#i was not expecting that dress
blackjackkent · 7 months
Another visit from the dream guardian.
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In the past, when she has called him into the Astral Plane in his dreams, it has felt like a peaceful interlude, a moment of respite from the chaos of the waking world.
Something has changed, though. The pocket dimension is no longer placid. There is an impressive, almost inaudible thumping hum at the bottom of his hearing range. His skin tingles. There is an uncomfortable feeling of anticipation, like a nail waiting for the hammer-blow.
The guardian is standing nearby, watching as he wakes. She is not in her usual armor, but instead a short, pale lavender dress. She looks inexpressibly tired; her eyes sunken into her head, jutting jaw twisting her lips into a harsh frown.
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"The voice of the Absolute is stronger here," she says quietly without preamble. "I don't know how much longer I can resist it."
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A pause; then she lifts her head and musters a weary smile. "But it's good to see you're making progress."
With visible effort, she takes a few steps to turn and sit beside him on the ground, looking out at the endless sea of stars surrounding them.
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"You took an unexpected route here," she goes on, a bit more conversationally. "You did a brave thing, saving those people in the grove."
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Hector lifts one shoulder and lowers it again. "It wasn't even a choice," he mutters. "They needed my help."
Again she smiles slightly. "Not everyone would have helped."
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She flinches, inhales sharply with sudden pain, then hisses the breath out like an unspoken curse.
"It just doesn't stop," she groans. "We are being bombarded by waves of telepathic energy. Wave after wave with hardly a breath between them. I almost dare not rest..." The pain seems to ease slightly, and she goes on with less effort, "Each wave...a new set of orders to the infected." A pause, and then she adds grimly, "The order for *your* transformation has been given many times already."
Hector feels a chill shiver down his spine. So it is not only a threat, but a certainty, held only at bay by this woman, whoever she truly is. "My transformation?" he asks hollowly.
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She nods. "Yes. But the orders are oddly...erratic, as if the Absolute cannot make up its mind. I don't fully understand."
Well, if you don't, I certainly don't, Hector thinks sardonically.
"In any case," she goes on. "the Absolute knows you carry me with you now. It wants to retrieve me."
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"Why does the Absolute want you?" Hector asks. At this point, he doesn't expect a clear answer - but he still hopes against hope that she will give him something concrete to explain the field of safety she is still able to weave around him and his companions.
She hesitates, then shakes her head and pushes herself to her feet with a grunt of effort.
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"I am the only one who can resist the Absolute's influence. Hence its fear of me, its desperation. Unfortunately, that also means it is dedicating more and more resources to my retrieval."
She looks down at him with sudden intensity. "The task ahead is monumental. But we're all that stands between victory for the Absolute and freedom for all. This is not just about you and I anymore. It has become far bigger than us."
Hector swallows. It is difficult enough to think about his own little problems, the threat of abduction, transformation, death...but to know that their actions affect the safety of so many others as well...
Selune help me...what if I can't do it? What if I fail?
"You must infiltrate Moonrise Towers," the guardian says. She recites it like a litany, their only creed, as if either of them could have forgotten the destination that lies ahead. "Discover the secrets of the Absolute and put an end to it, so we can finally be free."
Her shoulders sag, and her eyes drift half-shut. Hector feels reality going grey at the edges as the dream begins to fade back into the emptiness of sleep. "Now I must rest," she says, her voice following him back into the dark. "And you must carry on. Do not let my efforts be in vain."
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spookberry · 1 month
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Rip to that dutch bro barista im sorry i made the small talk awkward
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noxious-fennec · 1 year
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Tntduo in 1920's dresses galore (+ regular designs cus I couldn't resist)
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crystalliumdaisy · 2 months
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redesigning star dresses part 2!
part 1
notes and individuals are below!
virgo ~
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- really wanted to step away from that sexy maid aesthetic. my goal was to mix maid with a princess silhouette to reference virgo’s nickname for lucy.
- so i added elements of cinderella’s look like the side fabrics, choker and longer dress.
- using just black is so boring so i brought in some pink and chose to instead use greys
- so many lucy dresses have pigtails so changing the hair also has a more practical element because it’s pulled away.
~ scorpio
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- I actually love the og scorpio dress. It’s so different to all the other looks and so easy to distinguish that it’s scorpio.
- i wanted to play into a trackstar / athlete look just so it has an aesthetic that stands out. i also used shapes found in scorpios tail and neck frill in her armour and top.
- i absolutely love the new hair, i wanted it to resemble a scorpion tails! Also just was bored by the normal head band and u know what why not do a cutest bow.
~ sagittarius
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- my least fav og dress is is sag. the colour, the lack of shade range and the outfit is just…. yer not cute.
- so i was inspired by more fantasy archers and sag’s colours are screaming cool earthy ranger.
- i think the final result much better resembles sag in the colours and aesthetic.
~ capricorn
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- this luxus bad girl moment and i love it. The og one is pretty good but i wanted to fully push it more.
- there’s strands of hair coming out of her bun to resemble horns and belt to resemble a tail.
- the og design is too black so i went with a darker purple to stand out. I didn’t want virgo and capricorns to look like a matching set.
~ aquarius
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- there was a lot of pressure to do aquarius well because it’s significant star dress, a fan favourite and my own star sign!
- i leaned more in the mermaid aesthetic by using more fin silhouettes and pearl detailing
- i wanted to make it more practical so a more supported bikini and mini skirt under the fin like fabric.
~ full set
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i’m so super proud of these designs and i’ve actually seen an improvement in my art. Maybe in the future i’ll do a piece with all of them or do yukinos dresses so lmk if ur into that.
if ur looked this far ty so much for reading all my notes xxx
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homiu-l · 1 year
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Some mumbs requests for twitter folks!
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chellodello · 9 months
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I just think that there should be more stories about them crashing fancy space parties.
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swati-art · 1 year
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Funky hedgehog
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sonyy-angel · 11 months
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🎶 this barbie just wants to have fun 🎶
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khaopybara · 6 months
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Walk Walk, Fashion Baby Pt. 1
An appreciation post for Ray's impeccable fashion style just because I deeply miss him these days
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commsroom · 5 months
eiffel and lovelace have approximately 80% similar personal styles, which would delight him and horrify her. like, tank tops, cargo shorts, flannel jacket, same kind of old sneakers and sandals, etc. lovelace's fashion sense is just a little sportier; some basketball shorts, jerseys, and new york liberty logo tanks in place of eiffel's walmart discount rack selection of pop culture tees. that kind of thing. if hera could dress the way she wanted to, she'd have a very... folk festival woman at a farmer's market type of vibe. colorful, flowy, nature-y patterns. but minkowski is so much harder to imagine in casual clothing. a big part of it is how much she's separated her work life from her personal life, but even then... she just feels like someone who is practical about it to a fault. she doesn't dress badly, she's always put together, she just dresses. kind of like a mom in an old navy catalog.
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autumnblooms · 9 months
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Super quick Mountain to shake some rust off
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medys-space · 11 months
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Bishops in dresses + barbie leshy✨
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cowardlykrow · 2 days
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“don’t lose it now, old boy.”
With @ratb4stard3
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there is a difference between “parentification” wherein you abdicate your fundamental responsibility to raise your younger children into well-rounded souls,
and older siblings doing the
basic, ancient sibling duty
of looking after their younger siblings
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shittyjakeenglish · 8 months
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Day 38
a welldeserved nap after a long night of extensive trickortreating and general mischief! but im sure if any of them were awake, the first thing theyd tell you would be: HAPPY HALLOWEEN !!!
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yk there's a lot of talk about the way merlin is practically a god but lives as an unassuming servant, and seeing this surprises druids/other magic users. i wanna see kind of the same thing happen to arthur with the people of his kingdom. we know arthur so intimately, from merlin's pov, but i wanna see him as a living legend. stories of his valor spreading across land, blown out of proportion and missing details. “the prince slayed the great dragon and gifted its head to the king!” “some say the goddess blessed him when he was born, when she took the queen back. how else does one survive an attack by a questing beast?” “he held out his hand and the sword stuck in solid stone flew to him! iwan says meredith’s aunt saw it herself!” “the word has come, king arthur defeated annis’ champion—a giant of a man!” old men discussing arthur’s policies, comparing them with those of previous rulers, and being glad that it's him on the throne “finally, a good fucking king.” people having faith that their ruler is generous and fair and can be approached in times of need, and having the comforting knowledge that he would do his best to help because that's what he did with the other village last year! young boys dreaming to join his army and young girls daydreaming about a fairy tale ending with him (or vice versa, obv). just... arthur of his people.
what I'm saying is i want an outsider pov character study of arthur pendragon king of camelot. hope that helps
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