#i want more!!!! i want to see what the original vision was
Overblot Universe (4) | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
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Part 1 • 2 • 3
There he was 
The first overblot you witnessed 
The Overblotted Riddle was as regal as ever 
Standing above your gilded bed fit for royalty decorated by arches of spinning ink 
You could see guards that looked similar to the entrapped dormmakers during the event
Standing in front of heart shaped doors that resembled an inky reflection of the Heartslabyul’s dorm
“Look at me when I’m talking to you, (Y/n). I haven’t forgotten how you ran from my forces meant to bring you home.”
“I…was just scared. Your army was fighting with Jamil’s and I just didn’t want to get in the way.”
Riddle scoffed,”You think I’d allow any of my vassals hurt you?! I thought you heard me last time we saw each other.”
His gloved hands clutched your cheeks and chin forcing you to hold his gaze
“In my world, I am the law. I am order manifest! 
The words brought back the memories again
But you couldn’t drift off especially now that Overblotted Riddle was smiling 
You could practically smell the idea of something awful coming from him
He let his ink gloved hands trail from your jaw to rest around your neck
“I have been eagerly awaiting the day I’d meet you again. For so long I’ve been replaying the sight of the collarless king working alongside those rogue cards.”
He pulled away leaving a ring of ink that tickled your skin, shaping to hug your neck letting a black splattered rose hang from it’s center
“All this time I’ve thought about having you and now I’m this close to having everything be perfect.”
You watched his eyes drift down your body, letting yourself follow his gaze 
Finding your outfit to be matching his own, you hoped it was just the ink doing its things
He beckoned you to follow him 
And the moment you deliberated you could feel the bodice of your outfit slightly squeeze 
So that was it’s purpose+
You hurriedly caught up to him minding the overwhelming line of soldiers collared and at the ready 
“Riddle what do you plan to do?”
Riddle’s distorted chuckle exploded into a diabolical laugh
Calming himself he turned over his shoulder as you both left the dorm/castle for the garden
“I’m recreating where we met of course. An unbirthday celebration that changed everything. A coronation that would have been perfect if you and those cards didn’t ruin it.”
Arriving to the entrance of the garden it was exactly as he said
The table and treats for an unbirthday party all different shades of black with that sheen that said was ink
All surrounding a grand stage where to thrones sat at the edge of it
He took your hand, more gentle than you were expecting and led you on a red carpet that led to the thrones
Out of nowhere this Riddle brought out a box setting it on a pedestal
He opened it to reveal a crown…fit for a king
“Bow, (Y/n) and receive your right as my king.”
Idia’s crown flashed in your mind making you cower instinctively
His glare was paralyzing
“Bow. (Y/n).”
The pressure around your body was intense, as if sapping your energy to make you fall to your knees
Riddle sighs,”That’s good enough.”
He places the crown on your head 
It doesn’t hurt like Idia’s but it feels hard to remove 
And as Riddle helps you stand you can feel the something wet drip from the  crown and into your eyes
But it doesn’t burn…more like clouding your vision as you were led to rest in the throne
“Now! Bring the relic! It’s power will be what finalizes your king's coronation!”
Carried by many of the soldiers was the mirror–The mirror that you originally traveled to 
“Recognize it? This is the accursed object that let me bring you here. But it’s done it’s job and no one has any intentions of you using it again.”
“Wait but I have—to–go back!”
The overblotted Riddle gave you that sly smirk all to similar to the dormleader you knew
“You’ll find that world will fade from memory when the portal does as well.”
With a trumpet sound and coordinated shouts an ink covered axe was brought to Riddle
Despite being so close you couldn’t lift yourself from the throne, courtesy of the ensemble you were wearing
You could feel your tears blend with the ink trailing down your face as the Overblotted Queen raised his axe to smash the mirror
You tried to reach in vain as he brought the axe down
You felt as though it was helpless 
Until you heard a whisper
“(Y/n) don’t despair we wouldn’t leave you by yourself.”
A new bout of energy let you sit up
“Oh my gosh! It’s you! You’re here!”
“Hush, we’ve got to be quick the main event is on its way.”
“I summon thee cauldron!” 
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HoTD S2x01: A Son for a Son (I have thoughts and I'm keeping them here)
The Stark theme and Cregan doing his best Sean Bean accent have me nostalgic.
If getting conscripted to the Wall is an honour, then why does budget Jon Snow look unhappy about it?
No Sara Snow, okay. I’ll live with it. No Jace/Cregan (b)romance, not okay. Tumblr made me want it, only to be so denied by the showrunners.
Not more Targ colonialism erasure. "We colonised an entire continent to save the world, no really. And look, even the noble Starks agree with it!" is such a shit take, even if it's canon. I like the Targ characters, but let's not erase the original Aegon's colonial crimes.
Jace looks so pretty! Major glow up.
Dragonstone has a dragon hangar! Yay for worldbuilding!
Daemon calling Vhagar a hoary old bitch reminds me of this absolutely amazing Vhagar POV fanfic I read. (Soon the god's hoar by eldritcher on AO3) (The fic is spoiler-y for the rest of the Dance, jsyk.)
Yes, Rhaenys! Put Daemon in his place! Also, her dragon riding outfit!!!
Alyn, I see you doing an Egg by shaving your head.
Why in the hell does no one take Helaena’s visions seriously?! She’s right every time. (Can I blame ‘I had a dragon dream once’ Viserys for this? Because I want to blame Viserys for this. Look at the mess you left your kids in, Viserys! I hope Balerion bites your ass in the afterlife.)
And here we see the 'Our lives are in danger, so let's fuck about it' trope in action. I’ve heard a lot of Alicole hot takes. “Criston Cole is ‘unmanly’ for going down on a woman” is the absolute hottest of hot takes I’ve had the misfortune of encountering.
Otto giving Alicent and Criston Cole that look as they walk in. He knows what they’ve been doing.
Aegon grinning at his son like a fool. Aegon giving Jaehaerys attention and wanting him to learn how to rule even though he’s only six. Aegon trying to do better than deadbeat Viserys did. Aegon talking about pony rides in a way that suggests Jaehaerys often gets pony rides, possibly from Aegon himself. If you told me last season Aegon would somehow turn out to be the best father on this series ….. (Yes, I know that when it comes to being a dad the bar is in hell’s basement here. Yes, I know the way Aegon treats his illegitimate kids is horrific. I think there’s definitely been some retconning here and S2 Aegon is not the same character as S1 Aegon. They should have portrayed him this way from the start.)
Alicent wrote Rhaenyra letters to apologize for Luke's death and she's expecting a response?! Girl ....
My kingdom for a scene of the Greens finding out that Aemond killed Luke. My kingdom for a scene of Aemond deciding to just fully commit to the villain persona and lie to say he killed Luke intentionally. Such a missed opportunity.
Larys being an intimidating creep to Alicent again. He should go fall down some stairs.
Alicent scrubbing her skin raw. She is not okay. (I want to see Alicent cracking. Let Olivia Cooke act!)
Rhaenyra’s grief over Luke is heartbreaking. Emma D’Arcy is acting their heart out. And Syrax crying too, nooo.
Aegon walking in sync with his fratboy squad. You know they practised that entrance during one of their nightly seshes in the throne room.
Are they going to show the throne cutting Aegon?
“On further thought, I have decided ….” Aegon is hilarious.
It’s Hammer time!
Larys already angling for the Hand’s position. I know this guy is ambitious, but damn.
Just Alicent looking ethereal reading letters.
Mysaria’s accent has been toned down! (Why was Mysaria fleeing King’s Landing though? Maybe I’m missing something but I don’t get it?)
“We swore an oath to protect the whole of the royal family. So what were we to do when they turned against one another?” Jaime Lannister echoes.
"I want Aemond Targaryen." Chills. Rhaenyra only says four words all episode and it's these four words.
Jace trying to keep it together and be professional to give his report. Jace looking so much younger and more vulnerable when he’s back with his mother. I’m not crying, you’re crying.
Scenes with Rhaenyra at Luke’s funeral interspersed with scenes of Alicent paying tribute to the dead, including Luke. My heart. That empty space next to Alicent in the sept where Rhaenyra used to pray. They are an absence in each other’s lives.
Rhaena crying for her betrothed, nooo.
Why didn’t they have a dragon light Luke’s funeral pyre?
The return of the Daemon crime hoodie, now upgraded to a war crime hoodie.
Making it unclear if Daemon told B & C to go after another son if they can’t find Aemond or if B & C just went rogue – that’s a cop out by the writers. Unless it comes up again. EDIT: Daemon said 'a son for a son.' He was giving them carte blanche to go after another son if Aemond is MIA.
Daemon reluctantly admitting Aemond is a good fighter. I love to see it.
Why do I get the sense that Aemond also knows about Alicole?
“Rhaenyra is a cunning spider. Long ago she pulled Alicent into her web. Intoxicated her. It is not your mother’s fault.” “Her Grace speaks with two tongues. Alicent holds love for our enemy.” So they’re both obsessed and very much not over Rhaenyra. Do Alicent and Cole both think of Rhaenyra while being unholy together because it kinda seems like it?
Ewan Mitchell as Aemond is so mesmerizing. That man has presence.
Why the fuck has no one tried to map the secret tunnels into the Red Keep and close off the ones that allow randoms to sneak in/royal minors to sneak out?
The entire Kingsguard is in the throne room guarding Aegon? And they don’t stop the ‘rat catchers’ working at night? Even if the rat catchers were supposed to be there, I feel like it would still be protocol to stop and question them. Have none of these writers been pulled over by the cops for no reason/even slightly suspicious behaviour?
I think the build up to B & C should’ve focused on Helaena and her kids instead of B & C creeping around, arguing for no reason and committing gratuitous animal abuse. (That dog kicking scene looked so real, I watched the end credits for a disclaimer that no animals were harmed in the making of.) They could’ve shown Helaena getting the kids ready for bed, reading them a story, etc. They established a connection between Aegon and Jaehaerys pre B & C but none between Helaena and the kids before it happened. Lost opportunity.
B & C was very different than I expected before I was spoiled. I guess I see what the writers were going for with Helaena’s response to B & C. She’s dissociated rather than hysterical. She’s been painted as a character who’s distanced from the world around her in general, so perhaps this is an in-character trauma response for her. Plus you could see the absolute terror in Phia’s eyes. Helaena was terrified and traumatized. She was just quiet about it.
As for her just pointing out Jaehaerys instead of trying to bargain or plead more for his life … I guess it’s because they’re characterizing her as very literalist, straightforward and honest to a fault as part of her ‘strangeness’? So she just took B & C at their word and didn’t try to change their minds because after the necklace offer failed, she assumed they couldn’t be swayed and would definitely kill her and both kids like they threatened to if she didn’t point out Jaehaerys to them. As for not pointing to Jaehaera – that wouldn’t accomplish anything. If they didn’t check that they really had the boy, one of her kids would still be dead. If they checked and discovered she’d lied, they might kill both kids. She was a mother who didn’t want either of her kids to die but perceived she couldn’t do anything to save both of them, so she felt she had no choice but to point out Jaehaerys. And then she grabbed Jaehaera and got her to safety when she saw the chance. At least she could save one of them.
As for Helaena saying they killed ‘the boy’ instead of saying his name Jaehaerys – I don’t see that as her being insensitive and uncaring about her kid. I think she was just repeating B & C’s exact word use in her dissociated state. She was on auto pilot at that point.
I do get what the writers were going for … but it’s not going to translate well to most of the audience I don’t think. I see many people interpreting it as Helaena not caring about Jaehaerys and not trying hard enough to save him. “Why didn’t she offer up her own life like any mother would?” If a large part of the audience misinterprets or misunderstands a scene or a character’s intentions or motivations, then that’s a failure on the part of the writers IMO. I’m not upset they didn’t make B & C more graphic or violent in the physical or psychological sense. (In the book, their twisted mind games were just as horrific and brutal and every bit as violent as the physical violence). But I do think that scene could have been better executed in a different way. And including Maelor probably would have worked better to illustrate the horrific, inescapable situation Helaena found herself in between a rock and a hard place.
Where the fuck are the guards? In the throne room with Aegon? Sent away by Cole to hide the fact that he’s in the queen dowager’s bed? The Greens never considered infiltration or a stealth attack? They really got complacent because they have Vhagar guarding the city.
Alicent and Cole doing it in Rhaenyra’s old room, in Rhaenyra’s bed!! Are they both imagining they’re with Rhaenyra too?! Because this is giving … high levels of dysfunction. They’re both haunted by Rhaenyra
The only thing I’ll say about Alicole is that they really should have shown them getting together for the first time. When, how and why did that happen? Who instigated it? How did they both feel about it? Again the writers don’t show the motivations they had in mind for the characters, resulting in the viewers drawing different conclusions than they’re ‘supposed to’ and it works against the story. The interviews I’ve watched seem to say it’s consensual on both their parts. (I know there’s a power imbalance that makes it problematic, but I don’t think the writers see it that way.) Again, showing the start of their first sexual encounter would have been better writing (IMO) because it could have been used to illustrate consent.
The last thing I’ll say about Alicole (okay, so I wanted to say two things) is that showing it after B & C that way by having Helaena walk in on them cheapens B & C. The true shock and horror here is that a child was murdered in front of his mother. Why add the cheap shock value of someone walking in on their parent in flagarante?
All in all, okay episode, kind of weird. Looking forward to see what they do with the rest of the material.
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merp0515 · 3 days
Fanfiction Writer Apperation Post!
Ayo all Merp here! I hope everyone is having a great time whatever time zone you got. I'm a simply derpy ass artist that likes to draw stuff that the Internet has shown me! That includes lovely fanfiction stories I tend to read a lot about. Which is why this post is here to bring a HUGE appreciation for someone in the SMG4 community more from the SMG34 squad! My great friend and a badass from many projects featuring their own series such as "Next Step With You!", @shygirl4991 !
We all have known them from many spots that they are part of like the one they are doing with @lizaluvsthis in "Brewing Romance", "The Chains of a Fragile Soul" with @b-r-i-n-g-x , and "Spilt Into Three's/Six Splits For Four" with the artwork done by @alianarepasa !
They have also done some cool group collab with lots of people, bringing out the artworks each group puts out such as "Coffee Prince and The Frog" (collab with Liz and Aly), and "Shadow Vision" (Bringx, Liz and Aly)!
They never fail to be inspired by many other people that sometimes have ideas for our favorite gays but either don't have the time to do them or they want to do it but don't know how to put into words! Some of these beautiful ideas that came to life thanks to Shay's amazing writing skills are "Just A Dream", "Trade For You" ideas inspired by @therabbitdemon , and "Death Of SMG3" requested by @anartisticalniche !
I had the honor of making the cover art for their cute fluffy "Doll Confessions" fic they made a while back collabing with Bringx's adorable GMod photos she did! Even though what got me into their stories was through "Brewing Romance", there's another story that got me into them and had me always checking fanfiction sites to see if they made anything new and that's one of their many solo projects "Azure Potion!"
It's always fun making art covers for them or draw out characters they've created over time with the plethora of stories done by our lovely writer! I highly recommend checking out their other solo stories such as "Forklift Date", "Mistletoe Wars", "True Colors", "Trapped In a Bleakly Winter", and "A Shot of SMG34"!
There's definitely more stories they've written for these lovey gays but it's gonna take me a while to put them on here lol. Nonetheless while we artist have a blast in creating art for all your favorite fanfictions, please don't forget to show some love to the brains behind the whole thing! Without them, we wouldn't be able to enjoy making all the amazing art to show our love and appreciation for ALL of their hard work! As one that does both art and writing (even though I don't really post many stories on here because my writing style is still a work in progress), I'd love to be recognized by both my art AND the writing I do! Remember to see who's the original writer first before commenting anything!
Never stop doing what you love and keep on writing! 😄
And to all you lovely writers in this fandom. We love and appreciate all the hard work you all do as well! Keep on writing and create lovely stories to share with everyone! :)
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Have a mini colleague of some the art I made for Shay's stories in the past including the cover I did for "Doll Confessions"!
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horizon-verizon · 3 days
Now I did not watch the new S2 episode. I'm hearing abt it from people who have. And pretty much all the leaks were authentic regarding B&C.
I wrote abt the Sophie's Choice of bk!Helaena in the bk!B&C HERE, when someone asked me abt it. The other unserious things abt Blood & Cheese of HotD is that in the bk:
the psychological torture Helaena goes thru could either be Cheese trying to have fun (unlikely, they were on a "timer") OR it is Daemon reverting, perverting, etc. Rhaenyra's loss--Rhaenyra was not there tro witness Lucerys or even be able to have his remains....Helaena will participate in her own son's murder, so to speak
bk!Cheese was very knowledgaeble abt where to go and how, which tunels to use...which is why he was chosen in the first place and why his "job "profession" (ratcatcher) is so important, bc these guys know where to lay traps in hidden places for rats -> to make as if Cheese is ignorant as to how to lead Blood into the castle makes as if Daemon was more incompetent and careless than either have been canonically shown to be, even when they are angry or aggrieved
also, regarding show!Helaena giving offering her necklace and very quickly pointing out which kid was a boy as if she could not wait to abandon Jaehaerys while bk!Helaena offered her very life before she was forced to choose any kid is just disrespectful not only to her intelligence but neurodivergent people. Esp since if we argue she had some sort of autism or what have you. To rely on one's neurodivergence to explain why they--compared to the book where she was more active--didn't take thata ction is a cop out and is almost a generalization. Please. Again, she's supposedly a dreamer and has had access to such dreams since her preteen yrs in the show, so it's likely she had known what was going to happen in this moment if she also had known abt "beast beneath the boards", "spiders (the war)", etc. No HotD didn't show us more moments exactly proving that, but since they also had her do absolutely nothing with those visions like the original Cassandra actually tried to do, no one can tell me it didn't happen. In fact, I can say it's bc she never actually does anything with her dreams (and therefore we'll never really know if she had B&C "dreams" so I can cont with this hypothetical, as its likelihood is stronger than it should have been) that I can say that even her own kids dying doesn't seem to faze her enough to make a plan of sorts to herself? Or to be able to think as she tried in the bk when they forced her to choose. Show!Helaena has "dreams" (they aren't even dragon dreams) but unlike Cassandra, she does nothing with them. Again, it very likely B&C appeared to her in her so-called "dreams", she does what she always does--nothing...but not only does she finally decide to do something, she thought a fucking necklace would help her or her kids? They traveled all this way, risked getting caught and viciously executed, to kill ONE mutherfucking child, and these writers really thought that it was a good idea to have Helaena do this, think this would work even an iota? No, all this was such lazy, cheap writing bc the writers decided that her just having visions made up for her small character in the orig tale and that they didn't have to do else for her--they started and left her half done, it seems. Let's say the B&C dream never appeared to her; this is till the writers taking away the agency I already described above in the link---Helaena is a nothing character whose dreams still mean nothing to no one expect people who want to feel smart the way it exists in the show itself. Helaena has always been a victim, but they made her more abominably victimized...as I already said they do HERE & HERE. She's just around, waiting to be abused by the script and those around her for plot convenience's sake. There is no substance or personhood to her, she is only a purpose.
So, love that for Ryan. Seemed lukewarm.
But what did anyone expect, seeing as the same writers responsible for Aemond's "accident" (having tried for months to convince us that this was exusable even with it not being his intention to kill), for Alicent sincerely forgiving Rhaenyra after she had been on her ass and abusing her and her kids (and threatening their lives) for years and almost stabbing out Luke's eye, for Rhaenyra somehow being so affected by a stupid ass page of Nymeria (of all people!, you made Alicent pull out this page of a woman who lead armies to conquest as a consummate leader in her own right, who lead said armies to make sure her people survived, in order to dissuade Rhaenyra from fighting for what she sees as her birthright/designated seat of power and to also make sure her family/unit survives?!) to derail her from really confronting any of them in battle...🤷🏿‍♂️
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anistarrose · 1 day
You added an "image description" to my post - now what? (FAQ)
[Plain text: "You added an 'image description' to my post - now what? (FAQ)". End PT.]
While I'm literally always willing to answer (good faith) questions about image descriptions, alt text, and online accessibility writ large, I also know lots of people have social anxiety about sending DMs, doing IDs "wrong," or just not knowing what IDs are for in the first place. Hence, this FAQ.
If I added an ID to your post and/or asked you to do so, and you're confused about any aspect of that, this is where to start. You can absolutely still reach out to me, I just thought I should consolidate as many answers as possible.
"What is an ID and why does it matter?"
IDs are a description of the content of an image, and can range from a transcript of a screenshot of text, to a description of a detailed piece of art. They should be in plain text, and placed on the line immediately following the image (unless it's alt text, more on those pros and cons later).
IDs are primarily for blind and low vision people who use screen readers to navigate the internet — but help others too, including lots of neurodivergent people. Check out this post (link) and the notes for more examples (dyslexics, migraine sufferers, people who can't interpret expressions, people with slow internet...)
IDs are important because without them, the Internet really sucks for people who need them. You probably don't realize how many undescribed images circulate on tumblr every day, with no way for a lot of disabled people to engage with those posts.
A blind person talks in more detail about all of this here (link).
"I reblogged your ID, is that enough?"
It's not that I don't appreciate it, but editing it into the root post and then reblogging that is much more impactful, for a variety of reasons. It means people who need IDs don't have to dig through the notes for them, it means that Tumblr can't glitch by failing to load the notes and make the ID functionally disappear, and it means all people who find the post in the tags or on your blog will be sharing the accessible version.
To explain visually, the best thing to do is something like this:
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[ID: two mock-up Tumblr posts to illustrate adding an ID from the notes to the root post. A blog named "your-blog" posts an image of text reading "something cool you posted" with the caption "check out this cool image I made!" In the notes, the blog "image-describer" reblogs with an ID, which is highlighted. This version of the post is labeled: "original post, reblogged via ID writer."
The second version of the post is from "your-blog" again, where they've added the ID directly under the image, with the same caption below the ID. This version is labeled "updated root post, with ID copy-pasted. End ID.]
"My caption/commentary first, or ID first?"
Include the ID right under the image, followed by your caption or commentary. Unless you're putting your commentary before the image itself, a sighted person will see "image, commentary" in that order, so to ensure the post flows the same way, use the order "image, ID, commentary."
Commentary frequently assumes that the reader has seen the image, after all! A person might not even realize the image is described if the ID is buried too deep, because they might lose patience and skip the post. Or, to explain visually:
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[ID: two mock-up example posts with an ID, one formatted well and one poorly. They both start with an image, which is just the text "screenshot of a tweet or something." The first post includes the ID immediately under the image. Below, it continues: "commentary blah blah blah get a load of this guy can you believe it." The post is labeled "Like this!" in green with a check mark.
The second post includes the commentary first, then the ID after the commentary. It's labeled: "Reads awkwardly, deprives screen reader users of immediate context" in red with an X. End ID.]
"I want to make a change to the ID, is that okay?"
Yep! If you want me to change it on my blog too (whether it's characters' pronouns, some typo, etc), just message me.
"What if someone else adds an ID to my post? Would they also be okay with me editing it into the original post like you are?"
Almost certainly! I can't speak for everyone, but I've literally never met an ID who wouldn't be okay with it — because we all have the shared goal of maximizing accessibility. If you're unsure or nervous, you can always include credit, but most people are even fine with going uncredited.
"I put your ID in the alt text, is that enough?"
I will never tell you not to use alt text when the alternative is an undescribed post, but I really strongly suggest putting it in both the alt text and the post. Some people who use screen readers prefer the flow of alt text, for good reason — but it's also poorly implemented on Tumblr, and it can glitch and disappear on reblogs, in drafts, or just apropos of nothing.
Moreover, when a low-vision person or anyone else wants to read the alt text directly, Tumblr's display options aren't great. (Unless you use XKit Rewritten's AccessKit, which I will always plug, but that's not an option for mobile users.) Long alt text often extends off the page and gets cut off. Tumblr used to use a terrible eye-straining purple background for it, and could always do that again with no warning. It's just not ideal.
Here's a visually impaired person talking more about the pros and cons (link).
It seems we're in need of a compromise, so what can you do? One option is to include the same alt text as image description (placing the ID directly under the image as always, because remember, flow for screen readers is important). I like to lead with "ID from alt," in order to clarify to screen reader users that they can skip the ID, and help differentiate it from the other option I'm about to describe. This should be self-explanatory, but here's an example of a post I did in this style (link).
Option two is to include a short description in the alt text, and a more detailed explanation in-post. This can let screen reader users instantly know that the post is described, and decide whether they're interested enough in it to stick with it, but it maintains an in-post description for others to benefit from too.
Example of me doing this in a post about IDs (link)
Example of my mutual describing art like this (link)
Also, it's the style I follow throughout this exact post! Take a look!
As usual, the ID is directly below the image in all these cases. This means screen readers move immediately from the alt text to the full description, and the post flows the same way it would for a sighted person.
If you're here because I wrote an ID for you, it might be easier for you to put it in the alt text and the post body identically, and that's perfectly fine! But if you're confident writing one short sentence for the alt text and including my ID in the body, you can always go for that too!
"Do I need to keep the brackets or the words 'image description/ID' in the alt text?"
Nope, no need. Brackets are purely for the visual distinction, and most screen readers preface alt text with something like "Image" that fulfills the same purpose. It's not the end of the world if they're there, but it's redundant, so feel free to remove them.
"Can I put the ID under a read more? Or in small text?"
Please don't. Read mores are glitchy, and oftentimes have to be opened in a new tab. Accessibility that requires jumping through extra hoops isn't accessibility. And worse, if you change your URL or get deactivated, that read more link is usually just gone for good, and the post is undescribed again.
Meanwhile, small text, italics, colored text, and so on aren't good for low vision people or others who read the IDs directly — such as with increased font size — for whatever reason. If you want the ID to stand out visually even more than with brackets, an indent is fine as far as I know. And remember, IDs always go immediately below the image!
"Why do you sometimes copy italics and stuff as plain text? Is that a screen reader thing too?"
Same reason IDs shouldn't be in small text, italics, etc. Font in weird styles, or in a fixed size regardless of device settings (to my knowledge, this includes headings) isn't very accessible, so I try to provide an accessible transcript.
Colored text is sometimes even inaccessible to sighted people using certain Tumblr themes! If Tumblr gave individual users the option to disable small text and colors on their dash, then I'd tell you to use them to your heart's content, but as it stands, they're not very accessible.
"Okay, I want to make my blog more accessible, but I don't feel capable of writing IDs on my own. How can I get help?"
Good news, this is my absolute favorite question! I strongly recommend the People's Accessibility Discord (invite link here, please let me know if it breaks).
It was created for this exact purpose of crowdsourcing IDs (and answering questions about them). I talk about it more in this post (link), where I also describe an alternative if you're like me and have massive social anxieties about Discord servers.
TL;DR: ask in the post if someone can add an image description, and edit it in once someone does! If you've read this far in the post, you're clearly an expert on how to do that.
In that post, I also recommend OnlineOCR (link) and Google Lens to extract text from images and save you typing if it's just a twitter thread or something. I would always spot check the text, adjust formatting, and remove superfluous characters, but it usually saves you lots of time when you might not normally have the energy to describe something.
Lastly, a lot of description blogs take requests! I don't unless I specify otherwise, because I easily run out of spoons, but @accessible-art is a great example of a blog that does this for non-fandom art, and there are lots of fandom blogs out there that do similar.
"I want to learn how to write image descriptions for my posts! Do you have any resources?"
This is my image description masterpost (link). I get a little scared about linking it because it's long, and a lot of the linked posts are long, and I don't want to overwhelm people — so please, start with the first few links to get the broad strokes, and then feel free to treat the rest like a index. That is, peruse it if you're looking for answers or advice on a specific topic!
While learning, keep in mind that different ID users want different things out of IDs, and that's okay. Some people, including many blind people, care quite a bit about color, but others don't, and that doesn't mean either is wrong about the types of IDs they prefer versus ones they find unnecessary.
Blind people have a massive range of lived experiences, and all the other people who benefit from IDs broaden that range even more. Generally, no one involved wants huge walls of text, but some people prefer super-minimal IDs, while others prefer a nice handful of (relevant) details. It's stuff like the difference between "Two characters hugging in a cozy-looking house," versus "Two characters hugging with their eyes closed, both smiling. Their house looks cozy and cluttered, with warm lighting."
Neither of those is objectively wrong, and there will be people who prefer either. Nor is it wrong for you, the ID writer, to make a subjective judgement, such as on the "cozy" mood. You don't want to misrepresent things, but subjectivity is usually unavoidable on some level, and therefore fine.
In my opinion, IDs are easiest to learn by doing, but also by starting small. If you want to build up your "description muscles" and confidence by just transcribing tweets, that's perfectly fine — and also, the path that myself and a lot of people I know have followed.
Lastly: follow some described blogs! Check out how other people do it! Writing IDs is an art, and though it has a few hard do's and don't's we've gone over, we've also gone over how it's subjective. Everyone brings a slightly different style, with a different level of lengthiness, and it's great to learn from multiple sources. Here's one list of blogs like those (link)!
"Why would this matter if I know I don't have any blind people following me?"
Consider the cycle of inaccessibility (link). If no one ever accommodates blind people, then of course you're not going to see them on Tumblr, in fandom, or in whatever internet circles! And blind people aren't the only people who need image descriptions — again, consider this post, especially this addition (link).
Worst case scenario, even if you have no one who can benefit from IDs either following you, and no people who need IDs would follow you even if you included them, you're still helping people who do maintain accessible blogs to do so — and moreover, normalizing image descriptions in general.
"I don't think blind people would be in this fandom. I mean, there's a huge visual component!"
Described comics and webcomics exist. Audio descriptions for TV shows and movies exist. Disabled people who find creative ways to play video games exist. People who watched a playthrough of a video game by a person who happened to read out the dialogue, and give descriptive commentary on the action, also exist. People who lose their vision over time, or gain other reasons to rely on IDs over time, also exist.
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olsenmyolsen · 8 hours
Hi lovely!! To answer your question about what I’d like to see in the future, first of all I just want to say that I am so so deeply glad you’ve started writing and sharing your work with us, I just think you are so so so good at writing and extremely original with each concept you come up with!! I get SO excited every time I see you’ve posted something!! Personally, my favorite fics to read are female reader with either Wanda or Natasha, or with wandanat. Hands down my most favorite fic you’ve written and that I find myself thinking about frequently is, ‘you have me for the night,’ like it is seriously mindblowingly amazing as a concept and the way you executed it!😍
My other favorites you have so kindly created and shared with us to enjoy include ‘ups and downs,’ I just can’t get over how fantastic your writing is and how funny and enthralling this story is. ‘Taste,’ simply had me in a chokehold with how hot it was and all the pining and sexual tension! Your vampire reader stories and ‘inspiration,’ are also some of my personal favorites from you.
I think I personally really like stories that have some pining and build up which you write soooo deliciously well.
I would also eat it up if you ever had any interest in a female reader and Wanda or wandanat fic with reader being a new avenger and a werewolf who discovers that Wanda (or wandanat) is her mate when she joins the team. Maybe Wanda (or wandanat) even doesn’t like reader much or doesn’t trust her when she joins so it’s like an enemies to lovers, lots of pining kind of situation.
To whoever requested this mooooonths ago, I am so so so so sorry it took me this long to complete it. I honestly started and deleted writing it like five different times. I just couldn't find the right plot in my head. But hopefully, you enjoy this <3 And I truly apologize if you're upset with some liberties I took and changed.
After Midnight
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master list . maroon master list . dark master list
Yes loosely based on the Chappell Roan song :)
Monster AU (Female Werewolf Reader X Monster Hunters WandaNat)
Summary: For some time now, Wanda has had visions of you. She doesn't know who you are, but when her senses lead her and her girlfriend, Natasha Romanoff, to a club, they end up learning more about the world than they thought they knew.
Word Count: 2.6K
Content: Crowded Places, Monsters, References to Sex, Teeth, Biting, Lust
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You danced in a dress that you wanted forever with red lipstick painted on your lips.
The poppy music swirled around you and through the club, as you drank and made quick friends with girls you knew wouldn't remember your name the next day.
Only the fact that your teeth sunk into their neck.
And the cry of pleasure that followed.
Regardless, with a smile, you danced and drank (as if you could even get drunk) and waited for the woman you had been dreaming of for the last few months.
A woman you knew belonged to you.
A woman who, like you, had been dreaming of someone she felt connected to.
"Wanda, are you sure this is it?" Natasha Romanoff asked of her partner Wanda Maximoff as they arrived outside the club The Full Moon.
To say Natasha was annoyed would be an understatement. Her girlfriend Wanda had been having these dreams of an ethereal animalistic woman for months.
Wanda was open and honest about what she would see. Natasha almost wishes she wasn't.
And yes, Natasha knew what she was experiencing was jealousy, but when her girlfriend says she "feels a connection" to this mysterious person, how else was she supposed to feel?
So, as the two of them entered the club, they both had their sights set on finding you. Whoever you were.
The second the pair of Monster Hunters enter the club, the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. Your sense going off. Yet, through the bodies of people in the club, you can't locate them as quickly.
Especially in your human form.
With a sigh, you give your empty glass to a hammered girl with big boobs and glasses as you leave the dance floor.
You hope to find the two monster hunters faster this way.
However, across the club, as the rainbow lights bounce off everything around Wanda and Natasha, they also sense something is off. Wanda gives Natasha a quizzical look after they order their drinks.
A purple cocktail for Wanda and a beer for Natasha.
"You sense it?" Wanda asks. Natasha nods as her eyes are already scanning what she can see. "A monster on this side of town? This late into the month? I don't know." Natasha replied to Wanda, who picked up her cocktail seconds after it was delivered.
Wanda also looks around the spacious room. "See anything?" She asks Natasha, who shakes her head. The two of them are experts in their field. They should be able to snuff out who or what is breaking the laws set before them, but they can't.
On top of that, they're off the clock.
Natasha turns back to the bar and takes a sip of her beer. Wanda looks at her girlfriend. "Let's just focus back on finding this mysterious person and figure out why I'm drawn to them."
Once again, that option isn't as thrilling to Natasha, but she follows along. She loves Wanda and knows how much this means to her. "Okay." She says, grabbing Wanda's hand and following her to the dance floor.
You move from your sat postion at a table far too close to a speaker as you watch the way a redhead follows another woman hand in hand into the crowd of drunks on the lit-up floor.
"Gotcha." You whisper spotting the off the clock Monster Hunters silhouetted in black. You smile, knowing you like to have fun with these people regardless, but it is far too late into the night for them to do anything.
After Midnight.
In the middle of a sea of people, Natasha and Wanda slowly start to lose themselves to the indie pop hits of today, but just as Wanda goes to finish off her cocktail, she gasps. Natasha immediately notices and comes to her side. "What is it?"
A vision plays out in Wanda's head—a vision you also see.
You smirk as the vision dissapears in your mind. You finally figured out what these visions mean.
"What is it?" Natasha asks as Wansa looks up and around the place. "She's here." Natasha looks as well but stops when Wanda gestures towards you, making your way through the crowd.
Natasha freezes as she looks over you. You're, of course, gorgeous (something maybe Wanda didn't fully explain), and you're wearing a red dress that hugs your curves beautifully.
Natasha looks from you to Wanda, whose mouth is slightly apart, in awe. "It's you," Wanda says, making you tilt your head with a smirk.
"Aside from my visions... Where do I know her from?" You question yourself before you stand in front of the pretty pair of faces looking at you. "Hi!" You say it with a sultry tone, making Natasha blatantly roll her eyes. Something you find amusing. Something Wanda ignores as she brings her body closer to you. "Hi." She says it with a soft, almost too-quiet tone.
"So you're from my vision." You cut to the chase as you bring your body closer to the brunette. Ignoring the glares from the redhead. "And you're from mine," Wanda replies.
Natasha huffs as she interrupts the eye fucking going on. "Okay. Yes. You have dreams about one another. What does that mean?" Natasha not so subtly moves in between you and the brunette. You look from the girl with the soft expression to the one with raging red hair. "And you are?" You say, biting back a smirk.
Natasha hates your attitude, forcing herself to narrow her eyes. She thinks you're lucky she's using all her strength not to fight you right now. "I'm Natasha Romanoff. I'm this one girlfriend." She says, pointing back to the brunette.
You smile. "Girlfriend?" You ask, questioning the other woman, who nods. "I'm Wanda. Wanda Maximoff." She extends her hand and raises her voice above the club music. You gingerly take her hand and shake it. The action sends a jolt of electricity through the two of you. Making you smile even wider.
"What?" Natasha asks as she sees the look on your face.
"It's just you two don't know why you've been having these visions, do you?" Each person shakes their head at you. "Well... there's no easy way to say this." You look around. Maybe the middle of the dance floor isn't the best place. "Follow me." You say to them, not caring if Natasha wants to follow or not.
You knew Wanda would.
You paid off the bouncer to the VIP area and closed the door to a private room. "Oh, come on." Natasha groans, seeing the bed in the middle of the room. "I didn't know The Full Moon was this kind of place." Wanda quietly held in a laugh as her girlfriend squeezes her hand. Annoyed. "It's not like that, I promise." You say, gesturing between you and Natasha, ignoring the comment about the bed as you move in front of the girlfriends.
It was just there for people to have a good time consensually.
As you look from one face to the other, it clicks for you.
However, just to be sure, you lightly sniff the air in the room, and your senses instantly alert you to the presence of two Monster Hunters.
The ones in front of you. 
You can't help but shake your head and smirk.
Of course.
"You two don't seem to know much about this place." You say to Natasha mainly. She rolls her eyes again. "Look, just tell us the real reason we're here." You put your hands up in a fake surrender and walk over the bed. Sitting down on it before moving back ever so slightly. Your covered breasts and long tan legs perfectly make Wanda want more.
"Wanda is my mate." You come right out and say it, knowing it would throw the two of them for a loop.
Also laughing knowing that they're Monster Hunters. They weren't supposed to be able to mate with said Monsters.
Wanda stares at you wide-eyed as if she can't believe what she just heard. Even if it was the truth and not that far from unbelievable.
She has witches blood in her after all.
Natasha, on the other hand, can't fathom it. She laughs like it's a big prank and steps closer to you. "Mate? Yeah right. Okay. Quit messing around around. Tell us the real reason."
You squint your eyes at Natasha and lie down on the bed. Sighing. "That is the real reason." Natasha opens and closes her mouth before stumbling to say: "Only Monsters can have mates." Natasha looks at you and slowly backs up. Grabbing a stunned Wanda, the two of them move away from the bed. "If it's true, then you're a Monster. That's why we sensed something. It was you!"
You lift your head up slightly. "First correction. Monsters aren't the only ones who can have mates. And secondly, do I look like a monster to you?"
"I th-"
"I was asking Wanda." Natasha closes her mouth and looks at her girlfriend. Her gaze on the person on the bed. You. "I.. I don't think you look like a Monster."
"Wanda!" Natasha says, unable to believe what Wanda was saying. Or trying to say. "I'm a beauty, Nat. What can I say." You smirk before looking at Natasha and winking. 
Even before tonight, she was having trouble coming up with reasons to be here, but now she's really struggling.
Natasha looks from Wanda to you once more. "What are you?"
"Wanda's mate. Now I don't know-"
"What are you really!?" Natasha asks, not wanting to hear any more about you and HER girlfriend. "Tasha." Wanda quietly says as she pulls on Nat's hand.
Wanda understands Natasha's frustrations and anger, but to Wanda, you were attractive, and Wanda did want to know more. Being rude wasn't going to solve anything.
You slowly pull yourself up and off the bed. Standing several feet away from the two. "I'm a Werewolf." You say, a tad quieter than you had been all night.
Something Natasha and Wanda picked up on.
"How do we know you're not lying?" Natasha asks, looking for more answers. "Aren't the visions enough?" You reply, almost annoyed. Natasha shakes her head. "Prove what you are."
You roll your eyes and take steps closer to Wanda and Natasha. Neither woman moving away. They're intrigued. You lift your upper lip up so the Monster Hunters can see a large canine tooth form before going away.
"The closer it gets to a full moon, the harder it becomes to control my human form."
Silence rests between everyone.
"Funny name for a bar then, no?" Wanda breaks the tension with a joke that makes you laugh. A sound Wanda giggles at.
Natasha squeezes Wanda's hand and does her best not to smile as she looks at you. "So now what?"
"Well, you're not taking me in. I'll tell you that." You look from the green shimmer in Wanda's eyes. "We won't," Wanda says without missing a beat.
Natasha sighs. "We weren't going to anyways. It's after hours and... and now the situation's complicated."
Truthfully, Natasha didn't care if she saw you ever again. But the more Wanda hung around you, the harder it was to pull her back.
"You know..." Natasha speaks up. "We came here tonight with one goal in mind. To see who Wanda was sharing visions with. But now that she's supposedly your mate and all that... What happens?" Natasha swallows and looks from Wanda to you and back. "Because I'm not losing Wanda to you. Not tonight." Natasha shakes her head as her eyes sting. But she sniffles and holds back the tears.
The thought of Wanda not being with her is eating away at her.
"You don't have to lose Wanda." You smirked as you brought your body closer and closer to Wanda. Her soft eyes going from her girlfriend to you.
She doesn't want to lose Natasha either.
"You know..." You lift your hand, making Natasha step forward, but she stops when she sees you push some hair from Wanda's face. "Us Monsters or Werewolf's aren't like Seahorses." Wanda tilts her head as she lays your hand on her cheek, bringing your eyes to Natasha. "Mating doesn't end with one person. It's normal and what usually happens, but... it doesn't have to be."
You bring your gaze back to Wanda as she looks from you to Natasha. Both of them understand your words. "You wouldn't lose her, Natasha."
You're honest and surprisingly caring. At least that's what Natasha thinks of you now.
"What are you doing now?" Natasha asks as you lean forward and look at Wanda's skin—especially the beautiful place on her neck.
Wanda can sense what you're thinking. "She wants to bite me." Natasha widens her eyes and goes to push you away, but you quickly grab her arm and twist it.
Your true strength coming through.
"I'm trying to be a good, good girl." You let go of Natasha, making her huff and stand in between you and Wanda. "I'm sorry I just love a little drama."
"We should get going," Natasha speaks to you as her eyes never leave yours. Yet she doesn't move. The second she gives you makes your mouth work faster than your brain. "I'm feeling kinda freaky." You raise a playful eyebrow. "Maybe it's the moonlight. Maybe it's something else. The club lights?" You shrug and step closer to Natasha.
Wanda watches as your eyes travel to Nat's smooth skin.
"I kinda wanna kiss your girlfriend, if you don't mind."
Natasha opens her mouth to argue, but Wanda stops her. "She's not talking to you," Wanda says as Nat looks back at you, wearing a widening grin. "M-me?" Natasha asks you.
And since walking into the club, the chip on Natasha's shoulder melts away. Wanda walks up behind her girlfriend, wraps her arms around her, and kisses her cheek. "We could never lose each other."
Yet Natasha still can't process what you're asking.
You nod as she stares at you. "You, Natasha." Wanda brings her lips up to Natasha's ears. "It's okay." You nod as your ears pick up Wanda's words. "And then Wanda."
"And then Wanda-" Natasha gets cut off as you invade her space and take her face in your hands. Your callous fingers move down Natasha's cheek as your aggressive kiss slows into one of passion.
This is what I wanted. This is what I like.
When you pull away, your lips are darker. Natasha stands stunned before bringing her fingers to her lips. Touching where you just were. "Yo-you just kissed me.?" She speaks, making you blush. "We can do more than that." You offer with a laugh.
Wanda, with her eyes dark, can read your mind as your kiss with Natasha opens up the connection between the three of you.
She knows you're not joking about the offer.
"Wanda..." Natasha turned her attention to Wanda as her girlfriend looked over her fondly. Lovingly. Natasha can see Wanda isn't upset by what just happened. Making Natasha's brain scramble for an answer.
A solution to the chaos of tonight.
"It'll be okay." Wanda steps forward and gives a quick peck. She can even taste you on Nat's pretty pink lips.
"B-but now... now what?" Natasha asks as she can't even think. You make your presence known again as you gently bring your hands to Natasha's. "We belong together. We make it real. I want to make this real." Natasha watches you for a moment in silence before your hands leave hers and grab Wanda's hair.
Moving it over her shoulder.
Exposing her neck.
This wasn't right.
And yet. Natasha can't help but move closer. Her mind being made up with each step. Natasha holds Wanda as you open your mouth.
However, it wasn't until the three of you were in the middle of the dance floor once again that you put your canine teeth in the side of her neck.
A scream of pleasure left her, and after midnight, that night, the three of you became more.
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dividers by @/benkeibear
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crowhoonter · 2 days
KotOR's Sith vs SWtOR's Empire
It's rather interesting to look at the "True Sith" as described by Kreia in KotOR 2 vs the Sith Empire we got in SWtOR. Back in KotOR, the True Sith were implied to be something near cosmic horror. Beings that had been changed by the Dark Side beyond any convention of human understanding, things that could no longer be reasoned or compromised with in any fashion, and would very possibly pose a threat to all life when they returned. Granted, what we know of them from KotOR is part conjecture and most of it comes from Kreia, who is an untrustworthy source at the best of times.
Then SWtOR roles around with the Sith Empire and they are... very much not that. They are a functioning, if dystopian, society with actual values and culture. They have wants and desires, goals outside just blind slaughter and killing. Y'know, like real people. Granted, I suppose the threat to all life did carry over with Vitiate and his whole deal, but he hardly is representative of everyone in the Empire. He is just a freak like that.
This drastic change in portrayal does make sense when you look at the writing teams goals with the faction. Obsidian and Chris Avellone in particular wanted to make a major big bad for what they thought would be the upcoming KotOR 3 (may it rest in peace), and wanted that threat to be something different than the typical Star Wars fanfare. As we know however, KotOR 3 never got made and instead became SWtOR, and Bioware wanted to make it palatable to more general audiences so they copy-pasted the Galactic Empire over into the past with some minor changes.
Of course, in doing this, they could no longer follow with the original idea of the True Sith. Making an entire society innately evil and desiring to wipe out all life has some... icky implications. So instead we got the Sith Empire, a still terrible and evil state, but one that is an actual society. The True Sith of KotOR were just made into one man, Vitiate, and everyone else in the empire is a mostly normal person, or as close as they can be to being normal.
While I would have loved to see the original vision of the True Sith, I can't help but believe the Sith Empire is the better than what we would've gotten. Vitiate, being honest, sucks as an antagonist. He's boring, uninspired, and lacks the charisma that made Palpatine fun. He got a bit better in Knights of the Fallen Empire, but still was overall underwhelming. I can't imagine something where legions of people like him are the main antagonist. The conflict would probably be reminiscent of the Fate of the Jedi books once Abeloth got introduced. Boring, impersonal, and just tedious to get through.
Granted, a villain like that can be done well, as exemplified by KotOR 2's own Darth Nihilus. He works because he is completely void. Nihilus' discerning feature is his lack of personality, being subsumed into his own hunger. Power has destroyed and reduced him, but even in such a state, you can make out the faint outline of the man he once was. His last shred of humanity showing through when he spared Visas Marr. A twisted sense of compassion, but compassion nonetheless. He is tragic, but still thoroughly inhuman and evil. The problem would arise in trying to make legions of characters like this. It would wear thin fast.
Side tangent aside, I really love the Sith Empire we got. It is, as of now, maybe the most complex view we have gotten of the Sith outside of books. They are still thoroughly evil, but it gives some insight into what made them into that. Whether it be trauma, ambition, grief, or even a sense of duty, the Sith have actual motivations besides kill and rule. It demonstrates that at their core, they are still people, not just evil caricatures.
This got longer than I expected, sorry about that. Just have a lot of thoughts about these fellas.
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copiasblair · 3 months
my blu ray player and my copy of sucker punch extended cut are getting here on monday let's fucking gooooo
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verygayandverytired · 2 months
i want to live in the world where dragon age inquisition got to have the in-depth strategy / political organization sim elements bioware obviously wanted it to have where your decisions in managing the inquisition actually meant anything for how it operates and had effects on the game world. sadly we live in the universe where art needs to make profit
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trainingdummyrabbit · 7 months
about 5 seconds from spinning an entire barely-genre-adjacent au just because ikeep thinking abt Characters too hard
anyway angela and roland on the worlds longest, shittiest road trip to Nowhere
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daz4i · 27 days
please keep drawing nikolai as a fucked up angel. it heals +5 hp for me every time i see those
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linagram · 1 year
[𝚙𝚛𝚎-𝚝𝟸 𝚟𝚘𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚍𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚊 #𝟶𝟷] 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚋𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚞𝚕𝚎𝚜
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IT'S HERE LET'S GOOOOO okay i'm slowly starting to post more t2 stuff, so uh. i hope you guys are ready for this because i'm not
also i drew this in like half an hour i kinda wanted it to look messy
(warnings: mentions of physical assault/violence and attempted suicide, also Jackalope might be a bit OOC)
[ The door opens ]
*sounds of footsteps*
Eiji: Guard 002, did you call me?
Eiji: Did you need something?
Eiji: ...
Eiji: "Huh. No response."
Eiji: Guard 002, are you here?
Eiji: Miki, are you here?..
Eiji: "Where did that girl go.."
???: Ah, finally, here you are.
Eiji: !
Eiji: "What was that?.."
Eiji: Is there anybody here? You better show yourself right now or I-
???: Now, now, calm down. I know that you're one of the scariest guards we've had, but at least try to act a bit more chill this time.
Eiji: .. "We"?
Eiji: W-wait, who am I even talking to?
Eiji: Am I.. talking to the person who created this place?
???: .. Did you not notice me yet?
???: I'm literally right in front of you.
Eiji: What are you talking about? I can't see anyone here-
Eiji: H-huh?..
Jackalope: Hello there, "Guard 001".
Eiji: ...
Jackalope: Now, I know that you're the strict and responsible type, so I hope we will have a proper conversation-
[ Eiji throws something at Jackalope ]
Jackalope: .. Seriously?
Jackalope: You know what, maybe I should've chosen the girl. I'm sure she would be much easier and nicer to talk to.
Jackalope: Wait, are you-
[ Eiji throws something at him again ]
Jackalope: .. Yeah, Guard 002 would be the better option.
Eiji: *breathing heavily* Why.. are you still.. talking?..
Eiji: .. I'm not going insane, right? I'm completely normal, I'm a completely sane person..
Jackalope: *laughs*
Eiji: T-this thing can laugh too??
Jackalope: Eiji, you're one of the least sane people I've ever met.
Eiji: I..
Eiji: Maybe I should just leave. Maybe I should just leave this room.
Eiji: These last days have been.. not so easy, all this stress is getting to me.
Eiji: It's not like I hate being the guard of this prison, it's just.. It can be very hard sometimes.
Jackalope: Yeah, you actually enjoy being a guard a lot.
Jackalope: *sighs* Calm down already, will you?
Jackalope: And stop throwing stuff at me, okay? You have a lot of energy for someone with a body as weak as yours.
Eiji: ...
Eiji: .. What did you say?
Jackalope: I know a lot about you, Eiji. And about your partner too.
Jackalope: I've been watching you two all this time.
Eiji: .. H-how?
Eiji: No, like, how can you..
Eiji: How can you even talk?
Eiji: Wait, is that a guard uniform?
Eiji: Does that mean that you're also-
Jackalope: Now, I understand that you have a lot of questions and you will get answers to them eventually..
Jackalope: Probably.
Jackalope: But listen, appearing like this wasn't really a part of my plan either. I have a reason to come and talk to you in person like this.
Jackalope: If it wasn't for one small thing, I would just continue to study you two, it's so entertaining to watch you and Guard 002, haha..
Jackalope: Ahem. But anyway, we do have something important to talk about. You might want to sit down for this one.
Eiji: ...
[Eiji sits down]
Jackalope: Perfect.
Jackalope: Now, Eiji, so you understand how Milgram works, right?
Eiji: O-of course I do.
Eiji: We interrogate the prisoners, we extract their videos, we watch them.. and then we judge them.
Eiji: That's.. all we have to do.
Jackalope: Haha, really? Is that all?
Jackalope: I'm sure you understand that the guards have to do much, much more than that.
Eiji: I mean..
Eiji: It's not like I want to do it, but I have to cook for them and also, um..
Jackalope: Eiji, you know I mean something else.
Jackalope: You know, like making sure the prisoners don't die before their final verdict.
Eiji: !
Jackalope: Oh well, if they die, I guess it cannot be helped-
Eiji: .. W-what do you mean by that?
Eiji: How.. how much do you actually know?
Jackalope: Well, I know everything about those recent incidents.
Jackalope: One of the prisoners has tried to injure the two other prisoners, who are also some of the most vulnerable ones here.
Jackalope: One prisoner is now trying to do literally anything to make others pay attention to him, which doesn't always end well.
Jackalope: And there also was a prisoner who tried to kill himself-
Eiji: I.. Now I understand.
Eiji: You really do know everything.
Jackalope: Haha, of course I do. Now, I'll just get straight to the point.
Jackalope: Eiji, you remember how the trial system works, right?
Eiji: Me and Guard 002 have to discuss everyone's crimes and we have to make a decision about their verdict.
Jackalope: And would you say it's hard to make those decisions?
Eiji: .. Why don't you tell me that yourself if you've been watching us all this time?
Jackalope: Wow, look at you, acting so brave already!
Jackalope: I thought you had more respect for this place.
Eiji: .. Sorry.
Eiji: It is.. hard. Me and Guard 002 have completely different opinions and values, she thinks we should forgive all the prisoners and their crimes don't matter, meanwhile I think they all deserve to die for their sins.
Eiji: So.. we often end up arguing because of that.
Jackalope: Can you say that the first trial has been stressful for you?
Eiji: .. Well, it's only the first trial, so it's natural that we're only getting used to this-
Jackalope: It takes a lot of time to come to the same conclusion, doesn't it?
Jackalope: You want to punish all the prisoners here, meanwhile Guard 002 wants to forgive them. You two couldn't be any more different than this.
Eiji: .. Yes, I don't agree with her opinion most of the time, but I still think she deserves to be a guard. She has a reason to forgive them and when she explains it, she's able to convince even someone like me that these murderers deserve a second chance.
Jackalope: Judging by the results of the first trial, one might say that she's too good at it.
Eiji: .. Of course, you know about that too, don't you?
Jackalope: I have to say, these results have.. surprised me a bit.
Jackalope: All of these people are murderers and some of them committed the worst and scariest crimes you can ever imagine, but..
Jackalope: Most of them have been voted innocent. Actually, all but three of them were forgiven.
Jackalope: I guess Guard 002 really is good at her job, isn't she?
Eiji: Are you.. disappointed?
Eiji: I promise I will be more strict with them this time. I won't hold back. I will make sure everyone gets the punishment that they deserve-
Jackalope: I'm not here to tell you what's good and what's bad to do.
Jackalope: You can judge them in any way you want, I couldn't care less. You can vote all of them innocent or you can vote all of them guilty if you want. You don't even have to judge them based on your morals or whatever. Or you can vote them based on that, if you want.
Jackalope: Also, who am I to tell you to stop agreeing with a pretty girl all the time?
Jackalope: But again, you two are completely different people which makes this whole voting process a unique and interesting experience, but also..
Jackalope: Would you say that this voting system is flawed?
Eiji: ...
Eiji: N-no, of course not..
Jackalope: You deserve to be praised for being so loyal to this place, haha.
Jackalope: And yes, I think making two guards judge a prisoner can actually be better than just making one person choose.
Jackalope: What if that person is a coward who's too afraid of making any decisions? What if that person doesn't want to take that responsibilty? What if they just refuse to vote?
Eiji: Actually.. what happens if you refuse to vote?
Jackalope: Anyway, I'm sure you two have thought at least once about just.. not agreeing with each other and not wanting to change your mind.
Eiji: .. I guess so, yes.
Jackalope: So, Eiji, can you tell me what happens when two people can't come to the same conclusion at all and they just can't make a decision?
Eiji: Wait, but what if we just.. vote the way that we want to vote? What if Guard 002 votes someone innocent, while I vote that person guilty? What happens next?
Jackalope: *sighs*
Jackalope: Can you not answer my question with another question?
Eiji: Oh, sorry.
Eiji: I guess.. They try to find a compromise in some way?
Jackalope: But what if they can't do that? I don't think you can do something like that so easily when you have to decide whether you want to forgive or punish a murderer.
Eiji: I..
Eiji: Well, I don't know. That will probably end with a fight.
Jackalope: Hm, so your mind immediately jumped to that, huh..
Jackalope: Is it because you're used to solving problems that way?
Eiji: Um..
Jackalope: Well, I don't care about your backstory, so let me just answer the question myself.
Jackalope: When two people can't make a decision and almost end up arguing because of that..
Jackalope: They might want to ask someone for a third opinion.
Eiji: ...
Eiji: Huh?
Jackalope: You know, maybe they will just ask their friend to help them out or maybe they will ask a random person what they would do in their situation.
Jackalope: Maybe that person will have a completely different opinion, but they can still be able to guide those two and give them some advice.
Jackalope: Or, well, at least they can just be there to make sure there won't be something like a 50/50 result.
Jackalope: .. Hey, are you okay? You seem kinda pale.
Eiji: .. What does that mean?
Eiji: What do you mean by "a third opinion"?
Jackalope: Well, it's not something that you have to worry about, it's not gonna change the voting process in any way.
Jackalope: Maybe we won't even have to do that-
Eiji: Third opinion.. Asking someone to "help us out"..
Eiji: Making sure there won't be a 50/50 result..
Eiji: Hey..
Eiji: Does that mean there's a third guard hiding somewhere?
Jackalope: Hey, relax, I've already told you that it most likely won't come to that.
Eiji: .. D-does that mean there's someone else in this prison and we don't know about it?
Eiji: Are they aware of what's going on? Or maybe they're "asleep"?
Eiji: .. Wait a second.
Eiji: Me and Guard 002..
Eiji: We both are related to other prisoners.
Eiji: Me and Prisoner 005 are brothers and Guard 002 is most likely related to Prisoner 007.
Eiji: And I don't think this is a coincidence, so..
Jackalope: Wow, you really are smart.
Eiji: .. Does that mean you're hiding someone's family member here? If it has to be someone's sibling..
Eiji: Wait.. I remember. Prisoner 002 has an older brother, Prisoner 004 has an older brother and a younger sister, Prisoner 006 has a younger brother, Prisoner 009 has an older brother and two younger sisters and Prisoner 010 has a younger brother.
Eiji: If you're hiding someone's sibling, it has to be-
Jackalope: Eiji. Does this mean that you don't want to do all of this anymore?
Jackalope: Does this mean you don't want to be a guard anymore?
Jackalope: Do you really want to let Guard 002 forgive your brother like that?
Eiji: ...
Jackalope: Listen, I also wasn't a fan of this whole concept of "choosing the prisoners' siblings as the guards". Doesn't that sound like a cheap plot twist? What, is this some kind of drama?
Jackalope: But eh, I went along with it.
Eiji: .. I'm sorry.
Eiji: I'm sorry, I really do have a lot of respect for this place and if I could, I would stay here so that I can judge even more prisoners.
Eiji: It's just..
Eiji: Making two people with completely different opinions judge someone, choosing people who are related to the prisoners to be the guards, saying that if we can't make a decision, there will be a third person to help us so that the prisoners can be properly judged..
Eiji: .. All of this doesn't sound like a normal trial.
Eiji: It's like.. a game. It's like someone is playing a game and they want to see just what exactly they can do while playing it. It's like they want to see just how many possibilities this game has.
Eiji: So they start.. experimenting with it, basically.
Eiji: And if I want to punish everyone so badly and I get annoyed when I see how many prisoners have been voted innocent and I want to convince Guard 002 that I'm right and she's wrong..
Eiji: .. Doesn't that mean that I've fallen right into some kind of trap? Doesn't that mean that I'm just a character in that game and I'm getting ordered around, but I don't even notice it?
Eiji: .. Wait, where are you?
Eiji: Hey, weird rabbit thing! Where did you go?
Eiji: .. For some reason I don't feel like I'm that powerful anymore. Do my decisions even matter in this place?
Eiji: Oh, there you are-
[Eiji goes silent for a moment]
Eiji: .. Wait, what am I even thinking?
Eiji: I'm the guard of the Milgram prison. I have a job to do.
Eiji: I have to go and tell everyone about the second trial.
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dyketubbo · 1 year
i do think oranboo would wear dresses and skirts but i also think that she would still be really pathetic. shes not your sassy but supportive sister figure who magically knows makeup now and does yours for you shes not human and her species doesnt have gender (at MOST if you connect enderians to the ender dragon then she would be. a dragon) so tits would probably be more annoying to her than anything ("why would i choose to have back pain. why shouldnt i just tailor dresses to fit me without weird lumps on my chest") shes probably not going to be very nice at all really
no in my mind oranboo has just decided that now that shes a girl shes TWICE as better than everyone. shes still a weirdo who lives in a cave and cant go out in the rain not because it would ruin her makeup but because itll literally kill her. ranboo not being on the server is actually just oranboo going mining to try and get rich again. shes still a spoiled brat but now shes a spoiled brat of a PRINCESS and really her connection to the ender dragon makes her THRICE as cool and better than everyone else, actually. she mutters to herself and probably always has dirty hands because ender but she doesnt have silk touch.
transitioning didnt make oranboo go from a manloser to a #girlboss #slay #baddie who pinches your cheeks and teases you but means well. shes just a womanloser now who does wear dresses and heels but the heels are so it hurts more when she steps on your foot to get you to drop something and then pretends it wasnt her and even if it was you deserved it actually because that was hers? its in her hands so its hers now. she probably stole the gender too
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fruitsofhell · 3 months
Is it hyperbolic to say that FF7R is made of the same brain slush that Disney Live Action remakes are? I know FF7R is technically still animated, but I mean, so was The Lion King 2019.
#shut the heck up#ff7#disney#tag talking#watching the nibelhiem part of rebirth with the council and there were sooo many dumb choices#and like looking at the 7r project as a whole it just lacks so moment to moment vision#i know its building to some grand meta-narrative but like individual scenes are so bleh so generic action camera and mocapitis#im happy there are enough people out there who realize the majesty of prerendered backgrounds for storytelling but like squenix doesnt care#also so many scenes that were originally slow and dialogue based turned into mild action setpieces its shtuupid#or the part in the reactor where while Sephiroth has a revelation youre in a different room doing a random valve turning QTE LIKEDSGFJSHD#lord the balance of battles and narrative#people harp on the original for being dated with its late 90sness but theres so much abbrassive rule-of-coolism in 7R#more than a lot me and my friends kept screaming about sephiroths characterization like why in gods green fuck he smiled so much#and one of my friends was like 'maybe this is cloud making things up cause he wants to feel like sephy notices him' and i was likE-#OFC THEN LATE GAME THEYLL EXPLAIN THAT ALL HIS OOC FANSERVICE MANNERISMS AHVE BEEN A ROUSE THE WHOLE TIMEHDSGJF#THEY DO ACTUALLY KNOW HOW TO CHARACTERIZE HIM THEY WERE JUST TORMENTING US OFC!! HSDFGJSDJ#they dont know what theyre fukcing doing with that guy he shouldnt be fucking smiling during nibelhiem#he shouldnt have even smiled when he said the 'im going to see my mother' line - AND DEFINITELY NOT DURING THE FIRE!!#he was not happy then he was estuans interis he was on a mission not sadistically torturing the townsfolk#HE WOULD NOT FUCKING do THAT
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whoviandoodler · 1 year
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[Image description: a digital drawing of Thomas from Transatlantic holding Varian's hand and kissing his fingers while crying. We only see Thomas's face and their two hands covered in dripping blood. Behind them are black shards with designery red eyes on them. The pieces is coloured in desaturated blues with red accents. End description.]
We all have blood on our hands.
#transatlantic#lovefry#varian fry#thomas lovegrove#so uhhhh yeah if anyone remembers me saying i was sketching some ideas to do w how they met this is one of them#i started getting too many ideas in the middle of it so i kind of lost the original vision but thats ok bcs experimentation baby#basically the first idea was to have knives in the bg but then i was like glass shards bcs of the beer glass that was probably shattered#and bcs its less complex than a knife while still signifying violence (wanted simpler elements in this bad boy)#and then the eyes are all the people who just watched and the red signifies the underlying violence of being a silent observer#in these kinds of situations#and then i got distracted w thomas's suit lol bcs i accidentally did stripes and i was like omg criminal symbolism#and then i was like ok what if they werent normal stripes (bcs that strict angularity is more a part of varian's symbolism)#but instead were more scale-like bcs thomas is resilient but his throat is open bcs a part of his resilience is a lack of fear#of vulnerability#see what i mean by got distracted lol#it doesnt belong in this piece bcs it almost creates a second accent colour when red is meant to be the only one#but id love to do something w it in a different piece#thanks for coming to my ted talk it has to be in here bcs ill see this in 6 months having forgotten everything#and i hope u enjoy the drawing bcs if i cant be completely happy w it (artist disease) at least someone else might enjoy it#artist brain insists i shouldnt share it but i must face the horrors in order to grow /hj
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batfamfucker · 2 years
Tell the truth comic fans challenge. When's the last time you read a comic and how many have you actually read?
P.S. This isn't me being gatekeepy btw I'm being genuine because I'm gonna be honest I've probably only actually read about five series and every thing else I've gotten from movies/series, online, or fanon. I know all the important events. Have I actually read them? No because my ADHD just wouldn't. And I can't be assed having to read important events if it's in a shit run by a bad writer.
#Also ngl I was determined to read from the very start but. I would not have the time for that in any life so lmao#I have read quite a few of the early Batman comics and do actually hope to read as many of his as possible#But I have not actually sat and read all of the Batfam origins yet tho I intend to#I know them all and I've seen the panels just never actually sat down and gone through it all#I also have read a lot of the Golden Era Batman and Superman team up comics where they basically act like parents#Taking Dick out on family day trips. It's a fun read tbh#And back when I was a early teen and couldn't afford comics I watched YouTuber who would read them for you and tell you about them/show you#So I've read half of Batman Eternal from that but he stopped uploading vids about it which made me really sad lmao#So I need to get around to reading the rest myself/rereading it because it's been a while#I think I liked the story but wouldn't canonise it in my mind#I also read a bit of Suicide Sqaud that way I think? So that too#I totally don't pirate read Injustice#I like it but I think some of it is iffy. But that's the case with comics in general#Batman: Wayne Family Adventures is the only I actually keep up with#Probably because it's more accessible but also because it's the kind of comic I've wanted about the Batfam for ages#There's room for improvement and I would like to see how one similar to that style would be made like. In the fully canon mainstream comics#Because I'm aware it's very fanon/fan servicey but honesty after all the DC chaos we deserve it. But I would like to see more family#Urban Legends is really good. But Idk. I'm very particular about my vision lmao#Let me be a writer is what I'm saving. Or make a competant TV show *Glares at Titans*#Titans is good but God do they fucking butcher Jason and Bruce. I am sick of DC TV and film adaptions doing the Batfam dirty#Like. The animated movies#Tim just is never a thing ever. Why#Titans does have him and I like that. But I haven't watched that season ngl because I don't like how they write Bruce#Like. He doesn't. Look for cjild soldiers bruh. I'm disappointed with Titans because they coulda done so well#But Bruce is far too old and they made Dick almost murderous with him and they fucked up Jason. I haven't seen Tim's-#-Characterisation yet but I'm scared to at this point#Alfred must be fucking dead because he would be SO OLD if Bruce is already like 60 bruh. No offence to the actor but yeah.#Chella Man is the best thing about the show. Tbf I adore the cast other than Bruce. But everyone is just so OOC and it doesn't-#Stick to the comics at all#Idk it just. Isn't it lmao
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