#i wanna hear your wildest theories of what is going on in here
punanenmarli · 5 months
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harrywavycurly · 10 days
Boyfriend Harry chats? Miss him a bit 💕
Hiii lovey!! I miss boyfriend Harry a bit as well so I hope you enjoy these convos with him! I did it a bit different this time as all these convos go along with each other, I thought that would be fun! 💖
-find all things Boyfriend Harry here✨
A/N: You and Harry are on a little getaway and these are some convos you two have one day during it, enjoy✨
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“Don’t even say it.” “I wasn’t going to say anything love…” “Really? Then what’s with the face?” “What face? This is just how I look?” “Mhhmm…you know I can’t sleep without him Harry so I don’t know why you look all shocked he’s here.” “I’m not shocked he’s here love I’m…just shocked at how you threw him on the bed…you yell at me when I toss him about at home.” “I did not throw him on the bed I gently-” “gently? Baby there was nothing gentle about how you threw that bear.” “That bear?” “Forgive me…there was nothing gentle about how you threw Teddy Snuggles on this bed…look at him he’s face down in the pillows…he can’t even breathe properly because of how you just threw him on here.” “Well then fix him Harry don’t just stand there and let him struggle.” “Oh I’m allowed to touch him now am I?” “You’ve always been allowed to touch him but you’re just rough with him because you get jealous I like to snuggle with him.” “I do not get jealous of Teddy.” “Harry…” “I….well..I don’t get jealous of him anymore.”
“Baby why is all your jewelry in a…sunglasses case?” “I was in a hurry.” “In a hurry? We had this trip planned for a month.” “Yeah but I was in a hurry when I was packing…and I couldn’t find my jewelry case so..I just went with what I could find.” “And what you could find was a…Gucci sunglasses case?” “Yes…while you’re snooping around my stuff can you hand me my silver hoop earring please?” “Sure love…should we maybe get you a jewelry case while we are here? This…this is just going to be a tangled mess by the time we leave.” “You just like buying me things don’t you?” “That and this just really bothers me…I can’t have you using a sunglasses case to hold your jewelry.”
“Put that eyebrow away Harry.” “What?” “You know what.” “I just..he’s staring at you.” “Maybe he’s staring at you? You’re the one dressed like you’re on a red carpet and not just a little dinner date with your girlfriend.” “No I watched him look at you…and every dinner date with you is an event so I like to dress up for you love.” “I appreciate it…but really put the eyebrow away or I won’t be able to focus on eating my pasta and you know how much I love pasta.” “Maybe that’s my whole goal?…trying to distract you so you can’t focus on anything but me?” “God you’re such a narcissist…but at least let me get a few bites in before you really try to distract me.” “Okay I’ll give you a few moments of peace but really did you not notice him staring at you?” “No…I kinda only noticed my incredibly hot boyfriend…and-” “and your bowl of pasta?” “Exactly…talk about a dream combination.” “Yeah? Me and pasta huh? That’s what you dream about?” “Oh yeah…wanna hear one of my wildest fantasies?” “Is it me feeding you pasta in bed?” “How’d you know?” “Just a lucky guess…wanna hear one of mine?” “I do but…I’m pretty sure it’s not dinner table appropriate so let’s save it for our post dinner walk around the resort yeah?” “You know me too well…I love you..have I told you that today?” “Only like five times so feel free to say it a few more…I love you too though incase you didn’t know.”
“Why are hotel beds so comfy? Is it some sort of special cushioning in the mattresses?” “Oh love…I absolutely adore the random things that come to your mind before you go to sleep.” “I’m serious…I bet if we bought this mattress and took it home the moment it got into the house it wouldn’t feel the same…it’s like it only will feel all comfy and squishy while inside a hotel room.” “Do you want to test that theory?” “No…well..no that would be silly.” “We’ve done sillier things haven’t we?” “Who is we? Because if you’re referring to the time you bought that insanely expensive rug from that hotel in Italy to see if it would make you feel like you were on holiday while back in New York-” “excuse me? You’re the one who told me to buy it.” “No I said it was a pretty rug..no where in that sentence did I say buy it.” “Baby you literally were in the tub going oh I’m gonna miss this soft rug it feels so nice on my feet…it’s so pretty…Harry can we buy one like this?” “One like this…that doesn’t mean go down to the lobby and demand them to sell you the one from our room.” “I was four glasses of red wine in and you know you can’t talk to me about buying things when I’m that far gone…besides it does make me think back to that holiday every time I see it..also I didn’t demand them to sell it to me I asked very nicely.” “Right yes…you pretty much told them you were taking the rug so they could just charge you whatever they wanted.” “And they did…bit overpriced I think but it’s worth it because you like it.” “We aren’t buying the mattress Harry.” “If you say so…” “where would we even put it?” “In a guest bedroom?” “How would we get it home?” “Ship it?” “Harry…” “I’m not gonna buy it…I might see what brand it is and buy one that hasn’t been used by a few hundred people though…would that still work to test your theory of it only being comfy in a hotel room?” “I think so.” “Right then…” “what are you doing? Where are-” “Looking for a tag…don’t they usually have-ah ha found it.” “This takes the cake for oddest thing we have ever done after sex.” “Really? What about that time when all you wanted after was a fucking fruit cup and it was bloody three in the morning and I didn’t have any pineapple and you started crying-” “I didn’t cry you asshole I was just upset because what’s a fruit cup without pineapple?” “Anyway…so I had to go out and find a damn pineapple at three in the morning.” “I mean it was in New York so…it didn’t take you very long since the little shop on the corner was open…don’t make it sound so dramatic.” “You’re lucky I love you so much…no one else in the whole world I’d go searching for a pineapple at three in the morning for after having mind blowing sex.” “Ah well maybe it was the mind blowing sex that made you want to make me happy and go get me a pineapple? So I’d want to keep you around?” “Maybe….it did seem to work since you’re still here.” “It did..I love you..now come cuddle me before I kick you out for good and give all my love to Teddy.”
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gege-wondering-around · 2 months
guys, i was thinking and i think someone needs to hear this.
talk to the people you wanna talk to.
if you're curious about them or wanna know them better or start to know them from nothing -> hit them up in their dm. i promise you it's worth giving it a try or you'll never know if they are who you're searching for.
and maybe it could unveil something you thought was lost within you...
and lemme give ya an example:
for those who don't know me from the start, my first posts were theories/analysis/interpretation etc. and i haven't done one of those in a very long time cause nothing came to my mind, i just stick to reblogs.
then someone came knocking at my door and i started to get to know @dontcallpanic a bit more, ask after ask. then, yesterday (i think it was yesterday) i got a dm from this sweet soul and we were chatting a bit and it came out something that really woke up that part in me again, of doing those kind of posts. (i'll post it when it's ready)
so, this is a silly, simply example of how a stranger (whom i plan to get to know better🩵) can wake you up from hibernation without even knowing it. of how a pretty soul can light back up that spark you thought was gone.
you can be the lighter and the spark. you can be the new comer or the old veteran, and both are good. both need each other cause it's just happier that way. you pour your passion which lighten up their spark, and your passions and feeling gets read by someone who understands them and you'll be happy.
and this is how the people you are curious about might be the best that could happen to you today, so go and talk to them, even if you're awkward or dont know how to start, just hit them up with...
idk, maybe why you follow them? maybe your intention to know them better if they'd be down to it too? maybe sending them one of their own post and sharing your opinion with them as a private convo?
there are many ways you can do this and i believe you can do this.
if you are curious, talk to people.
you'll find the right one for ya, but you gotta swim in the wild, vast ocean to find your species, cause there isn't any community or friendship without the hardship of building them.
I want you to meet your people, i want you to find someone who gets your feeling for your passions and hobbies and i want you to swim in the ocean to find them. you'll hit some rocks, maybe hook yourself to false baits but it'll be worth it when you'll find your buddies, i promise you.
it'd be my wildest dream to do those posts once again and get the community to hit them up with their opinions and ideas and everything in between (cause im genuinenly a curious person), it'd be my wild wild dream to be part of something and you can be part of it too.
you can find your people, you can find your freaks and beans. they are out there, you just gotta take a chance with people and i know it might be scary cause the internet is scary, the amount of cruelty and hate people have nowadays is bewildering, the way fandoms, communities etc got so weak (as someone rightfully said but i don't remember who) it's sad to see cause the new comers just see... that.
the dying light of a fandom, the hateful reblogs someone does under other's posts, the seemengly lost spark when you search your fav ship, or your new obsession, or your fav artist of the moment, or your fav actor or anything else and all you see are old posts (that makes you feel you're too late to join in) and hateful discussion that were meant to be nothing more than a chitchat within a part of the fandom (and you feel like you're wrong supporting your passion for that one thing)
but lemme tell you something.
lemme let you in on somethng, come here. come closer...
it's not dead. what you're searching for it's not dead, it just got weak and you can be one of the many little sparks that can bring back the joy of chatting and reblogging posts, of leaving playful and happy comments under other's posts about their passions.
you aren't late, you aren't in the wrong for liking it, you aren't walking in a cementary. it's more like everyone is in hibernation and you kinda have to shake'em up a bit with care, showing them your passion about that little ship, that character analysis, that little poem you wrote about your ex or about your boss being the worst. you woke'em up a bit and you keep being kind and respectfull and polite and you'll see how the fandom isn't dead, it just needed to hear the starting bell.
"hey guys, weird but true, here's my thoughts" and you pour everything down and i bet, i BET someone is gonna love it, you'll wake'em up and they'll be like 'finally someone with that pretty spark and those deep dives into ---' and i promise you, i swear on my name, you'll get yourself a small audience and you'll feel happy about sharing your thoughts while other will he eager to read them. then maybe they'll reblog it and comment on it, and you'll build a small connection with them, then maybe, one day a few months later, you'll wake up to a dm. or you'll the one sending it.
'hey, i think you're pretty cool and i like what you write, wanna chat a bit?'
and you'll find your people.
you will find them.
be kind, polite, respectfull in sharing your thoughts and you'll slowly build something with your strangers, then mutuals, then dm buddies, and maybe you'll end up with a friend sending you pic of their home made bread cause they care for you to the point they make bread for ya even if you cant eat it, but they know you'll love it and they'll eat for you.
nothing is dead, kiddo. you gotta dig up the fish from the bottom of the ocean but i promise you, they just need a little light to follow to come back and show you how to build a comfy aquarium with'em.
you'll find your people kiddo, you just gotta be curious about them.
and if you are one of those who just like to read and are eager to know more, you'll still be part of it. people will notice you, i promise you i notice those few beans of mine that likes many of my reblogs and i treasure them dearly. you'll be welcome too buddy, everyone is.
search for you freaks and beans, kiddo, you'll find them in the wild, vast and scary ocean. you'll wake up that feeling of belonging into a community and your spark will be treasured while you'll wake back up theirs. (which was never gone to begin with, they just needed to feel at home between a bunch of strangers calling each other darling and sweetheart while talking about two gay dudes)
find them kiddo, find them...
i believe you can.
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jypbae7 · 4 years
Me me meeee <3 I'll request a full analysis about NCT's Johnny! 😚😚 Include errrrthing baby hahaha 18+ stuff, him as a romantic partner aka bf <3 whatever you want! I'm so excited to read this akndfkgkfn 😎😎😎❤️❤️
Johnny Suh - Natal chart
Finally finished it!! Johnny was actually the most requested member I received in my inbox! Sorry that it’s nearly the length of a novel lmao but I sectioned it to make it easier to read and navigate 💕
(Not claiming to be an expert this is just for fun please don’t take anything too seriously!) Hope this is helpful and that you enjoy it 🥰❤️
Personality: Aquarius Sun, Gemini Moon, Aqua Mercury, Virgo rising, Leo Mars
While Aqua is a fixed sign it is definitely the most adaptable of the 3 fixed signs due to the Air element of Aquarius plus the ever spontaneous Gemini moon. Most things that make the rest of us feel anxious tend not to seem that scary to fearless Gemini or cool as a cucumber Aquarius.
Natural social butterflies who love their tribe deeply and fiercely once they find them. Busy bodies who are easily bored if left unstimulated too long which will turn into crankiness if not rectified quickly. Thankfully Aqua & Gem have a zest for life that makes them quite easy to please. They are open minded and will gladly stay up till 3am talking about aliens and conspiracy theories, just like they are thrilled to go on last minute random trips just because why not (Gemini impulsivity at it’s finest lmao)
Gemini is a mutable sign unlike fixed Aquarius. This is a pretty big difference and something that goes under the radar with Aquas due to that cool as a cucumber attitude. Because they are adaptable and typically very easy going they don’t often show their stubborn aggressive sides and honestly prefer not to have to unless they are feeling extremely disrespected or pushed beyond their boundary which is a BIG let me say that again, BIG no no with Aquarius (almost as big as it is for for the water signs)
Adding to these deep inner thoughts and vast inner world that Aquarians have, his Virgo rising adds more depth and self awareness. As perfectionists and highly intellectual minds they are a lot more self critical than they let on, just like they are a lot more caring and soft than they let on. They deeply care about others and the world in general seeing the big picture in a very earthy and traditional way - good people should strive to put good out and try their very best at whatever they do. They deeply dislike mean, malicious, manipulative, or spiteful behavior or people and generally keep guarded around people they don’t know well until they feel certain of the person’s true intention. There’s nothing Virgo is more cautious of than to be swindled or hurt by someone they take it reallyy hard and they know it.
Now we alllll know his swag and confidence is legendary and we can all thank the Leo Mars placement for that and the beautiful lush shiny hair and big toothy smile (Looking at Mark, Jaemin and Xiaojun like 👁👄👁) But beyond the aesthetics and dripping confidence and charisma, Leo is another creative sign that tends to be a lot more intellectual and intuitive than people give them credit for.
When the other members call Johnny one of the scariest members you can bet it’s his aggressive fiery fixed Leo Mars which is loud and even violent when provoked enough not to mention the fixed Aquarius tornado energy...Oooof that is a lot of Fixed sign rage right there honey so let’s tread lightly with Johnny boy and appeal to his open minded and friendly nature with a gentle tone and non-pointed words during discussions and all shall be good even if there’s some disagreeing!
Honestly if the argument starts getting bad you can always distract the Gemini moon by just bringing up other interesting topics! Geminis minds move FAST and while they can process a lot of information quickly and precisely they tend to get distracted easily (but here’s the good side of that😉)
Aquarius have a deep love of family and the desire to create their own (Geminis often share this trait) they can feel a bit like outsiders or “other” from people and thus crave to build a tribe of their own - this can be friends that are lifelong deep relationship carried on no different than family or starting their own family with a partner and kids
Non-Romantic Relationships & overall communication style: Aquarius Sun, Gemini Moon, Aqua Mercury, Leo Mars, Virgo Rising
Built off laughter, time spent together whether its at home hanging out casually or going out for meals and fun new things to try together
Wants to bounce lots of ideas off of his closest friends and secretly loves doing creative stuff together the most - this is pretty evident if you watch JCC he’s happiest when he’s doing stuff with his bros whether it’s sporty, musical, or crafts
Does not like to be vulnerable even with those he’s close to, tends to stick to neutral and more light hearted topics of interest and conversation because he prefers to spread a good mood instead of a heavy one
If he really trusts you or has worked through it enough already to want to talk about something serious you’d better listen cause the boy drops gems of wisdom and has a really soft mushy heart
Immediately adopts his close friends as family and no matter the time apart or distance will always treat them the same
Likes friends he can learn from and take on new adventures with they satisfy the intellectual Virgo rising and Aqua & leo sign thrill needs - Gemini is all about BOTH of these
Deeply appreciates loyalty, acts of service, and quality time with his friends and family - makes his heart soooo happy BUT
He would rather fucking DIE than let you or anyone see him cry so he cries like 4 times a year at 3am in the bathroom while everyone’s asleep (HIGHKEY feel like Ten & Jaehyun are exactly like this too)
Romantic relationships and preferences: Capricorn Venus, Leo Mars, Capricorn Juno, Capricorn Eros
Mr. Johnny Suh has THREE Capricorn placements tied to love and intimacy so that’s saying something lmao
Going against Aquarius’ open mindedness and anti-traditional persona Capricorn prefers all things traditional and stable.
Very much does acts of service for his partner as a sign of affection also lots of touching and quality time.
A veryyyyyy spontaneous boyfriend/partner thanks to that Gemini moon - he either wants to stay at home in pjs and order food and have movie marathons or whisk you away on zero notice to a trip lol
Earth sign men are drawn to women who embody very flowery feminine energy and aesthetics. They prefer a “natural beauty” who can spice it up sometimes rather than a super flashy 24/7 partner. (He’s said in the past that his ideal type is Yoona which says it all lol)
Will be highly drawn and intrigued by someone with a high work ethic and high intellect. BIG bonus points if you can keep up with his sarcasm and jokes.
Earth signs are pretty physical and handsy so expect to have little personal space around him, make no mistake they enjoy this very much. He will definitely be grabbing you and picking you up often! He’ll be smirking down at you devilishly watching you get flustered backed into a corner trapped by the sheer size of his muscular body. A Capricorn male’s ego really enjoys this dynamic, trust me lol.
Also another quirky male Capricorn trait that actually applies to Aqua & Gem as well… They like to initiate all the touchy feely stuff - What I mean by that is they can get easily spooked by clinginess too early on. These three signs want romance and definitely want to feel that you’re into them but they also are innately independent and enjoy relationships where their partner can also go off into the world and thrive in their own way and meet back together in the middle. So long as you can find a happy balance, when you are together you won’t have to initiate anyways honestly because he’ll be the one pulling you.
Okay let's talk about Juno & Eros - Juno in Capricorn is about serious, loyal, long term commitment though they tend to marry later in life once they’ve already achieved the things they want to for themselves which I can see being the case for Johnny as well especially with his current career.
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18+ Preferences:
Eros in Cap where to begin - high libido, stimulated by visuals and touch. Wear interesting colors, patterns, textures to catch his eyes & his hands - lacy lingerie is a plus the texture will really excite him and the feminine look will please his earthy traditional cap side. If you really wanna have him drooling throw in some spicy contrasts like a leather choker with the lace set and you’ll also set off his Aqua, Gem, and Leo placements as well ;)
Tends to bounce back and forth between fucking you like you’re a cheap groupie whore and taking his time staring you in the eyes and kissing you passionately as he’s stomach deep - no inbetween but really who’s complaining??
DOM KINK - NOT UP FOR DEBATE he has THREE Capricorn placements for fucksake meaning 3 cardinal signs which are literally called “the INITIATORS” plus all his other fixed personality placements
More of the classy rich ceo vibes kind of dom (suits, expensive cologne and jewelry, leather, black and red binds) - takes you to bougie hotels when he really wants to ramp it up and not have to care who hears. You can expect not to sleep those nights but he’ll damn sure pamper you afterwards with cuddles, food, and a spa date.
Now...with all his Air sign placements...I have to say it...he’s a kinky ass dude. Few things are off the table, but he’s also super content with “normal” stuff too. It’s more about the person and experience for him than doing the wildest things possible. So if it feels natural and right then he’s down.
Don’t be surprised if he wants to tie you up like a pretzel or role play because he’s definitelyyy going to ask. Well actually he’d probably just buy whatever outfit or binds he wanted to use and casually be like “look what I got for us baby” as if it’s matching charm bracelets or something. The good news is he’ll dress up and get into it with you and he’s super receptive to your boundaries, fantasies and making it enjoyable as possible for you too.
If you flip the script on him and suddenly break the norm either by taking the initiate/lead first or trying something new he will absolutely combust 🤯 and be in the palm of your hand staring in absolute awe and fascination till he can’t take it anymore and reclaims his spot as the one in control
Nudes, videos, and phone sex when apart are a definite and they really keep the passion burning for him which is honestly VERY important and don’t worry he’s NOT shy and you will be grateful for the beautiful collection of photos and videos 🤤
Boredom for Aquas, Gems, and Caps can quickly lead into self-sabotaging behaviors and/or wandering eyes not because they don’t value loyalty but that they really need and benefit from mental stimulation and feeling wanted so when that’s gone they can pull away
Honestly pretty much any type of lingerie or outfit will turn him on because the most arousing part for him is knowing that you spent time doing such a naughty thing for his sake
Breeding kink - 3 earth placements and has said himself in interviews he would’ve started having kids at 25 if he wasn’t an idol soooooo that’s a definite. He imagines you pregnant with his baby and it makes him super soft and warm which quickly turns to super turned on. He loves the primal marking aspect of claiming you in such a way and also watching you unravel to the point of begging him to do it. Even if it’s just “play” he loves it and will probably think about it a lot more than you know. If you ever do it for real he will be utterly and completely obsessed with you forever and be practically more excited about all the stages of your pregnancy than you are
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title: the next step is love
summary: Modern AU - It’s Sakura’s birthday, and after the party, she’s left to take care of the mess of dirty plates and glasses. Luckily, she’s not alone, but he can’t really stay forever, right?
a/n: Okay, this story was supposed to have come out way earlier, but I changed the plot so many times that I just couldn’t finish it for her birthday... The original idea was so different, and perhaps, I end up writing it another time when the inspiration strikes again (seriously, it was a nice one). Anyway, I hope you can still enjoy this one! As always, my fluff side took over me and I just had to make something simple and domestic for the Queen’s bday! Hope you enjoy it, and please, let me know what you think! (also, this is un-betta’d. I wanted to post this asap because I’m working on a different project, so... bear with me)
“Thank you for coming! ‘Careful on your way home!”
The sound of the door clicking shut reverberates across her entire apartment, and it only takes one second for that smiley expression to fade from her face. Her right hand is still placed over the door-knob, and for a brief moment, she closes her eyes, letting out a deep sigh in pure contentment. The last guests are finally on their merry way home now, and at last, she can stop worrying about things such as making sure no one’s feeling left out or re-filling toilet paper. Even if they’re all good friends, her perfectionist mind can’t simply allow her to enjoy the night without worrying about those details.
After turning the key, her hand moves to massage the back of her neck, and finally, she sets her toes free from her black heels. A mix of relief and calmness spreads all over her body, as a soft smile takes over her cherry-colored lips. This, perhaps, might be her favorite part of her birthday parties— or any party, for the matter— because, right now, she can finally savor all the things she's prepared for the night. The food, the decoration, the soothing music...
Oh, what a dream, she thinks, at first, before looking around with her lazy eyes and frowning at the scene. If only all of that mess could magically disappear by the time she wakes up tomorrow morning.
A sigh escapes her lungs as she makes her way back to the center of the hurricane that is her living room. Just like last year, she starts wondering why on earth she let Ino convince her to host her own birthday party instead of going out for a couple of drinks like most people do. Though the pinkette really enjoys having her friends over for a couple of hours, she can’t deny that the day after March 28th is probably the most tiring of the year. Sakura knows she's barely gonna get any sleep tonight, and by the time her alarm goes off around 5:30, she will certainly need at least 1 liter of coffee in order to go through her shift without falling asleep.
In theory, she could leave all that mess for tomorrow, sure, but thanks to her cleaning compulsion, that’s not really an option for her.
If only she could be a little more like Naruto...
Still, as she shakes her pink head, Sakura decides there’s no use in thinking about it tonight. That’s a problem for her future-self, and even if she’s probably going to regret that decision in the morning, right now, this is her moment. She can drink a full glass of champagne while eating another piece of her strawberry cake, and the best part is that she can do it all while enjoying the company of the only one whose presence will never be a bother to her.
Once she finally reaches her kitchen, the pinkette is fast to register the dirty dishes laying around the counter. There are way more glasses than the number of people she invited for the party, but for a brief moment, she forgets that she’s the owner of that mess. Her emerald eyes automatically drift towards the sink, and her heart skips a beat at the scene playing in front of her.
Not even in her wildest, teenage-ish dreams would she have ever pictured Uchiha Sasuke doing her dishes after her birthday party. Though she knows she’s the one who’s technically responsible for all of that, it’s inevitable for her to be entertained by how focused he seems to be while attempting to remove that lipstick stain from the cup.
How lovely, she ponders, bitting her lower lip in order to suppress a chuckle.
Too bad she can’t just keep watching him for the rest of the night.
“You know, even if I appreciate both your help and the view, you don’t have to do this, Sasuke-kun.” Sakura says, picking up some of the plates laying around and walking towards the sink. She’s standing by his side now, his tall body towering over hers, almost a head taller. The expression decorating his features remains unaltered, and she notices how he slowly moves to give her some space next to him. “You can go rest, if you want.”
“Do you want me to go leave?” He asks, unaltered, while scrubbing another knife.
“That’s not what I meant and you know it.” She answers, grabbing a piece of cloth to dry the cutlery he has already washed. “I just don’t want you to do something you don’t want just because it’s my birthday or anything like that. It’s fine, really. I can do it alone.”
“Hn, It’s faster if we do it together.” He stops, a sly smirk taking over the corner of his lips as he closes the tap. His eyes are on hers, now, and she can feel her chest warming up in response. “Unless you wanna do it all by yourself.”
“Nope.” She says, promptly, handing him another dirty spoon and he’s quick to resume what he was doing. Her eyes watch the way the water runs through his fingers, and oddly, she can’t help but find that amusing. “If you’re willing to help, who am I to say no, right?”
A giggle escapes her lips when she hears the ‘tch’ that escaped from his lips, and eventually, they fall in a comfortable silence that is only disturbed by the clanking of the dishes touching each other. Every now and then, their fingers brush when he hands her the plates, and though she can still feel the sparks, those simple touches are no longer enough to make her blush in embarrassment as they used to.
His touch is no longer a stranger to her skin. His presence and his warmth have long been registered by her subconscious, marking every cell of her body with his constant presence. It’s been over 5 springs since their childish love finally bloomed into a serious relationship, and by now, both Sasuke and Sakura have grown used to one another. It goes beyond carnal desires or any poor excuse for a casual company, for their hearts share a connection deeper than words could ever describe.
Blame it on the fact that they used to be good friends before or even fate itself, but it’s impossible to deny the fact that they’ve reached the apex of their young love-life, to the point where doing the dishes together feels wholesome in ways neither of them can explain. There’s a sense of domesticity and mutual understanding shared in between unspoken words, and perhaps, that’s why it works so well for them as a couple. Even if they’re very different people, with different routines and personalities, they make it work.
They have enough trust, love and companionship to last for a life-time.
And though that should be enough—hell, that should be more than enough— Sakura can’t help but feel that there’s still something missing.
Something she can’t quite pin-point, but something that makes perfect moments lose their magic, for she knows they just won’t last. Even now, as they’re doing the dishes and making small conversation about how the party went, deep inside, her heart is heavy because she knows that once those dishes are clean, it will all be over and she will be left alone in her apartment before midnight strikes.
No matter how hard she tries, their moments together have their life-spawn shortened by the common laws of the universe, for every time there’s that stupid parting moment in which they both have to go separate ways. It’s painful for her to watch him disappear in the distance, and even if he doesn’t really express it with words, she can see the light in his eyes fading whenever they have to say goodbye. It’s always a new ‘good night’ and never a constant ‘good morning’ for them, and after so long, she’s sick and tired of this.
Perhaps, it’s just her tired-self speaking too loud in her head or even the few drinks she had during the party, but tonight, she doesn’t want the world to stand between them. Tonight, Sakura will break the natural laws, not caring about the consequences of finally taking the next step.
It’s still her birthday, after all. That has to count for something.
Her heart is beating faster now that she has made up her mind, and she realizes that she’s shaking when she picks another fork from his hands. She’s swallowing dry, and if not for the make up in her face, she knows he would be able to see a crimson blush decorating her cheeks. It’s now or never, she thinks. And before she has the chance to talk herself out of it, Haruno Sakura decides to act.
“Uhm... Sasuke-kun.” She starts, her voice shaky as his name slips from her tongue. Clearly, she forgot to think about the proper way of actually saying what she wanted, choosing instead to improvise— something she’s never really been good at. “I was thinking... Why don’t you spend the night here? You don’t have to go home after this.”
“Don’t even think about going to sleep, Sakura. You’re not leaving all of this mess to me.”
“Oi, that’s not what I meant!” She scolded him, a pout taking over her expression. “Shannarou, I just don’t want you to go home all alone at such late hours. Besides, is it wrong for a girl to want to stay with her boyfriend for the night?”
“You pervert.” He smirks, earning an elbow to his ribs in response. For someone so small, it’s undeniable that his girlfriend has some sort of abnormal strength people like her shouldn’t possess.
“Shut up. That’s not what I meant either! I just... I just don’t want you to leave, that’s all.”
Her words come out a little too low, but high enough so that he can hear them. Her voice sounded an octave too-melancholic, and perhaps, that was what made him actually take her offer seriously. “Hn, I guess I could. I don’t have to work tomorrow, so I can go home once when you leave for the hospital.”
“Really?” Sakura starts, a smile now threatening to take over her features. Though she still had to convey her real plan, that was already a win. A small one, but a win, nonetheless. “Well, you don’t have to leave that early if you don’t want to. You can just...stay. Maybe even wait for me to get home from the hospital and then we could eat dinner together.”
“What?” His eyes widen at her idea, and right now, she can’t really tell if his surprised expression is good or bad. “Aren’t you going to stay there until late tomorrow?”
“Well, probably, but you can stay here... is that a problem?”
”It’s not really a problem, but... I just don’t want to abuse your hospitality. It’s still your apartment, Sakura.” He scratches the back of his neck, and she could see that he was truly concerned about his manners. His mother has taught him how to be a gentleman, and even if she loves that about him, right now, she wishes he could let loose and just take her offer.
She bites her lower lip at his words, a puff of annoyance inflating her cheeks at his answer. Her boyfriend’s has never been good at reading her signs, and now, when not even she’s understanding them, the pinkette is starting to freak out.
Things are not going as planned— not that she actually planned anything to begin with. Her head is spiraling as she watches the snow-ball being created by her messy words, and slowly, she can feel her chance slipping through her fingers. If she doesn’t say it now, Sakura’s going to miss her opportunity, and who knows what’s going to happen to them. Will they break up? Will he think she’s not interested in a long-term commitment? Will they never do the dishes again?
No, she’s overthinking again. They have a solid relationship that has been built over the years and she’s not going to ruin it all in one night because she’s acting like a coward. She’s a modern, independent woman. A doctor, damn it. She has done a lot of things that were harder than asking her boyfriend to move in with her.
She can do it. She will do it.
“Sasuke-kun!” Her voice is determined now, her eyes filled with a different fire in them. This is it. No backing out now. “I need to ask you something important. It’s about our future together.”
“Okay... I’m listening.” He states, a little taken aback by her sudden burst. He stops what he’s doing, his dark irises now looking into her emerald ones. They’re holding a certain hope in them, and if anything, she was not expecting him to be paying that much attention to her. She’s feeling pressured by them, intimidated even. Her knees are shaking, her lips are trembling and her mind is suddenly blank.
She can’t do it. Nope. Not with those eyes staring into her soul.
“I-I... I...” Her heart is beating faster, and she feels like it will burst out of her chest any minute now. She’s going to faint, she can tell it.
“What is it, Sakura?”
“I-I...” She swallows, then, sighing as courage escapes her body. The pinkette has chickened out, finally opting for her ever-reliable plan B. “Naruto is an idiot, right?”
“... Yes.” He starts, his brows furrowing in confusion. “But what does that have to do with our future?”
“E-Everything! I mean, did you see how drunk he was tonight? Thank god Sai offered himself to take him home tonight, but we can rely on that forever. As his best friends, we have to do something about it. He lives far from both of us and we need a plan whenever we have a drinking night together.”
A moment of palpable tension grows between them, and right now, she’s sure he can hear her heart beating like crazy inside her chest. I’m an idiot, she thinks, holding back the urge to lower her head and cry. Sakura has just ruined everything, and right now, she’s going to have to pretend to actually care about where Naruto crashes when he’s drunk just so her boyfriend doesn’t think she’s completely crazy.
Ugh, those damn eyes of his. Why do they have to be so *freaking beautiful?
Thankfully, they can also read her like an open book.
“Hn, you’re right.” He says, finally breaking the silence that surrounded them. His voice is calm and understanding, as always, and she can feel her heart settling down at that. If anything, at least, his reaction isn’t bad or anything. “I guess we will have to have a spare room for him when we move in together.”
“Yeah, sure. A spare room when we—“ Her mind stops. Her hands freeze while holding the cloth and her green eyes widen. Her lips part slightly, but no word dares coming out of them.
Did he... Did he just say what she thinks he said?
She doesn’t know what kind of face she’s making right now, but if anything, she’s completely dumbfounded by his words. Sure, it’s not like he’s making a move tonight or anything, but he did say the words, right? Move in together. The three words she was trying so hard to get out of her chest, simply rolled out of his tongue as if it is the most logical thing in the world— and perhaps, it is. He says them in a way as if that decision won’t change their lives forever. As if it won’t affect their routine and the amount of food they have to buy at the grocery store.
It’s a decision that goes beyond a drawer filled with socks or an extra tooth-brush. And even if he sounds as calm as ever, she knows he’s aware of all that, because, if anything, Uchiha Sasuke doesn’t do anything based on impulse. He’s the kind of man who thinks things through and studies every possibility before making a decision.
So that means...
“Sasuke-kun... Are you suggesting that we move in together?”
“Aa.” He nods, no hesitation in his voice. “Weren’t you trying to say the same?”
“I-I... I was?” She says, sounding more like a question, to which he simply quirks an eyebrow in inquiry. If anything, that was not the moment for doubts anymore. “I mean, yes! That was exactly what I was trying to say.”
“Good. Then it’s settled.”
“Is it? Really?” She asks, hope now running through her veins and lighting up her entire system.
“Yes. It’s only natural for people like us, right?”
“Yeah...” He cheeks grow warmer, and her chest suddenly feels lighter. At last, he took the words out of her. “It’s settled, then.”
At last, their days of saying goodbye are counted and now they can enjoy each other from dawn to dusk.
A smile slowly makes its way to her eyes, and she can’t help but switch her attention to him. Sasuke is now looking at her, a soft expression taking over his face. She’s bewildered right now as she looks at the man who will be living with her. Totally and completely marveled, and more in love with him than she has ever been before in her life.
He understands her unsaid words and they share similar ideas regarding their past, present and future.
They are in love, and now, they’re ready to share the same roof above their pretty, little heads.
“You’re still staying with me tonight, right?”
“Tch.You really are a pervert, Sakura.”
He splashes her face with some water from the sink and her giggles fill her kitchen with joy. They’re young and in love, and for now, that’s all they need to take the next step towards their future together.
the end
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where does it end?
Pairing: Queen!Reader x Knight!Bucky Barnes 
Warning(s): angst, sexual themes, triggering content, dark!steve
A/N: by @lookiamtrying​ request, i am posting the last part to an year old mini fanfic i wrote. last chapter inspired by love me or leave me. enjoy xx
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The world had barely seen the Queen ever since her loss. She was locked in her room and never left for any reason. Steve had been assigned her duties and her meals were taken into her chambers by her handmaidens. She had even moved her King and husband from her room. No one heard from her and some handmaidens were quick to start coming up with the wildest of theories while some believed she could be expecting, but James knew it wasn’t the truth. 
     - The King’s calling for you, Sir Barnes. - Natalia walked into the training chambers where he was supervising some new blood into the royal army. James sighed, turning to his second and telling him to take his place before following the redhead into the King’s headquarters.
He wasn’t very keen on talking to him much less look at him. James despised him with every drop of his being but yet he couldn’t figure out if it was because he had gotten the ultimate prize or if he had threatened to have her head cut off due to infidelity which had never happen. 
They finally stopped in front of the King’s Quarters which had been the young Queen’s library and now rudely turned into somewhere where Lord Rogers rudely tried to take her place. He was royalty but he didn’t have the grace or the beautiful ruling ability the Queen had. 
    - Your Royal Highness ... - the redheaded female knocked on the huge mahogany doors whose initials had been removed. She slowly opened the door to see the blonde reading some papers. - Sir Barnes is here, as you requested. 
    - Thank you, Lady Romanova. - he said, not even looking up from his papers. Natalia took James inside, leaving him there only hearing his heartbeat and the wood crackling on the fireplace. He heard the doors closing behind and his last conversation with the king came to mind. 
    - Your Majesty, what do you wish from me? - no matter how hard he disliked the man, he was still his King and while Y/N was unavailable, he’d have to answer to him and only him.
    - You are a smart man, Sir Barnes. My advisors say you take it after your father, ever so calculating. You’re a man who, like me, knows that despite our dear Queen being ever so thoughtful, ever so loved, she has one job that she needs to do as a Royal of her gender. Can you tell me what is it?
    - Provide heirs to ensure the house keeps on. - James refused to look Steve in the eyes. He didn’t understand where he was going, he didn’t understand why he asked that. - What does that have to do with me, your majesty?
    - She refuses to see me and since she’s the rightful heir, her advisors have suggested another husband for the Queen considering we won’t produce any heirs. - Steve got up from his seat walking up to one of the countless shelves filled with books owned by the crown family. - I’ve spent years in my brother’s shade, heir in spare and I will not have my marriage annulled and lose my crown because my wife refuses to lay with me. 
    - I don’t understand what that has to do with me, Your Majesty. 
    - My wife clearly doesn’t want to lay with me but she doesn’t seem to have minded laying with you before we were married. At this point I don’t care who the child is as long as she’s pregnant. 
Bucky’s heart sank into his stomach as his brain started to process what he was asking of him. It couldn’t be, he wouldn’t want that, Bucky couldn’t do that. His eyes seemed void of life as he looked up at his King whose position was so so fickle.
    - I don’t think I understand, your Majesty. - Bucky hoped he didn’t understand, he really hoped he was wrong. 
   - What part of fuck my wife do you not understand, Sir Barnes? - he growled at the man standing in front of him. - I will not be thrown off my rightful throne because my wife refuses to get knocked up. 
   - With all due respect, your Majesty, it is her rightful throne. She’s the heir.
   - You see, Sir Barnes I really don’t wanna accuse my wife of adultery. It will end up in her beheading and I really don’t think the people would enjoy that. Besides, of course I will pay you a good amount for your service and it’s not like I will deprive you of seeing the child. - Bucky could feel himself churn at the thought of the man so many called loyal and rightful treat Y/N as if she were a breeding dog, as if she were a business, as if she wasn’t the human with the heart of gold he knew she had.
No, no, Bucky couldn’t do that to her. He knew his Queen like the palm of his heart, she was sweet, fair and anyone who’s by her company normally basks in her light which seems to reflect of her own words. He couldn’t agree to treat her as if she was merely a breeding object but he also couldn’t allow for her to be beheaded. It terrified him to see the face he used to love to wake up next to, her little smirky whenever she stole swords from knights as her princess, her sunny smile whenever she performed an operetta correctly gone. He couldn’t see her gone. No. He had promised to protect his sovereign and she would always be her Queen.
     - I cannot do that. 
     - Your father fought to protect this kingdom. I am fighting to protect it too, you cannot let a woman rule by herself, who’ll inherit the throne? Besides, you surely didn’t mind fucking her like a cheap whore when she wasn’t married.
     - Your wife has always been loyal to you since her marriage. I’ve told you that before. 
     - Then I think you have a choice to make. 
Bucky felt the world collapse on top of his. Through his mind rushed the moments he had shared with her, from the very first moment he met her sitting at one of her mother’s teas, pink frilly dress, the smile she gave him to her wedding when he refused to stop the ceremony. He wondered if he should’ve had stopped but he also wondered what life he could’ve given her. It didn’t matter anymore, he should’ve stopped it, he should’ve done something. He thought of the life she could’ve had if he had stopped her, she wouldn’t have gotten pregnant, she wouldn’t have lost the baby, he wouldn’t have disappointed her once again and she wouldn’t be traded around like a harlot.
As he exited the study, he knew what he had to do. He had to take her away from the kingdom as sure as possible, send her to one of their allies, maybe to one of her younger sister’s kingdoms gained by marriage, anywhere that could aid her in stopping what was happening behind her back.
    - Don’t. - he turned around to see his wife, Natalia. She held a cold look in her face, too cold contrasted to her fiery red hair but he still could point out the crack in the ice of her eyes. It was still there, begging. - I know what you’re thinking about, James. Don’t do it. 
    - Get off my way, Natalia. - she stood in front of him like an unmovable rock, stronger than the tide itself, never stopping. - I won’t say it again.
    - Just sleep with her, James. He’ll pay you well and we could leave this, we could maybe buy a piece of land, start over. - jealousy is a damned thing, he realised. He realised jealousy had shaped the wife once friend who he had known all his life as someone who knew right from wrong, it had shaped her into a cunning woman, one which knew how to ride the problem of her marriage away. But she couldn’t erase the problem, she could never get what was already someone else’s, no matter how hard she tried. - You’ll only end up getting yourself killed.
    - Move.
    - No, James. 
    - Do not make me hurt you. - he stepped closer to the red head, close enough he could feel her breathing on his face, fists clenched. 
    - Would you hurt your wife for her? 
Yes. The answer was yes but he wouldn’t say it to her. Instead he shoved her away from him, watching as his lack of answer broke through her cold facade allowing him to overpower her. Natalia watched as he strode through the halls, not even looking back. He had been gone a long, long time away, but now, now he was walking away and she stood in the corridor, on her knees, stubborn soul refusing for the tears gathered on her eyes to stream down her face, hate growing where love once blossomed. 
Bucky strode through the corridors, the phantom of Y/N still haunting him as if the memory of younger, better days were pulling at his brain like bottled regrets. She would always let her hand close to his, hoping for him to grab it and he never did, he never did. He wondered why he never did. As he stepped closer to her chambers, he could see her handmaids surrounding the door, still locked out and not allowed in. 
   - You’re needed elsewhere. - he spoke in a tone which left no room for interpretation. The girls immediately rush away, fears of the man which seemed to had turned bitter with time too present in their minds. Bucky didn’t care or feel any pity for them. They had comfortable lives, they didn’t need pity, they needed to be away from the Queen.
His hand went straight to the door handle, pushing it open but the door didn’t budge. Y/N was still locked in. He tried in, hoping the door would cave in but once again it didn’t. They weren’t supposed to cave in. His fists started banging against the gold encrusted door and had he not lost his flesh arm long years ago, it would’ve started bleeding from the force alone. 
    - Open the door, Y/N! - desperation dripped from his voice but she herself, like the door didn’t cave in.
   - Stop banging on the door and go away, James. - he could hear her from the other door. So close and yet so far away.
   - Open this door or so help me I will break it down myself. - Y/N didn’t doubt him. She knew what his arm could do but she was also much too smart not to get hurt again. Nevertheless, she unlocked the door, turning the small golden key held by the lock and he immediately pushed the door open. Her eyes scanned him, he was deranged, like an animal in the wild.
   - Get out, James. I swear I will call the guards on you. 
   - We need to go. - he walked into her bedroom, straight to the hanger where her cape hanged from. Grabbing it, he threw it at her but Y/N remained in her spot, no affection for him in his face. Had he not been so concerned for her head remaining on her shoulders, it would’ve hurt him. - I said we need to go, Y/N. 
    - You don’t get to order me around. 
    - Do you still love me? - the question took Y/N by surprise. Almost as if something had hit her, she took a few steps back, looking behind her to see that not so far away there were some guards. She could just call for them.
    - James, I will call the gu ...
    - Do you still love me? - he interrupted the young queen, punctuating every single word like a stab on an already aching heart. There was no saint, there was no devil, just two aching hearts filled with scars that were starting to harden the youthful hope it used to harbour.
Did she still love him? Yes. She can’t find the words to tell him, head and heart bleeding in negative thoughts. She could never say to him she didn’t and whenever she told him she did, he would turn his face and walk away leaving her broken, shattered on the floor by a love surely classic love tales warned her about. In her memory everything still burned from when he said he didn’t love her from when he called himself a mere companion. She couldn’t bring herself to tell him she loved him so instead she nodded.
    - I have to get you out right now. I’ll explain later. - he stepped towards her but there was no ice cold nature to him, no violence. Instead, he slide the cape behind her, tying it around her neck before placing the hood over her head. It was a bleak brown cape she would use whenever going into the town’s market. 
His hand wrapped around hers as he turned the opposite way from the guards, walking towards the training grounds from which he could sneak her out and into the carriage which led into the town where she could get a train ticket into one of her sisters’ kingdoms. He kept rushing through the halls until a very familiar voice made him stop, rushing her to the opposite corridor. Both of them were up against the wall. 
   - Thank you for letting me know, Natalia. - the voice boomed through the corridor before he turned to address the guard with him. - Make sure Sir Barnes and the Queen leave. Sadly, our Queen seems to have chosen an illicit affair over her wedding and therefore she is a traitor to our country. 
Y/N looked up to Bucky, not understanding exactly what had happened but knowing she clearly couldn’t remain in the castle. Bucky mouthed kitchen to her, before helping her rush down the corridor onto the kitchen. Both of them ran through the oven heated grounds until the wooden door. Luckily for them, it was open.
   - Here. - Bucky handed her a small pouch. - There’s enough for a train ticket and more if anything happens. 
   - Are you coming?
   - Bucky, you’re gonna be killed. If affair isn’t believed, he’ll surely blame you for rape or kidnapping and he’ll kill you.
   - Y/N.
   - Do you love me? - she had one hand on the open door’s handle and one extended to him.
Yes. His hand touched hers and they exited, door behind them closed as everything was left behind.
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floatingpetals · 5 years
Out of Water || Part 1
Pairings: Mer!Bucky Barnes x Reader x Mer!Steve Rogers (Mermaid AU)
Warnings: maybe a little language, fluffy fluff, hint of smut,
Word Count: 1600+
Summary: Neither Steve nor Bucky could have known the horrors they had to face in order to make sure their mate was safe in their arms. Now that they were here, the two swore they were never going to lose it. They had their mate, their love and home, but in a world not their own. The climb was over but their shared journey was far from it.
A/N: First things first, you HAVE to read Edge of the Water to get anything that’s going to happen. This isn’t a stand-alone and needs to be read in order. 
Now that's done,  I just wanna thank @empyreanwritings​​ for her wonderful donations on my ko-fi!! As a thank you, I’m starting her request for more of mer!stucky. No way was I going to deny her such a wonderful request! I hope you all like this series too. It’s not going to be nearly as long as the original either. I just have plans for a few cute little stories revolving around the three. Let me know what you all think!! Enjoy! ❤
*I will NOT be doing a tag list with this series. I think I’m going to be doing away with that considering the tags don’t actually work correctly half the time. You can follow my writing page that can be found in my header and set up notifications there. 
Gif isn’t mine, credit to the creators. (@chickabiddy)
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Part One | Part Two | Series Masterlist 
Early morning sunlight filtered through the open sliding glass doors, warming the cool, quiet room and it’s occupants. The trio couple lay tangled together, the thin sheet covered them. Y/N was snuggled safely between her two mates, Steve and Bucky who were both bare as the day they stepped out of the machine holding her tight. The soft, silky sheets rubbed against the men’s lightly tanned skin, a change contrast to what they were accustomed too. It was still strange, waking to the feeling of cotton against skin instead of the cool water against their scales, but not unwelcome. The feeling meant something more to the two mer-turned-men that lay underneath them than for anyone else. It meant they did the impossible.
Steve inhaled deeply as he began to wake, the corner of his lips turning up into a sleepy grin. Even in his sleepy state, Steve knew how monumental this. Never in his wildest dreams did he think he would ever get this, waking up with his arms tightly around his two mates. He could finally hold Y/N in her bed and not worry about his life draining from his body. Keeping his eye shut in content, he nuzzled his nose into Y/N’s neck. A happy sigh passed through his lips and he scooted his body tighter against Y/N’s body, desperate to press as much of his skin against her as he could.
The shuffle pulled Y/N from her sleep, warmth bubbling in her stomach when she felt Steve’s fingers begin to trace delicately against her skin. She hummed quietly and reached up to bury her fingers in his hair, gently tugging at the short freshly new cut. She too knew how special this was, and every morning since she’s sent a silent thank you to whoever was up there watching over her.
It had been over two months since their first change. Tony and Maria had been incredibly accommodating, knowing that it would take the two mers a while to get used to their legs fully. They gave them a room on Tony’s hidden island, with a deck that led out to the water so they could change back to their mer bodies anytime they wanted. Maria was there to help their transition and even introduced them to a few others that had gone through the serum. Having them there made this easier, both Steve and Bucky needing that extra support. Even though they’d never admit aloud, Y/N knew this was hard for them.
There were growing pains that came along with it, even muscle pain they’ve never had before and some days the two were just sapped of energy. The transition always hurt, but Maria promised it would grow less over time. Tony swore he’d find a way to make so that the pain was no longer part of the shift.  There was always a pang of distraught that would shoot through Y’N’s heart when she’d see the two of them in such pain, but they never hesitate to soothe her fears. This was what they wanted. Home was wherever she was and no about of discomfort would hold them back from being by her side.
“I can hear you thinking.” Steve murmured softly against her neck. Y/N giggled.
“It’s not like I’m trying to keep it to myself.” She mused. Steve snorted and pressed a tender kiss against her neck. He slid his left arm out from under her and used it to prop his head up, letting him stare down at Y/N while keeping his right tightly around her and Bucky. She scrunched her nose as he shuffled, the bed shifting slightly under his weight. She didn’t have to worry though. Bucky, who was always the heaviest sleeper of the three, snored on with a tiny smile on his lips.
“What’s got your mind goin’ so early?” Steve asked. Y/N shrugged and blinked up at Steve. He still managed to take her breath away every day, and this morning was no different with the soft drowsy look in his eyes. The light hit his eyes just right they shone the same blue as the ocean he was born from, his face relaxed and content.
“Just thinking about you two and how everything’s so different now.”
“Good different, I hope?” Steve tilted his head. Y/N cracked a grin and nodded.
“Very good.” She soothed. Steve fell quiet, letting the sound of the waves filter through the doors. Y/N didn’t find his sudden drop in the conversation odd, he was always the quiet thinker of the two mers. Instead, she nestled further into the sheets and turned to press her cheek against Bucky’s chest. The other’s chest rumbled at the contact and his arm instinctually tightened around her waist.
It had become routine. Steve would wake first to watch over Y/N and Bucky for a few peaceful moments before Y/N slowly woke too. The two would lay awake, whether in a blissful silence to just enjoy each other’s company or talk softly about their plans for the day before Bucky would gradually wake. But every morning all ended the same. Both mers would hold Y/N tight and smile widely to each other, their hearts happy and full. This morning would be no different.
“Tony needs us to get your passports and ID’s done sometime this morning.” Y/N spoke after a few minutes. Steve hummed and let his head fall back to the pillow.
“I know. Still don’t want to know how he’s going to make us legal humans,” Steve grumbled under his breath. Y/N snorted. She’d have to agree with him on that.
Tony had been nothing but a godsend, but some of his practices were interesting, to say the least. He had his finger in practically every seat of power, and Y/N was nervous to ask him exactly what it was that his father had done to create such a legacy. Yet so far, the man had done nothing to give her suspicion that he might be less than as clean that he makes himself out to be. All the ones he’s saved have done nothing but speak highly of him. They were safe and happy, truly the end goal Tony had for them all. Even the few scientists that work with him sang praises of the man. Y/N has just decided to come to terms with the fact there are aspects to Tony’s life she didn’t need to know.
One of the things he had been working on, another reason why they were still there on the little hidden island, was that he wanted to make sure they were comfortable in their bodies before producing IDs for Bucky and Steve. He wasn’t going to just throw them out there into the world, they’d never make it ten feet without an ID to get them around. Flying would be completely out of the picture if they wanted to go from country to country. Tony wanted to make sure they would be comfortable with their new lives and was doing every step down to the letter to make sure it would be so.
They had just gotten the all-clear for the physical therapist four days ago, and now Tony had all their information written up and ready to print. All he needed was them to get their pictures taken.
“If Tony can make a deliberate explosion pass as a fake accident and a real cause of death, I’m not going to argue with his methods of making you legal.” Y/N muttered. There was an answering grunt, but not from Steve.
“I dunno what you’re talkin’ about, but it’s too early for the speaking.” Bucky groused. Y/N felt Steve lift his head up before hearing him snort.
“It’s nine o’clock in the morning.”
“Still too early.” Was the quick retort.
Y/N didn’t need to see Steve’s face to know he was rolling his eyes at Bucky.
“I’m not the one who insisted on that third-round last night,” Steve said, his tone light.
“You also didn’t argue about it either,” Bucky shot back and rubbed his eyes. Admitting defeat, he grumbled more under his breath while he rolled on to his back to stretch with a groan. He let his left arm flopped back on the bed and sighed overdramatically as he stared at the ceiling.
Y/N laughed fondly at his pout and cupped his cheek. She turned his face to hers and gave him a quick peck on the lips. Bucky perked up, and before she could pull away, he swooped in to press his lips against hers in a slow tender ‘good morning kiss.’ He didn’t let her go until he was sure she was a breathless puddle in his hands. 
“Now kiss Steve so I can too.” He urged gently. Y/N didn’t bat an eyelash at his command and quickly turned to do just as he said.
One corner of Steve’s mouth was turned up in a crooked grin, a dash of smug content written across his features. Her easy acceptance didn’t go over his head and both Steve and Bucky made a mental note to test that theory out later. With a feather-light touch, he moved his lips against Y/N’s before claiming her mouth as his. She melted under his touch, her hand blindly reaching out to hold on to him. Her fingers curled around his shoulder, her thumb brushing against the thin lines that would be his gills.
In his human form, Steve had no need for them. They were just two thin black lines on either side of his neck. ‘Almost like a tattoo’ Maria had said once or twice before. His lungs worked like humans so they sealed shut during the shift. However, just because he didn’t need them, didn’t mean he could feel them. Y/N’s accidental touch sent delicious sparks down his spine, igniting that fire inside his stomach. He hissed at the contact and yanked his head back.
“I’m sorry!” Y/N gasped, her eyes flying open wide in horror, assuming the sound was one of pain. She knew they were still sensitive, even if he didn’t use them. “I didn’t mean to hurt-.”
Her voice was caught in her throat at the look on Steve’s face. He wasn’t the least bit upset, quite the opposite in fact. His pupils were blown open wide, and a feral grin had spread across his face. She felt Bucky’s muscles tighten behind her, the excitement rolling off him in waves. He knew that look too and was eager to follow through with the wicked plans Steve was already making.
A low purr came from Steve’s chest and the smirk grew.
“There’s been a slight change of plans.” He rasped before leaning forward to nip at the skin on her neck. His voice dropped an octave, the grin growing wider. “Tony’s going to have to wait.”
A shudder went down her spine when Steve latched on to her skin. A second mouth took up spot on the other side and Y/N’s eyes began to roll back in her head. The brief thought that they actually had things to do today was gone as quickly as it entered. Yeah, she thought to herself, this was a much better plan for their morning.
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zankivich · 5 years
Breathe: A Blurb - Shawn Mendes x female reader!
a/n: based off this story. I just really wanted some ultimate fluff with Shawn being taken care of endlessly tbh.
Trigger warning: detailed description of panic attack and active work to come out on the other side.
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When he calls her it’s not good. And he knows that she knows it’s not because he never calls this late. He does his best to be aware of the time zone changes, and to not be a hinderous on her life just because he’s halfway around the world living him dream. This time he’s only in California, and she’s in Toronto, but she might as well be on another planet. His heart is thudding so fast that he can feel it ring in his ears. He just can’t fucking catch his breath and he could have called Andrew, could have called Brian, or Cez, or any of his team that were literally on the same floor of the hotel as him. But the problem is that the moment he feels like he’s losing himself there’s no one else he’d rather call.
“Baby?” She whispers across the line, voice still deep from sleep. “What’s wrong?”
He parts his lips and tries to speak but the words don’t come. All there is is the whoosh of air past his lips. He presses his hand firmer against his chest and chokes as he starts to get even more freaked out. It was bad this time. Really bad.
He hears her sit up in bed at home and all he can picture is crawling beneath the covers and holding her tight, wanting to feel her body against his because it was the calmest senesation he could think of. Right now he was anything but calm.
“Okay. Okay, I’m here.” She murmures, voice immediately so soft it feels like a caress but so firm that it rises above the ringing in his ears. “Just listen to the sound of my voice.”
“Try to breathe in and out for me. I I know that it’s scary but listen to the tempo of mine and try and match it. I need you to remember that this only temporary. What you’re feeling right now will pass.”
She takes a deep breath and he closes his eyes and tries to replicate it. And it doesn’t come very easy. And when it doesn’t come easy he gets frustrated and it sends him all the way back to the beginning. Somehow without even asking, she just knows that it isn’t working.
“Shawn? I don’t need you to try and speak right now but do you think you can make any sound at all? I need to know how bad this is right now on a scale of one to ten. And I want you to remember what your doctor said about an accurate representation of pain or anxiety. So one being that you feel absolutely fine, and ten being that you can’t focus on anything else, that this is the worst it’s been, can you give me any indication of what’s going on?”
“T--ten. Ten.”
“Thank you. Let’s count our breathing for a little while okay? Let’s see if that helps.”
Time feels so illusive when you’re trying to remember basic bodily functions. Part of him feels like they’re there for days. The easier that breathing becomes, every time he’s able to establish a rhythm for five seconds, and then ten, and then twenty, he feels like such a piece of shit for putting her through it. It was one thing to be the rock star boyfriend who was gone half the year, but to add another layer of burden of panic attack calls in the middle of the night felt so incredibly unfair. So, when he can breathe--even though his chest still feels so incredibly tight--there’s only one thing that comes to mind to say to her.
“Sorry.” He whispered, throat tight and eyes wet with tears. “Fuck--I’m so sorry. That was embarrassing.”
“Hey don’t say that shit. There is nothing embarrassing about reaching out for help. If I ever found out that you needed me and you didn’t call because of something as stupid as what time it is, I’d kick your ass the second you got home.”
He chuckled a little bit and wiped at his eyes.
“You’re right. I just--I know that when your boyfriend who isn’t home very often calls, you might want to talk about something besides re-teaching him how to breathe.”
“Well, then you don’t know me very well, Mendes. I wanna talk about whatever makes you feel good. I just want to take care of you in whatever way is meaningful and healthy. You know that.”
His fingers grow a little tighter around his phone.
“I love you so fucking much. I can’t wait to come home to you.”
“I love you too. And I can’t wait to cuddle for hours and definitely not let you go to the gym.”
“You have no idea how good that sounds, honey l...Listen, I know it’s late, and you’ve already done so much for me but I--I don’t wanna be alone yet. Can we maybe just sit on the phone a little while longer?
“We can stay on the phone until you fall asleep. You don’t have to ask my loud mouth ass to keep talking, Shawn. Let me tell you a story about the time I skipped school to go meet the Jonas brothers, broke my ankle, and got a selfie while I was crying on the ground.”
She gets him to laugh when he was crying fifteen minutes before hand. And when she laughs and snorts his whole body lights up. He feels endlessly more present than he’d felt all day. It’s the wildest thing. She doesn’t need anything from him, doesn’t want anything but his happiness and his safety and his love. He’d give it all to her if he could, and he endlessly tries. By the time he falls asleep he’s emotionally exhausted, but the sound of her voice chases him into his dreams and it’s enough to make him sleep a little lighter.
The fans at the airport can tell that he’s not a hundred percent. Maybe it’s the bags beneath his eyes. Maybe his smile isn’t what it usually is. But he still takes every hug and every photo despite them not listening when he tries to explain that he really needs to get home, that he really needs to get to her. It’d been a long week. And the only thing that was gonna make any of it better was crawling into his own bed with the girl that he loved.
Sometimes he had the feeling that she knew him better than he knew himself, like she could sense his emotions before they’d even made themselves known in his own head. When she’s there at the airport braving the snow and the cameras in her sweatpants, it only affirms his theory.
He sees her and immediately runs to wrap her up in his arms. In the end it’s more like she wraps him up in her arms, and he just finds a little moment of solace in the space between her neck and shoulder where he hides his face.
“Looks like someone missed me?” She giggled.
“Too much.” He groaned squeezing her tighter. “Please let’s go home?”
“Anything you want.”
She tries to carry his suitcase and there is sure to be a video online  of him rolling the wheels back over to his grasp only for her to take it back and run off towards the exit from him knowing damn well he wasn’t about to run with his guitar case in his other hand. That woman would be the death of him. Or, she might be the only one who could keep him going. Who was keeping track.
All he knew was that the second they got into the car, she put the heater on full blast and the car smelled like her perfume. She let him lean on her shoulder while she drove and didn’t ask any questions about why he was in such a funk. She was just there for him. As if it could be that simple.
When they get home she pushes his suitcase off the side, makes him set his guitar case down, and tugs instantly at his hands.
“Come with me. Let’s take a shower.”
“Babe, I really just want to lie down.” He mumbled stumbling after her into the bedroom.
“You can sit on  your little fancy granite stool the whole time, I swear. Just a shower. For me? Please?”
So, he takes the shower. Really he just sits there on the edge of the little built in chair, and watches her instead. The water is hot enough that the whole room fills steadily with steam, but it doesn't stop him from being able to see the rounded curve of where her ass meets her thigh, or the absolutely delightful way her hair curls when it gets wet. He just wanted to hold her. Or--preferably--her hold him. If a shower is what it takes to get there, then that’s what he’ll do.
She reached up on her toes to grab the removable shower head and his eyes get caught on the way her calves flex. He almost doesn’t notice her coming towards him until the water begins to hit his chest.
“What are you doin’?” He sighs softly, a smile coming tiredly to his lips.
She turns those big old eyes on him and slightly pouts her lip as if he could ever put up a fight when it came to her.
“Wanna take care of you. Can I?”
He quite hated feeling like a burden on other people, and usually he always tried to take care of things on his own. But, the truth of the matter was he was struggling. He was tired and a little sad, and even if he didn’t know why those things were happening he had to believe that she just wanted to take care of him because she loved him, or he might never make it through the day.
She washes his hair for him. At first he thinks she’s just trying to get all of the greasy product out, but when she picks up his shampoo and steps between his legs his heart beats a little softer for her. Her fingers are gentle and soothing as she massages his scalp. He finds himself closing his eyes, fingers relaxed against his thighs. It feels so incredibly comforting.No one but his mum had ever washed his hair before, and somehow this feels a little different than his spiderman toys in the bathroom while his mum tried to get him to sit still.
He gets to just be for a minute, focusing on nothing more than the pleasure of her nails against his scalp. She must sense how good it feels because she scratches and rubs much longer than he ever would in the shower. Eventually it just becomes a massage on his head and he releases a sigh that feels bone deep in him.
When she rinses the shampoo out and he can finally open his eyes, he just looks at her. And she smiles at him and taps his chin like she’s not everything to him. Like the love that she shows him isn’t insurmountable.
“I love you.” He whispered kissing her palm. “Thank you.”
“I love you too, Shawn. Always.”
They stumble out of the shower and dry themselves off pulling on the bare minimum of clothing before quickly getting into bed. He doesn’t even had to ask. She simply opens her arms and legs and lets him nestle himself perfectly on top of her. Her chest is soft and he can hear the even rhythm of her heartbeat  against his ear. It’s the most calm he’s felt in days.
“I missed you so much.” He sighed gripping the material of her shirt in his fingers.
She runs her nails in soothing rhythm along his back and he practically purs at the feeling of it.
“I missed you too. When you called last night? I actually couldn't sleep. I just had a feeling that something was off. It’s so hard to be away from you and not know what’s going on.”
“I know what you mean. Like that time when your mom was sick and I didn’t know what was going on, but something just felt off, so I called to check in?  I think we might be on another wavelength.”
“Well at least it has its upsides. If I’m gonna be worried sick, I’d rather be able to help you through when you need someone. You can always call me. You know that right?” She murmured rubbing her fingers through his hair.
He nodded softly against her chest. “I know. I just don’t like making you have to do it all the time. I should--I’ve gotta get a handle on it myself sometime.”
“Why? Where’s this rule that says you have to go through this shit alone, Shawn? You think you have to take the world onto your shoulders and you just don’t. And no one wants you too. I would rather you call me seven days out of the week at three am than you try and figure this shit out by yourself. We’re supposed to be a team, remember?”
“We are a team. We are.” He murmured sitting up just enough to look her in the eyes. “Please don’t be angry with me. I’m just trying to make sure I don’t rely on you all the time. Even if you’re willing it doesn’t mean that I should. You can’t always be there, babe. You can’t. It’s impossible.”
She huffed gently beneath her breath. “I’m not angry with you. I just think sometimes...sometimes you take on too much. And you don’t really let me in until it’s already gotten on top of you. I just wanna help.”
“Okay. I’m sorry. I’ll try and do better. I just know that no one’s ever taken care of me like you do. No one’s ever loved me the way that you do. I just want to give it back to you. I love you so much.”
“I love you too. Just come here and let me love you.” She whined.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close enough to kiss him. His body felt like jelly against hers and it was all because of her ability to make him feel completely at ease in his own skin. Her love and her tenderness and her passion was everything to him. He falls asleeps in their bed, lying right there on her chest, and it’s the kind of comfort he could never buy no matter how many records he sold. It was simply her. Just her. And God was he lucky to have her. And maybe, just maybe he actually deserved her kindness, her love, her everything. Maybe.
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misc-headcanons · 4 years
(The Straw Hats and Scabbards at the castle ruins, as well as Katakuri's children and O-Tama are eating dinner. The large dining room in the castle has been mostly cleaned of dust and cobwebs, but it's clear that it's been abandoned like the rest of the area for years. Vanilla is talking excitedly with O-Tama, Fritter is keeping to himself, Dochi and Ube are eagerly listening to Luffy talk about his previous adventures, and Maple is expertly eavesdropping on every conversation at once while she eats.)
Vanilla: Wow, you're a ninja-in-training, O-Tama? I'm a witch-in-training! Or, well, I dunno if "witch" is the right word. My momma always says that not everyone who uses magic's a witch, but I like saying it. Papa says I'm too cute to be a witch, but I think witches can be cute. Ninjas can be cute too, right?
O-Tama: I guess so. But I wanna be strong and stealthy as a kunoichi, not cute. I'm training to be a force to be reckoned with!
Vanilla: Yeah, but I think you can be a great fighter AND cute. I mean look at Mr. Chopper! He's a member of Luffy's crew so he can fight really well, but he's super fluffy and sweet too.
Chopper: Awww, who're ya calling a good fighter and cute? How dare you, hehehe~
Vanilla: See? Cool AND cute, just like you, O-Tama!
(Sanji notices Fritter's silence so far and gently puts a hand on his shoulder.)
Sanji: How do you like the soup, Fritter?
Fritter: Oh! Um, it's...it's really good. I'm happy I finally got to eat something you made, even if it wasn't at the castle. You really are a good cook, Uncl--Um, Not-Uncle Sanji.
Sanji: I think I remember Pudding saying you wanted to be a chef one day when you grew up, right?
Fritter: Uh-huh. Dochi and Ube wanna be fighters, and Maple's gonna be in charge of communi--um...comm-you...
Maple, offhandedly: Communications. What Uncle Monty does, remember?
Fritter: Yeah, that. So everyone in the family can talk to each other easy and not get messages wrong. And she's probably gonna be a really important Minister too, since she's so smart and good with magic. But I just wanna cook and bake in the kitchen with the chefs. They like to let me watch while they work, and I have my own chair where I sit and watch and everything!
Sanji: I bet you'll be a great chef, just like your Aunt Chiffon with cake and your Aunt Pudding with chocolate.
(Fritter smiles up at Sanji.)
Fritter: Thanks. I'm gonna make people happy whenever I cook something, just like you!
(Dochi and Ube are seated next to each other, practically bouncing in their seats as they hear more and more about the Straw Hats and the Scabbards)
Dochi: Wait, Miss Nami, you managed to make Zeus YOUR familiar!? Holy crap, that's so cool! I mean, Grandma probably doesn't think it is, but still...wow! Do you use magic like mom?
Nami: Well, I dunno if it's how your mom does things, haha. I mean the people I learned from were called "weather wizards", but it's more about science and learning about climate and stuff than spells.
Maple: Mom always says that "magic is just science turned sideways." Both have solid theories on how they work, and experimenting with both makes you more knowledgeable and powerful. Plus, even if it isn't powered by magic specifically, your staff seems like it has similar functions to mom's.
Ube: And Luffy, I still can't believe you fought Papa and didn't like...die! He's never fought anyone like you before. And the way you two weaponized your softer powers with rubber and Mochi with Armament Haki!? That was so cool!
Dochi: Yeah! Me and Ube were going nuts the whole fight while we watched through one of Auntie Brulee's mirrors. If Mama hadn't held us back, we woulda definitely tried to watch in-person.
Ube: And WE wouldn't ruin it the way Flampe tried to, either. I can't believe she thought Papa needed her help. OOOH, and when she started making fun of Papa's face--
Dochi: Yeah, that was WAY out of line... Mama had to put me and Ube into our own bubbles so we couldn't hop in there to kick her ass!
Vanilla, in a scandalized tone: Dochi! Don't say that! Auntie Flampe was really mean, but still...
Ube: You're right, 'Nilla. We were ready to kick Flampe's butt. And with that dress she wears all the time, it woulda been easy to kick that big, stupid, floating BUTT of hers!
(Fritter, Vanilla, and O-Tama snicker and try to hide how much they're smiling and giggling behind their hands.)
Luffy: How is Katakuri, anyway? I didn't really get to see if he got taken care of or anything before I had to get to my ship. That Mirror Lady probably got to him, right?
Ube: He had to stay in bed for a few weeks, but Mama and Auntie Brulee worked hard to make him better.
Vanilla: And me and Fritter, too! I helped with healing magic on his little cuts and scrapes, and Fritter always fluffed his pillows and stuff.
Fritter: Yeah, and I helped the chefs make donuts for his Meriendas too!
Ube: Oh. Uh yeah, they helped too. But most of it was Brulee being a good nurse and Mom being good with her magic. The day we fell through the portal here, he was taking walks and stuff every day.
Dochi: Heh, and practicing with his trident whenever he knew Mom wasn't around to scold him for getting too carried away.
Luffy: Aw, I get that. Chopper's always saying I'm not healed up enough to do stuff sometimes after a big fight, but I just do it anyway. I bet Katakuri's the same way with your mom.
(Maple's attention is turned to Law.)
Maple: So, I imagine that if you and Luffy are allies, you're the one with a plan to take Kaido on. You seem more...um, strategic than him.
Law: That's one way of putting it...Yes, I do have a plan.
Maple: Hm. You know, now that I know you two were planning to target him, some of the news about you makes a bit more sense. Destroying the main resources for SMILE production in Punk Hazard; kidnapping that idiot scientist to use as leverage in Dressrosa; defeating Doflamingo, Kaido's most powerful ally outside of his own crew and a major source of intel, manpower, and influence...I had a feeling that there was something tying it together.
Law: You're pretty sharp for someone your age. I'm not surprised your Uncle Mont-d'or would want you as the head of communication and intel for the Big Mom Pirates after he's gone.
Maple: Thanks. I'm just glad that there's some explanation for why you and Luffy's crew were seen traveling and fighting together so often. Though to be honest, I was surprised to hear that Doflamingo was sent to prison; if what I'd heard and seen about your history was true, I was expecting you to kill Doflamingo in Dressrosa. But Luffy doesn't seem to support killing your enemies if you can help it.
Law: How do you--
Maple: Don't worry, the Big Mom pirates don't know about that. Not even Uncle Monty does.
Law: And how do you?
Maple: The same way I know the Scabbards over there got sent through time and how they're the surviving retainers of Lord Oden, and that they're trying to defeat Kaido and this Orochi guy so Momonosuke can take his rightful place on the throne. Keeping secrets from me is a pretty hard thing to do.
Ube: Yeesh, quit acting so mysterious. You know everyone's business because you know Mom's spells on reading someone's memories and the All-Seeing Eye and--mmpgh!
(Maple's uses a quick spell to make Ube's tongue stick to the roof of his mouth. She narrows her eyes and frowns at him.)
Maple: And how to stop brothers from sharing too much with strangers. For someone who wants to be a leader within Big Mom's pirate crew, you'd think you'd remember that loose lips sink ships, Ube.
Vanilla: I thought most of Gramma's ships sank after people shot a bunch of cannons and bombs at 'em...
(After she stops giggling, Dochi uses some of her own magic to free Ube's tongue. Ube glares at Maple before turning to ask Zoro about what it's like to fight with a sword in your mouth.)
Maple: Look, I know you're a smart man and you clearly have a talent for strategy. But I just want to make what the backup is in case things go wrong.
Law: You're a newcomer, you don't even know the full extent of the plan, and you're demanding to know more? Just because you're a clever kid with magic, that doesn't mean I'm going to reveal every step of this to you. Your uncle had to have taught you that only one person should ever know the full strategy plan, and that's the one who planned it out.
Maple: Yeah, he did. I'm not asking you to trust me that much; if I were in your position, I certainly wouldn't. All I want to know is what my siblings and I can do to help and ensure that when things go wrong, we can be useful and get things back on track. You've just been handed a very valuable wild card, and I want to make sure you use us wisely.
Dochi: Whaddya mean 'when things go wrong', Maple? With Law's crew, the Straw Hats, the Scabbards, and all the allies they've got here, we're all super strong and you said that Law's really good with strategy.
Maple: True. But when it comes to HIM...(Maple gestures to Luffy, who's gulping down the last of his soup) you have the wildest card of all. And he seems to blow through any well-laid plan without any second thought. (She leans back in her chair a bit and crosses her arms) Whatever plan you have in mind, Mr. Law, it's pointless if you really haven't got a backup in mind for whenever he manages to completely ruin it.
Kin'emon: Do you really think someone as young and inexperienced as yourself could come up with a better idea?
Maple: I'm young, not inexperienced. Believe me, as the eldest in a family of five siblings imbued with magic and various forms of Haki, I'm an expert in making plans that are bound to be thrown off course by the chaotic whims of someone close to you. So, Mr. Law...what have you got in mind?
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megumigender-moved · 5 years
on the topic of music as someone who literally has a spotify playlist called ‘if my life was a season of skam’ i LOVE the use of music in skam and the fact that it’s not only used to support the plot but is also a reflection of the music taste of the protagonist and i just wanna compile a series of musical moments that i wish we could have had in druck so please enjoy this absolute pipedream of a post
1. the outro of fabric by brockhampton
i’ve wanted this to be a thing since pretty much before the season started and i thought it would work for an early-in-the-season scene about matteo’s internalised homophobia but now that we have the party panic attack scene, just imagine. the building of the drums, the repetition so long that it becomes redundant, having the music drop away and just leave the overwhelming sound of POUNDING. 
start at: 2:40 spotify link
2. not in love by crystal castles
ok so in the case that we did have a ‘call your girlfriend’ scene i would’ve loved for it to be set to the chorus of this bc so much of the key davenzi moments are driven far more by emotional intimacy than sexual tension, esp when compared to the og, which is why i think that if this clip did exist, it would be much more tragic. like, the contrast of the lyrics as an expression of matteo’s inner monologue and struggle over falling for david with the bright, free, almost giddy music. (a bitch forgot all her music theory but the key of this song... YES) what a beautiful contrast and what an amazing expression of the tension between the joy of falling in real love for the first time and the fear of being out as a consequence of it.
start at: 2:47 spotify link
3. wasteland baby/movement/sedated/LITERALLY ANYTHING by hozier
i mean... firstly hozier is an honourary lesbian and therefore MUST be in the soundtrack of the season centered on honourary lesbian matteo florenzi. secondly the way he writes about love between flawed people is gorgeous and heartwrenching and me asking for this is essentially a request for my own death. and thirdly this quote right here from hozier is the absolute peak of gay ‘us against the world’ culture.
but i wanna talk about sedated for a moment because this is another song that would perfectly combine the tragedy of matteo and david’s characterisation thus far with the tenderness and refuge of their love for one another. the song is about escapism and most likely drugs and thus is clearly indicative of matteo’s habits of self-medicating and also... the fact that thus far david and matteo have been sober for one of their conversations. and also the chorus of the song very much makes me think of a reclamation and ownership of the “filth” that is prescribed to gay love/relationships.  i just want davenzi to sloppily slow dance to ‘free and young and we can feel none of it’ tbh
start at: 0:33 spotify link
4. some kind of emo kid representation
this is ENTIRELY self-indulgent but ever since i started watching skam i wanted a season that centered on someone with a heavier music taste and i realise that i’m never going to get what i want bc ever skam remake director is a coward But. david? emo kid. and not even a reformed one. y’all saw how he draws. and i imagine as his and matteo’s relationship continues their music taste would become increasingly more similar and matteo would start to dig electric guitar, and, in my absolute wildest dreams, some light screaming. this is significantly less coherent but like here’s a series of songs that I think would be dope emo/punk kid representation, a market that druck and all other remakes have pointedly ignored thus far. idk what plot points these would even be FOR i just would really like to hear some electric guitar. when i write skam russia then you will realise.
these are organised most mellow to least mellow:
crash - you me at six (the chorus of this one doesn’t come in until 2:50m into the song lol but it good)
crushcrushcrush - paramore
gold medal ribbon - pierce the veil
have faith in me - a day to remember
a devil in a midnight mass - billy talent
that’s my time on the soapbox done i’d love to hear what songs y’all would wanna hear in druck so feel free to add to this
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Off Limits (Skam - Chris x OC) Part 9
Pairing: Chris x OC
Synopsis: Mara Magnusson has always had everything she ever wanted in her life, except for one thing. The boyish charm of her brother’s childhood friend had wrecked her poor heart and ruined her for any other guy – you can trust her, she has tried. She could see the way he looked at her, though she knew there were rules about not hitting on your best friend’s little sister. Luckily for her, there were no restrictions when it was the other way around.
Word count: 1.9k
A/N: This is absolutely not what I intended to write when I first planned this chapter, but it was either that or a shorter version of this + a second scene with a time jump of a few hours. I don’t like to do that in the middle of a chapter, especially since they are so short. It also turned out significantly fluffier than I thought/wished. It’s so... idk, soft? I’m blaming the playlist I was listening to while writing (it’s this one!), next chapter won’t be as slow paced.
Part 8 <<<< >>>> Part 10
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“I almost miss seeing them eye-fuck at this point,” Chris complained before sitting down next to Mara at the school library.
The old lady sitting at the front desk glared at him from under her glasses, and Chris gave her an apologetic smile.
“Will and Noora?” Mara asked in a hushed tone, closing her book and looking at him.
Barely anyone ever came to the library when it wasn't exam period, but they remained cautious and tried not to show there was anything more than friendship between them. Though Chris couldn't hold back from gently lifting Mara's chin with two fingers, enjoying the short contact while it lasted.
“Who else? Will just shut a door to my face to make out with Noora in an empty classroom. Not to brag or anything, but we're much better at keeping our relationship a secret than they are,” he answered, whispering this time.
“That's because he doesn't try to hide it from you,” Mara said matter-of-factly. “Don't you ever want to tell him? Sometimes I forget why we're hiding in the first place.”
“Because you're off limits and I broke the cardinal rule of friendship by going for my best friend's little sister, and also I'm too pretty to be forever disfigured by your brother,” Chris listed all the reasons why it would be a terrible idea to come clean to William.
“Just wear a helmet,” Mara replied in a sarcastic tone. “We've been sneaking in and out and lying to everyone for almost four months now.”
“I know...” Chris sighed in defeat.
As much as he would like to joke about it, he too was getting tired of constantly having to watch over his shoulder and lie to his friends. Especially about Mara. For the first time in his life he was dating a girl he actually wanted to be seen with, and by a sick twist of fate, he wasn't allowed to.
“Let's not think about it,” Mara decided for them both. “Russ time is coming, have you received your russebukse1 yet?”
“Last week yeah. I'll send you a picture,” he said with a wink. “I'll be wearing this and nothing else.”
“It's a relief to know that you'll always be true to yourself, Chris,” Mara laughed fondly before remembering they had to keep quiet. “Will you stop by tonight?”
“I have to do something with the boys first but sure,” he seemed to think about how long it'll take him. “I'll always make time for you.”
Mara's heart jumped in her chest but she tried not to let it show through her expression. It was the closest thing Chris had ever said to actually voicing his feelings for her. She wasn't one for openly displaying her feelings and she didn't like it when her partner did it either. Never in her wildest dreams did she think Chris was the kind of person to talk about sentiments, but whenever he said something sweet, it stirred something within her.
“I want to kiss you so bad right now,” she admitted as she concealed a bitten laugh. She shouldn't have to hold back from kissing her own boyfriend.
“Why don't you?” He asked, leaning over the table and smiling seductively, one of his eyebrows raised in question.
“You know why,” Mara said. “And because the old lady is staring at us, I bet she's just waiting for something like that to happen, it'll give her a reason to yell at us.”
“William and Noora do it all the time, why should we behave at school if they don't?” Chris asked, making a very good point.
“Wanna get naughty with me in a dark corner?” Mara smirked leaning a little closer toward Chris.
If anyone else than the librarian were watching them, they'd see right away that these two were together. But no one was there except a girl at the far of the room, her nose dived in her book.
“Fuck yes,” Chris admitted, vehemently showing his frustration because he couldn't do so as he pleased. “And you know what else I want to do? I want to take you out.”
Mara practically snorted – not out of disdain, rather out of sheer surprise and disbelief.
“Like a date?”
“Exactly. A date.” Chris nodded and without thinking about it, his hands move onto the table to cover hers and grazed over her knuckles. “It'll probably suck because I've never done this before, but we'll get better with practice.”
“Do you realize what you're saying?” Mara had to make sure he fully understood what he was saying. “We've been secretly seeing each other for months-”
“We're not seeing each other!” He frowned in dislike when the words tumbled down Mara's lips. “As far as I'm concerned, you're my girlfriend. We kiss, we laugh together, we fuck, we sleep together, we support each other, we do everything but formalize it. I-”
The next words remained stuck in the back of his throat. He wasn't going to say that, Mara knew it.
“I know,” she said. “I feel the same.”
The truth was that neither of them was frustrated the way William and Noora were. Those two were sexually frustrated, because sneaking off to an empty room at school and making out on a desk was the closest they ever got to reaching third base, but it wasn't the case for Mara and Chris. They had sex, they kissed, they slept in like any other couple. They had it all except the small things. They couldn't touch in public, they couldn't kiss good morning when they arrived at school, they couldn't go out after school. They craved something a drastically different than Will and Noora. It was easy finding a room void of people and stealing a few kisses, they had been doing so for months. But no amount of physical intimacy would replace the total and utter satisfaction of being able to sit on your boyfriend's lap in a room full of people who didn't care.
Meanwhile, their fellow students started coming up with far-fetched theories about what was going on for P-Chris to deny his attention to all the girls that hit on him at parties. Mara they were used to see alone because everyone knew she only dated guys from other schools, or older boys. But Chris had never been out of the spotlight for very long. Rumors began to pop up here and there.
“Come with me,” Mara said and gestured Chris to follow her as she stored her book back on its shelf and left the library under the librarian's nasty glares.
It was twenty past eleven, everyone was either in class or outside, but the hallways were empty, not a sound was to be heard apart from that of the chalk hitting the blackboard coming from the classrooms. Mara took Chris' hand, and he looked at her with a stunned expression, his mouth slightly agape.
“We're alone here,” she told him. “Let's pretend for just a minute that we're a normal couple, yeah?”
He didn't answer, instead he smiled at her and let go of her hand to wrap his arm around her shoulders pulling her close enough to kiss her temple. It was so simple, and so nice. Mara almost tripped on her feet when Chris had pulled her to his side and she giggled silently, bringing an arm around his waist as she snuggled his side in a way she had wanted to for a long time.
“I'm sorry we have to hide all the time,” Chris apologized though it wasn't his fault.
“Don't be. Better this than nothing at all,” Mara reassured him, letting her head rest against his shoulder and breathing in his scent. Chris smelled of expensive perfume and something else, something fresh she couldn't quite put her finger on.
She wouldn't trade her relationship with Chris for anything in the world. Nothing could make her regret her decision to tell him she liked him that night at the party. No matter how close she was with her brother, Mara would never give up her own aspirations and dreams for William's personal preference. If he didn't approve of her romantic interest, then he would just have to deal with it and suck it up because Chris was not going anywhere. But there was no need to tempt fate and make things worse than they might turn out if Will found out in his own time and place.
“Hey, want to hear a good one?” Mara asked, trying to move to a lighter subject.
“Noora's friend - I heard them talk about you this morning in the hallway when I was at my locker -  one of them, Eva I think, has a theory on your sudden and weird behavior with girls!” Mara rolled her eyes at that and Chris smiled this smile she loved so much and that creased the corner of his eyes. “It's my favorite so far, really, it's very imaginative.”
“Just tell me already!”
“She thinks you're gay, and that you're secretly seeing this first year guy, Isak?” Mara wasn't sure about the name, but when she heard 'Chris' and 'gay' in the same sentence this morning, she almost chocked on thin air.
“Fuck, I thought I was being discrete about it!” Chris swore and for a second, Mara thought he was just joking along, but then she realized he was being serious and pulled back to give him a hard glare. “It's not that, Mara!” He laughed when he realized how it might have sounded. “Last week Isak's friend, Jonas, got jumped by the Yakuza guys. They've been after us for a while now and I told him to keep in touch if anything happened.”
“Anything I should be worried about?”
“I don't think so,” Chris said.
That was a huge difference between Chris and everyone else: he didn't lie. He didn't care about being blunt or indelicate, he just told the plain, cold truth. If there was any danger, he would have told her. But just like sometimes he looked at a situation on too bright a side.
“Someone's coming,” he added, quickly removing his arm from around Mara.
She was cold where Chris' arm rested second ago, and the abruptness of the separating almost felt painful. It wasn't supposed to be like this. They shouldn't have to act like they were guilty of something. Soon enough, a group of three girls walked through a door and their short but blessed moment of intimacy was over. A regretful gaze and sheepish smile was all they could give each other now that they had a public, however small it was.
“Still want to take me on a date?” Mara whispered.
“Tonight?” He asked, waiting for her to nod. “I'll pick you up at seven sharp. I'll text you before I leave so you can join me outside.”
“Deal. Don't be late.”
She smiled and with a wink and a twirl, she was out, leaving him in the hallway, completely oblivious to the way he watched her leave until she was out of sight.
1Russ overall
A/N: Don’t forget that reviews are a writer’s payment for their work! It’s always nice to come home to a few nice messages :) don’t be afraid to message me I’m thirsty for friends and attention
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todokori-kun · 7 years
(tbh the reason I don’t play them is because I don’t really play any kind of game XD I’ve played a few free things on the internet but other than that, not much)
OMG thanks for the link! I might try it out soon :D (And wow, Rumpel. Just, wow.)
Urie/Saiko is so freaking adorable :3 and it’s the worst thing ever that it does have some canon evidence but Ishida keeps teasing us like: *gives some nice, cute Urie/Saiko material*
Fandom: AWWW is it gonna be canon? Are they actually gonna be happy for a while???
Ishida: *gives Mutsurie scene with Urie clearly pining over Mutsuki while Mutsuki’s just talking about Kaneki*
Fandom: …of course.
TYSM <333 I’ll get it to you as soon as I can :D
HxH is definitely a lot of fun! I’d like to recommend Hisoka’s character song (‘Kyousou requiem’) to you because W O W
I got to the part where Father’s ‘creating’ humans. That was freaky. Tbh though my favorite parts of this volume might have been Pride’s defeat and Kimblee’s farewell…that was perfect. I actually sorta like Kimblee now. Of course, I’d never want to meet him irl and he’s still a terrible person, but at least he never betrays his own beliefs.
(I know that Roy will get his eyesight back next volume so that’s good, but Greed’s…gonna die, isn’t he? Uuugh)
I have come to conquer you puny humans with the power of feels. Fear me.
Wait, does that mean you relate to Al or that you think I’m like Al? Sorry, got a bit confused there ^^;;
I’m Hohenheim minus his awesome moments. The bad social skills, the awkwardness, the way he honestly TRIES to be a nice, normal person even if it hardly ever works out…the more I see of him the more I feel like I’ve never related this much to a fictional character (except maybe Kaneki).
You really do remind me of Riza and Winry. The strength, the resolve, the wit and caring=100% Queen Luna.
Ed is frankly a little creeped out that the Colonel even thought that HE, Edward Elric, barely a teenager, could or would steal his girlfriend.
(I headcanon that Ed and Queen Luna are actually BFFs and team up to prank Roy.
Roy always feels so betrayed because whenever he’s doing something totally, not at all stupid, his girlfriend always sides with Fullmetal. “Luna, what did I do. Did I forget to do the dishes again. Was it the extremely cheesy and badly written explicit romance book I bought you on Valentines day. That was a joke, please forgive me”
Also he is extremely salty when he realizes you chose Water Alchemy as your specialty. He had enough of the constant rain jokes from Edward and Riza’s comments about him being useless on rainy days, and now this. The world is too cruel.
(But no matter how grumpy and passive-aggressive he gets when you beat him, of course he’s the proudest when you make good use of your skills. Like when you destroy an enemy in combat- especially if the enemy was underestimating you “That’s MY girlfriend, and she is amazing”))
Yeah, Air Alchemy could actually be one of the most dangerous types if you knew how to use it…Medicinal Alchemy/Alkahestry is still my thing though ^^
(‘peaceful’ do you know how I look when I play the piano and nobody’s around. Dude. That’s when I go rage mode and start playing the loudest, wildest songs ever like He’s a Pirate from Pirates of the Caribbean LOL)
That’s still adorable though omg ;-; the sad thing though is that it would be easy for him to not realize that I have anxiety and assume that I just didn’t like him, because like I said, I’d probably be ok with Mei and Yoki would be easy enough for me to talk to as well (people like Yoki either make me laugh or frustrate me and in the end I’d probably end up snapping at him). Then Queen Luna would come along and I’d suddenly become super talkative.
And when he walked into the room I’d either automatically shut up or give Queen Luna a look like “please take me out of here I don’t want to embarrass myself”.
(Would Queen Luna help me, though?)
Mei’s view of Ed is the ultimate Expectation vs. Reality.
Yep, I really want to know OC’s real name ;-; (I think I’d probably slip up and keep calling him Ciel for a while tho lol). And yeah, I’m looking forward to seeing what happens the next chapter…all this chapter really gave me was hints of insecurity from OC?
Looking forward to your reaction :) (probably a lot of tears)
OMG that sounds so cool! Like, natural, 'ginger’ red or bright red? Either way I bet you’re gonna look amazing, Queen Luna <3
(P.S: You know I mentioned a piano recital? It’s not happening. There was an incident with the teachers at the place where I was learning piano so I don’t go there anymore.
Basically, my mom was already sort of frustrated, because they also teach violin there and my litle sister used to learn violin- the teacher told us we’d have to come way earlier for lessons because she was busy with other lessons too, so we did, but she was like literally never on time? We came early but my little sister had to have piano lessons first because the violin teacher didn’t show up until later. So there was that.
And then there was the thing where they just didn’t let us decide the lesson times at all? Like, always “we’re too busy at that time, that’s too early, too many children at that time…” and they were kinda rude about it too (also once I went there at a later time and there actually weren’t that many kids? Wth)
Then they sent my mom a message. You know how usually you have to study with music theory books too when you learn how to use an instrument? My little sister’s only five (turning six this August) and she was often tired out from soccer lessons by the time she went to piano, so my mom asked the teachers if she could just not do music theory when she was too tired. they agreed.
But the message was basically 'she keeps saying she doesn’t want to do music theory and when we let her rest she keeps wandering around and bothering other people/interrupting other people’s lessons’. Like, ok, if she’d been doing stuff like that since the beginning we could understand that, but I had piano lessons at around the same time as her and she literally just sat and read books when her lessons are over and she’s not doing music theory? Also, until that message all the teachers just kept telling us what a wonderful, intelligent student she was and there was literally no mention of her bothering anyone so it was like??? what is this???
And when my mom called the teacher and asked her about the message she was like “I don’t see how that’s rude, please stop being so pushy/bossy, also I was always on time for the violin lessons what are you talking about?” Just. Wow.
When we went to pick up our music books after mom said we weren’t going to take lessons there anymore, one of the teachers came out and kept gushing about how 'Evans and her sister were SUCH amazing students, we’ll be so sad to see them go’ and she hugged me? tbh it felt really awkward and I was screaming internally through the whole thing because WOW I hate being touched by people I’m not close with lol)
*ahem* before anything: If I ever hear you say another word about your art being bad, I swear I’ll throw myself out of the window. Because it’s actually adorable?? I cry?? Touka’s hair truly looks fluffy and I LOVE the way you drew her lips. So, please, have faith in yourself, your art is absolutely gorgeous! 
Well, Otome games aren’t for everyone, tbh. I have a friend who gets easily embarrassed and she honestly can’t play them because… well, gets embarrassed at them. You should’ve seen her face when I first showed her the games, especially when the flirting began XD
I have finished the whole game. (No, you can’t date her T_T) All the endings, good and bad. 10 of them. My heart is in pieces. I wanna cry.  OKAY SMOL BRIEFING ON THE REMAINING CHARACTERS!
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This is Fritz! He’s MC’s personal knight and a professional cinnamon roll. His route honestly made me so emotional (;﹏;) Not as emotional as the last one, though. He’s my 3rd favourite of the 5! His bad end was the worst of them all, though. I actually started crying. It was 1am when I did it. I wonder what my mom would’ve said if she’d seen me, at 1am, crying over a fictional character.
And last but (definitely) not least, my fave <3
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Waltz- he has the Neverland curse, which means he remains as a boy until it’s broken.
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This is after he breaks it. Damn. Other than the fact that his story is a trope I really love, he’s also a generally nice person, with a personality better than most of the dateable character. Also, his route is considered to be the ‘True’ route, the one you’re supposed to play last, because it has most spoilers.  I cry.
Okok, enough with ‘Luna reviews Otome Games’
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And then you realise they meant it in the ‘conceal yourself’ way, not HIdeyoshi.Fuck.
Well, the Urie/Saiko was cute? BUT THAT’S IT?? Where’s the dramatic reveal? The confession =3= ((Luna is forgetting that this isn’t a romance manga))
Ishida is giving us mixed signals. 
Yeah, Kimblee’s farewell does make you wanna respect him. At least he didn’t try to be someone else. Pride was cute, tho. He was a demon who’d kill without a second thought, but he was a cute demon.
Yep, Roy does see again. …. Aha. I cry. But at least he dies heroically? 
I’m gonna get a stronger flask. That way you’ll never be able to escape muhahahahahhahaha
You’re like Al! Absolutely adorable!
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Yet, badass at the same time!
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Well, at least you’re not as insane as Kaneki? You definitely have more mental stability than him.
Honestly, if I was at the age where it’s socially acceptable to date Mustang, then I’m definitely not at the age when it’s socially acceptable to date Ed, and vice-versa. It’s ridiculous how he feels threatened by a kid XD On the other hand, there is a Xingese prince, now emperor ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Honestly, we’d prank him so much XD I’m pretty sure it’d mostly involve water. And rainy days.  Maybe his umbrella would conveniently disappear during those days. Or his hair would accidentally turn pink. Whoops.  Who knows, maybe I partly chose Water Alchemy to spite him XD
I think Medicinal Alchemy would be very, very appreciated in Amestris, especially considering there is none of it there. You’d be able to make mad money hahah But you’d also help a lot of people, so that’s admirable as well ^^
… Let’s pretend you were inspired to play a song that was peaceful for once and you’re feeling the peace. So you surprise him some other night by playing something he definitely didn’t expect
That’s why I’m there to help you! To show him that you just need a bit of time to warm up to people and maybe whisper a few hints to how to get you to warm up into his ear! So he realises you’re only a bit intimidated, and tries to lessen that effect.  I’d also ask Mei to help you. Probably offering something related to Al in return XD
Yeah, he’s definitely insecure. I mean, he didn’t say a single thing back and he calls himself a spare. That’s depressing. I just want him to be happy. After all the suffering he went through, he deserves it.
Is... is it cap?
I’m scared. But then again, I’m always scared when you recommend me something.
I think it’s supposed to be flame red? But since I have naturally darker hair, it’s possible that it’ll be more ginger-ish, because the dye won’t be so visible. Who knows, we’ll see ^^
Whaa?? That all seems really, really uncomfortable, especially the hugging. I mean, why. They really seem two-faced. But, maybe it’s for the best. At least now you don’t have to worry about freezing up during the recital? Will you continue playing the piano, though? It’d be a shame if you let the skills go to waste. You can always practice with anime music/songs you like if Bach and Mozart get boring :P
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Top five songs to describe your ex and top five songs to describe your current bae.
I do like music asks but I wouldn’t call Sunshine my bae. I like to call her my girl, my babe, my baby. Maybe I’m too old for the bae term. But here you go anon. Not gonna lie you will end up with more then 5 for each.
Bad Girlfriend - Theory of a Deadman
Hear Me Now - Bad Wolves ft. DIAMANTE
Stay -  Sun Never Sets
Wildest Dreams - Taylor Swift
What Was I Thinkin' - Dierks Bentley
Señorita - Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello
X - Jonas Brothers ft. KAROL G
Addicted - Saving Abel
Bring Me To Life - Evanescence
I Found - Amber Run
I Just Wanna Know - NF
You Made Your Bed (So Lay In It) - Travis Garland
FRZZN -  OZZIE ft. Teflon Sega
Unkiss Me - Maroon 5
Exile - Taylor Swift ft. Bon Iver
What About Us - P!nk
How Am I Doin' - Dierks Bentley
Six Degrees of Separation - The Script
Disintegration - Jimmy Eat World
Black Dahlia - Hollywood Undead
Other Songs:
Misery Business - Paramore
Girlfriend - Avril Lavigne
Treat You Better - Shawn Mendes 
Over You - Daughtry
Happier - Ed Sheeran
Objection (Tango) -  Shakira
I did the last one for fun. Like a little triangle playlist.
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