#i wanted triplet bonding
ittybittyremy · 1 month
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puhpandas · 1 year
(2,984 words)
Gregory dies saving the Pizzaplex from the virus. In return, Evan saves Gregory by giving him the gift of life. Evan is done with just watching. (warnings: major character (child) death (gregory), implied murder, implied stabbing, blood.
Evan had to go fight his Father on his own.
Vanessa had been too incapacitated. Too distraught to come along. She'd woken up not too long after Gregory had freed her, hair greasy and wirey and body weak, knees wobbly. It had only gotten worse after she'd seen the cost.
Theres nothing Evan could have helped with. All he could do is finish things.
His Father had gone down easily. Theres not much you can do as an animatronic on the brink of collapse, no matter how much of your virus is spread across the network. No matter how many brute machines you have at your command. Its hard to kill somebody whose already dead. To hurt somebody who isnt tangible.
All Evan had to do was call in a favor.
The amalgamation hadn't needed any more than a promise. It had thrown itself at his Father, giving itself up to secure that his Father is gone forever. For good.
Evan had promised to set the fire. He knows that Freddy has a lighter in his finger. He knows that his Father is stuck, and is at Evan's will.
Evan has the power to take the call, here. He can set the fire whenever he wants. He gets to choose when it all ends.
He hasn't, yet. He just needs to see Gregory again.
Vanessa has barely moved by the time Evan phases through floors, arriving back in Vannys old hideout. Shes sitting up, but unmoving. Before, her shoulders shook harshly with barely contained grief.
Now, it's like shes empty. Like there's nothing left of her.
After what was lost to free her, Evan understands why.
He can barely look, once he floats next to Vanessa. Gregory is right where Evan had left him, still laid flat on the linoleum tile under Vanessa's hunched form.
Shes almost curled around him, as if to protect him. He cant be protected much, anymore. But he deserves to have whats left of him taken care of.
It hurts so much more than the others when Evan forces himself to look. Nothings changed; Gregory is still unmoving, eyes open and unseeing. The knife is discarded to their left, tossed in some corner to rot.
The floor is a mess. Gregorys blood stains every crevice. His blue shirt is barely recognizable, violent rips and tears litter the area near his stomach, and blood stains the fabric a sickening black.
Evan stares at his face. It doesnt so much as twitch.
He knows better than to beg. He knows better than to hope, or plead, or wish.
He's dead. Evan knows. He's known this whole time. He knew when he'd gone off to fight his Father. To get revenge.
Gregory's dead.
It hurts so much more than the others.
Evan floats downwards, sitting by Gregory's body next to Vanessa as much as he can as a ghost. She doesn't seem to register that hes there, just staring blankly at Gregory. At the empty husk of the boy Evan had just begun to know.
Shes already expressed her grief. She'd yelled and screamed and sobbed when he'd still been alive, clinging to life by a thread, but despite Vanessa's attempts, he'd died in her arms.
They'd only shared little words before it was over.
They'd watched as the life left his eyes. Evan watched as Gregory went still in that way only dead people can. He'd watched as Vanessa fell apart.
It hurt so much more than the others.
He'd just been getting to know Gregory. He'd only scraped the surface. He'd only known Gregory for six hours, but he'd felt like he'd known him for a lifetime.
He'd just been getting to know him, and Evan had been planning to stick around. He'd been planning to follow Gregory. He'd been planning to take the one child who'd been brave enough, smart enough, to survive, and lead him to the source.
Hed been planning on finally doing something. He'd been planning on ending it all, and saving one child out of it. He'd been planning on being done with watching, and doing something about it. He'd tried to help the others, to guide them where it mattered, help them survive, but they'd been snuffed out before they could begin.
And all Evan could do is watch.
He's so tired of just watching.
"Gr-- Gree-- Gregory..." Freddys voice filters out of the watch, crackling and glitching. "Gregor-- ory-- Please tell me you are saf-- fe. I cannot re-- each you--"
Something snaps in Evan, at that. Freddy doesn't know. Freddy had tried so hard, like Evan had, to save someone. To save one person after so many were lost.
Evan has seen Freddy. Hes seen them all. Hes seen how they all wake up the next day horrified at the blood under their claws, and the memories of murdering burned into their code. Evan has seen how all Freddy's been able to do is watch as he's hijacked, unable to fight back, and forced to sit backseat in his own body.
This time had been different. Freddy had been spared. Freddy had fought for Gregory. Freddy didnt just watch this time.
Evan doesnt want to just watch anymore.
Evan's stomach burns, normally, his soul is cold, as lifeless ghosts are. Just a figment of who he used to be.
So unlike the chill hes used too, how unfeeling he usually is, warmth bursts in his stomach, at hot as fire, and it swirls. Unfurling and spreading.
It tingles, prickling and sharp, and to Evan, somehow, it feels like an invitation.
Evan had been the first. He'd been there for it all. He'd been there when Charlie had died. He'd been there when she had given life to the other children. He'd been there when they'd all lost their humanity. He'd been there for the first fire, the second, and soon, the third.
Evan had been the first.
His chest burns with intensity, hot and bubbling.
Gregory will be the last.
He welcomes it; the simmering feeling underneath the film of numbness. It claws to escape, and Evan let's it.
He curls inward, a burst of light shining from his body, and at its warmth, it's like Vanessa comes back to life. She jerks when a glow spreads across the room, twisting her neck to watch it with wide eyes.
He cups his hands gently, shutting his eyes and reaching inward.
The Remnant responds to him. It hears him. It hears his grief, his wishes, and his determination.
Like the others, Gregory never deserved to die. Like the others, he'd been lost to his Father. Like the others, he'd been lost to a long string of tragedy that began on the day Evan died.
His chest opens, a yellow, pinprick of light seeping out and into his hands.
Unlike the others, Gregory will be the last.
Evan holds the remnant gently as can be, and ignores the blatant emptiness inside of him. He ignores how much weaker he feels. He ignores how he essentially just halved his life force.
Instead, he offers the life to Gregory's body, like giving a gift.
It receives it.
The light seeps into Gregory's body, spreading across his injuries and soaking in. Light crawls across his skin, spiderwebbing and stitching skin and flesh together.
The light mends Gregory's body, fixing what had been broken.
Evan never thought that anything involved with his Father could be good. That it could help instead of hurt.
But when Vanessas lights up as Gregory's eyes ignite with life, all gifted by the warmth in Evan's soul, he thinks it's not the magic that's bad, but the man who wields it.
Its agonizing; waiting those few seconds for Gregory to wake up, but the shine that had re-entered his eyes only grows brighter when he gasps harshly, jerking to life.
With a cry of joy, Evan shoots forward, attempting a hug as much as he can as a ghost. At the same time, Vanessa sobs with barely contained relief and reaches out, pulling Gregory out of the puddle of his own blood and setting him gently against her chest.
Evan meets his eyes, and man, do they look exhausted, but they also look alive. Evan cant contain the grin on his face when Gregory's eyes dart to him, seeing but not. Hes still in that stage between floaty and aware, but Evan waits for him.
It only takes a moment for Gregory himself to understand, but then hes clutching back, breaths deep, life laced within every intake of air.
Vanessa is crying. Shoulder shaking sobs that leave tracks down the dirt and blood on her face, and snot smudged across her cheek.
He doesnt blame her. Evan feels more alive than he has in a long time.
"You--" Gregory rasps out before coughing, but despite the fact, it's the most beautiful sound Evan's heard in years. Compared to the last words Gregory spoke before now being goodbyes. "You saved me."
Evan knows that Gregory knows. He knows everything. When Evan shared a piece of himself with Gregory, it connected them. Their souls are entertwined, now.
Evan feels the remnants of true fear deep inside Gregory of truly dying. He feels the relief that its over. He feels the accomplishment that nobody else will be lost.
Evan knows Gregory knows his feelings, as well. Evan knows Gregory feels the grief for the others. He knows he feels the satisfaction of sending his Father back to Cassidy. He knows he feels the anger at being forced to observe for so long.
So Evan just nods, the permanent tears on his face growing thicker and inkier. "I did."
And it's as simple as that.
Gregorys tucked under Vanessa's chin, her stringy hair falling out of what used to be a ponytail. Shes still sobbing, and Evan doesnt think she'd be able to do much of anything right now.
That's okay. Evan knows Vanessa had cried for the others, too. He knows Vanessa had been horrified at the memories. He knows shed been lost for years.
"You're you?" Gregory asks, weak and thready. He brings up a shaky hand and sets it on Vanessa's arm. Shes still wearing the bunny suit; she hadn't had it in her to tear it off when the only thing shed been focused on was the kid who saved her dying in her arms.
All Vanessa does is nod, over and over, almost deliriously. "Yes--" She sobs. "Because-- Because of you."
And its right there that Evan let's himself relish in the fact that they're all here. After watching so much grief and tragedy take place, its finally over. Gregory saved them, and now Evan was able to save Gregory.
He laughs in delight, feeling more hope and warmth than he has in a long time.
Three victims sit in a circle, relieved and alive.
"Gr-r--" Gregory's watch sputters to life, staticky and warbling. "Gregory-- I'm so worried about yo-- you-- P-P-Please respo--"
Three sets of eyes blow open.
Gregory and Evan had been alone together all night. Freddy wasnt able to follow them everywhere, and Gregory, with that determination that saved them that night, carried them far. Deep into the belly of the beast.
But its only when they finally haul themselves up when the clock gets a little too close to six, hop in Vanessa's car, and hightail it to her apartment that Gregory and Evan are alone again.
Vanessa, with a little more energy in her step, had followed through with her promise. Before they'd left, she said she would set the fire. All she wanted to do is take care of a few things. Freddy went along with her, wanting to collect his friends when they wake up free of the virus.
It's just the two of them, now. They're sitting (floating, in Evan's case) on Vanessa's couch, Gregory is eating some cereal, since its all Vanessa had on hand, and hes wearing one of Vanessa's too-big shirts when his had been too ruined to keep.
Theres some cartoon on the TV about a girl and a weird blue floating blob, but Evan isnt paying attention. Not when Gregory is staring at his bowl with furrowed brows, lost in thought.
Evan can tell he wants to say something, so he just sits patiently, and stays quiet when Gregory eventually starts opening and closing his mouth, trying to find the words.
"Evan--" Gregory begins eventually, and when Evan looks over, Gregory's looking at the carpet instead of him. "Um... can I ask you something?"
Evan nods. "Of course."
"Kay." Gregory responds, and then sighs, scratching the back of his neck and fiddling with the fold of fabric where his stomach is. "Uh... well..."
Evan stays silent, waiting for Gregory to gather his thoughts. Evan had hated it when people rushed him when he spoke while he was alive. He wasnt stupid, just nervous.
Eventually, Gregory throws his hands down and huffs, as if biting the bullet. He turns to Evan, looking him in the eyes as he asks, "Why did you save me?"
Evan blinks, and looks at Gregory, confused. They'd already communicated everything when Gregory woke up. "What do you mean?"
Gregory fidgets again, glancing to the side and looking frustrated. "Well-- I mean... just, why did you choose me?"
Evan furrows his brows. "Um... I dont understand."
Gregory growls, but Evan can sense it's not at him, just at Gregory's own scrambled thoughts. He rubs at his eyes, before, "I mean--!. eight other kids went missing before me."
Evan starts to get it. "Oh."
"Just... why did you save me?" Gregory asks again, a little more surely this time. "Like... you literally gave up half of your life force just so I wouldnt die. You met so many other kids that didnt make it... I... just want to know why you see me as so special to sacrifice for."
Evan shakes his head, twisting in place to better face Gregory. He tries to convey so much in one motion, his brain swirling with thoughts, and remnants of feeling from past memories.
"Gregory..." Evan glances downward, an old feeling of grief coming back. It's his old friend at this point. "...Nobody deserved to die. Nobody. But... in a way, some of us didnt. I'm still here, and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. I'm technically living, arent I?"
Gregory nods, but he looks confused. "Yeah, I would say so. But what does this have to do with what I said?"
Evan looks at the couch, watching as his fingers phase through the cushion. "I mean... the others, they died, but they didnt leave. They were still there, but... they weren't living. Bit by bit, they lost themselves, until they really were as good as dead."
Gregory is silent, so Evan continues. "I didnt feel like I was living for a long time, even though I technically wasnt dead. I had my friend. That's what we had that the others didnt. That's how we held on. But when she left... I had to stay for her to, as well, and I was stuck. I couldn't see my family. I was living, but I didnt want to be. I was living, but didnt have a life."
Evan glances up, and sees Gregory's own face looking back at him, eyes sad. Evan frowns, feeling decades of memories creep back up on him. He shoves them down. "All I did was watch tragedy and death occur for years, while I was alone. And I couldnt do a thing about it."
"You were done just watching." Gregory mumbles.
Evan nods. "...I was. So when you came along, and you survived, and dodged death, and saved everybody... you didnt deserve to die. More than the others. After all youd done, you deserved to live."
Theres a stretch of silence, after that. Evan has patience to spare, so when Gregory just stares, probably turning Evan's words over in his head, he waits.
After a while, Gregory tries to set a hand on Evan's shoulder, but it phases through. Gregory frowns, eyes downcast as he stares at his body dissipating at Gregory's touch, falling away like sand. "You havent felt alive in a long time, huh...?"
Theres that connection, again. Evan's gonna have to get used to this; he hasnt been connected to someone this way since Cassidy.
He nods, but in the melancholy, he smiles, and looks pointedly at Gregory. "Yeah," He agrees. "but that changed."
Gregory understands quickly. Evan pushed all of his feelings and earnesty towards that seemingly now permanent sense of Gregory presence, after all. He looks suprised, if his wide eyes are any indication, but then he finally sees the undeniable smile on Evans face, and Evan can sense that Gregory believes him.
Tears swim in Gregory's eyes, and he wipes at them half heartedly, grin on his face. He chuckles wetly. "Would you believe me if I said nobody has ever said something like that to me?"
Evan fractures, smiling. "Not really. I doubt you've met a lot of other dead people."
"Youd be right." Gregory replies. "Man, I wish I could hug you. It doesnt feel right just letting you sit there and be all... ghosty after saying something like that."
Evan chuckles at that, smile wide. "Put your arms around me."
Gregory raises a brow, but does it anyway.
It's funny. How Gregory, a boy who was in the wrong place at the wrong time saved the ones at the heart of the tragedy. He saved everyone without being involved himself, and Evan cant help but feel like Gregory saved him as well, in a way.
And Evan, who shuts his eyes and brings forth every ounce of power he has as a poltergeist, let's his body fall against another solid one, and sink into the hug.
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multishipper-baby · 1 year
Thinking about soulmate AUs for my OCs because I'm in a romantic mood rn
#myocs#derek's soulmate is obviously seba so things are pretty straightforward there#I think their relationship would probably progress the same? they don't rush into things just because they're soulmates#they just enjoy their time together and form a sweet bond and fall in love <3#eze doesn't have a soulmate. he wonders for a while if that's because he's artificially created or because he's aro#then he mets gabri who's also aro and has two soulmates (one platonic and another queerplatonic)#so that answers his question somewhat. it stings a little that he doesn't have something most people have#but he tries not to let it get into his head#also yeah the twins are platonic soulmates. I headcanon most twins are like that because of twin bond and stuff#tristán unlike his sister doesn't have another soulmate of any type- and he's pretty bitter about that fact#it's something he shares with his mother! which makes it hurt even worse. rip tristán he can never get a w#the triplets meanwhile aren't soulmates actually. piper has always been bothered by that but luca and zach don't care#they're all very close anyway. they don't need some stuff destiny bullshit to make their bond special#I presume piper and luca have soulmates although for now I don't ship them with anyone. zach has at least three romantic soulmates#zachary has a lot of love in his little body and he's not afraid of sharing it lmao#ray meanwhile... it would depend on when he finds out about the soulmate bond due to the age gap#as long as he finds out once he's an adult there wouldn't be any problems though- at least not on his part#springtrap might worry about it however. might feel like it's coercive to date him when there's this destiny thing over their heads#so it takes a while for him to accept the idea of entering a relationship together and raymond accepts that#they are friends for a while. get to know each other well. figure out if this is really what they both want#eventually it does become romantic though <3 ray charms his way right into his heart like the little devil he is
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vanteguccir · 8 months
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         𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒐 x reader
SUMMARY: Where Y/N wants to be impossibly close to Matt.
WARNING: Slightly smut, cockwarming.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
Part 2
   ༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
Y/N had an appreciation for all love languages, practicing each one individually with her favorite people, but it wasn't news to anyone that her favorite was physical touch. The girl loves to always be very close physically to the ones she loves, giving tight hugs and kisses on the cheek, valuing moments and people that allow her to act in such a way.
When Y/N fell in love with Matt, her love language was precisely what made her feelings for him apparent, her body always seeming to seek to be next to his, her hands lightly touching Matt's arms or legs as they interacted automatically, and that was exactly what encouraged Matt to take the first step.
After Y/N and Matt started dating and Matt stated many times that he loved the girl's way of showing her love for him, she felt comfortable enough to act however she wanted; Her body began to always look for his, now being able to sit on his lap on specific occasions, place her hand on his thigh or her arms around his waist, caressing the covered or, sometimes, exposed skin with her fingers.
Kisses became frequent, a quick peck on the cheek or forehead, simple pecks on the lips or a war of tongues. For Y/N, the closer, the better.
It is well known that physical touch between a couple increases the feeling of emotional well-being and even strengthens the bond, intimacy and connection, and for Y/N and Matt, it meant many things: love, passion, excitement and rest, too, a way to recharge their energy.
That's why, when Y/N finally entered her house after a long day of work, all she thought about doing was clinging to Matt. She reached blindly for the lock on the front door, placing her key there and locking it, before walking in the dark from her living room and down the long hallway, until she reached her bedroom, which she shared with her boyfriend.
The girl knocked twice on the door, before slowly opening it. Her face lit up when her eyes found Matt sitting at the computer desk located in the corner of the room, his headphones on top of his head, muffled melodies of some Dominic Fike song coming out, while his fingers blindly typed words, his blue eyes fixed on the screen where a Word document was open. Y/N assumed he was writing some video idea for the triplets' channel or his personal channel, which he hadn't appeared in a long time.
Y/N closed the door behind her carefully, not wanting to scare Matt with a loud noise, thanking in her mind that the lights in the room were low. The girl placed her bag on the floor before walking towards her boyfriend, lightly touching his arm to show that she was there, finally gaining the brunette's attention.
Matt lifted his head, lowering his headset automatically, his eyes focused on the girl's face, a big smile stretching across his own.
"Hi baby, I didn't hear you coming." The boy whispered, Y/N smiled back, wrapping her arms around Matt's shoulders and pulling him against her, wanting to be close. The boy wrapped his own arms around her waist, taking advantage of the position created by her, while he laid his head against her clothed belly, being able to close his eyes for a few seconds and rest his mind.
"I came in slowly, 'didn't want to scare you." Y/N whispered back, leaning down a little so she could kiss the top of Matt's head, her hand stroking the area gently, smiling as she heard a contented sigh escape her boyfriend's lips. "Have you showered yet?" She asked, the fresh scent of soap answering her question.
Matt shook his head positively, looking like he didn't want to move, his computer task already forgotten.
"Turn off the computer, sweetheart. I'm going to take a quick shower and then we can go to bed." Y/N asked in a low tone, kissing Matt's head once more before pulling away, laughing at the boy's grumbling.
Y/N walked to the bathroom, taking off her jacket and throwing it on a corner chair on the way, finally being able to undress completely when she reached the small room, throwing her clothes in the laundry basket before getting into the hot shower.
Her shower was quick, her anticipation of finally being able to lie down with her boyfriend getting the best of her, and before Y/N knew it, she was already finishing drying herself off. The girl hung her towel, now damp, in the proper space inside the bathroom before leaving, the cold wind from the room meeting her naked body, making her shiver. Y/N started walking to their closet, but stopped halfway, an idea popping into her head.
She turned around with an lazy smile, walking quickly towards the door, her hands stopping on the latch and turning the key, locking it, finally being able to go to her bed where Matt was already lying under the covers and shirtless, ready to sleep.
Y/N went to her own side of the bed, lifting the blanket and laying down in the cold space from the lack of human heat, grateful to see that Matt was only wearing boxers. The girl let out a low laugh when she saw Matt's confused expression as his blue eyes runned over her body.
"What are you planning, hm?" Matt asked, turning sideways and facing her, running his large, cold hand around his girlfriend's waist, making her shiver, pulling her close.
"I need to feel you as close as possible today." Y/N whispered, looking him in the eyes. Matt quickly understood, cockwarming was not a new thing in their relationship, having discovered that they both liked it when Matt didn't take his cock out of the girl after a rough session, afraid of hurting his girl because she was too sensitive, staying there for a few hours while they talked.
"Are you needy, my love?" Matt asked quietly, lowering his hand that was still on Y/N's body to her thigh, caressing the area, pulling her impossibly close, smiling when he saw the girl sigh and nod, lowering his face enough to capture her rosy lips with his.
Their kiss was simple, just a movement of lips, no tongue involved. Matt knew that if he deepened it, the situation would take a different turn, and he was too tired for that right now.
Y/N smiled in pleasure during the kiss, her hand resting on Matt's chest, loving the contrast between her cold hand and his warm chest.
Matt broke the kiss, sealing their lips one last time before pulling away, appreciating the closeness of their bodies. Y/N took her hands to Matt's boxers, questioning him with her gaze briefly and finally lowering the piece of clothing after receiving a nod from the brunette, who raised his hips slightly to help her with her action, removing the piece completely with his legs.
Y/N opened the drawer of her bedside table and took the lubricant, opening the package and pouring some into the palm of her hand, closing it before bringing her smeared hand to her boyfriend's semi-hard cock, pumping him a few times as she watched his expression, blue eyes closing briefly at the sensation.
When the girl thought she had spread enough, she turned her body, facing away from Matt and stretching so that she put the lubricant back in the drawer, closing it. Matt took the initiative and took his hand to Y/N's leg, caressing the skin and pulling it up, his free hand taking his cock and directing it towards the girl's intimacy, inserting the head of the member into her hole.
A soft, breathy sigh left Y/N's mouth, her eyes closing in sudden pleasure. She bit her bottom lip to keep any noise from escaping as Matt slid his entire length into her.
Once fully inside, the brunette lowered her still raised leg, his right arm passing under Y/N's head carefully while his left arm wrapped around her waist, burying his face in his girlfriend's neck, holding himself back from moaning.
Matt loved the feeling of being inside Y/N, along with the heat of the sticky walls that squeezed his cock so deliciously, pulling him deeper inside, if that was even possible. The girl tried her best not to move her hips, remaining still.
Matt ran his tongue between his lips, wetting them while he also controlled himself by pressing his chest against her back and pulling air through his nose, loving the smell of the body cream and soap that exuded from Y/N's bare skin.
His blue eyes closed, feeling warm and comfortable. The girl pulled the blanket higher, preventing the cold air from the room from reaching their bodies, delighting in the feeling of Matt inside her and the warm bed, finally being able to rest in peace.
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dcxdpdabbles · 8 months
Congratulations! It's Triplets. Part 3
@unadulteratedsoulsweets said: In Congratulations! It's triplets! As much the entire thing is so wholesome I wanna see some bit of angst. Imagine dis the entire family is out in public.Includes the Batfam, Jazz and the triplets for a huge family bonding activity. Some random person( a karen) commented on how Jazz is a teen mother, an irresponsible person, a whore... Etc (you know the usual comments of being a mother too young) and the Batfam reaches the conclusion that the Pit Rage transfers onto the kids as two of the triplets have already green glowing eyes with rage filling it by the second and ready to tackle/punch the person who made the comment but the last of the triplets have their other "siblings" by their collar but despite holding the two back they too have their eyes switching from blue to eery toxic green and was one second to join them to murder whomever bad mouthed Jazz
It's not that Jason didn't think that the Pit would only have repercussions in his life. He just always assumed it would only be his life.
He never considered the possibility that it would affect his offspring in any way. (Besides having a father that was completely mad in Pit Rage)
Maybe it was a pipe dream to think that or maybe it was just having hope that his messed up second life had already been hard enough so the universe was going to give him a break on this one.
The three small children currently growling at a reporter, eyes flashing in and out of green, told him that wasn't the case.
It had started off as a fun little day out. Jazz and the kids mainly kept to themselves in Wayne Manor. Bruce had housed them in the west Annex, a place usually only used when guests of high importance would stay in the Manor's history.
It came complete with its own kitchen, bathroom, sitting room, seven bedrooms, and three bathrooms. It even had its own entrance that usually stayed out of sight of the main gate- a compelling feature for Jazz, who didn't want her kids in the limelight until everything legal was settled.
The distance between the two buildings was one acre, giving the family of four the privacy they needed and keeping them close for Jason to get to know.
As far as Jason knew, Jazz had not revealed the father of her children to anyone.
As far as the world knew, Jazz had recently moved to temporary housing until her insurance could help her rebuild her house or, if she was at a total loss, find new housing.
Thankfully, no one thought it strange as they weren't the only ones displaced. Poison Ivy's latest Save the Earth stunt targeted overpopulated neighborhoods guilty of destroying the land to build upon (in her own words).
She returned the favor and broke down the buildings to give back to the Green. Never mind the people inside the buildings or the livelihoods she destroyed in progress.
Ivy had gone through five streets before the Bats stopped her and returned her to Arkham Asylum.
It's been a week since the incident. Jason hasn't seen much of his kids, not for the lack of trying, but it was hard to fit their schedules. The three were in school most of the day, and when they got out, Jason usually had to run to prepare his "nightly" job.
He couldn't just slack off- doing so would mean those scum bags that didn't directly work for Red Hood would think that they could get away with breaking his rules.
He had slowly been dividing his responsibilities among his men- drug dealing, weapon dealing, illegal car races, prostitution, and protecting kids and street workers- so that he could have one night off without worrying.
That didn't mean he didn't see his kids at all. Jason usually had two hours a day with them, where he tried his best to connect to his kids, but the triplets seemed weary of him.
He could tell they didn't feel comfortable with him invading their space, so he tried to stay outside the annex. As someone who worked a lot with street kids, he knew never to break the sense of safety their hiding holes were to them.
Instead, he decided to meet his children in the open space between the Annex and the Manor.
The four-five with Jazz casually reading on the Annex floating balcony. Jason pretended not to notice she was doing so to keep an eye on her kids- would sit down at the garden table to have an after-school snack, enjoying the multiple rose bushes nearly as tall as him that Alfred cared for.
It was always one of Jason's favorite Wayne gardens because it often made him think of magical castles with giant mazes and lovely scattered flowers.
He noticed that his eldest- Dan- might have felt the same, given how the boy would sometimes spread his arms and run through the rose bushes pathways. He even picks up sticks and plays knights against invisible enemies.
(Jason pretended he was a knight in these gardens when Bruce first took him in.)
Danny, his second, seems more interested in lying underneath the rose bushes and reading about the stars. If Gotham had clearer skies, he think his boy would be a cat napping in the sunlight and sitting around at night to glance at the starlights.
His daughter seemed even more adventurous than her brothers. She often would test Jazz's patience because she wandered away from the Annex garden to explore the others. Jason had seen her climb statues and trees to get a better viewpoint, marking whatever she saw on a little map.
He got a look at her map and felt his heart swell at the childish little drawings- Damian's painting corner in the east Garden was now "Artist Alley", the south garden had a dragon fountain so Dani had decided it was "Dragon Keep" and she had found the north floating balcony where Bruce liked to go practice his not so secret love of singing.
Dani had marked her map as "Siren's Side" with a cute little drawing of Bruce singing.
The more he learned about his three kids, the more Jason loved them.
Jazz wasn't kidding when she said she didn't mind him in their lives- she was just worried that he would try to take them, and with his money and connections, she wouldn't be able to stop him. Her worry bled into the three children, and with intelligent eyes that belied their five years of age, they would watch him with guarded caution.
The moment they would finish their snack, the three would make excuses to run off and do their own thing. Jazz would continue reading, but Jason wouldn't be a Bat if he didn't see the way she relaxed whenever the kids left the table.
It was rough....to want to be accepted by them but also understanding why a random man wanting a family connection would be difficult to establish.
That's why Jazz's suggestion that they all visit the zoo had been such a shock. She gave Jason a strained smile, but her eyes were soft. For a moment, Jason felt his heart skip a beat. "It would be nice for the kids to see the zoo with their...dad."
The five had headed to the zoo- with Bruce and the rest following behind in disguises because they are all nosy assholes. He had gotten so used to the clicking of Tim's camera- as his brother was over-excited to capture his nephews' and niece's first zoo outing- that he hadn't realized a second camera was following them.
They had just finished watching the penguins swim when Danny tugged on the leg of his pants. "Mr. Dad, sir. Can I tell you something?"
Jason's heart jumped. Is Danny starting to like him? Sure, he put Mr and Sir, but he called him Dad! Grining widely he kneed down to get to his level.
"What up, bud?"
Danny leaned in to whisper in his ear. "There is a man taking pictures of me in the bushes."
Usually, Jason would have told him something like, "Tim is weird, but he's harmless." However, he knew for a fact Tim was on the roof of the Penguin exhibit and that meant some random man was taking pictures of his kid.
Green bleeds into his vision slowly, and Danny jerks back, surprised by the sight. "Go with your mother-"
"Pervert in the bushes!" Dan's voice cuts Jason off. They both turn to the little five-year-old throwing stones into the surrounding bushes and a man stumbling out of them with a shout. "Pervert in the bushes"
Danny facepalms, which is not the reaction his son should have. How in the world did Dan even know the word pervert?
"Dan! What on earth are you doing!?" Jazz screams alarmed. She raced back, a tray with four ice cream cones in her hands, and Dani, not far behind, also carrying her own cone. The girls had gone to get some frozen treats for everyone not too long ago.
The man turns to her with a very familiar predatory glint in his eye. Shit, Jason knows who he is. He is a paparazzi and one of his kids called him dad in front of the stranger.
The man takes Jazz's picture, momentarily blinding her with the flash, before firing questions and taking more pictures of her reaction to each one, "Miss, are you the baby momma of Bruce Wayne? Or one of his many kids? How did it feel to be a mother so young? Were your intentions to get pregnant to have access to the Wayne Will? How much money did the Wyanes pay you for a night?"
Jazz's eyes go wide, her face drained of blood, and she looks frozen in fear. "I don't-why would- I'm not!"
"Not a whore or not a gold digger?"
"Neither!" Her voice wabbles like she's about to break into tears.
Jason sees green. He is about to beat the disgusting pig to the ground but his children are faster. Dani races forward, little arm pulled back and throws her whole body into a jab at the paparazzi's manhood.
The man drops his camera in a wheeze. Dan smashes it with another stone, hitting the lens five times just to make sure it is broken and starts to advance at the man.
Dani is currently yelling at the top of her lungs, swearing, and punching the man with her belt buckle wrapped around her knuckles. It's satisfying to watch- his kids beating down a full-grown man with no training, just vicious righteousness to protect their mother.
That is, until Danny- the apparently more level-headed triplet pulls them both off by the back collar of their shirts. Jason sees it for the first time.
The kids eyes are glowing green.
Horror creeps into every part of his mind, and he doesn't even realize the creep is screaming about suing them or Tim and Bruce's fantastic entry to get a handle on the situation.
He is distantly aware of Steph and Cass, helping a silently crying Jazz walk away, and that Dick, Damian, Duke, and Harper form a protective circle around the kids, but it's Cullen that realizes Jason is frozen.
"Jason? Are you alright?"
No, he is not alright.
Pit's madness ruined his life. It left blanks in his memory. Left him lashing out and killing quickly. It makes him attack Tim and others. It made the child Jason used to be, feel sick and revolted.
It made it hard to look in the mirror and not be disgusted. It was everything that was wrong with him since the Joker took all his innocence away with his blasted crowbar.
Pit Madness is a curse that he has to live with sometimes where he claws at his own skin in a pathetic attempt to get away from it. But he could never escape its taunting whispers, its controlling green, or its presence sitting somewhere behind his eyes that turned him into a monster.
A curse he gave to his children.
He truly is Wills Tod's son, isn't he?
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xprakzif · 2 months
tell him.
matthew sturniolo
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parings: matt x fem!reader
warnings: SMUT, mdni!!, cheating(i do not condone this), oral receiving, p in v, yea you know already..
summary: matt can’t keep his hands off of his friend, knowing she has a boyfriend. he tries to forget her but she keeps making an appearance.
lowkey inspired by tell your girlfriend by lay bankz
{the bf in this has a random name}
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the first
being around the triplets since her junior year of high school created a close bond. nick being the one who introduced himself to her, seeing her alone sitting in the cafeteria mindlessly scrolling through nothing wanting to be anywhere but that place.
ever since, they’ve treated her like another sibling from what she thought.
“hi guys!” she exclaimed, walking up the stairs of their home. “this is my boyfriend, kian!”
a boy followed behind her appearing after coming up the stairs.
“y/n! hey, kian, i’ve heard so much about you!” nick came over to greet. she gave him a ‘stfu’ look, remembering all the facetime calls and snaps about her drooling over him.
“yoo! i’m chris, nice to meet you.” the pair joined matt on the couch where he greeted them with a smile.
“this is matt! he’s shy.” she poked introducing him.
“i’m not!”
“yea, even knowing them for years, i could tell them apart from the moment i met them.” she added to the conversation.
they were all sat at a table at top golf, eating and talking about things that made the others around them glare.
“i mean, there’s definitely features that y’all share, but i can tell-“ kian was interrupted by his phone loudly ringing. “my fault, excuse me.” turning away in his seat to not intrude on the side conversations as he answered the call.
the others remained talking about their looks and making inappropriate comments and jokes.
“sorry y/n, i have to go. my brothers car broke down again and he’s stranded.” kian explained gathering his belongings.
“again? he really needs to retire ol’ reliable. but that’s fine, just let me know when you get situated!” she replied receiving a hug and kiss on the forehead.
“it was real cool meeting you guys!” he farewelled, leaving the area after receiving goodbyes.
“wait.. now i have to uber home!”
“girl, you know you’re welcome to stay the night at ours if you want to.” nick reminded his friend as he wiped him mouth with a napkin. she smiled and nodded agreeing to his offer.
“you’re still hungry after all you ate at top golf?” matt teased at chris who was devouring the microwaved popcorn in his lap as the brothers sat around the living room with their friend as a movie lit up the room.
“mind your business!” chris remarked with a full mouth, throwing a handful in his direction accidentally hitting the girl beside matt.
“dude!” she screeched. he covered his mouth and looked away trying to play it off.
she poked matt quietly giggling as she pointed to nick on the loveseat who was fast asleep. chris took notice as well, laughing and decided to throw his snack at him.
nick jumped awake, searching for what just hit him. “chris- i swear! can’t even rest my eyes around you.”
nick stood up with the blanket wrapped around him.
“i’m gonna go lay down, y/n you can come in when you’re ready.” with that disappearing to his bedroom.
eventually, after finishing his snack, chris went to bed after the movie finished. matt glanced at his friend who was indulged in her phone.
“how aren’t you tired yet?” he asked.
“oh trust me i am.” she put her phone down and rubbed her eyes. he smiled, quickly looking away. she got up, making her way to nicks bedroom before quietly shouting, “night, matt!”
reaching nicks door, she softly turned the knob incase he was already asleep. the knob became stiff and wouldn’t turn fully. it was locked.
confused, she assumed nick just wanted to sleep.
the lights in the living room were off. she thought about going to chris but soon remembered he was most definitely knocked out.
matt couldn’t have been asleep that quickly. she tip toed to his door, lightly patting on the door. almost immediately it opened revealing matt in just his underwear. his eyes became wide unexpecting her to be at his door.
“um.. nicks door is locked. can i sleep with you?”
it wasn’t unusual, they all slept in the same bed once when their manager had messed up their hotel booking. this time matt felt different.
“sure, cmon..” he let her in the room. going straight for the bed, she layed down on the left side getting under the covers as he joined her with a slight dip in the bed.
the room was silent. the blowing of the air conditioner and occasional traffic noise cutting the silence. she trembled from the coldness even under the thick comforter.
she didn’t even know her actions were obvious until matt spoke, “you cold?” with a slight chuckle in his voice.
“a little- sorry.” she whispered turning to face him. “i usually cuddle with my plushies at home, don’t judge.”
his breathing picked up suddenly as he thought about his next question.
“do you wanna.. um- cuddle with me?”
she hesitated, but thought it was a good idea so she shifted closer indicating agreement. he wrapped his arms around her gently, taking in the various smells of expensive shampoo and sweet perfume. her head lied under his chin smothered into his chest, hearing his rapid heartbeat.
neither of them knew why their anxiety skyrocketed in the moment.
he couldn’t help but notice the subtle lighting from his window glistening on her face. it was so faint, he didn’t even realize she was staring at his gaze.
thank goodness for the angle, otherwise she would see his pink washed cheeks from embarrassment as he looked away. she tilted her head upwards, grinning as he drew his focus back to her, admiring her distinguished features.
something sprung his confidence strong enough to overpower the racing of his heart as he placed a hand under her chin, bringing her face closer. she didn’t react, assuming she was okay with the actions, he placed his lips onto hers.
the kiss was soft and loving. it almost felt like electricity through their bodies. she didn’t even think she liked him. maybe she just ignored the feeling, knowing his popularity wouldn’t allow them to form a decent relationship. she felt grateful enough to be as close with him and his brothers. forcing herself onto them was never the intention.
matt on the other hand knew from the start. they way she showed no deeper interest made him hesitant. he loved her personality and how she was introverted. it was easy to talk to her. once she announced her new relationship, his heart stung knowing he’d lost his opportunity.
she pulled back first. he thought he’d fucked up.
“i’m- im so sorry, y/n..” she was still in his embrace, not tense but comfortable and safe. he was confused.
“it’s okay. goodnight matt” she smiled and nestled into his chest.
he knew he wasn’t gonna get any ounce of sleep after that.
“chris! go get some napkin, i am not cleaning this up!” nicks voice was loud enough to wake matt up after hazily falling asleep a few hours later.
he had forgotten for not much longer about what had happened when he realized y/n wasn’t in his bed. he checked his phone on his nightstand seeing it was noon.
“where’s y/n?” he made his way to the kitchen where nick sat on his laptop while chris was soaking up an orange liquid off the counter with paper towels, seemingly close to nicks workspace.
“goodmorning to you too, matt!” chris mocked.
“she left early this morning. went to breakfast with kian to make up for yesterday or something. she didn’t tell you?” nick spoke not looking up from his screen.
matt leaned his body over the counter, “no- she slept in my room last night, since you were sleeping.” he felt a hot flash in his body remembering the moment before you fell asleep.
nick finally looked matt in the eye, “i wasn’t sleeping? i waited for her and she never came.”
“what? she said your door was locked!” he grew confused. did she lie? no she couldn’t have, it’s not like she meant to sleep in his room.
nick stood quiet for a few seconds. his face displaying confusion as if he was trying to solve the hardest equation ever. he grew excited once he figured out the answer.
“oh! i must’ve forgot to unlock it after i changed.” he exclaimed as calmly as he could.
matt thought he was angry for a second. this whole situation could’ve been avoided. was it a good thing? did he ruin everything?
the fall
“happy birthday dear y/n, happy birthday to you!”
her friends were gathered around the kitchen island of her cozy apartment. kian planned a small surprise get together for her birthday since she was far from her family and would celebrate with them separately.
she thanked the group and blew out the gold number candles as she cheered for herself gaining giggles from around her.
she went about the room, hugging each of her guest and thanking them for being there. once she got to the triplets she embraced them individually as she got to matt and he stopped her.
“y/n, i got you something- i think you should open it right away” he held a pink box with a white ribbon. it was oddly shaped and seemed fragile so she had him bring it over to her small brown sofa.
he placed it on the seat before sitting opposite to her to watch her reaction. the other brothers followed along standing over her to see what was inside.
she slowly pulled the ribbon until matt spoke, “i really hope it’s not too much, i just know you’ve been wanting one for this longest..”
the flaps lifted on their own as she jumped back, revealing a small gray kitten with green eyes.
her jaw dropped as her eyes began to water with joy. “no- you didn’t!” lifting the kitten free from the box. “matt! you’re unbelievable!” she pushed the container to the rug and moved closer to hug him.
“you’ve been posting a lot about wanting a kitten and i really didn’t know what else to get you- oh, and he’s a boy by the way..” he laughed watching her childlike expression.
“kian! come look what matt got me!” she called for her boyfriend who was chatting with some of their mutual friends. he made his way over as she held the kitten up in the air.
matt’s heart sunk slightly as she shared her happiness with kian instead of him.
no one was paying attention to nick and chris’s shocked reactions.
“aww, how cute.. damn i kinda look like a shitty boyfriend now!” kian joked obviously as she giggled along with him.
“what’s wrong?” she looked to the two brothers who were still confused.
“we had no idea he was getting you that!” chris mentioned as nick agreed.
“honestly, i didn’t want you guys to ruin the surprise with your big mouths!” matt argued playfully.
the night grew old as the guest died down leaving just the triplets and kian in her apartment. it wasn’t long until kian bid farewell explaining his early morning work schedule.
she already changed into plaid pajama pants and a white tank sweatshirt as she curled up on the couch petting her new addition.
“still not over this!” she referred to her present.
matt grinned feeling warm and accomplished knowing he made her happy. he couldn’t help but watch as she stroked the bundle of fur, giggling at each movement he made.
each person in the room jumped as a sudden clap of thunder roared. the rain was unexpected and loud enough to tell it was dangerous driving conditions.
“guys, you can’t drive in that. it’s storming,” her voice was of concern. “just wait until it dies down.”
just as she spoke the room became black as everything went silent. the power went out.
“shit! that scared the hell out of me.” nick yelled from his place on the couch.
“dude it’s freezing in here!” chris complained, although he wore the most layers than anyone preset. she had an idea.
“i’ll go get us blankets.” standing and turning her phones flashlight on.
“i’ll come help you..” a voice behind her spike as she shined the light right into his face making him cover his eyes.
“thanks, matt! chris hold my kitty.” she placed the kitten on his lap with no warning. he giggled at her choice of words as nick scoffed.
“okay, do you think that’s good enough?” matt was holding atleast 10 blankets in various fabrics and materials.
“definitely- why do you even have so many?” matt asked struggling to balance them all.
“i’m just a girl, don’t ask me!” she closed the closet door when her flashlight turned off on its own. she stumbled to find her phone before tripping over it on the floor, falling into matt causing him to drop all the blankets. they both landed on the bed not being too far a distance from the closet.
“i- ow, i’m sorry..” she apologized.
a flash of lighting shined into the bedroom window giving them both a view of each others face.
matt felt the familiar feeling in his chest, as well as a new one in his pants. she was lying right on top of him.
this time it was her who initiated it.
leaning in, she pressed a kiss to his lips to see his reaction.
he was taken back but knew what he wanted. he gripped her waist lifting her off of him and placing her fully on the bed. this time he placed his weight over top of her gently and moved his lips onto hers.
the kiss was different this time.
instead of loving and warm, it was lustful and rough.
it didn’t stop there, she wrapped her legs around him pulling his hips to hers. she felt his crotch solid against hers as he grinded into her.
they were so hungry for eachother they didn’t notice the light pattering of little paws stumble into the room.
continuing to make out, matt tugged on her tank top begging for it to come off. just before she started lifting her arms for him to remove it, larger footsteps entered the dark room along with a hushed voice.
“shadow- come back!”
matt leaped onto his feet after hearing his brothers voice. light beamed into the room as chris walked in flashing his phones light to find the kitten that hopped off his lap to explore his new home.
“there you are! oh- and there you are too” chris aimed the light to his brother and friend who was sitting on her bed. the blankets were scattered on the floor, but it was too dark for chris to realize.
“did- did you just name my cat?” she asked remembering him calling for shadow.
“i mean.. it’s fitting..” he said picking up the small feline.
“i love that! his name is shadow.” she cheered walking over to pet the kitten as if nothing happened. she didn’t want to act suspicious so she quickly changed her demeanor while matt stood frozen in his place unsatisfied.
a buzzing sound took place as the lights began to flicker back on along with the air system.
nick could be heard shouting in relief in the living room. “well.. i guess that’s our cue.” chris joked walking out the bedroom after handing y/n her kitten.
she glanced at matt, a soft expression on her face. he was flushed with red cheeks and puffy lips, his hair messy. she decided to walk out the room, leaving the awkward silence as he followed behind her.
“okay, i’ll see you boys soon- text me when you get home!” she demanded watching them collect themselves ready to head out.
chris and nick were already out the door just when matt was leaving when she called, “matt!” he turned with sudden movement, “hm?” he responded.
“um.. thanks.. for shadow” hesitating at her words.
he nodded. a grin forming on his face as he quickly turned away to leave her apartment.
the following
the chime of her phone was loud and the light lit up the room. she was a light sleeper, but she always made sure her phone ringer was on full volume at night, in case of emergencies.
groaning, she turned on her side. grabbing her phone from her nightstand to check as shadow moved away from her chest to lay down at the foot of the bed, annoyed at the movements she was making.
matty: y/n?
she grew fully conscious seeing a text from him. eyes flickering to the left corner reading 3:15AM.
the message bubble popped up almost immediately after being read.
matty: can we talk
she knew this would come eventually. though she wasn’t quite sure what part he wanted to discuss. it’s been 3 days since her birthday. 3 days since the incident in her room. the room she was currently in, on the bed she was currently laying on.
matty: about thursday y/n
she sighed.
: matt it was a mistake
matty: in person
matty: can we talk in person
:it’s 3am
matty: i’ll come get you
matty: please
matty: i can’t sleep
she felt guilty. he couldn’t sleep, too busy having her run through his mind. she was tired, but if she didn’t settle this now, it would ruin everything.
: alright fine
the time flew by quickly. she found herself in an oversized gray hoodie, waiting for his text. it was long enough to cover her down to her knees, so she didn’t bother wearing pants thinking it would be a quick chat in the car.
headlights shined through her window before she received a message telling her matt had arrived.
she grabbed shadow and held him close, his little bell chiming as she bounced with each step down her apartment complex stairs. he was too young to be left alone, and who knows how long this talk would be.
the car door opened as matt nearly broke his neck to see her coming in.
“hey.. it’s cool if we go to my place?” he suggested, reaching over to pet shadow who was on her lap.
she wasn’t expecting a trip. nor did she dress for one. but it was a better idea than staying out in a car at 3AM. she nodded.
the drive was silent besides the radio playing lowly.
he let her in. “let’s go to my room- nick and chris are asleep,” whispering as he placed a hand on her back making her shudder.
matt and y/n were sat in the red sheets of his bed. shadow never left her lap, afraid of being in a new house.
“y/n.. i r-”
“it was a mistake, matt.” she assured him sternly. why did she feel like crying? she loved kian. though she was forcing herself to think about him in that moment.
“i don’t think it was.. i don’t think it was a mistake” matt pleaded. his voice was low but his tone made her swallow a her feelings down.
it was quiet.
“i love him-“ she chocked.
he shifted closer to her causing shadow to scurry off the bed.
“i.. i know.. but i can’t help it y/n, i want you.. crave you.” his tone softened as he cupped her face.
her eyes were glossy staring into his as he brushed his nose against hers wanting more.
she did it again.
it was her who pushed her lips to his. moving slowly with rhythm. now it was different again. this time they both felt careless. kian was far back in her mind, ignoring any thoughts of him.
matt was in a rush. he moved in front of her making her lay back. it was like her birthday all over again. he hovered over her between her legs, not asking this time and pulling her hoodie over her body.
he pulled back a little shocked as he scanned her figure in just a bra and panties. pupils enlarged with lust as he felt himself stiffen in his sweatpants.
she was flustered feeling so exposed to him. tugging at his clothing now, begging for his exposure so she wasn’t the only one.
he leaned back and undressed fully.
she was going crazy. he looked down her figure to her clothed heat, glancing back at her glistening eyes as he moved down on the bed. he was positioned between her legs, face above her area.
“can i..?” he asked, warm breath against her thighs as he gripped them.
“mhmm” she hummed eagerly.
he buried his head in her legs leaving kisses and bite marks all over. he slid his finger over her panties feeling her folds through the thin material.
he felt his nerves in his stomach, unsure if he really wanted this. he knew he did, but the thought of her ghosting him for kian raced his mind as he sat there hesitantly.
shadows bell snapped him out of his thoughts as he realized where he was. he knew he had to fall through, this was his only chance.
he hooked his fingers onto the waistband of her underwear, sliding it down her legs painfully slow.
placing them next to her, he moved her legs up spreading them wide.
she was sweating from the anticipation when he used two fingers to spread her folds, dragging his tongue from her entrance to her clit.
he sucked on the sensitive spot gaining a moan from the back of her throat.
“shhh, nick and chris are asleep..” he hushed. “you don’t want me to stop, do you?”
her head shook vigorously as she covered her mouth. he dove back in, continuing his previous actions. she whined behind her hand.
he removed a hand from her leg and sucked on his middle and ring finger before sliding them into her hole. he groaned at how tight she felt just on his fingers.
pushing them in, he licked her clit in circles quickly making her arch her back and roll her eyes. helpless to the whimpers that escaped her vocal cords muffled from her hand.
“‘s so good, baby- fuck” he grumbled against her setting her on edge.
her legs trembled and squeezed his head near suffocating him. she grasped the bed sheets tightly and her mouth flew open with no sound coming out.
he shook his head in a fast motion in between her legs helping her ride out her orgasm.
panting and trying to catch her breath when he came back up to hover over her body and kissed her with her own juices all over his face.
she pushed him away, forcing him to lay on his back and climbing over to straddle him. taking hold of his dick and aligning it with her entrance as he watched with his bottom lip between his teeth.
she sunk down with a whine. his eye brows furrowed at the tightness around his member and groaned.
“holy sh-” he could barley get out as she bounced herself on him.
they tried so hard to be quiet during the whole experience but couldn’t help letting out a few moans here and there. the bed was creaking with her movements. he felt his core heat up while his dick started to tingle with sensation as he lifted his hips harder into her.
he knew it wouldn’t be right to cum inside of her when she was with someone. she wasn’t his after all.
but the way he was feeling he couldn’t stop.
he threw his head back on his pillows letting out shaky breaths and grunts as he emptied his load into her feeling her clench around him.
she slowed her movements after realizing what he’d done. finally climbing off of him and laying down next to him.
it felt.. weird.
not awkward, but not wrong either. matt slowly got up from the bed and into the connected bathroom. she watched as the light flicked on and the sink ran.
he came back out with a white rag in his hand, “open,” he demanded getting closer to her legs as she bent her knees to spread them. he cleaned her up as well as himself.
when he went to toss the rag in his sink, he came back out to see her covered in his sheets fast asleep, shadow already curled up by her chest.
he admired how she looked so peaceful even after the unholy events that just took place.
he joined her carefully in bed, exhaustively forcing himself to fall asleep before he regretted what happened.
“yo, matt have you-” the door to matt’s room busted open as the pair in bed jumped out of their sleep snapping to the commotion. sunlight took over as they realized it was the next day. “y/n?”
chris was stood in the door frame. luckily she was fully covered by the blanket for him to see she was only in her under garments and gain suspicion.
“bro- what! what do you need?!” matt’s voice was mixed with annoyance and fear, a little embarrassed that chris came in the room.
“i was looking for my blue hoodie, but what’s up, y/n?” he seemed concerned at the fact she stayed the night, something she would do with nick when she was going through something.
“yea- i, um-”
“it’s behind the door man- her air wasn’t working in her apartment so i brought her over last night without waking you or nick” matt made up a story shooing chris away.
“ohhh- shadow!” he spotted the gray kitten who was now on the floor after hiding when chris scared them.
“dude- go!” matt shouted, still tired in his voice.
chris scoffed leaving the room when he took his hoodie from the rack behind the door, slamming it shut. he was definitely going to nicks room to tell him y/n was there.
the pair looked to eachother. she looked away to find her phone on the nightstand checking to see the time was past noon.
“shit! i have to go..” she almost tripped over her own feet trying to find her clothes not remembering she showed up in just a hoodie.
“wait- let me give you a ride,” matt insisted.
“it’s fine, um.. kians picking me up..” she tried to whisper but it was loud and clear.
matt’s heart sunk. he didn’t know why, he should’ve expected her to go back to him after this but he wanted so badly for her to just forget him and stay.
he didn’t say anything while she gathered shadow and gave matt a quick hug, something she always did before she left their home, and walked out.
it’s been 6 days. no texts. no calls. not even a post on social media.
he hadn’t heard from her at all. he didn’t wanna intrude either. his heart kept telling him to call her, call her and tell her to just love him, not kian.
but he knew better.
or did he? because he found himself driving to her apartment.
the whole ride he wanted to throw up. he was so nervous and didn’t know why. he pulled up to her complex, seeing the parking spaces in front of her building were empty besides her car that he recognized. it was still early afternoon and people were at work. but there was on car. he payed no mind to it, pulling into the spot next to hers.
he sat in the car a few minutes to collect himself.
mentally hyping himself up and making his way to the door, he pressed the buzzer.
he tried again, sure he had the right one.
finally hearing the clicks of the lock, the door slowly creaked open revealing her face.
“oh.. what’s wrong?” her voice was a bit hoarse yet filled with confusion.
“i-i missed you..”
she leaned against the wall, her body came into frame enough for him to see she was wrapped in a blanket. clear that nothing was underneath.
“matt, i’m a little busy-“
“who is it, babe?” a voice echoed in her apartment.
matt wanted to break down when he recognized the voice. it made sense now. the other car was kians.
“you should go..” she whispered. he peered over her head seeing shadow stop in his tracks while walking through the living room and stare at him.
matt nodded. he felt crushed and defeated.
maybe he should just let go.
the finale
“hello?” matt answered a facetime call from his brother.
“heyyy, you good?” chris asked.
him and nick went to a party while matt stayed home.
“yeah i’m fine” he had a little attitude in his voice.
he had a rough week. after he left y/ns apartment, he cried in his room. he couldn’t hold it in anymore. he hated how she loved kian and not him. he wished he wasn’t too late. he wished he told her how he felt before she got with him. then fucking her just made him more attached.
“matt?” nick said through the phone, music blared loudly in the background. he snapped out of it.
“i asked if you wanted us to bring you fo- oh look who it is!” nick was interrupted, seen hugging someone in frame. a small girl. oh great it was her.
he wanted to just hang up until chris pointed the phone at her. she turned to see matt on the screen.
she almost punched chris in the arm. she felt disgusting. she knew what she did and she knew it was wrong. she couldn’t stand to see him and it wasn’t his fault.
“hi, matt..” she tried to sound as polite at she could but it came out a bit shallow.
all he did was nod his head in return. seeing she went off with nick, he told chris he was going to sleep and to not bother him before hanging up.
“girl- be quiet, i think matt is sleeping,” nick whisper-yelled. matt could hear him from his room. he ignored it knowing he would probably bring a friend home from the party. he went to back to sleep.
he woke up again. this time feeling hungry.
he didn’t bother checking the time, it was still dark out. he made his way down the hall until he bumped into something hard, jumping when he realized it was a person.
“ow- sorry,” he heard a girly voice from the darkness. a sudden light beamed as she turned on her phone flashlight. it was y/n.
he almost gasped in her face. her eyes went wide.
“i’m sorry, i was just going to pee..” she explained. still standing in front of him.
neither of them moved, just staring at eachother.
he couldn’t take it anymore. he grabbed her waist and pressed her against the wall of the hallway, kissing her passionately.
her arms wrapped around his neck.
why did she keep doing this..
matt dragged her by her hips to his room, pushing her to the bed as he shut the door. she tossed her phone somewhere on the bed, he was already in just his underwear from when he went to sleep so he forcefully removed the shirt she had on that belonged to nick.
he was on top of her now, sucking on her neck sure to leave marks. he was fed up with the games she would play.
this time he didn’t care, he was rough and demanding. “turn around, ass up”
she waited as she contemplated her movements. not for long when he raised his voice, “now!”
she jumped, getting into the position where her bare chest was squished into the mattress. she could feel his fingers roam her area until he pushed two digits into her hole making her gasp.
he smacked her ass while he fingered her, the slippery sounds as she clenched around them. he pulled his hand away and used her juices to coat his dick as a lubricant. he pumped a few times grunting at the wet feeling.
she sat in anticipation until feeling his tip finding its way to her entrance, he slowly pushed in once found.
“matt- please!” she moaned into the sheets.
he smirked and slammed fully into her gaining a moan from both their mouths. the feeling of him in her lower abdomen had her nearly screaming, if it wasn’t for nick and chris being home.
the sound of wet skin slapping against eachother filled the room as matt thrusted into her from the back at a fast pace.
suddenly the sounds of a electric tune caused them both to flinch while her phone lit up indicating a call. she wanted to just ignore it. matt leaned over her body to see who it was as his breath hitched in his throat nearly making him choke on his own saliva.
he seen a photo of y/n and kian cuddled up on the screen along with his name flashing with a heart emoji next to it.
“pick it up.” he demanded. was he insane? maybe just a little. feeling euphoric in the moment he didn’t care if kian found out, he kinda wanted him to.
she ignored him and pushed her hips backward trying to get him to continue but he pulled out fully.
she reached for her phone sliding the call button over.
“hello..” she whispered.
kians voice could be heard over the silent room. “hey- you alright? why do you sound like that?”
matt didn’t know if he was pissed or jealous. probably both as he decided to push back into her while she was on the phone.
she held her breath, “i- i’m just tired-“ she let out while matt was pounding into her. she clicked the mute button on the call.
“oh, how was the party? you’re at the triplets house i see” kian noted as he checked her shared location before calling. he just wanted to check on her and make sure everything was good. nothing was wrong about that but what was wrong is she was being unfaithful on the other line. even worse, she enjoyed it.
clicking to unmute, “mm- it was good- it was good i had fun and yea- i’m here,” she drew out trying not to sound too wasted in matt.
she felt her core growing tighter with each blow knowing she was close. she hit mute before his next line.
matt grew impatient, gripping her ass intensely digging his nails in making her whimper, “tell him, y/n”
something about his words made her feral, her eyes rolling back.
“that’s good. i’m glad you have such good friends that’ll take care of you,” kian spoke. oh they took care of her that’s for sure.
“tell him” matt repeated in a more demanding tone, “tell him how good i make you feel”
still thrusting into her, she couldn’t take it much longer feeling the knot about to snap inside of her.
“you there?” kian asked with a yawn.
she unmuted finally, “yes! yes- i’m sorry- i’m so- so tired” stuttering while holding back moans.
“alright i’ll let you go, i love you”
she almost didn’t make her words out in time, “i love you too” hanging up immediately as her orgasm washed over, making her moan loudly and tremble beneath his touch.
he did the same, pulling out right before his load spurted out on her back and ass, dripping down her legs. they both were panting and sweating.
neither of them moved.
“i’m sorry..” her voice cracked with each syllable, “but i can’t..”
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this took me way too long to write bc i kept putting it off LMAO
to be continued..
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alyrasturnz · 3 months
hear me out. i feel like the triplets would wna keep their relationship private bcz the fandom is just crazy.. so can u write a matt x reader fanfic about illicit affairs by ts and jst make it abt matt wanting to keep his relationship private w/reader but reader is just absolutely fed up
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 ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ILLICIT AFFAIRS
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❐ summary » matt, a figure of immense fame, fears the wrath of his fans. he hides y/n away to protect her from their potential scorn, but this veil of privacy leaves y/n feeling unwanted and ashamed, as if matt is embarrassed to acknowledge her as his girlfriend.
❐ pairings » influencer!matt x fem!reader
❐ warnings » toxic relationship, suggestive at the beginning but no smut, arguments (resolved)
❐ a/n && w/c » double update tn! • 2.81k
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your fingers, like delicate tendrils of ivy, were entwined in matt's tousled hair, each strand a silken thread in the fabric of your connection.
your back pressed firmly against the cool, unyielding wall, a stark contrast to the warmth radiating from his body. his hands, with a mind of their own, traced a path of desire, finally resting at your waist, anchoring you in the moment, a silent promise of intimacy and unspoken words.
your lips were entwined, a union of fervent longing, as your tongues engaged in a bittersweet dance, swirling together like two celestial bodies caught in an eternal orbit, each movement a symphony of passion and unspoken desire, a delicate balance of tenderness and intensity.
"matt..." you whispered, your voice barely more than a breath, as his lips embarked on a journey down your neck, each kiss a tender exploration, leaving a trail of fire in its wake, a testament to the unspoken bond that tethered your hearts together in that fleeting moment.
"i know, baby, i know," he whispers, his hot breath fanning your neck, sending shivers down your spine and making your insides tingle with a mix of anticipation and longing, each word a caress that resonated deep within your soul.
you let out soft sighs, each one a whisper of your growing desire, feeling your core heat up with an intensity that seemed to ignite every fiber of your being, a slow burn that consumed you from within.
but the fragile moment was abruptly shattered by the intrusive ringing of matt’s phone, a jarring reminder of the outside world that pierced through the delicate cocoon of intimacy you had woven around yourselves.
matt's lips reluctantly departed from your skin, leaving you to groan softly at the sudden, aching void where his touch had once ignited a symphony of sensations.
matt retrieved his phone from his pocket with a swift, almost reluctant motion, bringing it to his ear. "hello?" he uttered, his voice tinged with a hint of impatience, the single word breaking the spell of the moment.
"where are you?" nick's voice crackled with exasperation, each word laced with urgency. "come to the warehouse! you're late," he demanded, the frustration palpable in his tone.
matt's eyes widened in sudden realization, swiftly ending the call and hastily shoving his phone back into his pocket, his movements marked by a frantic urgency.
his eyes met yours, lingering for a fleeting moment before he pressed one final, tender kiss upon your lips.
then, with a reluctant sigh, he turned and walked away, each step echoing the unspoken words left between you.
your eyebrows knitted together in confusion as you trailed after him, "matt! where are you going?" you called out, your voice a blend of concern and bewilderment.
"i'm sorry, i have to go to the warehouse," matt said hurriedly, his hands fumbling to put on his coat.
you stood there, eyebrows furrowed in confusion and concern, watching as he prepared to leave.
"i can go with you?" you say softly, your voice tinged with a mixture of hope and uncertainty, as he turns to you with an expressionless gaze, his eyes betraying a hint of inner turmoil.
"we both know that you can't," he murmurs gently, his voice barely above a whisper, as he retrieves his phone, the action a silent punctuation to his words.
"why can't i? it doesn't have to always be like th—" you begin to protest, your voice tinged with desperation, but your words are abruptly silenced as he captures your lips in a sudden, fervent kiss.
matt broke apart, his lips lingering just a moment longer before disconnecting from yours. he glanced at his phone one last time, a sigh escaping his lips.
"i'll make it up to you, i swear," he murmured softly, his voice filled with a blend of regret and determination.
with a final, fleeting look, he pivoted and left your apartment, leaving you alone with your swirling thoughts.
you roll your eyes, a heavy sigh escaping your lips as you make your way to the couch. with a resigned slump, you plop down onto it, the cushions embracing your weary form.
you stare at the ceiling, your mind a turbulent sea of thoughts racing at breakneck speed, each one colliding and merging into the next in a relentless cascade.
you were good enough to be with him, to share those intimate moments cloaked in secrecy, but not good enough to be seen with him, to be acknowledged in the light of day?
everything about him was a labyrinth of contradictions, each twist and turn leaving you more bewildered. it irritated you to no end.
but you weren't sure if it was his erratic behavior that grated on your nerves, or if it was the haunting realization that you would willingly shatter yourself into a million tiny pieces for him, over and over again.
and you knew, with an unsettling clarity, that he was acutely aware of this truth.
he was the axis around which your world revolved, yet he moved through his existence as if you were but a fleeting shadow, an inconsequential wisp in the vast expanse of his indifference.
you would find yourself ensnared in the labyrinth of his bedsheets throughout the night, only to awaken to the cold, empty expanse where his warmth once lingered, a silent testament to his absence.
he sought the sanctuary of secrecy, believing it to be a fortress shielding you from harm, yet this very concealment has only served to fracture your spirit further, each hidden truth a dagger driving deeper into the chasms of your heart.
matthew.sturniolo sent a message: Hey sweetheart
matthew.sturniolo sent a message: Just got out of my meeting. I’m on my way
matthew.sturniolo sent a message: See you in a few
the doorbell echoed through the house, a resonant chime that seemed to ripple through the very walls, heralding the arrival of matt.
you sprayed on your perfume, the delicate mist swirling and dancing in the air, leaving a fragrant trail that lingered in your room like an ethereal presence. with a graceful motion, you carefully placed the bottle back on your vanity, its glass reflecting the soft light as if capturing the essence of the moment.
you reserve this perfume for the clandestine rendezvous with matt, each spritz a silent oath to the secrecy of your bond. the scent, meticulously chosen, never clings to your clothes, a deliberate act to preserve the veil of mystery that shrouds your relationship.
you gaze into the mirror, eyes tracing the familiar contours of your reflection. with a measured inhale, you draw in the air, feeling it fill your lungs, fortifying your resolve before you rise from your seat.
your heels resonate against the hardwood floor, each clank a rhythmic prelude to your approach. as you reach the door and open it, your eyes meet the sight of matt, casually leaning against the doorway, his presence both familiar and electrifying.
he smiled, his eyes twinkling with a secret understanding, and extended his hand towards you. with a gentle yet deliberate motion, you placed your hand in his, feeling the warmth of his touch as you both stepped out of your apartment, the world beyond awaiting your shared journey.
on the descent, matt animatedly recounted the details of his recent meeting, weaving tales of ambitious plans for his channel. yet, as his words flowed around you, your mind drifted to distant realms, consumed by thoughts that lay far beyond the present moment.
you harbored a quiet hope that you could broach the subject of going public with matt, the weight of your unspoken words pressing against your chest as you sought the right moment to voice them.
"alright," matt murmured, his voice tinged with an unspoken melancholy as he gently shifted the car into park. you sat beside him, your gaze lost in the horizon, the distant landscape a silent witness to the myriad of emotions swirling within you.
matt observed your demeanor, his eyebrows knitting together in concern. "hey, are you alright? you seem a bit off..." he inquired, his voice laced with a subtle blend of worry and curiosity, as if trying to unravel the intricate tapestry of your thoughts.
you sighed, turning to face him, your eyes reflecting the weight of unspoken burdens. "i'm tired, matt," you confessed, your words cutting through the silence with a raw honesty, laying bare the exhaustion that had settled deep within your soul.
"are you sleepy? i can take you back home and we can just go again tomorrow—" he began, his voice tinged with confusion, but you cut him off before he could finish.
"no matt, i’m exhausted. i'm tired of this clandestine relationship," you declared, your voice quivering with suppressed emotion. "i can't keep being someone you cherish only in the shadows! i want us to be so much more than—than this ambiguous existence!" you finally erupted, each word escalating in fervor, mirroring the depth of your yearning and dissatisfaction.
"y/n..." matt murmured softly, his voice barely above a whisper, laden with a mixture of bewilderment and tenderness.
your eyes searched his for a glimmer of understanding. "i can't keep doing this—concealing our relationship as if it's something to be ashamed of," you confessed, your voice heavy with the weight of unspoken truths.
matt sighed, running a hand through his hair in a gesture of frustration. "it's not that i'm ashamed of you, y/n. it's just—my fans can be intense. i'm terrified they'll come after you if we go public," he admitted, his voice laden with a mixture of concern and helplessness.
your heart ached at his words, a mix of frustration and sadness welling up inside you. "so what? we just keep pretending we're nothing more than friends? i feel like i'm living a lie."
he looked at you, his expression torn. "i'm trying to protect you. you don't understand the kind of backlash that could come your way."
"maybe i don't," you said, your voice rising. "but what i do understand is that i can't keep being your secret. it feels like you're more concerned about your image than our relationship."
matt's face softened, but the conflict in his eyes remained. "it's not about my image. it's about your safety. i care about you too much to see you get hurt."
"and i care about you too," you replied, tears threatening to spill over. "but i need to feel like i'm a part of your life, not just a hidden chapter. if you truly care about me, you'll trust that we can face this together."
the room fell silent again, the weight of your words hanging in the air as matt grappled with his fears and your plea for honesty.
your voice steady but filled with sorrow, "i can't keep doing this. i've tried to understand your reasons, but it's tearing me apart." you say as you search for understanding in his eyes
he looked at you, his eyes filled with regret. "y/n, please, you have to understand. i'm doing this to protect you."
you shook your head, tears welling up in your eyes. "i can't live in the shadows anymore. i need to be with someone who isn't afraid to show the world that they love me. i need to feel valued and seen."
matt reached out for your hand, but you pulled away, the pain too much to bear. "i love you, matt, but i can't keep sacrificing my happiness for your fears. if you can't go public with our relationship, then we can't be together."
his face crumpled, and he tried to find the right words, but they never came. with a heavy heart, you stood up, feeling the weight of the decision you had just made.
"goodbye, matt," you whispered, turning away from him and walking out of the car. as you closed the door behind you, a sense of both loss and liberation washed over you, knowing you had chosen to stand up for yourself and your worth.
outside, the night air was cool against your skin, a stark contrast to the warmth of the tears streaming down your face.
you walked aimlessly, each step feeling heavier than the last. the memories of your time with matt played in your mind like a bittersweet symphony, each note a reminder of what once was and what could never be.
you found yourself at the park where you and matt had shared so many moments of laughter and love.
the bench where you had first confessed your feelings now stood as a silent witness to your heartbreak.
you sat down, the weight of the world pressing on your shoulders, and let the tears flow freely.
the stars above twinkled in the vast expanse of the sky, indifferent to the pain of the earth below. you gazed up at them, searching for some semblance of solace. "why does love have to be so complicated?" you whispered to the night, your voice barely audible.
as the hours passed, the pain began to dull, replaced by a quiet resolve. you knew that this was the right decision, even if it hurt now. you deserved to be with someone who would cherish you openly, without fear or hesitation. and though the path ahead seemed uncertain, you felt a glimmer of hope.
rising from the bench, you took a deep breath and wiped away the last of your tears. the night was still, and the world felt vast and full of possibilities. with a newfound determination, you began to walk back home, ready to embrace whatever the future held.
as the first rays of dawn broke through the horizon, a soft knock echoed through the stillness of your home.
the house, usually so quiet in the early morning, seemed to hold its breath in anticipation. groggily, you made your way to the door, curiosity mingling with the remnants of sleep.
the floorboards creaked softly under your feet, each step a gentle reminder of the world waking up around you.
there stood matt, a bouquet of your favorite flowers in one hand and a box of chocolates in the other.
the flowers, fresh with morning dew, seemed to glow in the soft light, their petals a vibrant contrast to the dim interior of your home.
his eyes, filled with a mixture of remorse and determination, met yours. they were the eyes of someone who had spent countless nights wrestling with his thoughts, someone who had finally found the courage to confront his fears.
"i couldn't wait any longer," he began, his voice barely above a whisper, yet carrying the weight of a thousand unspoken apologies. "i needed to see you, to tell you how sorry i am."
he handed you the flowers and chocolates, his hands lingering for a moment as if seeking reassurance. "you are so much more than someone i love in the shadows, y/n," he continued, his voice growing steadier. "you are the light that guides me, the strength that keeps me going. i've been a fool to ask you to hide, but it's never because i'm ashamed of you. it's because i'm terrified of what the world might do to us."
he took a deep breath, his eyes never leaving yours. "but you deserve to be cherished openly, without fear. i promise we'll find a way to make this right. together, we'll face whatever comes our way, because you mean everything to me. you're not just a part of my life; you are my life."
he stepped closer, his presence warm and comforting. "i know words alone aren't enough," he said, his voice trembling slightly. "i want to show you, every single day, just how much you mean to me. i want to be the one who stands by your side, no matter what. i want to be the one who holds your hand through the storms and celebrates with you under the sun."
matt's eyes softened, a gentle smile playing on his lips. "you are the reason i wake up with hope in my heart. you are the melody that plays in my soul, the rhythm that keeps me moving forward. without you, everything feels incomplete."
he paused, his voice barely a whisper now. "i don't want to hide anymore, y/n. i want the world to know how incredible you are, how lucky i am to have you. i want to face whatever challenges come our way, hand in hand, heart to heart."
as the morning sun bathed you both in its gentle glow, matt's words wrapped around you like a warm embrace. in that moment, you felt the depth of his love, the sincerity of his promise, and the unyielding strength of his commitment. together, you knew you could face anything, because with matt by your side, you were never alone.
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romanoffsbish · 11 months
Carved With Love
Natasha Romanoff x Wife!R
Yelena Belova x Fem!R (The true love story 🥹)
Yelena’s in town for the holiday season, and who would she be if not wreaking havoc? | WC: 1,986
Warnings: Mentions of Neglectful Past | Siblings
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Yelena was a menace; you knew that from the insight your wife gave you before she introduced you to her.
“Y/N, she literally blew herself up and said it was fun,” your wife had reiterated her stance, that being: Yelena was a complete and total maniac. “Sounds like she’d fit right in with you and your band of superheroes,” was all you’d said back while adding pasta to your cart.
The two of you had been together for nearly a decade when they found each other again, and though the blonde was wary of a meeting she quickly agreed after hearing that the two of you were married with kids.
You couldn't really blame her for wanting to meet them more, especially your daughter, the eldest, who shared a name with her. They clicked instantly. Then there were your sons that you carried back to back, Andrei and Aleksander, who were bonded like twins. It was like they gained a triplet with their aunt. Then there’s the latest, Flora, who was just turning six months old and who was absolutely in love with the blonde.
The group were nothing but trouble, you adored that.
When you met her, your heart had doubled in size as you realized she was just trying to forget, to be a kid. Something you knew she never got to be, so just like with your own children, you let her get away with it all.
Natasha didn't much appreciate that, well, truthfully she adored just how much you already loved her sister. But, she was a bit jealous that you were so lenient with her, even if she knew you weren’t with her because she needed the structure and redirection you provided her.
As of right now, she thought you were also insane, "Detka, I don't think you thought this through..." Natasha mumbled against your temple from behind, where she stood with you securely in her arms, and you shook your head and softly chuckled. "It's fine baby."
Natasha currently feared for everyone's safety as her sister held one of those little orange carving knives.
"Oh my gosh, Y/N Romanoff, look!" Yelena shrieked, and your wife sighed when she felt your body relax. There was no hope left, you were at her sister's mercy. Yelena held up a stencil and you smiled. "It's cute."
"No, it is badass!" Yelena corrected, only to be met with a glare from her sister. "Watch your language."
"Natasha," you scolded instantaneously, "Lighten up."
"But she —," Natasha went to defend her decisions but quickly cut herself off when you turned with a glare.
Everyone got away with murder, except Natasha. (Well, in this symbolic context that is…)
Yelena smiled smugly at her sister, she even stuck her tongue out to mock her as you weren't looking. The redhead flipped her off, and your daughter gasped. "Mama! That's the bad finger!" Your eyes widened. "Natasha! What are you now? Some sort of hypocrite?"
"Predateli'," Natasha grumbled, making your daughter laugh alongside her aunt who was taping the ghost cat on a zombie dog's head stencil to her large pumpkin.
"You all behave," you scolded the entire room before leaving to the kitchen to collect the cookies. Natasha tried to follow you, like a hurt puppy, but you made her stay behind to make sure nobody had a carving crisis. 
Which was in vain because when you came back in the room you found Yelena had upgraded to your sharp carving knife, and you nearly dropped your plate.
"Yelena honey, that's too dangerous," you practically shrieked, but not really to avoid her hand slipping. Not that you didn't have faith in her trained hands, but you knew accidents could happen regardless of skillsets. The blonde pouted up at you, and Natasha watched you once again melt into her little sister's charm.
"I can't use the little orange one," she pleaded for your understanding, "It is too tiny and ineffective."
"Okay," you folded instantly and your wife's eyes widened with flashes of shock and betrayal. The one time Natasha had done the same thing years back, before your kids, you'd given her a safety lesson.
“This isn’t fair,” she grumbled to herself, but she also let it go when she saw you sitting with her sister, eyes focused in on the way she carved the pumpkin and mouth at the ready to give her advice or a light scold.
Natasha let her festering resentments go, and shortly after joined you all at the table so that the youngest member of the house could play with the guts. It was a perfect moment of domesticated bliss, and the redhead couldn’t help but to feel at peace in current company.
Then the following morning came, and you learned a few things. Yelena had a new favorite holiday, and in turn a hobby, carving, which piggybacked right off of her other, bugging her older sister as if it was her job.
"Natasha," you tried to calm her, your hands on her tense shoulder as you kept her from lunging at the blonde. "You need to calm down my love, I can..."
"No!" Natasha cut you off, "She will do it, not you."
"She's our guest," you reminder her, but she merely rolled her eyes—something she never did towards you. "More like a pest, Y/N/N, make her leave before I do."
Your eyes narrowed fast, and your wife cowered at the sheer intensity. "Apologize to her, right now Natalia."
The redhead held back a scoff. Yelena had carved a face only a mother could love into her favorite fall leather jacket, yet she was the one who had to apologize here.
"I'm sorry, parshivets," she begrudgingly spat at the grinning blonde across the room. "I accept, cyka."
(Brat / Bitch)
You sighed, and regretfully turned to face the smug blonde. This was partially your fault too for having let the girl get away with murder up until this point.
"Yelena, now it's your turn." Yelena frowned, but then she nodded and relaxed her features. "Sorry sestra," her tone was genuine, "I will buy you another one."
"No, you don't have to," you let the girl off the hook. "Yes she does." Natasha rebuked your words in a flash, then she intelligently rephrased, "No you don't."
You smirked and rewarded her with a kiss that she tried to melt into, but once again Yelena interrupted with a rumbling stomach. "Can we make pancakes?"
Natasha's hands harshly gripped your hips, and you smiled at her in understanding, she missed you. "How about you go get the kids up while we make breakfast?"
The redhead reluctantly let you go with a nod, but before she got too far you pulled her in for another kiss. "I'll be all yours soon, just have some patience."
Yelena was leaving after the holiday's event, and the kids were going to Wanda's for a spooky sleepover. You'd planned accordingly, and your wife smirked at the reminder, chastely pecked your lips then ran up the stairs with a reinvigorated pep in her once glum step.
"Get the chocolate chips," you instructed your sous chef, and she did so with a smile. Yelena was learning to cook from you, you never outright said it, but you worried about her eating habits. All she could make was mac and cheese and that was artery clogging if not met with a balance of other things besides takeout.
Yelena appreciated your concern, it was clear to her that you were the perfect match for Natasha, because you were an even better platonic match for her. The way you let her just be who she was, who she was discovering herself to be with her newfound freedom, meant the absolute world to her. You were a light that she found comfort in, and would never let go of.
Once you showed Yelena how to make the batter you let her ladle it onto the griddle. "Don't flip it yet," you instructed, your back was turned but you were aware of her piqued curiosity and she was enamored by your spy like skills. "You're like a super mom or something."
"It's nice to see my skillset is appreciated," you teased the younger girl as you returned to her side and gently bumped her hip. "I appreciate all of you, sestra."
It took you a second to reel in your emotions, you'd only been hoping that she wouldn't hate you, but it turned out that she actually liked you, and you didn't want to cry and make her reevaluate that judgement.
Instead you settled on hugging her shoulders, giving her a gentle shake as you showed her the indicators for flipping before finally letting her flip the pancake.
Just as you settled a pancake on the plate you heard an obnoxious scraping on the glass. "What the—." There before you was a focused blonde, the tip of her tongue rested on her lower lip as she carved your perfectly round pancake into a ghost cat. You shook your head with a fond smile, "You really love knives, don't you?" Yelena mirrored your expression and nodded as she now carved an eye into a pumpkin. "They are so cool."
"Natasha loves her guns the same." Yelena flinched, "Guns are too rigid, and loud. Knives are fun, you can do flip tricks with them and they're just as lethal."
You noted her clear discomfort with firearms, and filed it away in your mind as a later topic of discussion, and fortunately the kids came barreling into the kitchen. Yelena dropped the knife and, just like every morning, she greeted the little boys with the tickle monster.
Then came your daughter’s greeting, “Yelena Belova!"
Yelena then followed her lead, “Yelena Romanoff!"
You shook your head at their antics, then you returned to your task at hand, and began to set the table. You placed the blondes masterpieces in their designated spots, a pumpkin for each boy, the cat for her parrot, and the torn to bits pieces went to the toothless baby.
You were gifted two perfectly sized hearts, topped with fruit and whipped cream. Natasha got zero change to the shape, but instead, she was gifted icing words.
“I’m not eating that,” Natasha growled, and you bit back a laugh as you saw the script. “What’s it say?”
Natasha shook her head at you, and glared in her sister’s direction as you attempted to read the Russian out loud, “Tvoya zhena lyubit menya bol'she.”
(Your wife loves me more)
“Damn right,” Yelena teased as she sat in front of her own pancake, “Don’t worry sestra, she loves you too.”
“You two, knock it off and eat your breakfast,” your mom voice came out, and everyone was suddenly sat. You nibbled on your food while making sure your baby didn’t choke on hers as she gobbled it down like a cat (Liho and Bob) being fed at the normal time everyday.
Once breakfast was finished you sent the kids to the living room with their aunt to watch cartoons while you and your wife cleaned up the mess left behind.
As you were packing up the fruit you felt two arms snake around your waist, and a kiss placed on your neck that you instantly melted into. You felt her smirk but ignored her smugness as you lazily cleaned up.
"You're spoiling her," Natasha groaned, you shrugged and turned around to face her with a genuine smile. "I'm just giving her the same chances I did you."
Natasha frowned, "I hope it's not exactly the same."
"That’s disgusting!" Yelena groaned from the couch and you giggled into your wife's shoulder. Avoiding the question in your kids eyes, and leaving Natasha to answer it. The redhead smirked, throwing her sister a wink before she completely pulled you out of the room.
Two could play at this game…
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cyberl6ve · 3 months
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⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪ — Chris Sturniolo and Y/N L/N, childhood friends and YouTube stars, share a secret friends-with-benefits relationship and slowly become lovers. that's the story.
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⊱ ۫ ׅ ✧ : 𝐈 𝐰𝐢𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐰, the sun beating down relentlessly on the parking lot as we wrapped up filming for the day. I had spent hours answering fan questions alongside the Sturniolo Triplets, Chris's playful jokes and teasing kept me on my toes.
The last question of the day was always the most eagerly anticipated, "Have you and Chris ever hooked up?" Nick looked up at me after reading the question from his phone. I laughed it off, joking about how we were just friends with a very platonic bond, but as I looked over at Chris, I couldn't help the rush of heat that spread through me.
"But no we haven't" I declared, trying to keep my voice light and teasing. But my mind was racing with thoughts of how we had, in fact, hooked up in secret last night.
"Are you sure?" Nick asked, his tone skeptical as he shot a quick glance between Chris and me. "You guys are always so... touchy with each other."
"Oh my god, Nick! Don't be so weird," I responded, playfully rolling my eyes. "We're just close, you know that. We've been childhood friends for years, of course we’re going to be touchy with each other."
I glanced at the camera on the dashboard and let out a sigh. "And just to clarify for all the nosy people out there, there is absolutely nothing going on between Chris and me. We're just really comfortable with each other, that's all."
"And another thing," I said, growing more annoyed by the minute. "All these so-called 'fans' who keep insinuating that there's something more between Chris and me, it's honestly getting pretty disrespectful.”
"I mean, if there was something going on between us, we still wouldn't have told anyone," I continued, crossing my arms over my chest. "It's not any of your business, and it's honestly getting pretty intrusive.”
"At the end of the day, who we date or what we do in our personal lives is none of your business," I said firmly. "The only time you'll hear about it is during our YouTube lives, and that's only because we choose to share that part of our lives with you.”
"Thanks for understanding, moving on." I looked at Nick expectantly as he flipped through the messages. "What's the next one?" I asked.
Nick's eyes scanned the screen before he cleared his throat to read aloud: "What's the funniest memory we can all agree on that we all had in our years of knowing each other"
"Oh, I know a good one," Matt piped up from the driver’s seat. "It was when we were all still living in Boston. We had turned off the light and locked Chris in his room and after we opened the door he ran straight to Y/N, drenched in tears"
"He was so scared he thought he would have to sleep in the dark" Matt said, chuckling reminiscently. “Kid said he started hearing voices” Matt added
Chris rolled his eyes good-naturedly at his brother while the car erupted in laughter. Though Chris wanted to defend himself for being scared, he found himself laughing along, the amusement of the memory taking over.
Nick read through the next message with an annoyed expression. "Y/n can you give Chris a kiss," he read aloud, awaiting her response.
"Your mother." I replied, making the others laugh. Nick laughed as well, locking his phone. "Well, that's it for today's video. I hope you all enjoyed having Y/N here."
“Make sure you guys Subscribe so you won’t miss a video and like to let us know you enjoy this video!” as Nick was doing the outro Chris looked at Matt and gave a smirk before saying his line. "Say goodbye, Matt. Kiss the camera." Matt laughed but leaned in and kissed the camera, the screen going black as it turned off.
As the video ended, I suddenly felt my stomach growling audibly, making the others laugh. "I'm starving!" I declared, which earned nods of agreement from my companions. "I think we all are," Chris said, stretching his arms above his head.
"I'll drive! I'll drive!" I said enthusiastically, already making my way to the driver's seat. I glanced back and caught Matt's reluctant expression but shrugged and gestured for him to take the spot behind Chris.
With the guys settled into their seats, I glanced back at Matt, who gave me a thumbs-up before I put the car in reverse. I carefully maneuvered out of the parking spot and soon we were on our way to a nearby Canes.
As I drove, I found myself feeling more at ease with the boy’s in the car, the laughter and banter from earlier still lingering in the air. Before long, we arrived at Canes and pulled into the parking lot.
— ☆ —
After ordering our food, we sat down at a table, with Chris immediately pulling out his phone. "Y/N, come here," he called, making room for me in the shot.
Chris grinned as he selected the song, a popular track from his favorite artist, Lil Skies. As the music filled the restaurant, we both started lip-syncing to the catchy lyrics. Chris wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer as he recorded.
Chris and I finished recording and headed to grab our food from the counter, the delicious smell of chicken and fries wafting through the air. With our bags full, we made our way back to the car, sliding into our seats for the short drive back to the triplets' place.
As I pulled up to the driveway, Matt led the way as we headed inside, Chris and Nick following closely behind. We kicked off our shoes and made our way upstairs, settling into the comfortable living room.
We walked into the kitchen, placing our food down on the table before finding a spot to sit. Nick and Matt sat side by side on one side of the table, while Chris and I sat across from them. As we dug into our meals, a lively conversation filled the room.
As we all ate, I felt a sudden touch on my thigh, causing me to glance down in surprise. My eyes widened when I realized it was Chris's hand, but his face remained completely neutral as he continued to chat with his brothers.
My hand instinctively reached for my phone, fingers flying across the screen as I sent a discreet text to Chris. "What are you doing?! Your brothers are right here," the message read.
I quickly placed my phone back on the table, hoping to make it seem like nothing had happened. Chris discreetly grabbed his phone, glancing at the screen as he read my message. After a moment, his lips curled into a slight smirk before returning his attention to the conversation with his brothers.
Chris pushed his chair back and stood, announcing, "I'm gonna head to bed early. I'm pretty beat." He gathered up his trash and deposited it in the bin before making his way downstairs, the soft thud of his footsteps echoing through the house as he retreated to his room.
"Weird," Matt said, raising an eyebrow in curiosity at Chris's sudden departure. I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly and gave a small smile as I turned my attention back to Nick and Matt, the three of us continuing to chat and enjoy each other's company as the night went on.
— ☆ —
Cuddled up next to Nick watching a movie, I was content and relaxed until the sudden intrusion by my phone. I glanced at the screen and smiled at the sight of Chris's name. "Ditch Nick and come to my room." I rolled my eyes and told Nick I was ‘thirsty’.
I made my way to Chris's room, the door swinging open at my gentle push. But before I could even take a step inside, I was swept up in a whirlwind of movement as Chris grabbed me and pressed me against the door with his body.
I let out a surprised gasp as Chris's body pressed against mine. But instead of pushing him away, I found myself intrigued. "Chris," I said softly, my voice playful and teasing as I tilted my head up to meet his gaze. "What are you doing?"
Chris's eyes blazed with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine as he leaned in close, his breath hot against my ear. "I need you," he whispered, his voice low and husky. I shuddered at his words, memories of our encounter flooding back to me.
But I knew I couldn't give in to what Chris was asking for, not with his brothers in the house. "No, we can't," I said firmly, pushing against him gently. "It was just a one-time thing."
But Chris wasn't about to give up that easily. He leaned in even closer, a sly smile on his lips as he whispered in my ear. "You can't tell me you don't think about it. How hard I fucked you, the way you screamed my name.”
I felt a rush of heat flooding through me at his words and couldn't help the moan that escaped my lips. "Chris," I said, my voice a mixture of lust and frustration. "Stop." But deep down, I knew I wanted it just as much as he did.
Chris's eyes gleamed with triumph at my weakness. "Tell me this," he murmured, his hands roaming down my sides to grip my hips. "What if we keep this on the down low, between us? Just fuck buddies, no strings attached."
Chris leaned in even closer, his lips brushing against the shell of my ear as he whispered, "And just to make things interesting, let's add a little wager. Whoever falls first loses and has to do whatever the winner wants."
I bit my lip, feeling a thrill of excitement run through me at his words. "What makes you think I'll fall first?" I asked, my voice laced with challenge. Chris smirked, his lips brushing against mine in a teasing kiss.
"Because I know exactly what you crave," he whispered against my lips. "And I'm more than willing to give it to you. All you have to do is let go and trust me." His hands slid up my sides, his fingers intertwined with mine. "You can't resist me," he murmured against my mouth. “And I can’t resist you,”
Chris's lips curved into a sinful smile, his gaze locked with mine. "Tell me, do you want it?" he asked, his voice low and husky. "Have you been unable to stop thinking about what happened between us? How good it felt to have my cock buried deep inside you?"
Chris cocked his head to the side, his piercing blue eyes never leaving mine as he kept contact with my body. "Did you feel every inch of me, stretching you, filling you so completely? Remember how you screamed my name, begging for more?"
I remained silent, but my body responded to his words. Chris took the opportunity to press soft kisses down my jaw, his lips brushing against my sensitive skin. "You want more, don't you?" he whispered in my ear. "You crave my touch, my cock, all of me."
I gripped Chris's bicep, holding on as he lavished attention on my neck, his lips trailing fire wherever they touched. His free hand came up to tangle in my hair, tilting my head to give him better access. "Do you feel how hard I am for you?" he asked, biting gently on my neck.
Chris took my hand and placed it on the bulge in his pants, letting out a hiss when I touched him. "That's what you do to me," he said, his voice strained. "You make me ache, make me need to be buried deep inside you again and again."
His fingers intertwined with mine, guiding my hand to squeeze and stroke the straining fabric of his erection. "I want to feel your tight little cunt wrapped around me, Ma." he groaned, his hips rocking forward into my touch.
"Do you want me to take you again?" Chris asked, his breath hot against my skin. His hand still guiding mine, stroking himself through the fabric as I squeezed. "I could bend you over right here, right now, and fuck you till you can't walk straight."
I couldn't resist the temptation of his words and slipped my hand inside his sweats, wrapping it around his hot, bare cock. Chris gasped as I began to stroke him, setting a slow and teasing rhythm. "Is this what you want?"
I smirked up at Chris, my hand moving faster on his cock as I spoke in a cocky, teasing tone. "Do you want your brothers to hear how good their childhood friend can make their brother feel? How I can reduce a big, strong man like you to a needy, panting mess?"
I watched the look of pleasure twisting Chris's features, my grip still firm and steady on his shaft. "What if someone walks in, hm? Your brothers, maybe? Can you imagine how fucking shocked they'd be seeing their childhood friend making you moan?"
"You like that, hmm?" I purred, taking in the expression on Chris's face as my hand works up and down his length. His head tipped back, mouth open in pleasure, eyes half-lidded and clouded with lust. "Yeah, you fucking do."
I released my grip on Chris's cock long enough to grab his face, forcing him to look at me. He scoffed at the gesture, but I could see the heat in his eyes. "Look at me," I whispered, not giving him a choice.
"Look at you, such a mess," I cooed, tracing a finger along his cheek. "Will you be a good boy for me, Christopher?" I asked, my voice dripping with sarcasm and affection. "Such a needy little thing, aren't you?"
Chris looked at me with those doe eyes, unable to hide the pleasure he was feeling. He nodded in agreement, a small whimper escaping his lips as I continued to tease him. "That's a good boy,"
I helped Chris down to the bed, his body pliant under my touch. Once he was sat down, I kneeled in front of him, slowly pulling his sweatpants and boxers down to his ankles. "So needy,"
Chris's cock sprang free, already hard and leaking. I wrapped a hand around the base, giving it a gentle squeeze before leaning in to run my tongue along the sensitive underside. He groaned, fingers digging into the sheets as I took him into my mouth.
"Slow down, Ma," Chris groaned, trying to keep his voice steady as I sucked him down. His cock hit the back of my throat and he bucked his hips, pressing himself deeper. "I won't last if you keep going like that."
I pulled back, a smirk playing on my lips as I looked up at Chris. "Shhh, you don't want Nick and Matt to hear you now, do you?" I teased, giving his cock a gentle stroke.
I went back to my task, my mouth enveloping him once more. I bobbed my head, taking him deep and swallowing around his shaft. Chris's rip on the sheets tightened, his knuckles white. "Fuck, Ma," he gasped, "If you keep doing that I'm gonna..."
Chris's breath hitched as he felt himself getting closer to the edge. He tried to keep his moans low, not wanting to alert Nick and Matt. His hand found its way to the back of my head, fingers tangling in my hair. "Shit, shit, shit,"
I looked up at Chris, admiring the way he was completely lost in pleasure. His eyes were glassy, his lips parted as he struggled to keep quiet. I could feel his cock throbbing against my tongue, his grip on my hair tightening as he neared his climax.
Chris's words tumbled out in a desperate, pleasured rush. "Fuck, fuck, shit... Y/N, just like that," he gasped, his voice breaking as he came hard. I felt his cock pulse in my mouth, spilling hot seed down my throat as he rode out his orgasm.
Chris's body jerked as he rode the aftershocks, his stomach muscles clenching and unclenching. His chest heaved, rising and falling rapidly as he struggled to catch his breath. I released his softened cock, giving it a gentle lick before sitting back on my heels.
Chris's hand went to my lips, gently wiping away any remnants of him. He gave me a smug smile. "You're getting it" he said, his voice still husky with pleasure.
Chris led me up to his bed by the hand, our lips never leaving each other. The clothes came off in a rush of urgent hands and tangled limbs, until we were both bare. With one swift motion, he threw them aside, not caring where they landed on his floor.
Our bodies entwined as we lost ourselves in each other. Chris's mouth claimed mine in a deep, passionate kiss. His tongue danced with mine, our hearts pounding in tandem. I could feel the heat of his skin against mine, the hardness of his muscles beneath my fingertips.
Chris broke the kiss, trailing his lips down my jaw and to my neck. He nipped at the sensitive spot just below my ear, eliciting a soft gasp from me. His teeth grazed my collarbone, but he was careful not to leave marks.
My hands found their way into Chris's soft, wavy locks. I couldn't help but moan his name as he continued to explore my body with his mouth. "Chris," I whispered, my voice husky with desire. He chuckled softly against my skin, the vibrations sending shivers down my spine.
I ran my fingers through his hair, gripping it lightly as he kissed and nipped at my neck. Chris's hands roamed my body, exploring every curve and inch of skin. He traced the outline of my breasts, teasing my sensitive nipples until I couldn't take it anymore.
Chris's lips left a trail of fire as he kissed and licked his way down my body. His hands skimmed over my hips, squeezing gently before sliding around to cup my ass. He squeezed and massaged the flesh, pulling me closer to him as he kneeled between my thighs.
Chris looked up at me with a wicked grin before his head disappeared between my thighs. I gasped as his tongue flicked against my clit, teasing and tormenting me. He slid a finger inside of me, then two, curling them to hit that spot that made me see stars.
I looked down at Chris, watching as he worked his magic between my thighs. My eyes were half-lidded with pleasure, and I couldn't help the moans that escaped my lips. I reached down, tangling my fingers in his hair as he sucked and licked at me.
Chris increased his pace, his tongue and fingers working in perfect harmony. He sucked on my clit, the suction making my legs tremble. I ground against his face, desperate for more.
Just as I was teetering on the edge, Chris pulled back, leaving me panting and needy. "Not yet, baby," he whispered against my soaked folds, his warm breath sending shivers through me.
He hooked my legs over his shoulders, positioning himself at my entrance. With one swift thrust, he buried himself deep inside of me. I cried out in pleasure as he began to move, setting a steady rhythm that had me gasping and moaning.
Chris covered my mouth with his hand, silencing my cries of pleasure. He leaned down to my ear, whispering, "Shh, don't want them to hear you now," as he nibbled and kissed my neck. I could feel the tension building inside me again, ready to explode.
"Tell me how good it feels, baby" Chris growled in my ear, his hips slamming into me harder and faster. He wanted me to remember how good he made me feel yesterday and every day before that. His dirty talk was a major turn on, pushing me closer to the edge again.
"Oh god, Chris," I moaned from under his hand covering my mouth. Chris was the only guy who ever made me see stars. He smirked, knowing he had me under his control. "You like that, baby?" He whispered in my ear, his voice dripping with lust.
"Tell me, does my cock feel good inside you?" Chris panted, his hips pistoning into me at a feverish pace. "Tell me how much you love it when I fuck you like this." He reached down to circle my clit with his thumb, pushing me closer to the brink.
Chris's words and actions rendered me speechless, my eyes rolling back in my head as I clung to his forearm. His pace was relentless, each thrust hitting me exactly right. "Oh fuck, yes!" I finally managed to gasp out, my nails digging into his skin.
Chris immediately captured my lips with his as I began to moan louder. His tongue thrust into my mouth, tangling with mine in a passionate kiss. I wrapped my arms around his back, pulling him closer and scratching at his skin as he continued to drive into me harder and faster.
Chris's hands roamed down to grab onto my hips, his thrusts becoming more desperate. The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room, mixing with our panting breaths. "You're so fucking tight," He groaned against my lips, sending a jolt of pleasure through me.
Chris's thrusts became erratic as he felt his climax approaching, his dirty talk becoming even filthier. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum. Shit, your pussy feels so fucking good. Ma, I'm gonna fill you up with my cum."
At his words, I bit my lip to keep my moans from getting even louder, the dirty talk sending me over the edge. "Yes, Chris! Fuck, cum inside me." He groaned as he felt himself reach his peak.
With a final deep thrust, Chris release inside me with a loud groan. I could felt the intensity of his orgasm as he continued to pump his hips, riding out every last wave of pleasure. "Oh fuck, that was amazing."
As Chris's movements slowed to a gentle grind, I kept my grip on his forearm, holding him close. His softening cock still throbbed inside me, our combined releases trickling down onto his bed sheets. We remained locked together, chests heaving as we caught our breath.
Gasping for breath, Chris slowly pulled out of me before gently nudging my thighs apart. "Stay right here, I'll be back." He said, giving my thigh a playful slap before getting out of the bed.
I couldn't help but admire his toned physique as he walked to the bathroom, my gaze lingering on the perfect curve of his ass. I sank back against the pillows, feeling a wave of satisfaction wash over me as I listened to him rummage around in the bathroom.
Chris reappeared a few moments later, brandishing a damp towel. He approached the bed, his eyes filled with amusement as he took in my lazily sprawled form. "You look like you're about to pass out." He said.
I gave him a lazy grin as he gently wiped me clean using the towel. "Well, I did just get fucked by the Chris Sturniolo, so I think I'm entitled to be a little worn out."
I stifled a yawn as Chris finished cleaning me up. "And let's not forget, this was the second time you've fucked me."
Chris's eyes darkened with desire as he tossed the towel aside, crawling back into bed and hovering over me. "Trust me, I won't forget how good you feel around my cock no matter how many times I fuck you." He whispered, his breath hot against my ear.
As he leaned in, I threaded my fingers through his hair, pulling him closer. Our lips met in a searing kiss, his tongue tangling with mine as he deepened the kiss.
Breaking the kiss, I pulled back and started retrieving my scattered clothes. "I should probably head back upstairs with Nick," I said, trying to ignore the lingering ache between my thighs. Chris's hands came up to stop me, his fingers grazing my skin as he tugged me back into his arms.
"Can't you stay just a little bit longer?" He whispered, his breath warm against my skin as he buried his face in my neck. "Please?" He added, biting down gently on the sensitive skin.
I pulled away again. "If we want to keep this on the down low, we can't risk any suspicious activity. We shouldn't draw attention to ourselves." I warned, but my words were contradicted by the way I leaned in and kissed him once more.
The kiss was quick and passionate, a silent promise of the forbidden pleasure we would steal in secret. When I finally pulled away, Chris's eyes were dark with desire, but he nodded in understanding. I quickly finished dressing, tugging on my sweats and shirt with trembling hands.
Once dressed, I paused for a moment to comb my fingers through Chris's messy hair. He gave a low groan and leaned into my touch, his warm weight a comforting presence on my stomach. "You should go take a shower," I told him, sighing at the smell of sex mixed with the faint hint of his cologne.
Chris answered me with a soft, "I will." before he reached up and grabbed my hand, pulling it away from his hair. I chuckled lightly and gave him a small grin, before leaning down to squish his cheeks between my hands. "Good boy,"
I walked into Nick's room, still feeling the lingering warmth of Chris's body pressed against mine. Nick was sitting on the bed, his laptop open in front of him, and his eyes were narrowed in confusion. "Where the hell were you, girl?" he asked.
"I was just getting water," I lied, trying to keep my voice steady. "And then I went to check on Chris. We were talking for a few minutes and he was just getting into the shower, so I left." I bit my lip, hoping Nick would buy the story. He raised an eyebrow, but just nodded.
— ☆ —
We continued to watch movies, and I tried to push any thoughts of Chris out of my mind. It was nearly midnight when I finally stood up and stretched. "I should probably head home," I told Nick, gathering my things.
"See you later, Nick," I said, giving him a small wave as I walked out of his room. I slowly made my way down the stairs and walked down the hallway to Matt's room. I knocked gently on the door and waited for him to answer.
"Come in," Matt called out, not looking up from his screen. I pushed open the door and walked in, waving at the camera. Matt was focused on his live stream, his fingers flying across the keyboard.
"I'm heading out for the night," I said, trying to keep my voice low. Matt finally looked up, a friendly smile on his face. “You're leaving already?" He stood up and wrapped me in a warm hug. “I mean it is midnight already” I chuckled.
"I'll see you tomorrow," I promised, giving him a quick squeeze before stepping back. Matt nodded, his attention already drifting back to his live stream.
I turned away from Matt's door and walked down the hallway, my heart skipping a beat as I saw Chris standing in front of the open fridge. He was still wet from his shower, droplets of water dripping from his hair onto his bare chest.
"Hey," I said, trying to sound casual as I walked towards him. He looked up at me and smiled, his teeth glinting in the dim light of the kitchen. "Hi," he said, grabbing a can of Pepsi and closing the fridge door.
I chuckled, shaking my head. "It's past midnight, it's pretty late," I explained, feeling my cheeks heat up under his intense gaze. He smiled, taking a long drink from his soda before setting it down on the table.
Before I could take another step away, Chris reached out and pulled me close, his strong arms wrapping around my waist. His face hovered mere inches from mine, his warm breath ghosting over my lips. I froze, my heart pounding in my chest as I looked up at him.
He stared at me, his eyes burning with an intensity that made my skin tingle. I could feel the heat of his gaze, the electricity sparking between us. But he didn't move, didn't try to kiss me, just held me close and looked at me with a teasing glint in his eye.
I could feel the heat radiating off of him as he teased me with the possibility. I bit my bottom lip, trying not to whimper as a wave of longing washed over me.
"Your heart is beating fast," Chris murmured, his warm breath tickling my ear. His lips ghosted over my neck, sending shivers down my spine as he teased me. "Do I make you nervous, Y/N?" he asked, his voice low and husky.
His lips brushed against my neck, sending sparks of electricity through my body. I let out a soft gasp, my head tilting to give him better access. He took advantage, kissing a trail of heat up the column of my throat before his mouth hovered just inches from mine.
I couldn't help it. My eyes fluttered closed and I leaned into him, my hands clutching at his biceps as I tried to catch my breath. He ghosted his lips over mine, teasing and taunting me in the best way possible.
His lips were still hovering just inches above mine, and I could feel his warm breath against my mouth. "I know you wanna kiss me," he whispered, his voice raspy with desire. My heart was hammering in my chest and I couldn't bring myself to deny it. “Do it”
Our lips finally touched. My hands fisted in his hair, tugging him closer as I deepened the kiss. His tongue swept into my mouth, tangling with mine in a sensual dance that left me breathless and wanting more.
Just as things were getting heated, we heard Matt's door open and footsteps approaching. I pulled away quickly, my face flushed as I took a step back from Chris. He looked just as flustered as I felt, but he quickly regained his composure and cleared his throat.
Matt walked into the kitchen. He raised an eyebrow in surprise when he saw me standing there, but didn't say anything right away. "Oh, hey Y/N," he said awkwardly. "I didn't know you were still here."
I nodded, giving Chris and Matt a quick wave. "Yeah, just talking to Chris, but I should head out," I said, trying to play it cool despite the lingering heat from our kiss still buzzing between us. "Night, boys. See you tomorrow."
Matt waved at me as I headed towards the door. Chris, however, just stood there watching me as I descended the stairs. I could feel his gaze on me, and I couldn't help but steal a glance back at him before walking out the front door.
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244 notes · View notes
cherriesformatt · 7 months
sharing the news || matt sturniolo part 2
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matt x fem!reader
summary: after a while you decided its time to share the news of your new chapter in life with Chris and Nick
warnings: pregnancy
word count: 1,5k
a/n: thank you for over 100 notes under part 1! I decided to continued the story. I hope you will like it!
It's been a month since me and Matt found out that I'm pregnant. It’s been hell of a ride so far. We somehow managed to talked Chris and Nick out of my little episode and told them I just got my period and was really upset, tired and need Matt to go to the store for me. I spent entire next two days in Matt’s room trying to figure out our situation. I was also constantly sick and anxious. After than I just tried to be as normal as I could so no one would be suspicious.
At first it was like I didn’t know what I should do. But then I found myself thinking about the baby with my hand on my stomach and I knew I wanted to keep it. I also did hear Matt talking to my belly in the middle of night which made me cry so hard in the bathroom because of how cute that was.
Today was my first ultrasound appointment to confirm the situation and check if everything is alright.
“You know… I was thinking that if everything is good I would like to tell Chris and Nick and then we can decide how and when we want to tell the rest of the family” Matt looked at me when we stopped on the red light.
Keeping this a secret form his brothers was really hard for him because they always talked about everything with each other. Which was scary for me at first. Their whole relationship and building my own with Matt but also becoming part of theirs. Now I just admire the bond between them.
“Yes I was thinking the same” I smiled at him and put my hand on his thigh. I was nervous about only one thing.
“What I was thinking… Is that I will literally jump if your fucking triplets genes worked too hard and there is more than one of those” I said what was on my mind recently.
“Oh my goodness… I didn’t think about this” He put his hand over his mouth.
He was clearly scared now.
“We giving one to Chris in that case” I said seriously.
“Please , we are never leaving our kids with Chris, ever” he said.
I only laughed at that and patted his leg.
“It’s gonna be all good Matt, let’s manifest it’s only one for now” I said.
“Baby… I know this month wasn’t ideal for you and we both tried to cope with the fact that we’re going to have a baby but also only us knowing for now is really special” He looked at me for a second and his eyes went back to the road.
That was also exactly how I felt and I leaned forward to him and kissed his cheek.
“I love you Matty… I know this is all hard but you’re right” I said.
“I love you too sweet girl… okay we’re here, let’s do this” He parked the car and took a deep breath.
Our appointment went smoothly. They did my blood test which confirmed that I’m pregnant. They also did bunch of other tests to see if I’m all good and healthy. Thankfully I was. The last step was the ultrasound.
“Alright parents…” The doctor said and I gasped at the cold of the liquid that she put all over my lower belly.
She called us “parents”, that took me by surprise and I felt so weird.
“Ready?” She looked at me and smiled and I only nodded and closed my hand on one of Matt’s hands.
She started the thing and looked at the monitor. We couldn’t see it just yet.
“Okay… I found it… everything looks great. The baby is healthy. Looks like you’re about 6/7 weeks pregnant” She said.
“Only one?” Matt asked and wiggled on the chair.
“Oh my Lord, Matt… He is a triplet and we were kind of scared that you know… there’s gonna be more than one” I laughed and looked back at the doctor.
“Yes there’s only one” She laughed as well and turned the screen so we could see it too.
I felt like my heart skipped a beat when I saw a little thing moving on the screen. Like a dot. But I knew it’s our baby.
“Oh my…” I said and she pushed some kid of button and sound of a really fast heartbeat started to play from the machine.
“Is that?..” Matt gasped as well.
“That’s your baby’s heart beating… it’s really fast that’s normal and that’s actually really good. The baby is really healthy, you guys… congratulations” She said with a big smile.
But both of us were speech less. I caught Matt swiping tears from his cheek with a corner of my eye. That moment was something you can’t explain. You need to experience that yourself to know how much love I felt in this moment.
When we were back in the car I put all of my stuff in the back seat, closed the doors and turned around to go to my doors but I was met by arms of my boyfriend.
“Oh Matt…” I said hugging him back.
He hid his head in the crock of my neck and I run my fingers through his hair. I felt tears on my skin and I couldn’t help as my eyes started to water as well.
“We’re going to be okay. We can do this Matt. Together” I said but my voice broke I couldn’t exactly feel what’s happening.
“I know… y/n I’m just so happy that’s it’s overwhelming” He said pulling back to rest his temple against mine.
“I feel exactly the same way” I whispered looking him in the eyes.
He kissed me and pulled me even closer to his body. I couldn’t imagine doing this with anyone else.
On our way back we stopped by target and some other places to get Nick’s and Chris’s favorite snacks, drinks and some funny, cheesy stuff that had “cool uncle” on it.
At home I put all of it in two boxes and also added a picture from the ultrasound to each.
This situation was so unreal for me and Matt. They were actually filming in the kitchen now. I really wanted to have their reaction on camera, so we told them that Matt wanted to do some kind of unboxing with their eyes blindfolded and they would have to guess what’s in the boxes.
When he texted me they are ready I took the boxes and come to the kitchen and put them in front of them and stood behind the camera.
“Okay you may open them” Matt said.
They started to pull stuff out.
“That’s bullshit it’s clearly Pepsi and popcorn” Chris said.
“Yes and that’s my own lip balm” Nick said annoyed.
“Okay how about this?” Matt took an ultrasound pictures and put into their hands.
“Piece of paper?” Chris said.
“No” Matt said and looked at me.
“Picture?” Nick said and showed it to the camera.
“Yes, it’s a picture” He nodded and smiled to the camera.
“Picture of us?” Chris asked and opened his can of Pepsi.
“No… but picture of someone that is in a room with us” Matt said.
“Oh my gosh you fucking freaking me out right now, what the fuck, are you a medium or what” Nick said an put the picture on the table.
“Okay… maybe just take your blindfolds off and Chris… you might want to wait with that fist sip” I said looking at them.
“I didn’t know you were here…” Nick said and started to undo the bandanna on his head.
I bit on my nails as I watched them taking those off. Then they looked at the boxes and I felt like I stopped breathing for a second.
“What the actual fuck? Is this some kind of prank?” Chris asked as his eyes widened.
“Oh my gosh are you kidding me?” Nick looked at me and stood up.
“Chris you owe me 1000 dollars… I knew it!” He hugged me tightly and I put my arms around him.
“Did you two bet on me being pregnant? What the hell?” I laughed.
My stress went away because how could I be stressed around them.
“I actually forgot that we did” Chris said and gave Matt a big hug.
“You guys… I don’t know what to say” Nick said pulling away from me.
“Well…. To be honest we don’t know either” I said and Matt only laughed.
“Yes… this feels really like a dream more than real life” Matt said looking at his brothers.
“Wait… are we first to know?” Chris asked.
“Of course you are… who else?” Matt looked at him and Nick went closer to them and they three shared a hug and than looked at me.
“Come here mama” Chris wiggled his eyebrows at me.
“Never, ever call me that again” I said seriously while coming into the hug.
They laugh and we stand like that for a minute or two.
“Okay I love you all but all three of you smell like three different colognes and I might throw up” I said stepping back.
This baby will be the luckiest baby in the whole world having them as a family.
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chesterlover14 · 10 days
•*•~•*•~ Hotel ~•*•~•*•
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A Chris Sturniolo Smut
Dom!Chris : Sub!reader
Content warnings: SEX, body kissing/sucking, making out, jerking off, moaning, head Mas!receiving, hair pulling, orgasm, nudity
Me, the triplets and a whole bunch of our friends decided to take a vacation to Miami. We've been having fun all day and we came back to me and Chris's hotels room to play some games. Each hotel room had one bed so me and Chris decided to share a room. Me and Chris have been best friends for years now and have a wonderful friendship.
We decided to play dare or kiss spin the bottle. We all got into a circle and got out a water bottle. I was the first to spin the bottle and it landed on Maddie. I presented the possible dare and she decided kissing was better. The rule was the kiss had to last for at least 3 seconds. Me and Maddie kissed and then Maddie spun the bottle.
Eventually it got back to me and I landed on Matt and again I presented him with the dare. The dare was to make a thirst trap and he decided to do the dare. Then a few rounds later I had to choose dare or kiss. Nate was the one to choose the dare and it was to kiss down Chris's chest. I gasped when he said it but I'm best friends with Chris and I didn't want to kiss Chris's best friend since we had had conversations about boy and girl code so I chose the dare.
Chris pulled his shirt off and I kneeled down in front of him. I looked up at him and he gave me a it's ok look and I started my first kiss at the top of his chest. I made my way down and hesitated a second before kissing just above his pant line. I then looked up and his eyes were closed. Butterflies were fluttering through my whole body. I then noticed that he had his hand on the back of my head in my hair. I started feeling my pussy tingle and drip. I immediately backed away and back into my spot not wanting to continue the sensation since the thought of it made me scared for our friendship and connection. I didn't want feelings to get tied into our amazing bond.
We continued and soon I spun the bottle leading to it landing on Chris. I gave him the dare of skinny dipping in the pool outside and he decided to kiss me instead. I sat on the bed beside Chris. I was slightly behind him and was facing him while Chris was still facing forward with his chest and head turned towards me. I was to the left of him and put my right hand on the back of his head we both leaned in and our lips soon connected. Instinctually my lips started opening making the kiss turn slightly more intimate. Surprisingly and possibly accidentally Chris's tongue lightly stroked my bottom lip. My other hand went to his thigh and his went to my hip. I started slightly moving my tongue into his mouth. It was like we couldn't stop. Then we both pulled away when we heard the others start oooing and awing. The look of lust in both of our eyes said it all. The chemistry was unexplainable and unexpected. We slowly pulled our hands away from where they previously rested. I then again moved back to my spot. We continued the game and the rest of the night me and Chris shared lustful looks. Every so often when Chris wasn't looking I would find myself staring at his crotch. It seemed to be larger. I tried playing it off in my mind but inevitably came to the conclusion that he was in fact hard making chills and butterflies run throughout my body.
When 2 am came around everyone exited our room except Matt and Nick. We all decided to watch a movie. Me and Chris laid in our bed and Matt and Nick sat in two lounge chairs next to the bed.
Me and Chris were cuddling as usual for us when I hear Chris whisper in my ear, "I'm sorry if that was uncomfortable for you."
"No it's OK chris it wasn't uncomfortable for me. Were you uncomfortable?"
I then hear Chris say under his breath, "not in the way that your thinking" He didn't know I heard him but I did and I knew exactly what he meant.
I move my hand right above Chris's pants line. "Is this the way that your thinking?" I hear his breath hitch as his body tensed up. "Is it Christopher?" I say looking up at him.
"Yes" he says breathlessly. He then grabs my hand and moves it onto his crotch. His eyes shut as his head falls back. My stomachs in my throat as I start to rub on his dick with my hand. He lightly moans making me smirk.
Were under the covers so I pull his dick out and start stocking it. He grips onto the bed sheets hard trying not to make a sound so Matt and nick don't notice. I then look over at his brothers to make sure they can't see what we're doing. They can't so I go under the covers and bring my mouth up to his dick. Chris's breathing grows heavier as I kiss the tip of his dick then kiss around his dick. I then start to suck on his tip making his other hand fly into my hair under the covers. I then start to take his length in struggling at how big he is. I soon start bombing my head trying my best to get his full length in but not being able to. He then pushes my head so that his whole length goes into my mouth as I start to gag. He notices and lifts the covers to whisper a sry but I put my hand on his and move it back on the back of his head and he does it again. He groans lightly and continues to push my head onto his dick. I like his aggressiveness making me moan on his dick quiet enough for his brothers to not hear. The vibrations make chris squirm trying not to make a noise.
I then start rubbing his balls and around his dick with my hands making him become close. I move my tongue so that it is sliding up and down on his vein.
Chris starts to squirm and grip onto my hair even harder. He then starts to lightly moan not being able to keep it in anymore. I then feel his hot cum shoot into the back of my throat. I Bob my head a few more times to make his high even better then move back to my original space.
Chris looks from my eyes to my lips then brings his hand up to my mouth to wipe off excess cum and spit. He then moves his hand to the back of my head pulling me in for a deep kiss. Then we hear the movie end so we get situated and presentable before Matt and Nick get up and go back to their room.
We say goodbye to them then head back to our bed.
"Your really good at sucking dick apparently" He says.
I giggle then say, "Well thats good but your my first."
He looks shocked as he says, "wait really? Then how you knew exactly how to pleasure me?" I shrug and kiss his cheek. I start to lay down on his chest but he grabs my chin and lifts my head to his. We look at eachother for a min, both of us looking back and forth from the others eyes and lips. He then pulls me in and kisses me deeply before we cuddle into eachother falling asleep.
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freshlluv · 1 month
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𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞 - m.s
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Summary: In which you are hanging out w/ the triplets and your abusive dad texts you to come home
WARNINGS!: abusive parents, cussing, use of y/n, remarks of physical abuse, sad-ish?, i thinks thats all
a/n: this is my first fic, if u have any feedback pls share !!!
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From Dad
“Come home, now.” 
You read the text, your heart instantly dropping. Your palms start sweating and you look around the living room. Nick's beside you, Chris and Matt and your other side of the couch. You don’t even bother telling them because you have to explain why you don’t get along with them, and that’s a whole different story. The triplets didn’t know about the situation of your family, they didn’t know how you weren’t close with your parents at all, constantly fighting them, having to hide things from them. They don’t even know about Nick, Matt and Chris at all.
You start typing fast trying not to cry at the thought of getting yelled at when you come home.
I don’t wanna go home. 
I don’t feel safe there.
“Are you alright?” 
Nick asks, looking down at your phone with a worried face.
“Who is that?” you hesitate telling him, “Oh my dad.. He wants me to come home” you laughed dryly. Matt and Chris heads turn at you. 
“What happened?” Chris asks. 
I don’t want to tell them at all.
“She has to go home, but it’s like literally only 8pm?” He told them
They nodded
I feel like shit whenever I have to go home early, especially because of my fomo.
“Jus’ ask him to go at like 10?”
The problem between their parents and mine is that my parents are strict, especially ‘cause I’m a girl. They don’t want me hanging out with people they don’t know either. Sometimes I feel like I envied their parents' bond with each other and their kids. They all loved each other, my parents couldn’t give less of a fuck. 
“Um, yeah I could ask. I doubt I can stay that long though.”
I threw my head into my hands, sighing loudly.
“Are you sure that’s all that happened?” Matt asked 
“Yeah, don’t worry” I smiled
Nick looks at his brothers with a suspicious look.
I got up leaving my phone, grabbing something to drink. I had to get my mind off it.
A few minutes went by and I was up against a counter drinking out of a juicebox thinking about how I can avoid coming home.
Matt comes into the kitchen with my phone.
“Here, um..”
“What?” I looked at him
“I saw your phone” He says looking down at his feet
“Yeah you always do?” I laughed a bit confused.
“No like your messages, you left it unlocked.”
He didn’t.
No fucking way.
“Yeah your dad left like 8 other messages”
You snatched the phone out of his hand
“Oh my god.”
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“Come home right fucking now.”
“Where are you?”
“Are you fucking slut now? Not telling us where you went?”
“I swear, are you with a guy? better not catch you with them or else I’ll fucking break your skull.”
“You’re grounded.”
“Y/N where are you? I’m serious, if you don’t come home, I won’t EVER let you inside our house again.”
“This is why I wish I never had a daughter.”
I teared up looking at the messages, although it’s nothing new, they act almost as if they care. Wanting me to come home. They just don’t want to lose someone that does everything you ask them to do.
“Is that why you couldn’t stay?” He asked quietly.
I nodded, my throat felt like it was closing up, I couldn’t breathe. 
I can’t believe he saw that.
“I’m sorry.” That's all I could say, warm tears falling out of my eyes.
“Sorry.. For what?”
“For what you saw.. And crying.”
“Don’t be sorry for anything you are completely valid in this situation. I can’t believe you’ve been dealing with them and you haven’t told us.”
“It's a burden. You can’t really help me” I said exhaling. 
“I could. You can stay here. My parents wouldn’t mind.” Matt says smiling a bit.
I smiled back.
They care about me.
Why was it so hard for my parents to?
What did I do?
I was grateful, insanely grateful.
Matt stepped closer to me and wrapped his arms around me. "I'm so sorry."
I hummed
"Thank you so much." I looked up at him as we hugged
I squeezed Matt as hard as possible like he was going to slip out of my grasp.
I can’t leave.
I don’t want to.
"I'll have to text them." I said stressed again. "We can make my dad call your parents or something?"
"Okay so like do you wanna die?" We both laughed
"We can focus on that tomorrow, I just want you to know that you're safe here. Does he know us?"
"Umm, no." I said embarrassed.
"Thats fine I understand, they are fucking insane." "Just, don't worry. Okay?" He smiled.
What is this feeling?
I felt like I was melting inside, he was so kind.
Chris and Nick entered the kitchen.
“Is she okay?” Chris mumbled.
“I mean we kinda heard everything..” Nick said awkwardly.
I wasn't even mad that they heard the whole conversation, that’s all I ever wanted.
I wanted someone to hear me
To listen to me.
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i reallyy hate this!
sparkles from @bebanie
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alex31624 · 6 months
We all know that Webby and Dewey are the best friends. But I love more the relationship between Webby and Louie. They both really feel like they're sister and brother.
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During the adventure in Atlantis, Louie took Webby under his wing. Ok, he wanted to make Webby lie to her grandma, but still.
You got this.
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I just love how they get on each other throats.
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But they totally love and support each other.
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Is so awesome that the two biggest Webby and Louie episodes had this little parallelism.
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And talking about the The Lost Harp of Mervana!, that has my favorite moment between Webby and Louie.
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Webby lost her hope, she was so disappointed about learning how her grandma lied to her regularly. Here comes Louie, no con, no scheming, just the words his sister told him. Louie may not be the best at trusting, but he trust Webby.
To me, those two are totally brother and sister. That's their bond. Of course, Huey and Dewey are her brothers too. She's the fourth triplet, by all means.
But what made me believe that Louie and Webby are special, is how they changed thanks to the other.
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Louie wanted to tell the truth, for her.
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Webby learned to lie, from him.
I just love this brother and sister so much.
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heavyhitterheaux · 4 months
Not a Baby Anymore
First Babies of Private Garden Fic
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Synopsis: You and Jack have to get on the same page regarding Axel, who clearly lets you know that he is tired of being treated what he believes is unfairly by you
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
Axel hadn't been your biggest fan after he had asked you if he could go to soccer camp after school was going to be let out in a few weeks. You had your hesitations of him being away from you for a long period of time and even though he was getting older, you weren't quite ready for it. So, of course you told him no. That led to him catching an attitude with you and running straight to his room but not before telling you that ‘You never let me do anything. I wish dad was here more.’
You were trying to explain your reasoning to him, but he didn't want to hear it. Jack was due to be back later that evening and you had a strong feeling that he was going to try and convince you otherwise.
Once Jack had made it in the door and saw you sitting in the living room on your phone, he simply sat down next to you before sliding you onto his lap. Your arms immediately went around his neck and he gave you several kisses.
“I missed you.” You whispered against his lips before giving him another kiss which instantly made a smile come to his face.
“I missed you too. Where are all my babies?” Jack asked as he wrapped his arms around you.”
“Ivy and Autumn are in the backyard, Cam and Cash are with my parents, and Axel was in his room the last time I checked. Nova is working on her science project.”
“Hmm, that's weird. He's usually all up under you. I'm surprised he lets you breathe sometimes.” Jack knew early on that the bond you and Axel shared was special since the both of you almost lost your lives.
He remembered when he was going back and forth from your hospital room in the ICU to the NICU to see the triplets and how he was probably either going to lose his wife or one of his children. Those were the longest few days of his life and he didn't know what he was going to do if you left him before he properly got to have a chance at fixing your marriage.
“Aht! Not too much on my baby boy.” You answered while playfully hitting Jack who laughed.
“Our baby boy is almost fourteen.”
“Your point!? But I know he missed you.” But you didn't mention the argument that you two got in earlier which was why he was now in his room. Because he didn't want to be near you.
“Well let me go check on them. I'll be back.”
Jack slid you off his lap before kissing your forehead and going upstairs to see Axel.
He noticed that his door was open and he poked his head in, excited to be reunited with one of his oldest babies only to see him angrily wiping tears away from his face.
“Ax what's wrong? Did something happen?” Jack asked as he stepped fully into his room and sat next to him on his bed.
“I want to go to soccer camp.”
“Okay, just let me know all the details about it and we'll pay for you to go. Why the tears?” Jack answered, but he could tell that there was something else.
Axel shook his head no and Jack looked at him confused.
“I already asked mom and she said no.”
“What? Did she tell you why?”
“No, I walked away from her. She never lets me do anything especially when you aren't here. She lets my sisters do anything they want, but I have to stay home.”
This was the first time that Axel vocalized this to Jack and he quickly grew annoyed with you.
“You want to go?”
“Yes. All my friends are going.”
“Then that settles it. I’ll deal with your mother.”
“I don't understand why she always tells me no.”
“Don't worry. I’ll talk to her.”
“Can we have pizza for dinner? If I had asked mom she would have probably told me no too.”
Jack stifled a laugh before answering him.
“We’ll order it when Cash and Cam come back.”
Little did Jack know that you had been standing on the top step listening to their conversation and was going to confront him about it. You quietly snuck back down the steps to sit in the living room and bide your time.
Jack stayed with Axel for another twenty minutes before going to see the girls and then made his way back inside.
“Jackman….” Jack heard you say his name as he heard your footsteps approach from behind him and he immediately sighed because he knew a shitstorm was coming. He had just left Axel's room for the second time and had made his way downstairs to find something to snack on.
“Yes, baby?” He replied as he turned around to face you.
“Why did you tell Axel that it was okay for him to go to soccer camp when I specifically told him no?”
“Because you are overprotective of him and never let him do anything.” Jack said being completely honest as he shrugged.
“What? No I'm not!”
“Babe, yes you are. You aren't like that with Ivy and Autumn and let them do anything that they ask within reason. Why doesn't Axel get the same treatment?”
“I do give him the same treatment!”
“Are you trying to convince me or yourself? You let me teach him how to play and it took me months to convince you to say yes. Our baby boy is growing up and it's about time you accepted that.”
“Well yes! He has asthma! That was my entire reasoning.”
“That is well controlled. He hasn't had an attack since he was 6 and takes his meds on a daily basis.”
“But what if something happens and I'm not there? Did we forget that we almost lost him?”
“Y/N…. Thirteen years ago. He is fine and going to make good choices. All of his friends are going and I don't want him to feel left out.”
“I still don't know. The thought makes me nervous.”
“He's not going to be far from home and it's only for two weeks.”
“TWO WEEKS? No, that's too long for him to be away from us. Absolutely not.”
“So let me ask you this. When he becomes an adult because you know that's eventually going to happen, right? Are you going to be babying him like this? And sheltering him? How is he supposed to experience anything? I'm convinced that you're going to go to college with him too.” Jack explained, but all you did was roll your eyes.
“My answer is still no.”
“And I told him yes. My second born came to me in tears, upset and told me how when I'm not here and he asks you to do something nine times out of ten you tell him no. This is something that he really wants to do and his mom shouldn't be ruining that for him.”
“But he's my baby.” You quietly said as you were trying to blink back tears. All of your children held a special place in your heart but you admit you took extra precautions when it came to Axel because he wasn't dealt the best hand when you brought him into the world.
“And he's mine too. I want all of them to be able to experience things and have opportunities but one child shouldn't feel like he's being left out.”
Just then you heard footsteps and turned to see that it was Axel who was trying to wipe the remnants of his tears away before you saw them making your heart break.
“Axel…” You started to say, but he immediately went over to Jack.
“She won't let me go will she?” He asked as he looked up at him and all Jack did was sigh.
“Ax, turn around and ask her.”
“Why? She's probably going to say no like she always does.”
“All I want to do is protect you.” You said as your eyes started to water.
“I'm not a baby anymore! And I'm tired of you treating me like one. I take my meds every day and I haven't been in the hospital since I was six. I want to go to soccer camp with my friends!”
Crossing your arms, you gathered your thoughts before responding.
“I know that you aren't a baby anymore, but this is hard for me. I know I say this all the time, but I didn't even think that you would make it to six months old. So can you understand why I`m so hesitant. But if this is what you want, okay.” You responded while shrugging.
“Wait, that's it?” Axel asked, thinking that you were going to put up more of a fight.
“But there are going to be rules that you have to follow.” Jack piped up and Axel eagerly nodded.
“You call us everyday, set an alarm on your phone for your meds and take your inhaler with you. If at any point you don't feel well, you tell them immediately so that they’ll be able to get you the help you need. This will be the test to see if you can be responsible enough to be away from us.” Jack explained while Axel was actively listening.
“Okay, I will. Promise.”
As you stood off to the side, Jack looked at Axel and nudged his head in your direction while you weren't looking.
Axel didn't respond, but instead hugged you and you tightly hugged him back.
“I promise that I'll be fine.”
“I know you will.”
“That woman has one more time to look at you before I go off.” You told Jack as both of you were at Axel's championship soccer game for his team. It was the last day of summer camp and you could tell that you and Jack made the right choice even though it took a little convincing on his part to get you to say yes.
All Jack did was laugh before wrapping an arm around you and kissing your cheek.
“Baby, please don't. We're here to see Axel play.”
“She is giving you bedroom eyes. I can focus on two things at the same time!”
“The only person that I'm going into a bedroom with is you so she can forget it. But focus on Axel!”
“Fine, but when the game is over I'll deal with her.”
It was down to the last few seconds and the game was tied when Anthony, Axel's best friend and teammate passed him the ball which he kicked right into the net and scored, winning the game.
You and Jack erupted in cheers as his teammates gathered around him and picked him up.
Once the crowd died down, you and Jack made your way onto the field and Axel immediately ran to the both of you. Once he reached you, both of you immediately brought him into a hug.
“So proud of you.” You whispered in his ear as he hugged you both tighter.
“Thank you for letting me come.”
“Anything to see our baby happy. Now where are we going to celebrate your amazing championship winning goal?”
“Hmm Wing Stop?”
“I… seriously?” Jack said as he looked at the both of you.
“Momma's baby. You should already know.” You responded while shrugging.
The three of you were walking back to Jack’s car when Axel turned to look at him.
“Hmm, I guess you are a good teacher after all.” Axel told Jack.
“Obviously, you get your talent from me.”
“I thought that I got it from mom?”Axel playfully asked.
“WHAT? Since when does your mom play soccer?”
“See? Our son knows he got all his good qualities from me.”
“Not that attitude.” Jack shot back and you immediately rolled your eyes as Axel laughed.
“But being a soccer mom does look good on you.”
“I make anything look good.” You said while winking.
“Including dad.”
“HEY! Don't you two start! But I have to agree.”
“Mom, do you think I'm good enough to go pro?” Axel asked as your eyes went wide.
“Um Ax, let's just get through the rest of today first. I don't think your mom is ready to have a constant series of panic attacks if you play professionally.”
“Only if I come with you to every practice, workout session, and game of course!”
“On second thought, never mind.”
“I'll get us all matching shirts.”
“Dad, make it stop.”
“Nope, you asked for this.”
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vanteguccir · 6 months
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        𝒄𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒐 x reader
SUMMARY: Where Y/N and Chris are secretly in love, but Chris is the one that acts shy around her; OR 4 times Chris loved Y/N from afar and 1 time he didn't.
REQUESTED?: Yes, by anon.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
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Y/N and Nick had been inseparable since they were children, having grown up together in Boston, their bond of friendship was the strongest among all others. Nick was the type of boy who exuded energy and extroversion, while Y/N was more thoughtful and quiet, and the two of them fit together perfectly.
So, when the triplets decided to move to Los Angeles to better advance their career on YouTube, the girl went with them. Her high school years were over, and, as luck would have it, she had received her acceptance letter to the LA college she wanted to attend.
Obviously, her closeness with Nick throughout her life brought her close to Matt and Chris equally, as the three of them came as a complete package to any relationship, regardless of which trype it was.
The only difference was that with Chris, things were different. A strange and unfamiliar feeling grew more and more inside Y/N's heart whenever he was around, making her blush and stumble over her own words. It didn't take her long to realize that she was madly in love with the youngest triplet, but the fear of rejection prevented her from confessing her feelings.
What Y/N didn't know was that Chris also had deep feelings for her. However, he was also paralyzed by the fear of ruining his friendship with Y/N, or worse, destabilizing the girl's friendship with his brother if his feelings weren't reciprocated. So the two were content to flirt shyly and exchanging furtive glances and meaningful smiles that spoke volumes about their feelings.
But there was something more, something that everyone but Y/N seemed to notice. When she was around, Chris transformed completely. His posture softened, his smile became more genuine, and his eyes shone with a special tenderness reserved just for her. He became more embarrassed and cautious, as if he was afraid of messing up in front of the person he secretly loved.
1. Shyness
The sun was beginning to peek shyly through the window curtains when Y/N woke up. She snuggled under the sheets for a moment, enjoying the feeling of comfort. With a soft yawn, the girl got up from the bed and stretched momentarily before putting on the Fresh Love hoodie that was on her gaming chair, throwing her hair up in a quick ponytail.
Y/N walked down the stairs of the floor she shared with Nick towards the kitchen, following the tempting aroma of fresh coffee and warm toast.
Inside the kitchen, Matt was talking about a movie he watched the night before, Saltburn, while Chris laughed loudly at the faces of disgust and strangeness Nick displayed at certain scenes.
"Wait, you reminded me of a TikTok I saw yesterday!" Exclaimed Chris, his eyes shining with excitement. "It was from a guy who apparently wrote a song about a girl who looks innocent but ha-"
Before he could continue, Y/N entered the room with a smile on her face.
"Good morning, boys!"
Chris's face instantly turned a bright shade of red, and he swallowed hard, abruptly stopping talking. He looked down at his plate with a sudden intensity, as if he were trying to concentrate on each bite of his food.
"Good morning, Y/N." Nick smiled, breaking the brief moment of awkward silence. Matt just nodded, chewing on the piece of toast he had in his mouth.
Y/N approached the counter behind the table, noticing the sudden discomfort in the air but choosing not to comment on it.
"What was the TikTok about, Chris?" She asked softly with her back turned to them, standing on tiptoes and opening one of the cabinets above the stove, retrieving her favorite mug.
"I... Um." He fake coughed, clearing his throat. "I think I... forgot." The last word came out in a subtle whisper.
Y/N smiled, feeling the skin of her face burn at the thought of how shy the boy became in her presence, shaking her head quickly to shake off the thoughts when Nick started talking again, bringing up another topic.
2. Admiring from afar
The Space Camp Wellness studio was filled with vibrant energy as Nick, Chris, Matt, and Y/N prepared for yet another promotional photo shoot. Nick, as the founder of the lip balm brand, was busy adjusting the final details, while Y/N was preparing to be one of the models in that series of pictures that would be used to promote the new line.
Sitting on the other side of the room, Chris, Matt, and Nick exchanged hushed murmurs among themselves, discussing the details of what the next steps for Nick's brand would be. However, to Chris, the sounds seemed distant, completely muffled to his ears.
His eyes remained fixed on the girl, watching every movement she made as she changed her positions. He couldn't shake the feeling that the whole world seemed brighter when she was around, his heart beating wildly against his chest.
"Chris, you're drooling again." Matt teased, giving the boy a playful poke in the shoulder.
Chris blinked, brought back to reality by his words. He blushed slightly, embarrassed at being caught.
"Shut the fuck up, I'm not drooling." He barked back, trying to hide his flushed state.
"Oh, come on, Chris. Everyone knows you're head over heels in love with Y/N." Nick laughed loudly, exchanging knowing glances with Matt.
Chris squirmed uncomfortably in his seat, trying to find a suitable response to his brothers' teasing. He knew he couldn't deny his feelings for Y/N, but he also didn't want to make the situation more awkward than it already was.
"You two are ridiculous." He grumbled, looking at Y/N again.
His eyes widened when he saw her already watching them, her gaze carrying a curiosity as to why they were laughing so loud - not that it was something strange coming from the brothers.
The brunette quickly turned his neck to the side, focusing his eyes on a random place while scratching his stubble, gulping loudly.
3. Acts of service
The frigid air of Boston circulated Y/N as she walked alongside the triplets, enveloped by the welcoming atmosphere of their hometown. The night was particularly cold, with a biting breeze that made everyone shrink into themselves for warmth.
"Oh my God, it's so cold!" Y/N commented, rubbing her arms in an attempt to warm them a little.
Chris, who was next to her on the outside of the sidewalk, immediately noticed her cheeks flushed by the wind. He frowned, feeling a tightening of concern in his chest when he saw her body shaking slightly, being covered only by a long-sleeved blouse and thin leggings.
"Here." The boy said, taking off his hockey jersey and offering it to her. "You can use this to protect yourself from the cold."
Y/N widened her eyes in surprise, stopping her steps abruptly.
"But what about you, Chris? You're going to be cold-" Chris shook his head, cutting her off.
"Don't worry about me. I can handle the cold better than you can. Besides, you need to stay warm or you will cath the flu."
Finally convinced, but still reluctant, Y/N accepted the jersey, feeling the comforting warmth that emanated from the fabric as she took it in her hands. She smiled wide at Chris, slipping it over her shoulders, his Dior parfume automatically filling her nostrils, warming her heart.
Chris watched in silence as Y/N wrapped herself in his jersey, name and number clearly visible on her back, lightly covered by the strands of her loose hair. An intense blush took over his cheeks, a feeling of heat different from the cold taking over his body.
He felt his heart speed up to a thousand miles per hour, pressing his lips into a thin line to stop the involuntary smile.
"It looks good on you. Better than on me."
4. Distraction
The kitchen of the triplets' house was full of energy as the brothers prepared to record another Wednesday video for their YouTube channel. Nick adjusted the camera and arranged the equipment while Chris and Matt arranged themselves in the two chairs behind the wooden table, facing the tripod.
Chris, especially, was beaming with enthusiasm, his words flowing with energy as he addressed the camera after Nick positioned himself behind the two, giving the go-ahead to begin recording.
"What's up, guys? Welcome back to our YouTube channel! Today, we have a-"
He was in the middle of introducing the theme when Y/N passed through the divide between the living room and kitchen, her hands holding her phone and her eyes fixed on the screen, heading towards the stairs that led to her shared floor with Nick.
Chris's gaze instinctively shifted towards her, his heart racing almost automatically as his pupils seemed to take the shape of a little heart, his eyes following her every step and his mouth opening slightly.
His brothers, noticing Chris's sudden distraction, began laughing, teasing him as he struggled to regain focus.
"Wow, Chris, I think someone's a little distracted." Matt, who was sitting next to him, joked, receiving a hard slap on the shoulder in response.
Chris blushed a red hue, embarrassed at being caught. He rubbed the back of his neck, trying to hide his state as he tried to remember what he was about to say.
"Hm..." He cleared his throat, still a little disconcerted. "Where did I stop?"
Nick laughed louder, stumbling back and slamming his back against the stove, cursing loudly as he tried to steady his balance.
"You were talking about the challenge we're going to do today, but I think you were more interested in keeping up with Y/N ​​than recording the video." Matt scoffed, smirking to the lens.
Chris shook his head, adjusting the cap over his hair in an act of nervousness, his mind still a little clouded by the sight of Y/N.
Needless to say, he got almost every picture of the challenge wrong, his mind replaying the image of the girl he loved over and over for the rest of the day.
5. When he finally makes a move
The night silently enveloped the house, as Chris found himself lost in his own thoughts, his body lying flat on his bed and his eyes fixed on the ceiling. He knew it was time to finally confront his feelings for Y/N and express the love he had been secretly holding onto for so long. However, he was feeling completely lost on how to do it.
With his heart beating wildly in his chest, the boy decided to seek advice from Matt. His brother always knew what to say. Chris walked quickly up the stairs, going to Matt's bedroom door, knocking gently with his closed fist against the wood before turning the handle, opening it.
"Matt?" He asked, his voice slightly shaking with anxiety as his eyes darted around the room, quickly finding the boy in his gaming chair, playing something on his computer. "Can I talk to you?"
Matt looked up, frowning in concern when he noticed the boy's distressed eyes.
"Of course, did something happen?"
Chris entered the room, closing the door behind him and walking over to the bed, sitting on the edge in front of his computer desk.
"Nothing happened, I just... need some advice." Chris began, scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment at being so vulnerable. "I've finally accepted that I love Y/N, but I don't know how to tell her... I'm scared of ruining everything, Matt."
Matt smiled slightly, taking the headphones off his head and placing it on the keyboard before moving the chair so that he was facing Chris.
"Why don't you write her a letter?" Matt shrugged, crossing his arms and watching his reactions.
"A letter? Isn't that too old-fashioned?" The youngest frowned, pushing his bangs back with his right hand, expanding his vision.
"With every girl you've ever been with, you've always been direct, unrestricted, and unromantic. But with Y/N ​​it's different, right?"
"She's not just another one, Matt." Chris rolled his eyes, feeling disgusted as he remembered all the times that he tried to erase his feelings for Y/N.
"Exactly, so treat her like she isn't, be romantic and different, surprise her."
It took days for Chris to finally have the courage to open his heart in a letter. He wasn't used to revealing his feelings often, so writing them down on paper was harder than it seemed. But the day finally arrived, and surprisingly, it didn't take more than an hour for Chris to finish his words.
The brunette spent the rest of that day wandering around his room while carrying the letter hidden in the front pocket of his hoodie, looking for the ideal moment to give it to Y/N.
His courage to hand it to her face to face was almost non-existent, and that's why he used the only moment when the girl moved from her room to Nick's. With shaking hands, he placed the letter on Y/N's bed, leaving it in a place where she would certainly find it.
One last look at it, and Chris turned abruptly, running back to his own room with his face flushed with shyness and anxiety.
Meanwhile, Y/N returned to her room, unaware of the surprise that awaited her. Her heart beat with strange anticipation as she approached, immediately noticing the letter carefully left there.
Hesitantly, Y/N took it, feeling the weight of the paper in her hands. She took a deep breath before opening it, her eyes widening comically as she recognized the handwriting, her eyes running quickly through the words with a mix of surprise and excitement.
As she read Chris's passionate declaration, Y/N's heart seemed to expand in her chest, overflowing with all the best feelings.
To my Y/N,
I am completely sure that I have loved you since the moment I understood the meaning of the word love. I remember the day I noticed that I felt something different about you; we were 14 years old and you showed up at our house to spend the day with Nick, and as soon as you saw me, you smiled the most beautiful and wide smile I've ever seen, taking away all my breath.
Whenever I go to sleep I think about you and, maybe, an us, wondering if you feel the same. And whenever I wake up, I can only imagine what it would be like to have you on the other side of the bed, forever in my arms.
What would it be like to have you? This probably sounds cliché and ridiculous, but I created a whole imagination of what it would be like, and I know it would be a dream come true.
And I tried so hard to resist it, out of pure fear and cowardice of losing you and your company, but resisting you became my most difficult task.
Everything about you makes me feel more alive and lighter. The sound of your voice seems to silence all the noise in my head, and your smile erases all the bad smoke in the world around me. And suddenly there's only you.
If you gave me the chance, I would make you feel everything and much more than you already made me feel.
Say the word and I'll be your yours.
Y/N remained static for long minutes, letting the magnitude of what she had just read sink into her heart and mind. She felt her fingertips numb and her heart racing so much that she was almost sure it would jump out of her chest and run to wherever Chris was.
And then, with renewed determination, the girl got up from her bed, running downstairs towards Chris's room, goosebumps rising through her body in anticipation.
Upon arriving at the door of the room she dreamed of being able to live in one day, Y/N raised her closed fist, knocking it against the wood with nervousness, anxiously waiting for an answer.
When Chris opened it, their eyes met in a moment of pure connection, and Y/N knew it was the right thing to do.
"Chris." She began, her voice soft but shaky. "I love you too."
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hysteria-things · 7 months
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: chris x fem!reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: you’ve been living a secret life of being a party girl, but it gains the suspicion of a certain someone.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: swearing, mentions of drug use, underage drinking
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1,235
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: i updated the series masterlist to where it now has a disclaimer! i forgot to put it before🙈
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𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐎? 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐒𝐀𝐘 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 phone, your friends jaiden and claudia’s faces fill the screen. jaiden is on her laptop while claudia is on the couch in her living room.
these are your girls. you didn’t grow up with them like the others, but you’ve bonded throughout high school. they’ve seen you have more breakdowns than anything but have stuck by your side all these years.
unlike some people.
“y/n.” claudia starts. “are you doing anything tonight?”
“no, why?”
she brushes her black bangs out of her eyes with her hand and smiles. “good because you’re coming with us.”
you blink at them. “i need more info.”
“paige’s boyfriend is throwing a party tonight. you in, or are you in?” jaiden says, adjusting her glasses that lay on the brim of her nose.
“when does the party start?”
“nine. i’ll pick you up around 8:45ish,” she says. you nod, silently saying you will be going.
since meeting them, you have been partying a lot. they’re not bad influences or anything. the number one thing you’ve always wanted to do was get out of your comfort zone.
another tiny secret is that you’ve done some drugs here and there. not to where you’re addicted, but to where you felt out of it.
not even the triplets know that.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ✿ ⋆⁺₊⋆
𝐀𝐓 𝐄𝐗𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝟖:𝟒𝟓, 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐄 pings. it’s a text from claudia saying that she’s here. you walk to the room that’s next to your bedroom, which is your mom’s office. she’s sitting at her desk, typing away on her computer. “i’m going out with claudia and jaiden. i don’t know when I’ll be back.”
“this late?” she asks. she leans her head down slightly to get a peek at you through her glasses while she also wants to look at the computer screen.
“yeah. i won’t be out long, i promise. i’ll keep my ringer on for you.”
“okay. have fun, be careful.”
you walk out of the room, down the stairs, and go through the garage. you open the glass door and run down the driveway to jaiden’s car. “hey, girl.”
she grins at you through the rearview mirror before putting the car in drive. “how many people will be there? do you know?” you ask.
“it’s an open invite. that makes it better, in my opinion.” claudia replies, turning her head to face you in the backseat.
it felt like in the blink of an eye when you guys arrived. this guy didn’t even live ten minutes away. you can see the dimly colored lights from inside the house when the three of you step out of the car. it seems like he lives on a dead end, so there are some people outside either smoking, selling drugs, or making out.
the door is open and you can see a hoard of people inside, their voices overlapping the music that’s playing in the background. talk about an open invite.
you follow jaiden and claudia into the house. more voices and music progress the more you become closer. you guys squeeze through the crowd into the living room, where there is a bit more open space. paige is there, sitting on some dude's lap in a sofa chair. she is playing with his hair, which is extremely curly. she has a red solo cup in her hand that’s spilling from her being too focused on the boy. her eyes fall on you guys, and she gasps. “omg, hey guys!”
she gets off the boy’s lap and starts running over until she slips on what she spills from her cup. she balances herself, laughing. “paige!” jaiden exclaims.
that’s when the boy she was smothering herself on walks over. he is taller than you had anticipated, and his face has stubble on it. “finn, this is y/n, jaiden, and claudia.”
“sup.” he introduces with a nod.
“do you want a drink? i can get you something from the kitchen.” paige suggests, her voice loud enough to hear over the music.
you nod. “sure, what the hell?”
she links her arm with yours and drags you to the kitchen.
when you get there, she fills her drink before looking for one for you. “what would you like?”
“beer it is.” she laughs, grabbing one from the fridge full of different types of beverages. you open it and take a sip. you set your phone down on the counter but intend for it to stay there for only a second.
suddenly, your phone makes the noise snapchat makes when somebody sends you something, causing both of you to look down at it.
chris sturniolo is typing…
“holy shit.” she gasps. “am i seeing that right? is that the chris sturniolo that ditched you with his brothers?”
“shut up,” you mumble, and she looks at the phone again. this time confused. “are you guys friends again? does jaiden and claudia know?”
“i don’t know.” you sigh. “the four of us are trying to be, and i haven’t told them yet.”
chris sturniolo sent a chat.
paige hums. “i’ll leave you be. i miss my boyfriend.” she says with a smirk, leaving the kitchen.
before opening the message, you decide to go outside. it’s not like you’re going to call him, but the noise on the inside will make you have trouble thinking. you lean against the house with the beer in one hand and the phone in the other.
| hi :)
| christopher.
| what are you doing?
| i’m out with friends
| this late?
| yes, mom
| i’m a big girl!
| you’re hilarious🤣
| where are you?
| none of your beeswax, chrissy poo
| bringing back the old nickname i see
| your snap map says you are at finn yaw’s house
| do you not remember how much of a douchebag he was?
| he also DID NOT belong on the varsity lacrosse team he pissed me off idc what anybody says
| jaiden and claudia invited me, and besides he’s dating paige😭
| why do you care anyway🤨
| i just want you to be careful that’s all
| i still care about you, you know
| i appreciate the concern chris but i’ll be fine
| if it makes you feel better do you want me to text you when i get home🥺🥺 (you big baby)
| 😐
| please.
you leave him on open but continue looking at what just happened. you do appreciate his caring, but you still feel like a stranger to him.
you put your phone in your pocket to see paige hovering over your shoulder. “jesus!” you screech with a jump.
“sorry, i didn’t mean to scare you. i was looking for you to see if you wanted to play some beer pong but i noticed an interesting conversation was happening.” she wiggles her eyebrows. “i can tell he never stopped thinking about you.”
“i never stopped thinking about him either but he’s acting like we’re still best friends. i need to gain his trust back.” you rant, downing the rest of your drink. “it hasn’t even been seventy-two hours, by the way.”
“maybe he wants to be your best friend again.”
you sigh with a shrug. “let’s go play,” you say, walking past her to where the beer pong is being held.
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𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
@bunbunbl0gs @lexisecretaccx @thy-mission @angelic-sturniolos111 @sophssturn @mattsneezing @janiellasblog @blahbel668 @meg-sturniolo @hearts4chris @mattslolita @sturnbaby @imwetforyourmom @tillies33ssss @sturnifyed @mayhem-72 @ripmattitude @p1xieswrld @alorsxsturn @txssvx @sttzee @multiluvr @delilahprentiss @matthewsspecial @sturnolio-luvs @sturniolho @suga-daddy-69 @tworosesblackthorn @luckistar-posts @gnxosblog @junnniiieee07 @sturnioloslurps @tylerthecreatorsrealwife @flowerxbunnie @imaslut4kehlani @sturniolosandmoree @hertvgirl @whoreforchrissturniolo @r4iyaa @sturniolotriplettoplover @mattybswife @freshsturns @loverrsposts @sturnlcvr @elliesturniolo1 @tpvmz @user283926392 @lalalands86 @sukiipjs @sturniologirl813 @leahrab @chrissturniolosslut @h3arts4harry
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