#i walked out of there and immediately thought of so many things i should’ve said
Less 📱☕️
Alexia Russo x reader
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warning : fluffy 💭💗
summary :
You meet your online girlfriend "Less", only to discover she's secretly Alessia Russo, the famous footballer.
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You sat in the café, sipping your drink, glancing nervously at the clock. Today was the day you were finally meeting her, the girl you had been talking to for months. She went by the name "Less" online, and you had hit it off from the start. It felt like you could talk to her about anything, and she had this charm that was impossible to resist.
But there was one thing that always nagged at you: Less never sent many personal photos. Sure, you had seen a few selfies here and there, but they were always casual, nothing overly revealing of her life. She claimed to be a private person, which you respected. After all, she made you feel safe enough to open up, and that was all that mattered, right?
You stared out the window, lost in thought when you heard the café door open. You turned instinctively, and your heart nearly stopped. Walking in was someone you never expected to see in a place like this.
Alessia Russo
You recognized her immediately. She was one of the brightest stars in women’s football, and you had seen her play countless times. But what was she doing here?
Before you could process the situation, she looked right at you, her eyes lighting up. She smiled, a smile you knew all too well. Your heart skipped a beat, confusion flooding your mind as Alessia Russo, the Alessia Russo, made her way toward your table.
“Y/N?” she asked softly, her voice familiar yet completely shocking.
You blinked, struggling to connect the dots. “Less?”
She grinned sheepishly, her hands stuffed into her jacket pockets. “Surprise.”
You sat there, speechless, your brain trying to catch up with what was happening. Less, the girl you had been talking to for months, your online girlfriend, the one who you thought was just a regular person, was Alessia Russo, one of the biggest football stars in the world.
“I... I don’t understand,” you stammered, your thoughts a jumbled mess. “You’re... you’re Alessia Russo?”
She shifted on her feet, a hint of nervousness in her expression. “Yeah, I know. I should’ve told you sooner, but I didn’t want you to see me as... well, as ‘Alessia Russo the footballer,’ you know? I wanted you to get to know me.”
You stared at her, still processing the fact that the Alessia Russo was standing in front of you, the girl you’d grown close to, the one you’d shared so many personal moments with. And now, she was telling you she had been hiding this huge part of her life.
“I wanted to meet you like this, in person, so I could explain,” Alessia continued, sitting down across from you. “I’ve never done this before. I didn’t want my job or my career to change the way we talked.”
You could see the sincerity in her eyes, and it was hard to stay mad if you were even mad at all. Mostly, you were just shocked.
“So, all this time, you were hiding this?” you asked quietly, trying to make sense of it.
She nodded, biting her lip. “Yeah. It wasn’t because I didn’t trust you, I just didn’t want it to affect the way you saw me. I love football, but I wanted you to get to know Alessia, not ‘Russo.’”
You sat there, staring down at your coffee, feeling a mixture of emotions. It was hard to be angry, because in a way, you understood. Being Alessia Russo meant she had the world’s eyes on her. She didn’t get to live like a normal person most of the time, and she probably feared that once people knew who she was, everything changed.
“I get it, I think,” you said after a long pause. “It’s just... a lot to process. I didn’t think I’d be meeting a famous footballer today.”
Alessia chuckled softly, looking relieved that you weren’t storming off. “I’m still the same person you’ve been talking to for months, though. I still care about you the same way, and nothing’s changed in that department.”
You met her eyes, despite the shock, this was still the girl you had fallen for. The person who had made you laugh on long nights, who had listened when you needed to vent, who had shared parts of herself with you. That hadn’t changed.
“So... you’re not just some random girl who likes football,” you said, a small smirk tugging at your lips.
She laughed, her shoulders relaxing. “Yeah, I guess not. I was going to tell you. I just wasn’t sure how.”
You leaned back in your chair, still processing everything but feeling a lot less overwhelmed. “It’s a bit crazy, but I guess I can’t be mad. You’re still my Less.”
Alessia’s smile grew wider, the tension finally easing between you two. “Exactly. And I’m really glad you came today. I’ve been wanting to see you in person for so long.”
Despite the whirlwind of emotions, you couldn’t help but smile back. “I’ve been wanting to see you too. Even if you did leave out one tiny detail.”
She laughed, looking at you with that soft, affectionate gaze you had come to know through your video calls. “I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”
You shook your head, feeling the tension drain from your shoulders. “You better. But... I think I can forgive you, Alessia or should I still call you Less?”
“Call me Less” she said, reaching across the table to take your hand.
You squeezed her hand, feeling the warmth of her touch, and smiled softly.
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qwimblenorrisstan · 3 days
Surprise Pt. 5 | Soap x Reader
Summary: The boys learn that they don’t know you as well as they thought they did, while you find some newfound ‘friends’ in an American and his unofficial boss in Urzikstan.
Word Count: ~ 4.6k
Warnings: Descriptions of death, knives, blood, guns, explosions, debris, gas, torture, kidnapping, shooting, choking, heavy topics, biting, it’s a lot yall
A/N: umm sorry ive been gone for a week here’s some food!! *runs away* this is a big switchup though from mainly 141 to Alex, Farah, and a few more pieces of reader’s backstory so lmk any thoughts or theories (yk I love them) hope you enjoy<3 (side quest: find how many characters you can recognize from cod!)
Requests are open!
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The first thing Captain John Price registered when he walked into the room, the rest of his Task Force following closely behind, was that they were in some deep shit. They’d just gotten back from a mission. The one they’d been called into during the volleyball game. It had been low stakes, but instead of going back to the apartment, they’d been told to get back to base as soon as possible.
Laswell was pacing back and forth, fidgeting, two things she never did unless everything was falling apart at the seams. The last time he’d seen her so worked up had been years ago. When she caught sight of him, there was no sigh of relief or relaxation, she breathed out four words.
”They got her, John.”
He tried not to let the tension in his body show, tried not to look just how internally panicked he was right now. Simon stiffened, hands balling into fists. Price knew it was a conscious effort to not lash out immediately.
Ghosh ground out, eyes narrowed. Soap tried putting a hand on his shoulder, a hand that Simon only shoved off immediately. Laswell just shook her head, looking to be in shock as she only sat down at one of the chairs in the dimly lit room, pulling documents out from a drawer under the long table.
Price was the first to sit, followed by Gaz, then Soap, and finally, Simon who refused to relax, his leg bouncing impatiently under the table, hands on his knees.
Laswell opened one of the files, sliding it around to where they could see it. Lo and behold, it was a picture of you from a few years back, maybe when you’d been 14 or 15. You shouldn’t have been able to get in that early, it shouldn’t have even been possible. You wore a uniform, the file listing you by your first and last name, your callsign in the center. There was no official position or branch like there should’ve been.
Price stared at it for a few moments, reading whatever he could glean over in the file before glancing up at Laswell, who in turn pulled another file out. This one looked newer, the corners were not bent or warped yet. When she opened it, there was no picture on file. This time, it stated “Marines” as your branch. Your last name was listed as “Woods” instead of Riley.
To keep Simon from finding you on the database, most likely. Or someone else.
And the thing that caught his attention the most?
The “Captain” title right next to your first name.
”That’s nae possible.”
Soap said, jaw clenched as he glanced at Simon, the man refusing to meet his eye, glaring down at the files.
”It is,”
Laswell said, breathing out a shaky breath. Trying to calm herself, Price knew.
”They found her in a camp at 12, Frank Woods took her in, pulled some strings, and enrolled her early off record. He kept her mostly off base in a safe house until she turned 18.”
Gaz’s gaze was on Laswell now, narrowed, pinned on her. Interrogation was his specialty, after all.
”A camp?”
A nod.
”Essentially a POW camp, her relations to Ghost meant she was a valuable asset to bargain.”
Price didn’t need to glance over at Ghost to see the way he’d nearly stopped breathing, the shock being a common aspect among the group. Gaz let out a deep breath, hand going to hold the brim of his cap, his gloved finger running along the seam.
”Then how the bloody hell is she in high school?”
Simon asked, trying to reason with how this could’ve happened, how you could’ve lied to them, to him, for so long about everything and he’d never even caught on. It hadn’t been a volleyball camp keeping you from attending his mum’s funeral, it had been a POW camp, one you had been in because of him in the first place.
Simon asked, trying to reason with how this could’ve happened, how you could’ve lied to them, to him, for so long about everything and he’d never even caught on. It hadn’t been a volleyball camp keeping you from attending his mum’s funeral, it had been a POW camp, one you had been in because of him in the first place. And the new, somewhat stable foster home you’d been in? A safe house provided by your new foster parent, Frank Woods, an American Sergeant that Simon had heard whispers of.
He’d allegedly been a force to reckon with during the Korean and Vietnam wars, retired now and pushing 60 probably, but no less legendary by military standards.
”She’s 23, Lieutenant. It was a cover mission.”
Another surprise.
Another lie.
“Steamin’ Jesus…”
Soap muttered, the gleam in his eye dimming from what was most likely concern.
”It was an undercover mission, but with her gone, I don’t know how we’ll handle Nova…”
Laswell muttered to herself, catching herself just in time to shut her mouth then and there, probably realizing she’d already said too much, when Price stood up, staring her down.
”Nova? The hell is that?”
He asked sternly, and Laswell gathered the files in her hands, putting them neatly back into stacks, falling back into the controlled woman he usually saw her as.
”That’s classified, John.”
“Considering we’re closely involved with her, I don’t think it is, Kate.”
He saw the slight whiplash it gave her to call her by her first name, which made sense considering it was always Laswell. Her face grew stern, despite the worried frown lines already carving into her face.
”Don’t. We’ll get her back.”
The rest of the boys watched as she walked out of the room, Gaz muttering something sarcastic under his breath, Price pacing, Soap cursing not so quietly under his breath in his full unbridled accent, and Ghost sitting deathly still.
”I’ll talk to Briggs.”
Price said firmly, words stiff as he walked out of the room.
A moment of silence between the remaining three in the room.
Soap was the first to speak.
The sweet and irony smell of blood filled your nose as you shakily tried to move, limbs trembling for some reason.
Blinking to try and clear the blurriness in them, you opened your eyes, only to begin rapidly blinking as something small and grainy lifted from a sudden draft and blew into your eyes.
You hated sand. The way it shifted under your feet, how it got under all your clothing and in your mouth, under your nails, and in your shoes. The grainy, grinding texture of it against your skin when you had a high-stakes mission and had to lie in it, waiting for the perfect shot.
But sand of this texture was in a handful of places, so at least you could narrow your location down a bit. Getting up and looking around would also help.
You were in a small room, from the looks of it, leaning against a wooden beam that dug at the clothing on your back with jagged edges. Textured, colorfully patterned quilts and blankets hung around, and shifting your head to turn right despite how it throbbed, you saw a corkboard filled with pins and images of people, locations, and notes. A few of the faces were recognizable, not in a good way though. Recognizable in the sense that you had seen those faces before you thought you’d killed them.
The sandy floor beneath you had wood underneath, by the feel of it. Your palms pushed against the floor, trying to get the leverage to stand up, only for you to slump against the wood again.
You needed to get up.
This time using your good leg to push against the floor, as well as your palms, you got almost halfway up the beam, nearly standing, when the sand made your foot slide back out and you fell onto the floor again.
A small, breathy chuckle from the other side of the room had you immediately turning your head, the quick movement making it spin slightly, even as you heard the sound of metal moving against the floor as well as only one footstep every few seconds.
“I don’t like the sand either. Hard on my leg, or what’s left of it, anyways.”
The American from earlier came in, maybe Alex? You’d been so disoriented when he’d told you that you could hardly remember. Fragments of foggy bits came to light, but nothing more than that.
His hair was a sandy color, dirty blonde almost, with a mustache and hair that was sticking almost straight up but short enough to not look ridiculous. His one leg was perfectly normal, but on the other, there was a curved piece of metal to replace the lower half of it where a nub was all that was left.
He offered you a hand, one you hesitated before taking. An American soldier wasn’t a threat, or at least shouldn’t be. He pulled you up as you stumbled to your feet.
“Where are we?”
Your raspy voice asked, throat dry. You tried to clear it to no avail. He grabbed a canteen from a table a few feet away, near the corkboard, and handed it to you with the lid already popped off.
“Zaravan City, Urzikstan. We’re not close to much anything, though, this is one of our safe houses.”
He spoke while you chugged the water, it flowing down your throat mercifully and filling your empty stomach, only serving to remind you that you were also starving. Food could wait, though. When you handed the nearly empty canteen back to him with a small sigh, you raised a brow.
A woman’s voice, thick with a familiar accent, spoke then.
“Yes, our.”
She was standing by the corkboard, glancing over the information with a sharp eye, before walking over to Alex. Her hair was dark and thick, tied tightly back into what seemed to be a ponytail beneath her dark garb. A gun hung from her hip, something semi-automatic. You weren’t sure if that was legal or not here, but couldn’t find it within you to care.
“Farah, in case you don’t remember, Riley.”
You were glad she’d told you because you most definitely did not remember her name. Her gaze met yours, and you held it for a long minute, recognizable facial features coming to your mind, like a dream, you could reach but not quite hold. And then—you remembered.
You breathed, eyes narrowing. General Karim had proven to be more than capable more times than once during the scandals throughout Urzikstan, especially to the boys.
The boys.
You’d nearly forgotten until now, but you wondered just how much they knew. Whether someone had spilled, or Laswell had told them everything. They would probably be biting at the leash, but there was nothing that could be done now, not with the mission having failed.
They were on their own now.
Farah nodded.
“It is not every day we find an American in a Mexican facility,”
A pointed glance at Alex, whose lips curled slightly up at that.
You grumbled, legs still shaky, probably from the gas that had managed to slip in before you’d put the gas mask on doing rounds through your body, the last of it yet to leave. Managing to stumble over to a chair near a small round table in the corner of the room, you sat down, it groaning under your weight.
“Not every day I see a group from America and Urzikstan in a Mexican facility.”
You shot back and watched as Farah and Alex exchanged a glance, a silent conversation happening right in front of you. Rude, but you couldn’t say you hadn’t done the same thing before.
Alex sighed, grabbing the chair with one hand and easing himself down onto it with his leg, propping the prosthetic up on a nearby crate.
His blue eyes met yours as he set one elbow down on the table.
“We were going after Santiago Garza, a key member of their cartel, which we have reason to believe has…”
He exchanged a glance with Farah, who gave a nearly imperceptible shake of her head.
“…access to things he shouldn’t.”
Alex finished. Farah spoke next, already sensing your oncoming interrogation despite not being in control of the situation.
“We answered yours, now answer our question. Why did he want you?”
Her tone was demanding, leaving no wiggle room for you to try and keep anything from her. If this whole arrangement was going to work out, you were going to have to be transparent with them, anyway. Or as transparent as you could be.
“I have a… personal history with the Garza family. Not a pretty one.”
Farah pressed her lips together but didn’t question further.
The American wasn’t as smart.
“What kind of history?”
He asked, brows raised in an almost innocent expression if it weren’t for the gleam of suspicion in his eyes. You shook your head. Not willing to talk about it. Not now. Woods was the only one you’d ever talked to about it, other than David when the bastard was even there.
Which hadn’t been often.
“What’s the date?”
You then asked. If you’d been captured in America, and then taken to a supposed Mexican facility, then to Urzikstan, it must’ve taken quite a while. Not to mention the travel from there to the safe house…
“The 24th.”
Farah answered, hands moving to idly wipe sand off of the barrel of her gun, back leaning against the wooden post. Her finger remained near the trigger. Untrusting.
It had been nearly four days.
By then, someone had to have noticed the body of Nalani in your room, and your obvious absence. A homicide and a missing person’s case as well, most likely. The boys had definitely heard of it then, despite what you assumed was a mission they were on, considering how early they left that volleyball game.
Had Woods been informed? Had anyone on your team been informed, or were they still too deep in their work in your absence?
Alex’s eyes snapped to the window as he heard something rustling outside, and within moments he was down on his haunches, you and Farah were quick to follow as he lifted one of the thin sheets lying over the windows from the bottom, glancing out for a second.
The pain in your limbs was barely even noticeable compared to the mini-adrenaline rush you were flooded with, mind and body sharp and alert. You’d performed while in much worse conditions, you could manage this one just fine, you were sure.
But without a weapon, you were defenseless.
Reaching for a gun that was laid out on the table, Alex’s hand grabbing your wrist stopped you and refused to let you grab it.
“We’ll handle this, stay inside.”
He said in a hushed tone, voice firm, even though Farah was the one with the most authority here over the both of you.
Farah slowly opened the door, peeking out, dark eyes scanning the dusty roads and markets, when several shots rang out, feminine screams following quickly as the sound of people running became all too obvious.
Farah murmured, jerking her chin to Alex, before slipping her gun from her side and walking out of the door, the American man giving you one last glance that clearly said “Stay here.” before following.
Racking your brain, you tried to remember anything that might help you. Urzikstan. A small country in Western Asia. Violence wasn’t uncommon, by the sound of it. And Al-Qatala…try as you might, you couldn’t remember anything about whoever they were. Maybe some sort of gang? Probably, judging by the gunfire and angry Arabic being barked out in the streets.
But you weren’t going to be helpless, stuck in this tiny “safe house” that had two entrances and one large window a man could easily fit through. You stood up, careful to stay clear of the window to avoid catching any strays, only to find the gun that had been on the table gone.
Alex must’ve taken it.
They surely had more weapons somewhere, except for the fact that no matter where you searched, there was nothing to be found. Nothing except documents of blacked-out information, pictures on the board, and a small stash of food and water lying around. A lot of dates, too.
It wasn’t an ideal situation, but you could work with it.
A few strands of rope that you quickly picked up were lying around. Every lesson you’d overheard Woods giving to his team, drilling it into their heads, began repeating in your mind. Like a dream, almost.
“Can any of you boys tell me the five rules of guerrilla warfare?”
His voice, sharp and brusque but not hostile, asked the men in front of him.
You were crouched down, hiding in one of the small areas where the metal of the walls dented outwards slightly, giving you an area to lay down and peek through at him.
One of the men raised his hand in a salute, chapped lips opening to speak.
“Hit and run, sir!”
Woods nodded, hand shooting out to point at another man down the line of soldiers. Mostly young boys who stupidly enlisted, living for their country and dying for it. You didn’t see the point, even if Woods did. You’d never seen the point, not even when Simon had enlisted.
He could’ve been one of the dead.
He still might be. You hadn’t seen him in a while.
“Ambush, sir!”
You snapped back into focus at that, eyes watching keenly as the man nodded again. He had a habit of it; nodding very often. Even if you just inclined to take a bite of soup, he’d nod. The praise was sort of nice, you supposed. Even if you barely knew him, just having arrived here a few weeks ago.
They’d found you on one of the starving horses from the camps, near the front of the marching people, leading their way to freedom despite how sickly and beaten most were. You weren’t much better.
And when the bastard controlling that camp must’ve ordered his remaining men to circle like vultures and take out as many of the surviving prisoners as he could?
Everyone alive after the vicious attack had huddled together in a small cave, the people at the entrance usually being shot from overhead planes by the men too cowardly to approach.
They’d found you huddled up, a warm body on top of you, on one of the sides. Thrown you over their shoulder. Taken you away despite your hitting and biting, and brought you here to domesticate you again. They weren’t bad. They were just soldiers. And soldiers were all about duty and honor, two things you couldn’t find within yourself to care about much anymore. You wondered if Simon still cared about them, or if he’d been numb to it for much longer. After the death of his mother, and how pissed he’d been that you’d missed the funeral, you seriously doubted it.
Snapping out of your thoughts, you watched Woods nod again. You must’ve missed the others, but you knew them by heart by now. After watching and listening for so long.
And finally…
A hand grabbed you by the arm, yanking you forward and through the wall, through the hole you’d been watching from. Woods held you by the arm infuriatingly easily, which made sense considering how much of a runt you were. Or had been at the time.
The metal had scraped against your shoulder, cutting open a shallow scratch from collarbone to right arm. You glared at him, kicking at him even as his soldiers chuckled.
Laughing at you.
You despised how patronizing it felt, leaning forward and sinking your deceivingly sharp teeth into the wrist of his hand that held you. Blood drew, and he didn’t drop you, simply moving to hold you in his other arm, smiling warmly at you as his shoulders shook from silent laughter.
“Feisty, huh?”
He said in an amused tone, ruffling your hair while someone went to grab a medic.
The memory felt warm and fuzzy, a reminder of a long time ago, though it only felt like yesterday.
But you had more important things to do than have an existential crisis.
Spying a fan in the corner, you pried the metal caging off, wrapping both hands around one of the metal pieces on it, and yanking until a piece came off. Jagged and sharp. Just how you needed it.
Wrapping your little pieces of rope around the base to protect your hand, you crept towards the back exit, listening for the sounds of any footsteps nearby. It would be hard to overhear, especially with the sounds of yelling, screaming, and gunfire in the streets. You wondered if your little makeshift friends had joined the dead or not.
A near-silent step, a branch accidentally cracking under his step, and you were on him.
Hit and run.
The metal slid smoothly into his throat, a quiet wheeze being all he could get out before you leaned his body back, watching his eyes glaze over as the blood ebbed and flowed. You pulled the gun from his hands, searching and taking what was left of his weapons as well.
One flash bang.
One knife, the case of which you strapped onto your hip, the flash bang being tucked into it soon after.
You crouched down, glancing left and right on the street, and breaking into a low sprint to a building down the dusty road. A restaurant by the looks of it. You couldn’t read the Arabic on the front, it having been one of the languages you hadn’t learned, even in your training for Special Forces.
More if the men flooded the streets just as you ducked behind the counter. Letting them all know you were here with gunfire wasn’t beneficial yet, not when you were so badly outnumbered. You needed to find the central point they were getting in from.
You needed to move.
Waiting for the men to pass by, you eventually went out of the back exit of the restaurant, passing the cool chill of its freezer near the kitchen before jumping onto a ladder in the alleyway outside, climbing up, and falling prone onto the ground as soon as you were there.
Looking up over the ledge, you could see now how there were so many.
Trucks were spread about the city, men exiting them and taking cover for a few seconds until they got to where they wanted to be, and started opening fire. They communicated through their radios, but why they would be here didn’t make sense.
Why try to raid a city when you couldn’t gain much, if anything from it?
Unless they weren’t trying to gain but to take someone out.
Someone who had always been against what you assumed was their little group. And that someone was none other than Farah, judging by how quickly she recognized them, and the gleam of hatred in her eyes when she looked at them. She’d been a bit too eager to slaughter them.
And with how quickly the men were flooding the roads and streets, and their communication, it wouldn’t be long until they found her.
Glancing at the rooftop a few buildings over, you saw none other than a large tower. Not just any tower, but an antenna tower.
You observed the crowd for a moment, scanning, watching everyone, until you saw it. Heard it, rather, the loud boom it made, the man yelling “RPG!”. It was the second story of the building across the street. You couldn’t get there in time, even if you got over there without being killed or without too many civilians dying.
You needed to buy time.
Gathering the fractures courage left in your body, you got onto the balls of your feet, and against everything you’d been told, to stay quiet and unnoticeable, you began a mad dash across the building, jumping, and not stopping to marvel when your feet hit the solid ground of the other rooftop, only running further.
You still hadn’t gotten his attention.
You were almost to the antenna tower. Now or never.
Slipping the flash bang out of your belt-ish thing, you pulled the pin out, throwing it up in the air. You heard it when it went off, your vision blurring white as you dove and hit the floor. He must’ve heard it too, considering that when you glanced over, the large weapon was aimed at you, and when he fired, you saw it sail through the air not only at you but at the tower as well.
Diving over the edge of the building, you heard the blast, and chunks of debris and wire began raining from the sky in your area. Your ankles burned when you stood, legs screaming against any movement. Ash floated into your nose and throat, as well as the smell of fire, and you took off into another run, diving into a building, only to run face-first into another man.
Your fist met his jaw before his bullet met your body, but barely. You both rolled to the floor, kicking and flailing around, landing hits on each other. He jabbed at you with his gun, his knife out of reach. You rolled him onto his back, your knife coming out, only to be knocked away by his calloused hands.
Your arm went around his neck, hand locking into place with your other elbow as your knee pressed on his neck. Your breathing was pants, more gasps than anything as he gave a final few kicks, before going limp.
You picked your knife back up, head jolting up when you heard a familiar female yell just a few streets down.
The members of the Al-Qatala seemed lost, some shouting to others in Arabic, others going on rampages against civilians just for the hell of it, seemingly. You didn’t doubt that Farah had a small army of her own, but they hadn’t been prepared.
Neither had you.
Sinking lower to not attract attention, you crept through the streets, watching carefully, or as carefully as you could through your blurry vision. Sand and dust blew into it, but you couldn’t find the strength to blink it away.
Your head was throbbing again.
You weren’t sure how you managed the journey there, brain taking a temporary lapse in recording memory maybe, but the next thing you knew, you were near an old warehouse.
Talking came from inside.
A raspy voice. Old, but not kind or warm, not like the voices of the old men you were used to. Harsh and sharp. Like a whip wailing as it flew through the air. Cut paths through it.
“Where is it?”
Silence. As you crept up to the entrance of the warehouse, where the door was just slightly ajar, you could see the outline of Farah tied into a chair. Multiple other men inside. Maybe three or four. Pulling your gun slowly out, you set the handle against your knee, putting your eye right on the scope.
“We know you have the gas, Farah, or should I call you Karim?”
But it gave you a kernel of information.
Information you would think about later if you had the time. If you didn’t die here.
A harsh hit to the face. Audible.
You could tell it stung, but she didn’t budge.
You lined the scope up with his head, finger closing in on the trigger, holding down, just not enough until.
The blast of the shot alone rang out through the warehouse. Except it wasn’t who you’d been expecting to fall to the ground who did.
It wasn’t who you’d thought it had been. Not Al-Qatala, not Cartel.
No, instead, Philip Graves, director of the Shadow Company, fell sideways in the dirt.
And the men surrounding Farah?
None other than your own team that had been handed off to Graves during your departure.
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Well I don’t think it went well but who knows. Maybe they liked me, maybe the other candidates will turn out to be crazy, maybe I’ll end up being the only person who has hospitality experience…
#i walked out of there and immediately thought of so many things i should’ve said#like whyyyy didn’t i mention i have food hygiene level 2 and allergen awareness training and time management skills#and that i work well in a team????#at least i did mention what an excellent cashier i am. as if they care. 🫠#also why the hell did i admit right off the bat that i don’t know anything about whiskey. everything they DO is whiskey#one of the hiring managers said she also didn’t know about whiskey when she started working there but i was still dying inside#like why am i DUMB#i just feel like i didn’t say much in general. a job interview is supposed to be an opportunity to talk about yourself and upsell#all your skills and let the employer get a sense of who you are so they can decide if they want to work with you#especially in a customer service role.. you need to show Personality#and i feel like the personality i showed was ‘sad nervous wet cat who just wandered in off the street and sat on this bench’#why is it raining today. anyway#i don’t really care one way or the other if i get this job but i’m frustrated that i didn’t do my best#at least it was a short informal interview. those are my favourites. yessss girl keep me for 10 minutes or less#personal#*also literally why did i tell them about how i went to university but i didn’t tell them i have food hygiene skills#like bitch NO ONE CARES about your masters degree if you’re not using it. which you are not
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choiyawnzjun · 9 months
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previous part
pairing ; nerdychurchboy!jake x afab!reader
sypnosis ; the nerd at church isn’t quite as innocent as you think.
genre ; smut
wc ; 1835
warnings ; begging, dry humping, degradation, handcuffs ( jake ), handjob/blowjob??
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after that day in the church, jake had been teasing you A LOT and whenever you’d try initiate something he always had to act innocent and oblivious, he knew what he was doing to you and you absolutely hated it. it was so frustrating.
however, one day, your parents wanted you to drop something off for them at jake’s house. you thought this was the perfect opportunity to see jake, well you’ll see i guess. but, when you arrived, it was just his parents, jake was nowhere to be found, his parents were in a hurry to go somewhere so they let you in to place the stuff down and just left you in the house alone.
you know you should’ve just left right away after dealing with whatever it was you were dealing with but you really needed to go to the bathroom. while you were looking for the bathroom, you walked past a room. jake’s room. now, you also know you shouldn’t be sneaking into people’s rooms while they’re not home but you couldn’t help yourself. he had something in his room that caught your eyes.
why the hell would he have handcuffs in his room? especially out in the open..
you went into his room to pick up the handcuffs and try find out why jake had them. maybe they have some secret thing on them? by the time you even reached them, you heard the front door open and footsteps immediately ran up the stairs. you panicked and didn’t know what to do so you unconsciously hurried underneath his bed, your heart was thumping rapidly and you regretted staying in the house for longer.
the person finally reached his room. jake. shit, why did he have to come home now? what you found a bit weird was that jake walked straight over to the mirror on one side of the room and took off his shirt. oh my god. well, you weren’t expecting this, of course. how many times did this guy go to the gym? he definitely goes often for sure.
after staring at his sculpted body for a bit too long, you were about to shift your eyes to his face but he was already placing himself down on the bed which made your eyes widen slightly. but what made you even more shocked was when he unzipped his pants and…
“___… oh my god.” he breathily groaned. you obviously couldn’t see what he was doing but you so badly wanted to. you didn’t want him thinking of you as a creep though. little did you know, your phone wasn’t turned off.
oh shit. your eyes widened, panic stricken. you froze under the bed as jake suddenly stopped. rustling of clothes filled your eyes as you felt the mattress of the bed lift slightly above you. you shut your eyes, pursing your lips together. this was so embarrassing.
“___?” jake said from the right side of the bed. you didn’t really want to open your eyes since it would make you more embarrassed.
“___, why are you… under my bed?” he questioned, you finally decided to get out from under his bed and stood up, both of you on either side of the bed. he put his sweatpants back up but they were sagging off on the right side of his side.
“um..” you trailed off since you had no excuse whatsoever. this was so awkward.
“i don’t know.” you shrugged, face heating up every second.
“why are you even in my house?” he questioned once again, you noticed his face turning into a tint of pink, probably because he knows you definitely heard him jerking off and thinking about you.
awkward silence.
you avoided eye contact with him since you were too embarrassed but you couldn’t help it and look down, he was wearing GREY sweatpants. GREY. it’s not your fault, you can’t help yourself. your eyes shifted down towards his begging boner that slightly twitched when you looked down.
you quickly looked away again. jake suddenly scoffed and you glanced up at him, he was running his hand through his hair, the smirk that was displayed on his beautiful face made you want to faint, his teeth glinting towards you.
“so you’re really that desperate huh?” he scoffed again, putting his hands into his pockets and staring at you with a grin. you realised there was something different about jake’s face, you thought that it was maybe cause his glasses were off but you realised his eyes changed.
a mixture of lust and passion were in his eyes. you were turned on right now. well, you didn’t want to admit that earlier anyway..
“what? what do you mean?” you acted innocent, laughing nervously, trying hard not to look down again.
“oh? you don’t remember that time in church?” he cocked an eyebrow up, still having that smug grin on his stupid face.
“no… what do you mean?” you nervously laughed again, you hated this, you’ve wanted him so bad for weeks yet you were too embarrassed to admit it. definitely not like this. you wanted to at least be in a normal situation before this, like maybe hanging out or something but not you hiding under his bed.
“oh okay, then i guess you don’t wanna continue th-..” you cut him off, you were too desperate now, you were having sudden flashbacks of what happened between you two in the church attic, you hadn’t felt that good in so long. maybe ever.
“no please! i want you so bad right now.” you begged, walking around to him and looking up, eyes also begging for him to make you feel good.
“mmmh, maybe another time, i’m too tired now.” he teased, pretending to yawn and laid down on his bed, his sculpted body on full display, god you wanted to ride him.
“no, jake please.” you climbed onto his lap, grinding down onto his hard dick, fabric separating the both of you.
“jesus, fuck, you’re such a disgusting, desperate whore, no?” you were still rolling onto him, his dick twitching underneath you, as he brought his hands up to your hips, helping you control your movements.
“mhm, only for you.” you nodded at him, biting your lip, the friction starting to make you hot.
“are you sure? you don’t just fuck every guy you see?” he taunted, if another guy had said that to you in a different context you would’ve lost your absolute mind and gone crazy. but, this was actually making you even wetter, you felt like you were leaking through your panties and pants.
“no.. no. only for you.” you shut your eyes, you were on the verge of cumming, the knot in your stomach tightening every second. you wanted more but you didn’t want to stop.
“yeah? you wanna be my little slut? just mine, hm?” he brought his hand up and bunched your hair up, suddenly grabbing your hair and slightly forcing you to look at him as his other hand stayed on your hip.
“i wanna cum jake.” you whined, you stopped rolling your hips as you were getting tired. your hands roamed over his torso, feeling every part of it. he flipped you both over so he was now on top of you but… this time you wanted to do all the work.
“no, wait, jake. i wanna do all the work now.” you pleaded, giving him your puppy eyes which you’d never done with him before. however, it worked so..
“okay, fine.” he rolled his eyes, jake pretended to hate the fact he wasn’t on top anymore but, in fact, he had always been waiting for this moment. dreaming about it everyday ever since you two had began talking. you both switched places again, you were smiling on top of him, happy that you were finally giving him pleasure. you glanced up to his hands where one was on your hip and the other massaging your thigh.
then, you remembered the handcuffs you saw earlier, you moved your view to the nightstand by his head and the shining handcuffs glowed at you, wanting you to pick them up.
you were probably staring at them for too long though because jake noticed and grabbed them off, handing them to you and finally put his hands over his head, giving you permission to restrain him.
“really?” your eyes slightly widened at his eagerness to this but you gave him no time to respond and locked his hands together immediately. well, that’s what he gets for teasing you for however many weeks that was.
“come on, i’ll be your slut for today then, yeah?” his eyes were still filled with the same lust and passion from earlier yet the only difference was that he craved more now.
you leaned over and pressed your body against him, peppering his jawline with soft but sweet kisses and finally capturing his lips in yours. your lips moulding beautifully with his like two puzzle pieces that were perfect for each other.
you tugged his sweatpants down which revealed an obvious wet patch in his underwear. you moved towards his painful boner, you rubbed him softly as he suddenly had a sudden expression of regret on his face. you were going too slowly for him.
“fuck, i wish i didn’t let you do this to me now.” referring to the thing that was preventing him from touching you. you laughed at his statement as you slightly sucked him through his underwear, still continuing to rub him softly. you didn’t want to touch him fully yet, you wanted to have a little fun after everything he’s done to you. you understand, right?
“oh my god, ___, please..!” he begged, he wanted more of your touch, more friction, just anything. he hated this. he tried breaking out of the handcuffs he was locked in but eventually gave up. you loved this.
“please, i really just wanna cum.” he begged once again, you don’t really know how long it’d been with all your teasing but you finally gave in, pulling his underwear down and taking his throbbing cock into your hands, jerking him off as you sucked the red tip that looked like it was about to pop.
he bucked his hips into your mouth, wanting you to give him more and more. you refused and continued to suck only the tip but increased the speed of your hand on his twitching cock.
“___, don’t stop..” he breathily whined, clenching his hands, trying to blindly look for something to at least grab onto or touch. the bucking of his hips and whines of struggle made you feel confident each second which made you take him in even more.
“wait.. i’m gonna cum-..” he shut his eyes as he panted and whined under you.
the front door was unlocked and opened.
“jake, darling?” his mother called out, rustling of plastic bags being dropped onto a table.
not again.
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yikesmary · 1 year
hi! i saw u were asking for some svt oneshots ideas so ... strangers to dating (?) w mingyu where u walk ur golden retriever and while in the park mingyu bumps into ur puppy and asks if they can play together for a while <3
PUPPY PARENTS — kim mingyu x reader
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summary: where your golden retriever has the tendency to bring you things she has an interest in— sticks, frisbees that obviously don’t belong to you, and even the occasional bird. but this time, your dog brings… a man? and not just any man, only the most beautiful man you’ve ever met. maybe your dog is onto something…
notes: WOO first request! i don’t have a dog but this request is cute. also i have no knowledge on how having a dog at the park works so i’m just guessing. it’s a non-idol!au but it doesn’t really matter since it’s not really mentioned. i kinda got carried away and the plot ended up a bit different than what the request was so i’m sorry anon 🧍‍♀️
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“Now, I know I’ve let you bring in whatever interesting thing you see. But this time it should stop. I mean, come on, the old lady’s chihuahua? You weren’t the one getting hit by her purse,” you told your golden retriever Winnie, who looked as if she wasn’t understanding a thing you were saying.
Which made sense, considering she was a dog and you were, you know, not a dog.
You sighed, and kneeled down to the level of Winnie and decided to give her a tiny head rub before standing up and proceeding your walk to the park.
Thankfully, the park wasn’t busy. The last thing you wanted Winnie to do was pick up another kid again by their collar and proceed to kidnap them (the first and last time it happened, the mom was understanding but also really concerned).
Once you entered the park, you looked for a bench to sit on with Winnie not too far away, her tail wagging as she walked. When you finally chose a bench and sat down, Winnie looked at you as if she was expecting you to let her roam free.
“You can’t go too far away and play nice with the other dogs,” you reminded her, and she barked in response. It was times like these where you thought she understood you. But no matter how much you reassured her that you knew how to keep secrets, the only thing she did was stare at you blankly.
You gave her one last ruffle on her head before she took off running, watching her as she zoomed past the many people in excitement.
After making sure that she didn’t immediately run away from the park, you went on your phone to watch TikTok and respond to the texts you got that you told yourself you were going to respond and never ended up doing.
However, this didn’t last long because a confused, “Miss, is this your dog?” which made you look at the person that belonged to the voice.
You froze at the sight of the beautiful man. And it wasn’t just a quick stop; you physically froze at the sight of him. But you stopped once you realized that your dog was forcibly keeping him there in front of you by biting his pant leg and not letting go.
“Winnie! I told you that you can’t kidnap people,” you whisper yelled at your dog, but it was futile, as your dog just kept on wagging her tail, no doubt drooling on the handsome stranger’s pants.
You took ahold of the dog and pried her mouth open in order to release the pant leg. “I’m so sorry, I should’ve known she would do something like this,” you apologized, putting Winnie’s leash back on.
The man had smiled at you, not bothered at all at the fact his pants were now covered in dog spit. “No worries, she was nothing but sweet when she approached me. We even did a game of catch before she decided to kidnap me,” he said, grabbing a tennis ball from his pocket and showing it to you.
“You just happen to have a tennis ball in your pocket?” You asked, raising your eyebrow.
The beautiful mystery man only grinned at you, “I like visiting the park because I like asking dog owners if I can play with their dogs,”
“That’s… adorable,” you blurted out, since the thought of the man just having the ball for the sole purpose of having something to play with dogs was adorable.
“Thanks, but Winnie here is adorable, too. I’m guessing she’s named after Winnie the Pooh?”
“Unintentionally named Winnie. My niece had a Winnie the Pooh phase when she was younger and constantly kept calling her Winnie and it was the only name she ever answered to after that,” you explained.
“So if I know the dog’s name, can I know yours?” he asked.
You told him your name feeling a little embarrassed, since you went on to call him adorable and explained your dog’s name origin without either of you knowing each other’s names. If he didn’t stop you, you would’ve probably ended up over sharing and telling him all your life problems.
“Pretty name for someone who’s just as pretty,” he complimented, which made you smile.
“Does that line work?” You questioned.
“Depends. Did it work on you?”
“How about I know your name first before I say anything?” you asked.
“Oh, right! I can’t believe I asked you for your name before even saying mine. My name’s Mingyu,” he said, finally putting a name to his face.
“Well, Mingyu, the line worked. Just a tiny bit,” you replied, putting your pointer finger and thumb close together in a pinch.
“That’s disappointing. I thought it would’ve been the perfect line to lead to asking you out for coffee. My treat,” Mingyu said.
“Well. the coffee does sound good. And you did get ambushed by my dog, so I’d feel bad rejecting you…” you jokingly trailed off.
“And I might be injured! You might have to stay with me until I feel all better,” Mingyu played along, causing you to laugh.
“You’re such a dork,”
“A dork who just so happens to know of a cafe that allows dogs and even has their very own menu of drinks and food curated just for dogs,”
Winnie interrupted your banter at that moment in order to nudge you, giving her own seal of approval at the mention of the cafe. “I guess Winnie chose for the both of us,” you said, gesturing to your dog’s sudden movement.
“Just as a warning, don’t taste the dog’s food. I tried it and I should’ve never done so in the first place,” Mingyu said, the both of you walking with Winnie beside you, trotting along.
“What made you even eat the dog treats anyways?”
“They looked like human food! So, as a result my friend, Jeonghan, dared me to try one…”
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pepsiconcoction · 1 year
oh remembwr when changbin said when he angry all it takes is physical touch or any act of affection for him to turn into putty and how he said hannie instead of being th wfirat to apologise or something just waits with open arms and breaks down when the other person comes to him first WELL IMAGINE A FIC THAT INCORPORATES EITHER OF THESE WITH A LITTLE ANGST WITH HAPPY ENDING WITH READER🫢
thank u anon, i will also do the jisung one, so keep an eye out!
Lion Tamer | Seo Changbin x Reader
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pairing: seo changbin x fem!reader
tags: angst, miscommunication? a little suggestive at the end, like one swear word, good ending dw, other member makes an appearance
requested: yes!
wc: 1,130
Changbin is known for his short temper, that’s just a fact. He’s easily antagonised, resulting in some hilarious, unexpected, or very occasionally scary outbursts. He is quick to jump up or shout, and hard to calm down. Not many people have mastered the art of lion taming, but you? You’ve somehow perfected it. It wasn’t a conscious thing you did, but it seems you have some unseen power over him.
Your power was discovered by chance in the JYP dance studio. You had been invited along by your wonderful boyfriend who clearly just wanted to show off, knowing this you agreed anyway. You’d be a hypocrite not to indulge him a little bit, right?
During a 5-minute water break, a conversation had started up about shoes. Particularly, platforms. Now, everyone knows that Stray Kids aren’t exactly the tallest, your boyfriend being the shortest of them all, so you could already feel him become tense from his place next to you on the leather sofa. 
“I don’t like them, they make me feel like my proportions are wrong,” Minho says from his place on the floor, flat on his back, limbs spread.
“I like them, our team needs them.” Felix contributes, resulting in a few laughs.
“Changbin maybe, I’d say the rest of us are fine.” Minho raises his head, smirking at Changbin.
“Hey! You’re not that much taller!”
“Yeah? Stand up.” Minho doesn’t move. Changbin takes the challenge, sputtering, and stands up. He goes to walk towards Minho who is still starfished, but you grab his hand.
“Sit down, Bin.” You chuckle. He stops in his tracks and plops down next to you immediately, holding your hand properly.
“Did you see that?” Hyunjin says, throwing his head back laughing.
“Yeah,” Jeongin speaks up. “Y/n has some serious powers.”
This results in some laughter around the room while Changbin looks at you, eyes creased with an open grin.
“How am I supposed to say no?” He chuckles, and takes your hand in both of his, squeezing it gently.
Your powers also work in more serious instances. Like the time Changbin thought you were cheating on him, accosting you the moment he got home from the studio.
“Y/n, you have some explaining to do,” he said, entering your shared living room where you had been sitting, peacefully reading.
“What?” you blinked up at him.
“Don’t play with me, I’m not stupid.”
“Bin, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Sure you don’t, of course, you don’t.” He rolls his eyes, crossing his arms. If you weren’t so confused, you’d be ogling his arms in the tight black t-shirt he’s wearing.
“I really don’t. Can you tell me what I’ve apparently done?” You put your phone down next to you on the sofa.
“You know, if you wanted to break up with me, you should’ve just said something.” That shocked you into closing your mouth. 
“If you wanted to see other people, I wouldn’t stop you. Well, I would, I’d definitely try but if you really wanted to break up I couldn’t stop you. I’d be pissed though because I love you so much and I thought our relationship was practically perfect. And we’re usually so good at communicating so I’m upset that you couldn’t just tell me what’s wrong, or what happened for you to have a change of heart. But seriously, a fucking soft launch on your insta? That’s just shitty.”
Soft launch? Insta? Oh.
You stand up, keeping a relaxed posture and facial expression.
“So are you going to leave? Because if you are, I want my hoodies back, especially the navy one, it’s my favourite one.” He’s slowly getting louder.
Honestly, he’s kind of cute when he’s ranting. You stifle a laugh, taking a step into his space.
“Oh, so you’re laughing at me now? Oh, yes! Let’s laugh at Changbin! Ha! Ha! Ha! So fun-” 
You cut him off by grabbing the sides of his face and pulling him in for a kiss. His mouth doesn’t really react but his hands do instinctively come to your sides. 
“Sorry, I had to get you to shut up.” You pull back, meeting a very emotionally conflicted Changbin.
“Bin. First of all, I’m not leaving you. Second of all, I didn’t soft launch. That was my cousin. He joined me and my aunt for lunch because he is in town at the minute. And lastly, you are so cute when you’re jealous.”
You get a front-row seat to the cogs turning in his head. You watch as his eyes widen and his face flushes a bright shade of red. You throw your head back laughing, still holding the sides of his head. The hands holding you have tightened their grip now, and he’s ducking his head down to hide in your neck.
“I am so sorry. I should be ashamed. Actually.” He cuts himself off and falls to his knees in front of you, arms unwrapping from around you to clasp them together as if he were praying.
“Please forgive me, I’m so sorry. A thousand times over. Hey, stop laughing, I’m trying to apologise. I should never have assumed anything,” he says. You catch your breath and look down at him, instantly bringing a hand to run through his hair. His hands return to you, pulling you into him, and he buries his face in your stomach, mumbling more apologies.
“Changbin, please, look at me.” You use your leverage on his hair to force him to look up. He looks up at you with big eyes.
“Get up.” You giggle. He immediately stands. 
“It’s okay, I can understand why you thought that, but you are also super dumb for even thinking that I’d do that in the first place. Why would I ever leave you?”
“I don’t know,” he mumbles, shrugging.
“Exactly, I have no intention to ever leave my wonderful, adorable, handsome-”
“Uh-huh, sexy, smart, kind, and sometimes jealous boyfriend.” You smile up at him, putting your hands on his shoulders. He ducks his head into your neck once more.
“I really am sorry, you know.” 
“I know you are.” 
You feel his arms tighten around you in a strong hug and the two of you stay there for a few seconds as he sways the two of you gently.
“Okay, grovelling over,” he says suddenly standing up straight, dazing you slightly. He suddenly grabs you, easily throwing you over his shoulder.
“What are you doing?” You nearly shout as he begins to move.
“Making it up to my wonderful, understanding, sexy girlfriend! Unless she has any complaints with the proposition?” he replies, and that’s when you realise you’re headed in the direction of the bedroom, and you throw your head back laughing again.
“No complaints here!”
taglist (lmk if u wanna be added!) : @lethallyprotected
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starkwlkr · 1 year
we’ll always have paris | cillian murphy
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Paris was nice. Y/n loved it. She was currently in the city of love for a movie premiere for her film ‘Atonement’. Even after attending many premieres, she still got nervous. One of her top fears was falling in front of all the photographers.
“You look great.” Y/n heard the Scottish accent that belonged to James McAvoy. She turned around and saw James in a suit. They were currently in the same elevator going down.
“Thanks, so do you.” Y/n replied. Immediately James noticed how nervous she was.
“Hey, don’t worry. I’ll make sure you don’t fall. And if you do then I’ll fall with you.” He smiled.
“Thanks, James.” Y/n returned the smile. She felt better. Soon enough, the camera flashes were blinding her and shouts of photographers were the only thing she could hear. She’ll admit, she could never really get used to the bright flashes or the constant shouting of her name, but she would be forever grateful for the memories and opportunities.
As she made her way to the end of the carpet where James was waiting for her. She was slightly confused since James had said that he would meet her in the theater fifteen minutes ago. She approached him, ready to ask him why he decided to stay back, but she didn’t get the chance to do so.
“I need you to come with me, it’s rather important.” James said, but Y/n could barely hear him.
“What?” Y/n asked, but James grabbed her hand and led her to the building where the movie was going to play, except they didn’t go straight into the theater, James made a turn and led Y/n to a quieter spot. “What is going on? We have to be inside soon!” She tried her hardest to keep up in her dress and heels.
“Do you trust me?” James stopped walking and faces her. Y/n nodded. “Good then you’ll thank me later and many years from now too.”
What does that even mean?
James continued with Y/n by his side until he got to an empty theater. He stopped at the double doors. “Alright, so . . . don’t worry about the premiere for a while. I can only stall for maybe an hour or thirty minutes, but still enjoy those minutes. Also you look good, hair is amazing, no lipstick in your teeth, you’re more than good.”
Y/n was beyond confused. What was James even saying?
“Stop right there. What’s going on? Please just tell me,” Y/n asked. “Is this like a surprise? Because I really don’t like surprises and I’m horrible with reactions to surprises.”
“It might be a surprise, but i promise you this is a good one so just go on in and forget you’re even at the premiere of your own movie that everyone is waiting to see!”
“That is not helping.”
But Y/n still went into the empty theater anyways. It was more curiosity than anything. As she entered, she saw that the theater wasn’t completely empty or dark.
“Hi.” She said, catching the attention of the man seated in the middle of the theater.
“I thought you forgot about me,” Cillian stood up from his seat. “you didn’t call, I thought I scared you off.”
“You didn’t! Sorry, I just . . . I didn’t really remember where I had put your number and I thought you were only being nice because I was drunk,” She admitted. “are you here for the premiere or filming?”
“I just wanted to see you.”
Holy shit, I think I am about to pass out
“You wanted to see . . me?”
“Is that surprising? I enjoyed our limited time together. I’m actually supposed be in filming, but I decided that Paris was a good little last minute trip. I made a few calls.” Cillian had come up to her.
“So you’re the reason why James was being so weird. I should’ve known.” She chuckled.
“Sorry about that, I didn’t want anyone to interrupt us and this seemed like a good idea at the time, but now I’m realizing that you probably want to be seated in the theater to watch-” Y/n stopped him.
“So, how are you liking Paris? This is only my second time being here.”
And in that moment, Cillian swore he fell more in love with her, the way she talked, how focused she was, but most of all, he loved the way his name sounded coming from her lips. It was like a sweet melody that he couldn’t get enough of.
For the next half hour, Y/n had completely forgotten about the premiere.
@thatgirlthatreadswattpad @leclercloml @probablypossesedbysatan @kittyrumbl3r @electrobutterfly @knpgituloh @butlersluvbot @captainwans @bellstwd @theekyliepage @marti-su @multifans-things @ceruleanrainblues @butterfly-skinnylegend @rockerchick05 @agustdpeach @celesteblack08 @cosniffee
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lonelystczennie · 1 year
San x Reader
Summary: San helps you babysit for the day, and let's a little secret slip.
Word count: 600+
Warnings: mentions of having kids, not proofread
A/N: Thanks to the lovely anon who requested this! I'm not the best at writing about kids, so I'm sorry if this isn't quite what you wanted.💙
Requests are open
When San came to pick you up for your lunch date, he thought it was slightly odd when you didn't answer the door right away, usually you tackled him in a hug before the bell had even finished ringing.
He considered ringing again, only to stop short when you opened the door, met by the surprising sight of you holding a baby who couldn’t be more than six months old.
“Did I miss something?” He asked, confused.
“No, this is Haru.” You explained. “My friend's babysitter canceled at the last minute, so I offered to look after her for the afternoon.” You adjusted your hold on the squirming infant. “I’m sorry, I should’ve called you earlier to reschedule, but it all happened so suddenly.”
“It's okay, we don’t have to reschedule.” He assured you, leaning down to stroke one of Haru’s chubby cheeks, instantly charmed. “Do you want some help?”
"Yeah, I like kids." He shrugged, cooing at Haru and making her giggle.
“Then yes, please.” You said, letting him in.
The rest of the afternoon passed in a blur of feedings, nappy changes and trying your best to keep Haru content and happy, which turned out to be more of a challenge than you had expected.
You had been trying to put her down for a nap, but she was not having it, becoming increasingly agitated and crying.
“I don’t know what I'm doing wrong.” You lamented, almost in tears yourself at her distress.
“Can I try?” He asked, holding his hands out for the infant.
You passed her to him, watching warily as he tucked her against his chest, bouncing slightly as he walked round the room with her. In less than a minute, she had quieted, already beginning to doze in his arms.
“Why does she only stop crying when you hold her?” You asked, watching him in disbelief.
“She’s just got good taste.” He said, stopping when he caught your expression. “I didn’t mean it like that. I meant-”
“I know, it’s fine,” You assured him. “I just…”
You didn’t finish the thought, pressing your lips into tight line, but he could read the worry in your eyes.
“You’re doing a good job, babies are just finicky sometimes.” He reassured you, thinking back to his own experiences looking after kids. “Don’t worry, it’ll be different with our kids.”
“Our what?” You looked up at him questioningly.
He froze again, eyes widening slightly as he realized his slip.
“I was just.. speaking hypothetically.” He said, unconvincingly, but you decided to let it go for the being, letting him bounce away from you again with Haru.
Later, after he'd managed to get her down for her nap and the two of you finally got to sit down together for a very late lunch, you brought up his earlier comment.
“So, you’ve thought about us having kids?” You asked, watching him carefully.
“I, uh… a little.” He admitted, glancing over at you nervously. “Is that bad?”
“No, it just surprised me a little.” You said. “I didn’t realize you thought about things like that for us.”
“I don’t, I mean, not really." He explained, trying to cover for himself. "It’s just one of those things that happens as a passing thought, you know?”
“Yeah, okay.” You said, grinning at his slightly flustered state.
“And it’s not like I wanna have them right now,” He insisted. “Just… maybe someday.”
"Maybe someday." You echoed.
It was quiet for a minute as you ate, before you decided to press him again.
“So how many do we have?”
“Three.” He answered immediately.
“Aha!" You exclaimed.
"It sounds like you've thought it about more than just a little!” You giggled, making him whine.
"Don't laugh at me!" He said defensively. “You asked me a question, what am I supposed to do, lie?”
“It’s cute though!” You said, still giggling.
At that moment, Haru decided to announce that she had woken up, crying loudly.
“I’ll go!” San said, jumping up quickly before you could say anymore.
You let him go, deciding you’d wait till after your friend had collected Haru to tell him how you'd thought about it too.
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The villain breaks into the hero facility to plan their next attack, they watch as the hero is dragged kicking and screaming into a room with superhero. Superhero starts torturing hero because hero failed their last mission and they need to be better. Villain watches their hero get tortured by superhero from the vents in hatred in disgust, their plan slowly turning into a rescue mission.
The hero lay in their own blood. They could feel it everywhere. On their face, in their mouth, under their fingernails. They had given up on trying to take in deep breaths.
They already knew the result would be painful.
From the hero’s experience alone, they could tell that not only their leg was broken, but also some ribs. Their arm didn’t feel really healthy either but they supposed, they could count themselves lucky. All of this had happened in the matter of mere minutes. With the superhero’s bare hands.
“Did you really think your little…adventures would go by unnoticed?” the superhero asked. They kicked the hero’s shoulder to turn them around on their back. Hot pain overwhelmed the hero anew but screaming or moaning wouldn’t change anything. “They will never come to save you.”
Ah, but the hero didn’t expect that, did they?
They stared up at the white lights of the little office room. The hard tiles were cold against their back and they wondered how many minutes they had left without immediate medical assistance.
20? Maybe an hour even? The hero dared to dream.
“You could disappear today and they would never know. No one would tell them. And if I made it public that you, hm, I don’t know, have to work somewhere else and left the country—” they leaned down, staring at the hero “— do you think your little friend would be sad?”
The hero didn’t know what to answer. Maybe? Maybe not? They didn’t know the villain well enough. But the answer was probably no anyway.
“It’s a shame, though. You’re quite talented.” The superhero’s boot found the hero’s arm, kicked it a little as if a dog was playing with a dead animal. “But you’ve become a little annoying thorn. You and your friend.”
Suddenly, the superhero stopped kicking their arm. The hero could only shake their head weakly, a last plea, when they felt the boot shift. The hero wasn’t ready for the pain that followed. For the bone breaking underneath the superhero’s shoe when they put their entire weight onto one small point.
The hero’s arm cracked and immeasurable pain exploded in their entire body. A weak moan was all they managed. That and a lot of tears.
In moments like these, they often thought about the villain. They asked themselves if they had ever endured something like this. They asked themselves how it felt to have the villain’s hand on their shoulder and their calm voice talking to them.
But the hero wasn’t a fool. The villain’s kindness was rare.
“Internal bleeding, broken ribs, probably poking your poor lungs…I think you’re ready to meet your fate now, hm?” The superhero laughed. “Good luck with that. I’ll send someone to clean this up.”
They turned around and walked out of the room without a second glance. The hero could hear the door lock.
Finally, the hero could rest their eyes and get some sleep — or so they thought. They heard a bang and a grunt and the next thing they saw was the villain, on their knees beside them.
At first the hero assumed it was some kind of illusion, some weird dream or fantasy.
“Shit.” That was all the villain said at first. They touched the hero softly — their arm, stomach, their face. They pulled out bandages and worked quietly.
The hero wasn’t sure what to say and they didn’t even know if they could say anything.
“Swallow this,” the villain said. They opened the hero’s mouth and put some pill on their tongue. The hero did as they were told, swallowing blood and pill. “I should’ve come sooner, fuck.”
The hero tried to stretch out their arm to touch the villain but the pain was too overwhelming. Blood got stuck in their throat again and they coughed, spreading even more pain all over their chest.
“Hey, it’s okay,” the villain said quickly. They took the hero’s hand. “I’m gonna get you out of here, I promise.”
They were stressed, were panicking. Although the hero had known them for a while, they had never seen the villain like this.
“But it will hurt. A lot. Just…try to stay awake, alright? Promise me.”
The hero nodded but they couldn’t keep that promise.
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supernovafics · 1 year
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you and steve hate each other but you decide to help him when he gets sick
wc: 1k
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
it was the sound of two consecutive sneezes followed by a cough that immediately caught your attention when you walked into family video.
“ew, you’re sick,” you said to steve as you adjusted your vest and fixed the nametag which said “robin” instead of your name because you were covering for her while she was out of town for a month.
“i’m fine.”
you simply looked at him. “oh yes, because sneezing and coughing are the signs of someone in perfect health.”
“it’s just really dusty in here,” he said, narrowing his eyes at you. “you probably should’ve cleaned better last night.”
you rolled your eyes at that and almost flipped him off but refrained from doing so last second. there was something about steve that always seemed to annoy you, and you knew that the feeling was fully mutual. it was way too easy to butt heads over nothing or start an argument over the littlest of things. hence why you were barely a minute into your six hour shift and the two of you were already ready to murder each other.
in a way it was funny, though— you two didn’t like each other but somehow you shared a common best friend. a best friend who would do anything to try and make you two become friends. however, through robin’s many failed attempts, it was settled that that was something that would never happen. in the end, she said that it was probably because you and him were way too similar to one another, which you wholeheartedly disagreed with, and that was why you couldn’t be friends.
“let’s just stay away from each other during our shifts, okay? i’d rather not get sick right before the fourth of july,” you told him.
“i’m fine,” he said again and then sniffled, which didn’t help prove his case. “but, i will happily stay far away from you.”
apparently, he wasn’t really fine because the next day he didn’t show up for work and it was just you for the entirety of the morning before keith showed up in the afternoon.
“where’s steve?”
“called in sick,” keith told you. “i almost didn’t believe him, but he actually sounded pretty bad on the phone.”
keith’s words didn’t surprise you at all, but for some reason for the rest of your shift you contemplated going over to steve’s house; bringing him a cup of the soup that was your mom’s recipe but you’d always end up making it for yourself when you were sick because of how much she worked, and also bringing him the cough syrup that seemed to always do the trick. and then you felt stupid for wanting to do anything that would help make him feel better because you didn’t even consider him a friend.
but still, when your shift ended you found yourself heading home to make the said soup and grab the cough syrup, and then proceed to go over to his house. your conflicting thoughts were fighting each other on the entire drive over.
“has this been poisoned?” steve asked when he opened his front door and you told him that you brought him soup since he was sick; hearing the words fall from your lips even surprised you, so his question actually somewhat made sense in your eyes.
but instead of acknowledging the fact that it was really insane that you were at his house right then, you sarcastically decided to say, “shit, i knew i forgot to add one ingredient!”
“ha ha,” he said with a straight face. “seriously, should i trust this?”
you rolled your eyes at him. “oh god, i’m already regretting coming here. just take the fucking soup, harrington.”
after another moment of contemplation, he took the tupperware of soup from your outstretched hand and then opened the door further to let you in. you followed him to the kitchen where he placed the tupperware on the counter.
“you didn’t have to bring me anything.”
you knew that, but there was still something in you that made you want to.
“i know, but i need you to get better fast so that i don’t have to spend another shift only with keith.”
he smirked at you. “so you missed me?”
you forced yourself not to consider his question for a second.
“‘missed’ is a very strong word,” you told him and then quickly changed the subject. “you look really bad right now, by the way.”
he was wearing a hoodie and basketball shorts, his hair was disheveled, and his nose was red from how much you assumed he’d been blowing it all day. it was probably the worst you’d ever seen him and you actually found yourself feeling bad for him, which was something that quickly confused you.
“glad to know your main reason for coming over here was to bully me.”
you smiled at him. “i can’t go a day without it.”
you then remembered something and started to pull it out of your bag. “oh, i brought some cough syrup too. you probably have already taken some, but just in case.”
“i actually haven’t taken anything,” he told you.
you furrowed your eyebrows. “so you’ve just been suffering all day?”
“is that not normal?”
the genuine curiosity in his question confused you for a moment before it all clicked into place. you silently wondered if he had ever been taken care of when he was sick. his parents were rarely ever around so you figured the answer was probably no. it reminded you of how often you’d also have to fend for yourself when you were sick since your mom was barely home. maybe robin was right— you and him were pretty similar.
“no, that’s not normal,” you shook your head at him before handing him the cough syrup. “please take this. you’ll feel better much quicker than if you just ‘let it pass,’ and i can’t believe this is something that i have to explain to you.”
he nodded and took the cough syrup before continuing to eat the soup, which he thanked you for and complimented you on how good it was.
the two of you eventually migrated to the couch in his living room, letting reruns of some random sitcom play out in front of you.
“y’know robin would be very proud of us right now,” steve said, breaking the prevailing silence. “actually being civil with each other.”
“yeah, she would,” you agreed. “but, we’re still not friends.”
“of course not,” he responded with a shake of his head. “the world would probably explode if we were.”
“exactly,” you agreed, letting out a small laugh. “and we cannot allow that to happen.”
but still, as the cough syrup kicked in and he fell asleep leaning on your shoulder, you couldn’t help but feel that something had changed.
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lynzishell · 2 months
The Present 🧡 Chestnut Ridge
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Transcript below the cut:
Joseph:  There’s really no easy or satisfying answer I can give you. Phoenix: I just don’t understand how you could leave. I look at Aspen and Dawn, and I could never… I find it hard to believe you cared about us at all.
Joseph: Your mom and I… we were… [short laugh] volatile. Truth is, I loved her with everything I had, but we were no good together. All passion and no sense, both of us stubborn as all get-out. We loved hard and we fought harder, especially when we were drinking. And we were always drinking. Always partying, getting into all kinds of trouble.
And then she got pregnant, and… god, we were so happy. We thought having a baby was gonna change everything. We were determined to get it right, to be the best parents we could.
She stopped drinking immediately, and I tried, I did. I’d stop for a while, but then I’d have a bad day, or we’d have a big fight, or I’d just walk by the bar… Eventually though, I’d come home drunk. She’d be disappointed, angry, and she’d give me hell. And the next day I’d apologize, promise to do better. For a while I would. I’d do everything I could to be the partner and father you two needed me to be, but it was only a matter of time before I’d fuck up again. And we just got trapped in this cycle.
I refused to accept the fact that I was an alcoholic. Instead, I hated myself for being weak. Resented your mom for being stronger than me, and for trying to change me. There was a time when it felt like all we did was fight. Sometimes I’d pick fights with her just to make myself feel justified in having a drink. She gave me so many chances, but eventually her patience ran out and she told me to leave.
I didn’t think… I was calling her bluff, thinking I’d show her, I’d be gone for a few days, or a week, and then she’d beg me never to leave again. I was clearly delusional.
When I came back, she’d changed the locks.
She told me she was done with me, and that I’d never see you again if I didn’t get help. I should’ve listened to her. I should’ve checked myself into rehab that day. But I didn’t. Instead, I lost it on her. We had the worst fight we’d ever had, and I left.
It was years before I finally walked into a meeting, before I finally said the words, “My name is Joseph Vega, and I am an alcoholic.” Even then, every day was an uphill battle. I never knew anything else. I didn’t know how to cope with anything without drinking, and I almost gave up. I wanted to. The only reason I kept trying was you. I wanted to be the father you needed, that you deserved.
The first time I hit ninety days, I went to see your mom, to show her that I’d done it. I told her I wanted to see you. But she said it wasn’t enough, to come back when I’d been sober a year, and we’d talk. I was upset, but I agreed. I was determined for things to be different this time, to prove to both of you that I’d changed, no matter what it took. And I did it, I earned my one-year chip and the next day I went to her, asked her when I could see you. When I saw the look on her face, I knew she never had any intention of letting me back into your life.
I should’ve taken her to court. I should’ve fought for you. But instead, I did what I’d always done. I felt sorry for myself. I blamed the world for my misery. And I found the nearest bar to drown it all out. I gave up. Decided she was right, that you were better off without me.
Phoenix: … Joseph: Phoenix, there’s never been a day when I haven’t thought about you. I didn’t leave because I didn’t want you. It was never your fault, and I hope you know that. Phoenix: … Joseph: You gonna say anything?
Phoenix: Did you hit her? Joseph: What? No! We fought, yes. We’d scream and shout and throw shit, and I’ll admit, I said some awful things to her when I was drunk, but I never laid a hand on her. Ever. Phoenix: Really? Joseph: Yes. Why would you think—
Phoenix: So, tell me what happened next. You came back that night. The next morning, she had a black eye and told me we had to move because our home wasn’t safe anymore. Because of you. Joseph: [sighs] Shit. Phoenix: Yeah, shit.
Joseph: No. Look, I did come back that night. I came back drunk and angry and demanding to see you. I tried to force my way into the house. At one point, I shoved the door in on her and that’s how she got the black eye. It was my fault, yes, but I did not hit her.
Phoenix: Just because it was a door and not your fist doesn’t make it any better. Joseph: You’re right. You’re right, it doesn’t. My temper got the better of me and I fucked up. Phoenix: …
Joseph: That why you keep looking at me like you wanna punch me? Phoenix: … Joseph: You can. If it’ll make ya feel better, have at it. I deserve it. Phoenix: I’m not going to hit you. Joseph: Why not? Phoenix: ‘Cause I might not stop.
Joseph: Y’know, I see the way you fight to keep your temper in check. Clearly, it got the better of you too at some point, didn’t it? Phoenix: We’re not talking about me. Joseph: Hm.
Phoenix: How do I know you won’t fuck up again?
Joseph: I guess you don’t. For what it’s worth, I’m not the same person now that I was then. Every day I wake up and make the choice not to drink. Some days it’s every hour. But I’m not doing it alone, we have support here. I help run AA meetings in town, and there are people I can turn to if I need help, and people who rely on me to do the same. We have a good life here. I’m not going anywhere.
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“As The Crow Flies” (Alfie Solomons x fem!Reader) — PART 2
SUMMARY — By all accounts Anna Gray died in Australia and had no business standing in Alfie’s living room, nor calling the man “darling” for that matter. But there you were, identical to the picture they took when they shipped you off to the colonies.
AUTHOR’S NOTE — Thank you to everyone for words of encouragement and for waiting for the update 💗💗💗💗💗 Goodness, that was one hefty break. I hope the next part won't take me as much, but I can't exactly promise it will be fast, sorry about that. I think this is a part 2 out of 3 and then I'll do an epilogue, but that is still more of a draft than a plan.
WORD COUNT — 2,708
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Tommy sat beside Polly in utter silence, watching the cigarette slowly burn between her fingers to the point where the heat nearly touched the skin. Tommy observed it with morbid fascination because it was something other to do than to stay with his own thoughts. And he would not dare to speak to Polly first—not after the news he had brought her this evening.
The clock chiming in the hall let them know it was nearly three o’clock in the morning, but still neither of them moved. The fire went out long ago and Tommy wondered in his solemn silence if Polly would accept a blanket.
“How could you tell me she was dead?” Polly suddenly asked the question Tommy had been dreading for the past hour and then she flicked the cigarette butt straight on the carpet. 
Tommy dared to look her in the eye then and immediately regretted that decision when he was met with nothing but hurt and steel-like anger.
“They told me she was, Pol. I went to the parish myself, saw the documents myself,” Tommy replied calmly.
That signature state of calm didn’t come to him as quickly as it used to, he noticed. These days it required more and more effort; or perhaps the things he chose to do got worse with time.
“Fucking nuns,” Polly hissed and shook her head. “You should have pressed them harder! Should’ve made them talk!”
“Then what, hm? Threaten them? Put a gun to their head, eh? There was nothing else they would have told me, Pol, they didn’t know.”
“I don’t care what! We shouldn’t have just abandoned her like that. Now look what happened, she’s a hostage with another fucking monster, just ready to put his paws on her whenever he pleases!” Polly stood up abruptly and Tommy wondered for a moment if perhaps he shouldn’t slip some laudanum in her drink. She looked frenzied, her hair in disarray and eyes bloodshot. The way Tommy saw it, she was half-ready to walk to Margate on foot and kill Alfie herself.
“Polly,” Tommy moved to stand in front of her just in case she had any ideas. He put both hands on her shoulders to reassure her. “Polly, look at me. Alfie Solomons, yeah? Alfie Solomons is just about the last man you’d find putting his hands on anybody that didn’t ask for it, all right? I swear this much.”
“Jesus, I don’t care what you swear anymore, Tommy!” Polly scoffed and tore herself away. “The man is insane, you said so yourself—many times in fact! We all remember what he did to Arthur! Or have you forgotten?!”
“No,” Tommy replied stiffly. “Perhaps he’s insane, but he’s not cruel to women, Polly, never has been. He doesn’t have the reputation.”
“Well, neither do you, that doesn’t mean one wife’s not buried, the other’s escaped!”
Though Tommy would never admit it, that hurt immensely. That was the problem with people who loved him, he supposed. They knew exactly where to hit to draw the most blood. He willed his face to return to the stony mask it was before.
“But your daughter is not buried and she isn’t gone,” he said. “She’s alive, Pol, I saw her with my own two eyes. She’s alive and we can get her back.”
“Well, that’s not exactly possible now, is it?” she scoffed and turned her gaze back to the fireplace as if some ghostly apparition beckoned her to it. “You said she didn’t know you, I bet that fucking animal has her caged.”
“That’s not true. I saw her, Pol, she looked well.” Tommy felt like stressing that might help. “She has your eyes and your wit and I swear she cooks somethin’ awful, but she’s no prisoner. Alfie is…” He hesitated then, because it wasn’t exactly a comfortable thought to consider. “She’s got him wrapped around her little finger, Pol. You can’t say no to her, eh? Just like I can’t exactly argue with you neither.”
That brought Polly back, even if just to glare at her nephew with fury.
“Pol, I swore to you once I’d bring your children home and I haven’t changed my mind.” Tommy took her hand in his and to his relief this time Polly didn’t pull away. 
“I don’t think Alfie harmed her,” he insisted. “I don’t think she’d let him. Polly, she looked tough. Hardened by life. She’s a woman grown, Pol, and I know she can take care of herself. You said so yourself, eh? It’s grandfather’s gift, reading people. Well, I read her tonight and I know Alfie, too. Something happened to her, that much’s clear, but there’s nothin’ evil happenin’ to her in that house.”
That seemed to satisfy his aunt because she finally took a deep breath that actually made Tommy feel like he could breath himself.
“Why would he tell you to lie to me, Tommy?”
“How do you mean?”
“Why would he think you wouldn’t tell me? That you’d play his game.”
“I don’t know.” He shrugged. “But I know what he wants in return and to be honest his plan wasn’t as delirious as I’d take him for.”
“I don’t care what you discussed with that man, that’s of little consequence,” Polly scoffed. “We are going to get her and we are going to get rid of him once and for all, Thomas, because no one fucks with the Peaky fuckin’ Blinders and no one fucks with the family! Do you hear me?!”
“I hear you.”
“Good. Now get up!”
“So we’re goin’ today?”
Tommy nodded and gently navigated her back into the armchair. He rang the bell for the maid. In the agitated state Polly’s house was currently in, Tommy was sure the servants weren’t really sleeping.
“And get Michael,” she ordered. “I don’t care what that peroxide tramp says about it, he’s coming with us.”
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Alfie stood on the porch and smoked his pipe. He let you squeeze his arm in anger while trying to sneak concerned glances in your general direction. Tired of being treated like a spooked horse, you glared at him until he stopped with all the concern. You were tougher than you looked and you would very much appreciate it if Alfie finally admitted it.
“You alright?” Alfie asked you for what must have been the twentieth time and you nodded stiffly instead of a reply.
“Darlin’, I mean it, all right, ‘cause if you ain’t tryin’ to make me bloody worried then you’re doin’ a splendid job regardless, yeah?”
“Shut up.”
“Right, that’s just fuckin’ uncalled for, that…”
“No. Someone’s coming.”
You pointed then to the faint shapes on the horizon, which, judging by the noise, must have been the Shelby Bentleys.
“Get the binoculars, Alfie.” 
“I’ll get the fuckin’ shotgun is what I’ll get.”
“I’ll do as I damn well please in my own house, woman!”
“So your brilliant means of operation is just bullets, is that it? What the hell did you expect, that Tommy would just listen to you?”
There was a clear measure of challenge in your words and all you two did then was just size each other up, trying to see who would call the bluff first. Finally, your husband grumbled his best catalogue of swear words and brought you the binoculars you asked for. 
“It’s the Shelbys,” you confirmed.
“Like clockwork, that lot,” Alfie scoffed. “You tell them one thing, they go the opposite fuckin’ direction.”
“Some clock that’d be,” you chuckled. “We knew they’d come. That’s why we’re here.”
“Don’t get smart with me.”
The pipe now abandoned, Alfie checked the barrel of his favourite handgun and reassured himself with the number. The only problem was the Shelby threat looming on the horizon and what looked like three cars, no doubt packed to the brim with Tommy’s henchmen.
“And you’re certain he will help us?” you asked.
“‘Course. Like I said before, right, Tommy’s nothin’ if not reliable.”
“That’s quite generous coming from you.”
“Just ‘cause he shot me doesn’t mean we ain’t kin now.”
“I am many things, dearest, but a Shelby isn’t one of them.”
“Ah, well, too bad. And too late to call the cavalry off, I reckon. If ya changed your mind…”
“That’s not what I meant.” It was your time to scoff. “These people are not my family. You are.”
On a rare occasion when Alfie Solomons found himself something close to emotional, three black Bentleys finally arrived at the quaint Margate cottage. You instinctively grabbed your husband’s arm again. He didn’t flinch, not even when you dug your nails into the skin, hard enough to draw blood.
“Right, gentlemen! And lady. What a lovely surprise, innit.” Alfie beckoned with his other hand, waving the gun about and leaving very little doubt as to the quickness of change in his intentions were the Shelbys not to play along. “Let me simply say: shalom… All right. Welcome. Yeah, that is the message for today, or so one might hope.”
What would undoubtedly be another inspired monologue had to wait, however. As soon as Tommy escorted Polly out of the car and her eyes met her daughter’s, Polly’s knees gave out. Tommy and Arthur caught her just in time and held her up on both sides.
“Anna!” Polly cried. “Oh dear God, it’s really you! Anna!”
You stood still like a statue, at which point even your husband turned to look at you with a mix of concern and fascination. You let go of his arm and focused on Tommy.
“Mr. Shelby. You brought an army this time. Am I to expect a shootout?”
As cold and unmoved as Tommy tried to be, it proved to be hard with a sobbing woman on his arm.
“Or am I to understand you’re here to kidnap me?” you pressed. “Please don’t say my chicken was that spectacular, I won’t believe it.”
“Anna.” Polly squeezed Tommy’s arm and took a step forward. Alfie uncocked his gun. You sighed and wished he hadn’t, since the entire Shelby ensemble now followed with the same.
“What the fuck is the matter with you, you fools! Put the bloody guns down!” Polly seethed and marched towards the house with a newfound purpose in her step. “Anna. Come down from there. You’re coming home with us.”
You looked at the woman you knew was your mother, though now only by name. Your heart didn’t know her and your head was too preoccupied to care.
“That might pose an issue,” you answered. “Because I am home.”
The next person that got out of the car, however, seemed to finally make you shake off your stony demeanour. You couldn’t quite help it, because his face was the first you could actually say was known to you.
“Michael!” you whispered and then rushed down from the porch before anyone could stop you. “Oh dear God, you’re alive!”
You fell into your brother’s steady embrace and though the force of it nearly made him stumble, he held you firmly and wouldn’t let go—not even if the devil himself tried to claim you both again. 
The tearful reunion was so quiet that no one apart from you and Michael could know what words were exchanged. While the Shelbys weren’t exactly the type to interrupt, you could tell that Alfie was out of patience. 
“Are we just about finished, then?” he inquired. “Forgive the interruption, yeah, but it’s gettin’ li’l too chilly for my taste.”
Polly took that opportunity to point her gun directly at Alfie’s head.
“Now then, madam,” Alfie chuckled and stood his ground, though he didn’t raise the gun he was holding. “I’d only ask ya to aim better than your nephew, all right, ‘cause I can’t exactly take no more of this.” He pointed to the injured side of his face. “Once was enough, yeah, so if you’re certain that’s what ya wanna do, I won’t stop ya.”
“Shut your mouth,” Polly hissed. “You shut your mouth!”
“Polly.” Tommy took a step towards them. His voice was full of warning and he ordered his men to stand down with a single wave of his hand. “Polly, think about what we’re doin’ here, all right? We came to get your daughter,” he turned to point at you, who now looked toward her husband with a horrified expression. “She’s safe now, Polly, we can take her home. There’s no need for violence, Pol, not today.”
“Like hell you will!” you protested. “Can you stop talking about me like I’m not even here?! No one’s taking me anywhere.”
“Now then, Tommy,” Alfie sighed. “There I was, mate, thinkin’ we had an understandin’, you an’ I. After all these years of friendship, right, you come to my house, guns blazin’, and with your lovely aunt no less, all in pursuit of justice I can’t exactly give, mate, ‘cause I ain’t the one who took Anna away in the first place. So…”
To everyone’s surprise Alfie turned his back to Polly and opened the front door as casually as one might when having a gun pointed at you turns into something of a daily occurrence. 
“Might I offer you a drink then, uh, Polly, is it? Right, lemme just say that, yeah, I ain’t exactly one for close family ties, you see, that’s just not somethin’ I was brought up with…”
Alfie’s voice disappeared somewhat as he walked further into the house, completely ignoring the chaos on the porch. You tried to rush back towards the house and stomped on Michael’s foot with all your might when he wouldn’t let you go. Michael roared with pain and you took your chance to run, but this time it was Arthur who stopped you and who, all things considered, presented a much sturdier guard than your brother.
“You let me through,” you hissed. 
“Nah, I don’t think so, luv. You’re comin’ with us.”
“Like hell I am!”
Polly, still stunned, turned towards her children and lowered her gun, creating an opportunity for Tommy to catch up with her and take it out of her hands.
“Not today,” he repeated softly. “There’ll be time for vengeance and there’ll be time for justice. But not here, Pol, not now. Arthur, let Anna pass.”
Polly shook her head and spat on the bluish tiles of the porch, thoroughly worn out and bleached by the seaside air. Only then did she notice the curious mosaic right before the front door and the gentle arch forming the words “lethe”. 
“I’m not leaving without her, Tommy,” she warned.
“I know you’re not.”
Out of options and out of bullets, Polly crossed the threshold and she hoped the choice would truly erase the anguish from her memory—if only for a moment.
Alfie’s gambit must have been exactly that from the start, Tommy mused, because as soon as the rest of the Shelby clan entered the house, they were welcomed by the maid with a tea tray. Alfie, now comfortable in his usual armchair, gestured for his guests to sit. 
Judging by his calm and calculated demeanour, Tommy doubted him and his family had been so unexpected. In fact, he just about acknowledged he had let himself be manipulated not once but twice in what was perhaps the strangest forty-eight hours in a long time.
“Right, now, we don’t know each other well so I don’t know exactly what everyone drinks…” Alfie waved at the maid dismissively and she started to serve the tea as if it was any other ordinary occasion. “Feel free to peruse the bar if you so prefer, Tommy, right, but not you.” Alfie settled his only seeing eye on Arthur, though the elder Shelby brother didn’t seem as prone to anger as Alfie remembered. That was almost disappointing. 
You entered the house last, holding your brother’s hand. Michael smiled down at you fondly as if you hadn’t just caused him severe bodily harm. Tommy and Alfie both noted the scene, though neither exactly for the same reasons. Alfie looked just about done tolerating all that whispering between you and your brother and it seemed so was Tommy.
Though neither, exactly, for the same reasons.
“Right then,” Alfie announced. “Should we discuss the terms?”
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bunji-enthusiast · 6 months
Hi!! How have you been? Hopefully things are going smoothly on your end <3
Redeemed! Scourge being jealous 👀✨ the healthy kind of jelly since he's now redeemed <3 idea is it could be ANY characters you want and reader bonding, Scourge might feel a little awkward to interrupt but also slightly tempted?? ( Say he's trying to be better ) So he's just kinda debating what to do, prob leave them alone out of respect but acts slightly grumpy throughout the day, whatever happens next is up to you!
Ty and good luck <3
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Jealous, Jealous Boy
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Note || hello friend, this is such an interesting one. I hope this was okay! ^^
WC || 930
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This feels weird, he knows he isn’t supposed to act like this.
Actually feel the way he does for that matter, but who’s counting? Scourge sure as hell ain’t. He didn’t want to feel so jealous. When he saw you talking with Tails, for whom he shouldn’t even feel jealous of – it put him in a rather complicated spot emotionally. So he deduced the next best thing possible, which was to leave the two of you alone out of respect. Disappearing is an easy act for Scourge, but for so many, shouldn’t even be something to be thought of in the first place.
“Huh?” You looked up from your paper, hearing Tails’ verbal confusion. You raised a brow right as you were about to inquire what he was so confused about. Immediately without question, the fox pointed to the spot where Scourge had once stood, seemingly was there with you in the first place as he had accompanied you to go see Tails.
“I’m surprised I didn’t expect him to disappear out of thin air.” He says, turning to look back at you. You shrug and sigh, knowing how Scourge was–in a way–his effort in trying to be better in social situations and cues was commendable. Rather you thought he was actually improving, but now you have no idea why he had gone away.
One could only assume he possibly had personal business to attend to, yet many thoughts and possibilities had raced through your mind.
“Scourge is still a bit on edge,” You mention, a wince crossing your face as you continued, “All things considered with his history with you and the others.” He nods in understanding as he listens to your words, the young boy was none the wiser to such things; Tails could only hope Scourge will be able to forgive himself soon, as the fox already did.
But for once, he didn’t want to worry about the rebellious hedgehog. If he could even be called such a thing, but it felt correct — Less than so, but it was there in a sense. Scourge is and was kinder in the loosest sense of the word, it's even refreshing compared to his less developed sense of self before. Tails was rather surprised to see how much you managed to change him, just shows how much people and strangers alike can really change you depending on who you surround yourself with.
Tails knew, in a way. The situation with his father, he had only mentioned it in passing. He is unsure—besides you—if any of the others knew.
His paw reaches out to your arm, settling down upon it to prevent you from walking away. “You should take a break, I’ve got all the data I need.” He smiles, nodding at you reassuringly. He didn’t want you to fuss over the work he should’ve gotten done by himself in the first place, but he much rather preferred if you stuck with Scourge.
Tails can tell that you need it.
He needs it.
You frown for a moment, opening your mouth to refute his words. But the look on his face, had changed your mind. He wasn’t going to take no for an answer anyway, you could respect that fact. Tails can be rather fierce when needed to be, these were one of those moments.
Sometime later, you finally caught up with Scourge finding him at one of his usual spots. Uphill on a vastly different location from Tails’ Workshop. You wondered what he was thinking about.
“Hey.” You said with a softer tone, as you didn’t want to startle your hot-tempered… friend? You weren’t sure what to call him officially right now. Scourge scoffs, looking over at you to see you looming aside directly from him. The look in his eyes was one you didn’t expect, especially not in the long-run anyway. He shifted in his spot, shuffling aside to make room for you.
“Hm,” He sighs, deflating in place as you had laid your head against his shoulder. Scourge wasn’t against it, rather unexpected, but he could sense the touch as a safe one.
He could rest.
The location was Station Square, rather calm and bustling for the most part; but it was peaceful, quiet. Aside from all the sobering noise, you could tell the people and the city itself was very reassuring for Scourge.
“You were not there anymore.” You break the silence, finding it quite awkward for a moment as Scourge seemed to be surprised at the momentary notion. “Why?”
Scourge’s lips pursed, then curled into a frown, teeth sharpening and revealing themselves. His emotion was getting the better of him again. Slowly, he breathed in and out. One of the common and basic exercises he learned while he was in therapy. It wasn’t entirely helpful or clear, but it allowed him to focus — settle the nerves.
“Ain’t none of ya business.” He retorts finally, but his bite was there. At least that was a sure-fire thing of the situation you felt was unsettled, not anymore now however. You paused in the silence that followed, it seemed to be happening very often as of late.
“Believe me when I’m here for you, no need to feel sorry for emotions that are normal to feel.” You said, nuzzling your cheek into his own. Scourge flinched, then relaxed into your touch.
It was a while, but it was reassuring to Scourge.
Feelings were a fickle thing.
The jealousy waned and your heart was filled with the calm that had stirred Scourge to a sense of peace and relief.
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ethansluvbot · 2 years
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summary: after figuring out ethan is ghostface along with quinn and bailey you start to distance yourself.
warnings: SPOILERS!!!, knifes, blood, stalking (not mentioned in this part)
an: i watched the movie one of the first days it came out and let me just say i liked it!! my favorite is still four but that won’t change :) sorry for the shitty writing. also i need more request so feel free to :)
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you were watching ethan sit for awhile. he looked nervous? shaking his leg and looking around every minutes. you started to develop feelings for him soon after you met him. you met through chad at a random frat party.
you were glad that chad introduced you two. you finally had met someone that was like you in multiple ways. you both read the same books, watched the same films and both were attracted to horror films. you knew the moment he said he liked the stab movies that you were compatible.
you had him wrapped around your finger without knowing. he always would try to please you or make you notice him. the way he was staring at you made you realize something was up. it shocked him to see you staring right back at him with a growing smirk.
one thing about ethan is he can’t take hints. no matter how many times you’ve tried to get him to notice he didn’t. you once even told him you flat out liked him and he was still oblivious.
ever since you figured out ethan was ghost face people you tried to stay away. you probably should’ve told someone about your discovery but you were scared. ethan was one of the only people you trusted with everything. now he would be taken away from you.
you stood up walking out of crowded room. ethan was not far behind grabbing your wrist. turning around you flinched taking your wrist away. he stared into your eyes letting go.
“did i do something to you? if i did please tell me.” he looked down at you with pleading eyes. you’d usually ignore this type of behavior from other guys but it was different. you pulled him into a hug while you still thought about his mask. could ethan really kill all those people?
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you roommates still weren’t home to your surprise. they both were big party people so it wasn’t unnecessarily surprising. you tucked the key under the mat just incase they needed a spare.
the sight of the doorknob turning scared you. immediately grabbing a knife you went into your room locking it. thankfully it had a window if needed. you already knew one killer what if he found out? what if he has to kill you now that you know.
a quick knock came from your door followed by a low voice, “you didn’t answer the phone, i thought it was time to pay you a visit.” you didn’t need to see his face to know he was smirking.
“go fuck yourself ethan!” you screamed as the knife plunged into the door. you quickly went to the window opening it. pushing yourself out of the window. you were the third floor. chances were you’d break a few bones. or you would’ve until you felt a pair of hands yank you down.
you cried out as a knife plunged into your skin. even though you were in searing pain you began to fight back. ethan pulled the mask off looking in your eyes.
“i think your bleeding a bit,” he tilted his head motioning to your leg. you never believed ethan could be ghostface. even after mindy going on extreme rants about how he was.
“i never wanted to kill you, you are so precious, but someone had to figure out who i was. now this is your ending.”
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bonnibuckets · 1 year
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— lilith's embrace | ada wong
synopsis: you find out romance doesn’t belong in the work place the hard way
content: ada x afab reader, pure angst (no comfort), violence, mentions of dying (& actual death), homophobic themes (just a little)
words: 1.3k+
note: i thought i ate this up with the title lmao. anyways so excited to post this i really hope you guys like it! taglist 🏷️: @ghostkennedy @adaelines @konigbabe @meowsiee @alewesker @d34ng3l @taeliwalter
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You were a scientist— graduated from college in the top 10% with many awards and recognition. You worked your ass off to get where you are now and you did it all on your own.
After graduating you started working for a company named “Umbrella” it was everything you hoped and dreamed for. Your fellow scientists never doubted you or belittled you and all was great. Eventually, you got transferred to another laboratory just outside of raccoon city.
They told you that you’d be taking over Dr. William Birkin’s role as chief of research. To say you were beyond ecstatic was an understatement.
But that died quickly when you started to see the cracks in the company. It started with other sketchy scientists not telling you certain things, or how people didn’t talk as much, but to top it off is when you came face to face with the illegal weapons research.
You didn’t have the stomach to see your dreams shattered like that and soon your colleagues viewed you as weak. It hurt to know that your fellow scientists were talking about you behind your back especially since technically you were their boss. You questioned quitting after everything but you knew you needed this job and it made you sick to know you stayed.
But that changed when a new recruiter joined the team— her name was Ada Wong. You were excited to have another woman on the team, and you welcomed her with open arms.
Slowly she started making working in that hell hole worth it. Her smile made your stomach flip. Her eyes made you drown. Her warmth set you ablaze. You started waking up excited to see her at work, excited to talk to her, walk beside her, and share your work. You even set your password to her name— without her knowing of course.
You were terrified that she wouldn’t feel the same but those thoughts stopped when she started showing you the same attention. It made you melt and explode whenever she placed her hand on yours or when she’d kiss your cheek. Or simply if she brushed her fingers across any part of your body.
You use to feel like you were forced to hide yourself from others, but with Ada it was different. You felt like you could scream to the world about your feelings for her, but…all good things must come to an end.
Soon a virus called the “t-virus” broke out and many people got infected. People’s true colors started to show— including Ada’s.
“Ada?” you called out shakily, you didn’t want it to be true. You hoped it wasn’t true.
“Yes?” she looked at you with her signature red-lipped smile. “Is it true?” you whispered.
Silence filled the room. Don’t let it be true, please. She’s not like that. She cares. She cares about you.
“What are you on about?” she chuckled but didn’t make eye contact. You immediately knew. “You…you were sent here” you swallowed.
“Of course, I was, weren't you?” she giggled— it stabbed you in the heart. Your gut was churning and twisting. She knew and she was lying to your face.
“No,” you said, eyes filling with tears. “You were sent here to infiltrate, and bring them information back” The room’s air seemed thick— suffocating.
It was choking you and so was Ada’s followed silence.
Her sudden sigh broke the tension, “you couldn't have just stayed silent huh?” she said flatly. A tear broke the surface of your eyes, words were stuck in your throat like cactus.
“You should’ve been quiet,” she said, shaking her head. “I didn’t plan on you finding out”
No, no, no. It couldn’t be true. It wasn’t true.
Your feet shuffled back— screaming at you to run. Adrenaline flowed through your veins as Ada turned toward you fully.
Something glinted in her hand— a syringe. Time slowed down as your body screamed at you to run to fight, but you couldn’t form that connection.
Suddenly Ada was in front of you in a flash, swinging the syringe for you. You immediately ran to look for something to block yourself with. Tears flowed down as you pumped your legs— you never thought she would be like the rest she was supposed to be different.
You met the cold floor as her warm body was on top. You grasped her wrists as she used her body weight to slowly push down. “Why?!” you cried to her “Shut up!” she said angrily. Then a wet drop fell on your face— she was crying. She lifted her head and tears were falling down her beautiful face.
“Don’t talk!” she whimpered as you both fought against each other. “I have to,” she said to herself “I have to or it’ll be me!”
You knew it was horrible timing to admire her beautiful eyes even if they were filled with hate and guilt. They were her eyes and that’s what you loved. Your arms were growing weak and your mind was slowly accepting its fate.
Flashes of your life flooded your mind. Growing up you never found boys interesting, there wasn’t anything you liked about them. You didn’t think it was weird when you started to take an interest in the girls around you until your parents and friends told you differently.
Your parents would tell you that you would marry a man— and you’d live a happy life with him, but you didn’t want a “him”. They’d drill that into your head as you tried to achieve your dreams and try to express yourself.
It hurt that your parents, and friends viewed you differently because your heart skipped a beat over a pretty girl's smile.
You walked the halls confused, confused about who you were and what to do with yourself as you buried yourself down deep.
Flashes of when you started college. How you studied yourself to death pulling all-nighters. when you graduated college with flying colors and every all-nighter feeling worth it.
When you started the job of your dreams, of when you made it to raccoon city. When you met her. Your whole world came crashing down. To look at her felt like a sin. Your breath would get stuck in your throat whenever she was around. Your knees would get weak whenever she smiled.
You felt like a fool whenever she spoke. You wanted to kiss her, hug her, and count the stars together.
You smiled and slowly gave in to your exhaustion as the needle inched closer to your heart.
Ada’s smile flooded your mind as your heart swelled and then deflated as the needle pierced your chest.
Her scream was blood-curdling as she felt her hands sink— tears drowned her eyes. “I’m so sorry” her words flooded out as she sobbed into you.
A wet heat emerged as your vision went blurry but you could feel her distinct warmth and how she picked her head up. Your hand snaked to her cheek— “It’s okay” you smiled weakly as it became harder to keep your eyes open.
Your brain flooded with Ada’s and your planned future. Her fingers brushed your hair out of your face. Her lips pressed into yours. Both of your ring fingers were coated with gold bands as you swayed to the beat of your hearts.
“I…love you…Ada” you whispered as your head met the floor and your eyes shut as Ada embraced you for the first and last time ever.
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© 2023 bonnibuckets. ─ do not copy, repost or translate any of my works on any platform without my permission.
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luvneymar · 2 years
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SUMMARY: you and Neymar leave the hospital with your new baby-girl & you have to figure out how to parent a newborn all over again.
“Are you ready to go home princesa?” Neymar asked you as he repacked the hospital bag counting all the baby bottles before placing them into the bag. You on the other hand were in the bathroom freshening up before you took your baby-girl home for the first time.
“Yeah just hold on!” You yelled out trying to clip your necklace at the back of your neck but struggled as the clip kept closing before you could get it through.
You walked out of the washroom to ask neymar for help but as you walked through the doorway you saw Neymar sitting in the rocking chair with Valentina singing a Brazilian lullaby to her as she giggled and babbled laughing at even the slightest of things.
You leaned against the doorframe crossing your arms smiling at the sight, it took a while for him to notice you & the only reason he did was because the necklace you were trying to put on fell onto the floor.
“You should’ve told me you were done princesa.” Neymar looked up at you before looking back down at his babbling daughter picking her up by her armpits before standing up from the rocking chair.
“No, no. I didn’t want to disturb you. I just needed help putting on my necklace.” You bent down to pick up your necklace holding it up to show him before putting it around your neck again trying to put it on once.
You failed again but just before the necklace fell onto the floor again you felt warm hands on the back of your neck, you immediately recognized them to be Neymar’s helping you attach your necklace.
“Thanks.” You whispered, his hands on your neck sent shock waves down your spine as they stood on your shoulders before sliding down down your back before reaching the hem of your shirt.
His hands made their way up your back again this time underneath your shirt as his hands met with the hem of your bra. His hands made their way to the front of your bra lifting it so he could snake his hands under cupping your breast.
You had goosebumps all over your arms as you moved your hands under your shirt lifting your bra to place your hands on-top of his. The wire was digging into his hands so he took out one of his hands out to undo the clip at the front pulling your bra out of your shirt and tossing in somewhere.
Your breast were like 3x bigger than they usually were because of pregnancy and breastmilk being stored in there which made feeling them for the first time in a while much more euphoric than usual.
As you both stood there enjoying the feeling of being in each others arms again you were interrupted by your OB walking in on you both in a less than appropriate manner.
You separated as fast as you could before turning to face your OB feeling Neymar’s hands on your waist holding you from behind thinking your doctor hadn’t noticed.
“Wow guys. I love sex just as much as the next person but no sex until you reach 6 weeks of recovery. That includes the exit hole too you know .” She walked over to stand beside Neymar nudging him in his side.
You elbowed him in his stomach signalling him to let go of your waist, he let go quickly placing his hands onto your shoulder instead letting out a sheepish laugh. As he laughed you took in what your OB just said.
“Exit hole? Who would even…?” As you question your doctor leaned into your ear with a cunning look. “Believe me darling so many people.”
You shivered at the thought, “Well! I just came in here to give your post-pregnancy vitamins, your schedule for little Valentina’s immunization shots and a baby on board sticker.” She explained as she packed them into your bag.
“I cant thank you enough.” You hugged her as tightly as you could while Neymar picked up the bag and scanned the room for any remaining items.
“Just doing my job darling.” She pulled away tucking her hands into her pockets before the room. You sighed looking around the room once again before walking towards your baby in her crib & picking her up.
“Come on Vale, time to go home.” You whispered adjusting the pink hat on her head, you walked out the door where Neymar was waiting for you with a wheelchair in hand.
“You know I can walk right?” You reminded him walking right into the wheelchair, he undid the breaks and begun to walk turning the corners of the hospital until he reached the entrance where the car was waiting for you.
“Yeah I know but the doctor said you can’t pick up anything heavier than Valentina so.” Once you both reached the car you got out of the wheel chair, opened the backseat door & dove into the backseat to adjust Valentina in her car seat.
Once you were done you patted Davi on the head where he sat beside his little sister fast asleep. You dove back out and walked towards the front of the car and sat in the passengers seat.
You fasten your seatbelt your seatbelt Neymar entered the car and started the engine, right as he was going to start driving you felt as if you were forgetting something then remembered you hadn’t taken photos of her first car ride.
“Ney wait! We gotta take photos.” You pulled out your phone and begun to take an excessive amount of photos of the same scene over and over again.
“I’ll never get over her cuteness. Now we’re ready to go.” Neymar smiled at you before beginning to drive the car setting the GPS to São Paulo.
After about a 3 hour drive you made it back to São Paulo all safe and sound. Mostly. During the drive Valentina had a few explosive issues in her diaper, Davi demanded for you guys to sing “Row Row Row your boat” every 5 minutes or her cries which makes Vale cry.
But other than that you all made it within 1 piece. You stepped out the car and face towards the sun shining through the window of the parking lot, appreciating your moment of silence.
Which was short lived as Neymar came over to you and handed you your hungry crying baby. You sighed as you comforted your baby patting her bottom. Once Davi and Neymar were out the car you made your way to your penthouse condo.
Before you stepped even 1 food in the door Valentina had threw up all over your shirt despite crying about being hungry. “So you’re not hungry just mad at me huh.”
You handed off your baby to her father and sped walked to the closes place with a sink, slipping off your shirt and washing it in the sink. You hadn’t even noticed you were bare chested only in a bra until Neymar walked baby in hand. “Babe she’s still-”
“Huh?” You turned around to face him just to see both Vale and Neymar staring at you, or rather your boobs.
“Don’t you think this is a little inappropriate for her to see?” He asked clasping his hand over her eyes, you rolled your eyes at his immaturity.
“You and her are seeing totally different things. She’s seeing her meal you’re seeing … your meal.” You turned back around turning off the tap before walking towards Neymar taking your crying babygirl.
“It’s okay baby don’t cry.” You held Vale on your shoulder making your way to the bedroom with Neymar tailing behind you, you sat down on the bed as you used the blanket to cover your breast as you fed your daughter staring into her beautiful greenish-brown eyes.
Neymar sat down beside you holding his hand over your shoulder, he caressed her cheek softly smiling as he watched her hold onto your breast with her tiny tiny hands.
Soon she was finished feeding and once she detached from your breast you realized you didn’t have anywhere to put for daughter so she could rest. “What’s wrong?”
“We don’t have a crib.” You answered him, he looked surprised rather than horrified. “Really?” He asked, you nodded your lips pursed into one thick line. “Really.”
“That’s okay. That just means she gets to stay with us for much longer. And when she wakes up in the middle of the night it’ll be much easier.” Neymar pecked you on the lips repeatedly before shutting off the lamp light.
You stroked your babies back as she laid on your stomach snoozing off happily with a full stomach while laid in your bed smelling like vomit and breast aching like a bitch.
But even with all that you laid in your bed happy and healthy with the love of your love stroking your hair and laying your head on his shoulder. Just as you were going to fall asleep Davi walks into the room holding his teddy .
“Mommy can I sleep with you and daddy?” He whimpered out walking towards the side of the bed grabbing onto your arm.
“Of course baby, come here.” You patted the space between you and Neymar who was already fast asleep. He climbed into the bed and eased under the blanket. You kissed his forehead & played with his hair until he fell asleep.
“Goodnight my love.” You whispered before slowly falling asleep yourself.
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TAGLIST: @watersquirtpewpewboomm @kacyyz @shiffpring @ang3licho3 @wintergilmore3 @chelseamount @raniatsala (send an ask or reply to be added to the taglist!)
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