#i was not expecting this 😭😭😭
luckycharms1701 · 1 month
*kicks down the door to your inbox and comes sliding in like a friggin ninja. Waddles up to you with an excited gleam in my eye as I begin to affectionately shake you by the shoulders*
Oh you wanna know what I think about ya huh? You wanna know punk?! Well I’ll tell ya, so you best be sitting down before I drop this friggin love bomb upon ye like words of affirmation ain’t my main love language.
*pops neck and then cracks knuckles before dramatically rolling my hand*
Speaking of words, let’s start with word association. The word that comes to mind when I think of you is : affable
Meaning friendly, good-natured, or easy to talk to. That’s actually one of the things that kept me coming back to your delightful little blog was the fact that you were so patient and so thoughtful with all of my asks. You’d be surprised at just how many are all mine 😅 But seriously, like you are so friendly and it’s really easy to see why so many folks are comfortable talking with you. In fact, many of your answers have touched me so deeply that I A: share them with my closest friends and B: have made it into my personal journal so I can reread them for the rest of forever. You’re the kind of person who takes away the scary stigma of talking with creators. In fact, I hope to be like you one day and have my own little tumblr posse where we can all giggle over our own stories and cause pain and heartache through those said stories. Like reading y’alls interactions especially int the tags is most diverting and I thoroughly enjoy it.
You are also incredible thought and refreshing deep. In a world full of shallow people, you a breath of fresh air because I can just sense the thought and care that goes into every piece you write. It’s full of wonderful Meraki (AKA the heart and soul that you put inside of your work) The Meraki in me sees and respects the Meraki in you, and honey it is BeAuTiFuL. Just like that heart of yours! It’s so big and so full of love and I adore how much you love Mikey. He’s not my type, but the way you see him and believe in him makes it’s easy to understand why!
AnYhOo, I could write raptures on why you’re like the coolest tumblr person ever, but ain’t nobody got time for that so I’ll just keep it simple.
In a day and age that is so full of darkness and destruction, you as a creator, have NO idea the reaches of your impact. Just like a spark in a dark room, you literally light up this place and inspire others to keep lighting their sparks. In every essence, you truly are a starburst, for you give others the light, the flavor and the hope to keep going simply by being your sweet self.
Thank you for existing as the same time as me. The world is truly a better place because you’re in it. ✨🌎🧡
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anon-chan. i don’t even know what to say. my heart is full! 💖🫂🧡 thank you so much!!!
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elena-fishr · 1 year
Ummm?? I’m just reading before bed and???
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time to go read caliban cove I guess
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tariah23 · 28 days
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White people are miserable, racist losers period. They’ve even been getting mad at Japanese people for correcting them about Yasuke as well.
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yuri-puppies · 21 days
k2 was ally beardsley's accessibility accommodation so they could get the unhinged energy out of their body while also giving kristen the maturation arc she deserves
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pangur-and-grim · 4 months
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Schrödinger's cat, simultaneously the saint of life and death, until you pray to it. and then it settles as one.
Tama, saint of railways, and of prosperity
Masha, saint of warmth in a cold night
these enamel pins are up for pre-order at greerstothers.shop
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My addition… scooped Michael cat
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sunnyyyteaaa · 10 months
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Here's a drawing we collabed on to celebrate and to show our appreciation! Thank you guys again!! <3
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writeouswriter · 1 year
My followers: And is this “writing” you’ve been “working on” in the room with us right now?
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plutonicbees · 11 months
season 1 tao's "once you get into a relationship, friendships don't matter anymore" vs season 2 charlie writing "charlie ♡ tao" on the heart locket + "wait, isn't that for you and nick?" "no."
sorry yeah I'm just lil emotional over the portrayal of platonic love as something that can be just as worthy as romantic love. i'm okay.
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imactuallyreallycool · 3 months
What a lovely dream
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But that what it’ll always be. A dream.
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Close ups and stuff lmao
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lilirari · 6 months
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hajihiko · 9 months
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two shorties getting along 🤭
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thatsitso · 25 days
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So I finished orv
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minzbins · 1 month
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seungkwan is just like me for real
+ bonus:
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kruinka · 7 months
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ness is so me fr bc if i saw such a gorky blond man in front of me i would too fall down on my knees
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