#cw mass shotting
Incloming rant and a thought about MattPatt, his theories, and 5 Nights At Freddy's:
I want to preface this by saying that I have nothing against MattPatt, he seems like a cool dude, a swell guy even, he obviously has fun, and a lot of his ideas are creative and entertaining.
I also want to point out that this is not being said "now that he's retired", I have come into the fandom very late (only really got into it due to wanting to go see the movie cuz the Jim Hensen company made the animatronics and I am an autistic slut for physical props and effects. If I'd been in the fandom earlier, this may have come up before his retirement.
So MattPatt's first FNAF theory was that the game was referencing a real life shooting that happened at a Chuck E Cheese.
And I literally cannot let that go.
I realise that the internet in general was very different back then, it was more "edgy", I was like 20 at the time, so I was online and I know how the internet was. Im p sure I was on tumblr where shit like that was very common.
But it makes me see MattPatt's theories, all of them, in the light of "this is a man who played a jumpscare video game obviously based on Chuck E Cheese as a concept (tho I'm p sure in like the 70s-80s animatronic restaurants were a big thing and considering Scott's age it wouldn't be surprising if he'd gone to a few for fun/parties/family outings) and went "ah yes this is referencing a real life mass shooting."
Maybe it's cuz I'm not American, maybe y'all are a lil more comfortable with mass shootings than I am (im Australian, we've had maybe 3 since 2000) but that not only seems like a massive reach, it also feels really disrespectful.
I know that MattPatt was very "respectful" in the video and said he didn't want to make light of the event or joke about it but I feel like just making this video to begin with did that.
Videos aren't something that just appear out of the ether with no way to control what it says: he thought it up, sat down, wrote a script, filmed, ans edited it, and never once went "Oh wait I'm making light of an actual tragedy where people actually died maybe I shouldn't put this out"?
Like even if you have no other ideas, just say that? Just be like "wow this is a doozy, guys, let's break down the game play and maybe reference the event but not make a full video about it"?
But let's say that MattPatt was correct and that Scott was referencing a real mass murder that killed real people with jumpscare animatronics: that's a shitty game. That's a shitty idea for a game.
I mean I'm probably going to get people coming at me like "You're too sensetive" "you're reading too much into it" or "you never heard of true crime?" To which I answer, in order, "yes I am very sensitive it's unfortunately who I am as a person I spent too much of my childhood trying not to be and it really hurt me and decimated my mental health. So fuck off", "FNAF fandom is literally 'there is no limit to how deep you can read into it' that's why it's so popular and why there are so many ideas on what it's really about", and "yes I know about true crime, I also have an issue with some true crime, generally those who make light of horrible things and also my general rule of thumb is "if the parents/children/significant other of the victim(s) are still alive and could see your media, maybe don't make it." I mean an average of 50 years is about what I'm comfortable with if it's being used in the "true crime" space. But that does have exceptions based on why it's being talked about. But I think that's another rant."
What I'm trying to say is that I have trouble with MattPatt, and his theories in general, not because of "Gregory is a robot recreation of the Crying Child" (cuz that's fun and interesting and also is actually understandable if u look at the mimic???) But because he likened FNAF, which at the time was a silly lil indie game about animatronic animals (that are possessed by children but rarely actually talk about it) to a real murder spree.
He compared a digital bear, chicken, bunny, and fox, to real people who lost their lives.
And that makes me look at everything he does, even now when it's been like 9 years, and he's definitely grown and changed and maybe even apologised for that, in that lense.
He's like 37 now, meaning that he was 28 at the time. It's not like he was an edgy teen with no understanding of how his actions impact others.
I realise this looks like I hate him, that I'm holding his past mistakes against him, and I want to confirm: I don't hate him, he's entertaining to watch and I'm sad hes not doing theories any more,
But at the same time, I wish he'd not have made that one video and I can't not think about it with every theory he puts out. It's why I can't watch his other channels (also I looked at style theory & some of the ideas seemed lazy to me but that's my own bias) because it has poisoned his ideas slightly in my mind and I'm now very wary of what he's saying.
I will add that I have a similar problem with a fair few theoriest were they're like "I've solved this" and then shill out for a very obvious scam company or a company like BetterHelp or HelloFresh months after we all found out they were trash so it's not like they had a few more contract obligations. It's like "I realise that you need to make money, but you're actively promoting harmful stuff in an Advert (at least it's labelled as that) and it makes me feel like I can't trust your judgement on things."
Anyway, please don't hate on me, this is just something I've been struggling with for a few months now and I'm curious to see if anyone else thinks the same or had any helpful thoughts they would like to share.
Also if MattPatt has apologised for it, please let me know where I can watch/read it cuz part of me feels like if I see him acknowledge that it was probs not a great thing to do, it probs won't feel so weird about it anymore.
It's like our parents always said: we need to be careful of what we put online cuz it could follow us forever.
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shabbyshoebox · 2 months
CW: Shootings, Trump mention
Now that it's not as new, I'm gonna say something kinda dumb:
Not gonna lie I thought that if there was going to be an attempt on Trump's life that it would have been when he was in my area
Gun violence is pretty bad in my area to the point where the area has had several shootings make national news in the past few years including 2019 Municipal Center, 2022 Walmart, and 2023 Richneck. Keep in mind that these are only the ones that have made news outside Virginia, this doesn't include the daily stuff happening in the seven cities.
2728 shootings (including suicides) occured in the seven cities between 2018 - 2022 [arcgis].
I'm glad it DIDN'T happen here, but I am quite surprised
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teamdilf · 1 year
Adrien and Castis get stoned together again, and this time Adrien thinks of the abuse he experienced as a child, and feels a strong desire to tell his family what they mean to him.
“You ever walk into a washroom to find someone injecting themselves between their toes by any chance?” he asks Castis, who blinks several times.
“On occasion, yes. Though, later in my career I was more likely to see red sand used. Cocaine became a common one - that’s a human drug that’s generally snorted, though it makes turians quite ill. I was driving back to my apartment on the Citadel once when I received an emergency call and resuscitated a turian man who had used it shortly after humans arrived on the Citadel. That story wound up creating a minor sensation in some circles - some turians were angry that humans brought their illegal drugs along with them to the Citadel, as if turians did not do the same when we first arrived as well,” Castis says.
He tries to imagine his mother injecting herself in a public washroom - the circles they walked in gave them access to washrooms far more formal and private than one would get at your average restaurant. He chuckles bitterly to himself. “She’d have said that doing her drugs in a toilet stall is ‘too middle class’.”
“Your mother, I presume?”
“Yeah. Guess that secret is out; my mom, in order to cope with the frustration of living with a man like my father, used every drug she could get her talons on. A shock the four of us were born without any issues as a result of it, but I think my dad paid some salarian doctor to keep her in check as best he could while she was pregnant. I have vague memories of a doctor moving in while she was pregnant with Sabina. When I asked the doctor questions my mom threatened to push me down the stairs.”
Ah, the sort of family memories one made in the Victus estate, he thinks bitterly.
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avocado-writing · 2 months
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turns out I’m gonna keep being horny for hugh jackman. had a crush on him when I was 10 and I guess that hasn’t changed almost 20 years later. anyway here’s a fic where he’s in a cage fight and you’re his cutman xoxo
pairing: wolverine x reader
rating: explicit
cws: blood, injury details, smut (dirty talk, semi-public sex, rough sex)
The bell rings and Logan staggers back to you, the roar of the crowd meaning you have to get close in order to be heard. You grab ahold of his biceps and manoeuvre him into a chair. He goes without complaint, any effort to resist having to be reserved for the actual fight itself. Opposite him, the other guy goes to grab a glass of water and you are once again reminded of his sheer mass; he’s twice Logan’s size and built like a fucking freight train. He catches you watching and hits you with a greasy smile, and you turn in disgust back to your lover. 
“How you holding up, honey?” you ask Logan, quickly glancing him over, getting a grunt in reply as he tries to refocus. He looks pretty bad. Bruising is flowering on his face and there’s a nasty gash on his forehead which is bleeding freely. You know he’ll heal up quick on his own, but you still get to work - pressing the ice-cold enswell to the worst of the spreading purple and dabbing at the blood with an epinephrine-soaked cotton swab. 
You’ve been called the best cutman in the business. This is true, but the fact your primary patient can heal himself up is probably a bit of a bonus too. For Logan, you’re mostly here to soothe; soothe and observe. 
“Okay, you’ve fucking got him, Logan. He’s weak on his left. He keeps trying to lead with his right hand which isn’t his dominant, I think he’s holding back because you’ve fucked his shoulder. If you don’t let him distract you, you can finish him off. You hear me?”
He focuses up at the smell of chemicals, eyes hazily locking in on you. Silhouetted by the grimy lights of this place, his vision not quite sharp yet, you have the hazy glow of a halo around you. An angel sent for him. The closest to heaven he’ll ever be. 
“Yeah,” he mutters, a bloodied hand coming up to caress your face. You smile despite the smear of red he leaves on your cheek with his fingertips, clasping him close. You press a kiss into his palm.
“What did I say, handsome? Stay with me.”
“Don’t let him distract me. Go for his left.”
“Atta boy,” you say with a grin, one which Logan manages to mirror despite still feeling slightly concussed, your praise like a shot of adrenaline. You surge forward to kiss him and he meets you with enthusiasm. He’s drunk on the moment, on the fight, on you. You can taste the copper as your tongue slides against his, the roughness of his beard scraping your cheeks. The crowd cheers leerily but you both ignore it. You and him, that’s all there is, the pinprick of your existence in this vast world. 
“I fucking love you,” he growls against your mouth. You nip at his lower lip, catching it for a second between your teeth in a promise of what’s to come later. 
“Finish this guy off and take me home, Logan. I’ll fucking die if you’re not inside me tonight.”
When you pull back you will be wearing his blood as lipstick, warpaint; a reminder that you belong to each other. 
He snarls, half-feral, and you think he might just take you there in the cage, in front of everyone who’s come to watch him fight. But the bell goes again to signal the start of the final round, and Logan staggers back to his feet instead. 
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He doesn’t even get you home. 
When the fight is won and you’re hoarse from cheering his victory, he drags you into one of the dingy little bathrooms. It’s dark and definitely not soundproofed but the two of you don’t care. You run your tongue along that delicious vein in his bicep, tasting the salt off of his hot skin, and he grips your thighs so hard you know that he will leave bruises in the shape of his fingerprints. 
“Mark me up, Logan. Let everyone see who I belong to, baby.”
“Fuck, such a dirty little mouth,” he growls, but you can hear the gruff chuckle in there too. He lifts you onto the sink like you weigh nothing, tearing at your belt and jeans so that he can get proper access to you. He’s rock hard, cock straining in his hand as he pulls himself out, and you wonder if he’s been this turned on since before the last round. 
Usually you’d sink to your knees and encourage him to fuck your throat, let him bring you to tears before he made it up to you, but he has no such patience now. He needs to sheathe himself in you, find your tight heat and bury himself there again and again. He’s about to push inside when you grab his forearm. 
He looks up with a glint of worry in his eye. You know, just for a second, that he thinks he’s hurt you. He’d stop if you asked him to, sweet little puppy. Instead you give him another ferocious kiss. 
“I wanna turn around. Wanna watch you fuck me.” You nod to the dirty mirror over the sink and he makes a deep noise of agreement in the back of his throat, manhandling you so you can brace yourself on the porcelain. 
You moan as he fucks inside of you with one vicious push, throwing your head back to reflect the long line of your neck. You see mirrored the dual look of feral desire and total adoration in his face as he fucks you like he’s been challenged to make your legs stop working. Holding on the best you can, you watch his injuries from the fight heal slowly, wounds stitching closed by themselves, bruises receding from purple to brown to nothing at all. It’s that sort of regeneration that makes him beg for you to draw blood when you bite him as you fuck, just to leave the proof on his body a little longer that you’ve been there. That you’ve loved him. 
“Fucking love you, Logan,” you cry out as he slams so hard into you he threatens to break the fucking sink. He leans over and grabs you by the hair, moving your face so that he can kiss you with more teeth and tongue than lips. You love it. 
“Mine,” he chokes. You wrap your little hands round one of his, bloodied and rough. 
“Mine,” you echo back, sinking your teeth in. 
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phas3d · 2 months
Hello love<33 i saw ur requests were open if it hasn't been done before can i request a Potter! Reader x Slytherin boys like the reader is Harry's twin sister?
Absolutely inlove with your writing btw🫶🫶
Potter!Reader || Slytherin Boys
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type :: fluff
tw/cw :: abuse mention (tom, mattheo)
contains :: draco, tom, mattheo, theodore, lorenzo
notes :: i love this idea so much, i didn't think it would be this fun to write for - also i know neville technically killed voldemort BUT, just go along with me when i say harry killed voldemort
Getting a crush on someone was already hard enough for Draco to do
To be able to look past someone's flaws and finally see the beauty inside of someone
But all of that was quickly ruined once he found out you weren't just Harry Potter's sibling but his TWIN?
He genuinely gets so upset and angry not only at you but himself
He's not sure how to handle this information
But at the end, he decides that he can't stand the idea of dating Harry Potter's twin and possibly growing to be Harry Potter's brother-in-law
So he tries to avoid you at all times
But he can't, his body just won't allow him
And also, you're really good at finding him
In the end, he learns to accept it but Harry and Draco still bicker and fight
Even when you guys are 20+ years old, they still fight like siblings - which is actually perfect since they're brothers in law now
After Harry defeated his father, aka Voldemort, and brought "peace" to the world - he's hated his guts
Because although Voldemort was a mass murder, genocide supporter, blood racist, classist, backstabbing, asshole... That was still Tom's dad
But even then, Voldemort wasn't a great father. He was actually the worst father to ever live. For all of Tom's childhood, he was brain washed and tortured to believe his father was amazing, and sadly it worked on him
So finding out that his s/o, which was already an EXTREMELY rare sight since he can't tolerate anyone, was Harry Potter's twin....
Oh, he goes fucking insane and runs away to the forbidden forrest to "process" all of his emotions (he kills almost every animal in there out of pure strength)
Falling for the person who's related to your father's killer is not easy to handle
So,,, honestly I think Tom would break up with you and never give you a shot again
But, he still owns you - he just can't be with you duhhh
If you ever try to move on or get a new boyfriend, he simply make them "disappear"
It makes you isolate yourself from the dating world - but thank god Tom is there to offer to be fwb!
(this was his plan all along. he will never stop loving you but he doesn't have the guts to fully commit to a relationship anyways but he still wants you - so fwb is the easiest solution for him to avoid the guilt of actually dating you whilst still getting to own you in some way)
He's the exact opposite of Tom, he actually really respects and likes Harry
After Harry killed Voldemort, he felt so free. It was like Harry got rid of the shackle that was keeping him down for so long
Unlike Tom, Mattheo always knew that what their father was doing was wrong and cruel - but he was forced to go along with the family's plans because he'd be punished if he didn't
Not only that, Mattheo and Harry both play Quidditch and are good rivals - he loves the competition
So he actually gets along fine with Harry
When he finds out you two are actually TWINS he's so shocked like omg
He wonders what would have happened if you ate Harry while in the womb or smth
And he also wonders why you and Harry aren't exactly identical (you are identical... mattheo just doesn't understand why harry has glasses and you don't....)
Doesn't mind bringing Harry on a couple of dates - But when Harry does come... it's basically like you're third wheeling
Your cute dates are ruined because these two dumbass men decide to do stupid stuff
Like for example, a cute date of mini golfing got ruined because Harry and Mattheo decided to see who could chuck their golf ball the farthest
They ended up breaking multiple windows...
Or when Mattheo took you out to go ice skating but it got ruined because fucking Harry surprised Mattheo with hockey gear
The two ended up playing hockey,,,, just a 1v1,,,, and crashed into so many bystanders that they just shut down the rink
They are now brothers for life... you must deal with this
When he finds out you're twins, he takes such a big sigh of relief
"Oh my gosh, that why you guys always hang out... I thought you might have been dating."
Instantly, you want to vomit in your mouth
Theo has little to no history with Harry, besides bullying Harry during their first few years at Hogwarts
But Theo was never a good bully... especially when he was younger
Because he was still learning English and had the THICKEST Italian accent that you barely understood him
One time in their 2nd year, Theo came up to Harry and insulted his nerdy glasses
But Harry simply tilted his head, "Sorry, no espanol."
From that day, it's a strong inside joke between all the Slytherin boys and Theo can never escape it
Harry's unintentional roast made Theo study English 10x times harder than he ever did before
So he's kinda grateful to him in a way but he does wanna get back at him
He's super chill around Harry and the two get along fine and dandy but nothing too special
They both respect each other a lot actually and don't cross any boundaries with each other
Since they're kinda similar actually: quidditch players, pull tons of bitches, decently smart, and "foreign" in some way
Basically: coolest in laws ever
Oh my fucking god these two suck each other dicks
The amount of glazing they do for each other is CRAZYYY
When Enzo finds out you're twins with Harry - he's so happy because Harry and Enzo are actually really cool with each other
They both play quidditch together sometimes, play the same games, and they love the same shows
You basically lose your boyfriend... to your brother
Everywhere you two go,,, Harry is invited against your will
Going to watch a movie? Harry and Enzo are gonna share a blanket and leave you in the cold
Going to an arcade? Harry and Enzo will play every single game against each other and even take selfies of their wins
Fuck, even going shopping, the two banter and chat while you try on clothes
One time they got bored of waiting for you to try stuff on so they LEFT YOU and went to go get MATCHING T-SHIRTS???!?!??!?!?!???
Of course,,, you and Enzo do get alone time - some times
But you honestly love seeing how strong Enzo and Harry's bond is because it makes you happy that you picked the perfect boyfriend for your family
It's even better when Harry get his yearly girlfriend (that he will eventually leave heart broken)
So now you can go on double dates!!!
And hopefully the girl that Harry is with is cool, so that way you can also share a strong bond just like Enzo and Harry
But you can't get too attached.... your brother is a man-whore after all... 😞
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eoieopda · 2 months
whiskey neat | jwy
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there’s no common ground between yours and wooyoung’s vastly different circles. that is, until tuesday nights at the black cat form the center of the venn diagram.
pairing: jung wooyoung x reader au: strangers to something type: one-shot | smut wc: 8.3k rating: 18+ | minors do not have my consent to interact. cw: inspired by hozier’s “too sweet”, primarily wooyoung’s pov with one switch at the end; bartender!wooyoung, musician!reader, alcohol use, setting is a bar, uhhh wooyoung is a (to the tune of that arctic monkeys song) cigarette smoker, oral sex (v), protected sex (p in v), corruption kink kind of?, use of “sweetheart” (fatal). reader notes: afab (gender identity not designated); kind of naive; into fitness/“wellness” (no body type/weight is described, except wooyoung thinking they’re “strong” + reader thinking that they are in the best shape of their life); wears a sundress at the beginning. the following terms are used in the scenes involving smut: pussy, cunt, clit, tits (no description given). a/n: i quite literally started this in march 2024 and then experienced the most severe hobby death of all time. this is coming after five (5) months of scooping it out of my brain with a melon-baller, so… not my best, but here she is! thanks @sailoryooons for beta-ing because i’m self-conscious lately 🍤
Tuesday nights at the Black Cat never used to be busy. 
For three years, Wooyoung spent the majority of his shifts behind the bar doing fuck all: Folding receipt paper into increasingly complicated and wasteful shapes; replacing citrus wedges that went unused and then brown; paying visits to the stray cat camping out in the alley near the dumpster. He’d go hours without talking to another human being, and he never took issue with it, even if his wallet did.
Two months ago, however, things changed. 
Two months ago, management started panicking about the lack of revenue. To keep the lights on and draw in a crowd of (hopefully) soon-to-be regulars, they implemented a schedule of recurring events — some monthly, others weekly, most stupid.
Wooyoung’s precious solitude disappeared, and in its place, he got trivia nights and turntable DJs, showing off their collections of vinyls. Games of bingo targeting hipsters, who show up en masse to fight it out for prizes — potted plants, of all things — they could easily buy on their own for far less than their tabs’ totals. Themed brunches. 
A million other events and just as many used glasses to wash.
Despite his ever-present scowl — his face just looks like that —  it hasn’t been all bad. Without the newly-added acoustic sessions, the bar wouldn’t need a local performer to both play and host on a biweekly basis. Management wouldn’t have reached out to you; and you’d have no fucking reason to come to a dive like this. Suffice it to say, your pilates-practicing, daylight-disciplined circle of doers would never otherwise overlap with Wooyoung’s, in all its nocturnal, nicotine-dependent grit.
Tuesday nights at the Black Cat now occupy the center of the Venn diagram.
As usual, you come traipsing in half an hour before your set starts with a gig bag slung over your shoulder and a megawatt smile on your face. This is your natural state, he’s come to learn. Solar-powered. It shouldn’t be possible, but you manage to brighten further when your searching eyes find him sitting on the counter behind the register.
Through no fault of his own, Wooyoung’s gaze trails down from your face to the little sundress you’re wearing. It’s new, he notes immediately. The skirt of it flutters with each step you take, showing off more and more of your thighs as you move.
You don’t react to the migrating fabric. Just the same, you don’t notice his appraisal or the way patrons’ heads turn as you cross the bar. 
No surprise there, he thinks. 
From the four (4) entire conversations the two of you have had so far, you’ve made one thing abundantly clear: You’re inclined to assume the best of people and their intentions. 
Nine times out of ten, Wooyoung dodges naivety like that the second it starts skipping his way, well-versed in the consequences of trusting so implicitly. You and your cotton-candy smile have proven to be the outlier, though. Working in tandem, you and that grin have him pinned where he sits with no urge to run.
You don’t notice that, either.
When you slide onto the stool across the bar from him, Wooyoung finally clocks what you’re holding. Your right hand grips some green concoction that he suspects was made with kale. Or moss? In your left hand, an iced Americano — beautifully black — weeps condensation onto manicured fingers, making hard-earned calluses glisten.
Wooyoung’s racing thoughts about those hands are still inflicting psychic damage when you lean further over the counter.
“Extra shot of espresso,” you hum as you hold the coffee out to him. You do your best to tease him, though you’re shy as hell about it, so the words still manage to come gently: “For those of us who were still awake when the sun came up.”
Wooyoung mentioned his coffee order several weeks ago in passing. It’s sweet in a way he’s not used to that you’ve not only remembered how he takes his coffee, but that you’ve brought it to him ever since, apropos of nothing, when all he’s ever done is his best to get a rise out of you. What he’s up to isn’t sweet — not by a long-shot — but it’s easily done and well worth the misplaced effort when he sees how flustered he can make you.
Wooyoung tilts his head, draws his lips in a straight line, and gestures to your cup with his. “Worry about those waking up shortly after sunrise, sweetheart. They’re drinking algae.”
As intended, you’re visibly affected by the pet name, so much so that you stumble over your defense. “It — it’s healthy!”
“It’s swampy.”
Your nose scrunches indignantly, prompting the edge of Wooyoung’s mouth to tick upwards. He doesn’t emote more than that. Five (5) conversations in now, and he’s already picked up on how much it gets to you when he only concedes a hint of a smirk.
As much as he’d relish the opportunity to sit here and keep toying with you, the crowd surrounding you has doubled in a matter of minutes. Just over your shoulder, Wooyoung sees a patron glance down at the screen of her phone to check the time; then, he hears the complaint she thinks is muttered quietly under her breath. It’s not. In fact, you hear it, too, and you divert your wide, heart-shaped eyes away from him. That smile of yours curves in the wrong direction once you do.
When you look back at him, you say, “I should go,” but he hears it for what it is: an apology. 
He’s never been good at ending conversations — especially in the rare case that he’d prefer to keep one going — so he nods, leaves it at that. You pause for a nanosecond, as if you’ve got something else to add, but you don’t. You smooth down the back of your dress once you’ve hopped from the stool to your feet. Then, you mimic his gesture. 
You make it two steps towards the stage before Wooyoung calls out to you, prompting you to spin back around and your dress to flutter:
“Thanks for the coffee, sweetheart.”
Your frown disappears instantly. The smile that replaces it is still there when you disappear into the crowd, only to resurface several seconds later on the tiny stage across the room.
Guitar now in hand, you duck your head through the woven strap, shuffling carefully closer to the microphone stand. You introduce yourself, strum a quiet, major chord, and chirp, “Welcome to both the Black Cat and my favorite day of the week.”
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Normally, you leave shortly after your last set, as if you’ll turn into a pumpkin when the clock strikes ten. With the schedule you keep, it’s no wonder. From what Wooyoung has gathered so far, you wake up before dawn most days to get a workout in before heading to the office. The very idea makes him nauseous whenever he thinks too long about it, so he does his best not to. 
Mornings are for sleeping, he told you once.
Life is for living, you’d replied.
Apparently, the two of you have drastically different ideas about what living looks like.
For Wooyoung, life on Tuesday nights looks like catering to a steadily dwindling crowd once you finish up and disappear with a friendly wave goodbye. It’s cleaning up sticky spills, resetting migrated stools, and doing a half-ass restock that will make the opener — him — complain about the closer — again, him — when his next shift starts at 5:00 PM on Wednesday. 
In the gap between his shifts, life looks like meeting up with his similarly shadow-dwelling friends on someone’s balcony to chain-smoke, sip whiskey, and watch the sunrise until he gets bored. From there, it’s either walking back to his apartment or kicking said friends out of his, so he can rot in front of his PC. Eventually, life looks like blackout shades and crashing into bed while the world around him heads out for brunch.
Tonight, however, life is starting to look a little different.
When you wander over, it’s not to say goodnight or close out the tab you think you’ve accrued, which Wooyoung never opened in the first place.
Maybe, he thinks, you’ve finally caught on that all these “technical issues with the point-of-sale system” — occurring for the last four (4) shows in relation to one (1) patron in particular — can’t possibly be a coincidence. That a free drink given will always beget a free drink received. That Wooyoung doesn’t deal in unpaid debts, even if he hasn’t and won’t own up to his petty workplace theft.
You sidle up to his bar and slip back into the stool you’d previously occupied, no more aware of the way your sundress shifts now than you were earlier. Likewise, he’s no less blatant with the way he looks you up and down, eyes lingering unabashedly and hungrily. The pair of you float in each other’s orbit for a few moments just like this: waiting for the other to speak first.
“Don’t you go to yoga class at ass o’clock on Wednesdays?” He eventually inquires, leaning back against the counter behind him with his arms crossed and head tilted.
Your eyes flick down to the screen of your phone, which rests face-up on the bar between your elbows. You clock the time but not the way your current posture causes the neckline of your mostly modest dress to plunge. Conflict creases between your eyebrows, then you tilt your chin to look at him.
Wooyoung knows that look, although he’s never seen it on you before. That look begs to be talked into something, rather than out of it. It’s a look he gets often. For better or for worse, it’s one he never turns down.
“I do,” you admit through a sigh. 
Offering nothing more than a hum to indicate his intrigue, Wooyoung watches you and waits patiently for you to elaborate. Another few seconds slip by without a word. His attention makes you shy, he notes; he loves it. 
But he loves the idea of toying with you even more, so when you don’t say anything else, he takes that attention and diverts it to the few remaining patrons, all of whom have vested interest in closing out and getting out.
Good riddance, he thinks as the last of them stumbles out and away, leaving the two of you in charged silence. 
Even more seconds pass. 
Still nothing.
Wooyoung glances around and finds a bottle of Jameson on its very last leg. It’s the perfect amount for a litmus test — two shots left, nothing more to give and everything to prove. Snatching two overturned shot glasses from where they dry on a holed rubber mat, he empties the whiskey evenly and turns back to you with an eyebrow raised.
Your eyes widen slightly when he sets the spare on the bar in front of you, more so with interest than surprise. For a moment, you stare at it with the same ambivalent expression, nibbling thoughtfully on your lower lip. 
Finally, you all but whisper, “I should’ve been in bed an hour ago.”
With his left palm flat against the bar, Wooyoung rests his weight and leans in, eyelids and voice dropping. “Why aren’t you?” He murmurs, gaze flicking down to your lips then back up again — just long enough for you to notice that he was, in fact, looking. “Hmm?”
Your breath hitches — just loudly enough for him to notice that you are, in fact, finding it hard to function this closely to him.
“On a school night, no less.” His eyes narrow teasingly.
“I’m asking myself the same question,” you confess, though you’re the picture of innocence. Your fingertip traces idly down the side of your shot glass, then back up again. 
He’s as distracted by the mindless movement as you are, albeit for different reasons. Before he lets himself get carried away in wondering whether or not your touch is always that delicate, Wooyoung lifts his glass and gestures for you to do the same. “Sounds like you could use a bad influence.”
A soft clink permeates when your glasses touch, followed by a muted thump when the bottom of each one is tapped against the bar. Your heads are thrown back in unison, just like your drinks, and when your faces finally level out towards one another’s, you counter him breezily, “Maybe you could use a good one.”
Wooyoung thinks he could use more than that.
Breaking eye contact, you glance down at your phone again. It’s obvious that you’re second-guessing your decision to linger. He wants to chuck that brick in the bin with the other useless shit, to get rid of any excuse you might give for having to leave, but he doesn’t. 
And you don’t give him an excuse.
Your hand wraps around that fucking phone, then you stand up slowly. 
“Try not to stay up too late,” you advise with a smile that still manages to read like disappointment.
Reaching into the pocket of your jacket, you pull out the tips you made tonight and collect a few bills before dropping them on the counter to cover the shot you didn’t even order. Wooyoung wants to tell you not to — that your money isn’t good here, even if you are — but he knows it won’t make a difference. 
You sling your gig bag over your shoulder, thank him, and tell him that you’ll see him in two weeks.
He scrubs his hands over his face the second you walk out the door and mutters through gritted teeth, “Fuck.”
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You don’t see Wooyoung in two weeks. 
As a matter of fact, you cancel your acoustic session for the first time ever. Management either doesn’t know why you bailed or doesn’t think it’s any of Wooyoung’s business, so no one bothers to tell him. If he’d ever thought to ask for your number, he could check in on you himself, but he didn’t and therefore can’t.
Ignorant and annoyed, he resigns himself to occupying an empty tavern on a goddamn Tuesday night, yet again. 
Nobody brings him coffee. 
Nobody worth talking to crosses the threshold. 
No one makes little comments — genuine concerns poorly disguised as digs — when he uses the paring knife to carve little stars into the lip of the bar top, instead of slicing limes. 
And when he gives up and closes down early, he’s so tired of his own shit that he simply goes home and goes to bed.
Bed being the operative word. 
He doesn’t go to sleep, even though he has nothing better to do. Alternatively, Wooyoung replays your last interaction on a loop in his head, daydreaming about what could’ve happened if you’d stayed. While his thoughts spiral, his hand drifts, finds the pulse beneath the zipper of his jeans, and feels the throbbing ache building through the denim.
It’s pathetic. 
He knows it. 
Too bad that doesn’t stop him from fucking his fist every night for the next several, imagining how much softer yours must feel.
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The patron pulls a face the absolute second Wooyoung slides her glass across the bar. 
Wholly uninterested in the response one way or another, he slathers on his customer-service smile and asks her, “Alright?”, in a tone that doesn’t match his expression in the slightest.
“There’s no ice in it,” she mumbles, cringing in mild horror as she does. As if the liquor features his spit instead. “I wanted ice.”
There’s a split second where he almost lets his mask crack, says something shitty just because his mood was already sour before she walked over. Wooyoung doesn’t get the opportunity, however. Over the girl’s shoulder, someone gently intervenes: “Neat means no ice. You’d have needed to order it on the rocks.” 
A beat passes, then comes, “Or — you know, with ice, please.”
Wooyoung neither hears nor cares what the girl says in response. She shuffles off, and that’s all that matters. Without her body blocking the way, he sees you clearly. You’re more done-up than usual, like you’ve just come from somewhere far nicer than here.
“It’s Saturday.”
Probably should’ve started with hello.
After eyeing the glowing, neon clock on the wall, Wooyoung notices that both hands are pointed skyward. He corrects himself, “Nah, it’s Sunday.”
You slip into the now-unoccupied stool ahead of him and nod, chuckling like you can’t believe it, either. When you settle in, you prop your elbow on the bar top, then your chin upon the heel of your hand. Just above, your eyes twinkle with a kind of mischief he’s never seen you wear before.
That might be the thin veil of tipsiness, actually. 
Not that he’s complaining.
Wooyoung hides his amusement by bending over and rummaging through the under-counter refrigerator that hums beneath the register. The rush of cool air has nothing to do with how awake he suddenly feels. He wonders if you feel the same but can’t ask outright; eagerness isn’t his style.
“You’re here on purpose?” He asks instead, resurfacing with a bottle of soju — some new, fruity flavor he assumes you’ll like — and a raised eyebrow.
You hum appreciatively when you see what he’s holding. That soft sound that punches him right in the center of his chest with force. “I was out with friends, but…”
Your voice trails off, too distracted by his hand enveloping the seal-covered bottle cap. With a firm grip and quick twist, it’s gone. You’re still eyeing his hands, he notes, even though all they’re doing is holding the bottle. 
Normally, he’d love to give you the benefit of the doubt and attribute your sudden fixation on the rings he wears. It wouldn’t be the first time a man in jewelry snags attention, complimentary or otherwise. Unfortunately — or maybe fortunately? — for you, Wooyoung forgot to put his usual accessories back on after this afternoon’s shower.
Nope, he thinks, biting back a wolfish grin. He’s not alone. You daydream about his touch, too.
Catching yourself staring, you shift atop your stool with a quiet, self-conscious laugh that sounds more like a sigh. He opts to let it go without further teasing, but he doesn’t let it go entirely. That breathy little noise echoes in his ears, drowning out the faint slosh of liquor as he fills your glass. 
In a weak attempt to distract himself, he remembers your half-finished sentence and prompts with a low voice, “But?”
“They wanted to end the night.” You accept the glass into your hand from his and raise it slightly in thanks. “I didn’t,” you whisper, then bring the rim to your lips to cloak their upward curve.
Wooyoung would be lying if he said your tiny act of defiance didn’t send all the blood in his body rushing straight to his dick. Maybe it’s arrogant of him to assume that he’s the source of this newfound rebelliousness. The spark that lit the fuse, or whatever. Maybe that should bother him. Of course, it doesn’t.
In an effort to hide how strong of a chord your confession has struck, he gestures with one extended finger to the clock. Your eyes follow, and he leans in closer; the smirk you can’t see is still evident in his voice, he’s sure.  “How much of a coincidence is it that you showed up right before the trains stop running?”
When your gaze flicks momentarily back to him, he spots a hint of surprise. This impeccable timing wasn’t a scheme at all, he realizes. Not a plot. If he had to bet, Wooyoung would guess that you’re never out late enough to know that the train schedule ends at all.
God, you’re going to give him a cavity.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. Coincidentally, I know someone who gets off just in time to walk you home.”
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“This gonna bother you?”
Having stepped out of the bar before Wooyoung, his question prompts you to look back over your shoulder at him, one eyebrow raised slightly out of curiosity. He lifts his right hand from his jacket pocket to reveal the half-spent pack of cigarettes he’d been storing there.
He expects it to, and to his surprise, he cares enough about that possibility that he doesn’t light up without asking in the way he normally would.
“In theory, yes,” you laugh, “because I’d prefer your lungs to be tar-free.”
“And in practice?”
You must not have expected him to note the distinction; you fluster. Grinning slightly, Wooyoung answers his own question on your behalf, “In practice, you find it kind of hot.”
He keeps his eyes on you as he pulls a cigarette from the pack — slowly, to test his hypothesis that you’ve got a thing for his hands — and then, Wooyoung slides the cardboard back into his pocket. 
Your gaze follows while he gently places the filtered end between his lips. It stays put when he furnishes a lighter, holds the flame to the opposite side, and inhales. Turning his head to the side, Wooyoung exhales the smoke where it won’t reach you. 
“It’s alright, sweetheart,” he assures you, eyes devilish. Deer in headlights that you are, you freeze but for the bob of your throat as you swallow. “I won’t make you admit it out loud.”
Once he’s decided that he’s played with you enough for the time being, two of you head south, ambling under streetlights without any sense of urgency. Making up for lost time, maybe; picking up where the last Tuesday left off. 
He can’t tell if it’s the alcohol making you more talkative than usual, or if you’re feeling the rush of your off-brand decisions, but Wooyoung’s fine with it, either way. You tell him about your week — in full and without hesitation — like you’re chatting to a friend and not someone you’ve only just started to encounter on a brief, twice-monthly basis.
You had a date this Tuesday night, he learns. It didn’t go well. Too similar, you explain with a wave of your hand. According to you, it’s boring to sit with you at a dinner table. Wooyoung looks pointedly at you as soon as he hears it, noting his disagreement. For a second, you assume something he doesn’t mean: that he enjoys his own company more than you enjoy yours.
“No,” he corrects you. “I just can’t picture dinner with you as something boring.”
You duck your head, embarrassed. “Oh,” is all you manage in reply.
Wooyoung follows your lead across several more city blocks, hanging on every word you say in the meantime. When the pair of you reach the front of your apartment building, his cigarette is spent, but neither one of you is. He takes an extra step towards the garbage can near the door and drops the butt amidst the others in the lid, which doubles as an ashtray. A faint vein of smoke bleeds out until the dark sky laps it up entirely.
You look conflicted when he turns back in your direction. Clearly, you don’t want him to leave just yet, but asking him upstairs is likely way out of your pattern of behavior. Wooyoung sees two options: He could say goodnight and go; take a few steps towards his side of the city, and hope you to act even further out of character, or — 
“If you’re asking, I’m saying yes.”
— he could go off-script entirely.
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Your apartment looks exactly the way Wooyoung expected it to. Everything is cozy; a far cry from the modern and monochrome edge of his place. It all makes sense, based on what he’s learned about you so far. Feels like you, although he’ll concede that you haven’t been felt by him just yet.
Each shelf features a tchotchke or framed photograph — or several — but not a single speck of dust. Likewise, the various potted plants you’ve displayed artfully around the space are well-kept. Flourishing, he assumes, despite the fact that he doesn’t know shit about fuck when it comes to plants.
His shoes, ratty in comparison to yours, are toed off at the door before he follows you further into the kitchen. You stop at the island, bottom lip between your teeth once again. Unsure, you nibble on it, like it’ll help you set your dizzy mind straight.
When Wooyoung inches closer to you, he does it slowly, even though every part of his body demands that he ramp up the pace. As badly as he wants his hands — and his teeth, and his tongue…— all over you now, he can’t be the jump scare that sets your little bunny heart to sprinting. The adrenaline is practically vibrating off your frame already with every step he takes in your direction.
Though you could, you don’t move further away, the nearer he gets. You stay put with the small of your back against the lip of the granite counter, hypnotized. Right where he wants you.
Once he’s close enough, Wooyoung tests the waters. You let him; your gaze clings to him so strongly that he feels the weight of it without reciprocating. With his thumb and forefinger, he traces the belt loop closest to your left hip, then tugs slightly, making your breath quicken for a moment. 
Eyes still focused on his own ministrations, he murmurs, “Am I the first stray you’ve ever brought home?”
You don’t answer with words. His gaze flicks upwards, and from under heavy-lidded eyes, he sees the tiny nod.
“Full of surprises.” He looks down again, purposely depriving you of eye contact, and moves his fingers from your belt loop so that the pad of his thumb brushes over the top of your jeans. There, the skin of your hip peeks out from under the denim, hot to the touch. “Not just sweet, are you?”
“Someone told me I needed a bad influence.”
The sudden re-introduction of your voice pulls his focus. You stare back at him boldly, and it feels like a dare. Both of his hands move to your hips now, simultaneously guiding you closer to his chest and keeping you pinned between his body and the island.
“You’ll miss your Sunday morning pilates, I fear,” he tuts with a slight shake of his head.
“You’ll make attending redundant, I hope.”
And then your mouth is on his, all tongue and teeth, while you card desperate fingers through his hair. It occurs to him, as he licks into your mouth, that the split-dyed strands you're clinging to are a microcosm. 
Black and white. 
Conflicting tastes, like sugar and salt, that only make sense together in certain contexts. Like this one — right here, right now — with the two of you tangled up in your half-lit kitchen, so caught up in exploration that inhibition takes the backseat. Steeping in the aftertaste of soju and cigarette smoke, scent heady like arousal.
You break the kiss to catch your breath but can’t make it very far. His teeth claim your bottom lip, pulling forth the softest little growl he’s ever heard.
“Fuck,” he echoes with a growl of his own. 
That’s it. Breathing is overrated. Wooyoung’s ready to suffocate, so long as you let him.
“Lay back on the counter.”
You’re stunned into silence for a second, and while you blink back at him, he wonders if you’ll actually let him eat you out where you eat. It’s objectively filthy, he knows, but he might drop dead where he stands if he has to wait another second — or take another step elsewhere — before he tastes you.
Your answer is a leap, figuratively and literally. The hands you’ve been using to cling to him each flatten palm-down on the island behind you. With his grip on your hips to boost you, you scramble to your new stage; and you shatter the conservative expectations he had for you in the process. 
A newfound confidence flashes in your eyes, making his stomach flip and his dick twitch. A patronizing frown graces your kiss-bitten lips. “You didn’t walk three kilometers here just to look at me, did you?”
He sure as shit didn’t. Still, he can’t help but bask in the odd sense of pride he feels in staring up at you on the pedestal he put you on. The more time you spend with him, the rougher you seem to get around the edges; and he’d be lying through his teeth if he said he didn’t love the grit.
In lieu of a verbal response, Wooyoung locks eyes with you and gestures downward with the index finger of his right hand. You follow his silent command eagerly and without question; he keeps the praise you’ve earned on the tip of his tongue, saving it for later.
It takes less time than he expects to strip you of your jeans, most of which is attributed to slipping them off your ankles and dropping them blindly over his shoulder. They hit what he believes to be the range with a soft twack, then a barely audible crumple when they finally find the floor. 
Your lace underwear disappears in a similar fashion, albeit more eagerly. Couldn’t be helped, he thinks. That scrap of fabric was the last barrier between him and the thing he’s been craving most since he met you; and fuck, if you don’t exceed his expectations once again.
“Christ,” is all he can say.
It’s rare to find a pussy so perfect that it wipes out his vocabulary, let alone makes him want to weep. That’s exactly what’s waiting for him when you spread your thighs wide enough to accommodate his body between them. Really, the only thing driving him more insane than the sight of you is the thought of how many self-imposed rules you’ve broken to get to this point — the self-discipline you’ve thrown out the window on your way down to him.
He accepts the invitation, descends upon your wet heat like a man starved, and loops his arms underneath your thighs. Immediately, your thighs tighten around the sides of his head, muffling the groan that slips out of him the second your taste hits his tongue. Just the same, you’ve got him drunk in an instant while he laves his way through folds sweeter than cherry wine.
From under his own lashes, he looks up and sees yours flutter at the sensation of his lips encircling your clit and suckling slowly, deeply.
“Oh, my g-god,” you hiccup before your fingers are in his hair again, nails scratching perfectly along his scalp. “You’re so —” 
Wooyoung’s wickedly curved lips are slick in more ways than one, though he doubts you can see them through all those stars in your eyes. You don’t see the switch-up coming, either. Unwilling to let you race too far ahead of him, he scales it back, trading his deep pulls for targeted kitten licks.
“— evil.”
Your frustration rings out with a tortured whine. Wooyoung can’t blame you; he knows he’s cruel for guiding you so close to the edge, right out of the gate, then refusing to send you off of it. But he has to draw this out as long as he can, savor what he can for however long you give him.
And to your credit, you take it well. 
You give, too, offering up the moans, whimpers, and sighs he couldn’t have dreamed up correctly if he tried.
Wooyoung did try. Gave it his best shot, even, but his imagination fell short. He knows that now. The pitch was wrong, the timing was off, and he failed to anticipate just how badly it’d fuck him up to feel you grinding against his tongue. To have your fingers tied off in his hair, refusing to accept anything less than closeness.
That particular chorus swells for the first time when he unwinds his right arm from where it secures your left thigh; and his middle finger slides into your cunt, curls upwards to greet that spongy patch of nerves along your front wall. 
Eyes swimming with previously untapped desire, you look so pitifully perfect. Only breaking eye contact to throw your head back, you start to wail, “Wooyoung, I —” 
But the rest of that thought must turn to static before you can finish it. Charged silence settles in its place, save for your ragged breathing. All the while, his tongue never lets up on your poor, abused clit, though your arousal already has him coated, leaking down over the knuckle.
A particularly needy tug of his hair seeks what you can’t verbalize. 
When he adds his ring finger to fuck you further open for him, you can’t keep his name from spilling out of your mouth. Wooyoung starts to sound like a summoning spell; an invocation repeated so desperately that he just might give you what you want.
“W-Wooyoung, please,” you choke out, hips bucking up to chase his mouth. “I’m so close!”
The fact that you’re downright begging — on the brink of tears, no less — goes straight to his head. He lets up for a moment to purr, “Since you asked so nicely…”
The hand he doesn’t have half-buried in your heat grips your right hip, hard, securing you against the granite. It’s for the best, really. You jolt so much when he finally lets you cum that you could’ve knocked him out otherwise.
Not that he’d complain.
When the aftershocks peter out, and you gain back some control of your trembling limbs, you collapse back onto the countertop, chest heaving as your breath struggles to even out. One leg stays put, hinged over his shoulder, the best kind of dead weight; the other pools off the edge of the island, hanging limply.
Before pulling away entirely, Wooyoung presses an open-mouthed kiss to the soft skin of your inner thigh, suckling slightly — just enough to leave a calling card, though he doesn’t want anyone but you to know it’s there.
“You fucking menace.”
Your eyes flutter open and catch the way he’s grinning, the lower half of his face otherwise shining with a mix of spit and slick. With you watching intently, he licks his lips, simpering, “Think that’s the first time I’ve ever heard you swear.”
“Deserved.” You sigh contentedly and close your eyes again for a second, but the blissed-out look on your face doesn’t dissipate. 
Wooyoung wonders if you’re holding onto the image of him between your thighs, replaying it behind your lids. The sight of you is going to haunt him — then and now, before and after. Even if your stamina is depleted now, his appetite’s been sated. He can survive off of this moment alone for weeks if necessary.
But you summon the strength to stretch your arms over your head, to moan breathily while you arch your back off the counter and ease the tension in your muscles. Then, in a burst of vitality, you sit upright. Eyes alight, you give him a smile to match.
“Help me down?”
As if he’d say no to a question asked that sweetly.
You wobble when your feet touch the ground again and thank him when he snakes an arm around your waist to steady you. With a nod in the direction of what Wooyoung assumes is your bedroom, you beckon him, “Come with me.”
“That’s been the plan, sweetheart.”
You roll your eyes at him — another first — and take his hand in yours. Fingers intertwined, you lead and he follows through the adjoining living room towards a door on the far side of the apartment. The pair of you barely cross the threshold into your bedroom before you turn and tug his hand, pulling him into a kiss.
“Do me a favor,” you murmur against his lips.
Wooyoung has no questions about that — the answer is yes, no matter what the favor is — but there is something he’s wondering about: when you open your mouth against his, can you taste yourself on his tongue?
Distracted by that thought, and the way your free hand makes its way to the button of his jeans, he nods. It gives him the opportunity to swallow down the groan that builds in his chest when you squeeze his still-clothed cock.
Your mouth leaves his then, drops to the side of his neck. Something about the light nip of your teeth below his ear makes his resolve start to crumble. It only gets harder when the warmth of your tongue flicks over his skin to soothe the sting. He sounds fucked out already when he sighs, “Anything.”
“Let me repay you for all those drinks you never charged me for.” Between kisses down the length of his neck, you purr, “Not exactly subtle, you know.”
He clenches his jaw to keep it from dropping. “Have I been hustled?” 
“Is it hustling if I offer to reimburse you?” 
Knowing damn well what it’ll do to him, you flutter your lashes against his skin, forcing him to fight off a shiver. There’s no hiding the rush of heat that follows; he doesn’t need to ask to know that you feel it creeping up his neck. “I’ll make up for it,” you promise. “Atone, and all that.”
Wooyoung reaches up and cups your jaw with his hand; you follow his direction and look up at him with excitement twinkling in your eyes, juxtaposing the deep black in his. “I’m charging interest,” he bites back. “The rates are astronomical.”
“Oh, indeed. Get on the bed, sweetheart.”
With a light smack on your ass, he sends you on your way. In the few seconds it takes you to skip over to your mattress and jump onto it, he tugs his shirt up and over his head, then tosses it aside. Before unbuckling his jeans and tearing those off, too, he snatches his wallet from the back pocket. More specifically, the condom he’s been keeping within just in case you ever decided to stoop to his level.
You’re a second away from drooling when he makes his way over and stops at the edge of the bed. That kind of hunger is yet another thing he failed to see coming. There’s something insatiable in your eyes now, darkening by the second. 
You reach out for the condom, but he pulls his hand back, holds it up where you can’t reach. Frustration makes your eyebrows pinch together. Out of context — if you weren’t naked, wet, and wanting him — he’d likely go out of his way to tell you how fucking cute you look when you’re annoyed. 
“Don’t pout at me, sweetheart.” Wooyoung’s warning tone is gravel-lined, sharp to the touch when it hits you. Whether you intend it or not, your breath hitches in tandem with your pupils dilating.  “I’ll let you do it, but I have one condition. Consider it a repayment term.”
You tilt your head to the side, eyes narrowing with intrigue. “And what’s that?”
“No hands.”
The surprised look he was counting on never comes. He gets sheer determination instead. You pull the packet from between his fingers, rip the foil open with your teeth, and flick the empty wrapper onto your nightstand. Not a second is wasted in you tugging his black briefs down his thighs.
You don’t deal in unpaid debts, either, it seems.
What happens next nearly puts him in an early grave. Wooyoung fucking wishes for a fly on the wall to witness you — someone else to memorialize the finesse you exhibit in working that latex down his length with your mouth alone — because he can’t believe his own eyes. In fact, he has to screw them shut to keep from cumming at the sight of you with his dick down your throat, lips flush to his pelvis.
“My god,” he groans, head dipping backwards. “If that’s how good your fucking mouth feels…”
You give him a second to pull himself together. Then, you wrap your hand around his wrist and pull him. He drops into the space you were occupying just a second ago, and as soon as his back hits the mattress, you steady yourself with your palms on his chest and position yourself over him.
Now, he can’t keep his hands to himself. His fingertips scratch up your thighs, leaving goosebumps along the fastidiously trained muscles underneath his touch. Palms gliding up the curve of your ass, then your waist, then those fucking tits.
“Shit,” you mewl. He lightly pinches your left nipple between his thumb and forefinger, spurring you on to rake your nails over the flesh of his chest. The way he tenses under your touch must embolden you. “Play with me all you want, but I need you inside of me now.”
Wooyoung has no idea where this assertiveness came from, but he’ll be goddamned if he doesn’t give you everything you want and then some. To prove that you’ve earned the lot, you line yourself up and take everything he has. 
Somehow, you manage to take his vision, too. The world gets blurry as your heat envelopes him; everything in the periphery blackens until all that’s left is you throwing your head back in pleasure. No other light, no noise beyond the obscene sound of your pussy soaking his length and the collision of your perfect ass against the tops of his thighs.
As strong as you are, Wooyoung knows your orgasm will wipe you out long before your body tires. He sees your eyes start to roll back in your head, even when you put your palms down behind you and lean away from him to perfect the angle. 
Not good enough, he decides. He wants to watch your pupils blow when you fall apart.
“C’mere,” he rasps. 
Fuck, he’s about to break, too. 
“Eyes on me, sweetheart.”
You push off your hands and move to lean in, but you wind up crumpling against his chest, immediately overwhelmed by the depths of his strokes when you re-enter his gravity. With the proximity perfected, every movement that follows is desperate — animalistic, even. Clinging fingers, sweat slicked bodies swapping searing heat. He lifts his hips to drive himself further into you with every downbeat, sets a pace so punishing that he has you speaking in tongues.
When you cum the second time, the moan that rips through you almost sounds like a sob. It really might be. The droplets on your cheeks are either tears or sweat; one or both would be justified, considering the show you just put on for him.
Shit, how you managed to blow his world to pieces just by walking into his bar, he’ll never understand. All he knows is that when he cums — not long after you — and his entire fucking body goes numb, you’re there on the other side of the cataclysm to kiss him back to life.
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When you wake up, you don’t even have a guess as to what time it is. That’s your fault, you know. You didn’t think to connect your phone to its charger prior to falling asleep in a mess of sheets. The numerous alarms you always keep set didn’t go off, obviously, but right now, that’s the least of your worries. 
Until your phone has enough juice to power back on, you won’t know if Wooyoung texted you before sneaking out of your apartment.
You’d taken it as a good sign when he asked for your number in a fucked-out haze. Now, you realize, that naivety of yours was operating in full swing, even when the rest of you was down for the count. That’s what one-night-stands are for, you tell yourself. That’s the decision you made.
Uncharacteristically, you’re tempted to spend the rest of your day — however much of it is left — rotting in bed. It’s an urge you’ll give in to, you can already tell; just like the one that got you here in the first place. The only thing stronger than the call of your bed is the grumbling of your stomach, begging for sustenance.
Sighing loudly, you throw your comforter off your lower half and wiggle towards the edge of your bed. Bare feet meet the braided rug below, then unsteady legs do their best to get their bearings. As you ache, you realize that you need to give credit where it’s due:
You’re currently in the best shape of your life, and Wooyoung still managed to fuck the constitution out of you.
You bend slowly to scoop a shirt from your untouched laundry basket, groaning all the while. On its own, it’s long enough to cover your ass, so you don’t bother to dress yourself further — except for the fuzzy slippers waiting next to your bedroom door.
It’s closed, you note when you finally bother to look at it. It wasn’t when you fell into bed with Wooyoung. He probably didn’t want to disturb you on the way out, you figure. This would strike you as thoughtful if it didn’t feel like a chapter ending too soon. Reaching out to reopen it, you tell yourself to be less sentimental.
In the living room, laying eyes on an empty kitchen, you also tell yourself, I told you so. This isn’t a drama, after all. There’s no love interest in your kitchen to cook you an unexpected breakfast. 
Pre-made frozen breakfast sandwich it is, then.
You tear open the package with more effort than you should’ve needed to expend, then dump the single-serving lump onto a paper plate. As if on autopilot, you shove the plate into the microwave and smash a few buttons without registering much of it. The quiet hum of the machine nearly lulls you straight back to sleep.
Well, it likely could have.
The metallic rattling up the hall catches your attention, prompting you to step backwards so you can peer over at your front door and confirm that it’s locked. It is. You turn back to your breakfast in progress, and it takes five (5) entire seconds before you realize the issue here.
Keys jingle with more determination, right on cue. You spin around fully this time, eyes wide, to find Wooyoung in your doorway. He holds the door open with his elbow because both his hands are full; and as if that all wasn’t enough, he tries to toe off his shoes without being able to see them over the cardboard to-go tray in his hands.
“Fucking —” he grunts, wobbling. 
It must’ve been louder than he intended because he winces immediately. In his moment of panic, his eyes flick over to your bedroom door. Then, when he realizes it’s open, they search for you, blinking in surprise when they find you. He peeps, “Oh.”
As it turns out, his ability to make you lose your words isn’t limited to late hours. The sun is beating through the sliding glass door to your balcony, and you confirm that you’re just as dumbstruck by him in daylight. So, you simply point to the drinks and paper bag he’s holding with your eyebrows pinched in confusion.
“Found that café you go to on Tuesdays,” Wooyoung explains gruffly. His morning voice is every bit as ruinous as you imagined it would be. “The logo on their cups is just a cloud, so it took a lot of wandering to solve that fucking mystery.”
This time, it’s you who peeps. “Oh?”
It’s then that he finally succeeds in getting his shoes off. With his hip, he nudges the door shut; your key ring chimes in the process, having been attached to his belt loop. In a few steps, he sets his burdens down on the kitchen island and looks up at you with a wicked glint in his eye. Apparently, his immediate thought is the same as yours. Simpering, he picks everything back up and makes for your living room’s coffee table instead.
“I’m glad to report that the green shit you drink doesn’t include algae or moss.” He lifts a smoothie from the carrier and holds it out to you, flashing you a smile that makes your knees wobble. “However, I regret to inform you that it does contain vegetables.”
If you try any harder to bite back your idiotic grin, you might lose your lips. “Did you — did you really think there was moss in it?”
He waves his hand dismissively. Notably, he doesn’t say no. That hand then lowers, finger crooked to beckon you closer. You move in, and you try to focus on the moment in front of you, rather than the obscene flashbacks the gesture gives you. The knowing look you expect doesn’t follow, though. Wooyoung simply places your drink in your left hand and your keys in your right.
“Sorry for borrowing those without asking or — well, notifying you in any way, whatsoever.” He grimaces. “I figured I’d be gone for a minute, and I didn’t want someone to waltz through your unlocked door and wake you up.”
“Was burglary on that list of concerns, or is sleep truly your main priority?”
At this, he grins like an idiot. “You’re getting better at that, you know.”
The look on your face must convey your confusion. 
“I like the version of you that doesn’t pull punches,” he continues, sounding almost embarrassed to admit something about himself.
You take a move from his playbook and slide your finger through his belt loop, tugging him forward until he’s squarely within kissing distance. “This Wooyoung?” You murmur, “The one who got up early to hunt down a smoothie he’s disgusted by? Objectively likable.”
He rolls his eyes, but it doesn’t distract from the pink tint overtaking his cheeks. “I don’t know about that.”
You kiss him before he can offer to agree to disagree. And when you finally pull back, you nod firmly. “He might be sweet enough for me.”
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while likes are appreciated, comments/tags/reblogs with your thoughts are really what make my brain go brrrtt.
ateez masterlist. multi masterlist. navigation.
tagging: @jihopesjoint @bahng-chrizz @sourkimchi @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @notevenheretbh1 @borabitsch @bubbly-moon (also paging @moni-logues because i feel like woo is our sister wife, lmfao.)
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amandacanwrite · 7 months
The Bear and the Fox - A Halsin x Reader One Shot
Word Count || About 6,000 Words
Scenario || You are a druid adept that has been imprisoned by Kagha for trying to stop the Rite of Thorns in Halsin's absence. He returns to find you and is none to happy to see it, especially after all you have been through.
POV || 2nd Person, ungendered tav/reader.
CW || mentions of entrapment, trafficking, self-deprecation, trauma. (Please let me know if I forgot anything.)
A/n || I have been a little stressed out and have been using this as a distraction/escape. I would appreciate so much if you all let me know what you think! Requested by the lovely @drabblesandimagines, thank you for the idea and I hope you enjoy it!! Thank you for your patience in waiting for this one!
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You’re almost certain Archdruid Halsin doesn’t know you exist, but it doesn’t stop you from being devastated when he doesn’t return to the Emerald Grove from his travels to the nearby goblin camp. Even if he doesn’t remember you, you certainly have never forgotten him. Nor have you been able to wrench your heart from the grip of the merciless pining that has plagued you ever since you woke up on a pile of soft hides on the floor of his vault beneath the temple.. 
The truth is, Archdruid Halsin had saved you. 
You’d been captured, at the time, by a troupe of traveling drow with the intention of taking you deep into the underdark to be used for whatever nefarious purposes they deigned. You were one of many captured, but the only druid in the lot. 
They’d entrapped you in a cage, preventing you from even taking your wildshape to flee. They’d gone between distressing you in both forms, though. They’d seemed to have a particular talent for making you miserable, and in time you’d lost a bit of your humanity to the shape of the russet and auburn fox you often favored. 
When he’d reached in to coax you out with a gentle hand, you pounced on the appendage–far too entrapped in the fear-addled mind of an animal that would sooner gnaw its own foot off than let a hunter find it caught in his leghold trap. 
But he hadn’t flinched; hadn’t even grimaced as you sank your sharpened teeth into the thick flesh of his muscled forearm and tore at it. He’d simply watched calmly as you got it out of your system. When you’d realized he was an unyielding mass of man, you’d backed into the farthest corner of your kennel and cowered. 
“Fear not, little one,” he’d cooed with that gentle, gravelly tone. “You are among friends now. I only wish to ensure you’re uninjured, and you can be on your way to find your mate or your burrow.”
You’d only blinked and he swapped his bleeding arm for his other one. You’d sniffed cautiously before dropping your head and your ears. He’d not needed any other sign, he’d known the way animals communicate; with gestures and body language rather than sounds.
He’d smoothed a hand over your ratty coat; it was the first kind touch you’d felt in months. You’d leaned yourself into it and he’d used the opportunity to scoop you up into his arms. 
Perhaps it was at that moment that you’d fallen for him. Because as soon as you’d registered the strong and tender support of his warm, cradling arms, you’d suddenly realized how exhausted you’d been. You lost hold on your wildshape and changed back to your humanoid form, unclothed and skinny. 
He’d started, adjusted his grip a little clumsily as you’d spilled out of the space he’d allotted in his arms for you; but he didn’t drop you.
“You surprised me, child,” he’d said as you’d started to drift into unconsciousness. “I’d certainly thought it was strange to go through such stringent measures for a single fox, but I see now why they’d made such efforts to keep you entrapped.”
He’d reached up to brush your tangled hair away from your face. “I can see you’re exhausted. Rest now; when you wake, you’ll be safe and warm with a meal and a warm bath awaiting you.”
He hadn’t lied, and the Emerald Grove had quickly become your home in the months and years that had passed since then. You’d seen Halsin around, of course. And he always seemed to have a smile to spare for you as you passed like swans floating in a pond. But you’d never quite been able to find a way to speak to him in private. 
Perhaps it was your fault, you think, as you find yourself in a new cage, heart broken and aching as it seems less and less likely that he will ever be coming back. 
You know Halsin to be strong. He’s a seven foot elf and built like the cave bear he so often likes to take the shape of. But there is only so much a single druid can do on his own, even one as competent as Halsin. 
It hurts to be facing the possibility of rotting in the cells below the grove–below the place that had so much begun to feel like home for you, finally. It hurts to realize you may die here having never told Halsin how you feel about him. 
But perhaps it’s better this way. Perhaps it is better to die having never faced the awkward acknowledgement of feeling that could never be returned. 
Halsin has always been effusive, warm, welcoming…brave. 
But there is a reason you chose the fox for your wildshape. 
You have always been furtive, timid, too reliant on a single person. It has always been your nature, but you can’t deny the fundamental absurdity of the fox falling for the bear. At best, you could only be an inconvenient pest to him. You’re sure of that much. 
Still…you miss the sun…you wish you could see it one more time. You’d always wanted to die bathed in the sunlight, not cold and damp in a stone chamber flooded with three inches of water. You curl into yourself, hugging your knees close, trying to remember the feeling of those warm arms around you as the Rite of Thorns continues somewhere above ground, heedless of your pleas for stalling, uncaring of the courage you’d had to summon to stand up to Kagha at all. 
Kagha had never cared much for you; found you weak and miserable. 
Pathetic. That was the word you’d heard bandied around when she didn’t know you were within earshot or when you were cozily cloaked by your shadows. 
“You should have just kept your mouth shut,” you tell yourself. 
But even you don’t really believe that. Not truly. You found kindred spirits in the Teiflings who had come to find refuge in the grove. You’d even played with the children in their little hiding spot beneath the old stone structures. 
When the goblins came screaming the name of the Absolute, when Halsin left to learn more about the parasites, you’d been shocked and frightened by the sudden turn of sentiments against them and gotten swept away in your own outrage over it. As far as you’d been concerned, everyone in the grove should have been well aware of what Halsin would have tolerated. They should have known that he’d want any living being to be safe and fed–especially the children. 
But it’d seemed that even the Emerald Grove druids were merely people; they were just as vulnerable to intimidation, coercion and power hunger as anyone else in Faerun. 
You shiver in the cold and the dank, wishing you could get some rest so that you could take your wildshape and find warmth in the silken texture of your auburn coat. 
You think of the nights curled up by the fire in Halsin’s secret cache while he allowed you a smaller space to acclimate to when you’d first arrive. You remember the feeling of large, gentle hands cradling your small, vulpine body in comfort as you slept. 
It’s at that moment that you hear the scuff of loud, fast foot fall on the decrepit stairs that lead down to this sodden prison. It’s followed by heavy, hurried sloshing before, as if out of thin air, Halsin stands before you. His hands are wrapped around the thick, stone bars of your enclosure so tightly that they are white at the knuckles. His broad chest rises and falls with exertion; or is that emotion? It is hard to know. 
He looks…utterly stricken. So much so that you wonder what happened to devastate him. Did he get back to The Grove to find all of the tieflings slaughtered? Did the tieflings rise up and destroy the grove before the Rite of Thorns could be finished? 
He opens his mouth and you expect terrible news–expect the worst. 
“A-are you alright?” is what he chokes out instead. 
You’re quiet for a moment; the question not making sense to you. Why in the world would he care if you were alright? You were…nobody. A druidic adept that found much more comfort tucked into a nest of blankets than anything else. You’d failed to stop the Rite. You’d failed at almost everything in your life so far. 
Has he…is it too dark down here? Does he think he’s talking to someone else? 
He grits his teeth and starts to wrestle with the door to your cell. 
Its mechanism is like the others in the temple; controlled by a stone tablet which should be placed in the proper slot and then activated with druidic magic. But he’s trying to use his own raw strength to open it. 
“Forgive me,” he grunts as the stone actually begins to give way, heeding his command. “I should have never left you here while The Grove was tangled in so much unrest. Had I thought the Kagha…had I known–”
“Archdruid,” you stammer. “You’re going to hurt yourself–”
“I care not,” he says, his tone taking on an almost ferocious quality that has you lifting your shoulders and shrinking into yourself. “It is you I am most concerned for. You had only just begun to smile and I– because of my negligence I find you entrapped all over again.”
Your mouth drops open as you realize that he actually came down here looking for you. Specifically to find you. To save you again. 
You are small; practically half the size of the archdruid. Yet, you suddenly recognize that he is trying to free you and you are just sitting there like some kind of dead fish. You stand to your feet and hurry over to the bars, grasping two of the other juts of stone and pulling it as he pushes. 
You’re not sure, but for a moment you think you see the barest ghost of a smile before his teeth clench again with effort. 
When the door is finally forced open a few inches, you release the stone. You roll your shoulders, shake out the tension in your hands. You will yourself to become smaller, to become lithe. You will your mouth to grow sharp, unforgiving teeth. You become vulpine. 
You slosh through the water on four padded feet and dash through the opening. 
For a moment, you almost flee up the stairs, ready to retreat to the fresh salty air outside. Ready to resign yourself to life as a fox. 
But Halsin drops to his knees and you look at him as he looks at you. 
He reaches a hand out to you, and you see the faint, silvery scars on his forearm from where you tore into him on the day you met. You sniff at him for a moment, then you shift back to your human form, carefully cradling his arm in your hands. 
“Did it get infected?” you ask. “After I gnawed at you?”
His brow is low and lips turn down at the corners. 
“No,” he says. 
“I don’t understand,” you say. “You shouldn’t have scarred…you should have been able to simply heal yourself.”
“I was able,” he says. “But I was unwilling. I…I didn’t want to forget.”
You look up at him. “Why?” you ask. 
There is the sound of chaos from up the stairs. You turn your head, letting your ears tune into the finer details of it as the quiet ambience of the water dripping and sloshing around you obscures it. As your focus narrows, you hear her. 
“She’s back,” Halsin sneers. “Kagha has finally returned.”
You look at him, your eyes wide as if you’re seeing him for the first time. The expression on his face is nothing short of raw, wild fury. He is the snarl of a wolf, he is the crackle of wildfire, he is the dark promise of death in a row of pointed teeth. 
He draws his arm back, stopping to take both of your small hands in his. His expression softens. “I will tell all,” he says. “But not before I punish the one who did this to you. Not before I see justice properly served for all of the disarray and cruelty enacted in my absence.”
You try to find a way to answer, but you can’t, settling instead for a dumbfounded nod. 
He stands and, once at his full height, shifts the position of his hand to cradle yours; offering you help, but also offering you the chance to help yourself. You grasp that hand and he tightens the muscles of his arms as you use his strength and stability to get yourself back up to your feet. 
“I am loathe to leave you down in this terrible place…but if you’re too frightened to face her…” he offers. 
“I’m not…” you say. “O-or at least I won’t be…not with you there.”
He graces you with the first real smile he��s given you since he suddenly appeared before you and you think you may no longer need the sun if he can continue looking at you just like that. 
“Come,” he says. “I want you to be part of this discussion.”
You follow Halsin, dwarfed in his shadow as you ascend the craggy steps, your soft leather shoes uncomfortably soggy and embarrassingly loud as you go. It feels almost surreal to be acknowledged by Halsin. Even more strange that he remembers you–that he seemed to have come to seek you out before anything else. 
There are more questions than answers immediately available, and you’re not sure you’ll have the nerve to ask those questions when all is said and done. 
When Halsin reaches the top of the stairs, he stops and looks back at you, giving you a calm smile as you quicken the pace of your last few steps to catch up with you. 
Now that you’re in better light, his brow faintly tenses and he reaches out for you. You go utterly still as he places two of his fingertips under the very tip of your chin, using the most minute bit of pressure to turn your face. 
“You’re hurt,” he says. “I didn’t see it in the darkness of the cells.”
You’d forgotten about the injury on your face–it’s not one you’d actually gotten to see before you were imprisoned, but you’d felt it throbbing for the entire day you were there. 
“It’s just a bruise,” you say. 
He removes his hand from beneath your chin and draws those same finger tips carefully over the curve of your brow. You wince slightly as he touches the most tender part and shakes his head. 
“There’s a split in your brow,” he says. “It will scar…”
You heave a little breathy chuckle. “Perhaps it will make me look more distinguished,” you say as you meet his hazel eyes. “You certainly wear them well.”
His heartbroken expression eases up and he shakes his head, hesitant amusement on his face. “If I wear them well, then you’ll be exquisite as ever with your own,” he says. “Still–that you were hurt because of my absence–”
“The fox was caught sticking it’s nose where it didn’t belong and was appropriately punished for it,” A familiar, haughty voice interrupts. “Don’t let the little bandit fill your head with untruths.”
Halsin takes your hand in his and pulls you slightly behind him as he also moves to block you from Kagha’s sight. It’s a protective measure, but he doesn’t force you to hide. Instead, it feels like he’s asserting his position as your protector–as the protector of any who are weaker than him–while allowing your agency to remain intact should you wish to take the lead.
“I don’t want to hear about your paranoia Kagha–I’ve heard enough of it to turn my stomach,” he says, that gravelly voice gaining an almost abrasive quality. “Tell me why I shouldn’t turn you out–or hand you over the shadow druids you’ve been cavorting with?” 
You watch as Kagha goes pale and your stomach churns with a dizzying mixture of nausea and fear. 
The shadow druids. The order of druidic magic that lay closest to the dark. The drow, the deep gnomes, Shar. Everything that represents the terror you’d once experienced crammed into a too-small cage. 
How could she? How could she want to work with them?! And then to have a nerve to call you a fox in the hen house. 
“I didn’t do anything,” you say, your voice quiet but steady. “I was only looking for a way to convince you that we needn’t go through with the ritee…”
“By snooping in places you DON'T belong,” Kagha says. 
“Perhaps it is you who does not belong here,” you snap. 
“I couldn’t have said it better myself,” Halsin growls. “You do not deserve to remain here, yet it is Nature who will determine what becomes of you. One thing is certain: my teachings have clearly not made the difference here. You are to start anew—be made a novice once again.”
“You can’t do that—“ Kagha starts. 
“I am the First Druid in this Grove and I will do whatever I see fit to protect the people who call this place their home!” Halsin booms. “Kagha, you failed me. You failed everyone who relied on you!”
“That fox is an outsider. Ever since you pulled it in by its scruff it has done nothing but consume priceless resources and shrink into the corner like a frightened rodent. If you so crave balance—“
“Enough!” Halsin barks. “I will hear no more of this.”
“But—“ Kagha says. 
“I said enough. Get out of my sight before I lose hold of my humanity and tear you to shreds,” Halsin snarled. 
He says it loudly and deeply enough that it echoes in the stone chamber. Even you flinch a bit at the sudden fury coming off of him. You can almost smell it coming off of him–the adrenaline, the willingness to fight and gnash at Kagha. 
Kagha has the good sense to dip her head in deference. 
“Understood, First Druid Halsin,” she says. 
“Good,” he says, his voice a low rumble in his chest. “Now. Apologize.”
Her head snaps up again and her gaze slides over to you, sharp as an arrowhead. The silence between you carries the same anticipatory nausea of waiting for a cobra to strike. You can sense quite well that Kagha may be properly chastened for her actions in the grove, but her opinion of you seems to remain the same. 
Pathetic, you remember. That’s what you are to her. 
“It’s fine,” you say. “I’m just happy to be free again.”
“No,” he commands. “It is not fine. You did what was right and were punished for it. Kagha. Will. Apologize.”
Your heart stutters and pounds in your ears. You know Halsin means well. You know he is angry on your behalf, and that he wants to see you treated kindly, but you don’t like confrontation.You think that ferocity is meant to be directed to Kagha, but you’re not entirely sure. Flashes of terror and confusion climb out of the burial ground of your mind. Memories of a cramped cage, the smell of blood, the sound of pained mewling, angry shouting in a language you don’t understand and the pain of punishment when a command you didn’t understand was not followed.
You don’t want this display; you do not want to be the vehicle of this lesson. You don’t want to rock the boat unless the situation is absolutely dire; especially now that you’ve proven just how little efficacy you have when you insert yourself into the matters of people who do not like you or simply have more investment in their own interests than in the interests of the collective. It feels like a leg snare waiting to lock down on you and you’re not sure you can escape it this time.
The tension between Halsin and Kagha sings at a tenor that pierces your ears. Or is that your adrenaline? You’re not sure. Whatever it is, your muscles are sore and aching; wound tightly and ready to spring at the first sight of danger; the first sign of movement toward you.
Halsin spares a glance your way, perhaps sensing that growing tension. Your eyes dart up to his as your body starts to tremble, not with fear, but with the urge to act. You are a small, scrappy creature locked in a stand-off with a larger predator. 
His expression softens, looking almost apologetic. 
“Easy, little one,” he says as he reaches his hand out to touch you. 
Your mind is more feral than human by then. Just before he can actually touch you, you drop into a crouch and dart away from him, your heart hammering painfully against your sternum like an animal backed in a cage. You feel that wild urge to scratch, to gnaw, to snarl. 
His expression drops into one of worry, his guilt clear in his expression and in the way he bends at the knees, lowering himself and making himself small like one might when trying to calm an injured animal. 
“You are safe, dear one,” he says. “You are safe.”
You don’t believe him. It doesn’t feel safe here, not anymore. Perhaps never again. 
A sound comes from behind you and you lurch forward, losing your footing on your slick, damp boots, falling hard onto the palms of your hands before you get back up to your feet and fly through the old temple and scrambling out of the door. 
You simply run, your mind a blur of colors and raw, terrible fear. You can’t even register and savor the feeling of the sun on your skin or the sweet, salty breeze coming off of the lower cove. You run, and run, and run until familiar sights bleed into unfamiliar ones; until the wound up tension in your muscles gives way to trembling exhaustion. 
You don’t immediately recognize where you are, but you find a little alcove tucked into a glen of oak trees, their trunks fat with age and their canopies heavy with acorns and boughs full of leaves. 
The sun shines through the eaves, coloring the long grasses in deep emeralds and dappled yellow light. You sit against one of the trees, feeling the steady presence of Sylvanus as you gulp in desperate, exhausted breaths, your heart still hammering loudly in your ears. You rest your head back against the tree and close your eyes for just a moment. You breathe, and then you breathe again. Distance from the grove gives you a moment to realize just what being in that place was doing to you. 
The politics, the prejudice, the precarious balance between the available resources and the people who needed them most. You always do better on your own. There’s a reason the form of a fox comes to you most naturally; they aren’t pack animals. As it so happens, apparently, neither are you. 
So why had you stayed so long? 
The fear of being captured again, perhaps. 
Or maybe it was the Teiflings–you’d found a little group of friends among them; enjoyed sharing a drink with Dammon once in a while. 
But neither of those seem to ring true for you, in reality. 
No, what really seems to be the reason is the other part of foxes that makes the most sense to you. 
That they tend to find a mate, have a family, and remain with them for life. 
A reality you’d spent the last several years trying to avoid. Because there was only really one person keeping you at the grove. And that person was Halsin. 
He’s just…
He’s everything you wish you could be. 
He’s everything you wish you could have.
But you can’t. Because at the end of the day you’re just some animal, fleeing the first offer of help and biting down on the hand that feeds you. There’s regret in this moment. Regret that you will never get to inquire about the expressions on Halsin’s face; about the reasons he came to free you so quickly. 
But the regret gives way to exhaustion and as you soak in the speckled rays of sunlight, feeling truly warmed for the first time in days–perhaps even weeks–you drift into a dreamless sleep. 
It’s the quiet sound of metal against wood that wakes you. 
The manner in which you wake is not a lurch; not an abrupt burst of movement that feels like you’re gasping for air. It’s the slow, soft blinking of an afternoon nap becoming an evening laze. In breathe in through your nose, slow and deep, faintly aware of the feeling of soft fur against your bare feet. 
You feel swaddled by warmth. Wrapped in the familiar scents of clove, moss and tobacco. 
You finally open your eyes and find a fire crackling before you, hemmed in by stones half-darkened by clay, as if someone collected them recently to guard the oaks from the danger of an unkempt flame. 
You don’t put it together at first that you’ve been moved; specifically that you’ve been laid down within a comfortable bedroll. That the smell infused into the furs is comforting because of the man sitting not even a few feet away; the source of the sound of metal against wood. 
You crane your head up to find him. Halsin Silverbough quietly focused on a block of soft wood, whittling away at it. You just watch him for a few seconds, almost dazed that he’s here with you. 
“Is this a dream?” You ask. 
His knife slips a little clumsily, he hadn’t noticed you were awake. He drops his hands into his lap and turns his head to smile down at you. 
“Do I often visit you in your dreams, dear heart?” he asks. 
Hearing that gravelly timbre and that tender pet name sets your blood on fire. You feel a flush rising to your face and you can’t keep from bringing the covers up to hide the evidence. His eyes crinkle with mirth and he lets out a pleasant, easy laugh. The easiest you’ve heard him laugh in…well, ever. 
“Forgive me for laughing,” he says, setting his little project aside. “You gave me quite a scare when you ran off like that. But I suppose I can’t blame you for reacting that way…I know how hard it is for you when tension is high. Forgive me for being inconsiderate of those feelings by making you the instrument of Kagha’s repentance.”
You’re quiet for a long time, unsure what to say. You finally settle for, “How far did I run?”
His brows rise a bit and he heaves out a bit of a grumbling breath as he thinks about it. “Hard for me to ever tell how long a distance is, but we’re somewhere near the goblin camp at that old temple of Selune,” he says. “Lucky for us that I cleared it with a group of adventurers today. Otherwise, I fear I would have made things much worse for you by tackling you down before you could get too close to their camp.”
You bite the inside of your lip, trying not to imagine your body tangling with his. Your face is red enough. 
“I’m glad you’re okay,” you say, still beneath the covers. “I was so devastated when you didn’t come back from the goblin camp.”
“I’ve been worrying about you since I left,” he says. “I was…I wasn’t behaving calmly when I found you. I wasn’t acting in a way befitting a First Druid.”
“No one is above their own natural drives,” you say. “Anger is a natural reaction to disobedience.”
He looks at you, his brow creasing. “You think I was angry because Kagha disobeyed me?” he says. 
“It’s as good a reason as any,” you say. 
He inhales. Hesitates. Then inhales again before saying, “You asked me about the scars on my arm. Why I didn’t want to forget them.”
“Yes,” you say. “But then Kagha came back…”
“I know,” he says. “But I’d like to answer that question now. Now that I’m calm.”
There’s something in his gaze that feels heavy and significant. You slowly rise from your position tucked away in the bedroll, letting the furs fall away from you. You notice, now, that your damp boots have been placed on the other side of the fire to dry, along with your socks. A small act of care a lesser man may have never thought to do for you. 
You turn to face Halsin and he turns to face you. 
“When we found you…that day with the drow,” he says. “You…reminded me of something I went through as a young adept. A time in which I was kept as an unwilling guest in a drow lord’s estate. As time goes on, it’s easy to forget those things that have happened to me, or to minimize what I went through. 
“In truth, I admired you. I admired how you snarled and gnashed at my hand when you were barely the size of my forearm. I admired the way you reached out for care when I housed you while you got back on your feet…for a while I feared that you were never going to heal. But then I realized that you were strong in a different way…in a way that I was not.”
“I’m not strong,” you say, shaking your head. 
“You are,” he insists. “Strength is not only measured in brute force. It’s not measured in violence and demands and power. It’s in how you wake up every day, how you rise out of your bed and try to be better than the day before. What I experienced…I shoved it deep down inside of me until the pain was forgotten, but I watched you facing yours every day.”
You’re shocked to hear this, because in your recollection you struggled each day. In the beginning, you were frightened of everyone and everything, and the only thing that allowed you to function at all was the desire to be worth the effort Halsin made in saving you. 
“Then…then I learned of you trying to stop the Rite of Thorns, and of you winding up imprisoned again in the very place you should have been safest,” he says, his anger a quiet undercurrent as he remembers newly. “I was so terrified that you would fully retreat back inside yourself, but then you stood and put your small hands on the stone door, snarling at your entrapments just as you were that day I met you.”
You remember his smile, a brief flash when you came to help. 
“Am I still strong if I run away from the grove?” you ask. 
“You wish to leave?” he asks. 
“...I’ve realized, Halsin,” you say, your voice quivering. “I’m not well suited for the social hurdles involved with remaining with the druids…and that the only reason I’ve stayed is because…”
You swallow tightly, words lodging in your throat. Halsin is silent, ever patient as he waits for you to speak. 
“Halsin, I have loved you for some time now, I think,” you say. “I know that I am young and that I can’t hope to compete with your past lovers or even the braver druids back at the grove. I know that you hardly have the time for romance, and that even if you did, you likely wouldn’t spend that precious time with me–”
“Hah…you sound so certain,” he says, his voice quiet and contemplative. 
It’s your turn to be silent, now. You bring your gaze up to meet his again and he is smiling so gently at you. “The only reason,” he says finally, “the only reason that I have not invited you to my bed is that I didn’t want to cause you inadvertent harm by placing pressure on you that you wouldn’t have the resolve to deflect. I didn’t want to risk my position as the first druid making you feel as if you couldn’t say no to me.”
You blink, the world coming to a screeching halt around you. 
Halsin…wants you? You?
You shake your head, feeling your face begin to blaze like you’ve come down with a fever. 
“Well, I suppose it’s moot,” you say. “I can’t expect you to leave the Emerald Grove with me.”
“You don’t have to,” he says. “I’ve already left.”
“What?” you say. 
“Did you think I packed a bedroll and a pack just to come retrieve you?” he says through a chuckle before he heaves out a rough sigh. “No, truth be told, my heart, I have long become disillusioned with my place among the druids in the grove and with you and the ache of old pains, I can no longer say that my heart is fully in it. The adventurers who released me…they are making their way to the shadowlands and I hope that if I join them, I can undo an old failure from a century ago. Finally heal the ache instead of simply avoiding it. I’m hoping that I can be more like you.”
You feel breathless for a moment, even more so when his eyes lock on yours. 
“It will be frightening, my love,” he says. “The shadow curse makes the underdark look like a stroll after midnight. But if you still feel the way you’ve told me you do and if you can trust me to continue protecting you, I would have you in my tent with me greeting each day together.”
You don’t speak, not because you’re uncertain, but because you want to savor this moment. 
Halsin loves you.
The bear has fallen for the fox. 
And he wants you by his side. 
It is the purest bliss you have ever felt. You think you could die happily in the shadow cursed lands if it is a sacrifice you make for him. 
You will protect him. 
And he will protect you. 
“Dear heart,” Halsin says, his nerves coming through his voice. “You torture me by keeping me in suspense. Please know if you don’t wish for this you needn’t agree. I know what I ask of you is–”
“I’m going with you,” you say freeing him from the discomfort you’ve resided in for years. “Of course I’m going with you, Halsin.”
The smile he gives you is nothing short of miraculous. 
“Nature blesses me with you,” he says. “Now come here, I need to enjoy you before I take you to meet the others. I have waited so very long for the opportunity, and I have until nightfall to make good on it, if you will have me.”
The image of your body tangled with his appears in your mind’s eye again. You rise to your feet and stride over to him, slipping your fingers into his wild hair. He cups the back of your thigh with a large hand before coaxing you to sit on his lap. 
Where he kisses you for the very first time.
May the oak father bless you with countless others. 
Taglist|| @itty-bitty-dancer @thoughts-of-bear @tryingtowritestuff24 @drabblesandimagines @soupaisu @ladyoakenshield157 @ladytesla @incrediblethirst @baldurs-gate-simp @themidnighttiger @rayskittles33 @hippiewrites @whisperingwillowxox @ethereal-sk1es @cosywinterevenings @themartiansdaughter @brain-has-left @any59 @madwomansapologist @midnightmoonytales @unaliveoni @im-just-a-simp-le-whore @kellerybird @tiedyedghoulette @jenn-duncan @thelittledoe @esotericeribos @robingreysantos @erwinmybeloved @itdobe-foggy @witchywannabe3263 @kaimxri @cryingoverpixelsetc @theoriginalannoyingbird
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tiyoin · 1 year
♡ 🐰 wait, you’re a girl?! ✩ೃ°
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synopsis ───◌  where the twst guys find out the ramshackle perfects secret
characters ┈┈◌ jack howl ♡ leona kingscholar ♡ ruggie bucchi
cw ──♡⃝ cursing, leona’s overblot, ruggie basically black mailing reader 😭, questionable bonus,
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𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐇𝐨𝐰𝐥
⊹ ︶︶︶⠀୨ first impression ୧⠀︶︶︶ ⊹ 
You smelt sweet. Yeah, that’s a weird thing to say but it’s true. When you walked past him in the hallways, he noticed this… sweet, almost refreshing scent that softly entered his nose.  
Now he isn’t saying he doesn't like it, but he is saying that it’s odd for a guy to have such a dainty smell, and Jack's a smart guy. So he has 2 possible hypotheses of why you smell like that.  
You're from another world and things might be different there
You're a weirdo and he should avoid you at all costs
So if you see Jack eyeing you, or just tensing up around you, just know you made his radar. 
⊹ ︶︶︶⠀୨ how he found out ୧⠀︶︶︶ ⊹ 
He reluctantly became your friend, let's get that clear. After the spell-drive incident, he couldn't seem to shake you, tweedle dee, and tweedle dum off his back. So there you three stayed like leeches. 
It was only when Ace and Deuce got those anemone things on their heads that Jack truly joined your band of misfits. But that's not the point. 
The moment when he found out about your little secret was when you were both hiding under Azul’s desk after trying to get to the contracts. You were squished up against either side of the dark oak deck when Jack couldn’t stop thinking about how unnaturally short you were. I mean, hey he doesn't judge, Heartslabyul’s dorm leader is short and Jack respects him. But he never noticed it until now, with his thigh completely overwhelming yours in both size and mass.
Or maybe he’s never noticed how small your hands are? Must come with the size he guessed. But the one thing that truly bothered him was your face, it was soft and delicate, so much chubbier and fuller than any guy he’s seen… and your smell… it almost reminds him of…
His eyes shot open as the door to Azul’s office opened. 
⊹ ︶︶︶⠀୨ the confrontation ୧⠀︶︶︶ ⊹ 
It’s been weird lately. Besides the fact that Ace and Deuce are busy working slaving away at the Monstro, Jack has also started to act more… like Jack around you. Always hovering, carrying things, and nagging. Nag nag nag nag! ‘Y/n don't do this, y/n don't do that, y/n you'll get hurt, don't go in there it's dangerous!’ He was treating you like a damsel in distress when Ace and Deuce were the real ones. 
Yet here he is babying you while treating them like normal! It’s gotten so bad that those two plus Grim started raising eyebrows whenever Jack did something for you. 
So you decided to do what all smart people do; confront him. 
So you do. 
You pull him from his track practice and bring him under one of the trees that acts as shade for the runners whenever they're about to pass out from heat exhaustion. 
Of course, you were trying to think about the correct way to go about this, because being in a school full of boys, especially teenage boys in mid-puberty, you had to learn to pick your words carefully. 
“Why have you been acting weird lately?”
Great start. 
Jack denies it, claiming this is how he treats all his friends, yet when you peek behind him to his low swinging tail, and back up to his cherry-sprinkled face, you know you’ve caught him in the act. 
You sighed, running a hand through your hair to try and claim even a little of your nerves. “You know, don't you?”
He was silent before he spoke. “I do”
You bit your lip, the two of you unable to keep eye contact any longer due to the embarrassment of the whole situation. There was a pause, yet none of you said something. You both just let the cool autumn breeze cool your nerves before you spoke. Yet Jack beat you to it. 
“I know you're wondering when I found out…” You nodded hesitantly. “Well, I’ve had my suspicions the first time I met you-“
“Was it my height?” You asked, but Jack quickly dismissed your guess which sidetracked him to commemorate Riddle and a kid named Epel. 
“They’re both short but respectable, hard-working guys. So I thought the same about you. Being a magicless human in a school full of aspiring magicians can be hard, especially with no family or friends to back you up. Though I'll admit, at first I pegged you as a fool looking for trouble more than respectable- until the spell-drive tournament that is.” He added on quickly, not wanting to increase the raise in your brow. 
“But I found out when we were in Azul’s office… I never noticed how soft you were. How… squishy you were”
You snorted “Squishy?” You repeated, causing the light flush on his cheeks to worsen. “Hey, this is embarrassing enough as it is! Just- let me finish talking alright!” He growled. Though that didn’t scare you as you kept silently laughing at his unusual choice of wording. 
“Only then did it click for me that you were a girl.”
You nodded thoughtfully, looking up at the half-naked tree, a leaf fell and fluttered to the ground, before another leaf followed, and another, and another. 
Yet kept your eyes on the tree, on the leaves as you kept thinking about everything he just told you. 
“I’ll keep your secret you would like me to, and I apologize for how I’ve been treating you…”
Your eyes were still on the tree “But?”
“But.” He completed staring at you despite the far-away look you had. “I won't change how I’ve been treating you these past couple of weeks.”
Your eyes waivered to his as a cautious tone of curiosity laced your tone. “And why is that?”
“Because” He breathed in, searching for the right words to say, searching for the proper way to say the undeniable fact in a way that won't drive you away, or make you laugh. 
“You’re not from here, you have no family or background, no nothing. You're not a beastman, let alone have magic. So there’s no way for you to protect yourself in an all-boys school. It isn't safe for you. If I know you're a girl the others will figure it out too, and where will that leave you? What will happen if the wrong people; Azul, find out? If we weren't friends” He made a face while saying it, like the word was foreign to him “I wouldn’t be doing this. But you are, so you can't stop me.”
“Jack for crying out loud! I’ve dealt with two house warden’s overblots! I can handle a few horny guys!”
He sighed, and his ears twitched. “You can’t change my mind.” That was all he said before he walked away. 
Achievement unlocked! You just gained a wolf bodyguard!
⊹ ︶︶︶⠀୨ what happened after? ୧⠀︶︶︶ ⊹ 
You’ve gained a shadow is what happens next. Jack is practically all over you to the point where Grim and the Aduece combo felt a wee bit threatened. Claiming that he better not be trying to steal you away. But it’s fine, you’re actually kind of grateful (though you’d never admit it out loud)
People aren’t giving you scrutinizing looks or curious gazes anymore, instead, they're trying to avoid your gaze in fear of the brooding cc 6-foot buff freshman that follows you. 
He has calmed down a bit, having someone consider your opinion was nice for a change. You carry your own stuff and take care of your own problems, unless it’s on a top shelf he can easily reach. 
Sometimes you both brainstorm ways to mask your scent so you don't attract any eyes and noses. And the solution was scent blockers, usually reserved for female beastmen's heat. You were deemed the acceptance  (Those things are like fucking horse tranquilizers)
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𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐚 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐫 
⊹ ︶︶︶⠀୨ first impression ୧⠀︶︶︶ ⊹ 
Who? All he knew was that you were probably gonna mess up his peaceful school life. If being from another world didn't make that evident, then you and your pussycat almost burning down the joint did. 
He was already getting a headache from all the new scents and loud chatter, so he just wanted to go back to his dorm where his Egypt cotton-laced mistress was waiting. 
⊹ ︶︶︶⠀୨ how he found out  ୧⠀︶︶︶ ⊹ 
He would make it seem like he found out all on his own, but in reality, he overheard you say it yourself. Well, not outright yourself, but it was in an awkward- oh sevens that doesn't even cover the severity of how embarrassing the conversation was. 
Jack’s mom somehow found out about your little secret (looks at Jack) 
note, he slipped up when going on break, how might you ask? He forgot to shower and wash his clothes so when his mom confronted him about the new smell 👀 all he could do was curse silently under his breath.
yes there are scent blockers but c'mon, how effective can those things be all the time  
Anyways! His mother created a feminine hygiene care package for you! Packed full of feminine hygienic products, deodorants, and razors, albeit a bit cheap but you couldn't complain. 
Back to Leona, Ruggie had begged (bribed) him to at least do some of his house warden duties, like for example; making sure everyone got back safely from break, and that they were situated in their dorms. And after a hard day's work, he was on his way back to his dorm for some shut-eye when he heard a high-pitched squeal, one that made his ears twitch angrily.
He had already checked in with the freshman and assumed he just had a girlish scream despite his masculine appearance. 
“Oh my god Jack I love you so much!”
Leona’s head snapped towards the freshman’s door because what the fuck was that??
Girls weren’t allowed on campus, let alone in dorm rooms. 
Leona groaned, a gloved hand sliding down his face as he groaned again, deeper. Great. More work for him. It was too much work to get Crowley involved so he’ll just warn Jack, sternly. 
He did have to give kudos to the young freshman, because the last time someone tried bringing their girlfriend in, they were caught at the magic mirror and given detention. Of course, Jack could be given the same treatment, but he was feeling oddly generous… He stopped thinking as a slimy feeling crept up his back. 
As previously stated, Leona has amazing hearing, if not the best hearing in the school- and he takes pride in that, he really, truly does. 
Another thing Leona took pride in; he was hard to surprise. His aloof personality cracks for no one. Sure, there may be a quick eye raise, or maybe even a slight pause if he's talking. Other than that, nothing. Zip, zilch, nada, nothing. 
So when Leona was surprised to the point where he whipped his head back towards the freshman’s door again, he was glad no one was there. Especially Ruggie.  
“Y/N please be a little quieter, someone could be outside!”
All else was unimportant as Leona stood outside the door, frozen, hand just about to land on the door before it fell limply to his side. 
There was a few seconds' pause before he backed away and slowly slinked back to his room to process what he just found out. 
(He was conflicted because a girl helped stop 3 overblots. 
But then again, Faerina’s wife could get him out of his room…)
⊹ ︶︶︶⠀୨ the confrontation ⠀︶︶︶ ⊹ 
You were in the botanical gardens helping Crewel pick rare plants for next class. It was a nice arrangement if you do say so yourself; help Crewel prepare for class, grade papers and get alone time to study for your worst subject. 
So the chance to explore the gardens after staying in stuffy classrooms all day was a Hail Mary for you. 
Until you stepped on a snake. 
Shrieking like a banshee, you heard the snake protest as it darted into the bush. Scrambling a few feet away, you kept your eyes locked onto the bush, waiting for the snake to fly out and exact its revenge. 
That would have been the better scenario anyways. Instead, you were met with a towering lion beastman, tail in hand and his ears in flight mode. 
Shit. It was Jack’s house warden. Leona. 
After hearing horror stories, you knew no matter how low you bowed or how profusely you apologized, you were royally screwed. 
“Oi, I’d watch where you're going if I were you” He stepped closer. “Cause you don't know what someone could do to a herbivore like you” He stepped closer as you took a step backward. 
“So small and soft… not an ounce of muscle on ya. Makes one think if you're even a guy at all” He forced you to look up like he was challenging you not to. 
“I’m not a girl!” your eyes widened in horror as his smirk deepened. 
Uh oh. Voice crack. 
Yeah puberty, and all, but you were well past the age of voice cracks. 
“You should really keep your voice down” he whispered, leaning in on you. His breath rustled your hair which tickled your ear sending a sharp shiver up your spine and to your brain, sending it into a red alert. It was a whole chain reaction just from his breath. You haven't felt this pathetic in a while. 
“As you never know who could be listening”
And with that, he walked away. 
⊹ ︶︶︶⠀୨ what happened after? ୧⠀︶︶︶ ⊹ 
Nothing. Literally nothing. 
You were skittish around him, anxious about the thought of him spilling your secret to the whole school. But little did you know, Leona did not care. Not in the slightest. At most, he's probably impressed. 
I mean with 3 overblots under your belt, you were fine. So there’s no need for him to keep an eye out on you. Nope, none at all. 
It’s all the same, as you and Leona barely interacted before so why would that change now? You already got a bodyguard, and who was he to impose his morals on you? 
…yet that doesn't stop his sharp gaze from following you whenever you crossed paths. 
Where he was from, girls were fierce, dominant, and controlling, a perfect example of that was his sister-in-law. And of course, he knew not every girl was like that, as not everywhere has the same traditions as the sunset savanna. But you were a magicless girl in an all-boys school. And that didn't sit right with him. (No matter how much he tried to ignore it)
He’s basically your convenient savior, popping up if Jack isn't around and claiming he was napping there and you were disturbing him. 
Don’t be surprised when there's an unmarked package on your steps filled with a few months supply of premium scent blockers. And don't bother confronting Leona cause he’ll deny it. 
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𝐑𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐞 𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐜𝐡𝐢
⊹ ︶︶︶⠀୨ first impression ୧⠀︶︶︶ ⊹ 
Yawn, just another extra. 
He met you during the spell drive arc when you stopped him from pushing Trey down the stairs. You smelt nice, was all he remembered before scampering away. But as nice as you smelt you made him nervous and he couldn’t understand why. 
I mean, he injured heartsbyul's vice house warden, he’s stolen from men thrice his size, and he’s friends with Leona for crying out loud! All of this would make one think he had balls of steel and answered to no one.
Except for Leona.... and his grandma of course… Well I mean, sometimes his sisters too but that's it! Really!
Women in the Savannah scare the shit out of him, all strong, dominant and all that junk made him shiver.
Ruggie is observant. So the fact that you could inflict the same kind of caution women give him... Strange. He’ll have to keep an eye on you. 
⊹ ︶︶︶⠀୨ how he found out ୧⠀︶︶︶ ⊹
Unfortunately for Ruggie, he's going to be a victim to a trope, sorry not sorry.  During Leona’s overblot your legs were shackled in the sand, unable to move, and unable to flee from the stalking lion. 
It was just the 3 of you, the rest of your friends outside the swirling sand tornado, standing there helplessly. 
Foolish herbivore was all Ruggie could think as you clawed up your ankles, feverishly looking between the house warden and your trapped feet. 
Your eyes were wide with fear. 
An epiphany. 
You reminded him of him, that's why he felt uncomfortable with you. You reminded him of a younger, scrawnier self. One that did anything and everything to survive, one that had to conserve food and the little money he had so he could've able to live. One that had nobody but his grandma and a few siblings.
Just a boy from the slums living off of stolen leftovers. Covered in rags, dirt, and bruises. A boy who hoped, dreamed, and prayed for a way out. 
A boy whom you shared those same hopeless shimmering eyes with.  
Ruggie didn’t know what he should do. Well, he lied, he did but he didn't know if he should do it. But as Leona hit the 10-meter mark Ruggie made a break for it 
His legs carried him as fast as the sand would let him, and endless curses spilled from his lips as he saw Leona’s head turn in his direction. Shouting something, he threw a scalding hot gust of sand his way. Gritting his teeth as the searing grains of sand were pelted at him He kept repeating to himself: It was better than someone dying. 
He didn't know why he chose to voluntarily go back into the jaws of death; he barely escaped thanks to Riddle.
Maybe it was those damned eyes of yours. 
Tackling you onto the sand dome, you both just missed death's door as you both grunted at the sagging impact. 
As much as you're both grateful for skating by the sandstorm, that couldn't bring attention away from the uh… obvious cushion. 
“ Y-you're a girl!?”
“Not the time Ruggie!”
⊹ ︶︶︶⠀୨ the confrontation ୧⠀︶︶︶ ⊹ 
Basically a cat and mouse game. You spot Ruggie in the cafeteria, and Ruggie creates a clever way to lose you, may it be a crowd of people, laugh with me, or a ‘happy little accident’. He wants nothing to do with you so if you would just leave him alone that’d be great. 
But of course you keep persisting, and eventually you catch up with him and corner him in the hallway. 
“Why are you avoiding me?”
“Good morning to you, too perfect. If you would excuse me, I have to get Leona's homework from Trein, then do my own. So I really don't have a lot of time-“
“Then I’ll join you “ You smiled, grabbing his jacket sleeve before walking towards Trein’s room. It was foolish of you to assume it would be that easy, he’s a sneaky hyena after all. 
Retracting his arms from his jacket, he expertly shimmied out of it like an octopus from a jar. He smiled as you turned around glaring at him, his jacket dangling from your clenched fist. 
“Sorry, perfect, but I’d rather not have this talk” He shrugged before walking away. He was free, the sunlight spilled through the dirtied glass windows and onto the walkway of the hallway, highlighting his path to freedom. 
“Not so fast Ruggie Bucchi! You get back here!” 
And just like that the gates to heaven closed and he was dragged back down to earth. “Shit” He whispered, already starting into a sprint as he heard you thundering footsteps behind him. He felt like Jack from Jack and the Beanstalk, only he was Jack running away from the giant (you) who's ready to eat him alive for stealing his golden goose. (Over exaggeration, you just wanted to talk)
With lingering people in the hallways, he was able to disappear a few times, or purposely put them in your way. Yet each and every time you found him. No matter how hard he tried to lose you, you caught up. What was this a horror movie?
Finally, the hallway ended and he was trapped with no escape. You were stalking towards him, like a predator who had just found its prey. 
“Ruggie I just want to talk” You put your hands up in surrender. “That’s it. I want to talk about what happened during Leona’s over blot”
Ruggie wanted to smack himself. God was he stupid. Not even once had he considered using ‘laugh with me on you’. Why? He wasnt sure himself. There were a few theories that popped through his head, but he had no time to entertain them as you were less than 2 meters away. 
“Oh, real mature ruggie”
He let out the breath he was holding, the clatter of the lockers was heard as he straightened himself up. Rubbing the ‘dust’ from his knees he just looked at you. As he started to make his way towards you. 
You couldn't read him. Did he have a face of relief, conflict, worry? You weren't sure. But when he passed you in your frozen state, all he said was:
“You really think I’d tell people? Really think that low of me huh” It was rhetorical.
By the time he was far away into the hallway, you were unfrozen. Stumbling a bit as you turned to him still walking. “Though my silence comes with a price!”
Ugh great. At this point you’d rather have him tell people
⊹ ︶︶︶⠀୨ what happens next? ୧⠀︶︶︶ ⊹ 
I wanna say he’d tease you but I mean… woman…  No, he isn’t afraid of you! He knows you’re not going to be as rough or intense as the ladies back home, as you’re no beast-man, especially not a hyena beastman. 
So there’s going to be a bit of distance between you 2. I mean, there already was to begin with, cause he never met you or talked to you before the spell drive tournament situation.
But after that, he’ll probably mess with you a bit. Not a lot like how he would with others, but a good enough amount to where you interact weekly. Like he’ll cut you in line with a cheeky smile, or he’ll pluck a particular sandwich out of your hand and hide among the masses as you (grim) yell out curses. 
He will use your situation against you ngl. He would shamelessly dangle it over your face in exchange for something, mainly food. 
But I know he wouldn't do anything too callous or too mean.
Though he does keep the promise of ‘silence coming with a price’ and usually that price is an extra pair of hands or food. So now you've got 3 mouths to feed. Great. 
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𝑩𝒐𝒏𝒖𝒔! I originally wrote this for Jack but I thought it was too ooc. Then I thought about Leona but then realized he would only do this in fanon.
Your back was slammed against a tree, Jack hovering over you as you struggled in his grip. His hand encased both of yours while his other gripped your hip, keeping you flat against the tree. His leg was bent awkwardly, pinning you against the tree at an angle that should make him fall, but he didn't. No matter how hard you tried, the leg that kept him braced didn’t budge. Not even an inch. 
“Try to escape” Was all he said through your struggling and wiggling. Yet no matter how hard you tried pushing, shoving, kicking, or flailing away from him- nothing worked. You were stuck. Never once did he stop looking at you; through you as you grew more and more desperate to prove yourself. 
But he was a wolf beastman, and you were a teenage girl. 
And soon, as expected, your struggling slowly stopped, eyes downcast as you laid there, still, in his arms before he set you down. 
Your hands rushed up over your chest as you struggled to understand the situation, to understand why he did that. 
“I’m only a freshman” he spoke quietly “I don’t even have control of my magic yet, just think about what other guys would do if they found out. So please” You looked up at him, lashes heavy with locked in tears. His face was soft, gentle even which only confused your heart more.
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syoddeye · 1 month
pricegaz x reader bit. ~900 words. cw: alcohol, chloroform, abduction, insecure reader
the man who bought your drink is out of your league.
soft and warm brown eyes. an easy smile. fit, but not imposing. he fills out his shirt nicely, firm muscle flexing and draping over the two-top you’ve been hiding at all night. he slides the glass next to your empty, introduces himself as kyle, then echoes your name with a grin. you’re afraid to take your eyes off him, scared he’ll disappear and you’ll wake up from a dream. you can’t remember the last time a man approached you like this, so you savor the attention. bask in his spotlight.
it escalates over a couple of rounds. it starts with an innocent comment about your hair and evolves into him pushing up your sleeve to admire your tattoo. his hand falls and rests on your knee, sliding up to squeeze your thigh. he cajoles you into trying to close your thumb and forefinger around his wrist, and when you inevitably can’t, the sound of his laugh makes an express trip south.
eventually, the three ciders catch up, and you excuse yourself. in line for the toilet, you allow yourself a little private smile. it’s happening. finally happening. you’ll ask kyle back to yours when you get back to the table, and break your dry spell.
your plan goes out the window when you return to find another couple at your table, and kyle’s nowhere in sight. you ask the strangers about him anyway, throat drying as they supply the answer you already knew in your gut: him? he said he was leaving.
a stupid shred of hope makes you linger at the bar anyway. each minute that passes drags you further down. your excitement fizzles into dejection. knowing your luck, his friends probably sent him over on a dare. go talk to the wallflower. the loser drinking alone.
you cut your losses and slip out to head home, fishing a cigarette from your bag. a smoke to take the edge off. you rummage for your lighter, cursing at the damn thing. at kyle. at yourself. you get so wrapped up in anger that when you glance up to gauge how far you’ve walked, you do a double take at the man who materializes in the mouth of an alleyway ahead.
his features clarify with every step. he’s got this grizzled sea captain thing going on. broad shoulders in a denim coat with an upturned collar, a beanie tucked over the tips of his ears, and a thick beard. the light of an ember casts a flickering glow across his face, giving him a glow. he leans against the brick with his hands shoved in his pockets. his lips quirk into a smile when he catches you looking.
“need a light?” he asks, gesturing at the cigarette between your fingers.
“yeah, thank you.”
cautious but polite, you glance into the stretch of darkness at his back, relaxing when you see nothing but the streetlamp at the other end. you edge closer, finding yourself drawn by his growing smile. you briefly wonder if this is your shot at redemption. maybe this time, you’ll do the flirting. kyle who? you inwardly laugh. this man’s a bit older, but perhaps that’s what you need. a man.
“sorry, i just had it…” he chuckles, cigar clenched in his mouth as he digs around his pockets.
“it's alright.”
you giggle, bat your eyelashes, and nonchalantly wet your lips.
his eyes follow the motion, then flick behind you. “like i showed you, now.”
your eyebrows pinch and raise, the very picture of confusion, but the obvious question doesn’t make it past formulation.
a mass of fabric appears from around your head, pressing and smothering your nose and mouth. a second source of pressure forces your face into it, cotton catching on your teeth and something sweet leaching onto your tongue. you reach up to yank it away and claw at a hand, but two burly arms wrap around your middle, and together, the men bully you into the alley.
they whisper as they drag you, fight flagging with every inch surrendered.
“solid work, gaz. ah, she's much prettier up close.”
“learned from the best, sir.”
a heavy, unnatural calm rolls over you. your limbs leaden, then collapse all at once as if their bones and muscles liquefy. they keep you from falling with one of them cradling your head. lips press to your temple to hush your pathetic, fading whimpers. they murmur praises as you fall limp.
when you come to, it’s in the back of a windowless van. you notice the gag first, but the ropes hooking you to the van’s wall is an immediate second. head throbbing, your stomach churning from whatever you inhaled, and the bleak swell of dread. it pitches into panic, gripping your heart and squeezing. despite the gag, a scream bubbles up, and—a pair of voices interrupt.
your teary gaze pans to the front of the vehicle. the man in the beanie sits in the driver’s seat and in the passenger seat...kyle. your chest heaves with shallow breaths, eyes widening to saucers.
“you were right, sir. that wrist move’s lethal.”
“gets them every time. riles them up and you get a feel for how they’ll fight back. works best with the desperate and the lonely.”
“yeah? which one do you reckon she is? desperate or lonely?” kyle chuckles. even now, your thighs press together at the sound.
the older man’s eyes find yours in the mirror. “well, dove? which are you?”
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diejager · 6 months
just hear me out for one second.... what if hunter was a titan?... yk like aot (attack on titan)
reader looks totally normal, nothing indicating that they were something other than human. Even laswell wasnt 100% sure on what reader was. A stirring mystery within 141 that they all collectively decide to ignore.
then one day, they were out on a mission that was going horribly, horribly wrong.. incorrect information, sabotage, dangerous illegal weapons, low ammunition, scarce supplies, severe injuries, etc.. you name it.
141 was backed into a corner. definitely not the first time something like this has happened in their career...but they always manage to find a way out. Always making it back home, injured sure- but safe..alive.
this time it wasn't the case. there was no way out, none. death was knocking on the door and soon they had to answer.....
and unfortunately reader was the first to greet death.. a clean shot to the head by a sniper
one minute reader was laying in a pool of their own blood and the next they turn into this gigantic humanoid beast.
in a fit of rage, reader starts to completely destroy the battlefield. not a damn soul alive besides 141.
bodies scattered from the sea to the forest and heavens above ..nothing but pure gore and blood.
reader standing over the battlefield bloodied from head to toe, watching the devastation below.
(This is really long im sorry)
Cw: implied death, blood and gore, Canon-typical violence, titan!reader, gun violence?, tell me if I missed any.
The last thing Horangi remembered hearing through the angered hisses and growls, Price screaming at Laswell and her informants through the coms to find a way out their thick predicament was the shuddering shot that boomed through the air. The hair of his arms raised when he watched you turn towards the sound, your wide eyes and choked breath. You flinched back and lurched forward, hands grasping at your bleeding throat, choking and gurgling on the blood that rose from your wound. He rushed to pull you into cover, biting his lip at your pained expression, you were choking on your blood, dying by the thing that substained you, that cycled life and oxygen through your body. 
Your words were sputtered, splattered crimson on Horangi’s mask as he fussed over you, your pinched brows and scrunched nose, the angered gleam in your dulling eyes and your bloody and sneering lips. You pushed him away, stumbling forward with one step at a time, risking being shot a second and third time, but you kept marching away from them, ignoring their attempt to stop you and reach for you. 
“B- bast- ard-!” He heard you screech.
He didn’t know if some God or Gods favoured you or if you were extremely lucky for still being alive, a second bullet landing by your feet and a third scratching your arm. You raised a bloody hand, palm facing you, the crease and groves of every fold a dark red, then you bit down on it. Hard. He admired the strength behind your bite, the crunch of your skin breaking under your teeth and red exploding, he could only imagine how painful it was, but you were already in so much agony, your body’s probably numb. 
And suddenly, lighting sparked around you, bright yellow and loud, scarily close to you before one thick and dangerous one struck where you stood. Within seconds, he gaped at the mass of muscles, red fibres interlocking and sticking to ligaments and fat that kept it together, tying themselves to bone and tendons, wrapping away the red and white with a wide array of red and blue, building a system of veins that were finally covered by skin. In your place was a giant —a titan, one that he’d heard through the grapevines of black markets and hushed whispered and rumours from the underworld when he gambled his life away. 
The titan - you - let out a loud scream, head thrown back and arms reeling back, fingers clenched in anger, deep sated vitriol that carried you around them. He could only stare on in amazement as you trampled over the surrounding enemies, bending down to grip a man, your thick fingers clenching around him and squeezing the life out of him, leaving his entrails spilling out of his broken abdomen. You moved around stepping and squeezing them to death, a trail of carnage behind you, bodies strewed about, spines broken and heads rolling. 
He let you go on without a word, his breath stolen away by you when you slumped over, your nape breaking open with a loud hiss, steam billowing up the air from how hot your body ran, you arched out, body curled backward with a loud sigh. Horangi stared at you, unmoving and unbreathing, and only moved when Price rushed to you, climbing your titan body to pull the rest of you out, your arms and lower body still attached to it by thick, red muscle. Your feet stuttered, eyes blinking tiredly while you leaned on Price, groaning and rubbing the tension out of your temples. 
He realised the blood that was supposed to stain your skin and clothes were gone, evaporated in the heat of it. Your wound healed and energy spent, you were tired and grumbling about wanting to sleep, face pinched in irritation or annoyance, something he could feel. And without any complaints from them, Price had called for evac and waited at the LZ, everyone huddled around you, sharing the same amount of awe and surprise in their expression. You were a wonder to him, a beast of legends that Horangi had only heard of, but he had many, many questions and curiosities that he wanted fulfilled.
Taglist: @craxy-person @crowbird @dead-cipher @iwannabealocalcryptid @iizx7y @mxtokko @capricorn-anon @perfectus-in-morte @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @angelcakes-22 @ramadiiiisme @ramblingsofachaoticthinker @im-making-an-effort @love-dove-noora @jinxxangel13 @daisychainsinknots @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @mul-pi @danielle143 @beau-min @makayla-666 @urfavsunkissedleo @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @luvecarson @petwifed @randominstake @heartelysia @jggykhug09090 @hayleybarnesx @shironasumi @sparky--bunny @bloobewy @call-me-nyxx @sans-chara @cod-z @sweetnanah @aldis-nuts @thigh-o-saur @evolutionarry @kaoyamamegami @cassiecasluciluce
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obsessivevoidkitten · 2 years
A Dragon’s Loot
Alpha Dragon Hybrid Male x Omega Male Reader (CW: Non-con, breeding, biting, claiming, dragon man, inhuman genitals, a/b/o, knotting, overstimulation, musk/pheromones, kidnapping, general yandere behavior, ass eaten like it’s groceries, male reader) Word Count: 2.5k (I am so so so so sooooooo incredibly sorry that this took so long, it may not be my best work but I really did try. This was not beta read so please excuse any errors. This is for a trade with @reiyn02.)
 The city you were living in had been almost entirely abandoned. It had walls, but was never made for a large siege, and those walls would be useless with enemies that were airborne anyway.. So the news that your town was next on the war path to be raided by the dragon hybrid forces sent everyone scrambling. But there was no help for those that had no family to help them and were otherwise too burdensome to relocate.  And included in that small category was yourself. You were a male omega going through an extremely rough heat, you were in a significant amount of pain without anyone to assist you and were simply too distracting to travel with others.  So instead of leaving among the guarded mass exodus you had boarded up your small abode the best that you could, using what little strength and willpower you had moving all your heaviest furniture to block the windows and door, before you tucked yourself away in a small hidden crawl space in the wall, behind the closet.  You had even lit candles, incense, and rubbed herbs all around the house earlier in the day to hide your scent as much as it could be hidden, and it was nearly undetectable to your sensitive omega nose. With a little luck you would go unnoticed by the monstrous drakes that wanted to loot and destroy everything in their path.    You had been waiting in your hiding space for several hours, you were burning up and your muscles ached from being so cramped for so long. You were beginning to let yourself believe that it had all been one giant false alarm, that the dragon men had decided to go back home or even raid another settlement instead.  But then you heard a series of thunderous crashes. Judging from the noise the dragons had decided to crash the walls despite them certainly not needing to. After the falling of the walls you could hear the cacophony of draconic roars and cheering, the splintering of wood and the crack of stone as they broke into homes, and the stomp of their mighty feet as they stampeded all through the city.  You had prayed that your meager building in a clearly poorer part of town would not draw attention, but you knew that was a long shot. And sure enough you soon heard stomps near your building before the sound of your door and makeshift barricade being brought down met your ears.  Then you could hear the sounds of someone going through all of your possessions, you doubted they would find anything of value, but they were meticulous. Slowly you heard them get closer until finally they were inspecting the room you were holed up in.  They searched every inch of the room and the closet but they did not find you. You burned with anxiety and your heat but it seemed like whoever the invader was was finally satisfied. You heard them head towards the door, finally you would be safe.  But the soldier caught a whiff of something just as he was heading out of the room. It was tantalizing and beckoned him to investigate further. He did not know what it was exactly, but it caused his cock to twitch a bit in his leather armor.  Dread filled your veins as you heard him sniffing the air and taking steps back towards the closet. You did your best to hold your breath and calm down, as panicked pheromones would serve only to make your scent more detectable.  But it was no use, once he caught the smell of a fearful omega in heat there was nothing to be done. He still was not consciously aware of what the smell was, but on some primal level he knew.  The draconic invader stuffed his head and upper body into the closet as his sniffing became louder and deeper. He tapped the wall with a claw and discovered it was hollow. It was over, he had found your crawl space. The false wall was easily moved aside as you frantically scooted as far back into the shadows as you could.  But the scent of your heat cycle was overwhelming to him now with the false wall removed, and even if your pheromones were not a dead give away dragon hybrids had excellent low light vision and with his head now peering into your hideout he could see you clearly.  A large claw tipped hand, covered in hard scales, reached in and easily plucked you right out. As you were unwillingly pulled into the light you got a look at the intruder for the first time.  He was huge, at least 9 feet tall, all hulking muscle under light leather armor which struggled to contain his vast, intimidating, form. And his large white scaled wings and tail only served to make him look even larger. Scales also covered both his hands and legs and both ended in claws as well. He had long white hair and sharp silver horns.  The dragon stared at you with cold icy blue eyes as you tried to struggle out of his grasp, clawing, biting, and thrashing wildly in every direction. You scratched his face and managed to draw some blood but he only responded by chuckling deeply as he grabbed your hand and used his long tongue to taste his bleeding claw mark.  “Hahaha, a feisty little omega aren’t ya!? This is the first house I get to pillage and I already found the best loot in the whole damn city!” He chuckled again before pressing his nose to your neck and inhaling deeply.  “Mmm~, all nice and in heat for me too. I bet you wanted to be found, everyone knows all dragon hybrids are alphas.”  What he said was true, the magic anomaly that first fused drake and man produced hybrids that were all 100 percent alphas, and when they managed to raid human settlements they always took an opportunity to snatch up omegas to breed. But you were left with no other option but to stay and hide.  The smell of your heat cycle was very compatible with him so it, combined with the excitement of the invasion and finding such a cute prize, was driving him into a frenzy. He simply could not wait to have you. He put you down in the nest you had made for yourself on the floor in the corner of the room and easily ripped apart your clothing as you thrashed and cried.  “Calm down baby boy, this will feel great I promise. My name is Draven by the way, just so you know who’s name you will need to moan when you are on my knot~ It’s okay if you can’t find the words to tell me what your name is right now, I can just learn it later.”  Tears were streaming down your face as you looked up and pleaded desperately, “No, please, no, no, no, please, take anything you want just pleas let me go!”  But as he expertly removed his armor and you saw as well as smelled his arousal you knew there was no chance to escape your imminent rape. Even so you continued your pleading sobs and covered your nakedness with a blanket, as if a mere piece of fabric could protect you from the muscular man towering before you.  Draven entered your nesting space, a severe violation to any omega, and easily took the blanket from you. You closed your legs tight and tried to smack him away but he just let out another chuckle.  “Sorry babe, but I need to appraise all of my new property don’t you think?”  And when you gave him the best kick you could right to his nose and caused the barest drop of blood to fall from his nostril it only encouraged him. He donned an excited grin and a deeply unsettling look in his eyes.  “Damn I struck the jackpot!!! Such a lively mate! I can tell we are going to make a ton of strong children together~”  You tried to kick him again, but he caught your ankle and held down your leg, then he held down the other before sliding both to your soft thighs. Draven then gently prodded your nuts with his nose and inhaled deeply. Your scent was divine to him. And he was now fully convinced you were his soulmate. You were in heat and left just for him to find, you were nice and lively and not overly submissive, and your scent was the best thing he had ever smelled.  But while he was losing himself in your pheromones you were nearly gagging on his. The overwhelming smell of an aroused draconic alpha so close to you would have made your eyes water had you not already been crying. It was far stronger than any human alpha you had met and you were not at all accustomed to such a stench, even if it did make you produce more slick. But you were in heat, so the smell of any aroused alpha would have done that.  “Please stop, I don’t want this. I don’t want this. Please…”  “Calm down, just enjoy it, you’re in heat and this will make you feel better if you just let it.”  Draven continued just enjoying your smell for what seemed like an eternity, with you powerless to push him away, but even after a perceived eternity it was nowhere near a long enough wait for what happened next. He spread your slick coated cheeks and licked your entrance free of delicious slick before eagerly slipping his large tongue in your ass.  You shuddered and moaned involuntarily, hands grasping at the bedding beneath you, as the thick muscle moved surprisingly deep inside you. Draven’s tongue was covered with a torrent of more and more of your juices as he continued.  When he finally withdrew himself from you you were a whimpering, drooling mess. You still wanted him to stop, but your body was definitely betraying you under all the stimulation, you were even starting to become less averse to his musk.  Draven kissed your hole tenderly a few times before repositioning the two of you so that he was on his knees and your ass was pointing up towards his long slimy draconic cock.  “Pl-please no…”, you barely managed to mumble coherently as you stared at the wall. Unable to look up and meet his intimidating gaze.  But once again what you wanted did not really matter. All that mattered was what both your bodies craved and the fact that he wanted to follow his urges and was strong enough to get what he wanted.  The dripping slick that was already once more seeping from your hole, combined with the deep massages provided by Draven’s talented tongue, allowed his prick to slide into you to the base effortlessly.  “Uh… uhhh~”, you couldn’t help but moan as he filled you up so completely, his cock felt even hotter than your insides and the texture of it was like it was custom designed for the sole purpose of pleasing little needy human omegas.  “Heh, not quite my name yet, but we’ll get you there soon enough~”  You really wanted to doubt what he was saying was true, but at the rate things were going you had to admit to yourself that he was probably right. You did not want to give him the satisfaction of hearing your pleasured cries of his name fall from your lips, but everything he was doing felt so amazing and you were losing yourself in your heat and the over stimulation of mating with such a strong and virile alpha.  Draven began greatly increasing the pace at which he was breeding his new cumpdump, his cock creating a faint outline in your belly each time he bottomed out within your slippery depths. Your pleasure induced writhing and squirming around his cock absolutely pushed him over the edge and his fat knot swelled inside of you as he pumped you full of cum.  He was not done yet though, he had not made you cum or heard the delicious sound of you moaning out for him.  While still stuck on his knot Draven picked you up and held you close, where you were much closer to his overpowering pheromones, and began fucking you all over again.  You felt his knot rub up against your insides as he sped up even more than before. He was desperate to hear you submit to him by moaning his name, then he would leave his permanent claim mark on you. The powerful alpha used one hand to hold you close as he began jerking off your dick.  The combination of being so enveloped in alpha scent, thoroughly fucked, and also receiving a handjob had you yearning for release. You began sobbing from the overwhelming mixture of sensations.  Instinctively seeking your climax you grinded into his hand as he bounced you on his knot.  “Dr-Draven!”, you finally called out as you came into his hand.  “See? That wasn’t so hard was it baby boy?” He lifted his hand up to his lips and licked your seed from his fingers before pressing his lips to yours, sliding his tongue in so that you tasted your own flavor on him.  You whimpered into the kiss before he broke it and licked and sucked your neck before biting down hard on the scent gland in your neck. In a mixture of pleasure and pain you let out a choked cry.  After he marked you he carefully pressed his lips to the wound and licked it clean before kissing your forehead softly.  “Such a perfect little mate for me~”  You wanted to claw at him again but you were so exhausted, and it would do you no good since you were still stuck on his knot. And by this point his smell was strangely comforting to you. Maybe it was a side effect of being marked or maybe it was a biological defense that omegas had when being mated so they did not succumb to depression, you didn’t know.  At any rate you figured you could scratch him up later, because as the pain in your freshly bitten neck subsided you became increasingly aware of just how tired you were. You allowed yourself to relax against his muscular chest and fall asleep in his arms as you let his pheromones and his gentle touches subdue you.  Draven held you close, he figured he would give you some sleep for a few hours before the raid was over and his kind returned to their homeland. He was sure you would love living with him, he would give you his knot every chance he got, keep you covered in lovely bite marks, and make sure you felt nice and safe in your new nest.  You were his prized possession, the crown jewel of his hoard, and just like any other item in the hoard of a territorial dragon, you would never leave.
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bunnys-kisses · 2 months
hello bunny! i love your bimbo reader so much for the bakery could i request bimbo reader with s’more with a side of chocolate milk and champagne served by any of the cod men 💗
bakery menu
want to suggest your own order! then got to the menu to see what we're serving up at the bunny bakery! we're happy to take your order! as for this order, the sugar daddy au plus such tenderness. AND the free choice of which call of duty man! be still my heart! while i would've loved to do price, i have so many price prompts (always feel free to send more!), i thought our lovely ghost would fit the bill too. <3
s'more ("The accent gets to you, doesn't it?") + chocolate milk (tenderness) + champagne (sugar daddy au) served by simon "ghost" riley (call of duty)!
cw: smut/pwp, sugar daddy au, sugar daddy!simon, gentle sex, size kink (duh), mask kink (duh), bimbo!reader (but sweet!), daddy kink (duh), fingering
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you covered your face with your hands and kicked out your feet when you got the notification from amazon that an order had been placed. it was a large hello kitty plush that you had your eyes on for a few weeks now.
simon had ordered it from you after he texted you that he was coming home from deployment. you curled up in bed, excitement fueled you due to thoughts of your beloved daddy and your new plush to your collection!
when you stirred from your sleep, you almost jumped out of your skin. there stood your hulking mass of a sugar daddy, with the sleeves of his black shirt rolled up and that scary mask still on his face.
you almost burst into tears, but he made quick work to get to you. he shushed you as you shivered from the fear that crossed you. you held onto his shirt and whined, "you scared me, daddy!!!"
"i'm sorry, love." he said in his soft rumble of a voice, "didn't mean to scare, ya." he kissed the top of your head, those strong arms were like a security blanket around you. you rubbed up against him, your nose in his neck as you inhaled the scent of metal and body wash. he sighed contently, "done cryin'?"
you nodded, "yes daddy." then pulled away and wiped your tears, "i thought someone got through all the security and it was scary." you pouted at him.
he chuckled and rubbed your back, "no one can get through that, that isn't me or you. you're safe, love." he kissed the top of your head through his mask and felt a comfort swirl in his gut.
he was home.
but even in the safety of home, his fingers still lingered across your body. even when you were kissing his mask, feeling the material of the thing under your lips.
"i missed ya every day." he said, "i thought about you makin' me my mornin' cup of tea." his voice was comforting, "i thought about those pretty thighs and prettier cunt." he got a handful of your shorts and pulled them down past your thighs. and you kicked them off.
"please, daddy. why is your voice so hot?" you murmured against him. your core felt hot as you did all over. you were painfully turned on.
"The accent gets to you, doesn't it?" he asked, his lustful voice pooled into your gut like a shot of alcohol. he grazed his fingers across your achy cunt, "been missin' me, huh?" he chuckled, "were ya a good girl and finger-fucked yourself to thoughts of me?"
you couldn't deny him, even if there was no money involved. you never felt pressured to have sex with him, even if he did get you a little fright when he lumbered back into your shared flat.
you replied, "of course, i couldn't get enough of you. i thought about you all the time, daddy!" you rubbed your slippery cunt up against his digits, enticing him to finger you. you wanted to feel good and you knew he felt good when he was making you feel good. it was cute, even if the rest of him was big and scary.
you leaned to kiss his mask once more and he took it off with his other hand as he plunged his fingers into your slick pussy. you yelped in response, but calmed down when he pulled you in for a proper kiss.
you loved the mask, but to see your daddy's handsome face was nice as well. you heart leapt when you pulled away and admired his features in the low light of the room.
you held onto his shoulders while he pumped his fingers inside of you. you felt heat crawl up your face and it made you warm all over as a result.
"please, daddy. i missed you. it sucks going to uni and not having you at home!" you squirmed against him.
his pace was soft, he didn't want to hurt his sweet girl. despite being such a big man, he was rather gentle with you. when you asked him about it once, he said, "you wouldn't break the leg of a rabbit would you?" in reference to you being so delicate to him. so easy to harm.
he kissed at your face, peppering it with wet marks. he continued to lazily pump his fingers, he felt your smaller hands on his wrist as he fingered you.
he remained close to you however, letting himself feel close in your warmth as he played with your slit. his thumb up against your clit and made a shiver run through your body.
"i know, love. you're doing so good for me. i know you're little fingers are nothing compared to mine. you love the stretch it all brings. how full i make you." he knew tomorrow he'd be filling you up once more, this time with his heavy cock.
he kissed at your neck, which was ticklish but the pleasure still flowed through you. you loved the feeling of him beside you. that weight that was on top of you felt familiar. it was like a piece of home that made you yearn for more of him.
"it's not the same." you said, "you always know how to do it right." you wiggled against him and felt pleasure spread in your body. it wasn't going to be long before you finished.
"i always take care of what is mine." he said in a low tone, it reverberated in the back of your head. and it made you warm all over. simon was unlike any lover you ever had.
you whined against his shoulder, his lips up in your hair now.
"cum for me, love. cum for daddy." he said in a soft tone, that sent you over the edge.
you came and dug your nails into his shoulders. you almost left scratched across them as you felt your heart race. you relaxed against him and let him slip his fingers out and lick the slick off of them before he wrapped his arms around you.
he snuggled you close like the protector he was. he loved feeling his heartbeat against his chest. oh, he loved you so.
"was my girl on his best behaviour?" he asked quietly.
you nodded, "of course, daddy." you wiggled against him and beamed up at him. he leaned forward and kissed you soft on the lips.
he said softly, "perfect. such a lovely girl for me." he felt the pull of pleasure in his gut as he admired you. even though his body yearned for you, he at that moment wanted to admire you.
even though he gave you a hefty allowance, he cared for you deeply. and it was nice for him to be home. when you mumbled something against his chest, he pretended to hear, i love you. <3
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wh1sp3rr · 10 months
𑊡˚+₊🏆✦ — CERTIFIED PUSSY EATER + bkg; one shot
cw: nsfw, smut, aged up, established relationship, oral (f receiving), softdom!bkg, afab!reader
-ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ-
it’s a cool night. the room is airy and quiet: a detachment from the rest of the world. your moans are soft and natural, skin dark in the shadows of the room, torso taut and stretched as you lean yourself further into the grey, cotton sheets and spread your legs more to accommodate for katsuki’s voracious tongue.
he kisses with an open mouth. little suck sucks and lets the sheen of sweat and saliva reflect his craftsmanship.
he’s moaning with you in unison, encouraging and almost cheering you on. a not so silent exchange, the gentle beckoning of him almost saying: ‘yes, baby. just like that. sing for me.’
there’s a desperate slide your body makes, tensing up from the cricks of pleasure and the humble troughs his sweet tongue begs soon send peaking waves up to the hair on your head.
he adapts to your movement, pushing his head deeper into the aperture between the flesh of your thighs. he pinches said flesh between the dip connecting his thumb and index finger mirrored on both hands: left and right, and then pulls down harshly, reaching for your ass whilst simultaneously connecting his nose with your pussy, keying his pink muscle in the desperate, fluttering orifice.
you gasp out: choked, earlier committing yourself to maintaining quiet, polite sounds, a flash of a self-made promise you had bonded yourself to. hand on heart, flirtatious, half-hearted words to bakugo:
‘you’ll see! i’ll be quiet…’
an honest attempt at trying to quietly avoid the fact that katsuki was a certified pussy-eater pro. you didn’t want to feed into his already massive ego.
"and you were doing so well." he teases. his smirk brushing at your skin in such unkind ways…
you get higher, squeeze harder.
he slurps. "come on, babe." he goads, kissing your inner thighs multiply. lets them linger before pressing another.
you whimper what sounds like a no.
he breathes in deeply, not quite a sigh but an acknowledgment. he lets his tongue punish rhythmically— snidely knowing you can’t resist. certified pussy eater.
surprisingly, you still hold out. just about.
his hands loosen their tight grasp on your thighs, lets the expanded mass of flesh return to its normal size. instead, he restores to a lighter touch. barely touching your skin and dancing his spread fingertips on the plush of your legs as if it were an ice skating rink.
his moans; a stereo vibration, add to your guaranteed climax. it’s a waiting game now.
but katsuki’s impatient.
his lips stop suckling and he asks you to look down at him.
your heart takes the form of a hummingbird: fast and passionate. the pink on your cheeks is almost embarrassing, and you heave your head up from it’s sanctuary on the satin sleeved pillow and look with a fucked-out expression.
he almost comes on the spot. that sheen of sweat plasters and sticks little bits of your hair to your cheeks and forehead, messy and uncoordinated. your open mouth presents a pretty, breathy sound: in and out. your brows are furrowed, and pupils wide, painting your eyes almost completely black.
you can’t even talk.
he kisses your thigh again and stays staring at your face.
"give up, baby. i’m so fuckin’ hard for you right now, i need to hear you."
he shakes his head a little and speaks softly to himself.
"need to hear you so bad…"
you moan a decipherable ‘mhm’ and nod your head enthusiastically and sink back into the slope your head made its home in.
before even nestling back into your preceding comfort, katsuki’s tongue interrupts your action and your moans are incomparable to the ones before.
glossy eyes and open mouth: "yes, katsuki—" your voice cracks and it sounds like you’re about to cry. "yes—!" crack again.
together you come. katsuki’s grizzly, boyish moan first, yours second.
his moan fizzes out and the slick of his hand laddering his dick up-down-up-down ceases.
he kisses between your folds, right at the centre and rests his head over your thigh.
"fucking tastiest pussy in the world. i love you. mwah." and he air-kisses the sight of you from his new spot: heavy, laboured breath, lips engulfing you whole.
you stroke his face, tickle the blond tufts made soft from sweat behind his ear. he kisses your wrist.
you air-kiss his face back. "love you too."
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itsonlybaby · 5 months
𐙚ᣟ݂﹒𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 - 𝐛. 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐞﹒
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playlist !
Bellamy Blake - Drop ship
꒰ ୨୧ ꒱ ⸝⸝ You're an Azgeda assassin sent to kill Bellamy after the mass genocides to Trikru. Azgeda assassins are supposed to be stone-cold, and feel nothing, but what happens when a certain boy tries to gain your trust ﹒   ⊹  ⤷ cw: smut, nsfw, oral, a little violence
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Day two
Sitting atop my horse, Swan, I was studying the boy beyond the trees. He knew I was here, he was also studying me as well. He goes by the name 'Bellamy Blake', an oddly long name, but a name you don't see every day.
I was here to kill him.
To deliver his head to my buyers, Titus, the fleimkepa, and King Roan.
I had been following this Bellamy for two days, he's known I was following him for a few hours, and my horse had given it away.
I like to study my targets, see what they are like, study their mannerisms, and how they survive. It isn't standard, most assassins would've had it done within the hour. I've had the chance to kill him plenty of times. He is always so vulnerable to attacks, or maybe he knows that and is testing me.
Bellamy carries himself well for the most part, he's a good shot but very loud, as most Skaikru are. It was fairly easy to track him. The first day I was sent he was at their initial landing spot, what they call a 'dropship'. I wasn't sure why he wasn't behind the walls of Arkadia, could they have banished him?
My thoughts were cut short when I realized I had lost sight of him, I couldn't believe I got so caught up in my own thoughts to realize he was gone.
I hitched Swan and treaded lightly to his last position by the river.
Under a rock was a note and a piece of fish, the note would've been nice if I could read it.
The ignorance of Skaikru.
It wasn't that I couldn't speak English, in fact, I was fluent, as all warriors and assassins are. Only the warriors are taught English along with Trigdasleng, it was so we could understand the Mountain Men, well when they were a threat.
Thank you, Clarke.
I had tossed the piece of fish back into the river as I didn't trust Bellamy, I mean I was here to kill him after all.
Looking into the dirt I saw a heavy set of footprints, foolish boy. They were leading back to the dropship, were he was spending most of his days. His schedule was very plain, wake up, walk to the river, eat, walk back. Very boring for a sky person.
I walked back to Swan to hitch her somewhere safe and headed towards the dropship carefully.
Clearly not careful enough as I ended up in a trap, a bear trap of some sorts. It didn't have jagged edges like a normal trap, it was flat and only applied enough pressure to injure my foot and land me on the ground.
"Who are you?"
I heard a voice call from the bushes, it was very easy to spot him as he was a fairly tall man. How stupid could I have been? I wasn't even watching where I was looking? The trap wasn't even hidden that well and I walked right into it. I got weak. Clumsy. I let my guard down. I could never call myself an Azgeda assassin after this.
Moments passed without an answer from me and he was growing impatient.
"I said who are you? I am not afraid to kill you, grounder." Bellamy yelled, now emerging from the bushes with a pistol in hand. I may have let my guard down but I wouldn't let this man intimidate me.
"Azgeda," I say flatly, not revealing anything else.
Bellamy pondered for a moment, his gaze on me remained strong, not daring to look away, it was clear I intimidated him.
"Ice Nation? I said who are you."
No response.
"Tell me or I swear I will pull this trigger!" He shouted, stepping closer until the barrel of the gun was against my forehead.
I had already accepted death.
"Ai gonplei ste odon." My fight is over.
Bellamy had pistol-whipped me, and before I knew it I was knocked out.
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Day three
I had awoken tied to the ladder in the dropship. Looking around I saw that most things were covered in tar from the fire, the only clean things being Bellamy's makeshift bed and his other belongings, as well as all my armor and layers, leaving me in a simple t-shirt; which I could only assume was his, and my jeans.
I was tied down with leftover seatbelts, very sturdy, I had struggled before finally giving in after a headache caught up with me.
I groaned in pain, death would've been kinder than a pistolwhip. Where even was he? Had he just left me here to rot?
A few moments after Bellamy had appeared from behind the red tarp acting as a door, he was wearing what he always wears. A gray shirt paired with his usual black jacket, with certain patches gone missing. His hair and face had been littered with dirt and blood, though I was sure the blood wasn't his.
"Good, you're awake. Makes this a lot easier." Bellamy spoke, swiftly walking to his pack next to his bed. My worry grew when he pulled something out, was he going to kill me now?
He pulled out a water flask and walked over to me, I'd never drink from an enemy's flask.
Bellamy put the flask to my mouth, when I pulled my face away he sighed and took a sip himself to show me it was safe. I still didn't trust it.
I took a big sip, and once he pulled it away I spit the water back into his face. He pursed his lips, seemingly trying to keep his anger down. I'd never be this man's peace.
"A bath would do you good, ripa." Murderer. Even without a bath, his scent was.. likable.
He scoffed amusingly, "That's funny coming from you, grounder."
Bellamy stood up, wiping away the water with his hand and turning his back towards me.
"What do you want from me?" He continued, grabbing a chair and sitting it close in front of me.
I refused to answer, I only stared at him with anger.
"I have all day, princess." He spoke, leaning back in the chair and pulling out a wrapped ration from his pocket. He was going to eat in front of me, what kind of torture method was this? And princess? Who does Bellamy think he is?
A few hours had passed since then and I really had to go. I'd been holding it in for hours but I was at my limit. Bellamy was still staring at me through it all, he could tell I was starting to get uneasy.
"I need to go..." I let out in a barely audible whisper, quickly regaining his attention.
"What was that?"
"I need to go."
The dots seemed to connect in his mind and he nodded, getting up ready to let my wrists free.
"Tell me your name first," Bellamy demanded.
Are you serious? Of course, he would stoop this low.
"y/n," I spoke with a sigh, I had no other choice but to give in. And with a nod, he freed me- well, for the most part, one of my hands was still attached to a seatbelt, which he was holding.
Bellamy led me out of the dropship and to the side, god, this was so embarrassing.
"Can you at least turn around?" I questioned, my voice wavering for the first time since I met him. So much for not being intimidated.
With a silent nod he turned to the side and I did my business, a real gentleman, pistol-whipping me, and tying me up.
Though I had no room to speak.
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Day four
I was back on the ladder, and Bellamy was in his now usual spot. Right in front of me. I hadn't eaten in two days, he knew this. And he used it against me.
"Now, princess, why were you following me?" Bellamy questioned, waving a piece of fish in his hand, like I was some dog he was rewarding for good behavior.
Was he trying to train me?
I had come to the conclusion I either answer the question or die of starvation. I already failed the mission, I could never return to Azgeda or Polis. I couldn't face what was waiting for me.
"I was hired to kill you." I flatly state, eyeing the fish and practically drooling over it.
Bellamy seemed satisfied with this answer and handed me the piece with a small nod, which I quickly scarfed down. I watched him pull another from the little silver bag.
He really was training me.
"Why didn't you? You've been following me for a few days, and had plenty of chances."
I thought about my answer for a few seconds, "You were intriguing. You didn't act like how they described."
He only smiled at this, for reasons I couldn't comprehend. But I got another piece of fish so I didn't really care.
"Well, until you pistolwhipped me," I added in between bites. His smile slowly faded.
"Sorry about that, I didn't wanna kill you."
"Cause you needed answers?"
He hesitated.
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Day five - smut
The isolation had started to get to me, Bellamy being the only person I could see, and I started to notice more things about him. The way his back muscles would flex when he changed clothes. How defined his arms were and how defined his entire body was.
I cursed myself for having these thoughts about Bellamy, I was his prisoner, and I should be scared for my life.
It was particularly hot this morning, so Bellamy decided the best option was to be shirtless. All. Day.
His chest was well shaven surprisingly, and his pants sagged low, low enough to see his V line. That only brought worse thoughts. Thoughts I couldn't suppress.
He hadn't asked me any questions since I've awoken, I assume he's given up and doesn't need me anymore.
"Like the view?" He asks, snapping me out of my trance, how long had he known I was staring?
His gaze on me was intense. He knew I wouldn't answer his question so he only stepped closer and closer, leaning down when he got close enough to me.
"Keep looking pretty for me, yeah princess?" He spoke, his voice becoming husky.
A bright red tint lined my face at his words. Nobody had ever spoken to me in that way. I couldn't reply, too filled with nerves to form a comprehensible sentence, all I could do was stare at the handsome man before me and hope he didn't notice how vulnerable he made me.
Bellamy seemed to get an idea, with a smirk he stood up and sat back in the chair.
Leaning back he began unbuckling his belt, pushing his pants just below his bulge. I was more turned on than I'd ever been. Was he really going to do what I think he's gonna do? Now this is torture. Not being able to touch him.
Bellamy started palming himself through his boxers, letting little grunts slip past his mouth, meanwhile maintaining full eye contact with me- though my eyes were focused on his hands. I wanted so desperately for that to be my hands touching him, my hands making him feel good.
A few seconds passed before he pulled his boxers down just enough to reveal his entire cock, causing me to clench my thighs together tightly; craving any friction I could get. I now only realized the shirt I was wearing still had his scent on it, it was intoxicating.
He started stroking himself slowly, leaning his head back in pleasure. I needed him.
"Bellamy," I spoke, my voice laced with lust and need, my entire body feeling warm. His name sounded so good coming from my mouth. Bellamy's eyes locked back with mine as his pace quickened.
"Princess," His voice sounded breathy. The nickname did no help in calming me down. I wasn't sure what to say next.
Bellamy stood up and walked closer to me.
"On your knees." He demanded, to which I quickly obliged, finally getting what I wanted. I got to my knees and looked up at him, his cock resting on my rose-tinted cheek while his hand caressed my other cheek, moving down to my mouth and running his thumb along my lower lip; asking for entrance.
Opening my mouth I felt his thumb explore it, pressing softly against my tongue, all the while maintaining eye contact with me.
"So good for me." Bellamy praised before tapping his tip against my tongue, the taste being surprisingly good given the limited resources. He slowly inserted his cock into my mouth, releasing a loud groan of pleasure once he hit the back of my throat, the warmth feeling amazing against his dick.
His hand instinctively grabbed ahold of my hair, holding my head in place as he started throat fucking me. I began breathing through my nose and using my tongue to feel against his shaft. Bellamy's moans only grew louder and his breathing became erratic.
My mouth was doing this to him, I was making him feel so good.
"Just like that." He whispered between moans, noticing the tears that began to coat my cheeks.
His free hand gripped the ladder steps above my head. The hand on my hair gripped tighter than before, I could tell he was close.
His tip hit the back of my throat relentlessly, I was sure I'd have trouble speaking after this, but its be so worth it. I could feel his cock twitch in my mouth, his thrust slowly becoming sloppy.
"Doing so good, princess, so good, so fucking good."
My throat began to hurt from the abuse of his dick, and with one final deep thrust, I felt his warm cum fill my throat, forcing me to swallow every drop of the salty substance. Once he was sure he was done Bellamy pulled out, leaving my mouth feeling empty, missing the feeling of his cock. He was covered in sweat and I was covered in tears, but in this moment he never looked sexier.
I felt my hands drop to my sides, was he letting me free?
"Let's get cleaned up." He spoke, dropping the seat belt completely and helping me up. I stumbled a bit but used him as support. I was free but I didn't want to run.
In this moment nothing else mattered but him.
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angellurgy2 · 2 months
Pull The Trigger
your favourite freak's writing agaain! you ever wanted to read a story about a homophobic gamer boy getting doxxed and raped? well here u go! ^-^ part two coming soon
cw: noncon, forced gay, slurs, shit like that
sandstone brick, towering ahead. trapped in a corner, waiting, ak-47 comfortable in hand. listening, watching, pixel-perfect gaze. the soft pitter patter of booted footsteps approaching on sand. spin, shoot before you see. three shots of triple-round burst to centre mass. dead. 
multiple pings hit the wall ahead of him, pelted at while his back was turned. losing health rapidly. he flicks and sends his barrel spinning 180 in the opposite direction, blind trading fire. 
he screams into his bulky turtle beach headphones as the body in front of him ragdolls, screen blurring with bloody low health warnings. “YEAAAH FAGGOT, YOU LIKE THAT?”
he’s swiftly popped into the win screen, all chat and winner microphones switched on to offer a chance to flaunt or whine. 
[ALL] TriggerFinger: get GUD fags i’ll wipe u in the next one 2 lmao
[ALL] XxxGr1mR3eaperxxX: dude you suck u just got lucky
[ALL] TriggerFinger: i bet u kno a lot about sucking huh?
[ALL] TriggerFinger: just like your MOM
trigger clicks on to queue for the next game, a satisfied gleam plastering his face as everyone else is gone to the aether.
in the top left of his screen as loading screens trawl pops a message from an unfamiliar user. not on his friends list, rather it looks like they’re in the ‘recently played with’ section. probably just another noob coming to rage.
[PRIVATE] Anonymous-Specter: that was pretty rude, you know.
‘ThAt WaS pReTtY rUde-’ what a beta.
[PRIVATE] TriggerFinger: why shld i care? get a life faggot. lmao
[PRIVATE] Anonymous-Specter: you really shouldn’t talk to people like that.
this guy’s clearly got some form of retardation keeping him from getting the hint. but trigger’s got better shit to do. the loading screen for this game always takes so long. he grabs a pack of shrimp tempura cup ramen off the nearby shelf and fills it with day-old water from his water bottle, shoving it in the microwave for a couple minutes. he numbly trawls through social media feeds, doomscrolling the beautiful faces on instagram before that gets boring, then the stale porn on twitter, then the ragebait on 4chan. nothing satisfying his appetite except this one clip of some guy eating shit on his first try skateboarding, which too is ethereal in the drips of serotonin it gives.
he grabs his soppy steaming meal and brings it back over to his computer, stirring it with a stray fork before moving back into the screen. the first thing he sees is another message from the same person as before. he rolls his eye and opens the notification.
[PRIVATE] Anonymous-Specter: this you?
[PRIVATE] TriggerFinger: TF?? 
he thinks he’s so cool. trigger quickly tabs over to chrome, typing into the address bar ‘whats my ip ad-’ before it autofills. he clicks in, praying for the release of the little ball of stress slowing spreading in his chest. only to have it implode. IPv4…
ok. well, he’s probably just trying to scare you. theres not much you can do with a few numbers. he remembers the streamers he’s watched being ddos’ed and how freaked out they’d always get. he can’t find that humour in the angered horror on their faces now, though.
[PRIVATE] TriggerFinger: thats not my fuckin IP asshole. ur not funny
[PRIVATE] Anonymous-Specter: i think it’s pretty funny.
[PRIVATE] Anonymous-Specter: see you soon :)
trigger looks around his surroundings. nothing around, just the same open bland studio basement. mattress on the floor, check. couch, check. tv, check. tiny window that shows literally nothing but a foot of grass? check. its hard for him to hide the scowl of hatred at this empty rotting enclosure. shit, did you lock the door? he runs up and flicks it locked like how a child runs up the stairs when they’re scared a monsters behind them. not because of this ‘specter’ though. just normal precaution. he wouldn’t let another man take up space in his mind like that.
trigger sits. unable to pull his focus enough to start another game, or to divest himself entirely. stuck in a limbotic resting space. he grabs the monster can sitting on his desk - one of many - and pours it down his throat with anxious franticity. after staring at the screen for long enough, with nothing else he can see to do, he types.
[PRIVATE] TriggerFinger: What r u talking about? fuckin weirdo
10 minutes pass.
[PRIVATE] TriggerFinger: hello?
nothing at all. empty threats and childish games. who puts in that much effort just to cause a little scare? freak, probably a faggot too.
he sighs and switches over to spotify, plugging his favourite XXXtentacion album into his grindy bluetooth speaker and grabbing a pre-roll from his weed drawer. a rusted old lighter folds between his fingers. flick, flick. hot choking mist fills his mouth and then suffuses his screen as he blows it back into the stale air. he lies idly spinning in his gaming chair, puffing until its gone and until the words leave his head. empty.
but not for long, apparently.
a resoundingly loud knocking thuds at his door. earthquaking enough to shake him out of his seatlock. but the tremors remain, rocking through his veins. he gingerly lowers his eye to the peephole. a short man looks up from a foot away, holding some sort of black bag. this is it trigger, time to man up. he paces back with soft steps, pulling a steak knife from the block and holding it behind his back. no more games, this is real life. no more being harassed by that bitch landlord, no more bad looks when mom and dad visit. when the police find him beaten and you on top you won’t have to feel bad anymore.
he opens the door.
“Hello. uber for trig?”
he doesn’t remember ordering any food, was he really that faded?
“it’s… trigger. but that’s me, yeah.”
the man passes trigger an unlabelled brown bag from the bigger unlabelled black bag. something liquid seeps out of the corner.
“have a great night, sir!” 
trigger tosses the bag onto the table already scattered with trash. throwing the knife onto the counter along with it. being paranoid is the sign of a weak mind, you need energy. he thinks about the shrooms his bro gave him a couple weeks back, saved for a special occasion in a box under his bed. the devil and angel on his shoulders scream.
he examines the food. taco bell crunchwrap and spilled soda, amazing. he begins to clean it up right as a CLFBKGBNJ clanging from the kitchenette behind his back rings out. he turns to see a tall, muscley imposing man already towering over him from there. backing up slowly, like hes a blind animal that’ll pounce at any moment. 
“hey there.”
“hi???” his words spit out with a spiteful acidity, tantrumic. 
“you must be trigger.” his monotone face twists upwards into a cruel mockery of a smile. he examines trigger up and down, who shivers at being ogled like meat.
he hears his dad in his head. puff up your chest, faggot. you can’t let people walk over you like a little bitch all the time. he straightens his back, stops retreating. his voice mimics a tough deepness.
“you need to g-get the fuck out of my house.” 
specter tilts his head with curiosity. trigger can feel the aftershocks of monster and adrenaline crumpling his heart as he looks into the intruders eyes. a dark jade gazes back, blank. empty. like null space inside his skull, giving off only the aesthetic of a watching being. beyond the entrancing holes, partially hidden behind curtains of frayed brown locks, a jagged scar cuts through his face, curved and serrated with the impression of its assailant. 
“it’s not really your house though, is it?” 
trigger stares back dumbly. specter lifts up a chiseled arm and knocks on the roof, indicating where the landlord resides. “it’s theirs, really.” he takes a step forward.
“what’s your fucking problem man?”
another step back. guarding facade broken as quickly as it was put up. you’re weak. pathetic. he can smell it on you, just like they all can.
“here to give you an attitude adjustment.” he says it so monotone, like reading a script. as if you should know what that means. specter gives a wide scan of the interior. sizing up your crime scene? this won’t be going the way you think it will, buddy. “this is a pretty shit place you got here”
“not any more shit than the goon cave you probably got, bitch” 
the molded smile on specter’s face drops in a second. in 3 sudden steps forward he closes most of the gap between them, the air between the two grows cold. trigger has no choice but to back up more to keep the feeling of safety. the distance between handler and beast, but there’s no leash here. and there’s no medic to save him.
“listen.. s-specter? right?” he looks into those dead eyes with a quiver hes kept hidden for so long.  “i'm sorry i insulted you or- or whatever i didn’t mean it okay? that’s just online shit, this isn’t real.”
specter takes another wordless step, and trigger hits the wall. this isn’t real.
“why so quiet all of a sudden?” his hand reaches out and cups triggers chin, his face too frozen with animalistic chemicals to react. forcing trigger’s weak inebriated gaze to meet his, dead yet malevolent. “are you scared of me?”
trigger spits in his face. “you- couldn’t. scare me.”
untrimmed nails dig sharply into the base of his skull. “i will.”
“my dads the chief of police. you don’t wanna do this.” he tries to put on monotone the best he can, head as swirly with emotions as it is.
specter chortles. “no he’s not”
the music emanating from trigger’s desk scratches hard as it changes into a fast-paced track. specter’s eyes and ears twitch in its direction like a bat.
“this is what you listen to?” his smile almost looks genuine this time. he gestures at the ground below them. “stay here.”
he turns and moves to walk past trigger, when he jumps into action, leaping at the man with a guttural yell.  “AA-”
immediately cut off by searing blunt force ripping through his gut, sending him crumpling to the floor with the force of extraneous gravity. so you’re a warlock, subclassed into gravitational magic, is that it? he gets up onto his hands and knees, a trail of saliva connecting his lips to the dirty linoleum floors. he chokes on each breath he tries to take in. the pain is unlike anything his soft and unexplored body has experienced before. 
specter walks away to the booming speaker, pulling out a black rectangle from the pocket of the black jeans sticking to his legs.. the speakers switch to a new track, unfamiliar to his ears. some kind of aggressive rapping, underscored by a metallic sharp noise groove. he tries to listen for words, analyzing the rhythm and slotting it with memories of other songs to try and figure out what it is. but before he can comprehend the first words to come out, a rigid boot crashes into the side of his ribs.
dazed on the ground, heaving for the little pieces of air that’ll fit through his trachea, cartoons birds twirling over his head as he stares up into the ceiling. 
a sharp sound cuts through his stupor. “you’re funny” says specter, “i really thought you’d have more fight in you.”
PHWACK. the sound of some elastic material slapping against skin, a black glove clinging to specter’s boney hand.
trigger’s shocked by the feeling of cold on his bare stomach, face twisting with rage but the rest of the body betrays him with frozen fear. specter begins to slowly lift triggers shirt, feeling up his concave flesh with rubber digits.
specter flinches back as a red handprint manifests on his cheek. i wasnt even thinking i didnt mean to i just-
a vice grip takes hold of his windpipe, holding it hostage. the hand begins to rise upwards, holding him against a wall that wasnt there two seconds ago, and then he has to fight with his noodlish body to stand up before it rips his throat right out. “you’re so weak. how did you make it so long, bullying people like that?” his other hand then puts itself to use. the cold rises up triggers body slow and nerve-wracking. he tries not to feel it and to just keep his eyes on him. the tangible, hurtable, beast. 
his mind lags from his body, not realizing he’s on the ground before he already is. terrifyingly strong knees spreading his legs apart ever so slightly, invading hand-shaped ghosts pinning him into the dirty floor face-first. months of uncaring habitation coming back to bite him in the ass all at once. his eyes jump from little pieces of dust and crumbs, filling his vision more than their existence is intended for. brought low with the trash. maybe you should’ve listened to mom.
a bottle squirts loudly out of his sight. he tries to spin his head around but he’s just met with increased pressure on his neck, pinning him down like meat on a butcher’s table. fuck this. thrashing out with all the strength in his limbs- it forces specter to change up his positioning, but even then you can’t make a single scratch, slapping at this very real intruder like a whiney little girl. 
“stop it.” he says it like he’s talking to a petulant child, dry and tired.
“fuck you! get off me!” 
a rubbery object shoves itself down his throat as he opens his mouth to yell more obscenities. fingers ripping open his jaw, dispelling his pleas into inhuman garbling.  
“reht rre throo!” 
he looks around, there has to be something he can do. everything is dark blobs because of his eyes wetting from the fingers assault of his uvula. heavy whispers assault the back of his neck, venom in his blurred ears. “i could take out a tooth. how about that?”
he shakes his head, as much as he can crushed between these manly hands. 
water trickles down from the corners of his eyes. fuck, don’t let him see you crying, that’s the ultimate defeat. man card revoked. the only benefit of this positioning is that only the tile can see your face’s treason.
the hand abruptly leaves and moves back to the rest of his body. not preferable, but at least now his eyes will stop coating themselves in water. there has to be something on this floor somewhere if he can look. 
blood coats his vision. bloody floor, bloody nose, face shoved into a pool of it. he can feel his nose contort under the hard material, head bouncing off it with a loud crack.
‘look’, you shouldve known better. thousands of hours of experience watching torture scenes in COD, and you think he’s gonna give you a break? you’re not the shooter like you thought you were, you’re just the dead russian snitch. 
slender hands dip under the waistband of his sweatpants, threatening with slow dragging downwards. fuck, he is a fag. so much screaming in his head, be a man be strong fight back faggot stop being a fucking BETA. but the weak trembling in every inch of his nervous system won’t let go. the part that knows what you are. weak little soyboy. shit, was it the burger king? he looks at the softness of his tiny arms splayed out in front of him, thinking back to all those impossible whoppers he had during that first (and last) year of college. sure there were the conspiracies but- he had to lose some weight and it was right next to his dorm and surely a little bit of hormonal meat couldn’t hurt anyone. well, apparently not. he shudders at the thought of all those tiny little girl particles running around in his bloodstream.
coldcoldcoldcoldcold fuck. something cold and wet drips down his ass, sending rippling twitches through his body. something small pokes and prods, forcing the wet inside, already he feels speared through, he has to purposefully hold his face together to not burst into open sobbing. 
“shhh sh sh. it’s okay. you’ll take it.” 
it pulls out, a hot emptiness filling all feeling. another squirt, and more wetness shoved so deep he cant handle in the choking cries. “please. please don’t. i don’t- i’m not-” cut off by the finger pulling out again, leaving his hole gaped. “Fuck stop im not gay pleasepleasepleasepl”
a sweaty palm wraps over his mouth.
something warm and hard and fleshy begins to rub circles around his hole. pressing up so close his breath hitches in fear it might go in and then pulling back and then repeating.
“be a good boy and stay quiet, trig.”
pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing
##&% %%#(% %$$*$#&
* * *
specters hard chest presses up close and warm against trigger’s back. hot, heavy breathing forces its way into his ear. they stay there for a moment, frozen in time. a breaking point cut, getting a cinematic view of his own ruination. what a shitty fucking movie this is. 
“mmhng-” specter pulls back, breaking the trance, almost making trigger wish he would’ve just stayed inside. he grunts at the feeling of trembling boyflesh seizing on his cock, shaking with each inch moved in either direction, clenching for dear life. he grips a handful of trigger’s hair and pulls it back, forcing his limp and drooling expression into specter’s vision.
 “so, what was it?” the burning rod of pressure starts to move faster, thrusting with detached force, muscular hips bouncing off trigger’s ass. “dad beat you?” another assault forward, enunciating each bit of words with the slapping of their flesh. “mom molest you?” it hurts sososososososososo bad but he cant feel anything other than the pain nothing but searing waves of some long-forbidden feeling. “or- fuck- you just get bullied too much in those squishy formative years?”
boiling hot rain streams down his face, terror burning his eyes blind. choking sobs spit out little bits of snot and saliva pooling with his tears below him in a sad filth soup. 
“oh c’mon-” specter reaches in closer, thoughtlessly pushing his cock into a switch that turns triggers legs to jelly. a waterfall of tears overlaid with shameful noises, the kind he’d before only ever heard through the speakers of a computer. each one abrading his will even more. he was supposed to be on the other side, not this. anything but this. 
“please stop”
“it’s too late.” his hand brushes triggers cheek, mimicking a comforting motion with uncomfortable skin, “you can never take back what’s already happened… and what’s about to.”
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if-childrenofiona · 9 months
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SIX months later, the demo's finally here! thank you sm everyone for your support.
what's waiting for you:
🌑 uncover mc's backstory & shape their personality through the eyes of    another character. 🌑 meet an ally and an enemy. 🌑 come home for the third rain and prepare for the Feast. 🌑 overhear a secret conversation or remain oblivious. 🌑 question why your father's suddenly allowing you to attend.
in this release you'll be able to read:
prologue.  tw/cw: mass genocide, gore [blood], dead bodies [decaying], attempted/executed child abuse [dependent on reader's unspecified choice], implied enslavement, possibly more.
chapter one, part a.
note.  this content is intended for mature audiences 17+. this is my "first" draft. as a result, there's a likely chance of grammatical or play-through errors. please feel free to inform me of these errors through the asks with a screen shot! i'll fix them asap. there's also likely to be rewrites with each new update. so, things may be worded differently or they'll be new/different choices available.
DEMO  (23.3k words)
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