#i used egg noodles i happened to have in the cabinet
casspurrjoybell-27 · 3 months
Our Hearts Collide - Chapter 19 - Part 1
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*Warning - Adult Content*
Loreta had already finished up in the kitchen at the pack-house when we arrived.
There were a few leftover slabs of meat and an assortment of vegetables in the fridge but neither of us knew what we were in the mood for.
Vince was half tempted to finish off the bag of chips one of the Betas had left behind but I insisted we eat something more than just snacks.
"Pasta?" he suggested.
"Simple enough, right? I'm sure there are jars of spaghetti sauce somewhere."
I nodded, looking over his shoulder in the pantry, then glancing back at the fridge.
"Sure. I could make carbonara?"
I couldn't help but laugh at how he jerked his head at the suggestion, his eyes widening at the sound of his favorite dish.
It was like watching Xavier's kids light up at the sound of any of their favorite desserts I'd bring over.
"Isn't it hard to make?"
"Not really."
I pulled out the eggs and cheese.
"It's like making regular spaghetti but it's a cheese and egg mixture instead of red sauce. Instead of the typical guanciale, we could use these bacon bits. It's what I used to use before, it tastes pretty similar."
He pulled out the pasta noodles.
"I have no idea what that means but I wouldn't mind learning how to make it if you say so. There are probably some of my mom's old cookbooks and recipes in the cabinet. I'll look for it."
He gestured to the cabinet above the microwave before placing the box of noodles on the counter and grabbing the stool.
Looking through a few of the lower cabinets, I found a couple of mixing bowls as he rummaged through the cabinet behind me.
"Here, I think this is what she used. I can't make any sense of her writing, but I think this says carbonara."
He flipped a piece of paper from a folder over and over.
"Or is this a dessert recipe?"
I turned, leaning over his arm to see the paper.
"That's carbonara."
"I can't believe you can read her handwriting," he said, holding the paper up to the light as if it would help.
"It just looks like scribbles to me."
I pointed to the ingredient list.
"It's not that bad. This says a third of a cup. Below it says a quarter."
"It doesn't even look like a number," he groaned.
"That looks like an E and an A to me."
Vince handed the paper back to me with a shake of his head.
I gave him one of the mixing bowls.
"Here, I'll measure out the ingredients, you can be in charge of stirring."
"I think I can manage that," he said to himself before turning to me.
"Xavier struggled to turn the mixer on last time. Got cake batter on the ceiling once, I had to clean it up for him."
My eyes rolled, not even surprised that that happened.
"I hope his kids enjoy cooking and baking. They might need to learn eventually."
"Trust me," Vince said.
"Lilah already knows how to boil pasta and make grilled cheese sandwiches. I'm sure they'll be fine."
"Can't believe you two never learned the basics."
I grabbed the box of pasta and poured it into a pot of water, turning it on high heat.
"It's a bit difficult when we were pushed to learn about pack stuff. Cooking was the least of our concerns."
I frowned.
"A shame. I'm certain pack meetings would be much more entertaining if it was a feast or at least a luncheon. Instead, it's just a bunch of hungry wolves at a table."
The corners of his lips rose.
"Such a crazy idea, right? Learn to lead a pack but don't learn how to feed myself on my own. What kind of crazy time is this?"
"It's a good thing that we could change that."
He tilted his head.
"Well, if Jonah or Lilah take over the pack, at least we could teach them to cook independently. More hospitable ventures than politics."
My head tilted.
"Well, it would be mostly me or Sarah and Aspen teaching them to cook."
He pursed his lips.
"I hadn't thought about that, Lilah or Jonah were the pack's Alpha."
"I suppose Xavier could just appoint someone as his successor."
Now that I thought about it, Xavier never mentioned anything about it.
"Unless either of you surrogates and provide an heir that way. If you two are planning on following that old tradition of bloodlines."
Vince frowned.
"I didn't think about that."
I shrugged.
"Yeah, obviously, Xavier's already got a lot to worry about but it would be good for them to learn how to do other things besides whatever Damon made you three focus on."
He stared down at the whipped egg and cheese mixture bowl before him.
"I suppose that would be good."
I tapped his shoulder when he placed the whisk against the edge of the bowl.
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah," he amended.
"Just thinking about heirs and stuff is weird. I know other packs do that... surrogacy or adoption but...." his words faltered but he shook his head.
"Kids. It's just something I didn't really think about."
I set the empty measuring cups to the side to face him.
He was gnawing at the bottom of his lip, his eyes avoiding anything but the bowl before him.
Instinctively my hand reached for his.
"You mean of your own."
"Yeah," he said softly before laughing it off.
"Stupid, I know. Sarah and I discussed it years ago,but when we learned we couldn't, I just forgot all about the idea. I forgot all about the expectation of having heirs, it didn't seem like anyone would've wanted me to raise one either. Honestly, I don't think I'd be able to raise a child while being the Alpha at the time, let alone now. Can you imagine if they were as wild as Xavier or Cedar?"
Vince ran a hand through his hair, shaking his head at the thought, before gnawing at that lip of his.
When I attempted to squeeze his hand, he pulled back, sputtering a quick apology.
"For what?"
He leaned over the counter with two hands.
"Would you?"
"Would I what?"
He breathed in deeply before saying quietly...
"Want kids?"
Vince didn't look up, still hovering over the bowl as I held back my response.
It was a loaded question, one that, while I did have an answer, wasn't absolute either.
It wasn't just my decision to make if it were to come down to it and evidently, this was a big deal to Vince.
He had his reservations and so did I.
"I don't know," I said softly, reaching for his hand again.
He didn't pull back but didn't take my hand either.
"I quite enjoy just being an uncle to those rascals already, don't you?"
He slowly turned to look at me, biting back a smile.
"They are quite the handful."
"They are," I echoed.
"And truthfully, I don't think either of us is ready to make that decision quite yet. Not right now, anyway."
He nodded his head.
"They are a good trial period, though."
His slight smile erupted into complete laughter, a contagious one that echoed in the empty pack kitchen.
I couldn't help but laugh along, not expecting the lovely sound.
"Imagine us babysitting them is a funny sight. Especially if it's them and Rowan, complete madness."
"We should probably check the pasta before it overcooks," he said, pointing at the pot that had been boiling for quite some time.
"Does this look alright?"
I checked his mixing bowl and nodded.
"I'll get the strainer and noodles."
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softjjong · 3 years
i made that tiktok egg butter garlic ramen and it was absolutely disgustingly salty
1 note · View note
Bath Bomb
Pairing: Bakugou x reader
Warnings: Bakugou
⋘ ──────── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──────── ⋙
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"Come on, girls! Let's go here next!"
You giggled with your friends as you hurried to keep close with one another in the crowded street. Today was one of your bi-annual girls' day out with all your gal pals from the former class A.
It so happened that this outing was planned and organized by Yaomomo, and she had decided to take you all on a shopping trip to Harajuku. Everyone was already laden with bags, some even assisted by Ochaco in lightening the heavier ones.
The store Momo had pointed to was a quaint LUSH store, where pink neon lights glowed in the windows.
All seven of you eagerly crowded into the store, breaking off into smaller groups to wander around. You ended up with Toru and Mina, wandering over to one of the walls packed nearly floor to ceiling with colorful bath bombs.
"Look at them all," Toru breathed, carefully bringing one up to her invisible nose for a sniff.
You walked around with them, occasionally pointing out a particularly cutely shaped or colorful one.
Suddenly, you felt a hand alight on your arm. "(Y/N)!" Mina said, barely stifling a giggle. "Look at that one!"
Your eyes followed the direction her finger pointed, finally landing on an egg-shaped turquoise bath bomb. Except, it wasn't meant to be an egg. This was unmistakably a grenade.
"Oh, I get it," you said. "Bath bomb, and it's a grenade. That is pretty funny."
"Well, yeah, but what I meant was—" Mina paused to grin and wiggle her eyebrows at you. "I think you might be able to enjoy that with a certain explosive someone, perhaps?"
Heat flooded into your cheeks as you realized she was talking about your fiancé, Bakugou Katsuki. Now that she mentioned it, it did remind you of him. The mold it had come from was similar to the very real explosives he kept on his hero belt.
"You should totally get it!" she went on, practically bouncing on her toes.
You picked one up, feeling its shape and weight. It was easily the size of your palm, and you finally let your hand take it up to your nose for a quick sniff. Lavender and rosemary greeted your senses. It was a very pleasant mix and you held it up so Mina could get a whiff of her own.
"Mmm," she said, briefly fluttering her eyelids closed. "Yep. You're getting that."
She pulled you with her so you could grab a tray together, gently placing it in the little holder. Everyone browsed for another twenty minutes or so before finally checking out. You had decided on an additional bath bomb for yourself along with something called a bubble bar, but you were truly the most excited about the distinct blue-green grenade that innocently rested at the bottom of your bag. As your group left the store, you couldn't wait for a chance to try out what you'd bought. It would be a nice way to surprise Katsuki when he got home. Additionally, it provided an excuse to relax together and spend time in each other's presence.
You had to snap yourself out of a quick daydream you'd begun to sink into in order to answer Jirou, silently grinning to yourself in anticipation for what was to come.
. . . . . . . .
Not three days later, you finally found your chance.
You got home earlier than he did, which was normal. As you began your routine of amusing yourself while you waited for Katsuki to come home, you felt a buzz emanating from your pocket. It turned out to be a call from none other than your fiancé himself, Bakugou.
"Hey, babe, what's up?" you said into the phone, uncertain as to why he was calling.
"Just wanted to let you know I'm coming home early," his gruff voice came through. "Do you want anything for dinner? I know it's been awhile since we've had that takeout you like."
Your eyes lit up. "You'd do that?"
Katsuki grumbled on his end of the phone, however you could hear that there was no malice behind it. "Yes. I don't understand why you like it so much, especially because of how bad for you it is and when my cooking is so much better, but I'll get it. For you."
"Thank you so much!"
Thus went most of your conversations with the blond. You were used to it by now, so you merely smiled. "I love you."
Katsuki's voice abruptly changed to tender. "I love you too."
Your smile only brightened as the end-call tone sounded in your ear. You loved everything about Katsuki, even his overly boorish nature. It only made the moments he let it slip all the sweeter. You knew you were the only one who got to witness that softer side to him, and it made your heart swell every time.
You flopped back into position on your couch, mind beginning to wander through possibilities of what you could do during your evening with Bakugou. You quickly remembered the little bath bomb you had shoved into the back of the bathroom cabinet. That would be perfect! You decided to wait until after dinner and then surprise him with the little plan that was already beginning to take form within your mind.
The lock on your door clicked a few minutes later, alerting you that Bakugou had come home. You rose to greet him, strolling into the kitchen to see him setting a bag down on the counter.
You walked up to his side and pecked him on the cheek. "Welcome home, babe."
Katsuki's vermilion eyes met yours as you leaned into him, draping an arm around his waist. "Hey."
"How was work?"
"Not bad," he answered, reaching up into a cabinet and pulling out two glasses, handing one to you.
You grabbed the bag and went to your little table, going back into the kitchen to fill your cup with ice and water once Katsuki was done. The two of you settled at the table, taking out the boxes of food he'd bought for you.
"So why did they let you off early?" you inquired, plunging your chopsticks into a personal container of noodles.
"Dumbass advisor told me to go home," he answered. "Villain hit me with their quirk or something and I got a little dinged up."
"Are you alright?" you asked, suddenly concerned.
"Of course. They just told me to stay in and rest. Pathetic, thinking I'm weak or some shit."
"'Tsuki, you know he just cares about you."
Bakugou made his classic tch noise, scowling back down into his mixed vegetables. "The only reason I agreed to leave was so that I could spend more time with you."
You looked back to him, hoping to catch those ruby eyes of his. He refused to offer them, however, and you eventually gave up, going back to your food.
"I know you don't see me as often as you'd like to," he continued, his voice little more than a mutter. "It's been a while since we've been able to spend a day together, let alone plan our—our wedding."
It was true. Even today, for Katsuki, he'd gotten home early, but you weren't blind to the fact that it was already half past seven. Some nights you'd be up until nearly two AM, waiting for his footsteps to come in through your door. You never ceased to stay awake for him, however, filling some of your free time with planning for your wedding ceremony. Bakugou was letting you handle most of it, although it wasn't as though he had much choice. That didn't stop you from trying to include him any way you could; occasionally talking over what you'd thought of and decided on that day while the two of you lay in bed together. Sometimes lying alone with one another in cool darkness were the only moments you could share, quietly conversing until one of you fell victim to the sleep that had been pressing at the backs of both of your eyes for the last few hours.
You had to hope that one day it would get better. Someday, he may be able to catch more breaks. Maybe someday, society would be fixed so that crime would dwindle to nearly nothing. But that someday was far, far away, if it even would ever come at all. All you could do was be thankful that Katsuki loved his job and rarely got injured. It brought in good money too, with his position so high at the top. The only thing that mattered was that he somehow walked in through that door at the end of each day, no matter what time it was or how long the two of you had gone without sleep. No matter what, you'd always be there, waiting for him.
Your hand snaked its way across the table to settle on top of Katsuki's, finally getting him to look up at you. "It's okay," you assured him. "You're here now. I couldn't be happier."
You both sat, looking at each other in a silent moment, his palm having turned to take yours, thumb gently stroking the outside of your hand.
Flicking your eyes down, you let a small smile creep onto your lips. "I actually have a little surprise for you," you said. "It's for after dinner."
Bakugou breathed out a little laugh in a singular huff, going back to consuming your "shitty takeout" food. "Do you, now?"
"Uh huh."
You could tell he was curious. Bakugou wasn't really one who was much for surprises, but he trusted you.
It wasn't too much longer before you finished your meal, taking the cardboard containers and stuffing them back into the bag they had come from. Bakugou put the glasses on the counter next to the sink while you tied up the trash bag and tossed it out, double checking that the table was clear and clean.
"Ready?" you asked, running your hand down his forearm until it met his own, intertwining your fingers.
"Let's get started, then."
You led him to the bathroom, letting go of his hand so you could turn on the tap for your bathtub. It was just the right size for the two of you to comfortably sit together in, and this was hardly your first time doing so.
"You wanted me to take a bath?" Katsuki asked, watching you adjust the temperature.
"Well, yes, but—" you turned and strode over to the cabinet, rummaging around for the object of interest. You pulled out the bag, reaching in to show off the little grenade. "Ta-da!"
Bakugou looked at it, slightly unimpressed. "What is it?"
"It's a bath bomb," you explained. "I saw it the other day when I was out shopping with the girls and it reminded me of you." You watched his expression, but it hadn't really changed. "So are you interested?"
Katsuki finally let the smallest of smiles grace his lips. "Sure. I was planning on showering here anyway. A bath will do."
"Am I invited?" you asked, just to make sure.
"Of course you are, dumbass," he said, looking nearly offended that you might have thought otherwise.
"Well, then. Let's get to it."
The two of you started stripping off your clothes, discarding them on the floor. When you glanced up at Bakugou, you noticed a little red mark on his shoulder, disappearing over the peak and presumably continuing on his back. You stepped closer, walking around behind him, ignoring a half-hearted protest from the man who was sporting it. A large, red blotchy welt bloomed on the skin of his back, and when you touched it as gently as possible with your fingertips, you found that it was nearly burning.
"Katsuki, baby," you crooned concernedly, unable to take your eyes off it.
"That was the best the healing guy could do," he explained, his voice quieter than usual. "It was worse before, but that's why I got sent home."
"Does it hurt?"
"Not really."
You clicked your tongue, still figuring it probably did hurt more than he would ever let on. You gently kissed a patch of unmarked skin next to it, just to be safe.
Knowing how much Bakugou hated it when you fussed over any injuries he got, you finally left to grab the bath bomb. You traded it for your engagement ring, sliding off the gold band and picking up the green grenade from where you had set it on the counter. The faucet handle of the tub was cool in your hand as you turned the water off, having moved back over to its edge. You shifted your appendage to flick your fingers in the water to check the temperature. It was just right; not too hot, not too cold.
"Come here," you beckoned Katsuki to your side. "Watch this."
You dropped the bath grenade into the water, both of you watching as it began to fizz at the bottom. The water began to take on a cartoonish lagoon-blue tint, and the smell of rosemary and lavender began to sweetly float into the air.
"Now come on," you said, stepping into the tub. Katsuki followed in after you, and you let him sit down and adjust before sliding into his lap. You leaned against his shoulder as his arms wrapped around you. You scanned his face, searching for any signs of discomfort. You found that sometimes it was the best way to tell what he was feeling, rather than asking.
Nevertheless, his eyes were gently shut, jaw relaxed. An eyelid slid open to peer at you, a tiny sliver of red just scarcely able to be seen.
"Whatcha lookin' at?" he asked, tone conversational.
"'Feh'," you mocked. "The great Bakugou Katsuki, 20—"
"Stop," he interrupted, sending a splash of scented unnaturally blue water over your shoulder. You giggled, nuzzling closer into his chest in your giddiness. A deep inhale and exhale went through your man's lungs, and you followed the idea soon after. The lavender really did do something to your brain, almost magically quieting your thoughts as you felt calm steal over your body.
You'd missed this, just being able to spend time with the love of your life, relaxing together. The water you both were encased in was so soothingly warm, reaching you where Katsuki's hold could not.
"So how did your day go?" you asked, keeping your eyes shut as you snuggled into him. "Tell me all about the villains you vanquished."
You could practically hear Katsuki grin above you, and without hesitation he launched into an anecdote about a man he'd apprehended early that morning. You knew how much he loved talking about his great feats of heroism. It seemed to be a bit of an ego booster for him, watching your face as you reacted to his account of his day.
You felt him shift slightly, not ceasing in his talk. The sound of a shampoo bottle popping open met your ears, and soon after, Bakugou's fingers were lacing through your damp hair, spreading the cleansing scent throughout your scalp.
You hummed and leaned into his touch, enjoying the added sensation while he finished up his speech.
"—shoulda seen the look on the little shit's face when he realized there was nothing he could do. I had him, just like that. Damn extra, didn't even have that much paperwork to file on him."
"Mmm," you hummed in acknowledgement. "Oh, baby, that feels so good."
Bakugou continued rubbing circles into your scalp, lather and foam coating his hands. You loved his hands. They were so large and strong; the source of his power, the source of his pride.
Finally he swirled your hair up and out of the way into a makeshift twist-bun, held together sheerly by the sticky shampoo lather. He took a bar of your favorite soap and began to run it over the skin of your back and shoulders, applying a delicious amount of pressure to muscles you hadn't even known were tensed. Satisfied with the slippery coating, Katsuki went back to using those hands of his, rolling the heels perfectly into you, alternating between palms and knuckles.
"'Tsuki," you said, voice hazy from how good it felt, "this was supposed to be for you."
"Yes, and?"
You pouted, eyes still lidded. "You're supposed to be relaxing."
"This is how I relax."
"Yeah, but—"
"Did I fucking stutter?"
You snorted, letting him continue his business in massaging your back. "Okay, but you're next."
"You wish."
"Did I fucking stutter?" you countered, using his own words against him. "You can't escape me. You're going to feel good by the time we get out of here, and that's a rock fact."
Even Katsuki had to have known his grumbles sounded fake. It was rare for him to show it, but you knew that every now and then he reveled in having you take care of him. Whether it be working out knots in his muscles or rubbing cream into his burns, there was a secret side to him that would allow you to tend to him. His brash persona had to be let down sometime, and every day you felt honored that you were among the few people who he trusted enough to see him without it.
Katsuki finally began to pour water over your back, the warmth trickling down and bringing the soap right with it. He leaned you back so your hair was submerged and your head was in his lap. His fingers began to wind through your tresses again, shaking the shampoo bubbles into the water around you. Without fail, Bakugou always insisted that you were completely taken care of before he ever allowed anything to be done to himself. There was nothing you could do to protest, that's just the way it was. Firm but gentle fingertip pads were pressed into your shoulders, signaling for you to sit up.
He began the process over again with your conditioner, squirting some on his hand before running it through the strands of hair that fell from your head.
"Have the energy to talk about our wedding?" you asked, eyes flicking up to the counter where your sparkling ring sat waiting.
You ran over a few thoughts you'd gotten to recently. You already had a pretty solid guest list, a venue in mind, arrangements for flowers, the cake, dresses, and even the suit Bakugou had picked out. Now was the more practical stuff; scheduling and seating, sketching out designs for the invitations.
You relayed over the conversation you'd had with Momo earlier yesterday. You were so thankful to have her as a friend, helping you plan. It was almost as if she knew what she was doing, at least, more than you did. She was good with decision making and had your best interests at heart.
Bakugou listened while he continued to thread his fingers through your hair, occasionally commenting or making little noises of acknowledgment while you spoke. It wasn't long before he tapped your shoulder, ready to dip you again.
The water that flooded your ears distorted your voice as you continued talking. You wished you had your laptop in front of you so you could show him your detailed spreadsheet.
You finally sat up, him having finished rinsing once again. You paused in your conversation to say, "Now it's your turn."
He turned, trying to find a moderately comfortable means to lean back so you could reach the top of his head. You cupped water in your hands and used it to wet his ash blond hair. Satisfied at its newly damp state, you pulled down his shampoo. Which also happened to be his conditioner.
You'd always grumbled at him for being tacky and using it, but his argument was that he didn't need anything more. It was cheap and quick and he refused to budge from his stance on it. At least you'd gotten him to start picking up scents you liked. This one was coconut. You glanced at the upside down bottle in your hand as you squeezed some out, silently cringing at the 3-in-1 proudly printed on the sticker. What bothered you was probably the sheer difference in male vs female advertised products. You wouldn't be surprised if they came out with something that he could brush his teeth with too.
You spread it over his spikes, each point becoming droopy under the weight of the water that had soaked into them. You couldn't help but notice how Bakugou leaned into your touch. Your voice began to trail off as you focused on his hair. It didn't take long to spread the shampoo through his short blond hair, working it into his roots. Next you moved down to his neck, trying to keep your fingers away from any reddened areas. Your hands skillfully moved over his back, much like his had done to yours a few moments prior. His skin was soon covered in a fine layer of suds, deliciously scented as you finally began to rinse both it and his hair with the now scarcely lukewarm water.
"You feel any better, Katsuki?" you asked, leaning forward to rest your chin on his shoulder.
"From what?" he shot back, annoyed that you'd suggest he was ever anything less than 'fine'.
"I don't know," you said, keeping your tone soft. "You still haven't told me how you got this today." You gingerly tapped a patch of skin on his back, still flushed but now glistening with moisture.
He abruptly stood, water running in rivulets down his legs as he stepped out of your bath. Bakugou wordlessly grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist, exiting the bathroom with nothing more than it and heavy footsteps.
You sighed and chewed on your lip, collecting yourself before pulling the plug from the drain. Your fingers slid through the receding water, eventually locating the fizzing remains of your grenade and setting it on the ledge. You lifted yourself out and grabbed a towel, sliding your ring back onto your finger before finally leaving the warm, steamy bathroom to find Katsuki.
It wasn't difficult to locate the blond, finding him in the first place you checked; your bedroom. He laid on his back, palms supporting his head while his elbows stretched out on either side. He wore only a pair of loose-fitting orange and black gym shorts, slung low on his hips as he gazed up at the ceiling.
You decided it would be best to not force him to talk, opting to begin work on patting your hair dry with your towel before slipping on one of Katsuki's large, old t-shirts and some cotton panties. The bed dipped under your weight as you sat at the edge, silently beginning to finger comb your damp hair. You listened to nothing but your own heartbeat steadily thumping in your chest, concern for your fiancé clouding your thoughts.
Before you could turn around to ask him what was wrong, Bakugou finally spoke. "Why did you agree to marry me?"
The question caught you so completely off guard, a scoff escaped your throat. "Because I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Why are you asking me that?"
Katsuki's frown deepened. "It's just that . . . sometimes I wonder if you don't deserve this. I never see you. When I do, I'm not the . . . nicest person. You could—you would probably be better off with someone different."
You rubbed your hand soothingly over his toned belly. "Was today not a good day?"
Bakugou chewed on the inside of his cheek. You recognized the blank look in his eyes, signaling that he was trying to distance himself from his emotions. "He got away."
"Who?" you asked quietly, shifting so you could comfortably run your hands over him. The action was meant to try to calm him and ease him from behind his figurative walls.
"The villain who—who hurt me. I didn't catch him and it's all my fault. I lost. I'm a failure."
You frowned at his words. This must have really affected him if he was willing to break down so much in front of you. Bakugou had always had the mindset that he always had to win. That was how he decided he would be the greatest hero. A blow like this had to hurt.
You laid down and pulled yourself against his side, ducking under his arm so he had no choice but to hold you to his warm chest. You placed a kiss over one of his pecs, your gentle fingers never ceasing in their soothing up and down motions over his abs.
"You're far from a failure, Katsuki," you said softly in his ear. "Things like this happen."
"Not to me," he grumbled, turning his head away from you.
"You'll catch him next time, I'm sure of it."
Bakugou huffed beside you. "I should be out there, hunting him down," he finally said.
"Not in this condition," you stated firmly, tapping a finger against his skin.
You could see Bakugou's lip curl over his teeth. "It's not like I can't fight. I barely even hurt anymore. I can—"
"I wasn't talking about your wound."
He turned his head, finally looking at you. Confusion and suspicion swam in his vermilion eyes, but you used the opportunity to place your hand on his cheek.
"You're down on yourself," you said. "You need some time off. You're working so much and so hard, which is a good thing, but I think you need some time away."
Bakugou rested his hand over yours, gazing into your eyes. "I can't just let him go," he stated simply. "I can't afford to take time off."
"I know," you sighed. "But just for tonight? For me? You deserve it."
Your fiancé sighed. There wasn't anything he wanted more then than to hold you in his arms and forget for a few moments. Forget about his demanding job and getting a whole new hero agency kicked off the ground. Forget about his sworn responsibilities to the world. Forget about that damned bastard who got away.
A grumble sounded deep within Bakugou's chest, signaling to you that he had caved. You let him tug you forward and pull you into a kiss, attacking your lips in that perfectly rough but sweet way that you craved and loved.
Once he was temporarily satisfied, he cradled you against his bare chest for several minutes, refusing to move until all the stress had slowly trickled out of his muscles. You nuzzled into his bare skin, which still smelled so deliciously fresh after having gotten out of your bath.
"I love you," Bakugou finally said. "You know that, right?"
"Of course." Your voice came out a bit muffled, but you had little interest in adjusting from your position.
"I do want to get married," he went on. "To you. Maybe start a family . . . . It wouldn't be so bad, having a little fuckin' monster running around."
Your heart leapt at the idea of having a baby with the pro hero. It was something you'd thought about quite a bit, actually. "And is this child's 'fuckin' monster' qualities from you or from me?"
"You, obviously."
You laughed at Katsuki's joke, glad that he was beginning to feel better. When you looked back into his face, you were pleased to find that even he was smiling just a little bit.
You kissed his skin again as a way to segway to another topic. "So what do you want to do for the rest of your evening off?"
"Maybe we could watch something." He shrugged. "I don't care as long as I'm holding you."
His wish was an easy one to have come true. Within minutes you were relocated to the couch, snuggled up under a blanket together with a bowl of popcorn, watching something you both had been able to agree upon.
Your relationship with Katsuki wasn't an easy one, but there was no one else in the whole world you'd rather spend a lifetime with.
⋘ ──────── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──────── ⋙
Taglist: @basicaegyo​ @iiminibattlehero​ @pyrofanatic​​ @xoxopam4​
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supermantv · 3 years
daxton + first date after getting back together
Their first date after getting back together is technically at the Winter Dance, and while it had been overall pleasant, there were still the minor bumps (the major glaring one being that Paxton had nearly ran his girlfriend over with his car) that prevented the date from retaining a sense of utter bliss that Paxton was still seeking. He adores her, loves being around her, thinks she is the most exciting person that he has ever met, but there is no denying that Devi is an absolute hurricane. He loves that too, and he’s starting to understand that moments of complete peace will be hard-earned, but entirely worth it. He’s also hoping that these moments of peace become more and more common, with a smoother path paved to achieve them each time. 
They’re in his garage when he decides to broach the subject, a random slasher film playing on the screen that neither of the two are really invested in. Devi lays between his legs, her own feet dangling over the edge of the couch as she rests her head on the hard planes of his stomach. She traces unrefined patterns into the exposed skin above the waistband of his jeans where his shirt has ridden up, and Paxton knows that if she keeps this up, there’s a very high possibility he will actually be driven insane, so to prevent this, he shifts into a sitting position, forcing Devi to move with him.
“What’s wrong?” she asks, and it’s hard not to get distracted when his eyes follow the movement of her hands, shifting to smooth out her skirt, because it’s yellow and pink, and cute, and short, and it very much suits her. 
“Um.” Paxton clears his throat and flicks his eyes away and Devi must see something in his actions to tip her off to the situation because she actually laughs. Loud and unapologetic and Paxton feels the tip of his ears beginning to burn but he’s smiling. “Shut up,” he grumbles without a trace of any real aggravation, lobbing a pillow at her head. She catches it easily and hugs it to her chest. 
“Okay, okay,” Devi says and she quiets down but her eyes are twinkling. “What’s up?” 
“I was just gonna ask what you wanted to do for our first date on Saturday.”
“First date?” Devi asks bemusedly. 
“Yeah, y’know, first date since getting back together,” Paxton clarifies, but Devi still looks confused. 
“Wasn’t that at the dance?”
“Yeah, about that,” he starts, drawing back his shoulders and filling his voice with enough mock authority that Devi guffaws under her breath. “I’d like to put in a formal request right now for a do over.”
“Why?” Devi asks, taking this chance to throw the pillow back at him. It bounces harmlessly off his face where it slides into his lap, and he cries out from the shock of the hit rather than the pain. Devi ignores him. “I had a good time. Did you not have a good time?”
“I had a great time,” Paxton reassures her and his heart just about melts when she beams at him. “But I very nearly ran you over with my car at the beginning of the night.”
“After that!”
“After that you threatened to kill the DJ.”
“He deserved it,” Devi grumbles and the same murderous scowl she’d worn that night resurfaces. “But those were minor issues anyway.”
“I’m not sure vehicular manslaughter or attempted homicide are minor issues,” he jokes and his girlfriend rolls her eyes before he becomes serious again. “Really though. I just want to go on one perfect first date with you. No Trent or Marcus, and no narrowly avoided death.”
Devi wrinkles her nose. “Perfect is a tall order.”
“Third time’s the charm,” he says, but Devi’s doubtful expression doesn’t waver, so he relents. “Okay then, not a perfect first date. A first date where everything goes according to plan.”
“That’s more realistic,” Devi says, but she sounds and looks unconvinced by his words. “But still.”
“Don't worry,” Paxton says, leaning forward to rub his thumb tenderly across her cheek. She relaxes into his touch and he grins. “I'll prove you wrong.”
“I sure hope so,” Devi sighs, and no more is said on the subject for the night because then she's grabbing fistfuls of his shirt and yanking him into her. 
But of course, Devi was right to be skeptical, because as Paxton is starting to learn, it is impossible for things to go according to plan when they're involved. 
He’d called that very same night to make reservations at a semi-fancy Italian restaurant across town, and was promptly told they didn't do reservations, which as Paxton figured was even better, because if a restaurant didn't do reservations, that had to mean there was always available seating, right? He asks his mom to teach him how to iron on Thursday, and by the time Saturday night rolls around, he feels relaxed and ready, so assured that nothing could possibly go wrong. He lays the bouquet of flowers he'd bought for Devi gingerly in the passenger seat and whistles to himself as he starts the car. 
Except his car won't start. Why won't his car start?
And from then on, things only spiral out of control further. Paxton texts Devi asking if she can just walk to his house and he'll order an Uber to take them to the restaurant from there. Except when he checks his bank account, he cringes at the lack of money, failing to realize earlier how long it'd been since his last paycheck from his summer job. He wouldn't have even been able to pay the bill for their food, much less order a $15 Uber now. And really, he's not above begging his parents or sister for money, but his parents aren't home, gone on a weekend camping trip in the wilderness where they most likely don't get cell service. And Becca is working on a new assignment for school, her door locked with very clear instructions for Paxton not to interrupt her. He doesn't want to risk becoming a murder victim before his third first date with his girlfriend. 
So, when Devi arrives at his house and the front door swings open to reveal her visibly frazzled boyfriend explaining to her that he's going to be cooking for her tonight instead of going out, she smiles sweetly and nods her head in understanding. Paxton wonders briefly if she had seen it in his face, how close he is to snapping, because he’d been expecting maybe a little push back, a slight protest. He knows his girlfriend isn't renowned for her accommodating nature, but he thinks she's trying to be in this moment, for his sake, and he's grateful and questioning how he could have gotten so lucky. It makes him want to cradle her in his arms and kiss her senseless, but he can't because he needs to figure out what he's going to feed her. 
Paxton leads Devi to the living room and leaves her with a peck on her forehead and the TV remote before rushing back to the kitchen. And this is where the next problem presents itself, because Paxton doesn't know how to cook. 
At best, he can scramble an egg and microwave a hot pocket. Both of which he thinks Devi would not appreciate. So, Paxton grabs two packages of ramen from the cabinet and drops the noodles into a pot of boiling water. He thinks he can spruce it up with an onion, trying to recall all the tips and tricks he'd seen on the Food Network, but as he's cutting it his eyes begin to sting and he can't see all that well because he's blinking back tears and he's starting to feel like a contestant on Chopped when he slices his finger with the knife. He winces at the initial pain, but the cut is shallow, and it would be fine but now his blood is all over the cutting board and the onion and there goes that idea. 
Paxton is praying that it can't get any worst from here, because if one more thing goes wrong he's not sure he'll be able to keep it together. 
He turns off the stove and removes the pot from the heat, pouring the noodles carefully into two separate bowls. It's certainly not Michelin star worthy, but Paxton promised Devi dinner and it's better than nothing. 
But it's as if he’d been a war criminal or a serial killer in his last life, and the universe is determined to punish him, because Devi is sitting at the dining room table waiting for him, and all Paxton has to do is take three moderately sized steps to make it to the make it to her. But his foot gets caught on the corner of a rug and he staggers forward, the noodles and bowls flying out of his hands and straight onto Devi. The broth stains and drenches her dress and the noodles coat her from her hair down to her shoes, but she's still sitting, as if she hadn't processed what had just happened. 
“Shit,” Paxton swears, crouching next to her and flicking noodles off her thighs. “Are you okay? Any burns?” 
“I'm fine,” she says, glancing down at him, and her eyes are a little wide and her chin wobbles slightly, and he feels his heart drop into his chest because she's about to cry-.
The sound of her laugh startles him and his head snaps up, thinking she might've cracked before he had.
“What?” he asks, concerned. 
“I tried to tell you,” she says, but she doesn't look upset. Noodles cling to her cheeks but her smile stretches the entire length of her face. She doesn't even sound like she's gloating, even though she had been right, and as a result of his unwillingness to listen she was now wearing their dinner. 
Paxton’s fingers curl around the hem of her dress, causing broth to seep down his fist. “I wanted to make this perfect for you.”
“And it was,” Devi insists, hands coming up to cup his face. 
“Devi,” he grimaces. “You don't have to lie.”
“I'm not!” she objects. “It was perfectly us. And I like that.”
Paxton lifts a brow. “You like being covered in soggy ramen noodles.”
“You're deliberately missing the point,” Devi rolls her eyes and pinches his cheek. “I like being with you, even if the day is a complete disaster, I'll be happy because I was spending time with you. And, I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm a bit of a disaster magnet.” 
“I think it's cute,” Paxton murmurs demurely. 
“See,” Devi says. “You know what I'm talking about, and you agree.” 
“The noodles don't help though.”
Devi makes a face. “No they do not.” 
And while Devi is taking a shower in his bathroom and Paxton is laying in bed, thrumming his fingers against his stomach, he thinks about what she had said about this date being perfectly them. He smiles to himself.
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chromatic-lamina · 3 years
Headcanon thing — 7 for Heart and Kid pirates?
Thank you for the ask! Hmm. 
Hearts: Food/Cooking
Kinda ties into the one about shopping. They just gotta make sure that Bepo is full enough that he doesn't start eyeing off the crew as the potential food source. Going from the novel, I think, I usually have either Shachi or Penguin as the crew's cook, but I've had Law as a capable cook too, even though the novel says he's not so great.
Excerpt from a fic below. This excerpt isn't dark, but the fic is, so don't follow up if it's not your thing. Past LawPen. This excerpt was written before the novel came out, if I'm recollecting correctly.
"You know I like egg sandwiches." They'd been made fresh, instead of from the powdered crap they usually had to eat.
Law gave a consoling tap or two to Shachi's hat, and gestured to Bepo to fire up the hotplates. He guessed he'd startled the redhead, landing on top of the table like that. He'd quickly jumped off it, dusting himself down, securing Kikoku against the edge. Couldn't they accept he was just eager to see them?
Penguin came from behind and embraced him.
"That was some entrance."
Law laughed, melting backwards into the creased, crumpled, butcher paper smell of his oldest friend, his ex. So practical, reliable. He felt his breath against his back.
"You don't piss off the cook," Shachi complained from the table, picking up the half sandwich that Law hadn't vanished, that his oafish foot hadn't – by providence alone – squashed. "Just because you don't like bread."
It was only the three of them in the mess so Penguin kept Law close. Was there something wrong? The fact that Law didn't step from his hold meant there might be. They hadn't checked in yet, nor checked out anything that had happened in their absence.
"He's not going to stop whining until you fix it, you know," he mock whispered near Law's ear, having to stretch up a little to do so. He gave his hand a questioning squeeze.
Law turned, ducked his face, and Penguin caught a flash of anger and fear, quickly replaced by his captain's smile.
Some of the better alcohol from the Law's quarters landed on the table. Law had considered using the remaining half of Shachi's sandwich to replace it, but a few pairs of chopsticks clattered to the floor of his liquor cabinet instead. Shachi lit up at the brands.
"Pour us a drink?" Law asked.
"Aye-aye, boss." Shachi jumped up, all sandwich-snatching forgiven, and poured a drink for anyone sitting in the mess at the time, as was Law's custom. Thankfully for the alcohol supply, that narrowed down to Penguin, Bepo and himself. The rest of the Hearts were hanging out with the Red-Hair and Whitebeard crews, relieved to be off the sub.
"Zou noodles," said Bepo, bringing across a heaped plate of yakisoba. "Made with buckwheat." He was of course aware of the captain's allergies, and despite its name, he knew that this genuine soba—grey-brown noodles—were made from a seed, not a grain, and they didn't inflame them. "Dig in."
I'll answer the Kid pirates ask in a separate post. The ask list is here. Question 8 finished for the Hearts. Question 7 finished for the Hearts. Question 7 for the Kid Pirates coming up.
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cialbi · 4 years
Boy With Hope: Lavender - Chapter One
Summary: As you closed your eyes for the last time, the smell of lavender wafted through your nose and a boy with purple wings appeared from above you. Genre: Angst, Romance, Fantasy
Pairings: Angel Hoseok x Reader
Warnings: Language, Suicide Attempt, Depression, Alcoholism
A/N: This is going to be part of a series called “Boy’s With Series.” Hoseok’s story is going to be the first part out of seven. I don’t know what order I’ll do the other boys in, but I already have their themes and such chosen out. So enjoy the prologue! 
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'Fuck that hurts.'
You buried your face into your pillow, the roaring headache that crashed through your skull roused your sleepy conscious. A faint gust of air blew through your room, tickling your skin and making you shift to find warmth deeper under the covers. From outside you could hear the rush and beeps of cars as they raced by on the city streets and the voices of pedestrians signaled that the world was coming back to life. 
You groaned, rolling over on your side. The throbbing in your head was like a symphony of anguish that blared in your brain as you cracked a sleep-caked lid open.
Neon green numbers flashed through bleary eyes: 7:00am.  
'What happened?'
A little disoriented, it took you a moment to come to. 
You were drinking last night. Something had definitely triggered you... you came home... dropped your keys... tripped over some shit... drank some more... and then....
Oh no. 
What did you do? 
Then, all at once, like a movie reel in your head, you recalled the events in which lead up to now. 
You'd lost your job. 
You could practically see the angry face of your boss as he fired you, and you couldn’t help the churning ache of embarrassment that welled in your gut. 
“Unacceptable, Y/N!” He had vociferated. “You’re tardy everyday, you look like a mess and you reek of booze! Collect your things immediately, I don’t want to see you in here ever again!”
Ugh. The shame. 
It was something you should be used to by now, getting fired and all--but alas you didn’t do well with shame. You didn’t do well with any sort of negative emotion, so you had fixed it with the only solution you knew how.
Booze, booze and more booze.
You could smell the murk of the musty bar you had holed into, the horrified expressions of other bar-goers watching you as you downed your fifth drink of the night. You could remember how you stumbled home like a hot mess of sweat and the way your room reeked of garbage and alcohol. 
You sniffed.
It doesn't smell so bad now.
Kind of... floral?
Adjusting your position, you gave a grunt of discomfort. There was something poking at your side, so you reached under the covers and searched until your hands clasped around something smooth and cylindrical. You retracted your arm and pulled out the plastic orange pill container, staring at it blankly. 
What was that doing there? 
You rotated it in your hands, the morning sun casting an apricot shadow across your face. Klonopin. When did you....? Weird. You didn't remember picking up your prescription from the drug store. The drug store...
Oh wait.
And then you did.
It was all coming back now. The pills, the wine, the way your heart slowed and your body went limp. The glowing purple lights. What the fuck were those? And a boy, there was a boy floating through the ceiling. You pinched the bridge of your nose.
Damn, what a high. 
So you finally tried to do it, and it looks like you failed. An unfamiliar sensation crawled beneath your skin, causing you to shudder. So much guilt... and so much shame. You didn’t know whether you wanted to cry or scream as you gazed nonchalantly at the little pill bottle, swiping your fingers over the plastic. 
You really fail at everything.
Even killing yourself.
It was a little sobering, in fact. And you used the word sobering, because you hadn’t expected to wake up the next day. Hadn’t expected to deal with the aftermath or the complicated emotions attached to it. You hadn’t been prepared for it.
Sighing deeply, you ran your fingers through your hair, feeling a bit of chunks and stickiness towards the ends. You eyed the area near your pillow, but it was clean. Again, weird. There was no vomit on your sheets. You sat up, eyes grazed over the white cotton fabric but finding no sign of regurgitated food.
Then you noticed your room. It was completely clean. 
All the garbage, clothes and bottles were gone, and there was a certain sparkliness to your apartment that you hadn't seen in a long time. If it weren't for the little cat statue on your nightstand that your mom had given you for your birthday, you would have sworn you woke up in someone else's house.
Maybe someone broke in? 
You gave a snort. Yeah, right, a burglar that breaks into apartments and cleans them. 
Then, maybe you had cleaned up during your high. You'd done weirder things under the influence--many that didn’t involve clothes--so you couldn't completely write that off as a possibility, right?
A jolt to your muscles had you groan again. A kind of nauseating pain coursed through your body and the raging headache echoed in your ears. Nope. No way. There was no way your body could have even moved in the state that it was in.
So cross that off the list.
Ok so, a burglar broke into your apartment, stole all your garbage and stinking clothes, then cleaned up the place and left? That sounded even more ridiculous. You didn't have many valuables, and you couldn't imagine that anyone would touch your clothing by how bad they smelled. An ordinary robber would have taken one look at your place and slammed the door.
You rubbed your temples, your mind too foggy to think anymore coherent thoughts. Ugh. Whatever. I feel like shit, I can’t think like this. 
The sudden need to be clean overtook you, so you swung your legs over the side of your bed and stood, deciding on a shower and maybe some food to help wash out the toxins that were swirling around in your stomach. If you even had any edible food left in your kitchen. Your stomach gurgled in anticipation.
Yeah, some food and a shower. After that, you could figure this shit out.
Shoulders slumped, you padded over to your bathroom and flicked on the lights, wincing at the immediate image of yourself reflected in the mirror above your sink. 
You were unnaturally pale, almost green, and your long, tangled hair was sticking up in all directions. There were splotches of red stained into your baggy white t-shirt, which made it look like you had murdered someone with a knife. But what was most prominent were the swollen black bags sunken deeply beneath your eyelids. 
Wow, suicide does wonders for the complexion. You joked darkly to yourself, pinching your cheeks a little too hard before opening your bathroom cabinet to find a towel. 
When you couldn’t find one, you cursed quietly and slammed the lean, rectangular door shut. Your stomach growled again and the sickness followed.  Fuck the shower, let’s go eat something. You were almost out of shampoo anyway. 
Exiting the bathroom, you mused to yourself about the options of what you could eat. What you were really craving was something spicy, maybe some instant noodles with sriracha--though, you knew for today that would be nothing more than a culinary fantasy. 
Spending most of your money on booze and take-out, you didn’t go to the grocery store often. Hell, you barely scraped enough dough to pay the bills, and now you didn’t have a job to support either expenses. You’d be lucky if there was even a piece of rotting fruit left in your fridge. 
By now, your stomach was screaming at you for some type of sustenance, so with low expectations, you dragged your feet towards your kitchen. Rotten fruit it is. 
You’ve had worse meals. 
As you approached, you noticed the light was on in the kitchen. A yellow glow illuminated from beneath the doorframe, mixing with the sunshine that poured in from outside. Huh. That’s strange. You definitely remembered the pitch black of your room when you stumbled in last night.
Then you smelled it. 
The faint scent of bacon wafted through your nose and your tummy gave an approving growl. The nausea, on the other hand, poked at your gut and graciously reminded you of the severe pain you were in. The contrasted feelings almost made you forget that there shouldn't be any smells coming from your kitchen seeing as you had been in bed, not in your kitchen, and most certainly not cooking. 
The smell was followed by a clattering of pans, and a hushed “dammit!” could be heard from inside. 
You froze.
Someone was still here. 
And they were cooking in your kitchen.
Slowly, as to not make a sound, you inched towards your bedside table and picked up your desk lamp. How that could possibly defend you from an intruder, who knows, but it was all you had ready and available. Honestly, you had no idea in hell what you were doing--no one’s ever broken into your apartment before--but you were hoping for the best. So you raised the lamp like a baseball bat and tip-toed towards the door of your kitchen. It was open a smidge, and the sound of cheerful humming seeped out through the crack.
A burglar that cleans rooms, makes breakfast and has a love for Mariah Carey. Huh.
You peaked around the door, gripping your desk lamp until your knuckles whitened and took a deep breath, preparing yourself to confront a burly, black-clad thug. Maybe with some tattoos and a ski-mask. Or, worst case scenario, a gun. The thought heightened your pulse. 
Hesitantly, you took a small step inside. 
There was only so much that could have prepared you for what you actually saw in your kitchen.
A strikingly gorgeous, tall looking man with bright orange hair was dancing around the room, flipping some fried eggs in one of your blue, non-stick frying pans. Around his waist, your frilly pink apron was tied in a neat little bow, which contrasted humorously with his toned muscles and manly build. He looked lost in his own little world, lashes cast downward as his lips made music and, for a moment, you were completely enchanted. 
He's a friggen intruder! Bash his head in while you have the chance! You internally screamed, though you couldn't find it in yourself to move.
Without looking at you, the orange-haired, completely white-clad burglar cracked a smile. "Good, you're awake!"
Startled, you stepped back and raised the lamp in defense, your pulse rising to an infinite level.
He put down the pan and turned off the stove gas, rummaging through your cupboard for a plate. He was acting as if he lived here, knowing where all your things were, and for a second you wondered if he was a family friend, maybe someone your parents sent to make sure you weren't dead. Though, no-one in your family had a key to your apartment and you would most certainly remember knowing someone with such a beautiful and distinct face.
The mysterious, humming man plated the eggs and forked some bacon on top, already cooked and perfectly greasy. He turned towards you, grinning a smile that made you blink. He’s got the sunniest smile you had ever seen. The combination of his smile, his sparkling eyes and the elegant lines of his face disoriented you. 
He’s really gorgeous.
And really tall.
And moving right towards you.
Backing up, you swiped your eyes over his entirety. You wouldn't stand a chance in hell against this guy. He may not be burly or tattooed, but he was about two times your weight, and had at least a foot on you in height. Oh yeah and he wasn’t hung-over as fuck. All he would have to do was shove you with one hand and you would finally meet your maker. 
Alarmed, you raised the lamp as high as you could and pointed it at him threateningly. You did your best to look big and scary, but you knew you probably looked like nothing more than a scared little animal cowering from its prey.
“Hey, it’s ok.” He cooed at you. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
"Who the fuck are you, and what are you doing in my apartment?" You hissed. Your arms were shaking and your voice squeaked a few octaves too high. This was going great.
He looked at you, then at the lamp clasped in your hands, then back at you. Then he smiled again, eyes squinting sweetly.
"My name's Hoseok. You must be hungry!” He wiggled the plate of food. “Here, I made breakfast." His voice was so cheerful that it took you aback. Obviously, he was not at all threatened by you or your weapon of choice. You lowered the lamp slightly and sniffed. It smelled fucking great.
You eyed the plate of food, your stomach betraying you by letting out a monsterous growl. Then the nausea followed and you groaned.
His face fell. "Hmm, I thought I took away most of the pain, but I guess it wasn't enough."
The mysterious intruder turned to place the plate of food on your kitchen table, then whirled back around and began a slow walk towards you, hands outstretched.
"Stay back!" You warned, raising the lamp again and shaking it in his face.
The orange-haired man lowered his hands in defense. "Just let me fix it." He said, continuing his approach.
You looked at the lamp and then back at him, giving him a once over and weighing your options. You could try and land a hit, hoping to create enough time to make a break for it, but also risking angering him, or you could cut your losses now and run. 
The latter sounded good. 
Squealing in fear, you dashed back into your bedroom, ready to burst out the front door of your apartment and run like a mad-woman until you found some help. But another shot of nausea mixed with fatigue had you hurdling belly first onto the floor. Your knee slammed hard against the wooden surface and sent the lamp skidding out of your hands. 
“Fuck!” You cried, curling in on yourself. Your kneecap burned with a searing, fiery pain. 
“Are you ok?” His voice came from above you, and when you looked up, you were met by his chocolate brown eyes staring down at you with worry. His beautifully sculpted legs were like skyscrapers, ascending from the ground right in front of your face, and you wondered how fast he could run if you tried to escape now.
"Fuck no! Fuck you! Fuck!” You yelped, forcing yourself up and scrambling gracelessly into the safety of your bed covers. Your knee screamed at you, throbbing angrily at the unwelcomed movement, and suddenly you found yourself undoubtedly screwed. Even if you tried now, you definitely couldn’t outrun this attractive, long-limbed man.
"Don't come any closer!" You cried, the rush of adrenaline making you dizzy. Call the police! Gotta call the police! Or someone, someone that might care that I’m in trouble. 
You found it a little funny. Just hours ago, all you had wanted to do was die, swallowed a whole flipping pill bottle to do it. But now that the perfect execution of death had appeared right before you, all you had been trying to do since was find some way to live through it. Irony is a bitch.
He inched towards you carefully with his hands raised. "Look, I know this must seem..." He paused, fishing for the right word, "...peculiar. But I promise I mean you no harm."
"Tell that to the police!" You screeched, combing your bed for your phone but came up empty. 
Your eyes widened. Shit. It was in your pants pocket, which you had flung somewhere across your room last night. Looking around frantically, you remembered your clothes had mysteriously disappeared. "Where are my clothes? What did you do with them?"
He lowered his hands, biceps flexing deliciously. "Ah! No, don't worry, they're right over there!" He pointed to the corner of your room where your pink, plastic laundry basket was filled to the brim with neatly folded clothes. "I'm sorry I didn't ask first, but seeing as you were sleeping for the past two days, I took the liberty of washing them. They were quite smelly. You really should--”
“Shut up!” You exclaimed, cutting him off completely. I’m sorry, what did he say?? The clothing aside, your eyes almost popped out of your head. "Two days!? Wait. You've been in my room for two days?” You felt sick. Your head began to spin and your stomach clenched as ripples of pain ripped through your muscles. You fell into yourself, clutching your scalp so hard it could have bled, and let out a long, guttural “fuuuuucckkkkkk.”
"Hey, let me help you! I can take the pain away!" He stepped forward, his hands stretched out again towards you, his fingers almost close enough to brush against the skin of your wrist.
You recoiled away from him. "And how could you possibly do that?"
He sighed, looking exhausted. "Just trust me."
Biting back a laugh, you snapped at him. "Trust you? A strange man who broke into my apartment, touched my stuff without permission and claims he can just magically take away my pain? No way, you’re a total psycho!"
A totally hot psycho.
Another wave of nausea swept through you and you grabbed your stomach, trying to keep your insides from exploding out onto the mattress. Then, faster than your mind could comprehend, he was suddenly right beside you, knelt with one knee at your bedside, his eyes pleading.
"I can tell it really hurts. Please, let me help you." From this distance you can see how deep chocolate his eyes are, like perfectly round cocoa beans swimming with genuine concern. Time seemed to slow, and you found yourself enchanted by him again.
It should be a crime for anyone to look this good.
Are you kidding me!? It’s a crime for him to be here in the first place!
All the signs were pointing to 'crazy guy,' but on top of your immense trepidation, your body was rejecting you and your will to fight back began to flutter away. You curled yourself up so tight that not even a crowbar could ply you apart. 
Fine, he could kill you. You were ready for it. 
You shut your eyes tight as he reached for your fetal form. This was it, this was how you were going to die; by the hands of a majestic intruder who makes eggs and bacon and says he has magic powers. What a way to go, eh? You tried to imagine your family's faces. Would they even miss that you were gone? Would they cry for you? Would anyone care that you were dead? You waited. And waited.
But nothing happened.
You peaked an eye open, but he was just sitting there, a single hand in front of your face, so close that you could see the lines that ran across the skin of his palm. He looked at you with that oddly cheerful expression, the ends of his orange bangs kissing the tips of his long, voluminous lashes. "I'm going to touch you now." 
He didn’t give you a chance to respond as he abruptly placed his hand around your forehead. An extraordinary tingling sensation raced through you, a kind of warm feeling like those first few minutes of soaking in a scalding hot bath. You felt the pain lift from your aching bones, like his hand was soaking up the anguish and leaving you with nothing but bliss and relaxation.
Then he removed his soft grip, a satisfied smile gracing his pretty pink lips.
"How's that?" He asked, sitting back.
You blinked, trying to register what just happened. The pain was gone, and all you could feel was a sense of clarity and a warmth that pooled comfortably in your once flippant stomach. 
As it all began to sink in, you freaked. Like totally, completely, flipping freaked out. "What the fuck? Oh my god, what was that? WHAT WAS THAT?" You screeched, slapping his hand away and scooching back into the corner of your bed.
He looked a little hurt. "It's a gift I have." He explained matter-of-factly. "I'm an angel."
You blinked at him.
Excuse me, what?
Hello crazytown. Toot toot, the psycho train just arrived at the station, number of passengers: one incredibly hot, orange-haired mad-man. 
You laughed besides yourself. "An angel? You gotta be shitting me! You expect me to believe that? Who the fuck are you?"
"I'm Hoseok, I told you." He answered.
You brought your knees closer, looking him square in the eyes. "Ok, Hoseok the angel. What psychward did you escape from?" Oh let me guess. "Heaven?"
Hoseok chuckled at that. "Not exactly."
The deep-cut white V-neck he was wearing dipped dangerously low around his neck, exposing a well defined collar-bone and a hint at a sculpted chest. His body was littered with silver jewelry that jingled with every slight movement he made; a detailed silver cross that dangled from around his neck, and another, simpler, one from his left ear.  Man this guy is full of it.
"What are you doing here?" You repeat.
Hoseok gave a faint sigh. "Isn't it obvious already?" He touched the cross around his neck and thumbed it with belletic fingers. "I'm here to help you."
"Yeah, you said that already. Help me with what?" You snapped.
All you had wanted to do was die peacefully.
And now you're stuck with this shit.
Where the fuck is this guys social worker?
You were suddenly feeling pretty grumpy, but somehow no longer threatened.
Leaning forward, Hoseok touched your hand softly, the little chained bracelets around his wrist glinting against the light. "You've lost all hope in your life, and I'm here to help you find that hope again." Well that the hell do you say to that?
What felt like hours passed as you kept your eyes locked to his, searching for any sign of insanity or deception, but found none. The smoothness of his ivory skin and his complacent expression revealed no ill intentions and for the first time you felt yourself give in to him a little. He was so earnest, you actually trusted he wasn’t here to hurt you, and the warmth of his skin on yours elated a sort of calm you hadn’t felt in a... well god knows when.
Even so, you retracted your hand from his hold.
"I don't need help." You mutter, almost to yourself. "I'm doing just fine, thank you."
Hoseok frowned. His elegant features looked wrong with such an expression. "It certainly didn't look like it Y/N."
You gasped, your stranger-danger reflexes kicking into high gear. It was like you had completely forgot you were talking to a total nut-case. "How do you know my name?" 
"Are we going to do this all day?" He mumbled, a slight pout replacing his previous grimace. "I told you, I'm an angel. Your angel to be exact."
"And what? Does being an angel give you super psychic powers?" You spat back.
He considered this for a moment, but shook his head, unfazed by your tone of voice. "No. I was instructed to find and aid a Y/N L/N. That's you."
What the hell does that even mean? 'Instructed to find you?' And what? Break into your home, spew some crazy nonsense and scare the living daylights out of you? You sneered, pivoting in your seat to create some distance. "And who instructed you to do that? God?"
Hoseok looked thoughtful, wrinkling his nose and gazing up at the ceiling. "No... not exactly." 
Seriously, who the fuck is this guy? 
You took a moment, clenching your eyes shut and rubbing your head which had begun to ache again. "Ok, so, let's say---for a second--that I believe you, which I don't, but for your sake let's say I do. Why in the hell would anyone send an angel to help me?"
Hoseok launched forward, his face inches from your own and his good looks nearly blinding you. The silver cross around his neck beat against his chest as he exhaled, examining your face closely. His features were scrunched in a look of curiosity and rejection. "So you don't believe me?"
You pulled away from him, using your tiny hands to shove his face a safe distance from your own. "No! Of course not! Do you understand how crazy you sound?"
With a thrust of his wrist, he shot himself into a standing position, towering over you like a giant. "Ok. Hold on."
“Hold on for what?” You asked, eyebrow raised.  
“I’ll prove it to you.” 
You didn't know what to expect, maybe some arm flapping, or some more weird dancing--you might not have complained if he took off his shirt. What you didn't expect were for two huge, lavender wings to sprout from his back, unfolding to occupy nearly half of your tiny apartment bedroom. They glimmered iridescently, almost see-through. Little orbs of shining light poured from his chest as he turned in a circle so you could get a good look at him.
"Holy shit." Were the only words you could manage as you stared, transfixed.
The strange dream you had suddenly crashed into your brain as you remembered the glowing purple lights that poured into your room, and the floating boy that had descended from your ceiling. 
‘Don’t give up yet!’ He had called out to you. 
There’s a cool sensation against your skin as you recall the vast, open body of water that you had stood in. The one where lavender grew from beneath and the smell had overwhelmed your senses.  
That was a dream, wasn’t it? 
‘There’s so much to live for.’ 
That voice did sound like Hoseok. 
‘I’m here now.’
Then, the wings vanished, folding back into his body with an enormous flap. Little pearls of glitter dispersed throughout the air and a couple translucent, purple feathers came to rest on the floor below. Hoseok beamed at you as if he just won a game of monopoly.
"Do you believe me now?"
"Oh my god." You blinked.
"Again. Not exactly."
"I get it now." Your voice was quiet, but Hoseok heard you.
His eyes sparkled in excitement, grinning ear to ear. "You do?"
You nod slowly. "I do."
Throwing his hands up in elation, Hoseok's eyes grew so squinty with happiness that they were merely little slivers of black eyelashes. "That's great! So now you'll let me help you?"
You ignored his question. "I did it. I really did it."
He frowned, lips dipping in confusion. "Wait. Did what?"
You sighed, raking a hand through your vomity, unwashed hair. "I'm dead. I'm actually dead."
Completely unedited. I'm sorry! I'll go back through the chapters as I go and edit them. I know it needs... more. But I hope you enjoyed it!
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nostalgiaispeace · 3 years
1. What is your favorite shade of blue? dark 2. When’s the last time you bought something just because? lol never 3. What Ozzy lyric describes you best? - 4. When was the last time you went for a walk without a specific destination in mind? idk 5. Do you daydream? always
6. What was your last daydream about? well i’m not telling thei nternet 7. Ever won the lottery? lol no 8. How much did you get for your high school graduation? i don’t remember 9. What was the most important decision you made that screwed up your life the most? idk 10. Do you know what your Chinese horoscope is? hmmm i might 11. What is love really about? nothing i can describe right now while i’m exhausted 12. What’s the most you ever made in a year? lol 13. Do you have an online diary? no 14. What’s the biggest pot you’ve won in poker? I’ve never played poker. 15. What’s your most prized possession? my frog 16. What Metallica lyric most describes your life? - 17. Ever been to Ozzfest? no 18. How many concerts have you been to? a lot 19. Which one was your favorite? lana del rey 20. What shade of purple most describes your feelings right now? none 21. Pick a shade of a color. Now describe it to me and name it. light 22. Sun tea or brewed tea? brewed 23. What’s the most illegal thing you’ve done? drugs 24. Ever get busted by the cops? What for? No. 25. What’s under your bed? my cat 26. Vacuum or dustbuster? Vacuum. 27. How many people are on your buddy list? lol 28. How many pairs of rollerblades do/did you own? none 29. Ever wear out a CD? What was it? yeah. britney spears 30. What’s your favorite card game? solitare 31. Who was the most annoying person you’ve talked to on the phone? idk 32. What’s your favorite fast food meal? chick fil a nuggets and mac and cheese 33. Where is the best restaurant you’ve ever eaten in at? idk 34. Lamb chops or pork chops? Neither. 35. How many roses have you received/given? idk 36. When’s the last time you mowed the lawn? years ago 37. Washed your car? years ago 38. Ever have a tornado in your town? not since i’ve lived here — 40. What state is your wardrobe in? fine 41. What’s the last article of clothing you bought? sweats 42. How many trash cans can you see right now? One. 43. If you HAD to pick ONE song to listen to for the rest of your life, and that would be the only song you ever heard, what would it be? I don’t know. 44. Ever heard of Shinedown? Yeah. 45. They rock, don’t they? sure 46. What size is your bed? queen 47. When’s the last time you had pigs in a blanket? not that long ago actually 48. Have you ever painted the ceilings in your home? no 49. What does your lawn furniture consist of? lawn chairs 50. Ever live off of canned soup and ramen noodles for weeks at a time? no 51. What flavor of jelly are you? strawberry 52. Ever take any of those online personality quizzes? yeah 53. What musical group/artist do you love, but hide from other people? none 54. What’s on the floor in your bedroom? Nothing. 55. What is the first meal you remember eating? idk 56. Ever been to a drive in? no 57. What was the first movie you ever saw? i don’t remember 56. What’s in your keepsake box/scrapbook? so many things 57. Describe your first date. idk 58. Would you recognize most of your classmates 5 years after graduation? sure 59. What percentile of your class were you in? I have no idea. 60. When was the last time it rained while the sun was shining? I don’t recall. 61. What did you score on your SATs? i don’t remember 62. When was the last time you saw a rainbow? it’s been a bit 63. Name your favorite artist/song from before 1990. zeppelin 64. Do you think there should be new genres of music to encompass some of the newer rock performers out now? no 65. What colors is your lava lamp? - 66. What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever hung on the wall? I haven’t hung up anything strange. 67. When’s the last time you did laundry? todayy 68. How many hammers do you own? one 69. Can you name every place you’ve ever had sex? yes 70. How many speakers are in your bedroom? none 71. DVD or VHS? dvd 72. What’s the most important thing you ever lost and never found again? idk 73. What forms of birth control have you used? pill and implant 74. How many webpages have you created, and can you still find them all? no 75. You have .30 in two coins. One of them is not a nickel. What are they? uh 76. What’s your pet peeve when cleaning the house? um all of it 77. Do you use sponges or dishcloths when doing the dishes? sponges 78. How many people are in your family portrait? three 79. How many times have you moved? too many times 80. Handcuffs or rope :D? Neither. 81. What season best describes your temperament? winter 82. What’s the last thing you had to drink? diet coke 83. Ever been so drunk you blacked out? no 84. What’s your favorite song on the top twenty right now? idk. 85. What do your light fixtures look like? uh normal 86. How many jobs have you held for more than a month? 4 87. Ever punched a wall? yes 88. When’s the last time you really lost your temper? It’s been a long time. 89. How do you cope? i cry 90. What’s your antidrug? idk 91. Ever grown any plants before? What were they? Nope. 92. Ever own a director chair? No. 93. When was the last time you camped out? when i was a kid 94. Went swimming? years ago 95. Went fishing? lol 96. Oust or Glade and why? Glade. 97. Ever thought you (or a girlfriend) were pregnant, but it was a false alarm? yes 98. If 97 is yes, were you glad or sad? well i was pregnant so i was happy 99. Do you have a red-eye mouse or one with a ball? none 100. What do your doorstops look like? - 101. What was the last conversation you had with someone before they died? i don’t remember 102. What do your drinking glasses look like? they’re just solid colors 103. How many bottles/containers are in your medicine cabinet? a lot 104. How many funerals have you been to? a lot 105. How many states have you been to? a lot
106. What was the last bug you killed and what did you use? a wasp 107. What does your country need right now? sanity 108. Are you creative? not really 109. How so? – 110. How many computers in your household? Two. 111. Ever help to solve a crime? No. 112. Who is in the picture frame on your bedside table? - 113. How many CDs does your player hold? - 114. What is one thing you’d like to do before you die? go to england 115. Do the good die young or do they die before they have a chance to be bad? um both suck 116. What’s your favorite totally cliche’ saying? everything happens for a reason 117. Ever go out of your way to exact revenge on someone? no 118. Was it worth it? - 119. Ever get pulled over by the cops and get away without a ticket? no 120. What’s the weather like right now? HOT 121. What was your first legal alcoholic drink? vodka 122. Do you have a door/doorknob to your room? Yes. 123. Name one thing you regret? lol so many 124. Ever get published by one of those poetry groups? no 125. What’s the furthest distance you’ve moved? states away 126. How many friends from high school/college do you still talk to? a few
127. Where is your home/heart right now? here 128. What’s the most expensive things your parents ever bought you? idk 129. What’s the most expensive thing you’ve bought? my car 130. How many hangers are in your closet? a lot 131. If you died right now, would you feel cheated or happy? happy 132. How many times did you intentionally start to commit suicide? a few 133. Ever spent the night in the “loony bin?” yes 134. What’s wrong with society? lol so much 135. How many crazy ice cream trucks are in your area? none really 136. What is your favorite cover song? i have a lot 137. Does the weather ever seem to reflect your mood eerily? no 138. Are you more psychic than most people? lol no 139. What’s your inspiration? my daughter 140. What’s the longest relationship you’ve been in? the one i’m in now for 8 years 141. Did you ever drop out of school? college 142. Ever raise a child that wasn’t your own for more than 3 months? No. 143. What is your favorite piece of jewelry? wedding band 144. Ever help someone cheat on someone else? ew no 145. Are you a cheater too? No. 146. What was the last dessert type food you’ve eaten? candy 147. Fill in the blank: I’m a ________aholic. Coffeeholic. 148. When’s the last time you went to a hairdresser/salon? february 149. Strangest medical procedure ever performed on you? nothing strange 150. Do you own any appliances? yes 151. Do you have an “egg crate” on your bed? no 153. Last time you went to the laundromat? idk 154. How many hinges are on your front door? I’m not sure. 155. Can I be done yet? yes
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greyfongschemmenti · 4 years
Hesitate 11|15
Chapter 11
Code of Honor
You and Team Avatar deal with the aftermath of dealing with Hiroshi Sato. You visit a recovering Lin while also having to deal with the rising tension in the city in the police force. The code you swore to the city gets put to the test.
You help Asami pack up some suitcases helping her move out of the estate. “you’re sure you don’t want to stay with me instead on Air Temple Island?” you help the air acolytes bring the suitcases into the boat. Asami looks back at the city then looks back at you and sighs “yeah, it’ll be a change, nothing to remind me of my father.” You sigh softly and put your hand on her shoulder and give her a small smile “well now I have more reason to come and visit the island”. You wave Mako, Bolin and Asami off as they get on the ferry and they head out to the island while you get on your cycle and leave.
You hop off your cycle with a takeaway bag and take your helmet off as you walk up the stairs inside an apartment building. You knock on the door and the door slowly opens, “who is it?” a voice groans out, ‘it’s me” you voice out. You hear a long annoyed sigh, but the door opens some more, and you walk inside then close the door after yourself. You turn around and look at Lin slowly walking back to her kitchen as she was prepping some tea. “I uh…brought you some food. Wasn’t sure if you ate yet.” You set the bag down on the counter and walk over to her, gently putting your hand on the handle of the pot “Let me do that, you should be laying down in bed.’ You softly speak in a whisper. Lin grumbles and waves you off “I’m not an invalid, you didn’t have to show up, you didn’t need to bring me food. You don’t have to baby me” Lin annoyingly spats out. “I can handle myself” she shoots you a look “how did you even find my place of residence?” she crosses her arms. Your cheeks redden with a soft blush and your hand rubs the back of your neck “I uh…took a look at your personal file, but I swear I only look at the address, nothing else.” You look over to the side. Lin Beifong had been recovering from the injuries she received during the battle at the Equalist factory. She had already given in her letter of resignation early in the morning, you on the other hand decided to stay on the force. “Don’t take offence of me offering to help out with these little tasks, it’s what friends do for their friends. You know what a friend is, right?” you turn as you finish pouring her a cup of tea then hand it to her., giving her a smile. Lin frowns and rolls her eyes “I guess” she grudgingly takes the cup, giving it a soft blow before taking a sip, she inhales deeply then slowly exhales. You smile softly and look around her place from where you stand, it’s weirdly clean, everything had a place and was set in perfect order. It felt very humbling, not too much stuff but enough for it to be filled in and feel like a home. You look back at Lin as she enjoys her tea still standing “before you refuse, how about you take a seat at the couch and I’ll serve you the food I brought, Saikhan is  getting inducted as the new Chief of Police soon, we can probably catch the broadcast on the radio…” Lin looks up at you and takes in your orders, not really feeling to argue or fight with you she surprisingly just gives you a nod and starts walking over to the couch and takes a seat. You look around the kitchen, looking through the cabinets and look for the plates and chopsticks, “left cabinet by the stove and then the bottom drawer of the same side” you hear Lin giving you instructions knowing what you’re looking for. “thanks!” you call out and get the plates and a couple of chopsticks. You serve the food out on a plate for her, some steamed rice and roast duck, then poured some noodle soup in a bowl. You left the dessert in the bag. You walk over and set the plate and bowl on the coffee table in front of her and handed her the utensils, “alright, well dig in” you sit down beside her. Lin looks over at you not moving to the food “are you not going to eat?” she asks, you slowly shake your head, “nah I’m okay, but you eat” you give her a nod. Lin sighs and eyes you “it’s weird to eat when someone is going to be staring at you”. You shake your head and smirk “ok, just so that you don’t feel embarrassed about nourishing your body. I’ll join you so you don’t feel alone.” You get up and walk over to the kitchen. “I don’t feel alone! It’s just weird, that’s all” Lin yells out. You laugh softly as you prepare your plate, just serving yourself the rice and duck then walk back to Lin, turn on the radio and sit back down. “alright, will you eat now?” you look at her and she gives you a little smirk before sitting up and starts grabbing her bowl and starts sipping her soup.
You and Lin hear Saikhan give his speech and his wishes for Lin to make a speedy recovery. Everything seems to be going as normal as an induction can be before he announces that all information concerning the Equalists and their revolt will be directly passed down to Councilman Tarrlok. Your eyes widen and turn your head to the radio “what?! I wonder what Tarrlok had to do or say to get Saikhan agree to that.” You mutter as you put down your plate on your lap. “I don’t know but knowing Tarrlok it wasn’t legal.” Lin scoffs. You groan out as you space out in thought “hmm”. Lin reaches over and turns the knob to click it off. You open your mouth trying to find what to say, “how are the sessions with the healer coming along?” you look over at her. Lin breathes deeply and slightly winces at her back “it could be better…I have another session this afternoon.” You nod and you softly run your hand on your lap curling your hand before you reach over and put you hand over Lin’s. Lin looks down at your hand and her hand twitches wondering what you’re doing. You smile amused to see Lin’s reactions “relax, it’s just a comforting gesture” you watch slowly hold your hand and you can’t help but feel your heartbeat quicken and give yourself a moment to compose yourself. Just be a friend. She just needs a friend right now. “Hopefully, you can get recover quickly. It’s not the same at the force without you.” You softly speak, you absent mindedly run your thumb softly on her hand. Lin stiffens some then slowly lets go of your hand “I failed my duty as chief, plus I still need to look for my men and face Amon” she balls her fist and gets upset but groans out softly. “Alright hero, you can do that but once you’re healed up. You’re no good to your men all bent up.” You put your hand on her shoulder to calm her down. Lin looks over at the clock then glances over to you, “shouldn’t you be getting ready for your shift?”. You take your hand off and glance up to the clock “yeah, got stuck with the late shift” you start to get up and grab the dishes, Lin keeps telling you to leave them and she’ll clean them, but you refuse saying it’ll only take a few minutes. You wash and dry everything and throw away the trash, Lin standing by and watches you as she leans on the counter. You see the white takeaway bag and remember the dessert, grabbing the bag and scoot it over to Lin. “I forgot I picked you up some dessert” Lin eyes the bag suspiciously and starts to open it, “egg custard tart?” she quickly looks up at you and you start to think it was a mistake “do you not like egg custard?”. Lin shakes her head “no, I like the tart. I used to eat them all the time in my childhood. They were Avatar Aang’s favorite food.” She softly spoke out then closed the bag and looked up at you. You smile softly “heh, I didn’t know that but that’s cool” you make your way to the door and open the door, “thanks for visiting me, y/n…not many do”. You turn your head and look back at her “well maybe they’re just afraid of you, it takes a lot for me to be afraid of someone. I’m not like most people” you give her a gentle smile before heading out the door and head out the building. Lin looks at the spot you were just standing and quietly mutter “you’re right. You’re not like most people”.
You’re walking about at headquarters down at the cells when you hear and feel a blast goes off. You run down and see a jail break happening in place, you yell out to an officer “make a call, Level 4 alert and to send all units back to the station!”. You bend a piece of earth and launch yourself in the air then make a massive punch down on the ground causing a wave of earth to knock several equalists knock off their feet. Other officers try to apprehend the convicts but end up getting electrocuted down. You notice a chi-blocker trying to sneak up behind you and you crouch down and block his punches. You’re able to block his attacks but get hit with their electrified baton behind the head by another chi-blocker and get knocked out.  
You groan as you slowly get up and look around seeing all three convicts have escaped. You wrap your arm around your midsection and stumble down the hall trying to leave the station. You’re about to leave when you get word that a unit and Tarrlok’s task force are there at the scene as well at the Avatar. All the chi-blocker and convicts are apprehended once again. “Korra?” you whisper as you get taken to get checked by a healer.
After getting the all clear you head out and go visit Air Temple Island, where you see Korra and the gang having just arrived at the island too. “y/n!” Asami yells out and runs over to you giving you a hug, you groan out in slight pain. “what’s wrong?” Asami look at you with concern then she comes with the realization “you were at the station when the jail break happened!” she steps back as you nod. After breathing out the pain you stand up regaining your composure while Korra, Mako and Bolin walk over to you and Asami and hear what you have to say “yeah, it was happened so fast. Everything was calm nothing out the ordinary when all of a sudden we heard a blast. I felt it in the floor above. I tried to get all the units to come back to the station to help us fight the Equalists. I held on as long as I could but there I was outnumbered and got knocked out. I heard Korra was about to take them out and capture them.” You look over at Korra and she takes a step forward “we all did, not just me” you look at the group. “yeah, Team Avatar saved the day!” Bolin smiled with pride. You laugh softly “Team Avatar huh? well, I don’t want to say that you guys shouldn’t be putting yourself in harm’s way, but that would be a bit hypocritical since I would do the same thing. Just promise me you’ll look out for each other.” You look at everyone and they nod relieved that you’re not scorning them for their actions. You put your hands on Korra and Asami making a circle with the team, “if you need anything, anything at all. You can count on me. You have my support.” Team Avatar smiles at you and give you their thanks. Korra offers you to stay the night since it’s so late. You slowly agree and take her for her hospitality as she and Asami walk you over to the girl’s dormitory.
You’re showered and dressed for bed when you hear a knock on your door, “yes?” you walk over and see Asami “hey Sami, everything okay?” Asami looks down and nods “yeah, I’m sorry I know you’re probably tired and want to go to bed, but I felt like I needed someone to talk to about dad.” She softly spoke to not to wake anyone else who happens to be asleep. “come in” you welcome her inside and you both sit on the bed. Asami breathes before she speaks “first, I want to apologize for what my father did to you…” you stop her before she continues talking placing your hand gently on her shoulder in a comforting tone you speak to her “Asami…. what your dad has done has nothing to do with you. You have nothing to apologize for. Your father’s actions are not a reflection of who you are. You’re not at fault. We’ve both been fooled by him. I can’t imagine what you’re going though seeing the kind of man you’re father has turned out to be. His heart got tainted by hate from losing your mom. But don’t let what he has become define you. You are your own person. You’ve stayed on the path of right and true while your dad stayed on hate and vengeance.” Asami’s eyes water and starts to cry, you put your arms around her and let her cry it out. After a few moments Asami mumbles out “I’m glad I have you as a friend, and I’m glad you’re back in Republic City I don’t know what I would’ve done if I had to experience that on my own. I know I have Mako, but its better when you can lean on a close friend, even though I’m an only child you’ve been the closest thing I have to a sister.” She sniffles wiping her tears on her sleeves. You feel a bit choked up and you pull Asami in a tighter hug “you’re like a sister to me too, Sami. You can count on me for anything.”
You whisper out to her. Both of you take a few moments to get your emotions in place before Asami heads back to her room and soon you go to sleep.
You see the tensions rising in the city with the nonbenders no thanks to Tarrlok’s new law set in place. Your unit gets called to take care of an equalist threat over at the Dragon Flats borough.  Tarrlok gives his officers the order to turn off the electricity in the area. Quickly the people are getting upset with the treatment they are receiving. You walk over to Saikhan slightly upset at what you’re seeing, “Chief, the reports were of an Equalist threat. These people aren’t equalists at all they’re nonbenders. They are causing no threats, they don’t even have weapons, there is children in the crowd, sir, why are we here.”  Saikhan glares at you starts barking out “I don’t know how you ran things with Chief Beifong, but I don’t need you questioning my authority. Now get back in line”. You get mad and turn around walking back to the line but notice a car approaching and see Team Avatar walking towards the scene. Korra is the first to speak “what’s going on here y/n?” you turn your attention to her. “we got word about an Equalist threat, but there’s nothing here to prove that. Honestly I don’t know what’s going on. These people aren’t armed or dangerous.” You explain to her “so why not let the nonbenders go?” Asami asks stepping forward. “they’re upset about the electricity being out. I don’t know why their cut off…. I’m not liking this at all” you look at the team with concern you get called out by Saikhan to get back in line. You look at the team worried as you slowly walk back and follow the Chief’s order and walk back to the barricade, before Saikhan makes an announcement to the crowd with the intercom “All nonbenders, return to your homes immediately. Disperse or you will all be arrested.” The crowd starts to yell out in anger “you can’t treat us this way! Give us back our power!” a little girl points out Korra and some of the people walk over to Korra “Help us! You’re our Avatar too!” a mother asks Korra, her face is filled with conflict but walks over and promises to try her best to fix the situation. You stand in line as Korra and the gang walk over to Tarrlok, you watch as the crowd are growing more restless by the minute. You hear an order given out by Tarrlok “Round up these equalists!” a few officers are starting to walk up to the barricade to start the process. Your eyes widen “you can’t be serious!” you yell out at Saikhan “you’ll follow an order, officer! If you don’t consider your career over!” he barks back at you. You look over at the crowd and watch as a few officers are taking the barricade and start bending it to take in people by groups. You step back and shake your head “this isn’t right! Our job is to protect innocent citizens not oppress them!” you yell getting mad at the chief and Tarrlok for how he is handling the situation. Korra runs out to the crowd ordering the officers to stop while Tarrlok grabs hold of Asami and run to him. “let her go Tarrlok she hasn’t done anything!” you bark out glaring your eyes at him. “she is past curfew and her father is a known Equalist conspirator. Now you’ll stand down officer, remember you sworn an oath to the city.” He glares back at you as two officers grab Asami you grab your badge from your armor and rip it off “Not anymore. I never sworn to oppress innocent people.” You growl out. Mako steps besides you “Let Asami go!” he orders Tarrlok. He looks over at his officers and points over at you, Mako and Bolin “Arrest him and his brother as well as ex-officer y/n” they quickly wrap their metal cables around the three of you before Korra calls out Tarrlok and earth bends two large boulders from the ground threatening him. Tarrlok walks up to Korra and calmly but threats her back “unless you want to join your friends in prison, I suggest you put those down and go back to the Air Temple.” Mako calls out to Korra and begs her to listen to him. “it’s not worth it, Korra” you add in as the three of you get shoved into the back of the squad car. Korra yells out she’ll get Tenzin to come gets us out.
The ride back to the station is quiet before Bolin breaks the silence “I can’t believe you quit the force right then and there, y/n” he sadly looks over at you. You keep looking down at the floor of the squad car “it was the right thing to do…” You respond back and the four of you sit back in silence until you get booked and processed. You get told to get out of your uniform and you tell them you have a change of clothes in your locker. Two female officers escort you there “why’d you do it, y/n” one of the officers ask you “yeah, you’re one of the best in the force, you really gonna backstab us like that?” the other adds in. You don’t look at them but keep walking in front of them towards the locker “I swore to protect this city when I joined the force, and now I see that the force isn’t doing anything to protect its people. Instead of creating peace in the city you’re causing more division between the benders and non-benders” you spat out angrily. The two officers scoff at you offended by your words. They uncuff you to give you a chance to change into your normal clothes and jacket then cuff you once again, this time tighter than before, “you don’t know what you’re talking about, y/n”.
You get shoved into the same cell as Asami while Mako and Bolin are in another. “Do you think Tenzin will get us out?” Asami asks you as she sits on the metal bed. You put your cuffed wrists up as you pull your knees up on the bed and sigh “Not tonight at least, Tenzin will mostly have to talk to Tarrlok tomorrow about getting us out. I'm sure Saikhan is too far up Tarrlok’s ass to do anything about it.” You mutter out “until then we make do tonight and wait”. Your mind thinks about Lin and wonder if you should request to make a call, but she still hurt and recovering. You think it’s best not to get her up and get involved in this situation. You can survive the night in jail, at least you're not alone. Though you begin to wonder just how bad things are starting to get in the city. The movement keeps growing and is starting to take over and you’re not sure if the Amon will be able to be taken down.
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veinsandknuckles · 5 years
It's a bad life if you don't weaken, pt 5 (Tallahassee/Reader)
You had found a house. You’d found plenty of houses along the way, but this one looked especially promising with its two stories, a tall foundation that left the front door as the only entrance you’d need to guard, wide fields spreading out in every direction to lay bare anyone, dead or alive, who might try to sneak up on you. There were old tire marks in the soil running towards and away from the building, the latest set belonging to a car parked awkwardly against a wall with leaves and debris scattered on the roof - no one living was staying here.
Tallahassee tried to kick in the door and made a wonderful scene when it swung open without any effort, leaving him to land face first on the hallway carpet.
He looked so baffled and crestfallen when he got back to his feet that the three of you laughed at him even harder and he turned tail and ran on into the house until he found a door that hadn’t already been kicked in by some other survivor. You heard a crash, boots running across wooden floors, then another crash. Columbus and Little Rock entered after him and fanned out like a well practiced SWAT team to make sure Tallahassee’s display hadn’t awakened anything.
You carried in the bags, pushed the door back into its frame and secured it with the hallway cabinet and, gun at the ready, went to explore the next floor up. Those fools were making a lot of noise down there but you were sure by now that the house was empty. Thanks to their eager bad-ass antics, you had first choice of bedrooms.
Tallahassee came up the stairs once he’d gotten some of the smashing out of his system and he froze in the doorway to the master bedroom, his grin twisting into a mask of utter grief.
“No,” he breathed.
You were sprawled on the king-size bed, arms crossed behind your head, legs stretched out and luxuriating on the soft sheets. With a smile, you made the bed bounce and there wasn’t so much as a squeak of complaint from the springs. Three of you could have fit on the bed without brushing up against each other. “Oh yeah,” you purred. “This house was a great pick, Tallahassee - I can really see us making ourselves at home here.”
The other two finally caught on to what was happening and followed close behind. Little Rock elbowed Tallahassee aside and cursed at you. “Come on! I’m not sleeping on the floor again - Tallahassee, tell her.”
“Oh, wow,” came Columbus’ voice from somewhere down the hall, “this room is so nice! Hm, doilies.”
Little Rock bolted immediately and through the walls you could hear her flinging herself onto the bed in there and shouting “dibs!”
Tallahassee’s face was dark, and he glanced towards where your hand rested on your gun. “I could have you over my shoulder and out of here quicker’n you could get the safety off of that thing, missy.” He drew himself up with injured dignity and pressed a hand to his chest. “But I... am a gentleman. A gentleman with a sore neck and aching muscles and very long limbs.”
You raised your eyebrows and wondered if you could bring him back to the idea of lifting you up bodily. “Yes, that’s what we all call you behind your back. Gentleman.”
He shook his head. “You know, I give you kids everything I have and I get nothin’ but lip in return. I despair of your generation.”
Tallahassee did that a lot, drew attention to his own age and the gap between his and yours. He was welcome to fish for reassurance about his own all he wanted and you usually obliged, but lumping you in with the other two?  “Watch who you call a kid. Columbus makes me feel ancient by comparison.”
He looked at you oddly before he smiled. “Figure of speech, sweetheart.” Something made him pause, as if he was weighing up his options. Then he sighed with exaggerated melancholy. “Well... if you won’t take pity on me, I’d better find somewhere else to bunk up.” Tallahassee touched the brim of his hat to you and walked off with his duffel bag slung over his shoulder before you could gather up the nerve to point out the bed was wide enough to fit both of you. ----
In the end, there were enough bedrooms to go around and then some - this house had obviously belonged to a real old fashioned country family. No one wanted to speculate further than this in any real way, but Little Rock made fun of all the framed photographs she found and amused herself by throwing them out the window, trying to hit the roof of the old abandoned car. Maybe she was working through something.
The other survivor(s) hadn’t stayed here long enough to ruin much. Their footprints had stained some carpets and there were broken egg shells and empty packets of food clogging the kitchen sink, but all of that would have expired by now in any case and in the cabinets there were cans, spices and nonperishables galore. There was also a corpse in the sitting room, but it was the still sort, so you pulled on some long rubber gloves, grabbed the edges of the rug it was lying on and dragged it, half wrapped up like a perversely over-stuffed burrito, slowly out and down the front stairs.
There were a few offers of help, but you wanted to stay busy so you declined, found a bucket and some soap, opened all the windows wide and eventually with a lot of elbow grease and retching, got the worst of the stink and the goo out. Tallahassee kept himself busy and alone in the rest of the house doing something mysterious, Columbus and Little Rock split up to rest a while and came together in the kitchen to cook and after a good few hours of quiet, hard work you felt your stomach rumble as the smell of death was replaced by the (honestly speaking, only barely) preferable smell of food.
It was amazing how quickly the unacceptable became commonplace - if you couldn’t learn to build an appetite with maggots crawling on your hands, you would have starved a long time ago.
When it was all done, the four of you sat down exhausted on the porch to the first hot meal you’d had in ages. The table was covered by an old sheet, there were wild flowers in a jug of water, there were beers to drink and the already empty bottles held flickering candles that picked up some of the slack from the setting sun. Someone, perhaps all three of them, had obviously had a hankering for the domestic and right now it didn’t seem like the sort of thing that any of you wanted to mock.
Tallahassee had gone to work with hammer, nails and whatever wood he could find and had already boarded up most of the windows that could be reached on the first floor. Everything that could and should be done today had been done and there was as much stillness and safety now that there would ever be again. In short, this was exactly the time when at least one person would be gearing up for a breakdown. The silence around the table could be excused while everyone was still ravenous and busy shoving the weird combinations of pickles, spam, noodles and preserves into their mouths but it worried you when things slowed down and there was still no talking. Something had to be done.
“Anyone feel like they’re going nuts?”
Well, that made them sit up. Columbus coughed and Tallahassee froze, fork half way to his open mouth.
Little Rock sighed. “I mean, yeah. Obviously.”
“You ever gone proper camping, like strapped into a heavy rucksack?” You addressed the question to her since she’d made the mistake of replying first.
“Ew, no. I had better things to do than subject myself to ‘nature’.”
Tallahassee kicked her chair under the table and she jolted and gave him the finger.
“Well,” you pressed on. “My point is, when you take the pack off and sit down, that’s when you feel how tired you are. And it’s almost impossible to lift the thing back up again after.”
Silence descended again. No one looked like they disagreed with you or were in doubt of what you were getting at. After a moment, Tallahassee opened another bottle with his teeth, took a drink, belched and said, “that’s a fair point, princess, a good analogy.” There was no knowing whether he meant it or if he was being sarcastic.
“You’re saying we shouldn’t get comfortable here,” said Columbus. He hadn’t looked away from you since you started talking, which was rare for him.
“No... we’ve got plenty of supplies, this place looks safe enough and the propane tank is almost full. I think we need to rest. I’m just worried, if we’re not focusing on moving and surviving...”
“Well, my plan,” Tallahassee said and leaned back in his chair, “and you’re more’n welcome to join me, is to get absolutely, incoherently, pants-shittingly hammered. Ain’t nothing in this world can’t be solved by drinking.”
“Drinking what? Did you find liquor and just... hide it from the rest of us?”
He smiled and trailed his fingers lazily up and down the neck of his beer bottle, and you’d gotten completely off the subject but everyone was talking and ready to strangle Tallahassee, so for the moment at least the crisis was averted.
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” he drawled. “Bet you wish you’d given me the master bedroom now...”
“That’s such a great plan, Tallahassee,” said Little Rock, each word dripping with insincerity and with only lemonade in her glass. “And are you finally going to let me have some? I mean, I can find other ways to let off steam, if you think that’s better. I still say your hat could use some glitter... who knows what I’ll get up to while you’re passed out in a pool of your own vomit.”
Tallahassee drew himself up, puffed out his chest and held on tight to his hat. “I swear to God, you so much as touch this hat and I’ll show you what your own kidneys look like.”
“I’m practically 13! Give me a goddamn beer!”
“Actually, you’ve got almost another three months.” Columbus looked thoughtful. “Wow, I’d better start looking out for some toy stores...”
“Toy stores? Are you deaf? I’m a teenager.”
“Hah!” Tallahassee cackled. “Give me a break - you’re barely out of your diapers. Oughta get you some velcro shoes, I’m sick to death of watching you struggle with your laces.”
Little Rock turned her indignation back on Tallahassee and he welcomed it with open arms.
You’d never articulated this thought to yourself before, but he really did rile people up on purpose and you were beginning to see why. It might very well have started as a way to keep them at arm’s length, but he had another reason now - better they were angry at him than sad. Or numb. As the saying went: don’t mourn, organise against the idiot who hogs the booze and farts on your pillow ‘to remind you of home’. It wasn’t a very nice favour he was doing them but you couldn’t help feeling cheated that he never needled you the same way. It’d at least meant he was giving you some attention.
...Christ, you must be getting desperate indeed if that’s was the sort of attention you were willing to settle for.
“Tallahassee.” Columbus’ voice was soft but firm, and he glanced over at you. “Bring us your stash and pour Little Rock a very small drink.”
“Make me.”
“I don’t have to make you. You’re outnumbered. I favor a nice merlot, myself, but I will settle for whatever you’ve got.”
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janelevy · 5 years
in sickness (and in health)
requested by @homeschooledbookfanatic
summary: this is kind of a combo between two ideas, but both have the same premise - in the first part, connor worries about a sick ava, and in the second part, ava cares for a sick connor.
warnings: none, just general flu/cold illness
also: i’m surprised but also super happy to see an influx of new followers recently! whether you followed me for the dumb shit i reblog, my writing, or the upcoming secret santa exchange, i extend my gratitude to you! don’t be afraid to send me a message or ask to say hi <3
i. Connor was a doctor, and had been one for close to seven years now (not counting all the time spent tirelessly studying before that), so he thought he could tell pretty easily when a patient was sick. There were countless symptoms to scroll through for a whole host of different diseases. He had a keen eye for basic to intermediate illnesses, since the most severe problems were usually internal ones he would then operate on. So, yeah, Connor was a doctor, and he knew how to read a patient’s appearance and mannerisms to determine if they were under the weather.
Somehow, Ava completely slipped past his radar.
She acted like her usual self when they got up that morning. Everything was fine. And okay, maybe he was a little bit distracted considering he had three major surgeries to look forward to today. But just as she always was since they moved in together, Ava was alongside him in the morning, getting up and getting dressed and making coffee and drinking it. She even drove them into work and appeared alert, albeit sniffly. Connor asked about it then, and he should’ve known something was the matter when she used that dismissive tone.
“I’m fine, Connor. Just a little cold.”
Just a little cold. Clearly it wasn’t, because by the end of the day she looked like a train had hit her, turned back around, and hit her again. Of course Connor didn’t vocalize that, because he wanted to live past thirty-two, but he did make sure to inform her that if she felt off by even half a margin, she should tell him and they would call in sick together the next day so he could care for her. Again, she brushed him off, but she didn’t reject the hot tea he made for her when they got home.
Then it was the next morning, and something most definitely wasn’t right. Connor sat up in bed and looked over; Ava was asleep but restless, and heat was pouring off her body in waves. Without hesitation he placed his hand on her forehead, winced, and gently shook her awake.
His girlfriend groaned and gradually opened her eyes. “Mmm... what do you want?” Her eyes slid over to the bedside clock and she sighed. “It’s too early, baby, we don’t have to be awake until...” She trailed off at the look on his face. “What?”
Connor shook his head at her in awe. “Avey, do you not feel how ill you are? You’re running a high fever, your forehead is hot enough to fry an egg on.” He reached forward and prodded gently around her neck. “And your lymph nodes are all swollen.” Her hazel eyes were propped open lazily at half-mast, and her eyelids looked as heavy as he was sure they felt. Connor met her gaze seriously, reaching to hold one of her hands. He wanted to make sure she knew he wasn’t just viewing her as any old patient right now, but as the woman he would travel around the globe for.
“Tell me, did you sleep well last night? Have you had any other issues like fatigue? Chills? Sore throat? Muscle aches?” His eyes rolled to the ceiling as he recalled yesterday. “It seemed like you had a little bit of a cough yesterday.” He sighed, dropping his shoulders in defeat. He felt like he had utterly failed her. “Dammit, dammit. I should’ve noticed sooner.”
Ava rested the palm of her free hand on her forehead and groaned. “Whoa, whoa. Slow down. First of all, you... shouldn’t blame yourself.” Her words came out at a tired, leisurely pace. “And second, it’s not a big deal.” She laughed grimly, if it could even be called a laugh. “I’m just pissed because I did get my flu shot this year. But... it is what it is.”
Connor brushed some hair behind her ear and frowned. “There’s still always that tiny chance a certain strain of the virus will get you,” he said, although she knew that already. He slid off the bed for a moment and ran to the bathroom cabinet to retrieve a thermometer. Within seconds he returned and urged her to slip the proper end of the device under her tongue. After a few moments, it beeped and he read the result, then did a double take.
“Okay, this actually is kind of a big deal, hon. Your body temp is 104 degrees.” At her reluctant moan, Connor grimaced and stroked her arm. “Looks like we will have to go into work today, but not to actually work.”
Ava sighed into her pillow. “You don’t have any operations scheduled today?”
“No,” Connor said. He decided not to mention that he originally had one non-emergency procedure today, but pushed it back just in case this happened. “No, I don’t. All I’m focusing on today is you.”
“You should try doing that every day,” came the biting reply.
“Ha, ha.” Connor peeled the sheets back as she started to sit up. “Okay. Let’s get you to the hospital. You’ll be feeling better soon, I promise.”
In response, she only nodded mutely, probably figuring it was better to let him lead her out of the room than argue. And for that, Connor was glad.
ii. The last time Ava had been super sick, all she’d wanted to do was sleep the day (or couple of days) away. Therefore, she couldn’t fathom why Connor wanted to be awake, let alone standing and doing things.
“If this is some big act you’re putting on just to prove your cold isn’t that bad, you’re not fooling anyone, least of all me.” Ava crossed her arms and leaned on the kitchen counter, watching as Connor rummaged clumsily through the fridge. “Besides, you won’t get a chance to fake it for anyone else, because I’m not letting you out of the house today.”
“Yeah, right.” Connor slammed the fridge door and set down the container of almond milk heavily. He grabbed a bowl from the cabinet and dragged them over to where she was at the counter, standing across from her as he poured corn flakes then his icky almond milk into the bowl. “Just because it’s my day off doesn’t mean I don’t have to leave the house. I have way too many errands to do. And I have to be ready on standby just in case the hospital pages me--”
“That won’t happen, because I called and told them how sick you are.” Ava handed him a spoon and rolled her eyes at his muttered thanks. “Dr. ‘I’m Ignoring the Symptoms of a Common but Severe Cold,’ you are not about to show up there and spread your grouchy germs through the entire ED and CT floors.”
Connor scowled and poked at his already mushy cereal. “Whatever,” he growled. “But I still have the errands.”
“Errands which I will be doing,” Ava corrected, “because I called in sick today.”
He shook his head, but she could spot the ghost of a smirk behind his currently dour expression. “Why’d you do that? The only place you’re sick is in the head.” Connor held a hand up to his red, raw nose, making the hilariously unflattering I’m about to sneeze face, and Ava shoved some tissues at him.
“Oh, very funny,” she said. “The actual reason I called in sick is because of... oh, I don’t know, do you remember all that stuff we said during our vows?” She tilted her head, honey blonde waves slipping off her shoulder. “You know, the whole ‘care for each other in sickness and in health’ thing?” Connor’s only response to that was a monstrous sneeze, and she nodded in amusement. “Yeah. That’s what I’m planning to do today.”
Connor blinked at his wife, forlorn, bloodshot eyes peeking out from in between a scrunched-up tissue and a mop of unwashed dark hair. “Fine,” he grumbled. Then, as a sincere afterthought: “Thanks.”
Ava coaxed him onto the sofa where he lay there like a grumpy old dog for the rest of the day, watching an assortment of shows on the Food Network and HGTV. He was dangerously nearing lame middle-aged dad territory, Ava noted with mirth. That was good, though. The title was just as fitting for him as “Doctor.”
And so she wandered in and out throughout the day, bringing him chicken noodle soup and saltine crackers, tall glasses of ice with cool blue Gatorade (it was his favorite flavor, though all the flavors tasted the same to her), and ice cream. Ava loved caring for him, because he would and had done the same for her - and times like today were when she really felt like the best doctor.
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kamidesai · 4 years
Discord thread featuring: Kam & @timmyteehill
Mentions: -
When: June 24th ‘20 before Tee and Kam were official
Where: Tee’s apartment
Triggers: -
Description: Kam comes over to cook for Tee
Kami did at least shower before deciding to take the bus into the northern part of town. It was always so interesting, watching the slummier parts of town turn into more grand, upscale buildings, and shops. There weren’t even any bus stops by the residential area, so once he was let off at the last stop, Kam dropped his skateboard, and took off towards Tee’s place. He was kinda sweaty when he finally got there, but he was wearing a black mesh tank with shirts, so he managed to shiver when the door opened, and he was hit with the AC. “Heyyy...” he muttered while pulling off his sunglasses. “Sorry it took me a while off the bus.”
Tee was secretly glad that his roommate/ex was still in France as otherwise it would have probably been a little awkward to explain Kami to him. He tried to clean up the place a little even though he knew the other probably wouldn’t even notice. He was quick to go open the door once there was a knock at his door. “That’s okay. You should have called though, I would have picked you up from the bus stop.” Tee usually used his car to get anywhere but he knew the bus stops in the residential area weren’t very frequent and he knew he should have known Kami would have a way to go to get to him.
“It’s cool.” Kami just shook his head, looking around as he entered the place, and gawked around him. Of course it was way nicer than his tiny ass apartment. He placed his skateboard right by the door, and then proceeded to take off his shoes to be polite and shit. He could have manners!! “Hey. Have you eaten? I can cook.” Kam had no idea what was even in Tee’s kitchen, but there had to be something he could throw together, right?
Tee had to bite back a smile at how polite Kami was being. He knew this place wasn’t really anything like the tiny place they used to share when he was still in college and determined not to use his parents’ money. Things were different now that he had his own business and income was more forthcoming. “No, I haven’t actually.” Tee wasn’t sure there was actually anything the other could use in his kitchen since he tended to live on precooked meals and takeaway but hopefully he would be able to find something to work with. “Um...I have pasta and...a can of sauce?” he said, trying not to feel too embarrassed. “Sorry, you know I’ve never been much of a cook. That hasn’t really changed.”June 29, 2020
Kam snorted when Tee said he had pasta and a can of sauce, because that just...poor guy. Thank god Kam loved to cook. He’d be so miserable if he had to live off canned sauce. “I can do something with it. Do you have any spices, herbs?” He asked while brushing past the man, not even waiting for his answer before he was snooping through his cabinets. “Wish you would have let me teach you how to fuckin’ cook.” He laughed, and found said lone pasta, and can of sauce.
So many people had tried to teach him to cook in his life and it just never stuck. His parents tried, when he was a kid, but the cooking “lessons” somehow always turned into an argument between him and his brother until they gave up. He and Monroe also talked about cooking lessons at some point, for him to learn how to make donuts but that also never happened. Tee was always so busy with work that he figured cooking was time wasted when he could just order takeaway. Although even he could admit it was pretty bad that he had no idea if he even had spices and herbs in the cabinet. “What can I say? Living off of take away and packaged meals isn’t that bad”, he shrugged. “Spares me a lot of time as well.”
“Ugh. That hurts my soul, Timothy. My. Soul.” He said dramatically, his hand on his chest as he looked the other male over. Kam shook his head, and then went back to what he was doing. He found a pot, and got the spaghetti noodles in generously salted water, and then began getting everything he needed to doctor up the sauce. “Let me get some home cooked food in you. You’ll realize the error of your ways!” It really was worth the effort to consume food you actually enjoy. It was simply a gift to yourself.
Tee rolled his eyes but he had to admit that it felt good to have someone cooking for him once and to have some company. He and Loren might share the apartment but they actually didn’t get to see each other very much, both busy with their own things. So this was nice. “Realising the error of my ways doesn’t mean I’ll magically be able to cook, you know”, he teased. “Maybe I’ll just have to start calling you to cook for me every time I get hungry.”June 30, 2020
Kami busted out a laugh when Tee made his statement about this not meaning he would magically be able to cook. That was funny, damn. “You got funnier over the years.” He teased the man, dumping the famous can of sauce into a pan he’d found in the cabinet while the noodles were on to boil. “No, you need to learn young Tee. We all have room to learn something new.” He informed him, feeling the need to give his own advice to the therapist for once.
“Are you saying I wasn’t funny before? Now that’s just hurtful”, he shook his head. Tee watched the other work his magic, trying to make some mental notes over what he was doing. It didn’t look too hard but Tee also wouldn’t be surprised if he ended up burning the kitchen if he even tried it himself. “Well, would you look at that. I got funnier over the years and you got wiser. Who would have thought?”
It was funny, how opposite he and Tee were from eachother, and yet sonehow they just seemed to...work. Kam loved the way they balanced eachother out, the chemistry was addicting. Not that he would say that outloud. He didn’t even pretend to be offended when Tee made his own joke, instead he just nodded with a laugh as he began getting some garlic, and onion powder into the sauce, along with oregano, and sea salt, before taking a taste. “You’re right. It’s mind blowing. Taste this.” He held the spoon out to his ex boyfriend, wanting his opinion on the matter.
Tee tasted the sauce being held out to him on the spoon and his eyes widened because that was just delicious. “Holy shit, that’s really good!” It was hard to believe that could be made with a can of sauce and some herbs. He couldn’t help but think that this was all so domestic. Cooking together (okay Tee was just observing but that’s besides the point), getting to compliment Kam on a dish well cooked...he really needed to remind himself that they were not the same as they were years ago before he ended up doing something stupid.
“Of course it is. And easy, too.” He reminded the other, giving him a wink while he finished up what he wanted to do with the sauce. It was thick, but on purpose, because he had a certain way he liked to bring everything together in the end. “Now, here’s a trick.” He held up one finger to the smaller. And then grabbed some tongs to grab the pasta from the boiling water, letting most of the water drip off before he was twisting it down into the sauce to cook together. “Little bit of that pasta water really brings the sauce together.”
Tee raised his eyebrows as he was promised a trick. In reality he knew that the chances of him actually cooking anything in the future for just himself were slim but he was at least going to try and learn something. It was sometimes embarrassing to say that he had a degree and a masters but couldn’t cook much more than a fried egg. And cereal. But did adding milk to cereal even count as cooking? Probably not. Tee watches as his ex combined the pasta with the sauce and it was true that the pasta water was making the sauce look better. Or at least, that’s what it looked like to his untrained eye.July 5, 2020
Kam turned to look at Tee once everything started cooking together, a small smirk on his lips as his eyes moved over the other’s features. Tee was so...beautiful. Those eyes...those lips. There were so many things that Kam enjoyed about the man’s face, the thoughts alone would take too long. He almost hated how strongly he felt about it, mostly because he just...sometimes he missed him is all. “Taking mental notes? Cause I expect you to recreate this from scratch.” He teased his ex, smirking in jest shortly after as he began plating their food.
“Are you sure you’re willing to risk food poisoning just so I can test this?” he asked, raising his eyebrows. Considering he once almost managed to burn a pot of water, he couldn’t see how any attempts of cooking he made could be that successful. But if his ex was willing to try and risk it all, Tee wasn’t going to argue with him. He got out cutlery and tried to set the table to the best of his abilities, watching as Kam set their plates down. “Do I get to judge the food on a scale of one to ten or do I say it’s good no matter what it tastes like?” As if he hadn’t tried the sauce already and loved it.July 7, 2020
Kam laughed when Tee made his little joke about food poisoning, and again when his ex asked about the food rating system. “If you must judge, then I won’t stop you. If it’s anything less than a nine though, you’re wrong.” He informed Tee while pointing at him with his large slatted spoon before he was serving them each a plate. “Sit, eat. I’ll get the drinks. Do you have wine, mayhaps? A nice red is perfect with pasta, don’t you agree??”
"I guess I'll keep my judgement to myself if it's anything less than a nine", he shrugged, even though he knew it probably wouldn't be the case. If the food tasted as good as it smelled then he was in for a treat. "That sounds like a great idea. There should be some on the counter over there. Not sure if it's going to be up to your very high-class tastes but red wine is still...wine." That made no sense but whatever. Tee picked up his fork and took a bite of the pasta making a low moaning sound while chewing. "Yep, this is definitely not less than a nine."July 10, 2020
Kam wasn’t surprised when Tee seemed to enjoy the sauce, because despite there not being many things in life that Kam was confident about, cooking was one of them. It was a natural gift that he’d had from such a young age, and he could honestly do it with his eyes closed. “Glad you like it.” He glanced over at the wine in question soon after taking a few bites of his own food, and fixed them both a glass. “It’s hilarious that you think I have high class taste.” He snickered, walling back over to sit their wine in front of them on the table.July 11, 2020
Tee took the glass from Kam and had a quick sip of the wine. “Well, things change so can you blame me for worrying about your tastes changing too?” he shrugged. As he kept eating, he couldn’t help but want to bring up a subject that he worried might make the other uncomfortable but...they came up with a safe word just for that after all. “You should really consider...getting back to doing this professionally? Cooking, I mean.”
Kami was having such a good time honestly, even with their playful banter as normal. It didn’t bother Kam that Tee had such a sharp tongue, that he was constantly trying to get under his skin. It was a part of his personality, and one he usually had a particular version of for the people he liked. Of course though, he had to go into advice mode, now, as if it was really the right time. Kam didn’t want to talk about begging back into cooking, he wanted to eat, and then smoke a bowl. Apparently that was too much to ask. “I don’t have the experience to do what it takes to be a head chef somewhere decent. It would take years of sous cheffing, and kitchen cleaning. I hate that shit, and I’ve already gotten so far with my tattooing. I dunno. Maybe someday. It has always been my dream to go to culinary school. I’ve been saving for years.”
Tee wasn’t going to pressure him, after all he didn’t know much about the workings of becoming a chef and Kami clearly knew what he was talking about. It was just a pity to him because he knew how much the other enjoys cooking. But he was also a great tattoo artist. “You have gotten very far with tattooing. I remember it like it was yesterday when you were begging to do a tattoo for me until I caved in. Turned out pretty good”, he smiled, running a thumb over the little alien face above his elbow.July 12, 2020
Kam laughed when Tee commented about the tattoo he’d been given, Kami wrinkling his nose because he would never not be a perfectionist about that. It wasn’t bad for his first, but he could do so much better. “Yeah...I wish you’d let me cover that up with something better.” He mumbled before getting back into his pasta.July 17, 2020
Tee bent his arm to get a better look at the small tattoo on his elbow and looked up at Kami with furrowed eyebrows. "Why do you want me to cover it up? It looks really good, just what I had in mind when I talked to you about it. And besides, it reminds me of happy memories so I think I'm going to stick to my little alien face", he shrugged. "I was maybe thinking of getting another one though."July 18, 2020
Kam smirked when Tee refused to get the tattoo covered up, because even if he was iffy on it, it meant a lot that Tee still loved it so much, and don’t want to get rid of it. It was also adorable that they both had alien themed tattoos. Kami himself felt like an alien half the time, so. “What’re your thinkin’ of gettin’?” He asked the man before eating some pasta.July 20, 2020
Tee had gotten the tattoo a few months after his parents passed away. He'd been thinking of getting one for a while and with a boyfriend practising with tattoos, it made sense to let him do it. It was a time where his relationship with his brother was at its worse. He could never understand why his brother was so adamant on blaming him for his parents' accident and Tee was feeling low enough to believe him. The cruel words from someone who was supposed to be family never failed to hurt him and he was feeling more of an outsider than ever. Maybe that's where the idea to get an alien tattoo came from. He and his brother stopped talking shortly after he got his tattoo but it never lost its meaning. "So this is going to sound stupid but hear me out, okay? Since I have a tattoo under one elbow I was thinking of getting another tattoo under the other elbow. So they're sort of matching, you know what I mean?"July 26, 2020
Kami looked at Tee like he was weird when he said his idea sounded crazy, because he didn’t see how that sounded crazy at all. It was a good idea, and of course he didn’t mind a bit to do it. “I think that sounds like a great idea. Makes sense. A lot of people want to keep their tattoos with some sort of flow, or mirrored way of placement. We can definitely do that. It’d look sick.” He assured the other male with a smirk, and then he suddenly remembered what they were here for. “You done eating? I can’t roll us a joint.”
Chances were that Tee would have done it even if Kam said it wasn’t a good idea because once he got something in his head, it was difficult to get him to change his mind. It was still nice to get validation though. “Great! I’ll text you at some point so you can see when you have a free slot and I’ll come over to get it done. I just need to figure out what I’m going to get.” Tee took the last bite of pasta then pushed his plate away. “Yeah, I’m done. You do that while I clean up”, he said, already picking up the plates and cutlery and taking them to the sink.
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apex-academy · 4 years
Chapter 4: Six Chambers, One Loaded (#22)
Nothing of consequence happens until 4:30 the next day. Can’t believe I almost forgot to tell Aki we were doing this.
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Some generic kitchen implements have been set out, but it doesn’t give me much of a hint. Yuki gestures to a drawer with aprons, so I take one. And...
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I can barely even figure out how to put on a stupid apron. Not a good sign.
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“It’s just the two of you, right...?”
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“Yeah. I'm fine with someone else joining if they want, but...”
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“...just the two of us might be enough work for you.”
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“Yeah, I really have no idea what I’m doing.”
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“That’s okay...! As long as we have fun, hummm...”
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“...and don’t waste a lot of food...”
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“...and have something ready to eat for supper.”
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The pressure is mounting.
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“Did you have any requests...? I thought Italian might sound good...”
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“That’s fine.”
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“Uh, Kakumi? Is that fine?”
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“Yeah.” Noodles have to be the safest place to start, I’d think. I have only set those on fire once.
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She just stands there for a minute. Guess she’s not used to splitting up the work. Hopefully we don’t throw her off too much.
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“Um...! Aki, if you could find some pasta flour...” She glances between me and a high cupboard. “I’ll get the... mixing bowl and things. So Kakumi, you bring the eggs over, hummm...”
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“Got it.”
Eggs. Awesome. I make no promises for any further steps in the recipe, but I can handle transporting things.
She didn’t say how many, but it’s safest to bring the whole carton over, anyway. There are only four left in here, so hopefully it’ll do. Aki goes through several varieties of flour I’ve literally never heard of before finding the right kind. 
Yuki doesn’t seem frustrated by our struggling, but she hardly ever seems anything but tired. Either way, she sends us to grab some other stuff as she picks out some spices and some blackish liquid umami something. Not sure if I trust that, but I’m not one to backtalk my teachers. Especially teachers with national and/or international recognition for their craft.
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“For anything like this, you’ll start with the noodles, or... noodle-y... things...?”
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“Since if you’re making them yourself... you’ll have to let them cool a while.”
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“So you might as well use that time to make whatever you’re putting on it.”
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...She’s really not used to teaching, is she. Oh well. I don’t have anything better to do, and maybe it’ll be fun. Eventually.
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“Um, okay... It probably won’t take long, but... Aki, you can go ahead and start measuring out and mixing the dry part... Kakumi, I’ll let you beat the eggs... Three should be good, I think... Hummmm...”
She slides me a clear bowl and goes over to help Aki with the measuring cups.
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Beat...? “What does that even mean.” Is it just chef-speak for mixing. Is it supposed to be extra violent. Help.
I don’t think I’m getting hold of her anytime soon, but whatever I’m doing, I’ll at least need to crack the eggs first. Let’s do that, then. Yeah. Great.
I grab egg number one and sidestep to the bowl. 
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I whap it against the bowl’s edge. A faint clink. No cracking.
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Second try. I at least get a vague little indent on the shell. Oooo-kay. You would think a star pool player would know how hard she has to hit things, but apparently my skills are not so easily translated.
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Attempt three. No discernible change. Four—finally a split halfway around the thing. A few flakes drift into the bowl. I hastily blow them out before prying the egg open and dumping the contents. Okay, that’s... one-third of this step done. Hoo boy.
Aki’s already measuring out the flour, so it’s probably too late to switch. It’s fine. I can figure this out. Maybe.
The second egg cracks with much less fanfare, but a few bits of eggshell fall in when the yolk glorps into the bowl.
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Am I allowed to dig that out with my fingers or is there a special eggshell tool. Uh. Well, my hands are clean, so... 
I chase the fragments around until my hands are no longer clean, but I think I get them all. I rinse off my fingers and double back. Yuki’s explaining the seasonings to Aki. Not sure if I’m supposed to be listening, too, but I should probably stay focused on this for all our safety.
Okay. Egg number three. Last one.
I swipe an egg from the carton and rap it on the bowl’s edge.
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The shattered pieces and slime narrowly miss my shirtsleeve as they smear the outside of the bowl and plop onto the counter.
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The others haven’t noticed, so, uh, time to destroy the evidence. I grab the closest dish towel and scoop up all the mess I can, scrubbing the side of the bowl with some clean corner of the thing that I have to maneuver a lot to actually use. Then—what do I do with the towel? Burn it? That’d get rid of it. Probably still a bad idea. I chuck the thing in a reasonably empty drawer and resolve to deal with that once we’re done.
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“...go ahead and get some plastic wrap... Okay?”
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I’m still clear. Moving on, then.
There’s still an egg in the carton, so I take that and rotate it slowly in my hand. Last one. Any chance Monochap will restock them while we’re all standing here? Wouldn’t count on it. I’m sure I’d wreck the whole recipe if I only used two eggs and change, so... Okay. No pressure. Just have to not make any mistakes doing something I’m terrible at. Yeah.
I resume the gentlest possible rapping.
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“Kakumi, have you...”
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“I’m... slow, okay?” 
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“Do you want to do this?”
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“Humm... I can go ahead, I guess...”
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“You should pay attention, though...”
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“I will! Thanks.”
I hand off the egg as Aki steps over.
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“Having fun?”
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“I guess? So far I’ve only stirred flour and seasoning together...”
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“It at least feels productive, maybe...?”
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Really hope I don’t ruin that by screwing up my share of things. I’m sure Yuki could salvage any number of kitchen disasters, though. Just... gotta hang in there. And pay attention. Yeah.
Apparently forks are how you beat eggs. Was not expecting that for some reason. Well, at least I’m learning.
We finally mix everything up with the liquid seasoning, and Aki gets the flour out again to keep everything from sticking to the counter. Yuki demonstrates kneading, and we all take turns. I don’t think I’m doing very well. It’s hard to gauge Yuki’s expression. 
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Maybe I’ll just let Aki do most of this. Those arm warmers covering half of her hands seem to give her a little trouble, but she's still a better bet than me.
The pasta gets spread out and sealed off and tossed in the fridge. Next I get to chop up some mushrooms, which I still do a sloppy job of, but it’s better than asking me to fry them. Hopefully Aki is less skilled than me at setting pans on fire. I’ll still stand back. Yuki may be soft-spoken, but I can hear her explanations fine from over here, thanks. 
Aki tentatively nudges the pan around on the stove.
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“You okay?”
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“Oh, sometimes you get hit with a little oil... It’s not a big deal...”
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“Hummmmmm... It didn’t get you in the face, did it?”
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“Um, no... I think I’m good.”
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“Okay... Kakumi, you have the cheese, right...?”
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And off we go. Aki doesn’t seem particularly flinchy, so I guess it’s all good. The mushrooms get set aside to cool, then we get to cut up the pasta, then we get to fill it. By “fill it,” I mean repeatedly put too much in and rip the pasta open whenever I close it up. Awesome. 
Thankfully I don’t have any strange deficiencies in the ability to boil water, and we manage not to burn ourselves again getting these things cooked. Stirring up the sauce doesn’t hurt, either, though we let Yuki drizzle it in a more artistic fashion than I’m sure either of us could manage.
And finally...
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“Nothing too fancy... But it was an easy one, I think.”
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“Fancier than anything else I’ve made.”
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“Yeah.” I wouldn’t feel right saying I made this, though.
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“Whoever wants to start eating can go ahead... I’m going to clean up.”
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...Oh yeah, cleaning. I still have to deal with that washrag. Hopefully she won’t find it first.
Aki nods at me.
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“Um, you can go ahead... Unless you don’t want to. Sorry.”
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“No, I’m hungry enough. I just, uh, hate to break up the nice picture...”
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“I get that a lot, hummmm...”
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“But it’s okay! Food is meant to be eaten...”
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I eye that one cabinet as she resumes cleaning. I could always volunteer to help, and maybe then I can get rid of the towel... No, I need to start eating. Aki could easily be hungrier than I am.
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“All right, here goes.”
I snatch a dumpling—or ravioli, whatever—and chomp down. I’m met with the electrifying visceral pain of biting into eggshell.  I almost reflexively spit the thing out.
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“I-it’s good! Just... ‘s still hot.” Technically not a lie. I just hope this is the only ravioli I screwed up.
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Remind me not to try murdering anybody. I can’t even cover my tracks when the crime is “general kitchen disaster.”
Aki and I settle to eat in a corner of the kitchen. I probably need to pay more attention to Yuki’s next lecture on flavorings. This taste seems weird, but that’s probably just my personal preference. If I ever make this again, I’d have to switch something with... something else.
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...And get someone else to crack the eggs.
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rainycl0udss · 4 years
Chapter 3;
The morning after party
//When can I say "I love you"?//
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Written Chapter!
Word count; 1780
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Moons POV
I lay peacefully in my bed, sleeping.
That was untill I heard one of the most annoying sounds of all time.
My alarm.
Don't get me wrong, I love the song Euphoria but I wish I didn't have to wake up right now.
I turn my head to the noice and pick up my phone so I can turn of the sound of my alarm playing.
I check my phone on social media and I check my mails aswell.
I look at the time, it's 8:35 am.
Way to early for my liking but I don't really have a choice. I've got plenty of things to do today. I'll probably have to go grocery shopping too. I don't think Mimi is going to be in the right state of mind to do it today.
With a sigh I get out of my bed and walk to the kitchen.
Just like I  had suspected, nobody else is awake yet. They're probably going to be sleeping till noon.
I walk to the fridge and take out some banana milk, cheese and eggs. I'll probably make an omelette with some cheese, drink some banana milk and call it breakfast.
After preparing my meal and eating it it's already 09:48 am.
That's not as late as I thought it would be.
I have to be in the studio around noon, so I've got plenty of time to get ready.
I clean my dishes and decide I'll take a shower to clean myself. Something that is definitely needed because my hair smells like liquor.
I walk back to my bedroom and grab a black jeans and a grey hoodie. I also take some fresh underwear and head to the bathroom.
There is one positive about waking up before everyone else and that is,
The bathroom is not occupied.
I undress, step in the shower and start washing my hair.
I'm not really a morning person, I like to sleep in and I probably would never leave my bed if that was an option. Sadly it's not. I'm also normally not a person who showers in the morning. Normally I shower before I go to sleep. I like it better that way. That way my hair can dry naturally at night and I'll feel fresh in the morning. Obviously I had no time for a shower yesterday night. I was way to tired to do anything else but sleep.
I'm curious if the others remember anything about last night. I have a feeling Mimi probably doesn't. She never does.
Jae, that's debatable. She normally remembers everything, but she normally isn't that drunk so I guess we shall see.
For some reason Yun will probably remember everything, even tho that girl can get so drunk she almost dies, she'll always remember everything. It's kinda scary really.
Jae and Mimi, mostly Mimi, complain that she doesn't remember anything and that Yun should be happy she could remember.
Yun always responds with "It's more of a curse then a blessing, sometimes I wish I didn't remember."
I think I understand what she means, in that perspective I'm the same as Yun.
I can drink as much as I want, I'll remember everything. But I don't drink much so it's never a problem.
Ones I'm done showering I change in my clothes and head back to my room.
My hair is still wet so I decide to wear a beanie.
I look at the clock and see it's 10:27 am.
There is still no sign that my friends are waking up anytime soon.
I put on my boots and take my jacket. I take my keys and my bag and leave for the car.
I guess it's time for me to go grocery shopping.
Ones in the grocery I buy whatever I think we'll be needing. I'm normally not the one to do it, but it needs to be done.
Ones I'm back home I see that Jae is awake.
"Good morning." I say while unpacking the groceries.
"Hey Moon. Do you know where the painkillers are?" Jae asks me in a quiet voice.
She's definitely hungover.
"I think in the cabinet next to instant noodles." I exclam while still unpacking.
I hear her open the cabinet and take a painkiller.
"I found them, thanks." She says after taking a painkiller.
"You seem pretty hungover Jae." I state to her.
"I AM pretty hungover. This fucking sucks." She huffes.
"You shouldn't have drunk as much as you did. Then you wouldn't be in this position." I claim.
"Shut up will you. I know I shouldn't have but you know how it goes..." She argues back.
Honestly, I don't know. I'm pretty good at holding my liquor so it's never really been a problem for me.
"Whatever floats your boat Jae." I chuckle.
"How long have you been awake?" She asked me while she goes to sit down.
I look at the clock and see it's 11:36 am.
"About three hours now. I'm guessing you just woke up." I reply.
"Why the fuck would you wake up that early?" Jae exclames
"Because unlike some people I actually have things to do today and wanted to get it done." I articulate.
Jae just rolls with her eyes.
"I made y'all some breakfast btw, it's more like brunch right now but whatever. It's in the fridge." I announce to Jae.
I get up from the table to walk to my room but I get interrupted by Jae.
"You made us breakfast? That's a first." She interjects.
"It's not a first you bitch, I always make y'all breakfast when you're hungover." I remark.
Without waiting for her to respond I walk to my room.
I grab my bag and put all my work in it.
I walk back to the kitchen to see Jae eat the food I made for her.
She's watching her kdrama while eating.
I go to the cabinet and grab a pot of instant noodles and a banana milk out the fridge. I put them both in my bag and walk to the front door of the apartment.
"Where are you going?" I hear Jae ask me before I could leave.
"To the studio." I answer without looking up.
"It's not even school today." She nags.
"That doesn't mean I can't work for school. Besides, now I'm behind on schedule because of yesterday." I persist.
"Are you leaving already?" I hear a different voice say.
I turn around and look at both Yun and Jae.
"I have to get my work done guys." I sigh.
It's not like it's fun for me to leave them alone all the time. They're my friends and I care about them. But I also care about my future.
"Can't you go to the studio around 1 pm?"
Yun begs me.
I take a deep breath.
I guess I can do that.
I sigh but place my bag on the floor and walk back to the table and sit down.
"I'll stay till 12:30 pm alright." I confirm.
Yun smiles at me.
"Good to hear." She smiles.
"So how are you?" I ask after a short silence.
"I'm oke. I guess." She mumbles while stuffing her face with bacon.
"I honestly don't remember much." Jae confesses.
I'm not surprised about that.
"I fucking wish I didn't remember anything. It was so embarrassing." Yun grumbles.
"I only remember that Mimi started puking and that you were grinding against some guy." Jae laughs.
"Euw, Don't remind me of Mimi puking. You know I hate puke." She recalls disgusted.
"Who was the guy?" I hint in a joking matter.
"Just some guy I made out with, he wasn't my soulmate." She whines.
I just shake my head an laugh a little.
This is typical behavior for her. Same goes for Mimi. Always going around and have one night stands with random guys from clubs. The only rule we have is to not go to his home. Luckily that didn't happen yesterday.
"I really hoped I would have found my soulmate." Jae whimpers.
"Same here, I'll probably just die alone." Yun dramatically states.
"I actually enjoyed myself for and hour are so." I suddenly confess to them.
The both turn their heads to me at the same time and just stare at me.
"Can you both stop staring at me please, it's unsettling." I accuse.
"You enjoyed yourself? At a party? Do I even know you?" Yun jokes while she punches my arm.
"Then what did you do? Because I didn't see you dance even ones." Jae questions.
"I talked to a someone. Her name was Areum. She was very nice. She also helped me find Soo-Yun." I inform them.
"I'm glad you actually enjoyed yourself. Maybe you'll come with us again." Yun smiles at me.
She trying to hint me to go with them again. Oh hell nah.
"I don't think so, but good try." I laugh and pet her on the shoulder.
"But I'm leaving now." I inform them.
I get up and walk to the front door.
"Don't come home to late!" Jae yells.
I pick my bag from the ground and open the door.
"I won't, tell Mi-Hi that her food is in the fridge!" I yell before I close the door.
I decided that I'll go on foot. The studio isn't so far from our apartment it's only a 20 minute walk. I plug in my headphones and start blasting Dimple from BTS.
God I love that song.
Ones I get to the studio I start looking for my ID to show them I have promision to use the studio.
When I look in my wallet for my ID I found an familiar looking card.
It's the card that Ari unnie gave me.
I put it in my pocket and walk in the building.
I show them my ID and walk to my studio.
I poof myself in my seat and pull the card out of my pocket.
Coffee shop Blooming.
It look aesthetically pleasing.
I'll definitely go there this week. I would really like to talk to Ari unnie again. She was very nice.
I put it back in the pocket of my jeans and start to work on my final project of this semester.
I have alot to catching up to do. Definitely now that I'm leaving in a few weeks to Busan for Hanas birthday.
I can't afford to waist time.
I sigh one last time before I take of my headphones and plug them in my computer. I'm in work mode ones again.
This is going to be a long day.
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knjredwluv · 5 years
Red. [2]
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Red (n.)
Red could signify the color of love, passion, determination, and strength. Red could also signify blood, fire, war, desire and energy. Red is an emotionally intense color.
Title: Red
Words: 3.5k
AU: Yandere/Obssessive relationship 
Characters: Jungkook x Reader. Hoseok x Reader. OT7.
Warnings: 17+ explicit language, angst!angst!, slight implications of smut, some fluff and soft moments (super fucking sappy),  yandere/obsessive relationship (this isnt a healthy relationship and i dont promote any of this), mentions of killing, hallucinations, has very descriptive angst!!
Summary: “After the things that happened, you decided to start anew. Everything was how you thought it would be; it was simple but perfect–until you saw your name on a black envelope. Out of curiosity, you opened it; and now, you wish you didn’t.”
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You woke up to the warmth of the room which caused you to kick the covers off of your body. You attempted to open your eyes which failed with the curtains being slightly open. It allowed the sun to shine its golden rays onto the head of bed and to your face.
You rubbed your eyes and blocked the sun from blinding you as you looked down. You were greeted with sight of Jungkook, having a tight embrace around your waist and his face hiding between the bed and your side. Listening to his soft snores, your combed his hair with your fingers and traced his dragon sleeve on his arm with your left hand. You yawned and stretched. You looked to the nightstand, reading bright white numbers, 07:51.
Thankfully, you were off of class and Jimin was taking over your shift, at the cafe, today. You could still feel the headache of yesterday from not sleeping and drinking too much coffee.
Lesson learned. Never doing that again.
You carefully sat up, trying not to wake up Jungkook. Lazily tying your hair to keep it away from your face. Carefully moving, you froze when Jungkook moved from you to face the other side.
You noticed how he was still wearing his jeans and socks, evident that he could have gotten home later than 1 and was too tired to change; just taking off his shirt and falling asleep next to you. You admired his back profile for a while longer till you decided to freshen up and fix breakfast.
Opening the fridge, you searched for ingredients to prepare something but to no avail, all you found was milk, eggs and a few vegetables. You mentally noted to yourself that you need to go grocery shopping soon or you both will be too lazy to go and just stick with the packs of instant noodles, that’s been sitting at the top of the cabinet. You opened the cabinet, finding some pancake mix. Great.
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Stacking the last pancake, you sprinkled it with a bit of cinnamon powder and placed the plate of pancakes next to the plate of scrambled eggs.
Walking back into the bedroom, you saw Jungkook using his phone with one eye open and in mid-yawn. You climbed up back in bed and popped your head through the space where he was holding his phone.
“I made food” You said cuddling into him.
He hummed into your hair as he gave you head kisses, scrolling through his social media
“What time did you get home?” almost inaudible, your face is squished against his chest.
“Not too late. Quarter to two?” You heard him say, the vibrations of his chest as he spoke soothing you.
You heard him wince and it made you look up at him. Your eyes widen at the sight of his busted lip. “Hey, woah, what happened?” You slightly got up to inspect his lip. You reached to hold his chin but hesitated. It was noticeable that it was a new cut; the corners were starting to dry up. You looked at him worriedly and looked for more injuries on his face and hands.
“Nothing important. Just some drunk guy at the bar,” He looked at you assuringly and tucked loose strands behind your ear. “he probably had a lot to drink”
Your worried expression then softened and nodded at his little explanation. “Did you sleep well?” He looked at your eyes and you saw how his eyes scanned your face, focusing even at the small details on your face.
“I did” You said “Let’s go have breakfast” You whined. He placed your leg over his torso, so now, you’re straddling him. “Come on~”
“Okay,” He turned and checked the time seeing that he had work at 10. He tapped your thighs, sat up and gave you a peck and began to tidy up the bed. Walking out of the room, he shouted,  ‘Let’s get this bread’ making you laugh.
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“Okay, babe” His voice echoed through the apartment, and the jiggling of keys made you know that Jungkook was on his way out, for work.
Hearing the door close and lock, you think about what you’re going to do to keep yourself busy. You decided to clean up and organize the laundry and, maybe, take a quick run to the store.
Heading to the bathroom, you carried your makeup bag and clothes with you to start getting ready. You threw on some shorts, a grey hoodie and your vans. Making sure that you turned off all the lights, you plugged your earphones on, put on your hood and closed the door behind you. You walked to the nearest grocery store, which was not that far--it was like 3 blocks away.  
Looking around, you walked through the aisle dropping in all the necessities from meat to fruits and vegetables, toiletries and some snacks into the shopping cart. Making sure that you have everything you needed, you walked towards the self checkout machine and started scanning the items.
You threw the last item into the bag, you punched in your pin code and looked around while you waited for your receipt to come out.
Your breath hitched when you saw someone you recognized. Oh no, it can’t be. You were sure you just were imagining things, again. You squinted to have better focus and see if it was really him.
He didn’t see you, did he? He still looked the same as he did years ago. He was standing in the lane, two check out machines away from you. You hurriedly grabbed your receipt and pulled your hood over your head again. You walked passed the sliding doors, struggling as you carried the grocery bags.
Reaching your apartment door, you walked in and dropped the bags on the counter and closed the door with panic. You pushed your back against the door and placed your hand over your chest, as you tried to catch your breath. Okay, I’m seriously not imagining things this time. He’s really here. But how? Did he follow you when you moved here? Was he here all this time and you didn’t even notice? Was he here because of you? You noticed him but he didn’t notice you, or did he? Did he notice you? Did he see you and realize that it was you? I mean, you look kind of different from how you did before. Your hair is longer and red, you lost a little weight, not to mention, you also have a few tattoos on your arms. Of course, he wouldn’t know that--you wore a hoodie. So he wouldn’t be able to doubt if it was your or not. All these thoughts were running in your head that your breathing started to become shallow and your heartbeat was loud in your ears. You dropped down, sitting on the hardwood floor and tried to focus on your breathing.
inhale. One. exhale. Two. inhale. Three. exhale. Four. inhale.  Five. exhale.
“I’m breaking up with you” You sniffled. “I can’t do this. This is too much. I-I think we should go our sepa-”
“What? I don’t understand… I-is this why you called me here?” He said, facing you and removing his hand from the steering wheel. It was a cold night. You and Hoseok sat in his car, parked in front of your house. You found it to be a right moment for you to call the relationship quits after keeping a secret to him that you were moving away.
“Hobi, I-” You looked up at his with your glossy eyes--tears threatening to fall down. You loved him. You really did. He was someone you hoped to share a future with. It was like the cliche romance movie where the highschool couple gets married, gets children, live in a big house and such. That was what you wanted. It something that you still want--but you don’t think it’s healthy to have a relationship like this-- not when you realize that your boyfriend is, like, a psycho. “I-i’m sorry…”
He stayed silent and look at you. “I-it’s not you…” What am I saying, it is. “I just want some space…” away from you. “I don’t think I ca-”
He scoffs, “Did you find someone else?” He says, tone laced with bitterness. He looked at you, brows furrowed. You looked at him confused.
“What gave you that idea?”
“Tell me, ____,” he looked at the rear view mirror and back at you. “Did you?”
“What, no” shaking your head
“Then why are you tell-”
“Can’t you hear what you’re saying, Hoseok?” you looked at him in disbelief for accusing you, again, for cheating on him. “I’m sitting here, being vulnerable to you, and you’re accusing me of cheating, again?”
“____, see,  we don’t have any issues, so I don’t get why you’re doing all this” Yes, we do, you thought. You wanted to scream at him about how you know everything that he’s been doing behind your back. You wanted to tell him how scared and unsafe you feel when you’re alone with him but you refrain yourself from doing so before something happens to you.
“Hobi” You hands were shaking as you went to grab his hands in yours “,I hope you can understand me… or try to... “ tears streaming down your face “but if you love me… you’d let me go for now…” The heavy feeling in your heart was getting heavier. His face and eyes soften at your devastated look.
The next thing you remember, you were walking through the front door, shutting it and running to your room. You were on your bed, hugging your pillow, sobbing with tears of mixed emotions while Hoseok sat in his car tightly gripping the necklace he gave you.
You got up, stumbling after taking a step from feeling lightheaded from the sudden movement. You walked to the kitchen for drink water.
“I didn’t even drink a drop of coffee today,” covering your face with your hands, you bowed your head so you were leaning down on the counter. “Ah fuck” He’s here. Hoseok is here.
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You sat in front of the TV, for almost have of the whole day just browsing through channel to distract yourself. Realizing that the sun was starting to set, you stopped on any channel so that it can play in the background while you fix up dinner for Jungkook. You lost your appetite thinking about what happened in the store so you felt like you should just make something for Jungkook instead. You prepared some pasta and took the leftover stew and heated it up, just in case.
Hearing a ping, you quickly dashed to the couch and grabbed your phone to check who texted you.
[6:01] Jimin: Yooooo special delivery. Just got home from the cafe n i have some cake
[6:01] Jimin: am gonna drop it off there
[6:03] Y/N: Jimin
[6:03] Y/N: what no you dont have to
[6:03] Jimin: shut up its black forest n jk would want it anyways
[6:04] Jimin: im headin there
[6:04] Y/N: wow okay fine
You don’t know how, but it’s as if Jimin has telepathic powers. It’s like he can sense the stress and problems you’re going through which made him decide to drop by just to hand you a piece of cake. You found it sweet whenever he did little things like this--which he does pretty often.
You went downstairs to wait for Jimin since he was gonna hand you the cake but when your arrive downstairs, you see Jimin and Jungkook talking. Jungkook already looking inside the pastry box, licking his lips, getting excited to devour the dessert.
“Speaking of the devil, there she is” Jimin looking over Jungkook’s shoulder. You smiled and thanked Jimin.
You and Jungkook headed to upstairs and as you walk your way back into the kitchen, you were thinking whether to tell Jungkook about earlier.
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“What’s wrong,” Jungkook looked at you, mouth full of pasta “somethin’ happen?” You sat across from him on the table with your hands fidgeting together.
You kept silent, too busy gathering your thoughts. "Well, aren't you gonna eat with me?" You slowly shook your head as a response, biting your lip trying to avoid eye contact. "Okay ___" You furrowed your brows ",something's up, are you gonna tell me atleast?" He continued to eat while his hand grazed your cheek.
You didn't know how to start the topic. Your hands found its way to your hair and your elbows were on the table. You looked down and quickly said, "IthinkIsawhim"
He looked at you trying to decipher what you said "Say that again, but slowly, ___"
You looked up at him in the eyes "I think I saw him." Quickly understanding what you meant, his eyes widen a bit but making sure his reaction was not sudden so he doesn't make the situation as hard as it already is for you. You have always addressed him as him to Jungkook. He understood why you would--you didn't want to associate anything from the past to your new life. He gave you the time to explain your story but never questioned when you didn't name drop. He gave you that respect, for him to be kept unknown.
"Are you alright?" That was the first thing he asked. He dropped his fork on his plate to hold your hands, rubbing his thumbs against your knuckles. You released your grip on yourself when noticed your knuckles were white from making a fist.
"I think I am…" He stood and walked to your side of the table, pulled you up by your shoulders and pulled you in a hug "It's just-"
"I know," His hand patting your hair down "you don't have to explain, baby."
"What if," You pulled away and looked up at him "what if…h-he comes back and, like, you know…" you said hintingly.
"Shhh, don't say that," he leaned forward and kissed your forehead "that's not going to happen because you have me, i'm here okay?" You hummed.
"You're right," Fixing your hair and giving him a small smile "and I'm so lucky to have you, thank you Jungkook"
"I love you, don't forget that"
"I love you too"
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"Ahhh yes," You moaned in pleasure "there, yeah, mhmm right there"
"Here?" Jungkook said, pushing harder "Like that?"
"No, you were already on it," You groaned "you were literally on the spot already"
"Okay, how about now" He put his thumbs on the spot he had it on before he moved "is that it?"
"Ooouu, yes, don't it move anymore please" You warned with your eyes rolling to the back of your head. The feeling was bliss.
"You need to stop being so tense," He said as his hands and thumbs were working their way on your shoulders and nape. "see, you're lucky to have me" He says with a giddy smile, looking at him through the closet mirror across the bed. Your lying on your stomach as he carefully sat down on your bum. You would expect him to be as heavy but you're sure he's just applying all his body weight and pressure on his knees.
He thought that, after dinner, he would treat you to a mini massage so you can release all the tension and stress from your body; also, to distract you from thinking too much about Hoseok. He knew that you couldn't resist those talented hands of his--even so when it means in a different way.
Subconsciously, with every motion Jungkook does, a light 'ohs' and 'ahs' would come out of your mouth. Soon enough, those little sounds of relief turned into little snores. "____," he moved to look at you and pushed the hair out of your face to see that your eyes were closed and the little snores were coming from you and not him imagining it. "Good night, baby" He lifts you up and tucks you into bed and kissed your shoulder, turning to his side and sleeping himself.
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{Weeks later after the break-up}
You were fast-walking to the tree you told Sunnie to meet you at. Sunnie, your high school best friend, was already waiting under the bleachers, spam messaging and calling you to see where you were. Checking your phone:
"Took you long enough," you saw her sitting on pavement, next to the corridor leading to the bathrooms "spill the details"
Holding your finger up to her and trying to catch your breath, "Hello to you too." Finally, catching your breath, you looked around making sure no one was close-by. School ended 35 minutes ago but you still made sure the students, that were left back, were not near.
"We're over" you said, referring to you and Hoseok.
"Yes, i know that," She said rolling her eyes "but how and why?" making a fanning her hands in a forward motion, signaling you to continue.
"Promise not to tell anyone?" you paused as she makes a cross on her chest. "Cross my heart"
"You remember that girl from the news who had a relationship with this mysterious guy? that famous couple?"
"Uhh, the girl who went missing ‘cause of her boyfriend" She says, looking puzzled at the sudden topic change
"Yeah," You said, nodding your head avidly "next point, do you know about those anime things like where the girl is deeply in love with this person and they will and can do ANYTHING just to have them for themself?" you rushingly said.
"Yea-" she shook her head confusingly "___, what are you trying to say, you're confusing me now"
"Just listen, please" you looked at her with a serious facial expression
"Yeah," she sighed "it's a yandere… I think?"
Nodding your head fast "Yes, yande- that!" pointing at her. She giggled at the failed attempt of pronouncing the word
"Okay, get to the point, ___," She said eager to find out
"I'm trying to say that those things that I just asked you all relates to an obsessive relationship," leading her on "so, I think that's what Hobi and I had." A pregnant pause was cut when you asked "Do you trust me when I say these things, Sunnie?", hoping for her to trust you. "Yeah, I guess"
"But wait, what made you come to that conclusion now?" She says confused
"Look, I'm not certain, but I believe that's what it is." You both sat there, you staring at Sunnie as she tries to comprehend what you just told her. "Remember when I told you I saw some messages on his phone? or when I had a group project with Mikey? I told you I saw him in the parking lot and that they almost ended fighting somehow til I saw Hobi pulled out a knife."
"Yeah, but jealousy is something normal, ___." She said nonchalantly, disregarding the knife part.
"But not when knives and death threats are fucking included! That's some fucked up shit" You whisper-yelled with gritted teeth
"Okay…" Her eyes widen at your outburst.
"I'm just scared. Out of all people, my first boyfriend is a maniac. I just don't feel safe knowing that I'm with someone like him who is capable of doing, literally, anything" you said, putting stress on the word 'anything'.
"How long has it been since you realized? or better yet, how did you realize?"
"Apparently, it started way before. If I remember correctly, maybe 4-5 months ago? But that's only when things started getting weird." She shudders at the thought. "I guess, it started off with people not talking to me as much as they did before, especially my guys friends in class. They would move when I try to talk to them." She looked at you with empathy. "Like, they would look away when I looked at them…" You said with confusion.
"It's that bad, huh?" She said, folding her lips. "You think?" you said sarcastically. "Trust me, the messages are worse. It had pictures and videos…"
"Is it what I think it is?" Sunnie's face contorts to a face of disgust.
"He has recordings of when my friends and I would talk… and… basically he was sending pictures of the weapons he had and he said things like 'i'm not afraid to use this on you'" You said trying not to puke your lunch.
"So what are you gonna do now?" she said looking worried.
"Well," You got up from the pavement and dusted your bum "we graduate in a few months, I'll probably just move to Daegu with Yoongi. He's gonna finish with enlistment soon. Plus, Mom and Dad probably doesn't mind that I move there, right?" You sighed "I'm just gonna start new, I guess. All I know is that, I don't wanna be anywhere near him or be with him anymore."
"Do it, you deserve it" she says rubbing your arm and giving you a smile. During the sentimental hug you both shared, both of you jumped away from each other, getting scared of the loud slam of a door in the bleachers' corridor. You and Sunnie looked at each other with wide eyes. Shrugging it off, you both walk towards her car, getting ready to leave the school.
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heartofsnark · 5 years
Black Market Wonderland (Chapter Two): Betting Man
Notes: I’m so thankful to all of the positive feedback the first chapter got. Everyone has been so kind. I’ve read every comment, tag, etc on here and AO3, I promise if you’ve left any feedback no matter how small I’ve read it and it’s absolutely made my day and put the biggest dumbest smile on my face. I don’t respond to everything cause there’s not enough time in the day and I’m just a disaster person when it comes to that, but I want you all to know how appreciative I am. I hope you all stick around and continue to enjoy this mess. 
Word Count:  8755
Warnings:  Some Animal Death (Within a nightmare, no actual animals, the ferret is safe)
Missed the First Chapter? Link Here!
Gilded bars surround her, cold metal chills her skin. The cage swings and shifts, suspended from the ceiling. A chain comes through the top of the cage, connected to a manacle wrapped around her throat. It has just enough slack to let her breathe, but tight enough to restrict her movement and to feel it with every panicky exhale.
Several other cages surround hers, the metals dingier than hers, various shades of tainted gold. Her stomach churns, each is filled with dead little blue bird in various states of decay. The smell of rot and death is overwhelming. Some are nothing but tiny bones with clusters of feathers, other maggots crawling through fetid flesh, and some she can almost convince herself are just sleeping.
Red velvet curtains hang behind her, a stage beneath her. Bright lights flicker on, warming her and the carcasses that surround her. The heat makes the stench worsen, bile rises in the back of her throat.
A crowd looms before the stage, figures filling the seats. Deep vacant eye sockets dripping gold ichor. She can feel their stares, eager malice filled gazes locked entirely on her, sickeningly gleeful grins stretch across their faces.
Her heart pounds and she can’t get a deep enough breath, they’re going to hurt her. She knows this deep inside, she’s prey to them, something to tear apart. Her fingernails break and bloody as she scratches at the manacle around her neck, it won’t come off. It won’t even budge. Her sight blurs, tears sting her eyes and run hot streaks down her face. She grips at the bars and screams at the audience, but nothing. Not a single sound escapes her, the rawness of her throat the only sign she yelled at all.
Something shakes, the bottom of cage shifting slightly. The slack of the chain tightens, if the bottom falls out, she’ll hang.
She grabs at the top of the bars, blood slick fingers sliding off the gold. The bottom continues to shift down, growing more and more unstable. She can’t get a grip, her hands and fingers slipping uselessly from the metal. The slack of chain lessens with each creak down, breathing becomes more and more difficult.
The crowd watches her, enraptured by her struggle, leaning forward, eagerly taking in every sign of her pain. Tears, blood, and gasping all feeding their sadistic pleasure.
It shifts down for the last time, the bottom of the cage going out from under her. She can’t even whimper or gasp as her air is cut off.
She’s hung before the crowd. It’s not fast enough to break her neck, she struggles and claws at the manacle, her lungs burn. Dots swarm before her vision, gold ichor eyes the last thing she sees before everything goes dark.
Tsuneko wakes with a start, coughing and gagging. She takes a few deep breaths, calming herself down. Nightmares aren’t a new experience for her, they’re painfully common. She sits up, the sun is starting to rise.
She’s still on the couch in Oh’s suite, a small stupid part of her was hoping it was a part of the dream too. Her hand is aching and there’s a thick warm blanket pooling around her waist. She didn’t go to sleep with this on her, it’s soft and a part of her wants to just curl back up with it. It’s hard to imagine Oh being kind enough to toss a blanket on her. She rubs the sleep from her eyes and yawns.
Something on the side table catches her eye and she’s scrambling off the couch. It’s her phone, her cute Rilakuma cookie phone case and all. There’s a little bit of a crack on the screen and the case has a small dried blood spot, but it’s still functional. It’s a little silly getting so excited over a phone, but she’ll take any little bit of happiness she can get right now. She checks the time; she’ll be early, but she can head to work. She’d take being five hours early for work over being stuck in this suite for another moment, if it came down to it.
She slips on her shoes, should she leave a note? He gave her the okay to go to work, but if he assumes she ran away, the thought makes her shudder. Tsuneko gets a sticky note out of her pocket, she always keeps them tucked away in her uniform, and jots a not about going to work. She considers signing it, but she can’t imagine too many people are leaving panda sticky notes in his suite, he should know it’s her.
The penthouse halls are vacant and she’s able to duck into the elevator with no problem. She’s able to go down without a key, but she won’t able to come back up. With any luck, she’ll never have to be here again.
She thought about using the locker room shower last night, but Kiyohito has been cooped up since the evening. Not to mention, she’s infinitely more comfortable using her own shower and products. Oh told her that she had to stay on hotel grounds, technically, the dorms are hotel property. So, she’s not disobeying. And she left a note, surely he won’t go on a killing spree because she snuggled her ferret before work.
The elevator reaches the ground floor and opens. Tsuneko all but sprints out of the hotel to her dorm, not even bothering to change out of her uniform first and taking the stairs two at a time.
There’s an immediate sense of calm as she steps into her dorm, the familiarity of it relaxing her. She rushes to Kiyohito’s cage, he’s flopping around without a care. Her hand needs doctoring, but he shouldn’t have to be stuck in his cage any longer for it. She takes him out, careful not to touch him with her injured hand. She’s not sure of the medical benefits of ferret fur in open wounds, but she’s going to venture to guess it’s not good. He excitedly bounces and jumps onto a plushy, claiming a big Pikachu as his friend of the day. She steps into her bathroom, if nothing else he’ll get some play time.
Tsuneko grimaces at her reflection, her hand may be the worst of her injuries, but her face doesn’t look great at the moment. There are bruises across her cheek and temple, where her face slammed into the ground. They’re still fresh marks, red and pink, a faint hint of purple starting to show. Her hair looks like a hurricane has made its way through it, pieces sticking out in every direction. She turns on her shower, stripping down while she waits for the water to heat up.
The steaming hot water eases her tense muscles, a deep sigh escapes her. She starts washing the dried blood off her her injured hand, careful of the tender skin. That’s fairly easy part, the instinct to use that hand to wash the rest her is hard to suppress. Right under ferret fur, she’ll write shampoo on the list of things not to get in open wounds. Her raw flesh stings, but it also smells like roses and honeysuckle now.
She finishes showering and steps out; there’s something about scrubbing off all the grime that makes everything better. Time to treat her hand, she gets her first aid kit from the medicine cabinet. She opens it and bites down on her lip.. A soft whimper escapes her as she pours disinfectant over her hand, a deep sting settling into her bones. The small pink cuts across her fingers should heal easily enough, but the deeper redder one across her palm is sure to leave a mark. She bandages it carefully and he winds up with a mummy hand; but it gets the job done.
Tsuneko goes through the rest of her routine, the normalcy is refreshing. She puts on makeup a little heavier than usual, just enough to cover the bruises. It comes at the cost of covering her freckles, but it’s a needed evil. She tosses the dirty uniform into her laundry basket then changes into some comfy clothes. There’s a clean uniform in her locker for the day, but she’ll need to do laundry tomorrow or tonight
She plugs her phone in to charge and sets an alarm for when she needs to head into work, she doesn’t want to test Oh’s threats by being late. There’s a lot to deal with and a lot to think about, she still hasn’t figured out a solid plan to get out of this. She busies herself with cleaning Kiyo’s cage and refilling his bowl. He gets a nice breakfast of scrambled eggs and steak, his favorite. It’s more than usual, he didn’t get as much attention last night, he deserves extra.
The bed creaks as she plops on it, letting out a heavy sigh. Kiyo, the best fluffy noodle to ever fluffy noodle, climbs up onto her stomach. His dark fur is soft under her hand, he tries to nip her bandages, earning him a soft boop on the nose. What would have happened to him if she had been killed? Pets aren’t technically allowed in the employee dorms. No one else even knows about him. If she had died or not been able to come back, he’d be left all alone. No one would know to come take him in. She hugs him tighter, she can’t let that happen.
She knows what the mature thing to do is; give him to someone who can actually own him. Someone that doesn’t have to worry about that kind of thing. If she was a better person she never would have got him in the first place. But, she’s too selfish to part with him. She doesn’t want to be completely alone, he’s the best thing in her life.
That leaves her with one choice, telling someone about him, making sure they’ll care for him if something happens to her. Her best choices are obvious; Chisato and Sakiko. Chisato is kind and caring, she’d be sure to take good care of Kiyo, but she’s not a huge rule breaker. Sakiko, who works in the casino, is flightier, but she’d be more okay with a little bit of chaos. They balance each other well and are the friendliest with her at the hotel. She’ll have to invite them over, the first time she’s had people in her dorm. The idea already makes her uncomfortable, but Kiyo’s worth it.
“Okay, Kiyo,” she sits up and puts him in front of her, “we need an action plan.”
A part of her knows how silly it is to make plans with her ferret, but she likes thinking out loud and she’d rather direct her thoughts at something with a pulse than the walls, To his credit, Kiyo always seems to go along with it, never wandering off during one of her spiels.
“First things first, I need to invite Kurihara and Koizumi over. Now, when they get here, you need to be as cute as ferretly possible, understood?” his tongue bleps out, “I see you’re already on it, good boy.”
She grabs her phone and starts typing in a to-do list, putting ‘Invite’ as the top thing. It’s best not to get into too many details, considering her situation, she doesn’t want someone to see her phone and figure it out.
“Next, I’ll need to do some research, going in blind is never a good idea,” another item for the list, “I think sticking to my original escape plan should stay plan A. He might have just been in a bad mood last night, he might listen to reason more today.”
Kiyo makes a soft dooking noise and jumps, she’ll take that as agreement.
“Hmmm, if I’m lucky, they won’t even bother me. But, I’m not that luc-” She hops off the bed, the good luck talisman, she forgot all about it. Kiyo is bouncing after her, his noises getting louder, he thinks it’s play time.
She fishes the talisman out of her dirty uniform. She’ll have to drop it off in lost and found today. She doesn’t really believe in good luck charms, it obviously didn’t work for her yesterday, but she can tell how precious it must be to the owner. Her alarm goes off as she’s tucks it into her pocket.
She’s giving Kiyo smooches as she takes him to his cage, putting him in the level with all of his toys. He seems content, already chewing on them, but she makes a note to play an extra long game of tag with him tonight.
Tsuneko triple checks she has everything before leaving, her chest is tight as she heads to the Tres Spades. Yesterday, it was her busy little safe haven, but now it’s like walking into a war zone. She hopes they’ll leave her alone, that somehow this entire mess will fade away like a bad memory. But, that’s far too idealistic and she knows it.
The employee locker room is a flurry of activity, everyone getting ready for the work day. Sakiko and Chisato catch her attention, her locker is between theirs. She takes a deep breath and makes her way over.
“Tsuneko!” Sakiko’s eyes widen, her movements bouncy. Chisato gives a soft smile.
“Hey, Koizumi, Kurihara,” Tsuneko greets as she gets out her uniform.
“Ugh, god, I’m barely older than you, can you please just call me Sakiko?!”
“The more you whine, the less I wanna do it,” Tsuneko tease and Sakiko pouts at her.
“You can just call me Chisato too, by the way,” she says through a laugh.
“Okay, Chisato.” The names feels a bit odd on her lips, she likes keeping a certain amount of distance, but she has known the two for almost a year and she’s going to trust them enough to care for Kiyo.
“Hey! That’s not fair!”
“That’s life,” Tsuneko finishes changing into her uniform and make sure it’s in place. It’s still tight around her chest and stomach, she needs to request a size up, but she keeps forgetting.
“By the way, what happened yesterday?” Chisato asks, her eyes focus on Tsuneko’s bandaged hand, “Kenzaki said you had to go home early.”
“Oh, one of the shelves in the storage room came down on top of me, I’m fine though.” The lie comes out easy, but her stomach churns at the confirmation that Kenzaki knows about the auctions and is covering for them. He’s always been an odd guy, but she has a lot of respect for him.
“Are you going to be able to work like that?”
“Yeah, I have painkillers, I’ll manage. Yesterday was just a bad day.”
“It wasn’t all bad though.” Sakiko’s smiling like the cat that ate the canary
“How you figure?” Tsuneko raises an eyebrow as she puts her hair up.
“Duh, you got up close and personal with The King!”
“You finally figured out who he was?” Chisato smiles at Tsuneko’s past stupidity.
“Not as quick, as I would have liked to, but yes.”
“Your heart must have been racing! He’s handsome and worth billions, women chase after him everywhere he goes. What did he smell like? I bet he wears super expensive cologne.” Sakiko’s words come out in a rush, she bounces on the balls of her feet, and her eyes are downright sparkling.
“He smelled like an entitled dickhead, because that’s all he is.” Someone like Ichinomiya doesn’t deserve someone like Sakiko swooning over him.
“Ugh, don’t burst my bubble like that.”
“If I don’t reality will.”
“Chisato agrees with me, right?”
“Uhhhhh, he looks like a man.” Chisato shrugs.
“Pfffft, that he does.” Tsuneko grins and tries not to laugh, Sakiko thumps her head against her locker.
���Why do I bother?”
“Hey!” Erika yells out and marches towards Tsuneko with the twins in tow, “What do you think you’re doing getting hurt at work?”
“I assure you, it wasn’t intentional.”
“If you’re too hurt to work, you might as well go home, otherwise you’re just going to get in the way!”
“Get in the way!” Rina and Kana parrot, maybe they just like feeling included?
“I’ll do my best to keep up, sorry for any trouble,”
“And,” Erika’s face flushes a dark pink, “would you order a new uniform already, what if a guest saw you like that!”
Tsuneko looks down, one of the buttons came undone on her uniform, her pink bra and cleavage peeking through. Her face heats up and she clamors to fix it.
“I’ll put in an order shortly.”
“You better, now hurry up, we have a morning meeting!”
“Hurry up!” One final comment, if you can call it that, and the trio marches out of the locker room.
“Why does she hate you so much?” Sakiko asks, long ponytail waving with the shake of her head.
“Fuck if I know, fuck if I care.”
“She doesn’t hate you,” Chisato explains, Tsuneko stares at her with wide eyes, what the hell does she mean by that?
“She just yelled at me for getting hurt.” Tsuneko rolls her eyes.
“That’s her way of telling you to be careful and to go home if you’re not feeling well,” Chisato says softly, her big sister energy hitting max level.
“You speak Erika now?” Sakiko raises an eyebrow, just as confused as Tsuneko.
“No, I speak gay.”
“Are you seriously implying she likes me?”
“Not implying, just letting you know.”
“You’re delusional.” Tsuneko shakes her head and lets out a sigh, this is ridiculous. She gets her binders out and shuts her locker.
“You’ll see, lets get to the meeting,” Chisato reminds them of work and they all leave the locker room.
The meeting room is slowly filling, coworkers drifting in, they all plop down in chairs to wait. Tsuneko will invite out during her lunch break, it might be a little weird to jump into inviting them to her dorm. She’ll ask them to go get something to eat, then hang out at her place. Her fridge is still out of booze, maybe she’ll invite them drinking first. If they’re a little tipsy, they might be more okay with the whole illegal ferret thing.
“Tomori!” A cheerful voice catches her eye, it’s one of the maids, Yayoi.
“You need something?”
“I wanted to thank you for taking over my shift yesterday, I got really sick and I heard you got hurt, I’m so sorry for the trouble.” She bows her head, mess of orange hair falling in her face. Technically, this isn’t her fault, but Tsuneko can’t help grimacing. If she hadn’t been called in, she wouldn’t be in this mess. God damn it, Yayoi.
“It’s fine, don’t sweat it.” Her tone comes out colder than she wants, but Yayoi doesn’t seem bothered, taking a seat as the meeting starts.
Tsuneko’s mind wanders off and on through the meeting, more than she’d care to admit. It’s hard to focus on day to day work stuff when she’s dealing with being bought. They wouldn’t be so stupid to do anything to draw attention to themselves or the situation, so she should be allowed a normal work day.If she’s lucky, they’ll just keep an eye on her and her life won’t change much. She fiddles with the charm in her pocket.
Relying on that would be naive though, at the very least, she should have enough time to think of back up plans in case the rational approach doesn’t work. She’s scheduled to work alone today, so she should be able to sneak some phone research during lulls in activity as well as on her break.
She wants this whole thing to end. It’s ridiculous that someone could even want to own her, but Ichinomiya seems like a genuinely garbage human being. As much as she’d like to believe he was just in a bad mood, everything about the man makes her skin crawl. From refusing to let her speak to insisting he’s the determiner of her worth, he’s a repulsive person. She’ll need to start coming up with other plans and quick.
“We also have a very important announcement. We’re adding a new job position here at the Tres Spades regarding the penthouse suites.”
The mention of the penthouse makes her snap back to attention, her glare on Kenzaki. They can’t be that stupid.
“I’ve been the one tending to the penthouse for a while, but we’ve deemed it necessary to promote a maid to take care of the penthouse and it’s guests from now on.”
This has to be a coincidence. They have to know this will raise red flags, she hasn’t even been here a year. Her stomach draw tight and she sinks into her seat. Erika catches her eye, excitement radiating off the head maid. She’s been here since the beginning, if anyone deserves a promotion it’s her.
“The penthouse maid will be responsible for cleaning the suites and lounge, as well as attending to the needs of the guests staying there. They will be expected to prioritize the penthouse and it’s guests, but still be responsible for their regular duties. It’s a big responsibility and a lot of time was spent thinking over who would get the position.”
If any gods are listening, please save her, please let it be a coincidence and Erika is getting promoted. Just let her have that, she grips tighter to the good luck talisman, just a little luck. That’s all she wants.  
“It’s with a lot of pride, I announce that Tomori Tsuneko will our new penthouse maid.”
Tsuneko and Erika’s both yell out, the headmaid slams her hands down and jolts from her seat. Her sharp brown eyes glare at Tsuneko, who sinks further in her seat.
“With all due respect,” Erika continues, “Tomori hasn’t even been here a year. She’s barely shown herself capable of taking care of normal guests, let alone the penthouse guests. I cannot accept this!”
“Cannot accept this!” Rina and Kana jump up too, three glares now focus on Tsuneko. She fidgets with the charm in her pocket. Good luck charm, her ass.
“I agree!” She yells back, standing up to meet their gazes, “If anyone should take it, I think it should be Matsuda, she’s been here since the beginning, and deserves it more than anyone.”
Erika and Tsuneko have had their differences, they’ve butted heads over a lot of things, but that doesn’t change the facts. Granted, Tsuneko also really doesn’t want to deal with the penthouse guests, but Erika takes her work seriously and is a model employee. Being passed over for a promotion she damn well deserves because of some bullshit situation isn’t right. Erika has every right to feel cheated.
“I appreciate both of your concerns and I know you both just want the best for the Tres Spades,” Kenzaki takes his usual diplomatic approach, “However, seniority doesn’t decide promotions and Tomori was chosen specifically by Mr. Ichinomiya. I’m confident that she’s more than capable of excelling in this position. That will be all, everyone is dismissed, except Tomori. I have some things to go over with you, regarding your new position. Everyone go and work hard today.”
Everyone starts to file out, Erika and the twins linger a while longer to glare, before they finally leave. Tsuneko rakes a hand down her face, she’s alone with Kenzaki now. If it was a legitimate promotion she’d probably be excited, even if she thinks Erika deserves it more. Even if she isn’t crazy about working as a maid, she wants to be damn good one and a promotion would show her hard work is paying off. But, that’s not what this is. It’sa way for them to keep her under their thumb.
“So, what do you need to talk to me about?”
“You’ll be needing these,” Kenzaki hands her an elevator key and a two way pager, “he penthouse guests will be able to page you whenever they need you. I’ve already said this, but I’ll reiterate that you’re to prioritize the penthouse while still taking care of normal guests.”
“So, I’m now a maid and their bitch.”
“I know you’ll do well,” Kenzaki says, smiling as he leave the room. She’s starting to rethink the amount of respect she has for that man. She adds the pager and key to her growing amount of pocket junk, before she steps into the lobby.
Eventually, she’ll have to go to the penthouse, but she’s not in a rush. Unless she’s paged, she can save it for the end of her shift and she fully intends to. She gets a cleaning cart and takes a deep breath before she starts work.
The added duties of coming up with escape plans and researching the penthouse guests, makes her day seem busier. In a way, she almost enjoys it. Lulls in work usually bore her, but she’d rather anything else be causing her busier day.
She’s finishes cleaning a bathroom, then gets her phone out and takes a moment to search Ichinomiya. He’s the most important one, the biggest priority. Everything she finds seems so surface level, his taking over the Ichinomiya group Zaibatsu and opening the Tres Spades. His net worth makes her choke, money is definitely not the issue. His pocket change is probably more than she’s ever seen in her life. He can’t be concerned about the twenty-million, his back count probably generate more than that a minute. There are a few gossipy rumor spreading tabloid articles, but nothing with any evidence. A few fluff articles that do nothing but  gush about his looks, her eyes roll at those. No major legal problems or scandals. He’s good at hiding thing from the public eye, like any business man. She’s gives up on finding much else after the fifth google page and goes to clean the rest of the room.
It’s on an elevator ride to the next floor, alone, that she does some searching on Oh Soryu. Nothing relevant pops up for his name, as expected of someone in a crime syndicate, he’s kept a low profile. The Ice Dragons mafia brings up more relevant information. They’re a known Chinese criminal syndicate, part of the Triads, but there’s not a lot of information. Other than a few small incidents, the Ice Dragons have stayed off the radar. he’s able to find general information on triads, the structure of them. She finds a list of the thirty-six oaths member supposedly take during initiation. She’s not sure how legitimate they are. A skim through shows the oaths emphasize not hurting women or children. If Oh abides by these, he might not be her biggest threat, she saves the huge list to read more thoroughly later.
An hour or two later, she’s made a bed, the rest of the room doesn’t need a lot of attention. Kisaki is her next research subject. He’s called the Angelic Artist, his conniving shit face smirk come to mind and makes her groan. Definitely more gremliny than angelic. Art is not her thing, but she can tell he’s good. His works suck the viewer in, a clear passion behind it. He’s renowned in the art world and even a novice like her can tell why. There are plenty of people gushing about how attractive he is and how sweet he supposedly is. All pictures are of that fake smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. No scandals or mentions of criminal activity, he’s apparently involved in the fashion world as well. A few passing things mention his “come back”, like he took a hiatus, she’d guess. The paparazzi seem fixated on him, she didn’t know artists got that kind of attention.
Her lunch break comes around and she makes a beeline for a seat. She didn’t bring in anything to eat and she doesn’t bother to get anything from the serving area. There’s too much to do and not enough time to do it. She sets her binders out in front of her and gets out her phone.  
Next is Baba, he said he’s a thief and understandably his name doesn’t turn up anything of interest. But, she remembers seeing a few news articles about a thief in passing. He’s called Lupin something, she searches around for that, he’s apparently been seen in brightly colored suits and his heists all have some level of dramatic flair. It’s hard to find much, though he doesn’t seem it, Baba does apparently have the ability to be subtle. A few articles mention of trend of his targets later being revealed to have committed crimes themselves, it doesn’t seem like a coincidence. Maybe he fancies himself a Robin Hood type?
“Are you not eating?” Chisato asks, her and Sakiko are sitting down at the table.
“I’m not hungry, my stomach’s been in knots,” Tsuneko tucks her phone away and gets to doing work for guests. Mostly requests for pamphlets and brochures, wanting ideas on what to do with their time here. A few asking for special accommodations or items. She organizes what she needs, putting things together with cute paperclips and sticky notes of who needs what.
“Are you nervous about the promotion?”
“You could say that.” She’s thought of a plan B, but she doesn’t like it, her leg bounces.
“Look,” Chisato starts, eyes soft, “I don’t care what you or Erika say, you’re going to do great.”
“Appreciate it, but she’s not wrong. I can’t really get why they promoted me.”
“I know why.” Sakiko says, a sing songy lilt to her voice.
“Oh, enlighten me, beacon of wisdom.” Tsuneko rolls her eyes, this is going to be stupid.
“Love at first sight,” Sakiko lets out a dreamy sigh.
“Think about it, you bump into The King yesterday and now he’s promoting you to keep you close,” she explains the asinine thoughts going through her head.
“That’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever said, which is saying a lot,” Tsuneko shakes her head and grabs a cookie off Sakiko’s tray, earning a pout from her.
“He was pretty rude, yesterday,” Chisato says, shaking her head at Sakiko’s bullshit.
“He was a dickhead and a half is what he was.” Tsuneko grumbles through a bite of cookie.
““So, some guys are bad with feelings. Maybe he was so overwhelmed that he said the wrong thing. It’s love- and I thought you weren’t hungry!” Her focus shift as Tsuneko grabs a strawberry off her plate.
“It’s a stupidity fee, you say something stupid, I take your food.” Tsuneko tosses the fruit in her mouth.
“What if he confesses to you?”
“That’s gonna cost you another strawberry.” She bites down on another.
“If you want to eat today, I suggest you be quiet,” Chisato teases.
“I’m being serious, what would you do?”
“If he confessed to me,” Tsuneko pretends to think for a moment, “I’d puke.”
“You’re the only person I know who’d turn down a man like that,” Sakiko laments, pulling the rest of her lunch away protectively.
“That’s just depressing,” she swallows down the stolen fruit, “by the way, um, do you guys wanna hang out tonight?”
Her face is warm and the words came out more awkward than she would’ve liked. Sakiko and Chisato’s eyes widen. Tsuneko shrinks down in her seat and stares at the floor. She considers them work friends, just work friends. The last time she spent time with any of them outside of work was her first day here, a small party held by all her coworkers to welcome her. All she remembers of the night is getting blackout drunk. It’s been a long time since she’s had friends, without any caveats or precursors.
“Oh my god, you’re so cute!” Sakiko gives a huge smile and Chisato has a softer one.
“Shut up! Do you wanna hang out or not?!” The words come out as a squeak and her face is on fire, she’s not cute, damn it.
“Sounds fun, any idea where you want to go?”
“The casual little bar up the road?” Tsuneko offers, if it’s not during their shift they’re allowed to drink at the hotel bar and get a small discount, but she wants to get away from the hotel.
“Oh, yeah, I know where you’re talking about, we can meet up there after work.”
They all agree to the plans, Sakiko and Chisato are weirdly excited. Tsuneko feels warm and fuzzy, do they really want to spend time with her that bad? She starts tidying up her binders and sticky notes. She’s researched all of the penthouse residents, she has a risky plan B, and has everything in order for the guests.
“Oh, uh, Tomori?” A male voice catches her attention, it’s a male concierge Takahiro.
“Hey, Kuroba.” She can’t imagine what he needs from her.
“This is yours right?” He’s holding pastel pink Pokemon tupperware, a Sylveon design on the top and her panda sticky note still stuck on it.
“Yes!” She sits up and takes it from him, “with everything yesterday, I forgot all about it, thank you, so much.”
She’s hugging it to her chest, it’s a limited edition and if she lost it she’d have a hell of a time finding a replacement.
“Glad, I got it back to you then.” His face looks a little red, but that might be her imagination. Or he’s been running around all day.
“Um, how’d you know it was mine?” She remembers herself and blushes, she didn’t want people to know she did it. It may seem stupid, but something about it is embarrassing.
“You’re the only person I know who uses sticky notes like that.” He points at the sticky notes on her binder. Panda sticky notes on a kitty binder, she’s a twenty-two year old woman.
“Uh, yeah….I like cute stuff.” She blushes down to her chest, but shrugs. It’s stupid to be embarrassed by the things she likes. She’s an adult and if she wants to surround herself with all things adorable, she has the right to. But, she’s also well aware that it changes people’s impression of her. Apparently, it’s hard to take someone seriously when they’re using a bunny pen.
“Wait, you made those cookies, Tsuneko!?” Sakiko blurts out and Tsuneko sinks further into her seat. God, she wants to die.
“Yeah….I guess.”
“They were so good, everyone loved them! I didn’t know you could bake!” Sakiko’s words jumble together and Tsuneko thought she got too excited over food.
“Uh, yeah, I like sweets,” Tsuneko murmurs, staring at the table.
“Feel free to bring more in any time, everyone really appreciated them,” Takahiro puts a comforting hand on her shoulder and smiles, “by the way has your hand been giving you any trouble, Tomori?”
“Not really, it hurts, but I’m getting my work done.” She relaxes a bit, it was nice of him to change the subject.
“Well, if you need any help just let me know, it can’t be easy getting hurt and having more work on top of it.”
“I appreciate it, but don’t worry, besides cleaning rooms isn’t really your job. If I need a hand, I’m sure one of the other maids will help.” It doesn’t exactly make sense to ask a concierge to help with maid work, even if it’s a kind offer.
“Uh, yeah,” his face is red again, “that’s true, but my offer stands, don’t push yourself. Um, I have to get back to work, see you later.”
Tsuneko waves him off as he scampers away, he’s a nice guy, but that was…awkward. She gathers up her things, the lunch break is about over.
“Are you both ready to go?” Chisato sighs and Sakiko pinches the bridge of her nose, “what’s wrong?”  
“I swear to god Tsuneko.” Sakiko looks ready to fall over.
“Romance isn’t your strong suit, huh?” Chisato shakes her head.
“Kuroba. Likes. You,” Sakiko drags every word out.
“That’s ridiculous.”
“Oh my god, I’m going to scream.” Sakiko grabs at her head, she’s being ridiculous.
“Let it go, Sakiko, she’s hopeless.” Chisato stands up with her tray and leaves the table.
“Hey, what's that supposed to mean!?” Tsuneko yells out as Sakiko follows behind Chisato. She’s left alone, yelling at a cafeteria table. A few coworkers shoot her funny looks and she runs off with her face flushing.
She puts her tupperware in her locker before going back to work. Putting the break time weirdness from her mind, she focuses on her job. She still hasn’t been paged and without a plan she feels confident in, she’s dragging it out as much as she can. Her plan B is risky at best, stupid at worse.
She’s reaching the end of her regular work schedule when the pager goes off. Her heart catches in her throat and her blood runs cold. She snatches it from her pocket, almost dropping it as she tries to figure out how it works. Who the fuck uses pagers anymore?
“Be in the penthouse in five minutes,” Ichinomiya’s voices comes out from the pager, she apparently found the answer button. The penthouse is further than five minutes away, but she’s trying to catch the asshole in a good mood, being late or making excuses won’t do her any favors.
“Right away, sir,” she tries to respond, but she has no idea if it goes through, because pagers confuse her.
She uses her cleaning cart as a scooter through the more vacant halls, trying to shave off even a few seconds off her time. It still takes her longer than she’d like to make it to the penthouse elevator. Having to walk in front of guests, because professionalism, dooms her.
The elevator carriage lurches into movement and she takes a deep breath. She’s going to try the rational approach again, she decided that long ago. But, her backup plan, oh god she doesn’t want to rely on her backup plan. It’s all she could think of.
Starting the first legal casino, mention of just how hard he fought to pass the laws needed to create it, everything about the hotel is themed around this. The name of the hotel is the Tres Spades for god’s sake. It’d be clear to anyone, Ichinomiya is a betting man.
The elevator comes to a stop and she scoots on her cleaning cart to the lounge doors. She steps back off, double checks her uniform is in order, before trudging inside.
“Excuse me, I was paged.” All of the men from last night are there.
“You’re two minutes late,” Ichinomiya says coldly, “go make me coffee.”
“My apologies sir,” she forces her customer service voice, “how do you take your coffee?”
“Three sugars and milk.” He doesn’t bother to look up from whatever forms he’s reading over.
“Understood, would anyone else like something to drink?”
“Aww, how thoughtful,” Baba comments with a sickly sweet smile.
“She’s trying to be a good girl,” Kisaki teases, is he ever not smirking?
She bites her lip and clenches her fist, a fresh ache of pain shoots through her injured hand. The rest of the men tell her what they want to drink and she makes her way to the kitchen area of the lounge. Her mind wanders as she puts together the drinks, she wants nothing more than to just confront the elephant in the room. Blunt and straightforward suits her best, it’s how she likes dealing with stuff.
“Shit,” she curses under her breath, she’s poured more milk in than she meant to, Ichinomiya’s coffee has barely a tint of brown to it. Not a good start, but he’ll get upset if she takes too long, she decides to bite the bullet and take the drinks in as is.
“Need any help, pretty lady?” Baba asks when she steps out, a pointed look at her bandaged hand.
“No, thank you.” Even if he’s being genuine, she doesn’t trust him or anyone here as far as she can throw them. She sets the tray down and places everyone’s drinks in front of them.
“Thank you, princess, you know if you wanted I could have taken care of you hand.”
“No one wants to play doctor with you, old man,” Kisaki tells him.
“I just wanted to give her some tender loving care.” Baba winks at her and she rolls her eyes, even if she’s trying to be nice, she can only take so much.
“Can’t believe the kid stabbed one of ‘em.” Kishi has a grin on his face, like it’s funny. It’s the most personality she’s seen out of him, in all honesty she forgot he existed.
“Should we hide the vases or something?” Kisaki looks at the glass vases on some of the tables.
“She should be thankful she’s even alive,” Oh cuts in, voice as harsh as ever.
“Enough,” Ichinomiya gives Tsuneko an intense stare and points at a chair near him, “sit.”
She bites her lip and glares at him. It takes every measure of her self control to sit down and not scream.
“Aww, she’s already learned how to sit, good girl, Koro,” Kisaki pretends to coo over her.
“Sign this.” Ichinomiya plops a stack of documents into her lap, a quick glance shows it’s a confidentiality agreement. He’s going with her original idea, she didn’t even have to plead her case, maybe he was just messing with her last night? Getting some laughs before he drew up the papers.
“You can practically see her tail wagging.”
“Great!” she ignores Kisaki, “I’ll just sign this and we’ll forget this whole thing ever happened.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Ichinomiya brings his coffee to his lips and takes a drink, a hint of a smile on his lips, “we still own you, this is just some extra assurance you won’t try to tell anyone about the auctions.”
“I’m not repeating myself.”
“Look, with all-”
“This isn’t open for discussion.”
“Yes it is, I’m discussing right now in fact!” She jolts from her seat, letting the papers fall, and glares at Ichinomiya. All hints of composure or calm have left her. What is this guy’s problem? Kisaki hides away the vase nearest to him.
“I see you’ve dropped the goody-two shoes act.” He’s still smirking and if it wouldn’t destroy her hand right now, she’d punch him.
“I’m sorry, you all wasted your money on me, but it was just that, a waste! There’s nothing I can do for any of you and no reason to keep me!” She shakes her clenched fists and her face feels like it’s on fire, this is the stupidest fucking thing. Ichinomiya stands up, he towers over her.
“I don’t need a reason.” His voice is calm, the fact he can be so calm while she’s fuming pisses her off even more.
“Yes, you fucking do!”
“I bought you, I own you. When I tell you something, you say ‘yes’ or ‘okay’, there is no third option. Understood?”
“Fuck off.”
“Well, I think that’s enough negotiations for one day.” Baba claps his hands together, trying to end the argument. Ichinomiya scowls at her and she doesn’t look away.
“I can still get rid of her, if you want,” Soryu offers, his hand moving underneath his jacket.
“Don’t worry,” a devious glint lights Ichinomiya’s eyes, “I’ll find a use for her.”
He turns on the heels of his feet, he’s ending the discussion, but she’s not. It’s time for plan B.
“You want to bet?” She yells out and crosses her arms over her chest, Ichinomiya stops in his tracks, just before the winding staircase. She hates risky moves, but he loves them. Her heart hammers in her chest, but she forces a cold expression as he turns to face her.
“A bet?”
“Two weeks to find a ‘use for me and determine my worth’,” she mimics his voice at the end, “It has to be something specific to me, no cop out bullshit, nothing just anyone could do. If by the end of the month, I haven’t done anything to benefit you, it means there’s no point in owning me and we forget the whole thing. If you do find a use for me, it means I’m worth owning and I’ll stop fighting you on it.”
For the first time since this entire mess started, it looks like Ichinomiya’s listened to her. He breaks eye contact and seems to consider her words for a moment, his amused grin never leaves his face.
“During the two weeks, you’re not to take a vacation, quit, avoid me, or any other forms of running. You will still act as an employee and can’t shirk any responsibilities for the sake of the bet.”
“Fair enough, we have a deal?” Tsuneko offers her non-injured hand, her gaze and Ichinomiya’s meet, each challenging the other to back down.
“I don’t lose,” he warns as he shakes her hand, his skin warm against hers and his grip firm.
“There’s a first time for everything.”
He rolls his eyes then turns back around, descending up the stairs, her hand still warm from his grasp. She lets out a heavy breath, this is the last thing she wanted. There’s a pit in her stomach and she regrets stealing that food at lunch, she feels like she’s about to puke. Her hand finds the good luck charm still in her pocket, the feel of the worn fabric has become an odd comfort, maybe she’ll hold onto it for a while longer. If good luck exists, she needs as much of it as she can get.
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ain-t-bovvered · 5 years
Epiphany 3
read first ACT 1
EDIT:  @waywardbaby​
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Summary: Less than two years later, you finally passed the men of letters’ initiation and, finally, you now set foot in America eager to be reunited with the Winchesters. But if Dean thought that you spent your days only with your nose in books and hands in monster’s guts, he was dead wrong. Your mission? Something that the British branch tried and failed miserably,  or at least that’s what they told you anyway.
Pairing: Dean X Reader
Characters: Dean, Sam, Castiel and Jack
Warnings: slow burn guys…slow burn. Also, some fluff, humor, feels and angst.
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Feeling out of place in their little domestic banter, you volunteered to help with the cooking and felt relieved when she accepted. You could use this time to get to know her better, she was a hunter so... kinda what you were here to do. The boys set up the table and unloaded the rest of the luggage from the car.
“Want to cook something you are familiar with? If I have the right stuff?” Jody asked, gesturing you to look into the fridge, where you found eggs and bacon. You already knew what to do.
“There is plenty for a pasta recipe if it’s ok with everybody…? Do you have …what do you call them here…noodles?”
“Yes, I have them, and don’t worry… Those guys will eat everything that’s homemade and they’ll make you feel like an honest to God chef.” She scoffed grabbing the beer from your grasp and putting it on the counter with hers. Then she opened a cabinet and pulled out two wine glasses and a cork, “Red or white?”.
“Red please,” you said while waiting for the sink water to become hot. While pouring a generous amount of wine she watched you filling up the pot and putting it on the stove. She handed you the pasta but you shook your head. “Wait for it to boil, trust me... I feel bad having to tell you what to do in your own house …”
“Oh don’t worry. I’m more than ok with people cooking for me,” she said whisking the eggs lightly while you chopped the bacon and let it sizzle in a large pan with some olive oil.
“The water is boiling now.” You took a big handful of salt and threw it in the water, spaghetti going in right after.
“I smell bacon!” Dean's head popped into the kitchen. “Y/N, you cooking?” he asked taken aback.
“I asked her. Hope you are hungry because this looks amazing “
“Anything with bacon is awesome.” 
He grinned, coming to stand behind you, perking above your shoulder, while you tossed around the chunks of bacon. His scent again covering whatever smells were around and you inhaled deeply, groaning mentally.
“It should be almost ready,” you said while fishing out a single noodle, with a fork, to taste. Blowing on it you pick it up, testing the consistency with your fingers. “Yeah, should be okay” you raised the noodle to Dean who bent down to catch it with his mouth and you froze.
“Yep, ready!” and he walked out of the kitchen. You picked up the pot and began to drain the pasta in the sink.
“Well …so that’s what happened back then.” Jody's eyes didn’t miss that little moment you had and smirked.
“What?” you asked startled, splashing some of the boiling water on your arm. Hissing in pain you continued to drain the rest of the pasta without stopping.
“You ok? “
“Yeah, don’t worry, it’s nothing” Your skin burned, tossing the pasta in the pan with the bacon.
Jody passed you the beaten eggs, pepper, and grated cheese mixture.
“I’ll let you stir it up while I take care of this,” you stated, showing her your arm and you left the kitchen. You passed in front of the brothers that were sitting at the table quite quickly but not quickly enough. Dean saw the angry red forearm you were holding to your chest and stood up, chair scratching the floor. 
“What happened?” he was by your side in a flash, taking your arm gently to check it.
“Nothing! I just splashed some boiling water on it. Don’t worry, I have something.” He followed you to your backpack that was leaning near the entrance.
“Can you help me ..?” you asked, whispering. He crouched down near you and opened the zip. You searched inside with your good arm and took out a clear tube full of green gel. He grabbed it from you and before you could say anything, he squirted out the gel on his hand. Grasping your arm again with one hand and furrowing his brows in concentration, he touched your skin. You hissed at the contact with the gel, and he stopped to look at you. 
“It’s okay, it’s just really cold,” you said smiling. He nodded and began to massage it into your skin. You sighed in relief as the cooling of the gel erased the burning, and peered at Dean’s face who, sensing your gaze, looked up at you.
“Am I doing this right?” he asked, anxiously.
“Yeah, feels great,” you said softly and watched as his pupils grew wider.
Someone cleared their voice.
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Both your heads shoot up at the source. Sam and Jody were awkwardly waiting for you at the table, steamy food in the center. You scrambled on your feet stumbling a bit, Jody exchanging a funny look with Sam, and of course, your face went up in flames.
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“Oh, God!! This is amazing!” 
The Winchesters stuffed their faces with the food, moaning in appreciation. “What is this?” Sam asked, mouth full, while Dean guzzled up another bite like someone would come and steal his plate.
“It’s…just eggs, cheese, and bacon….” You said baffled while taking another sip of wine.
“It’s awesome, that’s what it is.” must have been what Dean tried to say.
“Delicious, simple and quick” Jody nodded, approvingly.
“Thanks” you mumbled behind your glass.
Bellies full and spirits intoxicated, the boys offered to do the dishes while you and Jody lounged, watching tv.
“Soooo..” she began and you already dreaded what was coming, “... you and Dean, uh?” and wine went down the wrong pipe.
“No, no, we are not…I mean …”
“Hey look. I don’t know what happened, but I’m not blind,” she said, smirking. You blushed and sipped from your glass trying to buy time.
“Uhm…yeah well… maybe something happened. Maybe!” you said looking in the direction of the kitchen door, making sure no one was listening. “Maybe there was something, but it’s been long and I don’t know anymore…err.”
“That thing before…  didn’t look like nothing” she chuckled.
“…I think he liked me better when I wasn’t part of this” you said lowering your voice.  “He isn’t happy with what… I am now,” you mumbled, the bottom of your glass looking extremely interesting right now. “He made that clear.”
“That’s just how he is. I saw something before, and trust me, you  don’t want to let it slip away.” She looked towards the kitchen too, where you could hear the boys talking. “Especially, if you both are in this life. Sometimes, it’s simpler that way” Suddenly, you could see her lines more clearly. You knew that look. She had lost someone.
“Tell me about the girls …” 
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In the kitchen.
“What?” Dean replied, failing to look clueless.
“I mean, that little scene from before…really? In Jody’s living room? We were wondering if we should have just left the two of you alone. So embarrassing!”
“I don’t know what you are talking about “
Sam sighed, frustrated by his brother stubbornness. 
“For almost two years you checked on her regularly and every time you didn’t hear from her, you’d freak out and when she would  finally text or call, suddenly it was all rainbows and unicorns”
Dean scoffed “I was not…”
“Yeah… you were! Even Jack noticed it!”
“So…? We all care about her!”
“Sure, we do…but…”
“It’s been almost two years, Sam. Things have changed.” he snapped.
“Have they?....she is in the life now, and from what I could see she looked pretty competent and happy.” Dean’s jaw clenched as his brother cut him before he was able to say anything. “And don’t say it’s your fault! Remember what she told you last night, yeah?”
“She looked like she wanted to eat my face” he chuckled.
“You two looked like you were going to have angry sex right in front of me”
Dean quickly focused on the plate he was drying and then peered at Sam again. “That was pretty hot, right?”
Sam paused and rolled his eyes, and then smiled wickedly, “If you don’t, then I will” he whispered.
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“What was that?” Jody exclaimed, alarmed. “Guys are you breaking my china?!”
Sam’s head appeared, grinning. “Sorry, Jody! Dean’s hands slipped! Why don’t you and Y/N choose a film? We are almost done here.”
“…no chicks flicks!” Dean’s tensed voice roared from the kitchen.
“My Netflix, my rules!” Jody shouted back, then she turned to you, “Any preferences?”
“Mmm, not really. I mean, I love Austen’s movies but I don’t want to torture the guys” you laughed.
“How about some action?” Jody said, scrolling through the library; suddenly you saw a familiar name.
“THAT!” you cried, jumping up. “Oh my God! I can’t believe it! Can we? Please?”
“Watch what?” Dean came out of the kitchen, drying his hands on a towel, followed by Sam.
“They call me Trinity,” you said excitedly, turning to him. “You know it?”
“No, what’s that?” Sam asked.
“Oooooh, it’s a - I mean, you never saw it? Really?” Both shook their heads. “It’s a spaghetti western from the ‘70s… it’s so great! It's been years since I last saw it!”
“You had me at Western,” Dean said happily and pushed Sam when he elbowed him smiling like an idiot.
“Hell yeah…! If… if it’s ok with you?” you asked Jody, embarrassed for taking the initiative.
“I’m ok with that! Let me grab some beers” she said giving you the remote.
“Oh, you are all gonna love it!”
“If you don’t, then I will”
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Dean’s hands slipped when his muscles twitched and he turned his head to Sam, eyes wide. “What?”
“Guys, are you breaking my china?”
“What do you mean ‘if I don’t, you will’ ?” Dean stared at Sam’s back. He turned to face him.
“Well…Dean...” he sighed as he watched Dean’s eye twitch. “I mean…she’s cute, and clever and funny. I like having her around. It’s refreshing.” 
He walked to his brother lowering his voice. “I stood aside because I thought you two were...Dude, I mean, I’m not blind…”  
He picked up the broken plate, Dean staring at him in silence “... but if you decide not  to act on it, then I will!” Dean’s gaze shifted to the door that overlooked the living room.
Sam sighed, “Look...I don’t pretend that what I feel now is deeper than what I think you feel, but if you tell me to back off, I can still do that”.
Once everybody was seated, Dean in the armchair, you squeezed between Jody and Sam jumping slightly on your seat, feeling so thrilled as the movie began with the old nostalgic whistling tune that you tried to follow.
Dean snorted looking at you. “What are you trying to do?”
“I can’t whistle, sue me!” you snapped unfazed by his question and resumed your poor attempt, earning a throaty chuckle from him. 
Dean watched you from the corner of his eye. How you laughed and whispered the lines over the ones playing. 
His eyes softened seeing you so caught up with it. Sam occasionally leaned into your side to ask about something in your ear, you whispered back, and both laughed softly. Dean had been biting his inner cheek to stop himself from walking over to you two. After a while, he just gave up and shoving his brother aside, sat in between. Sam had patted him on his shoulder, saying he will give him time to sort his shit out. 
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‘Sort his shit out’
Yeah, like it was simple. His mind went back at how things were left between you two. He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t thought about it and most of the time there was nothing innocent about it.
It had begun after the first week they came back. He had had a dream about that kiss and woken up in the middle of the night, sweaty, hugging the pillow and, with great horror, he realized he’d been dry humping it. Looking down at the throbbing bulge in his boxers he had mumbled something about behaving like a horny teenager. Nothing good came from trying to re-adjust himself. In fact, it made it worse. 
“Jesus, I need a cold shower” 
But moving, at this particular moment was almost painful, with his blood buzzing like it did so he had fallen back on the pillow, exhaling. His hand lazily grazing down his navel, drawing the path to his groin. He had paused, unsure if thinking about you this way was dangerous and deciding that it definitely was. His mind wandered, again, to that night, you breathing out his name, teeth nibbling his ear, your body desperately trying to find some friction and he lost it. 
‘Fuck, I’m gonna explode if I don’t take care of this’. 
His hand sneaked under the waistband of his boxers. The skin was burning and he was already a sticky mess down there and as soon as his hand wrapped around himself he let out a low moan. 
‘Son of a bitch, this is ridiculous what am I? 15?’ 
He tentatively gave a slow pump and his hips jerked on their own account. Again and this time he had to bite down on his lips, muffling a swear. He stilled and closed his eyes diving into the memory of you, your face burned on the insides of his eyelids, your hands around him and your name on his lips like a prayer.
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“Dean, you ok?” 
His eyes flew open at the sound of your voice and he turned his gaze to you, who looked concerned and a bit disappointed “Are you bored?”
“W-What?” he stuttered.
“The movie…is it boring?” 
His eyes once focused, registered that you had shed your sweatshirt and he could see your whole cleavage the way you were bent toward him. You were, now, in a loose shirt and after all that had just played back in his mind, this had definitely come at the worst timing.
He cleared his throat and shifted in his seat. “No no, the movie’s awesome. I guess I'm just tired”
“Oh then, maybe we should leave before you fall asleep here”.
“What? You leaving?” Jody asked. 
“Yes, we saw a motel on our way here”
“Nonsense! Why don’t you crash here? Y/N can sleep in Claire’s room tonight, and the couch is a pull out bed big enough for both of you.” Dean opened his mouth to refuse “…and I also have bacon for breakfast” she added.
“Oh well, in that case…” Dean looked pleadingly at Sam who rolled his eyes.
Lying on the bed, after taking a quick, much needed, hot shower, you had your journal open on the werewolf section when a knock distracted you. 
“Come in,” you said, securing the towel tight around your chest. 
Dean’s head popped in. You saw him tensing a bit and awkwardly entered the room, eyes lowered and scratching his head.
“Uum sorry…  I can come back later if…”
“Nah, it’s ok! What's up?”
His eyes wandered to the journal in your hands “Is that..?”
“Yep…still using this. I can’t deal with the digital one.” 
He walked towards you and you felt the bed sinking under his weight. He extended his hand asking for permission and you handed him the journal.
“Well, look who’s been a busy bee!” he teased, scrolling through the pages. “This looks so much better.”
You scooted closer, staying in a prone position, and reached for the bookmark, turning the pages. 
“My records,” you said tentatively as he read the list of hunts you’ve been in. You had kept track of them as you had with your first one.
“I see you didn’t get any better at drawing!” he chuckled.
“My colleagues, back at the office, make me draw the monster of the week on the briefing board.” you giggled
He became serious and stared at you. “You fine, then?” he asked.
“Yeah! ” you sighed and smiled warmly. “I am.”
And there was that staring contest again. His eyes darting back and forth, unsure of where to look. Fortunately, the phone next to you rang.
“Hello?” Dean watched as your face brightened, a big smile blossoming on your face and he could swear he saw you blush slightly. “Tony, hi!” his heart dropped. You sat on your knees and threw an apologetic look at Dean, mouthing ‘sorry’. 
When he tried to leave, you grabbed his arm and forced him to sit back down. “Sorry, one moment” you covered the phone with your hand, “Stay, this will take just a minute,” you said and put your phone back to your ear. “Hey, yeah I’m here! Yeah, I’ve arrived safely. No, it was long and boring. NO, I DID NOT GET LOST…”
He couldn’t understand a word but your body language was obvious. 
What if he misunderstood everything?
Was he too late? 
You had never mentioned someone all this time and shit, why would you? It’s not that he had any right to know anyway.
Dean’s attention was caught again by your fit of giggles and you finished the call sighing. 
“...Boyfriend?” he blurted out, kicking himself mentally. He watched as you blushed,
“…No … colleague” you said, avoiding Dean’s gaze.
“...Well, I came to tell you that we’re leaving tomorrow at 8. Goodnight.”
Dean stood up quickly before you could stop him. He opened the door and glanced back at you, sitting on your heels in your towel-wrapped body and wet messy hair. He hoped that this vision would not come back this night to torture him.
The smell of coffee and bacon woke you and your stomach up. Groaning, you slid out of bed, dragging your feet to the bathroom. Yawning and rubbing your eyes, you didn’t see who was coming out of the door and crashing your nose into whoever that was, you heard a sickly, crunchy sound.
“Ow! ” you winced, covering your nose with your hands, bending over. You felt your eyes filling with tears in no time.
“Oh geez, Y/N! I - 'm sorry, you ok?” Sam’s apologetic voice said above you, his hand rubbing soothingly on your back.
“ No, I’m not ok,” you snapped back with a nasal voice.”Is it broken?” you asked whining and looking up for him to take a look.
Sam’s gigantic hands cupped your face and tilted your head up. “Nah, you’re good.  It’s just a little bump,” he said, his face coming closer to look at it properly.
“What the hell is your chest made off…? Concrete?” you whined again, punching him slightly. He scoffed but didn’t let go of your face.
“Am I interrupting?” Dean’s annoyed voice came from the end of the hallway. “...breakfast’s ready…” 
Seeing your teary eyes when you looked at him, Dean walked closer. “The fuck’s going on? “ Sam's hands let you go, falling to his sides real quick.
“I broke my nose against a wall, aka Sam,” you said, tentatively touching the tip of your nose.
He chuckled at your nasal voice, then looked at his brother. “There’s some fruit for you too. I’m eating your share of bacon if you don’t hurry” 
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“So, I called Donna and briefed her with what you told me. She’s busy but she’ll talk to the sheriff there so you’ll have fewer problems. Let me hear from you when you’re done, alright?” Jody said looking down at Sam.
“Like always! Bye, Jody and thanks for letting us crash here” you shouted and waved from your seat, smiling.
On the road again Sam asked you about that booklet you had given Jody.
“Oh…it’s…uhm....PR…” you finished in a whisper. The boys looked at you briefly. “Well, you said she was a hunter and she knows other hunters, and I’m here representing hunters and Men of Letters and we uhhmm… offer international shipping…so yeah…” you faltered, feeling flustered.
“It’s cool. It’s the job. Don’t need to get all worked up about it.”
“Dean’s right. Hey, can I have one too?” Sam asked and you passed him one of the brochures. His eyebrows shot up as he studied it. 
“A spray that hides your smell? …really ?” he asked amazed.
“Yeah, I brought some, that is...if you want.”
“There’s this thing that hides you from their bite for a certain amount of time, and something similar if you swallow vamp’s blood, and hear this out-...” Dean jumped in and just went on listing everything you had described the day before. He had remembered all of that when you thought he hadn't been listening to your rambling. 
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“Y/N, you ready? Come on!” Dean looked at his watch and tapped his foot, Sam simply leaning on the balcony.
“Coming, coming, sheesh!” you called out while opening the door. Their eyes widened as they went up and down your frame.
“What!?” you asked looking down at you. “Do I have stains on my trench-coat? I thought I cleaned it after the last time”
You heard Sam snicker as Dean closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Why are you dressed like that?” he asked
“Why..?" you said in a gruff, low voice. “What’s wrong with it, Dean?” you added annoyed, tilting your head and squinting at him. Sam lost it and he bent down laughing.
“Yeah, ok alright! Let’s go, Cassandra.” Dean’s eyes crinkled.
Once in the car again, you lifted your hips and tugged down your pencil skirt. 
“Isn’t that a bit too short for comfort?” Dean asked looking at you from the rear view mirror.
“There are many reasons for wearing this shit, ok? Mainly… it’s distracting when it needs to be distracting and I can reach my gun and knives easier”
“You…” his eyes looked down and then back up as he quickly licked his lips, adding,  “You have what under there?”
You looked at him and then at Sam who was avoiding your gaze. “Well…not now! I didn’t think I needed them. Why?”
“That’s hot!” Dean whispered smirking and leaning towards Sam.
“What?” you asked.
“Nothing” they both said.
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“Good morning, agents. Sheriff Hanscum has already alerted me about your arrival. You are looking for a pattern between the murders, right?”
“That’s right! The coroner reports stated that their hearts were missing...” Sam started putting away his fake badge.
“Yes…more like ripped off…” the poor agent agreed, grimacing.
“… some of them had been used as chew toys?”Dean continued, leaning on the station’s counter. “We’ll need the addresses of the witnesses and relatives and…”
“Can we see the bodies?” you cut in, smiling.
“S-sure…don’t know what else there’s to find but I’ll notify the coroner” the agent smiled and left the counter.
“I can manage the morgue. You go and talk to people…” you said starting to follow him.
“Wait...someone should stay with...” Sam began and you turned to face him with a bitch-please face. “Right…never mind”.
“I’ll call when I’m done and meet up with you,” you said and followed the agent to the morgue after he gave the information to the brothers. You watched as Dean looked back at you and you gave him a thumbs up winking. He smiled, shaking his head.
You skimmed through the coroner reports while examining the wounds. Hearts missing and those were definitely bites and they were still relatively fresh. Making sure nobody was around, you took out a swab and quickly swiped it deeply in the flesh.
Putting the tip of the swab into a tiny test tube with a clear blue liquid, you closed it tightly and sent a text to the boys.
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The cab stopped right beside the sleek, black Impala where you waited for them leaning on it and shaking the test tube between your fingers.
“What’s that?” you heard Dean asking before he was even close to you. You looked up at him, Sam left behind to say goodbyes to those poor bastards and handing them fake cards.
“Werewolves genes detector” you answered, squinting at the liquid which was starting to get slightly yellow. Dean lowered himself to peer at it too.
“What’s that?” Sam’s asked, parroting his brother.
“Dude…werewolf test!” Dean said, excitedly.
“Any moment now and it should tell us if we are dealing with those or not,” you said, giving another little flick of your wrist and the liquid started to darken to a bright red. “Yep, doggy genes!”
“That’s convenient,” Sam commented.
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“So what did you two find out?” you asked, biting into your burger, making a mess, ketchup dripping down your chin.
“The vice all had something in common...” Sam started.“...hiking” Dean finished, handing you a tissue, pointing at his mouth and chuckling.
“So, we are thinking about a pack of rogues up in the forest? The same path, I guess”
“Phewww!  Luckily I have this job or Id go home floating like a balloon,” you said licking your greasy fingers. 
“What do you mean? This is all proteins and energy “ Dean said chewing on a fry. You and Sam shared a look. “You two can’t just enjoy the little things, can you?”
Switching to hunt mode you took out the local hiking path maps. “Guys, I thought we could cover these different paths that go around the one where the attacks happened and….” 
“You are not going in as bait Y/N!” Dean interrupted you and that earned him your lifted eyebrow look.
“I don’t plan to”
“Because I sai- what?” Dean was sure you were gonna fight him on that.
“I don’t want to go as bait. You should do it. Sam and I will keep an eye on you”
The fry hang from his mouth.
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“Y/N, where’s the gun we gave you?” Sam asked confused, staring as you fastened the thigh holster secure, and slipping in a large silver knife.
“Oh, I’m not using it this time” you declared, straining as you tried to shove the jeans inside the worn, leather boots.
“The hell you aren’t!” Dean stated. “You ain’t going werewolf hunting, in the middle of the fricking night, with only a silver knife!! What are you, crazy?”
Rolling your eyes you groaned. “Guys, can you please just trust me? Let me do this my way” you said, tying another holster around the other leg, tight. “Right… now. Sam and I will wear the smell covering spray, you…” walking up to him, you patted his shoulder, “do your best and smell delicious.” 
You winked at his outraged face.
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You and Sam left Dean at the beginning of his part of the trail before reaching yours a little further down.
 -We are in position. Start walking.
Sam typed quickly, eyeing you as you reached in the back seat, heaving out a big black case.
“Sam…may I present you…” you began unzipping the case, “... Darcy…”
With a big theatrical gesture, you took out a black crossbow,  with a reverted, automatic, cocking mechanism, swinging it on your shoulder, “... and its little fellas!  Silver pointed darts!” 
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You continued, loading ten of those in the automatic mechanism and slipping five more in your tight holster, only now Sam noticing the empty slots.
You threw an optics at him and he, after catching it, raised it to his eye, “I - is this a night vision optic?”
“Yep.” you grinned, starting to walk down your trail, crossbow across your shoulders, your arms hanging on it.
Sam watched you from behind. “Dean’s gonna freak out so bad “.
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Dean’s senses were on alert, steady grip on the gun, ears ready to catch the tiniest sound. The flashlight illuminated just a slab of dirt and a small part of the forest trail. His mood was foul though. He wanted this hunt to finish as quickly as possible. His mind racing and fighting with his heart. He wanted to trust you but at the same time, his heart decided that nothing was safer for you than to stay at the bunker in your nerd-cave. He had to admit, seeing you first thing in the morning, cooking pancakes made his stomach flutter and that should not have happened but still, what Sam had said made his blood boil. 
‘Dean Winchester you are a mess’
His brother was right. He needed to get his shit together and fast. 
Suddenly, he heard the classic twig snap. His steps slowed down, his mind cleared, a shuffle to his right and his hand twitched on the handle of the concealed gun.
“Please, help!” a female voice caught his attention. “Help! Is there anyone out there?” This is clearly the trap that was used to lure victims that would have been kind enough to offer help.
“Who’s there?” he decided to play along, keeping his guard up. Another rustling noise and a girl scrambled out from a bush almost knocking him down. He steadied her. “What happened?” 
The girl was covered in mud and he recognized the coppery scent of blood as his grip tightened around his gun.
“They are following me, please help!” She threw herself at him and he would have believed her, hadn't been for his instincts. Her eyes quickly switched to a sickly yellow and he barely had time to push her away when he was jumped by another shadow. He lost balance for a moment and the girl tried to attack him too. He lifted his gun to aim but it was swatted from his hand.
“Shit….A LITTLE HELP HERE?!” he shouted while he kept the female from chewing on his neck. The strain on the muscles on the still fresh wound weighed him down and made his teeth clench. He had completely forgotten to ask Cas to heal that shit. 
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Finally, he heard some running steps, which he recognized as Sam’s. Immediately, he was freed from one of them and managed to kick the other one off of him. But Sam was held down, his gun too far to reach and Dean launched himself to him. But the male werewolf held him back. He could only watch, in the corner of his eye, as Sam struggled to get that bitch off of him. Then, he screamed when he saw her going for his throat he had left unguarded.
Dean had time to see Sam shrugging off the body, still gasping for air.
The struggling werewolf fell limply on him and grunting, he shoved him to the side.  He scrambled up, breathing hard, adrenaline running high pretty much the only thing stopping him from registering the muscle pain he was experiencing.
“W-What was that?” he asked Sam, helping him up
“That..that was Y/N,” he said breathlessly, hissing as he checked the gash on his thigh. Dean’s confused look fell on the two bodies. He crouched over one to get a better look while Sam picked up their guns, limping.
“Is this an arrow?” he asked, stunned.
“A dart, actually.” 
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You said, coming out of the bushes, dusting off your knees, the crossbow held low on your side. Dean watched speechless as you walked past them placing a foot on the werewolves’ chests for leverage. You yanked back, recovering the darts with some, awkward, stumbling back rubbing them clean on your coat before slipping them in your thigh holster. You and Dean stared at each other for an indeterminate period of time, and eventually, you cleared your throat.
“Is that a fucking crossbow?” he asked amazed at Sam. “You use a fucking crossbow?” he turned to you.
“When I can.” you lifted your chin ready for another nagging session. “So?”
His face slowly brightened, a dazzling smile that made him look at least ten years younger spreading there. “Awesome!! That’s...” he breathed, “... that’s cool!”
 “Thanks” you mumbled looking at your feet. “Uuhhhm…we, we should clean up and go… drinks on you two “.
“Tell me again how you came to use that thing,” Sam asked when Dean came back to the table holding drinks.
“Well...” you began, leaning on the table, trying to reach for your glass, huffing as your fingertips barely reached it. Dean, chuckling pushed the glass closer to you.  “First, it’s badass!! Second, I suck at guns!!”
“From what I saw back there, your aim ain’t bad”
“You see these hands, Dean?” you said waving them at his face. “See these tiny, baby hands?... the recoil always throws me off. If it’s small guns, yeah sure. I can manage but those things you two use?... Nope!! My trainer just gave up and I had to improvise”
“You need to learn, though,” Sam said. “I can’t imagine a lot of hunts where you can use that”
“That’s what I tried to tell you guys from the beginning, but someone...” going louder on the last word, “... likes the sound of his voice way too much.” You glared at Dean who furrowed his brows. “…as I said, I don’t always go on hunts, and when I do, I’m just in the back as a backup...”
“Then how did you manage to get that scar?” Dean deadpanned in the middle of the conversation. You tensed as his eyes didn’t leave you while drinking from his bottle.
Damn it.
“What scar?” Sam asked, confused.
You signed, fingers clutching at your crystal pendant for comfort. A gesture that neither of them missed.
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