#i was just going to write a one liner but i have more to say i guess
jarofstyles · 3 days
Leather & Lace 3
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Hi loves! This is the last official part of leather and lace but I’m open to doing some one shots and blurbs for them if you want (send requests for what you’d want to see)
Leather & Lace Masterlist
Check out our Patreon for early access to pieces and 170+ exclusive writings
WC- 6.3k
Warnings- smut, unprotected sex, soft dom H, slight degradation, praise kink, impact play, light choking, etc all the good stuff.
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Y/N padded out of his bedroom with his shirt hanging down on her form. Standing in his kitchen, he placed the glass down with a clink, watching her as she came closer. Glasses on her nose, makeup freshly off, hair tossed on top of her head, and something in her hand. “There she is.” He smiled, leaning against the corner of his countertops. “Took a minute didn’t you? Cinnamon rolls are almost done”. The stock he kept in his fridge for her favorite treat was put to use tonight. 
“Amazing.” She beamed, coming up to him. “Sit on the stool, please. I brought a makeup wipe so I can get your eyeliner off, cause I know you’re gonna whine that you’re tired later and then you’ll whine when you get a stye.” Y/N had been through this before a million times. 
“Always thinking ahead, aren’t you Butterfly?” He laughed, tapping her nose with his fingertip and not bothering to argue. It was true. He would definitely do that, and it wouldn’t be the first or last time he did. “Alright. Be gentle with me please, m’delicate”. 
Closing his eyes, he felt her warm fingers angle his face where she wanted before the cool wipe made contact with his skin. 
“So delicate with your bruised and split knuckles, hm? What did the poor punching bag do to you this week? Does he owe you money?” One of his favorite things about Y/N since day one had been her banter. They could go back and forth and she was quick to respond. It was playful, always, but she did tend to get more out of him when she approached it this way. She was asking why he’d been upset this week and been hitting the bag so aggressively and without gloves. 
Considering they had just made it official 2 hours ago, she was the best girlfriend ever. She wouldn’t push if he didn’t want to say it and he knew the girl would just nod and move on if he said he didn’t want to talk about it, but he found himself wanting to spill every single thought that crossed his mind to her. Y/N just didn’t have a clue. 
“Mm. My father called me.” He said softly into the cinnamon scented air. The sweetness made the bitter notes of his words a bit easier to tolerate. “Just same old shit, y’know? Nothing I do is gonna be good enough. Even though I’m successful in my own right, he’s always got to add those digs in.” The tumultuous relationship between Harry and his father had always been a sore spot. They weren’t enemies and he didn’t hate him, no, but their relationship had been rocky since Harry had gone to uni and not followed in his footsteps. He tried to be supportive in his own way but it was obvious that he disapproved.
Even though he was a grown man and he had plenty of other people proud of him, it always stung. “Sucks sometimes, that I want his approval. It’s the tiniest bit in me, a speck, but I can always feel it when I talk to him. It’s been a few years since the whole blowout and it’s gotten better but I just have to get over it, I guess. I don’t think he ever will.” Even though his sister had done what he wanted Harry to do, it wasn’t the same in his eyes. 
“I can only imagine.” There was a delicate pause as she got underneath his waterline. “But it’s okay to be upset about it, you know?” She always tried to tread lightly while also being truthful. It was a sensitive subject and the girl knew it. “He’s your dad. It’s going to bother you because we’re literally wired to want our parents' acceptance. It’s human nature.” Gentle swiping over his eyes got the pencil liner off, but she was thorough with it. Besides, she had a feeling he’d prefer his eyes closed for this sort of talk.  “I’m sorry that it’s like that for you, H. I know my words won’t replace his but I’m extremely proud of you and all you’ve done. Hopefully he’ll come around and see all that the rest of us do but… if he doesn’t? That’s a him problem.” 
Harry didn’t know how she managed to always say the right things. The knot in his throat shrunk from the comfort she gave him, her tender handling of both his physical being and his heart. This was the reason he wanted more with her. Almost anyone could get him to nut off, but not a single other person made his heart feel like this. Just as she’d said earlier, he felt completely safe with her in a way he didn’t even know he needed. Before her, he hadn’t realized how uncomfortable he was around people, but she showed him a brand new point of view. 
In the past, he’d opened himself up slightly to one girl. One girl who had used him and fucked his best mate, who he caught in the act. It had walled up the rest of his emotions in iron, not wanting even a crack to get into him because why would he? He’d never thought she or he would do that to him, never had any suspicion until about a month before when he saw glances across the room- but it turned out it wasn’t just his birthday outing they’d been planning. 
Then this girl had come along with her warmth and rusted the iron, getting it worn and cracked until there was a Y/N shaped hole for her to fill. She was understanding of his somewhat snarky nature, never took it personally and had stuck by him even when he’d tried to push her away. 
There had only been one time when he had been somewhat successful and it made his stomach twist and chest ache when he thought about it. It was far earlier on In their friendship, a few weeks in actually. She’d caught him on a bad day, coming up to him outside with her chatterbox open and running asking if he wanted to go to the cafe with him and that she had a surprise- and he’d snapped at her. He’d been rougher with his words than he meant to, honest, but he wanted to be alone and said as much in a not as nice manner. He’d watched her shoulders drop and the sparkle quite literally leave her eye as she looked towards the ground with a nod as even then when he least deserved it, she tried to be understanding.
 Something in him cracked when he heard the slight quiver in her voice when she apologized for being annoying and he’d looked up to see tears in those eyes and… fuck. His stomach dropped to his feet, watching her bottom lip quiver as she reached into her bag and grabbed the candy bar she’d grabbed from the vending machine after her class had ended, handing it to him before she scurried off. It was clear she hadn’t been tearing up for attention from how quickly she had left him, and with a candy bar in hand he felt completely nauseous over how he’d treated her. 
He couldn’t shake the feeling even as he gathered his things and called out for her, throat thick as his bad day got worse only by his own accord. Her lack of presence was felt, coldness settling in his bones when he realized what he’d truly done. It was then that he vowed to never treat her like that again. Y/N had been the sweetest thing in the world to him, got him his fucking favorite candy and was excited to study with him and he’d gone and fucked it all up. Made her fucking cry. She’d been long gone by the time he stumbled back into the pathway but he was already trying to make it right.
In the end he had showed up at her door with a teddy bear in hand along with her favorite candy and some take away, feeling like a kicked puppy as she opened her door and he had seen her swollen eyes and lips. It had been the most heartbreaking thing he ever saw and he apologize profusely when she let him in even when he didn’t deserve it, hugging her on his own accord for the first time and running fingers through her hair as she insisted she forgave him. ‘Everyone has those days and I’m sensitive, I know.’ Is what she said. 
Some days even still he thought about that as he watched people take advantage of her and it made him even more motivated to take care of her. 
In these sort of moments it felt hard not to think about loving her. Even in his rough and tumble sort of persona, she treated him tenderly. Held his arm, brushed his hair back, fixed his tangled necklaces, Y/N had treated him with a delicacy that he didn’t know he needed. 
As soon as the makeup wipe was pulled away, he opened his eyes and cupped her cheek to pull her in for a kiss. It had already been hard to keep his lips to himself, but this situation… it was his new obsession. “You know you’re perfect, right?” He asked against his current addiction, pressing another kiss to them. “Just… I dunno how you always know how to say the right shit. It scares me sometimes, y’know? Sometimes it feels too good to be true, that you… that you’re some sorta dream, but you’re not. And now you’ve told me you’re mine, and M’really fucking nervous about fucking it up but I’m going to do everything I can to be the best for you. Alright?” 
The emotion had slipped off his tongue without his permission but for one of the first times in his life he didn’t regret it. Her lips curled against his in that breathtaking smile he adored, tossing the wipe to the side as she wrapped an arm around his neck. “Harry… I don’t expect perfection. I know relationships… they take time to build. You aren’t some sort of build-a-boyfriend to me. I like you because you’re you. I like the grumpy, sarcastic, scowly bits of you. I always have. You’ll fuck up, I’ll fuck up, it’ll be a whole thing and then guess what?” Pulling back, she took in his face with her soft gaze. “We’ll fix it up again and it’ll be stronger. As long as you don’t cheat on me? I’m yours. And we both know you really aren’t capable of that.”
Harry would rather saw his hand off than cheat. He’d seen what it had done to him, so putting anyone else through that would be disgusting on top of hating the concept to begin with. He’d cut off people he knew for cheating on their partners and wouldn’t hesitate to do it again. “M’glad you know.” He sighed. In a weird way, this talk was making him aroused. Hearing how she liked him, that she knew they’d work, it just… it did something to him. “You look perfect in my clothes.” That too. Yeah, that had something to do with the thickening happening in his pants.
“I like wearing them. I always have. I’ve had a bit of a crush on you for a while, you know.” She teased, leaning into his body and letting her tits press up against him as she kissed his jaw lightly. “It always made me feel like yours when you let me wear them.” 
“You’ve been mine.” The dark grumble of his voice was a telltale sign that the words had pleased him. “Regardless of title, you’ve been mine for a while.” It was true and the both of them knew it. Harry’s eyes had been blind to anything but her for a long time and it had been painfully obvious when he hadn’t been able to get it up for other people not too long after meeting her.  Or had to think about her in order to nut off. 
“I know.” The confirmation was warm as she felt his hand travel down to rest above her ass. “And I was hoping you’d been mine for a bit but I’m pretty sure I was. You like to talk when you’re getting head, huh?” The smile was teasing and maybe he should be flushed at that but it was just another layer of arousal for him to remember her on her knees with his cock tucked between puffy lips and drool down her pretty chin. 
“No, actually. Jus’ with you.” He said truthfully. “I was… more of a hit it and quit it with the other people if m’honest. Know I babbled a bit but it felt really fucking good.” They could both feel he was hard now and the awkwardness of the last encounter on his end was gone. “Never expected you to be filthy, though. Thought you’d be a bit more shy but… I like that you were gagging for it just as much as I was.” Over the fabric of his shirt he gripped her ass, a nice handful as he squeezed and watched her eyes flutter shut at the feeling. “I can’t wait to get my hands on you properly. I’ve been dying to taste you,’to feel you. But I need t’know what you like.” 
“A bit of leather and lace.” Was the answer. Long lashed eyes peered up at him as she tipped her head back to look at him. “Sweet and spice. Nice and mean. Be sweet to me and call me a slut again. Spank me and kiss it better. That’s what… it’s what I’ve always imagined with you.” Her words were slightly more hesitant now but she didn’t back down. “You can be a little rough with me as long as you baby me later. I’ve never been…” she paused for a moment as she bit her lip. “I’ve never been fucked right. People treat me like I’m some delicate little toy which, I can be and I like sometimes but… I’ve always known you’d be able to give me the deep one I want. The type to make me lose my breath. Right?” Her fingers curled around his wrist that still rested on her cheek and trailed it down to have his hand rest against her throat. “You can throw me around a bit and make me take it. I can still be a doll for you, but maybe one you use a little bit.” 
Jesus fucking Christ. 
Harry’s mouth was torn between being dryer than the desert and watering down his chin at her descriptors of what she wanted. His hands held her ass and her throat and she was handing herself over on a silver platter as his cock twitched in between them, eager to get to work on her. “Fuck me…” he whispered hoarsely, thumbing over the side of her neck before giving a tiny squeeze. Just a bit, watching her face as he did so. She melted almost immediately and it was then he got the confirmation that she'd been hand crafted for him. Eyes glazed over and a weak, precious whine escaping her mouth and vibrating against the hand covering her throat, he couldn’t hold himself back from kissing her hard. Gathering her as close as possible with his hand keeping its grip for half the kiss before releasing it and using it as a guide to keep her close. “You’re going to ruin me, and M’gonna love every fucking second of it.” 
It had happened quite quickly. The buzz of the oven interrupted them, the only reason Harry even slightly entertained it was so he didn’t burn the place down. He had been quick to toss them on the counter and lost the oven not before picking her up and bringing her into his bedroom. 
“If I died right now, I’d be okay.” He whispered as he looked at her bare cunt. The panties had been discarded and his lips kissed her inner thighs, nosing over the sensitive skin and watching her react to him. “You’re so gorgeous. Smell so fucking good, Butterfly. Gonna have t’tear me away from this pussy.” It was not a joke. 
Kissing over the mound, he spread her open and gave a long lick over the expanse of her slight and yeah- yeah. He was addicted. Licking deeper into her, he felt himself melt into a frenzied version of himself as he let his tongue explore her. Fingers buried in his hair as she gripped him, stomach jumping as she panted at the feeling of his mouth on her. 
Harry had enjoyed giving head before, was no stranger to eating pussy, but this was different. There had never been this all encompassing need to make her cum over and over again on his tongue, that greed that settled in his gut as he heard her moan his name and spread her legs further for him. Welcoming him and his touch. 
He didn’t hold back. Y/N had told him what she wanted and he knew her well enough now to understand. 
“Sweet.” He mumbled against her. “So fuckin’ sweet. Course you are, Butterfly. Fuckin’ perfect, every inch.” Kissing her clit he felt her jump, chuckling as he did it again before licking over the sensitive pearl. “M’gonna make you cum on my tongue, and then M’gonna give you the fuck you needed. I’ll be so nice to you, baby. So sweet, get you nice and fucked out the way you need. Promise.” 
Harry was going to fulfill that promise. Wrapping his lips around her clit, he gave soft, pulsing suckles as he slipped a finger inside of her and felt her hips buck off the bed. 
It was only a introduction, a sneak peek of what he’d feel around his cock but he had to remind himself not to blow too early as he felt her clenched around his digit. Tight and hot and silky against his hand, he groaned against her cunt and nuzzled deeper into it as he settled in. 
“H-Harry… oh my god.” She sighed out, slowly grinding against his face. “Oh my god, you… you’re so good at this. I’ve never….” Never came from this, which was something that pissed him off when he put the pieces together but he knew he’d wear the title of the first one to be successful proudly. Ideally, no one else would ever have it again. He had no plans on giving this obsession up. 
He hummed against her, meeting her eyes as she looked down at him with her messy hair and her bitten lips, mouth opened in the cutest little ‘o’ shape and her brows furrowed. Her clit was throbbing against his tongue and he couldn’t get enough, sucking a bit harder as he added a second finger inside of her. 
“Oh fuck, oh- just like that. Your fingers are big.” She whimpered, making him chuckle against her. Of course they were compared to her own. He had imagined that exact thing in this bed, imagining her in her own room with her fingers stuffed inside her drippy cunt and his name peeling off hers lips as she made herself orgasm. 
Making himself pull back, he fucked his fingers into her and enjoyed every bit of the noise it made. He’d made her wet like this, he’d gotten her to be a sopping mess and he enjoyed every single second of feeling it on his fingertips. “I know, baby. But my cock is much bigger and I need to get you prepped for it. You’re plenty wet…” he purred, leaning over her and keeping her eyes as he pursed his lips and spit right over her clit. “Just need to make you cum and you’ll be nice n’ready for me.” 
There wasn’t a hint of hesitation as he went back in, spreading his spit with his tongue before returning to his motions. He could feel it in her actions, how she clenched around his fingers, pulling her clit into his mouth over and over again as she got more and more wet around his fingers with difficulty not bucking into him. 
“I want it, I need it. I’ve been thinking a-about it for so long. I need you to fuck me, H.” Her voice was different than he’d ever heard it. More whiny, a tinge of desperation to the sweet sound he was obsessed with, and every bit of hot as he knew it would be. 
“I will, baby. Promise. Jus’ let go for me. I can feel you’re close.” He coaxed, curling his fingers just so and watching as her head fell back against the duvet as his lips continued the pull of her clit. 
It was hotter than he could’ve imagined. When she came a few minutes later, he watched her hand grip his hair and the other her own breast as she let out the prettiest noises and whines of his name as she trembled, hips bucking again into his mouth as she tumbled over the edge.
He held her steady with a happy noise, pulling off her clit with one last soft suckle and a kiss but kept his fingers inside of her as he moved back up her body to kiss her mouth. She welcomed it, both hands grabbing his face and not minding the mess she made on his chin and nose from his healthy exploration of her. Mumbled of praised were echoed between their kisses, slow pumps of his fingers working her through the orgasm as she rocked her hips into his hand. 
“Harry, I need it.” Her eyes met his. “I’m clean, I just- I need it, I need you inside me now.” Her neediness wasn’t something he’d been privy to before and it was more than satisfying, but he had to admit that what made him feel even better was knowing she wanted to go bare. He’d
Gotten tested just a few weeks ago at his appointment which was a bit of serendipity, he supposed, because now he was going to get what he had been stroking off to the most. 
“Yeah? Y’sure?” He whispered, watching her nod as he slowly pulled his fingers from her cunt and quickly cupped over it, soothing her. “You’re a dream. Y’know that, baby?” A laugh of disbelief echoed from his chest as he slowly pulled his hand back and slipped his pants off. His shirt had been tossed in the midst of things and he wanted hers off too, even if the idea of fucking her in his tee shirt was appealing. Later. 
She was receptive to it, letting him tug it off and exposing her to him again. 
He had to take a moment to simply enjoy her. 
Harry had always appreciated how beautiful she was but he also had to take a second to be thankful that she let him see her at her most vulnerable. That he got to see her in the most delicate state, one he was going to be the only one to see. Spread thighs and bare tits and soft tummy, all his. His, his, his. 
“M’so happy you’re mine.” He whispered, running a hand over her stomach as his other fisted his cock. “You are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Not jus’ your body but your whole being. And I hope you know how much it means t’me that you’re letting me be yours too.” It hit him then, watching her peer up at him. He was being entrusted with a damn near golden heart and there were no plans on doing anything but cherishing it. 
“H…” she whispered, motioning him to come to her. He did, as he always will, buttoning their lips together as he nudged his tip through her wet slit and felt her sigh, wrapping her legs around his hips. “You are perfect. I adore you and- and I’m happy you’re letting me be yours too. You make me feel so good in all the ways possible and I just want to be as close as I can get.” 
There was no room left for debate. 
He began to push into her, watching her face as he filled her. It was slow at first, letting himself pace themselves considering he knew very early on that this would have to be a multiple round night because there was no way he’d be satisfied with just one. Y/N had been the object of his affections for a long while now and finally getting to be with her in the way he’d craved had lit him up. 
“There we are…” he whispered as he was fully inside of her. “You feel so good on me, Butterfly.” A kiss pressed to her lips, slow rocking into her for the beginning of this. The man fully intended to give her what she wanted but the first few moments would be tender and soft, show a true appreciation of her. The soft yellow light of his lamp next to his bed lit up the side of her face, shadows across the other side. Her hand held his bicep and the other on the back of his neck as she let out a shuddering breath, eyes fluttering shut as he pressed kisses all over her face.
It was a high, feeling her heat on him. She was everywhere, capturing every bit of him yet again. Tugging him deeper into a trap he had no plans on escaping from. The slow rocking of their hips garnered a hitch in her breath, still sensitive from her orgasm moments ago but taking in every moment she could. Every second felt special and precious. 
“You don’t even know….” He breathed. “Don’t even know how much I think about this. Made me feel like a perv for a bit, seeing you in my shirt last week… then you crawled into my lap and you ruined me.” It was hard to keep it from spilling out.  “I couldn’t run anymore from how you m-make me feel. And then y’put your mouth on me, near begged to, made me feel fucking crazy. I’ve been waiting all week to get my hands on you again… but this is the best day.” The fact that she was officially his and she was holding on to him, letting out a sweet sigh as he began to pull out the slightest bit and pushed back in. 
“I thought about it too.” She admitted, though it felt hard to talk. “I wanted this and-and I wanted you and m’so happy right now.” Her eyes watered a bit and fuck, fuck, fuck.  He cooed, shaking his head as he kissed her again. His sweet girl, crying because she had wanted him just as much as he had wanted her. 
“M’yours, Butterfly. All yours, and… M’not gonna let you go. Promise. You can have me as many times, as many days, as you want.” The man doubted that she’d ever truly understand how much this meant to him, how much she meant to him. That she’d look past his shitty attitude and stuck by him long enough to see the real parts, the softer ones. Hell, she made him want a relationship when he had never thought he’d want one again.
Harry was unequivocally hers, body and heart.
It stayed slow for a while, deep kisses and soft moans, but he could feel her start to get restless. He was very aware of part of his appeal to her- the rough and tumble. So when he felt her start to squirm, he took her throat again and held her back down, keeping his slow pumps as he watched her eyes hood and a soft mewl fall from her lips as she clenched around his cock. “Impatient girl. You’re tryin’ to rush me, hm?” He whispered, squeezing the sides of her throat momentarily. “I told you I’d fuck you right. But I wanted to appreciate you, make you feel how much I adore you. Is that not enough for my girl?” 
Y/N shook her head, panting as her legs tightened around his waist. “M’sorry.  I’m not trying to rush you, promise. I just feel so good n’I want more.” 
“Of course she does. Pretty little doll wants some more.” He crooned, clicking his tongue. “Being stuffed to the brim and stretching that tiny cunt isn’t enough for you. You told me about this, warned me. Told me you liked a bit of both.” Pulling out a bit more, he slid back in with a bit of force that caught her breath. “So you’re tired of being my sweet girl… you want to be a whore?”
There was something about the delicacy in the way he said it, the way it was silky and smooth and so unlike how the word would usually be delivered that had her moaning out loud. He was so, so nice to her and she loved it but it was clear she needed some more. Thankfully she had come to the right place. 
“Okay, okay. You want t’be a cute little slut. I see how it is, my darling.” He grinned, containing the slightly rougher pace. “Jus’ let me look at this gorgeous face a bit longer, and then I’ll flip you on your hands and knees so you can bury your face into the bed while I make you cum.” 
Harry had a hard time controlling himself knowing that she wanted to be roughed up. His angelic Y/N, wanted to be pounded out into the mattress. The original thought was that he’d have to work her up to that and see if she liked it, maybe a spank or two, but here she was. Gushing on her cock from the mere mention of being fucked harder. 
“Do you want me to spank that pretty ass?” He questioned, listening to the squelch of her cunt with each pass inside of her. His personal heaven. “Make it hot? How much do you want, Butterfly?” 
“I want anything.” She promised. “Please spank me and- and choke. I want to feel it tomorrow.” It was apparent now that she really did crave it, bucking into his thrusts and getting wetter the harder he got. He was going to have such a good time learning her body. How it ticked, what got her off, what made her squirm. It was a whole new facet to their relationship that he was giddy to explore. 
“I’ll give you anything you want, my gorgeous girl.” He promised. “Make the prettiest fuck doll out of you.” 
Harry kept his promise. 
Y/N squealed as he pulled out, flipping her over and hissed at his hands spreading each side of her ass open. “Look at you… you piece of art.” He sighed. “M’gonna mark this canvas up. Never imagined bruising you before but… what my girl wants, she gets.”
The first spank was a quick one, making her yelp as he stuffed himself back into her needy hole. It was exposing her, letting him have access to her cunt and ass and it was obviously exhilarating from how she clenched before pushing back into him for more. “You liked it.” The man smirked, squeezing the soft flesh in his hands. “We’re going to get on perfectly in the bedroom, aren’t we Butterfly?” 
From there, Harry let loose. Keeping a hand on her hip and the other holding her ass, giving swats to the skin as he fucked into her deep and thorough. He watched in awe as her ass rippled every time it met his thighs, the sound of skin slapping and her whimpers filling his bedroom. Her cunt was hot and so fucking wet he was surprised he hadn’t slipped out yet, creamy and soft but keeping him in tight. 
He’s heard Y/N babble before, but all she could come up with was whimpers and whines of his name, more, and again when he smacked the round of her ass. It was unexpected, but he was eating up every single movement, every noise she squeaked out. It felt incredible to know he was the one doing it. He had been the one to make her lose that soft shell and got deep into the underbelly, literally and metaphorically, burying deep inside of her with each tuck. “That’s my girl, taking it so well. I adore you, y’know that?” He cooed. “Love this hot cunt. Think M’gonna stay inside of it for a while, what do you think?” There was no answer but a punched out breath from his cock. “Mmm… I think so too. You did say you wanted t’be my whore.” The tone was slightly condescending but it was evident quickly that she reacted well to that. 
For all the time he’d been thinking about this, reality was much sweeter. With her taste on his tongue and her arousal smeared all over his cock and forming a creamy ring around the base of his cock with each squelching fuck into her needy and willing hole, he couldn’t have imagined something better. Something so unfiltered and raw, going bare inside his candy sweet girl who had overtaken his life. 
What really set her off, though, was his fingers tucking under her and finger her slippery and swollen clit, rubbing over it firmly, she moaned loud and clear, panting into the air as she clumsily grabbed his wrist as if to keep it there. Like he’d pull it away. “I see it baby, I feel it. You jus’ needed that clit played with. You’re gonna cum for me.” He breathed in an amazed chuckle. “Gonna cum all over my cock so I can fill you to the brim and keep you full and warm.” 
Y/N didn’t need much more than that. His cock in her tummy and his fingers at her clit, ass burning slightly from his swats. He felt it the moment it began, the fluttering around his prick and her hitch of breath as she got his name falling from her mouth and the slight tense of her body before she fell apart on him.
The prettiest sight he’d ever seen in his life. It was then that he swore he’d do his best to see it as many times as he possibly could, which would be a blessing or a curse depending on what the girl underneath him thought of overstimulation. 
Which was why even as he growled out, spilling into the perfect cunt that milked him, he kept thrusting. Slow and sloppy now, feeling his load dripping from her and onto the bed, he continued with his fingers on her clit as she squirmed. His cock fucked the cum right into her, massaging it into her walls as he kissed her skin. “‘Nother one. Gimme another one, my baby. Show me how much y’love being my sweet little whore.”
The sensitivity was probably to blame with how fast the second one came, shaking slightly as she let out the weakest whine of his name before pushing his hand away. Even though he could’ve done it over and over, he hummed and listened to her cue, turning them onto their sides and kept himself snug inside of her. He’d clean her up in a bit, bring her to the shower, make sure she was fed her cinnamon rolls, but for a little bit he wanted to bask in the bliss of having a dream come true. 
“S’okay, Butterfly. I’ve got you.” He nudged his nose against her neck, placing another chaste kiss there as she folded their fingers together. “Now you can fly home to me.” 
It was far too late for cinnamon rolls if a normal person had any say, but thankfully they didn’t. Y/N sat on the counter with her hair placed back into that messy updo and his shirt on her torso while he had been convinced to wear his boxers while in the kitchen, dipping the microwave reheated cinnamon rolls in the icing. 
“I’ve got to teach you how to make them from scratch.” His girl sighed, kicking her feet as they dangled off the counter. 
“What, is my store bought hot food enough for you?” He pouted in faux offense, but luckily she didn’t fall for it. 
“You know that’s not the case. I love that you buy me some to have when I’m here.” A sugary kiss was given to his bottom lip, but she pulled away too fast to deepen it. A shame if you asked him. “It’s just, y’know, it would be fun to do together. There’s plenty of time to… hang out while the dough rises, and stuff like that.” 
Harry’s brows shot up at the insinuation, the unexpected laugh barking through the kitchen as he lowers his half ripped cinnamon roll to the plate. “I’ve created a little monster, haven’t I?” The shit eating from on his face showed no sign of regret, though. “One fuck and I’ve corrupted you. Sweet little thing turned into a needy pup in heat.” He paused before pointing a finger smeared with cinnamon sugar on it in her face. “Or have I just uncovered something that was in front of my face this whole time? Innocent act?” 
Y/N answered by leaning forward to take his finger into her mouth, sucking on it slowly and flicking her tongue over the tip before pulling back on it. 
There was no doubt now he’d found his perfect match, even if it was his complete opposite. Maybe they weren’t as different as he thought.
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mad-hunts · 27 days
@question-marked asked: “are you making fresh pasta?”
barton managed to barely hear eddie over the sound of two of his kids arguing in the background — who seemed to be jack and matilda, respectively, as he would soon call out to them using their names in his native tongue. but the fact remained that he had heard him and so after he essentially told them to ' get along ' in french, barton turned to face the other. he was currently kneading what looked to be some kind of dough with his hands, ❝ sorry, they've been unusually argumentative today with each other. you're going to have to excuse them. but yeah... lucky for you, you caught me right in the middle of making dinner. ❞
barton seemed to have some experience as he hadn't gotten any of the dough on his hands and it seemed to be quite close to having the right texture (not too dry, and not too wet). and truthfully, he did as the recipe he'd gotten for chicken alfredo from winslow? it called for homemade noodles so he figured he might as well try his hand at it. though barton still wasn't good at certain aspects of it, like actually rolling the dough through the pasta maker. a purposely overdramatic sigh left his lips then, ❝ ahh, but i'm really no good at rolling the dough through the pasta maker myself. if only there were someone here who could do it for me. ❞ he discretely looked over to edward afterward as if to say ' i'm totally not talking about you here, but also, i am. ' barton really didn't like to look like he wasn't an expert at things in the kitchen after all when he'd been cooking so long.
but this was only his second time making this, so he supposed it was more than reasonable for him to still struggle with it. barton stopped kneading the dough and looked at edward through squinted eyes as if analyzing him, ❝ i'm still a bit confused as to why you would come here when you're not injured. would you mind telling me again why you're here, considering i don't think you like me enough to be here simply for a social call? oh, and while you're doing that, could you also get me that dough cutter over there? thanks, ❞ a small unreadable smile ghosted across his features while he gestured towards the blade a little ways away from him. edward had honestly given him no reason to hate him, so as it stood, he felt rather ambivalent towards him. ❝ say, you aren't a vegetarian... right? because i'm making chicken alfredo. and enough to feed a small army, probably, so you can definitely have some. ❞
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tachiguin · 2 years
one of the reasons why the ‘Naomi is an ability construct’ theory is skeptical to me a.k.a. reasons I am biased towards bc I don’t want Naomi to be dead is that “in the book Joji tried to groom Naomi into his ideal woman” was not my takeaway after I finished the novel...
(spoiler for those who plan to read the book)
Though that was Joji’s intention at the start, he failed spectacularly, and by the end of the book, it was really Naomi that had self actualized and grown independent of Joji. But of course interpretation of the novel is debatable. but!!!! the point I’m trying to make is that it would be so contrary to what Tanizaki-sensei writes about if (bsd) Naomi was fully dependent on Jun’ichirou; if Naomi is an ability construct, it would make sense that she’s become her own person somewhere along the way, being able to exist independently.
On that subject though (sorry just blogging my unfiltered thoughts on the theory for those who followed me for Tanizaki content)
If you look to other works by Tanizaki-sensei, the concept of a woman being groomed to fit someone’s vision/fantasy does pop up more than once. See The Tattooer (1910) and Aguri (1922) for examples, but in both cases it could be argued that the woman is not the one being controlled at the end of the story, but rather, the roles are always reversed.
I also read the A Portrait of Shunkin (1933) in which, after the female protagonist passes away, her lover is said to “[create] a Shunkin quite remote from the actual woman, yet more and more vivid in his mind” which would fit with the theory quite nicely.
tl;dr when I said that the theory isn’t any more or less likely than one of mine,
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byanyan · 1 year
squints it's so hard to dip your toes back into writing after so many days of low energy when almost all ur drafts are lengthy paras
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libraford · 28 days
Park Cleanup Pet Peeves
I'll be starting my seasonal gig at Parks and Rec in a couple months and I've got a couple things I wanna say. I know that this will probably not reach the people who need to hear it, but if ONE LESS person leaves the parks a mess, I will be That Much Happier.
-You're not supposed to smoke, drink, or have sex in public parks but I know that people will anyway. But if you are going to do those things, please dispose of the evidence in the trash cans. A human has to pick these things up.
-Dog poop goes in a bag. Bag goes in the trash can.
-The little wax paper liners in the women's room? See you're supposed to put your pad/tampon in that wax paper bag, take the bag out of the bin, and then dispose of it in the actual trash can. Don't feel bad, no one told me either. Also no one told the dudes I work with. But this reduces direct exposure to bodily fluids, especially as the summer gets on and it gets hot in those bathrooms.
-On that subject! The little bins that they go in next to the toilet? Don't stick trash in there. Don't put diapers in there. Also don't put beer cans crushed in such a specific way that I slice my hand on them as I try to jimmy it out of there. Literally, that bin is too small for most things. They are meant specifically for those brown bags. Please for the love of god, throw things in the trash can.
-As for the urinals, please no solids. Most commonly gum and chewed tobacco, but you can use your imagination.
-If you're doing a photo shoot or an event with confetti, please use a paper confetti instead of a plastic one- its easier to get rid of.
-If you're doing a pizza party, we'd rather you stack the pizza boxes in a pile next to the trash can instead of trying to fit them in the trash. Because then we can just throw the trash bag over the top and tie it instead of trying to fish it out. This kind of goes for any big trash- if it won't fit in the trash can easily, don't try.
-Please don't call cops on people sleeping in the parks if they're not bothering anyone. Even if they've been sleeping there all day. Dude's just trying to chill.
-Destruction of the toilets will result in the indefinite locking of the restrooms. You ruined them and now everyone at the softball tournament can blame you for it.
-Parks people are not the police. We are maintenance workers who are not trained to handle most emergencies and the most we can do in any situation is report to the proper department. Please don't look to us for answers if someone is starting a fight.
-Also please don't spit on us for driving on the path. We're permitted to. Its essential for us to drive on the path to do our job.
-please don't abandon animals at the park. Rehome them properly. I spent a whole week trying to catch a rooster last summer.
-look, I get it- 'oh no, your pretty building has writing on it!' Grafitti is so edgy. We get it. But it means Jacob has to sand it off now so that the kids at the birthday party don't see a giant drawing of a weiner. Acts of rebellion that create more work for the working class are not revolutionary.
-please do not set fire to the Tiny Free Library. Why did you do that? That's mean.
-please do not feed bread to ducks and geese. Corn, birdseed, lettuce- those are better for them. If you want to reduce tge amount of goose poop in the parks, shop feeding them bread.
-also do not anger tge geese. They remember what its like to be dinosaurs.
I'll have more later, probably, once the season wears on.
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katkit14 · 8 months
What's its like being a female in all the Dorms
So I was making characters from my last idea and then it came to me. Headcanons for being the only female in each dorm!
Prompt : So rundown, you are the only female student in the whole school. You were an a talented young woman who was reached out to, as a great opportunity for NRC to open their doors to both females and males alike. (in reality Crowley just thinks girls on campus would be less rowdy then all boys. Means less work for him. Or maybe it's cause RSA started to, and Crowley is offended. Either way you are here now!)
Warnings : Reader isn't yuu/Mc. Reader is born female. mentions of sexism and harrsement. A little cussing to. Mentions of Periods and Bras.
Riddle would be just as hard on you as the other freshmen. He sees you no differently. Male, female? Doesn't matter, you are still a student. You must obey all the rules to a Tea (get it?). If you don't then it's off with your head just like everyone else. Which if your sorted into this dorm there is good chance you are okay with that. I could see you being more a stickler for rules but even if your not at least riddle is fair.
If you're more chaotic and less strict then Riddle would treat you like Ace. Don't think you are getting away with things just because you act all innocent. He will make you write a 100-page essay on what you did wrong and why you won't do it again. That's if it's after his overblot. If not then it's "OFF WITH YOUR HEADU".
Though if you were forced into a bedroom with boys, Riddle might raise a fuss saying it's improper and get you your own bedroom. He will make the mistake of going through Crowley though.
Trey wouldn't act any different either. He'd also just see you as another freshmen. Carter though, he would avoid you. Like oh no, he has sisters. He "knows" what girls are like. He will warm up to you though.
Ace will flirt so much with you it's unreal. Cheesy pick up lines, smooth one liners, etc. He'll become annoying with it. Like get a spray bottle kind of annoying. Deuce is the opposite. He is super respectful and always a gentleman to you. He may become less stern if you befriend him but he'll always be a bit soft around you. If you ask, he'll beat ace up.
Now the rest or heartslabyul really doesn't react to you, you're kinda just another student. No one looks out for you but no one in the dorm harrases you. Now when it comes to female stuff, everyone in this dorm gets real awkward about it. On your period and are Bleeding through your WHITE dorm uniform? Everyone swet drops but only a few people speak up. If you do end up having to share a dorm room (even with riddle throwing a fit) the other boys in the room would be respectful and change in a bathroom instead of the room. They also would allow you access to the bathroom first ( unless it's ace. Then he pushes you out the way saying "Ladies first my ass" ).
Anyone who harrases you will face Riddles wrath though. Oh and the one brain cell duo. Riddle will be more proper by lecturing them but if the One brain cell duo gets ahold of them, then lights out.
Leona let's you off easier then the other students. Mostly cause he is mildly intimidated by you. He knows you aren't a beastman, but it's still ingrained into him to respect females. So if you just stand up to him and be like "yeah no" he won't really fight you. If you are on the softer side, he'd slowly but surely start to have a soft spot for you. He'd still respect you, even if you weren't a fighter. He'd just be more of an asshole if you didn't scare him as much.
If you were forced to share a room, it wouldn't be long before you had your own room since there are a lot of drop outs. Leona would put in the hardwork of making ruggie clear you out a room to yourself.
Ruggie's mostly the same way, he mostly respects you and your stuff. He won't take your stuff either just because of that slight fear. If you befriend him, he'll be more likely to share his food with you then with a guy.
Jack mostly treats you as an equal. No more, no less. Though he can be kinda awkward at first, once you befriend him he's a lot more chill.
Now the rest of Savanaclaw is spilt into two. Seeing you are the mom of Savanaclaw or being sexiest against you. If you are a fighter then you can easily put the sexiest ones in their place. If not, Jack can do it for you. Mostly the ones who see you as mom, would go to war for you. Like you are highly respected. Now if you accept the title then it's a whole lot of caring for dumbass's after fights, and making sure everyone hydrates after work outs. If you don't accept it, it doesn't matter cause they aren't dropping it. But you can kick their ass if they get to annoying.
During sports you have a whole line of bestmen and humans alike cheering for you! Like personal cheerleaders. And during school hours you have a bunch of guys coming through checking up on you, seeing if you are okay. They gotta take care of their dorm mom.
If you get your period, the whole dorm knows. Fun fact, period blood doesn't smell like fresh blood so they know it's your period to. Expect to find a basket of chocolate at your door, with a note saying " please accept this, in return don't kill us."
Azul has a different opinion depending on what you are like.
I imagine if you got sorted into this dorm then you are more like a shady capitalist. If that's the case then he constantly feels threatened by you and has the Twins keep an eye on you.
If you are more Naive or more sweet then he is a lot less afraid and he puts you to work at the Lounge. Like as a hostess or a waitress, in order to lure more costumers.
If you were forced to share a room with boys he'd arrange another room for you...for a price. Man has no chill.
Jade doesn't really treat you any differently. More or less isn't fazed. He will still beat you up if he has to, and it won't make him go softer on you.
Floyd also doesn't care. He treats you the same as well. Honesty I could see him forgetting you are a girl. If you are a bit curvier he will squish you more. If you are the skinny side he likes to shake you. He swears you raddle. He will base his nickname off your personality, rather then your gender.
As far as the other students? Well everyone tries to budy up with you just purely based on business. It's an opportunity to get you to do stuff for them. If you're at negotiation then you'd be sitting pretty on favors, thaumbucks, and stuff.
Now if you choose not take Azul up on his deal and you are forced to share a room, they will be respectful and not change in front of you but other then that? You are on your own unless they owe you. Need pads/ tampons? Sams shop isn't to far away and you have working legs. It can be kinda hard to make friends in this dorm, with everyone being so shady and always wanting something from you. There really isn't anyone to help if you get harrassed either (unless you befriend the twins, then big scary dog previlige), though if you complain to Azul enough he will step in. You have to be pretty independent to be in this dorm.
Kalim and you are besties. It doesn't matter if agreed to it, he just thinks you are so cool! He treats you like his little sister...so basically like all the other students. He is always inviting to parties and he will take you out on magic carpet rides! He may come off strong but he just wants you to feel comfortable. He does put a lot of stress on jamil though with this...well even more stress.
I feel like if you had to share a room with boys and said you weren't comfortable with that then he would build a whole new just for you! Oh come on, it's the least you he could do to make you comfortable.
Jamil takes a lot longer to be cozy with you. He treats you with respect but doesn't really interact with you more then he has to which he has to a lot thanks to Kalim. Unless you befriend him somehow, then he slowly becomes more protective over you.
Kalim tries his best but doesn't understand female problems. Jamil on the other hand is the one to call if you have really bad cramps that wont go away or need help getting pads/tampons. Just take it easy on him, he's already got a lot to deal with.
The rest of the dorm is pretty nice to you. Most of them try to be helpful where they can, and it's really easy to befriend guys your age. Not a lot of harassment happens here but when it does Jamil will handle it unless you take care of it yourself. Even if he doesn't like you that much, he still doesn't believe in acting that way to girls just cause his little sister.
if you refused to let Kalim build you a room then some of the boys would move in with each other to let you have a room to yourself.
Vil is even harder on you then he is on other students. He doesn't want you to get away with stuff and not put your best in just because you are female. He will push and push to do your best. From skin care regimens and diets, to work outs and class's on etiquette (depends on what you need according to him.) you would be his secret favorite but he would never tell anyone. Best believe though you will have your own room, and bathroom. He'll get you to chat with him. Tell him who you like, who bothers you. I can just see him judging whoever you like so hard. especially if it was another Dormleader like " Really? Couldn't you do a little better?"
Rook is a little more flirty to you, but not to much that anyone notices. I think flirty is just his personality. Anyways he is a real gentleman, still does as Vil says but gently. He also seems to get a bit protective over you, often getting people when they make you uncomfortable, even if you can handle it yourself.
He thought you were just a girly guy like him at first. Once he finds out your a girl, Epel thinks he has to look out for you. But makes a bunch of off hand comments that make Vil smack him. He is one of those "you can't hit a girl" kind of dudes.
As for the rest Pomefiore, they don't even notice you are a girl. Even if you very curvy. They just think it's drag or something. If your Skinner they just think your a normal student. Unless you tell anyone you are a girl they won't know. If you do tell them they don't care. I can't really see anyone in the dorm messing with you. If not from pure "I don't care enough" then it's the fear of Vil and Rook.
Vil refuses to let you share a dorm room, even if you are fine with it. Unlike Riddle he won't try to go through Crowley. He'll just do it. If there aren't any other rooms then you can stay with him. He if that does happen, he will be very respectful but you won't be able to escape his nagging.
I can see Vil kind of catering to your needs. Like he keeps tampons and pads in the dorms bathroom and giving you ways to get blood out of your clothes. He wants you to feel comfortable.
Idia, talking to someone? Let alone a girl? Yeah no. He maybe talked to you once or twice because Ortho made him. He stays as far away from you as possible.
Ortho and you are friends. He is just so adorable how could you not? Even if you are shy, it's fine cause he's not. Once you are friends he constantly trying to get his brother and you to interact, but that works as well as trying to introduce water and oil.
Don't worry about sharing a room either cause if you have to, your dorm mates are never there. They refuse to interact with anyone. Hell, I can imagine a student making a wall divider just so no one doesn't have to talk.
It's safe to say no one is gonna harass you. They would feel scared being around you. I guarantee you that they have never talked to a real girl, and they don't plan to. That does mean you are on your own, about everything. It can also be hard to make friends but not impossible. Just hard. But hey you have the best wifi in the whole school! I imagine if you are in this dorm you are probably more antisocial yourself so you are probably fine with no one talking to you. But if you aren't, probably look for friends outside of your dorm.
I'm sorry this one is shorter, there isn't a lot to say on this dorm.
Malleus is more then welcoming. Though he will keep his distance if you are scared of him. If you aren't then you will quickly become friends with him. He doesn't really see you differently then other students, but he does understand you may find some challenges that other students won't and he tries his best to accommodate to that.
If you share a dorm room, and you aren't comfortable he will get you another room to yourself. Very easily to. If you are fine with it or don't say anything then he won't know to so speak up. Feel free to complain to him. I don't know why but I see him being a softer dorm leader.
Lilia has to adopted you, sorry. Sebek and Silver both betray you, and point to you whenever Lilia asks who wants to try his cooking....if you survived feel free to punch them.
Speaking of Sebek and Silver, Sebek dislikes you. Or at least at first. He thinks your far to close to Malleus, but also you should worship him? Can't have your cake and eat it to. But after awhile he accepts you but barely.
Silver likes you just fine. I can see really anyone getting along with him. The only thing really wrong about him is sleepyness but he can't help that. So you two will probably become friends no matter your personality.
As far as the rest of dorm goes (is there other students? But nah really) most people leave you be. Not really talking to you or paying attention to you. I don't really see anyone fucking with you here, but if they do lilia will see to it if you don't handle it yourself. If Malleus finds out though, boy do they get the hell out of NRC. Malleus doesn't believe in sexism. Really none of the Diasomnia boys do but Malleus and Lilia have the power to do something about it.
Lilia and Silver is a lot more understanding of Female problems then Malleus and Sebek. Silver is a very understanding kind of guy, and Lilia's old has experience. I imagine fae also have periods but they are different. So lilia might not understand entirely but knows the basics. Malleus is clueless though he tries to understand. He will ask questions on everything if you allow him to, if not Lilia will explain. He just wants to know, so he can help. Sebek though just refuses to learn or care. He doesn't see you any different from anyone else really. So he treats you like he does all the other first year's (your poor eardrums). None other then Malleus ( if you've befriended him) are that protective of you. With most viewing you can take care of yourself just fine.
If you do end up sharing a room though, I feel like it'd probably be with Sebek. Who doesn't care whether you are Female or not. He won't change in front of you or try to peep at you. He will leave your stuff alone to. But sharing a room with him comes with it's own challenges.
He will still keep up his shrine to Malleus. He will hog the bathroom half the morning. He will be very loud in the morning and at night. Great seven forbid you stay up past 9pm.
I don't really see you sharing a room with other dorm members but if you do, then they mostly leave you alone. They won't change in front of you but that's it. Not really much to say there.
If you leave Bras around your room in ignihyde, One of the boys will faint.
If you're in Pomefiore, you will be one Crewels favorite students.
In Heartslabyul, if you leave a little pad station in the bathroom, some of the first year boys will start using them as badaides.
The Savanaclaw boys use Hair ties and Srunchies as a weapon so if you have long hair, good luck.
If you are in Diasomonia, and rooming with Sebek. If you leave blood on the toilet seat, he will freak out asking in a very tsundere way if you are okay, once it's explained...Lilia will not let him live it down like ever.
If you are in Octavinille, don't ever leave a bra or undergarment in the open. Floyd will use it as a sling shot. (ace would to)
In Scarabia, Kalim forgets you are girl sometimes. Like" hey you want to go swimming with me? I had a pool put in yesterday! Everyone was getting way to hot!" "sorry I can't im on my period" "What?". Jamil faceplamed, cause Kalim knows what a period is, he just forgot you get them.
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hopesworlld · 3 months
౨ৎ he made my doll heart, light up with joy
Tumblr media
౨ৎ 𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 — step!bro anakin x fem!reader
౨ৎ 𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 — your stepbrother anakin found your diary and now he wants to make all your dirty fantasies come true
౨ৎ 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁 — 4k
౨ৎ 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 — swearing, stepcest, mentions of weed and alcohol, mean!anakin, face slapping in a sexual context but not discussed beforehand, smut ( mentioned masturbation f and m, hickeys, unprotected sex, p in v, choking, hair pulling, praise, a little degradation, use of the term slut/little slut, titty fucking, squirting, oral sex m receiving ) i think that's everything !
౨ৎ 𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗸𝘀 ! — feeding the girlies 🫶🏻
part one part three masterlist
it had been a couple of days since anakin had found your diary and your mind had been stuck on him since then, each time you saw him your mind was filled with images of that night, the look on his face as he guided his cock into your mouth, the way he felt filling you up, spilling his cum onto your face and chest. you longed for him again, and he knew that and he fucking loved it. he would walk around the house shirtless, shorts hanging off of his hips with no boxers beneath leaving his cock print visible beneath. it took everything within you not to grab him there and then and tug his shorts down and choke on his cock.
you knew he was playing the long game, seeing how long he could make you wait before you came to him begging, tears staining your cheeks and core aching. so you waited, watching, longing but you had done this before, had been holding those dirty little fantasies inside of you for so long so this, you could hold on. sitting in your bedroom hands shoved down your panties toying with your clit until you came picturing anakin sitting in his bedroom, pumping his flushed cock wishing you would give in. so you decided you were going to play anakin at his own game, wearing short skirts and tight fitting tops, forgoing bras and underwear and purposefully bending over when you knew he was behind you giving him the perfect view of your cunt beneath the frilly fabric, grinning when you heard him hiss quietly beneath his breath.
it became a new sick obsession for you both, anakin brushing past you, hands trailing along your spine, grasping at your hips, playing with your skirt's waistband. while you would creep behind him and run your hands down his chest, or slip past him pressing your ass against his crotch. it lasted for a week before everything collapsed.
you were laying in your bedroom, both your father and shmi out on a date night, and anakin was out with friends so you had the house to yourself, though it was about as fun as to be expected, so you decided to write in your diary detailing the games you and anakin had been playing that day.
/ i really thought he was going to give in today, i wore the tiniest skirt i have, it’s hardly even a skirt, so short i haven't worn it since i bought it but god it’s hard, anakin promised this isn't over but i didn't realise i was going to have to beg for it and i don’t want too. he knows i want him, i creamed all over his fucking cock and still, he’s making me wait. i just want him to give in, grab me and fuck me senseless again, i haven’t been able to cum properly since last week, no matter how much i want to it’s like my body needs him, i fucking hate it. god, why won’t he just do something?
“writing more fantasies there, angel?” anakin’s voice cut through the peaceful silence of your bedroom, you titled your head to face him, taking in the skin-tight black jeans that clung to his legs and band t-shirt, the heavy black liner around his eyes, he looked utterly sinful.
“nothing to say,” you replied shortly, turning your face back to the diary, gaze scanning the page, you could feel him still staring at you but decided to remain silent, if he wanted to play this game you would play it.
“oh, baby’s got bite, huh,” anakin snickered, crossing the room and perching himself at the end of the bed, “feeling a bit worked up?” he asked and you scoffed, raising your eyes, watching the way his gaze trailed over your body suddenly aware that you were wearing only a white vest top and a pair of pink cotton panties, you hadn’t expected him home tonight. usually, he and his friends would be out for hours on end not returning until the sun rose, but it was hardly half past eight.
“you wish,” you said with a small smile rolling your eyes at him, watching as his eyes darkened.
“wanna play like that, baby? okay, why don’t you hand me that book and show me what you are writing,” he offered, hand held out expectantly and a shudder ran down your spine as you met his gaze, he was testing you, tempting you to give in.
“why? you gave me what i wanted. you want me fucking say it,” you bit out, but your facade was fading but anakin… anakin broke.
“think now you’ve had my cock you can talk to me like i’m a fucking idiot?” he seethed, reaching over and ripping the diary from your grip and dropping it on the bed before straddling your hips, using one hand to pin your hands above your head in a bruising grip, “acted like a fucking slut all week, flashing me that desperate pussy, practically begging for it and now you wanna act blase?” he was angry, enraged as he glared down at you and you had never felt so small.
“anakin i…” you began to say but he shook his head.
“shut up,” he sneered, “sluts don’t get to talk, they shut their mouths and listen,” and you knew you shouldn’t, your brain was screaming at you to not give in, but that other part of you, your needy cunt needed this, needed him so you nodded. “look at you, all brave until you think you are gonna get cock, embarrassing,”
“i’m sorry,” you spewed out, and before you could even process it his hand was coming up, slapping you harshly around the face leaving behind a burning sting, you gaped up at him, shocked at his action and he smirked.
“i told you to be quiet but you can’t fucking listen can you, so you know what i’m gonna do?” he asked you and all you could do was stare at him, “nothing,” he replied simply letting go of your hands and climbing down from atop of you off of the bed, “you want me you know where to find me,” he said, sending you a teasing wave leaving you alone with a stinging cheek and throbbing cunt. you couldn’t even bring yourself to get off that night, simply curling on your side and hoping, but anakin never came.
the following day you were unsure of what to do next, cheek-stained rosy and cunt still aching, what you weren’t expecting was to see anakin the second you entered the kitchen, his eyes widening when he saw your face.
“shit,” he gasped walking over to you and cradling your cheek, you blinked up at him stunned, “i didn’t realise i… angel, fuck” he looked horrified, “i was so fucked when i got home last night and i, god,” anakin didn’t know what to say, pretty blue eyes so heart-achingly pained.
“it’s okay,” you said softly but he shook his head frantically.
“it’s not okay, i didn’t ask i just did it, fuck, i was so cross faded, baby, you don’t have to forgive me,” anakin had never been so nice to you ever, maybe after he had fucked you within an inch of your life, but this anakin was so impossibly soft you felt something with you shift, lust melting into something more malleable, something warm and light and it terrified you.
“ani, it’s okay,” you repeated, leaning up and planting a kiss on his lips, it was confident but you had to try, and anakin wilted, arm slipping around your waist and pulling you in, your bodies pressed so close they were practically one. the kiss was soft, a sweet caress of lips on lips before anakin pulled back and planted a soft kiss on your cheek. “wanna know a secret?” you asked him and anakin looked into your eyes, only sincerity glowing in them.
“always, angel,” he whispered and a small smirk twisted itself on your lips.
“i liked it,” you say watching as anakin’s eyes widen before a grin stretches across his face, his hand still resting on your hips pinching down slightly and making you jump.
“cheeky slut,” he teased, leaning in and peppering kisses along the length of your neck making you shiver in delight, “i need you, angel,” he murmured against your neck, “you’ve taken over my entire brain, can’t think of anything but you,”
“take me,” you whispered, “you’ve haunted my thoughts for long enough, ani,” it was a mess of teeth and tongue as anakin pulled you in again, lifting you into his arms, you wrapped your legs around his waist letting him carry you from the kitchen up the stairs, only breaking the kiss to look where he was going every few seconds before suddenly you were being laid back onto your bed, anakin hovering atop of you.
“i’m not gonna be gentle this time,” anakin told you, hands resting on your hips, “i need to make you mine, ruin you for any other man that tries with you, you are fucking mine,” he groaned out, grinding his hips against yours, the delicious thrill of his half hard cock settled between your thighs enough to drive you wild.
“you’ve already ruined me,” you confess like a sinner would on their knees before the priest.
“fuck,” anakin hissed, he grasped the skin of your thighs hiking them up so that they sat around his waist, “want everything from you, don’t hold back,” he demanded, and you knew that you were gone, this sick story was coming to a close and a new book was already in the making as he reached between your bodied and cupped your aching sex.
“yes, yes,” you pleaded, grinding your hips against his hand, you needed to feel him, to have him explore every inch of you and make you his.
“let’s get you out of these clothes, pretty,” he cooed, hands slipping under your top and tugging it off revealing your perky tits beneath, nipples hardening against the cool air, he groaned, cupping them in his large hands and squeezing, “such gorgeous tits, will you let me fuck them a little, baby?” he asked you and you whined.
“fuck yes, want you to come all over them, ani please,” you said, hands falling to the waistband of your shorts, it was an awkward shuffle of bodied as you managed to push them down and kick them from your legs while anakin grinned, still looking at your tits in awe.
“wanna mark them up, let everyone know whose tits they are,” he said, not waiting for confirmation before sinking down and suckling the tops of your breasts, a jolt of pain shot through your body making you shiver in delight. he sucked until the marks were bright red and lay stark against your skin, running his tongue over them soothingly before moving to the next until your breasts were covered. “holy shit,” he gaped.
“s’ pretty,” you murmered looking at the marks he had created.
“so pretty,” anakin agreed, “the fucking prettiest, along with this cunt, been dreaming about having this again,” he told you, tracing his fingers through your aching folds, “always so wet for me, angel,”
“take your clothes off,” you huffed, hips jittering, “wanna see you,” you pleaded, hands clumsily coming up to his belt and tugging at the cuff trying to unloop the fabric.
“desperate girl,” he smirked but obliged, tearing his shirt over his head in a swooping motion before following suit with his jeans, tugging the belt free as you watched in fascination as his jeans and boxers finally came down and his cock sprang free from its confines, hard, flushed and aching.
“anakin,” you hummed in delight at the sight, desperate for him.
“never meet a girl so needy for cock, look like you’ve just won the lottery,” anakin snickered, dragging his cock through your folds, soaking the tip before slapping it against your clit, you hissed at the contact lifing your hips to meet his but anakin pressed his hand your your stomach holding you down. “not yet,” he told you, “get the diary, i promised you a fantasy,” he smirked.
“anakin,” you huffed, pouting, “you know what i want, you don’t need that,” you said but he shook his head.
“wanna read your dirty words first, angel, come on,” he prompted planting a soft slap to your ass cheek making you squeal, scrambling up the bed and grabbing the little diary from its place beneath your pillow and handing it to him. he flicked the pages open, scanning through some older entries along with some older ones, his smile widening as he read your desperate words. “god, you are fucking filithy,”
“stop it,” you cried ripping the book from his hand and reading the page.
/ anakin stood behind me in the kitchen today and i purposefully bent over so that my skirt would come up, i wasn't wearing any underwear so he saw everything, i’m pretty sure i heard him moan. it made me so wet i wonder if he noticed, i wanted him to grab me and ram his cock inside me. i’ve seen porn where girls get fucked from behind, pinned against a counter or on their hands and knees, hair threaded through their partner's hands, tugging them back. or sometimes the guy had his hands wrapped around their throat. i bet anakin is good at choking, his hands are so big, he could probably fit his hand around my neck easily and choke me out, i tried it myself, squeezed hard enough that it made my head spin, i think even without my vibrator i would have cum so fucking hard from that. i hope he gives in soon.
“wanna feel my hands around your throat, angel?” anakin asked you, “want me to pound you from behind, take you like a slut? should have known you would love that,” you moaned at his words, slamming the book shut and tossing it from the bed.
“yes, ani, you know what i want so please, please do something,” you begged, crawling over to him and straddling his hips, wet cunt dragging against his hard cock, he groaned, grasping your hips tightly and rocking against you, his cock head catching at the rim of your swollen hole.
“gotta let you ride me one day, baby,” he murmured into your ear, “but right now i want you on your hands and knees, ass up,” he prompted and who were you to ignore instructions? you quickly moved into place, trying to remember who the girls do it in porn, the position was a little uncomfortable, knees not used to holding your weight like this, anakin ran his hand along your back soothingly, unlocking the tensed muscles that rippled beneath his touch revealing a subtle arch as you dipped down against the bed, breasts brushing against the cotton sheets. “look at that,” anakin said, “fucking perfect,” not seeing him made your skin prickle, every touch seemed to set your nerves on fire, especially when he drew his hands to your rounded ass, grasping at the flesh with keen fingers.
“ani, stop teasing,” you complained earning a sharp slap on your ass, the pressure making you jolt.
“needy little slut,” anakin spat, “just trying to appreciate the view but you are so focused on getting something inside that desperate cunt, want it so bad then fucking take it,” and he was inside you, despite his harsh words anakin was gentle with you, only pushing the tip into your dripping hole and holding it there for a few seconds before pushing deeper, your walls greedily sucking him in, his cock a weclome introusion after weeks of needy fingers helplessly pressing at your gummy walls, clumsily chasing a phantom release.
“yes, yes, yes,” you chanted, head dropping down against the bed as anakin began to thrust, the burn was expected, you hadn’t had him in weeks and with no prep you were bound to be a little sore, but you wanted this, wanted it to hurt, wanted to remember the feeling of him inside of you for days to come. his thrusts were shallow at first, hardly sinking all the way in before pulling out again, he continued this for a few moments, hands grasping at your hips before you began to whine, “ani, it’s okay, i need you harder, deeper, wanna feel your cock in my fucking stomach,” you simpered, dirty words pouring from petal lips, but it worked, you felt anakin’s dick twitch inside of you.
“such a dirty mouth, angel,” he groaned, hand threading through your hair and yanking, the action jerking you backward so that anakin was fully sheathed inside of you and you fucking loved it, moaning loudly at the feeling of being so full, the pressure of his cock head against your cervix and the burn of your scalp would have been enough to make you cum, but then he began to jackhammer inside of you, hips thrusting at a brutal pace, filling every inch of you.
“oh my god,” you screeched, tears glossing your eyes, as you let anakin abuse your sopping cunt. tip pressing against the spongey spot inside of you that made your head spin.
“that’s it, baby, scream for me,” anakin hissed, hands bruising on your hips, as he sank deeper, and deeper, you swore you could feel him in your guts, this angle allowing him to go deeper than he had before, he was everywhere, you vaguely wondered what it would feel like if he spilled inside of you, cum coating your insides, it was disgusting, so, so wrong but you knew you would have to ask him for it one day, maybe leave it in your diary and hope he finds it, but you had little time to ponder as anakin’s hand untangled from your hair and began to creep its away around your throat, just holding it, waiting.
“ani,” you pleaded, his fingertips dancing along your pulse point, palm warm even against your fiery skin.
“you want it?” he asked, squeezing ever so slightly so that you could feel the pressure but not enough to cut off air flow.
“yes, want it so bad, anakin please,” he laughed, a dark mocking thing that made your pussy cleanch.
“come on, angel you can beg better than that,” anakin litled, you couldn’t see him but you knew he was smiling, amused by the pathetic girl wrapped around his cock, so desperate for him no matter what he could say or do, you would still trail after him cock hungry and begging.
“choke me, ani, please, want your hands around my throat, want you to fuck me like a slut, please, please, need it so bad, please, ani,” you didn’t had to wait to see if you begged well enough before anakin’s hand tightened, pressing in all the right places to cut off your wind pipe, a dull aching feeling lingering as the blood rushed from your head, it was hypnotic, something welling inside of you, loving the control he held over your entire body. you were his, whether he wanted it or not. the slick sound of your cunt taking his cock filled the room not that your moans were cut off, it made you shudder.
“baby, baby,” anakin panted, hips stuttering inside of you, “fuck, you are a dream, angel,” he said, voice shaky, “gonna need you to cum soon, you feel so fucking good wrapped around me, don’t think i can hold it much longer and i still need to feel those tits around me,”
“fuck,” you cried at the sound of his shakey voice, words garbled by anakin’s hand around your thoat, he loosened it for a moment allowing you to gulp in a large breath of air before it tightened once again, thumb pressing against your pule point, you whimpered, tears spilling down your cheeks as you let anakin rock against you.
“play with your clit for me, angel,” anakin told you, pace not slowing but you could feel his dick twitching, you did as he said, one hand sliding to the sticky mess between your thighs, you were tempted to feel at the place between the two of you, the connection of his cock deep inside of you but you worried that would set anakin off, so you began to circle your clit, the loss of one arm to balance with make you shaky, body jerking forward violently so anakin grabbed your other arm, wrenching it behind your back and holding it there, other hand still on your throat, his body supporting your entire weight. it was fucking heavenly, you were completely at his disposal, he could do anything he wanted to you and you would let him.
“mmh,” you stuttered out, voice lost beneath anakin’s vice grip, that coil in your stomach welling, you could feel it expanding, coiling down your spine and encasing your entire lower body. you needed it, that lust you had felt for weeks reaching closer to a crescendo, you wanted him to ruin you, to tear you in two a bury himself beneath your skin so you could feel him forever. your heart pounded against your chest, body aching with want.
“that’s it,” anakin cooed, “you can let go, come all over my cock, angel girl,” he whispered, squeezing your throat tighter, white spots danced in your vision, the feeling of his cock head bullying your cervix, the dizzying lack of air in your head and the way he held you, it was enough to send you spinning. everything went dark, you felt entirely weightless, the glow of your orgasm consuming your entire body and you were gone.
when you came too, anakin was hovering over you, your body now laid flat and he looked adoringly down on you, bottom lip pinched between his teeth.
“oh, baby,” he sounded awe struck, you blinked up at him, hazy from the force of the orgasm that had consumed you, “you squirted, angel,” he told you and you looked down, his entire cock and stomach was sodden as well as the sheets beneath you two, you gaped, stunned.
“i did that?” you whispered and anakin swopped in, peppering kisses along the curve of your lips.
“yes, yes you did, so fucking hot, never seen a girl squirt in person before, it was fucking insane,” anakin said, almost giddy, “such a good girl, angel, something out of a dream i swear to god,” he continued too kiss you, along your lips, trailing across your cheeks and you squirmed, hands shakily coming to his shoulders.
“ani,” you say, breathlessly, still taken aback by what you had done, like anakin you had only seen squirting in porn, you couldn’t even imagine that you yourself could do it.
“yes, baby, anything,” he sounded frantic, hips rutting against the wetness between your thighs, still chasing his relief as he praised you.
“my tits,” you gasped out through over sensitivity as he cock brushed your swollen clit, “fuck my tits, ani, please,” he pulled back, a dreamy smile painted on his lips as he shuffled up the bed, hips stradling your stomach.
“you really want this?” he asked gently, and you nodded, you needed this, needed him to come, you watched in bliss as he reached behind him, coating his palm in your wetness and smearing it between your tits until the skin glistened before guiding his cock along the silken channel, “push them together for me, angel, make it nice and tight like your pussy for me,” he instucted, your hands dragged up your sides and too your swollen breasts, pressing them together, your thumbs trailing along the marks anakin had left before.
“yes, just like that,” anakin whispered, rutting his hips, cock sliding between your tits with a squealch. his cock head bumped against your chin and impulsibely you dipped your head, capturing the weeping thing between your lips and suckling, it was a mess of spit, slick and cum and anakin moaned, louder than you had ever heard him moan before. you glanced at him through your lashes and almost lost it, anakin looked wrecked, lips parted and stained crimson, hair ruffled atop his head in messy waves, eyes wide as he looked down at you, and when you made eye contact he cried out, hips stuttering as he came in your mouth. you tried to swallow as much as you could, but some escaped and dripped onto your tits in a milky stream.
“angel,” anakin’s breathing raged as he pulled his spent cock from your mouth and you smiled up at him, body still weak but all you could feel was light, it burned bright within you and extended out like sunlight leaking through the clouds at dawn. “you… i… i have never come so hard in my life than i have with you,” he laughed breathlessly, you echoed the sound as he sank onto you, head pressed against your soiled chest but he didn’t care and neither did you. it was your mess that you had made together, and you loved that thought more than you should.
“same,” you managed to say, exhaustion consuming you as you curl your arms around anakin, relishing in the feeling of his warmth.
“i have no choice now,” anakin said, “you are my fucking girl, i don’t care about what our parents say, this is it for me, i need you,”
“anakin,” you gasped, taken aback by his confession, what was he saying? what did this mean now? how could you ever tell your parents how this sick obsession had bloomed into something more, it was wrong, twisted, and despicable, but you couldn’t ignore what you felt and you knew it was him, he was it for you.
“don’t worry, angel, i’ll work it out,” he murmured against your chest and you nodded, anakin knew what he was doing, or you could only hope he did as he finally came around again and scooped you into his arms to take you to clean up in the bathroom.
maybe another part…
tags : @prettypinkprincess15 @insomiacslut @johnbassplayercutie @espinathena-17 @srry-notsorry @vmpIover @dazednstars141
tagged people who asked for a part two !
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itadore-you · 4 months
show, don't tell
pairing: itadori yuuji x fem!reader (side note i wrote this with her wearing a skirt in mind btw) content: smut (basically netflix & chill)!! & mdni plsss w/c: 1.8k a/n: trying to get back into writing. thoughts of yuuji have ravaged my mind for the past 2 months straight
Thinking about your casual nights with Yuuji, the ones where the rest of your friends are off doing something else, leaving the two of you alone at last.
This seems to happen a lot more recently, and you just can't put your finger on why. His place is just so comforting, despite how small it is, and its clutter. You know he's been saving up recently to afford a better place. Those extra hours he's been putting in as a part-timer are starting to show their effects. It started off with him missing the group's Thursday nights out, when he opted to stay in and rest instead. You asked him if it was okay for you to come over and check on him since you hadn't seen him in a while, and soon it became a habit to stay in with Yuuji. Sometimes you'd even share a home-cooked meal because he didn't have enough time to cook dinner. One thing was for sure though, you would always stay for hours longer than expected, both of you reluctant to say goodbye.
It's late, so he doesn't want you walking home by yourself at this time. He would walk you home anyway, but isn't it so much easier to stay over at his instead? He had just finished cooking a late-night comfort meal before you came over, and there's enough for the two of you - such a coincidence, isn't it?
And the winter makes it so, so cold. You can't help leaning into his arms after settling down to watch a movie on his laptop. Pirating wasn't a good idea - you've offered your Netflix subscription to Yuuji a couple of times, but he still refuses to take you up on it, because that's the thing about Yuuji; he always, always is willing to give, but never take. The way that you're lying down on him right now - back pressed against his firm chest while his arms wrap around your centre - makes it hard for you to turn from the screen and look at him. You want to start something. You want to take this somewhere. But you don't know if he does. It's been a couple of months, being in this weird limbo with Yuuji. It started off with you just wanting to be around him more. Wanting to talk to him more. Not just more, but every day. Wanting to touch him, feel him, taste him.
But that's the thing about starting off as friends. If he didn't feel the same way, then that would end everything. And Yuuji was a great friend. Always there for you, kind to others but still always somehow makes you feel special, could make you laugh but would never make you cry. You can't let him go! You don't want to mess this up. Meeting him is one of the best things that ever happened to you.
Your heart can't help but beat a little bit faster when you hear Yuuji's light laugh - it's at some witty one-liner from the sidekick character. You didn't even hear the joke, but you're smiling a little too much as you can feel the heave of Yuuji's chest from behind you. Eventually, you break into laughter too, both of you are laughing so hard together that your sides hurt. This is when you choose to sneak a glance at Yuuji, when he's in such a state of pure joy, that tears collect in the corners of his eyes and almost trickle down his cheek.
He's so adorable.
You reach over to wipe them off for him, and his laughter dwindles, trying to keep steady for you. But there goes that handsome smile again, as he locks eyes with you, making your hand a little more unsteady.
"Sorry," he murmurs, still chuckling a little as he averts his eyes. 'Nervous laughing', as he calls it, is a typical response for Yuuji. It's when he laughs hard, unapologetically, and without restraint. It makes you wonder if he'd love you like that, too.
"The joke wasn't even that funny! I just..." His sentence trails off and he looks away, again. At this point, you have completely no idea what's going on in the movie's plot. No way you're letting him get away without finishing that sentence.
"Yuu? What were you going to-"
He chuckles nervously again, shaking his head. "Nothing, nothing. Just sit back and enjoy the film. I like holding you like this."
"Yuuji." You tilt yourself so you can take hold of his face, almost as if you're forcing him to choke out his words. "You can tell me anything. Literally. Anything."
You can practically see the cogs turning in Yuuji's brain as he thinks through his response. Yuuji runs a hand quickly through his unruly pink hair before he speaks again.
"I - No, I mean, it's just that I like spending time with you. A lot. I just-" Yuuji sighs, then continues, "I want to show you what I mean. I don't think I can really say it how I want to."
"Go on."
"But you don't know what I mean...?"
"Well there's one way I can find out," you tease him. You're really, really hoping that he's implying what you think he is.
"Yeah. Okay then."
He takes another deep breath in as you lean against his chest, and the arms wrapped around you now wander, until his hands interlace with yours. Yuuji's voice is a tone quieter as he asks 'Is this okay?' and you answer with a quick squeeze of his hand and a nod. Everyone knows that Yuuji is that one touchy-feely friend, always offering hugs and slinging an arm over your shoulder, but the way he touches you now feels different. The atmosphere has changed. Your heart is beating so fast now, you can't pull your eyes away from the screen to look at him. Even though you want him to keep going, you want to show that you want him just as badly. So instead you move his hand to rest on your thigh, firmly placing yours on top. You can tell that Yuuji is holding his breath at this point, taken by surprise at how forward you are. Maybe you should give him some time before you do anything else.
But only a couple of minutes pass by before Yuuji makes his next move. His fingers curl tighter around your thigh as he kisses your neck. It's a light peck, to test the waters, before he kisses you once more, moving along your neck. On your jawline. Languidly moving up to your cheek, his lips are soft but a little chapped as they taste your skin.
So you lean your head towards his, capturing his lips in a short-lived kiss. Both of you are hesitating because once you go this far, you can't come back. But it's so clear that you now both want each other. The realisation makes you start to bite the inside of your cheek as you turn around quickly to keep watching the movie - Yuuji wants you back. Just as much as you want him. Even though you know this, it still doesn't feel real.
Have you made things awkward? You didn't mean to. It all just happened so quickly, the blur of a kiss and a glimpse of his soft brown eyes. You didn't mean to turn away, you want to continue. His hands clasp yours worriedly.
"Y/n? Are you sure this is okay?" His voice wavers as he fiddles with the rings on your fingers. If you want to go further with Yuuji, then you're going to have to show him.
"Yes, Yuuji. I want you to."
With that, you place his hands on the inside of your thighs. "Please."
He nods from behind you, going slightly rigid for a moment at how breathy you sound asking for him. "Okay."
Then he starts to really touch you. Massaging the inside of your thighs as he murmurs that you should 'keep watching the film'. You're holding your breath every time he drifts further and further up, and you're struggling to focus on the screen; opting to fix your eyes on the subtitles instead. He stops from time to time, only to restart lightly brushing his fingers over the tops of your thighs, and eventually, his fingers disappear underneath the hem of your skirt, still going higher. You can't help trying to look at Yuuji from the corner of your eye - is there a light blush on his cheeks?
"Pay attention, this is the good part," he whispers to you, gently taking hold of your face to keep your eyes trained on the screen.
You start to relax in Yuuji's arms until, just for a moment, he grazes over your underwear, right against your clit. The brief contact with such a sensitive part of you makes you jump a little, as if every nerve on your body lit on fire at the same time. You want more, and this slow tension has been killing you inside. And Yuuji knows it.
"Just relax into me. I'm going to make you feel good," he whispers, as he rests his fingers on your clit again, beginning to trace small circles onto it. With each and every movement, Yuuji is precise, and he can feel your wetness through the fabric. He presses a couple more kisses onto the side of your neck every time he stops touching you, teasing you over and over to delay your orgasm. He can tell that you're feeling especially close when you try to cross your legs, forcing his hand even closer to you, but his steady hands stop you every time. You're positive that your panties are completely soaked through at this point, but it gets even better. Yuuji's deft fingers then pull your panties aside, and they delve into you.
A thumb is kept steady on your clit, whilst he pumps his fingers into you. Yuuji never goes beyond a certain speed, making sure that you feel each and every stroke of his fingers against your walls. Your soft gasps of his name spur him on as he starts to suck on the side of your neck, thrusting deeper with his fingers until he finds your sweet spot - the part of you that is most sensitive. You cry out when he curls his fingers directly up into your g-spot again; It's impossible to hold back anymore.
When you cum, your body almost goes limp - Yuuji groans lowly in response, feeling the way how your hole contracts around his fingers. He can only imagine how that tightness would feel around his dick. He is slow to pull his fingers away from you, still slowly pumping them in and out after your orgasm.
"Fuck... Yuuji....."
His heart tightens in his chest at how breathless you are, how weak you are for him.
"Do you get what I was trying to say before ...?"
"Yes, Yuuji. Yes."
That's all he needs to hear for now. The end credits of the movie will roll soon; whatever has begun between the two of you, is to be continued.
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hellishjoel · 4 months
hi!! congrats on 7k, you deserve it! your writing is amazing and has brightened so many of my days!
Now: I was thinking 🍒 with prompts 9 & 10 for Joel, can’t wait to see what you come up with!
repeat it
1k / pairing: joel miller x f!reader
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smutty one-liners: “Maybe you could use that mouth for more than just talking nonsense.” & “If we weren’t in public right now…”
warnings/information: MA 18+ (minors DNI), post-outbreak jackson, implied but unspecified age gap, swearing, size kink, praise kink, degradation kink, dirty talk, pet names, public-ish oral (m!receiving), pov switching, reader is described as having hair, but otherwise no physical description, no use of y/n 
Joel’s patience is thin as ice. 
Tommy follows his brother’s stare clean across the warped wooden floors of the Tipsy Bison. He watches as a young woman sways her hips to a song playing on the old jukebox with a glittery smile, with a body too gorgeous not to gawk at. 
“If we weren’t in public right now…” Tommy mutters before doing a low, appreciative whistle at the woman before him. 
The tension in Joel’s jaw is tightening, ready to snap. 
He wishes you were his, has felt that for quite a long time.
Perhaps it was after his first few days in Jackson, and he saw you milling around the market during winter with a small wooden basket. Or maybe it was when spring was finally turning its heel into the Wyoming weather, and you had shed a few layers to let the sun warm your skin. 
He remembers staring for what felt like too long, but not long enough for him. 
Joel was a man on the edge, a primal desire for you and only you. So how long was he just going to fucking sit here? 
He watches as you break for air, stepping out into the summer night for the gentle breeze to cool your skin. 
“Mr. Miller,” your voice coos, despite your back being to him. You know his presence by now. “Was wondering when you were going to ask me for a dance.” 
There’s that glittery smile again. The one that’s hard to say no to, the one he can’t say no to. 
“Ain’t askin’ you t’dance.” Joel’s voice is low, growled, and you see in his eyes what he wants. 
There’s not a lot of privacy in Jackson, so when he tugs you to the side of the bar in little protection of shadows, your eyes widen. He wants you here? Now?!
“Joel,” you whisper in a panic, but his mouth is already on yours. He can’t help himself. You look so pretty, bet you taste just as sweet. It takes a moment to adjust, but your arms quickly encircle around his neck as you tug the tall man ever so closer. 
You can hear people walking on the dirt road just feet away, the chitter-chatter of voices as Joel tugs down your shirt to put your bare breasts on display. You whimper as he tugs your fingers to his belt buckle. 
“Joel, people might see, we shouldn’t-”
“Maybe you could use that mouth for more than just talkin’ nonsense.”
That shuts you up real quick and forces a pool of saliva to fill your mouth as you work to undo his belt with need.
Joel’s hands wind into your hair as you sink to your knees, his body weight relying solely on the makeshift exterior of the Tipsy Bison. 
“Gotta be quiet now.” He mutters, watching as you unveil him and shuck his jeans down to his knees, along with his briefs. 
Joel takes pleasure in watching you admire his hard cock, your eyes softening and going doe as your hand works over him in earnest, spit dribbling from your lips as you lube him up. 
“Fuck,” he mutters under his breath, running his thumb along your cheekbone as you kiss along his beady red tip. 
He hisses as you wrap your hot mouth around his angry head, feeling him weep dribbles of precum into your mouth. 
You feel so fucking good, he’s holding himself together with nothing more but paper stilts. His chest labors as you hollow your cheeks and take his length in earnest. He relishes in the gagging noise that echoes from your throat whenever you take him too deep. 
“That’a’girl, take me so fuckin’ well, don’t you baby?” 
The praise forces a moan around his cock, the vibration going straight to his balls as he quietly grunts. 
Your eyes stray to the busy street from all the lewd noises you two are making. You sweat and whimper at the thought of something seeing you on your knees with Joel Miller’s cock down your throat. 
A pair of men wander past, drunk and falling out of the bar, distracted as ever as you burrow closer into Joel’s front. 
You force your nose to bury itself in the coarse hair below his stomach, attempting to hide yourself from curious eyes as you deepthroat him and attempt to breathe around him quietly. 
Worst of all, the Tipsy Bison’s hanging lamp sways with the breeze, sometimes shining light on the lower half of your body, your tits out and nipples hardening at the thought. 
“Hey,” Joel barks, “don’t look at them, look at me.” His harsh voice snaps you back to reality, hollowing your cheeks and sucking him faster as your eyes meet his own. 
You watch as they dilute into pleasure, his cherry lips parting as his eyes lose focus and finally dip close. His hips shift, half-bucking into your mouth and half holding himself back. 
He seems to like it when you take all of him, shaking your head from side to side as his fist tugs tighter and causes a prickle of pain along your scalp. 
“Holy fuck, I’m- sweet Jesus,” he grunts as bursts of his white hot cum shoot down your throat. You gag the entire time, but Joel holds you there, moaning discreetly. He’s salty and musky and all man. 
Your knees ache and your upper half is freezing, but you don’t care as you watch him finish deep inside you, wondering what it would feel like if he finished in your pussy. 
Your thighs squeeze together at the thought, Joel finally yanking you back as his cock falls wet against his thigh. You work through shaky breaths and wipe under your eyes, Joel helping you to your feet once he’s tucked himself away. 
“You keep that mouth just for me, got it?” 
You don’t trust your wobbly voice, freshly damn near face fucked, so all you can do is nod. But that doesn’t satisfy him.
“Repeat it.” 
a/n: well anon thank you for THAT! PHEW!
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ch3rryfunk · 1 year
Do you perchance have any headcanons for Luis? No one writes for him, and as much as I love Leon, I love my sassy ladies man Luis even more 😭❤️
i LOVE you for requesting this. Hell yes, I love my sassy man so so much.
Crushing on Luis Sera headcannons
★ First things first, let’s elaborate on the type of man he is. He’s a romantic one, that’s for sure. He loves flirty one-liners and sappy quotes.
★ Being flirty and a self-proclaimed “ladies’ man” doesn’t mean he won’t be loyal, he is MORE than loyal if that’s possible. He’s the definition of a true gentleman.
★ Luis is well-experienced, he’s been in a few relationships, but most of them ended badly. Mainly because of his involvement with Umbrella and lack of quality time. His job consumed his life.
★ That being said:
★ You met when you got assigned to his team, both of you were researching the same parasite, so you had to transfer to his laboratory.
★ Anyway, as soon as he saw you, he internally fell to his knees.
★ He wasn’t going to tell you that, though. #proudman
★ Luis had never met someone who matched his energy so well, who ACTUALLY flirted back and cracked jokes at inappropriate times. He was so fond of you.
★ “So, you come here often?” He asked with a dumb smirk.
★ “Oh yeah, all the time. I just LOVE operating on disgusting parasites. Y’know what? I think I was born to do this. Right here, at your laboratory. It’s heaven.”
★ “Can’t help it, cariño. I’m one good lookin’ angel. So are you though, so are you.”
★ He loved your dry humor and your ability to sound so deadpan while cracking the most hilarious jokes.
★ You loved spending time with him, especially when you weren’t researching plagues and stuff you thought was gross. He was actually fascinating.
★ You were intrigued at first, but then you were full-on crushing on him.
★ You weren’t going to tell him that, though.
★ But yes, the more you got to know him, the closer you wanted to be. You started taking note of his likes and dislikes.
★ He liked smoking. Loved, even. And being the clingiest man you had ever met.
★ He disliked getting told to shut up and getting called “doctor”. He wasn’t a doctor, but a biologist. Yet, you liked annoying him with that title.
★ The moment he realized he was in love was when both of you went on a coffee break, and you pulled out a cigarette. It surprised him, he swore you didn’t smoke.
★ “Ay, you smoke too?”
★ “Nah, bought them just for you, Dr. Sera.”
★ The fact that you carried cigarettes for him (because he always managed to forget or lose his) almost sent him into oblivion. He felt like he was going to cry his heart out and fall to his knees once again.
★ Since you gave him cigarettes (all the time) he wanted to do something for you too, and you just happened to love books. So, he was committed to finding out what your favorite book was.
★ It was Don Quixote.
★ Oh god, was it life-changing for him. He had read the book before, being one of his favorites since it reminded him of his childhood. He decided to re-read it just for you. He wanted to be able to talk about all sorts of stuff, especially stuff you liked.
★ But maybe it got a little out of hand because he would NOT stop referencing the book every chance he got. You found it rather funny. And they say romance is dead.
★ Luis did numerous things to get your attention, he was a master at multitasking. He had you on his mind even when he was busy working with plagas. Which wasn’t very pleasant actually.
★ The closer you both became, the flirtier you both got. You started calling him handsome, and he called you “Mi amor”
★ It was a mutual inside joke at this point, but both of you wanted it to be very much real and not just some jest.
★ One time, you called him handsome too many times in a day. He couldn’t stop smiling.
★ “Keep calling me handsome, and I’ll start believing you got a little crush on me.” He said.
★ “Yeah, well, keep calling me mi amor and I might just kiss you.” You replied.
★ That caught him off guard but it shut him up, yet he couldn’t stop thinking about it, maybe if he thought about it long enough you’d read his mind and kiss him. After all, Luis was head over heels for you, as you were for him.
★ As your research came to an end, Luis knew he was losing time. He needed to ask you out or at least tell you how he felt, but he was never really the best at confessing his feelings, even in past relationships. He’d never felt this way about someone, you were so different, it had to be different with you. He desperately needed to be with you.
★ “Guess this is where we part ways, handsome.” You told him when you finished packing your stuff, you were being transferred back to your laboratory soon.
★ “Don’t go, corazón. Let’s uh, let’s elope.” He joked, earning a sweet laugh from you. He would sure miss your laugh. “We make a good team.”
★ Everything he said made your heart skip a beat. You wished you could’ve stayed longer, but your boss was too demanding. Not only that, but Luis didn’t want you to go. He felt so happy when you were around, and he wished he had met you earlier.
★ But in the end, he swallowed his pride and asked you out right there. Now or never was his motto, he needed to be true to himself for once. “Know what cariño? I’ve been thinking and maybe we should-”
★ “Yes cariño, I’ll go on a date with you. But first I need to turn this in. See you later, guapo.” He was flabbergasted, took him a few minutes to process what had just happened. It was safe to say he left his laboratory with the biggest smile ever and more swooned than he already was.
sorry i took so long omg anyway hope u like it!! I love him sooo much im gonna start writing more luis content 😭 i also hope more people start writing for him!! Pls!!
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nicksolemnlyswears · 9 months
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pairing: han lue x waitress!reader
word count: 8.7k
warnings: smut
notes: part 3 is finally here! so sorry for the delay. i wanna say thank you for all the love on part 1 and 2 as well as in the requests. this will be the last part of the waitress!reader headcanons for now. i left the ending open to give myself space to come back and add more if i'd like. i've been thinking of doing a mini series of han and that other person that comes up in the end (sorry im trying not to give anything away).
if you guys want me to expand on any part of the headcanons even if it's just a one liner let me know and maybe i can write a small drabble or oneshot on it.
i have my fingers crossed that you like how it turns out. i definitely have a favorite part of this particular part of the headcanons. again, thank you! enjoy!
ps. want to add a little warning that these headcanons might not be the most grammatically correct in terms of punctuation just because i don't go deep editing. it's a choice i make but if you've read my oneshots you know i am better than this lol.
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-everyone has a side of the bed, you and han are not an exception. from the first moment you slept over at han's the side farthest from the door has been your side.
-on a random day the conversation comes up and you ask han why the side closest to the door is his side. he tells you it's in case an intruder were to break in (which is highly unlikely) you'd have time to escape.
-lowkey all this time you guessed he picked that side because it's right under the ac vent and he gets hot at night. so you call out his bullshit and he admits that's partly the reason, but what he said remains true, it's safer for him to be right by the door. ridiculous because there is no way you are going to run away and leave han to fend for himself.
-talking about apartments and sides of beds. when you moved out of your place you brought along a box or two of knick knacks that couldn't be stored in a warehouse. you placed them strategically around han’s (now both of yours) apartment.
-han admits he likes having a shared space with you. you gave it a different flare with your decorations. or simply, you took away the fact that it was a former bachelor pad.
-he likes coming home to you everyday. whenever you stay with mindy, for one reason or another, it feels lonely. something he'd never felt before. it's like somewhere along the way he got attached to you and now he's constantly seeking you out.
-one thing han detests though is the abundance of pillows on his bed. you don’t even use all of them! before going to bed you throw them by the chair on the corner of the room. he says it's pointless, you say it's decor.
-because you have a semi normal schedule now you have more time to visit han at his garage. you make sure to talk a bit with reiko and han's other friends but most of the time he steals you away from them.
-if the crew at han's garage is not careful they run the risk of finding you and han in compromising positions. you try to prevent han from getting carried away but it's hard when you want him just as much. you've had to apologize to twinkie and sean one too many times. poor boys can't even look you in the eyes after what they've witnessed.
-han is the type of guy to tell you to check something out under the hood of the car despite you warning him you don't know shit about cars. he couldn't care less, it's an excuse to see your ass bent over his car.
-you would be talking to him about how it all looks like a bunch of scrap metal when you feel him pressing up against your backside. you'd look over your shoulder and han would say 'everyone went out to grab a bite. thought i'd have mine right here, baby.'
-you would roll your eyes at him but would push up against him nonetheless. in record time he'd push down your pants and underwear and sink his cock into you. you hang on to whatever part of the car you can as han thrusts repeatedly into you. 'you look so fucking pretty, baby. should’ve gotten you like this sooner.’
-all this time you're moaning and calling out his name. until he suddenly slaps his hand over your mouth to keep you quiet. with slow deep thrusts he'd lean down to whisper in your ear 'fuck, baby. they're back, but don't worry i'm almost done. just keep quiet for me.'
-han knows his way around your body so with precise touches to your clit and the angle of his thrusts he makes you cum quickly which prompts his orgasm as well. his near silent grunts are music to your ears.
-by the time sean comes looking for him han is bent besides you on the car pointing at something called a radiator. had he been there 5 seconds earlier he would've found han tucking himself into his jeans and you pulling up your pants.
-with han's help you get the restaurant running in eight months. it was a long eight months filled with work, day and night. the old diner was remodeled in its entirety which included kitchen, storage area, and dining space.
-you lovingly named the restaurant CATCH MY DRIFT. it's cheesy and punny but you love it. you found it necessary to pay homage to han in some way.
-the soft launch is successful thanks to your staff, some of which are the same people you worked with when it was a diner. you and han invited friends and other important people who would help spread the word about your little restaurant.
-mindy was in charge of the restaurants social media. she made it her mission to help you succeed and she did a wonderful job. she took beautiful pictures of both the restaurant and you. the socials began gaining a following pretty quickly thanks to her and her abilities.
-after the first official day of the restaurant being open and all the staff left, you prepared a table with candles and rose petals. there is one last person you had to serve for the night.
-han had been there with you through it all. he's been your support through every sleepless night and anxiety attack due to your fear of failing. he made last minute runs to get anything you might've forgotten and forced you on aimless drives around town to get your mind off things.
-han made your dream a reality. han wove himself seamlessly through all your hopes and dreams and became an integral part of them. now you can't see your life without him by your side.
-han returned to the restaurant under the impression he was going to pick you up. you might not work the night shift as a waitress anymore and you know how to drive now too, but he'll always pick you up and take you home. it gives him time to talk to you before you go through your night routine, head to bed and he heads out to the races or any other errand he has to run.
-when he enters he sees the romantic setting and you waiting for him in a beautiful red dress. you smiled softly at him and took his hand in yours.
"what's all this?" han asks, following you to the table where you pull his chair out for him.
"it's a thank you," you say, walking around the table to find your seat that faces him.
"you didn't have to, baby. you've been working all day," han shakes his head, although there's a grin plastered in his face. he appreciates what you've done.
you've told him countless times how much it means to you everything he's done. the moment he walked into your life he changed it all for the better.
"maybe i didn't, but i wanted to. all of this was possible because of you," you tell him, grabbing his hand that lays on the table, "will you let me start making it up to you?"
-it's come up on your late night conversations how you're guilty of han spending so much money on you. the last thing you want is to make him believe you're with him for the money. so you take each opportunity that presents itself to make it up to him.
"alright. what you got?" han asks.
you uncover the dinner plates to reveal a simple bacon burger with fries. no pickles. han's smile spreads even further touched by the gesture. it's been a long time since he's had one of these.
"i figured you missed your order considering i have been feeding you fancy dishes all these months," you chuckle, remembering all the tastings han had to go through. "i'll always have a stock of burgers and fries just for you. all you have to do is ask."
"have i told you i love you," han says, lacing your fingers together.
you hum quietly, pretending to think and say, "not today." you bring his hand up to your lips, kissing the back of it.
"i love you, baby," han repeats for the first time today but for the thousandth time since he said it first.
-there are times where han runs out of his snacks and doesn't have access to a store immediately. wether it's because he's at the races or driving around the country side or any other reason.
-when this happens he gets really antsy. he'll pick at loose threads, or at the skin around his fingers, he'll drum his fingers against something, or his leg will bounce. it's very noticeable that something is bothering him.
-it happens while on a trip around europe. han planned it as a vacation for the two of you for your second anniversary. he (you) had exhausted all his snacks and you were about an hour away from civilization. an idea suddenly pops into your head, han wants to have his hands and lips busy and you have the perfect thing.
-you take off your seatbelt and lean over the center consol. han doesn't question you until you kiss his cheek down to his neck.
"what're you doing, baby?" he murmurs, his eyes briefly looking at you before they return to the long stretch of pavement.
"making you crave something else," you whisper in his ear, biting his earlobe.
"get in my lap," he immediately responds. han's pretty tall so there's a huge gap between his chest and the steering wheel, leaving his lap free for you to sit on. 'if i fits i sits' style.
-you don't hesitate, since you've adopted han's risky behavior. once in his lap he catches his lips on yours. the focus he has to maintain on the road while kissing you is enough to make him forget his cravings.
-you eventually forget what lead you to this as you get lost in the kiss. it's not often you get to take the upper hand. taking advantage of the situation you slip your tongue inside han's mouth, massaging his tongue with yours.
-when he makes it to a gas station in the middle of nowhere he parks far away from the pump. you whine about having to walk the long distance to the convenience store.
"i need you now, baby," he grunts, grabbing the back of your neck to smash his lips against yours and showing you his true intentions.
"hannie this car is tiny, it'll be so uncomfortable," you whine against his lips.
"it's either the half a millon car or the public bathroom," he breathes, lifting your dress without waiting for your answer.
"i can make it work here," you huff, straddling him. you bump your head on the roof of the car but han quickly pulls you down flush against his covered cock.
"that's what i thought," he groans into your mouth as you grind against him.
-when you finish your risky endeavor you stumble out of the car and speed to the bathroom to clean yourself. han goes inside to grab snacks and pay for gas. he grabs snacks for you as well seeing that was what led him to run out in the first place. you made up for it in your own way though.
-in terms of your family, you haven't talked to them in about four years. once you spoke up about hating your college major and the fact you were gonna switch they presented you with a choice. continue the path your father paved for you or leave.
-you gave it a lot of thought. you finished your semester and everything. but in the end you decided you didn't want it. you hated your classes and was miserable. so you left. and your father told you not to come back unless you got your priorities straight.
-mindy took you in, let you live with her while you found a new place to live and a job. without your parents support you couldn't afford the culinary school you wanted to go to. with what little savings you had you got your apartment and soon found a job in the american themed diner.
-the diner was your saving grace. they let you stay on the overnight shifts. you didn't have a family to go to, you didn't exactly go to school during the day either, so it worked.
-you had other jobs along with the diner but none lasted and then han came along and it all changed for the better.
-you think about your family often. you remember your parents and sisters birthday and the anniversaries. when those days come along you keep yourself occupied.
-one night you and your staff are cleaning after a long shift and the door chimes as someone enters. you ignore it believing it's han that's come to give you company and take you home, but someone clearing their throat makes you look up.
-your mom stands there, she's still the same as the last day you saw her. her clothes are as expensive as ever, her shoes and bag matching perfectly.
"i thought i'd find you here," she speaks smoothly with her head held high as she assesses the restaurant.
"how did you find me?" you ask not giving her the pleasure to have your full attention as you finish wiping down tables.
"there's been buzz going around about a brand new restaurant. one of my friends came and saw you," she goes silent. "she was right, it's a nice place, is this all yours?"
"is there something you want?" you ask her, finally facing her. you didn't feel inclined to go on to explain your mysteriously wealthy boyfriend funded it.
"we need to talk," she tells you plainly as if she hasn't lost the right to speak to you.
"we're talking," you huff, ignoring the true meaning of her words.
"in private," your mom grits, grabbing hold of your arm much like when you were younger and refused to listen.
-to avoid a scene you know she's fully capable of making you guide her to your office. it's simply decorated with a desk and a few chairs scattered around. there's a white board on the wall where you write down your menu ideas and to do lists. there are also sticky notes on it that han has left behind throughout the months. some are sweet and encouraging and some are naughtier with innuendos and inside jokes.
"talk," you say when she stands in the middle of the room taking it all in.
"is that a way to treat your mother?" she scolds you.
"we haven't seen each other in four years and you suddenly come here. just say what you have to say," you angrily exclaim, crossing your arms over your chest.
"i never agreed with what your father did," she then reveals.
"and yet you didn't do a single thing about it. either way, he got his perfect daughter" you humorlessly laugh, referring to your sister who did everything your father expected of you. "is that why you're here? to suddenly apologize?"
"i want you to come back home," she responds.
you shake your head, "that's not happening. i have a life and i can't drop it just because you want me to. besides it's not like dad wants me there."
"he does, he's too stubborn to admit it, please come back," your mother pleads, forcefully grabbing your hand in hers.
"why now? i refuse to believe this is coming out of nowhere." you rip your hand from hers and a disappointed expression crosses her face.
"your dad is sick. the doctors don't think he has a lot of time," she gulps, turning her back to you.
you're quiet as you process her words, "i'll think about it. if you'll excuse me i have a restaurant to take care of."
you leave her behind and see her walk out of the restaurant soon after. your mind remains busy there after as you mull over her words.
-days go by of constantly thinking about it. han notices the moment he picks you up that night but wants to give you time to bring it up. except you don't.
-three days later he finds you in his bathroom, deep in your thoughts in his bathtub, the water a bright pink from a bathbomb you must've used.
-he gets in the tub with you. the water is still hot as he sinks in and sits behind you. you must've gotten in not long ago. instantly you relax against him. han wraps his arms around you, tracing figures against your stomach and thighs.
"rough week, baby?" he murmurs in your ear.
"mm yes, the delivery came late, not once but twice. burned my finger, cut my finger, burnt some food, feel like a loser," you list out, rubbing his thighs which are around you.
"it's one bad week, among a sea of other good ones," he reminds you, lacing his hands with yours.
"hope so or i'm retiring at the ripe age of twenty six," you smile, turning your head slightly to kiss his jaw.
"it's okay. i'll be your sugar daddy," he jokes with you. although he definitely would be your sugar daddy if you decide not to work another day in your life.
-theres a glass of wine by the bathtub that han notices. you only drink wine when something is troubling you. with gentle coaxing han convinces you to tell him what's been on your mind.
-it's he who convinces you to go and see your dad at least once. he put into perspective you might regret it in the future. you're not doing it for them, you're doing it for yourself.
-you contact your mom and tell her your decision. she invites you over for dinner. it'll be just the four of you. you didn't want to bring han in case all hell broke loose.
-as you get ready han helps you with the clasp of your high heels. you prop your foot in his knee, your dress riding up, revealing your black lacy underwear. he takes the opportunity to caress your leg from your thigh down to your ankle. he'd buckle the strap of the heels he gifted you that make your ass look great and then he'd kiss your knee.
-han would repeat the process on your other leg too. only that after you straighten up he'd pull you down to his lap to kiss you and try to convince you to a quicky. just this once you don't give in. you don't want to cast a bad impression by being late to see your family for the first time in four years.
-nervously you knock on the door. your mom answers and she welcomes you in. it's oddly strange to be back in this house, you feel out of place. you peep the wall where your parents measured you and your sister when you were growing up. the dent on the wall you caused using your bike inside. your childhood is present still.
-your mom failed to mention she didn't tell anyone you were coming as your sister is quick to stand "what is she doing here?"
"i invited her," your mom tell her.
your dad is quiet as you take a seat where you always sat when you lived there. there's an unbearable silence until he speaks, "can i ask why the sudden appearance?"
"mom told me about your situation," you tell him with a frown.
"what situation?" he prompts, looking at your mother.
"that your sick...although you look pretty healthy to me," you softly say, redirecting your gaze towards your mother.
"i lied yes, but i thought this was the only way to get you here," she shakily admits, secretly hoping you don't up and leave.
"mom, oh god," you sigh in relief. your shoulder no longer holding the weight of your father possibly dying.
"do you realize how fucked up that is?" your sister adds.
"it got her here!" your mom yells, making everyone go quiet.
-the rest of dinner goes by as normal as it can. your parent ask you about your new life and everything you've been doing. it was agonizing. you answer most of their question albeit reluctantly.
-the question you've been dreading comes up. 'are you dating anybody?' you tell them you're in a two year and a half relationship.
-you avoid saying he's the one that funded the restaurant. you owe everything to han but if you tell them it was him who put in the money they will probably discredit you and your abilities.
-your dad calls you over to his office to talk after dinner, your sister glares at you, she's upset you chose to leave, cause it means you turned your back to the whole family. she believes you're selfish because you 'forced' the family business onto her.
-you emptily apologize for coming home when he told you not. surprisingly he asks you about your new priorities and although they don't necessarily align with what he had in mind for you, he accepts them and asks you to be around more.
-more importantly he apologizes for what he did. he had a health scare recently and realize he wanted you by his side (it’s where your mom got the idea). after talking to him you leave. going back to talking to your family will be hard because for the longest time you suppressed it.
-han waits for you back home, your true home. he's watching tv, an old japanese movie from the 90s. you tell him all about your family dinner and how your mom lied but he was right. you would've regretted not going.
-feeling good about your night you give in to han's advances. throughout the night he couldn't shake off the sight of you in your pretty dress and heels. he doesn't ruin the illusion as he only takes off your panties. the dress and heels stay on as he fucks you, your legs pressed to your chest as he wants to be as deep and close to you as possible.
-while your parents want you back in their life you don't instantly go back, choosing to show them you got back on your feet without them. you have a new life.
-but once your moms birthday rolls around you don't feel the need to busy yourself, instead you pick up the phone and give her a call wishing her a 'happy birthday'.
-han eventually meets your family. your mom is instantly charmed by him so much so that by the end she has him calling her by her first name. he certainly made a great impression with the flowers and expensive earrings he picked out for her.
-your dad takes longer to come around but by the end of the night han has him wrapped around his pinky finger as well. your dad likes that he's a 'business man'. if only he knew how shady han really is.
-in just in a few hours they were able to see how much you and han care for each other. it's in the way han searches for you in the busy room. he looks out for you constantly in a non-possessive way. or the way you constantly reach out for him to hold his hand or wrap his arm around you.
-han is not one for big and elaborate love gestures. he believes in showing his love and appreciation everyday with smaller gestures. like restocking your skin care products when you're running low or leaving hand warmers on your coat pockets in the cold winters or buying take out of whatever food you're craving.
-he listens to you when you rant about your interests like the new season of Game of Thrones or about a new compilation that came out of your favorite artist. he'd make an effort to learn about it just so he can have an input in your conversation. han loves the way your eyes light up whenever he voices out an opinion, especially when it goes against yours.
-'friendly' debates are your thing as a couple. it's coincidental that in some minor things your opinions are different. like if the dress is 'black and blue' or 'gold and white'. you swear its black and blue but han insists it's not.
-the same goes for you, because you see all the effort han makes for you, you try and learn about cars and drifting and learn the names of whatever technique is popular. you learn about his favorite foods and favorite movies (which are mostly american and from the 90s) and tag along for the occasional race.
-han's favorite way of showing you his love is with colorful post-it notes. you'd often find them in your office in the restaurant, in the mirror you use to get ready for the day, the fridge door, on your kitchen counter along with your favorite chocolate bar. you'd even find them on the depths of your purse.
-funny thing is you've never caught him sticking them anywhere. so it's always a fun surprise.
'don't worry about lunch today. i'll stop by the restaurant with your favorite! -h'
'i love you, baby -h'
'roses are red, violets are blue, i love you, let’s go screw -h'
'cutie pie ;) -h'
'stop stealing my peanut crackers :( -h'
'you're both my favorite chef and my favorite meal -h'
-after two and a half years of dating han you finally get the opportunity to meet the toretto crew. they would be staying in japan for about a month in a mansion they rented out in the mountains.
-han is beyond excited that his friends are visiting. he constantly talks about them and has all these plans for when they arrive.
-you're nervous to say the least. this is his chosen family and he's been through so much with them. gisele was part of that family too and you feel the pressure of being compared to her once you meet them.
-you convince han to go meet up with then first and you'd join them later that night. you didn't want him to wait so long for you to finish work. besides in your mind it's better if he catches up with them before you get there. you wanted him to enjoy being with his friends without worrying about you.
-when the day finally comes you say goodbye to a sleepy han, go prep the restaurant, work your butt off for the day and once you clos the restaurant you go to mindy's house to get ready.
-you visit her to distract yourself and to have someone call you ridiculous for being afraid of meeting han's friends. it also helps as she distracts you with talk of her newish relationship.
-as you scramble through your toiletry bag looking for a hair tie, you push away your deodorant, tampons, dry shampoo. but you come back to the tampons realizing it's been over six weeks since your last cycle...
"i know what i said was out of bounds but he called me a dramatic bitch!" mindy exclaims from her spot on the bed where she scrolls through instagram.
"tampons!" you yell, pulling them out of your bag.
"what about them?" she asks, looking at you over her phone.
"i haven’t used them.”
"you want me to give you a prize or something?" she mumbles, shooting you a strange look.
"no, mindy, no. i haven't gotten my period!' you begin pacing around the room with the box of tampons in your grasp.
mindy jumps from the bed and begins panicking as well, “oh, we'e going through this. we're having the pregnancy scare, how exciting! every pair of best friends have to go through this."
-mindy runs to the pharmacy on her block to get you a pregnancy test while you chug down two water bottles. she gets you one of each test they had. you had to pee but your nerves made it difficult. mindy forced you to chug down a soda too cause if you don’t pee wilingly you'll do it forcefully.
-through all this mess han calls you. he's been expecting you for the past hour. everyone is excited to meet you. he's spoken so much about you and your name has slipped past his lips a few times during the day. they can tell he's more than obsessed with you.
"hey baby, are you on your way?"
you’re dressed but your makeup is barely done. considering the stress you’re currently going through you definitely have to put on some makeup.
mindy motions to you to respond as she holds your phone on you hands because you were washing your hands free of pee.
"h-hey hannie, two more minutes and ill be on my way. mindy is going to take me," you scrunch your eyes at the stutter. you never stutter!
"okay, let me know when you're nearly here," he says unsure.
"mhm, bye," you say, motioning for mindy to hang up.
"girl that wasn't smooth. he knows something is up," she flat out tells you.
"you're not helping," you grumble.
-while the three minutes tick away mindy forces you to sit and have a chat. she asks if you’ve talked to han about a future together. marriage and kids and the whole deal. she asks what you want to do if the result comes back positive. she’s cool being the fun cool aunt but if you don’t want to go through with it she’ll be your confidant and drive you to the clinic.
-once your phone alarm goes off you walk into the bathroom alone. with a racing heart you turn on the phone to record yourself because be damned you don't have this reaction to show han later. baby or not.
-one test after another you turn them around with shaky hands and they all say the same thing, p o s i t i v e
-you sob not out of sadness but overwhelmed. this is so messy. you just got the restaurant running, you're not married and you are expecting a baby. the only thing that seems right is that it's the love of your life's baby.
-you step out the bathroom ten long minutes after. with one look mindy knows all she has to know. she helps you finish getting ready, puts drops in your eyes to reduce the redness and drives you over to han. on the way out you give yourself a look in the mirror but you look just the same. you're only a couple of weeks along it would be crazy to see a difference so soon but you already know everything is different.
-mindy drops you off after hyping you up all the way to your destination.
"thanks for bringing her," han says, helping you out the suv.
"anytime, she might have her license but there’s no way i’m letting her drive." she jokes at your expense.
"i’m not that bad a driver. you just don’t let me practice," you defend yourself.
-han grabs your hand and your bag and walks you to the front door, you can hear music and chatter from his friends. but he stops before going on.
-he asks if you’re okay. and you tell him you’re nervous, a half lie. han nods in understanding. ‘they’ll love you, baby.’
-he kisses your lips lightly before opening the door because he hasn’t seen you all day and he missed you. but of course roman pierce has to interrupt. he opens the door, interrupting their moment, ‘aye! she's here han is hogging her.’
-roman insists he knows japanese and tries greeting you using the language. you respond fully in japanese just to fuck with him, even adding the bow in your greeting. he bows back and just stares back with an empty smile. he did not understand a word you just said.
-han pushes past him and leads you to where everyone is gathered. he introduces you to everyone and you say 'hi, it's nice to finally meet all you. i've heard so much!'
roman stands besides han with a scowl and whispers. ‘man you could’ve told me she speaks english.’
-you are received with open arms as han introduces you to everyone that came along. dominic, letty, mia, brian, tej, roman, ramsey and all of their kids. it’s nice to be able to place faces to the names you’ve heard for the last two years.
-with you now present they ask all about how you and han met, eager to view your perspective. you respond as much as you can, laughing at the quirky remarks the others throw. they tease han like never before and he deserves it because he went MIA for three years.
-it's enough to make you forget momentarily about the pregnancy tests in your overnight bag. until letty offers you a beer, you pause but react quick enough where no one notices your hesitation. you'll just have to sneak your way around this one.
-han is a lot more reserved around the toretto crew than when he's around sean or twinkie. there's no big in-your-face make out sessions or random gropes of your ass. he respects the crew to much to subject them to that.
-doesn't mean he's not constantly attached to you. throughout the night han has his arm around your shoulders or his hand pressed on the small of your back. it helps a lot ease your nerves when facing the room of friendly strangers.
-eventually the subject of your restaurant comes up. you barely get the name out when ramsey squeals in excitement. turns out she's a big foodie with an instagram account and on her to-do list for japan is visiting your restaurant. she didn't know you were the same person until now. 'you're all welcome whenever you'd like. i'm there most of the week,' you tell the bunch.
-as the hours go by the crew starts turning in for the night. han pulls you up from the couch you were sitting on and guides you to a room.
"what did you think?" han asks as you both change into your pajamas.
"you were right they are all very welcoming. even if i have only known them for a few hours i see you guys have a very familial relationship."
you sit on the edge of the bed with your head hanging. the weight of your secret is crushing you down, your stomach has been swirling since you and han retreated to the bedroom.
han stands in front of you, tilting your head up to look at him. his eyes are soft as he rubs his thumb across your cheek. "what's wrong, baby?"
"'you love me, right?" your eyes fill with tears. suddenly feeling an unreasonable fear in the pit of your stomach. han has shown you more than enough times how much he loves you.
"more than anyone i have ever loved," he assures you. han is concerned. you've never been overly emotional and nothing has happened that he's aware off.
you hug him by the waist, burying your head on his stomach. he hugs you back, holding your head and running a hand up and down your back.
you pull back from his embrace, wiping your tears and some snot and manage to hiccup your news, 'hannie, i-i'm pregnant.'
han freezes momentarily. he thinks he heard you incorrectly but he couldn't have. your words were clear. leaning down in front of you so he's level with your- still not showing-belly he gasps, "we're having a baby?"
-one nod of yours causes a tsunami of questions. when did you find out? how? are you happy? how far along? boy or girl?
-han is over the moon. he is taken aback by just how happy he feels. he wants this but he thought it wouldn't happen for another year or two. the baby is more than welcome though.
-just earlier today he had been thinking about having kids with you as he watched the o'conner and toretto children run around.
-with both of your emotions running high han pulls you close and kisses you like never before. he takes you to bed and fucks you hard and deep and slow. him on top of you, never ceasing his attack on your lips. whenever he does it’s to tell you he loves you and how happy you’ve made him. it's like he wants to get you pregnant all over again.
-'wait, is that why you were switching our beers earlier?' han asks when you’re laying in bed, your head on his chest. you laugh at his question, having forgotten your attempts at not drinking alcohol.
-at around 4 am you and han sneak to the kitchen where you make a snack. you were starving and so was han. he sits you on the kitchen counter as you eat. he stands between your thighs speaking softly about future plans with your baby now included in them.
-'it's 4 am, don't you two sleep?' its tej who came downstairs for water. he shakes his head in disapproval at the two of you going back to his bedroom once he got his water.
-letty is the one to bring up the happiness that oozes out of you and han the following days, 'you two look awfully happy.'
"got some good news the other day," han softly drawls, "you want to tell them?"
you're sitting on his lap with his hand wrapped around your waist as you nod, "we're expecting a little lue."
-the crew is nearly as happy as the two of you. they congratulate the both of you. the girls whipping you away from han to ask all the questions and give you any advice you might need. the guys tease han about not wasting any time with you.
-han is surprised yet not because you two go at it like rabbits. he's surprised he didn't get you knocked up before then. your birth control must've given up.
-han is happy, he is content, he is satisfied. you're pregnant and having his baby. the crew visiting tokyo only amplified his joy. not even roman's teasing put a dent on him.
-as he's talking to dom, brian and tej a question comes up. is han going to ask you to marry him? his response is simple. no. or at least not yet. he doesn't want to ask you to marry him just because he knocked you up. when he asks he wants you to be sure that it's because he wants it too. and he does want it right now, he adores you. the baby only put his plans to propose on pause. he knows you're the one for him, he's known for a while and he's in no rush.
-his life has consisted about running and races and winning. but with you it's different. he feels like he can slow down and take things at his own leisure pace. make things right and give you everything you deserve.
-you've never called han daddy. it's not your kink and you don't think it's his either considering he hasn't asked you to call him that. now that you're expecting you have teasingly been calling him that. he finds it endearing to say the least.
he passes you something across the table? 'thanks daddy'
'can daddy do the dishes?'
'mommy has a craving for rocky road ice cream, do you think daddy will be good and get some for me baby?' you ask looking down at your belly.
-pregnancy is not kind to you at first. in the first trimester, everything you eat ends up flushed down the toilet. you're miserable. han sympathizes with you and helps you out as much as he can. holds your hair back, rubs your back, prepares your toothbrush, etc.
-because of all the puking you barely show at first until suddenly you popped and the nausea stopped in the second trimester. that's when you started noticing the pregnancy glow and felt cute enough to highlight your bump with your clothes.
-han is obsessed with it. each night when he goes to sleep he puts a hand on your bump and talks to the baby. whether you're asleep or not. he'll rub his hand on your stomach soothing any pain or nausea you might feel.
-han goes with you to each and every doctors appointment. he doesn't dare miss one. he loves when the doctor sets up the ultrasound and the baby starts shaping up and taking form as the weeks go by.
-han keeps a picture of an ultrasound in his car. along with one of you two. it's everything he loves all in one place.
-han is the first to feel the baby kick surprisingly. it's one of those nights he returned home from the races. he settled in bed and touched your growing belly. it's slick from all the oils and lotions you apply to try and prevent stretch marks. then he feels it a small 'thud' he thinks he imagines it, until it happens again.
"baby, wake up," he softly calls you, rousing you from sleep.
"what's wrong, hannie?" you mutter with your eyes still closed.
"the baby is kicking," he whispers, grabbing your hand and placing it where he felt the kick. his hand over yours.
"no, it's no- oh my god, it is," you shiver finding the sensation a bit strange at first. you spend the next hour just waiting to feel the baby kick again.
-when you tell your parents you're pregnant they become the most doting grandparents ever. they start buying everything and anything they can get their hands on. it's their first grandchild and most of their friends already have grandchildren. they want to be the best. plus, they feel like they owe it to you for what they did.
-although han's apartment is bigger than yours you don't believe it's big enough for a baby. you spend months apartment hunting until you find the perfect place. a three bedroom, two bathroom penthouse.
-you insisted it was too much space but han reassured you it's not. because he wants more children and he doesn't want to move again when you have another baby. your words were:
'give me a break hannie, i haven't even pushed the first out. let's see how it goes."
-with pregnancy a woman goes through many changes. besides your bump han's favorite is still your tits which have grown larger. he notices that change instantly, but with each gain there is a loss. the piercings had to go. you also tease han that now he'll have to share.
-not surprisingly pregnancy does a number on you and you get hornier than ever. it's like constantly ovulating and having to be pounded. which doesn't make sense cause you're already pregnant.
-it's not something han finds himself complaining about. it's fun to explore the changes your body is going through and how the sensations shift. like how your nipples get very sensitive in your pregnancy and how han takes advantage of that.
-you go on a journey of finding your self-love once more. the changes your body go through are out of your control, they are necessary to sustain the life inside of you and yet some made you insecure.
-the love you felt for your bump at first then made you insecure as it grew larger and stretch marks decorated it. you're not used to the sight. sure you've always had some faded ones on your thighs or your boobs but you've had them for so long you got used to them. these were long and red and they made you cry.
-for about a week you felt so insecure and looked for ways around being intimate with han because if you hate them surely he will too.
"lets get this off, baby," han says, pulling up your silky night dress up your thighs.
"no, no, let's keep it on," you laugh it off, holding hans hands with yours.
"alright, what's going on?" he asks, leaving his hands on your thighs and squeezing them lovingly.
"what do you mean?" you feign innocence.
"baby, don't think i haven't noticed you've been covering up and acting strange."
you avoid his gaze but he cups your cheek and returns it back to his. "i'm scared you won't like the way i look now," you mutter.
"are you joking? i've never liked the way you looked more than i do now," he speaks without any hesitation.
"really?" you peer up at him through your lashes.
"oh yeah. i think this is the sexiest you've ever looked. you're carrying my baby, how can i not like the body that's helping it grow and keeping it safe? And you know i love how much more responsive and sensitive you've gotten."
"oh god, you've made me even hornier," you say, pulling him down to kiss him.
"and you're glowing and look so cute waddling around the house," he teases, breaking the kiss.
"i do not waddle!" yes. you, in fact, do.
-han is always asking for the baby to kick, those lazy morning spent in bed, he'll have a hand on your belly talking to the it.
"come on kid, kick for daddy"
"let them be, it's not your bladder they're kicking"
he softly apologizes, knowing that as the day gets nearer the more trips to the bathroom you make.
-han dotes on you every second of every day, he barely leaves your side. you need something to drink or eat? he'll get it. your feet hurt? hell massage them. get cravings? he'll make a trip to the convenience store.
-as a couple you decided to keep the gender of the baby a surprise. which just led to the two of you to place bets on what's it gonna be. han swears you're hanging low (whatever that means) so you'll be having a boy and because of your morning sickness you think it's a girl.
-realistically both you and han are fine with either one. which is why you'll be trying for another one when the time comes. if it turns out the same gender you'll try for a third, but that's all! if all three turn out the same, tough luck!
-you go into a small crisis thinking you'll never be able to wear your short dresses and skirts. you're going to be a mom surely you'll have to dress like one? han assures you you can wear whatever you want because he knows you'll be a good mom, which is all that matters. plus, he likes seeing you wear that type of clothes.
-han invests in another car. one he never though of having. a toyota sienna le. it's a minivan. always one for cars, han details it, adds leather seat covers, a few cool features and an overly complicated car seat.
-as your due date nears you spend more and more time in bed with han, having sex obviously. you had read somewhere it was good for contractions and when you go into labor. plus, you just had these boosts of energy and it was the only way to get you to sleep.
-han eventually stops working for takashi. more people are at risk now if he continues. takashi lets him go without much trouble. han did help him expand his business a lot quicker had he done it by himself.
-when the time comes to give birth, han races to the hospital in his new minivan. finds it stressful cause the thing can't go as fast as his precious mazda. but he makes it to the hospital in record time.
-your doctor is waiting for you, they have a room prepared for you. han stays by your side through it all even as you curse him out through your pain. your labor is long and painful being a first time mom and all.
-at some point you start crying that you can't do it and han is there to wipe your tears away and tell you you can. it's holding his hand that you push and push. he doesn't whine or complain once, ignoring the insults you throw at him and the pain in his hand.
-then it happens, a cry resonates through the room and your hand stops squeezing his. the nurse places your baby on your chest. it has a full head of dark hair already.
"it's a girl," the nurse coo's.
-han didn't think he'd be able to love someone as much as he loves you. he's proven wrong as he softly touches his baby girls head. she's slimey and a little ugly (being a newborn and all) but this emotion swells his chest and tears well up in his eyes.
-you softly call out his name and he looks at you and just says, 'i love you.’
-to make up for your pain han gets you a push gift. it's a pretty golden necklace. it has a thin chain and a pendant with a little gem, behind the pendant the initial of your baby girls name is engraved. it has enough space to add when your family expands eventually.
-fatherhood suits him. he's patient and soft spoken and baby girl adores him. han is a night owl so he has no problem getting up at night to feed his baby girl or change her diaper.
-it takes time to adapt and start feeling like yourself again but han makes it easy for you. he loves you no matter what and does everything possible to make the transition a smoother one. you gave him everything he wanted and more.
-you left the restaurant in good hands while you rode out the last month of your pregnancy and the first two postpartum. returning to work felt good. you love baby girl but getting out the house without puke on your shoulder was necessary.
-han stays with her during the morning embracing being a stay at home dad. granted he slips out now and then to the races or to hang out at the garage. in fact, when baby girl is older he sets up an area just for her.
-sean and twinkie make fun of him and his minivan. to which han threatens to kick them out the garage they don't even have to pay for.
-when your baby girl is almost 1 year old, he pops the question. it was date night, your parents were taking care of the baby. he picked you up in his orange mazda that just so happened matched your nails. you were back to wearing your usual dresses and sparkly heels. although you were rebuilding the confidence you had two years ago.
he took you to dinner and then dessert and then you walked through a park. it's cherry blossom season you had to make the most of it. that's when he does it. under the rain of sakura flowers he asked his question.
"will you marry me, baby?" han asks, down in one knee.
"i thought you would never ask," you cry out, extending your hand so he can slip the ring on your finger.
"that's not an answer," he teases, before he slides the ring on your finger.
"yes! it's a yes!"
finally he puts the ring on your finger and it's just like you'd imagine it to be.
-you have your ceremony not even a year after. the toretto crew comes back to japan. even hans family (that you've only met like twice in four years) attends. your family and friends are invited as well. mindy is your maid of honor and your baby girl the ring bearer.
-it's on your honeymoon, that is really more like a family vacation because baby girl is with you, that you tell han a little secret.
'We're having another baby!'
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if you’d like to scream at me or cry with me about the headcanons feel free to send me a message through the asks! i didn't think before making this blog a sideblog so i can't answer comments from this account but from my main.
lol in case you didn't catch that i'd like to make a mini series of sorts of han with his baby girl. i've got ideas floating around so if it's something you'd be interested in let me know!
also been thinking of making a brian o'connor one shot or something cause those baby blues are irresistible.
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morallyinept · 1 month
Close Encounters Of The Grocery Kind - A Dieter Bravo One Shot 👽
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Written for the @dieterbravobrainrotclub May Drabble Challenge. Featuring the line "Do you believe in aliens?" 👽
Summary: You meet an eccentric man whilst late night grocery shopping.
Pairing: Dieter Bravo x GN!Reader (No name or physical description of reader. It’s you, bub.)
Word Count: 1k
Scoville Smut Rating: None, it's fluff. You're safe.
Check out my Scoville Smut Ratings here.
Warnings/Triggers: Eating cereal without milk, does that count as a trigger? 😋
NSFW. MINORS DNI! OVER 18’s ONLY. YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT YOU READ.☝🏻Don’t come at me; you’ve been plenty warned.
I write for me, and I share with you. If this story isn't to your taste, that's fine. Just slip quietly out the back door. No need to make a fuss. It's just a work of fiction.
Author’s Note: Hope you enjoy this zany lil' meet cute! 👽
Enjoy! 🖤
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In the fluorescent-lit aisles of the grocery store, Dieter shuffles worn and tired along, in what can only be described as, his most comfortable attire - a stretched t-shirt and a pair of patterned pyjama pants hanging low and loose, finished with a green untied robe and crocs.
He intends for this grocery run to be a quick late-night snack grab, something to satisfy the munchies from smoking blunts in the pool all day, but as he scans the shelves, his eyes land on a display of space-themed cereals.
He reaches for a box labelled Star Bitz, containing frosted star shapes. Opening the box and plastic liner, he reaches in and takes a handful, crunching them around his teeth and groans uncouthly in delight at the sugar rush.
It elicits a curious look from you further down the aisle, mid-shop and looking just as dishevelled, having gotten off a long shift.
The man greets you with a mischievous grin, sizing you up with his sleepy eyes.
"Uh, hi," Dieter manages, straightening up a little. “Don’t worry, I’m going to pay.”
“I’m not worried,” you assure.
“You want some?” He offers out the box to you, smirking. You reach in when he shakes the box and tempts you further.
"Do you believe in aliens?" Dieter asks, licking round his teeth.
“I’m sorry?” You remark, trying to process the unexpected question.
He points a ringed index finger at your chest. “Your shirt.”
You look down at the tee with a cartoon alien faded across it and arch an eyebrow, your gaze flickering between the man’s pyjama pants and the box of cereal he so casually munches in his hand.
"Well, I've never met one personally,” you say.
Dieter chuckles. "There’s a conspiracy about lizard people secretly running the government.”
“It’s not a conspiracy. They’re all reptiles.” You confirm.
He snorts in appreciation, large hands rummaging in the box and tossing more frosty stars in his mouth.
"So, do you always go grocery shopping in your pyjamas?" You query, a twinkle in your eyes.
Despite his unkempt appearance, there’s something rather appealing about him. A scruffy, tired attractiveness around tan skin, pink puffy eyes and wild, greying curls.
Dieter grins, feeling a flush rise to his cheeks. "Only when I'm in dire need of snacks and comfort."
You simply nod and glance back at the shelves with your arm looped through your basket.
“You don’t know who I am, do you?” He questions as he watches your nonchalance whilst you inspect ingredient labels.
“Should I?”
“No. I'm nobody really.”
You watch as he lingers behind you as you move up the aisle.
“Escaped mental patient?” You query with a smirk.
He shakes his head. “I’m straight edge. Promise.”
You pick up milk and some other essentials, and Dieter audibly tuts when you chuck a few instant meals for one in the basket.
“What?” You ask with mirth.
“Watch your sodium intake.”
“I think I’ll fare much better than the amount of sugar in that box…” you nod to the cereal he’s still eating.
Chuckling, he continues to talk to you, following you down the aisles until your basket is full and you both head towards the checkout.
"Hey, um, do you maybe wanna grab a bite to eat?" He blurts out, his heart pounding in his chest.
You smile as he dumps his open box of cereal on the conveyor belt behind your shopping.
"I'd love to. But only if you promise to wear your pyjamas." You say, eyeing his comfy attire.
Dieter grins, feeling a surge of excitement. "How about now?”
“Sure.” You smile.
He pays for the cereal, leaving the cashier eyeing him with a flicker of recognition, when he puts his finger to his lips and snickers, following you out the automatic doors.
Once at your car, you watch as Dieter sits on the bonnet and taps for you to join him. He takes the milk out of your grocery bag, unscrews it and pours some over the cereal.
You laugh when he simply pulls a spoon out from one of his gown pockets.
“You always carry that around with you?”
“Never know when you might need one.” He shrugs.
“You’re very odd.” You smile as you dip into the cereal box.
“I’ve been called worse.” Dieter remarks. He looks up at the dark sky and sighs.
The cool night air wraps around you both, carrying the faint scent of gasoline and asphalt.
"So, space," you say, your eyes scanning the star-studded sky above. "What's your take on it?"
Dieter leans back against the car, gazing up at the vast expanse of darkness dotted with pinpricks of light.
"It's... mind-blowing, you know? The sheer size of it all. It hurts my head to think about it.” He pauses and frowns. “You ever wish you could be insignificant?"
“I already am.” You smile, handing him the cereal.
He scoffs looking at you, a gold hoop in his ear glimmers, catching the light from a car pulling into the parking lot.
“Can I kiss you?” He asks softly.
You baulk. “You want to kiss me? I don’t even know your name or where you’re from…”
“Dieter. Sherman Oaks. So, can I kiss you now?” He says, scratching under his chin. A patchy beard and moustache lines his jaw and upper lip, and you’re drawn to it, wondering if it’ll feel soft or scratchy.
“Well, odd Dieter from Sherman Oaks, you can kiss me. On one condition.”
“Always a catch…”
You plonk the box of cereal on the ground, shuffling closer as he sits up.
“You’ll like this catch.”
“Will I?” He smirks as you lean in, grabbing the lapels of his soft corduroy gown. He smells faintly herbal and minty.
“You promise that once you kiss me, you won’t stop.”
Dieter bites his lip, his eyes dropping to yours and then back up to your eyes again.
“I promise.” He confirms, smiling, as your lips brush together, both moaning into each other’s mouths.
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Thank you so much for reading & I really hope you enjoyed this lil' Dieter drabble. If you did, please consider re-blogging so others can enjoy it too. Thank you! 🖤
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fanaticsnail · 8 months
You Kissed the Clown? Part 5
Part 5 is complete! I loved writing the last one so much, especially the bonus section at the end - so I needed more.
Part 4 is back here.
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Echoes of seemingly incohesive sentences could be heard reverberating the chasm within the red and white tent housing the Buggy Pirates.
Cabaji could recall some of his favourite one-liners exclaimed through the lips of his captain being: “It’s like you’re willingly sashaying head-first directly into a fucking circular saw!”, “don’t accept a job from that shady asshole. He’s flirting with you! That’s my job,”, “A stiff drink? A stiff drink?!”, or more quietly uttered; “you can wear any pretty dress you want, my queen. Never let anyone tell you otherwise.”
He simply had not a single clue as to what his Captain was talking about until he finally decided to clue him in.
“Cabaji!” he heard his captain call him, prompting him to spring to his feet and enter the Captain’s quarters. He looked him over, slightly unnerved at the sight that was before him.
Several pages of loose parchment paper were littering the desk of the painted captain, all map locations of a variety of towns. Buggy traced his gloved hands over the loose pages before ushering Cabaji next to him, wrapping his arm around his shoulders and forcing him to look at the pages below.
“What do you make of this?” Buggy asked him, gesturing to the unorganised pages skewed throughout the desk. Cabaji furrowed his brows and looked at the pages before turning his head over to his Captain.
“You’re going to need to fill me in on a couple of steps, Captain,” Cabaji uttered, “you’ve been saying some weird stuff lately and I just want to make sure I have all the information before I answer.”
Buggy groaned, gesturing to his missing ear with a gloved index finger.
“I chucked this on the rubber brat with the straw hat before he left,” he growled at Cabaji.
“I believe you,” Cabaji confirmed with a nod, “and what does that have to do with the paper?”
Buggy threw his head back and released Cabaji from his firm hold on his shoulder.
“Keep up,” Buggy ordered, “my ear is with the brat, right?”
“Right,” Cabaji confirmed again with another nod of his head, following his captain with his eyes.
“Right,” Buggy affirmed him before continuing, “so I’m able to track them, right?”
“Yes, boss,” Cabaji acknowledged his captain and nodding at him to continue his explanation.
Buggy sighed and gestured to the paper displayed atop the table, prompting Cabaji to turn to truly look and decipher the images he was seeing. Many of them were maps of distant towns, which is something he could understand; as his boss was attempting to track his missing body part. Others were family owned jewellery business fliers, articles of critical acclaim thrown among them. Several costume designers for fine women’s clothes were also thrown into the mix, prompting Cabaji to not quite piece together exactly what his boss was looking for.
“You’re going to have to give me something more, Captain,” he uttered while gesturing to the pages, “we’re going to a town to get your ear and the map of the grand line along with it? They’re in a jewellery shop or at a particular seamstress?”
Buggy slumped his body with a loud thump into a chair at the head of the table, slouching his shoulders over.
“Ok, I give up,” Buggy muttered to the floor, his eyes full of a mixture of both sadness and confusion.
“Captain?” Cabaji asked, stepping towards his captain, “just tell me what I’m looking for and I’ll find it for you. Honest.”
Buggy let out a half-hearted laugh which resembled more of a sigh than anything else.
“I want her,” he said into the floor.
“Her?” Cabaji asked him, arching his brow slightly at his captain’s confession.
“Yes, her!” Buggy yelled, bringing his gaze up to meet Cabaji’s, “the her, the only her. The one that-,” Buggy halted his words before he continued to confess to Cabaji.
“The one that,” he exclaimed before lowering his tone just above a whisper, “kissed me.”
Cabaji’s eyes widened slightly and a small smile came to his face. His boss has a crush, and felt comfortable enough with him to share his dirty little secret.
“You wanna know who she is,” Cabaji said with a sly smile and a slight nod of his head.
“Yes,” Buggy hissed out angrily from between his teeth. Cabaji hummed and nodded again, turning to the pages.
“And what have you got so far?” Cabaji asked, picking up two pieces of paper containing family businesses within the East Blue. As soon as those words were asked, it was like he opened the flood-gates to his bosses inner thoughts.
“She’s intelligent,” he said, rising to his feet from his prior sitting position, “really intelligent. A tinkerer in her family’s jewellery business. She makes treasure, Cabaji. And she’s so witty.”
Cabaji was slightly taken aback by his boss’s exclamation but was curious enough to want to hear the rest of what he had to say.
“Her dad runs the show,” he said, hurrying over to the pages and collecting a few samples from within the greater pile, “but she travels with him for negotiation. Her latest was making some jewel axe-head for ol’ Axe-Hand.”
He thrust some pages at Cabaji of ship logs between ports within the East Blue.
“Is that all?” Cabaji asked, almost desperate for a little more gossip from his boss. Buggy had a wide sinister grin plaster on his face.
“She’s educated,” he continued, “she studied languages, novels, poetry. Hell; she sings.”
Cabaji chuckled a little at the last comment, knowing Buggy had been in the market for someone of your talents in the few months prior.
“Anything else?” Cabaji asked, looking down at the pages before looking back up to his Captain.
Buggy wiggled his eyebrows at his subordinate in slight suggestion before kicking his feet slightly like a child.
“She loves me, Cabaji,” he uttered before hiding his face in his hands, “she loves me! Can you believe it?”
“What do you mean, she loves you?” Cabaji asked, slightly alarmed at the thought that someone would be spouting lies in the hopes of destroying his captain’s confidence, “what happened?”
“She confessed to herself in the bathroom,” he said nonchalantly, arching his brow up and gazing at the backs of his glove adorning hands with a smug smile.
“And that was enough for you to-,” Cabaji began before being cut off by his captain.
“Shut the fuck up for a minute,” Buggy hushed him hurriedly, bringing his right hand over the place that was missing his ear and listening intently before declaring, “that one.”
He pointed to a piece of paper in Cabaji’s hands. Cabaji looked at it before presenting it to him.
“The one with fifteen children?” Cabaji confirmed with him, passing it successfully to his boss, “the one that’s wife passed away four years ago?”
“That’s her,” he whispered almost lovingly, bringing up the page to his eyeline. He smoothed over the article depicting a variety of compliments to your father’s skill as a craftsman of fine tinkering abilities, cradling what appeared to be the youngest child in his arms. He fixed his gaze at the fifteen children, focussing on a woman standing proudly, leaning her elbow on her fathers shoulder while cradling a smaller child at her feet: “there she is. There’s my girl,” he cooed at the page.
Cabaji searched through some other pages containing the title of your family’s business and scouring the words to find some semblance of your first name. He sifted through the pages, trailing them back to front to search for any mention of who you could be while Buggy continued to fix his eyes on your photograph.
“She’s beautiful,” Cabaji heard Buggy whisper, “she deserves the prettiest dresses and to be twirled like the queen she truly is.”
Cabaji smirked slightly to himself, knowing how completely smitten his Captain is with a woman he has absolutely no inkling as to her even her name. He couldn’t recall them having any type of conversation while the Strawhat crew were here, which continued to puzzle Cabaji as to how his Captain fell so hard for this woman.
Suddenly, Buggy dropped the page he was holding and stared off blankly at the wall.
“What is it boss?” Cabaji asked him.
“Oh no,” he began, walking over to the map of Syrup-village splayed on one of the draws in his room, “oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no.”
“What is it? What’s happened?” Cabaji asked again, standing up and alert at his boss’s sudden outburst. Cabaji walked over and looked at the map Buggy was holding.
“The butler,” Buggy whispered before turning to face Cabaji, “it’s always the fucking butler.”
“The Butler?” Cabaji asked him, prompting Buggy to reach toward another article with a young, blonde woman standing beside a tall, dark-haired individual wearing a suit and circular spectacles.
“She’s going to die,” Buggy whispered, “she’s going to die if I don’t do something.”
“What do you mean?” Cabaji asked him, prompting him to further clarify.
“The butler that’s been flirting with my girl this whole time,” Buggy went on, thrusting the page he was holding at Cabaji, “he’s going to kill her.”
Cabaji brought his attention to the new piece of paper that Buggy unceremoniously thrust his way and looked at the darker haired individual on the page.
“That’s Captain Kuro of the Black-Cat Pirates,” Cabaji exclaimed with a small amount of shock, “isn’t he meant to be dead?”
“Oh he’s going to be if he touches a single fucking hair on my queen’s head, that’s for sure,” Buggy spat in a threatening tone.
Buggy turned around again suddenly, alerted to something approaching off into the distance.
“Here or there, boss?” Cabaji asked him, referring to his current state of alarm. Buggy creased his brows and focussed his ears on the several sounds emitting in the area.
“Here,” he said, opening his eyes and turning towards the entrance to the large tent, “something’s here.”
After retiring to the guest quarters of the large mansion, you began pacing the entrance way of the room. Nami had retired to her bed after changing into some sleep clothes, whereas Luffy and Zoro immediately decided to go on a quest to find more food and booze with your new associate, Usopp.
When Nami questioned you as to why you hadn’t changed and gotten ready for bed; you immediately confessed to unintentionally loaning your skills as a tinkerer to the unnerving butler, Klahadore. She was surprised at your admission, prodding slightly as to whether you truly were accepting a job or something else, which had you groaning and hung your head in your hands.
“It’s not like that,” you argued with your orange-haired associate, “he freaks me out!”
“And you’d never go for someone unnerving, right?” she quipped back with a small, knowing smirk.
You shot her a slight glare, but before you could say anything in response; a small tap appeared at the door. You turned to face the unopened gateway and acknowledged the source of the noise.
“Goodnight, Nami,” you said before opening the door to reveal the suit-clad butler you were just speaking about.
“Are you ready, Miss Tinkerer?” he asked you while craning his elbow out towards you. You accepted his elbow and laced your arm within his for him to guide you into the workspace he had created for you.
“I am, Mister Klahadore,” you replied with a small smile. He led you through the corridor and down the steps, stopping slightly at the entrance to the cellar before readjusting his glasses with the palm of his hand and continuing to lead you to the workshop.
Sure enough, there was a heavily lit workspace with all of the items you had half-heartedly asked for hours prior; including what you assume was a strong drink for you to enjoy while you worked. You walked over to the workbench and allowed a warm smile to grace it’s way over your face as you ghosted your fingers slightly over the finely kept tools. You quirked your head to the side and pursed your lips as you claimed a multi-purpose tool in the palm of your hand.
“You can keep that, once you’re done of course,” you heard Klahadore offer you, continuing to keep up his proper posture in the work space. You smiled at him and looked back down to the tool, testing it’s weight in your hands.
“And where is the piece I’ll be working on, sir?” you asked him, returning your gaze to the shifty butler who began circling you to seemingly slowly assess your reaction.
“Before I hand them over to you,” he began in a low tone, “I must ask you keep this matter purely confidential. Strictly for our eyes and ears only.”
You kept your gaze on his, weighing up the danger you potentially placed yourself in and knowing he could absolutely kill you if you spurted a wrong answer.
“Confidentiality is not my specialty, Klahadore,” you responded, keeping your tone monotonous, “however, some discretion can be arranged; under dire circumstances.”
He hummed in response, a small smirk beginning to twitch at the corner of his mouth.
“Know this, tinkerer,” he seemingly purred at you, “once I hand this over, I will be completely exposed to you. You will know everything, understand?”
You held your chin high and narrowed your eyes at him; “you’re giving me one final out, am I correct in my assumptions?”
He nodded slightly before readjusting his glasses up his nose and fixing them in place with the palm of his hand. You placed the small multi-tool back down on the workbench before you.
“I am not afraid of a challenge,” you twitched your eyebrow slightly and made your way over to his body and extended your hands out to his, awaiting to receive your chosen task.
“So it would seem,” he allowed an unsettling smile to overcome his face. He reached behind his back and presented two black gloves to you, placing them within your outstretched hands. You furrowed your brows and bore your eyes onto the material of them, noticing small fixtures at the tips of the fingers.
“Claws?” you asked him, turning your gaze back to meet Klahadore’s. His expression held an unnerving intensity as he continued to fix his attention on your eyes. You chose to not engage or acknowledge his unnerving countenance, as you were priorly instructed by your father in life and death situations.
“Where are the blades?” you asked him, bringing your right hand to the tips of the gloved fingers.
“No longer attached,” he stated, looking down at the material he gave to you. You arched your brow and brought your attention back to his.
“And what would you have me do, Klahadore?” you asked him.
“Reattach them,” he replied with a smug, tight-lipped smile.
Part 6
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jinnie-ret · 9 months
Could you write about a 9th member reader who is trained to do cool stunt work so on stages or for mv filming they're in what looks like a dangerous situation so skz panic not knowing that the reader is trained and perfectly safe?
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stray kids x ninth member!reader
genre: fluff
content warnings: none
word count: 1k
summary: the boys never expected that their shy noona could be such a daredevil
Thank you so much for this request!!! Sorry it's taken me long but I hope you enjoy it!
As always, like, reblog if you enjoyed, and my asks are open for any requests you may have. And let me know if you'd like to be tagged when I post :)
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Stray Kids had spent all day filming the music video for Cheese, and you were wondering how the boys would react to you filming your solo parts this evening. You see, they didn't know about your other talents that laid outside of working in the music industry. As soon as you could, you had gained your license to be able to ride a motorcycle, inspired by your mum and dad who could also ride them - it was how they met.
With your normal shy and quiet personality, the boys affectionately looked after you, you could say. Even though you were the same age as Minho. This could have been what prompted and inspired the staff to get the 98 liners to film with the motorbike. Minho was up first, looking cool as usual.
"Let's go Minho hyung!" Jisung cheered from the sidelines, as you all watched him pose and mouth his lyrics in the car park like scene.
"Wahhh, hyung looks so cool," Jeongin nodded and clapped a bit, as Minho broke out into a shy smile after finishing, a real contrast.
"Wait, so noona is going up next?" Felix asked curiously.
"Yeah, they wanted me and Minho to film similar scenes," you smiled, scratching the back of you neck bashfully.
A staff member came over with a helmet for you.
"Aw noona is going to be wearing a helmet?" Changbin patted your head with the helmet now on.
"It's too big for her," Hyunjin laughed, as you cutely shook your head with the helmet bobbing around. Because of this the staff gave you the helmet you normally wear, which the boyd assumed was customised by the stylists rather than you, who had painted cute flower stickers on it.
"Why is it so cute?" Seungmin laughed, looking down at you, as you smiled shyly and headed over to the motorbike.
The staff directed you to pretend you were riding it, knowing fully well that you could. You had to let the company know that you had gotten a license. But it never really came up into conversation with the boys, and you weren't really one to talk about yourself, maybe that was another similarity you shared with Minho.
The camera followed you as you revved up the engine and started driving down the car park, the boys letting out yells and gasps of worry. You let out a cheer as you did so, which the others assumed was more of a cry for help.
"Y/Nnie noona!"
"Someone help her stop!"
"Ah no no no!!!"
Yet you successfully stopped it and swerved with a smirk on your face as you pulled up the visor of your helmet, the staff clapping for you as you did so.
It still hadn't really sunk in to the boys that you in fact knew what you were doing. And so, they ran up to you.
"Y/Nnie, are you ok? Are you hurt?" Chan wrapped an arm around her shoulder, helping her take the helmet off and expecting to see you crying, when in fact you were laughing.
"Why are you laughing? You could have died!" Minho reprimanded, eyes glaring into your soul.
"I'm fine, I'm fine," you stopped laughing and waved off their concerns.
"How? You just... you-" Jisung malfunctioned, shocked at the sight of what you just did.
"Guys, I'm fine, I have a license for this," you shrugged it off casually, not wanting all their attention on you. But they wouldn't let you off so easily.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Hyunjin said with wide eyes, hand over his heart.
"Didn't really think there was a time to say it..." you trailed off sheepishly.
"How about when you got your license? Or when Minho was filming?" Seungmin pointed out.
"Oh yeah..." you blushed, habitually scratching the back of your neck.
"How can you act so shy after being so cool?" Felix giggled, looking at your slightly hunched figure sat on the motorbike.
"Super shu, super shy!" Changbin burst out into dong, making everyone else laugh at him, Jisung whacking his shoulder.
"Noona you have to teach me!" Jeongin joyfully said, everyone immediately going 'no!'.
"Well I could-" you began to say.
"No! Don't corrupt our maknae!" Jisung playfully restrained Jeongin, dragging him slightly away from you.
"Hey, I'd be a good teacher!" you pout, folding your arms as you took off your helmet.
"I don't doubt that, Y/Nnie," Chan affectionately patted your head, smoothing out your hair that had become ruffled.
"I can't believe our noona can ride a motorbike!" Hyunjin shook his head, still not believing it.
"Nobody would believe it if we told them!" Seungmin agreed.
"I can't believe you showed me up like that. I just sat on the motorbike and you rode it!" Minho facepalmed, feeling shy.
"You looked pretty whilst doing it though," you quietly complimented him.
"Aw our noona is so sweet," Felix teased, smiling at you.
"Is Y/Nnie flirting with me?" Minho smirked.
"No no no," you waved them off shoving the helmet back on your head and hiding your face, folding your arms.
"Oh no! She's disappeared!" Changbin shouted, nearly making you fall off of the bike from the shock of him suddenly yelling.
"Hahaha, Binnie you nearly knocked out Y/Nnie noona!" Chan laughed as he caught you.
"Ok I'm taking my helmet off again," you signed, taking it off and holding a hand over your heart, much like Hyunjin was earlier.
"This really is the most unexpected thing, I still can't comprehend it," Jeongin shook his head.
"Stays are gonna be shocked too, aren't they?" you wonder.
"They won't be expecting it all, I mean we all didn't..." Jisung nodded.
After that day if filming the boys became suspicious of you, jokingly of course, asking you questions thinking you lived a secret double life, but once you explained about how your parents had licenses too, it all made sense to them, and they felt like it should have been obvious from the start, that such a shy girl was secretly a daredevil.
tagged: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng
699 notes · View notes
lxclerc · 2 years
𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧 | 𝐦𝐯𝟑𝟑
SUMMARY: you think max dislikes you but as it turns out, it’s the complete opposite. REQUEST: not requested WARNING: none. tooth rotting kinda fluff that would have you calling your dentist to check for cavities PAIRING: single mom!reader x max verstappen, platonic!reader x lewis hamilton WORD COUNT: 6.2k
NOTE: idk what happened. one minute i was writing, the next i just reached the 5k words mark.
As the PR person, part of your job is to follow Lewis around. For the most part, you enjoy it. Lewis is a great friend and despite your hectic schedule, the pay is great, definitely enough to provide for yourself and Lucas with lots more to spare. It was the opportunity of a lifetime and you were quick to grab it. 
You mostly got along with everyone, mechanics, other PR teams and drivers alike. You’re a floater, always floating around the paddocks and making friends with anyone you find yourself with and so nearly everyone knows your name. Your bubbly nature is easy to get along with and you consider most of them your friends despite the team they’re in. Well, all except one.
You’re under the impression that Max Verstappen must hate you. Every time you try to approach him, he’s quick to turn the other way. Every time you try to start a conversation, he gives out one liners as answers and is quick to escape you. Eventually, you stop trying. You never want to invade his personal space or break his boundaries. You know you can’t get along with everyone and Max is known for his brash behavior and focus on the sport.
And in fact, you already have things to think about. Your job is a dream, a balance between travel and luxury. The people you meet and the sights you see are things money can’t buy but it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Your son, only two years old, often travels with you most weekends along with your best friend but you know that different hotel rooms every week and barely a sense of stability is not the best thing for a toddler. 
The thought of leaving the job you adore so very much causes you heartache though. You love the thrill and the travels. You love the people and the adrenaline. The highest of highs and the lowest of lows. You love it all, but at the same time, Lucas is always of the highest priority. Despite only having the job for less than four years, you’re already contemplating the possibility of quitting. You’ll find other jobs and sure, they probably won’t pay as much but you’ll be with Lucas, watching him grow up.
“You have that look in your eyes again,” Lewis comments as you wait for the press conference to start. You’re still in the Mercedes hospitality and you take advantage of the catering as you throw your good friend a questioning glance. “When you’re thinking too hard.” 
Your relationship with Lewis has been a close one since you started your job. Being only twenty three years old, Lewis considers you almost as a little sister. Apart from Lucas, you have no family left and so you often spend your holidays and free time with the Hamiltons. You adore each and every one of them and Lewis is one of the most important people in your life.
“Just thinking about Lucas,” you said. Being a single, young mother meant that you often spend most of your time worrying about everything all at once and after the holidays is always the hardest, just as Lucas is beginning to get used to having you around all the time only for you to go away again. 
Before Lewis can ease your worries, your phone alarms, reminding you that it’s time for you to head to the conference room to meet with the other PR personels. The rest of you always arrive before the drivers. You place down your drink and show Lewis your phone, already running out before he can say anything. 
You shake your head to clear yourself of your thoughts, putting yourself back in work mode as you walk through the paddock. You suddenly curse yourself for not wearing a thicker jacket as you shiver from the european air. 
At that moment, you catch sight of a certain red bull driver. And despite yourself, despite repeating again and again that it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t like you and that you should stop trying, you can’t help but approach him anyways. You plaster a smile on your face as you jog towards him.
“Hey,” you greet brightly. “How was your holiday?” 
He nearly jumps at the sight of you beside him, immediately taking notice of your shivering figure. “Good.” 
“Oh.” Your smile falters a little bit but you push through it. “That’s good! Good luck on the race tomorrow and see you around.” 
And with that, you’re walking away.
Max never considered himself a shy person till you. The moment you stepped into the paddock with that bright smile on your face, you’re all his dreams come true. You carry yourself with such elegance that you have him following and anticipating your every move. The only problem? You wear your silver Mercedes shirt so proudly that you barely paid him any glance. 
Pining after you for four years is probably pathetic at this point but there’s something about you that makes it nearly impossible for him to form more than short sentences. When you’re near him, your scent overtaking his senses, Max shuts down. His heart beats so fast that he can almost hear it. 
Rushing to his driver's room, he pulls out a logoless jacket from his backpack, making sure there’s nothing about it that will show that it belongs to him. He’s relieved to find his own PR personnel still in the hospitality, just about getting ready to leave. 
“Hey,” he says, handing his jacket. “Do you mind handing this to Y/N Y/L/N? Don’t tell her it’s from me.” 
The red bull PR woman gave Max a knowing smile as she accepted the jacket. “You know, Max, you should try asking her out.” 
Max says nothing. Everyone seems to know about his pathetic infatuation with you apart from you.  
Max gets P1 but Carlos will be starting pole. You know that no one is happy with Mercedes’ performance today and so nearly everyone retires to their hotel rooms early including you. 
That night, as your toddler refuses to go to sleep, the two of you find yourselves in the nearest convenience store, your hand firmly holding Lucas’ while his other hand grips his giraffe stuffed toy, sucking on a pacifier as you look around for snacks. 
“Mommy!” Lucas screamed just as you let go of his hand to reach for the top shelf, already running to the next aisle to grab a pack of skittles. “Kittles!” 
Your face scrunched up as you looked over at your son with the biggest grin on his face. “You really have no plans to sleep tonight, do you?” 
If possible, his grin grows bigger. “Kittles?” 
“Fine but only because you’ve been good all week.”
The way he ran to you to hug your legs in thanks is almost enough for the inevitable headache you’ll be having tomorrow after what will surely be a sleepless night. You pick Lucas up and place him on your hip. You were so occupied trying to understand the nutritional content of the belgian snack you’re holding that you hadn’t realized the person in front of you till you bumped into him. 
“I’m so sorry–” you start to say only to find Max holding a box of condoms. “Oh. Hi, Max.” 
“Y/N!” His voice is a little high pitched as he says your name, one you hadn’t known he even knew. He tries to hide the box of condoms behind him, cheeks immediately turning red. “It’s not– I’m not– It’s not for me.”
You couldn’t help but laugh. “It’s alright, Max. It’s none of my business. And you should be celebrating getting the fastest time.”
If possible, your statement seems to only make him blush harder. “It’s really not! My trainer asked me to get it for him since I run out of shampoo and–”
“You really don’t have to explain yourself to me, Max,” you interrupt despite finding his flustered face to be one of the most adorable things you’ve seen. “If anything, it’s a good thing you’re being safe.” 
“I swear it’s not for me.” God, Max really really hates the timing of the universe at that moment. He wants the ground to open up and swallow him whole. “My trainer asked me to get it since I’m already here anyways. You can even ask him to confirm tomorrow. I’m not sleeping with anyone. I don’t have a girlfriend. I haven’t even been on a date in three years much less sleep with anyone which sound really pathetic now that I say it out loud but–”
By some miracle, Lucas decides to save him more embarrassment as the toddler removes his pacifier to speak, clutching a giraffe stuffed toy and a small bag of skittles within one tiny hand. “I’m Wucas.” 
“It’s Lucas,” you say softly, both to Max and your son. “He’s still struggling with his Ls.” 
Max, with his tomato red face, takes a few moments to compose himself. He notices that you’re still wearing his jacket, the much too big piece of clothing hanging from your shoulders. You’ve ditched your Mercedes shirt and when you lean towards him for half a second, he can smell his own cologne clinging to you as you laugh. 
“Hi, Lucas,” he says finally, greeting your son with a smile on his face. “I’m Max.”
“Maxie!” Lucas immediately dubs, trying to shake your arms off him as he attempts to crawl towards the red bull driver. Max throws you a panicked look as Lucas snuggles to his chest. 
“Luke, wait–” you try to say but the two year old has no plans to listen, already settling himself in Max’s arms. It’s your turn to blush. “I’m so sorry, Max. Lucas, you can’t just jump to people without asking their permission first.”
Max smiles for the first time since you met him. Of course, you’re sure he’s smiled a ton of times since then but this would be the first time he’s smiled at you and definitely the first time he smiled for you. 
“It’s alright,” Max assures you. After rambling about condoms and having revealed that he’s been suffering for blue balls the past four years (because of you since ever since meeting you, it seems as though Max is suddenly unable to form any sexual attraction with anyone and definitely unable to form any romantic attractions), he can’t help but feel much more at ease around you. “Are you guys done?”
You try not to pay too much attention to what the sight of Max holding Lucas does to you and instead hold up the Belgian snack you were inspecting along with bottles of water and Lucas’ skittles. “Just need to pay for these.”
“I can walk you back to the hotel,” he said, nervousness immediately creeping in the moment confusion formed in your face. “Only if you want, of course. I just meant I’m going the same way and it’s pretty late.”
For four years, you’ve been under the impression that Max holds a weird dislike at you. You’ve tried being nice to him, offering food, wishing him luck every weekend but you’re usually only met with one liners. You’re used to his obvious dismissal of you but you’re definitely not used to his sudden kindness. 
However, you’re never one to turn down a good deed. It is late, you’re in a foreign country and you know that you’re staying in the same hotel. What’s wrong with accepting a concern offer? 
You smile at him and Max could have sworn his heart stopped. “Sure,” you say. “Just give me a minute to pay for these.”
You weren’t even halfway to the hotel when the two of you heard Lucas’ small snores, his head on Max’s shoulder and tiny arms wrapped around the dutchman. You move to take him but Max assures you that it’s okay. 
“Can I ask you something?” You say, hands fiddling with the strings of the jacket you’re wearing. Max nods. “Why don’t you like me?” 
The surprise in Max’s face is evident as he faces you. “You think I don’t like you?” 
When he’s asking it like that, as though the idea is ridiculous, you can’t help but feel a little ridiculous yourself. You feel like a teenager asking an idiotic question, but you force yourself to continue. “I mean I’ve tried getting to know you and you never seem interested.” 
“I don’t dislike you,” he says slowly, hesitance clear in his voice. There’s something about tonight that makes him want to admit his feelings. “Quite the opposite, in fact.” 
You notice the way his cheeks once again tint an obvious pink and you try not to think too much at the fact that he looks so natural holding Lucas in his arms, your son sleeping so comfortably. “What do you mean?” 
“I like you a little too much,” he says quietly, looking at anywhere but you as he feels his blood rush to his cheeks. “I feel like a school boy with a crush when I’m talking to you and I never want to embarrass myself so I just don’t.” 
Your breath hitched in your throat at his little confession. And Max thought he might as well continue while he still has the courage to. God knows when he’ll get the chance again. “Making a fool of myself in front of you is a genuine fear of mine and you make me so incredibly nervous.” 
You stare at him as if he’s grown two heads. “I make you nervous?” 
“Yes, very much. As shown earlier by my mouth running from me.” 
“I have a son,” you say, almost mechanically. You’ve learned early on that men don’t like dating women with children. You can understand, of course. No one wants that added responsibility especially so early on in your lives so you just stopped dating altogether, focussing all of your time to work and Lucas. 
A small smile spread across Max’s face. “I know and I don’t care. I’d love to get to know Lucas some more and you don’t have to answer now, but I’d really love to take you out to dinner. I’ve wanted to since the day I met you.” 
“Max, I–”
“You don’t have to say anything now,” he interrupts. “Think about it and let me know tomorrow. Either way, I’ll respect your answer.” 
The next morning, Lewis and Angela manage to convince you to bring Lucas to the paddock, the toddler all set up in Mercedes merch as he hangs from your hips or chases Roscoe around. Currently, you’re in Lewis’ drivers room with the two aforementioned people, Lucas bouncing on Lewis’ knee and Angela going through her ipad. 
“Everyone knew, Y/N,” Lewis said after you filled them up about last night and Max. “Man looked like his puppy died the day he found out you were pregnant.” 
“Who do you think has been leaving flowers for you every holiday?” Angela asked.
Every holiday whether it be the last day before christmas break or summer break, valentines day, a bouquet of flowers is always delivered to you, never with a card or even a clue of who it might be from. You always thought it’s from a mechanic, maybe one of the few who’d asked you out throughout your time working with them. The revelation that it was from Max was mind boggling to you. You began working as an intern in Mercedes four years ago, straight out of high school. Angela took a liking to you and took you right under her wing but you’ve only been actively working with them for three years after you took a year long break once Lucas was born and throughout it, you’ve always been under the impression that the dutchman dislikes you.
“Why did no one ever tell me?” You asked, your head spinning as Lucas’ giggles filled the room.
“No one actually thought it’d take him four years to own up to it,” Angela says. “And for the most part, I genuinely thought he’d gotten over it. He’s gotten a little more subtle when it comes to staring at you.”
At that moment, a knock was heard throughout the cramped space, making you stand up to find Max and another man clad in red bull merch on the other side of the door.
“Maxie!” Lucas exclaimed happily, immediately climbing out of Lewis’ lap and running to the dutchman. “Maxie! Maxie!” 
Max chuckled, kneeling to pick up the little boy. “Hey, Luke. How are you doing?” 
“Maxie, want your cap,” Lucas says, small hands already reaching for the red bull cap on Max’s head. For his part, Max didn’t hesitate at removing it, placing it on Lucas’ much smaller head.
“Traitor,” Lewis muttered from behind you guys, earning a chuckle out of everyone. 
“Hey,” you greet. “What are you doing here?” 
Max’s orange and blue looks out of place around the silver and white, so much so that the mechanics passing by stared at him. 
“That would be because of me,” the man Max came with spoke up. “I’m Bradley, Max’s personal  trainer. I hope we aren’t interrupting.” 
You throw a glance at Max’s direction before offering your hand for Bradley to shake. “Nice to meet you, Bradley. I’m Y/N and no, you’re not interrupting. We’re just killing time before the drivers’ parade.” 
“Oh trust me, I know all about you. Max doesn’t shut up about you–” Max, who was engaged in a conversation with Lucas (mainly consisting of him agreeing to everything the little boy said) reached forward to lightly smack Bradley on the back of his head. “I mean, I just came here to tell you that the condoms from last night are, in fact, mine and that Max is not seeing or even sleeping with anyone.” 
You can’t help the genuine laugh that escaped past your lips as you realized the purpose of their visit. Max is still ridiculously focused on whatever Lucas is babbling about, making a point not to look at you as his cheeks burn bright red all the way to his neck and ears.
“Thank you for confirming that, Bradley, but I believed Max last night.” 
Max turned to you, still not meeting your eyes. “Just making sure. It isn’t exactly the best look.”
You couldn’t help the flutter in your chest. Maybe Lewis and Angela are right. You should give this a chance. You deserve to fall in love, right? You deserve to be loved and cared for and adored. You go on your tiptoes, planting a soft kiss on Max’s cheek which left the dutch man in shock, his heart beating out of his chest. 
“Good luck out there,” you said softly, prying Lucas away from him. “I’ll be rooting for you.”
“Go, Maxie!” Lucas shouted gleefully as Max stood stunned. Loving you from afar has always been thrilling but he’s not quite sure his heart could take loving you so close by. 
A few hours later, after consoling a heartbroken Lewis and making sure he’s okay, you can’t help but cheer along with the red bull garage as Max crosses the checkered flags. Lucas jumps along with you, the two of you running out of the Mercedes Hospitality into the track. 
“Maxie! Maxie!” Lucas screams happily as you carry him, hands clapping together excitedly and noise canceling headphones enveloping his small head. You’re sure you must look out of place in your Mercedes merch cheering along with the sea of orange and you’re sure that some fan would probably take a picture and post it on social media but still, you can’t help your excitement as Max climbs out of his car. 
Max, in his own excitement and bliss, overjoyed at the sight of you cheering for him and Lucas screaming his name happily, red bull cap still on, seems to have completely forgotten about the camera as he ran towards you, wrapping both arms around the two of you as you laughed, accepting his embrace. 
You’re sure the camera must have focused on you now and you’re sure everyone will be talking about it come tomorrow morning but you can’t find it in yourself to care as you laughed, letting him pull you both against his chest. 
“Maxie, you went vroom vroom so fast!” Lucas exclaimed, hands wildly swinging about in his own excitement. 
Max didn’t hesitate to take Lucas from your arms as though he’s done it a thousand times before and for some reason, you hadn’t hesitated handing your son to him as though it’s the most natural thing ever. 
Beaming from ear to ear, you spoke up. “So about that dinner date.”
Max turned to you, hope and excitement clear in his eyes. “Yeah?” 
“How does seven pm sound?”
Max’s grin stretched as he wrapped an arm around you again, feeling as though he’s at the top of the world. At that moment, he realized that nothing beats this. Nothing beats finally having you in his arms, you smiling at him as though he hangs the moon and the stars or the sound of Lucas screaming and cheering his name. 
Not even a championship beats this feeling. “That sounds perfect.” 
In the months you spend with Max, you begin hating yourself more and more for not catching on to his feelings sooner. Falling for him was inevitable. At the end of your first date, the two of you were already planning your second. By the end of your second date, you were both so giddy and happy that as soon as you got home, after putting Lucas to sleep, you and Max were on the phone, spending the night awake as you talked about everything and nothing all at once. 
Your third date was unplanned with Lucas absolutely deciding that he can’t go to sleep unless Max is next to him, you were forced to call up the dutchman, sheepishly explaining the situation as you shyly invited him into your hotel room. 
Max hadn’t even hesitated agreeing, already knocking on your door a minute later. The three of you spent the night watching disney movies till Lucas’ snores began, small body sprawled across Max’s chest. Your hands found each other under the blanket, tightly entwining. 
“This is my favorite date,” he told you in the darkness, voice quiet as to not wake Lucas. 
“Yeah,” you agreed, giving his hand a squeeze. “It might be mine too.” 
Your fourth date was canceled. Max was called into red bull HQ, ending up with him giving you an apologetic call as the stewardess reminds him to put his phone on airplane mode as they’re about to take off. Max promised to call you as soon as he landed. He doesn’t end up calling till a few hours later, catching you by surprise as you accepted the facetime call and saw him wearing a suit and tie, candlelit dinner in front of him.
Still, he called you the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen at least two times throughout your virtual dinner despite the fact that you’re only wearing your pajamas and eating take out mcdonalds. The two of you fell asleep on facetime. 
On your fifth date, Max insists on staying in and cooking for you and Lucas. Unfortunately, he’s pretty bad at cooking. Fortunately, he’s adorable and so you end up rescuing the mashed potatoes from him, Max slightly pouting as you order him to the side where he situated himself on the countertop, trying to salvage your dinner. 
You move towards him, situating yourself between his legs as you cup his cheeks, making Max take a deep breath at your sudden closeness. Despite being with you, he still often finds himself in awe that he doesn’t need to pine after you from far away. 
“You’re adorable,” you tell him with a smile, planting a small kiss on his jaw as his hands move to your hips, trying to pull you closer towards his body.
“Be my girlfriend?” He asked, trying to guide your lips against his.
“Yes,” you answer without the need to think about it. “I thought you’d never ask.”
Your lips were just about to touch when a pair of little arms wrapped around Max’s leg. Lucas, who was previously in the living room keeping busy with the miniature race cars Max bought for him, must have noticed that something was happening in the kitchen that he wants to be a part of.
“Maxie, mommy!” Lucas called, raising his arms up as a sign to pick him up. You do so, placing him on Max’s leg as the dutchman wrapped his arms around the two of you, placing his chin on the top of your head as you leaned against his shoulder. 
“Hey, buddy,” Max greets your son.
Lucas practically glowed from Max’s attention as he held up his small Red Bull race car. “Maxie, look! Is you!” 
Max plants a small kiss on the top of Lucas’ head and for a moment, you’re terrified of what could be. Your heart fears losing Max already despite only being official with him. The thought of losing this, the thought of losing this, feels all so terrifying for you as you watch the two of them. 
Max seems to have caught your fear as he tightens his arms around you, meeting your eyes. “We’ll be okay. I’m never letting you go. I’m here till you want me here.” 
You smile, melting into his touch as Lucas demands his attention again. Maybe you are making a mistake so quickly introducing Max into Lucas’ life. Maybe this will all be heartbreak with all three of you crying.
Or maybe it won’t. Maybe it’ll be okay after all. 
Next week after that, you file your resignation letter with Lewis’ encouragement. You’ll be going back to university at the end of the season and Toto tells you that if you ever want to come back, you always have a place with them. You shed a tear or two as he offers you a hug. 
That same morning, you walk into the paddock hand in hand with Max for the first time and you’re sure the three of you look a little ridiculous with you in your mercedes merch, Max in red bull and Lucas on his shoulder in both but your fear of people talking seems to be in vain as everyone else was more interested in making fun of Max rather than scrutinizing your relationship.
“And here I thought you’d never actually ask her out!” Daniel, to no one’s surprise, turns out to be Max’s biggest headache as he grins at the sight of the three of you.
But Max is unbothered by them all, far too happy with finally being able to love you in the open to care. “Me too, mate, me too.” 
Four months after you and Max began dating, you find yourself moving into his Monaco home, the three of you spending your afternoons painting Lucas’ new room before his small birthday party in two days.
“Maxie, I want it red,” says your almost three year old. “I’m gonna be a racer one day like you!” 
Max’s grin widened at your son’s announcement. You know this already as the two of them are already counting down till Lucas can start karting. “You sure will, Mijn liefde.” My love.
“I’m gonna drive for ferrari!” 
At that announcement, Max turned to Lucas so fast that you feared he might get a whiplash. “For what?” 
 “Ferrari!” Lucas says as though he’s just cured cancer. “Uncle Charles said it’s the best team in the world.”
You couldn’t help but burst out laughing at the horrified look on Max’s face. Being with Max, you can’t help but be closer to the other drivers. Before, you didn’t really get much chance considering that Lewis rarely joins along, preferring to keep to himself and his close knit of friends but now, it’s clear to you that Max, Daniel, Charles and a bunch of other drivers hold a close friendship, especially those who all live in Monaco.
“Uncle Charles needs to keep his mouth shut,” Max says, looking genuinely stressed as he kneeled in front of Lucas, holding the grinning little boy down. Your son looks so much like you that Max can’t help but love him too but even if he didn’t, Max would love him anyway. Lucas looks up to Max. Anyone who’s ever seen the two together can see that and Max swore he’d be the best father figure in his life. “Don’t listen to uncle Charles, he’s just being a baby that my really fast Red Bull car beat him out of the championship. Ferrari is shit.”
You laugh, placing a hand on his shoulder in a faux attempt to comfort him. The entire situation is so amusing to you that you can’t even find it in yourself to scold him about cursing in front of a child.
“Ferrari is shit!” Lucas announced happily, a toothless grin showing as he threw himself at Max’s chest, the driver always ready to catch him. 
“Lucas, that's a bad word,” you say but still, your grin is wide. 
“No, no, wait,” Max says, holding your son in one arm as he pulls his phone out of his pocket, turning on the camera and pointing it at Lucas. “Say it again, Luke, but this time add ‘and red bull is better’.” 
“Ferrari is shit and red bull is better!” Lucas was more than happy to oblige, always ready to do anything for Max’s praise and attention.
“Max!” You scold but your boyfriend only gives you a grin, mirroring Lucas’ so much that they almost look like they might be blood related. 
Max sends the video to Charles, to which the monegasque replies with his own video message dramatically frowning and pretending to wipe nonexistent tears. “I’m very very offended, little Verstappen.”
You were so happy that you hadn’t even noticed the nickname the rest of the divers had given your son. 
That night, as you both tuck Lucas in with Max reading him a story, the little boy on his chest and you leaning against his knee, you watch as Lucas tries to cuddle deeper into Max’s chest, his tiny hands clutching at the driver’s shirt as Max’s voice become quieter and quieter as he finishes reading. 
Seeing Lucas grow up heals your inner child. Seeing him with everything you didn’t get, with the love and affection you craved but didn’t have makes you feel as though you’re doing something right. Even his room, from his rotating planet nightlights to the lego formula 1 cars on his shelf and the books lining his walls. He has everything he could need and want and more and you almost want to cry at the thought that you were able to provide him all of this. 
Max seems to be overcome with his own emotions as he watches the little boy sleep in awe, hand reaching forward to gently push back Lucas’ hair as though he couldn’t quite believe that something so beautiful is in his arms. 
Planting a soft kiss on the top of Lucas’ head, the two of you move to leave his room but Lucas’ hold on Max only tightens as Max tries to unclench his fist. 
“I don’t think he wants to let go,” Max told you quietly as Lucas shifts, snuggling closer to Max’s body like a moth drawn to the flame.
“No, daddy,” the little boy muttered sleepily, objecting to Max’s attempt to move away, causing you and Max to immediately halt your movements. 
“Did he just–” Max begins and you feel your head spinning. 
You love Max and if there’s something in this world that you’re sure of, is that he loves you and Lucas too. He’s always shown it and never failed to let you know but above all, your son is your priority. The thought of you and Max not working out and Lucas being left heartbroken fills you with so much dread. You know Max will never purposely hurt you or Lucas but sometimes things just happen, relationships just fail and people just fall out of love. There’s nothing certain in this world and less of all, a man. You learned that the hard way and you never want Lucas to learn it too. 
You feel Max’s hand softly placed on your cheek, seemingly having read all of your thoughts and fears from your eyes. “I’m not going to promise you anything because promises mean nothing but I will show you. I will show you that if you’ll let me, I’m more than ready to be the best father Lucas needs and I’m here to stay hopefully forever. I’m all in, Y/N. I love you and I love him more than I ever thought possible.”
You face him, leaning into his touch as you hold his hand on your cheek, placing a kiss on his palm. He’s right, he can’t promise you anything but you’re willing to give him the chance to show you. “Okay.” 
The next race weekend, you found yourself sitting in a lounge chair in Monaco as Max and Checo do PR (something that involves ducks and a pool) along with the Red Bull Marketing, your laptop fired up as you edit things to post for the official Mercedes instagram later. Some must still find it weird, you in your Merc merch following Max around in your free time but most of them are used to it, even welcoming you and considering you a friend now. 
On the chair next to you, Lucas had his afternoon nap, now three years old, sucking on his thumb as the world about him goes around. He rarely ever misses a weekend now, usually with you or Max. He promises to be on his best behavior so long as you let him come with you and for the most part, he’s kept the promise. 
“Oh hey!” Max exclaimed happily, his face lighting up at the sight of the fish toy. “We got this thing at home!” 
You looked up at his statement, immediately recognizing the sight of the yellow fish toy that you both love and hate. For the most part, it makes bath time so much easier but at the same time, if you have to hear baby shark one more time, you think you might just lose your mind. 
As if on cue, your boyfriend put his hands on his hips, a smile painting his face. “Baby shark doo doo doo doo doo doo doo. It’s when my son is having a bath that we have that thing.” 
Your eyes widened, seemingly along with everyone else’s. The fans know you and know Lucas, a newest fan favorite with his appearances in the paddock screaming Maxie in the happiest voice but Max had never actually called the little boy his son. Lucas has always been your son in everyone else’s eyes and yet Max’s so very casual and natural admittance of the mere fact had your heart bursting. 
Max’s loud laughter as he sang baby shark must have woken Lucas as his eyes fluttered open, looking around. Jealousy almost blossomed in your chest in the way your son’s eyes barely glanced in your direction before stopping on Max’s figure if only you weren’t so grateful that he’s getting such a loving father.
“Daddy!” Lucas called, cutting Max off mid sentence as the little boy jumped to his feet, running towards the dutchman, who’s kneeling by the pool side tinkering with the toy fish. 
“Luke!” You called, trying to stop him but one of the Red Bull Marketing only smiled at you, letting you know it’s okay as Max picked up Lucas. 
“It’s okay, we’re almost done anyways,” the red bull personnel let you know and you thought that for a team that’s so hated, they’ve always been so kind and understanding to you.
“Hey, bud, I thought you were sleeping?” Max asked, voice immediately becoming softer as he pushed back Lucas’ hair, trying to see if there’s anything wrong. 
“Hi, uncle Checo,” Lucas muttered sleepily, ignoring Max's question, giving the Mexican a small wave as he rested his head on his father’s shoulder. 
“Hi, little Verstappen,” Checo smiles.
You stand up, approaching them as you try to get Lucas back but your son only holds on to Max tighter before you can even reach them, his eyes sleepy and fluttering shut. “Stay with daddy.”
“Can he stay with me?” Max asks you and the marketing team in charge.
“No problem, we’re done anyways,” they said with a smile.
“Are you sure?” You asked, still out of the camera’s view.
Max only smiles at you as he shifts Lucas’ weight to one arm. “Ja, mijn liefste.” Yes, my love.
You’ve heard that sentence enough to understand it as you hesitantly returned to your seat and they continued their filming, a sleeping Lucas now hanging by Max’s side. They continue filming, saying their goodbyes to the camera as you pack up yours and Lucas’ things. 
“And that’s all,” the red bull marketing said, cutting the cameras as Max walked over to you, his free arm wrapping around your waist. 
“If I didn’t love the two of you so much, I would have been jealous with his obvious favoritism to you,” you joke as you lean to his touch, causing Max to laugh out loud. 
taglist: @ricsaigaslec @dragon-of-winterfell @coffeehurricanes @rdtbattinson @privcherry7 @miniminescapist @lostinketterdam
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azsazz · 10 months
Tonight I'm So Lonely (Part 2)
Cassian x Rhysand's Sister!Reader
Summary: Part 2 to the One-Liner Anon Request: This is so cliche but what about “of course it’s you.” for your writing exercise 😙
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 1,306
(Part 1)
You turn towards your brother, eyes sparkling with tears, shining much like the stars framing you from behind. “Why wouldn’t he tell anyone?”
Your name is a soft exhale from your brother's lips, and you fall into his open arms instantly. Clutching him back as tightly as he’s hugging you, you realize that you’ve missed him more than you ever noticed before. Fighting with Rhys and being ignored by Cassian has taken a toll on you, and your eyes slide shut as you try to stop the tears from spilling over. “I don’t know why. Does he know?”
You nod against his shoulder, throat too tight with emotion to speak. It feels like a cavern in your chest, your heart cracking and caving in upon itself, mirror to how you’d felt when your mother had been murdered before your very eyes. 
“I know he knows, Rhys. I can feel him sometimes, even when he thinks he’s blocking me out.” 
Sometimes, when Cassian forgets that you’re his, you can feel every hit he’s taking during a particularly rough training session, the soreness in his bones, the splitting of the skin across his knuckles when he fights. You can feel his utter joy when he’s having a night with Rhys and Azriel, the laughter they share and the dizziness that comes with bottles of fae wine.
But mostly, you can feel how lonely he is. That flicker of pain that could be your own when he catches sight of you and turns the other way. When he sits down the table from you as far as he can so that he doesn’t even have to look at you, the tremble of his soul as it fights from his chest, reaching out to you when he’s trying so desperately to pull away.
“I’m so sorry,” Rhys answers, because he doesn’t know what else to say. Then, “Do you want me to talk to him?”
“No,” you answer quickly, pulling away from him. He doesn’t let you go, though, hands planted on your shoulders in a comforting manner. The sight of his glittering crown is obnoxious, and you’d normally snort at him, teasing him for wearing it, but tonight, it gives you an idea. “But I will need your help cornering him.”
“I wanted to talk to you before I told anyone.”
“But you haven’t.”
“It’s not as simple as that,” Cassian curses, running his fingers through his wind-blown hair. His digits snag on the tangles and he winces, tugging them out instead to work at the belt of his sheath, needing something to fidget with to expel some of this nervous energy.
His heart slams in his chest just being in your presence. He never thought he’d find his mate, never thought it would be his High Lord’s little sister. Someone he’s grown up with and hadn’t looked at as more than a nuisance until the both of you had matured and he’d really seen you for who you are; beautiful and a lot more worthy than anything he can give you. 
Finding you lying in crimson spilt snow was his worst nightmare come true. Each breath was agony and his fingers trembled so hard that the sword he had gripped in firm fingers had fallen to the ground. If Tamlin and his family had still been at the scene Cassian wouldn’t have been able to fight them off, he would’ve gladly accepted his fate too, knowing in that moment that if he didn’t have you around, he didn’t want to be either.
But it hadn’t been until you kissed him that fateful night, when the Night Court had seized the lands they’d lost during the war, that Cassian realized just how much you meant. Long days and nights on the battlefield spent wielding weapons that cut lines through enemy armies, his mind never strayed from you. How you were faring, if you were injured or lying somewhere out on the bloodied field, alone and exhaling your last breath, so close to losing you again.
It terrifies him, the idea of losing something so important not only to him, but to your brother, to the court. 
“It is as simple as that, Cassian,” you argue, “You could’ve just talked to me at any point, instead of running away like a child.”
“You don’t understand,” he chokes, throat tight.
“Then help me understand!” Your chest heaves, cheeks red with frustration. Why won’t he talk to you? Why won’t he tell you what’s going on in that thick head of his? Why is running away from you so much easier than it is to stay?
“I’d rather have my wings torn from my back than to come so close to losing you again!”
Your mouth parts, words caught in your throat. Your chest aches with a thousand wounds as you stare up at him. Cassian’s chest heaves, hazel eyes sparkling with unshed tears. You haven’t seen him looking anything close to this since you’d woken up after the incident and he was by your bedside, begging the Mother to let you stay.
But Cassian continues, now that the words have started spilling. “You’re…you’re the High Lord’s sister,” he argues, but it’s weak. He’s trying to convince himself, you realize. He won’t look at you, wringing his fingers together nervously. “And I’m just…me.”
“Oh, Cassian,” you coo, reaching out with a hand to caress his face, to tilt his head to meet your gaze, but he pulls away. “You’re the Lord of Bloodshed,” he scoffs at the title, “One of the High Lord’s Inner Circle, but most of all, you’re mine.”
Something breaks in him at your claim. His body slams into yours so fast you can’t prepare. Large, rough hands cup your cheeks and eager lips meet yours as Cassian backs you into the wall.
It takes your mind a moment to catch up, but when he grunts against your lips you snap into motion. Wrapping your arms around his neck to keep him pulled close, you move your mouth against his. It’s hot and desperate. Your teeth brush against his but the feelings quickly replaced with his tongue swooping against yours as it delves into your mouth to explore.
You meet him, keening with pleasure at the touch. His body shudders and his knees nearly give out, relaxing his body weight into you. It’s comfortable, not at all drowning, it’s everything you’ve been wanting for so long, finally within your reach.
Your bond thrums happily in your chest and you can swear you hear his purring. His cock is heavy in his pants and you shiver at the feeling of it pressed into your body. You’ve fantasized about that cock.
Cassian feels like coming home. Like waking up from the longest nap in the world. You haven’t forgiven him, not in the slightest, but his silken hair feels like heaven as you rip the tie from the back of his head. His muscles feel like opening the most precious Starfall gift, rippling beneath your nails as you rake them down his body.
He groans, hands just as desperate to touch. They slide down your sides in a possessive manner, over the round of your ass and beneath your thighs as he grips tightly and lifts you into his arms with the ease of a warrior.
You curse against his mouth and he swallows it greedily, cock swelling in his tight leathers.
“Say it again,” he breathes against your lips.
“What?” you ask, dazed. You angle your head away but he doesn’t let you go far, trailing kisses beneath your ear to keep you close.
“Say that I’m yours again,” he pleads, and you gasp when he bucks his hips against yours as he walks. “Mine, Cassian,” you moan, digging your fingers into his hair once more. “You are mine.”
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