#i want both sleeves from like the elbow down which is already a lot but i also want a little poking up on my collarbone
bruisedboys · 1 year
Eddie loves his shy girl so much, he’ll always call her “my girl” or “the wife” “the mrs” around others just to watch how red she gets 🥹🥹 but soon he finds that calling her the wife feels natural and right, he realizes she’s the only girl he ever wants
he totally does omg. bro def calls you his wife with absolutely no shame. thank u for the ask angel!!
summary: eddie calls shy!you a lot of names. all of them make you flustered beyond belief
shy!fem!reader 1k words
Steve’s invited you all to drinks to celebrate him and Robin finally copping a job that isn’t slinging ice cream or sitting behind a video store counter all day. Eddie’s helping you pick out an outfit. It’s taking longer than you’d expected. Something about posing for Eddie makes you so nervous you can barely walk.
“Are you done yet?” Eddie’s voice on the other side of the door is far from impatient, even though it should be by now.
You grumble something incoherent instead of answering. Eddie heard you and laughs.
“Y/N,” he says seriously. The effect is ruined because you can hear his smile in the way he says your name. “We’re gonna be late, baby. Come out and show me the dress. I bet this is the one.”
You stare at yourself in the mirror for a few seconds. It is a nice dress. It’s a good length and makes your chest look nice, the colour looks pretty on your skin. Still, you’re embarrassed. You don’t like dressing up. It feels attention-seeking.
You scrub your face with both hands and take a big breath. “Alright, fine.”
You turn away from the mirror before you can stop yourself and yank the bathroom door open. Eddie’s waiting for you on your bed, sitting pretty, if a little slouched. He has bad posture. But his back goes rigid when he sees you — he sits up straight and lets his jaw drop.
“Babe,” he half-whispers, totally in awe, his eyes blown wide. He’s definitely laying it on thick but you can sense the genuineness underneath it all. His eyes traverse a path down your body and back up again, leaving your skin burning. And he hasn’t even touched you yet. “Baby. Honey. Darling. You look amazing.”
You flush all over despite yourself. “Eddie,” you say, chiding.
Eddie pretends to look offended. “What?” He leaps off the bed and gets one hand around your waist, the fabric of your dress shushing under his touch. “I’m serious, Y/N. You’re a real stunner, you know that?”
His other hand finds your elbow and pushes all the way up to your bicep, his fingers pressing into your skin. You burn like a furnace where he touches you. You knew this part was coming.
“Thank you, Eddie,” you say, genuine underneath all the shyness.
Eddie looks like he’s about to say something more but you’re saved from his doting by the phone next to your bed ringing loudly. You make to get it but Eddie beats you to it.
“Hello?” He says into the phone, sounding half-annoyed. “Oh. Hi, Steve. Yeah, no, we’re coming. The Mrs is just getting ready.” A pause in which Eddie meets your eye and winks. You flush even worse than you already were. Eddie goes back to talking to Steve. “Uh-huh. Yeah, we’ll be there in ten. Bye, Harrington.”
Eddie puts the phone back and you try to compose yourself. The Mrs, he’d called you. You feel like you could die.
Meanwhile Eddie’s grabbing his jacket from the bedpost and shrugging it on. “He’s badgering us about being late,” he says, pushing his arms through the sleeves. “We better get going, dove.” He looks up at you, half in his jacket. “Do you need me to carry anything for you?”
My heart? You think. Then maybe your chest wouldn’t hurt so much. You shake your head.
“No, um. That’s okay.” You push your hair behind your ears and try not to show how much he’s undone you with his antics. “I’ll just grab my purse.”
Eddie smiles at you. “Okay. I’ll meet you in the car?”
You nod. “Yeah.”
Ten minutes later you’ve arrived at the bar and Eddie’s leading you inside with a hand at the small of your back. He smells good, like the cologne you’d bought him forever ago that he wears basically every day.
You step inside the semi-crowded bar and Eddie spots your friend group before you do.
“They’re over there, by the window,” he says, pointing. “C’mon.”
He takes your hand and pulls you in the direction of your friends. You let him guide you and he pleases, his hand a warm weight in yours. You stare at the back of his head until you arrive at the table. Steve, Robin, Nancy and Jonathan are all here.
“Munson!” Robin cheers. Your eyes zero in on the drink in her hand and you think she’s maybe already a bit tipsy. Then she spots you and beams. “Y/N!”
You smile back. “Hi, Robs. Hi, everyone, sorry we’re late.” You give a sheepish laugh and glance at Eddie. “My fault.”
“It was worth it though, right?” Eddie says enthusiastically, to the group at whole. He throws an arm around your shoulder and jostles you gently. “Doesn’t my girl look great?”
My girl. Your face burns. There’s a chorus of agreement from around the table — it makes you feel better but not better enough that you’re not still flushing furiously.
“Eddie,” you mumble, avoiding everyone’s eyes and staring at the tabletop instead. You elbow him in the side, too gentle for what you feel he deserves.
Eddie laughs loudly. “What?” He asks, even though he knows exactly what.
You huff and wish the floor would swallow you up. When it doesn’t, you let Eddie pull you into the booth next to Robin. It’s a tight squeeze and Eddie’s thigh presses into yours, his jeans warm and rough on your skin where your dress rides up your thighs.
You think Eddie notices this too because he lets his hand fall to your lap instead of his own, spreading his hand over your thigh, his fingers grazing your bare skin. He squeezes you and you try not to show how much he affects you.
“Drinks?” He asks you, like everything is completely normal and you’re not a nervous, flustered wreck right now.
“Okay,” you say, unable to get more than one word out.
Eddie grins wolfishly. You think he’s probably planning on being like this all night. You don’t mind as much as you should.
“Okay,” you say, unable to get more than one word out.
Eddie grins wolfishly. You think he’s probably planning on being like this all night. You don’t mind as much as you should.
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echoingalaxies · 2 months
cw: hospital/medical stuff mentions, unspecified illness or injury
“You wanna pick up some food on the way?” Caretaker asked, steering her car out of the parking garage and to the intersection.
Whumpee, sitting under a blanket on the passenger seat, watched the hospital disappear as they drove away on the mostly empty highway. He rubbed the pit of his elbow where a small bandage remained to stop the slight bleeding from a cannula.
It had been a long day. New bottles of medicine rattled in the pockets of his jacket when he shifted into a more comfortable position and leaned their head against the headrest. They had sat in the waiting room the whole evening before finally being admitted, and discharged only a couple of hours after. Caretaker hadn’t even tried to argue with the staff anymore. It always ended like this. Not enough beds and not enough people to take care of the ones lying on them.
Whumpee knew he was lucky. He knew he’d be safe going home with Caretaker. But it didn’t mean he didn’t keep dreaming about the day he’d be taken seriously. He’d receive proper care. Otherwise he’d just have to keep going back, over and over again. More pills, more bills, more wasted hours.
“Oh, uh,” Whumpee blinked, realizing he hadn’t actually given Caretaker a response. “No, I… we should just head home. You’ve got work in the morning, and it’s already way past midnight.”
His stomach let out a loud rumbling sound just then, and Caretaker gave him a quiet look, which Whumpee pretended to not see. He could fix himself a bowl of yogurt at home. Caretaker needed sleep. She deserved it, after putting aside her own responsibilities just to stay with him again.
“What if I told you I already took tomorrow off?”
"What?" Whumpee turned to her, shaking his head. “Caretaker, no. You shouldn’t have.”
Caretaker shrugged. “It’s Friday, we get to have a head start for the weekend. Won’t that be fun?” Her smile faltered slightly and her voice shifted lower, to more serious. “The nurse said someone should keep an eye on you — and I wouldn’t want to leave you, anyway. You still need help.”
Whumpee knew that. He looked down, fidgeting with the hospital wristband. If he’d kept every one of those he’d got even during the past year, he could probably sew them together to make full sleeves for both arms. Money was already tight, as Caretaker worked to support the both of them, and Caretaker missing work because of Whumpee’s various appointments and frequent trips to the ER had had their effect on their income.
“Yes, but…” he said, the familiar tearing feeling of shame finding its place. “I thought we would call Friend or Sibling to stay with me while you’re at work. We have before.”
“Now we don’t have to.” Caretaker glanced at him, frowning. “Do you not… want me to stay?”
“Didn’t they say you can’t keep doing this anymore if you plan to keep your position?” Whumpee asked. “You like your job. I don’t want you to risk losing it because of me.”
“They will understand. I told them it is a family matter.”
Whumpee’s cheeks got hot and he moved his focus away from Caretaker again, watching out of the window instead. They were passing by shops, parks, and pubs, taking many turns in the little streets of their labyrinth of a hometown. Whumpee hadn’t even noticed they had left the main road, but he definitely recognised where Caretaker was heading.
“You didn’t have to lie because of me,” he mumbled, as Caretaker pulled into the parking lot of a local, 24-hour barbeque restaurant they both loved. “About it being a… a family thing.”
Caretaker turned to Whumpee, finally being able to give him her undivided attention as she turned off the engine, smiling softly.
“I didn’t.”
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possibilistfanfiction · 10 months
it's been a weird day already.
but not, like, bad: the sky is clear and it's not windy, which is such a welcome break from the weeks and weeks of rain you kind of want to dance down the sidewalk or something (you don't, but only because you have on this cool new pair of pants you thrifted last week and one over-exuberant roll through a puddle and they'd be wet for the day); there wasn't a long line at camila's coffee shop, so you were early to work; none of your appointments, even, have been late. good-weird sometimes feels way more unsettling than bad-weird, though, or at least that's what you've told your therapist who nodded — trauma responses, this and that, or so she says.
your first two clients are easy — small, simple stuff, which is always nice to start off with. chanel is finishing her last session on a wicked cool back piece with a chill client, and it's all pretty vibey until you're outside on the little front patio of the studio eating the pizza you'd grabbed from down the street for a late lunch, casually people watching. it all happens so fast: you're taking a bite and then, bam, there’s someone on a bike skidding out of control and then falling with a thump, tangled up in the metal frame and pedals spinning.
'shit,' you say, even though the person is already struggling their way out from under the bike — a good sign, overall. but still, you put your pizza down on the table chanel insisted you buy and wheel down the ramp until you're on the sidewalk, close enough to be able to ask, 'are you okay?'
the person — a very, very hot person, in carhartt overalls, a pristine white t-shirt, and blundstones — groans but then nods, stands up fully from the street and hefts the bike back upright by the handlebars. 'yes. i'll be fine. a minor fall.'
there's an embarrassed blush rising behind freckles and, 'you're bleeding.' it's roadrash, nothing serious, along an elbow, both palms, but still — 'my shop is right here.' you point behind you. 'let me patch you up, we have all the sterile stuff and everything.'
'i — okay.'
you smile, then smile even bigger when this very hot bike-falling blushing stranger takes her helmet off and her short hair — slightly sweaty — is tousled, a little messy on the top, even messier after she tries to brush it back with her fingers. 'sweet.' you offer your hand, even though she's dragging her bike alongside her. 'i'm ava.'
she leans the bike against her hip, grants you a small smile, and meets your eyes, even though her blush gets worse. 'beatrice.'
her hand is calloused and warm and she locks her bike against your railing, then follows you up the ramp.
'so you're who moved in,' she says, not unkindly, and you nod. it's a beautiful studio — you'll claim it was 50/50 design choices all day long, but it really was mostly chanel who chose the perfect shelving, the easy colors, the furniture that was simple and comfortable and cool as fucking hell, all at once. 'me and chanel, the other artist and owner,' you say. chanel's gun is very quietly buzzing behind the partition that separates her station from the front desk, and you lead beatrice back to your station.
the scrape along her elbow — delicate, one of the most difficult places to tattoo properly, all small, sharp bones and live-wire nerves — isn't deep or particularly dirty, so you clean it quickly and without too much discomfort, if her comfortable quiet and measured breathing is anything to go by.
'you're an expert on this, i suppose,' she says, as you get out your second skin once everything is clean and dry.
you laugh. 'tattoos aren't too dissimilar.' you allow yourself to look — after a lot of restraint, thank you very much — at her nearly-finished sleeve: fine lines and tender greyscale of flowers and plants, a few bugs, woven together. there's space on the underside of her wrist, still, a little unexpected. 'this is beautiful.'
beatrice smiles softly, a little sad. 'thank you.'
'no, like, genuinely.' you take your gloves off once the second skin is on perfectly and roll back in your chair to see it a little clearer. 'it really is.'
that blush again. 'i'm a gardener,' beatrice says, as if that explains everything. you have a few silly tattoos along your thighs — some are from you practicing along your own skin, a perk of not feeling anything below your waist — and your favorite along the top of your right hand. it's the first chanel did for you, the start of how you became friends — and business partners, eventually — and it's not hard, really, to remember the control you felt when you got to choose to make your body in your own image, when you had someone you trusted to help.
'that's awesome.'
she nods, once, like it's a finite truth. 'along with my sister, i run the florist shop on the other side of camila's. we farm all of our own flowers, only local pollinators.'
'permaculture,' you say, 'sick.'
it gets a laugh out of her — fucking delightful, and, whew, you want to keep making that happen — 'it is.' she stands, looking almost — dare you say it — regretful. 'unfortunately, i do have to get back to said shop for the afternoon. but maybe i can buy you a coffee?'
'camila gives me my coffee for free.'
she blanches and it takes a few seconds before you reach out and pat her hand with a laugh. 'i'm sorry, i was just messing with you. i'd love to get coffee with you.'
'dude, are you kidding? i want to know all about your plants.'
she's got the most proper accent of all time, and you're kind of wishing for her to say something like, and i, your art, but instead she just nods, a little tongue-tied, you think, which is endearing in its own way too. 'thank you again, ava.'
'anytime.' you pause. 'well, not the exact same circumstances. don't need you flinging yourself off of your bike just to say hi to me again —'
'i didn't fall because of you —'
'i know i'm, like, cool and stunning, but you really should be more careful.'
she rolls her eyes, but there's still a smile on her face. you know you're, as chanel puts it, dangerously charming, so you'll take it.
you watch her walk down the ramp and unlock her bike, then walk it two doors down to the florist that always had swathes of wildflowers in the windows. you've only been here a few weeks, and you'd been very busy setting everything up and getting your clients in asap, but you'd planned to check it out eventually. now, you have even more of a reason to.
and, like, maybe it's a little gay, whatever, but you transfer out of your chair to sit more comfortably at your station while you wait for your next client and start to sketch some wildflowers and their pollinators. bees, your favorites, and maybe it doesn't mean anything or maybe it means something. you don't really believe in everything but you do think that people can be kind and that the earth itself is overwhelmingly good. that's enough, most days, really.
chanel finishes with her client and it's a good-good-weird day because she offers to order dinner without you even having to whine. you fall asleep later at home thinking abt how warm beatrice's skin had been, how it had been easy to make sure she would heal well, all the flowers there, blooming; her freckles and her blush. maybe, if you're lucky, she's thought of you too.
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a-libra-writes · 1 year
Ello! may I please request some of the Lackadaisy characters reacting to a ridiculously tall male reader joining their crew?- like hit their head on every doorframe tall?/jk- but in all seriousness, maybe like 8ft or something?
okay im going for like 7ft or so because that SLIGHTLY more reasonable but not by much; idgaf tho this is funny. Also if you will please imagine this as a lanky ass oriental cat a la Pangur of pangur-and-grim fame. also featuring lots of bi cats, because I say so.
Lots under the cut!
♣️Rocky - Oh!! That's a big one! He makes endless "how's the weather up there" jokes (some are so weird) and has lots of ... stories ("St. Louis' very own creature from the river bottoms, only arising when the fog is heaviest!"); it really brings him back to his circus barker days. The first time you picked him up he was momentarily stunned, also he may or may not have climbed up you like a kitten when something startled him. It only happened once, okay? He's also fond of swatting at your absurdly long tail, as in it distracts him mid-sentence and he just has to take a swipe. Look, this probably won't awaken anything in him.
♣️Freckle - First thought? Terrifying, even when you bonked your head pretty bad on the doorframe. Okay, well, you were a little less scary after the third time. He's used to being smaller than most men, but something about you just towering is nothing short of creepy, especially if you have a more tough or intense personality. If you're a kinder soul, Freckle relaxes much faster. When you both have to pile into the back of the car, he feels really awkward about how you have to contort and twist yourself. Jeez, that doesn't look comfortable ... and somehow it makes him feel a lot smaller, which he doesn't appreciate.
♣️Ivy - Omiiigossshhh, the girls at school are not gonna believe this. She beelines to you right away, delighted with the novelty she's discovered. Naturally she wants to dance, and she'd be so shocked and delighted if you were elegant in spite of your lankiness - that'll get her a crush right away. Don't worry, if you're more clumsy, you're still cute! She thinks everything you do is "cute", even if you have the face of a thug and the body of a furry noodle. Having to scoot into cars, towering over the bar when you sit on a stool, your shirt sleeves nearly going to your elbows? Cute! She'd love to buy you something real fancy that fit, she just knows you'd look sharp.
♣️Mitzi - Oh. Oh my. Not her usual taste, but with the right clothes and some pomade, well, you'd be a proper gentleman. Mitzi is already plotting to get you a nice suit made, and good naturedly notes you ought to eat more or the wind will knock you right over. She already feels small next to Atlus and Viktor, but that's doubled with you. Sometimes it makes her a little uncomfortable, but she knows you don't mean to cause the discomfort. If she got you a real nice suit and a gun, you'd be an excellent guard for when she's out and about ...
♣️Viktor - He tries to recall the last time he was this much shorter than someone ... When he was twelve, perhaps? He feels zero intimidation from you, though. Viktor's confident he could snap you in half if need be. Hm, if they got some muscle on you, you might be able to handle some serious firepower... He thinks on it. Oh, and now he isn't the only one having to dodge doorframes. If you're a less violent-inclined person, many times he's growled at you to stop being so slack-jawed and try to look scary, especially when you both are supposed to be guarding.
♣️Zib - Wow yeah okay this is awakening something in him for sure. The musician gets a little hot under the collar when you stand really close and he has to look up, or god forbid, you bend down to his eye level. He has no idea why he's feeling both aroused and terrified, and what that's supposed to mean. Once you said "good boy" as a joke and he nearly tripped and fell off the stage. He's this hopeless even when you're a dork; if you're actually a smooth operator, he's doomed.
♣️Atlas - Yeah, it's not hard to figure out how you stood out to him. You were offered a job, and though you're much lankier than a triggerman out to be, Atlas has plans. Just some fattening up, some practice with a gun and a well-made suit (your Christmas present, in fact), and you cut quite a shadowy figure. The suit is probably the finest one you own, and the only clothing that's fit in years. Mitzi helped choose the color.
🏵️Serafine - She's intrigued right away, which is no surprise. Most people notice you right away, and it's even better if you work for the Marigold gang and she gets to have plenty of time to flirt and bother and amuse you. Serafine is doubly entertained if you're a more clumsy or nervous sort. She loves calling you "le fantôme" or "le boogeyman", and very much admires when you use your height to frighten someone they're having a "talk" with. She has absolutely grabbed your long-ass tail to get your attention.
🏵️Nico - Listen. He's been with men before - not as much as women, mind you, and he's always preferred those who are smaller than him, which is most. But look. You're a tree, he's a squirrel. No shame, you're cute and he'll say it. He can probably pick you up just fine (which he's very proud of) and laughs if it embarrasses you. He's very interested in how you might fight, and has given you several tips on how to use your unusual size to your advantage when going hand-to-hand with someone.
🏵️Mordecai - Yes this is definitely awakening something and he doesnt want to think hard about it also why is EVERY damn person around him a tree -- You drive him up a wall for many reasons. You slouch all the time, your clothes never fit right, you don't carry a gun that would work best for your long fingers. The Savoys joke about you being Mordecai's "project" because he keeps fussing over you. Though they must say, it's a lot easier to get information out of their targets when they have Mordecai's signature glare and a terrifying cryptid looming over him.
⛰️Wick - Oops! All those feelings he's repressed since boarding school are coming out. Note you could be awkwardly trying to get through a doorway or climb out of a car, with clothes that don't fit quite right or trying to finesse a gun that's too small and he is just, totally enamored. If you have more of a scary demeanor - or you put on that act when you're working as Mitzi's bodyguard - then he's still enamored, just with a dash of fear. So. That's confusing.
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Hi lovely, i hope you got some sleep.
I've got request it can be WandaNat or Weems.
So R hates being a problem so every time when she is sick or don't understand something she instead of asking for help try to handle it alone. When she gets hurt (at mission or because of some students idk) it is awkward for her to ask for help. Because of how long she keep the wound hiden she got fever and she act like a child.
Also can i be a ✨ on anon list?
Attack of the pot plant
Pairings: Ms Thornhill x Reader (platonic)
Word count: 2.1K
Summary: You hide an injury and it turns out badly for you. Luckily Ms Thornhill cares for you.
TW: injury, blood, infection, fever, hiding injuries
A/n I hope you like it, I think this is what the request asked for :) if its not feel free to submit another request, keep them coming I love your ideas guys. Also whoever made this request is ✨ anon on the anon list. I know i had another request for that anon emoji but this request was in before them so…. Unless its the same person who requested both times. Idk. Basically whoever made this request is ✨ anon.
You had botany last, and everything had been going great, almost too well in fact. At least, it had been going great.
But you see that’s the thing, nothing ever seemed to go well for Y/n for long periods of time.
In fact, you always managed to get injured and as a result you had taken to caring for yourself. You kept a first aid kit in your dorm for all the times you had patched yourself up. It would have been borderline embarrassing if you had to turn up to the infirmary each time you got injured, because you would probably end up being there every day.
All it had taken was your mother making jokes about being a frequent flier at the nurse's office at your last school before you swore off nurses all together. From then on you decided not to burden anyone with your clumsiness, it was fair to say you became quite proficient in all things first aid after that. From bandaging to butterfly stitches. …
As mentioned, botany had been going well … until someone dropped a pot and it shattered.
Normally that was fine, there were plenty of other plants and pots. except this time the broken pot, upon impact with the floor, had thrown a sharp shard of ceramic that had cut your arm. It had managed to slice a long and nasty cut down your forearm, about almost 10cm long. It looked bad.
you felt stupid, if Ms Thornhill noticed she would probably escort you down to the nurse herself. you did not want to cause her any more problems than she already had, so you grabbed your blazer and slid it on. wincing as it rubbed against the cut which was bleeding a lot more now. you needed to get out of here and bandage it. you had first aid supplies in your dorm you could use.
“Um… Ms Thornhill?” you said.
“Yes honey?” she asked from the floor where she was sweeping up the dirt from the broken plant.
“Can i go back to my dorm really fast i forgot my textbook.” you said praying it would work.
“Sure, make sure you come straight back though.” she said not looking up.
“Thanks Ms.” you grinned.
you had to be quick. you raced through the halls until you arrived outside your dorm. going inside you found the kit fairly quickly. pulling out a roll of clean white bandages.
you looked down to find your sleeve had a dark patch from where the blood was seeping through. cursing softly, you pulled the sleeve up and held some gauze against the wound before wrapping the bandage around. starting at your elbow you wrapped it tightly all the way down to your wrist, but not tight enough to cut off any circulation. tucking the end back into the bandage’s earlier loop, you cleaned up the packaging and quickly rushed back to the classroom.
It didn’t hurt too bad, you had a pretty high pain tolerance, so you didn’t need any pain medicine not that you would for something as simple as a cut.
Walking back into the classroom Ms Thornhill was standing back up, having finished cleaning up the mess as she didn’t want anyone to cut themselves on the sharp clay pot. Too late. You went back and sat down at your desk, missing the look you got from the teacher as you pulled out your textbook from your bag where it had been the whole time.
The rest of the lesson was pretty average, you listened to her talk about plant phenotypes and leaf shapes. She had the class do some drawings of plants and then identify the one the person next to you had drawn as a fun activity at the end. After what felt like no time at all you were dismissed so you packed up your books and left.
That afternoon you had free so you planned to do some study in the library, but you knew you should probably change the bandages first. You had glimpsed it seeping through during botany when your sleeve rode up a bit.
After getting back to your dorm you sat on the bed and pulled out the first aid kit again. Just as you pulled your sleeve down the door opened.
“Damn dude what did you do?” Yoko asked coming in and shutting the door, dropping her backpack by her desk and sliding onto her bed. She sat cross legged and watched, motioning for you to continue what you were doing.
“Um… nothing really. Just a pot smashed in botany, and I copped a piece of it to the arm.” You said trying to play it off. Yoko looked at the bloodied bandage you were unwinding.
“Um … that really doesn’t look good… like … at all.” She said.
“I’ll be fine, nothing i can’t handle myself.”
“You should probably go to the nurse y/n”
“So, she can do what? Re-bandage it? That’s what I’m doing.” You said and Yoko huffed before rolling her eyes.
“Whatever.” And with that she rolled over and pulled out her phone scrolling through the latest update on Enid’s blog.
You were glad she had turned away because the cut wasn’t looking any better. If anything, it looked way worse. The skin was raised and red, looking angry and it hurt to the touch as you tried to clean up some of the blood. If it didn’t get better soon you may have to go to the nurse after all.
You cleaned it up with some wet gauze and saline before rewrapping it and slipping on a hoodie.
“Wanna go to the library with me?” You asked Yoko who agreed. You both needed to study anyway so why not together.
After getting to the library, you placed a hand over your arm to feel the cut. It still really hurt, and it felt kind of warm to the touch. Mentally you thought about what that could mean but nothing really came to mind. Shrugging it off you sat down and pulled out a thick botany textbook.
Over half an hour into your study you heard the library doors open and you and Yoko looked up from where you had been quizzing each other on plant species names, the genus and the phylum. Ms Thornhill entered the library and walked over to the gardening section of the library, thumbing through some of the thicker books looking for anything she should put into her lesson plan. After a bit she pulled out two of the thicker books and placed them in her bag before she caught sight of you and Yoko. She smiled and you waved as she began to come over.
Over the past fifteen minutes the library had been feeling abnormally warm, you were tempted to take off your hoodie but that meant your bandages would show and you didn’t want to bother the nurse who had probably already gone home for the day by now.
Ms Thornhill drew closer, a small frown on her face now as she came to stand next to you.
“Are you ok y/n?” She asked and you nodded, “you look a bit flushed honey.” She said and before you could dart away, she pressed the back of her hand to your cheek her eyes widening. “Sweetheart you're burning up!” She exclaimed. Yoko watched and frowned.
“Dammit Y/n you probably have an infection you dumbass.” Yoko said and Ms Thornhill frowned.
“What is she talking about Y/n?” The botanist asked and you fidgeted with your sleeve. “Right, now we need to get you out of that hoodie. It can’t be helping your fever.” She said and reached for the sleeve. You huffed and pulled away, frowning.
“Nooo.” You whined like a child, and she raised a brow.
“Are you not wearing anything underneath?” She asked and you shook your head. If your cheeks weren’t flushed before they were now. “Then the hoodie comes off. No ifs or buts.” She said and this time she managed to get ahold of the hem before she hiked it up.
“Arms up.” She said and you reluctantly followed her instructions. When your hoodie was off, she folded it and looked up. Her eyes catching on the bandages and widening comically.
“Y/n, please tell me you saw the nurse for that cut.” She said sounding a bit scared.
“No, she didn’t.” Yoko said and you glared at her. She simply shrugged. “What it’s true.” She said.
“Come on y/n. We’re going to the infirmary. Right. Now.” Ms Thornhill said.
“Im fine.”
“Darling we both know thats not true.” She said softly.
“Seriously Y/n get your ass to the infirmary.” Yoko said.
“Finnneeee.” You said in a defeated tone.
“Good, come on honey.” Ms Thornhill said, pulling you to your feet. You swayed for a second and she was quick to put her hands on your shoulders to stabilise you. “Alright, let's go.” She said and kept one arm around your shoulder for the whole trip to the nurse's office.
Once you arrived, she pointed to one of the spare beds with a stern look on her face that left no room for arguments.
“Sit.” She commanded and you sat.
Glancing at you one more time she went into the nurse's office and grabbed her. Nurse Peterson was probably one of the sweetest nurses, so you were glad she was on shift today, her personality much like Ms Thornhill’s usually bubbly persona. Both came back out after Ms Thornhill explained the situation.
The nurse came over and Ms Thornhill sat in a plastic chair nearby watching closely.
She began by unwrapping the bandages and letting out a small huff as she saw the cut. It looked angry and red.
“Y/n I’m not going to tell you off, but you do need to ask for help when you need it honey.” Ms Thornhill said, “or I’m going to bring you in for checkups myself to make sure you're not hiding things like this in future.” She said and you knew she meant it. You nodded and let out a small hiss as the nurse applied some antibiotic cream that stung.
“Sorry love. It’ll just sting for a minute.” The nurse said already holding gauze over it and starting to re-bandage it.
“For whats its worth you bandage like a medical professional.” She said and you smiled and let out a small hum.
“It comes from practise.” You said with a grin and Ms Thornhill raised an eyebrow.
“We will be talking about that later Ms L/n” she said, and you let out a huff.
After the nurse finished, she reached over and grabbed the thermometer. Sticking it in your ear and humming as it beeped.
“Not too high, but i will give you some paracetamol to bring it down.” She said popping out two tablets and handing them to you. You thanked her and took them.
“No water?” The nurse said and you shrugged.
“What can I say, I’m a pro.” You grinned and Ms Thornhill didn’t know whether to laugh or scold you. So, she settled for a halfhearted glare which only made you laugh.
“Alright you should be all good to go. I recommend you return to your dorm. And Ms Thornhill, as her dorm mother, I recommend checking on her just to make sure her fever goes down. Other than that, your free to leave.”
“Thank you, Nurse Peterson.” Ms Thornhill said getting up and walking over to you. You thanked the nurse and let Ms Thornhill pull you up. She held your hand as she walked you back to your dorm. It made your cheeks flush as you felt like a small child being led around.
When you got back and opened the door Yoko was laid on her bed reading, and Ms Thornhill came in after you. She handed you a pair of Pjs.
“Change.” She said “and then its bed for you. I’ll come around with dinner for you later.” Her face left no room for arguments. You took the clothes and changed. Coming back out she peeled down the sheets and patted the spot on the bed. After you reluctantly came over and laid down, she pulled the sheets up, tucking them in around you.
“Ms Thornhill.” You said blushing but she ignored you.
“This is what happens when you don’t ask for help. You no longer get a say.” She said and pressed her hand to your cheek.
“How are you feeling now? Better?” She said and you buried your face in your hands.
“Im fine.” And with that she softened.
“Alright.” She said softly. “Yoko, can you let me know if she needs anything.”
“Sure.” Yoko said not looking up.
“Stay in bed. I’ll be around later to check on you with dinner. Now sleep.” She said and tucked your hair behind you ear, pressing a soft kiss on your forehead and leaving.
Sleep came relatively easily for once as you melted at the affection being shown towards you.
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genshin-scenarios · 1 year
Adopt a Wanderer: Assimilation [Part 2]
Summary: After meeting Kuni, who's isekaied into your world, you both try to settle into a new normal.
Note: This is meant to be a found-family series with Scaramouche, who you address as Kuni in this AU! Mostly meant to be interpreted as platonic.
Part 1
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Your first few days with Kuni were nothing short of lively. The first morning, well – no one can blame you for having to process the situation a second time, after accepting that it wasn’t a dream after all – but you also went over a conversation about him being non-human.
See, you weren’t sure if puppets had to eat to function, or if they had any special dietary requirements (as ridiculous as it sounds, you truly didn't know) - so when you bring up the question to Kuni, he freezes for a moment before sheepishly asking you how you figured it out. In light of not wanting to seem even more suspicious in his eyes (what kind of lunatic adopts a random person from the streets anyways?) you say something about how you noticed the connective markings on his elbows when you leant him your clothes - which was true enough, seeing as you gave him a t-shirt instead of something long sleeved.
You didn’t want to dishearten him any more than he already looked from the reminder, so you give him a smile and ask if he’d like to go shopping for clothes that suit his tastes better.
“Shopping?” Kuni repeats, putting on the jacket you retrieved and his sandals. “Is there a marketplace nearby?”
“Something similar to it, yes.” You lock the door and guide him downstairs, onto the street, and towards the bus station. “We need to get you clothes that fit you properly, and it’ll be easier for you to blend in and visit places that way.”
You’ve thought about this last night, when you were getting extra blankets and pillows for him to use the living room couch as a bed. Even if he was just staying here until he could find a way home, it’d be no different from being a caged bird if you just confined him to your apartment.
You wanted to give Kuni the chance to enjoy your world a little. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows here, but if his current reaction was anything to go by you’d say that the city you lived in wasn’t too bad. It’s peaceful and free of conflict, albeit busy with workers and students and business. There are some nice cafes and affordable restaurants, the public transport is fast, and Kuni is taking in his surroundings like he’s drinking in the colors on a painting. It’s overwhelming and foreign, but his eyes are full of wonder.
When the bus doors open and he hesitates to step on, you offer him your hand as you lead the way. Everyone’s at work or school so the streets are fairly sparse compared to peak hours, and Kuni treats everything you pass by with a quiet curiosity. You mention what each thing is to answer the questions written on his face, and after you exit the clothing shop with his haul, Kuni tugs on your sleeve to ask if you should head to eat next.
You don’t oppose, making a beeline to the cafe that has a promotion on weekdays like these. “Let’s see… I’m not sure what your food preferences are, but their menu has quite a lot of things. If you’re hungry, this place should do the trick!”
Kuni stays close to your side as you navigate the mall, glancing at the other half of the bags that you insisted you could help him carry. “Actually, I asked because you seemed hungry earlier. Um, your stomach sounded, I mean - but anything’s fine! I can eat anything I think, but probably not too much.” He could go without eating too, but when you reach the cafe and sit down with the menu, the images look new and interesting enough that he’s curious about trying them all.
Embarrassment burns when you realize he heard your stomach growling earlier, but you put it off by bulldozing to the next relevant question. “Oh! In that case, why don’t we order a few things to share?” A part of you wants to spoil him for some reason - you’re aware it might also have to do with his potential future once he returns to Teyvat - but another more accurate reason was simply because of how his eyes would light up when there was something he liked; most children might enjoy the moment of sweetness and move on to the next, but with Kuni the sensation seemed to linger with fascination. “That way we can try to pinpoint what kind of food you like.”
“I liked the tea from that day,” he tried to help. “It was bitter, but the aftertaste was nice.”
“Hmm… So something more savory, maybe?” You hum to yourself, ordering a set to share and a side. Remembering how Ei’s favorite food was dango from the game, you were surprised by the way Kuni froze after he tried the pudding that came with the set - the grimace he wore was enough to make you laugh, and you try to stifle your giggling for his sake as he looked away in embarrassment. “It’s alright if you don’t like it!”
“I didn’t expect it to taste so… syrupy.”
“Maybe you’ll like herbal jelly instead, if that’s the case.” You say thoughtfully as you finish the cube of custard. “It still has syrup, but that part is optional and the jelly itself is bitter.” You pause, realizing something. “Huh, the same shop should sell tea eggs too. I’ll try getting some the next time I come back from work.”
“Speaking of… how come you were able to bring me here today?” He tilted his head with the question. “The streets seem quiet, but there are so many residential buildings.”
“I have Mondays off,” You give him a wink. “So I guess you could say your timing was impeccable, for someone that didn’t know how they got here.”
Kuni huffs, a small smile gracing his lips. “I guess so.” I must’ve been really lucky to have run into you.
As the day progresses, you bring Kuni along to buy some groceries and return home. By the end of it he’s grown to walk more comfortably through crowds of people, and even asked if you could teach him to do some of the household chores.
“I don’t want to just live here without doing anything,” Kuni explained, remembering how he’s seen families in Inazuma drying the laundry outside the house. “If you teach me, I’ll be able to earn my stay and make things easier for you.”
Was that why he chatted with the clothing store’s clerk for so long? You remember bits of their conversation being about how most clothes could be washed in a machine, but others might need to be done by hand. You were paying the bill at the time though, so you didn’t hear the entire thing.
As you fold the laundry and show him how to use the washing machine, Kuni stays true to his word and continues to learn household chores from you as the days go by. The week passes by in a flash, but you surprise yourself by how normal it feels to return home and see him there, busying himself with work or reading something from your shelf.
You learn that he tends to not watch the TV unless you’re there, thinking of it as something to do with company rather than alone - not that you were complaining, of course. It was touching how he’d wait for you to come home before watching the newest show you’re binging together, but he'd also get excited about the movies you've watched before and mentioned to him were good (he agrees with some of your opinions and is open to debate about others, but at the end of the day isn't too worked up about it).
Kuni’s also started to mess around with the newspapers that you brought at his request, so that he could learn more about the type of world this was - and also do the crossword puzzles and pick out shopping vouchers for you.
You’ve thought about teaching him to use a computer, but the chance of him coming across his own information on the web held you back - that was, until you tried googling for the game, and it seems like it disappeared into thin air.
You’d tried doing the same search on other devices not in your home, and it seems that the erasure only occurs when Kuni is nearby. It was a convenient sort of phenomenon, but it also made you start to question your entire reality; was his presence the thing that caused this? And if so, why were you the exception that’s able to remember the truth despite being by his side?
A knock on your bedroom door pulls you back to reality, and Kuni lets you know that he’d finished prepping ingredients for dinner while you were drying your hair. Despite how he doesn’t have to eat, he indulges in trying a little of everything so that he could get better at cooking - you’ve tried to tell him that the other chores he’s done were more than enough, but he insists that it’s just another skill that would be good to learn regardless.
Unable to refute that, you agree to let him make breakfast and dinner on days where you were busy, but would usually cook with him whenever you can. The speed at which he learns is a little inhuman, but then again it makes you a little proud to know that he’s a quick learner. Everyone that’s met him so far has been enamoured or at least begrudgingly accepting of Kuni, including the neighbours (who now believe he was your cousin).
Despite how you were used to being independent, you had to admit that it was nice to have someone’s company like this - even if it was a person you’d previously thought was fictional. And as for the mystery that surrounds your situation… worrying about it won’t give answers for now, so you push away the thought in favour of enjoying the new normal of your household.
“Oh, and if you don’t hurry, I might add those spices you don’t like without you seeing.”
“What?! Don’t you dare!”
>> Part 3
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trulytiredhermit · 1 year
Are requests open?
If so may I ask for the chain with isekaid bullied reader?
Reader never had a good relationship with teacher for example and recently reader gets bullied for everything she does by 3 stupid boys and gets insecure
Thank you so much 👀😭
Take your time,🙏🏻
*Well, I've only really been accepting asks.
But honestly when I think about it some of these asks have been ranging on requests so sure, I'll do this request for you.
For future reference though since I do both yandere and normal Chain I think it would best to specify which version people want. Also, if I do take more requests it would have to be narrowed down to only 2 characters because otherwise it puts a lot of work on me.
And this in just for everyone in general to see. But I hope you'll enjoy this request then! I tried doing a group scenario, but I apologize that some characters weren't as prominent as others.
Why was Time staring at you?
Did you do something wrong again?
You did didn't you...
Can't ever do anything right, always just a screw up.... you know you shouldn't have lashed out at Legend when he was making his usual stupid and snide comments, but you just couldn't handle it when he started sounding like them.
Those three boys that had downright tormented you back home in your own world, always with their degrading and horrible comments about things you did or how you were always at fault for every little thing that happened. The shoves and pushes from them that would lead to bruises on your arms and legs, the jabs from their elbows to your stomach or ribs that would leave behind a stinging ache as you held back your tears on your way to your next class.
And you knew Legend wasn't like them. Underneath that tough and harsh exterior he was just as soft and kind as the other members you traveled with, he just had his moments from time to time.
But he just made that comment about how you were slowing the chain down, gave a little shove to your shoulder as he brushed past you to walk ahead of you, and you lost it.
The group had settled down for the night now and neither you nor Legend had spoken to one another. You could tell there was a bit of tension within the group due to your backlash at the red-vested hero and you felt horrible enough about it. Which was why you had chosen to set yourself up further away from the Chain and further away from the glowing light of the campfire.
Wait, was Time coming over to you?
Oh god he was, wasn't he... he was going to lecture you now about your clear overreaction, scold you about keeping your emotions in check just like your old teacher always had when you blew up at those boys the one time after you'd finally had enough of their constant poking, pushing, shoving, and-
"(Name), is everything all right with you? You seem... troubled."
Time's voice broke you from your spiraling thoughts, but you almost wished he hadn't.
You didn't want to go through everything again, have it all fall apart, your little make-believe friendship you had with the rest of the Chain. You just wanted to keep believing in it, keep fooling yourself that they did like you and wanted to be around you instead of letting you tag along due to a sense of obligation to help you find your way home.
"I'm... I'm fine Time... just woke up wrong or something I guess..."
You mumbled, hugging your knees to your chest as you rested you chin on your crossed arms.
Judging from the furrowed brows and mouth forming into a hard line, Time hadn't bought your little lie and he wouldn't accept anything but the truth.
You sighed, looking down you played with the end sleeve of your undershirt, thumbing the stitching.
"Just... remembered something bad when Legend made that comment and bumped into me okay... but I'm fine... I'm sorry I overreacted like that, it won't happen again okay you don't have to... to do the whole 'I'm disappointed in you, you should have done better' spiel."
As if you haven’t already heard it a thousand times before.
You didn't see it, but Time's stern look morphed into a softer, more concerned one as he looked down at your huddled form. You clearly weren't okay, and he would never ever tell you he was disappointed in you for simply losing your cool after having dealt with one too many comments from Legend.
You flinched when you felt a weight be put on your head, you hadn't meant to honestly, but you just got scared when Time suddenly sat down beside you and rested his hand atop your head. Which was not lost on the older hero.
Almost as quickly it had been placed upon your head, his hand was taken away, an apologetic look crossing his face and a 'sorry' forming on his tongue.
"Who's giving a spiel?"
You and Time paused, looking for to spot Wind, a curious yet worried marring his young features. Becoming ever the nosy teen, Wind rarely if ever gave most of your group their privacy when it was most needed.
"It's nothing Wind I just-"
"Didn't seem like nothing when you lost it with me."
Legend cut your words off sounding as tense as he had earlier when you had snapped at him, but a warning look from Time made him sigh and take on a more gentler, somehow softer look that you never knew the vet to be capable of.
"Was there a reason for it? I know you wouldn't do something like that without a solid reason (Name)."
"Four is right, even I can get fed up with Legend's quips from time to time, especially when they hit far too close to home for comfort."
Warriors spoke up, agreeing with what the designated smithy of the group had brought up.
By now you just wanted to find a hole to curl up in and forget about everything. You hated when all eyes were on you, expecting something from you, looking at you to scrutinize you up and figure out all your thoughts.
"It's alright (Name), if that was the reason why. I'm sure many of us have those moments where we lose a little control." Wild's voice cut through the stillness of the passing night, it seemed like all of them were invested in you now.
Why couldn't they just leave well enough alone! You've handled yourself well enough in this stupid new world, or worlds, whatever you didn't care to use the proper terminology right now.
It's not like they really cared anyways, sure they were supposed heroes of their time, having defeated many an enemy and even grand evil lords who wished to conquer the world. But you were just some silly little person that ended up accidentally going through a weird portal and ending up becoming their new problem while they were already going through things!
"(Name)? Are you alright? You haven't spoken?"
Couldn't Hyrule see you weren't alright! And you didn't want to speak! Even if they did care this wasn't their problem to deal with, you have handled yourself well enough on your own.
But if they didn't...
If they didn't care then you didn't think you could take another scenario, more harsh mocking words and hard shoves, more constant denials and put downs again. You just couldn't.
You jumped as you felt a hand touch your shoulder, looking up wildly to spot Sky's face near yours. His brows cinched up in worry as his eyes looked down into your own, as if searching through them into your very soul and seeing something akin within his own.
"What's wrong?"
Those two simple words were all it took and you just broke.
"I can't deal with another thing like that happening again, okay! I-I... I can't deal with another them, with you guys just... I can't okay, I can't! I had to deal with that in one world why should I have to deal with it in this one!"
Instantly the group wished more than anything to clamber around you and offer sweet words of comfort and reassurance, but they didn't wish to crowd or spook you.
But this didn't stop the rancher from drawing in near to place a comforting hand on you back, nor did it stop Sky from kneeling down in front of you, moving his hand down to hold your own in his.
"Then tell us what's wrong, so that we won't accidentally do it again.... tell us what happened?"
And tell them you did.
You told them of what went on in your old world, of the constant harassment and bullying; of the teachers who looked away, turned a blind eye to the three boys who constantly made your life feel like a never-ending hell you didn't deserve. All the while the groups faces hardened, some hiding their emotions more than others behind a stony mask.
A sniffle tore up from your throat as you pried your hand away from Sky's hold, raising it to wipe away at the tears that lined your lash line. A soft, yet filled with bitter sadness, giggle sounded from you making the group look even more concerned than before.
"And you know why those people, the administrators and what not, turned away and told me that boys were just going to be boys? Even when I brought the topic up to them firsthand?"
The group hung off your every word, and Warriors, along with Sky, looked as if they already knew the answer to your questions. Yet even with knowing, it didn't make hearing your answer any easier.
"Because they were too important to the stupid school, too much of a bigshot to take down over something simple as bullying some mediocre student-"
"You are no such thing, and I would ask you to refrain from every speaking such a phrase again."
Time's hard voice, harsh but not with an anger directed towards you, came out sharp, stopping your words in your tracks as they died on your lips.
"I can tell from how you acted when we first found you, how you insisted you still needed to study and prep just in case this was all a dream or in case you suddenly returned back to your old world, that you are anything but a mediocre student. Those boys, those teachers you spoke of, are nothing but fools who could not even be considered as men."
God, if looks could kill you'd think Time would already be gunning to hop through a portal to your world and teach those who had wronged you a well-needed lesson. Any of the group looked as if they would do so, even Legend, the ever sarcastic and secretive member of the group, looked more upset about what you had spoken of.
"They're less than that. What you went through, what you dealt with (Name). That wasn't bullying, from your words that was just pure torture. To go through what is to be a safe haven for young minds to learn and grow only to be harassed a-and made to believe that you were less than them? To be ignored or told that it was simply boys being boys that's just...."
Sky trailed off, looking for the proper word to use but not finding it as he wracked his mind.
"It's just torture."
"And it is, torture I mean." Warriors confirmation was curt, a stony look upon his face as he got up to sit down at a closer spot next to the three that had situated themselves around your form.
"It is manipulation not only to make you view yourself as less, but to make you believe that what they were doing to you wasn't bad in the slightest. It is disgusting that such tactics should be used upon you by those who you would look to for guidance. But you are not alone now (Name), we would never do such a thing to you, nor would we allow for it to happen while you are here."
There was a comfortable silence that filled the air after Warriors mini speech, sometimes broken by smiles and nods from members of the group along with a few spoken confirmations.
That silence of course was broken by the young teen of the group, the little sailor that had a protective and caring gleam in his eyes.
"Yeah! And if they ever bother you again then I'll shove 'em into a cannon and fire them off into the ocean!"
A startled laugh erupted from your throat as you giggled, looking at Wind with a stunned gaze. The rest of the chain was also looking at their younger counterpart with ranging emotions, most being shocked and concerend.
"What? Tetra did it to me and I made it out fine, I even smacked into this wall of a monster hideout I was trying to sneak into."
"You snuck into a hideout that you smashed into?! How did they not discover you immediately?! Wouldn't you hitting the side of their building make a loud noise?"
Almost anyone could tell that you were now fully invested in the sailor's story now, laughing with a surprised smile on your face as you listened to him recount his tale of being shot out of a cannon.
Meanwhile, the older members of the chain shot each other looks, nodding determinedly at each other as they all came to a unanimous agreement.
Even Wind, as he kept you busy whilst talking about more happier topics that kept you smiling and laughing, shared a glance with the others. He may have been younger, just reaching his preteen years, but he was not stupid, and he hadn't brought up the cannon story just to be silly.
No matter what they would not let someone hurt you as you had been before. They would be the ones to take care of you now, to succeeded where many had failed without even trying.
If that included not letting you go home, then so be it.
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the-fiction-witch · 5 months
Doctor! Doctor!
Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins And Rainsford Sneed
Couple Jack X Reader + Rainsford X Reader
Rating Flirty
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I stood in the prep room for the hospital's theatre, I cleaned and sanitised tools ready for today's operation. As I worked I hummed a gentle tune to myself. My sleeves rolled up around my elbows to not get them wet from the cleaning and my dress hung loosely about me. I perked up a bit when I heard someone else's footsteps as they arrived at the prep room. I glanced over and saw Doctor Jack Dawkins as he walked across the prep room.
"You're early? Now that is a rare sight." I chuckled, as usually Doctor Dawkins would be here with a moment to spare if that, but we had a good ten minutes before surgery would begin.
"Don't be snarky Y/n," he warned as he leant his hip on the table and crossed his arms over his chest that usual cocky grin across his lips, 
"Aww but I'm good at it," I smirked back,
"You do practice often don't you?"
"I do," 
"Speaking of, things you're good at?" He smirked back as he moved himself behind me, he set his hands either side of me on the table, his body closed the gap between us and his head came close to my neck. The tip of his nose moved up the bare skin of my neck starting at my shoulder and moved all the way up before he reached my ear, he stopped and whispered, "I was hoping we could do something else you're good at?"
"Like Doctor Dawkins?" I glared a little,
He chuckled, "You know what I want."
"You have surgery to do." I remind,
"Umm I know sweetheart," he groaned as he pressed kisses to my neck, "you know I'd rather stay here with you," he muttered, "You wanna come up to my room tonight?"
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me, come up to my room tonight, and we'll see just how good you're getting" he smirked,
"I think you already know how good I'm getting,"
"Well I have to keep checking don't I," He smirked, "Eight O'clock don't be late," he said as he kissed my cheek and started preparing getting his apron and checking his tools as Doctor Sneed arrived at the prep room. 
He too began to prep and I helped them both where needed, Hetty arrived and the two doctors did their coin toss and as usual, Doctor Dawkins was to take charge. The four of us headed into the theatre to the crowd shouting for blood and a frightened patient. After a showman-style speech, the doctors got on Hetty working as their nurse and I worked as a clean up doing what I could to minimise the dirt, blood and chaos of the surgery to make sure it went as quickly and seamlessly as possible. 
Within a few minuets, it was over Hetty took the patient back to bed, the crowd emptied out and the doctors went off to do other things without much of a word, I began cleaning up the theatre, I scrubbed, swept, and scooped the sawdust. I got on my knees and began scrubbing blood off the wooden floor, My sleeves pushed up and my dress around me to try and shield me from the blood and mess of the room. I heard footsteps but didn't even bother to look up until I saw a pair of black oxford shoes and a pair of black trousers, Alrerady I knew who it was and didn't need to say another word, But I felt a firm slap on my behind which made me jump. 
"Yes Doctor Sneed?" I asked as I set my brush down and shifted myself to sit on my knees and looked up to see Doctor Rainsford Sneed standing with his usual sly grin in his white well-pressed shirt, black waistcoat buttoned up tight and his black tie, His facial hair well combed and trimmed, his hair flat and slick. 
"Busy today?" He asked as he looked down at me, 
"Lots to clean." I shrug, 
"True," he nodded, 
"You could help?" I glared, 
"I'll leave it to you Y/n." 
"Alright," I rolled my eyes getting back to work, 
"You look so good down there" he smirked,
"Do I now, Doctor Sneed?" 
"You know I appreciate how you look on your knees." He growled a little as he plaid with my hair,
"Don't you have rounds to start on?"
"True." He smirked, "My room Six." He demanded,
Immediately I turned white and froze up, He stroked my cheek and jaw before he turned and headed out,  
"don't wear your knees out Darling." He said as he left the theatre, 
I let out a breath and sighed a little, "That's gonna cut a little close..." 
What is it with these two on surgery days? 
I quickly got on with my work so I could be finished in time to go have a bath before my eventful evening. 
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someone who feels like home.
masterlist. | want to be added to my taglist?
warnings: actress!fem!reader. nonfamous!Ashton. a premier. a photobooth. kisses shared. a love confession.
word count: 4550
author’s note: This was written as part of the @5sos-writing-week - I really wanted to participate and be a part of something! Originally this was meant to be posted on the first day’s non!famous au, but it ended on a love confession note, so we are going with that! ❤️ I don’t think this is my best piece, but I love the characters and the story, and I did enjoy writing this a lot.
Feedback and reblogs are appreciated!
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“Hey, car will be here in ten,” Ashton’s head popped into the room, eyes going wide as he finally registered you. “Wow, look at you!”
You let out a little giggle at his reaction, but otherwise stayed in one place as your stylist did the finishing touches on your dress. Ashton slipped into the room, still not being able to take his eyes off of you, and you hoped he didn’t catch you biting your lip as you watched him too.
“Well, you clean up nicely too,” you made a cheeky comment, and he laughed, rubbing at the back of his neck. And he did – the fitted black pants, the matching vest and the slick tie paired with a white dress shirt with the sleeves pushed up to his elbows gave him a well-dressed, but still casual look, something you knew everyone would notice at the premier. Your eyes lingered on the blood moon tattoos inked into his skin, the rings on his fingers, the chain clipped into his belt loop, and you felt your heart skip a beat knowing that he was your date – even if just for tonight.
“Who did you bribe to let you wear this dress?” he cocked an eyebrow, looking you up and down to take it all in.
“Versace. They were begging me to wear it,” you joked, making Ashton smile as well. “Do we have time to take pictures?”
“Even if we didn’t I would still do it, because you, my beautiful, need to be documented in this dress,” he reached for the camera on the coffee table, quickly checking the settings before nodding at you. “Alright, do your worst, Y/L/N.”
You made sure to stick your tongue out at him as you struck a pose, the both of you giggling like kids as he started taking pictures of you, going from silly to smiley then serious, showing off your long red dress, the shoulders falling off and over your arms, the slit in the skirt giving a nice view at your legs and the white heels you were wearing. It felt like a bold choice, but you fell in love with the colour and the design, and you secretly liked how it made you look something like a princess, even if you would never tell that to Ashton; he would never let you live that down.
“Okay, now a selfie,” he reached for his phone, stepping next to you to fit both of you into the frame. “The first of the many mandatory ones from tonight.”
“You’re lucky you’re taking really good pictures,” you poked him playfully before letting him slide his arm around you, pulling you close. “At least I have good use of you, other than being my arm candy for the night.”
“You’re hurting my feelings,” Ashton pouted at you, but there was a twinkle in his eyes. “I’m your one-man cheer team, and you’re using me only for my good looks.”
“And to scare away creepy guys, don’t forget that,” you winked at him, a slight flirt lacing your voice. Ash scoffed at you with another little laugh, already trying to come up with another comment when your PA knocked on the door, letting you know that the car had arrived and it was waiting for you.
“Shall we, my lady?” he offered his arm to you, and you accepted it gratefully, all the while trying to will the butterflies in your stomach to calm down.
“It would be my pleasure, kind sir.”
The car ride to the premier was a good 20 minutes, during which time Ashton and your PA talked your ears off with the craziest of ideas on how to approach the elephant in the room in case people started to point it out. The metaphorical elephant, who was currently sitting right next to you, making up funny scenarios of his own being.
Because really: who was Ashton to you?
You often wondered and asked the question from yourself. The answer changed from time to time: a photographer. Someone from your management. An annoying little shit. A second PA. A friend who’s been there for you from day one. All those things were true, and yet, none of them sounded as real as the truth: because Ashton was your best friend, whom you had a crush on.
It wasn’t something you felt the first time you met him; no, it was something recent, something you realized one night when he was sitting next to you on the couch just after wrapping your latest movie, talking about his newest musical obsession. What started out as a work relationship turned into so much more: and while he was still part of your team you quickly became close friends – it was hard to remember a time when Ashton wasn’t part of your life. That’s why it wasn’t even a question for you to invite him as your plus one to the premier of the movie you previously worked on. He’s been there every step of the way, and you wanted to show him how much you appreciate his efforts and friendship after everything you’ve been through while filming Fade Into The Ocean.
“Hey, Y/N, are you with me?”
“Sure, yeah! Sorry,” you quickly shook your head, smiling back at Ashton. “Just lost in thoughts, that’s all.”
“Are you nervous about the premier?” he reached for your hand, squeezing it gently, and you wanted to melt into him, tell him all the things running through your mind, all the feelings you’ve been trying to put into words in the last few months. “You know you don’t have to be. People are really excited about the movie. They’re gonna love it!”
“I’m more scared about you stealing the spotlight from me,” you tried to sound flirty, and maybe you did succeed a little, because Ashton scoffed softly, squeezing your hand again.
“Sounds impossible.”
You knew you were close when you started seeing people everywhere on the streets, many looking after your car, trying to see who was arriving. Your PA started to do the necessary rounds once the car was parked, all the while you got out of the backseat with Ashton’s help. Before you knew it he was already checking your dress for wrinkles, making sure no hair was out of place and that your makeup was not smudged.
“You don’t have to do this, you know,” you caught his hand to stop him fussing over you. “You’re my date tonight, remember?”
“And as your date I want only the best for you,” Ashton ran his fingers over a lock of hair, still smiling at you. “And for people to look at the real star of this show, not silly little me.”
“Well, I like looking at you,” you reached for his tie, fixing it so it wasn’t crooked. “And I’m grateful you came along with me. You don’t know how much that means after…” your voice turned quiet.
Ashton didn’t say anything, he simply pulled you against his chest, hugging you as much as he could. For a moment it felt like there was only the two of you, that you could breathe easier; that if you were able to somehow keep Ashton in your life then nothing could go wrong.
The moment was interrupted by your PA, who let you know that everything was ready for your big entrance. Ashton took another second to let you go, but not before pressing a soft kiss on your forehead, whispering encouragements and a promise that he’ll be by your side all through the night. You nodded, accepting the arm he offered to you once again, then the both of you made your way towards the red carpet, joining the people waiting for the premier.
For a while you forgot about everything – it was just you and the people you worked with on the movie, the photographers and the reporters, and the many fans, all of them wanting to catch a glimpse at their favourites. Ashton stepped back to let you have your moment, falling behind as you were photographed, and you needed to fight the urge to turn back to him. You smiled as you posed with your co-star, yet you wished you could have Ashton right back next to you; there was something different in the way you felt when he was pressed against your side just a few minutes ago, leading you out onto the red carpet and appearing as your date for the night. He was flashing a flirty smile towards the people around you, and you could see them swooning at his charm.
Someone asked if your date could join for another round of pictures, and this finally gave you the chance to look his way, his eyes sparkling as he followed you with his gaze. You beckoned him closer, reaching for him with your hand until he laced your fingers together, then sliding his arm around your waist, pulling you back against his side. You shared smiles and a few laughs as you posed for pictures, and in that moment you knew that you wanted all of this to be real; it wasn’t a public relationship for everyone to see, no. More than anything, you wanted to feel the happiness and the calmness that Ashton made you feel whenever he was around.
“Everything’s okay?” he tilted his head to the side, murmuring his question against your ear, raising an eyebrow when you looked up at him.
You laughed and nodded, like he was telling you a joke or a sneaky comment, and he squeezed your waist in return, letting you know that he was there, he was listening, if you needed him, he could take care of you, no matter what it was.
The two of you made your way down the carpet, finally arriving to the last of the reporters before you could go further into the theatre. That’s when you spotted it, a photobooth tucked into one corner of the hall, the promotional pictures of your movie decorating the outside. It wasn’t a coincidence: you did shoot some of the key scenes of the film in photobooths as they moved the story forward. Suddenly you felt like a little kid, tugging on Ashton’s hand to get his attention. A smile immediately took over his face when he saw it too.
“We gotta get our picture taken!” he was already leading you towards the booth. “It’s tradition!”
“Another addition to the collection,” you giggled, more excited about the photos than the premier itself.
“This one will be extra special,” Ashton smiled as he pulled back the curtain, quickly settling down on the bench and patting his knee. “Come on, guess that’s the only way we can fit in!”
It was something that started years ago, a silly little thing you did one afternoon while walking around Vancouver during a break in filming your first major role. You’ve always wanted to try how these machines worked, having seen them in so many films before, but unfortunately you had none in the small town you grew up in. Having a photo strip from one of those booths was something your younger self would have been so excited about, and older you definitely wanted to let her live the dream. You thought Ashton might find you crazy for this, but the moment you told him about it he grabbed your hand and even paid for the first round – the two of you had so much fun that you ended up taking a lot of photos that day.
After that it sorta became a tradition: whenever the two of you found a booth you squeezed into the tiny space to get another photo strip to your collection. You always made sure to get two copies so you could both hold onto the memories you had together.
You settled into Ashton’s lap, arms hugging his neck while the curtain fell back, hiding the two of you in the tiny space of the booth. Ashton pressed the button when you were ready, and the numbers started to go into a countdown before taking the first picture.
3… 2… 1…
The both of you smiled at the camera, a laugh tugging at the corner of your mouths, and you remembered the very first time you knew that you found a lifelong friend in him. You were meant to go on an audition after a quick meeting with him – he wanted to talk about a few things before sending you on your way with a cup of coffee he bought especially for you, and which he somehow poured all over your shirt. After the initial shock he started to apologize, only to find you laughing about the situation, trying to brush away the tears and catch your breath looking at his face. Ashton did go out and bought you a new shirt so you could go to your audition, and the next day he showed up at your door, your stained shirt washed and folded in his hands. Deep down you knew that finally you had  someone in your corner – someone who would do anything to make sure you were alright.
Ashton threw his hand up in a rock sign, sticking his tongue out at the camera, and you quickly copied him, feeling silly and so happy in your fancy dress, acting wild and free. It reminded you of all the times he dragged you into some kind of adventure in the strange cities you were working in, all the shenanigans the two of you did on your free days or while you were travelling. Without Ashton you wouldn’t have tried out half of the restaurants that were now your favourites. Without him you would have missed out on art exhibits and carnival rides and concerts of local bands.
You wouldn’t have gotten your first tattoo if it weren’t for Ashton and a bet of who could possibly fit more marshmallows into their mouths. He won; and he did choose a really pretty design for you, something to remember your trip to Japan where all of this happened. The single cherry blossom flower was definitely your favourite.
His eyes were searching you, smile softening as he looked at you, and you felt yourself smiling back at him. There was something familiar in that moment: you felt safe and calm with him there, a feeling that’s been your companion ever since that night a year ago. Suddenly you were back in the small apartment the two of you shared while filming Fade Into The Ocean, your eyes red as tears were streaming down your face, curling up in his lap on the floor as you cried all through the night, the breakup with your boyfriend which happened via phone making you feel like your heart was broken into tiny little pieces.
But Ashton was there, making sure you drank water and let it all out, soothingly stroking your back to help you calm down. You were scared to go out the next day, thinking that the public will just know how you broke down the night before, like it was written all over your face – instead Ashton reminded you that it was just another day, every day it will be a little easier and you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself; you didn’t do anything wrong. He made sure you looked after yourself while working on your movie and dealing with your breakup, and every night you went to bed with a lighter heart, knowing that it wasn’t the end of the world. Not if you had Ashton to help you to come out on top.
Maybe you shouldn’t have done it, but you couldn’t help yourself. Ashton never looked more beautiful than in that moment. And it wasn’t just his looks, no; it was him, the way he was there for you all through these years, how he put you first more times than you could count, how he picked you up and put you back together when you felt at your lowest. He was adventure and silent afternoons in a park, he was coffee dates and silly selfies and reading lines together at midnight. He was the best part of your team, but also your partner in crime, your best friend and the man you fell in love with through the years.
You always wanted someone who felt like home in this crazy and strange life you had – and as you were sitting there in his lap, looking at each other before the last picture was taken, you realized that nobody ever came close to being the person that Ashton was for you. In that moment you knew that you don’t want anyone else in this world, just him, only him. Because Ashton always felt like home to you.
His breath hitched as your lips pressed against his, but it didn’t even take a heartbeat for him to kiss you back, his arms around your waist tightening to hold you close to him. Your fingers dug into his shoulders, like you were scared you would float away if you let go of him. You felt the tip of his tongue on your bottom lip–
The two of you pulled apart like teenagers who got caught, and you felt your cheeks heating up when you realized what just happened. Ashton looked surprised, lips parted as he looked at you almost unblinking, but you saw how his eyes darkened after your kiss. You were saved by a sound that meant that your photos were printed, and you quickly grabbed them, shoving them into your bag as you stood up, pulling back the curtain.
“I– think we should go. Movie is about to start.”
“Yeah… yeah, of course,” Ashton quickly shook his head, following you out of the booth and back into the sea of people, acting like you didn’t just share a moment that might change everything from now on.
ETNews tweeted: @YourName looks stunning at the premier of her new movie ‘Fade Into The Ocean’ joined by best friend as her date. Read more at the link.
 You pushed your phone away, leaning back against the headboard of your bed. It was really late at night, or maybe really early in the morning, you couldn’t decide. The premier was long, and the afterparty even longer, full of impromptu speeches and a few more last minute interviews, everyone praising the movie. And yet, if you wanted to be honest with yourself, you couldn’t care less – because all you really cared about was the man who had already turned in for the night in the room next to yours.
All you could think about was Ashton and his arm around your waist on the red carpet, his words that kept you grounded, the press of his lips against yours as you kissed in the photobooth, hidden from prying eyes, and the way he held your hand all through the movie. He kept his promise and was by your side all through the night, but after what happened in the booth he turned a little quiet, and when his door closed after you arrived back to the hotel, you were sure you had screwed it all up. This was the moment when you needed him the most, to make sense of everything, to let you know if you crossed a line. But he only wished you goodnight before disappearing.
Now you were left alone with adrenaline rushing through your veins after the premier, and with your feelings which made it hard to sleep. Your beautiful red dress was laid out on the bed next to you, and you softly ran your fingers over the material. Something came over you, you weren’t sure what, but you reached for your bag and fished out the photo strips from the booth. Your eyes scanned the pictures, the smiles and silly faces, the laughter and the loving look you gave each other, and lastly, the kiss. There was no question in you that in that very moment, even if for just one second, he wanted it too.
You laid one of the pictures over your dress, picking up a few small gifts you got as part of the promotion, then snapped a picture of the ensemble. You made sure to not include the very last photo in it – sure, it was a post for your social media, but at the same time, something much more. You knew it could be a bold move, you knew Ashton will know what you have left out of your post, and deep down you hoped it would help the two of you start talking about what happened back there.
 yourname shared a post: What a wonderful night at the ‘Fade Into The Ocean’ premier! Thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate with us! Check out the movie if you can!
Special shout out to my best partner in crime @ashtonirwin for being my fun date tonight!
 Before you could chicken out you posted the picture, quickly disconnecting from the internet so you didn’t check if Ashton reacted to it or not. You were sure he was already asleep, it’s been more than an hour since you have parted ways in the hallway. Yet still, you were hoping that he understood what you really meant with your post.
You didn’t want to believe it first, but there was a soft knock a few minutes later. You picked up your robe as you crossed the suite, putting it on before opening the door – and there he was. Ashton was standing in front of you, wearing his black sweatpants, something he always wore as PJs. His hair was a mess of unruly curls, tan skin and the ink of his tattoos illuminated in the lamplight of the hallway and your room.
“Hey, uhm… can I come in?” he rubbed the back of his neck, a pink tint colouring his cheeks.
“Always,” you nodded, taking a step back to let him into the room. “Cannot sleep either?”
“No, not really,” Ashton chuckled, following you. “I just wanted to ask you something.”
“What’s that?”
“Can I maybe get my pictures? I think you grabbed both of them.”
“Of course, just… let me get them,” you nodded towards your bedroom, already turning around.
It kinda felt like defeat – like he’s gonna look at them and decide that the first three were fine, but maybe you should both forget about the last one and what it meant. Ashton didn’t seem like he wanted to talk about it, and suddenly you wished he would leave so you could feel pity for yourself. But before you could take a step you felt his hand reaching for yours, grabbing your wrist and tugging you back a little.
“And maybe another goodnight kiss as well?” he cocked an eyebrow at you while softly biting his bottom lip.
Suddenly you needed to laugh, the sound bubbling up from your chest, and you could see Ashton’s smile as well as he pulled you back and against his chest, hands cradling your cheeks as he pressed his lips against yours, kissing you deeply. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pushing up on your tiptoes as you kissed him back, and while you felt dizzy from the way his lips moved against yours, you also felt that calm, safe feeling settling in your heart, the one you always associated with Ashton. This is what home felt like. Being with him.
“Did you really think I’m not gonna bring this up?” he playfully nipped your lip when you finally pulled back, your cheeks heated from his question.
“I thought I went too far,” you whispered, fingers playing with the curls at the nape of his neck. “We didn’t say much after it happened. I mean… I know I kinda ran away, but…”
“I understand. We were at the premier and that wasn’t the time and place where we could talk about this,” he pushed a lock of hair behind your ear, still looking lovingly at you. “But don’t think for a second that I didn’t want to kiss you breathless all through the night. I just needed to, you know, keep myself in check. And I also thought you might have regretted it, and… I’m not sure I could have been able to take that. Not after feeling so much for you all through these years.”
“How long exactly?” you questioned him, and Ashton let out an embarrassed chuckle, knocking his forehead against yours, eyes shining and looking into your eyes.
“Maybe from the moment I met you. But definitely since I’ve poured coffee all over you and you just didn’t give a damn about it. It was so easy to fall in love with you. Cause you know: you were my best friend.”
“You stayed with me all through these years, even though I was seeing other people. Even though I was kissing guys on camera. Even though I only recently realized what you really mean to me,” you cupped Ashton’s jaw, rubbing your thumb over his cheek.
“Took you long enough,” he chuckled again, making you giggle as well. “But it didn’t matter. I was lucky enough to spend most of my time with you, and if that would have been the only thing I got in the end, I still would have taken it, without a question.”
“I don’t want you to feel like that ever again,” you pressed small kisses onto his lips, mumbling words and confessions as he held you close. “Because I’m the lucky one, having a best friend like you. Someone who took care of me and who’s still doing it every day. Someone who’s just an absolutely wonderful human being, and there is really no one who compares to you, Ash. Gosh, I love you so much, and I’ve been trying to push away these feelings because I thought I’m gonna ruin us, but it was just so hard because all through these years you really just felt like–”
“Home?” Ashton finished for you, and you nodded, lost for words. “That’s what you’re making me feel too.”
“Wherever we went, you were always the person I looked for when I felt homesick or alone. You just make everything feel… okay. I would happily lose everything else as long as I have you.”
“Don’t go that far. I do love you being the wonderful actress that you are. I’m happy to cheer you on from the sideline,” Ashton kissed your forehead. “As long as I have you.”
“I think we have a lot to talk about,” you mumbled against his chest as you burrowed closer to him, and you felt him nodding above you. “And I don’t think I could fall asleep now.”
“So how about you give me my pictures and we climb into bed? I could kiss you some more while we figure this all out. And if we do fall asleep, well… we can continue tomorrow. And maybe find another photobooth to make some new memories. I would love to recreate the last picture of us. Many, many times.”
“I’ll make sure to kiss you again. And again. And again.”
- - - - -
@mymindwide @fuckyeah5sostakemehome @suchalonelysunflower @talkfastromance4 @ashtonsunflower @in-superbloom @wiiildflowerrr @lovelywordsblog @heyitskelseaj @cthheaven @sofsversion @justreblogginfics @whentherosesbl00m @indianamgc11
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Suptober 18 Oct.: Tattoos
"Can you come over." 
Cas sounded so odd, Dean sat bolt upright in bed.
"Has something happened?" Dean asked immediately.
deancas ust, au + human cas (or is he? *dun dun dun*)
"Ah, yes. The oozy stage." Dean gently picked up Cas's arm and turned it to examine the bumblebee buzzing between the flat of his wrist and the bend of his elbow. "Welcome to day three." He touched the edges of the well-detailed fuzzy flying pollinator who'd been inked onto his best friend. "Warm but not hot. It's looking good."
"It feels strange," Cas said. "But not bad."
Dean put his arm down with some inner reluctance. He liked having an excuse to touch Cas; he would not be sharing this info with the class.
"What are you going to get for your next tattoo?" Dean smiled in encouragement.
Cas said, "Let's wait for this first one to heal. There were a lot of fascinating designs on the walls at the shop."
"Charlie does great work." Dean pulled up his short t-shirt sleeve to show off his latest, a lily in delicate shades of yellow in memory of his mom. "This one healed up faster than any I've ever had, and the colors stayed almost exactly as vibrant as they were the second Charlie was done with it."
"It's beautiful," Cas said. He wasn't actually looking at the tattoo, but that was all right: Dean knew he'd seen it before.
"Okay, time for pizza." Dean forced himself to look away from Cas's dark blue eyes.
Cas nodded and reached for the phone. 
It was taking Dean days to recover from that dinner. The pizza'd been delicious, the beer cold, and the conversation long. He and Cas wound up talking well into the wee hours of the morning, which wasn't ideal since because they both had jobs. Cas's was as office manager of a small outfit that repaired air conditioners on big rig trucks; he only dabbled in various types of bee husbandry as a hobby. Dean's career was more freeform, and technically he set his own hours, but it's like not monsters knew that. All monsters cared about was that Dean was tired when he and Sam hit the road and Dean stayed tired for the entirety of a grim, salt and burn session – harder than it should've been – in an overgrown graveyard.
He had almost fallen asleep when his phone rang. Seeing it was Cas, he had no choice but to answer.
"What's up, buddy?" he said through a yawn.
"Can you come over." 
Cas sounded so odd, Dean sat bolt upright in bed.
"Has something happened?" Dean asked immediately.
There was a gap. "Yes," Cas said, voice cracking on the short word.
"I'll be right there." Dean was already putting his boots back on, before thinking maybe he should also put on pants of some kind.
"It's gone," was the first thing Cas said to him upon opening the door.
"What is?" Dean came into Cas's cottage and looked around, assessing. The small, spare living room seemed as tidy as ever, none of the pillows or throw blankets or plants on the windowsill out of place.
Cas held out his arm.
Dean gave him a look. "Well, now, that arm still seems to be attached to your shoulder like always–"
"The bee is gone, Dean." 
Air left Dean's lungs in a whoosh. "What." He grabbed both of Cas's wrists and examined Cas's arms thoroughly, roughly even. He imagined his own eyes were like saucers, the way a cartoon character's would be seeing a hot lady – only in this case, he was looking at nothing but slightly golden skin and a light dusting of normal arm hair. 
There was definitely no tattoo in sight.
"That. Is. Peculiar," Dean was able to eventually say. "Have you called Charlie yet?"
"No," Cas said, looking reluctant. "I don't want to sound like I'm blaming her at all." His eyes slid away from Dean. "It's most likely my fault."
"How could it possibly be your fault? You didn't peel open your arm and pour in a cup of bleach. And I'm not even sure that would work – I mean, your arm would fall off maybe. I knew a waitress once who was in the process of having a roadrunner tattoo lasered off her lower back and it was taking over five months of sessions and thousands of dollars to complete." Dean's brain, chugging along maybe a little more slowly, made him back up for a second and take in the dejection in Cas's face. "Wait, have you had other tattoos?"
"No." Cas paused. "I've also never had a scrape or a scratch, much less a cut." He took what seemed like a shaky breath and looked up at Dean again, eyes filled with something akin to pleading. 
"What are you talking about?" The room tilted on Dean. "You never… What?"
"When I was seven or eight I tripped on the sidewalk outside my elementary school, wiped out spectacularly, and skinned my knee. Tore up my pants and everything. By the time I'd been helped into the nurse's office… The skin had healed." Cas gave him a shaky smile and looked away again. "Vaccinations also make my arm very, very, very sore. Like for a couple of weeks. For years I took the flu vaccine in the nasal spray form. Never been sick with much of anything communicable, though. Dumb luck, I guess."
"I'm calling Charlie right now," Dean declared, having decided to not think about any of the implications of that other stuff.
"Oooh, okay, that possibly explains why– Uh. It was exceptionally hard to give you that bee, Cas. I wish you'd said something about the vaccines," Charlie said over the speaker phone a minute later. "I was trying to make it as unpainful as I could, and I was going as fast as I could and the needle's small, but, like, I was having to stab you way more forcefully than I would normally." She chewed something crunchy. "Oh god! Cas, it must've hurt like the dickens, I'm so sorry."
Cas went slightly pink in the cheeks. "It's fine, Charlie. It wasn't your fault."
"It hurt bad?" Dean whispered to him. His stomach cramped when Cas didn't so much nod as not say no.
"You ever had another client with this kinda…condition, Charlie?" Dean's brain was frizzling. 
She was silent for a moment. "I have not," she said carefully. "But um. What are you thinking the problem could be?"
"It could be biological, since I have the history with…things." Cas tried to smile and failed. "You're surely both thinking it's not something. Average." He bit his lip. "We should call Sam, shouldn't we? Start combing through the lore?"
Charlie made an affirmative sounding noise on her end. 
Dean said, "We don't know what this is. And anyway, aside from the tattoo disappearing, doesn't seem like you're in or causing any kind of trouble. Most people'd be thrilled to be, I don't know what we're calling it – immune to wounds." Dean threw up his hands. "I'd be thrilled. You know how many times I've been patched up?"
"Thirty one," Cas said.
"Bang on the money," Dean said, bumping his knee against his. 
Cas looked at him fondly. 
"Where did you guys meet again?" Charlie asked.
"We're neighbors," Cas said.
"Oh, yeah. Well, let me know if I can or need to do anything else for you," Charlie said. "I could do some research about advanced inking techniques and see if there's another way to make this bee happen."
"We'll keep you posted," Dean said. 
He and Cas sat on Cas's couch and listened to an October wind knock leaves around in the yard between their houses.
"Do we have to call Sam now?" Cas's words fell into the quiet. "It's so late; I'd hate to wake him up."
"We'll talk to him in the morning. But Cas, listen." Dean turned a little and lightly tapped Cas's arm where the bee had been. "This is no big deal. I mean, probably you're not wanna go getting stabbed with needles–" A realization washed over him. "You weren't interested in getting a tattoo until I talked you into one, were you."
"I wasn't uninterested. Yours are so pretty and obviously meaningful to you, and Charlie's designs are wonderful." Cas swallowed. "I didn't want to think it wouldn't work."
"We don't know it can't – between Sam and Charlie, if you wanna be festooned with an aerodynamically improbable bee, we'll get you one." Dean tried to sound comforting. "And as to your…supposed invulnerability." 
"It doesn't portend anything good, from a hunter's perspective," Cas said, as though Dean needed him to finish the thought.
"You're never going to make me mad about knowing you," Dean corrected. "Not a single thing about you is monstrous and I'll thank you not to assume I'd ever think otherwise."
Cas sat with that and looked the slightest bit teary. "I apologize for presuming."
Dean managed to fall more in love with him than he already was, and then managed to choke it down like he always did. "No worries." He stood up, regardless of gravity being a jerk about it. "You could make it up to me one way." 
"What's that?" Cas stood up too, kindness shining in his face.
"Let me crash on your couch. I know my house is literally feet away but I am beat."
Cas went very still, looking up into Dean's eyes. Dean felt himself going similarly still, watching, hope suddenly rising in his chest.
"My bed's more comfortable," Cas said softly, holding out his hand. 
It really was, Dean had the privilege to discover.
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howdy-cowpoke · 1 year
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TIMING: Same day as 'Pony Problems' LOCATION: A Latte to Love PARTIES: Monty (@howdy-cowpoke) & Kaden (@chasseurdeloup) SUMMARY: So. Much. Gay. Panicking. CONTENT WARNINGS: THEY'RE FUCKING IDIOTS YOUR HONOR.
Now looking a lot less like he’d spent most of his day bathing and brushing an unkempt horse, Monty now sat alone in the coffee shop he and Kaden had agreed to meet at earlier that day. Well, not alone—there were other customers, though no one had asked to take the chair that sat across from him which he was thankful for. The sweater he was wearing looked a bit too much for the weather, but it was kind of chilly in here, and he ran cold, anyway. Deathly cold. 
With one sleeve pulled over his hand and pressed against the lower half of his face, he absentmindedly scrolled through his phone that sat on the table until a now-familiar, accented voice pulled him from his trance. Blinking and glancing up slowly, the deer-in-headlights expression made way for a more relaxed smile, and the zombie dropped his hand. “Hey,” he breathed, getting to his feet to face Kaden. 
Oh no. Was he supposed to… shake hands again? Hug? None of the above? An awkward panic gripped him and he let out a breathy chuckle, dark gaze darting toward the counter. “I didn’t order yet! Thought I’d… wait.”
At a certain point, Kaden was going to have to accept that his hair was fine and stop messing with it. Still, he wanted it to look good, not just okay. Putain, he was being stupid. It didn’t matter. He should just get in the fucking car and drive to the damn coffee shop already. He was pretty sure he was running late, anyway. Sure, Monty had said no rush but all the fucking same he didn’t want to keep him waiting. 
As he gripped the door handle to the coffee shop, anxiety gripped Kaden’s thoughts. What if he hadn’t shown up? What if he’d taken too long and he’d left? What if he’d read the situation entirely wrong and Monty was just being polite before? 
Putain de merde, he was being fucking stupid and swung the damn door open already. He scanned the tables to see if Monty was already there or if– His breath caught in his chest for a second when he spotted him across the way. There were at least several doubts assuaged; he’d shown up and he hadn’t left. Two very good signs. “Hi,” he said as he reached the table. “Mind if I sit here?” His tone was playful, confident, but as soon as Monty’s gaze met his, Kaden could feel his stomach flip again and he was pretty sure that easy confidence was going to be hard to hold onto.
Merde, what now? They were both standing, unsure of what sort of greeting was appropriate. Back home, it would be easy enough – la bise, but that sure as hell wasn’t the answer here and now. It just wasn’t a thing in the states. Instead of making the wrong move, he opted for pushing the sleeves of his shirt up to his elbows.  
Even with the clumsy and awkward intro, a smile found its way onto Kaden’s face quickly enough. “I’ve got it.” Going to the counter and placing the order would maybe give him enough time to figure out how to stop looking like an idiot. Had to be. “What do you want?” 
Thankful that Kaden decided to do something with his hands and spare Monty the uncertainty of touch, the zombie was even more relieved when the man asked for his order. Not for any reason other than it would allow him a few more seconds to sit back down alone and gather his bearings.
He honestly could not remember the last time he’d just… gone out like this. Gone out with the intention of meeting someone. Hell, even just going for his own coffee and time was a rarity—if he had it at the farm, why bother leaving? Jeez. Maybe all that confidence he’d suddenly found today was a fluke, and this wasn’t going to be any easier than it ever was. 
“Just the drip, whatever they’ve got. Black.” He paused. “Thanks.” After Kaden had turned to make his way up to the register, Monty collapsed back into his seat, admonishing himself for acting like a fool. You’ve killed and robbed people. Why is this so much harder? Get it together. To be fair to himself, the aforementioned crimes had always been committed with the stalwart backup that was his gang, and he’d never exactly enjoyed—no. He didn’t deserve fairness. He had no backup now, and delicate matters of friendship and of the heart had always been desperately more difficult than doing what needed doing to protect and provide for the ones he loved.
Lost in thought, Monty realized with an upset groan that he’d wasted all the time he’d had to think about conversation topics or generally ‘things to say that don’t make you sound like a freak’ instead worrying about how challenging this was going to be. Counterproductive was what you’d call that. Idiot. Kaden was coming back his way now, two cups in hand. The zombie put on an appreciative smile, giving the man a nod as he sat down across from him. “I’m… glad you came,” he started, wrapping his hands around the warm mug. “I kind of worried that I’d asked too much of you today.”
“Such a complicated order, not sure I’ll remember without writing it down,” he teased, but he was happy to hear that the other man didn’t do anything complicated to his coffee to the point that it barely resembled coffee at all. As he walked towards the register, he gave Monty’s shoulder a small squeeze. He didn’t question it in the moment but he would have plenty of time to question it while standing in line at the register. 
Was that too forward? Too much? Should he not have done anything? Putain, he wasn’t even sure what compelled him to do it in the first place. He could feel his palms getting sweaty. Fuck. He was in the middle of trying to dry them off on his jeans when the cashier asked for his order and he nearly jumped. This was stupid, he needed to stop acting like a goddamn idiot. He ordered two coffees and shuffled off to wait for their drinks. 
“You’d better not make another scene,” the barista said as she handed him his order, her eyes boring into him like daggers. 
“Huh?” Kaden was caught off guard. The hell was she— oh. This was A Latte to Love. This was where that girl had sat at his table and then accused him of cheating on her. And couldn’t forget the coffee thrown at him. “Right. That. Listen, it’s not what you—“
“If I have to clean up your mess again…” A burst of steam rose from the espresso maker, obscuring her face.  When she leaned forward to reveal herself, a metal stirrer was in her hand, held like a knife and Kaden was fully confident that she could brandish it like a weapon considering the look of pure detest on her face. 
“Right, yeah, uh don’t worry about it. Won’t happen again,” he said as he quickly grabbed both mugs and headed back towards the table, going as fast as he could manage without spilling the coffee. 
He practically dove into the seat after placing the mugs down. He wanted to check if she was still watching him but he was too afraid to turn and look. Monty’s voice jolted him out of his moment of paranoia. Right. Date. Maybe. Maybe not. Didn’t know. Anyway. Focus. “Of course I came.” His eyes darted right to the brown liquid in his cup, feeling a little too vulnerable already. “I mean alternative was to hang out with my cousins and watch whatever cartoon or teen movie or whatever they like,” he said, trying to downplay it all. He took a sip of his coffee before glancing back up at Monty. “Had a feeling this might be better.”
The squeeze to his shoulder sent a thrill through him, one that he was still shaking off by the time his new friend had returned. If Kaden had been someone he didn’t know at least a little, or someone he… liked, then he surely would have recoiled from the touch. But as it was, he managed to keep it together and not outwardly react beyond an awkward smile, even though internally? Internally he was having a gay panic.
There was some sort of exchange happening between him and the barista, though Monty couldn’t hear what was being said from this distance. All he could see were… expressions. Pretty intense ones. As the man returned looking rattled, Monty broke into a grin. “Oh, well glad to know I’ve managed to surpass such a high bar!” He didn’t sound sarcastic, and he wasn’t trying to—it must have been a bit nice, at least, to have family nearby. 
His gaze met Kaden’s, and then danced over to the barista staring holes in the back of his head. “Um… hate to ask, but what’s the deal with the niña behind the counter?” he asked, trying not to laugh and failing a little bit. “She looked… riled.”
“Yeah I could be watching endless videos of clips from that clock app or whatever it is. It’s stiff competition.” Kaden considered dropping the playful tone and saying something a little more earnest but the farthest he got was opening his mouth a little. Merde. He didn’t have a fucking clue what to say that didn’t sound idiotic so he brought the mug up to his lips instead and took a sip of his coffee. 
“Putain de merde.” He rubbed his palms down his face and groaned. How the fuck was he going to explain that. “Uh, right. I came here a few weeks ago and there was this girl who sat down at the table with me who I didn’t know. And some couple was in a fight and made a scene and this kid decided to try it herself I guess. So she started saying shit like I cheated on her and then threw her coffee at me.” He could feel his cheeks getting redder as he relived the moment. “All these fucking people thinking I was dating some teenager and—“ Kaden buried his face in his hands for a moment. “Embarrassing. I don’t even know that kid's name. Anyway, that barista remembered me from that and was not on my side in the matter. I sort of forgot that all happened here. I was trying to, at least.” Kaden was still afraid to turn to look at the barista but he could feel her gaze searing into his back all the same. 
The delight on Monty’s face was laced with sympathy, and he really did try to push that to the forefront, but god it was a funny story. “Oh no,” he gasped softly, tugging on the collar of his sweater and ducking his face down into it, trying to stifle his laughter. His eyes stayed on the man, though, watching him bury his face in his hands in embarrassment. “You poor thing. That’s mortifying. I don’t think I could ever show my face around here again if it had been me…” That wasn’t going to help. He laughed and shook his head, silently apologizing as he reached with the hand that wasn’t hiding half his face to brace it against Kaden’s arm for a moment. Just a moment though, because it immediately set off all his alarms again. 
Letting the sweater fall back to where it wanted to be, he busied himself with taking a sip of the coffee Kaden had kindly gotten for him. “Well, I can’t say that’s the explanation I expected… but I’m glad I asked,” he teased the other gently, smiling around the lip of the mug. 
Kaden couldn’t blame Monty for laughing a little. From the outside, it was pretty fucking ridiculous. “Yeah, I guess I was hoping that it wouldn’t stick or people would forget, I don’t fucking know.” He felt a jolt run through him when Monty’s hand gripped his arm, brief as it was. A jolt of what, he couldn’t say. He noticed the other man’s hand was cold, but it wasn’t that. It was something else. Something that made him want to reach out and– No, nope, that was stupid. He made sure to grab his mug again to make sure his hands didn’t do anything fucking idiotic in the meantime. “Really, I’m taking a risk here, assuming you’re not going to make a scene and get me banned from the place. And I feel like I should ask what you did expect but I’m not sure I want to know.”
He tapped his fingers on the handle of his mug, trying not to stare too much at the man sitting across from him. Kaden didn’t want to come off too intense or weird or anything. At least not any more than he probably had already. “So, uh, how long have you been in town? With the ranch and stuff?” 
Monty’s brow dipped in a faux look of offense, though his open-mouthed grin remained. “Me, make a scene? I would never. I’m just a simple country boy, no flair for the dramatic here.” He rolled his eyes but then buttoned it with a softer smile to assure Kaden it was all in good fun. “As for her, well… I don’t know, I thought maybe she was a slighted ex, or something. Friend of an ex, maybe.” It wasn’t as if he had any experience in that arena, and all his reference material was from TV and movies. Seemed like a silver screen moment, for sure.
“Oh, about…” He had to pause, looking down at his hand and counting on his fingers. “... five years? Though I didn’t have the farm up and running until late 2019. Before that I was just… figuring things out. You know.” Getting caught eating brains in the woods by a werewolf. Adjusting to having a friend. Trying to get a loan. Normal things. “A lot of the animals were bought from other New England farms that were failing after these big companies started buying everyone up. Mostly in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont… not a lot of reach all the way up here in Maine, yet. Folks still like their local products.” Realizing he was absolutely overexplaining, Monty bit his lip. “Crap. Sorry. Too much.” 
Kaden tried to bite back his smile from getting too goofy. “Alright then, country boy, I’m going to hold you to it.” Still, he couldn’t hold back the laugh at the suggestion that barista was an ex. It seemed too absurd considering the circumstances. “No no no, definitely not an ex. Hell I haven’t even been with anyone since I moved to the states.” Merde. If Kaden could swallow his words to keep them from spilling out, he would. Didn’t need to fucking admit that. Just when he thought he couldn’t manage to embarrass himself anymore. 
Kaden’s forehead crinkled as the other man started apologizing for talking too much. He wasn’t sure that was possible. He was pretty sure he could listen to Monty talk about this shit all night. Which, uh, he definitely wasn’t going to tell him that part. Still, he raised his hand and waved it off before saying, “no apologies necessary. I mean we’re here to talk, right?” Actually he wasn’t completely sure now that he put it in words. “Uh, you know, get to know each other or something. I guess. I mean, especially if—” He stopped himself just short of calling this a date out loud. Yeah Monty definitely wasn’t the one who should be worried about talking too much. Kaden reached back to rub the nape of his neck. Putain, he had a feeling his cheeks were burning up again. 
He cleared his throat and took a sip of coffee before continuing. “Anyway, five years. Been a while, then. Uh, where are you from, then? Cause I’m pretty sure most people from Maine aren’t fluent in Spanish.”
Oh dear. This one had a habit of saying things he quickly regretted, didn’t he? Monty had learned to just say less over the years, though half of that lesson seemed to be going out the window now that he was having a private conversation with someone… well, someone like Kaden. His expression turned a bit sympathetic and he let out a chuckle, looking down into his mug. “Oye, no worries, neither have I.” Of course there was a pretty big difference between a few months and—at minimum—five years, but… it was only the tip of the iceberg, and Kaden didn’t need to see the rest. “Ah, yeah. Suppose you’re right,” he agreed when Kaden assured him he’d not been making an ass of himself by rambling. Whatever was left unsaid started up a curious train of thought in his head, and Monty nearly missed what the man was asking him next, trying to push the conversation along and forget about whatever he’d been about to say. Especially if what?
“México,” he circled back, answering the question that had come after the blunder that left the man across from him blushing. 
He was cute. Oh boy.
“Oaxaca, if you wanna get specific.” As if his strong accent wasn’t a dead giveaway. But then he supposed that folks not from a Spanish speaking country might not be able to tell the nuanced differences there. “And you, you’re… French?” He’d known some French folks, back in the 1900s. Transplants from Europe, looking for a new life in America. They’d always been kind to him. “I’ve never left North America,” he admitted, leaning into his hand as he propped it up on the table with his elbow. “That must be kind of scary, I would think. Going to a whole new place across the ocean. But brave. What brought you here, if… if you don’t mind?”
It wasn’t Kaden’s intention to say all that shit just to find out if Monty was single but, well, it was still nice to know that was the case. His brow raised at the answer to his question. “Funny, you’re the second person I’ve met from Mexico in the past month or so. Can’t say I expected this town to have a bunch of Mexican expats, it’s not exactly close.” Small world after all, he supposed. “But yeah, I’m from Lyon, France. It’s on the east side of the country, well south of Paris, and a few hours from Geneva.” He’d encountered enough people this side of the Atlantic who couldn’t find his country on the map let alone his hometown so he’d gotten pretty used to explaining it right off the bat. 
Kaden couldn’t keep the corners of his mouth from turning upwards when the other man called him brave. Merde, c'était un idiot. He did his best to brush it off with a small huff of disbelief. “Alright, like moving from Mexico to Maine is just a walk across the street. It’s not that different. Plus, I visited the states once or twice. A long time ago, but I had family here. Well not here. In the country but uh had never been to this part. So, I don’t know. Not scary so much as really fucking weird.” Hell, there were times where being in Wicked’s Rest still felt like he was just on some sort of extended vacation or some fucking fever dream. Somehow it hadn’t fully settled that he’d moved. That Lyon wasn’t actually home anymore.
The last question choked him. The easy, simple answer he normally spat out wasn’t the forefront of his mind. Because he wasn’t there to just visit family. He didn’t move there for a job. He wanted to keep those two simple answers in mind, but the only thing he could see in his head was the knife and the blood on the couch and the look on–
Kaden pinched his eyes shut to block it all out. When he opened them, there were big brown eyes looking back at him. Shit, he had to look insane. He tried to fake a sneeze or a cough. “Sorry,” he said, trying to will his heart rate to slow down. “Uh, yeah, I had to leave. Family bullshit. Just… needed a fresh start.” Putain. Kaden was pretty sure that was more than he’d fucking told anyone at this point aside from maybe Andy. He just hoped it wasn’t too much too soon. 
Monty wondered briefly if it had been Emilio, and the mere thought of the hunter set him on edge. He hoped that Kaden had at least had more luck with the man, but judging by his tone, it hadn’t been anything too out of the ordinary. Hell, it probably wasn’t Emilio at all. He was just being paranoid. “Lyon, ah, I hear it’s nice there,” the zombie agreed with a nod, faintly recalling someone telling him about a place with that name quite some time ago. 
“It was a long walk, I’ll admit…” Monty joked, shaking his head. The man’s train of thought had him laughing and shrugging in defeat, until he finally relented. “All right, all right, I take back the compliment,” he snickered. “Or maybe I’ll just say we’re both brave then, eh? Okay compromise?” It was certainly some amount of bravery that had gotten him here, after all. A month ago he’d never have dreamed of doing something like this. 
The smiles and laughter gave way to something darker, though, and the cowboy felt his heart sink like the stone it was. “No, it’s—I’m sorry. I should not have asked.” It was clearly a wound, and not an old one at that. At least Monty had the benefit of time. “Well… if it… means anything, that’s why I left México, too.” There was a beat of silence as he fought the urge to look down again. “Family… you know. Found family. Troubles. Ah—” Running a hand through his hair, he sucked in a sharp breath. Habit. “Anyway. We don’t need to get into that.” He tried to look as apologetic as he could. “For what it is worth, I’m… glad you ended up here. Glad to have met you.” It wouldn’t mean much, surely, in the face of whatever tormented him, but… hopefully it was enough to shoo away the cloud that had formed over their shared table.
Kaden rolled his eyes at the other man’s joke but even then he couldn’t conceal the laughter. When Monty suggested he was going to go back on his words, the hunter brought his hand to his chest, acting as if he’d caused him great pain but he could only mask the smile for so long.
The hunter waved off an apology for the second time now. “Nah, it’s a reasonable question.” Not his fault that Kaden’s life was a fucking mess. Putain de merde, maybe it was best this didn’t go anywhere after all. The thought of having to explain, god, anything about being a hunter or his sister or his family – his stomach dropped at the thought. It would have anyone running for the hills and he couldn’t blame them. Right, probably best to enjoy whatever nice moments while they lasted. 
As much as he didn’t like seeing the flash of sorrow sweep over Monty’s face, Kaden felt some faint ping of hope that maybe he wouldn’t run after all. At least, not immediately. Before he could second guess his actions, his hand reached out to the man across from him. It only made it halfway between them before Kaden clenched his fingers into a fist and awkwardly laid his hand on the table. Merde, he wasn’t sure what his actual plan was but something in him just wanted to reach out and offer some sort of– something, fuck if he knew what. Comfort? Solidarity? Empathy? Putain. “Guess there are worse places to end up,” he said, the smile finding its way back to his face. “Granted, I’m not sure how true that’d be if I hadn’t run into you,” he added, his eyes drifting towards his fingers as he traced invisible circles on the table. “Pretty sure I owe Manzanita a lot of apples for the introduction.” He looked up and locked eyes with the cowboy again; it was easier once the tone shifted. “Speaking of, I have to know; is she the most interesting way an animal’s shown up on the farm or…?” Kaden raised his brows, prompting any stories Monty might have to share. 
Butterflies erupted in Monty’s gut as he saw the man’s hand sliding across the table toward him, and he was equal parts relieved and disappointed when it halted, closing into a fist instead. The contradictory emotions made him annoyed with himself, and he was thankful that Kaden was speaking again, distracting him from the feeling. Glancing up, he caught the other’s gaze just in time to be terribly embarrassed yet again, one hand coming up to cover half his face as he let out a weird little laugh. He didn’t even know what to say to that—his initial reaction was to tell the other to stop, but that wouldn’t be very sincere. He liked it, so far at least, he just wasn’t good at playing it cool. 
“Uhh, no, actually,” he stammered, trying to shake away the tension in his shoulders. “There are—we have a couple of… oxen that showed up on their own and refused to leave.” Catoblepones, if he was being truthful, but that wasn’t exactly an option. “So now they’re just part of the herd.” He thought for a moment, then chuckled. “Also, a couple of my hands have won animals in card games. The dogs we have now, they came from a man who… well, let’s just say they weren’t his top priority. Chickens, too. The…” He couldn’t think of the word, instead lacing his fingers together and gesturing purposefully with them, “... crossover?—of gamblers and folks who don’t know how to properly care for their animals is a little...” The right word for how much it upset him didn’t seem to exist in his vocabulary, so he just shrugged instead. And then, thinking about what he knew of Kaden’s profession, he smiled. “I am pretty sure if I had a job like yours, the farm would instead just be a sanctuary for animals down on their luck. I have very little self control when it comes to things like that.” Manzanita was a good example—taking on another full grown horse was a big deal, especially when they already had foals on the way. But how could he turn her away?
Putain de merde, how was this man this fucking cute? On top of being sweet and charming, too? Hell, Kaden wasn’t sure how long he was going to be able to keep himself from saying or doing something even more idiotic than he already had. Maybe he should accept that it was inevitable. He could just cut to the chase and… No, not yet. 
“Oxen? Just wandering around Maine?” Kaden laughed and shook his head. Though he had to wonder if they were really oxen. Maybe he should take a closer look next time he was at the farm. Shit, did he just assume there would be a next time? Sure, he’d gotten an invite earlier but all the same. He was glad to table those thoughts before they spiraled out of control as soon as Monty started talking again. “Fucking people gambling with animals, disgusting.” His frustration was tempered when watching the way the other man find his words. It was hard to hold onto any anger, even for those assholes who deserved it, when watching his hands create the visual of what he was trying to say. 
“I believe it,” he said with a chuckle. It wasn’t hard to imagine Monty walking into the shelter and scooping up every single animal he could get his hands on to take them back to the farm. “Trust me, it can be hard to walk away sometimes. Especially the cases when I can’t bring the animals to the shelter.” Those cases where it was clear there was abuse or negligence going on but nothing was to the point that he could act on the situation. Those were the days that made him question the job. “It helps that I barely have space for a guinea pig let alone all the animals in the shelter. I mean, granted, guinea pigs need more space than most people think they do and fucking pet stores don’t help the situation any when they only sell those stupid–” He caught himself going off on a tangent that he really didn’t need to wander onto. “Anyway, it helps to see all the moments when an animal gets adopted and finds the right person. Like today. Doesn’t always happen but it makes all the bullshit worth it.”
“Something like them, anyway.” He wasn’t a great liar, but he hoped he could skate by on vagueness alone. “Maybe that’s not the right word in English.” It was as good an excuse as any. 
It was disgusting, which was why the folks he knew that were good at poker would use it as a tool to root out those types and get the animals in question in a place where they’d be better handled. No one who worked on Monty’s farm was there just for the paycheck, or even just the free brains and blood, it seemed. They all cared just as much about animal welfare as he did, and it was clear that Kaden was a kindred spirit. 
Sympathy wound its way into his expression and the zombie sighed as he listened, only able to imagine how tough it must have been to deal with those dismal situations. The upset faded as Kaden started to ramble, for lack of a better word, about guinea pigs. Of all things.
Monty pressed that sweater sleeve over his mouth again to hide his smile, but of course it reached his eyes too, so what was the point? “Well,” he started, sounding like he was barely containing a laugh, “I’m honored to have been the right person.” He closed his eyes for a moment, thinking about the mare sprinting along the fence of the paddock for perhaps the first time in her life, and his heart swelled. “She’s such a good niña. I miss her already.” Peeking at Kaden with one eye, he finally lowered his hand. “And I’m glad I got to share that with you. You are—I don’t think I’ve met someone outside of the people that work for me that care like you do. It’s… ah… refreshing. And very sweet.”
The cowboy lowered his hand from his face and Kaden’s own brightened at the sight of him without the fingers he was trying to hide behind in the way. Merde, he had to look so goofy. And surely he only looked goofier once Monty started complimenting him. His heart skipped a beat and he was pretty sure there were butterflies in his stomach trying desperately to escape. “I, uh…” Kaden’s eyes dropped down to his mug and he tried to find something to say to that but he couldn’t figure out what he could say that wasn’t, well, probably way too much. “Thanks. I can’t say I’ve met anyone else who cared as much outside of the shelter, either.” 
He reached up to rub the back of his neck, maybe it would distract him from letting his mouth run away with him. “Guess I’m used to my little sister making fun of me for liking animals so much.” Keira always thought it was a distraction from their duty, that he was stupid for caring so much and that animals weren’t that far off from monsters sometimes. He loved his sister but sometimes– He quickly shook off the thoughts of her. 
Still, somehow, keeping his gaze lowered for a bit was enough to build a spark of confidence. “Sweet, huh?” He looked back up at Monty, a wry smile on his face. “Funny, I was going to say the same about you.” He hoped he wasn’t betraying his bravado by blushing too much. 
“Mm… younger siblings can be a pain,” Monty chuckled. “I should know, I was one.” He didn’t mean to emphasize how it was no longer the case, but the blood relatives he’d left back in Mexico were so far and away from his thoughts most days that sometimes they didn’t feel much like family anymore. They were all long dead, and too much had happened since then for him to give it much thought. 
Then again, you’d think he’d be able to say the same thing about the man from his past that haunted him, but that was… different. It had stunted his self-discovery for over a century, and he still carried it very close to his heart. 
“Oh, now…” he groaned, amused in spite of his shyness. “I have been called many things, Kaden, and sweet is not one of them. Don’t start lying to me just to make a good impression.” He was joking, clearly evident in the grin that stretched across his lips, though there was a nugget of truth in the self-assessment. He’d never seen himself as a good person. Even saying he was kind was a stretch—he simply wanted to do the right thing whenever he could. It didn’t really matter what that looked like. “Stupid, that’s the one people usually go for,” he added with a breathy laugh. “Strange, maybe. But sweet?” He clicked his tongue and shook his head, feigning disappointment. “I’m just about as mean as they come, amigo.” 
“That so?” Kaden rested his arms flat on the table, leaning in as he continued. He noticed the use of past tense on Monty’s part but it didn’t seem like something to poke at. He figured the other man would elaborate if he wanted to. For all he knew it was just a slip of the tongue, just the wrong word choice. “Youngest or somewhere in the middle?” he asked. “I only have Keira so lucky me got to be the oldest.” With all the pressure directed squarely on his shoulders. Even now after he’d refused to carry on the family legacy, he could still feel the weight trying to crush him. He had to wonder if he could ever fully shrug it off.
“Stupid? Not sure what that makes me, then. But I’m willing to bet whoever said that should go look in the mirror if they want to see stupid.” Kaden was surprised to feel a flicker of anger at the thought of anyone calling the cowboy stupid, but it was there all the same. “Alright, now you’re just messing with me. I’m not convinced there’s a mean bone in your body.” The hunter was aware he was already rather biased but even then, he just couldn’t imagine the man sitting across from him being honest to god mean. Then again, Monty probably had no idea just how much of Kaden’s own life was wrapped in violence. It was possible the other man was in a similar situation. Even so, he couldn’t picture those brown eyes and that smile ever shifting into anything harsh or angry, as much as he tried. “Unless it’s in your pinky. Maybe. But it can’t be more than that.” 
“Oh, youngest. Always the baby, which was sometimes good, sometimes bad. When you have six other siblings… that’s a lot of bullying,” he laughed. “So I had to bully back.” His eldest sister had always been sweet with him, though, and he’d imprinted on her terribly. He wondered, looking back, if she’d always known he was… different. Perhaps that’s why she protected him so vehemently from the adolescent cruelty of his brothers. “Oldest is not an easy burden to bear… but I am sure you did so with honor,” Monty offered with a small smile and a shrug. 
It was fine for him to be self-deprecating, but the moment such a thing passed from Kaden’s lips, the man frowned. “Oye, don’t say that about yourself.” He recognized the hypocrisy of the statement, and huffed out something that was between a sigh and a laugh. “I was just… never educated. It is what it is.” He waved a dismissive hand as if to clear the air, knowing that it wasn’t likely to work. 
“What if I told you it was my whole right side?” he chuckled, closing his hand into a fist and doing a very slow, goofy impression of an uppercut. “I’ve laid some men out before, you know. When their… trash talk got out of hand. Or when they cheated at cards!” It was tough to imagine, but he’d not always been such a helper. Usually at the behest of Hector. He could only assume he would do the same thing today, if he ever felt that way about another person again. 
“Ah, it all makes sense now,” Kaden said, his eyes crinkling from all the damn smiling. “Thanks but I don’t think my family agrees with you too much.” He rolled his eyes and sighed. He couldn’t even begin to start wondering what his mother and sister were saying about him now. Not that he couldn’t imagine what they were saying, just that it would hurt too much. “Oh well, can’t do much about that.” He took another sip of his coffee, hoping to shrug it off. 
It wasn’t long before Kaden found himself rolling his eyes again. “Not educated isn’t the same as stupid. Look, I barely passed secondary school. I think they let me out of sheer pity. That or none of those teachers wanted to deal with me ever again.” The truth was, school felt like such a waste of his time. Kaden knew what he was going to be, what his life would be like, and none of it involved a need for algebra or synonyms. He was a hunter, a monster slayer, and that was that. Why waste time with homework or studying when he could be training? It’s not like he could just pretend to be normal or hold onto any delusion that his life could look any different than the plan that was laid out in front of him since the day he was born. 
“I still don’t believe you,” he said, shaking his head, his lips pulling upwards into a smile despite his efforts not to. “But fine, alright, you’ve defended yourself, sure. Not sure that makes you mean.” Kaden obviously didn’t know everything or have the full picture, but he had a feeling he was sitting across from a genuinely good person, whatever it was he might have done in the past or not. The way he was at the farm and then now– The hunter may not have had a concrete reason why he felt like that was the case but he couldn’t shake the feeling either. 
The man’s attempt to make Monty feel better about never having gone to school didn’t go unappreciated, drawing a soft, warm smile from him. He didn’t think Kaden seemed like the type to lie about that sort of thing just for the benefit of a near stranger, so he took it as earnest truth. And it did make some small part of him feel a little bit taller, he thought. 
“Doesn’t it? Punching people isn’t a very nice thing to do.” The zombie chuckled, shaking his head. His mind jumped to thoughts of the men he’d held at gunpoint, back in the day. The men he’d ripped from their saddles and shot, only to steal their belongings. Murder for dollars. That’s how it was, then. If you couldn’t hold down a steady job—and hell, sometimes even if you could—you’d never have enough cash to feed your people. To take them somewhere safe, somewhere far away, where you could settle. 
But sure. Punching people was the worst of his misdeeds during his time with that gang. 
As he went to take another sip of his coffee, he realized it was the last one. Mm. “I think…” he began, setting it back down on the table, “one of the things people like to ask each other when they first meet is… something about hobbies. Personal interests.” A beat. “What do you do in your free time, Kaden? If you have any. I know I barely do, so nothing is a perfectly acceptable answer.” 
“Alright, alright. I guess you’re right. Still, you could have done worse.” Kaden knew all about doing worse. If only punching was the worst thing he’d done. His hand absent-mindedly rubbed his opposite arm, almost as if he thought he could wipe away the harm he’d done with his own two hands. There was no taking any of that back, no giving back the lives he’d taken or filling that hole for anyone who–
He pressed his thumb into his bicep to force him out of his own damn head. Monty probably shouldn’t bother with him but he wasn’t going to tell him that. Not yet. He’d enjoy it while it lasted.
“You know, I think you’re right,” he said, brightness returning to his face as he spoke. He exhaled and gave himself a second to think. “Well first off, I don’t have a lot of free time. But I run every morning I can. I’ve been fixing up the cabin a lot, there’s all kinds of weird little quirks.” And by quirks he meant things in disrepair. “I did pickup football– I mean–” Kaden was about to clarify and call it ‘soccer’ since he so often had to now that he was in the states, but he stopped himself when he realized. “Right, guess you use the right name for it, too. Anyway, I’d do pickup games back home. I’m not very good but it’s fun,” he said with a shrug.
Brightening himself, Monty nodded enthusiastically. “Fútbol! Oh, I love fútbol.” It was one of the few more modern things that he’d latched on to over the years. “The hands and I all play on Sundays in one of the fields! We have terribly made goal posts and everything!” He shook his head, grinning, “Brendon made them. He is excellent with animals, but not so much with wood and nails.” The smile evolved into a laugh and Monty reached for Kaden again, this time letting his hand sit bravely atop the other’s sleeve rather than immediately pulling back. “You should come play with us some time! You will be horrified by how competitive I get.” 
Settling into a softer grin, Monty had to commend himself on the prolonged contact. Sure, there was clothing in the way, but still. It was something. “Also, if you ever need any help with those, ah… quirks, I built all the cabins on the farm. I am happy to lend a hand. Two, if I like you enough.” 
“Really?” Kaden said, eyes lighting up like a kid on Christmas morning. He was so distracted by the idea of a good match that he nearly missed the hand on his arm, but the moment he did, he felt that flutter in his chest that was starting to become familiar. Putain, his cheeks were going to start hurting if he kept on smiling this much. “You’re on. And in that case, I won’t even hold back.” 
There was temptation to place his own hand on top of Monty’s, but he resisted. Didn’t want to spook him. It was clear enough both of them were too awkward for their own good. “You built them? Putain, that’s impressive. I’ve worked on some construction sites but never built a whole house by myself before. Hopefully none of the quirks are anything serious but I’ll always take a skilled hand.” He leaned in a little closer over the table. “So what do I have to do to get the second one?” He raised a brow, smirking as he waited for his answer. 
The delight at having another person to come to the farm (and get a ball kicked so hard into their gut that they’d get laid out by it) was shadowed by, absolutely and staggeringly dwarfed by the next few things out of the man’s mouth. 
First, it was praise, which Monty always had a hard time accepting. He was just about to pipe up in protest when the man leaned in closer, shutting him up in a split second. His eyelids fluttered in a partial-blink, his thoughts flatlining, leaving him utterly empty-handed. 
Except, of course, for the forearm that was still beneath his palm. 
“Uh.” His smile couldn’t seem to decide what intensity it wanted to rest at, shifting as he tried to start speaking at least three different times, and failed. But on the fourth— “I think you… might already have it,” he admitted sheepishly, letting his gaze drop down to where his hand was touching Kaden. Dios mío. He felt faint, if that was even possible.
The bravado Kaden had when he’d asked his question was slowly leaking out of him with every millisecond that the other man flustered. Not that he planned to let that show on his face, but his heart was beating a mile a minute. And at his answer, it stopped all together, skipping a beat like some sort of damaged vinyl record. Any hope that he didn’t look like an idiot was out the window. As much as he wanted to keep his eyes locked on Monty’s he was a little relieved when his eyes flitted down to his hand; he might have been flying a little too close to the sun otherwise. 
Instinct kicked in and this time, the hunter didn’t second guess it, simply lifted his free hand and rested it on top of Monty’s. When he tried to speak or look back up at the other man, he realized he’d used up the last of his confidence for the time being. That was fine, right? A moment or two in silence wasn’t bad. 
Once he was able to get air back into his lungs and dared to look up, he attempted something that was close to words, though it was more like stumbling and stuttering. “Uh, so, yeah. I know we just met… But, I figured–” And it suddenly felt like the room had lost all its oxygen. “I don’t know if this was a, uh, you know… But I’d like to, um…” Merde. He wished he could blame his lack of words on the whole second language thing but that wasn’t it. It had been a long fucking time since he was this flustered around anyone. Something about Monty, it just… He was so goddamn cute, but anyone could see that; that was impossible to ignore. But there was also something else that he couldn’t quite put his finger on yet. All he knew was he didn’t want to mess shit up. And he felt just confident enough to take another risk.
“Putain, I don’t think I’ve been this nervous around someone since I was a teenager.” Kaden laughed, trying to shake off the nerves, and took a deep breath before speaking again. “Anyway. I wanted to ask if you wanted to go on a date.” Good. He managed to say one damn thing without stumbling over every fucking word, but even the hint of silence now was too much to handle. “Or, well, another one if this was– But, uh only if you want to. It doesn’t have to be that, I mean, if I got the wrong idea or if… ” The only reason he was able to stop fucking babbling was because he ran out of goddamn breath. Which was probably for the best.
When the other sat his hand atop Monty’s, the zombie felt certain he might slide right out his seat. It took everything he had to remain upright and not yank the collar of his sweater over his entire head. He didn’t know what to say, so he just didn’t, waiting and praying that Kaden would eventually fill the silence and spare him the panic alarms that were going off in his head. 
He hated being touched, but he also really fucking loved it. Christ.
Kaden was having just as hard a time as he was, it seemed, and it finally gave Monty the courage he needed to glance up again. The look of shock on his face slowly turned to amusement as he watched the man stumble through his thoughts, though it was still definitely laced with his own embarrassment. 
A date. Which this maybe was, maybe wasn’t, but he was asking very clearly for a date, and Monty was about ready to die his second death. “Hey,” he interjected softly when Kaden had to take a breath, stopping him from going on any more. “Yeah, I… yes. I’d—like that.” On a whim, he rested his last remaining hand over the top of Kaden’s, creating a stupid little tower of awkward touches, and laughed. “Now…” He retracted the hand again, almost shaking it out as he did so, “If it’s alright with you, I would like very much to… move. Walk. I’m going to lose it sitting here. We can just—” He gestured to the town outside the coffee shop, assuming that Kaden understood the need to dump the anxious energy that had been building up this entire time. They could continue their conversation in the sun, he figured. He hoped. 
God, it had been a long time since he’d hoped for anything.
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qiangweirosa · 3 months
" Noel invites Claire to his college's prom event.
noelclaire week day 2: elegant + prom + suit/dress "
relationships: noel/claire, claire & zizel, claire & lime & charlotte, claire & lime, claire & charlotte tws: none wc: 889 extra: set in my modern au, can be read as a standalone + collab with @mfychl !
read on ao3!
“They’re hosting a prom event at college. I’m pretty sure they’re allowing us to bring external people. Don’t ask me about the details though, I skimmed through it.”
Wilardo had told her the other day, when he came to get his drink at the shop. So when Claire received a text from Noel inviting her to said prom event, she wasn’t surprised - flattered, and happy, but not surprised -, and immediately accepted. 
However, going to an event like that had one major hurdle that she needed to overcome: her outfit. 
Claire had a lot of beautiful outfits, but none of them qualified as something prom-worthy. So here she was, on her bed, sighing and pouting as she tried to figure out what to wear. 
As she was still moping over her troubles, Zizel sighed beside her and put down her cup of tea, bringing her attention to Claire. 
“If it’s troubling you that much, why not just go shopping for new dresses? That way you’ll find what you’re looking for.”
Claire pouted more, her gaze now turned to Zizel. She pondered silently for a moment before protesting. 
“Going shopping on my own is boring…”
And Claire swore that if looks could kill, she would be dead by now from the way Zizel deadpanned at her. She gave a nervous chuckle, trying to ease the tension. 
Zizel sighed once more. 
“I don’t think Lime or Charlotte would ever turn down an opportunity to go shopping. Ask one of them. Or both of them, if you’re willing to do that.”
Claire sat up in a flash, her face suddenly brighter. Why hadn’t she thought of that!
And so here she was, on a Wednesday afternoon, walking between shops and gawking at every pretty outfit she saw, with Lime and Charlotte trailing beside her. The three of them went through countless shops, trying on all kinds of dresses and other clothes, trying to see which one looked the best. While her two friends each had a few bags already, Claire still hadn’t found the perfect dress her mind was envisioning for her prom evening with Noel. 
The sun was already setting by the time they walked into yet another shop, and Claire’s eyes settled on a dress that looked exactly how she imagined it. Her eyes sparkled; she immediately grabbed it to try it on. 
A few hours later and Claire was back in her room, admiring her newly acquired dress; a beautiful light pink shade, short sleeves and the matching gloves that reached up to her elbows. The dress came with matching hair ribbons; she made sure to keep them somewhere she wouldn’t forget about them. 
The prom was set to be two days later, on Friday evening. Claire put on her dress and fixed up her appearance, wanting to look as good as possible for the event - and Noel. She was then dropped off at the college by Lady Dorothy. 
She felt a little lost through the large buildings, but thankfully the way to the venue was well indicated. She walked into the large room; probably the gymnasium, she assumed, but it was heavily decorated for the occasion and definitely looked fitting. 
Her hands gripped the gown of her dress to avoid tripping, and she walked through the crowd of unfamiliar people, looking around for her date.
Suddenly, it felt as if the world had come to a stop as her eyes locked onto a green one. Noel looked stunning - a mostly white outfit, with a tall collar and a row of buttons. His hands were hidden beneath white gloves, and his outfit greatly highlighted his natural beauty. He looked as if he was glowing, and Claire wouldn’t have minded if this was the last thing she saw in her life. 
She watched his face light up as he saw her, a seemingly similar feeling swirling through his mind, and he rushed towards her. She walked towards him too, and they stopped once they were standing right in front of each other, closer enough for Claire to be able to see every single detail of Noel’s face. 
“You look beautiful.”
She smiled. 
“So do you! That outfit looks amazing on you!”
He smiled back. 
They stood there for a few moments, Claire finding herself unable to move or to speak, entranced by Noel, until he reached a hand out towards her, the other one folded behind his back and lightly bowing towards her. A blush tinted his cheeks. 
“Would you care for a dance, Claire?”
She felt her heartbeat quicken, placing her hand in Noel’s and pulling him up and towards her. Their hands naturally found their places; hers on his shoulder, his on her waist, and they stood chest to chest as they started moving to the music. 
“I would love to.”
Their eyes never left each other as they danced, even as Noel twirled Claire around and dipped her down. On one such occasion, when he pulled her back up, she leant up and kissed him, a simple peck on his lips that left her grinning with joy, but broke their momentum. Noel froze in place, his face quickly turning red, and she giggled upon seeing his reaction. He cleared his throat and looked away, stammering, and tried to regain his composure. 
How cute. Her Noel really was adorable. 
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Why did you elbow me? 84
Out of breath
Kate: pov Me, Castle and Lanie are taken to a private room, I'm in shorts and a no-sleeve shirt. Since I can't lay on my chest like normal people getting a massage we have to be creative. Lanie suggests I sit up while the guy massages my back, Castle can sit down in front of me so I can rest my head on his chest. Lanie helps me out of my clothes and tapes the sheet to me, Once I'm comfortable with my head leaning on Castle the guy Chris starts massaging my back it feels so good I'm starting to feel very relaxed, next Castle picks me up and carries me onto the table so I can lay down on my back. Lanie reminds Chris he has to be very careful because he can't massage my left side or left chest but he can massage my right side. Afterwards Chris goes into another room to set up the next thing. Castle is getting a massage lesson, Lanie is helping me into my bathing suite. Since I'm not allowed in the sauna Chris is setting up a warm hot tub like pool. It's small and the temperature is warm so Lanie has nothing to worry about. Once we are both in the warm pool which feels amazing, Lanie starts talking about life and her being with Esposito, she really does love him.
Castle: pov the guy showed me some easy massage techniques I can do at home on Kate. He also gave me some relaxation stuff you pour into the tub and a thing that sits by the tub, you could pour the stuff in depending on how you feel. I decided to check on Kate and Lanie, I can hear the relaxation music playing. Kate is barely staying awake. The warm water and the relaxation stuff is doing its trick, now I know what I can use at home for Kate. Me and Lanie agree it's time for Kate to get out of the water, Lanie grabs a towel for Kate while I pick her up from the tub/pool and carry her to a chair. I sat her down on my lap. Lanie helps me get her changed, wow this works a little too good or it's the fact that Kate was up all night thanks to a nightmare, Kate is very sleepy. Once she is dressed I carry her to the front to pay, she is in my arms, her head resting on my shoulder, her arms are around my neck and her butt is resting on my left hip, my left arm is holding her up.
Lanie: pov Chris mentions I told you the relaxation stuff does work I tell him she had a bad nightmare last night so she did not get a lot of sleep so this was perfect. Kate might just be asleep in Castle's arms. I grabbed Castle's card out of his pocket and paid with his card since his hands are full.
Kate: pov it has been a few days since that amazing massage. I'm in my office at work getting some paperwork done, Castle is at home getting some writing done.
Castle: pov for dinner I'm making vegetable stew without the meat. Alexis arrives home and tells me she has to ask me something. The parents of the cute boy she has been seeing Dave wants to invite me and Kate over to their house on Friday for dinner so they can meet us both. His parents are kind of strict when It comes to him dating. Kate arrives home just as dinner is ready.
Alexis: pov dad tells me to ask Kate about Friday and see what she says. Kate says if they want to meet us then that is fine. Dad had already met Dave once when he came to pick me up the other day so we could go out. I met his parents once when he had to stop at home to pick something up. Dinner is fantastic, Kate is telling me about her boring day at work.
Kate: pov it is now Friday it's 5am and I have just been called in. Someone has been murdered, Lanie says the lady Jill died around 4am probably dumped here she looks like a drug user, her arms are covered in needle marks. Her watch broke around the time of death, Ugh it's going to be a long day, for breakfast I have a banana and take my pills. Ryan and Esposito are doing background checks and checking finances of the lady who died Jill, she was found in an alley. I interviewed a few possible witnesses but no one saw anything. For lunch I had a salad, which tasted amazing. I decided to take a small nap while the boys get some work done. An hour later and nothing new has popped up.
Esposito: pov Lanie called to tell us she figured out what type of weapon killed her. It was suffocation that killed her. Kate told us how she is nervous to meet his parents. Ryan gives her some advice on what it was like for him to meet Jenny's parents.
Kate: pov I get home to shower quickly before we have to leave. I feel bad leaving Ryan and Esposito alone with this murder. I know Esposito and Lanie are going to get take out and eat it in the room we debrief in and Ryan is bringing Jenny over and they are going to eat dinner in the breakroom. I make sure to pick a dress that hides my scars. Alexis had mentioned to pack our bathing suits just in case, Alexis is giving her dad directions to his house. Once inside we introduce ourselves. Dinner is almost ready Dave's mom is making a beef lasagna with garlic bread sticks. As a snack the table has chips, cheese, crackers and deli meats and a few vegetables which I'm thankful for. Dave's dad Bill says his son Dave told him Castle is a writer and I'm a cop. I mention homicide captain, Castle says yes that is true Alexis told us you are a businessman and your wife is a school teacher. Dave's mother Lily asks me if i want tea or coffee i say wish I could used to be obsessed with coffee but I can only drink decaf now so no thank you.
0 notes
dirt-grub · 2 years
what if i not only did the designs by hand for the temp tattoos im gonna get for this con but what if i made it even more detailed
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You are going to be seeing my request a lot lmao
Draco and reader has sons that are like very close and one day they have a play date at Draco’s house and it raining really bad so reader and her her son won’t be able to go home
Draco says they can stay there. Reader resist at first but then all of them beg her and she says yea Draco’s son gives reader sons extra close and Draco gives reader ones of his shirts
They boys go to bed and Draco and reader just have a lot of tension and end up doing it
The next morning draco wakes up to reader gone and smells breakfast and he goes down to see reader cooking and the boys in living room and he just wraps his arms around her and it’s just a very fluffy ending
I’m gonna give this my best shot 😭 Ty for the request <3
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Summary: the tension between you and Draco Malfoy soon becomes to much and you snap with the help of your son
Warnings: swearing, seggsy time lmao, slight choking kink and a lot of fluff
You took a deep breath as you stepped out of your rather expensive car. Malfoy Manor was large to say the least. Multiple house elf’s surrounded the house, doing chores and guarding the many entrances. You and your son approached the wooden doors as to knock but they already swung open to reveal a very exited Scoprius.
“Hello Miss y/l/n daddy is a little bit busy at the moment he said to let you in” Scorpius said as he dragged both you and your son inside.
“Hello there Miss Lewis”
You spun around to see Draco Malfoy himself approaching you. His eyes trailed down your figure as he drank you in, breath hitching in his throat. You were absolutely beautiful. You did the same of course, your eyes scanned his white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows revealing the dark mark, and his tight black dress pants that enunciated his toned thighs. He was definitely something to look at.
“Mr Malfoy” you greeted with a swift nod of your head. You stuck your hand out to which he happily accepted in his, shaking it.
“Can we go and play?” Your son asked as he lightly tapped your arm.
“Of corse-“ before you could finish Scorpius was dragging him away, giggling.
“Come on I need to show you something y/s/n”
The laughs made you smile knowing that your son was happy. Draco walked into the kitchen catching your attention as you followed after him.
“Wine?” He asked, looking straight at you with the bottle hovering over an elegant wine glass.
“Uh yes please”
“Could you pass that wine glass? Actually-”
He brushed past you, his erection pressed against your ass making you gasp as he reached for the extra glass before pouring the wine.
You placed yourself on a chair at the table, awaiting the awkward conversation you knew was to come. Soon enough Draco placed himself opposite you and the conversation began. You asked him question about after the war, his mother and his father while he asked you how you came to having a son, who the father was, how you coped after the war. You thought some of the questions were rather intrusive especially the question of “are you and the father still together?”. It seemed he was obsessed with the fact you had a child with someone. Your eyes were mainly trained on his veiny hands. God those hands-
“What do you think?” He asked, clearly finishing a sentence you hadn’t listened too. Before long, the children came in, screaming and laughing together as you thanked them mentally. Draco chuckled as he noticed the children were soaked through. Your phone pinged (idk if you wanted me to add them) as a message came through from your driver.
“The driver said he can’t come, the rain is too heavy” you stated. If you hadn’t have been so busy replying to your driver you would have noticed the smirk that graced both Draco’s and Scorpius’s lips. This was perfect.
“Can y/s/n sleep over pleaseeeeee”
Your son perked up at the idea and also began begging you.
“This isn’t my house” you said
“Not yet” Draco muttered under his breath.
“I’m fine with him staying i couldn’t expect you to go home in that anyway, driver or no” the blonde offered while taking your empty wine glass to the sink.
“We haven’t even brought anything-“
“Don’t worry darling I’ll sort it. Scorpius take y/s/n to your bedroom, lend him some clothes too please”
Scorpius instantly nodded and dragged your son away. Draco used his fingers as a come hither motion and you followed him up the stairs and to his room, the biggest one in the manor of course.
“Take the bathroom and here-“
He passed you an plain black t-shirt and a pair of his boxers.
You mumbled a thank you before retreating to the bathroom. Once changed, you left your hiding place to see Draco spread out on the bed, his right arm behind his head with a book resting on his lap. He looked like a Greek goddess.
“Hello love”
His eyes once again traced your body, you looked ravishing in his clothes. So so beautiful.
He slowly stood up, his eyes still trained on you. Once he was millimetres away his hand reached out to caress your cheek.
“You seem tense” he whispered
His free hand rested on your hip, your eyes drifted to his oh so perfect lips. That’s all it took for him. His lips met your in a hungry kiss, his hand slipping from your cheek to rest on your throat, just enough to reduce your air a little.
“Fucking beautiful” he whispered against your lips.
“Draco” you whimpered in response.
“Take me…please”
His lips were on yours again as he lead you over to the bed, softly pushing you onto it. He hovered over you, lips on lips while his hands worked on removing your- his shirt. Your lips only left to pull the shirt off before instantly finding each other again.
Within moments you were both completely naked, his left hand rested next to your neck while the other slipped down your body, grazing the skin with his fingertips. You were the most effortlessly beautiful thing he’d ever seen, your body fit in his hands perfectly like you were crafted just for him. Your hands found his hair as he carefully pushed into you, his head falling onto your chest as you stroked his blonde locks. He was the biggest you’d ever taken that was for sure. With the pace he was pushing into you, you could feel every ridge, vain and curve of his cock, it was heaven. Pure heaven.
“Takin’ me so- so well” he groaned, his head came up again to greedily swallow all the sounds you let out once he bottomed out. He drove himself in and out keeping a steady pace that was enough for the both of you. Your hand tried to clasp over your mouth but he caught it.
“These walls are rather thick darling be as loud as you wish”
Moans,groans and skin slapping together was all that was heard in the room.
“Dray I- I’m gonna-“
“I know let go for me cum on my cock”
His lips met yours once more as he also came, both of your releases dripping down your thighs almost making him orgasm all over again. His fingers trailed up only to push it back inside you.
“Gotta keep you nice and full”
As you came down he repositioned you both so you were on his chest, his hands in your hair and yours tracing shapes on his toned chest.
“You ok?” You asked, your head raising from his chest to study his facial expressions.
“Never better” he mumbled as he pecked your lips.
He nodded and got up before lifting you into his arms and carrying you into the bathroom. He placed you on the bathroom counter, one hand resting on your thigh as the other turned the taps on, ensuring the perfect temperature. Once the bath was filled he lowered you into the bath and climbed in behind you.
His hands rested around your waist, your head on his chest as he placed chaste kisses on your shoulder.
You both talked about anything and everything before getting into bed cuddled together.
When Draco awoke the next morning he reached out to hopefully find your body but when he didn’t feel anything he shot up. Your side of the bed was empty, the indent of where your body was, still present. The smell of eggs and bacon reached his nose. He walked downstairs to see the boys chasing each other around the manor.
“Get back here” Scorpius giggled, y/s/n still running. Draco smiled and entered the kitchen to see you making breakfast. He wanted this every day, the boys driving you both mad but knowing later that night you’d be in each other’s arms so it wouldn’t matter.
He came up behind you, arms winding around you figure as he pressed kisses to your neck.
“Morning….you left me” he grumbled, a pout reaching his lips. You chuckled and turned around before placing your lips on his, kissing the pout away.
“I told you they’d be kissy kissy !!” Scorpius said while turning to your son.
“Fine” your son muttered, handing his toy truck to scorp now he’d won the bet they made.
You and Draco just laughed. This was the start of a beautiful family. Your family.
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multifandomwritings · 3 years
Cuddling with the slashers would include:
Ok. Did I write this already? Bc if I did plz ignore this I am embarrassed :)) But if I didn't: I hope you like it!
Also: this is pretty lengthy and I am very sleepy so if it isn't good I'm sorry x_x (It's kind of similar to my sweet/affectionate S/O one but like....specific to affection/cuddling lol)
Thomas Hewitt:
- Thomas' cuddles are 10/10 for sure
- Like yes, it takes him a minute to get comfortable with that sort of thing. But once you've reassured him and such he'll happily cuddle up with you at any time
- He's so big and warm?? Will gently hold onto you and play with your hair, stroke your arms nervously, etc.
- But if *you* wrap him up in *your* arms and give him that kind of affection? He'll blush so bad, shoulders stiffening until he eventually relaxes, completely melting
- Knowing you want to be close with him like that would make him so happy. Also: big on hugs and is amazing at them, very warm and soft :')
Brahms Heelshire:
- Brahms has no reservations whatsoever about this. He adores physical affection and can cuddle for hours
- Absolutely won't mind if you ignore the rules and schedule if you want to come snuggle up with him. In fact, please do :)
- Will cuddle up to you at any time of the day/no matter what you're doing. He'll get really clingy if you aren't careful 👀
- Will get as physically close to you as possible when you cuddle. It doesn't matter if he's wrapped up in your arms or the other way around, he will be glued to you
- Feels really safe and comfortable when you cuddle him is why. He's very touch starved and sometimes afraid you'll leave so when you cuddle up with him he'll feel very relieved and comforted
Michael Myers:
- It would take a pretty long while before you got to this point with Michael. He's very reserved and entirely unused to giving and receiving affection, the whole thing is a new concept to him really
- You start with little things like wrapping your arm around his, or holding his hand, or even just sitting/standing closer to him. He won't mind at all, sometimes surprising you by moving closer to you first
- His way of expressing this kind of thing or sort of signaling he doesn't mind (aka quietly hoping you'll just...give him affection without reservation lol) is just standing as close to you as he can like Y/N...plz
- Once he's more comfortable he'll let you snuggle up to him as much as you like, though his reactions will still be a little restrained at first
- Stares at you a lot, half out of curiosity and half from amazement/bewilderment
Jason Voorhees:
- So reserved at first. He would adore cuddling and being affectionate with you, but once again it's new to him and even the littlest thing will turn him bright pink
- Will not complain if you initiate things first and kind of lead him along. He'll be too reserved/unused to that kind of thing to himself but wants to so plz :^)
- If you like cuddles and affection then he'll happily give them to you anytime you like, will feel a little more encouraged and confident
- Very sweet and protective and he'll love having you close to him like that for that reason. Another one that's big on holding hands and hugs (especially back hugs x_x) and he'll go out of his way to be overly gentle
- Once you finally get him to remove his mask he'll love if you leave little kisses and touches over his face, though he'll be very shy and nervous about it
Bubba Sawyer:
- Literally always ready for cuddles but kind of nervous about initiating it at first, afraid you won't want to
- Will start with little things like holding your hands and nudging up against you a little, standing close and seeing how you react
- Also hugs a lot! Very soft, warm and lengthy hugs in which he'll probably squeeze you just a little too hard but it's sweet :')
- If you're okay with it he'll love cuddling anytime he has a chance (which admittedly isn't as often as he'd like, sigh) so he'll make it count when he does have time!
- Can cuddle you for hours at a time though. Nothing fancy, just likes being snuggled up and having his arms around you, caressing your arm and leaning his head against yours
Chop Top Sawyer:
- Sweet! Happy to accept any affection from you, no matter how you like to give it
- Can be clingy at times, loving to have his arm wrapped around you and holding your hand
- It's rare you just quietly sit with each other like that though, he'd prefer to have music going and chat with you the whole time
- Will completely lose his train of thought if you pull him closer to you or leave little affectionate touches over him, smiling to himself and contentedly accepting it
- Also can be pretty shameless if he's in the mood for affection/cuddles. Will just come over and sit in your lap or next to you and lean into you like Y/N plz :^)
Nubbins Sawyer:
- Very affectionate with you if you let him be. Loves holding hands, wrapping his arm around you, anything like that
- And if you like cuddling/physical affection like that even better! He'll use that as an excuse to be clingy with you most of the time :')
- Anytime he sits next to you he'll just nudge against you, brushing his arm against yours and smiling until you notice and give him affection
- Leans over your shoulders when you're doing really anything, draping his arms over you and wrapping them around, chatting along and occasionally pecking the side of your face/nuzzling against you
- I've said it before but he'd be kind of awkward/unpracticed with this sort of affection at first. He'll really love being close to you but sometimes he can be a little clumsy, accidentally elbowing you or squeezing you a little too tight. You almost can't complain because of how smiley and well-meaning he is though
- Massive grin and eyebrow wiggles when you suddenly pull him over toward you and wrap him up in your arms
- You just wrap him up in your arms and cuddle up to him? Has no idea what to do, it's new to him
- Secretly really craves kindness and affection, and it will take *a lot* for him not to completely melt at things like cuddling. He'll smile to himself a lot and look at you sweetly when you aren't looking
- Is a big fan of affection and cuddling and after the initial newness and awkwardness wears off, and he'll be very open about it. Almost every time he sees you he'll just wave you over like come hither :^)
- If you touch him affectionately and casually, he'll almost follow your touch as you pull away, making how needy he is more obvious than he'd like
- So romantic, loves having you near to him in any way so if you're cuddly he won't mind
- Nothing with him is ever really casual so of course if you're expecting a relaxing and sweet time you're probably not going to get it with him lol
- He'll make your heart race and cheeks heat up easily, knowing exactly the right things to say to get a reaction out of you
- Gentle and affectionate, loves if you sit/lie in front of him, allowing him to have you wrapped up in his arms while he trails kisses along your neck/jaw and sends shivers down your spine with the way he talks to you
- Melts at sweet affection such as touches across his face and innocent snuggles and cuddles. Thinks you're so cute ;-;
Bo Sinclair:
- Bo is not opposed to affection, he just isn't used to it. At least, nothing so sweet and genuine. He definitely wouldn't be opposed, try as he might to convince you otherwise
- You would pull him close, asking him to come and cuddle with you. His instinct would be to laugh and tease you a little, but he'd only manage a nervous laugh, complying so easily that it surprises you both
- He'd be surprisingly uncomfortable and awkward with this sort of thing. If you took the lead and wrapped him up in your arms he'd melt, slowly relaxing into you and resting his head against you
- He would feel so safe with you like that, eventually wrapping you up tight into his arms and not letting you go for quite a while. Those kinds of moments are rare with him but he'd appreciate them a lot
- Will give you lots of forehead/top of the head kisses, lazily draping his arm around you and even dosing off, signaling just how comfortable and safe he really feels around you
Vincent Sinclair:
- A little stiff and reserved about affection at first, especially anything like this. He would want to but you'd have to be the one to initiate it!
- That having been said, he'd be so happy once you did. It would still take him a bit to completely relax but he'd adore being so close to you like that
- Will love having you sit next to him, his head rested slightly on yours/on your shoulder, his arm wrapped around you, sweater sleeve slightly covering/bunched up in his hand
- Affection like that and hand holding, random touches, etc. will make his stomach twist into knots, and he'll be grateful you can't see how affected he really is under his mask
- Can easily stay like that for hours, though it's rare he'll fall asleep when you're cuddling at first. He'll only do that much later into your relationship when he's completely comfortable, strands of hair messy in his now-exposed face, half buried in your neck or pressed against your back/chest :')
Lester Sinclair:
- Cute 🥺
- Loves having his arm around you all the time! And loves if you snuggle up to him when he's driving
- A big cuddler, and happy to admit it too. He's very soft and loves having you close to him like that
- Any kind of affection is fine by him! He would adore having you wrapped up in his arms while you sit/lie next to him, and even better if you face him so he can pepper your face with kisses
- And if you do the same for him? He will be a smiling, blushing mess, will wrap his arms tighter around you and hide his face in your neck
- Mostly likes cuddles when he's sleepy, a lazy cuddler? Like if you want to snuggle up to him that's fine but that's as good as it's going to get lol
- Okay, maybe he'll wrap his arm around you too. And his leg. Now you're stuck though, good luck getting away for a while!
- Not the most talkative but happy to listen and nod along if you talk while he pats your head/plays with your hair
- Rests his head in your lap a lot, loves if you run your fingers through his hair
- More affectionate and sweet than usual when you're cuddling, at least sometimes. Admittedly he likes being soft and affectionate with you and he'll show it with hugs, forehead kisses, and wrapping you up in his arms randomly/hugging you from behind
Luigi Largo:
- Won't admit it, but he's got a soft spot and secretly wishes to be cared for and cuddled
- He'd be raving on when you'd just pull him over and completely shut him up, mouth pressing closed as he eyeballs you suspiciously
- Sometimes he likes being the more passive one, letting you cling to him and acting a little indifferent (he definitely isn't though), especially if you're out in public (like holding onto his arm, hand, etc.)
- Sometimes if he's in a mood he'll be putty in your hands, however, and is actually really needy for gentleness and affection like that
- Looks at you really lovingly anytime you give him affection, and adores if you play with his hair, pull him over without prompting to cuddle, wrap him up in your arms when he's sleeping, etc. Always notices more than you think and loves it
Pavi Largo:
- Constantly ready for any kind of physical affection lol
- Sweet affection like that, however, is different, especially coming from an S/O. He'd start out flirtatious and extra, quickly getting a little flustered at the sudden intimacy and sweetness of it
- He almost doesn't know what to do? He's not inexperienced but at the same time he is, at least with things like that
- Will just go with whatever you like, as he'd like pretty much anything you did. If you like to spoil him with affection and snuggles then he'll be delighted, lazily allowing himself to be doted over by you (all while he nervously rambles on and stares at you intently)
- But he'll like just as much to lie with you while you fall asleep, completely enamored with how casual and sweet you are with him. It's new and unfamiliar but in a good way!
Billy Lenz:
- Will keep you at arms length at first, despite how straightforward he is with his comments and such, because he'd be less comfortable with affection than he'd let on
- However, once he's comfortable, he's very clingy
- Like he'll actually just follow you around until you give up and stop for a while to pay attention to him lol. Of course he won't outright ask but you get the point pretty easily
- Kind of greedy, like yes he'll snuggle up to you but he likes to be spoiled. Loves to lay in your lap while you play with his hair and to be wrapped up in your arms
- Another one that won't easily let you go once he's comfortable, if you even shimmy around too much he'll lock his arms around you and pull you closer
Asa Emory (The Collector):
- As usual, it kind of depends? In general he won't mind cuddling because he'd be very fascinated by you and enjoys having you close, if even for unconventional reasons
- Kind of like Michael, will stare at you a lot. Don't mind him lol :^)
- Probably not the type to actually just sit still with you and cuddle, though. The time that's most likely to happen is when he's working as Asa, sitting on the couch and reading through things while you sit next to him
- At those times you'll snuggle up at his side, earning a disapproving (but not really) side-eye as he continues working, though eventually he'll give up and focus his attention on you instead
- As with anything with Asa, even cuddling can be kind of intense and nerve-wracking, mostly because of how intently he'll pay attention to you. Not the most tender unless he's in a rare mood (or sleepy asdflkj) and then he'll let himself be snuggled, or occasionally drape his arm over you and draw you in closer
Otis Driftwood:
- You really think he's gonna just sit there and cuddle with you? *Cuddle*? Well you're right >:(
- Those sorts of moments aren't as few and far between as you might think. He'll have his arm around you half the time anyway, but he'd like cuddling more than he'd admit, at least sometimes
- Especially if you're alone together in his room, he'll be less affectionate around others but when you're alone he'll love when you snuggle up to him, even if he sometimes pretends to be annoyed
- If you like cuddling that helps, if not he won't really initiate it himself most of the time
- Feels really comfortable snuggled up with you like that, however, as out of character as some of you might find that! I think he'd like having his S/O leaned up against him with his arm around them, playing with their hair or just absent-mindedly rubbing their arm a little while he rambles on about things
Charles Lee Ray:
- His initial reaction is similar to Otis. Like...um, Y/N? No. Well, maybe, if you insist. You don't insist? Um...Well, you want to anyway?
- Don't laugh 👀
- He'll never admit it but he can be very clingy and enjoys your attention, though he'll tease you and pretend he doesn't, at least at first
- Surprisingly can be pretty relaxed and maybe not 'sweet', but as close to it as he'll get. Will wrap his arm around you and grin if you rest your head on his shoulder or lean into him
- Sometimes he get in a rare mood in which he'll actually keep you to himself all day, enjoying your attention and affection more than he lets on. Will make no complaints if you're as affectionate as you like, it saves him the trouble of having to actually ask lol (also: likes having his hair played with x_x)
Tiffany Valentine:
- She'd adore affection, so she'd always be ready for cuddles lol (and she deserves them ok)
- If you initiate it first and invite her over to snuggle up with you? She'll melt, unable to stop smiling to herself as she wraps you up in her arms and quickly hides her face
- Can easily remain like that for hours, sometimes falling asleep
- Loves cuddling when you watch movies together, laying her head into your lap or pulling you into her arms while she plays with your hair
- Talkative anytime you cuddle, rambling on about random things. She can be really sweet and romantic, or really dark and sometimes goofy (would love to make you laugh/smile), but no matter what she'll love having you close like that
Josef (Creep):
- Very reluctant about affection and such. Not because he doesn't want it, but because he isn't used to it, and isn't used to being vulnerable around anyone
- You have to take the lead, pulling him close to you and wrapping him up in yourself. He'll be so stiff and unrelaxed at first, smiling over at you in an endearingly awkward way
- Once you get him to relax a little, he'll completely melt, nuzzling up and tangling his arms around you. He's still awkward but it's only because it's new to him and he isn't used to it
- Will either be completely silent or won't stop going on at times like that. If he's going on and you rearrange yourself, sliding up to him closer he'll lose his train of thought, laughing nervously and going quiet
- Probably falls asleep and snores really loudly like right in your ear though, sorry :/
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