#i used to not have this problem and i know its cos i haven't had my own kitchen for the past four years
swankpalanquin · 2 years
75 percent of the time when i’m like, i feel like shit, it’s because i forgot to eat lunch
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areislol · 2 years
genshin characters (diluc, zhongli, childe, albedo, scaramouche, or any of your choice) having a crush on reader they only met online. they're very far from each other, like an ldr but just talking stage. how do you think would they act or make an effort to talk with the reader or maybe go to them🧐
streamer! diluc, zhongli, xiao, dainsleif, albedo, scaramouche x online friend! reader
ft — diluc, zhongli, xiao, dainsleif, albedo, scara warnings — very, very long.. a/n — helloooo, i hope you have a great day or night, or evening.. other than that i love this idea and im so sorry that i couldn't do this one earlier :( i have many requests to do and if you're someone who requested something and haven't gotten anything please just know that i do see each and every one of your guys requests and please be patient!! fun fact: i was nervous to even post this cuz 1, this was way too long and 2, i was scared if it flops as i spent weeks on this and you know.. but i finally gave in by using my bestie(wheelspinner) and it said to “yes, post it” so here it is..
recommend listening to: sickick - mind games
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streamer! diluc x online friend! reader
ok first of all, how did you catch diluc's eye?? like?? how.
anyways.. you and diluc met on discord, it was before diluc was well known - when he had around 3,000 followers.
diluc met you on a server and you both became friends really quickly, despite diluc being known to be "cold" and "reserved" diluc was always open and it was like a shy and scared cat opening up to its owner
ever since the day diluc and you talked, diluc found himself always giving you "good morning" and "good night" messages, he also finds himself always checking if you're online or not so he could text you and spark up a conversation.
you and diluc also gave each other your socials so you could talk to each other not just on discord(insta, twitch, etc.)
when diluc gave you his twitch, you immediately checked his account right away and you saw how many followers he had and you was amazed!!
you and diluc knew each other really well and because of diluc's schedule you could only talk to him on certain days on a certain time.
whenever diluc was streaming you would always be in the stream hanging out with diluc and interacting with him, diluc also put you as his mod <3 if you wanted to(which you did) you and diluc would be in vc playing games together on stream.
he also made a server for everyone who enjoyed his content(viewers and fans too) to join, he made a role only for you. and only for you - "the best" or any cute nickname.
(he may or may not have given you co owner or owner)
day by day diluc's channel started to grow to where he almost had 10,000+ followers, to almost 1 mill.
you made sure to screenshot whenever diluc hit his goal, so one day you could show everyone how diluc started small to big so that whoever wants to be a streamer, all these screenshots are proof that everyone starts small at some point and then gradually grows big <3
but the problem is, the more diluc's channel grew, the most busier he got and that means that you both dont really have time to talk to each other and that pains both of you.
whenever diluc has time off or just have time to squeeze in any "y/n time" he makes sure to make the most of it.
you're one of diluc's greatest supporters, you've been there with him from when he had 3,000+ followers to now, and he really appreciates it - and especially since you're his crush he values you and adores you 100x more
moving on, in diluc's server you're given either your own special role that comes with all perms, owner role or co owner role.
he allows you to do ANYTHING, anything you want. he trusts you that much and he knows that you won't do anything stupid.
he has his own vc just for the two of you, it's called "me n them <3", you must be blind if you can't even see these hints or maybe you do know but is just waiting for the right time..
he even makes a whole category dedicated to you, for example: "y/n fanart | give y/n love | appreciation | y/n supremacy | y/n talk"
and many more, he also makes sure that nobody makes you feel uncomfortable - if anyone is talking about you in an inappropriate way hell immediately mute them and if the situation is much more worse he'll ban them and makes sure to tell everyone to report them.
you and diluc have both been thinking of meeting up irl, but you both haven't spoke about it to each other as it might seem weird.
you also both know what each other looks like because you know, you guys are extremely close and it just seemed right to show each others face.
(that's if you're comfortable only. if you didn't/dont want to show your face then it's okay <3 diluc loves you either way - he's not here for ur looks.)
diluc has always dreamt of meeting you irl, to see each other face to face, to take you on expensive and lovely dates, to give you his all but of course, everything comes with a problem.
because of covid, some flights have been delayed and closed for the time being, which means that diluc can't fly to you or you can't fly to him.
when you had finally built the courage to tell diluc, you was surprised by his response. "diluccc?? can i speak to u abt something rq?" "sure y/n, what's up?"
(just telling you, he responds to your texts so fast - whether he's streaming, buying food, etc)
"well i've been thinking about like yk, meeting up?" diluc, when he read that message was in SHOCK. i mean like, he was going to say it anyways but the fact that you too also thought about it? wow, that just made diluc want to fall to the ground and roll around squealing while making happy diluc noises but i wont go any further.
what i mean is that diluc is now smiling like a mad man while responding to your message "well, i was thinking about that too. but because of covid i dont think we'll be able to meet up. what if covid restrictions are lowered? would you be able to fly over?"
you immediately respond, typing extremely fast that your message turns out to be looking like this -> "if covid resitrction ar elowered yes ofc, would u be able to fly oevr to me thoygh?"
you've left diluc worried and dumbfounded..
anyways you and diluc spend the next few hours talking about meeting up irl and planning on what to do if covid restrictions DO lower.
you and diluc are both super excited about meeting up irl. imagine the feeling when you finally meet up with the person you love the most. euphoria.
now the thought of meeting up face to face is all that occupies dilucs mind, you and diluc seem to be eager to meet irl so diluc makes sure to check the news everyday just to see if they've lowered the covid restrictions
diluc also checks up on you everyday, from the morning, afternoon to night. he makes sure that you're feeling alright.
diluc also sends you boxes of plushies and clothes to you <3 you know those people who ship people self-care packages? yea it's just like that but instead diluc ships you a whole box filled with plushies that you've told him you wanted because they're just so darn cute
diluc also ships you matching clothes so that you could both match when you do meet up.
ALSO SENDS YOU FOOD!! snacks you've always wanted but never could because of your parents? oh what's this lying on top of everything - the snacks you've always wanted? no way!!
also gives you free diluc merch. always. sometimes daydreams about seeing you wearing his merch <3 intentionally ships you the larger version because.. oversized clothes..
diluc makes sure that no person is harassing you, if they do well.. lets just say that their account gets banned in the next hour because of diluc telling everyone(and i mean everyone.) to go report their account and makes sure that their account is banned.
"y/n you seem uncomfortable, is everything alright?"
(normally you text him within a few seconds yet you're texting him after like 4 minutes which is not normal, unless ur busy or something)
"oh yea, some creep is just making me feel uncomfortable right now" "user?" "oh uh it's ___" diluc in the server: !!everyone go report this user rn "___"!!
diluc literally sends them a rude message - "dont ever talk to y/n or any person like that again you disgusting perverted creep, go get a life instead of leeching off women and other people you fat piece of shit", then diluc goes on to report them, block them.
y’all know the “sweetest pie w/ wink” song? yea just imagine diluc blocking them in slow mo(just his fingers showing) and then him winking when the wink sound comes on while throwing his phone.
there's also a channel for edits, and majority of them are ship edits, edits of you and diluc. the only reason why diluc even made a channel named "edits" was just so he could see the edits people made of him and you. he saves them and sometimes even rewatches them just so he could see that moment over and over again.
wishing that something like that would happen, wishing that a miracle would happen.
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streamer! zhongli x online friend! reader
zhongli, also known as "morax" was always known for his cool, calm and collected nature, his soft, honey like voice and his amazing gaming skills despite being always calm.
he was never like those hyper energetic streamers who cried whenever they lost a battle, he just responds with "gg" and resumes playing.
and because of that, zhongli has attracted many people who are now, his loyal fans.
even though zhongli is always calm, his looks do not help either way. everyone goes crazy over his long and healthy hair, and his face
and zhongli is aware.
zhongli had met you through a server on discord, it was a server for those who loved to play games and find a partner to play with. so when the bot matched you and zhongli to play - you two become very quick friends.
zhongli admired your skills and you did too!! you both exchanged ways to kill an opponent. you didn't really know that is was THE morax so when zhongli asked if he could friend you, you agreed!! you've just made your very first friend.
(im kidding, maybe not.)
since that day, you two would play together and battle against each other - it wasn't about winning, rather it was about having fun and that was exactly what you and zhongli were feeling.
when you told and showed everyone about your new friend, they all said that, that was morax, THE morax - the famous and skilled streamer.
when you found out about it, you talked to zhongli about it and he confirmed. you, was in shock. you.. were talking with an extremely talented and popular streamer? how could this be..
but that didn't change your relationship. zhongli had thought that once you found out that he was a famous streamer you would take advantage of him and just use him for fame but - nope!
your relationship with zhongli was still the same, you weren't using him, begging him for expensive items and etc.
after you found out about zhongli being morax, zhongli just made you mod for his stream because why not and invited you into his discord server.
just like diluc, he made you - your very own special role!! it was called "them<3" and if you wanted to, zhongli made you the owner.
zhongli is a mature person, and is very wise so he knows what he's doing.
may or may not have made a vc only for you and him..
you and zhongli have a pretty close relationship, you both check up on each other and your personality matches with zhongli's really well, no matter how crazy or calm you are.
if you're extremely hyperactive and is.. a bit crazy - zhongli has no problems with that. he IS always calm and collected so he doesn't mind you acting all crazy like a childe that had just eaten 5 packets of sugar.
if you're like zhongli, quite calm and doesn't really make a ruckus - you two are like the perfect match. if you two were next to each other, you both would be sitting down, legs crossed as you watch your friends being extremely crazy. unbothered of course.
zhongli had always thought of meeting up with you. he has always have, the thought of having you in his arms makes his heart swell.
the more you talked with him, the more he fell in love with you. your personality, the way you cared for him and others, the way you never changed your personality whenever talking with people, there wasn't a single flaw about you. you, were perfect.
when zhongli brought up the topic of "meeting up irl" you immediately replied "i've been thinking abt that too^^ do you want to meet up?"
ha.. haha.. you've got to be kidding me, right? OFC HE WANTS TO MEET UP W/ U
but back to the meeting up plan..
you and zhongli talk about meeting up for the rest of the day and you both agree that once covid has calmed down a bit, zhongli would fly over to you
also sends you cute plushies that remind him of you, sends you merch of his own
zhongli gives you a plushie of him to you <3
you also give zhongli a plushie of you and you know those bfs who take care of the plushie their gf gives to them? that's what zhongli does to them.
when your plushie is shipped to zhongli, as soon as it arrives - zhongli makes sure it's in good condition and takes care of it, it was like zhongli taking care of a baby.
every night he puts the plushie on his bed and puts the covers over it, pulls out his phone and takes a photo of it, sends it to you and sends the message "lil y/n is going to sleep now"
every morning he brings the plushie with him to the bathroom, he puts the toothbrush next to the plushie and takes a picture of it with the caption - "lil y/n is going to brush their teeth now"
it's just so adorable, he also does this every time he's doing something, eating lunch, streaming, writing, going to the gym and etc.
sends you his merch!! for free ofc. also buys you snacks, self care products and cute decorations for your room or house.
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streamer! xiao x online friend! reader
xiao's a complicated one, well for other people. he's reserved, doesn't interact with many people outside, and always has a nonchalant expression so it's hard to read his feelings.
you and xiao both met on discord, you two shared the same interest so you two got along pretty quickly. despite xiao known for not communicating well, you, somehow made xiao felt like himself
that might sound cliché but the way you always made sure that he felt comfortable despite it being an online relationship made him feel safe, you didnt use him, pressure him, or try to get anything from him and that reassured him that you weren't a bad person at all.
since day 1, xiao found himself longing for your attention, he wanted to text you everyday and he hoped that you would too. and you did!
after a few weeks, xiao surprisingly told you that he was a streamer and other information about him. you checked his account and god.. he had over 1 million subscribers
but just because xiao was famous doesn't mean anything, you continued to talk and xiao and still treated him the same way.
just like diluc and zhongli, he makes you mod and invites you to his discord server. he welcomes you and asks if you want a special role
"hi everyone, this is my friend y/n. please welcome them :)"
"you can give me a special role if you want xiao" now, xiao doesn't want people thinking he's a simp but at the same time.. he wants you to feel special as you made him feel this way.
xiao gives you a role called "y/n <3" WITH THE HEART. not just "y/n", "y/n" with a heart.
he also gives you all the perms, so technically you're kind of the owner??
just like diluc, dedicates a whole category about you, and for you.
often checks what's posted in there, makes sure that there aren't any nsfw posts about you - and if he's checking the edits well.. he's going to be saving all the ones he likes and goes onto his tiktok and followers the tiktoker who made that edit.
also he sets an event where the best edit of y/n that he has been sent will be the winner and get nitro ^^
"why not an edit of u??" "no."
he just wants to see you.. in an edit. not him, he has seen multiple edits of him but he'd rather see you <3
did i talk about how xiao literally talks to you every single day? no? okay well.. every single day xiao sends you a good morning and good night text and he makes sure to put EFFORT when texting you.
no small or dry texts, he makes sure that you dont think he's being dry and all..
you know those little xiao keychains and plushies? yeah xiao gives you them.. when you get them you almost immediately put the keychains on your bag and put the little xiao plushie on your bed
you take a picture of the plushie and send it to xiao, xiao's heart nearly burst just looking at the photo.
xiao has seen many videos of online friends/besties meeting up irl at the airport and blah blah blah - but xiao can't help it but continuously watch those videos, pretending that it was actually you and him meeting up irl.
you and xiao have actually talked about this, and you both agreed that you would fly over to his place and hang out there.
but that would only happen once covid restrictions lower.
lemme just tell you something, online or not - xiao will always smile like a mad man whenever he reads your text, why? no idea.
just you talking or even interacting with xiao makes him feel so happy.. you make him feel some type of way and xiao wants to cling onto that feeling.
also if you told your parents and friends about xiao he would be the happiest man alive.
xiao brags about you to his friends <3 they get so tried of it honestly
"yea like y/n is the best. they’re so kind and i just cant, no words can explain how much i love them." "i get it xiao. you've been talking about them for hours now.."
in all honesty, if xiao could, he would be kicking his feet in the air, his hands clutching his phone as he covers his mouth with the phone, rolling side to side while squealing.
(i mean like.. he would tho)
he would also be giggling whenever you send him a "good morning" or "have a great day <3" text, yk those men who like chuckle but it also sounds like a giggle? like not a high pitch giggle but like a kind of.. soft yet heavy giggle?? yea.
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streamer! dainsleif x online friend! reader
give me your ways please.
but enough of me begging, lets get into the good stuff >:)
you and dainsleif met a LOONG time ago, online of course. you two first started to interact with each other when the owner of the server(in which dain and you were in) was recording a youtube video and the title was “matching people to become lovers” and im guessing you know what happens.. no? OH WELL- ahem. i mean, oh well basically..
you were just minding your business when all of the sudden you were put into a discord call called “lovers <3″ with another person- their user was, yup! you guessed it! “dain”
by some miracle that name wasn’t taken so it was pretty rare
“ooo and who do we have here? y/n and dain? seems like a pretty good pair!!”
after being put in the vc you immediately wanted to leave the call until you heard a “how are you.”, it wasn’t a “how are you?” it didn’t even sound like a question.
you didn’t want to leave this man hanging so you responded “im.. uh alright, you?” “mhm, good.”
now this voice wasn’t one that you didn’t recognize. before you’ve been in many vc’s and you’ve heard this man called “dain”s voice before - many women in call would swarm and fawn over him
of course you were one of them, except you were extremely weird with it and you weren’t like “OH MY GOSSSHH IT’S DAIN!!! AHHH” you were the “he has a nice voice. cool.”
but what was weird was that HE actually started the conversation first, dain never talked first, only talking first if he was being asked a question.
after that you and dain started to talk more and more
“sooo, do you know why we were being put in this vc?” “not a clue, but anyways”
after that conversation dain sent you a friend request and of course you accept!! who wouldn’t? and surprisingly, dain only had a few friends(5.)
dain would always decline other friend requests as he had no clue who they were but the fact HE friend YOU first?? mad luck.
day by day you and dain grew closer to each other, you and dain actually had many things in common, how you both liked the same game, how you both liked the same food - it was like a “match made in heaven”
sometimes you and dain would play 1v1 games, just to play together y’know? but the thing is, dain is way too easy on you. why is that?? like get ur big balls on
BUT ANYWAYYYYS, sometimes dain teases you and honestly, that gets you flustered cause.. dain is never known to tease and yet here he is, teasing the hell out of you
“dain!! you’re being way too slow!” “i know.” “?? wha-” *gets shot* “who’s slow now?” “.”
now months later, dain is absolutely IN LOVE with you, you were so kind and considerate. you was always there to give him encouraging words when he needed them the most and you always went out of your way to cheer him up - and those are only a few reasons why dain adores you so much.
and dain finally accepted that he’s an absolute simp for you.
after a few months you and dain were close and comfortable enough to show each other faces to each other and that’s how you find yourself complimenting the shit out of dain :) 
like once dain sent his pic you were in?? shock?? 
*sends pic of him* “you’re not real.” “yes i am, do you think im lying?” “NO IT’S NOT THAT YOU’RE JUST SO... PRETTY?? LIKE HELLOOOOO??? give me your good looks pls..?”
i don’t think i mentioned how dain was in complete shock when you sent your pic first?? because good lord, he was red. extremely red. like yea he loves likes you but the fact that you’re absolutely gorgeous?!
drop deap gorgeous.
yes, dain had a nosebleed upon seeing your picture(selfies??).
i could 100% see dain buying and sending you plushies of him.
“dain, why did you send me a plushie of you??” “because, free merch.”
free merch?? was he some youtube or something??
once you questioned him about it dain finally revealed the truth: he was a streamer
at first you didn’t know what to say but there was one thing you needed to do: find him on twitch.
you hop onto your pc while dain keeps on sending you messages like “.. hello? y/n?” “y/n.. are you..”
*searches “dainsleif” in twitch* * finds dain’s twitch* “!!!” “1 MILL+ SUBS??”
“DAIN. WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME EARLIER?? i could’ve seen your pretty face the whole time ;(” *dain blushing profusely*
yes, and now you watch dains twitch there and then(everyday) and you always donate to dain sending him cute messages like “how are you dain?? - y/n” or “Y/N’S HERE!!”
dain always softly laughs at your messages, he finds you so adorable
now, because of covid, there was a really low chance that you and dain would be able to actually meet up.
you and dain have been thinking about this for a few weeks now, you two have been extremely close and you two were practically best friends now..
so why not meet up??
you and dain discuss about this and decided that dain would come over to your place for about a month or so once borders open up and have fun together - you two would also be vlogging and going to many places together <3
dain is SO excited to meet up with you, he has dreamt of this moment since forever.
he wants to take you everywhere, spoil the absolute shit out of you and kiss you
dain would be so shy if you two met up irl, although he has been dreaming about meeting up with you - he can’t help but feel nervous. even though you both aren’t meeting up right now it seems like it.
you and him talking about meeting up just makes him nervous(in a good way!)
+ dain would buy you cute chibi keychains of himself, he might even make one for you!! a chibi keychain of you and him holding hands <3
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streamer! albedo x online friend! reader
him? having a crush on you? you must be dreaming.
there’s no way that the one and only albedo, the famous and handsome streamer had a crush on you.
how is that even possible? albedo never showed any emotion towards anyone, only smiling and laughing sometimes. but never have albedo looked at someone with genuine love and care.
and that makes you feel some what special. but what can you say? you feel the same way towards him anyways <3
so, how did you two meet? well.. once upon a time albedo was just streaming when he accidentally(how??) joined the wrong server and you were the owner and welcomed him
you were so kind and albedo felt bad if he left so he just stayed and replied with “thank you” and the rest they say, is history.
im just kidding, let me just throw in bits and pieces of the most important details
about albedo, albedo was one of those “among us” streamers during quarantine
and that’s when his popularity started the bloom
most of his viewers were just there because of his content OR his looks, he looked like he was an goddess, his face looked like as if it was carved by angels themselves, his hair looked soft and silky and his calm demeanor and soft/calming voice made girls fawn over him.
because of his calm demeanor, people have always thought of him as an unproblematic(WHICH HE IS!!) streamer and a shy man but nope, albedo IS unproblematic but he isn’t quite.. shy
but after meeting you - things changed, you changed his life and.. him over all.
you and albedo talked after you welcomed him - then things started to escalate(not really), you and albedo had a lot of things in common and that ended up with albedo friending you and honestly, he didn’t mind friending you. you were fun to talk to and he meant it
and since then you two have been talking non stop <3
within a few weeks albedo’s fans started to notice odd changed with his behaviour
albedo always paused his game or said “sorry guys, i need to do something” and got on his phone, typing something and then.. smiling?? who’s this? this is NOT albedo.
albedo would also seem more happier? he seemed like he was in a better mood every single day and not that anyone’s complaining.. it’s just, odd.
moving on!!
you would always send albedo cute cat videos and very concerning tiktoks but did albedo care? no, as a matter of fact albedo goes onto elaborating the tiktok you just watched which sometimes is a bit unnecessary but also funny.
“ALBEDOOOOO” “Y/NNNNNNNN” :GUESS WHAT ‘BEDO??” “WHAT IS ITTT???” *sends a tiktok of milk* *sudden change in text* “hm, this is rather interesting. i’ll look into it more, thank you y/n.” “?? ALBEDO WHAT DO YOU MEAN? IT’S JUST MILK..” “there’s a deeper meaning.” “...”
not to mention albedo is NEVER dry to you, never ever.
but to others? yes.
does he have a crush on you? yes
but do you know that? absolutely not??
you two have tiktok of course, and you and albedo sometimes duet each other LOL
it would be absolutely random but the comments would always match your energy and honestly, you loved it.
sometimes you would hop onto tiktok trends and dance to whatever
albedo would OF COURSE like it and favourite it
(also are we not going to add that he’s literally so supportive of you when you do those “tiktok viral dances”??)
(*posts a tiktok of you dancing to a viral song not even putting in effort* albedo: YOUR MOOOVVVESSSSS!! <3″ “>:) ikr”)
and seeing you on tiktok makes albedo want to meet you in real like and honestly, albedo already thought about this but did he tell you? no
he’d rather surpirse but then again.. would that invade your privacy??
would that make you hate him?
that’s when albedo decided to ask you and what you said surprised albedo
“hey y/n, i just want to ask, would you like to meet up one day? like irl?” “i’ve been waiting for you to say this, YES” “it sounds like you’re saying “YES” like i proposed to you..” “oh?”
and now you and albedo are waiting for the covid restrictions to lower so you two can finally meet up irl <3
just the thought of you two meeting up excited the hell out of him
albedo is growing more and more impatient as time goes by
but enough of that. what would albedo ship to you?
well, he would ship you his merch, his very own plushies(high quality), keychains, and his very own stickers <3 AND SO MUCH MORE TOO!!
would package them neatly and makes sure nothing breaks during transportation.
also puts in some snacks for you <3
and adds his own personal card/letter to you!!
soooo.. how do people know that albedo likes you? easy!
it’s the change in behaviour whenever he’s “around” you
albedo could have a nonchalant manner on but as SOON as he hears a “ding” he immediately grabs his phone and once he sees something(your text) his face lights up and a faint smile forms
it’s so obvious, that this guy does not care about anything except you.
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streamer! scaramouche x online friend! reader
what’s it like constantly being bugged by the annoying scaramouchey?
good? bad? alright?
honestly, it isn’t thatttt bad to be bugged by scara BUT sometimes he says the weirdest stuff ever and it concerns you.
but moving on :)
what do i even start on..
right! how did you and scara meet? well it all happened way before scara hit 1 mill subs
you and scara had been online friends since forever, you two met on a gaming server and since then you two have been getting closer and closer every day <3
scara was always mean to you, not that you care anyways - you and scara would go back and fourth throwing insults at each other before one of you give up(which was never scara)
but after a few months(years..) scara finally opened up to you and started to be a LITTLE bit nicer to you.
then scara decided to become a streamer as he has seen articles that said that becoming a streamer makes you thousands and even millions of dollars
scara informed you about his doing and you encouraged him :) you said that you were going to be there by his side during every step of his journey - and what you said to him seemed to have an effect on his brain.
scara seemed to appreciate you more day by day and you loved that about him, he wasn’t as mean as before but he was a bit better.
throughout his streams he grew more and more
and of course you helped him!! by supporting and promoting/hyping him back!!
you would post things like “GO SUB TO SCARAMOUCHEY!! >:)” and “hey y’all.. it would rlly help me and my scaramouchey if u could sub to him!! my son would be so so proud ;(”
and of course scara would be so embarrassed every time you posted something like that.. who wouldn’t?
once scara hit around 300k subs he started to gain popularity on tiktok WHICH boosted hi dono’s and subs
but there’s one thing that scara always did at the end of the stream, start of the stream and is always in his bio - he always makes sure that your @ / name is there. he wants everyone to know that it was YOU who supported him through out the years
but even though scara is embarrassed that he’s doing something so “lovey-dovey” he still allows it to be there. and you’re always reminding him of that and teasing him but at the end he still doesn’t remove your @ / name
why? well.. he just doesn’t want your name out of his sight.. hhhhh
time skip
scara has now more than 1 mill subs and your name is still on his bio!!
what a faithful man, y/n get the hint!!! >:(
you and scara have NEVER met before and that really saddens you(and perhaps scaramouche too..)
yes you could’ve met each other a long long time ago BUT you two were young and your parent(s?) were extremely strict and wouldn’t allow you both to meet up.
but now that you’re both grown up.. that means you can meet up with each other!!
scara already booked the tickets for.. the next month..
scara will never admit this but: he really wants to meet up with you, like really bad.
he wants to feel your touch
he’s too much of a tsundere to even admit that..
he’s always mean towards you that you doubt your relationship
“why are you always so mean to me :(” “im not even mean to you.” “yes you are, you hurt my feelings” *scara: panicking that he hurt your feelings* “ok fine, im sorry.” “are you really..?” “yes. now shut up” “ouch.. that hurt my feelings..” “...” scara really wants to punch you but in the middle of the punch he puts his fists away and kisses you instead.
AHEM. but i wont go into too much detail about the plan for the meet up..
moving on
one of the things that scara doesn’t do but everyone does(^^) is that he does not send you stuff, like at all.
the ONLY thing he’ll ever send you is his merch. that’s all. nothing else.
he says that you’re “not worthy” for “other things” and that makes you sad, but what can you do? he’s scara
scaramouche will be scaramouche..
(but secretly he does want to send you stuff but is too scared that you’ll think he’s weird)
but you being scara’s crush.. it’s kind of complicated.
though scara is mean to you and all he still has his own way of caring for you
maybe he’ll show you his way of loving when you both meet in real life..
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note: if you would like to be added to the genshin taglist pls just ask me!! dont be shy <3
taglist: @tomansimp @one-offmind @miitchiji @dainsleif-when-playable liking + following + reblogs are very much appreciated!! another note: sagau x reader fic and event coming very soon!! please give me some ideas for my event, i dont mind any :) tell me if you would like to be in sagau x reader taglist(to be early lmfao) <3 also scara’s and albedo’s part is rushed so im sorry if i doesn’t make any senssseeee
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harasharaved · 9 months
Jason Todd Fics - September 2023
Fics I recommend with a focus on or POV of Jason Todd. Masterpost can be found here.
Key: Has a ship or romantic plot, unfinished, multi-chapter, one-shot
NOTE: some of these do require an AO3 Account to read.
Whisper Closely in My Ear by Kangarou
The words went in one ear, rattled around like bees, before ramming out the other. The doctor was sitting painfully close, only two feet away. The tone of voice implied he was talking louder, not quite a yell but something nearly there; it sounded like a whisper to Jason. So quiet, with every third word unintelligible, except for that first phrase: "Mr Wayne, I'm afraid you're profoundly deaf." --- Jason is profoundly deaf. He learns to cope with it.
An AU in which Jason is deaf. This is one of my favorite Jason fics. I often find myself coming back to it. Its a great character study, introspective and has that delicious kind of hurt you just want to sit with for a while, with a helping dollop of comfort.
Children Will Listen by Parker Avenue
Jason Todd is good at extortion. He's what the adults call a snoop - nobody paid attention to the little kid with the big ears. Without even realizing, adults would hand him the keys to getting what he needed. Jason knew how to collect information, because adults found information valuable. And it was. It was free, easy to get, and easy to carry, so long as he kept his head clear and his facts straight. Jason had information Batman could use. He knew it. He had thought it over all day, sitting on that moldy couch, eating stale saltines. Batman would definitely be interested in the information Jason had. Batman had become scary again, like the old stories Jason used to hear the goons in the area tell. Breaking bones, just barely keeping people alive. Batman didn’t kill, no, but sometimes? Sometimes living was worse, maybe. Jason stayed crouched behind that dumpster, silent, because he simply couldn’t decide if Batman was far gone enough to make a kid wish he was dead. (Jason Todd knows how to get what he wants, and Batman tries to lure him to safety.)
Okay I will admit, my biggest weakness is fics about street kid Jason. Slow adoption got me good. Anyways, this one isn't finished but I love the way the pacing takes its time. Co-parents Bruce and Selina is never a con either!
Stargazer by LemonadeGarden
Jason Todd is seriously injured during patrol one night, and is forced to stay at the manor to recuperate until his injuries are healed. To pass the time, he makes a list of things he never got to do before he died. Except there's one small problem: most of them involve Bruce, and Jason doesn't really think Bruce cares all that much about him anymore. This is a story about how wrong he is, but I made it sad anyway.
I'm sure everyone and their mother has rec'd this fic, but I'm doing it anyways because I love it deeply. If you haven't read it, this is your sign!
Glow in the Dark Stars by essspressso (stylesmakethefight)
“I’m being serious, asshat,” Jason hisses, swatting his hands away from his face. “You have to tell me what year it is.” Nightwing crosses his arms a little petulantly. “It’s 2017. Happy?” Jason freezes, breath catching in his throat. 2017. Five years ago. He was…he was fifteen. “Shit,” he murmurs. He’s going to eviscerate Tim. Or: Red Hood Jason and 15-year-old Jason swap timelines, landing one week before 15-year-old Jason is supposed to die.
Time travel trope + Jason Todd's tragic ass life = amazing fics. Feelings, prepare to be felt! LOTS of Angst. You might even shed a tear. Wonderful fic!
Too Much Fucking Salt by Pez_The_Platypus
A rural housewife instinctively understood the law of quantity into quality. Add a pinch of salt to a soup and it tasted better; add one pinch too many and you ruined the batch. Jason had been in limbo for a year and a half, trusting things would get better even though everything just seemed to be getting worse. It was something small that set him off, but really, it was an accumulation of a lot of things that led to this. He was going to kill the Joker.
A one shot, but a LONG one. This one is very sad, heavy, and bittersweet. Its not Bruce or Dick "bashing", it provides a pretty well rounded and human description of them, which is to say they are not angels. Still, if you love pondering the tragedy of Jason Todd and themes of coping with trauma and the inherent grating sensation of trying to heal, this is a great fic for you.
Bruce starts, eyes glaring down at the city and unwilling to look anywhere else, especially in Jason's direction, "You always… hated the rain." Jason's breath gets caught in his throat. (For as long as Jason can remember, it's always been raining.)
Jason angst and character study rooted in comic-accuracy. Great short read!
This Kind of Weather by r_astra
Jason’s at school when his mom dies, and that’s the only reason any of it happens. If he’d been home, if he’d been with her, he would’ve been in the wind before anyone else even knew. Even if they looked, no one ever would’ve found him. He’d have taken to the sewers if that’s what it took, man-eating crocodile guy and all.
Yes, another Jason Todd adoption fic, one in which he does not steal the tires. I have a type and I'm limiting myself to only 2 of the many I love. This one does not have much of a focus at all on the Bat-side of things, just a story of Jason finding a home, much older than in the comics.
A Straight Blade by Sparkypants
"What happened to your face?" Bruce asks, reaching his hand for Jason's jaw. "You're bleeding." Jason bristles, cheeks turning pink. "I cut myself shaving." He says, and wipes at the cut with the cuff of his hoody. Damian makes a clicking noise with his tongue, "I'm amazed you haven't taken your own head off." He snarks. Jason shoves his chair away from the table, temper flaring. "Well it's not like anyone ever taught me, is it." He hisses. He's five years late, but Bruce finally teaches Jason how to shave.
Quick one-shot with feelings. Great little read I often find myself revisiting.
Growing Like a Breeze by WhaleofaTime
April 27th isn't anyone's favorite date, but it's somehow worse than usual today when Bruce gets his car stolen. It's nice of Red Hood to come to his rescue. Nicer even that Jason keeps him company afterwards.
One of those fics that explains everything about why Jason and Bruce's dynamic and relationship is so magnetic to read about. They both suck at feelings and yet make me feel SO MUCH.
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makeyoumine69 · 1 month
My Lovely Detective IV
— PAIRING: Patrick Bateman x Fem!Detective!OC
— CO-WRITER: @iron-flavored-lipgloss
— CONTAINS: Unprotected non-con sex, rough body play & kissing, manhandling, caging, swearing, degradation, pet play, rough oral sex (Patrick receiving), nausea, exhaustion, hallucinations, fainting, near death experience (drowning/strangling).
— WORDS: 3k
— A/N: Sorry for the waiting, we hope you like it!🙏💗
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Shaking and panting, Andrea clung to the shattered pieces of her dignity, her eyes tightly closed and her cheeks burning as if his cum was volcanic lava.
"I didn't know you were a sprinter," the detective teased, smearing his warm liquid around her lips to taste it. Then she looked up at him and noticed how hard he still was. "You laughed at me, but... it seems you have a problem with satisfying your hunger."
As they lay on the floor, the woman took the opportunity to look at the coffee table, at the big knife to be exact. Slowly, the woman sat up and wrapped her legs around Bateman, her hands sliding up and down his broad back.
"You like how tight I am, don't you?" Andrea whispered softly in his ear, her hand so close to the knife. "The girls you usually fuck don't feel this good?"
"Because they've all been fucked and used up by me already ... I'll get you there too," Patrick muttered, one hand finding its way to her ass cheek and giving it a sharp slap, the other pinning her wrist to the cool glass table.  "Looks like you haven't learned your lesson yet. You've got such a big mouth, but I'll have no problem stuffing it."
He had Andrea's chin in his rough grip now, forcing her lips into a pout. There was less than an inch between them as he spoke, a tone strangely intimate but his eyes dark and cold as ever. She met them with fierce defiance. Both palms were still on the knife - a brief and silent stare fight until Patrick had had enough. It was uncomfortable to admit it to himself after the detective had commented on it so accurately, but it was almost as if Patrick hadn't found any relief at all. He was as hard as ever.
Bateman let go of her, only to grab the back of Andrea's head and force it down. "Suck it."
'When was the last time I gave a blowjob?' Andrea wondered before licking her lips.
"Don't make me choke or I'll bite you!" The woman warned, wrapping a hand around his thick girth. The moment she took his pulsating dick into her warm mouth, she moaned from the taste of their shared pleasure. "It must be hard to live with something like that?" She teased with an unabashed look at his cock.
Smirking, the detective didn't wait for his answer as she continued to worship his meaty cock, sliding her tongue along the veins, feeling their pulsation and moaning each time his balls tightened in her grasp.
"God, Mr. Bateman," Andrea murmured, looking directly into his hazel eyes. "I'm such an amateur and I can feel your sac tensing so hard under my touch. I bet you like it that much?"
Patrick just laughed in disbelief, a sound that half turned into a groan when she accidentally teased a certain sensitive spot. But it wasn't Andrea's rather mediocre skills that drove him crazy. In terms of skills, the hookers he hired were obviously much better. But that smug smile of hers, those still full lips wrapped around his girth, the way she looked at his cock like it was the most perfect one she'd ever seen, let alone put her mouth on...
That was special. 
He couldn't stand it. 
"Shut up and stop playing around." With a rough tug on her hair, Patrick made the woman cough and drool, but any complaints were choked out of her as he shoved his length down her throat, past any resistance.  Then, Bateman bit his lip bloody, trying to keep from moaning too loudly. And unable to control himself, Patrick began to thrust into her mouth, treating it like another tight hole, digging his fingers painfully into her scalp.
Andrea's eyes watered constantly and she drooled like a waterfall from the way the curve of his dick scratched her throat. "Mmmh-mmm!" The woman whimpered around his pulsating flesh, leaning on his hips to slow him down a bit, but he ignored her sign of pure discomfort.
'I'm going to faint if he keeps this up,' the detective thought, glancing up at Bateman to see the look of pure bliss on his face. 'Fucking bastard, shit, I'm going to cum again.' With these thoughts, Andrea let go of his thighs and instead of focusing on the gagging sensation in her throat, she began to rub her clit in demanding, almost desperate motions, smearing her juices all over her swollen pussy, not caring if it stained the floor.
"Mmm, Batem-man," she gasped as he gave her a moment of reprieve. "You want to kill me with your fucking meat stick?" 
Andrea wanted to add something else, but she didn't have a chance as Bateman grabbed the back of her head and shoved his balls into her abused mouth, the moment she tasted his taut, warm flesh, the detective let out a pathetic cry as she felt so fucking degraded.
"Don't." Patrick shoved his shoe between her legs, dripping pussy staining the polished leather as he kicked her hand away. "You can't cum, unless I let you."
His sadistic hunger fed well on Andrea's disheveled state, those sweet and pitiful sounds, and her vulnerable position, forced to kneel at his feet. His hands tightened in her hair and the thrusts became more urgent as Patrick lost himself in his sickening pursuit of relief and absolute control. 
"Such a tight little mouth ... fuck, you were made to be used like this," he growled, no longer restrained and ready to blow.
Andrea's eyes were so wet that she couldn't even see his face as she looked up at him; the mixture of spit and his cum running shamelessly down her chin and then onto her exposed breasts.
"Mmhhh!" She whimpered breathlessly around his throbbing dick as he squeezed it almost to the hilt, causing the woman to nearly gag. "Bateman..." the detective rejoiced in a husky voice as he let her catch her breath. "Are you going to cum or what?"
The woman gave him a challenging look before Patrick thrust into her mouth again with increased ferocity, pulling at her hair and impaling her head on his beefy shaft. Trembling, Andrea didn't even try to lean against him to slow him down, instead the woman cupped his heavy sack and massaged it rhythmically with her sucking; the wet sounds she made were beyond imagination.
Patrick wiped away her tears with his thumb and caught her glassy gaze again. "Look at me. Don't close your eyes."
He arched her neck back harder, telling her to look up and focus on him and him alone as it seemed Andrea was on the verge of losing consciousness. Her eyelids fluttered like a trapped bird flapping its wings in vain, but she obeyed, keeping her eyes open even as they rolled back into her skull. 
"Ahhh, that's a good little bitch," Bateman groaned, the familiar tingle running down his spine and his balls tightening with need, signaling him that he was close. 
Slamming into her throat one last time, Patrick let himself go, his cock erupting in her mouth and filling it with his hot cum. He held her head in place, his hips stuttering wildly against Andrea's face until he was completely empty.
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Andrea didn't remember passing out from exhaustion, her mind nothing but a black void, until she saw the outline of something familiar... or someone, if she was right. Her beloved boyfriend was calling to her, offering her a hand and inviting her to join him as they walked across a wide field. The woman felt relieved and happy to finally be with the man who could give her protection and stability. But was it really true? Piece by piece her perfect dream shattered before her eyes and when she opened them the next time, Andrea found herself in a goddamn cage. It was not as big as the cells in the police station, but the fact that she was locked in such a place was enough to make her panic.
"Bateman!" She yelped, gripping the bars of the cage with all her might, realizing that she was still in his apartment, but not in the living room. God, he had locked her in the bedroom. It was only now that the detective noticed that she was completely naked, except for a black leather choker around her neck like a collar. "Let me out!" Andrea screamed, unsure if Bateman was even there.
Sobbing softly, she leaned against the cold bars of the cage, her hands sliding along them with visible trembling. Where was her boyfriend now? If he was so protective, would she be in this situation?
It was nothing new for Patrick to be distracted at work - lounging on his couch, sketching in his notebook, gossiping with the boys about hardbodies and the Patty Winters show - his mind all over the place. 
Today, however, his thoughts had been focused on a specific subject, taking shape as a voluptuous body and a pair of teary, dark eyes looking up at him, perhaps begging for more, perhaps just praying for release.
It wasn't as if Bateman had suddenly started to feel guilty about yesterday's events, but the consequences of his actions had only just begun to sink in: The detective would be part of his life now, for how long he couldn't predict. 
Somehow it felt like he was stuck with her now, not the other way around. 
When Patrick finally stepped in front of the cage, he fought an unusual kind of tension that tightened his intestines, and only seemingly indifferent he stared down at Andrea's figure while he unbuttoned his suit. It was a truly pitiful sight - Andrea curled up, her arms wrapped around her naked body, shaking so badly it was impossible to tell if she was crying or freezing. She must have been waiting for him all day, Patrick realized, not unlike a puppy that believes it has been abandoned by its owner. There was no clock in this room, the blinds had been torn off. No food either.  However, his fridge was filled with body parts and maybe expired yogurt. 
Patrick shoved his shoe between the bars, forcing Andrea to turn around and face him in all her vulnerability. 'God, she really cries.'
He wasn't quite sure how he should feel about this, remembering her stubborn temper all too well. Now Andrea's eyes were red and filled with panic, and she whimpered at the harsh contact with his sole. Her whole body was covered with goosebumps as well. In this state she would die of frostbite, and wouldn't that be a waste of his efforts?
"You look like hell, and I don't like it." Patrick unlocked the door and threw Andrea over his shoulder so he could carry her to the bathroom. 'This isn't about her comfort at all, I'll just keep her alive like this.'
As soon as Bateman entered the bathroom and put the woman on her feet, Andrea fell to the floor and crawled to the toilet, vomiting from intense hunger. She was starving, dehydrated, exhausted and cold. Shaking, she slid down the smooth marble and lay on her side, tears streaming down her pale face. The detective blinked several times as she saw her boyfriend's face again.
"Hayden..." Andrea murmured, reaching out to the blurred image of her lover. "I was just trying to do my j-job..." the woman closed her eyes and dropped her hands to the floor. "I'm so...sorry...Hayden..." she cried out before fading out.
The darkness consumed her, only to let her hear the voice of her mentor, Detective Kimball. "Listen to me, Andrea, listen to me very carefully," he paused, puffing on his cigarette. "This man, Patrick Bateman, is extremely dangerous, I want you to remember that. Always." 
"I understand, sir." The woman replied, hiding her notebook.
Andrea could see their conversation as if she was watching the movie, it was so strange and overwhelming that she felt nauseous, like she was drowning.
The woman’s eyes wandered aimlessly around the bathroom, and while this proved her conscious state, she was still unable to see Patrick. The name she kept calling out was foreign to him and as she mumbled more words, incoherent and confused, it became clear that the woman was hallucinating or even experiencing a panic attack. 
Patrick hated it. He didn't really know what to do with a body he had to save. 
 Of course, the slap on the cheek did not help either. 
Finally, he decided to fill a glass with water and let her swallow a Xanax, then took a pill himself - all with one free arm, since he had to stabilize her body with the other. She was still shivering in his embrace, unable even to sit up in the bathtub, and without his support her head would have gone submerged. Patrick distantly remembered that the scent of lavender was supposed to calm people, so he added a generous amount of bath oil to the water.  While Andrea slowly warmed up under his touch, Patrick couldn't help but sweat in the humid atmosphere that was his bathroom. He was ridiculously overdressed in his wool pants and shoes, and his shirt had become quite wet in the process. The feeling of the fabric clinging to his skin made him shiver. Catching a glimpse of himself in the mirror, which was starting to fog up at the corners, Patrick realized that he looked about as disheveled as Andrea now.
It was getting a little hard to justify why he was doing all this. 
'I could just push her head under water, and it would be over in a few minutes.'
But just as this cruel thought flashed through his mind, Andrea began to move her head, wriggling out of his grasp and turning to face him, though her movements were somewhat sluggish.
"Hayden, huh? How could you mistake me for your boyfriend?" Patrick wondered, testing if she had come to her senses yet. 
Still shivering, the woman inhaled deeply as if she could finally breathe, her lungs burning from the pain and tension. "Don't... don't you dare say his name," Andrea managed to pronounce while observing the situation she found herself in. "Are you going to kill me now?" The detective asked as she looked down at the water. "To be drowned in such an opulent bathroom... how generous of you."
Only now did Andrea smell the lavender scent that slowly enveloped her like a mist, clouding her mind and making her go limp again in his arms - they were the strongest she had ever known - tight as ropes. He could end people's lives so easily with such a grip, just by strangling them or breaking their necks. With a loud sob, the woman looked up at Bateman's vacant face again, but then she had to close her eyes as she felt his painful pinch on her nipple, she thought he was going to tear off the piece of flesh. 
"Stop!" She screamed, but her body didn't listen, like a broken porcelain doll. "Get...off," Andrea's vision blurred and after several blinks she saw Hayden's face above her again. Almost breathlessly, she let him kiss her, relishing the sensation of his tongue exploring her mouth, not bothering to hold back the moans that rippled through her mouth. "I... I need you, Hayden," the woman bubbled, and the next moment she was pushed violently underwater. Suffocating, Andrea opened her eyes wide to see the black marble of the tub - a testament to her imminent death as the lack of oxygen spurred her to let go and relax, to let the darkness finally take away all the pain and suffering. With that, the woman looked at the bubbles coming out of her mouth one last time before she blacked out, but then she was pulled up roughly and she took a raspy, desperate breath, coughing out the water and her heart seemed to stop from being so close to death.
"Don't. Don't say that name. It will never get you out of here." There was something about the repeated mention of her boyfriend that drove Patrick crazy. If he was going to kill her after all, he should be the last person on Andrea's mind; not even in her thoughts should she be able to escape him. "Do you think he would even want you back? Like this?" 
Bateman grabbed her by the neck and forced her to look into the mirror. Only the bruises he had inflicted on her last night appeared as purple spots all over her body. 
"I am your only hope now. But whether you want to live or die, I'll make you work for it!" It was a moment of revelation for Patrick, to his own surprise. 
He finally began to understand his motivation for all of this - replaceable in every aspect of his life, as Vice President, fiancé, son, and in his human existence, he was about to become her destiny. If anything happened to him, the detective would have to die as well, still trapped and abandoned. There was no other use for imprisoning Andrea instead of killing her, except to play master over a human life. 
Andrea's body felt boneless as he bent her torso over the tub edge and ran his fingers across Andrea's lower back, just above her ass and over the ink that was beginning to blur at the edges. 'I probably went to Harvard while she got this pathetic symbol of rebellion.'
Patrick had only seen the tattoo after she had fainted, and it had become a fixation for him ever since, to his own horror, arousing something beyond disgust in him. 
"Was that your first job? Hunts Point street hooker? Then you should be used to it." Shaking, maybe from the climate of the room, probably from the rush of sick desire that overcame him, he held Andrea close to him, so close that it was nothing but pain, and close to her lips he promised: "I'll fuck you and you'll come alive, you little pathetic bitch!"
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P.S. Thank you for reading until the end! You can follow my side blog @makeyoumineagain and my amazing co-writer @iron-flavored-lipgloss and turn on notifications to know when we update!
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channieandhisgoonsquad · 10 months
Ohoho baby, you shouldn't have opened this.
You're about to get sick of me
I haven't read the minsung post yet because I'm about to go to work in a few and I really want to read it calmly and enjoy it.
In the meantime:
Minsung smut and maybe some angst (I mean jealousy or what comes to your mind) based on my post about Teacher!Minho and Boss! Jisung. I want these two to use their authority over me to do as they please..or I simply want to seduce them until they snap. Your choice
Can't wait to see what you do🙈
Okayyyy here I go 😭😈♥️
Life Got Complicated
Being a freshly young adult over winter break was supposed to be fun. But, when you came back to senior year to find your AP teacher retired suddenly and that your old babysitter crush was your new teacher, that presented its own problems.
Word from me: @lyramundana I have written so much and I want to continue but I also want to give you something for now. I changed the place she works at to a bakery… for reasons. Lol 😘
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You didn’t know his teaching style and how you were supposed to even pay attention when he grew into such an immaculate man.
On your first day, you went to your normal seat as you just stared at the man. He really had become so beautiful. And it was making all your lady bits squirm. He dressed as if he was walking into the million dollar company he ran and it wasn’t fair. You were literally in your casual jeans and an old sweater.
He set all his things down and proceeded to take attendance. He came to your name and said it like it was a question. You raised your hand and he smirked, realizing you were who he thought you were and you sunk further into your chair in embarrassment.
Class was not going to be fun. You were mortified.
It was a hard class, but Minho was trying to act casual around you, when he really wanted to mess with you. At the end of the first class, Mr. Lee requested you stay after. You rolled your eyes, immediately knowing what was happening.
“Y/n, it’s been a while. How are you?”
“I’m great. Balancing work, school, and a couple college credits is a breeze.” You rolled your eyes again, not knowing why he was going for the casual banter when he was your teacher now.
“Well, if you ever need any help with anything let me know. I know an AP class on top of that can be tough.” He said genuinely while watching your face warp into one of horror.
“I think I’ll be fine. But thank you, Minho.”
“It’s Mr. Lee for you now, miss. Don’t forget that.” Thank god this was your last class because your hormones were kicking all your emotions into high gear and you really wanted to flirt. But instead, opted for annoyed.
“Fine.” You Left quickly l, not looking back at him because thinking about calling him anything other than Minho was weird. And especially him having this superior complex about him.
Time for work.
You had started training by watching a shit ton of videos going over safety in a bakery and cleanliness. But today was your first day getting to do actual work.
You entered the bakery with your work uniform in tow, heading straight to the bathroom in back to change before even approaching your boss. You'd only met the one so far, but you knew today would be with the other man that owned the place.
After getting redressed, you headed to the office to find the co-owner that was training you. When you knocked, you heard "Come in" and walked in to find a handsome man facing his computer. You just saw his back, but bitch, you knew that if his back looked this good in their polo his face must be beautiful.
You weren't wrong, but also, you were shocked. "Han Jisung?!" You exclaimed. This was the same kid that used to help out his dad when you were younger. He was making money as a teacher's aid to his own dad, which always seemed sketchy, but he worked so hard to help in every way he could in his father's chemistry class.
He squinted suspiciously at you, trying to figure out where he knew you from, "Wait, y/n?". You don't know if you should be excited or scared that he recognizes you. That was back in the braces day. Ugh.
The training with him went as well as it could. It was nice to have some background on each other and previous encounters; it made the conversations flow.
--- A couple weeks later ---
Balancing school and work was getting harder. The classes were getting more intense and you were finally on your own at work. The few hours you spent at the bakery were making it hard for you to keep up with homework. But the pay was sooo nice.
You sighed heavily without realizing during Minho's lecture and he noticed, but didn't mention it in front of class to save you the embarrassment.
"Miss y/n, please stay after."
The eye roll returned without a second thought. It couldn't be helped since your teacher likes to treat you like a literal child. Constantly being extra careful around you and making fun of you with a small smirk that embarrasses you.
"What's up, Minho?"
He removed any resemblance of a smile from his face, "Mr. Lee."
"Okay, well...?"
"You were sighing and yawning a lot. I just wanted to make sure everything was going okay at home?"
"Oh." You were surprised by the attention he had paid, blushing slightly. "I've just been learning and working a lot. I should probably ask for less hours."
"Make sure you manage your time correctly. If you need tutoring, my offer still stands. You're smart, but you aren't paying attention."
"Aye aye."
--- After School ---
"Are you comfortable closing with me tonight?" Han questioned while you were getting washed up to start making tomorrow's bread.
"Yeah, I assumed that why I was scheduled so late, but it's fine." You and Han had gotten a lot closer in your hours working together. He was the normal closer for their bakery, so it was most evenings with him.
The night went pretty regularly. Except for Jisung allowed you to pick the Spotify playlist for the evening. It made the shift so much more fun as you sang along and helped customers' with their orders.
The vibe was a great change from the stress of school. Gave you a chance to enjoy being around a gorgeous man and make money.
You weren’t sure if you were imagining it, but you felt like Jisung had really loosened up to you. It made learning easy, but also the crush you were developing grow faster.
He was prepping some of the loaves for the next day already, since it was almost closing time. Separating and getting them ready to rise one last time. You were watching him working deftly with his hands to create the perfect shapes and he noticed your curious stares.
“Would you like to learn some of the shaping?” You were so focused on his work that you jumped when he spoke up.
“Sorry- uhm yeah. I’d like that.”
You moved to his side and stood shoulder to shoulder with him as you watched him slice off another piece of dough, weigh it, and then cover it with flour to shape it.
He cut off a piece and handed it to you as a trial piece. You tried your best to replicate, but it was obvious you needed more help.
Han was a good boss, so he did what anyone would do in his circumstance, right? No.
Han came up from behind you and stood directly against you. You were so shocked that you forget how to breath for a second. He grabbed your flour covered hands so that he could maneuver them and demonstrate the motions from your view.
The man’s crotch was directly against your lower back and you could not swipe that thought from your mind as he rested his head on your shoulder. Focusing on his lesson was nearly impossible. You were aware he was still attempting a lesson on shaping, but all you saw was his veiny arms and fingers contracting and manipulating the soft pliable material.
But all your brain could think of was how well he could use those fingers to manipulate something else. “Are you even listening, y/n?”
You replied with a dumb “Uhm yeah of course.”
“Try this then.” He let you give it a go and his hands held himself up against the table top as he watched. He still made no movement to get away from you and you felt your heart race at the proximity and his breath in your ear. “That’s better…”
The bell at the front counter rang and you were both taken out of the lesson to look at the guest there. Unfortunately, the bakery has no separation from the front table to the main bakery, but neither of you had expected to have any other visitors.
Jisung moved so far away so quickly, as if he was caught doing something he should be, while you were just so surprised you froze in place.
He went up to talk to the person while you refused to make eye contact from embarrassment of being so in your perverted thoughts. But how couldn’t you be? He was literally standing against your back. Perfect position for ramming into from behind-
“Y/n?” You were taken it if your dirty thoughts by your name being called by the familiar voice.
You looked up and realized that the customer stood at the counter was none other than your new teacher, and old babysitter, Lee Minho. “Minho?! What are you doing here?”
“I wanted to try this bakery for my breakfast tomorrow. I mean, I didn’t know this is where you worked.” He was stuttering and you weren’t sure why. If you could guess, he was just as caught of guard as you. All professionalism left his body as soon as he had gotten out of the suit and tie at school.
His slacks and half open button down accentuated his gorgeous figure in a way you did not need, but would definitely remember for later. “Oh. Yeah this is my after school job. This is Jisung.”
He glared at the man. Seemingly jealous of the man that you had just been standing near. But why? “That didn’t seem like very professional training, Jisung.”
“Sir, it’s Han for you, and I don’t think you can judge my teaching methods. I’ve heard you’re her teacher from previous chats. And you’re allowing her to call your name so casually? That’s also not very appropriate.”
“We know each other from previous. And I am not her teacher right now.”
Han rolled his eyes at his response. “Well we also know each other from before. Maybe you should mind your business?”
Minho looked over to you, and you returned his inquisitive look. “Is y/n your girlfriend?” You we’re shocked at all the words coming from the men.
“Why does it matter to you?” Han asked him before he could say anything else. You really wanted to say something but you were dumbfounded at the current situation you found yourself in.
Minho was still staring at you. His look seemingly amused as you made an attempt to utter anything. The man walked back to the exit and flipped the open sign over to ‘closed’ and locked the door. The scene was getting more tense and the two of you behind the counter shared a pensive look. Han pointed lowly at the panic button under the counter just in case you guys needed it.
As Minho walked back to the counter he walked around to the back and towards you. He never looked at Han the entire time and you were frozen by his intense glare. He stopped a foot away from you and finally looked behind your head at the other man, “I asked, because I’ve been thinking about giving her lessons of my own. But I won’t if she is your student already.” He cocked his head like it was a question.
Han stood his ground behind you at the strange man. “What are you helping her with?”
Lee Minho, the man, the legend, smiled at Han as he easily spoke, “everything. I want to teach her everything.”
At that moment Lee Minho closed the gap. He put one hand behind your head and asked, “May I?”
You nodded your head and he closed the gap as he let his lips caress your own.
My boos: @2chopsticks2eyes @sweetracha @moonlightndaydreams
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artaxlivs · 5 days
20 questions for writers
I was tagged by @corrodedbisexual who is a kickass Steddie writer and you should check them out if you haven't already!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
45 although I have several dropping in June for Bangs (eek!)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
419,731 - which is just bonkers.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Stranger Things, Marvel (Clint Barton centric) and Teen Wolf (I tripped and fell into that one but its just so good...fucking werewolves)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Destroy the Silence (Drummer Steve) - Steddie
An Accidental Flogging - Steddie
The Second Worst Trip to Mordor Ever Taken - Steddie
Even Flowers Have Their Dangers - Steddie
Screw Todd, Steve's Her (His) Daddy Now - Steddie
5. Do you respond to comments?
Always. Once every three weeks or so, I go through and leave full, complete responses to every single one (It's where I've met some of my favorite peeps!)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Angsty at the end?? Nah, I like my angst safely in the middle and I give it a nice landing in smut and laughter, thank you.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I mean, all of them? Endings are kind of my specialty - gotta stick the landing, you know? But in my Teen Wolf fic Somewhere Under the Rainbow it ends with a literal happy ending (not that kind you perv)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet but I don't write anything that would inspire hate (Hopefully?)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, yes I do. I really like consent and kink discussions and unlearning all the unhealthy shit society and our parents have dumped on all of us. And service Doms...because ❤️‍🔥
10. Do you write crossovers?
I have a problem with 80s movies and crossing them into fics. Gremlins, Dirty Dancing, etc. But like, just a little. My name is ARTAXLIVS, give me a break!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I mean AI is out there fucking us all without our consent, right?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have one currently being translated (Destroy the Silence)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have not.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Winterhawk probably - Clint Barton is just perfectly imperfect and Bucky Barnes is a growling bastard with a thing for idiots.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
Fuck my life - don't come for me but There's Something Wrong with Steve has been sitting at 2/4 chapters for like 9 months and I actually have the last two chapters written but there's just something not clicking so I haven't posted them. I will. I WILL.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Endings - as stated, characterization, story flow, cadence, dialogue, smut scenes, minimalist world building but not a lack of - I get a lot of comments from people who also have aphantasia (we can't picture things in our heads) and I think it's because I don't describe every stupid ass tree (Tolkien, I'm talking to you)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Crippling self doubt
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Enh, you do you boo. When I write sign language or D/deaf culture for Clint, I touched base with someone fluent in ASL but I have access to that so...
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Marvel - Bucky Barnes/Clint Barton (Winterhawk, my loves)
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Pic a favorite? Blergh. I really love when people comment on Even Flowers Have Their Dangers because it's the biggest world building thing I've ever done (there's a DND-like battle scene!) But also, What if Clint Fell has a special place in my heart because I love bashful first time gay Steve and slutty Clint figuring it out during WW2.
Pretty sure i just did one of these 20 questions things a few months ago so I'm gonna no pressure tag the people I'm currently collabing on bangs with so I can learn more about them: @angeleyz4ever @rufferto9 and I don't think @eviscer-8 writes fanfic but they're a bookbinder so maybe they could tweak the questions which would be interesting!
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@blytheblight Here's how I set up the iterator modding nonsense:
Got Slugcat's Wardrobe and its dependency Dress My Slugcat
Got Beastmaster Pup Extras and its dependency Beastmaster
Assigned iterators to a different slugcat each with Dress My Slugcat (in SRS Performs CPR, SRS = Riv, FP = Survivor, Moon = Monk, NSH = Hunter. But you can do any combo. I have an active expedition as Artificer FP. Make sure you set stuff like tails and scars to blank or else it'll look very funny.)
Used Jolly Coop to assign my colors to white, and my eyes to black (you can make FP's white too if you're playing as him - I just kept forgetting to in a lot of clips). I forget if you can do this without Jolly Coop, but I think you can for non-vanilla scugs? Don't quote me on that. Iirc, if you play a non-survivor without being white via Jolly Coop, other adult slugcats will be tinted your color. (Had some problems with dark purple SRS when I recorded myself lugging them around as Spearmaster :P) EDIT: @birdkittenn says that you do not need Jolly Co-Op for this, hurrah!
Spawned in the corresponding adult slugcats with Beastmaster Pup Extras. They function like slugpups, but with stuff like custom diets and abilities. I do not know how to feed Spearmaster but they sure can generate spears... You have to "tame" adults like slugpups, by dragging them into a shelter and hibernating with them.
Revivify is how I did CPR. I hear it currently has issues with working on slugpups, but I'm sure they'll fix it eventually. I probably didn't have any problems because all of the iterators are adult slugcats.
You can also do this with other cosmetic mods too, of course. The possibilities of Dress My Slugcat are endless!
I also use a bunch of other mods like SBCameraScroll, Friends of Friends, etc. I recently picked up Carnivore: Reborn because even if I like the challenge of adhering to diets, feeding multiple adult slugcats with their own unchangeable diets is hard. Five Pebbles Pong is also generally great. And I wish I had found Sharpener before making those videos!
You can also assign a single iterator to all slugpups, but they'll be tiny.
Anyways, this combo has brought me a new form of joy when it comes to playing Rain World. Now I can piggyback SRS and scream while trying to tame red lizards in expeditions.
@birdkittenn I nearly always have Jolly Co-Op on, even when I'm not playing with friends, so I haven't touched Diverse Shelters yet. I'll certainly look more into it when they update though. 👀 It seems really nice to look at, and it'd be helpful with my shenanigans, even if it is hilarious crushing four adult-sized slugerators in a box.
Hope you guys don't mind the pings! This isn't my main blog so I can't just do DMs or normal replies. q.q Post got kind of long, so it's probably best in this format anyways though.
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dr-whoopsie-daisy · 8 months
do you know how myopia management contacts work? my understanding is that they're multifocal and this slows down myopia progression somehow????
Ooh an optics and physiology question. I'm going to need diagrams.
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The main reasons for myopia in the first place is a long Axial length (eye too long) or the front curvature of the eye is too steep. Soft contact lens myopia control goes with the Axial length problem.
Traditional myopia glasses can focus light correctly at the fovea (central reading vision) but miss the retina in the periphery. They actually overshoot the retina and cause hyperopic defocus, so the image is behind the eye. This gives a young eye stimulus to grow longer to reach that defocused image. Myopia control is for kids/teens due to their rapid growth rate which responds to this stimulus.
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I'll link the paper this diagram comes from at the end. The left image shows the hyperopic defocus. The right image shows a theoretical glasses lens that causes myopic defocus, no stimulus for axial elongation.
You can cause myopic defocus by undercorrecting the glasses or contact lenses with less Rx than the child needs, but that causes blurred vision. We can't have kids walking around blurry while also trying to teach them how to read. Bifocals were the first attempt, but only having 1 hemisphere undercorrected wasn't enough. Multifocal contact lenses used in myopia control have a reading add (plus power) in concentric rings.
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The center distance design gives clear distance vision in the middle and reading power on the outer edges 360. Myopic defocus, no stimulus for growth, less axial elongation. I say less because this slows the rate of growth but does not halt it completely; kids' bodies are still growing and that includes their eyes.
Last myopia control article I read had three different glasses lens companies coming out with myopia control glasses with a myopic defocus on the periphery. I haven't seen the clinical results yet since they are so new.
Other options for myopia control are Ortho-keratology and atropine 0.05% drops.
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pastelalleycat · 1 day
Like its predecessor, the Illumination movie Sing 2 features sideplots with its deurotagonists that revolve around and eventually assimilate into the central story (putting on the in-movie musical Out of This World). Now, I love Sing 2. Despite a shaky first act, it has an incredible finale that hits almost every chord right. But there's a part of the movie I haven't seen anyone complain about (besides me, in YouTube comment sections) and I really think it needs to be addressed. It hasn't left my head since the movie came out and it still really rubs me the wrong way.
...that part is Darius, okay? I hate Darius.
Please hear me out.
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In Meena's sideplot she has to kiss someone on stage for her song, but not having had her first kiss yet, she feels incredibly nervous about it. Buster Moon tells her not to worry, because he thinks he's got the perfect guy to pair with her. In comes the new hire, an acclaimed Broadway-equivalent actor sure to sweep her off her feet.
Darius is a girl's stereotypical first date: charismatic, moody, a little ditzy, very romantic. He doesn't make the best impression with either Meena or Buster, but especially with Meena; he gloats about the success of his previous show, only after doing so addressing he's been told about Meena's nerves- forgetting her name in the process.
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When Meena tries to correct Darius ("it's Meena, not Gina"), he asks her not to interrupt him in the future instead of accepting the criticism. Meena's ears are pulled close to her face, a behavior carried over from the first film that she does when feeling very shy and guarded.
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Their initial rehearsal doesn't go well, with Darius initiating unwanted physical contact with Meena. The chemistry is very clearly not working, and everyone can see it, but they assume it's just a rocky start.
This is where the problems really begin.
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A phrase that's frequently thrown around with Darius and Meena is "find the feeling". Miss Crawly says it (in essence, at least) over her megaphone to try to get the co-stars in line, but Darius is by far the one who uses it the most. It's not a comforting statement, it's not a "let's work this out", it's a demand- because if the chemistry isn't there when the curtains go up, Darius's reputation could be affected. (Meena's as well, but he's not concerned about that.)
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Meena runs outside to get some fresh air and meets Alphonso- voiced rather impressively by Pharrell Williams, as a sidenote- and it's not only love at first sight, perhaps her first real crush even, but the antithesis of everything Darius is. Sweet, non-judgemental, genuinely appreciative.
It was at this point, watching the movie for the first time, that I guessed how Meena's story would wrap up. She'd tell Buster she was uncomfortable, Darius would get kicked to the curb, and they'd hire Alfonso to star alongside her. Happy ending. (If only Alfonso could sing, but we never get any indication he has talent or experience, just that Meena imagines so.)
Well, Meena tells Buster no less than twice through the subplot that she's uncomfortable with Darius. Instead of letting her explain and listening to her concerns, he quickly tells her she has to stay with him for the act. The anxiety and stress and Darius's smartassery just keep building until the actual performance.
Darius asks her one last time, desperately, still calling her Gina, to "find the feeling".
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She imagines Alphonso.
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And she does it.
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And that's, apparently, the victory the story was looking for. Darius goes with the rest of the cast on the big tour, Meena gets Alphonso's number so she can FaceTime him every now and then, and everyone's okay with how the stars aligned.
But me? God, I'm not. The fact that Darius recieved zero backlash (as far as I know), that his stuck-up behavior was treated as cute and quirky by the fanbase, infuriates me. I rarely get infuriated by cartoons, but this, as an AFAB person who was groomed online, is something I absolutely can't stand. Darius is treated as a comedic figure, and yes, it's "just" a kiss, but his behavior is far from funny, and a first kiss that goes anything like this is far from inconsequential.
Meena should never have been pushed to the point of needing to imagine someone in Darius's place in order to play her role. She should never have been forced to act with, much less kiss, him at all. It reminds me, tragically, of how people in situations of continued distress will imagine themselves in a better place to help them get through it. How a young girl, if she's attracted to boys or raised to assume such, may assume she must always be willing to please her boyfriend before taking her own needs into account.
Meena deserved so much better in Sing 2. She needed Buster to listen to her, Rosita to give her candy from her purse, Johnny to give her a hug, Günter to make her laugh. She needed a community. The kids watching her did, too. And the film didn't give them that dignity.
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hyprfixate · 1 year
hold on tight↝ [L.F] :: teaser
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ summary: you're unhappy. you're almost certain that there isn't anything in this world that can make you happier, and you're right. what you don't account for, however, is something otherworldly flipping your life on its head. or, should you say someone
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ pairing: lee felix x reader
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ word count: 950
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ tags: angst, non idol au, fantasy au kind of, felix is an angel literally and figuratively, mentions of suicidal thoughts without going into detail, reader is depressed, she/her pronouns used for the reader, slowburn, strangers to lovers, putting angst again bc thats how much angst there is.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ author’s note: hello! this is a small teaser for a much longer upcoming fic that i'm still in the process of writing! i haven't written fanfic in a very long time so i apologize if i'm rusty lol. i hope you guys enjoy! :)
quickly skimmed, ignore typos lol
Felix doesn’t remember when he became the front desk worker for purgatory. 
He assumes it was a while ago, since his fellow co-workers have all come and gone, some of them eons older than him. He’s always been “their little Lixie”, and while most of them have gone to a place he can’t reach, the nickname still lives on. Their little Lixie remains seated behind a mahogany desk, clicking away at his computer and waiting for the next person to approach him.
Felix is the first face a person sees when they die. Guy, the one in charge of it all, says it’s because of his contagious grin and never ending happiness. Felix could light up a room with his smile alone if he wanted to. That kind of energy helps people calm down– makes them feel at ease. Another perk about him is that he never feels lonely, despite how desperately lonely the job is. Felix knows that even though nobody stays, there is always someone new to talk to.
Like now.
“Hi!” he chirps to the person walking up to his desk. They’re dressed in pajamas with a severe case of bedhead, so from the looks of it they were probably sleeping when it happened. They look scared, and he pouts.
“Are you okay?”
“Where am I?”
He leans back in his seat, pointing to the gold plaque above his head. “Purgatory.”
“I’m dead?”
It’s the same script every time someone comes in, but his soft smile never wavers. “Yeah,” he says softly. “I’m so sorry. It’s not really so bad here, you know?”
He pulls himself back up to his computer. “Could I get your name?”
Stuttering, the person gives him their name. He presses a few keys on his keyboard before the computer dings softly, setting off the printer next to him.
“Oof.” He grimaces, eyes racing across the lines on the screen. “Heart attack did you in, yeah? That’s always the worst way to go. Have you had heart problems before?”
“Yeah,” they stutter out. “But I never-- no one told me they could kill me.”
Felix peers up through his long lashes, giving them another small smile. He knows it’s best to move on, rather than walk them through the speech about how everything and anything can kill you, so it’s a bit silly to expect that something as serious as heart issues would just be swept under the rug. Most people don’t appreciate being lectured when they die.  Instead, he pulls the paper from the printer and scans it quickly.
“Seems like you have some business to attend to first,” he hums. “You left behind two kids and a partner, I see. They’re going to need your presence in the next few days. Afterwards you’ll get to go upstairs.”
“Like, Heaven?”
“If that’s what you want to call it, that’s what it is,” he smiles. The person in front of him softens at that. He hands them the paper and points at a set of doors on his left. “Go through those double doors and walk down the hall to room 202. Knock and ask for Christopher, tell him Felix sent you.”
He waves, cheeks puffing up in a genuine grin as they wave back and disappear beyond the double doors. Once they’re out of sight, he pulls out his notepad from the desk drawer and scribbles furiously.
No glow, almost faded.
While Felix undoubtedly had a lot of questions about his appearance and business in purgatory, his biggest question was something no one could answer.
Why was he the only one who glowed?
At first, before they got computers in the office, Felix had no idea what he looked like. He knew had soft, sandy brown hair; Guy would always ruffle it and tell him he was handsome, but he didn’t know why he was handsome. Once technology advanced and they got a desktop, that question was answered thanks to the webcam. In addition to noticing his features, Felix also noticed that his body was outlined with a bright, sparkly gold light.
No one else in purgatory had that, not even Guy. Christopher, who worked in the office of external affairs, told Felix it was probably just his happiness manifested into something physical. Christopher himself was covered in tattoos, as he was known through the office for always knowing what to say to comfort people. Felix would agree with that theory, but he’s met countless people just as happy as himself with no glow.
Since then, he’s been keeping a journal of every face who’s walked through his office. Some people were more faded than others-- those were the people who wouldn’t spend too long here. Some people were dark and vivid, like the image of a 4K TV screen (not that Felix knew what 4K was, he’d heard about it from a couple visitors and adopted the phrase himself). Those people were usually there for a long time. But no matter how long a person was set to stay, they never had a glow like he did.
He tosses the notepad back into the desk drawer, leaning back into his seat and sighing. He didn’t have much time to himself, though, as the elevator outside the office door dinged.
He leans forward, clearing his throat and running his “script” in his head. He runs his hands through his hair before looking up with a bright smile.
“Hi! Welcome to…”
His voice trails off and his jaw goes slack as his eyes settle on the person in front of him. 
Yeah. Felix had seen lots of dead people, sure, but he’d never, ever seen one that glowed like he did.
Until now.
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battlekilt · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank to @ink-in-books for tagging me.
How many works do you have on AO3?
Technically, 3. Though, one is just the "smut" content of another fic. So, really, I just have the two.
2. What's your total A03 word count?
141,494 words.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
On this O3 account, just Clone Wars.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
M'dear, I only have two fics.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, I do! Especially if they are engaging questions that ask about the world-building, the character study, or my plot.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
It isn't ended, but it has the most angst in it, and it has also left-off in the angstiest way. But, it would be Aay'han: Mournful Celebration.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
From what the readers can tell? Aay'han: Mournful Celebration because it has a clear end; it is after Order 66, so the damage has been done, and now it is time to recuperate. Nightmare for Others, Dreams for the Self ends off pretty early in the war, meaning I haven't gone over with the readers what happens. However, when I can update Nightmare for Others, I know how it will continue. And, there's gonna be some angst, but other things that will make up for Anakin's poor little life.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet. Though, I get a lot of comments asking me to write Cody-wan instead of, say, ObiRex.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do. I just didn't get a chance to write any for Batakin.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
No, and I don't particularly care for it, either. There's some Universes that I'd love a crossover, but I'd be picky as hell. I'd love to write a TCW and Transformers crossover!!!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, I ain't important enough. Either is my works.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Just like Inky, I sort of did? Batakin was the love-brain child of @spacingstars and I. We were supposed to work on it together, however, I got possessive, and they were also busy with work. It ended up easier for me to just write it myself. Mournful Celebration was an event gift, and I used some things from our private roleplay together. Does that make it a co-author?
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Again, I'm like Inky, that it depends on what my interest is. In TCW, Rexwalker has risen to the top of my OTP list, and that is entirely unexpected. I came in with a very different ship that I've mostly abandoned due to just... not vibing with its community. ObiRex is still so dear to my heart, and survives in a better state than say... other ships I'm still a registered with the manifest. But, Rexwalker rose to the top. It tickles all my required ish-es. I love the potential for intrigue, for defiance of the narrative, the "solution" to so many problems found in simple places, and boyish cuteness.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
A few that will never see the light of day because I lost interest. For the most part, I keep my WIPs down to a low. Once a WIP will no longer be finished, it isn't a WIP; it is a dropped project, and it is okay to drop them.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Long plots, contextual detail, world-building, dialogue, characterization...
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
There's some grammar things I'm weak as thinning cheap denim. I wouldn't call it a weakness, but I am not the author for anyone if they want concise, short stories.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Painful. I'd rather not. I don't like it because I'm trying to figure out the best way to convey to the reader what it translates. Including Mando'a is hard enough as it is.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Uhhh... I think a tiny little anime fandom called The Slayers. None of it will be found ever again. It has been lost to all time.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
Star Wars: Come From Water, which is unpublished. I am still working on it!
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groundzero-v · 8 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
Thank you @gracelesslady23 for tagging me! <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Only 8 (one is still waiting to be revealed in the prongsfoot fest!)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
121,775 words
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Harry Potter, and then mostly barely known fandoms haha (I have a soft spot for rareships), I'm thinking about writing for svss or mdzs too though
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
I don't wanna listen anymore - prongsfoot, multi-chapter, misunderstandings
Ad Infinitum - cyberpunk game, one-shot
Rising over dying flames - bnha gen fic, percy jackson au, two shot
Kintsugi - prongsfoot, multi-chapter
Marauder's Guide to Saving the Wizarding World - prongsfoot longfic, current wip, Marauders fight Voldemort AU, Triwizard Tournament arc, overload of pining, Marauder banter
5. Do you respond to comments?
Absolutely! I really treasure nice comments and re-read them often. They are very special to me. I try to always reply, even when the comment is only a word, but sometimes responding takes me some time
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't really do angty endings haha. I'm a very happy ending oriented person, I like my angst only before the very end. So angstiest? Probably nothing
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them! But so far probably the unrevealed prongsfoot festa fic
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I got some slightly weird comments but so far (thankfully) not any outright hate. I'm very lucky that people in the prongsfoot fandom are so incredibly nice
9. Do you write smut?
Ah, not really. I do like to read spicy fics sometimes but it depends
10. Do you write cross-overs?
It depends on the definition, I like to put characters into different universes, but the original characters of that work don't exist when I do. So it's more of an Alternate universe!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Hopefully not? I'm afraid to know, but I don't think my fics are popular enough to be stolen haha. (Whoever steals fics should be deeply ashamed though!)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Once so far, to russian
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I haven't, I imagine it's really difficult, but it could be a lot of fun as well
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I fell in love with them a long time ago and I really love writing or reading about them. The characters feel so comforting to me and I love the intensity and devotion they have for each other.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
I currently have only one real WIP published, the Marauder's Guide. For me its really easy for self-doubt to set in when writing long fics so it becomes harder and harder to push myself to write next chapter after not picking it up for a while. But I really want to finish it. I think it will take a long time but I will do it! Hopefully?
So I suppose the answer is my wip for the Sirius Black fest. I have this great idea in my head, but when I try to put it to page it sounds so bad it makes me lose motivation. We will see if I can push through haha (It's prongsfoot by the way because of course it is).
16. What are your writing strenghts?
I saw banter mentioned a lot in comments so probably that! I really like writing dialogues between the Marauders and especially James and Sirius. I also really like adding in tiny character or worldbuilding details
17. What are you writing weaknesses?
Description definitely. Pacing too, especially in the first drafts. Actions during dialogues maybe? I sometimes struggle to describe who is doing what to show exactly what I have in my head. The biggest problem is definitely endings though. I always rush them :(
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
Overall I don't add another language to my fics. I never know how much to translate, how much time spend with it and so on, so I use it very very little.
Technically though, English is my second language, so I'm always writing in a different language haha.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter! I think it was Prongsfoot as well
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
I think I tend to like my newer works because the older ones make me embarrassed by their writing haha. So probably Marauder's Guide! It's an idea very dear to my heart, even if it's not perfect in the slightest
Tagging @plecotusauritus @padfootastic @roalinda (no pressure!)
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thegoldenshi-shi · 1 year
I am having an internal crisis. Outside influence is swaying me towards drawing Sides and Sunny in tuxes/suits/dresses, and I am very much itching to do so. This itch is also making me want to pull out my patterns and start making my cosplays again, one of which is a papillon inspired dress shirt and jacket. And I haven't drawn or tailored in a /hot/ minute, not to mention that my sizes have very much changed, and aren't particularly congruent enough to make a shirt, or any form of top other than a crop top, so I am FIGHTING not to do it
Also, working on cleaning my room still, stars above was it a mess, is a mess. I have however cleared out my desk area! And my computer is back to functional cause my friend is a saint and gave me his old graphics card (sly bastard, he didn't tell me that's what he was gonna do so I couldn't refuse) so now I just need to get the fans connected to the motherboard (frankencomputer isn't a joke, they were directly connected to the psu, wherein the old psu had the wires welded into the thing so I couldn't just transfer fan wire onto new psu, so fans are dead in the water as of right now. Cause new psu doesn't have the right thing, a male plug, to be able to connect them). But! It's functional again, blessed be, and so with a lot of external things factored in, including me generally keeping my room temp at almost 60°f and two external fans that I was able to clean and set up around it, me and two friends were able to play modded mc last night! Which was fun, first time playing co-op with my friends in a month.
On other news, my desk is tiny, so with computer back I physically do not have space to comfortably art, so I am gonna see about getting some stuff set up to scooch the moniter and keyboard so I can have desk space to use my pencils and sketchbooks. Largest issue with drawing Sides in a really frilly dress is my issue of not being able to draw humanoid things. I can't get proportions straight. (Damb my useless brain, not able to have images in my mind, remembered or imagined, kills my ability to art)
And work is. Fucking awful right now, actually. We have someone that has been here for almost two months, and he is a misogynistic dirtbag. Our warehouse is severely lacking in Y chromosomes, and I am unfortunately in the closet at work due to bigotry against queer identifying folk, so I count in his mind towards the *problem*, and he won't stop flirting with me. Which is gross, he's twelve years older than me, which were I older and twelve years weren't such a significant part of my lifespan I wouldn't take issue with. But I worked retail and fastfood in places that made me feel as if I was part of the product to be sold, so people older than me, especially men, flirting with me is a really yucky feeling. Not to mention there is this thing about him, I don't entirely know what, that has me feeling an awful mix of scared and angry about him? There's just something off about him, and maybe its that he insists on trying to talk to me alone, or maybe it's that I have disliked him from when he first started flirting with me, or maybe its him triggering ma and SV's gaydars, but whatever it is is gross and I don't like it. Oh, and apparently he drives the forklift smelling like alcohol, which I wouldn't know because I try to keep one me-height away from him at all times, at least.
Happier note, with summer coming around, I will get to enjoy having ladybugs randomly cropping up in my room and eating wasps again. Which was funny as all hell to discover the first time, cause I always forget they're carnivorous and predatory, as well at that thick exoskeleton and forewings they have meaning that actually stinging them is damn near impossible for the wasp
Hello again Smooch~ The urge to draw robots in clothes happens to every mecha artist at some point I think… And I don't care HOW good you think you are at art, trying to slap Fortress Maximus in an evening gown or Deathsaurus in a three-piece suit is going to break your brain. I can't help you with proportions I'm afraid, since that's just something you have to learn over time. (As they say: repetition is the mother of mastery). But, I can say that dresses are easier to draw on robots than suits. If you want to draw suits, brace yourself to give them weird cutouts and things to make room for kibble. Examples A and B (with your preferred boys hehe)
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Since you can sew cosplays though, that wouldn't be an issue for you I'm sure. I'm trying to fight the urge to sew unnecessarily as well. I too am an odd size so I'm always having to get my mom to tailor and/or make me clothes. I'll have to send you some pictures of my finished pieces on discord sometime~
It's good that you were able to play with your friends, a functional computer is a blessing. 60 degree bedroom is less of a good thing, but I guess it's the price you have to pay for the computer blessing right now hehe. I'm not ashamed to say that everything you listed about your computer woes flew completely over my tech-retarded head, but it sounds like you've gone through a lot to fix your problems. I wish it was as easy as replacing parts to fix your work-place issues. If you're lucky, your problem dude will get fired for being intoxicated at work or for being a butt. Me wishing won't fix your problem of course, but I really do hope that it gets better for you. In the meantime, enjoy your ladybugs eating wasps??? I didn't know that ladybugs could or would eat wasps, so when I read your ask I was flabbergasted. It makes sense that they can since, as you said they're carnivorous and heavily armored, but still…wasps?!?!
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murachinchi · 8 months
Wait a second, now that you’ve mentioned Nezuko, what of the other cast? The Hashira? The Upper Moon demons and Muzan? What do the two opposing sides think of the relationship?
let's see...
ill put this under read more its pretty lengthy...
Kidoairaku kids AU
in my kidoairaku kids AU they are all humans and Muzan is his boss. I've never thought about the other upper moons but Muzan and Kokushibo knows about Hantengu's family (Tan and the kids). I did planned Kokushibo to be spying on the family but still havent made any reason why he does that.. But Muzan knowing about Hantengu's family played some part on why Hantengu keep abandoning Tan and the kids.. Some.. cause its mostly just Hantengu having problems with the kids lol
I did add some of the others here.. So far i made The Shinazugawa as Tan's neighbour... Mitsuri will show up later as her younger self to be Zou's friend. Zenitsu and Inosuke will be Tanjiro's friends.. in this AU Zenitsu owned a peach farm inherited from his Grandpa, Inosuke works there too.. Both of them met Tanjiro when they r visiting his village to supply peach (?)
I've thought about adding Kanao here too.. When Tanjiro's parents was still alive they arranged him to marry Kanao. Keep in mind this is omegaverse so Kanao is an Alpha and Tan is an Omega lol. They did the arranged meeting several times to get to know each other but when Tanjiro found out that he has to go to the city with her after the marriage he declined the offer. so they got a bittersweet ending lol
Also i did add Kyo here too lol because the story was supposed to end as Rntn in the end but now that i love HanTan too i scrapped this ending..
Kidnap AU
For the Kidnap AU, Tan was basically a "gift" from Muzan for Hantengu cause he brought Nezuko for him. so after absorbing Nezuko and gained immunity from the sunlight he sorta abandoned whats left of the uppermoon and went on his own way... the uppermoons had visit Hantengu's place to see Tanjiro tho, but they dont really do much.. Koku was just staring at him menacingly (cause of the earrings), douma being his annoying self and akaza mocking him i guess.. as for the others on Tan's side welp its not good for them :c Tan used to be optimistic that his friends and the corps will come to save him but his optimism got crushed after a certain event i will not discuss rn
Swap AU
with the Swap AU.. i only swap the hashira and the upper moons.. i didnt swap Muzan and Kagaya.. Kokushibo were also still the same.. currently ive swapped Douma, Akaza, Hantengu, and Gyutaro as hashira.. i did made all the hashira as demons.. but their roles r still wip lol. Daki was also swapped but she's not a Hashira.. she's Gyutaro's tsuguko... she doesn't like the implication but Gyu won't budge. Genya is still a demon slayer and still has his eating demon skill but he's now Hantengu's tsuguko. Zenitsu and Inosuke's faith is still wip.. idk if i should turn them into a demon or not lol im open for suggestions tho.. I've talked about this but Gyokko is Han's Swordsmith.. sorry to Gyokko fans but he's not a Hashira here 😔😔..
also HanTan's relationship in this AU was kept very secret only Han's Crow and Gyokko knew about their relationship. Although Kyojuro and Douma did find out about their relationship later on..
Kyojuro has a soft spot for Tanjiro so he did keep this under Muzan's radar so there haven't been any repercussions on demons side. Also for plot armor (lol) Tanjiro just like Nezuko managed to break their connection to Muzan thats how he managed to stay hidden. as for the Hashiras... i was planning to make Douma tattle to his fellow hashira about this and ambushed both Hantengu and Tanjiro but i haven't thought much about this.. i just wanna see Tan and Han suffer a bit ehehehe
Modern AU
In the modern AU Muzan and the uppermoons are his co-workers.. Muzan owned the company where Han works at.. Tan still has his friends Zenitsu, Inosuke and Genya... there's also Kyojuro, Tan's ex-boyfriend lol
as you can see the AU is pretty barebones.. mostly cause "hey i wanna see HanTan but this" so i focused more on those 2 than the outside factors orz although i will try to polish the AU stories.. in the mean time this is what i can tell to u guys.. leave more ask in my inbox tho it can help me think more about the AUs 🤣🤣
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aita-blorbos · 8 months
WIBTA for trying to help my brother?
[Context spoiler: this is OCs!]
I (20sF) have been working as a member of this sort of security organisation these past few years. My older brother (20sM) was also a member of this organisation until about a year ago. We had very little contact as co-workers — it was a matter of being in different departments, him having a few years on me in the organisation, and becoming a major asset to said organisation. I generally only had low-key jobs while he got the big fishes, essentially.
Our relationship has always been a bit weird. Our dad didn't care about us. Our mum died of cancer pretty early in my life, and he was both her (before her passing, obvs) and my caretaker. I always looked up to him, and he did definitely love me as his baby sister. He took up the job to keep us afloat but after it started occupying all his time I tried to go after him.
Obviously it hasn't worked out. He quit earlier this year to "become a supervillain". I won't specify his actions from that point forward because I feel this bit of info alone is enough to identify the both of us, but if you haven't heard, it's mainly petty crimes, attempting to recruit minions, and attacking people from my/his former security job.
I got the job to bring him into the custody of our organisation after he became a big enough problem for them. It's very heartless coming from them, obviously, but I still took the job because it's my brother! I want to see him finally, and talk to him.
I've been pursuing him in disguise so he won't know its me. The plan is to draw him into a fight and reveal my identity then so his guard will be down, and attempt to bring him into custody, using a tranquiliser if needed.
The plan feels rather shady, but my protests are falling on deaf ears. This is the main issue I have with this. Another issue is that my superiors aren't explaining what will happen to him after he's apprehended. They won't say whether he'll remain in organisation custody or handed over to the police. Apparently, this is 'beyond my jurisdiction' to know?
But I still want to go through with this. My brother is being a menace to wider society, inspiring people to use their skills for mischievous and often malicious ends. The agent currently spying on him says he has no signs of regret for his actions. He's apparently planning to make contact with an extremely dangerous, barely controllable individual in order to further whatever the hell his ends are.
If I bring my brother in, I could talk some sense into him, even if he does end up in prison thereafter. I could have the chance to talk to him at all. We could finally go back to being a normal sibling duo. He would be free from his life of crime and able to make a new start. It'd be helping him!
So, with all that said, would I be the asshole for trying to help my brother?
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mrcspectr · 2 years
steven sees moon knight related memerobilia in a store somewhere totally geeks out over it and buy s ALL OF IT prompting marc to be like "dude you are moon knight you dont need this you literally have the suit" and stevens like "but MAAAAAAAAHHHC its CUUUUTE and IT CAN MOOOOVE TOOO" etc etc etc
Oh, and he does it every time.
Once they'd fallen into a comfortable co-consciousness, the monotonous day-to-day stuff didn't seem so bad. Marc kinda hated grocery shopping, would rather just buy something quick and convenient if he needed to eat and run. But Steven was.. actually a pretty good cook when he took his time with it, and that was something he could get used to, so grocery shopping it is, I guess.
But it was nice, having someone to talk to on the trip.
The problem is, Steven was prone to distraction. It was something about.. tiny things? Marc didn't really get it. The flat was littered with knick knacks, statues of gods from the Ennead (Steven, we both know they don't actually look like that. Well yeah Marc, I know that, buuuuut it's still pretty adorable, innit? Look at this one! Sure buddy, whatever you say. Why don't you show me again.), pyramid paper weights, the whole thing.
Marc loathed when they started making the action figures, and the worst part is, they were everywhere. Like a painful reminder in miniature. In store fronts, at the checkout, and as much as he tried to keep their feet firmly planted in line, Steven was totally insistent, could not let it go for the life of him. He just had to see it all, every single one. He also had to make sure the limbs were moveable. For some reason. It felt like a little kid was dragging him through the store by the arm.
Marc, would you take a look at that? It's got the hood and everything, that one. See, and you can pull it back a bit, look at the detail on that-
You could just, y'know, wear it Steven, it's the same thing.
Well mine doesn't have a hood OR a cape now, does it?
Don't act like you haven't thought about wearing mine.
I haven't, actually.
..well, not recently, anyway.
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