#i was in choir
pen-guin-writez · 1 year
regular show (pamson)
pam can always tell whenever benson’s upset. even if he tries really hard to be subtle about it. so pam has this stress toy app on her phone and whenever he gets upset she’ll just hand her phone to him and he’ll play around with it for about ten-twenty minutes
“which one are you on?”
“the poppet thingy”
“huh. usually you just go straight for the swirly one.”
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menlove · 8 months
like can you imagine if you, as a housed person, said "oh man im really struggling financially right now I can't pay my bills- my electric is going to be cut off, my car might get repossessed, and I definitely can't afford to get a new laptop after mine broke"
and someone who had a lot more money than you said "I can help you!" and you were like"oh my god great thank you so much-" and then they just offered to take you to olive garden. and you say "hey man that's really nice but I'm actually okay on food right now, I really just need to pay some of these bills. I already got food somewhere else (foodstamps, friends, food pantries) and I really just need money. if you can't do it that's fine but I don't need food"
and the rich person said "you must not really need money or be poor then or else you'd take me up on my offer. I bet you were going to use that money on drugs anyway"
that's what yall sound like when you refuse to give homeless people money & just offer to buy them food
food is great! if you need it and that's what you're asking for. unfortunately food doesn't buy clothes, hygiene products, shelter, pay a phone bill, or yes even buy drugs or alcohol if you're going into detox and can't do so safely without literally dying
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stinkybrowndogs · 2 months
I mean I get that’s it’s not the only contributing factor, but I’m curious exactly how much of the shelter dog over-population problem is actually due to poor dog ownership/management vs the housing crisis and economical stress. I’d be willing to bet by investing in social programs that give people the resources they need to care for their pets (cough cough affordable and free housing cough cough) that the amount of pets in shelters would dramatically drop. We can all sit here pointing fingers and screaming at each other until we are blue in the face, but if the owners basic needs are not being met, how can we hold them to a basic standard for their pets?
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sunriseinorbit · 8 months
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hetaero · 4 months
my kink is a shy virgin boy automatically covering his face with his hands when I get him too flushed from arousal and I have to say "shhh, no hiding please, let mommy see" while gently prying the hands away from his face
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the-bibrarian · 2 years
I see a lot of incomprehension online about our pension reform and the anger it generates in France, and what it often boils down to is "why are they so angry, 64 is plenty young to retire?"
I don't agree, but even if I did I would still oppose the reform. Here are some of the reasons why:
We already need 43 full years of work and tax contributions to be able to retire. Which means college-educated people were never going to retire at 64 anyway, let alone 62. This reform is aimed at people who start working early, mostly in low-paying jobs.
There's very little provision made in this law for hard/dangerous/manual labour.
There's no provision made for women who stop working to raise their children (51% of women already retire without a "complete career," which means they only retire on a partial pension, vs. 25% of men).
At 64, 1/3 of the poorest workers will already be dead. In France, between the richest and the poorest men, there's a 13 years gap in life expectancy.
Beyond life expectancy, at that age a lot of people (especially poorer, non-college educated) have too many health-related issues to be able to work. Not only is it cruel to ask them to work longer, if they can't work at all that's two more years to hold on with no pension
Unemployment in France is still fairly high (7%). Young people already have a hard time finding work, and this is going to make things even harder for them
Macron cut taxes on the rich and lost the country around 16 Billions € in tax revenue. Our estimated pension deficit should peak at 12 Billions worst case scenario.
While I'm on wealth redistribution (no, not soviet style, but I think there should be a cap on wealth concentration. Nobody needs to be a billionaire.): some of the massive profits of last year should go to workers and to the state to be redistributed, including to fund pensions. The state subsidized companies and corporations during the pandemic, Macron even said "no matter the cost" and spent 206 Billions € on businesses. Now he's going after the poorest workers in the country for an hypothetical 12 Billions??
Implicit in all of this is the question of systemic racism. French workers from immigrant families are already more likely to have started their careers early, to have low-paying jobs, are less likely to be college-educated, more at risk for disabilities and chronic illnesses, etc., so this is going to disproportionately affect them
This is not even touching on the fact that he didn't let lawmakers vote on it, meaning he knew he wouldn't get a majority of votes in parliament, or that 70% of the population is against this law. Pushing it through anyway is blatant authoritarianism.
TL;DR: This is only tangentially about retirement age. The reform will make life harder for people with low incomes, or with no higher education, for manual workers, for women—mothers especially, for POC, for people with disabilities or chronic conditions, etc. This is about solidarity.
Hope (sincerely) this helps.
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jackassnews · 2 months
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doodles that'll hopefully be drawings soon
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mychemicalbrromance · 1 month
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#1 like a prayer fan none of you understand (insane)
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gorebonk · 2 months
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Making good use of his aac
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undefeatablesin · 4 months
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slitherpunk · 11 days
i hope you like indie games because the video game industry crash is here
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redzombie · 5 months
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ace-lemonade · 7 months
...let him cook
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baravaggio · 8 months
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yeah I can’t do this anymore
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falmerbrook · 14 days
One of the most annoying things you see from tes fans is seeing each race as a unified collective in ways that the games don’t even do. They act like the ways some members of a race act in some places represents all of them everywhere. The biggest and most frustrating version of this is when talking about the way Dunmer are treated in Windhelm, people bring up the in-universe racism in Morrowind. Like, that doesn’t justify the way they're treated in Windhelm at all. You really think Ulfric is doing this for justice for the Khajiit and Argonians (who he won't let in the city)? Even if he was, do you think it's right to enact that "justice" on random refugees and their descendants? We’re talking about different groups of Dunmer. They aren’t a monolith. IN MORROWIND they aren’t a monolith. The head of the anti-slavery organization in Morrowind (the game) is a Dunmer. Every province and race had different cultures and subcultures with folks with different opinions that people like this like to ignore.
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These people act like it's clever to bring this up when in reality it reflects an even shallower interpretation of the worldbuilding imo.
(and that's not even touching on how comments like these reflect the language used in real life discussions of refugee asylum and immigration)
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foldingfittedsheets · 10 months
So my singing voice is alright. I can harmonize like a motherfucker but on my own I’m just like. Okay.
This one day, years ago, I was at work in retail, it was a slow day without customers. I had a coworker, M, who was extremely temperamental, but a wonderful performer. Her voice was angelic. She’d do a ton of open mics with her guitar, and rooms would fall silent to hear her.
A different coworker, A, asked me what I was getting my partner for the holidays. “Oh,” I said, “I want to get him a shirt with Marceline from Adventure Time with some song lyrics!”
“What’s the song?”
At this moment, I rolled the only nat 20 I’ll ever be granted for singing, and I sang the first two lines. It’s a dumb song by a cartoon vampire. But it sounded. So. Good.
And when I looked up three of my coworkers were staring at me, jaws dropped. One of them was M, who looked absolutely furious. I made an enemy with those two lines, upstaging her at the thing she was supposed to be best at.
Fully convinced the universe used me to punish that girl for some reason. She never forgave me for having that one beautiful moment of singing, and I’ll never be able to replicate it.
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