#i was not expecting the level of how pissed she was (she hung up on me)
lilyaceofdiamonds · 1 year
The sentence ‘my mother is pissed at me because i refuse to quit my retail job so i can fly to [redacted state] for christmas and when i said they could come to my state she said they had already bought tickets’ is just. How does that even sound real.
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nina pt. 2
Nina walked back to her mom's trailer and found her mother, father, and brother Paul. Paul was unloading the last of the supplies their dad had brought, and moments later he was saying goodbye. They'd see him at the end of the week.
Nina didn't officially have any work to do that day, so she hung around the cabin and read and then sat by the water for a few hours, mostly napping. That night she had dinner with her mom, Paul, Cassie, and Evan.
It was hot in the cabin that night. It always was, but it took some getting used to. she slept fitfully, sweating through her shorts and tanktop.
In the morning, she woke up and looked across the room. Cassie, she was surprised to see, had slept on top of her covers in just a pair of panties. Her breasts were fully exposed, and Paul was already awake and talking to her, sitting on his bed. Nina tried, as usual, to stifle her surprise.
"You guys want to go get stoned down by the river?" Cassie offered. Nina was still stifling her initial surprise about the toplessness, but then had to again as Nina casually slipped off her underwear and began to put on her bikini in front of Paul. So we just get naked in here now? Nina thought to herself. They'd used to change in the tiny bathroom, or the outdoor shower enclosure. That was clearly a thing of the past, and as if to confirm that, Paul was now pulling off his boxers and rifling through his suitcase for a bathing suit. Nina caught a glimpse of his cock, but mostly just saw his pale ass. She took her own bathing suit into the bathroom to change.
That evening, in the pitch dark, Nina awoke to giggling sounds across the room. In the morning, she assumed she'd dreamt it.
One sure sign of Nina's new level of trust and autonomy as a 16 year old, she discovered, was that her mother smoked openly in front of her now. She'd typically be out in front of the trailer early every morning, smoking and making coffee in a sports bra and jean shorts. Nina sometimes came by and they'd chat, before Uncle Evan was even out of bed. One such morning, Evan stumbled out, and didn't seem to see Nina there, and thus unceremoniously pulled out his dick in full view of Nina's mother and pissed in the woods. Nina looked at her mom, looking at Evan, and giggled. "Oh good morning," he said, putting his cock in his boxers as he regarded Nina. "Sorry about that." "It's fine," she said. "I've seen dicks."
"How many?" her mom asked, incredulous.
Nina just laughed.
That evening, something woke Nina again. She ignored it.
The next morning, she was outside using the outdoor shower. It was something Evan had rigged up years ago -- it was connected to a transparent tank on the back roof of the cabin. Sunlight heated the water that automatically refilled from a hose on the other end. Even first thing in the morning, the water was pretty hot. There was virtually no water pressure, which didn't do Nina's hair any favors, so she just never washed it, all summer long.
Anyway, she was washing her body under the hot trickle of water when the stained-glass bathroom door opened and Paul poked his head out. "There are some college kids on campsite 40," he said. "Cassie and I are gonna make friends. You in?"
"A little privacy?" Nina said, covering her breasts. Paul laughed. "Oh relax," he said. "Don't forget to shave your pussy." He closed the window.
Paul and Cassie's plan for befriending the college kids was simple: they walked over and offered them weed. Naturally, this worked, and Nina, Cassie, and Paul spent the day at their campsite, taking little trips to the river and on hikes in different small groups.
Most of them seemed to be couples. Nina enjoyed watching them interact. But there was at least one unattached girl and one unattached boy, who seemed interested in Paul and Cassie, respectively. Nina wasn't bothered by this. She was 16. She'd expected to be the wingman. And in the afternoon, when she and Paul went for a walk with Kate, the unattached girl, who was 20 years old, Nina found herself naturally talking up Paul, what a good brother he was, whatever. It was easy. They took Kate to this great overlook they'd found when they were preteens, and Nina looked out at the landscape while Paul and Kate made out.
When Kate told Nina to walk down to the path to be a lookout, she did so willingly. She stood about 15 yards away, behind a tree. When she first peeked out, Kate was topless, sitting in Paul's lap. When she looked back again a few moments later, Kate had Paul's erect penis in her hand, stroking it as she spoke to him. Nina couldn't hear what she was saying. She watched the way her hand traveled up and down his shaft. Nina was too far away to determine if Paul was impressive in size. And then Kate was on top of him, her skirt still on, but it was clear what was happening under there. Nina found herself thinking that Kate was being too active -- bouncing on Paul at hyper speed. Can that really feel like anything? She wondered. With Joe, she'd spent some time on top of him, moving slowly, and she could tell from Joe's face that it felt just as good for him as it did for her.
And then the girl was pulling off, and Nina looked away, and moments later she and Paul were fully dressed and heading back down the path, right past Nina. She followed sheepishly.
"You guys FUCKED?" Cassie was mock-scandalized. They were back at their own cabin. It was late. They were all drunk and stoned. "She was so tight," Paul said.
"I'm jealous," Cassie said. "I gave Tommy a sloppy blowjob but was like, so drunk he was barely hard."
"Skill issue," Paul said. "I can get hard no matter how drunk I am."
"Prove it," Cassie said.
Paul laughed.
"Seriously, do it," she said.
"In front of Nina?"
"Didn't you tell me to relax when you saw me naked this morning?" Nina said playfully. "I'm relaxed."
So then Paul was defiantly standing up, pulling down his shorts, and starting to pull on his flaccid cock. Nina and Cassie watched intently.
He was rock hard pretty much immediately.
Nina was close enough now to be impressed. But she remained wryly skeptical on her face.
"I could cum right now and be hard again in five minutes," he said.
"I think you know we're going to ask you to prove that," Cassie said.
"I don't know," he said. "I feel pretty exposed and alone here."
Cassie took off her shirt. She looked at Nina. Nina shrugged,and did the same thing. She still had a bra on, but she took it off.
Paul grunted, and then began to rapidly stroke his cock. 30 seconds later, he was shooting his cum on the floor of the cabin. Nina looked at it sitting there. A little white, mostly translucent.
On her phone, Cassie set a timer for five minutes. Paul laid back on his bed, cock still out.
"What should we do while we wait?" Cassie said.
"You should jerk off," Paul said.
"I think it would take me longer than ten minutes to cum," Cassie said.
"Not me," Nina offered. "I can cum in like, 2 minutes."
Nina was a very active masturbator. At home, with a room of her own, she did it three times a day. In the morning, after school, and before bed. At camp she only ever did it in the shower. Paul had nearly caught her that morning. "Prooooove itttt," Cassie dared. Nina reached into her shorts and started to touch herself. "Oh wow," Cassie said. Paul looked over at Nina touching herself and smiled. Nina closed her eyes and had a quick, efficient clitoral orgasm. She sighed, and licked her fingers. Cassie applauded. Paul turned to show them that he was hard again.
"OK," Cassie said. "You win. The guy from Site 40 was a loser. You should just fuck me instead."
Paul cackled. They went to bed.
The next day, they were back with the kids at Site 40. They smoked weed and drank wine all day, so much so that Nina passed out for a while, and woke in one of the couples' tents. She didn't remember being moved there, and when she stumbled to her feet, the girl, the blondest and most hippie-ish girl, gave her a bottle of water. It was getting dark, and she told Nina she'd come back to get her because they were having a fire down by the river.
When Nina arrived, the first thing she clocked was Paul and the girl from yesterday making out heavily on a towel. Cassie was similarly ensconced in the arms of her unimpressive man, and the two of them were watching one of the other couples, a lanky boy and a cute, short brunette girl, splash water at each other, standing naked in the river. "It's so cold," the girl was saying. She had almost a full bush. Nina thought it looked sophisticated.
The girl who'd woken Nina in the tent, her name was Ellie, at least Nina was pretty sure, Ellie was bringing her over to her boyfriend, Josh, and Josh gave Nina a beer. She sat with them as it got dark and chatted. Ellie was very curious about Nina, asking lots of questions. At one point, Nina was so absorbed in the conversation that she nearly missed that Paul and the girl were fucking on the beach in front of everyone. Cassie was watching intently.
Nina looked at Ellie and rolled her eyes. "That's my brother," she said. Ellie giggled. "That's my sister on top of him."
Nina felt like an idiot as she looked back and forth between the girls and realized they were twins. Ellie had longer hair and was more tan, but those were the major differences.
"Is that weird for YOU?" Nina asked Josh.
Josh laughed. "They have different bushes. Makes it easier."
The girl on top of Sean had a trimmed, shaped triangle.
Nina somewhat involuntarily looked quizzically at Ellie, who yanked down the front of her bikini to reveal a tight landing strip.
"Show us yours" Ellie said.
Nina pulled her bikini aside, which she felt was a sluttier gesture, to show them her pale shaved cunt. Josh whistled in appreciation.
"Can I touch it?" Ellie asked, already reaching.
Nina allowed it. Ellie's touch was tender and precise -- immediately touching Nina's clit. Nina gave a little yelp of pleasure.
Ellie was pushing apart the corner of Nina's labia, looking admiringly at her. "If we go back to your cabin with you," She offered. "Can we fuck you?"
Nina nodded.
Her legs shook on the walk back. Her second time having sex was going to be a threesome?
Once inside, Ellie and Josh quickly got naked. Josh's cock was very red and kind of thin but not unpretty. They moved Nina's bed and got on either side of it, laying her down on it and getting her out of her bikini. "I really want to taste you," Ellie said.
She put her mouth between Nina's legs, and Nina bit her lip to keep herself from moaning too loud. She'd never had oral sex before, and Ellie felt practiced in the art. She convulsed on the bed. Josh had his hands on Nina's face, and soon had his thumb in her mouth. She sucked at it eagerly, desperate to please. She watched his hard red cock twitch, out of focus in her field of vision because his arm was kind of in the way. She looked over at Ellie now, looking up from her cunt in a satisfied way. "Go get a condom babe," she told Josh. "This little whore is good to go."
Being called a whore stung Nina a little. She tried to get over it as Josh got on his knees between her legs. Ellie pulled Nina's legs open more. It felt less like a threesome and more like Ellie capturing and bringing a reward home for this creature in her care. Josh pushed his cock into Nina's pussy, and Nina gasped as her body accepted him.
"You like getting fucked?" Ellie asked her, pulling on her hair.
"Y-yes?" Nina said.
"Good girl," Ellie said. "You're so fucking pretty."
Ellie was touching herself, pretty frantically, and was almost holding on to Nina's head for balance or something. Ellie closed her eyes and kept them closed for a while, not watching as her boyfriend thrusted away between Nina's legs.
Nina tried to lock in and pay attention to Josh, tried to feel his cock, but she was drunk and distracted by Ellie, who was now moaning emphatically as she either had an orgasm or was working desperately to finish one. Josh pulled out, pulled the condom off, and sprayed his cum on Nina's pussy and stomach without asking. Ellie yelped a few more yelps, bouncing up and down on her knees, and then stopped. They both grinned at Nina on the bed and got up immediately.
They dressed quickly, said "thanks" to Nina, and left. Nina laid there on the bed, which had been moved to the middle of the room, with cum on her stomach and a condom stuck to her thigh, naked and cold.
Cassie came in seconds later. "Losers," she said. She looked at Nina, still stunned and sprayed and splayed on the bed. "Hit and run?" she asked.
"Yes?" Nina said.
"Losers," Cassie said.
She was stripping, unceremoniously as usual, and put on a sweatshirt, nothing else, and plopped down into Paul's bed.
"Will you turn off the lights when you clean up?" Cassie asked.
"Sure," Nina said.
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quitealotofsodapop · 3 months
TMKATI though
IN Noodles or Death, I imagine Wu was the one to discover Pigsy's disappearance. And once they get Tang and Pigsy back, learn how they got into Spider Queen's web to begin with, and made sure eavesdropping little ears are safely away... he definitely let's his adopted parents have it. That ENTIRE scenario was far too much like the most obvious traps the Pilgrims used to fall for, the only saving grave being that at least it wasn't Tang who was fooled but really he had expected better of Pigsy!
Oh Wukong/Wu would be pissed to be getting his adoptive dads out of the Spider Queen's grasp.
He realises that something is mega-off when neither Pigsy nor Tang are at the restaurant when he goes to open for the day. MK is worried too and mentions the market... Wu tells his son not to worry and decides to go ahead to look for them.
Wukong texts Macaque that he needs his ears for a moment.
Pigsy and Tang argue inside the Spider Queen's lair - mostly Tang being a jealous husband and Pigsy apologizing for getting lured in by the spider demon's charm.
Suddenly, a very upset monkey demon busts through the floor! Another monkey with six lotus-shaped ears waves from the street-level hatch.
Spider Queen is confused af, who's these monkeys? Holy shit she recognises that chubby monkey man!
Spider Queen: "Man, what happened to you?" Wukong, wearing his restaurant clothes and crocs: "Had kids." Spider Queen: "Ah. Understandable."
The Spider Queen still manages to grab a few hairs off of Wukong from where he brushed up against some webs, so she still has her plans in motion.
Wukong and Macaque get back to the restaurant, tells MK there was "just a hold up at the market" (mostly so he wouldn't freak out over spiders), and promptly starts chewing Tang and Pigsy out.
Wukong: "Now thats out of the way; What. Is. The. Matter. With. You!?" Tang: "I know! I told him something was off!" Wukong: "You're not getting out of this Tang! You know how many times I had to save Master's ass from demons!? If you were really suspicious - you would have hung back and called the cops when Pigsy went in! And seriously boss!? A flirty spider demon?! That's literally a trope in horror novels now! I can't believe you fell for it!" Macaque, laughing to himself: "I can."
Wukong proceeded to yell at his adoptive dads for the next hour until it was time for the lunch rush.
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bridgertonbabe · 2 years
Another note on the Strictly Come Dancing AU I will never write; in the semi-finals Anthony and Sophie perform this rumba:
Kate is still trying to deny her feelings for Anthony but as she watches the sizzling performance she can’t help but want him, wishing she could throw caution to the wind and make her feelings known to him (and after watching the sensual dance, Kate lowkey muses that if she had to invite another person into bed with her and Anthony it would have to be Sophie because hot damn). 
Meanwhile Kate’s been on Anthony’s mind ever since they slept together and every time he dances with Sophie he imagines he’s dancing with Kate in order to capture the passion between him and his partner for their performances. Their rumba is no exception and as he dances with Sophie he can’t stop picturing how Kate’s long legs would look in the black dress Sophie’s wearing, and as his hands skim Sophie’s hips he grows heated just wishing it was Kate’s hips he was touching instead. The performance leaves tongues wagging about the intensity and intimate nature of his dynamic with Sophie, and Anthony has to bite his tongue to not blurt out on live television that for everyone’s information the chemistry was only electric because he was thinking about a different professional dancer while he danced with Sophie. 
Also at this point, Sophie and Benedict had been seeing each other for a week, having been on the one date but messaging all around the clock and on the phone to each other constantly when she wasn’t rehearsing for the show with Anthony. Benedict had been pissed not to be in the audience for the semi-finals as there were only so many seats allocated for the contestants friends and family and this week it was Simon and Daphne who got to watch the show live in the studio, while he was stuck having to watch at home instead. As Sophie and Anthony performed their rumba, Benedict’s brother was completely out of his mind as all he could focus on was Sophie, how devastatingly irresistible she looked and how incredibly she danced the sultry number. He was in awe, pinching himself to remember that this was the woman he was dating; that this was the woman who returned his affection and very much wanted to date him. He rewatched the performance over and over again, utterly captivated by Sophie’s movements and wishing he got to dance with her instead of his brother (and also wishing he was any bit as good a dancer as Anthony to be able to meet Sophie on her level). 
He wasn’t expecting to be able to see her until after the final the following week, knowing how exhausted she’d be and how little time she would have to spend with him in the run-up to such a massive show. It was well past midnight when Benedict decided to turn in but before he could crawl into bed his phone rang and Sophie was on the other end. Immediately he asked if they were through to the finals (as the Sunday evening results show was filmed later on on Saturday night), even though he knew full well what the answer would be. Sophie excitedly confirmed the news and Benedict told her how proud he was of her and just how incredible her dancing and choreography was, enthusing just how enthralled he had been with her performance. In the middle of his glowing review there was a knock at the door and still waxing lyrical he opened the door to his flat only to find Sophie standing there with her phone pressed against her ear, beaming radiantly at him and he trailed off in shock, not having anticipated to find her on his doorstep. They hung up and Sophie surged forward and kissed him. As soon as she was in his arms he flung the door shut and clutched her tightly to him. In between kisses she confessed he was all she had thought about all week, how it was him she imagined dancing with, how badly she had missed seeing him in person, and how much she craved him. He stripped her of her coat, then her jumper, and then he rid himself of his shirt before they stumbled their way onto the sofa, his bed being too far away with just how badly they needed each other. As they lost more and more items of clothing their passion intensified and Benedict couldn’t stop telling Sophie just how gorgeous she was, pulling her hand against his chest for her to feel how fast his heart was racing because of her, whispering her name like a prayer before they finally came undone together. It had never felt the way it had felt with Sophie and after an exhausting week she fell asleep tucked into his side, and as Benedict lay there holding her closely to him he knew she was all he would want for the rest of his life. 
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So I woke up at 3:30. I had therapy at 4:30. I went to cvs to get the mouthwash I have to drink. I'm going to start it tomorrow cause I have to do 4 doses every day and I can only do 3 today.
I talked to the owner at Plymouth glass. Yea they disputed it. She was a fucking cunt. She said the pre damage photos were the same. Well they fucking weren't and he broke it immediately before taking it lucky for him. She said sorry you feel that way. And I called her out and said that's not a real apology and she was like yes cause we didn't do it.
She basically called me a lair and I called her out and she was like I didn't say that but you just didn't notice it. Then she practically hung up on me
Now I'm waiting on progressive... I'm trying to get them off thr glass replacement list... cause that's all I can expect at this point... cause they are grimey and lie.
I bought super glue... cause now I have to glue it on place cause I'm poor... I would have seen it over in my glasses in my peripheral vision.
But now the best I'm going to get is it removed from glass replacement list. And I'm going to have a fucked up sun visor.
I'm fucking pissed.
I thought karma came around. I went to the gas station before I went to New Hampshire and the pump was prepaid. I was confused but I filled my tank. After swiping my car. I went in to get a receipt and a guy was there talking about how he paid for the wrong pump and cumbys was like sorry someone ran off with it we don't give away free gas. You're shit out of luck. And I decided to be a good person and I owned up to getting the, "free gas" and paid for the money I took.
3 days later a grimey technician rips my sun visor fabric and lies about and gets away with it.
Yea I thought about taking the free gas... until I saw the guy and how panicked he was. I couldn't live with myself. I thought about taking it bc I'm fucking poor. But once I saw him there was no fuckinf chance I could live with myself
I hate being a good person cause everyone else is such fucking shit. I do good things all the time. I get opportunities like the gas often and I do the right thing.
What do I get for it?
1) psychosis and a shitty therapist who didn't notice hearing a voice wasn't normal
2) my car getting ripped and the damage being covered up with one cunt of a owner
3) being eternally lonely with nothing to do
4) ocd attacks on the regular making my psychosis even worse
5) a voice that never shuts up
6) nothing to do on a Saturday night
7) holes in my boxers.
8) oh yeah I'm getting fatter I'm a 200 pounder now. And if I have to take thyroid meds bc psychosis doesn't go away I'm going to be a 250 pound fat ass with diabetes. Cause I'm fucking 5'4. Oh yeah and my new therapist sent me a link about autoimmune disorders... and psychosis and how treating the autoimmune disorder can erratic the voice... so the 250 pound round fat ass can finally have internal peace and be so fat and ugly no one would date him. Medication weight does not fall off when you stop it. Diabetes run rampant in my family.
9) I can't even enjoy one bo4 game but hey at least I'm leveling up right?
10) my birthday is in 2 weeks and I'm prob visiting Connor hearing happy birthday behind me the entire time.
I'm so fucking done
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skeezsbbygirl · 4 years
kiss it better + bang chan
hello lovelies! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
im back with another bang chan scenario <3 hope you guys enjoy this one!! (oh and tmt hit 1k+ notes ahhh thank you so much >.<, also i might be uploading a prince!chan fic soon, stay tuned sunshines)
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"Chris, baby, please."
It's been two hours, nearing three, since Chris decided to give you the silent treatment. The cause of your current suffering rooted from the events that took place last night.
A college friend of yours happened to be visiting the city, and what better way to celebrate a rare occasion than dressing up and going for a girl's night out with a bunch of your other friends. Chris happily agreed to let you go, he didn't need much convincing since he trusted you with everything and that included you getting home in one piece.
As the late hours of the night passed and shifted over to the wee hours of the morning, Chris grew worried, checking his phone for the nth time as he expected a call or text from you to reassure him that you were fine, or that you were at least still alive somewhere.
Fortunately, he managed to get a hold of your situation through one of your friends, credits to Jisung for grabbing her number that one time you guys set them up for a date.
"Hyung, she said that (y/n) got into a cab ten minutes ago," Jisung explained over the phone. "Her phone also died, so that's probably the reason why you haven't heard from her," he added.
"Alright, got it. Thanks, Ji."
Strike one.
Your drunk self thought that it was a good idea to call for a cab, even declining your girlfriend's offer to drive you home. You insisted that you were fine and that you would only derail their way home since your apartment's route leads to the opposite direction. So, in your semi-intoxicated state, you hopped into a cab and made your way home.
Strike two.
You came home last night, struggling to keep a certain level of sobriety. Heels in one hand and your clutch in the other. You weren't completely hammered, but it was still enough to piss Chris off as he took in your drunken state.
Strike three.
Nevertheless, Chris patiently took care of you. He helped you out of your clothes, took your makeup off for you, and tucked you in bed with him.
You could've gotten away with what happened, until your hungover self decided to betray you.
When Chris sat you down for breakfast, he managed to ease in the happenings of last night, carefully bringing it up as to not agitate you or make you feel like he's blaming you for going out and having fun.
He was just worried, especially having known that you went home all by yourself without even contacting him.
"Baby, you could've borrowed one of your friends' phone and asked me to come pick you up," Chris sighed as he reached out for your hand, placing his on top of yours, his fingers tracing circles on your skin.
"I know and I'm sorry, but can you just scold me later?" you said, your tone a little harsher than you intended it to be, probably due to the lingering headache and side effects of your drinks last night. You felt like your skull was being split into two and you just wanted to eat and recover in silence.
"Babe, I'm not scolding you. I was just-"
You cut Chris off. "Alright, I get it, you were worried but I took care of myself. So let's just argue later, yeah?" you snapped.
And you're out.
Upon hearing your reply, Chris' jaw clenched, visibly appearing offended and irritated. He retracted his hand from yours, opting to cross his arms over his chest.
You bit your tongue when the words you spat out finally settled in. It sounded wrong and you definitely shouldn't have said that. You readied yourself for the argument that was about to ensue, but nothing came.
That was all he said before he stood up and left.
Your eyes widened at the sudden realization that slapped you back into reality, the ugly outcome of your sudden outburst.
You were about to get up and follow Chris to apologize, however, the sudden throbbing pain in your head disabled you from getting out of your seat. Instead, you were forced to sit back down and wallow in guilt.
And that's how you ended up getting the silent treatment.
You left your boyfriend alone for a few hours, hoping that his anger would dissipate by the time that your hungover got better. But much to your dismay, he wasn't having it with you.
"Baby, can I come in?" you knocked on the door of Chris' home studio.
"Chris, baby, please," you tried again, but you were still met with silence. You let out a sigh as you ambled back towards the living room, deciding to just give him space and talk it out whenever he's ready.
Chris was naturally a forgiving person, a little tougher on his members, but a complete sweetheart when it comes to you. So when he gave you the silent treatment for the very first time that day, you didn't know what to do.
So, you waited.
A couple of hours passed, three and a half, now, to be exact, you heard Chris' door unlock. You immediately perked up at the sound, quickly scurrying on your feet to meet him.
"Chris, I'm sorry," you apologized with your head hung low, eyes on the ground, and fingers fiddling with the hem of your shirt.
Nothing. Nothing, but the cold breeze of Chris passing by, giving you no due attention. He sauntered towards the kitchen and opened the fridge, paying more attention to the cold food items that were displayed in front of him.
How you wish you were the half-eaten cheesecake now, huh?
Having enough with his torturous act, you were set on using the two tricks you had up your sleeves -- 1) faking an injury, as petty as that sounds, you were desperate, and 2) luring him with something he likes, be it an innocent gesture or a daring one, you would practically do anything at this point.
With your first plan in mind, you crept up behind him and positioned yourself near the edge of the marble kitchen island, placing your hip at the sharp corner so that it would appear as if you bumped against it.
From a third person's point of view, you probably looked stupid, scratch that, you did look stupid, but you were set on breaking Chris' silent streak.
"Ah!" you yelped in pain, hands quickly coming up to clutch your right side. You dropped on the ground, still maintaining your hold on your "injured" torso.
As soon as you cried out in pain, Chris hurried to your side.
"Baby, are you okay?" he asked with a worried expression plastered on his face. His cold demeanor immediately melting once he saw you clutching your side. "What happened, babygirl?" he crouched down to meet your level.
"I accidentally hit the edge of the counter," you said. "Come here, baby," Chris placed your arms around his neck as he scooped you up from the ground, carrying you bridal style towards the living room.
"Show me where it hurts, love," Chris ordered as he sat you down with him. He carefully moved you on his lap, making you straddle him.
"Right here," you pointed towards a random patch of skin on your right side. Chris placed his hand over the supposedly injured area, gently soothing it with the warmth that radiated from his palm.
Adding the icing on the cake, you hissed in pain as his hand came in contact with your skin. "Shh, it's okay, baby. I got you," Chris cooed as he planted a kiss on your cheek, in hopes of making you feel better.
He lifted your shirt up a bit, allowing him to inspect for any cuts or damage to your skin. "Do you want me to go get an ice pack?" Chris offered. "No, it's fine," you replied.
"Alright, just tell me if need anything," Chris responded as he leaned down to press a chaste kiss on your exposed skin, tugging your shirt back down as he pulled away.
You nuzzled your face into his neck, in an attempt to conceal the grin that was forming on your lips. Completely fooled by your actions, Chris continued rubbing your side as he whispered sweet nothings in your ear.
"Does it hurt anywhere else, baby?" Chris asked and you nodded. "Here," you pulled away from him and pointed towards your chest. He shot you a puzzled look, confused as to why your chest would hurt when you claimed that you bumped your side.
"Because I was trying to apologize to my boyfriend a couple of hours ago, but instead, he gave me the silent treatment," you pouted.
Chris bursted out in laughter as he heard your response.
"It's true. I followed him around like a lost puppy, but he locked himself inside his studio. Totally unfair and uncalled for," you continued and Chris shook his head in disbelief, his laughter coming to a stop as he calmed down.
"I could say the same thing about what happened last night," Chris challenged, raising one eyebrow at you.
"I'm sorry. I know I was being stupid. I should've called you or at least shot you a message from my friend's phone to let you know that I was coming home late. I just thought that if I called, I was going to end up bothering you, considering that it was such an ungodly hour," you explained, fiddling with the string of his hoodie.
"(Y/n), you could never be a bother to me," Chris said, "And did you honestly think that I could sleep knowing that you were out there?"
"I was so worried about you. Thank Jisung for having one of your friend's number because I was this close to losing it," Chris stated.
"I know. I'm really sorry," you pressed a kiss to his lips. "I promise I won't do it again, forgive me?" you added, pecking his lips once more.
"I can't stay mad at you," Chris let out a defeated sigh. "Of course. I forgive you, babygirl," he gave you a small smile.
You cheered and pulled him in for a hug, momentarily forgetting about your said injury.
"Do you feel better now?" Chris teased as he poked your sides, making you jolt in surprise. "Christopher!" you squealed, bursting in a fit of giggles as you realized that you've been caught red-handed.
Well, at least the intentions of your plan worked.
"You know what they say, desperate times call for desperate measures," you shrugged and Chris chuckled in amusement. He leaned in and gave you a kiss.
"You're lucky you're cute."
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asset35-maya · 3 years
I am sleepy but I gotta make a request before the busy tomorrow so 2 things on my mind! Sleepy and the 'oh my god they were roomates' vine xD with any characters and aus I love everything you write anyways xD Happy timezones and best vibes your way >^<!! 💖💞💕💕
Oh my god, they were roommates…
“The rental market in Detroit is absolute shit! How dare these bloodsuckers charge such high rates for the most under-developed properties! This city’s going to the dogs!”
“You have to pay your own weight in gold just to live in a shoebox for a year. Nonsense!”
“Are you even listening to me, Tina!
Goddamnit Tina!”
Gavin thumped his fist on her desk, but Tina’s eyes barely flicked up from her phone.
“Oh my god, you sound like my grandpa…”
Gavin turned red and his brain buzzed with a thousand colourful retorts. He was just about to pick one when Tina stopped scrolling and turned her phone screen towards him.
The suburban paradise for executive androids and humans alike. Located 25 minutes drive from downtown Detroit, with a full amenities.
Gavin’s eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. He balked at her.
“You’re joking? How could I possibly…?”
“Get with the times, boomer…”
Tina lazily skimmed her thumb over the screen. The webpage promised plenty of greenery, good infrastructure and modest but spacious rooms. The extremely reasonable price tag was Gavin’s dream come true. He’d spent weeks apartment hunting in the wake of an early lease termination by his cantankerous landlord. Gavin knew he’d never find a better deal.
“Shit, this is so good, T! Why the phck does it have to be in that- that place!”
His friend arched a sceptical eyebrow.
“What place?”
“The Tincan ghetto!”
Tina smacked him on the arm. None too gently.
“It’s subsided public housing located in an android-friendly estate… because they’re the ones that need it most right now. And frankly, you seem to be in just as much need, so you should really get off that high horse.”
“Fine, fine. You’re right. I should seriously consider this place, even if my neighbours are gonna have more in common with my car than me. But damn, it seems a little too good to be true. There’s probably some fine print, hidden costs that’ll come out later.”
“Hmm… let’s see…”
Tina scrolled further and then let out a half-laugh. She held her phone up again.
“Nothing shady about the rates, but there is something you should know…”
At the risk of being called old again, Gavin squinted at the screen and read aloud.
“Bearing in mind the founding principles of New Jericho, all human occupants may only apply for tenancy in co-habitation with at least one android citizen of the United States of- JESUS PHCKING CHRIST! Absolutely not! I am not going to live with a plastic prick!”
Gavin had to get through half a bottle of wine before he could bear to scroll through the rental listings. Unlike other humans who had happily moved into New Jericho with their android friends or partners, he had to find an android who was also looking for a flatmate.
Some listings came from ardent supporters of Markus. These were the androids who wanted to ease the post-revolution transition by reaching out to humans. Some listings were put up by the android equivalent of frat boys. These individuals were clearly looking for someone on the fringes of human society, someone who could show them a good (if not illegal) time.
Other posts came from eccentric androids who craved company but had likely been rejected by their own kind. Gavin felt a strange twisting sensation, almost like pity, when he came across a post written entirely in third person by someone called Ralph.
He had almost given up hope when he came across a simple little listing for a two bedroom apartment in Cyberscalia.
RK900 #313 248 317 - 87: Seeking a neat, self-sufficient co-renter. Human or android, no preference. I spend most of my time working and will be out of your way for the better part of the day. I only ask for silence during my nighttime stasis cycles, timely payment of dues and upkeep of cleanliness.
Gavin sighed in relief.
“Your room is the first door on the left, mine is the second. The bathroom, laundry and kitchenette are shared, as is the living room. I scarcely find use for the latter, so you need not worry about my intruding on any of your social gatherings, or vice versa. As long as you adhere to the terms of the agreement, our paths will not cross much.”
The tall, stiff-necked android dropped a set of keys, both mechanical and digital, into Gavin’s open palm.
“Er thanks.. RK… sorry I forgot your full model number…”
“You may call me Nines. Although, I’d rather you didn’t call me much of anything. Now if you’ll excuse me.”
In a swish of black fabric, the android turned on his heel and disappeared into his room. Two rapid clicks indicated the shutting and locking of his door.
Gavin sighed and looked around the open-plan living room. It was nothing fancy, but it was far beyond any of the other properties he’d viewed in weeks of unsuccessful house-hunting.
He sat down on the simple black couch with a huff and contemplated his situation. He’d ended up where he’d truly never expected to go, but objectively speaking, things were good… barring the high-handed manner of his robot flatmate, but who gave a shit about that.
He pulled out his phone to text Tina his thanks.
“I can’t! I refuse to! It is a violation of my personal ethics and I will simply not take this assignment any further. Good day to you sir!”
Gavin nearly dropped his bowl of cereal one morning when his roommate burst out of his door and rushed into the open balcony.
He hadn’t seen Nines in days, which was perfectly normal. The android came and went at odd hours and made hardly any noise. It was almost like living alone. The only reminder of Nines’ presence was the sight of several dark shirts and trousers regularly hung out to dry on the rack above the washing machine.
Gavin set his bowl down and watched the android tightly grip the bars of the railing and take several unnecessary breaths to calm down. He’d seen deviant colleagues express emotion many times before, but this was the first time he witnessed such a potent mixture of rage and sorrow from a synthetic being.
Out of empathy, but mostly curiosity, Gavin approached cautiously.
“Hey Nines… is everything alright…?”
There was no response for several moments. Then Nines turned around with a grimace and hands held upwards in a placating gesture.
“I apologise for the disturbance. It was hypocritical of me to disrupt the very peace and quiet I demand of you.”
“Uh… no worries…? Are you okay?”
There was a flash of steel blue eyes.
Gavin kicked himself mentally as he realised too late that he’d broached uncharted territory. Their interactions didn’t extend beyond curt nods on the rare occasion they found each other in the same space. It was almost as if Nines engineered the lack of contact, which wouldn’t surprise Gavin at all if it were the case.
“I’m fine. I merely experienced some frustration with my work.”
Perhaps it was boredom, perhaps it was his usual lack of self-preservative instinct… Gavin threw caution to the winds.
“What do you actually do?”
Nines’ expression remained stoic but his LED went through a spectacular series of colours and flashes. His next words were reluctant.
“I’m a private investigator.”
“Oh shit! I’m actually a cop.”
Gavin pointed dumbly at himself and then let his hand drop when he saw absolutely no surprise cross the android’s face.
“I know. That’s why I let you stay with me.”
“For safety?”
“Certainly not for your fashion sense.”
“Wow okay, I didn’t think I’d be much protection for a big scary droid like you.”
Nines hummed dismissively and started to move out of the balcony, body language fully indicating the end of the conversation.
Unable to help himself for some strange reason, Gavin blurted out another ill-advised question.
“What pissed you off so much?”
Nines paused halfway through side-stepping the human. A thrill went through Gavin at the shards of ice he observed for the first time up close in Nines’ irises.
“If I tell you, will you promise to stop asking pointless questions?”
Gavin nodded earnestly, and frankly… rather foolishly.
“I helped a client gather evidence to initiate divorce proceedings on the grounds of infidelity. I provided ample photo and video evidence for his lawyers to work with. Now they want me to keep following the spouse to capture more details that could gear any future settlement in his favour.”
“So what’s your problem?”
“They’re offering me an incredible amount of cash to follow her 24/7. To stake out her workplace, her gym, her parent’s home. They want me to crouch under the window of the bedroom where her children sleep. I can do a lot of things, but not that. It’s deeply insulting that they even asked. That’s why I was so… pissed.”
Nines slipped past and was nearly back to his bedroom when Gavin spoke.
“I respect that.”
“I didn’t ask.”
“I know, but for real though, I think ethics are important in our line of work. Not just because of we need morals or a sense of right or wrong blablabla, but because we need… clarity.”
Silence floated through the hallway as Nines paused with a hand on his doorframe.
“Yeah, like a sense of direction. We don’t just take cases right-left-centre because they make us money. I mean, we could, and people do… but they never become specialists or experts of any kind. You gotta strategise if you want a career. Ethics helps with that. I think…”
Gavin wasn’t sure what made him say any of that. He was neither one for small talk, nor a man of many words… but something about Nines prompted that unusual level of introspective discourse.
“Sorry that was weird. Never mind.”
“That was actually… very astute.”
Their eyes met and Gavin could’ve sworn he saw the hint of a smile.
“It’s good to see that not all humans are as one-dimensional as I thought.”
The door clicked shut, but there was no locking sound.
Since the morning of Nines’ uncharacteristic outburst, the frequency of their encounters in the common areas of the apartment increased. Wordless nods became hellos, and hellos eventually became full sentences.
Not that he’d admit it, Gavin actually looked forward to enquiring about the android’s day and the cases he was working on. It was utterly fascinating to hear about legal investigations without the constraints of police procedure.
For his part, Nines would share as much as he had the patience to, before disappearing into the confines of his room. Though the time he spent outside steadily increased every day.
Another morning, while Gavin was making his coffee, Nines emerged from his room, still in his pyjamas and looking as livid as he had the time before. Gavin had never seen him in anything but crisply ironed businesswear. Before he could voice any concern, Nines stiffly asked Gavin to keep a lookout for a homicide suspect.
He nodded and immediately reached for his phone to text the sergeant on duty at his station. By midday, there was an arrest.
That evening, when Gavin settled in front of the TV with his usual glass of wine, he heard the familiar sound of Nines’ door opening. The couch dipped beside him.
“Thank you.”
“Just did my job. I should thank you for the tip.”
Gavin chanced a glance at his roommate, and found him looking right back.
“Nothing… I just had the realisation that much of my work is impotent without the authority and means to take any kind of action.”
The sitcom began to play and Gavin thumbed the remote to reduce the volume.
“Takes all kinds to keep the streets clean. PIs can do things cops can’t. We rely on guys like you for intel all the time, you know.”
“I know.”
No words were exchanged for a while thereafter. Gavin found himself unable to focus on the TV show with all the brooding energy emanating from his right.
“If you feel like being a private eye doesn’t make enough of a difference, then why didn’t you… um… you know…”
“Join law enforcement?”
“Plenty of my fellow androids have done so. I know for a fact that my predecessor model chose to remain there. You might know him.”
“Connor? Yes. Very annoying.”
“He is, isn’t he?”
“Totally. But why didn’t you join too? You’d be brilliant on the Force.”
“My skillset is certainly well-suited, but I didn’t want to become another puppet of the state.”
Gavin really didn’t know what to say to that. He nodded uncertainly and looked back at the television. He wasn’t sure why Nines was suddenly this social.
“What are you… watching?”
Androids could scan and detect just about anything in the world, so there had to be something else to the question. Gavin, strangely, was happy to oblige.
Nines made an appearance every evening, without fail. He would sit through the TV shows if they were of interest, or he would bring his case material and notes to the coffee table to work in silence beside Gavin.
Sometimes Gavin liked to work on jigsaw puzzles on the dining table. Nines would sit beside him, pretending to read a paperback novel, but actually scanning the puzzle and passing the right pieces over from time to time.
Against all odds, an evening ritual and a tentative friendship developed. It was simple, but it was warm. Comfortable. Like nothing Gavin had ever had before, even with humans.
He awoke one morning with a slight crick in his neck but the feeling of being very well-rested.
His eyes flickered open and fell upon the window. Familiar greenery came into view… but wait… had everything slightly shifted to the left? And was that the New Jericho Capitol building? He couldn’t see that from his room! There was a tree in the way! A tree that was now a few feet away from where it used to be.
Gavin sat up in alarm as he realised that he was not in his own bed. His heart flew into his throat as Nines walked through the open doorway. Shirtless and carrying a mug of blue liquid.
“Oh good, you’re up.”
“Wha-what happened!?”
Nines frowned and sat down on the edge of the bed. He set the mug on the floor and pulled on a plain black t-shirt.
“You passed out on the couch last night. I think you finished a whole bottle waiting up for me? Sorry, I was out working later than expected.”
Gavin looked down and sighed in relief as he found all his clothes still on him.
“I didn’t want you to injure yourself sleeping at an odd angle so I brought you here. Your door was locked.”
“You could’ve easily opened it.”
“Yes, but that would’ve been an invasion of privacy. I reserve that for working hours alone.”
Gavin looked deep into the sparkling blue eyes and as usual found no trace of humour.
“Don’t mention it. Now get out. You’re ruining my silk sheets.”
Against his best efforts, Gavin could not keep the thought of being carried to bed and tucked in safely out of his mind. How many years had it been? Since something like that had been even remotely possible for him?
He knew that Nines was just being kind in his own pragmatic little way… but Gavin found that he wouldn’t mind the prospect of waking up in the android’s bed in a wildly different context.
He realised he had it bad when Tina caught him smiling to himself at work one day.
“Why so happy?”
“Oh… nothing. Just remembered something my roommate did… He’s a… funny guy.”
“Huh. Well, look at you getting along so well with androids.”
“Android. Singular. Just him.”
“Wowwww… he sounds special.”
“Who did this?”
“Gavin, the damage is merely superficial-”
“Who phcking did this??!”
He reached forward and gingerly touched Nines’ split cheek. His synth skin was smeared with blue blood and glitching in and out. Nines winced at the contact.
“Shit, sorry. That must hurt like a bitch.”
“Androids do not feel pain.”
“I’m merely experiencing a surge in sensory input wherever my chassis is exposed. I’m fine.”
“Shut up and give me your first aid kit or whatever toolbox equivalent you tincans have.”
A shade of embarrassment appeared over the android’s features.
“I… actually don’t have one. I didn’t think I’d ever need it.”
“Didn’t think anyone could kick your ass, huh?”
“No… I didn’t think anyone would ever spot my hiding place.”
“Huh. How’d that happen?”
Nines’ eyes dipped, but as always, he answered the question.
“I was… distracted.”
Something in the air solidified and both of them felt it. Gavin cleared his throat and slapped his knees like an old man about to stand up.
“Right. Let me go check if the neighbours have anything that might help with your face.”
“So who’s this dapper young gent you’ve brought to the party, Gavin?”
“Er… he’s my uh… roommate.”
Captain Fowler nodded and winked.
“That’s what they called it in my day too.”
Nines shifted beside Gavin and cleared his throat.
“He’s a PI. But I think he’s wasting his talent taking pictures of cheating spouses. He’s quite interested in police work. Maybe we could get him to assist on a couple cases now and then?”
Fowler put down his drink and extended a warm hand to Nines.
“Oh thank RA9!”
Nines came running to the cluster of police cars and enveloped him in a giant hug. Gavin laughed as he patted him weakly on the back.
“Watch the ribs, big guy.”
“I was so worried.”
“Why? Your info was good. No chance of error.”
“I meant about you.”
Gavin pulled back and regarded Nines with confusion. The flashing red and blue lights of the cars made it hard to read his LED.
“I can’t believe you have to ask.”
The android pulled him into a bruising kiss. The officers standing nearby broke into wolf-whistles and applause.
“What the-”
“Oh I take full credit for that, sir.”
Fowler glanced at Tina.
“The case, Chen?”
“Oh of course. I solved the whole thing. But I mean that specifically.”
She waved a hand in Gavin and Nines’ direction. The two held each other tightly and seemed unlikely to come up for air anytime soon.
“Like I helped Gav find an affordable place in New Jericho and then he met this handsome investigator droid and they were roommates.”
“Oh my god, they were roommates…”
“Yeah legit.”
Thanks so much for the request @jude-shotto
This ended up being a lot longer than expected, but I couldn’t help it. Your prompt just took me on a whole journeyyyy <3
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moxfirefly · 4 years
I have to thank @southernblossoms for this one, she got evil!Leo in my brain and he hasn’t left ever since.
TW: Violence, Gore, Blood, NSFW content below
Rated Explicit (18+ years)
“She said I'm looking like a bad man, smooth criminal
She said my spirit doesn't move like it did before
She said that I don't look like me no more, no more
I said I'm just tired”
Tumblr media
Leonardo always knew there was an inch inside of him that was darkness.
If left alone and unchecked, it would spread. Fester like some disease and he feared that someday he’d allow it to course through his body so freely.
And let it win.
It seemed today would be that unfortunate day. A night like any other, just more bloodshed than necessary. But hey, who said they should go and kill his father? Torture him to such an extent and string up his body for his brothers and him to find.
In that very moment that inch had grown in his soul to a degree that it blinded him. All he knew was to destroy, to hurt and erase those who had done this. He felt so cold, hands cupping his fathers motionless bloodied feet, the gentle tapping of blood and the cries of his brothers echoing in his ears.
So when Leo stood, bloodied (not bathed in his own), holding the head of the monster responsible, how could he regain peace? This had only brought a momentary second of reprieve and it was so fleeting. He looked into Shredder’s lifeless eyes, numbness spreading but a need that had started out as an inch. A need to kill everyone who had been part of this, directly or indirectly.
They all deserved so much worse.
They all deserved death.
Slow and torturous.
He had disappeared after that night. His brothers knew that this was the end of their leader, of their beloved brother who wanted to believe that good in this world could prevail.
For them they never imagined that Leo would just let the darkness take hold of him, nestle him with such a loving embrace. For him to embrace it right back felt justified, for his brothers it painted the gory picture of things to come.
They never expected to meet him in the opposition. To view him as foe and not family. Leonardo had quickly taken hold of the scum of the earth. He had molded the darkness to serve him.
Raphael thought Shredder was their worst enemy.
He never expected to have Leo claim that spot in a matter of months.
The Foot had fallen under his ruling, and he wasted no time in setting examples, and the bloody path those examples left behind never seized to churn the brothers stomachs.
There was no means of bringing him back, and perhaps it’s for the better.
Because whatever has eaten away inside of Leonardo cannot simply be flushed out of his body, nor ripped from his very soul. The body counts too high by now as he strays further and further away from what he was taught.
From what his father taught him...
You run with the unsavories. An eat or be eaten mentality that has caused you to survive years and years of gang wars and mutant freaks. Not like you’d throw about that last bit, much less when you’re standing single file, close to pissing yourself because he’s there.
And Christ he’s a sight to behold.
A rumor, a legend, a monster.
You tell him you’ve got valuable info, you know where to follow the trail that’ll lead to success. Even when your partner tries to push his chin up in front of Leonardo, you’re already wincing at what his demise will be shaped in.
Leo really loves cutting heads off.
A strong emphasis on loves.
You swallow, eyes flying anywhere but the rapidly growing puddle of blood that approaches your feet. Even then, your eyes stray towards the newest leader of the Foot, Leo punctures his katana into the head, a crude skewer as he lifts it and examines the severed body part as if answers lie in the gush of blood that falls. Those dark blue eyes move on you, you swallow.
He walks over to you, blade in hand, blood tap tapping onto the ground “Your information” Leo’s voice is weightless, bored almost. You motion towards your pocket, the crumpled up note with a poorly drawn map the key to your salvation. Leo reaches his hand in and you’re still, stiff and frightened by the intrusive touch and his proximity.
He pulls the note out and examines, the ghastly expression of horror on the decapitated head so close you can smell the coppery scent. “Can you get more of this? The coordinantes?” You crane your neck to look at him, his stature imposing. “Yeah, I’m your girl for that shit, swear on it” He flicks the blade and the sound of the head rolling makes your stomach flip flop along with it.
You feel the tip of a bloodied katana on your chin.
“Don’t make me cut off such a pretty head, hm?” You want to nod but the blade digs and Leo’s mouth twitches in something akin to a smirk. The small cut to your chin stings, but you wonder why other parts of you vibrate.
The danger, the adrenaline, Leonardo.
Your next meeting doesn’t quell your nervousness. Leonardo is an impressive sight as always and it’s imposible to ignore that maybe you won’t make it out alive every time you both meet. Unless proven useful, which you take to heart. You bring all sorts of information, names, rumors, possible gangs wanting to take him on, the police. Any word you heard in regards to him.
“It’s possible they might try to meet you half way, catch you off guard” The warehouse is chilly, that fall weather starting to hit but Leo’s unfazed, the black tails of his mask move with the gust of winds. “Stupid of them to assume that” The second floor of the warehouse seems to be his own, leaving the rest of the crew bellow. He sits on the windowsill, cloth running up his katana, it had been bloody when you were brought in.
“I’m just repeating what I heard, I’m sure you’re more than adept to take them on” You stick your hands in the pockets of your jacket, you’d been frisked not like you were stupid enough to bring a weapon to this.
But then again, the more he polished that sword, the more you wished you had something.
“What else have you heard? Any word on Karai?” The woman in question had appeared to have disappeared into thin air after Shredder’s death and Leo taking command of the Foot soldiers. Wether she planned to reclaim what was hers or if she had simply quit was beyond you and anybody else. “Nothing on her, she might’ve skipped town or the country” You offered, eyes following the sword as Leo placed it on a nearby table.
“She strike you as the type? A coward?” He walked over towards you, his expression so eerily unreadable.
Yet, your eyes wandered over him. Over muscle and scales. Overs scars and bruises. That illogical part of your brain making you wonder and fantasize, because fear could be exciting.
There was something exciting about Leonardo.
“Well?” He was in front of you, looking down at you. It hits you how minuscule you must look to him.
“Probably plotting? You did murder her dad” You find his eyes, you swallow.
“Well he murdered mine. Eye for an eye...” He spoke gently almost.
“Makes the whole world go blind” You finished for him, and maybe that was stepping on a line but you noticed the corner of his mouth twitch up. For a brief second you catch his eyes scan yours, move across your face and settle at your lips.
Passed your neck, towards your breasts.
He turns around and grabs his sword.
“One week, find more info on her, your pay is downstairs” You’re dismissed and before you process anything a Foot soldier is ushering you downstairs and shoving an envelope in your hands.
That night you dream about what your lips might feel like against reptilian scales.
Karai’s whereabouts are practically unheard off. If there was a trail it had run cold months back and judging from the word of mouth being passed around there wasn’t anything sustainable. You dig up anything and everybody. Every dirt bag with an agenda, ex Foot soldiers, opposing gangs, the mob and just about anybody you have in your radar.
It yields nothing.
You can’t return to Leo with nothing.
Rubbing a hand across your tired face, you make your way through the back alleys of the city. Your one week was coming up and all you had were weak possibilities and baseless assumptions. In your line of business enough information to create doubt can go a long way, but this was conspiracy levels bad.
So you thought and you thought quick.
Pulling out your phone you called him first. Perhaps a dumb move but at the same time you figured it showed that you were trying. You asked if the two of you could meet, the line briefly went quiet before your text tone startled you. He hung up and you were met with the address of a building in Brooklyn and to go up to the roof.
To say you were scared was to put it lightly.
You were shitting yourself.
The roof of the building had a green house which seemed unused but it looked like it was being kept up with the vegetation still green and alive. Your hand made for the door knob but something you could only name as a sixth sense made you freeze.
Leo was there, the shift in the atmosphere was impossible to deny. Your turned and blinked.
Wherever he had been, it must’ve been worse. There was blood on him, a fresh gash by his arm and the steady drip drip of blood hitting the concrete. “Jesus are you...?” You knew he was ok, but whomever had been on the receiving end of this had it by far much worse.
“Inside, go inside” He motioned for the green house and you did. Your eyes scanned around hoping to find something to help with. There was a nest of sorts in a corner, several blankets and cushions, a table and a chair amidst the plants. You found what you were looking for near the bonsais, a shelf with a box of first aid. Leo went towards a counter with a basin and a jar of water, he went about cleaning the gash on his arm.
You approached him with the box of first aid, blue eyes were cautious as you took out antiseptic and gauze. Leo had turned to face you, giving you more room to work on his arm as you bandaged it. “You alright?” Your voice held hesitation, Leo’s questioning gaze turned to amusement. “I’m fine, what I want to know is why you wanted to meet” You finished bandaging him and took a step back.
Pick your words wisely, you thought with a slight shutter.
“Listen I’ve spoken with any and everyone who might have any clue but Karai is off the radar”Swallowing a lump in your throat you shrugged off your jacket, worry manifesting in heat. “I know this isn’t what you wanted and I’m really fucking good at my job but this bitch is either underground or who knows! Dead for all I know!” The exasperation and worry was clear as day, he either took this the right way or the wrong way.
Wrong way being you end up pushed off this very building, at best ironically enough.
Leo swallowed the information, clearly bouncing it around his head. The dry specks of blood scattered across his green flesh. An odd silence fell amongst you both and even when he rose in all his imposing glory you kept your eyes focused on him. Getting a read on that cold calculated gaze of his was hard enough.
Your throat feels painfully dry once he has you backed up against the wall. Something about dying alone with not even an audience to witness it didn’t sit too right with you.
But then again, Leo’s large hand gripped your neck, nothing too tight but enough to alert you to its presence. Those blue eyes looked haunted but just beneath that laid something you couldn’t just place your finger on. The tips of his fingers lightly caressed you, one of them fascinated with your quickened pulse. You can’t blink, unsure what may happen and when he dips down your adrenaline makes you flinch.
Leo halts his movement, his blood feels like it’s pumping loudly enough for you to hear. Wide eyed you lean up instead and ghost your lips against his, Leo sighs through his nostrils and it stays that way. A pull but not enough of a push because there’s still fear in your blood and a hesitation that you can’t put a name to from Leonardo.
Your phone going off startles you, nearly making you jump out of your skin and to a fraction of your dismay Leo takes a step away. One of your contacts name flashed on the screen which meant there could still be some good news. Your turned away to speak, pulling a marker from your pocket you write down some information on your forearm. It’s a quick conversation and once done you turn to see Leo putting together his gear again.
You bit your lip, whatever was about to happen would just have to take a back seat. ‘Fucking coward’ you can’t help but think about yourself.
“One of my guys says he might have it on good authority that Karai is still here” You watch him turn his head to listen, even if he’s got his back/shell to you. “Well?” He pushes while adjusting his swords.
“He says she might’ve just met up with...with one of your brothers” Tense doesn’t even begin to explain what his body did, the mear mention of his family was a sore subject and you had been warned to not even attempt to open that can of worms. Swallowing and feeling your throat stick from how dry it felt you see him pull out a key and toss it to you. “Send me that address, you’ll get your money at the warehouse” You barely manage to catch the key to the greenhouse, but still you raise a brow at the offering.
“Come back here when you’re ready” Is all he says about it, confusion is painted on your face but when he moved to leave he takes a moment to hold your chin. “Don’t make me regret this” He says and before you can attempt to ask he’s gone.
You stay there, twenty minutes or so in nothing but your thoughts and his words swimming around your mind.
Feeling heat between your legs and a lick of frustration consuming you.
Two weeks you contemplate the key in your pocket.
Two weeks you let your thumb hover over his number but never press down.
For two weeks you find your pillow between your legs, trying to reach the sensation he managed with just his body close to yours.
But nothing.
It’s not enough.
New York is covered in rain as you make your way through the sea of people. Regardless of the many umbrellas you still get soaked and by the time you’re up on that roof, hand digging out the key to the green house you’re drenched.
Inside you shake off the excess and remove your jacket. The cold hits you and you can’t help but feel silly that you’re here, maybe this is his way of taking you out, you’re not needed anymore by now you assume.
You turn on the few lanterns that are scattered through the room. Kicking off your boots you rub your arms and shiver, flesh breaking out into goosebumps as the door creaks open once more.
Leo’s equally drenched when he steps through, the black tails of his mask sticking to him. The two of you just stare at one another, steady drips of water and the rain outside picking up more strengh.
Carefully you watch him begin take apart his gear, leaving his katanas by the door. He’s trying to keep your apprehension at low levels, his steps slow and soft. You let your arms fall to your sides and as your heart tries to hammer out of your chest you don’t flinch this time, even as his hands go for the hem of your long sleeve. You take a deep breath as his eyes wander across your now exposed flesh. The fascination goes straight to your core, feeling yourself warm up as his hands rest on your stomach.
With trembling hands you unbutton your jeans and step out of them and the inhale Leo takes as he closes his eyes makes you reach for him. He holds you against him and sighs, large frame shuddering at the feel of your skin against his reptilian one. He buries his snout against your neck, breathing harder as his hands run all over your back and rear. Leo grips and kneads the flesh and a groan escapes against your ear that makes your wrap your arms around his neck. He feels the softness of your breasts against his chest, he’d be a liar if he said he hadn’t been dreaming about them for months now.
You can’t wrap your head around it but he feels just as you fantasized about him. The roughness of his flesh, the edges of his shell and god his teeth nip at your neck with a growl. Wiggling out of his hold you start to undo whatever else needs to be taken off and Leo can’t help but smirk at your frenzied movements. He allows you to undress him, he’s gutted when your hands land on his waist as you start to kneel before him.
“No, no, kiss me first” He cups your face and presses his mouth against yours and that’s it, you’re done for, you’re hooked and can’t go back now. His kiss is possessive, forceful and it drowns every thought in your brain.
You pressed against one of the tables with the many Bonsais when Leo’a tongue slithers into your awaiting mouth. He sits you down on the table and nudges your legs apart to fit himself in between them, you crane your neck up losing yourself in his kiss. He can taste rain water, feels the sweat and rain mingle on your skin. God he wants to run his tongue all over you, eat you whole if he could.
It feels like forever when he pulls away, reluctance in his body. Blue eyes search into your e/c eyes, he wants to see something maybe your fear so he denies himself falling into this rabbit hole. Your hands press against his plastron and gently you run your nails down the hard plates, you shake your head fascinated by the texture. He’s rough but strong, a marvel of a species.
With some difficulty you managed to push your underwear off and spread yourself again for his viewing pleasure. “I want you,” You nodded, eyes falling to the hard length between his legs. Leo wraps a large hand around it and pumps slowly, body shivering at the sensation. “God I fucking want you so bad” You feel him come back to you, mouth on yours in yet another harsh kiss.
The tip of his cock nudges against your wet heat and he bites your lip at the sensation. Leo pushes into you so frustratingly slow, even as his girth stretches you to a point you’ve never been before. You want him inside of you now, and Leo couldn’t agree more. He bottoms out inside of you with a lengthy groan, head thrown back in ecstasy. “You feel... so fucking good” He growls out through gritted teeth, hips picking up speed as you wantonly take him in. You press your lips to his chest and moan with each slow but pronounced thrust of his hips.
His hand finds itself at the back of your head, grabbing fistfuls of your hair to keep your gaze on his. The slight tug burns so good and you can’t help but keep your pleasure filled gaze on his own. Lips parted you let him rock into you steadily until his thrust start to slam into you. The sensation spreads all over your body, little shocks of pleasure rocking your body.
“Mine, you’re going to be mine and only mine” He voices lowly, a threat laced in his passion. You’re too far gone to speak, nodding aimlessly at his every word, moans falling from your lips. “Nobody will own you like I do, nobody will touch you, Y/N? You understand? I’m making you mine” He pressed his forehead to yours, lost in this feeling.
“Fuck yes, yours, I’m gonna be all yours” You lick his lips and when he reaches a hand between both your bodies your mind goes blank. A vicious shudder overtakes you as you muffle a scream against his jaw. He fills you up so good and so warm with a strange vibration that sounds like an endless growl. Each rope he pumps into you making his eyes roll back. You’re shattered against, limp and raw throat from the scream that leaves your mouth.
He watches your come down, hand against your cheek, thumb running across your lips. When he pulls out just enough to watch his essence cascade out of your pretty little hole, he pumps himself back into you. His eyes say it all, from here on out whatever your life was up to this point is over and done with. Leo nuzzles you still lazily pumping himself in you, blissful to the little tremors your cunt produces around his member making him harden once again. Picking you up, bodies still joined, he makes his way to the nest of blankets on the floor.
You hold onto him, all you can do is hold onto him.
It’s rather odd to be in this position. With an entire year that’s passed it never seems to feel normal, not that you’re complaining though.
Being in a position of power by proxy has its fucking fun rewards.
For example nobody in this city will ever contemplate taking you out. Unless they want a very pissed off Foot Leader to set fire to the city and maybe even the world. From opposite points to now standing at his side. No one is to address you as below them, or touch you or let alone breath the same air you do.
You can still hear the bones that were cracked when one particularly unruly Foot soldier made snide comment about you. Each crack of the mans arm being slowly twisted until his arm broke still rang in your ears to this day. Leo hadn’t flinched, hadn’t even scowled even as the twist turned to pulling the limb off.
He did in fact fuck you hard against the glass windows of the hotel suite he had you both in. The copper scent lingering on his scales, but enraptured with the heat enveloping his cock.
With the city at war everyone had began to run amok to do their own barbaric things. Each part of the city divided between gangs, mobs, mutants, police and civilians. You were out on active Foot duties, you were still free to do as you pleased but with protection and Leo demanded your whereabouts on the hour due to possibilities of abduction.
He knew you were a weakness.
But did he give a shit? Of course not. Let them try, he hasn’t needed an excuse for his tyrannical acts thus far, but if harm did ever befall you, you only wished you could witness what his methods would be to exact his revenge.
And he was so familiar with revenge after all.
You admire yourself in the full length mirror, examining the body that training under Leo has provided you. The mutant terrapin in question comes up from behind you and wraps his strong sculpted arms around your waist. You can’t help but smirk as he rest his chin a top your head. “We’re heading out in half an hour” He mumbles against your hair, enjoying the scent. You watch through the mirror as his hands rub up and cup your breast, with a sigh you rest against his strong build. “What’s on the agenda tonight? Purple dragons?” You feel him shake his head, fingers dipping inside the cups of your bra. “Mob,” Is his sole reply.
You bite your lip, gripping his wrists. “We’ll be late” You try to muffle a moan as he tweaks a nipple, he grinds against your backside. “I’m killing them regardless, and I much rather have the scent of your cunt on my hands while I listen to their boring excuses for parley” Your knees buckled when you felt his hand slither inside your underwear, finger already parting your lips and humming as he feels how wet you already are.
You feel his other hand wrap around your neck, keeping you upright and your gaze on the mirror as his finger dips into your welcoming heat.
He engulfs your every thought, every sensation; and what’s the fate of the world when you’ve got him? He chose you just as much as you chose him. You’ve never considered yourself good, scumbag street rat who just happened to make a living amongst the other scumbags. But this? With Leonardo and the trail of bloodied heads he’s left behind, it’s hard not to be excited to see gasoline be poured on the city. He trails his lips to the shell of your ear and you can’t help but grin.
“Mine” He says.
Burn everything.
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dash-n-step · 2 years
I don’t hate Davepetasprite (they are one of my fav characters) but I do think they wasted a lot of potential bc of how rushed the ending of homestuck was. Davesprite should’ve gotten more time to finish fix some of his problems and Nepetasprite should’ve gotten more time to actually do things before davepetasprite happened. Bc just stoping Davesprites arc to do davepetasprite really makes me :/. Davepetasprite should’ve been a thing both Davesprite and Nepetasprite talked about instead of just being a handshake and *boom* . I wish Davesprite and Nepetasprite hung out more and became besties before fusing. 😢 I hope this makes sense
NOOO but like I GET IT, I do, I really do, and it's such a rough dichotomy (for me) of like [long post]
YES, there's so much more that could've been done with davesprite on his own or even a funny dialogue or two between him and nepetasprite cause we KNOW Nepeta somewhat knows of Dave since she called him "akwete purrmusk" and cute, so there could've been something there or any other number of things that fans have surely thought up of
Like, these are characters that people had YEARS/acts upon acts of getting know, (Davesprite even showing up in a fucking visual novel crossover), I think "OBJECTIVELY" I have to concede that Davepetasprite's creation is almost actively a smack in the face for people wanting more out of both characters on the way to an end that likely had no bigger plans for either of them
You don't make page 7928 (the arquius/davepeta hug page) and write all of this
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without knowing how much you're taking the piss towards some of your audience, and how much you're just like, aggressively tired of writing this now over 8000 page comic
BUT like, at the same time, I just consider davepetasprite an active continuation of davesprite's life rather than a sudden cut-off and nepeta's too, and it just seems like it'd be better for more people to just do so as well.
Like there's the obvious "lack of identity due to being tied to a version of yourself that everybody considers more real" from davesprite to "new found sense of self after defining yourself in a new way"
But there's also Davesprite's relation towards Bro that mirrors Dave's: Davesprite got the dramatic "big bro/lil bro team up", there's a level of reconciliation there that Dave can't and never will have, which is good because that's how Dave branched off into learning how to move past that stuff that he never wanted anything to do with.
Meanwhile Davesprite "completed" that sort of "hero's training arc", and with it he got all the short ends of the deal. His big moment's over and they didn't even win, his "master"/brother is dead, his version of his sister and friends are all gone, and he spends the rest of the comic meandering around, due to a lack of an active goal, thinking he was already going to get a big climatic send off, and the aforementioned identity crisis.
Becoming Davepeta didn't really cut this off, more like pump new life into it. They feel a new drive to get back into the fight, they gain a family they actually claim as their own through Jasprose and Arquius and they go on and reconcile there.
And to remember that this isn't just a continuation of Davesprite, a lot of this is because of Nepeta and how she was left off:
a desire to and failing to avenge Equius (now she can reconcile through arquius, then continues to fight off Lord English who is part gamzee/part arquius)
getting to know Jaspersprite (why Jasprose brings her back in the first place, and showing off how she's a lot more emotionally mature than people give her credit for, which helps Davesprite be a bit more introspective)
a familiarity with being tossed around or rejected by the story and then saying "fuck that I'm going to do my own thing" (a big part of nepeta is that she is absolutely a character made to round out the numbers and it shows by how she isn't allowed to do to much, which contrast with davesprite and how he is expected to and regularly gives up his own places in the story to fix things or get it going)
So you get this situation where like, yeah, on their own these two characters would've had an interesting dynamic or they had established fans with their own strong and vastly separated ideas of where either of them would go, and they both had issues that they could've had more time to be broken down and restructured in through pages and pages of storytelling,
but at the same time I feel like there's a lot they both gained a lot by becoming davepeta that still pays respect to who they are and continue to be, even if the decision to do so was almost certainly in part to mess with some fans, which in a way is kind of the spirit of homestuck. There's something to be said about characters being allowed to quickly get a new perspective about themselves and be able to decide how they want to proceed from then on, especially when said characters otherwise weren't going to really have a chance to do so otherwise, as is the fate of most ghosts in homestuck/dead characters in most other media.
Like I'm sure in the 7 years of their existence and the 13 years of homestuck, people have already said all that can be said about this, I know I've sene a lot of posts both for and aginst them, but that's sort of just how I see it.
When I say "grr, I hate people who don't like/can't accept davepeta" it's partly in understanding jest but also with a twinge of seriousness based off of how they can be looked at more deeply than just "a failed end to davesprite's arc" or "a quick fix to a dead characters".
and none of this is even getting into their gender, good lord, how people can be weird towards nonbinary characters, or even the idea of a trans character, let alone in homestuck.
I remember @/hemoanarchists having a similar rant(?) at one point about how weird people who hate the sprite^2s can be, and how their complaints seem a bit too close to straight up transphobia, but I'm tailing off and this is already more thought than I'm sure you were looking for, and I can't think of much more to add.
Basically, yes what you're saying makes perfect sense, and I understand why multiple people usually feel the same way (usually including having no real hate towards davepeta or liking them as much as the next person), I just have strong feelings about this character and get apprehensive that there are people who see them as like this evil representation of all the things that ruined homestuck and bastardized their "angsty crow boy" or to an extent their "uwu waifu" or whatever.
Just makes it hard for me to really enjoy works centered around davesprite because unlike with Nepeta who has different versions of herself that just pop in and out of the background (just in the timespan of act 6 we had Fefetasprite, Nepeta and Feferi hanging out as ghosts, all the paradox space ghosts versions of everybody and etc), we actively followed this specific version of dave who became davesprite then found themselves as davepetasprite, and instead of seeing that as a win for them people went "but what about what I want for them".
Like, I get it, but also the way I've seen some people go about it just rubs me the wrong way, that I don't know if I really articulated.
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in-ky · 3 years
An Old Scent [2] - Negan x Reader (A/B/O AU)
Summary: During summer break, you decide to come back home to visit your dad, Rick. Over the course of your stay, you realize that your dad's friend is pretty hot.
Warnings: Eventual smut, A/B/O dynamics, cheating, angst, age gap, Negan, a bit of gore if you squint
A/N: ok so everything is written i'm just gonna stagger posting a little bit :') 2.7k words
The first thing I woke up to in the morning was a dull ache in my lower abdomen. Great. My heat was starting up again. Growing up, Bee always asked why I never went on suppressants. I always got a bad vibe from them. Then, a few years ago, a large brand got recalled because it was shown to cause cancer in a lot of different patients. Now suppressants were harder to come by, more regulated, and needed a doctor's prescription. A lot of omegas took the hit hard, but out of it came an influx of at-home ways to take care of your heats by yourself. Super helpful for a single girl like me. When my heats started to get really bad around my junior year of high school, Bee took me out on a shopping spree and got me a bunch of toys to try and satisfy myself. It worked for a while, but they got worse as the years passed. By my age, a lot of omegas were already claimed and had an alpha to help them through their heats. I was still relying on the toys Bee had bought me. The box was tucked neatly under my bed, waiting for me. I rolled over with a small groan and sighed. The heat wouldn't be in full swing for another few days or so, so I could still go to the courthouse with my dad. Speaking of, I heard Rick shuffling down the hall and slid out of bed, gathering my bathroom stuff and walking out of my room into the small tiled room to start the day.
"So you weren't at the garage on the night of the eight?" Negan hummed, leaning against the railing in front of the tv. His eyes were glued to the face of the man sitting on the stand. The poor guy was drenched in a nervous sweat, tight blue shirt sucking at his chubby neck. He swallowed thickly and leaned forward to the microphone.
"That's correct," he croaked.
"Oh, Jeremy," Negan chuckled, shaking his head and looking at his feet. "Don't you know perjury is a criminal offense?"
"I-I'm not lying!"
"Is that so?" The alpha held up the remote to the TV "I have some footage here that directly contradicts your story, man. One last chance." He wiggled the remote teasingly and raised his eyebrows. Jeremy held his ground. "Alrighty then, let's see what we have here." He took a step back and furrowed his brow at the remote and pressed a button. The screen in front of him came to life. I had to lean forward in order to see the video, but in reality it wasn't the security tape I was watching. It was him. I couldn't look away. He had dominated the room for the past hour and a half. His deep voice was never raised, but it still carried a commanding tone that had every person sitting on the stand shaking in their boots. My eyes trailed down his body. His suit clung to him in every perfect way. His hair was slicked back in its iconic style and the way his glasses perched on his face made my insides burn. Part of me regretted seeing him like this so close to my heat, but another part couldn't imagine if I hadn't. Rick leaned over and tapped my elbow.
"We've got him now for sure." He whispered in my ear. A smile formed on my lips as I nodded to him. There was a child-like joy on his face. He really did appreciate my presence. I turned my attention back to the video screen. The footage was fuzzy, but there was a clear figure of a woman standing still hunched over what I presumed was her phone. She was texting away, fingers flying over her screen. Suddenly a large figure, who had the same height and build as Jeremy, slunk out from the shadows. He slowly approached the woman from behind and raised a crowbar high above his head. He swung it down with brutal force. There were small gasps of horror from the jury and the crowd as the crowbar connected solidly with the woman's head. She collapsed in a heap, but Jeremy didn't stop beating her until she was a pile of mush. Negan clicked the TV off.
"Well, shit, Jeremy," He boomed "I do in fact think you are lyin' to me." He tossed the remote down on his table top and gave a grim scoff. "Everyone just saw you turn poor Miss Parker's head into your personal punching bag. You still wanna claim you were no where near there?" All of the color had drained from Jeremy's round face. He swallowed again, tugging at his restricting collar. But soon, his face turned a deep shade of pink and he slammed his beefy palms on the flat surface of the box he was sitting in.
"That bitch deserved it!" He howled, gasping for air. "She had no business-" He stopped when Negan raised his hand silently.
"I really don't care," He sighed, turning around and grinning broadly when he saw the defense team resting their heads in their hands in defeat. "I'll let the jury do the rest, your honor."
"Yes, thank you, Mr. Smith." The judge said, voice prickling with annoyance. Negan returned to his bench and pulled out his seat. But before he sat down he gave Rick a small thumbs up. And I could have sworn that he flashed me a little smile as well.
"You were incredible in there!" I cheered, giving Negan a high five. The contact made my skin tingle, but I passed it off as the consequences of the impact. "You really made that guy tremble like a kid!"
"It's what I do," Negan chuckled deeply. He looked around me and furrowed his brow. "Where's your dad?"
"He's pulling the car around," I said "I just figured I should let you know how good you did before I leave." He was so close. He smelled so good. The same combination of whiskey and campfire that could get me drunk in a few breaths. I was so focused on his intoxicating musk that I didn't notice the group of alphas that were headed our way. Negan did, though. I heard a rumbling from his chest and felt a hand clasp around my shoulder. Confusion clouded my mind and I looked up to him for some answers.
"The next case is starting soon," He said smoothly "Let's go wait for your dad outside." I agreed and he steered me out onto the steps of the courthouse. The short skirt and heels I was wearing weren't exactly comfortable for walking down stairs, so I held onto Negan's forearm as he guided me down to street level. There was a small breeze and I saw his jaw tense as a soft gust of wind swirled up from behind me and into his body. It no doubt carried my scent on it, and an alpha like Negan could probably tell what state I was in.
"So," I sighed, looking to engage him further "What's next?"
"Well," He tilted his head and ran a hand over his bear-covered chin. "Jeremy goes to jail. Your dad and the department get praise. And I get to go to the bar for a celebratory drink." He paused for a moment, looking me up and down quickly. "You want to join me?" I opened my mouth to say something. To be honest, I wasn't sure what I was going to say. I didn't really drink, but I was willing to do absolutely anything that Negan wanted. But it was then that Rick rounded the corner and gave the horn a little honk.
"I would love to," I settled on "But dad has a full day of father-daughter fun times planned, and I don't really want to keep him waiting." I gestured awkwardly to where Rick was sitting in the car, bopping his head gently to incoherent music.
"Totally understand, doll." He grinned.
"Maybe another time, though?"
"For sure."
"See you around, Negan."
"Bye, doll, have fun. And be safe"
Negan was pleasantly buzzed, as per usual. He got off his motorcycle and hung his helmet on the handlebar before lightly stumbling into the house from the dark garage. The sight he saw he did not expect. There sat his fiancé in the living room, arms crossed over her chest with a pissed expression on her face. And beside her was a woman he knew all too well.
"The hell is goin' on here?" He asked, slurring his words slightly.
"I could ask you the same thing, Negan."
"Lucille, what the fuck is she doing in our house?"
"Oh, so you know her?" Lucille growled. Negan just licked his lips and flicked his gaze between the two women sitting in front of him. "Of course you do. You have been fucking her after all." Negan groaned, rubbing his eyes.
"Baby, please-" He started, but Lucille cut him off.
"Don't you dare," She hissed, jumping to her feet and balling her hands into fists "You don't get to call me that after what you've done, Negan. You slept with another woman. Hell, maybe more than one. You ruined our relationship." Negan took a step forward but Lucille raised her hand and pointed to the kitchen table. "Don't take another step. Your stuff is in that box." Negan looked to see a cardboard box sitting alone in the dark kitchen, his belongings poking out of the top. "I never want to see you in my house again."
"Lucille, can't we just talk about this? You don't understand." He pleased, extending a hand to her. She batted it away.
"There's nothing to talk about." She spat "You cheated on me, Negan! What is there to understand? How can you expect me to forgive you for that?" A moment of silence passed between them. The other woman shifted uncomfortably on the couch. Negan glared at her before turning his eyes back to his now ex-fiancé.
"I have no where to stay." He whispered.
"That's not my problem." Lucille said boldly "Take your shit and leave. Don't come back. We're done."
I stirred the pot of spaghetti while humming a song I heard on a radio earlier. The father-daughter activities had consisted of driving around town and revisiting old spots we used to go to when I was younger. We got ice cream at the shop down the street and then watched the sun set at the park that we used to picnic at. It was nice. College did really fix our relationship. The TV in the next room hummed quietly and Rick was talking on the phone with someone. I heard him hang up and walk into the kitchen.
"Think there's enough in there for three?" He asks with a sigh, looking over my shoulder.
"Should be, why?" I return, meeting his gaze. He takes a deep breath and scratches his neck.
"Um, well, Negan's fiancé kicked him out of the house. Apparently she found out he was cheating on her. He doesn't have anywhere to stay." He mumbled "He's gonna be sleeping here for a bit." I stopped stirring. The water started to bubble too close to the top, but I blew a gust of air to push it down.
"Why here?" was all I could muster.
"He really helped me with your mom. It's the least I can do."
I just hummed in acknowledgement and returned to my cooking. So Negan was engaged. And he CHEATED on his fiancé? Maybe I didn't know Negan as well as I thought I did...
"I just can't believe she kicked me out!" Negan seethed, shoveling a spoonful of spaghetti into his mouth. He was still chewing when he continued. "She didn't even give me a chance to explain myself!"
"I hate to say it, but you did cheat on her, buddy," Rick said carefully, not wanting to poke the angry alpha in the wrong way "She's upset."
"I was in a rut." Negan growled.
"For four months?"
I was making a plate for myself, listening to the conversation from across the room. Rick's phone buzzed on the kitchen table and he picked it up.
"Sorry, I have to take this." He sighed, shaking his head and standing to his feet. He left the room and suddenly it was just me and Negan. I took my plate to the opposite head of the table, watching Negan wolf down his dinner.
"This shit is really good, sweetheart," He groaned. Normally, the noise would have sent me over the moon. But there were so many other emotions clouding my mind. "You ever consider changing your major to culinary arts?" I didn't say anything, just twirled my fork in my serving of pasta.
"Why'd you do it?" I said quietly, almost in a whisper. Negan paused instantly.
"Why'd you cheat on her?" My eyes never left my plate but I could hear him shifting in his seat, rubbing his face while trying to answer my question.
"I don't know," He said. His voice was soft, sincere. Something I had never heard from him before. My eyes drifted up and met his. They were the same tawny color, but there was something else behind them. Something I couldn't distinguish. "I thought...Something was off in our relationship. I guess I thought that I could fix it by trying something different. I ran into Tanya at a bar a few months ago. She's a beta, just like Lucille. Wanted to be with an alpha. I gave in. Just for a quick fuck, didn't mean anything. I didn't like her. I told her that but...she...she wanted more, I guess. She fucking threatened me. Threatened to ruin my life unless I kept seeing her. I chose to do it. I don't know if that decision was the right one or not but it's the one I made. I texted her last night to tell her it was over. Never fucking thought she would come to my home." I was chewing the inside of my cheek the whole time he was speaking. I didn't know how much of his story was true, but he sounded like he was hurting.
"Why did you break it off?" I whispered.
"That's your damn question?" He scoffed, giving a short smile. He looked in my eyes. I knew the answer. Or at least I thought I did. He opened his mouth, but Rick reentered the room before he could say anything.
"Alright, sorry about that guys," He said, slipping back into his seat. "What did I miss?"
Negan was set up in the bedroom next door to mine. Our doors faced each other from across the hall. We would have to share a bathroom. Rick didn't seem to have a problem with it, but with my heat starting I wasn't too sure about the whole arrangement. I felt more cramps riddle my body. I was ready to bed, ready to curl up in a ball and go to sleep, but something called me across the hall. Curiosity got me and I turned slightly, walking up and leaning on the doorframe. There was Negan, clad in grey sweatpants and a black tank top, unpacking his things.
"Hey," I said quietly, not wanting to startle him. He turned around. He looked older like this, hair unkempt and his glasses on. When he saw me his lips curled in a smile. Any trace of vulnerability I had seen earlier was now gone.
"Hey to you."
"I just want to apologize for earlier," I said "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I'm also sorry that you have to be subjected to me and my dad for the foreseeable future." He let out a snicker and shook his head.
"Don't worry about it, doll. And you're not that bad. I appreciate Rick; he's a good man." He scratched his beard and looked over at the clock next to the bed. "It's late, you should get some rest." He took a deep breath and I nodded. I turned to leave but he called my name softly. "You know I meant what I said last night, you are looking good." I smiled but didn't say anything and crossed the hall, shutting my door and hopping into bed.
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haikyuucute · 4 years
Untamable (Ushijima Wakatoshi) [Omegaverse AU]
Pairing: Alpha!Ushijima x omega!reader
Summary: You seemed like an untamable omega to Ushijima
Warnings: Sexual themes, implied smut
Word Count: 5.6k
[A/N]: So I’ve been rlly iffy about posting this bcuz I know that this au isn’t everyone’s favorite. But I rlly like this au and I have fun writing for it, so I figured if someone doesn’t like it then they can scroll past it or blacklist the tag ‘omegaverse’ anyway, so I decided to go ahead and post this
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Ushijima Wakatoshi liked order and he liked things that made sense. He was a simple man and he would call it like he’d see it.
And what made sense to him was the dynamic system. Alphas were placed at the top, then betas, then omegas.
He believed this was right because it was ingrained in everyone’s genetics to follow this order.
It was why Hinata Shouyou had affected him so deeply. He was small, his volleyball technique was a mess and yet he and Karasuno beat Shiratorizawa.
Ushijima considered himself to be a very strong alpha— possibly the strongest in Shiratorizawa. His presence commanded every area he was in and omegas would fall silent at his scent, waiting for him to speak first. He had even been dubbed the alpha of alphas in school.
So it didn’t make sense for Hinata to have so much baseless confidence. It annoyed him and got under his skin to the point he thought about it quite often and how he could win next time.
Another thing that got under his skin was the little omega he shared a couple classes with— only she annoyed him far more than Hinata did.
Because while the little orange haired boy was a weak alpha, he was still just that. An alpha.
And yet, you walked around with the confidence of an alpha.
You were definitely the outcast, most omegas found you annoying and most alphas didn’t like to bother with an omega that didn’t know their place. Your scent wasn’t sweet and delicate like an omega’s either, it was tangy and citrusy (not at all a bad smell, even Ushijima would admit it was nice, just not that of an omegas). And worst of all, if you stepped out of line and an alpha tried to put you back in your place, you’d stick up your nose, turn the other way around, and continue with what you were doing in the first place.
This behavior always sat wrong with him but he never had to come into close contact with you, he’d just catch instances of this in class or in the hallways. Always hating the way you demanded to be seen.
And Ushijima knew he wasn’t in the wrong because everyone had found you strange. You didn’t even have any friends until your third year of high school when you shared your first class with the renowned Guess Monster.
Tendou, Ushijima, and you all shared a science class your third year, and though Ushijima had prior knowledge of you, it was the first time Tendou ever really noticed you.
And being dubbed a freak himself, Tendou immediately wanted to befriend you and it was only a short while after that he noticed how much you got under Ushijima’s skin.
So as a fellow freak and probably the only person other than Hinata that could get a rise out of the usually stoic alpha— well, Tendou just had to become your best friend.
Thus it began.
Tendou inviting you to work on group projects with him and Ushijima.
Tendou then inviting you to watch practices.
Tendou invited you to games.
And worst of all— Tendou invited you to hang out in his and Ushijima’s dorm.
And you quickly became someone Ushijima had to endure all day, every day.
You knew right from the beginning when you started hanging out with Tendou that the great Ushiwaka didn’t want anything to do with you. If you tried to talk to him he’d answer with four words at most or blatantly ignore you all together (then again he did that with everyone, but with you it just somehow felt different). And that was because although he was a strong alpha, he had better things to do than put an omega back in their place.
So he put up with you for days— weeks— months— until suddenly he couldn’t.
In what Tendou liked to call the “staring contest of the year” you had outwardly challenged Ushijima. But!— in your defense it was on an outrageously ridiculous subject that you believed you had the right to believe and that Ushijima should’ve respected that regardless of his own biases.
It was an argument that took place in their dorm while the two of them were there. You had casually walked in, an agitated look on your face, exclaiming:
”I hate alphas!” You yelled, pushing their door open. You ignored Ushijima who sent you a slightly irritated glance from where he was seated at his desk, reading a volleyball magazine or something, and went immediately over to the giggling Tendou.
He was up on his bed on the top bunk and you climbed the ladder, seating yourself next to where he was sprawled out, with a pout on your face.
”Should I be offended~” he laughed.
”You don’t count.”
”That’s more offensive than your last statement.”
You rolled your eyes, “Fine, you’re the exception— but alphas suck.”
He moved closer, throwing an arm around you with a large grin, “Did something happen? Do tell, (F/N)-chan~” he sang.
“Well... I may have gotten into another fight with an omega.”
”Ohoho~ did you win?”
”I guess. She pulled my hair so I punched her and... found out she has a mate.”
Tendou burst into another fit of laughter, and started poking your side, “Did you try fighting an alpha again?”
You swatted his hands away, “I just stood up for myself.”
”And how’d that go?”
”Stupid. He came up to me and did that dumb alpha thing where they stand up straighter and puff their chests out with the expectation that I’d be a cowering little omega in their presence,” you scoffed, “He told me that I shouldn’t step out of line and start fights with mated omegas, which is total bullshit because she pulled my hair first!” You yelled, falling back against his bed. “I hate alphas!”
“You punched his mate,” Ushijima who usually ignored you whenever you were over spoke up for the first time.
You furrowed your eyebrows, propping yourself up on your elbows, “Yeah, cause she pulled my hair.”
”She was wrong too.”
You scoffed, “So what? The alpha was in the right?”
”You punched his mate, he was protecting her.”
You shot up and glared at Ushijima who was still reading his magazine. ”Well I was protecting myself.” You practically hissed out.
Ushijima finally stopped what he was doing and turned around to stare up at you from where you were seated on Tendou’s bed.
Tendou’s eyes flitted back and forth between the two of you, seeing how pissed off you were, and at how Ushijima was taken aback at the tone you used with him, and Tendou’s grin slowly widened.
”You speak as if you’re an alpha,” Ushijima said, eyebrows slightly furrowed.
”I speak like an omega who’s fed up with alphas,” you spat back.
Ushijima slowly stood up and you could smell his scent had changed. It was stronger and more powerful— definitely covering up yours and some of Tendou’s scent. And you could pretty much smell how annoyed and pissed he was with you.
And as a result you felt the omega in you want to apologize and take everything back, bowing your head down, too weak to make eye contact. It was a feeling you had become quite accustomed to with how often alphas did this to you, and you became quite good at ignoring those instincts.
But Ushijima was stronger than all those alphas, and Tendou watched in awe as the most strong willed omega he’s ever met started to shrink in her seat, eyes glued to her lap.
Ushijima stood in front of you, and due to his height he was nearly eye level with you despite you sitting up on the top bunk.
“You’re careless,” He spoke lowly, as blunt as ever, “You speak the first thing that comes to mind with no regard if you offend someone, and you’re surprised when an alpha tries to put you back in your place. You’re an omega.” His voice loud and firm, “Power does not lean in your favor. Learn your place.”
You bit down on your lip hard, finding it difficult to meet his eyes but with everything you had in you, you forced yourself up straight and looked him dead in the eye.
Tendou’s eyes widened at your display but he kept quiet, glancing at how the usually stoic Ushijima looked slightly thrown off guard.
“I will never settle for being submissive,” you spoke slowly, never breaking your eye contact, “And I will never stop striving for independence. You like this power system because it’s all you’ve ever known— I’ll show you that you’re wrong and I’ll do whatever it takes.”
From there the two of you stared at each other for what felt like forever, Tendou holding his breath to see who would give in first. Until it was finally time to go to volleyball practice and Ushijima was forced to look away, making you smile triumphantly.
And so it began. The start of an overly exhausting plan that you were committed to executing.
And if Ushijima thought you were a nuisance before it was nothing compared to now.
A few days after the incident you acted as if it never happened, putting on a cheery and energetic façade. And you actually spoke to him in that same friendly manner you spoke to Tendou and others on the team.
He soon realized there would be no end to your chatter. You’d go on and on about your day, shows and movies you liked, hobbies that you were into, and you’d ask him tons and tons of questions that he’d just ignore but you wouldn’t shut up, forcing him to answer your questions— you even started calling him Waka-kun while you remained (L/N)-san.
But you didn’t care. You vowed that you’d force your way into his heart until he finally saw you as an equal instead of an overly obnoxious omega.
It took months but somehow, by some kind of miracle, Ushijima came to the conclusion... you actually weren’t that bad.
Of course you were still loud, kind of annoying, and spoke out of turn most of the time. But he guessed that some of your better qualities started sticking out the more you hung around him.
For one, you were always happy.
Happiness wasn’t an emotion Ushijima felt often, he knew the feeling of victory when he defeated a difficult opponent in volleyball but that never lasted that long because, well— Ushijima always won...(for the most part). And he knew what it felt like to be satisfied and generally content.
But the happiness you exuded. This absolutely boundless amount of energy and cheerfulness you walked around with despite being put down by practically the entire student body, it made you slightly more admirable in his eyes.
And then he saw your loyalty and devotion towards the team and specifically Tendou. By definition, Tendou was technically your best friend and you made sure to prioritize him in your life because of how grateful you were to call him a friend, this meant inviting him out places and never turning down an invitation he made. You let him talk to you when he was down and comforted and supported him appropriately. And when it came to the team, you were kind of an honorary manager (you didn’t actually have the title because the coach would never trust an omega to do the job) but you gave them water bottles and towels during practice and made sure to attend all their games and cheer for them. So even the team who had been kind of cold to you in the beginning, ended up growing rather fond of you, and you were just as happy to consider them your friends.
But he supposed what stuck out to him the most was how determined you were to be more acquainted with him. You’d ask about his day, his childhood, volleyball, anything really. And you somehow had the ability to pull more than a couple words from his mouth as time went on.
And all from the shadows, the Guess Monster was watching. Observing how a very odd friendship grew between the two of you. And although Ushijima rarely let any emotion of any kind show, after three months Tendou made an educated guess.
Ushijima Wakatoshi was actually falling for you.
From a surface level no one could really tell, but Tendou started picking up on the way Ushijima’s scent would change whenever you were near, it’d grow softer, and slightly more non threatening than his usual scent. It was a small detail but spoke volumes. Other than that, he noticed more and more how he grew comfortable around you, letting you talk his ear off and he’d answer your questions with more than three words. But what gave it away for him was when he had stepped into one of your fights where an omega started yelling at you for acting too much like an alpha. It was the first time he had ever done it and although you told him you could fight your own battles, he doubted it would be the last fight Ushijima broke up for you.
With you it was actually harder to tell if you were starting to like Ushijima back, and this was based off of all your rants he’s heard about you never wanting to mate with an alpha and that you’d much rather mate with a beta. It was hard to picture you with an alpha and even harder to picture you with an alpha as strong as Ushijima.
But he, figured out that yes— you did reciprocate those feelings when he caught a certain sight.
You went out with Tendou and Ushijima one night and stayed up late, you were absolutely exhausted so Ushijima ended up giving you a piggyback ride back to your dorm. And that’s when Tendou noticed the way you nuzzled your face into his neck. He couldn’t tell if you were trying to scent yourself or if you just found his scent soothing enough to fall asleep to— but either way there were definitely mutual feelings there.
The only problem was that the two of you were too dense to acknowledge those feelings.
So as usual Tendou decided to take it upon himself to get the two of you closer.
He came up with a fairly simple but hopefully effective plan.
Not that long ago you came to Tendou and asked if he’d been willing to give you volleyball lessons every now and then after you came to really admire the sport after watching them play for so long. And he agreed of course.
So now it was just a matter of getting Ushijima to take his place—
“I won’t be able to make our volleyball lesson (F/N)-chan,” Tendou suddenly spoke up from where he laid on the floor.
He watched as your head poked over the top bunk where you lay, a pout on your face, “What? Why not?” You whined.
”I’ll be busy this weekend, but!” He suddenly exclaimed, looking over at Ushijima, “Maybe Wakatoshi-kun could take my place.”
”No,” came Ushijima’s answer, from where he sat on his bed.
Tendou frowned at how dense he could be.
You pouted further, “Waka-kun would be mean about it if he helped me anyway.”
”Don’t be silly—“
”I’m not! I can picture it now!” You suddenly made a very serious face, mimicking Ushijima’s, “(L/N)-chan you have awful technique. (L/N)-chan you understand nothing about volleyball. (L/N)-chan you suck.”
Tendou giggled at that, seeing your point, “You’d also be getting taught by a top player in the nation~” he sang.
You paused for a moment, thinking it over, “... We’d probably get in a fight though and I hate arguing with him.”
”You hate it because you lose,” Ushijima spoke up.
”Shut up!” You yelled, moving to hang over the edge of the bed to see him.
He glanced up at your upside down form, “l’m right.”
And since he was always painfully blunt and honest, you knew he actually was right, so you settled on pouting further.
”Y’know people would kill to have someone like Wakatoshi teach them volleyball,” Tendou said, continuing to convince you, “He’s the best of the best, don’t you want to be the best~”
”I’m not that passionate about volleyball,” you deadpanned.
He faltered, until a thought struck him, and he grinned, “Remember that time you tagged along with the team to the beach and we were short one person for volleyball and asked you to play?”
You glared darkly at him for reminding you about that humiliating incident— they were a powerhouse school after all, why the hell would they ask you to play when you had barely any experience. “Yes,” you muttered.
”Well what if Wakatoshi-kun taught you a few of his tricks and you got to show off next time we play together.”
He knew he had you when your eyes widened in realization.
You looked back down at Ushijima from where you hung upside down, “Waka-kun teach me volleyball.”
”No,” he replied, looking down at his homework.
“Ugh— why notttt,” you whined.
”Because you don’t play volleyball.”
”Well I want to show off to the team the next time you guys force me to play.”
”You still wouldn’t be as good as them.”
You frowned, “I already know that, but you don’t always have to say the truth.”
Ushijima couldn’t help himself when he looked back up at you, something in your tone bothering him. And the pout and look in your eyes really bothered him for some reason. But he didn’t like being the cause of it and he really wanted to see it leave your face.
“Fine,” he gave in. He watched as your face instantly lit up, a smile gracing your features and it admittedly made him feel weirder than when you were upset.
You flipped off the top bunk to Ushijima’s bed and threw your arms around his shoulders in a hug, “Thank you Waka-kun~” you sang.
And Tendou grinned from ear to ear, watching as Ushijima’s face tinted the lightest of pinks.
“You’re late,” Ushijima grunted as he watched you burst through the gym doors, trying to catch your breath.
”I know!” You panted, “I got held up by a teacher.” You said, throwing your bag to the ground. You made your way over to Ushijima who was previously practicing by himself as he waited. “Now, you can’t be mean remember, this is just for fun. It’s not like I’m gonna be using this in any actual tournaments, this is just to shut the team up the next time they make fun of me for sucking at volleyball.”
He nodded and the two of you started.
You quickly figured out that playing volleyball with Ushijima was very different than when you’d play with Tendou. Tendou was always goofing around and joking with you but with Ushijima he was unsurprisingly very serious, so it was up to you to lighten the mood. But you had to admit he was a pretty good teacher and kept the rude comments to a minimum, which was a feat on its own because he very rarely censored himself and you knew you weren’t doing to well.
It was well into the hour when shit finally hit the fan.
Ushijima asked you to toss him the ball to demonstrate him hitting a spike. So you did and as usual because of his strong spikes, the ball ended up rolling off, landing by your bag on the other side of the gym.
You offered to go get it, and in hindsight you really wished you did. But Ushijima said it was fine and went off to grab the ball.
When he went to pick it up, he noticed the zipper of your bag was opened and something inside caught his eye. He glanced back at you to see you looking down at your phone, before he brought his attention back to the object and pulled it out. His eyebrows furrowed.
It was a pill bottle and the label told him they were heat suppressants. But that wasn’t what caught his eye.
The date said they were prescribed about a month ago and the bottle was already three quarters gone.
He stood up straight and turned, “What are these?” He called out to you, making you look up.
You furrowed your eyebrows, “Idiot, are you going through my bag? Put those back and get back over here.” You rolled your eyes.
He only listened to half of what you said as he held the bottle and walked back, “(L/N)-chan, what is this?”
You looked at him confusedly, “They’re heat suppressants or did you forget that I’m an omega and go through heats?”
”More than half of them are gone.”
You faltered, realizing he checked the date on them. But you played it cool and shrugged, “So?”
”It’s dangerous to have that many suppressants in a month.”
You rolled your eyes, “What? Are you suddenly an omega now? They’re my pills, I can use them how I want.”
You could see Ushijima getting frustrated now, “The side effects of this many can be harmful to your body.”
”I’m fine— I’m more than fine. I haven’t had to go through a heat in a while and I’ve been functioning just the same, only it’s better now because I don’t have to deal with heats.”
He furrowed his eyebrows, “What do you mean by ‘a while’?” He asked worried to hear just how long you were putting your body through this. Suppressants were meant to make heats easier, not stop them all together.
“Nothing, it really doesn’t matter,” you said in an attempt to brush it off.
”How long (L/N)-chan?”
You clenched your jaw, looking down at the ground, not answering.
”How long,” his voice became darker and firmer.
You hated it but when he used that tone, you found it difficult to deny, “A....a year.” You muttered.
Ushijima’s eyes widened in shock and horror, and it was probably the most emotion you’ve ever seen from him, “You missed four heats?”
”Well.... yeah.”
”You can’t do that to your body—“
”Why not?” You snapped, looking up at him, “It’s my body isn’t it? And my heats are my business. I’ve been completely fine up till now anyway.”
”What about your next heat? You have to have one eventually and if you’ve missed four, your next heat will be unbearable.”
”That’s only for some people,” you scoffed, “I could be completely fine.”
”And if you’re not? You don’t have a mate.”
”Why do you even care!” You huffed.
”Because—“ you’re my omega.
Ushijima completely stopped as the thought popped in his head. He was caught so off guard by that he forgot his argument.
But he did his best to compose himself before stating, “I’m keeping these.”
You scowled, “Like hell you are!” You yelled before leaping for the pill bottle, but he just held it over his head and out of your reach. You grabbed his arm and tried to pull it down but he would barely budge, “Ushijima this isn’t funny!” You yelled out in anger and slight panic.
He ignored the slight sting he felt at hearing his last name, but he didn’t give in, “This is for your own good.”
”Fuck my own good! I need those pills— I can’t go through another heat!”
”You’re an omega,” he snapped, “You can’t keep pretending you’re an alpha. Heats are necessary, learn your place already.”
And there were those words you absolutely despised, ‘learn your place’.
You blinked back the frustrated tears, “I’m leaving,” you scoffed. And with that you quickly ran out, grabbing your bag and leaving a very pissed off alpha behind you.
Tendou had no idea how things could get so screwed up the one time he got you two alone together.
You ended up avoiding Ushijima at all costs and Ushijima being who he was was definitely not going to approach you first when he believed he was right.
But Tendou could only handle so much of this stupid fight before trying to convince the two of you to make up.
But you said you’d only forgive him if he gave you your pills back and Ushijima said he wasn’t going to. So when Tendou got you to swear to Ushijima that you’d use them properly was he then able to sway Ushijima into giving them back.
So he did and you forgave him.
Of course there was still some resentment and animosity about the whole thing, but after a couple weeks things were back to normal more or less.
That was until that inevitable day approached.
You hadn’t come to class which wasn’t unusual because you liked to skip every once in a while, so Ushijima and Tendou didn’t think much of it at first.
That was until they overheard a conversation between two omegas not too far from them.
”The entire history hallway literally smells like omega.” The one girl complained.
”Really?” Her friend asked, “What happened.”
She shrugged, “Dunno. I think some omega went into heat, but my god is it strong. I think they locked themselves in a supply closet, there’s a group of as alphas just outside the door.”
”I feel kinda bad. We should tell someone to go help them. Do we know who the omega is?”
”Everyone’s pretty sure it’s (L/N) since the scent is pretty citrusy. Her roommate also told me she takes suppressants like they’re candy so it makes sense.”
Suddenly Ushijima had stood up. Tendou looked up at the alpha with a questioning gaze, but as he watched him just head straight for the door, a grin grew on his face as he knew where this was headed.
You were a mess as you hid away inside the supply closet. The heat had randomly hit you out of no where without a single warning. The most you were able to do was quickly lock yourself in the closet. And now you were left trembling in a curled up ball in the corner of the room.
You were hot everywhere and covered in a layer of sweat. Your chest rose and fell in breathy pants and the uncomfortable pool of wetness in your panties was getting really distracting.
And on top of all that, there was a group of alphas just outside calling out to you. You couldn’t make out what they were saying because of how overwhelmed you felt but their scents were definitely accelerating the heat.
And dread filled you at the thought of Ushijima being right. All four heats that you missed just hit you all at once.
This was the most helpless you’ve ever felt.
...Then you smelled it.
A scent far more overpowering than the alphas scents combined. And a scent you knew all to well. Heavy and woody— a scent that made your head spin and squeeze your legs together as a broken whimper left your throat.
The others had scattered in fear, soon leaving you alone with Ushijima Wakatoshi’s scent.
Ushijima walked in, easily breaking the lock. His gaze was intense as usual but there was also something else in his eyes as he found you curled up on the ground of the supply closet, in heat.
And even in the presence of an omega in a heat extreme as yours, Ushijima showed an incredible display over his instincts as he barely seemed bothered by it. The only thing that gave him away was how his breathing slowed, taking in deeper breaths as what was probably the prettiest and most mouth watering scent he ever smelled flooded his senses.
His presence commanded the area and the air reeked of his scent, and as tough as you were, even you fell weak to the presence of an alpha while in heat— and the so called alpha of alphas no less.
Your legs were squeezed tight as you buried your face in your knees, covering your nose from his scent.
”(L/N),” he said, voice deep and a touch of anger in it.
You whimpered, trying to fight back the tears that threatened to fall.
”Waka-kun,” your voice came out weak, broken, and muffled, it had even made Ushijima falter for a second, uneasy seeing you act so helpless. “I-I can’t— I can’t do this,” you shook your head, the tears running down your face now. “I-it’s barely even started and— and th-this feels worse than m-my worst heat.” You sniffled, body trembling and shaking now.
”I told you not to take those suppressants.”
A broken moan came out after hearing his rumbling voice and you squeezed your legs tighter— how embarrassing.
In truth, Ushijima greatly disliked seeing you like this, especially after developing such a fondness over the tough and fiery omega that used to drive him mad (and still does from time to time.) But there was still something he greatly enjoyed with seeing how submissive you were being in front of him— as long as he was the only one that got to see you like this. So what you said next, sparked something in him.
”D...do y-you know an a-alpha that... can help?” Your words were broken up with sobs and stifled moans.
And a strong sense of possessiveness washed over him at the thought of another alpha possibly aiding you through this heat.
”That won’t be necessary,” he spoke curtly, “Stand up,” he said, walking forward.
You clamped your hand tighter over your nose, suffocating on his scent, and you shook your head furiously, “I-I don’t know if I c-can—“
”Stand,” and there was no arguing with the Alpha tone in his voice, your body wouldn’t let you.
So on trembling knees you shakily stood up, holding your breath as you used the wall for support as you leaned against it.
Something wild was overtaking Ushijima’s senses at seeing how fragile and delicate you looked, and he stalked forward, eyes heavy with an intense gaze on you.
And he was now in front of you as you stared down at the ground, waiting for what he’d do next as you tried your best to stay composed by attempting to ignore his presence.
Suddenly, he raised his hand to cup your jaw, his other hand gripping your wrist to pull it away from your nose. And the absolute predatorial look in his eyes would’ve knocked you to your knees if the wall wasn’t there to support you.
He stroked your cheek with his thumb, wiping a tear away. “From tonight onwards you’re mine.” He growled before lifting your jaw up further.
You moaned at that and quickly nodded, “I-I’m yours.”
”I don’t care if you always want to fight back as long as you understand that right now, I’m in charge.” He said as his thumb traced your bottom lip before tugging down on it. And the second after you nodded, he crashed his lips against yours in a bruising kiss.
Your resolve immediately crumbled and you easily melted into the kiss, collapsing into him. A cry left your lips which was promptly swallowed by Ushijima. Your arms wrapped around his neck tightly as you tried rutting against his thigh. But he quickly grabbed ahold of your hips, stilling you.
You whined into his mouth, “Please Waka-kun.”
”Patience,” he commanded, making you quickly shut your mouth. “I’m going to take care of you,” and with that he picked you up.
He walked with you in his arms through the deserted hallway, making his way towards the dormitories, specifically his.
And as he walked through the school building, classes having been just let out, he ignored the stares and stunned silence from his peers as they gawked at the sight of the Alpha of Shiratorizawa Academy walking with the little annoying omega of the school in his arms, who was clearly in heat.
But right now all that was on his mind was getting you back to his dorm safely so he could spend the next how ever many days fucking you until all you could possibly remember was his name.
Ushijima unlocked his dorm door, seeing an already grinning Tendou sitting upon his bed, “Well didn’t this work out nicely?” He teased.
”Tendou I need the—“
He raised his hands in surrender, “I know, I know,” he said getting up, his eyes landing on you for a second, “Definitely a sight I never thought I’d see,” he mused at seeing you so submissive in Ushijima’s arms, before practically singing, “Have fun~” on his way out.
Ushijima kicked the door shut before walking over to his bed and dropping you on it. You were sprawled out on your back, absolutely breathless.
His own breathing was beginning to become more and more labored as your heat was pushing him into a rut.
”You’re going to behave?” He asked.
You nodded, a mewl escaping your lips as you rubbed your thighs together.
”Use your words.”
”Y-yes alpha,” you managed to get out, a glint reaching his eye at the title.
”Good. Now....bare your neck.”
You scrambled to do as he said, and a slight smirk grazed his lips at the sight, a sense of pride, similar to when he won tournaments, washed over him.
You kneeled up on your knees, titling your head to the side for him.
He smiled, cupping the side of your face, before leaning down to mark you.
So yes, Ushijima would put up with your fiery attitude and need to go against everything everyone tells you to do, as long as he’d be the one to get to see you like this.
Because for the first time since he’s known you.
You were finally listening.
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expectingtofly · 3 years
Take a Load Off
fluff, post-canon, human!cas, anxious dean, established dean/cas
(i saw this post by @emptymeg and couldn’t get it out of my head, so here’s a fic :)
also posted on ao3
“What’s in the box?” Dean asked, coming into the library to see Cas setting a large package on the map table with a huff. The table creaked under its weight. “Hey, name that movie.”
Cas cocked his head. “What movie?”
Dean groaned. “Seriously, dude, you’re hopeless. What’s in the box! Brad Pitt?” Cas shrugged and Dean sighed. “Forget it.”
“If it makes you feel better,” Cas said, fetching scissors from a drawer, “This box is for you. I bought you something.”
“Oh?” Dean came to the table, interest even more piqued. “What kind of something?”
Cas gave him a look. “Not what you’re thinking.” He cut through the tape securing the box. “I read that this can relieve stress and help you sleep better.”
“I already know something that can do that.” He added a wink for good measure.
“So,” Cas continued, ignoring him, “I thought you should try it. You haven’t been getting enough sleep lately and I’m worried about your anxiety levels.”
“Wait a moment,” Dean protested. “What do you mean, my ‘anxiety levels’?” Cas opened the box and he leaned over to look at the contents. Folded, silky dark grey fabric. “What is that, a blanket?”
“A weighted blanket,” Cas corrected, heaving it out of the box. “Twenty pounds.”
“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.” He plucked at the fabric. “This is supposed to help?"
“It’s proven by science.” He nodded at a chair by Dean. “Go, sit.”
Rolling his eyes, Dean sat down and Cas draped the blanket over him. “Fuck.” Dean lifted his arms up under the blanket, then dropped them. “This is actually heavy.”
“Do you feel relaxed?”
“I feel ridiculous.”
“You don’t look it at all,” Cas deadpanned and Dean kicked at him. Cas pulled a brochure out of the box. “Soft cotton filled with poly pellets,” he read. “Alleviate anxiety and increase serotonin.” He studied Dean, eyes squinted. “You still look tense.”
“Sorry, Cas.” Dean shoved the blanket to the floor with a thump. “Think you got duped.”
“You’re not doing it right,” Cas grumbled, picking it up off the ground. “You have to give it a chance.”
“I just gave it a chance.” Standing, he brushed Cas’ hair off his forehead, gave him his best you love me smile. “Now, do you really wanna help me relax?”
Cas studied him for a long moment, then said, “Okay.” He carefully folded the blanket. “We’re keeping this, though. I still think it’ll work.”
Dean made a face behind his back and started to follow him out of the room, but the phone Sam had recently installed in the library for a hunter hotline started ringing. He groaned and Cas hesitated in the doorway.
“Do I have to?” Dean asked him.
“I suppose so,” Cas sighed and set the blanket down on a chair. Turns out the call was from a hunter out near Boise who needed help with a case. Of course, Sam was away visiting Eileen, so he and Cas got stuck spending the next two hours going over the case information, trying to figure out what the monster was. They finally settled on vetala, a whole pack of them, and after instructing the hunter on how to kill them, Dean hung up the phone.
“Fuck,” he swore, rubbing at his eyes. “Who knows how big the pack is. Could be a whole dozen of the freaks.”
“Well, now she knows how to kill them,” Cas said. “And there’s other hunters in the area who can help.”
“Yeah...” Dean fiddled with his pen, tapping it on the open pages of his dad’s journal.
“What’s wrong?” Cas asked.
Dean realized he was frowning. “Nothing.” Flexing his shoulders, he stretched out his back, stiff from poring over books. “Just, three people are already dead. I better be right that it’s a pack of vetala.”
Reaching over, Cas rubbed his back in small circles and Dean leaned back into his hand. “We did all we could, Dean.”
Dean wasn’t so sure that was true. But, short of driving all night out to Boise, he supposed there wasn’t much else they could do. Still, he didn’t like the idea that he might’ve missed a clue, might’ve misled the hunter. He clicked his pen again and again, going over the case in his mind, worst case scenarios—
“Are you going to sleep now?” Cas asked, and Dean glanced at him.
“No.” Dropping the pen, he pushed his chair back and got to his feet. “Don’t think I can now.”
“Would you say you’re feeling stressed? Anxious, perhaps?” Cas deliberately looked to his right and Dean followed his gaze to the weighted blanket folded on a chair.
“Dude, don’t even start.”
“You should use it,” Cas urged. “There’s no shame in feeling anxious, I often feel the same way too.”
“I’ve dealt with worse before, this is nothing new. Just comes with the job.”
Cas sighed. “You put too much on your shoulders.”
Dean shrugged. “Like I said, comes with the job.” If he wasn’t always on edge, he figured he was doing things wrong. Get too comfortable and bad things happened. Just the way it was.
“Still, you can admit you need a break.”
“Jeez, Cas, I’m wounded.” Dean pressed a hand to his chest. “It’s like you don’t even know me.”
Cas rolled his eyes and stood. “Don’t stay up too late.” He seemed to hesitate, fighting against saying more, and Dean said,
“I’m fine, Cas, really.”
“Okay.” Cas didn’t look too convinced, but he kissed Dean goodnight and headed off to their bedroom.
Dean cleaned up the mess of books and papers on the table, turned off the lamps just to do something with his hands. Normally, this is when he’d grab a drink, try to calm his head, but he’d been trying to cut back lately—blame Cas’ concern for his liver—so instead he decided to head to the Dean Cave. Maybe a few episodes of Dr. Sexy would distract himself enough to sleep.
Leaving the room, his eyes fell on the weighted blanket again. Cas and his ridiculous ideas. If Dean hadn’t been sleeping too well lately, that was just the result of living their kind of life. Nothing to do about it. Ignore the stress or end up drowning in it, that was his motto.
(And a horrible coping method, according to Sam and Cas)
Either way, lying under twenty pounds of “cotton and poly pellets” wasn’t going to help. Though the blanket had been really soft, he’d give it that.
He forgot all about it the following day, though, when Sam found a case a few towns over, and Dean and Cas drove over to meet him there. Disturbed gravesites, people disappearing near the cemetery at night. A ghoul, by all signs. A day of morgue visits and interviewing witnesses, then another two days of sitting parked in the cemetery, waiting for the ghoul to emerge again and feed. Dean was almost happy to see the thing when it crawled out of its grave. Almost.
Killing the damn thing hadn’t been too easy. But after inadvertently destroying a few gravestones, nearly falling into an open grave, and narrowly avoiding losing a few limbs, they finally bashed the ghoul’s brains in thoroughly, and split up from the cemetery. Dean went to speak to the latest victim’s mother while Cas and Sam got rid of the remains.
Returning to the bunker first, Dean showered, blood and ghoul remains washing away down the drain. But even the warm water couldn’t ease the jitteriness sitting high in his chest. The ghoul had been strong, fast, and Dean’s heart had leapt into his throat when it got a hold of Sam. Even Cas had struggled to stop the thing, gunshots only serving to anger the son of a bitch more.
Getting out of the shower, he scrubbed himself dry with his towel, inspected a cut along his arm. Not deep enough for stitches. If Sam had avoided a concussion, they were lucky. The ghoul was dead, at least. Left a dozen ruined graves and a few torn apart teenagers in its wake, but dead.
As he changed into clean clothes, he heard the bunker door open. “All good?” he asked, entering the war room to find Sam and Cas setting down their bags.
“If you mean will the trunk always reek like ghoul, then yes,” Sam said. He grimaced as he took off his boots, muddy footprints already leaving a trail down the bunker stairs. Then he glanced at his phone and smiled, said, “Eileen’s calling.”
“Whipped,” Dean mouthed at him as Sam answered his phone, smiling at the screen and walking off down the hallway. “Well,” he told Cas, ”you look like shit.”
Cas gave him his best, I can smite you even without my grace look. “Charming.” He headed off down the hallway towards their bedroom and Dean followed. “How did Mrs. Landis take the news?”
Dean sucked in a breath. “Uh, 'bout how you'd expect, I guess. Told her a bear had gotten to her son, but it was all taken care of now. Not much else to say.”
The mother had sobbed and thanked him. He’d done a piss poor job of comforting her and left with an all-too-familiar sick feeling in his stomach; they hadn’t done enough, they could never save everyone.
“And you?” Cas asked, pulling him from his thoughts. He glanced at Dean as he pushed open the door to their bedroom. “Are you alright?”
Dean started to nod, say fine, but he knew Cas would see straight through the lie. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, he shrugged, dropping his hands into his lap. “Just shook up. Coulda been a bad one.”
Cas nodded as he pulled off his trenchcoat, the edges bloody and muddy. “We’re all safe. You don’t have to torture yourself thinking about what could’ve happened.”
Dean shut his eyes, took a deep breath. “I know.” Easier said than done.
He heard Cas’s footsteps, then felt Cas’ fingers on his cheek and tilted his head into his palm. Breathed in and out. Cas smelled like blood and guts and sweat, not a particularly pleasant combination, but his hand was warm and his other hand was carding through his hair and, shit, that felt nice.
“Go to sleep,” Cas said quietly. “You need rest.”
Dean nodded and Cas kissed the top of his head. He left to take a shower and Dean scrubbed his hands over his face.
Fuck, this hunt had been a close one. Closer than they’d had in a long time.
Dropping his hands, his eyes settled on the weighted blanket that Cas had left folded on the chair at the desk, a silent plea for him to use it. He rolled his eyes. Anxious, his ass.
He started to pull the covers back on the bed, but the thought of lying down with the hunt running on repeat through his head was less than appealing. Cas’ trenchcoat hung bloody on the wall, and Dean clenched his hands into fists to stop them from shaking, adrenaline and nerves still rushing through him.
Alright, maybe a little anxious.
With a glance at the door to convince himself Cas would be in the shower for a little while longer, he grabbed the blanket, brought it to their bed.
Getting under the covers, he draped the blanket over himself and lay down, shifting to get comfortable. Once settled, he stared up at the ceiling and waited for the miracle blanket to work its wonders. How much money had Cas spent on this shit? He really had to hide the credit cards.
He shifted again, the mattress creaking, and dropped back with a huff. Not that he didn’t appreciate Cas trying to help, but a twenty-pound blanket wasn’t what he needed. What he needed was a full night of sleep and a blow job and an all-expenses-paid trip to Cancún. His nose was itchy, his knee was bruised, his back was fucked up from getting thrown against a gravestone, Sam had already found another case in Albuquerque, and, fuck, he was just so damn tired.
Shutting his eyes, he forced himself to breathe through the sensation of his chest tightening. He could feel the blanket rise and fall with every deliberate breath, and he counted like Sam had taught him years ago when he’d woken with a panic attack—breathe in for seven seconds, hold for four, let out for eight.
Don’t think about what could’ve happened. We’re all safe. Cas is safe, Sam is safe. I’m safe.
His heartbeat slowly settled. The blanket’s weight was strangely comforting, warm, trapping him under the covers. Forced to stay still, he felt his limbs slowly relax into the mattress, the tenseness in his shoulders dissipating, his back easing and hands curling loosely along the sheets.
Okay. Shit. Maybe there was something to this weighted blanket thing. His mind grew hazier as his thoughts began to wander, and he found himself drifting off to sleep when the bedroom door creaked open and startled his eyes open.
“You’re using it,” Cas whispered excitedly, standing in the doorway. “Are you relaxed?”
“Fuck off,” Dean told him. He would’ve flipped him off, but that would require lifting his hand out from under the blanket and he was too—dammit, Cas was right—relaxed to move.
“I knew it would be perfect,” Cas said, sounding too triumphant. Shutting the door softly, he got into bed next to him—well, tried to. He shoved at the blanket encroaching on his side of the bed. “Dean, move over.”
“Nope.” Dean shut his eyes again. “Reap what you have sown.”
Grumbling, Cas turned off the light and got under the covers with more rustling and movement than necessary. Finally, he settled down. The bunker hummed, the heating running, the pipes in the walls creaking as a shower turned on down the hallway. The blanket heavy on top of him, Dean began to fall asleep again.
“Are you really gonna keep that on all night?” Cas asked, disturbing the quiet.
Cas huffed and Dean could only keep up the ruse for a few more seconds before lifting the edge of the blanket. “Come on, get under.”
Sliding over, Cas got underneath, and they laid side by side, pressed against each other. Their fingers brushed, and Dean crooked a finger around Cas’ thumb.
“This is nice,” Cas commented, voice quiet. “I’m glad it’s helping.”
“Mhm.” He was starting to think he should’ve bought one of these things a long time ago. He hadn’t realized how strung out he was before until now, all the tension in his body slipping away.
Cas shifted onto his side and Dean blinked open his eyes to look at him. “I guess I was right all along, wasn’t I?”
“Don’t push it.” He caught Cas’ smile in the dark and elbowed him on principle before shifting over to kiss him. Then he tugged at Cas’ arm and turned onto his side, prompting Cas to press close against his back and wrap an arm around him.
He smiled, eyes falling shut at the warm press of the blanket and Cas’ body around his. Now he was relaxed.
tag list:
@becky-srs @xojo @marvelnaturalock @aelysianmuse @prayedtoyou @letsjustdieeveryone @good-things-do-happen-dean @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @theninthdutchessofhell @madronasky @famouspsychicpizzabandit @multifandomdisorder @arcticfox007  @improvedpeanut @castiel-is-a-cat @harmonyhelms @thetrueliesofafangirl @dean-you-assbutt-cas-loves-you @theangelwiththewormstache @confusedisaster @welcome-to-crowleys-hellhole @celestialcastiel
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omg-imagine · 4 years
All We Are
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Pairing: Johnny Silverhand x female!V
Summary: V is jealous after Johnny’s date with Rogue, which leads to an honest discussion about where they both stand.
Words: 1.7k
Warning: spoilers for Blistering Love side job, a little angst
A/N: Requested by an anon. This may be a bit different than what you were expecting, but I was in the feels™. Hope you still enjoy :)
Also, can we please talk about how adorable he looks in the gif?? 
The long drive back to the apartment was silent; the utter stillness in the car weighs heavily on V’s mind. Hands gripping tight on the steering wheel, she tries to ignore this unsettling ache she has, not allowing even an ounce of thought to pass. Though she chalks it off as a side effect of the pseudoendotrizine, this strange, hollow feeling of hers continues to stir deep inside, burning, burning and burning.
And so, she switches on the radio and focuses ahead on the stretch of road winding down the North Oak hills, the approaching lights of Night City glowing brighter against the inky skies. A fresh breeze flows into the open windows, dulling the tension for a moment.
A moment of tranquility that ends far too soon, yet it was a moment V’s at least grateful to have.
“You’re awfully quiet,” Johnny points out, the gruff baritone of his voice piercing the air. “An enny for your thoughts?”
Kicking his feet up on the dashboard, his aviators glint in the silver moonlight, making him appear impossibly more obnoxious than he usually is. He acts as if he’s not aware of the recent thoughts plaguing V’s head, but perhaps that truly was the case. If it were, then she would be surprised— Johnny often invades her mind, poking and prodding at things he shouldn’t be. For a while, she assumes he knows.
“Just tired,” V replies monotonously. Her answer was far from a lie; she really was tired. Exhausted, even. All she wants is to collapse into bed, pass out, and hope that for a few short hours, she can forget about today, about everything.
“Huh,” he breathes out, and V spares him not a single glance. “Pretty sure somethin’ was up. You’ve been actin’ weird since we left the drive-in.”
A chuckle rumbles through her chest. V still finds it unusual for Johnny to act so… concerned. Almost caring, if she had to be honest. She’s noticed a change in him recently, which became apparent after their conversation in the oil fields. He’s a lot softer now, sometimes sweet, both in his own unique way, of course. As if his rough edges were slightly smoothed out with sandpaper, enough that they no longer cut and make her bleed.
V would often catch him staring when he thinks she’s not looking. She also doesn’t fail to miss the small smile that creeps across his face as she talks. And in those passing seconds that lasts an eternity when the relic malfunctions, Johnny was there to offer her comfort. He’d kneel down to the ground while she coils in agony, whispering promises that this will all be over soon. That one way or another, they would get rid of that goddamn chip slotted in V’s head and ultimately save her life.
Life. Life has a funny way of unraveling itself. Fuck, this all seems like a cruel joke the universe is playing on V. Fate is rarely kind to her, a sad fact she’s accepted over the years. Never would she have imagined that after experiencing the pain of heartbreak and loss, she’d find herself falling for someone at the worst possible time.
And that someone is the imprisoned digital ghost of a rockerboy-turned-terrorist studying her from the passenger seat.
But V’s adamant in denying it. Her life was too fucking complicated for this right now.
“Are you capable of shutting the fuck up for two seconds?” V bitterly snaps, the hands on the wheel clenching stiffly as her jaw. “You got what you wanted tonight. Finally got your dick wet after fifty years, so leave me the hell alone, would’ya?!”
She doesn’t mean to act on her muted anger, but it manages to get the best of her. V knows why, and because of it, she crumbles. She crumbles like the walls she’s built around herself. Like the facade she’s been hiding behind for the past couple of months. Because underneath the dirt and grime, V was just a poor, tragic soul, more worried about losing the man she couldn’t have than her awaiting death.
“Really think that’s what happened?” Johnny asks, pushing his shades up to his head as he shifts to sit up straight in his seat.
V grits her teeth, eyes remaining locked on the road. She had woken up an hour or two after Johnny took over, finding her lips still warm, still swollen. Her hair was tousled, and she had been stripped off of most of her clothes; the scent of Rogue’s perfume lingering on her skin. She didn’t need him to recount; it was all clear to her what had transpired. It was what she agreed on to make him happy, a date with the Afterlife fixer and whatever it could lead up to.
In the end, V regretted it, not because Johnny used her body to sleep with someone. But because even after the rollercoaster ride, the dog tags, the private concerts, and the heart-to-heart they had at his gravesite, she still wasn’t his. He was too hung up over Rogue, and she couldn’t blame him. Having shared a lengthy history, there was no doubt Johnny wouldn’t snatch up the opportunity to win her back.
But then where does that leave V?
“The fuck is wrong, V? Don’t make me figure it out by myself.”
Biting the edge of her lip, she ignores Johnny’s latest question and contemplates swallowing an omega blocker. She doesn’t even care that he’s threatening to search for the truth without her permission. Choosing not to do so, he keeps pressing on regardless, and V was getting pissed off. When he doesn’t stop, she loses her temper and slams on the brakes, the Porsche coming to a screeching halt on a dead street.
Huffing, V pulls over to the side, shutting the car’s engine as Johnny is left bewildered by her actions. Peace and quiet. She yearns for peace and quiet, and the pills would do the trick in an instant. Her hand reaches for the bottle in her jacket pocket, the pounding of her heart echoing in her ears. Popping the cap open, she turns her head to the side, unable to help herself. She sees the tenderness etched in his features, a wordless plea shining in his dark eyes.
“V… Tell me.”
V’s gaze slowly falters, her consciousness at war with itself. The storm of anger in her calms, yet she needs to know what her next move is. She’s always been terrible at this sort of thing, dealing with her feelings and shit. Growing up in the streets of Heywood, she’s learned how to shut people out and keep them out. Biggest rule she had imposed on herself was to never, ever fall for a choom, but this time was different. Despite him being a mere figment of her imagination, she feels safe around Johnny, appreciated and content. The two understand each other on a level nobody else has done. They’ve been through literal hell and would only sink further into it to find a way to survive.
A chrome palm comes to rest on V’s cheek, the sensation oddly warm, oddly familiar. Her attention flickers back to Johnny as he strokes her weary face. His touch was delicate, movements careful and controlled. He treats her as if she were porcelain, afraid that his metal hand would cause her to crack. V exhales deeply, relishing the feeling she’s longed from the moment she had broken that dumb rule of hers.
“Go ahead,” she mumbles, giving Johnny consent for him to read her mind. It only takes a second, maybe even less. V half expects his shit-eating grin to make its appearance. She couldn’t forget how cocky he was, and she thought this would certainly rub his ego.
It never comes. Instead, Johnny’s lips turn up into a genuine smile, one softer than the way his black hair falls to frame his face. V swears she was floating; this doesn’t feel all that real to her. It couldn’t be real. But as the first faint slivers of sunlight appear on the horizon, she starts to believe that she isn’t dreaming nor hallucinating. She was still very much wide awake.
“Didn’t know you were the jealous type,” Johnny quips as he leans closer. “You had no reason to be jealous, princess.”
“Why not?”
“Nothin’ happen between Rogue and me,” he clarifies, his fingers pushing back her locks. “Yeah, we made out a little, but I couldn’t go through with it. Wanna know why?”
V nods.
“’Cause I realized that ship sailed a long time ago. We’re too different people now; she’s got her own life, while I got mine sittin’ right here.”
“Johnny…” she murmurs his name as he brings up his other hand to cradle her face. “I wanted to have what you and Rogue had, minus the shitty things you did. But I could feel how much you loved her, how you basically worshipped the ground she walked on. Then I thought, can’t compete with her. She’s a livin’ legend, a badass. Meanwhile, I could be dead the next minute or two, either by this fuckin’ relic or a bullet.”
“Trust me, V, you wouldn’t want that,” Johnny returns, resting his forehead against hers. How could he feel so real? “What you and I have is special. Ain’t felt this way before, not even with Rogue or Alt. Like I said, you’re the fuckin’ closest to me. These feelings you’re afraid of? Shit, I have them too, and I’m fuckin’ terrified. But knowing that you’re here and we both share them, it makes things a lot less scary.”
“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”
Johnny laughs softly. “Gotta spell it out for ya, huh? Well then, here it goes; V, I love you. I don’t throw that word around randomly, but know that it’s what I feel whenever I think of you.”
V doesn’t waste a second longer. Her lips meet his for a kiss that is gentle and bruising, all at once. They hold one another close, their grasps taut so that the other wouldn’t slip away, not wanting to lose what they’ve gained. Time goes by, ticking in the background as they kiss again and again, but to them, it’s slow, nearly everlasting.
And when it was over, when they finally had to part, they were breathless, panting.
“Love you too, Johnny,” she murmurs into his skin, tone dripping with affection as he hums in response.
Night melds into day, and the city comes back to its fullest life. V kisses Johnny a final time before driving back to the place she calls home, even though she’s found her true one in his heart.
Permanent Tags:  @penwieldingdreamer​ @keandrews​ @feminine-machinegun​ @fanficsrusz​ @thehumanistsdiary​ @flaminasteroid @rowserein @unaspiringwritings​ @planetkt​ @breakthenight​ @baphometwolf666 @rdjloverxxx
Johnny Silverhand Tags: @silverse​ @overheardatthecontinental​ @meshlababy​ @ataraxydreams​ @ineedpeetalikehekneadsbread​​ @savsselfinserts​ @the-bottom-of-the-abyss​ @donakamark
*If you would like to be added to the taglist, feel free to send me an ask or DM!
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It's Just a Movie: Part 22 (Poly!Lost Boys x Fem!Reader)
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Warnings: cursing, 80s typical views on homosexuality (but no homophobia just,,,,as accepting as the 80s could be)
Word Count: 2958
This chapter is pretty much exposition/a feel good chapter because we need a break from the tension and also because I said so. Also, the boys are not straight, but it's the 80s so they don't talk about it.
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You were stuck back at the cave as the boys took Michael to the bridge, but you knew they wouldn't be taking you. They hadn't taken Laddie or Star, and it would look out of place if they'd taken you. You were almost tempted to make a joke that they wouldn't understand. August 1st, 1987 was a Saturday, but memes didn't exactly exist yet. So, you sat on the couch and tried your best to make a dent in the holy grail of chinese food that Marko had picked up. But, no matter how much you ate, you could still feel something eating you up inside. 
You had to let Michael and Star turn. Diverting from the plot too much would've made it so none of you would know what was next. It was better to follow the story so you'd know what to expect rather than going in blind. You stabbed your takeout a little harder than you needed to as you reminded yourself that. No matter how bad you felt, this was what needed to be done. You just hoped that, before this was all over, you could find a way to apologize to Star and Michael. 
You hadn't heard Star come over to you. You knew that she had probably already tucked Laddie in for an early night, and it wasn't until she was standing right in front of you that you looked up. Her hands were balled into fists, and she was gnawing on her lip. For a moment, you thought perhaps it had been a bad idea for the boys to leave you alone with her. Your mind flashed back to what had happened nearly a month ago, but then Star said,
"How could you? Why did you? You didn't say anything- You-" She threw her hands, frustration clear in her voice. She looked close to tears, and the lump in your throat seemed to only grow larger. "You didn't even try to stop them." She said, but her voice was shaking. You gulped, setting your takeout aside. You were vaguely aware that Star was a half. She was stronger than you, and could probably snap at any moment. You had to be careful, but it seemed you'd gotten your wish a little quicker than you'd thought. You didn't know what to say, but you still stood. She backed away, giving you a small amount of distance and a chance to explain yourself. 
"Star, I didn't-" You started, but you quickly stopped yourself. You had to choose your words carefully, and you decided that lying wasn't the way to go. You were aware of some of the boys abilities, but not of all of them. Whether it was just the boys or not, they always seemed to know when you were telling a lie. And, at the end of the day, you knew the boys were going to change him. So, you whispered a quiet, "I'm sorry." And reached out to hold her clenched hands. You held them for a moment, and finally she relaxed them to take yours instead. She sighed, her body relaxing. While she didn't tell you that she forgave you, you didn't expect her to hold it against you for long. After a moment, she asked again,
"Why? Why didn't you say anything?" And you bit your lip. This was a hard one, but you couldn't just not answer. With the way she looked at you, her brown eyes imploring you to answer. Tears gathering in them. You sighed yourself, cursing her and the way she tugged on your heartstrings. Though, you knew she deserved an explanation.
"I'm," You paused to find the words, glancing away to collect your thoughts. "I'm not in the position to really tell them no, Star. I mean, I'm not-" You tried to find an excuse, one that wasn't Max. That wasn't that you weren't from this world. That wasn't that you were trying to save the boys. "I'm not the one that tells them what to do, or- Or, decides what happens. I'm just-" You hinted as vaguely as you could at the existence of Max, but it was still a weak excuse. You knew she would probably just end up asking why you weren't in that position anyways. To her knowledge, you were the girlfriend to three of them. Surely, you had some level of weight in their decisions. Finally, you came to a solid excuse. "I'm not one of you." You said. It was the best you could come up with, and she sniffled as the look in her eyes changed. It was one of confusion, even if she knew that was true. Then, after a moment, realization filled them. Her grip was tighter as she held your hands, and she let out a small, 
"Oh." Now, it was your turn to be confused. She had given your hands a squeeze, before she dropped them altogether and went to wrap them around your shoulders. She pulled you in for a tight hug, and you awkwardly returned it. You hadn't thought that your response would've worked that well. You didn't know what she was assuming, but you let it slide. Whatever it took to get her to stop asking hard questions, you supposed. She even reached up to pet the back of your head, whispering, "I didn't- I'm- I guess, we're in this together then, huh?" She asked, and you tried not to seem too confused when she pulled away to look at you. You, out of instinct, gave her a nod, and then whispered,
"Yeah." She nodded back, petting your cheek before she took a step back. Her hand slid down from your cheek, down your arm, before she took your hand. Her cold fingers nearly made you shiver, and she gave your hand another squeeze.
"We'll take care of eachother, yeah?" She asked, and you looked between her eyes at the way she stared at you. It was intense, the look in her chocolate brown colored eyes. The slightest tinge of a smile was on her lips, and it compelled you to agree. Finally, after a moment, you gave her another nod. It felt weird, like this exchange had more weight than you'd meant for it to have. But, you thought having Star for an ally wasn't exactly a bad decision. Perhaps it would make it easier to convince Michael that the boys weren't as terrible as he would later think. All you had to do was convince Star first. 
"And she didn't kiss you?" Paul asked later that night. You were telling the boys about it after they'd returned, and both Star and Laddie had fell asleep. Paul was laying on the bed, playing with your jacket while Marko sat next to you, leaning into you. Dwayne sat behind the three of you, back near the pillows with his back against the wall. He reached over, smacking Paul's head. Paul whined, rubbing the spot as he said, "What? I'm just saying! She totally kissed Michael first and it just seems like if I was in her shoes, I would've totally taken that moment to make a move!" You turned your head as Dwayne said,
"Well, Stars not you, dumbass. Plus, she's probably straight." He said, making a point of the word. But Paul scoffed and Marko grinned while he shook his head. Paul, looked up at the brunette, saying,
"If Star's straight, then so is David." And you covered your mouth to muffle your laughter as you looked at the platinum blonde. Marko and Paul didn't even attempt to, even as David narrowed his eyes at both of the blondes. Paul continued with, "I mean, c'mon, David. You have a type. You put that Jim Morrison poster up and Michael's a dead-ringer, so we get it! There's no shame in that!" As the other two died from laughter. David lifted his cigarette to his lips, and then blew smoke at Paul. If he was closer, he probably would've aimed for his face.
"Whatever, Paul. I'll remember this the next time I catch you checking out some guys ass." David retorted, and Paul didn't even look perturbed by his words. He simply shrugged and held up his hands.
"Some dudes have nice asses. Am I supposed to not look?" He asked, and this earned an eye roll from the blonde besides you. When Paul noticed, he balked at the curly-haired blonde. "Oh, don't you try to pretend to be Mr. Heterosexual in front of the babe, Marko. You totally sucked-" But you raised your hands to diffuse the conversation, and escalating voices, before the sun went down. All conversation on the fluidity of their sexualities aside, you had brought this up for a reason. 
"So, what do you think?" You asked David. You hadn't really known what to make of Stars words, and you stared at the boy for some guidance. He was clearly thinking it over, smoking his cigarette as he did so. You had given up on trying to enforce any rules about smoking in your room, to the point where Dwayne even had a cigarette burning in-between his fingers. Finally, he shrugged and said,
"She sees you as her friend. Maybe as someone she can relate to. I don't see any harm in that. As long as you don't plan on switching sides." He said, flicking the end of his cigarette. You scoffed at the sheer ridiculousness of the idea. 
"Oh, yeah. I'm totally ditching you guys for the Frogs." You said sarcastically, and David smiled at your joke. It was nice to see him smile, and you felt as though you hadn't, at least genuinely, seen him do it in awhile. You smiled back, and then asked, "So, how'd it go with Michael?" And you heard a telling chuckle come from all of them. Paul sat up, holding his hands out as he said,
"Michael totally almost pissed himself when the train came." He said, before the boys erupted into a chorus of laughter at the memory. You smiled, finding their laughter contagious. Though, you still felt the need to comment,
"You guys seem to be enjoying this hazing thing, huh?" You asked. You knew that they had to do it for the sake of the movie, but none of them seemed nearly as hung up about it as you did. Well, as much as Star had been making you feel about it. Marko nudged you with his shoulder, saying,
"Well, he totally kills David in that movie, babe. It's nice to get some payback." He said, and you hummed. You supposed he deserved it if you thought about it that way. You leaned forward, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
"Well, he's not going to this time, so don't do anything you don't have to." You said, and they all more or less agreed. It didn't take long after that for Paul to attempt to kick everyone out, but his attempts were proven to be futile when Marko reminded him of their new sleeping arrangements. Paul whined, cuddling up next to you and pulling you close. Eventually, after a brief shared look with Marko, you proposed the idea of Paul staying with you as well. He was quick to agree, and, that night, you laid on your back to accommodate the two sleeping vampires. At one point throughout the day, Marko said,
"Paul, that's me you're grabbing." And both you sleepily giggled at the sound of Pauls hand moving against the sheet as he retracted it, and the small, 
"Oh." That escaped his lips.
The next night was slow. All they needed to do was scare the shit out of Michael and Sam, and then visit Max while Michael went to lay the moves on Star. You, unfortunately, were in a very awkward position. You could come with them when they went to harass the Emerson's, but you definitely couldn't come with them to Max's. And, the boys couldn't necessarily drop you off and pick you back up from the cave, just because Michael would be there. The idea of you hanging out at the boardwalk and waiting for them had been tossed around, but it wasn't until that night that you really considered it. You did not want to be in the cave when Michael came to make his moves. Suddenly, you understood a little bit of how Star must've felt the past few months. 
So, with far too little enthusiasm, you decided that you would wait on the boardwalk for them. You'd kissed them each goodbye, as you didn't have an audience of half-vampires to see it. But, now that you were there, you wholeheartedly regretted that decision. You popped your collar up against the nights chill, doing your best to protect your neck as you walked through the crowds. It was busy, as busy as usual. 
You had walked up and down the boardwalk a million times, but only once without the boys by your side. And never at night. Most of the surf-nazi's stayed in the water during the day, but you quickly found out that they flocked to the boardwalk at night. You didn't know if it was just a build-up of nerves from the movie or if it was the fact that your boys weren't with you, but you practically scurried away the second you heard the sound of a group of teenage to twenty-something year olds gathering on the boardwalk. After wandering around the boardwalk for a little while, you passed the Frogs comic store. Inside, you could hear Alan say,
"Okay, we'll come over and do it for you." And your ears perked. You paused for a moment near the outside stack, listening to Edgar say,
"Well, you better get a garlic tshirt, buddy, or it's your funeral." Edgar hung up the phone that they'd been previously crowded around, and you saw the pair of them notice you. They didn't look pleased to see you, and you guessed your biweekly visits turning into nearly daily wasn't exactly a welcome sight. You didn't spare them a smile, and you simply let the comics slip back into their spots before you turned and walked away. The Frogs' eyes followed you the entire time until you were no longer in sight.
When the boys finally caught up with you only about an hour and a half later, you were relieved at the sight of them. The five of you were able to have a night alone, and, after the usual rounds, you decided to ditch the boardwalk for one of your favorite all-night diners.
You squeezed into a corner booth, getting stuck between Marko and David. The five of you ate, laughed, and, finally, relaxed. It felt nice to let loose, and you took the opportunity to lay your head on David's shoulder as you laughed along with your boys. You were able to hold David's hand, and you didn't have to consciously think about monitoring your actions. It felt good. Nice. They played rounds of paper football, and Marko started an almost violent game of spitball. It only ended when one of them spit one at Dwayne and it got caught in his hair, and he even sent you a look when you couldn't stop giggling.
While you were having a good time, you knew that, eventually, the four of them had to eat. And you knew diner food wasn't going to help. So, after lots of promising to Paul, you were allowed one more solo ride on his bike. Even after you'd kissed and said goodbye to all of them, he stood in front of you, held the handlebars, and stared at you with the most serious expression you'd ever seen on his face.
"You did good last time, but that doesn't mean you should be any less careful. Darling? Sugar? Pudding pop? I love you, but, please, don't crash my baby." You gave him a small smile, and a small tilt of your head. You were almost positive that he hadn't even realized he'd said those words to you, and you leaned forward to press a kiss on one cheek, the other cheek, and then on his lips. It made his serious expression falter, and you could tell he was melting by how his arms began to buckle. 
"I promise, okay? I love you too." You told him, your voice quieting as you returned the words. You watched his brain short-circuit and quickly reboot, trying its best to comprehend what had just happened. You didn't warn him that Marko and Dwayne were walking closer, as he was far too busy to notice. Before he could say anything else, Dwayne grabbed him by the back of his jacket and yanked him away from the bike. 
"She's not gonna crash it, dude. Just let her ride. Now, I'm starving, so c'mon. Bye, babe." Marko said, half-dragging half-leading Paul towards his bike. You mouthed a "thank you" to the both of them, and called a final goodbye to all of them as you pulled your helmet on. They watched as you revved the engine to life, and then lurched forward to head towards Hudson's Bluff. You didn't see how Paul swayed for a moment, a wistful smile on his face as he repeated the words over and over in his mind. He turned to the boys, a bigger grin growing on his face. 
"Did you guys hear that?" He asked, and they almost wished you hadn't said it just so they wouldn't have to hear Paul talk about it the entire ride to the beach. Whether that was out of annoyance or envy, they preferred not to think about it.
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Grey Socks
This apart came around quicker then I had expected and I’am working slowly on the next part, which I’ am excited about. Slightly based on season 3 but with my own twist. Shout out to my Bishop Beta @beccabarba for reading over it, thank you always lovely.
*Grey Leather*
*Grey Uniform*
*Grey Dress*
*Grey Vase*
*Grey Blanket*
*Grey Jeans*
Warnings: “What the f**k Steve” moment, swearing and of course smut.
WC: 2549
Enjoy x
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The sun was starting to go down and a cold snap started sweeping through making your body cover in goose bumps. You picked up your grey socks from next to you, pulling them on your feet and wrapped a blanket around you, lifting your feet up to rest on the wooden rail of the porch. The silence that surrounded you should have comforted you, but it was so loud it was deafening. You watched as the waves crashed on the sand as the sun went down, when your burner cell started to ring,
“Hey Baby” Bishop’s voice came over the other end of the phone “You ok?”
“Hey babe. I’ am ok” you sighed. “You ok”?”
“I’ am ok. I promise, baby, not much longer. I miss you”
“I miss you too, so much. I’ am sorry I couldn’t be there with you today,” a tear rolled down you cheek and you sniffed.
“Don’t cry baby, it’s ok. Wish you were here.” You could only nod and you wiped the tears away with the back of your hand. “As soon as everything is sorted I’ll be up there to get you. Bring you home to me. I love you Y/N”  
“Love you too.”
You hung up the phone just as Steve and Gabby walked out the back door carrying bowls of Chilli Con Carne and fresh bread that you and Gabby made earlier.  
There was an all-out war with the club and things had started to get too close to home. You had ended up in tears when Bishop had ask you to get out of town with Gabby. It was lucky you had a lot of long service leave up your sleeve; Bishop had asked you to use a month. Rosa moved to her sister’s place just out of town for now and you had paid for your parents to go and stay with your Aunty and Uncle in New York for the same amount of time you were away, telling them they needed a break.  
You packed everything that was important to you, locking it in your parent’s basement, and packed enough clothes to last. Bishop didn’t want you to leave the beach house at all. You and Bishop come to an agreement to shut off your social media and to turn off and leave your phone at home. He bought you and himself a burner cell to keep in contact, and Taza moved you and Gabby to a safe house. The club left Steve with you both just in case.  
You had pretty much eaten dinner in silence, Gabby getting a call from Ez not long before your call from Bishop, both your eyes puffy from crying. It had been 3 and half weeks, you just wanted to go home. Steve took the plates inside and was tidying up, you sitting back on the day bed, feet up on the rail listening to the ocean when Gabby walked back out with a cup of tea for you and herself, sitting down next to you. You pulled the blanket off your shoulders and draped it over both your laps. You took a sip of your tea and you almost spat it out with how sweet it was,  
“You ok?” Gabby looked at you worried.
“Who made the tea?”
“Steve, why?”
“What the fuck Steve! How many sugars did you put in it?”
“Sorry Y/N”
You and Gabby had a little giggle and then both fell silent, the sound of the waves filling the air again.
“Yeah,” you looked at Gabby who was staring out into the darkness.
“Can we do this for the rest of our lives? Being in love with men that put us in this kind of situation. Marry them? Have children with them? Have a future with them?”  
“You love Ez?” You asked. Gabby nodded “He treats you well?” Gabby nodded again “What else is there to think about? He isn’t a bad man. Ez is amazing, he will be an amazing husband and father.”
“You grew up with him?”
“I did. Our families are close friends. Gabby- don’t give up on him just because of the club. They are all good men. We all have two sides, they just can’t hide their other side like the rest of us can.”
“You love Bishop a lot” Gabby grabbed your hand and squeezed it.
“I do. He is the best thing that has happened to me. Even if I’ am in hiding because of him” you both giggled “No one said it was going to be easy, but really is any relationship?”
Gabby let go of your hand and lent over hugging you when revs of motor bikes ripped through the air and you both gasped, jumping up, fear pulsing through you, and running to the door just as Steve opened it walking out carrying a baseball bat,
“Get inside. Lock the doors”
“Steve” you grabbed his arm tears coming to your eyes.
“I’ll be fine. You know what to do. Go please”
You ran inside locking the doors behind you grabbing the baseball bat from next to the fridge and coming back to stand next to the door, Gabby huddled into your side,
“Go upstairs and hide in my room. If anything happens go through the doors to the balcony, climb down, run and call Ez. Just like we talked about,” Gabby nodded her eyes filled with tears as she ran up the stairs two at a time.
“Fuck Steve” you heard Ez’s voice “It’s just us”
Rage bolted through you. You unlocked the door, baseball bat still in hand storming out seeing Ez and Bishop walking up the stairs. You raised your eye brows at them and Bishop could see on your face that you were pissed,
“What the actual fuck?” you spat at them both “A heads up would have been nice” You pointed the end of the baseball bat at Ez’s chest “Do you have any idea what you just done to us?” you snarled. Ez held his hands up in surrender and a smirk on his face “Don’t smirk at me Ezekiel”  
Ez pushed the bat away, it dropping out of your hand to the ground out of the way and he wrapped you in his arm kissing the top of your head, “Maybe we should patch you in, you’re scarier than Steve,” the 3 men laughed,
“Yeah she is actually” Steve blurted out and you rolled your eyes.
“Where’s Gabby?” Ez looked down at you.
“Hiding upstairs waiting to climb down off the balcony”  
You pulled away from Ez poking your head inside the door yelling out to Gabby it was safe and Ez walked in followed by Steve. You turned around to Bishop standing on the second step down from the top. You rushed over to him wrapping your arms around him, his around you and he nuzzled his face into your chest while your fingers ran through his hair, scraping your nails over his sculp. Bishop pulled back slightly looking up at you. You dipped your head catching his lips with yours, kissing him deeply. Without breaking the kiss Bishop pushed you back stepping up to be level with you. Bishop finally broke the kiss, his hands coming up to cup your cheeks leaning his forehead on yours,
“I’ve missed you baby, so much. I’ am sorry we scared you. I wanted to surprise you”  
“Surprise is an understatement” you giggled “I missed you too”
“It’s all fixed baby, I can take you home” Bishop’s lips came up to kiss your forehead “Got any beer around here?”
You went to the fridge grabbing a couple of bottles. You gave one to Steve who was sitting on the couch watching TV, giving him a kiss on the cheek thanking him for looking after you and Gabby. You picked up the other two bottles walking up stairs to find Bishop. Gabby and Ez locked away in her room. As you walked into your bedroom you seen the sliding doors open and Bishop was sitting on the double seater outdoor couch and you walked out to him,
“Here babe” you handed Bishop a beer.
“Thank you baby” He grabbed your hand, kissing the back of it and then patted his thigh so you would sit down.  
You sat across Bishop’s lap, one of his arms going around your middle and his other that was holding the beer resting across your legs. Your hand that was around his shoulder’s came up to run your fingers over the nape of his neck and he sighed into your touch,
“You ok?” you whispered.
“Better now I’ am with you. I missed you baby”
“Missed you too” you lent down, your lips connecting with his.
The kiss started soft and tender and soon turned heated when Bishop’s hand that was around your middle started to slide up your back and into your hair pushing your head into him more deepening the kiss. You swallowed each other’s groans and whimpers. Without breaking the kiss Bishop reached behind, with his other hand sitting his bottle of beer on the table behind the couch and then did the same to yours.
Once both bottles where on the table, Bishop started to run his hand up your thigh and up under your shirt. His big warm rough hand ran up over your skin up to your breast groping it through your bra. You arched into his touch, your hand now threaded up into his hair and your other running over his solid chest down between you both to cup his hard cock through his jeans.
You broke the kiss and moved yourself to straddle his lap, both your hands resting on his bearded cheeks as your lips collided with his again, the kiss all teeth and tongues. You started to roll yours hips down on Bishop and you heard a growl rattle through his chest. You pulled back from the kiss giggling at his reaction, wrapping your arms around his neck peppering his face with kisses, both of Bishop’s hands rubbing the tops of your thighs and up your sides.
“I missed your noises,” You brushed your nose over his and he chuckled low.
You rolled your hips over Bishop again, your lips crashing on his once more, kissing him deeply. Bishop gripped your ass cheeks tight, pulling you down on him as he grunted into your mouth bucking up into you.  
You reached down between you both undoing his jean button and zipper sliding your hand into his boxers pulling out his hard length wrapping your hand around him giving him a couple of quick pumps up and down. Bishop pulled back from the kiss, his head falling back with his eyes closed and mouth slightly open groaning. You lent forward kissing around his neck and he bucked up into your hand.
“Missed this?” you grazed your teeth over his bearded chin.
“Fuck yes” Bishop grunted.
You moved away to stand and pushed down your tights and panties, them hitting the floor and you stepped out of them. Bishop wrapped his hand around himself, stroking his hard cock lazily, looking up at you with hooded eyes as he watched you pull your shirt and bra off throwing them on the floor. You sat back on his lap, the coolness of his fully clothed body made you shiver when it met your hot skin and when your sensitive nipples brush over the rough cotton of his shirt, you rolled your hips down again, brushing your core over his jeans and you bit your bottom lip wanting more.
You lifted yourself up slightly lining Bishop to you moving to slid down on him, your wet centre wrapping around him. You paused for a moment to catch your breath. Bishop made quick work pulling off his leather vest and undoing a couple of his shirt buttons pulling it up and over his head, followed by his under shirt, throwing them on the floor leaving him bare chested. You wrapped your arms back around Bishop’s neck, your hands going into his hair, your boobs resting on his chest and he lent forward, his lips landing on your skin leaving a trail of open mouth kisses, his beard running along your skin made you groan as he went and you rolled your hips over him fast, he bucking up into you hard.
“Fuck baby you feel so good” Bishop breathed into your skin before looking up to lock eyes with you, both his arms wrapping around your middle pulling you down on him harder as he bucked up into you.
“You feel amazing babe” you breathed out before you dipped your head kissing him deeply, your tongues rolling together.
You broke the kiss, your forehead resting on his as your release raced through you and you had to remember not to scream so the others didn’t hear you. You choked out Bishop’s name and you rolled your hips through your high when Bishop bucked up hard grunting, his seed spilling into you and his head dropping back on the couch breathless. You stilled your movements, the smell of salty air taking over the smell of sex and your heavy breathing almost as loud as the crashing waves.  
Bishop cupped your cheeks and pulled you towards him, his lips landing on yours for another deep kiss. You got up off him and walked to grab a blanket off the bed to wrap around you both as you both snuggled into each other on the couch, Bishop’s arm wrapped around you, his hand brushing through your hair as you rested on his shoulder,
“Baby, I want to ask you something” Bishop felt you go stiff against him and he tightened his grip around you and kissed the top of your head “Nothing bad”
“Ok, I’ am listening” You sat back slightly looking over up at him.
“I want you to move in with me” a grin pulled across your face “I have spoken to your Dad and Mum they gave us their blessing and Rosa is moving into the granny flat next door at the end of the month”
You looked out into the dark letting that all sink in as Bishop ran his hand up and down your back over the blanket,
“There is no granny flat next door” you looked up at him raising an eye brow.
“Will be at the end of the month” Bishop smirked at you and you nodded.  
“You managed all this in-between everything else going on?”  
“No. I started the ball rolling before all this shit happened. Your stuff can be moved into my place when we get back and Rosa has moved in with Coco till the end of the month”
“What if I say no?” you smirked at him with your eye brows raised and he laughed loud.
“Emily said you could move in with her” you both laughed and you nudged his side scoffing “If you don’t-“
“No” you almost shouted “I want to. I never want to be away from you again” you smiled reaching up to rest your hand on his cheek “I can’t wait for you to come home to me every night”
“Me too baby, me too.”
Tags: @lovebishoplosamiguelgalindo​ @withmyteeth​
115 notes · View notes
ipuckwithhockey · 4 years
Earned- N. Patrick
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a/n: This one gets angsty, oops. I’m on a NolPat thing right now, but when are we not? I’m honestly enjoying writing again, so I hope you guys enjoy this one!  
warnings: angst, mentions of sex/oral sex, swearing, divorced parents, drinking (i think that’s it)
Nolan loved his friends and family, hockey, and even on occasion Travis Konecny. This was enough for him. He had his close-knit group that he surrounded himself with and that was all he needed. It’s not that he avoided getting attached to people, he just hadn’t found anyone that he felt was worth getting attached to. He was young and focused on his career. Love would come eventually. He just didn’t realize how soon ‘eventually’ would be until he met you.
You met Nolan at a Post Malone concert. Your friend Grace had gotten tickets through her job and you couldn’t just say no to floor seats for Posty. Your seats just so happened to be right next to Nolan, Travis, and Kevin Hayes. You recognized the hockey players instantly, but your best friend just recognized that TK was hot and definitely checking her out. 
By the time Post was ending his show Grace was agreeing that the two of you would join the boys at a bar around the corner. You weren’t planning on going home with anyone that night, but Nolan Patrick was flirting with you and you were a woman of opportunity. So, you found yourself going home with a Flyers forward while your friend went home with another.
Grace was your polar opposite. She was an undying optimist, bubbly, and most notably a romantic. You on the other hand considered yourself a dedicated realist who was levelheaded and decisive. The thought of finding someone to spend the rest of your life with almost made you laugh.  You had no interest in settling for a mediocre relationship that would eventually combust or at best, just fizzled out.
The first night you went home with Nolan was supposed to be the only night you went home with Nolan, but just like the tale as old as time, it was far from a one time occurrence. Grace and TK kept seeing each other and their big personalities actually seemed to mesh well. Grace was happy and you were happy that she was happy. What you weren’t totally sure about was that their blossoming relationship meant you found yourself in the same room as Nolan more often than not. A couple of drunken nights together turned into a habit neither one of you seemed to mind.
Nolan was just as aloof as you when it came to romanticism. That was what you told yourself was the reason why you kept letting yourself fall into his bed every weekend. When he started texting you to come over out of the blue instead of your usual drunken hookups you decided it was time to lay down the law.
“Ok, so just to be clear, because I don’t want to be the reason for any broken hearts and more importantly, I don’t need any lost Flyers games weighing on me, this is just sex. Like we’re not going to be those stupid kids that say it’s just sex but then end up falling madly in love. I don’t do that, and from what I’ve gathered, you don’t do that either. So, if this is going to happen again, or keep happening, then it’s strictly business.”  You’re barely even looking at Nolan as you explain your position. He had quite aggressively ripped your clothes from your body when you arrived at his place tonight and you can’t seem to locate your second sock as you scour his room.
Nolan was still laying naked on his bed, catching his breath, as he watched you in your adopted routine of rushing out of his apartment. He had met girls who were okay with a quick hookup with a famous NHL player, but you were different. You were bold and definitive. You weren’t here because he’s famous, you were here because the sex was good, and that’s why Nolan was here too.
Nolan didn’t make a habit out of hooking up with the same girls more than a couple of times, max. If you hadn’t been so good in bed and so open to just having sex, he probably wouldn’t have entertained the idea at all. You couldn’t deny that having Nolan between your legs a few times a week wasn’t a good thing. In fact, it was a great thing.  Nolan might not spend much time talking, but he definitely knows how to use his mouth. You both left each other at the end of the night tired and satisfied, and that didn’t seem like a bad thing. 
“Mkay. I promise I won’t fall in love with you. My track record is pretty good, so if you need references, I can probably get you their numbers. They probably wouldn’t be thrilled about you calling to ask them about how I’m a heartless asshole, but you can give it a swing.” You can’t help but laugh as your brain deciphers the mumbles that just came from the half sleeping body in front of you.
The second or third time you hung out with the boys you were at a party. You were teasing Nolan about all the girls who were trying so hard to get his attention, and he replied that they probably wouldn’t try so hard if they knew how their short lived fling would end.  He had a bad habit of accidentally leading girls on, thinking they were on the same wavelength but then being met with a pissed off girl who thought “they had something special.”
“Perfect. And if you somehow end up falling for my stunning good looks and amazing personality, just do me a favor and let me know so I can run for the hills.” And with that you gave him a wink and were out the door. Nolan couldn’t hold in the laugh that fell from his lips as he continued to take in the personality you had begun to share with him.
It’s been two months since the two of you settled your business deal and things were good. Grace and TK had made it official and she insisted on bringing you with her to team gatherings and games. You and Nolan went over to each other’s places when the other called or texted, and the sex was still as good as it was the first time.
The two of you developed a friendship and your post sex talks began to last a little longer on topics that were just a little deeper than the time before. Nolan would ask you about the douche that likes to hit on you at work and you would ask him how hockey was going.  Then he told you about his sisters and and eventually told you a little more about his migraines. When it felt right you would ask him questions that he always provided thoughtful answers to. Nolan Patrick was much more pensive than you initially thought. To be honest you hadn’t really given his personality much thought at all, but as you got to know him you realized his aloof exterior was maybe just misinterpreted.
To his surprise Nolan genuinely liked spending time with you. Unlike most people, you weren’t constantly urging him to be “more social” or outgoing, and even though you were using each other’s bodies for sex, you weren’t greedy. You didn’t ask too much of him or expect certain things because of who he was. He felt like he could breathe around you because he wasn’t constantly trying to satisfy any unattainable expectations.
Even when he talked to you about hockey, he felt like he was just talking about any old 9-5 job; zero pressure to perform for you. You would ask him how it was going even though you already watched the games, and you would let Nolan guide the conversation to where he was comfortable. In many ways Nolan did the same for you. He didn’t press about why you didn’t have a boyfriend or why you didn’t want one. He did query over why you gracefully steered the conversation away from your family. He didn’t pry into things that were too personal, that for some reason, so many people thought they were entitled to.
There was a level of respect present between you that neither of you had experienced with anyone else. In both of your past relationships people always wanted to go fast, immediately trying to see if you were compatible. You and Nolan were just friends having sex with no other expectation, and somehow that allowed the two of you to slowly peel back each other’s layers.
You were oblivious to all of this until one night when your post sex talk didn’t come after sex. It came before. Well, actually the conversation came but neither of you did that night. You were at Nolan’s after a game that hadn’t gone as well as they had hoped. He was tired and you could see it in his eyes. Instead of jumping each other’s bones as soon as he greeted you at the door, you cracked a bottle of wine and settled on the couch.
It was nice. It was two friends having conversation over a bottle of wine. You didn’t talk about hockey or work; it was just talking about nothing. You talked about the lady who gave you one of her extra coupons at the grocery the other day. He explained how he made a sweater once in home ec. ( You’re still not sure if you believe him.)
A couple of hours later, and halfway into your second bottle of wine, Nolan’s curiosity got the best of him.
“So, is there a reason you’re so anti relationship or are you just a serial heart breaker like me?”
Once he asked the question, he realized that he probably shouldn’t have. You hadn’t talked about it before and that probably meant you didn’t want to. You were surprised but his smug joke still made you laugh. Normally you would be a little annoyed by the question, but you felt like you knew Nolan. You knew he wasn’t just trying to get to the juicy part, he just genuinely wanted to know, so you told him.
“Well, if you must know, I am most definitely a serial heart breaker, but that’s just a result of why I’m not thrilled about relationships, not the actual why.”
You take a breath before going on, “My parent’s marriage was horrible. They fought constantly and I don’t think I ever saw them genuinely happy together. They insisted on staying together. Their families, my grandparents, were both pretty ‘well-to-do’ and I’m pretty sure my parents were just staying together to save face with them and their circle of rich friends. I’m not sure why, because none of their marriages seemed any different. They’re all divorced now, and remarried to even shittier people. But before that, it became more of a game than anything else. — it started getting bad when I was in middle school.”
You look out the window in front of you. Through it, you can see the city of Philadelphia. A city you came to for college, with the hopes of leaving your old life behind. 
“My mom started to go out to the country club and wherever else, and then she’d come home in the middle of the night, drunk, after doing god knows what or god knows who. My dad would go on business trips just to get away, and I’m pretty sure he was cheating on my mom too at that point. I never really saw them, and when I did they were always fighting. We didn’t have fun holidays and if my brother wasn’t there no one was in the stands cheering me on at my soccer games. Hell, by that point I preferred no holidays and no parents at my games. They didn’t care about me or my brother, and once Caleb went off to college I was on my own. I don’t blame him, I got out as fast as I could too. All we had was each other and we were always close. He’s in New York now, and we still talk pretty regularly, but being at home alone sucked, and being home alone with them sucked even more. I wasn’t always so pessimistic; I’ve dated a handful of guys but obviously they never worked out. Then I met a guy in college, and I thought wow this guy is unbelievable. He was perfect— Josh was his name. He was in grad school and he was smart and funny and said all the right things. I was young and naive, and I think I just wanted someone to love me, so I let him. And I let him take advantage of my time and energy. I let him lie to me and I let him cheat on me. And when I finally woke up from whatever trance I was in I realized that I had been looking at the world through rose colored glasses. I promised myself that I was never going to let myself do that again. I wasn’t going to rely on anyone but myself… I wasn’t going to give all of myself to someone just to wait for it to fall apart… The proof was in the pudding, relationships just don’t work, and that is why I’m so anti-relationship.”
You hadn’t looked Nolan in the eyes since you started in on your monologue, afraid that you may have just scared off your friend. Nolan was still taking it all in, reveling over the years of your life you had just laid out for him.
He had grown up in a loving family where his parents did everything they could to give him and his sisters the perfect childhood. They spent every weekend driving around Canada for hockey tournaments. He still talks to his sisters almost every day even though they’re thousands of miles away. His mom insists on carry out whatever holiday traditions she can even with Nolan in Philly. And here you were with a childhood that couldn’t have been more different than his. He didn’t want a relationship because he couldn’t find anyone he felt was worthy of his time and energy, but here you were, closed off to the world because you thought that unconditional love wasn’t real.
He didn’t say anything. There wasn’t anything he could say, so instead he pulled you from your side of the couch to his, where he wrapped you up in his warm arms. You sat like that for a long time, not saying anything, not even moving, just letting him hold you. You didn’t even realize you had started crying until you felt Nolan’s hands wipe away the tears that were staining your face, and that small gently gesture was what made you snap. That’s when it boiled over, when it became too much too fast.
“I’m sorry... God. I shouldn’t have even said anything. And now I’m crying like a fucking idiot. It’s probably just the wine. It’s late, I should get going. Just forget I said anything, ok?”
And just like that you had grabbed your coat, faceted your shoes, and were out the door of his apartment. Nolan’s brain couldn’t keep up with yours and by the time he heard his door slam shut it was too late to tell you that everything was okay.
Nolan tried calling you after that night, but he couldn’t get a hold of you. You couldn’t talk to him. You knew you couldn’t look him in the eyes, because for a couple of seconds you got too comfortable, you let go and let him in. It was a mistake, and Nolan would surely know that too. You had both decided this was just a transaction of sex, nothing more. You were the one who took it past that. You could have just brushed off the question that Nolan was surely regretting now.
Nolan was regretting asking that question, but not because he didn’t want to know. He regretted it because you were gone now, and he didn’t know how to get you back. You had both promised not to fall in love, not to affect each other’s lives, but that’s exactly what happened. Nolan was in love with you.
Kevin had to spell it out for Nolan as he sat on his couch explaining what had happened. Nolan knew he cared about you, but he hadn’t deciphered what that feeling in the pit of his stomach was when he saw you. He couldn’t explain why he had to constantly rub the back of his neck in nervousness when he caught you staring from across the room. He didn’t know what any of it meant.  
“Dude. I’m dumb. Like I’m big-Boston-hockey-dude dumb, but you’re an idiot. You’re in love with her man.”
“What? We’re friends, I’m just worried about her.”
“Well, she’s in love with you too.”
“It’s just sex.”
“If you were just friends, and if it was just sex, you guys would be fucking right now, and you wouldn’t be mopping here on Saturday night because she told you about her life and won’t talk to you now. She wouldn’t have told you that shit, and she wouldn’t be ignoring you now if she didn’t have feelings for you. You said it yourself, she doesn’t let people in, but she let you in.”
She let me in. That’s all Nolan could think. Maybe Kevin had a point. Maybe he did love her. Maybe you somehow loved him too. Nolan couldn’t quite wrap his mind around it. A couple days later he was getting more comfortable with all the reasons he loved you, but he still couldn’t figure out why you would love him.
He loved you because you were unwavering, absolute, and even a bit brazen. Over time Nolan had found that underneath that outside shell there was so much more. There was a girl who if you were patient and gentle, she might just let you in a little bit at a time. She unveiled her scars and her wounds, and Nolan was going to do anything he could to help them heal. He didn’t know that the feelings you were denying were nearly identical to the ones he was having right now. 
It’s been two weeks since you spoke to Nolan. You had also been ignoring Grace and Travis’ attempts to figure out what the hell was going on. You were telling yourself it was fine, and that everything would blow over. What you didn’t expect to see was a large body sitting in front of your apartment door when you got home from work.
“What are you doing here?” You didn’t meet his eyes as his towering frame rose from the floor. You kept your eyes fixed on your purse as you fished out the keys to your door, and as you stuck them into the door you weren’t sure if you should slam the door behind you or turn to listen to what he had to say.
“I know that you think I’m gonna be like every other guy, and I’m gonna use you or hurt you, and maybe I will, but if you let me try, I’ll try my hardest to never let that happen because it would break me to break you. I don’t need you to give me every piece of yourself right now, I don’t want it right now— “
You scoffed. For an apology or a speech or whatever it was you were listening to, it didn’t seem to be going too well.
“-I don’t want it right now, because I know I don’t deserve it. It has to be earned. Trust is earned and I just want you to give me the chance to earn it. I know what it’s like to feel like you can’t share yourself with people because you think they’ll be disappointed or throw it away because it’s not what they wanted. But that’s not what this is. I’m a huge idiot and I didn’t realize this until recently, but I trust you. I totally and completely trust you. I can’t say that about many people, but I can say that about you. You’ve earned it. I’ve let you into parts of my life and you’ve welcomed them. You brought me closer, and for the first time in a long time I didn’t want to run away. I’m not going to say it, because I know you need time, I know that if we do this, we have to take it slow, but I think you know how I feel about you because you feel the same way about me. Or at least I really really hope you do, because I’m totally falling for you amazing personality and stunning good looks.”
Nolan is practically out of breath after the word vomit that has escaped his mouth. You’re taking it all in. You’re taking him in, and you can’t help but let a smile creep onto your face.  Nolan somehow put everything you didn’t know you needed into words and you still didn’t know what to say, so you didn’t say anything.  Instead, you pulled him close to you and wrapped your short arms around his torso as you felt his own engulf your body. You both melted into each other and for the first time in weeks felt like you could breathe.
Neither of you were sure what was going to happen next, and how this would unfold, but you were willing to give him a chance. You were willing to let him show you what this could be, what you could be together, because you had both earned it. 
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