#i want warm soup and to be left alone by everyone in this house
whimsyprinx · 2 years
If I tell my household I don’t want to do anything for my birthday they’ll get upset and interrogate me and I don’t know how to explain to them I simply don’t want them to do anything for my birthday because I don’t want it held over my head another year and that nothing they could do would make it a happy birthday
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velvetures · 7 months
AU Continuation: Perimeter Security
a.n.: Thank you to everyone who left comments, and gave this love! I hope to write more! This is thanks to @3dumbass and their suggestions.
summary: living with the 141 has its perks, and built-in security is one of them. it’s just not always easy for them to determine who’s actually a threat.
AU: The 141 are at risk due to personal files being compromised. They’re laying low at a low-risk location until further notice.
tags?: Simon x 3rd person coded relationship, strangers, tension, well-meaning anger, protectiveness, misunderstanding.
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Snow made everything on the ridge lines slow down. Thick, icy, blankets camouflaged roads and halted the daily movement of simple life. The mail didn’t run, and neither did the school busses in town. It was as if the whole mountain slept in for weeks at a time when this kind of weather trudged in over the skyline. Freezing water pipes -if you didn’t know to turn the tap on a little- and draining the battery in your vehicle leaving you stranded for days at a time. It’s what made a wood-burning stove a lifesaver and why the ornate Art Garland sitting in the living room more of a necessity than a gilded cast-iron luxury from 1898.
But getting firewood was a whole different experience… especially when the task force took up residence and experience their first winter with Price and Laswell’s goddaughter.
She did well to provide for herself. Not just well, really, better than that. Everything she could manage alone was done without any assistance, and she never complained about much. They all assumed it came from living in such a remote place. That she couldn’t rely on anyone and never got spoiled to living easily. What she couldn’t -or simply didn’t- want to manage, the locals down in town helped with by beaters, trades, or well-kept favors that just kept being passed back and forth.
Just another one of those slowed-down things that made a whole lot of sense in her life, but set the 141’s teeth on edge.
They could rely on each other and do just fine most of the time. But individually and as a squad, it made all of them feel inadequate beyond comprehension asking for or requiring help. And like with her was just one of the stinging wounds they couldn’t quite heal up. Seeing her trade strawberries for corn or a rough-sewn quilt for a hand-made kitchen knife was dignified enough… they just didn’t understand fully how deep the lifestyle ran.
Ghost’s encounter with “Bear” put that much more tension on the dynamic.
She’d been inside bent over a pot of soup for nearly the whole morning. Steam curling over her reddened cheeks and sucking up through the range hood when the faint sound of a truck came spinning up the steep snow-covered driveway. A flatbed with a steel-cage welded to the bed and stacks of wood covered with a blue tarp in the back with fraying bungee cords. A familiar sight for her since the man driving always brought her firewood when the weather got too cold to go and do it herself. Or when she’d been regrettably lazy… and didn’t feel like it either.
Barrett “Bear” Stephens. A real outdoorsman and not more than a couple years older than her. Most people around town thought he was a real prick since he didn’t talk much and kept to himself out on West Run Ridge. But she liked him well enough. Trusted him to let him in her house for dinner as thanks for keeping her house warm and always waved when she saw him in the grocery store despite the guarantee he wouldn’t aside her back. Hearing his truck ambling up through driveway wasn’t anything new.
It’s why she forgot to mention it to anyone else.
“Damn freezing out here,” He spit with gritted teeth, sliding out of the truck in four layers of coats. “You’re real lucky the biscuits you make are worth this shit.”
She couldn’t help but stifle a smile. Shifting back and forth to stave off the cold while wearing less than half of what Bear was. Only having come out to greet him since it was below freezing. Normally she’d leave him to drop off her bundles of kindling without the harassment of making him talk. But the snow was deep, and she felt guilty not at least helping him for a moment. Maybe it was good luck that she had though. Because Bear didn’t even make it to the back of the flatbed when a solid black figure smoothly appeared from the opposite side. Black steel glinting in evening light and the black hole of a rifled pistol aimed right at him.
She stopped dead in her tracks. The mistake washing over her seeing Ghost standing there in the scary-as-hell mask, with a white skull framed by a black hoodie and positive white snow all around him. Fuck, even the steam from his breath smoked out of the mask like he was fucking burning from the inside out and letting off pressure before he exploded. His eyes were dead and cold. Staring down the mountain man who’d came to just as still of a position. She was certain Ghost was the only one breathing.
“You’re not welcome,” his thick burred voice sounded more gritty than normal. Maybe from the cold weather… she’d not seen him inside her house in days. “Suggest you leave.”
Bear didn’t say a word, but his rapid nod of his head was enough to thaw her out. Stop this before it got any uglier than Ghost’s .45 making a damn-good threat.
“Wait! He’s… he’s here on purpose!” The excuse can’t great. There could be plenty of reasons he came with intent and then not be positive. “I needed him!”
The stiffness in Ghost miraculously gets worse. Frost in his wide shoulders turning to blue ice and that darkness in his eyes sharpening like flint from sloped hills behind the house. It made him more pissed, and she didn’t have the slightest idea of how to fix it.
He was cagey at the best of times. Like he’d bristle if he had fur on his back or bare fangs if he had the choice to. She hated making any of that anger show, but there wasn’t a better option right now. Besides… it was her damn house. She could have whoever she pleased so long as she thought they were safe. John had made it clear there wouldn’t be any restrictions unless something serious came up. And having visitors weren’t one of them. Especially since. Bear wasn’t coming in the house.
She’d been quite set in that decision anyways. Bear wasn’t the nosey type anyways. He didn’t talk much, did his job, and left. But that didn’t mean Ghost knew it. And his pistol didn’t even waver a centimeter even after she spoke.
“This… this yours?” Bear’s voice sounded shaky. His teeth unclenched and irritation with the cold wind dissolved. His question made her antsy. There were too many answers, and none of them felt right in her head.
“Long story,” she decided, taking a rounded pathway around Bear and towards Ghost. Purposefully staying far away from that damn pistol he felt still necessary to have out.
“He can be-”
Ghost’s interjection made her wince.
“Enough of that!” She snaps back, hissing and feeling the hot air freeze in front of her lips. “Let him drop off the firewood, and he’ll leave.”
One look back at Bear and she could see the slight confusion in his otherwise guarded expression. There was no chance in hell she was letting Ghost just disappear off somewhere after this. He couldn’t just point-blank threaten people. Bear was who kept the damn house warm half the winter whether she liked it or not. And Ghost couldn’t fuck it up just because he’d not been explicitly told anything.
“How ‘bout we lend a hand?”
Soap and Gaz walking up nearly gave her a heart attack. One of them was bad enough. Two more? Her faith in Bear not running and telling anyone who would listen about her was stretching thin. The grocery store, all three churches, and the fire department would think she was in a reverse harem by the end of the month. Even if Soap was already helping himself to the stacks of bundled wood in the back, this interaction felt centuries long with no hope of ending.
“Just three.” She finally gets the warning out, seeing Gaz going for a fourth bundle. He just nods, setting it back down and shooting a quite civil nod in the man’s direction.
“Sorry ‘bout that,” He adds, looking over the tall stacks. “How much?”
“Ten dollars a bundle.” Bear sounds half ready to pass out.
Gaz promptly drops the one he’s carrying and pulls out a wallet like he’s got no problem with Ghost still standing there like a human-centry gun. Pulling out a twenty and holding it out in his hand.
Is this some sort of fucking peace treaty?
Ghost only moves to holster his weapon after Bear takes the money and mutters something about ‘help yourself’ before shutting himself back inside the can of the truck without another word. Tension easing with each moment Soap spends stacking his arms tall with dry, red cedar and sycamore. She doesn’t even know where to begin. Wondering where John was. Wanting to know where Ghost had been. Why he’d even approached in the first place.
“I need a word with you.”
She can’t bring herself to do anything but stare out at Bear’s truck hightailing it off her property as she addresses Ghost. Hearing his very heavy boots creaking on the porch. He doesn’t say a word, but it’s clear once Gaz and Soap leave for inside that he’s not standing behind her for his own enjoyment.
“Do you have any idea what you might’ve just screwed up?” Her voice doesn’t sound like her own. It’s mad, sure. But almost panicked in a sense. The reality of the situation hitting her harder because she vividly remembered winter before the help. And it wasn’t pretty. Recent snows had been stable and quite pleasant actually. And Ghost nearly made target practice out of her own sure solution.
“Very aware,” that damn voice sounded too smooth. “Who is he?”
Another thick billow of fog curls out of her mouth. “Who he is, isn’t important. Keeping my fucking house from freezing is.” She can feel her fingers starting to prick from the cold even inside her coat.
“Don’t care for nameless men.” He counters just as seemingly unbothered.
If she could physically force herself to turn around and face him head-on, she would. But his utter disregard made it intimidating. Too much to handle.
“Jesus Christ….” She muttered, head dropping to thump against a porch post. “Barrett Stephens. We call him Bear.” It felt defeating to be forced to answer him like this.
Ghost’s boots strain the porch as he walks towards the firewood hoops. The sound of dry bark ready to catch an ember cracking and scratching as he moves it.
“Almost killed himself…”
“Yeah,” She chuckles dryly, biting the inside of her cheek and spinning around with some real anger. “M’sure the coroner would love to know how he got ahold of the pistol you have tucked in your fuckin’ jeans.”
That massive man turned on himself just as quickly. Closing a multiple-yard distance in just a couple long strides. His breathing heavier and that thick smoke trailing from the stitch-seams in his mask.
“Gonna get yourself killed too…” He warns. Low, and just like the wolf she pictured him being. Bared teeth, dilated eyes and all.
“Stop growlin’ at me…” The words come out of her mouth before she even thinks about how wrong it is. “Actin’ like a damn dog.”
He’s fast. So fast.
Hauling her backwards against the porch banister and towering high above her head with a low, and heavy sort of breath fizzling out in his chest. It’s the most threatening he’s been so far. And she can’t tell just how far she can continue to stand her ground without things truly getting ugly. Even her fingers have stopped tingling from the cold with just how fast her blood is pumping. Force feeding oxygen to her brain. Desperate to find a way to run from an inescapable situation she’d created.
“Mind tellin’ me where you got this idea to talk back to me, creeker?”
“When you started throwin’ that gun around like you have the right.”
The fear didn’t keep her mouth shut. Digging an even deeper grave all because he kept using that stupid fucking nickname. Pushing buttons and making it that much harder to be understanding of why he was always so bitter. Nothing she’d done had made a difference so far. And the patience she’d saved specifically for him was waning.
Ghost just chuckled, his head rolling to the side and the gloved hands gripping her coat tightened.
“The right?” It was almost impossible to imagine anything other than a smirk under that mask.
“Oh… I certainly have the right to defend what’s mine.”
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biggestsimponhere · 2 years
I LOVE TYLER SO MUCH IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY (and your headcanons about dating him are so great) so maybe angst prompt 11 with him? Maybe he's afraid you're leaving him or shutting him out like his dad is doing but it's just a misunderstanding for some reason and it turns to fluff. God I wanna read about comforting him so badly
Everyone leaves, everyone except you - Tyler galpin x reader, thank you so much!!! Also I want to comfort him so badly too 😭 Just to reiterate all my Tyler fics he isn’t The Hyde unless it’s specifically necessary for the plot 😭 also I changed the prompt a little to “everyone in my life already leaves, so I just assumed you would too” because that’s just how the story flowed.
Tyler and his dad didn’t have the best relationship, you knew that. He always came to you when he and his dad were fighting so you know most of what goes on. On Sunday he got into a big fight with his dad. They fought about what they normally fight about, his mom of course. Except this time his dad left. Not forever, just for the week. He left some money for food and a note saying he was going out of town for the week. You haven’t seen or talked to Tyler since Saturday. You’ve been drowning in your studies and the little down time you had you spent sleeping. So on Friday when all your exams for the week were done you decided to swing by the weathervane to say hi to Tyler.
Except he wasn’t there. You quickly asked his coworkers where he was and they said he’s called off sick the last three days. This wasn’t usual for Tyler, he always went to work even when he was actually sick. You’ve had to drag him back to his house more times then you can count. You got your hot chocolate and then quickly rushed out the weathervane and headed to Tyler’s house. You knocked on the door but no one answered. You knew Tyler was home cause you saw his car, so he has to be around somewhere. You pulled out your key and went into Tyler’s house. “Ty! Are you here?” You called out as you took off your shoes. “Tyler!” You called again, “Are you home?” You continued further into his house until you saw him in his bedroom.
He was curled up in a ball under his covers. Deciding to let him sleep a while longer you headed back out to the living room. You turned on the tv before heading into the kitchen and making soup. Once the soup was finished you decided you would wait a few minutes more before waking Tyler up. You sat on his couch and pulled out your book. A few minutes slowly turned into much longer before you remembered the soup. You ran back into the kitchen and checked on the soup. It was very cold now. You made a bowl and heated it up in the microwave before heading back to Tyler’s room. You set the bowl down on his desk and then went and sat on the edge of his bed.
“Ty” you said shaking him lightly. He groaned before just turning over. “Hey, Ty, wake up I made you some soup” You shook him a little more this time. He eventually woke up enough to sit up and take in his surroundings. He smelled the soup before he saw it and then he turned to look at you. As soon as he saw you he pulled you into a hug. Which you immediately reciprocated. You ran one hand through his hair while the other rubbed his back. “I heard you were sick so I made you some soup” you said, kissing his forehead. He mumbled something incoherent into your neck before you spoke again. “Baby, you don’t feel that warm, are you really sick?” You asked pulling him closer to you.
He shook his head before burying his face back in your neck. “Ty, why’d you call off if you’re not sick, where’s your dad?” You asked, trying to fit the pieces together. “He left on Sunday, he said he’d be back in a week” Tyler said finally pulling away from you. “Ty, you’ve been here alone since Sunday?” You asked pouting. He nodded before moving back into your embrace. “Why didn’t you call me baby?” You said, laying you both down. “I don’t know, you hadn’t come by at all so I just assumed you wanted to leave me to” he said not meeting your eyes. “Tyler, there’s never a time, I don’t want to see you, I’m sorry I wasn’t here, I was busy with my schoolwork. If you told me I would have came a lot sooner” you said brushing the hair out of his eyes.
“I mean everyone in my life already leaves, so I just assumed you would too” He said, starting to cry. You pulled him back into your chest and let him cry in your neck. You stroked his hair while whispering sweet nothings into his ear. Once you thought he had calmed down enough you asked if he was ready for the soup. He nodded so you got up and grabbed it off the desk. “It’s just slightly cold from sitting there, do you want me to go warm it up more?” You asked moving towards his bed. “No please, just come sit with me, I don’t care if it’s cold” he said reaching out towards you. You moved forward and sat next to him in his bed. He quickly ate his soup so you could hold him again. You moved the bowl off to the side before wrapping him in your arms. “Goodnight Ty, I love you” you whispered in his ear. You thought he was asleep till you heard quietly whispered back “goodnight y/n, I love you too” and then you both drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
Guitar!Steve 3
Eddie liked Crash's mom. She was the most casual and welcoming of his friend's moms. Jeff's mother took some time warming up to him. Gareth's mom still called him "that boy". His own mother...well the less said about her the better.
That wasn't to say Mrs. Crash's Mom didn't have rules. No shoes on the couch, no touching her cider, and all that jazz. That is to say, Eddie was rightfully nervous about the fact that he'd accidentally taken something of hers and used it to conjure up a whole entire person.
They got to Crash's house and she was in the kitchen, stirring something. She turned and her eyes immediately went to Steve. Before leaving Eddie's trailer, they'd dressed him properly in a shirt and jeans.
"You didn't", she said as she grabbed Steve's chin, turning it this way and that before looking at the whole lot of them. "Which one of you did it?"
Three hands pointed at Eddie right away.
"Where did he come from? What was your wish?"
"He's...", Eddie hadn't thought much about telling his friends, but telling a friend's mom? Now the reality and embarrassment was sinking in. "...Uh, he's..."
"I'm his Sweetheart", Steve replied with a smile.
"I don't need to hear anymore", she said, pulling away from him. "Clearly an inanimate object come to life the question is what is the consequence." She began ladling what she had been stirring into bowls.
"Are you making soup in the morning?", Gareth asked.
"I'm making candles, boy. You all can get some cereal from the pantry if you're hungry." Then she pointed to Steve. "You, come help me get something."
Eddie watched as his Sweetheart was pulled away from the rest of them and he anxiously patted at Crash's shoulder. "Hey hey-hey, where's she taking him? Where's she taking my baby?"
Crash looked out the kitchen window. "Over to the garden."
"To do what?", Eddie hissed.
"Whenever my mom takes me to the garden it's usually for a life changing talk. She took me out there when grandma died. And when I got my first pube."
Eddie looked out the window and saw the two of them kneeling by some bushes, picking something and placing them into baskets. Eddie paced, looking up occasionally to see them but couldn't discern what they were talking about. The other three were dutifully eating some cereal.
When the two returned from outside, each carrying a small basket of berries, Eddie immediately went to Steve's side, trying to see if he was okay but was brushed off by Crash's mom.
"Eddie, you're helping me make the jam. Crescent, take your friends, and this one as well", she gestured to Steve. "I need you to deliver some eggs and honey."
Crash groaned and Eddie protested, not wanting to part from Steve again but it was never easy to deny this woman. Soon, he was left alone with her, making jam in a giant pot. They talked a long while. About what life would mean for Steve. About what this new adventure would mean for Eddie. If he was ready for it, to take care of his Sweetheart.
If he was ready to be depended on like that. Eddie was tempted to answer right away. But she knew more about Eddie's life than even if friends. She had been friends with the late Mrs. Munson. So Eddie truly considered it when she asked if he was ready to take care of Steve in all the ways he needed.
When Steve and the boys returned, he ran to Eddie like he was a magnet and kissed him. God his Sweetheart was so sweet, almost like honey. Eddie pulled back, a question in his eyes.
Steve put a finger to his lips. "Don't tell, but we dipped our fingers in a little", he whispered.
"Secret's safe with me, baby." Eddie kissed him again and felt Steve's hands go to his hips.
"You taste good too", Steve murmured against his mouth.
Eddie was about to reveal that he'd dipped a spoon into the jam when someone cleared their throat.
"Well I can tell how only your wish got granted", Crash's mom said. "It takes a very powerful desire to change reality. The stones don't work for just any wish."
Everyone helped with jarring the jam and both Steve and Eddie knew that whatever came next, they'd be in it together for the long haul.
"You know, I just realized", Jeff started to say. "Eddie's never gonna have to meet Steve's parents."
There were a few chuckles from that but Jeff's words caused Eddie to have his own epiphany.
"Oh shit. Steve's gotta meet Wayne."
Thank yall for reading this one and all your votes! See ya later :)
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sadruru · 7 months
The first part of the post for the Springfinder event. The second will be up tomorrow. God, everything was supposed to be b&w… 1) Family:
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- Careful Lissa. I know you like it spicy, but don't overdo it with the pepper and mix it thoroughly. We've got tavern guests to feed.
-Wow! So, our little goat is learning to cook already? Well done! Just what the family needed. When you're older, I'll teach you how to make our specialty apple cider.
-Don't distract her from cooking! Lissa, pay attention, or the soup won't come out.
Sometimes Melissa remembered some moments from her childhood. Most often it was in the tavern. Then along with the smile always came the burning resentment and pain. What if she had been born an ordinary girl? What would have changed then? It seemed impossible to break the cycle. The easiest thing to do was to drown the intrusive thoughts in alcohol and forget again. She didn't want to appear in a bad mood. It would be better for everyone. And for her, too. Right? 2) Death:
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She's trapped, poisoned, alone. It was too late to run, there was no way out. Like a merciless fury, the tiefling went into her final battle, taking the life of each of her pursuers. First, fourth, seventh… She lost count. The blood in her veins boiled with rage. All were doomed. … Promise fulfilled, no one got out alive. But what was the price? The injuries were too serious, and the killing wound was on her neck and was bleeding heavily. If there had been anyone around, maybe she would have been saved. Looks like her luck has run out on her now. The play was over. Or not yet? The strange woman looked around the battlefield. Before her was a curious picture of corpses against the silence of the snow-white forest, but only one of them, still warm, stood out the most. The huge beast stared at the sudden visitor. He should have growled and defended his mistress or what was left of her, but he didn't. The piercing eyes seemed to be begging for help, no matter from whom. It couldn't just end like this. Not even death would stop her from her grand plan.
It was time for the main experiment.
I can't draw animals!!! The leopard's name is Fluffy. It's a boy. He's like a house cat in personality, only bigger.
All she can make is spicy family soup. KEEP HER OUT OF THE KITCHEN OR COOKING PLEASE!!! (you'll have to eat it...) The event itself, let it be:
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skvaderarts · 3 months
Saudade Chapter 13: Sympathetic Succor
Chapter Thirteen: Sympathetic Succor
Note: I thought this might make a nice little warm-up while I get back in the headspace to write Petrichor. I’ve been thinking about it since I brought it up as a half-joking reply to one of the comments left by the ever-funny Temeraire101 in chapter eleven of Saudade. Bear with me, everyone. I’m getting back on the horse. Slowly.
It had been wise to head to the market when they had.
The last few days were marked by the continuation of the storm, its waters overflowing the gutters and soaking every surface that stood before it as water was often want to. 
The local government had issued a stay-at-home order as a temporary precaution to reduce the risk of drownings, one that proved to be redundant as anyone with any sense had opted to do so long before they’d been asked. The only motivation anyone had found to break the order had been to procure necessary resources, a violation of the order that would have occurred regardless of whether or not it had been made an exception to the rule, something that it proved to be from the get-go. After all, no one was going to remain within the walls of their home and starve, now were they?
But regardless of such orders, neither V nor Sirrus had plans to leave the house. They were content to remain where they were, cozy and warm within the brick and cast iron walls of the red-haired man’s cozy multistory flat. They’d only left briefly to grab ingredients for the recipe that Sirrus had wanted to make for him, and it had been exquisite, but the next morning they’d both awakened to something they hadn’t expected.
Sirrus had caught a cold.
Neither of them had even remotely expected that when they’d woken up the next morning and met in the kitchen, but they’d been confronted with it regardless. At first, it was just a small cold, something Sirrus asserted that he’d sleep off by the next day. But by the time the next morning had rolled around V found himself completely alone in the kitchen when he woke up in the morning and Sirrus was nowhere to be found.
Upon going to check on the red-haired man V discovered that he was much worse off now than he’d been the day before, something that Sirrus found as baffling as V found it alarming. He couldn’t exactly take something for it due to not being, well, human and its effectiveness being subject to variation, but neither of them had expected Sirrus to wake up and be worse off after a good night’s sleep.
Remaining in his room and opting to just try and take it easy for the day had seemed like the best option at the time, especially after contacting Magnolia and being advised to do just that. He’d drank some tea and opted to just take a nap, a cycle that he’d been repeating for the majority of the morning, unable to stay asleep despite being exhausted.
And during that time V had been planning. Scheming and plotting until he’d come to the only logical conclusion that he could.
He’d make Sirrus some soup.
It had been a tricky endeavor considering the fact that heading outside was a last resort, and he didn’t wish to commission some poor underpaid delivery person to risk their life on his behalf, but he’d come up with something in the end and had spend the better part of the morning both preparing it and hiding it from Sirrus. He wanted it to be a surprise.
But after several hours of preparing the meal and utterly failing to figure out where half the things in the kitchen were located due to the meticulous manner in which they’d been sorted, he sat down, exhaled heavily, and poured himself a glass of water. He needed a quick break. And he was willing to bet that Sirrus could use something to drink.
Heading over to the door with a second glass of water in hand, the young summoner knocked on the door apprehensive, hoping to catch him when he was awake and not asleep. If he was resting he would let him stay that way. But after a moment a noticeably hoarse voice from the other side of the door beckoned him inside and he obliged, stepping into the room and closing the door behind himself. Sirrus had already been awake. He could tell.
“... We shouldn’t go grocery shopping together,” Sirrus said with a soft, slightly anemic, and wet cough as he watched V approach and sit the glass down on his bedside table. He nodded gratefully through his haze, taking a moment to compose himself and catch his breathing. His cold had seemingly migrated to his chest, something that was almost as unpleasant as it sounded. And something that concerned V more than the fact that Sirrus was unwell in the first place, even though that also worried him deeply. How had this come to pass? Surely he’d caught something when they were out at the market; that much was obvious. But… how?
“I still don’t fully understand how this has happened to you,” V said as he sat down towards the middle of Sirrus’s bed. The curtains were partially open, allowing some of the stormy light from outside to filter in. It was a beautiful view, in truth, but not one that he imagined Sirrus could fully appreciate in the way that he might wish to at present. “I was laboring under the impression that you were impervious to illness.”
“Circumstantially, yes,” Sirrus said somewhat weakly, not elaborating any further. At least not initially. He exhaled heavily and looked over at V, taking note of something.
V was looking at Sirrus as though he’d just said something that didn’t make any sense to him. It was a subtle look, but it was still perceptible. He had no idea what the Adjudicator was talking about, that much was clear. And understandable. 
Chuckling and then attempting to clear his throat only to realize that his throat was dry, Sirrus sat up further in his bed. This was going to take a little bit of explaining.
“When I am at my full power, I am incapable of contracting any illness, yes. But when fully depleted, my immune system… deteriorates.” Sirrus paused to take a swig of the water that V had brought him, making a face that indicated that he wasn’t pleased with the taste in his mouth as he sat it down, abandoning his previous efforts to wet his throat. It seemed that he’d reached the stage where everything he tried to drink tasted like his cold. Wonderful. Just splendid. “While I am recovering and regaining my strength, my invulnerability inverts, and I become susceptible to more or less anything with the exception of things that are not contracted by pathogens. And I am especially vulnerable to infections.”
“So if you were to develop a blood-borne infection… “ V’s speech gradually grew slower as he trailed off towards the end of his statement, the mental picture that it painted in his head too unpleasant for him to linger on. It was best not to even risk speaking that into existence. He wouldn’t call himself suspicious, but perhaps suspicion believed in him.
“The less thought put towards that notion the better, mo chara daor.” Sirrus coughed again, this time for longer and quite a bit harder, at that. V gave him a sympathetic look, hesitating for a brief moment before placing his hand on the back of his shoulder. He’d never considered what it felt like to worry over a sick loved one before. Even when his own father had been in a coma, he’d held hope that his supreme healing factor would prevail. Part of him had utterly refused to even consider the idea that he wouldn’t be okay. And while he wasn’t laboring under the idea that Sirrus couldn’t pull through a chest cold, it was… unnerving to witness someone so utterly unkillable in such a state. The idea that he was even susceptible to a cold was disquieting to him in a way that he couldn’t quite place.
“Do you need anything from me, Sirrus?” V asked softly. He was worried and trying not to show it, and they both knew that, but he still didn’t want to worry Sirrus, and the red-haired man was genuinely touched by that, even if he didn’t need him to expend the effort on his behalf.
The man with the red hair shook his head tiredly. He understood his friend’s desire to help him out, but for the moment, he was fine. He would manage. And if he couldn’t, he had a contingency plan for that. And V. He always had V. 
With their conversation now over, V left him to rest, standing up and heading to the door. He probably needed to check on the soup anyway. It was best not to hover around someone who was sick. For both of their sakes. V couldn’t remember the last time he’d been under the weather due to non-supernatural conditions, but he wasn’t keen to make that a more simple thing to recall in the future. And for all he knew, he might somehow make his companion sicker. He would continue preparing his little surprise. That was probably the best course of action right now. For both of them.
“If you do need anything, please. Let me know.” V said from his place at the door, a genuinely bright, empathetic smile spreading across his face. He knew what it was like to suffer. To be brought low by circumstances outside of your control. Sirrus would be alright. They would both make sure of it. His dear friend had been there for him through everything that the universe could throw at him. V wasn’t going anywhere. Neither of them would if the other needed them. He was just much more accustomed to it being him and not Sirrus. “I’ll help you. It’s no trouble. I mean that.”
“I’d never doubt that you would. Thank you, V,” Sirrus said with a weary chuckle, his eyes still bright despite the obvious discomfort he felt in his chest. He just looked at V fondly for a long moment before laying back and closing his eyes, pulling the covers back up over himself and tiredly settling in. He exhaled tiredly and then went silent, the only indication that he was alive being his breathing.
V slipped out of the room quietly, closing the door behind himself. He didn’t want to wake him if he’d started to drift off. He needed the rest and the summoner had work to do. Shaking his head slightly in a grimly amused manner he chuckled to himself. If he was lucky he could be finished before Sirrus woke up. That should make them both feel better.
This was a fun little chapter! It helped me get back in the right headspace. I hope you enjoyed it! Let me know what you think! Fun little chapters like this are fun and I’m always looking for more ideas, especially from all of you! You have such fun ones!
The next chapter will also be a Saudade chapter for next week partially due to needing more time to get back in the swing of things and because Shadow of the Erdtree is coming out next week and AHHH! I’m streaming it at launch and the lead-up has been pure stress. That’s taking up all of my spare time at the moment. But if anyone wants to hang out and check it out with me, I updated my Profile and added a link to both it and the Discord server. Swing by if you’d like! I have a schedule posted there. Are any of you going to be playing it, too? Let me know! I’m always excited to talk about fun games lol! I’ll see you all back here next week! Take care and thanks again for reading. It feels good to be back writing something. ANYTHING! Bye bye!
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thetavolution · 8 months
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Paloma \ Seldarine Drow \ Monk \ She/Her \ 39
Paloma is inspired by a character that will appear in my show @weregoingtokillthequeen (which will be revamped in the near future). Originally, she was a wood elf, but I thought she'd be more interesting as a drow.
Full name: Paloma Silkflower Name meaning:  Paloma: dove; Silkflower: it's pretty self-explanatory Pronouns: She/Her  Race: Seldarine Drow Age: 39 Orientation: Pansexual Romance: I have no idea if she'll go the Astarion or Halsin route or both (Or perhaps other?) Class: Monk Subclass: Way of the Open Hand Origin: Urchin  Theme song:  Reach - Madds Buckley / Surface Pressure - Jessica Darrow
Personality Paloma is the quintessential older sister. She’s protective, responsible, determined, and bossy. She’s also short-tempered, high-strung, and sarcastic.
She grew up in an orphanage as one of the older kids. She stepped up to take care of the younger children and she took responsibility for them at a young age. Even after they reached adulthood, she continued to clean up after them and care for them like she always did. She has a habit of stepping in and doing things for other people.
Paloma believes she has to "earn" the right to be in people's lives, which means taking care of them. She has a very dry sense of humor that can sometimes go over people's heads.
History Paloma was raised in the Holy House of Nym orphanage. She never met her father and she doesn’t have a lot of memories of her mother anymore. Her father’s whereabouts are unknown since he left long before she was born. 
When she was two years old, her mother, Veera, died from the plague. Paloma arrived at the orphanage around the same time as Lamia and immediately took on the role of an older sister. She’s one of the few people who knows Lamia is a Changeling and doesn’t care. Even as a child, she wasn’t concerned about it. 
She aged out of the orphanage, but rather than turn to crime (like Lamia) or a trade, she traveled to a Selûnite monastery to train in martial arts. While at the monastery, she met Belgos, a drow ranger, who was traveling Faerûn. He declared his love for her and made promises to be with her forever. 
They would have three children together, Orianna, Lucan, and Meriele. Paloma was head over heels in love, but after Meriele’s birth, Belgos grew tired of “playing house.” He returned to the Underdark without so much as a goodbye, leaving Paloma alone with the children.
Years later, she would migrate to Baldur’s Gate due to her monastery being destroyed in a drow raid. Paloma never found out if Belgos had anything to do with the raid, or if it was just coincidence. 
Likes: Being with her children, nature, meditating, martial arts, keeping warm, organization, warm rainy days, soup, tea, nature walks, adventuring, dry humor, afternoon naps, and reading
Dislikes: The cold, feeling useless, disorganization, Lolth-Sworn Drow, small talk, bibberbang, and the sound of loud chewing
Fears: She's terrified of being useless and unneeded. She assumes she'll eventually let everyone down or not be able to protect the people she loves. She believes she'll never be able to live up to other people's expectations. As far as she's concerned, she'll never be good at anything.
Of course, as a mother, she’s scared of anything happening to her children. She’s also terrified that she’s a terrible mother. She does her best, but it’s hard to be a single mother in Faerûn. She does her best not to let her kids know how she’s feeling about things though. She just wants them to have the best life possible
Quirks: She talks to herself sometimes. She gets cold easily and her body temperature doesn't regulate itself very well. When it's even a bit chilly, she prefers to wrap herself up in a bundle of blankets or stay indoors. She’s also used to going into mom mode to take care of people, including small things like cleaning smudges off their 
Mental Health: She has an older sister and mom mentality and it leads her to put a lot of pressure on herself. She constantly feels as though she's not enough or could be doing something more. What is that something? No one knows. She certainly doesn't. She spreads herself thin and berates herself when it wears her out. She was took damage when her ex just up and left her with the kids. It’s left her feeling like a complete, unloveable failure.
Favorite Foods: Cinnamon Roll, Eel, and Vegetable Soup
Favorite Drinks: Tea with honey, lemon, and ginger and Suzailian Sweet
Favorite Flower: Snapdragons, Violets, and Ylang Ylang
Height:  5’6"
Skin: Light Blue
Hair:  Bluish-Black
Eyes:  Purple (Right) and White (Left)
Color Scheme:  She doesn't stick to one color scheme in particular. She'll wear a lot of black and dark blues, but she'll also wear golds, reds, yellows, and purples.
Fashion Sense: She doesn't always wear armor. She keeps to lightweight clothing so she can move freely. She generally dresses very practically, but that doesn't mean she doesn't want to look good. She remains well groomed and she can dress up when the occasion calls for it.
Lamia Ambler — Lamia is like a sister to her. More on that to come... eventually.
Orianna Silkflower — 12. She’s Paloma’s 12-year-old daughter.
Lucan Silkflower — 10. He’s Paloma’s 10-year-old son.
Meriele Silkflower — She’s Paloma’s 9-year-old child.
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sweetsncandies · 1 year
and i was so young when i behaved twenty five (yet now i find i've grown into a tall child)
He could do anything and all he needed was himself.
He first told himself that when he was three and his mother accidentally left him alone in the house. It's okay, he got used to it as she did it again and again. His mother praised him again. It's okay, she knew he had powers to protect himself from burglars.
It's okay. He's okay. Everything is okay. He was special and that's all he needed.
(Reposted from ao3, if you want to read it there, click here) (Edit: This is now part of a series! [Part 2])
(TW for blood and injury (not graphic) and child neglect)
"You're old enough, surely you can handle yourself."
At a young age, Teru prided himself as very reliable and responsible. He can dress himself at the age of two, stay home alone at the age of four, cook whole buffets at the mere age of five, and clean the entire house including the bathroom at the age of seven, growing just tall enough to reach the taller appliances and notice the dust collecting on them.
His powers helped him a lot, bright yellow light with a mix of swirls of green, he was good at everything from chopping carrots to dusting off the top of the closet. Such feats were praised by many, most especially by his mom.
He was special.
The black hole
Of the
Where you sleep
He could do anything and all he needed was himself.
He first told himself that when he was three and his mother accidentally left him alone in the house. It's okay, he got used to it as she did it again and again. His mother praised him again. It's okay, she knew he had powers to protect himself from burglars.
It's okay. He's okay. Everything is okay. He was special and that's all he needed.
The night breeze
Something sweet
A peach tree
She was the very first one who told him that he was special — It must be true as he was his mother. He believed it, all of it.
As she bathed him in praise, every single introduction and showing him off to friends and strangers, every single time she told him he was one-of-a-kind, his eyes twinkled with joy and he smiled brightly. He liked the praise, it proved that he was loved in return. 
I love you too Mom.
Wild women don't get the blues
But I find that
Lately I've been crying like a
Tall child
The next time he could remember telling himself that he was fine on his own, he was five, alone again as an only child, with his mother away somewhere he didn't know and his dad no longer with them, he had no one to go to when his mother forgot to leave food for him, his stomach rumbling and aching, he mixed whatever was edible to him in a bowl and ate it. It was not great, but that was okay, he still got food and he had to be grateful for it. 
As time went on, he improved, from random ingredients to fancy-plated soups and meals using recipes from the internet. His mom bragged about him to her friends, showing dish after dish, and she was happy. For the first time ever since his dad left, his mom smiled brightly, and it was because of him. 
He was special indeed.
So please hurry leave me
I can't breathe
Please don't say you love me
He is special and he knows it. They wouldn't hurt them if he wasn't. He was almost eight when he watched as they blow up his house, the rubble destroying the home he once had, the warm memories of his mom singing him lullabies sometimes, and the cold memories of wishing he had his mom with him when he was just five and he was starving, the same wish he wanted to make when his mother left him for good. 
It's okay.. his mother knew he could protect himself, but he couldn't protect his mom.
He watched as they hurt everyone that was in their way, his mom bloodied and broken, casting him away to protect him. It was the only reason his mom shoved him because she loved him. Not because she wanted him gone, despite her screams. He watched as he was powerless, for the very first time in his life, as he let out a broken cry, as broken as the vase on the corner that his mother loved the most and shouted for his mom, hoping she was alive while trying to escape their grasp. 
When they were gone at last, his mom was too, as she shakily told him that she's going somewhere else and he's not allowed to come with her. Even if he was a little kid, he understood. 
He didn't get to see her off as she went away in the middle of the night. He wanted to see her go.
It's okay. He knew he was fine on his own.
One word from you and I would
Jump off of this
Ledge I'm on
He waits and waits.
She said she'll call. She hasn't.
Tell me "don't"
So I can
Crawl back in
He was nine when they attacked again. He was caught off-guard at first, a perfectly quiet day turning into a day of chaos when they unexpectedly turned up at his front gate.
They still wanted him to join them, but they were bad people who hurt him and his mom, his mom who used to praise him for doing anything, his mom who used to pat his head for a job well done, his mom who used to comfort him when he was sad, his mom who hasn't spoken to him in a year because of them.
Having a better grasp of his powers, he was able to throw them away with ease. Although he was met with retaliation, he succeeded with a bleeding head and a concussion. 
It hurts. His head was throbbing and he didn't know what to do with it. He tries to cover the blood with a cloth. That's what they do on the television. They're gonna be back and he knows it.
He'll get used to it eventually. He always does.
And I was so young
When I behaved
Twenty five
Taking the medicine box under the sink for the fifth time, he wrapped the bandages around his hand. He hasn't mastered the art of making barriers yet, but he's smart and can figure it out eventually. He always figures it out.
He doesn't pay mind to the wrecked couch or the blood spilled on the floor. He'll have to worry about cleaning that later. He sauntered his way to the kitchen, thankfully not damaged. He opened the refrigerator and sighed.
It was empty. He forgot to do the groceries.
Yet now I find
I've grown into
A tall child
He's ten and it's been two years since he'd last seen his mom.
He wondered a lot if it was his fault that his mother left him. Was it because he wasn't special enough? Was it because he wasn't able to cook her that fancy dinner she wanted when he started cooking at five? Was it because he wasn't good enough?
He was not okay and that was not okay. He was not fine on his own. Like the child he was, he cried for his mom, he wanted his mom to soothe his worry, he wanted his mom to hug him, he wanted his mom back. He sobbed and sobbed, wanting the life he once had back, the life without bloodshed and fighting. He's sick and tired of the fighting. His tears fell like a waterfall, as he cried out all his pain out, his facade of a perfectly fine person forgotten, as he cried and wailed alone in his messy room, abandoned by the person he cherished.
He felt embarrassed and guilty the next day. He tries to forget.
And I don't wanna go home yet
Let me walk to the top of the big night sky
He was eleven when he stopped hoping for a reply and moved into a new apartment. It was enough for one person. The apartment just screamed wrong, it wasn't the same as their house with those beige walls that were gray in theirs, no fine china hidden in the kitchen cabinets, no family pictures hung on the wall that was torn to pieces despite him desperately trying to save it, none of his childhood had been saved from the wreckage of their house that he couldn't protect.
He was lonely. He didn't have anyone, his apartment he tries to call home is cold, colder than their house even with the painful memories stored within it. It's okay. He's used to it at this point.
He tries to make friends at his new school. His "friends" ask him about his parents. He lies and tells them they're on a business trip.
It's not like they can prove he's wrong anyway.
Please hurry leave me
I can't breathe
Please don't say you love me
He was twelve when he started trying to fill the void in his chest and dated girls at his school. He was popular and good at everything, so of course all of them agreed. One by one, he broke their heart. As the girls cried over heartbreak, he didn't seem to mind. It wasn't like he was that close to them, it was all for show. His heart was closed off, not wanting anyone to get close to it. The only person he had opened it up was his mom and his mom left him.
He thinks a lot about his mom. His mom was a confusing person. He doesn't dwell much on it.
One word from you and I would
Jump off of this
Ledge I'm on
He was thirteen when he was chosen as the Black Vinegar Gang's secret boss. He was a powerful first year, winning fights left and right.
He was the smartest at their school, getting more and more popular each day. They begin to bathe him with praise like his mom once did.
He was meant for the spotlight.
He has to be the main character of this world because of all he's gone through. He was special, gifted by the gods to earth. He was the star of this world.
His ego grew and grew.
Tell me "don't"
So I can
Crawl back in
He was fourteen when he met someone special.
It started when he received yet another message from those goons while hanging out with his new girlfriend. He was irritated at first but he went anyway. He did take his time though, after all, he was the boss and he could do whatever he wanted.
Teru was met by a war, those useless simpletons were stupid enough to lose. He threw his bag.
"Get lost on your way to the zoo, Gorilla? Do you need someone to train you?" He said as he heard the grateful cry of his name. With a blank expression, he continued to talk as he went toward the ones who defeated his symbol of power. They were far too weak.
"A star doesn't seek the spotlight. The spotlight is what made them a star." He spoke out loud, he didn't like being underestimated, much so being called a bean pole.
After defeating the annoying insects who dared to go against him, he noticed someone still standing amidst the dust. 
"You shouldn't use them on people."
Teru stared at him with a deadpan face. What is he even talking about? "Shouldn't use what?" He replied back.
"What you've been using this whole time. Your ESP." The boy with the bowl-cut hair just stared as the ropes unraveled.
As his mouth gaped open with shock, he found someone in his age with powers as well. A natural just like him.
One word from you and I would
Jump off of this
Ledge I'm on
He began to attack the boy with the bowl-cut hair. He wanted to show how powerful he is, more than him. It was the order of the world as he was the main character. 
"Sorry, I wasn't listening. Why are you attacking me?"
"What!?" Teru replied with shock. It wasn't fair. He was far more superior to him, yet he wouldn't budge. He kept attacking and attacking, but he still wouldn't fight back.
"You want to live your life without using your ESP?" Teru asked him, it was ridiculous, ESP who helped him survive alone in an empty house for most of his life, ESP who helped him cook meals when he was starving, ESP who helped him fight against Claw for years, ESP who helped him survive those bloody nights. "Ha, what a joke! Why would you want to live your life like one of the plebeians?"
He had done everything yet he still wouldn't fight back. He had directed knives, knives that weren't really going to kill him, then the boy shaved the top of his hair. His fluffy hair, a part of his reputation for years, was ruined by some kid with a bowl cut.
He took off his tie and brandished it out, a technique he had discovered when he was on his way back home and he had to fight for his life, as he clutched his head.
"What's your name?" He asked the boy. 
"I'm Kageyama. Kageyama Shigeo." 
Kageyama was a worthy foe, much more powerful than those idiots that tried to attack him again and again. 
However, he, Hanazawa Teruki, was the chosen one and he had to defeat everyone that was in his way. He was special and it had always been that way.
"Without your ESP, you'd have nothing. Your life would be empty. And that's what you're scared of realizing." Kageyama went on and on talking about how they were alike.
"You and me are nothing alike!" Teru argued back, "Shut up!" He shouted, they were nothing alike at all. Kageyama didn't have to fight to survive without anyone in his life. He doesn't want to admit that those words were true, that he was alone and nothing without his powers.
Kageyama still wouldn't fight back no matter what. But when he did, all hell came loose.
Tell me "don't"
So I can
Crawl back in
He lost.
As he floated above the clouds, his clothes torn with his dignity and pride, he realized something.
Maybe it really wasn't okay that his mom left him alone like that, leaving him to fight on his own. Maybe it was okay that he wasn't okay with her leaving. Maybe it wasn't his fault at all. Maybe it was okay to feel all that because he was just a kid. Maybe he isn't really the main character of this world after all. Maybe he wasn't as special as he thought.
"Ah, I see." He stared at the sun, feeling light for the first time in his life. "I was a nobody after all."
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justsokaela · 6 months
Slow Saturdays…
I’m left work early during my lunch yesterday because I was feeling so shitty. I only missed out on 2.25 hours, and it was so slow being a Friday during Spring Break, and half our crews took the week off, so it’s not like I missed anything important.
I laid down, didn’t really sleep though. I would close my eyes, play on my phone, make my headache worse and close my eyes some more, pet my dog…
My boyfriend still came up, and he offered to pick up food on the way in, so he brought me some chicken pasta and vegetable soup from the local Italian restaurant near my parents’ house. They messed up his buffalo chicken wrap order though, which made me feel guilty. So I warmed up some of the leftover Italian Wedding soup my dad had recently made too many tubs worth of, and sent him home today with his leftovers and the rest of the soup from that Tub.
I took a short nap after he left, window shopping online for nothing in particular, but thinking abour how I’ll need to update my wardrobe and secure pieces appropriate and comfortable for me to work in and still feel like I’m expressing my whimsical weird self…next paycheck, I’ll put down on a couple items from the thrift store. Thrifting is better anyways!
I discussed my career plans with my parents, about how I am hesitant to accept a job in a law firm that I might get offered as a legal assistant, which is great for me because:
1) I have a paralegal certificate, I should use it.
2) my ultimate goal is to be a law librarian at a university law school someday - law firm experience is obviously useful for this.
3) it pays 3$ more per hour than my current job
4) Still has good benefits
5) is a large firm in our region that covers a lot of different branches of law, which is good for building a well-rounded set of skills in the position
6) after a few months, a hybrid remote schedule is possible, which is pretty cool
7) working in a firm can help build connections and network for my future law school plans
On the other hand:
1) my current job has incredibly good work-life balance. Following an academic calendar gives us more breaks or slow-periods, I work in administration so there are few people I have to “answer” to and my boss is really nice and cares about us, and doesn’t let people treat us like crap. I have lots of PTO and union-protection.
2) my job is pretty easy, but still offers me room for growth, i’ve been assigned to train on some new tasks involving accounts receivable and doing the invoices, which is some really valuable skills
3) my job being pretty easy, it also has a lot of downtime - I’m not constantly being micromanaged or expected to fill every second of my day with “work.” I have room to learn new things - like build my excel skills- doodle, goof around on Tumblr or Pinterest, organize my life, write, read, study, and even make my grocery list, and I still have plenty of room and mental energy to complete all my daily tasks and assignments.
4) my dog as an ESA is permitted to come to work with me everyday. This means that I get the comfort and security of his presence but also he isnt left alone all day. We go for walks during breaks and lunch, which is beneficial for me too getting outside and not sitting in my chair constantly, and everyone at work loves him! He’s my best friend and I love spending my days with him like this. I am not sure he would be welcome at a busy firm.
5) the law firm is 35 minutes away from home, which means more time spent driving in traffic on the shittiest highway ever and more mileage on my car, and more gas costs
6) the law firm requires billed hours 40-50 per week, and is very busy and intense
I talked about my concerns like I mentioned above with my boyfriend and he thinks it’s a good idea for me take the firm job - because getting experience is really useful, and it will help me decide if law is what I really want to do or not. However, if I take that job and it turns out I hate it and don’t want to work in a law firm after all, then I will be either stuck working in a job and environment that makes me miserable or overwhelms me, or I’m forced to quit and look for a new job all over again.
While I think he makes good points - I think it’s wiser for me to stay where I am, stabilize myself and learn as much as I can, and really utilize all the free time and mental energy I have in a safe and stable work environment -albeit barely manageable income- and put it towards finishing my Masters in Library Information Sciences online first. And even though I need a second source of reliable income, I think it will be manageable BECAUSE I have a less-stressful job.
So I think I will cancel the interview and just keep doing what I’m doing. Stop looking for the potentially next better thing and let myself take root and grow for a bit. I’m not ready to be re-planted just yet…
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peace-coast-island · 8 months
Diary of a Junebug
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Campfire soups, an unexpected snowfall, and the question of whether some things are better off left alone
What’s the best way to deal with an unexpected winter storm? Piles of warm, cozy blankets, piping hot tea, and yummy soups. To be honest, it wasn’t like we really had anything planned outside, not with how cold it’s been lately. Getting all nice and cozied up in front of a fire is my ideal way of spending these long and often freezing winter days. It’s good - and I think absolutely necessary - to set some time for yourself to be a potato in the dead of winter.
Before the snow hit, I was meeting up with Lana, Michi, Hanzou, Eiko, Lan, and Ruby in Goldcrest, which is about 45 minutes from the camp. They were helping out someone over there, and Daisy Jane and I got sort of involved too. Basically, someone wanted to confirm the identity of a missing person, so Connie asked Michi to handle the case since he’s a detective. So he recruited Hanzou, Eiko, and Lan to help out since they happened to be there. And by chance, the requester, had also hired Lana, which was why she finally received a break in the case after all these years.
Then Ruby asked to tag along as she happened to have some connection with the missing person, though not in a good way, and she needed to warn the others about what they were getting themselves into. In other words, the ending is not what everyone expected and since then, it’s been on our minds. It’s just one of those things where nothing really gets resolved and its completely out of our hands. I can’t help but feel a little let down, but sometimes things just don’t work out and you just have to leave it as it is.
About 25 years ago, Blaire’s younger brother Ricky ran away from home. Blaire said he left out of guilt after accidentally causing a fire in the house. Thankfully, no one was seriously injured, but the second floor of the house required extensive repairs. Being the youngest out of eight, Ricky was often left out, often unintentionally. After getting into a lot of trouble because of the fire, which involved him using a soldering tool unsupervised and leaving it unattended, he probably thought the family would be better off without him.
Because of the repairs going on in the house, Ricky was going to stay with his friend in the meantime. Ricky used that opportunity to escape by telling his friend’s parents that he was gonna stay with his brother instead and having his friend cover for him. With everything being sort of hectic and all, by the time the family realized that Ricky was missing, he had already left the country with an infamous con artist known as Ash.
As for how Ricky ended up with a con artist is a bit of a long story according to Blaire. The year before, the family had a run in with an elderly man who caused quite a bit of trouble by trying to break in. Once they realized that he wasn’t dangerous, just somewhat senile and very lonely, Blaire and her siblings insisted that their father not press charges. Since he had nowhere to go, the family let him stay for the winter. Then after that, they made some calls and got him in contact with some old friends in a city a couple hours away.
It was by chance that the old man was featured in the newspaper on an article about a charity event. When Blaire’s sister noticed the clipping hanging on the fridge was missing after Ricky disappeared, their father immediately took a bus to Ornament Beach. By then, Ricky had been missing for a little over two weeks.
They later found out that Ricky did arrive at Ornament and asked about the old man’s whereabouts, only to find out that he passed away not too long ago. The one who informed him was a friend, the con artist Ash. According to the locals, Ash took Ricky in and it wasn’t long before they were causing trouble. Ash was known for being slick, which was why he often got away so easily. After taking Ricky in, he became more daring with his scams. Eventually, their troubles began catching up with them and so they fled.
Since then, there was no trace of Ash and Ricky. The family was told that it was unlikely that they could be found, especially if they left the country and changed their identities. Blaire held out hope that something would come up, as did her father. She said the family fell apart when Ricky disappeared, though she felt the bad luck really began with her mother’s death months before. Other misfortunes that later followed were her older brother’s failing marriages, her oldest sister’s unexpected death, and her younger brother’s legal troubles. Blaire considers herself lucky that she’s led a relatively uneventful life.
After years of searching on and off with no luck, it was Lana who finally got something. She didn’t want to get Blaire’s hopes up, but it seemed like a lot of things were adding up. To confirm her speculations, she reached out to a local guild in hopes of finding more information about the mysterious individual who might be Ricky. When she found out that he might be troublesome, Lana got concerned, which was why she felt that she needed reinforcements just in case. Given what we uncovered about Ricky and what he’s been up to, I think she made the right call.
Michi and Lana were able to confirm that Rick and Solace are the same person. Ash had trained him well in the art of being a master con artist. Although it’s been years, Blaire felt very strongly that Solace is indeed her brother, nothing how much he resembled their father. I imagine that it was hard for her not to walk right up to him, a thought she said crossed her mind many times while tailing him. Obviously, doing that would end up causing unnecessary trouble. Michi, Lana, and Ruby have dealt with con artists and scummy people, and they know from experience that people like Solace are on a different level.
About 10 years ago, Solace had been living in Marippe. When Ruby heard about Michi’s assignment, she really hoped that she was wrong when she saw his picture. Beryl understandably didn’t want her to tag along but she had to confirm her suspicions. It wasn’t easy for her - and she absolutely didn’t have to. However, Ruby didn’t want Blaire and her family to get hurt if Ricky did indeed turn out to be Solace, especially once they find out what he’s been up to.
Just as we dreaded, Solace was more than just a con artist. Ruby said she never forgot the faces of her kidnappers, the guys who were intent on turning her into a child prostitute. She and her brothers were living in the streets after their mother died, so they became street performers in order to survive. They later caught the attention of some noble who was later convicted for human trafficking. He took Ruby and her brothers in, spoiling them with lavish gifts and insisting that they were like his own children. And then he turned on them by selling Ruby to a friend, another noble who had a thing for young girls.
Ruby obviously didn’t go into much detail, but she recalled that the man had a couple companions with him. The younger man stuck out to her as the man referred to him as inexperienced and eager to learn, which is ugh. It didn’t take long for Ruby to figure out what was about to unfold. Thankfully, before the noble got his hands on her, the authorities came rushing in. She didn’t recall what happened after, though she suspected that the young man and his companion likely fled. If they stayed in Marippe, she would have heard something about them.
Hearing Ruby’s story was more than enough to make Blaire reconsider. Yeah, that’s a horrifying experience. I’m glad that she managed to escape, but even if nothing ended up happening, that kind of thing scars you. What is wrong with some people? If someone I grew up with ended up like that, I don’t know what I’d do either. It’s one of those things where once you find out, you can’t go back and now it’s ruined.
And not surprisingly, there’s also circumstantial evidence that Solace is involved with human trafficking. Lana and Michi have their sources, so let’s just leave it at that. Blaire was understandably in shock and kept going back and forth on whether or not she should tell her family about what she uncovered. Like I said, I really don’t know what to say or do. Maybe it’s one of those situations where trying to get closure does more harm than good.
I wish I could say we were able to help Blaire out, but sometimes things are just left hanging in the air. She said she needed more time before deciding as it’s not something you can just casually tell your folks. Like, how would you even start? “What’s up guys? Good news, I found our long lost brother. Bad news, he’s a fucking creep who scams people for fun and forces young girls to sleep with him.”
I think I agree with Ruby when she told Blaire that the brother she once knew as Ricky no longer exists. Maybe it’s better off to say that he died a long time ago - it beats telling the family what kind of person he became. The family’s suffered through so much, the last thing they probably need is even more pain. Blaire said Ruby’s got a point, though it’ll be hard for her to lie to her family, especially to her father. Again, it’s a difficult call to make, and it’s ultimately up to Blaire to decide what she wants to disclose to her family.
Eiko, Michi, and Hanzou fully agree with Ruby while Lana’s kinda on the fence. It makes sense for her to be the kind of person who cares about getting the truth out, even if it’s hard to accept or could potentially cause more pain. Though she also agrees with Ruby on her reasoning, she feels that maybe telling the family that Ricky died is going a bit too far. But again, maybe it’s better off for the family to think that so they can move on.
Despite how things turned out, Blaire thanked us for helping her out. Even though the truth was difficult for her to accept, at least she was able to find out what happened to her brother. She also reassured us that we shouldn’t feel bad and that in a way, she did find some closure. As for the rest of her family, she obviously needs time to figure out what to say, if she decides to tell them.
Lana and Michi are used to cases ending sort of anticlimactically without a clear conclusion, but they still can’t help but feel inadequate sometimes. However, like Blaire said, it can’t be helped. Sometimes you just have accept things as they are and resist the urge to look into it further, especially when it’ll cause more problems down the road.
Although the whole thing’s still on our minds as we can’t help it, at least the snow’s helping us as sort of a distraction in a good way. This is one of those times where I don’t mind chopping a bunch of veggies as the repetitiveness is quite relaxing. Not mention that the end product - soup - is always worth the effort.
Potato soup is always my go-to when there’s a lot of vegetables that need using up. It’s hearty and filling without it being too heavy, especially since the recipe I loosely follow doesn’t use cream. I specifically looked for a dairy free recipe so I wouldn’t have to use cream and cow’s milk. The recipe calls for soy milk, but I don’t usually have that on hand, so oat milk works. Of course, the texture won’t be the same, but I actually prefer that as it’s still creamy, but not too heavy. Also, the recipe dairy free, but I really only use the recipe so I can make the roux part, so I add cheese and butter, as well as any other veggies I have on hand. It really is a versatile recipe, which is why I often make it.
Since the special fireplace we have holds three pots, we made two other soups. Hanzou, Eiko, and Lan wanted to recreate a seafood soup they had in a restaurant they visited not too long ago as we happened to have all the ingredients on hand. Since they’re pretty sure the restaurant uses a lot of MSG, the taste isn’t exactly the same, but they felt like they did a pretty good job of replicating it. However, they did have to cut down the spice level, so Hanzou made some tweaks to the recipe to make up for that, which Eiko said improved the recipe. It wasn’t hard to put together, just a lot of prep work, and it turned out good.
The third soup we made is more of a stew that kinda combines two recipes. Ruby and Lana came up with the idea to combine them, so it was sort of experimental as we weren’t sure how it was gonna turn out. The reason for that was because they had a recipe in mind, only to find out that we were lacking something. And since both recipes were kinda similar, they figured it won’t be a bad idea to combine them. That’s how we got this hearty meat and veggie stew that’s perfect for a cold winter evening.
Along with making soup, we’ve also been doing some knitting. I’m starting the Traveler’s Cardigan and the wool yarn is so soft and nice to work with. Ruby and her brothers finished their cardigans from our knit along and she brought it with her to show me. She’s very happy with how it turned out, especially since it’s her very first garment. Her brothers also finished their cardigans and she showed me pics. The Epiphany crew also finished theirs not too long ago, as did Connie and Pai and Eloise. I’m happy to say this first knit along was a success!
As for the follow up, we agreed on the Traveler’s Henley tee. I’m still working on finalizing everything, so it’ll be a while before we get started as I want to make sure everyone who’s participating have all their supplies. I’ve extended the invitation so it’ll be much bigger, which means it can be a bit hard to manage. Again, it’s not finalized, but along with everyone from the first knit along, we’ve now got at least 20 more participants, which is exciting!
I never expected it so turn out so well, and that’s kninda making me nervous. And with a turnout like that, I obviously have some projects in mind for future knit alongs. I don’t want to just limit ourselves to garments, so I’ve been looking into accessories like hats and scarves and maybe shawls if anyone’s interested. I don’t wear shawls so I don’t know if I’m interested in making one, but I’ve seen a lot of people make them and they look nice. Socks, I’m iffy about since I’ve never done them before, and I’m afraid it’ll put off the beginners. But obviously, that can change as time goes on.
For now, I’m fine with basic patterns that still keep things engaging so it won’t bore those who are more experiences while not be too intimidating for those who are still learning the basics, which is what this group mostly is. Thankfully, there’s a lot of patterns out these days that can easily satisfy knitters of all skill levels.
Lan also gifted us with tea from Danyang Village, which is known for their pu’er tea. I’ve been really into black tea lately, so this was perfect! Ruby happens to be a tea aficionado and is curious about Yuexing’s tea. While she’s traveled Yuexing Harbor a few times for missions, she has yet to visit Danyang. Apparently, Connie and Pai have yet to visit Danyang too despite being well acquainted in Yuexing Harbor.
According to Lan, it doesn’t really make sense location wise since Danyang is closer to Marippe since it’s up north while the harbor’s more to the southwest. Ahen again, Connie somehow decided to take the long way by traveling from northern Adrikha to Port Maritoise in southern Marippe rather than the more conventional route of Danyang Village to Petrichor, which is a much shorter route. Not to mention that Petrichor is much closer to the city than Port Maritoise.
Then again, if Connie and Pai hadn’t gotten lost in Port Maritoise, they wouldn’t have run into Ruby and Beryl, and later Eloise, Fontaine, and Lady Roselyne. So either way, it all worked out in the end. Though for an experienced adventurer, Connie is said to be somewhat unreliable when it comes to navigation. There’s taking the scenic route, and then there’s Connie doing whatever. Hard to believe that it won’t be long before I hear about their escapades in Sazona and Melovka!
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devon-the-fool · 2 years
Madeleine sighed as she swept in front of the oven, the opening at the bottom spewing bits of ash every now and then. Her feet were still warming up from the quick trip out to the woodshed for something more to feed the flames. She curled her toes slightly, trying to get rid of that tingly sensation as she continued brushing the broom over the floorboards.
"I swear, that broken oven door will be the death of me." She huffed as more soot was spouted out.
Jessie clacked her beak in agreement, keeping her eyes on the vegetables she was chopping before her. It wasn't anything fancy, just a few winter roots they'd managed to forage and a couple potatoes left over from the harvest. They would make a fine stew when cooked in a thick broth and paired with a few slices of meat from the mice and fat squirrels the pair had caught. Finding food nearby was becoming more and more difficult, but they made due. Today had been a rare day where the extra effort hadn't dampened their moods. There was much to celebrate, after all.
Yule only came once a year, and in the midst of the biting cold and wet snow, when the whole world felt like it might never come to life again, there were little Yule logs burning in each house across the forest, and laughter bursting from everyone's mouths as they drank in the company of their neighbors.
The two crows were excited, having spent the entire day prior together, decorating their own Yule log to burn in the big fireplace in their bedroom.
"We'll see the Kermins today at the festival, we can ask Mr. Kermin if he'd mind coming over to fix it." Jessie offered, still slicing the winter roots.
"Hm." Madeleine hummed as she finished sweeping, gently leaning the broom against the wall near the stove. "What do you think he'd take as trade? We don't have much to offer right now by ways of food." She asked, leaning down to snatch up the poker.
"Oh, you know they don't like anything fancy." Jessie mused, sliding the vegetables into the pot next to her. "I'm sure that red scarf you finished would do just fine. He's an old badger, and catches colds like you wouldn't believe. Jolene says she sees him practically every other week at the clinic." She shuffled over to their tub of dirty dishes and set the cutting board and knife into it. They'd have to boil some water for those later in the evening.
"Oh poor thing. Yes, I'll offer the scarf. I think red would suit him better anyways." Madeleine agreed as she stoked the fire. She paused for a moment. "Do you think I should throw in the gloves I made with the same yarn?"
Jessie hummed as she made her way over to her partner. "Well, that depends. What were you originally planning on doing with them?"
Madeleine smiled, leaving the fire alone now. "I wanted to give it to Mrs. Olbermann for helping us patch that leak earlier this year." She leaned against Jessie's side, wrapping a wing around her back as the shorter crow settled the pot on the now hot stove. "I know she said it was fine, but I want to repay her. And shes always complaining about how her arthritis flares up when it gets too cold in her dam. I thought a nice pair of snuggly gloves might help her out."
Jessie nodded along, having moved to stand in front of their large soup pot, stirring the broth around. "That's right, I remember you mentioning that. Well, you can always make her another pair and give them to her another day. It doesn't have to be on Yule." She reasoned.
Madeleine nodded her agreement. "That's true. You're so smart." She giggled, teasing her beak through a few of her wife's feathers.
Jessie laughed as well. "Did you already sneak some of the blackberry wine? You're acting cuddly, and that usually only happens when you're tipsy." She accused, but there was mirth in her voice.
"I did not drink any of the blackberry wine." Madeleine defended. "... the raspberry however..."
Jessie let out a loud guffaw. "That was meant to be a surprise!"
Madeleine blinked. "Oh."
"Yes, 'oh.' Why do you think I had it hidden away?" She scolded.
"I thought maybe you had dropped and forgotten about it." Madeleine mumbled guiltily. "It was on its side, behind the rack downstairs. I'm sorry."
Jessie huffed, keeping up the pretense of anger for but a moment longer. "It's fine," she relented. "You were going to drink it anyway. What difference does a few hours make?" She paused, eyeing her wife's face. "Did you at least enjoy it?"
"Oh, yes! Moon Above, it has to be one of the best meads you've ever brewed." Madeleine praised.
Jessie scoffed. "Oh, hush."
"No, it's true! We'll be rich by next winter's end if you start selling that as a regular." Madeleine said.
"We certainly would, if the raspberry bushes weren't always plucked bare by those Mollywig kids." Jessie sighed. "I had to bribe them to let me get enough for that bottle alone." She returned to stirring the pot as the broth inside began to bubble.
"We could set up our own raspberry patch. I'm sure I could... convince some to sprout in the garden." Madeleine said with a wink. Jessie rolled her eyes fondly and smacked her wife with her free wing. "None of that, you. At least wait until tomorrow for magic talk." She sighed.
Madeleine chuckled cheekily. "What, I'm not supposed to speak of magic? On a sabbath?" She stepped back and lifted a melodramatic wing to her forehead, the other over her heart, looking like a very faint young noble woman. "Oh, my dearest, you are too cruel!" She crooned. "This, a night when the magic is so prevalent! Why, I can feel it in my blood, just BEGGING to be let free!!!" She cawed dramatically.
"Quit it!" Jesse barked, swinging around the hot wooden spoon, soup still dripping from it. "Or do you want the whole neighborhood to hear?"
Madeleine continued to smile, much to her wife's chagrin. "Dearest heart, you're so paranoid. These are not the city streets, no guards will come to carry me to the pyre." She reassured, trying to dodge around the spoon to little luck. "Our neighbors would never rat me out."
"You don't know that for sure!" Jessie said, still keeping the spoon between them.
"Yes, I do." Magdeleine said. "Jessie, I've lived here my whole life. Half these people raised me, the other half are like my siblings. Family doesn't sell out family." Finally, she managed to dodge around the offending utensil fast enough to capture her wife in her wings, quickly embracing the woman.
"Ugh." Jessie groaned.
"Please, just trust me." Magdeleine said, voice small despite the smile still stuck to her face.
A moment of silence passed before Jessie let out a relenting huff. "Just. Please be careful, yeah?" She requested.
Madeleine grinned. "Anything for you."
Jessie shot her a look. "Anything?"
Madeleine's eyes widened fractionally. "Anything." She murmered.
Jessie let her lean close before finally her beak grew into a grin. "Then sweep up the ash on the floor." She said teasingly before slipping out of her partner's wings and returning to the pot.
Madeleine blinked, and glanced back at the floorboards in front of the open oven. A healthy pile of ash sat there, with more pouring out by the minute.
"Uuuuuugh." She groaned, stepping over to grab the broom."
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catch-the-wind · 3 years
when reader is sick hc's
finally posting writing here so true
n e ways okay so i’m brainrotting about the genshin charas taking care of their s/o’s when they’re sick 🥺 and now i'm feeling sick, sigh
ohm and sulien ambros belong to @teyvattherapist! they're such good chara's, i know i'm writing them here but i deffo recommend reading up on them
okay here u go, have some hc's that are kinda sorta long and by that i mean 2.5k- i haven't proofread this bc it's 4am and im going to BED but if i write for any other chara's i'll post a second part <3 mwah
tags: gn!reader, diluc x reader, kaeya x reader, jean x reader, lisa x reader, albedo x reader, dainsleif x reader, tartaglia x reader, ohm ambros x reader, sulien ambros x reader, soft bean hours
is not working or traveling when his partner is sick
absolutely makes them soup and hot tea and drinks
he’s trying to make them food but he’s not the best cook so he’s asking adelinde for help
absolutely asks jean, barbara, and ohm for help while his partner is sleeping but he’s so awkward LMAO
was absolutely frantic the first day he found out his partner was sick tho, he made them come over to the winery so they could sleep there and he can take care of them <3
absolutely lied about what room was his so they slept in his bed
“hmm this guest room is so furnished diluc are all your rooms like this” and no, no they are not, this room is his, bestie
diluc slept on a sofa in his bedroom and did work on the table that was supposed to be for flowers. kinda stressed over abyss order locations but was more worried ab his partner being okay so he was distracted
he just put the flowers on his nightstand for his partner to see when they woke up <3
gives his partner forehead kisses because they won’t let him kiss them on the lips and he gives them the gentlest cheek kisses while they sleep
also gives his partner his clothes to wear <3
cuddles them and reads to them when they’re awake and TEMPLE KISSES OH MY GOD
kaeya comes over because he’s worried his brother and his brother’s s/o haven’t been seen in a little while
n e way, diluc gets sick after his partner gets better and they nursed each other back to health
like diluc, he took off work so he could take care of his s/o i,mediately after he found out they were sick
wouldn’t force them to stay at his place tho, he’d probably let them recover in their own place
but he might make them go to the kof hq or the cathedral just so they can be taken care of by a proper healer
he absolutely soothes their fevers and stuff w cryo and also the man can heal himself w his elem skill ofc he can fix someone if he tries hard enough <3
he gives kisses no matter how much his partner says not to but he’ll also give them butterfly kisses so it’s soft moments too~ sigh, ur too cute alberich
asks ohm and barbara and albedo and lisa for potions and such to help his partner feel better but he’s really lowkey so he doesn’t seem SUPER worried
he just hates seeing his partner not feeling so well </3
refreshes his partner’s vase of flowers at their bedside every day
brings home work so he can watch over his partner. he can’t cook super well either so he asks for help and brings stuff home from good hunter too
jean was okay to let kaeya off of work and diluc would never admit it (man practically swore everyone to secrecy smh) but he helped take up some of kaeya’s duties in his stead
and kae, the alcoholic, didn’t even drink while his partner was sick bc he was lowkey worried they would need his help w smth and he didn’t want to be drunk just in case <3
many cuddles despite protests of getting him sick <3
absolutely uses her healer skills to make her partner feel better
panicked when they were still sick and thought it was her fault </3 she asked barbara and ohm for help and they just told jean to relax a bit bc her partner was sick and it wasn’t going to be a quick fix
wanted to take off work but didn’t, so she just brought her work with her
kaeya and ohm very kindly took up her other duties where she had to leave so she could be w her partner
her partner is staying in the kof hq where they get access to ohm and barbara comes to visit <3 but also so that jean can sleep comfortably enough close by bc you cannot tell me this woman does not sometimes sleep in her office or the library and barely makes it to the kof dormitories sometimes
she’s so worried the entire time, she’s probably got a few gray hairs and a new frown line smh
she has clothes that aren’t her work clothes???? it’s so foreign seeing her in stuff like pajamas. you didn’t even know jean owned pajamas
jean sets them up in her bed at home (yeah she has a place outside of the kof hq??? it’s surprising) but it’s a big bed so they can rest and she’ll have the lamp on her side on while she sits up and does work
absolutely dotes on them. she’s good at making foods that make them feel better, she’s just a good healer that way <3
albedo, klee, venti, kaeya, lisa, and ohm all come over to check on jean and co and make sure everyone is doing okay <3 lots of food brought
if jean was asked to sing to her partner normally, she probably wouldn’t bc she’d probably get embarrassed but i think she probably sounds v good and venti would give her his lyre to try out a musical instrument too. but also she’d read to her partner and they’d probably fall asleep together uwu
works part time hours at the library so she can go visit her s/o
probably asks them to stay at the kof hq for easier access to medical assistance and plus she’s almost always there
“cutie” but worried and very 🥺 (pleading emoji)
makes soup and potions and reads to her partner until they fall asleep
also super playful omg she’s still got a smile on and is full of affection while she walks her fingers up her partner’s arm to their face so she can cup their cheek
she’ll make her partner laugh and smile and blush even when they’re sick, but she makes them laugh until they cough sometimes and immediately feels so bad
jean, barbara, kaeya, albedo and ohm all come to visit with different foods and soups and medicines and such
klee comes knocking and gives lisa some good fisherman’s toast and asks lisa’s s/o if they want to hug dodoco b/c that always makes klee feel better
purple roses galore, lisa has them in her partner’s room and they’ve got a potion to make the. uh. sniffer? to make the sniffer feel better. don’t ask me how, idk but she would find a way to make them physically feel better with flowers
reads to her partner ofc, and she tells them stories ab her own life and time at sumeru sans the crazies
worried looks when her s/o is sleeping but also the softest smiles when they wake up pls-
cutest lil frown on his face when he finds out his partner is sick
immediately they are taken home and he’s testing to confirm what’s wrong w them and what he can do to speed up their recovery
he’s more distracted than usual at work but he’s coming over to your place all the time w what paperwork he can do
also sketches his partner while they don’t know. he’s got lots of beautiful candids of his partner sleeping, looking out the window, falling asleep, reading, even drinking water. he’s made the most mundane things look captivating
kaeya and ohm come to check on albedo when he doesn’t show up for work after a few days and it’s bc he’s taking care of his s/o with food and soup and alchemical potions and shit. and when kae and ohm come in, they find his partner opening the door wrapped in a blanket while albedo is asleep cuddling the pillow they left bc he stayed up the night before making soup and reading to them
klee has camped out on his partner’s couch, she helps w the cooking too~ she absolutely lets them hug dodoco and gives them a treasure to feel better too LOL
many kisses from klee and albedo, and they also go out to get treats for albedo’s partner too
domestic albedo cooking in his partner’s kitchen and for once it isn’t some alchemical potion that he might blow up the stove with
takes off work entirely but BOY OH BOY is he stir crazy smh
brings his partner to his apartment to rest <3
he’s so worried ab his s/o that he makes all the sick ppl food the first day, orders from wanmin restaurant when his partner wants smth different, and also gets toys and such to entertain them otherwise
also reads to his partner but, again, he gets stir crazy after a while
absolutely does workouts and katas in the living room and phew shirtless tartaglia working out? gets the heart rate up for sure ahem
rushes to his partner tho omg- need soup? water? a trip to the bathroom? another blanket? he goes to them the MOMENT he hears them moving around. absolutely dotes on them <3
his family knows ab his partner and he’s probably written letters ab them being sick~ his family sent snezhnayan herbs and flowers and medicines and such
zhongli comes around because he wants sugar daddy!tartaglia with tea and medicine from bubu pharmacy. hu tao is in tow with well wishes and a “hope i don’t find you at work!” which is. a little worrying because aren’t you just a little sick-
many kisses from tartaglia because he is Needy and he’ll absolutely get sick from cuddling his partner while they sleep
also he’ll probably just like. envelop his partner while they sleep. they’re all cuddled into him and he’s actually so warm it’s nice bc they’re cold w a fever and he’s living for comforting them
he’s so worried tho, he’s got the frowny face and he’s so adorable but he just doesn’t want his partner to feel sick
the man camps in ruins, he’s going to his partner’s house smh
he doesn’t go into the church either LOL so expect him in his partner’s home making dinner and doing their grocery shopping thanks
he would get ohm and barbara to come over tho <3 “fix them please” but also “how can i fix them”
is so dead set on making sure his partner takes their medicine at the right times, he’s so soft for them and them alone
cooks soup and old recipes he barely remembers from khaenri’ah. he doesn’t really get sick, so he doesn’t remember these ones too clearly. deffo brings back old memories he’d long forgotten
reads to his partner and tells them old stories of how the world used to be, his travels, gives them the gossip on a certain khaenri’ahn but doesn’t give away the name
ohm comes over with medicine and lollipops bc dain is so unlikely to go to the cathedral to get barbara smh
but also dain, so self-sufficient, is unlikely to want to ask for help, so ohm just goes to help anyway
dain with the old khaenri’ahn lullabies and tucking his partner into his arms and singing quietly while he holds them and rocks them to sleep
dain is immortal, he’s giving his partner kisses bc “i’m immortal, ofc i won’t get sick”
he got sick
but his s/o nursed him back to health and then there were smooches the end
ohm ambros
the doctor with his ill lover oh my god
he’s frowny, he’s taking care of his partner at his home in springvale and his home clinic is open to everyone else. but everyone knows his partner is the first priority LOL
kaeya and albedo come over to see if ohm is okay or if his house needs to be checked up on. they’re wondering if he went on a last-minute expedition to sumeru and didnt tell them
diluc comes over too, he’s just checking up on his best friend but he’s also stealing a cherry lollipop smh. he heard from kae that ohm’s partner is sick tho, so he brings some soup and good food over from adelinde. he also brings some of his own specialty food tho, the once upon a time in mondstadt <3
sulien sending letters to his big brother to see if his brother’s s/o is okay
ohm is also just super protective of his partner, there are not many people who come into his life who he loves and lets in in the first place. he’s absolutely trying to heal them with his own vitality, so their recovery is much shorter than initially expected
barbara also comes over w jean to check up on ohm and co, complete w a goody basket of soup, a teddy bear, flowers, and books
ohm reading to his partner <3 he’s got such a soothing voice even if his accent is wack LMAO. he’s reading stories and even his paperwork because just his presence is comforting
he puts his hands on his partner’s forehead to soothe the fever goodbye
ohm will not sing for his s/o simply bc he doesn’t think he sounds v good. and he probably doesn’t but it would be so cute to hear him try and please ohm? 🥺
n e way i want smooches idc if i’m sick KISS ME OHM AMBROS
sulien ambros
when he finds out his partner is sick, the man blinks like twice and then suggests so calmly that they go to his apartment in liyue
man does not sleep normally, he’s just going to nurse his partner back to health and read during their recovery. fruit tart can cover his duties for him <3
sulien cooks for his partner tho, he’s making soup and stuff and getting medicine from bubu’s pharmacy. he’s also picking up books on the way home but some of them are to be read to his partner so it’s okay-
like tartaglia, sulien works out while his partner rests and goes to them if he hears them moving around. he’s reading to his partner and not so frowny, but the slightest furrow of this man’s brow is already such a big expression of his concern <3
sends letters to ohm asking for advice ab how to help his partner feel better. ohm just sends a letter back with “i’m coming” and shows up within the day LMAO
reads to his partner, and the monotony of his voice is soothing and lulls them to sleep. he just looks at them affectionately (well affectionate for him) and presses a kiss to their forehead before finishing the story on his own and in his head
tartagalicious comes over and brings food, flowers and a teddy bear with some of sandrone’s paperwork but he sends a smile to sulien’s partner with some well wishes
scara comes over too just to visit and check to see where sandrone is, but scara is a grumpy bean so he just says “feel better” all brooding and like it’s a command to one of the fatui subordinates LOL
sulien like ohm uses his cold hands to soothe his partner’s fever and also gives them forehead kisses <3
Edit: a link to part 2
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mrcleanheichou · 3 years
Wolves are (NOT) Scary Chapter 7
Pairing: Werewolf!BTS X Female human reader
Genre: Fluff, smut, angst
Warnings: mention of toe socks... yes those deserve a warning
Word count: 1,888 (so close to 2k but I gotta stay on brand. can’t let anyone think long chapters are possible here)
Summary: All Y/N wants to do is find her creativity and motivation but she finds 7 werewolves instead.
Author note: I’m Back! I’ve been putting in work the past 4 days at the coffee shop. My house is 15 minutes away so I make the pilgrimage for good coffee and writing since i can’t write at home for some reason.
Tag list: @dustyinkpages @thickemadame @moonlitehunter @thedarkwinterrose @momoriki @iistrangers @openup-yourmind @sinceritythatcouldntbedelivered @lovelyseokjinnie @scuzmunkie @bjoriis @maddypool31  @tfkp0p @blubearxy @stealth-liberal
 Chapter 6 // Chapter 7 // Chapter 8
Present Day
“Jeez, it’s raining cats and dogs out there.” Yuna remarked moving one of the many potted plants to be able to look out the bay window. The rain hasn’t let up for the past three hours. In order to keep him calm the witch gave Jungkook a sedative which had him quietly snoring in human form curled up on the sleeping mat. A black comforter that had a white half moon and gold stars on it was placed over him. Ryujin said she got it from her bed so he better be grateful. That was the last thing he heard which brought a small smile to his face which broke your heart before he fell asleep.
Taehyung still hadn’t comeback to the shop for hours. He ignored your multiple calls and texts trying to see if he was okay. It had you pacing outside on the covered front porch. You tried following him when he first left but almost as if she could read your mind Yuna waived her hand at you. Saying ‘Oh no you don’t’ stopping you from moving an inch by using her magic to wrap you in the vines that covered the handrails until you promised you wouldn’t go.
“Can you please sit down,” Ryujin sighed sitting in a wicker chair. “I’m getting tired just watching you.”
“I can’t just sit down! I need to find him, he’s all alone out there and who knows where he went.” You say exasperated hugging your arms to your body shivering from the adrenaline coursing through your body and the slight chill of the rain.
The cat shifter’s gaze softened and her big black ears drooped slightly. She does feel bad but she’s not very good at the whole comforting thing. So she gets up, taking off the orange hoodie she had on and offers it to you. “Here, I’ll go get you some sweatpants from upstairs.”
When she was gone you were finally all alone with your thoughts. You don’t care what Tae said, you feel it in your heart Namjoon wouldn’t get rid of Jungkook over this. This had to blow over. Was Jungkook dumb for doing this? Yes, but everyone makes mistakes. This shouldn’t be held against him. Yoongi isn’t the type to hold a grudge, you just know he’d forgive him if he saw how bad Jungkook felt.
It had finally stopped raining around 6 pm and Taehyung still hadn’t comeback. You couldn’t stop the tears from springing forth for what felt like the millionth time today. You stared at the leftover Galbitang that Ryujin made yesterday sitting in front of you on the small dining table. The soup gave off a comforting warmth that you were too sad to appreciate. Feeling Yuna’s concerned stare you grab your chopsticks and pick up a piece of radish slowly chewing it. You had no appetite at all but if eating kept Yuna off your back you’d do it.
The second story of the shop is where Yuna and Ryujin live. The whole upstairs has two bedrooms one bathroom, a small kitchen and a door to an upper porch sitting area. It smells like warm apple cider all year long due to Yuna’s cider addiction and her constant need to make it.
Jungkook was still knocked out downstairs due to the sedative’s strength being twelve hours. The stress of the day’s events were finally starting to catch up to you, feeling emotionally exhausted you just wanted to sleep but you knew that sleep would probably elude you. You didn’t want to rest while Taehyung was still out there, you held onto hope that he’s just at the bakery and didn’t listen to you when you said go back to the pack.
Pack pov
“Namjoon, you can’t be serious!” Jin exclaimed horrified by his alpha’s decision. Although he knew it was the right call deep down he couldn’t imagine what life would be like after.
“Do you care that little about the fact that Yoongi, or any one of us, could have died today? For something so childish and immature. This won’t hurt just you, I have emotions too!” Namjoon slammed his hand against a tree. “You think I don’t love and care about them? That this doesn’t make me feel like I failed as an alpha? I won’t let anyone hurt this pack even if it means sacrificing members for the greater good.”
Jin opened his mouth to say something but he was cut off by a dangerous sounding growl.
“You can join them if you want,” The alpha growled menacingly at the older wolf, “But I can no longer tolerate insubordination. They both have to go and that’s final.”
The next day
The feeling of a heavy warmth covered your body. It made you feel overheated and you tried to get away from it.
“Please don’t go.” A small voice said in your ear. Turning around in the tight grasp you saw it was Jungkook. You don’t know when he got into bed with you, looking at him he looked small and closed in on himself. Almost like a young boy who snuck into his parent’s bed after having a nightmare.
“Is Tae back?” You ask hopefully.
Jungkook avoids your gaze and shakes his head. “He’s not coming back.”
“What?” you say loudly sitting up. “What do you mean?! How do you know that?”
Sighing before he breaks the news with a shakey voice. “Yuna got a hold of him on the phone. He went back to the pack. He said he’s sorry but he can’t be here.”
A sinking feeling set in your stomach as you put your head in your hands.
“I’m sorry Y/N...”
“I know Kookie. I know.”
3 years ago
“C’mon in!” a cheerful voice called from the back of the store. “Go ahead and take a look around and I'll be right there. Ryujinie can you come help me please?”
The girl in the bucket hat held the door for you, then walked past you to a doorway where the woman from yesterday must have been. That left you to your own devices.
Nothing could have prepared you for the inside of this shop. It literally felt like a shop straight out of Diagon Alley. There was a certain buzzing feeling emminating from all corners. Vines just like the ones outside ran along the walls  leading up to a wall that looked like it was covered in four leaf clovers. They looked almost real but you knew they had to be just a plastic sheeting decoration. There was rows and rows of isles that stretched to the back of the shop with hanging signs at the end that announced what was contained within like you would see at a grocery store. The closest one you could see had ‘Pain relief’ on it in gold cursive lettering that looked like it was etched into the wood instead of just painted on. There was a sales counter in front to the right of where the aisles started. There was a floor to ceiling wall of cubbies that had jars containing what looked like different herbs.
If you had to describe it you would say that it looked like a pinterest aesthetic board threw up. The crystal collection on a table by the window and numerous ‘mystical’ paintings that lined some of the walls really set that feeling in stone.
You headed to the ‘Pain relief’ section and found glass bottles filled with colorful liquids. You could tell they were made in the shop because there were hand written labels adorning each container. Some of the bottles were oddly specific, an orange colored fluid said ‘Left side tooth ache relief’ sat next to a green fluid that said ‘Right side tooth ache relief’.
Walking through the rest of the aisles brought more of the same. The allergy relief aisle had what looked like black gummies in the shape of cat heads, that said they help with black cat dander allergies while another package of red gummies in the same shape just said cat dander protection.
As you moved to the back of the shop there were medications for things like the common cold but also for things like ‘General uneasiness located in the abdomen’ and ‘Recurring sleep paralysis blocker.’ That last one was in a bottle that was shaped like a little demon. That definitely had to be a gag gift you thought chuckling to yourself.
“Would you like some tea?” The woman’s voice sounded in your right ear causing you to jump back in surprise. “Oops, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
Feeling your heart pounding in your chest, the thought of there being a specific medication for that feeling somewhere too almost made you laugh out loud. “Yes, please.”
If you had to guess Yuna’s style was definitely intertwined with the subject matter of her shop. Today she had on a pair of skinny jeans and a red long sleeved button up blouse that had black skulls in printed pattern on it. It looked like something straight out of hot topic. You also noticed she didn’t have shoes on, her socks were neon green and they were those ugly ones that went on each individual toe like a glove. More power to the people that can wear them and not be uncomfortable.
Pulling yourself out of your thoughts you followed out to the porch where there was a black iron patio table set. Placed on top of it was a glossy black tea kettle in the shape of a cat. It looked exactly like Jiji from ‘Kiki’s Delivery Service’.  There was two mugs, a white one with an orange witch’s hat and the saying ‘Resting Witch Face’ and the other was black that said ‘Big Witch Energy’ with a white pentagram, it was the closest one to you.
“So Y/N how are you liking it here?” Yuna asks sitting down and reaching for the kettle.
You looked at her a little shocked, “H-how do you know my name?”
You didn’t even realize it but even the other woman knew your name. You haven’t really interacted with anyone outside of the bakery and the cashiers at the grocery store.
“Oh dear, Yeji didn’t tell you? I’m her sister. She told me you were coming.”
“She never said anything about having a sister.” You frowned.
The woman just sighed dramatically and said “She’s too busy for her own good, she’d probably forget her name if someone didn’t remind her every once in a while.”
“I can’t do it anymoooooore”
“Will you stop complaining that’s all you’ve done all day!”
“Because this sucks.” Jungkook sighed putting his head on the counter, subsequently getting leftover frosting on his left cheek. Why did he have to be stuck with Jin hyung? He’s Mr perfectionist and made Jungkook redo the same batch of red velvet three times already. He didn’t know what he wanted to do more, pull his hair out or choke out the older man. He’s too much of a good boy to do the latter, although its very tempting. At least Hobi hasn’t been on his neck for things too. In fact he hasn’t said much of anything today. Wait…
Jin just hummed in reply not paying attention.
“Where’s Hobi?”
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getouswh0re · 3 years
❤︎ forever is a long time, but I won’t mind spending it by your side ❤︎
an; how Tokyo Revengers characters realise they have fallen in love with you; warnings: none, slight angst, fluff, slight manga spoilers
characters; mikey, draken, chifuyu, baji
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For as long as you could reminisce, MIKEY and you have been thick as thieves, doing all sorts of shenanigans (with most of them being his idea of course) and enjoying the time of your youth together. How you wish good times could stay like this forever; just the two of you running through the labyrinth of streets without having a single worry about what the future has to offer, the thrumming of footsteps echoing against the asphalt pavements as chime-like chortles reverberate in remnants of the dwindling sunset.
The two of you have been through ups and downs throughout the years, yet you and him would always seek for solace in each other’s company. The one incident, though, which brought both of your hearts closer than ever — was Emma’s passing. In the dingy bedroom, it was the first time you saw Mikey’s walls collapsing as he leaned into your chest, raw cries laced with heart-wrenching pain reverberating through the solemn midnight air. It broke your heart to witness the tough blonde in such a state of despair; he had lost way too many people already, and the light that was long lost in his hollow eyes now bore semblance to an impenetrable void — devoid of life, and the will to live.
“Hey, y/n ...” A meek croak cut through the lingering silence. “What does it feel like to be left alone ... before you get to realise all of the people you’ve loved is gone?”
Hearing that, your eyes were glassed with a layer of tears that was threatening to overflow. Nonetheless, you held it back, leaning forward as you pulled the blonde into your arms and gave him a tender hug.
“I know how it feels, Mikey ... it’s painful, you’re left alone, you want the agony to stop ... but you’ll not be shouldering this on your own. I’m here for you ... when you need me, okay? So please ... don’t bottle up all of these feelings by yourself. We’ll share the suffering and live on. Promise?”
People came and go in his life, yet the only one who stayed with Sano Manjiro until the very end was none other than you — his first love.
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DRAKEN’S instincts have always been spot-on, and this is the same just like any other time — the only thing special is you being in the picture. From the day you become acquainted with the gang’s vice commander, Ryuguji finds himself gravitating bit by bit towards you. He would look forward to seeing you at every meeting, feeling his heart sink whenever you can’t hang out with him, Mikey and the others; initially the blonde only thinks that it is nothing more than a measly feeling — friends would look forward to hanging out with each other, right?
But it is soon proven to be wrong when an unintentional comment from him reveals his feelings towards you to everyone.
“Where is y/n? It feels a bit different today —“
As if everything is in slow motion, his friends swivel their heads around — stares burning into the back of his skull with their jaws dropped.
“Dude, you’re totally into y/n huh.”
Oh shit.
Before the blonde realises, everyone starts to bombard him with questions; not that they aren’t happy for him who finally manages to find the one, but rather — how do polar opposites like you and Ryuguji attract one another.
“Dude, you’ve totally found the right one!”
“Man I feel jealous that you have your eyes on them first! I would’ve shoot my shot if I were you.”
“If you don’t man up and confess, don’t blame me for stealing y/n off their feet —“
“Hold on!” A yell from him is all it takes to make the gang quiet. “How do you guys know it’s love? I mean it can be anything —“
“Just how dense can you be, idiot?” The others chime in unison.
Someone save him, boy is hopeless sometimes.
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To pinpoint how he has fallen in love with you would be immensely difficult for CHIFUYU, there are way too many moments where he just finds himself diving headfirst into love! But if he has to choose the exact instant which kindled the flames of adoration, it would be every little bits about you which make him lovestruck.
He loves how your gaze softens at the sight of pets running around every time you come and visit him at the pet store he works at, cooing over how endearing you look as your eyes crinkle when kids wave to you on the streets, admiring your patience and kindness towards everyone you meet — the list goes on and on. Falling in love with you (to him) feels like a typical romance troupe which he has read ad nauseam in shoujo mangas, yet experiencing it firsthand is definitely a first for him.
And of all the attributes he loves about you, the one which makes Chifuyu ascertain his feelings is how you could see the good in people whom you hold dear to your heart — him included.
The sky fades into a myriad of pomegranate pink and indigo as the two of you hang out at the park after the gang meeting has ended, each of you eating an ice cream. With you finishing yours first, you turn over to look at the blonde, only to discover that he has some smudged on his cheeks. Seeing this reminds you of your childhood years together where Chifuyu also had ice cream smeared over his face — the nostalgia of it making giggles roll off your tongue, earning a perplexed look from the vice captain of the first division.
“What are you laughing at y/n??” It only make you laugh harder as his whining reaches your ears.
“Nothing! It just reminds me of how we used to hang out at the same spot when we were younger, also eating ice cream whilst watching the sunset. You also had ice cream all over your face back then. I can still remember that cute ass look on your face ~”
“Come on, it’s in the past! Stop mentioning it y/n, I’m going to die from embarrassment before long. You better attend my funeral —“
“Cute and dramatic as ever Fuyu.” You give him a tap on the nose. “But you know what? I feel so glad that fate brought me to this adorable kid with ice cream all over his face back in the days, and I’m grateful for having you in my life Chifuyu.”
Poor boy almost suffers from a heart attack.
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BAJI adores your duality; whether it is watching you coo over street cats or casually firing comebacks at his occasionally snarky remarks, he embraces both sides of your personality, thinking it is what makes you unique to him. Other than that, the teen finds himself drawn towards you for another reason. Being the motherly figure of Baji and his friends, you would always make sure they take care of themselves, chiding them gently whenever they neglect their health; it is something in which he values a lot — he might be known as one of the toughest fighters in the gang, but Baji is also a teenager at heart.
Whenever he needs to vent, you would be there to lend an ear; every time he falls ill, you would rush to his house with warm chicken soup and all the necessary medications to take care of him until he feels better (despite him telling you that he is capable of taking care of himself, which he isn’t). Occasionally Baji would show up outside your bedroom window bartered and bruised, and you would put aside the things you are doing at that moment to dress his wounds, giving him a nag on how he should prioritise his safety over anything else.
You are like a pseudo parental figure to Baji — his solace and anchor whenever life doesn’t go as what he expects; he could never ask for more from you, but deep down — the teen knows that people would eventually drift apart someday.
And a part of him wished this would last forever, that he could let down his walls and be the middle school Baji that yearns to be taken care of by nobody other than you.
The longer he’s spent time around you, the more the queer sensation in his gut stirs. Baji could feel his heartbeat becoming frenzied each time he is hanging out with you, and his usual confident facade would drop as the teen stutters over words. And being rather dense at the beginning, nothing dawned upon him until Mikey and the rest almost have to withhold the urge of bonking Baji in the head for not realising how he’s fallen head over heels for you, did he realise all of this is love after all.
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tendousthoughts · 3 years
HQ Boys Thinking Their S/O Left Them Pt. 2
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Character(s) included: Tsukishima & Ushijima
Warning(s): Cursing
Song of the day: Love The Way You Lie by Eminem
A/N: Wow thanks for 200+ likes on my last part & 15+ reblogs! I’m almost at 150 followers so thank you for that too! I can't believe that my account is still active! Here’s part two! As always my ask box is open for comments and such! I would love to have some more Anons or even some character anons. Part three is next so if you have any haikyuu boys you want next just send a message! Please forgive any spelling and grammatical errors!
Where to find all the parts!
Where to find all my content!
Tag(s): @chibiiichann
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So the argument was your fault. The ‘harmless’ joke made its way to be more effective than you imagined. So maybe it wasn’t as funny as you thought to pour water on his head as soon as he got through the door. But it wasn’t your fault for not knowing he was having a tough day already.
“Baby.. please.. kei, I am sorry..” you whispered softly as you followed him in. You could tell he was angry. After all he just wanted to rest and now you just fucked everything up. “Kei.. please.” He turned to you.
“What?” He was drenched and tried to not let his attitude show. He just wanted to take a shower and go to bed.
“I didn’t mean to upset you.. it was just supposed to be a harmless prank..” you muttered softly now avoiding his eyes. They felt like they were burning holes into you.
“Oh wow so funny!” He looked at you. Now making eye contact you can feel the hints of venom in his voice. “It’s so fucking funny. You know sometimes I wonder if I ever did the shit you do to me back to you how would you react? I mean after all it’s just a fucking harmless prank! Do you ever just fucking think for a moment, ‘fuck maybe that’s not a good idea?’ Or no? I mean is you brain so fucking small and your so fucking dumb to the point you don’t have a good thought in there?!” His voice was loud, deep, and annoyed. You could almost see the hatred seeping from each word. You looked to the ground and took his hurtful and harmful words. 
It was your fault after all.
After a moment he looked down at you, getting out everything he needed to say, well almost everything. “It fucking sucks to put up with you sometimes. I hope you know your fucking lucky.” There he went, finally finishing his bitter words. He left slamming the door behind him as he started the shower. The warm tears that you had been holding in now finally making their way out.
After grabbing a jacket, phone, wallet, and keys you leave. Feeling terrible that he had to put up with you. Locking the door as you left you decided to take a walk. It was cold and dark. It was a terrible idea to have, but there wasn’t much more that you could do.
After he finished his shower he got out looking for you. He had sorta realized the weight of his words. He knew he went too far.
After about five minutes he realized you were nowhere in sight. He changed and grabbed his phone. “Pick up..” he muttered, calling you. It was too cold for you to be out, let alone it was too dark.
You looked down at your phone and just ignored the call, scared to be yelled at again. It was freezing, now coming to the realization that you should have brought a bigger jacket. You head to a nearby ramen place to eat.
On his side he is freaking the fuck out. “Fuck fuck..” he muttered softly. He tried calling you again and to his surprise you picked up. “Y/n where are you?” He seems upset.
“Don’t worry about it.. just get some rest okay? Night.” You’re almost about to hang up where he starts talking again. He is frantic and you can tell he is extremely worried.
“Y/n please. It’s dark and cold and I don’t want you getting lost or anything worse please..” he mumbled softly. He is trying not to seem overbearing.
“I’ll be okay. Goodnight.” You hang up. Not to your surprise he calls you about five times as you order something to go for the both of you. After about twenty minutes you start to walk back. It’s pitch black and freezing. You put the bag on your arm and zip up your thin jacket. Now holding onto your phone on flashlight with one hand and with the other the soup trying to keep warm. It takes you another fifteen minutes to arrive and you open the door.
Tsukishima was waiting by the door. It was quite late so you bit your lip and closed the door after. In that time Tsukishima’s arms are already tightly around you. His eyes were red and puffy and it was clear he had been crying.
“I told you to get some rest, Kei..” you whispered softly, unsure why he was up. Kinda glad that the ramen did go to waste though.
“I am sorry.. I’m sorry.. I’m sorry..” he started to cry again holding you tight. You were cold to the touch and to be honest if it weren’t for what he said earlier you would probably be really enjoying this.
“It’s okay.. I got some dinner..” you whisper breaking away from his grasp as you sit at the table him following after. He wiped away the tears sitting in front of you. He felt like shit. As you place the food in front of him he gives a weak thank you, which you just shake your head to and start eating.
After dinner you get up putting your dishes away. Getting ready for bed after. As you finish brushing your teeth and changing. You are met with his long warm arms around you once again. He missed you all day, and didn’t want you to be distant any longer. “I’m sorry y/n..” he whispered softly, tears rolling down his face.
“It’s okay kei.. don’t worry I know you didn’t, it was my fault anyway..” you muttered softly. “I’m sorry baby..” you wipe away his tears. “I didn’t mean to worry you okay..?” He just holds on tighter and shakes his head gently, picking you up. He decides to carry you to the room you two share. As he holds you, you whisper nothing but sweet words of love, trying to comfort him.
When he lays down you gently hold him. He clears his throat ready to apologize more. “Y/n.. I really didn’t mean any of that okay..? I really love you so much and I’m the lucky one. You’re so considerate and shit and you were just trying to play a prank but I had a really shitty day and just didn’t react well.. I’m sorry..” he whispered softly. His head is buried into the crevice between your shoulder and head. It was clear he was upset.
“Baby it’s okay.. don’t worry I know you didn't mean too.. it was my fault.." you whisper softly. His arms tighten around you holding you close. "I should have known it wasn't a good idea and just didn’t do it. Instead I decided to do it and then leave.. making you worried and stuff.. So I'm sorry.." you whispered softly.
He just shakes his head and smiles softly. "Okay.. I love you Y/n," he muttered softly as he closed his eyes. Quite tired from such a stressful day.
"I love you too Kei," you muttered back, staying up until you’re sure he is peacefully asleep. When you are sure, you drift to sleep. You are safe here. You are safe in his arms, being loved by him. This is where you are meant to be, forever.
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Practice was shit. He missed almost everything that came his way, and to be honest it was getting to him. He was quite pissed seeing you with some other guy. No matter what or who they were, they weren’t him. That’s all that mattered. You were laughing and smiling with them and he was upset. So of course he would be off his game. Who wouldn’t? You were the person everyone wanted. Ushijima was lucky to be your boyfriend let alone even talk to you.
But the same could be said about Ushijima. He was known everywhere and you got jealous too at times. I mean who wouldn’t when he got gifts every time he entered a match. He barely talked to you then too, because he thought you would be too ‘distracting.’ So in the end you normally would sit in the back and chat with a few people but tried to stay focused. Today was different. It was a practice not a game. So you didn’t mind not paying attention.
Once practice ended you were met with Ushijima’s tall form in front of you. “Oh hey baby,” you smiled getting up. He doesn’t look too happy and gives the guy a stare that makes him almost immediately leave.
“Who’s he?,” he looked down at you again. You’re shorter than him but to be honest he loves it. He loves the fact that he can tease you with kisses or the fact he can pick you up.
“I just met him. He is pretty cool, turns out he was in one of my old classes.” You smile a bit.
“Oh. Okay let’s go.” He muttered softly. Now expecting a kiss on the head before you two leave you wait. It takes a moment before you realize you’re not getting one so you just follow after him.
“How was practice..” you ask when you guys get in the car. It was quiet and you didn’t like that. It was too quiet.
“You would have known if you were watching.” He was brief and quick with his answers. “It went bad.”
You shake your head softly and when you guys get back into the house it’s no better. Now deciding to break the silence once more. “What’s wrong baby..” you look at him. Something’s off. Completely off.
He looks to you maybe for the first time, in what.? Half an hour an hour of being in the same car. Whatever it was it didn’t matter, it was too long.
“I don’t know why you have to come to my practices and just distract me the whole time.” He doesn’t think about what to say before he does.
“What..? I didn’t run up to you like usual and I stayed in the back like you like! What do you mean ‘distract’ you?” You look at him confused.
“Maybe you shouldn’t come then. It seems like everywhere you have to just be in my way. Let alone you just bring people with you.” He looks annoyed and maybe you should just drop it. But you can’t. You did nothing wrong.
“What? I stayed out of your fucking way! I didn’t ask to come. You asked me too! It’s not like I begged you to come and then was up in your face the whole time. Like your so-called fans! They were up in your face the whole fucking time trying to give you gifts and shit! But ya I’m the distracting one!” You looked annoyed. Upset. Pissed off. Whatever you wanna call it.
“Really? Really? We wanna go there now? It’s not like every fucking time we walk the halls together someone doesn’t come up to say hello to you! Or asks if your fucking free, I mean it’s not like your with me or anything.” You can tell he is mad. But it isn’t your fault.
“Yes really! You have fucking people wait by the gates of the school for you. I mean that’s what I get for dating you right? I get a bunch of girls following my boyfriend, I get called a distraction when I come up to you and get called a distraction when I’m away from you. I don’t know what to fucking do at this point!” You can feel yourself tear up. This is fucked up.
“Wow. Of course. All my fucking fault. Mhm just blame it all on me. You know what fuck you, and fuck your high horse.” He slams the shared room’s door closed. You don’t say anything, deciding to just leave. You grab your stuff and close the door. It’s a bit chilly and you’re glad you grabbed a jacket. It wasn’t weird for you two to fight let alone get on each other’s nerves. But when it’s going good, it’s going great.
You leave heading to a friend’s house and stay the night. Unsure how you fucking feel at this point. What the fuck was up with him? You just tried to stay in your fucking lane. It hurts. It fucking hurts to be called a distraction. Maybe he didn’t get that. But you knew he did. He wasn’t that dumb. He wasn’t that fucking dense like everyone else thought. You knew he wasn’t. That was one of his worst insecurities and you knew it.
The next day you were dropped off at school and we’re surprised to see Ushijima waiting. You bit your lips walking right past him. You could see the hurt in his eyes. He had eye bags and his eyes were red and swollen. He seemed like he had been crying, you felt bad. But at the same time you didn’t. You needed him to understand how much you were hurt by his words.
When lunch came around he was waiting at the door of your classroom and you bit your lip. “Do you need something?” You ask. It took him a moment before he shook his head.
“Can we please talk.. I’m sorry..” he muttered softly. He was clearly still upset by yesterday’s fight and so were you.
“Okay. It’s fine I’m sorry too,” you look up now, his big arms were wrapped tightly around you. He sniffled softly as he was already tearing up again.
“I didn’t mean any of that.. you’re not a distraction and I love you so much baby..” he whispered softly. “I was just jealous and shit..” he muttered softly. “I don’t like it when you hang out with others and stuff and I know it’s not fair.. I just get worried you will like them more and just leave..” he whispered softly finally opening up.
“Hey look at me..” you whisper gently, taking your hands and wrapping them around his cheeks. “I won’t do that to you.. I love you so much, okay?” He shakes his head.
“I love you too y/n..” he muttered softly. He was tired and you could tell. Once you reached the cafeteria you sat next to him and he laid his head on your shoulder.
A soft laugh made its way out as you held him. God you love him. Nothing could ever change that. No matter any fight. You loved him and he loved you. That’s all that would ever matter.
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griffintail · 3 years
Okay so I'm on an angst kick tonight so here's a fic about how Little bee feels about all her new siblings.
Old news
Bee was hitting her breaking point, ANOTHER new sibling? As if Michael wasn't enough now she had to complete with the literal angel that was Boo. Her step fathers new adopted child. How could her dad do this to her? Bringing in this new 'family' as if their real family wasn't God knows where alone. She missed her cousin and uncle dearly, Little (F/L) was practically her sister at this point and sometimes Tommy was more of a father to her then her own dad. It drove the teen up the wall how quickly her father discarded them.
Now she's supposed to consider these strangers her family? No way in nether.
If anyone wants to expand on this feel free too, I wanted to write an argument but I can't think of good dialog for it.-🦊
Hahaha. Angst that I feel on a personal level. I didn’t add Little boo because I try to keep the characters separate when I write for the Lost Ones kids but there’s most certainly Michael! I really wanted to write this....NON-CANON TO LOST ONES
Old News
Pairing: Parental! Tubbo x F! Teenage! Reader
Part 2
Warnings: Angst, Misread Situations, Feelings of Neglect
         She sat alone at the docks, looking back to see her father playing with Michael in the upper story window. She huffed angrily as she looked back to the freezing water.
         …They were supposed to go fishing today. But Michael was sad.
         They were supposed to go last week but Ranboo wanted a day together with no kids. So, she had to watch the stupid zombie piglin…
         God, she never thought she’d miss the days when Uncle Tommy would drag her and Tubbo off on dangerous adventures. She never thought she’d miss all his yelling…she never thought she’d miss L’Manberg…With all the good memories that it held inside…
         At this rate, she’d start missing how her father and Tommy fought Dream all the time!
         “Hey.” She jumped, looking up to see Foolish. “You’re shaking kid, you should get inside.”
         Her jacket had long since felt cold. She just didn’t want to go inside and listen to dad talk to Michael though. Not when he hadn’t properly talked to her in months. She looked at the house before looking at Foolish.
         “Is the mansion warm?”
         “Uh, kind of. There should be a few rooms, come on.”
         She got up and followed Foolish inside. She’d go to her actual room later…for now, she just wanted to sit and watch the trees sway without thinking about everything she missed…
         She stirred her mushroom soup as she sat at the dining table inside their home after night fell. Ranboo was out, thank god, but Tubbo was upstairs with Michael again and she had to make and eat dinner for one…
         “Hey, I need to talk to Foolish before he leaves. Watch Michael for a few minutes alright?” Tubbo asked her as he jumped down from the ladder.
         “Ok.” She muttered.
         “Thanks.” He smiled before rushing out.
         She rolled her eyes and kept eating her warm soup. The kid wouldn’t die, he was old enough to be fine. There was no need to make her eat cold soup to watch the stupid zombie piglin. After a few bites though, she heard a loud thud upstairs and she face-palmed before going up the ladder.
         The little zombie piglin was sniffling as a little bit of blood trickled from his forehead.
         “What happened?” She sighed, going over and sitting in front of the zombie piglin, wiping the blood away with her sleeve.
         Michael pointed to the bed and the floor and she shook her head.
         “You jump off the bed?” And he nodded. “Yeah, that hurts like hell. I fell off a lot of crap, mostly because Uncle Tommy dared me but I digress.”
         Michael gave a snort and she gave a small glare with no actual heat behind it.
         “You think that’s funny little shit?” She asked and Michael shrank but she smiled. “I’m just joking. But hey, watch out, I’ve been taught by a lawyer, I’ll sue you next time.”
         She didn’t hate Michael; she just didn’t like how he and Ranboo got all of her father’s attention. Michael was a funny kid and smart when given the chance. She just wanted to avoid him though so she didn’t have to think about what he gets that she can’t.
         “Alright, come on, I think there’s some of those special potions for you downstairs.” She said, standing up.
         The teenager was about to pick him up when Tubbo came into the room.
         “Hey, how—What happened?!” Tubbo exclaimed, rushing to Michael, not a second glance to (Y/N).
         “Oh, he just fell a bit.” (Y/N) said.
         “He fell?! How? Weren’t you watching him?” Tubbo asked her with even looking at her as he carefully looked at the minor cut on Michael’s head.
         “Dad, he’s fine. It’s just a little cut from a fall.” She wasn’t watching him but she also wasn’t going to tell on Michael that he just jumped off the bed.
         “You call this fine?!” He motioned to Michael as he finally looked at her.
         “Yeah, I had a lot worse going on adventures with you and Uncle Tommy.”
         “Yeah! But he’s not you!” Tubbo huffed looking away.
         (Y/N) was taken aback by that. He wasn’t her…No, no Michael wasn’t her. He was better than her, just look. Michael always has her father’s attention. What was she? Just…just a disappointment.
         Tubbo canceled plans with her, Tubbo rarely spoke to her as much, Tubbo barely spared her a glance some days. He had a better family now…
         “You’re right.” She whispered, Michael giving little snorts seeing the tears in the older girl’s eyes. “I’m going to go.”
         “I think that will be best,” Tubbo said, once more not looking at her as he picked Michael up.
         Her lip quivered before nodding as she rushed downstairs. Tears poured down her cheeks as she grabbed a bag and threw her clothes in. Nothing else.
         She left the house, hearing nothing from her father as she walked away from Snowchester.
         It was better for everyone…They could be happy without her bothering them now…
         The darkness surrounded her as she clutched her bag as she crossed the path back towards Dream SMP land. As she got across, she looked up at the well-lit hotel her uncle had finally won back. Without much thought, she dashed up the path to the building. As she got to the door, she hesitated.
         Would it be better for her uncle if she didn’t bother him? Would he be happier?
         “(Y/N)?” She heard behind her and she once more jumped as she looked to see Tommy walking past the gates to the hotel.
         He stopped seeing her red eyes and the tears staining her cheeks, along with the bag by her side. He then rushed over, taking her arms.
         “What happened? Who hurt you? Who the fuck is going to die?”
         At his words, she sobbed. She hadn’t felt this cared about in months…
         Tommy was startled before hugging her tightly. “Hey, it’s ok, kid. I’ll fuck up their shit for you. No need for the waterworks. Let’s get inside.”
         He brought her inside as she cried harder and he didn’t get much of an explanation once she calmed down as she didn’t want to talk about it but he set her up with a room and told her they’d talk about it tomorrow when she got some rest. Yes, Tommy was worried but he knew that he couldn’t just force the kid to tell him everything when she looked exhausted.
         “I don’t know how Tubbo fucked this up, but I’ll fuck up his shit later,” Tommy told her, ruffling her hair. “After I beat the ass of who hurt you. Get some rest.”
         He left the room after that as she held back the tears this time. If only he knew, and lord did it feel so good to feel like someone cared…She had missed Uncle Tommy…
         Tubbo came to (Y/N)’s door later after putting Michael to sleep. Tubbo felt guilty about getting so snippy with his daughter. She was right, kids get hurt. He remembered the clumsy little girl that would fall down all the time or who he’d have to catch after Tommy dared her to jump from various places. It made him feel guiltier when Michael tried to stick up for her, trying to take all the blame.
         He hadn’t been angry; he was just scared. He had fucked up in some areas with (Y/N), he couldn’t fuck up again. Michael wasn’t the same as her, he was more fragile, a different creature entirely, which meant he had to be extra careful. It was better she went to her room though, so he didn’t say something he’d regret. He felt regret though for being so loud with his words.
         “(Y/N).” He knocked on her door.
         She didn’t answer and he sighed.
         “I’m sorry for yelling. I didn’t mean it. I was just scared because Michael isn’t like you or me. He gets hurt a lot easier. And…shit. I forgot about fishing, didn’t I? I’m making a lot of mistakes today. I’m so sorry little lamb. I…I’ll leave Michael with Foolish tomorrow and we’ll have a day all to ourselves, no matter what. We’ll have your favorite breakfast and do whatever you want, ok? Just you and me my special little bee.”
         There was still no answer and he let out another as he nodded.
         “I’m going to stick to it! I promise (Y/N). I love you so much. Good night.”
         And he left without opening the door to see what he’d find out tomorrow…
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