#i want to be who i aim to be
faaun · 1 year
i just want to be good !!!
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gvalesdraws · 8 months
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theresamouseinmyhouse · 9 months
tbh i do get a little bothered by the notion that tim took the first shot he had to drop out of school because he hated school and didnt wanna do it and all of that bc i feel like it ignores the probably very important context that he dropped out after his dad (as well as steph-or at least, he was led to believe, in the same week) died, also he was in a school shooting. He did attempt to go to a school in bludhaven but the kids there were so wildly insensitive about the shooting that tim dropped out under the pretense of his "uncle" homeschooling him. In his oyl era, he /did/ go back to school, and it provided him some form of normalcy. Tim was a normal kid, he wasnt crazy about school but he still went to school and it helped him feel like a normal kid, something he desperately clung to. He only dropped out again to do his Brucequest, in an era where he was notably Not Doing Well (which. Yeah. he wasnt doing well bc he was like 17 and almost everyone in his support system was dead, he recently had hits put out on him, got blown up, and backstabbed by his not-dead-ex, he couldnt support his theory that bruce was alive and was extremely stressed about that, and he didnt know wtf he was doing. I love him btw.) Basically tim dropping out of school was a signifier that he wasnt doing well and he was giving up on the normality that he tried to cling to and im a bit of a nitpicky person who gets irked by minor things
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leia-leek · 1 month
EA is a triple A gaming company worth billions. But BioWare? It's a subsidiary that is smaller than you think. (EA has about 13k employees, but BW has about 500).
Not pre-ordering or buying on the day of release isn't going to send a message to EA to improve its practices. It's only going to hurt BioWare and their remaining employees. (This isn't aimed at people who can't afford it, or don't like the game(s), or don't like what they've seen so far, or are very skeptical and want to hold off. I'm talking to people who are excited about the game and have the $60 to spare.)
Yes, there are things to criticize about BioWare and EA, I get it, I really do. What happened to Mary Kirby and those like her is awful. Fuck them for that, truly. The merchandise packages that don't include the game, kinda scummy. But if you don't take that as a sign that EA is pushing down, hard, on BioWare, then I don't know what to tell you. Do you think BioWare is somehow immune from EA's scrutiny? BioWare has two big misses in their recent history, after MEA and Anthem, they are on thin ice.
Will the game be buggy on release? Maybe. They do have a history of it. Hell, DAO is still buggy af, but we love it anyway. Will the game be bad? Possibly. There are story elements in each game that still piss me off to this day. It is a gamble, but if you like what you see and are excited, there is no reason not to support the franchise you love. Do you want more Dragon Age games? Do you want more Mass Effect games? If yes, then the best way to get more games is to buy this game.
The only thing that will happen if DATV sales suck, will be for EA to believe that Dragon Age games no longer sell and to nix or hold off on all future projects for it. By waiting for it to be on sale or pirating it, you could very well damn the future of BioWare and the DA franchise. You're not fucking up EA when you choose not to buy DATV, you are screwing BioWare, which is not the same as EA. BioWare can be dissolved, but EA won't. They won't care, EA will happily get rid of something that isn't making them money. EA is not gonna be hurt by DATV doing poorly in sales, they have their sports franchises that will always make them money. It will only hurt BioWare and the remaining developers. Do you like Weekes? Epler? Busche? Support them!
So if you are excited about Dragon Age: The Veilguard and want to see more Dragon Age games, don't let anyone convince you not to buy it, or pre-order it. Don't let anyone make you feel bad for doing so. If you have the money and like what you see, I encourage you to buy it and show support for your favorite franchise.
(Those worried about the SAG-AFTRA strike, don't be, DATV isn't included in the strike. More here.)
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zu-is-here · 1 year
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<– • –>
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one thing i can't take seriously like actually is when someone tells me that bkdk have a 'brotherly' bond. like idc if u see them platonically like that's fine too, but BROTHERLY? 😭
"Their feelings become one" bro if my feelings became one w my sibling as we both gaze lovingly into each others eyes i'd be freaked tf out cuz wtf...?? 🙁
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anyway have some silly pics of them
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mistfallengw2 · 2 months
Thought I'd do a friendly reminder to, well, remind people to stock up on basic mats for the Homestead crafting feature.
Most importantly, do NOT refine them into planks, ingots and so on unless you need them for something, because as far as we've seen in the stream, the crafting Refined Homestead Wood requires logs!
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Even with the weekly limits, the first few weeks will probably see TP prices skewed upwards for all those mats, and they're already higher than before the JW announcement. If you can, make sure you have enough to comfortably craft for a few weeks, because we don't know the upper limit yet nor how long it'd take to reach, so even such a stockpile might go fast anyway.
This is also valid for people who are not interested but will want to craft something else that requires large quantities of basic mats.
And if your stacks are full, stash 'em in your bank or in an alt's inventory!
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mainalias · 2 months
thinking about compiling screenshots of golden/silver age batman exclusively calling dick his ward to combat the allegations that it was “initially a father-child relationship”
#dc#batman#brudick#i don’t even ship it#i think i'm still mad at the poll when people were trying to refute the brudick points#by saying shippers are also biased and ignoring the history and that it really was a familial relationship early on#me the only asshole on this website enough of dumbass to try to read early batman “no it fucking wasn't”#if you hate the ship fine but don't back up your argument with complete lies#the pro-brudick camp has receipts which gives them way more validity than the haters#i'm sure somewhere out there there's dick grayson pre-crisis saying bruce is like a father to him#there's so many comics and i've barely scratched the surface#but i did read both the first golden age compilation book of batman and silver age world's finest compilation#and neither of them say anything like that#and no “his ward dick grayson” is how he's called constantly it's one of the stock phrases in the ever present narration#early comics fundamentally didn't understand they were a visual medium and are full of very tedious and unnecessary text panels#and to be fair each issue needed to function as an intro to someone who had never heard of batman and robin before so#“and his ward dick grayson”#every damn time#their relationship was adult man and his plucky kid sidekick he inexplicably hangs out with#which doesn't make sense and doesn't parallel to real life real social interaction#but neither does a man going in a batsuit to fight crime#and the out-of-universe explanation is because this comic was aimed at kids who were supposed to project onto dick grayson#and the kids want to be batman's kid-partner not his kid-son#it's not that complicated this trope still exists today#kid who should not be here but is because it's a kids' show/book/movie/etc#i stg i'm gonna become a brudick shipper out of spite at this point#and WHILE I'M COMPLAINING i am also going to be mad at the people who get all up-in-arms#about all the evil heroes doing child endangerment on their poor abused sidekicks#should there be kid heroes? no but cape comics would suck without them so stop complaining and enjoy yourselves#RL vigilantism is also always bad stop bringing real world standards into this they don't apply
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ancha-aus · 3 months
RealAgeAu - A Step Forwards
I am back! And After some thinking I have decided how I wanted this drabble to go :3
We are back with a Dream centered one <3 Boy is going through a lot.
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No beta or edits <3
@spotaus welcome back :3
Dream wants to cry again as he looks around the very empty and abandoned living room.
So many things just.. left behind.
Cabinets full of movies and games and all kinds of different game consoles, some very exclusive versions from other universes.
Dream rubs another tear away as he looks around. The pictures on the walls also hurt. They are all of the gang and a few of them has Nightmare in the background. Looking confused with his skull slightly tilted. Killer is often the one who clearly took the picture selfie style.
Dream pauses at another picture. It is Nightmare but he is reading. Clearly distracted. He is sitting on a large chair, tentacles just laying all over the surface of the chair. Nightmare fully distracted as he reads a book while sitting cross legged on it.
Dream remembers that Ngihtmare would always sit cross legged. Spine in a curve as the read.
He had once asked how that could be comfortable. Nightmare had just said it felt nice...
One day he stopped sitting with his spine curved and instead would lean heavily against their mother.
Dream slowly removes the picture from the wall and hugs it close. How could he not have seen that his brother was still there? Just within reach? But Dream had once again not seen it...
A hand on his shoulder shakes him out of it and Blue looks worried at him "Dream?"
Dream leans against Blue "How can I just... not notice? Be so blind and stupid and..."
Blue frowns at him "Dream..."
Dream stares at him "Why didn't I just listen?" No wonder Nightmare left as soon as he could... With them no longer being gods of balance... Nightmare is actually free to do whatever he wants... Why did Dream think Nightmare would still want to be near him after everything?
Blue frowns at him "Becuase you believed it was the right thing to do."
Dream glares down "That is the problem isn't it? That is always what happens. I thought heloing the villagers was the right thing to do but ti wasn't. I thought spreading positivity was the right thing to do but it wasn't. I thought that Nightmare needed help and changing him was the right thing to do. And guess what?! IT wasn't!"
Blue just keeps looking at him "You were a child."
Drema shoots him a glare but Blue continues "You were a child. A child who had a mother who was, I am gonna be honest here, not a good person."
Drema feels bad as he shakes his skull but Blue holds up a hand "Dream. I read that book. I can see the clear favouritism a mile away. But that? That isn't your fault. The way the villagers acted? Wasn't your fault. You were a child. A child who trusted his mother. Who trusted those who were nice to him because why wouldn't you? Why would you think someone would hurt your brother? That idea probably hadn't even come to mind as even a possibility."
Dream glares at the ground and hugs the picture closer "And what about me making the disbalance worse? Me acting as if i knew better when i didn't know anything? When i didn't even realise what my actual title was?"
Blue tilts his skull "Well... who taught you those things?"
Dream opens his mouth "That woman who broke me out of stone and lied- ... oh..."
Blue just smiles sadly "You were surrounded by people who used you for their own needs and wishes Dream... People who hated your brother for no real reason... I am not surprised those some people would tell you lies and poison your ideas on how stuff works."
Dream shakes as he leans against his friend, his best friend. Maybe his one true friend in the multiverse. Mostly as he doubts Nightmare ever wants to be friends again.
Blue rubs his shoulder "She raised you right?"
Dream gives a slow nod "broke out of stone the same way i was when i went in... She got me out and... well... raised me... made sure i trained and would keep repeating how nightmare had caused all the pain adn that they had always known it would happen..." That Dream shoudl ahve stopped Nightmare sooner. that Dream's lack of worry and saying that Nightmare wasn't that bad caused the pain. That it made Nightmare able to destroy their home.
... okay Dream is starting to think Blue may have a point on this.
Blue looks at him "What now?"
Dream stares at him "What?"
Blue gives him a look "You need to make a choice Dream. Because from the looks of this?" he waves around "The gang has moved ages ago. THe fact we haven't heard about any raids or any sus things? They are probably doing something else. Nightmare must have figured out he was successfull in rebalancing the balance and decided to leave it behind."
It only stings a little to hear that. But Blue is right. It had been Nightmare who rebalanced everything. They had seen his office. Files upon files and reports upon reports and so many schedules... all to keep track of the tiny shifts in balance.
Drema had just been running around the Omega universe and doing chores to help people...
Blue continues looking at him "What do you want to do now? Do you want to continue looking for Nightmare?"
Dream does want to continue looking for Nightmare but... He looks around again. Sees the home that had been made... A home for his brother... a home he hadn't been welcome in.
Dream looks at Blue and thinks "I want... I want to see him again... But I don't think he wants to see me..." he looks at the many pictures. and then to the crown they had found tugged away in a drawer "I don't... I don't think he even knows I love him... And that is on me... Even if other stuff isn't completely my fault that is my fault." his failing as a brother. As older twin.
Blue puts an arm tighter around him.
Dream looks at the picture in his hands. the one he is already planning on stealing and keeping for himself "I made a mess of so many things... And when he tried to explain I let lies others told me get to me instead of being brave and trying to understand... I made everything so much harder." he looks at Blue "I want to fix that first..."
Blue frowns "You mean...."
Dream nods "I am going to tell the council. Explain that I had been wrong."
Blue stares at him before smiling brightly "I will be there with you! I am so proud of you Dream!"
Dream smiles as he looks around the cold room. They will do one more search around this place. Look for anythings that Dream can keep save in case Nightmare wants them back... and maybe, like this picture and the crown, a few things that Dream wants to keep.
Dream set up the council to enable more universes to talk and interact. To help each other and to spread messages in case of emergancies.
Turns out that hadn't been the best idea.
At elast this way this should spread quickly!
Dream waits nervously before shooting Blue a look. Blue sees him look and smiles as he gives him the thumbs up.
Dream takes one more look around the table and is happy to note that Error and Ink are both here as well. This is good! Their truce will help set everything to be calm!
Dream rises to his feet and the group quiets. It is okay. He practised this. He smiles brightly "Hello everyone. Thank you for coming this quickly. I know it was shot notice."
Some mutters and someone asked if Nightmare did something again. Error huffs but remains quiet. Ink shoots him a curious look but Error jsut flips him off. Clearly a familiar interaction between them.
Dream takes a deap breath before speaking up "It is connected to my brother yes. Mostly. The balance has been restored."
Silence and Error actually sits upright.
Some mutters and someone congradulates him for his hard work.
Dream shakes his skull "You misunderstand. There is a balance between everything. including emotions. I may hav ebeen spreading positive emotions but All I was doing was unbalancing things. I was making the problem worse. For this I am sorry and we are very lucky my brother did know what he was doing and fixed my mess."
Silence before someone asks how him bringing happiness could be a bad thing.
Dream shoots them an annoyed look "Go you want to laugh and cheer the next time your human kills your brother?"
A long silence.
Dream huffs "That is the start what a multiverse without negativity would cause. I did not realise before I was making it worse and I apologise."
Some uneasiness around them as someone asks the question that most are not asking. If that means that what the gang had been doing had actually been helping the multiverse at large.
Dream nods "It was. And now we are talking about it. I was never a god of positivity. I was a god of balance who very much misunderstood his job." then lastly "Not that it matters anymore. With the balance restored I am no longer a god of balance. I will eventually get, pick or find a new calling but it won't be emotions again." fuck he hopes it isn't emotions again.
Some people keep trying to ask if they really need negativity and can't just get like a negative corner or the bare minimum.
Error grows annoyed and speaks up "This si why this shit is useless. It is like destruction and creation. Like life and death. YOu want your world to get overpopulated until you can't make enough food and everyone will starve? That is a world wihtout natural death. You want the multiverse to get so full with half finished and glitching universes? That is what happens when ou want destroy stuff and do clean up. You want to laugh manically when someone you love dies? That is what happens when you don't have negativity. It isn't that hard to understand." Error sees that everyone heard and lays back down.
Dream shoots him a smile but Error jsut continues to glare at him. Right. Error nad Nightmare had been friends. Dream turns back to the group "Error is right. THis is bigger than one of two universes. This is bigger than all of our worlds combined. But foremost it is important that everyone knows that my brother was never the villain."
Some people try to go against it but Dream just keeps repeating the same message. His brother is the reason things are stable and everyone can still feel normally. He is the reason the balance is fixed. He wasn't the villain.
And he will repeat it as many times as needed until the message sticks.
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jawz · 9 days
i saw the tv glow is legitimately one of the stupidest, most tryhard movies i've ever seen in my entire life. absolute dogshit. and everyone is pretending it's the most lifechanging thing they've ever seen LOL give me a break! the gall to claim this is inspired by fucking DAVID LYNCH??? i can't
#fake 'deep' shit for ppl who watch steven universe every day#i truly didnt relate to anything onscreen despite it being sooo aimed at me in so many ways.#i'm also convinced the director is racist and ofc after reading hundreds of reviews. Not One mentions#the main character's race or the alienation of being mixed......... um.#i think people are getting Very Very Dumb overall.#and it;s no coincidence that prior to being embraced by actual trans ppl all i saw was a million NON TRANS ppl falling all over themselves#to be like OOOOOMGGGGG THIS IS THEEEEEEEE TRANS EXPERIENCE COMMITTED TO FILM!!!!1!!!#like god thank you so much for speaking on something you know nothing about !!!! <3#anyway the movie glorifies suicide more than pretty much anything ive ever heard of (including 13 reasons why)#and paints transness as Killing the Old Self. what a bleak and brutal thing to put onscreen and then CLAIM IS POSITIVE????#if this is aimed at kids (not sure if it rly is but it certainly would appeal to them and has the emotional maturity of a 14 yr old) then#its 100% going to inspire suicidal or self-injurious behavior. and it's insane and reckless as a filmmaker to craft this supposedly hauntin#and supposedly beautiful narrative where THE most important step is FUCKING KILLING YOURSELF. it's self hatred at the deepest level.#if anyone wants to shit talk this director with me lmk because that Worlds Fair movie is also some of the worst TRASH ive ever watched!!!#Amy Nicholson was spot-on abt it as always tho so i was vindicated by that
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oozeandgoo-art · 1 month
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i'll be selling this on my SubscribeStar this month! along with a lot of other stuff!
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izhunny · 1 year
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So after seeing this tweet from 4-ish hours ago I had a think. If I understand this correctly...
If this indicates they are indeed going on strike, word-of-mouth will become the only means of promotion for already completed works being released or awaiting a scheduled release caught in this struggle. No actors on red carpet at premieres, no promo junkets with fan service, or interviews about projects so many have worked so hard to create. Actors will be committed to no work of any kind(including promos) moving forward from the stoppage of a strike.
Word-of-mouth by the public will become make or break for the duration for these unlucky works in the interim.
Please, let us all pay attention and support these unions in seeking better working conditions and commensurate pay by following their lead. Whatever that lead is, including supporting works already produced.
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voidedjuice · 8 months
A fun thing about Warfarin x Poncirus is that their relationship is long-distance most of the time:
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I like to think, that when she's visiting Rhodes for a checkup, she'll let Warfy do whatever experiments on her, feed any mysterious new pillls & cemicals she's come up with, take sips out of her etc, but when her leave ends it Ends, and she simply walks out the door & goes back to her regular dayjob at construction & demolition in Siesta
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aithusarosekiller · 7 months
Idk if I'm just on the worst side of tiktok right now but am I the only person who thought it was pretty damn obvious that the news clippings about voldy on reg's wall were a hint towards him researching/piecing together the secret?
Like is that not what everyone else saw? Bc I'm seeing people use that to argue that he didn't change his mind at all
I think some people are just too set on him being completely evil
He's an inherently grey character yk?
He was a stupid teenage boy who had just started to grow and see the truth
and then promptly died before he managed to finish that journey (while doing something really fucking brave and risky). I thought that was the ENTIRE POINT
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ndoandou · 1 month
gentle reminder for everyone to stop invading harmless spaces because you don't like their stuff, the block button is always available for you 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
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coolgoodandfine · 6 months
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"To sleep, perchance to dream—ay, there's the rub: For in that sleep of death what dreams may come, When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause—there's the respect That makes calamity of so long life."
I have so many thoughts on the Rolling With Difficulty campaign finale.
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