#i want omar's pants
omar-bb · 11 months
New pics from Wilnur from Hellenius Hörna (IG)
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snallavanta · 1 year
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I had such a clear image of what Simon was wearing to Wille’s birthday party when I first wrote space buns but now that I’m writing Simon’s POV I am simply Not Vibing With It Anymore😀
Help lol
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kipercrow · 1 month
Stardew Gas (Shane x Male Farmer) (M/M)
The Luau was a wonderful tradition in Pelican Town. Omar being the town’s farmer, always made sure to bring his best ingredients for the big Soup! Everyone gets to put in their own ingredients, and Omar always wanted to show the fruits of his farming. Especially since the governor would come to town just for this event. Since he began getting close to Shane, Omar had been perfecting the way he grew his chillies. It was after all one of the ways he got Shane to see him as a friend, and then eventually a partner. They’ve been dating for a year now, and Shane with the help of Omar, town doctor Harvey, and his therapist in Zuzu City, he’s been able to work on his mental health, and improve a lot! After Joja Mart closed down following the completion of the Community Center, Shane started spending more time with Omar, helping around with the animals. They loved working together. It’s why when it was their turn to add something to the Luau Soup, they both added chillies! The soup was delicious! With the approval of the governor, everyone celebrated, eating more food and joking around with each other.
Late at night, after the Luau ended, full of food Shane and Omar walked back to their shared home together. “Ughh... *gurgle*... I feel a little bloated... oof... too much Joja all-purpose dipping sauce.” Shane said, rubbing his belly. “Same here. We ate so much. Elliot’s bean casserole was phenomenal. I have to ask him for the recipe the next time I see him. You know he told me that he was working on a cookbook.” Omar said. “Oh is that so? Do tell him that chickpeas don’t work in a bean casserole. Too many different textures.” Shane said before smiling. The two of them entered their home, and removed their shoes and walked over to their bedroom to change into their pajamas. Shane put on his blue plaid pajama pants, and an old band tee for Bimar, both Shane and Omar were fans of the band and loved their song ‘Distressed Position’. Omar changed into his black pajama shorts, and a normal t-shirt that just had a cat on it. The two men sat on the couch, and turned on the TV. Even though the Luau was lively, they weren’t tired. Omar’s dog Buddy sat on his bed next to the couch, it was the same dog that Shane’s aunt Marnie found and brought to Omar. Buddy took a liking to Shane almost right away, and has been very beneficial to Shane’s mental health improving. 
Shane rubbed his belly, the food from the Luau was beginning to mix and become gas in his stomach. This wouldn’t be a problem if he was back at Marnie’s home. Shane would usually just take a walk around the barn, and walk past the forests and let out any farts he had on the way. Hell, he’d probably be letting all of his gas out in his bedroom, as long as he kept his window open Marnie wouldn’t mind. But here with Omar things were different. He hadn’t farted in front of Omar yet. Sure he assumed that his loving farmer boyfriend had farted before, he by all proof was a human, and humans fart. He couldn’t fart no matter how bad the gas pains were, he didn’t want to ruin this love. But through the corner of his eye, Shane saw Buddy, sleeping peacefully in his bed. Dogs fart, Shane could totally blame his release on Buddy, Omar has probably blamed his farts on Buddy many times before. Omar was focusing very much into the movie about a team of young adults solving a mystery, he wouldn’t notice Shane farting. 
Shane slightly shifted in his seat, and released a fart blast.
The fart was a quick rumble, Shane had hoped that it would be an SBD but oh well, better now to blame the dog. “Ha Wow Buddy that was a good one!” Omar looked at Shane smirking, unbeknownst to Shane, Omar was not buying that at all. He knew that Shane had farted, breaking the barrier in their relationship, it would have been broken weeks ago but Marnie had called the home asking if Shane could bring over some fresh eggs from the barn, before Omar could be the first to let rip. Shane looked back at Omar, and began to internally panic. “W-What? That was the dog. I swear” Shane said, trying to seem calm. Omar shook his head and looked deep into Shane’s eyes.
“Yes, the dog.” Omar said, smiling. Shane didn’t know what to say, Omar didn’t buy his lie, and then farted in front of him. “I-I’m sorry Omar. I didn’t mean to lie to you” he said, feeling absolutely awful. “Oh Shane, don’t apologize. You tried to blame a fart on the dog, so what? You’re not the only one feeling the effects of tonight’s Luau meal.” “I just felt embarrassed to do it, in front of you. I was afraid that you’d think that it was gross and wouldn’t want to be with me.” “Shane, I would never ever dump you, especially not over a little fart. It’s not even that gross, heck I have to clean up cow poop now that’s gross. I know it stinks, but they’re happier when they get to let that shit go. So you know it’s like us, I’m happier when you’re able to fart freely in front of me.” Shane smiled after hearing that, and kissed Omar on the cheek, it’s what he needed to hear. Shane and Omar continued to watch the movie together, feeling better now that they’ve broken the fart barrier. Almost 30 minutes later, Omar got hit with a smell of rotten eggs, he looked towards Shane. Shane with a smirk on his face looked at Omar, “What? I’m at my happiest.” Omar cracked up at that comment and he kissed Shane on the lips. “I love you, you smelly cow.” “Moo.” Omar and Shane continued to laugh together and watched the movie till its end.
After the movie ended, Omar and Shane turned off the TV and walked to their bed letting out little farts along the way, taking full advantage of their newfound comfort. They got into bed, Buddy in his bed. Shane felt really happy, he was soaking it in how he was sleeping with his boyfriend, he didn’t need to worry about Jas and Marnie, Buddy was sound asleep, and he was comfortable with Omar. He was so comfortable in fact that he didn’t think twice about releasing some of his gas.
It was a little fart, nothing big to write home about, but it made Shane happy to not have to hold back anymore. “Don’t blame the dog on that weak one.” Omar said cheekily. “Weak?” “Yes baby, weak. That was alright. Here, let me show you better.”
Omar released a loud fart that slid into a low rumble before coming back up in volume. “That’s how you do it.” “I see, I see. Here, I’m going to take credit for this one.”
Shane let out a big fart, showing how serious he was to prove that he wasn’t weak. “Good Good. That’s better to see babe.” “You got anymore?” “Oh Shanny boy, you won’t be able to beat me. I used to out-fart my dad, and that man is why Mayor Lewis is a mayor and not the town farter.” “Town farter?” “Yeah Lewis used to fart a lot in town when he was younger. My dad beat him so bad in a contest, with a fart that some say is still going on.” “Really? I can’t believe Lewis would be so open about farting. He never seemed like the type to even burp!” Shane, now sitting up, was surprised to learn that Mayor Lewis would be so nonchalant about farting. Sure he knew that Lewis had his secrets, he thought to himself, “I mean Omar did catch Lewis kissing Marnie one night after a pretty eventful night at the Saloon. There was also the time Lewis forgot his underwear in Marnie’s room, Omar doesn’t know but I saw him bring it to Lewis. They don’t think I know but Lewis climbs in through the back window in Marnie’s room.” Omar sat up too, and began talking about the memories his dad told him about Mayor Lewis. “Yeah, when my dad lived here with my grandpa, my dad and Lewis would challenge each other in things. Lewis mainly farted when he was alone, but some days he’d fart in front of my dad to see if he’d do something. But he never thought my dad would fire back, so when one day that he did they set up a contest. My dad said it lasted for about an hour, they were firing back and forth within seconds of each other, they did it in this old home near the lake, he said that place stunk so bad! But after my dad let out a big 10 second fart, Lewis had nothing to return so my dad was declared the winner. Nowadays I notice that whenever Lewis walks by my barn he scrunches his face, like he’s letting something out. I think he uses my cows to block the farts.” Shane couldn’t believe his ears, Lewis a farter? And Omar’s dad beating Lewis, and Omar beating his dad? “Omar can’t be that impressive, if he’s using Lewis as a base.” Shane thought to himself. “Well Omar, if you’re such a pro-farter let’s see who can stink out this joint. Make Pelican Town think your cows have started to rot!” “You really want to go for it?” Shane pulled his knee to his chest and let out a 4 second bassy fart. “Yeah I’m going for it.” after saying that Shane let out 2 smaller farts back to back. “Oh! I see how it is, watch this!” Omar said before leaning slightly to the left, with his butt facing Shane and let out two bubbly farts that were 3 seconds. “Still want to go against me?” Omar said. Shane stood up and turned around and stuck out his butt, before letting out a wet 5 second fart! “And that was all air baby!” Shane said gloating. 
Omar and Shane kept their eye contact, the room falling silent until they both began to laugh and Shane fell onto the bed. “I love you honey” Shane said, kissing Omar’s cheek. “I love you too. Now if you truly want to start a contest we gotta do it by my dad’s rules.” Seeing that Shane was confused, Omar gave more information. “We pick a day, pig out on a bunch of fart inducing food, and whomever runs out first loses.” Omar punctuated his dad’s rules with a low rumble of a fart. “That sounds like fun, I mean I think we could do some damage to Pelican Town if we go full force-” Shane paused, letting out a wet note. “We should go some place far. Where no one can hear us-” Shane lifting his leg, releasing a loud bubbly fart “Where no one can smell us”. Omar smiled at Shane, letting go a short pop of a fart. “That sounds perfect, we can make the paint peel, in more ways than one.” Omar said, tracing Shane’s arm and stomach with his fingers. Omar releasing a longer bassy fart, punctuating it with tapping Shane on the tip of his nose, “Boop”. Shane smiled. Shane and Omar laid there in silence except for the bursts of gas releasing into the air, it wouldn’t be long before they fell asleep in each other’s arms.
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hannahbarberra162 · 2 months
Struck Twice By Lightning, Chapter 11
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18+, MDNI
On Ao3
I linked the poem Shanks's toast comes from in the text of the chapter, but here it is again. It's from the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.
As you were kissing, Shanks stood up from the couch, holding you upright with his arm. You didn’t break the kiss for a moment, feeling too swept up in your emotions. He brought you to the bed, laying you down on your back with him on top of you. You broke away to get some needed air and Shanks took the opportunity to kiss your neck from bottom to top. You reached for his shirt and ripped it open, causing the only button to fly off somewhere. He peeled it off, now nibbling on your earlobe.
“Do you mean it?” Shanks whispered. You shuddered at the feeling of air tickling your ear. He kissed down your jaw.
“I do.” Once you made the proclamation, he kissed you passionately, rolling his tongue over yours. You responded in kind, kissing him back just as fiercely. You did love him, it was true, but nothing in life was guaranteed. You needed this moment in time with him now. You were removing your own shirt and pants as quickly as possible. You wanted to feel all of Shanks’s skin against your own. Shanks, however, was still half clothed and wasn’t moving to take anything else off.
“Shanks, please,” you pleaded. 
“Patience,” he husked. He kissed his way down your chest, pausing at each breast to lick and kiss. He made his way slowly down to your stomach, teasing you further. He parted your thighs with his hand, settling in between them. He gave a little love bite to the top of your thigh, then nuzzled into your pussy. He parted your lips and licked you in a large stripe from bottom to top, ending right before your clit. You groaned, wanting more. You tangled your hand in his hair, trying to guide him, but Shanks was unmoveable. He lapped at your entrance, tasting the juices you knew you were making. He delved his tongue into you, causing you to moan louder. It felt like he was trying to eat you from the inside out. He slurped and licked you until you were writhing on the bed, his arm holding you in place. 
It all felt incredible but you wanted more. Your legs jolted as he licked the tip of his tongue against your clit. He started alternatively gently sucking on your clit with strong strokes of the flat of his tongue. He took two of his fingers and rubbed them on your entrance, where his mouth had been moments before. 
“S-Shanks, please!” you begged again. Shanks hummed against your nub and pushed his fingers in, reaching for that spot within you. Finding the spongy area he was looking for, he stroked it while lapping at your clit. You felt your orgasm rising within you as he continued his ministrations, and he increased the tempo . He groaned into you when he felt your pussy pulsing around his fingers. He was grinding himself against the bed, stimulating himself to the taste of your pussy.. Your legs were shaking, you could feel yourself getting more tense as you got closer to release. Shanks sucked your clit gently into his mouth and your world narrowed to just you and him. You came and felt like you were falling into a never ending abyss. Shanks continued licking you through your high until you mewled at him to stop.
“I need you, Shanks, please.” You tried to reach for him but he stood on his knees to remove his pants. You couldn’t bear another moment without feeling him so you rose on your own to kiss him. You helped him remove his pants and pulled him back down on top of you. You wound your legs around his waist, still a little sensitive from coming moments ago. He lined himself up and slowly pushed into you until he was fully sheathed. It was wonderfully unbearable - his deliberate pace driving you absolutely wild.
“Tell me again,” Shanks murmured. If he had said it during any other time you’d had sex, you would have refused. But you felt so raw and connected in that moment that you couldn’t deny him.
“I love you.” Shanks pulled himself out until he was almost all the way out. He pushed himself back in slowly, causing you to arch your back. It was delicious torture to have Shanks make love to you. He started a leisurely rhythm allowing him to kiss you while pumping into you. You were roving your hands all over his back, feeling the broad expanse of muscle. He picked up his pace and hiked your legs over his shoulders. Leaning down over you, he began hitting your g-spot as he filled you completely. He licked his thumb and brought it down between you to gently rub your clit.
You were overwhelmed. Your emotions were running high, he was pounding your gspot, rubbing your clit while your dug your nails into whatever part of him you could reach, mostly his muscled thighs. You could feel your next orgasm brewing deep within you. 
“Shanks!” There were no other words to say, nothing else in the world, the only thing that mattered was this moment and the man about to bring you to climax. You could feel yourself fluttering around him. Shanks was in no hurry to meet his own pleasure, content to prolong yours for as long as he could.
“I love you, too.” Shanks repeated your words from earlier back to you and you came hard. Your world went white as you undulated under him. You felt waves of pleasure so strong you felt like you couldn’t hear or see. The sight must have encouraged Shanks because you felt him coming as well, pumping his seed into you. When he finished, he pulled out and looked down at you. You had dribbles of his come leaking out of you, and he used his fingers to push it back in. You were too sensitive to continue for at least a few minutes. 
“Please, I can’t right now, please.” In the aftershock of your orgasm, you clung to him, using his solid frame for a sense of security. He laid down next to you, sweaty and breathing hard. You curled up facing him and he put his arm around you and tugged, bringing you closer. After a few moments of catching your breath, he spoke.
“So that’s how I get you to be polite to me. I counted at least four ‘please’s” 
“If you treat me like that, of course I’ll be polite. I could ‘yes sir’ and ‘no sir’ you all day.” Your light banter was a break from the intensity of before. Shanks often used humor to avoid emotion, but this was a welcome opportunity for you as well. 
You reached out with your hands and delicately kissed his mouth. He kissed you back just as sweetly and you savored the moment. You broke the kiss and looked into his deep brown eyes, face still close enough you could feel his breath on you. Shanks had an expression of tenderness on his face. You gently traced the scarred marks on his face with your thumb. He took your hand and kissed the middle of your palm. He rolled over onto his back, bringing you with him onto your side.
You laid your head down on his chest, able to feel his breathing but not meeting his gaze. He trailed his fingertips gently up and down your spine, causing you to shiver. You did love him, it was true. You always checked the papers for news of him or his crew and read their updated wanted posters. You loved him but you’d finally scraped together a world for yourself that didn’t have him at the center of it. A part of you didn’t want to let that go, even for a second chance together.
You loved him. But that didn’t mean he was good for you, or that you would be staying with him. Being struck by lightning and surviving once was amazing enough - twice would be fatal. You lapsed into silence, thinking about the future and the repercussions of your actions, of your words.
“What are you thinking about, Ladybug?” Shanks said quietly near your ear. This time you didn’t object to him using your private nickname.
“Nothing always means something. Don’t worry. We’ll figure it out.” You didn’t respond. It was easy for him to say, but it didn’t feel that way to you. You dozed off listening to his heart thrumming in his chest.
You were able to finish distilling the sake later that evening while the ship was in the process of docking at some island. Since Bonk Punch and Lime Juice were the original instigators behind this idea, you brought them down to the storehold where you were brewing to try it out. You poured a small amount into glasses for the three of you, and clinked them together. 
“What should we cheer for?” you asked. Lime Juice had already been putting the glass to his lips before he sheepishly stopped.
“To our Captain?” replied Bonk Punch.
“Hell no. He didn’t help with this at all,” said Lime Juice.
“I mean, you guys didn’t either. I did all the work,” you said shrugging. They looked at one another. Lime Juice whispered to Bonk Punch who nodded.
“To your return!” they cheered and you smiled. You didn’t know how true it was but you didn’t want to ruin their fun. The three of you clinked your glasses and tasted the sake.
“It’s incredible!” announced Bonk Punch.
“Amazing!” Lime Juice said, licking his lips and finishing off the taste. You rolled your eyes with a smile. You were familiar with the quality of brew they were used to, so it wasn’t surprising they liked it. However, it did feel good to have them complimenting your skills. It wasn’t the worst sake you’d ever made.
“It’s drinkable,” you told them, still smiling. “We can tap it tonight and share it with the crew on the island. You’re carrying it up the stairs.” You turned to go up to the top deck, leaving them to figure out how to carry it.
“What’s it called? Bonk’s brew?” Bonk Punch suggested.
“Lime Juice Juice?” supplied none other than the man himself.
“Those are actually better names than what Shanks and I landed on. It’s called ‘Shanks’s Goatee.” They chortled as you left, climbing the ladder up. 
It was already approaching night when you were able to get to the island. Bonk and Lime had brought the sake to a bonfire the crew had made but they were waiting for you to start drinking it. Of course, they had started drinking everything else they had on hand, but at least they waited for you to drink the sake.
“Hear, hear! Here’s our Mama!” yelled out Bonk. You really shouldn’t have given yourself that nickname. 
“Yeah, yeah. Maybe I’ll earn a better name tonight,” you said mischievously. You spotted Shanks sitting by the fire with an open shirt. You could see your own scratch marks marring his his chest. You went over and sat next to him on the log, your thigh touching his. 
“Shanks, close your shirt.” you quietly remarked to him. Everyone knew you two were involved but it was another matter to openly display it.
“I can’t. You tore off the button,” he replied casually, drinking his ale.
“Well, if you wore shirts that had more than one button this wouldn’t be a problem.”
“It isn’t a problem. I like seeing your marks on me. Maybe I’ll remove the buttons on all my shirts. Or you can.” He said suggestively. It made you smile, but Gods, he was annoying sometimes.
Cups of your sake were being passed around the campfire, everyone getting a very large shot full. The crew were waiting for Shanks to say something, chanting for him to give a toast.
Shanks stood up, raising his cup in silence. The crew raised theirs to match and waited on baited breath for their Captain’s toast. Shanks spoke deep and true, looking into your eyes while reciting.
O my beloved, may your glad to-morrows
Stretch out before you, endless as my sorrows;
Haste not away, I have but wine and you,
Yea! life is nought unless from you it borrows.
If the green world were wrapped in flaming hell,
If sun and stars from out their stations fell,
Still, merciless Beloved, would I stand
Firm in your path and ask you, "Is it well?"
For some have love, some gold, and some have fame,
But we have nothing, least of all a name,
Nothing but wine, yet ah! how much to say,
Nothing but wine—yet happy all the same.
How wonderfully has the day gone by!
If only when the stars come we could die,
And morning find us gathered to our dreams,—
Two happy solemn faces, and the sky.***
Aside from the impassioned and emotional toast, the rest of the night went about the same as you remembered. The crew drank heavily, took part in contests of physical strength, invited locals to join them, beat the locals in contests of physical strength, ate barbecue, gambled, and told stories to one another. Standard Red Pirate operating procedure. The drinking began at dusk and ended when they ran out of booze or the crew all passed out, whichever came first. 
Many hours later, the fire was still raging and the crew was still drinking. You still felt like you were hungover from the last time you drank so you were sipping on your third cup of sake. Shanks, however, was deep in his cups. He wasn’t acting drunk but you knew he was getting to that point. He was leaning against you, putting his head on your shoulder, and trying to get you onto his lap. 
“Come on, just for a minute,” the redhead pleaded with you.
“No way. If I sit on your lap for even a second, you’re not gonna let me off.” It had happened many times before.
“Not this time, I’ll be a good boy,” he pouted at you. Oh fuck, you didn’t realize he was that drunk. Once he wanted praise it was all downhill.. 
“No dice, pirate.” 
“I’m not a pirate, I’m your pirate. I even kept my wedding ring on until it was eaten.” Shanks drained another ochoko of sake.
“What tall tale are you talking about now?” You’d kept yours too but hadn’t worn it since you left.
“It was from saving Luffy, the sea king ate it with my arm.” Luffy must be that kid he gave Roger’s straw hat to. That was how he lost his arm? He saved a kid from a sea king? And he was wearing his ring? Why not rescue orphan puppies from a flaming building while he was at it? 
“Didn’t know you wore it after I left.”
“Always, until it was eaten. I’m gonna find that sea king one day and cut ‘em open. Get my ring back.” Shanks made a slicing motion in the air with his arm.
OK, Shanks was toasted. Glancing around, the rest of the crew was similarly incapacitated. Naturally, Beckman wasn’t, but he was flirting with a group of three women who were feeling his muscles. You gave Beckman a thumbs up and hiked it back, indicating you were happy for him but heading back to the ship. He smiled and nodded, turning back to his ladies. One of the women furrowed her brow looking at you, pointed in your direction, and asked Beckman something. You didn’t think you knew her, so you didn’t worry. Maybe you’d see her in the morning coming from Benn’s cabin. She could talk to you then.
You stood up and Shanks wrapped his arm around your waist, leaning his head against your stomach. 
“No, don’t go yet. C’mon, party’s just getting started,” he protested. Whiny drunk Shanks was not your favorite Shanks.
“Sorry, I’m going back. You can come with me if you want.” It was an empty offer, you knew he’d be staying out all night with the crew. Once Shanks got to a certain point, nothing could keep him from partying until he dropped. You pried off his arm from around you, and left to go back to the ship, to the loud booing of the crew. No one was upset, it was just ribbing between friends. 
“Yeah, yeah, kiss my ass!” you bantered back at them over your shoulder, flipping them off. Maybe you’d fix the roof on their quarters tomorrow morning. You had only made it a few feet when Shanks stood up and sauntered his way over to you, throwing his arm over your shoulder and walking along. The booing intensified. 
“Kiss her ass!” Shanks shouted, flipping them off as well. He was coming with you? Never, not once, had Shanks ever foregone drinking with the crew for you. 
“You sure you don’t want to stay? You don’t need to prove anything to me, this isn’t a test.” You didn’t want Shanks leaving because he felt like he had to or to show you that he’d changed. You didn’t depend on him for your own sense of self anymore.
“Nah, done that before, don’t needta stay. What I needta do is find out about that smell.” Shanks leaned in to you while walking and smelled your hair with a deep inhale. 
“What are you doing, you weirdo?” you tried to push him away. He didn’t budge.
“Missed that scent. I always tried to find it but I never could. Drove me fuckin’ crazy.” 
“Alright, that’s enough from you. You’re drunk and sentimental. Let’s get you to bed.” You stopped trying to push him away - it was pointless. He was still smelling your hair. After making your way back to the Red Force, he turned you to face him and looked lovingly at you. He took your hands in his. 
“What now, Redhair?” 
“As I have given you my hand to hold, so I give you my life to keep. It’s funnier now that I have one hand.” He let go of one of your hands and held the other, resuming your walk towards the ship. It was good he was pulling you along because you were stunned into silence. Goddamn drunk sentimental Shanks reciting your wedding vows. 
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saynomorefic · 17 days
Since you love the song (and me too) I want to give you a lyric prompt with cmbyn. I'm excited to see what you come up with 😊
So hit me in the face, something real as pain
Like we can't get any closer, I just wanna lose myself
"Do it. Hit me."
"You know the rules. We don't fight novices," Wille said, unwrapping his hands.
"Then how will I improve? How will I be able to -" Simon choked on the words. He couldn't say it, but Wille knew.
"You're tired. Go home. We start at 6 tomorrow." Wille turned away, packing his gear, but Simon was determined. He rounded on Wille and brought his hands up, swinging haphazardly, when suddenly Wille grasped his wrist and twisted it until they were nose to nose.
"Give me a chance."
"Go home, Simon," Wille panted heatedly, his eyes on Simon's mouth.
🙈🙈 I hope this suffices lol. I knew I had to make it a little spicy. And ugh you're right I do love this song
<3 still accepting song lyrics though I do have many to get through! Thank you everyone for these ❣️
And ty @youngroyals-events for hosting <3
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lythea-creation · 7 months
Expectations - Shams x fem reader (Chapter 1)
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summary: Being the only child of a prestiged father, (f/n) always has to worry about her image. Only Shams can completely take that burden off her shoulders for a while.
warnings: none
word count: 1.087
Author's note: Feel free to check out my Masterlists and make requests. No reposting please! Reblogging, comments and requests are always appreciated <3 If you like the story/my writing, please don't be shy to say it via comments or asks! It takes you a few seconds and might make my day. It's the best appreciation you can show to a writer you like.
Requested? No
“Hey (f/n)!”, Tasneem greeted me as I was sitting on my seat and getting out my stuff. “I can't believe we're in the same class.”
I smiled at her and took a sip of water.
“So what do you think? Wanna make another tiktok together? The last one kinda blew up. Our followers seem to love it”, she noted.
“Sure”, I agreed. “But I'm meeting up with Omar later. So we gotta do it in the break.”
“Of course! Girl, I'm so jealous! Omar's literal boyfriend goals”, she declared.
“Make your move then”, I encouraged her.
“You're still just friends? Come on! Why?”, she wondered.
“Why not?”, I shot back. “Just because he's a decently hot guy and we've literally known each other for ages doesn't mean we have to become a couple.”
“It basically does though”, she claimed.
I had to suppress a groan at her statement. Why did everybody have to insist on that?
“Oh. Hitchcock's in our class”, Hiba announced as Shams entered the classroom.
Anger bubbled up inside of me. All I wanted to do was to stand up for Shams, but we had settled on avoiding each other at school as it might harm my image to be seen with her.
Luckily the topic shifted quickly when Sarah started talking to Tasneem.
So I decided to get a head start and began studying. After all I needed to keep up my good grades this term.
When the first day after the holidays was finally over, I could not wait to get to my favorite siblings.
I walked for a few minutes until I reached the meeting point where Shams picked me up with her bicycle.
“Ready to get home?”, she inquired with a grin.
“You have no idea”, I shot back and hurried onto the saddle.
I could easily not hold on without falling off, but I definitely would not waste this opportunity to hold onto Shams tightly, daring to lean against her.
“You're really pushing your luck, (f/n)”, she complained teasingly.
She was always claiming that she could not focus on keeping us driving when I was this close.
When we entered her home, the first thing we did was getting us a glass of ice water. It had somehow become a ritual whenever I came over because we used to stay out in the sun for far too long when we were kids, obviously dehydrating in the process.
Suddenly Omar walked into the kitchen as well.
“Why aren't you wearing a shirt?”, Shams questioned, frowning at her brother's naked upper body.
“I just came out of the shower”, he enlightened us.
An idea popped up in my mind and I could not help but act on it.
Before Omar realized what was happening I had fished and ice cube out of my glass and slipped it into his pants.
“Ah, you little ...”, he screamed out and jumped around due to the coldness. It was a hilarious sight and Shams breaking out in laughter was absolutely worth it.
“You're so gonna regret this”, he threatened me as soon as he got back to his senses.
I did not hesitate to run away as he was chasing me.
“Help”, I called out.
Of course, Shams supported me and made her brother trip over her foot, leading him to stumble to the ground.
“That's so not fair”, he grumbled and stayed down.
I exchanged a glance with Shams, who shook her head no.
After a while I warily approached Omar, feeling slightly guilty for pranking him and then teaming up against him. But that immediately changed when he took a hold of my ankle, then my wrist. He had caught me.
“(f/n), you're too naive sometimes”, Shams noted.
Before any of us could stop him, he grabbed my glass and emptied it over my head. Several ice cubes plus water as revenge for one.
“Omar!”, I cursed. “Have you gone crazy? Shit!”
Now he was the one laughing and out of the corner of my eyes I recognized that Shams was barely holding in her laughter as well.
“Oh no! You don't get to laugh at me”, I exclaimed and enveloped her in a hug.
“Ugh, guys! I didn't even do anything”, she reminded us as her clothes were soaked now.
“You just watched”, I remarked.
“Which you didn't complain about when you were the culprit”, she pointed out.
“Of course”, I agreed.
After a few seconds we all started laughing again. None of us could hold a grudge against each other for long.
“Let's get some dry clothes”, Shams suggested and pulled me to her room.
“Hey! I thought you were gonna hang out with me”, Omar interjected.
“You don't seriously expect me to stay like this”, I shot back.
“You can take my clothes”, he offered desperately.
“What's your problem?”, Shams wondered, still not letting go of my hand.
“Well … I may be her best friend, but you're her girlfriend. I know you both too well. As soon as she enters your room I'll be forgotten for at least the next hour”, he assumed.
“We're not THAT bad”, I claimed.
“How many stories do I need to tell you?”, he questioned.
“Okay, okay. We got it”, Shams stopped him. “She'll be right back.”
When we arrived in her room, Shams got some clothes for me and herself and then disappeared in the bathroom.
“Why are you doing that to me?”, I whined.
Hope was filling me when she opened the door, but she closed it again after throwing a towel in my face.
Defeated I began drying myself off and putting her clothes on. The fact that they were a bit too big for me was making it even more comfortable.
“I promised Omar we wouldn't take long”, Shams finally answered while getting out of the bathroom.
“I will let him wait a bit longer though”, she declared and pulled me into a passionate kiss that almost turned into a serious make-out session.
“Now go or I'll keep you”, she warned me.
I was just as reluctant to go as she was to let me. But I knew she was right. I was hanging out with Omar today, not with Shams. It would not be fair to let him down.
Next Chapter
Well ... I planned to write a Oneshot, but I couldn't help it and now I'm turning it into a series. Yeah, I know! Another Shams series ... I can't help myself. She's my favorite after all!
I hope you like the first chapter. Feel free to send me suggestions if you have any.
Btw I absolutely love that picture of Shams!
Tag List: @sunwoniie
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jpitha · 1 year
Just a Little Further 12
Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Singing. Of course.
I sigh. I'm annoyed at all the attention, but really, I have only myself to blame. I'm the one that just had to touch the directory stone. I couldn't just like, not touch it, oh no.
I stand. "I'll go out and see them. Maybe I can get them to disperse or something before security comes. I have a feeling that the people in charge here aren't going to like this, and I'd rather not have people get beat up in front of us who are trying to worship me, and yes, it sounds odd to me when I say it out loud too." Smiles at that.
Selem stares at the screen, not even turning to face me. "Yes, thank you Melody, that's... probably a good idea"
Something seems off with her. It's like she's having a real hard time with the things going on. More so than the usual stress. Maybe I'll ask her about it later.
"Melody, are you going to don your pressure suit?" FarReach asks.
Ugh, it's still scratched! I haven't even gotten time to play with the "translator" let alone fix my suit. Nobody will give me a couple hours to myself to putter. If this is what being a Living God is, I don't want it.
Too late now though.
I make a snap decision. "No, I won't wear it this time. It's still scratched and we can breathe the air fine. Plus, I'll look less intimidating in my uniform" I gesture down. I'm in my regular ships uniform. Blue shirt, grey pants with sensible shoes. Only decoration is my rank on my shoulder, and my name tag in brass on my breast pocket.
"Are you sure Melody? Last time out they shot at you." FarReach sounds unsure. Hah, I wish FarReach had an avatar, maybe I could read her body language better too!
"I'll be fine Far, it's not like they'll try and kill their own god."
Omar chuckled darkly at that, and Kieran gave me a look. I wonder why.
I headed up to the airlock. It was a long walk from the Command Deck; the Command Deck was in the front of FarReach and the airlock more towards the middle, but now that I know this ship was built during a war, I wonder if it's so far away to help repel boarders.
When I get there, Gene is there already. He has popped open a weapons locker and is taking out a long range rifle. Not one of mine, but I know the model, it's decent.
"And just what do you plan on doing with that?" I ask.
"Captain said I should cover you." He replied without looking up. He was checking the rifle and examining the magazine. It's impeccable though, I was the one who cleaned and inspected it last.
"Cover me?" I said incredulously. "From what?"
This time he stopped and looked up at me. "Melody, have you noticed how Captain Q'ari has been acting lately? She's completely out of sorts and is having trouble making decisions. She wants to leave. Her sense of duty and not wanting to have blood on her hands is the only thing keeping her from ordering FarReach to blow the umbilical and attempt a link home."
I nodded. "I did notice that, yes. I think it's something else though. She started to... act differently when she learned that the people here think we're Gods."
Gene stopped and looked at me. "I didn't notice that." Hah! It's like I have a superpower. I can read people's body language so easily now. It's always been hard for me before and now I just... know. Gene went back to the rifle. "Well, we're not Gods. Just look at our history. I'd be more inclined to agree if they thought we were demons or something. That I can see. Anyway-" Check complete, Gene slots the magazine and racks the bolt." I'm going to stay on FarReach and watch you. I think you'll be fine, but it's foolish to go out there unarmed and with no backup when they've already shown us they're willing to shoot.
I wasn't going to win this one. "Fine." I said. "But stay out of sight, and keep that targeting reticle off my back."
"I'd never aim at you Melody, you know that."
Without answering, I turned and cycled the airlock. I stepped into the inner door with Gene and we waited for it to finish. The outer door opened and Gene got down on one knee and hunched in a corner, just out of sight while I walked down the short umbilical. I was feeling that giddy nervous feeling again. I hated all this attention, but I also loved it. Have you ever felt that? Ugh. I need a coffee.
I pressed the open button on the iris and the sound.
It was breathtaking.
There were way more people here than FarReach let on, and the mics by the airlock didn't pick up the richness of the sound. It must have been three hundred people standing there, all singing and swaying in time. Even with my nanotech, I didn't understand the words, it must just be sound.
I stepped out and stood there, taking in the wall of sound. It was very impressive to be the one hundreds of people were singing about. All at once, they noticed me and stopped. One of them, an Aviens wearing a... robe of pure white approached me.
I struggled at the description because yes, it's a robe but the cut is...
like a space suit.
With a beatific smile the Aviens said "Holy One! You heard our cries! You have come to us in this, our darkest hour! We are at your command!"
With that, he dropped to the floor, on his knees, his head scraping the floor. Everyone - and I mean everyone - followed him.
Oh no.
There they stayed, nearly shaking with joy. I mean, I guess if you were religious and God showed up, you'd be happy too? Ugh. I hate it.
"Rise please." I said "There is uh, no need to supplicate yourselves before me."
The Aviens stood up quickly and with a rustle of clothes and a clank of pressure suits everyone followed. "Oh, but Holy One, you are too kind. We know The Way. We know how you are to be treated." They said, nodding with each thing they said."
"Oookay" I said. "Why are you here then? What do you need? Oh, what's your name too?"
His feathers puffed out immediately when I asked his name. He was very proud. "I am known as The Smell of Soil after Rain and this-" he gestured behind him "-is my flock. We are more than three hundred strong here on this part of Reach of the Might of Vzzx and there are at least twenty more congregations across the the Might."
There are how many?
Oh no.
"That's... impressive to hear" I say worriedly. "The Smell of Soil after Rain, why is it you are here?"
He nods again "We're here to welcome you, of course! It's not every day a Holy One comes back to the World they have wrought to Right the Wrongs that have been put upon Us."
I hear a lot of proper nouns in his speech. This is going to be more trouble.
Just when I'm about to ask for clarification on which specific wrongs I'm supposed to Right, there's a commotion from the rear of the congregation. Turning, Rain and I look. There is a group of Mariens who are wearing a dark unifo- no, I look closer. Their skin has been colored to look like a dark uniform. That's a neat trick. More worryingly they are carrying batons and there looks to be another one of those pistol like weapons the Aviens shot me with earlier on a belt around their middle.
"Disperse! Disperse!" They shout. "This is an illegal gathering! All religious gatherings must be approved by the council of regents, this is known!"
Rain turns back to the security officers and shouts "Your tyranny will be tolerated no longer! The Holy One is here and stands before us! She hears our pleas! She and the other Builders have returned to liberate us. You will be as dust to them and they will take back their rightful place as ruler of the Known, the Unknown and the Unknowable!"
Wide eyed, I turn and stare at Rain. Then, I turn back and stare at the security guards. They actually are faltering. They believe it too! What is going on here?
From behind them, another Mariens, this time flanked with two of the insect people - I haven't leaned their name yet - approach. This Mariens's coloration is more complicated than the security guards. They are probably the supervisor. I do see that the insect people are carrying much larger weapons too. They're like a rifle, but the barrel on the end has no hole. I wonder if it's some kind of energy weapon.
"Enough!" They shout. "You will all disperse or you will be made to disperse. This-" they point at me "-person is no God. They are Not Holy."
Finally, someone speaking sense.
Rain's feathers fluff up and down, they're upset at that. "You blaspheme! She speaks the Tongue as if it were her own, She is a Builder! They comes in a mighty ship through the disabled Gates as if they made it themselves. She is Holy."
The boss, wavers, but only for a split second. I think I only noticed it because of my newfound ability to read everyone's body language. They have someone they fear more than me. "You must disperse!" He makes a clicking noise and the security guards take out their batons.
Rain crosses his arms and glares at the supervisor. "Make. Us."
Oh no. No no no no.
As I realize what's about to happen, I feel something. I get this overwhelming feeling that I need to not only stop them from fighting, but to demonstrate that Rain is right and the supervisor is wrong. I barely have any time to question the feeling when almost automatically I step between them.
"S̵̳̦͑́͋t̶̨͚̑o̸͎̎̂ṕ̴̹̦̚ ̵͍̜̳̔T̷̛͇̓̆ḩ̸̼̜̀̌͝ȋ̸͕̹̺s̷͚̻̬͋̿͆ ̸͓͊a̶̖̗̞̓͊͐t̶̨̜̒ ̷̝̝͎̄̒Ó̷̳͖N̶̢̬̜̕Ċ̸̱É̸͔̫̹͋̋"
My voice has an odd timbre. Everyone - and I mean ev-ery-one - stops and pivots to face me as if they are compelled to obey.
What's going on?
But, only a small part of my mind can wonder at what I'm doing. I'm on automatic now. With a righteous finger, I point at the supervisor. "Who are you that thinks they have the authority over me here. Who are YOU to threaten these sapients with harm over coming to sing and welcome a Builder. WHO ARE YOU to deny them their right to worship me."
As I yell, the supervisor shrinks down, and eventually is kneeling down head scraping the floor just like the congregation did when they arrived. "I-I-I am known as Gemeli H-H-Holy One" The answer is muffled by the ground.
What am I doing?
"Gemeli, you are out of your depth." I snarl.
Why am I taking like this?
My head snaps up and I look at the crowd. As I glare at them, they all shrink from my gaze.
The congregation looks like they just won the lottery though. They all are smiling and nodding.
I want to stop doing this, please.
I feel a breeze around me but I'm too wrapped up in what I'm doing to stop. It's probably just the wind or something.
I turn to face Gemeli but I'm speaking to the crowd again. "All who come before me have the right to worship. All who live here live at the pleasure of the Builders. All who work to usurp that right are known to Us as enemies. Who are you Gemeli?"
More shaking. "I-I-I-I do not usurp your right, Holy One. I am not an enemy."
"Then rise Gemeli, and take your place in the congregation."
Why can't I stop?
"Holy One, my congregation is in the northwestern lobe near my home."
I say nothing and just look at him. He squeaks and lines up next to Rain's people.
I hear a noise. I don't know what it is. Probably nothing. I turn back to the crowd. "Now then, where is-"
A shot rings out from the rear of the crowd. In my fury, I can immediately pinpoint who it is. It's the Aviens from before. The one who shot at me earlier. They're far in the rear of the crowd. This time they're carrying a heavy rifle. Not an energy weapon by the looks of things, a slug thrower.
I can see them slowly sliding the bolt to load a new shell.
I can see one of the insect people - one of Gemili's assistants - start to fall. They were shot by the Aviens.
A shot that was meant for me.
This will not do at all.
Without having any ability to stop what I'm doing, without any desire to stop what I am doing, I reach my hands out together and separate them firmly.
The crowd parts, their feet sliding on the panels that make up the floor. It half looks like they moved, and half looks like I moved them. I have a clear line of sight between myself and the shooter.
With a fire in my eyes, I point at them and say:
S̸̢̯͎͍̮̣͈̤̩̼͎͊͒Ţ̵̢̛͉̮̮̩̹̭̭̬̺̠͇̟͓́̂͒̈́̋͂̑͌̏̓͠͝ͅƠ̸̩̦̞͐̋̏̏̂̈́͊̕P̴̙͙̭̪̞̹̙̮͍̐ ̵̢̨̠͙̜̠̰͖̩̝͈͕̭̟̾̉̎͋T̵̡̥̤̤̲͝H̵͍͎̘̥͚̫͔̹̠̤̻̖̼̪͉̑̓̚͜Ȉ̴̛͙͓͈̪̗̩̤̉̌̈́̈́͒́S̷̡̮̺̟͚̟̼̞̪̻̮̰̹͉͊.
Uh oh.
They drop the rifle, and their knees buckle. Bright blue blood trickles from their mouth. They're on the floor.
I look to the crowd and say "What are those who usurp my rights called?"
"Enemies!" The crowd shouts. Even Gemeli and the insect people guards with him join in.
I want to stop.
"What happens to enemies?" I call out.
"THEY ARE NO MORE!" And the crowd descends upon the Aviens.
Please stop.
In no time at all, the Aviens is... gone. Only a violent blue stain remains.
What am I doing?
"MELODY!" It's my radio. "MELODY! What is happening to you?"
The spell broken, I'm myself again. "What do you mean?" I say confused.
It's Captain Q'ari. "Look at yourself Melody! LOOK DOWN"
I look down at myself.
I'm...glowing? My uniform has been replaced with...
Oh shit.
I'm wearing a gown, like the gown Rain had on, but made up of the material of my uniform. It's a deep royal blue. The nanobots are doing something. Not just my brain, I have enough now that they can effect matter around me.
I look behind me worried. Made out of dust and light and... matter from all around me are,
On my head is a,
The nanobots can do this?
Of course they can, you're a Builder. Builders build. a Voice tells me. It's the voice of who was shouting at the crowd.
Oh no, now I'm hearing voices. Did the Nanobots imprint a personality on me?
Funny. Calling a part of yourself "A Voice" won't negate the fact that you were the one who controlled the crowd. Won't negate the fact that you told them to obliterate the shooter. Nicely done by the way. No half measures here. Everyone here today and everyone who will see the video feed will be one thousand percent sure you are a Builder.
Stumbling and feeling faint, I turn and run back into the airlock. Before I step back in, I turn to The Smell of Soil after Rain and say "Take your congregation and go. Enough blood has been spiled today. I will come and visit you later." with that kind of promise, he practically floats off the ground he's so proud. He turns and starts directing the group to leave.
I enter the airlock and lean against a wall. I feel sick.
Gene sees me, his eyes wide.
"Why didn't you shoot?" I yell.
"You did your... thing with your voice and the crowd descended on them before I could do anything!" He cried.
I drop to my knees panting. Good, good. The voice - part of me? says. Never let them see you weak.
"FarReach, we have a problem." I say, gasping.
"Gee Melody, do you THINK?" She replies, almost shouting.
"I'm a Builder now, and FarReach?"
"I think the Builders were the bad guys."
Part 13
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nocturnalazure · 1 year
💛🌻 leave 5 facts about 3 of your ocs and pass them on to other people, asking them about an oc of your choice or let them choose what they want !! 🌻💛
Thank you so much, mwah! 💛💛💛
Time to shine for some badass ladies we don't see a lot of!
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Shu is Anh's twin sister but they are quite different, in personality and in body shape.
She met Jay while on holidays in Sunlit Tides. I've posted a little bit about their encounter but it has never made it into the story.
Shu is perfectly happy not being the Wong heiress.
She wears comfy clothes, with a large preference for pants and the color green.
Her abruptness makes her mean at times.
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She is the eldest of a family of 6, and she has numerous relatives. Hopefully, we're going to see a bit more of her background in the story.
Her fees are über expensive.
She likes Omar a lot.
She never even contemplated sleeping with Salas. She is still in her position because she is perfectly aware that the moment she gives in to him, he will dismiss her. Also: ew.
Her motto is to never get attached to a cause or a person because that's asking for trouble. Mercenary to the bone.
I have to admit... I'm stumped on a third character. Does anyone want to know anything about any other character?
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circusmania · 6 months
SIN Chapter 9
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Notes: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 10 Chapter 11
Let's try this again.
I woke up, gasping. A nightmare…
I slid out of bed and yawned. The floor creaked as I walked toward the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror, god… I looked like a mess. My hair looked like a drenched mop. 
I ran my hand through my hair and flinched… argh… since when did I have a bump on my head? I must have bumped my head yesterday… or something. 
I did my business, brushed my teeth and got out. Opening the closet door, I put on a navy blue hoodie. My eyes landed on a pair of jeans. 
Good enough. 
I put them on and walked down the stairs. I heard the bustling and movements of my parents. I've always been a dependent person. I always clung to those close to me…kind of like my boyfriend-
“Hello? Don't make me repeat myself. Do you want a sandwich for lunch or not?” My mom brought me back to Earth.
“O-oh! Yes please, Mom!” 
She smiled. 
I sat next to my father, he was submerged in his newspaper. I grabbed the bowl of cereal that had already been made.
“Hm. Remember that church down the street?” My father spoke.
I assumed he was speaking to my mother, so I stayed quiet. 
“Yes.” My mother sighed. “What about it?”
“It burned down.”
My mother gasped to fill the silence that rested in the kitchen.
“Did… oh dear… what happened?” 
My father shrugged. “No one knows. Could've been an accident… or something else.”
My mother leaned against the counter and placed a hand on her face.
“Did that priest, oh… what was he called again?”
“Father Pierre.”
My mother looked toward me, and my dad only spared me a glance.
How… did I remember his name? I must've read his name on those pamphlets that he kept passing around…
“I hope you weren't fooling around with him…” I shook my head.
My father cleared his throat.
“Regardless, there were no bodies found amongst the rubble. So, he could still be alive.”
My mother shook her head and turned her back to finish whatever she was doing. I finished my cereal and put my bowl into the sink. My mom handed me a paper bag, which I stuffed into my backpack.
“Well, I'm off to school!” I put on my shoes and my mom kissed me on the cheek.
“Be safe, hun.”
“I… will.” I smiled, waved them goodbye and shut the door behind me. 
Sighing, I walked off the porch and commenced my walk toward my school. As I walked, I passed the burned-down church. Ashes filled the air and a strange sense of guilt overcame me. 
Ugh… I quickly power-walked away. My school came into view, Cheshire High. The smell and feeling quickly vanished as I saw my three friends. 
Omar, Judy and Vanessa.
Judy Presley never missed a trend. She always put her light brown hair in a ponytail with a white bow, wore perfect matching season clothes, and had well-made makeup. She even had matching baby blue eyes to go with her looks. I'm honestly surprised she'd rather hang out with us than the more popular kids. 
Next to Judy was Vanessa Kareem, Judy's BFF (as she calls it). Vanessa and she have always been friends. She was pretty much the spitting image of Judy except for her black silky hair that was in a grunge haircut, her blue eyes, and her much paler skin.
And finally, my best friend, Omar Thomerson. We're practically convinced we were best friends in our past lives. I've always thought of him as the geek in our friendship. He's always been obsessed with any fantasy fiction he can grab on. Greek mythology, science-fiction, astrology, you name it. He has dark brown hair with a shag haircut, freckles, and brown eyes. His typical wear is a worn-out hoodie and cargo pants.
Wow… I'm getting some sort of déjà vu.
I quickly ran toward them, catching Judy's attention. 
“Hello everyone!”
“Hi, buddy! How have you been?” Omar asks.
I shrug. “The same, nothing new.”
“Except for that church being burnt to a crisp,” Judy says.
“Yeah, my bus passed by it this morning. The windows were open and that horrid smell crept in… ugh!” Vanessa adds.
I nodded. “To be honest, that church and its priest always rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe it's for the best…?” It felt wrong to say that.
They all nodded in unison. 
“I guess God wasn't on his side.” Omar shrugged. 
No one laughed. Something hung above our heads.
“Well, shall we get going?” Judy asked while pointing to the school. 
We nodded and followed her. I put my hand in my pocket and — wait a second. 
I stopped walking and reached into my pocket to pull out a paper. It was folded and incredibly creased. I don't remember having written anything. I carefully opened it. Remarking that the paper had a small splatter of red on it, paint perhaps. Judy likes to paint, maybe she slipped this into my pants when I didn't notice?
The handwriting was messy, and I could tell that the message was written in a hurry. However, I noticed that it was MY handwriting. 
I read the message. 
Each word that I read made it seem like I was unlocking new passageways in my brain. And suddenly, it clicked, well, more like it flashed in front of my eyes. 
Everything that had happened moments ago… everything that I had forgotten… Marcus. 
What… why can't I remember what happened yesterday? What are my parents' names? Why… can't I remember anything from this timeline?
Maybe because there was no yesterday. Yesterday was when Marcus kidnapped me and then… Uhm… Killed me. I looked back at the paper, that splatter of red… blood… my blood.
I checked my head for the bump, and sure enough, it was there.
I sighed, remembering the gruesome scene I was forced to bear. 
What about Judy? Omar? Vanessa? 
They were just going about their day when they knew of it all. It's not their fault, but anger couldn't help but rise in me. What would Marcus show himself as now? My neighbour? My friend? My teacher?? 
I grimace at the thought. 
The bell rang and shivers went down my spine that urged me to run to class. But I stopped. What even was the point anymore? It wouldn't matter anyway, since my whole life is a lie. 
I ended up walking to class. My teacher left me off with a warning, but was disappointed with my first impression… on the new kid.
“Marcus…” I blurted out like AN IDIOT.
I hoped Marcus didn't hear it, but he did, he gave me a big smile. And it wasn't a nice one. 
We both took our seats, I sat next to Judy, and he sat in the back. 
It's like a repeat, except in this timeline, Judy and I aren't dating. Suddenly, Judy starts to whisper to me. 
“What's with this guy? He's so … depressed, looking.” Word for word. 
I debated on agreeing with what she said, but that would eventually lead to Judy having to switch seats with Marcus. 
“Shh, Judy, we're in class,” I told her. 
I couldn't see her face, but I could feel her confused expression. Either way, It didn't stop her from continuing to talk. God… have I ever noticed how annoying she was?
“Judy! Since you can't help but disturb your peer, switch seats with Marcus.”
I grimaced as Judy tried to defend herself. 
Marcus took his stuff and sat next to me, I didn't look at him. Out of the corner of my eyes, I could see Marcus displaying his many poems that I complimented last time… last time. 
It's making me question what exactly am I accomplishing by faking this. I need to change something… I need to put an end to this timeline, permanently. 
I felt staring, I turned to see Marcus looking at me. It doesn't seem like he knows I know yet. Mm… his staring reminds me of those gorging red eyes… they were thankfully covered by his bangs right now. 
“Do you need something?” I asked, trying to mask any hatred. 
He looked at me, a bit confused. I held my breath. For a second, he didn't smile, and I thought I had blown my cover. However, he quickly returned to his normal demeanour. My shoulders relaxed as he simply replied: 
I turned back to face the teacher. Their voice drowned itself as my brain deemed whatever they were teaching unimportant. Questions started to rise like alerts in my head. 
How old am I really?
What else do I remember besides my name?
What else is there beyond this town?
All these questions continued to rise, just like bile…-
Before I could process what was happening, my head turned, and I threw up on the floor. I could hear chairs screeching as students stood up to avoid the vomit. Then, a cold hand lifted my hair from my face.
“Marcus, please take him to the nurse's office.” My teacher said nonchalantly.
I feel the same hands grab my shoulders and lift me to my feet. He, Marcus, makes sure I don't walk into the colourful puddle as we walk out of the class. I fight the urge to flinch away as he walks me into the nurse's office and makes me sit on the bed. 
The nurse comes out, she smiles when she sees me.
“You again? You practically live here! This is the 3rd time this week only.”
I have never seen this woman in my entire life. 
She wiped my mouth clean as Marcus loomed over my shoulder. She then put a pill in my hand.
“Make sure you eat something before taking it.” She turned to Marcus. “Young man, if you please, watch over him for the time being.” 
Marcus nodded and we watched the nurse leave. He crouched down in front of me, I backed away instinctively. 
“Feeling better? You've been acting off all morning… Do you not recognize your boyfriend?”
My heart stopped, and I couldn't tell if he was joking or not, so I played it off with a muffled chuckle. He chuckled as well and kissed my cheek. 
“I thought I'd surprise you by applying to your school… but it seemed like you're the one who surprised me first.”
I guess in this timeline, he's my boyfriend, a huge step from the other timeline. I fought the urge to not back away when Marcus caressed my face. 
The bell suddenly rang, there was no way class went by that fast.
I stood up. “I'm feeling better… thanks … Marcus.” 
I walked over to the door and reached for the doorknob.
“Woah, woah, where do you think you're going without me?” He holds my hand.
I don't say anything as he opens the door himself. I noticed a trashcan near it, I swiftly dropped the pill in it. I can't trust anything.  
We walked over to my friends, who were just oddly standing in the hallway.
“Ohhh~! Who's this?” Vanessa remarks while Judy squints.
“Woah! You already romanced the new kid?” Omar playfully punched my shoulder.
They were all fake… all except Judy, who was giving Marcus dirty looks. For some reason, Judy always seemed to be the bad guy. Hmm… I think I have an idea. Judy could be the only person that I have on my side.
“Judy! Oh, god! I just remembered I need to talk to you about something super top secret!”
I grabbed her arm. “Talk to you later Marcus, Omar and Vanessa! Try to get to know each other!”
I dragged her away to the library, but she pushed me into a nearby janitorial closet. 
“What are you doing?” She asks as she narrows her eyes. “Want to tell me why you're dating that weirdo? Or perhaps why you threw up in class?”
“I… Judy.” I sighed and shook my head. “Listen, I know about everything.” She tenses. “Marcus, the timelines… uhm… are you ok?”
Judy's eyes were like two big white saucers. She grabbed my arms, I thought she was about to shake me.
“You're… you… how?” 
“Long story… but Judy, how can I put a stop to this?”
She shook her head. “I'm… I'm…not sure. I would say to try to kill Marcus, but that's quite literally impossible.” Judy said, with no reaction. “I've tried.”
“You… are like… weirdly… okay with all this gorey shit…” I remembered the scene I had seen of her body swinging peacefully in that art room. 
“I stopped caring long ago.” She looked me in the eyes. 
How long is long ago?
“Until we come up with something, try to act the best you can. We can't let Marcus find out.” 
I nodded and we both exited the closet. 
“Can we tell Omar and V-” She quickly shushed me. 
“Everybody in this school is his eyes. You can't say this stuff out loud”
I looked around, everyone was minding their own business. But… it was wiser to just believe Judy.
Marcus patiently awaited my return with Omar and Vanessa. 
“Done talking so soon?” Marcus strolled toward me. 
“It's not any of your business, now, is it?” Judy snapped at him and crossed her arms.
Marcus looked at me and I bit my lip.
“Judy… don't talk to my boyfriend like that. Can't we all just get along?” She scoffed and turned her head away. 
God, she was good at this.
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I didn't get a chance to talk with Judy for the last 3 weeks. Marcus always seemed to be around me. I sigh. If I remember correctly, in the last timeline, something was… different. 
This must be the first time that the church isn't here. Marcus is stronger… like he just broke through a barrier. If I hadn't found that note, Marcus could've easily messed with my emotions. 
Either way, the only way to stop these loops is to kill Marcus. No more waiting. However, 3 people stood in my way.
Omar, Judy and Vanessa. 
They are like a force field around Marcus. A force field that messes with me and my emotions. As long as they are there, they will mess with my perception of normality. Whether intentionally or not, they are always making me think that perhaps I'm the crazy one. That perhaps the nightmare 3 weeks ago was just a bad dream. I can't risk forgetting everything and succumbing to him. 
I was thinking of sparing Judy since she's the only one who's actually trying to make a difference, who's actually still fighting. But, something is telling me that she would prefer to be dead than continue living. 
I pull at my hair in frustration. Thinking about how I'll feel after taking the life of my three best friends isn't making anything seem better. 
Though, those aren't my 3 friends anymore… Just shells of what they used to be. If they were in my position, they would do the same.
I'm sure of it.
Want to read ahead? Click here!
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creoterative · 1 year
Uhm... I made another one.
Yeeesss, I know, my finals for this semester are coming up, but leave me some freetime xD
Anyway, my best friend sent me another bunch of funny things kids in kindergarten said and I made another TWDG kids template out of it.
So there.
Enjoy! Xd
PS: I had to rewrite some of them because she gave those to me in german and they wouldn't make sense in english, so... excuse the Florida comment xD
Minnie: "I have a unicorn at home! But I ripped out the horn, so it's a not-so-much-corn now."
Sophie: "I always read books at home, my favorite book is Justin Bieber!"
Louis: "My parents have a swing in their bedroom, it must be so much fun, but I'm never allowed to play with it." (...That was disturbing, send help to the poor boy.)
Duck: *talking about future jobs* "I wanna be a whale!"
Ruby: "Yes, I love Spargel! Oh, what's that?" (It was at this moment, that the little girl learned, Spaghetti and Spargel aren't the same. And for my english friends, Spargel is Asparagus.)
Clementine: "Mommy had a baby yesterday! But it is a little bit ugly."
Marlon: *to the new young woman working there* "My dad said everyone needs a job when they grow up. Why don't you have one?"
Mitch: "Remember when you said that I'm not allowed to play with the water in the sink anymore? *soaked from head to toe* "Because I don't."
Louis: "I don't like cucumbers that grow." ( what .)
Willy: "Did you know, that eggs break apart when you throw them? By the way, where is the cleaning set?"
Brody: "You can't play with us, you don't like coffee!" Violet: "But you never drank coffee either!" Brody: "But I like it, because momma likes it!"
Tenn: "You're my kokong." (He meant Cousin.)
Marlon: "I want my reflection to be alive as well, I want to play with it. That's so unfair!" (He didn't understand the concept of twins yet.)
Violet: "I'd eat that very gladly. I just don't want to."
Willy: *after being asked to help clean up the mess* "No thank you, I like it better this way."
Marlon: "Your pants are ugly." Mitch: "You're wearing the same." (And then Marlon threw a tantrum because he felt insulted.)
Aasim: "I have a bunny at home. But sometimes it changes colour." (Again, Aasim are you okay?)
Louis: "My goldfish went to Atlantis today!" (It died.)
Marlon: "My uncle has no eyes, so he got a dog with eyes. I don't want my eyes either, I want a puppy!"
Clementine: "How long does a strawberry tree grow?"
Mitch: "If bears gotta go for little boys, they pee in their fur."
Louis: "I'm there in a second. Geez, I hate it when people say that, what KIND of second, a long or a short one?!"
Violet: "Tastes ugly."
Ruby: "You need to go home, you have 124 meters fever!"
Sophie: "If you destroy my picture, I'll get world destruction!"
Aasim: "I have to computer now."
Louis: "My tummy feels yucky, can you call my mother in law?"
Marlon: "What do you have there?" Louis: "A cough drop!" Marlon: "Woah, I want a tough drop too!"
Ruby: "I lost my fuck in the sandbox, momma!" (She was talking about her toy truck.)
Minnie: "My mom has circus disturbance." (She meant circular disturbance.)
Omar: "Today I have fish sticks with potato pudding!"
Brody: "Look, I'm a mermaid! Now I only need a fork!"
Marlon: "Why is that man shaving the lawn?"
Louis: "But I already ate all my cousins!" (It's raisins, Louis.)
Ruby: "My grandma is in the animal shelter because she can't walk anymore." (Her grandma went into retirement.)
Willy: "My grandpa is magnetic too!" (His grandpa had a prosthetic leg.)
Duck: "My dad is special too, he's from Florida!"
Mitch: "I want more pregnant stamps." Ms. Martin: "...What?" Mitch: "I'm still hungry." Ms. Martin: "Ah, yes, you can have more ravioli."
Duck: "Can I have more weed?" (He meant arugola.)
Sophie: "I only got one motivation left for cleaning up, so I'll hurry."
Louis: "I got a bikini!" (It's a kiwi, Louis.)
Marlon: "Does the CD player google the songs first or why is it taking so long?"
Clementine: "My baba brought me today." Duck: "Huh? I thought you could only eat them?" (...He thought she meant a banana.)
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levok · 1 year
Okay, I've been seeing people on twitter saying 'Omar in Purple' for a while without any context and I thought they were just making up some inside joke to play around, but then we get this? https://www.instagram.com/p/CrogVJKtIMZ/
First we get Omar in the purple pants for the MV (makes sense) Then Omar using the purple phone case in his latest insta story (okay...normal) BUT NOW THIS?
What inside information are these people getting?? 👀
Is Nurbo leaking information again? 🤔 (joking!!🤭)
hahaha, whether it's a coincidence or not, Omar owns the colour purple now. It is law! 👩‍⚖️💜
Also, yay behind the scenes content soon! 🙌
It’s pretty self explanatory from the insta post. They dmed the photographer and asked when the Omar feature will be out. It will be released on may 19th when he features in the June/July issue.
And yes Twitter once again have been acting like a school yard where they want to flaunt that they know stuff they won’t tell you.… but that’s just me seeing all your frustrations in my inbox, and therefor find it extremely annoying lol (not you guys).
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Thoughts from planes with Zee (an unhinged and incomplete list) Part 2
Hey friends! I traveled again, which means I wrote down every unhinged thought I had. Part 1 of this post is from August and you can find it here. And if you haven't heard my insane travel story yet, you can find it here.
Some of these are headcanons, some are random thoughts, some are responses to posts I saw while I was travelling. I wouldn't say any of these are particularly controversial, but I can see where people could disagree with me so everyone know that almost everything is a joke and should be taken with a grain of salt. Love you.
Do you think Wille went straight to Felice after the ball and was all giddy and telling her about the kiss? I think about this every day. Did he teenage freak out over it with his best friend? Does Felice know? 
Of all the random shit I put into Screwed about Erik, I think the funniest might be: Erik not being able to say anything other than “he’s pretty” when he meets Simon for the first time, and Erik’s least favorite month ironically being November. 
Wilhelm wears sweatpants on planes so he has pockets and Simon wears pajama pants, making Wilhelm hold everything for him. 
Just saw a post that said “Edvin looks at Omar like he’s in love with him” and after I’ve finished cringing, my response to that is: everyone looks at Omar that way. It’s Omar. 
Simon listens to the Beatles, but he does it in secret. Wilhelm only knows because he found the records in his room. Wilhelm, to this day, is the only person who knows.  
Thinking about how Henry didn’t think to knock on Wilhelm’s door because he probably knew after the locker room interruption just how heartbroken Wille was and therefore assume Wilhelm wouldn’t have anyone in his room. Henry didn't knock because Henry understood everything about Simon without being told.
Stella screams at airline representatives while Fredrika cries about plans being ruined. 
Wilhelm loves the rain 
Concept: season 3 opens with another dream like season 2 did, but this time it’s August and Sara. (Prompted by the song love, or the lack thereof by Isaac Dunbar) 
I truly and utterly appreciate Young Royals for showing what it is actually like for a teenager with anxiety to be forced into therapy. Like you don’t want to be there. For a while you do just sit in silence. But slowly you open up. It isn’t just "lay on the couch and share all your feelings" and then you’re suddenly better. It’s a process. It takes time. ESPECIALLY when you don’t want to be there. Just… god I’m crying about it again. 
Nils gives Tony Award worthy performances in his kitchen with a wooden spoon as a microphone. Change my mind. You can’t. 
Maddie is the first person in their year to get a license, but no one will get in a car with her behind the wheel. 
I feel like Walter is a Billie Eilish fan, but won’t admit it. 
Fredrika can sing every Hanna Ferm song from memory 
Stella sucks on lollipops because people got annoyed with her chewing gum. 
The entire Hillerska student body teases Wilhelm about not knowing Simon’s song was about him. They tease him for years. The administrators catch onto the teasing too and it’s mentioned subtly in their graduation address. None of the parents can understand why the entire student body started laughing at the headmistress’ speech, and they don’t understand why the crown prince is annoyed when he starts his own speech. 
Felice started learning Russian as a joke and now she actually speaks Russian and uses it often even though no one can understand her. 
Somewhat off topic, woke up rn to an Omar song, and was nice. 
Every rumor at Hillerska can be traced back to either Walter or Fredrika. They didn’t mean to, they just literally cannot keep their mouth shut. 
Henry watches ice age when he’s sick 
Moulin Rouge AU 
Thinking about ✨that✨ scene again 
If any of them were going to be a greyhound runaway, it would be Sara 
Follow up to that one^: Would like to see a fic where August is a greyhound runaway. Like canon still happens, but after s2 he just decides to run from his problems. 
Somewhere in Hillerska Erik graffitied his name
Off topic again, but noise canceling earbuds are a god send 
Felice+Adele. Send tweet. 
Want something to fuck you up? Actor for Nils is older than actor for Erik. 
Breaking up with my gf was such a good idea knowing what I know now💀
Madison loves flying. In comparison, Nils would rather die 
Omar songs + sunrise part 2 
I have never been more convinced that Vincent listens to fallout boy unironically 
Simon drinks peppermint Mochas 
Rowing team blamed their loss on “karma” 
Wilhelm has a crippling fear of being forgotten, but more so he has a debilitating fear of Erik being forgotten.  
Things I have now done: had a panic attack at 30,000ft (twice)
Felice makes sure everyone else eats and then forgets to eat 
Nils and night drives 
Carefully by Ben Platt is Wilhelm season 2 
Jag hatar mannen bredvid mig.  han gjorde ingenting.  Jag är bara arg på hela världen.
If Dani and I started a podcast, would people listen to it? 
I hope Henry knows the names of Simon’s fish. Like maybe not right now in the canon story, but at some point. I feel like he’d appreciate the fish having names .
I wrote the beginning of a fic and I think it’s like kinda good but I did write it at 2am so maybe I’m just tired 
Is It Just Me? By Emily Burns is about to become the most painful Wilmon edit. Try me. One like and I’ll do it. 
Sara can’t swim 
Was thinking about a 1950s AU and then realized I have no reason for them to be in the 50s. Like why do they need to be in the 50s? Poodle skirts? That’s literally it. 
Growing Sideways by Noah Kahan is a Hangman Song. This is a top gun thing. Specifically Aftershocks fic by @the-navistar-carol. 
How… how are people gonna watch a show in which Edvin plays a queer character, and makes out with another man, and then accuse him of being homophobic? How do you even-? 
Sometime in the future August gets sober and people more mature than him begin to forgive him. Not because he deserves it, but because they don’t want to put the energy into being angry anymore. 
I want Omar to start yelling at people. Like he has to want to yell at people at this point. I think he should. 
Ayub 100% knows every detail of Wilmon. He is a walking Wilmon dictionary. Simon told him everything. Like he could tell you where Wilhelm’s least favorite freckle was or some shit even though he’s never asked Wilhelm about it, nor has he seen the freckle. 
Vincent’s guilty pleasure movie is Chicago and his ringtone for August is “cell block tango” aka "he had it coming."
Paparazzi catch Wille teary eyed, and it becomes a big “Boys DO Cry” Moment but really he just saw a really cute dog or some shit 
Wilhelm asks “would you still love me if I was a worm” and Simon replies “yes” without hesitation 
And that's every thought I felt like writing down. I hope it was delightfully unhinged. Much love to all of you.
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omarera · 1 year
So much Omar at Paris fashion week! Do you think he'll another one? It's becoming a trend. I love seeing how they style him.
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He looks absolutely stunning 🤩 I do think he will be back. I mean, they should all be wanting to invite him. He makes everything look good! Those pants!!! The fit and his posing and looks. And I love all the mingling and parties - he is having fuuuuun!
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Not much of a confession but a crowd-sourcing situation: way back Omar posted a TikTok with Edvin where they see each other on the street while revolution is playing (which then switches to another song). Does anyone have any inkling where Omar’s pants are from? Edvins are obvious (carhartt for anyone who didn’t know but wanted to) but I can’t see any logos on Omar’s pants. Any ideas?
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nevillespuff · 10 months
Tagged By - @ayoweshiftingtonite
Tagging - I interact with literally no one else on here sorry LMAO
Go-To Snack at a Convenience Store - I adore the Hawaiian Sweet Maui Onion Chips!! they are delish
Favorite Type of Clown - me overanalyzing every minuscule interaction I have with this guy in my anatomy class because I'm convinced he's in love with me
Height - I'm a wee 5'2
Favorite Song Right Now - Style by Taylor Swift is an all time fav but rnnn is probably Evergreen by Omar Apollo or Maria by Justin Bieber
Favorite Item of Clothing & Where I Got It - my friend got me these rly flowy black pants from a small business based in Thailand for my bday and I can't remember the brand name but they are so nice even if they're a little big around the waist hehe
Last Movie/Show I Watched & Enjoyed - I watched TBOSAS recently and thought it was alright :) Before that, it was Crazy Rich Asians on my birthday and I loved it as always!!
Last Movie/Show I Watched & Hated - the last thing I remember not loving was the 1st episode of The Office. I just couldn't sit through the 1st season
Thing You Have no Use for But Refuse to Throw Out - I ordered a 4 pack of the vanilla Burt's Bees and used them religiously before I switched to my tub of Aquaphor and they all say "[my name]'s Bees" on them instead of Burt's Bees bc they sell customs and I still have all of the empty tubes omg
Have You Ever Met Your Great-Grandparents? - no :( they both passed before I was born
Favorite Flower - I'm a v simple gal and a huge fan of baby's breath
Favorite Quote - “I think there are people that help you become the person that you end up being and you can be grateful for them, even if they were never meant to be in your life forever. I’m glad I knew you too” I think this is from Bojack Horseman. have been doing some grieving these days so this fits
What Superpower Would You Pick if You Could Have One? - girl bye I had to look up examples of superpowers anyways I think healing or elemental control or teleportation
Fictional Character(s) I Would Most Want to Meet - Harry Potter, Meredith Grey, Topanga Lawrence
okay back to studying for my chem final lol
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