#also it should be noted that none of my immediate family live in that state so they’re all flying there
lilyaceofdiamonds · 1 year
The sentence ‘my mother is pissed at me because i refuse to quit my retail job so i can fly to [redacted state] for christmas and when i said they could come to my state she said they had already bought tickets’ is just. How does that even sound real.
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pluckyredhead · 1 year
Ngl do you think the relationship between Arthur and Garth has anything to do with how often at the time adopted children were and are considered not as “real” as biological children? Especially because the whole nuclear family BS. Not saying that’s all of it but I think it plays a role
Oh, 100%. I mean, look at this:
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Arthur is willing to kill Garth to save Aquababy, because Aquababy is his son...with the implicit corollary that Garth isn't. The kid he has raised since, like, age 8, who has been by his side and living in his house all these years, is just...a sidekick.
(I think it's worth noting that Batman, who is not a good father, was once in a similar situation - Ra's al Ghul wanted him to pick whether Tim or Damian should die - and Bruce immediately chose himself. Arthur didn't even consider sacrificing himself for the boys. When you're a worse father than Batman, you know you've fucked up.)
I will say that in the early decades, comics only rarely explicitly referred to heroes and sidekicks as fathers and sons - you don't see it very often with Dick or Roy either. That's why all the sidekicks were wards and none of them were legally adopted. (Dick wasn't adopted until he was over 18; Roy never has been.) This was mostly to keep the heroes seeming young and fun instead of stodgy old dads.
But since the 70s on, Dick and Roy have been very frequently, explicitly stated to be Bruce and Ollie's sons, and the same is true for subsequent sidekicks: Jason was going to be adopted right away, Tim was going to be adopted whether he wanted it or not, Mia is clearly Ollie's daughter.
By contrast, I can only think of two times the Arthur/Garth dynamic has been described as paternal. The first is from Garth's debut:
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HE IS SO TINY. Also I can't stop laughing at how Arthur's like "Fuck that noise." TERRIBLE.
I can't remember exactly when the other instance was, but I want to say it was Arthur calling Garth his son in like...the early 2000s? Maybe the Jurgens run? It would've had to have been before the 2003 run, because Garth was not putting up with Arthur's bullshit from 2003 on, and then the New 52 happened.
But yeah, they don't use those words for each other...basically ever. (Lorena and Jackson are also not Arthur's children. To be fair, Jackson has two very alive parents so Arthur being like "YOU ARE MY SON" would be weird and inappropriate.)
I think another factor, though, is that Arthur isn't just Garth's former mentor and guardian - he's his king. A lot of the time, Arthur has very cold, formal relationships with almost everyone in his life who isn't Mera (and sometimes even her) or a literal baby. There's a certain loyalty Garth owes Arthur - or at least both characters seem to feel Garth owes Arthur, whether or not you or I might agree with that - that has nothing at all to do with family.
We also don't really know the Atlantean norms around this sort of thing. Like, we can extrapolate things about Ollie and Roy's relationship that aren't written on the page, but do Atlanteans even have differentiations between ward, foster, and adoptee? Do they differentiate between adoptee and biological child?
And combining both of those ideas, Garth being considered Arthur's son might have political ramifications. Does that put him in the line of succession? The comics have been wildly inconsistent on this (Titans called him a prince this month and I yelled "EXPLAIN YOURSELF, TOM TAYLOR" at the page), but one could headcanon that Arthur has very deliberately avoided formally recognizing Garth as his son for political reasons. (Unless he has and that's why Garth is apparently a prince now, like he was in the Jurgens run but no other time in history. EXPLAIN BOTH OF YOURSELVES, TOM TAYLOR AND DAN JURGENS.)
Anyway yeah, I mostly think you're right that it's just anti-adoption prejudice, but there are some other factors that make this situation unique among the many, many mentor/sidekick relationships in comics.
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house-of-lebedov · 2 months
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House of Advisors, 11:23 am, Mid-Spring
Transcript below
[Lawyer]: Ladies and gentlemen of the advisory, I like to thank you all for coming to Emperor Achilles' final decree. Now before we begin the reading of the will, I must brief you all on the legal proceedings. As stated in the Inheritance Act, section 4, the will goes in order from immediate family to the public. Also worth noting, since this will is considered the final decree from his late Majesty, anything written goes with no appeal or voting. Any questions before we begin the hearing of the will?
[Circe]: It's not a question, but I would like to make a suggestion.
[Adam]: For watcher's sake-
[Lawyer]: Your grace, please let Duchess Circe speak. Go on.
[Crice]: As I was saying, I believe it's in our best interest if we go over who is to ascend to the throne first before anything else.
[Adam]: Have you no shame, Duchess Circe.
[Circe]: Belittle me all you want, Halestein. But, we both know that keeping that keeping the throne open any longer will be disastrous overall. The needs of the empire come first.
[Adam]: Bold words of someone willing to spy on theirs with the right price--
[Leon]: Go on ahead.
[Adam]: What? but, Your Highness--
[Leon]: Despite how harsh it sounds, Duchess Circe is right. We must know who'll be the and prepare the proclamation tomorrow.
[Cedric]: I, too, think it's best to go forth with the suggestion.
[Lawyer]: Since it's a majority rule, I will allow it.
[Adam]: Hmph. Get on with it then.
[Lawyer]: Ahem. "Regarding that to the throne of the Claosteinan Empire I, Emperor Achilles Porter Lebedov, Delare that my successor shall be none other than my only child, Princess Leon Lebedov."
[Leon]: Forgive me, for a moment there I thought--
[Lawyer]: It is as it's said, your highness. All written in ink.
[Adam]: Are you certain? Give me that will, I must read it for myself! Mumbles.
[Cedric]: Well? Is it legit, your grace?
[Circe]: I do believe you should tell us before a fly enters your mouth.
[Leon]: Duke Adam?
[Adam]: This will is, in fact, legit. I know his handwriting anywhere, down to his markings.
[Leon]: Oh my god...
[Circe]: Well, I guess it didn't matter which part of the will should be read first, after all.
[Cedric]: Sister, please-
[Adam]: Regardless, what's done is done. Let me be the first to swear my loyalty to you and you alone, Your Majesty. Long live the empress.
[Circe and Cedric]: Long live the empress!
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discopaddock · 1 year
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PAIRING: pierre gasly x fem!reader
GENRE: fluff
NOTE: finally found time to write 2nd part! hope you guys like it. PART 2 TO THIS
WARNINGS: none just my english
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The next few days were living hell for Pierre. Everything reminded him of his ex-fiancée. In addition, he had to arrange the wedding and hoped to get his money back. Because he was the one who took care of the financial issue of planning the celebration.
Unfortunately, his family did not leave a dry thread on him, constantly asking him about the reason for Dulcinea's run off from the church.
As if they couldn't leave him alone and end up with one and the same question.
Plus, Charles kept telling him about some girl that he should talk to her, and he honestly couldn't remember anything since his run away from the church on that fateful day.
But when he saw a photo in his gallery with a Y/H/C girl looking to the left, something clicked on his sad mind.
He also remembered that drunk as a bum, he asked her for her phone number. So when he went to the contacts on his phone and saw an unfamiliar name there, he felt a twist of embarrassment in his stomach.
He had no idea what he had said or how he had behaved that afternoon and evening, and he was embarrassed and disgusted with himself.
So he forced himself to write two short text messages in which he introduced himself and apologised for his behaviour.
Unfortunately, he had to wait a long time for the answer, because it came more than two hours later.
He was happy and relieved when he saw the message, the content of which said that Y/N was not angry with him at all and did not blame him for his behavior.
But the text that she thought he had forgotten about her made him huff appalled.
"I never forget, sweets ;)"
He replied yes and then started a completely different topic of conversation. About macaroons. He asked about her favorite flavor of those stupid cookies she had brought with her that day.
Y/L/N nearly spat out the tomato soup she was eating when she read the text. Nevertheless, she wrote him back, and so began their conversation, at the end of which they agreed to meet on the beach of the Bievre River.
When Charles heard from his friend that he was going to meet a girl next week, he thought the friend was joking. He was terribly surprised to find that Gasly was deadly serious.
Of course, Pierre emphasised at every turn that it was not a romantic or sexual meeting - he didn't know this girl and wanted to meet her sober.
And so he did, and Y/N herself turned out to be his first platonic, or so he thought, soulmate.
She was a wonderful friend, and not only in his opinion, because Charlotte Siné herself fell in love with her (reciprocally) at first sight.
Lottie became very close to her and together with Eszter they were confidants of Y/L/N's secrets.
They were also the first people to know about her crush on Pierre.
This happened about five months after their first meeting. Of course, Y/N had liked Gasly before, since they'd really met, but she thought that phase with him would pass.
Unfortunately, that didn't happen.
The first one to discover it was Balog, who noticed that her best friend's phone wallpaper was no longer with Timothée, whom she had adored since she was about fourteen, but with Pierre, and it wasn't some random Pinterest or Instagram picture of that man. It was a photo the brunette had taken on the day of his failed wedding as Charles was driving them home.
Eszter confided her discovery to Charlotte, who immediately stated that she would come from Monaco to Paris for coffee and told the Hungarian woman to prepare bedding for her.
That night was not easy for Y/N, who admitted her infatuation and cried, thinking that it was not serious that she liked a man whom her fiancée had just left, Pierre would not like her that way and she should not push herself like this relationship because only I will suffer.
And well, she might be right about the last one, but about the first two, according to the girls, she was wrong.
Soon after, Charlotte accidentally spilled a little crush on Charles to Charles, who promised not to tell Gasly.
He lied.
He lied perfidiously.
The very next day he told his best friend about it, who, hearing the source of this fact, only hit him on the head.
Pierre had already noticed that Y/N had become interested in him in a romantic way, but he also didn't want to enter into any relationship at the time. He had just finished dealing with the cancellation of the wedding, and here Leclerc told him to go on a date.
The brunette man really liked Y/N. He found her extremely attractive and thought she was an amazing person.
But he needed time.
Plus, he didn't want Y/L/N to feel like a temporary distraction.
First he had to heal, and only then enter into new relationships.
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apteryxdrake · 1 year
Chapbook: Run, Arlan
This chapbook was originally written for a con promotional event approx. 2014. I'll post a scene on this thread every day until it's done.
I primarily write urban fantasy/sci fi, with action and dystopian themes. My books are also queer friendly, though not the focus of the stories. But because the stories are quite violent, I should put a:
Content warning: violence and inferred gore
Run, Arlan * 1 *
Agent Arlan Edaan ran sideways and collected his Team Leader, pulling the older man to the ground as he fell. Arlan landed on his side as a car flew over them. It was so close, had he wanted to, he could have reached out and touched it. Mouth open wide, he stared at it as it rolled over them in slow motion.
The girl was a kinetic, obviously, he thought.
Time sped up again and the flying car hit concrete, shredding metal and glass over the road and plowing into the oncoming traffic with a terrible smash.
“They’re getting away,” his Team Leader yelled as he scrambled to his feet.
Arlan gathered his thoughts from their muddled shock and stood up as well.
“Quit blinking at me!” The Team Leader barked at the other two TFOs, who stood on the side-walk their eyes wide like animals caught in car headlights. “Get after them!”
He didn’t even say thank you, thought Arlan.
The man glanced sideways at him. “No need to thank a person for doing their job, son. Now come on!”
Their targets ran on up the narrow residential street. Two parents and the little girl. They wore layers of gray drab rags, and the adults had no shoes.
Arlan couldn’t understand why they refused to surrender. As he ran with his Team, he frowned at the family. If they surrendered to Agency custody the girl would live. She wouldn’t have much choice in her life but she’d be alive. Why would her parents not surrender to save her?
The family skittered up the side-walk and into a tall but crumbling apartment block. His Team went into the building after them and he followed.
“Weapons ready!” called the Team Leader.
Arlan shrugged the auto assault rifle off its clip and, bracing it against his shoulder, lifted the barrel to aim.
They burst through into an apartment and his three teammates started firing without warning. Arlan paused, unable yet to see his target and unwilling to shoot randomly into a room, but the gunfire stopped before he zeroed in.
The others shifted sideways out of his line of sight. There was a mess of bodies in front of him and he gasped, turning away from it. With his back to the horror, he stared at a rotting wall. Stuck to wallpaper at his eye level was a yellow sticky note. He blinked at it.
“Arlan, run,” it said.
A shot of fear blew through him and he ripped it off the wall, stuffing the sticky note into the front pocket of his bullet-proof vest. He hoped none of the others had seen it.
Turning around again, he tried not to see what they’d done. Bodies lay in front of him in a line of gore and horror. The walls were splattered with blood and, not a meter from his boots, were the remains of the little girl. A child, who in her attempt to escape the Agency pursuit had been able to throw a car at them with her mind. She would have been a very high-rated kinetic, if she’d lived.
Poor kid. Arlan swallowed.
His Team Leader, and the only telepath in the group, moved out of the room into another area of the apartment and Arlan’s thoughts flickered back to the note in his pocket.
Hawk left yellow stickies for people when he wanted them to escape the Agency. Maybe today was the day he should run. But then his new Task Force team would hunt him down just as they had the girl and her parents.
Everyone knew the laws. If you were Psi or Talent, you had to work for the Agency. If you refused, you were a Traitor and Aranan law stated Traitors were to be immediately executed.
But I don’t want to do this. He swallowed again, trying to suppress his grief and fear. I don’t want to kill people.
His stomach tightened and he turned around, striding out of the room and back down to the street entrance. The nausea rose up into his throat and he only just made it outside before the grief and disgust resurrected his breakfast.
When his body finally gave up its spasms, he was leaning over his knees and breathing in pained gulps of acrid air.
Someone patted him on the back. “You alright, kid?” said his Team Leader.
Arlan shook his head but couldn’t otherwise reply.
“It’s always bad the first time. You stay here, we’ll clear the building. Clean yourself up.”
The man talked like it was ordinary. Like killing a child and her family was just fine.
Arlan waited until he could hear the sounds of his Leader trumping back upstairs, and pulled the yellow sticky out of his pocket.
“Arlan, run.”
Surely this was meant for him? How many people called Arlan would find themselves in that abandoned apartment before the paper glue lost its stickiness? Not many. They said that Hawk’s stickies were always put in the most impossible places with the best timing. If this really was a sticky from Hawk, it could mean Arlan might actually escape the Agency and not be killed.
The Team Leader’s voice barked orders from inside. If Arlan chose to run, now was the best time. He had two choices. Stay in the Agency and kill more innocent people because they chose not to be conscripted, or run and have a chance at freedom, even if it was short-lived.
He stuffed the sticky in his pocket, dropped the auto assault rifle from his vest-clip, and started running.
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humangods · 2 years
Plot bunnies because I always need more
Some are classics that have been written a hundred times that I’m just very late to the party with getting to myself. For any M/F pairing I prefer writing the guy. Unless otherwise stated, none have any set genre (could be supernatural, fantasy, sci-fi, historical, or good ol’ modern day with nothing added, etc.). Below the plots I wrote out are links to ones I’ve seen around that I also like. I’ll probably add onto this as I find more I want to do and remove ones I’ve started to do.
Message me or like the post and I’ll ask you what you were interested in. I’m also down to make up an original plot too!
If your blog isn’t able to be viewed and you have no posts or no indication of being into RP then I’ll probably ignore you unless you send me a message.
Cursed With Beauty (F/F); Muse A comes from an influential and wealthy family. Because of this Muse A’s family wants to ensure Muse A marries someone of equal or greater social standing and from such a union can benefit the family. Muse A has never been short of suitors thanks to their great and known beauty, leaving the family to choose whom they deem most fit at their leisure and with little resistance towards their choosiness. Thus, Muse A is thrust into a loveless marriage without a say in any of it. Muse B is no one of note. They don’t have any powerful connections, they’re not seeking any fame nor fortune -- they’re just trying to survive whether it means by legal means or not. Yet those that meet them immediately take notice of their quiet beauty and often seek to get closer to Muse B for their own selfish reasons. Both Muse A and B are miserable because of their beauty and meet by chance when Muse A attempts to flee from their marriage -- their life as they know it -- and the two form an unlikely bond.
I can swing for either muse, but if I play Muse A I’ll ask to use my character Soleil Chaiya (Davika Hoorne FC).
False King (F/F); Needing someone to inherit the throne, Muse A’s parents decide to raise them as a boy and present them to the rest of the world as such. No one suspected a thing as Muse A went from Prince to King, but they did begin to whisper when not only did Muse A not have any child to ascend the throne after their death, but every marriage ended in failure for one reason or another. But now Muse A needs to remarry and bear a child from the union or else the suspicion of there something fishy going on will rise. Enter Muse B, the royal of a smaller kingdom who could use the political support from Muse A’s kingdom and offer valuable resources in return. Muse B is not thrilled by the arranged marriage, but must go along with it. They become instantly skeptical of there being a hidden agenda when Muse A refuses to lie with them on the night of their wedding and every night after that. How were they supposed to produce an heir? Something was amiss and Muse B was determined to find out Muse A’s secret. But once they know the shift of power will fall into their favor greatly.
Preference for Muse B, who will plan on using the power shift to their advantage with the costs that which will at first seem inconsequential to the end result.
Life Without Persephone (F/F); The gods’ influence is coming to an end, Olympus has fallen, but the stories of their adventures and misdeeds persists. The gods themselves continue to live on, but they live among the mortals they’ve known only to toy with for their amusements. Muse A (Hades, and referred to as such henceforth) still rules over the dead in The Underworld, but also now lives on the surface world. The banishment to Earth is less of a curse to Hades as it is for the other gods with some adjusting to their new lives more easily than others. The biggest difference for Hades is Persephone is gone. Muse B has business with Hades and they will see it through. All they know of Hades is from the stories whispered by other gods, demigods, and mortals. Only some of them are true. But Muse B should take care not to forget: Hades is still a god, and gods are fickle and selfish. And, perhaps just as important, Muse B should bear in mind that the gods feared Hades and their realm of shadows and spirits. Dealing with a god never goes as planned.
Preference for Muse B, who will likely be another god with a bone to pick
Opposites Attract (F/F, M/F, M/M); Muse A comes from a small town where everyone knows everyone’s business, for better or for worse. There are sprawling ranches and farmland as far as the eye can see surrounding the town and not much else in the way of eye-catching views. Even the nearest rodeo is several cities over. but this is the life they know and they’re pretty comfortable with it right now. Muse B comes from the loud, bustling city where everyone keeps their head down and they’re always on the move from point a to point b. This is the life they know and love. One Muse meets the other (car breaks down and either Muse A or B are stuck in the opposite place from where they want to be, etc.) and they’re forced to temporarily live in the other Muse’s world with help from that Muse.
The Stars Aligned Badly (F/F, M/F, M/M); A pretty well known celebrity, Muse A, has gone through one publicist after another because of the constant chaos and trouble they cause. It doesn’t help matters any that Muse A also has a bad temper, so if it’s not the stress from doing constant damage control that pushed their publicists to quit then it’s Muse A’s arrogance and brashness. Half of Muse A’s fame come from them being difficult to work with, arguably more than half, while the rest is from their undeniable skill. Muse B is an up-and-coming publicist who has been having trouble finding work. Their portfolio of clientele has been mostly small-time individuals and start-up companies, no one and nothing major. But seeing Muse A needs a publicist (again) makes Muse B apply despite already knowing they’re going to be in for a tough time. If they can get through this job then they could get better clients and leave Muse A behind.
Theomachy (F/F, M/M); Everyone knows the gods are driven by their whims for never have they faced any true consequence. Everything they do is for their own selfish and greedy amusement and stories to tell while seated upon their golden thrones. Everything they do only leaves misery in their wake for the mortals they use as their playthings. Muse A is the unfavored and disgraced child of a god who came to understand that a divine parent is worse than a mortal one. Muse B is a mortal who followed the teachings to worship the gods, and loathe the monsters. Yet with each passing day it becomes harder for them to hang onto the respect they thought was deserved for the gods simply for being divine. Resentment takes hold in both Muse A and Muse B. It’s time for the age of gods to end and for people to be free to live and die as they choose, not because a god willed it so.
Muse B could also be disguised as a mortal, but in truth be a god that is either supportive of Muse A or plans to expose them to the other gods later down the road.
The Third Wheel (F/F); All Muse A remembers is the crash and everything going dark. They awaken in a hospital room with the news that their long-time partner that they’d been working with did not survive. Refusing to allow themselves to get closer to anyone else as they didn’t want to go through the pain of loss again, Muse A works alone for some years. During this time there’s a new agent whose been quickly rising in prominence. Muse A and B have crossed paths a few times, but never once did they get along. Any effort of a civil conversation was quickly snuffed out within the first ten seconds of speaking to one another. They couldn’t have had more opposing personalities. It comes to both their annoyance, especially Muse A’s who has been adamant and almost impressively with some excuse for why they can’t work with others, when the two are partnered together with no if’s, and’s, or but’s. Tensions are high as the two continuously butt heads, and it only gets worse when a person of interest they’re pursuing turns out to be Muse A’s old partner who was supposed to be deceased and is now working for the enemy.
Aphrodite’s Helen (F/F); Aphrodite (Muse A) chose Helen (Muse B) because if she couldn’t have the mortal, then she would ensure the world would suffer for it. But Helen, perhaps, suffers the most. She has no shortage of both seething hate and a burning love that only fuels her rage for the goddess. For better or worse, Aphrodite shares the same sentiments and feelings towards Helen.
Fake dating (F/F, M/F, M/M); They were fake-dating, but Muse A is annoying so now Muse B is publicly proposing just to spite them.
Just Chillin’ (F/F); A combination of this and this plot where Muse A (Dragon, and referred to as such henceforth) resettles somewhere new every few centuries or so and their latest spot is some distance away from a small, but rapidly growing town. Over the years there have been adventurers who have come and successfully traded with the Dragon one treasure for another. One day a group of people visit Dragon’s hoard and claim they need one of the treasures for an important mission of theirs, but all they can give in return is Muse B. Dragon ends up agreeing and plans to make the next person to visit them for an exchange of treasures also take Muse B. However, Dragon’s hopefulness begins to wane as many moons pass and no one has come to their den of treasures leaving Muse B with them all this time to look after or neglect.
Preference for Muse A (Dragon) who also, of course, has a human form. Will choose between my characters Aislyn (Kathryn Winnick FC) or Reizalyos (flexible FC; currently Olga Fonda) depending on the direction the plot and characters are developed.
Sometimes We’re the Villain (F/F, M/M); Muse A moonlights as a villain which is why they’re never available after work to go out with coworkers and they’re always busy in the evening on their weekends. They hate talking about their personal life too much and try to deflect whatever questions they can. This doesn’t go unnoticed by Muse B who thinks maybe they’re a superhero starts to try and do some digging on Muse A, much to Muse A’s annoyance. Because Muse B is getting in the way of their villainous activities.
Historical Mythology (F/F, M/F, M/M); Various ideas that can be built off or used as inspiration for others. This can be used for multiple plots.
I’m always wanting mythology-based plots so I’m open to just about anything. Fallen gods, gods who lose their immortality, people who don’t know they’re actually gods or are reincarnations of gods. They don’t have to be god/god pairings, they can also be god/human, god/demigod, etc.
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stargazer-balladeer · 3 years
S/o’s birthday but locks themselves in their rooms because they don’t feel special [Genshin Impact]
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Characters Included: Aether, Childe, Diluc, Kaeya & Venti.
Notes: Ayeeee! Since it’s my birthday today, why not make this? :))) I actually got carried away 🥲 this is around 3.5k words in total. Hope ya’ll like this!
Reader’s Gender: Neutral (tho i think there’s a slight implied female hehe…)
Warning: probably some swear words here and there knowing me- and mild suggestive themes in kaeya’s part 
[albedo, scaramouche, xiao]
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Aether remembers your birthday more than he knows his- like srsly, he’s the kind that remembers his s/o’s bday more than his. He’s also the kind that celebrates it privately unless you want to celebrate it with others, which he doesn’t mind. He might have a hard time deciding what kind of gift you want, but sooner or later, he already has one (or multiples bc he can’t decide-). 
Imagine his confusion when your day finally arrives but he can’t find you anywhere, even Paimon, who was excited to celebrate your bday (“oohh~ I can’t wait to eat the cake!” - Paimon), seems confused. Probably the culprit in planting worry in the travellers head as she jumps to conclusion that you might’ve been kidnapped. 
Luckily, he checked your house before he could report it to the knights of Favonius or the Qixing (like any normal person should do really-). When he received no reply, he takes out the spare key you gave him and entered your house, an invasion of privacy he knows but it's an emergency- 
Knowing that you’re in your room when he can’t find you downstairs, he knocks on your bedroom door softly while calling your name. Imagine his (and Paimon’s) relief when the door cracked open. Immediately engulfing you into a hug, he lets out a sigh of relief. He then proceeds to ask you what you were doing inside your room when it’s your birthday. His heart literally broke when you stated your reason. Tightening his hold around your figure, he smiles bitterly, knowing that feeling all too well..
“That’s not true. None of that stuff is true. Everyone deserves to feel special on their birthday, most especially you. We’ve brought some food, and cake of course. Also some gifts from other people. If you want, do you want to celebrate it with just the two, or rather three, of us?”
You, who was a literal angel in his eyes deserve the world. He honestly wants to find whoever put that idea in your head but that was reserved for another moment. For now, his main priority is your happiness. Guiding you downstairs where Paimon was (she left when aether hugged you, knowing you two needed privacy. also the cAKE-), he watches as your eyes sparkle at the sight of the cake. 
Grinning softly he made sure you had fun with your birthday. Even though it would be more fun with more people, it feels more special if it’s celebrated with just the two of you. Staring you with pure adoration as you laughed merrily at the sight of Paimon stuffing herself with food. He couldn’t help himself but lean forward to place a kiss on your forehead and then on your lips, leaning back with a smile on his face. 
“Happy birthday, my love. May many more to come. Maybe next time, we can invite other people. Though I don’t mind if we’ll celebrate it with just the two of us only-” And Paimon! Don’t forget about Paimon!” “Yes yes. And Paimon.”
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Similar to Aether, he would most definitely remember your birthday. After all, it holds a special place in his heart, alongside his family. And since this boi is rich af, he would most definitely try to spoil you on your birthday. Piles of expensive (or just cheap yet meaningful) gifts, reservation to a high-class restaurant in Liyue Harbor, and all that glamour. 
Actually, he didn’t find it odd that he didn’t see you immediately, thinking that you overslept or just relaxing in your house. But he soon finds it weird when it’s already around 3 in the afternoon and no sign of your face in the crowd, something he raised a brow at but shrugged it off. It isn’t until it’s almost the time of the reservation he made when he finally realized what’s going on. 
When he arrived at your house, dressed in a suit similar to Zhongli except it’s entirely black and white, waiting for you to come out. After a couple of minutes, he soon got concerned and decided to enter your bedroom through the window (pls do not do this at home). Startled at the sudden appearance of your handsome yet cheeky boyfriend, he stares at you with eyes asking the questions he didn’t dare to tell. 
Knowing he will get his answer one way or another, you decided to tell him about your dilemma. After you finished explaining yourself, silence surrounds you, which is quite worrisome since your boyfriend is known for his rather talkative behavior. Blinking in surprise at the sudden embrace of the 11th Harbinger, his hug was rather tight but not too tight that it cuts your oxygen. Speaking in a low, faint voice, a surprising feat for him, you can make out what he said as clear as day. 
“I’m sorry. I should’ve noticed it sooner. I was trying to be a perfect boyfriend for you but I guess I failed in that aspect. You know, if you feel like you aren’t special enough to celebrate your birthday, then what about me? Me who stained his hands with the red blood of his enemies, always engaging in a fight, clashing with other blades. Insecurity is really an asshole huh? Let me make it up to you now. Let’s not anymore go to that stupid high-class restaurant, c’mon, up you go. You better dressed comfortably when I come back or else…”
Leaving you quickly before coming back immediately, this time in more comfortable clothing rather than the stiff suit he wore earlier. This time as well, he entered your house normally through the door. In his arms, he was holding a bunch of stuff and proceeded to dump it on the living room table. It was different kinds of movies in different genres, you spotted some of your favorite movies in them (makes you also wonder where he got these from since you don’t remember seeing these in the room he stays-).
He would suggest making a pillow fort, and while making the pillow fort, he proceeded to smack you with one. Which ensued a pillow fight between you two. It successfully made the both of you a laughing mess by the end, filled with feathers. Childe then carries you bridal style to the incomplete pillow fort and starts the movie you chose. Placing you in his lap and placing his head either on your shoulder or head depending on your height, cuddling you from behind tightly with a contented smile on his face. 
“You know what? This might not be how I envisioned how your birthday would go, but I’m not complaining. Happy birthday, comrade. My most adorable and most cutest and only love. I love you so much that you’ll be the very reason why I die so suddenly. So stop being so cute okay?” 
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(You two are living together in this one.)
Diluc has the probability of forgetting your birthday due to his busy schedule, especially if it’s starting to rise when your birthday draws near. He might neglect you for a couple of days, too engrossed in his work. When the day finally arrives, it completely leaves his mind. Like he’ll think of it as a completely ordinary working day. It isn’t until one of your friends told him to send you their birthday greetings that he remembered. And oh boy does he feel guilty, like srsly, he literally froze when he realizes what day it is today. And you know what that means? ✨Panicc✨
Honestly, I can see him buying the whole store XD. In the state of panic, his common sense just leaves him completely that he ends us buying practically the whole store. It would be sent to the Dawn Winery immediately as he buys some flowers from Flora, who also sent you her birthday greetings, which made him more guilty-
When Diluc steps foot inside the manor, he tries to search for you outside the gardens where he usually finds you but when he doesn't, he gets worried. Asking the head maid immediately about your whereabouts, and his concern and worry (and guilt) grew even more when he finds out that you haven’t gone out of your room. He quickly went to your shared room, with the flowers still in his hands, and knocked on your door. Calling your name softly and asking for permission to enter, when granted he entered the room as quickly as possible. But seeing the sight of you bundled up in your blanket made his heart crack.
Placing the flowers at the bedside table, he quickly made his way in front of you and kneeled down to meet your eye level. You can tell he was very worried about you with how frantic his eyes seem and the concern underlying it. With the way he was staring at you, you can’t help but spill your insecurity to him. The reason why you were hiding in his room rather than go out to celebrate your day of birth. Every word you spill made his heart break even more. Seeing tears started to leak from your eyes, he placed his two hands on your face wiping away the tears with his thumbs. Smiling at you gently and placing a kiss on your eyelids and on your nose.
“I completely understand, my love. Even I sometimes feel that way. Also to the point where I don’t want to celebrate my birthday even, but that won’t do my love. You are so special, you deserve your special day to be well special. If you want to simply lay here and sleep, then so be it. If you want to go out and do something, then I’ll happily oblige. Let’s obliterate those awful thoughts, and if those keep persisting, I’ll slice them up for you. I’ll keep picking you up when you fall. So, what is your command, my love?” (i'm so tempted for him to say master-)
Whatever your answer may be, one thing for sure, Diluc is seen smiling adoringly at you. Even the maids noted how soft the master is around you, particularly today. Whether curled up together in the bed, with him embracing you tightly to his chest and placing a kiss on top of your head. And if you listen carefully, you can hear him quietly humming a tune that his father (or mother) sang to him. Or you two outside in the garden, simply admiring the view with his hand around your waist. 
Either way, at the end of the day, he would wake you up or make you go inside for dinner. You haven’t eaten breakfast or lunch yet so you’re probably hungry by now. If you don’t want to leave your room or want to return to your room, he would understand and make the maids bring the food to you. When the maid(s) finally arrives with the food, you notice the cake on the tray. Looking at him as he chuckles, taking the trays from the maids. Humming a light tune, he scoops a spoonful of cake and holds it to your mouth, with a slight smirk on his face, eyes twinkling with mischief. 
“Stop staring at me like that, did you really think I would let the day go by for you to not celebrate your birthday properly? From what I know, birthdays have cakes in them, whether a huge cake or a cupcake. Say ‘ahh’~... Happy birthday my love. May next year be more enjoyable than now.”
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Kaeya remembers your birthday like the back of his hand, I think he’s even more excited than you really. Eagerly awaiting your birthday as he counts down the days, dropping hints and stuff to you birthday-related, and probably plans a birthday party for you. The knights immediately agreed on it, including a certain bard, traveler, and wine master (albeit more hesitantly). He made sure that this party would be successful, constantly checking on the plans and such. To the point that everyone was practically fed up with his constant questions. But they understand that he wants this to be a successful and enjoyable party for you. It got to the point where Diluc kicked him out of his Tavern after asking for the umpteenth time. 
When your day finally arrives, he was practically beaming with joy and excitement. To the point where he can’t hide it behind the cool and suave facade he wears. He quickly made his way to you, going along with the plan of distracting you as they started to prepare for the party. In his total excitement, he didn’t notice the rather gloomy atmosphere around the house. But when he arrived at your door, that is when he noticed how quiet your house is.
Now albeit worried, his excited smile slipping from his face and now replaced with a worried frown, he knocked on your door, calling you in his usual teasing voice. When he didn’t hear your response, the bubble of anxiety appeared in his body. Twisting the knob and finding it unlocked, he quietly and carefully opened the door. Seeing your back immediately, seeing your side rise and fall making him sigh in relief that you were still alive. Closing the door gently but made a noise to alert you of his presence. Taking a seat behind you, he ran his cold fingers on your back, watching you arching at the sudden coldness of his fingers. Smiling slightly, he asked what’s wrong. 
Turning around to face him, you buried your face on his chest, inhaling his strong masculine scent. Instinctively wrapping his arms around you, he played with your hair with one of his hands. Tapping on your head slightly, beckoning for you to answer his question. With no way out, you decided to come clean. You explain how you feel like you don’t feel like you deserve to be treated as special on your birthday and all that sort. His face was void of emotion as he stared at the ceiling with his unique pair of blue eyes. Outside he might seem emotionless. But inside, he was on the brink of insanity. Who dares to put such an idea on his s/o’s mind? Why would you think of that? Was this insecurity of yours also his fault?
“That must be the most stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. You’re not special? Please. Don’t try to make me laugh with that joke ‘cause it’s not funny. You are a jewel, a star, a constellation. As rare as the gems, or rather visions. You can even rival the very sun with your smile. I know those demons in your head keep saying those words to you, the temptation is so tempting, right? Just succumbing to them to make them quiet. But that’s why I’m here, my dearest snowflake. I’m here for you. You’re so special to everyone, most especially to me. You mean the world to me. Anyway, enough of this tear-jerking stuff, we have a party to celebrate. And we can’t celebrate it without the birthday gal/guy now can we?”
Despite your protests, he lifted you effortlessly and carried you outside and into the dawn winery where the party was held. Placing you on the ground and pushing you forward where people from Mondstadt came and greeted you with happy birthdays. Smiling at the sight of you being overwhelmed at the warm greetings, and then chuckling at how bright your face became. Diluc nudges him to you, beckoning him to help you before returning to what he was previously doing (most likely trying to force a bard to not finish all the wines in the vicinity).
After a while in the party, Kaeya brings you to a secluded place with no people for air. Being in a party filled with people could be suffocating at times, especially if you’re not used to it. He intertwined his hands with yours and bends down to meet your eye level (or leans down if you have the same height as him-). He gives you a cheeky smile and proceeds to place a peck on your lips. Chuckling when you pouted and glared at him, wanting more kisses.
“My my, what a greedy vixen~ But it is indeed your birthday so I guess I have no choice but to oblige to whatever my birthday vixen wants me to do. Would you like me to strip as well? Haha. Kidding kidding. Happy birthday, princess/prince. May many more to come. Oh! I forgot. I heard from a certain birdie that you ordered for a personal performance from me~ would you like to get it now?” 
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Since we all know that Venti practically doesn’t do anything like every day, I would safely say that he would remember your birthday. Probably save some mora to buy you a gift for your birthday, even though it’s not as fancy as the people in Liyue (they all rich kids-), it’s still meaningful. He probably made a bracelet all by himself with the beads he either bought or also made by himself. Nevertheless, he was as excited as Kaeya for your birthday. Already prepared songs to sing for you when that day comes. 
Venti immediately searches for you when the day finally arrives, but his excited and bright smile vanishes when he can’t find you in the crowd of people. Raising a brow at your sudden disappearance, he searched for you everywhere, the tavern, the church, the headquarters, everywhere but your house. So when he finally arrives at your house, he was filled with worry and concern. Entering your room through the window like usual, he sees your figure sitting on the floor while reading a book.
He pouted at the sight as he made his presence known by asking you why you were here and reading a book on your birthday. He watches as you jump from where you are and turns to look at him, sighing at the sight of him. He slowly made his way to you and sat next to you, his legs sprawled across the floor. He takes note of the food around you, which was non-birthday festive, it was just ordinary food. Not understanding why you’re sulking in your room, he asked you what’s wrong. 
Venti’s eyes widened at your explanation, feeling the sadness leaking at the words you said. They weave themselves around his heart, squeezing it, making him have a hard time breathing. He shares your pain. He was your soulmate after all. He immediately engulfed you in a hug, stuffing his face on the crook of your neck. You were so vulnerable in his eyes. You were so fragile. He desperately wants to protect you from the pain. But looks like he can’t protect you from your own demons. 
“Even though I promised myself to not say or do anything that’ll make you sad, I just need to get it off my chest. I’m sorry you had to suffer through that, those demons that a simple bard that weaves stories into songs can’t erase. Alright, no more feeling sorry for yourself. It’s time to get out and spend the rest of the day enjoyable, perfect for my precious Cecilia.” 
Without any warnings, he picked you up and jumped out of your window. Shrieking at the sudden fast pace, you instinctively wrapped your hands around him as he landed on the ground. Giving you a smug smile while saying “didn’t think i’d let you fall now?” Please slap him. Anyway, he laughed at your aggression and continued to run. Even if you ask where you’re going, he just says it's a secret. So might as well enjoy being in his arms as he continues to run (you swear you can feel the wind adding to his speed but that was just maybe your imagination-).
After a while, he placed you down and you realized where you are. It was Starsnatch Cliff, surrounding you were Cecilia flowers. Venti jumped on you, making you fall to the ground as he giggles. His hat flown back from the force of his sudden attack, he still has that stupid big smile on his face. Since his laughter is contagious, you couldn’t help but laugh alongside him. His eyes glistened with delight at the sight of your smile finally. Grabbing your hand and placing the bracelet he made, he pressed a kiss on your knuckle.
“This bracelet shall be a promise from me to you, a fellow bard to the fairest queen/king. I shall love you for eternity, this heart will only beat for you, and this body belongs to you. If you’re in dire need of assistance, don’t hesitate to call me. I’ll be there, forever and always. Happy birthday, my sweet flower.”
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
Oh Brother
Pairing: Peter Parker x Flash’s sister!reader
Requested by @forlaughingoutl0ud : Peter has a crush on you, despite how much your brother torments him
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Flash was known to torment Peter.
You, being Flash’s sister, were known to defend Peter from your brothers antics.
“Morning, Penis Parker.” Flash came up to Peter at his locker. “What did you have for breakfast this morning? Food stamps?”
Before Peter could respond, you appeared behind Flash and grabbed his ear.
“Ow! Ow ow ow ow!” He whined as you pulled him by the ear, dragging him away from Peter. Peter watched you with a smile as you dragged your brother away.
“Let’s go.” You sighed. “If you’re late to homeroom, Mrs. Weiss is gonna send a note home. Again.”
It was an every day occurrence.
“Nice shoes, Parker.” Flash snorted. “Dumpster diving is so amazing these days, isn’t it?”
“Oh my God, you’re so funny.” You whipped around in your seat and narrowed your eyes at your brother. “Tell us another one. Please?”
He liked it to keep it consistent.
“Can anyone tell me what this number is?” Your teacher asked as she wrote the digits of Pi, 3.14, on the board.
“It’s Parker’s annual income.” Flash called out, earning a few laughs.
“Why is it that no one ever wants to hear you speak and yet you’re always talking?” You piped up in Peters defense. The class “ooed” at your comeback and Peter smiled shyly to himself.
“Whatever.” Flash scoffed. “You look fat today.”
“I’m sorry, Peter.” You directed your attention to Peter. “He’s a little cranky this morning.”
“It’s okay.” He smiled sheepishly. You smiled back and shot him a wink before turning around in your seat.
And that was when Peter realized he was whipped for you.
“Can anyone tell me what an impulse is?” The teacher asked the class one day. “Yes, Flash?”
“It’s something you really want to do and have no control over.” Flash answered. “Like when I give Peter a wedgie during gym class, I did it on an impulse. That means I can’t be held responsible.”
“No.” The teacher signed. “Can anyone else tell me what it is? Yes, Peter?”
“A change in momentum.” Peter said, just a little smugly. “Ft equals mv minus mu.”
“Thank you, Peter.” The teacher smiled. “That’s right.”
“I was technically also right.” Flash spoke up. “You didn’t specify what context it was in.”
“This is a physics class.” You laughed. “That’s your context.”
“Whatever. You don’t have to defend him just because he has a giant crush on you.” Flash shot back and the class reacted accordingly. It was common knowledge that Peter had feelings for you and Flash liked to use that to his advantage.
“What? No I don’t.” Peter stammered. “That would be stupid.”
“Why would it be stupid?” You looked at him curiously, sending a flush across his face.
“Ladies and gentlemen. Can we get back to the lesson, please?” Your teacher asked through a tight smile. “You three can sort this out in your free time.”
“Lucky for us, Peter never has anything but free time.” Flash taunted. “Being poor really opens up your schedule.”
“Leave him alone, Eugene.” You snapped. “This is why mom doesn’t love you.”
“She does too!” Flash took the bait. “You’re the adopted one.”
“I know.” You shrugged smugly. “Our parents chose me. You were just an unfortunate accident.”
“My existence is not unfortunate.” He stated.
“Aren’t you a Gemini?” You raised an eyebrow.
“Yes.” He said.
I’m a Gemini too I’m so sorry
“Then yeah, it is.” You scrunched your nose. The class stopped laughed at Peter and directed their attention to Flash. Peter looked at you in amazement and you winked at him.
“Thompsons.” The teacher interrupted. “I want you out of this class. Both of you. Now.”
You glared at your brother angrily as you grabbed your bag and headed towards the door.
“This is all your fault.” He growled at you as he opened the door.
“Oh, please.” Your argument was muffled as you made your way down the hallway.
Peter’s leg bounced in anticipation as he waited for the bell to ring, springing out of his seat as soon as it did. He immediately went to your locker, where you were busy putting your books away. Peter took a deep breath before he approached you, nervously making the first move.
“Hey.” He spoke up, making you turn your head in his direction. You shot him a smile that heated his entire face up.
“Hey, Peter.” You greeted. “Did I miss anything fun in physics?”
“Not really.” He shrugged. “Unless you like learning about momentum.”
“You know what, Peter? I can’t say I do.” You chuckled as you took a notebook out of your locker.
“Thanks for sticking up for me before. I’m sorry you got kicked out of class.”
“Don’t be sorry.” You shook your head and shut your locker. “It was totally worth it to put Flash in his place. Plus, I’m totally gonna dip his toothbrush in the toilet later. Walk with me.”
He began to walk with you out of school and in the direction of the residential buildings.
“Do siblings do that?” He wondered. “I’m an only child.”
“Are you? You’re so lucky.” You sighed. “Do you know how many times I’ve fallen into the toilet because he left the seat up?”
“Yeah, thats never happened to me.” He laughed gently. “I take it you guys don’t get along.”
“It’s weird with siblings.” You shrugged. “One minute we hate each other, the next minute we’re talking about the stupid games we used to play on long car rides. There’s no way to describe it.”
“I can’t imagine living with him. It’s hard enough to spend 8 hours a day with him. No offense.” He added quickly.
“None taken.” You smiled at him. “It’s not fun to live with him. The amount of times I’ve walked into the bathroom after him and choked on his body spray is unacceptable. I think he’s trying to kill me.”
“I would be very upset if he did that.” Peter said softly.
“Did what?”
“Killed you.” He looked at you and held your gaze for a moment. You smiled shyly at each other before looking straight ahead.
“What did you mean before when you said it would be stupid to have a crush on me?” You wondered out loud.
“Oh, I don’t know.” Peter rubbed the back of his neck. “Flash has just been bullying me since first grade. It would be stupid if the girl I decided to pine after was his sister.”
“I don’t think that would be stupid.” You shrugged as you snuck a glance at him. Peter blinked in surprise as he made eye contact with you. You both stopped, standing alone in an alleyway now.
“You…you don’t?” He looked at you shyly.
“Not at all.” You shook your head slowly as you took a step closer to him. Peter looked at his shoes for a moment as he gathered some courage, just enough to do what he’d been meaning to do for years now.
“Would you wanna go out sometime then?” He blurted. “Like, on a date?”
“I’d love to.” You smiled. “You still have my number from that group project right?”
“Yeah.” He nodded, still swimming from the fact your said yes.
“Then you should text me.”
“I will.” He promised.
“Good. I have to walk back to school before Flash notices I’m gone. I’ll be waiting for that text.” You winked at him and he let out a flustered laugh. You took this as an opportunity to lean forward and press a kiss to his cheek, feeling his skin heat up beneath your lips. You pulled away and squeezed his hand before leaving him alone in the alley.
Yeah, he was definitely whipped.
“Penis Parker.” Flash slammed an open hand against the lockers next to Peter the following day. “Do you want to tell me why I kept seeing your name on my sister phone last night? Why were you texting her? Are you trying to colonize my families bloodline or something? No white men allowed.”
“What? And no.” Peters face heated up at the accusation. “We’re just friends.”
“You don’t have friends.” Flash snapped.
“Yes he does.” You appeared behind your brother and pushed him lightly. “That’ll be all, thank you.”
Flash narrowed his eyes at you before returning his attention to Peter.
“If you go near my sister again, I’m gonna turn your innie belly button into an outie.” Flash whispered.
“How?” Peter asked with genuine curiosity.
“You don’t want to find out.” He said through gritted teeth before storming away.
“He’s so annoying.” You rolled your eyes and leaned against Peters locker. “You look cute today.”
“Thanks.” Peter chuckled shyly as he looked down at his outfit. “I, um, I have a dilemma.”
“Is this about our date?” You worried.
“It’s just, your family is rich and my family is just me and my aunt. I know Flash makes a lot of jokes about me being poor, but they’re not really jokes.” He explained sheepishly. “I don’t think I can give you the kind of magical date you deserve.”
“Peter, I don’t need a fancy date. I just want to be with you.” You assured him as you stroked his cheek. “Why don’t you bring your favorite snack and I’ll bring my favorite drink and we can lay on top of your building and stargaze?”
“That sounds kinda perfect.” He admitted with a sly smile.
“Does tonight work?” You asked hopefully.
“Yeah.” He nodded. “I’ll text you my address.”
“Okay. I’ll see you in Physics.” You squeezed his hand before walking away.
You walked into your living room that night, all dressed up for your date. You stopped in front of a mirror to check your makeup, accidentally catches Flash’s eye.
“You look nice.” Flash said as his eyes flicked from you to his phone. “But you know, prostitution is still illegal in New York. It’s a damn shame, though. Sex work is still work.”
“You know, every once in a while, something intelligent comes out of your mouth. Gives me goosebumps every time.” You teased him as you applied your lipgloss.
“Wait, where are you going?” He put his phone down. “It’s a Wednesday night.”
“I’m going to a friends building to look at the stars.” You told him most of the truth.
“Are you walking there?”
“Yeah.” You shrugged. “It’s not that far.”
“Let me drive you. You have your mace on you, right?” He asked from the kitchen as he grabbed his keys.
“Okay.” He reappeared with his keys. “Let’s go.”
You kept light conversation as you drove to Peters apartment building, careful not to reveal who you were meeting. Flash parked out front and looked at the building in disdain.
“Your friend lives here?” He grimaced. “Is she poor?”
“Shut up. Those jokes aren’t nice.” You shoved him lightly. “Thanks for driving me.”
“It’s okay.” He nodded. “Text me when I should pick you up.”
“I will. Get home safe.” You told him as you got out of the car.
“Whatever. Don’t get pregnant.” He pointed at you. “I mean it.”
“Drive away.” You rolled your eyes as you shut the car door. You walked into the lobby and found the elevator, letting out a nervous breath as you got in. You were standing in from of Peters door in no time, anxiously waiting for him to open it.
Finally, he did.
“Are you ready to stargaze?” You asked as you held up a jug of apple juice.
“Are you ready to eat this entire box of goldfish?” Peter responded as he held up a carton of goldfish.
“You know it.” You laughed and grabbed his hand. “Let’s go.”
An hour later, you were lying on your backs in opposite directions with your heads pressed together, staring up at the stars.
“I don’t think there’s anything more beautiful than a night sky.” You sighed in content.
“I know something.” Peter looked at you, though you were upside down from his perspective.
“If you say me, I’m going kick you in the throat.” You laughed as you looked at him.
“Why?” He laughed as well.
“I don’t know.” You covered your face with your hands. “I’m not good with compliments. I don’t know how to respond.”
Peter turned his head so he was looking at you, eyes trailing over your side profile.
“I think you’re beautiful.” He told you, loving the way it made your draw drop. You rolled onto your side and looked at him before rolled on top. You rested your arms on either side of his face, admiring his face in the starlight, even if it was upside down. Your eyes flickered from his lips to his eyes and before he knew it, you were kissing him. He tilted his chin up so he could kiss you back, finding the position a little awkward as your nose bumped his chin. You both giggled into the kiss before continuing, only breaking away when you needed air. You flipped back on your back and let out a happy sigh, covering your face with your hand to hide your smile.
“That’s one way to respond.” Peter joked, breaking the silence. You laughed and rolled onto your side, him doing the same.
“I really like you.” You admitted, scrunching your nose at how weird it felt to say out loud.
“I really like you too.” Peter told you before leaning in for another kiss.
And that was the beginning of your relationship. You both knew Flash could not find out that you were dating, at least not yet. You had to cave and tell him you and Peter were friends around your second month of dating after he caught him in your room, but you didn’t tell him the full extent of your relationship. You disguised dates as casual hangouts, to which Flash heavily objected. He made his disliking for your “friendship” with Peter known.
“Ugh. You two.” Flash grumbled when he came into the kitchen to find you and Peter making cookies. You gave Peter a pointed look that told him to ignore your brother as Flash got food out of the pantry.
“Cracker.” He looked at Peter with a box of snacks in his hands.
“No thank you.” Peter said politely.
“I wasn’t offering. I was insulting.” Flash blew him a kiss before putting a cracker in his mouth. Peter looked at you for help and you gave him a sympathetic smile.
“How are you two friends?” He wondered. “You’re the worst people on the planet.”
“I beg to differ.” Peter began. “I think-“
“The beg.” Flash snapped before winking at Peter.
“We’re friends because we have similar interest.” You shrugged as you stirred the ingredients. “For example, we’re both very interested in you leaving the room.”
“Whatever. I was just making sure Parker doesn’t steal anything.” Flash shot daggers at Peter as he got a drink from the refrigerator. You and Peter stood in silence until you were sure Flash was gone, sighing in relief when he disappeared.
“Do you think he knows?” You whispered to Peter out of the corner of your mouth.
“He doesn’t suspect a thing.” Peter shook his head before pulling you into a kiss.
This was how it continued for month. You posed as friends and dated in secret, never letting your brother know the truth.
“Guess who?” You felt hands cover your eyes from behind. You immediately recognized Peters voice and turned around in his arms.
“What are you doing here?” You looked at him with wide eyes. “Flash could walk in at any minute.”
“I wanted to surprise you.” He smiled. “Happy three month anniversary, princess.”
“Happy anniversary, lover.” You smiled back at him before pulling him into a long kiss. For once, you didn’t care if your brother walked in. All you cared about was Peter.
“I have something for you.” Peter smirked once he pulled away.
“What? You didn’t have to get me anything.” You told him.
“Course I did.” He shrugged as he took a small box out of his pocket. “It’s okay if you didn’t get me anything.”
“I didn’t say I didn’t get you anything.” You winked at him before disappearing into your closet. You returned with a large carton of Goldfish with a bright red bow on it.
“Goldfish!” He lit up. “You remembered.”
“Of course I did, lover. How could I forget the taste of your goldfish breath the first time I kissed you?” You teased him as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Well you must’ve like it since you’ve come back for more everyday since.” He shot back before kissing you. “Open yours.”
You took the box from him and opened it up, finding a hand maid needed bracelet with a moon decal that looked like Peter had carved himself.
“The moon?” You looked up at him with a curious smile.
“It’s a waxing crescent. That’s what the moon looked like the night you kissed me. I have a matching one, see?” He held up his wrist to show you his bracelet. You stated at it for a moment before your eyes went back to his gift.
“Peter.” You mumbled without taking your eyes away from the bracelet.
“Do you like it?” He bit his lip as he waited for your reaction. You looked up at him with a grin before throwing your arms around his neck and squeezing him tightly.
“I love it.” You said into his ear. “Thank you so much.”
“I’m so glad you like it.” He smiled at you for a moment before getting serious. As he was looking at you, he realized he had never trusted someone more. Something came over him that made him want to give you every thing he had, including his deepest secret.
“I have to tell you something. No, I, I want to tell you something.” He corrected. “I’ve wanted to tell you for a while, actually. Um, this is so hard to say, wow.”
“It’s okay, Peter.” You put your hand in his face when you saw how flustered his was getting. “I love you too.”
Peter’s face drained of color at your confession as that was not at all what he was about to say.
“What?” He squeaked.
“I love you too.” You repeated, not understanding his confusion.
“That’s…that’s not what I was gonna say.” He blurted and your face fell.
“Oh.” You withdrew your arms from around his neck, feeling embarrassment and disappointment all at once. Peter realized his mistake and tried to pull you back.
“No, no.” Peter said quickly. “I was gonna tell you I’m Spider-Man.”
“What?” You nearly screamed.
“But I love you too! I love you so much.” He took your face in his hands and kissed you repeatedly.
“You’re Spider-Man?” You pushed him away long enough to ask.
“Yes. But more importantly, we’re in love!” He kissed you again. “Happy three months.”
“Happy three months.” You giggled between kisses.
You stood with Peter outside of school a few months later as you waited for Flash to come out.
“This is my least favorite part of the day.” Peter pouted as he rubbed your hand with his thumb.
“Why?” You tilted your head.
“I don’t get to see you anymore.” He looked at you with a shy smile. You smiled back at his cuteness and pressed a kiss to his forehead.
“Marching band ends at 4 right? How about I come over after that? We can do anything you want.” You suggested as you played with the collar of his shirt.
“Anything I want?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah. I’m feeling generous.” You shrugged. You were about to lean in to kiss him when you noticed your brother in the distance.
“Oh no.” You sighed and stepped back from Peter. “Don’t turn around.”
“Hey Penis Parker.” Flash jumped behind Peter and smacked his butt before looking at you. “Sup bitch.”
“Hi Flash.” You smiled tightly at him.
“What are you losers taking about?” He asked. “How you’re never gonna lose your virginities?”
You and Peter exchanged a knowing look and he turned his head to snort.
“We’re talking about how grabbing peoples butts without their permission is sexual harassment.” You spoke up to cover Peters laugh.
“Oh, really? That’s cool.” He smacked Peters butt again. “Are you ready to go? My car is on and she’s ready to purr.”
“God, I hate you.” You sighed. “I’ll see you later, Peter.”
“See you later. Bye.” He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your lips, entirely forgetting that Flash was there. Your eyes widened as Peter was about to walk away, but Flash held his hand up to stop him.
“Hold up.” He looked at Peter. “What was that?”
Peter furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and looked at you, only realizing his mistake when he noticed your messed up lipstick. He let out a small gasp before looking at Flash, who was shaking with anger.
“Um…physical affection?” Peter said weakly. You slammed your palm against your forehead and let out a sigh.
“Thanks for the run down, Penis Parker.” Flash snapped. “You’re dating my sister?”
“Yeah, Flash.” You put a hand on Peters shoulder. “Peter and I are dating.”
“Excuse me a minute.” He held up and finger before bending down as if he was going to puke. “BLEH.”
You rolled your eyes as your brother continued to make puking sounds.
“I cannot stand this man.” You grumbled. Flash stopped for a moment and stood up, looking eerily composed.
“Y/n, could you give Peter and I a minute to ourselves, please?” He said through a tight smile.
“Um, are you gonna kill him?” You scratched your ear as you looked between your fearfully boyfriend and your suspiciously calm brother.
“I haven’t decided yet.” Flash said, never breaking his smile.
“Don’t go.” Peter looked at you in fear.
“You’ll be okay.” You decided. “I’ll be right over there.”
Flash waited until you walked away until he started interrogating Peter.
“How long had this been going on?” Flash started out.
“Seven months.” Peter told him.
“Is it serious?”
“I love her.” Peter smiled shyly.
“Gross.” Flash gagged. “Does she love you back?”
“Yes.” Peter nodded. “She tells me everyday.”
“So every time I drove into the slums of New York to drop her off at the cardboard box you call an apartment building, I was dropping her off at your place? I was hand delivering my sister to you?” Flash realized.
“Yes.” Peter repeated. “Are you mad?”
“You know what”,Flash let out a breath, “I’m okay.”
“You are?” Peters jaw dropped a little. He had been expecting a beating, or at least a wedgie.
“Yeah.” Flash put his hand on Peters shoulder and rubbed it. “She couldn’t be in better hands, Spiderman.”
He had whispered the last part, making all the blood drain from Peters face.
“How did you-“
“I eavesdrop on people constantly.” Flash cut him off. “I can’t stop. My therapist says it’s because I didn’t get enough attention as a kid, but what does that bitch know? I overheard her husband on the phone telling her that their kid bit somebody again. Again! I never did that. The moon bracelet was a nice touch, by the way. She really likes it.”
“You just told me way too much about you.” Peter blinked a few times as he processed what he just heard.
“Now we’re even.” Flash smirked and shot him a wink.
“Are you gonna tell anyone?” He asked nervously.
“Course not. I would do anything for Spider-Man.” Flash stated firmly. “That secret is safe with me. I am, however, gonna tell everyone that you and her are dating.”
“Because that’s super embarrassing for her. Later, Parker.” He held out his hands for Peter to shake, pulling him in when their hands touched.
“Swing me around the city in your arms and I won’t kill you for dating my sister.” He whispered in Peters ear. Peter looked at him in fear as he walked away. You immediately ran up to Peter once your brother was gone and put a hand on his arm.
“What happened?” You asked. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” Peter told you. “I think I have a date with your brother.”
“You - huh?” You asked for clarification but Peter just shook his head.
“I don’t know.” He sighed in defeat. “I’ll text you after band practice.”
“Yeah I’ll-“ You were cut off by Flash honking his horn and calling your name.
“I’ll text you later.” You grumbled and shot a look at Flash.
“Okay.” Peter kissed you before you began to walk away. “I love you.”
“I love you.” You called over your shoulder as you made your way to Flash’s car. Upon hearing this, Flash just had to chime in.
“I love you too Penis Parker!”
Tag List 🏷
@awesomebooklover17 @thebookwormlife @imanativeofswlondondahling @weirdr-artiest @serendipitous-amor @dummiesshort
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bex-la-get · 3 years
Take Care of You (Ethan x f!MC)
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Book: Open Heart
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x Natalie Cusack
Special Appearance: Tobias Carrick
Word count: 2175
Summary: When Ethan falls sick, Nat steps in to take care of him.
Rating: T
Author’s Note: Hi, hello. It’s been a crappy week and I’m emotionally/physically exhausted. So here’s some fluff to counter the bad week. This is unedited, so please forgive any mistakes. Hope you like it. 💙
Ethan never got sick. Ever. Despite working in a hospital, surrounded by sick people on a daily basis, Ethan always managed to stay as healthy as possible. He had prided himself on his strong immune system and seemingly inability to fall ill.
Until today, that is. He woke with so much pressure in his sinuses, he thought his head would burst. Getting out of bed was a feat in itself, as his whole body ached. He sniffled as he made his way to the bathroom and nearly jumped at his own reflection: his eyes were puffy, his nose was red, and his posture was significantly slouched. He tried to stand up straight but only groaned as his body protested the movement. Today was going to be long. 
Pushing through, he swallowed a couple of DayQuils with his morning coffee, stuffed some tissues into his pocket, and gave Jenner a pat on the head before sluggishly making his way to work. 
Arriving at the hospital, he noticed the looks of surprise and concern that people gave him as he passed. He didn’t know why; it was just a little cold. It wasn’t like he had grown a second head. He rolled his eyes and continued towards the seventh floor, ignoring everyone he walked past. 
Finally arriving in the Diagnostics Office, he found himself breathing heavier than normal. As he sat at his desk, he attempted to take a deep breath but instead triggered a coughing fit. He grabbed a nearby Kleenex and coughed hard, his body wracking with the movement. He took a deep breath and coughed one last time before his lungs took pity on him and stopped causing him distress. Ethan groaned and dropped his head into his hands. 
“Ethan? You okay, man?” a voice said.
Ethan looked up to find Tobias looking at him with concern. He hadn’t even heard his old friend come in. He nodded and sighed. “Yeah; just a little under the weather today, is all.”
“If you’re not feeling well, you should probably go home,” Tobias suggested. “There’s no point in pushing yourself to further exhaustion.”
Ethan shook his head. “I’m fine; I just need the DayQuil to kick in.”
Tobias pursed his lips then clicked his tongue. “If you say so; Nat’s not gonna be happy to see you like this though.”
“See who like what?” the aforementioned doctor asked as she walked into the room. Natalie looked to Tobias first then Ethan, her eyes widening. “Woah, are you okay?” She quickly made her way over to Ethan and rested the back of her hand to his forehead. 
He weakly brushed her hand away. “I’m fine, Nat. Just a little under the weather.”
“I’d say more than a little; you look terrible!” She exclaimed. He frowned and she gave him a small smile. “Sorry babe, but it’s true.”
“I also walked in on him having a serious coughing fit a moment ago,” Tobias said. Ethan glared at Tobias but the latter deliberately avoided eye contact with him, choosing to look at his phone instead.
Natalie gently placed her hand on Ethan’s cheek and turned his face towards her so she could look at him. He watched as her eyes scanned his face and knew she was trying to figure out how sick he really was. He both loved and hated how well she knew him sometimes. “You should go home, Ethan.”
“I’m fine,” he argued. “I already took some meds, they just need to kick in.”
She pulled out her stethoscope and pointed it at him threateningly. “Go home or I’ll admit you.”
Tobias coughed back a chuckle and Ethan raised an eyebrow. “You do remember I’m your boss, right?”
She nodded as she put the headset into her ears and placed the cold chestpiece against his chest, making him jump. “You’re my boss, my boyfriend, and now, my patient. Breathe in.”
“Nat, this is ridiculous--” he argued but stopped when she glared at him.
“Breathe. In.” she repeated. Shaking his head in reply, he did as she said and found taking a breath was difficult. He fought the cough he could feel bubbling up but to no avail; thankfully, however, this cough was not nearly as violent as the last one. Nat pulled the chestpiece away and nodded. “Yeah, you’re a mess. You’re going home.” He opened his mouth to protest but she held up her hand. “Don’t argue with me on this. You’re in no state to work, let alone be around other sick patients.” 
She pulled out a prescription pad, scribbled something down then turned to Tobias and handed it to him. “Tobias, can you send this down to the pharmacy so they can get it filled? I’ll pick it up when it’s ready.”
He nodded and took the form. “Sure thing.” He turned to Ethan and smiled sympathetically. “Get better soon, Ethan. Nat’s not as fun to be around when she’s in charge.”
Natalie rolled her eyes and smirked as Tobias made his way out of the office. She turned back to Ethan and softened her gaze as he frowned and sniffled. She caressed his cheek with her hand. “I love you.”
His frown shifted to a small smile. “I love you too.” He sneezed.
“You see why I’m sending you home, right?”
He sighed and nodded. “Yeah; I do. I hate being sick. I always feel so useless.”
“You are still human, my love; and humans get sick from time to time. It’s normal.” She crouched in front of him and took his hands in hers. “I’ll come over after my shift and make you some soup, okay?”
“You don’t have to do that--” he weakly protested.
She shook her head. “I want to; let me take care of you, baby. Please.”
Sighing, he nodded and stood, bringing Natalie up with him. He reached for her but hesitated as he didn’t want to make her ill. She smiled at him and stood on her tiptoes to place a gentle kiss on his forehead. “Go home and get some rest. I’ll be there in a couple hours.”
He nodded. Sighing, he left the hospital and made his way home, his head in a fog for most of the journey. After safely arriving home, he changed into some more comfortable clothing, with the intention of getting some work done on his laptop; but the bed looked just so inviting. I guess I could lay down for a few minutes, he thought. Gently, he laid on the bed and closed his eyes. Five minutes is all I need. Within seconds, his body relaxed and he began to emit quiet snores, work completely forgotten.
Several Hours Later
Ethan woke to the muffled sounds of the television and someone shuffling around in his kitchen. He groaned and got out of bed, padding his way to the source of the noise. As he exited the bedroom, he was greeted with the various sights of onion, tomato, and meat that were cooking on the stovetop. Unfortunately, due to his stuffed sinuses, he could barely smell anything but he presumed it was heavenly.
“Hi,” a voice said. He turned his attention to the source and smiled as Natalie approached him, throwing a hand towel over her shoulder. “How are you feeling?”
“Not great,” he replied, truthfully.
She gently brought his forehead to her lips as she judged his temperature. She hummed as she pulled away. “You’re warm.” She turned around and grabbed a small box out of her purse then handed it to him. He looked it over appraisingly, realizing this must be the prescription Nat wrote out earlier. “Take one of these now; it should lower your fever and help you feel better. Go get comfortable, the soup will be ready soon.”
“You didn’t have to do all this, Nat,” he began.
“Of course I did,” she said, cutting him off. She rested a gentle hand on his back and guided him towards the sofa. “Now, relax and get comfy. I’m almost done.”
Ethan did as she said, plopping down on the couch. He opened the prescription box and took the prescribed medication as Jenner trotted over and rested his head in his master’s lap. Ethan patted the pup’s head soothingly, giving him a tired smile. “Has she been giving you orders today, too?” he asked.
“Unlike you, Jenner is a spectacular patient,” Nat answered from the kitchen. “He’s been very good and even earned himself a few treats for being so good.”
“Did you, now?” Ethan mused, looking down at Jenner. The pup, none the wiser to the conversation happening about him, simply wagged his tail and gave his best doggy smile to his owner. Ethan chuckled. “Good dog.”
Taking the remote, he flipped to the Classic Film channel and sunk lower onto the couch. He felt his body begin to shiver and grabbed the nearby throw blanket, covering himself with it. “God, this is awful. I hate being sick.”
“I know, my love,” Nat soothed. “But the meds I gave you should help. They just need time to kick in. And,” she walked over and placed a bowl of hot soup in front of him on the coffee table, “this should help too. It’s an old family recipe of Dani’s. It works wonders.”
“Speaking from experience?” he asked, leaning over, letting the steam from the hot bowl wash over his face. 
Nat nodded. “Yep. Both Dani and I got the flu within a week of each other when we were still living together. She made this soup for us and we both felt better almost immediately. I’m convinced it’s got magic powers.”
Ethan chuckled. “I’ll take your word for it.” He pulled the coffee table a little closer to the couch and smiled at Nat. “Thank you for making this.”
“You’re welcome,” she said, returning his smile. “Now, eat. I’ll be right there.”
Lacking the energy to argue, he did as she said, bringing a spoonful of the hot soup to his lips. Within minutes, Ethan felt the hot liquid warm up his body, which had been starting to feel cold. Nat smiled as she joined him with her own bowl, nodding in approval as he steadily ate. 
Nat filled him in on what he missed at work while they ate, which hadn’t been much, thankfully. Their new patient wouldn’t be admitted for another week so the team had just done some prep and research today but nothing else beyond that. Ethan asked a few questions as Nat explained but otherwise, remained quiet through their conversation. Nat raised an eyebrow, suspicious. “You’re being unusually cooperative. What’s the matter?”
He chuckled and placed his near empty bowl on the coffee table. “Nothing. I’m just feeling a little drained, is all.”
“Mm, I’m not surprised. When you get sick, it hits you like a freight train.”
He frowned. “Thanks.”
Nat chuckled and settled deeper into the couch. She opened her arms and gestured towards herself with her fingers. “C’mere.”
Needing no further invitation, Ethan maneuvered himself into Nat’s embrace, covering them both with the throw blanket he had still been wearing. As he relaxed in her arms, he wondered aloud, “Aren’t you worried about getting sick?”
She hummed. “Nah. But even if I was, it wouldn’t stop me from being here.” She ran her fingers through his hair. “I would take care of you, anytime.”
He looked up at her and smiled. “Thank you, Nat. You’re too good for me.”
“No, I’m not,” she replied, smiling. “We’re just the right amount of good for each other.” She kissed his head. “Can I get you anything else?”
He shook his head, tightening his hold around her midsection. “No. Just you.”
“I’m right here,” Nat reassured. 
“Love you,” Ethan murmured, his eyes fluttering closed.
“I love you too. Now, rest.” She gently leaned over and took the remote from the coffee table.
“Don’t watch the next episode of Bake Off without me,” Ethan said, his voice drowsy.
Nat chuckled. “I wouldn’t dare. When you’re feeling better, we’ll pick up where we left off.” When he didn’t respond, she glanced down to find that Ethan had fallen asleep. Smiling to herself, she turned on an old favorite film of hers and watched, while running her fingers up and down Ethan’s back. 
It would be a few more days before Ethan was back in top shape; but Nat took care of him the entire time. From bringing him food to ensuring he rested instead of working, Nat took better care of Ethan than he had ever done himself when he had been sick in the past. He’d never been so well taken care of before, and it made him all the more grateful to have her in his life. He’d always hoped she’d take over the DT for him one day; and after the way she cared for him, he knew the team would be in the best possible hands. And so would he.
Tag List (let me know if you want to be added or removed): @genevievemd @jamespotterthefirst @paulfwesley @ethansdique @openheartfanfics @perriewinklenerdie @little-flowers-on-heaven @stateofgracious @coffeeheartaddict @liaromancewriter @potionsprefect @mm2305 @gryffindordaughterofathena @actuallybored @writer-ish @queencarb @takeharryandgo @lsvdw-blog @itsjustwinter @chaoticchopshopheart @ohchoices @maurine07 @oldminniemcg @parisa-kh @shanzay44 @uberamsey @izzyourresidentlawyer @adiehardfan @custaroonie @mia143 @a-crepusculo @takemyopenheart @toadfrog26 @quixoticdreamer16 @barbean @headoverheelsforramsey @natureblooms24 @jerzwriter @crazy-loca-blog @dorisz @thegreentwin @cryomyst @kalinahonore @choicesficwriterscreations @rosebudde @trappedinfanfiction @custaroonie​
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
Seeing Him Smile and Kiss Someone Else (Hoodie X F!Reader)
[Hoodie/Brian Thomas X F!Reader]
[Warnings: none]
[AN: Howdy! I cross post these on quotev under ‘Elsie I Guess’ and on AO3 under ‘Whaletales1920′ under the title ‘The Places You Shouldn’t Be’. Just thought I’d start uploading them here too.]
Part 2
Proxies aren’t supposed to do a lot of things: speak back to their master, challenge hierarchical roles, have relationships with each other of that caliber, and never, never ever absolutely never have romantic relationships with humans. 
Why? It’s a losing game. Everyone knows that. Should proxies seek any kind of attachment, platonic, romantic, even sexual, their best bet is to stay within their own kind: other proxies. It’s the polite thing to do. It’s the right thing to do. 
When you first came in, you bonded almost immediately to your group of four other individuals. There’s Masky, your group leader. He’s really sweet when he wants to be and seems to care the most about you - it’s probably because you’re new. Toby is akin to the middle child. He’s always buzzing around you a lot like a bumblebee. While he has his jerk moments, he’s got an eye out for you. So too does Kate, once the group’s newbie/runt. She’s the one you replaced. She’s relatively quiet and sticks to herself, but she’s never a stranger to helping you out and immersing you in the culture and world you’ve found yourself entangled in. 
And then there’s Masky’s right hand, a proxy named Hoodie, but you know him as Brian. Out of all your group members, Brian was the hardest to warm up to. He hardly acknowledged you when you were first placed in his group and was amongst the hardest in the hazing process (you’re still technically going through). But, after some time and getting to know each other, the two of you became the closest of friends, even going so far as to rival Masky’s friendship with him. It’s safe to say you got a bit of a crush on him, in simplest terms. 
Three times. Three times you felt you liked him.
The first time was when you were about to head out of your safe house on a grocery run. Proxies don’t have any leads, so cards are absolutely off the table. You walked out of the safe house, yawning slightly, and barely made it down the driveway when Brian had popped back out of the house. 
“Reader,” he called out, slowly moving to lean in the doorway of the empty house the five of you were squatting in. 
“Yeah?” You asked sleepily. 
“Forgetting something?” He holds up his hand - it’s the wallet. 
You feel heat rush to your cheeks as you speed walked back to the front door to retrieve it. “Guess I’m still kinda tired,” you admittedly awkwardly with a small chuckle. 
Brian shrugged slightly and threw you a smirk as he met you halfway, “Think I’ll accompany you this morning,” he said with a wink. 
The two of you began to walk as you mentally mulled over the man walking beside you - his hands in his pockets. You’d never really thought of him like that before, but the way he smiled and that wink… It planted a seed. You weren’t quite sure you were going to acknowledge it or if it was just a fluke, but the thought stayed, and then it remained. 
As the two of you traversed the grocery store for various things your comrades had asked for, you and Brian traded conversation about everything that popped into mind. 
“Oh, like you knew any better in high school,” you wheezed before tossing in a box of brownies. You’d just been discussing how terrible and how gods awful high school relationships can be and how at one low point, you got into one. Brian had said he knew better than to mess around in high school, but you had retorted that ‘we’re all young and dumb once.’ 
Brian raised a brow at the box but allowed it anyway. “I most certainly did and I knew how things were gonna play out before they even happened.” 
“On what basis? It’s not like you have future vision,” You snorted. You watched as he pushed the cart forward as you plucked items you needed from the shelves. 
He shot you a look. “I’m a guy, it’s practically flowing through our veins,,” he said as his eyes raked over the list. “I’d most likely be the reason those things are happening to begin with and knowing that is like it’s own future vision..” He flashed his smile at you. “Come to think of it, I don’t think I ever grew out of the dumb part,” he chuckled. 
Your heart skipped. 
The second time you thought you liked him was when you were in the car with him, heading back to your safe house (in an entirely different part of the country). The two of you were more than exhausted after clearing a house whose occupants the Operator wanted dead for one reason or another and Brian decided to steal a car. So, there you sat in the passenger seat. 
“Something on your mind?” He hummed, arm resting on the console. His hazel colored eyes flicked over to you with interest. 
You shrugged, “just thinking.”
“Dangerous for people like us,” Brian chuckled. “Care to get specific?” 
You sighed slightly and turned your eyes to the passing street lights overhead as the car pulled onto the late night expressway. “Thinking about all the things I’ll miss,” you admit. 
Brian nodded from the corner of your eye. “I think about that stuff too,” he said, a small frown pulling onto his face. “You were finishing up college?” 
“Yeah,” you said. “I mean, I guess I’m getting out of the college loan debt but… Y’know,” you trailed off slightly, your posture changing slightly. “Maybe I would’ve been normal. Get a cool job, live a non murderous life, have a family and a loving partner. I don’t know, like, whatever the American dream says we should have. Anything but this.” 
Brian laughed slightly, “sorry. It’s not - it’s not you,” he explained. “It’s just awfully similar to what I wanted.” 
You turned your attention from the passing lights over to Brian. “White picket fence is your thing?” 
“More or less,” he hummed. “Wanted to live the rest of my life like a normal person.
Certainly died like one, more or less,” he finished. 
You mentally hummed, already knowing what he was referring to. Died and got resurrected. “Don’t think falling from a floor up counts as normal.” 
“Hey, it worked out for…. Something nice,” he quickly chirped. “Fell and met an angel.” 
He briefly turned his head to look at you and flashed a grin. 
“Oh that’s so bad.” 
“You love it.” 
You really do.  
The third time was when the two of you were on the rooftop of some house you’d been spending a lot of time at. It was kind of nice to be able to settle down in one place for more than a month - it’d been going on close to a  year. It was your roof, the one you shared with Brian. Late in the night, when the crickets sang and the stars danced, the two of you snuck up against Masky’s best wishes to talk about the world and life before. 
When summer was giving way to autumn and sending cool breezes throughout the night, you and Brian had been up there once again. 
“You think EJ will be around?” You asked, looking up at the stars you barely knew the names to. “BEN did say he was in the area.” 
“Gonna say yes,” Brian hummed back, momentarily pausing to point out Altair. “He’s always had a soft spot for our group,” he noted. “Why? You looking forward to seeing him?” He chuckled, hand reaching out to ruffle your hair. 
You laugh as quietly as you can and shake your head, “we’ve hardly ever spoken!” You giggled. “I just think he’s cool.”
Brian snorted in response and nodded, “yeah, I think so too. Though, where’d you get the opportunity to talk with BEN?” 
“There’s a little computer cafe in town,” you said, eyes flicking towards the direction of said cafe. “I’ve been spending a lot of time there. Mostly to use the internet,” you admitted, a slight heat coming to your cheeks. Proxies really aren’t supposed to use the internet. “Toby also sometimes tags along.” 
“So that’s where he’s been getting those weird references from,” Brian said with a tone of understanding. “Next time you go, let me know. I’d love to see what you children are up to online,” he teased. 
You laughed again and nodded, “sure thing.” 
The two of you continued to talk before a particularly hard gust of wind came in. On instinct, you shivered - though you weren’t really cold. 
Upon seeing you shiver, Brian took no hesitation in taking off his hoodie, much to your chagrin. 
“Oh, you don’t have to-” you began as you attempted to push it towards him. 
“I insist,” he had said, already popping the thing over you. 
You relented and allowed the giant hoodie to envelop your form like a warm hug. It smelled just like him - something woodsy, smoke, and the faintest of graphite. When you looked back at Brian, he was staring up at the stars, a small smile on his face. His eyes did not leave the inky blueish-black, not even when your hand came within millimeters of holding his. 
All it took was three times. Three times to know you liked him, and once to know you’d lost him. 
As stated before, it is absolutely a losing game to get involved with humans. Humans are frail and prone to panic. They can’t understand the world the way you do, nor are they suited for life the way you are in their current form. In your society, humans are the lowest of the low, akin to cattle - albeit, sentient cattle. Only when they are lifted from their human status are they finally given the time of day. 
He never would have known about her if you never brought up that computer cafe. Truly, it was a mistake on your part. You didn’t mean to, but it had happened anyway. 
“Cute place, right?” You smiled, eyes traveling up and down the rows of tables. 
“The cutest,” Brian agreed with a small chuckle. “Do we go up to a counter and order or..?” He trailed off slightly as he inspected the place and took in all the minor details. 
“Just take a seat, a waiter will be around shortly,” you said, immediately pulling him to your preferred spot by the windows and tucked away into the corner. 
Brian followed your lead and took a seat next to you where he immediately powered on the computer. “It’s kinda weird that they let us have food this close to the electronics, no?” 
“Oh no, it’s super weird,” you nodded as you began flicking open tabs to get to the things you wanted - maybe say hi to BEN. “But, it works. So like, c’est la vie?” You giggled, fingers moving quickly across the keyboard. 
A few moments later, a waitress stopped by. You had already managed to pull up a chat with BEN and were so engrossed in catching up with him that you failed to notice her. You hadn’t even recognized she was there until you heard her giggling at something Brian had said. 
“Never thought I’d be that star struck,” Brian had finished the small anecdote with eyes that practically sparkled. 
Her smile only widened. “You? The star struck kind?” She teased lightly. “Have to see it to believe it.” 
Brian looked up at her, his lips now pulled up into a smile. “You’re looking at it right now.” 
It pulled you so hard out of your conversation with BEN that you’d accidentally sent him a half-baked thought. “Wait what?” 
Your sound of confusion had snapped the two back into reality. “Oh! I’m sorry, sugar,” the waitress apologized with a slight blush rising to her cheeks. “Was there something I could get you?” 
You blinked a few times, your eyes darting between the two before finally managing to stammer out your drink and pastry of choice. You watched as Brian’s eyes followed her out and when she came back in. 
Long after the two of you had finished, the two of you decided to head back. 
“That was fun,” you said. 
“It was,” Brian replied, thoughts drifting elsewhere. 
Ever since that moment, he’d been going to the café with and without you. Sometimes you’d find yourself heading there only to see him entranced in conversation with the waitress, and when that happened, you turned right back around. At first it was to give them space, and then it was to give yourself space. 
You wished you could allow yourself to weather through this one with grace and that it didn’t bother you, that it didn’t get on your nerves, but it did. Slowly but surely, it had chipped away at some odd part of you that you didn’t even know existed prior to. 
Masky was the first to bring it up. 
“Reader,” he began. “Can you wrangle Hood from that café? Operator wants us to do something - I just need him,” he said, barely looking up from his newspaper. 
“I can go if you want,” you suggested before poking your head back out from the refrigerator. 
“Hm?” That got Masky’s attention. “Are you sure?” He raised his eyebrow, giving you an inquisitorial look. 
“It’s no big deal,” you said with a small smile as you plucked your drink out from the fridge. “Besides, I think Hoodie’s busy.” You had to fight the unpleasant feeling that bubbled up in your chest after you said that. 
“Oh,” Masky gave a hum of recognition. “Toby did mention he was getting a little close to someone there,” he said in passing. 
You shot Masky a look. 
He shot one back. 
Internally, you both know that’s not the best thing - but Masky’s not going to stop his best friend. And you know you won’t either. 
Kate mentioned it next, though she seemed to be telling you that you’d get  over it. It came relatively out of the blue. See, the two of you were standing in the living room of a house painted in blood just chatting, waiting for the Operator to give you direction on what he wanted for the man he wanted alive when Kate got weirdly serious. She sat down on the sofa and invited you to sit down next to her. 
“You can’t keep avoiding him like that,” she hummed, her shoe digging into the man’s chest as he wriggled beneath her step. “I know it’s awkward, but he’s your comrade first.” 
You rolled your eyes and lightly pushed at her. “Come on, it’s not that serious,” you said, attempting to play off your feelings that were so gods damn obvious throughout the time you’ve been spending in this area. 
“Are you kidding me?” Kate chuckled. “Look,” her hand is on your shoulder as she digs her heel into the man’s chest, cracking his ribs slightly. “It’s uncomfortable. I get that. It’s why we don’t… Do that kind of thing.” She rubbed her thumb in little circles on your shoulder as she grounded you. “It’s probably for the best, even though you can’t see it right now.” 
You sighed and gave her a look of slight pain. “You’re probably right.” 
“I know I’m right.”
It’s not that Toby is bad at reading a room, but it’s that he’s really bad at reading a room. When the two of you went to the computer café for your outing, he was excited to see the girl Brian was ‘seeing,’ as he somehow managed to miss her from every other precious visit. It was so obvious that they had been - her perfume was practically embedded into his skin now - and his smile was brighter than the sun after seeing her. 
And here you were, not even wanting to know her name. 
It’s Fiona. 
“Toby!” She greeted as she bounded up to your table. “Reader! What a nice surprise!” There was no malice in her tone. She was genuinely happy to see you. “What can I get you two today?” 
“C-Chocolate croissant and some h-h-hot chocolate please,” Toby said. He then turned to you, and as if he read your mind, gave her your order as well. “H-How have t-things been?” He asked. 
“Really good,” Fiona replied. “He’s such a sweetie, got me this necklace.” 
Your eyes immediately left the screen and travelled to her neck. There it was. Beautiful necklace. Silver chain with a hunk of rose quartz at the bottom in the shape of a bullet.You remembered seeing that pendant. It hung on his mirror for such a long time. You once overheard him saying to Kate how it was your possible birthday gift. 
“It’s so pretty,” you smiled, eyes not quite following. 
You were damn certain if you were suffering from hanahaki you would’ve choked on flowers by now and died. The last nail in the coffin? 
Now. Right now. You came back to the safe house just wanting to relax, maybe star gaze for a bit and fall asleep outside - anything and everything sounded better than just being alone in your thoughts after the Operator had some harsh words to say to you on account of your performance slipping ever so slightly from his golden standards. You fix yourself a warm mug of tea and start making yourway to the rooftop. It’s the same path you’ve always taken: head up the stairs to the upper floor, last room on the left side of the hall, go in and open the study windows there and hang out on the roof. 
You make sure to take careful steps as you ascend, not wanting to spill any of your carefully made tea as you seek to unwind. With a deep breath, you start making it through the hallway, thankful no one else is here. Masky is away on business, Kate is doing something with Jeff and Toby left a few hours ago to meet with someone he deems important. Come to think of it, you haven’t had the house free in a while. 
But, as you step closer and closer to the last room on the left, you hear it. Giggling, whispers, conversation that’s so innocent and intimate at the same time. You notice the study door is closed. It’s never closer. You step closer. 
“You’re so sweet,” That’s Fiona’s voice. “You don’t have to get me all these things - I don’t even know where I’m gonna wear all of them.” She giggles. 
“Wear a different one every time I come to see you.” That’s Brian. “Gonna be burning through those things like crazy.” You hear the sound of a kiss. 
“You got a deal,” Fiona chuckled. Another kiss. 
You hear the roof shingles move slightly as they move closer together. Against your better judgment, you push open the study door slightly. Must you be so nosy?
There, sitting on the roof outside the window is Fiona and Brian. She’s wearing his sweater (it’s just polyester) and giggling as he peppers her face in kisses. When she’s decided he’s covered her in enough kisses for an entire year, she presses her lips to his. 
He smiles before kissing her back just as fervently. 
Without a sound, you begin to head back to your room. 
Perhaps tea in your room would be better. 
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thr-333 · 4 years
Drastic Measures- Part 1
@daminette-december2019-2020 ​
*Emerges from my hole*: oh ho ho~ we have another month of inspiration on our hands!
Marinette steps through the portal immediately collapsing; she doesn't drop the transformation until she hears Chat drop down next to her. She calls the transformation of both the Horse and Ladybug miraculous, knowing Chat will close his eyes without her asking, Marinette does the same for him as he calls off his own.
They stay like that, panting on the rooftop. It’ll be sunrise soon, Marinette knows what she has to do.
“He’s moved,” She breaks the silence. Stating the obvious, they’ve known this for months.
“At least he wont be bothering Paris anymore,” Chat laughs, without any humor.
“But Gotham is so much worse,” Marinette groans, “We can’t keep doing this, not like we are, Spots on,”
Marinette stands letting the transformation wash over her while keeping her eyes shut, this will be easier to say without looking at him anyway.
“Chat Noir, hand over your miraculous,” Marinette recoils at the wounded sound he makes, “I have to leave Paris,”
“What? No! Claws out!” Marinette opens her eyes to see Chat, furious and with tears in his eyes, “I’m coming with you!”
She thought he would say that. Probably would have hurt if he didn’t.
“I can’t just ask you to leave your life, your friends,” Marinette chokes up, “Your family,”
“And what about you?!” Chat says with such heartbreaking sincerity, “Who will you be leaving behind!?”
“... Everyone,”
But she had put it off for too long. Hawkmoth slowed his attacks in Paris months ago, they thought he was giving up… then he attacked Gotham. The attacks in Paris stopped. The ones in Gotham were so much worse. She thought… she thought she could keep it up, jumping through a portal every time Gotham needed her. It was the best of both worlds. Her family and friends were safe and she could still defeat Hawkmoth. But nothing was ever that easy. Gotham needed her, completely, with undivided attention. Paris didn’t. Gotham needed Ladybug more than Paris needed Marinette.
“Not me,” Chat breaks Marinette from her thoughts, gently holding her shoulders, “I’m coming with you,”
She should argue. She planned to argue, every detail ever rebuttal. But she was weak. Marinette so desperately wanted him to come. To have someone, anyone there for her. No not anyone she wanted Chat by her side. Her partner through thick and thin. The one who would help her take down Hawkmoth. It was so unbelievably selfish. 
She wanted him with her more than she wanted him to live his life here.
“Chat you realize we can’t tell anyone,” They could make the connection, they would try to stop them, or worse, follow them. If they went to Gotham alone at least they wouldn't have a life outside of this, they could focus wholly on taking down Hawkmoth, and maybe finally succeed, “... we have to run away,”
“Bug a boo that's the fun part,” Chat teases, Marinette couldn't see how leaving her friends and family would be at all fun, “... sorry… I know you’re leaving a lot behind,”
“If you do this-”
“When I do this,” Marinette raises a brow at him, he does it right back.
“We should reveal our identities,”
“Oh no, what a shame,” Chat dramatically ‘faints’, “Damn that makes this so much harder,”
“You know what?” Marinette ‘thoughtfully’ taps her chin, “I can probably find a new Chat Noir,”
“No, no! Sorry,” Chat immediately stands back up, “That’s obviously not why I’m doing this,”
“I know kitty,” Marinette smiles, getting him to relax, “But you need to think this over, I’m… I’m going to go pack,”
“Don’t need to think it over,” Chat smirks, “Claws off!”
“Chat! NO!” Marinette yelps, chiding, before actually processing who it was standing before her, “Adrien?!”
“Uhh, you know me?” Adrien stands there so awkwardly Marinette just burst into laughter, “Ummm,”
“S-sorry it’s it’s just,” Marinette held her sides as she kept cracking up, “Spots off!”
Her transformation fell and at that moment Marinette couldn’t even manage to feel any anxiety at him finding out, the ‘o’ face he made was too priceless. Before she could even think of being nervous Adrien also bursts out laughing, the two ending up as wheezing messes on the rooftop. It took a long while and lots of giggling to calm down.
“Well at least I’m not leaving all my friends behind,” Marinette says to the sky, “That is if you still want to come?”
“Meet you here tomorrow Marinette,” Adrien stands up, offering a hand to Marinette, “Same time,”
“See you kitty,” Marinette waves as they part ways, for now. She had a lot she needed to do today.
Marinette doesn't sleep when she gets home. She searches deep in her draws for that special fabric she put aside. Flips through her sketchbook to find that perfect design she did once. Then gets to work making a pattern. It is well past sunrise by the time she is done. She’s late for school. It doesn't matter anymore.
Not running to class for once she makes sure her parents are free later that night. She’d like to spend all day with them, but Marinette wants to see her friends one last time. She stuffs her bag with all the presents she had made her friends for future birthdays. Might as well give them now. Lila smirks at her as she walks into class, Marinette would usually worry. It doesn't matter anymore.
“Hey girl, I was wondering, Lila said some-” Marinette cuts her off, handing Alya a pile of wrapped gifts.
“Hi, sorry I’ve been busy, kind of went into a design frenzy,” Marinette laughs sheepishly, “I was going to give them at your birthday, but I just couldn't wait,”
“Awe, girl this is amazing!” Alya holds up the jacket Marinette made a few months ago, she hugs Marinette tight, “See I told you, Lila, Marinette's just been busy!”
“Too busy to make me anything, I’m sure,” Lila says, teary eyed.
“Actually no,” Marinette smiles, enjoying the utterly shocked look.
“I made this to welcome you to the class, but then you went to Achu,” Marinette places it down with open hostility, “And, well, there wasn't really an opportunity after that,”
After that Lila has a hard time trying to twist it against her. Even the complaints that the bandanna is so much smaller than everyone else's gifts is weak as it has beautiful embroidery of a fox and ladybug, everyone cooing over how sweet and personal the design is. Back when Marinette actually believed her lie that they could start over and be friends. It also was hard to turn anyone against Marinette as she handed out presents to anyone that walked through the door. Laughing and apologizing for her absence lately, claiming the whole time she was making things for them.
When Adrien came to class they both tried to stifle their laughter. Marinette only gave him one thing, so as not to be suspicious. It would help to have all new clothes when they ran away, she would give the rest to him then. It was a scarf, one she made a while ago with the new addition of a green cat paw in the corner.
Marinette, for all intents and purposes, felt wonderful for the rest of the day. She caught up with her friends, felt closer to them than she had in a while actually. They talked and laughed, Marinette for once not encouraging them to keep quiet, joking along with them, and taking a million pictures. Madame bustier didn't complain much, after all, she had an all-new makeup bag plus more.
It was fun. And the ‘see you tomorrow’ was hollow.
Marinette was dreading going back home. She asked for a special dinner that night, saying she had a special surprise to show them. And special it was, Marinette had made a new dress for her Maman, a more casual version of her wedding dress, with a special Marinette flare, plus a matching outfit for her Papa. They smiled saying it was beautiful, just as they had with her very first design and everything she made since then. They ate together and played video games together.
Marinette asked to look at old photo albums and they spent the rest of the night pouring over them. If she slipped a few out to take with her, neither noticed.
“I love you both,” Marinette hugs them tight, imagining she’ll never see them again.
Even if they do defeat Hawkmoth, Marinette's not sure she’ll make it through the fight. She could be gone for years, or maybe never return to Paris. Marinette didn’t know if she’d ever see them again, this could be it.
“We love you too,” Her Maman smiles, cupping her cheek, “Now go to bed we don't want you to be late for school tomorrow,”
Sorry I will be
Marinette just nods, hugging them one last time before heading upstairs. She packs her bag, full of newly brought or made clothes, clothes for Adrien, food, and whatever cash she had on hand. She leaves a note, saying there's something she has to do, that she loves them both and this is in no way their fault, not to look for her but Marinette doubts they’ll listen. She grabs her bag and the miracle box, saying goodbye to her home and disappearing into the night with Tikki.
By the time she meets up with Adrien Marinette is a sobbing mess. They hug each other. Adrien's not crying but she can sense the deep sadness in him. Tikki hugs her too, getting Marinette to calm down.
“So what’s the plan?”
“Go to Gotham,” Marinette shrugs, that was really the extent of it.
“We have nowhere to go,” Chat hums, trying to act nonchalant about everything, 
“I guess this means we’re homeless,” Marinette shrugs again, she had really only planned this for herself, and none of that seemed like a concern.
“We can find an abandoned warehouse, set up shop,”
“Either way we’re going to be pretty busy,” Constantly on the run, either running from someone or running after someone.
“Well, you know what they say,” Chat smirks, “We’ll sleep when this bastard is taken down,”
“You know it,” Marinette smiles, genuinely this time, “Pound it?”
“Pound it,”
 “After last week we can indeed confirm these attacks are occurring,”
“Oh sure it wasn't like I told you a month ago,” Jason scoffs, getting glared at by Bruce for interrupting.
“Well you have to admit ‘this guy came and destroyed ten blocks’ is pretty unbelievable when everything’s unscratched,” Tim continues to tap away at his computer, “And now we know the cause,”
The footage was shakily taken from the next building over, partly destroyed. With a bright light everything was fixed.
“Magic,” Dick says needlessly.
“Meta humans,” Batman growls, “Not approved and playing at being heroes,”
“Can we really complain if they fix everything after a fight?” Duke speaks up, “The police didn't even report any casualties, they don’t seem to be rookies,”
“Magic makes them reckless,” Batman shuts the argument down, “More so if they can fix everything, what happens when they can’t?”
“So basically you want them out,” Damian cuts in, there was no point arguing over it for however long, Bruce wouldn't allow them to keep roaming the city.
“Yes,” Bruce fixes them all with a hard stare, making it clear this is an order, “When you come in contact tell them they are to leave or be removed,”
They all agreed. Damian wishes he didn’t have to waste his time worrying about some second rate wannabes thinking they could challenge Batman for the protection of Gotham. They couldn't. What did they have that Batman didn’t?
 A lot was the answer. 
Or this particular new villain. It didn’t make any sense, usually, first time villains were easier to deal with, but no, here Robin was watching as Batman fought a losing battle against them. It didn’t help that they were brainwashing civilians, turning them against the rest. Robin was given very specific instructions not to harm them. Hard when they had no such orders.
Robin barely processes that Batman is thrown through a building before the main villain is turning to him. At least he could use more drastic measures with the actual villain, unsheathing his sword Robin lunges. He trades a few blows, unfortunately doing less damage than the villain can do with a singular super powered punch. With super strength, magic and Gotham citizens being steadily taken over this was looking more like a Justice league threat by the second. Everytime the villains should be down for the count they got back up, Damian couldn't find their weakness.
Robin knows he took a wrong step as the villain doesn't rush forward to take advantage but shoots out a beam, the same one Damian had just watch turn a civilian against the rest of his family. And he has no leverage to dodge. This would be so much worse than the civilians, setting his strength against the others? Without concern for killing them? Would Damian remember?
“Watch out!” A wire wraps around Robin, yanking him out of the way. He falls at someone's feet the wire slipping away, he can hear it whirling above him. 
Damian sits up, looking to who grabbed him, ready to fight if necessary, and- Loses his breath.
She's standing over him protectively, a makeshift wire shield repelling the beams that had been causing them so much trouble with ease. Like it was second nature. She looks down at him and smiles so gently, without a hint of fear or worry. Promising she has everything under control.
There's something to be said of Batman's intimidating, steady nature. It can put people at ease in its own way and be even more effective at cutting down enemies with a glare. But this? This is warmth, assurance, a steady appearance more in line with Wonder Woman yet still completely it’s own.
“You alright?” She holds out a hand for him.
Damian snaps out of it taking her hand startling at how she actually lifts him up without any effort on his part.
“Chat you ready?”
“Ready my Lady!”
My lady? Who’s Chat?
His answer comes a second later as a spotted container comes crashing down, fracturing the street. In an instant, the wire wraps around the container a hundred times over.
“Now!” My Lady commands.
“Cataclysm!” Chat yells out, the container crumbles under his touch, wire moving in to constrict around the villain.
The villain thrashes, still being able to send out beams wildly and with their minions closing in. Chat breaks off to fend them all off while Robin tries to catch his breath, Batman still in the rubble of a building. My Lady can’t hold the villain back and fight at the same time. Damian struggles to stand up and help her.
“Lucky charm replay!” 
Robin cringes at the bright light then watches as another spotted object falls into her hands. It’s a bent tube she looks around for a few seconds before holding it up. Damian rushes forward as a beam races towards her and she makes no effort to dodge. She catches it with the tube sending it back to the villain, it hits them square in the chest with no effect. Lady nods to herself before doing the same with the next beam. This time robin watches as it misses the villain, grazing their ear and sending their ear peice flying off.
“On it!” Chat Noir catches the earring from midair, calling cataclysm again turning it to dust.
Damian watches not willing to let his jaw drop as the hideous villain transforms into a normal civilian. It’s such an intriguing sight that Robin startles when something flies towards Chat Noir snatching a purple butterfly from the air and pulling it back to My Lady. A few seconds later a white butterfly is flying out a… yo yo?
“Bye bye little butterfly,” She waves the glowing white butterfly away.
That was so cute
“Who are you?” Batman demands having just recovered, motioning for them to circle around them.
“Uh, your welcome,” Chat Noir scoffs, helping the previous villain up.
“I am Ladybug, this is my partner Chat Noir,” Partner? “We’re the previous heroes of Paris,”
“Paris has no heroes,” Batman glares at them, civilians around them still closing in Robin turns his defenses towards them.
“Then that makes the past what six? Seven? Years really awkward,” Chat Noir looks at Ladybug who shrugs, a civilian takes a swing at her she dodges smoothly before throwing the pipe in the air.
“Miraculous Ladybug!” Now Robin's jaw does drop as a thousand glowing ladybugs swarm around the nearby buildings, maybe all of Gotham not even leaving a scratch behind.
“Why are you in Gotham now then?” Batman recovers first, civilians nearby blinking back into reality.
“Hawkmoth has moved his operations to Gotham to feed off the negative emotions here,” well there’s plenty of that here “It makes his Akuma more powerful and we can no longer continue to operate from Paris,”
“Then he’s in Gotham now and is my problem,” our problem “I can handle this,”
“Well you did a great job of that,” Chat Noir rolls his eyes, leaning on his staff, “How's your back by the way?”
“Chat Noir,”  Ladybug scowls, then turns to Batman, “You can’t and it’s my responsibility as Ladybug and as guardian of the miraculous,”
“What's that-”
Nightwing is interrupted by a beeping from Chat Noir's ring.
“It would be that, we have to go now,” Chat Noir salutes moving to leave, they tighten their circle surrounding them.
“You will leave Gotham,” Batman demands, this time its Ladybugs turn to glare she tsks and rounds on him, not managing to seem that threatening in her brightly colored costume.
“You don’t know who Hawkmoth is, you don’t know what Akuma are, you don't know about the miraculous, you have no clue about the guardians, you hadn't heard of whats been happening in Paris for years and you don’t know who we are or what we’ve done,” Batman is shocked under the forces of the heroine's righteous fury, “There are things going on here that you don't understand, we are here to stay until hawkmoth is defeated,”
Robin watches as she leaves a shell shocked Batman behind dissapering into Gotham’s night with her partner.
 “And why can’t they be in Gotham?” Damian demands from him yet again.
“No metahumans,” Bruce sighs, Damian had been unreasonably stubborn on this front, “They only cause more damage,”
“Actually they repaired a lot,” Damian leans over the desk to glare over that him, “And saved you,”
“Go to bed,” Bruce demands, Alfred busy patching up his wounds. Damian scoffs before storming out of the cave, still half in his robin uniform, “Whats wrong with him?”
“I couldn’t say, master Bruce,” Usually for Alfred that meant he knew exactly what was going on. He tied the final bandage before holding the phone out, “There's a call for you,”
Bruce shrugs on his shirt before answering. It wasn't the phone reserved for business so at least it wouldn't be that big a pain in the neck.
Never mind
“Talia,” Bruce growls, going to glare at Alfred who had already made himself scarce, “What do you want?”
“Oh please I’m not up to anything sinister,” Bruce can just imagine her waving him off with a smirk, “This time,”
“But you still want something,” Bruce acknowledged, sinister or not she can cause a lot more trouble without being out too.
“A missing person case, a friend of mine got in touch, her daughter ran away yesterday, l thought it would be right up your alley,”
“Why would you tell me this,” There was obviously more to this, there always was with Talia, “And more importantly why do you care,”
“Oh because she’s Sabine's daughter,” Bruce freezes, a million case files and reports flashing through his mind, none of which outlined a daughter let alone a family, “Surely you’ve heard of Sabine?”
“... We’re on the case,”
“Great, good luck~”
Now he has to worry about potentially one of the most dangerous assassins in the world on the loose. A shift in the shadows catches his eye before disappearing. Great. And now the whole family knew, or would soon.
Taglist? nope don’t have one, horrible at keeping track of them sorry~
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mieohmy · 3 years
𝖳𝗐𝗈 𝖯𝖾𝖺𝗌 𝗂𝗇 𝖺 𝖯𝗅𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍 | 𝖧𝗎𝖺𝗇𝗀 𝖱𝖾𝗇𝗃𝗎𝗇
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PAIRING: best friend! huang renjun x reader
GENRE: fluff, angst, humor, best-friends-to-lovers, childhood-friends-to-lovers, university! au, best friends! au, matchmaking! au, coming of age au
WC: 4.9k
NOTES: none ?/
SUMMARY: in which the universe gives you five quite obvious signs that you should be dating your best friend, but who said it was going to be that easy?
      ⇒ part of the five days a week special. 
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#ONE. you met as little kids by fate. 
(or so that’s what you liked to say.)
It was always a pleasant memory to reflect back on when you met your best friend of more than 10 years, huang renjun. You were two peas in a pod, there was never one without the other. Even now, many, many years later where you’re simply two best friends attending college together, barely getting by each day, you never fail to tell the tale to others with a sparkle in your eyes, a fond look on your face.
Back then, little five-year-old you didn’t have to worry about your studies, your bills, your life. Things were a lot simpler. 
The only thing you had to worry about was the other kids at the playground. Your mother was chatting away with the other moms, only checking up on your existence every once in a while when she occasionally remembered. 
Then (and to this day, you still remember what happened so vividly) lee haechan -that little son of a gun- made some stupid remark about your hair, and what else would a five-year-old do but cry?
And when none of the other kids did anything, only laughing and giggling with a cocky little haechan in the middle of them, you cried even harder, getting up and running away from this horrible place. 
You weren’t really sure where your tiny legs took you, but you continued your escape, tears blurring your vision. 
When you finally came to your senses, finally stopped crying, and only left with the sniffles, is when you properly looked at your surroundings.
It was suddenly much darker outside, the sun already disappearing and stars preparing for their entrance. And you found yourself in a dark alley, tall, looming walls trapping you on either side. 
It was empty and deserted, and you felt the solidarity closing in around you. 
Unsure what to do, you kept going on, walking down the dark and dangerous alleyway, scared and afraid. 
You called for your mom and dad. 
Once. Twice. 
The tears started back up. A sudden noise- until now, you’re still not sure what it was, maybe a rat?- startled you, and then the fear really began to set in again. 
You sat down in the middle of the alleyway, shaking and scrunching your face up in despair. 
Then a crunch sounded from behind you, and you spun around frantically, eyes glittering with unshed tears. 
It’s not what you expected. 
You didn’t expect another kid to be looking back at you. And a completely unfamiliar one at that too. 
He stared down at you, an unreadable expression on his face. The boy looked around the same age as you, give or take. 
But how did he also get here?
You finally spoke up, voice small. “H-how did you find me?”
He sighed, shrugging and kicking the ground with his foot. “I’m not sure. I just moved to this city so I wandered around. and then I forgot where I was and ended up here.” 
You wiped away your tears. “So you’re lost too?”
He simply nods. 
“I-I don’t know how I ended up here. I was just at the playground.....” New tears formed at the corner of your eyes as a pout began to settle on your lips.
The boy huffed. “Crying isn’t going to do anything.”
There’s a silence. Which was followed by increasing sniffles. 
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry! Please don’t cry.” He grimaced, looking around. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll find us a way out of here.” 
“How?” You wailed. 
“Well... I actually don’t know....”
You cried out for your mom again, sitting on the cold, hard ground. 
The boy panicked, scratching his head. “Here, uhh, what’s your name?”
You managed to say your name between sucks of breath. 
“Here, y/n.” His voice was smooth and soft, comforting. He squatted down next to you, hand holding out an unfamiliarly shaped object. 
“What is that?”
“Candy. From my old home. And it’s really yummy.” 
“But,” he continued, “you can only have it if you promise to stop crying and come with me.”
You immediately sat up straight, wiping away the wetness again for the nth time. “I promise.”
He smiled and unwrapped it for you, placing it in your palm. You quickly placed it in your mouth, enjoying the tangy taste flooding your senses. You giggled, looking back up at the boy. 
He got up from his knees, holding a hand out and beaming at you. 
“Don’t worry. I’ll protect you.”
“But.....” you trailed off, instead opting to just take his tiny hand. 
You never forgot the gleaming look in his eyes as he pulled you along, warm hand wrapped around yours. You never forgot the blanket of safety and security you felt, just by being at his side.  
And when your parents found you two soon after with the police, scared and worried to death, you realized you never asked his name before they took you away to the safety of your home. 
But there was no need. 
Four days later at school, your teacher introduced a new student to your class. 
You immediately sat up straight in your chair once you got a good look at who it was. 
It was him. The voice, speech, -everything was the same. 
“My name is Huang Renjun.”
You echoed his name in your head, wishing to store it safely in the depths of your heart. And when the teacher gestured for him to join the rest of your class, you eagerly got up-the first one might you add-walking over and holding out your hand with a toothy smile. 
“Nice to meet you, Huang Renjeon!”
“It’s renjun!” he immediately snapped. 
Your face fell. 
Renjun sighed, taking your still extended hand. 
“Nice to meet you too, I guess....”
And from then on, you would’ve never guessed how much he would mean to you in the years to come. 
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#TWO. you guys somehow have the same interests and hobbies. 
Coincidence, perhaps? Or a sign?
You both found out pretty early on that you shared a lot of common interests- drawing, singing, whatever you did, Renjun did too. Well, maybe all interests and hobbies except for one of your newly developed ones.
Renjun has no clue when it started, perhaps it was right after school started back up again? Or maybe after thanksgiving break?
Either way, your new hobby was getting on his nerves. 
If your best friend suddenly started setting you up with random girls, wouldn’t you be a tad annoyed too? 
Yes, sometime in the first half of school-Renjun couldn’t help but shudder- you started playing matchmaker. 
“Instead of bothering me, you should get a girlfriend or a boyfriend,” you insisted. And he declined. 
Renjun couldn’t help but wonder what brought this on. You had never done anything quite like this before, it was utterly confusing.
When he asked, you simply stated something along the lines of-
“In all my years of knowing you, I’ve never seen you have a crush or been romantically interested in anyone.” (He rolled his eyes at that.) “It’s like a fun quest... I’m on a mission to find you a compatible partner!” (He double rolled his eyes at that.) 
And today was no different. 
Renjun pushes the door out from your shared art class, holding it open for you.
He checks the time with his other free hand. “Do you wanna go to the coffee shop down the street? I know your test isn’t for another two days.”
You grimace, walking along the sidewalk next to him. “I don’t know, I still feel like I don’t understand anything at all....”
Renjun squeezes your hand, which you didn’t even realize had grabbed yours. “Come on, y/n. You need to take a break. I can help you cram tomorrow.”
You scrunch your face in disbelief. “Really?”
Renjun blinks twice, a sure sign that you quickly picked up on when you were younger that he was, to be frank, straight-up lying in your face. 
“Of course.”
You scoff, head tilting to the side for a couple of seconds before focusing on him again with a smirk on your face, a lightbulb going off in your brain. Renjun silently gulps. 
“I’ll go with you if you go out on a date with my new friend.”
As soon as the words leave your mouth, he groans, stomping his foot and running a hand through his hair in frustration. “Again with the dating? You’ve set me up on at least seven- and none of them have worked out!”
“Yeah, and because of who?” you mutter under your breath. 
Your head snaps up, and you quickly shoot a smile to appease him. 
“Nothing, I promise you’ll like her. Even though we just met, she’s super nice- she’s into the whole alien conspiracy too!”
Renjun’s eyes bore into yours, unmoving. He tries his best not to break- no matter how hard it may seem. 
“Please?” You pout, bringing your face closer and closer to his. 
He fakes a disgusted look, although the reddening of his ears says otherwise. Letting out a sound of protest, he skillfully avoids your intense gaze. “Alright, alright! Geez, if it makes you happy then I’ll do it.....”
You laugh in success, a bright, clear sound that rings through renjun’s body, before taking his hand and dragging him along down the street. 
“He can just come home and stay with us!” Your mother’s voice filters through the phone from the other end, insistent and no-nonsense tone making you sigh and your voice come out hesitantly.
“But mom.....” you bite your lip, spinning in your chair in circles, a perfect representation of how you currently felt.
Her indignant voice cuts back in. “What’s wrong with renjun living with us for the break? He’s practically family!!”
There’s a pause.
“Why? Did you two fight? Or do you not like him anymore?”
You sit up rigid in your chair. “What?! No- it’s nothing like that...” 
“Well, then tell him he’s free to come and stay at our house.” 
You grumble in defeat, saying a half-hearted goodbye before hanging up the phone. 
Don’t take this the wrong way, you would love for Renjun to live with you and your parents for spring break- especially after he revealed he couldn’t go back home to his parent's place that was like at least a 4-hour drive- but that meant seeing him every day. 
And seeing him every day meant you basically had every chance to tell him- something you’ve been hiding from your best friend for months now. 
It definitely wasn’t easy keeping a secret from renjun- your best friend who knows almost everything about you, but you would say it was a pretty big and important decision.
Not to mention the fact that it would completely alter your whole relationship with him. 
“Renjun!!!!” Your mom practically squeals, engulfing him in a tight hug. You watch from the side, unamused.  
“What about your own child?”
She rolls her eyes, ushering the both of you into the brightly lit house. 
Renjun drags his suitcase past the threshold, taking in the view of the familiar house that he hasn’t seen in so long, or that hasn’t changed one bit either. 
“You can stay in y/n’s room, right?”
You jolt upward, two heads turning to your mother with wide eyes and dropped opened mouths. “What?”
Your mother crosses her arms. “What? I thought you two slept in the same room all the time?”
“When we were younger....” Renjun mumbles. 
“You guys have been best friends for so long and you suddenly can’t share a room?”
You pinch your nose bridge, puffing out a breath of frustration. “Alright, alright, Renjun can stay in my room.”
You lead the way up to your bedroom, pushing open the door slowly. You’re not sure what to expect- nothing’s really changed after all. Renjun smiles at the sudden wave of memories washing over him, all your old photos and things kept in your room still in the exact places.
“It’s the same.”
You nod, laughing softly. “Yeah, you think I underwent a dramatic transformation or something? Not under your watch.”
You walk over to a middle school photo of you two, the cringey phase still not set in yet, laughing and giggling at the youthful versions of you. 
You make a quick joke at your awkward hairstyle back then, turning to catch renjun’s reaction. 
He stares at you with a soft smile and a hidden, deeper meaning shining through his eyes, and it catches you off guard. 
When he finally notices the sudden change in the air, snapping out his daze, your mother’s voice cuts through the silence, a commanding shout calling the both of you down for dinner. 
You decide to clear your throat, stiffly gesturing for him towards the door so you two can go down to eat. You don’t mention it, and neither does Renjun.
After dinner, which was just formalities and boring catch-up, you decided to head up back to your room to get ready for bed. 
You collapse on your bed with a sigh, feeling content with a full belly after stuffing your face with home-cooked meals as Renjun stands awkwardly to the side. 
“If you want... I can sleep on the ground. Your mom gave me blankets and pillows so- uh, yeah.”
Your eyes fly open, staring at the ceiling conflictedly. 
“I guess so.”
There’s a painful silence as you get ready for bed. 
Renjun sets up a temporary makeshift mattress on the ground, muttering a quiet goodnight as you flick off the light switch. 
Then it’s dark. And you can’t sleep. 
It’s been perhaps 10 minutes since you turned the lights off? And there’s not a single inch of sleep in your body. 
Your body keeps tossing and turning, mind wandering off to unimportant (read: very important) things. Like your best friend sleeping on the cold, hard ground. 
And suddenly you can’t take it anymore. You let out a loud huff, sitting up in bed in a ruckus. 
You stare at the dark figure on the floor, now alarmed, and turned around at the sound of your outburst, staring back up at you in the dark with a curious look. 
You roll your eyes, scooting over to make room in the spacious bed for one person -and just barely enough for two. 
“You thought I was really gonna let you sleep on the ground?”
You don’t say anything, just patting the space next to you. 
“Get over here.”
He waits for a second before hesitantly and slowly getting up, like frightened prey in front of their predator. 
You open the covers, welcoming Renjun in with a more content sigh, already feeling warmer and suddenly sleepy. It's a tight squeeze for the both of you, but it just feels right. 
On the other hand, Renjun wills his body to relax. He marvels at how you seem so calm and nonchalant sharing your bed with him. 
To renjun, sharing a bed was a memento of your trust. It was you at your most vulnerable, and still, you were comfortable with letting him in- even if you used to do it all the time when you were younger. 
“Goodnight, renjun.”
He swallows. “Goodnight.”
And when he confirms that you’re asleep, the only sign of movement was through the slow rise and fall of your body, renjun finally whispers the one, two, three words before joining you in dreamland - the truth inside him, the truth that’s practically killing him. 
Your mom places a plate full of tangerines on the table for you and Renjun, the bright, appetizing fruits gleaming in front of you. 
You stare at the plate, not moving, even when Renjun picks up one for himself and starts peeling. 
Your mom frowns. “Why aren’t you eating one, y/n?”
You shrug, placing an elbow on the table for your chin to rest on. But before you can say anything, a hand appears in front of your face. 
You blink, a neatly peeled tangerine suddenly comes into focus, held out in front of you. 
Your head whips to the side. Renjun rolls his eyes, nudging the tangerine closer towards you. 
“Just take it. I know you’re too lazy to peel your own anyways.”
You suddenly feel warm under the gaze of your mom, taking the fruit from him with a small thanks. 
“You guys are so cute.”
You raise an eyebrow. 
Renjun and you share a look, turning back towards your mom. It wasn’t strange for her to say something like that- she always made those kinds of comments about you two, but the way your mom said it this time seemed.... different. like it held much more meaning to it. 
“What do you mean?”
She suddenly laughs, shaking her head with a content sigh. 
“Nothing. It’s just a shame you have to leave us so soon. You’re really gonna miss them, aren’t you renjun?”
He stops chewing immediately. 
Your chair moves out from under you with an abrupt, harsh screech as you stand up with wide and panicked eyes, chest heaving. 
Renjun gets up as well, boring holes into you with an intense and confused stare. “What is your mom talking about, y/n?”
You’re not sure what to do, your heart thundering and blood rushing in your ears as you glance, conflicted, between your mom and Renjun. 
You catch her raising a hand to her mouth, shocked but still bewildered. “You didn’t tell him?”
Renjun’s eyes never left you once. “Tell me what, y/n?”
You wish you could’ve said that you sat back down calmly and explained everything to Renjun- everything you’ve been hiding from him. 
Instead, you can only cringe as your legs move on their own accord and take you blasting out from your house in an escape.
In other words, running away from your feelings. 
Until somehow, you find yourself at the local library, bursting through the doors without a single regard for the closing time and signs decorating the doors. 
All you needed was to escape. 
But renjun would never let you do that. 
You hear his footsteps echoing yours, attempting to keep up with your furious pace. 
“Y/n-stop running from me!”
You don’t say anything, ignoring his words and pushing past the countless bookshelves. 
Until you reach a dead-end, the books staring back at you almost tauntingly. 
“Y/n.” His voice echoes from behind you. 
“Please look at me.”
You clench your fists, attempting to breathe in and out steadily, but your voice still comes out small and strained. “What if I don’t want to?”
“Please... for me?”
You curse your best friend- you could never resist him. 
Slowly and reluctantly, you turn around to face Renjun. 
He states at you, so concerned and almost hurt, it makes your heart clench. “Y/n...”
You close your eyes, inhaling and exhaling once more. “You’re right. I should explain. But first, I think we should go to a more appropriate place...” you mumble. 
Keeping his mouth shut, Renjun tersely nods and attempts to open the door. (Note: attempts)
#THREE. you somehow get locked in a library together. alone.
Renjun groans, falling back on the ground with a thud. His previous attempts to get the door open failed- obviously. 
How could you be such an idiot to forget that the library closed at 6pm? Which was around the same time you- in a flurry of emotions- ran past the doors with Renjun hot on your trails. 
And that was probably how the automatic doors locked right as the clock struck 12, meaning your fate was completely sealed in. 
You slump to the ground, hopeless with no phone or any way to contact help since you ran away in such a rush.  
Your voice comes out dead, monotone. “Give up renjun. No one is going to find us until the library opens back up in the morning...”
He gives one last shove, one last fruitless attempt before making his way over and collapsing on the ground next to you. 
A tense silence falls over the room. 
Renjun waits patiently. He tries, gives it at least a couple of minutes before he can’t take it anymore, and calls your name out again. 
You bite your lip, knowing this was inevitable. 
Taking a deep breath, you start quietly, already knowing exactly what he wanted, and so rightfully deserved.
An explanation. 
“Basically... I applied and got into a program overseas that I really wanted. Which means in the summer, I’ll be leaving for at least a year.”
“Or maybe even longer if it goes well,” you lamely add. 
He waits for a beat. 
“That’s all. I would’ve told you earlier, but I didn’t know how long I would stay and... I didn’t know how to bring it up to you.” You whisper guiltily, fiddling with your hands and knees brought up to your chest, head bowed. 
Renjun feels numb.
Is this normal? 
Is it normal to feel this way? 
Because the only thought running through his head is- how will he even be able to live without you? Without seeing your cute face at least once a day- or making random jokes to make you burst laughing or that only the two of you understand? 
Your smiling and cheerful face brightening up his day? Your jokes and quirky banter that always keeps him on his toes? You, who’s always been by his side since you were little kids playing tag on the playground? 
He can’t help but wonder, barely finding the words. 
“....then what was all the setting me up with random people all about? Why do that when you’re about to leave me behind without even saying a single word?”
You inhale, voice small. 
“I wanted to find you someone else like a partner so that you wouldn’t be lonely without me-“
“I wanted to find you someone who could keep you company so you wouldn’t be thinking about me too much. I didn’t want you to be lonely.” you say, voice cracking. 
What you truly and honestly meant was- 
I don’t want to see you move on from me and forget me while I’m thousands of miles away. So instead, I went ahead and tried to find a good person to take care of you, one that I believe is best for you. 
Or in other words, I didn’t want to get my heart broken by huang renjun, so I went ahead and did it on my own. 
Your eyes blink back unshed tears, not understanding why it hurts so much to think about your best friend with someone else, why you don’t want to give him up so easily.
Them living the life that you never knew you wanted with renjun. 
I want you to find someone who cares for you and needs you the way I wish I could-
who loves you the way I wish I could. 
“That’s why I tried to pair you up with a good person- someone who wants you as much as you want them.”
You exhale shakily, trying to avoid eye contact or catch renjun’s reaction. 
“But what if they’re never going to be who I want?”
You hesitate, confused and wondering if you misheard him. 
He finally gets the chance, and the sudden confidence to say what he's always wanted to say. What he's been too much of a coward to admit before. 
“I love you.” 
“And anyone else you try to match me up will never be enough because I only want you,” he continues. 
You can barely speak up. “Huh?”
He doesn’t respond, only coming closer with his eyes full of unspoken emotions, forcing you to stare back with your glimmering ones. You swallow, confused at what he’s doing but weirdly entranced, simply watching as he brings a hand to tilt your chin up. 
Renjun asks silently with his eyes, a question to confirm that you’re comfortable - that this is okay and what you want. 
You nod, barely a perceptible one but it’s enough for him. 
#FOUR. he kisses you.
Your eyes widen, body stiffening. And then Renjun quickly pulls back, worried at your lack of a reaction. 
You don’t give him a chance to say anything though, as you pull him back in by the shirt, properly expressing your emotions this time through your lips. 
And he gets it, reciprocating with every part of his body. 
It feels so right. 
This must be it. 
You like your best friend. No, you’re in love with your best friend, even if you knew it before or not.
Eventually, you were able to talk it out and come to an understanding. (as well as escape by calling out for help and getting an unsuspecting passerby to dial for help.)
The next months spent with him were the best days of your life. It was spent exploring new feelings, new experiences that were different from before, living your life to the fullest with your loved ones, and counting down the days until you had to leave. 
You talked about long distance. And the difficulties that came with it. 
But in the end, there’s an unspoken understanding between you two. 
Until the day finally comes. The day of your flight across the world. The day you leave it all behind. 
Your parents already shed their tears the day and night before- including today. You give them one last hug, enjoying the safety of their embrace one last time, before pulling away to face your best friend. 
Your best friend, your boyfriend, your lover, the one person in the world that means everything to you. Your renjun. 
You smile, tears brimming your eyes as he engulfs you in his warmth. 
“I promise I won’t ever forget you.”
“I hope not,” he jokingly whispers back and you hit him softly. 
Just slightly pulling back, noses barely touching, he stares at you with adoration evident in his eyes.  
“I promise I’ll always love you. One day.”
You echo his words. 
“But you know,” you start teasingly, “I could just mess it up and then come back quickly-“
He squeezes you. “If you did that then I would personally go over to where you were and break up with you,” he threatens.
Rolling your red eyes, you add, “ don’t start getting over me and dating others too soon.” He shakes his head playfully, eyes brimming with tears that were just waiting to overflow. 
“I love you, huang renjun.”
“I love you and always will, y/n y/l/n.” He whispers back.
One last hug, one last kiss before you’re released. 
And with that, you’re in the car on the way to the airport, taking off with his heart. 
This is it. You’re going away. 
Away from your loved ones, and away from your home. 
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 #FIVE. you find your way back.
You originally planned to keep this a secret, but overexcitement led you to spill the beans to your parents. 
But you desperately pleaded with them to keep it a secret from everyone else (meaning- your best friend) 
The overseas program was wonderful- a great experience that you never regretted accepting, and you learned a lot. 
You learned a lot about what you missed back home, and what you really needed.
It was a good choice. Maybe even the right choice- as it made you discover your true self and priorities.  
Still, it was horribly difficult to communicate with others because of the time difference, work, and busy schedules, all of which you already expected. But you finished strong, and now you were finally able to return after 2 years. 
The excitement courses through you, you can barely make it out of the car and back to your house. 
As much as you want to see renjun, your mother makes you visit your close friends and neighbors to inform them of your return. 
And at the same time, you feel anxiousness and nervousness brewing in your stomach. All the worst doubts and possibilities ring through your head-
What if he doesn’t want to see you?
What if he moved on?
What if he isn’t..... your best friend anymore?
Nonetheless, you head out, and after a few stops, you can’t help but drive to your former college, hoping for a chance to see renjun. 
You had no idea what his schedule was like- if he still even attended this college, but there was something in you that desperately hoped he was indeed here. 
Brushing past unfamiliar people, most probably underclassmen that you had no interest in, you walk around the old campus, all the places still the same to you. 
You smile when your eyes fall upon the building where your shared art class with renjun was, the best memories spent together coming back. But what you didn’t expect was to catch onto a pair of very familiar and recognizable eyes. 
Ones that locked immediately onto yours. 
You can’t resist breaking out into a wide smile from cheek to cheek, hand raising up in a greeting. 
Renjun can’t help but break into an elated grin, stopping in his tracks. 
Even when he was more than 10 feet away- with what seemed like a hundred other students passing in between, it felt like there was nothing in between you anymore, nothing blocking your path to each other. Sure it’s been two years, but it doesn’t feel like anything’s changed. 
He lifts his arm, grip tightening on his bag as he returns a wave with his other hand. 
And it truly hits him. You’re here, you’re back, and you wouldn’t want it any other way. 
You found your way back home.
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a/n- aaa here’s the first installment to the 200 special! thank you to anyone waiting for being patient <3
taglist: @skrtbabe @bluejaem​ 
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kiame-sama · 4 years
Bunny- Yandere!Adult-Trio x Chubby!Gentle!Reader (Lemon)
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Another part of Bunny for you, my darlings~!
Warnings; self judgement, comfort, harem style relationship, dub-con, virginity loss, Adult-trio doesn't like sharing, Illumi is awkward and blunt, use of nickname (Bunny), detailed lemon, sub reader, dom trio, overstimulation, oral, vaginal, anal, masturbation.
You sat on your comfortable couch, two of your three boyfriends sitting on either side of you. Hisoka was not among the two though he would be joining the group soon as the three typically did not leave your side for very long. They were getting along better than they had before you agreed to date them, so the four of you could live in semi-harmony together.
It was clear you were the primary reason the three got along together. Though, you were also the main reason the three would fight with each other.
Your attention was a coveted thing and you vaguely considered some kind of point system just to keep track of how much time you have spent with the three. Each one of your boyfriends have developed a rather extensive web of who shows you affection when and how. Naturally, they still tend to have a back and forth dominance fight whenever you nap on one or cuddle with one.
You were still fairly innocent to the more intimate parts of a relationship and the fact that you have the three partners where most have only one. Hisoka made no bones about his desire to be more intimate with you, even being a bit more overbearing when it came to his forward behavior. Chrollo was not as intense as Hisoka, but he also has been letting his eyes linger for a bit too long on certain areas of your body. Illumi, though not at all versed in the ways of intimacy, also began showing more blantantly provocative and affectionate behavior.
They also seemed to come up with a more intense craving for your affection, often giving you random gifts or food. Hisoka was particularly interested in giving you food gifts, usually wanting to hand-feed you the food he got for you. Chrollo usually gave you expensive gifts to spoil you and mainly got you comfort items like blankets or pillows. Illumi was surprisingly the most physically affectionate of the three, often wanting to hold you or carry you as often as he could.
The three refused to let you sleep in your bed alone and took to a rather unique way they could all have their hands on you in some way while sleeping. Usually you would sleep on top of one with the other two at either side of your body, arms laying across your torso. Basically it gave you a living blanket comprised of the three men.
It took more than a bit of time to adjust to having three significant others that were extremely possesive of you. It was also a rather quick adjustment to having almost constant physical contact with at least one person. They were eager to get as close to you emotionally as they could and they often made remarks that made it clear they had no intention of going anywhere.
You wondered what they would do further into the relationship, seeing as you couldn't imagine any of the three men willingly leaving you.
"We're getting married."
The sudden remark from Illumi made you turn to look at him in surprise, eyebrows raised. He was always the most blunt out of the three, but the sudden declaration even caught Chrollo off guard. You both stared at an unbothered Illumi with questioning expressions, his unblinking eyes staying locked on you.
"When- when did you decide this?"
"The moment we started our relationship. You were mine from then on."
Before you could respond, you felt a pair of hands lifting you up and pulling you back onto a rather comfortable lap. Chrollo wrapped his arms around you, holding you close with a clear challenging stare to Illumi.
"She's mine too."
"I had planned on having both you and Hisoka dead by now. Likely should have hired my father and grandfather to get rid of you both, but I would prefer to kill you myself."
You couldn't help but slowly blink your eyes as your brain attempted to catch up with the rather aggressive and threatening words Illumi used. Chrollo was far less perturbed by the unveiled threat from Illumi, instead he just stared back at the assassin. You were surprised when a slight smirk pulled at Chrollo's lips.
"And you would risk losing her just to get rid of Hisoka and I?"
"I wouldn't lose her. I'd have her to myself."
"You would intentionally upset (y/n) by doing that and you know it. You'd lose her the moment you killed one of us."
"Are you willing to risk it?"
"... No."
Before Chrollo could continue poking at Illumi and taunting him, your door swung lazily open. Hisoka waltzed into the room with a confident stride, immediately taking note of the tension between his two companions. He had a grin that meant trouble and you were well aware of the mayhem he could and would cause.
"Is it the wrong time to ask a question?"
Clearly Illumi and Chrollo were acutely aware of the sudden shift in atmosphere with Hisoka's arrival. They both waited in silence as Hisoka gave you a 'come-here' motion, his grin never leaving. Chrollo hesitantly let you get up from his lap, curious as to what Hisoka was planning to do.
You felt your nerves sizzle slightly as you cautiously approached Hisoka, knowing whatever trick he had up his sleeve would lead to a dominance squabble. When you got within arm's reach, he pulled you close and kissed you roughly. Though you vaguely expected him to do something like this, it still didn't stop your surprised gasp as you gave him a perfect opening to slide his tongue between your lips.
He held the back of your head with one hand so you wouldn't be able to pull away from the surprise show of affection. His other arm reaching for something, which he lifted up as soon as he broke the intense kiss. Sitting in his hand was a rather lovely ring with all four solitaire suits in gems.
For a moment, it seemed like a rather out of place thing for Hisoka to do, but then again, he was the most spoiling of the three. Leave it to the most eccentric of your boyfriends to do something like this, especially in front of the other two.
Honestly, you had expected none of them to even give a damn about things like marriage. It seemed like such a small and domestic thing that was far too 'normal' for the likes of them, but apparently this was not the case. You could understand it with Illumi, his family expected him to marry and carry on the bloodline in a rather traditional sense. With Hisoka and Chrollo though, you figured they were not interested in things like marriage or professions of love.
"I already proposed to her, Hisoka. Back off."
"She hasn't said 'no' yet, so I don't think so."
Given the increasing tension in the room, you wanted to try and calm things down as soon as possible. You only hoped that they would accept your answer and not try to fight each other immediately. It wasn't hard to figure out your next course of action in this odd tangle you found yourself in, since you knew when you first agreed to date them that there was no chance of you leaving them.
"Since we already are in a poly-relationship, it would make more sense to marry all three of you instead of just one, right?"
The three men stared at you in silence at your suggestion, as if they themselves hadn't considered the continuation of the harem style relationship. That and it kept the three from killing one another, so you didn't choose favorites.
"... If it means I stay with you, then I'll accept it for now."
Unsurprisingly, Illumi was first to plainly state his thoughts on the matter. He was blunt and had little to no social graces, so he gave little concern as to stating his thoughts out loud. Where he lacked emotion, his brutal honesty was refreshing.
"Guess there's no choice then. Looks like we have to keep sharing her."
"So it seems. But, we need to decide an even division of her time so we all get some evenings alone with her."
You almost smiled at them actually agreeing on something so quickly before you remembered Chrollo's words. Though they seemed innocent enough, you felt heat rush to your cheeks at the implications behind his words. You knew they were already holding themselves back from ravaging you no matter how excited they got, but now there was little reason to continue to deny them other than your nerves surrounding the situation.
Make no bones about it, you knew how such things worked and how to have sex, but you never really had the confidence or interest in it to actually use that knowledge. You also knew that they would likely expect some more intimate moments or situations with you, given their change in status as fiancés instead. Your thoughts being confirmed as you slowly backed away when all three turned to look at you with gleaming eyes.
"Aww, don't be scared, Bunny~ I promise you'll enjoy it too♠"
A shiver ran down your spine and you noticed the odd feeling in the back of your mind telling you to run. Much like a prey animal in a group of predators, you suddenly felt a kind of weight from their stares.
"What Hisoka means," Chrollo started with a sideways glance at the red-haired man, "is that you don't need to shy away from us. If you're uncomfortable with something, you're free to stop us or ask we slow down."
"Wouldn't it only be fair that the three of us are present for her first time?"
Your cheeks burned an even warmer red as you listened to the two casually discuss something that had you exceedingly flustered. They couldn't possibly be talking about that very moment, could they? Surely they were joking.
"Wait, you mean right now?"
"Why not? I am certain Illumi wants you to meet his family and I wish for you to eventually meet the other Spiders. We three don't often remain together or in just one place. Now may be the only time we have together as a group for a while. As much as I would like to keep your first time to myself, I doubt these two would let me."
"But... Why right now?"
"... (Y/n), we're not going to judge you."
"Don't lie to me..."
"I'm not lying. (Y/n), you have no idea how beautiful you truly are."
You looked away from him, wrapping your arms around yourself protectively and trying to not look at them. Given the way society viewed women- especially heavier women- you were terrified of what they would think. You had stretch marks on your soft body and you hated them beyond belief. You were hesitant because you didn't want to disappoint them.
Given your hate towards the marks on your body, you worried they would hate them just as much as you, if not more. It was then Illumi spoke up, his tone flat and his face expressionless.
"Your scars aren't an issue, we've already seen you naked."
"What? When!?"
"Any time you-"
He was suddenly muffled by an irritated Hisoka covering his mouth, leaving the sentence unfinished while Chrollo sighed. Illumi clearly saw nothing wrong with what he had been saying where the other two were intent on keeping him quiet. You, however, faintly worried about what he said.
They had seen you without clothes and completely vulnerable. But that also meant they still were rather intently pursuing you even after witnessing your stretch-marks and other scars. It both flustered and comforted you in a way you couldn't describe, upset they had been spying on you but happy they viewed you in a different way from how you viewed yourself.
"Regardless, now would be a time better than any. It is unlikely we will remain capable of sharing you like this for very long, let alone when the next time we are together would be."
"... I don't know..."
You were still hesitant, but you knew Chrollo was right. They barely got along as it was and it would be unfair to the other two if you chose just one of them for your first time. You were also marrying them, after all...
You sighed, biting your lip nervously before turning to your room, silently walking into it without a response to the three. Naturally, they followed you and watched closely as you sat down on your plush bed. Curling up slightly, you finally looked at them, cheeks burning with a deep blush.
"W-well? Hurry up before I- before I change my mind..."
You couldn't keep the stress out of your voice as you slightly tripped up on your words, trying to keep your tone steady. It was clear that you didn't need to tell them twice as the three quickly joined you on the bed. The thunderous sound of your heart beating wildly in your chest seemed all the more intense as you watched them shed their extra clothing.
They were all rather wonderfully sculpted which only made you feel more insecure about your figure, starting to slightly panic. The more time you had to panic, the more stressed you became and the less certain you felt. Illumi was first to move, pressing his lips hungrily against your own.
"Just because we agreed to let you go first doesn't mean you get to hog her."
Hisoka growled out in irritation, wanting to just pounce and rip your obscuring clothes from your body. Illumi gave an annoyed glance at Hisoka before moving to sit behind you, pulling you onto his lap. His lips ghosted across your neck as you let out a soft mewl, shivering from his touch.
"But, if we're staking claims, I want her mouth~"
You felt a shiver run down your spine as the red-haired man licked his lips, staring intensely at you from the end of the bed.
"Hisoka, she's not a piece of meat to carve up and claim. Besides, can't you see you're frightening her? It is her first time, after all."
"How sweet, our Bunny is soft and innocent. All the more reason to stake a claim on her."
A soft mewl left your lips as Illumi trailled a hand up and under your shirt, gently groping at your bra covered chest. The movement drew the attention of the other two men who were now watching you hungrily, their eyes following every movement Illumi's hands made. Hisoka was next to approach, slowly pulling off your shirt with a grin.
He quickly unhooked your bra, tossing it carelessly over his shoulder. You didn't have time to react to his bold move before his hands were on you, one soft breast cupped by his hand and the peak of the other in his mouth. The sensation made you arch your back, pressing back into illumi and mewling loudly.
Chrollo was next as he approached from your side, turning your head to lock your lips in a deep kiss, easily sliding his tongue into your mouth.
You were so lost in the feelings running through you, you didn't notice Illumi's hand sliding down into your pants, cupping your heat with slightly cold fingers. The sensation had you moaning softly against Chrollo's lips to which he only smirked and continued to dominate your mouth. Hisoka let his mouth pop off of your swollen breasts and started working on sliding off your pants, kissing your stomach gently.
The blush that took over your face was just so cute to Chrollo that he couldn't resist squeezing your breasts just to make you squeal and whine. His lips were insistent but he mercifully pulled away to let you catch your breath, watching you whine and lean your head back against Illumi's shoulder. He was quick to join Hisoka in sliding off your pants and underwear, lustfully watching Illumi's fingers rub over your wet slit.
"Illumi, hold open her legs."
"Because I want a taste."
Illumi hesitantly pulled his hand away from your heat and gripped your thighs, leaving you panting as you let out a whine from the loss of friction. You didn't have to wait long before a hot tongue was sliding through your soft folds. Chrollo slowly lapping at your sensitive pussy with long strokes of his tongue, humming in pleasure.
"Ngh-! Ah~! Chrollo- Mmm- feels so good..!"
You were gasping at this point, back arched and head tilted back as you let out breathless moans, lightly gripping at his soft and fluffy hair. His eyes flicked up for a moment to watch you before closing as he doubled his efforts, sliding his tongue inside of you. The yelping moan that left your lips was downright sinful and only served to turn the three men on more than they already were.
Hisoka growled at the lack of contact with you before he slightly raised one of your legs, ducking his head down to join Chrollo's and practically forcing the other male to give him space. Both were now sliding their tongues against your soft pussy, not caring when they came in contact with each other. Both were completely determined to get as much from you as they possibly could, cheeks pressed against each other as they worked you over. Their fingers fighting to slide into you and stretch you out properly.
You were already on cloud nine at that point and each of their delicious movements only enhanced that feeling. Illumi dutifully held your legs up and open for his companions, busying himself with sucking countless marks onto your neck. You could feel something firm pressing against your soft ass since you were still sitting on his lap, the sensation sending shivers down your spine.
"Ah-! It's too- too much! I can't- I can't take it anymore!"
Despite your mewls and whines for mercy, they continued their almost savage actions. A burning desire was building up inside of you, like a pressure what was coiling itself tighter and tighter. You were almost drooling at that point, each movement and caress of their mouths pushing you further towards that climbing bliss.
Just when that pleasured coil seemed to become so tight it was almost painful, it snapped, flooding your body with euphoria. Your voice rose several octaves as the pleasure coursed through you. Your vision went black for a moment, leaving you reeling in that pleasure which scrambled your thoughts.
When you finally came down from your high, you were still lightly panting, groaning in residual pleasure.
"Seems you enjoyed that quite a bit."
"Didn't expect to already be making you squirt for us~♠"
You whined softly, finally getting yourself under control after the mind-numbing bliss you endured. Hisoka was licking his soaked lips, Chrollo seeming equally pleased as he licked his fingers. Illumi was quick to turn you on his lap so you were facing him, legs on either side of his body.
He locked his lips with yours and slightly bucked his hips, rubbing his cloth covered cock against your folds. You moaned softly at this before finding yourself splayed out on your back, Illumi hovering over you while easily pulling off his restrictive underwear. You squeaked in slight fear at the sudden intensity the situation took on, feeling your nerves rise up again.
Hisoka was quick to rip open an odd little square package and toss the contents to Illumi, fixing the assassin with a firm stare. Illumi seemed completely disinterested in whatever Hisoka had given him, but a meaningful glance from Chrollo made him comply. He growled and moved to slide the item down over his extremely erect cock, covering it with a neon green condom.
"Illumi, gentle."
Hisoka had a warning in his tone and gripped both of your wrists, pinning them to the bed above your head. You were completely helpless in your current position, looking up at Illumi as he slowly slid his length through your soft folds. After a moment of doing that, he lined himself up against your entrance, slowly pushing his large cock inside of you.
You whined and squirmed on the bed, feeling a burn from the uncomfortable stretch of your body accommodating for the large cock pushing into you. You gasped and whined the further he sunk into you, clenching your eyes shut as you tried to relax. Halfway in he paused, feeling your soft barrier in his way, preventing him from sinking deeper into you.
The only hesitated a moment before suddenly thrusting his hips forward, sliding into you the rest of the way. The sudden action paired with the tearing of your fragile hymen made you scream out in a cry of pain. Hisoka kept your wrists pinned down as your body spasmed and arched, his golden eyes glaring at Illumi.
"Damn it, Illumi! I said gentle!"
"I am being gentle."
Chrollo sighed and gently kissed your forehead, running his hands soothingly over your skin in an attempt to calm you. As the pain faded to a dull burn, you were able to relax a bit more, Chrollo's light touch doing wonders for your stressed mind.
Illumi watched you closely, slowly beginning to move his hips to test how you would respond. When you didn't let out another cry of pain, his slow pace picked up speed and he settled on a simple rhythm to move his hips to. The faint burn was still there, but another feeling was starting to bubble up from inside of you.
It felt similar to how you felt earlier with both Chrollo and Hisoka licking your soft pussy, but this time it seemed more intense than before. As the sensation rose, you began to let out soft noises of pleasure that increased in volume each time. The louder you got, the more intense Illumi's thrusting became.
Eventually he was practically jackhammering into you, his blank eyes never once leaving your cute expression. He hardly made a sound as he pounded into you, where as you were moaning loudly and arching your back. The hard cock inside of you only seemed to become firmer with every noise you made.
Hisoka still held your wrists to the bed, but he busied himself with sucking rather harshly on one of your bouncing breasts. Chrollo did the same to the other, one hand sliding down your front to rub your clit in time with Illumi's thrusts. You mewled and whined loudly, wanting to run your fingers through Illumi's hair or to grip at the hair of either men that sucked harshly on your sensitive breasts.
Pinned as you were, you found it almost torturous to not be able to grip something to keep yourself grounded, but the bliss flooding your mind kept you occupied. Your loud moans clearly excited the men as they relished in the sound and watched you shake in bliss. Illumi had yet to blink or do much other than pound you harshly into the bed, his breathing slightly uneven.
The bed creaked and groaned loudly from the force Illumi was using, sounding like it was nearly at its breaking point. Each push and drag of his large cock inside of you sent continuous shots of dopamine into your brain, scrambling your thoughts completely. Just when it felt like you couldn't breathe from the overwhelming pleasure, that intense pressure in your abdomen broke and washed over you with liquid euphoria.
Your screaming moan dragged on far longer than you had expected as Illumi continued pounding into you before coming to a sudden halt. He let out a low hum of content and finally closed his eyes to bask in the feeling of your tight walls drawing every last drop of cum from his slowly softening cock. Hisoka released your wrists, pulling away from your breast with a pop of his lips.
Chrollo similarly withdrew his hand, letting your soft breast go to give you time to come down from your high. You were panting heavily with hitching breaths as you tried to calm your frantic heart, that had been drumming wildly in your chest. You felt light-headed and numb, barely noticing Illumi slowly pulling out of you and gently setting your legs down.
As your heart settled to a steady rolling beat, you were vaguely aware of your body being rolled over and hips being propped up. You gained enough energy to glance back, seeing Chrollo rubbing your hips slowly before sliding on his own condom, this one being a neon purple. A vague desire to laugh at the color coordination of the condoms bubbled up in you, but the most you managed was a light huff of amusement.
A soft grip on your shoulders drew your attention forward again as Hisoka lifted your front, setting you down gently on his lap while he made himself comfortable on his knees. He wore a neon pink condom and was looking down at you lustfully, running his fingers across your cheek.
"Ready to go again, Bunny?"
You hummed out your response of vague confirmation, watching him grip his bright pink cock with one hand, lifting your chin with the other.
"Good. Now, open wide~♣"
You let your jaw drop open, knowing where he wanted to put that large and intimidating cock in you. With a slow lick of his lips, he slid himself into your warm mouth, letting out a heavy moan of pleasure. His head was tilted back and his eyes were closed, fingers lightly gripping and moving your head.
You truly had to do nothing other than let him move your head in short up and down motions. He seemed quite content to just fuck himself into your mouth, sliding up against your tongue.  For a moment, you forgot about Chrollo before a cold gel met your tight ass-hole, slowly sliding around the soft skin.
Your cry of surprise and vague refusal was muffled by the large cock in your mouth, though the tone of your voice was clear. Certainly, you hadn't expected any of this to begin with, but you never would have expected all of your holes to be used by one of the three men. Chrollo gently shushed you, rubbing your hips in slow soothing circles.
"Shh... It's alright. I'll be gentle with you, and if it hurts too much, I'll stop. Okay?"
You whined again, causing a heavy moan to escape Hisoka from the vibration your voice caused. Taking the sound you made as confirmation, Chrollo started to slowly slide into you, the generous amount of lube he had used helping him ease into you more easily. You let out distressed and whimpering noises, feeling your internal stress getting the better of you as you dug your nails into Hisoka's thighs.
Chrollo stayed completely still once he was fully seated inside of you, his hands still rubbing over the soft skin of your hips. You were thankful for the moment to compose yourself and once your breathing calmed, Chrollo began to move. You let out a squeal from the return of the painful sensation, slightly shaking your head.
"It's okay. It won't hurt for long. It's okay."
You doubted his words, but found yourself rather surprised when the pain of the intrusion soothed into an odd pleasure. Each slow push and pull in your body pressing against several nerves you didn't know you had, bringing with it a faint pleasure that began to slowly build. You slowly withdrew your nails from Hisoka's thighs, no longer in any pain.
Hisoka was still moving your head up and down on his large cock, unabashed moans rumbling from his chest. Each time Chrollo thrust into you moved your mouth around Hisoka, only making the red-head croon out more moans. He clearly took great pleasure in having your lips wrapped around him and your hot tongue sliding against his needy cock.
You began to hear low moans from Chrollo, who had begun to thrust in a faster and harder pace. Both men moving in surprising unison as one of Chrollo's hands came down to rapidly rub your soaked pussy. Illumi, who had been recollecting himself from his intense orgasm now sat, sliding his hand around his cock that had once again hardened.
He was clearly enjoying the sight of you getting pounded into by both men quite a bit, his empty eyes never once leaving you as he thrust up into his fist. The sight of Illumi pleasuring himself to your helpless form sparked pleasure in your mind, working in tandem with the pleasure of Chrollo's equally large cock inside of you. The three began moving at an almost frantic pace as they chased their highs, taking pleasure in your soft body.
Chrollo was rapidly rubbing your weeping clit and you could feel your pleasure rising up again. The wonderful bliss was nearly engulfing you completely, your nerves practically shot as each movement only pulled you closer to your release. Then, as if by some unknown cue, all four of you reached your orgasms, their deep moans harmonizing with your own muffled cry as you almost blacked out from the overwhelming pleasure of it all.
When you finally returned to your senses, you realized that the three were laying around you as they usually did. One under you and one on either side of you, all three touching your skin in some way. You almost felt glad that you would be splitting up your time, since you didn't know if you could repeat the intense rounds of sex on the weekly basis, let alone do it daily.
A relaxed sense of peace hummed through your mind as you let yourself drift off to sleep, all three of your protective and possessive fiancés keeping you safe.
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enjennie · 3 years
In The Limelight [chenle x reader]
Summary: Tutoring the CEO’s son, when you’re barely interested in business. And falling for him, when you knew nothing about love.
Genre: Fluff. Rich kid!Chenle Tutor!Reader
Warnings: None
a/n: not proofread! I’ve been in a slump lately ☹ my works haven’t been satisfying me but I hope you enjoy this! btw omg this is a reupload bc the first time... somehow, the paragraphs were jumbled up? 
 “Y/N, there are flowers on your desk,” your classmate gestures behind them to the classroom you were headed to before quickly passing by. You could only nod, a little taken aback by the sudden information you received. Flowers? As far as you know, Valentine’s had passed, so has white day and it’s definitely not your birthday.
But as you enter your classroom, the bundle of flowers catching your eyes, you knew one thing for sure was from who it was. As you approach your desk, you lift the thoughtful gift and inspect the small card attached to the string that tied it beautifully together. ZCH, it read in cursive.
 “How was your day?” Chenle’s voice can be heard from the other line, the smile on his face almost something you can hear along with it.
“It was great! Thank you for the flowers, by the way. They’re delightful,” you beamed, eyes landing at the arrangement that now sat on your vanity. Chenle chuckles, his laughter sending serotonin to run through your body.
“Not a problem, I’m glad you like them,”
“Though I’d appreciate if you gave them to me yourself,” you cheekily continued. Chenle could only smile, his face softening at your request. It was a simple request. Yet, he couldn’t do it.
When you notice the silence that follow, you immediately regret what you said. You desperately try to backtrack, sputtering out words. “Well- I mean-, It’s fine- Thank you, still! I love them,”
Chenle hums, “I know. Don’t worry. You’ll wait though… right? It won’t be long,”
You plant your feet to your carpeted floor and nod, even if he can’t see you. “Of course, Lele,”
 Zhong Chenle is the son of the most respected CEO of one of the biggest corporations in Shanghai the entire world. Chenle was the next in line to the company. After his brother had expressed how the business world didn’t interest him, the responsibility immediately fell into Chenle’s hands. And even if music was his love and calling, he had to let it go as to not disappoint his father.
Chenle had accepted it some time ago, going to school only for the degree so he could be eligible to own the business. He accepted the fact that he was going to be living the life his father made for him, not one he made for himself and it was the hardest pill to swallow. But things changed when he met you. There was more purpose to the things he does, it wasn’t just for nothing. Life had gone from monochromatic to colorful.
 “Miss, Y/N. Mr. Zhong just moved and he has to take this class to pass the semester. I trust you can fill him in with our module? Mr. Zhong, this is Miss. Y/N, she scored the highest during midterms,” your world economics professor had marched towards you after class, a tall boy following behind her. He looked just as oblivious as she did, to the sudden weight and pressure being put on you.
You merely nod and say a simple hello, not being able to say anything else. It wasn’t a question, this was a demand. Jeez if I was gonna teach your student I should get a portion of your pay. You thought bitterly. At the time, you were struggling to juggle a part-time job at a café while also maintaining your grades to keep your scholarship.
When your professor left you two, the boy kept his hands buried in his pockets. His clothes were semi-casual and his hair was styled nicely. Who the hell moves halfway through the year?
“So, Mr. Zhong-“ you take your books into your arms and lazily sling your bag over your shoulder, heading towards the door with him trailing behind you.
“Chenle-, You can call me Chenle,” he finally spoke, startling you a little with how cool and soft his voice is as opposed to his striking visual that intimidated you at first.
“Nice to meet you, Chenle,” you give him a smile.
You were gonna be around this guy for who knows how long, might as well try to be his friend. Maybe it’ll make the teaching less of a chore.
  “Wrong,” you huffed, marking his essay and adding in annotations. “Chenle, remember there is a specific way to start these essays and that’s by defining the terms you’re using,”
The boy sat opposite of you, arms crossed and back against the couch comfortably. You were in a café. The café you worked in, to be precise. Your schedule today overlapped with Chenle’s and as much as you didn’t want him to see you slaving around, you also couldn’t miss this paycheck at the café. You gave him an essay to write just to check on his phrasing and structure and left to buss some tables and serve orders. But when you came back, Chenle barely wrote anything and could care less about it.
“Can we not study today?” he whined.
You and Chenle have been meeting each other for a month now, and you’d soon learned about the type of boy he is, the life he led. In ways you didn’t expect to.
 The first time you found out about Chenle’s reputation was through the newspaper. No, not the school newspaper. Not even the local newspaper. But on the Wallstreet Journal, when you had to grab material from any recent article for a class. Chenle’s name floated along with the words ‘Young entrepreneur’ and their company’s name. You gasped so loud you had to excuse yourself from the library and leave in a hurry. That afternoon you smacked him on the shoulder with your thick world econ textbook.
“You’re from a family of business corporates and you’re learning world economics from someone who crammed the exam?” you exclaimed. He stared at you blankly, book in hand and pen in the other.
“And you don’t pay me!” you added. The fact that you’ve been tutoring someone as rich as Chenle just didn’t make sense to you. Why not go to a professional? Instead, he was here with a sleep deprived college student who sometimes mixes up business terms just because she couldn’t care any less. World Economics was a mandatory for you. You studied to pass, sadly.
“I could start paying you, name the price,” he said easily. But you shook your head.
“I didn’t mean it that way, sorry. I actually don’t care about the money,” You led him to the picnic bench with the table outside school grounds and propped your book on it along with your bag before taking out your bento box. “Just blows my mind how you won’t just pay for the classes. I don’t teach that well-” you continue.
“I like you, though,” Chenle calmly interjects. You look up at the boy, movements being halted by his bold statement.
“Pardon?” you felt the need to have him clarify what he said.  The boy leaned across the table, over your textbooks and notes. “I like you,” Chenle repeated himself, but the impact it had on you was just as powerful and hit you hard. Your heart was doing somersaults.
Chenle’s eyes grew thin as he smiled, backing away from you and sitting back down.
“So, chapter 12,” he starts flipping his book nonchalantly, leaving you out of breath with a heart hammering in your chest.
  “What do you mean not study today? You have an upcoming quiz with Mr. Byun this Friday and mind you, that man searches for wrongs, not rights,” you raised a finger at him, shaking it matter-of-factly.
“No, let me help you. Do you usually run the café on your own?” he closes the book and takes his essay from your hand. You’re left slack jawed.
“No. I- Johnny couldn’t come in today,” you explained. Suddenly, you were stammering as if explaining to your boss. At first, you were doubting if it was the same Chenle you were reading about in the articles. The boy you were tutoring didn’t come off as someone who would be running corporates and buying stocks or whatever. He was more laid back and relaxed. Aside from the way he dressed, nothing gave it away that he was indeed the CEO’s son. But there were times where you got a dominant feel from him. Times when he stood with much authority and didn’t accept no for an answer. In those moments, you realize how Chenle’s presence alone demanded respect.
Soon enough, you found yourself behind the counter with Chenle beside you tying the apron to himself. He looked cute, somehow. The way he smiled at customers and tried giving them their recommendations set butterflies run free in your stomach, you almost swooned. He didn’t get much studying done that day, but you surely did. You learned the fact that you falling slowly but surely with Zhong Chenle.
  There were two chapters you’re left to cover. In the short month and a half, you managed to teach Chenle six month’s worth of topics. Seeing him every other day made Chenle a familiar face to see around. Of course, you never actually got to see him around campus when you weren’t tutoring him. It left you wondering if you were actually teaching a ghost. But all doubts went away when the girls in your class started whispering about the cute boy waiting outside class. You quickly found out it was Chenle who they were talking about, and he was there for you. It was safe to say he wasn’t a ghost and is in fact real.
Carrying his book bag, he was stood against the wall with reading material under his arm.
“Chenle, we don’t have a schedule today,” you walk up to him, trying to avoid the dozen pairs of eyes that watched you. Chenle nodded, “Sorry, I won’t be here tomorrow. My father is bringing me on a business trip,” he states.
It wasn’t new for you to hear this coming from Chenle. Just the other week, his father brought him along to Japan for a company deal and Chenle came back with a little keychain souvenir for you. The same keychain dangled from your bag now as you both walked to the exit of the building. “Are you free?”
“Yeah, but I didn’t bring my book with me tod-“ you begin searching in your bag, even if you knew it wasn’t there. You were just trying to ignore the way his question made your heart jump.
“I mean… for dinner. Are you free for dinner?” he places a gentle hand on yours, stopping you from looking further in your bag. Chenle’s bold movements sometimes took him by surprise as well. He quickly retracts his hand, shoving it in his pockets. You let go of your bag, placing your hands on either side of you.
“Why?” you squinted at him suspiciously.
Chenle’s smile is small, but doesn’t go unnoticed by you as he turns his head towards his car then back down at you. “Listen, you don’t have to overanalyze this. I just want to treat you,”
  Chenle had thought about it a hundred times or more, before finally making a decision. Although you’ve been seeing each other in cafes and libraries for some time now, he didn’t want to consider those as dates. Sure, it gave him time to admire you up close and get to know you but he wanted you to know his true intentions. The only problem was boy, was he a wuss. And were you oh so dense!
Despite the subtle and not so subtle hints he’s given you, you remained clueless about his feelings. Unsure, confused and just downright oblivious. From the way he looked at you to how he vocally told you he liked you. You shoved everything under the rug, afraid that this boy was just toying around with you and having a laugh. He found it cute.
 It didn’t matter that you were in your school clothes, carrying about three thick books in your shoulder bag. He thought you looked stunning. You ate at a pizzeria just in town and he expressed how it tasted just like pizza from Italy. You said you wouldn’t know the difference since you’ve never been, and had a laugh about it.
The walk from his car to your apartment wasn’t that far, it’s just that he had to park a little further since there was no more space left in front. As you walked together, you noticed how the vibe and atmosphere between you two that developed as the night deepened, was different. More lax, comfortable. Like friends? You were both silent, until Chenle piped up.
“I lied, I didn’t just want to treat you,” he muttered, looking into the distance of your quiet street.
You turn your face towards him and you catch a glimpse of his face in the moonlight before looking away. He’d taken your bag from you and had it around his shoulder now. Him in his white polo shirt and brown suit jacket. He was always dressed like he was attending some kind of formal event. That’s Chenle for you. Mr. CEO’s son.
“Then?” you prompted him to continue.
Chenle averts his attention towards you as you finally reached the front of your apartment. You both stop walking, facing each other with the moon as your spotlight. You look at him from the light of the moon, it illuminated Chenle’s features perfectly. You would be able to inspect him when he studied, but each look at him made you breathless every time you had to look away. Much like right now.
“I wanted to take you out. Like, on a date,” Chenle confesses.
You could never wrap your head around how bold Chenle could be. Always leaving you flustered after saying such things, this boy was your weakness. But you didn’t give in. At least, you tried not to.
“Oh,” was your only response as you put your hands together, looking up at the tall boy. You hoped it wasn’t obvious that heat was rushing to your cheeks and ears by now. You could practically feel your blood flowing through your body, making you feel warm all over. “It was fun, I enjoyed it,” you shyly admit.
Chenle takes a step forward, raising his hand to palm your cheek gently. It’s the first time he’s ever gotten this close. “But I’m not sure you’re ready for my world yet,” his voice is lower, cool. Like wind.
You part your lips slightly, willing yourself to breathe. Your breath is unstable, shaky. This time, you take a step forward. “Are you underestimating me?” You don’t know where the surge of confidence came from, but you were thankful for it. The look of surprise is quickly melted into amusement as this was definitely the first time you ever made the second move to the dozens of times he’d left you flustered.
Chenle dips his head down close to your face. Eyes trained on each other, you tried to get yourself to breathe. He looked alluring, and you watch his eyes drop to your lips. Your head had become blank, nothing in mind. Just him. Chenle, and nothing else. His calm eyes, button nose and plump lips that you so very badly wanted to press against yours. “Are you sure?” he whispers.
You close the space between you and Chenle, lining your lips with his and connecting them together. The sensation almost sending you on your knees, you grab onto his shoulder for support and he holds you up by the waist, swiftly wrapping his strong arms around you. It felt like such a big relief, you almost sighed.
When you pulled away, Chenle’s smile comes into view as you fluttered your eyes open. He places his hand at the back of his head and scratches, suddenly becoming shy. You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.
“You’re something else,” you giggle, smacking his arm before snatching your bag from his shoulder and turning on your heel to leave. You feel his hand against yours, forcing you to stop. “I’ll see you after my trip?” he asks.
“Same time… for class,” you reply, looking back at him with a cheeky smile. Chenle lets your hand go, a smitten smile on his face and a warm feeling in his chest. Zhong Chenle wished things were simpler. He wanted to give you the world.
 “It’s just a black tie party and my dad’s forcing me to come with a date,” he fixes himself in the mirror. He looked handsome, as always. In an all-black suit that fit him perfectly. Dressed like he had someplace to be, people to meet.
You sat on your bed behind him, arms folded and face scrunched up into a frown. A date. Probably someone from a rich family, better than you, his future spouse. They’d have perfect little babies together. All these bitter thoughts were flooding in your brain. When he notices your unusual quietness, Chenle turns to face you and gives you a goofy smile.
“What’s on your mind?” he approaches the bed, placing either hands on the side of you and leaning in close. Chenle could tell when you lied and knew exactly how to make you crack. You pull your knees to yourself and don’t bother hiding the scowl forming on your face. You couldn’t do anything about it. After several talks with Chenle, he explained how much pressure he gets from the media and his family. How dating even became a hassle because of how the pressure would then be shared with his partner.
For years, it wasn’t a problem. He didn’t find anyone that sparked his interest, and only had meaningless one night stands. He was fine with it, really. But all of that changed when he met you. For once, he wanted to go after something he loved. Not let it go, unlike what he did with his own passion for the sake of his father’s dream and business.
You shook your head, ridding the thoughts in your head and throwing them out. “Nothing. I know it’s just business. Message me when you get home?” you didn’t need to ask, but you still do. Chenle always kept you updated, whether if it was how the party he’s in has a chocolate fountain or if the bathrooms have automatic toilets. It was always bizarre hearing about his stories and taking a peek of what his world is like. The world of corporates. You weren’t ready for it, and Chenle knew.
 The secrecy of your relationship didn’t last very long, soon enough it’s got media questioning who Chenle was seeing and your status. After a few run-ins with the paparazzi, you both decided it would be best if your meetups were more discreet. Luckily, the cameras hadn’t captured your face yet, but it was only a matter of time until they did.
To top it all off, the news had spread across campus. Girls left and right claiming they were the one dating Chenle, it didn’t bother you too much. You had a scholarship to keep and a job to go to. Sometimes, you’d find a single rose and a letter waiting for you in class, or at the café. Of course, you and Chenle had wrapped up the tutorial classes and he was able to pass the exam. He was one step closer to his degree, but happy wasn’t the word to describe him.
He yearned to be with you, have you in his arms and spend hours together just like you used to before things got complicated. Chenle grew lonely without your presence as months passed. Nonetheless, you hung onto the string of hope that maybe one day people wouldn’t care so much. That you could take all the criticism, the heat.
 It was around 2am when your phone rang, disturbing your slumber. It was a Friday night and you took it upon yourself to catch up on some sleep after the horrendous exam week you just faced. Chenle had said goodnight hours ago. You wondered who could be calling at such an ungodly hour.
You pick up without checking the caller ID.
“Y/N,” Chenle’s voice filled your ear. Your eyes snap open and you shot up from your bed, pulling the phone away from your ear. Sure enough, it was him. Lele, with a little heart beside the name.
“Hey, are you alright?” You ask worriedly. His voice sounded slow and there was rustling behind him.
Chenle lets out a groan, and your heartbeat picks up its pace. You knew better than to think Chenle would cheat, but it was definitely worrying hearing this without any idea what was going on. “I miss you,” he breathed, voice raspy and low. You couldn’t keep the smile from appearing on your face. In the darkness of your room, your heart swelled with joy. “I miss you too, Chenle,” you whispered back.
Distinct voices come through the line, and you make it out to be Jeno and Jaemin. They’re bickering and you hear a guitar in the mix. “We’ll leave you here, Chenle,” Jaemin calls to his friend before you hear a door close.
“Why did you call?” you ask but you were happy that he did.
“Because I can’t be there with you. Even if it’s all I want right now,” he confessed. Your smile faltered and a hint of sadness falls upon your face as he continues. He was obviously drunk, but Chenle has always been really honest because he couldn’t lie. These days however, you haven’t had the time to talk much and you knew there was a lot on his mind. It hurt to know that it’s been this, and you couldn’t do much about it. “I just want to tell everyone about us. Screw what they think, YN. You’re perfect to me,”
Hearing his words gave you a glimmer of hope. You wished he was right, you wished you could believe it.
“Chenle-“ you sighed. “I want that too,”
There was a moment of silence before his voice came through again and you thought he’d passed out drunk already. “I love you, Y/N. I’ve sacrificed so much for my father, but you’re not going to be one of them,”
His words brought the smile back to your face, tears welling up in your eyes from how happy you were to hear them. It seemed at this moment that you could battle anything, because you were with Chenle. Everything would be alright. He was here and you are too, it’s the two of you against the world.
“Tomorrow, let’s make it official,” Chenle proposed.
You bring your hand up to your lips and bite on your nails, now fully awake more than ever. “Okay,” you agreed. Chenle grins, getting up from his bed. “I’m coming over,” you can hear him walking around now, keys jangling and shoes on his wooden floor.
“You can’t drive-“ you hurriedly try to stop him, keeping in mind his state.
“I don’t drive a Tesla for nothing,” he chuckles. “I’ll be there soon,” The outgoing beeping of the call followed afterwards as he ended the call. The realization hit you a moment later.
 The next day, you and Chenle arrived in school together. He stayed the night, carrying a change of clothes in his bag. For someone who was smack drunk, he sure did pack well.
From the moment you stepped out of his car, many students were around to watch. Exchanging whispers and staring, your cheeks set aflame when Chenle pulls you by the arm, your hands connecting between you and threading together naturally. It drew the attention of many onlookers and you chewed on your bottom lip, not used to the attention.
“They’re staring,” you whisper close to him.
“Let them,” He responds. Chenle tilts your head up to meet his gaze before planting a lingering kiss on your lips, confirming people’s already forming suspicions. “You’re my girl, aren’t you?”
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shihalyfie · 3 years
Shiramine Nokia, and her role in Cyber Sleuth’s narrative
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This one’s on request! Cyber Sleuth is quite the interesting game and a rather landmark entry in the franchise, mainly for being a love letter to the franchise and its long history itself, and for being the franchise’s very first work exclusively aimed at adults, meaning that it can explore different topics that wouldn’t normally be Sunday morning timeslot material, while also being a little more willing to assume that the people playing this are familiar with a lot of older parts of the franchise (not that it’s advisable to have complete lockout, but the game benefits greatly by not needing to assume lockout by default).
One of the ways Cyber Sleuth exhibits its “franchise love letter” status is by starting off the game all the way back at the franchise’s roots, before Digimon Adventure changed the game and everyone’s perception of Digimon and Digimon partnership, when the V-Pet lore was intertwined with Digimon as elements of hard sci-fi. As the game proceeds, the atmosphere slowly starts to resemble the more fantasy-like version of the franchise established by Digimon Adventure and its follower entries -- and that change is represented in none other than Nokia herself.
Before we begin: As anyone who follows my meta work has probably noticed, I generally prefer to have my analyses use tons of references and screenshots so that it’s easy to follow and the evidence is concrete, but Cyber Sleuth is a game, and it’s much harder to get those things without replaying the entire game, so I hope this won’t be too hard to follow despite being mostly text.
Nokia’s background and personality
If we want to apply the producer’s statements on Twitter, Nokia is 17 years old at the time of Cyber Sleuth, and has a backstory of having originally been a shy, bullied child who broke out of her shell thanks to the influence of her cousin (who, of all people, happens to be none other than Date Makiko). The flashback we get with Nokia in chapter 18, however, portrays her as just a fairly cheerful, go-getter child, but (although we only get to see her hair) she’s not quite as “flashy” or in-your-face as the description entails.
A possible hypothesis for rationalizing this all together comes from a what we learn about the process of memory wiping in Cyber Sleuth chapter 14: even if memories are extracted from the person, there’s some kind of residual memory left behind (the producer’s above statement also states that the same thing had even happened to Suedou). In Hacker’s Memory chapter 16, Arata confesses to Ryuji that the first Under Zero incident and Jude's loss to the Knightmon had re-triggered his trauma from having lost Yuugo years prior -- “not the memory, but the feeling.” So in other words, there was some feeling of loss that came after the loss of Yuugo that impacted those involved -- and it’s very possible that this deeply impacted and traumatized Nokia as well.
Assuming we’re still following this line of thought (since, again, this background point wasn’t actually in the game proper), Nokia eventually decided to break out of her shell thanks to Makiko’s influence, and become eccentric and assertive, and thus, the game begins.
While we’re here, I also want to point out that Nokia is also voiced by Han Megumi, possibly the Digimon franchise’s most notorious “promoted fangirl” who freaked out after getting to meet her childhood characters’ voice actors while cast as Airu in the Xros Wars crossover and ended up casted in a handful of major Digimon roles thereafter as a result. Which is not to say that her voice performance wasn’t also absolutely perfect for the bright and aggressive Nokia, but, you know...considering the below analysis, food for thought.
Nokia as a representative of “the conventional franchise”
Cyber Sleuth opens on a world where Digimon are largely seen as hacker programs, and even the hackers themselves only see them as non-sentient programs; there are ones like Chitose who treat them with empathy, but his attitude seems to be kindness towards them in a way not entirely unlike a family would treat a Roomba. Although he doesn’t admit to it at first, Arata himself also comes from this “world” of hackers, and we later learn that Yuuko herself is as well (via her “Yuugo” persona), meaning that, other than the playable protagonist, Nokia is the only “outside-context” person -- a completely ordinary civilian who’s gotten dragged into all of this.
Much like, say, the protagonists of Digimon Adventure.
With this background behind her, once she’s thrown into the world of hackers, she immediately has a “fateful encounter” with Agumon and Gabumon, instantly recognizable as two of the franchise’s most prominent Digimon (and complete with their Adventure voice actors, too). And I do especially bring up Adventure specifically, because while Nokia’s position in the game does end up taking in certain elements that roughly came around that era and possibly slightly predated it (mostly Digimon World and V-Tamer), Agumon and Gabumon weren’t particular mascots of the franchise until Adventure basically blew everything to pieces.
Right off the bat, Nokia does not have a single shred of doubt that Agumon and Gabumon are living beings and should be treated as such (again, much like the protagonists of Digimon Adventure; even Taichi in his “is this a game?” mode never doubted this). And they open up their meeting with this conversation:
Agumon: Umm, who are you? Nokia: It... It can talk?! It's so... so... so adoooooorable! M-M-M-M-My name's Nokia. What're your names? Agumon: Me? My name is Agumon! Gabumon: I... I'm Gabumon. Nokia: Agumon and Gabumon? Hee hee! What weird names! Gabumon: Hey, they're not weird! Agumon: You're the one with the weird name! Nokia: As if! My name's not weird! Hee hee!
And on top of that, Agumon refers to Nokia as having a “familiar” scent. Remember this for later.
Nokia’s second encounter with Agumon and Gabumon in Cyber Sleuth chapter 3 involves her properly partnering herself with Agumon and Gabumon, and learning about the existence of the “Digital World”. Note that, for all intents and purposes, EDEN had been treated like the functional equivalent of the Digital World in this narrative up until this point -- cyberspace with hackers, coming from the network, it’s basically a “digital world” from top to bottom, and yet here Agumon and Gabumon are introducing the concept of a more fantasy-esque incarnation of a digital world. (And, in fact, despite EDEN being right there, many long-time Digimon fans playing this game often complained about how little you get to see the “Digital World” in this game, because of how associated that term is with something more fantasy-like.) So, again: here we have Nokia, who’s forming a partnership with Agumon and Gabumon as equals instead of recruiting them as hacker tools (even the protagonist wasn’t immune to this method), and being indirectly responsible for introducing the more fantasy-like concept of the Digital World that the modern franchise is currently associated with.
Nokia embarks on the conventional shounen anime character arc of starting off cowardly, but eventually learning to have her own inner strength, with her Digimon evolving in accordance to her emotions. And, eventually, in Cyber Sleuth chapter 8, she decides to form her own hacker team, called the “Rebels”. She ostensibly bases it off the old creed of Jude, having heard that they were a team that never caused trouble for others, but we later learn via Arata turning out to have been its former leader, and the even later portrayal in Hacker’s Memory of its spiritual successor Hudie, that this is an extremely rose-colored image of them -- Jude (and Hudie) was not a well-intentioned team by any means, but rather a sort of mercenary group meant to enforce the “freedom” of EDEN, often taking on shady jobs and “punishing” entities they considered to be causing chaos. But in this case, Nokia forms her team under the idea of legitimately fighting for justice and good will -- again, much like a Digimon Adventure protagonist.
In case the metaphor weren’t clear enough, Nokia decides that the members of her group will not be called “hackers”, but “Tamers” -- the same lingo used by the franchise to refer to a human who partners alongside a Digimon to help them get stronger -- and that she wants to promote the idea of humans and Digimon working in tandem (complete with emotional bonding exercises). For this, everyone looks at her weird, and yet her methodology, initially naive as it seems, keeps working, because Nokia’s natural charisma starts bringing people from different places together and making quite the formidable team. Everyone is perplexed by this, but perhaps it’s only natural, because Nokia has just independently invented the modern concept of Digimon partnership in a world where it did not exist. And this is eventually solidified by the Under Zero invasion in Cyber Sleuth chapter 10, in which Omegamon is finally formed (from sheer guts on her part).
Omegamon is yet another symbol of the modern franchise, but it’s important to remember that he hasn’t always been so; even his appearance in V-Tamer was as more of a tactical piece than any kind of game-breaker, but the impact of Our War Game! has led him to constantly make a resurgence in major franchise roles (maybe a little too much these days). However, on top of Nokia basically embodying the modern franchise itself by doing this, Nokia and Arata’s positions are an obvious reference to Our War Game! in particular, being Omegamon and Diablomon Tamers -- but they’re not seen directly fighting each other. In fact, Arata’s partner only ever reaches Diablomon when he’s at the highest point of his morality, so the reference is more ideological; Nokia represents the more idealistic and heroic side of Digimon, whereas Arata represents the more dirty-playing and cynical hard sci-fi side of it (remember that Diablomon himself was rather detached from the fantasy conflict of Adventure, being a mysterious entity that sprouted out of nowhere on the Internet and wreaked havoc). Moreover, Nokia’s usage of Omegamon embodies a theme that’s central to both Our War Game! and Cyber Sleuth itself as a whole -- while most people associate Omegamon with Taichi and Yamato these days, the original method of formation back in Our War Game! came from “bringing people from different places together”. Nokia managed to bring together a formidable army in a place where everyone else in the hacker world was trying to promote a dog-eat-dog philosophy, and the sense of cooperation is arguably making her stronger than anyone else.
(I should also point out that Nokia’s name is, obviously, a reference to the Finnish telephone communications company, and this has a lot of relevance to the game’s theme of connection, along with her phone Digivice...and, also, the method used to bring everyone’s powers together in Our War Game!’s spiritual successor, Diablomon Strikes Back. Feels a bit too on-the-nose here.)
In the second half of the game, when the world starts falling apart due to the Digital World portal opening, Nokia becomes one of most important people holding everything together as Arata goes off the deep end and Yuuko starts fixating on her own personal problems and revenge -- because she’s the one most in tune with treating Digimon as the living beings they are, she’s most active in advocating for them and helping them bond with humans, and and she’s the one making the chaos be a little less chaotic. The second half is basically the more fantasy-esque version of Digimon leaking into the sci-fi, with the sidequests progressively resembling your average Digimon anime monster-of-the-week episode, and holding that all together is Nokia, who becomes a vital figure in maintaining that fellowship by being in tune with the modern franchise’s philosophy.
Through all of this, Nokia ends up taking a role rather similar to a Digimon protagonist, which is highlighted very strongly in Cyber Sleuth chapter 18 when she ends up literally becoming the player character while the main protagonist is out of commission. During that time, Yuuko and Nokia learn the truth of what happened during the EDEN incident eight years prior -- and we also learn that the five children involved had an extremely conventional “first meeting in the Digital World” experience that could have been pulled right out of the first episode of a Digimon anime, with them having a lovely adventure meeting new creatures. And at the center of that “first contact” was none other than Nokia, Agumon, and Gabumon themselves:
Agumon: Um... who are you? Nokia: Ahem! I am Nokia! And just who are you? Agumon: Me? My name is Agumon! Gabumon: I... I'm Gabumon. Nokia: Agumon and Gabumon? Hee hee! What weird names! Gabumon: Hey, they're not weird! Agumon: You're the one with the weird name! Nokia: As if! My name's not weird! Hee hee!
Nokia, Agumon, and Gabumon’s meeting at the beginning of the game had been an (accidental) reenactment of their first meeting in the Digital World eight years prior -- and, in the flashback, Nokia invites them to go on an “adventure” with them. So in other words, Nokia getting involved in the hacker conflict at the beginning of the game was, unknown to all of them, her attempting to restore that beauty and idealism of the Digimon Adventure-esque philosophy and fun in a world where the Eaters had torn it away and EDEN had turned into a haven of cynicism and hacker battle royale.
In the end, the game’s conflict is only resolved by bringing everyone together; Arata has to be retrieved from the deep end, and Yuuko has to settle her deep-seated personal grievances. Everyone makes a promise to return together, in the sense of making things right and repairing the connections between them that had been cut in that incident. The final battle (momentarily) causes the playable protagonist to literally fall apart, and the one reaching out to them and sending her message to them at the end of the game is none other than Nokia herself -- again, in the absence of the game’s protagonist, Nokia is the one with the closest role, because in the face of the new world going forward, she was the one who contributed most to restoring its idealism.
Ultimately, all of this is especially because Cyber Sleuth works under one of the most terrifying imaginable premises for a fan of a kids’ franchise: “we made an entry for this, but for adults.” Many of us can testify that this kind of premise can go very well, or very badly -- the latter especially in the case of things that decide “taking the opportunity to do things that you can’t do on a Sunday morning kids’ timeslot” means “going out of your way to put edgy violence and sexy things and cynicism just because you can”, or, in other words, looking down condescendingly on its kids’ franchise roots with malice and deciding that something for adults means “more suffering” and not “issues that require more life experience to understand”. The reason the game ended up getting as much acclaim among longtime Digimon fans as it did was that despite being the franchise’s first venture into this territory, it did end up setting itself up as something that took that opportunity to do something new and unique that would have never made it into any of the prior entries (holy hell the doll quest) and yet never gave up on the idealism and themes of connection that make up the franchise at its core, and paid respect to everything that had contributed to all of that while it was at it.
And at the center of that is Shiramine Nokia, who is effectively the spirit of Digimon Adventure, condensed into a single character.
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zodiyack · 4 years
Movie-Night With Lucifer’s Son
Requested by anon: I really wanted to read a Jack x Reader where the reader is the younger sister of Sam and Dean, and one day when everyone is watching a movie, Jack, when he sees the couple kissing in the movie, kisses the reader because he likes her and Dean gets really angry lol
Pairing: Jack Kline x Female!Winchester!Reader
Warnings: Slight-angst, fluff
Words: 1,059
Summary: (See Request)
Note: I chose a movie for an easier writing-prompt-thing, I hope that’s okay!
 ALSO, if you've seen Easy A, you know it’s a mature movie. However, I only included small details, so there’s really nothing graphic.
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Taglist: @matth1w​, @redspaceace-writes​, @fandom-puff​, @darling-i-read-it​, @simonsbluee​, @thewarriorprincessxo​
Masterlist | Supernatural Masterlist
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It was movie night, and all three Winchesters were prepared. Butts on the couch, snacks galore, feet on the table, and enjoying a nice movie as a family...with a guest. Jack sat in the middle of Y/n and Sam, both younger Winchesters having a friendlier relationship with him than Dean. Plus, having Y/n next to the clueless boy came in handy, as she didn’t mind explaining the stuff he didn’t get.
Picking the movie was easy. Dean went out and returned with a movie no one was really surprised he’d pick. “It is...uh... A teen angst-romance-kind of um... kind of movie... Alright, it’s Easy A.” So they watched Easy A, curtesy of Y/n suggesting Dean pick. And with that specific movie; there were quite a few things to explain to Jack.
For one, the fact that Olive was lying and what she was lying about confused him. “She’s making people say bad things about her...on purpose?” Jack glared at Dean and his loud hushing noises before turning his head back to his left and waiting for Y/n to answer.
“Well...” Y/n tried to find the best and most appropriate way of giving him the semi-explicit explanation. “She’s trying to help the people who don’t have a reputation at all. Might as well give to the ones who’ve got none than keep what you don’t want or really have, right?”
“I guess...”
Then there was when the she was fighting with her best friend. Jack frowned a lot during the scenes with conflict between Olive and Rhiannon. “Why are they mad at each other? Aren’t they best friends? Friends don’t get mad at friends-”
“Olive is still lying for those people, remember? If she tells the truth, she ruins their reputations and also hurts a lot of people.” Y/n paused. “Imagine if you were in her shoes-”
“I don’t think they’d fit.”
“No, Jack, like- Imagine that you were lying, and had to continue lying, for people so they could be left alone by the mean people. Would you want to deal with the guilt of knowing you exposed them as liars and gave the bullies more to hurt them with?”
His face face scrunched up in thought before he sighed and shook his head. “No. That wouldn’t be very nice of me.” Y/n couldn’t help but feel somewhat responsible for the sheepish look hanging on his face, so she rubbed his back and gave him a kind grin, to which he returned almost immediately.
More towards the end, he didn’t get the singing. Y/n told him that musicals were often a popular theme for movies- especially romances. He nodded and turned his head back towards the screen. Jack began to mumble along quietly with the song, watching out of the corner of his eye as Y/n smiled softly.
“Knock knock knock on wood-” He whispered with a smirk.
“Jack...” Y/n contained her laughter the best she could, biting her lip to prevent herself from erupting with chortles.
“Yes? ...Oh- Is my singing bothering you- I-I’ll stop-”
“No, it’s just... You do know what she’s referencing, right?”
“Um... No.”
She tried to find a good way of informing him. One that was subtle yet didn’t go too far into detail. “Look at her clothes.”
Jack turned towards the screen, squinting and studying her outfit. He shifted until he was facing her again. The confusion on his features was bold. “They look nice. What’s wrong with it?”
“Jack...that outfit isn’t intended to be ‘nice’. It’s supposed to be sexy...the song is supposed to be sexy.”
“Oh? Well, I guess it does look sexy. Maybe you should wear something like that.” Y/n coughed in surprise as Jack faced the screen again. Sam and Dean shot her looks, a little concerned by her sudden coughing fit, but slowly brushed it off when she waved her hands in reassurance.
Of course, that didn’t shock her nearly as much as the final scene. Olive was explaining the truth live, sending her apologies and putting an end to the red A. She looked out the window and saw Todd holding speakers and standing on a lawn mower. Then she finished the webcast, proudly stating that the really amazing thing about what would happen with her and Todd was that it was “nobodies goddamn business.”
Jack watched the screen intensely, Y/n wasn’t even sure if he’d blinked since Todd appeared, and watched as she ran out of the room and Todd jumped off the mower. Olive jumped into Todd’s arms and spun around before he set her down and kissed her. Jack’s eyes doubled in size.
“What- why’d he do that?”
“Because. He’s in love with her, she’s in love with him. And since they’re in love...he kissed her.” Y/n’s eyes were fixed on the screen as she talked, admiring the romance despite originally rolling her eyes when Dean revealed his movie choice.
Jack nodded and hummed quietly. Y/n was going to dive in a little more with detail, however, before she knew it, Jack’s lips were on her own. Her mind was racing, trying to process why he kissed her- trying to process why she kissed him back.
But her brain could hardly think over these things as their kiss was cut short. Dean pulled Jack backwards and stared at him, imaginary smoke leaving his nostrils with each angry exhale.
“Dean- leave him alone-”
“Why’d you do that?” He planted his feet, towering above Jack, who was lying on the floor- too shocked to move. “Why’d you kiss her?”
“Because. I’m in love with her. I think she’s in love with me. I kissed her because we’re in love.” Y/n couldn’t hold back the smile that graced her face, fingers lifting to her lips as the kiss and the feelings it gifted finally occurred to her.
“Why- What-” Dean’s eyebrows knitted as he narrowed his eyes at Jack. “Why would she be in love with you?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” Y/n put in all her effort to hide her smile and spat the words at her brother with a stern voice. She pushed him aside and held out a hand to Jack, pulling him up and walking to table with him.
Dean turned back to Sam, confused. Sam pressed his lips together and patted his back before walking over to Y/n and Jack, “You’re doing great, Dean.”
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