#i want Will to just flex on everybody and let Normal go to his final peak gross form
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this got entirely out of hand
(for those who missed it: au/idea where Normal gets fully sick of everyone's ignoring his pleas for empathy and abandons the quest to join the Doodler and be the Final Boss)
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barcaatthemoon · 1 month
turned on || alexia putellas x reader ||
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a night out forces you and alexia to finally do something about your obvious attraction to one another.
alexia was awkward. you had known that long before you'd ever met the woman. the two of you were respective superstars for your countries, both the faces of your women's leagues. the news of the famed (y/n) (y/l/n) going from bayern to barcelona had shaken up the european football world. however, the events that would follow would do so once again, perhaps to a bigger magnitude.
you had been at bayern since their youth academy. there had never been another club for you, not even for a loan. however, when your contract with bayern ended, you had decided to look elsewhere. you loved the team, and the things that everybody was doing together, but you wanted a change.
barcelona had come knocking on your door the loudest. they were willing to shell out a lot of money, nearly three times as much as your old club. it wasn't just about the money, but you had to admit that it had a nice ring to it. there were things that you could do with this money that you felt would benefit your community much more than you just scoring a few goals during your games.
your first few months in spain had been difficult. you weren't exactly conversational in spanish, nor were you all that great with english. your teammates were patient with you, especially frido, ingrid, and caro. they were like your lifelines, none of them ever leaving you completely alone at training. unfortunately for you, they were all around enough to notice the way that you and alexia stared at each other.
"hmm, that's a very interesting shirt choice. it looks oddly familiar," frido teased as she grabbed the bottom hem of your shirt. you didn't give her little comment the decency of a response. yes, you had picked this outfit out because the last couple of times that you had worn it, alexia hadn't been able to take her eyes off of you.
"i think that our captain will like it. although, i'm not sure she'll appreciate the attention you'll get from it," ingrid said. you blushed a little as you turned away from them to finish getting ready. you had done your makeup a little bit edgier than normal. alexia seemed to like the darker look on you, at least that was what mapi had told you.
you checked over your outfit one more time before you followed your friends out of ingrid's room. mapi was flexing in the mirror, something that had both you and ingrid laughing at her. mapi ignored the two of you and continued, much to aitana's annoyace.
"let's go." frido wrangled everybody into her car, letting you have the passenger's seat. you were still getting used to things like the famous spanish affection and lack of personal space. befriending mapi through ingrid was a big help, but you were still even more awkward than caro in most situations.
at the club, you were immediately whisked away to the bar with pina, cata, and patri. they fed you shot after shot, which you enjoyed until alexia, irene, marta, and sandra pulled your group back from the bar. irene had been the one to grab you, but you didn't let that last for long. with some difficulty, you put yourself in alexia's grasp, allowing for pina to scurry off towards the dance floor.
"hi, oh wait, hola!" your accent was normally bad, but tonight, it was atrocious. alexia cracked a small smile at your accent. you returned it tenfold, absolutely beaming at her. "you are so beautiful. do you like my outfit? i wore it just for you."
"o-oh?" alexia questioned. her voice had cracked, something that you didn't miss, but chose to ignore. "you look very nice, but you shouldn't dress for other people. dress for you, i'd like any outfit you wore."
"that's not the point. i want you to take me home. i need to impress if you're gonna do that." you were slurring your words pretty badly, and alexia wondered how long you had been feeling like that. she wasn't going to get her answer though, not when you were whisked off towards the dance floor.
alexia didn't see you for nearly the entire night after that. you had been moving around enough to sober up quite a bit. alexia noticed that you didn't sway on your feet when you came over to where she was sitting. however, there was still just enough liquid courage for you to let alexia know that you wanted to dance with her.
"i think we should dance. you've been sitting here all night. even irene got up at least once." if it had been anybody else, alexia never would have even really considered moving. however, it was you, and unbeknownst to you, alexia had developed quite the soft spot for you.
at first, she told herself that she wanted to take care of you because you were younger than her and in a new country. however, much to alexia's annoyance, mapi pointed out several times that alexia's gazes towards you were never friendly. alexia thought that she was good at masking her feelings, but mapi was one of the few people in the world who could see right through her. it took a while, but alexia had finally admitted to herself, and an eerily excited mapi, her feelings for you.
"i'm not much of a dancer," alexia warned you. she had never been a good dancer, especially not sober. you weren't a professional or anything, but you were fairly decent in the scheme of things.
"it's fine, i'll take the lead." your words didn't exactly make alexia feel much better, but once the two of you were on the dance floor, she didn't do much thinking. you were just sober enough to know that this wasn't something that alexia normally would have agreed to so easily. you'd been around the team long enough to know that alexia rarely ever left the booth or table whenever the team went out.
"a-are you sure that this is okay?" alexia asked as you placed her hands on your waist. normally whenever you'd dance with the other girls, their hands were glued to your hips. it was a far less intimate hold, but your body craved a bit of intimacy, specifically from alexia.
"shh, don't think about it. just feel the music and move with me," you told her. it was fine for the first couple of songs, but then things slowed down dramatically. alexia's hands stayed right where you had placed them, but you weren't prepared to feel the press of her body against yours.
for someone who wasn't spanish, you were teased a lot for being touchy. it was always in good jest, and because of that, you often forgot how handsy your teammates could get. alexia was no exception, despite being the most reserved with her affections. you realized in that moment that alexia wasn't unaffectionate at all, she was just picky. tonight, it seemed that she had picked you.
"can i have one more dance?" alexia asked as she rested her chin against your shoulder. her face was partially buried in the side of your neck. alexia's breath tickled against your skin, something she couldn't have known would have you turning red in the face like it was. "please, i'm having fun with you. i don't want it to end just yet."
"i think i can handle one more." it was a total lie, but you didn't know it yet. the next song was more upbeat than the last, but alexia didn't move any further away from her. you could feel her hips press against your ass with each movement that she made. alexia was dancing with you like before, only closer now. it was reminscent of something that you hadn't experienced in quite some time.
alexia kept her hands around you even after the song had ended. the two of you made your way towards the booth, where several of your teammates were not sitting as well. alexia sat down first, and without hesitation, pulled you into her lap. they all quieted down at the sight of you, but neither you nor alexia missed the looks on their faces.
"problem?" alexia asked. her arm was snaked protectively around your waist, and as patri moved in closer, alexia's arm tightened. she had already been holding you tightly, but the addition of force managed to pull a squeak from you that unfortunately did not go unheard by anybody.
"the free show was nice, even if this isn't that kind of club," patri teased as she tapped on the tip of your nose. you swatted her hand away as you cursed at her in german. frido and ingrid's faces went red at your words, but they didn't let patri in on what you had said.
"what is that supposed to mean?" alexia asked.
"are you so oblivious that you don't see how turned on (y/n) is with her on your lap, capi? i mean, look at her. it's a shock that she's not squirming," cata pointed out. you grumbled as you tried to hide your hands. alexia looked at you questioningly, and when you refused to meet her gaze, she realized that there was a lot of truth to their words.
"you, uh… you… i'm sorry. i didn't mean to make you… i mean…" alexia stumbled through her words unlike anything you had ever seen before. the girls at the table laughed at her, which made a bit of anger flare up inside of you.
"hey, it's okay. you didn't know," you said sweetly. alexia bit her lip as you turned in her lap and cupped her cheeks. "i asked you to dance with me. besides this isn't anything that won't pass eventually."
"aren't you embarrassed?" alexia asked. she looked really guilty, and you wanted to kiss the pout off of her lip.
"it's fine, ale. if you really feel bad, you can buy me breakfast or something tomorrow morning," you told her. alexia looked confused for a moment before the cheering and hollering of your teammates clued her in. with that, she quickly stood up and walked you out of the club and away from them. you both knew alexia wouldn't just sleep with you, but you were surprised when she let you come over and stay the night with her anyway.
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togasbloodbag · 2 months
A Discovery of Old Feelings: Part 1/2?
TW(s): Boys kissing, no smut but suggestive(?) scenes (kind of)
Words: 1,842
Bakugou and Kirishima have been friends since high school. After they graduated and both became full time heroes, they seemed to become more and more distant, hardly talking to each other except for the occasional "Hi"'s and "Hey"'s at hero meetings and patrols where they happened to run in to each other.
Recently, though, Kirishima has been wanting to hang out with the "Bakusquad" again to form a small friend reunion. He had been setting the event up for a few weeks now and had finally found a day where they had all been off of patrol for the night.
(Basically, a short fluff fic where some old feelings from high school come back to bite Katsuki and Ejirou in the ass <3)
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6:07 pm
Kirishima was the first to arrive at the designated meet-up spot, not wanting anyone to be lost or think they got the wrong date.
He had chosen a late afternoon beach trip for all of them since it was summer, and had made sure to come a bit later when everyone cleared out as to not draw attention to all the pro-heroes gathering in one place outside of work.
He set out his beach towel and put a small bag down, sitting down as well and waiting for his friends to arrive.
Mina was the first to arrive, beside Kirishima, showing up in a bright bikini with a long but flowy and slightly see-through cardigan-like cover. She was carrying a drink in one hand and a small beach bag in the other.
"Mina! You're here!" Kirishima exclaimed, hopping up from his spot and hugging Ashido once she had gotten over to him.
Mina returned the embrace, giggling a bit.
"Hey Kiri! Nice to see your hugs are still the same." She replied, gaining a small laugh between the two of them.
Mina set her stuff down next to Kirishima's, stretching a bit afterward.
The next two to arrive were Denki and Sero, all of them exchanging embraces and back pats.
Bakugou arrived shortly after, the clock just hitting 6:30 pm.
Kirishima looked over at Bakugou, the rest of the group already getting their covers off and getting towels laid out to get in the water. Ejirou brightly smiled and walked up to Bakugou.
"Hey, Bakubro! What's up, man? I feel like I haven't seen you in forever!" Bakugou glanced up at Ejirou as he put his stuff down, doing his usual eye roll and small scoff.
"Just normal hero work." He replied, the regular raspiness and anger in his tone sounding a bit more calm and collected.
Kirishima chuckled at the males response. He hadn't changed much since high school, except for the fact he could control his anger a bit more now.
A separate bonus was that Katsuki had also gotten jacked. He had biceps that looked bigger than Kirishimas when he activated his quirk, muscles in his arms flexing everytime he even moved, and thighs that looked like they could crush watermelons. (Kirishimas head)
Once everybody finished putting their stuff down and greeting each other, Mina, Sero, and Denki all went running into the water like lunatics. They were screaming and laughing as the two still on shore watched.
Kirishima laughed a bit and threw off his shirt, just in his swim trunks now. "Come on, Kats! Let's go for a swim!" He insisted with another laugh, running into the water with the rest of the squad.
Katsuki stared at Ejirous frame before he had gotten into the water, his exterior staying regular, but his interior literally screaming. Kirishima as well had gotten much bigger than he was in high school, his physique eye candy to the blonde.
Bakugou quickly snapped out of his odd trance and also took off his top, walking into the water and playing around with the squad.
They all goofed around in the water for about an hour before they all got out and started drying off.
8:47 pm
The squad was all packed in Kirishimas Jeep, singing along to songs they knew in high school.
The energy in the vehicle was extremely high with the mixture of the scream-singing from most of the group, Katsuki telling them to shut the hell up over the commotion, and the group bursting out laughing.
After a few more pop songs and death threats from Katsuki, they arrived at a fast food restaurant.
One by one, they exited the vehicle, walking into the restaurant and ordering. The fast food place was quite small and was basically in the middle of nowhere. It wasn't busy at all, nobody except the pro-heroes and workers in the building.
After they got their food and signed a few items from the workers, they sat at a back table and began eating.
Mina started up a conversation.
"So guys, have you been seeing anybody recently? Like, dating wise. I'm curious to see if any of you have picked up a date!" She questioned the boys, giggling a bit as she saw Denki go red.
Sero also noticed Denki's cherry tomato colored face, raising an eyebrow. "What's with the embarrassment, Denki? Been seeing someone recently?" He inquired, taking a sip from his soda.
"What?! Pft- Nooooo! How do you think someone as brain dead as me could pick up a date?!-" Kaminari hurriedly replied, now finding the street outside the window next to him very interesting.
Everybody-minus Denki and Bakugou-looked at each other and burst out laughing.
"Sureeee, Kaminari. Who is it, though? Seriously, you can trust us, man!" Kirishima exclaimed, a small crinkle in the corners of his eyes as he smiled wide. A tiny feature that only few would notice.
While the others continued to interrogate Denki, Bakugou stared intently at the red head. He looked like he was studying, analyzing the male.
He didn't even notice how obvious his staring was until Sero nudged him in his side.
"Dude, you look like you're planning Kirishimas death in your head, you look like your planning Kirishimas murder-" Sero asked.
Katsuki quickly looked away, now glaring at Sero. "Shut the hell up, tape dispenser! I'm fine!!" He insisted, quickly putting his head down and covering his flushed face with his arms.
His ears were as red as Kirishimas hair, standing out against the blonde hair of the male.
The group exchanged another questioning glance before Kirishima glanced down at his phone.
Boom Boom Boy 💥: Meet me in the bathroom, dumbass.
As Kirishima glanced up from his phone, Katsuki was already walking to the bathroom.
"Uh- I'll be right back, guys! I'm gonna go check on Bakugou and make sure he's okay!-" Ejirou excused himself and got up from the table, walking to the bathroom.
As the male entered the bathroom, he instantly saw Bakugous shoes from under the stall, the orange and black standing out from the white tile of the restrooms floor.
"Uh.. Bakubro? Are you okay?" The red head questioned, giving a slight knock to the stall Katsuki was in.
Almost instantly, the stall swung open, nearly hitting Ejirou in the face and earning a small yelp from him.
Ejirou was yanked into the stall and was pushed into the corner, a wall behind his back and a familiar hand pressing against his chest.
The red head was met with ruby eyes glaring at him when he glanced down, the bathroom feeling extremely quiet except for Ejirous heavy breathing.
"Katsuki?.." Ejirou asked quietly, his face going slightly red. The bright florescent light shining down on them from above only extenuated the boys flushed face.
"Ejirou, I-" Katsuki cut himself off, scoffing. He seemed frustrated at something, and while Kirishima could usually find out what it was that was bothering him, he couldn't this time.
Katsukis ears went red as he seemed to be looking anywhere in the small stall, but Ejirou.
"Bakugou, if there's something bothering you, you can tell-"
"God, just shut up, Ejirou." Bakugou cut the red head off by slamming his lips against the males, his hands cupping Kirishimas face.
Kirishima froze but quickly kissed the blonde back, melting into the males touch.
The red heads hands found their way to Katsukis lower back, slowly sliding down and picking him up. Ejirou pushed Bakugou into the door, only breaking the kiss for air, then immediately diving back into the blondes lips.
Katsuki was slightly taken aback by the other males eagerness, but also surprised by how easily Ejirou picked the blonde up. He instinctively wrapped his legs around the red heads torso, his arms slinging around Kirishimas neck.
A few moments passed of the two eagerly devouring each other's lips before both of them pulled away and were left panting, lips swollen and red.
"So.." Kirishima mumbled between a few small pants, face flushed as red as his own hair.
Katsukis head rested on Kirishimas shoulder, his arms resting limply around the males neck. He could hear the males heartbeat, which sounded louder than his own heavy breathing.
"Uhm.. So what did you need to tell me..?" Ejirou questioned, a small smile pulling at the corners of his lips.
Bakugou scoffed and slightly smiled. "I think you know, dumbass.." The blonde responded, letting out a sigh.
Kirishima let out a small chuckle, carefully letting Bakugou down. "Thought you lost feelings in high school, Kats?" Ejirou teased, his thumb gently resting on the blondes lower lip.
The blonde flushed red and quickly looked away, pushing Ejirous hand away and covering his face with his hands.
"Shut the hell up.." He murmured, his ears changing to a tomato color.
Ejirou barked a laugh, gently patting the blonde spikes of Katsukis hair. "I'm good, thanks though, Kats."
Kirishima replied, taking a step back and sighing.
"Guess we should get back to the group, huh? Y'know, before they get suspicious." Kirishima reminded, unlocking the stall and walking into the main part of the restroom.
"Feel free to come back when you're ready. I'll be with everyone else." The red head told the blonde, splashing his face with water and wiping it off before turning and walking out of the bathroom.
Katsuki walked out of the stall and stared in the mirror, noticing how swollen his lips were. His ears went red as the puffiness wasn't going down.
"Fuck. Tch. Whatever." The blonde took a few more seconds to recuperate before walking back over to the table that his friends sat at.
He didn't know what they were talking about, and honestly didn't care, so he simply plopped down in his chair and took a sip of his soda.
The group gave the blonde a glance, Kirishimas lingering, before returning to whatever they seemed to be talking about.
9:50 pm
After everyone had finished eating and catching up, most had left their separate ways after a few hugs and kisses on the cheek from Mina. The only two people still left on the curbside of the restaurant were Bakugou and Kirishima.
Katsuki seemed to be lost in thought as he intently stared at the sidewalk, but in reality, he was just hoping Ejirou would say something first.
Lucky for Bakugou, Kirishima did, in fact, have something to say first.
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Soooooo- First fic on this account! I hope you enjoyed it, also sorry for any grammar mistakes or spelling errors, I proof read this like 5 times then had to actually transfer it to Tumblr after it had sat in my notes app for a week!- 😅 Anyways, have a great day, remember to drink water, eat 3 meals, and get enough sleep!! 🫶
(Also, yes, I'm going to make a fic about Shinkami bc of the part at the restaurant :P)
Taglist: @mixtlilotl
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My thoughts on Dr. Stone’s Chapter 231 (“A Future to Get Excited About”)
My thoughts after reading Chapter 231:
01. So the Medusas, and/or their power, are blue in space! :O Does their being green on Earth have something to do with oxygen and oxidization and stuff? Because I know metal can turn green if... um... well, I know it can turn green! XD
02. In my post earlier about Chapter 230, I said I hoped Byakuya would be mentioned... and here he is in colored chapter art with Senku! :’) They’re both happily eating ramen while wearing spacesuits, and Senku’s just chowing down while Byakuya looks at him with so much happiness and pride! :’)
03. And if that already wasn’t enough, you turn the page and see Kohaku (dancing with Senku fans! :D) and Chrome and Suika - the original Ishigami Village trio who first cooked ramen with Senku - right there with Senku and Byakuya!! :O :’) (I HAVE to put this in my fanfic somehow :O)
04. Senku talks with Whyman; Whyman flexes his form-assuming skills; Kohaku and Stanley have no idea what’s going on and then they suddenly hear that they’re going to be petrified... :O
05. Stanly standing his ground; Kohaku analyzing the situation... awesome! :D And Senku looked back at them with gratitude! :)
06. Senku WANTS them to stay?! And he even brought his own visual aids! XD Hahahaha! XD
07. Ten years from one shiny monkey on Earth to the work of many shiny monkeys sending that original shiny monkey to the moon... :O That’s information is very helpful! :D
08. Whyman’s spokesperson happened to be the Senku of their species XD :’) Hahahaha! XD This is AMAZING! :D
09. I like how Whyman chose to float to Kohaku :) (It wasn’t Senku, since he was still holding the axe, and Stanley was probably still on his guard with the grenade net gun.)
10. Goodbye, Mega Whyman, and hello, Normal Whyman! :O
11. A high five between Senku and Ryusui, with a happy Kohaku and a pleased Stanley watching! :)
12. What did they say “bye” to? A part of the rocket that was dead weight for the return trip?
13. Kohaku, the very first person on Earth to be willingly petrified (well, along with Ginro), is making friends with Whyman XD
14. Speaking of which, they put eyes and a mouth on Whyman’s vacuum capsule and made him cute XD Hahahaha! XD
15. Kohaku asking where Whyman came from... until (almost) the end, Inagaki is still really good at letting his characters ask his readers’ questions :) Remember way back when we were all confused about Senku’s voice, and Inagaki had characters wondering if it was a recording; or if Senku had an evil twin or a doppelganger; or if time travel was involved...? XD
16. I’m glad for Whyman :) He finally got to ask the shiny monkeys, “Why?” And, I mean, I’m not saying he GETS our reasons, but at least he’s finally got some responses :D
17. Yay, they showed Byakuya in a panel! :D And other people, too! :)
18. The “That’s how our science rolls” reminds me of the part of the manga where we see the line “that’s how the kingdom of science rolls” and we see Byakuya and the other astronauts. Oh! I think I have it... it was in my favorite chapter, Chapter 140, wasn’t it? :) ...Wait, no, the conclusion of my favorite scene had somebody (no indicator which of them, but it was probably Kohaku) say that that really was Treasure Island. Hmm, then where is the “that’s how the kingdom of science rolls” line from? Maybe somewhere else in that chapter...? It feels like it would be somewhere in the Treasure Island arc... but... I could be wrong... ;O Well, nobody tell me! :) I’d like to find out for myself - I’m sure I’ll come across it again someday! :D
19. Predictions for the final (real) manga chapter of Dr. Stone... :O They get back to Earth; everybody greets them and meets Whyman; Senku says that the work’s just getting started; then a time skip while there’s a montage of them excavating petrified statues and stuff.
20. Then at the end of the time skip, they all look more grown-up (maybe Senku has a hint of... oh, right, not blood-related XD But he could still have the beginnings of a beard... And maybe Kohaku will have longer hair?) but still recognizable; Minami is reporting on TV or the internet that all seven billion people have been finally been revived (sadly, this does not include those with too-broken statues, but at least we’ve revived everybody who can be revived); and we have a grand celebration where many, many characters get moments and lines; and the manga will end with them wondering what planets Whyman has gone to and outlining a roadmap for an interplanetary spaceship and Senku telling us to get excited! :D
21. Oh, and I’m also going to predict a quiet moment between Senku and Kohaku, where they talk about the day they met and about Byakuya, probably before the victory celebration, since it makes sense for the final scene of the manga to be more ensemble-y because we have so many characters. I really, really hope there’s going to be a hint of romance somewhere, and if Darya’s diamond ring from the Soyuz capsule Kohaku exploded open makes an appearance, I will literally die. It’ll be a shame to pass away just one day before the release of the Dr. Stone: Ryusui TV special; but it’ll be a good death; one I will happily accept with open arms :D And now, to Chapter 232, which I’m sure will be exhilarating! :D
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captainsophiestark · 2 years
Klaus Mikaelson x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries/The Originals
Prompt: "I'll kick your vampire ass if I have to."
Summary: Klaus and Y/N have been dating for a long time, and Y/N has more or less gotten used to dealing with all the Mikaelson drama. Still, that doesn't mean they don't need a break from time to time. Nik *promised* Y/N they could have a good old fashioned movie marathon as a break from everything they'd been through lately, but when he tries to go back on his promise, Y/N shows him what's up.
Word Count: 1,458
Category: Little bit of angst, fluff
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
I danced around the house, grabbing all the snacks from the kitchen and laying them out carefully on the coffee table in the living room. I gathered all the DVDs I'd tracked down, then set them next to the TV. I glanced at the clock and smiled when I saw the time. Nik would be here any minute.
Dating an Original vampire was never easy or simple. Usually, it was incredibly stressful with a high chance of danger. After a month filled with insane schemes and near-death experiences, Nik had promised to make it all up to me with one of my favorite activities: a classic horror movie marathon.
I'd been preparing all day, making sure everything was perfect for the night. I didn't want anything to go wrong, especially now that we were finally getting a date night like a normal couple.
I threw a few extra blankets and pillows on the couch just as I heard a knock at the door. I grinned as I went to get it, and Nik stepped through as soon as I opened it.
"Hi babe," I said, smiling as I closed the door behind him. "Are you ready for tonight? I've got everything together. Favorite movies, all the snacks we could want, drinks-"
"Y/N, we can't have our marathon tonight," he said bluntly, stopping in the hallway to stare at me. The smile slipped off my face as I tried to process his words.
"I'm sorry, what?"
"We have to reschedule," he said. "A group of new vampires has been stepping out of line, and Elijah and I need to go and put them in their place before things get out of hand."
I just stared at him in disbelief and growing anger as he looked back at me. He looked sorry, but that didn't make up for what he'd just said one bit.
"I came to pick you up and bring you back to the compound," he said, taking a few steps towards me. "It'll be safer for you there, where Hayley can watch out for you and you'll be more protected."
He put his hand on my arm, presumably to guide me out, but I was not having it. I ripped my arm out of his grip and glared at him with as much force as I could muster.
"No. No no no no no, Nik, no. You're not doing this to me."
"Love, come on, it's not like I have choice..."
"You always have a choice!" I cried. "Maybe not when someone's coming for you and you can't escape them, but that's not what this is. This is you and Elijah trying to flex your muscles and prove to everybody you're the big bad vampires you say you are, and I'm not having it. You're not doing it, not tonight."
"No, Nik! I'm serious! You promised me a nice night in, and a horror movie marathon, with no drama. And I am getting it, no matter what it takes. I'll kick your vampire ass if I have to."
Nik stared at me for a few beats, but I just stood between him and the door, hands on my hips. I meant what I'd said, and I was not backing off.
Nik and I stayed locked in our staring contest for a while, but finally, he let out an exasperated sigh and looked away.
"You are a weak, fragile human, and I'm the most dangerous vampire in the bloody world. How is it possible for you to back me down so easily?" he sighed as he rolled his eyes. I just grinned back at him.
"Easy. I'm your girlfriend, and you love me. Anybody else, you don't care about enough to worry about keeping—or even making—movie night promises. Me? I'm special. Which probably makes me the most powerful human in the bloody world," I said, adopting an exaggerated version of his accent for my last few words. He gave me an exasperated look, but he couldn't hold back as smile as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close.
"I guess you're right," he said, nuzzling his nose against my neck as he picked me up and started heading to the living room. "We make a truly terrifying pair."
I laughed as he set me down on the couch and pulled his phone out with a grin.
"Just let me call Elijah and tell him we'll have to reschedule our plan. Then I'll be back, and you can start playing whatever terrible movie you have queued up first."
"Terrible?" I demanded, but Nik was already turning and walking away, phone pressed to his ear. I grabbed the nearest pillow and hurled it at him. I managed to hit him square in the back, but he just glanced over his shoulder with a devilish smirk before continuing out of the room.
I shook my head, but I couldn't stop the warm feeling flooding my chest as I got the first movie ready to play. Even now, after we'd been dating for a long time, I couldn't quite believe Niklaus Mikaelson cared enough about me to put revenge on the back burner. When I'd first met him, it really hadn't seemed possible.
Nik came back as soon as he'd finished talking with Elijah, as promised. Apparently Elijah wasn't happy, which I didn't expect him to be, but I also didn't care. He'd told me plenty of times how much he appreciated my influence on Nik, so he could handle my interference with their stupid schemes every so often.
Nik and I kicked back on the couch together after I pushed play on the movie. He held his arms out for me, and I curled into his side as the opening credits began playing. He held me close, and I sighed contently as I laid my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat.
We stayed like that for hours, watching one movie after another and absolutely gorging ourselves on terrible snack food. We shifted positions all over the couch, but no matter where we ended up, Nik and I were always close to each other.
We lost ourselves in the movies as Nik criticized every dumb move the main characters made and I pretended to be scared just so I could curl up even closer to him. I'm pretty sure he knew I was faking it, but neither of us cared.
About halfway through Nosferatu, Nik stopped rubbing my back and leaned down to place kisses along my neck. His hot breath on my skin made it incredibly hard to concentrate on the movie, and I was about to tell him as much when he whispered into my ear.
"You know love, I think it's pretty interesting that you're so afraid of the vampire on the tv when there's a much more real vampire who's much, much closer to your neck..."
He trailed off as he moved down my neck and placed kisses along my collarbone, and I shivered.
"Nik. I'm trying to watch the movie," I hissed, but my heart wasn't in it. Nik hummed, and I knew he could tell.
"We've been watching movies all night," he muttered. "It's been fun, but I have a different kind of fun in mind now..."
He pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arms around me even tighter, and after a few seconds, I decided to stop fighting it. I turned around so I was facing Nik and straddling his lap, and when he looked up at me with mischief in his eyes, I kissed him hard.
When we finally broke apart for a little air, Nik was grinning at me with a devilish smile. I just smiled right back, the movie behind me now completely forgotten.
"So, you still upset at all that you didn't end up going after those guys tonight?" I asked. Nik huffed a laugh as he buried his face in my neck.
"Honestly love? They haven't crossed my mind since the first movie started."
I smiled, then let out a shriek as Nik bit down playfully on the skin just above my collar bone. His fangs weren't out, and I couldn't help laughing as I ran my hands through his hair.
"Damn vampires," I teased.
"You know you love it," he teased right back.
After all the crazy drama we'd been through in the past month, this was exactly the night I needed.
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static-fanatic-1 · 3 years
Chrollo +PT Part 2 is finally out! I also figured it a name for the son, Akura. Enjoy! 7.7k words and it almost didn’t fit in the post RIP.
| Part 1 | 
"Eat lead Uvo."
"Already checked off the bucket list (y/n/n)."
God, you hated that nickname. "Don't test me." You growled, glaring back at your little boy with a silent message; 'You're in such deep shit once this is over'. You could see him physically gulp, and it only cemented the fact that despite being a pissy teenager, he was still the same, scared little boy you had taken in after the massacre. You almost teared up.
"Kurapika! Watch the road!" The woman yelped.
The blond swerved off the road, almost knocking you off and onto the dusty path beneath the car. "Kurapika," you began, "watch the road, I'll take care of anyone following us."
You could tell Uvogin wanted to say something, so you quickly dipped out of the passenger window and climbed onto the top of the car. The people in the second car stared at you through the windshield with pure fear in their eyes. You laughed to yourself, they must think you are a Phantom Troupe member. If only they knew.
You stood tall on top of the car roof, spine straight, shoulders back, chin up, you were ready for them to attack. You were ready to fight your old friends. You launched yourself off the roof and onto the second car, landing with your heavy boots and denting the car just as you did before, a little less damage though.
They were chasing you, you could see their forms driving a car with a new found vigor they lacked before. Machi was in front, her pink hair you used to love seemingly a bit darker, like it was drenched in so much blood it stained it darker. You locked eyes with her, and you could see the micro expression of her face. Brows lifting, eyes widening, she couldn't believe it was you. But it was, and you were preparing to take them down.
You flexed your fingers and soaked in the feeling of your terracotta gauntlets, preparing to tear down the entire canyon, but you stopped. A large blanket wrapping around the car they were packed in, though it did little to stop them. You saw them leave before it covered them, it seemed Nobunaga didn't make it in time. You chuckled at that.
Owl, the beast who worked for Jason's father, stood snuggly in front of the Troupe. He and the rest were as good as dead, this you knew, so you took the opportunity and shot out the lion heads on your gauntlets. They snapped as they flew through the crisp night sky and latched onto the sides of the canyon walls. With strength many didn't posses, you pulled harshly onto the chains and pulled down the stone walls. Stone, pieces larger than the car you stood on top of, came crumbling down to the floor, dust flying in the air. Your path was blocked, and hopefully the beasts would distract them long enough for Kurapika and his gang to gain enough distance.
You took a moment to look up, the beautiful night sky full of stars and constellations you couldn't find in the city. The shinning stars reminded you of a time where sitting around a trash fire with the pre-Troupe was normal. It used to be kind, open, and free. Nothing but a blanket of stars above you to lull you to sleep.
And your village, oh how you missed being able to see the night sky as clear as day, untainted by ash and blazing fires. The children playing in the fields and catching fireflies as they tripped on rocks they failed to see. Laughter, warmth, and a sense of homeliness you haven't had in years. You missed it, you craved it, you wanted nothing more than to go back and change something that could have prevented the Kurta massacre.
Your (e/c) orbs soaked in the light of the stars while your hair whipped against your face. As much as you wanted to sit down and cry, letting all the pent up frustration and hatred out, you couldn't show weakness. Not even to the all seeing stars above, or the gentle wind, and especially not to the enemies that will tear you apart.
A ringing knocked you out of your memories, taking you back into a cruel reality you didn't want to partake in. "Yes?" You answered, phone close to your ear as you took one last look at the shinning stars.
It was Jason, his sweet voice filled with worry. "We sent Owl and the rest of the Beasts. What happened?"
You hummed in thought. "A few men caught one of the Troupe members, the most physically powerful. We are on our way back to York New, I would prepare a safe place to store him, if the poison from his body is taken, we are screwed."
"Is he one of the ones you could take down?"
"No, we got lucky. We have to be cautious about this one." You turned back to York New, the shinning city moving closer and closer. "About the Beasts... they are probably all dead by now. The man we are bringing in killed four of them I think, the rest are slowing down about five other members, they don't stand a chance."
"Shit," he breathed through the phone, distant mumbling being heard but nothing being deciphered, "what do you think will happen now?"
"I'm not sure, but the Troupe won't let one of their own be taken like this. They'll be back I'm sure."
"Okay, I trust your judgement. Take care." Jason hung up before you could say anything more.
You hoped nothing bad would happen to him. He was a nice guy.
Soon enough you finally decided to sit down on the roof of the car, the city skyscrapers finally looming above and warning you of the upcoming confrontation you will have to partake in. Uvogin would be a difficult one to deal with, he tended to boast with his headstrong attitude and you were worried about him escaping. And Kurapika... what were you going to do with the boy?
You sighed, the car quickly coming to a stop. Finally, the people under your butt, rushed from inside the car and stared you down. "Who-Who are you?!" Questioned one panicked man, his skin a sun kissed brown and eyes as rich as chocolate.
"A friend." You hopped off the car and in front of the small group. "I am a friend of Kurapika, don't worry, I'm not a Troupe member."
They all seemed to relax a bit, but stayed wary of your strength. Being next to you they could tell you were way beyond their league.
Kurapika emerged from the car and readied himself to contain the one-man-army. One man, with gray hair and markings along his cheeks, scurried over and held the blond back. "Wait, we need to get a room."
"A friend of mine already has one for us, you are to contact your boss and inform him of the situation at hand." You mentioned. "This, surprisingly enough, is the place."
"How can we trust you?" He exclaimed, turning and leaning forward in your face. "You could be one of them! Waiting to kill us!"
"Everybody, please calm down-" began the woman standing beside Kurapika.
"My employer is the son of one of the Ten Dons, Jason Nargal. I contacted him about the situation and I've been staying in touch. Frankly I'm not in the mood to argue with someone of the likes of you, so please, shut your damn mouth before I loose what's left of my temper." You snapped, moving closer to size the man in front of you.
He shrunk back, eyes wide with a fear he has never felt before. "Very well." He turned his attention to Kurapika and the other girl with heavy breathing. "Let's hurry."
You sat down, your eyes staring at the wall as your mind drifted off. You were worried, pissed, scared, and so much more. Footsteps brought you back to reality, your (e/c) eyes taking in the grey haired man from before. He glanced back before quickly looking away. "You aren't going to interrogate the Troupe member?" He asked.
"No, I have no reason to talk to him, at least not in front of any of you."
He hummed and moved to the desk, taking the phone into his hand and making a call. Time passed before Kurapika and the others emerged from the vaulted room, and your fury returned.
Kurapika could feel it.
"Kurapika, I would like to talk to you. Privately."
He glared at you, his dark eyes gleaming slightly under his contacts, like charcoal in a slow-roasting flame. Was he challenging you? Silently threatening you to let him finish the war he began?
Maybe, but that didn't matter to you. All you wanted was to talk to him about the situation. And the newfound plan you guys would have to make.
Maybe he sensed the lack of hostility you bore. It must have been as he nodded slowly and followed you out into the white hallways. "(Y/n)," he began with caution, "I won't stop. I'm going to finish what I started and you can't do anything about it."
You bit your lip and whipped around, smacking him across his face. "I know that! But warn me next time! I had to leave Akura all alone in a hotel room because you were the only person I could trust! You were reckless when engaging close to so many Troupe members! You could have died if they caught you!" You paused for some breath. "You could have killed everyone!"
Tears began streaming down your cheeks, you hands rubbing your face to help relieve the stress. It didn't help as much as you would have liked it to. "You left Akura alone." You repeated with defeat in your voice. "If they find out where he is... they'll take him from me. I-I can't let-let them take both of you from me."
Finally all the pent up feelings burst through your eyes, fat tears streaming silently down your cheeks. "I ju-just can't. I wouldn't be able-able to live with myself if...."
Kurapika stood frozen, all this new information hitting him at the same time as your cries for help made it all the more confusing. "(Y/n)... it'll be okay." He held you up by your shoulders, leaning down to stare into your tears eyes. "Akura will be okay, you'll be okay, I'll be okay. You and I will take down the Phantom Troupe and we won't have to worry about them anymore."
He stopped for a moment to think about your words. They seemed exact, different than just someone hunting for their eyes. What did you mean by your son would be taken away from you if they knew where he was? Wait, how did you know the name of the Troupe member? And how did he know an old nickname you used to have? "(Y/n). What are you not telling me?"
There was a deafening silence between the two bodies, but enough was said. "Kurapika-"
"Don't lie to me. You know something I don't." A pregnant pause was apparent. "Answer me (y/n), I don't have time to watch you cry."
You looked up, staring into violent eyes gleaming a beautiful blood red. "I'm sorry." You wailed, pulling yourself back into the wall with your hands covering your face. "I'm sorry I never wanted this to happen. I wanted you to run away from this, to have a family, to be happy! I never wanted you to fight my mistakes. I never meant for this to happen.
"I promised myself I would take care of them, I promised myself I would give you the best life you could hope for. I-I promised myself... and-and I failed." You shook your head with your hands hiding your shame, your voice cracking with messy sobs. "I'm sorry for bringing you into this, Kurapika. This wasn't meant to happen...."
He took a step back, you were crying—no—sobbing. Hiccups and sniffles wracked from your hidden face. This has never happened before. You never cried, not even once. He only saw one tear and that was when you found him at the burnt down village.
You were not sad, you were beyond devastated.
"(Y-y/n)... d-don't cry. Just tell me what you know. How did you know his name? How did he know you?"
"I knew them, I met them when I left the village. I would visit. I-I taught them nen because they were struggling out there. I didn't mean for them to attack us, but they did and I tried to stop them, but I was pregnant and-and I killed one. I ran because there was too many. I was selfish, I-I should have fought. I was scared and...." Your strained voice trailed off into a distant whimper.
Kurapika stared at your shriveled form, a look of betrayal etched onto his brows. "You won't stop me. I'm going to kill every single one of them for what they've done and you are going to watch." He stopped his retreat, turning his head to give you one last glance. "I'll take care of everything."
"Kurapika, it's not worth it. Please just leave this to me, let me fix my mistakes! Take Akura and go somewhere safe! Please!"
"Why should I?! You've kept so much from me! You knew them?! You trained them!?! Why should I listen to you— do what you want me to?!"
"They want me! They'll take Akura and kill you! If you're in their way you'll die! I don't want that to happen! Please! Take Akura and get out of here! Let me take care of this so you guys can be safe and happy!
"Let me fix my mistakes... please!"
Kurapika whipped around. "Why would they be after you? Akura?"
You dropped your head in shame, but straightened your back. It was time to regain your lost composure, you couldn't let anyone else see you like this. "The spider is flexible. They-they have a head and legs. Each one can be easily replaced, that is how they work. Their current leader, the spider's head, is-is Akura's father. We-we got along, and-and one thing lead to another and... well, Akura was brought into the world. I tried to hide him, but with him being alone it wouldn't be difficult for them to find him. God, I don't know what I would do if they got their hands on him."
You pathetically gave an airy laugh at your memories. When you gave birth it was loud, like static in your ears, painful, though you barely remember it. Then you heard the beautiful sound of a babies cries. You were beyond happy when you heard his first cries, and it seemed as if all of your problems drifted away for a moment.
But like everything in your life it was short lived, and when you stared up at Kurapika you forced yourself to gather the remaining pieces of your strength and move forward. That is what you had to do, again and again.
"I'm sorry Kurapika, I've failed everyone."
The blond stared at you with bloody eyes, it was your fault? Everything that happened was your fault?! You were supposed to be a guardian, someone to protect the clan, yet you killed everyone?!
"Yeah, you did." He spat, his back now facing you.
"Wait! Kurapika! I-I don't care what happens me! Just please—please take care of Akura!" Your voice was demanding, the first time it had been since you broke down. "He doesn't deserve the life he has, neither do you, please, if anything happens to me, take care of him."
He didn't answer, instead he turned away and marched back to Uvogin's cell.
You prepared yourself for being in front of the wolves, but a ringing from your phone stopped you. "Hello?"
"(Y/n), father wants you to come back, be a body guard since the beasts—are you okay? You seem to be breathing heavily?"
"Don't worry, I'm fine. Just a bit frustrated." You have a long sigh and straightened your back. "Everything seems to be on lockdown over here, they have men coming over in a few minutes. Where do you want me to meet you?"
"Is the Blue Sapphire Hotel good? I can have someone pick you up?"
"No, no, that's not necessary. I'll be there soon."
"Alright, I'll wait in the lobby for you. See you soon."
He hung up and left you to your own devices. You finished fixing yourself up and sauntered over to the last person here, the man with markings under his eyes. "I'm leaving," you started, "my employer wants me to guard them now that the beasts are dead. You'll be fine here right?"
He looked up and nodded. "I'm waiting for another call."
"Alright, call me when they take him and what they look like... just in case." You made sure he understood with another nod before you made your way out of the hotel.
Your dress was slightly dirty, and your feet still bare. You probably looked strange, a woman with disheveled hair, missing shoes, and a dirty formal dress. You received many stares, some because of your intimidating stature, or your exposed cleavage, and some because of your appearance. So you ignored them and kept your head high.
But if you didn't ignore the stares you would have noticed the small group staring at you longer than most. Their suits and wigs might have hidden them from most people, but you would have noticed them right away. Phinks and Nobunaga turned to confront you, but Machi held them back. "Now's not the time, we'll get her after Uvo."
"Tch, fine. Isn't Shal looking into her employer?"
"Mhm." Machi hummed, continuing to their mission at hand; saving Uvogin's reckless ass.
Uvogin waited for what seemed like a god awful amount of time. Sooner or later they would get him out of this stupid prison. Hopefully sooner rather than later, his ass was beginning to hurt.
As if on que he heard movement, blood splatter, and the creaking of the heavy metal door. "Took you long enough, I'd thought you'd never make it."
Phinks entered with a grin. "Yeah, yeah, had to stop by the vending machine on our way up here."
Uvogin's grin stretched across his face as the rest of them entered and tossed away their disguises. "You wouldn't believe who I met." He chuckled.
Shizuku, with her doe like eyes wondered over to his wound, summoning her Blinky and preparing to take out the venom from his veins. But it was Nobu who spoke up. "(Y/n)." He exclaimed immediately, almost excitedly.
Uvo's grin turned into a playful pout. "Way to ruin it Nobu." 
She simply shrugged and began to remove the poison, as Nubonaga laughed.
Machi 'tsk'ed and moved over to the table's side. "You should hurry up and get out of those cuffs. We're going back to the chapel to figure out a new plan."
Uvo huffed and tore his hands from their bindings. "Fiiiiiine." He groaned, pausing when realizing her words. "A new plan?"
"Yup, Feitan tortured that Owl guy so we already have some of the treasure. Besides, (y/n) could be a problem." Phinks chimed in with a mischievous grin. "You now she's much stronger than before right? You can tell just by passing her."
"Maybe she made a new condition with her nen gauntlets?" Nobunaga chimed in. "Do you think she would do that?"
Phinks hummed. "She never liked the thought of making conditions. She probably just trained to get more powerful, that's more her style."
"Anyway, we should hurry and head out, Chrollo is waiting."
You marched into the lobby, the crystal chandelier above drenching your body in a warm, ethereal glow. The pearl earrings you wore gleamed like small balls of Fire against the light, it complemented your (h/c) hair.
Jason saw your confident form, his thin lips stretching across his face into a gentle smile. "(Y/n)! I'm glad to see you're alright!" His long legs helped him scale the lobby floor to face you. "We are on the top floor, follow me."
"Who is up there?"
"Everyone from the dinner, they have a lot of questions for you, so be prepared." He lightly chuckled, though it seemed a bit strained.
The both of you entered an elevator with a large mirror on one of the walls. You took out your phone and frowned, still nothing from that grey haired man from earlier, were the people really late? Your mind drifted back to Kurapika, your brows furrowing at his resolution about killing the Troupe.
"You look distracted." Jason commented, his voice heavy with concern.
"Sorry, I just have to make a few calls."
"Oh, with who?"
You glanced over at him with a sly grin. He blushed at it, realizing how nosy he must sound. "Sorry. I didn't mean it like that."
"It's fine, I just need to check up on a few people. My son for sure, I need to make sure he's okay."
"Y-you have a son?" His words were confused and surprised. "I-uh-I didn't know you-you had a son. Um, how old is he?" His smile was lopsided, and nervous. He hoped you didn't think he judged you off of your past relationships.
"He's six, going seven later this month. The twenty-third."
"He sounds like a nice kid, huh?"
You lightly chuckled at the thought of his intellectual nature. "Yeah, he really is a sweet kid. He's so smart too, loves puzzles more than anything. Words searches, sudoko, picture puzzles, he loves any and all of them. Loves reading too, his favorite is Father and I...."
"The father?" Jason inquired.
"Oh, he's out of the picture. He's—he wasn't a nice man."
Jason turned back to the mirror, his eyes tracing over your relaxed features. "I'm sorry to hear that. How is, uh, your son fairing?"
"Akura's his name. He never knew his father, it's just been me and a friend I see as a little brother." The elevator stopped, and it's shiny doors opened to a brightly lit hallway. "I guess we're here."
"Yup, there's plenty of rooms to make a call, but you should probably answer some of my dad's questions first. You might not believe it, but he can be quite impatient." His tone shifted to something brighter, a reflection of the whites of his eyes.
You entered the warm hallway and to the door. Before you could even touch the door knob, it swung open to reveal a cheeky grin from a familiar green eyed man. "Hey there sexy," His cheshire grin shifted to one of disgust when he glanced at his brother. "Jason."
"Jackson! Leave them alone." Exclaimed someone from behind the door. If the deep voice was an indicator, it was defiantly the dad.
"Sure thing." Jackson groaned and ran off into the giant hotel room. Well, more like a house, the place was huge!
"(Y/n), sweetheart, come in!"
Sweetheart? Did Jason's dad just call you sweetheart? You peeked behind the door and yes, it must've been the father as his smile was barely covered by his beard. He was sitting next to Manchile, in which looked extremely entertained with your expression.
"Well, come on in." The broad man giggled as he threw his arms over the back of the couch.
You glanced over to Jason, a deep blush spread across his tanned cheeks. "Sorry about that." He whispered and further apologized through his hazel eyes. "He might be going crazy."
"Well, (y/n), we have a few questions to ask if you don't mind." Manchile began. "Like what the hell happened out there?"
You fully entered the room and sat on one of the plush chairs off to the side. "There isn't much to say, by the time I got there most of the men deployed her already dead."
"How many Troupe members? You said seven right? Or was it five?"
You crossed your legs as Jason sat across from you, his green eyes shinning with curiosity. You paused and counted, there was Franklin, Uvo, Machi, Shizuku, Nobu, Phinks, and Feitan. "There were seven, one was caught, and five chased after us. After that the group I was with got away because of the beasts... and now we are here."
"Did the Troupe member say anything?"
"No, he was admit on keeping his mouth shut." You glanced down at your hands, the phone you bought earlier this week blank. Where was that call? "May I make a call?" You blurted. "It has to do with the captured Troupe member."
Jason's dad shrugged and waved his hand. "Go ahead, put it on speaker so we can listen in." You nodded and made the call. It rang. And rang. And rang. And stopped.
You looked at the number you typed, it was correct so why didn't he answer? The entire room was dead silent, so you tried again.And again. And again.
Each missed call brought a disgusting taste to your tongue. Everyone must have been able to taste it, there was a collective shaky breath between everyone in the room.
"So, what do you think happened?" Jared, Jason's younger brother, asked. "Why aren't they calling?"
You stayed silent for a moment, doing your damndest to make up an excuse, but that wouldn't do any good. "He-He's probably dead. They probably found Uvogin and saved him."
"The Phantom Troupe member we caught." You quickly said.
Manchile sighed and fiddled with his shiny watch. "All the beasts are dead, the treasure was taken, and we lost one of our leads. This night has truly gone to shit."
The father hummed and leaned back in his chair. "We can't leave, it would make us look like cowards."
You glanced over at the two and closed your eyes for a moment to breathe. "I need to make some other calls, is there a room I can step into?"
Jason stood up this time with a nod, and motioned to a room off to the right.
"Thank you." You stepped in, shut the door, and locked it. You let out a shaky sigh, your mind running a mile a minute at the thought of Uvogin being saved. "Akura first, I need to check up of him."
The phone rang a deathly chime, but it was picked up unlike before. "Momma?"
"Hey sweetheart, how are you?"
There was a displeased hum on the other side. "I was asleep, it's almost two a.m Momma. You should be asleep too!" Your little boy seemed too excited to have been sleeping, but knowing him he followed your rules.
"I know, I know. I've just been busy with work that's all...."
Jackson listened through the white door, his head pressed firmly against the wood so he could get a good angle. He chuckled to himself, his youngest brother, Jared, leaning in with a scowl. "We shouldn't be doing this."
Jason scoffed. "We have nothing else better to do, besides we are just helping Jason get his lady. Nothing too bad."
They listened harder through the door, and through the muffled speech they could clearly hear the word sweetheart again. Jared glanced up at his older brother whose face was confronted into a suppressed laugh. Quietly they moved away, and back to the seats before Jason came back with bottles of champagnes and wines.
He almost knew by the look on their faces that his younger brothers were up to something. "What are you doing?" He whisper yelled to them, eyes sharp with suspicion.
"Your girl has a boyfriend." He said, point to the door with an evil grin. "You have never had a chance."
Jason glared at his brothers, glanced at his father, and back to his brothers. "It's rude to listen in on other people's calls!" He snapped again, pouting his lips.
"Just saying."
"It was Jason's idea." Jared quickly commented.
"Hey! You didn't stop me, you're at fault here!"
"Boys." The dad stated, bringing them to a stop. "Calm down, it was just useless fun."
"Why am I the only responsible one here?" Jason exclaimed, grabbing a small glass and pouring himself some red wine. "I remember when you used to control these rats, dad, now you've become one of them."
"Dirty old rat to you, squirt." He snapped, petting his beard with his free hand. "Dirty old rat king is more accurate, though."
"King?" Jackson yelped. "Yeah right, you're more like a squabbling peasant, dad."
"And you're a filthy stable worker, shoveling manure and getting the shit kicked out of you by my horses!" The father straightened his back, earning an eye roll from his eldest son. "And I'm no peasant! I'm a king!"
"Then at the very least I'm a knight." Chimed Jason, finally loosing up and getting into the skit. "Fighting the mighty dragon and saving the princess."
Jackson snickered. "But the princess is already betrothed off to another it seems."
Jason stopped and glared at his brother's antics. "She doesn't-she never said she had a boyfriend. She's just talking to her son probably." He huffed and pouted, sitting on one of the love seats and crossing his right leg over the other. "She said she had a friend too, but she thinks of him as a little brother."
"She has a son?" Manchile asked, he was listening in on the conversation the entire time for shits and giggles, if he was a rat he would defiantly be an emperor, he thought.
Jason nodded and took a small sip of his blood red wine. "Yup, sounds sweet too. She really care about him. I think his name is Akura if I'm not mistaken."
"That's a cute name." Butted in the Dad, pouring himself some sparkling champagne. "Sounds almost Kurtish, don't you think Manchile?"
He hummed. "Almost? Not quiet sure, there's a lot of strange names out there."
"Guess so."
All eyes stared at the opening door, your figure drenched in the warm lighting of the room and your sleek black dress hugging your curves like a glove. You still haven't gotten your shoes back on, and instead wondered around without any protection. Maybe you just forgot about it? Maybe you simply didn't care, either way when you walked into the room it quieted down.
"Welcome back." Jackson teased. "You have a son huh? Who's the lucky guy?"
You visibly stiffened and eyed the men in the room. Did they know? No, they couldn't know. There's no way they know, right? "There-"
"Behave yourself Jackson, prying into other people's lives is rude." The father scolded. "Don't pay any mind to him, sweetheart, he never knows when to shut his trap."
"No, it's-its fine. There is no lucky guy, he's long gone by now."
The dad gave a gentle smile. "My wife died a long time ago, I know how it feels." He lightly laughed, though a deep sorrow hung heavy in the air. "I had to take care of these brats on my own for what? Fifteen years maybe?"
"I'm sorry for your loss." You empathized with him, a single parent taking care of their kids is something you knew all too well. Loosing someone you loved, was also something you understood. The difference is you hated the person you loved, and you wanted to move on after you served judgement. You doubted he wanted the same thing. "It's hard taking care of a kid on your own, but three? And one of them being Jackson, I'd go insane."
He laughed, Jackson giving a playful glare. "Damn straight. He's the worst."
Jackson moved closer with a hurt expression. "Seriously? Throwing me under the bus in front of a pretty girl?"
"You're not her type!" Argued Manchile with a booming laugh. "There's no way!"
"Oh come on, I'm everyone's type!" He shuffled to your side and threw his arm over your shoulders. "More so than lover boy over there, eh?"
You couldn't help but smile, oddly enough this group of mafia men felt like family. This was always your problem, you always wanted to trust and care for people, but it always ended poorly. If you started to care for these people, you would loos them just like your past family.
But you couldn't help your nature, so you gave a small chuckle and shook your head. "No way. Defiantly not my type."
He whined and put his weight on you, surprised when you held him up like the child he was acting like. "Come on! I'm lonely and I need a girlfriend!"
Jared scoffed. "You're the one who sleeps with so many women you could be the next Genghis Kahn!"
Jackson blushed and let you go. "That sounds horrible."
"Yeah, it is." Jared finalized, sitting down and propping his gin up with his hand. "Besides, I think Jason called dibs."
Jason's face flushed a deep red when you glanced at him and his eyes flashed with embarrassment. He opened his mouth and quickly shut it.
His family laughed at him. "He's embarrassed! Poor boy has fallen hard if he can't admit it!" Cackled the father. "Interested?"
You rolled your eyes with a sly grin. "That wouldn't be wise, I have a lot of enemies you wouldn't want to deal with."
"Enemies? We're part of the mafia, the top of the mafia at that! We can make sure no one will touch you or your son." The dad mentioned, seems he's taken a real liking to you, and when you glanced at Jason, you could see a glint in his eyes. "Seriously, nothing could hurt you."
"You'd be surprised, money and guns are useless against some people."
Manchile decided to speak up. "Like that Uvogin guy? I sent out a lot of my men to take him down, and even more guns, but now they are dead. Are your enemies like him?"
The dad cocked his head to the side, his smile sinking into a slight frown. "Is the Troupe your enemies?"
You tended up, and their eyes narrowed. "I'm sorry?"
"You mentioned before that our best is nothing compared to them, and every time you talk about them there seems to be familiarity in your voice." He leaned forward on his chair, discarding his now empty glass to the side table. "You said you were hunting them down, and your son's name, sounds Kurtish to me. By any chance, are you a Kurta?"
You stayed silent, there was no way you gave him that many hints... right? Did you get so comfortable that they figured it out? Will they kill you? Use you as bait? Your son? "That doesn't matter."
"It does, it means you are probably being hunted. It means you are extremely valuable, your son too if he has your genetics. Besides, if you have information about the Troupe that no one else knows about, your value just increased immensely." He stood up and straightened his open suit jacket. "It's a hobby of mine to research and figure out the value of things, an appraiser if you will. Kurta eyes are an interesting story no doubt, gouged out by the Troupe and resold around the world." He sauntered closer, his bulky form and commanding tone making you feel so small. "What do you want me to with this information?"
"Leave it six feet under where it belongs." You gritted your teeth and took in a deep breath.
"I can arrange that for a price." He paused and you nodded for him to continue. "I want you to tell me what happened, I'm more curious than I am greedy."
You gave a small laugh and crossed your arms against your chest. Your focus shifted to another as you recounted things you wished to forget. "You wouldn't want to hear it."
The dad stared down at you and placed a heavy hand on your shoulder. When you looked into his eyes you saw a stern, yet sympathetic expression. His beard shifted, and his lips curled into a small smile. "Humor me."
You shouldn't trust them as much as you do, but you missed having friends. You missed people... so you spoke forbidden memories. "The Kurta lived on an island away from others, we are usually feared because of our eyes, so we isolated ourselves." You sat down beside Jason and leaned onto your knees. "My father was the leader of the village, and when I took my exam I passed with flying colors."
"Exam?" Jared interrupted.
"Yes, it's something us Kurta's do to get ready for the outside world. I mentioned how people fear our eyes, so the exam is a written test about other places, and a physical type exam. We would leave the village and do a simple task, if we feel strong emotions our eyes would turn red, if it happened once you would fail and have to take it again. It is for safety."
You watched him nod and continued. "I was always good at keeping myself together so when I took the position of guardian, it seemed appropriate that I could leave the village and explore the world. I trained and learned from many people before finding the Troupe... I took pity on them."
You leaned back and sighed. "I taught them nen and befriended them. Years and years of jumping around from my village and the outside world and I found myself falling for one of them."
"Wait," Manchile stopped you. "are you implying your son, Akura, is one of theirs?"
"Their leader... we got close." You let the new information sink in. "They didn't know, I was barely seven weeks pregnant at the time of the attack. My village, my family, slaughtered like lambs. I killed one and ran away. I was terrified and didn't know what else to do.
"I don't know why they did it, but it happened and I've been on the run since. Akura doesn't know, I'm lucky he's never questioned it, but I'm running out of time. If I don't start taking them down I'm worried Akura won't be safe anymore."
"Are they searching for him?" Manchile asked.
"They don't know he exists, but they are crafty."
"Where is he?" The Dad now asked, his brows furrowed in thought.
"A friend was supposed to watch him, he's one of the only people I can trust... but he left to fight the Troupe. Akura is alone in a hotel room not too far from here."
"What do you think we should do?"
"I don't know, whatever you do be careful. I'm not going to stop now either. I'm not quiet sure if you can, but assassins might be your only bet."
Jason worriedly glanced at you, looking for your gaze to share a thought. "Are you okay?" He whispered, you nodded without looking at him.
The dad stepped closer. "What kind of assassins?"
You hummed, Meteor City assassins might be the best. They have similar upbringings so maybe they can garner sympathy? Probably not, but maybe they'll stand a chance. "Assassins from Meteor City are probably your best bet but.... you might need the best of the best if you can afford it."
"You don't mean—?"
You interrupted him with a nod. "They might be strong enough to take some of them out."
Jared yelped and stood up. "Might?! They're the fucking Zoldycks! They can kill anyone!"
"Just to be safe, I genuinely think they are the only ones who stands a chance."
Jason turned back to you with a questioning look. "And you? You can't go out there and fight them! You have a son to take care of!"
Now it was your time to stand, back straight, gaze stern, a look you've dressed yourself in on the regular. "More reason for me to go. I'll meet up with my friend and join you for the next auction. I suggest you stay away from the other mafia dons, if you hire the Zoldycks you can never be too careful."
"Are you sure?"
You nodded with conviction. "Yes... and I'm joining the hunt."
Chrollo sat down on a large pile of rubble in a broken down church. The moonlight sleeping through the crumbled down ceiling illuminated his pale features and framed his coal black eyes. In his calloused and used hands laid a book that stole his undivided attention, and to his side a small candle with a flickering light.
His ears picked up distant voices, though he didn't care enough to look up. Instead he listened in as the voices neared the building.
"Uvo!" Chimed Shalnark, waving as he covered his playing cards. "How was prison?"
The large man grumbled under his breath and placed his hands on his hips, the few beer cans he had falling to the floor. "Shut it, besides I need you help finding someone."
The blond hummed in question. "Sure."
Pakunoda stopped messing with her nails and stood up. "What happened?" She asked, glancing at the group.
Phinks spoke up before the others could. "(Y/n)'s here. She must be working alongside the mafia."
Shizuku sighed loudly and sat down on a rock. "Who is (y/n) anyway?"
Nobunaga clicked his tongue with a defeated sigh. "We told you on the way here!"
"No you didn't."
"Yes, we did!"
"No you didn't!"
Franklin butted in. "It's not worth it."
Feitan explained. "(Y/n) is Chrollo's old girlfriend."
"Huh?" Exclaimed Shizuku, her doe like eyes gleaming. "You have a girlfriend Boss?"
Chrollo finally decided it was time to look up from the word filled pages of his book. He gave her a smile. "I had one, she ran after the Kurta massacre."
Phinks returned to the conversation. "If she's working with the mafia, she might be a hunter. Shal, you are a hunter right?"
"Yup!" He happily chirped, pulling out his phone and typing away. Uvogin moved over to him and mumbled a few words. Some time passed before Shal exclaimed loudly.
Chrollo glanced at his expectingly, and everyone seemed to hold their breath. "Oh! She's a hunter, and her employer is one of the sons of a don. I was curious so I decided to look into her call history, you know for science, and you wouldn't believe what I found." He paused for dramatic effect. "She made a call to someone in a hotel, not an employer, but a kid!"
"A kid?" Nobu wondered, scathing his mustache with his index finger. He paused, finally realizing what a kid would be doing with a hunter. "Boss, did you and (y/n) ever... uh... you know?"
Chrollo smiled at the thought of you, and he finally closed his book and stood from the rubble. He sauntered over to the entrance of the church, the moonlight bathing him in an ethereal glow. A few minutes passed as he stared at the moon, waiting for Shalnark to give him the location. His other plans could wait, he wanted to meet the kid on the other side of the phone. If that kid is your own, which it seemed likely, he could use it to get you back and keep you with his permanently.
"Found it! Somewhere in the Marina Hotel... the call was sent to room 443 on the fifth floor, west wing."
"Shal, Machi, Paku, I want you to come with me. We are going to collect what is mine." His dark eyes held conviction, and nothing would stop him from getting what is his.
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brokenbutnotquiting · 3 years
Say My Name
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A Nace Oneshot where Nancy *really* loves the way Ace calls her name. (Because Alex Saxon makes it sound so damn enticing that I couldn't help myself)
I had always liked my name. Nancy Drew. Not so much Drew anymore, but it sounds better than Nancy Hudson. Or maybe that was just my habits talking.
In any case, I like my name. Nancy.
With the ever-growing confusion regarding my last name, it suited me better to opt for – what I call – the Ace option. Just casually dropping my last name until and unless it's an official or legal requirement.
For the very common folk of Horseshoe Bay, I am Nancy.
Just Nancy.
It was only after I realized and accepted my intense feelings for my best male friend – my partner-in-investigative-work – Ace, I often found my heart skipping a beat at my own name.
Purely because of the way he called it. Nancy. With that adorable lilt at the second 'n'. He probably never even realized that he did it, which made it all the more enticing.
But I would never tell him that.
I ignored the screaming soles of my feet as I locked up the Claw. It was date night for George and Nick, and despite my best hopes, I was the one left in charge of closing up the seafood restaurant.
How had I ended up here tonight, I wondered sarcastically before a face flashed in my mind.
How was it that most of my stupid impulsive decisions nowadays were because of him? 
He had opted to lock up for the night, claiming to be happy to do it only if George allowed Amanda to stay with him.
"We haven't seen each other much since we returned from our road trip, and she has been asking me if we could just talk for a while without either of us running off for something or the other," he had said with a shrug.
Now, normally I am not a goody-two-shoes. Or a masochist. But seeing Ace with that utterly adorable little pout made my heart melt, and I jumped in to sacrifice my sanity to let him leave early. To be with his girlfriend, no less. 
What can I say? Sometimes, I am just that much of an idiot.
Bess had side-eyed me so hard when I chimed in, I wondered how transparent I had become regarding my feelings for Ace. How did no one else notice?
But then, maybe everybody had noticed it at some point in time and had chosen not to comment on it.
Everybody except Ace. A sigh heaved out of me at that particular thought.
Ace was blissfully unaware. And thank God for that. I didn't need him to hate me for ruining his chances with Amanda. As much as I had rolled my eyes at his dopey smile that first time he had accepted his crush on her—almost endangering George in the process—I did want him to be happy, even if it wasn't with me.
Even if watching him fall for her tore my heart out every time, I thought about it.
Even if I was wrecking myself over him. Every. Damn. Day.
I looked around aimlessly. I only had to mop the floors one last time, and then I could leave. So I got the mop and the bucket— put on some music, and let my mind daydream about a life where I wasn't the girl one-sidedly crushing on her best friend as I let my body move on autopilot.
I didn't even realize that I wasn't alone until I felt the hair on the back of my neck rise, pulling me out of the daydream just before I got kissed.
I whirled around towards the door leading to the locker room to find him standing there.
He looked angry. Really angry. 
"Ace? What are you doing here? What's wrong?" I asked worriedly. Was someone in danger? Was there an accident or something?
"What's wrong is that I cannot fucking stop thinking about you," he snapped, his soft blue eyes flashing with barely concealed anger.
"What – what are you on about?" I stuttered with surprise.
His nostrils flared delicately. "There I was, with my girlfriend, finally spending some much-needed time together, and my mind kept reminding me that she is not you. That you are you. And that you are here. And I was so distracted by the thought of you being here alone with no one to protect you, should something happen, that I completely missed her telling me that she loved me."
He strode over to where I was standing, grasping onto the mop as if my life depended on it. The weight of his words, the complete and utter disaster of it all hit me at the same time he stopped barely half a foot away.
"Ace— ” I started and stopped. What was I supposed to say? Was there anything I could say that would help? Anything at all? It didn't seem so.
"There she was, looking all hopeful as she told me she loved me, and all I could think of was whether you were safe. Whether I would see you tomorrow." His voice held an undercurrent of fear. And I understood that.
After the Aglaeca and the Wraith and Everett Hudson and the threat of the Road Back still lingering, all of us felt overprotective of each other.
"I am not a marshmallow, Ace. I can take care of myself. At the very least, not drop dead while locking up the Claw," I joked half-heartedly. I admit that I might have intentionally ignored the part where he said he barely paid attention to his girlfriend. Or how my heart skipped several beats at it. I didn't need him more antagonized over my feelings for him.
"That's not the point, and you know it," he snapped. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes, before he continued, "my girlfriend told me she loved me, and not only was I distracted enough to miss it, I couldn't even say it back."
He shook his head, eyes still closed, as if he could somehow forget everything that happened. I understood that feeling as well. Sometimes, I wished the same.
"Why?"I asked him softly because I knew that was the part he wanted me to stress on. I knew him well enough to know his cues. I could play along.
He opened his eyes at my question.
"Because, as much as I like Amanda, I don't love her. At least not as she wanted me to. I tried, God knows I tried so damn hard, but I just couldn't," he explained.
I didn't ask him the question on the tip of my tongue again. I merely kept staring at him. Ace knew my cues as well as I did his. If he wanted me to play along, he could as well.
"She broke up with me, rightly so. She deserves someone who isn't already in love with someone else," he whispered, just loud enough to be heard over the music, "what kind of a pathetic person does that?"
Even then, my heart beating fast enough to rival that of a marathon runner, I stayed silent.
"Nancy." He whispered almost pleading, for what I didn't know.
"I love the way you say my name, "I whispered back as if in a thrall. Completely inappropriate? Perhaps. But a kernel of truth nonetheless.
He raised his hands, cupping my face so softly as if afraid that I would break under his touch. He touched his forehead to mine, his eyes closed again.
A slight tremble shook me at his touch. His breath ghosted over my face. "Say my name again," I whispered to him.
He shifted his face a tiny bit and kissed my cheek. I closed my eyes at the onslaught of feelings his adoration elicited.
"Nancy," he whispered before kissing my other cheek.
A kiss on my chin.
A kiss on my forehead.
A kiss on my brows.
A kiss on one eye, and then the other.
A kiss on my nose.
"Nancy," his voice took on an almost worshipping quality as he whispered my name but didn't lower his mouth to mine.
Tell him, I chided myself. Tell him that he isn't wrong in his feelings for you. Tell him that if he felt condemned about his feelings for you, then you shared the damnation with him.
"I love you, Ace," I said, tears escaping me, my throat raw with emotion, "I have loved you for a while now." 
There was so much I wanted to tell him and couldn't. So much he needed to know. Another day, I reasoned with myself. I would tell him another day when we were both far more clear-headed than we were at the moment.
"I know, Nancy," he said softly, nodding his head, "I love you too."
And then he closed the gap between us.
His lips were soft against mine. Unhurried. Moving with a languid assurance that he knew what he wanted and wasn't afraid to claim it any longer. I played along with him, slow and steady, our form of normalcy until the heat growing in my body took over.
The kiss turned frantic as soon as I bit on his lower lip. His tongue was in my mouth, claiming me. He wanted everything, and I wanted to give it all to him. My tongue followed his, teasing him to a sensual dance of their own.
His hands, which were previously cupping my face, slid lower until one of them was grasping onto my neck – positioning my head as he wanted – the other grabbing onto my waist, pulling my body closer to his.
I let go of the mop, and it fell on the floor with a clang. I placed my hands on his chest. His heartbeat was strong and steady, if not galloping at a faster pace, under my fingertips. I moved my hands on his body, feeling his muscles flex subtly until one of my hands took a life of its own and decidedly wandered over to his hair, tugging on it as if he could come closer than he already was.
I don't particularly know how long we stayed like that, devouring each other like the last meal, but when we did eventually come up for air, I knew I wouldn't be able to let him go, and I told him as such.
His chuckle was like music to me. I opened my eyes just in time to see his smirk, "after a kiss like that, I should hope not, Nancy."
"Jesus Christ, Ace," I swore, "the way you say my name is my favorite thing."
His used laugh vibrated through me at that, warming my core but you know what? I didn't care.
"That's all?" Ace asked me playfully. No more stoicism. It was almost as if he had pulled back another layer of his surprisingly dazzling personality. I smiled at him in answer.
His answering grin almost knocked me right out. Damn! I really did love this man.
I didn't know what my face showed him, but the grin dropped off his face as he asked, "what's wrong?"
Ah. I must have been emoting the pent-up sadness I had repressed for so long.
I shook my head at him, smiling again. I combed through his hair with my fingers and let all of my affection pour into my voice as I said, "I didn't think I would ever get to do this again."
"Touch my hair?" Ace asked amused, quirking an eyebrow.
"Just be with you. Touch you without having to worry about offending anyone," I explained.
He placed a soft kiss on my forehead, pulling me into a hug, "You never really had any sense of personal space when it came to being near me, Nancy. That was just so you, I never really questioned it further. I was so scared of you putting up defenses against me that I purposefully ignored all the signs. Even when they were glaringly obvious." 
He kissed my cheek and said, "I shouldn't have tried as hard as I did to deny my feelings creeping up on me for over a month. And I definitely shouldn't have chosen the easier way out with Amanda."
I shook my head at that. "You did what you thought was right for you," I said, somewhat sadly, "I remember your smile. You told us that she made you bloom."
"She did. For a while."He said. There was a trace of sadness in his voice. It would take time, I knew, for him to stop blaming himself for everything that happened with her.
"Take your time before you move on, Ace. Both of you deserve that respect," I told him.
"I will," he said, a small smile gracing his lips again, "but not tonight." I nodded my acceptance of his decision. Whatever he needed.
"Nancy," he whispered my name in my ear a heartbeat later.
The groan that escaped me was obscene, and I rightfully snapped, "Stop saying my name like that, Ace, if you want to keep your clothes on."
His answering kiss made my blood heat up and my toes curl in my shoes in an instant. I kissed him back with equal fervor. His hands started roaming, and I gasped into his mouth as he cupped my ass. He chuckled in response. A challenge.
Very well, I thought to myself. I dropped my mouth, kissing his neck softly before biting on it. An obscene groan escaped him. I smirked.
Two can play this game, Ace. And I barely got started.
I licked the spot I had bitten.
"I won't be able to even see straight if you keep doing this," his warning rang. I ignored the moan accompanying the statement.
I took half a step away from him and said playfully, "You need some space, Ace?"
"Nancy," he almost growled before yanking my body flush against his again and dropping a searing kiss on my lips.
Dear God, in the heavens above! I loved the way he said my name.
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15-dogs · 4 years
changes |r.l.|
pairing: (young) remus lupin x fem!reader
summary: remus has been your best friend since you were kids but you begin to worry once you hear that everyone in school thinks that you’re more than friends
prompt: everyone thinks we’re already dating, but we’re just best friends- oh wait
warnings: none
guide: (Y/N) = your name
word count: 2986
a/n: omg!! the way I was so excited when I saw this!! remus is my favorite character and I’m currently writing a much longer fic for him :) thank you thank you anon hope you like it!!
“You’ll be able to choose your partners for this,” McGonagall shouted over the commotion of your first Transfiguration project of the year. 
You stood at the back of the classroom alongside the rest of your classmates, mouthing a seductive “hi” at that Hufflepuff Lenny you were quite taken to. Lenny ducked his head with a blush and a smile, wiggling his fingers back at you.
“So,” McGonagall began, “partner up!”
“Hey, Len-”
You took no more than two steps towards the boy before Remus grabbed your hand from the air, interlocking your fingers. Your head whipped around and you glared at him. He sent you a wide smile back which made you groan; stupid Remus ruining your stupidly perfect plan to spend time with Lenny.
“I kind of already had someone in mind to work with, you know,” you complained as he guided you to your shared desk.
“Well, so did I, and it was you. Funny how those things work out.”
“Hilarious, even,” you grumbled.
You worked together in near silence save for Remus’s occasional comment about how you two should conduct your project. You weren’t mad at him for long even though you pretended you were― how could you be? Remus was your best friend, everybody knew that. You two were neighbors before his accident happened when he was young. After that, he moved every place he could to avoid suspicion, but you still sent him letters about missing him and care packages once a month and he still sent you his favorite book recommendations and sent you pictures of scenery that reminded him of you. Hogwarts was like a blessing because you could see one another again and you knew he wasn’t going anywhere. He mattered a whole lot to you but you’d never tell him that directly, his head was big enough.
When class had ended, you lingered by Remus’s side for him to pack up his things. You desperately wanted to talk to Lenny before he left but Remus seemed to be moving a thousand times slower than normal. You bounced your leg anxiously with a grimace and a smirk appeared on his face.
“Waiting for something?” he asked. Although you feigned anger, his smile was too contagious.
“Not anymore,” you hurriedly added before darting away. 
However, as you were nearly a foot away from Lenny, your textbook disappeared from your grasp. You turned on your heel to see Remus with your textbook in one hand and his wand in the other, a mischievous glint in his eyes. You laughed wryly and drew your wand but Remus quickly disarmed you, your wand flipping backwards into the wall from your hand.
“You’re dead!” you threatened as you ran full force at him. He began to chuckle but laughed even harder when you attempted to jump for your book. All he had to do was raise it over his head.
“What’s the matter, (Y/N)?” he teased as you clawed at his sweater.
“I’m not afraid to climb you like a tree, Remus!”
Remus looked down at you and you swore you saw his blue-green eyes flicker down towards your lips. Your jumping attempts faltered as he licked his lips.
“I’d like to see that happen,” he muttered, his breath fanning against your face, smelling of fresh mint with a little bit of chocolate mixed in.
“Yeah, but we wouldn’t!” Sirius retorted from the doorway. Your head snapped over towards the group of irritated Gryffindors with a squeak. “Hurry up, mate! We have places to be!”
Remus slowly deposited your textbook into your hands, his lips twitching upwards into a smirk at your embarrassed blush. “For you, princess,” he joked before stalking off to join the rest of his friends. He spared one more glance over his shoulder at you as he walked off, causing you to blush even further.
Why did you get butterflies when he did that?
“Okay, okay, I’m gonna do it,” you said to Marlene with determination. Marlene simply responded with an excited squeal.
It was the morning of a Hogsmeade trip and you were set on asking Lenny if he’d like to go out with you during it. You saw him across the hall, fiddling with his house scarf every few minutes. You shook your hands to release the wave of nerves you felt before taking a few steps towards the boy. But, of course, fortune has a way of stopping those sorts of things― and by fortune, you mean Remus.
“What are you doing?” he asked as he appeared in your pathway towards Lenny, consequently having you rebound against his chest. He gripped your arms to keep you from falling back and you attempted to wiggle out of his grasp to no avail.
“What does it look like I’m doing?” You motioned towards Lenny with a nod of your head but Remus refused to turn around.
“It doesn’t seem that you’re looking at all, love. You walked right into me.” He crossed his arms defiantly over his chest, the lean muscle of his bicep flexing from underneath his sweater. Your eyes lingered a moment too long on the sight so you scolded yourself, wondering why you would even look in the first place.
“You walked into me! Being your friend is incredibly difficult,” you whined. Remus tutted and shook his head.
“That was rude. Cruel, even. I’m going to have to use my prefect powers and dock points from you for that little comment there.” Remus looked straight ahead, sparing a tiny glance down at you to gauge your reaction.
You scoffed. “That’s entirely unreasonable! Besides, we’re in the same house, you’re docking points from your own house.”
“I know. I’m incredibly unbiased, aren’t I?”
You groaned, stamping your foot while the rest of the Marauders joined the fray. They didn’t bother to ask what was going on because they knew from experience it was a long winded response to another “they started it!” and they weren’t in the mood to hear that again.
“Are you serious about the whole docking points thing?” As soon as you finished speaking, Sirius opened his mouth to make a pun but you cut him off. “Not you,” you shot, receiving a snicker from Peter, Sirius, and James.
“I absolutely am. And for doubting my power I’m going to dock more points off. Learn to respect your superiors, (Y/N).”
“You irk me,” you mumbled at Remus’s giddy grin. “Fine. What do I have to do to make it up to you so you don’t dock points?”
“I am so glad you asked because I had something perfect in mind.”
You shifted uneasily. Remus definitely had found something perfect― for him, not for you.
“And what would that be?”
“Go to Hogsmeade with me?” A wide grin spread across his face that made your heart flutter, strangely. You gathered yourself and shook your head.
“I was going to ask Lenny!” Your hands moved erratically through the air. For a moment, you thought you saw Remus’s smile fall.
“Why would you do that?” Sirius asked. Everyone’s eyes were on him, glaring at the boy. He shrugged. “What? Honest question.”
“Because,” you hissed, “I fancy him.”
“No you don’t,” said Sirius nonchalantly. You leaned in towards him, eyes narrowing on his confused face.
“Pardon?” you sneered. Before Sirius could respond, James whacked the back of his head while Remus shot him an evil glare. You hummed in content, dismissing the awkwardness of the interaction.
Remus studied you sympathetically and you managed to beat down the feeling that blossomed up from your stomach when he looked at you. Finally, you grabbed his hand and dragged him off.
“Fine. But it’s not a date.”
Remus smiled dumbly. “Never said it was.”
You and Remus spent the day together, effectively abandoning his friends because their taunting was just too much. You two had landed together in a little secluded bookstore that wasn’t known to many but well known to both of you as you went there together on your first Hogsmeade trip.
“This place hasn’t changed a bit,” you noted, running your fingers down the spines of the books. “Three years and nothing has changed.”
“I’d say things have changed a little.” You gasped at Remus’s closeness. His hand ghosted over yours and for some reason you couldn’t move. He leaned down to whisper into your ear, making you shiver involuntarily. “But change can be good, can’t it?”
“Depends,” you said back, ignoring the strange sensation that Remus’s slightly raspy voice gave you.
“Depends? On what?”
“What’s changing.”
Remus finally gave you some space, moving to the shelf opposite you. He shrugged with a sort of understanding but there was a little sorrow behind his eyes. You walked up to him and took his hands in yours with a kind smile.
“What’s wrong?” you asked. Remus looked at you lovingly, a smile tugging at his lips.
“Things won’t ever change between us, right?”
You frowned, taken aback. “What would make you think we would?” Remus strayed his gaze from you so you leaned over to meet his eyes. “Is this about Lenny?”
“It’s definitely not not about him.” You rolled your eyes at his comment.
“Things aren’t going to change because I fancy someone, Remus. I’m sure you fancy someone too but is that going to make us drift apart?”
Remus’ eyes went wide. He gulped and shook his head. “No, that absolutely won’t bring us apart.”
“See?” you sighed. “We’ll be no different no matter who we love.” The sandy haired boy whipped his head towards you in horror.
“Are you in love with him?”
“What?” you chuckled. “No, that was hypothetical love.” Remus let out a breath of relief, like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. “Why? Does that make you upset? Because if it does then yes, I’m in love with him.”
Remus pushed your shoulder playfully while he teased, “Aren’t you clever?”
Okay, today was the day you were going to do it. Time to ask Lenny out. You had been jumpy all during Transfiguration and Remus knew it, scaring you when he could or joking with you to ease the tension. Needless to say, you were not happy with the boy.
But you couldn’t think about that. You had to focus, otherwise the words would barely form in your mouth. James had pulled Remus from class the second that it ended, claiming he needed to strategize for the upcoming moon. Remus complained the whole way out, quietly reprimanding James not to be so loud.
Once Remus and his friends had left, you approached Lenny. He waved his friends off and greeted you with a gentle grin.
“Hi,” you began.
“Er, hello.”
“I was...well, I was wondering if...I mean we don’t have to if you don’t want to but, uh…” You felt like an idiot; why wouldn’t the words come out.
“Yes?” he prompted.
“Right.” You took a deep breath before you said, “Would you like to go on a date to Hogsmeade soon?”
To your horror, Lenny furrowed his brows in confusion. He blinked in shock a time or two more, glancing around the emptied classroom. “I’m sorry, did you break up with your boyfriend?”
Now it was your turn to be confused. You laughed at his question before realizing he was serious. “Oh, you’re not joking,” you muttered dismally. “I don’t have a boyfriend.”
“But you did, didn’t you?”
“...no? What are you talking about, Lenny?”
“You and that Lupin fellow are going together, aren’t you?”
Your world came crashing down around you. Did Remus tell him that you were? Oh man, you were going to have his head on a platter by the end of the night.
“Who told you that?” you asked through grit teeth. Lenny shrugged.
“Nobody told me, but everyone knows you two are together.”
You thought you might faint. “Everyone?” Your voice was weak with nerves.
“Yes, everyone. You two are dating, correct?”
You shook your head and stormed to the classroom door. “If we were before, we definitely aren’t now.”
Your anger carried you straight to the Gryffindor common room, prepared to have a row with Remus. However, as you entered the setting, your fury faltered. Why were you even mad at him? He didn’t do anything wrong, it was all just rumors that neither of you had started.
So, to keep yourself busy from reigniting your irritation, you went to your room to create the little care package you made for Remus every month. 
As the next two days went by, you could barely speak to Remus. In all your other courses with him besides Transfiguration, you sat with your other friends. By the time the full moon came around, you hadn’t spoken to him once so you decided it might be best for a visit.
You knocked on the door of Remus’s dorm, package in hand. James cracked the door open slightly and slid out.
“Moony’s sleeping. You know how he gets,” he explained. You shrugged, pretending like those words weren’t devastating to hear.
“Would you give this to him when he wakes up?” You handed him the small brown package which was tied up with twine. James nodded appreciatively and made his way back into the room.
“You know, he’s mad about these things. He’s kept every card you’ve written him in them. Says it’s the only thing helping him through the night.”
Your heart panged with something familiar, yet undetectable. Before James could shut the door, you wedged your foot in it. He looked up at you in bewilderment and then joined you back outside the room.
“Do you think I act like his girlfriend?” you asked in one breath. James let out a low whistle.
“I feel like this is a conversation for Remus, not me-”
“Answer the question, James. Please.”
James teetered on the balls of his feet as he tried to come up with a proper response. “Would it be a bad thing if I said yes?”
You wanted to argue, but you couldn’t. The words weren’t there. You blushed heavily and shook your head slightly. “That’s kind of what I’m worried about.”
“What’s there to be worried about?”
“I’m worried about falling for him and him not falling back,” you confessed. You were shocked at the ease of which the words tumbled from your mouth but it was too late to take them back.
“That must be the biggest lie I’ve ever heard.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“(Y/N), you’re already mad for Moony. None of us are blind, and even if we were we could still see it. And you don’t need to worry about Remus not fancying you back.” Your heart swelled at his words.
“What are you saying?”
James took a few steps back into the room, his face peeking out from the crack. “You know what I’m saying.”
The full moon came and went. Even though it was no longer than any other month, it felt like you were destined to stir in your emotions. You knew that the guys got back in around sunrise and you were worried that you wouldn’t be awake to see them but it turned out not to be an issue seeing as how your anxiety kept you up all night.
When your dorm flooded with light, you rushed down to the hospital wing. You surveyed the curtained beds, picking to sit next to the one Remus normally was in. Slowly, you pulled back the curtains to see Remus, bandaged and sleeping, his chest rising and falling with his peaceful breaths.
Looking at him, your heart filled with love. But, the longer you looked, the more nervous you began to feel. You were about to confess your feelings to your childhood best friend! So you shook out the nerves and fell into the chair beside his bed and began to speak.
“Okay,” you started, “here we go. This is more for myself, this is a practice round so I don’t have to see his-...your face when I tell you this. Merlin, I feel so stupid for never noticing before. It was always how I felt around you and then felt around guys that I fancied and I could distinctly tell those two feelings apart because they were different. But...Godric, I can’t believe I’m saying this...they were different because I,” you swallowed thickly before continuing, “I like you. A lot. Insanely so. It drives me mad that I never noticed it but I was scared of things being different so I pushed it down but...I’m not so scared anymore. I fancy you, Remus.”
You exhaled with confidence as you had gotten the words off your chest to a sleeping Remus. Well, you thought he was sleeping. Remus opened one eye and asked, “Are you finished yet?”
You nearly jumped out of your seat at the sound of his voice. Your nostrils flared with anger and you snatched a pillow off the bed beside you to smack him with it. He cackled in between whacks while you reprimanded him.
“(Y/N)…(Y/N)…love, please! I’m only teasing you! I fancy you too! I fancy you too!”
Remus’ words caused your beating to slow to a halt. Hope blossomed in your chest and a dumb grin grew on your lips. “You fancy me?”
“I thought it was obvious.” Remus reached up to you, tugging you down onto the bed. You locked eyes with him and subconsciously leaned down towards him.
“It was!” Sirius groaned from the bed across from them. You rolled your eyes and sat back up.
“We were busy having a moment, here!” you cried, yanking the curtain shut. You turned back to face Remus who was busy fighting a snicker. “Where were we?”
Before Remus pulled you down against his lips, he whispered, “Allow me to remind you.”
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
Cake By The Ocean | frat!Chris Evans x reader
summary: fraboy au.  college parties.  beach shenanigans.  blame @ballyhoobarnes​
warnings: fingering, mention of oral sex (m receiving), overstimulation, verryyy light dub con if you squint??
shitty moodboard provided by me c:
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Chris was the worst thing about mixers, hands down.
Honestly, you hated everything about mixers.  Your sisters were at their most annoying, magically transforming from educated, classy women into the most desperate of ‘pick me’ girls, clinging onto any Zeta guy they could get their hands on.  What bothered you wasn’t that they flirted with the guys, it was that they dumbed themselves down to do so.  That plus an overcrowded house, shitty drinks from plastic cups, and having to clean up everybody’s mess the next day, and you really just did not want to go to another co-ed event.
But Katie M. and Katie B., the sorority president and vice president respectively, decreed in their all-knowing power that every soror must attend five night-time events a year and you had procrastinated so hard that you had to attend every single one in May to avoid getting kicked out.  The scholarships were too good to lose. 
That didn’t mean you had to mingle, though; you were happy to hide in a secluded corner and look like you were doing something important.  In this case, it was stacking and unstacking cups.  Hopefully nobody watched you long enough to notice that you weren’t actually helping set up the drink table.
But of course, he had to show up.  He had this instinct where he could sense you minding your own business and enjoying your life, and he just had to appear and annoy you.
“Hey,” Chris’ voice wafted to your ear from behind you.  You felt his hand slip onto your waist loosely.  That was all he had to say to you?  ‘Hey’?
You ignored him, mainly because you had absolutely no idea what to say.
“Bein’ cold isn’t gonna keep me away,” he informed you, leaning in closer.
“Do you have any other suggestions then?” you frowned.
His mouth was so close to your ear now that you could smell the booze on his breath.  “Been thinkin’ about you.  I know you’ve been avoiding me.  But it hasn’t made me forget.”
“Me either, sadly,” you groaned.
“I know you get wet when you think about it,” he purred.  “I betcha think about it at night, remembering how good it felt to just let go--”
You spun around and pushed him back.  “Chris, everybody makes mistakes.  Like when the Nazis invaded Russia in the winter.  Or when your mom decided to keep it after your dad put on the condom wrong.  Or, worst of all, when we got drunk and had sex over half a year ago.  It’s okay!  Accidents happen.  But it’s best to leave them--” you rested your hand on his shoulder, giving your best comforting-but-stern look-- “in the past.”
“The best mistakes are made at least twice,” Chris grinned.  “How do you think I ended up with a little sister?”
In spite of your desperate attempt not to, you cracked a smile.  At least he could take a joke.
“Go enjoy the party,” you suggested, “talk to any of the other girls-- I bet a lot of them will find your offer more appealing.”
“I don’t wanna talk to them,” he frowned, “I wanna talk to you.  You’re interesting.”
“And they’re not?”
“I would never diss your sisters,” he raised his arms, “but you’re definitely my favorite Delta.”
“You have strange taste,” you shuddered.
“That I do,” he nodded wistfully, “that I do.”
You were cooped up in your room, surrounded by open text books and uncapped highlighters.  A final on Monday meant you needed to prepare all weekend.  You didn’t even look up when you heard a knock on your door; you just called out that it was open so they could come in.
“Good news!” Katie B. beamed as she popped her head around the door.  “Zeta invited us to a beach party tomorrow!”
“Why do you think that’s good news for me?” you wondered, furrowing your brow in confusion.
“Uh, because away events count for two night-time events in your attendance calendar?”
Ehh, you didn’t need to study all weekend, right?
Hoping to get your boost on your attendance record but disinterested in actually participating in any meaningful way, you decided you were going to tan, mainly because it utilized two of your greatest talents: laying down, and doing nothing.  After a hefty layer of sunscreen was applied to whatever your bikini didn’t cover, you settled in on the little rubbery chair with your over-sized sunglasses and some bluetooth earbuds to jam with.
The sun warmed your skin until you felt so relaxed that you honestly considered falling asleep.  Thankfully your earbuds blocked out the sounds of Zeta-Delta partying down the beach, even when the volleyball game got a little rowdy.  
Sadly, you were pulled from your relaxed state when a shadow blocked your sun, and you hesitantly opened your eyes behind the dark plastic of your shades.  Squinting, you saw his tattoo first, and you knew it was Chris come to taunt you.
“You’re blockin’ my rays, Evans,” you frowned.  
He spun the volleyball in his hands, smirking playfully.  “I came over here to ask if you wanted to play.  It’s shirts vs skins.”
“Let me guess, you always play skins?” you quipped, quickly scanning his muscled torso which was so cruelly exposed.  Did he have to look so good?  Did it have to remind you of the way those muscles flexed as he was thrusting--
“Unfortunately for me, I bet you always play shirts,” he chuckled, interrupting your train of thought just in time.  “If no volleyball, how about a swim?”
You pulled out your other earbud and put them back in their case, realizing he wasn’t going away any time soon.  “Chris, tell me, what is it that makes you think I want to be anywhere near you?  Seriously, tell me, so I can stop doing it.”
“Sure, right now you’re acting pretty icy,” he explained, kneeling down in the sand beside your chair, “but I remember when you couldn’t keep your hands off me… when you got on your knees for me…”
You wanted to interrupt him but your throat was suddenly too dry, and your thighs were clenching together.
“When you begged me not to stop…” he continued, leaning closer, his hand grabbing your knee suddenly, slowly trailing up your thigh.
“Chris,” you whispered, just under your breath-- but it turned into a gasp when his arms wrapped around you and he picked you up.  “Put me down!” you yelped.
“I think you need to cool off, babe,” he grinned.  “A little water might do the trick, huh?”
Your screams of protest were lost to the wind as he started running, effortlessly carrying you to the water’s edge.
Soon, he was knee-deep and you were pulling yourself up into him as you tried to avoid the water.  “I swear to god if you drop me,” you began.
“I won’t, okay?” he assured, slowly calming down as you let your legs hesitantly reach past the water’s surface.  It was cold at first, but then it was relaxing against your heated skin.
As he set you down in the water, his arms naturally slid to your waist, and yours to his shoulders.  And then you were looking up at him and it felt way too right.
“Um, the… the water feels great,” you mumbled.
“Yeah,” he agreed in a low, husky voice, “yeah, feels amazing.”
Those words in that voice brought back some specific memories.  
He was so much taller than you that when you were doggy-paddling to stay afloat, he could still walk somewhat normally.  But you didn’t expect him to walk behind you, or wrap his arms over your torso.
“Chris?” you gasped a bit.
“Shh,” he soothed, placing a soft kiss to your ear, then your neck, “you don’t want anyone to hear you.  Then they might look over and realize what we’re doing.”
His hand moved lower, over your stomach and finally to the top of your bikini bottoms.  You shivered, biting your lip as you tried to process everything that was happening.
“Tell me you want it,” he requested, his voice making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.  “I know you do but, I need to hear you say it.”
“I want it,” you whimpered, “please.  Touch me.”
You felt his smile against your neck as he slipped his fingers under the fabric, instantly finding and teasing your clit.  Your hips bucked a little, disturbing the water around you.  He rubbed it so softly that you would’ve thought you wouldn’t be able to feel it at all, and yet somehow it was making your entire body jolt with pleasure.  
“Calm down baby,” he chuckled, “don’t act strange or somebody will see.  And we all know how much you want everyone to know that you want nothing to do with me.”
You whimpered a little, but realized that a small group of Deltas was about to walk by in the water.
“Act natural,” Chris instructed softly, knowing that the water would obscure what you were doing, but you’d forgotten what natural even meant.
“Hey guys,” Parvati smiled, and Gia waved at the two of you.
“Hello ladies,” Chris greeted back with a nod of acknowledgement; you sheepishly smiled and waved, trying to ignore the way Chris’ fingers were moving against you.
You figured they would question why you were sitting on Chris’ lap in the water, but they were oddly accepting of it.  Maybe they were just wondering what took you two so long.
The second the girls were out of earshot, swimming further into the water, Chris started moving his fingers even faster.  
“You’re such a dirty girl,” he chuckled darkly, “getting fingered in front of your friends.”
“Wasn’t my idea,” you defended.
“I distinctly remember you begging for it,” he teased, quickly pulling you a little lower into the water so he could grope your breast.  He reached under the triangle of your bikini to get a better feel of it, tweaking the nipple between his thumb and forefinger.
“Fuck, Chris,” you moaned softly.
“Feels good?”
“Yes,” you sighed, “so good, fuck…”
You instinctively tried to push his hand away as your orgasm approached-- it was too much, too strong, and you weren’t sure you could take it.  He’d learned to keep going anyways, otherwise you’d never get off.  And damn if you didn’t secretly love the way that he was too strong to push away.
“Go ahead,” he purred, “let go.  Come for me, babygirl.”
You bit down on your lip as the pleasure reached its peak and crashed, your body spasming as he held you close with his free arm.  “Chris, I’m coming,” you whimpered.
“I know baby, I know,” he groaned, “keep going.”
With his fingers still rubbing firm and fast on your clit, you honestly thought you could scream.  Instead, you grabbed his arm like your life depended on it, your head falling back onto his shoulder.
“Stop, stopstopstop,” you pleaded for mercy, and he granted it as his hand slipped from your bikini bottoms.  “God, you wear me out,” you sighed with exhaustion.
“That’s the goal,” he smiled.  
You moved your hips back only to feel the hard shape of his cock pressing into your thigh; you grinned.
“Well, I should probably leave you to your volleyballing,” you announced, standing up and starting to walk away.
“Wh-- I can’t play like this!” he protested, noticeably staying crouched in the water-- you knew that with what he was packing, he had no chance of hiding his boner in those tight swim trunks.  Plus, when they were wet, they would probably cling to it so tight that little would be left to the imagination… why were you salivating all of a sudden?
“Just act natural!” you encouraged him as you continued to walk towards the shore.
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sprooknooky · 3 years
While the Alvarez Empire arc is definitely garbage, I’m probably the one person who doesn’t mind it too much. The unfortunate thing is, it feels more unfinished than anything. Like a rough outline that needs to be fleshed out and have five times the content. I’ve been reworking this arc in my head for around four years now, and I figured I should actually write something down at some point, so here goes.
God Serena is a character that has bothered me since his introduction. All of the Spriggans are bothersome because you’re expected to believe that these crazy strong scary people have just been chilling in a castle for years, but God Serena bothers me the most, though, because supposedly, he’s from Ishgar. Or at least has lived there long enough to be well known. However, there was no mention of him or the other emperors throughout the entire series, so there’s no real impact to hearing that Serena has joined the 12. Oh no, some guy we’ve never heard of, I’m so scared. And sure, that’s one of his flaws. But what makes him even worse is that he’s killed off so fast.
We see him completely wipe out the other emperors, and his power is wildly intense. I remember being so excited to see the power of four dragon slayers (apparently there are eight inside him but there’s only five dragon gods so...) inside one dude. It made his lack of background seem manageable because his powers were demonstrated to be terrifying! I was so hyped to see how Fairy Tail was going to ultimately defeat him.
And all of it was for nothing. He was one shot. He didn’t even go down with a fight. Talk about a disappointment.
I wanted desperately for Serena to still, somehow, be alive. But Neinhart summons his historia, confirming he’s dead. Bullshit. I want my money back.
Jumping forward a bit, another thing that disappointed me was the finale. That final fight against Acnologia was reduced to... a punch? A punch killed the so-called “strongest” character in the series. This is not One Punch Man. This is Fairy Tail. At least give me something.
So, to combine these two issues, I have devised a better fight. And while the details aren’t fully fleshed out, enjoy what floats around in my brain all day.
The fight starts out about the same way. Acnologia’s “spirit” (who I’ll just call Acnologia because it’s easier) pulls all the dragon slayers into the space between time to kill them all or something. I don’t remember the specifics and I’m not too interested in checking. They all break out of their crystal things and fight Acnologia, Wendy enhancing their strength and everyone engaging their dragon forces to be at max power. They fight for a while, but they don’t get many hits in, and Acnologia takes them down easily. The seven dragon slayers lay there in defeat, wishing they could get up and fight more, but the fights with Alvarez drained them, and they’re barely able to move, let alone fight. But then they notice there’s still a guy in a crystal that hasn’t been broken out. Acnologia too busy gloating to notice them, they manage to break Serena out of his crystal, and he staggers over to Acnologia.
The real fight begins.
Acnologia is shocked. He was positive he killed this guy 80 chapters ago, but here he is. Outraged, he exclaims, “How’re YOU here? I thought I killed you!”
God Serena laughs and says something cocky like, “It’ll take more than that to kill me. You merely caught me off guard!” And then he strikes a dumb pose or something.
They fight, and this time, it’s a close battle. After learning about the 100 Years Quest and the god dragons, I have a headcannon that Serena was raised by them and they acted as his parents or older siblings. He was raised by them, much like Natsu and the others, to eventually kill or “seal” them away. While fighting, Acnologia notices that Serena’s dragon slayer magic is different than he’s used to, and he asks him what exactly he is. Serena doesn’t do a good job of explaining, because, well, he’s Serena, and for 100YQ to exist there still needs to be mystery behind the god dragons. He does explain, though, that he is a god dragon slayer, and his dragon slayer magic is stronger than those raised by normal dragons. Then, just to flex on everybody, he shows off his six dragon forces, (yes, six, this man is practically a god himself and he needs to showcase it) one for each god dragon and their element, and then a final one combining all of his power. Acnologia doesn’t fall, but he takes a serious beating fighting back against Serena, and is severely injured. However, despite Serena’s power, Acnologia was able to land some serious blows on him as well. Serena eventually gets too cocky with his power and Acnologia takes advantage of this, dealing a harsh blow that will finally kill Serena.
While all of this is happening, the other dragon slayers are able to recover a little to continue the fight. They at first wonder who Serena is, before recognizing him as not only the strongest man on Ishgar, but as a member of the Alvarez Empire and therefore their enemy. When he finally falls, they ask him why he worked so hard to help them in the end. Serena explains that he never meant to betray Ishgar, far from it. He joined Alvarez for the opportunity to put an end to Acnologia, a threat to all dragons, and to grow stronger to finally defeat the dragon gods. He expresses regrets about how he would never see his family again, but then admits that he didn’t want to kill them in the first place, and entrusts the job to Natsu instead, hence why Natsu decides to go on the 100 years quest, because otherwise it seemed a little unprompted to me. Pledging to finish what Serena started, Natsu and the other dragon slayers stand up to put an end to Acnologia.
Acnologia continues to act cocky, but Serena hurt him more than he’d like to admit, and he struggles to even stand. Now, in my mind, finishing him off in a single shot makes sense, because there was actually a fight to weaken him. The slayers all send their energy to Natsu, he does a big punch, and Acnologia declares him king of the dragons before fading away.
I never watched the episodes on Acnologia’s backstory that they added to the anime because I’m always going to prefer the manga, so I don’t know if I screwed anything up there, but honestly, I don’t think Acnologia needed a backstory. He’s a threatening villain and I don’t think he necessarily needed a motive, especially right before he dies. Then it has no impact.
Hopefully this made sense... I don’t write any of my dumb fairy tail thoughts down that often, but this one made me actually like Serena a little because otherwise he’s very underdeveloped and wasted potential.
Thanks for reading until the end! I’m going to take a nap, now.
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laurenwritesfics · 3 years
Here it is folks, chapter 5! Again, sorry for the wait but I hope it will have been worth it!
Read the previous chapter HERE / read the full series on AO3
Warning(s): Angst (sorry...again)
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Things had started to feel calmer now. Time had begun to slow down, and Frank was grateful for the chance to breathe again. One Saturday, he returned from the boat yard to change his oil-stained shirt and caught sight of Mary’s journal on the kitchen table – Evelyn had forced her into therapy back in Boston, and though she had hated it, journaling was the one thing she kept on doing – it had been left open on a page filled with tally marks. At the top of the page, she had written ‘number of days without Fred’. Frank pressed his palms against the table and dipped his head. Perhaps Mary would always struggle emotionally in one way or another. He was beginning to feel like a failure. Was his best really good enough? It was impossible to tell.
Sunday was just as quiet. They ate together in silence. Roberta didn’t visit. Their new normal was frustratingly abnormal.
“School tomorrow.” Frank cast a glance at Mary. “Homework done? Books ready?” He knew he didn’t need to ask, but he couldn’t stand the silence any longer.
Mary’s fork danced around her plate. “Obviously.” She huffed.
“Sorry, I was just asking.”
No reply.
Mary scrunched her nose and continued to pick at her plate, retreating back into her bubble.
“Listen,” Frank reached over and put a hand on her cold arm “I know things are hard right now. But if you talk about it, sometimes it makes things easier.”
“You sound like Evelyn.”
Frank’s shoulders dropped. “You don’t have to finish dinner, okay? You’re cold. I’m gonna go get you a sweater or something.”
“I’m fine.”
He ignored her and left the table. Mary pushed him away every time he tried to slip her arms into one of her hoodies. He fought back, not realizing how roughly he was holding her until she winced and slipped off the chair. He immediately swept her into his arms.
“I’m sorry.” He rocked her slightly. “You need to stop being so fucking stubborn, Mary.” His voice cracked a little. Her tiny hands squeezed him as hard as they could and she rested her head on his shoulder. When Mary started to cry, so did Frank. He pulled back, brushed a strand of hair from her face and laid his hands on her shoulders. “I’m trying my best here. You’ve gotta give me something, kiddo.”
Mary nodded, paused and then ruffled Frank’s hair. He returned the gesture and tucked her under his arm, carrying her across the kitchen and into the living room. She was laughing now. They both were. Mary dangled in his grip, arms limp, then tumbled down, grabbing his hands and stepping on his feet.
“Can we watch TV?” She looked up at him, the dewy sheen of tears beginning to fade from her eyes.
“Sure. But only for a little while. You’ve gotta get up early for school.”
Mary threw her head back and groaned. “Why can’t I just skip class tomorrow? Everybody hates me anyway.”
Frank tugged on her wrists. “Hey, nobody hates you, okay? They’re just jealous of how smart and awesome you are.”
“You have to say that, you’re my Uncle.”
“I’m also an adult, which believe it or not, means I actually know more than you do. About people, at least.”
“Yeah, you are kinda dumb…” She nodded.
“That’s it,” Frank picked her up “you just lost your extra hour of TV.”
In spite of his attempt at sternness, he let her fall asleep on the couch.
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Monday came, and Frank finally finished his work on the Celestia. One brief phone call later, he had been invited to join the owner for a trip out on the lake. Frank would usually have been cautious about this – especially with wealthy customers - but he accepted the offer simply because it would give him a chance to clear his head. It was better than sneaking onto someone else’s boat with a six-pack of Heineken at two in the morning, at least. As he wiped his hands on a worn rag, he reclined against the workbench in the corner of the garage. A soft ache spread through his chest. Deep into his biceps. Exhaustion snuck up on him without warning. The chaos of the past few months was finally catching up with him.
He waited so long for Mary to come home from school that he started to think maybe she’d gone on another adventure. His worries subsided when she arrived, shoulders pushed forward under the weight of her satchel. As she threw it down and began to unpack a stack of books, Frank realized exactly what had happened.
“Did you walk all the way from Jackson?”
“Yeah.” Mary squinted as she fumbled around for another book. “Lucy’s really nice. She let me take out a bunch of stuff.”
“She did, huh? Am I gonna be serving you dinner in your room tonight?” He half-joked.
Mary had already stopped listening. Frank shook his head and turned back to the stove to finish cooking. This time, eating in silence didn’t feel awkward – Mary brought a book to the table, fork occasionally missing her mouth as she sat absorbed in whatever it was she was reading. Frank pictured her walking down Jackson with her nose in another book and couldn’t help letting out a soft huff of amusement. She was almost happy. And at least for now, almost was enough.
When he checked on Mary, he peered into a room lit only by a small torch light. She was back in her reading tent. Even though the door squeaked slightly, she didn’t stir. Back in his own bedroom, Frank reached into his nightstand for his phone. Lucy would wake the next morning to a short, thankful text message.
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Frank and Mary, however, woke to a prolonged, impatient buzzing. The doorbell.
He was tempted to rub his eyes again when he saw the woman standing on the porch.
Frank was immediately skeptical, but he opened the door to her anyway.
“Well,” she popped a hip and adjusted her sunglasses “are you going to ask me to come in or shall I just stand here on the porch?”
“Mary’s heading to school in a couple minutes.” His jaw tightened a little as he watched her fingers flex against the handle of her travel case. This wasn’t an impromptu visit.
“I’ll say hello quickly, then.” She barged past him, the wheels of her case narrowly missing his toes.
Mary had a piece of toast hanging out of her mouth and a book clutched to her chest. She covered her mouth as she hurriedly chewed and then walked around the kitchen island to meet Evelyn.
“Hello, darling.” Evelyn planted a kiss on the crown of Mary’s head, leaving a glossy pink mark in her hair. “Off to school?”
“Yep.” Mary replied, popping the ‘p’ curtly. “Are you staying with us?”
“Maybe. That depends on your uncle.” She inclined her head towards Frank in a way that she thought was comical, but it just made Mary cringe.
“Why?” She knelt down to shove the book she was holding into her satchel.
“That’s enough, short-stuff.” Frank intervened, steering her away from Evelyn. “Let’s go.”
“Have a good day, darling!” Evelyn called out, pivoting her suitcase so that it would fit flush against the wall.
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When Frank returned, he slammed the front door and crossed his arms as he glared down at Evelyn.
“Alright, what’s this about? What little scheme have you come up with now?”
Evelyn smoothed her sundress and shifted uncomfortably on the couch. “You’re so hostile.” She tutted.
“Can you blame me?” He strode over to her and perched on the arm of the couch.
“Not at all.” She clasped her hands in her lap and twisted herself to face him. “I wanted –“she stuttered, blinking “-needed to see my son and granddaughter.”
In that moment, Frank saw himself. The same sunken hopelessness. He noticed raw pink lines beneath her eyes. For the first time in a long time, Evelyn seemed human.
“This is about Diane isn’t it.”
“Yes. I couldn’t face another anniversary alone, Frank.”
“You called me Frank.” He mused. “Where’s the real Evelyn?”
She managed the smallest of smiles and reached out rub his arm. “I lost her a long time ago.” She was holding his hand now, squeezing lightly. “I won’t stay too long. I’m sure you must be busy.”
Frank placed his other hand over hers. “Stay as long as you want.”
“You don’t really mean that.” Her icy tone returned.
“I mean it.” He insisted. “It’ll be good for Mary.”
“How is she?”
“Honestly? She’s struggling. She’s stubborn about it, though.”
“I wonder where she gets that from…” Evelyn chuckled.
“She’s dealing with more than a kid should have to deal with right now. Losing Fred, the car accident…”
Evelyn’s head jerked to the side. “Car accident?”
“Don’t worry, Mary wasn��t in the car. It was just me. I was a little drunk, it was stupid.”
“For God’s sake, Francis!” Evelyn yelled. “You stupid boy!”
Francis. Boy. She was his mother again. Instead of fighting back, the ache he had felt earlier returned and he slumped against the cushions.
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“After it happened,” his breaths were shallow, a lump forming in his throat “I just sat there thinking about what would’ve happened if...” both his hands and his voice had begun to shake “I can’t take care of her. Not in the way she needs to be. Diane would be so fucking disappointed.”
Evelyn took Frank’s face in her hands and kissed his forehead. He buried his face in her shoulder and allowed her to be the mother she suddenly wanted to be.
“Diane would be very proud of you.” She glanced up at the ceiling, fighting back tears. “I’m proud of you, darling.” She whispered, brushing her fingers through his hair. “So proud of you.”
“I just want her to be okay.” He sniffled.
“She will be.” Evelyn turned to kiss Frank’s hair and then stood up, brushing a crease from the skirt of her dress. “Why don’t I cook dinner for us tonight? It’ll give you a chance to rest.”
Frank’s defenses were down, so he agreed.
That night, Evelyn made a shepherd’s pie and sat with Mary as she completed her homework. She piled chocolate ice cream into a bowl and made herself a martini. His mother was back, but she was still putting on the airs and graces of the woman she once was. He knew that if she didn’t, she would be more broken than she had been when she arrived. So he played pretend too.
Almost happy. Almost a family. And that would be just fine for now.
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Permanent taglist: @hiddelstannerbarnes @redlipstickandblacktea @just-one-ordinary-fangirl @optimistic-dinosaur-nacho @djeniiscorner @its-tortle @k347 @ixalit @iguessweallcrazyithinktho @cevansfics @capchrisevaans @thedamageofherdays @musette22 @mcubabydotcom @worksby-d @chuckbass-love @bluemusickid @fallinforevans @hellobeautworld @katiew1973 @just-dreaming-marvel @disaster-dean @rebthom89 @navybrat817​ @just-dreaming-marvel-2 @sirisshamelesshoelibrary​ @denisemarieangelina​ @thesecretlifeofdaydreamss​ @deanscherry @celestialbarnes​​ @the-iceni-bitch​ @caplanbuckybarnes​​ @caplanreads​​ @autumnrose40​ @patzammit​ @mxsamwilson​ @hevans-angel​​ @elvenfforestydd​ @harrysthiccthighss​ @cherry-gemz​​ @brattycherub​ @brattycherubwrites​ @angrybirdcr @blossomslibrary @uncensored-steve-the-platypus @honeyloverogers @cloudystevie @steebsbabygirl
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staketheheart · 3 years
Jade was having a damn good dream that was unfairly obliterated when the rhythmic sound chased it away. Her eyes shot open and she tensed, anger quickly clearing away sleep. Not even the comfy warmth Tori gave off next to her calmed her down. She was tired of losing sleep, of the inability to focus on work when her neighbor's creaking bed pierced her peace. She could not fathom why they didn't at least get a new bed if their activities were going to persist at all times of the day. She couldn't count how many times she had to wear earbuds to bed in an effort to drown them out. Or how many times she banged on the wall in a wasted effort to silence them when she couldn't concentrate on her writing. Her creativity greatly suffered, and she lost sleep when it started early in the morning, waking her up hours before her alarm was set to go off. And to make matters worse, Tori was such a heavy sleeper she heard nothing. She was a master at tuning out bothersome sounds, having lived with Trina for so long.
But not Jade. Jade had no tolerance for annoyances. She even 'accidentally' let her stepmother's dog out when it wouldn't stop yapping. The poor animal was found days later down the street by a concerned neighbor who just brought the little beast right back to continue to annoy her. She let out a loud sigh that became a growl, rubbing her eyes. It seemed like she would forever be irritated no matter where she went. She rolled over and slipped her arm around Tori's middle, hugging her close and burying her face in her back. Tori grumbled something in her sleep but continued to snore on, unbothered and leaving Jade to attempt to regain sleep. But she didn't. She stayed awake until her alarm went off, finally waking up Tori. She stretched out, a sleepy smile on her face when she noticed how close Jade held her.
"Well good morning," she mumbled, turning her bright smile on Jade. It slowly fell when she was met with Jade's grumpy scowl, lack of sleep easily recognizable in her eyes.
"Did they bother you again?" Tori asked, resting a hand on Jade's face gently, concern in her frown. Jade only blinked, a brow jumping up incredulously.
"I really don't know how you can sleep through it. Or ignore the chick's obviously fake moaning. I swear, it's like a bad porno is playing on full blast over there. Don't get me started on the headboard shaking the wall because the squeaking bed is enough to drive me nuts as it is. I think I might actually leave a note on their door highlighting just how pissed off I am and demand that they at the least buy a new damn bed," Jade ranted, voice strained with simmering anger. Tori could see it building in the way Jade's jaw muscles flexed, the way her eyes glinted with malicious intent, the way her nostrils flared like a raging bull. She was no stranger to angry Jade. It was turned on her one too many times in high school to not recognize the signs that something bad was about to befall some poor soul. And just as it always has been, it fell to her to try and calm her down.
"Well, you did already key their car and pop their tires. You even scared the crap out of them when you pretended to be attacked and they almost called the police. You're lucky they came over to check on you instead of calling them or you would have been in big trouble," Tori replied, recounting Jade's endeavors to drive away their annoying neighbors.
"And yet, they're still here and still giving me a headache. I mean, I understand. Young couples, newly living together, they can't keep their hands off each other. I've been there. But seriously, if you're going to go at it all day be considerate to other people. These apartment walls aren't soundproof. Seriously, all I ask is a quiet bed and maybe less fake orgasms," Jade continued.
"Jade!" Tori exclaimed, scandalized.
"Tori, you can't disagree, even if you've rarely heard them. We don't even get that obnoxious and you're a freaking tiger in bed," Jade pointed out, causing Tori's blush to get worse. She was currently sitting up against the headboard, gripping the blankets to her chest, eyes wide and face red. She never could get used to the explicit way Jade spoke about things. She was far more conservative concerning private matters.
"Maybe you should say something then?" she suggested, turning to look at Jade. The dark-haired woman turned on her back and glared up at the ceiling.
"If I confront them about it I can't guarantee that I won't hurt them if they refuse to listen," she responded honestly. Tori rolled her eyes. Jade saw it and threw up her hands to let them fall back on either side of her.
"I can't help it. People have this rude habit of annoying me," she said.
"How many times do I have to tell you to be nice? If you just nicely explained the situation, I think they'll be more willing to comply. Threatening them with scissors won't work forever," Tori remarked sagely.
"It's worked so far," Jade responded pointedly. Tori pinched at the bridge of her nose, eyes closed.
"You know being nice is hard for me when people are so stupid or annoying," Jade pressed, propping herself up on an elbow to face Tori who was still frowning.
"Besides, you remember that day I tried to play nice with Moaning Myrtle when we were coming back from our date and she cut us off coming into the gate. I was mad, but I didn't even cuss at her. She apologized and I accepted. Even though I hate pretending to be nice to someone I really just want to throw a brick at," Jade recounted. Tori nodded and shrugged one shoulder, giving her that. It was a better response than allowing a laugh at the nickname she gave the neighbor. That would only encourage her. And Tori didn't want Jade to ruin Harry Potter for her more than she already had.
"The guy is a total dick though. Have you heard his conversations when the bros are invited over and she's gone? I wouldn't mind throwing a brick at him too," Jade added. This time Tori did chuckle. Jade's pout was adorable and her petulant tone added to the affect. Not that she approved of Jade's tantrum. She opened her mouth to offer condolences that would put Jade at ease when the very thing that upset her in the first place started up again. In an instant Jade was up and throwing the blankets off.
"That's it!" she snarled, stomping toward the door. Tori scrambled out of bed to cut her off.
"How about some coffee first? You always say it's a warm and delicious alternative to hating everybody, every morning, forever," Tori hastily reminded her, hands out to stop Jade from advancing. Jade stopped right before she reached the door, staring Tori down. Her expression went from angry to calm and then calculative. Tori didn't like the mischievous smirk that graced her lips seconds later. Like a flip of a switch Jade was eyeing Tori like a panther on the hunt. She fidgeted, her mind racing, trying to come up with a reason for the sudden change.
"I've just thought of a great idea," Jade revealed, stalking closer to reach past Tori to shut the door behind her, while at the same time backing her up until she was then pressed to the closed door.
"Uh, mind letting me in on it?" Tori stammered.
"Gladly, since you're going to help me," Jade answered, resting a warm hand on Tori's waist.
"With what?" Tori asked.
"Revenge," Jade whispered in her ear, body pressed against hers. She shivered.
"That won't solve anything," Tori tried to tell her, biting her lip when Jade's lips pressed to the sensitive spot just under the corner of her jaw.
"You sure about that? It's worth a try," Jade disagreed, moving to bite playfully at Tori's ear. Tori hummed, trying to focus her thoughts, but it devolved into a groan instead. Her thought process struggled. Jade's hands ran up her sides under her shirt then traced back down, making her skin tingle.
"Well, I don't like to call it revenge. Returning the favor sounds nicer," Tori allowed, causing Jade to laugh.
"Whatever you want to call it, Tor," she muttered, pulling her away from the door to relocate against the wall by their bed. The same wall they shared with their annoying neighbors. The squeaking still persisted but Jade planned to make them regret it. She reached up to knock hard on the wall, earning a short pause in the squeaking. As soon as it stopped she turned her attention to Tori.
"I'm sure you know what to do," she murmured, dragging a finger down her front to tug suggestively at her pajama shorts. Tori couldn't help reacting.
"Jade," she gasped. Jade grinned.
"I've never heard a better sound than when you're whimpering my name," Jade purred in her ear, knowing her words would help stoke the fire. Tori groaned and closed her eyes, head falling back and hips pressing into Jade's hands.
"Let's see if we can beat them at their own game," Jade challenged, sealing it with a kiss that quickly escalated into more.
The next morning Jade woke up to peaceful silence. Vaguely she remembered falling asleep to the same silence, Tori wrapped in her arms after another round of blissful revenge. She made sure Tori made her pleasure known and didn't hold back when Tori reciprocated. She wasn't normally rough with Tori, preferring tender passion, but she made sure their own bed complimented their activities. A large, pleased, smile spread across her face. It was the first thing Tori saw when she woke up several minutes later. It remained all through breakfast and grew impossibly bigger when they left their apartment and happened across their annoying neighbors in the parking lot. The couple awkwardly glanced at them and then hastily got in their car. Jade innocently waved at them when they drove by.
She was confident her point was made, but she would gladly improve upon it should they bother her again. Which they did when they got over the first incident. They went right back to it and Jade responded in kind. Until a week later she spotted a delivery man dropping off a rather large box. It looked like the neighbors finally got that new bed. For the first time in over a year Jade could work with focus, get to sleep on time, wake up on time, and enjoy the silence at her leisure. Whether the couple next door picked up on their activities or not remained unknown to Jade. Just as it should be.
"You're ridiculous," Tori told her one night while cuddled into her side, skin pressed against skin. Their own time together had gone back to slow and sweet. Jade chuckled, turning her head to kiss Tori's temple.
"I know," she agreed, proud and unashamed. Tori was just relieved the situation had been resolved without violence this time. To her, that was progress she would be all too happy to encourage.
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oftenderweapons · 4 years
Steamy Waters — Yoongi
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Pairing: Yoongi x reader (nicknamed Kitten), Namjoon x Vixen (mentioned)
Wordcount: 8.7k words
Genre: smut, a tinyyyyy bit of angst, pwp, established relationship, idol!au
Rating: very18+ 
Hello strawberries! With Namjoon’s Steamy Waters we saw the guys leaving for tour, with Yoongi we see them come back. Of course there will be a few things happening in between the two fics, but that will come later (see it as some special piece similar in terms of genre to Girls’ Night). Quick recap of the plot: Yoongi comes back from tour and Kitten is there to greet him. It has been a long day, and a he’s been away for a long time: the two decide to head to the shower to help Yoongi get rid of his travelling filth and help Kitten get rid of her bitter feelings. (AKA that one time Yoongi finally convinced Kitten to move in with a very unorthodox method.)
TRIGGER WARNINGS: filth. Swearing. Sarcasm. Dirty Talking. Slight angst (Yoongi’s shoulder is sore; Kitten finds condoms in his travel bag and she is afraid of cheating, even though she knows Yoongi is 3000% faithful, past relationship trauma). Shower blowjob, cum swallowing, cock worship and breast worship, lots of ass grabbing (both male and female receiving); again, Yoongi wakes her up with oral which is something he does a lot but still, it’s non explicitly consensual since she’s sleeping, he asks for consent as soon as she wakes up. Unprotected sex within an established relationship (GET TESTED BEFORE GOING BARE WITH YOUR PARTNER. PLEASE. USE CONDOMS UNLESS YOU’RE 1000% SURE YOU’RE CLEAN). Spooning sex, fingering, he uses his fingers as a gag. Multiple rounds and very multiple orgasms and squirting. Mentions of a cocksleeve. Mentions of anal sex; mild anal play (female receiving), mentions of rimming (female receiving). Use of a G-spot vibrator with remote control via smartphone, squirting, cunnilingus and face riding, crying, slight degradation, use of safeword, old school missionary jackhammering, choking kink. On a side note, reader is bisexual and everybody has a crush for Vixen
If you want background music for reading I suggest playing the whole About Time album by Sabrina Claudio or Over It (complete set) album by Summer Walker. [Thank me later 😉] 
Finally, here is my masterlist and well, Enjoy!!! ✨💜
You stood in the middle of the underground parking lot of Yoongi’s apartment, waiting for his van to arrive from the airport. Today he was back from the tour and you’d taken a few days off work to spend time with him.
You stood there, checking some emails on your phone when the doors of the lift opened on a dolled up Vixen. 
You had seen her wear black, blue and white quite consistently, head to toe impeccable at all times. That’s why you had to do a double take when you saw her in a pink, frilly, tiny sundress that looked like it could unravel if you stared at it for too long. 
“Am I late?” She asked, only to stare at you and realise that if you were there waiting, then no, they hadn’t arrived yet. “Sorry, dumb question, I’m just excited.” She smiled nervously, fixing non-existent creases on her dress.
“There’s a bit of traffic. They’ll be here in a minute, though.” You explained, putting down your phone. “Plans for a date?” You asked her, looking at her outfit.
“No, actually. I just wanted to dress pretty.” She said, elegant and sweet as usual. 
You smiled and looked at your oversized, worn-out T-shirt from a rockband you listened to when you were a teen, and the loose cotton shorts that reached your mid-thigh, paired with casual flip flops. You weren’t even wearing your nice bra. Not that Yoongi would care about that once he took your shirt off. Bras were just a nuisance to him anyway. 
“Are you on vacation?” She asked, checking her phone before locking it again. It lit up again with a notification, her lockscreen showing a picture of a boy staring at a sculpture. No doubt, Namjoon. 
“No, just took a few days off.” You replied kindly. You checked your phone yourself. “You and Joon are going on holiday?”
“Just a quick getaway.” She explained, beaming at you. She looked radiant, as if the last seven weeks had never existed. But her face looked slimmer. Her arms too. You had often met at the gym, spending time together and working out, ‘to stop thinking’ she had said. And you had bonded like that, over working out to stop your brains and dull your edges while your boyfriends were away. 
You tried not to think if Namjoon was going to propose while they were away. Yoongi had mentioned the man was considering the idea. “Then have a safe journey and a nice holiday.” You said, grinning. “Hope you can get your fill of him.” You said smirking. 
She caught the innuendo mischievously. “Trust me, I will.” She replied before winking. 
The bar to the parking lot lifted, before a black van entered the space, stopping a few slots away from you. 
Vixen was basically skipping on her toes, ready to throw herself at her boyfriend. Beside her, you felt like a flock of hummingbirds had been caged inside your chest, the fluttering feeling almost uncomfortable. When you heard the doors open, your ears stopped working, blood pressure making them perceive nothing but a dull beeping sound. 
Namjoon appeared from the door, Vixen dashing to him and throwing her whole body into his arms as he picked her up. The whole scene was very romantic and dramatic — just in their style —, almost making you sneer in a mysanthropistic fit, however the smaller figure appearing behind the lovey dovey couple made you reconsider your hatred towards humanity. 
Let’s be clear, you weren’t normally this sour, but seven weeks without Yoongi had taken their toll, and all you wanted was to incinerate every couple until he had had his sweet way with you and you weren’t underloved and underorgasmed anymore. 
“No dramatic welcome back for me?” He asked, staring at you from the distance with his hands on his hips. “No balloons and banners?” He shook his head. “You’re a disappointment.” He grinned at you. 
“You’re sucking your own dick tonight.” You teased back, Namjoon and Vixen too caught up in their idyllium to bother with your bantering. 
He shrugged. “Thank you for letting me know.” He opened his arms and you walked towards him, hugging him tight as he did just the same, your arms around his neck as he placed his hands on your waist and pulled you to him. “Hi, Kitten.”
“Hello, Yoongles.” You said, your voice emotional. 
“I’m sorry, I smell a bit.” He said, thinking about all those hours on the plane. 
“Not really.” You said, nuzzling into his neck, reacquainting with his cologne. “You’re as good as usual.”
His hands rubbed up and down your spine. “Let’s go upstairs. It’s too hot outside today and I could kill for a shower right now.”
The back of the van was already open as Namjoon took out the suitcases. 
“Hyung. Here is yours.” He said, letting it roll towards Yoongi. 
He thanked and caught it, sprawling his left hand over the top of it before catching the handle. Your eyes went wide as you stared at the tendons and veins just below the pale skin, jumping and flexing at the effort. 
You had missed those hands. Dearly. Deliriously. 
As he noticed your focused stare, he smirked, his other hand searching for your fingers, intertwining them with his. “I have my backpack too. Careful, there’s equipment inside.” Said Yoongi, pulling at your arm as he neared the back of the van and grabbed his stuff. 
“Let me get that.” You said, fussing over him. He looked tired and thin. “How’s your shoulder?”
“Not too bad.” He said. “A bit crumpled up because of the long trip and the air conditioning, but overall not bad.” He let you take the backpack though, showing you that yes, it was probably not nice. 
“I’ll have a cold pack ready upstairs.” You said, kissing his temple. The boys and Vixen said goodbye to the driver as he left, leaving the four of you trying to fit inside the lift.
It wasn’t too difficult and you were grateful that Namjoon stayed mostly silent even as his hand kept drawing patterns on the back of Vixen’s naked thigh, climbing decisively too high — and too under her dress — for public decency. Not that he noticed you or Yoongi staring and looking at each other conspiratorially, trying to find ways to tease him about it in the future. 
Anyway, Yoongi drew you close with an arm around your waist, whispering in your ear, “I’m just as needy myself.”
You turned to look at him with a knowing smirk. “I wouldn’t expect any less.” You whispered back, pressing your brow to the side of his head. 
Luckily, the doors dinged and opened, making the sweethearts quit their endeavours and hurriedly grab the suitcase and the smaller carryon. Next, you took care of Yoongi’s luggage, helping him slide it down the corridor, to the door of his apartment. Namjoon and Vixen stood in front of the door beside you while he opened the front door to their apartment and brought his stuff in. 
“I don’t think I’ll see you tomorrow, right?” Namjoon commented. 
“I don’t think so, no.” Yoongi replied chuckling as you raised your eyebrows and looked away, avoiding Namjoon’s knowing smirk. 
“Then have a nice break. Guess I’ll text you.” Namjoon replied. 
“Of course.” Yoongi said. 
“Kitten,” Namjoon greeted with a small nod. 
You waved at him, at the same time as Vixen said goodbye to the both of you and Namjoon picked her up again. 
“We didn’t tell them to keep it down.” Yoongi realised after staring at the closed front door for a couple seconds. 
“We could sleep in your studio.” You reasoned with a doubtful pout. 
Yoongi’s expression unintentionally mirrored yours. 
“Shall we?” You said, gesturing to the door.
He placed his arm around your waist and dragged you in. “I’m not strong enough to carry you like that.” He said, closing the door. 
“They’re so disgustingly sweet.” You replied, shaking your head and combing his hair with your fingers. He looked so good with black hair. 
“You say that only ‘cause it’s been too long since I last fucked you.” He replied, ignoring the suitcases and placing his lips on yours, chastely, sweetly. 
“I’ve missed you.” He whispered, rubbing his lips on yours tenderly. 
“I’ve missed you too.” You replied, placing your hands on his ass and pushing him closer to you. 
“I love you.” He murmured with his deliriously sexy voice. 
“I love you.” You echoed, squeezing his behind eloquently. 
He grinned. “Did Namjoon give you ideas?” He said, referring to the lift scene. 
“I’m just appreciating the small things in life.” You quipped, making him part from you with an outraged frown.
“My ass is not that small.” He opposed. 
“You are small.” You replied, cupping his face and squishing his cheeks. 
“You have clearly forgotten how it feels to have my cock inside you.” He teased right back, gripping your ass himself and pushing you against his front, making you feel his hardening length. 
“Maybe you could give me a reminder.” You wondered. 
“I need a shower.”
“And I need to blow you, which, in my opinion, makes an excellent combination.” You said reasonably. 
He grinned and shook his head. “Fuck, if I missed you.”
“Yes ‘fuck, if I missed you’, but also fuck me, please?” You said, raising an eyebrow and opening your hands with your palms up in front of him in a helpless pose. 
“Let’s get that shower first, yeah.” He rubbed his hands up and down your sides. “You’ve waited so long that you can wait a bit longer, right.”
“I repeat, you’re this close to sucking your own dick tonight.” You warned jokingly.
“Then we can have that shower and let you blow me before you change your mind.” He teased, calming you down with heavy touches to your cheeks and hair.
He was secretly enjoying the feel of you in front of him, getting reacquainted with the materiality of you, with the joy of feeling you at his side, of feeling you, full stop. He had never known he could miss touching someone. Innocently, attentively and lovingly. 
He had missed the feel of you under his hands. Combing your hair, hiding his nose in the crook of your neck, holding your hands. 
Holding your hands. 
He felt like he could do just that as you fell asleep on the bed. 
He felt so tired. 
“Let’s go.” You said, noticing his tired gaze. 
“The bags.” He said, pointing at his luggage in the entry. 
“Later.” You replied, squeezing his hand and leading the way to the bathroom adjoined to your bedroom. 
“How was the journey?” You asked, taking off your shirt once you entered the bathroom door. 
“Tiring. Very long. We had a long delay due to the connecting flight being late.”
“You had a connecting flight?” You said, incredulous, stopping as you were taking off your shorts. 
“Well, it’s pretty difficult finding direct flights from Europe to South Korea.” He said, taking off his own shirt. 
You turned around to look at his naked torso. It was pale as usual, more sculpted, but barely, still you immediately spotted the slightest curve on his belly and relaxed. It wasn’t as bad as it looked. Next he took off his loose linen sweats, a pair of plain white boxers emerging underneath. His calves were slightly bronzed, and as he noticed you staring he explained. “I stayed out with Hoseok one afternoon. I had bermudas on.” He pouted. 
“My poor little cracker.” You cooed, getting closer to him in nothing but your underwear. As he hugged you, his hands went immediately to the clasp of your bra, unlatching it. 
Grinning, you took it off and offered it to him, who threw it hatefully behind his shoulders. “I hate that shit.” He sneered, before cupping each of your breasts and pushing them up, planting his face snug in between. 
“I missed you.” He mouthed, kissing both. 
You giggled. “Are you talking to my tits.”
“I am appreciating the great things of life.” He murmured. 
“I hope appreciating them includes covering them in hickeys and cum.” You commented, caressing his hair as he kept trying to suffocate himself between your boobs. 
“What if I appreciated your dirty mouth first?” He teased, opening the tap to the shower and feeling the water temperature with the palm of his hand before bending down to take off his boxers. 
His cock was half mast, as glorious as you remembered it, the hair around kept just long enough to stay soft. 
As he noticed you staring, he snickered. “It looks like you really want to reacquaint with it.”
“Says the man who said ‘I missed you’ to my tits.” You teased.
“Fair enough.” He conceded, getting under the water falling from the shower head. 
Taking off your panties, you followed him in. 
“You look beautiful, Kitten.” He said, “a bit too thin, though.” He commented, running his hands up and down your sides. 
“All those nights in the gym took a toll.” You replied. 
“I still can’t believe you actually went to the gym.” He said, kissing your lips as light as a butterfly. “And just because you wanted to fuck but I was away.”
You shrugged, “the alternative was starting a very sapphic tryst with Vixen, but I don’t think Namjoon would have condoned it.”
Yoongi chuckled, “No, I don’t think so.” He admitted, massaging your ass under his palms. “Nice improvement.”
“I did Vixen’s workout. That girl is a fucking power plant.” You shook your head. “Completely crazy.”
“She is after all Namjoon’s girlfriend. I’m surprised he called her Vixen and not bunny or rabbit.” He shook his head. 
“Enough with the sweethearts. Give me the D, mr Min.” You said, getting on your knees. 
He laughed and ran his hand through your hair, while you scooted back towards the wall. You precisely knew how you wanted him. 
“Kitten. What is it.” He asked, looking at the way you parted your legs and crouched, making sure that your spine and the back of your head pressed against the wall, your heels tucked under your ass.
“I want you to fuck my mouth?” You said, eyes imploring, your hands already running down the back of his thighs, trying to bring him close. 
“You sure?” He asked, licking his lips repeatedly, swallowing once and then again in an attempt to bring comfort to his dry mouth. 
“Yeah.” You replied, looking up at him bringing your hand between your legs, testing your own wetness.
Your eyes met as he stroked his length a couple times before feeding the tip of his cock into your mouth, parted wide for him. “Tell me how deep I can go.” He murmured, pushing in slowly.
You placed your hands on his hips, pushing him deeper into your mouth. You wrapped your lips around him, covering the edge of your teeth and bobbing your head tentatively. His hand moved protectively to the crown of your head, trying to keep your head from hitting the wall. 
“Easy, tiger,” He said, chuckling, before his laugh stopped, interrupted by a moan. “Kitten, that's deep.” He murmured as you pushed him past the back of your tongue and deep into your throat. You kept him there for a couple seconds, focusing on the feel of him to avoid choking, before pushing him away. 
He placed the other hand on the wall, holding up his weight. “Are you okay, love?” He asked, noticing your reddened eyes and heavy breath. 
“Yes.” You murmured. “It feels so good to have you back.” You said, elated, as you pulled him back into your mouth, asking him with delicate motions of your arms to thrust into you.
“Missed your lips. Your tongue,” he moaned, groaning as you squeezed your cheeks against his tip. “So fucking good.” He combed your hair back and moved the hand from the wall to your chin, making you look up to him. “Look at me, ____.” He ordered you. “I want to look into your eyes as I fuck your mouth.” He leaned his forearm against the wall, plunging in with a gentle curl of his hips, his mouth wide, the water falling down his spine, his black locks plastered against his forehead. “I love your mouth. Your nasty tongue.” He drew out. “Touch yourself.” He growled, teasing you with his sexy voice. 
“Yoongi.” You moaned as he slid out. “Please.” You whimpered. 
“Please what, kitty.” He said, touching your face. 
“I want you to cum.” You cried out, scratching his abdomen lightly. 
“How do you want that?” He asked, brushing a few loose strands of hair off your face. 
“I want you to fuck my mouth.” You repeated, eager, your fingers rubbing in between your legs. 
“Then let me give you what you want, love.” He purred, grabbing his shaft and placing the soft, reddish tip right on your lower lip. “Is this what you want?” 
You nodded, begging him with your longing glance. 
He grinned sinfully and let his hip arch forward. 
He entered your mouth with a slow and steady stroke, giving you time to prepare yourself, until he was all the way in. 
“I'll never forget how it feels, Kitten. I've spent hours thinking about this.” He groaned, his chest heaving. 
And then he slipped out, only to stroke in again. You moaned a bit, and then kept quiet, focusing on the feel of him, on his eyes screwed shut, on the rhythmic contractions of his belly, on the flexing of his quads and his glutes. 
He was so beautiful, lost in bliss, chasing his high, stopping only when you tapped his leg twice. 
He let the tip rest on your tongue, “love that dirty mouth.” He praised you as you slurped and twirled your tongue around him. “Can never resist it.” He went on. 
Once more you pulled him towards you, humming wantonly. 
“Close, Kitten. Need your… Yes.” He groaned as you reached for his balls. “Sq–” 
He didn't have the time to give you orders: you were already doing his favourite things, massaging his sensitive spot, squeezing him gently until he sank deep into you and went silent for a couple seconds, not even breathing before he let a raspy roar tear from his mouth and echo in the small space. 
You shut your eyes tight as he gave the smallest thrust, burrowing deep into you as he spilled inside you, the lack of oxygen getting to your head, but still you tried opening your eyes, looking at Yoongi's lips hanging open, gasping for hair. 
His chest expanded in a deep breath. “For fuck’s sake.” His eyes opened slightly. 
He was leaning over you, the light dimmed by his body shielding you, the sound of the water precipitating against the floor a bit too loud for his ears and your own. 
You touched his leg twice and his eyes shot open as he slipped out quickly. “Damn it, you okay, Kitten?” He knelt between your legs, touching your cheeks and taking in your closed eyes and your chest heaving as you finally got some brand new oxygen in your lungs. 
“A bit short of breath.” You whispered, leaning into his touch and nuzzling into the crook of his neck. 
“Oh, precious.” He moved his hands behind your back, hugging you close. “Poor thing.”
“Don’t baby me.” You mumbled, raking your nails down his back, making him shiver.
“No?” He asked, smiling softly, rubbing his cheek against your hair. “You’re a tough cookie?”
You nodded with your eyes closed and he snickered. 
“My tough cookie.” He murmured, patting your head. “I missed you so much, beautiful. I love you.”
You untucked yourself from his shoulder and looked at him in the eye. “I love you, too.” You cooed. 
“What can I do for you, ____?” He asked, pressing a quick kiss to your lips.
You dipped your head forward, hiding into him. “I want you close.” He felt his heart melt. 
“You don’t want me to fuck you?” He asked, simply caressing your head as you mouthed at his throat.
“Let’s finish the shower first.” You said, parting from him and standing up. 
He placed a chaste kiss on your hip as you stood before him, his tongue delving between your legs, tasting your honey-clad folds. “I swear the taste of your cunt keeps getting better and better.”
“We can take this to bed, Yoongi, now stand up and let me wash your hair.” You murmured, running your hands into his dark locks 
“You could wash my hair while I make out with your pussy.” He suggested. 
“I need to focus, stand up you menace.” You smirked playfully. 
He obeyed, bending his head forward, planting it between your tits. 
“Yoongi!” You said, playfully outraged. 
“Oh, come on.” He murmured. Immediately he found his usual spot and took it past his lips, sucking it with his teeth, rubbing it with his tongue while you found the bottle of his shampoo and poured some in your palm, rubbing your hands together and spreading the foam over his hair. 
“Don’t be a whiny pup.” You scolded him, spreading the soap over his scalp, carefully avoiding it going into his eyes. 
As he felt your fingers massaging his head, making sure that all the shampoo was rinsed off his hair, his lips accidentally parted in a wide yawn. 
“Let’s go to bed.” You murmured, maybe for the first time since you saw him downstairs, the dark circles underneath his eyes. 
You closed the tap quickly, stretching to reach a towel and drying him up, pressing the towel to his pained shoulder, dabbing the cotton softly before peppering a cascade of kisses on the skin. “We’re gonna put some lotion on this baddie.” You said, smiling gently at him. “Does it hurt?” Your lips still caressing his skin there while you kept drying him up, knowing how dangerous it was for him to stay wet under the air conditioning. He was delicate and something inside you, something affectionate and apprehensive, made you want to pamper him. 
“A bit.” He said, pouting, feeling like he could drop his facade now, abandoning himself to your gentle care.
He yawned again. “You had your orgasm and now you’re sleepy, kitty cat?” You teased, cooing at him cutely.
“I’m a bit jet-lagged,” he admitted, stealing a towel and opening it up, cupping your breasts from over the cotton, and then moving his attention elsewhere, brushing your belly, your arms, kneeling down and placing a small kiss on your lower belly, before rubbing the fabric over your legs, first one, then the other, helping your foot up and drying first your left, then your right one. 
“Where’s the lotion?” You asked, kissing his brow as he stood up. 
“In the carryon. It’s with the toiletries.” 
You quickly wrapped your towel around your body, exiting the room and looking for his large suitcase. You opened it, his laundry neatly folded inside, his beauty bag perfectly fitting in. As you rummaged into his beauty bag, you frowned, spotting a familiar bottle of lube and a small silicone pocket. A few condoms loose among his toiletries. 
Something in you hesitated. Even though you knew Yoongi would never, ever look at someone else, old ghosts of your ex immediately started tormenting you. 
You tried to ignore the unsettling feeling, blinking a few times before grabbing his shoulder lotion and heading for the kitchen, immediately finding a cold pack inside the freezer, and bringing it to the bedroom. You looked inside a drawer, finding a little kerchief or a bandana — whatever it was — and bringing it to the bedside table. 
Yoongi was laying in the middle of the bed, looking at you as you obstinately avoided his gaze. 
“Lay on your side.” You asked gently but coldly before he obeyed, still a bit confused at your change in mood. Was it because he hadn’t fucked you? Maybe you were okay with it, but now you weren’t anymore? Were you disappointed?
You poured some cold lotion on the round muscle, following the instruction he had taught you before he left, when he came home tired and sore from practice. And then again, his therapist had taught you some small tricks after the concert in Seoul, when you had accompanied him to the doctor the following day for his ordinary session. 
He hissed as the cold gel met his skin, while your thumbs dug into the skin gently but surely, massaging the stressed muscle. “It’ll warm up.” You said simply, spreading the lotion and massaging it where flesh and bone met. 
You opened the cold pack, cracking it in the middle and placing it behind his shoulder, where his shoulderblade and collarbone met. locking it into place by tying the bandana around it, running it around his armpit. “There you go. I’ll go rinse my hands.”
You hadn’t kissed him. Or looked at him. 
“Kitten.” He called, but you were already walking into the joined bathroom, willingly ignoring his call.
You opened the tap, rubbing the heavy stench of the gel off your hands, and then placing your clean, wet, cold palms against your cheeks, trying to calm down. 
You grabbed one of his t-shirts before you lowered the blinds, walking towards the bed and laying down on your side of the bed, curled up in a ball and sliding under the covers after turning on the air purifier. His eyes opened as you laid down, 
“Why are you wearing a shirt?” He asked. 
“I’m cold.” You replied briefly. 
“Kitten.” He called again. 
You turned away from him, taking a few deep breaths, pondering whether you should talk or not. 
“I found the condoms. In your bag.” You voice shook. “I know you would never do what he did but still.”
“Goodness.” He murmured, his breath freezing in his lungs. “Fuck. Kitten. Don’t.” He said calmly, with a reassuring tone, coming closer to you, hugging you to his chest, his tender arm coming around your body, while his good one moved under your head, pillowing it. “They’re there from when you came to our concert in Busan. Remember?” He said, kissing the crown of your head. “Remember Busan?”
You nodded. Of course you remembered. “I do.” You had changed birth control and you had used the condoms for safety. And accidentally — since you were already equipped — you had tried anal for the first time, quite to your surprise.  
“And I kept them there. Hoping that maybe you could find a way to come to one of the concerts. That maybe we could have a couple nights somewhere.” He explained, intertwining your fingers. “No one else. I swear to God, no one else, Kitten. No one else, ____.” 
You relaxed in his hold, kissing his arm under your head. “I’m so sorry. I know you would never. I trust you, but… You know how it feels.”
“I do, love. I know you trust me, baby.” He kissed your shoulder. “I’m so proud of you, being so strong, my love.” 
“Can you just hold me?” You asked, slowly slipping into complete relaxation. Even though you knew feeling him inside you would be the best form of reassurance, you abandoned the idea. Because, as much as you’d love him to ruin you, what you had missed the most while he was away was his hands combing your hair before falling asleep, his chest expanding and deflating against your back as he slept behind you, his hand gently placed on your chest, while you simply laid there, basking in the peacefulness of being together. You missed combing his hair, feeling the weight of his head resting in your arms, kissing his temple as he laid his head on your shoulder, you watching a movie while he pretended not to nap.
“There you go, Kitten.” He murmured against your nape, sprinkling little pecks all over your upper back. “I missed you.” He whispered, again, losing count of how many times he had said it. His body relaxed behind yours, his mind already thinking how he could possibly offer you true reassurance later — and repay you for the blowjob. In kind. With interests. Once he was sure you were sleeping, he stood up, looking into the drawer of your bedside table and smirking once he found the small case together with the charger. 
He considered he’d better recharge it and avoid unfortunate mishaps, he unplugged your bedside lamp and connected the charger, plugging it into the toy. Satisfied with the potential developments, he curled up around you; his eyelids fluttered closed, his yawns becoming stronger and more frequent, sleep conquering his body as your own muscles loosened with Morphean abandon. 
When Yoongi woke, it was already sundown, a gentle orange light coming in from the window. Around seven pm. 
First, he noticed that his shoulder felt better. Next, he noticed that you were wearing a shirt. 
And next, he realised that he was home. At your side. In your bed. 
Finally, he realised that he hadn’t yet seen you cum. He had been home for around six hours and he had spent the majority of those sleeping. When he could have made you cum on his tongue several times. 
He started considering his options. 
With quiet and discretion, he parted from your sleeping form, heading for the small drawer where he kept bedsheets, towels, underwear and sleeping clothes. There, under a blanket, he found exactly what he was looking for. 
“Yes.” He huffed out, placing his treasure on the drawer and fixing the rest, moving back to the bed together with the soft object. He removed the cold pack from his shoulder and spread the small two-layers blanket on the free side of the bed, planning to lay it out fully once he managed to wake you up. 
Now he only had to rouse you. 
He arched his eyebrows, thinking of how he could do that without getting his cock bitten off. 
You were a very smart and adult woman, but still you took your naps very seriously, acting like a whiny child whenever someone interrupted them. 
He crawled on top of the bed, curling up in a ball below you, pressing his knees to his shoulders as he gave a tentative lick on your naked labia, his tongue insinuating between your folds until he found your sweet nectar. 
Your hips moved against his face, just barely, an involuntary movement of your body. You were still asleep. 
He gave a full lick, as far as your position allowed. 
You fussed in your sleep, maybe mumbling his name, or maybe it was just his mind playing tricks on him. He lifted your leg just enough to have access to your clit, the tip of his tongue toying with it, tapping it a couple times before he flexed his appendage and rubbed it against your sensitive spot, first in tiny licks, then in circular motions. 
“Yoongi,” this time you called for real. 
Finally happy with the result, he put down your leg and laid down behind you, placing his palm on your belly and sliding it under the shirt, feeling your naked skin. 
“Kitten?” He called, making sure that you were actually awake. 
“Yes.” You replied, your voice groggy.
“I want inside.” He murmured at your ear. 
“Yes.” You confirmed, mind still a bit hazy with sleep. 
“Yes what?” He asked with an arrogant chuckle. 
“Inside. Please.” You whimpered, your hand stretching behind you and grabbing his sex. 
“Let it be, Kitten. I’ll take care of it.” He slapped your hand away before he wrapped his fingers around his shaft, rubbing his tip against you. “You want it like this?” He said, nibbling your shoulder. “Want me from behind?”
You nodded, lifting your upper leg and hooking it back over his hip, offering him access. “You’re so good at spoons.”
He snickered. “Told you it was good.” He slid the tip in slowly, stretching your hole as the thick, red, spongy head breeched your inner cave. “Remember when we played twenty question here, in my house?” He said, voice raspy as he slid in all the way, stilling only once he bottomed out. 
“I do.” You replied with difficulty, through gritted teeth. “I rubbed you through your pants unti you came.”
“You were fingering yourself while jerking me off.” He murmured. “You were there, so open about your pleasure, so unashamed.” He kissed you below your ear, slowly sliding out. 
You whimpered as he parted from you, lifting your shirt and pushing his hand to your chest, his fingers immediately tweaking your nipple. You turned your head, trying to meet his lips, almost getting a crick in your neck at the effort. He slid in with a deep stroke, bending over you and joining your mouths. 
“In that moment I realised I had to have you.” He groaned against your mouth.
“We hadn’t even kissed and you were thrusting yourself into my hand.” You mewled as he rubbed against the tender tissue inside you. “God, you always hit my sweet spot like this.” You cried out, giving him a few squeezes. 
“So tight.” He cried out, purring against your ear. “And I hadn’t kissed you because I was afraid.” He said, almost as if he weren’t trying to possess every inch of you, as if it wasn’t the most difficult thing he had ever done, to stay perfectly still inside you as you milked him. 
“Afraid.” You said, provokingly. “Ten dates in two months and you were afraid.”
“I knew that the moment I got my tongue in your mouth, I would never slow down.” He murmured, pulling out just barely before ramming into you. “I wanted to hear you moan for me from the first time I heard your voice. So soft. So sexy.” He groaned against your ear. 
His hand moved to the other breast, your gaze focusing downwards, on his skeletal fingers, on the way they spread and constricted around your flesh. “Yoongi, I wanna cum.” You moaned, grinding your hips in circles while he gave tiny thrust that rubbed the head of his cock against your g-spot. “So good.” Your hand reached behind, grabbing his ass cheek and sinking your nails into the flesh, imprinting five red crescents into the skin, scratching it, marking it. 
His other arm slid beneath you, fumbling a little as he substituted the one on your breasts, while the other one, a bit freer, moved up, to slip his fingers into your mouth. “Suck them, Kitten. Moan around them.” He said, pressing his index and middle finger on your tongue. “Make them wet before I rub them on your clit.” He murmured, giving small circles with his hips, feeling you clench around him. 
“Close.” You moaned while he moved his fingers away from your tongue, right on your sensitive bud. 
“Come on. Cum for me.” He groaned, rubbing his palm delicately over your nipple, teasing it barely, only the tip meeting the rough skin of his calluses. “Cum on my cock. Claim it. Come on.” He said, his voice strained, his hips pushing with quick small strokes, focusing on caressing and pressing against your sweet spot. 
“Yoo—” You tried to speak his name but your mouth stayed open, a loud scream ripping from your throat, as it all became too much. “Yoongs, wait, fuck, too good!” You screamed as his fingers kept teasing you insistently, overstimulating you. “Yoongs, fuck, another!” You felt his thrusts become faster, harder as your second high approached. 
“No no no no, please, stop!” You screeched, trying to tug his wrist away, while he kept it against your mound, tucked in tight. 
“You know the word, ____.” He growled as he gave a few final strokes inside you, your whole body shaking with effort, your second high so incredibly strong that it took your voice away, your ears filled with a shrill beeping sound. “So good.” He hummed pushing your back into his chest as he stayed deep inside you, coating your cunt with his seed as he gave a couple tentative thrusts. “So fucking good, Kitten.”
“Yoongi,” you murmured with your voice hoarse. 
“The whole neighbourhood will know about you getting that good dick,” He teased, slipping out of you and holding you tight, rolling you on top of him, and then on the other side of the bed, where he had laid the special blanket just for you. 
“There’s the blankie.” You said, surprised. 
“Yup. I laid the blankie for you.” He said, as he noticed you sitting up and tearing your t-shirt off your torso, throwing it away before you rolled your body on your front. 
You smiled and nuzzled into the soft microfiber, anticipating the special treatment you were about to get. 
“Are you ready, Kitten?” He asked, rubbing your ass, then letting his finger walk up your spine, carding through your hair and grabbing it, massaging your scalp with his hooked fingers. 
“Yes, please.” You said, half still dizzy with your previous orgasms, and half dizzy with the anticipation for the ones that were about to come. 
“Would you like to stay on your front?” He asked, stretching to the bedside table and unplugging the device, placing it away from your curious eyes. 
“Yes? And then turn around?” You asked, turning your head to look at him, eyes sparkling with excitement. “Maybe you could play with my boobs, choke me a little, then fuck me again?” You said, arching your back and pushing your ass up, trying to lure him in, and at the same time rubbing your sensitive nipples against the soft fabric. 
“Greedy little beast.” He said, patting your head affectionately. 
You pushed your face against it, like an obedient little cat. 
“Stay put, Kitten. I’ll come back in a second.” He said, dashing for the entry room lightning fast, rummaging in his backpack for his phone, finding it and murmuring a “aha!” before he headed back to the bedroom the small toy still placed in his palm, his fingers wrapped tight around it. 
As he entered the bedroom he slowed down, looking at you kneeling with your ass up, your front pressed against the mattress, your arm trapped underneath you as your fingers played peekaboo between your legs, tickling your folds like the long, spindly legs of a spider. 
“You got started without me?” He asked, looking at you with his phone in his hand, his other palm unfolding as he let the vaginal vibrator dangle from his fingers pinching the small cord that simplified extraction. 
“Fuck it, I love you.” You chuckled, pushing your fingers inside, feeling how deeply he had stretched you. 
“You only love me for the sex.” He said, grinning, making the vibrator swing back and forth like a pendulum. 
“That’s not true.” You said, whimpering as you hit a really good spot. You giggled. “I also love you because you’re fucking filthy.” You teased. 
He grinned his signature gummy smile and brought the toy to his face, his lips parting wide and wrapping around it, sucking it in his mouth. 
Your eyes went wide at the gesture, the cord dangling like the tail of a mouse caught in the cat’s clutches. 
He crawled behind you, placing down his phone as he caressed the back of you thighs, grabbing your ass and massaging it with his firm, strong hands. 
“Put it in?” You asked, wiggling your butt in his grasp. 
His right hand parted from your skin, pinching the cord and tugging at it, the toy popping out with a loud noise. “My filthy babe wants her cunt filled?” He asked, licking at his cum as it has oozed out of your slit, coating your inner thighs. 
“Please, Yoongi.” You purred, using your fingers to part your labia. 
He snickered and placed the toy on your entrance, letting it slide in one millimeter at the time. 
You felt every single second of it, the slightly oval shape calling for a barely-there stretch at the tip, but hitting an almost-burning sensation once you reached the widest part, Yoongi devilishly stopping it there, his other hand disappearing from your leg. 
That’s when the vibration started. Slow, steady, almost imperceptible. 
“Yoongs...” You whined, stretching the vowels in a whining tone. 
“Oh, quiet.” He shushed you, putting down the phone to caress your spine, “Be a good girl.” He murmured, scratching your butt before slapping it playfully. “You should keep up with the work out. Look at this ass.” He said, before letting his teeth sink in it. 
You screamed, the toy finally sliding all the way in. 
The vibrations started propagating inside you, together with his teeth tightening on your flesh. He would leave a mark for sure. It was only a matter of how harsh it would be, how long it would last. 
He parted from your butt, pondering for a second whether he thought it a good idea to run his tongue down the junction of the two ass cheeks, teasing the hole in between. 
Not yet. He felt like he should discuss it with you first. 
To silence his doubts he parted from you, admiring the view, letting it eventually suggest him how to proceed. 
He wished he could preserve the moment in his mind forever, even if he couldn’t quite see your face, your pretty nose scrunched and eyes shut as you focused on the feeling between your legs, trying to make it good enough to lead you to pleasure once more. 
With his phone he let the intensity of the vibration grow just a bit. A very, very tiny bit. 
“More.” You mewled, your fingers rubbing your clit. 
There was his suggestion. 
Sliding his hand up against your side, then forward, near your belly, he managed to take control of your wrist, pushing it away and trapping it behind your back. “I’m gonna give you more, but that’s all you’re gonna get, Kitten.” He warned, letting his thumb increase the vibration on the touch screen of his phone. 
“Fuck it. Yes.” You said, as the stimulus became medium-intense. 
And then mild again. “Don’t mess with me please, just please!” You cried out, writhing against nothing, parting your legs wider as he noticed the cord hang between your leg twitching with the tight contractions of your cunt. 
“Oh, I shouldn’t?” He raised the controller all the way up. 
“YOONGI!” You screamed, your body out of control as your legs gave out, pushing your hips against the mattress, the soft fiber of the blanket feeling divine on the delicate tip of your clit. 
And then again the vibration quieted down, your brow furrowing as you felt your eyes get watery, huffing out, panting and grunting as you looked for relief, grinding against the bed desperately.
With a grin he let the vibration flutter on a middle ground, giving you a fleeting feeling of stronger and weaker stimulation. 
“How does your tiny cunt feel, Kitten? Is it tight? Wet? Warm?” He asked, provokingly. 
“It feels very— Yoongi!” You called again as he let you begin talking comfortably and then turned the vibrations all the way up, making you tear up and cry out his name. 
“That’s right.” He said. “It feels me.” He toyed with the cursor on the upper side of the screen, letting it oscillate among the higher values. “It feels only me. Because that’s my cunt.” He said, talking over your small hiccups and whines. “And it’s the only cunt I want to be inside.” He snarled, bringing the controller down low again, your desperate sniffling making him feel compassionate as he let the vibrations go to the maximum and left them there, his torso rising over you as he let a dollop of spit fall from his lips to your puckered hole, his hand leaving your wrist and spreading over your ass, his thumb spreading his spit and pressing enough to cause a stimulation but gently, not to violate your delicate entrance. 
“I’m so close.” You cried out, panting, your mouth so dry as you felt the wet slide of his finger between your ass cheeks, on the sensitive skin of your anus, where even the slightest outer pressure echoed inside tenfold. 
“Cum for me.” He groaned, picking up your hips and laying his front against your back, rutting his crotch against the seam of your ass.
“I’m— Oh—” You stayed silent as the high rushed over you, an incredible amount of wetness pouring out of your slit, getting caught in the blanket, just the way it was supposed to, the double layer protecting the sheets below. “Oh, Yoongs, babe.” You said, your whole body falling down, your legs kicking and twitching as the vibration stayed too high on your still delicate spot. 
“I wanna ride your face, quick I’m gonna c—” You tried to focus on not squirting again, waiting for him to get in place. 
Mercifully, he turned down the vibrations, laying on his back, parting your knees and sliding below your pelvis, his mouth immediately finding your clit while you raised your front on your elbows, so you could make more room for him — but also to feel your breasts hang heavily, and to tease your nipples while the whole scene carried out. 
Yoongi started sucking almost immediately, one of his hands spread on your ass, rubbing it and squeezing it, the other one toying with the controller, giving you that rhythmic increasing and decreasing stimulation while you got used to the feel of him on your clit. 
And once more you were close, your inner muscles shaking violently as he hummed against you, clicking his tongue fast against your delicate bundle of nerves. 
And just like that, your hips started undulating gently above him, giving him the sign to leave the vibrations high up as you moved your weight on your hands, raising your upper body to look a his eyes focused on your bouncing tits, on your parted mouth, on your eyes, rolling shut as you gushed on him, your cum covering his upper chest as you grabbed your left breast in your palm, constricting it in your painfully tight fist, while your hips went wild on him, fucking your clit into his mouth, moving so hard and fast that he lost his grip on it while you rubbed yourself all over his face, meeting his nose, his chin and simply chasing the feel of the hard surface of his lineaments against your overstimulated clitoris. 
He basked in it, after all the time it had taken to have you this wild, this reckless while his mouth worked his magic on you. You had began your experience with him as a shy novice in the art of getting head, but now here you were, spreading your wetness all over his nose and chin and lips and dammit, forehead too, riding him with the prowess of a tiger, glorious in all your ruthless lust. 
He was aroused by your confidence and it took him a while to realise that you had collapsed over him, crying, begging, your legs kicking against the mattress while your hand had left your breast and had tightened its grip into his hair, keeping his face still first while he tried to move it side to side. Now oversensitive, with tears in your eyes, you pushed his head away, down, off of you. 
“Yoongi. Please. Oh, god. Icycle, Yoongi. Icycle.” You sobbed, your voice breaking as he quickly found the cord and pulled the vibrator out of you. 
And there you were, laying barely alive on the bed, his head under your hips, the toy vibrating on the bed, somewhere. 
He allowed himself one brief second before he lifted your hips and slid out from below you. “Kitten,” He said, worried, wiping his face and chest with a corner of the blanket while he switched off the toy, trying to turn you around, on your back, so he could see you properly. 
Obeying to his insistent hands, you turned, showing him your eyes rimmed with tears, your wild hair, your chest, still shaking with sobs and hiccups. 
“Poor Kitten.” He said, caressing your face. “You had to use your safeword, baby? Are you okay?” He asked, cupping your cheek and kissing you. 
You immediately wrapped yourself around him as he laid on top of you, your lower lip pouting. “I want you closer.” You said, grinding your hips against his hard sex. 
“Need to be fucked by my cock?” He asked. “Again?” With a gentle expression, he parted from you enough to pump his length a couple times before you felt him enter you. 
The sensation was different. With the vibration gone, all you felt was the fullness, the thrusting motion that he started straight away now that your cunt was slippery and wide. 
“Hard and fast, love?” He asked, checking on you. 
You nodded. “If possible, then yes.” You said. “Can I please touch myself? I’m not sure I can cum without after that...” You explained, his head nodding as he already dove for your tits, tightening his hand around your neck — more precisely your jugular — while his mouth focused on your left nipple. 
You felt him beginning to hammer into you, at the beginning with slow, thorough slides that had you feeling every single vein, from the tip to the base. And then he simply focused on the angle, your head growing dizzy as you gurgled his name, helpless, desperate, horny out of your mind, completely fucked out. 
“Does it feel good, Kitten?” He asked, releasing your breast and focusing on your neck, biting and leaving a few bruises and hickeys around. 
“Always.” You whispered, meeting his thrusts. 
“Then move in with me.” He said, pouncing on you in the most unexpected moment. 
“What?” You said, trying to open your eyes, to focus on his expression, his crunched nose, his lips parted and his hair sticking to his forehead with wet locks, the vein on his neck popping out every time he thrusted in and bit his lip in an attempt to control himself. 
“Move.” Thrust. “In.” Thrust. He said, grunting. 
He hit a very good angle, your fingers stilling on your clit. “Yoongi—” With a very smooth stroke, he made your eyes roll close, your lips parting in a tiny word. Very tiny. 
“Yes.” You sibilated. 
“Yes?” He asked again. 
He had probably fucked you dumb and brainless. 
“Yes.” You whispered again. 
“I’m gonna fuck you so good in our home.” He said, ramming in with renewed enthusiasm, finding a speed and an intensity you didn’t think his delicate body could muster. 
“Our home.” You murmured, pushing your heels into his butt and meeting his thursts with impatient little moans as you felt your last high approach, your eyes rolling shut as he tightened the pressure on your veins and finally collapsed on top of you, your fingers strumming your clit a couple more times before you felt that definite clenching; his mouth releasing a tiny hum as he gave two small strokes, his lungs releasing a long exhale. 
“You’re moving in.” He said, exhausted on top of you. “I love you.”
In the small limbo between death and life, in the postorgasmic bliss of the French ‘small death’, you wore a small smile. “You fucked me dumb enough to make me say yes.”
“Yeah, I’ve heard my D is your kryptonite.” He joked, giggling weakly. 
“This was probably your best performance, mr. Min.” You said, patting his head. “Really fucked me dumb. Cunnilingus so good I cried. It’s a ten across the board, love.”
“Well, now that you’re moving in I’ll have a lot more time to defeat my new record. Upgrade. Improve. Elevate.” He nibbled your nipple. “Outdo myself.”
“I don’t know if that’s a good or a bad thing. Good: getting the D anytime. Bad: having multiple near death experiences in a week. I might have to reconsider moving in.” You mumbled, combing his hair. 
“I’ll simply have to keep you dumbfucked twenty-four-seven.” He pondered. “Can do.”
You giggled. “Can do.”
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jaskiers-sweetkiss · 3 years
Of Blushes and Butterflies
Pairing: Reggie Peters x Luke Patterson
Word Count: 1.8K 
Warnings: None? 
A/N: Happy holidays @penguin-writes-books! I’m your secret santa for the @jatpdaily Secret Santa event! I present you with a Ruke (with slight background willex) alive!au featuring Smart Reggie and a little bit of background Proud Dad Ray Molina. I really hope you like it!! <3
Luke knew he shouldn’t have left all his homework for the day after the band’s Orpheum showcase. His whole body felt ablaze with energy but none of it could be channeled towards his physics. Fortunately, he knew a certain green-eyed, dark-haired boy who was great at physics and would certainly help him out. So, he pulled out his phone and texted Reggie.
At the last second, Luke pulled his thumb away from the screen before pressing send on the message. Instead navigating to the call button. He faltered only briefly before pressing it, his breath catching in his throat as he waited to hear the boy’s soft and smooth voice.
“Hey Luke, what’s up?” Reggie asked cheerfully, picking up the phone after the first ring.
“Hey, Reg,” Luke responded, trying to fight back the heat in his cheeks just from hearing his friend’s voice.
He wasn’t entirely sure when the bassist had started making him feel so flustered all the time, normally Luke was cool, calm, and collected and Reggie was one of his oldest friends. Now suddenly he was finding himself at a loss for words in his presence, tongue tied and tripping over himself for the boy’s approval.
He blamed it on the chemistry incident. He never should’ve taken the guy’s bait while they waited for Julie to arrive for practice that day. They all knew that there was nothing but friendship between Luke and Julie and yet when Reggie and Alex had taunted him about their on-stage chemistry, Luke just had to prove them wrong. That’s how he had ended up staring deep into one of his oldest friend’s eyes, wondering how he’d never noticed the little flecks of gold and brown in them or all the tiny freckles dotting his nose and his cheeks.
“I, uh, might’ve put off my physics homework and need some help,” he answered sheepishly and he hear Reggie chuckle quietly on the other end, likely unsurprised. “D’you think you could come over?”
“I’ll be there in a few,’ Reggie responded before hanging up.
Luke flopped back onto his bed with a sigh, staring up at the ceiling dopily at the thought of the green-eyed boy on his way to him. Boy was he whipped.
Reggie was pretty sure Luke was going to be the death of him, but what a way to go.
He had spent his Sunday afternoon after their spectacular showcase at the Orpheum pressed side-by-side with the brunet, their backs pressed against Luke’s headboard while Reggie played physics tutor.  
He didn’t mind it. He knew everyone perceived him as the “dumb” one of the group and he understood why. He was usually the last one to catch on to social cues and he wasn’t the most observant of the group. However, Reggie was great at school and it was something he was really proud of. Science and math especially came really easy to him, enough so that he was on the advanced track for both at their high school. Ray had even started hanging his test grades up on the fridge with Carlos and Julie’s, the family practically adopting him when they learned about his poor home life. So no, he didn’t mind playing tutor to his friends. He actually really liked it, especially when it meant an afternoon spent pressed against a certain floppy-haired guitarist who only wore cutoffs.
He blamed Luke and his stupid, confident, mic-sharing chemistry for the butterflies that now swarmed in his stomach every time he saw the boy, though he wouldn’t trade that moment for the world. Their lips so close it took Reggie’s break away, and then the guy had the audacity to kiss his fingers and press them to Reggie’s lips with that cocky smirk as if Reggie wasn’t already aware he was bi.
It was with thoughts of how Luke’s actual lips might feel pressed against his own or how it might feel to thread his fingers through Luke’s hair that Reggie entered their Monday afternoon practice with running through his mind.  
Luke had traded the t-shirt he’d worn to school for one of his signature cut-offs (it was a shame the school dress code prohibited sleeveless shirts but it was probably better for Reggie’s grades this way) and his flexing biceps were on full display as he tuned his guitar. Reggie gulped before pressing forward into the studio, picking up his bass and fiddling with the tuning pegs as well, trying to keep his gaze away from his best friend’s arms. Fortunately, practice went off without a hitch, Reggie to focused on the music to be ogling Luke. It wasn’t until after practice that his brain decided to betray him.
“So, are we hanging out for a bit?” Luke asked flopping down on the couch after they’d put away all their instruments.
“Flynn is coming over in a bit so you guys are welcome to stay,” Julie shrugged, taking a seat in one of the arm chairs while Alex sat across from her.
“Is it alright if I invite Willie?” He asked, already pulling out his phone to send a text to his boyfriend.
“Go ahead,” Julie responded with a knowing smirk as Alex grinned down at his phone.
“So what’re we gonna do?” Luke asked excitedly and Reggie raised his brow at the bot.
“You have a physics lab due,” Reggie said, eyes flicking between Luke and his backpack.
“Not until Wednesday!” Luke protested and Reggie tilted his head as if to say ‘come on, man.’
“You should start working on it now, babe,” Reggie said, staring pointedly at Luke, only realizing too late what he’d let slip out.
“Did you just call me ‘babe’?” Luke asked turning to stare wide-eyed at him, both boys trying desperately to fight off the color rising to their cheeks.
“I, uh, I was just trying it out,” Reggie stammered, trying to hide the slip-up.
“I like it,” Luke smiled sheepishly and Reggie thought for sure that the butterflies in his stomach would burst out of him with how frantically they were fluttering.
“O-okay,” he responded, plopping down on the other side of the couch and burying his face in his notes to try to hide his red cheeks.
Despite sitting on the opposite side of the couch, somewhere along the line Reggie had migrated over to Luke, as if being pulled by a magnet, until they were pressed side-by-side once again. At some point Willie and Flynn arrived, the latter arriving first and forcing Alex and Willie to share the remaining armchair (though they didn’t seem to mind), but Reggie couldn’t have said when, too focused on trying to focus on his AP physics assignment and not the smell of Luke’s hair.
Luke was amazed that he’d been able to get any of his physics homework done with his thigh pressed right up against Reggie’s and their shoulders constantly bumping as they both scribbled down answers. He was pretty sure his mind had turned to goo, especially with how Reggie would stop working to peer at Luke’s paper when the boy stalled, unable to come up with the proper equation or solution, and would lean somehow closer to help him work it out. He was starting to wonder if he had died and was now being tortured in hell.
Reggie had just leaned forward again, giving Luke a whiff of his cologne? Body wash? Deodorant? He wasn’t sure what it was but it smelled amazing and he was trying to subtly bask in it while also listening to Reggie explaining something to him when Flynn’s phone rang.
She gasped loudly, slipping into her manager voice when she demanded, “Everyone stop what you’re doing right now.”
Luke froze, pencil slipping out of his hand and clattering onto the floor as Flynn took the call. Everybody in the room seemed afraid to even breathe as Flynn stood from her chair, beginning to pace in front of the band setup. Luke was trying to listen intently, hoping to glean any amount of information about the call from Flynn’s side of the conversation, but at some point Reggie had gripped Luke’s hand in his own and the contact was just about all he could focus on. Reggie was holding his hand.
When Flynn finally ended the call the rest of the group stood up to meet her with baited breath as she walked back towards the furniture. Even when they stood Reggie still kept ahold of Luke, their entwined hands now dangling between them.
“What was that about?” Julie finally broke the silence, giving her best friend a hopeful look.
“That was Andi Parker from Destiny Management and she wants to produce your first album!” Flynn announced and the studio erupted into surprised shouts.
The band of high school seniors had been steadily growing in popularity since it’s conception a few years back and they’d be lying if they hadn’t been hoping for this outcome after their Orpheum showcase.
“But wait, there’s more!” Flynn exclaimed. She paused momentarily, letting them anticipate her next words in silence before yelling, “Julie and the Phantoms are going on tour!”
If their reaction to the record deal was an eruption, this was an explosion of shouts and cheers as they celebrated. Luke was partially aware of Julie and Flynn embracing and Alex literally jumping into Willie’s arms but he wasn’t paying them much attention, his eyes flicking between Reggie and the boy’s hand still firmly intertwined with his. Even in the excitement of the moment neither had even thought about letting go. Luke was suddenly filled with a surge of emotion and before he knew what he was doing he had grasped Reggie’s face in his hands, pressing their lips together firmly.
It took a moment for Reggie’s brain to stop short-circuiting and remember to kiss back but when he did he did it with fervor, hoping to make up for the lost time. He brought his hand (the one that was not still firmly grasped in Luke’s) up to tangle itself in the brunet’s hair just as he had daydreamed about earlier. No. It was better than he had ever daydreamed. Nothing could compare to kissing Luke Patterson.
They only broke away when their friends erupted into cheers and wolf whistles, the two boy immediately reminded of the fact that they weren’t alone.
“Finally!” Flynn called as they pulled apart, faces flushed red. Luke started to pull his hand away but Reggie only gripped it tighter, silently assuring him that it was okay.
“Yeah, uh, I guess it has been a long time coming, huh Reg?” Luke said sheepishly, glancing shyly up at the boy.
Between the kiss, the hand-holding, and the hopeful look in Luke’s eyes, Reggie found himself at a complete loss for words, only able to nod feverishly in response. Thankfully it seemed to be enough for Luke, who grinned before asking,
“Be my boyfriend?”
Though it seemed an impossible feat, Reggie managed to croak out a “Yeah” before they were kissing again, their friends whooping and hollering in the background once more.
An album, a tour, and Luke and Reggie finally getting together. It was shaping up to be a pretty spectacular Monday.
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supersilversleuth · 3 years
To Kill, To Die, or, To Live by SuperSilverSpy
Fandoms:DCU, DCU (Comics), Batman - All Media Types
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Category: Gen
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Hurt Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson-centric, Dick Grayson Whump, Whump, Dick Grayson Needs a Hug, I have used these tags so much lately, I could probably write them in my sleep, Hurt No Comfort, maybe? - Freeform, I don’t remember writing any comfort…, Hurt, Angst, Jason Todd is a good bro, usually, sometimes?, idk - Freeform, he wants to be a good bro in this fic, Possession, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Whumptober 2021, SuperSilverSpy, SilverGrayson
Red Hood showed up in the Batcave after helping out with a quick op one night. Everyone seemed to be looking at him with distrust and suspicion, even though he’d just helped them out. Everyone except Dick, of course, who offered him a tight smile, but whose expression was otherwise unreadable.
Kill kill kill...Dick Grayson shall die...
“What? Why the oh so serious faces?” Jason’s voice drawled.
OR Jason wakes up one morning, and there’s a voice in his head screaming for the death of one Dick Grayson
No. 4 - TRUST FALL “Do you trust me?” | taken hostage | pushed
Published: 2021-10-04 Completed:2021-10-04 Words: 3091 Chapters: 3/3
Chapter One: To Kill
It happened out of the blue one day.
Jason woke in a cold sweat, but he didn’t immediately sit up in bed. In fact, he didn’t move at all. He just stared up at his ceiling, a single thought running through his head, a single emotion coursing through his veins.
Dick Grayson must die.
Distantly, a part of him felt appalled at the notion, but most of him was running with it. Anger clouded his mind but it was unlike any he’d ever felt before. It was different, colder somehow, not like the usual searing heat of pit madness.
He heard a new voice in his head spewing insults about the Golden Boy left and right. Some felt familiar, as if taken from Jason’s own mind. Most of them were new, and he did his best to ignore the most unsavory ones.
He didn’t actually hate Dickface, did he? N—
Jason sat up, and began preparing for the day ahead of him. Put bread in the toaster, remember the meetings he has with several of his informants— Dick Grayson deserves to die— now that didn’t sound right…what was he thinking about again? Put butter on the toast when it’s done, start eating, think about that case that’s been stumping him lately— take Nightwing hostage —what was that? He does have a pretty busy nightlife… Do the morning’s dishes, brush his teeth, get dressed. He had a drug ring to bust tonight, that’s right. Some scumbags needed a little visit from the esteemed crime lord Red Hood— kill them all— what? N—
Jason went through the rest of his day in a haze. He met with some informants, gave food to some people on the streets. He got everything done quickly and efficiently, he even managed to make time to buy groceries. With every interaction, he acted just like he normally would. His movements were comfortable, voice at just the right level to suit each situation. People seemed easily swayed by him, to do as he asked. And yet...he felt detached somehow, as if watching through someone else’s eyes—someone who acted exactly like him.
He couldn’t bring himself to do anything about it though, couldn’t open his mouth and say something out of character, or just talk to himself when no one was in sight. Distantly, a part of him felt alarmed, something was just off.
Still, he made it through the day just fine. Whatever had been bothering him earlier that morning seemed to fade, and he started to feel as if nothing had changed. And nothing had, right? He didn’t remember anything different between today and yesterday…
Night came, and the Red Hood went out to save the day, or at least crash some a**hats’ day, he wasn’t picky. Everything went to plan too, which made him elated. The bats could say all they wanted about him, but no one could deny his clear skill and competency.
Everything was going well, the drug traffickers were all passed out on the ground and Jason was getting ready to call the police, when it happened.
His thumb withdrew from the call button, burner phone slipping back into his pocket. His hands went instead to his guns, and he felt his body turning, moving towards the unconscious bodies of some of the worst that he’d taken down. Kill. Kill. Kill. Chanted that new voice in his head. Kill them all, they deserve it. Just like Dick Grayson.
What? N—No, that didn’t make sense. Why was—Why was his hand still moving? What was his finger doing on the trigger? Jason didn’t understand. I don’t want to kill them, he thought. He pushed against that voice, that—that presence in his head.
It pushed back .
Jason was left scrambling internally, as he watched his own arm lift and aim. A body lay on the ground, motionless where splashes of crimson decorated the floor.
Jason felt as if he’d been booted out of his own body, like his actions weren’t his to control anymore. He felt sick, but no bile would rise in his throat. No feeling would stir in his stomach. He didn’t understand.
Two bodies, on the ground, it was like he was seeing double, than triple, then several many more. He started to lose count. At one point, he noticed there was a knife in his hand, that his face was twisted in an expression of satisfaction. His hands were covered in blood, and so were his pants. He’d have a hard time washing that out, Jason realized distantly. Death here, death there, death death everywhere, said the voice in his head. He knew he was feeling things, actual emotions. But they didn’t really seem to be there . They were foreign, unfamiliar, not his own. Jason could think of all the synonyms he knew to describe just how out of place the anger and the bloodlust and the malicious satisfaction felt. How out of place he himself felt. Kicked out of his own mind, out of control of his own body.
Even with past experiences in mind control and mind-twisting pits of torture, this still was like nothing he had ever felt before.
Jason didn’t know what day it was, what was happening, he just couldn’t tell. He couldn’t seem to keep track . It had been like this ever since the massacre, since he’d fought and lost the battle in his own mind.
Red Hood showed up in the Batcave after helping out with a quick op one night. Everyone seemed to be looking at him with distrust and suspicion, even though he’d just helped them out. Everyone except Dick, of course, who offered him a tight smile, but whose expression was otherwise unreadable.
Kill kill kill...Dick Grayson shall die...
“What? Why the oh so serious faces?” Jason’s voice drawled.
“Those drug traffickers on Monday,” began the big bat himself. Jason’s hand waved as if to wipe it all away. “Lay off it, B. I promise it wasn’t me, alright? I left before whoever murdered them all showed up.” The Replacement was frowning at him, and the Demon brat was scowling his way as well. Bruce thinned his lips, looking at him in that insufferable judgmental way he had. Jason felt himself scoffing, “I don’t owe you fools anything. ”
Please, he thought, this isn’t me. Please, I know it sounds like me but I swear it isn’t. His body went straight for his motorcycle, hopping on and driving away with the squealing of tires.
There are TWO POSSIBLE ENDINGS, the first one is Major Character Death, the second is “everybody lives”
Read the next chapter for tragedy, read the chapter after that for somewhat happy ending
Chapter Two: To Die
“Hey Jay? You alright?”
The prey has fallen into the trap...
Jason felt his head swivel in Dick’s direction, “What are you doing here, Dickface?”
“I don’t know, you just seemed to be acting a little off yesterday. I was just wondering if—”
“I’m fine.” Jason’s voice growled. “And I didn’t kill those people. So there’s nothing for you to report back to ol’ daddy bats up there on his high horse.” Dick scowled briefly, but then his expression smoothed. “I’m not here to spy on you, Jay. And I know it wasn’t you who killed those people.” His brother looked at him steadily, right in the eyes. No! Dick, you have to get away from me, he wants to kill y —
“It wasn’t you,” continued Dick, “It was whatever's controlling you.”
For a moment, Jason panicked. But whoever it was in his head let up quite a bit, and Jason suddenly felt lighter than air. It was like the first taste of water after days in the desert. Like he could finally breathe after an eternity of going without.
“Wha—” Jason stumbled, knees feeling weak. Dick rushed forward, catching him as he fell. “No...N—No, Dick, you can’t be here. ‘m a killer, that thing in my head, it—it wants to—”
“Shh, it’s okay, I’m here.” His hand carded through Jason’s hair. “We’ll figure this out, okay? We’ll figure this out.”
“It…it seems to have left me.” Jason said, voice trembling in awe as he flexed his fingers. It’d been so long…
Dick smiled down at his brother.
“It’s okay, Jay.” He said, “It must’ve fled when it realized I knew it was there.”
“How…how did you know, anyways?” Jason asked.
“I just…I had a feeling. You were acting off, and that look in your eye…”
“Thanks, Dick,” his little brother replied, but then his voice changed, sounding almost…fearful? “Did you hear that?”
“Hear what?” He asked, straining his ears, “I don’t—”
There was a loud roar and the sound of large, stomping feet. Dick frantically looked around, noticing as shadows creeped in from underneath the door. The air was charged with magic, power flowing throughout the room.
“It’s back,” whispered Jason, clutching Dick’s arm, “we should run.”
“Yeah,” Dick said, as if in a daze, “let’s go.”
It seemed so surreal, the supernatural monsters bursting through the door. Dick wasn’t sure what surprised him so much about it, he dealt with this kind of thing every other day. It’s just…
“Dickie,” said Jason, pulling him towards the window. “Snap out of it, they’re gaining on us.”
He shook his head, looking back—and yeah, the strange magical creatures were right behind them.
Jason jumped through the window, Dick following closely behind. They fired their grappling guns, arriving on the roof opposite in what felt like the blink of an eye.
“Hurry,” said a voice and—oh, it was Jason. It was coming out of Jason’s mouth, right? It must be Jason’s. “We should go that way.”
Dick looked his little brother in the eyes, grounding himself there, before following Jason’s lead as they ran across rooftops.
Dick felt like he was doing everything underwater, but it was…nice. Pretty great actually. He barely even noticed the burn in his legs, or how the monsters chasing them had odd-looking shadows.
Each time he looked back, all he saw was claws and teeth. Masses of fur and strange golden markings.
They paused for breath a few blocks away.
Dick wondered at Jason’s plan. It felt like there was something he should be doing…“Jay? What should we do? Where do we go?”
“That thing in my head seemed afraid of tall places…”
“The—The Wayne Enterprises building.” Dick replied almost immediately.
“Of course,” said Jason, bumping him with his shoulder, “How about a race?”
Dick grinned back at him, “Sure, why not.”
Adrenaline flooded his veins, and for a moment, he almost forgot about the monsters chasing them.
Jason nodded to him, and then they took off, running and jumping, grappling all across the city, heading for the tallest building around. Dick pressed himself to go faster, run harder, jump stronger .
He could see Jason out of the corner of his eye, also going considerably fast.
Jason wasn’t the only one Dick noticed, he also spotted several of them on Jason’s tail. The monsters seemed to move just as fast as they did. He could only hope his little brother could go fast enough to outrun them.
Dick reached the WE building first, skidding to a stop on the roof. Jason arrived soon after.
The monsters gathered a roof away, preparing to jump.
“I—I don’t understand, I thought you said they wouldn't follow us up here.” Dick looked at Jason, searching for answers in his expression.
His little brother’s features were soft, his eyes glittered with something strange and otherworldly. His voice was smooth and heavy with something familiar… “It’s okay, I have a plan, but there’s no time. Dick, do you trust me?”
“Of course I trust you, Little Wing.”
Darkness creeped up along the edges of the building, sliding onto the roof. Claws scraped against the ground, glowing gold eyes began to surround them. There was a single opening, a small bit of edge that had nothing on it.
Jason smiled, grabbing Dick’s grapple gun. And then pushed him off the roof.
Dick Grayson fell over 1,000 feet to the ground, all the while believing his brother would catch him.
Above, on the roof of Wayne Tower, Jason Todd’s eyes flashed gold.
Chapter Three: To Live
“Hey Jay? You alright?”
The prey has fallen into the trap...
Jason felt his head swivel in Dick’s direction, “What are you doing here, Dickface?”
“I don’t know, you just seemed to be acting a little off yesterday. I was just wondering if—”
“I’m fine.” Jason’s voice growled. “And I didn’t kill those people. So there’s nothing for you to report back to ol’ daddy bats up there on his high horse.” Dick scowled briefly, but then his expression smoothed. “I’m not here to spy on you, Jay. And I know it wasn’t you who killed those people.” His brother looked at him steadily, right in the eyes. No! Dick, you have to get away from me, he wants to kill y —
“It wasn’t you,” continued Dick, “It was whatever's controlling you.”
For a moment, Jason panicked. But whoever it was in his head let up quite a bit, and Jason suddenly felt lighter than air. It was like the first taste of water after days in the desert. Like he could finally breathe after an eternity of going without.
“Wha—” Jason stumbled, knees feeling weak. Dick rushed forward, catching him as he fell. “No...N—No, Dick, you can’t be here. ‘m a killer, that thing in my head, it—it wants to—”
“Shh, it’s okay, I’m here.” His hand carded through Jason’s hair. “This thing is here to test me Jay, I didn’t have a choice. I know you didn’t either, and I am so, so sorry for that Little Wing. We’ll figure this out, okay? We’ll figure this out.”
Jason opened his mouth to reply, when suddenly the presence was back, the voice along with it. Jason could feel his consciousness collapsing back, dissociating once again. He vaguely registered as one of his hidden daggers was swiftly drawn, and pressed harshly against Dick’s neck.
“Do you trust me?” asked Jason’s voice, a smirk spread across his face.
The question was meant to be mocking, but Dick answered seriously, “Of course, I know you’re still in there, Jay. I trust you.”
They stood on the roof of the WE building. Whoever was controlling Jason had used his strength to give Dick a good beating, and sent a picture of the aftermath to the bats. It was only a matter of time before they showed.
“One as special as Dick Grayson, must be able to trust at least one member of his family. Jason Todd is least likely to accept this trust, which makes my job so much easier. I look forward to his death,” said Jason’s voice while they waited.
Dick, all tied up, sporting a black eye and what were likely bruised ribs—grinned like a maniac. “I recognized your presence, didn’t I? I could tell there was something off with him, you nasty little f***er. You may think you chose your victim well, but you’re making a big mistake—Jay will pull through for me, and you will be torn away as if it were nothing.”
Wow, Dick just sounded so—so confident in Jason’s ability to do whatever it was he was supposed to do. Jason wasn’t sure he’d be able to overpower this thing, let alone destroy it.
“The rest of your so-called family will arrive any minute now, will you weep at their demise?”
Dick scowled, “The rules that you are bound to state that you can’t kill any of my loved ones before me.”
“I may not be able to kill them, but I’ve been doing this awhile, and I know all the loopholes to this little game.”
Behind them, the bats touched down on the roof. Jason felt himself turn to face them. It seemed that Bruce, Tim, Damian, and Steph all showed up for the party.
“Here to save your favorite Golden child?”
“What do you want?” Demanded Bruce, stoic as ever.
They never cared about you , none of them do. Hissed the voice in his head. Nobody trusts you
Nobody trusts you , Jason thought back at it, you murderous lying b****** .
It chuckled, ah, but it is not my face I’m wearing. It’s your's.
Outloud, Jason’s voice addressed the bats, “This is the price you pay for not trusting me, for letting Dick down. You didn’t even notice there was something different about him, did you? You didn’t even notice when Jason Todd was no longer Jason Todd.”
Bruce and Dick were the only ones who didn’t look confused at the words. Dick, because he seemed to know what was going on, and Bruce, because he was, well, Bruce. Batman’s face was as stoic as ever.
Jason felt his face twist into something surely ugly and murderous-looking.
Power surged through him, coming from seemingly nowhere. But Jason could feel it at his fingertips, being pushed into him and pulled out, he had no control over its course. The air around him became charged with magic, and then the bats were engulfed in a bright, golden light.
A moment later, Jason's eyes opened to find that all four of them were frozen in various positions and turned into a shiny golden color, standing still like statues.
The look of horror on Dick’s face hurt to look at, when Jason felt himself turn back to the man.
Quickly, Dick’s expression turned to that of anger, “What did you do to them?” he seethed. “Turn them back!”
“It’s too late, Dick Grayson. Once you are dead, your family will remain this way forever.”
Jason’s arms reached out, grabbing Dick and picking him up.
His feet took him to the edge of the roof, holding Dick out over the ground far, far below.
“J—Jay, listen to me, you can fight this. I know you can. You’re still in there, I believe in you.”
“Alright, that’s enough.” Jason watched as he dropped his brother over the edge.
Time seemed to stop.
No! He thought, pushing back as hard as he could against that malicious presence in his mind. Jason pictured Dick’s face, looking at him sincerely, a bead of blood forming where Jason’s own knife grazed his throat. “I trust you ,” he’d said.
Jason followed him over the edge before he even knew what he was doing. Shooting out his grapple instinctively, cutting through the air rapidly as he fell.
This is going to hurt , he thought, as he set himself on a collision course with Dick, but I think we’ll live.
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wakaoujisenhime · 3 years
Crush me - Bokuto x reader
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A/N: Ok so this has been in my WIPs for waaay too long, so I finally decided to finish it and let’s ignore that this was a fic for last year’s kinktober Hope you’ll enjoy it! (´-ω-`)
⚠️ Also a very quick and serious warning before you read the story! This scenario belongs to the category of NTR (if you’re unfamiliar with this term, please look it up or visit the link I provided in the tags bellow!!!).
Tags: Bokuto x reader ✅  smut ✅  NTR (netorare) ✅  dubcon ✅  chocking ✅  size kink ✅  semi-public sex ✅  unprotected sex ✅
.wc 4.9k
━━━━☆ ━━━━☆ ━━━━☆
Your life couldn’t be better.
You majored in the class you’ve been interested in since forever, had a stable mini job with a friendly and very understanding boss, teachers who adored and respected you, lived in a small, cozy, and surprisingly cheap apartment near the campus’ grounds, and last but not least were in a relationship with the best partner you could’ve ever wished for. He was caring, loving, just the right amount of funny and serious, and let’s not mention just how good he was pleasing you underneath the bedsheets.
All in all, you were sure that absolutely nothing could come and disrupt your happiness...or at least that’s what you thought until that one fateful night.
One of your friends invited you and your boyfriend to the newly opened restaurant just down the street. You weren’t in the mood at first, but after having to listen to the countless praises and pleas of your classmate, you had no other choice but to agree. That night, just before the two of you went out, you debated on which outfit you were going to pick and if it weren’t for the warm hands of your lover that caressed your body ever so gently, praising it constantly and saying that no matter what kind of outfit you chose, it would suit you, you would’ve needed more than an hour to prepare...
“And here they are! Our lovely couple of the year!”
“Come now what are you two waiting for, pick a seat and join us!”
You apologized multiple times and confessed that you were to blame, but the group in front of you just brushed it off and pointed to the two empty seats next to one of the most famous volleyball players of your entire university - Hinata Shoyo. The two of you had met some months ago after he was about to accidentally join your classes and since that day you have considered him to be an irreplaceable existence in your life.
He got up from his chair and greeted you with his typical bright grin and gave you and your boyfriend a tight hug before sitting back down and handing the two of you a menu. You chose what you wanted to eat and drink rather quickly and began catching up with your athletic friend. After you two talked about the typical struggles of daily life you moved on to the topic that interested him the most: volleyball. The way he talked about that sport always made you smile. His eyes would always grow super wide and start to glisten as if he was surrounded by nothing but glitter while he jumped from one topic to the other, never finishing his initial thought, but that was what made these frequent chats so interesting for you.
“Oh, I almost forgot to tell you, but do you remember that one awesome upperclassman I told you about?“
Hinata’s question took you by surprise, but after a short while of looking back to all of these ‘amazing seniors’ he’s mentioned to you, you finally answered: “You mean that one who taught you how to block your opponents?”
“Yes yes yes, exactly that one! You see...I actually invited him tonight and he’s already on his way!“
You suddenly froze up. For some reason, this sudden news was making you a tad anxious. That upperclassman he was talking about was once that had a major influence on Hinata’s character as well as playing style and by his constant praisings of him, he also seemed to be quite the intimidating fellow so being nervous to meet someone like that was normal, right?
While you were overthinking the imminent meeting of someone so dear to your precious friend, you completely missed the waiter who had already brought you your order, it was only after your boyfriend had gently caressed your thigh that you had come back to your senses. You gave him a small smile and just as you were about to take a bite of your dinner a sudden loud voice interrupted everybody’s conversations.
“Hey, hey, hey! Sorry guys for my delay, but my roommate just ha-”
“Hinata my dearest disciple, come here!”
Before any of you can properly react to this man’s sudden appearance he had already made his way towards your orange-haired friend who had once again gotten up from his chair and was greeting his idol with the same powerful hug he had greeted you with as well. The two of them were right behind you so turning around and facing the rumored man proved to be quite difficult as of right now. All you could do was sit tight, listen to their conversation and wait for them to either move or for Bokuto to sit himself down somewhere.
“Ah, I almost forgot! Bokuto-san this is the young woman I told you about!“
You felt the ginger-haired man put his hand on your shoulder and you took it as a signal to finally get up and properly introduce yourself. The plan was to give him your hand, squeeze it while you exchanged names, sit yourselves down, and have some small talk, but the moment you faced Hinata’s idol you were left speechless. The man in front of you was the exact definition of a giant. He was towering above you with at least a head or two, his build was almost as broad as the doorframe and even if that shirt he had on was the biggest size the shop he bought it at had, his muscles still managed to stretch it to such an extent that you worried the fabric might tear any moment now. The man’s grey hairs were an excellent accent to his bright yellow eyes and the longer you looked into them the more you felt yourself get mesmerized by his entire appearance.
“Oh, so you’re the rumored (Y/N)? It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, my name is Bokuto Kotaro.”
“Mhm...t-the pleasure’s all mine!“ you stuttered and immediately shook your head slightly in embarrassment. This was your dear friend’s senior and even though you wanted to make a good first impression, you couldn’t help being overwhelmed by basically everything about him. Bokuto on the other hand just grinned at you and suddenly without any warning wrapped his arms around your body in a strong embrace. At that moment it seemed as if time had stopped, you couldn’t quite explain what made you feel so different from all of these hugs you had received tonight, but the way his arms wrapped around you was making your heart beat faster than it should have and all you could think about was how you could escape his grasp.
“And this gentleman next to her is her boyfriend! He’s in a couple of my classes and we even sit next to each other sometimes!“ announced Hinata with his usually cheerful voice.
“Ooh a boyfriend, huh? I’m so jealous of you two! I wish I could finally find someone who complimented me that well like you two do!“
He finally let go of you and moved on to give your lover a similar embrace as he’d given you just some mere moments ago. While they introduced themselves to each other you just stood there motionless.
W-What was that..? Why did his embrace feel s-so...so different?
Everyone had received their food by now and was focused on their chat while you on the other hand couldn’t even concentrate on the stories your boyfriend told you about. You caught yourself looking into Bokuto’s direction multiple times and your thoughts constantly wandered to the moment he had wrapped his arms around your body. It was but a matter of time for your lover to notice your absentmindedness and call you out on it.
“Hey, sweetheart...is something the matter?”
“H-Hm? No, everything’s alright, don’t worry!”
He didn’t believe your excuse, but he decided not to pry any further and he simply caressed the back of your palm instead. You smiled and gripped his hand as a sign of appreciation. Suddenly, you felt someone’s foot gently rub against your own which made you jump ever so slightly. Your eyes immediately darted to the man next to you, afraid that he’d resume his interrogation, but he was too busy talking to your friend who sat right next to him and had missed your small jump. A relieved sigh escaped you, but unfortunately, the other person’s leg continued brushing against your own and you hated admitting it, but you had a hunch who it could be there was only one certain individual that came in question.
And you were right. The moment you turned your head to the side a pair of piercing yellow eyes stopped you mid-movement with their intensity. You returned his glance with a stern expression that underlined your confusion but demanded some answers at the same time. The corner of his mouth turned upright as he slowly leaned himself back on his chair, the movement causing his muscles to flex underneath his shirt. Embarrassed as you were by the entire situation you averted your gaze for a mere second but something convinced you to look back at him.
Big mistake.
His eyes had seemingly never left your person and the moment you had fixated your stare back to him, he used to chance to lick his lips while one of his hands slowly ran down his abdomen, down to his nether regions. The man’s other hand lazily came down to his unused fork, which was still lying on top of his napkin, and began to carefully push it towards the table’s edge. Your eyes widened as you slowly started realizing what this man planned on doing, yet all you could do was sit there and watch the silverware fall. He grinned at you as he whispered a small ‘oops’, bent down, and disappeared from your vision.
H-He isn’t seriously thinking of...
Uncertainty dominated your thoughts and with a panicked expression, you looked to your left and then to your right, making sure that no one was looking in your or his direction. Meanwhile, Bokuto had used your paranoia to his advantage and had closed the distance to your legs. His big hand took a gentle hold of your ankle, squeezed it lightly, and slowly moved up to your calf, your knee, and finally to your thigh. A big grin appeared on his face as he noticed how you instinctively closed the small gap between your legs. Your attempt to stop his antics proved to be quite ineffective against someone like him since he simply brought his second hand up to your thighs as well, gripped your kneecaps, and tried to once again spread them apart. And that was the last straw you needed before you suddenly stood up and almost knocked your chair over. This time a lot of the guests looked in your direction and much to your surprise Hinata was the first one to speak up.
“You gave me quite the scare there, are you alright (Y/N)?”
With a visibly forced smile, you told your friend that you had just remembered something quite urgent and that you wanted to take care of it. Unfortunately for you, your boyfriend wasn’t as gullible as the others and he immediately saw through your lie. He took a hold of your hand and asked you in a rather hushed voice what was going on with you tonight. While you tried to find a suitable excuse for your behavior, Bokuto used the commotion to return to his seat and act as if he was equally as confused as the others, but his eyes never even once left your person and stalked you until you had finally left the establishment.
You sighed in exhaustion and slumped against the brick wall of the building you just exited. This was supposed to be a normal night out with your boyfriend and some friends and yet look at what happened. At the thought of how Hinata’s idol had behaved throughout the entire evening you couldn’t help but be reminded of the moment he had first met and embraced you, his mighty arms squeezing you ever so slightly. Your mind unconsciously wandered to how good and different his body had felt in comparison to your lover’s, just being pressed against his trained torso, having his big hands roam your legs and the way he clawed your kneecap to spread you apart just-
W-What the hell am I thinking about..?! I need to stop this right now!
While you were still mad at your inappropriate thoughts, you had missed the shadow that was slowly creeping up toward your direction. What ultimately brought you back to the present was how someone placed their hands on your shoulders and squeezed them tightly while pulling your upper body towards their muscular one. You got scared of course, but the low chuckle that followed the moment your hands darted to your surprise attacker’s wrists made you tense up for an entirely different reason. Throughout tonight’s dinner, you had heard that same low laugh countless times and the man it belonged to was none other than the one you ran away from mere moments ago.
“Now now, there’s no need to be that cautious around me, now is there?“
You glared up into the piercing pair of yellow eyes that looked down at you in amusement while his palms slowly made their way down to your chest. Before you could even think about struggling, the man held onto your chin and jerked it upward as he suddenly began kissing your lips. It took you a short while to realize what he’d just done and during that timeframe, Bokuto had already shoved his tongue inside of your mouth and began lightly caressing your exposed neck. Unfortunately, you came to your senses quicker than he would’ve preferred and you even managed to bite his lip and interrupt the kiss in the process.
“Heh, not bad”
“Just what the hell do you think you’re doing?!”
You were now facing the man in front of you and the way he stood there showed no remorse whatsoever if anything he enjoyed this entire situation while you on the other hand were fuming.
“Aww come on it was but a simple kiss and nothing more. He’ll never find out about it and even if he does feel free to blame me for it, I promise I’ll play along!”
Just what does this man take me for? How bold can he even be?
“Do you even hear what kind of nonsense you’re spouting right now? You want me to play along with your advances, cheat on my boyfriend with a person I barely even know, and then blame you for it? Surely there must be a boundary to your audacity!”
You intended to continue scolding him, but the grey-haired young man didn’t come here for you to give him a tongue-lashing and nag him as his roommate did daily, so after a couple of minutes he decided to cut your monologue short by taking a tight hold of your neck and shoving your back once again against the wall.
“Listen up sweetheart...I’d like to continue standing around while you scold me with that adorable pouty expression of yours, but our time together is already limited enough so I need you to stop talking and start moaning.”
As if to emphasize what he’d just said, Bokuto shoved his knee right between your legs and rubbed it up to your crotch. You tried to tell him off once again but all that came from you were mere stutters which even you couldn’t decipher. His gaze was so gentle and loving even though he was choking the entirety of your lungs’ air out of you. He also didn’t budge even the slightest as your nails dug into the back of his palms, desperately trying to loosen his grip to no avail. Your vision was slowly fading to black, your legs lost strength but just as you were about to collapse right before his eyes he immediately let go of your throat and let your limp body fall right into his broad chest.
“There there, I’m sorry I had to be rough with you, but I’ll make up for it, ok?”
He planted a kiss on your temple as his hands slowly made their way down to your buttocks, taking a tight hold of each cheek and spreading them apart as much as your clothes allowed him to. While you were still trying to catch your breath he had already stripped your lower body and exposed it to the cold night air, which immediately caused countless goosebumps to adorn your shaky legs.
“N-No wait, stop.”
“Shh, it’s going to be ok, just leave yourself to me..”
Before you could protest yet another time you felt something thick press against your lower belly. Your eyes grew wide, your mouth opened and closed yet no sound came out from it and no matter how much you tried to glance down and see what this thing was that pulsated ever so slightly against you, Bokuto’s fingers had such a tight grip on your chin that it kept you in place and gave you good to no opportunity to confirm your suspicions. The sound of a belt being undone and a zipper being pulled down were the final hints you needed to affirm your fears from before. Merely a moment later you felt his warm and hard shaft rub right between the crack of your legs, spreading your labia apart. His tip aligned with your entrance and tried to push through your tight walls, a plan that was doomed to fail due to his thickness and your obvious lack of arousal.
“Haa...seems like we won’t be getting far that way.”
With a rather frustrated expression, Bokuto looked down at you, sighed, and turned your body around by taking a hold of your waist. While you were still trying to fill your lungs with air again the man behind you spit on his shaft and rubbed himself off to make the insertion less painful for you. The moment he readied himself to finally penetrate your insides, you snapped back to reality.
“Do not even think about putting your dick inside of me without a condom.”
“So if I had one, you’d be ok with it?”
You glared back at him hoping that it would awaken his common sense, but it, unfortunately, didn’t, it encouraged him even more. You felt how his wet tip slowly slid past your entrance, the girth of his head alone spread your hole apart more than you were used to.
“Damn you’re tight...you sure that this isn’t your first time?”
“O-Of course it isn’t! You are j-just ridiculously big!”
The man grinned and thanked you for the compliment as he thrust his hips forward so that at least his tip had penetrated your insides. Even though he hadn’t entered you completely yet, you already felt full and despite the fact that he had misunderstood your comment about his size you truly began to wonder if this wasn’t your first time. Bokuto tried to push himself further in, but with the way you tightened up around him, he quickly realized that he’d have to put in a little bit more effort to make you aroused enough. With that thought in mind, he brought his hand around your body, placed his fingertip on your clit, and began to softly rub it, the unexpected rush of pleasure caused you to unintentionally jerk your hips back, pushing his cock further in. You moaned as you tried to keep your legs as steady as you possibly could, careful to not take any more of that monster inside of you.
“Damn sweetheart I’m not even completely inside and you’re already letting out such sexy moans...you should be more careful if you want me to control myself.”
The sudden warning surprised you, but the way his deep voice had hissed that partly triggered something in you. Your boyfriend usually treated you pretty gentle and sometimes he’d treated you a bit rougher than what you were used to, but he’d never really lost his composure up until the point he’d wreck your insides, so you couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like.
“Hey hey...don’t tell me you’re thinking of someone else while I’m the one inside of you.”
You remained silent, which was confirmation enough that that’s exactly what you had done. It was understandable really, but it still pissed the grey-haired man off, and now that he was irritated he’d make sure to fuck all the thoughts of men other than him away. And with that newfound determination, he took a hold of your arms, pulling them back towards him as he slapped his hips hard against your rear, burying himself balls-deep inside of you. Before your loud moan could escape your lips Bokuto let go of your arm and placed his hand right on top of your mouth, muffling your whiny voice. The position the two of you were stuck in right now was uncomfortable for him to devour you like he wanted to, so he proceeded to wrap his other arm around you as well, squeezing your body closer to his.
And there it was again, that odd feeling you had when he’d first embraced you returned. Your heartbeat quickened and your insides tightened up, which caused the man behind you to groan next to your ear.
“You like that baby girl? Do you enjoy being manhandled like that?”
He leaned back, your legs getting lifted from your height difference while his hips’ movements sped up and since you weren’t able to stand properly the only means of him to support you was to hold you even tighter. Unfortunately, the man’s mind was clouded by pleasure, and thanks to that he couldn’t quite control the amount of strength he used on you, and unbeknownst to him, his muscular arms were slowly but surely obstructing your airways. This choking feeling should’ve been painful for you and mixed with the fact that right now he was rearranging your insides despite you having a boyfriend, it felt strangely good and...fulfilling.        
What is even wrong with me...? I shouldn’t be feeling this good and yet why...?
Your glassy eyes stared at his buff arm which was pressing against your breasts and the way some of the veins along it popped up every time his hips collided with your plush ass. Every time your body was about to slip away from his grasp he’d buckle his pelvis upwards, his cock’s engorged head brushed past that one particular spot inside of you that unleashed wave after wave of pleasure and pushed you further and further towards that blissful release you so badly wanted to hold back. No matter how much effort you put into hiding your moans, your insides told the man all he needed to know.
“You’re about to cum aren’t you? But I won’t let you,” he hisses next to your ear as he reduces his speed, “not until you tell me how you’d like my cock to ruin you.”      
Of course, he wouldn’t make it easy for you, why should he? Seeing someone who was already in a relationship tremble from his efforts was a true bliss indeed, but more than that he’d wanted to ruin you completely so that neither you nor your boyfriend had the chance to recover your messed up body and he knew just the right way to do it. You were so dangerously close to reaching climax so if he started edging or teasing you right now you’d break quite quickly, but it wouldn’t be as satisfying as making you cum from the high feeling of getting chocked by his trained muscles.
“Come now...be a good girl for me and tell me already. You’re way too close and I’d really like to avoid any punishment that might occur if you cum without my permission.”
D-Damn you...
He was right though. You were too close and stopping now would’ve killed you, not only that but the quicker this was over the faster you could return to your boyfriend. With that excuse in mind, you closed your eyes and opened your mouth: “I-I...want you to- ah! C-Crush–“
“What do you think you’re doing?”
You immediately froze up as you heard the familiar voice of none other than your lover. All that build-up pleasure vanished and was replaced by an indescribable fear.
“What do you mean? I’m just taking a smoke, nothing more. What about you?”
“Oh, I just...wanted to check up on my girlfriend since she had some business to take care of.”
It seemed like your boyfriend was talking to one of your friends just around the corner and as soon as that realization hit you, a wave of relief washed through your body.
“Do you have any idea how tight you got when you heard your man’s voice?” whispered the husky and familiar voice of Bokuto as he ran his palm down to your puffed clit. “I wonder if you can get even tighter than that...shall we try out what kind of reaction you’ll have when I cum inside of you?”
“Y-You wouldn’t!”
“Oh really? Then let me show you just what I’m capable of.”
And with that he finally loosened his grip on your body, bringing both of his hands to your hips, and began moving them up and down rapidly while his thrusts matched the quick pace. The way he held you now allowed the perfect curve of his cock to hit that one sensitive spot inside of you with tremendous accuracy and now when you truly had to be as silent as possible you just couldn’t hold your voice back entirely so some whiny moans and heavy gasps managed to escape your mouth. While you were having such a hard but pleasurable time, Bokuto was living his best life.
The moment he’d first laid his eyes on you something inside of him clicked and the only thought that occupied his mind was to make you his, but as soon as he embraced you that simpleminded thought distorted into a more feral one. The way you perfectly fitted into his strong arms and the slight tremble that had shot through your body the moment he’d squeezed you ever so gently made him long for the sight of seeing you get crushed by him in every possible aspect. When Hinata introduced some nobody as your boyfriend he really couldn’t have cared less. Judging by the difference in physique only, that man could never make you feel as good as Bokuto could and the grey-haired man knew that, making it his business to prove you just that. And look where that got him. He was now messing up that same woman’s insides, namely yours.
“We should gradually come to an end, what do you think?”
The grin on his face widened as he saw just how much you were struggling to give him an answer, you were busy enough with trying to keep your voice down and formulating entire sentences, so him asking you something exactly at that time was yet another cunning example of his behavior.
“N-Not...a-ah! ...insid- ah!”
“So you want me to dirty the alley just like any other random person? That’s not very nice of you, you know?...No, I’ll make sure to cum so deep inside of you that you’ll never get it out, so make sure to keep your sweet little pussy tight for me, ok?”
And with that, he began thrusting like a madman who’d been deprived of any sexual activity for the longest time and all you could do was whine pathetically while the unsuccessful release from earlier slowly reawakened. You glanced ever so often to your left where you still heard the meaningless chat of your lover and your friend. Being this close to an orgasm and having some other man planning to come inside you should’ve made you feel bad or worried, but at this point, all those thoughts had no place inside of your mind, all of them were dirtied by Bokuto.
Speaking of him, his grip around your hips had tightened while his thrusts had lost some of their accuracy and were now sloppier than before it didn’t change the amount of pleasure you felt from it. And just some thrusts later the man buried himself balls-deep inside of you, his cum spurting right against the entrance to your womb. The way the warm liquid felt against your deepest part made you shudder and your orgasm finally hit you.
“Fuck...!” he swore silently and grabbed one of your asscheeks tightly, spreading it just enough to watch how your cum stained his veiny shaft and observe the lewd way your pussy twitched around his cock. You were still trembling and trying to take a hold of something that could support your wobbly legs and the only thing you could think of were the arms of the man who was filling you up. While you were still blank-minded and drowning in the aftershocks of your orgasm, Bokuto began planting soft kisses on your sweaty neck while his hands wandered up to your stomach.
“You must be quite full, huh?” he whispered next to your ear and nibbled on your earlobe afterward.
After pulling his cock out and putting it back where it belonged he took another look at you and tried to imprint it into his memory. Even though he couldn’t completely crush you this time he was confident that he’d succeed on another day, knowing fully well that he’d corrupted you this much...
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