#and i feel like the personality i showed was ‘sad nervous wet cat who just wandered in off the street and sat on this bench’
fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Well I don’t think it went well but who knows. Maybe they liked me, maybe the other candidates will turn out to be crazy, maybe I’ll end up being the only person who has hospitality experience…
#i walked out of there and immediately thought of so many things i should’ve said#like whyyyy didn’t i mention i have food hygiene level 2 and allergen awareness training and time management skills#and that i work well in a team????#at least i did mention what an excellent cashier i am. as if they care. 🫠#also why the hell did i admit right off the bat that i don’t know anything about whiskey. everything they DO is whiskey#one of the hiring managers said she also didn’t know about whiskey when she started working there but i was still dying inside#like why am i DUMB#i just feel like i didn’t say much in general. a job interview is supposed to be an opportunity to talk about yourself and upsell#all your skills and let the employer get a sense of who you are so they can decide if they want to work with you#especially in a customer service role.. you need to show Personality#and i feel like the personality i showed was ‘sad nervous wet cat who just wandered in off the street and sat on this bench’#why is it raining today. anyway#i don’t really care one way or the other if i get this job but i’m frustrated that i didn’t do my best#at least it was a short informal interview. those are my favourites. yessss girl keep me for 10 minutes or less#personal#*also literally why did i tell them about how i went to university but i didn’t tell them i have food hygiene skills#like bitch NO ONE CARES about your masters degree if you’re not using it. which you are not
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ahungeringknife · 1 year
365: April 24
Grey/Cat has never liked Saladin :) makes more sense when you know Grey's backstory but that won't be posted for looks at their wrist like looking at a watch a while
An unfamiliar ship did a fly by of the Temple and Shiro looked up at it with a frown. A moment later a figure landed at the LZ. It had been snowing all day and snowing harder so Shiro had retreated to the front of the Temple to get out of the snow. Just because he was an EXO and didn't feel the cold didn't mean he liked being snowed on. It got his cloak wet.
Shiro was nervous when the figure was both familiar and not familiar. He recognized them because they were part of young Kass' fireteam but they never came to the Temple with her when she came to talk to Saladin. Shiro was wary as the Grey Dawn stormed up the Iron Temple's steps. The clouds above seemed darker and more sinister as they approached. What were they doing here?
Foolishly, honestly he didn't know what he was doing, he tried to bar them from the Temple. It's what Saladin would have asked of him. "You're not permitted inside, Dawn," he said like he was just telling them about the snow storm.
He yelped when they grabbed him by the front of their Lucky Raspberry and pulled them close to their SIVA encrusted helmet. "Get. The fuck. Out of my way. Pilgrim," they said with barely restrained violence.
"Only Iron Lords are allowed in the Temple," he said stupidly. Fuck even he wasn't allowed in the Temple. Also what the hell was he doing? Did he have a death wish? They'd make him their lunch.
That didn't amuse them. Didn't even slow them down. They just shoved him away and opened the Temple doors. Shiro knew Saladin was in there, like most days. In quiet contemplation or whatever the fuck he did in there. Kass joked he listened to emo music and was sad about his dead friends.
Shiro flinched back when he heard the crack of Arc Light and then Saladin yelled. Then there was the sound of sundering and Shiro cursed, finally following after them. The Grey Dawn stood in the Temple over Saladin's steaming corpse holding a lance of pure Arc, rage in every line of their body. "Where's your Ghost Saladin?" they snapped. "I'm not going to kill you," they added to the air. "If I did I wouldn't get the pleasure of turning him inside out."
Shiro put his hand behind his head. Shit. What was he supposed to do here? Saladin's Ghost, Isirah, came out and resurrected her Guardian. This time it was a fight as Saladin created his own Light construct. Didn't matter. Shiro winced as the Grey Dawn almost effortlessly deflected and then shoved their lance right through Saladin's skull. They weren't even winded other than by rage.
"How many time are you going to do this?" Isirah asked them.
"Until he's learned a lesson," they said, fury radiating through every breath.
"This is about Kassandra, yes?"
"What was your first clue?"
Isirah was quiet for a moment and Shiro wondered what the fuck they were talking about? Also what was this hostility about!? He knew the story of the Grey Dawn but it was just a story. No way this person wasn't just using the name. He'd met a handful of Hunters in the Crucible who claimed to be Shin Malphur too. But by the way it was now snowing even harder out, the clouds swirling angrily above the Temple he... doubted. Shit what if this was actually the Grey Dawn? He’d seen their old forest in Italy decades ago. Even so far removed from the Dark Ages it was a macabre delight of mummified corpses and skeletal remains and the shells of Ghosts left to show they’d been killed. The Grey Dawn had been just as bad as a Warlord. If it was he was grateful he'd just gotten away with being told to fuck off.
"Saladin doesn't learn through death," Isirah said. "You should know that by now."
"Makes me feel better to kill the little bastard," the Grey Dawn said viciously.
"And you claim you weren't a warlord," Isirah sighed. "If you want a lesson to stick you need to find a true weakness."
"Hey! Why are you telling them this?" Shiro asked loudly.
"Because my Guardian is not infallible. He also did it on purpose," she looked back at the Grey Dawn.
"He knew it'd piss me off."
"Oh yes," Isirah said. "And I think such things should be beneath him. He never learns though," she sighed. "You can go, Shiro," she added to Shiro.
"The Temple is only for Iron Lords."
"They aren't an Iron Lord," Shiro pointed at the Grey Dawn.
"No but they have a right to be here. You may go. They won't kill me so they won't kill Saladin."
"You sure? They've killed Ghosts before," Shiro said nervously, deciding then that yeah... this was the actual Grey Dawn.
"I'm sure. Close the door after you," she said with great finality. The Arc lance continued to crackle softly in the Grey Dawn's hand.
Shiro didn't know what to do. Follow orders or worry more about his boss. But she seemed so sure, so calm. "Okay," he said slowly and stepped out of the Temple. He closed the doors.
"What was that about?" Tyra asked as Shiro stared at the Temple's doors.
"I... don't know."
"You do," she said in a knowing way.
"Just stories," he said worriedly.
"Would you tell me them? I'm not versed in all the stories of the Dark Ages and the Iron Lords," she said.
They both looked at the door as the muffled sound of yelling came through. Not yelling in pain but more like the sound of rage. Shiro almost opened the doors again but then he heard Saladin yelling back. So he wasn't dead. That was good. Right?
Tyra touched his arm. "I suppose Saladin's done some foolish things," she said graciously.
"I-- maybe?"
"He's old. The old always do foolish things. Now weren't you going to tell me that story?" she asked. Either Tyra knew more than she was letting on or desperately wanted to get away from these two powerful Risen. Shiro didn't exactly blame her. She was Lightless. If they brought their fight out here there was a very real chance she could be injured.
"Ah- right. Yeah. Sure. Let's go down to the old docks and I'll tell you about it. Get out of this snow storm maybe?" he said trying not to sound nervous and was grateful when his Ghost brought his own ship around to get him and Tyra off this mountain.
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tf2-hellhole · 3 years
Could I request some headcanons for what the mercs would be like crying in front of their s/o? Or what it would take to get them to?
It’d have to take him getting really, really angry or frustrated. Typically the only things that will push him this far are embarrassing himself really badly, losing a match, or somebody insulting him about something that he’s really sensitive about (like his lack of a dad, or if they tore him down about his appearance).
When he cries, he runs off somewhere to sit in a dark corner and bury his face in his knees, because he doesn’t want anyone to see him. When you come to see if he’s alright, he yells at you to leave, but makes no physical effort to force you. He still doesn’t do anything when you wrap your arms around him; in fact, after a while, the tension in his body leaves and he kinda slumps into your arms, burying his face in your chest or shoulder.
Solly is a person that you’d never expect to cry. Typically, he never does, because insults go over his head and he typically just demolishes a punching bag when he’s emotional. But he can come incredibly distraught when thinking about his early experiences in war.
When he feels like he’s about to cry, he locks himself in his room. He’d get angry at anyone who knocks on his door, except you, of course. When you knock, he opens the door wordlessly and captures you in a tight hug. He holds you close and buries his face in your shoulder, almost like an upset toddler. Usually, he’s never been able to talk about things that make him upset without getting brushed off, so getting held and being allowed to talk things out makes him feel a lot better.
I can’t really imagine Pyro as being much of a crier????? Like, maybe they’d cry if you were really upset with them, but that’s about it.
I guess that when they cry, they typically just sit by themselves, softly but audibly sniffling under the mask. If you ask them what’s wrong, they don’t answer, but if you come close, they’ll rest their head on your shoulder and tightly grip your hand. They’re back to normal in a few hours, but they don’t wanna talk about the crying and will disregard it if you bring it up.
If he’s drunk, he constantly cries over things that are often random and unimportant. When he’s sober, he usually gets frustrated or angry rather than sad, so he’d only cry about something huge like losing his mom. Also, he’s quite touch and affection starved, so give him gentle affection when he’s upset or stressed- might make him get emotional and tear up a lot.
The way he gets emotional when he receives affection is actually quite cute. He’s big on affection and initiates it 99.9% of the time, so it’s a surprise to him that you would actively seek out affection from him and initiate it. He gets a little flustered and has the cutest nervous smile, but he melts into your arms and cuddles close like a happy cat, puts his head on your shoulder, and wipes his eye and cheek behind your back.
Heavy likes to present himself like he doesn’t get scared or sad or upset, but he does, he just hides it and uses healthy ways of coping or releasing emotion. So it’s very rare for him to cry, especially around other people, even his family. It’d have to take something extremely impactful, like the loss of a family member, to make him cry in front of other people.
When he cries, he does it quietly and by himself. When you find him by accident, he says nothing and just looks away, but he doesn’t try to stop you when you approach him. You reach up and touch his cheeks wordlessly, acknowledging that he clearly doesn’t want to talk. He only looks up at you for a moment before pulling you into a gentle hug, taking in the warmth and comfort of your body.
I don’t actually think Engineer is much of a crier either? His emotions probably come out as anger and frustration (which is obviously never taken out on you). I can imagine that he might cry after losing a loved one. And he’s a very patient and well-tempered person, but I think a very, very long string of failures with inventions might make him angry-cry.
When you find him crying, he wipes his eyes and hangs his head, refusing to look at you. But when you approach him and try to comfort him, he weakly complies and lets himself get wrapped in a hug. If you ask him to, he rants his heart out. Once he calms down, he pulls away, wipes his eyes again, and gives you a weak smile, clearly grateful for the comfort. “Look at me, moping and crying like a child,” he says with a soft, breathless chuckle.
Saying that Medic’s childhood was rough is an understatement. He tends to ignore that part of his life and doesn’t talk about it/won’t ever elaborate, but sometimes he can’t avoid bad dreams and scary memories. They tend to stress him out a lot and take him back to the roughest events of his life, so of course he tends to cry after one of these flashbacks.
When he has these memories, he tends to hole up in his lab or his quarters, as it often comes with a bad mental crash. Another mercenaries had mentioned that he seemed out of it earlier, so you went to go check on him, and you found him an exhausted and miserable mess. He immediately crushed you in a hug, crying into your shoulder or cheek. Your body’s warmth and your voice really helps ground him and calm him down. Over a little while, he relaxes a bit and practically melts into you, maybe even falling asleep, but not before he manages to softly thank you for staying with him and comforting him.
Sniper doesn’t seem like much of a crier, and he’s typically not. But he spent a lot of time crying his eyes out until alcohol made him numb in the first few months after his parents’ death. And, like Demo, a lot of affection could easily make him emotional and cry a little because he’s so unbelievably touch starved.
One time, you find him in his quarters (no I don’t think he lives in the van), clearly having a bad day. You sit down next to him and stroke his back, asking him whats wrong. “Nothin’. Just a long day,” he responds weakly. When you reach up to touch his face and comfort him, he jumps a bit in surprise, being unused to people touching his face, but he leans into your hand and closes his eyes. For a moment, you didn’t even realize he was starting to cry, but he sniffles loudly and his eyes are wet when he opens them. He still gives you a soft smile, grateful for the comfort.
Basically never cries because he’s excellent at bottling up every emotion he feels and acting like everything is okay. Even losing a loved one wouldn’t make him cry, but that doesn’t mean that he’s not absolutely traumatized and heartbroken; He just doesn’t show it externally. The only thing that could make him cry is a loved one trying to help him improve his mental state- of course, letting out his feelings is an incredibly important part. He strongly resists their attempts for a long time, but seeing how worried they are about him and how much they care makes him fall apart.
He just randomly starts crying in the middle of a conversation about you trying to help him mentally heal. Like, all of a sudden, he buries his face in his hand and sniffles softly. He lets you hug and comfort him, but he hides his face out of shame as he silently sobs into his hand.
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shadowsinger11 · 4 years
I loved your george headcannons! I’m sure you’ve already been asked to do Fred but if you haven’t could you? thank you sweets!
Hey love! Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed them! You're the first to request Fred headcanons but many people after you did too and I'm happy to provide😘🔥
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Where my Freddie hoes at lmao
Fred Weasley NSFW Headcanons
Lord save me after writing this filth
This should go without saying - if you're with Fred Weasley, you're in for a wild ride.
He's adventurous, funny, cocky, flirty and great in bed. The entire package.
From the very beginning it was painfully obvious to you both and to everyone else at school that there was something going on between you two.
Suggestive glances from across the hall, lingering touches on the shoulder or thigh, purposeful lip biting, it was all done with the goal of getting the other worked up. And you both knew it was efficient.
Such close proximity made you both go to your dorms to let out the frustration in piece. Fred would hop onto his bed and quickly unzip his pants, eager to stroke his thick, hard cock with precum already leaking at the top. Aggressive grunts and growls would rip from Fred's throat, hand furiously squeezing and rubbing up and down his impressive length until he finally came, shooting his seed on the bed which he so craved to fuck you into.
Needless to say that Fred loved jerking off and he'd do it often, sometimes because he was bored, but mostly because he couldn't stop thinking about the way your school skirt was way too short that particular day, showing just the right amount of ass for him to stare at.
Let's get this straight - Fred liked you for much more than your appearance, and he absolutely adored your personality and how well you two got along. But he couldn't deny the fact that you possessed an unholy amount of sex appeal and he couldn't stop undressing you with his eyes.
After a year of mutual pining, you finally got together and the entire school was relieved that this game of cat and mouse was over. Except for the Fred fangirls who were very sad but oh well, our Freddie is a one-woman man™️
Unsurprisingly, it didn't take you long at all to get intimate. Fred had extremely vivid ideas for what exactly he wished to do to you and judging by how skilled he was, you knew he had been imagining you naked underneath him many many times.
Regardless of his popularity, Fred had only dated one or two people before you. He wouldn't just date every girl who gave him a smile or a nice compliment, he saught a connection; a connection he shared with you.
Fred has some very solid knowledge on how to please a woman. At that point he's an expert at giving oral and he knew exactly how to find out what worked for you without it being too awkward. This would be very helpful if you were a virgin and nervous.
He's wild and adventurous, but he always makes sure his lady is comfortable first instead of jumping straight into the kinky stuff. Your health and wellbeing are his top priority.
All this said, Fred loves eating pussy and you can fight me on this.
Getting blowjobs is cool, sure, but you know what is extremely arousing to Fred? Having your wrists tied to the bed frame with his belt and watching you desperately pull on the leather while Fred is holding your thighs wide open, devouring you.
The feeling of being completely at his mercy while Fred was shamelessly feasting on you, caused you to get much wetter than you ever had and he hummed in appreciation, greedily lapping up your juices and flicking your clit with his tongue.
Speaking of oral, Fred was 200% the kind of guy to make you cum at least twice every single time before letting himself finish. There was something oddly satisfying about knowing he could make you orgasm again and again, and again until your trembling thighs glistened with your wetness and his saliva. You bet he wouldn't spend a good hour and a half simply tasting you and pleasuring you with his tongue, hands roughly gripping your hips.
Fred turned it into his personal competition to make you cum as many times as possible. He'd happily take it to four or even five if you were up to it. He'd see it as his personal achievement to know he can make you feel this good.
Fred can be slow and loving if you wanted him to be, but he's more into getting it fast and rough. His cock is exceptionally thick but he always makes you so incredibly wet so it's never a problem; you enjoy the feeling of having him stretch out your warm, wet insides before plunging deep into you over and over again until you're gasping for air.
In the end, Fred is a cuddly teddy bear. Doesn't matter if he's been fucking you like a bull for the last few hours, aftercare with him is heartwarming as hell. He'd pull out a bag of chocolate and feed you pieces of it while playing with your hair and occasionally dropping lewd comments on how well you had done in bed.
Get ready to wake up in the morning with red marks on your neck, chest, belly, hips and thighs. Be it from his fingers or mouth, there are always marks to remind you of the mindblowing time you had had the previous night. And one hungry look from Fred is enough to let you know you'd be doing it all over again.
I know I went overboard with this one but Fred has me on my knees🥵🔥
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Motherly Instincts, Human Emotions, or Just a Quirk?
Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead x Reader
Summary: A feeling is haunting you and it seems to just get even more complicated as the number one hero Endeavor is now out of his hospitalization and the world is at an unease. Is it just your motherly instincts that you feel towards your beloved class 1-A? Is it just a normal occurrence of emotion within any person? Or is it your quirk now picking up something new that you can’t quite see yet?
What I listened to while writing: Detroit:Become Human soundtrack, especially Kara’s Theme.
We are finally here! The fifth season of our beloved My Hero Academia/Boku no Hero Academia has finally arrived! And with that also comes some writings! I’ve been swamped with my new busy schedule that comes along with being in cosmetology school, don't ever under estimate those students because we sure go through a lot each day! Please enjoy this short, on the whim writing for a humble celebration.
Masterlist / request info in master list
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A chill had risen up your arms as your typed away at your computer, the hurried and petrified voice of the news caster raging out even if your tv was brought down to a hushed volume. 
“Number one hero Endeavor is is currently defeating a villain. Much damage has been caused to the area. No fatalities as of right now....” Though whatever they had left to speak out to all of Japan or even the whole world did not matter as your chair had clattered upon the ground as you reached for your house coat. the bright light of the hall blinding your eyes as wisps of hair that had fallen from your hair tie floated amongst the wind you created with your nervous steps down the stairs. Shoto had fallen to the ground and your colleague was already there hovering over the teen, the rest of the class either crowding their fellow classmate or staring in shock to the news blaring from the tv.
That day the world changed and not even the world’s most naïve person could ever deny such a thing.
“Here is your jacket, Shoto...” You spoke out softly as you stood in front of the boy, hands reaching to straighten out the collar, the young man only silently standing before you expressionless as usual. Though you could have sworn you felt a tremor. Whether it was you or him, that could be debatable. “Just remember the time we set, ok? If you feel uncomfortable don’t be afraid to just excuse yourself so Mr.Aizawa and I can bring you straight back to the dorms, they will understand that if you have too.” assuring you hoped your words would sound to the boy, but that forever blank expression only looked back to you. 
“Ok...” he softly spoke out, you nodding your head as you stepped out from his path.
“Ok” felt like the only appropriate response as you watched him step up to the house, disappearing behind the very daunting front door. 
You didn’t want to come off as one of those crazy conspiracist types who always had a foul theory about a hero, villain, and their families, but with your quirk helping you feel the atmosphere or vibe of people, places, or things, you couldn't help but silently be one. Shoto always carried something awful, something that made your heart become heavy despite his neutral expressions. It always perturbed you to no end. It wasn’t like you have never felt this before either. With your previous job being interviewing and helping rehabilitate “troubled” children and mentally stricken heroes and now being the counselor of UA, it was something that always came. What bothered you though was that it was coming from the son of the nation’s number one hero, a family that would seem normal to all of Japan and the entire world because, well, it was a family of a hero. A had on your shoulder made you snap out of your racing thoughts, now looking over your shoulder and to Aizawa.
“Are you ok?” He questioned, almost a bit awkwardly. You didn’t blame him, your reaction to the atmosphere around was probably strange and maybe even frightening. “I know your quirk can...”
“I’m just worried...” You spoke out with a sigh as rested a hand over his before moving away from his touch to lean against the hood of the car, hands now sitting in your lap as you twiddled your thumbs. “And I’ve been picking up something weird, but who knows, maybe its just that this house probably too damn old and spooky” you tried to joke with a meek laugh, though he only stared with a knowingly look, yet did not press any further. You had to be thankful for that, he sure knew when to back off sometimes, maybe not when it came to his own homeroom students, but for you? He did and you didn’t really care to know his reason for why like whether or not he thought you were too weak to handle it or some other seemingly offensive reason. “Shit!” You exclaimed as a fowl hiss came from the side walk in front of you. There a scared cat arched and puffed it’s body out, though Aizawa paid no mind with a lazy look as he calmly approached the cat, slowly reaching out a hand to let the feral beast sniff, quickly gaining his trust. You couldn't help but let out a giggle as the man scooped up the cat in his arms, now leaning against the car next to you where his hands loved up upon the cat’s dirty fur, his black hair falling to hide the sides of his face. Sometimes you would sit there and imagine what he would look like with that mane of his trimmed and tidied during the sleepless nights you shared playing card games, doing paperwork together, or doing a quick patrol around the dorm to check upon the beloved students of class 1-A. 
“Huh, you sure your quirk isn’t taming wild cats?” You teased as you reached a hand to give the old cat a scratch under his chin. The little chuckle that rumbled through rumbled through you before he began to speak.
“I wish, creating a cat sanctuary of street cats seems like the life best suited for me..” He spoke out lowly with the purrs of the cat. You knew he was joking however which brought a small lift to the corners of your lips. 
It didn’t take him much thought to know that something was still bothering you as the cat jumped from him arms to land back to the ground with what seemed to be a small meow of thanks as it ran off into the night only leaving behind the pesky cat hairs on his all black costume, but he didn’t mind at all. 
“Look at you, covered in cat hair...” Your voice came out in a whisper which you weren't aiming to do as you reached a hand to try to dust away the short hairs in vain, though his rough hands wrapped around yours in order to stop you, a knowing look upon his face. That look made you sigh as you retracted your hands from his.
That damn man. He knew when to not press about things like he did to others, but when it got to a certain point in his eyes, he always intervened. You were foolish enough to think you would be able to suppress and hide it enough in order to trick those fatigued eyes of his. Not this time, the feelings that plagued your heart and continued to poke at you were too strong and too bothersome. 
“Shoto always carried things such as sadness, anger, determination, trauma, just a lot more than I could swallow sometimes.” You began to explain, now looking up to the house watching the shadows dance across one of the windows lit up by the soft light within. “And this whole area is filled with so many bad things...but right now it kind of confuses me” You said as your eyebrows scrunched at the new shift. “Change is happening, which is normal to see in a person once they go through the proper treatment or therapy, but judging by how bad it was before, it is going to take a lot...” You said with a sigh, lowering your gaze from the house, trying your best to shut off the swarm of emotions before you and to end your reading, now looking to Aizawa. “It just saddens me, Shoto seems so aloof, but that boy has went through so much, I guess I’m just worried from him, scared for him..” You explained.
“Doesn’t make since why he would come back?” He asked softly, you only staring back up to him to roll that thought within your head before nodding your head. Aizawa only nodded his head back, his arm now reaching to wrap an arm around your dropping shoulders, you now leaning your head against his shoulder. The embrace was comforting and you appreciated his understanding, but you still had such an anxious feeling in your gut. 
“I know this world preaches forgiveness and for us to fix the wrongs we commit in our life, but even for me who helps those people forgive and seek forgiveness, its still hard to do it myself sometimes. It also goes to show that even a family like this can hold all these...foul things” You explained further as you looked p to the moths and bugs that swarmed the streetlight up above and soon past their mindless flight and to the dull stars above. The tears pulled at the brim of your eyes, your chin beginning to strain with the sensation that came with crying. “These kids are like my babies...” you soon shakily spoke out, fighting back the horrendous expression you knew would come too with your tears as you looked to Aizawa “And right now I can’t fight off this feeling in my gut ever since the Endeavor incident..” Your trembled whisper almost seemed fearful. 
A door slamming made Aizawa’s head snap to the source of the sound where the both of you sat in the silence, bodies tense as you waited. Finally with a deep sigh his body relaxed as he looked back to you, a hand reaching to brush away those tears that could move him to tears if he was off guard, though sometimes that wouldn’t even work and that would definitely not go past you. 
Your hands reach to cup the lower, stubbled half of his face upon seeing that familiar wetness gently pool in his eyes, but it was not enough to fall upon his cheeks and betray his wishes of not wanting to cry. You guessed you were not alone with these feelings
“I know...” He spoke out quietly with a sad smile. “We just have to prepare them as best as we can. Shoto, Izuku, Eri, Shinsou, all the others” Aizawa continued on as he was no fully turned to you, hands holding your upper arms, one of them moving away to reach for a piece of hair that was caught onto your sweater to pluck it off and let it float gently down into the darkness of the night. 
“But they are just kids...” 
“I know, but they chose this path, besides, they have already accomplished and achieved so much. Who knows, maybe whatever is coming will be another thing these students will once again defeat and make us adults look stupid again” Aizawa was trying to joke, trying to lift that melancholy looked that wrinkled your face, but it was no use. With a sigh he stood up straight, those warm hands of his sliding away as he opened the passenger door for you, those eyes seeming to look even more exhausted if that were even possible. “Come on, lets get the car started, its almost time to bring Shoto home.”
Motherly instincts, human emotions, a quirks power....was it simply not a good mix or was it simply something big was coming? How those thoughts came in typhoons within your mind as you sat in silence in there car. 
How you will never be able to figure that one out....
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quirkyhero · 3 years
My OchaCow headcanons
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Cow Ochaku: is a wild thang who is a strong heifer as well as adventurous. She was born and raised in an abusive habitat only ment to breed strong bulls for fighting rings. She's been through some shit, and learned to not take some shit because of it.
Cow Ochaku: this gal was raised and taught that she would breed with bulls when she was old enough to mate, she would be forced to submit to bulls for as long as she could and as long as they would need. She remembered being forced to "watch and learn" of what would be happening when she be came old enough to do the same thing. And them, doing things to her in order for her to get the "hands on process".
Cow Ochaku: by the age of 15 she had thankfully managed to escape thanks to her parents and the instructions they left her. Though sadly she was too weak and had no time to save any others. On her own she ran as far as she could, hiding in the city in always with a black hoodie and sweat pants she stolen from a box.
Cow Ochaku: thankfully enough she was found by a kind human who was kind enough to offer her home and shelter. Seeing as she was starving and cold and fucking exhausted, she took the humans offer, still suspicious of this person not sure weather to trust them or not.
Cow Ochaku: this was of course six years ago, and she had come to love her home with trees and forest surrounding the place. There was two male hybrids that lived beside her, their names are Monama, who's a bull and Kouda who'san ox. Monama, while a bit rude at first and Kouda who was pretty shy and skittish around her. Came to be protective of her over the years, now their all pretty close and good friends.
Cow Ochaku: after a long time of healing and bonding, she came to open up with her human farmers and two male friends. She even worked out and lifted logs and other such heavy things, which in turn gained her muscle. She also became quite the fan of martial arts due to the movies they'd watch together, learning new techniques along with the old farmer and their grandkid that was the same age as she.
Cow Ochaku: she had also come in contact with the internet. . .you can see where this is going. As she grew into a strong young lady, she came to also be comfortable with sex. . . That is to say with bottom boys. She absolutely loved her Monama and Kouda who she helped out with their ruts and explored new things (kinks) and the such together.
Cow Ochaku: threw a family doctor, who is a friend of the farmer had come to the conclusion that she may be infertile, and there was only a low chance of her having her own calf. This to her and the others was heartbreaking news, but nonetheless she still clung to hope that she would have her own calf one day. She was just relieved that the others didn't think less of her like the heifers back at the bad place would have done.
Cow Ochaku: was excited yet nervous to go on a trip to the new farm she, the bull and ox will be staying at for a year for her farmer friend that's going to be there for a study work trip.
Cow Ochaku: on one hand, she could finally make that bull harem she wanted. But on the other hand there would be thousands of new faces and in an environment thats a little similar to the bad place. In a sense that's there's quite alot of her kind there. But with the reasurement of the old farmer, the two boys and her calmed a bit.
Cow Ochaku: once on the farm and out of the moving vehicle. Ocha(Ochako), Mono(Monama) and Ko(Kouda) all went to explore once everything was signed in and registered. Only for Mono and Ocha to get whistled at and cat called by the bulls. Mono wasn't exactly the standard looking bull with him being smaller and more feminine looking with smaller horns, he was mistaken for a heifer quite alot. So them both being cat called was not a surprise.
Cow Ochaku: Kouda on the other hand, was being ogled at by the heifers that was curious about the newcomers. Kouda is pretty big, after all he is an ox, he's actually almost the same height as Kirishima, and poor baby was sticking very close behind his heifer and bull friend, not really liking the attention.
Cow Ochaku: meanwhile Ocha paid no mind to the ogling and cat calls, she was looking at the bulls that came to look at her and her friend. Debating and thinking of who she would start her "Bull Harem" plan on first.
Cow Ochaku: along they're walk they bump into a charming cowboy named Midoriya Izuku and a handsome bull named Kirishima, both kind and cute and sexy in they're own rights. . . Ocha came to terms with the idea of adding the cowboy to her bull harem plan, and let her mind run a little thinking of ways to ruin him for only a moment as to not be rude.
Cow Ochaku: after that meeting she came to see at one point, cute Little CALFS!!! OH MY GOODNESS! Ocha decided that this farm was fucking amazing. After all, it came with plenty of bulls and cute farmers for her Bull Harem plan. The staff were pretty great and there are even cute little Calfs here to watch and play with if she's aloud.
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Cow Ochaku: is a lover and fighter, this as I said came for her difficult past and trauma as well as her new beginning on her home land where she met her boys and humans. So she can be pretty intense, as well as straight forward.
Sometimes she scares the bulls with her strength and stamina, alot of them can't keep up with her during her exploration in the hay. The ones who can keep up with her are kiri and Bakugou, but even they sometimes fall victim to her brutal pace which earns her some heavy respect in their books.
Cow Ochaku: she absolutely adores sparring. At first the bulls wouldn't train with her because, "she's a heifer, she'll just get hurt" which seriously pissed her off. That is until a Bull who was messing with one of the heifers took things too far for her liking got take down by her just grabbing his horn with one hand and slamming the big bull down with just sweeping his leg out from under him and Basically making him face plant down onto the ground.
She Basically forced oversized "calf" to apologize to the heifer, and better not do that shit again. Bakugou who Basically went from not impressed and only intrigued to Having mad respect for her and now wants this woman in his harem, though he ain't the only one.
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Cow Ochaku: poor baby still at times has nightmares about the bad place and will sneak into the living quarters of either of her boys or into her human friends room, or just brings all three of them to her own living quarters to cuddle and sleep together. If anything this is something her and Bakugou bond over, since he was a rescue bull from a pretty harsh place and she ran away from a bad place.
One night he just caught her awake early in the morning breathing in the cold air, with a melancholy look upon her usually smiling face. While it's a sad thing to bond about they do bond over it, and it brings them closer.
Cow Ochaku: she's love mochi treats, the kind that the old farmer made specially for hybrids. If you found a way to make them she will be your godamn best friend! Speaking of friends while she can make easy friends with any gendered human, she's not really good with other heifers for some reason. She just. . .feels nervous and a bit off around them
It could be because she has no idea on how to add the heifers in her bull harem plan, as well as the fact that she's not really. . . On the same wavelength of thinking as them at times??? Basically she wants to dominate the bulls while they want to be fucked submissive by them.
She wants to trust Said bull before EVER fucking them, while all it takes is the bull to show off how strong he is to get them wet and ready. She doesn't care for being treated frail and being taken care of while she can take care of her self. She would adore being taken care of twenty for seven by their strong bull. . .she just doesn't get them. . .at all really nonetheless she tries. . . She really tries.
Cow Ochaku: loves giving advice to the bulls about sex techniques and telling them about human sex toys. If she's close to a bull, she teach them some human tricks that she learned while surfing, "the web." She'll also be a babysitter for the heifers and bulls that want alone time at a specific moment so they can get they're grove on if you know what I mean?
I did my own version of an Ochako Cow! I'm pretty proud of my drawings as well as how I made her! I based her on @miggiisdumb 's Bull/Cow AU cause I'm heavily obsessed with the godamn AU and her writing, please go check out her stuff as well as art cause it's fantastic.
I'm also gonna tag @headkandies in here cause they make pretty good headcanons as well as being a fellow lover of this AU!
But anyways that's all folks be safe and have a Heroic Day! Since it's not safe out there please take a mochi loving Ochacow on your way. 🥰
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soft-for-them · 4 years
frumpkin ♡ caleb widogast x reader
Annon🪐: Hey!! I saw your post about writing for critical role and got so excited, always happy to have more writers! I'd love to see a Caleb x reader where he comforts the reader during a panic attack. I don't really have a preference as to headcanons vs one-shots, so whichever you’d prefer. Hope I didn't miss anything, thanks!
Anyone can read this, can be platonic or romantic, it’s based on my own panic attacks so sorry if it’s a bit specific, not proof read like usual.
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Panic attacks have always plagued your life, it’s a thing you have unfortunately learnt to live with.
You know all the breathing exercises and mind tricks to get you out of an attack but really all you ever want when you feel the nervous feeling of panic rile up in you is a friend to talk to. For trying to stop a panic attack by yourself never truly works. You always find that stopping a panic attack by yourself makes you feel down for the rest of the day.
When you were a teenager you had ran away from your home to the circus, taken in by the half elf Gustav Fletching. For the first couple of years you helped the circus folk set up tents and decorate, then you found your love for art (no matter how good or bad you are at it).
Many years later you still helped out with the big top but you had become a portrait artist getting extra money from the patrons that came to the shows.
When you were around twenty or so you had met Mollymauk Tealeaf and Yasha Nydoorin.
The blood hunter and barbarian had always had their own ways of calming you down before you could have a full on panic attack but neither of them have ever seen you have a proper one.
Molly is always the type of person who would tell you stories to try to get you to calm down and Yasha would always try and stay near you becoming a shoulder to cry on if need be. However, none of them have ever seen you pace up and down whilst tears stream down your face and your hands shake in absolute discomfort.
No, they have never seen you fully break down.
Your panic attacks have almost disappeared since joining the Mighty Nein, since your found family has grown bigger. Yeah, you miss the carnival but you now feel like you’re doing something with your life now that you’re on this journey.
The Nein and you have all be travelling, in between quests, the canopy of the forest lighting the squiggly path to the next town. Right now you are setting up you tent that looks like a mini high top, the happy memories of your carnival days flooding your brain.
The tent is big enough for three or four people, depending on how bulky someone is. Normally it’s you, Mollymauk and Yasha snuggled in the tent much like you’re used to.
With a good meal in you and the sun setting you take the first watch, watching the orange sun blending in with purple that the night sky brings.
Soon enough Fjord taps you on your shoulder telling you softly that you watch is up.
With a soft smile you give him a small hug and a hearty goodnight, wishing him a peaceful sleep. The tall half orc only splutters out a ‘You too, goodnight (y/n).’
You have developed a soft spot for the half orc. You hug him once more him now sitting down and you bending down to do so you say your finale goodnight.
It’s a short walk to your tent, it’s very hard to miss, the patched up striped reds and pokkadot patterns stand out even in the dimming lights of the night. With a long stretch, your arms raised above your head, you walk into the tent Molly already in his corner of the tent.
‘To bed this early?’ you muse as you take off your boots and light armour.
‘Need my beauty sleep.’ He jokes sipping on a little flask presumably of some strong alcohol.
‘Well sleeping does help with beauty sleep.’ You joke back as you like down in the middle of the tent, leaving a gap to you over side for Yasha or any other person who feels like sleeping inside your tent (though it’s always been you, Molly and Yasha inside the colourful tent.)
For a while the two of you talk, mostly on the subject of setting up Yasha and Beau up like the good friends you both are but soon the talk turns to who Molly might want to set you up with.
‘You fancy someone don’t you?’ he teases knowing full well that you do have a thing for someone in the Mighty Nein.
‘Shut up Molly!’ you mutter turning away from him and snuggling into your covers.
Your try to sleep but he keeps on talking.
‘Is it… Caleb, you two share a similar quiet and shy nature, though you actually wash.’
You ignore him.
‘Or Fjord? I think he likes you and your hugs?’
You cover you head with your blanket.
‘Oh, are you into one of the lovely women of the group, Jester has been spending a lot of time around you lately?’
‘Mollymauk Tealeaf I will smother you if you don’t let me sleep!’
The purple tiefling chuckles but drops the questing, allowing you to fall asleep.
You wake up in fear, cold sweat dripping down your neck and back, the white of your shirt surly soaked. Your eyes shift around quickly to the people sleeping soundly in your tent. Molly is were he was before, deep in his beauty sleep. However, you are now sandwiched in between him and Yasha.
She must have fished her shift for she is fast asleep stealing part of your blanket.
 Your breathing is laboured and you feel weak.
‘It was only a dream (y/n).’ you try to reason with yourself, sitting up and throwing the rest of your blanket onto Yasha.
Surely you can’t wake them up now, right?
The feeling you have is panic but you aren’t in a full blow panic attack yet, Molly and Yasha know what to do to calm you down. But they are asleep and you fear that if you wake any of them that they’d be angry with you.
They certainly won’t be angry with you but your brain says untrue things to you when your panicky.
First you try some breathing exercises.
They do not work.
You then try and search around for your sketchbook. Jester had drawn a cartoon of you and her in it that automatically makes you feel happy.
You can’t find the book in the dark.
You truly don’t want to wake up Molly or Yasha, you really don’t.
So, you scramble out of your tent, no shoes or coat, you just need to get out.
The cold early morning air hits you, the sun not even up yet but the moon low in the sky.
 When you had first met the Nein you had tried to get to know everyone, despite your more introverted nature compared to the more colourful characters of the group. One night you had helped Nott pick pocket a rich man, not your greatest moment but it was very fun.
Out on that little stealing adventure Nott had said something that has stuck with you.
‘Sometimes just walking about outside calms me down, stealing helps as well.’ The stealing part might not help you but the walking part might.
With socked feet and hands stimming you begin to walk towards where you were earlier taking watch.
Molly, Yasha or Fjord won’t be there but there must be someone there to talk to before your start to cry.
The short walk towards the watch area seems like you’re walking a mile and your breaths start to become even more infrequent, you forgetting to breath out when you inhale a large breath. Tears begin to rim your eyes and your hands carry on shaking.
You’re not going to make it to whoever is on watch, you are going to break.
You stop and drop to the floor, legs crossed and hands going to you face, wiping away the now falling tears that don’t seem to stop. In this sitting down position you begin to slowly rock back and forward, tiny sobs escaping your lips.
Unknown to you the place you have decided to sit down and cry in is near enough to the person on watch that they can hear your sobs.
 Caleb stands up, looking over the camp, seeing you breaking down on the forest floor.
He has no clue what to properly do.
Normally he is alone when he had any kind of panic attack but then he realises something. The last couple of attacks he has personally had Nott was actually around to help him. Nott was always there to calm him down with cuddles and calm words.
Could he go and get Nott?
No, that would get more attention on the panicked you.
Who else helps him?
Caleb quickly summons the cat familiar and he points over to you.
‘Go over to (y/n), ya?’ the Bengal cat nudges his head into Caleb’s legs then pounces off to the crying you.
As soft lump steps into your lap and nudges to hand covered face with its soft fur.
You nervously take down a hand to see Frumpkin nudging you in the way only cats do. He pauses for a moment but proceeds to carry on nudging you when he still sees tears dripping down your face.
Your breathing hitches but there is some kind of clarity as the cat nuzzles the wetness of your cheeks almost like he’s purposely wiping away your tears.
‘…Frumpkin…’ tears well up again but not in sadness per say, it’s a combination of still being panicky but also happiness that the ginger cat is trying to calm you down.
Your arms snake around the slim cat in a small cuddle, you still rocking just a bit.
‘D-did Caleb send you?’ you whisper to the cat in your arms, knowing the answer to the question.
Once your wobbly words are spoken you look up to see a nervous looking Caleb standing near. He fidgets a bit, not looking you in the eyes, though you aren’t looking at him directly either.
‘May I sit down meine liebste?‘ he asks. All you do is nod your head.
He sits down about a body away from you but you automatically nudge up to him so your legs are touching, Frumpkin purring at the two of you.
Your breathing is still a bit funny, a breath being held in. Caleb pauses as he, his hand stops pats Frumpkin’s head.
‘Let your breath out, breath.’ you look at Caleb and try to match his breathing.
‘Thank you, Caleb.’you eventually say.
Your body is still hunched over but you have calmed down, the panic attack has passed, which is very different to normal.
‘Not need to thank me (y/n), no need to thank me.’ He takes his had off of Frumpkin’s head and pats your knee, albeit a bit awkwardly but it gets you both looking up to each other.
You give him a small smile which makes his ear turn red in a blush.
‘C-can I take watch with you for a while?’ you ask.
‘Ya, we can watch the sun rise together.’
i had a bit of a hard time formatting it so sorry if it looks odd.
also, please send in some more critical role requests! (do mind that i’m new to listening to campaign two.)
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sloppy-butcher · 4 years
Maybe J, K, L, W and X for Hillbilly?
anon... you know DAMN well what you are doing. playing with my heart like this. i legit screamed when i saw this. thank thank thank YOU !!! he's JUSt what the doctor ordered <3 much love anon. hope you enjoy
edit;; i wrote SO DAMN MUCH I i need to go to horny jail
Fluffy Alphabet for The Hillbilly (Max Thompson Jr.)
Jealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Oh yes, but he would never even know he was. Max doesn't know what being jealous is nor does he know what it feels like. He would just begin to feel angry for no apparent reason, a burning familiar fury igniting in his stomach making him want to scream and get his chainsaw. Watching you interact with other people, be it killer or survivor, makes Max very sour. It’s extremely bitter when he sees you talking to others - were you happier with them? He’d get mad and his intrusive white noise would threaten to blind him with unjustified rage. 
He’d growl as he looms over you, silver eyes burning with unspeakably deep anguish. No words would fall from his mouth but you could tell from the mere way he stood there that he was upset. You tentatively reach up for him, Max flinching away from your gentle hand. Your heart breaks as you see a wave of unworthiness wash over his deformed features - he feels undeserving of your affections. Max is unsure if you even love him anymore. You belong with normal people with normal faces. How could he ever have believed that you would want to be with him? He recoils from your attempt to touch him again and you feel tears well up in your eyes. There was such profound sadness in that face and your inability to alleviate some of that pain scorned you more than any knife ever could. 
Before he could react, moving faster than lightning, you engulf him in a hug. Desperation to soothe his obvious heartache seeping through your embrace. Suddenly he breaks and gives in to your understanding and unwavering love. You must teach him how to recognize and deal with jealousy in a less self-destructive manner.
Kiss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Hell no. Gonna be dead honest, he would be terrible. There would be too much teeth, his lips would not be able to conform to the correct shape and his tongue is untrained and a little too eager. But what he lacks in technique, he makes up for in passion. Once he knows that you don't mind that his kisses are wet and unusual and his confidence to seek you out grows, he wastes no time in getting quite accustomed to smooching your face. Every chance he got, Max would be planting multitudes of kisses on your person, moving up and down your body with his mouth leaving behind moist teeth-marks and red skin. His favorite place to kiss is your face - be it your cheek, the corner of your mouth, the top of your forehead, it is always your face that gets drenched in his love. 
The first kiss was an awkward one, Max had been acting suspicious all day. When the elephant in the room became too much to leave unchecked you approach him and ask him softly if something was wrong. You’d notice right away that he was shaking, his nervous hands fidgeting with the frayed edge of his shirt and his gaze never once having the confidence to meet your line of sight. After having a moment to compose himself, Max finally raises his head and meekly asks if he could give you a kiss. It's such a jarring, out-of-place question that for a few minutes after you remain stuck in stupefied silence. When you manage to give him a gentle nod, Max shuffles closer, his breathing hot and flustered across your face. In an instant, his lips are on yours, not even kissing you more just sloppily pressing themselves against you, and his eyes are closed. The kiss lasts only a heartbeat then he's pulling away, filling with embarrassment and shame. He begins to hurriedly apologize for the awful attempt at such a delicate and intimate act, shrinking away into his own self-doubt. 
He stops when you put your hand on his shoulder and sweetly plant another kiss on his forehead. “It was great, Max.” You whisper into his ear feeling all tension drain from his body at your reassuring words. “You were great.”
Love Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
He’d be an absolute mess. Why was he feeling this way? What even was this feeling? Perhaps he was sick? Maybe he was dying? He had never expected dying to feel this good, however. If he was dying then he’d gladly do so because then he’d get to stay longer with you. It was always you who set off that suffocating goodness in his chest, his knees always felt like straw when he’d steal a sneaky look at you. He would assume that feeling like this was normal for everyone when being around such a wonderful and kind person such as you so it would take a long time for him to realize that pining the way he does was not actually the norm. 
He remembers how the men did it on T.V, how they expressed love to their partners, and though nervous, Max knew what he had to do. So one night when alone he pulls you to the side gets down on one knee. He produces a strange bundle of dead flowers and other miscellaneous items that you supposed was meant to be a bouquet. He coughs and tries to force the words to come out but all he could manage was a pathetic mumble. Getting over your stupor at his forwardness, you suddenly sigh and let out a gentle giggle. He looks up at you with wide, unsure eyes - so much like a desperate child that you couldn’t help but place your hands around his crooked face. You call him a goofball and he smiles. You weren’t refusing him so, that means you love him, right? He’s elated. Ballistic! Wild! Walking on air! He stands up quickly and effortlessly sweeps you off your feet, cradling you to his chest as he spins around, all the while laughing his relief and joy.   
Wild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Max has a great fascination and strange enjoyment in being openly flirtatious with you. He absolutely loves it when you make crude jokes, smacking his ass and calling him sexy. He blushes and buries his head in his hands, unsure about what to do with himself when showered in such open tenderness. He babbles and shrinks away and to anyone else watching it would seem that he hates being so degraded but really he absolutely loves it. Call him a good boy, a strong, handsome man and he crumbles like a sandcastle against a wave. It makes his insides burning in a most fabulous way and he feels something fuzzy buzz up in his chest. It's a borderline praise-kink thing. 
He also enjoys showering you in that same raunchy show of likeness, though do forgive him for all the lines he uses are the same ones he picked up earlier from you (he’s not very creative). He’d smack your ass then would pull away and wait for your reaction. When you’d smile, he’d wheeze and produce a sound you assumed to be his own version of laughter. 
XOXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Yes. Most definitely. Having been deprived of physical affection all his young life, Max would behave like a starved man when you first introduce the concept of cuddling. He’d never want to stop cuddling you. His love language is touch. If you are at the point in your relationship where he is comfortable enough to allow you to touch him, Max constantly begs you for attention. 
He loves, and I mean LOVES, when you rake your fingers through his hair. It's an odd thing, coarse, wiry, and scattered across his shoulders in patches, but you manage to always find the best spots to gently stroke as he lies peacefully in your lap. Often you find that Max has fallen asleep and his ragged breathing simulates a cat purring. 
When he wakes expects to be covered in kisses and wrapped in an impossible bear-hug. He’s careful to not hurt you with his strength but sometimes he can't help the urge to bring you as close to his chest and humanely possible. He kisses the top of your head and goes wild when you start peppering his face with butterfly kisses. He giggles and can’t help but squeeze his eyes shut and grin like an idiot. You just made him feel so good. 
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readyplayerhobi · 5 years
Favourite Fics of 2019
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So...I thought that I’d give you all a list of my favourite fanfic’s that I read in 2019! I’ll include the description that was given by the author and then give a brief commentary of my own! Please make sure to not only read the fic, but give it a like and reblog! Give it some of your own comments and too, and follow/tell the author!!
Authors - I’ve got some authors repeated so you might have more than one fic here!
Readers - ...there’s a lot of fics here lol
Welcome To The Underworld by @spookitokki​
; Demon/Radio Show Host!Jungkook x  Human!Reader
; Synopsis: In a dark little second-hand shop downtown, stuffed in an alleyway you only stumbled into because you were lost, you found a charming antique radio. When you turned it on, it began to play what would become your favorite radio show, “Welcome to the Underworld”
; My Thoughts: I rec’d this fic very recently but I still remember it well. Demon Jungkook is weirdly caring for her despite her being human and him being demon from the Underworld. The reader...well she has no sense of self-preservation honestly haha. I enjoyed everything about this; the smut, the world building, the characterisation and so much more!
Matters Of The Heart by @hobidreams​
; Hoseok x Reader
; Synopsis: it seems not even the passage of half a decade can diminish the hold of Mr. Jung’s charms on your heart. but the rumors that welcome you home speak of his imminent marriage to an heiress, one who bests you in every infuriating, ‘ladylike’ fashion. just how, then, are you meant to interpret the undeniable sparks of desire in his eyes?
; My Thoughts: I maintain that I LOVE THIS FIC SO MUCH. I think it’s probably like...in my top list of fics all year. It’s just...amazing. The writing feels authentic to the era and the reader is a delightful rebel that we all love from Victorian eras after all. And of course...Mr Jung is just a ridiculously attractive man that I would like very much. Rain is apparently making a follow up drabble AND I AM EXCITED!
An Abundance of Scrunchies by @jhspetitegf​
; Single Dad!Hoseok x Kindergarten Teacher!Reader
; Synopsis: ❝hoseok is a hot single dad and you’re the new kindergarten teacher that likes to piss him off❞
; My Thoughts: This series of drabbles has completely stolen my heart. Dae is adorable and the reader is delightful in how she loves her kids. And then there’s Hoseok, the grumpy businessman who’s incredibly rich yet adorably dotes on his daughter and doesn’t get mad at her. It’s just...fluffy and angsty softness. I love it so much, and the smut was...oof. I can’t wait to read more!
Polaris by @junghelioseok​
; Hoseok x Reader
; Synopsis: somehow, someway, he always returns to you.
; My Thoughts: I MAINTAIN THAT I LOVE THIS FIC SO MUCH AHHH. It’s so unique and beautifully written, such a delight to read and I enjoy it every time I do. The mixing of the ages throughout the years and how Hoseok evidently has knowledge of their future together but doesn’t tell her. It’s so sweet and yet so organic how they come together. It could be weird and creepy given the difference in ages continuously but it’s not. He’s always a gentleman and it’s just...it’s just wonderful honestly.
Faded Love by @jamaisjoons​
; Jimin x Reader
; Synopsis: he doesn’t need to say it. because you can feel your husband, park jimin, falling out of love with you.
; My Thoughts: Okay but like, I still feel the pain and sadness when I read this fic the first time :( the reader’s confusion and pain at being abandoned so thoughtlessly despite her efforts is so hard to read. I still hate Jimin for doing it, and I’m glad that he stopped and realised that he was making a mistake. But poor reader will never be able to fully trust him again and always be worried to some degree :(
Lost And Found 01: Tick Tock by @fortunexkookie​
; Peter Pan!Hoseok x Captain Hook!Reader
; Synopsis: The only hope you had at ending your exile and earning your life back came in the form of an infuriating and uncatchable man: Hoseok. He seemed to love the endless game of cat-and-mouse you two played - so much, in fact, that you were unsure if you were the cat or the mouse. What he failed to realize was that there was a third player, and this one wasn’t after him. The Crocodile hunted you with an intensity that rivaled the way you chased Hoseok, but with one difference: the games he played were deadly.  
; My Thoughts: Okay so like...a lot of my favourite fics ever this year have been Hoseok based. You’re not surprised, I know you’re not. But this fic is just...I cannot WAIT for the second and third parts of it. The world is so richly realised and the characters have such phenomenal characterisation and development in just this one chapter. It’s so...involving to read, you just get lost in it. It’s truly a beautiful work of art that I can’t wait to see how everything goes!
Jungle Park by @jimlingss​
; Hoseok x Reader
; Synopsis: The equation is simple. Hoseok needs to hire someone. You need a job. Except like any actual equation, it’s not fucking simple at all! Not when you have to add the fact that he was forced to hire someone he doesn’t want in his office, he has little respect for your job in general, and oh yeah…once upon a time you might have—*CENSORED*.
; My Thoughts: I looooooved reading this fic. Jimlingsss is basically why I made Flower a once a week thing, because when I was reading Jungle Park, I was always SO EXCITED for Monday’s because it meant I got to read a new Jungle Park! It’s such a slow burn romance but it’s so delightful and rewarding watching this cold and moody lawyer warm up to his bright and bubbly HR person. And then you learn the backstory between them and...I just loved it all!
Magic and Mysteries by @jimlingss​
; Jimin x Reader
; Synopsis: Everything’s okay….EVERYTHING’S OKAY, YOU’RE FINE. Look, you just have one tiny problem. It’s an itty-bitty issue. Not that big of a deal. So what if you don’t have a familiar and you’re about to take on the ENTIRE family business. Oh, you have a name to uphold? Everyone’s depending on you? Great. That’s just fantastic. But it’s fine. You’ll get your familiar and you’ll run the best damn potion shop the world has ever seen. Everything will be fine, right?
; My Thoughts: Again, another Jimlingsss story but honestly, they’re always golden. I particularly remember this fic because I read it when I was in Korea. It’s so delightful and fun, reminding me a lot of Kiki’s Delivery Service. Jimin is a little rascal but I love that he teases her because he genuinely cares. It’s all just a truly wonderful fic and story put together in one delightful package.
Love, Guaranteed by @gukyi​
; Taehyung x Reader
; Synopsis: with the celestial ball quickly approaching, kim taehyung is horrified to find out that you, his best friend, are dateless. to remedy this, he initiates The Match Project, a matchmaking service designed to find the most optimal date. to you, it’s an opportunity to meet someone else so you can stop pining after your clueless best friend. to him, it’s an opportunity to finally, once and for all, tell you how he feels.
; My Thoughts: I do quite enjoy reading Hogwarts fics, and I particularly enjoying reading Hogwarts fics with BTS as students as long as there’s no smut in it. Gukyi’s Hogwarts series was such a delight to read and I remember reading this fic with a smile on my face. Wanting to scream at reader because POOR TAEHYUNG OBVIOUSLY LOVES YOU. Poor guy trying so hard despite everything :(
Lovers’ Fuck Rule by @prolixitae​
; Jungkook x Reader x Hoseok
; Synopsis: jungkook is still new to your established relationship with hoseok, which means he needs a little help feeling competent sometimes. especially when it comes to sex. alternatively, the span of a poly relationship over inaccurate amounts of fucking.
; My Thoughts: Okay look, I don’t do shipping or anything but Junghope is one of the best friendships/combinations there is. And this fic encapsulates why. Jungkook is so nervous with her whereas Hoseok is just...so unbelievably calm and dominant about it all. He knows exactly what gets his girl off and it’s sweet how amused he is by Jungkook. You can feel the slight insecurity almost off Jungkook because Hoseok has been with her for years but you can also feel the genuine love the reader has for him, along with the friendship Hoseok obviously has too. I really enjoyed it all!
Get Wet by @prolixitae​
; Hoseok x Reader
; Synopsis: sitting in on your boyfriend’s dance practice is probably your biggest kink. it’s also the reason you asked to be so shamelessly fucked in the locker rooms of his dance studio, in spite of the pending consequences. note: this is not an idol-verse fic
; My Thoughts: You know I love Hoseok, and this smut was just...oh my god wow. Bizarrely, I explicitly remember reading it while in the cinema waiting for a film to start haha. TNS Hoseok is amazing though and I really love him. In this fic he’s even more amazing though and I just...god I want him so badly. Urgh, 10/10
Eating For Two by @park-moomin​
; Hoseok x Reader
; Synopsis: He’ll have a Large
; My Thoughts: ARGH GOD I REMEMBER READING THIS. URGH, what is it about Hoseok that makes the idea of oral sex with him just so...amazing? Actually just any sex. Any at all. I love the idea of him being so...eager and desperate to go down on his girl, particularly when she’s pregnant so that she can still get some pleasure and fun out of it. Also, him cumming in his pants is just...the cherry on top haha
The Devil In His Details by @park-moomin​
; Jimin x Reader
; Synopsis: Evil comes in many forms. In this instance, it's a 5'8" pretty-boy with an even prettier dick. And you're the form you want him to come in.
; My Thoughts: Lawd, I remember this being one of the hottest smut’s I’ve read in a while and I still stand by that statement. It does make me laugh that this was supposed to be a 1k drabble cos...girl...this length reminds me of me haha. Still, I think Jimin got the blowjob of his life...probably every man’s life here. Well done Jimin, go back for more.
Hot Rod by @kinktae​
; Greaser!Hoseok x Reader
; Synopsis: a 1950′s inspired fic where greaser hoseok can’t keep his eyes, or hands, off the new waitress at his and his boys’ favorite diner.
; My Thoughts: The whole Rewind series that Rose has been doing but you all know I’m a Hoseok hoe and HOOOOO BOOOOOY GREASER HOSEOK IS SOMETHING ELSE. Everything about this fic was just...wonderful and it felt delightfully 1950s. The lingo and outfits, the cars and everything. It was hot and Hoseok deserves everything. I still kinda hope there’ll be a drabble or something in the future but either way, read this as it’s soooo good!
The Boyfriend Concept by @kpopfanfictrash​
; Pornstar!Jimin x Reader
; Synopsis: Win a Date with a Porn Star! You saw the sign when you walked in, of course, but you had no idea your friend dropped your name into the raffle. Fast-forward to later that day, when you actually win. You are horrified, of course, with no intention of accepting and setting yourself up for embarrassment. But then you meet Jimin, and decide this might be worth a shot. 
; My Thoughts: Shanna always writes some of the best fics on tumblr and this is definitely one of them. You’d think with it being a ‘win a date with a pornstar fic’ that he’d be a little weird or something about it (there’s nothing wrong with pornstars but you can imagine it’d be odd) but Jimin is just...so sweet and kind and polite! He’s just...the perfect boyfriend honestly. It just so happens he does porn too...I honestly loved this so much!
Beneath The Boughs by @gimmesumsuga​
; Dryad!Namjoon x Reader
; Synopsis: For almost as long as you can remember, the tree stood opposite your apartment has been a part of your life. Countless memories have been made under the shade of its supple branches, but when its existence comes under threat, you soon discover that your favourite tree is more special to you than you ever could’ve known.
; My Thoughts: I still maintain that this fic is just basically Steph gushing about her love for Namjoon all over the page. It’s just...so sweet and soft. Namjoon makes the perfect dryad and I can easily imagine him being one. He’s such a delightful character who you just want to protect and teach about the world because he has that kind of delightful innoncence. I loved it so much!
Sweeter Than Sweet by @gimmesumsuga​
; OT7 X Reader
; Synopsis: You never would have expected someone like Park Jimin to notice you. As handsome and beguiling as he is deadly, you’re enthralled from the very moment you meet. Addicted to his kiss and his bite, Jimin opens up your eyes to a whole new world of love, lust and seduction.
; My Thoughts: This is like...the OG OT7 fic. The one that EVERYONE should read. It’s so close to finishing and I’m kind of mind boggled that it’s going to finish. It’s just...perfection. Jimin is delightful and Yoongi is sweet, it’s just so perfect, I love it all. Namjoon is still a dick, sorry Steph. I also maintain that I’m secretly marrying Hoseok. Everyone go read it and strap yourselves in for a long ride!
Bump In The Night by @fortunexkookie​
; Hoseok x Reader
; Synopsis: You’d spent countless nights terrified of the beast that lurked in the shadows, but as it would turn out, the monster haunting your home wasn’t a monster all. He was just a boy, and the only crime he’d ever committed was daring to love a girl from a different world.
; My Thoughts: Arrrrghhhhonaeouthnoetahnouenth this fic is just....perfect. I love it SO MUCH. Hoseok is a genuine monster in this, not just someone who thinks he is. He looks like a monster. But he’s a monster who gets a best friend in the reader and who slowly falls in love with her. I SWEAR MY HEART DIED WHEN THE THING HAPPENED :( Poor Hoseok, my sweet boy. But then...the end! And I was like ‘waaah’ I mean, I don’t know how she’s gonna live there but...I have hope for this odd couple because their love survived a lot <333
One Thing Right by @hobios​
; Jungkook x Reader
; Synopsis: “i’ve been wrong about a million times, but i’ve got one thing right.”
or, desperate to get your ailing mother into the best care possible, you ask your childhood friend turned enemy to marry you for his health insurance benefits. the only problem is it’s illegal. and he’s the sheriff. and you swore to hate him since the day he broke your best friend’s heart.
; My Thoughts: Ahh...this is such a well written fic and I enjoy it so much. Jungkook has such good characterisation in it and you can feel that the readers heart is in the right place! I really like it and it reads so well, like it actually reads like a legitimate novel tbh!
Wall To Wall by @winetae​
; Pornstar!Hoseok x Pornstar!Reader
; Synopsis: Temporary popularity is the biggest threat to your career right now. Without a solid core fan base you’re doomed to be forgotten. If not now, then in a month or two, and if not then, surely by the end of the year. That’s how quickly the adult film industry cycles through their actors, especially when you’re a woman. Your agent comes forward with a proposition to help put you back on the map.
; My Thoughts: Okay look...this fic is just great. I’m eagerly anticipating the second part because the first was just written so well. It’s so unique in that the readers already has a boyfriend, Jimin, who is not only okay with her being a pornstar but is the one who films her! But then you’ve got Hoseok, the new guy on the block who’s ridiculously good. The sex is just...it feels so realistic and like it’s two people in a relationship having sex and not just being filmed on camera. God I want them together lol
Club Zombie by @floralseokjin​
; Seokjin x Reader
; Synopsis: In a world overrun by zombies, you’d think everyone was a goner, but the reality is much different. A steady diet of brains lets a zombie exist as a fully functioning human. Just ignore the part where they’re technically dead… In fact, these days, the amount of zombies outweigh the humans. A lot jump at the chance to be turned. Beg for it.
Kim Seokjin controls the underground of Seoul. No one would dare cross him. That’s how most of the world goes these days. You wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of a zombie now, would you? However, you don’t quite see it like that. Spending most nights dancing at the club he owns, you catch his eye. It’s never the wrong side if you’re underneath him, right…?
; My Thoughts: Look...I still can’t believe I read a fic with zombie sex and that I actively WANTED to read a fic with zombie sex lol. But disregarding that, it’s still phenomenally written and the world is built up so well! I loved reading this and it didn’t feel as long as it’s word count. The characters were interesting with little tidbits being thrown out there that made you a little more interested in their history.
Defining Heaven by @akinnie75​
; Hoseok x Reader
; Synopsis: “If I try to fly, will I make it to heaven, or will I fall straight down? But what exactly is heaven?” It’s a question that’s been in Hoseok’s mind a lot after cutting ties with his parents and ending his relationship with his ex-girlfriend. Dreaming is his fear, but you tell him that it’s not as scary as he thinks it is. Even in the depths of his own despair, you reach your hand out, but will he take it?
; My Thoughts: At this point, I think I just love anything by this author. But this fic was so...real and beautiful. The connection between two people who want more from life and deserve from life, who are both stuck. Hoseok’s story is heart breaking and getting to see him slowly come to life and learn to care for himself again was beautiful, while seeing the reader getting to care for herself by caring for him was just beautiful as well.
Florescence by @jincherie​
; Hybrid!Taehyung x Reader x Hybrid!Seokjin
; Synopsis: Okay, so maybe you’re lonely, and maybe there is something missing in your life, a void that you maybe want to fill with a companion that may or may not be of human origin… You’re perfectly content not doing anything about it though, until your best friend calls you in desperate need for your help and you suddenly end up coming home with not one, but two hybrids that may or may not have been on the way to the chopping block had you not taken them in. They’re more than a little rough around the edges, and the situation is less than ideal but… maybe the best things don’t always come in perfect, shiny packages. Maybe they just need a little time to bloom.
; My Thoughts: I love this story so much :333 it’s such an interesting twist on hybrid’s in that there are ones who get discarded because they’re ‘defective’. It’s horrible to think about and I just want to love both of them. Jin is so...sweet and he tries so hard, being the one to put himself out there with the reader because Taehyung is just a sweet and shy bub. Seeing them come to life slowly is so rewarding!
 Moon Magic by @jincherie​
; Merman!Hoseok x Reader
; Synopsis: You’ve never paid much mind to the moon, but you quickly learn that even though you’ve never really thought of the her, she has always watched over you. What better to heal an grieving heart, than the luminous, rippling magic of the moon? And maybe a merman, or two. You know, for good measure.
; My Thoughts: I LOVE THIS FIC SO MUCH AND I KNOW THAT YOU WROTE FOR ME AND I JUST WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT I STILL LOVE IT. Hoseok is such a sweetheart and it’s adorable that you can see he’s falling in love much faster than she’s falling in love with him :333 the world is so realised, even though it’s just an island and everything is just...so perfect!
We Float by @lamourche​
; Massage Therapist!Hoseok x Reader
; Synopsis: Might as well get this over with. You sigh and raise your hand to knock, steeling yourself for patchouli and shell necklaces. The door opens. A face peers out at you. There’s no beard, no long shaggy hair. For a moment, you wish he did walk around shirtless. He’s handsome. He’s taller than you, with brown hair that almost falls into his eyes and undercut on the sides. Warm brown eyes and a cute nose. It’s fucking cute his nose. He’s wearing cargo shorts, a Hawaiian shirt and white crocs. Well, that’s better. He’s still handsome and his kind eyes make you want to confess some prior sin, but it’s easy to scowl at a guy in white crocs.
; My Thoughts: This is still such a wonderful and beautiful fic. Hoseok’s agoraphobia is dealt with tactfully and he’s not magically cured by the end, but it’s so lovely to see that he’s willing to try and combat it a little more because he loves her. And she loves him, accepting him as he is and not pushing for more than he’s willing to give!
Tip 143 by @minflix​
; Hoseok x Reader
; Synopsis: Even though he is everything you find attractive in a man, your friend and co-worker Jung Hoseok is just exactly that - a friend and co-worker. For some reason, you have never found yourself attracted to him even though all the girls and guys around you go absolutely crazy for him.But that all changes for you one night while scrolling through Heart2Heart, a sex live cam website…
; My Thoughts: AHHHHHH I LOVE IT SO MUCHHHHH. THIS IS ONE OF MY FAVOURITE HOSEOK FICS ON THIS WHOLE SITE. It’s so wonderfully written and I adore reading it, even re-reading it. Hoseok is so funny and just...so light hearted. He’s not hugely bothered about anything and the way he goes along wtih the reader and even helps her to film her videos, even going so far as to...well going for her ;). And yet they both just think that they’re friends when nope, you’re idiots because you LOVE EACH OTHER. I genuinely love it so much, always a favourite and will remain close to my heart <333
See Both Sides Like Chanel by @minflix​
; Namjoon x Reader x Hoseok
; Synopsis: You, Namjoon, and Hoseok are inseparable. Three best friends that grew up together since you were all in diapers.But lately, Namjoon has been drifting away…
So on his birthday, you and Hoseok remind him just how inseparable the three of you really are.
; My Thoughts: This couple...is perfect. I love them so much, they’re so well suited to each other. Rich brats who despite being rich and snobby, all genuinely love each other so much. Poor Namjoon when he felt like he’d been left out. <333 it’s okay Joonie, they both love you. I read this while I was in Korea and it just...made an impact. I want them all to live happily ever after with each other x-x
Euphoria by @btssavedmylifeblr​
; Jungkook x Reader
; Synopsis: At the end of your life, you are given one day to live again with the man you loved. A lifetime’s love story told in a single day. 
; My Thoughts: THIS IS THE SADDEST YET SWEETEST FIC EVER. Oh my god, it’s just...it’s so unbelievably bittersweet. Their love for each other and how she KNOWS that she’s dying and she’ll never see him again. How much she throws herself into the day with him and how much he clearly loves her. She knows they have their whole life set out for them and it’s just...wonderful...honestly.
Off The Deep End by @boymeetsweevil​
; Merman!Yoongi x Reader
; Synopsis: Your new mermaid friend, Yoongi, helps you navigate the treacherous waters of love, sex, and National Geographic.
; My Thoughts: Ngl, the main thing I remember from this? It’s beautifully written and also fish dick lmao. But seriously, it’s a great fic to read and watching Yoongi get to experience the human world is a delight. It’s very unique in how it’s written and the biology and culture of merfolk. A definite recommendation for everyone!
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angstyaches · 3 years
Roommate’s Girl
This is a jump back in time for Payton and Autumn, back when she was dating Donnacha! It takes place about a year and a half before the hunger fic/”modern day” (if such a thing even exists in my fics anymore).
It’s very long and disgustingly self-indulgent because, well, it’s my blog and I’ll do what I like. 
CW: stomach ache caused by stress, brief nausea, not much comfort, teasing objectification, brief nude moment (but no details are given), anxiety, having a crush, guilt. Donnacha (sort of) genders Payton by calling them a “dude” (Payton is he/they and is fine with most masculine terms). ALSO, it has a sad/inconclusive ending, but don’t worry, everything works out!
Over the past week or so, Lucy and Payton had made a habit of play-flirting any time there was a moment of silence between them. Payton walked past while Lucy happened to be sitting at the kitchen table? A wolf whistle. Lucy carried the printer all the way from from the cupboard to the table? Oh, Lucy, you’re ever so strong. Payton had a feeling it would die out pretty soon, but they were enjoying it while it lasted. Their self-esteem had been low lately - for reasons they’d rather not focus on - and joking around with Lucy was starting to have a positive effect.
So when they were standing, dripping wet, in the bathroom without their towel, and heard soft footsteps come through the hallway, Payton thought opportunity had come knocking. Donnacha was not light-footed at all, and Henry always made a point of sighing and huffing the entire way through the flat when he first got home, so that meant the person in the hallway must have been Lucy.
Payton stopped short of rubbing their hands together with devious intent, but then remembered they were alone, with no one watching, so they rubbed them together anyway. They crept across the tiles and cracked open the door slightly, careful to duck behind it in case Lucy caught them at an unfortunate viewing angle.
“Wife?” they called gently through the opening. “Wifey darling, could you and that cute little ass of yours grab my towel from the chair?”
There was a beat of silence that shook Payton’s confidence somewhat. They held their breath for a moment, finally hearing footsteps coming closer to the door. A grin crept across their face, though part of them was wondering why Lucy hadn’t made some snarky response yet.
“Here,” a soft voice said. A voice that was not Lucy’s.
A smooth hand touched Payton’s, just before they felt the rough towel fabric against their palm. Payton yanked it through the gap in the door, feeling the colour drain from their face as quickly as their stomach dropped.
“Autumn?” they croaked.
“Oh!” Payton shut the door, heart thumping as they pressed their back against the wood. Their reflection stared back at them from the bathroom mirror, stricken with horror.  “Autumn, I’m – oh my god. I’m so sorry, I thought you were Lucy!”
“No worries, Payton,” Autumn said sincerely from behind the door. “Donnacha’s running late so I let myself in. Sorry to scare you.”
Payton pressed the towel against their face and let out a voiceless scream. They wished the towel would swallow them and then drop to the floor, empty. It took their mind a full ten seconds to calm itself down enough to process Autumn’s apology.
Their lips shook as they parted them to reply, “You – you didn’t...”
It was a little late. There was only silence behind the door. Autumn must have gone back to wherever she’d been when Payton had starting yelling nonsense throughout the flat.
Payton quickly got dry and pulled on the tracksuit pants and t-shirt they’d brought into the bathroom with them. Damn, if they’d known Autumn was going to show up, they would have picked something nicer to wear. They would have planned to do something with their hair. Maybe they had time to stop by their room for a spritz of something that smelled good?
There was a dull thump in the pit of Payton’s stomach, which didn’t so much cut off their train of thought as smash it into oblivion. No, they thought, no, no, no, you’re not supposed to think things like that. Don’t think things like that about Donnacha’s girlfriend.
They scrubbed at their hair in the mirror, trying to introduce some volume while it was dripping wet. The weird feeling in their belly didn’t dissipate, and they rubbed at it gently for a moment before headed for the door.
The smell of coffee and baked goods lingered in the tiny hallway between the bathroom and the kitchen-living room. Payton couldn’t see her yet, but they could feel Autumn’s presence on the other side of the wall as they crept up to the door and laid their head against the doorframe.
She was wearing a dark blue blouse and black pinafore, legs crossed as she read from a well-thumbed script printed on A4 paper and stapled together. She was also sipping on something in a to-go cup. Her eyes flicked up at the movement in the doorway, her cheeks dimpling with a smile.
“Hey, Payton.” Autumn’s voice was quiet and painfully kind, like she’d lowered it to try to coax a cat to come to her. They weren’t exactly close friends, but wasn’t as though the two of them were complete strangers either. They were certainly too close for her smile to be this polite.
“Hi,” Payton mumbled, too nervous to even step into the room, yet knowing it would be weird to duck back out again.
Autumn sat forward on the sofa and scooped up another paper cup that she’d left waiting on the floor by her feet. “I brought donuts and coffee for me and Donnacha, but his latte’s going to be cold by the time he gets here.” She extended the spare cup towards Payton. “You want it?”
No, they thought, no, say no.
But her hazel eyes and freckles were far too endearing, meaning that Payton couldn’t help smiling back at her, despite the nerves and embarrassment.
“I’d love to. It.” What?! Payton rubbed at the still-damp back of their neck. “I’d – I’d love to, um, join you.”
Another tight smile crossed Autumn’s face as Payton took the cup from her and sat at the far end of the couch, putting as much space between them as possible, without making it seem too weird. Hopefully. Then again, couldn’t this already be classified as weird? Payton certainly felt weird, particularly in the pit of their stomach, where it seemed an entire swarm of butterflies had decided to move in.
“Hey, um…” Payton cleared their throat and jabbed a thumb in the direction of the bathroom door. “That – that thing I said before, it was a joke.”
Autumn blinked, giving another flash of that polite, nervous smile.
“Yeah, it’s a – a private joke kind of thing. Lucy’s been teasing me all week, and I thought I’d – I was joking.”
“It’s okay, Payton,” Autumn said, though her cheeks seemed to flush at the subject of the conversation. “You don’t have to explain yourself to me.”
But I do, Payton thought miserably, sinking back into the sofa cushions, because I want you to know I’m not attracted to her.
In place of those words, Payton just mumbled another apology and took a couple of long, focused mouthfuls of the latte. It had cooled to the perfect temperature for gulping down, which was bad news for any insects still trying to flutter about in their belly and muddle up their thoughts. Payton tried to picture them getting drowned and washed away, leaving them in peace.
They inhaled deeply through their nose and focused on eliminating the buzzing nerves, when a whiff of something unusual made them look down at the box of donuts next to Autumn. Could the smell have been from them? It was sweet, but – but it wasn’t just sweet; it was light, and bordered on floral. It smelled like taking a walk after rainfall during early spring. It smelled like waking up with a smile on your face. It smelled like…
Payton gulped when they realised it wasn’t the donuts they were smelling. The butterflies made one last attempt at turning their stomach over as they glanced shyly at Autumn, who was most definitely the source of the beautiful smell. She was already the source of all of the radiance in the room, so why not this too?
No, no, no. This was Autumn. Donnacha’s girlfriend. Everything about this was wrong; indulging these thoughts, these feelings, even for a second, was wrong.
Payton sank further into the sofa curtains, staring past the paper cup they were holding in their lap. Their stomach was beginning to ache, no longer full of butterflies, but full of stone-cold guilt.
“No work today?” Autumn asked lightly.
“I – no. No – no rehearsals?” Payton asked, nodding to the script in her lap. They wished they could think of the name of the play she was currently part of, but their brain seemed to have slowed down to a crawling pace.
“Not until this afternoon.” Autumn ran a hand over her hair and glanced down at the paper. “God, you know, I’m really nervous about this one. I’ve got so many long lines. I need all the practice I can get.”
Payton could barely sit still, both from the discomfort in their stomach and the frustration of seeing Autumn’s confidence deflate. Had Payton done that? Had they reminded her of something she’d been trying not to think about?
“I’ll listen to you practice, if you want.”
Autumn’s eyes widened. “Wait, really? You wouldn’t mind?”
“Love to.” Payton felt a little breathless as Autumn leaned over to put her coffee cup away and settled into a more comfortable position on the couch. They quickly relaxed just as Autumn did, watching her melt away into the role even as she sat here in the living room on a dull Saturday morning. She could have gone on for hours, and Payton could have just watched her lips forming the words.
She stopped after a while, and Payton snapped out of it, butterflies making a momentary comeback at the soft, watchful way she was looking at them.
“What?” they half-laughed.
“You’re so good,” she said.
Payton blinked, and the fluttery feeling intensified. They barely managed to find their voice. “At – at listening and being quiet?”
“Oh – well, yes.” Autumn rolled her eyes and laughed. “But what I meant was that it’s really nice of you to help me out.”
“No, really, I – I enjoy listening to you. You’re incredible.” Reddening at their own words, Payton rubbed a hand across their own stomach, subconsciously working at the achy spot that had, for a moment, been filled with warmth and excitement. “And, I mean, I had to make it up to you, after mixing you up with Lucy earlier.”
“Hey! We moved past that, remember?” Autumn laughed, tugging at the end of her skirt. “I probably shouldn’t be letting myself in when Donnacha isn’t here, anyway. It’s kind of weird, I suppose.”
Payton shifted, turning onto their side to face her a little more. “Um… no, you don’t have to feel bad about letting yourself in. I’m just an idiot and didn’t think.”
Autumn laughed and reached across to smack Payton’s knee. She did it so gently too, as though she was somehow afraid of hurting them with the playful gesture. Payton wanted to grab hold of her hand before it could slip away across the sofa again.
“You’re not an idiot, okay?” she said. “So stop that.”
Yeah, please stop it, they pleaded with themselves, leaning over to rest their latte on the floor. Their stomach was hurting too much to keep drinking it. They were starting to feel hot too, impossibly uncomfortable and nervous. As they leaned into the sofa cushions again, they held their forehead in their hands for a moment. This was so, so bad.
Autumn was undoing the lid of the donut box, distracted long enough not to notice Payton cradling their head. “You want first pick, before Donnacha gets here?”
Payton sighed weakly, barely hearing the question as they shifted yet again, so that one leg was slightly curled across the sofa and the side of the head was nuzzled against the cushions. They slipped one arm around themself, subtly trying to cradle their stomach.
Autumn looked up from peering at the donuts, holding the box closer to Payton. A whole host of smells overpowered the soft, warming Autumn smell, and the flurry of colours made Payton’s vision blur a little. There was a vague hollow pang that reminded them that they hadn’t eaten breakfast yet, and that they should be hungry, but the feeling just didn’t stick.
“Cookies-and-cream is your favourite, right?” Autumn asked, pointing to the single cream-frosted, cookie-crumb adorned donut in the corner of the box.
She was right, and the fact – and everything else – made Payton ache all over. They shook their head at the box, heart sinking as Autumn took it back with a sagging expression.
“You were right, that is my favourite. Sorry,” Payton said weakly, gaze dropping to the sofa cushion that marked out the space between their bodies, which wasn’t all that much. “I’m just not hungry right now.”
Autumn closed the box and stowed it next to her feet, her attention snagged by the drop in Payton’s voice. “Are you okay?”
Resolve weakened all too easily by her concerned eyes and gentle voice, Payton tried to smile but ended up curling their lip in discomfort. Amidst a mixture of the pain, and a fresh wave of tearfulness, their voice came out sounding small, and a little bit like a pout.
“I’ve just got, like, a stomach ache.”
Autumn’s eyes dropped down towards Payton’s waist, where their arms were folded loosely around their belly. “Oh. I’m sorry, I – I wouldn’t have kept you here listening to me, if I’d known you weren’t feeling well…”
“No, no, it’s okay, it started after I first sat down,” Payton said quickly, more and more heat building in his neck. They nodded towards their paper cup on the floor. “Maybe the milk was bad or something.”
“I drank it too though, and I feel fine.” Autumn’s gentle features were clenched in worry as she leaned forward, grasping for the cup that Payton had abandoned. “Are you lactose intolerant or anything?”
“Mmm, I don’t really know,” Payton mumbled, though they knew for sure that they weren’t. With all of the cheese-drenched pasta and flat whites they consumed weekly, they’d have figured it out by now if they were intolerant to dairy.
Autumn sniffed at the contents of Payton’s cup, frowned inconclusively, and placed it next to her own empty one.
Payton parted their lips to say something reassuring – they weren’t quite sure what yet – but closed them again when Autumn’s hand returned to their side of the sofa, rubbing gently against the outside of their arm. The motion made Payton’s hair lift, starting with where she was touching and then sweeping over their entire body.
“Can I do anything to help?” Autumn asked, and Payton wondered if there was something deeper than just sympathy in her hazel-green eyes as she waited for an answer.
Hold me and don’t let go?
“I’ll be fine,” they grimaced, not sure if they were trying to convince Autumn or themself. There was a twist of jealousy and guilt and sadness in their gut that made them wriggle in their seat again, part of them hoping Autumn’s hand would be shaken off in the process. They couldn’t quite bring themself to ask her to stop touching them, because it felt good, but it also felt intimate, and they wanted to lean into it, lean into her, let her make everything better –
A low groan made Payton shift a hand over the middle of their stomach. The clenched organ rolled around, churning the milky coffee and making their mouth water with nausea for a moment, before everything settled with yet another gurgle. They gingerly rubbed their tummy back and forth, hyper-aware of Autumn’s eyes watching them do it.
“I’m going to feel so bad if I’ve poisoned you,” she said, half-laughing even though the sound was forced and brittle. She was already feeling bad; that much was clear. It was probably why she was being so nice, why it felt as though she cared so much.
Payton knew the smart thing to do was to bite their tongue and leave things as they were, but the words were on the tip of their tongue and their heart felt so lonely, holding onto words that only it knew to be true.
“A-actually, Autumn, I – I’ve been feeling…”
The click of the front door and the jangling of keys falling into the bowl made Payton’s heart seize up and their insides quiver. Autumn felt the urgency too, and seemed to remember where she was and what she was doing. She sank back a little, towards the opposite side of the couch, hand slipping off Payton’s arm.
“Hey!” Donnacha called out, poking his head around the door and kicking off his runners in the hallway. “Finally made it. Sorry about that.”
“Yeah, that’s fine.” Autumn ran her hand over her hair as she observed her boyfriend. “How was practice?”
“Great, but I’m really fucking sore.” Donnacha rolled his neck as he came into the living area. “I think only donuts and cuddles can cure me at this rate.”
Autumn giggled as Donnacha sank down on the couch between her and Payton, leaning his weight into her as she curled her arms around him. Donnacha hummed in response and turned his head to place a quiet kiss on her forehead. Payton knew they shouldn’t be watching this intently, both because it was weird and it hurt. Autumn was Donnacha’s girlfriend, had always been his girlfriend for as long as Payton knew her, so why was seeing them casually show each other affection so fucking painful now? The way her eyes closed when he kissed her was beautiful, yet to Payton, it felt like a punch to an already-aching gut.
Payton blinked and looked away as Donnacha looked at them, shifting into a more relaxed position where just one of Autumn’s arms was looped around him.
“Everything okay, P?” Donnacha asked.
“Yep,” Payton chirped.
Autumn threw them a confused look before turning to Donnacha again. “Actually, Payton’s not really feeling well. We just had lattes, so we were wondering if they’re lactose intolerant.”
“What?” The look on Donnacha’s face made Payton’s heart drop, letting them know that they were about to get hung out to dry. “Come on, haven’t you seen this dude destroy a quattro-cheese pizza? If Payton had lactose intolerance, they’d have died on a toilet somewhere a long time ago.”
“Thanks, man,” Payton sighed, absentmindedly running their fingers back and forth across their stomach as it was hit with a deep, dull ache.
“Huh, okay,” Autumn said, skimming over the toilet comment, much to Payton’s relief. “Well, I hope it’s not a bug or something like that.”
“Yeah, hope not.” Now that Donnacha had cracked his joke, he leaned forward on his knees, peering at Payton with something closer to concern than teasing. Payton’s skin crawled under the scrutiny, the sympathy they definitely didn’t deserve. Would he be looking at them that way if he knew what had been going through Payton’s mind just a few minutes ago?
“Hey, is something bothering you?” Donnacha asked. “Is it like that time when you were interviewing for jobs?���
Donnacha nodded towards the bedrooms, frowning a little harder as his eyes saddened. Autumn tilted her head and sat forward too, watching Donnacha with curiosity.
“You were curled up on your bed all day, remember? You said you were feeling sick to your stomach over the interviews,” Donnacha went on, though for the sake of Payton’s memory or Autumn’s ignorance, who could tell? “We didn’t know you very well then, but me and Henry were worried about you.”
“You were? You… god, you remember that?” Payton felt the guilt writhing a little deeper in their belly. Tears pricked the backs of their eyes, tears that hopefully wouldn’t fall until they were alone. Or not at all, if it could be helped. Why, why did Donnacha have to be such a nice person on top of everything else? Why did he have to be a sweet boyfriend and a thoughtful friend?
“Oh. Payton,” Autumn sighed, looking up at them with so much sympathy it almost made them break. “If something’s bothering you, you can always talk to us. You know that, right?”
Us. Meaning me and Donnacha. Donnacha and I. The happy, beautiful couple, of which Payton was not a part.
Payton couldn’t contain the whimper that escaped from deep in their chest. They leaned forward on their knees and rubbed their hands against their face. It was like having an out-of-body experience, seeing themself having this dramatic reaction through another pair of eyes. The panic was making them feel reckless, irrational, stifled.
“Hey,” Donnacha said, and Payton felt his hand on their shoulder. “P, what is it?”
“I can’t.” Payton flinched at the sharpness in their own voice, which made Donnacha take his hand back. Payton stood up from the couch, just about managing to hold in a wince as their stomach muscles cramped from the sudden movement.
“Can’t what?”
“I can’t talk about it with you guys.” Cold sweat tingled all along Payton’s hairline as they heard the words you guys emphasised in their own sentence. They cleared their throat. “I mean, I – I can’t talk about it. It’s…”
On the couch, Autumn laid the side of her head against Donnacha’s shoulder as she peered up at Payton, that same emotion lingering in her eyes again. The emotion was probably just sympathy, but it seemed like so much more, if you were looking for it. And although they hated themself for doing so, Payton was looking for more.
Payton swallowed, shuddering at a queasy roll in their stomach, and pushed themself up from the sofa. Their hand hovered over their gut as they tried to bury the panic. “I’ll be fine, I’m – I’m sorting it out. You guys don’t have to worry about me.”
Donnacha sighed lightly. “You sure?”
Payton nodded, allowing their hand to press a little harder against the ache in their belly, palm working gently at the tightness. They felt absolutely awful. “Um, I think I’m gonna go lie down. See if that helps…”
They didn’t see how Autumn or Donnacha reacted to that, because they lowered their gaze and walked to the hallway like that. It probably looked rude and weird, but seeing the closeness between the two of them just hurt too much, and Payton was already on the verge of breaking down. Or maybe throwing up. They didn’t want to find out which.
“Payton,” a soft voice said just before Payton got to their bedroom door.
They turned and breathed in the smell of Autumn’s hair just before she wrapped them in a hug, her arms looping around their waist. The two of them had only ever hugged once before, when Donnacha had first introduced them, and neither had known what to do or say. This felt very different though. Payton could tell they were being hugged by Autumn on purpose, and they quite liked how that felt.
Payton rested their chin against her shoulder and hugged her back. Their stomachs pressed together as they embraced, and the knots in Payton’s loosened and tightened again repeatedly, torn between relief and longing.
“Let us know if you need anything, okay?” Autumn whispered, and the longing won out at another mention of us, of Autumn and Donnacha as a unit.
“Thanks,” Payton choked out, pulling away from her with a swirl of nausea.
She gave a sad smile before turning back towards the living area, her swishy, shoulder-length brown hair disappearing from view. Payton blew out a deep breath they hadn’t realised they’d been holding, and slinked into their bedroom.
The bed was still unmade from last night, so they crawled back in with minimum effort, flipping onto their back and working a hand in slow circles over their stomach. Now that they were alone in silence, they could hear their own belly quietly gurgling and rumbling away, protesting all the tension. Payton closed their eyes as they filled with bitter tears, hoping to fall asleep before overhearing any voices or movement from the living room.
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holylulusworld · 5 years
His first choice
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Summary: Months after breaking up with Steve you still don’t feel better. While Bucky and your best friend try to make you leave your apartment, Sam and Natasha fight at a different front.
Pairing: Steve x Reader, Bucky x Reader (platonic), Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, OFC Portia
Warnings: angst, sadness, Bucky being a good bro, just like Nat and Sam, comforting, fluff, language, arguments, remorse, tears, the usual heartbreak, tooth-rotting romantic crap
A/N: Sue me for giving second chances. If not, enjoy...
Requested Sequel to: Never be your first choice
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Months, it has been months since you closed the door behind Steve and sank to the floor, crying the whole night while Bucky tried to soothe you.
Along with Portia, your best friend since childhood he tried anything to make you leave your apartment for more than grocery shopping and work, but so far no plan worked out.
Today is no different. Your purse and two grocery bags in your arms you rush toward your apartment. Wanting nothing more than hiding in your apartment, your fortress.
Close to tears as your anniversary, the day you met Steve for the first time, comes closer you sniffle a few times before you open your door only to find Bucky, Portia and your cat sit on your couch, waiting for you.
“Y/N…this is an intervention…” Portia says, and you laugh as they pinned a banner with “intervention” written in different colors about your couch. “We need to tell you that we both love you first.”
“Ports…” You sigh, glancing at Bucky who crosses his arms over his chest. “I know you want me to go out and meet other people, but not this week…”
“I know your anniversary gets closer, one more reason to go out and forget about Steve and the shit he pulled.” Portia exhales as Bucky tries to stop her.
“Doll, we are worried. Is all.” Bucky shrugs, getting up to carry your groceries into the kitchen. “I know you suffer, but you can’t hide in these four walls for the rest of your life.”
“I bet Steve already moved on…” Portia blurs out and you flinch, sniffling as you thought the same.
“Portia! That’s not true.” Bucky gasps, knowing you forbid him to mention Steve or anything according to him. “Rules…”
“I know…I know. Just look at what he did to my friend. I hate him for hurting her like that…” Pointing at you she shakes her head. “We need to make her see he was a worthless bastard.”
“STOP!” Panting you ball your hands into fists.
“I know you mean well, and you only see my side of the story, but Steve is not worthless, nor a bastard. He didn’t treat me the way he should, maybe he tried to love me his way, but Peggy’s shadow…” Sobbing you clear your throat. “This doesn’t make him a bad person. Steve is still a hero, a good man and would die for any person out there.”
Bucky gives you a quick smile as hope blooms in his chest. For months he stayed by your side, hoping you still love his best friend. 
The whole time Bucky tried to make his friend see he needs to show you his love.
Steve thought to lose Peggy hit him hard and that he will never get over her loss. He thought he would never feel worse pain than that very moment – he was wrong.
Losing you burned a deep, dark hole into his chest. The place where his heart used to be is an empty place, rotten and unused for months. Every time he looks around his apartment he finds something reminding him of you, the love he let slip through his fingers.
Steve wishes he could blame someone else, but the truth is you were right. He never showed you how much you mean to him. He treated you like he took you for granted. 
Since he met you that rainy day in Brooklyn, helping an elderly lady find her house, you were always around.
Now his life is empty, and he doesn’t know how to fill the void in his heart. The only thing he’s able to concentrate on is missions. So, Steve runs from mission to mission, chooses every fight over being alone in his cold apartment.
“Steve, you should let Dr. Cho check on you.” Leaning against the doorframe Sam hates seeing his friend like this. “Just…” 
“I’m fine…” Jaw tense, hair a mess Steve looks around his apartment once again. He found all you left behind and placed it onto his nightstand to have it close to his bed. Eyes tired, just like his mind Steve refuses to look at his friend.
“You are far from being fine, bro. Just look at what you did! All things she left are placed all over your nightstand. You didn’t change the sheets since she left only to still smell her. Dude, go and talk to Y/N. She’s a good person and loves you…” Sam tries to reason with his friend but Steve scoffs.
“I think Bucky and she are a thing by now. He spends most of his free time with her and even picks her up from work.” Gasping Steve realizes he just admitted he followed you for months.
A smug grin on his lips Sam nods, pushing off the door frame to walk into the room. “Steve, I can tell for sure Bucky is not with your girl. He’s rather interested in her best friend. Get your act together and talk to your girl. If you found the time to stalk Y/N you will find the time to talk to her like a grown man.” 
“She’s not my girl any longer. I treated her like she’s not the most important person to me. I should’ve told her how much I love her, but I thought there’s still time. Now I lost her…” Hiding his face in the palms of his hands Steve sniffles silently.
Sam is awkwardly glancing at his friend, not knowing how to react. Men do not hug other men or talk like women about emotions. Despite being a 21st-century man Sam is nervous to talk about feelings with his friend.
While Sam stands in the room, just staring at Steve, Natasha walks into the room, cursing as she can see your stuff on the nightstand.
“Do you have an idea what day is today, Rogers?” Steve’s head snaps upward and he pants heavily. “Do you?”
“The day we met for the first time.” Smiling at the memory Steve forgets about his heartbreak for a moment. “She was guiding an elderly lady, handing her the broken pink umbrella she always carries in her purse while she got wet. I just watched her helping the woman open her door before she said her goodbyes.”
“Exactly, Steve. What are you going to do about that, Rogers? Sit here, grieve and sniff at the sheets you should’ve changed months ago, or will you go out there, buy flowers and beg that girl to take your stupid ass back?” Natasha purses her lips as Steve drifts back to the memory.
“Y/N wasn’t looking where she was going and bumped into my chest. Squealing before she apologized repeatedly. I told her it’s alright, that she only stepped on my foot, but she insisted on buying me a coffee, not even recognizing I’m Captain America. I brought her home later and she was sweet, quiet and I just…” 
Steve smiles as he touches his lips. “I kissed her, and she let me. I was sure she’s the one back then…”
“Get your ass into the shower and shave…” Natasha warns but Steve keeps on telling her about you. “Jesus, Steve I have to be painfully honest then…you reek! Go in there and wash your stinking ass! We are done watching you grovel for months.”
“I messed up, Natasha…so badly. Scared to get in too deep, just like with Peggy, I pushed her away and now…” Shrugging Steve stands helpless in his bedroom, glancing at your few belongings. “She’s gone for good. I can’t blame her, tho…”
“Last warning. If you do not move your ass over to her apartment, I’ll kick your balls.” Sam laughs at Natasha’s comment, but Steve finally walks toward the bathroom to have a shower.
“I need to try…right?” Steve clears his throat, glancing at Natasha as his friend’s nod. “Even if she sends me away…”
“Portia didn’t mean to hurt you.” Bucky tries, knowing you fought with your friend.
“I told her after what she said about Steve I need a few days without her. I know she meant well but he’s still the man I love, idiot or not.” Giving Bucky a cracked smile you get up to grab your purse.
“Where do you want to go, doll?”
“I promised Mrs. Grant to check on Daisy while she’s gone.” Glancing out of the window you see it’s raining. Just like that day…
Making your way toward Mrs. Grant's house you sniffle as your pink umbrella reminds you of your first meeting with Steve. He was so different back then. Steve was the one cupping your face to kiss you outside your apartment complex in the middle of a thunderstorm.
You still remember his lips on yours and the way he smiled at you after breaking the kiss. He invited you for dinner and you agreed without thinking twice. Not as he was Captain America, no, as he was the first man making your heart flutter since you lost your first love.
“That’s one shitty weather for sure, Daisy…” Picking the freezing cat up you give her an apologetic smile. “Sorry, I’m late Daisy furball. I had to talk to a friend first. Not only you had a shitty day…”
“Y/N…” Your name on his tongue makes you gasp. For a moment you believe it was your imagination, but you turn around to meet sad blue eyes. “Please…”
“Steve…” Dropping the umbrella you press Mrs. Grant's cat to your chest, not knowing how to react to Steve standing right in front of you.
His hair is longer, even darker. He grew a thick beard but he’s still your Steve. The one taking your breath away, the one breaking your heart. “You shouldn’t be here…”
“I shouldn’t…” His voice is hoarse, sad as he steps closer, showing you a bouquet of red roses. “I didn’t forget our anniversary, Y/N. I…” Kneeling he moves his arms around your smaller frame, sniffling against you.
“Steve…you should go…”
“I can’t…please…” Desperately holding onto you Steve clears his throat, shuddering as the rain pours mercilessly down on you. 
“I can’t be without you. I haven’t changed the sheets to smell you at night. I can’t eat, sleep or think about anything but you. I need you like oxygen and I know I don’t deserve it but please…take me back.” Now he looks up at you while the rain runs down his face – or are these tears?
“You broke my heart, Steve. How could I take a man back not…?” He up in no time, shaking his head furiously. 
“I love you…please. I know it might be too late or you think I’m lying but I swear I loved you the moment I met you right here, in the rain.” Freezing you glance up at Steve, not wanting to let him break you even more but the way he looks at you makes your knees wobble.
His lips are on yours and you feel like back then as he kissed you for the first time. Daisy protests as Steve is pressing her between you and his body but you can’t let him let go of you now.
“I love you, Y/N. I swear you will always be my first choice from now on. I can’t lose you, I’ll do anything…please…” Your body reacts to his touch and you want to run away…so bad, but he holds you in his arms as the rain soaks your clothes.
“How can I know I will be your first choice? How shall I know you don’t still hang the biggest part of your heart on Peggy?” Your voice is trembling as Steve cradles your face, choking at his words as he can see your red and puffy eyes.
“You make me feel as though I am enough. I don’t need to be a hero, strong or perfect when I’m with you. Please say you don’t leave me.” Hands trembling you touch his face, not knowing what to say you just stare up at him. “My heart is only yours, all of me is yours…if you want me…”
“I want you, Steve. I always wanted you but is that enough…?”
“Punk, doll, I hate to disturb you, but people start staring, one even wanted to call the cops. Get into the apartment and let me check on the poor cat, guys.” Bucky chuckles as you gasp, just now you look around to see people staring at you and Steve.
Daisy fights her way out of your grip, running toward Bucky who picks the wet cat up. Steve doesn’t care about people, all he can see is you and the confusion all over your face.
His hands grip your waist to pick you up. Legs around his waist, hands in his soaked hair you kiss him fiercely, not caring the people around started to cheer for you.
“I guess Bucky is right…” Panting against your lips Steve nods, walking you toward your apartment as Bucky grabs your pink umbrella, shaking his head.
“The show is over, guys. Nothing to see here but two love-birds making up.” Smirking he walks toward Portia, finally finding the guts to cup her face and kiss her. “Will you go out with me?”
“I thought you’ll never ask, Barnes.” Portia laughs before she kisses Bucky back, not caring people stare at her and Bucky now…
You made quick work of your wet clothes to have a hot shower. Steve insisted on sharing the warm water and you agreed, but only if he doesn’t try anything.
“I swear that I’ll never forget any date or do not put you first. I can’t…please…” Your hands slide over his chest, carefully touching a few red lines. “Cuts and a bullet hole…” Steve admits and you gasp.
“When did that happen, Captain? Since when are you that careless?” Scolding Steve you have a closer look at the fading wounds. “How could you let anyone hurt you…?”
“I was just…”
“Careless? Steven Grant Rogers! If you ever!” Silenced by his lips you try to mutter but you melt against him, still, you tug at his hair. “Promise me…”
“I promise to put you first and to be more careful. I got you in my life after all.” Steve waits for your reaction, searching your face as you walk out of the shower.
“We should get dry and…”
Sleep, all you did after the shower was to curl into Steve’s side. Surrounded by his warm body you finally found the sleep you missed for months.
He, on the other hand, is still wide awake. Having you finally by his side he needs to look you all over. Memorizing your skin in the dim light, every freckle, the way your nose brushes his cheek when you turn in your sleep.
“I love you so much, Y/N…”
“Hmm…” Humming you pat Steve’s chest before burying your face into his neck. “Love you too…Rogers…” Muttering you kiss his neck and he melts into your touch. “Now shut up…”
“Yes, ma’am…” Arms wrapped tightly around your body Steve kisses your temple, pressing his lips to your skin to make sure it’s not a dream. “Now you are back in my arms you will always be my first choice…”
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All works Tags
@yolobloggers​​​​​, @meganywinchester​​​​​​, @shikshinkwon​​​​​​, @miraclesoflove​​​​​ ​, @mogaruke​​​​​, @shatteredabby​​​​​, @soryuwifeyxx​​​​​, @letsdisneythings​​​​​, @i-love-superhero​​​​, @psychicforest​​​​​, @thevelvetseries​​​​, @deanmonandnegansbitch​​​​, @sabascio​​​​, @goodgodimaweirdperson​​​, @that-place-called-middle-earth​​, @the-broken-angel-13​​, @trumpettay​
Marvel Tags
@stuckys-whore​, @notyourtypicalrose​, @voltage-my2dlove​, @thedoctorscamanion, @officialmarvelwhore​, @randomgirlkensy​, @juniorhuntersam​, @lumar014​, @doctorswife221b​, @sister-winchesters99​, @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog​, @the-soulofdevil​​, @chonisberonica​ , @redroomproperty​​, @natura1phenomenon​​, @chaoticfiretaconerd​, @heartislubbingdubbing​​, @hhiggs​​, @sea040561​​ , @midnightsilver16830​
Steve Rogers/Chris Evans Tags
@roonyxx​​​​, @stylesismyhubs​​​​, @multisuperfandom​​​​, @mrspeacem1nusone​​​​, @shadowcatsworld , @fallenoutofrose​​​​, @rynabarnesrogers​​​​, @denisemarieangelina​​, @gabifernandessn​​
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kyojurolover · 4 years
best friends: (3) stuck on you
Series Masterlist 
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader 
Summary: a story about two best friends who slowly realize they’ve been in love this whole time & would do anything for each other
Author’s Note: nothing too interesting happens in this chapter tbh ... hope you guys still enjoy it tho ! (Taglist is open !!)
Warnings: language, kinda long 
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  Peter knew something was up with you when you had left that quickly from Flash’s party. And the fact you had pretended like you were good was weird. It had been bothering Peter the whole weekend. You had always told him what was on your mind and this was the first time you hadn’t. 
  Maybe he was making too big a deal out of it. Peter was known for overreacting sometimes; he’d lost count how many times the people in his life have had to continously reassure him whenever he felt like something was off. 
  But Peter knew in his gut that you weren’t being honest about how you truly felt. Your voice had sounded strangled before you had left and you didn’t give him a hug or even one of your cute, dorky smiles. 
  “You’re one distracted kid, huh?” Aunt May’s voice snapped Peter out of his thoughts. 
  Aunt May laughed. “I was wondering if you had any plans for today? It’s a Sunday and you’ve been cooped up inside all weekend.” 
  That wasn’t all true. Peter had snuck out at night to do his job as Spider-Man which only was stopping a gang from mugging someone, getting a cat back to its owner, and making sure to keep a close eye on any cops patrolling around. 
  The whole time he had gone on his nightly outings on Friday and Saturday, his mind had been filled with thoughts about you. He couldn’t help it. It was like his brain was a TV and instead of being able to switch to multiple channels, it was stuck on you. Twenty-four/seven. 
  “I..I don’t think I’m gonna go out today,” Peter said as he played with his food. 
  “Oh.” Aunt May looked surprised. “Haven’t you and Ned been wanting to go to the movies?” 
  Peter shrugged half-heartedly. 
  “What about Y/N? You two are usually connected at the hip.” 
  “I think she’s busy.” 
  Aunt May raised an eyebrow. “‘Think’?” 
  Peter put his fork down and threw his head back. He rubbed his eyes as he said, “I don’t know! She...she’s been giving me mostly one-word responses and I feel like I’ve probably done something that messed our friendship up.”
  “Well, go visit her and see what’s wrong.” 
  Peter looked at her skeptically then back down at his plate. Maybe she was right. He should go over to your place and demand to know what was bothering you. 
  But what if that just made you more closed off? No. If the situation were switched around you’d definitley barge in through the door and coax some answers out of him. You’d be there for him. And he was going to be there for you. 
☆ ☆ ☆
Peter was nervous as he climbed down the fire escape to your place. He didn’t know why he was nervous. Maybe it’s because this would be the first time he’s seen you over the weekend when usually, like Aunt May said, you two were “connected at the hip.” 
  Peter went over to your window and put his face close to the glass. You weren’t in there. 
  He sat down, with his back against your window. 
  Where were you? Were you hanging out with someone else? 
  Peter felt confused. And jealous; jealousy was coursing through his whole body. Jealous of the person you were hanging out with right now. 
  He knew it was wrong to be jealous. But you rarely hung out with anyone outside of school besides him, Betty, and sometimes Ned. Mostly with Peter, though. It made him feel special. 
  A sudden thought slowly came to him. Were you..with Flash?
  The night of the party flashed in his mind. His heart fluttered when he remembered you two dancing in the backyard and how good you looked and smelled. His face got warm when he remembered the way you had leaned in towards him, your eyes on his lips. And then when you had left and Peter had decided moments later to follow you, Flash had gotten in his way. 
☆ ☆ ☆
  At the party, Peter tried to go after you to say goodbye and ask why you had scurried away so quickly but he had been stopped by none other than Flash. 
  “So...you and Y/N, huh?” It seemed by the tone of his voice that he was trying to sound calm and collected but the dark look in his eyes conveyed he wanted to hit Peter. 
  Peter looked over his head to see where you had gone but you were nowhere to be found. That meant you had already gone out the front door and Peter had lost his chance to talk to you. 
  He brought his attention back to Flash. “What are you talking about, man?”
  “You two are a thing.”
  Peter raised his eyebrows so high he probably looked crazy. “Me...and Y/N?” 
  “Yeah. Who else?” 
  Peter shook his head. “Noo. No way, dude. She’s just my best friend.” 
  Flash scoffed in disbelief. “Nice try, Parker. One of my friends told me they saw you two dancing together outside.” 
  Peter tried really hard not to roll his eyes. “That’s the kinda stuff we do. It’s just platonic.” 
  “I’ve seen the fucking googoo eyes you make at her. And you two hang out a lot for people who are ‘just best friends.’”
  Peter’s stomach dropped at Flash’s googoo eyes comment. Did he really do that? 
  But he tensed his jaw and stared Flash down. “If you’re insinuating that Y/N cheated on you with me you’re fucked up in the head. She’s a very sweet person and she loved you a lot, Flash. You broke her heart. I’d never do that to anyone, even you, and neither would she.” 
  Flash’s features seemed to relax and as he opened his mouth to say something, Peter walked past him, purposefully bumping his shoulder.
  Flash grabbed his arm and turned him around, though. 
  He seemed anxious as he said, “That’s why I broke up with her. I thought she was secretly seeing you behind my back.” 
  Peter didn’t know whether to smack Flash or laugh in his face. Instead he breathed through his nostrils and asked, “What did she say when you told her that?” 
  He already knew the answer before it came out of Flash’s mouth. 
  “I didn’t tell her that that was the reason. I told her I wanted to break up because I thought it was for the best and that I was already stressed out by a bunch of stuff.” 
  Okay, well, now tell him he’s a fucking dumbass, Y/N deserves better, and flip him off. 
  “You should talk to her. She needs to know.”
  Why’d you say that??
  Flash nodded curtly. And Peter stormed off. He needed to let out all this pent up energy and anger. Anger because Flash didn’t know how lucky he was to have you in love with him, how lucky he was to be able to hold your hand in the hallways and pin you up against your locker for a kiss, and how dumb he was to make you cry over losing a dickwad like him!
  Peter had been out for a while, swinging through the city, feeling nothing and everything at the same time, and he had made it home just in time for Aunt May to not get suspicious. And that night he had laid in bed thinking about you. 
☆ ☆ ☆
  Had you and Flash gotten back together?
  That was probably why you weren’t being yourself with Peter. Flash probably told you the real reason due to your breakup, how he had cleared it all up with Peter, and you were already upset and it increased further now that you knew what Peter had kept from you. 
  Peter hung his head between his legs. He decided he’d wait for you. Wait until you showed up with that hard look in your eyes and with your arms crossed. Wait, even if it meant you’d be yelling at him or giving him one word answers or simply ignoring him. Peter just needed to see you. See your beautiful face and the nice outfit you had picked out for yourself today.
  He missed you like crazy even though it had only been a day and a half. A day and a half of worrying, regret, anger, anxiety, and sadness. 
  Yeah, seeing you would put his mind and heart at ease. 
  Twenty minutes. Thirty minutes. Forty minutes. Peter had been waiting for forty minutes and you still hadn’t shown up. 
  He pulled out his phone and got ready to send you a message. He typed out “where are you?” but immediately erased it. It had been almost three hours ago when you had left him on read so clearly you didn’t want to talk to him. 
  Peter tried not to notice the wetness in his eyes as he climbed back up the fire escape and back into his room. 
  That night, he’d gone out as Spider-Man, his mind still stuck on you. 
chapter 4
☆ ☆ ☆
Series Taglist: 
@xroselights​ @liljennyx3​ @just-a-littlebit-of-everything​
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papergirllife · 4 years
Chasing The Flames
Chapter 8 : The Pull of The Heartstrings
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Jeno opened the door of his dorm to hear all the boys gathered around the living room, hollering like they won the lotto.
" What's with you guys? "
" We're happy for you, hyung. "
" For what, Chenle? "
" You just came back from the photoshoot with Y/N. There should be some progress. " Renjun questioned with curious eyes.
" Not telling. "
" Yah, stop being so secretive to us. "
" I'm respecting Y/N's privacy Haechan, something you would never do for us. "
But Jeno couldn't help but smile at the events that taken place today as he retreated back into his room.
As he finished showered, Renjun came in the room with a smirk on his face.
" You and Jaemin should be grateful to me. I invited Y/N to have a cook off with Chenle and I on Friday night. "
" She agreed to come? "
" Yup. You guys get to spend more time with her as long as the both of you help out for dinner, this is a win-win situation."
" Thanks man. "
" You guys better be serious about Y/N. She's a nice girl. "
" Yes, boss. "
" I'm actually surprised you're so into her. I thought Jaemin was the one that wanted to bring her into the relationship. "
" I was actually jealous of her at first, because of the attention she was receiving from Jaemin. But then after I spent some time with her that day, I realised that she's really a special one. "
" I don't know much about polyamorous relationships, but I'll still support the decisions that the both of you make. "
" Thanks, Renjun. "
Jaemin ordered a pizza for the both of them to share as Jeno got back later than their dinner time.
They were watching a movie on TV, the others being focused on the plot, but Jeno being lost in his thoughts.
" Is something wrong? " Jaemin whispered.
" No. I was just thinking about what happened today. "
Jaemin snuggled up to Jeno, while taking a huge bite into the pizza, making Jeno coo at him.
" Is there something about Y/N's that's bothering you? "
" No. I enjoyed every moment with her. "
" Then why do you look sad? "
" I'm just confused with my own feelings. How can we love each other but still potentially love another person ?"
" Maybe it's because we never dated any girls before. So we crave for one in our life. "
" But we've never shown interest in other girls. Why Y/N? Why did you like Y/N among all female friends and colleagues we know? "
" I don't know. My first impression of her was that she was a diligent assistant of Mr Kang. Then when we started talking to her, I was hooked on by her shy demeanor. Then I realised that she had a great personality, she's friendly and quirky and so easy to be around. She doesn't treat us like idols, she sees us as human beings. Whenever I'm with her, I feel a sense of freedom or escape."
Jeno nodded at what Jaemin said, connecting the way Jaemin described Y/N to recent events.
" After Y/N, we won't be adding new members into the relationship, right? "
This made Jaemin laugh and nearly choke on his piece of pizza.
" Jeno ah, let's just focus on getting one girl at a time. Plus, if Y/N accepts us, I don't think she'll accept another female in the relationship. Just because we're bisexuals, doesn't mean she is. "
" I'm just checking, because I definitely won't have time for three people. "
" Good to know that my Jeno is a loyal man."
" Chenle, how many times have I told you to get that thing out of the way? "
" What do you mean that thing? It's my sole physical entertainment other than video games. "
Jeno was being stressed about Y/ N coming over for dinner.
On the other hand, Jaemin was busy cleaning the kitchen from the mess Jisung had made from his midnight snack.
Jaemin although didn't show his nervousness as Jeno is, still feels the stress of the expectations he wishes to make for Y/N.
Although all the guys think that Y/N's quite smitten with the both of them after hours debate of what they had experienced from both their alone time with Y/N, Jaemin still wants to take things slowly and start off as good friends.
Y/N seems raw towards the feelings that they think she's feeling for them, so Jaemin and Jeno have decided to make only minor advances and let her sort out her feelings, if she does have feelings for them.
' I hope she does. ' Jaemin thoughts to himself.
Jaemin looked towards Jeno's direction and saw that Jeno's disassembling Chenle's indoor basketball court, dumping it back into its box.
After finishing up with the kitchen, Jaemin checks the fridge a second time to make sure that they had stocked up on groceries for tonight.
Jaemin was about to clear away the take out on the dining table when Renjun stopped him.
" I'll do it. Go take a shower and get dressed."
" Thanks. "
When Jaemin got out of the bath, Renjun pushed Jeno to wash up.
" Shouldn't I shower after cooking dinner? "
" You have to smell and look clean for
Y/N, you can just take another one layer in the night. "
" Any clothing advice, Injunie? "
" She thinks you look cute in pink. "
" You're the best. I can kiss you right now. "
" Save that for Jeno and Y/N, or I'll kick your butt. "
" How do you get so much information out of her? "
" Because we text often. "
" Oh. "
" Why? Are you jealous? "
" I'm just surprised. "
" She's from my home country, she says I remind her of home. "
" That's nice of you. "
" She doesn't have many friends, she reminded me of the time when I first got here. "
" I'll go check the whole place again. "
" Don't be so nervous. "
" I'll try. "
When I got there, Jaemin was waiting for me outside the dorms.
" You didn't have to wait outside for me, it's cold, you would've gotten sick if I wasn't early. "
" I know you're punctual. Plus, it'll be embarrassing if you went to the 127 and WayV's blocks. "
" God, I can't imagine. "
" Why did you bring groceries? "
" Just in case you guys don't have any. "
" Of course we do, we just bought today. I'll help you take those. "
When Jaemin grabs the bags from my hands, I could feel electric shocks up my fingertips, making my cheeks warm in the cold air.
" Thank you. "
When Jaemin opened the door, the first one to greet you was Donghyuck.
" Long time no see, Y/N. Hope you didn't miss me too much, 127 needs me. "
" There's not a day that goes by I don't hear bullshit coming from his mouth. "
" I thought you'd be used to it by now. "
" Yeah, but I thought he would've behaved more with guest around. "
" What are you saying? Y/N isn't a guest, she's like family. Right Y/N? "
" Whatever you say, Hyuck. It's good to see you. "
" Nice place you guys got here, I like the kitchen too. It's bigger than the one I have. "
" You can always move in, Y/N. "
" Yeah right, Lee Soo Man would be on my ass. "
" Chenle! You look so cute with those cat ears. "
" Don't mind them, I lost a bet to Jisung. Come check out this gun I won in pubg."
Jeno walked out of his room when he heard the commotion going on outside, beckoning Renjun to follow.
" Y/N, you're here. Then let's get this started."
We gathered at the kitchen to get ready for the mini cook off.
" Okay, who wants to be in my team? " Renjun looked at everyone expectantly, but had a shock when he realised no one wanted to be on his team.
" I'm picking Chenle and Hyuck. Y/N, you can take Jeno and Jaemin. "
" Hyung, that's not fair. Both your teammates cook often. But Jeno doesn't cook at all, Y/N noona's team is having the losing end. "
" Jisung you are the judge, so go to your room and play games while we cook, no peeking. "
Renjun was giving Jisung the stink eye while everyone of us laughed at their interaction.
" Okay, so what are we cooking? "
" I was planning on cooking sweet and sour pork cutlets and salty egg minced meat steam egg. Sounds good?"
Jeno and Jaemin nodded enthusiastically, hurrying to gather the ingredients as I listed them down.
" Wait, what's salted egg? I don't think we have that in the fridge. "
" Don't worry, Jeno. I bought them at the wet market today, it's in the bag. "
" Got it. "
I made the batter for the cutlets as they break the eggs into a bowl with the minced meat.
" Jaemin, stir this batter. I'll handle the egg. "
I broke two salted eggs and cut the pieces of the yolk into tinier pieces and put them into the bowl of egg, stirring it to space out the ingredients.
When it was ready, I began to steam the egg at the stove.
" Remember Y/N. One stove per team. "
Renjun was looking at me with a smug look on his face as he oversees the two of his friends cooking.
" I see you're making Korean food. "
" And you're making Chinese food. What a way to win Jisung's stomach, but I'm confident he'll love my cooking, he always did. "
" That's because he never ate my cooking before. "
" Oh it's on Y/N. "
The both both of us went back to our respective sides.
Cooking with Jaemin and Jeno was fun, the way Jaemin laughed at Jeno for trying to get the pork to stick to the batter.
I stepped away from my teammates to take a photo of both of them frying the cutlets.
' They suite the domestic theme that's going on here. '
Wait, what am I thinking? God, I need to focus on making the sauce or I'll lose to Renjun.
When we were done, Renjun was arguing about something with Hyuck. While Chenle was coping on cooking alone.
It was one of the funniest sights ever.
Jaemin, being the observant person he was, realised that we haven't cooked the rice.
" Need help? "
" It's just rice, I can handle myself. Go rest on the sofa with Jeno, be with you guys in a bit. "
When I got to the sofa, Jeno had took off his apron to reveal a tight fitting white t shirt.
His muscular built was evident under the thin layer of cotton, I never realised Jeno had such a good built, it was truly a sight to behold.
" I really like your new glasses. "
I had to bring up a topic to distract from Jeno, he's Jaemin's boyfriend for fuck's sake.
" Thanks. You look nice too. "
" It's just a sweater, nothing nice about it to me. "
" The mint colour, it matches well with your hair colour. "
" Thank you. "
I looked away from his gaze, scared that my cheeks were as red as I feared.
" Y/N? "
I looked back at Jeno to see that he was holding a box of chocolates.
" This is for you. As a thank you for cooking dinner. "
" Thank you, I didn't know I'll be receiving any gifts from anyone in Korea. Thank you so much. "
Even though it was just a box of chocolates, it made me happy. I don't have any other friends other than my boss, these guys mean so much to me.
" I'm glad you liked it. "
Jeno placed his hand on my knee as a friendly gesture, but my body acted as if it was the best feeling ever.
The warmth coming from his palm was addicting.
My thoughts were interrupted when Renjun announced that dinner was ready and hollered Jisung out from his room.
We ate dinner with a carefree chatter. I asked Donghyuck about him and Mark balancing the upcoming promotions and them expressing their excitement in working with me again.
" So Jisung, what do you think are the best dishes here? "
" The dishes that I've never ate before today. "
" Have kids they said, they'll be lovely they said. "
" Oh come on, hyung. Don't be too sad about losing to Y/N, Jisung always liked new things. "
" Let me introduce you to some thangs. "
Jeno shut Chenle up with a slice of beef within the second he finished the verse of 127's new song.
" Sorry, he's always been like that. " Jeno said with apologetic eyes.
" Don't worry, Hyuck told me everything about Chenle's crush on Taeyong. "
" Everyone has a crush on Taeyong hyung, ask Jisung. "
" The both of you are weird, case closed."
After dinner, we decided to watch a movie.
Hyuck and Chenle settled on some horror movie called Polaroid.
All of us were wedged on the sofa except for Chenle and Jisung who settled for sitting on the carpeted floor.
I was happily munching on my oreos when a sudden jump scare caught me off guard.
I basically jumped into Jaemin's lap when it happened.
" Sorry, I didn't mean to do that. "
" It's okay. It's called horror for a reason. "
He put his arm around my shoulders.
" There's nothing to be scared of with me around. "
Even though he meant that to be flirty, it still warmed my heart.
From then on, my attention was no longer fully on the movie in front of me. I started noticing little details of Jaemin tonight.
The way his pink sweater matches so well with his fair skin and the feeling of his broad shoulders whenever I leaned onto them.
The scent of Jaemin's cotton fragrance reminded me of waking up on my comfy bed, everything about Jaemin tonight makes my heart soft.
I barely noticed that the movie ended as Renjun announced that we were going to watch a drama that he wanted to watch for a long time.
I always got sleepy during dramas as they just aren't my genre of movies, and this time was no exception.
The only difference from this time and all the other times was the warmth and support I had beside me as I dozed off to slumber.
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kingsuckjin · 5 years
The Enigma of Bunny |Pt.1
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Pairing: Jungkook x reader, Jimin x reader, Yoongi x reader, Jin x reader, Taehyung x reader(later)
Genre: alternate universe!au, fluff, smut(later), horror, mystery
Words: 5.8k+
Warnings: eventual yandere themes, mention of mental illness, hints of possible abuse. The O.C. is so kind and naive she's basically a doormat right now and its a bit sad.
Notes: this is my first time writing on tumblr so please be kind ❤ sorry for all the mistakes
You find a very sick young man in an alley and out of the bottomless barrel of kindness that is your heart, you decide take him home. only then do you realize this stranger doesn't speak, but that's not the only strange thing about him by far. Who is he? Where did he come from? What happened to him? And why can't he remember anything or even speak?
Prev // next
Who said rain was relaxing?
It was pouring and you couldn't be mote distraught right now, but you had done it to yourself.
You listened to the sound of the rain beating on the roof and let out a huff as you opened the refrigerator.
Yup. You were definitely missing ingredients for tonight's dinner that you had craved so desperately.
You wanted to slam the refrigerator door closed in exasperation but it wasn't really the appliance's fault you ate all the eggs for breakfast.
You paced the kitchen floor for a moment deciding whether or not just to order take out when you heard thunder roll.
No, you would feel too bad having someone deliver you food when there was a store just right up the street, plus it was definitely cheaper. It's not like a little bit of rain would kill you anyway. Not to mention you had been on your computer working and stuck inside anyway, it was about time you left the apparent, rain or shine... or terrible storm.
You donned a rain coat, rain boots and your yellow and blue polka dot umbrella before stepping out into the hall of your apartment building.
A scoff from behind you as you were double checking to make sure your door was locked.
You turned around to see your black haired, pale neighbor on his way back to his apartment.
Even though he seemed to always be irritable for no reason towards you, his eyes with their shape and upward tilt at the ends and his overall face reminded you of a cute cat.
You were snapped out of comparing his features to a feline as he looked at your umbrella and rolled his eyes.
"What?" You furrowed your brows at him. You knew he thought your umbrella was probably childish or stupid looking or something that wasn't up to his cool standards so as soon as you asked you slightly hid it behind your back a little.
"Nothing. Here’s your mail, it was overflowing and getting all wet and it looked ugly. Had I known you were coming out anyway, I would've just left it." He said and handed you the slightly damp stack of envelopes.
"Oh thank-" you went to say but he was already retreating to his apartment.
That was Min Yoongi for you though, occasionally doing nice things for you without you asking but acting like it was just a big inconvenience anyway making you wonder why he even bothered.
You headed down the stairs only to be met with another neighbor and your sort of friend, sort of crush, Jimin, who was just coming in from back outside the building as well.
"Look who finally decide to come out of their apartment! And in the worst weather of the week too." He gave you a smile as he closed his umbrella with rubber ducks all over it. It dripped water all over the tile floor and you hoped no one would slip on that later.
"Nice umbrella." You said without even a hint of sarcasm. He glanced at yours and returned the compliment.
You were just glad you didn't have to feel ashamed of your own with the bright yellow birds pattered across his.
"Yours is cute too. Hey, you want to maybe do a movie night sometime this week if you're not still too busy?" He sifted his fingers through his blonde hair with a smile. Both gestures combined along with his question were enough to make your knees feel slightly weak.
"I-uh-yeah! My place again or..."
"Yeah, that would be great. Your sofa is so much more comfortable than mine."
His sweet smile showed in his eyes and your heart melted to combine with his water puddle on the floor from his umbrella.
"I- I like my sofa too." You were nervous and scrambling to pull yourself together. He just chuckled at you and your stupidity. You were probably making this weird and you knew it would be best if you just split before you uttered anymore nonsense. "I- I'll text you later, okay? Promise." You told him and then realized you really didn't need to through the promise in there, probably.
"I'll hold you to it." He gave you a wink as he headed inside his apartment.
"Okay." You answered quietly but you knew he was already inside.
You stepped out of the doors of the apartment complex into the downpour and thunder.
You popped up your umbrella and began to walk as your thoughts were consumed by the first and last movie night you had with Jimin.
He had looked so disinterested in the movie he had picked out that near the end he was just sighing and yawning and saying he wishes he was at his house so he could just lay down, and that he was tired. So you didn't understand why he would want to make it at his house this time if he had felt so uncomfortable at yours even though he had just now told you differently.
To you he was such a confusing person with his stylish attire and yet he owned a cute little duck umbrella. You wondered how was he able to not get made fun of about his cute umbrella and you did. You wondered how often attractive people got made fun of or if people thought everything they did no matter what it was just made them more attractive.
You had to stop thinking about Jimin once you entered the store and focus on the things you needed because you'd rather starve before making a second trip out in this.
Not only did you pick up eggs but you decided on a few snacks too just to be safe from eating the ingredients to dinner again before dinner.
As you were ringing up you heard a voice behind you.
"Oh hey! I knew you looked familiar."
You took your change and turned around to see a man's chest and broad shoulders. You looked up to see the man you had a crush on all through out university... and apparently you still did.
"Oh! Hey Seokjin! It's been a few years hasn't it?" You smiled at him warmly as he smiled back at you widely with his plump lips.
How many attractive people were you going to run into today looking like you just crawled out of the gutter?
"It has! You look like you've aged quite elegantly."
Your smile almost faltered at his comment.
Aged? It had only been three years since you graduated, in fact, he was two years older than you. You did your best to try to take it as a compliment because that's what he meant by it, obviously. Right?
"Thank you! You still look really, really good." You looked him over again but realized you were very obviously checking him out. You felt like slapping yourself for saying too much like usual. Fortunately he dodged it all just like he did in the university days, blocking out completely that you were awkwardly, nervously, and unintentionally flirting with him.
"I know, I work hard to stay this handsome." You had never been able to tell if he was joking or not when he said things like that, but you had always internally agreed. "What do you do now a days?"
You felt he might be judging your sweatpants that you didn't bother to change out of for what was supposed to be a quick trip to the store. You looked at his dress pants and white button up shirt that seemed to be wet around the shoulders from the rain.
"Marketing." Was your only answer. You didn't know what else to say about your situation and you couldn't really tell him you were pretty much a shut in, now could you?
"You?" You decided to deflect the question away from yourself.
"Just... business, you know? The same boring stuff we went to school for." He replied as he paid the cashier for his things and was handed his bag.
"Are you walking too?" He was probably judging by your rain coat and you were attempting to juggle your umbrella and bags.
You nodded.
"Which way?"
You pointed to the left.
"Ahh, darn. I'm heading right. Well, it was really nice seeing you again. Maybe next time I'll have more time and it won't be raining and we can maybe catch up."
His words gave you a hopeful smile.
"That would be nice." You agreed.
"Bye Soomin!" He gave you a smile and wave as he walked the opposite direction. You raised your hand to return the wave and lifted the corners of your mouth in a smile before heading to the left.
That wouldn't have been so bad...
had Soomin been your name.
Seriously, you had been pretty good friends with him for three whole years until he graduated, how had he not remembered your name? You use to help him with his papers and everything, you've even met his parents before.
You felt a little hurt, a bit broken and even more so when you remembered Soomin was one of the many short term girls he had dated while friends with you. Seokjin had always done that. He had to know you liked him back then but he had never once spoke about it. Truthfully it wasn't even all that great being his friend because he always-
You were suddenly snapped out of your thoughts by a groaning and a strong cough coming from one of the alley ways you were about to pass right before you got to your apartment.
You peeked in worrying that maybe someone was hurt or something.
You saw sneakers poking out from the other side of a dumpster with it eclipsing the view of the person.
It was probably some poor homeless person trying to get out of the downpour but you really hoped it wasn't someone hurt or something.
You took out a little bit of money in hopes that it was just a vagrant seeking shelter and started towards the still coughing person.
He didn't look homeless, was your first thought. It was a guy only a few years looking younger than you and his jeans and t-shirt didn't look dirty or ripped or like he had worn them for days, just wet.
He sat against a brick building with his head to the side and his eyes closed. He looked sick... or drunk? You didn't see any wounds on him but you thought it might be better to just ask.
"Sir? Are you alright?"
His reply was just mutters that didn't even seem to be words with his eyes still closed not bothering to even look at you. You were beginning to get pretty convinced that he had just had one too many drinks before another terrible cough ripped from him. It had that chesty rattle to it like maybe it could be pneumonia or something.
Concerned, you knelt in front of him and looked at how pale he was but his nose and cheeks were slightly pink. His face reminded you of a poor little defenseless bunny rabbit. Water droplets ran from his soaking wet, strands of deep chestnut hair and down his face. He let out another groan and you couldn't help it anymore.
You reached forward and touched the back of your hand lightly his forehead head. Despite the cool rain on his skin, his head was burning up.
You were now very worried.
Maybe you should call the police? But you wondered if they'd even do anything. You couldn't just leave him here, right? It simply just wasn't in your nature.
You decided to try to half pack, half drag the stranger the little bit of the way left home.
The good news was, he seemed a little less out of it once you got him up off the ground, but not by much, you still had to pretty much take all his weight with his arm around you along with carry your groceries, umbrella and make sure he didn't fall.
The bad news was, he was much, much heavier than he looked and was very hard to get up the stairs to your apartment and through the door. You hoped none of your neighbors would pop on back out and witness what looked to be you kidnapping a drugged looking young man. To your first piece of luck of the day, no one saw you.
You were aching, wet, tired and sore by the time you pretty much got him to your sofa where you let go of him and let him fall back.
Once down, he was back out instantly, groaning and coughing.
You managed to put the groceries away and get some medicine down him basically by shoving it down his throat, but you had to so the fever would stop.
You then rummaged through your closet until you found a pair of pink pyjama pants that would fit his slender frame and you grabbed a thick blanket and a towel too.
You were apprehensive as you peeled his wet shirt off his fevered groaning body, it just felt so wrong. You knew you had no choice but to undress him even though he was pretty much unconscious, you had to get him out of those completely soaked clothes before he got any worse.
You looked the other direction and struggled quite a bit, mumbling a string of apologies as you did your best to keep any inappropriate areas covered with the blanket.
You had dressed and wrapped him up in a blanket before drying his hair and propping his head up on a sofa throw pillow.
"I'm so sorry for all this, but at least you can rest now out of the rain."
He seemed to sleep more peacefully now, he groaned a lot less, but you kept checking up on him as you made dinner anyway.
It felt hopeless to get him to eat or drink even just a little, he just couldn't be be awake long enough to and he didn't seem aware at all.
You forced some more medicine down him before bed and felt his head after he let out another atrocious cough. His fever felt like it was gone for now so that was a plus you guessed.
He laid there helpless and sick as guilt throttled your heart.
You simply just couldn't help but brush some hair from his closed eyes to get a better look at him.
His lips were slightly parted showing a bit of his front teeth which you pinpointed to be the reason you thought he might look like a bunny. He had a strong nose, pretty eyelashes and a freckle right under his slightly cracked lips. Not only was he cute but actually very handsome.
"I hope you bet better soon so I get to hear why you were out there in the rain like that. I'm kind of curious. Anyway, I better get to bed. I'll see you in the morning bunny boy." You said hoping he was too out of it to actually hear you before you stood and walked off towards your room.
You didn't know whether to close and lock your bedroom door or not. On one hand he was a stranger and might panic with waking up in an unknown place. But then again, what if he woke up and needed you for something or got worse in the middle of the night?
You decided to close it but leave it unlocked.
You didn't hear the footsteps throughout the house, but what woke you up was the doorknob to your room turning and the door squeaking open.
You sat up in bed disoriented for a moment but as you looked towards your door you gasped. There was a figure standing in the doorway not very well lit by the very beginning of sunrise filtering through the curtains in your bedroom.
The figure audibly gasped too.
As you looked at it for a split second longer, you remembered.
"Are- are you finally awake?" You muttered and started getting out of bed but the guy quickly took off running.
"Wait!" You called after him and raced from your bed to chase him, your feet pattered fast but still tiredly against the wood floor.
There was more light in the living room and you watched as he stood in the middle of it looking around with wide eyes like a trapped wild deer, pink pyjama pants and abs on full display.
"Its okay." You said reassuringly as you crept towards him hoping he wouldn't take off again or fight you. Your arms were out, palms facing him as if to let him know you meant no harm. "You're probably scared and I would be too. I found you nearly dead in an alley." You tried to explain but he began coughing hard again and you winced practically feeling the pain of the strength of it shaking his muscular body.
He let you tiptoe close enough to guide him by the shoulders back to the sofa and set him down. His smooth skin was beginning to feel overly warm again.
"Do you want me to get you a drink? Are you hungry?"
He just looked up at you with big brown doe eyes as you awaited his response.
"I'll- I'll just get you something anyway." You decided after a moment.
As you scoured your refrigerator, you couldn't help but think about how odd he seemed. Was he so sick he lost his voice? Maybe he was deaf? Maybe he was just scared and thought you kidnapped him?
You thought that if he thought you had kidnapped him or something wouldn't he have left already instead of waking you up? Not to mention with muscles like that he could definitely take you in a fight.
You doubted he saw you as a threat, he was just confused.
You made breakfast of pancakes for the both of you.
Juggling two plates, two glasses of milk and a bottle of syrup you went back into the living room to see him waiting patiently for you on the sofa.
You were honestly surprised he didn't just sneak away while you were cooking, you probably would've.
You handed him his food and sat down with him to see him just staring down at his plate.
"Do you not like pancakes? Is it weird I'm feeding you?" You questioned and when you spoke he looked at you with those big confused brown eyes, but he never responded.
You shrugged it off and put syrup on your pancakes before digging in.
You became very aware he was just sitting there watching you eat.
"You should eat. I promise they're good." You urged.
He picked up a pancake from the stack with his hands and with no syrup, just crammed the whole thing into his mouth.
At least he was eating now.
His cheeks comically bulged as he chewed and you'd be laughing if you didn't think that something just wasn't right again. No, it would be borderline wrong to laugh, he didn't look to be joking to you.
You had a feeling he could hear, just maybe not talk. Maybe he was mute?
You decided to test that theory later but to try not to stress him too much now. It was a miracle he was letting you even sit this close to him with how he had dashed away from you when you had woken up.
You didn't know what you were going to do with him, it was still raining outside and he had still been coughing all morning. You couldn't just release him back out into the rain, unless he wanted to go that is.
Who knows what had happened to him anyway. He was definitely a strange one.
You watched him still shoving food into his mouth with his hand and ignoring the utensils that you had provided.
You picked up your glass and took a drink with him eyeing you with this new movement. He then picked up his glass and tipped it to his face too sharply making the milk splash out from the sides and onto his face and down his bare chest.
"Oh!" You were surprised by the milk now dripping off his chin. He looked confused covered in the milk and seemed to be looking like he was wondering where he went wrong.
You felt so sympathetic towards him and you wanted to tell him it was okay and just an accident as he looked from the glass of milk back to you, but you didn't think he'd understand.
You patiently took the glass from him and set it on the coffee table before taking both empty plates to the kitchen and returning with paper towels.
You tried to hand him the paper towels so he could clean himself but he just looked at them in your hand.
You sighed and crouched down in front of him, wiping at the milk on his face and felt yourself blush as you cleaned his chest.
"All better." You looked up at him with a smile and you were surprised when he copied yours.
Your heart fluttered, it was sweet.
You quickly stood to your feet and he let out another harsh cough as you discarded the paper towel.
He picked back up the glass of milk and tried to take another drink only for him to spill it on himself again.
You sighed before going to get more paper towels and this time kept the whole roll in the room for any more accidents.
For most of the day you stayed in the living room getting some work done on your laptop while he watched whatever you had turned on for him.
He looked pretty into the drama show, just gazing at the screen with his mouth slightly parted.
You began to think about what to do with him when he got to feeling better. He obviously couldn't talk for whatever reason and doing basic everyday things were hard for him. Maybe he was mentally disabled?
You finally decided upon taking him to the police station when he got to feeling a bit better and when the weather improved.
You watched as he tilted his head at the screen as he watched a dying man in his bed with a woman taking care of him, refusing to leave his side.
"Noona, why do you care for me so much? You need to go out and live your life, not spend it on me. I'm dying, and you've done enough. Forget about me, be free." The actor said dramatically.
"I can't! I would never! I will be here until you pass. I love you!" Tears streamed down her pretty face.
He looked so enthralled in the show, did he understand what they were saying?
There was a knock at my door making the still shirtless guy jump in his seat a little and look at it with wide eyes of surprise.
I closed my laptop and got up to answer it.
"Hey!" You perked up upon seeing Jimin's lovely face.
"Hey, you never text me last night so-"
He caught a glimpse at the man on my sofa behind me.
"Oh. You're busy. I'm sorry, I'll just-"
"No! No no! That's um... that's just my cousin. He decided to make a surprise visit from Busan last night. That's why I forgot to text you."
Jimin eyed the guy in the pink pyjama bottoms. "Hey" Jimin waved to him with a friendly smile, but Jungkook didn't return it, he just looked at him with indifference.
You wondered for a split second if Jimin knew sign language before deciding against that specific lie.
"He's- hes uhh..." you leaned in and lowered your voice so only Jimin could hear. "He's special needs."
"Ohhhhh." Jimin let out along with a nod of understanding. "Well its nice you're caring for him right now. Well when does he go back to Busan?"
"Uh soon. Soon. My aunt should come get him." It was a lie, but you didn't know what else to say.
"Well text me and we can just reschedule, alright?"
You nodded.
"See you soon then." He gave a little wave.
After you closed the door you turned to look at the man on your sofa in the pink pajama bottoms with dried milk still on them.
You had to get him to get dressed... somehow.
Thankfully he was able to do so himself but unfortunately decided to do so right there in front of you when you had handed him his now clean, dry clothes he had come here in.
But at least thankfully he could go to the bathroom on his own and did so as he pleased.
He mostly just watched dramas the whole day and when you went to make some dinner he followed and just sat down on the kitchen floor and watched you like a hungry puppy.
You idly chatted to him as you cooked but of course he never responded.
"What should I call you? You won't tell me your name. You thought for a moment as you looked at him.
"I guess I'll just call you Bunny for now until I can get you to the police station and see if anyone's looking for you."
"I wonder how old you are, twenty two? Twenty three?" You now asked "I'm twenty four, you can't be too far off from my age."
When you were done you sat him at the table and you sat on the other side.
You went the extra mile and made sure his noodles were cooled just in case before setting them down in front of him.
He went to reach into the bowl with his hands. Though they weren't hot, you still felt like it was important to teach him the proper way to eat.
"Bunny, Bunny, no." Your voice stopped him. You picked up and handed him his chopsticks which he struggled with like a hard level puzzle before you saw it best to get him a fork which he still struggled with but not nearly as badly.
You had put a straw in his cup too this time and one in your own to show him how to drink from it.
It made you think about how was he eating and surviving before? How did he not know how to eat and drink but he could change himself and go to the bathroom? Did whoever care for him before feed him themselves?
"So you really like those dramas, huh?"
He glanced at you before going back to eating. "Have you always liked them?" Of course you got no response again but he did acknowledge my voice and you knew he could hear the dramas he had been watching because sometimes he would respond to what they were saying with a head tilt. He wasn't deaf, you were positive now. But did he know what you were saying?
"Bunny." You waited a moment and tested him. He looked up at you. Did he understand this was what you were calling him? He looked at you expectantly for a moment before going back to his food once again.
Okay so you figured he was smart enough to learn his nickname already.
"Bunny." You waited once more and repeated for the entertainment and to be sure. You could only smile not only as he looked at you again, but put down his fork to show you you had his attention.
"Well I guess that name stuck pretty well. How did you get it so fast? Do you understand what I'm saying?" You asked and he just looked at you before his eyes shifted around the room.
He eventually went back to eating,
You went back to your food too thinking you might be confusing him with all this testing.
After dinner he went right back to watching his dramas. When you finished working you decided you wanted to watch a movie. You thought you might scream if you were forced to over hear another over reacted out episode of whatever drama had captured his attention so much.
"Can I have the remote Bunny? You've been watching your shows all day." You held out your hand for the remote he was clutching tightly. He looked at your hand and high-fived you.
You rolled your eyes.
"No the remote." You pointed at it. He looked down at it and clutched it to his chest.
"I understand you're a guest, but I'd really like to have a turn before bed." You said and went to grab it and he jerked it away from your grasp.
"Bunny! I want to watch tv!" You almost yelled at him. He made a discontented noise of objection.
"Please?" A heavy sigh came from your chest. You were attempting to hold out on the verge of getting upset with him again. He pouted but placed the remote in your hand and looked to sulk about it.
You felt bad about it only seconds later, but this was your house, and you were so use to living alone and not having anyone to have to share things with. You really were on the verge of loosing it with all those dramas.
You flopped down next to him on the sofa and flipped through the stations until you settled on a zombie movie just getting good.
He gasped and stared wide eyed at the creatures on the screen.
When someone started to get eaten he began to yell loudly and scramble for you.
"Hey! Hey! It's okay! Its alright, Bunny!"  You comforted as he attached himself to your arm. He yelled every time there was a scary moment so you just turned it back to his dramas in defeat. Had something happened to him maybe? You had noticed he seemed so anxious all the time.
Not long after you switched the tv back to what he wanted, there was a knocking on the door making him squeal and jump in his seat again dramatically.
As you stood to answer it and he clutched onto the blankets on the sofa for dear life.
"Uhhh hey." Yoongi stood outside my door rubbing his neck.
"I heard some yelling and I wasn't asleep yet but are you okay?" He asked and I watched as his eyes flicked to Bunny on the sofa the back to me.
"Yeah, someone was just getting a bit scared. I- uh-"
He gave me a strange look.
"So your boyfriend was the one making all that noise?"
"He's not my- I don't even-" you didn't know how to explain it. "You have a second?" You asked and he gave you a confused look but nodded.
"Stay here Bunny. I'm not leaving." You told the man on the sofa before stepping out into the hall and closing your apartment door behind you.
Yoongi was probably going to judge you and you knew it already, but you needed advice and it was better than asking your crush.
"I don't know him." You whispered.
His eyebrows shot up.
"What do you mean you don't know him? Why is some random guy you don't know in your apartment?" He was rightfully a bit shocked and you began to explain to him the story making him sigh once you were done.
"So he's like special needs and you felt bad? He could be violent for all you know. Why haven't you been to the police? Was it just because the rain and him being sick?" He was obviously trying to understand.
"I don't know but its supposed to be nice tomorrow, I'm taking him then. I don't know, but he acts like he didn't even know how to eat." You told him and watch his brows lift in shock once more.
"I'm kind of scared to find out where he was from, what if they didn't treat him so well? You know? What if something traumatic happened to him."
"Why do you care so much? You don't know him." Yoongi said rather bluntly but you shrugged.
"I just do I guess. I care about a lot of stupid stuff."
"I noticed." He muttered. "Listen, you can't just keep him though like a pet, hes probably got family. Taking him to the police station is the right thing to do."
"Yeah, I know."
"Well let me know how it turns out."
"Oh! If you see Jimin from downstairs in 3A and he brings up my cousin from Busan just... I told him... I had to lie. This is kind of a weird situation, you know?"
"Why would you care enough to make up a lie about it?" Yoongi scoffed.
"I- I just kind of like him so..." You admitted as you fiddled with your fingers. "Anyway, thanks for the advice and understanding."
"Yeah, if you need help with anything or whatever I guess... like I just live right there. Or like if he decides to go full crazy and hack you up tonight or something..."
"Uhh thanks?" You furrowed your brows trying not yo imagine that scenario.
"Yeah. I'll see you later. Good luck with uh, him." He said and he walked back off next door.
There was a knock from the inside of apartment and you opened the door to see Bunny standing on the other side. You headed back in locking it back up behind you.
After a little bit he looked to be nodding off on the sofa so you left the tv on and headed to bed.
Once you got into bed though Yoongi's dark words about Bunny hacking you up played in your head.
You decided that if the stranger wanted to kill you already he probably would've, not to mention he couldn't even drink from a cup properly let alone possibly murder someone. To you Bunny seemed kind, he had big, gentle eyes, a warm smile and the cutest teeth you had ever seen, and that's what reassured you enough to sleep.
"Noona?" You were startled awake in your pitch dark room.
You had never heard the voice before but it was soft and sweet.
Who was this noona? Was this the sound of Bunny still watching tv?
Why did the voice sound like it was in the room with you?
"Noona." You looked around to see Bunny standing just feet from your bed.
Was he speaking?
You couldn't understand for a moment and just looked at the dark silhouette, unable to see his face.
His voice was so sweet, soft and gentle like a breeze.
You attempted to shake off your awe struck demeanor to get back to the fact he was waking you up for some reason.
"What is it? What's wrong?" You pushed your blankets off you and sat up in concern.
He took a gentle hold of your arm with his warm hands large enough to completely encircle your wrist, and led you from your bed and off through your apartment.
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Bite Marks and Roses Ch 9
Spinel stared at the two pearls and gave them a polite yet nervous smile and watched with pink curious eyes as they opened the door to where she could hear music playing on the other end. When the door was finally opened Spinel gasped softly, her big doll like pink eyes widened in sheer delight. There were so many colorful gems; the music was pleasant to listen to and the gems were dressed so elegantly it was almost hard not to stare. They appeared to be having a fun time dancing with someone.
Spinel secretly wished she could join and just before she could feel sad she felt someone place their hand on her shoulder snapping her out of her daze. Spinel turned and stared at the individual who had placed their hand on her to see that it was definitely someone however she couldn't see their face. It was all blurred and yet despite that Spinel could tell that they were a high ranking gem. His attire and overall appearance from what she could tell at least proved otherwise. Spinel glanced up at the mysterious figure and couldn't help but stare. Was he the same person from her last dream? She couldn't tell exactly but she could definitely tell that it wasn't like any other gems she saw.. Spinel felt curious and wanted to dance along with the rest of the gems.
“May I have this dance?” Came a calm and soothing voice.
That….that voice….was it him?
Spinel could feel her face bloom a gentle rose red, she could feel her gem beginning to beat; thumping inside her gem and skipping beats ever so often. It was both odd and a pleasant feeling.
“You may.” Spinel said sweetly, smiling kindly at him.
The figure seemed happy with the answer she gave him and a strong hand gently took her small dainty pink hand into his and together he lewd the small pink gem towards the ball room. Upon doing so Spinel could feel her face blush a lovely shade of rose red. She couldn't understand why but part of her was so happy that he wanted to dance with her. It was a welcoming and happy feeling at last she could join the rest of the gems and enjoy dancing just like them.
The music was so delightful and as the musher jobs figure and small pink spinel danced together among the many beautiful gems Spinel could feel her gem shaped heart glow a faint pink she felt so happy…..so...found. This feeling felt so good….yet…
Something wasn't right.
Despite this pleasant feeling something about this didn't feel right. Spinel wanted to push this feeling down but she could sense that wasn't right. Suddenly Spinel could feel something wet lingering on her shoulder and the young small pink gem turned to see and on doing so was undressed. It was…
Spinel could only stare at the small blotch of blood and felt her heart beginning to sink then felt her other arm was getting wet and turned to the right side and regretted her decision immediately.. Bright pink blood was dripping from her arm and yet there were no wounds or bite marks to cause it to bleed. Spinel’s eyes shrank as her body trembled. The small pink gem looked out to the other gems who were either too busy dancing or were unaware of what was happening. How?! How could they not see what was happening?! Spinel shuttered feeling more drops of blood spatter onto her shoulders and stared at it.
Wait? This blood…..this was…..her blood.
What was happening?!
The small gem watched as the ballroom began dripping with blood as if it appeared to be raining with the bright pink fluid and it was absolutely terrifying. Blood spilled and soaked the floor and Spineo could feel her fear choking her and the poor girl could feel tears bubble in the corners of her eyes.
“What's the matter?” Came that same calm and soothing voice.
Spinel trembled as she gazed up at him and to her horror she stared at a bloody faced figure , his face and hair dyed in her own pink blood and those eyes. Those cold, cold eyes glowing nothing but a bright pink. Spinel’s mouth dropped open in horror, blood was spilling everywhere it was beyond terrifying but that face and those terrifying eyes were the things of nightmares. However that was far from the case. Spinel’s eyes shrank and wet wide with fear when she caught a glimpse of his fangs.
Those sharp, scary, unforgiving fangs.
Spinel yelped out in fear and tried to get away but the stranger’s grip proved to be much stronger.
“L-Let go! Let g-go of me!” Spinel cried.
The stranger simply chuckled the sound making the poor gem shiver; it sounded malicious and full of bad intentions. . .
“What's the matter dear? Don't like what you see?” The male voice asked coldly.
Spinel didn't answer but shuttered when she took noticed that all of the gems in the ballroom had stopped and we're now standing there staring at her however their eyes were either glowing an amonous pale blue or an a soulless white. It was frightening.
“I think it's time.” The male voice spoke rather calmly.
Time? Time for what?!
Spinel could feel her body tremble, what did he mean? Without warning Spinel was shoved down to the ground which was coated in her pink blood and when she fell there came a sickly wet thud and a cry of alarm.
“Ahh!” Shrieked Spinel stumbling a little and shuttering before getting up she stared down at her now blood stained dress and sniffed pitifully. She couldn't understand why the other gems were just standing there staring with an unsettling glint in their eyes.
Spinel could feel her blood go cold. No, no, no, no.
“It's feeding time.” Came that once calming voice and now cold and scary and unsettling.
Spinel’s eyes widened. No, no, no. She watched in terror as the gems smiled, showing off their cheshire-cat smiles how wide and big they were very much unnerving to look at. They all began approaching the frightened gem who shuttered and whimpered. This couldn't be happening! Why was this happening?! They were all closing in on her now, Spinel backed away but to her misfortune had backed into a wall. There was nowhere to run. She was trapped..
The small pink gem cried out in alarm as one of the gems grabbed her arm. Their grip was ice cold and the metallic smell of blood was potent. Spinel couldn't see what gem they were except of course their eyes which held no good intentions towards her.
“Let me go!” She cried.
Spinel gasped feeling another gem grab her other arm and the poor gem began to struggle. She desperately tried to get out of their hold but it proved to be useless. They were closing in on her now getting even closer.
“Ah!” Spinel shrieked feeling a sharp jab on her wrists.
The small pink gem turned to see what appeared to be a jade biting into her. It stung painfully making Spinel wince her body going rigid due to how it felt. She gasped and watched as another gem proceeded to grab her, tearing her sleeve in the process. Spinel gasped and watched in horror as all the gems began to swarm around her.
Aaahhhh!!” Spinel screames.
Spinel watched horrified as the gems began grabbing, pulling, scratching her. It was both painful, terrifying and disorienting the poor thing couldn't see where she was and where they were. That's when things began turning violent very quickly.
“Ah! Stop!” Spinel shrieked feeling more than one gem begin to bite her.
It didn't feel like a sting it felt like a sharp blade was being jabbed into her soft skin. It felt terrible and the terrible memories of Jasper biting her flooded back making her skin crawl and feeling violated again. Everything happened far too fast. Every gem in that ballroom attacked her., they pulled on her dress and hair cause the poor thing to scream in fear. It was all so disorienting it felt as if the room itself was spinning so fast that Spinel couldn't get a grasp on what was happening to her next. These gems were everywhere their biting so hard and scratching and pulling was painful, unforgiving and without hesitation.
Spinel could feel her blood spilling and oozing out of her bite marks and scratches and the poor girl howled in pain as she felt yet another gem bite into her with a high pitched scream.
She screamed so hard and so loud but there were times where all she could hear was the sounds of her dress tearing and her skin being scratched. She could feel the bites in her arms, legs and shoulders. Finally after the painful biting had ceased the small pink gem was covered in her own blood, bright pink blood spattered on her dress and her hair was a tangled and knotted mess but above all her arm, legs and shoulders were littered with bite marks which oozed blood. However they seemed to have spared her neck which Spineo couldn't understand why they hadn't bitten her there but it didn't matter. She was in so much pain, everything hurt her entire form hurt and Spinel even stumbled a bit due to how much pain was inflicted on her.
Spinel could feel he of the gems shove her causing her to fall forward and felt a pair of string hands grab her by her shoulders causing the small gem to whine. Spinel snapped her head up to see who was holding her and to her horror it was the bloody faced figure with the bright pink eyes. Spinel gasped and tried to pull away but his grip was like iron.
Spinel’s heart pounded, she shook and trembled now seeing this frightening stranger smile at her revealing a pair of sharp fangs. Spinel shuttered and yelped as she felt a strong hand tipped her head back where her neck was more visible. Spinel could feel tears bubble up and stream down her cheeks. Pink panicked shaky eyes watched in fear as the bloody stranger opened his mouth wide ready to wink his fangs deep into her soft flesh.
His fans appeared a little longer and sharper than Jasper’s. He was going to bite her?! With those?! Spinel whimpered, beginning to hyperventilate before she gave out an ear piercing scream as his fangs finally sank into her soft pink skin.
She could feel it she could feel the pain and the blood oozing from the bite. It hurt. It hurt so much. Please someone make it stop!
“AAAHHHH!” Spinel screamed trying to escape, beginning to thrash around only to realize that it was making the biting process much worse for her as the pain was getting unbearable.
The stranger caught on and used his other hand to keep her head still while using his other to wrap around her torso, firmly keeping her in place and causing Spinel to go rigid in her arms. Spinel could feel his fangs sink deeper into her neck.
“AAAAHHH!” Came a mixture between a scream and a sob.
It hurt! It hurt so, so much.
Her screams and sobbing echoed against the walls of the ballroom but no one was going to help her.
When she felt him turn her neck to the other side Spinel knew what was to come and the small gem watched with wet terror filled pink eyes as his blood stained fangs covered in her pink blood gleamed in the dim lights of the ballroom. Spinel watched paralyzed in both fear and pain as he opened his mouth again ready to take a bite at the other side of her neck and Soinel gave out a horrified shriek of fear and pain as those same fangs sank deep into her form. A gush of pink blood spilled out of her small form and then…
She woke up.
“NOOO!” Spinel wailed, bolting upright and panting heavily.
To her relief she was in the same room she had entered. It was over. The small pink gem sighed unconscious tears spilling down her already wet face.
What a horrible dream she had.
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suckerforv · 4 years
Your Protectors (Hybrid!BTS x Female Reader)
You walked through the door, smiling as your bunny hybrid, Jungkook, bounded up excitedly to meet you. “Y/n!” he exclaimed, his bunny ears bouncing as he flew into your arms. “I missed you,” he mumbled into your neck, making you giggle. “Don’t stay away for too long next time.”
   “Kookie, I wanna hug her too, don’t hog her all to yourself,” your other fox hybrid, Taehyung, whined, his plush lips forming a pout and his ears drooping sadly. You laughed and held your arms out to him. He burrowed his nose into your neck, scenting you. You were used to it; you often had to stay for long times at your school where you taught. You would come home after being around other men and boys, “smelling like trash,” as Tae called it. After adopting both Taehyung and Jungkook, you decided to adopt five others: Namjoon, a wolf hybrid, Jin, an alpaca hybrid, Jimin, a cute calico cat hybrid, Hoseok, a golden retriever hybrid, and a panther hybrid, Yoongi. It was challenging sometimes, dealing with all of their different personalities, but you loved them all so much. Namjoon was quiet and intelligent, yet extremely clumsy. You had no idea how many items he broke in the house, yet you loved his quiet and comforting character. He was studying at a college especially for hybrids and was pursuing business and English Literature Arts. Jin loved to help you cook and clean, because everyone knew you weren’t the best cook in the house. You would often come home, tired and exhausted from a long day at work, and Jin would have tea and a fluffy blanket ready for you on the couch. He was really a sweetie. Jimin was very intimate, and he loved to cuddle with you while watching Finding Nemo on the TV. He loved singing and dancing, which he did a lot while you were away. He required a lot of attention and care. Hoseok was the ball of sunshine, always finding ways to cheer you up if you were feeling down or sad. He loved to play catch and dance, and you encouraged him to pursue his dreams. He was currently at the same school Namjoon was at, and he was studying dance. Taehyung was very like Namjoon, but goofier and sillier at times. He loved chasing squirrels and playing with his toys. Jungkook was best friends with both Tae and Jimin, and they all loved playing with each other. When you first adopted Jungkook, he was very shy and used to not talk most of the time. Once you adopted Taehyung and Jimin, he began opening up and you would often hear him laughing and talking with Tae and Jimin. Eventually, he began warming up to you, and you were on speaking terms with him now. A word that could describe Yoongi was sleepy. Of course, Yoongi loved to sleep and eat. He loved to sleep, spooned by you. He seemed like an old, grumpy grandpa on the outside, but he was just a big softie on the inside. You smiled as you thought of your seven lovable hybrids. You were so glad you adopted them.
       You set your bag down on the counter and felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist, a wet nose burying into the nape of your neck. You felt a furry tail wrapping itself around your ankle. You reached back and scratched behind Jimin’s ears. Purrs reverberated throughout the room, and you giggled. “Jimin, it’s very nice to see you too,” you smiled as he snuggled closer to you. “How was your day, darling?”
    “Fun! Me, Taetae, and Kookie played chase and tag in the backyard! Then me and Taetae watched Finding Nemo, although it wasn’t the same without you,” he pouted at the last part. “How long will you have to stay like this, jagi?”
      You sighed, sitting on the couch and beckoned him to sit next to you. “I don’t know, Minnie. I’ve been trying to find another job I can take up, but I haven’t found any yet.”
     Your other hybrids appeared, one by one, listening to you speak, and to your surprise, Yoongi appeared as well. He was usually sleeping, so this was a pleasant surprise. Namjoon sat next to you, his head leaning on your shoulder. “Well, you just have to find out what you’re good at,” he commented quietly. “It’s not too hard to find a job once you figure that out.”
    “Well, I’m good with hybrids, I know that at least,” you said slowly. “Maybe I could take up a job at a hybrid shelter.”
   Jin frowned. “I don’t know, y/n. Some hybrids tend to be,” he hesitated. “violent and well, we don’t want you getting hurt.” Your other hybrids nodded in agreement, Yoongi coming to sit next to Jimin.
     “But if you really want to, y/n, I know some shelters that are looking for help,” Yoongi offered. “Some of my friends are working there, and they say it pays well and the environment is very positive and promising for the hybrids who live there.”
    You smiled, coming over to where he sat and hugging him. “Thank you, Yoongles. I knew I can always count on you guys. What’s the shelter’s name?”
    “Um, I think it’s Sunnyside Hybrid Shelter,” Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows, trying to remember. “Yeah, I think that’s it.”
    You took a deep breath. “OK, I’m going to go ask them about the job. Who wants to go with me?”
 “Me!” seven voices chorused. You chuckled; you should’ve have known all of them wanted to go. They were all very protective of you, especially Namjoon and Yoongi, them both being predator hybrids.
         Twenty minutes later, all of you stood in front of Sunnyside Hybrid Shelter. Namjoon slipped his hand in yours, his ears standing alert. You opened the door, your hybrids following you inside.
     “Welcome to Sunnyside Hybrid Shelter! How may I help you today? Oh my goodness, you have some hybrids already! Are you here asking about the job?” the cheery girl at the front desk prattled on. You felt Namjoon’s hand tense in yours. You knew her voice reminded him of his previous owner, who was very abusive and used to beat him whenever he made a mistake or broke something. You squeezed his hand comfortingly, reminding him that he was safe and you were with him now.
     “Yes, I’m interested about the job. I would like to apply,” you spoke, nervous.
“Perfect! How long have you had experience with hybrids?” the girl asked as she scribbled something down on a notepad. “Oh, and please call me Eryka.”
     “I’ve had my hybrids for about three years now,” you replied, smiling fondly at your seven hybrids. “I love hybrids, and I’ve been looking for a job, so this seemed like a good go.”
    “Awesome! I’ll take you to our manager, and she’ll ask you a few more questions and just show you around,” Eryka smiled widely at you and led you and your hybrids to the office.
     Taehyung stared at the hybrids’ faces pressed to the windows, some cold, some hopeful, and some just plain curious. He knew how painful and lonely it was to live in the shelter, his heart ached for some of the hybrids. They passed a play room, where baby and toddler hybrids played. Jimin’s tail twitched, aching to scoop a cute baby hybrid into his arms and cuddle with it.
    “Here we are,” Eryka announced, stopping at a well-furnished office. “Would your hybrids perhaps like to wait-”
    “No,” seven voices chorused forcefully. You smiled, and whispered to Eryka, “It’s okay. They’re well behaved, they just are protective of me.” She looked unsure, but nodded and let you all in anyway.
     The manager, who looked shocked as your seven hybrids filed in, quickly composed herself and smiled at you. “Hello, y/n, I am Carrie, and please do sit down,” she gestured to a chair in front on her desk. “Your hybrids, um-”
     “We can stand, ma’am, it’s fine,” Jin smiled at her kindly. You smiled internally at his manners, Jin was a very polite hybrid once people got to know him.
 She looked surprised at his polite manners and smiled at him. “Thank you, er-”
  “Jin, Kim Seokjin,” Jin bowed and introduced himself and the others to her. Each smiled and bowed to her as he addressed them.
     “Thank you. Y/n, I must say, you have very polite hybrids. You must have some good experience with hybrids, then,” Carrie commented as she sat back in her chair.
   “Well, yes. My father was actually a hybrid officer,” you began, ignoring the shocked looks of your hybrids. “He didn’t like hybrids that well, and didn’t do his job like he should’ve. I would always beg him to be compassionate towards them, but he would beat me. My mom found out, and threatened to separate if he didn’t change his ways. He didn’t, and my mom moved out and took me with her,” you blinked back tears and Jin came to stand besides you, laying a gentle hand on your shoulder. Jimin stared at you, mouth agape. He never knew this. “He eventually got fired. I got a job at teaching at a school and I am still doing that now,” you finished, wiping your tears with a tissue from the tissue box Carrie gave you. “Sorry,” you apologized, wiping the last of your tears away. “I haven’t talked about this in a while.”
      “It’s okay, y/n. I understand how you feel,” Carrie told you gently. “I was in a similar situation. My dad-”she frowned. “He really hated hybrids and used to abuse those he brought home. I moved out of the house with my mom, who loved hybrids, and she actually helped me start this shelter.”
     “That’s nice. Yeah, I have always loved caring for hybrids, that’s why I decided to adopt my first two hybrids: Taehyung and Jungkook, then I found out how much I enjoyed their company, so I went ahead and adopted five more,” you smiled at your hybrids who crowded around you, comforting you.
   “That’s great! Now I can show you around the compound,” Carrie smiled, leading the way out of the office. “It’s good that your hybrids are here to protect you, because-”
     A savage growl escaped the throats of Namjoon and Yoongi, shocking both you and Carrie. “Namjoon, Yoongi!” you scolded them. “Please, nothing bad will happen to me. Behave, or no cuddles,” you admonished.
     They flushed sheepishly, their heads bowed. “Sorry.”
 Carrie laughed. “So that’s what you use to punish them? No cuddles?” she asked you playfully.
You laughed sheepishly. “Yeah, my hybrids love cuddling, especially Jimin and Yoongi.”
    As all of you entered the hybrid room, a cute Black Lab ran up to meet you. “Hi, I’m Jisoo. Will you please adopt me?” Her eyes widened as she saw your seven hybrids. “Oh, never mind,” she mumbled, turning away.
   “Jisoo, wait!” you called after her, hoping she would turn back and hear what you had to say. Jisoo turned back with hopeful eyes.
    “Jisoo, I can’t say I can adopt you, but I can say that I will help you find you the perfect family for you. So don’t give up hope, okay?” you smiled kindly at the shy hybrid in front of you.
    Jisoo nodded, a smile gracing her features. “Thank you, y/n!” She hugged you suddenly, making you gasp a little and then giggle. “You’re welcome, Jisoo.”
     Carrie had been watching from afar, and when you came back to the group, she whistled. “She actually hugged you, y/n! Jisoo has been one of our hardest hybrids to reach, and she has spoken the most since she’s gotten here!”
    “Glad I could help-” your sentence was cut off as a snarling hybrid stepped in your path.
  “You smell like filth,” the hybrid sneered, but Namjoon and Yoongi placed themselves in front of you, growls escaping from them. “So you’re her two little sluts, huh?” the hybrid smirked, enjoying the way your body stiffened at the word sluts. “All humans aren’t to be trusted, you know,” he snarled. “Some like her, for insistence.”
     “Not all hybrids can be trusted either,” Yoongi snarled back, his jaw exposing his sharp canines and Namjoon’s eyes turned a deep crimson red. You could feel Jimin trembling behind you. Jimin had never seen this side of Namjoon and Yoongi, and he didn’t like it. The hostile hybrid hesitated, then muttered “spoiled brats” and walked away.
    You let out a deep sigh of relief. “Wow. Thank you, Joonie and Yoongi. I didn’t expect that to happen.”
Carrie sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck. “Sorry, y/n. That was Mark, our panther hybrid. He’s very-” she paused, then added, “violent and frightening.”
      Yoongi snapped, “I knew it! He smelled like a panther!”
“I smelled it, too,” Namjoon muttered, his tail still nervously twitching back and forth. “Y/n, are you sure it’s safe for you to work here?” he asked you, worry lacing his features.
   “Don’t worry, y/n. We’ll make sure you’re safe from him,” Carrie laid a reassuring hand on your shoulder and looked back at Namjoon, then added, “I promise.”
      Once you all got home, you asked everyone to gather in the living room.
Namjoon and Yoongi sat on each side of you, the rest of the boys sitting on the floor or on the fireplace’s hearth. Jimin sensed the tension and awkwardness in the air, and sat closer to Taehyung and Jungkook. No one knew when to speak, so you cleared your throat nervously.
     “Guys, I know how much you love me,” you began. “What happened today, I’m sorry. I promise I will be careful when I start working there. But I want you guys to know that I love you all so much, and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you all that stuff about my dad. I will be more careful.” As soon as you finished speaking, the boys started to cry. They all hugged you, a big ball of fluff surrounding you. You began to cry as well, overwhelmed by the love your boys were giving you.
    “We love you, y/n, don’t ever forget that,” your boys’ voice chimed together, Jimin nuzzling into your neck.
   “I love you guys so much, too,” you sobbed, smiling through your tears. You loved them all so much, your boys. Your protectors.
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