#i was going to make one (1) post about the politics but i am weak and bitchy
cassatine · 1 year
I'm not done with the last episode of the season, but here's my first hot take anyway: SaB suffers from a lot of things, and one of these things is narrative cowardice — and more specifically, the refusal to have the Morally Good protagonist not only choose to do something ugly and #problematic but even to contemplate doing so.
Possibly the most striking example of that is having Vasily be offed by the Darkling’s shadow babies. Vasily’s function in the narrative is to serve as a foil to Nikolai: Vasily sucks, he’s a creep and a vocal Grisha hater — all in all it’s made pretty obvious letting him take the throne would be a bad idea. Nikolai, meanwhile, has as clear a case of one true king-ism as can be had, but he’s only the spare heir. In another story, it would have set the stage for our heroic protagonists to grapple with the fact that if they want to spare Ravka from Vasily’s rule and the civil war they fear he would make unavoidable, they have to do something about him, whether straight up killing him, imprisoning him, or something else — but thanks to Darkles conveniently doing the killing, our heroic protagonists don’t have to do something about The Vasily Problem. They don’t even have to start grappling with it at all.
Another example is, of course, Mal’s death (not that he's dead for realz lol). Now, I am a slut for trolley problem-style ethical quandaries, so something like ‘should I sacrifice someone I love to gain the power to save untold numbers of people’ is my jam, and I can honestly appreciate the frantic search for loopholes in the face of it. (As a slut for #problematic female characters, I am kind of disappointed that while Alina does her ‘oh woe be me for wanting power’ routine she never actually is shown to be tempted to off Mal for power, like if you’re gonna go there then fucking go there, but oh well win some lose some). Still, for the trolley problem-style ethical quandary to truly hit, the frantic search for loopholes has to end in failure, bringing Alina back to ‘should I sacrifice someone I love to gain the power to save untold numbers of people’ with the heavy knowledge that there are no loopholes and that this is a choice that must be made, however ugly and soul-destroying it may be. But since this is a story written by cowards, once again our heroic protagonist is spared making an ugly decision by none other than Darkles, who nearly offs Mal, leaving Alina with but a shadow of the OG quandary (‘now that someone I love is dying, should I use their death to save untold numbers of people or not’).
Using a villain to spare the protagonist from doing something ugly isn’t exactly original, nor is it wrong per se: it’s an old trick, and such tricks exist to be used. It’s just that those tricks shouldn’t be turned into a cheat code either, and repeatedly using a villain to spare a protagonist not only from doing ugly things, but from even having to contemplate having to do ugly things? That’s a cheat code, and it’s cowardice, and worst of all, it’s boring.
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pansear-doodles · 4 months
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Let me get things out of the way first: I've seen a lot of misinformation being passed around, on twitter especially where a lot of folks jump into conclusions more so they can find a reason to be angry. This thread will clear things up.
Yes. Ludeo is very much a company with zi*nist views. This is a screencap of a post made AFTER Is*ael made an attack on Palestine. For those who think initially: "they're just run by folks from Is*ael" then here's proof that they're actively agreeing with genocide.
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Videocult and Akupara DID NOT KNOW Ludeo had zi*nist views at the time they started collaborating, which dates from last year. It's only NOW that it's brought to attention by the RW community. They are working on arrangements in private as we speak.
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The collab has caused a lot of complications, as it is pretty much one of the reasons why the game's price is upped. Our voices have already reached them- they're very well aware that we are NOT happy with this.
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The feedback has of course reached the RW official server mods as well, and guess what: They didn't know until they were told. This is the first time they heard of this and they are very much making is very obvious that they do not agree with zi*nist views.
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Unfortunately a lot of people thought them shutting down the server and any discussions of this whole event is "silencing" Let's be real here. NOBODY in the community wanted this, and it is very stressful to deal with all of this. Mods are 1% of the server population and-
-they are human too. People have called them spineless which is pretty pathetic. They have to babysit 50K+ MEMBERS everyday and they don't need to deal with anymore upsets. And sending your concerns to them is pointless- give your feedback to videocult and akupara instead!
As someone with modding experience elsewhere, I cannot imagine handling a server as big as that. People were sent FUCKING DEATH THREATS and they think this will solve anything??? At this point, it's just people trying to find the closest proximities to be mad at.
It is pointless and I am so tired of mods being called weak when they're just doing their job and hate Ludeo as much as everyone else. I doubt these people don't know what its like to be a mod. Creating a strike in a server where its supposed to be chill isn't the way.
The mods even directed the people more useful and more impactful ways to send the feedback across. This isn't silencing. People are just too angry to think straight and just wanted chaos as the option- when in reality its going to do more damage than good.
The server is a getaway place- it is not a server about politics- it is about a fucking video game. It is not the way to get the feedback in the way that actually matters. The staff openly announced the situation and showed their views so they're not trying to hide it.
Anyway, if it isn't clear. I hate zi*nists too. I hate colonialism. I hate using religion as an excuse to hurt and belittle people. I want people of Palestine to be free and I am hopeful that their freedom will come.
Yet people are ripping out those who are on the same team as them, spreading vitriol and misinformation. Please, twitter, think and cite your sources. To think only in anger will fog your senses and do more harm than good.
The mods are passionate folks and they do their job for free, just to make a safe environment. You may disagree with them sometimes, but I think it is stupid to outright call them ignorant or zi*nists themselves.
It *is* unfortunate that the devs and publishers didn't do enough background check, but at least they took our feedback into incredible consideration. We are not stopping our disagreement of integrating Ludeo, until something is done about it. Let's wait for more updates.
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bestworstcase · 5 days
@tumblingxelian from here
As the person who started the "Give that girl a cult" tag, I kind of disagree. RWBY Beyond already made it clear Ruby has a lot of people focused on her in a Great Uniter sense. Add in how many issues she's been having and judging by the movie continues to have with playing the role needed of her. & that there's a nationalistic/fascist movement being aided by the villains & I feel like Ruby being admired not playing into it makes zero sense. The memes of Jax just screaming in frustration cos Ruby is much, much, much closer to the icon he only pretends to be are just memes and not realistic expectations for the volumes story. I should also clarify, cult was just picked cos "Fan club" doesn't have the same connotations.
mm to clarify where i’m coming from, my main point of disagreement with the "ruby gets a [celebrity] cult" angle is with Where and How it will have narrative impact (i think ruby’s celebrity will be more of a personal stumbling block for her tied into the summer rose mystery and an issue that exacerbates the nascent civil war, not smth she can take advantage of in the political conflict vs the crown) and how prominent it’ll be in terms of the amount of specific focus put on people adoring her.
but the main bone i have to pick is with specifically the "ruby is literally going to be deified / silver-eyed ascended savior / tea as communion wine" type stuff (like this other anon) where "cult" is being used explicitly to mean religious veneration. THIS variant makes me want to bite people 
but anyway, to your actual points: i get that the jax meme-ing is largely exaggerated joking around, but at the same time the main thrust of all the real speculation in this vein is that ruby’s celebrity functions to set up a personal conflict between herself and the asturias twins and strengthens her coalition’s hand against the crown because she’s admired, an inspiration to the people, etc. 
in the same way that "salem’s gonna show up a year late with starbucks to explain her ninety step plan for beating the gods" is an unserious joke that follows from things i do seriously believe, that salem’s ultimate goal is to get rid of the brothers and the heroic side will hear her side of the story as probably the last major narrative turning point… no one is joking about jax going "NOOOO!!" while he bleeds supporters to ruby’s accidental cult of personality because they don’t think her celebrity is going to play a meaningful part in defeating the crown, yeah?
i’m also using the memetic joke phrasing in the prev post mainly because i didn’t want to just repeat stuff i’d already said in the one right before, but—well, okay:
1 - the crown isn’t a vanity project. jax is arrogant, but he does also fundamentally believe that he’s doing what is best for his nation; it’s an ideological project. and the ideology is more or less, "vacuo was broken and exploited by foreign invaders long ago. outsiders and those who aren’t willing to fight to the death for vacuo make this nation weak; to become strong again, loyal vacuans must band together to get rid of these people and fight for ourselves and our way of life." when jax imagines the "old ways," he envisions himself as the kind of king who holds himself equal to all his people ("he wasn’t going to hold himself above them")—he’s tying himself in a mental knot here to hold this belief while also putting half his forces under mind control, obviously, but the cognitive dissonance here is buried very deep. 
2 - the MAINSTREAM, NORMATIVE city vacuan cultural view—expressed by many different vacuan characters, including sun—is "we lost our identity and our way of life because people were too soft and content; we let the other kingdoms come here and take what they wanted, and then they left us with nothing but sand, heat, and bitter memories. but hardship and fending for ourselves for so long has made us strong, so we don’t need anyone telling us what to do!" <- i am condensing but much of this is lifted verbatim from the speech sun makes to rally eleventh hour support against the crown. in that speech, he rhetorically equates the twins to the "other kingdoms" who, like the crown, "promised prosperity and paradise."
3 - now. i don’t believe rwby is going to play straight this idea that vacuans were to blame for the conquest of vacuo, because a) the nomadic vacuans in after the fall hold very different cultural attitudes, b) in the 9.11 animatic oscar explicitly refers to all this as a "history of colonization," and c) rwby doesn’t blame faunus for being persecuted or the people of mantle for being repressed, why would vacuo be different?—these are cultural views that i expect to be challenged in v10.
4 - notice how similar these normative/mainstream views are to the crown’s ideology! the crown is more extreme, more violent, but it’s really not that far off from stuff the good-guy vacuans say. before the 9.11 animatic, this was the whole basis for my thinking that the crown would be the arc antagonists in v10—at the end of the book, the defenders turn the tide by flipping the nationalist rhetoric around; ideological victory to the crown. dump tens of thousands of refugees from another kingdom into this situation, and what happens? popular support for the crown explodes. 
5 - BTE is a villain origin story. it’s just the prelude that sets the stage for this explosion of popular support; the main event is in v10, and i think this time the crown is going to be much stronger. in the book, it’s a fringe movement extremists and a roughly equal number of unwilling "recruits" under jax’s thrall, but almost every city vacuan character we meet expresses hostility toward "outsiders" and "traitors" and a lot—not all, but a lot—of what the crown believes is normalized to some extent; a really significant number of vacuans were just one refugee crisis away from breaking for the crown. vacuo has had two refugee crises in swift succession and there’s atlesian and mistrali warships allied with the faction that welcomed the refugees flying over vacuo now.
6 - it doesn’t matter that those foreign ships are there to defend vacuo too; vacuan nationalism is grounded in centuries of colonial occupation and the optics are really, really bad for the coalition. here is what jax is going to be screaming from the rooftops: "half or more of vacuo’s population is outsiders now, people from atlas and vale who never lifted a finger to help us but expect us to sacrifice everything to save them—give up our food and water when we scarcely have enough to sustain ourselves, give up our homes, spill our blood and defend them with their lives. they’re weak, pathetic cowards who came running to hide behind us instead of fighting for their kingdom, and they expect us to believe they’ll fight for us when the time comes? no, they’re just here to do what the other kingdoms have always done to us—they’re the real threat. are we really going to sit by and let these foreign invaders take our country from us again?"—and a lot of vacuans are gonna buy that bullshit.
7 - not least because a lot of it is… kind of true. vacuo has a very long, very real history of suffering at the hands of these other kingdoms whose people it is now being asked to make very real sacrifices for. both CFVY novels emphasize that food and water are already scarce before the kingdom doubles in size and vacuo is weathering onslaught after onslaught of grimm because of the refugees. it’s a really tough situation, and for someone like jax it is a massive political windfall because it’s so easy to twist that reality into a justification for hatred and violence.
here’s what really stands out to me about the 9.11 animatic and ruby’s celebrity in B4:
nora’s section: establishes that the vacuans are really angry, like "throwing junk at small orphaned children in a screaming rage" angry
oscar’s: the shade coalition is holding on by its fingernails against grimm drawn to the city in droves.
ren’s: the asturias twins get broken out of prison, and he reflects that salem has the advantage because it’s easier to exploit fear and anger than to overcome them. 
winter’s: popular support for the crown is booming ("atlas go home" and "long live the crown" grafitti)… and then the second refugee crisis arrives, provoking what is quite likely another days-long unrelenting assault of the city by grimm. also, when the shade coalition isn’t running itself into the ground fighting grimm, they’re distributing food and water to refugees. (=the crown’s talking point here is "see? they only care about helping THEM, not US")
qrow’s: he feels optimistic because he sees the refugees coming together, trying to support each other through this crisis and atone for past wrongs. the old divide between atlas and mantle is healing. every single character in this section is a refugee, and the "remember her message!" mural seems to be something the happy huntresses organized. 
"it was a relief for us," says nora of reaching vacuo, "but for the vacuans…"
and boba: yang takes ruby to specifically a boba shop that relocated from patch to vacuo after vale was evacuated; so this is likely a neighborhood where a lot of valean refugees settled and that means the vacuans who live here are going to mostly be the type of people who were willing to open their community and absorb that second wave of refugees, i.e. the shade coalition’s support base, people like the nomadic vacuans in ATF who would never be swayed by jax’s rhetoric at all because they weren’t already xenophobic… which BTE implies pretty strongly is a minority position within vacuo proper.
B4 is a character-driven piece focused on ruby’s personal struggle, and the beyond spots are all pretty light, pretty hopeful, and pretty opaque about the situation in vacuo for reasons of being optional side content.
the 9.11 animatic, on the other hand, was meant to be an episode of the show proper, so it does not hold back on the foreshadowing / setup at all: from nora to ren to winter there’s a pattern of escalation with vacuan support for the crown gaining ground, getting louder and bolder, and then qrow’s optimistic conclusion is focused very tightly on the refugees, with an acknowledgment that things are "bad, probably never been worse" beyond the small good he chooses to focus on… which conspicuously does not include any vacuans participating in these small acts of kindness or atonement: it’s klein and willow and the happy huntresses looking out for other refugees.
here’s what i think is going to happen with ruby’s celebrity in v10: the refugees from atlas and mantle will adore her—she’s the girl who rallied the whole world to come help them, and got them out alive when salem attacked and their general lost his mind. the refugees from vale will love her—she’s theirs, after all, born and raised in vale, and look at what she’s started. the minority of vacuans who threw open their doors to welcome the refugees will think the world of her—if atlas hadn’t fallen so quickly, these are the people who would have done whatever they could to send help, and her example is an inspiration. 
and the rest of vacuo is going to fucking hate her. she’s the girl who asked the whole world to come running to help atlas and then the very next day dumped atlas and its problems into vacuo’s lap. is it fair to pin the blame for everything on ruby? fuck no, but she’s the face of this crisis for better and worse.
she’s not a threat to jax; he literally could not ASK for a more perfect scapegoat. she’s the girl from beacon who abandoned her school instead of fighting to save it. (<- explicitly how the crown and basically the entire shade student body views the beacon survivors.) she’s the girl who begged the world to come help atlas and then not even a full day later ran away AGAIN, dumping atlas on vacuo. she’s the reason the sky is crawling with atlesian and mistrali warships. she’s the reason grimm attacked the city every few days for months on end. the satellite she used to send her message is a fuckoff huge battleship looming over vacuo now. she keeps asking vacuans to set aside their differences and work together with the tens of thousands of refugees burdening the kingdom, and all of those refugees think she’s the best thing since sliced bread…
i think ruby will be a polarizing figure—possibly divisive enough that her return might be the final straw that rips the kingdom in half. ’cause like. the people with the most reason to admire her are also the ones the villainous nationalist group despises and wants to get rid of, and the 9.11 animatic flags hard that the crown’s support among vacuans has skyrocketed since the refugee crisis began. they’re not a fringe group anymore.
so on the one hand, the pressure put on ruby is going to be orders of magnitude more intense than ever before because she’s a celebrity beloved by the coalition’s supporters, most of whom are refugees, and between that and finding out vale is just gone now right after getting back, to judge by her characterization in rwby x jl2, ruby is NOT going to be coping well in the wake of her resolution to be all summer was and more. 
and on the other hand, to the crown’s supporters, who could very well now be the majority of vacuans living in the city proper, she’s the perfect scapegoat and they’re going to utterly despise her, inflaming the existing divide and maybe splitting what fence-sitters still remain at this point one way or another. ruby is both the girl who united the world and the girl who tore vacuo apart—rwby does love its contradictions!—which is a) not going to help her mental health situation at all, and b) a problem she and the rest of the shade coalition can only solve by winning the ideological argument. 
to put vacuo back together again they need to beat the idea that "outsiders" make vacuo weak and therefore to be strong vacuo has to drive out everyone deemed un-vacuan. more to the point, they’ll need to overcome the feeling that vacuo is suffering because the rest of the world came together for the refugees. which… is difficult and unfair, because the crown are the ones refusing to play ball and making everything harder than it needs to be, and because if the crown goes into open revolt then the coalition is going to have to fight back and that will make it even harder to make a convincing case that the coalition really does want to be fighting for vacuo, for all vacuans, not against them. it SEEMS impossible. but saving everyone in atlas and mantle seemed impossible, too. 
also, waves vaguely, i expect the vacuo arc will mirror atlas in various ways and this is one of them: the ascendant political movement are bad guys this time, reactionary nationalists, and the heroes are going to defeat them the hard way, no cheating, which will incite the healing of vacuo.
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itsraven0v0 · 2 months
Could you please do Krauser with an s/o that loves to cook and take care of him?
Ask and you shall receive~
B4 u read: there is another headcanon I've planned for him(both sfw and nsfw) that I might MIGHT post. I kinda want that one to be special and unique since there r so many of em so it will take a while.
This one is just fluff. Enjoy
Let's be honest here, despite all our demons and f*cked up edges, we are all sweethearts here. Anyone who can love the fictional men we love has a heart of gold.
It doesn't really matter how you were living before, what was your job, you two are now here. Your job required you to work with US SOCOM for a while and a certain major happened to be assigned to work with you. He was butt hurt at this at first but he knew better, he had to obey the orders. For a while you two just merely knew of eachother existence. Well...atleast it was this way for Krauser. but this didn't last long when you started to show him kindness.
It started with bringing him coffee or sweets when you brought yourself some in the morning. Hoping that would make his brows soften and him less grumpy.
Krauser was confused at first because, surprisingly you guessed his coffee right. Lucky guess huh? His favourite snack too But bro he snapped when you invited him home and made his favourite food.
Like what in the super stalker! This can't be just a lucky thing.
"Alright you say who you are right now or you are not picking up that spoon, ever."
But his tensed shoulders eased up a little when you started cackling and told him that a certain rookie of his helped you find out a food he likes.
After that u guys started to go to eachother houses alot. Working on your shared job till 4 am and then passing out on the pile of pepper work.
Then he would wake up to the smell of breakfast and the sound of your kettle along with a warm feeling of...home. something he longed for and forgot among the coldness of the army. You'd greet him with a big bright smile and his knees got weak!
(This para is for my fellow smokers.) Sometimes you smoke and he would shoot glances at you when he thought you wouldn't notice. Sometimes he would light your cigarret himself when yours didn't work. You asked him if he smokes too since he has a lighter but he just shook his head and said he quit a while ago.
Krauser didn't notice it comming at all but one day he found himself looking for your face among the people with bland green uniforms and that's when he realized smth was up with him...
I headcanon this man as a typa person who would be like "who said we were friends" but then would show up at your door at 1 am well because... the reason he says may vary but they all mean he misses you and you are all for it.
You'd pat this guys head as if he isn't a super intimidating WAR MACHINE and he can't really do anything about it. You are touchy and he has gotten used to it. You are also damn praising and soft towards him. You may be polite to others but you treat him wayyyy softer.
Things were going pretty...good between the two of you. No it wasn't cupcakes and rainbows he was an army man he had a rough shell that you worked so hard to break through but things were beginning to look good...His face begin to soften when looking at you....however your shared assignment soon ended when he was assigned to an important operation.
Part 2 anyone?👁
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emimayooo · 18 days
Emi in Japan (2024) – May 30th to June 5th
(Link to Day 1) (Link to Day 2/3) (Link to Day 4) (Link to Day 5-6)
Hey guys,
Wow, it's been a hot minute since I've last journaled! I've just been soooo busy, but I've finally had some time to sit down and write.
Here are some highlights:
I finished my bachelor's degree! Next semester I'm off to post-grad because I am Not Sane! Fandom studies, here I come.
I met up with my fandom friend two more times before she goes home. The first, she came to my hometown, and the second, we went to Yokohama's Chinatown! We've had such a blast hanging out with each other IRL<3
I reunited with Tom, the love of my life. He's a five pound toy poodle who jumps like a bunny. I would die for him.
Now, onto the nitty gritty!
May 30th: Emi the Host
On Day 8, my fandom friend R visited my hometown!!! I was soooo friggin' excited that she was coming, especially since it was the first time a friend had ever visited me here.
Wearing my favourite sunhat, I went to meet her at the station. When she arrived, we walked to one of my favourite cafés, Chako. It's a loghouse with a super cute interior & exterior. Every time you go, they serve you a different tea cup. I just love it.
I had the margherita pizza and Vienna coffee (my second cup of coffee in my life!), while my friend had curry and an iced latte. It was very yum. And I paid, because in Japan, it's polite to let the host pay, because we're the one responsible for you! So let me pay, boy🫵🤡
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Afterwards, we ordered bubble tea and visited the local shrine. My friend insisted on paying for a small keychain I wanted, and while I resisted, I lost the battle when she brought up the strong USD lol. I just can't resist a good bargain...
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I initially wanted to take my friend to a park, but it seemed like it was going to rain, so we went back to my place. When I asked Jiji (grandpa) if he wanted to say hi, he said he was feeling too weak, so we went to the granny flat where I live without introducing them to each other.
While in the granny flat, we cooled down with the aircon on, snacked, and chatted about WIPs. My friend freaked the fuck out when I showed her my 90k draft for the longfic that made us friends LOL it was so cute and motivating. We also chatted about potentially co-writing a Sylvgrid fic together! Very exciting stuff.
While we were chatting, my grandpa came in! And he said he cooked for us motsu-ni (offal stew)! And oh my goodness it tasted so good and my friend loved it! And then he chatted with her with me as the interpretor, bragging about how handsome and cool he was in his youth. Oh Jiji XD!
I then walked my friend back to the station and waited with her until her train arrived. We said our goodbyes and promised to meet up again, which you will read about soon hehe!
June 1st: Tom, Beloved
On June 1st, I reunited with Tom the Toy Poodle. Guys, I'm in love with this dog. I want to kidnap him and take him home with me to Australia, he's just that cute! God, he's making me remember my Dog Person phase, which lasted until I ended up having my own cats. Now I love dogs, but worship cats.
Just look at him. HOW IS HE REAL???
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June 2nd: And So It Ends
June 2nd was Hardcore, baby, for I worked on my last assignment for my bachelor's degree. I fought shitty weather, shitty wifi, and recorded my presentation inside the truck because the reception inside the granny flat is God Awful, but I did it. I did the damn thing. I Finished University.
But because I’m a clown I’m doing post-grad to study fandom wish me all the luck you have besties LOL🤡
For my thesis, I’m hoping to explore the cultural tensions between Eastern and Western fandom, specifically in terms of how religion has an impact on it. You know, what with antis mirroring the mindset of conservative cultural Christianity. We’ll see how I go with that!
For dinner, I went out with my mum and her two friends. I became so shy because they couldn’t stop gushing over how cute I was lol I am not kidding or bragging they just would Not Stop😅. Is this how Apple Pie feels when I smother her? Lol.
I'm starting to reach the age where my perpetual singleness is Notable. So of course, developments in my love life were inquired after. I told them I'm not that interested in romantic relationships. Which is true! My ideal life partner is a platonic one, since I'm aspec. I do have crushes, though, so I can see myself being in a romantic relationship. But I'd be perfectly happy never being romantically partnered for the rest of my life. I think I'd also be happy partnered with children. Either way, nae bother!
But yes, one of them definitely seems to have clocked that I'm surely some flavour of Queer, since she was like "so, you're not that interested in having a boyfriend–or whatever else–but it's friendship that's important to you?" and I was like "yep :D" and she was like "that's okay! you're still young after all" and I was like ":)". But we shall see how my love life, whether it be platonic or romantic, turns out.
June 3rd: It's So Flyday, Flyday, Chinatown!
On June 3rd, I met up with my fandom friend in Yokohama's Chinatown for one last meet-up! As ever, we had an absolute blast together. We explored the main road as well as the more hidden alleyways of Chinatown, until we found a cozy looking restaurant that was away from the hustle and bustle and the tourist crowd. My friend speaks some Mandarin, so it was really cool to see her talk with the waitress, haha. Now I know what my friends feel like when we go to Japanese restaurants together!
We had dim sim, this super yum fried tofu dish, and these chive pancakes. I loved it all, honestly!
After lunch, I got to pet the dogs who belonged to the people behind us. When we were eating, I kept sparing glances at the doggies lol (a dachshund and a jack russell) because omg were they so well-behaved and adorable in the dog pram. Just so so cute.
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To sign off our day in Chinatown, I asked my friend to get a caricature of us drawn, which she thankfully said yes to! While I can't show you the art because, well, it looks just like us LOL, do know that it's suuuuper adorable. I have a collection of caricatures for whenever I visit a new place, but this is the first one I've had drawn with another person. I'm kinda hooked lol now I want caricatures drawn with all my loved ones.
My friend and I said our final goodbyes, since she's leaving soon. I am so, so glad I got to meet her IRL, and I'm sure we'll see each other again, whether it be in Japan, the States or Australia<3.
(Side note: My grandpa needs to go under another round of radiation therapy, so my mum will be staying in Japan until the end of the mouth, instead of the planned June 4th. While I'm sad Jiji's gotta go through it again, I'm glad mum will be around! It's been nice spending time with her, for both me and Jiji.)
June 4th: Chillin' & Catchin Up'
June 4th was chill! What with uni being over, I find myself with a lot more free time. I went into Chichibu to browse the local BOOK-OFF, a secondhand store which sells books, CDs, figures, video games, you name it, they got it. I found a Sanji figure that I thought my dear friend @homelygrantaire would like and so I bought it on his behalf, before I then sent it off to their address. I learned a lot about international shipping in Japan from that experience, which is good for me to know, since I'm sure I'll need to send stuff back because Japan is shopping paradise right now LOL.
For lunch, I had this super average savoury crepe at a Gelato place. I should've just ordered gelato lol but I wanted a proper lunch and for some reason, most places are closed on Tuesdays here. But to make up for it, I got my favourite bubble tea and tried out a bakery I'd never been to before. I chatted with the elderly owner and found out that they'd been in business for 40 years. Wowza!
Once I got home, I caught up on my belated crit letters for the Fanauthor Workshop. Thanks for your patience, guys! I loved reading all your pieces.
(Btw, writerly mutuals, you should totally sign up for the asynchronous summer session so you can join us and make soooo many friends. Applications end June 14th!)
June 4th: I...WROTE?!
And so this brings us to today! Not much happened. Mum and I went to this AMAZING Chinese restaurant that is world class quality. Seriously, the owner trained as a chef in Ginza, Tokyo's luxury district. The man knows how to cook!
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Once I got home, I helped my mum and Jiji spread weed-killer lol which was a first. Then I had an afternoon nap. Night time, I realised I had free time...AND SO I WROTE!
Yes, besties, you read that right: I'm writing again! Woo!
I don't think I've written in like a month and half so it's been great getting back into it. I ended up revising my galeheart fairy tale au, which I hope to have finished sometime soon. I'm so sick of it living in my drafts, unposted, when it's so close to being done ugh. Hopefully it'll be out by the end of this month!
Thanks for reading my journal, guys. Each entry is getting longer and longer lmao but I hope you enjoy reading them, nonetheless. See you next time!
With love,
Emi xoxo
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sevdrag · 1 year
spoilers: i am an engineer
hello tumblr, and welcome to the most well informed shitpost you're going to see today: some Fun With Data involving the Harry Du Bois vs Vriska poll that just went around.
We started watching the poll just as the swing in votes started to happen, and as such, we're missing some crucial data I'll be upfront about. The poll started at noon, and we didn't start taking in information until the percentages started to change, at 13:53, so we don't have information on total vote count for the first 2 hours of the poll. And in the rush to nerd out about this, our first few data points of the vote swing - where you see the most change - didn't have total vote count either. There is also a brief period where I had to take my cat to the emergency room, and a longer period where my ass slept because this is just a silly tumble poll. Those present as straight lines in charts like this, but keep in mind, they could have had wild variation for all I know. However, based on the results, I doubt it. Big thanks to @smolalienbee and @pass-the-salt and I think @orderlyhouse for screencapping this data and relentlessly spamming the discord with it so that I could put it in this spreadsheet like the nerd I am. (do YOU have screencaps? DM me!)
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Early on in polls like this when total vote count is low, you expect to see big swings -- with 4000 votes total, for example, the amount you need to swing a vote 1% is 80 people. As these go up, however, obviously, the amount of votes needed to swing 1% increases. By the end of this poll, 1541 tumblr users would have had to make UNCOUNTERED votes, that were NOT cancelled out, to move the poll 1%.
According to our data, the swing you see above took place over a two-and-a-half hour period. For the remaining 20 hours of the poll, votes one way or the other weren't significant enough to be seen in the tumblr results.
For those who are interested, our first data point showing the 50/50 split hits at 16:21, when total votes were at 14194. From this point on, voters would have needed at least 248 UNCOUNTERED/NOT CANCELLED OUT votes to change the poll a single 1%. Just numbers to keep in mind! We talk about this at the end :)
Any winning margin smaller than 248 would, therefore, not register to tumblr. Keep in mind that by the end of the poll this number was 1541 votes required to swing a percentage, because the total vote pool grew so heavily.
In the end, as it turns out, after 77,019 votes, the poll was won with a margin of only 618 votes. final percentages were, surprisingly neatly, 50.4% v 49.6%. Won by 0.8%! Now that's a close poll.
(thanks to @mio-nika for grabbing these and @smolalienbee for confirming!)
Because I was additionally curious, and a huge nerd, I wanted to go in and calculate votes per minute to see whether there was anything weird going on. I am going to be polite and put this under a cut to save your dash from my utter nerd joy, but I have caveats to put in here first.
The first thing to keep in mind is that your data is only as good as your collection method! In our case, it was a very unprofessional method that went: someone took a screencap and posted it in Discord, and I entered it into a spreadsheet with the time entered as whatever time Discord registered it. While this ended up being pretty accurate for a 24-hour poll, it presents the problem that will come up when we start talking about votes per minute: I only could measure in increments of a minute, because getting into seconds here would have been (a) impossible and (b) super overkill. However, that means that there's more noise in the votes-per-minute data because everything is assumed to be in increments of 1 full minute. Good scientists acknowledge the weaknesses of their data sets as they do their analysis! (Source: I worked in research for 15 fucking years lol.)
Here is my ESTIMATE of votes per minute at each of the data points taken above. The green trendline is a rolling average that tells the story of the poll, more or less: Lots of quick voting at the beginning, calming down over the (American) evening, then ramping back up at the end. Much like we'd expect, I think.
(And again, remember that the bit in the middle where Americans AND Europeans were asleep presents as a straight line here but could be ALL over the place. We don't have that data because we were sleep like good feral grownups.)
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The noise at the beginning, I suspect, is again because I'm measuring over small and discrete increments of time. However, unless Tumblr wants to help me develop an app dumping real-time poll results into my EXCEL 24/7, there's no reasonable way I can see to get around this. Because of the noise there's a big standard deviation on here that I'm too lazy to really dig into because I did all of this while I was supposed to be working for the government, so imagine your error bars appropriately.
So what does this mean?
Well, let's make a couple assumptions for conversational purposes. Looks like people were voting at about 50 votes per minute during the slow times, and up over 100 votes per minute during the fast times.
At the beginning of the 50/50 period, we would have needed 248 votes one way to see the percentage change. Votes per minute at this point were flying, at about 100 votes/minute. That's only (the equivalent of) 3 minutes of voting time that would have had to go SOLID for either Vriska or Harry to produce a 1% change we could see on the face of the poll. And while we certainly weren't watching it live, the density of our data for the next hour or so was pretty solid, and we didn't see a 1% change. We have screencaps, baby! 248 votes going one way or the other at this particular point is chump change at that speed, so it IS surprising that we didn't see more scatter around 49/51 for an hour or so before things settled in.
In fact, I would stretch to say it's unusual to have seen such an even curve as the percentages changed on their way to 50/50, in a case where a few minutes' worth of solid voters could still have an impact, but as this is the first time I've ever done anything like this on a fucking tumble poll, I am not putting money on that either.
If someone wants to pay me, I am more than happy to become a tumble poll expert!
At the end of the poll, votes were also flying in, on average about 80 votes per minute. At this point, we would have needed over 1500 votes one way or another to see a last-minute shift. That's (the equivalent of) 19 solid straight minutes of every single voter picking the same candidate. So at the end it is NOT surprising to not see any 49/51 fluctuation. This is why once polls settle in, they so rarely change. It's just statistics.
So, Sev. Was this poll botted? I don't fucking know. We all need to go outside. However, if you're going to make drama on it, please do it on this post so that I can see. I'm getting laid off in 2 days and I would love the distraction and entertainment!
And a big thanks to @handwrittenhello for all the work they put in to this, and personally for providing me with an opportunity to spend a day doing one of my favorite things: working with data in Excel!
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spacebarbarianweird · 3 months
Writer interview
Tagged by @vixstarria Thank you! I am going to write about AO3, my original writing is a story for another post ^-^ Though you know where to read them!
Tagging @themadlu and @queenofthespacesquids
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Little Bundle of Darkness - Astarion and Tiriel become parents to their dark princess Alethaine!
Beloved Monsters - One of two fics about OC Tiriel with second pov! A very fluffy winter story - no angst. no hurt. Just their little family.
Heartbeat - The other 2 POV OC fic! Tiriel is pregnant with Alethaine and Astarion feels their daughter's heartbeat! PS - Dhampirs don't breathe but they do have a heartbeat
Puppet Master - Astarion/Reader fic. Astarion is enchanted with Dominate Person spell and almost kills Tav
Temperance - Astarion x Tiriel smut. Tiriel has a lot of body issues aftet giving birth - and Astarion proves her she is still gorgeous
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
YES! I respond to all of them!
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Hmm... I usually write good endings but The Tainted Past had a terrible angsty ending! Oh, and also Death, Worthy of a Barbarian - Tiriel dies and Astarion becomes a widower.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
They mostly all have happy endings but Baby Fangs has a very light one!
7. Do you write crossovers?
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I did get hate on my original works but it was due to political reasons - but I pretended I didn't understand what the issue was
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do love writing smut about Tiriel and Astarion. Tiriel has similar body issues and sexual history like me and it's fun to explore new things! Gonna write breeding and period fics soon!
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Probably not.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I I'd like to try!
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Astarion x Tiriel\Tav. But I also stanned Luke Skywalker x Mara Jade for years (fun fact - Tiriel inherited a lot of features from Mara)
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I am afraid I will never finish writing about Alethaine Ancunin (Dhampirs of the Swords Coast)
15. What are your writing strengths?
Horror, emotions, dialogues. Traumas of different origin.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Action. I hate writing it, I can't do it properly even in my mother tongue!
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I don't mind but it often destroys the vibes. Like, why on earth fantasy characters would speak French? Sure, it would be fun to make Alethaine swear in Russian - but it will ruin the setting.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Baldur's Gate. I was too ashamed to write fics before
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
Maybe one day I will be able to write something about Harry Potter (since it was my first big obsession) but I don't want to be involved in political issues (I have too much of that when I write in my mother tongue)
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
I am very proud of the whole Alethaine series !
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japanifornication · 6 months
20 fic questions
i was tagged by @mutxnts thank you ash!!
1. how many works do you have on Ao3?
21, ayyy, one less than ash!!
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
189,718. this does not surprise me.
3. what fandoms do you write for?
ace attorney and very rarely ff7 and the last of us.
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
late night (257 kudos), tasting (121 kudos), finality (114 kudos), alive (91 kudos), distance (88 kudos) all of these are ace attorney, three of them are part of a series lol.
if we want to include my art that i've posted to ao3, holding would actually be in second place, with 218 kudos.
theoretically another fic should be in the top five instead but i left it out because i just don't like it and don't plan to update it again/will prob remove it at some point (it was my first in the fandom, was trying to do a case fic before realizing i am bad at them).
5. do you respond to comments?
i try to always respond but sometimes i just don't know what to say! that being said i am always open to chatting about my fics. please. please talk to me oh my god i want to talk about ace attorney.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
oughhhh....... i guess no one told me it would be beautiful? it's one of my shortest fics and part of just a short series of a post-apocalypse au. it's not exactly the angstiest ending, i have another series in mind for that, but the whole fic has an undertone of angst, and series will too. i just write it in spurts when i feel the need to write something that isn't one of my WIPs.
7. what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i think most of my fics end on a sort of higher note! my fics have strong undertones of angst but with lighter endings, but i think the winner would go to status :) because it's the happy ending to the long angsty series! and also it just makes me happy, i feel like i really stuck the landing, we get to see the boys laugh over the most absurd situation and it makes me laugh too.
8. do you get hate on fics?
i've never gotten hate on a fic but shortly after i posted fic that met this description in the tags once, someone i follow made a post making fun of the idea that edgeworth would ever be a sexy dom. listen we are all playing in our own sandboxes.
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
we all know me, come on now. i write trans phoenix getting railed in all configurations smut. every e-rated fic has at least one creampie. we know this.
10. do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
i don't, but i do have one in mind. i've been planning a severance ace attorney fic for a long time.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
kind of? tybalt wrote a fic in the universe of one of my series! which kind of counts? idk! but he didn't feel like posting it so i did lol (he's co-author on it). but i do RP a lot, just none is published yet. maybe some day.
14. what’s your all time favorite ship?
of all time??????? tifa/cloud/aerith probably
15. what’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
ohhh god maybe my vampire fic, wait for the morning. i'm trying. i'm trying for the homosexuals.
16. what are your writing strengths?
i think i'm best at writing dialogue honestly, that is what i love to write the most, especially arguments. otherwise in the Real World i am very good at writing passive-aggressive but still somehow polite and professional emails to get shit done.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
i have a lot of problems with just repetitive vocab.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i have a lot of feelings on this i can't exactly elucidate well. i only speak english fluently. i have a very beginner's knowledge in french. i'm also indigenous, but i don't speak the language of my people, which despite being one of the largest indigenous speech communities in the US, still only has around 2,000 native speakers.
so... i have a lot of feelings about language that take up a lot of space in my chest. but i just am kind of stuck writing in english. if i need to write dialogue in another language, i try to source from friends who speak the language first, then elsewhere on the internet if i don't know anyone directly who speaks it (e.g. asking in a public discord or reddit or somewhere), and use online translation tools as a last resort.
19. first fandom you wrote for?
theoretically it was accidentally tomb raider when i was in 3rd grade but i didn't know that's what i was doing at the time. intentionally, the first fic i ever wrote fanfic for was ff7.
20. favorite fic you’ve written?
i really and truly cannot choose here. it's like picking your favorite child. for the writing skills alone i have to pick wait for the morning (unfinished, i'm sorry). clarity is another one i think shows off some writing skills, idk, i just like it! for the characterization, something about decadence really floats my boat. and for the one that really earns its e-rating, it's tasting (especially chapter 3), my magnum opus of smut.
i am tagging.... who am i tagging. i hate tagging ppl bc i get sooooo anxious that ppl will be annoyed but i am going to tag @sandboxer @m-aximumjoy @samioli if you want to do it, and i have forgotten everyone else's tumblr urls in this exact moment it's like the men in black just memory-wiped me
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gavisuntiedboot · 7 months
He did follow letstalkpalestine, not eye.on.palestine. You should be able to find screen recordings on tiktok but I saw for myself before he unfollowed and it made me quite happy NGL. He met Noah Schnapp after the October 7th events, (I dont rmb the exact date) and immediately unfollowed letstalkpalestine either the day of, or a day after I don't remember when exactly I double checked. But yeah he did follow letstalkpalestine for A WHILE might I add but I guess noah spewed bullshit and it got to his head. I saw the following and then the unfollowing but I think your best bet would be screen recordings before and after on tiktok or IG.
Lewis on the other hand has in the past publicly supported Palestine. And Verstappen's wife, Kelly, posts a lot about Gaza and the West Bank as a whole. and I don't think she would be allowed to do that if Max didn't agree or could get in trouble as something like this can greatly hurt his public image.
Pep Guardiola's daughter has been posting since October 7th in support of Palestine and has not stopped since. She also would probably be discouraged if Pep did not share similar values or was scared of backlash.
Gavi's aunt said what Motaz posts on instagram should be censored as it is too graphic but that she wants peace at the end. Not sure what any of that means. Gavi's alleged girlfriend follows a GIANT and very popular Zionist influencer.
Thank you so much for taking the time to write all this out dear <3
I remember when I personally went and checked he was following the account that was widely circulated on TikTok. I tried to go back and look but the post I saw was deleted. I personally am not going to say that Leclerc is a Zionist. I’m not going to say he supports Palestine either. Right now it’s really a big question mark and only time will tell. I know that N*ah S*hnapp is a partner of APM Monaco, and I believe that was the reason for them being seen together, but again I could be wrong.
Personally, I do not contribute monetarily to Charles or Ferrari, seeing as their merchandise is made by Puma, which is a pro Israeli brand. So I will be monitoring until the start of the next F1 season to make a determination.
Lewis has been vocal even recently about his support of the Palestinian people, which in happy about because he is vocal about lord of social issues. I actually didn’t follow Kelley before this because of the shady (ie racist) reputation of her family, but I began following her after I saw all the posts she was making.
I think that in terms of formula 1 drivers it’s tricky, because the FIA has been trying to keep everyone tight lipped about politics. I think that for right now, the best I can hope from from that demographic of people is to not be pro Zionist. I’m aware the bar is in hell but it has to be somewhere.
For footballers, esp people like Gavi, I don’t think it’s fair to hold them accountable for the actions of their family members and people who they have been “rumored” to date. Like I wouldn’t want to be judged for something my aunt said. I think the best I can hope for is to see pro Palestinian sentiment at one point, but my bar for cancellation in full effect is if they’re pro Zionist. I know that May seem weak willed of me, but I’m trying. I honestly am.
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marezelle · 8 months
20 Questions
tagged by both @toopunkrockforshul and @writingordinaryrealities so I guess I'd better do it LOL
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 words count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently only Greenwing & Dart by Victoria Goddard. In the past I wrote a teeny bit of Legend of Korra fic, and then one Check, Please! fic and one Pokemon fic.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
falling and falling and falling, A Beifong Woman's Guide to Getting the Girl, tender is the night, to face unafraid the plans that we made, and protective measures
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to, and I usually do immediately after I post a fic. (I always end up running behind, though.) I do so because I am genuinely SO grateful to everyone who reads and comments on my stories. Every comment is a gift.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
To call it angst is perhaps overselling the yearning happening there, but probably protective measures.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I had to go back and look at fics I've barely even thought about in years, but probably tender is the night, tbh.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope! I am not a popular writer. (thank god)
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I have begun to dabble, though I don't know how to quantify it? it's smut. LOL
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I still have that unfinished Carol-inspired Check, Please! au. I'm probably never going to go back to it, but I maintain that the vibes were immaculate.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Don't think so!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not yet, but how cool would that be?
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
No, and tbh the idea of doing so is intimidating as hell, but I'm sure it would be fun.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
What do you mean "favorite"? I'm supposed to pick? I can't even pick a current favorite, considering I'm writing a whole polycule of various ships for G&D and I love them all.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I've accepted that my older unfinished works are going to stay that way, but sometimes I do think about The Journey. The end of that fic was going to involve Jinora and Opal leaving the Eastern Air Temple, to be followed by a sequel where they travelled to Zaofu, then the Southern Water Tribe, and then through the Fire Nation. The third story in the series would have brought them to Republic City, where they would establish Air Temple Island. The story as I began it just had too many plot holes, though, and I ended up losing interest in the primary romantic relationship.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I do a decent job with pacing. It turns out that I'm good at planning out a cohesive narrative that will play out over the course of a series; working out the snags is part of the fun. I like when unnoticed details are given greater/changed meaning or depth later on. (I learned that from @ourimpavidheroine!) Oh and my friends say I write pining well, LOL.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Figuring out plots driven by anything but the characters' emotional beats. (This is why I've written thousands of words of fanfic this year, and simply cannot get an original novel out of the planning stages.) I so wish I could write a complicated political plot, or a mystery, but I think those things are beyond me. Weaving in description alongside dialogue is also tricky for me, I always feel like I fall into using the same phrases over and over.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I don't speak any other languages well enough to do it, but it would be very neat.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Pokemon, *way* back in the day.
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
*gasp* How dare you make me pick just one. I guess it has to be hello, my old heart, though. I just am so proud of that fic. It's not just that it's the kind of thing that I've dreamed of writing for a long while (slowburn, lots of yearning, LONG) but that I managed to do it during a summer where I was struggling with just about everything else in my life. I'm very fond of the world it's set in, and I have so many plans for both prequels and sequels to it.
I'm tagging @ourimpavidheroine, @assistant-blogkeeper, and anyone else who thinks this would be fun! (no pressure to play along, though <3)
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meduseld · 8 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I was tagged by my dear @angel-starbeam so let's get into it.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
234! To be found right here.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
586,701... I thought that number would be higher tbh.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
A lot, but currently mostly The Terror and 911 on fox. The duality of man I guess.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
In order: I’d Learn To Float, You're Looking At Me (Like You Don't Know Who I Am), Water Is Sweet, Blood Is Thicker, Tough To Talk To and Down On Both Knees. Which is kind of a hilarious progression as it's two Superbat Big Bang fics about love and secret identity, an epic Aquaman with GOT style politics one and two sexy rough Buddie from 911 fics.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yeah I always try to! People are sweet, they highlight stuff I hadn't even seen and sometimes they end up kickstarting the words juice. Like the second half of Nature Teaches Beasts to Know Their Friends is several k written exclusively for/in the comments section.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably After The Night (When I Wake Up)  since it's such a dark premise regardless and the ending is just about fucking everybody up.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably I’d Learn To Float up above, since it's a happy family time and personal fulfillment for Clark with less angst overall than some of my other fics.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have, mostly for NickxZiggy fics and other canon/practically canon ships which always suprises me because I've written pairings that on the surface should be way more "problematic". That being said, hitting that comment moderation button cleared them right up. Haters are cowards, basically.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have yeah, but I don't think of myself as primarily a smut writer. My niche is probably masturbation as an excuse for character study.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Sort of? Like I like taking elements from one verse to apply to another to see how that works but more in the sense of like an AU over a strict crossover so not in the sense this was meant.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge and I'd prefer to keep that ignorance going because yikes.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, it's been offered but I'm kind of a control freak in these matters as you can infer from the answer above and have asked that people don't translate my fics.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, but none have seen the light of day for different reasons which sucks because I do enjoy it very much, it just hasn't worked out to get to the publishing stage for life reasons.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I can't pick one, that's too hard, but obvs it really hits when you have a Character who thinks they are unlovable but committed to duty regardless and then a Character who goes on purpose, I love *you* on purpose. You can uh. Infer that from the fics mentioned above.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Ugh too many in my files! That's why I refuse to post WIPs they haunt me. But right now mostly the two big-ish Terror ones I really want to post but alas.......
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think a feel for character? Like I think I get what makes them tick, if that makes sense.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Describing the fucking area they are in!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I don't think this one has a hard and fast answer to be honest. Like, is it canon compliant (aka do you have a character known for swearing in Klingon? Are language barriers a theme in the work? Does this world have a second language for like magic and shit? Tolkien Elvish and so forth) or is it part of the story you're telling (i.e. does the POV character know this language or is their lack of understanding a plot point? Are you deliberately keeping information from the reader because this is a mystery?) I mean, if you don't have Gomez Addams saying cara mia you're doing it wrong. So basically it really depends on what is going on. If you need the reader to know what is being said/the POV character should know the language italics or implication (he swore in Spanish, and then she used a very romantic phrase in French or whatever) make sense, if you're deliberately highlighting the language barrier or setting up a plot point like they misheard the thing or are trying to piece it together then it should be rendered in that language. Or as implication I love that device.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Uh. The Fullmetal Alchemist anime as a tween. It's for the best the sands of time swallowed that.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I can't choose! That's too hard. Idk, you tell me your favorite fic that I have written, sound fair?
Tagging, only if you dig it:
@warrenkoles @jacksonmaine @dsudis @poeedamerons @boilyerheid and @dancinbutterfly
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Get to know me
You know what guys? I've decided you're getting to know me (questions from this lovely post, please go give it some love), ready or not.
Tagging my moots (still thinking of Pingu going moot moot, sue me) if you'd like to exchange a few pieces of useless information :) No pressure. Also consider this a tag if you're not included, I love reading random info about you guys! @unclewaynemunson @steveshairychestychest @stevesbipanic @thelastwalkingsoul @skeliiix @strawberryspence @thefreakandthehair @henderdads @hoples
1. First celebrity crush *snorts* Um, okay. I will just say that Jerome Pradon's performance as Judas in Jesus Christ Superstar from 2000 made the young me weak in her knees. Also Toby Maguire as Spider-Man.
2. Do you work out/sport? Constantly trying. Starting a healthy regime, getting sick in 3-4 weeks because my immunity sucks and back to the round little old me. Do you know what happened during the last year I started frequently exercising? I broke my leg, then had a sinus infection, then had an inflammation in my heel and couldn't walk, now getting through another sinus infection. Heathy is my trademark. Not giving up though.
3. How popular were you in school? Ahahahahahahahahahahaha...let me say it this way: I fought well enough to earn respect. Had a few close friends. After primary school, I retained respect. And that's it.
4. Embarrassing moment My life before glasses was a constant embarrassing moment of waving back at people who waved at someone behind me.
5. Favorite actor and actress Apart from the obvious Stranger Things answers...I admire Keanu Reeves. Actress - Maggie Smith.
6. Little thing that makes you extremely happy Crazy pens. I have a massive collection of the craziest pens imaginable with bubble blowers, stamps, wobbly mermaid tails, boxing skeletons, you name it.
7. Song that made you cry because you related to it Remember Me from Coco. That one hit hard.
8. How often do you find yourself thinking about your life? A lot. Mostly to calm myself down. I'm in a better place than I've been for most of my life and I like to remind myself that things do get better. So let this be your reminder too.
9. Best toy you ever got as a kid This. I'd die for him. I still have him, although he's mostly fallen apart.
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10. Do you express your emotions well? According to my friends, I'm quite transparent. People that don't know me find me scary, apparently I look very strict. My friends find it hilarious.
11. Are you happy with your height? I used to be unhappy, I'm fairly small (165 cm, my mom is 166 cm and that single missing cm HURTS), but now I'm making up for my lack of height with glaring at people. In words of a t-shirt I recently got - "Don't flatter yourself. I only look up to you because I'm short".
12. Are you a bottom or a top? I'm lazy, that's what I am. But switch, I guess?
13. Who makes you the happiest? There isn't a single person. My mom, my cats, my boyfriend, my wonderful friends (and that includes you, moots of mine). I'm very lucky.
14. Your nickname(s) Here? Undreaming. Most of my social media, Arakanga. At work, I'm The Mother of Ducks or The Duck Lady (apparently the nickname survived during the 19 months I worked another job).
15. Who do you feel completely comfortable with to be yourself? My boyfriend. He's just absolutely resistant to my bad moods. I tend to be very snappy and sarcastic when I'm tired. I remember exactly the moment I realized I didn't have to walk on eggshells with him - we were walking outside and he was speaking, but away from me (he was smoking and didn't want to blow smoke in my face). Instead of telling him politely to turn towards me, I snapped "BLAHBLAHBLAH WHAT????". He just smiled at me and said "you know, one of the things I love about you is that you never make me feel like an idiot". So there.
16. Does the way you laugh depends on who you’re with? Oh yup. I normally control myself quite well, but my friends can make me laugh so hard it sounds like I'm crying. Also if they surprise me with jokes I don't expect, I tend to snort/make a sound like a chicken clucking.
17. Secrets you told strangers, because you knew you’d never see them again. None. Because with my luck, that stranger would become my new boss or something.
18. Do you like or dislike surprises? Hm. Difficult. Small surprises, yes. Big surprises, not really. I'm always terrified I'll disappoint the person surprising me with my reaction.
19. In the evening, would you rather play a game, visit a relative, watch a movie, or read? Oooh. Shit. Difficult. Reading is always lovely and I have such a backlog of books. Gaming is a huge hobby of mine, so always. Watching movies is great and I always love visiting my mom. So maybe I can connect all 4 together. Visiting my mom and watching a movie with her, then reading or gaming before I go to sleep.
20. Pet peeves? SO MANY. People bouncing their legs. Loud chewing noises. Smacking lips. People who don't listen but just wait for their turn to speak. Monologues instead of dialogues. People who sit on the public transport and block the window seat. I'm a ray of fucking sunshine apparently.
21. Who would you want to be stranded with on a deserted island? Well, all the people I love I don't want to strand with me on a deserted island. My boyfriend sounds like a great choice though. He's domestic, loves gardening and cooks well. And he hasn't killed me in 5 years. So him I think, he needs the time off anyway.
22. Breakfast, lunch or dinner? Midnight snack.
23. You’re stranded on a deserted island and there’s a box, what’s in it? I hope a guide on how to survive on a deserted island, otherwise I'd be a) dead soon, b) very bored while dying.
24. What’s the best gift you got? There are a lot of thoughtful gifts I've got from my family and friends, but one of my favorite ones was a Sagittarius mug my dad got me. Also my amazing boyfriend and equally amazing friends got me a new recording microphone for my singing efforts.
25. Who do you buy random gifts for? Everyone. My boyfriend, my mom, my friends, my boss (who is also my friend), my co-workers. Always something tiny and silly. It's one of my love languages.
26. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Pffft. Yep. Lots. There's less space for me in my bed than for stuffed animals. My newest additions are two large dinosaurs, Steve (a T-Rex) and Eddie (a triceratops)
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27. Have you had a secret admirer? No, thank god. It sounds nice, but I'm an anxious person and I like having clarity.
28. Are you a clean or messy person? On a range from 0 (clean) to 10 (messy), I'm about 28.
29. Shower or bath? Both, depending on the situation. Baths help my messed up back though, and one of my cats always stands guard so I don't drown. So...yup.
30. How would your friends describe you? Smart and the mom friend. Also dorky. Ask @hoples, she knows me IRL and the dorky part shows a lot. Oh, and also a menace. I'm the devil on your shoulder that says "buy it".
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irithnova · 1 year
I had one question. what do u think abt the Russia x Mongolia ship? I’ve seen many japanese artists drawing this particular pairing and it interested me so much
Aw thank you!! 😭❤️
I've made a post about Mongolia and Russia's relationship before so this post might be a little similar, I think you should read that post too to see how I feel about the Russia x Mongolia ship <3
I've seen the Russia x Mongolia ship going around, and while I'm still undecided on it myself, the impact they've had on each other's history makes the ship quite interesting to think about:
Let's go back in time for a minute to when the golden horde occupied Russia.
The Golden Horde was initially a Mongol state that ruled over parts of Eastern Europe and Central Asia from the 13th to the 15th century.
The Golden Horde had control over much of what is now Russia, imposing a system of tribute and taxation on the local population. This period of time was marked by frequent raids, battles, and military campaigns, which caused widespread destruction and suffering throughout the region.
However, over time, the Golden horde increasingly got Turkified and broke away from the greater Mongol Empire, and this is for a number of reasons.
1) Political and cultural influence from the Ottoman empire
2) Increasing presence of Turkic tribes in the golden horde
You may be asking. If I'm talking about Russia and Mongolia, why am I mentioning the golden horde? Well, as I said before, the Golden horde was officially a Mongol ruled state, and it was the golden horde, under the leader Batu Khan, who invaded Russia. Though, during this time, the Golden horde still answered to the greater Mongol Empire.
To understand Russia's view of Mongolia during this time, who eventually became the representative of the Yuan, we need to understand his relationship with the golden horde. Russia was most likely in closer contact with the golden horde than Mongolia himself during this era. Though I do believe, during the early reign of the golden horde over Russia, Mongolia and Russia did meet at points in time. Of course so Mongolia could keep a watchful eye over his territories.
How do I think golden horde treaded Russia? Well of course, he bullied Russia, and the conquest of Russia was brutal, however, like Batu Khan himself, he could be quite fair and level headed, and was a logical ruler. In addition, he was culturally and religiously tolerant, like most Mongol rulers, which Ivan was probably quite thankful for. As long as the Russians paid tribute, he didn't really care and would leave the Russians alone to do their own thing for the most part. Golden horde was quite aloof in nature, and this only added to the mystery that was about him (in Russias eyes). How could he know so little about the man who conquered him? Was this brutal conquest all for nothing? They burn my cities and kill my people and now they're just like "oh yeah just pay tribute and we'll leave you alone"?? If Ivan wasn't relieved that this was the outcome, he'd almost feel insulted.
Same goes for Mongolia, who he had less frequent contact with. The few times Mongolia would visit, or that he would visit Mongolia, Mongolia seemed to be this super serious nation with ever-furrowed eyebrows (that was partly a show that he'd put on in front of his conquered territories tbh). He was afraid, yet curious of these two persofications, but knew better than to speak out and ask.
I don't think Mongolia himself personally bullied Russia that much, though he probably treated him with a bit of disdain and turned his nose up at him ("lol look at this weak ass kid..."). Though, it wasn't always bad. I headcanon an interaction with them where Russia is crying because he's afraid/some soldier laughed at him and Mongolia is like "how are you going to survive in this world if you're crying over a little insult?" and while that sentence does come off as condescending and it probably was supposed to be, I feel like there was some actual sense of concern behind it like "gee when I was your age I was fighting for my life everyday and all you need to do is pay taxes and you'll be fine damn kids these days are getting weak huh that sucks..."
The cultural impact the golden horde/the Mongols had on Russia though were quite significant, and while the Mongol invasions did traumatise little Ivan, to an extent he attributes what happened to what made him who he is today. Here's why:
The Mongols brought with them new technologies and ideas, including the use of gunpowder and the concept of centralized rule. They also helped to unify and consolidate many of the smaller principalities and regions within Russia, laying the groundwork for the emergence of a more centralized state in the centuries that followed.
The Mongol period in Russian history helped to shape many aspects of Russian culture and identity. For example, the experience of living under Mongol rule helped to foster a sense of shared identity and national consciousness among the Russian people, as they were forced to band together and resist the foreign invaders. This period also gave rise to many stories and legends, including the epic tale of the heroic warrior-prince, Alexander Nevsky, who defeated the Teutonic Knights in battle and became a symbol of Russian resistance against foreign invaders
The Mongols/golden horde left quite an impact on Russia, and to this, despite how traumatising it was, he does feel this weird sort of respect for Mongolia and the now dead golden horde. As seen from the above, it could be argued that the Mongol invasions helped shape the future of Russia and in turn, helped shape who Russia is, both as a nation and a person.
However, after the golden horde lost its grip on Russia, Russia was in denial for a while about the impact the golden horde/Mongolia had on his history, and so he himself probably looked down at Mongolia and the now dead golden horde with contempt. Nowadays he is better about this, and isn't ashamed to admit the impact that Mongol rule had over his history and culture.
Since then, there has been positive and negative things with their relationship.
Some of the negatives:
Russia's colonization and domination of Mongolia during the 17th and 18th centuries led to a loss of political and cultural autonomy for the Mongolian people. This period was marked by political instability and conflict, and many Mongolian people were displaced or oppressed under Russian rule.
The history of Russian influence in Mongolia has at times been marked by economic exploitation and inequality. Russian merchants and traders would dominate the economic landscape in Mongolia, leading to the concentration of wealth and resources in the hands of a few.
Russia's support of the socialist government in Mongolia during the 20th century led to a one-party political system and limited political freedom for the Mongolian people.
Some positives:
Russia's influence in Mongolia has at times provided a degree of political stability to the region. The establishment of a socialist government in Mongolia in the 20th century helped to bring stability to the country and paved the way for economic and social development.
The aid that Mongolia gave to Russia during World War 2 was significant and is often ignored or underrated. Mongolia's support came in the form of military personnel and supplies. For such a poor country at the time, the supplies they gave Russia rivalled that of the supplies that the USA gave Russia.
In 1921, Mongolia declared independence from China, but its status as an independent nation was not recognized by other countries, including Russia. However, in 1924, the Soviet Union established a socialist government in Mongolia and recognized it as an independent state. This recognition helped to secure Mongolia's status as an independent nation.
How do I feel like Russia and Mongolia's relationship played out through all of this? Well, of course, Russia was still sore about the golden horde for a while, and Mongolia absolutely did not appreciate the Russian conquest of Siberia and central Asia, though, like most nations, that was hardly Ivans personal choice. I can see this being a point of contention in their relationship, even today (Turkic and Mongolic/ethnic minorities aren't treated so well in Russia. I don't want to dive into this topic too much as it is touchy and it's an ongoing issue, and I'm not pinning the blame of their mistreatment on the nation personification of Russia personally, however it would undeniably affect their relationship).
Though their relationship has been contentious and fraught with bloodshed, I have also listed a few positives of their relationship. For example, Russia is no longer in denial about the impact that the Mongol invasions had on his history and culture, and he feels a level of respect for Mongolia because of it. Russia also is truly grateful for Mongolia's help during World War 2. I also believe that Russia wholeheartedly did want to help Mongolia with his independence and it wasn't just a decision from his superiors.
As I've said, I've made a post about Russia and Mongolia's relationship before, and I talked about how Ivan can't exactly explain why he wants Mongolia to stick around, he just does and that's enough justification for him. I also think Russia is genuinely curious and impressed by aspects of Mongolian culture, and probably pesters Mongolia to take him horse riding or to throat sing for him or to give him a discount on his cashmere (answers: maybe, maybe, no).
Mongolia himself would be perplexed by Russia's behaviour towards him, but he's not exactly stopping Ivans constant pestering. He's also not afraid of Ivan personally like other nations seem to be, so this helps with their relationship I suppose. I feel like Mongolia would find some behaviours of Ivans endearing, like the genuine wander he feels about the world and about his culture (despite the pestering being annoying sometimes). While Russian influence over Mongolia didn't come without it's consequences, Mongolia does admit that Russia did play a significant role in achieving independence for his nation. I also feel like Mongolia feels a level of respect for Russia, for being able to come this far as a country from when he was simply just a vassal state for the golden horde, he is both impressed and shocked.
I feel like they both appreciate each others cultures and histories. I've already mentioned how Russia is genuinely interested in Mongolia's culture but it's the same for Mongolia, I can see him enjoying Russian novels and composers (and talking about them with Russia), and when he goes to visit Russia, Russia probably takes him to watch ballet or something.
I think a lot of the fandom accepts now that they both help fuel their alcoholic tendencies for each other and go out drinking lol I like that idea.
So yeah, in conclusion, I think Russia x Mongolia is a pretty fascinating ship considering the history these two have with each other! From the golden horde/Mongol invasions to the Russian conquest of Siberia and central Asia, to helping Mongolia with independence and World War 2 and the communist era, there's a lot to talk about and the way their relationship would have developed during this time is interesting to think about.
I don't feel like, if they were in a relationship, that it would not be overly toxic or explosive, and they'd both actually be kind of chill together, (due to the positives and negatives of their history, with each oppressing each other at some point) though there would undoubtedly be points of contention and tricky parts to their relationship.
Not that that means that I'm against it as a ship, I mean I'm literally into Monchu lol.
But yeah sorry I kind of went off on this post 😭🙏
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gnomebud · 2 years
[tumblr year in review! i deleted the gif]
I posted 5,088 times in 2022
That's 951 more posts than 2021!
224 posts created (4%)
4,864 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,526 of my posts in 2022
Only 31% of my posts had no tags
#lovely - 675 posts
#dimension 20 - 378 posts
#rambles - 255 posts
#critical role - 213 posts
#legend of zelda - 200 posts
#a court of fey and flowers - 183 posts
#words - 151 posts
#music - 145 posts
#about me - 117 posts
#our flag means death - 91 posts
My Top Posts in 2022:
percy’s all “blah blah we can’t unleash delilah on the world again blah blah” girl you invented guns
863 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
i’m so curious about and in love with whatever was going through andhera’s mind when they chose to interrupt the duel. like. he wants to make a stand to the guy who dramatically spared him when he could have killed him in a past battle because rumors are also spreading that he’s weak as fuck. so then they decide to interrupt an entirely separate duel that guy’s having, wielding their very impractical weapon that they have repeatedly hurt themself with, shirtless and without any armor (great combo with the scimitar), drenched in rain for just like. the drama of it all. and then he gets told he has to wrestle instead of fighting with his cool impractical weapon and promptly gets his ass kicked (though he gets one cool moment in there). and THEN. when they’re being hoisted in the air in what HAS to be disgrace (showed up out of nowhere, interrupted a duel, almost immediately lost), they’re just like. “okay great duel we should be friends now :-)”. and hob fucking ACCEPTS. that is the funniest shit in the world imagine watching that happen. pillar boy i am obsessed with you
1,379 notes - Posted August 18, 2022
hob got SO intense when wuvvy refused to tell him how exactly he upset rue and that is so tasty. like he’s duelling wuvvy because she demanded it but the intensity here is from the idea that he made rue cry somehow. hellooooooo
1,646 notes - Posted August 17, 2022
the epic lows of episode 8 (hob being forced into a political marriage, wuvvy not delivering rue’s confession of love, binx briefly worrying that andhera has betrayed her, hob being unwilling to pursue his own happiness, andhera’s entire conversation with the queen of air and darkness, rue’s conversation with the chorus of the court of wonder) vs the epic highs of episode 8 (intense suitcase and teacup based comedy and threats of murder over airy pearry’s casting of the green hunter)
1,706 notes - Posted September 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
“they have shown me kindness, and that is well enough. and it was a kindness paid to a humble goblin by a beautiful — by a beautiful member of the court of wonder, and it was a deep and profound kindness. and for me to have known even a single day of love is a gift that i never thought i would be lucky enough to have, and i will not squander it hoping for more! i will not spoil it hoping for more! it was beautiful for what it was.”
1,898 notes - Posted September 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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readysetjo · 5 months
in light of quietly losing a loved mutual a couple of weeks ago, I believe, because I don’t post enough (subjective) about what’s going on with I-/-P but also bc I post often about doing due diligence before posting/ sharing online that might come off as idk complacency(?) to some rather than my response to the shock of watching kind people be radicalized against groups of people (I won’t be specific about which groups bc I’ve seen people become sudden extremists on all sides of this issue)
but I do want to be specific about my beliefs:
1. we are seeing innocent people dying and that should be talked about loudly and it’s disgusting that a call to a ceasefire is taking so long. I have ideas on why the powers at be have made certain calls but I won’t start rumors with my conjecture. regardless the fact that Israel’s army has not called for a ceasefire despite knowing the horror it commits is a horror beyond belief.
2. Palestinians are suffering at a infinitely higher capacity at this time and our global support should be for them at this time, WITHOUT resorting to antisemitism to give our support EVER. hate is NEVER allowable
3. (personally) I tend to shut down with snuff content and seeing frequent snuff (even if not directly dead bodies but filming around it) makes me unhelpful to this cause so I don’t get involved in the posting of this issue. people aren’t numbers but I find that I am easily moved hearing of the numbers of people displaced, murdered, and tortured without seeing it. if that makes you think I’m weak, that’s okay I choose the phrasing “not desensitized” instead. I work in a hospital, started in the middle of covid, and am around death a lot so my tolerance for seeing it outside of work is probably lower than average. I do my support in private and abstain from sharing bc of the next point
4. to avoid OCD spirals on morality and my hyper-responsibility that I can get myself into, I say affirming phrases to the extent of “everyone is responsible for their own education it’s not all up to me,” “at this point everyone knows this is a horrible human rights concern rn and I would hope people research for themselves on this issue,” and “it helps no one to doom post and doom scroll”
5. what I want, after a ceasefire, is for a workable treaty and for self-directed government as decided by the people of the area for each of their countries. I’m not sure if one-state or two-state is the solution so I won’t guess. as well, I want proper sanctions for the government of Israel and any other government who provided them war supplies, including my own USA. the sanctions need to include a large sum to Palestine as they grieve and rebuild. this is bare minimum and does not address many complexities I’m sure there are smart, kind people with more thoughts
6. we are going to see more and more people displaced by environmental forces in the near future we as a global community MUST figure out how to work towards workable peace and cooperation. if these counties can do it, then I’m sure there is no excuse for anyone in the near future to not do it themselves. so the global community of the internet NEEDS to become hungry for peace over punishment
7. beyond those thoughts, I lack the knowledge of the history of the area, politics, geopolitics, sociology, etc. to provide my take on what should happen after that so I generally try to keep my ideas to myself bc they are probably peppered with a lot of naïveté. not just anyone can be an expert and we aren’t all capable of becoming skillful at all subjects and that should be acknowledged as we comment on public forums
8. I love you who share information it has been helpful to me and I love you people on my dash and mutuals for talking about creating genuine peace.
9. I believe that my personal words matter more than a reblog so this will probably be my only real post on this issue going forth besides reblogging humanizing depictions of the Palestinian people through art and continuous posts reminding careful posting and kind relations with each other
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nightlilly0110 · 1 year
Fic Writer Questions (Round 2)
Two years ago, I was tagged in an ask game, and I stumbled upon it again so I decided now would be a good time to update it. This is for my own personal enjoyment, so if anyone wants to take it, it’s up for grabs. Q+A under cut because it’s a bit long.
How many works do you have on AO3?
72, with a 32 increase from last time, and so many more in my list of stuff to write. I am a slow bitch.
What's your total AO3 wordcount?
557,570, about a 200k increase from the last time.
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
BNHA, RWBY, Arcane/LOL, and Persona 5.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Inko Midoriya’s Home for Lost Children (3,344) 2. Mother Tongue (2,338) 3. A Bowl of Oatmeal (1,065) 4. Tied Up With Strings (746 - this was my first smut fic!) 5. But He Loves You So (720)
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I don’t respond to every single one. I mostly respond to people who ask me questions about the fic or how I portrayed one character or another. I also respond to people who say something that wasn’t really on point with what I was trying to write (so small corrections here and there). I like talking to people about my writing but sometimes there’s just nothing to say.
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
I don’t do unhappy endings, same as last time, however I will say my angstiest fic has changed from Luck Be a Fickle Thing (RWBY) to i’ve carved out a place in this world for two (Persona 5). How do you contend with the fact that someone you care about, possibly even fell in love with, is going to die and you know the exact time limit? You make a bucket list, of course. (I copped out though so he doesn’t actually die, but it’s still full of the sense of dread and impending doom of death approaching).
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you've ever written?
The Quirk Archives is a BNHA/TMA crossover series and I wrote a RWBY one-shot that takes place in the Avatar The Last Airbender universe. Quirk Archives is definitely bonkers because of all the shit going on and I mostly forget about it until I look at my rotation. My answer hasn’t changed from last time and somehow I’m only halfway done with quirk archives.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Thankfully, (still) no. But I have had people asking me to take fics in specific directions and have had to politely decline. Stop doing this. You want something in a fic, either you commission me real money or write it yourself.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yes I have! You know what that’s called? Growth!
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Me and @palpalbuddypal​ are in the process of making one!
What’s your all time favorite ship?
All the ships I write for hold places in my heart and I will love all of them no matter how much time has passed. That being said, shuake persona 5 has had me in a vice grip since I’ve finished playing royal so that’s my favourite right now. Qrow/Clover from RWBY also has a place in my heart because I love Qrow’s character so much and I wish he has good things by the end of the show.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I make the promise to get through all of my posted AUs. So I try not to post things I don’t intend to finish. If I really want to see it through, I will post it as kind of a reminder that the fic isn’t just for me but the people who follow it. So I don’t have anything here. That being said, Inko’s Home is a pain in the ass for me to write.
What are your writing strengths?
I’ve been told I’m very good at “describing sensations.”
What are your writing weaknesses?
I’m stubborn and get through things quickly just to get through my rotation and then get frustrated when I can’t do anything better. I try to meet my word counts but sometimes it’s hard, especially for a fic you don’t like anymore.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
If you’ve read my Arcane stuff, I love having Viktor use Russian words as nicknames for Jayce. Moye serdtse (my heart) is one I commonly use, as well as stuff like Vitya and Viten’ka. I’m also partial to the headcanon of Persona-users being able to speak different languages depending on the origins of their Persona’s names, but I haven’t toyed with it yet.
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
.......Supernatural. I don’t want to talk about it. It was when I started writing and it was terrible.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
It depends on my mood. Sometimes I re-read my one shots and I love them. Sometimes I’m editing older chapters of my long fics and I remember what I liked about them in the first place. Sometimes I come up with a new idea and get stuck on that for a while. Dear Fellow Traveller and Bound to You are up there (I will get around to updating them, I swear!) and are comforting when I do write them. Completed-wise, I’ll have to say both my Persona fics at the moment (Eat Your Heart Out and i’ve carved out a place in this world for two) because they’re my two newest and the ones on my brain. As I’ve said, I love going back to read my work. I write it for me, so just because I’m not currently thinking of something doesn’t mean I’ve hated it (except maybe Inko’s Home it drives me mad).
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