#i want to draw him again on model but this is a good first attempt
petricorah · 1 year
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i haven't played the game [id in alt text]
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ew-selfish-art · 1 year
Dpxdc (sounds like a bad joke) AU: A Cat, an Amazon and an underage Dead kid walk into a bar...
Selina Kyle was on official Catwoman business on the Coast of Greece, though of course she told her currently on (off again on again) boyfriend Bruce that it was just a girls weekend away. A particular jewel came to mind and it needed to be hers, ancient Obsidian carved with symbols of power (and yes, one of the symbols happened to be a cat.)
Selina knew she was getting close to the artifact when Diana Prince showed up. The no-good goody-two-shoes museum curator seemed to have a will of iron, and each time they crossed paths, the tall beauty had some passing remark about Bruce (which was really starting to get under Selina's skin) and the fact that they were just friends. Who does this chick even think she is? Just because she can speak fluent Greek, knows Selina's boyfriend's favorite bedtime story to read his kids, and has an ass that just won't quit doesn't mean she's better than her!
Selina is going to (remind herself frequently that women in competition is just a factor of the misogynistic capitalistic society they live in) do her best to keep under the radar, steal the artifact fast, and then make Bruce propose to her.
But then this weird scrawny kid shows up and asks if she's seen something of his. Selina is on the street, sitting at a table outside the local cafe conveniently located across the street from the auction house holding the artifact, when he approaches. He looks like he could be one of Bruce's kids, made distinct by his very nervous demeanor and shrunken shoulder's attempting to make him look smaller. Briefly, he tells her about a piece of black glass that has a few drawings of his on it, about the size of his palm, and may or may not have some lingering ability to... he doesn't finish his sentence.
Diana was walking across the street to go into the auction house... but to Selina's chagrin, the tall could-be-a-model crosses and approaches them instead. Her eyes are settled on the young man, and he's nervously asking her something in Greek. (How did a kid with a midwestern accent speak fluent greek?) Diana explains that he must have gotten a replica of the item showing in the Auction house somehow, and the kid looks like he's eaten a sour lemon all of a sudden.
A projectile comes hurdling at them a mere moment after the kid's cold breath becomes visible in the hot greek sun- Diana braces the impact for them both, her golden bracers revealed from under her sensible work blouse sleeves.
"Oh! You're Wonder Woman!" The kid gleefully exclaims, which makes Diana and Selina both die a little inside, before adding: "Hey, no worries about this guy, I got 'em. But could you grab that chunk of obsidian for me? It's mine and I'm seriously in hot water for having broken my cro- er- for losing it in the first place. Thanks!"
He suddenly bloomed into white hair and green eyes, a dark suit appearing from nowhere, and flew towards the threat. Wonder Woman didn't spare a single word on Selina and chased after him into combat.
Selina sipped on her coffee and, upon finishing it- casually got up, went to the auction house, and stole the Obsidian. Finders Keepers.
It was the late afternoon when Diana walked into the Bar right behind Selina with the teen at her side. He looked nervous but was eye-ing the bottles on the wall as much as he was trying to look intimidating to her. Diana looked annoyed at best, and not just with Selina.
"I think we should have a little chat, sound good to you Kitten? Princess, did you want to stay to talk too?" Selina's famous cat like grin on full display.
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beatcroc · 7 months
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a year!!! as of today i have now been drawing these funny little pizza freaks, to the exclusion of almost everything else, for!!! an entire year!!! i wanted to do a nice group shot/lineup of everybody to compare to when i first started trying to draw them because oh boy were they bad. i never even posted most of them anywhere because they were so bad. but im posting them here, now, to see how everything's changed/evolved.
this is probably the hardest time i've ever had trying to figure out how to work with a style, but we got there eventually; i'm pretty happy with the handle i've got on everybody now...dont let ur memes be dreams. lots of unimportant journaling and idle thoughts abt it below.
older pics
the first one is the VERY first time i drew them, before i thought i was going to actually have any interest in drawing them [lmao]; it was just the one isolated image, for my friendserver, to illustrate the funney message, so there was no attempt to make it Good or actually understand anything going on w/ the designs or style.
second is the original run of practices sketches to start trying to figure them out for real; done after i started having ideas for the comics and such and realized oh god maybe i am actually gonna draw fanart for this. [again, lol, and lmao.]
third one is the first pt art thing i posted on here. there were a couple weeks of sprite studies between this one and the previous image. the one on the top right wasn't part of that post i just threw it on as space filler; i'd intended to shift to doing Sprite Redraws But Stylized to explore tings more, but that was the only one i did. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
individual characters
peppino: by far the hardest dear god. bro what ARE your shapes how DOES your face work. jesus christ. everything i have trouble with this style for, peppino has it in excess. i draw in polygons! i need consistency! and that is the last thing this kind of style is concerned with. they are made of squarshy clay and i do not understand how to mold them. i was really hoping trying to learn this game's style would GIVE me that kind of flexibility for fun exaggerated facial expression but i don't think much came of it in the end 😔. anyway on the bright side all this means once i got peppino figured out a little bit everybody else clicked way easier.
fake peppino: honestly i never did anything with him on purpose except for how his eyes work + the perma-smile thing. i figured ok hes supposed to look weird and off model so whatever happens with him happens. and it did. and it kept happening. it is still, in fact, happening.
noise/ette: somehow, for every bit that peppino was the least natural thing i've ever tried, these two worked pretty much right off the bat. i still don't understand it, seeing as pretty much all the things at play for peppino are also at work for them. i think the new sketches are actually a little worse than older ones but not enough that i care.
gustavo: really funny bc i drew him on model twice and just went 'okay, cool nice, easy, um. he doesn't have any fucking legs?' fortunately he was the only one i had a strong idea for how to stylize him [square] and it worked exactly as i was hoping so wahoo.
brick: is an animal and therefore 5000x easier and more natural for me to draw/stylize than anything else in the cast. that is Just a rat bro. i can draw a rat.
gerome: i think the funniest one here. the most drastic and least necessary change imo. i was gonna have him be really small at first, like smaller than the noises, but then i just... didn't. he's just peppino-sized now. also i gave him like. actual human facial structure, which is funny bc in most cases i'd do anything to avoid, but it works well for his being A Rock to give him some angles and definition like that+ to differentiate his vibe from the rest of the cast who are all very squishy. also since he is essentially Just A Head it's good to emphasize that too ig.
john: i only drew john a couple times but he gets to be here because i like him. and because most of the stuff i applied to gerome was readily applicable to john, though i did try to keep him a little more uncanny because he is a Huge And Lanky Freak. i hate that he is barefoot btw but idk how to make his color balance look right with shoes.
pizzahead: i did not want to put him on here honestly but i Have drawn him a handful of times and more importantly i didn't know what i was gonna do with john's pose if i didn't have him there to be glared at. the only thing that's different with him is giving him wider-bottomed pants, which i got from when i tried to draw these guys in clone high style [i never posted that one either][i will eventually]
snick: he gets to be here because 1. he's like 6 lines 2. i like him and 3. ive scribbled him a few times offhand and it went pretty well
there are some guys missing because those are guys i didn't draw enough [or at all] to have gotten comfortable with them. sorry
i would have Liked to shade these but for the time being i have accepted that my grasp of light/shadow has decayed to the point im not going to be happy with anything i try there, so For Now i am working on my presentation with flats i guess. gerome has a shadow only because he's shaded like that ingame and looks naked without it
anyway if you are still reading [hi?] i get to shamelessly plug now. i'm over the hill of my pizza run now, and while i still have plenty of things i want to make here, most of the bigger more in-depth ones have passed. pizza tower was the first thing in THREE YEARS to get me out of my oc groove to doing fanart, and once i am done with my ideas here i will be going right back to it. if you like my art or how i write characters/interactions you should check out my oc/webcomic blog @jamverse . i can't promise people who like pizza stuff will be terribly into my designs, but i can guarantee i treat my guys with the exact same sort of tone i handle the pt guys with. and hell, i've mentioned it a few times before, but like 70% of my characterization for fake pep is just copied off one of my characters, so if u are going to miss him... he will still be there in spirit >;p
and if you dont care about any of that and are still reading thank you anyway. actually making these comics + seeing how shockingly well-received they've been has done a lot for my confidence, and for seeing that my kind of stuff IS something people enjoy :')
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artsyspinch · 1 year
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Four years ago, I drew my first ever finished digital art piece, using a Huion 420 tablet off of Amazon, and Krita. I was so proud of it, I showed it off to my friends and family on instagram, and I didn’t think I could get any better than this. Fast forward to the next year, and I drew it again, just to see how much better I could make it.
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This time I used a Wacom tablet with Krita. It was one of the cheaper ones, but still an upgrade. I was even more proud of this one, but I wasn’t really that happy with it. I didn’t like how Papyrus turned out, and it seemed so awkwardly spaced and posed. I knew I still had more to learn, and I rushed it, since I didn’t think I could do any better. I then decided to redraw it again the next year.
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This time I used Ibis Paint X and a small stylus on my phone. I was ecstatic with how this came out. I thought this was the absolute best I could ever do, but I still had little nitpicks about it. Again, I struggled a lot with drawing Papyrus, but this time I was also unhappy with the colors and shading, and how Sans was drawn (I have no idea why I made him thicc). But again, I redrew it the next year.
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This one was a huge confidence booster for me. I had just gotten a brand new laptop from my parents: A Lenovo Yoga, with a Wacom bamboo ink stylus. It was the best gift I ever received, but on top of that, they got me Clip Studio Paint PRO. So I was ready to make some good ass art. This time I sketched everything out on paper, then finished it in CSP. I even attempted a background, which didn’t come out too bad. Papyrus doesn’t look horribly off model, and the poses and composition overall was just better. I used a clean sketch for the lineart, since that was a big struggle with my previous versions, and I used colors other than black and white for shading. After I made this, I felt like I didn’t need to continue redrawing it, because I thought I was at my peak.
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I redrew it this year.
I used my Lenovo Yoga, but this time I had a Wacom bamboo plus, and Clip Studio Paint EX. I added more characters, and took a little bit more inspiration from the original, but I mostly wanted it to feel more alive. I finally perfected how I draw Papyrus, and Toriel, Asgore, and Frisk aren’t statues anymore. I showed off what I’ve learned about lighting and shading, did actually clean lineart, and I even did a full background! I’m so proud of this, and so happy with how far I’ve come as an artist, and I can’t wait to see what my future self draws next year.
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robobrainrot · 1 year
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The Knack
Chapter 2: It’s Not Stalking
Notes: its a Knockout-Centric Fic with a human OC. Breakdown is alive and well. Optimus is alive and well. Set in the Prime Universe: Post Predacons Rising, Pre-RID15
[Chapter 1 Here] [Chapter 3 here]
enjoy my scribbles ✌️
Two weeks later...
Though he’d loathe to admit it, Knockout had returned to that parking spot three times in the last two weeks. Not that he was counting. His excuse to himself was that it was a pleasant covert spot in the shade. The weather was pleasant in this area at this time of year and he deserved a break.
It was merely a coincidence that it was also the way the human artist walked.
He had only seen them once in his last three attempts. They had been walking with a femmine human and didn’t notice him. Not that it bothered him.
Today, it was exactly two weeks after their first meeting. Same time. Same place. Sure enough, they came walking down the hill. When they were about 20 meters away, they finally noticed him.
In Knockout’s rear view mirror, he saw them smile brightly. They didn’t run over exactly, but their posture straightened instantly. The human paused in their stride for a moment. “Hello again, pretty boy.” With nothing more than a flirty finger wave at the car, they continued down the street.
That was it? What a tease.
Against his better judgment, Knockout looked up the username the human had given him. He was very familiar with social media. He used it occasionally to find races and fellow car enthusiasts.
Their account was mostly art stuff. Some occasional rambling posts. Scattered memes.
He learned their name was Kylan and they were an art student at the local university. They liked drawing various cool things they found around town. There was a text post referencing a gorgeous red sports car that they forgot to take a photo of.
Attached to that post was a rough approximation of what he looked like. It wasn’t as good as the one they did live, but considering it was from memory- it wasn’t bad. The detailing on his doors was completely wrong.
He scoffed. The purple scribbles they had added made him look like an illegible death metal band logo. Much less elegant than his custom pattern.
“My decals do not look like that.” He commented indignantly.
“Knockout. Darling,” Breakdown’s voice came behind him followed by two large servos on his hips. “What’s got you so revved up? I could hear you from across the bay.”
He minimized the tab quickly. “Nothing!” He looked up at his Conjux. Even leaning down to accommodate his ample chest, Breakdown was still taller. “Just a personal project.”
“You know I support your car junkie addiction… you don’t have to hide it from me.”
“It’s not an addiction. I can stop whenever I choose to.” He huffed. Knockout placed a kiss on his chin. He traced his servos down to intertwine with his partner’s. “If you want to talk about addiction…” he moved both their hands up his torso. “I could go for another polishing soon.”
The larger mech moved closer to press against him. “Hm… That could be arranged. I just got-”
Knockout’s computer pinged. His screens popped back up with the social media interface to let him know he had a notification.
It was a direct message.
“ OMG! It’s you! I thought maybe the drawing got blown away with all the wind. I hope it made you smile! “
“‘Drawing?’” Breakdown read aloud.
Knockout sighed dramatically. “Can we go back to my seamless distraction?”
The Stunticon looked between the screen and his Conjux several times. “After you show it to me. Have you been sneaking off to be a secret art model?”
“Not yet. I am playing the long game.” He wriggled out of his partner's embrace to walk over to his storage crate. It was mostly full of polishes, buffers and other beauty supplies. He picked up a small glass case. Knockout revealed it to Breakdown with a flourish. “A human left that on my window. Evidently, they were so taken by my lustrous finish that they couldn’t help themself from stopping to admire me.”
Breakdown leaned down to look at the tiny image. He squinted.
“And, they know I’m… not a car.”
He raised a brow. “You showed them your root mode?”
“Of course not. They just… know? They thanked me for letting them draw me– not that I had much choice in the matter. They didn’t ask permission.” He huffed through his vents. “They just knew.”
“And… your solution… is to stalk them?”
“It’s not stalking!” Knockout huffed. “They gave me their username with the drawing. Clearly, they wanted this.”
Breakdown took a deep vent in and out.
“I can handle it.” He placed the image back in his crate. Spinning on his wheels, he turned back to him. He reached up to pull him down to eye level.
“Be careful. For their sake, and yours.” Breakdown brought Knockout’s hand up to his eye patch. The hard gray metal contrasted his orange protoflesh. It was a stark reminder for both of them of past mistakes.
“I will, BD.” He smiled at his partner. “Trust me. This isn’t some Hollywood blockbuster. Nothing drastic is going to happen.”
After they started messaging online, Knockout was easily able to trace their IP address to know where they lived but he had never actually driven by their house.
Today was the day he finally got curious enough to look. Kylan lived in an old town house. It was white with brown shutters and looked like a scrap heap.He wasn’t exactly sure what he expected to find but there was no obvious sign of the human. It’s not like he could go up to ring the doorbell to ask for them.
The Aston Martin parked across the street and settled down. He must’ve slipped into power down mode because when he woke up, it was dark out.
There was another slip of paper on his dashboard. He smiled to himself.
Glancing up, he saw the lights on in the second story of the human’s house. Zooming in, he could see Kylan sitting at their desk drawing. They had headphones on, wiggling back and forth to whatever they were listening to.
Knockout never really understood human’s relationship with music. Of course, they were good at it. There were plenty of songs he liked the sounds of. It seemed to affect their species more. He could ask their resident radio wiz about it, but he didn’t want to give Bumblebee that satisfaction.
With that, he pulled out of his spot. He headed to his favorite hiding spot and slid under the gas station canopy.
Knockout pulled the slip of paper out of his plating. This time, it was in a yellow-ish envelope. The artist was upping their game. How fancy, he purred to himself as he pulled out the piece of paper inside.
His optics narrowed at the tiny image.
“A parking ticket!?”
Over the next month, Knockout learned that they came home at approximately the same time every Thursday. This wasn’t always because he was there. Their posts had consistency at that time as well.
The Autobots kept him busy with various tasks around their new base. Ratchet always needed an extra hand, even if he didn’t want one. Arcee was still tense around the former-Decepticon but things were easing up. She had gone from openly hostile to occasional glaring. Agent Fowler was a similar story. Whenever the other two sports cars returned from Cybertron, they’d burn rubber until someone sprained something. Then, they’d get another lecture from Ratchet.
Overall, life after the war was pleasant, though strange. There wasn’t anyone threatening him every other minute of the day. He was allowed to just be.
Integrating Breakdown into the team was more of a to-do. Bulkhead and Wheeljack were not keen on the idea. But, with time and conversation, they came to a mutual understanding.
The ex-Decepticons got their own remote warehouse. Originally, they had been staying with all the Autobots, but that lasted about 2 weeks before someone put in a noise complaint. Their little home away from home gave them some much needed space from the other bots. It was dinghy but it was theirs.
Knockout leaned against a crate as he stared at the blankest wall of their space. It was gray metal, like the landscapes of Cybertron. It was distinctly not light the bright colors of the planet he currently resided on. Over time, he had become quite attached to the rainbow of hues that made up Earth’s environment.
“Breakdown,” He called to his conjux, “I think it’s about time we got some color in here.”
[ >> NEXT CHAPTER >> ]
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iwonderwh0 · 11 months
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@my-name-is-markus-with-a-k YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID
The following text is entirely your fault
"What's in this room?"
"Oh, this one is my studio. I keep my paintings here and-"
"You can draw?" Connor's eyebrows rise, "Can I see?"
"Sure," Markus says before he manages to stop himself. Realisation catches up with him the next instant, and he almost reaches to stop Connor from entering the room to go first and at least try to hide the evidence, but Connor has already stepped inside and is now coaching down carefully examining dried paintings set on top of each-other along the wall. Good. That'll win Markus some time. He quietly steps around him, grabs a towel from one of the tables and moves to the corner of the room, closer to the window and consequently the easel with yet unfinished piece. Connor shouldn't see this one. Markus drapes the cloth over the canvas just in time for Connor to start standing up to take a closer look at those paintings hanging on the wall.
"They're so colourful, and yet your choice of colours confuses me."
"How so?" Markus steps closer, trying to make his voice sound as casual as possible, but it comes out slightly higher pitched than he intends it anyway. Maybe he'll be able to talk Connor into getting bored and deciding to leave on his own before exploring the rest of the room more throughout.
"It looks intentional, like it symbolises or references something specific. But I'm not sure what it is," he turns his head and looks genuinely curious. Given the situation Markus shouldn't be excited about this fact. No, this is bad. He won't get bored that easily, is he?
"Or am I overthinking it?" Connor adds sheepishly as Markus remains silent for way too long.
"Yes." Markus says suddenly, surprising himself with how determined this false claim came out.
Shit. That's not what he meant, he just needs Connor to leave. Now. He is dying to say something else to refute what he just said, but Connor steps aside from the painting startled by the coldness of Markus's voice.
"Oh. I'm sorry," he says.
Markus struggles to stay quiet.
It's working, don't say anything and he'll leave.
Except he doesn't. He turns around and walks to the other wall.
"Oh, you draw people too," he says as he looks at the portrait of an old man holding a chess piece – white bishop.
"Do you draw them from imagination or are there real-life models?"
"It depends," Markus gets closer, "This one is a portrait of someone I knew in real life – he actually even posed for this. But I have portraits of people that aren't really based on anyone. I can show you, if you want."
Why again is he suggesting something that'll extend Connor's time spent in a studio?
"Or we can do something else?" Markus adds quickly, in an attempt to fix his mistake.
"No, no! Now that you mentioned it, I am curious. Show me."
Great job, Markus.
He gets to the corner of the room where a few old portraits are lying stacked on top of each other and quickly sorts through the stack of them, turning the canvases to the light, searching for the ones not based on real people.
"Why is there two different dates?" Connor asks, and Markus stops to look at the back of the canvas.
"It usually takes me more than a day to finish a piece, so I mark the day I first start it, and then the day It's completely finished. You see, it takes time for this type of paint to dry, and it's important to let every layer dry completely before starting with the next one. It takes a lot of time and patience, so I often work on a couple different paintings at once...Huh, wait, I think it's not here," Markus stands up and looks around the room, thinking where else could he find the portraits he was looking for, then crosses the room to look through the paintings lying along the wall there. Maybe he should just pick one and lie about it – it's not like Connor will now the difference anyway.
"Oh, here!" Markus picks one of the first portraits he's able to find in the stack, "This one wasn't based on anyone," he takes the canvas out of the stack and turns around expecting to see Connor still standing behind him. He could swear he was standing behind him all this time, but now that he turned around Connor wasn't there. Instead, he is standing next to the window, looking at the portrait displayed on the easel.
"How about this one?"
Markus feels as if all the air in the room suddenly disappears, leaving him no oxygen to breathe in. He takes a few steps closer to the window, desperately trying to think of a response. He looks at the towel in human's hand and wonders if there was a single chance for Connor Not to look under it.
"This..erm..," He trails off under the stare of narrowed brown eyes, "It's a little bit of both worlds, I believe."
Connor glances from a portrait back to Markus.
"You 'believe'," he echoes. Markus wishes he could understand what emotion his face is showing, but perhaps Connor himself wouldn't be able to name it if asked.
"Um, I... It's not finished," Markus says, as if this fact drastically changes everything.
"Oh," Connor says, pretending as if it actually does.
He turns the canvas around and stares at the date. He frowns, glances back at Markus, then back at the date. From the expression on his face Markus realises, that he's doing math. Another realisation hits Markus when Connor's eyes widen in silent shock. The date on the back of the canvas precedes what Connor knows to be the first time they've met. What would even be the right time to mention it anyway?
"I can explain," Markus says.
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ickmick · 11 months
getting immediately into this- the acronyms key, past weeks posts, and rambling afterwords are under the cut!! drawings on full display today!!
Day 30
gore: undead
we have a miss cleo!! look at them!! so very cool, I'm actually very happy with my first real attempt to draw her! the hair was fun too, ehehe...
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Day 31
wh: so below
hc: halloween
he looks oh so smug and cool, I really love this drasing of him! that face! and I took a worth while risk on the pose!!
(I have moved the next 2 paragraphs to under the cut, to make sure this isn't too long to scroll through if you only want to see the art!!)
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as for the second sketch (which has two photos so you don't have hold you device upside down LOL) I had the idea of secret life grian and (SL)watcher grian! a reverse, mwahaha... I really only meant to draw the crowly one, and didnt think I had the energy for more... but brain rot!! it is so strong!!
so of course after that I finally rectified my lack of clothes design for watcher grian lol... now i have to draw a SL design too!! eventually... eventually... I didnt make a note of it, but I think he just... wouldn't wear shoes LOL... watcher grian, I mean. let those lil talon feeties free, or whatever pffft...
week one, two, three, four and 5.1s posts!!
I'll only list the prompts I used that day, but here's the key for acronyms n such;
wh = welcome home
hc = hermitcraft (I have 2!)
ink = official inktober
gore = goretober
(actual gore will be triggerwarned! so far none has any blood or violence!)
Oh boy- okay! so I swear I didn't forget, its just that art block came and smacked me in the face for a short period. Thankfully I came out of it with two drawings I really love!! And some pretty good doodles too, haha...
I do think I still want to do a weekly novelember drabble... and of course a related drawing. we'll see! check in on sunday! i wont just disappear now that inktober is over!!
but also, maybe come back tomorrow if you're interested in a certain very tall persons birthday. yknow, the one with a new vtuber model! yeah! them! /silly
(Im talking about Ranboo, haha!! Im hoping to finish a drawing for their birthday tomorrow!!)
Thanks again for all the support!! 💜
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blues824 · 2 years
Can we have the obey me brothers react to MC who’s personality is similar to Jiang Yanli from Mo Dao Zu Shi but wields Zidian(the purple thunder ring whip from Mo Dao Zu Shi)
I use Wiki so much, I decided to make a profile there. Gender-neutral reader.
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For once, someone in his life doesn’t have a crazy personality quirk! Honestly, that’s probably what made him grow attached. You were the only one able to draw him away from his work and take a break, mainly because you gently place your hands on his shoulders and remind him to.
On the days that he can’t take a break for dinner, you always bring it to him. He feels all warm inside when you make him dinner and bring it to his room along with some tea. You really cared for him, and it showed. 
He is used to his brothers talking crap about him behind his back, and it’s more annoying than hurtful. You decided it was a major offense and brought out Zidian, and put the other brothers into their place. You made it clear that it would not be tolerated any longer, and that they shouldn’t talk like that about their oldest brother. Lucifer just about got on his knee for you right then and there.
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Honestly, he would consider you his rock in the midst of his crazy life. You are the constant in his equation. Your gentle personality soothed him, and he grew very clingy and protective of you. No one was allowed to go near you if he wasn’t next to you or in the room.
He absolutely loves your cooking. He just can’t get enough of it. When he hears you’re on the dinner rotation, he knows he will be eating good that night. Of course, he never told you this. He would also help you clean up after, just to be able to spend that much more time with you (again, he won’t tell you this either).
He’s used to his brothers talking crap about him right in front of his face, and even though a lot of it is true, all the others act upon their sins as well. However, you weren’t gonna let him take it this time around. You turned your ring into the whip and put the others (even Lucifer) into their place, questioning the audacity they could have to do that. Mammon was so freaking proud of you.
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At first, he had to admit that he was very wary of you. No one was that kind to him on purpose, but when he realized that this was you being very genuine, you became the eucalyptus tree and he became the koala. 
He also loves your cooking. You always attempt to make it anime-themed in some way, by either taking inspiration from a dish in an episode from the anime you were watching with Levi or modeling it off of a character.
He knows that Mammon talks about him all the time, and he gets frustrated about it. However, it doesn’t hurt his feelings. You, however, don’t just brush it off. Now, you completely lacerated the older brother with Zidian. Levi could just stare in shock as you turned it back into a ring. 
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You are the one who calms him down when he gets angry. You’re just so gentle and kind to him, seeing him as Satan rather than the Avatar of Wrath. He loves you so much that it hurts, and that’s why he wants to be near you as much as possible.
He loves to help you in the kitchen. It gives that small sense of intimacy, as if you both were just taking a glimpse into the future, one where he was married to you and you both had a house of your own. He dreams of this almost every night when he goes to sleep.
No one really talks about him, but there are a few instances where Mammon complains about how he doesn’t trust him and how he’s ‘stuck-up’. You see that it really gets to Satan, so you brought Zidian out to play. You humbled Mammon in just a few seconds, and Satan whispers a vow to marry you one day.
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He loves you because you see him for his personality and who he truly is rather than his looks and beauty. Once you are able to see him, he realizes that you’re special in a way that even he couldn’t explain. 
I think he’s more of a baker, so you prepare dinner and he prepares dessert. He thinks it’s just like those couples in those adorable cooking/baking shows! You designated him as your taste-tester, as he did you, and with the both of you in the kitchen you were a force to be reckoned with.
Mammon likes to talk about him, and it doesn’t get to him unless he crosses a line. Then he will get personal and call him out on things as well. You eventually had enough with Mammon starting the arguments between the two, so you brought out Zidian to fix the problem. Asmo now always goes to you if his older brother is causing any trouble.
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You both are such a wholesome couple. I will take it to my freaking grave when I say that. You both are genuinely very happy and loving people. I don’t even know what to write because you both are just so freaking wholesome together.
He absolutely loves the food you make. Call him biased, but he knows that every single meal you make is made with love. Since you do have to try and feed him, he will offer to try and help, only to eat the ingredients. He feels so bad for doing it, but you hold his face in your hands and tell him that it’s not his fault.
Everyone is always angry at him for emptying the fridge and always scolds him for it. It really affects him, and you can see it as clear as day. You have had enough, so what did you do? You whipped everyone into shape! Now, no one blames Beel for acting upon his sin.
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Another one who is also very suspicious of you. He wasn’t exactly the demon most deserving of a human’s trust, after all. When he sees that you had no malintentions, he also grows attached. You both take naps with each other all the time (he takes the nap, you run your hands through his hair as you smile at how adorable he is).
He also likes your food. It’s the only thing he’ll actually wake up for. To be fair, you are the only person he would wake up for in general. He actually stays awake for the full meal, and is always happy to see you sitting next to him.
Who doesn’t talk crap about him? No one, since you came along and used Zidian to make everyone behave better. After all, it’s not his fault he was late. His sin got the best of him, as it does for everyone else. He is grateful for you, Y/N.
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carewyncromwell · 1 year
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“I’ve always been a smart girl... Always made the grade -- always got the gold star -- I’ve always been a smart girl, But ‘smart girl’ only gets a girl so far... You win at every single game... You want a quest -- they tell you, ‘tough!’ If you don't go, you'll never know If you’ll ever be good enough...”
~“My Grand Plan” from The Lightning Thief (musical)
Hey all! I thought I’d go ahead and draw up a proper concept for my HPMA girl Anastasia “Ana” Read, since quite frankly I never envisioned her as skinny, short, or talkative as MC in the game is. The lack of body diversity in the MC’s models in particular, or even among MC’s friends, is actually one of my biggest hang-ups with all of the recent Hogwarts games...as much as I understand up to a point thinking it’d be difficult to program a lot of different outfits or animations for different size models, it’s still a little sad to me how the player character is always programmed to be skinny, and in Magic Awakened in particular, that favoring of skinny character designs is only accented all the more thanks to the quasi-Tim-Burton-esque animation style, which favors toothpick-thin necks and limbs. It’s one of the few aspects of poor representation in Rowling’s original books that I would argue these recent games haven’t tried as hard to address -- we’ve seen attempts at more LGBT+ representation, as well as more positive representation for different cultural backgrounds and disabilities (especially in Hogwarts Mystery), but not as much in regards to rounder body types. And I guess for me, being raised by a woman who struggled with her weight her entire life, that’s a little sad. Regardless, it was nice to draw Ana again after such a long time, particularly using the original game’s model as a kick-off point!
If you’d like to learn more about my “Strong But Silent,” daydreamer, Sailor-Moon-loving girl Ana, here’s a masterpost of links to get you started!! Enclosed under the cut is the original unedited sketch, embellished with some extra messy chibi doodles of Ana I did on the same page, in case you’re interested!
Ana’s Moodboard
Ana’s Intro Post and Model Sheet
Ana’s Playlist
Meet Ana’s awesome step-dad, Bradley!
See Ana’s dynamic with her stepdad and stepbrothers!
Bradley’s Moodboard
Preston’s Moodboard
Jasper’s Moodboard
Why Bradley is the best dad ever
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The first doodle is kind of based on that first pair of duels with the Frey twins and Cassandra Vole in the game. As I discussed with my friend @dat-silvers-girl​, I see Ana being suuuuper quiet the entire time, to the point that everyone thinks she’s really shy or nervous, until she -- seemingly out of nowhere -- uses Wingardium Leviosa to levitate poor Colby a good five feet off the ground and then abruptly drop him, effectively putting an end to the duel before it even got started. (As it turned out, Ana was really inspired by Flitwick’s story about Ron Weasley using the spell on that mountain troll to protect his friends and worked super hard to master the spell herself, with the thought that maybe she could do something that cool someday. It ends up becoming one of Ana’s favorite spells to duel with, though she usually uses it to levitate herself over her opponents to give herself the literal “high ground.”) Ana accepted Cassandra’s invitation to the Dueling Club, as well as challenges Cassandra on the dueling field several more times over the years, out of her strong sense of honor, which is funnily enough rather akin a knight’s -- Ana will never back down from a challenge, and if her loved ones or her view of common decency have been insulted, she will absolutely ask to “take it outside” and fight the dispute out on the dueling field, rather than insult the person back, ignore them, or actively lose her temper and attack them straight out. 
The second doodle is Ana in class, a good chunk of the time. Ana isn’t actually that shy, nor is she stuck-up, but she’s much better at writing eloquent essays than coming up with witty phrases or sassy one-liners on a whim. And because of how incredibly sensitive she secretly is (and the bullying she experienced for both her magic and her weight), she’s actually kind of hard to get to know, preferring the company of her fiction books to lots of people. She’s honestly a true “Belle” type, if one thinks of Beauty and the Beast, despite being in the house of Lions.
The last doodle is of Ana with Daniel Page, because, amazingly, these two are on the exact same wave length when it comes to the Statute of Secrecy, though for very different reasons! Ana’s stepfather, Bradley Pinkstone, is a pro-Muggle and Squib rights activist who passionately believes that the Wizarding World should find a way to work alongside the Muggle World, to the extent that the Statute of Secrecy isn’t necessary -- he and his sons even work in a theater alongside Muggles everyday, embracing Muggle technology just as much as they do magic! With Ana being Muggle-born herself, she’s likewise very supportive of the thought that if the two worlds knew more about each other, other little magical kids wouldn’t have to grow up feeling like freaks and outcasts the way she did. That doesn’t mean that Ana would ultimately agree with NOTME’s tactics, though -- she thinks there’s a very big difference between protesting against an unjust law and causing abject terror and chaos. (I personally see Daniel as more of a Ravenclaw/Slytherin type than a Gryffindor type myself, but that’s just my headcanon.)
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sepdet · 8 months
I had to get another 12 vials of blood siphoned off, so it's time for another exciting installment in The Vampire Diaries, brought to you by the Anerican healthcare system.
Let's call this The Stigmata Phlebotomy Lab Strikes Back, shall we?
Content warning: blood, needles, medical incompetence
Recap: For those of you just joining us, in 2022 I became a statistic for the COVID + mild autoimmune diseases like arthritis can trigger "autoimmune dysregulation" studies. That means the immune system starts running around screaming THE SKY IS FALLING and attacking one's own organs in an attempt to flush out intruders. (Ew, I just realized, it turned my T-cells into MAGATs/Tories.)
Good news, the target was not my lungs.
Bad news, two words you never want to hear together from an ophthalmologist: "eye melt".
After many creative ($$$$) measures, what saved my eyes were eyedrops made from my own blood plasma, because we're resorting to medical witchcraft now. (Platelets, apparently.)
So. Vital Tears? Saved my vision. Trouble is, their phlebotomists are auditioning for Monty Python.
The Hostile Housecall Sketch. When I couldn't see to drive, I had to invite a vampire into my home, which was a little awkward for an introvert who's had to self-isolate since 2019. I'm sure my manners were rusty, but still, she was the most uncommunicative medical professional i have ever met, sort of an anti-dentist. I fumblingly suggested the dining room after she didn't reply to my "Welcome, I'm [name], this is my first time so I'm kind of nervous!" I realized afterwards that she never told me her name. I know she must have spoken at some point, but all I remember is stony silence.
Sterile Procedures? In This Pandemic? Next time I drove to the lab hoping to find a more friendly med tech. And I found one! He was very friendly while dropping all twelve vials of my blood on the floor again and again because he kept setting them on a rounded stool instead of a table. Quoth he: "Don't worry, it happens all the time. The last patient was nervous about it, too, but I told him not to worry about it!" I was not altogether reassured. Maybe I shouldn't have looked at those Health Advisory flyers on the way in warning about a drug-resistant candida aureus outbreak in county healthcare facilities.
Operation Stigmata. Today'a score: 5 phlebotomists, 9 rubber gloves, 3 glasses of water and 2 low sodium V8s before the appointment and 2 liters of water during, 7 cotton pads. 8 bandaids, ~15 disinfecting sterile swabs, 3 rubber tourniquets (sometimes 2 at once), EIGHT different needles and EIGHT different punctures, and 2 hours to fill 12 vials with blood.
I almost made it through without losing my temper — the last thing you wanna do is antagonize someone putting a needle in you— but after one particularly painful bit of windshield wiper subdermal probing, I finally burst out, "You're 90 degrees to the vein...I've never seen anyone do that before!"
Still, apart from that, I kept up my Model Patient persona pretty well. At the end, when one of the women said, "Thanks for being so patient," I replied with a firm, "Thanks for sticking with me... pun intentional."
I'm honestly impressed. Both elbows feel like I've been assaulted by Woody Woodpecker, but it took a dedicated team effort to outdo the phlebotomist who left me with major bruises and visible needle marks at my high school graduation 35 years ago.
Now, how to bribe the vet who draws blood from my cat into practicing human medicine without a license.
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euijoowrites · 11 months
Stars and Raindrops -Euijoo
Chapter 1
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i walked through the dark halls of my majors building. i am an architecture major, which never surprised my family or friends. i have had a passion for buildings and making models since i was young. going through the halls i made it to my classes “lab”. we called it a lab but it’s really just the place we draw and build models.
as i walked up to it, i realized the light was on. i walked in as quietly as i could, in order to not spook the person. i didn’t want to accidentally mess them up if they were doing something important. inside was a boy, he had headphones in and was working on a model. i walked past him, going to my own table.
i checked on my model, to make sure it was still okay, and nodded in approval when i saw it was the same as the last time i had saw it a, few hours earlier. i heard someone clear their throat, and looked up. it was the boy, still at his table, but looking at me now. “do you have any extra gray clay?” he asked in a small almost whisper. i looked at my table, i had finished the gray parts on my model already, so i didn’t need it anymore.
i grabbed the gray clay i had, and walked over. i handed it to him carefully, and he gave a grateful smile. “thank you” he said again in a soft voice. “no problem” i replied, returning the smile. i walked back to my table, and started working on my model again. it stayed like that, quiet working and no talking, for what felt like 2 hours. i checked my phone, and saw that it was 10:30 at night.
i hadn’t meant to stay for this long…i looked back to see the boy, was asleep. his head rested on his arm, which was laid on the table. he head was turned in my direction. i sighed and decided to stop working for the night, happy with my progress. i walked over to him and cleared my throat softly, trying to wake him up. that didn’t work…i lightly tapped his arm that was reached out, and that also didn’t work. i hummed to myself, i didn’t want to just leave him here, he could get a cold. i started to move my hand to tap him again, when his arm reached up and he grabbed my hand, making me jerk forward.
when my hand hit the table, it made a sound, that was louder than my other attempts. he jerked awake, and like mine would have been, he looked at his model first to make sure it was okay. after he saw it was fine he looked over and his eyes widened. the poor boy looked so frightened, as he quickly let go. “i’m sorry! i didn’t mean too!” he said quickly, and i found it endearing. i softly laughed, “it’s okay! i just didn’t want to leave you here by yourself asleep…it’s 10:30 pm” he checked his phone, realizing it indeed was that late. “i didn’t mean to fall asleep, i was waiting for you…” it was my turn to be surprised.
he sure knows how to make someone flustered. “why?” i asked dumbly. he wiped his face to make sure he didn’t drool, “i didn’t want to leave a girl alone, especially at night. i was going to offer to walk you.” my ears started to heat up at that, and like an idiot, i joked. “couldn’t even ask for my name first before you took me to bed?” i slapped a hand over my mouth. he looked at me and laughed. i was soon laughing with him. he has a pretty smile, and a laugh.
“you can call me EJ” he said softly after we had calmed down. “nickname base?? okay then you can call me ___” i said, giving him my nickname. he nodded “nice to meet you ___” i watched as he held out his hand. i held out my own, and he took it in his…he has big hands…and shook it. “it’s nice to meet you too, EJ” i replied, smiling.
-authors note-
let me know what you think!! i hope this was a good first chapter!
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seriously-mike · 1 year
So You Want To Use AI-Generated Images Commercially?
Fuck off. And keep fucking off until you're out of my sight. Not because of any moral issues, but because whatever the marketing goons tried to sell you, they're ripping you off and bullshitting you with a straight face.
First, the generators, despite being merely large-scale statistical models, have no concept of consistency. The level of human interference into generation process to keep everything consistent between images is large enough at the general level to have you hire an actual artist who will do it by hand instead. At specific level, it's outright hopeless.
I saw a good example in a Facebook reel today. Some goth chick fed the frames from a five-second video of her getting up and walking towards the camera into an image generator with what I assume is the same prompt and the result was a jittery mess with details being drawn completely differently every frame, even despite the Image-To-Image process trying to stick to the original concept at least a little bit.
Another one was a guy trying to have the generator draw the portraits of four public personalities: Ralph Baer, Shigeru Miyamoto, Andrzej Sapkowski and a fourth guy I forgot. Not just every one was in a different style, but Miyamoto's likeness went off the rails like an absolute motherfuck. It added some twenty years on top of his current age and made him barely recognizable, if that.
Second, time spent on refining the prompts, yanking the lever and binning failed attempts is time wasted. Particularly to those even dumber than you who have no idea how the entire shitshow works, but demand Results (With A Capital R) in less time than required to load the model and run a render with enough steps to get something barely convincing. Look, even I don't exactly know how it works beyond mathemagics and fairy dust.
Third, 3/4s of what you read about image generators online is complete horseshit. That includes positive and negative prompts. If you know how the original datasets were built (read: a web crawled bot scraped images and their alt texts off Google Images and made them into a database), it becomes obvious. A lot of folks bang terms like "4k photoshopped trending on artstation" into positive prompts like fucking apes, thinking it will yield results - it won't. Particularly thanks to the nature of alt-text, which is widely used by screen readers for visually impaired people, so it needs to be short, sensible and to the point. And negative prompts are magical thinking as well. Realize this: when the datasets were built, they did not include any of the typical AI-generated fuckups like distorted torsos, too many limbs etcetera. This becomes obvious when you get the thing you explicitly asked the generator to avoid over and over again. And finally, you need to remember that StableDiffusion asking you to set the image dimensions as multiplies of 64 is there for a Reason. The Reason being, 64 by 64 pixels is the smallest area the model can render, and even then it's often a part of a larger element described in general terms.
Fourth, online generators themselves are a scam, more or less. Some defend themselves by having their own, custom-built datasets, like Leonardo AI - these guys dared to build a Stable Diffusion 2.1 datasets when everyone else sticks to 1.5 version. Others, like mage.space, are bullshitting you - when I went through the list of the generators they want you to pay ten bucks a month for, I found nothing but stuff available for free on HuggingFace and CivitAI, based on SD1.5. Half of them I already had downloaded. Not to mention, online generators usually don't have the fancy plugins you can use with your local machine install (I do know that LeonardoAI lets you use ControlNets, and that shit is next-level even despite the general wonkiness described above). That, of course, is true for StableDiffusion, but Dall-E is just as shit and Midjourney might do a couple of things better, but it still wipes out in a good few areas.
Image generators are good only for memes, shitposts and Tijuana bibles. And you'd need a special kind of schmuck to pay for any of those.
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jealousraisin · 2 years
How they met and how they got together
(It’s a long read but i had fun doing this i literally never write)
The First Meeting
okay so as we know, jonothan was a transfer student while he was balls deep in his emo statue personality era. Bland and french 🙄🇫🇷. Charlie shared a few classes with the guy so she was tasked with showing him around and getting him i guess situated would be the word. And oh boy was it AWKWARD.
Basically she freezes up when the principal mentioned that this task was going to be a thing, poor thing was practising what to say and do for an entire anxiety riddled week.
The day comes and she begins her script, imagine the panic when this guy who is VERY decent looking (at least i would hope you think so i did give him the model thingie you know not gonna let that go to waste) doesn’t react AT all to her little jokes in an attempt to break the awkwardness, if react to any info tbh aside from the worlds most subtle nod sometimes to where things are in the school. So she still tries her best and forges on. (side note charlie tackled highschool like it was a very long and elaborate dnd session she just had to make it out alive at the end of the day 💪💪) so does NOT slow down with the planned jokes and attempts to break the ice and tries her hardest to show she’s not ridiculously nervous, unfortunately for her even in his statue era of showing emotion he could tell she was tense as fuck through this and mentally was like “yeah i feel you” still very much emotionally distanced but the only way i can word it is like there was an awkward alliance mentally formed that day in his head, not that he noticed it as that though straight away.
So the end of the day rolls around and as she planned hands him a little pamphlet she designed with a map of the school how she sees it with like the best routes for things, which water fountains are decent and which ones might give you lead poisoning, rundowns of the classes they share and just info she wishes she had when she was new to this school as well all decorated in her little artsy farts style (she took her time on this let’s give her some credit). and to prepare herself to maybe not have to do this awkward guide act for no reason left a note right at the end of the pamphlet basically saying something like,
“if you hated this guidance and don’t want to do this again i totally get you, no hard feelings if you pretend it never happened. But if you didn’t mind or would like to keep going for the full week i was “suggested” to do you can meet me at the gates at xyz time :D” with a little doodle of the location with a drawing of her standing there , lol i feel like she would.
I don’t think she was like banking on this guy actually reading the thing she gave him, to be fair when in this entire ramble did i say she was confident or expecting decent things out of this experience. But good thing he did after he was well out of the schools radius and had a few chuckles out of her rudimentary (it was very detailed let’s yet again give her credit) almost tourist pamphlet guide of this school he had no say on going to.
So that’s how they had that first meeting and also first icebreaker week together.
How the friendship properly started.
After that week jonothan was still his epic ‘statue don’t show anything outside’ self, what? did we expect a complete character transformation in a week just because i threw the annoying sunshine character to him? nah this isn’t that fast paced lmao. But after that he got used to meeting up at the gates or meeting in the halls after their different classes to go to their mutual class.
i should mention he’s a creature of habit, very much like a cat, exactly like a cat. So i don’t think changing the routine was very much in his plans anyways. And for charlie she took it in her stride but on the inside was a bit like *shocked emoji* because she’s used to a history of not being very good with people after a planned interaction or even the person just, sticking around after…
So this awkward sort of alliance/routine kept going and as time went on it would feel less and less awkward and more and more like “yeah this is how the day goes” which was PERFECTLY fine by these two creatures of habit. And what started as navigating the school together turned to walking out of the school together sometimes and when that became more comfortable for the two Charlie at some point blurted out that “it would be nice to grab a snack before heading home” because the thought of hanging out more with this new found “friend” (friendship status yet to be verbally established and acknowledged by these two awkward mfs just yet this is all unspoken at this point) and this guy, without skipping a beat just turns around in a non verbal way of saying “so where do we go” and charlie RAN with this compliance and took this guy to her favourite burger place down near the beach.
And sometimes it wasn’t even eating , it was walking around the area nearby with her talking her head off about anything and everything because she didn’t really have anyone to just sit there and just be there while she talks about her interests or her current project or homework. Either way she was just chatting to this guy who just chilled there wether it be with a burger or not.
After that, that habit was added to their routines as an option and it was at one of those after school burger runs that he finally actually SPOKE 😱🤯 and was like “you know this is nice actually , didn’t expect it to be like this but yeah,,,,nice.”
So just i’ll give you a moment to imagine charlie’s disbelief that this statue of a man SPOKE and said they were having a decent time. Yeah she replayed that moment for a while, talk about a confidence boost.
And now that we know he not only speaks but that he most definitely was actually listening she took this as a chance to try and make it a two way street of conversation so slowly but surely within her rambles and stories she would sprinkle in a prompt for him to put in his two cents or ask him a question that would let her get to know him a bit better.
And what was once just a quick walk around the area or something to eat while they waited for charlie’s bus to get closer to the scheduled time became missing the bus and just hanging out around the beach or park and having jokes (which at this point jonothan was trying his hardest to join in on the funnies but he was still very much not that good at it yet. personality not fully unlocked with her yet lol) or doing a bit of homework to prepare for a stupid pop quiz that charlie can SENSE is going to happen in their next class.
At some point in those more comfortable friend sessions is when charlie just threw out the “soooo,,,,wanna be friends?” (again don’t think it was random she has been thinking of saying that for a hot minute to acknowledge what they were if at all at this point) and this guy thought to himself:
“??? we have been for the past 3 months??? why else would i be doing what we do if we weren’t?? like is she really built like a brick wall when it comes to intuiting people ?”
but when he looked at her she kinda looked like she was ready to run for the hills if he didn’t say something, did he make a face? he probably made a face for a split second. so he had to reallly quickly get his words out or he doesn’t know if she’ll explode LMAO. So he responded “of course.” and the relief that passed through her face must have been so obvious and her mental suffering must have been so funny and enjoyable to this guy that he LAUGHED? HOW DARE HE LAUGH SHE WAS TRYING HER BEST HERE, PRACTISED HOW IT WAS GONNA GO DOWN FOR WEEKS. but wait, he laughed
*insert shocked charlie.jpeg*
After that she joined in on the laugh because i mean, it was pretty funny.
Later on that night when charlie got home she went and changed his contact name from “Jonothan School” to “Jono 😎 (Friend!?)” and if he ever saw that she would deny that to the end of her days. They both started texting more frequently after feeling like they jumped a mutual understanding hurdle and didn’t have to overthink if they could or couldn’t say or do something. Like now Jonothan sends pictures of his Cat whenever it’s doing literally anything and Charlie doesn’t want to tell him that he treats that thing like his first born (it is). Or for charlie to just text what she’s doing or a thought she had.
Throughout this growing friendship both of them started to open up with each other, jonothan revealing he lives on his own and that he kinda made a deal with this stupid french mum that if he kept modelling he could live on his own here despite him wanting to just be a shut in for a while, charlie felt prompted to butt into his ramble saying they could do that at least for a weekend? and the idea seemed so nice to this tired boy that he was like ‘yeah why don’t you stay the weekend at mine and just do whatever?’ which is how he was introduced into how to be professionally lazy on the weekends by charlie and how sleepovers at each others places became a regular thing. Charlie couldn’t believe how easy this all was, was it always meant to be this easy to have friends?
Jonothan got to meet Luke for the first time when they were doing a class project together in her room when Luke waltzed into her room like he normally does to announce his presence and be a general brotherly bother for a while. Luke didn’t even notice that there was a guy on her bed while she was 3 textbooks deep in trying to figure out if they did ever mention that dinosaurs had feathers, but when he did he was in a bit of a state of shock but also proud, look at his sister being social! it also, IS THAT A BOYFRIEND? WITHOUT TELLING ME? Charlie had to clear things up and properly introduce the guy before an interrogation began right there and then. Poor girl couldn’t even look at either of them being a bit embarrassed that she had to introduce her friend like that, but she did it, good for her.
Initially Luke wasn’t too convinced, brotherly instincts, could even call them maternal he’s a mother hen when it comes to her anyways. But as this guy became a regular to their place and her to his (which Luke wasn’t too happy to find out this friends house she’s been going to frequently was a boys house but i mean, she’s being social), he got used to this guy, i mean he’s alright i guess 🙄🙄
I should mention that charlie and jonothan do have a two year age gap. So since they met in highschool they would have been in different years, and they are. But with Charlie being the little overachiever she was at the time she was put into some classes above her year level and those are most of the classes she has in common with Jonothan. So yeah just keep that in mind. Also with Charlie doing classes above her actual age grade thingy? She gets an opportunity to do final exams earlier than you normally do so has a chance to graduate a year earlier than everyone else. Also keep that in mind.
The FEELINGS and how both of these idiots dealt with it before the big ole figuring it out.
Charlie’s had to repeat a billion times “he’s MY FRIEND” to which luke “jokingly” implies ‘is he though?’,,,,is he? Thoughts and having time to think those thoughts are an enemy to charlie sometimes because 🤔🤔 hmmm….OH SHIT. Now after Luke so lovingly and delicately planted the seeds of doubt has she realised she’s really fond of this dude, like more than friendship fond. God hanging out is going to be so awkward!! here she is freaking out about how to act like she didn’t have a friendship altering revelation, meanwhile Jonothan was in no way going to realise his feelings ANY time soon with the way he’s so not in touch with his emotions.
Now hangouts and sleepovers that would be so fun and easy for Charlie are full of overthinking, nervous rambles where they would have been excitement filled and silently freaking out about physical interactions. Now, Jonothan may be dense as fuck, but he’s not stupid, something is up with his bestfriend, who he totally thinks about a normal amount in a totally normal way. So being the totally normal guy he turns to his online friends to figure out what’s going on, because why ask directly am i right? His friends are like “She’s totally got a thing for you dude” and Jonothan thinks they’re joking, that can’t be it? Really?
So now he’s in research mode, ‘how to tell if a girl likes you’ google searches, seeing how Charlie acts around him compared to other guys, which he doesn’t want to admit bothers him a little when she gets a laugh out of some random guy in class she’s partnered up with, meanwhile she’s as stiff as a board walking home with him. Hold on why does that bother him? Clearly he’s just a little off from the shift in attention he’s receiving from her, right? Anyways, after a lot of thinking and laying awake because he’s so worried about his friend does he actually let his brain CLICK in the fact that “oh SHE MIGHT BE INTO ME?!” (mind you this happens over quite a few nervous wreck weeks for charlie who is trying her hardest to go on like normal with him)
Jonothan grappling with the fact that Charlie might see him as more than just a platonic friend now has to take a moment and do some thinking himself because? ‘what if she confesses?What do i say? I just want to be friends right? I mean i’m so comfortable with the way we hang out all the time, how we talk about anything and everything and how i enjoy just being with her and how she looks when she sees something related to her interests and how badly i want to get her every single thing she even looks at for a millisecond-OH? oh.’ So this is what it’s like to think about your feelings huh? Now it’s Jonothans turn to think about this revelation, because he could be totally wrong about him thinking that she likes him and now he realises that he’s been wanting more than just friendship.
Now on the outside, interacting with Charlie has not really changed with him because he’s so dang good at masking how he feels about literally anything, but on the inside? That brain is going 500 thoughts a minute now. Cue these two idiots having to awkwardly hang out as if they’re not into each other. The questions we all have now is, who’s going to crack first and fess up. Eventually though Charlie starts to get back to normal around him and so does he, that doesn’t mean those feelings have gone anywhere but she realised that even if he doesn’t like her in that way it’s okay, right? But at this point just having the nagging thought in the back of her mind has been so so so annoying it’s like she can’t even think about other things and it’s been bothering her for a while now with the endless pining.
Shockingly it’s Jonothan who cracks and confesses and it’s in the most nonchalant way (initially). They’re just hanging out at his place, him scrolling on his phone and her playing video games and jonothan just drops
“By the way i Like you”
And Charlie being not only dense but refuses to believe they’re anything but platonic goes
“Yeah i like you too”
this is when Jonothan realises that he’s got to be way more concise about his point here even though he just let that slip, there’s no turning back now if he doesn’t do this now and properly, there’s no telling when the chance will come up again if at all.
“No i mean romantically, I have feelings for you.”
“haha yeah sure”
“i’m serious”
Once again imagine Charlie’s shock that this emotional wall of a man just threw that at her when she’s accepted the fact that Him and her were not going to be a thing in her mind theatre, that and the fact that he was so direct about it. SHIT SHIT SHIT WAIT SAY SOMETHING BACK DONT LEAVE HIM HANGING.
“me too”
THE SIGH OF RELIEF FROM THIS MAN acting like he was going to explode from being so emotionally vulnerable in the face of uncertainty. (he’s being dramatic but at that point in his life he’s never just told people how he feels about them like that)
“OH MY GOD THANK GOD i thought i was going to have a heart attack for saying that out of nowhere”
“YOU’RE gonna have a heart attack??! DUDE warn a woman next time PLEASE” “Wait how long have you,,,,,you know,,,”
“since i’ve thought about it? Since when you asked me to be friends, I THOUGHT WE WERE ALREADY FRIENDS”
“Yeah but i only realised that recently, you know you were acting weird i thought you were dying or something, i was worried”
So that’s how the confession ended up happening and afterwards discussing what that means for each other and doing first dates and just laughing at how silly they are. They kept it quiet for a bit but Luke was really quick to catch in that they finally actually got together and was just waiting for Charlie to confess that she actually went and did it.
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The blurred faces were apparently the audience for whom David creates, despite not knowing them? Interesting...interesting take; my original view is that they represented the fear of judgment regardless of whether the ones potentially judging are loved ones or total strangers, but those views can tie into each other. A lot of artists feel the need to be a role model for their audiences (or even just to be as good as they feel they are viewed), but the fear of breaking the pedestal is there for him because of his wrongs. (Think “Burned Out” or “all my daughters” by dodie.)
The rain scene was supposed to be longer but was cut for story reasons (it didn’t fit the other visuals). Interestingly, it was supposed to go with the end of the first prechorus and the first chorus rather than its current place as a brief segment in the second verse. It involved David sitting on the couch as in the final product, but without the rain. He turns over his hand, opens his palm, and a bit of light comes out. He looks up, and it starts to rain; when he heads for the door and opens it, he just winds up flooded. The symbolism of this is so wonderful; the idea from the final product of his potential view of his hands as solely destructive is here counteracted with the light coming from them. The fact that the flood seems to drown him in shame even more than the rain does suggests that his attempts to atone for and extricate himself from his wrongs just bury him more and compound the original errors with pride.
They built a scale living room in a garage, equipped it with a sprinkler system and a liner that could hold up to 18 inches of water, and developed a giant flood dumping system with a capacity of 200 gallons that went behind the door. (Imagine doing all that only to decide “no, we’re not using this”?)
The torture chamber scene was confirmed to be a stoning, and Luke Shaw stated that he almost didn’t use it out of fear that its intensity and violence would garner a negative reception. Landon Jeurn wanted to discard it until he saw that location and wanted to see something really different from conventional uses of that location (citing Lamborghinis and bat-themed costumes) happen there.
Apparently the stones were made from spray foam in shopping bags that were spray-painted black?! (No wonder I didn’t recognize them as stones and I just described them as “spiky ball-like objects” LOL--but all that aside, they were sold really well as stones despite the worries that they won’t come across as weighty enough. David really acted that well.)
The visuals for the third chorus with the burning man were said to be “David coming to terms with his destiny and embracing it.” I don’t think I like this description very much. It’s more about resignation to being sinful and just deciding “if I’m always going to be like this, why even try? Why not just do the wrong thing again?”--to me, that is very different from embracing your destiny. I do think it’s important to come to terms with your fallibility, but embracing it is a terrible thing in terms of growth; it keeps you stuck. If you see that as your destiny, then it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, but as Christians (let’s please take the time to acknowledge that this is a very Christian song), the battle has already been won and our sin natures aren’t defining--we define our destiny as eternal life in heaven. I do wish Luke had used more terms to indicate that, something like “falsely believing" as opposed to “coming to terms with.”
That being said, Landon drawing inspiration from the cover of the Pink Floyd album Wish You Were Here was peak (I would never have known that it was a reference).
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obeythedemons · 3 years
When his heart first skipped a beat [Obey Me! Headcanons]
Obey Me! Masterlist
"No," MC stood their ground in front of him. He narrowed his eyes and told them to move once more. "I'm not moving, you need your rest." They spread their arms out as if their body would be enough to stop him. "I'm going to take care of your brothers, you go to bed."
"Who do you think you are ordering me around? You don't have a pact with me," he lowered his voice in an attempt to intimidate them.
"Your friend," MC replied, not at all scared of him. Instead, they looked up at him with a look that made him want to take a step back.
He felt his heart squeeze and his eyes widened at the sensation. He shook his head. Perhaps the exhaustion was giving him heart palpitations.
"Fine," he sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "But once I wake up, things had better be in order."
"I don't want to make a pact with him like this, Levi," he heard MC talking in the kitchen. He frowned and crossed his arms over his chest as he continued to eavesdrop.
"I want my money back, MC," Levi whined. "If you make a pact with him you can force him to give it back to me."
"But forcing someone to do something isn't right," MC protested.
"If he forms the pact with you, then that's his fault!"
"But holding Goldie hostage?" Mammon's eyes widened at the thought of his credit card being found. He peeked around the corner, seeing MC chipping away at the ice block surrounding his precious card.
"Just do it, MC," Levi said with a roll of his eyes.
"I don't want to use Mammon like that," MC murmured, sadness evident on their face. He felt his heart squeeze at the sight of someone not wanting to treat him like the scumbag he is. Taking a deep breath, he sauntered into the kitchen. Maybe he'd let them think they'd form a pact with him just for Goldie.
"Hey Levi!" he heard MC's voice from behind his door. He rolled his eyes and shared a look with Henry 2.0.
"Password?" Levi called back, going back to gaming.
"I-I don't know it," he heard MC mutter. "I-sorry, I just wanted to see if you wanted to watch some anime from the human world with me?"
His fingers froze as they were keying out commands to his character. With a sigh, he paused the game and dragged himself to the door. He looked at them, expecting them to laugh at his face.
"Human world anime?" he questioned.
"Uhuh," MC grinned and held up a disc set. "It's my favorite one."
"W-wait!" Leviathan took a step back. "You like anime?"
MC tilted their head to the side. "Well, yeah?"
He gulped. His heart skipped a beat before pounding away heavily.
"Just put it on, MC," Asmo cooed. "I promise he'll love it."
"I don't know," MC sounded reluctant.
With a sigh, Satan looked up from his book to Asmo's closet where the other two were. "What are you trying to make MC do, Asmo?"
"Oh hush!" Asmo stuck his head out of the closet. "You'll see in just a second!" Asmo winked at Satan before heading back in. "Just wear it, MC! Please!"
He heard MC let out an exasperated breath of air followed by Asmo's cheering. Asmo sauntered out of the closet with a wide grin on his face, but when he looked at Satan that grin turned mischievous.
Satan narrowed his eyes at him. "What did you do?" Before Asmo could answer, Satan's attention was diverted to the soft footsteps of MC leaving the closet. His eyes widened, his heart skipped several beats to where he was wondering if he was dying, he felt a rush of heat spread across his face.
"Do they look stupid?" MC questioned, adjusting the cat ears they were wearing.
"They look fine," Satan answered quickly, burying his face in his book, but unable to read with the image of MC stuck in his face.
He smiled seductively at the camera before hitting a snack. After the photo was taken, he hummed with content as he looked it over. Perfect angle. Perfect lighting. Perfect model. It was a perfect photo, but for some reason, he had no desire to post it on Devilgram. Not, his desire was to share it with one person.
"And send," he spoke, sending his selfie to MC.
It only took a few seconds before they responded.
MC: !!!!!
MC: It's not fair how beautiful you are!
Asmo chuckled before typing away.
Asmo: Let me see how cute you are <3
It took a couple of seconds before a photo popped up. Asmo let a snort come out. He hid his face with his hands from the rather unattractive noise that just came out.
He peaked at the photo of MC making the most unattractive face possible. He burst out laughing, his heart dancing about happily.
He had just gotten back from practice and starving was an understatement. He was sweating, his hands were shaking, he felt nauseated, he felt like he was going to die from his hypoglycemic episode. He stumbled into the kitchen, searching desperately for food.
"Beel! Perfect timing," he faintly heard MC's voice call, but he couldn't see them. His vision was getting blurry. "Beel?" Their voice sounded concerned. He narrowed his eyes, trying to focus, but the hunger was becoming too much.
"Food," he managed to get out as he put most of his body weight on the kitchen counter. He was getting dizzy.
A couple of seconds later, he felt something press up against his lips. He opened his mouth and swallowed whatever it was. There was more. This time, he noticed it was sweet and he chewed it. It was crunchy.
His vision started to focus back. He looked down seeing MC frown up at him. They held a batch of cookies in their hands.
"Are you okay?" they asked quietly. Beel nodded his head, eyeing the other cookie. MC let out a breath of relief before they handed him another. He happily ate it, savoring the sweet taste. "Do they taste okay? I baked them just for you?"
Beel's heart thumped heavily. "Just for me?" he questioned with his mouth fool. He swallowed the cookies and smiled happily. "They taste amazing!"
"Belphie," he heard a distant voice call to him. Although, this voice didn't seem to be too distant, just in the realm of the waking. "Belphie, if you sleep here you'll catch get cold."
Belphie reached his arms out and tightly gripped the person shaking his shoulder. They yelped as he brought them close to him. His arms wrapped around them.
"Then keep me warm," he retorted. He buried his face in their chest. He froze when he inhaled. It wasn't the sent of his brothers, but someone else.
He peaked his eyes opened, seeing MC close to him. His heart thumped heavily at MC's bewildered expression. With a yawn, he sat up, acting like he wasn't affected by MC's scent. It was comforting, warm.
MC was sitting at his desk while he finished up some paperwork. He had expected to be finished with them by the time MC got there, but alas, here he was.
"Lord Diavolo?" MC questioned, drawing the demon prince of Hell from his work.
"Yes, MC?"
"Do you like being called Lord Diavolo?" He looked up at them, seeing them look off to the side, refusing to make eye contact with him.
"I suppose if I had friends, I wouldn't want them to call me Lord Diavolo."
MC pouted, their lips sticking out. "You don't consider us friends?"
Diavolo's eyes widened. A painful sensation burst from his heart, though he wouldn't call it unpleasant. In fact, he wanted to feel it again.
"I would very much like to consider us friends."
"Good, Dia," MC grinned widely at him, making his heart flutter once more.
He was looking everywhere for the human. Somehow, they had gotten separated at the market. Something had caught his eye and he wandered off, but he had a sneaking suspicion that the same thing also happened with MC.
"Help!" he heard the human screech. His eyes widened as he sprinted to where the scream came from. A demon was towering over their form, salivating at the sight of the human's soul.
With a flick of his wrist, the demon was sent flying through a wall. Barbatos grabbed MC's hand and dragged them away from the alleyway they were trapped in.
"Are you hurt?" Barbatos asked once they were a distance away. His eyes trailed over MC's form, looking for any scratches or bruises.
"No," MC mumbled, looking down shamefully.
Barbatos frowned. "What's wrong?"
"I..." MC sighed. "I ruined our trip to the market together, I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize," Barbatos shook his head. "All that matters is that you're not injured."
MC gave him a weak smile. "Thank you, Barbatos." They paused for a moment. "Oh! That's right." They dug through their bag. "I bought this for you. It's not much, but I wanted to thank you for bringing me here today." Barbatos's eyes landed on a bouquet of lilacs. "They're flowers from the human realm! I was surprised to see them here."
Barbatos felt his cheeks heat up and his heart dance about. Lilacs, the flowers indicating the first sign of love.
"And how have you been adjusting here?" Simeon questioned as he took a sip of his tea. He smiled kindly at MC. "I know it's been a couple of months now, but a lot has happened since then."
"It has," MC nodded. "To be honest, I was surprised to actually meet some demons and a couple of angels, I didn't know what to think. Humans have some pre-conceived notions on angels and demons, but seeing as I've never met one, I didn't want to let that cloud my judgment."
Simeon chuckled. "That's a very diplomatic way of seeing things."
MC shook their head. "I didn't do it to try and protect myself or get anything from any of you, I wanted to get to know all of you for who you are, not what you are. And after I got to know you, I wanted to be your friend!"
Simeon smiled brightly at MC, loving the feeling of his heart skipping a beat at their kindness.
"Just hold still for a moment," Solomon warned as he glanced at his book. "Alright, let me just...." He trailed off into muttering the encantation. His eyes flickered off from the book to where MC was standing in the circle. "How are you feeling?"
MC blinked at him. Their eyes drooping shut. "Tired." Their knees buckled and they started to fall forward. Cursing, Solmon rushed forward and caught them in his arms before they could hit the wooden blanks below.
"Are you okay?" he questioned, manipulating their body so he could look at their face.
They gave him a lopsided grin. "Just need...some sleep. But the encantation should help with insomnia," MC yawned. Their eyes drifting shut. "But maybe not with relaxing, this is a bit...too much." MC turned and buried their face in his chest. "Protect me while I sleep?"
Solomon's face turned a bright red. He adjusted MC a bit so that he was able to hold them tightly against him. "Of course, I'll always protect you." He ignored the wild hammering in his chest, opting to look after his fellow human.
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radioactivesweet · 2 years
I'm gonna request for Qin because your requests are open for Qin 😃.
So here are the details-
Needy modern Qin x Modern female artist reader
Qin and reader go on a date.
But reader keeps on focusing on her drawings and doesn't pay attention to Qin and Qin gets needy that's all for my request bye bye 😃👋!
aaa I like modern aus a lot! Sorry it took me so much to write it^^
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Qin Shi Huang is flustered to say the least, despite his attempt to mantain a fiery facade. He had been confident enough to ask you out on a date - he had a feeling you might like him back, which was confirmed by Alvitr too - yet, now that you're sitting in front of him entirely focused on your sketchbook insetead of him, he feels like his beliefs may have been wrong.
Still, Qin Shi Huang isn't going to waste this chance. He plays with the pencils you've left on the table, trying to build something, only to let them fall immediately after - since you don't seem to notice his actions.
He can't help but feeling like an ignored child who's trying tirelessly to be acknowledged. He also sulks like one, you notice, hiding an amused smile behind the piece of paper you're holding.
He yawns and then pretends to have fallen asleep, his head resting on the table. One eye open, he tries to see if your expression had changed. Then he sits straight again.
"Why don't we go somewhere else?" he asks, hoping that your disinterest was caused by the café you were in - and not because of him.
Even when you are outside, walking, you keep looking at your sketchbook, focusing entirely on your work. He tries to take a look at what you're are drawing, but you're faster, turning the page before he could see it. You smile in victory and he's happy because, for once, he has had a reply, he managed to catch your attention - but it's still not enough. And now, he also want to know why you'd need to hide what you were doing.
As his hand brushes against yours, he isn't feeling anymore like a child, but like a teenager in love, straight out from high school. I am too old for that, he tells himself, but he knows too well how he'd love to grab your hand. That hand, though, is still holding the sketchbook, even if your not drawing in it anymore.
"I think I should go. It's getting late." eventually says Qin Shi Huang, who wants to put an end to this never ending embarassment. He'll think about your drawings another time, first he needs to ask Alvitr for some advice. They'll sort things out together.
"Oh... I thought you wanted to take a look..." you reply, pretending to be surprised "But maybe we could do it some other time." as you say this, you slowly pull the sketchbook inside your bag, Qin Shi Huang's eyes lingering on it.
"Maybe it's not that late." he adds, smiling smugly.
And when he starts going through your drawings he realizes that you had been focused on him all along. The pages are covered in sketches of him made throughout your date. You laugh loudly as a shade of red covers his cheecks.
"Next time you should teach me how to draw like this, these are really good." he declares, "But I bet the model played a huge part in it too."
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