#i was denied social security benefits too
hauntedtrait · 2 months
america is such a fucked place to be disabled, i’m literally having to hope my condition worsens just so i can maybe stand a better chance of being approved for benefits
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queerfortress2 · 2 months
Medic x reader headcannons????
if you were looking for a extremely romantic and sappy lover, than you are in the WRONG CATEGORY BUDDY, BECAUSE WOOO HES IS NOT.
he does try, really, but in a very unorthodox fashion. like yeah it has a romantic intention when he gave you a beating heart of the enemy soldier saying it’s for you, but you did react quite badly to it.
definitely had to be coached on how to be Normal in a relationship because otherwise he would NOT get it. turns out!! people don’t like organs and guts and murder like he does. it’s just a him thing.
he does delve deeper into your interests but more importantly— your health! dating an ex-doctor has its benefits! he still remember going to medical school and residency so he can still (illegally) perform on you. of course, you deny this advance, assuming you are sane my dear friends, but it’s the thought that counts.
slowly but surely the organs and medication are replaced with flowers and chocolates, it just took awhile to get there. he really is struggling but with a— albeit creepy— smile like that, how could you be mad at him?
his love language is most likely acts of service, which means he does the little things for you. said little things being anaesthesia but details details… you’re doing better off than his subjects teammates, so can you really complain?
and let’s be honest, being a mercenary pays well, you will NOT be going hungry bestie. with this advantage no matter who you are and what your stance is on paying for dinner, he is PAYING FOR DINNER, you cannot take that away from him. good luck trying
i think he uses you as an excuse to get out of things as well. new project coming up in 2fort? that’s too damn bad he actually needs to teach you the complicated anatomy of your central nervous system. it’s a very important thing, engineer! he has to waste.
also heavy hears about you so often he probably knows more about you than you do by the time he finally meets you face to face. i mean the whole shebang, full name, likes, dislikes, little fidgets, that thing you did last week to mess with medic, social security number…/j
he can’t help it, in his eyes you’re the greatest thing since sliced bread! maybe even the greatest thing since hemlock leaves in surgery prep!
…if you even knew what that meant when he said it to you.
all in all, god speed to you medic lovers because you will not get a DAY of rest with this man, he’s either working, causing something extraordinary or reeking havoc in teufort without many precautionary measures. we all saw expiration date. beware and tread carefully you fools (me included).
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genderkoolaid · 11 months
For the experiences with exorsexism: I can't change my gender marker to X because I risk not being able to receive my SSI payments or at least having a harder time getting them because of the way Social Security handles gender markers. That's on top of just the simple risk of being discriminated against by them for being nonbinary+disabled (and especially disabled in part by mental illness).
It's always the disability benefits. Can't get married, can't save money even if I was receiving enough to save, can't receive an actually survivable let alone liveable amount of benefits, can't expect the system not to be borderline genocidal but because I'm being given anything at all asking for decency is "entitlement", can't change my gender marker to be accurate.
Oh, and if even the safe states become too dangerous for trans people in the US, my partner and I can't ever emigrate to a safer country because our autism diagnoses alone would bar us entry, let alone being on benefits. That's more of a general ableism/transphobia intersection but like... we could die because of it, so worth mentioning.
Anonymous asked: When having an “X” gender marker, insurance loves to deny coverage on any “male exclusive” OR “female exclusive” healthcare, including pap smears, prostate exams, even mammograms. No matter what your body has, insurance companies seem to believe non-binary means that you no longer have genitals, hormones, or breast tissue.
Grouping these two together since they mention the same issue; its very emblematic of how we approach trans inclusion that we have started allowing people to be legally X on paper, but we haven't actually done any work to change our systems to recognize that these people Have Body Parts and Can Be Disabled
Thank you for sharing.
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briarpatch-kids · 6 months
Here's what I have for my speech that I'm going to give the judge so far. Content warning for severe medical neglect and suicide talk.
In 2015 to 2017, I had a VA disability rating for mental health at 70%. This means that I had a severely altered ability to work or attend school, this was later bumped up to 100% permanent and total disability as well as unemployability. Despite that, I attempted both work and school before physical disability got in my way. Both times, the fatigue, increased pain, and my heart conditions got in the way. I had hardly any standing ability and no ability to sit for extended periods of time. I was suicidal 24/7 because of the pain and fantasized about lighting myself on fire in the VA parking lot. That is no condition to work in.
I begged my job for accommodations because I was missing multiple days of work per week because of this pain and was told "we can only cut your hours, but because you are a full time worker we can only cut them to 32 hours a week" when I was able to work 24 hours max and had pain and suicidal ideation from the work I was able to do. I was throwing up 3 day old food and lost 60 lbs because the demands on my body were too much so my digestive system was shutting down.
I was being told that I wasn't trying hard enough, asked if I wanted to be sick. Told it was deconditioning. Told that i could go to the psych ward if I was suicidal from the pain but that my pain would not be treated. Now we know that I had severe mitochondrial myopathy, but then it was just traumatic. So traumatic that I now have difficulty getting medical care in emergencies. On top of my PTSD I was now paranoid and believed that my doctor wanted me to die. I wanted to die. I lost my friends and biological family because they were tired of listening to me panic about the lack of medical care, paranoia, and pain and believed I was making it up because of the lack of medical confirmation. This impacted my ability to work and has had permanent consequences toward my health and mental health.
Despite all of this I did everything right, I served my country until i could not. I attempted to attend school until I could not. I attempted employment and paid into the system until I could not. Each of these attempts damaged my health further and further and I attempted to find out why so that i could get back to work, but my 20s were wasted by incompetent doctors. I do not believe that i should be denied the benefits that i paid for, in both money as well as blood, sweat, and tears while serving my country. If there is a job that allows laying down the whole time, is not customer facing, allows frequent unplanned days off due to illness, is 20 hours a week or less, and pays more than the minimum social security counts as "gainful employment" please let me know. I would love to work it.
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The FTC takes aim at commercial surveillance
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The biggest fallacy in the online privacy is that there is a difference between “state surveillance” and “commercial surveillance.” Bizarrely, it’s a fallacy that is widely held by both government snoops and Big Tech snoops.
Many’s the time I’ve spoken to a DC audience about privacy, only to have an audience member say, “I’m OK with Uncle Sam spying on me — after all, I’ve already given up every sensitive scrap of information about my personal life to the Office of Personnel Management when I applied for security clearance. But I don’t want my money going to Google — those bastards would sell their mothers out for a nickle.”
Meanwhile, in Silicon Valley, I hear, “I don’t care if Google has my data — they just want to show me better ads. But the US government? Hell no! Those govies and their profiteering private contractor pals are all too stupid to get jobs at real tech companies and who knows what they’re going to do with my data?”
Both groups are gripped by the delusion that state surveillance can be disentangled from commercial surveillance. In a just world, companies would be barred from undertaking mass-scale surveillance for their private gain. After all, this is a practice that imposes vast risks on the public — humiliation, identity theft, extortion, and more — and is only profitable because the companies that create this risk can privatize the benefits of spying and socialize the costs of leaks:
How is it that the government hasn’t stepped in to force companies to end the practice of spying? Worse, how is it that the government abets spying — for example, by reinforcing the risible fiction that clicking “I agree” on a meandering, multi-thousand word garbage legalese novella constitutes “consent”?
It’s because the project of mass state surveillance depends on mass commercial surveillance. Remember the Snowden revelations? Remember how they started with #Prism, a program whereby Big Tech had secretly colluded with the NSA to conduct illegal, mass surveillance?
The companies denied it at first, but they changed their tunes — and squealed like stuck pigs — when another NSA program called “Upstream” was revealed. “Upstream” was the NSA’s practice of wiretapping the fiber lines between Big Tech’s data-centers.
Prism turned out to be a way to trick the tech giants into thinking that they were in control of the NSA’s harvesting of their users’ data. But what was really going on was that the NSA was capturing everything, picking out the stuff they wanted, and requesting it via Prism (this is called “parallel construction” and it’s used when an agency does not want to reveal its methods to its partners or adversaries).
The NSA depended on Big Tech collecting and retaining everything, and it depended on the companies recklessly transmitting data between their data-centers without encrypting it. The NSA is also the agency charged with defending Americans from foreign surveillance, the risk of which also increased thanks to Big Tech’s overcollection and sloppy storage. If the NSA took its defensive mission seriously, it would have been screaming its head off, demanding an end to commercial surveillance and hardening of internal communications. Instead, it exploited both.
The public-private surveillance partnership is very old, and it’s key to monopolists’ strategy. It took 69 years to break up AT&T, because every time trustbusters came close, America’s cops and spies and military would spring into action, insisting that the Bell System was America’s “national champion,” needed to defend it from foreign enemies. The Pentagon rescued Ma Bell from breakup in the 50s by claiming that the Korean War couldn’t be won without AT&T’s help:
But it’s not just powerful federal agencies that rely on commercial surveillance — and who aggressively cape for the tech surveillance industry. Local cops rely on Amazon’s Ring doorbells to conduct off-the-books, mass scale street surveillance. Despite Amazon’s repeated false claims, police can do this without Ring owners’ knowledge or consent:
Hard to overstate how sleazy this is, even leaving aside the creepy public surveillance part. Amazon sells you networked surveillance cameras, encourages you to put them inside and outside of your house, promises that you will have control over the footage they capture, then secretly hands it out to cops. In a just world, Amazon would face stiff penalties for lying to its customers about a matter this sensitive. In our world, nothing happens — because local cops across America go to bat for Amazon every time the issue comes up.
Google deceptively captures your location data. It is effectively impossible to opt out of Google location collection. You have to uncheck a dozen or so boxes in different places. Even the senior Googlers who ran Google Maps couldn’t figure it out — they thought they’d opted out, but hadn’t.
In a just world, Google would face stiff penalties for deceiving billions of people who thought they had explicitly told the company not to track their location — but in our world, Google is left alone to do so. I mean, of course — why not? Without Google’s mass harvesting and indefinite storage of surveillance data, cops wouldn’t be able to use “reverse warrants” to go after Black Lives Matter protesters:
(If you think that reverse warrants are good because they were used to prosecute the 1/6 insurrectionists, please consider that the vast majority of reverse warrants are used against progressive protesters).
Facebook deceptively captures your personal communications. You may think your private messages are private, but actually Facebook collects this data and retains it forever. In a just world, Facebook would be punished for this. In our world, Facebook turns over teens’ private chats about procuring a medication abortion to cops seeking to charge an underaged girl as an adult with multiple felonies:
Republicans talk a big game about tech companies being too powerful — but they mean that tech companies shouldn’t be able to do content moderation.
They don’t mean that tech companies should stop collaborating with latter-day Witchfinders General in their hunt for formerly pregnant children to imprison on behalf of the forced birth movement.
A federal privacy bill has been working its way through Congress all year, but it keeps getting watered down to the point of uselessness — or worse, because the bill will preempt good state privacy laws and replace them with a weak federal rule. But that might be moot, because I hear there’s no chance of the bill passing.
This isn’t regulatory capture — it’s legislative capture. Congress and the Senate are thoroughly dependent on the big tech companies, as well as other surveillance giants like the credit reporting bureaux and the military contractors who build and maintain government surveillance systems.
All that might piss you off. It should. But here’s the good news. The great news. When it comes to digital surveillance, America no longer has a regulatory capture problem. That’s because personnel are policy, and the brilliant, fearless Lina Khan is running the FTC.
Khan rose to prominence just five years ago, when, as a law student, she published the earth-shaking law review article “Amazon’s Antitrust Paradox,” which demolished 40 years of right-wing orthodoxy that insisted that monopolies were efficient and beneficial and should be encouraged by governments:
Today, she is chair of the FTC, and she’s taking no prisoners. Instead, she’s instituting new stringent merger guidelines, aggressively pursuing monopolies, and proposing sweeping new regulation that would allow the FTC to step in on privacy where Congress has failed us.
The FTC’s just given notice of a future rulemaking on digital privacy, called the “Commercial Surveillance and Data Security Rulemaking”:
They want to hear from you on a series of hard-hitting questions, including
Are there some harms that consumers may not easily discern or identify? Which are they?
How should the Commission identify and evaluate these commercial surveillance harms or potential harms? On which evidence or measures should the Commission rely to substantiate its claims of harm or risk of harm?
Which areas or kinds of harm, if any, has the Commission failed to address through its enforcement actions?
Has the Commission adequately addressed indirect pecuniary harms, including potential physical harms, psychological harms, reputational injuries, and unwanted intrusions?
Which kinds of data should be subject to a potential trade regulation rule?
Which, if any, commercial incentives and business models lead to lax data security measures or harmful commercial surveillance practices? Are some commercial incentives and business models more likely to protect consumers than others?
How, if at all, should potential new trade regulation rules address harms to different consumers across different sectors? Which commercial surveillance practices, if any, are unlawful such that new trade regulation rules should set out clear limitations or prohibitions on them? To what extent, if any, is a comprehensive regulatory approach better than a sectoral one for any given harm?
As Thomas Claburn writes for The RegisterI “the agency’s decision to use the word ‘surveillance’ rather than a euphemism like ‘data gathering’ or ‘personalization’ suggests the FTC is already inclined to change the status quo.”
You might have heard about the Supreme Court’s ruling in West Virginia v EPA, where Trump’s illegitimate judges used their stolen seats to twist procedure and overturn decades of precedent to say that the EPA was not allowed to take action on climate change unless Congress specifically wrote them a mandate instructing them to do so:
Commentators have focused — rightly — on the environmental consequences of this decision. As Justice Kagan wrote in her dissent: “The subject matter of the regulation here makes the Court’s intervention all the more troubling. Whatever else this Court may know about, it does not have a clue about how to address climate change. And let’s say the obvious: The stakes here are high. Yet the Court today prevents congressionally authorized agency action to curb power plants’ carbon dioxide emissions. The Court appoints itself — instead of Congress or the expert agency — the decision-maker on climate policy. I cannot think of many things more frightening. Respectfully, I dissent.”
But the impact of this decision goes much farther. Expect the commercial surveillance industry to go after Khan and the FTC here, arguing that since the Federal Trade Commission Act of 1914 didn’t mention the possibility of mass internet surveillance, the FTC can’t do anything about it. By that reasoning, of course, the FTC should limit itself to policing the business practices of 1914 and previous. Look forward to a future Republican FTC chair opening an investigation into the build-quality of the Packard Six Phaeton.
The fusion of commercial and state surveillance is baked into the companies’ business models, which rely on the state’s dependence on commercial surveillance data, which, in turn, makes the state unwilling to regulate commercial surveillance.
As my EFF colleague Corynne McSherry said, “The best way to protect your users is to minimize the data you collect, delete what you do collect whenever possible, and encrypt private messages end-to-end as a default. Don’t build it, don’t keep it, and the cops won’t come for it.”
The corollary: if you build it, if you keep it, the cops will defend your right to do so. Chairperson Khan needs all our support. We need to flood that docket — and our reps’ ears — with rejections of commercial surveillance. Because there is no mass state surveillance without mass commercial surveillance — and vice-versa.
Image: Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY 3.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
[Image ID: A floating room whose fall and floor are composed of Matrix-style 'code waterfalls.' On the back wall are the logos of Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Netflix, Airbnb, Tesla and Uber, each superimposed over the glowing red eye of HAL9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey. Standing in the foreground is a character created by merging an old trustbuster cartoon of Roosevelt wielding his 'big stick' with a picture of FCC chair Lina Khan's head. Her head is set amid a 'supernova' effect that halos it with blueish light.]
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I just finished Husband Material by Alexis Hall and the ending has me in deep thought about marriage. A lot of the discussion centered around the emotional health of marriage but I was actually surprised that there was no mention of the economic health. And now I want to know if it's because I am from the USA (the book is set in London).
Is marriage not as powerful as an institution in other nations as it is in the USA? I know in some it is even more powerful and in my view in a negative way as marriage is used as power over women (Yeah, I know that's how it started out in most nations too. Not here to argue that). I am talking marriage here where two consenting adults go into it deciding they want to be with each other til death do them part.
Here are some benefits in the states for married couples:
Insurance-I could be added to my spouse's health insurance for an extra cost if I didn't have it or no cost (depends on how great your company is). This one I am sure is very US-centric as many other nations have universal healthcare. Anyway, you can imagine why this would be such a big bonus in our eyes.
Tax benefits- If my spouse were to die all estate, property, and assets given to me are tax-free. Joint filing is really helpful when there's a large income disparity (for example when I was in school and my spouse was working full time).
Benefits in general-Disability, social security income (income we receive after age 62 that we've paid over time while working), Veteran's benefits, Medicare (health insurance for the elderly). Basically, any money given to my spouse for a benefit they qualify for I could tap into.
Family leave- Don't get me wrong, I don't know of many companies that would deny you taking leave or calling out sick for a friend or boyfriend/girlfriend/partner. But that's sick hours. I get bereavement leave if it's my spouse (not much but hey it's a benefit).
Medical rights- I can visit my spouse in the hospital. I get say over their medical care if they're incapacitated. I can decide how they are buried.
Consumer stuff- there's a lot of discounted stuff for families
School- This isn't one many people think of but it's why my wedding was a small civil court marriage vs a grand wedding. I could not qualify for financial aid because my parents refused to provide tax documents for aid. Even if they had I think it would have been too high of income but my parents never wanted to help me with school financially (it's a very privileged person who has a family that will pay). To remove my dependent status we decided to get married and that is how I was finally able to obtain my dream of going to college in my twenties without taking out 50K+ in private loans.
Court- conversations between my spouse and I are confidential and I will not be charged with a crime for refusing to share it (exceptions apply)
These are just a few I know about. I am sure there is more but I think you get the gist. Marriage is extremely powerful in the USA and it's a big reason why the LGBTQ+ community fought so hard. I remember reading stories about gay couples adopting one another before it was legal as a workaround to get the inheritance and medical benefits married couples do
There are a lot of workarounds to some of these, especially with wills. However, I can't count how many times someone has been screwed over for not being married to someone and the person dies. So I am really curious to hear from people all over if it's similar or really different?
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mariacallous · 1 year
Prime Minister Sunak talks about the need for “compassion” from the government this winter. But how far do social security benefits have to fall before our welfare system descends into a form of cruelty?
Take a couple with three children whose universal credit payment is, in theory, £46.11 a day. However, when their payment lands they have just £35, because around a quarter of their benefit has been deducted to pay back the loan they had to take out on joining universal credit to cover the five weeks they were denied benefit. And an extra 5% has been deducted as back payment to their utility company. According to Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) rules, money can be deducted for repayment of advance or emergency loans, and even on behalf of third parties for rent, utilities and service charge payments.
With gas and electricity likely to cost, at a minimum, £7 on cold days like today, and with a council tax contribution to be paid on top, they find that they have just £25. 80 a day left over, or £5.16 per person, to pay for food and all other essentials. Even if the Scottish child poverty payment comes their way, clothes, travel, toiletries and home furnishings remain out of reach. Parents like them are just about the best accountants I could ever meet , but you can’t budget with nothing to budget with. And that’s why so many have had to tell their children they can’t afford presents this Christmas. No wonder they need the weekly bag of food they get from the local food bank. But they also need a toiletries and hygiene bank, a clothes bank, a bedding bank, a home furnishings bank, and a baby bank.
The DWP has now become the country’s biggest debt collector, seizing money that should never have had to be paid back, from people who cannot afford to pay anyway. In fact, the majority of families on universal credit do not receive the full benefit that the DWP advertises. More than 20% is deducted at source from each benefit payment made to a million households, leaving them surviving on scraps and charity as they run out of cash in the days before their next payment. In total, 2 million children are in families suffering deductions.
When the money runs out, and the food bank tokens are gone, parents become desperate and ashamed that their children cannot be fed, and fall victim to loan sharks hiding in the back alleys who exploit hardship and compound it, and prey on pain and inflame it.
The case for each community having its own multi-bank – its reservoir of supplies for those without – is more urgent this winter than at any time I have known. Since the Trussell Trust’s brilliant expansion of UK food banks, creative local and national charities have pioneered community banks of all kinds offering free clothes, furnishings, bedding, electrical goods and,in the case of the national charity In Kind Direct, toiletries.
In Fife, Amazon, PepsiCo, Scotmid Fishers and other companies helped to set up a multi-bank. It’s a simple idea that could bereplicated nationwide: they meet unmet needs by using unused goods. The companies have the goods people need, and the charities know the people who need them. With a coordinating charity, a warehouse to amass donations and a proper referral system, multi-banks can ensure their goods alleviate poverty.
But the charities know themselves that they can never do enough. With the state privatisations of gas, water, electricity and telecoms, the government gave up on responsibility for essential national assets. But now, with what is in effect the privatisation of welfare, our government is giving up on its responsibility to those in greatest need – passing the buck to charities, which cannot cope.Just as breadwinners cannot afford bread, food banks are running out of food.
Charities, too,are at the mercy of exceptionally high demand and the changing circumstances of donors whose help can be withdrawn as suddenly as it has been given. And so while voluntary organisations – and not the welfare state – are currently our last line of defence, the gap they have to bridge is too big for them to ever be the country’s safety net.
According to Prof Donald Hirsch and the team researching minimum income standards at Loughborough University, benefit levels for those out of work now fall 50% short of what most of us would think is a minimum living income, with their real value falling faster in 2022 than at any time for 50 years since up-ratings were introduced. And still 800,000 of the poorest children in England go without free school meals.
When it comes to helping with heating, the maximum that any family will receive, no matter its size, is £24 a week emergency help to cover what the government accepts is the £50 a week typical cost of heating a home. From April, the extra payments will be even less – just £16 to cover nearly the typical £60 a week they now expect gas and electricity to cost. And then, as Jeremy Hunt says, help with heating will become a thing of the past.
One hundred years ago, Winston Churchill was moved to talk of the unacceptable contrast between the accumulated excesses of unjustified privilege and “the gaping sorrows of the left-out millions”. Our long term priority must be to persuade a highly unequal country of the need for a decent minimum income for all, but our immediate demand must be for the government to suspend for the duration of this energy crisis the deductions that will soon cause destitution.
Ministers have been forced to change tack before. In April 2021 the government reduced the cap on the proportion of income deducted from 30% to 25%. During the first phase of Covid, ministers temporarily halted all deductions. In April, they discouraged utility firms from demanding them, but deductions as high as 30% of income are still commonplace.
There is no huge cost to the government in suspending deductions, for it will get its money back later. But this could be a lifesaver for millions now suffering under a regime that seems vindictive beyond austerity. Let this be a Christmas of compassion, instead of cruelty.
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gothmiqote · 1 month
yk as interesting as it might be to have varha meet azem i actually this it would end up doing a Number on her self esteem lmao
like the idea she has of herself is like,,, Yes she's strong yes she's the "chosen one" butshe also doesn't know for sure she's got a ton going on outside of that. before she was the warrior of light she really was Just Some Guy who had her uses on the field, there's no denying from her that she's a good shot or handy with a glaive. but also those skills don't really roll over into other areas of her life. she still thinks she lacks in a lot of the softer skills--social things largely, but not just those. before she was the warrior of light, she really truly did Not have anyone else in her life (unless you count her one estranged brother who also survived the calamity. she, personally, would not) & couldn't sort out how to properly maintain relationships past a casual depth. it wasn't that she couldn't get along at all, she just never found herself being anyone's first choice. like, she will fully admit to being an attention-seeing kid. to be fair, it makes sense with as many siblings as she had that there would be a need to stand out, she's just never felt like she actually managed to do so.
intellectually speaking, she knows sh's far from stupid & that again, most of her talents really shine in the heat of battle. but like 90% of her friends are basically doctors, & she's aware she would probably have killed the world a long time ago if all the strategizing was left up to her. she'll contribute to these discussions because she's expected to, despite being really goddamn aware she wouldn't be invited to the table without the Very specific circumstances they all find themselves in.
speaking of those friends, it's not lost on her that she wouldn't have them if she wasn't hydaelyn's chosen. maybe they might have crossed paths loosely at some point, but there'd have been no reason to keep her around. having a title like that has its downsides & can definitely be more of a burden than a blessing, but on the whole? she's a bit relieved that she's been able to benefit from it in some more selfish ways (in her opinion). it's a nice change, people having expectations of her & being somewhat interested in her, even if a lot of that interest is directed towards the warrior of light instead of just her as a person. that bit of distance is weirdly comfortable at times. she's not the most emotionally graceful person, usually being too-direct or at a loss for word or reading a situation entirely incorrectly. she's impatient and forceful & is unsurprisingly bad when it comes to navigating environments like sharlayan. the only thing that saves her is the fact that she's Really good at looking confident & making her mistakes appear intentional. having a reputation helps too.
but azem? arsinoë? it's So clear within minutes of meeting her that she doesn't have these same issues. she's the type of person who draws others in without even trying. she's intelligent and witty and doesn't trip over her words (or struggle to find them in the first place). she's able to hold her own just fine in intellectual circles--hell, other people would almost certainly find her intimidating, if she didn't also radiate the type of energy that puts people at ease. there's nothing fake or exaggerated about the confidence she walks around with, and nothing seems to get in her head the same way it does varha. it's the type of inner-security she can only dream of.
i think at first she would want to meet her, just for the novelty of meeting the originator of her soul. i don't think it would cross her mind until it was too late that she actually didn't enjoy doing too much self-examination, and this would be a weird externalized version of that. and of course azem is interested in her--she's interested in a lot of things, but a shard of her own soul from a distant future would be especially fascinating. but varha would start to pick up on just how comfortable she was in her own skin quickly, and it would eat it her. people flock to azem in a way they never did to her Until she had a hero's reputation, until she offered something that was more than she could be on her own. that was when they were willing to look past her short comings. did azem even have those? probably not.
& varha's never been so sick with envy in her entire life, but she's not hateful about it. one, it doesn't make sense & two, she's Also been sucked into that vortex. azem's presence is... a lot, actually. it's domineering in any room--not unkindly, but she's impossible to ignore. she's also just a naturally charming person; there's nothing to hate. but the more varha watches her and searches for similarities, the more she starts to conclude that she seems to have inherited the more negative traits of azem. she's got the same intensity, gets tunnel-visioned about problems, & will Immediately lose her cool if you push her buttons correctly. all of that would be fine if she also got a sliver of that intangible thing arsinoë has that gives her a gravitational pull. she's like the sun, & varha would find herself starting to burn if she stays around too long.
part of her wonders maybe if venat had a hand in making sure the chips fell where they did. somehow she suspects if she were more like azem, she might have some stronger feelings about life or death situations; she might decide there was too much to live for to take certain risks. but if she felt like she was constantly falling short? or like she could have been a stand-in for anyone else? maybe it made her work just that much harder to prove something.
she's not surprised the present hades has such disdain for her. aside from the whole 'going mad from grief' thing, of course. she carries some of the least-loved parts of azem without her same light. standing next to her exposes failures of her personality that she never even knew to look for. varha doesn't dwell on hades' accusations of being a non-person; it's a waste of her time, especially when she knows otherwise. but she definitely feels like a cheap copy when faced with the original. of course, the general disinterest she'd dealt with from people her entire life made sense now. seeing what could have been--what was---makes her immediately understand. even if none of them had Met azem, they would have reacted if she'd resembled her in any way. she could get how losing someone like that would make you want to tear the world up in their name. and varha has people she loves now & who care about her in return, who would definitely mourn her if she were gone, but that type of reaction? nah, nope. they'd get over it in time; the death would be ordinary, as would the grief. which is fine by her, because she actually never Wants to see that level of destruction created for her sake, but still. she gets it.
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mensusaonlinestore1 · 5 months
One cannot deny background check have lot of benefits.
However , it have lot of cons too. It have lot of risks lehally or morally as well.
So, one must have cautioous  while doing background checks.
In some jobs background checks is must necessary thing like the person who will be managing finance , data security things etc and so on.
Why we will need a background check ? May be because of following reasons –
One need to know who the person actually is . Where he actually lives I mean address verfication , his beloging verification  etc and so on. Often people change the city to avoid recognition from fraud. This is pretty important to make sure that you hired the right guy.
Those where extra security required like any position in any business where you will need to manage stockpile of cash positions or manging transactions etc always need special background of candidates who is being hired if he having clean background. If he did not violate any laws or break rules in anywhere. Though background check have limitations within a particular teritory , yet within the teritory it is pretty powerful.
In case of corporate sector , It is very important to check his experience. If your candidate is saying that he have experience of working in some sector , then it is very important to check background while calling the old companies or placements and also their behaviour etc and so on .
But there are lot of restrictions you must obey too in order to do fair background check as well
Make sure that you have candidats authoritty. Once you have interviwed a candidate you asked him/ her that you have permission to do background check of him.
Background check is so really important if you want to hire right people for right work and also want to maintain safety of the people in your office as well as your business and for your campus.
If you have any questions regarding our criminal background check companies services or if you have any dispute regarding our sevices, you can contact us through phone call or email whatever you think is best for you.
You can email us at [email protected]  as well with your queries, we will help you right away.
There are lot of Nationwide criminal background check companies available who will do background check for you, but reliable checks I would say most bullish.
We look forward to work with you.
This article is written by reliable checks who do background verification for candidates, price starting from $29 . All we just need date of birth and social security numbers and we can do the job for you.
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carolinemillerbooks · 5 months
New Post has been published on Books by Caroline Miller
New Post has been published on https://www.booksbycarolinemiller.com/musings/there-is-no-other/
There Is No Other
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The mother sitting across from me at the lunch table sighed when I asked about her daughter.  “She’s thinking about moving to Pennsylvania.  Since she works from home, she can live anywhere.  Rural Pennsylvania seems to be the one place where houses are affordable. “ The dilemma is common. Several of my friends with well-educated children between the ages of 20-35 continue to provide shelter for their offspring. The American dream is a hard slog for younger generations, I’m sorry to say.  Nor am I happy about the state of the planet they are inheriting.   If we older Americans had anticipated climate change, we might have purchased fewer gas-guzzling cars.   Or, maybe not.  Our species has a penchant for choosing present gratification over making plans for the future.  Even so, some of us might have girded our loins to fight climate change sooner. What I ponder at present is whether the older generation is cheating those who have followed. If so, society might rightly adopt the Inuit practice of leaving the frail elderly to die on ice floats.  Fortunately, Michael Hiltzik, writing for the L.A. Times doesn’t think old folks are to blame for the state of the economy. Social Security and Medicare aren’t the oft-cited reasons the young have fewer possibilities.      Most seniors, he reminds us, paid for their Social Security benefits during their productive years. Only the working poor receive more from the agency than their lifetime contributions. Even so, few wish to punish people who struggled all their lives on slave wages. And, as a benefit to all, we should remember that for decades the U. S. government has borrowed from the insurance fund to satisfy other debts. The elderly do receive government assistance to pay for prescription drugs. The tab would be less if Congress allowed Medicare to negotiate with Big Pharma.  Hiltzik points to Joe Biden’s success in reducing the cost of diabetes medication once Congress granted him a waiver. Any perceived schism between youth and age is a false one, the author proclaims. America has more than enough resources to meet all the social needs of all generations. A shortfall exists because of the tax cuts enacted by Republicans for the benefit of corporations and the wealthy.   To support his claim, people remark that in the Dwight D. Eisenhower years, taxes on the rich could reach 91% of income.  However, they forget much of this money was never collected. Scott Greenberg of the Tax Foundation writes that tax laws have long enabled tax avoidance. …the existence of the 91 percent bracket did not necessarily lead to significantly higher revenue collections from the top 1 percent.  As proof, who over the age of 50 has forgotten businesswoman Leona Helmsley’s words? Only the little people pay taxes.  Or, Donald Trump’s brag that he was too smart to pay taxes? Whether Hiltzik’s point about our economics is right or wrong, few deny the super-rich exercise an undue influence over the  government. Elon Musk’s money allows him to imagine he can engage in discussions with Vladimir Putin over the conduct of the Ukraine war. In 1953 multimillionaire Lewis Stauss fed Robert Oppenheimer to the lions when the scientist opposed the construction of the hydrogen bomb. (“The Fallout of J. Robert Oppenheimer’s Story Lingers, an interview with Kai Bird, Concerned Scientist, Volume 23, Fall, 2023, pg. 13.)  Dr. Anthony Fauci’s treatment at the hands of Donald Trump is a recent victim of the same abuse.   Even so, money doesn’t buy happiness.  One Indian philosopher warns most often money buys burnout. (“Groovy.” By Mickey Rapkin, Town&Country, Dec. 2023-Jan 2024, pg. 141.)  Another warns, When you have exhausted everything outside the only way to go is in. (Ibid, pg. 140) Those who take that path of introspection enter a tulgy wood of doubt and shadows. If they finish the journey they may come to realize life has nothing to do with acquisitions. Life is about mergers. When we see an individual not as a competitor but as an extension of ourselves, the way a wave is an extension of the ocean, we stumble upon a moment when a glimpse of universal harmony is possible.   
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bitch1986miami · 7 months
SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook Barb #2 Santa Claus
Too bad my family is too poor to help me think of something special but then again neither does vast social services.. and my psychologist, not even in advance and expected to find a nearly full shelter if in immediate need which is hard and churches don't all have assistance ... and people are left to die on streets because if they are helped all people would strike and stop working, though they enjoy court for criminals of all sorts and apparently live in both horrid jails, nice prisons, etc. I mean, if a relative is not at wit's ends in money, time, thinking, being shy, or whatever, could talk as a sane person to the police maybe which does tax my energy inevitably when denied etc., maybe the social services like for group home type things would possibly talk, maybe even let them stay over for a month or hopefully less until they can "finally" get placed in a nice job that doesn't require like an Art History degree to be a security patrol, or I was thinking working for a NASA museum tour, but I guess I'd just have a miserable time without projecting a Physics or Astronomy degree in this case as they are iffy on if any young person can work at a science museum if they won't major in science... I just made a post on not sure which job and my past job agencies took too long and denied me employment and sent me to volunteer and not much good and for time.. If someone has a rich relative, they may permanently become a potato. Like Social Security benefits, I should have gotten off if not tired on pills I shouldn't have taken in my 20s ... because they actually went out and limited your income allowed if or maybe also just while still on Social Security benefits. No one helped me think that and people who were supposed to help said not to so severely. Of course, my parents were sick and died over 4 or so years and I sorta know why it came about. Cleveland relies heavily on family at least 3 times I was up here and still do and won't think and get in my way socially and it bothers me.. So, in saying I need to accept my treatment and denying my being a good student as a kid etc., their kids are just latching onto family when I was a teenager in the suburbs of New Orleans and the only legal thing was "18 and out" and being psyched out for years it's only good to keep studying if you're a good student.
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timeoverload · 10 months
Thank you all for the kind messages. I appreciate you all.
I was just having a really bad day yesterday. I wanted to rip my hair out and it felt like I had bugs crawling under my skin. I don't know how to describe it. My anxiety is so bad. I don't feel the best today either. I still got up anyway. I took a shower and got dressed. The nurse didn't think I was sick enough to take another full day off so I am going to have to work noon to 5 today. I don't want to work but I don't want to sit in bed all day either. I need some social interaction because I'm lonely.
I hope I can conceal my new tattoo from everyone today with my jacket so I don't get in trouble. My hand is a little bruised so hopefully they don't notice that. I don't want to hide it because I love it and I want to show it off. Hopefully I can show people once it heals. I will just have to lie about when I had it done.
I also need to try to keep saving my money. I spent a lot of my day yesterday trying to figure stuff out to apply for disability. I think it's shitty how some people think it's so easy to get disability and it's really not. It's such a frustrating process. My doctor wasn't as helpful as I thought she would be because she just gave me the address to the social security website and I have to figure it out on my own. They will automatically deny my application if I'm still working full time. I am going to have to go part time in the near future. I will probably only be able to work 10 hours a week. I will lose my health insurance and benefits once I start working part time so I need to try to get all of my doctors appointments out of the way first. It will take at least a year to get approved but it's not guaranteed. I don't know if I can afford a lawyer. I'm scared I am going to get sick again in the meantime and not be able to get treatment because it's so expensive. I'm not sure how I'm going to be able to pay my bills every month because I won't have much money left over to do anything else. It's also going to be a huge pain in the ass to get all of my medical records together and I wish there was an easier way to do it. It's so overwhelming.
I really wish I could get my anxiety under control. I have been thinking about renting a car and going to Missouri so I can smoke something. It's closer than Colorado. It really would help with my appetite because I haven't eaten much in days and it's making me feel like shit. I even ordered food yesterday but I barely ate any of it so hopefully I have more of a desire to eat when I get home later.
I think I'm too chicken to drive down there though. I don't want to get in trouble. I'm scared of driving on the interstate by myself. It's embarrassing because I have been driving for over 10 years now and I have only done it twice. When I was with my ex, he would insist on driving everywhere. I didn't like driving with him in the car anyway because he would criticize me the whole time and scream at me. I remember having to take him to work when he didn't have a car and he was always in such a bad mood. There were a few times that he got physical with me when I was trying to drive and it was so scary so it's amazing I didn't get in an accident.
I've only had one major car accident. I remember I was driving by myself and trying to turn off the highway. I got hit by a truck that was going at least 55 mph. He hit the rear right side of my car. I was so sad because that was my grandma's car and it was totaled. I miss my little Jetta. I thought I had enough time to get out of the way but I wasn't a very experienced driver when that happened. There was an off-duty cop that saw the whole thing happen and he came and helped me right away because I was in shock. I haven't had a lot of good experiences with the police but he was very helpful and I'm glad he was there. The guy that hit me was such an asshole and didn't give a shit if I was ok or not. He was more concerned about his massive truck and he didn't have as much damage as I did. I never even spoke to him and he stayed on the other side of the intersection. Luckily I didn't get too injured. I just had whiplash and bruises from the seat belt. I hate making left turns in front of heavy traffic now so now I go out of my way to avoid that even if it takes me longer to get where I'm going.
It took a long time to get a new car and the one I have now was free because it was my ex's brother's old car. His family bought him a brand new car and they were just going to send it to the scrap yard even though it wasn't in that bad of shape at the time. That was one of the few things my ex's family helped me with and I'm grateful that I have it. I probably wouldn't have a car still if they hadn't given it to me. It was sort of my ticket to freedom because I didn't have to rely on my ex for rides anymore. It's falling apart now but I don't take it for granted. I don't know what I would've done without it. I still think it's fun to drive despite all of the issues it has.
I hope I can try to clean up some more of my mess this weekend. It's really not as bad as it looks in that picture I took last week. I have cleaned up a little bit since then. I am going to take some more trash out and maybe get some of the boxes out of here that I can't use for other things. I'm going to change the sheets on my bed because I bought some new ones and I'm going to throw this mattress pad away because it sucks. I'm not really looking forward to not having one on the bed at all because it was hurting me before which is why I bought one in the first place. It worked for a little while. It would really help if I could do my laundry because most of my mess is just dirty clothes and some trash. I am just going to start boxing up the dirty ones because I don't have anywhere to put them. I don't even plan on keeping all of them. I will probably sell a lot of them at a garage sale or something once I can wash them. I can't afford to keep ordering new ones because I need to save money so I can go part time. I hope we can get a new washing machine sometime soon because I can't get my portable one hooked up. I thought it would work in my bathroom but we can't get it hooked up to the faucet because it's so old and corroded. I would go to the laundromat but I don't know if I have the energy to haul my clothes around. I had a hard enough time trying to take them down to the basement when our washer still worked. I used to have to go to the laundromat when I lived in Florida and it gives me anxiety now because I had some bad experiences.
I'm going to try not to stress out about stuff the rest of the day. I'm doing my best to stay positive. I'm glad I only have to work a few hours and I don't think it will be too crazy when I get there. I should probably stop rambling now. I am going to finish getting ready for work soon because I need to leave around 11:30. Thank you all for listening to me vent about stuff. I hope that everyone enjoys the rest of their day. 💖💖💖
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medley-med · 1 year
What are the exciting facts and myths about Telemedicine?
Telemedicine (also known as telehealth) is when healthcare experts use telecommunications technology to perform healthcare services. This is usually performed in one of three ways.
Firstly, your lab results and medical images might be shared with an expert in another place by a healthcare professional. Second, specialists can monitor your vital signs remotely. And finally, through some kind of social network, specialists can communicate with you via live video chat. Telemedicine benefits are frequently accompanied by telemedicine fallacies.
Here are a few frequent Telemedicine misunderstandings:
1) To diagnose you, a physical examination is required:
This is likely the most common anxiety among patients. You may believe that a physical exam is required to identify and manage an illness, but keep in mind that this is not always achievable. And not everybody can see a person expert, telemedicine can help in this situation. To diagnose you, a professional usually only need your health information and a list of symptoms. Diagnosis is required when your doctor cannot able to identify your disease or identify some serious issues with some of your body parts to scan which will get them more information which is rare otherwise they get easily what disease you have.
2) It’s too Costly:
If you’re afraid of having to pay out your entire savings, you should reconsider. Telemedicine is cost-effective since it not only saves you money on gas and parking but also saves you time in the queue, which adds to your healthcare expenses.
To put this into perspective, if you have a persistent ailment, you will most likely need to see your doctor on a quarterly, if not weekly, basis. You’re paying a lot, though not thousands, of dollars to see a specialist regularly; particularly if you don’t have healthcare.
Platform for Telemedicine means staying at home and can save time and money by avoiding the expenditures of commuting. The only thing you have to pay is the cost of the services you received. For this reason. Telemedicine has a benefit for parents with children: you don’t have to pay for additional daycare like you would if their in-clinic consultation was delayed.
3) My information does not have privacy:
You’re undoubtedly worried about the safety of your very sensitive data. We understand your anxiety and how critical it is for you to have faith in the process. We guarantee you that you have nothing to be concerned about.
Also, doctors collect data that is necessary for your treatment or verification otherwise if you’re going just for a check-up then they will not take any data except very few. Even the policies are so strong that they will not share any of the data with anyone except you.
4) Trust issue on Doctor that is they are genuine or not:
The preceding fallacy leads to this widespread concern: that the physician on the other end of your video chat will not offer you a definitive diagnosis, unlike regular in-clinic doctors. This is not the case. Any doctor who provides telemedicine services is trained and certified to diagnose and treat patients. They will follow that up with you to verify that you are obtaining the finest possible care and that you are happy with how things are going. They may also be monitoring your vital signs, such as sending you heart rate monitors, to verify that your treatment is compatible with any present medical conditions you may have. It is their top priority to keep you secure.
You can also check the degree of expertise of the doctor before visiting or can contact a doctor who is treating some of your relatives as you will get solved most of the doubts there and in most of the cases they are not fake but you can’t deny the fact as well that there are some fake one running clinics.
5) Telemedicine services are only available to me if I don’t have rapid access to a doctor or hospital:
This isn’t correct. Telemedicine is accessible to anybody. Yes, telehealth makes it easier for people who can’t get to a clinic, but it is just one of the benefits of telemedicine. Telemedicine receives and processes care 24 hours a day, seven days a week, but there is no restriction to who can use it. You might not have to wait until another morning to see a walk-in hospital for advice on that persistent cough, and you may not have to wait when you returned from a vacation to get you to ensure that the patient.
MedleyMed is a leading Telemedicine solution base platform where you will get all of your questions answered with our expert doctors. MedleyMed will help you to burst all of your myths and misconception about Telemedicine and also provide so many other services for the same.
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polawyer · 1 year
Maximizing Your Disability Benefits and Housing Options with Expert Legal Advice
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PO Lawyer - How to Maximize Disability Benefits? living with a disability can be challenging, and it can often feel like there are too many obstacles to overcome. However, it is important to remember that there are resources available to help you maximize your disability benefits and housing options. The following guide will explore some of the ways expert legal advice can help you achieve your goals.
Understanding Disability Benefits
If you are living with a disability, you may be eligible for various forms of disability benefits. These benefits can help you cover the costs of medical expenses, housing, and daily living expenses. See Also: Tips For Associate Lawyers Work-Life Balance However, it can be challenging to understand the complex regulations and requirements associated with disability benefits. This is where expert legal advice can be invaluable. An experienced disability lawyer can help you understand the benefits you are entitled to and ensure that you receive the maximum amount of benefits available to you. They can also assist you in preparing your disability claim, which can be a complicated and lengthy process.
Navigating the Housing Market
Finding suitable housing when you have a disability can be a significant challenge. There are many factors to consider, such as accessibility, affordability, and proximity to medical services. Expert legal advice can help you navigate the housing market and find suitable accommodations that meet your needs. Read More: 10 Highest Paying Law Jobs in 2023 A knowledgeable disability lawyer can advise you on your legal rights and help you understand the different housing options available to you. They can also assist you in negotiating with landlords and property owners to ensure that your needs are met.
Appealing Denials
Unfortunately, disability claims are often denied, leaving individuals with disabilities struggling to make ends meet. However, an experienced disability lawyer can help you appeal a denial of benefits and fight for your rights. Appealing a denial of benefits can be a complicated process, and it is essential to have expert legal advice. An experienced disability lawyer can help you navigate the appeals process and present a strong case in support of your claim. Dont Miss: The Benefits of Hiring a Workers Compensation Lawyer: A Comprehensive Guide Living with a disability can be challenging, but it is important to remember that there are resources available to help you. Expert legal advice can help you maximize your disability benefits and housing options, as well as navigate the appeals process if your claim is denied. By working with a knowledgeable disability lawyer, you can achieve your goals and live the life you deserve.
Q1. What are disability benefits? A1. Disability benefits are monetary benefits provided by the government to individuals who have a disability and are unable to work due to their condition. These benefits can be provided through Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) programs. Q2. Who is eligible for disability benefits? A2. To be eligible for disability benefit, you must have a physical or mental impairment that prevents you from working for at least one year. You must also have worked for a certain number of years and paid into the Social Security system to qualify for SSDI. For SSI, you must have limited income and resources. Q3. How can I maximize my disability benefits? A3. To maximize your disability benefit, you should consider seeking expert legal advice from an attorney who specializes in disability law. An attorney can help you navigate the complex application process, gather evidence to support your claim, and appeal a denial if necessary. They can also help you understand the various programs and options available to you. Q4. What are my housing options if I have a disability? A4. If you have a disability, you may be eligible for various housing programs and accommodations. Some options include public housing, Section 8 housing vouchers, and supportive housing programs. You may also be eligible for reasonable accommodations in your current housing, such as modifications to make your home more accessible. Q5. How can expert legal advice help me with my housing options? A5. Expert legal advice can help you understand your housing options and ensure that you are receiving all the benefits you are entitled to. An attorney can help you navigate the application process for housing programs and request reasonable accommodations in your current housing. They can also advocate on your behalf if you face discrimination or are unfairly denied housing based on your disability. Read the full article
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thetldrplace · 1 year
The Road to Serfdom: ch 3
Change of plans. I had said I’d post two chapters each time, but since I’m writing so much on this, I think I’d better keep it to 1 chapter.
3 Individualism and Collectivism
What exactly is socialism? People often understand it to mean the ideals of social justice, greater equality, and security. But it also means the method by which most socialists hope to achieve this goal, and which many people believe is the only method by which they can be attained.  
Socialism means the abolition of private property and private ownership of the means of production, and the implementation of a planned economy in which the entrepreneur working for profit is replaced by a central planning body.  
Some people want the ends, but don't care about the means.
Others see the means as just as important as the end.
Some want the ends, but refuse the means.
Socialism is a species of collectivism and everything that applies to collectivism, will also apply to socialism. Socialism is not only by far the most important species of collectivism or planning, but that it is socialism which has persuaded liberal-minded people to submit once more to that regimentation of economic life which they had overthrown because, in the words of Adam Smith, it puts governments in a position where "to support themselves they are obliged to be oppressive and tyrannical."
A planned economy is necessary to realize any given distributive ideals, but its appeal lies largely in its vagueness. It is essential we should agree on its precise sense before we discuss its consequences.
"Planning" is popular because everyone desires that we should handle our problems rationally, using as much foresight as possible. No rational person is against "planning" in this sense. But this is not the sense that our "planners" mean. They want a central direction of all economic activity according to a single plan, laying down how resources of society should be consciously directed to serve particular ends in a definite way.
The question is whether the holder of coercive power (the government) should confine itself in general to creating conditions under which the knowledge and initiative of individuals are given the best chance so that they can plan successfully; or whether a rational utilization of our resources requires central direction of our activities according to some constructed blueprint.
It's important not to confuse opposition to this sort of planning with a dogmatic laissez-faire attitude. The liberal argument is in favor of making the best possible use of the forces of competition as a means of coordinating human efforts.
Where effective competition can be created, it is a better way of guiding individual efforts than any other. It doesn't deny, but even emphasizes that, in order for competition to benefit us, a carefully thought out legal framework is necessary, and our current system has its faults. It also recognizes that there are areas where it is impossible to make competition effective, and we must resort to other means to guide economic activity.  
Competition is superior because it is in most circumstances, not only the most efficient, but the only method by which our activities can be adjusted to each other without coercive or arbitrary intervention of authority. It dispenses with the need for control and gives the individuals a chance to decide whether the prospects of a particular occupation are sufficient to compensate for the disadvantages and risks connected.  
Restrictions can be placed on industry as long as they are placed equally.  
Competition requires functioning money, markets, and channels of information, some of which can't be adequately provided by private enterprise. An appropriate legal system is necessary too- one that is designed to preserve competition and make it operate as beneficially as possible.
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northhenningsen06 · 1 year
Children, Work and What Is most beneficial Practice
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? Can Costa da prata Managers Compete? That they may use other account managers and even executives to make certain these kinds of are meeting the requirements regarding clients plus the aims of their business. Because account managers have to acquire to know every client on a new personal level. This specific usually happens when your license continues to be suspended and you need to file an SR-22 form to obtain your license back. However, we furthermore need to inculcate a questioning and inquiring mind of which will would like to find out how these automatic processes happen to be run so that we will not necessarily lose our competence over these processes and machines. The end result is that you fail to catch and feel the minute due to the fact you are occupied stressed over various things. For example of this, customers of O2, which is over 25 million people,? Had taken to social media in order to flag difficulty with 4-G, data services and even phone calls. Many leading companies may possibly offer higher costs, but keep in mind that these types of leading companies the majority of likely have pleased customers. In past times, some customers left opinions saying the application gave them reduce scores for behaviors they did not necessarily consider to end up being unsafe.
Above all, we lose each of our independence, or in a situation where our reliance on technology is suddenly cut away from, our company is left with out a basic ability to function as well as survive in typically the world. Nevertheless the actuality is that several classic cars function not fit these stereotypes. Most of the people can? to go a min with checking Facebook or myspace, Twitter or their messages. This enables people to be continually associated, checking Fb, Twitter and some other all of the informal areas that exist today. With regard to example, a report by global tech security found that? the particular average person struggles to look more as compared to 10 minutes with no checking their cell phones? Technology is often changing our exists to make issues easier and far better to them. However, technological innovation has come with several benefits like all those who work within offices, life features become a lot easier with the amount you can do with technology. Certainly not only can a person reduce costs but an individual will learn a great deal also since you ought to have an thought regarding auto insurance plan.
? 안전카지노사이트 do is spend each of our money on technologies but really all we need is really a phone, not the smartwatch or the speaker that you can speak to. Technology is ruining our own day to working day life? s. All of us use technology inside our everyday activity? t and it? s not noticed just how much we use this. I believe, I believe society is simply too dependent on technology like wherever you go technology will end up being there and you may? capital t change that. Numerous people are even reluctant to move far from real estate as there is probably not any service or network coverage. Recent studies of the particular? independent? say? They will believe that described and protected intervals of separation from smartphones - not really unexpected periods of separation - may allow consumers to perform better, certainly not just by minimizing interruptions but furthermore by increasing accessible cognitive capacity? Throughout conclusion, we can? t deny that technological innovation has affected all of us in positive in addition to negative ways because technology is creating. There are still some individuals that are addicted to technological innovation which can possess a negative impact on your psychological health.
Technology is excellent. It helps all of us to have things done, interact with people about the world and contains advanced the lifestyle standards of specific dramatically. An person surviving in rural location must pay much less quantities than some sort of person surviving in city area or possibly say a city. Numerous factors ought to be taken into account in order to maintain the automobile security. 안전카지노사이트 are usually entitled to claim compensation for any kind of accident or damage which can be caused by simply negligence for the element of an personal else or their own property. Depending on the coverage type, the opportunity of coverage varies from body traumas, death, property destruction, even theft plus the insurance supplier will shoulder the expense toward typically the affected party, from times even typically the policy owner is usually covered as okay. 카지노사이트 of the new security devices released on the market are enhanced not singly along with regards to intruder alarms but inside of addition for various other alarms as effectively.
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