#i want to see the last chance prize
babygray · 10 months
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I feel like this is something I should have realized sooner.
The 'shin' in Gintama's Shinsengumi (真選組) is the kanji 真, which means 'true' and 'real'.
Another way to read 真 is 'makoto', making it a homonym of the historical Shinsengumi's emblem, 誠 (sincerity, fidelity, honesty, integrity).
It's like two puns for the price of one.
The big acrylic stand is a prize from an Ichibankuji set, "Ichibankuji Gintama ~ Raffles are Exciting No Matter How Old You Are ~" (一番くじ 銀魂 ~いくつになってもくじはワクワクする~) (Dec, 2023)
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theonevoice · 8 months
Have a gold star...
I swear, I started this as a wholesome innocent comment on how when Crowley has to think of a prize, after 6000+ years, his sweet head still goes to stars as the ultimate symbol of something beautiful and cherished.
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But then I was struck by something: sarcasm.
Both times, when he tells someone to "have a gold star," he doesn't say it with a tone of affectionate irony, like the cool-but-sweet uncle with a rough personality but a soft heart. He says it with a tone of bitter sarcasm, of painful disenchantment.
Because it's not a prize that he is offering; it's a sop, a cruel joke-gift, something that will get you excited at first just because you have a stupid, naive, innocent soul, and you will later realize that it means nothing to the one who assigned it to you, and that they are ready to take it away whenever they want, while the rest of the world laughs at your ridiculous gullibility.
Because this is what stars were for him.
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They were his beloved, exciting creation. The star-factory nebula was his cherished task, assigned to him by God, and he believed that it was meant to be a thing of beauty and splendor, and hold value in the grand scheme of the universe... only to discover, immediately after he created it, that it was never intended to have any value at all. It meant nothing to God. It wasn't even planned to last enough to fullfill its purpose. It was a joke, a cruel prank. 
The stars were God's bad pun of giving angel!Crowley something to do, and love, and have hope and expectations for, and then taking it away. Revealing that it was just a shiny piece of gold cardstock that only a simpleton could consider valuable. Of course he can only say "have a gold star" as a dry snarky sarcastic comment on someone who thinks they have achieved something meaningful when it's actually nothing. Be it the Them defeating the Four Horsemen. Be it Muriel being noticed by the Metatron.
Great, sure, have a gold star, be all excited and squealing with happiness, it will turn into ashes before you even know it.
I am not sure that Crowley's snake eyes were ever intended to signal that he cannot see the stars because snakes have bad vision (even ignoring the zoological fact that they are sensitive to UV light though, so they should still see astronomical objects, in the book it says that demons must be able to see at night, and that's why Crowley doesn't need to turn on the lights on the Bentley), but for sure the Fall and Heaven's cruelty has ruined the stars for him, in a way.
Now, in his mind, they are the ultimate symbol of delusion, of naivety, of foolishly investing your love and passion and hopes in something, of stupidly ignoring that the things you cherish will be ruined or taken away from you or leave you on their own accord.
That's also why Aziraphale's "nothing lasts forever" cuts him so deep. That's why his "no... no, I dont' suppose it does" sounds so much like a truth that he is remembering instead of one that he has jsut discovered.
Here you go, you did it again, you thought you had something significant and instead it was just like your stars, you should have known that whenever you find something beautiful it's just a matter of time before you lose it, you shouldn't get too attached.
In s1e6 he says it to the Them, in s2e6 he says it to Muriel. I do hope that in s3e6 he will get the chance to say it again, but this time it will be honest and out of joy, because whatever is going to happen will make him able again to believe that you can be happy, and can hold onto the good things that you love. You can have all the gold stars, for real. They don't always have to disappear and leave you in pain. They can stay with you.
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nobrashfestivity · 5 months
Everyone Hates Poetry 2024
Write a poem before Feb.5th and submit it to me with the submit feature or in an ask.
Poems should be less than 500 words
You can use your real name or your blog name but they can't be completely anonymous.
Poems will be published at 9pm on Wednesdays and then a link to each poem will be added to the bottom of this pinned post so people can read them all.
I can't stop anyone from reblogging their own poems and generally sharing art is a wonderful thing, but don't turn it into some kind of social media campaign. because people with a small number of followers would be at a disadvantage. This is supposed to be fun. Please do reblog this post and tag people if you think you know someone on tumblr that might be interested. Since the post will contain links to the submissions, your poem will not be lost in the shuffle.
If I receive less than 10 entries I'll cancel the contest and consider it a failed experiment.
Public voting will begin after the 5th.and account for 50% of the vote
A panel of judges will also vote but will not submit poems themselves, and their votes will make up the other 50% of the final tally.
.There will be small prizes for the winner and runner up.
This is my art blog and will remain so, as it always has been. I'm doing this because poets here don't get much chance to get their stuff read and I have a fair number of followers. It's just a little thing to do if you want. I'm not turning this into a poetry blog or a contest blog or anything else.
Poems don't need to be finished. Due to the one month time frame I would suspect these would be first drafts, but please write something new. I want to encourage people to do something now, however imperfect, rather than showing work that's already done.
Updates will follow. Thank you!
Rule clarifications
-Please dont send poems anonymously if at all possible. I am happy to include a name that doesn't identify your blog directly but it's impossible to refer to or contact people who submit poems anonymously. I can't have anonymous poems considered without at least a name for you and if you were to win a prize, you'd need a name and address to claim it. I don't so much care about the latter part, that's for you, this becomes very disorganized and hard to regulate with anonymous messages floating in.
-Please put the title of your poem above it. If it is below it, I have no way of distinguishing with certainty if it's a title or a last line.
One poem per person please.
if you do not wish to see the poetry contest entries just filter the tag "everyone hates poetry 2024"
Due to the very high volume of submissions I am blogging them more gradually as to give more attention to each one. The same tag, "everyone hates poetry 2024", that you can filter if you do not want to see these can be used to find the submissions. If you follow this tag you'll get them all.
Please note that I am now publishing these as asks, previously I had to retype to keep the formatting and there are simply too many entries
Submissions are now closed, I will be publishing submissions all week and then when all have been posted we will start the voting (stay tuned as to how and when)
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hypewinter · 11 months
I got a take on the Danny is Damian's older brother au. He's Damian's brother but he's his adopted brother. So hear me out:
Danny is running away post TUE and he encounters some assassins. For whatever reason they get into a fight and he beats them. This ends up getting back to Ra's who is quite curious about who beat up his most prized assassins effortlessly. After some investigation, he extends an invite for Danny to train under him. On Danny's part, he jumps at the chance to disappear off the face of the earth and have a free place to stay.
Danny ends up being an absolute prodigy. This is him close to being Dan so his morals are much shakier. He doesn't leap at the opportunity to kill, but he's most definitely not above it if need be. Combine that with his ghost powers and personal training by Ra's himself and the guy becomes like the golden standard within the league. So much so to the point where Ra's even names him his heir and adopts him. Though Danny insists he is his adopted grandson and not adopted son.
Flashforward to Damian being born and Ra's obviously wants him to be his new heir. Not that Danny has any problem with this. He's very clearly Ra's favorite considering the things he's allowed to get away with. Like letting targets go, having worldly possessions in his room (TV, gaming console, computer, etc), and even befriending his subordinates (Ra's particularly doesn't like that one but knows Danny will never allow it to become a weakness for him). Even if Danny wasn't the heir, he would still maintain a significant level of authority within the league (again not that he cares about having power as long as there's a roof over his head).
The problem is, Damian can't compete with Danny. After all, who could match up to a highly trained half ghost with dubious morals? Let alone a kid. Too bad Ra's doesn't see it that way. He sees Damian as a failure who will never measure up to Danny. That's why he sends the boy off to live with his father. It's under the excuse that he'll be receiving a different sort of training but in reality, the Demon Head no longer wants anything to do with his biological grandson.
Obviously this turns into quite the complex for Damian. Meanwhile Danny absolutely adores Damian. From the moment he was introduced to the baby he was ecstatic. He'd always wanted to be an older brother. He would constantly be barging into Damian's room to hang out and whenever they'd sparred together, he'd try to let him win. Ra's quickly caught onto that one and put a stop to it immediately though. Basically Danny is Damian's League of Assassins version of Dick. An example of what he's supposed to be that he will always compare himself to (and that also has no idea what personal space is).
Danny loved his little brother so much that he even managed to get a mission to Gotham about a year after Damian had been sent there in order to surprise him with a belated birthday present.
The bats are absolutely shocked with an assassin suddenly charges at Damian and before anyone can react, scoops him into a hug. Damian is screeching bloody murder as he attempts to get Danny to let him go. Danny is just hugging him while saying stuff like "I missed you little brother" and "You've grown so much since I last saw you" all while avoiding knives to the chest.
The bats get shocked x2 because wait.... little brother!? Talia had another child!? And one far older than Damian to boot. Damian is quick to clarify that Danny is adopted while still trying to stab him. Imagine the boy's horror and Danny's delight when he gets invited back to the batcave to speak further.
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sudenlyanime · 7 months
Taigen’s love confession NEEDS to come before he finds out Mizu is a woman.
Listen. I have given this a lot of thought and the more I think about it, the more I’m sure. When looking at Mizu and Mikio’s marriage, we can see how Mikio was in to the idea of a strong woman only so far as he was still stronger than her. This is clear when Mikio insists that he wants to “see all of [mizu]” and insists that they spar; Mikio doesn’t unsheath his blade even though Mizu tell him not to hold back. He assumes he is stronger than her and when this is proven false, like the beta bitch he is, he bails.
But with Taigen it’s different. Mizu and Taigen’s relationship has been a power struggle from the start. Taigen wasn’t introduced to Mizu as a woman or a wife. Taigen has always seen Mizu as a swordsman first. And when the hostility between the two starts to cool, it is because of their mutual admiration of the other’s skill. Mizu’s strength and boldness are what win Taigen over in the first place.
We also see a very important juxtapose between when Mizu pins Mikio to the ground and when she pins Taigen to the ground. In the first instance, Mikio pushes Mizu off him and calls her a monster. He feels put off and emasculated by being overpowered. In the Mizu/Taigen scene, however, once Mizu has Taigen pinned, he stares, awestruck, into Mizu’s eyes and gets a raging hard on. Instead of feeling emasculated, Taigen get so aroused that he has a full blown bi awakening.
So we know that Taigen is different to Mikio in that he is attracted to Mizu BECAUSE she can kick his ass, not in spite of it. But Mizu has been burned before. Badly. So if Taigen were to confess his feelings and tell Mizu that her strength is what he adores most about her, she’d be like, “right, sure, heard that one before.” And that’s why Taigen needs to confess his feelings BEFORE he finds out what’s in Mizu’s pants.
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In my daydreaming about a Migen love confession, I find myself reminded of this quote. How Mikio was like the exotic bird collector. He only liked the idea of Mizu knowing her way around a sword so long as at the end of the day, he can still put her back into the caged-in roll of the house wife.
Taigen is also guilty of this with Akemi. I sure there is still no small amount of attraction and love between them, but I think Taigen pursues Akemi mostly out of the personal fable he has written about himself; the poor fisherman’s son who raises himself up to be the star of his Dojo and then marries a princess. He might not have wanted to cage Akemi as much as other men would have, but he still sees her as the exotic bird. The prize. And thats why I can’t ship them.
But with Mizu it’s different. Taigen even admits that Mizu is a better fighter than him. He KNOWS he could never cage her and by the end on the first season he strops trying, opting to stand beside her instead of against her (“it’s your fight, so it’s mine” 😭) So when he does confess his feelings, he has to do is as one man to another and make it clear to Mizu that her strength is what he loves most and that he would never want her to be anything less then the superior swordsman she is.
Only then will Mizu have a chance of believing that Taigen wants to be with her, not to subdue her into a wifely role, but to stand beside her in all her greatness. If Taigen’s confession were to come after he finds out she’s a woman, Mizu might just think, “oh, NOW you want to be with me, cause you think just because I’m a woman I’ll eventually submit to you.” Mizu needs to know she is loved AS SHE IS.
Also, I just think it would be HILLARIOUS if Taigen confesses, and Mizu is like, “ well then….. I guess I should let you know…” and then Taigen spends the rest of the episode with his mind fucking BLOWN and complaining that he has spent the last several months coming to terms with the fact that he is attracted to another man only to find out the man he is attracted to is a woman! He goes through a whole bi awakening for nothing!
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diordeer · 4 months
“remind me how it used to be, pictures in frames of kisses on cheeks… and say you want me” - taylor swift (smau)
contains: charlie bushnell x fem!reader (part 1 here)
description: i just watched an edward scissorhands ballet and its made me reminiscent of my dance days… why did angsty teen me quit!!
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Liked by iamcharliebushnell, dior.n.goodjohn and others
yn.ln last little photo dump, with taylor stealing my phone and taking a selfie which is something i never thought would happen?!
tagged iamcharliebushnell, taylorswift
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user1 charlies been REAL quiet since the comment
↳ user2 I dont think its awkward between them bc otherwise she wouldnt be posting them together
dior.n.goodjohn imagine having THE TAYLOR SWIFT hijack ur phone
↳ yn.ln ikr like i mean she can keep it if she wants idm 🤷‍♀️
user3 me trying to figure out if the post is from the mv or behind the scenes
↳ user4 yeeah like it IS a scene but from a phone camera… and they r pretty close
user5 well, she isnt fighting the dating allegations is she
↳ user6 why would she have to?
taylorswift 😘😘😘
↳ user8 i dont think so, just rly close
user9 why is it the end of the photo dumps 😃
↳ user10 probs bc thats all the photos she has from it 🙄
user11 ok NOW get her cast on percy jackson
user12 they better be dating or im going to kms
Direct Messages:
You: Heyy charlie, what was that comment about that walker sent?
Charlie: Ohh did u see that?
You: Yeah sorryyyy!
Charlie: No dont be sorry, it was just walker yk? he goes on about random stuff to annoy people a bit
Yn: So.. its not true?
Charlie: I think it was just a joke 😄
Yn: Oh okayy! Sorry! Are we still on for the weekend then? Maybe we can chat ab it
Charlie: Of course!!!! … whats there to talk about tho?
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Liked by taylorswift, iamcharliebushnell and others
yn.ln we in fact had A LOT to talk about
tagged iamcharliebushnell
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user5 why do i feel like we missed a chapter
dior.n.goodjohn if i had to sit through one more session of you two yearning for eachover i might have gone crazy
↳ user6 why can i envision this perfectly
user1 talk about, or kiss about?
↳ yn.ln WOWOWOW
walker.scobell i take full credit for this
↳ user4 everyone say thank u to walker!
↳ user3 thank u walker 🙏
↳ iamcharliebushnell thank you walker
↳ yn.ln aint no way charlie, u were in so much denial about his comment its embarassing
↳ iamcharliebushnell 😣😣😣
leahsavajeffries FINALLY!!!
taylorswift i feel like im a matchmaker rn
↳ yn.ln you are, and a very good one at that
user9 jokes aside her hairband is super cute
↳ yn.ln its my prized possession, i will wear it any chance i get
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Liked by taylorswift, dior.n.goodjohn and others
yn.ln omgomg, still in awe that our how you get the girl music video won an AWARD?! It was all u taylor boo 🩷🩷
tagged iamcharliebushnell, taylorswift
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taylorswift all ME?! u ARE how u get the girl
↳ iamcharliebushnell what about mee?? 😣
↳ yn.ln oh! 😄 well ur a guy so…
↳ user3 me he heee
↳ user4 yns so real
sabrinacarpenter ahh congrats!! So well deserved!! 🎉🎉
user2 i cant believe this is real, yn, taylor, and charlie ?!?!
dior.n.goodjohn I WAS ROOTING FOR U!!
↳ iamcharliebushnell I WOULD HOPE SO?!
user5 charlie got the girl and got the award !
↳ user6 that was so cringey
user7 yn and taylor are my new fav duo
gracieabrams YESS!! WELL DONE 🥳🥳
taglist: @highfidelities @lostinhisworld @lizziesfirstwife @auttumnsayshi @silkenthusiasts @taygrls @kidkrowk @kanojous @niktwazny303 @m00ng4z3r
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kaeyas-beloved · 1 year
It’s The Way He… || #2
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Characters: Alhaitham, Cyno, Dainsleif, Heizou, Itto, Kaveh, Xiao, Wanderer
Summary: Just cute/heartwarming/breath-taking things he does <3
Genre: Fluff + Snippets
CWs: gn!reader (you/your), injuries (Cyno), petnames (my love; Kaveh),
a/n: did a pt. 2 because the last one got lots of love and I though they were really cute so I wanted to do some others <3
|| Pt. 1 ||
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It’s the way Alhaitham props his chin on you - your head, shoulder, just whatever is easiest at that moment - as you read. His eyes, a beautiful mix of green and orange, will skim the page you're on. It's no quantum physics or retelling of historic events, but if you like it then he'll give it a chance. Just, don't be too upset when he asks you to read faster, he wants to know what happens next is all.
"Are you almost done? I've finished the page. What? What's that look for?"
It’s the way Cyno is so serious as he dresses your wounds, a stark contrast to the genlteness of his touch. It doesn’t matter if it’s a paper cut, a rash, burn or a gash from battle, it’ll receive the same level of attention and care from the general. If he had it his way he’d get Tighnari to fix you right up, because at least Cyno knows you’re in good hands, but that can’t always happen, so he’s your next best. In a way that’s alright, at least this way he can personally see to it that you’re looked after.
“This will sting a little, sorry, but it has to be cleaned. I’ll try to lessen the pain as much as I can and finish quickly. If you’d like, I can tell you some jokes to take your mind off of it?”
It’s the way Dainsleif never forgets the little details about yourself. You could mention it once and he’s already committed it to memory, he's committed you to his memory. For 500 years he's walked alone, maybe not always physically, but it still felt like there hasn't been anyone with him. You are the first connection he's had in so long, and even if he's doomed to live long past you, the image of everything that creates you, he’ll will himself to remember for as long as he can, because just the thought of you makes him feel like he's alive once more.
“You told me once that the stars brought you peace. I thought it’d be nice to look out at them tonight, for they too do the same for me. However, if I was to be truthful, you, without a shadow of a doubt, bring me the most peace.”
It’s the way Heizou leaves a riddle on the kitchen counter for you every so often before he leaves for work or errands. There’ll be clues scattered around the house for you to find as well, each one becoming more cryptic than the last. Of course, he knows you well enough to not make them so tough you can’t figure it out. He wants you to receive your prize after all~
“Did you figure out today’s riddle?” … “Heh, that’s correct, I knew you’d get it! Now, come and claim your reward. I think you’ll really enjoy it this time~”
It’s the way Itto runs up to you the instant he sees you in the streets of Inazuma, arms ready to grab hold and lift you as high as he can or as high as you allow. He'll even do a little spin with you he's that happy to see you. It doesn't matter if you’re alone or with someone, he is a loud and proud oni who shows off the person that owns his heart!!
"There you are my partner-in-crime, my beetle battle buddy, my number one! Say, if you're not busy how about you tag along with me? I just found this awesome raman place that's pretty cool if I do say so myself. How about we check it out?"
It’s the way Kaveh readily helps you with your outfit and any bells and whistles that go with it. As a renowned architect there are times where he’s invited to formal events, and you are his first go to for a plus one. And where there’s formal events there’s formal attire, and the hassle of making sure everything is perfect. Be it a tie or some piece of jewelry, Kaveh and his keen eye for detail are there to help attain that perfection.
“Ah, here, let me help. Sometimes, it takes another pair of eyes to catch if something’s off. Of course, you look stunning regardless my love. There, shall we head off?”
It’s the way Wanderer stumbles to match your pace. For as long as he's lived he's moved at his own pace, never once slowing or playing catch-up for others. For you though, he'll stop to admire the things he's overlooked due to his immortality, he'll race to make sure you don't run too far from him that he can't raech you. No longer does he run away from those he loves, now he runs alongside them.
"What? You stopped for a flower? It's pretty? Please, I can think of many more things that are prettier than some flower, but I suppose we have some time. Who am I to stop you from doing what your little heart desires."
It’s the way Xiao carries with him the little gifts you give. May it be a flower, a picture, a letter or another object of some kind, the yaksha will have it tucked into the safest pocket he has. To you it may have just been something you picked up or made while thinking of him, but for Xiao, it’s his good fortune charm. Something that has a tangible weight to it, his constant reminder that someone is waiting for him back home. However, he can never bring himself to tell you this, covering up the why he brings it everywhere with some barely strung together excuses or redirections.
“Of course I’d take it with me, why would I not? Huh? You think I’d have no real use for it? Tsk, you still don’t know the ways of the adepti, do you?”
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Tag list: @spoopy-fish-writes // @that-enby-alien // @xenuuu // @mariposa666haruka // @quackquackmfs // @kaerui-kaisen // @ajaxstar // @genshin-impact-writings // @stage-lucida // @ventisweetheart // @lordbugs // @leena-shi // @lemontum // @akiria12167 // @ari-the-wr1ter // @dontmindmebeing // @xiaos-wife // @irethepotato
. . .
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rosiesmuts · 8 months
The Temptations of Jennie Kim
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Words: 4,000
A/N: Boo! 👻
Jennie Kim is a pure unadulterated bitch.
Obstacle one is making it past the bouncer; having your name on the guest list makes that an easy task. Obstacle two is the sea of people; a VIP wristband solves that little inconvenience. Your expected prize for completing these side quests is a night of dancing, ending with divulging in the salacious body of a world famous idol. The light at the end of the tunnel is anything but. Obstacle three is something you couldn't see coming. That world famous idol has already found her seat, only it's on the lap of another man.
Your mind goes a million miles a minute trying to figure out a plan:
1) 'I should go up and confront her.' No, causing a scene wouldn't be good for anyone.
2) 'Fuck this I should just go home.' No, I can't let her just win so easily.
3) 'Fuck it, I'm already here, might as well grab a drink.' I guess this is the winner.
Probably not the best plan, but the one you've chosen.
"Don't tell me you're obsessed over her too."
An unfamiliar voice. Your eyes follow the voice, finding yourself face to face with a beautiful woman. It shouldn't be a surprise, this club is crawling with them. Too busy wallowing in your pity to notice her join your table and too late now to do anything about it.
"Huh?" Admittedly not the most suave response, but it's the one that comes blurting out.
"Jennie. Half the guys here are just sitting here staring at her, what's so special about her anyway?"
"Are you really surprised? BLACKPINK is a pretty big deal. Besides I want staring I was just-"
"Look at yourself, you're even sneaking in little peeks while talking to me."
Her hand is placed under your chin, forcing you to finally take a good look at her. You start to speak but she cuts you off.
"What’re you drinking?"
It's rare to see a woman take control. And here you were, sitting face to face with one. She flags someone down and orders you a fresh drink.
"What's your name?" You regret your lame choice of ice breaker the moment it's said out loud.
"Unimportant. Let's just have some fun and see where it leads."
Maybe there is a god. So far nothing you've said could be constituted as smooth, yet here she was, still giving you a chance.
Where things led was more surprises: first, a dance. A hot body pressed close and shaking, accompanied by a mind clouding cocktail of scents. Your eyes dart all over her: the glow of the mysterious woman's pale skin under the multicolored lights; her plump lips; her toned midriff.
"Still thinking about Jennie? I think you've got enough room to squeeze me in."
Both her hands come to rest at your hips, gently pushing yours forward and squeezing your body closer to hers. Your eyes lock, the music from the club fades out, and you find yourselves with your noses an inch away. This insanely hot girl, not the one you intended to spend tonight with, but not the worst thing you can think of right now. The tip of her nose brushes yours and her hands push forward one last time, the kiss can only be delayed a second longer.
"What the fuck are you doing?!"
Jennie Kim has some nice timing. Just when you were about to give into this other woman, there was a tug on your shoulder and you're spun around–Jennie Kim's face, contorted with a mixture of anger and jealousy.
"You. Step the fuck back, he's not yours." Jennie shoves her hand out to your impromptu date, but that was apparently not an adequate barrier to keep her away. The girl comes up and wraps around your arm, not allowing Jennie to steal you away.
"He was until you got in my way."
"In case you didn't hear: step the fucking hell away." Jennie is nothing short of livid. People have stopped dancing, staring at the unfolding scene. Your new date notices the attention.
"Fine! He's not worth it anyway." And just like that your new acquaintance storms off, her hips and the smoke trailing from the bottom of her black dress being the last you'll ever see of her.
"Walk. Right. Now." Jennie drags you towards the hallway, likely intent on either berating or maiming you somewhere in private. In any other scenario it would sound like the fantasy of every man in South Korea, but right now you know it's bad.
A private room behind the dancefloor, a much better place to be killed and your corpse dumped than in front of hundreds of witnesses. She shuts the door with a slam hard enough you think it might shatter and locks it with an unnecessarily loud click.
"Who the fuck was that? You've only been here two minutes and you're already on top of another woman?!"
"Hey, hey, fuck you Jennie. Do you know what I saw when I came here? After you invited me? Oh you were totally there, sitting on another man's lap."
"That's not the same."
"Not the same my ass. Can you even begin to explain what it is then? No of course you can't. Because you're a spoiled fucking idol who does whatever the fuck you want."
You turn to leave, but are pulled back and receive a rough slap across the face. There's no pain, only the sudden red color filling up that side of your vision. She did it again. This time it brings with it the burning sensation. A stinging radiates across your cheek, an angry mark that burns more as the adrenaline fades.
Then in almost cliche like fashion you grab her face and slam her into the nearby wall, returning her slap with an aggressive kiss. Jennie doesn't try to pull away, in fact she gives just as much as she receives. If her jealousy made her slap, her frustration makes her kiss harder, her teeth digging in slightly at her efforts.
"Someone is still obsessed with me hmm~?"
"Fuck you." The reply is snarled out through the tears in your teeth.
"Why don't you? Make sure everyone out there knows who you belong to. You weren't even interested in that slut anyway. All you could think about was me."
Any rebuttal was silenced the instant a hand traced the outline of the bulge forming in your jeans. No words need to be said; she's right, there's only her. Her face, her smell, her voice. Jennie bites your collarbone through the shirt to try and get a rise and boy does it. A firm hand groping her behind and pulling her into you, meeting the hardness growing in your jeans. Jennie chuckles, enjoying the reaction.
"Do it. Go ahead."
Jennie fucking Kim. The girl of your dreams. The girl of your nightmares. You've fallen into her trap. What's happening right now can only be described as karma's cruel payback, an attempt to dangle your greatest desire right in front of your nose–before a final humiliating insult is slapped on it.
"You little bitch." Jennie taunts you, unraveling her flirtatious intentions as her skirt rides higher and higher along with your patience. "Go on. Put me through the wall. Pull it out and fuck me as hard as you can."
It would be too easy, wouldn't it? Giving her what she wants after what she did. Instead she's dragged to the couch and bent over you knees. Jennie yelps in surprise, before realizing what's coming to her.
"I didn't say stop." Jennie responds after feeling the forceful slap at her backside.
Another. Jennie cries out, before letting the sweetest sounds come tumbling out of her mouth. Your palm raises once more, pauses, and then swings down and impacts against the exposed skin. A large pink spot forms on the exposed skin as a result and you're starting to think Jennie is actually getting turned on.
"Well since you asked so nicely."
Her panties are brushed to the side and two fingers plunge in and begin exploring without any warning. Jennie squeaks and curls up at the sudden and bold invasion, but it doesn't take long before those two fingers find the sweet spot and stimulate a cascade of pleasurable electricity. In and out they go, aided in their efforts by the squelch of their occupant's excitement. The couch rocks as Jennie arches and bucks wildly, alternating between sporadic whimpers and full on screams of delight.
"I'm so close...so so close..."
Your fingers pull free then another smack against her ass again, interrupting her moment of bliss.
"You think you deserve to cum Jennie? Hmm?"
Jennie answers with an arch to her back, a long, sensual moan that turns into a low pitched growl.
"Yes...Yes...just let me cum please please."
She's grinding at the air, her desperation on full display. You're just a few seconds away from finishing her, of making this cute bitch cry out and go rigid as waves of pleasure radiate all the way from her groin to the rest of her body.
"Feel that pressed against your stomach Jennie? I think you need to suck it. Prove you deserve it."
Her feet meet the ground as she kneels between you legs, and with a final lustful glance, begins to pull away the zipper to your jeans. "You're a real fucker aren't you? Fine, I'll show you."
Down goes your underwear, tossed to the side of the couch, and up Jennie comes with the heaving package in her face. A tiny lick along the bottom of the shaft and then a more robust and adventurous one the entire length. No preamble this time, only the sudden heat and wetness as the girl with a history of petty remarks envelopes your member, coiling her tongue around the sensitive areas and sinking further into your lap.
This girl, Jennie Kim. How can she be so talented at such a crude act? The walls of her mouth shift in a thousand ways as she draws a throaty groan out of you, her tongue expertly knowing all the ways to drive you crazy. This fucking bitch, going deep, purposely drooling all over it, and looking up in satisfaction as she gags and chokes. Up and down she goes, swallowing and sucking back a mouthful every single time she rises. The picture perfect idol, loving nothing more than a throat full of cock, a wide streak of mascara under her eyes and spit all over her face.
The room grows ever hotter, the look in Jennie's eyes begging, imploring for you not to hold back. You sit upright and clutch onto her hair, fingers locking as tight as possible to guide her, taking charge of her bobbing head, sending yourself all the way up to your pelvis. Her arms are limp, her face is a mess, you've reduced a famous singer and model to a panting wreck, and that sight is almost too much.
"Fuck my mouth..." the pleads of the famous superstar when you let her up for air. Her request is granted, her hair gets pulled and the momentum carries your pulsating member all the way to the base. Inch by inch, millimeter by millimeter until the tip of her nose touches the pubic bone and her jaw is stretched as wide as possible, the outline of the member embedded into her throat.
The unholy gags are the hottest fucking thing ever. And the little flutters, her struggle not to cough, the spasms. Jennie Kim, proudest bitch alive. Choking and gagging on your cock, no thoughts in her brain of anything else but to please. She loves it, she wants it. More, more, more, always more, begging with her eyes the only way she could.
With a heavy gasp, you finally let up, letting her burning lungs draw air. While she is a coughing wreck, her face slick with tears and saliva, the thought that fills the forefront of her mind is exactly what's about to happen. The thrill, the idea, the exhilaration, she can't contain the giggling smile.
Jennie was a bad girl, touching herself while you fucked her face, showing off her fingers covered in her own juices and licking them clean. This woman was going to be the end of you, that smirk.
"You and that stupid ass cock." Jennie takes matters into her own hands, straddling your lap, lining up the tip. She's in control, now she'll decide just how far you'll sink into her.
"Dumb fucking whore." Your fingers wrap around her delicate neck. Her eyes widen, not in fear, but in excitement. They darken, her pupils dilating, the clear response to the aggression is reflected in a quickened pulse under the flesh. It isn't surprising the more forceful you get, the wetter she seems to get.
And holy fuck it feels so fucking good, Jennie's lower lips engulfing your tip. The walls of her cavern part and pull you deep within her, her breathing changes pace and volume, whimpering and panting as it sinks in further. She's warm, she's welcoming. Every inch is a bit tighter, the friction causing your heart rate to rise, and her arms, encircling you in a vice grip, coaxing a tighter hold on her throat. You can almost see the lightheaded effect it's having, the subtle shifts in her vision, the dream like daze that accompanies such euphoric sexual bliss.
Up and down Jennie bounces, the tempo of her breathing just a second out of synch, every moan coming just a second later. You don't try to hide your own pleasure either, groaning with a volume only a centimeter away from yelling and definitely noticeable beyond the walls. With a firm slap to the ass, her pussy responds in the best possible way; squeezing tightly for a moment and sending a pleasant shiver down your body.
Jennie fucking Kim. Her tightness, her perky tits, the fucking supermodel and worldwide heartthrob, riding you. That's a story to tell. The sight of this gorgeous bitch bouncing up and down like her life depends on it, the sound of flesh colliding reverberating throughout the room.
Her cries of pleasure come louder, with no sign of the fun ending any time soon. Another thrust and her eyes roll to the top of their sockets. The adorable scrunch in her nose, the contortion of the expression of carnal pleasure, the euphoria right after. The small smirk in the corner of her lips and the grinding of her hips into yours. She's close. Her face gives that away. Her walls pulsate, and if that doesn't sell it the pitch change of the moans certainly do. Her noises shift in timbre. Whines and loud whimpers, the sudden erratic nature.
There's no stopping her now, it's out of your control, and it's fucking beautiful. Jennie fucking Kim, cumming on your lap. Her thighs begin to spasm, a waterfall of juices spilling all the way down to the floor, pooling around your ankles. That fucking face, a cacophony of ecstasy. Then with one final, powerful groan, she suddenly stops. Her eyes shoot open and she curls up, freezing and grinding away. You pull her hair back, forcing the perfect idol to bare her neck and shriek, as her orgasm consumes her senses, her legs thrashing about and toes curled into their arches. Jennie fucking Kim came, her face red and a smile creeping upon the ends of her lips.
It's not over, not even close. Jennie's face a mask of desire, her breathing deep, still needing more, the short, panting breaths catching the tiny pieces of her hair waving across her face.
"Fuck me like you mean it." Jennie goads you on. Your hands wrap around her tiny waist, fingers digging into her flesh, and you start thrusting. Up into her body, down into her lap, each of her downward drops meeting a upward thrust, your hips meeting hers halfway. In no time her squeaky noises are echoing against the walls, your pelvic bones colliding hard, both of your bodies jerking about as you throw everything into each pump. Her eyes turn dark, a drunken gaze. Fuck yes, those lips curling back into a naughty, crazed smile.
"You can't fucking resist it can you?" Jennie screams the question, feeling your hands force her up and slam her back down with your hips surging forward. Her whole body lurching backwards from the impact and then snapping forward from the following motion. Another one, the smack of flesh meeting flesh resounding once more and the squirt of liquids spraying the air and wetting the sides of the couch. Jennie no longer cares, letting her body get fucked and then roughly jammed downwards and impaling herself repeatedly, filling the room with the loud slaps.
"You're nothing but a fucking whore aren't you?" You say it directly to her face and as expected the deprecating talk turns her on like nothing else. A genuine laugh followed by a growl and a "you want this tight pussy all for yourself?"
And another smack, a spank and a squeeze of her delicate ass. Her neck tilts backwards. Yes! Look into those deep pools, her gorgeous, intense stare. Losing control, that face, her mouth, it's open and wet and covered in saliva. That cute kittenish tongue sticking out of the edge of her lips.
Another thrust. Jennie's body flies forward from the impact, a lustful grin stuck on her face, burying your face in her small tits. Her chest jiggles with each pounding, a single moment of freedom followed by an instant of being engulfed in their softness. Those perfect mounds of flesh, enough to drive any sane man or woman mad with obsession, bouncing inches from your eyes, sweat coating their supple surface. Her giggle erupts and she sees that dumb smile plastered all over your face. Her nose rubs against your own. The stare is intense.
"We really fucking hate each other huh?" Jennie teases then goes in for a kiss. A sloppy, messy affair, her nails dig into your back, leaving a series of scratches as her pussy tightens around the engorged member within her. She's cumming again, the contractions drawing out another series of grunts.
"That's right, keep your dumb cock buried inside, you fucking love this tight pussy."
Oh how far this idol has fallen, the foulest mouth coming out the prettiest lips. Then she whispers in your ears to hold her hips tighter and fuck her harder, and fuck did you deliver. Her throaty groans filling your ears, a crescendo and a rapid beating pulse under your palms. You're close, this little superstar making sure you're as deep as you can be and clinging for dear life.
Jennie's hands wrap around your throat, squeezing, choking the life out of you, your vision blurring, and at the same time she's squirting a second wave and shaking violently. Her hips never stop moving, fucking herself silly. She doesn't stop, the nasty smirk has returned and a mumbled string of 'fuck fuck fuck' under her breath.
Jennie fucks you. Those perfect abs, her slim body, the smell of sex radiates all throughout. You're getting lightheaded, this cute piece of ass a violent whirl of raven hair and painful grip. The harder she orgasms, the harder she squeezes your neck. Then, stars start filling your field of vision and your vision goes white, the pulses start firing. Sick sadistic oxygen depravation brings one of the hardest orgasms in your life. That twisted smirk of the psychotic woman, the evil in her gaze as the heat fills the pit of her belly. She feels it, your load splashing inside of her womb. As you release, so do her fingers, the blood rushing back to your brain not a moment too soon.
Her expression, oh how proud she is for her conquest. You couldn't look anywhere else, this perfect devil in front of your eyes. The cute, tingly and erotic feeling flowing from your groin, it never stops and only grows, the continuous shots, emptying everything you have into her. This little fucking bitch, controlling you until the very end.
Jennie fucking Kim sits satisfied as you gasp for air, a mixture of confusion, satisfaction, and pleasure overwhelming your body. That beautiful little smirk, her hips rolling about, enjoying your final twitches before everything softens.
"See, now tell me that wasn't worth the wait."
Jennie collapses forward, a content sigh, a murmur in your ear about how her body feels. Your legs and feet tingle, a sort of numbness and buzz from the powerful waves of euphoria. Jennie stretches like a cat, all while nuzzling against your neck.
She leans in for a kiss, soft, gentle, uncharacteristically kind. Fingers thread into her hair, your palm resting against the side of her neck. She's warm, and tired, the once energetic and brash girl now settling down, almost vulnerable.
"You know why I keep coming back to you?" Jennie seems almost kind, running her hands through your hair and looking at you with loving eyes.
"Must be my big cock." You tease her, pinching her bum, and stealing another kiss in the process.
"Of course you can't be serious for a single fucking minute." Jennie shoves her shoulder against yours. "No you idiot. When we fuck, it's so fucking good. And look at you. Trying to act all tough, but when I tell you to fuck me harder you do just that. And when I tell you just like that you don't change pace for a moment."
The affection, her soft words. Jennie Kim loves to act hard, to show herself off. There's the world's most famous pop star, snuggled into your shoulder. Her finger tracing along the outline of your chin, the last few beads of sweat dripping down her forehead and her eyelashes. Jennie almost looks sweet, smiling down upon you. That signature gummy smile, the tiny dimple on one side. How can someone so rough, have such a charming side?
"Give me your jacket fucker."
Now this, this was much more of a Jennie thing to say. What a cute and silly request after something as passionate as what the two of you did. Jennie's sweat soaked body. Your brain is a fog, still lost in the moment, struggling to take the demand seriously, still looking at those flawless thighs, now tinged pink.
"I can't leave this place looking like this. You're taking me home. Don't think I'm done with you yet." The look in her eyes, that mischievous glimmer. A girl bent on devouring you. Her knee pressed against your crotch drives you back into reality. "Did you not get the fucking memo? Hurry the fuck up."
There is no shortage of nerve in this girl, and fuck if her confidence and commanding tone isn't doing anything for the part of your brain in charge of desire. If anything, you know she's not exaggerating, she still isn't fucking done. Not by a long shot.
It'll be another long night, the same pattern of anger and lust. Spoiled fucking idol Jennie Kim, turning you into a fucking puppet. Letting you do the strangest things to her in the middle of the night. That bitch. That perfect little devil.
And you wouldn't have it any other way...
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4izawas · 10 months
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╰─▸ ❝ 𝐧𝐨 𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐞𝐬. ❞ ──── 𝐟𝐭. 𝐧𝐞𝐮𝐯𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞.
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𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: just like the clouds, my eyes will do the same…
𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦: genshin impact | 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: neuvillette/f!reader | 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: nsfw ; minors dni | 𝐰/𝐜: 0.86k.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: previously established relationship, age gap, character death, angst, blood, dragon reader,
𝐚 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐜𝐚𝐬: haven’t done the archon quest but god i’m in love w him so have this that i literally just fucking wrote start to finish
— 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐦𝐞 !!
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it’s almost cruel, how bright the sun was shining. it shone so strongly it hurt your eyes, made you squint as you gazed up at him — you, his longest lasting companion, and you, who he shields from the burning sun with his own body. the shadow his head and broad shoulders cast across your face is cool and welcome, and you ignore the way his hands shake. 
“i’d do it all over, you know,” you whisper quietly, and he tenses at the sound of your trembling voice, his grip on you tightening. “if the gods were to grant me a second chance at life, i’d make the same decisions — i’d follow for our eternity, and i’d stay. with you.”
“stupid girl, you talk too much,” neuvillette whispers, clutching you as close and as tight as he can without hurting you. “you’re wasting energy.”
clouds, a mixture of white and grey, drift into the limited stretch of sky within your sight. you reply, “it’s never a waste. not when spent on you,” and he whimpers. 
you’ve never heard him so fearful. 
“you — you cannot-“ neuvillette’s words catch in his throat, unable to escape his mouth, and you smile up at him through battle-rouged lips. his breathing shakes, but he forces himself through it. “you aren’t allowed to do this. we swore it, many millennia ago — you and i, unparted until the end.”
you laugh softly, and it hurts. “don’t you see? lover, it is the end.” blood dribbles from your lips as a low, pained noise falls from his own, an animalistic keen that breaks your heart; you can hear his own racing — the fear is getting to him, the panic as well. 
thunder booms. 
“n-no, i said no-!” he says, his voice strong and weak at the same time, and you shakily put a hand over his own where it covers the gaping wound in your middle. 
“even you cannot deny death his prize, neuvillette,” you whisper seriously. behind him, where he kneels on the pristine stone of the courtyard where you’d both been ambushed by enemies he’d finished off in a rage once he saw you fall in a splash of blood, guards approach with young furina in tow. she locks eyes with you, glancing briefly with horror in her gaze at your husband where he holds you while his trousers soak in the pool of blood you’ve created, and hers become wide and scared.
damn it. you’d not wanted her to see; it was already terrible enough that your husband had been with you when you’d been struck, and now the charge neuvillette and yourself had taken was to watch as well? the gods must be laughing at your misfortune. 
“please,” he whispers above you, hunched small and rounded so as to shield you from a threat that had already fallen upon the both of you. he ignores furina’s arrival.  “please, do not.”
lightning flashes, a warning of what was to come. 
he was done refuting fate and denying the gods their entertainment. now he was begging you, publicly prostrating himself before the many witnesses at his back without a single care in the world as long as it meant keeping you. his hand shakes as you clutch it in yours. 
“nothing will change atropos’ claim,” your murmurs, lifting one hand to cup his face. it takes almost all of the strength you have left as you lay there, bleeding out uncontrollably, but it’s all worth it as he nuzzles his face into your palm while his eyes remain squeezed shut. 
“it’s not fair,” he whispers against your wrist, his voice trembling, and you run your thumb along the crest of his cheekbone fondly. 
“life — life isn’t fair,” you force out around bloody teeth. behind your husband, the guards stand silent and furina quietly calls out a worried question you can’t really register as the wind starts to pick up aggressively. the vast picture of the sky behind neuvillette darkens to a deep grey the color of deep sea stone, a sky that begins to grow smaller and darker around the edges of your vision as your strength runs out. your heart pangs as you stare into his eyes. they’re panicked, afraid; you fear what today will do to him. you cannot let it be worse. “neuvillette — husband, look away.”
he shakes his head, and he does not. your brow furrows faintly as he begins trembling anew. 
“n-neuvillette, please…”
no. he can’t. 
“husband-…” with a choked whine, he squeezes his eyes shut.
a soft, fading sigh roars in his ears like the deafening crashing that comes with standing by waterfalls, and a hurt gasp from furina behind him prompts him to open his eyes again. he looks down at you, unmoving but still warm to the touch, and if he were a lesser learned man he’d have been fooled into thinking you were just sleeping — but you were not. you would not ever rest again, despite being drawn into the grasps of the eternal sleep. his breathing comes and goes, unstable and messy, and his heart aches. it burns with an agony as if it’s been torn from his chest—
and it begins to rain. 
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𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 © { 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 } 𝐛𝐲 𝟒𝐈𝐙𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐒. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞, 𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭.
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19burstraat · 4 months
Random SOC Trivia I Gathered On My Reread
I'll be using this for fics, but it's fun just to read!
Jesper does not hold alcohol well (though this is according to Kaz, who is not exactly impartial)
Wijnstraat, Nemstraat, Havenstraat, Ammberstraat are all street names if you want em
Van Eck has been involved in trying to clean up the Barrel; pious. (Allegedly pious, I doubt he really is)
1/5 Van Eck (or general Kerch trading?) vessels are lost at sea
Kaz arrested three times at ten, twice at eleven, once at fourteen. Does stints in jail but it does not say prison (ppl assume he's been to Hellgate / another prison but I don't think so. He'd never have shut the fuck up about it if he had; I assume the Stadhall Jail)
Kaz's cane is lead-lined. I wasn't sure if this was canon or fanon
Kaz runs book on prize fights, horses, and chance games. Floor boss at crow club since fifteen-ish. Youngest to run a betting shop and has doubled the profits.
Gambling halls: Treasure Chest, Golden Bend, Weddell's Riverboat, Silver Garter
West Stave brothels: The Blue Iris, The Forge, The Obscura, the Willow Switch, the House of Snow
Van Aakster is the widow mercher who sees Nina to ease his grief
Inej likes orange cakes in white paper
Black Tips tattoo is a hand with first and second fingers cut at the knuckle, Razorgulls is 5 birds in wedge formation
Nina Jesper and Kaz definitely all have the crow and cup; the others don't
Jordie seems to like books
ridderspel and spijker are arcade games
Bilge, clams, and wet stone smell in the Barrel (per Retvenko)
Kaz definitely is partial to dogs; Smeet's hounds and the grey dog the Hertzoon household had, the windup dogs, the metaphors. He loves a dog metaphor sorry ur not real babycakes you'd have loved thematic web weaving posts
Geldspin is the cotton mill in Zierfoort, Firma Allerbest is a cannery. Both in Alys' name
Wylan was 8 when Marya 'died'
the black veil tomb is carved like an ancient cargo ship
3 flying fish on a grave: government. Palm trees and snakes: spices.
Inej's mother braids her hair with orange ribbons (colour of persimmons)
University a series of buildings built around the Boekcanal and joined by Speaker's Bridge (where people debate and/or drink). Boeksplein four libraries built around a central courtyard and the Scholar's Fountain
Shipping container at third harbour is a Liddie hideout; Jam Tart House is an old hotel near the slat that the Razorgulls use
Long scar across Kaz's right knuckle
Violating contracts and interfering with the market can get you hanged in Kerch; same sentences as for murder (this is. Insane)
Haskell holds court with his mates at the Fair Weather Inn every week
Belendt is the second oldest Kerch city and sits on the Droombeld River
Jesper was 7 when Aditi died
Inej has an uncle (who seems to have some sort of ringmaster role) and cousins; Hanzi and Asha
Kaz convinced a locksmith in Klokstraat that he was the son of a wealthy merchant who highly valued his collection of priceless snuffboxes, and that's how he knows what locks the rich are using
Hubrecht Mohren, Master Thief of Pijl, who Kaz doesn't appear to think much of; one of Haskell's old cronies
Martin Van Eck, Wylan's great great grandfather, was a ship's captain, brought back a big shipment of spices from Eames Chin and started the Van Eck fortune
Kaz and Jesper (+ other Dregs boys) taught Inej to fight
Kaz and Jordie are from a town near Lij, as per the 'Johannus Rietveld' exposition, but Lij is seemingly the closest major city/county so it's easier to just say they're from Lij lol
The last time the Council of Tides appeared in public was 25 years prior to CK
Kaz found Filip running a monte game on Kelstraat; he also got the clerks who turned over fake info, the fake attorney, the man who gave them free hot chocolate
The spelling of Zentzbridge lapses to Zentsbridge, not sure which is right or if they're actually separate bridges or if there's a lot of wrong quotes floating around lol
Dryden house symbol is the golden wheat sheaf bound with a blue ribbon; Van Eck is the red laurel but we knew that
Kaz taught himself finance and gambling hall rules
Church of Barter roof is copper and long has turned green
Church of Barter built around the First Forge / The Mortar, which is a flat lump of rock that's supposedly Ghezen's altar
Ghezendaal Hospital is. Idk. a hospital. Just thought ppl might want the name
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quill-and-quiver · 20 days
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𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐: house of the dragon | aemond targaryen x fem!reader 𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢: After years of pining after Prince Aemond Targaryen, he finally allows you to meet his prized possession—his dragon. 𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜:  i don’t think any. this one’s mild - others won’t be lol | if u noticed anything i missed, pls let me know 𝚆𝙲: 2.7k — 11 min read time .·:*¨༺➻𝙰/𝙽: hi omg! my first post on a shiny new blog (◕‿◕✿) i know i’m like wayy late to the game with aemond but the new trailer coming out kicked my ass into gear. this is pre-s1e10 so we're pretending that aemond does, in fact, have control of vhagar 💀 also what i learned from this fic? aemond calls u pet. i don’t make the rules sorryyy. ALSO ALSO - requests are open - pls send some! 🤍 mills
✧❦༺ 𝖗𝖊𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙 |.☽.| 𝖒𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 |.☽.| 𝖙𝖆𝖌𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 ༻❦✧
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As he lies asleep, his head resting on the leather cover of a large tome, you study the features of his face. Your eyes trace the delicate curve of his nose, the sharpness of his Cupid’s bow, his angular jawline. Entranced by him, you may not have even noticed when he stirs if it isn't for the soft hum that slips from his lips. As Aemond lifts his head, you quickly turn back to the open book in front of you.
For the last three months, you have spent an unbearable amount of time with him. He’s recently fixated on the history and technique of dragon riding, and you’ve been helping him with his research. And for the last ten years, you have spent an unbearable amount of time gazing at him from a distance, waiting for him to really notice you.
While you relish the time you spend together in private, you tire of it. The truth is that you’re itching to make a show of your friendship. Publicly. Unfortunately, you doubt Aemond will be so understanding. You’ve spent many late nights together in the library or the study. You’ve even fallen asleep more than once in his private chambers, though not wrapped in his warm arms as you might wish. Especially recently, you’ve begun to waste the nights away talking, commiserating, and comforting one another.
But in the light of the day, under the watchful eye of society, everything is so different. Though you wait for his call during the day, it never seems to come. At times you wonder if Aemond is keeping away from you on purpose. When you cannot avoid one another, he pays you no mind as if you were a simple servant and nothing more. You’ve grown closer over the past months, but he still holds back. He is a man with many secrets, and you don’t appreciate being one of them.
As he groans and stretches, you exert every morsel of self-control to avoid glancing at him, even though you know that the muscles in his neck are likely pulled taut.
“What happened?” he mutters, his voice low and rasped.
“You fell asleep,” you reply as you pretend to be immersed in your book.
“For how long?”
“No idea. I was busy and enjoying the rare silence.”
A lie. You know it’s been at least a couple of hours. The truth is that you couldn’t have woken him up, even if you wanted to. Seeing him rest… You’ve never gotten the chance to before; you’ve always fallen asleep first. But he looked so content, peaceful, young. You’ve never seen him so relaxed, and you couldn’t be the one to destroy it.
“Surely the silence pales in comparison to the charming sound of my voice, does it not?” he says.
You can’t resist the temptation to lift your eyes, and you’re glad you do. You catch him just as the corners of his mouth curve upward into his signature smirk. Even in the dim light of the library, you admire the way his cheeks wrinkle when he smiles.
“Perhaps the way it sounds in your head. To the rest of us out here, it’s rather nasally, actually.”
You offer a grin of your own. He chuckles, leaning back in his seat. He drapes an arm lazily across the the chair. His silver hair is ever so slightly mussed from his nap. As you try not to imagine what it would feel like to run your fingers through it, the light catches on something at his throat. Your eyes flick down to the dragon-shaped hooks on his leather tunic.
“Ah, I found something for you,” you say, searching around the desk. You slide a dusty, red book toward him. “It’s a record documenting the pedigree of several Old Valyrian dragons. I checked and, unfortunately, Vhagar is not among them. The book is old, outdated. Still, I thought you might find it interesting.”
He hums in approval, running his long fingers over the spine of the book. You drag your eyes away from him, busying yourself by trying to find where you’d left off reading.
“I’d like you to meet Vhagar," he says.
Your head snaps back up, your eyes widening.
“I want you to meet my dragon.” His unwavering stare tells you that he’s absolutely serious. “You’ve never seen a dragon before, have you? In the flesh, I mean.”
“Well…yes, I suppose I have seen them at a distance but not up close.”
“Good,” he responds, that horribly charming smirk returning. “Then it’ll be educational for you.”
“No, I…” you trail off, unable to come up with an excuse more convincing than ‘I don’t want to.’
“Why? Are you afraid, pet?”
All of the excuses you’ve whipped up in your mind suddenly evaporate. That stupid word that always makes your knees weak. Apparently, you’ve made it obvious that he can have anything he wants when he calls you by that one sweet name.
“Is it not reasonable to be weary of an ancient beast?" you counter. “Dragons are fickle creatures, no matter how much training they’ve had. And that’s not to mention the sheer size alone of Vhagar. I can hardly even imagine.”
“So you do fear her then. Or is it that you do not trust me to protect you should something go awry.”
His eyebrows furrow and head tilts inquisitively. You sigh and shake your head.
“I do trust you, Aemond. It’s just…as I said, dragons are fickle, unpredictable, wild.”
“I can assure you that I have full control over Vhagar.” He pushes the chair behind him and stands before stepping closer. His hand moves to the table, and he leans over your shoulder. His silver hair drops over his frame, nearly brushing against the bare skin of your forearm. In a low, deep voice he says, “I bonded with her, claimed her, rode her with no training. The largest dragon in the known world obeys me and me only.”
Your cheeks heat as his breath ghosts over your neck. His words drip with honey, and you imagine what it would be like to hear those words said of you.
You heave a deep breath and toss him a warning glare before putting a strip of parchment in the book and snapping it closed. You sneak a glance at the clock in the corner of the room and gasp when you realize the time of night. Before you can protest any more, Aemond holds out his hand, his open palm beckoning you forward.
Evidently his persuasion doesn’t just work on Vhagar because at the single command, you too obey him.
He pulls you into one of the Red Keep’s secret passages, tugging you along through an unfamiliar maze of shadowed halls and steps. You follow blindly, realizing just how much you’ve allowed yourself to trust him. And wondering if it’s a good idea. What feels like an eternity later, you step outside into the chilled night air. A quick glance around allowed you to guess at where you are, and you’re proved correct as you eye the massive stone structure before you. The Dragonpit.
You’ve never been inside. You’ve never needed to until now. And you’re in absolute awe of the entire place, craning your neck to take in as much as you can. Once inside the main hall, Aemond gestures for you to wait as he retreats into the shadows.
You aren’t quite sure what to expect. You envision dragons as harsh, violent beings, but Aemond talks about them as though they’re household pets. Trying to imagine Vhagar like a common dog is impossible. Though you’re doing your best to focus on the beautiful craftsmanship of the building, you keep noticing alarming features like ash-stained walls, talon marks slashed through stone, crumbling marble columns.
Aemond’s voice startles you to a jump. Your head whips to the side to find that he’s snuck up behind you and is standing less than a foot away. He smirks again as you nervously chuckle and nod. When he angles his gaze toward one of the archways, you follow it.
“Māzigon, Vhagar,” Aemond says firmly. He’d used one of the few High Valyrian words you know the meaning of. [come]
You gulp as the lumbering giant moves into the firelight, her massive wings swaying from side to side with each step. Although there is plenty to take in, your eyes immediately latch onto the giant rows of sharp teeth. Vhagar snarls as she prowls forward. An acrid, foul smelling burst of hot air surrounds you - her breath. As the dragon stalks toward you, you can feel your body instinctively shrinking back. You inch closer and closer to Aemond. The beast comes to a pause before you, its nostrils flared.
“Y/N,” Aemond announces, lifting his chin proudly. “May I present the largest dragon in the world. My dragon.”
“She’s…lovely,” you quickly respond. You really hate the way Vhagar’s orange eyes are trained unwaveringly on you.
“Would you like to touch her?”
There he goes again, talking as if he had just presented you with a standard house cat, no larger than a small child. You glance over at Aemond, tilting your head.
“D-do they like to be pet? I hadn’t really thought of them that way.”
“Like it, not so much. But she’ll tolerate it,” he leans closer, offering a sinister crooked smile, “if I command her to.”
A tingle ricochets down your spine. You’re sure he’s just poking fun and, after all, he's talking about Vhagar. But you cannot deny that you, again, pretend you’re the one he’s playing with. You shake yourself out of your head and shrug.
“Alright then. How do you suggest I do this?”
“Lift your hand, flat palm, facing her. I’ll have her come to you. Oh, and try not to move, pet.”
You nod and take a deep breath before extending your arm as far as it will go and positioning your hand as instructed. Aemond steps forward in front of you, waving Vhagar forward.
“Māzigon, Vhagar,” Aemond repeats.
With a huff of hot air and a low growl, Vhagar begins to walk forward. It takes most of your willpower not to shy away. Aemond turns, standing to the side of you and Vhagar as the dragon inches closer and closer to your outstretched arm. She pauses just a few inches from your fingers. You freeze, unsure how to proceed. After a few moments of awkward silence, Aemond speaks.
“You can touch her now,” he teases. “She won’t come closer, you’ll have to meet her halfway.”
“I…right,” you mutter but remain still.
Aemond chuckles, circling around to stand behind you. Once again, he leans closer to you, his voice sounding sweet in your ear as he says, “I told you before, there’s no need to fear her. I have complete control. She won’t harm you.”
You know he’s probably right, but you still can’t bring yourself to move a muscle. You will every fiber of your being to obey you, to reach forward and touch the thing in front of you. But you can’t. More silent moments pass.
Suddenly, you feel the warmth of Aemond’s broad hand as it flattens on the small of your back. You arch your spine in response, startled yet electrified by his gentle touch. His other hand moves to wrap around your forearm, and his body molds around the outside of yours. With careful movements, he pushes your arm forward. Vhagar jerks, tossing her head with a growl. Aemond stops abruptly.
“Manda, Vhagar,” he says quietly. “Manda.” [gentle]
Vhagar huffs but lowers her head just enough for Aemond to guide your stretched palm onto her forehead. You release a breath, smiling despite yourself.
The feeling of her scales is strange - not how you expected. She is smooth and hot, like the ceramic surface of a warm teacup. You giggle, feeling almost giddy at the fact that you’re petting a real dragon as if it were a pup. You marvel at her, running your fingers over her broad head.
“She’s very important to you, isn’t she?” you ask, the thought escaping your lips before you really have the chance to stop it.
A few moments of silence pass before he replies, “Yes. She was…”
His voice fades but you nudge him with your shoulder.
“She was what?”
He heaves a sigh.
“A way to prove myself. To show everyone that I'm not to be passed over simply because I am the second son.”
You nod, your fingers still trailing over Vhagar’s scales.
“While I cannot understand the feeling, I can imagine how difficult it must be,” you reply. “Particularly when your older brother is someone like Aegon, who avoids his responsibilities like a sickness. When you are the one training, studying. It cannot be easy. But she is a very fine dragon, indeed. One you’ve earned. Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For trusting me. For sharing her with me.”
You’re still so fascinated by the texture of her scales and blurred by the sound of your nervous heart pounding in your ears that it takes you a moment to realize Aemond’s palm sliding up your arm to cover your own hand. Your smile fades.
He’s never touched you before. Not like this - not so…intentionally, sweetly. You turn your head back to glance up at him and are surprised to find him staring down at you. His parted lips and furrowed eyebrows make your knees feel weak. His hand slips onto your wrist, pulling your touch away from Vhagar. He guides you to face him and wraps his free hand around your other wrist. You don’t resist as your gaze drops down to his lips and then returns to his eyes.
“Qrīdrughagon.” [leave, away]
He doesn’t even bother to look at Vhagar as he speaks the command. With his hands secured firmly around your wrists, he gazes down at you. His thumb brushes along your skin, almost in time with your rapid heartbeat. You dare to look into his stormy eye once again, doing your best to seem enticing but not desperate. Though, by the gods do you feel it.
“I knew you would understand, pet. You’ve always seemed to understand me. No one else ever tries like you.”
He lifts a hand, brushing his knuckles across your cheekbone. Your eyes close in contentment at the sensation of his touch on your skin. When his finger hooks under your chin, you raise your face willingly. Aemond guides you toward him, your noses touching. Your hand slides onto his chest, a fist curling around the leather fabric of his tunic. His breath is hot and fast on your mouth. You release an involuntary gasp.
And then his lips crash onto you, slipping in between yours. When your mouths separate, he wastes no time coming back to you. He angles his head to reach you better as his grip slips from your face to curve around your waist. His other hand, still encircling your wrist, pulls your hand toward his chest and holds it tightly against his heart. His lips move expertly on yours. He pushes against you, and you meet his energy to deepen the kiss. You can feel his grasp tightening, his fingers clutching the material of the fabric on your back. The pressure sends your back into an arch and presses your chest flush against his. He begins to drag his fistfull of your clothes upward. You separate, breathless. But your fingers grip at his tunic, refusing to let him move any further away. He chuckles breathily and moves to attach his lips to yours again. A loud snort from Vhagar startles you, and you jerk back from one another.
“Oh…” you muse and chuckle quietly.
“I should take her back,” he says, breathlessly.
You smooth your hair as Aemond glares at Vhagar. He releases you but not before lifting your hand, curled tightly around his, to his lips and pressing a chaste kiss to your fingers. He steps away to take care of his dragon. With his back to you, he glances over his shoulder. His chest still rises and falls heavily as his eyes flick up and down your frame, the ghost of a wicked smile playing on his lips.
“Troublesome girls, the both of you,” he says teasingly.
When you return to your private chamber the next morning after breakfast, you find a small, stuffed dragon with greenish-blue bronze scales and a handwritten note, which reads:
𝒯𝑜 𝓂𝓎 𝓅𝓇𝒾𝓏𝑒𝒹 𝓅𝑒𝓉. 𝐹𝑜𝓇 𝓉𝓇𝓊𝓈𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓂𝑒. 𝒜𝓃𝒹 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓁𝑒𝓉𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓂𝑒 𝓈𝒽𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝒽𝑒𝓇 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝓎𝑜𝓊.
— 𝒜.
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tags: wanna be tagged?
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a-spes · 5 months
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| THE SHOT YOU MISSED - One shot (3k).
| Summary - you're spending a day at the fair with your girlfriend, the sweetest mob boss that possibly exists and she makes sure that you've a good day.
| Tags & warnings - mob boss!Natasha Romanoff x fem!Reader, just a fluff writing, slight angst (?), beginning of a panic attack, guns, domestic domination (kinda), Natasha is the sweetest in that.
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You’re taking a deep breath, trying to chase away the tension from your shoulders. There is only one cartridge left in the gun you have been given, so you already know that you won’t have a second chance: if that shot doesn’t hit its target, the mission will be a failure, and it’s not an option. The stakes are too high for you to miss that one. 
You’re doing your best to ignore your surroundings, a difficult thing to do when you’re used to paying attention to everything, especially when being in a crowded place. You could hear the conversations of those around you, the screams and laughs alongside the footsteps of the children running on the asphalt. They were meters away but it was still piercing your eardrums. Even your own breathing started to be unbearable, it was fast and loud because of the anticipation and stress.
The weapon is stable, you’re maintaining it with a firm grip despite the slight trembling of your hands. You have been in this position for several minutes, and your muscles are starting to ache. 
You have to do it, now.
There is nothing left to divert your attention, and you are eventually able to forget about everything else. For a moment, you can’t hear anything, you only see the target that is right in the center of your sights. A pressure from your finger, a clatter that rings in your ears, and just like that the bullet is gone, straight toward your target.
“Fuck!” you screamed, and it takes all the control you possess to not throw the plastic weapon when you see that you missed it. 
You ignore the way the showman glanced at you when you screamed, a mixture of annoyance and satisfaction. You have been here for almost half an hour and you didn’t move an inch, refusing to go back to your girlfriend with empty hands. But sometimes determination isn’t enough, all you’ve managed to do is to pop a balloon or two, but you need more if you want to get that coveted prize.
When your hand reaches into your jacket’s pockets, you’re unpleasantly surprised to find nothing. The desperation with which you are now searching isn’t enough to reveal one last coin and you realize that you’ve spent everything you were given by Natasha, which means the fun is over for tonight.
It is already over and you weren’t even good enough to win a little something.
You had no other choice than going back to your girlfriend with nothing to give her, which you find embarrassing because she will obviously ask what took you so long and you didn’t want to admit your failures, not in front of the woman you love. The second she saw you, she stopped talking with the rest of the group to focus all her attention on you, noticing the way you were avoiding her gaze. As you are trying your best to get over your frustration, she is running her finger over your furrowed brows.
“What's happening, sweetie? You’re tense,” she told you, she knew something was wrong the moment she glanced at you, there is nothing that could escape her gaze.
“I lost, again,” you mumbled, not really wanting to talk more about it, especially because you knew she would react that way: you wanted nothing more than to rip that smirk off her face.
“Oh, baby … come here” she cooed, trying to hide her smile - but she just can’t help it.
She opens her arm and you wait no more than a second before throwing yourself into her embrace. The moment she wraps her arms around you, pulling you into a tight hug, all your frustration is gone.
She is good when it comes to ease your worries: she spent the next hour dragging you everywhere, and you’re sure you’ve tried every ride at least twice. She even bought you cotton candy despite her strict rules about sweets, just to make sure you smile again.
At some point, you were separated from her, you let go of her hand for one second, just enough time to drink some water, but also for your girlfriend to disappear. She probably told you where she was going, but you hadn’t heard because of the screams and those missed words are the reason you’re now panicking.
You are turning around again, and again, and again, but it’s useless, you are lost without her at your side. Every time you think you spotted her red hair in the crowd, it turns out that it isn’t her and the minutes start to feel like hours.
You're being manhandled by the crowd, trying to sort out your thoughts until a hand comes to rest on your shoulder and pulls you out of your torment. You turn sharply, but fear is replaced by relief when you realise it's only her. 
She doesn’t like to see you like this, with tears in the corner of your eyes, and she hates it even more knowing that she caused this. She wasn't expecting you to react that way, as she only left for a few minutes and this view almost makes her feel bad. Almost, because she knows that what she has brought you will make up for her mistake.
“I got a surprise for you…,” she said, but it was not much of a surprise as you could already see the stuffed toy she was trying to hide behind her back.
It is a black dragon that is almost your size, you saw it at the stand where you were playing earlier. You’ve spent dozens of minutes and dollars in that game without winning anything so you can’t believe that it took her less than five minutes to come back with the biggest prize.
“How did you do that?! It was impossible to win anything!” you exclaimed as the woman hands you the stuffed toy. 
You immediately hug it, squeezing the dragon as tight as you can. It is the fluffiest and you’re already loving it. If you are a bit surprised that Natasha got you something that big, you’re trying to not think too much about it. She always tells you no for everything that could ruin the aesthetic of her house so you want to enjoy the plushie as much as you could before she changes her mind and takes it back.
“Thank you, I love it so much,” you told her, not letting it go, which made her laugh - the prettiest sound you’ve ever heard. 
Even her knows that she’ll eventually regret it, but for the moment the smile on your face makes it all worth it. It became even more important than her house’s décoration.
“But?” she asked, frowning when she heard your tone, knowing that something else was keeping your mind busy.
“There is not but,” you replied, and this time it is your turn to frown at her question.
“I know when you’re lying, love,” she said, her hand brushing your hair away from your face so she could admire every feature of your face.
“... god, I hate when you do that, you’re so annoying,” you mumbled, perfectly knowing that she was right. You bury your face in her shoulder, trying to hide your embarrassment. 
Even when you try your hardest to keep your thoughts for yourself, you are unable to do so. There is nothing you can hide from the woman because she is too good at reading people, her eyes seeing everything.
“Then tell me what’s in your mind, and maybe I'll stop being annoying,” she said, trying to hold back a laugh. She won’t say it because she doesn’t want you to be mad at her for real, but she finds it cute when you’re angry.
“I-didn’t-want-a-stuffed-toy-I-was-trying-to-win-one-for-you,” you replied, talking as fast as you could in hope she won’t retain anything of your rambling - which was doomed to failure.
You are a bit embarrassed by the situation because she succeeded so easily where you didn’t. For once, you wanted to be the one to give her a present, something you rarely have the chance to do because she is always the one who spoils you, but somehow she managed to turn the situation around once again, and you hate it.
She chuckles, relieved that it was nothing too serious. She gently grabs your chin to lift your head up and watch your expression. The moment she saw that hint of sadness in your eyes, she understood how affected you are by the situation, and she finds it surprising how something so insignificant in her eyes could be so important to yours.
“Then I could keep it and we’ll pretend that you won it for me, what do you think?” she asked, trying to cheer you up, not wanting to see that look on your face anymore.
“But that's not the same,” you whined, starting to complain about the unfair situation.
“Oh gosh, you're such a child,” she said, rolling her eyes at your answer - but even if she acts like your attitude is annoying her, deep down you know that she loves it. “Come,” she added, pulling you by the hand to guide you through the crowd after she handed the huge dragon to one of her men.
“Where are we going?” you tried to ask, but of course you don’t get an answer from the redhead. 
When you eventually get to the stand where Natasha won the dragon and you lost your money, the showman looks at you with a wry grin. He recognizes you as the one who spent dozens of dollars in his game without winning anything and he is probably hoping that you are back with more money.
But as soon as his eyes landed on the redhead at your side, his face completely changed. He knew he messed up the second he noticed how her hand is resting at the bottom of your back as she guides you toward his stand. She puts down a bill, which the man takes with caution, probably thinking that there is a trap somewhere. 
“We won’t need that,” she told him the moment the man made a move to give her one of the plastic weapons.
If he is about to protest, one glance from the woman is enough for him to understand that he would better keep his mouth shut. Instead, he watches her carefully as she takes her own gun out, a real one. 
You are a bit confused when she puts the gun in your hands : it is the first time it happens. She has never let you touch anything that could be dangerous, and it obviously included her weapons. It has nothing in common with the fake guns you are used to, it is heavier and more impressive.  
“Go on,” she said, trying to encourage you when she noticed you still haven’t made a move.
“What? With your gun?” you asked, unsure of what you are supposed to do now, “b- but I don’t know how.. I mean, I’ve never-,” you added when she nodded as an answer to your question, but she doesn’t give you time to argue. 
“I know,” she cut you, already knowing what you were about to say, “but I’ll help you, don’t worry about it,” she added, putting her hands on your shoulder to turn you around so you’re facing the targets instead of her.
She stands behind you, and if you can’t see her, you could feel her hands roaming over your body. You’re barely listening to the advice she is whispering in your ears, your mind being entirely focused on her hands. She moves your shoulders and legs in the right position, then she wraps your hands with hers to be sure that you won’t miss this time. It requires even more concentration than earlier to not let yourself get distracted by your proximity with the redhead, so close that you could feel her breath on the back of your neck. 
Even if it doesn’t feel right to do that, you shot. Three times, and you didn’t miss one, all the balloons popped under your eyes, granting you the victory. She immediately snatches the weapon from your hand, not wanting to leave it to you for more time than it’s necessary, but you don’t care, too happy about your victory.
“Theirs are rigged, you never stood a chance,” she simply said as if it was obvious, but it wasn’t. If she understood what was the problem in one shot, why didn’t you after you’ve tried countless times?  
You start to feel a bit stupid as the realization sinks in ; you blamed yourself for something that wasn’t even your fault, something you should've noticed on the first shot. You now understand why the showman was looking at you that way, he must have been happy to see someone that was dumb enough to spend all their money in his stand, from the beginning he knew you wouldn't win because no one that plays along the rules does. 
 “I am so proud of you, malyshka,” she added, the sound of her voice pulling you out of the spiral of your thoughts - a deadly one.
The lower part of your back is now pressed against the stand, she turned you around so she could admire every feature of your face.
“Stop lying,” you mumbled, the expression on your face not matching the smile on hers - she is smiling but you want to cry, fearing that you might have disappointed her because of your mistakes.
“I am serious,” she immediately said, not leaving you a chance to argue. Her hand gently grabs your chin, lifting your head until your eyes meet hers. “It even makes me want to see you try with live targets now, you must be so hot…,” she continued, her thumb brushing your cheek as she gets lost in the pleasant scene her mind is playing.
But you are not enjoying it as much as she does. A shiver of disgust shakes your body at this simple image, the one of your hands covered in the blood of your victim.
You are not a murderer, nor a monster.
Even after meeting the redhead and being dragged into her chaotic life, you’ve never done a thing that was illegal. If you know about her activities, she always makes sure that you are nothing more than a witness. She likes her women to be innocent, she used to toss them as soon as she felt their souls started to be corrupted, but she was slowly changing her mind. 
For the first time, she wants to see her sweet thing with blood on her back. There is nothing that could please her more than to see the glimpse of darkness in your eyes growing until you are too deep in it to step back. 
For the first time she wanted to fully introduce her girl to her reality.
She wanted to corrupt you as much as she wanted to protect your innocence. There is no word to describe how much she appreciates this oblivious expression of yours and, right now, she is not missing a thing about the one on your face. She revels in the mixture of fear and disgust she could read on your face.
“I was joking,” she sighed, “so don’t worry your pretty little head with that, okay baby?” she said and you believed her, nodding.
You couldn’t see the smirk on her face - the only hint that she was lying - because she leans forward to kiss the top of your head, her hand brushing your temple one last time before she pulls away. You immediately whine, trying to grip on her arm so she wouldn’t leave but this only makes her laugh. 
“Go get your prize now, so we can get home,” she said, ignoring the pleading look you’re giving her to gesture towards the showman.
You turn around and, indeed, you see that the man was impatiently waiting for you to make your choice, he probably couldn’t wait to get rid of you and your problematic girlfriend. You immediately point to one of the biggest stuffed toys, similar to yours, but before the showman could make a move, Natasha shook her head, showing that she disagrees with your choice. She takes your arm and gently moves it so you’re now pointing at the shelf where the smallest plushies are displayed.
“It’s one of those or nothing,” she said, her stern tone leaving no room for discussion. 
She obviously doesn’t care about the pout on your face. She considers that she has already been pretty nice by gifting you that giant stuffed toy, so she definitely won’t bring a second one home.
“Fine …,” you replied, frustrated that you couldn’t freely choose, but it was the perfect opportunity to make her regret her decision.
You missed nothing of her expression when the showman took the strawberry bunny that was on the shelf. She rolled her eyes, obviously you choose the most childish of all, but she decides that the smile on your face as you’re handed it to her is worth everything. She gladly takes it, and even if she tries to pretend she doesn’t like it, you don’t fall for her lies. The kisses she lays on the top of your head, then on your lips, are enough to convince you to keep your sneaky words to yourself, enjoying the moment the two of you were sharing.
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snowfll · 6 months
Menace; Coriolanus Snow
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pairing - young!coriolanus snow x darker!reader summary - you may not be with coriolanus, but that won’t stop you from hurting anyone who tries to get with him words - 1.32k warning - reader is somehow WORSE than coriolanus. both reader and coriolanus get jealous easily. enemies to lovers type deal?? note - if you guys want a part 2 lmk!! requests are open so don't be afraid to request something! This is based off the song Menace by Mazie!!
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“Everything I want you know I’m gonna get it,” you warned Coriolanus as he taunted you about the plinth prize.
Dean Highbottom had just announced the last assignment that determines who will be awarded the prize: becoming a mentor for one of the twenty-four tributes. You both had been assigned to District 12, with you being given Jessup Diggs while Coriolanus got Lucy Gray Baird.
Ever since you were children, you and Coriolanus have been rivals; it started the day you had to fight him for food during the war. Every little thing leading up to this day has been a competition. Being as rich as your family is, you technically don’t need the money, but knowing poor Coryo does makes you want it anyway. You are going to win this prize, even if it is the last thing you do.
Making your way to a group of your classmates, you were right by Coriolanus, every stride matching his. For how much you two hate each other, you both are rather close; there is not a day you go without speaking to him.
As you reached them, you heard one of them calling your name, only to be faced with Arachne.
“So, you still coming to the party?” she asked. When you didn’t answer, she continued, “C’mon, don’t let this little setback stop you from partying.”
The group had planned to celebrate the winner of the Plinth Prize, whoever it was. Certain you were going to win the award, you agreed to attend the celebration. Who wouldn’t want to go to a celebration for them? Now, this was before the latest announcement regarding the award, but being the ‘party animal’, as everyone calls you, you were still going.
“Of course she is going, Arachne.” Coryo answered for you, smirking and staring down at you, “Ms. ‘life of the party’ would never pass up a chance to loosen up.” You rolled your eyes at his comment.
He knew damn well; he’s just as wild as you are at these gatherings, but no one ever calls him out on it. He’s too famous at this school for anyone to call him out on anything.
“I can answer for myself, Coriolanus,” you muttered. “And yes, I am going; you can count on it”
Arriving at the party, you noticed your classmates were already drunk and high off their minds on morphling, this was expected. Most students take whatever chance they can get to stray away from all the stress caused by the Academy. However, you didn’t expect to see two girls hanging onto Coriolanus, who was enjoying it. You caught his eye as you walked into the room. All he did was smirk at you, knowing what you were thinking.
You wouldn’t say you are a jealous person- that is a lie. You are one hundred percent a jealous person. You and Coriolanus weren’t together and never will be, but there is still the silent communication that you two belong together. Everyone in the Capital knows it: Coriolanus Snow and the sweetheart of the Capital- a power couple. Knowing you couldn’t do anything about it at the moment, you let him do his thing and walked to grab a drink.
Throughout the night, Coriolanus stuck by one girl in particular, Persephone Price- the one girl who was not scared of you. Though she might after tonight, you’ll just have to teach her not to mess with what’s yours.
From your spot on the couch, you watched as Coriolanus and Persephone chatted. How she would giggle at everything he said like he was the funniest man in the universe. You could tell he was trying to irritate you as he watched you closely with the blonde girl on his lap. Persephone leaned down to plant a kiss on his lips, his eyes still on you as the kiss turned into something more.
Standing up, you rolled your eyes and made your way to the nearest available man, before dragging him to the dance floor. With your body pressed against the man - whose name you did not know, you couldn’t help but maintain eye contact with Coriolanus, wishing it was he who you were dancing with.
Once you took your eyes away from the lounge area, you allowed yourself to focus on the man behind you. After all your hard work at the academy and the rivalry with Coryo, you deserved to have fun; this man will help with that.
You were quite enjoying yourself before you heard a whisper in your ear, “Your little boyfriend and his girl just walked up the stairs.” Turning your head just in time, you were able to catch a glimpse of Coriolanus being led into a room with Persephone in front of him. “Go ahead, go follow them.” You felt awful knowing he was aware you were just using him, but you thanked him nonetheless before escaping his grasp.
Walking into the room, anger filled your system, seeing clothes scattered around and Persephone on top of Coryo on the bed. The moment he saw you, she was pushed off of him immediately.
“Get out,” You motioned with your head towards the door, your eyes still locked with Coriolanus, only turning your head to face her once she stayed where she stood, “Now.”
Realizing she wasn’t going to leave, you ran up to her and pushed her till her small body hit the wall. “You just don’t know how to listen, do you?” You kept hitting her head on the wall; if she wasn’t going to take her chance to leave, you made sure she wasn’t going to leave at all.
You heard Coriolanus call out for you to stop once you felt her body go limp in your hands. She wasn’t dead- at least you thought she wasn’t, but all you could feel was a sense of pride. You’ve seen Coriolanus do it before, many times, whether it was to someone who tried to get with you or just pissed him off.
“That certainly was exhilarating,” He couldn’t bring himself to feel bad for the girl laying on the floor; she knew what was coming, “and oddly familiar.” Coriolanus suddenly remembered the time he did the same thing to a guy at a previous party.
“Oh Coryo, you may have done it first, but you know I do it better,” you smirked while stepping over the girl’s body. You made your way to the pile of clothes on the side of the bed where he sat.
“Put on your clothes and meet me downstairs,” you told him, throwing him his white undershirt before putting on the sweater he had been wearing at the party. “You’re walking me home.”
“But everyone will see us walking out together.” Was he really worried about being seen walking out of the party with you?
You nodded your head before explaining how that is exactly what you want them to see. They need to know that no matter how hard they try, you have him wrapped around your finger. “As I told you before, Coryo. Everything I want, I’m going to get.” Whether it is his fame or his sweaters, you are going to own him.
“You’re a menace” he uttered, afraid of what you had just done. He wondered how you could do that to Persephone and proceed to simply take the cable knit sweater he was previously wearing.
Smiling, you turned him and made sure he heard your reply, “Don’t you forget it.” He watched you intently as you winked at him and walked out the door, leaving him to sit in the dark room.
He did walk you home that night, and everyone at that party watched as you exited hand in hand. Your peers now know not to mess with you when you want something.
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megalony · 20 days
Resemblance- Part 4
This is the latest part of my Evan Buckley series, thank you all for such amazing feedback.
I hope you're ready for this!
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Series Masterlist
Summary: When Evan introduces (Y/n) to Eddie, she resembles someone he used to know. And he can't help himself when he's around her, leading to frightening behaviour.
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"So, are you going to tell me what's going on, or do I have to prize it out of you?"
Evan hung his head down and tensed his shoulders, leaning his weight forward onto his arms while his hands planted down on the counter. He could feel his spine clicking into place while his weight shifted from foot to foot.
He never knew how to stand or how to act when Maddie gave him that look. Her big sister look. Her elder sibling look. The look that had changed into a knowing, motherly look since she'd had Jee. It was an expression that made Evan feel like he was sixteen years old all over again, making mistakes and only trying to hide them from his sister.
Her opinion and her views of Evan were the only ones he cared about. He had grown up disappointing his parents, just being in the room seemed to disappoint them. But he strived to make Maddie proud, she was the only person in his family that he cared about.
And right now, when he could feel her gaze burning into him and he knew those brows were raised and her lips were pursed, he felt like melting on the spot. He felt like babbling and spilling everything out to her to see if she could make some sense out of all this.
"Buck, what's going on?" Maddie slid a steaming cup of coffee across the counter and curled her hands around her own signature cup which had Mrs Han painted across the side in italics. A wedding present from a friend.
This would be their third cup of coffee each, but who was counting?
Coffee was the best Maddie could do when she knew her brother was due on shift in an hour. Otherwise she would have cracked open the bottle of red wine in the fridge and poured away until her little brother finally spilled what was on his mind.
He and (Y/n) had been here for almost two hours now and Maddie could tell something wasn't right. And she didn't want to ask (Y/n) what was wrong and risk making her nervous when this was the first time (Y/n) had come over to her house.
They had all had a chat, enjoyed spilling some gossip together and Maddie got to know (Y/n) better. But now, with (Y/n) being stolen away into the living room with Jee, Maddie finally had a chance to ask Evan what was going on.
"Chim said you and Eddie had a fight at the station last week, like, a proper fight. That's never happened before, it must be serious."
Maddie wished her husband had known more. She wished Chimney had all the gossip so she didn't have to ask Evan what was going on. She would of had time to think and come up with ways to help and some solutions if Chimney had delved into things at work. But she understood that he didn't want to be nosey and he couldn't outright ask Bobby what was going on when the Captain made it clear that this was a personal issue, not for everyone to know.
But Maddie had never known Evan and Eddie to fight in all the years she had seen them be friends. They were like brothers, they had the kind of relationship she envisioned Evan would of had with Daniel if he were still alive today.
And Evan never started fights. When he was in college he was a sweet, joyous, outgoing soul who never put a foot wrong. If someone started a fight with Evan, he would barely throw a punch in retaliation and now he was older, Evan didn't start fights. If someone started on him, he might throw a punch in defence but that was as far as he would go.
For Evan to start a fight with Eddie and tackle him, especially when they were both at work, it meant this was serious and Maddie wasn't sure she would like the answers she was about to find out.
"I don't know what to do, Maddie. I came home last week, and he… he had (Y/n) up against the wall, shouting at her and calling her Shannon."
It was as if the light faded out of Maddie's eyes when she realised what Evan was trying to tell her. Reading between the lines made her soul leave her body and sent her coffee cup trembling between her fingers. She didn't have Eddie down as the type who would boarder on delusional or someone who would go to the point of frightening those closest to him.
"And he's done this twice. He kissed her at the wedding, he's got it in his head that she's some sort of second chance. He can't control himself around her and I don't know what to do."
"My wedding?" Her lower lip jutted out and a shaky breath parted through her lips before she took a deep breath. Her hands pressed into the counter, mirroring Evan's previous stance that changed so he could rub the back of his neck.
Evan had gone a week with limited contact with Eddie. The most they had spoken was a few exchanging texts for when Evan could pick Chris up and then drop him back off since they had made cakes for his bake sale three days ago. And Chris could tell something was wrong when Evan didn't come inside and have tea with him and Eddie when he dropped him back home. He knew something was up when Evan left without exchanging so much as a hello with Eddie.
He couldn't. He couldn't look at him without hearing Eddie's voice in the back of his head, snidely remarking how he wanted to be with (Y/n). How he thought she was his second chance. How selfish he knew he was for thinking Evan was robbing him of something special.
It was all Evan could see, think and hear when he was around Eddie and he was glad they were on opposite shifts. Limited contact was the best thing for now, but they couldn't carry on like this. They couldn't avoid each other forever. They couldn't hang out with the team and give one another the cold shoulder. They couldn't do this and risk upsetting Chris. Something had to change.
"Has he spoken to anyone? Those therapy sessions he was having, they might help… he's not over Shannon if he's looking for someone to replace her."
"I don't know if he will."
"Then don't give him a choice."
Something similar to a chuckle escaped Evan's lips and he looked across at his sister with confusion pooling in his eyes.
He took a long gulp of his coffee, delighting in the way it fizzled on his tongue and made his throat feel raw and tingled down to his stomach. How could he not give Eddie a choice? What was he supposed to do, drive him to mandated therapy? Get Bobby to demand he go to meetings or he couldn't return to work? Evan doubted blackmailing Eddie into therapy sessions would make him open up and go in there with an open mind.
"What? Just walk him in there and tell him he has to talk?"
"Look, you're important to Eddie, just like he means a lot to you, right? So if he truly cares about you like I think he does, then tell him. Tell him the only way to work this out is to talk it through, tell him he needs to work this out and then you can sit down with him and see where you go from here."
She knew the boys were close, they were like blood brothers. So if Eddie truly wanted to save this friendship and try to continue working together, he would agree. He would talk to someone and try to help himself and let everyone else help him. And then they could talk this through and try to patch things over and move forward.
Eddie clearly needed help and they had to get him that help, whether he thought he needed it or not.
"You think he will?" Evan tried not to let hope flood his voice, he could fill himself with false hope right now. He'd done that enough in his life and it gave him nothing but disappointment. But he was desperate for things to work out and pick up from this. He didn't want things to get to a lower point than this.
He straightened up, clicking his spine into place and tilting his head from side to side to crack his neck. But he paused when he felt Maddie's hand curve around his. Her fingers were soft and warm and made him think back to the times when she would sit with him in the dead of night after he'd had a nightmare.
The way she smoothed her hand up and down the back of his hand and wrist made Evan feel lightheaded and warm and cared for and understood, all the things he only ever felt when he talked to his sister about his problems.
"I think you're just as important to him as his family, and he won't want to lose you." Her smile brought a sense of calm washing over Evan and he curved his wrist so he could give her hand a squeeze. "How's (Y/n) doing with all of this? I can't imagine it being easy."
"She's okay, she… I think she thought I'd be angry at her. As if,"
Evan took the chance to move away from the kitchen counter and peek around the doorway into the living room.
Joy and a whole mountain of love soared through Evan's chest when he looked over at his partner. Seeing (Y/n) knelt down in front of the coffee table with a flurry of plastic cakes and teapots and fake cups and saucers surrounding her and Jee happily at her side, the sight did something to Evan.
The sight made his heart skip a beat and had heat rising to his cheeks and flooding his skin until he was turning red.
He loved how sweetly (Y/n) smiled at Jee and nodded, holding out her cup for a pretend refill. And he found himself grinning as he watched her decline another saucer with a plastic cupcake on top, saying she'd already had four cakes and was about to explode.
It was a sight that cemented things for Evan. It was something that made all the nerves and adrenaline in his stomach die down and replace them with gratitude and a homely feeling.
That was what he wanted. (Y/n) was what he wanted. Any future Evan tried to imagine, he couldn't think of one without (Y/n) being a part of it.
When he thought of coming home from work in a few years time, he could see (Y/n) at home with him. When he thought about moving out of the loft and getting a proper home like Maddie had done here with Chimney, Evan saw (Y/n) by his side. When he saw himself with kids, this was the sight that came to the front of his mind. (Y/n) with kids. With their kids.
He loved how Jee attached herself to (Y/n). He loved how easily (Y/n) fell into place with Maddie as if they had known each other their whole lives. He loved how the rest of the team intergrated (Y/n) as one of them and took to her like she was always supposed to be part of their group, their team, their family.
"Can you blame her? She must have been worried… I know when I thought I caused problems between Chim and Hen it scared me. She wouldn't want to ruin your bond with Eddie."
Maddie could sympathise and see things through (Y/n)'s perspective. She could see how (Y/n) would think Evan might get angry at her, think she was trying things on with Eddie or deliberately causing problems because of how close they were. She could see that (Y/n) would panic about causing waves within the team since they were such a close-knit family.
A soft, nurturing smile fluttered across Evan's lips while his cheeks turned a deeper shade of pink which made him look bashful, especially with the way he looked at his sister through his lashes.
He took another daring look over his shoulder, making sure (Y/n) was still occupied trying to handle the amount of pretend refills his niece was handing over. His lips rolled together as he sighed and looked down at his feet while his hand rummaged around in his jacket pocket, trying to find something he needed his sister's opinion on.
"What do you think?"
Maddie took another sip of her coffee before she put her mug down and held her hands out with an inquizitive smile. She rose a brow and waited for her brother to hand over whatever was in his pocket. But the moment the square velvet red box was in her hands, her heart jumped up into her throat and her jaw slacked.
"Buck… oh my god." All she could do was dart her eyes between the ring and her brother, staring up at him with anticipation and love and hope and a little confusion held within her chocolate eyes. "You're sure?"
There was no malice or hidden insult or trepadation in her voice. All Evan could hear was love and giddiness that made her tone rise an octave and had her voice breaking off at the end.
She had never known her brother become this hopeful and serious about a relationship before. What he had with Abbi was somewhat serious, but there had been a lot of problems with them. His relationship with Taylor had been very one-sided with Evan putting all the effort and love into it only to get tiny reflections and gratitude in return. And she had been selfish which fed off of Evan's giving nature.
He had had serious relationships before, but none of those had ever gotten to the point where he would ever think about marriage.
What he had with (Y/n) was different.
When Evan looked at her he could see a future, he could see something he desperately wanted and something that made his heart soar and had his nerves tingling and fizzling like he was electrified. He was hopeful when he looked at (Y/n). He was in love when he looked at her and everything about her resonated with Evan's soul.
He nodded, trying not to bite down too harshly on his lip and tear through the skin. "You think she'll like it?"
"She's gonna love it." The excitement coursing through Maddie had her jumping from foot to foot. She was itching to go through there now and get her brother down on his knee just so she could witness the proposal and share this excitement.
They were both finally going to be happy. After everything the siblings had been through, this was their time. Maddie had her husband and her daughter and Evan had found someone he wanted to commit to. Things were finally looking up for them.
"When are you gonna ask?" Maddie's hands were shaking when she carefully closed the lid and gave the box back to Evan.
"I would of asked last week, Eddie kind of dampened the mood. But I can't wait much longer, I might try after work tomorrow." Evan's shoulders slacked and he held his arms out when Maddie moved over to wrap him up in a hug. She pressed her cheek against his sternum and gave a tight squeeze, making a quiet 'aww' sound that had Evan laughing.
He would of asked (Y/n) at some point last week, if everything with Eddie hadn't blown up in their faces. After that, he couldn't find the right time without feeling like a shadow was looming overhead.
But he had to ask soon, he couldn't wait another day. He wanted to ask and see if (Y/n) would say yes to spending the rest of her life with him. He wanted to see the ring on her finger and tell people and show her off and say that she was going to be his wife.
He had technically already asked her at the bachelor party anyway, declaring he was going to marry her at some point. And (Y/n) hadn't objected to the idea, so he was confident the answer would be yes.
He just needed to find the right time to ask.
A quiet grumble broke free from (Y/n)'s lips and she nuzzled her nose into the pillow, inhaling Evan's scent as her mind tried to go back to sleep but her ears picked up on something.
It didn't feel like she had been asleep for long. Whenever Evan had been on a night shift recently, (Y/n) ended up staying up late. She didn't like sleeping alone. She didn't like being in the apartment on her own, it just didn't feel right without Evan here.
Her head groggily lifted up from the pillow and she kept her eyes closed, focusing all her efforts to tune her ears into what noise had woken her up. She knew she heard something. The sound of a lock faintly clicking and hinges squeaking made (Y/n)'s heart add in an extra two beats to her rhythm and the adrenaline that pooled in her stomach made (Y/n) push up into a sitting position.
It was the front door.
Why was Evan coming home already?
Opening her eyes, (Y/n) glanced over at the clock on the bedside table. It was nearly midnight. Evan was on the seven til seven shift, he wasn't supposed to be finished until seven in the morning and with getting showered and getting ready, he shouldn't be home until almost eight. He had been at work for almost five hours, why was he coming home so early?
Was he feeling sick? Had he had some type of accident? Surely not, or else he would be at the hospital rather than coming home like this. Maybe he had ended up switching shifts. Perhaps something had gone wrong and he physically couldn't carry on with his shift.
Every thought possible rattled through (Y/n)'s brain as she rubbed her eyes, feeling her body waken up immediately with worry for her partner.
Her legs swung over the side of the bed and her feet sank down into the fluffy rug that felt like walking on candy floss.
Her fingers tangled in her hair and she padded across the room, jumping onto her tiptoes when the cold laminate floor sent shockwaves through her soles and up her legs. She squinted when the lights downstairs turned on, basking the apartment in a warm orange glow that resonated up the stairs.
(Y/n) reached out for the bannister but she didn't take one step when she looked down.
Something horrid plunged into her heart and stole her breath and for a dreaded moment, her balance shifted and she almost toppled forwards. It took all her strength to regain her balance and shuffle backwards, away from the top of the stairs. All while she couldn't catch one breath and her lungs started to ache and burn from lack of oxygen.
Her hand pressed to her mouth to stop herself from making a sound while her other hand clenched the bannister until her nails were creating indents in the wood and she was about to get splinters beneath her skin.
What was he doing here?
Why was he here at midnight? Why did he just let himself in instead of knocking?
Both (Y/n) and Evan clearly forgot Eddie had a key. Evan gave him a key years ago because of how frequently he came round for a drink or a catch up and when he was dropping Chris off. Not to mention for emergencies. With everything Evan had gone through, he felt afraid that some mornings he might not wake up or he might slip back into a coma. He wanted Eddie and Bobby and Maddie to have keys in case he wasn't well or something happened to him and they needed to come round and check on him.
And of course Evan hadn't asked Eddie for the key back. They were still trying to patch their friendship back together and asking for the key would be like terminating their friendship or implying Evan didn't trust Eddie. But he didn't trust Eddie, at least not around (Y/n).
Oh God. Did Eddie know Evan was at work tonight?
Is that why he's here, because he knows I'll be alone?
Every part of (Y/n) began to shake as she shuffled backwards, trying not to pick her feet up in case she made echoes on the laminate. But it didn't really matter whether Eddie knew she was awake or not. She wasn't going to be able to sneak past him to get out the flat and it wasn't like she could hide up here in the bedroom or climb down from the balcony. She was effectively trapped.
Her hands reached out for the bed and she used it as leverage to lower herself down onto the rug. She shakily took her phone from the bedside table and hunkered down, curling over until her chest was pressed down against her thighs.
She clicked on Evan's contact and held the phone to her ear, suddenly realising how loud the dialling tone sounded. Would Eddie be able to hear it from downstairs? Would he know she knew he was here? Would he get angry?
Evan didn't answer.
(Y/n) didn't expect him to, he was on a night shift and she knew they got a lot of call outs during the night. He was probably in the truck or in the middle of a call with his phone back in the truck or back in his locker at the station.
Who else could she call? She didn't have Maddie's number, and she wasn't sure if Maddie would wake up this late in the night if her phone rang, some people didn't. She didn't know if Maddie would even come down here if (Y/n) asked her for help. She didn't want to be a burden and have the first time she called Maddie be because she needed to ask for assistance.
As if a lightbulb had gone off above her head, (Y/n) turned to Evan's bedside drawer. She shakily dragged it open and tried to be as quiet as she could when she pushed a few things to the sides. Moving past the medication boxes, earbuds, the old notepad for scribbling important details down. The five different coloured pens he had in there which he was always messing about with. She ignored the ball of blue tac and the few important documents he had folded in the back of his drawer.
Her fingers latched around the thin black leather book that she remembered Evan showing her a while back.
His address book.
It didn't matter that Evan had a very good memory for certain things such as movie quotes, exact conversations from five years ago, random facts people told him in passing. People's middle names or the name of their pets. Evan was terrible with addresses.
He could visualise and remember exactly where someone's house was, but he never remembered street names or house numbers.
(Y/n) flicked to the letter B, already knowing Evan would have him under Bobby rather than Bobby Nash. And she could feel tears of relief pooling in her eyes when she noticed in the dim lighting that Evan had indeed written Bobby's number down beneath his address.
Just in case his phone got lost or crashed; it didn't matter that Evan knew Bobby's number by heart. Emergency situations were always catered for.
(Y/n) tapped the number into her phone, jumping against the bed when she heard Eddie's footsteps thudding about downstairs. She had no idea what he was doing and she didn't want to know either. She just wanted him to stay down there and not dare to come up here.
(Y/n) pressed her forehead against the mattress and curved her left arm around her waist to try and keep herself calm and slow down her breathing. She could feel her tears soaking into the mattress and she sniffed, trying to control herself but it was becoming hard.
She felt stupid. She felt like a child for panicking this much and not knowing what to do, but Eddie frightened her.
Evan told her not to talk to Eddie again. He told her to stay away from Eddie until Evan had sorted everything out and made sure Eddie was okay and under control. Being alone with him wasn't an option and Bobby said she was a trigger for Eddie and therefore shouldn't be around him in case she set him off.
But this wasn't her fault. She hadn't asked him round or even let him in, he had done this all on his own.
"Hello?" Bobby's confused voice sent waves of relief rushing through (Y/n) and a tidal wave of tears soaked into the bed when she realised he'd answered. She had clearly woken him up. He was still on the A shift and that meant he was mostly on days. Bobby was the captain and therefore he needed to be at the station during the day to sort shifts and do the occasional meeting as well as being on the floor with the team.
She felt bad for waking him up, but at least he was at home and he had answered and she knew he would help her.
"Bobby? I-it's (Y/n)."
"Oh, hi. Are you okay, is something wrong?" He wasn't stupid. He could hear the panic in her voice and he knew anyone calling him at midnight had to be either drunk out of their heads or in need of help. "Eddie's here." Her voice shook despite how quietly she was whispering down the line.
"Where? At your apartment? Don't let him in I'll-"
"He has a key, he's already inside." She was sure she heard a few curse words muffle down the line. "What do I do?"
"If you can get to the bathroom, get in there and lock the door. Or if you can make it out the apartment, get out and find a neighbour. I'm getting dressed, I'll come down to you and I'll contact the station to get a message across to Buck. Don't worry, okay?"
Something about his voice and his words were soothing, like he was already in Captain mode and he knew exactly what to do and how to handle this situation. But (Y/n) couldn't help but worry. She knew what Eddie was like when he was round her and she knew what she had seen so far was only the tip of the iceberg.
(Y/n) wanted to say thank you. It was on the tip of her tongue until she heard footsteps. Loud footsteps. Worn heels stomping against the stairs.
Her eyes lifted towards the stairs in the corner of the room and her thumb ended the call before she could try and say any sort of thank you or another plea for help. She dropped her phone on the rug and pushed up until she could slump onto the bed to sit down.
She didn't want Eddie to know she had called for help; that might be something that would push him into a manic episode and (Y/n) couldn't afford that happening.
She scrunched the covers up in her fists and coiled inwards until she was as small as she could make herself. She squinted when Eddie flicked on the bedroom light but seeing him stood there at the top of the stairs made her lips pull down into a deep frown.
He looked disshevelled. Hair askew on his head in all directions. His shirt was glued to his frame and looked like he had spilt something down the front. He was leaning heavily on the wall like he couldn't hold himself up. His pupils were blown wide but his eyes were half-lidded like he was ready to drop down and sleep on the floor.
He was drunk.
The last time he had been drunk around (Y/n) he had started to get nasty. He had grabbed her at the bar and started getting frustrated when he talked to her. His alternate fantasy must come alive when he was drunk because she could see he wanted to smile when he looked at her.
Was he seeing Shannon when he looked at her? Did he feel like he had gone back in time and was back to the part of his past where he was somewhat happily married?
Did he even know what he was in Evan's flat right now, or did looking at (Y/n) make everything else blur? Could Eddie only focus on looking at her and thinking he was back with Shannon?
"You're awake."
His words stunned (Y/n) for a moment. She wasn't expecting that, although she wasn't too sure what she was expecting him to say if she was being honest with herself.
She thought maybe he would go straight into a rant, that he would shout at her for ruining things with Evan. Maybe he might scream at her for changing things at work, for making him an outcast and causing Evan to switch to the B shift. (Y/n) wondered if he would look at her and straight away start calling her Shannon and telling her how much he missed her and wanted her to come home. Maybe she anticipated him lunging at her and yelling.
A soft, if surprised, statement like that wasn't what she expected, but it calmed down her raging heart that was thumping against her ribs so hard and fast she felt like a race horse.
"I- I heard you come in… are you okay?" Her foot glided across the carpet and every time her toes brushed her phone, she envisioned it ringing.
She wasn't sure whether it was on silent or not. If it was on silent, Eddie wouldn't hear it if Bobby tried to call her back or if Evan called when Bobby finally managed to get hold of him. But if it wasn't and someone called her, Eddie would know. He would know straight away that she had tried to call for help because who would ring her at this time of night unless for an emergency or because she had called for help?
"Sure. I'm just fine when you're here, and I can't have you."
His name was on the tip of her tongue but (Y/n) quelled the thought to speak and settled for biting her tongue instead. He said before that he loved it when she said his name. Something in her voice had to remind him of Shannon and (Y/n) didn't want to do anything to lead Eddie on or antagonise him and if he liked hearing his name from her lips, then she couldn't speak it.
Sadness pooled in her eyes, but she couldn't find any response. What was she supposed to say to that? How could she show Eddie that she felt sorry for him, that she sympathised with him and somewhat understood his pain. She understood the longing he felt and how desperate he was to see and be with Shannon again.
If something happened to Evan and (Y/n) saw someone who looked so familiar, she had no idea how she would act or what she would say or do. She might attach to that person and want to be around them, want to linger in the memories they provoked.
"Buck told me to stay away. He won't even speak to me, you know, he only texts to ask about Chris. He said I can't go near you, and he told Bobby. He told Bobby I'm messed up, and now the Captain told me to stay away from you too. You're well guarded."
His tone was cynical and the smile on his face was sharp like broken glass, but it was the crease in his narrowed eyes that set (Y/n) on edge. All he needed was a knife or a gun in his hand and he would look every bit like a derranged criminal.
"They're just worried about you, they want to help-"
"How is Buck keeping you from me helping?" He snapped his jaw like a crocodile and took a step closer until he was stood at the end of the bed. It was as if he thought she was a memory and he didn't dare touch her, not yet. Not until he had reassured himself that she wasn't about to disappear.
"How should we help you?"
Her words stunned him. Mainly because Eddie didn't want their help, and partly because he didn't think he needed it. Well, some of him did. The sensible part of his brain knew he was in the wrong and that he had to clean up his act and stop this before he ruined every good relationship he had in his life.
He was straining his friendship with Bobby and the team. He was breaking every bond he had with Evan. He was going to emotionally damage his son by doing this. And he was ruining the friendship he could of had with (Y/n) by acting out against her.
But he didn't know how to stop, he didn't know how to ask for help or what kind of help he needed. All Eddie knew was the way (Y/n) made him feel when he was around her and it was a feeling that he wanted to savour. He wanted the nostalgia she brought him when he looked at her. He wanted the butterflies in his chest when he heard her voice, or the way he felt euphoric when he heard her say his name.
Most of all, Eddie wanted that spark in his chest and the fire in his blood when he kissed her. He wanted that light back in his system and that feeling of being alive, being in love and being whole again when he touched (Y/n).
Why was that so wrong?
"I just wanna be with you. Do you know how hard it is to look at you and not reach out for you? Do you know what it's like to miss you so fucking much and then have everyone tell me I can't ever touch or kiss you again? That you're not mine?"
Tears spilled down Eddie's face and the redness beneath his eyes suggested this wasn't the first time he had been crying tonight, and it probably wouldn't be the last either.
She isn't mine. She loves Buck. He has her.
Eddie could think of nothing else but those three little variations and they weren't what he wanted to hear.
I'm coming home. I love you. I'm yours, Eddie.
Those were the varying combinations of three words that Eddie was desperate to hear. Those were the words Eddie heard in the dead of night. They were what he tried to listen out for whenever she spoke. That was what he saw when he looked into her eyes. Why wouldn't she just say them? Why couldn't she love him back? Why did she have to belong to Evan?
"I don't know what that's like, and I'm so sorry." (Y/n) bowed her head and looked down to her hands that unravelled from the cover so she could run her fingers up and down her thighs instead. "Why are you here?" She tried to keep her voice as gentle as possible so Eddie wouldn't think she was being snide or rude.
But if Eddie knew all of this, if he understood that (Y/n) wasn't his and that he shouldn't be here, then why turn up? Why come down here at all if he knew it was going to be the wrong decision? How was this going to help him if he felt guilty for being here and if he knew everyone was going to hate him for making this choice?
"Because if I can't have you, neither can he."
(Y/n) didn't see Eddie move until it was too late. Her eyes bulged in her sockets and her lips parted but nothing came out when Eddie's hand latched over her chin.
The force he had was unmatched and the strength in his arm alone was enough to slam (Y/n) down on her back on the bed. His fingertips dug uncomfortably into her cheeks and something dark crossed his eyes as he leaned over her.
His free hand pinned into the mattress just beside her shoulder and his knees pinned into her thighs with him sitting awkwardly on her lap to keep her from moving.
She didn't know what he was going to do. She didn't know how to get away from him. She didn't know when he suddenly stopped crying and switched to glaring daggers into her like she had done all of this on purpose. He was staring down at her like (Y/n) had teased and provoked him and tormented him. As if she had gone out of her way to look and act like Shannon, to dangle that fantasy in front of him only to then take it away from him before he had a proper taste of freedom.
His words seemed to contradict his actions. His words made (Y/n) fret that he was going to hurt her, knock her out, drag her from the apartment and hide her away so Evan could never find her again. It almost sounded like he had committed to the thought of never being able to call (Y/n) his. But pinning her to the bed suggested otherwise.
This suggested Eddie knew what he wanted and he was just going to take it whether anyone tried to stop him or not. It implied he would make (Y/n) his in any way he could to get her to see this through his eyes.
(Y/n) didn't want to contemplate what Eddie was going to do, whether he had a well thought out plan or if he was just playing this second by second.
She was torn between wanting to punch him and wanting to cradle him because he was clearly fractured. He was tormented by the ghost of Shannon and all he wanted was for someone to love him and make him feel the way he did when he was with her. But (Y/n) couldn't do that and she couldn't comfort Eddie when he was acting like this.
She wiggled her head down until her chin was tucked up against her neck and when she loosened her jaw, she sank her teeth down into Eddie's hand. Right into the soft flesh between his thumb and index finger. She chomped as hard as she could until she could feel the muscles tightening beneath her teeth and that horrid, squelching sound of his flesh shifting in her bite.
He didn't let go. He cried out, he growled, he tensed and shifted on top of her. But he didn't let her go. If anything, his fingers tightened against her cheeks and he slammed her head down. If they had been on the floor instead of the bed, he could of knocked her out, but all he did was make her go dizzy and cause an ache in the back of her neck.
The pain didn't seem to bother Eddie, but (Y/n) could see it in his face that it irritated him, like a distraction he couldn't afford to have. So he let her go. He reared his hand back until she released her bite and she tried to catch her breath back while he shook his hand out to get some feeling back.
But then his fingers were scrunching up in the collar of her shirt and he used it as leverage to lift her up off the bed.
He stayed kneeling on the edge of the bed, her thighs pinned between his knees. His groin and abdomen pressed against her and his arm pulled back to his chest causing (Y/n) to sit upright on the bed with her legs dangling over the side, between Eddie's legs.
She tilted her head back, gasping for breath while she sneered at him and tried to grab him by the shoulders to push him off.
"You think wearing his clothes means anything? It doesn't change who you are to me. You're my wife; I won't let him take you."
Eddie's eyes slithered up and down her frame, taking in her attire for the first time since he came into the apartment. She was wearing Evan's white lounge shirt which was now scrunched up in Eddie's fist and digging uncomfortably into the back of (Y/n)'s neck. And it was crumpled up around her thighs, exposing her underwear to Eddie's eagle eyes.
"Calling me Shannon doesn't mean she isn't dead."
She thought her words would make him cry. His eyes glossed over and for a moment, reality seemed to flicker across his pupils that constricted. But then they were black holes again, drawing her in and frightening her down to her core that shuddered beneath him.
His nails scratched her neck and caused a stinging sensation to claw along her cheek. She wasn't sure whether he tried to slap her or if he just caught her when he went to grab her differently.
But he didn't like it when she closed her eyes. She denied him the privellage of seeing her eyes, of seeing the hatred and the fear within them. Both his hands held her by her face, indenting into her cheeks that ached and burned and she could feel her inner cheeks cutting on her teeth from how harshly he held her.
But it was enough for (Y/n) to wriggle away from him. She shimmed down and pushed her weight forward, slamming her arms down into his elbows which gave his body a jolt. All of her weight pushed forward into Eddie's chest and she unbalanced him, falling into his chest as he toppled backwards onto the floor.
Her ankle rolled in the wrong direction and (Y/n) swallowed a cry as her whole leg twitched and throbbed as she clambered over Eddie to get away from him. But not before her hands scuffled along the rug and found her phone she had dropped earlier.
Her palms scraped the floor and she fell down on her knees, twice, when her left ankle gave out each time she tried to stand up.
"She's dead!" (Y/n) snapped back as she reached the stairs and took a leap of faith.
She shuffled. Her hands clung to the bannister and she let herself slide down each step, bumping from one to another and she just knew she would be littered in bruises all up and down her bum and the back of her thighs come morning. But it didn't matter, her ankle had given out and until it worked again, she had to get away from Eddie somehow. She had to get into the bathroom because it was the only place where she could lock the door and keep Eddie at bay.
Leaving the apartment wasn't a good idea when she didn't know how long Bobby would be and she didn't know any of the neighbours. None of them would wake up after midnight and give her sanctuary and going out into the street barefoot in nothing but her underwear and Evan's shirt that barely covered her thighs wouldn't do her any good either.
She could feel her phone scraping along the bannister, pinned between the wood and her palm and when she reached the bottom of the stairs, she tried to stand.
"You're not leaving me again." Eddie's voice was cold and brutal and so close that the hairs on the back of (Y/n)'s neck stood up on end.
She let out a scream when his hand latched into her hair and he pushed all of his weight onto her back until she was falling forward. Her arms slammed into the floor and her forehead bashed into the laminate, jolting her body while her knees hit the floor with a bang. But it was Eddie's weight on her back that hurt the most.
It was the feeling of his chest on her back and his face smothered into her neck. It was his hand scrunched up in her hair and his other hand on her shoulder and his leg pinned between her thighs with his hips crushing down on her lower back and bum that hurt the most. All of Eddie was crushing her against the floor and she could barely breathe at all.
It was only after seven agonising seconds that (Y/n) finally took in a strangled breath that wheezed past her lips. She could feel her chapped lips becoming wet as she gasped and spat and tried not to choke as she struggled for air and tears welled up in her eyes.
But once her senses came back to her, she realised her phone was no longer in her hand.
It had been flung across the floor a few feet in front of them.
And now it was ringing.
Eddie's chest heaved against her back and his hand moved from her hair to curve around the back of her neck instead. He stared down at her, nostrils flaring, eyes rabid and breaths as deep as hers while her ringtone flooded the apartment. And (Y/n) knew exactly who was calling.
She knew because her ringtone was always the same, except for one person. She had personalised Evan's ringtone so that whenever he called her, her phone played Crazy In Love. Bobby must have gotten hold of him, or Evan had gotten a moment to check his phone and noticed a missed call. Or maybe Bobby got hold of the station and they had finally told Evan what was going on.
"Who did you call? What did you do?!"
(Y/n) didn't answer; she couldn't answer. She was still gasping for air and her ribs felt like they were breaking beneath Eddie's weight. The floor felt horrid as it crushed her chest and pinned against her abdomen and Eddie's every curve moulded over her own and kept her melted in place against him.
She tried to move. She tried to crawl, to slither out of his arms, to scratch her nails against the floor and drag herself forward towards her phone. She needed to answer, she needed to scream, to gasp or cry or make some sort of derranged noise so Evan knew she was in trouble.
All of her strength was pushed into her right arm and she stretched as much as she could, wiggling against Eddie until her finger brushed her phone and she dragged the white button across the screen.
"Ev-" Something horrid wheezed past (Y/n)'s lips when Eddie's hand clamped over her mouth and his left arm pinned around her neck.
She couldn't breathe anymore. She couldn't move. She couldn't talk or wriggle or hit out or shift in any direction.
Her body went limp and her chest seized up while her blurry eyes rolled to the back of her head. But they didn't stay like that for long. It felt like she had barely been in a choke hold for one second before she realised she was suddenly being moved.
Her arms flopped across the floor, trying in vain to drag herself along the floor and move but it was too hard. It was too much effort to try and get away from Eddie when all of her energy was dwindling like she was an engine with a leak. And trying to move forwards only strained the arm around her neck and cut off her breathing. She couldn't last any longer without a proper breath, so she gave in.
(Y/n) let Eddie man handle her and the back of her head bashed into his shoulder, causing her body to jerk in spasms while her eyes rolled in circles, trying to gain some sense of focus again.
(Y/n) couldn't find the ability to breathe or move and she couldn't focus on what was happening. She couldn't even hear Evan's voice as he called something through the phone which sounded distant like Evan was held underwater.
Her stomach tensed and her chest seized up again when she felt Eddie's arm tighten around her neck and his right arm bound around her waist.
He had her back pinned into his chest and her body slumped between his thighs. They were both sitting up on the floor but (Y/n) felt like she was about to slide down and lay out on the floor. Her body was being held up by the arm around her throat that was close to choking her.
Both her hands moved to grip Eddie's bicep and she dug her nails into his arm, pulling as much as she could to try and get him to relent and let her go.
The feeling of Eddie's face smothering against the side of her head made (Y/n)'s lips twitch and pull into a frown.
She could feel tears dripping down her cheeks when he started to take ragged, gasping breaths against her skin. She could feel his chest rising and falling rapidly, crushing into her back with every inhale. And she knew he was crying again, just like she was.
It was only then that (Y/n) realised she could hear Evan.
"(Y/n) please! What the Hell is going on?"
Hearing Evan calling out her name made (Y/n) cry harder. She hated when he used her name because of how she had become used to hearing him call her any other pet name that he could. He only used her name when something serious was going on and she hated it.
Her heels scraped against the floor in a vain attempt to keep herself pushed up and to try and lift her head higher to take a big, deep breath. She sniffed and gasped, inhaling a deep breath as Eddie seemed to hold her tighter and curled around her like he was trying to morph them into one person.
"Eddie, p-please," (Y/n) didn't know what she was trying to say or what she was begging for, but she knew her words fell upon deaf ears.
He started to kiss her temple while his right arm pinned into her stomach until he was crushing her and making her feel sick. And she let out a small, frail sob when Eddie started to rock them back and forth. It was almost as if he was cradling her, as if he was trying to comfort her when he was the one in need of help and comfort.
She stopped digging her nails into his arm and instead tried to shakily rub her hands up and down his arms. Maybe comforting him would make him stop. Maybe trying to feign understanding and calming herself down would in turn make Eddie calm down. Then she could slip away from him and get across into the bathroom.
But his hold was so tight that (Y/n) doubted she would get away from him or get very far before he launched on her again. Being pinned in his arms like this felt better than being crushed on the floor with him on top of her. This felt safer. Eddie couldn't hurt her or try and do anything drastic while they were like this. He may be hurting her and giving her bruises, but it was better than him pinning her to the floor or the bed and trying to rip her clothes off or scream at her for leaving him.
She heard Evan's pleas call out through the air so loud he sounded like he was on loud speaker. "Eddie what are you doing? Don't do this. Think of me, think of Chris, please. Whatever the fuck you're doing, stop!"
(Y/n) gasped, drawing in a strangled breath when Eddie's arm loosened from her stomach and he reached across for her phone. His chest pinned down into her back and he creased over her, pushing her forward so he could end the call and toss the phone into the kitchen.
"I can't- I don't know how to love anyone else. I love you. I love you."
Those three little words played on repeat until (Y/n) was sobbing and Eddie was crying them into her neck.
She felt his head tilt down so his face was smothered in her neck and he started dragging his lips across her skin. Leaving wet, open-mouthed touches in his wake that had (Y/n) shaking and her fingers leaving indents in Eddie's arm while his right arm went back to imbedding in her stomach.
He'd never said that to her before.
Eddie had never said he loved her. He never got far into the delusion of being with Shannon when he was around (Y/n). Whenever he was with her, he seemed to get angry. He showed her how wrecked he was because she had left him, he pleaded with her to come home. He told her how much he and Chris missed her and how much he wanted her and needed her. But he always seemed angry with her.
Shannon had died before Eddie could clear the air with her or tell her how much she meant to him or tell her that he wanted to make things work between them if they could. She died with so many things left unsaid and now Eddie was saying them all to (Y/n) in the vain fantasy that Shannon was really back in his life.
That fantasy seemed to be crumbling around him. Eddie could hear the timer ticking away in the back of his head. He could feel the walls closing in. He could feel Evan and Bobby getting closer to taking (Y/n) away from him for good and he could feel his world crumbling into tiny fragmented pieces.
And he was doing whatever he could to keep (Y/n) with him, to keep this thought of Shannon alive.
If Bobby or Evan didn't get here soon, (Y/n) dreaded to think what Eddie might do. She found herself sobbing as he crushed her harder in his embrace until she couldn't breathe and he spoke against her neck, his words chilling her down to her core.
"Buck can't have you. He can't take you from me."
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seospicybin · 8 months
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Bangchan x reader. (s)
Too Hot To Handle Masterlist
Synopsis: You and Chan become contestants in a reality dating show, Too Hot To Handle. (11,7k words)
Author's note: Season 3 is done! See you on the next season :)
YOU: $0? [Facepalms] So, where do we go from here?
The bright sunny day is not working to cheer everyone up after the shocking announcement that there's no money left in the prize fund.
You've been sitting outside with Chan, holding each other's hand and trying to process everything while looking at the beautiful view of the endless sea and the surface of water glimmering under the sun.
Chan has been quiet for too long and it's concerning. You decide to break the silence, shaking his hand and saying, "We spent too much money, babe."
He sighs and rubs the back of your hand with his thumb, "Too much."
You don't want to put salt on the wound but it's time to face the the truth that you both fucked up.
"We let them down. We let everyone down," you say with a heavy heart.
He looks at you and sees you in the eyes, "I'm sure there'll be a way to make it up to them."
He doesn't sound that confident with what he said but you're grateful that in a time like this, he tries his best to comfort you.
"And we'll show them that we have a genuine connection," he says with a soft smile.
You return the smile and put your other hand on your clasped hands, "We took a big step last night."
Physical connection is not that new to you but after last night, you can feel that something shifts between the two of you into something that is peculiarly new yet familiar at the same time.
"I feel closer. I feel more connected to you," you honestly tell him the changes you felt.
"That's true," he agrees with a smile that is more brighter and hopeful than before.
You take the chance to comfort him this time and sweetly smile at him, "We got each other," you remind him.
It's you and him versus everyone. For better or worse, through ups and downs, you face it together. You may be at the bottom now but you're sure you both will be back on top, together.
"Always," he says.
He brings your mouth close to his mouth and kisses it, "Since day one."
That makes you take a look back. You've been going through so much together and it makes you realize that with him, you feel like you can do anything.
Together you are invincible.
YOU: I feel terrible for what I did but at least, now I no longer doubt the feelings I have for Chris. It feels real now and it's scary... in the best way.
In the afternoon, Lana calls everyone to the cabana.
Chan hasn't recovered from the announcements from this morning yet so he's not keen to know what's coming his way, he has an inkling that it's not good for him and you.
Just like you read his mind, you place a soft kiss on his neck and wipe the lipstick mark you left on it with your thumb.
"We got each other," you whisper.
Chan is grateful for you, you've been so open and understanding, even though he's a hard-shell type of person, you make it hard for him not to let you in.
The chime comes and Jace gags in response. The melodic chime is certainly, anxiety-inducing.
"The prize fund is currently at $0," Lana announces as if everyone has forgotten about it.
"However, there will be more tests and opportunities to replenish the prize fund," she further informs.
It's like everyone is collectively letting out a big sigh of relief and getting a breath of fresh air at the mention that there's a way to return some money into the pot.
"I'll commence the first test," Lana continues.
Chan gets stressed once again and so is everyone. Test means he's not doing great, test means that it's not going to be easy, test means bad.
The worst thing that could happen is his name got called by Lana for that test.
Like he manifested it into reality, Lana does call his name along with yours. He sees you look at him and feels bad that he can't show a brave face to you.
"I gifted you watches as an incentive to connect on a physical level for the right reasons. Yet you have shown a complete disregard for my gift and your fellow guests."
He looks at you and you put on a thin smile for him, he puts his arm around you to pull you closer, he needs something to hold on to.
"Therefore, drastic action is required," Lana sternly says.
CHRIS: I've messed up. Big time. [Deeply exhales]
Deep down, you know you deserve what's coming for you but you don't want to go home, no, not yet.
"You both..." Lana drags her words to heighten the suspense.
You and Chan still have some growing to do as a couple and if Lana is kind enough to let you stay, you'd be very grateful. If not, then... it's not like you didn't see this coming.
You have to own up to your mistakes so whatever happens, you will try to accept it.
"... have 12 hours to prove you can connect on a deeper, more emotional level."
You feel a little lighter knowing that it's not an elimination but it's not time to be relieved yet, you're still waiting for the catch.
"If you fail to get a green light in those 12 hours, your time here will be terminated."
There it is. The catch. This is you and Chan's biggest test yet. There's no wasting time, you have 12 hours to prove or you go home.
"Your time starts now!" Lana announces.
YOU: This is going to be a challenge for us. We've never really talked about our emotions.
It's going to be harder for Chan.
He realizes he rarely talked about his feelings with you. His default setting is to show affection through actions so he is never good at verbalizing it.
"I don't want to go home," you tell him, cuddling on the sofa outside, "I want to spend more time with you."
He holds your hand and puts it close to his chest, "I don't want to go home either but I just—"
He inhales air and finishes his sentence, "It's not easy for me, talking about emotions."
"We can try," you say with your fingers lightly caressing his bare chest.
You tilt your head to face him, "You know what? I'll start," you volunteer.
He puts your hair away from being blown by the wind and holds it there for you, "Yeah?"
"Remember when we first met and I made you tell your name again?"
He nods as the recollection of it plays in the back of his head.
"I pretended not to hear it because I wanted those lips near me," you confess with a giggle.
He can't tell if you're trying to get a green light or just want to make him feel better, either way, he finds it adorable of you.
You check your watch and pout seeing that it's not turning green, "Well, it's worth a try," you say with a laugh.
As he breaks into laughter, he pulls you close and kisses you on the cheek.
"No need to hurry," you playfully say.
You rub his back and place a sweet kiss on his neck, "We still have like ten hours to get a green light."
That only reminds him to hold you tighter, he needs it more now than ever after knowing that he possibly wouldn't be able to do it again.
CHRIS: I find it hard to open up and talk about my feelings. Not sure I can do it.
With time keep slipping out of your hand, and your heart is getting worried.
You give Chan space and time to be on his own, organizing his thoughts and maybe it'll help him find the courage to talk about what he truly feels.
You remind yourself that it'll not be his fault if both of you end up getting eliminated. So you let go of the guilt and prepare yourself for the worst outcomes.
Before he leaves for his workshop, you pull him aside and warmly hug him.
"I really like you, Chris," you murmur.
You look up and softly smile at him, "I care about you."
You don't want to pressure him but you want to let him know that whatever happens, you will have no hard feelings nor hold a grudge against him.
"I know it's tough for you to open up but if you weren't ready, it's okay. If we got sent home, that doesn't mean things between us are over, you know that?" You say with a smile.
"I know," he lowly answers.
You stand on your tiptoes to plant a long kiss on his cheek, "Don't pressure yourself, okay, baby?"
He nods and hugs you back, locking you in his big arms because this might be the last time you embrace each other like this.
YOU: This is more difficult than I thought. At that moment, I think we might be going home.
"That dress looks good on you, darling!" Dani praises you as she watches you checking your appearance on the big mirror in the dressing room.
"Yeah?" You ask yourself why bother looking this good on your last night in the retreat.
"Yes," you suddenly shout.
"I want to look good when I get eliminated," you take a jab at yourself and laugh.
"Nah..." Lola groans, "Don't say that!"
Dani props her chin with her hand and looks at you, "You're going to get that green light tonight," she says.
The boys are back from the workshop not long ago but they're all coming back with paints on their bodies. Chan is still showering and it'll take more time to get dressed.
You're waiting for him by the fire pit, sipping your wine while half-heartedly listening to Pierre, Alicia, and Olivia talking.
As you're sipping on your second glass of wine, Chan comes and holds his hand out at you.
"I believe we have to talk," he says to you.
You put your glass down and take his hand, feeling more nervous now than before.
"I'm rooting for you guys!" Alicia mutters with an encouraging smile.
Chan takes you somewhere quiet and sits on the bench that overlooks the sea with the reflection of the moon drawn on the surface of the water.
There are still three hours left to the time limit but it's never too early to start and try to open up.
"You want me to start again?" You ask because he's been so quiet even after you both get the privacy to talk.
He cracks a laugh and puts an arm around you, "Yeah, sure."
You lick your lips and try to articulate your feelings as best as you can. You look him in the eyes and just pour your heart out to him.
"I like you. I like that I can be myself around you. You understand me, you put up with a lot of shit to be with me..." you pause to let out a laugh, "I'm happy that we became closer."
Chan can't stop smiling as he listens to you speaking your heart out. You can see the fondness in his eyes and you also hope that he gets the sincerity in your words.
"And I think... this is a good chance for us to talk about how we feel about each other," you conclude.
YOU: I can tell him more things that I like about him but sadly, time is not on our side.
It feels great hearing what you thought about him but at the same time, Chan feels burdened to be as open as you.
He's aware of how much you've shared with him while he gave you so little in return. He owes you a lot and it's time for him to settle that debt.
"You look gorgeous," he starts with a compliment.
You reach for the collar of the baby blue linen shirt he's wearing and compliment him back, "So do you."
You rest your hand flat on his chest and dreamily sigh, "You look good in colors other than black and white, you know that?"
He grins at that and nods, "I'll wear more colors."
"Okay, good," you say with gentle pats on his chest.
It's not time for small talk, time is running out. Chan grits his teeth and starts talking, trying to empty his heart through words.
"I'll be honest with you," he begins.
He sees you swallow air and nods, "Okay."
"I haven't completely opened myself up to you."
"Mm-mmh," you hum in response.
He takes your hand and holds it tightly in his hand, "The last relationship I had..." he refrains from sharing too many details on his past.
"From that relationship, I got myself a trust issue out of it, and as much as I like you, it's hard for me to trust you. I got haunted by my experience with trusting someone with my heart..." Chan takes a moment to collect himself and not lose it completely to his emotions.
"I didn't think that I'd get here and find someone like you in here," he says with a low laugh.
You lowly laugh along with him, "Yeah."
"I feel extremely lucky to find you and I realize now that it's not fair that I compare you with my former partner. She might have caused me a trust issue but that doesn't mean you'll do the same to me," he says.
A smile blooms on your face and he feels your hand in shaking in his hold.
"I genuinely am feeling stronger emotions for you which I haven't felt in a long time," he earnestly says with a sincere smile.
His heart feels so much lighter and emptier now, that only means he has more space for these new feelings he has for you.
Chan's heart is full of warm feelings and other than that, it fills with hopes.
CHRIS: It's been such a long time since I've opened up like this with anyone but it feels so natural with her.
"I like you so much," Chan says while squeezing your hand in his.
It feels good to know that your feelings are reciprocated. You've been tormented inside and you keep it bottled up inside you, now you can let it go.
"I'm so excited for us," he adds with a smile.
Then the chime comes and you glance at your watch to see that it turns green.
You both did it and you didn't mean to cry but your eyes are like bursting dams right now, tears are flowing down your face. He immediately pulls you into a hug.
"I wasn't ready to go home yet," you croak with tears caught in your throat.
"Me too," he says.
He holds you for a moment and whispers into your ear, "Are we going to kiss or what?"
You completely forgot that the rules do not apply and you're allowed to kiss him. You hurriedly wipe the tears on your face with the back of your hands.
Chan doesn't hesitate to kiss you when you believe you look ugly from crying. He leans in and kisses you softly, brushing his lips as if he were telling you how you feel with it.
Your heart is heavy and quivering as it carries so much love inside you. You like him so much and it feels so good, it's so good that it's scary.
When he pulls away from the kiss, Chan holds your face and looks at you, tenderly wiping your eyes with his knuckle.
He's softly laughing as he says, "I can see now that you're just a baby."
He caresses your wet cheeks with his thumb as he fondly looks into your eyes, "just a baby, my baby," he says.
You pout yet smile at his words. There's no use to deny it when he can see everything now.
"My baby girl," he delightfully sighs and presses a long peck on your lips.
Sure you feel relieved you get to stay in the retreat but the best thing about all this is getting to know each other better, emotionally.
"Good job," you tell him with a smile.
"Good job," he says back to you.
YOU: Watching Chris open up and comfortably share his feelings makes me feel like I can understand him now. Also, it makes me fancy him more and more [smiles]
Chan didn’t expect everyone to wait for them to come back from their talk.
The resentment they have is nothing compared to the friendship they have sewn in time with both you and him. They look at him in anticipation of whether he passed the test or not. They're tucked in their beds and watch him as he walks to his bed with you trailing behind him.
"So...?" Pierre asks.
Chan can't contain his excitement anymore, he grins and says, "We got the green light!"
Everyone cheers for him and you, clapping with pride. Jace hurls a cushion at Chan as he shouts, "Congrats, Aussie boy!"
Alicia comes to his bed to hug you, "I told you. I'm rooting for you!"
Dani hugs her pillow in front of her and asks, "So, did anyone say anything?" She asks in curiosity.
"She told me she likes me," Chan answers without the slightest of embarrassed saying it out loud.
"Did you say it back to her?" Pierre asks.
"Of course!" He shortly replies.
You lay on your stomach on the bed, facing everyone, "It was really hard to begin with but he opened up to me."
"Aww..." Lola coo in response then lightly applauds for you.
"At least we don't have to worry about them rulebreaking now," Luke comments.
"Because there's no money to spend to begin with," Pierre adds.
Everyone is laughing the shared pain away. But with the promise that Lana will return some money through tests and you both passed one tonight, everyone gets hopeful again.
CHRIS: I'm so glad we're making progress. I'm so proud of her and me. We both got so far [smiles]
It's like you both got a fresh start at a new life.
Even with zero dollars on the prize fund, you feel happy to get to spend more time with him in the retreat. Yesterday was a torture and that only reminds you to use the time wisely.
But it's not like you can't keep yourself away from him you're smitten, you have butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
After last night, you talk about things deeply and openly, you talk more about your future together that it gets you giddy
You're straddling him on the bed and hovering above him, putting a safe space between your faces. You admire his beautiful face, trailing your fingers on his facial features, eyes, nose, and plush lips that lure you to kiss.
"Now that I'll be coming with you to Australia, where will you take me first?" You ask out of curiosity.
Chan has been resting his hands on your thighs and not letting them go anywhere. He looks up at you and answers, "My home."
You're giggling because your dirty mind can only think of one thing, "So we can—"
"I'll introduce you to my family," he slices through your sentence and takes you aback.
This seems that serious to him and you usually choose to step back when things get this serious, however, you're feeling excited about it instead.
"Yeah. I want them to know about our relationship," he casually says.
"Ooo... relationship," you point out the thing he just said and wonder if it accidentally slipped out of his mouth or he meant it. You bet it's the latter from how he gets so flustered and laughs at it.
"Why? Do you have anything else in mind?" He asks with a sly smile.
You look away from his eyes as he catches on your dirty thought, "You know what I'm thinking."
He sits up on the bed so he can hold you and you wrap your arms around his neck, "Well, before we do all that, I'll lock you in my room and we'll have lots of sex," he murmurs, then places a hot kiss on your neck.
You lowly moan at how his soft lips feel on your skin, sending a tingle down your spine.
"Oh, you have no idea what's coming for you," he seductively whispers with his breath tickling your ear.
He then switches to the other side of your neck and places a longer kiss with his tongue lightly licking the skin, leaving a wet kiss mark on it.
The emotional connection only heightens the sexual tension between you and him yet it feels like you've reached a new level in your relationship.
YOU: It's HARD! I like him so much therefore it's getting harder to resist him.
"Whoa, whoa, what am I walking into," Pierre says as he busted you straddling him on the bed.
Without getting up from his bed, Chan calmly responds with a joke, "There's no harm in losing more money."
"Damn right," Pierre replies with a laugh.
With someone else in the room, the tension is slowly fading out and you get off his lap, sitting next to him instead.
Chan notices that Pierre is smiling at himself and he knows that there must be something.
"What's up?" He asks while putting his arm out so you can rest your head on it.
"Alicia and I are going on a date later," Pierre replies.
"Oh, wow, that's great, man!" Chan offers his hand for a fist bump.
"I'm excited for you, Pierre!" You add with a gleeful smile.
But instead of bumping his fist at him, Pierre collapses onto his bed. It's the first time Chan sees him being this nervous, "Why are you so nervous?"
You're giggling next to him, "You've been sharing a bed with Alicia for so long," you add.
Pierre groans and holds his head with both hands, "Ugh... I don't know."
"Just do you, enjoy it, man," Chan suggests.
Pierre sits on the bed again now, "Yeah, you're right."
He gives Chan his fist bump now then gets up from the bed, "I have to get ready for the date now. See ya!"
"Good luck!" You shout at him before he gets out of the door.
It must be nice to get on a date with you but Chan understands that he has to earn it here. He looks at you and he can see that you're wishing for the same thing.
"We'll get our time," he tells you.
"Yeah," you reply with a smile.
"Come here! Hug me, baby girl!" He pulls you into a tight hug and flips over so you're under him now.
"I want to kiss you," he says as he looks at you.
You put your hand on his lips and glance at it, "We can't. We have to be good."
It's like the roles are reversed now. It's him playing the bad guy now and you're playing the good girl now.
"You're right," he says, he chooses to bury his head in your neck instead.
CHRIS: Lana, we’ve been good so please get us on a date too!
Lana throws a party tonight.
You're tired of guessing what she's trying to celebrate and if she has something behind it. The worst has happened, you want to enjoy tonight.
"What are you wearing tonight?" Chan asks while you're drying your hair.
"Uhm... nothing," you mindlessly answer.
He puts his arm around your neck and playfully puts you in a chokehold, making you laugh in response. He then nuzzles his nose into your hair and asks again, "I want to match my clothes with you."
"Aww... that's so cute, Chris!" Lola comments from the other end of the vanity table while putting make-up on her eyes.
You turn your head around and jokingly say, "Then... wear nothing."
He wraps his hand around your neck and tilts your head to the side so he can bite on your shoulder, "Just tell me what color!"
You're laughing as you try to get his hand away from you but he keeps ticking your neck with his nose. In the end, you both settle with his favorite color, black.
You're fixing the straps of your dress while looking at the mirror in the bathroom and Chan is leaning against the sink, running his eyes up and down your body.
"You're so gorgeous," he compliments with a grin and those cute dimples.
He bites his fist when you check the back of your dress in the mirror by turning your body to the side.
"Gosh, I'm the luckiest," he sighs.
You get flustered and say, "Stop it!"
Pulling him close, you turn him around and make him look at both of your reflections in the mirror. Not going to lie, you like what you see.
You turn to look at him and then say, "Damn! We look good!"
He looks back at you and smiles, "We look good together."
Without warning, he puts his arms around you and carries you out of the bathroom.
The party had just started when Pierre and Alicia were coming back from their date. Everyone is being nosy with their questions yet you can't help to get nosy as well.
"Tell us everything!" Lola demands.
From the look of it, Pierre and Alicia look happy and it makes you just as happy for them, everyone seems to feel the same way as well.
"It was nice. We went on a boat and enjoyed the sunset," Pierre says.
Alicia nods along to his words, "Then there was a funny question at the end," she says, then leers at Pierre.
Pierre cracks a laugh before answering, "I asked her to be my girlfriend."
Dani, being the one invested in the story, impatiently asks, "What did you say, Alicia?"
Alicia leers at Pierre again and smiles, "I said yes."
It's like watching a sports game and the home team scores, sending everyone into a celebration. Glasses of drinks raised to the air for a toast.
"To Pierre and Alicia!" Jace leads the toast.
"To Pierre and Alicia!" The rest repeat after him and take a sip of their drinks.
YOU: Well, unlike us... [chuckles] Pierre and Alicia are the most committed couple in the retreat so I couldn't be happier for them.
Instead of being jealous, Chan is happy for Pierre and Alicia.
He's happy to see his closest friend in the retreat happy and it's not like Chan is not happy, he is happy with you. He looks around and they're just as happy even though the prize fund is still at zero.
He holds you close and kisses the top of your head, "I'm so happy."
"Me too," you murmur with your head resting on his chest.
The music abruptly stops and Chan kind of guesses what comes next. There she is, the ultimate cockblocker and party crasher Lana.
Everyone already knows where to go and they drag their feet to head to the cabana. You sit next to Chan, putting one hand around his waist and the other clasped with him, resting it on his leg.
The money is at zero now but that doesn't make everyone less nervous, if anything, there's an anticipation for what Lana is going to announce this time.
Chan's heart skips a beat the second the cone lights up, signifying her arrival. She skips on greeting everyone and calls for both of your names.
You look at each other to exchange a mix of panicked and confused looks.
"On your previous test, you were able to access your true feelings for each other, proving to me that your connection is more than skin deep," Lana says.
That's good news and the applause everyone is giving toward both of you confirmed it.
"However, actions speak louder than words."
Chan hates it when that word comes in the sentence: 'however' because that means, Lana has bad news to tell.
"Tonight, you will both be put to the ultimate test, a night in the private suite."
Remembering that you both failed on the same test and knowing you both have to go through it again. Chan feels the pressure already and he sees you wince in response to that.
"If you refrain from breaking any rules, you will win back $100,000 for the group."
Everyone is cheering at the amount of money you can win back from it but your last failure reminds them not to haste to celebrate.
Chan notices a few pessimistic faces among the group and he understands that. But he knows that it's time he pays everyone back for the damages he did to the prize money.
"We'll try to win back the money for you guys," Chan earnestly says with you nodding along in agreement to his words.
"Please, make your way to the suite!" Lana orders.
He offers his hand to help you get up from the sofa and keeps holding your hand.
Jace nods at Chan to encourage him, "Don't mess up, 'kay? You got it!"
"Wish us luck!" You say to everyone for the last time.
CHRIS: This is it. This is the big, ultimate test.
The second you both enter the private suite, you throw yourself at him.
Thank goodness that he is quick to catch you and steadily holds you against him to keep you from falling. You loop your both hands around his neck and warmly hug him.
You pull away to look at his face, "We can do it," you murmur with a soft kiss on his cheek.
He returns the kiss but his lips land on your jaw instead, "for that to happen, we shouldn't have a bath."
You pout at him and say, "But I still need to have a bath. I'm dirty."
"You are dirty," he says with a sly smile.
You narrow your eyes at him and put your forehead against his, "Are you dirty?"
It's like a deja vu watching you get undressed in front of him, doing it so confidently like he isn't there and looking at your enticing body with dark, lustful eyes.
"You can join me or..." you nonchalantly say as you step into the tub.
"You can just watch," you continue as you lower yourself into the water, flashing him a naughty smile as you lean back in the tub.
Chan has seen and experienced this scene before but he doesn't like how it ended. This is why it's called a test, see if he can take it and come up with a better result than before.
"Atta, boy!" You exclaim as he starts to take his clothes off.
You intently watch him taking every piece of clothing on his body until there's none left. Your eyebrow raises as your eyes flick down there.
"Hi, there," you playfully talk to his semi-hard member.
Everything about you evokes the rebellious side of him, he just wants to do whatever he wants and pleases. He reminds himself that he needs to control himself and the money that he can win back from doing it.
With one foot down in the tub, Chan can already feel the heat of the moment.
CHRIS: When it's just the two of us the sexual tension goes...[Sighs] It's high!
Jumping onto the bed, you crawl over to get something from the tray of sex toys on the bedside table.
You know which one you want to get and take it with you as Chan dives onto the bed next to you. You waste no time straddling him, "Put your hands above your head!"
He ignores your order and laughs at you instead. He chooses to disobey you so you take both his hands and put them above his head, you cuff them with handcuffs.
"I'm sorry," you tell him with no hint of regrets whatsoever in your apology.
You look at him and smile in satisfaction that he's laying helpless underneath you.
"You've been very, very bad, Chris," you say in a low, sultry voice and run your fingertips down his bare chest.
He takes a deep breath and looks back at you, "I've been bad, so?" He dares you with a smirk.
As expected, he will disobey you and dare you to do things to him. He's enjoying it and you're more than willing to play along.
You crawl over to the side and use the opportunity to bring your ass close to his face while you take another sex toy from the tray.
You sit down on his crotch, intentionally hard, and enjoy the low groan he lets out. You show him the long, leather whip in your hand.
You put the end of the whip under his chin and used it to tilt his head to look at you, "Do you admit to being a bad, bad boy?"
Instead of answering, he bites his lips and fiercely looks at you. Taking him off guard, you slap his chest with the whip.
"Answer me!" You order.
He slyly smiles and refuses to answer again. You start to slap his chest and abdomen with the whip, making heart-shaped marks on his pale skin.
You decide to get off him and lay on your side next to him, "I'm going to keep doing it until you answer me," you taunt him as you drag the end of the whip down his thigh.
You lean into the side of his face and lowly whisper into his ear, "Answer me, Chris."
He shakes his head and you immediately land a slap on his inner thigh twice that he gasps in response. Feeling mischievous, you slip the whip under his boxer and rub him there.
"Will you answer me now, mmh?" You ask.
He catches you off guard now, rolling on the bed and putting his body on top of you. He buries his head deep in your neck while kissing you there.
"Oh..." you breathlessly moan as he bites on your neck.
Chan is always afraid to put his whole weight on you but you don't want to have it another way, so you put your legs around him and let him collapse on top of you.
He looks at you but his eyes are centered on your lips, "Do you want to kiss me, mmh?"
He alternates it by placing kisses along your jaw and finishes it with a sweet kiss on your cheek, "Actually, there are a lot more things I want to do to you."
YOU: Our prize fund is zero so that means there's no money to lose... [bites lips]
Chan keeps his handcuffed hands in front of him as you unlock it for him. He puts it back on the bedside table and sees you still straddling him.
He pats the space next to him, "Come here so we can cuddle!"
You shake your head and put your hands on his chest, "No, I like it here. I like sitting on top of you," you say with your eyes enchanting him to gaze back at them.
He puts his hands on your thighs, fingers teasing the hem of the short sleeping dress you're wearing, "Is this your favorite position?"
"Uh-huh," you answer and put your hands to hold your hair in a makeshift ponytail.
"You want to be on top, huh?"
"Yeah, I'm good when I'm on the top," you tell him with your head slightly tilted to the side and your lips curl into a naughty smile.
"Is that true?" He asks, allowing his hands to move up to your waist and hold you there.
"I can show it to you," you dare him.
Seeing you straddling him like this only gives him the glimpses of what you'd like fucking him and he bet it'd be so good. Swear his cock twitched just now from remembering how good it is inside you.
Now you're sitting on his crotch and there's only a layer of clothing that separates him from what he wants, he believes you can feel how his cock is achingly hard for you.
"Maybe next time," he kindly refuses no matter how much his body wants to scream yes.
"Why not now?" You ask with a low giggle.
You make it so hard for him that he has to lift you off him and lay you down next to him. Without giving you time to escape, he puts his arms and legs around you, limiting the things you can do around him.
"Stop teasing me," he presses a wet, long kiss on your cheek.
You helplessly try to get out of his hold while giggling but failing.
"Baby," you softly call.
You hold his chin in your fingers and turn your head at him, "I want to sleep naked tonight."
CHRIS: The longer they let us alone together, the more I want to do things to her [raises eyebrow]
Even after the morning comes, it doesn't mean that the test has been done yet.
Somehow, you wake up naked and find yourself snuggling to Chan who's just as naked. You don't want to force your brain to work just yet.
It seems like he's awake already as he puts his hand on your back and runs his fingers down your back, light and fluttering, lulling you back to sleep.
Realizing that the test is not over yet, he gets away from you only so he can lay next to you and easily places kisses on your bare back.
You delightfully hum every time his full lips make contact with your skin, warm and soft, making you tingle inside.
"You're so beautiful," he hums.
He then starts another trail of kisses from the nape of your neck and down your spine. He stops before he gets tempted to go lower than your waist.
"So soft, so beautiful..." he sighs with so much frustration as if he saw something he couldn't perceive.
Chan decides to prop both hands on each side of you and kisses your neck as he's hovering above you, waking you up with sweet, gentle kisses.
"Wake up, baby," he softly calls you.
Wanting more than just kisses, you pull him close so you can feel him whole, his body on your body, skin-to-skin. It feels rather more intimate than sex.
He puts all of your hair away to the side so he can pepper your shoulder with kisses, "Morning," he says in between kisses.
You smile with eyes closed and croak, "Morning."
There's not much time left in the private suite and you both have to face everyone soon.
"How are we going to tell them?" You meekly ask him, feeling the anxiety already.
He gently caresses your cheek with his knuckle, "I'll do the talking," he simply answers.
You overlap his body with yours and put your arm across his chest, "Can't we just stay here?" You innocently ask with a low laugh.
"We can stay a little longer," he consoles you with a kiss on your forehead.
As much as you want to stay, it's time to face the truth once more.
YOU: Last night was... special. The best night I ever had in the retreat. [smiles]
While holding Chan's hand, you wake slow walk on the way back to the villa, and meet everyone in the bedroom.
Everyone is looking a bit antsy even though they're still in their beds. They stop talking once they notice you're back from the private suite but they seem to be scared to ask the important question.
Chan gestures to you to sit on the sofa instead of on the bed next to the table where Lana is sitting still so prettily.
Before Chan can open his mouth and speak, Lana gets ahead of him, chiming on the table next to you.
"Last night, you faced your ultimate test," Lana skips the morning greeting and goes straight into business.
"As a couple, if you could refrain from breaking any retreat rules, the prize fund will be increased from $0 to $100,000."
You grimace at that because anything could happen at this point.
Lola gasps at the mention of that word and hides behind the duvet. It's your turn to gasp as Lana calls your name.
"Even though you were successful in sexually arousing Chris, he was able to hold firm and respect the rules of my retreat."
Applause and cheers erupt from every corner of the room. You hate that Lana exposed you for what you did in the private suite but it won't stop you from celebrating as well.
"Which means that the prize fund now stands at $100,000," Lana updates.
More cheers and whistles are coming from everyone at the announcement that you both gained half of the total prize money back.
"I am so proud of you, babe!" Dani says to you.
You blow her a kiss as a token of gratitude and look at Chan, he's looking as proud as you are.
"This is what I call growth," Pierre comments with a smile.
"Yeah, that's true," Lola agrees.
Everyone gets quiet as Lana continues talking, "As a reward for showing restraint and putting the interest of the group above your own, you will be going on a date."
You turn to look at Chan and smile, feeling so proud of both of you. You look around the room and ask, "Can I hug him, now?"
They are all laughing before answering, "Yes."
You walk up to Chan and he welcomes you into his arms, holding you so tight while lifting you off your feet.
It feels good to do good and get rewarded for it, you lean close to murmur, "I'm so proud of you."
"I'm so proud of us," he says back with a kiss on your cheek.
YOU: The last few days have been so hard for us so I think we deserve this date and I'm just so excited [grins]
To be honest, Chan is nervous.
Yes, he's happy and excited for the date. What he's worrying so much about is the talk he'll be having with you and he wants to make sure that he gets his emotions across.
It's important that you know his feelings for you.
His face lights up as you walk toward him, he helps you board the boat to get to the other small island where the date will be.
"Gorgeous," he sweet compliments as he brushes your hair and tucks it behind your ear.
"Thank you, baby," you mutter and take his hand to hold it.
The two of you take a short walk to where the date has been prepared, a cute little picnic with a bottle of champagne chilled in a bucket of ice which Chan can easily pop open.
"Mmh... My man is so strong," you playfully praise him.
You take one of the champagne flutes so he can fill it for you, "What are toasting to?"
He thinks for a moment, "Mmh... for passing the ultimate test?"
You chuckle and nod in agreement, "For passing the ultimate test!"
You both clink your glasses together and take a sip of the bubbly wine.
CHRIS: We both know that we have a strong physical chemistry between us but I need to know if we have a strong connection as well. I want this to last.
The sun is slowly sinking into the horizon, painting the sky with stunning bursts of flaming gold colors.
Even Chan is here, in one of the most beautiful places he's ever been, he thinks that what makes it so special is because he's with you.
"Have you realized that it's been me and you since day one?" Chan asks.
You fix your hair and prop one hand next to you, "Yeah," you answer while nodding.
"We've been going through such... a long journey," he says, emphasizing how rough it has been for the two of you.
You nod again and softly laugh, "You know, with other people, I would push them away and keep moving forward. I never once in my life thought I would find 'that someone'."
This is why he's comfortable around you. He shares a piece and you share one piece of you too, it's never going one way with you. Everything is fair and he thinks this is what good communication is.
"As you know, the last relationship I had... it was ugly but in here, in this retreat, I learned how to confront my emotions and open up to someone," Chan shares his piece of him with you.
You're looking at him with eyes that match the soft smile on your face while tucking away the hair getting blown by the wind.
"Also, this retreat helps me put things into perspective," he continues, "I'm able to show sides of myself that I didn't know I had."
You take a sip of your drink and nod again, "Just like I said when people get into my space, I'd normally push them away."
You put your drink away before continuing, "But the fact that I met someone that I like... that makes me feel emotional and vulnerable."
Chan would be lying to say your words aren't making him feel the slightest bit emotional as well. He can feel the sincerity in your words, they are pure and heartfelt.
"I wonder if we're compatible moving forward in the outside world," you finish.
He takes your hand and holds it in the space between you and him. He then clears his throat before speaking.
"Now it's time where I can tell you and it would be wrong for me not to say this..."
His heart hurts as every bit of emotion is getting squeezed out of him into words but he wants to tell you everything, baring it out for you so you know his true feelings for you.
He looks into your eyes, it gives him the confidence to go on and say, "I genuinely do love you."
You close your eyes and break into laughter, it's not the reaction he hoped for but he waits for you to say something.
"I can't believe I came here and fell in love..." you say with a sheepish laugh.
You stare into his eyes and squeeze his hand as you say, "I love you too."
It feels like a ton of weight has been lifted off his chest. He thought he would be bound and confined the moment those words were out of his mouth, instead of that, Chan feels like he's been set free.
CHRIS: When I arrived here, I didn't mean to meet a girl and tell her I love her. I'm a changed man and it's because of her [smiles]
Seeing him happy makes you happy.
The happiness only doubled knowing that the feelings go both ways. Never in a million years have you ever thought you would be falling in love with a guy like him.
Chan is a gentleman, he's kind and sweet, he's very thoughtful and caring, and he has everything that you're not looking for in a man.
But he changed you and made you realize that you deserve a better man. Meeting him and being with him is a blessing like a star falls right onto your lap.
"I always told myself I'm better single and do my things, but with you, I feel safe, comfortable, and powerful at the same time," you let your thoughts out loud to him.
You swallow air to not let the tears get in the way of you speaking your heart out to him, "The best thing is, with you, I feel more reassured and that's something that rarely happens."
The way he's looking at you now is the most beautiful view you've ever seen and you want to imprint it in the back of your head. You also want to bottle this precious moment so you can treasure it for life.
Chan has been quiet for a moment then he lets out a sigh, "I feel like I've won the lottery," he says.
This has been a long journey but you're grateful that you come out of it together, stronger and on top of that, in love more than ever.
Both of your watches chime at the same time and you glance to confirm that it's green.
"Oh?!" You look at him with a surprised face.
Chan smiles and crawls over to you, "Thank you, Lana!" He shouts.
The kiss feels special and it's ultimately because this kiss marks the beginning of your relationship, the first one of many, and hopefully, the start of a long-lasting relationship.
YOU: I'm the... [squeals] I'm the happiest girl in the world [gleefully smiles]
Everyone else is already sleeping when the two of you decide to sneak out to have one final swimming lesson.
Again, it's not a lesson and you both promise to not spend any money. You're doing it as tonight is the last night of the retreat.
Nothing is going to change even when the show is over but it doesn't stop you from feeling sentimental about it.
"It's going to be weird not waking up next to you," you sadly say as Chan hugs you from the back.
He rests his head on your shoulder with his hands wrapped around your waist, "You'll be coming home with me, remember?"
You nod but what you actually meant is how the outside world would be different than here. We have the stupid rules here but everything is much simpler and happier here, you're afraid of losing it all once you step out of this retreat.
"I'm just glad we won back the money," you say, shifting it to a much brighter topic.
"Or else we wouldn't have money for our flights home," Chan jokes.
Your shared waves of laughter are making ripples on the surface of the pool water.
"Who is going to win the money though?" You ask in genuine curiosity.
Chan shrugs in response to your question, "Definitely not us," he says.
Considering that the two of you are the big spenders in the retreat, you wouldn't even dare to think that there's the possibility of winning the prize money too.
To be able to come home with a man you are deeply in love with is already a big win for you.
YOU: I don't care about the money. I got what I want, I got my man [smiles]
"Good morning, friends!" Lola cheerily greets everyone the second the lights turned on.
Staying up until late last night causing him to feel sleepy, he keeps sleeping with his head buried in the pillow. He can feel you slipping your hands around him to spoon him from behind.
"Morning, Channie baby," you softly call him by his Korean name.
He told you about it last night, the name only his family and his close friends are allowed to call him with that name.
You are, of course, more than allowed to call him that. It feels strange to hear it at first but he likes the sound of it, especially the affectionate tone you're using.
He takes your hand and kisses it, putting it close to his chest as he tries to get a few more minutes of sleep. The sound of the melodic chime is enough to make him refrain from going back to sleep.
"Good morning, everyone!" Lana greets, sounding exceptionally kind even though she speaks in the same robotic voice.
"Morning, Lana darling!" Claire replies with a cracked voice.
"Welcome to the last day of the retreat," she announces.
Everyone sadly groans which is quite shocking compared to the first day of the retreat, now everyone is not wanting to leave.
His head snaps at you and it reminds him to soak up every minute left in this retreat with you.
"I will be announcing who the finalists are shortly," Lana further announces.
Everyone's ears perk up at the announcement, finalists in 'plural', which means there is more than one candidate to win the prize money.
Everyone else is secretly guessing who's going to win it but with his bad record, Chan chooses to sit back and wishes everyone the best of luck.
"It's the last day!" Luke remarks, still in disbelief of it.
"Let's make it the best one!" Dani adds as she yawns into her hand.
"And let's spend the whole money today," Chan jokes even though he's slurring his words.
"Funny, Aussie boy!" Jace says as he tosses a cushion at him.
CHRIS: I fully trust that Lana will choose the right person to win the money and I'm okay that I'm not it, Lana, I have no hard feelings [laughs]
"It's the last day so I'm going to wear the tiniest bikini."
Chan hears what you're saying since he's in the dressing room to take something out of his closet.
"Oh my, Gosh!" He responds to what you're saying.
You're chuckling and look at him as he stands across the room, "I'm putting another test on you."
He walks over to your chair and puts his hand around your neck, that way he can angle your head as he pleases. He attacks one side of your face with small kisses.
"Stop being so cute," Claire says as she hollowed her cheeks to apply some colors to them.
"Yeah, stop it before you spend some money," Alicia playfully adds.
Chan lets you go because he needs to go to the bathroom to style his hair, he finds Jace in there, putting his long blond hair into a small bun.
"Who do you think is going to win?" He asks.
It's the third time someone asked him the same question and he'll remain diplomatic about his answer, "Whoever wins I'll be happy for them."
Jace respects his answer and does not further press him to give a name but Chan gets curious about his answer.
"Who do you think?" He turns the table to him.
Jace sits on the edge of the tub and watches as Chan combs his hair in front of the mirror on the sink.
"I think it's you, Aussie boy."
Chan snorts in response, he figures that Jace wants to entertain him with his answer.
"Hey, the one who made a lot of mistakes is the one that is most improved," he defends his answer, proving that he's actually serious about his answer.
"Yeah, nah, I don't think it's me, mate," he refuses his answer to entertain the idea that he has a chance to win it.
"That's just my opinion," Jace says with a nonchalant shrug.
CHRIS: If it were up to me, I think everybody would win here but it's not, it's up to Lana. [Shrugs]
It's the time in the cabana again.
You're sad that it's going to be over soon but God! You're so glad that soon you'll not be hearing that melodic chime again. It's like hearing a soundtrack to a horror movie.
"Hello, everyone!"
"Hey, Lana," you reply, suppressing your anxious groan coming out of your mouth.
"I have been collecting data since you arrived and have now conducted my final analysis," Lana informs.
You can't tell what everyone is feeling right now, it's a mix of anticipation, anxiety or relief, sadness or happiness, everything is there.
"As you are aware, there was a prize fund of $200,000 allocated to aid your development."
You wince at the mention of the word 'was' and it brings back your not-so-finest moments in your head.
"The prize fund stands at $100,000."
"Whoo!" Lola whoops, "That's a lot of money, baby!"
"And it was very hard to gain," Chan playfully comments, sending everyone into laughter.
"Like literally," he adds.
You cover his mouth with your hand to stop him from embarrassing himself more and let Lana continue.
"There are three places in the final."
Now everyone is assessing each other for their possibilities to win the money. You're definitely not going to make the cut with how much you spent in the retreat.
YOU: It's clearly not going to be us. We're the antagonists in this show [chuckles]
"Following my rules alone isn't enough to win. The finalists are those who have shown personal growth during their time at the retreat."
Oh, wait? Personal growth?
If we're talking about personal growth, everyone can see how much Chan has grown since the first day of the retreat. People would think that it's a biased opinion but you believe that Lana sees it, or you hope so.
"The first finalist is..."
You're secretly praying that Chan's name gets called, it's not much about winning, he deserves to be in the final with the journey he's been through in this retreat.
"Pierre and Alicia."
It's kind of expected and everyone is clapping for them because they deserve it. You watch as they're hugging each other and looking so cute it makes you cooing adorably.
"The second finalist is..."
You continue to pray in your heart for one name to be called by Lana, you even have your hands clasped together and close your eyes as you deeply wish for it.
"Jace and Lola."
Again, everyone is clapping because they're genuinely made for each other, they complement each other in a way like no other.
"The third and final finalist is..."
For the last time, you wish and pray as hard as you can in your heart. You never wished for something this badly so for the first time in your life, please let—
Your mouth hangs open in response while he pulls you into a hug. You're at a loss for words for a moment until he pulls away from the hug.
You get teary as you see him standing up to take his place on the final, feeling so proud of him and the man he has become.
"Pierre and Alicia, Jace and Lola, Chris, one of you will walk away with $100,000."
Chan offers his hand at you so you can hold it while he's standing up in front of you. You can't fight the tears that are already pooling in your eyes.
"And the decision will be made by the remaining guests."
"Oh, my God!" You quietly gasp while dabbing the tears in the corner of your eyes.
"Will the shortlisted guests please leave the cabana while the voting takes place," Lana orders.
Chan bends down to hug you since he has to leave. He presses a long kiss on your cheek and caresses your cheek, "I'll see you soon, yeah?"
You nod with a smile, "Okay."
YOU: Oh, I don't care if people think that I am being biased but I saw his growth, every day in this retreat. My vote is going to Chris.
The dressing room is crowded because everyone is getting ready for the last party in the retreat. Everyone is wearing white per the dress code announced by the staff.
Chan pulls you to the bedroom to have some alone time before he gets to be separated from you because the finalists have their special entrance to the party.
He sits down at the end of the shared bed and then pulls you down onto his lap.
"I can't believe that I'm one of the finalists, it's... mad!" He says in disbelief.
You put your hands around his neck and look at him, "You deserve it, baby."
He takes a deep breath as though he was swimming in deep water. He then runs his hand in your hair and affectionately brushes your hair.
"Whatever happens, I'm happy, I'm winning," he says.
You nod.
"I'm going home with a girlfriend," he shyly says with his dimpled smile.
That gets you flustered as well and it seems like it has just sunk in you that you're dating him now, "oh, shoot, I have a boyfriend now," you say with a shocked laugh.
He hugs you as you both laugh at the sudden realization, he buries his head in your neck to drink in the scent that gives him a sense of comfort.
He allows his hands to trace down your sides and adores every curve of it, "Mmh... You look stunning tonight," he praises.
"Spin for me," he demands.
You get off his lap and elegantly raise your hands above your waist before spinning around on your feet to show him the whole look.
"Do you like it?" You ask.
"Oh, love it!" He answers with a dramatic, overwhelmed eye roll.
You sit on his lap again and let him rest his head on your chest, on the soft mounds of your clothed breasts. There are only hours left until the retreat ends but his hands are already getting impatient as they're teasing the zipper of your dress.
"Can't wait to take this off of you tonight," he murmurs with his lips grazing your cleavage as he speaks.
You're lowly humming in response and cradle his head close to your chest, "Anything you want," you tell him.
Those words are sending his mind wandering off and away from his head. He's not thinking about the money at all, all he can think about are the things he wants to do to you.
"You can do anything you want later," you say again with your fingers softly scratching the back of his hair.
"Now that's a real prize," he says with an enthusiastic smile.
CHRIS: Winning or not, I'm leaving in love [smiles]
You sit next to Claire and Nick as the rest of the guests are waiting for the finalists to come and join the party.
"It's sad, isn't it?" Dani says with a sad smile from the other bench.
"It's coming to an end, yeah," Claire shares with a pout.
You've been meaning to not feel sentimental about it but now everyone is feeling the same way, you can't help but have your say about it.
"It's bittersweet, you guys," you say.
Everyone is nodding in agreement and Luke initiates a toast to start the last party in the retreat. The talk continues with everyone sharing their memories here, happy, sad, or funny ones, also everything in between.
Mac has to abruptly stop talking as the finalists are about to enter.
A round of applause welcomes all five of them. First is Pierre and Alicia, and following behind them are Jace and Lola. Last but not least is your number one man, Chan.
You scoot on the bench to make space for Chan to sit on and welcome him with a hug.
"Missed you," you murmur even though you have only been separated from each other for less than an hour.
He caressingly kisses your cheek and puts his arm around you, you reckon he needs the comfort from how nervous he looks right now.
"Got all my fingers crossed for you," you whisper to him.
"Uh-huh!" You answer without a beat and grin at him.
You hold his face by the jaw and place a kiss right on his dimple, hurriedly wiping the lipstick mark with your thumb after.
The melodic chime comes from the cone and it's going to be the last you hear of her, Lana.
"During your time at the retreat, I have observed you all commit to the process, acknowledge your failures, and show significant change."
You nod and smile, "Thank you, Lana!" You sincerely say from the bottom of your heart.
"The time has now come to announce the winner of the $100,000 prize."
You put your heads together and hold each other's hands on his lap, letting go of everything all at once, and no matter what happens, you are happy with each other.
"Pierre and Alicia, Jace and Lola, Chris, please stand!" Lana orders.
YOU: At the end of the day, I'm leaving as a changed person and I'm in a relationship with a man I love. And that's something I have never imagined in a million years. [Brightly smiles]
Chan isn't that optimistic he would win the money.
Yet he feels so nervous Chan has to take a deep breath before getting up from his seat without letting go of your hand.
"You got it, baby," you mutter to him with a squeeze on his hand.
He peers over his shoulder to look at you and flashes you a grateful smile.
"Your fellow retreat guests have voted," Lana continues with the announcement.
Chan looks at the other finalists, at Jace and Lola, and the other way, at Pierre and Alicia. He never thought he would be considered as one of the finalists, he's still in denial about it.
"The person in third place is..."
His heart is beating faster and faster he starts to wonder if he's going to have a cardiac arrest.
"Jace and Lola," Lana announces.
Chan's head snaps in the direction of Jace and Lola who are embracing and congratulating each other despite they do not win the money.
CHRIS: I'm on the top two... [deeply inhales] not expecting this at all. If I win, it wouldn't be my own because she played a big part in my growth in the retreat.
Lana doesn't give him time to relax as she continues to the next announcement.
"Pierre and Alicia, Chris, one of you has been chosen to check out of the retreat with the prize fund."
He squeezes your hand in his hand hard enough that his knuckles turn white. He needs it, he needs something to hold on to.
"The winner who will be leaving with $100,000 is..."
Who doesn't want that much money? But honestly, it's not going to be a loss if he didn't win it. It's been one hell of a journey and an emotional one, he made friendships and experiences of a lifetime here.
"Pierre and Alicia."
He did end up not winning the money but he doesn't feel like losing at all. He's reeling from it and only aware of himself when you hug him so tightly.
CHRIS: Couldn't be happier for Pierre and Alicia.
YOU: [Nods] Yep, they definitely deserved it.
"Congrats, you two!" Chan takes his turn to congratulate the winning couple.
"So happy for you, man!" He says as he gives Pierre a big hug.
The celebration continues with them popping open bottles of champagne and spraying everyone with it. You hide behind Chan as Pierre is aiming the bottle at both you and him.
"You're dripping!" You exclaim, seeing his face sticky and wet with white wine.
You help by wiping it with the back of your hand while he brushes his hair to the back.
Chan looks around and sees that everyone is having fun and happy, there's nothing he wishes more than his. It's a memory he'll treasure for life.
Everyone settles back to their seats as Lana has one announcement left.
"Your time at the retreat is over and therefore, the rules no longer apply."
Chan is turning to you but you're looking the other way, you walk over to the other side and he sees that you're coming over to someone.
Chan and Luke can only laugh as you share another kiss after the retreat ends with Dani.
Luke has to pull Dani away from you to not let the kiss continue while Chan pulls you from behind.
"Okay, that was hot," He says with an impressed smile.
He puts his arms around you and pulls you close, "But it's my turn now."
You giggle at him and waste no time to kiss him, opening your mouth to let him kiss you deeper, relishing the craving he has for the taste of your lips.
CHRIS: We never thought we'd get this far.
YOU: [Nods] Yeah.
CHRIS: [Looks at you] I'm proud of you.
YOU: [Shyly smiles] And I'm so proud of you!
The sounds of the fireworks going off startle you and you both turn around to see them lighting up the sky in bright, colorful sparks.
He's hugging you from behind as everyone else is also watching the wondrous view. His heart feels full yet he wants more of it, he knows that the only way he can get more of it is by sharing it.
Chan brings his mouth close to your ear and says, "I love you."
You turn around to look at him with a confused look on your face, "I'm sorry what?"
It's the explosive sounds of the fireworks and the music playing that make it hard for you to hear what he said the first time.
He raises his voice a little louder and says again, "I love you."
"What?" You raise your voice even louder than him against the constant explosion in the distance.
Chan laughs because it reminds him of the first day you met. He can tell you're not pretending to not hear it this time, he tries again by pressing his mouth close to your ear with his hands cupping around his mouth, "I love you!"
You coo at him in response and turn around to face him, "I love you too."
He captures your lips in one long, lingering kiss and lets out everything in him, freely and intensely. He's not afraid to let go now because he knows that's the only way to love you fully.
And no one can stop him, not now, not ever.
CHRIS: No more Lana. No more rules.
YOU: [Looks at Chris] And that means...?
CHRIS: Get in here!
YOU: [Kisses Chan] [Moans]
CHRIS: [Let go of the kiss] [Looks at the camera] Can I go now? Cause she needs to be f—
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cambion-companion · 8 months
Hi! I wanted to know, how do you imagine the interactions betwen Tav and Raphael would have gone like, if they had been Tav’s fiend patron? (as in, they already start the game with the contract (we were robbed)) 
Oh, it would be such an interesting dynamic. And Raphael is ready as ever to adapt to a new situation and manipulate it to his own ends.
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The last few days had been an utter whirlwind of madness. Relief at not falling to your death from the Nautiloid contrasting sharply with the dread of having an Illithid parasite in your brain. A ticking time bomb.
You had wondered how long it would be before Raphael came to collect you. As it turned out, you didn't have long to wait before you sensed your fiendish patron's presence. The back of your neck prickled, a shower of sparks cascading from an opening portal caught your eye.
"I had wondered where you'd fluttered off to." Raphael's cadence sounded familiar and almost comforting to your ears, maybe he could help you. "And you've gained such illustrious companions along the way." Mildly sardonic as his brown eyes landed on Karlach who'd frozen in place while stuffing her face with dinner.
"Raphael." You greeted, breathless from the surprise visit. "It's..." You hesitated on the rushed words. "...good to see you." Despite the nature of the devil, you felt relieved at seeing a familiar face.
Raphael bestowed an arch look upon you, the corner of his narrow mouth tilting up. "I always keep close watch over my most prized possessions. When you disappeared from even my purview, I must admit to experiencing my own form of concern." He approached and took your chin between his fingers, tilting your face up for inspection. "You look a little worse for wear. Has my favorite client suffered a chance of ill-fate?" He moved your head to the side, you half thought he would open your mouth to inspect your teeth. "You have a little visitor inside that lovely head, it seems." He snaked a hand around the back of your neck, a little possessive as his gaze sharpened on something you couldn't discern. "A rather unwelcome one, on all fronts." You could intuit those last words were not meant for you or your companions.
"Can you help?" You asked, the urgency of your situation thrumming cold in your veins.
Raphael chuckled, his gaze still narrowed on your wan face. "Does the sun rise in the east and set in the west? Can a young sapling be felled by an ax?" Raphael gave the nape of your neck a squeeze. "I live to help those in need, and perhaps this...little problem squirming in your brain offers just the opportunity I've been seeking."
"Seeking? How so?"
"As ever, you delight me with your inquisitive mind, however naive to think I'd offer you such information so readily." Raphael looked down at you, your noses almost touching. "Come, it's time to go home and have a more private chat."
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