#i was gonna make her my lockscreen then i decided not to change it
roseworth · 4 months
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hi. have a transparent steph from beast world tour (? i think. i cant actually remember what its from)
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cosmicdream222 · 7 months
have you entered the void before?
I'm asking cause I've seen you post about it a bunch times with different methods to enter
Also, thank you for introducing me to the phase method! I'm using it and another method (one I created) to enter
Hey! Glad to hear the Phase has been helpful for you! Happy to answer your question, but it’s a bit more complicated than a yes/no answer and I’m feeling rambly today so you’re gonna get a whole backstory on how this blog came to be 😂
Backstory about me & this blog
I’d been in the personal development manifestation community since around 2016, and it was my life for a long time. But the kind of manifesting these people taught was basically like… wake up at 5am, work out, journal, meditate, shadow work, tarot cards, affirmations, cold showers, start a business, post no less than 10 times a day across your 5+ social media channels, and maybe if you hustle hard enough and cleared enough past life karma and Mercury isn’t retrograde, then the universe might grant your wishes... (if you don’t die of exhaustion first. 😅)
It really was a mess and realize now despite the facade of positive thinking and good vibes, the whole community really just keeps themselves identifying with lack & victim mentality so the coaches at the top profit off everyone else’s misery.
I believed in manifesting and had faith I would achieve my goals, but despite years of trying a million different things, only saw small or short-term successes and never seemed to get anywhere. I was feeling pretty burnt out and miserable, so summer 2023 I decided to stop trying so hard and just spend some time focused on myself and what I wanted. I went back to the two methods that I’ve always loved and had success with: affirmations and tapping.
I tapped every day and started making affirmation art and lockscreen wallpaper for fun. I posted the affirmations on Pinterest, which eventually lead me to finding affirmations pinned from tumblr. I think it was a screenshot from blushydior I saw at first, but her blog was deactivated by then. So I started stumbling around tumblr (around Aug-Sept 2023 at this point), where I eventually came across loa, the void, and shifting.
I was surprised because despite my extreme research into all things personal development & spiritual, I’d never heard of it. Although I’d read about quantum physics and more supernatural things, every coach/teacher had major limits. “Manifesting” only meant getting logical earth things like making 6 figures in your business through hard work and hustle so you can afford to travel and buy luxury cars & Chanel bags. Stuff like changing the past, waking up with all your desires, etc was absolutely impossible and not even talked about except “you can’t change the past”.
So having only heard about these incredible overnight life-changing manifestations from tumblr, I was skeptical and wanted more information. I basically started this blog to collect information from outside tumblr to prove it to myself and share with others. Which of course sent me down a rabbit hole of research and overconsumption and overcomplicating the void 😅
I did get kinda obsessed and throw myself into trying every shifting & void method I saw right away, which just left me frustrated with “failed” attempts. But I see now I was just repeating the same victim mentality from the old community - that everything had to be hard and a struggle, that I was a victim of circumstance and limited by a higher power. (This is also a really commonly held limiting belief in religion and society in general that affects many people.)
It took me more than a few months to realize, but I’m finally switching my default programming to that of a creator instead of a victim. Because I don’t want to be obsessed and put the void on a pedestal, I’m currently just working on my self concept that I am in control of my reality and can manifest whatever I want - with or without the void. I still do want to experience it of course, just want to make sure I’m going at it with a healthy mindset.
About a week or two ago I read someone’s void success story that triggered a memory from many years ago: I realized I actually did wake up in the void and manifested something, long before I even knew what manifesting or the void was 😭 Because I’d always believed in supernatural things, I thought I had a “psychic dream” but now I know it was the void! (If anyone wants storytime I can make another post with more detail).
And since at the time, I entered without even knowing about the void’s existence, I realize we here or tumblr really do overcomplicate it. Like the video I posted where the void is described as the midway point between wake and sleep - it really is that simple!
I’ve noticed now that whenever I wake up naturally (not getting woken up by an alarm, outside noise, or cat jumping on me) I do always seem to wake up in the void. It’s the same kind of experience, and I don’t hear anything, but my first natural instinct when I wake up is to wonder where the sounds of my environment are. So I end up tuning in to my room and snapping out of the void.
I guess I just have to train myself to make my first thought an affirmation for my desires instead of just wondering where the sounds are 😅 But regardless, now I know it’s absolutely real and possible for me, I know it’s only a matter of time until I figure it out!
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You Brought Your Worst and I’m Right Here - Chapter Nine: I've lost all my ambitions
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Pairing: Gale of Waterdeep x female Tav
Work Summary:
After an explosive falling out between Gale and his academic adviser, Mystra, Tav is left to pick up the pieces.
Modern/College AU.
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Epilogue
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2348
Read on AO3.
Taglist: @mrs-kai-anderson @ang3l1te @missryerye
Taglist info
Previous Chapter
Penultimate chapter, baby!
on top of the standard warnings, there's also physical violence, choking, emotional abuse, alcohol, harassment/stalking, probably ooc mystra
tune in next week for the finale!
Gale’s mind was racing. He stared at his phone until it stopped ringing. It started up again immediately, and again, he watched it ring out. When it began to ring for a third time, he realised that he was hyperventilating.
He stumbled out of bed and into the hallway. It wasn’t late, so most of his flatmates were still up, but he could see that Tav’s bedroom door was closed.
He stood outside it and hesitated. Part of him was worried about bothering her, but he tried to shake it off. After all, she’d told him that he wanted him to talk to her if something was wrong. Before he could talk himself out of it, he knocked on the door.
“Come in!” Tav’s voice was bright, and as steady as an anchor. He opened the door.
Tav was sitting on her bed with her laptop in her lap. She smiled at him, but when she saw his expression, her face fell. She shut the laptop and stood up, setting it down on her desk.
“Gale? What’s wrong?”
“Mystra keeps calling me,” he said, holding up his phone.
Tav furrowed her brow, reaching for his phone. He let her take it. There were now four missed calls, as well as two texts that were showing up on his lockscreen.
We need to talk, Gale.
With a jolt, he realised that she’d left a voicemail too.
“Can I turn your phone off?” Tav asked.
“You heard what Jaheira said. Mystra is manipulative. She’s gonna say whatever she can to try and make you retract your statement. You shouldn’t listen to her.”
Gale swallowed and nodded. “You’re probably right.”
“In the meantime, she’s just gonna keep trying to contact you. So let her. It’s more evidence against her. But turn off your phone so you don’t have to see it.”
“Yeah, okay.”
Tav switched the phone off and put it on her bedside table. “Do you want to stay here? I don’t think you should be alone tonight.”
Her expression was worried but Gale felt his stomach do a flip. “You’re right, of course. Left unsupervised I’m not sure I would make it through the night without calling Mystra back.”
He was thankful to see that there was no judgement in Tav’s expression, only concern. She opened her laptop again.
“Here, why don’t you find us something to watch? I need to go and brush my teeth and get changed.”
“Of course.”
Gale sat gingerly on the bed as he scrolled through Netflix. It was strange being in Tav’s room while she wasn’t here. It felt like he was intruding, although she had invited him.
Once he’d selected a film – it was an animated children’s film that he hadn’t seen in years, but felt like the right emotional level for him this evening – he set her laptop down again.
Tav had a corkboard above her bed that was mostly decorated with photos of her friends and family. Although there were lots of pictures of Wyll, Shadowheart and Astarion, Gale thought he himself was perhaps overrepresented. There was even a picture of him with his cat Tara sprawled across his shoulders like a living scarf.
He missed Tara dearly. Their landlord didn’t allow pets, so she was still at home with his mother. He’d decided that as soon as he graduated, he was going to move somewhere that would allow Tara to live with him. Somewhere with big windows and nice wooden floors and a patio where he and Tav could drink tea in the mornings.
He swallowed. It was hard to escape the fact that, in this ideal future, Tav was by his side. His heart was thudding hard against his ribs when she returned from the bathroom.
Her hair was pushed back with a headband and her skin was shiny, like she’d just moisturised it. She was wearing a baggy t-shirt and tracksuit bottoms as pyjamas. She looked beautiful, but then, she always did.
“You picked something for us to watch?” she asked. When he nodded, she said, “Great.”
She started rearranging the pillows so that they could lean comfortably against the wall. When she was done, they sat hip to hip, laptop half across both of their laps.
It was a valiant attempt to distract him, but his eyes kept straying to his phone, which still lay on her bedside table.
What had Mystra wanted to say to him? What had that voicemail said? Even thinking about it made his stomach churn.
Beside him, Tav rested her head on his shoulder. He took a deep breath and pushed the thoughts of Mystra out of his mind.
Tav was jolted awake by the sound of someone banging on the front door. She blinked, fumbling for her phone. She felt two phones on her bedside table, and for a moment was confused, until she heard Gale let out a groan from the other side of the bed.
“What’s going on?” he mumbled, sitting up. With him right behind her, his warmth sent a prickle down the back of her neck.
“I don’t know,” she said, checking the time on her own phone. It was past 3am. Another loud knock made her stomach sink.
She got out of bed and crossed the room in two strides.
“Tav, wait-” Gale called out behind her, but she ignored him. She passed a bleary-eyed looking Wyll who was standing in his bedroom doorway, looking confused.
“Who is that?” Wyll asked, and then his eyes widened and Gale stepped out of Tav’s room behind her.
Tav ignored him. She was already halfway down the stairs. Through the window in the front door, she could see the vague silhouette of a woman. She had a very bad feeling about this.
Lamenting the fact that their landlord had refused to provide a chain for their front door, Tav opened the door a few inches and stared out at the figure on the doorstep.
Professor Mystryl was a tall, striking woman, with pale skin, long dark hair and piercing eyes. She was very beautiful. It was hard not to notice her around campus.
She couldn’t blame Gale for being enraptured by this woman, nor could she blame any of the other young men who had been caught in her net.
When their eyes met, Mystra’s expression turned sour. “You.”
“Me?” Tav blinked at her. Mystra had a lot of nerve to come here to her house and get in her face after what she’d done to her best friend. And then to act like Tav was the problem?
Tav straightened her spine as much as she could, glaring up at the professor. She was barefoot while Mystra was wearing heels, but even without that, Mystra would’ve been several inches taller than her. Even so, she refused to be intimidated.
“What are you doing here?”
“I need to speak with Gale.” Mystra stumbled slightly over her words, and Tav realised that she must’ve been drinking.
“Well, he doesn’t need to speak with you. You should leave, before-”
“Mystra?” Gale’s voice rang out from behind her, and Tav felt her heart sink. This was exactly what she’d been trying to avoid.
“Gale?” Mystra pushed the door open. Tav, taken by surprise, almost overbalanced, falling back against the wall. Mystra marched straight past her to where Gale was standing at the bottom of the stairs, eyes wide.
Tav closed her eyes. She didn’t need to see the way Gale looked at Mystra. Her heart was already burning in her chest.
“Tav is right. You need to leave,” said Gale. Tav’s eyes snapped open.
Gale was standing very stiffly, his hands clenched into fists by his sides. Mystra was staring back at him.
“It’s disappointing that it came to this, Gale. At the very least, I thought we could be civil with one another. Even after everything that happened between us, I still care about you.”
Tav’s eyes were fixed on Gale’s face. She saw him frown, fists unclenching at his sides. There was no way she was letting her get in his head. She scooted past Mystra and planted herself firmly in between them, staring the taller woman down.
“I already asked you to leave,” she said.
Mystra looked down at her with disdain. “And I already told you that I need to speak with Gale. In private. Or do you make his decisions for him now?”
Tav swallowed. “You’re in my house.”
“I’d be happy to have this conversation elsewhere if Gale will come with me.” Mystra wasn’t looking at Tav anymore. Her eyes were firmly fixed on Gale.
“Not on your life,” said Tav. She was trembling, ice water in her veins.
“I think Gale can speak for himself. Gale?”
She felt Gale moving behind her. After a moment, he stepped up beside her and put a hand on her shoulder. She couldn’t tell if he was also trembling, or if she was just shaking enough for both of them.
“Tav is right,” Gale repeated. “She already asked you to leave. And now I’m asking you to leave too.”
Mystra’s eyes flickered over to Tav, sizing her up. “I see. I was very much hoping we could talk this out, for the sake of the care we once had for each other, but I suppose I was wrong. I was really trying to give you an opportunity here, Gale. This little scheme of yours will ruin you. They’ll never give you that PhD place now. You’re a liability.”
Beside her, Tav felt Gale’s shoulders sag. “Don’t listen to her,” she said, “The only person this is ruining is her.”
“And that was your plan all along, wasn’t it, sweetheart?” Mystra had turned her attention to Tav now, taking full advantage of their height difference to spit venom at her. “You wanted Gale all to yourself so you poisoned him against me. You couldn’t handle that he cared more for me than he did for you.”
“Mystra, that’s enough.” The firmness in Gale’s voice took both women by surprise. Mystra took a step back.
Regaining her composure, she said, “You moved on awfully quickly, didn’t you Gale? I have to say I’m surprised.”
“So did you!” Gale snapped. “I saw that boy leaving your office the other day!”
He hadn’t denied that he and Tav were an item. Tav wondered if that was because he wanted Mystra to believe they were, or because he didn’t think the correction was worth the effort.
Mystra looked at Tav. Tav could feel herself being scrutinised, and squared her shoulders.
“Good luck with him,” said Mystra after a pause. “I’m sure he’s told you many things about me, but you surely must realise that that’s not the full story? I never gave Gale anything he didn’t ask for. And in return, what did I get?” She barked out a laugh. “Oh yes, I received devotion. Adoration. And constant clinging and begging and needling. And he truly believed that he, as a master’s student, had the right to attempt to challenge my life’s work?” She turned back to Gale, who was staring at her with his mouth agape. “You always were a weak, arrogant little-”
She didn’t get to finish her sentence as Tav’s fist connected with her jaw. Mystra stumbled back, clutching her face.
“Tav!” Gale cried out in shock. Mystra massaged her own jaw. The room fell silent.
For a moment, Tav thought she was about to leave, but then she grabbed Tav by the hair and slammed her into the wall.
Maybe it was a mistake to pick a fight with a woman who was considerably taller than her. Tav hadn’t expected her strength either, considering how slender she was, but as she slammed her into the wall for as second and third time, Tav found she couldn’t break her grip. Mystra’s hand were around her neck now, long fingernails digging into delicate, vulnerable skin.
“Mystra, let her go!” Gale was trying to force his way between them. Tav managed to give her a well-aimed kick to the gut, forcing her to drop her.
Wyll, who Tav hadn’t heard come downstairs, grabbed Mystra from behind, restraining her arms. Gale positioned himself between Tav and Mystra, blocking her view of her entirely.
Distantly, she could hear Astarion’s voice. It sounded as though he was on the phone to the emergency services. She closed her eyes, and when she reopened them, the world had shrunk down to the size of her and Gale.
He had his arms around her, holding her against his chest. Whether he was restraining her or embracing her wasn’t entirely clear. It didn’t matter. She rested her cheek against his chest and breathed him in. His hand rubbed up and down the length of her spine soothingly.
She was only vaguely aware of the police arriving. Even as they handcuffed Mystra and took her away, Tav couldn’t make sense of what was going on. The police took photos of the scratches and bruises on her neck, so Gale reluctantly had to relinquish his hold on her for a few minutes.
They had taken pictures of the bruise that Tav’s fist had made on Mystra’s chin as well. Tav’s heart jolted in a moment of clarity. Were they going to arrest her too? She’d thrown the first punch, after all.
But no one seemed to say anything about it. The police left, taking Mystra with them, leaving the slightly shellshocked housemates all alone.
Wyll made tea for the five of them. Shadowheart, who had been awoken by the scuffle, examined Tav’s injuries, and deemed them not serious. Gale put his chair right next to Tav’s, so that their thighs were pressed together. She wanted to sleep, but she was far too wired.
“I have to say, that was very well done, Tav,” said Astarion admiringly.
Tav’s brow furrowed. “What?”
“Well, whether it was your intention or not, there’s no way Mystra remains employed after what happened tonight. A police report? Assaulting a student? And turning up here at 3am after Gale ignored her calls certainly qualifies as harassment.” He turned to Gale. “You’ve won, Gale.”
“Huh,” said Gale. His gaze drifted over to Tav. “I guess I have.” Astarion and Wyll exchanged a look.
Next Chapter
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islandiis · 1 year
get to know the mun.
what's your phone wallpaper: my lockscreen is a photo my best friend and I took on a small rowboat in Sweden last summer. My background is a cute photo of my parents from behind, made even more special to me by the fact that my dad is wearing our team's football jersey which has our family's name and our football motto on it :)
last song you listened to: Little Dark Age, MGMT
currently reading: PiKHAL by Alexander Shulgin. I read TiKHAL (the second book) first bc I'm more interested in the subject of the second book!
last movie: Ummmm Ég Man Þig?? or Hlemmur?? OR The Cowboy Bebop movie LMFAOOO I can't remember the last movie I watched tbh I don't do that very often
last show: How To Change Your Mind
what are you wearing right now: the leggings I wear under my fishing trousers (I was fishing lmao), a crop top and a university hoodie
piercings/tattoos?: I have my earlobes pierced and seven tattoos!! They are: - a vegvísir and the date I was told I was cancer free (09.02.17, I got the tattoo the day after lol, it was my very first!) - coordinates - a quote from an anime (which is and always has been a very cringe anime but idgaf it brought me joy at the time and I don't fuck with regrets so. Yeah I have a Voltron tattoo that says 'go, be great'). no regrets - "þetta reddast", an Icelandic phrase which means 'things will work out' which sounds great and happy but is also used in like a fake-positivity, dismissive way. I'm not the best with my own emotions sometimes and I felt like it was funny and fitting bc I expect positivity of myself Always (I'm in therapy now lmao) and that ain't realistic - "ævintýri", the Icelandic word for 'adventure' bc that's what my life is all about <3 - a sun, because in the past few years several people have told me I'm "bright like the sun", "the human embodiment of sunshine", etc. and that's the nicest compliment I've ever gotten. I want to keep that with me always :') - a plane, a (semi) matching tattoo I got with a girl in a hostel I met for one (1) day. I held the door for her and we started talking. It was her first time in Ireland so I bought her a Guinness and taught her the word 'sláinte' - we decided we'd get tattoos to commemorate our meeting and carry a wee bit of one another with us :) she got sláinte tattooed but if I got that I'd get beat up bc I'm from the North so she got sláinte and I got a plane (which she had suggested). Everytime I look at that tattoo I think about her and how grateful I am we met, even just for a day.
glasses/contacts?: I wear glasses most of the time but I have contacts I can wear when I feel like!!
last thing you ate: onion rings lmao
favorite colors: YELLOW YELLOW YELLOW!!! I'm slowly making my life as full of yellow as possible bc it brings me joy :)
current obsession: I'm always obsessed with mushrooms and poisons tbh. mycology and toxicology are my shit. Recently I've also been focusing on one biiig passion of mine - getting more involved in activism and advocating for [redacted bc I know the topic can be triggering/sensitive for some people so I want to be mindful]
do you have a crush right now?: that Hozier song that is like "I fall in love just a little bit every day with someone new" is me bc I love people. I just love people. I'm not in love with people, I just love them - friends, strangers, whatever. But yes I have a crush right now lol I'm just sort of going with the flow and not really acknowledging it bc I'm so free spirited that idk where I want to be right now exactly, so I'm just gonna see how it all goes!!
favorite fictional character: OH DAMN. fuck. I mean, Fannar, my OCs Afthas and Hrafna. My best friend's characters (her Finland for example, UGH I'M OBSESSED). Other than that...?? Lio Fotia is my babygirl (and my cosplay victim <;3)
tagged by: @fangmother
tagging: @frestoniia @offreedom @ anyone else who wants to do it!!!
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garfieldsladybird · 2 years
theme is so pretty!!!! icba to link things so here’s like a clear up of everything :)))
my october tests aren’t my gcses (the big ones) - they happen in march-y time, but my mocks are in november and i’m scared af because my teachers haven’t decided what they’re on yet (this years work or everything since last sept)
i have technically two skirts and around six shirts and then two sports kits (a top and skort for summer and winter) summer is white, winter is blue :) (one of my everyday skirts is stitched up a few inches, but the other isn’t so i just have one th at i wear :)) tehehe)
i have my rescue remedy thingys (the sweets / candy) but i’m trying not to use them until nov / match so i don’t get used to them 👀
my grades that i do get (in oct) soon are my atl (attitude to learning - 1 is the best, 2 is mid, 3-4 bitch you’re in trouble) and that’s just how you are in class / hw being done
i then get graded as well and they changed it last year to correspond with gcse grades (so 9 is best 5 is pass 4-1 fail) they give you what level you are rn and what you should be aiming for (usually a grade or two higher)
yeh reason from a change of a,b,c etc to 9-1 is because certain sixth forms / universities have a rule that you need a certain number, so when you add all your numbers up you can see if you get in! i learned this reasonably recently and it makes a lot more sense.
phew that was a lot - sending love!! also i got a really angry dm by that kinda sort of racist boy on friday and THAT was interesting 👀
sending love ❤️
also also i made lockscreens for my phone and ipad since i saw a harry styles one but wanted a taylor one that no one had tehe and i think they’re kinda cute 🥰
also also also i changed my url slightly since icedfaeriie sounded a bit like a costa coffee ☕️
yes thank you!! <33
oh okay thats more understandable. that it’s at the end of the year. which one do you hope the teachers choose tho?
that’s cool how they change the colors!  that’s pretty sweet! i why though… mhmmm. I wish I had some skirts- anyways, slayyy!!! youuu!! :DDD yeha but do you actually wear it? isn’t your school very strict..? i remember you telling me something about them not allowing like any makeup. :/ but i mean slayy!! though :DDD
that’s great!! hopefully they can/do last and/or maybe you can get more!
that’s a whole different system of what and how you are getting graded. like whoa-
that is great!! like honestly that sounds so smart to do and it sounds so useful too! i dont got much to say on six because I understand it but I don’t.
what I want to say is that basically for me at keeping up with assignments. homework and all of that. yk. I procrastinate on it a lot. but i now know that it’s okay to ask for help and if you were to get like a bad score on a test, it’s okay because it’s a learning experience, learn what you got wrong and mistaken and learn from it. but next time study. —
okay whatever. idk. but I’m not saying that you need to like ask for help or anything I’m just saying I don’t put so much pressure on yourself to get above and beyond. do the best your ability and if they do not like it then learn. yeah :)
i’m very high right now and it’s 5 AM. i’m gonna try going to bed. goodnight and good morning!! if none of this makes sense to you please ignore all of it :$)
also I’m sending so much love to you!!! wait so you made a Taylor Swift lock screen? that’s amazing!!! i’m loving all of her songs right now!! yes I did notice that you changed your url, because of so I had to go and re-change the link on my moot page which was perfectly fine ofc!! I just wanted to tell you!! anyways I love you 💗 hope you have a great day, make sure to stay hydrated and just know that you are perfect, wonderful and beautiful!!! <333
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simpforboys · 3 years
she/her pronouns
summary: y/n and vinnie head to the boardwalk with the members of the hype house
warnings: fluff, swearing
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vinnie pulled out of the drive way of the hype house as y/n talked to jett and michael.
thomas, mia, alex, kouvr, nikita, and jack decided it was time to meet up again and hang out.
y/n decided a boardwalk would be fun. so three separate cars drove together on the freeway, vinnie's hand rubbing his girlfriend's thigh as he drove his bmw.
the boys fell into their own conversation as y/n scrolled on her phone. opening twitter, y/n tweeted:
yourusername: what do u do when 3 men r talking about cars
vinnie's phone lit up, his lockscreen showing. it was a picture jett took; vinnie fell asleep on y/n as she was passed out.
"really, baby?" vinnie laughed, showing the boys in the back her tweet.
"it was a joke! i don't know what to say," she grinned, sliding back into the seat.
wearing jeans and a black crop top, her matching black converse creased as she flexed her feet.
"we could have changed the subject, you know," jett joked.
twenty minutes later they pulled up outside the boardwalk. getting out of the car, vinnie instinctively held y/n's hand as they waited for everyone else to get here.
"it's chilly," y/n mumbled.
"need my jacket?" vinnie offered, ready to take of his sweater.
"no, i'm okay for now. thank you, though," she pecked his cheek.
"i need a girlfriend," jett stated making everyone laugh.
"i'll be your wing woman. we'll find you one tonight," y/n told jett. he grinned.
minutes later the other 2 cars approached. y/n hugged everyone as vinnie held the door open. y/n walked in, vinnie following behind her as he took her hand again.
"what should we do first?" alex asked.
"food!" nikita said.
so the group went and ordered pizzas, wings, and sodas before finding a table. y/n sat in the corner, vinnie directly next to her.
"you okay, baby?" he whispered into her ear.
"mhm, just hungry. i'm excited to kick your ass at these games, though," she replied. vinnie dropped his jaw playfully.
"what? i'm gonna kick your ass. you cannot beat the master of video games at video games," vinnie stated.
y/n laughed.
"you're right. these guns," she lifted up his arm, showing off his bicep, "are what cause you to be good," she joked.
vinnie blushed, wrapping his arm around her waist as y/n scooted closer to him, placing her head onto his shoulder.
he kissed the top of her head as the food came.
"let's play laser tag!" jack pointed over to the giant blue sign.
"should we pick teams?" michael asked.
"okay, nikita and i will be team captains," kouvr said.
everyone lined up. y/n looked at vinnie as he smiled back.
“i'll get alex," kouvr picked first.
nikita looked around the group. "y/n, come here."
y/n grinned, walking over. "okay.. let's make this interesting. i'll take vinnie," kouvr said.
vinnie smiled, walking over to kouvr's team.
on the blue team was nikita, y/n, thomas, mia, and jett.
on the red team was kouvr, alex, vinnie, jack, and michael.
they each grabbed their guns and vests. y/n walked over to vinnie. "remember how i said i'm gonna kick your ass?" she joked.
vinnie smirked. "you can try, baby."
y/n put her hair out of her face, ready to go. the count down started, each team going to different parts of the map.
y/n rounded a corner, shooting kouvr. she gasped as y/n ran away laughing.
she heard her friends throwing curse words around, yelps and shouts coming from the place. thank god there wasn't any kids right now..
as y/n went to shoot jack in the back, her vest turned off and her gun stopped working. "hey, you fucking asshole!" she swore, turning around to see michael.
he laughed and sped off.
y/n didn't even know what the score was. she just tried to avoid people unless she could shoot them unexpectedly.
she was about to turn a dark corner when suddenly, someone grabbed her neck making her pause.
“hi, baby," y/n could only see the silhouette of his face and hair, his vest glowing red.
"hi, love." she whispered.
he pushed her against the wall, planting his lips on hers. y/n immediately kissed back, wrapping her arms around his neck. his hands roamed her torso.
catching her off guard, vinnie shot her in the chest. "you should really be focusing more, after all that shit you talked, baby. your team is losing," he whispered into her ear.
y/n gasped as he ran off.
"you fucking cheater! vincent hacker i swear to god-" y/n ran after him.
when the game ended, vinnie's team won by one point. she put her hair back down, stomping up to her boyfriend.
“you are such a cheater," she told him.
"hm? what are you talking about?" he smirked.
y/n gasped. "don't play innocent, you-" before she could ramble off swear words he grabbed her waist and pulled her against him.
his lips moved in sync with hers. y/n hummed into the kiss, accepting defeat.
"are you two done? we wanna do go-karting." michael asked.
the couple grinned, following everyone outside to the karts. "wanna sit together, babe?" y/n asked.
"mhm," vinnie nodded as they got settled into a bright red kart. "don't drive like shit." she told him.
"love, i literally go driving for fun."
"oh. right. anyways," y/n said, pressing on the gas as they went off onto the track.
"go, go, go!" vinnie cheered as they passed alex and kouvr, slowly approaching thomas and mia.
vinnie jokingly flipped off every friend they passed until they won. vinnie kissed y/n's cheek as they lined the karts up. quickly, y/n took her phone out and took a giant selfie of everyone in their kart.
vinnie got out, offering y/n his hand. she accepted, hugging her boyfriend as they walked out.
after mini golf and more arcade games, everyone decided to head home. giving their friends hugs goodbye, y/n slipped into vinnie's car.
jett and michael instantly fell asleep in the back, both their mouths hanging open. y/n yawned.
"tired, babe?" vinnie asked.
y/n nodded, slipping down in the seat as she leaned her head towards him. her eyes closed gently until she fell asleep.
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jiminrings · 3 years
can we get a fratboy Jimin and good girl oc with pinning from both sides 👀 ahhhh thank u in advance love ur writing!!
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cherry king
drabble week: day four
drabble week masterlist
pairing: fratboy!jimin x goody two-shoes!reader
wordcount: 3k
glimpse: "y-you uhm, you-? y'know, you like... doing that? is that why it's your nickname?"
feedback + support mean the world to me!!
great!! the line’s moving :D
that’s only like the 87th time jimin has heard the word next and it makes him wonder how much more would it take him to bring him to the front
(it’s actually only been 14 times and jimin might just be a self-admitted impatient bitch!!!)
he understands that yes, it’s ten in the evening!!! and reasonably-large stores/pharmacies like these can have less staff at the time compared to ten in the morning
sure, checkout machines and cashier lanes could be broken down!! or they could just not be open at all
jimin gets that alright, maybe the self-checkout machines are close at this time of the night because it is ten in the evening
what’s not clicking in his mind, however is that at the exact time that he comes here
as in the EXACT time that he’s here (!!!) — there happens to be dozens of people in a store at ten in the evening, and there happens to be a grand total of one (1) cashier lane
atleast random store music would be entertaining :((( all he hears are the beeps of a scanner and the chatter of groups of people who came here
jimin was eavesdropping on some guys in front of him and he wAS invested but lmao turns they were just discussing the plot of die hard or any testosterone-jacked movie like it
he’s also tried looking at the smaller middle-aged woman’s phone in front of him who’s scrolling through her facebook feed, but quickly decides against continuing it
because what if u could see his face and when she turns it off, she’d see a college guy deeply-invested in the baloney article she was reading about how subway sandwiches are the work of the devil
so uh yeah he’s just looking everywhere besides the front, back, and the sides of him and in all angles basically
he’s,,,,, aimlessly scrolling through his instagram feed he’s already scrolled through tHREE times and his explore’s page a little too dry
it’s a good thing that jimin’s entirely sure he’s the nosiest person out of this line and no one else is trying to figure him out
might be wrong though
“cherry king?”
hold the fuck on
jimin’s eyes widen, head snapping up and clueless to the fact that he doesn’t look discreet at all, and his head-cocking’s the most movement he’s done the whole time in this store
it can’t be a coincidence either because as far as he’s concerned, there isn’t anything named cherry king that’s being sold here
there is literally NO other plausible scenario happening here besides the fact that someone who knows him is in the store!!!!
his gaze falls to the person behind him, brows knitted in confusion until it clicks
that was you?
“jimin? huh, it really is you. i thought i was losing my mind for a second.”
okay maybe hE’S the one who’s losing his mind here
he knows you!! you’re the smart girl in his year who’s known for being pristine and stuff!! you’re like the good-est girl he’s ever known and heard of
.... quick question lads is that weird to know someone by
“you could’ve just called me by my name, y’know,” jimin chuckles heartily, still a little dumbfounded to see you here but he’s grateful for the interaction nonetheless
you look casual today?? like you still look like yourself but everyone else would think it’s an out-of-body experience to see you out of your pretty dresses and monochromatic get-ups
it’s you..,.. in a hoodie three sizes larger than your size with your pristine shoes traded in for socked-feet wearing slides
jimin thinks that you look like grace under pressure
“i wasn’t sure,” you smile right back and it’s the first time he realizes that there’s glasses atop your nosebridge, softening your image more from the usual composed look you carried
“how were you sure enough to say my nickname out-loud though?”
jimin questions you, bringing light to how he’s wearing a plain white shirt and is looking as relaxed as ever with how he’s dressed — his hair long enough to be put into a messy sprout of a bun
you clear your throat, the amusement bubbling in your scratchy throat
“you have yourself as your lockscreen, jimin.”
oh my gOD
he winces when you say it, eyes screwing shut in embarrassment that he whines in pain with how direct you put it
“n-no way — fuck you respectfully, y/n. i-i’m not- i’m changing it right now!!”
does he look the vainest person alive rn
the way he has a mini freakout entertains you to your core, giggles unable to be suppressed as he finds the latest-taken picture he has of dogs that he comes across with
that’s 10/10 an experience he doesn’t want to repeat again
“it’s okay. i won’t tell anyone.”
he hears you reassure and he believes you, a flustered blush on his cheek still as he coughs to make up for a diversion topic he couldn’t think of
frankly, you’re getting bored too and jimin’s the only form of entertainment you have because using your phone atm would be too disorienting
“what are you doing here, by the way?”
your head tilts in query and he’s relieved that you address something else, not being relieved seconds later when he realizes his answer
“just a little supply run for our frat. we weren’t supposed to run out of things for three more days, so this is just a lil emergency haul for awhile.”
you nod in understanding, glancing down at his basket and uh
uhm 1/4 of the space is literally occupied by boxes of condoms
jimin’s confused to why you turn silent, thinking that he must’ve gotten boring to continue talking to until he follows your gaze to his basket
NO WAY?!]>|>]%%[%]%]
“i-it’s not l-like that!!!” he crouches and immediately gets the food and the bottles of shampoo and conditioner to bury the condoms in the bottom of the pile, attractively getting more attention from you who’s ready to let it go
“i-it’s not — it’s ours — n-no!! t-they just gave me a list and i just put it because it’s on the list b-but like it wasn’t my-...”
how many more times will the universe fuck jimin up in front of the person he has a lil happy crush on
you only smile meekly, tilting your head and he thinks this is the part where you tell him how much of a douche he is
"y-you uhm, you-? y'know, you like... doing that? is that why it's your nickname?"
“t-that?” jimin clarified albeit confused, thinking back to his nickname as he tries to rapidly connect the dots to not look like a fool
cherry king? that?? what do you-
“nO!! o-of course not!!”
he almost shrieks and his voice sounds ultimately defensive, shaking his head no
why does he look so frantic
“hey, hey, i believe you! — calm down, jimin. you don’t have to explain anything to me.”
but he argues that it iS the truth though!!!
but why won’t you just ask him why he’s called cherry king though >:(
you’re already content with the silence after the conversation but he isn’t, still wanting more
is it so bad that he wants redemption D:
“how about you? what are you doing here?”
you don’t answer instantly and it’s because you’re nudging jimin to continually walk, the cashier looking much more visible now as he’s nearer in line
he takes a look at the handful of things that’s in your basket —
electrolytes, hot pockets, soup, cup noodles and fever patches...?
“oh. i think i’m running a fever.”
what are you doing here aLONE if you think you’re running a fever???
he’s not gonna lie about the fact that you don’t look too good
what if you pass out and no one’s there for you and all the graveyard shift employees do is put a wet floor sign around your figure???
“y/n?? what are you doing here alone then?? are you oUT of your mind??”
the panic in jimin’s voice is clear as day and you’re a little startled, instead responding to tapping him on the shoulder to point that he’s already the one on the cashier
what he does is grab your basket before he is, putting it in front of the conveyor belt because he couldn’t even wait for it to roll out
“i said i think i’m running a fever.”
jimin stops from simultaneously rummaging for his rewards card and putting his items on the counter to unceremoniously drop the box of condoms down jUST to put his hand on your forehead
“you are.”
you surely don’t think low of jimin but you can’t help be surprised either at his concern for you when this is the only time you’ve had a conversation with him!!!
“you drove here?” he asks in seriousness, sending you a look while waiting for the total amount
“walked. the airconditioning makes me even more sick,” you answer with no fuss because even thinking about car fresheners while you’re sporting a fever makes you want to gag. “let me-...”
jimin already pays for both your items in cash, getting them bagged separately as he’s not gonna take no for an answer for what he’s gonna propose next
“then i’ll keep the windows down. i’ll drive you back to your dorm.”
he grabs both your bags in one hand and uses the other to beckon you over, holding you still because it’s dark out and a fever vision wouldn’t exactly help
it’s only when he straps you in and (true to his word) puts the windows down and starts his car that you start asking
“why are you doing this for me?”
why IS he doing this for you??
jimin thinks about his answer in a second
“would you do the same for me?”
if you were in front of him at a godforsaken line, had yourself as your lockscreen, realize that jimin’s behind you with a fever and is by himself in a store at 10 in the evening
“of course i would.”
jimin smiles, steering away from his parking spot
“then i would too.”
( ♡ )
maybe you’re thinking of jimin
no wait you’re dEFINITELY thinking of jimin
you’re much better now and your fever’s already subsided enough for you to go back to class!!!
the whole interaction with him was three days ago and maybe your head is just full of him at this point
“are you sure you’re okay to handle this by yourself??”
jimin worries when he drops your bag to your hands, briefly coming inside your dorm to set it down
“mhmm. i’ll just sleep it out.”
“i think if you’re missing a couple of steps.”
you snort as his paranoid features, waving him off. “i’ll eat. then go to the bathroom. and then sleep.”
okay good enough
“what if this just-“ jimin trails off, his expansive mind suddenly running as he points to your chest, “stops????”
“i have a smart watch.”
“would you put me as one of the emergency contacts? please?”
he’s making you take down his number without malice because jeez he’s gENUINELY worried!!!!
it may not always be great sharing a house with his frat brothers, but he knows that if he has a fever, atleast half of them would dote over him and you have atleast one who would go into hysterics!!! it’e a full package!!
“i’ll be okay, jimin. i’ll call you when i need someone to hand me my puke bucket.”
“please do. i’m not even kidding. get better now because i miss your dresses.”
“n-no i meant your usual style!! wait, not that there’s anything wrong w-with your style right now. i-i was-...”
“yeah. i miss them too. now go home, jimin.”
“you sure?”
u never really had the impulse to invite a guy to go inside your place but maybe now you do
“mhmm. drive safe.”
“good night, y/n. call me whenever.”
classes were a bit rough today because you’re still easing yourself on getting back to the groove of things, but it was tolerable!!!
you’re getting your key out of your backpack when a lock clicks open a couple doors away from you, the hinge noisily squeaking
it’s jimin who leaves it, with seri who’s the actual occupant of the dorm leaning on the doorframe
he squeaks the moment his eyes land on you
your hand automatically waves, the same meek smile for him to see
( ♡ )
the last interaction you had with him is still on jimin’s mind, a whole week later
it’s been bothering him recently that you know what it looks like the last time around!!!! but he could swear up and down that it wasn’t
he just feels this great urge to explain even if you haven’t asked
“oh. so we have to move out for the time-being?”
jimin clarifies with namjoon, the head of the frat, and he’s met with a solemn nod
it makes sense!!!
the house got checked today and there were mULTIPLE fire hazards!!! and it needs to be fumigated anyway under new campus protocol so it indeed makes sense
practically everyone's going home because it’s a long weekend anyway because of a holiday
and he’s not sure if he wants to take the same route.
jimin squeaks the moment you open your door, surprise evident on your face but not shock to the point you’d close the door on him
okay maybe he’s gonna go straight to explaining
“frat house needed to be closed because of some complications, and it wouldn’t be open to us for another three days. most of the guys are coming home,” jimin clears his throat, his head down while he shyly scratches the back of his ear, “i have one, but i’m not sure if i wanna.”
it’s that problem
it takes one, two seconds before it all registers in your head, nodding surely
“you can take my bed. i’ll take the couch, it’s a pull-out anyways.”
you open the door for him widely and the only thing you ask if he’s had dinner and if he’d like some
god you’re really throwing him in a loop here
it’s after a batch of your cooking that jimin’s only ache is why you were the way that you were, half-dazed the whole time he’s met you properly
“why do you never ask me?”
“hmm?” you hum as you dry the dishes that you’ve used, wanting to get it done as soon as possible so your full attention would be on him
no, actually. jimin WANTS you to pry!!
he wants you to worm your way into his privacy and into the confines of his mind
but it seems like you’ve already did without even asking.
“ask me why i’m called the cherry king.”
you tilt your head in confusion, that time playing in your head of why jimin looked confused when you didn’t continue to ask further
maybe you’ll indulge him
“why are you called the cherry king?”
jimin smiles, leaning to your couch with his arms relaxed
“we did secret santa for christmas at our frat house. taehyung thought it would be nice if he pranked me by gifting me a jar full of cherries, but i thought that was his actual gift, and i liked it to the point that i finished it in one sitting.”
cute, even
“ask me why i came out of seri’s apartment last week.”
oh that’s.,.,. that’s a bit higher in level compared to nicknames
“why did you come out of seri’s apartment last week?”
“because seri’s the ex-girlfriend of hoseok, my frat brother, and he wanted me to return all her stuff because he doesn’t want to be reminded of his cheating ex.”
well that was definitely weighted
jimin plays with the hem of his shirt, the words tumbling out of his mouth
“ask me why i love you.”
why do you wHAT
your mouth drops open, the new position you took on the other end of the couch taking an impact on him
“w-why do you love me?”
jimin’s a lot of things but he’s not drunk tonight
he doesn’t know why he’s letting his feelings slip either, but it’s the bottomless need that he feels when he’s around you
“i feel wanted. i feel needed.”
he smiles cheerfully even if he feels shy dropping this on you all of a sudden
“not sure if you want me nor need me, but i feel welcome with you if that makes sense.”
“you just make me feel loved, i guess.”
jimin looks at you for the first time since he’s opened his mouth, an equally fond look on your face
you said no words but what jimin receives is a gentle tug, your hand on the side of his face until he’s leaning on your shoulder
“i wanna know what's up there.”
he points a finger to your temple, an amused lilt to his tone, “surprise me.”
it’s an unfolding of things that was weeks in the making but months in developing, the distant glances leading you to recognize jimin in the shop in the first place
“i feel the exact same with you,” you answer honestly and it makes his laugh from his chest, his cheeks warm and his heart content
and you just wanna suspend yourselves in this moment forever
“oh! and if i were to lose my virginity to anyone at the moment, it'd be you!!”
jimin swats at your shoulder to which you only giggle at, a toothy smile on display as this is the warmest he’s ever felt
“i wasn’t kidding!!!”
you yawn when you defend yourself, predicting that you’d fall asleep sooner or later on the couch, but for the time-being, you just stroke jimin’s hair to soothe the both of you
jimin is now the furthest thing from sleepy
"what? you told me to surprise you!!"
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catwithangerissues · 3 years
Haikyuu Polyship hc’s!
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♚ Hey hey hey! Welcome to a little collab that @tetsurocking and I have been working on for a few weeks now! Like two but still. We each chose three different couples and wrote headcanons about a poly relationship with them!
♚ My three!: Suna x Osamu x Reader! Tendo x Ushijima x Reader! And Futakuchi x Shirabu x Reader!
♚ Make sure to check out the three couples J wrote about over on her page! I promise you’ll find some stuff ya like😉 ‘I think about polyships too much for a monogamous bitch’ -J 😂 Anyways, enjoy!
♚ Warnings: Should be none! Although I reference high school in the past, everyone involved is aged up!
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Suna x Osamu x Reader Poly!
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✧ When you guys were in high school, Rinta would always send you videos of Osamu and him at practice; sometimes they were videos of the twins fighting, some were of them doing little tricks with the ball to get your praise, and some were just of them waving/saying they missed you
✧ They tend to spam your little group chat with memes while you’re at work or school, and sometimes they just spam you for attention <3
✧ They both really like it when you wear their clothing. Sometimes they get pouty if you wear one shirt or the other, but they never genuinely mind. In addition to this, they basically share a wardrobe. Is that Suna’s shirt or Samu’s? They don’t even know 🤷🏻‍♀️
✧ Suna probably sends you two pictures of the ugliest things he sees in a day and and puts a caption like « haha that’s you two. » that’s it. He probably doesn’t even bother to put a period at the end (Thanks for this one, Alma!)
✧ Suna takes tons of pictures with/of the two of you, and he changes his lockscreen background pretty often because of it. His favorite pictures are the ones he takes without you two noticing, hehehe
✧ These two are both really great drivers and they’re very smug about it. Food for thought 😌
✧ When you’re grocery shopping, they probably start eating what’s in the cart before you’re even out of the store.
✧ In addition to grocery shopping, don’t even TRY to tell Osamu one brand of a certain ingredient or food is better than another, he will throw a Miya Twin hissy fit™️ lmao
✧ They both keep extras of anything any of you may need in their cars. Period stuff if you’re someone who has one, hygiene products like deodorant and an extra shirt for Suna after practice, snacks for Osamu cause the poor boy always wants to eat in the car, etc.
✧ They both like to tease, but in reality they’re big softies for you. Want cuddles? Rinta is always flopping down on top of you once you sit on the couch. Need a back or shoulder massage? You don’t even have to ask Osamu at this point, he does it subconsciously.
✧ Suna prefers dates at home, lounging around and cuddled up, movie nights, dinner dates, etc. Osamu prefers lazy errand days. Going grocery shopping, cleaning the house together, dropping something off to Atsumu or grabbing lunch on the way home, he enjoys the domesticity of life with the two of you.
✧ DOING THEIR HAIR. Styling Suna’s hair for him in the morning or helping Osamu touch up his color before he goes back to brown.
✧ Holiday decorating, birthdays, and anniversaries are always fun with these two. To others, they’re relatively reserved, with a few sarcastic comments to spare *cough cough* we all know who I mean- But to you, they’re rambunctious and sweet. Making stupid jokes to see you laugh, babying you, all the like.
✧ Someone picking on you or getting a little too friendly? No need to worry, your two tall ass, intimidating boyfriends have your back. Suna is more of the- glare daggers at them until they get the hint- kinda person, but Osamu is definitely the- throw my arm around my partner and tell the other person to back off- one.
✧ Going to Suna’s games with Osamu to support him! Osamu once pretended to be a fan and asked for his autograph, and when Suna just looked him dead in the face and kisses him everyone around lost their minds.
✧ You and Suna visiting Osamu at work and bringing him lunch so he doesn’t have to make it himself! He has pictures of you three in his office too <3
✧ The boys visiting you at work/school saying it’s to playfully embarrass you, but usually it’s something like; bringing you lunch, coming to pick you up for a spontaneous date/adventure after you clock out, or just coming to sit in your office and bug you for a little while to get your mind off of work.
✧ They are both pretty possessive, but aren’t controlling. They just like to hold you, though Suna is the more reserved one of the boys when it comes to pda.
✧ ^That said, they like to show you off- a lot. Showing pictures of you or the other boy to their coworkers and teammates is a favorite of theirs.
✧ Whatever hobbies you’re into, they like to sit and watch you do. Reading, cooking (with Osamu?😌), baking, art, music, video games, etc. They just love to watch you do your craft! You’re so supportive of them and their dreams, the things they love, they try to repay the favor any chance they get.
✧ Suna is definitely one to just sit his head on your lap or shoulder and listen to you talk all day about something you love <3
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Tendo x Ushijima x Reader Poly!
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✧ Tendo has a massive collection of hoodies and he loves it when you two wear them. It makes him so happy to see you guys in something that’s his, a physical symbol that you two want people to know you’re with him.
✧ Both very affectionate partners, in their own ways. vv
✧ ^Tendo wasn’t very fond of pda at first, more so he wasn’t comfortable with it because he thought you two would be embarrassed to be seen with him. Once he found out you two weren’t embarrassed of him and wanted to show others your relationship, he was all for it! Usually likes to hold your hands or lean on one of you.
✧ ^Ushijima is more subtle with his affection, not because he’s scared or embarrassed, just that he prefers to do it in private. He knows you two know he loves you, so he doesn’t really see the need to be all over you in public. But in private? That man is always hugging you or nuzzling into your shoulder- he’s like a giant teddy bear.
✧ Ushijima loves to do all the domestic shit with you two. Cooking, cleaning the house, running errands. He’s just a sucker for feeling like a lil family with his two cuties.
✧ Tendo loves to plan the dates! Though if you want to, he’ll gladly let you! He likes to plan little day adventures for the three of you, whenever Toshi doesn’t have practice or training!
✧ Tendo likes to have his nails painted by you, and Ushijima likes to watch you two <3
✧ Matching nails with Tendo??? Mhm😌
✧ Protective boyfies! Let’s be honest here, it’s unlikely you’re gonna have too many problems with these two giants standing next to you. But if there ever is one, they definitely scare off whoever is bugging you quickly.
✧ These two are some of the most comforting people on here. They both had their share of not so great things happen to them growing up, Tendo being bullied and Ushijima basically being treated like a brute. The two of them became really good at comforting people, knowing how it feels to not have someone there to comfort you when you needed it.
✧ They’re big on cuddling to begin with, but if you’re ever sad or stressed? Prepare for Tendo making a pillow fort and Ushijima baking your favorite treats. These two are incredibly supportive and comforting when you need them <3
✧ Ushijima once got so fed up with Tendo being a little brat, he threw him onto his shoulder and walked around the house like that for a good half hour. Tendo thought it was hilarious and so did you
✧ Speaking of, he seems to really enjoy carrying the two of you around at random times. Piggyback rides, bridal style, or just like a koala clinging to him, he loves it.
✧ Tendo can sense a mood change in the two of you like it’s nothin. Seriously, the guy just knows when something is bugging either of you.
✧ The boys definitely ask if they can get a pet when you move in together. Tendo has a long list of crazy animals and Ushijima keeps suggesting a hedgehog for some reason.
✧ Regardless of what you decide on, you know these two are going to treat your pet like their baby. They’re going to spoil tf outta that little fella. 100% Tendo takes a million photos of them everyday. Ushijima doesn’t baby talk, he just talks to them normally about random things like volleyball and it’s pretty comical.
✧ Visiting Tendo at his chocolatier shop! He usually has very long days, and gets extremely happy when you two pop in to see him. Please bring this baby some lunch or dinner, he’s not a big eater and often forgets too. He has pictures of the three of you in his office too <3
✧ Watching Ushijima’s games and practices! This boy can’t get enough of the praise you and Tendo offer him! He loves seeing you sport his jersey with his name on the back, and he says seeing you two in the stands at practice or during a game really helps his focus?
✧ If you’re someone who has a period, these two are so sweet and thoughtful to ya. Tendo always makes the best chocolate, and Ushijima is basically a walking heater, he runs you hot baths too! Both handle mood swings very well and always make sure the pain meds are stocked in the house. 10/10 boyfies
✧ Please let Ushijima have as many house plants as he wants. He loves them and names each of them, he’s let you and Tendo name some before too! Catch this big teddy bear talking to his plants while he repots or waters them and your heart will melt </3
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Futakuchi x Shirabu x Reader Poly!
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✧ Salty, sarcastic, teasy boyfies- if you’re easily flustered, prepare yourself, they are going to use it against you. Calling you nicknames and saying things they know will make you start to stutter at any chance they get. (Lookin at you, Futakuchi) (please don’t think I’m making fun of people with a stutter, I have one myself.)
✧ Very protective, though they may not show it as often as some others do. Someone messing with you? You bet they’re next to you in an instant- offering several sarcastic remarks and a menacing glare from Shirabu, Futakuchi throwing an arm around you and bending down to the creeps level to further the intimidation.
✧ Both very comforting partners, if you’re feeling anxious or upset they’ll gladly take you into a big cuddle pile. Petting your hair or cheek, and telling you all the sweet things they can think of to see you smile.
✧ ^ Shirabu picks up on your insecurities very easily, especially if they’re similar to his own, and helps you learn to cope with and improve your mental health. Futakuchi has a gift for comforting people, always knowing what to say to make you feel 100x better about yourself or anything that’s bugging you <3
✧ Let’s not even get into what they’d say or do to the person if someone hurt your feelings, let alone made you cry. We’ll leave that to your imagination.
✧ Very competitive with each other. They constantly play fight for your attention, making comments about who’s shirt you wore today or who you ate lunch with- but it’s all in good fun.
✧ Futakuchi is a sly bastard, he really loves to fluster and tease tf outta you and Shirabae. For example: When Jirou gets mad at Kenji, Futakuchi just calls him his pretty boy or compliments how cute he looks when he’s angry and Shirabu becomes a complete flustered, stuttering mess.
✧ Going to visit Shirabu at work and/or bring him lunch! He doesn’t like to admit it, but he really does appreciate when you two come to visit and eat with him, especially during long shifts where he doesn’t get to see or talk to you two very much. He always becomes a blushy mess, waving off his coworkers with a glare when they comment on it- or when Futakuchi points it out
✧ Going to watch Futakuchi’s games! He’s very open with his appreciation for the two of you coming to watch his games! Either of you wear an extra jersey of his and it’s game on. He’s mindful to ask if you’re okay with hugs after, since he’s usually pretty sweaty, though.
✧ Of the two of them, Shirabu is the more perceptive one. He can easily pick up on any of the changes in mood the two of you may have, and it makes it easier to solve any issues you may have, rather quickly.
✧ In your relationship, Shirabu also gets frustrated the easiest. Whether it be with himself or the stresses of work and school, he finds himself getting frustrated and overwhelmed rather easily.
✧ You and Futakuchi are masters at calming him down by now, pulling him into a cuddle with lots of affirmation and he feels better in no time, offering to help with his work and take a bit of the load off cheers him up quite a bit too.
✧ Your boys are both very loving and cuddly when sleepy.
✧ Both getting overwhelming soft when you’re being cute, they just start to overload. Whenever you do anything remotely adorable, they can’t help but dote on you. SOFT BOI HOURS
✧ HEAD PATS! That is all. :)
✧ Futakuchi is the type to kiss you hard during an argument while Shirabu is the type to sulk and then come over to you later that night asking to cuddle.
✧ Random hc, but Futakuchi’s car is a fucking mess, I just know it.
✧ Saw this somewhere else, but it fits him! Futakuchi says yes ma’am/sir with a huge shit eating grin.
✧ You three have a good system when it comes to planning dates, taking turns every week or so, although Shirabu tends to prefer slow days/nights at home, given his busy(er) schedule.
✧ Another random hc, but I think Futakuchi has some sort of energy drink addiction and Shirabu is constantly nagging him about cutting it out of his diet because he aggressively cares for that boy.
✧ “Stop drinking that, idiot. It’s bad for you.” “Aww, Jirou~ are you worried about me?” “Shut up,,”
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♚ Hope you enjoyed our little collab! Go check out @tetsurocking ’s part on her page! Believe me- it’s good😭 be warned! It does have nsfw content! Mine was gonna but some of you can’t follow rules😤
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Taglist: @sunalma @toworuu @lovie-and-co (for your boys😌)
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edendaphne · 3 years
“Discordant Sonata” Chapter 19
>>Click here to read on Ao3<<
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Music glossary:        Attacca - "To attack at once"; used as a direction in music at the end of a movement to begin the next without pause
(Mood music: "The Conversation" - Pearl Django)
Being mere months away from graduating lycée meant that their group of friends didn’t have as many classes together, due to their diverse individual interests and talents. However, they always made sure to make time to hang out after school before their extracurricular activities began.
And thus, Adrien, Nino, and Alya made their way to the classroom where the art club gathered to meet up with Marinette. From there, Adrien would make his way to either fencing lessons or Chinese, depending on the day of the week. Marinette would join him on days when he had Chinese (as she’d become determined to master the language ever since her uncle visited from Shanghai a few years back), Alya would go to her journalism club, and Nino would travel to his part-time internship at the local recording studio.
“–and the backlogs just keep piling up!” Alya spoke as they walked, voice full of vigor and excitement. “I’ve had to recruit yet another mod to help me keep order in the forums! Especially since the Ladyblog has started going international and we’ve had to organize servers in different languages. You wouldn’t believe how crazy it’s gotten in there recently!”
“Dang, babe,” Nino interjected. “Sounds like things are super rough for you right now.”
“Not really, more busy than anything. Especially because I have that big research article due next week, there’s just not enough hours in the day to try to read everything that goes on in there. But I have my mods report to me daily, ‘cause I always like to stay on top of everything that goes on in the chats!”
“What’s gotten everyone so riled up in the Ladyblog lately?” Adrien chimed in. “I don’t recall it being nearly this busy last year.”
The trio entered the art club’s classroom and settled down at the table where Marinette sat, getting her various sketches organized. The art teacher was quite easy going, so they didn’t have to talk in hushed whispers and could come and go as they pleased.
“Well, to be honest, it’s because of Chat Noir,” Alya replied.
Adrien tried to contain his surprise. “R-really? What– uhhh, what do people have to say about him?”
He winced inwardly. He knew he shouldn’t ask. But curiosity got the better of him today. Maybe learning the news through the filter or Alya’s paraphrasing instead of reading the negative comments firsthand would lessen the sting of what people said about him.
Marinette whipped her head around at the mention of his alter ego. “Wait, what about Chat Noir?” she inquired.
“Girl,” Alya replied, her voice filled with renewed exuberance. “You would not believe how much we’ve had to censor and moderate all the inappropriate things people have been saying!”
Adrien flinched in his seat. “Wow… do people really hate him that much?” he asked, trying to conceal the dejection in his voice.
Alya busted out into loud guffaws. “Hate?! Dude, most people don’t hate him; they LOVE him! By ‘inappropriate’ comments, I mean the kinda stuff you wouldn’t want your grandma to catch you reading! There’s a whole giant section dedicated to his new fan club!” she said as she removed her glasses so she could wipe away the tears of laughter.
“WHAT?!” Adrien squawked in confusion, his face feeling hotter than the ovens back at the bakery. “A fan club??”
Marinette burst into uncontrollable snickering. “Has it really gotten that bad?!”
Nino joined in, “Bro! Adrien, I can’t believe you haven’t heard Alya rant about these rabid fans before! They call themselves the ‘Noir Nation’, and the kind of things they’ve been writing would make adult romance authors blush like schoolgirls!”
Alya nodded, thoroughly amused. “And that’s not including all the fanfiction people have been writing.”
“Wait– the WHAT?! There’s fanfiction?!!” Marinette gaped in shock, as if she’d been hit in the face with an enormous pie. “Alya, how come I never knew about this?!”
“Why? You wanna read em? Girl, you’ll get no judgment from me. If you wanna check ‘em out for yourself, just go check under the hashtag ‘Ladynoir’.”
Marinette stammered as her arms flailed in her bewilderment, accidentally knocking her phone off the table and onto the floor, her eyes bigger and rounder than Adrien had ever seen them. “They have a ship name?!” she screeched.
“Just mind the ratings though,” Alya advised. “Some of them can get pretty steamy. You wouldn’t want someone to catch you reading those in public,” she added with a wink.
Marinette continued to sputter incoherently. “NO, I am NOT gonna read it!! It would be different if they were fictional characters, but I could never read fanfiction about real people!”
Alya raised a skeptical eyebrow at her. “Mm-hmm… Sure.”
Marinette’s hands flew to her face, trying to hide how red her entire face had gotten, and released a long squeak that resembled a hamster on helium. As shocked as Adrien was about these rather unexpected news, seeing Marinette’s over-the-top reaction brought a wide grin to his face and he busted out laughing.
He bent over to retrieve Marinette’s phone, since she was too busy being mortified to notice it had fallen to the floor. As he was about to hand it back, the screen lit up and Adrien saw the lockscreen wallpaper: it was the same photo of Ladybug and Chat Noir that he himself had saved earlier that day. He smiled, not exactly sure what to make of it, but finding it adorable that she’d liked the photo enough to set it as her lockscreen.
He tapped her shoulder, waiting for her to respond. She emerged from behind her impromptu hand shield and turned her head, then her eyes widened once again as soon as she saw what Adrien was showing her. She jolted straight up, stiff as a board, and her eyes met his, cheeks turning tomato red. He winked at her, amused about this little secret between them, and handed back her phone without a word.
Marinette accepted it with a meek-sounding, “Thanks,” looking like she wanted to explain the photo, but not able to do so unless she wanted Alya and Nino to find out that she was potentially a… ahem– “Ladynoir” shipper.
Switching the conversation to something else (which Marinette seemed to be eternally grateful for), the group chatted until it became time for them to scatter to their next destinations.
With a wave, Adrien exited the classroom and headed towards fencing practice, one of the few activities he decided to stick with despite not being forced to participate. Fencing, along with Chinese lessons, were not only enjoyable, but were also quite useful. Sadly, he didn’t have access to a piano anymore, so he wasn’t able to pursue that hobby for the time being. Hopefully later down the line, when things had settled down and he’d found his own place to live, he’d be able to finance one.
Thinking about the future had become an exciting pastime instead of an anxiety-inducing one, and it was all thanks to his friends and those he cared about. He smiled as he reached the door to the locker rooms, continuing to daydream of what was to come.
(Mood music: "Recollection 3" - Shirō Sagisu (BLEACH OST, "The Diamond Dust Rebellion")
Adrien finished getting dressed for fencing, his head still blissfully floating in the clouds. He stored his belongings into his assigned locker, shutting it with a loud clang, which echoed through the empty room.
Huh...? Empty?
He swiveled his head around, surprised that there was no one beside him. He stood up and began walking down the large room, peeking down the other locker rows looking for his classmates; but there was nobody.
Where was everyone? There’s no way that every single one of them was running late. Had his lessons been cancelled and he’d somehow missed a text message or email? He began heading back towards his locker to check his phone for any schedule changes.
Before he reached his destination, however, heavy thudding footsteps broke the eerie silence. Adrien whipped his body around to greet whoever they belonged to.
The owner of those footsteps was one of the last people Adrien expected to meet here.
Adrien stood agape, face to face with his old bodyguard, whom he hadn’t seen in a couple of years; not since he’d resigned and moved out of the country. Nathalie had mentioned that in his resignation letter, Gaspard said that he’d become involved in an overseas business venture involving the market of rare action figures. Nevertheless, Adrien couldn’t help but suspect that his father’s ill temper and poor treatment of their employees was the true reason for his departure.
Adrien’s first reaction was surprise and joy, and he rushed forward to greet and embrace him. However, as he approached and got a better look at the man’s face, Adrien’s mood instantly morphed into confusion and apprehension. There was something odd about his eyes.
Something wasn’t right. Why was Gaspard here? And why now?
He came to a halt about a meter before reaching him. An oppressive weight seemed to press in all around him, and he had to suppress a shiver. “Wait. Gaspard, did–” he gulped, “–did my father send you?”
His old bodyguard did not reply, but took a heavy step towards him. Adrien stepped back.
“Please… I can’t go back. I live somewhere else now, and I’m very happy there. Whatever he told you about the situation, it’s a lie.”
His bodyguard continued to approach him, his stare vacant and unsettling.
Fighting the urge to panic, he pleaded, “You don’t have to do this. If he’s offered you compensation, I can match it; it’ll just take me a bit of time. But we can work something out, right?? For old time’s sake?”
He continued walking backwards until he bumped into something firm, but it wasn’t a wall; it was another person. Before he could turn around, they grabbed him by the shoulders, detaining him and preventing him from running away.
He was about to shout for help when something sharp jabbed him on the side of the neck, injecting a cold liquid. Adrien’s eyes grew wide in terror.
Adrien swore as he jerked away, elbowing whoever was behind him and managing to break free. Rubbing at the spot where the syringe had stabbed him, he glanced back to take a look at his other assailant, only to see... another Gaspard?
Why are there two of him??
This was wrong. Gaspard didn’t have a twin; he knew that for a fact. He’d worked for the Agrestes ever since Adrien was a toddler and was too young to even pronounce his name correctly (hence the nickname “Gorille”, which stuck around for years afterwards). Additionally, there was something uncanny, otherworldly, even, about the way these two men looked and moved.
He shook himself out of his stupor. He didn’t have time to contemplate any possible explanations. He had to get out of there fast.
He sprinted towards the exit, but only managed to travel a few paces before he lost his footing and tripped. He fell to the ground hard, almost hitting his head on a nearby bench. As he struggled to get up, he realized that his fingers and toes had already gone numb.
Not good.
Time was running out. Adrenaline coursed through him and, with a grunt, he hefted himself to his feet and scrambled towards the exit, as fast as he could despite a heavy limp. Though his heart was hammering and his legs felt like they were filled with sand, he pushed himself, concentrating on reaching the door.
After taking a few steps, however, he realized that even if he did manage to exit the locker room, the area beyond was an open courtyard. Meaning he wasn’t going to be able to reach someplace safe before getting caught. He had no choice but to transform into Chat Noir, and hopefully Plagg’s powers and strength could help him escape and find somewhere to hide.
He’d scarcely uttered the first syllable in the transformation phrase when he was tackled to the ground. A giant hand swiftly covered his mouth and Adrien felt his hands get bound together with thick zip ties behind his back. A muffled scream of writhing frustration made its way up his throat as his limbs became more and more useless by the second.
No… This can’t be happening! Please, this can’t be how it all ends!
Just when his life had finally gained a semblance of normalcy and he’d found happiness again, it would get ripped away and he would disappear without a trace, leaving everyone to wonder what had happened to him. Leaving his friends to think that Gabriel had pulled him from school and they would never see him again. Leaving Ladybug to wonder if Chat had abandoned her forever. Leaving her to fight Hawkmoth alone. Again.
He couldn’t let that happen. He thrashed and struggled as furiously as he could, fighting the feelings of overwhelming helplessness that threatened to consume him. Nearing despair, he was too distracted to notice Plagg phrasing through the wall, away from the skirmish, in search of the only person who could save him.
(Mood music: "Run" - Ludovico Einaudi)
Marinette fidgeted with her pencil, her feet wiggled and bounced under her desk. She didn’t understand; when she’d arrived at the art club, her head had been filled with inspiration and ideas that she’d been excited to draw and execute. However, at the moment, her mind was filled with noise and disquietude.
Having had enough, she excused herself to visit the restroom. Once she’d walked far enough from the classroom, she opened her purse to talk to Tikki about her current dilemma.
“It’s the same feeling as last night, Tikki! Except that would mean one of three possibilities. Option A.) It’s nothing and I’m going crazy. And— don’t give me that look, Tikki! I can see what you’re thinking and I don’t have time for your cheeky sass right now!” The kwami snickered while Marinette cleared her throat and continued, “Option B.) that Chat is here, at this school, which is impossible because his school’s on the other side of the city, that’s why he always leaves the house super early for his long commute.”
Tikki opened her mouth and looked like she was about to say something, but then didn’t (...or couldn’t?).
Marinette resumed, “Or, C.) that my–– what do I even call it? My ‘Spidey sense’??–– that it’s got a long distance mode, and Chat is all the way across Paris and he’s in trouble! But what am I supposed to do about that from here?! I wouldn’t even know where to begin looking!”
Tikki shrugged. “Follow your instincts, Marinette. There’s no harm in taking a quick look around the school, right?”
Marinette groaned. “UGH! It doesn’t make sense!! Am I going to get interrupted like this all the time from now on?” She shook her head resolutely. “No. I can’t just go off on random field trips every single time I feel a random fit of anxiety. I’m sure it’s just leftover jitters from last night. I’m supposed to call Master Fu after school anyway; he can help me figure everything out. I’m just gonna go back to class and forget about it.”
Tikki frowned, not quite convinced, but deciding not to press further.
Marinette made her way back to the classroom in a frustrated huff. But as her hand reached to turn the handle, the feelings of danger and urgency multiplied tenfold. Without a word, she sprinted away in the opposite direction, not even knowing where she was running to, only knowing she had to get there immediately.
She reached the large common area of the school downstairs. Her head whipped around, frantically searching for something, anything. In her haste, she didn’t notice a small black creature zoom into her open purse.
A few moments later, she felt a frantic tugging at her shirt from below.
“Marinette!! Over there! Check the locker room, quick!!!” Tikki whisper-screamed as she peeked outside the purse, her tone uncharacteristically frantic.
Marinette nodded, then sprinted to the locker room.
“Wait! You should transform first!” Tikki added.
No time!
“Marinette, wait!!”
Despite Tikki’s protests, Marinette raced towards the double doors, tackling them open.
Three sets of eyes landed on her as she skidded to a halt, but only one pair consumed her entire attention. She gasped in horror, hands flying to her face as she stared at what was occurring in front of her. Adrien let out a desperate, muffled scream urging her to run.
His panicked voice snapped her out of her dazed shock; but instead of running, she stood her ground, eyes darting back and forth across the area searching for something useful. The room was remarkably barren except for a lone broom a short distance away from her. She grabbed it and leaped towards the closest attacker (the one holding Adrien down), swinging it like a baseball bat.
The man didn’t even try to avoid the hit; the broomstick merely bounced off the side of his face where Marinette had hit him. She frowned in confusion, then tried hitting him again, bringing the stick down on the top of his head like an axe.
The end of the broom flew off, and Marinette stared in shock at the broken broomstick.
“What the hell are you?!” Marinette exclaimed, shifting her grip on the shortened wooden stub.
She pounced at the second bodyguard, bringing her weapon down in a stabbing motion; but he swatted at her hand, disarming her. She yelped in pain, leaping backwards to get some distance between them.
She was outmatched. The only strategy available was to use their own size against them. With a feint to the side, she shot at his legs for a takedown, hoping to catch him off balance. He called her bluff and shoved her backwards with his giant palm, then kneed her in the stomach.
Winded from the impact, Marinette doubled over with a gasping wheeze, fighting with all her might to keep herself from collapsing onto the ground. She forced herself upright and attacked again. With a clumsy jerk, she lunged forward, swinging wild punches at her opponent. The shots connected but his expression barely changed; it was like beating a breathing punching bag.
The bodyguard backhanded Marinette across the face. Pain shooting across her cheek, she staggered, almost losing her balance. In her daze, she watched helplessly as the man reared his arm back. There was no chance to dodge. His fist connected with her abdomen, delivering a liver shot that shut down her entire body. She crumpled to the floor as if boneless. She tried to call out Adrien’s name, but her mouth merely opened in a silent scream.
Marinette could hear Adrien’s distressed screaming, but it sounded distant, like they were underwater. The edges of her vision grew black and fuzzy, the entire room dissolving around her. She had to consciously force her lungs to inhale, but couldn’t fill them all the way, as if a boulder had been placed on top of her chest.
Faintly, she felt herself getting picked up off the ground and carried away over someone’s shoulder. Disoriented and semi-blinded, the sudden movement and rough jostling made her head spin and gave her vertigo. She gritted her teeth and squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block it all out.
A few moments later, they stopped moving, and she heard a door burst open. Where were they? Before she could gather her senses, she was in the air, thrown several meters away, landing with a hard thud. A sharp pain traveled down her body as she rolled into the wall across them. The shriek that tried to escape her throat emerged as a strained, shallow whine.
The man stomped out, leaving her alone in the room. “Stop…!” she rasped out, managing to tilt her neck upwards, head pounding.
The bodyguard slammed the door shut, followed by a bang and a clattering sound that could only mean he’d broken the doorknob of whatever room she was in.
Marinette's vision became more and more blurred. At the verge of losing consciousness, she fought to keep her eyes open as tears pricked at the corners of her eyes.
No, she couldn’t pass out! She had to save Adrien! Stay awake, Marinette, stay awake!!
She bit down on her lip hard, focusing on the sharp sting, on the swelling that was already forming around her right eye, forcing herself to feel the pain her body was in. At this moment, feeling pain was better than falling unconscious. She concentrated on her breathing, slowly regaining her senses.
She reached down to open her purse and get Tikki’s help… only to be met with emptiness. Panic settled in her gut as she realized that sometime during the skirmish, the purse had slipped off her shoulder. She sat up, slowly, so she wouldn’t risk feeling faint again from the change in positions.
She squinted, adjusting her eyesight to the darkness of the room. It seemed to be some sort of supply closet. After a failed few attempts to stand, she crawled towards the door instead, careful not to bump into the crates and shelves that filled the area.
The girl eyed the broken doorknob wearily. She was pretty proficient at lockpicking and breaking into things, but not as good at breaking out. Her only hope was that Tikki would be able to find her… if she was even nearby.
She swore to herself. Why had she rushed in and attacked two grown ass men (who, incidentally, may or may not be supernatural to boot!) instead of hiding and creating a strategy?! Now she was useless, Tikki was gone, and Adrien was surely on his way to get auctioned to the highest bidder in the criminal black market and ransomed off for an enormous sum. Great job, Marinette. Adrien’s been abducted and it’s all your fault.
Gathering all the determination she could muster, she tried to call out for help. But her voice was still too hoarse, and only a weak croak came out. She clenched her fists, grumbling irritably. Time for a different approach. Somehow, she needed to make noise.
After a brief search, she found a hard, metallic object that she could use to hammer on the door. She tested it out; it was surprisingly effective. She doubled her efforts, making as big a racket as possible. Hopefully, it would only be a matter of time before somebody heard her, let her out, and she could go find Adrien.
She couldn’t let anything else happen to another loved one. Not again.
I'M REEEAAAAALLY SORRY FOR THAT CLIFFHANGER JSHDKFJHSKDF ᕕ(╯°д°)ᕗ  I tried splitting up the sections differently but it didn't really flow as well.
But the next chapter is almost done, so I'll have it ready by next weekend!!
156 notes · View notes
slashersins · 4 years
Ok so, one of the best dates (in my opinion) is going to build a bear and each getting a bear! Like picking em out together n doing the little heart ceremony (and also putting scents in I love the scentss) putting the hearts in each others bears bc love~ picking out their clothes together, naming em, then afterwards grabbing something to eat! (Taking a picture together n setting it as your lockscreen) its wonderful and you get a bear to remind you of your partner!! 10/10!! -Scooby
jason voorhees 
this boy will dead ass put on his best clothes , his gloves , a hat , a face mask , sunglasses , and come to build a bear with you . he may not speak but fuck he is so excited to do this with you , and you look so fucking happy and excited . he will without a doubt do everything with such dedication and seriousness during the heart ceremony that the bear builder is a bit nervous . he gets his build a bear soft , barely stuffed so that it falls over when it’s sitting . he picks out an outfit similar to his , a bit sad there is no mask or little machete . he’s having so much fun and you can tell . and oh god , there’s little kids who can’t quite reach things and he is helping them , and somehow there are now two kids sitting on either side of him helping him make his birth certificate for his new stuffed animal and jason is just so happy and enjoying himself despite the fact that the children’s mothers look slightly terrified . he ends up naming his bear mr fluffington due to the help of the children who decided jason was their new best friend . the cashier takes a picture of you on the polaroid and jason is very happy with it . he may or may not make a small machete for mr fluffington so he can gaurd the cabin . 
michael myers 
somehow you got michael maskless and dressed in normal people clothes and inside of a mall . he’s intimidating , hair pulled back into a messy bun , face full of stubble , blue eyes cutting into everything and everyone . he doesn’t seem to care , picking his build a bear after staring at them . his bear is completely over stuffed and hard as a rock . he doesn’t move . doesn’t sing . barely holds the heart before dropping it onto the back instead of stuffing it in and watching it fall to the floor . the bear builder tries to pick it up , but michael steps on it , basically telling them to sew the bear up without it . after wards he takes the heart and pockets it . he doesn’t care what the bear wears . the bear has a black shirt and some jeans and that’s it , the clothes barely fit , and it is almost impossible to put them on . when he names it , he just sits at the computer and stares . he names it “no” . later that night , you find “no” stabbed , half of it’s stuffing on the floor leaving a trail to his body . michael is on the floor sewing the heart back inside of it . 
brahms heelshire 
you have to get one of those do it at home yourself build a bear maker kits shipped to you , but you try and give brahms the full experience . it actually scratches an itch of indulge on a childish activity that he didn’t know he had . and the fact that the bear that comes in the kit is rather small , makes him happy . he gives his bear to doll brahms . making it was fun , you taking on the role of peppy bear builder . he thought it was cute . his bear is medium full , and he wanted it dressed in a suit . his name is bearington the third . when you asked if he wanted to help you make your bear he lit up , using his adult voice and treating you like a child . he made you do a million and one things during your heart ceremony and you couldn’t help but laugh at how silly he was . all in all it was a super cute fun time and now bearington and doll brahms are never apart . 
thomas hewit 
you can’t really bring him to build a bear as i don’t think they existed in the time period he lives in , buuuuut you can make him one . you have him pick out a fabric he likes , not giving him any clue as to why . you ask him how soft he likes things . he tells you like his pillow . a little on the firm side . you make a little heart and you have him do a little ceremony with it to put his love in it . he humors you but looks at you with a raised brow as if you’re the silliest person he’s ever met . you ask him what his favorite outfit is and make him pick out more fabrics to get a clothes set out . when you present him with the bear he is shocked . he tries not to tear up . tries not to cry , but he’s so so so happy . he keeps it on his dresser and when he gets out of bed before you , he will put it in your arms so you won’t miss him . 
jesse cromeans 
jesse walks in like he owns the place . the prettiest most expensive bear is his . only the most fancy suit ( he will later order a suit from some fancy designer for his bear ) . he does the heart ceremony , smiling at you the entire time and bumping your hip with his . he promises that he’ll get a chrome heart to put inside of the bear later . and you best bet that jesse gets everything . sun glasses , boots , socks , underwear , roller skates , back pack . his bear is spoiled to shit . you’re is too , and you almost wanna laugh at the look on the other customer’s faces when the price rings up . jesse was being so showoffy that he forgot to get a birth certificate or name his bear . 
bubba saywer 
much like with tommy you can’t really bring bubba to build a bear . but unlike tommy , you already know all of bubba’s favorites . you know he loves textures , so the body , each limb , the head , and the tail are all different fabrics . different sensations so he can have those little stimming moments . you know he likes things extra soft , so that’s how you fill it up . during the heart ceremony you have bubba do so many cute little things and he is more than happy to bounce around and babble . then you have him close his eyes and sew the heart in . when he opens them his eyes light up . and when he feels over the bear he is in utter heaven . it becomes his stress reliever and cuddle buddy . and you’re so happy he finds so much comfort in it . bubba will be giving you so many kisses as a thank you .
billy loomis & stu matcher 
it’s pure chaos . they’re messing with the kids , putting things out of their reach , debating on what animal or bear to get . but they are the most creative . billy gets a bear , stu gets a bunny . billy gets his stuffed medium full , stu barely makes his stuffed at all . stu over exaggerates every fucking heart thing , billy just smirks and makes everything filthy despite the gasps of mothers around you . billy dresses his bear up like a bad ass punk , stu give it a dress and tries to make a thong for it . billy names his bich fuker and stu names his fuking bich . you don’t know how you made it out of the store without being kicked out but somehow you do . later , at lunch , both of them disapear only to suddenly see the stuffed animals pop over the table as they give you a weird stuffed animal porno scene that you try not to die laughing over . 
vincet sinclair 
surprisingly , vincent will go into town with you for this venture . and even more surprising , he will go maskless . his long locks will cover the damaged half of his face , and he might look just a bit annoyed with how crowded it is in the store and how loud it is . he’s used to peace and quiet and metal music . he spends a long time deciding on a stuffed animal , even if he doesn’t think that he’ll put it up anywhere . he tries and does convince you to only get one to share . you’ll both build it together . he choses two and lets you get the choice in which one to get . he does the heart ceremony with you , giving a soft look to you , amused at how much fun you’re having , memorizing the way you look so he can sketch it later . you both decide to try and dress up in cozy clothes , a sweater and pants and socks . you name the bear vincent jr and vincent shakes his head , looking at you amused and presses a kiss to your temple . 
bo sinclair 
bo is annoyed as fuck to be there and is glaring at the kids , calling them brats and ankle bitters . he doesn’t act like he cares , and much like vincent just wants to get one . he isn’t made of fucking money . though he does get pissy when you don’t pick the bear with golden curl fur and you end up changing it with hitting his chest with a limp bear hand . he talks down to the bear builder because at first it’s too soft , then it’s too fucking hard , and then there’s too much stuffing taken out . you end up tipping the poor girl when his back is turned . he almost fucking faints when he sees how expensive everything is for clothes so you only get one white shirt . you then convince him to get a pair of socks because that’s what bo wears when he’s being lazy . he names it ankle bitter . a few days after you get the bear you can’t find it and you think it might have been thrown away , and then you see it in bo’s garage on a top shelf holding a wrench . 
lester sinclair 
lester has a lot of fun . once he makes it inside he gets pumped and asks if he can give his to jonesy . you both decide that your gonna get on each for her . lester gets her a bunny because of how much jonesy loves them . its absolutely adorable . the bear builder has and issue understanding lester’s slurred country talk , and it makes you want to laugh so hard because it’s obvious they’re from out of state . you end up just doing your best to translate and only laugh harder when lester starts laying it on thicker for a laugh . the bear ends up between limp and medium , a good fluff for a cuddle and chew toy . he dresses the bunny up as you , saying that it’s good for jonesy to have a little version of her daddy’s love . and you can’t help but think lester is fucking cute . he doesn’t name the bunny . later , after you decide to eat in the mall , lester says he’ll be back and goes to the bathroom . when he comes back he hands you a little bear that is dressed up like him and tells you that he wanted to make you something to hug on to when you missed him too much . 
jacob goodnight 
jacob is nervous , overwhelmed . you go during a school day in the morning so no one is really around . he doesn’t what to do or what to chose , but decides on one that has eyes that can be removed , you understand that he has a bit of an issue so you promise that you’ll put pretty patches over the eyes when you get home , he’s very relieved by this . now , your boy is usually pouty or neutral looking , but watch him light up and smile during the heart ceremony . he takes everything to heart and is so happy . his bear is medium fluff with most of the fluff in his tummy . he takes his time cleaning it , and picks out a very basic outfit . just a plain shirt and shorts . he names it jacob , after himself and wants you to hold it , thinking that you look so cute with two soft stuffed animals in your arms . later , he’ll try to make matching cross necklaces for both your bears . he also wants to come back and make a bear each for all his dogs . 
martin ( 1977 ) 
this shy boy is extremely excited and nervous at the same time . he’ll be quiet , glancing towards you and back at his bear , one that is pure white . he does the heart ceremony , shy as hell about it , whispering the words and such . but the further into the store the more he comes out of his shell . he smiles and stands close , looking at clothes and wanting your bears to match . they both end up looking cute and fancy , his a girl he names angel , and he tells you it reminds him of you . he keeps it in his room , often looking at it when he thinks and misses you . 
carrie white
this girl is excited , eyes bright and smile wide and sweet . she picks out something soft and pink and colorful . she doesn’t want her bear to be plain , no she wants her to be beautiful and stand out . you can’t help it . you put your own bear away so you can spend all the money spoiling this happy girl you have . she does everything with gusto , even doing it with some shy kids . she’s so lost in the moment that it’s wonderful , she really needed this . her bear is so soft , nearly limp , and dressed in a pretty yellow sundress with ribbons on her ears . she names it sunshine . 
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prettycooregrey · 3 years
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aaaaaaaa @yukiyuuki‘s tags are so good it makes me want to talk abt what I think this panel means some more,,,,
the panel in question:
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Post under the cut!
So when I was in middle school I had this blowout fight with my dad about something stupid and it escalated into yelling. But y’know, yelling back at your parents gets you in even deeper shit, so like... it’s best not to.
We had this cheap set of window blinds at the time that we got from a discount outlet that were “supposed” to look like wood but were really just plastic and tbh you couldn’t fool anyone. So in the middle of this fight I feel like I’m going to explode because I’m trapped in a fight with my dad and he’s yelling at me--instead of yelling back, I turned around and sank my teeth into the blinds like a bite block.
Again: these were made of cheap plastic and it left a very clear indent of my teeth. But the blinds were newish, they were a pain in the ass and took two men with DIY know-how to put them up, and my parents had to be careful with money, so they weren’t replaced for many years after. Any time I walked into the kitchen I would see it, and I would feel (irrationally, mind you) ashamed at my “loss of control.”
That’s what the phone is to Mike.
He’s had it for a very significant portion of the comic, over 40 chapters.
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This is Call Waiting, page 2. It was posted in June 2011, just over ten years ago now. This is a very long ways back from the current chapter (Eternal Flame).
Oliver’s commentary on the page notes that Mike’s family is pretty comfortable as, in 2008, an iPhone would have been pretty expensive -- especially for a teenager. Mike was so desperate for the phone that he cashed in his birthday and Christmas presents for it so he could text Sandy.
sidenote: It’s been mentioned, probably by Mod Brambles iirc, that Mike’s lockscreen has never changed. It has always been this picture of Sandy from when they were much younger.
During their fight/breakup, Mike threw it very hard and with very little care across the room, causing the screen to crack. Presumably, like my window blinds, this serves as a permanent physical reminder of what happened that night. The phone is his link to Sandy, and represents nearly the whole of their relationship. Every since getting together, Mike and Sandy have met face-to-face twice, and all other communication has been through letters and phone lines. Mike’s cell phone is representative of them as a couple.
And... it’s about what you’d expect from two teenagers who have nothing in common.
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In page 64 of Eternal Flame, Mike looks down at his cracked screen and tells his friend that they’re going to “get rid of distractions.”
As yukiyuuki said in their tags, this doesn’t just mean Francis. It means Lucy, too. Mike intends to continue his relationship with Sandy through the phone (with promised schedules calls and more frequent replies). But every time he unlocks it to text her... he’s going to see these cracks in the screen.
another sidenote: I don’t believe Mike would go out of his way to fix the phone within the confines of the narrative. The phone is expensive and a repair would be as bad--touchscreen electronics, if not insured, can be less costly to just replace instead of fixing. And while Mike gets along with his parents, unlike my relationship with my dad, he still understandably shrinks like a violet when they’re angry at him. also, Vero would have to dedicate writing/art to a scene as such and she has better things to be working on irt the comic it’s gonna be soooo funny if I’m wrong.
additionally, there’s plenty of analysis on the way Mike sees cheating/cheaters and @bramblepaws​ put it a lot better than I ever could have, check it out here. the point is that he takes loyalty and commitment very seriously. while it wasn’t technically cheating since she’d dumped him immediately prior, I’m willing to wager that the fact that Mike went out and kissed Lucy as soon as he was cut loose is going to weight very heavily on their relationship for the rest of the time they’re in it, even and especially if it’s only by his own guilt. he absolutely saw this as a hiccup and not a true breakup, since it probably didn’t even last an hour. so not only was Sandy compromising fidelity, (wrt to Bramble’s post: “I really love him”/”you’re so... nice”), so was he.
after all, this wasn’t exactly the same at the other two kisses they’ve shared...
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One of these things is NOT like the others, if you catch my meaning.
And while none of these kisses were technically cheating on Sandy or disrespecting his feelings toward her (the first two were before they got back together and the third is, of course, right after their breakup/makeup), Mike has always looked back on them as such because they represent the idea that when Sandy left, Mike fell in love with someone else and therefore he wasn’t “loyal enough,” hence the trauma surrounding being perceived as a cheater by his peers.
yet another sidenote: it occurs to me that these three kisses each have different instigators. the Confrontation one is instigated by Lucy, the Pillow Talk one is instigated by Mike, and while you could argue that Mike instigated in Eternal Flame, the truth is that they both made the decision and came together into that kiss and therefore it was a mutual decision.
so yeah. not only does Mike have another “tally” in his Wasn’t Faithful box, self-imposed and self-inflicted as it is, but Sandy does as well. Sandy’s as-of-currently [checks time] 4:51pm 7/15/21 emotional unfaithfulness (we don’t know how far it goes as the camera’s not on her, but it was unfaithfulness) paired with this third kiss is the coffin for Mike and Sandy that December was for Mike and Lucy (and in a previous post, I described Mike’s behavior toward Lucy in Eternal Flame as the “final nail,” and while we have yet to see Mike and Sandy’s this is a good way to frame the countless parallels between this chapter and December).
Neither of them are going to be able to forget about it. they’re attached to the point that I would describe their relationship as nearly codependent, and absolutely toxic... but it’s no longer a genuine relationship either of them are taking genuine pleasure in. they’ve each has encounters where they’ve experienced pretty explosive chemistry with other people, but they’ve been together since they were kids and for fear of hurting each other and in the unknown variables of new relationships, they’ve decided to stay together.
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(please wear safety goggles in the fireworks lab, folks.)
but again, they won’t forget what happened here, and it’s going to have ramifications for how they move forward. the only thing they’ve done by getting back together is delayed the inevitable and gotten other people hurt in the crossfires.
and that’s what the crack in that panel means.
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rebelwrites · 3 years
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Trying Not To Love You
Clay Spenser x Reader
A/N: This is Part Two To “Can’t Give Her What She Wants” But Could Be Read As A Stand Alone Fic. I Just Couldn’t Leave It How I Did 😂 Rebel Isn’t Good With Angst Without A Happy Ending.
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Clay Spenser Masterlist
This Months Writing
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You call to me, and I fall at your feet. How could anyone ask for more? And our time apart, like knives in my heart. How could anyone ask for more? But if there's a pill to help me forget, God knows I haven't found it yet. But I'm dying to, God I'm trying to.
The moment Jase saw the cheap bottle of whiskey on the coffee table alongside one of Clay’s dog tags laying next to it, he knew what type of night you had. It had only been a month since you and Clay went your separate ways and everyone could see how much it was hurting both of you. He also knew that after your party for one you would definitely need some strong coffee.
“Hey sleepy” Jase said, nudging you as he put a fresh coffee on the table.
“Urgh” you groaned pulling the duvet over your head.
“I see you enjoyed a party on your own last night kiddo” he said pulling the duvet off you.
“Enjoyed wouldn’t be the word I would use” you sighed running your hand over your face before reaching for the coffee and grabbing Clay’s dog tags running you finger over the engraving. “Unless you class knocking back shit whiskey and crying as a good night, then yeah it was a good night”
“It will get easier” Jase said sitting next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder “I mean you’ve been camping on my sofa for the last month now, and that tells me you aren’t ready to give up on hope yet”
“Or I just don’t want to be alone so at least I have Emma and Mikey around when you aren’t” you sighed. “I just want this constant ache in my chest to go away, nothing helps me forget Jase and right now I want to forget”
“Well can I suggest taking a shower” he laughed trying to lighten the mood. “Because you smell like a brewery”
“I’m gonna go for a run” you said, sipping your coffee before slipping the dog tags around your neck, tucking them into the hoodie that belonged to Clay. No matter how much you tried to get rid of the hoodie and dog tags you couldn’t bring yourself to do so. “I need to try and clear my head”
“The boys are coming over soon, so if you aren’t ready to see him yet I’d go soon” Jase sighed squeezing your shoulder he hated how much this was affecting the both of you.
'Cause trying not to love you, only goes so far. Trying not to need you, is tearing me apart. Can't see the silver lining, from down here on the floor. And I just keep on trying, but I don't know what for. 'Cause trying not to love you. Only makes me love you more.
The moment Clay walked into Jase’s house his senses were attacked by the smell of the body spray you always used, he knew you were staying here even if you weren't speaking to him, the sight of your trainers on the shoe rack, made his heart hurt. They were only simple things but everything that related to you made that cut just that bit deeper.
No matter how much he tried not to love you it only made him love you more, Sonny was right you were his other half and life without you was hell.
The moment he walked into the living room, he saw Jase folding up the duvet, placing it in the corner of the room along with the pillows and the teddy bear that you only slept with when you slept alone. He also spotted one of his hoodies thrown over the back of the sofa.
“Is she here?” Clay asked.
“She’s gonna for a run” Jase sighed “she needed to clear her head and shift the hangover she has from nailing a bottle of cheap whiskey”
“How is she doing?” Clay asked as he picked up the empty bottle.
“She’s hurting, just like you are” Jase said with a sad smile.
“I just don’t know what to do” Clay sighed as he sat on the sofa resting his elbows on his knees, holding his head in his hands. “Where do I go from here? I’m trying not to love her but it’s only making me love her more”
“You just got to give it time man” Sonny said squeezing Clay’s shoulder. “It’s only been a month”
“I’m just lost without her”
And this kind of pain, only time takes away. That's why it's harder to let you go. And nothing I can do, without thinking of you. That's why it's harder to let you go. But if there's a pill to help me forget, God knows I haven't found it yet. But I'm dying to, God I'm trying to.
No matter where he went or what he did, he was tormented with memories of you, everything he did always came back to you making things harder. No matter how much he tried to forget he couldn’t. Everyone was right, you were his other half, the person that made everything better.
So he found himself knocking back the shots, distancing himself from his brothers, trying to do anything he could to forget the pain he was feeling. But nothing was working, he couldn’t bring himself to change his lockscreen. Pulling his phone out he stared at the picture of the two of you that was taken around a year ago, he was pressing you against the wall and you were both looking into each other’s eyes with smiles that shine brightly.
He knew he shouldn’t but he found himself writing a text out to you but deleted it before he even sent it.
It's trying not to love you, only goes so far. Trying not to need you, is tearing me apart. Can't see the silver lining, from down here on the floor. And I just keep on trying, but I don't know what for. 'Cause trying not to love you. Only makes me love you more.
“I’ve never seen either of them this low before” Ray said leaning against the counter of Jason’s kitchen.
“I don’t think any of us have” Sonny sighed. Their voices were hushed as you were only on the sofa in the next room. “They are both putting away a serious amount of alcohol to try and numb the pain”
“You do know you aren’t as quiet as you think” you said walking into the kitchen, all their eyes landed on Clay’s hoodie you were still wearing. It no longer smelt of him but you couldn’t part with it, it was like your comfort blanket. “Jase you are in my way”
“I’m not moving,” he said, folding his arms across his chest. “I’m cutting you off the spirits”
“Fine I will just go to the pub then” you huffed storming out of the kitchen.
You knew drinking wasn’t the answer but for a short period of time it numbed the pain, but it never lasted too long.
“We should go with her” Ray sighed. “With how she is feeling she’s gonna start a fight just to feel something other than the heartache she’s feeling”
“I know someone else who is exactly the same” Sonny sighed “but maybe this will work, they haven’t been in the same room as each other for the last two months and I know full well Clay is at the pub”
“You think that maybe if they see one another they might come to their senses?” Jase asked.
“Exactly that”
The moment you walked into the bar you ordered a couple of drinks, tucking yourself into the corner where no one would see you. But from across the room you spotted one person whose mood reflected yours. Maybe coming here was a bad idea, you knew he would be here but was this your heart's way of saying that you needed him.
Leaning back into the chair you watched from across the room having an internal battle on whether you should just go over to him or not.
So I sit here divided, just talking to myself. Was it something that I did? Was there somebody else? When a voice from behind me, that was fighting back tears. Sat right down beside me, and whispered right in my ear. Tonight I'm dying to tell you. That trying not to love you, only went so far. Trying not to need you, was tearing me apart.
“Hey little buddy” Sonny said, sitting beside Clay. “You know it’s bad luck to drink alone right”
“Maybe I want to be alone” Clay sighed.
“Just reach out to her man” Jase said, pulling the beer bottle to his lips. “We all know that you and Y/N are just being stubborn, trust me she is no fun to live with at the moment”
“Yeah well we both decided to go separate ways” Clay snapped.
“Oh come on man you and everyone else knows that you two are meant to be together” Sonny said, glancing across the room to see Ray chatting to you, he didn’t know what was being said but he saw the tears in your eyes as you nodded, standing to your feet and started walking across the room. “But if you want to sit here feeling sorry for yourself then who are we to stop you” nodding at Jase they both stood up leaving him alone but knew he wouldn’t be alone for long.
“Clay” you sniffed fighting back tears as you sat opposite him. You waited until he looked up, his mood matching yours. “I can’t do this anymore”
“Do what?” He whispered looking into your tear filled eyes.
“Be apart from you any longer” you said fiddling with the sleeves of his hoodie you were still wearing. “I’ve tried everything in me not to love you anymore but it only got me so far and if I’m being honest it only made me love you more and the more I tried not to need you just tore me apart”
You didn’t expect him to reach across the table, squeezing your hand, the contact making your heart feel a little lighter.
Now I see the silver lining of what we're fighting for. And if we just keep on trying, we could be much more.
“I think we made a mistake “ he whispered, brushing his thumb over your hand, sending sparks through your body. “The last two months just made me realise I don’t want anything other than you, I don’t want this life if you aren’t by my side”
“What we had was so special even if the last couple of months wasn’t the best” you whispered “we didn’t go about it like adults would, we let the communication break down. But I can’t do this without you, and I don’t want to do it without you” reaching out you placed your hand on his cheek as a smile appeared on Clay’s face.
“We gave up fighting for love but I see it now, maybe we can try again” he whispered, his blue eyes glistening with hope as well as tears.
“I’m willing if you are baby” you whispered, brushing your thumb over his cheek as his smile grew.
“Maybe Sonny was right all this time, soulmates always find a way back together” he whispered before leaning across the table placing a gentle kiss against your lips. “It’s a nice night tonight. What do you say we go for a walk?”
“Just like our first date” you said laughing for the first time in months, standing up you held your hand out in front of him, he wasted no time standing up linking his fingers between yours as you left the pub without saying bye to the guys.
You always believed that having a soul mate was a bunch of bullshit, until this moment. You both knew that you wouldn’t go back to how you were a year ago and it would take time and a lot of communication but it was a road you were both willing to travel, no matter how long it took.
'Cause trying not to love you. Oh, yeah, trying not to love you. Only makes me love you more.
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@chibsytelford @mrsmarvelous1995 @supervalcsi @everyhowlmarksthedead @talicat713 @disasterfandoms @bravo-four-seal-team @jasonbabymama @jayhalsteadfan-2417 @lotsoflovefromlea @seik-o @ohitsnicolexo @phoenixhalliwell
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basicallywhiterice · 3 years
across the world (lucas wong, dong sicheng/winwin)
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pairing: lucas x reader, sicheng/winwin x reader
genre: angst, fluff, flangst. friends to lovers, college!au, dancer!sicheng, relationships and heartbreak
summary:  You always thought a piece of your heart would belong to Sicheng, your first love, who ended things when he moved overseas. In the end, though, there’s nothing across the world except for a boy you used to know.
word count: 4.6k
warnings: cussing
a/n: see y’all next month for the last part, feel free to yell at me so i finish writing it sooner (p.s. peep the hamilton reference)
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
this can be read as a standalone, but is part 2 in the on top of the world series. crossposted on ao3 here!
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Charlotte Douglas International Airport, 1:42 p.m.
“Is this goodbye?” Sicheng murmurs, hugging you tighter. You strain to hear him amidst the hustle and bustle of the airport.
“I guess it is.” He’s leaving for Korea, pursuing his ambitious dance dreams. You’re staying in the states and starting college soon. There’s no time for an international relationship in either of your lives.
It’s cruel, you think, that the heartbreak from your first love will have been so worth it, that you’d have to live through the “right person, wrong time” so soon.
You nod, once. “Ah. Well. Bye.”
“We’re really over? We’re—officially breaking up?”
The words cut like a knife, but you try to stay strong for Sicheng’s sake. “Yeah,” is all you can manage without breaking down. “I guess we are.”
So this is how it ends, you think. “Go and conquer the dance world.”
“I will. I—I really love you. I’m gonna miss you.”
“I love you too, Sicheng. You should go.”
“Ok.” He hoists up his backpack and raises his suitcase handle. “I—goodbye.”
He starts toward the security line after some initial hesitation, flanked by his parents on either side. Trailing behind right before stopping, he turns back one last time, waving a final farewell.
After he’s gone, Lucas pats you on the back, Giselle hugs you tighter, and Ningning lets you cry into her shoulder. It helps, and it just barely holds you together as your world falls apart.
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Home, 11:49 a.m.
You feel hollow.
Exactly six weeks before you leave for college, Sicheng does a routine call in the sliver of free time he has, sandwiched between his classes for the day. You’re still struggling through your acceptance of the change that was bound to happen, spending your days with your friends while you still have time. Though you’ve thrown yourself into living without him, seeing his face feels like a punch in the gut.
Even though he’s across the world, you let yourself forget for a moment, but you can’t pretend any longer when he hangs up.
Today was supposed to be your three month anniversary.
You turn down Yangyang’s invitation to skateboard and cry into your pillow.
Today was supposed to be your three month anniversary, but all you’re left with is a broken heart that Sicheng still holds.
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Turman Hall, 11 a.m.
“Hey. How’d you like your first week?”
You spit out your toothpaste, holding up a finger and motioning for him to wait as you rinse.
“It was okay,” you say. “I haven’t really made new friends yet. I’ve, uh, hung out with a few people though, and Lucas and Giselle are in some of my classes.” Some water droplets spray out from a splash of water, and you wince a little at how low the dorm’s sinks are.
“Have you talked to the people on your floor?”
“Yeah, they’re cool. I’m pretty happy here, I think I just need more time to get to know people better,” you shrug. “Anyways. How are you?”
“It’s going pretty well. Someone from New York joined earlier this week, so she’s kind of in the same boat as me, except she’s Korean.” He’s about to continue when he yawns, words growing incomprehensible.
“You should sleep soon. When are you getting up tomorrow?”
“Late enough. I probably should, though.”
“Then why’d you call? Go to sleep, Sicheng.”
“I wanted to see you, is that really a crime?” He yawns again. “Well then. Goodnight.”
You know you’ll only get hurt in the long run, but that doesn’t stop you from texting him to set up another time to call once you know he’s asleep.
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Turman Hall, 12:15 p.m.
Sicheng cancels a Facetime he scheduled earlier in the week, too tired to call after a grueling practice. It’s the first time he’s done so, and you knew he was going to get too busy for you eventually, but it still breaks your heart.
You’re staring at your laptop when a tidal wave of loneliness pulls you under. You miss Sicheng, but you also miss the rest of your high school friends, your parents, and the simplicity of life before college.
Just as you’re about to text him, Lucas calls you.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“Yooo,” he greets. “Are you still coming to the student center?”
“Yeah, I was about to head out. Why’d you call?”
“You weren’t responding.”
You pause, a wave of tears suddenly welling up. “Thank you, Lucas,” you say, voice steady enough to avoid suspicion. “I’ll be there in 10.”
“Yeah, see you then.”
The loneliness doesn’t fade, but it doesn’t weigh as heavily anymore.
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Turman Hall, 7:14 p.m.
You’re pulling on your shoes, about to head out to meet with Winter at a nearby restaurant, when Sicheng calls you. After a bit of hesitation, you reason it won’t take long and pick up.
“Hey,” Sicheng says, hair sweaty and face shining. “I’m on break right now. How are you?”
“I’m doing alright. Why’d you call?” you ask. He almost never calls during his breaks. “Isn’t it busy there?”
“I felt lonely,” he says, and you’re not sure why it hurts to hear that was the only reason. “Is anything interesting happening?”
“Uh.” It’s been a while since he last called, and you forget what you’ve told him already. “Well, Karina’s been encouraging me to rush next semester. I’m not sure if I want to do it, though.”
“That sounds really fun. You could meet some new people there.”
“Yeah, but it seems really time consuming, and I’ve made friends already. I just—”
“If you want to try it, I don’t see why not.”
“Yes, I just don’t know if I can handle it on top of my classes.”
“You need to decide what you want,” he says, and you blink, startled by his sudden outburst. Your first instinct is to apologize, but you have nothing to be sorry for, and you wonder if something major or stressful happened recently.
“I have been,” you mumble, trying not to sound defensive. “I declared my major last week, the joint bachelor’s and master’s thing here. I talked to my advisor about it and I’m trying to graduate in four years. I have a plan.”
“Oh.” He pauses, head tilting. “You didn’t tell me.”
“I wanted to tell you over call.”
“Ah. You should’ve said something.”
You just shrug, wanting to move on. “I’m excited. How are you, though? Why are you feeling lonely?” You know it’s pointless to ask when he only has a few minutes of free time, but you still want to give him an option to answer.
“I’m alright, getting busier now but—”
The door opens behind him, a dancer clad in black clothing walking on screen. They speak a string of Korean to which Sicheng nods, standing up and stretching his legs.
“Sorry, break’s up,” he says, face coming back into the frame as he bends down to pick up his phone. “Text you later?”
You’ve gotten used to it by now. “Okay. Good luck. Bye.”
His face is replaced first with your text history, and next with a black screen. You stare at it, wondering if he even loved you in the first place.
You don’t decide on an answer during the 15 minute walk to dinner, but when you meet Winter there, you find that there are better ways to fill your time.
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Turman Hall, 11:15 p.m.
Your hands shake as you press the FaceTime button under Sicheng’s contact. As your phone rings, you set it down to wipe your palms on your pants.
After tonight, you’ve decided to cut Sicheng out of your life. The timing is less than ideal, but with exams just completed and an abundance of time to reflect, it’s the best you can do. All you want is one final call with him, and you’ll rip off the bandaid.
Sicheng answers quickly. He’s sitting at his desk, a pillow propped up between him and his chair. “Hey,” he says, waving. An easy smile hangs from his face, and he looks the most relaxed he’s been in months.
“Hey,” you breathe. “How are you?”
He eats lunch as you talk, almost making you regret your decision to distance yourself. Your resolve never crumbles like you thought it would, though, and you think your conviction signals the point of no return.
Tonight, you hang up first. It feels like you can breathe again when you press the ‘end call’ button, but your heart crushes under the weight of your lungs.
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Turman Hall, 11:57 p.m.
“I’m moving on,” you say, resting your elbows on the windowsill and looking up toward the looming night sky. The moon hangs high above, its gentle glow drawing out everything you’ve been bottling up.
“I can’t wait for him to come back when he’s happy without me,” you tell the moon. “I need to live my life without him. Otherwise, it’s not fair to me, or him, or anyone who cares about me.”
A tear traces its way down your face, plopping down onto the ledge. “I used to love him. I don’t know if it’ll ever go away, but I know that someday, I’ll be able to look back at it as something in the past.”
The stars wink back at you, silently, and you wonder if the moon ever gets tired of orbiting the Earth.
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Home, 7:09 p.m.
Sicheng texts you every day during the first week of winter break. Each time, you ignore him for hours before responding, and it feels horrible, but there’s no other way around it.
Today’s texts come when you’re sitting in your room with Giselle and Kun, waiting for the sugar cookie dough to chill in the fridge. He asks how you are, if you want to call in the pocket of free time he has right now and tell him more about your future plans. You stare at the messages on your lockscreen, waiting for your phone to turn off before limply tossing it on your bed.
“What’s going on?” Giselle asks eventually, pulling you out of your reverie.
“Y/n,” she says, scooting closer. You look up from the miniature Christmas tree nestled in your lap, having fiddled with its flimsy branches to distract yourself from replying. “What’s wrong? Talk to us, we’re here for you.”
You glance over at Kun. “I can tell the rest of them not to come because Giselle and I got food poisoning or something, if you need to vent to us.” He pulls his phone out, ready to text Yangyang, Lucas, and Ningning at a moment’s notice.
You wonder how long they’ve known, even when you kept quiet and tried to shoulder your pain alone. Your phone’s ringing saves you from answering immediately, lighting up with an incoming Facetime from Sicheng, and it hurts not to pick up, but it would hurt even more if you did.
“He said he has 20 minutes to call,” you relay to Kun and Giselle dully, your cover blown. They share a sideways glance, but neither of them say anything. “Should I? I don’t even know if I want to talk to him, but y’all probably haven’t called him in a while.”
“Don’t think of us, think of what you want,” Giselle urges.
You nod, reaching for the phone again. It’s still ringing when you silence it, throwing it back on the bed.
“Yeah. That’s what I want.” And then you fall over onto Giselle’s lap, desperately wishing for the pain to end, and she holds you as you sob for the first time in a week. “He’s—it’s—different now, and—s’okay, b-but it’s…” you choke out before you start hiccuping.
The room is quiet as you cry, only the sounds of sniffling and gentle consoling present, as you shed a semester’s worth of tears. You start talking once you’re coherent enough, putting your heart on full display, and it’s cathartic. It’s cathartic to ugly cry, to retell your love story to two friends who love you deeply, to release of all the hurt and longing you’ve been holding onto just to remember how you and Sicheng were.
And when you’re done, letting go gives more room for hope to come in.
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Waffle House, 1:01 a.m.
“What do you mean, of course you were gonna get a bid, you idiot,” you exclaim around a bite of waffles. “I can’t believe you’re a frat boy now.”
“I was worried! I thought that one dude hated me, remember?” Lucas grins. “And don’t worry, I’m not an official frat boy yet.”
“Don’t fucking get hazed when you pledge.”
He raises his hands, still holding a syrup-covered pancake piece speared onto his fork. “I won’t. Don’t fall into the whole ‘frat boys are dumb’ thing on me, now, I know how to look after myself.”
“I’m not, I’m just worried,” you sigh. “Just—stay safe, y’know?”
“Aw, you do care after all.”
“Shut up before I make you pay for your pancakes.”
He doesn’t shut up. “Anyways, enough about me. You don’t have to, uh, say anything, but are you—are you doing okay?”
You can’t tell if he’s talking about Sicheng or life in general, but you offer an honest answer to both. You’ll find out which one he’s referring to soon enough. “I’m doing better.”
“I can tell.”
You stare at him for a second too long, the harsh fluorescent lights glaring down, and you think that maybe Sicheng came into your life at exactly the right time.
Three truths arise at the exact same time: You don’t love Sicheng anymore. You’re happier without him. And you see the light at the end of the tunnel, the day quickly approaching when you are perfectly satisfied with what was, and have no grieving for what could have been.
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Clairmont Road, 6:08 p.m.
When it arrives, it’s any other spring day. You’re sitting at a bus stop, scrolling through social media, helping Winter finalize the Airbnb booking for your upcoming spring break trip, and discussing your summer internship applications with Ten at the same time, when Giselle scrolls back up your feed.
“Isn’t that… Sicheng? He went viral?”
“Hm?” You glance down at a dance trend, the dancer vibing onscreen alongside a popular filter. Then your eyes land on the several hundred thousand likes beneath the video. “That’s him?” you finally realize. You haven’t kept up with his dance account in a few months, and it seems like you’ve missed out on a lot.
“Oh my god, he made it, didn’t he?”
“Holy shit. All because of a TikTok dance? That’s insane.”
You call Lucas over, and the three of you rewatch the video.
As you watch, you wait for your expression to fall again, for your heart to drop and your stomach to twist when you think about him, but nothing happens. And as you feel nothing but happiness for his success, the last scratch on your heart heals itself, and you smile.
Then the epiphany hits you: you and Sicheng may never talk, meet, or be okay with each other again, but it doesn’t matter. It hasn’t mattered for a while, not when your heart is bursting with love for your own life and stays silent for a boy who was once in it.
He’s in his own world—leaving you happier now that you’re done learning what you needed to from him, wiser and more content—and you’re in your own, taking over the world with only those you choose to share it with.
It’s solitary on top of the world, but it will never be lonely, not when you fight for everything you want and hold the people you love close to your heart.
You let go of Sicheng a long time ago.
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The Quad, 7:30 p.m.
The day Lucas asks you out is the day the flowers outside your window start to bloom.
“I really like you,” he says, his beaming expression matching yours, “and I was wondering if you’d like to go out? On a date with me?”
He’s awkward, but carries himself with confidence. His fidgeting hands give away the nervousness he tries to hide, but his grin catches your attention. There’s a lot of things you like about him, but you think his smile might be one of your favorites.
“I would love to.”
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Main Street, 8:15 p.m.
By the time your three month anniversary with Lucas rolls around, you’ve started bringing down your heart’s defenses already. There’s no reason to keep them up: he doesn’t make you cry when you worry about the future, is never gone for long enough to make your heart ache. He’s safe, and you want to stop keeping him at arm’s distance.
And you’ll be okay. You’ve lived through one heartbreak already and emerged stronger than ever. And if your vulnerability with Lucas means it will heighten your next heartbreak, then it’ll be worth it a million times over.
You hand parts of your heart for him to hold, dropping your defenses day by day. This is the point of no return, and you choose to walk past it with Lucas by your side.
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The Quad, 10:22 p.m.
“I’m in love with you,” Lucas confesses. Grinning from ear to ear, he swings your clasped hands together, practically restraining himself from skipping down the park path. Your hand slips an inch before he catches it, oblivious to the sweat coating your palms inside your gloves.
The right words never come, and slowly, the smile melts off his face. “Baby?”
Your throat constricts as you swallow hard around your dry tongue.
“Baby, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said it before you were comfortable, I…”
“Lucas.” Pausing, you bring a shaky fist up to your mouth, covering the lower half of your face as you stall for time. “I… don’t know.”
Your hand slips out of his. “Oh.”
“Lucas, I love you very much. But there’s a difference. I… don’t know if I’m in love with you.” He stares at you, expression tight, and your stomach turns. “This doesn’t mean no. I really don’t know, but I do know that you make me happy. I wasn’t expecting this.”
“I thought I had been clear in how I felt.”
You wince, slightly. “I’m—”
“Don’t. Don’t apologize.” He swallows. “Can we please go back to the dorms? I’m not mad, and I don’t want you to feel bad, but I really need to be alone right now.”
“Can we work this out first?” you ask, panic settling into your voice.
“I don’t know if we can do that right now.” “Have—have you been open with me? About how you feel these past few months?”
“Can we at least try? I—” Your voice breaks, and you clench your jaw to ground yourself before continuing. “Of course I’ve been open. I made the choice to communicate everything I felt, I overcame my fear of heartbreak. Just because I’m not sure if I’m in love with you yet doesn’t mean I haven’t tried and cared.”
“I don’t—can we please go back? I need some time alone.”
“You can’t just walk away like that,” you say, voice shaking. “You—you’re not trying to solve this together.”
“I don’t know,” he says, and it hurts to hear when it’s all he says, but not as much as it hurt you to say.
“Lucas,” you say, and it feels horrible pleading for him to listen. “Please work this out with me. Show me that you’re choosing me, too.”
He stares at you, motionless. Your worry compounds when he stays there, heart ripping apart at the seams as you resign yourself to the fact that this is the beginning of the end. Jaw clenching, you let your tears trickle down your face, the frigid wind sending pricks of coldness down your face.
Then he steps closer, blurry silhouette growing bigger. You furiously wipe away your tears, wool gloves scratching at your cheeks, to get a good look at his expression, when he hesitantly reaches up for your hands.
“I’m sorry,” he says, slowly lowering your joined hands. “I know you’re hurt. I need you to trust me when I need some time to process this, and I know you want to work on this together, but I need to be alone first. Would you be okay with going back to your dorm, but staying in different rooms for a while so that I can still be close to you?”
It’s not okay—not if he’s giving up on solving it together. “You get the bathroom.”
You don’t get the chance to tell him that night, for you fall asleep before he talks to you again.
His absence speaks for itself, and you think this might be the point of no return.
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Woodruff Hall, 12:12 a.m.
Lucas gives up over winter break, and you want to blame him, but you’re too busy blaming yourself for breaking up with him to be angry.
“Why?” he demands, gaze cold. You look away.
“You knew this was coming,”
“You were the one who talked about choosing each other and working on our relationship.”
And you were the one who gave up first, you think, but you’re too tired to be bitter. “Lucas, I don’t think you can change my mind at this point.”
“Are you—is it because I’m in love with you?”
“Lucas, please, just go.”
“Did you ever love me?” You hate that you can’t comfort him the first time he cries in front of you.
“We can talk about this later, but please, I need to be alone right now.”
You start sobbing the moment he walks out the door.
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The Quad, 11:32 p.m.
Were you in love with him?
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Woodruff Hall, 1:57 a.m.
You were not in love with him.
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Woodruff Hall, 11:29 a.m.
When Sicheng Facetimes you for the second time this year, you’re not expecting it. You certainly aren’t expecting the news he drops.
“You’re dating someone?” you ask as he blushes.
For a horrible moment, all you can think is what if what if what if before you blink, and then your guilt over your past evaporates.
“That’s awesome. What are they like?”
“She’s really cool. She joined the studio a year after I did and we started talking recently. It’s going really well.”
“I’m glad you’re happy.”
“Me too,” he grins. “How are you, though? Anything interesting happen?”
“Nah, I’m just pretty stressed,” you half-fib. “Just—life, you know?”
“I see. How are you and Lucas?”
A cross between a laugh and a sob rips out of your throat unexpectedly. “We—we broke up earlier this month.”
Sicheng goes still. “Oh, shit, I’m so sorry, I had no idea.”
“He—it’s—I’ll be okay. I trust myself enough to end up okay,” you babble. “It’s chill. It’ll be chill eventually.”
“Things will get better,” he agrees, “but you shouldn’t ignore how you feel right now. Are you alright? Wanna talk about it?”
You tell him an abridged version, one that’s probably still too personal for him, and he consoles you the best he can.
You still feel the finality when he hangs up, though, the sense of obligation he felt to inform you of his girlfriend obvious from the start. It’s an unspoken agreement that neither one of you will contact the other so as not to intrude on his new relationship, and you imagine it’ll be the last time he calls you this year.
And you’re okay with that—have been okay with it for years by now. Sicheng’s gone, not the one that got away, and you feel a deep peace settle in your bones.
One day, you’ll feel the same about Lucas, too, and that victory carries you through the week.
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Oxford Road, 4:28 p.m.
“Hi, Lucas.”
He looks up from his laptop, pulling his textbook from the cafe table to make more room for you. “Hey, it’s good to see you again.”
The awkwardness you’ve been preparing for in your meeting never comes. “You too,” you say, pulling out a chair and sitting across from him. “How have you been?”
“I’m doing really well. How ‘bout you?”
“Me too. I’m glad you’re doing good. How’d that internship go, by the way?”
“Oh my god, it went great,” he recounts. “Ten told you how he was interning under a different department, right? And that he worked on the floor above mine?”
“He did. Did y’all see each other often? He didn’t really mention a lot other than how he got wasted with you.”
“Yeah. He’s less of a lightweight now, did you know? Anyways, I shared an apartment with a few guys, and one of them was from his hometown, and he was doing analytics as well and he mentioned that he had interned with you last summer. Do you remember a Hendery?”
“I remember him! Does he still have a bunch of questionable ties?”
“So many. We got him a Shrek tie that Ten ended up picking, and he wore it on the last day, it was great.”
You and Lucas are okay again.
You only realize that you never ordered a drink by the time you head out.
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Executive Park, 10:42 p.m.
Sicheng calls for the first time in a year right when Winter leaves your college apartment for the last time. It’s not the last time you’ll see her before you move out, but it brings about a sense of finality.
“Hello?” you ask after a moment of silence.
“You’re still going to school in LA next year, right?”
“Hello?” Winter glances over, one hand on your doorknob, and you shake her head. Covering your phone, you mouth “I’m fine.” She doesn’t look convinced, but closes the door behind her anyways.
“Please,” he says, and his sense of urgency grabs your attention. “I’ll explain, but I need to know.”
“Yeah, I am. Why? What’s happening?”
“So. I might be moving there to teach at a dance studio.”
“You’re moving back?” you press. “Why? When? Which studio?”
“Millennium, sometime in the fall,” he says, loud chatter on his end briefly drowning out his words. “Shit—I don’t have a lot of time right now, but I got confirmation that I’ll be teaching there just now, and I—I remembered you were gonna be there, and, you know? Can we talk about this sometime later? I’m at the studio right now, I just—”
“Sicheng, that’s fine,” you say when you hear the talking in the background pick up again, worried that he’s missing out on a class or practice. “I’m proud of you for making it there. We’ll talk later?”
“Thank you, yeah, we should.”
You nod, not knowing what to do. “Bye.”
“Bye,” he says, and you hang up as soon as the syllable has left his mouth.
Sicheng’s moving back. He’s moving back, a stranger behind his familiar smile, and it’s difficult to think about meeting him when you’d assumed you’d never see him again.
Against the backdrop of surprise, your curiosity stands out the most. You wonder what kind of person he grew into—wonder if he ever found something besides dance to chase, what his most recent catchphrase is, how his girlfriend is doing, if he still listens to the SoundCloud rapper after he went into pop, how often he calls his parents—and you miss the ease of being able to ask him, no sour memories to impede even the simplest of conversations.
This is the price you have to pay, you suppose, for knowing you were meant to outgrow each other.
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infinitegalahad · 4 years
Borhap Boys As Sugar Daddies
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(reposted bc it was disappearing from the tags😭)
hey guys!! I wanna apolgoize for the disappearance, school is ✨madness✨ luv. so I've decided to try something new. But I promise I'm working on requests (and a bunch of new ideas). I love all of the borhap boys (bc they are babies🥺) so this might become a little series of head canons! no major warnings, just lots of fluff and some suggestive material. also reader is gender neutral (boy, girl, whatever you what it my dudes!) why not mix my fav trope and boys all in...one fic😳😳 anyways hope you guys enjoy!! I would love some feedback for future reference
Masterlist (requests are welcomed!)
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Rami Malek-
Number one that gif of him...need I say more? 🥰
I’m sick of how ya’ll sleep on Rami!! I’m gonna give him tons of love
He would be one of the most affectionate sugar daddy’s tbh
Certainly would spoil the HECK out of you
Whether it be paying off your bills or lavish trips to Greece, Rami always has your back
You never had to pay a SINGLE PENNY when you were around him
Being with Rami, you were a changed person
Your fashion game went UPPPP
Like chanel perfume, all designer clothes, nice handbags, you NAME IT
”Rami, I’m not buying a five hundred dollar shirt from Theory.” ”What do you mean? It would look so good on you, sweetheart.”
Yes, Rami bought you the shirt
You two were at a vinyl place and you saw a limited edition queen vinyl
He buys it (and basically 10+ vinyls you love)
This man is omfg i loveee him❣️
Little sneak kisses to your forehead
Seeing you smile as you shop and blush at his complaints makes him so freaking happy HE LOVES YOU SO MUCH
He would take you shopping at the best stores
“I would be fine at a target, y’know” as you look around a Gucci store
Rami would snake an arm around your waist as he cooed into your ear, “My baby deserves the best, and nothing but the best
What started out as an arrangement turned into a genuine relationship
When looking for a sugarbaby, Rami was simply looking for company (and someone to spoil the heck out of)
In all truth, he was simply a lonely guy who simply wanted someone to make happy, and made himself happy in the process
Wherever you guys would go, he would always wanna hold your hand and be close to you bc he’s scared of loosing someone he’s made a connection with
And i’m totally not crying as I write this
Both of you were in dark places when you first met
Rami showed how much he truly cared about you
If you called him all upset, he would SPEED over with whatever you needed whether it be pizza or emotional support
Sitting on your couch, his arm wrapped around yours as you vented about your problems
Rami had convinced you to drop your job and come live with him because he’s a KING!!
”Angel, you’re not gonna have to worry about anymore.” ”What do you mean?”
You ended up quitting your job and moving in with him
What turned into an arrangement became an intimate relationship
The sex between you to was AMAZING
it was VERY intimate
It started off slow but would get increasingly rougher god I hate what I said
Rami would always check up and you and NEVER go past your limits
It would end with the two of you cuddling in bed
Let’s just say you never had to worry about your bills ever again😎😎
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Gwilym Lee-
my love for this man? ENDLESS
Seriosuly gwilym lee HAVE MY CHILDERN
anyways to the pLOT
Gwilym is the sexiest and cutest man alive
The sugar daddy that will bring you EVERYWHERE HE GOES
He’s such a gentlemen
Like all relationships start, it was more of an arrangement then a relationship
Your job was to escort Gwilym at all these events as “company”
Gwilym would send a bunch of nice items and a driver to bring you to the location
”Hope you like this ❤️ xxx”   “Treat yourself! 😘xxx”
Like mister I-😳😳
Gwilym is literally such a sweet person
Whenever you were spotted with him, you would get thousands of compliemnts/questions
”You’re with Gwilym! So lucky!”
”That necklace is to kill for! Did Gwilym give it to you?”
”Teach my your ways!”
Whenever you’re at these events all these people give you evil stares
Your like👁👄👁 “is Gwilym a playboy??”
Gwilym is all like “what do you mean?? 🥺Of course not! Your the only one that matters to me right now”
He’s such a king we LOVE HIM
Spontaneous trips to France and Italy
Gwilym and you grow super close
Also your dates would range from fancy galas for Gwilym’s works or peaceful book/poetry readings
He LOVES books and always takes you to bookstores and gives his best recommendations
He literally turns into an english teacher while overanalyzing books
”The greenlight in Green Gatbsy is such a crucial symbol”
”Jane Austen is one of the best feminist writers, she was so ahead of her time!”
You wanna be annoyed but can’t
The two of you would lie in bed together
You would be slouched against his body as he stroked your hair, reading to you in that accent
As much as you love your gentlemen, you get him into the wacky world of ninety day fiance
”This looks like trash...I’m going to watch every minute of it!”
You guys order chinese food and watch this obsessviely for six hours
I know this is meant to be fluffy but why not add some 🌶
Sex with you and Gwil is like ✨fireworks✨
He would make sure you wouldn’t be able to walk the next day let’s just say😉
He would have to carry you around and kiss your head, saying “You're so adorable, poppet” or “Don’t strain your legs, Cariad!”
”My anwylyd” (Welsh for dearest)
Would 100% write you romantic poems (over text and in paper)
And yes he WOULD dramatically read them to you😤😤✌🏽
He would always greet you with the most over the top nicknames like “Good morning cariad!” or “Sit there and act pretty, my beloved”
hi mr lee please make me your sugar baby
Gwilym is your sugar daddy but also your sweet, book loving man
He loves seeing you happy so in return, you make him happy💓💓
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Joe Mazzello-
This one is a wildcard ladies and gays!! 😌😌
Joe definitely does not strike you as a sugar daddy
He seems more like your boyfriend than anything else
The two of you were inseparable
After dinner Joe would take you to a karaoke bar or for ice cream
After the first date you started calling him Joey
Drunken duets to cheesy 80’s romance songs
The two of you would sing your hearts out before vomiting from the copious ammouts of ice cream and vodka
With Joe it’s eithier mcdonalds or Nobu in TriBeCa
Mr.Mazello has range😌✨
This dude is the ceo of cheesy nicknames
”Yes my little lover muffin!”
”What is it cutie patootie?”
”You look amazing buttercup!”
“What’s up, hot stuff?”
In public he calls you “baby” or “lover” dw he saves you from public embarrassment 
You know that meme of will smith and his wife? That is basically you and Joe
My love for his man is infinite
Joe is super clingy
Hand holding and lots of PDA
He wants people to know that your his sugar baby😤😤💓
he will always send texts like
”miss you baby💓💗💓💗!”
”can you grab milk from the store pls??”
”Joe, it’s been a day.”
He has so many photos of you in his camera roll
You are his lockscreen😔💓
The ceo’s of amazing instagram photos, whether it be you wearing a burger king crown at Burger King or You guys kissing on a boat with the Italian sunset on a private boat
Captions would be could “my favorite fairytale is our love story” or “yasss queen slay it!”
It’s cringey but god Joe is so adorable
A combination of a child and gentleman ALL IN ONE
All of his friends are like “you guys HAVE to be dating!’
It’s suppose to be nothing more than an arrangement right?
I mean the two of you were living with eachother and he dropped all of this other sugar babies for you
The two of you are master chefs minus the one time Joe burned mac and cheese and set the stove on fire
Also not to get smutty but the sex between you two? Like
Straight up RAMMING to sweet pillowtalk
Anyways Joe being your sugar daddy would definitely not be a bad thing at all😘
Always exchange those “I love you’s” 💕✨
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Ben Hardy-
When first seeing Ben on your sugar daddy app, you were 100% intimidated
But upon meeting him, this tough dude was a PUPPY🥺❣️
On the first date he bought you flowers and gave you a hug
“Y/n, right?”
“That’s me!”
“I just wanted to say you look stunning, love.”
You were wearing jeans and literally smiled so much
You know this date was going to go VERY WELL NOW😩✌🏽✨
Instead of a fancy restaurant, Ben took you to a stroll around London
Whatever clothes you wanted? He got it
Whatever cafe you wanted to stop at? Buy all the tea/coffee and pastries you want
Hotel? Trivago
The two of you walked around the city, hand and hand as you got to know eachother
You ended up walking around the city for five hours up until midnight
You laughed and talked about thousands of things
In confusion, you had to see Ben again
As Ben walked you back to your place, you smiled at him,
”I’d like to do that again.”
”Call me when you want, y/n.”
So your “dates” became more frequent
Ben had the best ideas for dates
Dinners at small Italian places, walking around a museum, or just sitting in his place and watching mindless television
He made sure to spoil you
With gifts, literally and figurreitly
Sex was a large piece in your arrangeemnt
But it was not the only thing in your relationship
And it was!! Amazing!!
”You’re so fucking beautiful” as he would kiss your forehead and dive straight into it 🥺😳
Not only could that man be A BEAST but an absolute sweetheart
Everyday you looked forward to not only getting paid by him, but just talking to him for hours on end
He would stay up for hours just to talk to you, whether it be about your lives or anything
and that ladies and gays is a dedicated MAN
No matter what, Ben always found a way to touch you
He always had his hand on the chair behind you or your thigh
You guys would have pillowforts and nerf fun battles together
It would always end with a cuddle session
Frankie would be skeptcial but love you!!
You guys got so close that he took you on a trip to the greek islands AND PROPOSED!! LIKE!! YES!!😌😌😌
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themymoonyblog · 4 years
just iced latte | something more quiet
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series: just iced latte
genre: fluff, college!au
pairing: mark tuan x reader
warning: drinking, awkward reader
word count: 1,8k
prev. // next
summary: coming to a coffee shop almost every day just to see rather than attractive barista that works here you dont have a courage to ask him out. however, universe seems to be on your side when you bump into him on one of your friends party. will you be able to ask him out now?
You yawned as you watched your friend Jia straighten her hair. Waiting for Jia while she styles her hair and puts some make up on practically became your day-to-day routine since you two lived together. To be fair it’s not an everyday thing but it did happen a lot since you two plus your third friend Yoonah hang out a lot. At this point you wondered how Jia didn’t go bald taking in consideration how much she straightens her bleached hair. You got torn out of your thoughts when you heard a sound of notification coming from your phone. Reaching out for the phone you saw a message from Bambam on your lockscreen.
will u be in time at least once? - you chuckled reading a message from your friend. It's not like you were always late but you didn’t manage to come in time a lot, no matter how hard you tried. 
its not my fault. jia is taking too much time to get ready, - you quickly replied and looked at Jia hoping that she was at least almost done. A sigh of relief escaped your mouth when you saw her putting finishing touches on her look and standing up. Excitedly you stood up from the bed and both of you headed out of your shared apartment. You were glad that she finally finished since you were not sure how much more patience left in you. By now it should be more normal to you, however the amount of time that Jia took to get ready bugged you from time to time. It’s not like you were not getting all dolled up too but you were just much quicker and didn’t know what to do all this time.
“Oh wow, you really didn’t invite that many people” Bambam chuckled hearing your words. You smiled at him taking a plastic cup with beer in your hands. 
“Is that surprising?” he raised his eyebrow while sipping whatever he had in his cup and you simply nodded. It actually did surprise you. As much as you remembered the parties that Yugyeom and Bambam threw, this is the smallest so far. And you wondered what was the reason behind the sudden change. However you enjoyed it, it was much more comfortable around a couple of people that they were actually close with rather than some strangers. The two of you were sitting at the kitchen table and chatting, Jia was long gone since she saw someone she shared a class with. 
“You aren’t seriously drinking just beer right now” you heard Yugyeom’s voice as he entered the room. “You drink vodka in a class in the morning but you come to a party and drink beer?” Yugyeom rolled his eyes and Bambam burst out laughing.
“I just like beer. What’s wrong with it?”you replied trying to hold in your laughter. 
“You are a weird woman, y/n” he simply replied for what Bam started aggressively agreeing. You shot a glare at him and sighed. 
“Betrayer” the only word that left your mouth as you left the room and heard two of them laughing. 
You wandered through the living room looking from more or less quiet place to sit. You had your last final just today and you really were looking up to rest peacefully but you already made your promise to friends that you would come. So here you were trying to lay down for a bit, at least there were less people than usual. You saw Jia chatting with a guy with a somewhat familiar face and you tried to remember his name. You remember that Yuggie once introduced you to each other when you ran to them at campus but you definitely forgot his name. Giving up on that you just went to Bam’s room knowing that he wouldn’t mind your presence there. You stumbled when you saw someone already in a room and were about to leave the person alone when he turned to face you and you saw a rather familiar face. Cute barista guy from a coffee shop that you went so often. Cute barista guy definitely was not someone you expected to see there. Then you found out how dumb you actually were. First time you saw him you were with Bam and he looked like he already knew Bambam, you just didn’t pay much attention to it. Pulling out of your thoughts you realized how awkwardly you just stood here.
“Uh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt” you embarrassingly smiled and were about to leave him alone when he spoke up. 
“No-no you can stay if you want. I was just hiding from all the noise” he smiled a little and you found yourself not being able to look away from the way the tips of his lips crawled up. 
“Are you sure? I don’t really want to disturb you” you were double checking just in case and he simply nodded. So you went with it. Closing the door behind you sat down to a chair still with a beer in your hands. Silence fell down the two of you. It wasn’t comfortable but it wasn’t awkward either. It was just silence. You sipped from your cup and looked around trying not to stare at him too much. However, it was a little harder since he was sitting right in front of you a couple of steps away and looking at his phone. It was weird, being alone with him in a room since you got used to just seeing him at the coffee shop only. You wondered if you went to the same university or not since you never see him at campus but somehow he knew Bambam and Yugyeom probably too. As you were deep inside your thoughts you didn’t realize how much you were staring at him. As if he felt that he looked up from his phone to you and chuckled. 
“Can I help you?” he asked with a smile on his face. He definitely caught you red handed and knew that you were indeed staring. However his words and smile were not mocking.
“Uhm, I’m sorry I dozed off a little, sorry” you replied as your cheeks turned a little pink and you looked away.
“I’m Mark, by the way” he introduced himself and your eyes went back to him as you introduced yourself as well. “You have a beautiful name, latte girl” you almost choked on your drink after hearing the end of a sentence. Latte girl? Did he actually notice you in a shop and remembered you? He seemed to spot your confused face and continued, “I saw you at a coffee shop quite often ordering iced latte” he said looking straight at you, “and maybe staring from time to time.”. And that’s when your face really turned red. Good lord did he actually catch you looking at him? Like some creep? He probably thinks you are one. The thoughts were running through your head and you definitely didn’t know how to get yourself out of that situation.
“Don’t worry. I think it’s cute”, he laughed at your panicked expression and you relaxed a bit. However, panic never left. Now thinking about how he called you cute. Well, technically he said how you acted was cute but it still counts, right? 
“Thank you I guess”, you smiled incredibly embarrassed and looked back at him.
“Are you hiding from someone here?”, he changed the subject seeing your awkwardness and you internally thanked him for being considerate. 
“I just don’t feel like partying right now but I already promised to boys that I would come, and they can get really annoying if you don’t keep your promises”, you said honestly and he laughed at your answer and nodded.
“Yeah, these two are something else”, he shook his head thinking about all the times Yugyeom would whine when Mark would forget about something. You smiled at his words and suddenly felt amazingly comfortable, all of the embarrassment and panic long forgotten. 
“Why are you hiding?” you asked him back.
“Same reason. I’m not a party person much, prefer something more quiet”, you nodded at his response and wondered how he, someone who prefers quiet and calm atmosphere more, became friends with someone like Yugyeom and Bambam. You know how you started friendship with them, being as much of a mess as your two friends and the same age, it was meant to happen. But Mark? He seemed like a polar opposite of them to you. But you didn’t know him that much to judge so you decided just to ask rather than guess.
“And how does someone who prefers quiet places become friends with people like Bambam and Yugeom?”
“Is that twenty questions?”, Mark tilted his head a little and you couldn’t but think how adorable he looked that way.
“I was just wondering bit it can be if you want”
“We got to know each other through some other friends and just clicked, I guess. They might be too much sometimes but it would be way too boring without them”, Mark answered after thinking for some time, “Now my turn. What’s your favorite drink? And if you don’t say iced latte I’m gonna be really disappointed”, he joked.
“Well, the barista that I found cute did it so well that i can’t but love it”, you smiled at him wondering where that confidence came from. Couple of days ago you couldn’t even ask his name and now whole flirting? Who is that girl?
“That cute barista must be really putting an effort into that iced latte of yours”, he smiled back at you. Was he flirting back? Oh god- Is that even real? Maybe he drank too much..Did he even drink? Mark laughed at your face expression. “Your turn”.
You thought about a question to ask him but after realizing that he indeed was flirting back you couldn’t really think straight. You shifted uncomfortably in a chair feeling your legs getting numb. Mark seemed to notice it and he shifted a little making place for you.
“Come here”, he waved at you and you stood up taking a place at a bed near him. You just realized how close the two of you were when you sat. You could smell the scent of his woody cologne with notes of citrus. You looked up to him and there was a silence between you two. This time it was a rather comfortable silence. God, he looked even prettier up close. You bit your lip and wondered what id would feel like to put them over his incredibly soft looking lips. Mark noticed your gaze as he leaned a little closer. The atmosphere between the two of you suddenly becoming more intimate and heavier. Your heart skipped a beat as you felt him so close and your eyes wandered through his face.
“There you are!”, you heard Yugyeom’s voice as the door opened behind you. Mark and you pulled away from each other as Mark looked openly annoyed with his friend. “I didn’t invite you here for you to hide in my room”, Gyeom didn’t seem to notice anything as he approached both of you and took your hand dragging you with him out of the room. You scoffed following him and smiled when noticed that Mark was coming right after you. 
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word-scribbless · 5 years
Lock Screen
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Spencer fluff!!!! Still needs edited!
Prompt: “Am I your lockscreen?” “You weren’t supposed to see that.”
X Gender Neutral reader
The BAU was a working a case in Massachusetts. Spencer and You were at the local precinct, pouring over files and a geographic profile.
“Y/N I’m gonna go refill my coffee. Want me to top yours off?” Spencer asked as he stretched and looked away from the map.
“Mmm yes please!” You replied barely looking up from the desk to hand him your mug.
He walked to the adjoining room to refill their coffees. Your concentration was broken as you heard a phone ring. Looking up you saw Spencer’s phone lighting up with Hotch’s name.
“Y/L/N” you said picking up, knowing he’d rather you answer than let their boss go to voicemail.
“Y/N is Reid there?”
“Yeah, just stepped out of the room what’s up?”
“Just looking for info from a file he had”
Hotch explained the file and you found it under a book of Spencer’s and read off the info. As you hung up and went to lock the phone you were met with a picture of yourself.
It was a picture you didn’t know Spencer had taken on a night that they all went to a bar after a case in a beach town in Florida. Spencer and you had decided to take a walk on the beach near sunset and the picture was of you sitting in the sand, smiling and building a sea turtle out of shells.
You couldn’t help her smile, or the fluttering in you stomach. You and Spencer had feeling for each other. The both of you knew that and that night was the first time either of you were brave enough to show it. The first time you held hands as you looked for shells at the waters edge. The first time he had kissed you as he walked you to your hotel door after the team went their separate ways.
Spencer and you weren’t official. You hadn’t really broached the subject of dating, but you knew you both only had feelings for each other. Seeing this picture as Spencer’s screen saver, however, made you believe that maybe he wanted to be more than friends just as much as you did.
You were still smiling like an idiot holding Spencer’s phone when he walked back with the coffees. Seeing what you were looking at he froze in place.
“Y/N, what are you doing?”
“Hotch called. He wanted to know about a file you had” You responded not looking up from the phone screen.
Spencer opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out, instead he just took his phone back from your hand.
“Am I your lock screen?” You finally said looking up at him.
“You weren’t supposed to see that!” He responded shyly, slipping his phone back in his pocket.
“You left it on the table”
“I know but - I-“ he stuttered
“Can I ask why you chose that picture?”
“Because you look so happy and beautiful.” He responded, looking up at you. “And remembering that night makes me really happy.”
“Me too” You smiled taking his hand.
“So it doesn’t freak you out?” He asked
“That I’m your background?” You asked and he nodded in response.
“No, I mean it’s a good picture.” You continued
“But?” He questioned
“But, making a someone’s picture your background, that’s something boyfriends do.” You said looking down at your shoes causing Spencer to smile and duck his head to see your eyes again.
“Well maybe I want to be your boyfriend.”
This caused your head to snap back up smiling wide, causing Spencer to chuckle.
Spencer nodded and cupped your cheeks.
“Y/N I’ve had feelings for you for a long time, that’s not going away! And this” he said pointing between the two of them.”hasn’t screwed up our friend ship yet! Plus Hotch may have already given me his blessing to date you even though we’re both on the team.”
“WHAT?” You screeched
“He guessed it! He told me he was happy for us and knew we could be professional, and then told me if I hurt you he’d hurt me... and told me he was going to tell you the same thing but I’m a less violent way.” He explained causing you both to laugh.
“What to you say Y/N?” Spencer asked rubbing his thumb against your cheek, “you looking for a boyfriend?” You nodded frantically and closed the space between the two of you.
When you both pulled away you were both smiling, happy to finally be together.
“I’m glad I don’t have to change my lock screen!” Spencer joked.
“Me too” You smirked causing him to look at you like you was crazy. You held up your phone revealing your lock screen; a picture of Spencer sitting on a boulder at the beach that same night watching the sunset.
“I like remembering that night too” you explained. Spencer could only smile and hug you tight before they got back to work.
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