogwarts is supposed to be safe. That poor little girl—"
"Do not fret about that girl. She was nothing but a mudblood." Tom cut your words off, his attempt at making you feel better doing the complete opposite. "Good riddance." He mumbled under his breath and all you could do was look at him in shock.
Tom had never spoken this way before. Never has he made such crude comments about anybody and you felt as if you were seeing him in a different light. 
"Tom, have some respect. That is a dead person you are talking about." He averted his gaze, looking elsewhere. "Besides, whatever or whoever murdered her might come for any of us next." 
Tom halted, making you look at him in confusion. He took a step forwards, decreasing the distance between you and towering over you as he whispered his next words. "Trust me, darling, it will not come after you.
You took a step back. "What are you saying? Tom...do you know what killed the girl?"
"It is only after mudbloods."
He placed a finger on your lips, shushing you. "Do not worry, I have this under control." 
You shook your head, his finger falling from your skin. "Under control? You did this?!" You asked in horror, trying to take another step away from him only to realise you could not move. You were trapped between his body and the wall. You could only watch as he brought his hand up to hold your chin, tilting it up so he could lower his face to yours. "Lower your voice." He warned you, lips brushing against yours with every word he uttered. "Be a good little girl for me and keep your mouth shut about this."
You could only nod in response, too afraid to trust your own voice.
"I need to hear you say it, darling." 
"Yes, Tom." You managed to let out.
He connected your lips in a searing kiss. 
"Good girl." 
And he was gone, leaving you breathless and bewildered in the hallway. 
The students in the Great Hall quieted as the Headmaster stood from his place, clinking his knife against his goblet to gain everybody's attention. 
"Dear students!" He began, voice laced with happiness, — "I am pleased to announce that the culprit of the murder has been caught and taken care of. It is thanks to one student who took it upon himself to solve this case. I would like to give Tom Riddle a special award for services to the school!" 
Deafening cheers erupted around the hall as Tom stood up from his place at the Slytherin table and walked up to Headmaster Dippet to accept his award. He flashed a brilliant smile as he took his trophy, causing everyone in the Great Hall to stand up and clap for him. 
His eyes searched the place until they fell on you, the only person who stayed seated in their place and the only one who was not cheering for him and his smile fell. You only looked at him in dejection. Because he had gotten an award for his acting skills. 
You wish you had the willpower to stand and scream that he was the murderer, that he was responsible for the girl's death. But you loved him. And no matter how bad of a crime he committed, your feelings for him would overpower the guilt and resentment. 
As the feast began, you quickly excused yourself and left the Great Hall, knowing you would not be able to eat a bite. As you hurried towards your common room, a hand suddenly grabbed your arm, and pulled it back, causing you to turn around and crash into his chest.
"Let me go, Tom. I am not in the mood to deal with you right now?"
His eyes flashed red in anger. "Deal with me? What is that supposed to mean?" He seethed, fingers tightening around your flesh.
"Let me go—"
"What is that supposed to mean?!" He repeated. 
"Tom, you are hurting m—"
"I asked you a question!"
"Maybe it means I do not want to be with you anymore! It means I want to leave!" You screamed back at him, tone filled with venom meant to poison. You held your chin up, refusing to cower under his murderous stare.
"You do not mean that..." His tone softened as he gazed at you. The cloud of darkness and fury in his eyes faded, and he was back to the Tom you knew once again. 
"I have tried to ignore your dark side for long enough but this was my last straw. I am done."
He whispered your name in despair and even though you felt like your heart was being dragged through broken glass, you refused to give in. 
"Unhand me." You demanded.
He let go of your arm, only to wrap his fingers around your throat. His eyes darkened once again, all trace of the old Tom gone. "No. You will stay with me."
"I have every right to leave. You cannot control me." You gasped, clawing at his hand to let you go but he only tightened his grip. 
"Not when you belong to me, little witch." 
Blood rushed to your head, and you knew you had no choices left. Fighting against Tom was useless and you had already lost. A tear slipped down your eye as you gazed at him.
"Say it. I want to hear you say it." 
"I belong to you." You choked out.
His grip on you loosened before he ultimately dropped his hand and pulled you into his chest. You sobbed uncontrollably into his embrace, knowing there was no way out. It hurt, knowing you were forced to watch as the person you loved the most descended into madness.
But perhaps the love you felt for your Tom was big enough to love the monstrous side of him too. 
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akiraruru · 1 year
(๑•̀д•́๑) " 𝘼𝙣𝙣𝙤𝙮𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙮 𝙙𝙤 "
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Included: Kaeya, Diluc, Albedo, Zhongli, Raiden Ei, gn! Reader
CW: Mentions of drinking.
A/n: Stan twice for better life (stream set me free on Spotify!) Possibly ooc, not proofread
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▶ You know when the bartender serves your drinks? And when you go and get your drink he'll snatch it before you can before giving it to you. I don't know why but I just feel like he'll do this to tease you lol, he doesn't do it often though.
▶ It's really frustrating because it's like when you're about to eat something but your siblings get to it before you. Kaeya finds it funny how your face turns when he does it.
▶ Like imagine you're so excited to get your drink but then BAM snatched.
▶ At first you'd be a tad bit confused because he didn't say anything about it so you'd just kind of ask him why after a while.
▶ When you ask Kaeya about it he'll just laugh it off and say he's just simply teasing you.
"Okay here are your drinks, hope you guys enjoy it" the bartender says while they put down your and kaeya's drink "Thank you " Kaeya says in thanks to the bartender, you went to get your drink but kaeya got it before you, you looked at him in confusion as to what he's doing "Why'd you get my drink?" You ask while he just chuckled and put it back on the table. After a while you've slowly grown used to this particular habit of his.
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▶ Diluc has this habit where he would pop out of nowhere behind you and suddenly touch you without saying a word before greeting you hello.
▶ It's kinda creepy too because you don't really know when he arrived behind you because of his quiet ass.
▶ AND AND he would just smile at you innocently as if he didn't just pop out of nowhere and scare you.
▶ Diluc doesn't really get why you get startled because he thought you always knew he was coming right up behind you.
▶ Now this can be real annoying especially if you get startled or scared easily lol.
▶ If you ever tell Diluc about it, he'll try his best to make his presence known less scary.
Since Adelinde was on a day off you were cleaning the dishes after you and Diluc had dinner, after he ate, he excused himself as he had documents to sign so obviously you thought that he was upstairs. Well, you were kinda right but he decided to do them later and came back down to see you washing the dishes, you didn't notice him coming up behind you as you continued to sway your hips while singing. He suddenly puts his hands on your waist causing you to jump and look behind you quickly.
"What do you want to do tonight?"
He asks, you look at him with sightly wide eyes before returning your attention back to washing the dishes.
▶ I will be doing this in modern au because why not.
▶ Albedo has a habit of pointing out your spelling/mistakes in chats.
▶ He would correct them too.
▶ Like it would just be a tiny typo then he's be saying "you spelt ___ wrong"
▶ I love albedo but PLEASE, he's sometimes so logical at times it isn't funny any more.
▶ He will literally notice the slightest mistakes in your grammar. Like you didn't put the comma in the right place? He'll notice.
☑ [name]: Hey 'bedo you coming later?
☑ Albedo: You forgot to add a comma.
▶ Leave them grammar mistakes alone.
☑ [name]: Did you knoo about the homework yesterday?
☑ Albedo: *know. Yes I did, thanks for reminding me.
☑ [name]: okay, it's due tomorrow
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▶ Zhongli's annoying habit is that he sometimes speaks in deep words and would often not say what it means (this is me fr in my native language, I never understood deep words T-T)
▶ You'd be having a normal conversation with him and then he'll say something like 'Mellifluous' and then if you ask him he'll just look at you for a second then go back to what he was talking about.
▶ But if he's feeling generous he'll actually say what it means.
▶ Mellifluous is a word to describe someone's voice as sweet-sounding or musical lol.
▶ These stuff usually happens when he's telling a story that happened when he was still an archon or whenever he's talking about stuff like flowers, history, etc..
▶ It also happens often at tea time! Since that's where he mostly tell his stories and experiences.
▶ While you kinda found it confusing, it was also kinda attractive since he speaks so proper and formal.
"Guizhong is a kind girl, her voice was mellifluous and smooth. It's pleasant to hear" He said as he talked about his old friend Guizhong. "Wait, what's mellifluous?" You ask, not knowing what the word means "Ah.." He just said before looking down at his tea then continues to talk about Guizhong, about how she was when she was still alive. You sat there in confusion.
After a while he finally says what it means "Mellifluous means that someone's voice sounds sweet or pleasant to the ear"
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Raiden Ei:
▶ I THINK we know what she does.
▶ Raiden would sometimes steal your mochi/sweets when you aren't looking.
▶ Like for example you got distracted by something, either by a person talking to you or when she purposely distracts you by saying things like "[name] look! There's a cute cat over there"
▶ She'll make sure you're fully distracted before getting a piece and stuffing it in her mouth lol.
▶ Sometimes you can tell she ate a piece because of the residue on the sides of her mouth lol.
▶ If you ever notice a piece is missing and you ask her about it she'll just deny it and say that you already ate it (gaslighting at its fullest)
▶ She'll just look at you confused as if she didn't just sneak a snack into her mouth when you ask her about it 😒.
▶ You can tell she ate it though, but we don't talk about that, you don't have the heart to tell her.
You were munching on some cookies while also giving bites to Ei because you know how much she loves sweet stuff "[name] look is that yae?" Ei says while pointing her finger at something in order to distract you "hm?" You acknowledged as you turned around where her finger was facing, while you were trying to see where Yae is Ei took a cookie or two from the container it was in and quickly ate it "hmm.. I don't see her" You say, not being able to see the pink haired girl. You turn back to your cookies and there was only one left "huh, I swear there were two cookies left" You said while you searched the table, you then turned to Ei and asked "Ei have you-" You cut your self off as Ei looked at you with an innocent face while you notice the crumbs on the corners of her mouth that wasn't there before.
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schrodinger-swriter · 4 months
Hello there! Would you maybe consider writing a Sir Pentious x an autistic nonbinary reader? There aren't many fics for people like me and I've been really loving Sir Pentious recently so it'd mean a lot! Thanks! <:]
Sir Pentious x Autistic!Nonbinary!Reader
Typically I don't do much with gender descriptors for my writing, as a lot of it turns out to be GN anyway... however given that Pentious is from a time before gender labels were well known and given that he likely didn't interact much with people asides from trying to climb to power.. I think I can do something with the idea albeit briefly! I may or may not have used my own experiences for this post aha, apologies!
I hope you enjoy, Anon! C:
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He's a little confused on your label, but as soon as you explain it to him he's understanding! It takes him a while, but he does get your pronouns down without much issue. He also tends to correct anyone who uses the wrong ones. Though this may cause a scene due to Pentious being rather... pushy that you are treated with the respect you deserve. I've mentioned it in the period post, but he would try to get as much information as he can on the topic so he can understand it as best as he can. Whether it be from you or from doing his own research!
Speaking of research, he does the same when you open up to him about being on the spectrum. Admittedly, I can see Pentious also being ND however that's a personal headcanon.. ND but undiagnosed, and not really suspecting it. He is simply. Existing.
If you have any interests you are very passionate about, he's going to do his best to match your energy! He's going to attempt to get into it, or even ask you to experience it with him, if possible! Be it media or a hobby, he's going to try to dip his toes... tail... into it! Even if he doesn't much care for it he's going to let you ramble about it to him and he's going to give you your full attention.
Do you stim? Or have some form of self regulation that is perceived a ritual? He's not going to bat an eye! Just as long as it's not harming you or anyone else, he sees little to no reason to try to find an alternative.
Feeling burnt out? He's going to try to make things easier. Not that he wasn't already attempting that by taking care of you. Actually, in general he wants to take care of you and spoil you. Pentious has a lot of love and he hasn't had much place to put it since he's arrived in Hell. He's going to keep on top of chores, so you don't have to worry about that if you're feeling too worn out or overwhelmed. Forgot to eat? He can whip you up something! Speaking of food, he tries to master your comfort/safe foods so he can make them with no problem! If it's a pre-made snack, such as chips, he tries to keep them on hand.
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writing-fanics · 1 year
I had an idea that maybe the reader is human and in love with Eric and when he was drowning in the shipwreck she made a deal with Ursula to save him but the curse was that he would forget all about her and when he’s back on land he acts like he’s never seen her before and she’s heartbroken but somehow he ends up having dreams about her and falling for her for a second time 😭😭😭
• . .forget me not . . •
prince eric x Fem!reader
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She stared down at him; gently placing her hand on his cheek as tears welled up in her eyes. “You’re not going to remember me.” She said, her voice cracking as she placed her hand on his cheek gently rubbing it with her thumb.
Tears streaming down her cheeks, “But I love you so much.” She whispered, looking at him and couldn’t help but smile feeling him take her hand as he slowly started to open his eyes.
“Goodbye Eric,” She said, smiling softly before collapsing beside him exhausted. The mermaid tail turning back into a pair of legs as she laid there on the sand, unconscious.
After recovering, she went back to work in the kitchen helping the servants prepare food for the Queen and Eric. On the outside she was happy, but on the inside she was hurting the man she loved forgot about her and basically doesn’t even remember who she is. And what she meant to him.
She was absentmindedly walking down the hallway. When she bumped into someone the plates falling to the ground shattering.
“I’m so sorry.” She said, kneeling down yo pick up the shattered plates. “It’s quite alright.” A voice said, causing her to look up and see that familiar face.
“O-Oh, my apologies E-Er.. sire.” She corrected herself, he doesn’t remember her and calling him Eric know would be rude.
She started picking up the shattered plates, holding back tears and the urge to hug him. Her entire body shaking as she reached towards the shattered plates, and cut herself.
Causing her to wince and quickly grab her hand, holding it as wound started to sting. “Are you alright?” He asked, looking at her and noticed blood on the palm of her hand.
He reached into his pocket, pulling out a bit of cloth, “let me see your hand.” He asked, and she hesitantly showed him it and he took it gently and wrapped the cloth around her palm.
She couldn’t help but blush as he held her hand, so delicately in his own. “There that should be better.” He said, and she sniffled quietly and smiled as she looked at him. Locking eyes for a moment, and she became lost in his eyes.
She just hoped that maybe he might remember her and he’d take her into his arms and-
“What’s your name?” He asked, and she pursed her lips trying not to frown.
“Y-Y/n sire.” She said, he smiled in response hearing that name.
“What a beautiful name.” He says,and she couldn’t help but smile at him. “Thank you.” She said sadly, as she continued to carefully pick up the broken plates. He helped her and once it was done she smiled and made her way back to the kitchen to discard of the broken plates.
She couldn’t help but tear up, at the fact he didn’t remember her. Why did she make a deal with the sea witch? For her to gain mermaid fins for her to have just enough time to save him and swim him back to shore. But if she didn’t they’d both would’ve drowned. Maybe, it’s for the best maybe their relationship would’ve never worked out.
She looked down, at the engagement ring around her finger. Remembering when he proposed to her in secret. Their relationship a secret too. They’ve kept it a secret for so long and for her to basically lose him before, they were going to announce it. It had to be a sign.
Eric couldn’t sleep well that night; the girl he met and didn’t know at all had been invading his dreams and didn’t know why. She was merely a servant and he didn’t know her at all. Or so he thought yet something about her drew him closer, and without him realizing he started to fall for her.
[Y/n] wasn’t opposed to him asking to spend more time. When they did they created new memories together, and developed an even stronger bond that the one before. It wasn’t long before he got down on one knee asking her to marry him..
A/n: suddenly got really tired while writing this sorry it isn’t the best
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crepuscularious · 6 months
im back, bitches! apparently not a lot of you know that im a swiftie lmfaoaoaoa, so heres something cause slut is my absolute favorite its a fuckin' masterpiece
also, am i the only one who thinks that "in a world of boys hes a gentleman" means something else, lol. cause like this dude is in a group of boys, within those group of boys, but if he's in a group of men its a complete different story?!!??! if that makes enough sense.
one more thing, my short stories arent based on the song itself, its based on one line of the song. a lot of you were confused with my mad one and that it was different from what ne-yo was trying to say in the song. i hope this clarifies it :>
just a quickie for tonight, i feel so lonely hahaha... i should probably get a life
miguel x reader (mostly fem)
"everyone wants him, that was my crime. wrong place at the right time and i break down, then he's pulling me in"
youve been dating miguel for some time now, lets just say your relationship wasnt exactly... perfect
who were you to judge!? he was spiderman, so many females with different ages have looked up to him not only because of his heroicness, but as well as his physique, i mean have you seen that domino chip build?
you didnt mind at first, its not like you werent one of his fangirls before meeting him too, right? but no, you were starting to get pissed, no lie.
this caused a bit of a ruckus between the relationship of the two. a little screaming and shouting at the middle of the night when miguel forgot to tell her that he'd might need to patrol late at night again, or when she saw a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes kissing the masked man on the cheek on t.v! it didnt help when miguel had both his thumbs up and showing it to the camera before swinging away.
"mi vida, please! i told you im sorry. it was only for show, you know that!" miguel said, wrapping his arms around her waist as he places his chin on her shoulder while she was cooking dinner
"i didnt know that i dated a celebrity and not a hero then" you coldly said, turning off the stove and getting only one plate "i already ate dinner, eat without me" you said
but she hates it when someone is eating by themselves miguel thought to himself with a pout. he messed up, big time.
"mi vida, por favor" miguel said, shooting a web at her wrist to prevent her from leaving "im sorry, its my fault. i should have known better than to enjoy the kiss" miguel said, hugging his girlfriend tight
"i only like your kisses" miguel said as he snuck a quick peck on her cheek "maybe this isnt going to work, miguel. between the two of us" she said
this made miguel look at her with sad and torn eyes, "mi amor? im sorry if i was a bit overboard today, i understand my mistakes and i promise to correct them." miguel said, looking into your eyes with nothing but honesty as he holds both of your hands in his
"i know what i did was an ass mistake, and i understand if youre mad. but mi corazon, dont give up on us. i promise ill be better next time, ill know my limits" he said, his hands releasing from yours as he transfers then into your face, cupping it with his huge hands.
he gives you a quick peck on the nose and smiled "i love you, 3000" he said "please forgive me, lets work this out, i dont want us to end'
"you know, miguel. in a world of boys, youre a gentleman"
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spooky-bunnys · 1 year
Toman request
(Name) has a pet rat (why you may ask cause rats are cute) and one day (name) is running late to a meeting and doesn’t know that his pet rat is in his pocket and when he gets to the meeting pet rat decides to explore (and this is gonna be where tenjiku,brahms sand black dragons are in toman) and while everyone is paying attention to mikey ran sees the rat and just screams while jumping into some arms and his scream alerts everyone else about the rat and some are amazed, grossed out or panicking as well. (Name) is like panicking cause he doesn’t want his fur baby to get hurt and is chasing after his pet rat
And maybe just for laughs (name) has secretly thought his pet rat to steal so when he finally catches his rat he sees that the rat is holding a wallet and everyone hears taiju, pah or koko say “alright who took my wallet?” (It’s cannon that pah and taiju have money)
I personally don't really like Rats. I don't have a good experience with them, but here you go enjoy!
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(Name) huffed and continued running. He was running late for the Toman meeting. He had been cleaning his pet Rats cage when he noticed the time. The meeting was at 7pm and the time was 6:54pm. Now (Name) didn't live too far from the shrine, but his bike is currently getting fixed.
When he finally arrived he quickly took his place. Hoping nobody noticed, but he quickly had his back smacked roughly. (Name) yelped and fell over.
What he didn't notice was his pet rat running out of his uniform pocket.
(Name) quickly stood up and brushed his uniform off and turned. Seeing his Captain give him a stern look. "(Name) your late." (Name) huffed and looked away. "Sorry sir. I was doing my chores when I noticed the time, and my bike is currently in the shop so I had to run here."
Taiju ruffled his hair and barked out a laugh. "You should've told me, I would've had someone get you." (Name) blushed and looked away. "N-No sir it's okay." Before Taiju could reply, a high pitch scream sounded.
Everyone turned towards the sound, seeing the infamous Haitani Ran climbing his captain. "Oi! Get off me!" Izana tried pulling Ran off him. "Izana there's a rat!" Izana ignored him and kept trying to get the oldest Haitani off him.
(Name) looked at them confused. Until more people started yelling and running away. Yelling about a rat. When (Name) saw what the rat looked like he paled. "REMI?!" (Name) quickly started chasing his pet rat.
Everyone cleared out of their way, not wanting to be in the way. The captains watched amused. Since they've never seen him like this. It was quite the sight honestly.
When (Name) finally caught the rat, he noticed something peculiar. "Remi, what do you have?" The rat quickly tried to escape, but (Name) sighed grabbing the object. Which turned out to be a wallet.
(Name) chuckled and kissed his head. "You finally learned huh?" That's when he heard a loud voice yell out. "Wait! Where the fuck is my wallet?!" (Name) turned and saw a panicking Kokonoi. (Name) quickly made his way over.
"Koko I'm so sorry! I've been teaching Remi some stuff, and he took your wallet." (Name) bowed and held out the wallet, which was promptly snatched by the owner. "Whose Remi?" (Name) straighten up and held out his pet.
"My pet rat! I was cleaning his cage earlier and I was running late for the meeting. I completely forgot he was in my pocket." (Name) sweat-dropped. Some came over wanting to meet the pet, while everyone else watched from afar.
"Wait, what else does he have?" Taiju snatchs the object in the Rats mouth. "Wait! This is my wallet!" (Name) laughed loudly. "Sorry Taiju-kun, I guess he wanted revenge from earlier." The rest of the meeting went by without anymore issues.
After the meeting (Name) started to make his way home, but as stopped by many members. "(Name)-san how did you teach your rat to take wallets?" "Yeah! That's such a smart thing to teach a pet!" (Name) blushed and shyly looked away. "This is actually the first time he did it correct. Usually he would just steal coins but, this time he got the actual wallet!"
Everyone else watched (Name) happily explain and show off his pet. While the captains and vice captains talked about, whether or not teaching his pet to steal was a good thing. "Honestly it could help us in the future." Baji said. Some nodded while others looked confused.
"Literally how?" Draken asked, the most confused out of them all. "Imagine you want some food but no money? You could just have him get you someone's wallet and BOOM! Free food!" Mikey nodded. He completely understood, while Draken an Mitsuya face-palmed.
This gang was full of idiots.
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mikeyelistsukasa · 2 years
Hanako,Sakura,Teru,Tsukasa & Kou seeing Darling‘s SH scars for the first time
Tw: self harm ofc,scars mentioning,basically dark topic
An:yeah it wasnt requested,i wrote that because…why not?Enjoy NOT PROOF READ
please do not self harm yourself. And im sorry to those who already done it or ho though it. Stay strong and don’t give up. Ily all
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You were cleaning the bathroom today because yashiro was sick today and kou had to leave early
Not that you minded. You still have company and that is hanako and those little adorable mokke‘s.
This is a lot better than going home and just lying in bed doing nothing or homework.
„say s/o-chan/kun, how come you agreed to clean the bathroom? Most people would decline it you know, GASP don’t tell me you enjoy my company~“
„Oh sush will ya? Im doing this cause i feel bad for yashiro…but i suppose you are correct about me enjoying your company“
Hanako smirked, happy at the response you gave him
„Now tell me where is the sponge and gloves so that i can start cleaning the toilet“
„Oh!- its over there“
Hanako pointed to the left corner
„I’ll bring them to you :D“
Hanako decided to spare you these 5 steps and decided to bring them to you
But just as he turned around he saw you pulling your sleeves up so that you wont get your sweater dirty
You reached out your hand to take it but before hanako gave it to you he
He noticed scars?
This boy stared in shock at your wrist
„Uhm…hanako? Can you give me the gloves already?“
Suddenly you are being grabbed against dour wrist
It took you a second to understand that he is talking about you scars
„O-oh! I totally forgot i had them“
You laughed a little seeing hanako‘s worried expression
Just before he could go to grab some bandages you gently grabbed his hand
„Pft Hanako…im okay.“
You sat down with the ghost
„Im sorry for laughing i guess heh, your worried expression was pretty cute tho~“
Hanako flushed at that but you could still he his concerned look
„To answer your questions. I self harmed. I did that to myself. And no they do not hurt anymore because i quitted“
You smiled gently hoping it will relax the poor boy for a bit
But i think you only did worse
„Yourself??? Why??? Dont tell me someone forced you to do it to yourself. When did you quit???“
„Geez give me a break dude haha….i had a very hard time back then where i thought doing this is the only way to release stress.i had big family issues at that time but now everything is doing well.and to answer your last question i did about 2 years ago. So again do.not.worry“
Hanako blinked processing every word you just said
„I see“
Suddenly he stands up reaching out a pair of gloves
„Well ready to continue cleaning?~“
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You and Sakura were sitting in the broadcasting room enjoying some cup of tea while reading books
„Is there something wrong?“
Sakura asked without taking her eyes from her book
„No not at all. I just got really invested in the book you gave me its very interesting i like it! Thank you by the way“
Sakura smiled to herself hearing that and went back to reading her book
Suddenly instead of reaching her cup, Sakura accidentally spilled her cup of tea with her elbow all over your pretty white gloves
„Ow ow ow ow ow hot hot hot!“
„Oh no dear- im sorry i didnt mean to do that, it was an accident“
You slowly take off the glove
„It’s alright don’t worry hah! Everyone doesn’t mistakes“
Sakura couldn’t help but let a slight sigh of relief hearing that
Thought that relaxed aura she just had disappeared right this instant after seeing your wrist
You stared at her in confusion
Sakura stared at your wrist realising those are old scars and coming to a conclusion that you stopped this awful habit
…but just in case-
„You don’t do this anymore. Right?“
„Eh? Oh! Nono don’t worry i quitted. Im okay now :D“
Sakura grabbed gently both of your hands
„I’ll go get you new gloves“
„Oh don’t worry it’s okaaaaaaand she is already on her way„
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“Hey s/o.”
You saw Teru sitting next to you
“How come you always wear a sweater under your uniform? I mean its summer. Aren’t you like sweating under there?”
“Ah hello Minamoto-kun. No im not sweating under it. And i wear it because its my favourite sweater! Ofc i wouldn’t wear it if it was that hot for me, i dont like it that much to the point i would sweat under it”
“Well nothing i can do. Also i told you, you can use my first name”
“Yeah yeah okay prince minamoto (¬_¬) “
“Whaaa what was that for T-T“
“you know exactly why :)“
“say... Wanna go out tomorrow like i dunno swimming? I heard it is going to be very hot tomorrow”
“Hmmm…yeah sure! Im free tomorrow so i don’t mind”
“Great! I’ll meet you there”
And just like that the bell rang and you went your ways
𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚍𝚊𝚢 | (• ◡•)|
You were waiting for teru at the beach for about 10 minutes already
“Phew, he sure didn’t lie about it being hot today”
You took off your favourite sweater and wrapped it around your torso(or hips idk)
“Speak of the devil”
You turn around to see none other than Teru Minamoto
“Hey Min- Teru… well where do you wanna go first?”
“Hm how abouuutttt…some ice cream?”
“Sounds great to me!”
And just like that you guys went to get something to refresh youself
And while you two eat you remembered that you need to apply some sunscreen
After teru saw s/o holding the sunscreen he without any hesitation sat down allowing s/o to put suncream on him
“In return I get to put sunscreen on you correct?”
“Hmmmmmm alright alright”
After some minutes s/o finished and took off her clothes revealing herself only in a bikini
Teru slightly blushed after seeing s/o in such clothes but stayed respectful non then less
That is until he saw s/o do a ponytail revealing scars on their shoulders
S/o sat down signalling teru to put the sunscreen on their back
“Teru? Is something wrong?”
“What…happened to your shoulders?”
“O-oh… well you see back when i was *insert younger self* i had fallen into pretty deep rabbit hole after loosing something/someone important to me….”
Teru couldn’t tell if you finished talking or want to add something more
S/o shows their left/right arm to show more scars
Woah!How did he not notice them before?
“I was only getting more and more let down with each day. To the point i started to let out my anger on myself”
Teru looked at your expression seeing that you were uncomfortable with the topic so he put the cold sunscream without saying anything on your spine
„C-COLD you jerk!!!!“
„Haha. Im sorry we don’t want you get burned right?…Also promise to quit what you are d-„
„I already have don’t worry, these scars are like from 2-4 years ago“
„Oh! Well if you feel like doing it again let me know and I’ll be there gor you“
„pft You sure are cheesy today“
„Well what can i say? Im spending time with the most beautiful person right now“
„Oh my~“
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„Sigh what is it tsukasa.“
„Let’s go find some supernaturals to smash!“
„Heh yeah-no not today im very tired right now“
„Awh :(„
„Don’t give me that look“
„Fine just not for too long…“
‚i don’t think we will find a supernatural anyway‘ i thought
When out of nowhere i heard some noise
But that was probably just my imagination
„W-wait tsukasa don’t run away!….great now im alone“
Suddenly i heart the same noise again but this time it sounded like someone was…growling?
Just as i turned around i saw a big supernatural right behind me
I barely managed to dodge his attack but in the process it ripped off my sleeve
You closed your eyes ready to take the supernaturals attack
….but nothing came
In fact you heard some…unpleasant noises
You opened your eyes just to see tsukasa smashing the supernaturals face against the floor
You stood up glad that you didn’t get hurt and went up to tsukasa
„Hey…tsukasa thats enough“
„It hurted you…“
„Hm? No it didn’t don’t worry so lets just g-„
„Your arm“
You looked at your arm confused since you don’t feel any pain on it
„Oh! Tsukasa those scars are old its okay it wasn’t the supernatural that did it!“
„There are others that hurt you?…“
Tsukasa stood up and placed his hands on your shoulders
„Tell me who“
His dark aura made you kinda nervous
„Well how do i explain this to you…the one that caused these scars was me“
„S/o is hurting themselves???!!! (」°ロ°)」 „
„No! I mean- it was a long time ago…so do not worry i am not being hurt and im not hurting myself“
Tsukasa didnt quite fully understand why you did that in the first place but hearing you being safe is all that matterd to him.
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You and kou had teamed up at school to be partners in cooking class
‚They probably teamed up with me cuz they struggle with cooking‘
‚i teamed up with him to spend more time with him‘
Yeaaaaahhhh cooking sure was something
Honestly he didn’t even notice your scars right away after you rolled up your sleeves
He noticed it when he told you to cut the cucumber
„Ow! Stupid knife(╥_╥)“
„S-s/o are you okay?“
„Yeah just a tiny scar on my finger heh“
„Wait let me see- S/O YOUR AR-„
You quickly put your hand against his mouth
„is everything okay here you two?“
„Y-yes mr. (Teachers name)“
That was close
You shouted with a whispering voice
„What was that you idiot???we almost got in trouble“
„your arm its full of scars!!!!“
„Yeah??? So what“
„What do you mean so what???? I got concerned and-“
„You two! Out.now“
„.:…Promise to not tell nii-chan that i got into trouble“
„I promise-„
„OH RIGHT your ar-„
„Sighhhh you still on about that?“
„Ofc! What happened??? Who did this???How did it happen???Does it still hurt??? Should i bring anything????“
You let out a small laugh. You hate to admit it but kou being so worried is so cute to you
„Its alright kou. Those are my old selfharm scars“
„huh- but-but why would you hurt yourself?“
„Sometimes people do harm themselves. Some stay up late. Some stop eating and well…“
You looked at your wrist
„Some people harm themselves physically“
Kou grabbed both of your hands
„I might not have a right to say anything about this but please don’t ever do this again! You matter so much to me…the last thing i want is to see my friend/bf/gf/partner suffer while i dont do anything!!! I will do everything and anything you want just please…“
Hearing that made your eyes form up some tears
„D-don’t cry!!! Did i say something wrong??!!!?“
„Oh kou… i promise. Those are old ones so dont worry I’ve stopped…it’s just…hearing this i-„
You hugged Kou tightly which startled the exorcist
„Thank you“
Kou hugged you back tightly
„You’re welcome“
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Hope i left you satisfied. Stay safe you all and don’t do stupid stuff
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duhnova · 2 years
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choking - vu headcanons
vu x fem!reader
word count: ~600
kinktober masterlist
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warning(s): nsfw under the cut!! (mdni), CHOKING, cocky + mean dk & jeonghan, again kinda tame cause they're just short headcanons, let me know if i forgot anything! - dont mind grammatical errors/typos (i tried)
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a lot of research went in to making sure they were as safe as possible when it came to choking you (and vise versa), they figured out the correct hand placements and practiced how much pressure was too much and what was just right
they have a color system put in place (along with a safe word), but they also have a tap system since talking is hard when they're choking you (one tap is “keep going” two taps is “slow down” and three is “stop”)
he’s so condescending when he squeezes your neck, barely cutting your oxygen off as he fucks into you 
mocks you and the way you gasp when his fingers wraps your throat
you tried bringing up the idea of choking him for a change in the bedroom and he shut you down with a laugh and a cocky smirk “you really think you could pay attention to choking me when you’re crying on my dick?” 
loves to fuck you from the back because he can pull you against his chest and wrap his hand around your throat (he says its the perfect position for him to whisper dirty shit in your ear, bonus points if its in front of a mirror too)
he’s a gentleman in every sense of the word until you’re being his hand up to wrap around your throat 
has the biggest smirk on his face when he realizes how much you’re enjoying having his fingers wrapped around your neck 
definitely ghosts his fingers up and down the sides and base of your neck when you’re out in public when he has his arm thrown over your shoulders (it gets you worked up every time) 
loves to push you as deep into the mattress as he can while he fucks you (without hurting you) before hes yanking you back towards him to kiss you, collectively making you gasp and whimper from not only being manhandled but because you can feel his fingers twitch around your throat as he does it 
he likes to grab your throat or jaw to make you look at him 
the way your mouth falls open with silent pleads makes him wanna fuck into you harder to try and get you to make louder sounds (knowing you can’t with his hand on your throat) 
he was definitely a little shy at first when you asked him to try choking you (he kind of just stared at you wide eyed but god once he heard the way you whimpered when he did it he fell in love even more) 
if you're being particularly bratty he’ll grabbed you by your throat/jaw and pull you into him and whisper against your lips knowing it gets you weak in the knees (and almost always has you being good for him)
he’s so mean about the way his fingers wrap around your throat, his nails dig into your skin a little 
will 100% grab your jaw as well (and shove his fingers into your mouth)
he was the one that asked you if you guys could try choking in the bedroom, he was all shy about it with a blush on his face and his fingers twiddling with his sleeves (a major change to how he acts in bed once he gets his hands on you)  
backshots with his hand wrapped around your throat!! and just like jeonghan he's whispering dirty shit in your ears / is a little mean and cocky about it too
he’s teasing with the way his fingers squeeze around your throat, it’ll start of soft then turn rough 
“i’ll choke you if you choke me back” when you first brought up the idea of trying choking in the bedroom he decided he also wanted to try being choked 
just like dk and jeonghan he loves to hold onto your throat while hes fucking you from behind (and like dk he’ll shove his fingers in your mouth in that position just to hear you whine and lowkey choke on them)
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feedback + reblogs are appreciated!
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robynlilyblack · 2 years
Take my hand and find out
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Sirius Black x shy! fem! reader
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Summary: Y/n's morning was going okay until new information causes her to have an attack in the middle of breakfast
Warnings: swearing, comfort, mentions of food, eating, not feeling hungry, feeling sick, shortness of breath and sex, detailed descriptions of a panic attack, gryffindor reader, reader has panic attacks, friends to lovers, mutual pining, first kiss, Sirius being a sweetheart, minor James and Lily and Marlene being a simp for her slytherin gal
A/n: 2k words, thank you for the request, I hope I captured it okay I used to do this went I panicked in large crowds to help calm down xx
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Navigation | Sirius Black Masterlist
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“Morning” Marlene's voice sings as she enters your dorm room “How are my two favourite girls?” she asks, walking towards you but pats Lily’s head on the way 
“If I can get breakfast without being bothered by Potter I’ll be grand” Lily huffs, shaking her head as she finishes her hair
Marlene plops herself beside you on your bed with a snigger, turning to you with a sceptical look that elicits a giggle from you
“I mean it” Lily turns around, a frustrated look on her face
Marlene holds up her hands “Sure you do” she replies, voice dripping with sarcasm before she puts on her best impression “My wonderful, beautiful, sweet, sweet Lilypad!” she presses the back of her hand to forehead and falls back onto the bed
You giggle at her theatrics “Hey” your eyes go to LIly as she scolds you lighty, a smile cracking through her frustration “You’re supposed to be on my side…Marlene!” she pleads but giggles herself at the end, blushing lightly as the blonde starts to go on about her thighs and arse
“What?” she sits up and looks at you “She has a great arse, right?” she asks and you nod shyly, causing Lily’s blush to deepen “Lils why can’t you admit you like the specky weirdo already” 
“...don’t like him” you and Marlene say together, you a lot quieter but they hear it and despite it making fun of her Lily is just as proud as Marlene
“We should get to breakfast” Lily stands up the smile finally breaking through as she grabs her robes, avoiding the question as she always does “I need to get to those blueberry muffins before they’re all gone”
You and Marlene smile, gathering your own robes and bags. Marlene slips her robes over her satchel while you put them on, fixing the hood as you head out of the dorm and down the stairs
Sniggers escape you as Marlene mutters “Think that’s a new record” under her breath while Lily eyes the boy jogging towards her 
“What Potter?” she crosses her arms, pressing her lips together as she takes an annoyed breath
“We got a meeting with Minnie this morning, head boy and girl thing” he informs her with the biggest smile on his face “You look wonderful this morning, beautiful” 
You had to give it to James, he never faltered in his affections, if anything over the years they grew more and more sweet, just like another boy you know…even if he was a little more of a natural flirt
“Hey pretty girl” Sirius greets as he and Remus come down the stairs behind you “Hey Marls”
“Hey Sirius, Remus” Marlene nods to them
You turn around to look as well, finding Remus wearing a kind smile while Sirius smirks and winks at you causing your cheeks to heat but a small smile plays on your lips as you look back towards Lily and James
“Oh” Lily pouts “I forgot about that, sorry…I haven’t had time to get break…” she starts but James gently cuts her off revealing two blueberry muffins
“I already ran down and grabbed you something” he offers them to a now wide-eyed Lily
She just stares at them for a moment before taking them “Thanks Po…James” she corrects making the boys soft smile grow significantly “Don’t get any ideas” she points at him before smiling at the muffins again “Let's go” she hithers saying her goodbyes to you, Marlene, Sirius and Remus before heading out
As she turns away you all chuckle at James, watching as he jumps and punches the air in a quiet victory before following along behind her
“So breakfast?” Marlene claps her hands together earning hums and nods from the three of you “Where’s Pete?” she asks as you all make your way down “Feel like I haven’t talked to you all in ages”
Sirius steps forward and beside her “He’s not feeling great unfortunately, stomach bug” he shrugs before falling into conversation with her while you and Remus walk along behind “I’ll tell him you’re asking for him”
“Hey love” he nudges you gently to say hello, looking down at you with a smile
You smile back, Remus and you got along well, both being the shy anxious hermits of each of your respective friend groups “Hey Rem” you greet him, tapping your head on his shoulder as you walk, missing the raven haired boy slight jealousy as he catches it when he looks back
“Are you ready for the presentations today?” he wonders and you look up at him confused “Binns moved the oral presentations to this morning, you didn’t know?” he informs and while you nod anymore conversation is cut off as you enter a loud and busy great hall, your friends ahead finding seats on the top end of the table
Remus seems to get the hint of what the two are doing before you do, in fact you’re too busy dealing with the forming lump in your throat and sickness in your stomach to realise until you sit down
“Hi” Sirius smiles at you while you turn to him shocked, you were expecting Marlene or Remus, not him
You give him a nervous, timid smile before you turn away and stare at your plate, hands shakily grabbing food you know you won’t be able to stomach nor eat before picking up your fork and beginning to play with it. Desperately you tried to calm yourself, trying all your usual tricks but the thought of talking in front of everyone in less than an hours time was terrifying
“Woah” your eyes flick up to Marlene, seeing her mouth ajar as her eyes are locked across the room “Just me or does she look extra good today?” she points at her girl 
Sirius leans to the side, shoulder touching yours by accident as he looks between Remus and Marlene. You look as well, trying to focus on something else but you struggle, more so when Marlene stands, quickly grabbing some food and running after Dorcas as she heads out with an ‘I’ll see you and those two losers later honey’
“She’s a loser” 
Sirius huffs but you barely hear it, only Marlene and Lily knew you had anxiety, you were sure Remus understood it to a degree but he’d never seen it at its worst, he couldn’t talk you through an attack and realising that caused your chest to tighten that little bit more
“Sorry insult Pads” 
Your hands find each other under the table, nails digging in as nerves overcome you. Suddenly the room felt small, and you were aware of how many people were here, how loud it all was, how many people were walking behind and around the table, the clatter of cutlery, bangs on the table, laughter and shouting merging into the same scary hum
“So’s your mum” 
Running away was the best option but you also couldn’t move, you were glued to the chair
“No I take that back your mums lovely moons…oh hey Prongs, Red and Minnie get tired of you already?” 
It felt like the world was closing in, the weight of it all pressing on your chest…
“Hilarious Pads but no, in fact things were going well but we’ve ran into a hitch and I need Moony's help” 
“Why his help?”
“Because he’s tall like me”
“I’m tall!”
“No next to us you’re not”
“You two suck”
“And you blow…anyway moony you mind helping me and Lily with the banners? She’s just a little short, it’s adorable but impractical ya know?”
“Sure thing, I’ll see you two in class” 
“See ya” Sirius waves them off before turning to you “So I was thinking…darling?” his eyes brows furrow, noticing how distressed you look “Y/n?” he tries again but don’t react, your eyes still tracing frantically around the room, breaths shallow
His hand finds yours, stopping you from hurting yourself with your nails, thumbs softly rubbing into the left over indentations “I can’t…I…” you breathing gets heavier, no longer panicking in silence as everything gets fuzzy, loud, it’s overwhelming 
Sirius stays quiet for a moment bringing your hand to the centre of his chest and his to yours “In and out” he tries, and if you weren’t in your current state you would love him more for that “In” he over expands his chest “Out” he deflates, voice soft
You attempt to copy, it helps but it’s not enough, your chest still feels tight “I can’t” you shake your head, slipping back so he tries something else
“What can you see?” he asks, head dipping down to your eye line
“What?” you almost squeak
“Name all the things you can see around you” he expands and nods towards the great hall
You warily look, still struggling to breathe as you start “Umm…People…talking…laughing…eating…” 
“What else darling?” His fingers run over your hairline, knuckles grazing your cheek
You continue looking around, your breathing getting easier “…tables…food…pancakes…newspapers…some boy picking his nose…” a giggle escapes both of you at the last one
“Feel better?” he asks, the sweetest smile on his face
You nod, breathing returning to normal and you lean into his hand as he cups your cheek “How did you know what was happening?” you wonder a little surprised 
He looks down, face flashing with guilt “My little brother…he used to have them when we were young…maybe he still does I…I wouldn’t know” he confesses and your heart goes to him, you didn’t know much about what happened, but you knew enough to know how much he regretted it “”
“Thank you” you lean up and kiss his cheek, breaking him out of his own thinking 
His fingers graze his cheek, and your eyes widen at the blush that grazes them “You’re welcome, but I’d do anything for you” the words roll off naturally “What happened? Is it too busy? We can take our food to the courtyard or something” he offers
“Not at first” you shake your head “Remus told me they changed our presentations to first period” 
“Oh” he nods in understanding before kissing your forehead “Well I can fix that” he shrugs 
“You can?” your head tilts, cheeks heating at the ease of the kiss and that his hand hasn’t stopping cupping your jaw line
“Yeah! What can I do for you? I can cause a distraction and you sneak out, or just get it plain cancelled or I could forge a note that excuses you…oh or I could sneak you to Hogsmeade and we can just skip it entirely” his eyes light up as he speaks, excitement evident that he can help in the most him like fashion
“How would you get us to hogsmeade?” you inquire, though you should have guessed he would have a way
“Take my hand and find out” his hand slips from you cheek as he stands up, extending his hand back towards you
You don’t even think about it, just grab your bag from under the table with one hand and accept his with the other, letting him pull you up
“You won’t regret this” he promises as he leads you out of the great hall and down the corridor but you stop him just at the end “What?” he pouts, he must think you’ve changed your mind
“Sirius…” you bite your lip, psyching yourself up “…is this a date?” 
His mouth drops open in a happy shock, trying to contain it but fails in the best way “Do you want it to be?” he poses, hope evident in his eyes and tone
“Very much” you confirm smiling wide as lights up more than you’ve ever seen but you are sure you can beat that “Siri” 
“Yeah?” he beams at the new name but you don’t say anything just lean up and gently peck his lips softly “Umm…well…ugh” he struggles and your heart bursts that you’ve rendered him speechless after all these years
You step backwards in the direction he was headed, gently pulling him with you “Come on” you encourage and he snaps out of it, grinning as he starts dragging you down the corridors for your first official date
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Thank you for reading ♡
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residentficdm · 11 days
By Morning’s Light: Part 1
Charred wood crackles and bursts beneath his feet as David treads through the once-familiar Hollow. Beneath the thick shrouds of blackness lies a town he almost recognizes. The soft shape of the house he was born in peeks through the shadows—an invitation beckoning him. It’d be invisible if it weren’t burned into his brain.
He reaches a hand out into the darkness, finding grasp on the front door handle. Inside, lying face-down on the floor, is a woman. It’s almost too dark to see the brown curly hair he gave her, but despite the obscurity of the night, he knows who she is. He’d know her without touching his shaking hand to turn her over, know she’s dead without feeling her empty pulse.
He does it anyway.
Help them, Dae’valdin, is the last thing he hears in his mind before his vision goes white.
David shoots up from his bed, chest rising and falls rapidly, sweat on his chest glistening in the moonlight.
Third night in a row waking up this way. Third night in a row with the same dream.
Third night in a row having his mother’s dead body flash through his mind.
You cannot keep ignoring me, Dae’valdin, a voice sighs through his head, though no one is actually speaking.
David squeezes his eyes tightly. He’s felt inklings of this presence before, almost-thoughts lingering in his mind, but never with this much presence.
“It’s David,” he corrects the voice, dragging his palms down his sleep-numb face. A quick glance out the window tells him the sun is about to rise. No point in going back to sleep now. Might as well get an early start on the day’s chores before Snyder decides to chew him out. “And I can ignore you as long as I damn well please.”
You’d be wise not to speak to me like that, lest I revoke your gift.
“Fine by me,” he retorts, slipping into his work trousers. The so-called gift has caused him nothing but trouble.
Though, the voice is right. It’s more than simply unwise to mouth off to a goddess, it’s downright stupid. But David can’t find it in himself to swallow down the bitter ball of Why me? Selune has hundreds of devout servants across Faerun, maybe even thousands. Dutiful followers who can afford to sacrifice half their dinner plate into a fire as an offering to the moon goddess, clerics all but raised in the purest of monasteries.
And yet she has decided that David—a poor farmhand who can barely afford dinner most days—must be the one to shoulder this burden.
Trust in me. I have a plan for you, comes Selune’s voice through his mind, as if she can detect David’s thoughts.
“I would love for you to get out of my head.”
And I would love for you to show me a hair more reverence. And yet here we stand.
David’s plan of getting an early start on chores proves more difficult with a voice ringing in his head all morning.
Selune’s nagging accompanies him as he collects eggs from beneath sleeping chickens, mends some boards of fencing in the goat’s pens. By the time the sun’s properly risen, he’s collected six pints of goat’s milk and two dozen eggs.
He keeps two—for Sarah and himself—and stashes them in the kitchen while he goes out searching for kindling.
The stars are still out, perforating the navy early dawn sky like dollops of precious stone. Sinking down into the horizon, the moon is still visible. Selune’s domain.
Radiant, isn’t she?
David startles and drops the pile of wood he’s gather. “Holy fuck, I forgot you were there.”
Such divine language in the presence of a goddess.
“Apologies. It will likely happen again.”
I only jest. I have much more pressing matters than monitoring, much less caring, if my devouts swear.
David bristles at being called one of her devout. There are clerics, out in the city temples, who have dedicated decades of their lives to Selune’s cause. He doesn’t think he’s earned the right to be considered at the same level as them.
A full ten minutes pass by without the goddess intruding into David’s thoughts. In his reprieve, he sets the kindling he found ablaze and starts a breakfast for himself and his sister. Because he’s nothing if not a good brother.
“You didn’t wake me,” Sarah’s groggy voice calls behind him. The porridge he’s whipped up falls into the two serving bowls with a splat.
“Couldn’t sleep,” he says, taking the bowls to the table. It’s not a complete lie. “Thought I might as well put my insomnia to good use. Get an early start to chores.”
He digs a wooden spoon into his breakfast, careful to avoid Sarah’s studious gaze. A single strand of her unbrushed hair falls in front of her face, and she tucks it back behind her shoulder, but David still isn’t free from her scrutiny.
“No,” she finally decides. “There’s something you’re not telling me.”
David releases a labored sigh from his lungs. If he brings up his dream—the Hollow, their mother—Sarah will never let it go. David isn’t sure he wants to deal with that just yet.
On the other hand, if he lies to her and she finds out—and David trusts she will, either through her uncanny ability to read him or some twin telepathy—she will be equally as insufferable.
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jj-nhlgirly · 1 year
Summer of Love:- Home Sweet Home
Jack Hughes x F!Reader
Smut 18+ minors DNI
AN anyone on the phone will be in bold, I tried with the smut ok? Next part should be out in a couple days hopefully 🤞🏼.
TW:- mentions of sex, edging, oral (f receiving) praise kink, fingering,choking and swearing? 🤷🏼‍♀️
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(Not my gif, credits to who made this)
It had been a few days since the accident. Mackenzie sat on the side of the bed legs swinging, attempting to do her makeup with one hand. Jack had offered to help and got as far as concealer but had to leave for a morning workout with the boys. Huffing Mackenzie gave up, reaching for her phone to call Kaylee to see if she would come and help, Mackenzie was also frustrated because she forgot she needed to shower and so the “makeup” if you could call it that, she’d put on was pointless anyways and she still required assistance to get dressed and she didn’t feel comfortable asking a nurse for help. Growing up together there wasn’t much Kaylee hadn’t seen before, considering the endless amount of times they’ve had to help a drunk one another into clothes after a night out, or the countless times they’d walked into the bathroom to use the toilet as the other showered. You could say they were beyond the line of a normal best friendship, and so if Jack couldn’t help her change, Kaylee certainly would.
Unlocking her phone, Mackenzie clicked on the second most recent contact. Kaylee picked up on the second ring, “hello my American sweetheart” Kaylee greeted. “Hey gorgeous, are you up to anything?” Kenzie smirked knowing the answer, “girl… since when do I do anything without you?” Kaylee deadpanned. Mackenzie laughed before teasing, “true just gotta check you’re not cheating on me”. “If anything you’re cheating on me with Jacky boy, but he’s cute so I’ll forgive you for that.” Kaylee teased back, Mackenzie rolled her eyes, “you’re not even into boys so how can that statement be factually correct?” Kaylee laughed “I could be secretly into boys” Kenzie laughed again, “considering I was your “sexual awakening” when you drunkenly kissed me and told me I was sexy at a house party at 16 I doubt we’re at the point of hiding things from each other.” “Hey! I still stand by that statement. You are sexy as hell, Jacky boy is one lucky boy, I’ve seen your lap dance moves!” Both girls belly laughing at the memory of Mackenzie stunning the room into silence after a lap dance dare, Mackenzie would never admit it but she killed it. “Okaaayyy swiftly moving on, can you come to the hospital I need help with changing and my makeup, I wanna look hot.” Kenzie pleaded, “I’m on my way home girl, I’ve already ordered my Uber” “See now this is why I love you.” “Oh that’s why? But any excuse to see your fine ass and I’m there!” “Careful Jack doesn’t hear you say that” Mackenzie laughed out, “I’ll see you in a little bit beautiful, love you mwah” “I’ll see you soon gorgeous, love you mwah” the girls blew each other a kiss and hung up.
Looking at the time, Mackenzie figured Jack would be done or finishing up his workout, so she decided to call him but before she could call him, “Jack❤️” came across her screen with a picture of the two at a devils game, Mackenzie smiling widely with Jack kissing her cheek. Answering, Mackenzie speaks first “well hello handsome I was just about to call you.” “Oh really? You causing trouble in the ward?” “Me? Trouble? Never. I was just letting you know that Kaylee’s coming to help me get ready for the day. The doctors are going to make their rounds soon. I’m hoping I’ll be discharged today and we can maybe go on a little date this evening?” “Yeah sounds perfect, we haven’t had the chance to go on one in a while huh? I’m just heading back home now, I can drop Kaylee off if she wants?” “Oh babe she’s already ordered an Uber and is halfway here but thank you though. You have any ideas for our date then lover boy?” They usually took it in turns to plan the dates and this time it was Jacks turn. “I have a few ideas, most require two arms which might cause an issue considering you have one right now.” Jack teased, “just means you actually have a chance at winning this time”, Mackenzie shot back. “Oh really? Is that how you wanna play baby? I’ll remember that when you pout because you want my help at the mini golf course.” “Mhm you say that like you don’t purposely get up close and personal. Anyways I’ll let you go shower, Kaylee should be here soon. I love you.” “I love you too baby, I’ll come over in a little.”
True to her word, Kaylee did in fact arrive soon. After greeting Mackenzie with a hug and kiss on the cheek as usual, Kaylee walked over to the bag Jack had packed for Kenzie and pulled out denim shorts, a white cropped tank top and a Red Devils hoodie that judging by the smell of cologne belonged to Jack. Kaylee set them on the bed before making her way to the door locking it, making her way back to Mackenzie to help her up and to the bathroom. Mackenzie reached to turn the shower on before sitting on the bench so Kaylee could help her undress. “And here I was thinking I’d get a famous Mackenzie special lap dance.” Kaylee teased, “maybe on your birthday if you’re a good girl” Kenzie winked, Kaylee pouted before helping her take off her shirt that was again definitely Jacks judging by how it fell to her knees. “Do you own any clothes or do you just steal Jacks all the time?” Kaylee smirked, “oh please I bet if I went through your closet at home there would be plenty of clothes you’ve stolen from your ex girlfriends.” Kenzie retaliated standing to take off her pj shorts. Kaylee left after that letting Mackenzie shower in peace, she kept the door slightly ajar incase Mackenzie needed help, both girls chatting away about anything and everything. After showering Kaylee helped Kenzie get dressed reaching for a matching bra and underwear set claiming she’d thank her later. “I don’t know what bedroom activities you think I’m gonna be getting up to because I can guarantee Jack doesn’t think I look hot with bruises and a broken arm.” Kenzie rolled her eyes, Kaylee stared at her for 10 seconds quirking her eyebrow before replying “girl… you know I love you and I’m gonna be straight up that boy loves you to death, he doesn’t care if you look like Fiona from shrek he’d still think you’re the most beautiful woman in the room as do I might I add.” “Mhmm maybe we should test that” Kenzie laughed. The girls then finished Mackenzie’s makeup before cuddling in bed together waiting for the doctors to come round. After waiting an hour the girls decided to FaceTime Maddy, Freya and Olivia, as Kaylee was preoccupied bragging about getting to see Mackenzie’s “hot ass” their words not Kenzie’s, Mackenzie decided to post something on Instagram to inform the world she was still alive and kicking.
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Liked by jackhughes, trevorzegras, edwards.73 and 145,318 others
Kenzie.Havener sup party people, I am still alive and kicking. It’ll take more than a damn tree to take this girl out. Thank you for all the love and messages I appreciate every single one of you! 🫶🏼
Special thank you to mom for the Nerf updates 😌🫶🏼 isn’t he the cutest? 🥹 and special appreciation to my bubs for being by my side every step of the way, and for buying me my very cool monkey who we have decided to call Oakley after the tree that brought him to us 🤙🏼 i love you endlessly baby, thank you for always being there for me. ❤️
jackhughes I love you forever baby ❤️, but maybe try and not give me a damn heart attack next time yeah?
trevorzegras I need that picture of jack rq 🙏🏼
Kenzie.Havener check your messages 😌
trevorzegras you are a literal angel 🤙🏼
Kenzie.Havener just doing gods work 🤙🏼
jackhughes why that picture 😭, you said you wouldn’t send it to anyone 😩❤️
Kenzie.Havener you needed to be humbled baby ❤️
l_hughes06 awww Nerf is so cute!! Mom how come we never had a dog 😭😩
Kay.Johnson because it’d have ran away 0.2 seconds into living with you boys and I wouldn’t blame it😭🥹
l_hughes06 someone come collect their girlfriend 😫🤨
Kenzie.Havener ok come on gorgeous, clearly he’s salty after being humbled 💅🏼
Frey.Lodge ok come on babe 🫶🏼
Maddy.Elizabeth baby let’s get outta here ❤️
Olivia.Autumn beautiful let’s humble him together and call it a date 😉😙
l_hughes06 what is wrong with you guys? 😩🤨
jackhughes how long do you have lukey? 💀
Skylar.Grace I cannot with you calling him Oakley after the tree that nearly killed you 💀😭😂
Kenzie.Havener it was a truly humbling experience😌😙
Edwards.73 how much did Jack have a say in this? 🤨
jackhughes more than I’d like to admit your honour 🫡🤚🏼
Elblue06 so glad you’re ok sweetie, the boys better be taking care of you whilst I’m gone🤨💙
Kenzie.Havener oh they are taking such good care of me, I love you mama Hughes 💙
Elblue06 I love you too Kenz 💙
AngelaWoods oh my baby, Im so thankful you’re ok. I love you!! And you’re welcome for the Nerf updates, I’ll send you more soon 🫶🏼❤️
Kenzie.Havener thank you mom, I love you too. Please send more I miss him so much 😭❤️
Mackenzie tuned back into the girls conversation as soon as Olivia said g-spot, “I’m sorry. what?” Mackenzie questioned. Olivia looked at Mackenzie through the screen lifting an eyebrow before asking “how much of the conversation were you paying attention to kenz?” “I heard g-spot but that was it, I was making an Insta post to let people know I’m still alive.” Kenzie replied now more interested than before. “Ugh someone explain what’s going on, I’ve literally been talking for 10 minutes” Olivia huffed, “fine I’ll get her updated, basically Olivia and Chase are having issues in the bedroom. Chase thinks everything is fine but Olivia does not and won’t say anything” Maddy summarised. “What kinda issues are you having Liv?” Mackenzie questions, Olivia sighs “I don’t know where to begin Kenz.” “Start with what’s bothering you the most?” Kenzie suggested. “Ok well, in the time we’ve been dating he’s never made my orgasm from just sex, he’s never found my g-spot, and it’s just vanilla. There’s no spice, nothing new, I’ve tried wearing lingerie for him but it changed nothing” Olivia vented, “Oh wowza, have you ever orgasmed in the time you’ve dated him? Or have you faked it the entire time?” Kenzie asked, “I’ve orgasmed but only from oral and even then it’s a rarity that he’ll go down on me” Olivia frowned.
“Mhmm” Mackenzie hummed encouraging her to go on. “It’s like there’s no passion and it’s a chore for him now. It’s literally a 10 minute job and then he’ll turn over and go to sleep. What do I do Kenz? We’re the only ones in long term relationships here, please tell me you and Jack have had similar problems before?” Olivia sighed out. “Liv I wish I could tell you yes.” Kenzie pouted feeling bad for her close friend. “Wait you’re telling me that you and Jack have never had bedroom problems?” Maddy asked. “Only one and we’re working on it so I can happily say I’m a very satisfied girly” Kenzie beamed. “So he’s found your g-spot before? During sex?” Olivia questioned, getting closer to the screen. “Found and become more than acquainted with it, both during sex and with his fingers” Kenzie responded in a heartbeat. “And he’s made you cum?” Olivia inquired, “oh yea! More times then I can ever recall” Mackenzie replied feeling bad that this wasn’t something Olivia could say. “And it’s not vanilla? Like you’ve worn lingerie and it’s not been the same?” Olivia inquired again, “oh no! I try and leave lingerie for special occasions you know to keep things interesting. But it’s definitely not vanilla, like I said we only have one problem but we’re working on it and I’m happy with that” Mackenzie responded. “And what’s that?” Kaylee now joined in, “I don’t feel like I should share that without Jacks consent or him around. But like I said we’re working on it and I’m happy with that” Mackenzie said, whilst she was more than happy to help her girls out respect was a massive thing for Mackenzie and talking about hers and Jacks issue in the bedroom wasn’t something she was comfortable sharing without Jacks consent or with him around to be able to input into the conversation.
“Okay but like what kinks do you have? What keeps things spicy?” Olivia asked trying to get as much help from her friend as possible. “Look Liv, Jacks gonna be here soon why don’t I talk to him and see if he’d be willing to have a FaceTime session with us into helping you spice up your bedroom life? Might be useful to get a guys perspective on it all?” Kenzie replied, she felt a little uncomfortable being the only one talking about her sex life. She loved these girls to pieces and would help them the best she could but this was something she couldn’t really talk about without Jack. “You’d do that? Oh Kenz thank you!! Chase is away with the boys for the weekend so I can FaceTime later?” Olivia cheerfully responded, “ yeah course I will Liv, anyways me and Kaylee are gonna go. The doctors will be here soon and so will Jack. We love you all.” Kenzie sent them all an air kiss and Kaylee hung up.
Before either of the girls could start a conversation there was a knock on the door, “come in” Mackenzie called out however when the person tried to open the door it was locked. “Oh sorry one moment” Kenzie shouted out as Kaylee got up to unlock it. Dr Kingston walked into the room, smiling warmly at Mackenzie. “Oh sorry Dr Kingston we must have forgotten to unlock it after I showered” Kenzie apologised. “That’s alright dear, I must ask for your permission to talk about your medical condition with this lovely lady in the room.” Dr Kingston smiled at Kaylee. “Yes you have my permission” Mackenzie smiled. “Ok well from the scans I had requested there’s no suggestion to any brain injury and your concussion seems to be healing well. I had some extra X-rays done of your ribs and arm, to confirm the fractures. Your arm will take 6 weeks to heal and your ribs will take 3-6 weeks to heal. Now I’ve been told your a field hockey player is that correct?” Dr Kingston read from her file. “Yes Doc, but the season doesn’t start back up until September, training starts late august.” Kenzie replied. “Mhmm you should be healed and able to play by then it is only May 27th however I would like you to take it easy, no high energy activities and no hockey training for 6 weeks. I will make you an appointment to come back and see me 6 weeks from now and make you an appointment to see another doctor back in… New Jersey as a check up but I am happy to discharge you please do come back if you have any concerns” Dr Kingston smiled, “thank you doctor.” Dr Kingston left the room closing the door behind her.
Kaylee immediately started packing Mackenzie’s stuff as Kenzie texted Jack asking him to come pick her and Kaylee up. She immediately got a voice note telling her he was already on his way to come visit her anyways. “Don’t forget Oakley!!” Kenzie called out, “ah yes Oakley the monkey you affectionately named after the thing that almost killed you” Kaylee sighed. “Jack and I found it funny! He’s my humbling monkey, could have been worse! I could have called him Jack junior” Mackenzie laughed at the disgusted expression on Kaylee’s face. After signing the discharge papers, Mackenzie and Kaylee made their way down to the parking lot to wait for Jack. Jack pulled up 20 minutes later, jumping out to help Kaylee with the bags putting them in the trunk before coming back around to hug and kiss Mackenzie, Kenzie flipping off Kaylee as she fake gagged at the couple. Pulling away Kenzie looked over at Kaylee, “oh please you’re just jealous im getting laid and you’re not getting any” Kaylee sighed dramatically “I mean… you’re not wrong.”
Mackenzie walked around to the front passenger door about to open it before a hand reached to stop her, “you’ve been gone for 5 days and you’ve already forgotten the rule” Jack huffed out. The “rule” Jack was referring to, was something that was made up before they even started dating, if Jack was around he refused to let Mackenzie open any doors always reaching for them before she even had a chance to touch the handle. Mackenzie rolled her eyes leaning up to kiss him as he pulled the door open for her, helping her get in and buckling her seatbelt for her. The drive back was pretty uneventful, Mackenzie had fallen asleep 10 minutes into the ride leaving Jack and Kaylee to chat amongst themselves. “So Jacky boy, when are you planning on proposing to my home girl here? Kaylee started, “ssshhh Kay” Jack started before briefly glancing over to make sure Mackenzie was still asleep before looking back at the road, “the boys and I are planning to look for promise rings in a few weeks time. Then I was thinking of actually proposing in a year or two. I mean we are only 22, well I am Kenzie in a few weeks but you get what I mean.” “You haven’t given her a promise ring yet? You’ve been dating nearly 3 years!?” Kaylee was shocked, if not a proposal she’d have thought Jack had at least brought or had given her a promise ring. “It slipped my mind ok? I’m planning to make it up to her by planning out a promise proposal not entirely sure how to make it perfect for her without using ideas for our actual proposal” Jack glanced at Kaylee in the mirror, “I have a few ideas I’m sure the girls will be more than happy to help.” Kaylee smiled.
10 minutes later they pulled into the drive way of the lake house, Kaylee climbed out to grab the bags with the help of Luke. Jack walked around the front of the car opening Mackenzie’s door reaching over to unbuckle her seatbelt and picking her up bridal style turning her bad ribs into him. She stirred in her sleep mumbling out a faint “Jack?” which he wouldn’t have heard had her head not been resting on his shoulder, “yeah baby I’m here, we’re home” Jack whispered. “I love you Jack” Kenzie whispered before snuggling into the crook of his neck, placing kisses. “I-I love you too kenz” Jack moaned softly as she kissed over his sweet spot, sucking lightly as he walked up the stairs to their bedroom, Kaylee and Luke following behind with bags and Oakley. “B-baby we can’t right now, Kaylee and Luke are following behind us” Jack leaned down to whisper, “but I want you, I want you so bad Jack” Kenzie begged. “We can’t baby, you need to rest and the doctor said no high energy activities” Jack replied struggling to not give in. As they entered the bedroom, Jack gently laid Mackenzie on the bed before turning to grab the bags and Oakley off Luke and Kaylee. “Kenz you want me to join you and Jack for the call with Olivia?” Kaylee asked, Jack looked over at Mackenzie confused, “what call?” Jack asked. “Oh right, erm Luke you may wanna leave for this” Kenzie warned as the youngest Hughes walked away, “Olivia requires a male opinion on some issues she and Chase are having, would you mind listening and giving some advice?” Kenzie questioned. “What kinda issues?” Jack quirked one of his eyebrows at the girls, “bedroom issues” is all Kaylee said before reaching to call Olivia, “it’ll be easier if she explains.”
“Hey wifey’s and Jackson” Olivia greeted smiling, “not my name but hey” Jack greeted. After chatting for a little, Jack decided to break the ice into what this call was meant to be about “soooo I heard from two little birdies you need some male advice?” Olivia sighed “yeah, I’m at a loss for what to do” “well what’s the actual issue?” Jack looked between the three girls. “My sex life is boring as fuck! There’s no passion, it’s like it’s become a chore for Chase to fuck me. He’s never made me orgasm during sex, oral is a rarity, I’ve tried wearing lingerie but it changed nothing. He won’t even go and get me a wash cloth after we’re done” Olivia vented, Jacks face was full of surprise. “What? Does he not know what a g-spot is?” Jack quirked his eyebrow, “no because that’s what I’ve been saying!! He asks me to go down on him or help him get off but with me? He’s not interested, if he catches me trying to get off he’ll just sigh and leave the room. And if I even suggest a new kink I wanna try out he just acts like it’s something to be ashamed of? What do i do? How do you and Kenz keep it good and interesting?” Olivia finished, Jack looked at Mackenzie with a look that was asking for permission to talk about their experiences together, Mackenzie nodded if there was anyone she’d trust to keep this secretive it would be these girls. “Well when kenz and I first started having sex we decided to write a small list of things we’d both be open to trying aside from the usual stuff and every now and then we’ll pick one to try out. Communication is important, both myself and Kenz have tried stuff together and not enjoyed it but we were honest about it. As a guy I can’t lie and say that before Mackenzie, my only thought about having sex was to get off, I didn’t put as much thought into the girls pleasure as I’d like to admit I should have but with Mackenzie it’s just different. Like before I’d only go down on a girl if she asked me to but with Mackenzie I dunno how to explain it but I want to do it she doesn’t need to ask me and not just because it’ll lead me to getting something in return. There’s been plenty of nights where we’ve just focused on one person whether that be me or kenz.”
Looking over at Mackenzie, Jack noticed her cheeks flush. “So what you’re saying is just talk to him?” Olivia sighed knowing that was the inevitable, “well yes or you could try something new?What have you tried so far?”Jack suggested. “Or you could just join me in the gay girly club” Kaylee added lightening the mood, “unfortunately for you im not into girls sorry bestie but we’ve not tried a lot, most we’ve done is a blindfold.” “Ooooo I forgot about that, can we add that to our list baby?” Mackenzie asked already pulling up the locked notes in the phone and adding it, “yeah baby why not? Hmm maybe try a switch kink then, you be in control for once?” Jack suggested. After some hyping up from the girls, Olivia agreed to try being dominant with Chase when he got back tomorrow night, promising to keep them updated. Kaylee then walked out of the room still talking to Olivia, leaving the couple in peace.
As soon as the door shut Mackenzie was leaning over kissing Jacks neck again, this time sucking a little harder, not enough to leave hickies but enough that Jack moaned out “K-kenz we can’t, you need to rest.” “I’ve rested enough baby” Kenzie replied moving up to kiss him on the lips, hands playing with the hem of his shirt tugging lightly on it. Pulling away Jack took his shirt off before coming back in to kiss her again. Mackenzie tried but failed to take off her hoodie, laughing Jack was quick to help before realising that the door was still unlocked. Jack stood up to lock the door turning around to find Mackenzie struggling with her tank top, shaking his head he walked back to the bed helping her discard of it along with her bra. Jack moved his head to kiss her neck getting lower and lower until he wrapped his mouth around her left nipple, “Ohhhhh” Mackenzie moaned out before being shushed by Jack as someone knocked on the door. “Yo Jack?” Quinn called out trying to open the door, Jack shot up throwing Mackenzie his shirt to put on. Mackenzie slipped it on quickly with Jacks help, laying on the bed under the covers pretending to be asleep. Jack walked over to unlock and open the door, “yeah?” “We’re all going out for dinner and bowling are you and Mackenzie coming?” Quinn asked before peaking into the room seeing Mackenzie asleep or so he thought. “I think me and Kenz were gonna have a date night but she fell asleep. Is everyone going?” Jack asked smiling. “Yeah everyone’s in the cars ready to go. I’ll call when we’re on our way back incase you two want ice cream” Quinn smiled at his brother before turning away.
Turning back, Jack climbed back onto the bed from the bottom making his way up under the covers till he was laying on top of Kenzie, her eyes were still shut, but they quickly opened to the sensation of Jacks warm tongue sucking her nipple again, “OOHH” she moaned out. Jack switched to give the other one the same amount of attention, “mhmm Jack baby” Kenzie moaned reaching her hand to wrap around his hair. Jack left her nipples, moving to leave a trail of kisses down her abdomen, fingers unbuttoning her shorts and pulling the zipper down, pushing them off her legs along with her panties. Carefully, Jack spread her legs apart slotting in between them perfectly like a puzzle piece, using his thumbs Jack pushed her folds apart exposing her more before leaning in to leave teasing butterfly kisses around her pussy. Kenzie tugged gently on his hair, “mhmm jack please” “what do you want baby? Tell me what you want” Jack loved hearing her beg. “I want you baby” Kenzie pleaded, “you have me baby, I’m right here” Jack wasn’t letting her off that easy like he usually did. “Jack please! Please I want you to eat me out!” Kenzie cried out, “mhmm that’s a good girl” Jack praised her before leaning in slowly licking her clit before dropping down to her entrance coming back up again. “Ohhhhh fuck mhmmm” Kenzie moaned out quietly, Jack stopped pulling away no more than necessary “you can be as loud as you want baby, no one’s here. Tell me how good it feels” before diving back in picking up where he left off adding sucking her clit into the actions he was doing. “Fuck Jack, mmmm Jack” Mackenzie moans louder, Jack moans back the vibrations causing her breath to hitch in her throat. “Aaahhh Jack, Jack don’t stop” Kenzie panted out, Jack shook his head side to side, “mmmm Jack! oh Jack I’m gonna cum” Kenzie warned and Jack immediately stopped ,pulling away from her, Mackenzie whined out pulling the covers back and looking down at him.
“Whyyyy?” “What can I say our sex ed phone call gave me the idea that we should practice on your edging baby” Jack argued before slipping a finger in her. “Oh fuckkk Jack” Mackenzie rolled her eyes back at the unexpected action. Jack started moving his finger back and forward keeping it ridged to avoid hitting her g-spot for the time being, “you like when I finger you hmm baby? Love my hands don’t you?” “Y-yessss Jack mmm, feels so good!” Kenzie whined out, “yeah? You want another angel?” Jack asked getting his middle finger ready, “y-yess, mmm jack please” Slipping his middle finger in, Jack started curling them in a come here motion and moving them faster. “H-harder J-Ja-ack” Mackenzie was getting closer to the edge, Jack started thrusting his fingers harder into her grazing her g-spot as he did so. “OH MMM JACK, THERE BABY RIGHT THERE” Mackenzie moaned louder, “right here baby?” Jack asked grazing her g-spot once again. “Y-YES IM GONNA CU-CUMMM” Mackenzie was silently pleading with him to let her fall over the edge but Jack had other plans pulling his fingers away and rubbing her thighs in a soothing motion as she whined out again.
“You’re doing so good for me baby” Jack praised, “l-let me help you baby”Mackenzie pleaded. Jack climbed up the bed laying on his side beside her a noticeable tent in his shorts. “Not yet baby” Jack leaned down kissing her as he slid two fingers back inside her, “o-oH MmmmM Jack”. Mackenzie rolled her eyes back, “how’s that feel baby?” Jack asked picking up the pace of his fingers, as he curled them hitting her g-spot head on. “S-so good!! You’re so- so good to me, mmm I-I’m gonna c-cummm” Mackenzie warned, “yeah? That feel good? Gotta look after my baby don’t I” Jack pulled his fingers out again just as she reached the edge, Mackenzie panting out “J-Jack I can’t take another, I need to c-cum. It’s s-starting to h-hurt a little” she pleaded, “ok, ok baby girl, you’ve been a good girl for me haven’t you?” Jack pulled down his shorts and boxers stroking himself a few times before reaching over to the nightstand grabbing a condom, rolling it on Jack positioned himself at her entrance intertwining his right hand with her left one as he slid in. Mackenzie threw her head back at the stretch, squeezing his hand gently, Jack moaned out as his tip hit her walls. He kept still letting her adjust to him before slowly thrusting in and out of her, “oh oh Jack mmmm faster, h-harder” Mackenzie moaned out, “you sure you can handle that baby?” Jack moaned increasing the pace of his thrusts tilting his hips to hit her g-spot.
“YES MMM FUCK JACK, PLEASE” reaching for the hand that wasn’t occupied with hers, Mackenzie placed it around her throat squeezing gently. “You want me to choke you?” Jack squeezed his eyes shut moaning louder, “mhmm please jack Im so fucking close.” Jack squeezed his hand around her neck gently knowing she didn’t like it squeezed any harder, “oh f-f-fuck j-jack I’m gonna cum, please. Please can I cum?” Kenzie’s eyes fluttered as she struggled to keep them open, “c-cum baby, cum for me” Jack moaned squeezing her hand. Mackenzie fell over the edge, walls pulsating around him, eyes rolled back, mouth open chanting his name. Jack slowed his thrusts helping her through her orgasm which seemed to be lasting a lot longer than usual. “JACK OH OH FUCK MMMM JACK” Mackenzie opened her eyes still cumming, she thought Jack made the hottest face when he came. She watched as his eyes rolled back, brows furrowed, making the sexiest noises she’d ever thought existed as he fell over the edge, “Oh oH Kenzie, FFuck baby!”
Jack collapsed on top of her being care of her ribs, panting as he slowly pulled out of her. Standing off the bed removing the condom in the bathroom bin and coming back with a warm wash cloth to clean her up, helping her get changed and off the bed to use the bathroom. Coming back Mackenzie found Jack eyes half open laying on the bed, he looked exhausted. “Jack?” Mackenzie called as she climbed back into bed snuggling into his shirtless chest, jack hummed in response, “are you ok bubs?” Kenzie was concerned. “Yeah just didn’t sleep much last night, was too worried about leaving you alone in the hospital” Jack admitted, “oh baby you could have called me! I never sleep well when you’re away, need you. You make me feel so safe” Mackenzie admitted. “Mmm you’re always safe with me baby. I love you, gonna make you my wife one day” Jack started playing with her blonde hair, “I love you Jacky, can’t wait to be Mrs Hughes one day.” Mackenzie leaned up to kiss him but whined out, “what? What is it?” Jack looked down worry filling his blue eyes. “N-Nothing” Mackenzie gritted out, “kenz it’s not nothing, what hurts? Are you due your pain meds?” Jack glanced at the alarm clock on the nightstand answering his own question as he reached down for the bag beside the bed pulling out the packet of medication. “I told you we shouldn’t have done anything, you need to rest” Jack blamed himself, “no no I’ll be ok, just need my meds but hey? I handled three this time I’d call that progress” Mackenzie smirked, “you did so well baby” Jack kissed her before popping out two pills for her to take, reaching into the bag again he pulled out her water bottle. Mackenzie took the pills, snuggled back into Jack and slowly fell asleep with Jack playing with her hair.
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kleftiko · 1 year
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cw: mature, fem!reader, angst
part 2 (dedicated to @cherriesx cause they just GET this)
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you’re home from a case.
“this calls for drinks!” rossi smiles. “on me.”
“can’t say no to that.” morgan agrees, followed by emily’s “count me in.”
with the promise of free drinks, the team consents to a laid back night in a bar, and one by one, they all file out to the elevator, waiting for their unit chief to speak.
“one drink.” hotch nods and the team immediately relaxes into off duty mode.
penelope loops your arm in hers, talking about the time she had too much tequila and tried to convince her shoes to be a different colour.
emily drove you two, because you didn’t have a car, and penelope was planning on getting wasted.
and wasted she did get.
her bubbly mood is a contagious disease that tricks you into having drinks in too quick a succession. you know your limits and pace, but all logic of it flies out the window when with garcia.
“i think i’m done for the night.” you told jj when you felt the drinks.
“i’ll take you home.” hotch mentions from the other side of her, already having his coat on.
you’re glad you cut yourself off right before tipsy.
“thank you, sir.” you mumble, grabbing your jacket and saying your goodbyes.
hotch walks you to his car, where the first few minutes of the ride are silent except for you reminding him of your address.
you’re thankful you didn’t do anything stupid, the thought of saying something to your boss while tipsy gave you too much anxiety.
“so how are things at home?” you ask.
“quiet,” he responds, “haley took jack to her sister’s, and i moved into an apartment.”
you forgot he just got divorced.
you were almost home free without saying anything stupid.
“oh.” you muster. “it’s quiet at my place too…except when my neighbour starts screaming at her son to move out.”
you catch a small smile on hotch’s face through the rearview mirror and let out a silent sigh of relief.
and it’s quiet after that.
he pulls up at the corner of the block and you thank him for the ride.
“i’ll walk you to your door.” he says, unbuckling his seatbelt. “i want to make sure my team members are safe.”
your heart flutters a bit at his words, even though you know this is standard for hotch and he’s walked penelope to her door hundreds of times when she’s been drinking.
“thank you, sir.” you say and lead the way.
not another word is spoken until you reach your front door.
“you don’t have to call me ‘sir’ out of the office.” hotch says as you pull out your keys. you turn away from him to unlock your door, not knowing what to say.
“Y/LN.” he catches your attention, you turn on habit and he’s right in front of you. your eyes are met with his coat until you physically tilt your head. “what’s going on?”
“what do you mean si—what do you mean?” you correct yourself.
his eyes are boring into yours. you find yourself apathetic in this moment. you want to say you blame the alcohol for the thoughts coming to your head. but you know deep down an experienced profiler like hotch would find out something was wrong eventually.
so instead of speaking, you drop your jacket, bag, and keys to the floor without breaking eye contact.
this man’s presence has caused you countless pain simply for the fact that he existed and was not yours.
in this moment you just didn’t care.
you grab the side of his face and pull him into a harsh kiss. you pour everything into it—body melting, lips locking—and you find hotch grabbing at your hips to stabilize you.
his demeanour changes, pushing himself into you, and in turn, you against your door. bodies are flush against one another, and his presence seems to dominate as he takes over in a hunger. enveloping you into him, because even though you initiated, he is kissing you. and you allow this, craving every part of this man just like you have for so long, one hand into his short hair, one to grasp at his coat covered chest.
his grip on your hips turns painful in his desire to have you, his leg slipping between yours as he presses into the one place you need him most. you moan quietly.
and he freezes.
reality seems to hit him like a brick when he comes to, lips detaching in an instant as he stills like stone.
you look up at him in fear to find his jaw clenched, eyes screwed shut, face just in front of yours. his hand comes up from your hip and hits the door behind you with his fist. not enough to scare you, but enough to see that this took a lot of self restraint.
he wanted you too.
and he stopped.
“we can’t do this.” he whispers harshly.
you want to say something—anything—but he releases you and turns around in a second. you register his back fading as he turns a corner and is out of sight.
he leaves you at your front door with a sea of emotions.
desire, guilt, fear, lust.
there’s no telling what would happen on monday.
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✧—place an order—✧
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atlasthegreatest · 2 months
Friends...? Friends. / Lucy Heartfilia
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After a long and exhausting night, Lucy finds herself walking towards her house when an explosion occurs. But when she went to help, she only ended up getting a house destroyed, and a lot fewer coins in her purse. Now, she has a grumpy fairy using her as a home until she rebuilds what she has blown up.
Word count: 4781
A/n: Sorry for the delay. I forgot to post this after I finished editing.
A girl could be seen walking through the streets of Magnolia City while staring at the stars shining in the dark sky.
But you may be asking yourselves: “But what is a girl doing walking down the street at night?” Well, the girl was none other than Lucy Heartfilia. Heiress of the Heartfilia Family, and more importantly, member of the most troublemaker guild in all of Fiore – Fairy Tail.
The celestial mage and her team of friends had just arrived from a four-day long search and when they arrived they were immediately greeted with a welcoming party at the guild. After spending hours eating, drinking, and chatting, the tiredness of the four days of searching finally took hold in Lucy. Although part of her wanted to stay and enjoy the big party her friends threw to celebrate their arrival, there was another part that wanted to go home as quickly as possible and throw herself in her bed, which, without a doubt, I would be comfortable now. So, saying goodbye to the girls – Levy, Mirajane, Cana, and Juvia – who she was talking to in the middle of all that confusion, she headed towards the exit of the guild, leaving behind an Erza readying one of her swords and a Natsu and Gray running to get away from the scarlet girl.
And now here she was, walking along the sidewalk under the light of the streetlights and stars, accompanied by Plue – her celestial companion, who walked in front of her pointing one of his trembling little fingers at the stars, turning to face the bearer of his key in astonishment. Making Lucy laugh. “The sky is very beautiful, isn't it Plue? Ah– I'm so tired! I guess that's to be expected after having opened three portals at the same time, huh? Now I just want to fall into bed and sleep until I can't sleep anymore.” The mage says, stretching her arms upwards. But just as she raised a hand to stop the yawn that escaped her mouth, an explosion occurred, causing her and Plue to be thrown back by the force of the explosion.
The blonde girl took the little being in her arms to protect him from the pieces of concrete that were flying towards them. Breaking the fall with her back, Lucy let out a grunt as she felt the rocks from the road slightly pierce her.
"What the-" The celestial mage exclaimed as she dropped to her knees as a second explosion occurred, causing her to raise an arm to shield her eyes from the flying debris, creating a large cloud of dust that settled across the entire room. area. Plue disappeared in a puff from his companion's arms and returned to the celestial world in fright.
Rising to her feet, Lucy coughed into her closed fist as she tried to find with her eyes where the explosions had come from, when she spotted a figure limping out of the cloud of dust. Ignoring her discomfort from the fall, she quickly got ready to help that person as soon as she saw him weaken to the side.
"Hey! Everything is fine with you?" The blonde mage asked worriedly, arriving just in time to support the person's body by the shoulders before they could fall to the ground. “Please ignore what I just said. That was stupid to ask.” She says correcting herself when she noticed the state of her clothes and how she had open wounds from her face to the rest of her body, noticing that the person really wasn't in a good state. " What happened? What caused the explosion Oh–” Lucy was cut off when the person abruptly pulled away from her as if her touch had burned him.
“I didn’t ask for your help.” The person says shortly, limping away from Lucy, getting further and further away. “I have to get out of here.”
“Oh? Hey-- Hey! Wait!" Lucy says running after the person who looked like he was going to fall at any moment. “You are in no condition to walk! You just came out of the middle of an explosion with multiple wounds and you’re limping!” She says trying to get their attention, but they still seemed to ignore what she was saying and continued limping away from there.
“Hey, don’t ignore me! I’m just trying to help you!” Lucy said, hurrying up her steps and going to touch the person's shoulder to make them stop, when a movement on the other side of the street caught their attention. In a quick movement, Lucy grabbed the tall person's arm and threw herself to the ground to dodge the magic attack that narrowly missed their heads.
When Lucy raised her head to see where that attack came from, she came across a group of six mages and could hear the person beneath her let out an expletive. " Do you know them?" She asked as she observed the group. They also carried wounds on some parts of their bodies. Which made her deduce that they were the ones who caused all that destruction. Discreetly moving her hand to the small bag that was at her waist, the mage waited for their reaction to use one of her keys.
“Did you think you were going to run away from us? After what did you do to our guild?” Says the wizard – who the blonde mage deduced to be the leader – as her hand glowed, indicating that he was ready to use another attack.
“I did nothing more than you deserve.” Says the person as they awkwardly stands up. “Looks like you guys didn’t learn it the first time, huh?” The person says, taking a deep breath as they rests their entire body weight on their left leg and cracks their neck.
Without giving a warning, they extended a hand, causing a circle of dark green magic to appear in their palm, activating their magic.
Lucy could feel the entire asphalt tremble beneath her feet, and she quickly dodged to the side as a section of the asphalt broke free and was thrown towards the six mages, hitting one of them brutally.
“If you want to help, I think now would be a good time to do so.” Says the person in a strained voice as they failed to dodge the attacks that were thrown towards them.
Lucy wasted no time in reaching into the small pouch at her waist and pulling out the first celestial key she touched. Seeing the celestial key she took out, she couldn't stop the shiver from running up her spine. Looking at the river on the other side, Lucy knew what she had to do. “Open the Water Bearer’s Gate! Aquarius!"
“How many times have I told you about summoning me when I'm on a date with my boyfriend, you brat?” Says the celestial spirit with long blue hair that was summoned. “What’s more, in water that isn’t clean at all! What do you think I am?” Says the mermaid, shooting the magician, causing the blonde's body to tense in fear.
“Sorry to interrupt your date, ma’am! But now I need your help with those bad guys!” Lucy pointed towards the battle between the wizards and the strange wizard.
“Tsk. Let this be the last time you interrupt my free time.” Aquarius says with a frown. Picking up her urn, she sucked up the water from the river and launched a tsunami towards where the mages were fighting, not caring who it hit or what. " Get out of my sight"
“Huh?” The strange wizard was confused when the attacks stopped coming towards him and he saw his attackers looking at something behind him. Looking over his shoulder, what little air was in his lungs escaped completely when he saw the large wave of water coming towards them. “What the-” They barely got to speak when the large wave crashed into his body.
“oh.” Lucy stared at the destruction that Aquarius' attack caused without any reaction. The debris the explosions caused seemed nothing compared to the damage the celestial spirit caused. The water not only swallowed the six wizards and the strange wizard, but also destroyed some houses that were nearby. “There was no need to cause so much destruction! Was it necessary to exaggerate so much?” She says, glaring at the mermaid and then scanning the entire area to try to find the strange wizard who was injured.
“I offer my help and this is how you thank me?” Aquarius snorted indignantly. " Tsk. What an ungrateful girl. Don’t count on my help next time, brat.” With that said, she disappeared, leaving destruction and an indignant blonde behind.
Leaving her indignation at the celestial spirit behind, Lucy went after the injured wizard. Arriving close to the wreckage and stepping over the unconscious mages, she found the stranger with his back against a large piece of asphalt, unconscious as well. "Hey. You need to get up. We need to get out of here.” She says while lightly slapping the stranger in the face. Lowering her head, she pressed her ear against their chest, and the next thing she knew, there was still a pulse. Then she brought her hands together and pressed them in the middle of her chest and began to push, without forgetting to make mouth-to-mouth movements. She did that for a good few minutes until the wizard suddenly stood up, coughing out a large amount of water and then falling on his side in a daze.
"That’s it." Lucy says as she runs her hand down their backs. “Let it all out.” But when she heard murmurs, she moved closer so she could hear better.
“–My house… My... house… what did you do with it…” Their eyes rolled back behind their eyelids, fainting again.
Lucy cringed when she realized that this strange wizard's house was in pieces because of her. “Thank you very much, Aquarius.” She says sighing as she bent down to pick the stranger up off the ground and throw one of his arms over her shoulder. “Come on. I'll take care of you.”
They could feel their body pressed against something cozy.
Frowning, the stranger slowly opened their eyes, finding a fan and a white ceiling. Blinking their eyes to try and get rid of the confusion in their head, they quickly stood up when they realized they were in an unfamiliar place, but grunted slightly when they felt a sharp pain in their head. Raising a hand to their head, they felt the gauze that was wrapped around their head, flinching when one of their fingers accidentally grazed there. Lowering their gaze, they swept their eyes over their entire body, taking note of how half of their body appeared to be bandaged.
Analyzing their whereabouts, they realized that the cozy thing they were lying on was, in fact, a brown couch. Sitting on the edge of the armchair, they threw their feet out and with some difficulty, stood up. Putting their weight on their other leg so as not to hurt their injured leg further, they slowly limped to the window, leaning against it. Taking great care not to make any noise, they tried to look for a way to open that window but the lack of lighting did not make their mission to escape from the then-unknown place easier. But when they finally managed to find the opening, a sudden noise made them stop in their place, making them aware that there was someone else with them in that compartment.
Turning away from the window, they cautiously approached the bed that they surprisingly hadn't noticed before and faced the source of the noise.
Stopping the growl that wanted to escape their mouth when a flash of memory of the event passed through their mind, making them momentarily hold their head as it throbbed in pain. Letting go of their head, they squinted toward the woman who was muttering something in her sleep as he remembered what she had done.
After all… because of her, they no longer had a place to live.
The sun was already up and shining brightly in the sky when Lucy woke up from her sleep.
Sitting on the bed, Lucy stretched her arms to try to relieve the tension in her upper limbs while yawning audibly and then threw her feet off the bed while rubbing her eyes, heading to the bathroom, not noticing the lack of the presence of a second person in that room.
Taking her toothbrush and then applying some toothpaste to the end, the blonde began to brush her teeth. As soon as she finished brushing her teeth, she turned on the tap and lowered her head so she could wash her face. Once that was done, Lucy took a towel that was hanging next to the sink and began to dry her face while humming some melody. But it was only when she saw her reflection in the mirror that she dropped the towel to the floor, shocked by what she saw in the mirror. But as soon as her brain processed what she saw, she let out a piercing scream.
Her nose had increased in size overnight! She looked like the wooden dolls they sold at the stall at the end of the street!
“Why do these things always happen to me!?” Lucy whimpered in panic as she leaned closer to the mirror – while trying to be careful not to bump her elongated nose against the mirror – analyzing it.
“Why are you screaming at this time of the morning? I don't know what human customs are like… but in my species, we are used to enjoying silence at the start of the day. Not shouting for nothing.” The sudden voice that echoed through the bathroom scared Lucy even more, who was left looking wherever the voice had come from. “Look at your nose.”
Lucy then did as the voice said and looked down at her own nose, only to find the mysterious person she saved yesterday staring at her with a blank expression. And once again she screamed.
“But–But how? Until yesterday you were normal and now, now you seem to have shrunk!”
“Are you finished yet?” Lucy nodded uncertainly. "Excellent. You were about to burst my eardrums from screaming so much.” The still strange person said in an indifferent tone of voice as they cleaned their ears – which Lucy, now that she noticed better, were pointy. “And this is my normal form. The ‘I’ you saw yesterday was my battle form.”
“And what exactly are you?” Lucy asked curiously, momentarily forgetting that her nose wasn't in its normal state, and that she had someone extremely small standing on it. “And you were the one who turned my nose into that? If so, why?”
“And do you want to know why?” Says the strange being, crossing their arms, frowning. “And yes, it was me.”
"Why?" Lucy asked as she furrowed her eyebrows. “This is very uncomfortable.”
"Oh well. If you hadn’t destroyed my house with the help of that blue fish, we wouldn’t be in this situation.” They say lifting their shoulders, ignoring Lucy's discomfort.
Lucy mentally smacked herself in the forehead as she remembered Aquarius's exaggeration, ignoring the way her body shivered when the words “blue fish” came out of the strange little being's mouth. She was quite sure that Aquarius must be somewhere in the celestial world making a fuss about the way she was called.
"You're right." Lucy says. “How about we make a deal?”
“What will I get in return if I agree to your deal?”
“We both came out ahead in the end.” Lucy starts by explaining. “Assuming my mistakes, I will rebuild your house that was destroyed in the middle of the battle and you will transform my nose back to its natural shape.”
“And how are you going to do that? From what I’ve seen, you don’t seem to have much of a talent for much of anything, other than destroying things.” Says the strange person, turning their back to Lucy and opening a small wooden door in her nose to return to their sleep.
Lucy's face fell with an expressionless face, but then turned into an irritated expression, not believing the audacity of that little being to doubt her abilities. But then she took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves before she lost her temper and strangled them with her fingers. "Whatever. I will quickly find a way to rebuild your house.” She says pointing a finger at herself while staring at the person that occupied her nose. “And you, you’re going to put my nose back in its normal shape.” She says finally, her face contorting into a grimace as she realizes that the strange being is no longer there and that she is left to speak to herself.
“It was just what I needed.”
“So, Lucy, can you tell us again what happened to make your nose the size of a ruler?”
The blonde mage sighed for what seemed like the thousandth time, rubbing her eyes as she tried to ignore the hysterical laughter coming from the two boys on her other side. They had been like that for a good few minutes since they walked through the door of their house.
“In short…” Lucy says, sighing again, looking at her scarlet-haired friend – Erza Scarlet. “I was on my way home when I heard an explosion, the explosion was caused by a group of six mages who were after someone, I tried to help that someone, but it didn't work out very well, houses were destroyed, and now I have someone living in my nose– Can you two stop laughing like idiots and help me?” Lucy scolded the two boys, causing the pink-haired boy and the dark-haired boy to stop laughing immediately when their eyes met Lucy's sharp gaze.
“ You have to admit it's a little funny. You know… have you ever been told that you look like those wooden dolls that old man sells?” Says the dark-haired boy – Gray Fullbuster, while gesturing with a finger to his nose.
“As funny as it is, Lucy could have gotten herself into big trouble by fighting six wizards alone,” Erza says with a serious face, her tone full of concern.
“It's Luci! She's fought tougher opponents! Those six were something easy to deal with” Says the pink-haired boy – Natsu Dragneel as he busied himself picking up the bowl of potatoes that was on the table and placing it on his lap, taking a dagger of potatoes and filling it in his mouth with them.
Erza took a deep breath, deciding to leave that part behind. “And there’s nothing you can do to get your nose back to normal?” She says as she approaches Lucy to better observe what she sees, causing Gray and Natsu to do the same, causing Lucy to shift uncomfortably in her place due to the way the three of them stare at her nose.
“Can you stop staring at me like that?!” Lucy says, turning her face away from her friend's observing eyes in a failed attempt to hide her nose, which seemed to have grown since the morning. “You are making me feel self-conscious!”
“Can you make less noise? You are interrupting my reading time.”
“Huh?” Natsu muttered in confusion, leaning even closer to Lucy's face to get a better look, when something hit his nose and forced his head back, causing him to fall to the ground. “Ahk!”
As Natsu was on the ground, with his forehead bleeding, Erza and Gray were on alert, readying their magic to attack whoever attacked their friend.
As for Lucy, she just massaged her temples with her hand as she sighed deeply. “I had already talked to you. You can’t attack people just because they bother you.”
“I do whatever I want. You don’t command me.”
“It’s my nose that you’re making a home. So yes, I command you!”
“That has nothing to do with it.”
"Yes it has! It’s a part of my body!”
"Stop being dramatic."
"Me? Dramatic? As if!"
While Lucy argued with the mage, Erza, and Gray got rid of their magic and watched as their blonde friend seemed to be talking to herself, questioning her friend's mental health. Until Erza decided to interrupt. “Who are you talking to, Lucy?”
“With the reason you are here,” Lucy says, stopping the battle of glances between the strange mage and then looking at her scarlet-haired friend.
“And where are they right now?” This time it was Gray who asked. The ravenette looked around every corner of Lucy's house looking for the voice.
Lucy pointed to her nose. "Here. I think I should introduce you to each other. Guys this is–” Lucy turned her gaze to her nose. “You never got to tell me your name.”
“Call me Jun.”
“Guys, this is Jun, the wizard I helped and destroyed the house last night. Jun, these are my friends, Erza, Grey, and I think you've met Natsu." Lucy introduced each one.
Jun, Erza, and Gray exchange nods, acknowledging each other's presence. Jun then looked back at Lucy. " I am a fairy. A nature fairy. Not a mage.”
“But if you're a fairy, why don't you have wings? Isn’t that normal for you to have?” Erza asked curiously. After all, it wasn't normal to see a fairy without her wings.
Jun didn't respond. They just remained silent, and turned to go back into their temporary house.
Lucy, upon noticing the fairy's discomfort, quickly changed the subject. “I called you here so you could help me build a new house for Jun, since I ended up destroying their old house last night.”
Erza and Gray looked at each other. "Please!" Lucy begged holding hands, pouting towards them.
"Sure. Anything to help a friend." “I have nothing to do anyway.”
"Excellent!" Lucy says excitedly. “Thank you so much, guys!” The blonde went to her two friends and pulled them into a hug.
"Ugh…" Natsu woke up, sitting dazedly on the floor while massaging his forehead – which had already formed a bump – with one hand. “What did I miss, guys?” He asked as soon as he saw that his friends were in a group hug.
“Come on. We have something to do, flame brains.” Gray says, taking Natsu by the collar of his shirt, heading towards the apartment's exit door, with Lucy and Erza behind him.
A few weeks had passed since then. Jun had already recovered from the injuries they had on their body, and oddly enough, they learned to put up with the presence of Lucy and the rest of her friends (not that they would admit that to her).
With the help of Erza, Natsu, Grey, and a few more members – which Jun had discovered through Lucy were her members from Fairy Tail-- Jun's new home was ready faster than the fairy expected. And fulfilling their part of the agreement, they transformed Lucy's nose back to its normal shape (not before increasing the size even more just to irritate Lucy even more).
The duo was exactly in Lucy's apartment, having “a goodbye pajama party” (Lucy's words, not Jun's) in the company of Erza, Gray, and Natsu.
The group spent the whole afternoon playing various games to pass the time, chatting, and Jun just watched the confusion that Lucy and her friends made whenever one of them cheated in the games.
It was already past midnight, and the apartment that had previously been alive with screams was now calm, with no noise present in the room. (except Natsu's snoring). Everyone was already in their sleeping bags, tired from the long afternoon they had had, except two people who were still awake and were talking quietly so as not to wake up the rest.
“Jun…” Lucy caught the attention of the fairy – who was in their second form – who was sitting on the floor, leaning their back against Lucy's bed. Jun nodded, implying that they were paying attention to what she was going to say. “What was the reason that led you to fight those wizards?”
Jun, upon hearing the question, couldn't help but let out a heavy sigh. They knew it wouldn't be long before someone asked about it. They were a little surprised that Lucy hadn't asked sooner rather than later. “As you know, I am a fairy. And those mages were from a dark guild and they used to hunt my kind.”
“They used to? What happened to make them stop?” Lucy asked again, interrupting Jun, who gave her a slightly cutting look. "Sorry. You can continue.”
"Right," Jun says. “They used to hunt other fairies like me. They wanted to use our magic for their benefit. So, to achieve this, they captured us and tortured us, cutting off our wings and other types of torture that may exist, and then sucked out our essence: our magic. Few managed to escape alive. And of those who did… succumbed to the injuries they had.”
“But you managed to escape,” Lucy says as she stares at Jun with apprehensive eyes, noticing the visible guilt on the fairy's face. It was noticeable to Lucy that the fairy felt guilty about being the only one to have survived. She couldn't imagine being in a situation where she would see her friends being tortured and killed in front of her.
"Almost," Jun says, hugging their knees close to their body. “The damage I suffered was too much. I was chased until I managed to find a place where I could hide and not be caught by them. With the little magic I still had, I slowly healed the wounds I had for four years. Since then I have been alone. But all this time I was perfecting my magic. And when I felt like I was better, I went to the guild and killed every member there. But I didn’t count on the appearance of those other six.”
Lucy got out of her bed, and bending down, pulled Jun into a hug, not caring that the fairy's body tensed at the contact of their bodies. "It's alright. You are no longer alone.”
Jun's eyes stared at Lucy's blonde head in shock. Their body, which had previously been tense from the lack of physical contact after four long years, relaxed under Lucy's touch. Lucy, tightened the hug even more when she felt Jun's body shaking and the fabric of her sleeping blouse getting damp.
"Sorry about that," Jun says, breaking away from the hug, feeling their cheeks heat up when they felt their face wet and hid it from Lucy while trying to wipe away the tears that fell.
“What are you apologizing for?” Lucy asked with a sweet tone of voice, watching the fairy with an amused face when the fairy looked away from her again.
“For crying on you and for getting your blouse wet,” Jun says, still not looking at Lucy. They felt embarrassed that she had seen them cry.
Lucy put a hand to her mouth to contain the smile she wanted to break out. It was cute to see Jun like this. But she quickly hid her smile when Jun glanced at her from the corner of their eye. “It’s normal to cry, Jun. And about the blouse… well, it will eventually dry out.”
The two remained in a small silence between them. Until Lucy broke the silence again. “What do you think about us being friends?”
"Friend?" Jun pointed a finger at their chest. " You want to be my friend?"
“Yup!” Lucy then reached out a hand to Jun. “What do you say? Friends?"
Jun looked at Lucy's hand for a while, and did something they hadn't done in a long time.
With a small smile on their lips, they reached out a hand and wrapped it around Lucy's hand, squeezing. “Friends.”
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