#i was considering getting the game too cuz it looked fun but fuck that now
oddeyes588 · 5 months
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Genuinely don't think I've ever seen a more catastrophic fumble from a video game company.
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emerxshiu · 6 months
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I started this drawing yesterday around afternoon and finished it just a few minutes earlier.
I went with a messier type of drawing instead of more clean like the elfilin one from yesterday, i find it fun doing it like this, mostly cause i dont have to worry about making it perfectly so i dont get as frustrated as normal. Id place this one as my second best digital drawing. im pretty sure i havent posted what i consider my best digital drawing here, tho i do have it in instagram, i might post it here one day, tho these two are way too tied up, i love how this came out, its not exactly like how i imagined it but its really close to it, and also itd say that since i dont tend to play around lighting that much, this was such a joy to draw and i cant help but stare at it a lot, at least until i start hating it because i made quite a lot of errors. i also changed my elfilis gijinka just a tad bit from last time, but its not that big of a difference, mostly.
ofc i had to draw elfilis for forgotten land's anniversary, i tend to deny it in my head but yeah they're my fave of the kirby characters even tho i hate them a bit. I wanted to draw some more doodles, like, elfilis eating cake, kirby car, a bunch of other stuff (not elfilin cuz i already drew him yesterday) but when i tried i couldnt draw anything more, guess this drawing burned me out a lot, huh?
you can definitly tell i spent all the efforts on him cuz if you look a bit closer to the bottom part you'll see its almost barely detailed, but i mean, they're the focus so make sense i guess for me not add that much detail there. um also, maybe because i dunno i had OVER 130 LAYERS jeez no wonder firealpaca was slowing down so much, i need to manage my layers better next time, tho i did do something i keep forgetting, wich is naming them (most of them at least) that was a real life saver
Also, antares (fecto elfilis' spear/cadaceus), as always, was a pain to draw, but this time its probably been draw the most accurate out of every other drawing ive made with it in it, i didnt notice it was like, a little curved when it reached the blade
some close ups since his face is a bit hard to see
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silly :3
fun fact! actually, this is technically a redraw, somewhere around between february and march i started a fecto elfilis drawing for the first anniversary, but i couldnt finish it in time, and i never finished it
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thats...quite the improvement! (i remember being so proud of it)
also his wings are like that cuz i did not want to draw the pattern, its way too hard, i literally copy pasted it, wait, i was talking about the 2024 version but i looked at the 2023 one and i just noticed it also has the pattern copy pasted, i guess some stuff never changes since i still abuse the ctrl+c ctrl+v to this day
Also i ended up making a huge error there, i was planing to add the phantom spears from orbital pulsar (the attack he does first when you battle them at lab discovera) but theres an innacuracy, when they do the attack, they always close their eyes, i had actually sketched him (well i mean both these drawings are basically the first sketch (2023) or second sketch(2024) with some color, shadows and lighting. i didnt do lineart in the 2024 one cuz i wanted to be a bit like the og i made (too bad i sketched that one with black since the og was sketched with white due to me drawing the bg first)) with his eyes closed but them decided to make them open for a reason i cant remember, maybe i thought itd look nicer? idk
ive had the idea of redrawing this for quite some month now so it was kinda already planned
background cuz i think it came out really pretty
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doesnt have the little stars since without elfilis and the structures it looks fucked up. the actual sky in game is more blue, but the clouds have some orange, in the 2023 ver. i made the sky orange, and in the 2024 ver i wanted it more accurate, but i didnt wanna loose the orange sky, so i did a gradient. pretty...
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also here's a screenshot i took when i was like halfway trough it, its barely noticeable but i changed his mouth in the final drawing
I really love katfl, like a buncha whole lot, its basically almost my first mainline kirby game. 100% the demo, finished the game in almost one day, i literally play it monthly, like, every month i put the card in my switch, start it up, get morpho sword, and go shred elfilis in lab discovera. i would probably not even be here on tumblr and the kirby fandom if it werent for it. and i love it so much i genuinly cannot express how much i like it and treasure it with words or anything
Thank you for reading my unnecesarily long rambles lol
I hope i'll post tomorrow and dont forget like usual
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Gojo headcanons bc ive got too much time on my hands
bro ate chalk as a kid and ive got proof
look at his kid self for a sec, he’s got a grown out buzzcut and the blue eyed stare. thats a chalk eater
you can’t convince me he’s a good swimmer
he’s lanky and tall, bro gets swept away the min he is near the ocean. he’s built to be shark food, sorry luv
the cloth he wears to cover his eyes is raggedy as hell
let me explain. he wears it constantly both in and out of battle, he wears it in any weather, and let’s be real he’s so odd that he probs sleeps in it sometimes
this leads me to believe that even tho he almost never gets hurt during a fight the blood and grime gets all up in the cloth
no amount of Tide or even acid could get rid of the STENCH that mask holds
it smells like ten cans of bounce that ass. one whiff could, quite literally, kill an old man
he’s a chronic podcast listener
tried to become one of those skater kids, failed miserably. geto never let him live it down
i think he’d make a great partner but if you listen to Hozier he will cause a scene
basically what im saying is he’s jealous of Hozier
Gojo knows that no matter how strong he is he will NEVER compare to that man’s vocals/lyrics and what they do to you
que Gojo trying to sing your fav Hozier song(s) but he can’t match the pitch which sends you into cardiac arrest
other than that he’s a pretty good singer, could probs serenade you to sleep
you know how everyone has an irrational fear? yuh his is birds
you ever see him interact with one in a normal way?
you see a bird, he sees a sack of organs with hollow bones that sore through the sky and sometimes they can talk
he pisses his pants when he sees a macaw
he’s a rich bitch and it’s a problem. not cuz he’s an ass abt it but bc he spoils the hell out of the teens
we know he would buy Megumi anything in the world but Yuuji and Nobara get the same treatment
he saw Yuuji’s orphaned ass and immediately transferred HUNDREDS to Yuuji’s bank acc
ain’t no student of his gonna be broke, that’s for sure
probs carries around pics of Megumi from when the teen was a kid
some are cute such as Megumi at the beach or having a fun at the zoo. others are of Megumi fighting for his life
i feel that when Yuuji entered the equation he also started taking pics of him during cute, fun, or important moments
very much sentimental older brother energy
whenever Gojo gets sick or injured he either becomes a massive baby or denies it until he’s dead
depends on the problem tbh. if he’s got a head cold he needs to be hospitalized but if he got his legs cut off he’d ignore it for weeks
you know how most men’s body wash or shampoo is named in, what’s considered, “masculine scents”
like redwood, campfire smoke, whiskey, fucking piss water
yuh he’s not a fan
i don’t think he’d really like those scents. in his mind, why does smelling like burnt coal or salt = masculine?
he probs just grabs whatever he likes, maybe orange scented stuff or even subtle vanilla
whatever cologne he wears tho is fucking delicious. you smell it and immediately your knees give out
i think if you gave him a huff of old spice tho he’d just disintegrate
im thinking of his general hygiene now, he has a solid routine
it’s not a million steps, probs just good quality face wash, serums, and moisturizer
that being said he suffered horrific back acne as a kid. dont ask how I know this, i will eat you alive
he looks and acts flawless but we know the truth. he sucks at card games
Yuuji’s biggest flex is he beat Gojo at go-fish 28 times in a row
he says calabunga and not a single person can stand it
that’s it for now, i’ll probs add more headcanons later
thanks for coming to my ted talk, i hope this post finds you before Sukuna does
(this is all mildly unedited, soz for mistakes)
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clotpolesonly · 2 months
from one hurricane sufferer to another: sterek hurricane??
oh god, throwback to a supremely half formed idea with very little to actually do with hurricanes 😂😂😂
this was from my "craving sex favorable ace rep" period, and the premise was that a hurricane knocks out the power for a few days and it's super hot and super boring, and with nothing else to do Stiles figures he might as well lay around and jerk off until the lights come back on. and Derek, checking up on all his people personally cuz the cell towers are down, walks in on it and is like 😳 but also a tiny bit like 👀
i don't remember if there was supposed to be a song and dance about it or if it was gonna jump straight in, but it was definitely meant to be ace!Derek to whom fucking Stiles hadn't really occurred before but now that the option is right in front of him, he's down!!!
there is less than one page written lmao, sooooo here, have the whole thing:
The hurricane knocks the power out all over the city. That’s about it, though, at least in Stiles’ neighborhood. Lots of branches down, trees blocking the roads, but for the most part it’s just a very inconvenient excuse to have three days off of work. And to be bored out of his mind, of course, considering no power means no internet and no TV and no games on his phone unless he wants to run the battery down and be stuck with no way to communicate with anyone in an emergency. Not that the communicating is really happening either because the cell service is spotty at best and completely non-existent the rest of the time, and it’ll be days before everything is restored to proper working order. So really there’s only one thing left to do. Not quite as much fun without his porn collection, but Stiles is more than capable of jerking off in the low tech fashion, just like all his ancestors before him. Returning to his roots. It’ll be cleansing. Stiles sprawls out on top of his bed, naked as the day he was born because it’s fucking hot without AC, and gets to work. He’s got plenty of time, but he has also never been a patient man. Why delay gratification when he can be gratified now and then have time to do it again later? He’s well on his way to the grand finale and almost too distracted to notice when there’s the clomp of heavy footsteps in the stairwell outside his apartment. He barely has time to scramble for a pillow and cover his junk before his door is swinging open—he’s really gotta start locking that—and Derek is waltzing right on in like he owns the place, in the middle of saying something that Stiles isn’t paying any attention to. They both freeze. Derek looks taken aback, which Stiles can’t help but be sort of entertained by since he’s normally a pretty unflappable person, but Stiles is also naked and still hard, and that is a very awkward thing. Finally Derek clears his throat. “Um...were you…?” He makes a vague sort of gesture. “No,” Stiles says with an extensive roll of his eyes, “I was knitting a sweater. Yes, Derek, I was—” He gestures vaguely right back. “Are you here for a reason?” There may or may not be a slight blush on Derek’s cheeks. It’s sort of hard to tell with just the light from the curtained window. He is shifting on his feet, though, in an uncomfortable sort of way. He’s obviously trying to keep his eyes averted, but he keeps glancing up at Stiles and immediately looking away again. “I was just, um...I was making the rounds, checking that everyone in the pack is okay, since the phones are mostly down. Everyone’s fine.”
that's it lol
ask me about my WIPs!
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deedala · 8 months
✨weekly tag wednesday✨
weekly tagly wednesdly?? lolol thanks for todays game and thanks for tagging me @darlingian!! and @energievie!! <<3333
About you name: deanna age: noel-aged (which isnt old actually, stop being weirdos) starsign: scorpio your first language: english second language: right now the only other language i might be able to have a little convo with you in is norwegian favourite lip product: blistex medicated mint lip balm the best food dish you can make without a recipe: pico de gallo yum yum If you drink tea, what kind?: peppermint If you drink coffee, what roast do you usually get?: light roast (i didnt know about that being more caffeine!! But yay!) favourite thing to watch on youtube right now: mike’s mic’s appropriately unhinged tv show summaries favourite thing to watch on youtube in 2012: i dont have a fuckin clue lol. All i did in 2012 was work at and manage a barber shop well over 40 hours a week, experience a fucked up pregnancy, got traumatized, and played mass effect 3. favourite item of clothing right now: my black joggers favourite item of clothing in 2012: uhmm…green cardigan was something i wore a lot to work cuz it looked extra cute with my red hair. (i had red hair in 2012!)
fandom three movies you recommend: The Fall (2006), Love and Monsters, Palm Springs your favourite concert: went to a ton of dmb shows a youth which were always insane levels of fun have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?: oh for sure, im here to enjoy myself lol have you ever left a fandom because of the fans?: i dunno what i consider leaving a fandom? I guess maybe i dont JOIN them very often (ie make friends and participate in events and such) so no i’ve never really left one as the only two i consider myself really being a part of is dragon age and shameless? the best tv show you watched last year: hmmmm….the fall of the house of usher (i have such a short fucking memory i dont know what came out earlier in the year sorry lol) do you have a fancasting you just can't let go of?: not that i can think of off the top of my head… a ship you've abandoned: uuhhmm…also cant really think of one? on a scale of 1-10 how willing are you to share your ao3 history?: oh zerooooo. Its all rather tame, i just am not willing to lay my fucking soul bare thanks lolol do you have a fandom tattoo? i dont have any tattoos which i will probably go to my grave being sad about because i have so far failed at every meager attempt to get one. what fandom do you wish was bigger?: on one hand it might be fun to have more folks around in shameless but also i know our tiny friendly tumblr bubble is what keeps things playful, so i dunno… maybe uuhhmm the expanse?  has a finale ever ruined a show for you?: how i met your mother was pretty bad. I think even worse for me was Chuck. have you... swam in an ocean?: yes been vegan/vegetarian?: i’ve been a vegetarian for 28 years gone skinny dipping?: yes gone skiing?: no been to a convention?: so so so many
now my precious nuggets, please accept this tag and either play along or just know that i am gently squishing your face in my hands @too-schoolforcool @michellemisfit @heymrspatel @heymacy @metalheadmickey @crossmydna @tanktopgallavich @sam-loves-seb @jrooc @gardenerian @mickeysgaymom @softmick @howlinchickhowl @the-rat-wins @lingy910y @sickness-health-all-that-shit @gallawitchxx @mybrainismelted @juliakayyy @creepkinginc @whatwouldmickeydo @suzy-queued @squirrel-fund @tsuga-of-mars @transmickey @sleepyfacetoughguy @palepinkgoat @themarchg1rl @purplemagpie @thepupperino @callivich @rereadanon @grumble-fish @ardent-fox @thisdivorce @lee-ow @iansw0rld @ritualpyre @vintagelacerosette @rosemacclare @maizzycakes @7x10mickey @rrapp @gofionaonthem @suchagallabitch
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abitofboth · 29 days
okay fuck it I’m gonna write detailed thoughts about cinderella’s castle even though I never usually do cuz like who am I to review something
first of all: PUPPETS!!!!! god, I am SO glad starkid puppets are back in action. I fully believe puppets should be used in theatre way more than they are now (the joey puppet in war horse is extraordinary) and the puppetry in cc was so reminiscent of starship to me- I’ve been craving the high of pincer and bug for YEARS lmao. when hop-a-lot came on stage I audibly went “oh shit”, crumb is a fuckin delightful little guy and I desperately need to hug him, and the troll puppets brought so much life to characters that I think wouldn’t have been as fun without them. the love that went into crafting every puppet is so easy to see and I really hope we get more of it from starkid in the future!!
I’m really happy to see bryce in a main role, she is a fuckin powerhouse!!! her voice is incredible and she brought such a fun spin to ella. I was lowkey worried it was gonna give off alw bad cinderella vibes but I shoulda had more faith, her character charms you as soon as she walks on stage!!
I’m also kind of a little obsessed with tadius?? curt in any role is guaranteed to take my heart but god, make him a lover boy and throw in a sprinkle of sass and I’ll just lay down my life for him. wish there’d been some more of the romance between him and ella!!
the trolls were also some incredibly fun characters. lauren and mariah killed it and like let’s be real, we were all rooting for them and their hot girl summer. what’s a little murder between friends?? angela was great and I loved the twist on the stepmother character that was way more interesting than the usual “she’s just kind of a bitch”.
jeff as the narrator was perfect but we all knew that was gonna be the case anyway. give him his cunty eyeliner and the man’s unstoppable.
joey’s voice work also deserves a special shout out!! every time he opens his mouth I’m giving him a standing ovation. what can’t the man do??
I didn’t love the character of the prince but ig that’s the point of him!! james played him so well and I really do think he’s so underrated as an actor. the physicality and comedy that he brings really makes him stand out, but I will say that the sex jokes got old pretty quickly for me lmao. it made him feel a lot more one-beat than I think they were going for
I reeeaally enjoyed the set and lighting of this one!! literally as soon as we pressed play, my sister and I were like oh shit okay I see your bigger budget mr lang!! and the COSTUMES!! loved loved loved them. Ella’s dress was beautiful and I’m really glad they went with something of their own design rather than try to replicate something disney-ish. it looks like they had a load of fun with the wigs in this one too which I always love to see!!
I thought kim, jon, and joey were, despite shining in whatever stage time they had, WOEFULLY underused. only one scene for kim, and I wish we’d have been able to spend more time with hop-a-lot and crumb- considering they were main characters it felt like we barely saw them. they had like, at most three lines in a song too? let them sing!!!
the music was also not what I expected! I didn’t expect it to be so synth-y, maybe more of a rock vibe from the small hints we had during production? I saw another review say it gave them 80s fantasy film vibes and I think that’s the perf description!! I really enjoyed all the songs and I always love being able to take in whatever jeff has cooked up. everyone was on their a-game as always with their voices too- bryce and kim were real stand outs for me. I do feel like the soundtrack is kind of forgettable though? usually after watching a starkid show I’ll find at least a few songs have earwormed their way into my head but right now I can only recall the opening/closing song. maybe that’s just on me though!
I also thought the general pacing was a little off and the story was maybe not quite ready. some parts felt rushed and some parts dragged a little, and at the end I was left still feeling a little hungry for something more.
overall I really enjoyed it!! I’ve been a huge fan of starkid for well over a decade and with each new show I’m blown away by their creativity and obvious love for the craft. I was so excited to see them move away from hatchetfield for now and jump into a different sandbox to play around with, and I’m SOOOO looking forward to the proshot version because I just know it’s gonna blow everyone away. I’m so glad they make such incredible theatre and do it in such an accessible way, and not to sound super cheesy but god is it great to be alive at the same time as them
(and really, nick lang I am begging you to make a crumb plushie)
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
I'll keep spoilering you just cuz... Cuz I wanna talk about those chapters so much. Yes, I thought about the board game too later on, but never played it myself. Could be fun with them, honestly, Lucy will win anyway. Look, I am not happy about the whole "multiple human worlds" either, it makes it soooo much broader, also Diavolo has basically god powers from what I get from the lore? Creating dimensions, stopping time and so on, so it makes sense he can travel between dimensions? So why does he needs Barb's powers? Also, why isn't teleportation is used more often? I think there's a chat somewhere where Mammon had to keep the lights on with magic, and said it's too draining. So I get that they can't use magic that often (mc is excluded cuz, it's mc) but still, the amount of times that the brothers were late for RAD. Just teleport there. But this is a whole different conversation. I am just a stickler for lore and logic within it, if I get going. Yes, yes, I will lighten up... In the rest of hard chapters 50 and on, there's like 4 of them where Levi and Mammon are doing stupid shit. Like a lot of it. It makes me think that if you let the two of them be alone for longer than few minutes, they will destroy the world. Also, Levi is super rich. Sugar daddy to Mammon. It just makes it so much more profound now. How didn't I think of this before. Can't wait to see what the hard lessons in season 4 has to offer. -🐆
Well, I've only played it once and I remember being somewhat bored, but I still can't see Catan and not think of it for some reason lol. No doubt Lucifer would win, too.
OKAY now we're getting into teleportation because that is a question I also have!! In fact, I'm so preoccupied with the fact that MC can teleport as a sorcerer that I've included it in both The Threads That Bind and Unchained. In Threads, MC uses it to teleport themselves from inside the castle to outside the castle. And in Unchained, they give an excuse for why they aren't using it, which is that it's exhausting and depletes their magic and isn't worth using for short distances. But they also use it to teleport between worlds, which is something that seemingly only MC and Solomon and Barbatos can do.
I don't know about Diavolo, honestly... I can't remember what the specifics of his powers are. But he's supposed to be the strongest demon in the entire Devildom, so you would think that would mean he could do things like teleport, too. I'm not sure how that might differ from Barb's abilities. I always thought of Barbatos doing it more like portal-style, so it might be less exhausting. If you can open a portal to anywhere, that's likely less taxing than trying to move your entire body from one place to another? I don't know, there are no rules to this stuff and it makes me crazy.
So I just kinda headcanoned teleportation rules as needed for my stories. It's important in a few plot points, so I had to address it, you know? Otherwise I'd have had to come up with some kinda alternate way for things to go down.
Ahaha please don't lighten up, I am absolutely the same way lol. I could rant about this for several more paragraphs. But in the end, I always just end up filling in these questions myself as needed because there's so much that they don't fully explain. And I'm like, I need my own stories to make sense. So that means making up rules where none exist in canon.
Anyway, I love the Mammon and Levi relationship. They're so funny, I feel like they're constantly just fucking around. And Levi getting so mad at Mammon for owing him money is really hilarious when you consider how often Levi still lends Mammon money. Like is all that just for show? Mammon is spoiled lol.
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Concept - imagine before the relationship stage. She is scared of getting into relationship so she tries to scare him or make him leave by doing weird things and they have a fight she is being mean and we do not make sense or something but deep inside she really likes and all she wants is him. He falls for her acting at first and is also mean and about to leave her for good but he notices something that makes him realize what she's doing 💞 sorry if it's long what do you think he does now ?
I think he would decide to just call her bluff. Maybe even give her one of his classic Matty speeches to let her know he knows exactly what she’s doing and it’s not gonna scare him away.
He’d just show up one night at her door. After they’d been arguing and she thinks she’s pushed him away for good this time. She opens the door, and he launches into his whole thing. “I know what you’re doing, you know. And it’s not gonna work!” He points his finger at her.
She’s unimpressed “I don’t know what you’re on about. Matty, it’s late. Go away.”
He just walks right through the door and closes it behind him. “No. Cuz that’s not what you actually want is it? You don’t want me to go away. You want me to stay. But you’re acting like a bitch on purpose. You’re pushing me away.”
She rolls her eyes at him. “Why would I do that?”
“Cuz you want this but you don’t know how to just accept it. You’re scared. Things are getting serious. I said I love you. I said I want this to be a thing. I’m in it for the long haul, I want a life with you. A real relationship. And that freaked you out. You chase me around and it’s fun and exciting and it’s a game. But once I’m ready, you spook.”
“That’s ridiculous, Matty. You don’t know what you’re talking about. Have you ever considered the possibility that I’m not acting like a bitch? That I AM a bitch? Has that ever crossed your mind?”
He scoffs at her like she’s just said the most insane thing ever. Then he shakes his head strongly “no, never. Ever. Cuz I know you. I know the real you. You’re not mean-spirited. You’re not a hard-hearted person. You don’t have a mean bone in your body. You’re just scared. That’s okay! I’m scared too! I’ve fucked things up for myself so many times, that…my track record isn’t promising, if I’m being honest. I’m probably going to ruin us. But…I can’t not try. I can’t stay away from you. So, I’m going to look you in the eyes, and im going to count to three in my head. If you don’t say anything, I’m going to kiss you. So, if you’ve got any more arguments you’d like to try out, go on. I’m listening.”
She’s, of course. Speechless.
So, he rushes over to her and crashes his lips against hers.
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orangelemonsstuff · 2 years
Okay so-- few months ago me and my friend were talking about what if DOL has an ending, bad one, since me and my friend are bad ending enthusiasts, it gave me an idea i shared to them months ago.
its pretty shit but i enjoyed writing it lmao
Neutral Bad Ending
MC comes home wet by the rain outside, they will come asking around orphans about Bailey's whereabouts, a orphan would approach them and say Bailey is currently occupying the bathroom,
There are two scenarios that might happen with this ending:
1. If PC is in High Trauma or just achieved the Whitney and Robin Park cutscene/event (which i made up in my mind), PC would ask for the orphan's hair dryer saying "needing to dry their hair because of the rain" before heading to the bathroom where Bailey is in and plugging it on the extension cord, a moment later, Bailey would notice PC's presence and would ask "what the fuck do you want brat? can't you see im in here?" PC would just give him a stare and would ask for his birthday
Defiant: "When's your birthday Bailey?"
Neutral: "i just want to know when is your birthday Bailey?"
Submissive: "W-well, i want to ask... w-when is your birthday Bailey?
At this, Bailey would respond "Why the hell would you want to know? i don't want any of your crappy gifts", PC will insist that they should just say when it is and they'll leave, Bailey would give it up and say "June 12, now get the fuck out of here." PC would smile at them saying that they'll remember it before throwing the plugged hair dryer on a extension cord at the bathub with Bailey.
If PC with High Trauma or the Whitney and Robin event (again made up in my head which i didn't write yet) is not acquired but Robin is on the underground brothel or the Orphanage had gained Rebellious trait it would follow this scene:
2. PC would pull some furnishings from around the orphanage towards the bathroom door exclusively trapping Bailey in the bathroom, the orphans would look at them confusedly and they will just assure them that they will end all of this, the orphans will still not get it but they will help PC pushing the furnitures, it has three stages
"You cover the bathroom door with furnitures and large objects, Its barely covered. he/she could come out easy"
"You cover the bathroom door with furnitures and large objects, Most parts were covered. he/she would sturggle to come out"
"You covered the bathroom door with furnitures and large objects. the door is fully covered. he/she cannot come out."
if high skullduggery, Should PC and the orphans move the furnitures quitely through the bathroom door, if not a chair would make a screeching sound alerting Bailey making the Player choose if they should take the risk on continuing or not.
*not continuing would fail this ending even if the door is already covered fully
continuing, would have Bailey rattling the doorknob only to not being able to open it, Bailey would soon bang the door for all of them to remove the blockage at once or else they will taste their wrath, but with PC contiuing and successfully covering the door, they hurry and lead the other orphans outside as they pick up a canister of gasoline and surrounded the whole orphanage with it including the furnitures near the bathroom door, they will pick up a match on Bailey's office and lit the gasoline tracks on fire.
EH? EH? WHATCHA THINK??? tbh this is just a fun lil concept on an ending i made up in my mind since i played a lot of otome games and gained a lot of bad endings... which happened too much to be considered normal cuz normally i just fuck around with characters lmao, but i hope you enjoyed it.
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atmymercy · 22 days
Hi Tea!💗 how are you this lovely Friday? 🥰😘 I’d love to participate in the oracle giveaway please! 😊
Can I get like a fun, simple, “hint” message from my guides on what they want me to know about my FS? Thank you!
(By “hint” I mean like a clue or something I’ll have to decode but will be able to figure out, but I know deep down! I really hope this makes sense!😅 But if you want a diff question that’s okay too! Haha I just wanted to try something fun and different! They love to give me puzzles anyway lol🙄 but it’s fine cuz I lowkey like solving them! 😉 I am the main thinker after all🙂‍↕️)
For why I’m excited for fall, one of my class labs will be at my city’s zoo, and I’ll get to study some animals there! And I’ll also be helping take care of dogs and (a lotttt of) cats at the animal shelter where I volunteer more now, because I’m done training! I’ll also be volunteering to take care of a kitty at a pet store in my neighbourhood 🤗🥳💗
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hello golden! my friday has been lovely so far! i even have a wedding to go to tomorrow! so i'm excited! how about your friday? and ofc, you get in here, honey! lol
omg! that's such a fucking exciting fall for you! and i'm so excited for you now! eee! i bet that'll be so much fun! and like hard work but like good hard work! eee! i'm so proud of you, honey! look at you! all that training paying off! omg! you'll have to tell me about the training you went through! i'm so curious now!
for you, i got the motherwort (reversed), cacao, & rue.
well first off we have to discuss how i immediately heard "oh, you want to thrown a lifeline, eh?" and it's like they all started giggling because it's like they do know how much you want signs and hints from them! it's too cute! like it's a fun game to them too! so your hint is your mother is probably not going like your fs at the beginning because of how protective they are over you! in a way, your mother is going to feel almost replaced by your fs so it's like the "moving along" of the path and it won't be easy on her. she is not going to feel 'honored' in the connection you choose for yourself. i think because your fs will protect you in ways your mother couldn't and it'll feel like a knock against her 'nurturing'. i'm not sure how this is a 'fun' hint in your spirit guide's books but this is what they brought up! lol have fun with your hint!
hope you enjoyed it! please give feedback or buy me a coffee/tip when you can! if you want to explore this further, please also consider a private read. also thank you for sharing with me!♡
love & light!
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♡ message me for details/questions & to book a reading! ♡
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
what if the monster guys' obsession was weirdly chill and nonchalant about their situation? it's not even Stockholm syndrome, they just go along with whatever happens if it means living fairly comfortably.
Morell makes delicious food that they don't have to pay for, just be his lil piglet? alright, deal! all they could afford back home was frozen pre-cooked stuff, so this is definitely an upgrade. oh, humans are the main ingredient? this mushroom guy butchers and cooks humans to make these tasty-looking meals? okay, well...it still looks really, really good. and it's not like they'll ever escape from here unscathed, so...bon appétit, as people say. they'll deal with the morals of cannibalism some other day, if ever.
Nebul is a bit much at first but it does feel nice to be cared for, even if they're considered a pet. just follow his rules, be obedient, and it's actually not that bad. it beats having to worry every second if they'll get their paycheck in time to pay that month's rent and if they could even afford groceries after all the bills are paid. they'll be his pearl for as long as they never have to return to those worries ever again.
Santi is a lil bit difficult to keep up with, but they'll eventually build up enough stamina so they won't always feel like an overused wringed out towel. they don't mind being exhausted and tired afterwards cuz that's the whole point, but they would like to be at least a teensy bit coherent and not pass out immediately. they never had the time to romp around with other people, let alone have any sexual and/or romantic relationship. they had too many things to worry about to even think about a casual hook-up. now, they can understand why people have killed for sex. they don't mind Santi having clients cuz hey, it pays good money and they were never one to judge, just give them a heads-up if he decides to involve them in his next appointment.
Patches is so tempting to push around and bully, but they have enough in their heart to not be a total dick to him. he grows on them pretty quickly, actually. he's a bit of a weird freak but they figure out how to have fun with it in a way they'll both be having a good time by the end. they do have a few lines to not be crossed, but they will soften up if Patches continues to beg and whine so adorably. it feels nice to have someone like him around. they never had many people in their life, if any at all. they were lonely, yes, but they were too worried and strung-up to even humor the idea of companionship. they genuinely appreciate Patches's company and affection more than anyone else could ever understand.
wanted to write for a few more characters, but that's all the brain power i have for now.
[That's okay, don't worry!]
While that would definitely make their lives easier, it would also not satisfy them.
There are many yanderes out there that will simply be content to keep you some way or another, but most of them would prefer it if you returned their love at some point.
Apathy is unattractive, and even the most masochistic of the bunch, the most desperate, will not settle for it.
Morell loves that you'll accept and even seemingly find his meals appetizing, that you don't make a fuss about human hunting, but he would tolerate those things if it meant he could see a shred of genuine love for him in those eyes. This doesn't feel like a relationship to him yet, and he's getting antsy when you don't show signs of affection.
Nebul is satisfied with your level of immediate obedience, and he's glad that you already seem to enjoy in relying on others. But that's not enough. He would rather a clumsy or somewhat temperamental but dedicated pet, than a perfectly obedient and ambivalent servant.
Santi's so utterly disappointed. When he falls for you, feels love for the first time, he becomes addicted to it. For once, he's not just craving the next fuck or mere seduction games- He's yearning for a warm smile, for a loving kiss, for beautiful words and comforting touches. He wants to see his mania reflected in your eyes... But it's not there. You've resigned yourself, you're not in love. And it shatters him.
Patches knows he's pathetic, but he's trying so very hard. Maybe you do seem to appreciate him at choice moments, and he's so very glad, but that's just... You putting up with him. And that makes the dullahan feel fucking awful. Not even the blissful masochistic type of pain, just total heartbreak. Will he ever be enough? Will you ever genuinely come to love him? Or is he just a convenient loser hanging off the hems of your clothes?
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 11 months
Pssst hey poke poke wanna rant about Diablo II is it any good Iv been considering getting into the series
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Oh my fucking God, ok ok ok...
So. I love it.
Diablo II remastered is my favorite in the series, and I can't even verbalize how much of a fucking gremlin I become over this game, bro. Dude. Okay so. Hot takes, coming in, but the second one is my favorite in terms of art design, gameplay, and overall vibe. It's also a pain in my ass. But a good pain lol.
In terms of playability, something a lot of people complain about with older games is the lack of explanation for a lot of gameplay mechanics (not just Diablo, if you play older games you probably know what I'm talking about), so the first two games even remastered can feel sluggish, unnecessarily difficult, and confusing. Which are very valid criticisms, I don't side with gamers who complain about new games coddling their players however. Straight up, the horadric cube in D2 doesn't have an instruction manual. Bless the internet.
Diablo 1 and 2 have just an incredible atmosphere and artistic design. It's dark fantasy. The angels are sick as fuck. The cover art; o r g a s m i c. Like,
And for some people who didn't grow up playing Diablo II, the learning curve is really steep. But I enjoy it! I love starting new characters and then deleting them again because I found a better build. Experimenting without looking up guides for point allocation and gear.
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This is the cover art for Diablo II: Resurrected.
This is how I want to feel going into my fights. This is my enemy. Sexy as hell. I would recommend this game, it's one of my all time favorites. The characters are connected through your battlenet account, so if you buy the game for your Xbox and for the Switch as I did, you play your same game. Which is probably a no brainer for people who played video games for a lot longer than me, but I didn't have a console until I was in my twenties.
If you ever get this game, and wanna cry when encountering the first boss, I will give you my ultimate guide to how this dumbass cheesed their way through the encounter without dying ❤️
Also, secret level, near the beginning of the game you go through a portal and you can pick up a dead guy's artificial leg. Keep it. Later, you can use it with the horadric cube to unlock the best fucking level of all goddamn time. 🐮
Now, the other games... Diablo III.
The gameplay was way too easy (for me at least). After the first boss the story gets better, but everything about the third game is super different.. It's art is super stylized. It feels cartoonish in the lineup. It isn't dark, even with the body horror and literal demons, because everything feels colorful. It's the anime inspired fantasy roleplay version of the grim dark heavy metal fantasy games. I liked the story, because I was so invested in Diablo II that I needed to experience what came next, and I don't regret playing it, it was fun, but it didn't have that replayability factor imo. That's just me though.
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Before anyone complains, yes I played RoS and Death was sick as fuck, these are just my silly little opinions playing the games. But like, it just didn't frustrate me, or make me feel like I was in a life and death war. But, if you like power play fantasies, Diablo III: Reaper of Souls, necromancer broken as fuck. Kept having to raise the difficulty while playing because I blasted through everything.
Before I go on, you know that trope where angels are dicks? Cuz these games are full of angels that are huge dicks. Best angel in the entire series is in the third game, he's the best character, I won't say his name because they act like it's supposed to be a surprise that he's an angel but ahshgsjsj..... I replay for him, and Diablo, but other than that it's only fun to play with someone who hasn't experienced it yet so I can vicariously feel their enjoyment. If that makes sense.
And my ultimate disappointment, Diablo IV.
The story is awesome. The cut scenes are cinematic. Lilith is superb. They went back to the same dark realistic atmosphere of pre D3.
I'm just really bitter about microtransaction hell, season passes in a game that just came out and was so pricey, and end game content that felt like a chore instead of a game.
It was super rewarding the first playthrough, don't get be wrong! The story was so fun, and the monsters were delightful bastards. They brought back the Butcher from part three, but unlike in D3, he was a huge asshole in D4, sunnova bitch lol
The game was so fun until we got to the end game and season of the malignant.. the developers keep arguing with the community whenever they bring up valid criticisms instead of addressing what's lacking. I wish the game wasn't so expensive, because I would recommend it if it was just a fun game..? I liked it, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the developers do something better with season passes or with future dlc expansions.
I hate real world currency in game shops and a lot of season passes. DLCs I understand. I like. But a season pass that's ridiculously expensive on top of an already pricey game that doesn't add enough new content for actual gameplay and instead makes you grind for a new horse skin? And grinding.
Ugh. I still really enjoyed it, but I can't in good conscience recommend it because the price makes me feel guilty. It's great, until you beat the game. It's open world, but the missions are limited, and the grind isn't rewarding. Again, crossing my fingers they make it more fun with future updates.
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Such a bad bitch. Fucking love her. Mommy. The initial game is great. Just not for that price. Open world games should be playable forever, and that's what D4 promised, they just didn't deliver.
Sorry if this is a mess, I'm about to fall asleep ❤️ but yeah, I fucking love this series, even when I don't. The story and characters and the atmosphere when it's there.
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Incloming rant and a thought about MattPatt, his theories, and 5 Nights At Freddy's:
I want to preface this by saying that I have nothing against MattPatt, he seems like a cool dude, a swell guy even, he obviously has fun, and a lot of his ideas are creative and entertaining.
I also want to point out that this is not being said "now that he's retired", I have come into the fandom very late (only really got into it due to wanting to go see the movie cuz the Jim Hensen company made the animatronics and I am an autistic slut for physical props and effects. If I'd been in the fandom earlier, this may have come up before his retirement.
So MattPatt's first FNAF theory was that the game was referencing a real life shooting that happened at a Chuck E Cheese.
And I literally cannot let that go.
I realise that the internet in general was very different back then, it was more "edgy", I was like 20 at the time, so I was online and I know how the internet was. Im p sure I was on tumblr where shit like that was very common.
But it makes me see MattPatt's theories, all of them, in the light of "this is a man who played a jumpscare video game obviously based on Chuck E Cheese as a concept (tho I'm p sure in like the 70s-80s animatronic restaurants were a big thing and considering Scott's age it wouldn't be surprising if he'd gone to a few for fun/parties/family outings) and went "ah yes this is referencing a real life mass shooting."
Maybe it's cuz I'm not American, maybe y'all are a lil more comfortable with mass shootings than I am (im Australian, we've had maybe 3 since 2000) but that not only seems like a massive reach, it also feels really disrespectful.
I know that MattPatt was very "respectful" in the video and said he didn't want to make light of the event or joke about it but I feel like just making this video to begin with did that.
Videos aren't something that just appear out of the ether with no way to control what it says: he thought it up, sat down, wrote a script, filmed, ans edited it, and never once went "Oh wait I'm making light of an actual tragedy where people actually died maybe I shouldn't put this out"?
Like even if you have no other ideas, just say that? Just be like "wow this is a doozy, guys, let's break down the game play and maybe reference the event but not make a full video about it"?
But let's say that MattPatt was correct and that Scott was referencing a real mass murder that killed real people with jumpscare animatronics: that's a shitty game. That's a shitty idea for a game.
I mean I'm probably going to get people coming at me like "You're too sensetive" "you're reading too much into it" or "you never heard of true crime?" To which I answer, in order, "yes I am very sensitive it's unfortunately who I am as a person I spent too much of my childhood trying not to be and it really hurt me and decimated my mental health. So fuck off", "FNAF fandom is literally 'there is no limit to how deep you can read into it' that's why it's so popular and why there are so many ideas on what it's really about", and "yes I know about true crime, I also have an issue with some true crime, generally those who make light of horrible things and also my general rule of thumb is "if the parents/children/significant other of the victim(s) are still alive and could see your media, maybe don't make it." I mean an average of 50 years is about what I'm comfortable with if it's being used in the "true crime" space. But that does have exceptions based on why it's being talked about. But I think that's another rant."
What I'm trying to say is that I have trouble with MattPatt, and his theories in general, not because of "Gregory is a robot recreation of the Crying Child" (cuz that's fun and interesting and also is actually understandable if u look at the mimic???) But because he likened FNAF, which at the time was a silly lil indie game about animatronic animals (that are possessed by children but rarely actually talk about it) to a real murder spree.
He compared a digital bear, chicken, bunny, and fox, to real people who lost their lives.
And that makes me look at everything he does, even now when it's been like 9 years, and he's definitely grown and changed and maybe even apologised for that, in that lense.
He's like 37 now, meaning that he was 28 at the time. It's not like he was an edgy teen with no understanding of how his actions impact others.
I realise this looks like I hate him, that I'm holding his past mistakes against him, and I want to confirm: I don't hate him, he's entertaining to watch and I'm sad hes not doing theories any more,
But at the same time, I wish he'd not have made that one video and I can't not think about it with every theory he puts out. It's why I can't watch his other channels (also I looked at style theory & some of the ideas seemed lazy to me but that's my own bias) because it has poisoned his ideas slightly in my mind and I'm now very wary of what he's saying.
I will add that I have a similar problem with a fair few theoriest were they're like "I've solved this" and then shill out for a very obvious scam company or a company like BetterHelp or HelloFresh months after we all found out they were trash so it's not like they had a few more contract obligations. It's like "I realise that you need to make money, but you're actively promoting harmful stuff in an Advert (at least it's labelled as that) and it makes me feel like I can't trust your judgement on things."
Anyway, please don't hate on me, this is just something I've been struggling with for a few months now and I'm curious to see if anyone else thinks the same or had any helpful thoughts they would like to share.
Also if MattPatt has apologised for it, please let me know where I can watch/read it cuz part of me feels like if I see him acknowledge that it was probs not a great thing to do, it probs won't feel so weird about it anymore.
It's like our parents always said: we need to be careful of what we put online cuz it could follow us forever.
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mollymagician · 8 months
Thanks for the tag @threefill !!
Tag game are always fun because I’ve got chronic insomnia and need something to do when I’m up at 4 AM besides tear my hair out over my wips. Answering here because this is where I keep most of my shipping nonsense.
What ship were you completely obsessed with as a teenager, but now you don't care about anymore?
Luke/Mara Jade. I absolutely still care about them, but they did Mara so dirty I had to put it down for a while. I was too mad.
Which ship would you consider your first one?
Okay so, anyone remember that TV show Beauty and the Beast in the 80s/90s, about the people who lived secretly in tunnels under New York City? And there was this guy (the ‘beast’) who looked like a lion person? And he was in love with Linda Hamilton? It was really fucking weird. Anyway. I loved them. LOVED THEM. ❤️❤️❤️
Your first fanfic was about which couple?
It was a little hurt/comfort thing about Luke/Callista from Children of the Jedi, because I’m nothing of not predictable.
My VERY first fanfic was a bunch of scenes of Artoo and C3PO sassing each other, but thats probably not the kind of couple you mean.
Do you remember the first couple you saw fan art of?
The first I can actually remember was some excruciatingly depressing art of Himura Kenshin/Tomoe. (Did I never see Luke/Mara fanart? Really? I must have. That’s weird now that I think about it.)
Have you ever gotten into ship discourse?
Er, don’t think so? Someone gave me shit once for liking Harry Dresden/Karin Murphy cuz Dresden is problematic and I told them to fuck off, does that count?
Did you use to have any NOTP or have one currently?
Reylo kinda squicks me.
Who were the last couple in the last fanfic you read?
Dream/Hob Gadling
Currently, do you have any OTPs?
Dreamling owns my entire brain, at the moment. It’s been YEARS since a ship hit me so hard.
Is there any couple that, to this day, that you are extremely mad about not getting into?
Sort of? I wish Babylon 5 had happened at a time when I could have gotten really involved in fandom, because I would have been bonkers over Sheridan/Delenn. I mean I was, I just had no outlet for it.
Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they're kind of interesting?
Do you have any ship that, in the past, would have been considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
Oooohhh yeahhhh….James Norrington/Jack Sparrow, I’m guessing.
What is your favourite crack ship?
lol I dunno. I love Matthew the Raven so much, I always have the urge to ship him with someone but he’s, like, a bird.
What is the couple you read the most fanfics about?
Dream/Hob 100% hoo boy
What do most of your ships have in common?
“The grumpy/reserved one is soft for the sunshiny/sassy/wacky one.” It is like catnip to me, and also cocaine.
What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
One looking down on the other, 50 Shades of Gray style, you know the vibe I mean. There’s a difference between snarkiness and contempt.
Tagging @pellaaearien @glowwormz @zigzag-wanderer @ml-nolan @verminetroglodyte @aquilathefighter @snarkythewoecrow @ghostboyjules @kydrogendragon
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netscapenavigaytor · 2 years
characters in skates i know adn if they wuold join the GGs from jet set radio
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okay, so, on one hand i think he could handle it and would maybe even arguably find the rudie lifestyle fun - i mean he beats the shit out of mr x's evil criminal organization by breakdancing, he's definitely got the style and goofing off points for it.
BUT ON THE OTHER HAND….. his brother is a cop (later a government agent according to the wiki), and he and his ex-cop friends are all ultimately pretty anti-crime overall (beating the shit out of mr x's flunkies with your fists does not count as a crime). so maybe if he went through a really heavily rebellious phase he'd think about it but otherwise i think this is Not happening.
also i thought he was like 10 which might've also be a problem, but now that i'm looking it seems he never got a confirmed age so where the hell did my brain get THAT number.
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SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG (Sonic the Hedgehog)
OHH this is a very very tricky one and i think also depends somewhat on what point in time we're talking here. the first thing that feels notable here is that shadow comes off as a pretty grim self-serious guy a lot of the time and tends to keep to himself - however, he also DOES have friends he cares deeply about (i dont care what sega says) and tends to enjoy being the coolest guy in the room. it'd also probably do him some good to have an artistic outlet for his inner darkness.
that being said, i feel like he'd find the GGs and the other rudies to be petty and juvenile (dude, you're like mentally 15! you're basically younger than the youngest GG!); and on top of that he's working pretty closely with G.U.N. which kinda makes him part of the establishment, right?
however. there is a window of time that i think shadow's odds of joining the GGs is actually very likely, which is during the era around his self-titled game. shadow is at his most lost and confused at that point (i mean you saw how many story routes there were.) and i think if he met the GGs then they would be all totally like "hey dont let people push you around into who THEY tell you you're supposed to be, make your own path" and it would emotionally resonate with him and there'd be a cool end cutscene where he's like "I… am Shadow the Hedgehog. Once born to be the ultimate lifeform, now one of the GGs. I paint my own destiny. This… is WHO I AM." and awesome credits music plays. hope you liked my shadow fanfic
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are you fucking kidding me of course he would, no hesitation. he was pretty much BORN for this. maybe he'd have trouble getting the GGs to take him seriously on account of the fact he is a funny little circle, but hey the GGs let anyone join if they are cool enough at skate tricks and i think paint roller could pull it off. also i think being a funny little circle would make paint roller better at avoiding consequences.
HOWEVER. i do think that paint roller tagging up the city would eventually have dire consequences due to his art's tendency to come to life. like im talking like the streets crowded with all sorts of random creatures and objects and stuff, kirby has to show up to save the day, it's a whole Thing.
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YUICHI "ICHI" TAIRA (Paranoia Agent)
fuck no, never in a million years. ichi is a Perfect Little Straight A's Golden Student Who Everybody Loves and frankly he's furious that you'd even imply he'd consider turning to delinquency. he'd probably regard the GGs as selfish attention whores who only cause trouble because they're too pathetic to get anyone to like them. it's NOT FAIR that you're confusing ICHI with that brat beat just because they both wear golden skates!!!
i think though that in a direct confrontation he'd actually be pretty scared of rudies, cuz like, ichi is only about 13 while even the youngest GG is 16. he'd totally want to tell them to their faces how worthless they are and how they're ruining everything for everyone with common sense, but instead he'll just call the cops on them.
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Uh. Well . if you know his deal already then you probably already know the answer is "I don't think that would even be fucking possible". like can you IMAGINE. but even certain details about his nature aside, i think he's just plain too malevolent for the GGs, though.
(now, a certain spoiler character, on the other hand. i honestly don't think he'd try to join the GGs. but i think he theoretically COULD'VE and if he did i think it would have been MUCH better for him than what he actually did.)
and thats everybody with skates i know iran out of characters already. Sorry 👍
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aureumdraconeus · 1 year
2. What are your unpopular opinion(s) of the fandom you’re rping in? 3. What rp trends are you so over and can’t wait for it to die? 5. A ship everyone in the fandom you’re in loves, but you can’t stand? (any fandom for 5 and 2) 10. Any fandom(s) you don’t want to rp in or crossover to? 20. If you’re feeling salty right now, this ask gives you a free reign to pour out your frustration.
Late Munday Salt Asks - Featuring AD
2. What are your unpopular opinion(s) of the fandom you’re rping in?
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Alright well, ya'll about to get some fun takes from the man who is known for having the best takes in the universe (this is true I made the rules):
RWBY: The fanbase can either be absolutely fucking toxic to hell and back with little to no media comprehension that makes a goddamn preschooler look like Socrates, or overanalyze everything to the point where they then get pissed that their hyper-specific headcanon isn't canon and there is BARELY any in between.
Sonic: Folks really needs to stop treating the classic games like they're some godly piece of media that cannot be considered bad and that the modern games have ruined them. Ya'll just never played Rush.
Panty and Stocking: Stocking is absolutely more of a sex-freak than Panty is and you will never change this.
Exes: Cringe culture may be dead, but by god ya'll need to come up with better ideas. Stop tryin' to be Lord X 2.0
Hazbin / Helluva: The excuse that Hazbin is for women and Helluva is for dudes is bullshit, let Millie DO something for once.
Studio Trigger: They should honestly make a sequel series to Klk and just go even more nutso than they did the first time around.
Undertale / Deltarune: People overhype Spamton and Jevil a bit too much considering they may not even be relevant in the final release. They're pretty cool though.
Persona: A lot of these games are unfortunately pretty fuckin' dated when it comes to the shit happening in them - I'm sorry folks but Atlas are kinda shitty when it comes to how they portray anyone that isn't straight.
Super Mario Bros: Dimentio is the best Mario villain and you cannot convince me otherwise.
Dragon Ball: When was the last time any of us actually had fun with this series? Like be honest.
3. What rp trends are you so over and can’t wait for it to die?
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Honestly it's the fact that there's really little to no accessibility for finding icons these days. A lot of folks seem to say "Do it yourself" which like, fair dues, but at the same time...Maybe some folks kinda want to be able to do other things outside of slaving away in a photo editing program for hours on end?
5. A ship everyone in the fandom you’re in loves, but you can’t stand? (any fandom for 5 and 2)
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This one I'll be more concise with, cuz there's a lot of fandoms I listed: I honestly think that a lot of ships are fine? The only ones that I can think of are those made out of spite or just seem spiteful in nature. Like erasing characters' sexualities or shit like that.
's weird yo.
10. Any fandom(s) you don’t want to rp in or crossover to?
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USUALLY I'm pretty open but like...I guess the best example is fandoms for shows that are v e r y kid oriented. Like, I understand some of ya'll are enjoying shows like Bluey and that one with the sentient numbers and...stuff like that?
I DON'T THINK you wanna have some of my muses just sorta showing up and causing shit.
That being said if any of ya'll wanna ask if I'm OK with your fandom and such then just hmu in DMs.
20. If you’re feeling salty right now, this ask gives you a free reign to pour out your frustration.
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Honestly the only salt I be feeling is when I go to make myself something that takes about 30 seconds and then being told to leave the kitchen by your older siblings. Like, it takes 30 second to cook this shit gimme some room damn you.
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