#i want the badges soo bad
starysky1289 · 9 months
Nit a request or anything but
Just thought about step sis Vanessa playing with the neighborhood kids, and we see her being so nice and gentle with the children.
(Probably came to visit her dad, and the kids saw her cop car and were like 😯)
And for like a brief second, we're like, "I want to wife her up," or "Oh my god, Vanessa, let me have your children." Basically, just fall even more in love with her.
(Sorry, but wife Vanessa has been on my mind 🫣)
I wanna write wife Vanessa soo bad but idk if to make that normal Vanessa or be funky and make it stepsis vanessa. ( yall also deserve some soft and fluffy Vanessa cause off all the toxic shit I’ve been throwing at yalll )
But omg as someone who works in childcare, and is in school to be a teacher. Being good with kids is 1000000% a turn on for me.
Y/N would be obsessed with that. Literally like ‘ Vanessa please make your dad divorce my mom so we can get married rn ‘.
Vanessa would let the kids sit in the back and pretend to be criminals. She’d SAFLY show them her gun and taser and cuffs. Y/N would probably let herself be used to demonstrate the cuffs too.
Vanessa would do one of the programs where you play basketball with a cop and do it with all the girls. She probably carries around little badge stickers for kids. She’d be big on those toy donations around Christmas.
Wife her up immediately ( even tho she’s ur sister snsnsnjzx )
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zoeyfms · 2 years
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— wow, i haven’t seen ZOEY LI in ages!  SHE/THEY look just like PHILLIPA SOO now.  did you hear the rumor:  THEY SLEPT WITH A PRODUCER TO GET THEIR OWN COMEDY SPECIAL.  it’ll probably come to light at the reunion!
given name : zoey min li nicknames : scout, zo, freakazoid (school bullies) pronouns : she / they birthday : december 12th, 1987 zodiac : sagittarius sun, scorpio moon, aries rising identity : bisexual & genderqueer born in : shady grove, washington lives in : los angeles, california occupation : comedian
while other parents were putting their children in society’s boxes, hoping their own strict ambition would turn them into mirror images of themselves, zoey’s parents were letting her climb trees and learn from her scraped knees. the first day of kindergarten, she was labeled “that weird kid” and she’s worn it like a badge of honor ever since.
in high school, zoey was the kid who flitted between cliques like a whirlwind of sarcasm and stolen jokes. they were in marching band (yes, they still play the trombone) and theatre, where they mostly wrote terrible plays they thought were so funny. at least one person agreed, thankfully the drama teacher, who pushed her in the direction of improv.
zoey is one hundred percent that annoying friend who asked you to come to their improv show every week for ten years. well, four years before moving to los angeles for college, unless you were (un)lucky enough to be nearby. in an attempt to be a little less lame, they dropped band after their freshman year and focused solely on their one true love: comedy.
for the first decade after college, zoey lived out the full-on starving artist experience: waiting tables to make rent with her four roommates in their microscopic apartment, doing open mic standup and getting booed off stage more than a couple times, landing a great gig just to be forgotten two weeks later. 
the longer she felt like sisyphus, rolling a boulder up a hill just to watch it come down, the most desperate zoey got. a few years ago, she slept with a netflix producer to get a feature on a stand up showcase with several other comedians. when that blew up, she rode the wave with live shows until she started to stall once again. another night with the producer and she landed her own hour-long special.
with two specials under their belt, zoey has finally seen the success they’ve been dreaming about since their first improv show in high school. people like her, they really like her! would they still like her if they know all of that success was bought with an affair? there’s very little she wouldn’t do to keep that from coming out.
tldr; zoey is a little weirdo full of fire who moved to los angeles after high school to become a comedian & just caught her big break after sleeping with a producer.
wanted connections !
high school sweetheart
high school... bitterheart
current and former best friends !
fellow theatre kids and band geeks !
exes / enemies / frenemies
friends in los angeles
friends in the entertainment world
former childhood friends / neighbors
a good influence zoey can be a bad influence on
flings, hookups, will they / won’t theys, secret crushes
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thecagedsong · 2 years
Okay, I’ve been planning this for a while, but I want to talk about the translator notes in Yona of the Dawn (the personal ones where the translator comments on the story, on the translations I’m reading) because they are absolutely fascinating. The next chapter is coming out soon, and the majority of the notes I’m going to talk about are chapters 180-229, so spoilers below the cut.
So first off, I want to say I love her little notes and the work she’s done on this translation. I feel like I’m reading it with a friend, and the words she uses do so much to convey the original story. This analysis is not meant to disparage the translator at all. I would have been making the same comments about five years ago, I’m sure. This disclaimer is that this post is meant to do nothing more than add some additional considerations that came to me after I read them. Here goes.
For some background, her notes are usually small, and usually comment on the Yona fandom more than anything else. Not verbatim, her comments are things like “all those people saying Il was a creepy cultist gonna eat those words” and “maybe this will knock Soo Won off people’s pedestal”. Nothing you wouldn’t find on tumblr.
But one of her comments put the rest of the comments into perspective for me. The chapter easily with the most translator comments was when Guen-Tae was monitoring the disputed lands that were reclaimed by some of Soo Won’s past exploits and he gets shot with arrows protecting a little boy we had met earlier in the story. Her comment goes something like: 
“As if this sacrifice makes up for him being a colonizer in the first place, but this is a shojo and everyone needs to have white hats and black hats. We’re just supposed to forget that he’s basically a warmonger who was literally enabling Soo Won’s plans for world domination just a few chapters ago. Nope handsome good guy, right here!”.
And this comment is so fascinating, because it literally contradicts itself! More than any other media I’ve encountered, Yona of the Dawn does not let anyone aside from our band of seven comfortably wear a ‘good guy’ badge. Every recurring character is incredibly complex and you cannot be comfortable labeling them good or evil as much as you want to. AND YOU REALLY WANT TO.
Seriously, come into my inbox and I will talk about any character in this series, their good and bad actions, and the flaws preventing them from achieving their goals. I might have to make a Soo Won post because I hate his guts and he is one of the most incredibly complex antagonists I have ever come across.
Which is why it is so fascinating that the translator is absolutely ready to put people in boxes and gets frustrated when the author doesn’t let her without realizing that’s exactly what is happening. I want to talk with her, because the author is doing the opposite of white and black hats, and better than anyone I’ve ever seen. 
The framing and action of Guen-Tae sacrificing himself when enemy soldiers aimed for the child is meant to be sympathetic, but you aren’t supposed to forget his other actions. He is the earth tribe general who spends most of his time, as far as the manga shows, sitting around complaining about not being able to go to war and kill people. He grew up a warrior that was expecting to be able to win the fame and glory of battle under Yu-Hon’s reign. He did fight in a couple of battles before Il stopped that, and gained some glory and the love of his people. 
But what’s a soldier supposed to do in a time of peace? He doesn’t question the murder of King Il because he wants to go to war. When Soo Won shows that during his reign wants to help the earth tribe and wants to go to war, (and some skill in battle tactics) Guen-Taw gives Soo Won his loyalty. 
This loyalty is tested against his idea of an honorable fight when he is put in the exhibition match against the dragon warriors that he was supposed to lose. You see it irritates him, he’s starting to chafe under being a puppet for Soo Won, but he bows head and you’re supposed to dislike that.  
His people adore him and his abilities as a warrior. 
His idea of war is a very honorable fight for glory/land/power/resources where you fight for your people (shown by refusing to reset when Soo Won offered during war game festival). 
His idea of war is in direct conflict to Yona’s experience, where people are tired of the same battles for the same blood-soaked ghost-filled land. 
You are supposed to be conflicted about him. 
Because he also cares deeply about the people that love him. He’s shown organizing rescues and resources for his miners. He absolutely loves his adorable pregnant wife and believes she’s capable of anything. He’s the only one left to tease Soo Won and the Sky General JooDoh about getting a girlfriend/wife. Lili loves him because she’s a derp attracted to older wild men. 
His wife just gave birth, and he’s taking time to talk to this small child that thinks he’s cool and is glad Kouka took back his village. It is absolutely in character for this guy to instinctively save a child from arrows. Interpersonally, he has a lot of charisma and care for the people immediately around him and believes in an honorable fight. 
The author wants you to be conflicted about him. Do you like him, even though he can be a pansy for Soo Won? Do you hate him, even though he sacrifices himself without hesitation for children? This is the opposite of black and white hats. 
You’re not supposed to forget his flaws. You’re supposed to further develop your own ideas of good and evil through him and every other character in this amazing story. 
The author makes other comments along the same vein. At one point she comments that she “wished Yona had confirmed with proof the government was the one who authorized the nadia selling, Kouka was still clearly the aggressor here and I’m really tired of the author calling this war justified.” 
Again, that’s the point! My goodness, the author got the translator because the translator engaged with the question “when is war justified?” and came up with a very nuanced answer.
But the translator missed the fact that the story does not in any way condone the war, just because our good guys are fighting in it. Our band of seven are prisoners here. South Kai delegates went to peace negotiations over the disputed land and intentionally poisoned one of the members with the intent of justifying a war. Soo Won wants to control the whole continent, believing that the only way to stabilize Kouka for a long time after he’s dead. You know it’s foolish to believe that Soo Won, even if he had the health to conquer the continent, believes that the region ALREADY embroiled in a civil war will be incorporated into their tiny neighbor. 
The author purposefully highlights the complex cultures, leadership personalities, economic resources, the awfulness of battle, and the beauty of courage and loyalty to fight for people you believe in. War here makes sense. It’s not justified, but you understand why it happened even when it isn’t justified. I could go on and probably will at some point, but I’ll end my thoughts addressing the translator comments here. This story refuses to let you sort people into “good people” and “bad people” and simultaneously makes you really, really want to. And that’s really what it means to grow up.
Pretty good for a shojo manga supposedly aimed at young women.
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lollypopsx · 3 years
Soo this is a blurbie request for single dadrry because am a sucker for your blurbs. Could you maybe write one where she gets lost, like she’s little and she gets lost and Harry’s panicked and all because well “he almost lost her once” ;) please please pweaseeeeee *puppy dog eyes*
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Drabble Request
Drabble Masterlist
Charleigh - Age 4
It was a rare day off, and whilst in New York on the One Direction Tour, Harry had decided to take some time out for just him and Charleigh.
Charleigh fell in love with bright lights and big features of every town and city she visited. During the night time flights, she would stare out the window in awe at the tiny flickering lights below her. She really was on top of the world.
Harry held Charleigh's hand tightly as he led her through Coney Island. She couldn't keep her eyes in one place, every fast ride, bright light and merry go round was fascinating her.
"Daddy look!" She squeals, pointing to the big wheel.
"You want to go on there Cherry?" He smiles widely, beaming at her excitement.
"Please Daddy! Please!" She gasps, holding her tiny hand in his as she began to run. "Hey slow down pet, we have so much time..." He chuckles as they head for the queue. Charleigh's eyes were wandering around, the buzz from the other people, the sweetest smells lingering and the happiness in the air was so heavy. The noise was loud but she didn't seem to mind.
"Daddy can we go on the Merry Go round?" She asks, seeing it from the other side of the Island.
Harry was adjusting his jeans to bed down and do up his loose shoelaces. "Yeah...after this one bug" He mumbled softly, holding the Big Wheel tickets between his teeth.
But all Charleigh heard was 'Yeah'...so off she went, skipping happily round the corner, out of Harry's sight within seconds while his eyes were focusing on doing up his laces.
He stood up and went take Charleigh's hand again, but she was gone.
"Charleigh?" He frowns, looking around him, expecting her to be hiding behind him ready to scare him. Sheer panic engulfed every inch of him. "Charleigh?" He calls out. His eyes scanned intensely as he rushed out of the queue. Where would she have gone?!
There was a large sign in the middle 'Merry Go Round This Way' Bingo.
Harry felt his eyes brim with tears, quickly wiping them with the back of his hand and intensely looking to find her. "Charleigh...? Charleigh where are you?!" He calls out desperately.
Harry couldn't bare the thought of not having Charleigh around. If something bad was to ever happen to her, he could never forgive himself. He still hadn't forgiven himself from the incident nearly 4 years ago.
"Charleigh?!" He groans in frustration. How could he be so careless?!
"Daddy!!" Harry heard a loud shriek, his heart beat quickened, all he could hear was his own heartbeat and Charleigh's cries.
"I can't find my Daddy" Charleigh cried loudly, heavy sobs leaving her mouth as she approached a pretty lady with long brown hair, and carnival badges down her jacket. She was holding strings of balloons in one hand.
"What's your name sweetie?" The kind lady asked her. "C-Char-Charleigh" She sobs, her face red and her hands clammy.
"Charleigh?!" Harry rushed over, his heart breaking yet so full of relief. His arms swipe her up and held her at his chest. "Oh my god...oh my god you're safe. It's okay...I'm here my Angel..." He closes his eyes, holding her so tight and repeatedly kissing her head over and over again.
"D-Daddy" She cries sadly into his shoulder, her arms tight round his neck.
"Why on earth did you run off? That's not safe!"
"I-I...t-thought you w-were next to m-me" She hiccups, sniffling sadly and looking down with guilty eyes.
He wanted to be stern. He tried to be stern, but his words came out as more if a plea. "Please never never ever do that to me again Cherry. I was so scared...shit I thought I lost you again"
"Daddy no swearing..."
Tag List: @harryhoney-bee - @sunandherflores -  @beachwood-cafe - @damnasstyles - @awesomebooklover17 - @hazgoldenstyles - @evanjh - @harrysbracelet - @nerdypartytrashpsychic - @harryssweatcreaturee - @hibaiqbal12
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nexyra · 3 years
RWBY Analysis - Ozpin & Ruby, on the concept of leadership
In her song "Burned out", Dodie sings of her fans, how they look up to her and how uneasy that realization made her. For everyone is at the end of the day just as human as their neighbour; and having the hopes and expectations of others put upon you when you're just as lost as them can be a frightening thing. And this... made me think of Ruby & Ozpin.
On the subject of leadership, Ozpin tells Ruby the following : “Being a team leader isn't just a title you carry into battle, but a badge you wear constantly. If you are not always performing at your absolute best, then what reason do you give others to follow you?”
While I love this quote, I also have to analyze the drawbacks of this mentality and how they align with both Ozpin and Ruby. At the time, Ruby is a newly appointed leader and unsure of this reality. Ozpin's counsel give her the confidence needed to step up as a leader and take her duties more seriously, which in return appeases Weiss' and make their team all the more balanced. It is, in that context, good advice. A good leader should strive to lead by example and work hard to be worthy of the respect others give them, both in and outside of battle.
However there is one aspect that I find much more complex and that is... what does it mean to "always perform at your absolute best" and to have others follow you ? Note the use of follow, people letting you lead alone as opposed to "standing by your side" or a similar expression. It showcases in my opinion one of the biggest problem of Ozpin's leadership, but one that I feel has been inadvertently repeated by Ruby's.
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To cultivate hope and lies
When it comes to Ozpin's lies, I am of the firm belief that he had good intentions. Soo if you think he's the scorn of this earth, this might be a good time to tap out :D Now, this said I have a lot to say on the subject but I'll keep this short to stay on track (& make another unrelated post to develop my thoughts.)
In my opinion, at the core of his lies stand different beliefs. And on the subject of leadership, I think one stands out in particular and aligns with the advice he gave Ruby : the need to perform at your best to give others a reason to follow you.
Ozpin is the reincarnation of a centuries-old wizard and the headmaster of a school : what is one aspect almost every character agrees on upon meeting him ? "Oh, he's wise. He's knowledgeable. He has the answers. He has his shit together. He can tell us what to do."
Inherently, Ozpin's existence inspires respect and reassure. Just like to a child, a parent is all-knowing and unbreakable, Ozpin's status automatically give others the assumption that he knows what he's doing. And this, in my opinion, is one of the core problems of his leadership.
May it be with his inner circle, with RWBY, with ANYONE really; as soon as Ozpin reveals himself there are unspoken expectations that will chain him. He has the knowledge, he was here when it all began, he's the one calling the shots so he HAS to know exactly what to do. In that situation, breaking down and revealing to everyone how lost Ozpin is, how out of his depth... is unconceivable. And this is where Ozpin's conception of leadership becomes a problem as well. If you always perform "at your best" then you keep your doubts to yourself, you hide your sorrows and you put on a brave face. There are expectations in place that Ozpin wants (needs even) to meet. And thus the hopes of others and Ozpin's desire to fulfill them feed one another, as a perfect recipe for disaster. Because the more time Ozpin spends acting as if everything is under control, the more the expectations pile up... And coming clean about his humanity, the fact that he's just as powerless as the rest of them, becomes impossible.
And in that sense, breaking down the pedestal Ozpin had been put on was probably one of the best thing to do for his own mental health (though the method lacked a bit of compassion in my opinion xD)
The other part that somehow causes problem is how RELIANT on him his inner circle is. Despite their apparent friendship, Ozpin is the clear leader and as soon as he's out of comission, everything falls apart. Ironwood is the only one to call out Oz but in the end still wishes for the wizard to tell him what to do in period of stress. Qrow plays spy and takes order but doesn't seem really interested in stading at Ozpin's side as an equal. Glynda is stern but still defers to him etc...
All of them FOLLOW Ozpin but are just a few steps off from standing at his side. And this is something I see reflected in Ruby.
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
Following optimism up until it fails you
In Vol6, as secrets and lies are brought to the light, the loss of Hope that Ozpin feared so deeply happens. Is it worth it ? What are we even going to do with an immortal foe ? Maybe we should just go home. In that situation, Ruby is the simple soul who manages to keep her optimism, stand tall and say "No. We are taking the lamp to Atlas." And from then on her position as a leader and a bacon of light is reaffirmed. As Jaune put it in V4 "You gave us the courage to follow you."
Now is that, in itself, a problem ? Of course not. In fact I loved seeing Ruby come into herself and take the lead in Vol6. The problem in truth comes after, from the ramifications. From Vol6 onward, Ozpin has essentially been rid of his leader position and Ruby inherited it. And on a surface level sure, they are pretty different. Ruby is certainly closer to her partners : they're a family and they care about each other.
However, she is still clearly put at the lead. The others relied on Ruby's optimism and resilience to get to Atlas, and continue to do so. Setting foot in Ironwood's office, Blake tells Ruby "We'll follow your lead". They trust her, and whatever Ruby does... goes. They lie to Ironwood and Yang expresses some hesitations but eventually rally to Ruby's decision. And I emphasize this again : it is Ruby's decision. They did not pre-emptively discuss this as a group and then let Ruby be the spoke-person. Yang herself in Vol8 criticizes not their actions but Ruby's choices. Ruby calls the shots, Ruby is responsible for what happens, Ruby is their beacon of hope... Ruby is the new Ozpin.
Ruby has to be optimistic, and make the decisions and take risks because she's the leader. When Ruby leaves the room to break down, conversation & strategy stalls : the others don't take the lead. When things go south, it's Ruby's choices that led them here. Ever since Ruby has left Beacon, the only person who consistently encouraged Ruby to express the BAD, to share the negative has been Oscar. Even her silver eyes ask her to focus on only the happy memories to go off without a hitch ! The others comfort, they smile, they trust, they love even. But they don't want depressed Ruby finally grieving, they don't want honest "I don't know what to do" : they try to bring back confident and optimistic "we're gonna try" Ruby Rose. They want their earnest and happy but ultimately perfect leader that gives them reason to follow. In the end, even if they deeply care for her and have no shortage of warm coated reassurances for the teen, they still chain her down with their expectations. Ruby is NOT built for this. And I don't even say that in the "why is a kid calling the shots" sense, but "why is a kid put in a position where she's RESPONSIBLE for calling the shots ?"
Ruby is the youngest of the group apart from Oscar. The others should not rely on her this much to function. Blake telling Ruby that she looks up to her and that they'll follow her lead is admittedly sweet, but still builds up the pressure weighing her down. Blake calling out for Ruby's help when the teen has just been crashed to the ground by the Hound isn't even sweet anymore. They're all supposed to be equals. Blake is just as capable as Ruby. Calling out to your mind-controlled friend to bring them back from the edge is good. Calling out to your 17-old sister who's been beaten up because you need her to fight isn't.
They need to recognize that Ruby should not hold up the place alone. Because yes, they love her. But at the end of the day, Ruby is still the one bearing the weight of their decisions... Alone, even surrounded.
He was certain; So was I There was comfort in her sighs
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Dreams and ideas should not be the same thing You waited, smiling for this?
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Oh, she'd want it, if she knew She could take it, I thought too Be careful, be cautious but you just wished harder You waited, smiling for this?
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"But they love you!" Over and over, "they love you!" Thousands and thousands of eyes just like mine Aching to find who they are
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"Oh, they love you!" Oh, you can feel how they love you ! Coated and warm but that's all they can do Words only get through if they're sharp
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Oh, how fitting For one so fake Make me a fairy Whatever it takes
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And just like a tale my dream was a scam You waited, smiling for this?
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I am burnt out I smell of smoke It seeps through her cracks and so I start to choke Sentences sit in her mouth that are templated You waited, smiling for this?
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Oh, maybe I'll talk about it... (maybe I'll talk about it) I can just talk about it... (I can just talk about it) I'll never talk about it... (I'll never talk about it) No, I cannot talk about it...
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Don't build hope on something broken I am not cartoon. Cry for help, I am not joking I might just leave soon
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avirams · 3 years
for the aa game, questions number 16, 19, 20, and 21? im kinda curious about your thoughts on those
yeyyyses aa asks thank you nonnie :DD
(somehow, these answers are even longer than last time. proceed with caution)
16. If there was anything you could change about the series, what would it be?
ohhh man there is SO much to discuss on this one. for starters, id probably keep shu takumi as the director for aa5 and aa6 because yeah. yep. while the characters were written really awesomely in those games imo, the plots execution kinda,,, ruined all that potential. soo many holes, and nothing made sense DLJLDK
next, id actually like!! keep the focus on whatever new characters are supposed to star in the games!! i talked about this too on my meta blog. phoenix is great and all, but bringing him back as a protag in everything just for the Brand(tm) was,,, a really bad choice. so give apollo the spotlight, athena her own game, and keep phoenix off to the side plEase. 
same with edgeworth!! we need more focus on the other rivals (klavier, franziska, etc etc). love him and all, but his arc ended ages ago back in the triology. and it really bugs me when they use him for everything, because like, we know capcom has the ability to write great character arcs!! edgeworth is a great sign on that!! but they just forgot about SO many other people for his sake!! 
oh oh also, they just need to bring back other characters in general. gumshoe, lana, klavier, yknow like. give other characters CRUMBS of what phoenix and edgeworth get pl
and finally, i just want them to talk about what happened in previous games. in the og triology, it was good cuz YES it was annoying when we got a flashback of dl6 every time but ALSO. also!!! dl6 is like, a crucial part of edgeworth and mayas and a couple other peoples development!!! the issue in aa5 and aa6 mostly, is that theyre SO scared of spoiling previous games, which reallllyyy hindered any possible development we couldve gotten :(
19. Favorite character design?
i talked about this more in emas opinion thingy, but definitely hers. everyone else kinda goes bloo blah on keeping the same outfit for literal decades,,, but hers actually changed a lot, while still keeping the lab coat and goggles!! theres also a lot of easter eggs in her design? like the pink princess pin? and the badge thingy as well, b/c those appeared on other peoples outfits and plot and that was just a really nice detail imo
20. Worst motive?
hoo boy. okay. i cant reeeally think of anything off the top of my head, because most of them were pretty cool, but yknow whos really sucked? ambassador albas!!!!! aai was SUPER fun and i loved a lot of the reveals!!! but the drug dealing subplot was,,,, really boring and gave me a headache. it took me an actual week of gameplay to finally convict him, all because he didnt want to be found out as the leader of the smuggling ring. really stupid
21. Favorite backstory?
hmhmhmhm,,, tbh, a lot of the main people have super fascinating backstories? i wont say edgeworth for this because it does get kinda tiring hearing it, apollo has 50, klavier has none and phoenix just gets like. 3 big things that happened in the past and we dont know anything else
after all that,,, probably lanas. i know she only appears for ONE case, but since i already answered ema, i really liked hers. because shes a strong person!! but even after all that, she couldnt do what she really wanted,,, and when she became a prosecutor it was gants fault,,, and everything was getting corrupted right in front of her,,, but she couldnt do anything cuz ema,,, yep. top tier stuff. itd be even better if we could get some context on intellectual attraction tho,,, :(
oh my GOSH i can fit so much rambling into these i apologize <//3 but thank you thank you thank you for wanting to hear these!! it means so much that people  dont mind me talking this much dfkmgkfdm
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wreckofawriter · 5 years
Painted Books
Pairing: Young!Sirius Balck x Slytherin!reader
Word Count: 3,297 (I'm sorry I got carried away)
Warnings: Swearing, Underaged drinking, Mentions of alcohol abuse/addiction, Super long
Summary: After a prank Sirius ruins something extremely important to you, so you get pissed. While sneaking around he realizes why you were so pissed and tries to apologize
A/n: Omfg I havent been on tumblr for like a month I'm so sorry I was inactive, high school has sort of been kicking my ass. I hope this super long story makes up for it. I actually kinda like this one alot, hope you enjoy it.
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Hatred filled you like air into a balloon. Your blood had been replaced by lava and it was steaming, white-hot through you. Those idiot Gryffindors were going to regret everything they have ever done in about 10 minutes you thought as you looked at your common room. Red and gold covered everything. Every couch, every chair, every table, every wall, and unfortunately for you, every book and paper on the tables. You screeched loudly.
You had simply left for 30 minutes to eat dinner before returning to your homework and now, not only was the positions essay you had almost finished been ruined but so had your charms, Defence against the dark arts and herbology essays. Along with the seven books for those classes you had bought at the begging of the year. There was no way that you would be able to clean the paint off, it was surely enchanted and now you would have to stay up all night finishing essays that would never be even half of the quality the originals were.
As the rest of the Slytherin house began to clean up the mess you had ideas of making a new one. And not of their common room but of Sirius Black's face.
You snatched your soggy papers and books off of the table and stormed out of the room. The second you saw him your anger returned like a boiling title wave. He had just ruined all of your work from the past week and now he was laughing throwing his head back as his shiny teeth flashed and his glistening black hair fell away from his precise jawline and cheekbones. You walked straight up to him and before he could even look at you, you grabbed the collar of his shirt and threw him against the wall holding him there. As you did you heard many people utter gasps of surprise and James yell something but you were defened by wrath. His eyes widened in surprise then relaxed as you saw your small frame.
“You think this is funny?” You yelled holding your paint-splattered papers and books up for him to see.
“I do find it quite amusing.” He answered with a smirk.
You screeched again, shoving your fist upward effectively throwing him back against the wall and jabbing him in the throat. You may be small but you were far from weak.
“Look if you wanted to throw me against the wall you could have just asked.” He winked, his voice coming out raspy from his throat being half closed by your hand.
“You absolute piece of shit!” you screamed, “You just ruined all of my work from this whole fucking week! I'm going to fail because of you!”
“You could just sleep with the professor again.” He sneered Your eyes widened in shock, it had been a year since the rumor of you sleeping with a teacher had ruined your social life and here was this high and mighty asshole, who had slept with half the school bringing it up again. You had had enough. You brought your knee up and as it connected with his crotch you dropped his collar and he tumbled to the ground with a scream.
“You say anything like that again I will break your nose.” You hissed down at him, throwing your ruined essays and books at him. With that, you turned on your heel and left pushing past the group of students that had gathered to watch. Before you could exit the scene a hand grabbed your wrist.
“What the hell was that for? It was just a stupid prank!” James yelled as you snatched your hand from his grasp.
“It wasn't just the prank asshole.” You growled glaring up at him.
And that was the truth it wasn't just the prank. It wasn't your homework being ruined, hell it wasn't even the fact he accused you of sleeping with a professor. All of those things were insignificant to the real problem. He had ruined your books. No, you’re not some Ravenclaw who obsessed over books, and it's not like they were signed by the author either they were simply books. But not to you. To you, they were the extra hours you worked at a stupid coffee shop. They were the late nights and early mornings you had forced yourself in to. They were the reward you got for getting stared at by men twice your age because of the stupid tiny skirt that was somehow considered as a uniform. Hell, you worked all fucking summer. Your whole summer was just dumped in paint by some pretentious brat and his even more pretentious friends.
When you reached the Slytherin common room you were close to tears and when you entered you saw the one thing that could cheer you up. Kathy. Kathy was your best friend, she was also one of your few friends, I mean you were a Slytherin half-blood, you were no Lily Evans. She was also Slytherin and was the good cop to your bad cop attitude. When she saw you she rushed you upstairs as you explained what happened.
Sirius, Remus, and Peter crept quietly (not so quietly) through the halls under the famous invisibility cloak. James stood beside them his head-boy badge shining in the light of his wand.  
“Shut up Wormtail,” James scolded, “I think I hear someone.”
They all stopped and listened. With the shuffling noises silenced they could hear something. Laughter drifted through the halls. Soon muffled voices could be heard from some hidden place.
“I think they're in the kitchen,” Remus whispered.
“I hope they’re Slytherin.” James giggled as they approached the hidden door to the kitchen. James poked the bowl of fruit, hitting the apple once and the orange twice. The door swung open into the first layer of the kitchens. They shuffled in James taking the lead they were about to continue through the next doorway when Sirius heard a voice that made him jump.
“Wait!” his whispers called to his friend.
“What?” James whispered back.
“That's Y/n,” Sirius explained.
“Hell yeah this is going to be fun,” James smiled wide happy to catch you out of bed. “Finally get the bitch back.” He began to walk toward the second room in the kitchen when Sirius stepped out from beneath the cloak and grabbed his shoulder.
“Just let me see what she's doing.” He asked.
James’s eyebrows scrunched together in confusion he opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted.
“Please.” Sirius begged his friend, “Then we can bust her.”
“Fine” he muttered
Remus handed Sirius the invisibility cloak sighing, “This better be quick.” disapprovingly
Sirius rolled his eyes throwing the cloak over him and walked into the next room what he saw made his jaw drop.
There you sat, on the kitchen floor in nothing but a deep green crop top and a pair of shimmery silver booty shorts. Your y/h/l y/h/c hair was cascading down your back like a waterfall that seemed to glow in the candlelight. Next to you sat a brunette girl in a hoodie and sweatpants that Sirius recognized as Kathy Underhill. In your right hand, you clutched a bottle of fire whiskey and in your left, you held a spoon filled with chocolate ice cream from the carton at your feet.
“You know everryboddy thiks that imma stuck up bish now right?” You slurred, clearly drunk.
“I'm sure they don't,” Kathy said clearly sober.
“Oooohhh yeahhu they do.” You continued. “They’re all wike look at that tempershmental bitch who cants take a joke, wow somebody locks her up shes crazy, she fucked a professor for an and she is sooooo stuck up.”
“Well it's not true,” Kathy said grimacing as you took another swig from the bottle.
“SOO WHAT?” You shouted, your voice suddenly rising as you did from your crossed legs dropping you spoon on the ground, “What am I gonna say, I'm not shtuck up my mom is a alchohalic that blows her money on booze and I had to work all fucking summer in a shitty Cafe where middle-aged men stared up my skirt, to afford the books that the two ashholes you call “funny” you added very dramatic air quotes on the last word. “Ruined for a stupid prank ecaus they are stuck ups dicks who shove money up their asses for fun.”
Sirius’s eyes widened, he really shouldn't be listening to this conversation.
Tears began to fall from your eyes in large drops and Kathy sighed as you started to blabber nonsense.
“Alright sweetie, let's get you off your feet before your trip and kill yourself,” Kathy said rising toward you. You continued to sob as she took the bottle from your hands and helped you to the floor where you buried your head in her lap as she stroked your hair.
“Looks like imma just like my-” You hiccuped “- my bitch of a mother.” You groaned angrily.
“Hey honey, you will never be like that woman, I promise.” Kathy soothed, “I promise.”
“Your the best. I love you” You muttered as you began to drift into sleep.
“Love you too.” Kathy sighed.
    Sirius was so caught up in the scene in front of him he almost forgot about his friends who were waiting for him. He quickly turned and walked back to the second room where he removed the cloak and looked at his three wide-eyed friends.
    “Oh shit,” James muttered as he looked at Sirius who looked on the edge of a breakdown. Without another word, Sirius thrust the cloak into his friend's hands and bolted.
    Of all the people he knew what it was like to hate your mother, to have nothing, to work your ass off for things that are ruined by someone who had so much more. Now he had caused that pain. He had ruined your books. He had destroyed your hard work. He had caused those tears that sprung from your eyes. He had become what he hated most.
Sirius may be fast but James was faster, and he caught the young boy’s wrist before he could escape to god knows where.
When Sirius world around James saw something very rare in his eyes, tears. They were glassy and full. One cascaded down his cheek leaving a shimmering river in its wake.
“Sirius it's not your fault.” He said looking at his friend quite concerned.
“I ruined her books.” he sniffed,
“We didn't know, it's not our fault her mom’s an alcoholic,” James explained.
Sirius glared at his friend ripping his hand from James's angrily, “Would you have cared?” he asked bitterly.
“Of course I would,” James said sincerely
“I don't think you would have,” Sirius seethed taking a step towards him. “You have always had everything, the parents, the money, the house, the smarts, the skills, the girlfriend. YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT IT’S LIKE TO HAVE NOTHING!” He yelled his face red with fury, “So you don't know what it's like to have the one thing you did have ripped from you.” He whispered stepping away from his friend taking a couple of steps turning and sprinting back to the common room.
The next morning Sirius woke to see a stack of books on the end of his bed with a note stuck on top.
“Your right, I'm a dick, now please go give that girl these books and essays before I feel even more like shit. P.S you owe Remus big time for the essays” Sirius lifted the note to see a stack of brand new books and on top four essays each with the name Y/n Y/l/n printed in your handwriting on top. He then glanced at the stack of paint covered books in the corner you had thrown at him, they were still there covered in paint. Confusion covered him He then remembered who he was friends with and smiled.
“James you idiotic genius.” He muttered looking at each perfectly crafted essay. His eyes were shining.
    You woke to a less pretty sight. Your head throbbed as you sat up in your bed groaning, you looked at the clock, you still had an hour till your first class but you were too hungry to pass up breakfast, even with your head about to explode. You got up stretched moaning at the pounding in your head and changed into your robes. You headed down to the grand hall after downing five Advils.
When you arrived you saw Kathy chatting with a few other girls you knew. You sat down next to her grabbing the pot of coffee of the table and dumping it into your cup as Kathy greeted you.
    “Damn Y/n you look like shit.” a girl named Emma said.
    “I feel like shit too.” You answered as you took a massive swig of the coffee.
    “You stay up late finishing your essays?” Another girl asked.
    You groaned throwing your aching head onto the table as the essays that you had forgotten about reentered your half-awake mind.
“I swear next time I see one of those four assholes I'm gonna put them six feet under.” Kathy hissed.
As if on cue Sirius Black tapped your shoulder. You spun around and were about to speak when Kathy rose, “I think she's seen enough of you Black.” she said sternly.
“Look I know I was I dick I just want to apologize,” Sirius mumbled seeming very uncomfortable as all the girls at the table glared him down.
“She doesn't need your fake apologizes, she’s had enough for a lifetime,” Kathy growled.
“It’s fine Kath.” You sighed, “I'm way too hungover to deal with him asking all day anyway.” You grumbled quietly to her.
She huffed and sat down glaring the boy down as she retracted to her seat.
You looked up at him waiting.
Sirius flashed bright red, an unusual sight, “Oh um I thought I could talk to you in private.” he asked his voice fading in the last words as he scuffed the ground with his feet.  
You sighed, “If this is another prank Black I will break you back.”
“No no no I swear it's not.” He said hurriedly.
You groaned standing from the ground and following him out of the hall, still feeling like shit.
“Look, before you break my back can you let me finish what I’m saying?” He asked nervously, You had never seen the boy so nervous.
“Depends on what you say.” You answered narrowing your eyes.
“Alright then here goes,” He sighed “So me and the rest of us were with James last night and we umm heard you and Kathy, and I just-” He was cut off by a fist hitting his jaw.
“YOU ASSHOLE!” You yelled as you realized what he must have heard. Anger once again overrode your systems and you glared at the boy in front of you, “I swear to Merlin I'm gonna drive my-”
He slapped his hand over your mouth muffling your shouts. “Please just listen,” He begged, “Please.” when you looked at him you saw something you had never seen on his face before, desperation. This made you stop nodding as he slowly removed his hand from your mouth. Today was full of new experiences.
“Look I just wanted to say I'm really sorry for ruining your books and that I was a dick and well here.” He said as he reached into his bag and took out a bundle of books and papers.
You gasped when you saw the papers were essays, in your handwriting but much better than you ever could have written, and the books were all of the ones that had been ruined in paint except they were all hardcover and pristine as if they were bought last night.
“How did you….??” Your voice trailed off as you scanned the papers and books.
“My friends may be idiots but they’re geniuses.” He chuckled nervously.
Your amazement was replaced by rage (again) when you realized what was happening and anger flashed in your eyes, “I don't want your pity, Black.” You seethed handing his books back.
“No no no, it's not pity please.” He said as you turned to go.
“What is it then?” you glowered.
“It’s empathy ok? I know what it's like to have an asshole for a mom who never did anything for you ok? I know what it's like to have nothing. I know.”
You stared at him confused, what did a pureblooded rich kid know about that?
“Look my mom kicked me out last year, I mean not out of the house but out of the family. She disowned me and I get it, it sucks. I just got lucky to have amazing friends like James whose parents are super cool.” He sighed handing you the books back, “I was a dick, I’m really truly sorry.”
Your mouth hung open eyes wide. How had you never know this? You knew his brother and him didn't exactly get along but you never knew anything like that had happened to him. And then you did the last thing you expected you would ever do. You took two steps forward and hugged him. Dropping the books and papers on the floor, you wrapped your hands around his waist and buried your head in his chest. At first, he was surprised but it only took him a second to react and he wrapped one arm around your waist to the small of your back and his other around your shoulder resting his hand on the back of your head and pulling you closer to him.
You noticed he smelt of mint and smoke as you let your tears fall from your eyes, soaking his robes.
He buried his head into your soft y/h/c locks and he smelt pomegranate and ginger with the slight tinge of vanilla linger there. His eyes filled with tears and he squeezed them shut as he felt your body shake with sobs. You don’t know how long you stayed there but you wished to forever. When you did pull away your eyes were puffy and red as were his. You were about to turn to pick up the books and papers that were scattered on the ground when Sirius spoke.
“Hey Y/n one more thing.” He said.
“Wha-” his lips collided on yours and it was your turn to be shocked. After a second you melted into the kiss and leaned back into his minty scent as you felt his toung run along your lower lip, you tipped your chin upward giving him better access to your mouth. As his hand found the side of your cheek and yours found his hair. You pulled away after a few seconds later gasping for air.
You looked up at him cheeks flaming red, “Sorry I pushed you into the wall” You paused, “And kneed you… and punched you in the face”
“You could make it up to me by got to Hogsmeade with me this weekend.” He suggested voice barely above a whisper as he stroked your cheek.
“Sound good.” You giggled just then you glanced at your watch. “Shit!” You yelled quickly gathering you new books and essays from the ground. “I've got to get to Herbology!” you turned, turned back placed a quick kiss on Sirius' cheek, “I'll see you later.” You said before dashing out the doors onto the grounds. As he watched you go he touched his flaming cheek with his hand. A few seconds later James walks up next to him.
“She a little less pissed?” he asked nervously.
“You have no idea how much I owe you right now.”
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gyakutengagotoku · 4 years
GS4 vs AJ:AA - Episode 2, Part 4
I don’t want to start every one of these posts with an apology about being late again, so I’m just going to apologize to my eyes for keeping open this long. They burn, still do. I was tempted to count this day as another “unannounced sick leave” day, but I persevered for you all. You’re welcome.
And, uh, I’m just gonna leave a joke here that no one will get until they click the Read More link.
“What do you call a distressed lawyer who’d forgotten his badge in his house?” “Oh, darn, ok... house key.”
10/19/20 edit: Oh, nooo! I can’t believe I forgot to revisit the Detention Center! I’ve corrected this grave error. Now it’s complete. Also, since this case is a bit free-form in how it progresses, I’m just going the order I went the first time I played, or close enough to it.
> Wright Anything Agency
> Examine: piano
<Apollo> ピアノの上に、奇妙な 道具が並べられている。 There are all sorts of strange paraphernalia sitting on top of the piano.
<Apollo> これだけ道具があるんだから、 何かマジックやってみせてよ。 It seems a shame to have all these props and not do a trick or two.
<Trucy> いいですよー! You asked for it!
<Mr. Hat> また会いましたね。 ビックリくん、でしたか。 Heeeey, Mr. Righteous, was it? Wakka wakka!
<Trucy> ちがうよ。オドロキくんだよ。 “王泥喜 法介”! Justice, Mr. Hat! Apollo Justice.
<Mr. Hat> ああ。“汚泥鬼 呆助” Just is? Apollo just is what? That's what I want to know!
<Trucy> “ドロ”しか合ってないよ! Oh, you're hopeless!
<Apollo> ‥‥そいつはもういいよ。 ...Please, make it stop.
"It seems we meet again. Bikkuri-kun, was it?" [also means shock] "No, no. It's Odoroki-kun. 'Odoroki Housuke'!" "Ah, I see. 'Ohdorokie Housekey'." "You only got the 'doro' part right!"
...Anyway, if you look at the JP script above, you can see Boushi-kun got all the kanji wrong, though it's still pronounced the same way. Also, it's funnier when you realize Minuki just called him 'mud' because that's actually part of his name.
> Examine: silk hat
<Apollo> みぬきちゃんと同じ、 ブルーのシルクハットだ。 A blue silk top hat, just like the one Trucy's wearing.
<Trucy> それは、みぬきのイメージカラー 《ミヌキー・ブルー》です! It's my trademark color! Trucy Blue!
<Apollo> ‥‥勝手に“色”を 自分のものにするなよ。 I don't think you can trademark the color blue.
<Trucy> やっぱり、ステージに立つ人間は、 目立たないとアレですから。 Standing out is everything when you're up on stage!
ほら。オドロキさんだって、 キメてるじゃないですか。 Bet you didn't know you've got your own color, too, Apollo!
全身《オドロー・レッド》で! Crimson Justice!
<Apollo> ‥‥おどり出したくなるような、 おどろおどろしいような。 You make me sound like some second-rate superhero.
<Trucy> でしょー? At least it's better than being a first-rate super zero!
"Look, it's obvious what yours is too. A full-body 'Odoro Red'!" "...I'm guessing you'd want me to dance or be super flashy." "Right?"
Fyi, "おどり出す" (odoridasu) means "to break into dance" and "おどろおどろしい" (odoro'odoroshii) means "eerie" or "exaggerated"; basically not being subtle at all.
> Examine: plate of spaghetti
<Apollo> 喫茶店のショーウインドウで おなじみ、ロウ細工のスパゲティだ。 A dish of plastic spaghetti like some restaurants put on display.
そういえば、こんなの どこから持ってきたの? Where did you get this, anyway?
<Trucy> パパからの誕生日プレゼントです! It was a birthday present from Daddy!
うれしかったなあ‥‥ ずーっと欲しかったから。 I was so happy... You don't know how long I wanted one of these!
その夜は、抱いたまま寝ちゃって、 ヘシ折っちゃいました。スパゲティ。 I fell asleep with it, cradled in my arms, and the spaghetti bent!
<Apollo> (意外に女の子のウケがいいのかな。  こういうの‥‥) (Mental note: What she really wants for her next birthday: A bowl of plastic food...)
"(I guess this kind of thing is really popular with girls...)"
If anything, it's really popular with girls who work with attorneys at this firm... usually they ask for some sorts of noodles, or some saucy meat in buns if you count the EN versions.
> Examine: table
<Apollo> 手品用のテーブルの上に、 ポットが置いてある。 A hot water pot sits on a magic table.
このテーブル、 どうしてこんなに脚が細いのかな。 Why is the stand for this table so flimsy looking?
<Trucy> ‥‥うーん。 カッコイイから、かなあ。 ...Hmm. Maybe it looks better that way?
<Apollo> ‥‥もっと、おもしろい コタエを期待してたのに。 ...I was hoping for a more professional explanation.
<Trucy> ‥‥うーん。 Well...
シカケがないコトを 見せるため、とか? Maybe to show that there's no tricks involved?
<Apollo> ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ マトモだね。 ... Not bad.
<Trucy> ‥‥アタリマエのコト 言っちゃ、ダメなのかなあ。 I still think it's just that it looks better that way.
The last two lines were: "......Well, that was pretty honest." "...I think giving the obvious answer would be against the rules, though."
Btw, I can see why they translated Apollo's line as "Not bad", since 'matomo' can be used in contexts where someone is giving something a "decent" rating. I just think Minuki's next line makes it more clear about what he means, though with the changed context, it's only fair Trucy's last line here is changed too.
> Examine: Charley
<Apollo> 観葉植物のチャーリーくんだ。 It's Charley, the houseplant.
ずっと前から、この事務所で ��てられているらしい。 They've had it for years, apparently.
<Trucy> “くん”なんて、シツレイです! “先輩”って呼ぶの。 That's "Mr. Charley" to you! He's been here longer, after all.
<Apollo> ‥‥は、はあ。 ...Right, sorry.
<Trucy> チャーリー先輩、すみません。 レイギを知らない新人でして。 I'm sorry, Mr. Charley. He was raised by a tribe of heathens.
<Apollo> (水をやりながら、  なんか言ってるぞ‥‥) (She's saying something to the plant as she waters it...)
<Trucy> あ。それから。アイサツは “おはようございます”ですから。 Mr. Charley forgives you. This time.
<Apollo> ‥‥そういえばココ、 芸能事務所だったっけ。 ...Is there anything else I might do to please His High Leafiness?
Huh, I've spotted a legitimate mistake in translation for once: Apollo's line in (). For reference: "It's Charley-kun, the houseplant. They've been raising it for a long time in this office." "'Kun'!? That's so rude! Call him 'senpai'!" "...Right, sorry." "I'm sorry, Charley-senpai. He's just a newbie who doesn't know his manners." "(She says to it, as she waters it...)" "Oh. From here on, you'll greet him with a 'Good Morning, senpai', okay?" "...Oh yeah, this is a talent agency, isn't it?"
10/10/20 edit: Thanks, Ash. Tweaked Odoroki’s last line here to make it clearer what he means. It’s customary in talent/entertainment agencies to uphold a stricter code of seniority, especially one with a reputation. It seems it’s also customary for staff to say “Good morning” as a general greeting regardless of what time of day it is. The only reason Odoroki forgot his place is because he’s still used to thinking this place is a law firm.
> Talk: Wocky's Father
<Alita> なんかね。今の組長さん、 極道から足を洗おうとしてるの。 Did you know that the boss is trying to get out of the business?
<Apollo> え。そうなんですか! (極道を‥‥やめる?) R-Really? (Mr. Kitaki wants to quit being a gangster!?)
<Alita> フツウの企業に生まれ変わろうと しているみたい。 He's trying to transfer his assets into a normal company.
滝太クンのお父さんがね。 最近、急に言い出して‥‥ He only announced it recently, out of the blue...
組員のヒトたちも、ずいぶん とまどってるみたい。 I hear there's quite a lot of confusion in the ranks.
<Apollo> (そういえば‥‥似合わない  エプロンをつけてたな‥‥) (Hmm. I wonder if this explains that apron?)
‥‥でも、それ。 滝太さんは反対しそうですね。 ...I can't imagine Wocky going along with that.
<Alita> ふふ。あのヒト、 やんちゃなトコロがあるから。 Hee hee. He's highly motivated, isn't he?
<Apollo> “やんちゃ”って 感じじゃないですけど。 Um, that's not the word I would have used.
<Alita> 『オレが組長になって、  ゼッタイ極道をつづける!』って。 He said, "I'll be the next Big Boss, and keep the Family alive."
ちょっぴり、背伸びしたい オトシゴロなんですよね。 I think he's at that age when boys want to make a mark on the world.
<Apollo> (ややこしそうだもんな。  あの親子) (That's not the way I would have put it...)
Fyi, she uses "yancha", or "naughty kid", to describe him.
The last line here: "(What a complicated father-son relationship.)"
<Alita> 最近、すごーく 儲けてるの。キタキツネ一家。 His father moves in a lot of circles... He's really focused on profits.
滝太クンのお父さん、 いろんな世界にカオがきくから。 The Kitaki Family's been making a killing recently!
<Apollo> (たいした人物らしいな。  滝太クンのお父さん‥‥) (Again, not the way I would have put it...)
<Alita> 滝太クン。『極道がカネ儲けに 走ったらオシマイだ』って。 But Wocky says it's not about the money. They have the gangster tradition to uphold.
<Trucy> それって、アレですね! Ooh, a generation gap!
“ぜねれーしょん・ぎゃっぷ” ‥‥ってヤツ。 They've even got the ever classic "what about the family business" thing going...
<Apollo> ふつう、父と子の主張は 逆だけどね。 Usually, it's the father worried about tradition...
The first three lines here: "Lately, they've been making soo much, the Kitakitsune Family. Takita-kun's father holds a lot of influence in lots of places, after all." "(His father sure seems like a big deal, alright...)"
> Present anything to Alita
<Alita> ごめんなさい‥‥わたし。 事件のこと、詳しくはわからないの。 I'm sorry, I don't know much about the case.
わたしにできることは少ないし、 あなただけが頼りなの。 I... I feel so helpless. You're my only hope.
滝太クンのこと助けてあげてね‥‥ Please, help my Wocky-Pocky...
Hahaha, she said "Pocky". I just imagined Wocky-style Pocky sticks and I want some. I bet they'd have some foxy designs on that choco...
Ahem, sorry. I just wanted to share. She doesn't call him anything different here in the JP either.
> Move: Detention Center
<Apollo> よし。河津さんの話を聞いてみよう。 ‥‥ちょっと疲れそうだけど。 Alright. Let's have a little chat with Mr. Stickler. (I hope I don't regret this.)
<Trucy> 貴重な“目撃者”ですからね! He is a valuable witness!
<Apollo> (まあ‥‥ある種“貴重な”  目撃者だよな、アレは‥‥) (He is a bit "precious", I'll give him that.)
<Stickler> なんなのですか‥‥ ワタクシはこれで、忙しいのですよ。 Please, keep this brief, if you would. I'm quite busy.
今日中に、論文の構成をまとめ‥‥ ムムッ! アナタがたはッ! I need to finish this paper... Nyurk! I-It's you!!!
<Apollo> ‥‥河津さん。 お話をうかがいに来ました。 ...Mr. Stickler. We'd like to have a few words with you.
<Stickler> ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ......
‥‥まあ、いいでしょう。 手短にお願いしますよ。 ...Very well. As long as they're few.
<Apollo> (立ち直りが早いな‥‥) (Nothing would make me happier, believe me.)
“(He sure was fast to return to form...)”
> Examine: guard
<Apollo> 面会のようすを監視する看守だ。 A security guard. He stands here, watching this room.
オレたちの話を聞いているのか いないのか‥‥‥。 I have no idea if he's listening to us talk.
まったく、表情が変わらない。 I'm not even sure he's breathing.
That’s a bit harsh there... It was just “His expression doesn’t change at all.”
> Talk: Panty Theft
<Trucy> みぬきのパンツのシカケを 知りたかっただけですもんね。 You wanted to know the trick to my panties, right?
<Stickler> あ、あなたはッ! Y-You're here, too!?
<Trucy> ‥‥? ...?
<Stickler> どうか、あなたを “先生”と呼ばせてくださいッ! Oh, Great Trucy! Teach me!
<Trucy> ええっ! Eh!?
<Stickler> なんとかして 教えていただけないか! I must know the secret of your panties!
ワタクシの人生を狂わせた、 あのパンツのナゾをッ! My very existence hangs in the balance!
なんなら、このワタクシを あなたサマの“弟子”にッ! Please, make me your apprentice!
<Trucy> オドロキさん! なんとかしてください! Apollo! Help!
<Apollo> いいんじゃない? カッコウもマジシャンぽいし。 I dunno, I think he'd make a great "lovely assistant".
<Trucy> そんなムセキニンな‥‥ Don't say that, Apollo...
Hahaha! He straight up called her “Sensei”. That’s kinda cute if I’m being honest.
Odoroki’s last line here: “Why not? His uniform kinda looks like a magician’s outfit too.”
> Present: anything
<Apollo> ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ...
(‥‥証拠品、見てくれない) (...Fine, ignore my evidence. See if I care.)
(おおかた、パンツのナゾの  コタエを考えているのだろう) (I wonder what he's thinki... On second thought, let's not go there.)
Actually, Odoroki has a pretty good idea: “(He’s probably still thinking about solving the mystery of those panties.)”
> (optional at any time) Return to W.A.A. to talk to Trucy
> Present Magic Panties
<Trucy> スゴイでしょ、みぬきのパンツ! 法廷でも大カツヤクでしたよね! Aren't my panties amazing? They were a big hit in court.
<Apollo> (たしかに。今日の裁判の  決め手になったもんな‥‥) (They were the star player of the day, that's true.)
<Trucy> 明日の法廷も、 みぬきにおまかせです! What should I show them in court tomorrow!?
<Apollo> (毎回、パンツにたよる弁護士には  なりたくないな‥‥) (If only I could count on panties to save the day every day...)
The last two lines: "You can leave it to me to make a show in tomorrow's trial too!" "(I've had enough of being known as the 'panties attorney' these days, thanks...)"
I know nothing about that, I swear.
> Move: Eldoon's House
<Guy> 屋台が“現場”って どーいうコトよ! How can a noodle stand be a crime scene, that's what I don't get, Trucy-doll!
あのヤロウ、死んでまでもヒトの 商売のジャマをしやがって‥‥ Even in death he's after my neck, I tell ya! Bah!
ワシが、そんなに しょっぱいってか! Can't even cook an honest noodle...
<Apollo> “あのヤロウ”‥‥ですか? "He"...?
<Trucy> “死んでまで”というコトは‥‥ 被害者の宇狩院長さん、かなあ。 "Even in death"... You mean the victim, Dr. Meraktis?
<Guy> まあ、そんなワケでな。 I tell ya.
ワシのカオも《極みそ》並みに しょっぱくなっちまうワケよ。 It's enough to drive a man to make his soup even saltier.
<Apollo> (‥‥やれやれ。  キゲンが悪いみたいだな‥‥) (Remind me never to eat his noodles when he's in a bad mood...)
"What do they mean, the noodle stand is the 'crime scene'!? That jerk, even in death he's in my way of a good sale... Not even I'm that salty!" "'That jerk'...?" "'Even in death'... You mean the victim, Dr. Ugari?" "Yeah, that's him. Makes me so salty that I could even rival my 'Extre-Miso'."
By the way, "Kiwami" means "Extreme"! ...But seriously, it shocked me how well I could fit "extreme" with "miso".
> Talk: Noodle Stand
<Guy> あの屋台はな。 矢田吹家の男児が代々、 That stand... For generations, it's served up the very best noodles us Eldoons could make.
ちぢれ麺と秘伝の“みそ”と ともに伝えてきたのだ。 A tradition of noodles and salty broth.
ある種、このあたりの歴史そのもの と言ってもいいシロモノなのだ。 It's more than a stand, it's history, I tell you.
<Apollo> (それは言いすぎだろう) (Watch what you say or it might become true...)
Originally, he said "(That might be pushing it a bit.)" Though, I gotta admit I like the way the loc team did it.
<Apollo> あの‥‥ムギツラさん。 Mr. Eldoon, I don't mean to pry...
あなたの、ムカシのお仕事って、 なんだったんですか? ...but what exactly did you do before you became a chef?
<Guy> フン! クチに出すのもイヤな、 ニガくてしょっぱい思い出だよ! Bah! Let old noodles lie, that's what I say.
<Apollo> (なんとなく‥‥  ハナシが見えてきたぞ) (I'm starting to get an idea of what he did, anyway.)
<Guy> とにかく! トナリのオヤジは、 ワシから夢を奪って死んだのさ! He stole my dreams and left me with nothin' but noodles.
《営業停止》という、 ドえらいメーワクを残してな! And now I don't even have that!
Originally, he answered: "Hmph! Even saying it aloud brings back horribly bitter, salty memories!" "(I'm starting to get an idea of what he did, anyway.)" "Anyway! That geezer next door stole my dreams dead, he did! And I was left with a big, fat 'Business Suspension'!"
> Talk: Meraktis Clinic
<Guy> 個人の医院にしちゃ、 リッパなモンだろ? He's the only doctor at that clinic, you know. Pretty impressive, eh?
ヤツは、成功するために ヤクザたちと手を組んだのだ! I'll tell you the secret to his success... The mob!
<Apollo> やくざ‥‥というと、 《キタキツネ一家》ですか? You mean... the Kitaki Family?
<Guy> 連中、“抗争”とか言って ケンカが多くてな。 They're always having one of them "turf wars" or whatnot.
ケガ人が絶えなかったのさ。 そこに目をつけたのが、あの宇狩だ。 Always an injury or two that needs fixing. Meraktis saw a chance for some business.
《キタキツネ割引》という サービスを始めた。 So he started giving the Kitaki Family a good deal...
<Apollo> わりびき‥‥ A deal...?
<Guy> きっと、先代の知恵の結晶‥‥ Every fifth operation for free!
《やたぶき屋スタンプ割引》の アイデアをパクったんだよ! He stole the idea from my pops! One free bowl of noodles a week, he used to say.
To clarify, it seems the noodle stand tradition was to provide customers a stamp discount. I'm not sure if it's standard or not, but most shops I know that have stamp discounts count by fives or tens, so on the 5th or 10th purchase, there's a discount or some special deal that comes with it.
> Talk: Former Profession
<Apollo> オヤジさん。もしかして、 “ムカシの職業”って‥‥ Mr. Eldoon... or should I say "Dr. Eldoon"...
<Guy> ‥‥バレちまったみたいだな。 Figured it out, did ya?
そう、ワシは外科医だった。 おととしまでな。 That's right, I was a doctor. A surgeon... until the year before last.
<Trucy> じゃあ。宇狩さんは、アレですね? “しゅくめいのらいばる”ってヤツ。 So Mr. Meraktis was your rival?
<Guy> ‥‥アンタ。 ラーメンのネギは好きかい? ...You like those onions they put in the soup broth?
<Apollo> え。はあ。ワリと。 Um, yeah, kind of.
<Guy> ちりれんげでスープを飲むと、 かならずネギがまじっている。 You take a spoon, you drink some broth... Those onions will find their way in there.
ネギ好きにはたまらないが、 ネギ嫌いにもたまらない。 For people who like 'em, why that's just fine. For people who hate 'em...
‥‥ワシは、 ネギが大ッキライなんだッ! ...I hate onions. Hate 'em!
いちいち、よけいなところで 味わいのジャマをしてくさる! Always sneaking in from the side, gettin' in the way of a good tastin' spoonful.
アイツがそうだった! 宇狩のネギボウズがッ! Well, that's what he was. An onion! Onion-boy, that's what I called 'im.
And to clarify here, it's usually green onion, or scallion as some chefs prefer to call it, that you'd find in soup broths. Personally, I love that stuff and grew up with soups where my mom would add it all the time, no matter what soup she was making.
Fun fact: "たまらない" (tamaranai) can change its meaning to the opposite side depending on the context. If you mean it positively, it's "irresistible"; if negatively, it's "unbearable". Basically, there's a strong response of some kind.
> Move: People Park
<Apollo> あれ。なんか、 ちょっと印象がちがうような‥‥ Huh? Does something about this scene look different to you?
<Trucy> きのうは、地面に青いシートが 敷いてありましたから。 The blue tarps are gone! Maybe that's it?
<Apollo> ああ、そうだっけ。 あ。あそこ。 Yeah, I think you're right. Look over there.
<Trucy> きのうの、白い刑事さんですね。 The white-frocked detective from yesterday.
ゴミ箱に向かって土下座して、 必死にあやまってます。 She seems to be apologizing reverently... to the trash can.
<Apollo> ‥‥カワイソウに。 きっと、捜査が進まなくて‥‥ She's... under a lot of stress.
すこし、アタマがおかしく なっちゃったんだな。 The investigation's probably not going so well.
By "apologizing reverently", they mean she's prostrate before the trash can. More likely, she was just head-down focused on tracing those footprints, but to be honest, I get that feeling a lot, especially lately. Straining your eyes on little things or bright screens for such a long time...
<Ema> ちょっと! アンタたち! Hey, you there!
ナイショ話なら、聞こえないように やってくれないかなあ。 If you're going to talk about someone behind their back, do it more quietly, please!
<Apollo> あ。刑事さん、どうも。 Oh, Detective Skye. Hello.
<Trucy> なんか、今日も ゴキゲンななめみたいですね。 You seem as gloomy as ever.
<Ema> ホント、最低ね。 新しい道具はうまくいかないし。 This is miserable! Miserable! I just got a new kit, and I can't get the stuff to work.
じゃらじゃらした おニイさんには、やさしくされるし。 And everyone's all smiles for that glimmerous fop.
<Trucy> じゃらじゃら‥‥? 牙琉検事さんのコト、かな。 Glimmerous...? Does she mean Prosecutor Gavin?
<Apollo> ふつう“ちゃらちゃらした” って言うんじゃあ‥‥ More to the point, doesn't she mean "glamorous"?
<Ema> あのヒトが歩くと、クサリが じゃらじゃら鳴って、気になるの。 When he walks his shiny chains catch the sun and glimmer in my eyes! It's distracting.
さくさくさくさくさくさくさくさく さくさくさくさくさくさくさくさく。 MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH
<Apollo> (この刑事さんが歩くと、  さくさく言って、気になるな) (Speaking of distracting...)
It pains me to admit that "glimmerous" is not a real word, but in my heart it is.
Anyway, originally the word Akane used was "jarajara", which is onomatopoeia for a jingle-jangle sound. Odoroki tries to correct her with "charachara", which also can mean the same thing, but also can refer to "flirty" or "flashy" types. She specifies she means "jarajara" because his chain necklace keeps jingle-jangling around her.
> Talk: Prosecutor Gavin
<Ema> ちょっと、合わないんだよね。 I won't lie, I'm not fond of the man.
ああいう、 じゃらじゃらしたタイプは。 Those glimmerous types always rub me the wrong way.
<Apollo> “ちゃらちゃら”‥‥ね。 "Glamorous"... right.
<Ema> やっぱり検事さんはこう、クールで ちょっとミケンにシワ寄せて‥‥ A prosecutor should be cool of wit and furrowed of brow.
“じゃらじゃら”より “ひらひら”した感じが理想よね! Less "glimmerous" and more "simmerous"... you know?
<Apollo> ‥‥まったく イメージがわかないなあ。 ...No, actually, I don't.
She wants less "jarajara" and more "hirahira" from her prosecutors. I'm sure you all know that "fluttery" sound by now.
> Talk: Ema, reject her offer
<Apollo> ‥‥今は、やめておきます。 失敗したら、悪いし。 I think I'll pass. Wouldn't want to waste a kit if I messed up.
<Ema> うーん、困ったなー‥‥ 手を借りたかったのに。 Really? That's too bad... I really could use the help.
<Trucy> えー! やりたいな、みぬき。 トクイなのに。手打ちうどんとか。 Aww, I want to try! It'll be just like making pancakes in the dirt!
<Apollo> (あとで気が変わったら、  やらせてもらおうかな‥‥) (I guess I can always talk to her again if I change my mind...)
Aw, Minuki mentioned it'd be like pounding up udon dough. (Who knew that udon dough would become a lot more relevant down the line in a future game...)
> Accept it, examine any set of prints
<Ema> あ。そのカオ。 I know that face.
なんか“見つけた” みたいなカオしてるね。 That's the face of someone who's made... a discovery!
<Trucy> あれ。 やっぱり、わかっちゃいます? Hey, how did you know?
<Ema> ふふん。 科学捜査官の目をナメちゃダメね。 You can't fool someone trained in the ways of science!
<Apollo> (そこは“カガク”は  関係ないと思うけど) (Next she'll have us analyzing face prints...)
<Trucy> とにかく。宝月刑事さんに おねがいしちゃいましょうよ! Let's ask Detective Skye to help us, Apollo!
Originally: "(I doubt her eyes had much 'scientific' procedure to do.)"
> Examine smooth footprint, present wrongly
<Ema> ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ あたしがナニ食べてるか、わかる? ... Know what I'm eating?
<Apollo> まあ‥‥ カリントウ、ですよね? Um... Snacks?
<Ema> あたしね。フキゲンなときは、 カリントウ食べるの。知ってた? Snacks. More precisely, whenever I'm in a bad mood, I eat chocolate Snackoos.
<Apollo> ‥‥それは、知りませんでした。 ...I had no idea.
<Trucy> たぶん、オドロキさんのコタエが ちがった、ってコトでしょうね。 I think she means you picked the wrong evidence, Apollo.
<Apollo> (まわりくどいな) (...I had no idea.)
Ah, here it is, the origin of Snackoos. They were "karintou" before, which are a kind of crispy, bite-sized, brown-sugary cookie sticks. On the occasion, you can find a few bags at your local Asian supermarket.
> Present: slippers, get Ema's permission to investigate
> Move: Detention Center
<Wocky> はーい、お待たせ! ボクのかわいいペテン師ちゃん! Yo, 'sup, my little imposter!
<Trucy> きゃあッ! な。な。なんですかッ! Eeek! Wh-What did you call me?
<Wocky> うお! な。なんだ。アンタかよ。 美波ちゃんだと思ったぜ! Dizzam! It's you!? Sorry, G, thought you were Alita.
<Trucy> コイビトを“ペテン師” 呼ばわりしてるんですか? "My little imposter" sure is a strange nickname.
<Wocky> あれ? そんな感じで言うだろ、 シャバのヤツらは。 It's a clink thang. You wouldn't understand.
ええと‥‥ あ。“堕天使ちゃん”か? D-Did I say "imposter"? I meant "poster"... like "poster girl", 'aight?
<Trucy> “ペ”や“だ”は いらないと思いますけど。 If you're going to drop part of that, why not drop "poster" and just call her "girl"?
<Wocky> とにかくよォ! オレにとっちゃ 弁天サマなワケよ、ある種。 Cause she's so much more than that, G. She's like... She's like an angel. A fallen angel.
The localizers got lucky here that the word “imposter” is close enough to “poster” to make that joke. The joke had to be changed from Japanese, since it was more wordplay. Takita actually made a mistake; he meant to call her “ 堕天使ちゃん” (datenshi-chan), like a “fallen angel”, but called her “ペテン師ちゃん” (petenshi-chan), “imposter”/”swindler”, at first.
Then, Minuki says: “I don’t think you need to add the ‘pe’ or the ‘da’, though.” “Anyway! She’s like Benten-sama to me, in a way.”
Benten, or more formally Benzaiten, is the Japanese name of the Buddhist Goddess of Wisdom (and sometimes as Shinto Kami) who often is seen holding a biwa, a Japanese lute. She was originally based off of the Hindu Goddess of Wisdom Sarasvati, whose name was honored in ancient Chinese Buddhist texts as the religion carried over and later to Japan.
<Wocky> ば、バカ言うなよ! オトコってヤツはなァ。 M-Man... I ain't trying to hear that!
タイセツなものを守るために戦って、 それで死ねるなら本望なんだ! A man fights to protect what's valuable to him, you know what I'm saying?
<Wocky> ミナミちゃんに会いてえよォ。 つれてきてくれよォ! ...I miss my fallen angel!
アンタ、オレの ベンゴシなんだろォ? Hey, you go get Alita for me. You're my lawyer, aren't you?
<Apollo> (やれやれ‥‥  世話の焼ける依頼人だな) (Lawyer, not gopher...)
“(*sigh*... What a troublesome client.)”
> Talk: Alita Tiala
<Apollo> 来月、ケッコンされるそうですね。 So, I hear you're to be married next month?
<Wocky> そうさ!  もう、サカヅキはかわしてるんだ。 Straight up! We poured the nuptial 40 out on the stoop!
ミナミちゃんも、来月からは ウチの一家さ。サイコーだよな! Alita! Oh, snapplecakes! She soooo foine!
<Apollo> (ヤレヤレ‥‥  そうとうホレてるみたいだな) (I think he's smitten with her in his own weird way.)
Man, how could I have left out most of Wocky’s wonderful swag-talk...
By the way, Takita mentions how they even exchanged sake cups. This practice is a pretty big deal in Japan and one that most people wouldn’t do lightly. There’s usually a solemn oath to be made with such an exchange. It doesn’t have to be between lovers getting married; just between two (or more) people who swear to abide by some social contract.
And guess what, it’s the very same practice that Yakuza are renowned for doing when they swear brotherhood among their ranks. One does not simply become “kyoudai” without some serious exchange of... Wait. I can clearly remember someone in a Yakuza game who was kinda “ok” about things and it happened. Okay, it’s usually the case anyway.
> Talk: Kitaki Family
<Wocky> 極道ってのは“ワル”の道だ。 “ワル”にこそオトコの美学がある。 Life in the Family is a G thang. It's about being a man.
‥‥わかるだろ? ...You know what I'm saying?
<Trucy> みぬき、女の子だから。 わかんないなあ。 Sorry, I'm not up on my G things. I'm not even sure what a G thing is...
“I’m a girl so, no, I don’t get it.”
<Wocky> オヤジのヤツ。ここ最近、 急に弱気になっちまってさ。 But my old man, he's gone soft.
《切った張ったの時代は  もうオシマイだ》なんて言ってよ。 He says the old rival gang days are over. He just wants to make money!
<Trucy> いいじゃないですか。 Isn't that a good thing?
<Wocky> バカ言え! カネもうけに、 なんの美学があるんだよ! Man, there ain't no soul in making money!
ワルってのはな。スカッと生きて、 アッサリ死ぬもんさ。 Better to live fast and die young. Fo'shizzle!
<Apollo> (やれやれ‥‥) (*sigh*...)
There’s actually an important point his dad makes here, about how the gang war days are over. While he certainly is referring to the way that the Kitaki Family is going legal again, it’s also true to modern Japanese history.
While the 80s had a huge economic boom and Yakuza were likely all up in that biz, it led to a huge bubble that collapsed and a depression that lasted through the 90s. Though Japan was still relatively quick to recover, through the 2000s and on, Japan entered into a period of changing politics and much more governmental intervention. For the once very profitable and romantically dramatized Yakuza, renowned as the “necessary evil” to keep petty crimes off the street, future prospects weren’t nearly so hot for them anymore, and their MO had to change. Some formerly Yakuza-run Big Zaibutsu Biz went completely legal and stand to this day. Even as a concept, the Yakuza gradually fizzled out in popularity in public opinion. Only traces of their former glory remain in crime drama series and games like this.
And then there’s the Yakuza series and their memes.
<Wocky> 見てな。 オレが組長になったら。 Wait till I run the yard. Then everyone'll know what time it is.
《ワルい奴ら》のカッコイイ世界を 作ってやるぜ! That's right! O.G. time all the time. Represent!
<Trucy> “ワル”はどうかと思うけど。 夢があるって、イイですよね。 Apollo, why does he keep talking about "Old Guys"?
<Apollo> (平和な子だよな‥‥) I don't think that's what "O.G." means, Trucy.
The last two lines: “I don’t know much about being ‘bad’, but it’s nice that he has a dream to follow.” “(Such a peaceful kid...)”
> Talk: Pal Meraktis
<Wocky> 公園で、ヤツと出くわした。 なぜか‥‥屋台を引いていた。 When I run into him in the park... and he's dragging this noodle stand behind him!
<Trucy> あの。滝太さんが “要求”したんじゃないですか? Wait, you didn't put him up to that?
ほら、アレ。 “みのしろきん”感覚で。 Like, you know, in the movies?
『イノチがおしければ、  屋台を引いてこい』みたいな! "If you value your life, you'll bring the stand..."
<Wocky> ‥‥ムジャキなカオで くだらねえコトを聞くな。 ...Shorty, you're more wacked than I am. And that's saying something.
<Trucy> ううう‥‥みぬき、 シンケンだったのに。 ...But I was serious!
Wacked, indeed. Or as it was originally: “...Don’t gimme that stupid crap while lookin’ so innocent-like.”
> Present: anything
<Wocky> ‥‥‥‥‥‥ふーん。 いいんじゃねえの。 ... Yeah, whatever.
<Apollo> (何か別のコトを考えてるな。  ちゃんと見てないぞ) (He seems preoccupied... I'm not sure he even looked at my evidence...)
<Wocky> ‥‥ミナミちゃん。 会いてえなあ。 Alita, man. Alita.
“...Minami-chan, I wanna see you again, babe.”
> Move: Meraktis Clinic
> Examine: reception desk
<Apollo> 病院の受付だ。 当然だけど、ダレもいない。 The clinic reception desk. No one's here, of course.
カウンターに、標語のような ものが張り出されている。 There's a small sign on the counter...
《ココロとカラダに  やさしい、明朗会計を》 "Please pay your bill: Remember, we're the ones holding the scalpel."
‥‥深いな。意外に。 Brutal... but effective.
Originally, the sign read: "Treat your heart and body well with a honest bill." So it has a similar message, but isn't as directly threatening.
> Move: People Park, ask about print analysis, present slippers & sandals
> Move: Meraktis Clinic, then its Office
> Examine: cabinets
<Apollo> うわ! なんだコレ! Whoa! What are those?
カベ一面、ビーカーで 埋めつくされてるぞ‥‥ The wall is covered with beakers...
<Trucy> きゃあああッ! 中で何かが動いてますッ! Eeeeek! Something's moving inside that one!
‥‥オドロキさん! みぬきの かわりに、見てくださいッ! ...You look, Apollo!
<Apollo> そ。そういうのは、自分の 目でたしかめなよ! ‥‥あれ。 H-Hey, look yourself! You can't... Oh.
‥‥なんだ。金魚じゃないか。 ...It's a goldfish.
<Trucy> わあ! 他にも、 いろいろなお魚がいます! Wow, they're all fish! So many kinds!
<Apollo> (まったく‥‥ヒト騒がせな  インテリアだな‥‥) (Whoever designed this had a sick sense of humor...)
That "sick sense of humor" must be from someone who likes to cause trouble or raise false alarms... Basically, a troll.
Oh wait, Meraktis definitely was a troll. He trolled Eldoon since they were kids and kept doing it even in death. Man was a master troll to the end... Normally, I don't respect trolls, but I can make an exception for someone who dedicated his whole life (and death) to the trade.
> Examine: safe, present fingerprint set, enter code
> Examine: papers
<Trucy> これは‥‥ カルテ、ですね。たぶん。 This looks like... a medical chart.
レントゲン写真といっしょに、 1組だけ入ってます。 There's an X-ray in here with it.
<Apollo> レントゲン写真‥‥か。 見てもイミがわからないな。 An X-ray...? Hmm, can't make heads or tails of it.
‥‥カルテも読めないし。 ドイツ語だから。 And I can't read the chart either, it's all in medical- speak.
Interestingly, this medical chart is written in German. I know historically, Japan had quite a long-term relationship with Germany even before the advent of WWII, and German engineering influenced quite a bit of Japan's growth in industry before the US came along, so the Japanese still have a few words borrowed from German and other European languages, especially in regards to scientific terms.
Case in point: "karute" from Karte, which is German for "map". The transition isn't perfect, of course.
10/10/20 edit: I blame Google Translate for this. So it can mean “map”, but it also can be used for “charts” in general, including medical ones. Though, “karute” in JP is used exclusively to refer to medical charts.
<Trucy> でも、名前のトコは日本語です。 患者さんの名前‥‥《北木 滝太》 But, the names are easy enough to read. Look, by "Patient" it says... "Wocky Kitaki"!
<Trucy> あの滝太さん、ですよね。 ‥‥依頼人の。 So this is Wocky... our client's chart, huh.
<Apollo> どうして、このカルテが 1組だけ、金庫に‥‥? Why would this one chart be here in this safe...?
医師のサインは、ええと。 《担当医:宇狩 輝夫》か。 Let's see, the physician's signature says "Pal Meraktis".
え‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ Eh...
<Trucy> どうしたんですか? オドロキさん。 What is it, Apollo?
<Apollo> こ。ここ‥‥ “カルテ処理”の担当者の欄‥‥ Look here where it says who filed the chart...
<Trucy> ええと。 担当看護師‥‥《並奈 美波》 Let's see... "Nurse Alita Tiala"...!
<Apollo> 滝太クンの婚約者、だよな。 なみなみなみなさん‥‥ Alita Tialita is Wocky's fiancée!
<Trucy> “な”が1コ多いです、 オドロキさん! That's one "ita" too many, Apololo!
Ha. Alita's name in JP is "Namina Minami", last-first, and Odoroki added one too many na's to her name. Look at Trucy wrecking his name, though.
<Apollo> なんで、ここに彼女の名前が! Never mind that, what's her name doing here!?
<Trucy> し。知りませんよ! でも。名前があるってコトは‥‥ How should I know?
どうやら、この病院のスタッフ みたいですね。みなみさん。 Though... I guess it means she's on staff at this clinic?
<Apollo> ‥‥どうして、今まで 教えてくれなかったんだろう‥‥ Odd that she neglected to mention this before now...
<Trucy> それは‥‥ヤッパリ。 何かの理由があったんでしょうね。 I'm sure she had her reasons.
<Apollo> (‥‥なみなみなみさんは、  宇狩外科医院のスタッフだった) (So Alita Tiala worked at the Meraktis Clinic...)
(しかも‥‥きたきたきたきの  カルテを処理している‥‥) (And she had access to Wocki Kitaky's medical chart!)
<Trucy> “き”が1コ多いです、 オドロキさん! You got the "I" and "Y" wrong, Appolo!
And Wocky's name is "Takita Kitaki", last-first, and Odoroki added one too many ki's this time. Look at Trucy still wrecking his name. Now I can't unsee "Apollo" as looking weird.
> (optional) Move: People Park
> Present: lamp
<Apollo> そうだ。 このスタンド、見てもらえますか? Say, could you take a look at this lamp?
<Ema> あれ。電球が割れてるね。 Hmm. The bulb's broken.
<Apollo> そうなんです。 ちょっとオカシイですよね。 Right. Strange, isn't it?
<Ema> うーん。そう? あたし、 よく割れるけどな。電球。 Really? I break bulbs all the time.
デスクが散らかってるからね。 すぐ落ちるの。スタンド。 My desk is a mess and my lamp is always falling over. ...Not too bright, huh?
<Apollo> (問題外だな、それは‥‥) (Ouch...)
<Trucy> ちょっと、気になりますよねー‥‥ I still think it's kind of odd...
I swear this bit about the lamp falling over is a direct reference to Turnabout Sisters. Emphasis on the word "stand" too. Odoroki even said: "(That's practically unthinkable...)"
> Move: Eldoon's House
> Present: medical chart
<Trucy> あの。どうしたんですか? ダマりこんで‥‥ Why the sudden silence, Mr. Eldoon?
<Guy> なんだ、こりゃ‥‥ どういうコトだよ、コレは! What...? What's going on here!?
<Apollo> いやいや! こっちが聞きたいですよ! That's what we want to know!
その、カルテ‥‥ オレの依頼人のものなんですけど。 That chart belongs to my client.
<Trucy> 今、サツジンの容疑を かけられて、裁判を‥‥ He's on trial... On suspicion of murder.
<Guy> バカ言ってんじゃねェよ! On trial! That's crazy!
そんなネムたいコト言ってたら‥‥ 死ぬぜ、このクランケ。 You can't put him on trial! He's ABD!
<Trucy> ‥‥くらんけ? ...ABD?
<Guy> 患者だよ、カンジャ。 こいつは‥‥一刻を争う事態だ。 All but dead. He's knocking on the Pearly Gates, and someone's about to answer.
Originally, he refers to him as "kuranke", which is from the German word "Kranke", which means "sick".
For the record, no, I don't know German. Ironically, I have Google Translate to thank.
10/10/20 edit: Thanks have been revoked. The word actually means “patient”, not simply “sick” as an adjective.
> Move: Detention Center
<Wocky> はーい、お待たせ! ボクのかわいい堕天使ちゃん! Don't cry angel, Daddy's back and Daddy's...
‥‥って。 またオマエらかよ! ...Oh. You again.
<Apollo> あの。 毎回、その登場をするんですか? Do you always have to announce your entrances like that?
Hey, he got it right this time, good for him.
<Wocky> まあな。さっきは オヤジにやっちまってさァ。 Man, my old man, he... Man!
かなり気まずいムードに なっちまったぜ! Now I'm all in a funk, and it's his fault.
<Apollo> (‥‥そのケイケンから  何か学んでほしいな‥‥) (One can only assume that his father tried to teach him a lesson. And failed, clearly.)
<Wocky> それにしても。 アンタらも、ゴクロウだよな。 You two got your work cut out for you, straight up.
オレはもう、 カクゴはできてるってのにさ! Course I don't care if they lock me up. I'm ready to go!
<Apollo> (やれやれ‥‥有罪になる気  マンマンだな) (Some days, I wonder why I do what I do.)
“(Oh, boy... He’s sure pumped up about being convicted.)”
> Present: medical chart, then talk about Alita again
<Trucy> ‥‥《宇狩外科医院》ですね? ...The Meraktis Clinic?
<Wocky> そこでさ。出会っちまったワケよ。 オレだけの堕天使ちゃんに。 That's where I met her. My fallen angel...
<Apollo> 並奈 美波さん‥‥ですか。 You mean Alita Tiala?
<Wocky> 最初は、オレのコト、 コワがってたみたいなんだけどさ。 She was scared of me at first, turns out.
ひかれちまったんだろうなァ。 オレの“悪”のミリョクに! But you know what they say -- the bad guy always gets the ladies.
<Apollo> はあ‥‥ Right...
I try not to waste entry space, but I was just reminded of a certain song about “Why good girls always like bad boys?”, but mixed with “How baa-a-a-ad can I be?” and I hate it, thanks.
> Present: anything else
<Wocky> ‥‥‥‥‥‥ふーん。 ダッセェの。 ... Man... that is so far off the hook, it's off the chain, G!
<Apollo> (何か別のコトを考えてるな。  ちゃんと見てないぞ) (He seems preoccupied with something else...)
<Wocky> ‥‥ミナミちゃん。 何してんのかなあ。 ...Wonder how my Alita's doing. Man, I miss her.
Man, I suck at ending these posts. Here, have more Wocky free-stylin’.
Fyi, his first line here, he’s calling something “lame” and I dunno if he really did see but didn’t care or didn’t notice it at all.
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justjessame · 3 years
Avery Emerson Clay: Hook, Line, and ... Have Y'all Ever Been Bait?!
My new schedule began the next morning, tempered only by waking up in Jake’s arms, and followed by a lengthy shower that was definitely Jake’s way of negotiating for me to behave in the way my dad and brother expected me to. Trust me, if Jake was willing to wake me up this way every damn day, I’d be more than willing to go along with Daddy and Clay’s stupid script with less bitching than my tiny body would put out naturally.
If you’d ever seen Jake Jensen fully naked and covered in bubbles, which you won’t because I’d beat you bloody, you’d understand my compulsion to go with the flow.
While being put into a more malleable state, I wasn’t completely devoid of my own personality. I pulled a few choices for attire for my first day as bait. Since I’d be jogging, then running errands to the office, and - God help us all, shopping, I would need a few wardrobe changes.
“Do you really think that is a good idea?” Jake was barely containing his laughter, and I didn’t really want him to. I was pulling on my first costume, the athletic look, and I knew exactly what he was talking about.
I turned to face him and made sure I was wearing the most exaggerated perky look I could force my face into. “Now, Jake, isn’t the point to make Maxi-poo grab my tiny ass?” The shirt was tight and bedazzled with the word “SNACK” across my tits, it was a joke clearly, something my mom had grabbed on one of her and Dad’s many trips. Something NO ONE ever expected me to actually wear in public. “I have another one in here that says ‘JUICY’, if you think that’s better?” I bit my tongue and he shook his head laughing before coming close enough to kiss me.
“You’re incredible, Avery,” I was on tiptoes to keep contact, but Jake was helpful and cupped my ass through the very tight shorts I’d paired the stupid shirt with and lifted me so I could wrap myself around him. “I’m sure your dad and Clay are going to pop a blood vessel between them, but I think you’re fucking amazing.”
With that in mind, I grabbed my earbuds, my cell phone, and headed off for my extra dose of jogging that I fucking hated. Dad stared at my outfit, but refrained from offering any feedback while Clay lamented the narrow choices that it gave for hiding the tracking device and bug to keep me company.
“So I get to keep Jake inside me all day?” I caught Jake’s eye and grinned at how red and purple he could get in public. “Maybe next time lead with that when selling the op to me.”
“Ave,” Clay was tucking the earwig into my earbud, making them one, “maybe try to keep Jake alive by NOT making him a target for Dad’s fucking rage?” His voice was quiet enough that I was fairly certain Dad couldn’t hear him. “You like him, right?”
I sighed, “yeah, I do.” Which sucked, because pissing Dad off was pretty fucking fun, but getting Jake maimed would suck far worse. “Alright, so I jog down the hill and around the park and then back up the bike path,” I thought the best way to fix shit was to pretend I didn’t say anything bad at all. “If I have to do it more days than usual, I don’t see the point in diverting from the same course.”
“Right,” Dad offered, grabbing my water bottle from the fridge and handing it to me. “While you jog, keep the music to a lower level than eardrum bursting, that way not only Jake can hear you, alright?”
I nodded and he walked me out. Dad stayed with me in the driveway while I stretched, talking me through the finer points of some of the self defense shit that I hadn’t touched in awhile. “But I can’t incapacitate him, right?” I groaned, touching my toes. “The point is to get Max to take me.”
“Take you, but not hurt you, Avery.” Dad stepped closer to me. “Make sure he knows you're a Clay, princess.” With a kiss to my forehead and a pat on my back I was off on my run.
Nothing happened during my jog, or my shopping trip. Aside from mind numbing boredom. I hated to shop. Unless it was for my pets or for a purpose. Mindless shopping because I could? Boring. Glancing at the files I had on the passenger seat of my car, I felt another sigh build. Last errand on my list for day one of my ‘routine’, Guardian Incorporated.
“You’re doing great, sweetheart,” Dad’s voice cut in, as I moved through traffic. Throughout the day, Dad, Clay, and Jake had given me mini pep talks. They weren’t as helpful as they hoped to be, but I couldn’t and wouldn’t tell them that. “One more stop and then you can come home.”
“Yep,” I agreed, pulling into the garage after being nodded through the security gate. “One more chore then fetch and yoga.”
Soft chuckles broke through my earbud and I smiled. “Never thought I’d hear you sound happy about the yoga, princess.” The chuckles belonged to all three men in my life, but the comment was fully Daddy.
“Yeah, well don’t hold me to it for long.” I muttered. Grabbing the files and my employee badge, I beeped my car locked and headed for the bank of elevators in the employee garage.
The first couple of days were simple and non-eventful. I jogged. I shopped. I did errands to GI. We added stops and errands that made sense.
Rose was back at work. She didn’t say a word about the missing practice dummy or about my new schedule, which says a lot about how long she’d been with our family.
Jake had moved into my room, there seemed to be NO point in keeping up some stupid pretense in having his things in a separate room, and forcing Rose to keep it in the same state as a room that actually had a person staying in it.
It was a regular day, at least my NEW regular. Wake up wrapped up in the warmth that was Jake Jensen, get a hot shower to make my day a little easier to face, then dress for a jog that I’d rather not fucking deal with - with an earbud in my head with music and three men giving me their version of motivational advice.
Once I was miserable from the exertion, I’d come home for a less pleasant shower, redress in my next costume change, this time for mindless shopping and whatever bullshit “look at me” errands the men in my family devised for Max to find me doing. A bundle of “files” for good measure next to me in the car, and away I’d go, my earwig in place.
Jake, Daddy, and Clay would take turns to tell me how good I was doing or tell me how fabulous I was in all ways shapes and forms. I’d maneuver through traffic and I’d work through the stores and the shiny happy people that I was supposed to enjoy dealing with on the daily. Spoiler: I wasn’t enjoying dealing with these people on the daily.
Off to GI, where I’d be waved through the gate, onto the employee garage, into the employee elevators and up through the floors. Dropping a file here, there and everywhere until I was back in my car and home. Except, today, I made a different choice.
“What if I don’t park in the garage?” I had to ask out loud, the earwig wasn’t a mindreader, thank fucking God. No one answered, so I went on with my idea. “If I go in through the main entrance, maybe Max will see me. I mean it’s not like he has the same access as I do.” Fucking lightbulb moment.
“Try it,” Clay, the voice of reason, or at this point fucking try anything. “Give it a shot, Ave.”
“I plan on it, bro.” I was pulling up to the curb, hoping that I had the necessary shit for the parking meter. “Let’s hope I don’t get a fucking ticket, OK?”
The light chuckles told me they were tense, but hopeful. Could family members and your boyfriend really be hopeful for your possible kidnapping? Yes, I figured. Yes, they could. I grabbed the files and some change from the cupholder and clipped my badge onto the top folder. Here goes nothing.
I was waiting at the first bank of elevators, holding the files and doing the mental math for how long the meter would give me before I’d have a ticket to pay, when I felt it. The tingle that tells you someone is paying attention to you. Close attention.
The mantra started in my head. “Don’t look, don’t look, don’t look.” The worst thing I could do was look, right? I mean if Max was actually here, looking would be the tale tell sign that I KNEW.
The elevator dinged open and I stepped onto it, alone. And as the doors were about to slide shut, a voice called out asking for me to hold it. I just managed, and the person who stepped inside was so benign that I doubted highly that it was the Max that my brother was looking for. This man? This linen suited, perfectly coifed, somehow pansy-assed looking man was a black ops burning psycho? REALLY?
“Do you mind pressing 3 for me?” He asked and I shook my head and tapped the button. “Thank you, Miss?”
“You’re welcome.” I stepped to the right, putting a bit more space between us and focusing on the files in my hand.
“That’s not very friendly,” I didn’t answer, but he didn’t really need me to. “I’d think that the daughter of Guardian Incorporated’s founder would want to put on a more welcoming demeanor for a prospective client.”
I looked up to see him staring down at me with a hint of a smirk on his lips. “I’d expect a prospective client to know that the daughter of the founder is in disgrace right now, so pandering to prospective clients isn’t high on her to-do list.”
“Touche, Miss Clay.” He gave a small tilt of his head, point to me. “I guess I missed that tidbit. Whatever could such a striking young woman do to fall into ‘disgrace’ was it?”
I moved slightly closer to him and tilted my head closer too. “I tasered an employee's balls when he muttered ‘nepotism’ at me a time too many.” A shrug of my shoulder and I moved back to my original position. “Now I work from home, unless I’m forced to bring paperwork in that can’t be faxed or digitally sent.”
He was grinning at me with real amusement now. “Pity, I’m sure you add more than just beauty to the workplace, Miss Clay.”
My floor dinged and I exited the elevator. “It was nice to meet you, Mister -”
“Oh, I think we’ll meet again real soon, Miss Clay.” He was fixing his cuffs and I noted that one hand was wearing a leather glove. “Very soon.”
“I can’t be completely sure,” I muttered once the elevator doors were shut and it started to move to the next floor. “But I’m pretty confident that Max and I just shared an elevator.”
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animeniacss · 5 years
What I Want- BadBoy!Taehyung x Reader - Chapter 1 - Up and Out
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Synopsis:  You are an innocent, excitable new girl, moving all the way to Korea due to your dad’s new job. As you anxiously learn about the new world around you and how you’ll make your mark, you stumble into none other than bad boy Kim Taehyung and his band of six crazy friends. He seems to be bothered but you, something he doesn’t even understand. Will you be able to tolerate the shenanigans of Taehyung and his rowdy friends, or will you fall victim to his charms just like everyone else?
Featuring Jihyo and Dahyun (TWICE) as your friends, and BTS members as Taehyung’s group of friends.
Genre: Romance, BadBoy!V, BadBoy!BTS, High School Romance, Drama
Length: approx. 2.6k words
Chapter 1 - Up and Out 
           Being good was boring. Being good meant going to class on time, listening, and taking notes, studying! Yeah, no thanks. It was much more fun to be spontaneous, smoking behind the school campus during break hours, playing video games until midnight instead of scanning through a useless textbook, and yeah, starting the occasional food fight in the cafeteria when the teachers weren’t looking. Now that was fun, and it made things more exciting. That was exactly what Kim Taehyung was about, bringing more fun to his school other than those boring pep rallies, sporting games, and god awful school dances.  No, he was going to make school fun in a different way, his own way.
           You, being a bright-eyed new girl, had no idea about Taehyung and his god awful reputation. All you knew was that you were a bright-eyed, innocent girl who recently moved to Korea from your childhood home. At first, it bothered you, not wanting to leave your friends whose bonds were over 16 years in the making or your school that you were almost done with. Not only that, but you barely knew any Korean! Sure, your grandmother would speak to you in Korean when she would come to visit, but that was always very basic conversation and you always managed to reply in broken sentences and half-English remarks. But that wasn’t important, your dad had gotten a new and better job through his company, requiring you all to pack up your well-established lives and move across the globe. It was a bit unfair, yes, but as you began to learn the language with your mother, who was just as lost in the language as you were, you began to enjoy it. Not only that, but you tried to pique your interest more by watching some Korean dramas on Netflix, listening to Korean music, and learning whatever you could about your soon to be home. It was interesting, it was amazing! By the time you boarded the plane, you couldn’t wait to go!
           The trip to Korea was exhausting, but you spent the entire time chewing off your little brother’s ear, who was trying to ignore you and play his Switch, but you kept being persistent, all the way until you landed. You were guided off the plane, your father using his fluency in Korean to help guide your family into cars and to your new home. It was nice, something your father was able to negotiate with his boss in exchange for uprooting his family. You were eager to look inside and see what new memories would be made here! As you headed into the house, you and your brother raced to find your new bedrooms. Lucky for you, you ran track in middle school, so you were faster. This nabbed you the bigger of the two rooms.
           “No fair!” Your brother shouted in annoyance, but you smirked at him and closed the door in his face as your response. You looked around, seeing that the new furniture that was ordered had begun to arrive already, as your new bed and dresser were set up. All you had to do was wait a few days until your luggage from home arrived in the next few days and you would be able to set up. But what you did have, you put out. About a few days’ worth of clothes, a few pictures of friends and family, and letters covered in tear stains from the hour or crying you and your best friends did before you left. As you set things up, you hear a noise outside. It seemed someone had come by, as you heard indistinct chatter coming from underneath your window. Setting down the last of your things, you grab your belongings and head downstairs.
           There you see your mom, letting in a few different people, older women about her age. They’re greeting her, smiling as they try their absolute best to communicate, your mom giving broken greetings in Korean and the others giving broken responses in English, all leading up to a good laugh between them. Behind them were a few teens, two girls about your age. They seemed sweet.
“Honey! C’mere and meet our new neighbors.” Your mother said, glee in her voice. You made your way over to see two girls about your age standing beside one another. Both girls were very pretty, one with short and wavy brown hair and the other with long blonde hair. They smiled at you.
“Hi!” The brunette girl said in Korean. Despite your excitement, you were nervous about being judged for your Korean. You blushed, shyly saying hello in shaky Korean. “I’m Park Ji-soo, but you can call me Jihyo.” The other girl, the blonde, gave a grin as she held up a peace sign in front of her face.
“And I’m Kim Dahyun.” The other girl said. “What about you?” You responded, giving a smile. “Sorry my uh….my Korean isn’t very good still.”
“Good thing you have us to practice with.” Dahyun grinned. “We both live on the block, so we’ll be happy to help you out.” You were silent for a second, trying to process what she had said. Dahyun and Jihyo chuckled a bit watching your eyes move from side to side and your lips mouth what Dahyun had said to you before your eyes finally went bright and a smile formed on your lips. You got it.
“Thank you!” You replied happily. “Do you guys also go to high school?”
“Yeah, we do.” Jihyo smiled. “So we can help you get adjusted there too.” You smiled, glad to know that you made two friends who were so nice to help you out while you were adjusting. As the three of you sat in the living room, your mothers in the kitchen, they fill you in on what school was like, and what kind of kids to expect. You were listening, fortunate that they were speaking some English to you within all of the Korean to make understanding just a little bit easier. It was fun getting to know these girls, they were kind and respectful, and Dahyun was a riot when she got going with the crazy personality you learned she had.
By the time you girls knew it, it was time to go home to rest. You said your goodbyes, exchanged phone numbers and watched as they left with their mothers. Your mother closed the door and smiled.
“Well, that was nice. Seems we got lucky with some good neighbors, huh?” You nodded in agreement. “Alright, it’s pretty late Tell your brother to get to bed, you both have school first thing tomorrow and the last thing you need is to be late.” Agreeing, you headed upstairs to relay mom's message.
“But I’m not tired!” The ten-year-old shouted in annoyance.
“Well if you don’t go to sleep I’ll be sure to tell Mom and she’ll break your Switch.” You said simply. Your brother groaned, knowing you were a girl of your word.
“Goody-goody.” He muttered as he made his way into the bathroom to get ready for bed, and you did the same. Tossing on a pair of old pajamas, you slid onto your bed with your temporary blanket and covers. As you got ready to fall asleep, you heard a ding from your phone. Turning to look at it, you see it was from Dahyun. You had been put in a group chat with both her and Jihyo.
Dahyun: It was nice to meet you! :D Jihyo and I can meet you tomorrow morning so we can all go to school together! J
You: Okay! See you tomorrow! Goodnight!
Setting your phone down, you curled up in bed. On your door hung your new uniform for tomorrow, and it made your heart pound a bit. You were really excited to go to school tomorrow, despite all of your fears about it. As you thought about what the experience would be like, you fell asleep.
The next day, your alarm woke you up right on time. Groaning, you stretched in your bed and hoped desperately that it was a weekend and you could sleep in and rest. But nope, your parents were already up, making the same loud noise they always do, and your brother’s footsteps pounding up and down the hallway too. Groaning again, you eventually got up and made your way into your bathroom. Combing your hair, brushing your teeth, and putting on your makeup, you went back into your room and slipped into your new uniform. You had to admit, it looked pretty good on you, the skirt wasn’t too short, the blazer wasn’t too tight around the chest, and it flattered you well. I feel like I’m in a Korean drama. You thought to yourself, spinning around in your mirror once before you heard your mom calling your name. As you headed downstairs, you weren’t surprised to see Jihyo and Dahyun down there, standing in the kitchen with your mom. She was making some breakfast and offered the girls some fruit, which they both happily took, before turning to you.
“Hey.” You said happily, heading to the table and grabbing a piece of toast, than spreading some egg on it. “I’ll eat this on the way. Bye, Mom!” You waved to your mother, heading out the door with the girls, your brother trekking behind, as the elementary school was a stop on the way to your high school. After dropping your brother off, you and your friends made your way to the office of the high school. You introduced yourself to the principal, who spoke some English, so it made the conversation much easier on you. You got your ID badge, your schedule, and a map of the school before you were on your way.
The school was bustling, full of teenagers pushing, shoving, listening to music as they perched themselves up against a locker, muting out the rest of the world. Friends threw arms around one another, grinning as they spoke about teenage problems like homework and love. You could only hear pieces of information as you made your way to your classroom, which fortunately you shared with Jihyo, and found your locker, which was in the bottom row of the homeroom lockers. It was a bit weird, being in a school where nobody knew you, and you didn’t know anybody. For as long as you were in school, you were always the one eagerly welcoming the new kid, showing them around and helping them get adjusting to their new life, and here you were. Now you were in their shoes, and you could understand why some people were hesitant to open up to you at first. It’s intimidating. You stepped out into the hallway, where Dahyun was approaching from her classroom next door.
While you were finishing up with settling in and adjusting to the slight feeling of anxiousness within your body, someone else was entering the school grounds. Someone who, with every step, he took closer to the building, had more and more eyes staring in his direction. He was unsure if these looks were out of fear, or attraction, or both, but he honestly didn’t really care. Running a hand through his hair, he stepped into the building. As he was getting his bearings, he felt a hard slap on the back. It was another guy, a bit smaller than him, but with full lips and a grin on his face stretching from ear to ear.
“So you’re finally back, Taehyung? How was that three-day vacation?” He asked. Taehyung replied with a shrug as the duo made their way down the halls of the school.
“It was whatever. How were the three days here without me, Jimin? Did you all fall apart like last time?”
“No!” Jimin said quickly. Taehyung raises an eyebrow, and Jimin pouted. “Well…Namjoon-Hyung broke that really cool statue in our room.” Taehyung snickered a bit at the thought of his Hyung. Yeah, that sounded like something he would do.
“What else have I missed?” He asked curiously.
“Nothing. I think a new girl started in our year, though.” Jimin said. Taehyung pursed his lips together, grinning as they walked deeper into the school.
“Really?” he asked.
You watched as students slowly began to disperse into their classrooms, saying goodbye to friends and kissing lovers goodbye. You waved to Dahyun as she headed to her class, talking with another friend as well as they disappeared into their class. As you and Jihyo were about to do the same, a voice was heard at the end of the hallway.
“Oi!” You blinked, turning to Jihyo. Her face immediately dropped, a hand going over her face. She looked annoyed, her thumb and forefinger rubbing the bridge of her nose.
“What’s wrong?” you asked curiously.
“I thought he was suspended for the rest of the week.” She muttered.
“Wrong!” You heard that voice chime again. It was deep, sultry, and it surprised you a bit. Turning your head, you became face to face with a brunette, leaning over Jihyo with a hand on her shoulder. He was grinning, his gummy smile fitting with his face despite his hard and tough appearance. “Did you miss me, Jihyo~?” he cooed, smirking.
“God no. What do you want?” She asked.
“I just came to introduce myself to the new girl.” He cooed, stuffing his hands in his pockets, and his eyes fell immediately to you. You stayed still, not sure what to say. “Well, hello there, cutie.” He said. “What’s your name?” You hesitated, but before you could give it to him, Jihyo took your arm.
“Her name is none of your business. Now go away, don’t you have a class to skip?” She asked. Taehyung snickered, shrugging.
“Maybe.” He said. “Why? Want to join me and have some fun, Jihyo my dear~?” Jihyo scoffed in disgust.
“You’re absolutely disgusting. Let’s go.” She said to me, and she led me inside.  You glanced back at Taehyung, who snuck you a wink as he headed down the hallway, his friend following behind him. Jihyo sat in her seat up in the front of the room, and you stood in front of it, waiting for the teacher to come in and assign you a seat. “I swear, do not talk to him, okay?”
“He and his gaggle of friends may be super popular with the girls, but they’re all bad influences. They smoke, they skip school, and they get into fights…Just steer clear of them, okay?” You saw how serious she was being, and nodded.
“Okay. Okay, Jihyo, if you’re so sure, I trust you.” You smiled happily. Jihyo gave you a kind smile and leaned back in her seat. Just then, the door opened and the teacher walked in. He was an older man, a bit rounder and balding on the top of his head. He had glasses on, which he pushed up the bridge of his nose with his index finger. He approached you, and you introduced yourself to him, as well as your entire class. He sent you to your seat, two seats behind Jihyo. She turned to you and smiled a bit, before facing forward and listening to the lesson.
During the lesson, you did your best to pay attention to. However, it wasn’t long before your eyes started to wander. You were a decent student, but god was it hard for you to pay attention. Your eyes wandered to the window, where you could see some bits and pieces of the outside. From one of the corners, you saw a few figures of some boys. They were laughing, playfully shoving each other, and goofing off as they headed out of sight. Out of them, you noticed Taehyung, his head in a headlock from a taller boy, who had a piece of some kind of food in his mouth. From what you were witnessing, they didn’t seem like bad people.
But what something seems like isn’t always the same as reality. At least, that was something you were taught.  
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horde-princess · 5 years
omg 17 would be perfect
Sorry this took so long! I’ve been soo busy and kinda distracted with the new season ✨ There are still a few prompts in my inbox, plus Home Is A Lonely Place, not to mention all the meta i still wanna write sldjfskj there’s a lot going on
but anyway i yelled when i read what 17 was tysm for sending it!!! 💖 this is filled with angst and does get a little spicy so. take care of yourselves out there
17. Needing to kiss to hide from bad guys
Adora twisted against her handcuffs uselessly, wrists chafed and bloody, before finally giving up and dropping her hands into her lap. Her head was buzzing with fatigue and hunger, her muscles ached from spending the night in a Horde prison cell that was about as comfortable as a bed of nails. Still, it offered a semblance of safety, and for that she was grateful–since every second spent trapped here was time that she might have spent being, well, dead.
The Rebellion defense had been a total disaster. No, that was a lie–Adora was the only one to blame. She let Catra manipulate her again, choosing to save her friend’s life even knowing it would result in defeat. Why Hordak took her captive instead of killing her on the spot was a terrifying mystery that Adora preferred not to unravel right now. She couldn’t let fear paralyze her. She had to think of a way to get out of here. She had to get back to Glimmer and Bow, she had to help her friends–
A sudden movement in the darkness outside her cell startled her. She sat up straight against the wall, blowing loose hair out of her face. Whatever they did to her, she wouldn’t let them see her spirit broken.
But the shadowy figure was… familiar. Adora’s heart rate picked up and she watched as the door slid open to reveal the only person who actually did have the power to break her. 
They stared at each other for a moment, Catra’s expression unreadable. Adora was expecting insults from her, or mockery, but… none came. Truthfully, she looked like she hadn’t slept in days. Catra frowned, marched over, and yanked Adora up to her feet by the handcuffs, causing her to hiss in pain.  
“Let’s go.”
When Adora resisted, Catra gripped her arm painfully and dragged her out of the cell anyway. Her animosity never ceased to feel like some kind of fucked up hallucination.
“Catra, don’t do this!”
“Would you shut up?” she snapped. “If you get us caught, we’re both dead.”
She released her and pulled out a tablet, glancing nervously around the empty atrium.
“Wait… what do you mean ‘if we get caught?’”
Catra grit her teeth. She touched the screen and there was a quiet click as a door near them unlocked.
“I’m trying to get you out of here, dumbass.”
Adora felt like the world just slipped off its axis. She must have been more exhausted than she’d realized because there was no way she’d heard that right. But hope clawed at her insides anyway, demanding and vengeful, struggling to escape the little coffin she had shoved it into long ago and buried six feet underground.
“You’re… helping me escape?”
Catra shot her a glare then started walking again, pulling Adora along with her. Hostility emanated off her in waves. They passed through the doorway and started down a deserted corridor, broken lights flickering eerily. 
“But why?”
She rounded on Adora, stoic anger turning fierce. “Do you know what Hordak wants to do to you?!” she whispered. “He’s not just going to kill you, Adora! He wants to torture you, corrupt your powers–prod you like a lab rat until there’s nothing left.”
Adora had guessed as much, but that wasn’t really what she meant.
“I don’t get it, isn’t that what you wanted all along? I mean… you’ve been trying to get rid me ever since I…”
Left. Abandoned you. Ruined everything. She didn’t know how to say it aloud. 
Catra was quiet for a moment, then she sneered.
“No one gets to take you down but me. Got it? Especially not fucking… Hordak. And if I can ruin one of his plans while I’m at it, all the better.”
There it was again, fluttering madly in the deepest recesses of Adora’s chest. Hope.
“But why not just take me out now?” she pressed, wishing Catra would just tell her the truth, for once. “I don’t have my sword, I’m powerless.”
“Yeah, well, exactly!” Catra sputtered. “You’re all chained up and pathetic right now. It wouldn’t be a good fight.”
“We just have to get to the–Shit. Someone’s coming.”
Searching frantically for an escape, Catra pulled her into a niche in the hallway. 
The space was tight and dark, and Adora could feel Catra’s shallow breaths, and every accidental touch of their bodies sent a wave of anxiety screeching down her spine like nails on a chalkboard. All at once she realized exactly what Catra was risking by trying to save her. If she got caught… it would be the end of her.
The guards’ voices drifted over to them, getting closer. There must have been three of them, maybe more.
“…weird signal coming from the prison block.”
“No, it’s three in the damn morning. It must be a glitch.”
Catra took a steadying breath. “There’s no way they won’t see us here. How many can you take?”
“Oh, sure. I’ll just take down some armed gunmen with my hands cuffed.”
Catra groaned quietly, clenching her fists, and Adora could see the wheels in her head turning. Then her body went slack and her eyes filled with what could only be described as… horror.
Unmitigated horror. 
Adora blinked at her.
“We have to kiss,” she breathed.
Adora’s brain slowly faltered to a stop like an overworked motor.
“…Um. What.”
“Think about it! Why else would two teenagers be hiding in a dark corner in the middle of the night? If we can play it right, maybe they’ll leave us alone.”
The voices were getting louder with each passing second and Adora was experiencing a strong wave of nausea. 
“You can’t be serious,” she rasped.
“Well I don’t hear you coming up with any bright ideas!”
The shuffle of boots echoing down the hall suddenly stopped.
“Hey, did you hear something?” A woman’s voice said, her flashlight beam sweeping near them.
Catra held her breath and Adora did the same, feeling like the blood in her veins had been replaced with electric current.
“Check the door over there.”
Catra was so close, and so warm, and so Catra; and if she closed her eyes she could imagine they were just kids again, sneaking around the Fright Zone, getting into trouble together. She could forget everything that had happened the past few months, all the pain they had caused each other. She could forget this was a life or death situation. She could forget that Catra hated her fucking guts.
…Though, apparently, not quite as much as she once did.
“Nothing here, boss,” one of the guards said.
“Keep moving, I know I heard something.”
It was dark, but not dark enough to hide them once the flashlight illuminated the space. As soon as the guards walked past them they’d be spotted. They’d be asked to identify themselves, if they didn’t already know their faces… fuck.
“…It has to look convincing,” Adora choked out.
Catra met her eyes, expression carefully neutral. 
“Take off your badge.”
Catra did as instructed. Adora moved behind her so her back was to the wall, hiding her tied hands from view. The guards were closing in fast. Catra’s face suddenly turned pale.
“You know what? This was a stupid idea.”
“There’s no way they’ll just let us go… what if–I could take them myself, right? I  fight giant killing machines all the time–”
“Catra, they have guns–”
“Or I could tell them who I am, say I was just taking you to the–”
The guards were feet away and the light was sweeping towards them and before she could think too much about it Adora surged forward and crushed her lips to Catra’s.
The earth seemed to drop out from under her.
God, it was so… wrong. It was fake and bitter and poisoned and fuck, it shouldn’t have happened like this, it shouldn’t have happened like this.
It took a second for Catra to respond, but then Adora felt her moving deliberately to make it look natural. She wrapped an arm around her waist, roughly pressing Adora between the wall and her body. The whole thing lasted for all of two seconds before she sensed a light shining on them.
Adora’s head spun as Catra pulled her lips away and turned to address the guards, keeping her hands on Adora and her body pressed close. She was functioning at about a half a percent mental capacity and couldn’t begin to imagine how Catra was handling this so easily.
(Maybe it hurt her ego. So what?)
“The fuck?” Catra griped loudly. “Can we get some privacy?”
“Sorry, ladies, there’s been a security breach and–we didn’t mean to, uh–we’re supposed to check your badges–”
“We’re a little busy, here,” she interrupted, flipping them off as she turned back to Adora with a dangerous smirk. 
Her previous distress was all but gone now, masked over with an exaggerated confidence. She gave Adora a meaningful look, then leaned in and caught her lips in a sensual, open-mouthed kiss. And now that her brain had caught up with her body… Adora was on fire.
The guards, the prison, the Horde, the Rebellion–it all disappeared in a puff of smoke as Catra’s tongue twisted with hers, two opposite forces coalescing, and nothing in the world mattered but this, nothing existed apart from this. If Catra were to stop kissing her, she thought the fabric of her universe might rip apart. Somewhere in the back of her mind she registered the guards walking away, but Catra wasn’t stopping the kiss, and every touch, every swirl of her tongue was bringing Adora closer to some kind of breaking point. Catra slipped a thigh between hers and a soft moan escaped her, she couldn’t control her body’s response anymore, and it definitely wasn’t part of any act.
Catra must have realized that, too, because she immediately pulled back to look at her, wearing the most smug expression Adora had ever seen on someone. Heat rose in her cheeks as reality slowly pulsed back into focus. 
The guards were gone. The universe was, somehow, still intact.
“If you wanted to get me alone, all you had to do was ask, princess.”
Asshole. Adora wanted to smack the mocking grin off her face. Too bad her hands were tied.
“What–I don’t–Screw you! That was way past ‘convincing!’”
Catra cocked an expectant eyebrow and Adora relented with a sigh.
“Sorry. I… I know you’re just trying to help me.”
For some reason that made Catra’s smile fall. She leaned in again, lips close, her scent washing over Adora, smokey and intoxicating.
“Is that what I’m doing?”
They locked eyes for a long, tense moment. The taste of her lingered on Adora’s tongue and her heart was pounding so hard she was afraid Catra might hear it. There were no guards, no threats… it was just her and Catra this time. Catra, the person who had vowed to destroy Adora and everything she cared about. Catra, who was supposed to be her enemy. Catra… who was currently saving her life. 
“We should…” Adora licked her lips. “We should go.”
“Yeah,” Catra agreed.
But the second Catra’s eyes fell to her lips Adora was pushing forward and kissing her for the third time that night, giving into something furious and insane and probably inevitable. Catra sighed into her mouth as her hands raked down Adora’s body and she struggled against the handcuffs, not even feeling the pain of it, just desperate to touch her, and–fuck–this wasn’t fair–
Reading her mind, Catra raised Adora’s arms above her head and pinned them there with one hand, the other moving down to lift her leg around her hip. Adora swallowed back a whine as Catra pressed flush against her body–her kiss urgent now, consuming–and Adora arched into her, giving up any pretense of dignity or self-control. She was unraveling more with every new touch and she decided she didn’t care how fucked up this was anymore… she didn’t care if Catra was manipulating her, whether she hated her or not–what did it even matter? There was such a mess of emotion between them, it was impossible to make sense of, and if this was how it manifested in Catra, she really didn’t mind. 
Then, with a harsh movement–seemingly out of nowhere–Catra broke the kiss.
It was like having the wind knocked out of her. Adora slowly came to her senses and felt how Catra was struggling to control her breathing, fingers trembling against Adora’s jaw. The silence stretched between them. When she finally spoke, her voice was dark and… devastated.
“…What are you doing to me?”
Adora didn’t have an answer.
Catra’s grip on her loosened, she stepped away, and it left Adora feeling ice cold in the absence of her touch.
“Catra, I…”
What could she say? That she was sorry? She wasn’t. She was selfish, and stupid, and cowardly, but absolutely nothing in her was sorry. 
Not for this, anyway.
“This doesn’t change anything,” Catra stated rigidly.
Adora wasn’t sure which one of them she was trying to convince. Still, the weight of the words crushed her. She had nothing left, her cards were all on the table. If Catra were to ever use this against her… she almost laughed at the thought.
Catra turned away from her and walked out into the hallway, but Adora was afraid to move, afraid to shatter the illusion.
This doesn’t change anything. The words echoed in her mind over and over again.
“So that’s it?”
A beat of silence.
Catra looked back at her and jerked her head towards the exit, then walked away without waiting for Adora to follow. 
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noonaduck · 5 years
The Ghosting Pt. 1
Pairing: Namjoon x reader, Taehyung x reader Genre: supernatural au, idol verse, angst, fluff, smut(?), mini-series Warnings: - Words: 4365??? A/N: Soo this story was getting longer and longer so decided to cut it into mini-series.Forgive my 1 am editing ass EDIT: I re-edited the text and made the text smoother to follow. Only light changes happened and re-reading isn’t required.    Summary: You were dead, that was a fact. Only thing you could remember from your past life was Kim Namjoon. One day you end up saving Big Hit intern from serious accident and end up possessing her body. For your bad luck she and Taehyung seem to be quite close...What could a girl do piloting someone else’s body? Survive.
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[gifs belongs to their rightful owners] ''Hi Joonie, how was your day?'' You ask while watching his make up-artist getting him ready for a photo shoot. ''Mine was good. I have just been hanging around, I saw cute dog at the park. It was golden retriever, I think.'' You continue to chatter without waiting for answer. Namjoon keeps scrolling on his phone while the make up-artist does the final touches with her make up brush. Next to him is another make up table where Jungkook is sitting in front of it reading something. ''Namjoon, It's your turn in five.'' The band's manager informs from the dressing room door. ''Okay, I will be right there.'' Namjoon looks up from his phone for the mirror where he can see the door.  You are standing in the mirror frame, but his eyes passes you like you don't exist. ''You look really good today and Jungkook does too.'' You tell. 
Today's concept for the photo shoot is spring. Both Jungkook and Namjoon are wearing loose ruffled white shirts with khaki pants. Jungkook's hair is dyed chestnut brown and Namjoon's is naturally black. You could admire Namjoon's beautiful features all day, his firm jaw, kissable lips and those sweet dimples which appeared when he smiled .Namjoon gets up his chair and walks straight past you, what else you would except from him? You were dead and the living wasn't able to see you. You don't remember anything about your past life except Namjoon. You and him kissing by the balcony, cuddling on the couch watching a movie and you two sleeping together sounds of your heartbeats mixing together. Namjoon in your memories was slightly younger than Namjoon you knew today. There was no insecurity of teenager left in this young man. Jungkook is reading a comic book and dosen’t notice when Jimin sneaks behind of him. Jimin snatches the comic from Jungkook's hands and grins widely when Jungkook gets up looking annoyed from his chair. ''Hyung give it back.'' Jungkook complains and gets closer to Jimin who takes few steps back when he approach him. ''What ya reading?'' Jimin asks while sweeping the comic with his eyes. Jimin's hair is bleached and he wears same outfit as Namjoon and Jungkook. Playful smile is covering Jimin's cherub like face. ''Iron man again? You never change Kook.'' ''Ya, let Jungkook be.'' Jin steps into the room and smacks Jimin's head. Jimin hands the comic back pouting to the maknae who shows his tongue for him like a child. ''Don't be a brat.'' Jin smacks Jungkook's head this time. Jin rolls his eyes for his younger and sits in the dressing room couch. Jin's hair is dyed to cherry red and annoyed look is glistering on his eyes. ''Sorry hyung.'' Jimin and Jungkook says together and you giggle lightly. ''What you would do if I wasn't here look after you kids.'' Jin complains but his lips are turned into playful smirk. ''What did they do this time?'' Yoongi asks stretching while he steps in to the room. ''Jungkook its your turn in twenty minutes.'' Yoongi sits next to Jin on couch and leans on his shoulder yawning. Yoongi's silver hair tangles with Jin's cherry hair and despite the contrast differences the colors match well together in your eyes. ''They are just being brats.'' Jin tells. You decide to leave the dressing room and head for the studio where Namjoon is taking pictures with Taehyung and Hoseok. The studio is located in the third floor of the building and has wide window which lets the natural light flow in freely. Heavy curtains were open on the sides of window so the light would be much dimmer or completely dark if needed. The studio walls were full of framed photos of different celebrities posing. The setting is full of flowers and other props which they could use as they pleased. Hoseok was standing on the left side of Taehyung while holding red rose between his teeth, his hair was orange like a sunset. Namjoon was on Taehyung's other side while his hand was loosely around Taehyung's shoulders and with his free hand he was holding a white rose pretending to enjoy the scent of it. Taehyung was smiling widely, flower grown top of his red hair. The photographer was praising the men while taking their pictures against the light pink background fabric. The boys fitted for the spring theme quite well, Taehyung's skin looked always like he was slightly tanned and Hoseok's sunny smile bought the spring right to the viewer and Namjoon, well you thought Namjoon looked good no matter what he did. Commotion by the studio door gets your attention and other workers turns their heads towards the door as well, even the photographer stops taking pictures. Embraced looking intern has tripped on the doorstep and everything she was carrying has fallen on the floor. The intern must be on her early twenties with her youthful looks. She has ear length blonde hair with her bangs pulled up on hairband which has butterfly on it, round glasses almost covering her whole face and brown eyes which were now wide like dears. She was quite short and her figure was petite. The intern was wearing a loose pink hoodie with pair of jeans and on her neck was hanging intern badge with her name and picture. ''Dahlia what are you doing?'' Elder woman in her early forties strolls in the scene looking furious. The woman's black hair is on tight bun and she is wearing a dress suit with killer heels you could never rock. ''I'm so sorry Miss Lee, I fell and...'' ''I don't care what happened, just fix this mess.'' Miss Lee interrupts the intern.    You have never paid much attention to the staff who worked with BTS, to be honest you rarely paid any attention to anyone else except Namjoon. You felt pity towards the intern, after all she didn't fall on purpose. ''Everyone let's take a break.'' The boy's manager steps in and the people scatter from the studio. You can see Dahlia mentally sigh in relief when there isn't as much people witnessing her failure. Miss Lee storms away and Dahlia is left alone collect the papers and the files from the floor. You would help if that wouldn't scare the life out from the living if they saw items floating in the air. ''Do you need help?'' By your surprise Taehyung has come to kneel in front of the intern. ''What, why? I mean sure.'' Dahlia blushes in her surprised state. Way to go Tae! Taehyung smiles for Dahlia's awkwardness and help her pick the papers from the ground. They both get up from the floor and Taehyung smiles his boxy grin towards the intern. They would be a cute couple. ''Okay everyone the break is over! Taehyung will you come here?'' The photographer waves towards the photo set. ''I have to leave back to work, but I will see you around?'' Taehyung smiles awkwardly. ''Uh, I hope so, I mean I'll be around. I mean if you want to.'' Word vomit leaves Dahlia's mouth and you feel pity towards the clumsy girl. She reminds you of someone who is known as king of destruction. ''Tae it is our turn!' Jungkook jells in front of the background fabric excitedly. ''Bye.'' Taehyung gives small wave and walks to Jungkook. ''Stupid, stupid me.'' Dahlia whispers herself. You have to admit it could have gone much better. ~
The boys are going in to their black van one by one and you watch them on the side. You would ride with the staff, after all there was always at least one free seat. The backdoor of the van gets closed and the car engine turns on. Slowly the car rolls out from the parking lot and disappears in to heavy traffic. You turn towards the other car in the parking lot and are ready to board into the car with the staff when a yell makes you halt your actions. ''Wait for me!'' It's Dahlia again. She is other side of the street standing on the streetlights. Other members of staff hasn't heard her over the heavy traffic. Dahlia begins to panic when no one is hearing her and decides to cross the street despite the red lights. You can see everything to move in slow motion. A car comes from nowhere and Dahlia is standing right on its way frozen. You run before you can even think and reach Dahlia before it was too late. You pull Dahlia out for the car’s way but you use too much your strength and Dahlia fells on the ground hitting her head on the asphalt. You fall with her end up top of her. Instead of staying laying on her you drop straight trough her in to her body. Your world begins to spin and lot of things are happening at once. The car which almost hit Dahlia has stopped on the crosswalk and the panicked driver gets up from the car. Miss Lee is running towards Dahlia, err.. you, despite her high heels, your head is bounding and you can feel something wet dripping back of your head. ''Call the ambulance.'' Miss Lee yells in panic and the man who was behind the wheel hurries to dig up his phone with shaking hands. ''911?, I need an ambulance there was an accident, a young woman ran right in front of my car...'' You let the call tune out and reach back of your head.
Something sticky gets to your hand and you pull your hand in front of you looking it with wide eyes. It's blood. Holy shit, you can bleed! You begun finally to realize that you are in someone else's body and you end blacking out on the street. ~
You wake up on the sound of beeping machine your body feeling stiff everywhere. You open your eyes slowly and blink rapidly when the bright light hits your eyes. 
''Oh sweetie you are finally awake.'' A woman's voice startles you from the side of your bed. You look around you and realize that you are in hospital room. The woman has similar features than Dahlia, same hazel eyes and face shaped like hers. Her hair was wavy and long dyed with caramel brown. She was tall and had hourglass figure which was covered with black long sleeved cotton dress. The woman reaches the call button next to your bed and a doctor enters the room. ''What is the matter Mrs. Kim?'' The doctor is going trough papers while walking in the room. ''Cant you see, my daughter has woken up?'' Dahlia's mother says upset. The old doctor finally looks up his papers and his eyes are directed to you, who has somehow got stuck in Dahlia's body. The doctors hair is gray and pulled back from his forehead, his skin is full of wrinkles and small round glasses are top of his hooked nose. ''Ah it seems to be the case.'' The doctor agrees and steps next to your bed. You finally notice the needle hooked to your hand and the tube leaving from it leading to a drip bag. You see the name tag on the doctors white jacket with name Dr. Park. The doctor presses a remote hooked to the bed and your bed turns slowly in to sitting position. The new position makes you feel little light headed but you say nothing. ''Do you remember what happened to you?'' Dr. Park asks and pulls a small flashlight out of his pocket. ''I was in accident?'' You ask and by surprise the voice is Dahlia's. ''Yes. Please look at my finger while I point the light in to your eyes.'' Dr. Park tells and puts his finger in front of your face. You keep staring his index finger while he points the annoying light to your eyes. ''You ran foolishly on the cross walk while the light was red and were almost hit by a car. Like a miracle you stepped back on time and avoided more serious injures. You have light concussion and your head had be stitched, other than that you survived with some bruises.'' The doctor explains while he examines you. Right when the doctor stops the explanation the door burst open and worried looking man hurries in from the door. The man is on his early fifties and despite his age he is really handsome. He has pitch black hair which is parted on middle, half moon shaped glasses on his straight nose, his jawline is angular and firm an he is dressed in stripped suit. ''Hailey is Dahlia okay?'' The man asks in panic and walks to the woman who is sitting on chair next to your bed. ''Sehun why you don't ask from her himself? She is awake.'' Miss Kim, who's first name seems to be Hailey, chuckles and takes the man's hand. He must be Dahlias dad. Mrs. Kim turns around Baffled and relieved look covers his face when he sees your awake figure. ''Thank god you are okay, For a second I thought that I lost you. I kept ignoring the call from unknown number at work and when I finally answered it was the hospital informing that my little girl was in accident.'' Mr. Kim's panic seems to lessen while he notices you more or less intact. ''Your daughter has to stay at the hospital overnight to be monitored but if everything goes by the plan she can go home tomorrow.'' Dr. Park informs. ''I'm glad to hear that.'' Miss Kim tells relieved. ''What's wrong sweetie, you have barely said anything. Usually you talk so much that I'm barely able to get single word in.'' ''I'm still little bit shaken that's all.'' You assure Dahlia's mother.
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After you got out of the hospital it was hard to convince Dahlia's parents to let you go home alone. They would have wanted you to stay at their place for few days so they could look after you. You would agreed, if it wouldn't blow your cover. Your accident has happened on Wednesday and you had gained rest of the week of so Big Hit wouldn't be waiting for you before next Monday. You really needed the time to adjust into Dahlia's life anyway. Her parents seemed to be quite well of and Dahlia's apartment was quite nice as well. The place was located in better part of town and was on third highest floor of skyscraper. Dahlia had apartment with spacious living room, homey kitchen, hotel like bathroom, big bedroom and even small home office, which was rarely used from the looks of it. You were sitting on cream colored L-shaped living room couch while going trough your thoughts. You were sort of alive again, but in someone else's body. You didn't know how to get out and where the real Dahlia was. You were intern at Big Hit which worked closely with their costume and make up department boss Miss Lee, who was still unmarried. You didn't know who your friends were if you had any and if there were some would they know something was wrong with Dahlia? These were big concerns but to be honest you were most distressed about the fact that you couldn't be around Namjoon like before. He would totally creep out if you would follow him everywhere and you could be kicked out Big Hit by doing that. Sure you had some boundaries as a ghost, you didn't follow him in the bathroom and tried to give him some privacy if he was changing clothes, to be honest sometimes you still peeked him. You are fumbling your sweater sleeves nervously when your’s, Dahlia's, phone dings next to you. You are lucky that you can open it with your fingerprint because you don't know the password. The background picture was Taehyung from the area of Fake love, you should have seen that coming tough, after all Dahlia seemed to like him quite much.You received text from unknown number. Unknown: *Hi, are you okay? I heard that you got into accident.* Who was it? Unknown: *Its Kim Taehyung btw, I got your number from Miss Lee, I hope its okay :).* Holy mother of ducks! You knew there was few sparks between Dahlia and Taehyung, but enough to him contact her, you?! Taehyung: *this is Kim Dahlia, right?...* You get a new message when it takes you long to answer. You: *Umm... Yes its me. I'm fine thanks for asking.*
Taehyung: *For a second I thought I got a wrong number. I'm glad you are okay. I heard you aren't coming to work before next week. I'm little bit sad :(* What could you do? Taehyung was totally flirting with you. You didn't want ruin Dahlia's chances towards the man but you had Namjoon in your heart.  You: * Well you have to wait till then that we can see again.* Taehyung: *Unless, you want to meet this weekend, I have no schedule on Saturday.* You almost drop the phone, you were quite sure it was against Big Hit rules to staff date any of their idols. You: *I don't know if its such a good idea...* Taehyung: *You didn't think so when we met last time outside of work.* WHAT? Maybe you should have paid attention to other people as well and not only for Namjoon. How Dahlia and Taehyung had meet earlier if they didn't have each other numbers? Unlucky for you, you couldn't ask. Taehyung: *If you are worried about getting caught its okay, Jungkook has our backs again. The dorms will be empty except me and him on Saturday and he won't rat us out.* You could go to the dorms as a human, you were getting little bit exited. It would be quite different experience than floating around without being seen and unable to do anything. You: * Fine, I'm in.* Taehyung: *I knew you would come around \(u.U)/. I will text the address and the door code for you later, I have to go now.* You: *okay, bye Taehyung* Taehyung: * I told you to call me Tae >:(* You: *I mean bye Tae.* Taehyung: That's better, Bye Dali xo* You blush little for the kissing emoji. ~ The Saturday arrived and you were in the luxurious lobby of the highly secured building. You thought the skyscraper where Dahlia lived was fancy but this was ridiculous even though you had seen the boys' place. You have never seen so much golden decorated furniture and polished floors in any place, let alone in th lobby. You walk past the small reception desk, thanks the door code which Taehyung texted you. The man dressed in uniform looks you skeptically when you walk past him towards the elevators. You feel like you are highly under dressed in your black skinny jeans and white long sleeved shirt for the place. You didn't have your glasses on after all you didn't need one and the trait seemed to follow you to Dahlia's body. Luckily the elevator is empty when you step in to it. Taehyung told you that they lived on the highest floor, which you already knew, but when you press the button nothing happens. Your eyes wanders to the number panel next the elevator buttons, I wonder... You put the door code in to it and the elevator jolts in the motion. He could have said that it was code for the elevator and not for the door. The elevator arrives to highest floor and the door slides open revealing spacious entrance hall. As a ghost you were able to avoid elevators and lobbies, you kind of just floated trough walls or teleported, perks of being a ghost I guess. You had ignored how normal people entered the dorms and you had never been in their entrance hall. Taehyung enters the room alarmed by the elevator. ''Hi Dali you made it!'' He greets you happily. Today he is wearing plain red t-shirt, which matches his hair, with loose grey pants. ''Hi Tae.'' You greet him awkwardly looking around the space. The floor is made of white marble with grey steams and small golden chandelier is hanging above you. Two rattan couches are set against the walls. You take your shoes of and leave them next to other shoes by the elevator. ''Come on inside and I'll show you around.'' Taehyung offers and you follow him deeper in to the dorms. The tour was little bit pointless because you had been there many times, but Dahlia wasn't, so you nodded while Taehyung explained where everything was. You return back to living room which was the first room where you would enter after the entrance hall. Jungkook had came in the living room while you were away and was sitting on huge leather couch in front of even bigger flat screen TV. He was holding a controller on his hands and the screen was entering to Playstation home view. ''Hi Kook, Dali is here.'' Taehyung informs cheerfully to Jungkook who was facing the TV. Jungkook turns around and looks you over his shoulder, small open grin was covering his face. He was wearing similar outfit to yours, black skinny jeans with white long sleeved shirt. He chuckles when he notices that. ''Hi Dahlia, you would think that we are couple and not you and Tae, we are matching after all.’’ ''We aren't a couple?'' You say insecure. ''Not yet.'' Jungkook winks and you sigh in relief for the information. ''Kook don't tease, you make Dali feel uncomfortable'' Taehyung misunderstands your sigh for discomfort. ''Fine. Do you guys wanna watch when I play Overwatch?'' Jungkook gives in. '' I was thinking about watching a movie in my room...'' Taehyung begins. ''Sounds fun.'' You interrupt glad you wouldn't be left alone with Taehyung. Taehyung gives up and you sit next to Jungkook watching him play. You sit uncomfortably on the edge of the seat between the two men, while Jungkook seems to be focused on his game and Taehyung is lost in his thoughts. ''Hey Dali, I tough you can't see a shit without your glasses.'' Taehyung says after staring you for a while. ''Uh, I'm wearing contact lenses today.'' You lie. ''Really? I remember that you said that those scare you.'' ''Well I changed my mind...'' You sift uncomfortably. ''Really?'' You avoid answering when heavy steps enters the room. ''Hey guys I forgot my hard disk and I need it for...'' Namjoon halts when he sees three figures on couch instead of two. ''Who this might be?'' Namjoon asks and all of you turn around with similar face telling a story about being caught. Namjoon has a white cap top of his messy black hair, Black hoodie with some unfamiliar logo and jeans ripped on knees. ''Err.., This is Dahlia my friend.'' Taehyung explains awkwardly. ''I see, may I ask why her head is stitched?'' Namjoon arches his brow. ''Hyung do you remember the intern who got in accident? Well this is her.'' Jungkook peeps in. You feel glued on your spot. You don't know do you feel happy or sad for the fact that Namjoon doesn't know who you are. ''And you tought it was a good idea to bring member of our staff here?'' ''She is my friend.'' Taehyung defends you angrily. ''I hope that is the case.'' Namjoon says and looks you and Taehyung knowingly measuring your closeness. ''Anyway I have to go, Yoongi is waiting for me.'' Namjoon informs and heads towards his room to fetch the hard disk. ''Don't mind about hyung. He is always grumpy towards couples.'' Jungkook comforts you after he sees your hurt face. ''Why?'' You ask curiously. ''He lost his girlfriend when he was younger and he has never recovered from it.'' Jungkook informs. ''Jungkook, its not our story to tell.'' You barely hear Taehyung while the room is spinning around you. Namjoon lost his girlfriend, he lost you? ''Dali are you okay, you look pale?'' Taehyung asks worriedly. You don't have time to answer when you fall over to him and darkness takes over you once again. ~ ''Are you sure that we won't call an ambulance hyung?'' You hear worried voice muffled like you were under water. ''If she doesn't wake up in a hour then we make a call.'' Another voice answers. You are floating between being senseless and being awake. ''I think fainting is after effect of her being in accident?'' Third voice questions worriedly. ''You might be right Kookie.'' Now you recall Taehyung's voice. You are slowly gaining control of your body and coming to your senses. Your hand twitch and the room falls silent. ''Dahlia can you hear me?'' Taehyung shakes you gently and you open your eyes slowly. ''Wh-what happened?'' You ask your mind foggy. ''You fainted.'' Taehyung informs you gently. Namjoon and Jungkook are standing next to Taehyung in front of the couch where you are laying. ''I haven't slept much after the accident.'' You lie smoothly, you are getting really good with lies, and try get up and Taehyung ends up helping you into sitting position. ''You should take care of yourself and not cause worry to others.'' Namjoon's words are harsh but his tone is kind. ''Hyung is right Dali, we were really scared for a second.'' Jungkook joins in. ''I'm sorry I made you worry.'' You feel guilty. ''It's okay. I'm just glad you are fine, drink some water.'' Taehyung offers you a water bottle.  You thank him and drink almost the whole bottle with one gulp. You surely missed eating and drinking as a ghost. ''Whats going on here?'' New voice disturbs you and Jin waddles in like mother hen who he is. His face is full of worry after seeing his band members gathered around someone who he didn't clearly see behind the back of the couch. ''Oh my, is she okay?'' Jin asks worriedly when he rounds other side of the couch. ''She fainted earlier, but now she seems fine.'' Taehyung informs and takes the bottle back from you. ''Are you okay darling?'' Jin ignores Taehyung and points his words to you. ''Ye-yes, I'm better now.'' You answer blushing, proximity of Jin's handsome face has an effect like that. ''I'm glad to hear, do you want something to eat, you need to gain some strength?'' ''Hyung don't overwhelm her.'' Taehyung whines. ''It seems that I'm not needed here anymore.'' Namjoon mumbles and leaves the side of couch. You want to ask him stay but of course you can't. ''Hush, I'm here to help your friend...What's your name is darling?'' ''Dahlia.'' You tell. ''Well Dahlia can you walk? I will take you to the kitchen and fix you something to eat.'' Jin smiles gently and offers his hand. ''I think I can.'' You take Jin's  hand and he leads you to the kitchen without letting go of you. He seems to be afraid of you fainting on him.
Rest of the evening is spent in comfortable mood while you joke around Taehyung and his friends. You were right that visiting the dorms would be fun despite of the fact that you fainted. Jin and Taehyung kept rest of the night measuring that you were fine thinking that you didn’t notice. Warm feeling of being cared took over of you and you felt happier than for a long time.
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MoonToffee A monster in Paris AU
The full timeline and some notes ( contains swearing and gets kinda lazy towards the end! ) (( another note Chauncey although mentioned sometimes doesn’t come up much in the AU cause there wasn’t much need, so sorry pig-goat lovers! ))
- Moon = Lucille - Toffee = Francoeur ( both monsters toffee's just a lot more cunning but I think in this AU he's going to be a lot more open and slightly naive because of the circumstances ) - River = Raoul / Emile ( Raoul's place in the story-ish and Emile's more cautious behavior but without his romance of Maud. ) - Mina = Victor ( the antagonist that's pretty full of themselves and could potentially/go mad, I think they fit each other pretty well ) - No one = Maud ( since river is going to be following after Raoul in terms of loving Moon/Lucille there is no need for a Maud plus no one really fits her much anyway ) - Count Mildrew = Albert ( both background characters and kinda up their respective asses ) - A solarian soldier = Pate ( Pate is the inspector/right hand man of Victor btw ) - Comet = Carlotta ( both the main female leads mum/mother figure ) - Chauncey = Charles ( Chauncey in this AU of course still belongs to moon but she tells him to keep an eye on the river, plus she lets him hang out with the professor cause they both have fun together, aka the prof needed a smart animal companion (( mad scientist aesthetic man )) and Chauncey wanted more food than moon gave him )
Loose plot
- River wakes up daydreaming about being together with moon then is like oh i forgot something ( you can choose what he forgot ) so he goes downstairs. - his dad is like "hey son can you help me run some errands?" obviously this was not a question so river hops in his dad's car and they drive off to do the thing. - his dad drops him off at the lab to deliver some eggs and says he needs to go do some other task and that hes gonna go and he will pick him up when hes done, and River is like "dad I’m just giving some dude eggs i can go with ya" - so his dad goes well actually the guy is out of the country and hes sure they dude wouldn't mind if river went in and looked around, wink wink nudge nudge. - river gets the message and his dad drives away. - He goes in and is like okay I'm glad I went to do chores today this is awesome, and then a pig starts chewing on his trousers and hes like " Chauncey?? what are you doing, does moon know you're here?!?" and Chauncey says nothing cause he's a pig but he tries to push river to the exit but river doesn’t pick up on this hint. - so river goes "Oooh do you wanna explore with me little buddy?" and Chauncey is like 'no leave' but river goes into the lab anyway. - the look around for a bit and river starts drawing stuff that looks cool ( the drawing is bad but he wants to  remember what stuff looks like ) -he finds some potions and is like "ooh I wonder what they do???" so tests one out on a seed that says "instant growth potion " on a label. - it of course grows and he's like wow but walks back to see it better and knocks some potions over. - Chauncey goes to try and stop the potions but steps on a lizards tail and it gets scared and runs under where the potions are falling ( river of course doesn't notice this ) - crash, boom, smoke! - river gets up and sees the shadow of a lizard man and is like " AHHHHHHH AHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" so it runs away so river draws it before he forgets then runs out to the front to get home, not caring that his dad said he would pick him up he's not waiting for that thing to get him! - unfortunately he drops a handkerchief which crudely had his name stitched into it and leaves back to his house. - A couple of days pass and the lizard monster starts showing up in the papers. - an investigation is started over the mysterious explosion at the lab and the new monster that appeared the very same night. - the cheif investigator tells mina loveberry 'bout this and she's like "yes, now is my chance to rise to the top!" - they look around and find River's handkerchief.
- Cut to moon, and her club is looking for a new act/singer and it's not going well. - so one of the waiters, a real smug bastard, is auditioning and it's just him singing badly about how amazing he is and telling her that she's welcome for the free performance of a god. - and she's like "yeah... no thanks I don't really think the club is really the right fit for you." - so hes like " FINE I'M TOO TALENTED FOR THIS LITTLE CLUB I'LL GO FORM MY OWN CLUB! ( *bender voice* with blackjack and hookers! ) - so she's like " yep you are way too good for us, I worry if you joined I would be out of a job. goodbye now! " - Cue Mildrew seeing toffee and freaking out trying to go back in but still being really vain ( ' PLEASE LET ME IN I'LL EVEN SIGN YOU AN AUTOGRAPH!!! ' ) - It doesn't work out so he jumps a nearby fence and books it. - Toffee is like what is that awful ringing noise is it this? and then proceeds to ring the doorbell a million times just too ' make sure it's this '. - So Moon opens the finally all like " YES Mildrew what is it- of holy fudging schnitzels " - she accidentally hits it with the door and is apologizing profusely as she goes to help the ' person ' up. - sees its the lizard person and freaks out, bolts and locks the door. - hears it singing a sad song ( more bitter about the people than the original though ) and is like oh it can talk???? also it has a godly voice???? - she gets an umbrella and tentatively opens the door and apologizes and welcomes this creature in out the rain. - he is suspicious but goes in anyway because its better than freezing to death in the rain - so she awkwardly starts conversation " Soo I'm sorry about hitting you with the door and leaving like that, I just got a bit.... panicked. but might as well start with names, mines moon " - and he just kinda sits there and she picks up that ‘oops he doesn't have one’ so she looks around and is like I have to call him something. - then she looks at a box of toffees a fan had given her and is like " Since you don't seem to have a name would you like me to call you toffee? I'm not the best with names but I need to call you something. " - so he goes ok, and she says that if he wants to stay in Paris he should probably have a disguise.
-cut back to river and someone knocks on his door. - he goes and opens it and it reveals officers who see his drawing of the monster in the lab on his wall and he is arrested. - they bring him to mina, and he starts pleading not to go to prison and that it was all an accident. - ( they also brought Chauncey who was staying with River) - he panicking blames the pig and chauncy narrows his eyes as this will be remembered for later.... - Mina tells him not to worry and that by creating a monster he has actually helped her in one of her secret projects and she gives him a badge of honor. - River leaves and then is like "now that I have this badge I have the confidence to go to one of moons shows and maybe I can try and woo her with my badge!" - so he goes to see her and due to the fact that Mildread is still pissed at moon he gives river the best seats in the house cause he is bad at revenge, so river thinks its his lucky day! - he sees the show and was hypnotized by moons song so he decides to push his luck by going to talk to her back stage. - during the time river was being arrested moon got to see a lot of what Toffee could do and who he is;
. he has a pretty wry sense of humor . he is rather naive in the way of society and social cues . he's also really smart and a quick learner . she also gives him his disguise ( his hair isn't a wig ) . he is pretty fuckin' strong . really stubborn . takes a while for him to trust her but when he does he's pretty clingy . he is vain about his hair and constantly brushes it to lay flat, it always curls at the ends anyway. . he REALLY likes suits. and is rather cuddly.
- so the performance is about to start but he doesn't want to leave her side and sit with the band so cue the scene in the movie. - they actually perform and they end up dancing together on stage, and she refuses to admit to her self that her face felt a little warm when he looked at her with such a loving look while dancing. - back to after the performance and river comes over nervously to congratulate her for the awesome performance, and goes to shake toffee's hands when he spots his tail. - he shrieks and moon puts her hand over his mouth and drags him and toffee back to her dressing room. - she tries to tell him that she knows he's the monster and he's not awful at all. - but river starts freaking out so she slaps him and tells him to get a grip man! - he calms down a little but is still like how are you so calm - so moon tells him why toffee is not dangerous and he calms down properly. - unfortunately for them Mildrew overhears and he now has a better idea for revenge against moon...
- the police arrive soon moon leaves to greet them and try to distract them, while river has to hide toffee. - so Moon goes to the door and is like " oh Mina I wasn't expecting you, what are you doing here? " - And Mina's like " sorry mud sister but this is serious business, where are you hiding it? " - and Moons like fuck she already knows its here somewhere. so she plays dumb " hiding what? I don't have anything to hide. " ( as she sweats bullets ) - and Mina already knowing that moons lying just barges through with the inspector and the 'troops' - Mina instantly tries to go to moons dressing room but moon cuts her off " okay Mina I'm sorry but if you go in there we can't  be mud sisters it's a blatant breach of my privacy. " - and Mina calls her bluff and goes in anyway. - Moon is like fuck everything's over they found him... crud. - so when she goes in to make her last stand she is surprised that they are nowhere to be found, and so is Mina. ( surprised that is ) - the inspector comes in and says they haven't found anything so Mina stands silently for a while then goes and pleads to moon to be mud sisters again. - moon still a bit high on adrenaline from then panic says yes just to get her out of the room and they leave after arresting Mildrew for basically pissing Mina off. - moon sighs and says that they can come out and the cost is clear after Mina and the others leave. - she then gets spooked as toffee pops out of her piano, so she lends him a hand and then checks to make sure nothing's broken in her piano. ( storing lizard men in your pianos isn’t a good for pianos kids ) - river then falls down the chimney coughing from all the soot and toffee warily gives him a hand up. ( the start of a beautiful friendship! )
- the next day Mina opens the Montmartre Funicular ( its a escalator/elevator thing on a hill I think ) - the trio ( plus Chauncey ) planned last night that they are going to fake toffee's death on the opening day so people won't look for him and he can live a normal life. - so Mina introduces moon who is going to sing for the opening. - so halfway through singing river loudly shouts " oh my god it's the monster oooh nooo! " - so the crowd starts panicking and Mina is like ' It’s my time to shine! ' - then Toffee hops down and picks up moon bridal style and roars viciously - and moon is all like " oh noooo it's got me, whatever shall I do? " - one of the 'soldiers' tries to shoot toffee but Mina tells him not to as he could hit her blood sister. - then she remembers that river had conveniently given some ' anti monster grenade ' earlier so she throws it and smoke spreads everywhere. - when the smoke clears the monster is gone and the crowd rejoices their savior (the crowd lead by river and moon of course ) - but then Mina spots a scarf caught in the trapdoor and opens it to reveal toffee.
- moon freaks out so her and river shout at toffee to run, as they themselves make a break for it. - river had conveniently brought his dads car/van to get there ( with his dad's permission of course ) so they hopped in and booked it as toffee went the other way so there would be less people chasing him. - luckily Chauncey had already been waiting in the car so they didn't need to wait for him to get in. - so they speed down the street narrowly avoiding obstacles, one of which ended up making river loose his ' fashionable ' straw coat to a horse. - unfortunately for them a hook ends up grabbing their car and they look up and who is it other than Mina and an exhausted looking soldier peddling their FREAKING AIRSHIP LIKE MINA YOU REALLY DIDN'T NEED A WHOLE FUC- - so moon has to climb out and try and get rid of it cause river is driving. - unfortunately for her it's way to heavy and she almost ends up falling off several times, but fortunately ( finally something good for these poor characters ) toffee was making his getaway very near to them so he hopped down on the cars bonnet to help moon pull off the hook. - but because things can never be easy it doesn't work and Mina ends up lifting the car off the ground. ( also moon falls back onto toffee's chest, cue blushy blushy BS when they think back on this at a later date,a scenario which I have obviously not written ) - so they are currently panicking as moon and toffee precariously make their way back inside the van so when they inevitably fall they won’t be as injured. - so Mina drops them in to the seine to try and drown toffee, currently forgetting that her mud sister ( however traitorous she may be ) was in there. - luckily when they start sinking river's father had been planning a boating trip so he had oars in the back. - they paddle to the Eiffel tower before they drown and make it, only loosing River's dad's car along the way. which in the end maybe worse than drowning in the long run. ( for River at least )
- river mourns the car and they make their way up the tower unsure what to really do now other than try and get as far away from Mina as possible. - Mina shoots the airship and she lands on the Eiffel tower, the soldier only just making it out alive by jumping into the seine. - the trio reaches the top when toffee starts to feel weak and moon notices that a lot of his scales are falling off, and she gets worried but slings his arm over her shoulder and asks river to help her carry him to the top. - they are almost at the top when they are stopped when moon placed toffee down for a bit to rest her arms and she hears a gun click. - Mina demands they hand over the monster and toffee makes a run for it up a ladder to the very top of the tower, so Mina brushes harshly past moon to run after toffee. - unfortunately for moon she was standing too close to an edge and got pushed over but managed to grab the edge. - so river goes to try and help moon but somehow also falls over, hanging only onto a spare belt he tried to lower down. ( hey it’s always handy to have a spare belt y’know? ) - luckily they forgot Chauncey was there because he was trailing behind them the whole way up the tower, so he pulls them both up and moon rushes for the ladder after hugging River and Chauncey. - River goes up too but a bit slower and more careful, after almost falling to his death he didn’t really wanna take another chance after all. - Moon goes up there only to see toffee get shot by Mina and fall to a lower level. - before Mina can look over and make sure he's dead the police inspector comes over and arrests her after the ‘soldier’ who was peddling the airship called the other police officers to arrest Mina for leaving him for dead. - moon vaguely sees this but doesn't stick around long, she rushes back down past river (who had only just gotten up here) to find where toffee fell. - she only found his clothes and no body. - It doesn't really register that he could have escaped because of the shock so she just cries - river finds her and comforts her and she brings the clothes back to her dressing room as to not forget him.
- the next day she realizes she has to perform but she is still overcome by grief, so she picks up his scarf to at least wear if she has to perform when she feels wiggling. - she carefully unwinds the scarf and inside there is a lizard. a lizard missing its middle finger. - overwhelmed by joy she tells river and him and Chauncey go to get a potion that will turn him back to his bipedal form permanently. - so he turns back and after hugging him really hard and him apologizing ( what for though? upsetting her? IDK ask him ) she asks if he wants to go sing with her and he says yes. - they perform and at the almost end of the dance she kisses him, just a light peck but a kiss none the less. - river is semi-heart broken yet had kind of seen it coming for a while now. - and toffee goes beet red as the crowd whistles. - while her mum squeals that her baby had finally found a partner! - END
Notes + extras
- Moon cuts off toffees finger when she was cooking with him at one point but then constantly apologizes for it later, he of course forgives her but she does it anyway and he likes making little jokes and jabs at her about it. - Although when we first see River it looks like he's bad with the cold due to the amount of clothes he's wearing, he is actually really good with the cold and was constantly almost overheating but wanted to impress moon with clothing items that his friends told him were cool. of course they weren't very cool all in one outfit. - when toffee first transformed he got his hair, he doesn't know where from but he thinks there may have been some hair on the floor when he got hit by the potion. - Moon takes star's role as Mina's mud sister since star isn't here in this AU. - cause river was distracted when he was watching moon performance before he knew toffee he didn't see the way they ( moon + toffee ) looked at each other but looking back he can definitely see 'it'.  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) - due to the potion making toffee human it also increased his regenerative ability from being a lizard to new heights ( for example, if an ant were human sized it would have super strength ) (( no this doesn’t really come into play into the story )) - after the kiss on stage Toffee and moon share another kiss in her dressing room ( nothing like that get your mind out of the gutter! ) - Chauncey was staying with River before he got arrested because when he left the lab scared he brought him so he wouldn't get hurt but then was too shy to give him back to Moon. - Mina calls the police her ' troops ' in reference to the solarian warriors. possibly why no one wants her as mayor...
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worldofblade · 6 years
Head Assassin Ch 7
BTS Fanfic:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | (T-1) | (T-2) | 5 | 6 | (T-3) | 7 | (T-4) |
Warnings:  Violence/blood/gore, attempted rape, attempted kidnapping, elements of torture, death, dark!fic, dark!bts.
Rating:  R
Beta:  The ever wonderful @blerdygirlwrites
A/N:  Hope you enjoy this next chapter in the main plot.  Love to hear feedback.  :)
“Finally found it…” Ji-Soo sighed. She had spent almost an hour placing call after call to materials management trying to get the correct tubing sent to the floor that she was helping today.  Finally, after yet again getting regular tubing, instead of blood tubing she decided to go down to the damn warehouse herself.  The nurses had already run to other floors and borrowed from them, but Ji-Soo wanted to see that they got stocked properly.  
“She is a pretty little thing; too bad she is a hybrid whore!”
Startled by the comment, she came to a stop as she rounded the corner at the front entrance of the supply warehouse. She saw two unknown men who seemed to be talking to her bodyguard.  “Chen, who are-”
Ji-Soo stumbled backwards as one of the men began stalking towards her.  He was huge, wearing work boots and a black beanie; eyes full of malice.  Ji-Soo looked to Chen and was shocked to see a sadistic smile on his face.  She stared stupidly at the man who was supposed to keep her safe. Finding the warehouse void of workers hadn’t phased her when she initially came down, as she was only focused on finding at least one box of tubing to take back to the floor.  Now, the stark reality of it all came crashing down.  She was alone, and in danger.
Reacting purely on instinct, Ji-Soo turned and ran.  Only taking a few strides before the huge man shoved her to the floor.  Clawing at the concrete floor and gasping for breath, she tried to get back on her feet, but a heavy steel-toe work boot crashed down on her back grinding her further into the floor.  Laughter met her scream of pain.  Suddenly the foot was gone, and a pair of rough hands grabbed Ji-Soo by her hair and flipped her onto her back as she gulped air into her bruised lungs.
“Not so high and mighty are we now, Bitch?” Chen sneered, dragging Ji-Soo off the floor to her feet. He  back-handed her sending her tumbling to the floor again, smiling when he saw the blood pouring from her mouth.
“Grab the tramp and let’s go.” The second man said, as he pushed his glasses further up his nose and glanced worriedly at the door to the warehouse.  
“No!  I’m going to take what’s coming to me!” Chen snarled, before straddling Ji-Soo and pawing at her shirt.
JI-Soo’s will to fight had subsided for a moment as she battled against the dizziness and nausea threatening to overwhelm her, but feeling Chen’s hands and body pressed against hers brought back the need to fight.
“Bastard!” She screamed, before scratching and biting blindly, hoping to strike anything she could reach. Trying to kick her legs up to buck him off was useless, but still she tried.  Chen continued to rain blows down on her face to stop her from resisting, but at this point she was numb to the pain.  She knew that if she stopped fighting, she would be raped and killed.  She wasn’t going to stop fighting.
“I should have known, a hybrid slut liked it rough!” Chen wrapped his hands around Ji-Soo’s throat and squeezed.  He felt a thrill as she sputtered and clawed at his hands, trying to suck oxygen back in to her burning lungs.
Blackness was overtaking her.  Ji-Soo felt herself fading and wondered if this was the end.  Her last thought was that her mother would miss her terribly.
 Jungkook was done with his meeting at the hospital but couldn’t make himself leave.  After much debate, he just decided to give in and do what he really wanted to do; ask where Lee Ji-Soo was stationed.  Learning the floor where she was stationed made him feel giddy.  He knew it probably wasn’t right, but he was really looking forward to talking with her again.  Their encounter on the hospital steps earlier that day had been somewhat embarrassing, but if he was truthful with himself, it had also been extremely pleasant.  Not only was she funny and kind, but his body had felt scorched when she had flattened against him trying not to fall. Feeling his face heat up, Jungkook was very happy the elevator was empty.  He also knew that Namjoon would kill him if he became aware of what he was thinking.  The elevator doors opened, and for a split second Jungkook almost hit the down button that would take him away.  Away from the inappropriate thoughts and feelings, but then he couldn’t.  Stepping out, he made his way to the main desk.
“Ji-Soo went to materials.” A harried unit clerk answered Jungkook as she typed into a computer.
“Wasn’t that a while ago?” A passing nurse asked, after hearing their conversation.  “I would think she would have been back by now.”
Jungkook felt a knot form in his stomach when the clerk asked others if they had seen Ji-Soo return, and all shook their heads no.
“How do I get to materials?” Jungkook asked.
“It’s on lower level 1, but you can’t access it.  You need a badge.”
Ripping the badge off the clerk, Jungkook ignored her and her co-workers’ shouts and headed toward the stairs.  He didn’t completely understand why his gut was telling him to hurry, but he wasn’t going to ignore it.  Using his phone to send a message to Namjoon, Jungkook started running.
 Namjoon loosened his tie and sighed as he rubbed his eyes.  Meeting after damn meeting.  He never realized how much bullshit red-tape one had to cut through to run a military. Well, a government, really.  Hearing his phone beep for what had to be the thousandth time that day, Namjoon suppressed the urge to throw the thing at the wall.  Taking a steadying breath, he brought up his messages.  He felt his blood run cold, and his breath stop.   Jumping out of his chair, he ran out of his office and down to the garage of the building. Almost colliding with Yoongi and Jimin who were doing the same after also receiving the message from Jungkook.
“I’ll alert the hospital to go on lockdown.” Yoongi said, as they all three pounded down the stairs. Namjoon didn’t reply as he pushed through the basement door, tearing it off its hinges.  The three raced to a car.  Yoongi barely managed to open the car door for Namjoon before he tore it open, saving it from being demolished.  Piling in, Jimin threw the car into gear and sped out, narrowly avoiding smashing into the opening garage doors.
 Bursting through the stairwell door, Jungkook followed the signs that led him to materials.  Getting closer to the warehouse door, his years of training kicked in, and he silently made his way down the rest of the hallway. He didn’t know what was going on, but he was ready for anything.  At least he thought he was.  Hearing a muffled, but obviously female scream, Jungkook’s training for stealth flew out the window.  Not even remembering that he had a badge to unlock the door, Jungkook threw a powerful kick at the door, splintering it to pieces.
The three men surrounding Ji-Soo jumped when an inhuman roar echoed around the warehouse.  Chen had a moment of confusion when he suddenly saw his two friends on the floor staring at him with glassy eyes and broken necks.  Before his brain could fully process what was going on, he flew through the air, and felt his head crack against the wall.  He felt the thick gush of blood before slumping to the floor unconscious.
“Ji-Soo?” Jungkook forced himself back under control, as he knelt next to Ji-Soo and tried to feel for a pulse.  It sickened him to see the bloody mess that the three men had made of her.  Calm settled over Jungkook as he discovered she still had a heartbeat and that she was getting air through her battered throat. Jungkook gathered Ji-Soo up in his arms and began muttering what he hoped were soothing words.
Ji-Soo fought her way through the darkness.  She could feel strong arms still had her in their grasp and decided that she was still not going to give up.  Letting out a hoarse cry, she again began to weakly thrash around.
“Ji-Soo!  It’s ok.  It’s Jungkook.  I have you. You’re safe.” Jungkook soothed trying to keep Ji-Soo from hurting herself more.
“Jung…Jungkook?” Ji-Soo blinked a few times, finally bringing Jungkook’s face into focus.  Then she turned her head and saw two bodies lying at horrible, unnatural angles, obviously dead.  “I’m going to be sick…”
Jungkook helped Ji-Soo scramble to her knees and held her hair back as she retched and vomited.  He knew it was all too much for her.  Not only had she been attacked, but this was probably the fist time she had ever seen death.  After a while, Ji-Soo slumped back into Jungkook’s arms again.
“Chen was with them!” Ji-Soo rasped, as she burrowed further into Jungkook’s warmth.  “I thought I was going to die!”  With that she began to sob.  Clinging to Jungkook like he was her lifeline.
Jungkook let her cry. Let her clutch him in a death grip. He knew that he should be calling for an emergency team to get down here and start treating her, but instead he sat and held her.  He didn’t think he had ever been so scared, when he thought for a moment that she was dead. Glancing over at Chen to make sure he was still out, Jungkook had to force himself, yet again, to not kill him. Even in his rage, he had known that he needed to keep Chen alive.  The bodyguard needed to be questioned, but it had taken everything in him to not crush the man’s skull.  He could hear people running down the hall and started to turn towards the door.
Namjoon, followed closely by Jimin and Yoongi, ran into the room.  Namjoon quickly took in the scene before zeroing in on Ji-Soo. Kicking the dead bodies away so that Ji-Soo would not have to look at them, he crouched by Jungkook and began taking Ji-Soo into his own arms.
Not being able to keep completely up with what was happening so fast around her, Ji-Soo thought someone was attacking her again, and trying to take her away from Jungkook.
“NO!” Ji-Soo screamed, and clutched tighter to Jungkook as she became hysterical.  Jungkook immediately pulled her tighter against him, and away from Namjoon.  Namjoon felt like he had been slapped when his wife burrowed deeper into Jungkook to avoid his hands and continued to hyperventilate and cry.  Shock finally setting in, Ji-Soo slumped into oblivion.
Jungkook, feigning caution to hide his reluctance, gave Ji-Soo over to Namjoon who’s eyes were boring into his own.  The two hybrids gave each other dark looks, before Namjoon quickly took Ji-Soo to the elevator and the emergency room.  Looking down at his now empty arms, Jungkook fought the ridiculous need to go and demand Namjoon give Ji-Soo back.  Taking in the blood that stained his suit, Jungkook felt his heart speed up at what could have happened if he had not got here in time.
“Was Chen down when you came?” Yoongi asked.
“No.  I did that to Chen.” Jungkook shook himself from his thoughts and forced himself to think about the here and now.  Coming to his feet, he faced the other two hybrids. “Chen was part of it.  When I came in, he had Ji-Soo on the ground.  I killed the other two and incapacitated him.”
Just then, Chen moaned, and slowly his eyes opened.  When his eyes finally focused, he was met with the truly terrifying site of a grinning Yoongi.
“Hello, Chen.” Yoongi’s voice rang out almost scarily cheerful.  “We are going to get to know each other very well.”
Namjoon wanted to kill someone.  No, not someone.  Chen. He wanted to kill Chen.  Knowing that he was needed to be kept alive to find out what the hell was going on, did nothing to lessen this desire.  The only thing he had cared about, at first, was getting Ji-Soo to medical help.  He allowed the community hospital she volunteered at to stabilize her, and then transferred her to a secured location for the rest of the treatment.  It was a hybrid run hospital, and Namjoon felt slightly less anxious now that she was on one of his military bases.  Looking at her, he felt his stomach tighten.  She was covered in nasty bruises and suffered a concussion and several cracked ribs.  It had been 2 days since the attempted kidnapping, and Ji-Soo wanted to go home, but Namjoon wanted to keep her at the hospital, just to ensure she was healing properly.
“No….no don’t…. help…. Jungkook….”
Namjoon reached for Ji-Soo’s hand as she slipped into the throes of another nightmare.  She had them almost every time she was finally able to drift off to sleep.
“It’s ok.  You’re safe.  I’m here.” Namjoon said, waiting for her to either calm, or awake.  It killed him every time she had these dreams. It was something he could do nothing about.  He wanted to banish them for her, but he couldn’t.  It also killed him that she called out for Jungkook every time. Jungkook had saved her, and even now Namjoon knew that she only truly felt safe when Jungkook was in the room. She never told him that, or even asked to see Jungkook, but Namjoon knew.  It made his demon furious.  It made him jealous.  It made him ashamed.  He wasn’t the one who protected her, and he would never forgive himself.
Ji-Soo’s eyes popped open and frantically darted around the room.
“I’m here.” He answered, gently helping her sit up in bed.  He made sure the pillows were where she wanted them, and then poured her some water.
“It still makes me chuckle to think that the big bad General Kim is fluffing my pillows and pouring me water.” Ji-Soo smiled before accepting the water.
“I know, my rep is taking a serious blow.” Namjoon forced himself to tease back.  This was another thing she had started to do.  Always trying to say something funny or trying to always have a smile on her face.  She would never acknowledge the nightmares and had only talked about the attack once. The other attempts to bring it up, whether by Namjoon or the therapist, were met with clipped yes or no answers to questions.
A knock at the door, had Ji-Soo grabbing his hand.  Giving her a reassuring squeeze, Namjoon smiled.
“Jimin and Jungkook are going to stay with you while I attend an important meeting.” Namjoon said, before going to the door to let them in.
“General.” Both hybrids bowed.  Namjoon acknowledge them but couldn’t stop his jaw from clenching and giving Jungkook a hard stare.  He was afraid that he was fast coming to hate Jungkook.  It was harsh, and unfair as he owed Jungkook for saving Ji-Soo; but even that fact was not stopping the hate.  His demon wanted to beat the Golden-hybrid bloody and then laugh as he watched him die.  Those feelings always gave Namjoon pause, as he wondered if he was somehow more closely related to a Scorch than anyone knew. Turning back to Ji-Soo, Namjoon plastered a smile on his face while Jimin and Jungkook followed him into the room.
“I should be back by lunch.” Namjoon said, “You can contact me at any time.”
“I know, I know.” Ji-Soo smiled.  “If I get so much as a broken nail, these two will tell you.  Don’t worry.”
Namjoon stood looking at Ji-Soo for a bit, before finally forcing himself to walk out of her room.  The door shut, and Namjoon could make out Jungkook saying he brought one of those trashy entertainment magazines for her.  He could imagine the truly beautiful smile that she would grace Jungkook with.  A smile, that she had never given him.
“Want me to kill Golden Boy?” Yoongi asked, bringing Namjoon out of his thoughts.  His second in command was lounging on one of the hallway chairs.  Namjoon eyed him for a moment, trying to see if he was joking. Then scoffed at himself.  Of course, Yoongi wasn’t joking.  If Namjoon wanted Jungkook dead, Yoongi would gladly do it.
“Not at present, no.” Namjoon answered, walking past Yoongi towards the elevators.
“Liar, liar.”  Yoongi taunted, before following.
“What I do want.” Namjoon bit out, showing his frustration.  “Is for you to start doing your damn job and finding out why my wife was attacked!”
“I plan to pay Chen a visit tonight.” Yoongi said, not at all phased by Namjoon’s outburst.  “I usually wouldn’t let my prisoner see a single soul for at least a week, but I moved up my timetable for you.”
“I appreciate it.” Namjoon deadpanned, before punching the elevator button.
 A blast of freezing cold water hit Chen, bringing him out of his stupor.
“Wakey, wakey!”
Trying to figure out where the voice was coming from, Chen rubbed at his eyes.  The sound of a chair being dragged across the concrete, grated on his already shot nerves, and he moved to the corner to huddle.  Only daring to look up when it was quiet again.
“Hello Chen.  How are you tonight?” Yoongi asked. He smiled when Chen began to cry.
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shirtlesssammy · 6 years
6x18: Frontierland
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Cas is an amazing angel who can teleport and believes in humanity and always tries to do the right thing and can transport people back in time and is funny and cute and is doing everything for Dean Winchester and he is not making horrible life choices right now. Also, they’ve got to find a way to kill Eve, the big bad of season 6.
March 5, 1861
Sunrise, Wyoming:
Showdown at high noon...and Dean is there? Whaaaa?
48 hours earlier
(And 150 years later):
Sam, Dean, and Bobby find a hidden bunker of the Campbells.
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*insert book porn montage*
(This really makes me hurt that Bobby never saw the bunker. Thanks for nothing, Show.)
Bobby learns that “the ashes of the phoenix can ‘burn the mother’.” Dean has some private time with Samuel Colt’s diary before sharing that “Gun killed a phoenix today. Left a pile of smoldering ash.” Yep, The Colt.
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Dean suggests they “Star Trek Four this bitch.” Sam and Bobby are clueless (Dean Bby, I’m SO sorry no one understands your love of pop culture. I, too, suffer this fate and it sucks so much.) Sigh, they travel back in time, kill the phoenix and take the ashes back with them. Dean gets to praying to Cas ASAP.
It’s not Cas who arrives, it’s Rachel. Cas is busy. Just as she’s laying into the brothers that they only call Cas when they need him, he arrives and sends her away.
Back at Bobby’s, Cas informs them that they only have 24 hours in the past before he loses contact with them. And Dean went shopping. Oh, Dean Bean. Sam calls it like it is and declares, “You have a fetish!” Lol.
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Cas questions Dean’s need to wear a blanket. O.M.G. does this episode have everything good and awesome in it? Cas is clueless AF (or is he just a smartass who observed this time and knows blankets aren’t a customary form of clothing?), Dean can hardly contain his utter glee about the wild west, and there’s time travel! (And it’s a beautiful Back to the Future sequel to In the Beginning.)  
Cas sends the boys back in time and tells Bobby to pray for him in 24 hours, and flaps away.
Dean and Sam each respectively find authenticity and horseshit in the past.
They also find a town hanging.
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Elias Finch (ha,ha, get it? Another bird) stands convicted of killing his wife. His last words are “You’re going to burn for this. Everyone of you.” And the doors open.
They need to locate Samuel Colt, but not before a local makes fun of Dean’s cool outfit. Dean bby. His petulant removal of the blanket is cinematic gold.
The brothers head to the sheriff’s office. Dean gets to roleplay as Marshall Eastwood (Sam’s Walker, Texas Ranger. Lol.) No one is impressed. They also further make fun of Dean’s clothes. BBY! Sam stays on task and asks about Samuel Colt. They suggest asking Elkins at the saloon about Colt. (Elkins!)
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Bright and shiny eyed Dean is instantly rattled when they enter the saloon. Yep, it’s more Deadwood and less Gunsmoke. Dean and Sam saddle on up to the bar and Dean asks for a top shelf whisky. “I only have the one shelf.” Lolololol. Sam gets a sarsaparilla. They ask about Colt, and Elkins tells them that last he heard, Colt was about 20 miles out of town, building a railroad stop.
Dean gets a chance to fraternize with the local gals. Remember, Dean Winchester said on screen that he’s “no germ freak” so canon is canon.
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Darla’s best customer, the judge, arrives, and they head off upstairs. The look of relief on Dean’s face is perfection.
The judge and Darla get to their business, when Sam and Dean hear a scream. Finch, the hanged man, is there and burns the judge to ash. The boys arrive to find just the ashen corpse.
Later, as the sheriff is investigating the crime, Darla insists that it was a ghost. The sheriff insists that Finch didn’t die. Time to form a posse and kill him the right way --with a bullet in his head.
For cinematic science:
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The boys put together that the phoenix and Finch are one and the same. Dean makes Sam go out to find Colt and The Colt, and he’ll stay behind to meet up with the posse. DEAN LOVES POSSE. Ahem. (And he is such a fucking cutie about it all. STOP.)
Meanwhile, the Finch finds and cremates the sheriff.
In present time, Cas and Rachel meet.
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Rachel asks Cas about things she’s been hearing --things she doesn’t want to be true. (Brb, crying in retrospect.) They fight and Rachel injures Cas, and he kills her. Whelp.
Castiel flaps into Bobby's kitchen in a heap and grabs some of his own gut-blood to paint sigils on the wall. “We running or fighting?” Bobby asks him just before Cas collapses into Bobby's arms. Sleeping, it is.
Back in the way-back, Dean saunters into the bar in a new coat.
For science: 
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He's looking to meet up with the posse but hey, he must be early. Nobody else is there yet. Dean's fine though. He'll just meet up with the Sheriff and be on his way. Just then, someone shouts that the Sheriff's dead. Wherps. Dean wants to know who the Sheriff is now and the bartender picks up the badge from the burned out body of the old Sheriff and pins it onto Dean. There's a new Sheriff in town. It’s Dean Bean.
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Elsewhere, two rough-around-the-edges fellers burst in on Samuel Colt. They want him to open up the devil's gate for them niiiice and easy. Colt shoots them with the, uh, colt. The two demons spark out.
Meanwhile, the Deputy – the last member of the phoenix-killin' posse - packs frantically. There's a knock on the door. “Candygram for Mongo,” Dean says in a ridiculous, high voice and greets the Deputy with a gun in the face. Dean introduces himself as the new Sheriff and notes that the Deputy appears to be getting ready to flee.
No, no, it's a wild coincidence, the Deputy protests. He's off to visit his sister. Dean tells him that there's no outrunning the Finch. (“Outrunning the Finch” is my band name.) The deputy can survive if they manage to “gank” the Finch first. But Dean needs the deputy to be bait for it to work.
Across the frontier, Sam pushes his way into Samuel Colt's cabin looking fine.
So much science: 
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Sam introduces himself to Colt as a hunter from 2011. Colt asks him to prove it, so Sam pulls out his phone. “Alright,” Colt says, pouring himself a drink. He's a hunter so jaded that Sasquatch Spaceman Sam doesn't faze him at all. Sam pulls out Colt's diary and tells him that he's going to kill a phoenix with his gun soon. “I'm either too drunk or not drunk enough,” Colt mutters, peering at the diary. Sam tells him that they're due to ride out to Sunrise to kill the Finch.
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Sam: But you're a hunter.
Colt: Retired.
Sam: There's no such thing.
Colt: I'm out.
Sam: There is no getting out.
Aaawww Sammy.
Sam orders Colt to go with him, or give him The Gun. Colt tells him he lost it in a gambling game. Sam calls him on his bullshit and tells him he just killed a couple demons a few hours ago. Colt begrudgingly shows him the gun, secure on his hip, and tells Sam to come back when he's more experienced. “Trust me,” Sam Fucking Winchester says, “I've got plenty of miles.”
Back in the merry land of Bobby's house, Cas wakes up from his power nap and tells Bobby that Rachel betrayed him. She was corrupted by Raphael. (Me: weeps 8,000 tears at Castiel's lonely journey of power and betrayal.)
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Castiel reveals that he's hurt, but will heal. He took refuge in Bobby's house and the sigil he painted was meant to ward angels. Bobby tells him it's time to “pick up the kids at Frontierland” when Castiel tells him that's a no-go plan. He doesn't have the strength. There is one thing that might help him, though. Bobby's soul.
Bobby's startled at this. Does Cas want to use his soul to make a deal? (Ow, this hurts in light of what we know about Castiel's cooperation with Crowley. Nice friggin' parallel, writers.) It's not quite like that, though. If Cas can just...touch Bobby's soul it'll power him up and pull back Dean and Sam. If he screws it up, however, then Bobby explodes. Bobby agrees reluctantly, because he's a trooper, and preparations begin.
Dean guards the Deputy who's locked up in jail. He's still waiting for Sam to bring back Colt or Colt's gun when the Finch walks in. Dean informs him that he'll never get to the Deputy. The iron bars will keep him at bay. Dean identifies himself as a hunter-slash-sheriff. (Me: It's an old joke but I'm gonna snicker until the day I die at “Slash Sheriff”)
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The Finch tells the true story of his wife's death. He'd gone into town with his wife and walked into the bank for a few minutes. When he came out he found the Deputy had attacked her in the alley. When the Finch tried to stop him, the Deputy shot the phoenix and his wife. His wife died in his arms but the Finch survived. He got locked up for his wife's murder, instead of the Deputy, and it’s revenge-o’clock. Dean ascertains the truth from the deputy and decides that he's not worth saving. But he's still got to kill the Finch, on account of his monster nature (and the fact that he really, really needs those ashes).
The Finch reaches for a gun hanging by the jail cell and shoots the Deputy in the heart. Dean mutters that he should have seen that coming (Oh Dean <3) and then flees before Finch can shoot him as well. Dean races for cover and pulls his own gun, then he and the Finch stalk each other through the main street. Sam runs up just in time and hands Dean Colt's gun. It's time for a show-down.
Back at Bobby's, Castiel rolls up his sleeve to plunge his hand into Bobby's soul. Like ya do.
In Frontierland, the whistling soundtrack begins as Dean and the Phoenix face off.
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They reach for their guns and fire. In the future, Castiel's eyes glow with the power of Bobby's soul. Dean shoots the phoenix in the heart with the Colt and the man sparks out and collapses into ash in the street. Dean blows smoke from the Colt and starts to say, “Yippee kayay, motherfu--” when the clock begins to strike. Dean races to scoop up the ashes, dropping the Colt as he sprints towards the ashes.
Light shoots from Castiel's eyes as he sucks Sam and Dean back to the present just a minute too soon. Dean fails to get the ashes and begs Castiel to send them back. Castiel just gives Dean A Look.
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They're screwed.
Suddenly there' a knock on the door. It's a courier! There's an ancient box in his hands with a note on it that says they must deliver it on that date. It's from Samuel Colt. Sam grabs the box. “It's mine. Great. Thanks.” He slams the door in the eager courier's face (SAM!) and pulls out a wooden box from the package. When they open it, they find Sam's old phone and a note. Colt got Sam's name and address from his phone and forwarded them the phoenix's ashes. They pull out a bottle full of ashes. 
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Dean Winchester and the Order of the Quote-ix: 
We'll "Star Trek IV" this bitch.
I only watched Deep Space Nine.
And look like a spaceman?
Cas, "I Dream of Jeannie" your ass down here pronto.
The answer to your question can best be expressed as a series of partial differential equations.
It's dirtier than it looks.
So much more germier than I pictured.
The sarsaparilla ain’t half bad.
His name is Clyde.
You know me. I'm a posse magnet.
Ride 'em cowboy.
When you've done this job as long as I have a giant from the future with some magic brick doesn't exactly give you the vapors.
I need you to let me touch it.
I didn't get a soulonoscopy for nothing
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watarulesbian · 2 years
here at watarulesbian i think about wataru sometimes. but on my twitter its wataru time all the time... legit theres 20 wataru related posts a day over there. btw in several months im going to make a birthday chain countdown for wataru. i think his birthday is over 200 days away right now so i cant make it anytime soon (im going to make it in january)
you donr need ro click read more its just empty rambling
i wanna do a wataruy craft like that soon tho... i doodled some watarus today but they didnt turn out that good and ive exhausted my drawing energy... im only an artist in the sense that all humans are inherently meant to make art. ive doodled so many watarus in the past 8 months and for a while i slightly improved but im getting worse probably
i wish it was possible to like. make a keychain easily. at home. but its not... yknow i think badges would be easy enough for me to make but i dont have a badgepress or materials. hm. theyre probably expensive and not worth it if im just going to make a few enstars badges and put them on my backpack and then get embarrassed about it a couple months later and take them off and then maybe i could get a corkboard. or something. aand put them on there. i want keychains to put on this hypothetical corkboard though. and my god i want a wataru nui or omanju Soo Bad 😔 but i really doubt that its easy to order them. i dont want to come up to my mom and ask her to order enstars stuff even tho my cowardlyness about that fluctuates and i have got her to order me manga before... idk. unrelated but im just gonna try to find more pillows for my bed today because ive had only two for a while and its not comfortable enough... im tired though. diner is cooking and im not totally sure what it is but it smells SO good it smells like broccoli amd i love broccoli soooooo much mmmmm
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