#i was often awake at night so i played those songs a lot
strniohoeee · 8 months
Web Of Desire Pt. 2
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Pairing: Chris Sturniolo X Female Reader (part 1)
Synopsis: Chris thinks he can escape the grasp of Y/N, but she’s always two steps ahead. The heart wants what it wants, and she will stop at nothing to have it🗡️
Warnings⚠️: Psycho Y/N, manipulative Y/N, death threats kinda??. Toxic Y/N. Tbh I think that’s it just a whole lot of crazy bitch!
Song for imagine: He Needs Me- Punch-Drunk Love, Tarantula Girl- Violent Vira
Tags: @eyelessdemon @sleepysturnss @megamett44-lover @breeloveschris @mattslolita @dsturniolo @ellie-luvsfics @sturniolosstar @mayhem-72 @vicxzc @creamoncreamoncream2
I won’t know why I knew he needed me
It could be fantasy, oh
Or maybe it’s because
He needs me, he needs me
He needs me, he needs me
It’s been a month since Chris was left in that bathroom. Confused, angry and annoyed. He did not like Y/N. She was a friend, but ever since her psycho antics he couldn’t bear the sight of her. Nick and Matt still loved her because she played the normal girl act a bit too well.
Y/N however couldn’t be more ecstatic. Her mornings became brighter as she’d awake with a smile on her face. Smelling her roses in her bedroom. Encased in a beautiful pink vase with a bow wrapped around them. Signed “from Chris” on the note attached. A note she of course placed on those roses that she purchased herself. Singing and dancing like a cheesy 80s movie. She felt on top of the world.
Spending most of her days with Nick, Matt and Chris. Getting to force words out of Chris’ mouth because he couldn’t ignore her infront of his brothers. She very well used this to her advantage, often placing her hand on him, offering him compliments and even cornering him at times.
Chris wanted nothing more than to block her number, her socials and honestly from his life completely, but he couldn’t. And because of this he knew she was feeding off of it. Calculating her moves perfectly and Chris caught himself in her webs time and time again.
Heading into his bedroom after showering, a towel hung on his waist as he dried his hair with a towel. Lowly rapping some Lil Skies song as he opened his bedroom door. Flicking on the lights and shutting the door behind him. Trotting over to his full length mirror, looking up to catch Y/N sitting on his bed.
“What the fuck are you doing?” He asks turning around to face her
“No way to talk to your pretty girl” she says pouting at him
“Not my pretty girl” he states bluntly
“That towel is hanging awfully low” she states biting her acrylic nail flirtatiously
Looking down to realize what he was wearing he grabs onto the towel and rushes into his closet. Rummaging through his clothes to find an outfit.
“Why are you here?” He asks the girl
“Well we have a party to go to don’t we?” She says giggling
“I have a party to go to not you” the boy states as he grabs a pair of pants
“Well Nick invited me as well, so looks like it’s our party” she says to him
“Can’t you just go away. Take the hint and leave me alone” he replied angrily
“I told you Christopher….you're stuck with me for good” she says laughing once again
“Stay the fuck away from me tonight, or so help me I’ll-“ but he was cut off by the young woman
“Or you’ll what? You think you can threaten me? Please I’m the master manipulator here you can’t use my own tactics against me” she says dryly
Emerging from the closet with his outfit on and his socks and sneakers in hand. Rolling his eyes at the girl as he sits at the edge of the bed.
“Sick bitch” he says under his breath
“Awww Chris” she says crawling over to him and placing her hands on his shoulders
“Get off of me” he says as he shrugs her arms off of him
“Play nice” she says through gritted teeth as she sinks her fingers into his shoulders harder causing him to wince
“Just one night. Leave me alone” he says shaking his head
“Behave and I’ll make all your wishes come true” she replies placing a kiss on the back of his neck
“I don’t have to abide by you” he says as goosebumps form against his skin
“Can’t say I didn’t try” she replies with a smile getting off his bed and heading towards his door
“I promise to leave you alone” she states as she begins to walk out
“Thank you” he says as she walks out and shuts the door behind herself
However Y/N didn’t plan on playing nice. She loves the chase and honestly Chris was the best candidate for that. An evil plan was cooking up in her brain as she skipped up the stairs to wait in the living room. If he wanted to play hard to get then so be it, but he better be watching his back all night.
Y/N knew she was a difficult girl and she had a tiny bit of an obsession problem, but all she wanted was to be loved. Anger and jealousy began to bubble inside of her as she sat in the back seat with Nick as they headed to the hills. Chris and parties equaled one thing….shitty hookups and that made her stomach twist. If he just listened to her and claimed her as his then she wouldn’t have to ruin his night.
“You okay girl?” Nick asked Y/N, taking into note how fast her leg was bouncing
“Yeah…sorry I was just thinking” she replied smiling at the boy
“Thinking about all the boys you’re gonna pull tonight?” He asked her laughing
“Something like that” she said back laughing with him
“I heard Larray has a friend who’s been super interested in you lately” Matt says from the driver seat
“Really?” Y/N asks almost upset that her plans will be ruined by having to escape from this random guys attempts all night
“Yeah right, you wish” Chris says sucking his teeth
“What’s wrong? Jealous?” Y/N asks the young man with her arms crossed over he chest
“In your dreams” he replied laughing at the girl
“Funny coming from you” she says, almost hinting at something. Which causes Matt to look at her through his rear view mirror
“The fuck are you talking about?” Chris asks her defensively
“Why are you getting so defensive? Not like we did anything Chris. I was simply referring to the fact you think you can get any and every girl” she said smiling at him evilly
Chris stood quiet and Y/N knew she won that argument. He was too afraid to open his mouth, scared he might incriminate himself in front of his brothers. But the silence coming from him was already doing that.
Pulling up to the rooftop party Matt hands his car over to valet and they head up. Immediately dispersing to talk to their friends. Y/N grabbing a drink from the bar as she walked around. Planting her eyes on everyone and her ears as well. The amount of girls whispering about her Christopher almost made her lose it, but she gripped her glass harder and found a corner to sit in.
Sitting in the far back by the glass, looking to her left as she watched LA from above. She thought to herself what if I just accidentally pushed Chris over….because if she can’t have him no one could. Or maybe herself? Smiling at the guilt she knows Chris would feel. Immediately her twisted thoughts were interrupted by a clearing of someone’s throat.
Hoping it was Chris, but disappointed when a rigid boy with black hair stood before her. Immediately fixing her dead gaze, and planting a smile on her face.
“Y/N?” The young man asked her
“That would be me” she replies smiling
“I’m Johnnie….Johnnie Gilbert” he says sticking his hand out for her to shake, accepting his handshake she begins
“Nice to meet you Johnnie, I take it your larrays friend?” She says as he sits down across from her
“Uhh yeah” he says laughing shyly
On any other occasion this would be the exact guy she would obsess over. He was emo, rigid, and mysterious. Except now there was one small problem…. It was Chris who she only cared about.
Engaging in conversation with him and hoping Chris was looking her way. As they spoke her gaze often shifted to that of her surroundings. Looking for her man and only to see him engaged in conversations with a girl. A very pretty girl at that….she hated to admit things like that, but she choked back a scoff.
Her issue was that he could care less about Y/N right now. Looking deep into the mystery girl's eyes and laughing. Actually not even looking anywhere but her. What a slut Y/N thought. Doesn’t she know that he’s hers?
“Johnnie it was great talking with you and you’re a great guy, but I’m kind of seeing someone right now” she says smiling at him
“Oh…I’m so sorry I didn’t know! But consider me a ghost. I’ll catch you around” he says laughing playfully as he waves her goodbye
Smiling at him as he walks away before dropping it. Looking back over to Chris and the girl. To her surprise Christopher was gone. A wicked smile growing on her face.
“Oh would you look at that I need another drink” she states looking at her half full cup. Tossing the rest of the drink over the ledge not caring if it landed on someone.
Standing up and smoothing out her dress before moving through the body’s littering the surrounding area. Trotting over to the bar and standing next to the mystery girl. Waiting for the bartender to come over she looks over at the girl.
Hmmm she looks cheap, she thinks to herself… classic Chris.
“I love your dress” Y/N states to the girl, she looks over and smiles at her
“Thank you” she says nodding her head at her
“Where from? Forever 21?” She asks her cocking her head to the side
“Uhh no Chanel” she states a bit offended
“Hmm” Y/N says looking her over again before motioning the bartender over
“May I have an apple martini please extra sour” she says batting her lashes at him, and he nods a small blush planted on his face
“Hey you wouldn’t say you know where Chris is right?” The girl asks Y/N as she looks back over at her
“Like sturniolo?” Y/N says
“Yeah him” the brown eyed girls says with a smile
“I wouldn’t know we kind of separate at events like this” she says as the bartender slides her drink over to her
“Oh? You came with him?” The girl asks her
“Oh yeah that’s my boyfriend” Y/N says taking a sip of her drink
“Boyfriend? He didn’t say he had a girlfriend” she says furrowing her brows
“Why would you think he came to talk to you as anything other than just being friendly?” She asks the girl as she cocks her head to the side
“Excuse me?” She replies getting offended
Pulling the brown eyed girl in towards her before placing her mouth by her ear.
“I suggest you back off of him” she says with a smile on her face before pulling away
“Or what?” She says laughing
Y/N’s face drops and her eyes go cold. Swiping her tongue over her teeth.
“Follow me” she says to the girl like she has a secret
The girl gets up and follows Y/N to the edge of the rooftop. They both look over at the city.
“Girl to girl, do not go for Chris trust me he’s no good” Y/N says light heatedly
“What do you mean?” She asks her
“He's a major fuck boy and you’re too pretty to get hurt by him trust me. He ruined every girl he’s ever came into contact with” y/n says in a gossip tone
“Wait I thought he was your boyfriend” she replies leaning in to hear her better
“Not yet, but soon to be” Y/N replies back to her as she takes another sip from her drink
“You’re a psycho bitch” she says backing up a bit
“What is it with everyone calling me out of my name? I’m Y/N” she says sucking her teeth and looking up
“I’m going to find Chris” the girl states, but before she could walk away Y/N grabs her
“This ledge is awfully low and we’re awfully high up. I’d say about 100 feet? It would be a shame if an accident occurred…..drunk ol you slipping over the ledge…..don’t you think?” Y/N asks the girl with a devilish grin and excited eyes as her grip became firmer
“WOAH Y/N” Chris says suddenly appearing next to her
“What’s going on with her?” The brown eyed girl says
“I’m sorry she drinks way too much and just talks crazy. She’s super protective over my brothers and I. I’m so sorry” Chris responds to the scared girl
“She’s a psycho” the girl says backing up
“Oh don’t worry it’s just the alcohol speaking! I’ll catch up with you later” he says to girl
He grabs Y/N roughly by the arm and drags out into the lobby. Walking all the way to the end where nobody could hear them. The party was so loud all you could hear was the muffled music and feel the vibrations even at the end of the lobby.
“What the fuck is your problem?” Chris asks her as he roughly throws her back
“There’s no problem baby” Y/N replies sipping her drink as she batted her lashes at him
“Do you know how fucking sick and demented you are? You’re lucky I talked that girl down because this is LA where people know people. If she wanted to, she could have you wiped from everything.” Chris says blinking at her
“That doesn’t scare me” the woman responds shrugging her shoulders at him
“You think I love you and I don’t, get that out of your thick skull. Jesus Y/N you threatened to kill a girl because of your sick obsession with me” he says tapping the girls head
“I wouldn’t have to do that if you’d stop playing hard to get and just be with me” Y/N states finishing her drink
“I can’t be with someone like you, you’re not okay” he says scoffing
“But I am Chris, I’m just crazy about you is all” The girl states innocently
“That’s a lie! You have this image of yourself that’s so fucking sweet and innocent. But it’s bullshit” he says laughing dryly
“How dare you” she says gasping at him
“You think I want all these other girls, and you’re going to do whatever it takes to destroy that” he replies to the girl
“This isn’t about you being a good person and looking out for me or these other girls because I’m a fuck boy, this is about getting what you fucking want” he says stepping closer to the girl
Y/N was truly taken aback by Chris. He usually bit the bullet but for some reason tonight he was letting her have it. She couldn’t figure out why. Might’ve been the innocent threat to that girl….so sad he was there to overhear it.
“You know what you don’t realize Chris? Is that I don’t care what happens to me. I don’t care how angry you get. You’re not good for any of these girls and they’re not good for you, and I will do everything I can to prevent it” Y/N states getting angry but mostly hurt
“Jesus Christ Y/N” he says rubbing his hand over his face
“Truth is I’m not a good person, but all I want is to feel loved…. i just want to be seen” she says as a few tears threaten to fall
“Stop the fucking crocodile tears. This is bullshit” he says rolling his eyes at her
Not biting at her tactics, her face drops and she becomes angry again. From a young age Y/N knew she wasn’t “normal”, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t act it. But everyone’s a little bit crazy right?
“But just give me one chance” she pleads to the boy
“Listen, yes there are many cool things about you, but this weird panning over me is not one of them. I think it’s time we part ways. It would be best for you” he says turning on his heels a bit
Y/N throws her empty glass, the shattering causing Chris to turn back around.
“I DIDNT DO ANYTHING WRONG. WHY ARE YOU LEAVING ME IF I DIDNT DO ANYTHING WRONG. I DONT UNDERSTAND I THOUGHT YOU LIKED ME” Y/N yells as anger bubbles in her chest and her breathing began to quicken
“STOP THIS NOW” Chris yells back as he shoves them further into the corner
“YOU ARE NOT LEAVING ME HERE! DONT YOU UNDERSTAND YOU SHOULD BE AFRAID OF ME” Y/N yells as her eyes widen and tears fall from her eyes
“You are not blackmailing me into being with you” he states angrily
“No I’m not blackmailing you…. Blackmailing you means you have no choices, but you do have choices. However you can’t seem to pick the right one” she says to him
“I DONT CARE IT DOESNT CHANGE ANYTHING” she yells back in a high pitch tone. One that causes Chris to go wide eyed.
“THATS FUCKED UP” he yells back
“WHAT THE FUCK……WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? He yells as he bangs his hand against the wall
Y/N backs up relaxing her body as she watches his freak out.
“Okay….bye” she states sweetly as she begins to walk away
But Chris stops her, grabbing her arm. And in that moment she knew once again she won. He loved her just as much as she loved him. A devilish grin plastered on her face as she stood with her back towards him. If he truly didn’t like her then he’d let her walk away.
This was the sick idea in Y/N’s head, but truthfully Chris knew she was mad. Not a normal mad though. But a vengeful mad. He knew if she walked back in that party she’d do something to herself or others. He needed her to calm down.
“No Christopher…. You made it clear you don’t want me” Y/N states bluntly
“I need you to calm down” he says
“I am calm. I’m feeling great actually” she says to the young man
“No you’re not I know you” he states as he pleads with her with his eyes
“If you truly knew me then you’d know just how much I like you. I don’t act like this ever. I’m just trying to get you to see that it’s you and I who should be together” she says giving him doe eyes
“Maybe I don’t know you then” he states shaking his head
“I’d never actually hurt you or harm you. I love you with my whole heart” she says rubbing his cheek with her right hand
“It’s just hard to see that when you want to cause harm to so many people around me” he says rubbing his forehead
“It’s just to mark my territory. Instill fear in people. I don’t want anyone taking my man” she says to him
“But nobody would take me” he says mindlessly
BINGO! She thought. Just like she knew deep in her heart Chris did in fact love her. She knew she was all he ever wanted, but was too scared to admit it.
However Chris was just scared and at this point he’d do anything to be with her. And get her to stop being psycho. If he had to be with her then so be it….
“If I go out with you will you promise to leave everyone alone?” He asks her
“Of course my love” she says batting her lashes at him
“I love you Y/N” he says looking at the girl before him
“I love you too Christopher” she says smiling at him before placing a kiss to his cheek
But there’s one thing Y/N knew and that’s you can’t outdo the doer. You can’t beat someone at their own game, especially if that game is manipulation. She knew he was playing along with her to keep everyone around him safe. She didn’t care because now that she had Chris nobody else mattered. He’d never leave her because he had too much fear in her heart at what she’d do. So once again in her eyes she won.
If you can’t get someone to be with you out of love, then get them to be with you out of fear. That guarantees a lifetime with the one person you’ve truly only ever wanted. Because you know they’ll always come back.
And that my dear is how you master the art of getting a man to fall into your
Web of desire……
The End
WHEWWW CHILEEEE this bitch is crazy. But honestly me too🤞🏽. This is def the last installment of this series. But I can always make more psycho Y/N in other instances in the future. I love yall dearly 🥹🖤🖤
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localgremlinboy · 10 months
I have been sitting on these for a long time because I wanted to have some more varied stuff but I haven't had time to write anything! So here's what I've got! Honestly these are some of my favorites
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6]
- Whenever he's kicked out of an area or event, Oswald proceeds to start shoving anything not taped down into his pockets. He doesn't need the stuff, he just likes to be petty and ruin it for everyone else
- Bane has done a series of infomercials for various products & services that only air on late night product channels. Alfred is the only batfamily member who knows, he was doing laundry late one night and nearly lost it
- Mr Freeze writes restaurants/companies when they wrong him. Like nice formal letters, signing them and everything
- The Joker has an imdb page. Actually a lot of the villains do but like the Joker has one he updates with fun facts. Who says they're accurate but they sure are fun
- Riddler freaking hates puppets. Their soulless eyes say it all. He refuses to or "work" with puppets. That being said, Scarecrow has chased him around with Scarface once or twice "for science"
- Scarecrow has and still does write letters of recommendation for his ex students. He freaking still has Gotham University letterhead paper and everything. Honestly some of his students have gotten the job from his letter alone (maybe it's out of fear but like it's still a win), and they 100% send Jonathan thank you gifts in Arkham. He's got one of those dorky teacher scrapbooks where he keeps the thank you letters. One of his students even crocheted him a little plush scarecrow. It's like, they don't love his crimes but you know that was ol kooky professor Crane for ya
- Harvey kind of has a soft spot for sitcoms, he used to watch them with his mom growing up. One of their favorites, ironically, was night court
- Bane has a famous chili recipe and he makes one batch a year. It's fucking delicious! He makes an edition with meat and a vegetarian version too. Of course consults Ivy for home grown excellent quality vegetables and she gets first dibs in return
- the Joker has not one but TWO released albums. One is essentially a mash up of all the serenades he's made Batman listen to over the years and the other one is called "The Holidays with the Joker: Christmas selects edition"
- Scarecrow's car is a mess. He's got a work truck of course but his main car is like a wood panel sedan that he's been driving since he was a professor and refuses to get a new one. It's a fucking mess, he has like clothes, papers, garbage all over the place. He still has term papers he forgot to grade under the seats. Riddler HATES his car, with a passion
- Riddler has gone through the pain and suffering to teach all the rogues how to use discord, he had once hoped it would make their crimes more efficient. They have a group chat but it's mostly suffering on his end as all chaos ensues
- Scarecrow owns a Halloween train village he has set up in one of his lairs. It plays instrumental versions of Halloween songs as it goes around the track
- Joker will push open cups off of tables because he can. He's got the chaotic energy of a cat awake at 3 am
- Riddler and Scarecrow's friendship starts like super formal and co worker like but after like a year and a half, evolves into a weird symbiosis. Jonathan points at random ass objects or books and goes "you" when he's with Edward. Eddie has a habit of fixing or picking debris of Jonathan, usually when they're crimeing. Also one time, they were both startled so bad by Batman that Scarecrow jumped into riddler's arms like Scooby & shaggy, except they both held onto each other for a second before toppling over. Robin then unmasked them like scooby doo
- Harley & Ivy are frequent Panera customers and often get pick up orders there under "codenames" given by Harley. All the workers know who "Plantmamma" and "the quinnanator" are but like they tip great and everyone should get to enjoy soup
- Bane has one CD in his car, it's a 2010 greatest hits CD that someone accidentally left in there. Who you ask? He has no idea
- Harley has a getaway playlist preloaded in her phone for car chases
- Riddler and Scarecrow watch reality tv/game shows together. They binged all of survivor and the amazing race in a year. It was a joke at first but they both got really into the shows. They have both applied to be on amazing race together and unfortunately haven't been called back
- Joker still uses cassettes (and vinyls probably) except he mixes them himself and labels them all stupid titles like "Birthday bash #9", "Baty's mix", "what's the deal with airplane food?", "etc". But he also has a tape recorder and makes notes to himself and labels those ones too, so he gets his personal notes mixed up with his music jams all the time. He goes to put on some epic clown music and instead it's a twenty minute recording he made of himself eating fruit loops
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strongheartneteyam · 2 years
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I wish I could
Pairing: Neteyam Sully x female!curvy!human reader
CW: lots of fluff, angst, jealous neteyam, sexual tension, confession of feelings, heated make out session. I think that's all lol
Chapter 3
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Chapter 2
Two days had passed. Neteyam goes to sleep at night thinking about the wonderful time he had spent with you that day. You had come over again. He always got to spend time with you because you were really close to Kiri, his adoptive sister. He was actually jealous of how much time you spent with her. But you would always come to their house to visit because of her and Tuk, so he considered himself lucky that he got to spend so much time next to you. With all that time you spent close to each other, maybe you could start seeing his qualities and see him as "mate material", like the human girls would refer to na'vi they were interested in. It came from "boyfriend material", an old human expression. He found that out when he asked Kiri what "mate material" meant and she fell to the floor laughing at him. He thought that reaction to be so dramatic but again, it was Kiri, after all. She was so goofy.
That day you guys had spent many hours together and had a great talk. You weren't as close as when you were children but you were still really good friends. He cherished every moment he had spent with you, hearing you laugh at his jokes, eating fruits together, watching the nature below as you sat at the edge of a tree next to the Sully's home, your four legs bouncing in the air as you talked about trivial things.
He fell asleep thinking about that and was woken up in the morning by Lo'ak.
"Hey, dude. Time to wake up and go train with dad. He's waiting for us outside. You know he's not that patient."
Neteyam sighed and started to rise his upper body from his mat. It seemed to weight a ton since he was so sleepy.
He went back to his normal routine as you spent some days without visiting. He always suffered when it happened. But what could he do? You already spent so much time at his parents house that if he asked you to come over more often it would be so weird.
One day he was walking through the trees and he found you, laying on the floor and listening to music with those odd devices humans had. They were called earbuds. You were always with a pair of those. Neteyam knew you loved music and that was something you two bonded over. You introduced him to music from the planet Earth. There was a song that you had shown him one day that he really liked. It was called Stairway to Heaven, by a band that lived on Earth more than a century ago, called Led Zeppelin. The melody was really beautiful and he knew you loved that song too.
He slowly walked closer to you so that he wouldn't startle you, as you could not hear him with the earbuds on. He slowly appeared at your sight when you were staring into the sky and you smiled and took your earbuds off.
"Hey! Do you wanna lay by my side?" You said, a big smile on your face
"I would love to." He said and lied close to you
You took one of your earbuds in your hand and looked at him, signaling that he could listen to music with you if he wanted to.
He took the offer and put the small device in his ear.
The song that was playing was really beautiful and he asked you what was its name.
"It's Enchanted by Taylor Swift. She was a very successful singer at her time on Earth, in the 21st century. I love this song so much."
Neteyam listened close to the lyrics that went like this:
The lingering question kept me up
2 AM, who do you love?
I wonder 'til I'm wide awake
And now I'm pacing back and forth
Wishing you were at my door
I'd open up and you would say
Hey, it was enchanting to meet you
All I know is, I was enchanted to meet you
It was almost funny how those lyrics defined how he felt about you.
"It's a really beautiful song." He said
"I love it too." You smiled at him "I understand the lyrics very well. It's hard but exciting at the same time to love someone and not know if they love you back and stay up until late thinking about them."
Neteyam was now jealous. Did you choose a mate and he didn't know? Were you courting someone and he never noticed? Or was he a human and you were talking and spending time together, as humans did instead of bringing gifts and food to their love interest like the na'vi did. It couldn't be... He wished so hard it wasn't real.
"A-are you in love with someone?" He asked you and weirdly enough you could hear the nervousness in his voice
"Hmm..." the question and the way he sounded was a surprise to you. Could it really be what you were thinking? Did the boy you love, love you back? Your heart jumped with excitement at the thought.
"I never even told Kiri about it but... I trust you can keep my secret. I am in love with a boy."
Neteyam looked sadly at you. His heart ached when he thought about any other male calling you his mate.
"Do I know him?" He asked
You felt something in your belly and wanted so bad to tell him it was him the boy you were talking about. Should you? You pondered.
"You do know him. He's a very handsome and well respected na'vi young male. He comes from a very good family."
"You seem to really like him..." Neteyam said, looking down
"I do. So much." You said while your heart broke seeing him in pain. It was so obvious, you could see it written all over his perfect face. He really seemed to be in love with you.
You wanna throw in the towel and tell him. You guys are listening to a beautiful romantic song, alone, in the middle of the forest. What moment could be more appropriate?
You decide that "screw it". You are gonna tell him you love him. He seemed so sad that you were in love with someone that wasn't him. But of course it was him, he just didn't know that.
"I've known him since forever..." You said, hoping he would know who you're talking about "We would run through the trees when we were 5 as his grandma would keep an eye on us in case any dangerous animal appeared."
Neteyam's heart started to pound inside his chest. Did you say what he thought you had said? Was he the boy you were in love with?
He smiled and with a wide-eyed gaze he said:
"I don't know if I'm going crazy here but..." he swallowed his saliva before proceeding "Could you be talking about me?" He asked, hoping you would say "yes"
"Maybe this will answer you" You leaned closer to him and kissed his lips
You didn't know what came over you. You were definitely not that confident. What if somehow you were wrong and he wasn't in love with you too?
This thought was soon washed away from your head when Neteyam grabbed your face with one hand and kissed you back. His lips were burning with desire for you. He couldn't believe that was actually happening.
He started moaning into your lips as it felt just so good to kiss your sweet mouth. He pulled you closer grabbing your leg and bringing it over his own.
You felt so high feeling his big hand in your leg, like you had dreamed of so many times, irradiating heat in the skin your shorts left uncovered. You lived like the na'vi but you still wore human clothes. It would be too weird for you not to. But you didn't wear clothes that covered much skin and wore accessories your na'vi mom had made for you, like a big necklace and beautiful bracelets. So, your style still made you look similar to the na'vi girls.
Neteyam opened his lips wider and took your bottom lip inside of his mouth, kissing it passionately. It was so good that you moaned in his lips. He gave you some more wet kisses and said "I love you, (y/n). This seems too good to be true. I can't believe you kissed me. I can't believe you want me too."
"I love you, Teyam. I want to be yours. Forever. Do you wanna be mine?"
"I already am, my sweetheart." He said as he surprised you by laying on top of you. You could feel how heavy he was even if he was trying not to put all his weight on your frail body, supporting himself on the floor with one of his arms.
"Oel ngati kameie" He said, his hand touching his forehead. You knew that meant "I see you" in the na'vi language. Your heart started beating at the speed of light and tears filled your eyes
"I see you, Teyam." You answered
Neteyam's hand traveled from your thigh to your hip, grabbing it and then going to your thigh again and opening one of your legs so he could get between them. He leaned closer to your face and kissed your lips. He then put his tongue in your lips and you opened your mouth and let it touch your own. Feeling his hot, wet tongue licking yours felt so feral. You were starting to get really horny for him. It felt even better when he started sucking your tongue.
Sooo. What do you guys think? Leave any opinions at the comments. I love reading your comments 🥰 Next chapter is gonna be smut 😈
I'm a tagging some really nice people that left a comment on the chapter 1 of this story asking to be tagged.
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blondedmuse · 2 years
bradley “rooster” bradshaw x reader
synopsis. ꩜ you learn how bradley truly feels about you.
author's note. ∿ wow look whose writing again! this also has no editing because i’m so tired and wrote this in 30 minutes
word count. ⨾ idk a lot
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It’s the middle of a the night and you found yourself wide awake and held tightly in strong arms. You should be tired and you should be asleep but the heartbeat of the man behind you has kept you wide awake.
He’d ended up in your bed more often than not in the past few months and you in his. It’s a game you didn’t know you were playing, tip-toeing around each other to see who would fold first.
It was usually you, and you’d take him home with no regrets that night but then once he was gone by morning there was always a sour taste left in your mouth.
It lingered because you were yearning for something more—something you weren’t sure Bradley wanted. While he took you out from time to time, you continued to tell yourself you were just friends; with benefits of course.
There were lines that you established neither of you were meant to cross, yet it’s as if those boundaries were made to be broken.
So now you lay wide awake contemplating where you stand and what this means for the both of you. You tilt you head so you can see Bradley and you don’t think the thoughts of your present have ever once occurred to him. Maybe they have but it’s not worth the headache, especially at four in the morning.
So carefully, you slip from the hold of his arms and off the bed and head to the living room, taking your acoustic guitar with you. You settle on your couch with the hopes that music will serve as a sufficient distraction and your fingers drift to the chords of I Love You So by The Walters.
The song is quiet enough to keep him from his wake and you sing the words just above a whisper. Halfway through the song you almost forgot Bradley was in your bedroom—almost.
The truth is the moment you’d left the room and your side of the bed was cold, he woke up. He’d slowly been growing accustomed to your body in his arms as he fell asleep, which he damned himself for because it was never meant to happen. It was never meant to happen because why would you feel that same? You were just friends, right?
Still he woke up looking around the room for your figure and as soon as he heard a voice he realized maybe he didn’t have to search far. It wasn’t long before he noticed you were singing, to which he then realized he’d never heard before. He’d always wanted to ask you to play something for him, to hear your voice to the tune of one of your favorite songs and now he had the chance.
He walked downstairs as quietly as he could which proved itself to be not quiet enough as you turned around to see him standing at the bottom of your stairs.
“I’m sorry, did I wake you?” You asked.
He nodded. “Yeah, but I don’t mind.” he sighed before thinking of the right words to say.
“I’d like it if you kept going.”
You hesitated before nodding to the spot next to you on the couch. “Don’t you have training tomorrow? I just- I think you should get some sleep. Proper sleep.”
“I’ll be fine. I’d rather you sing me to sleep anyways,” He told you, shifting his position so that he was lying down.
“Please?” He asked and how could you say no?
“Alright,” You agreed and your fingers started once again. Going for something slower, you started playing John Wayne by Cigarettes After Sex, singing along like you had done earlier.
Once you finished the song you were sure he was out like a light with his eyes closed and breathing slowed, and you were stuck in this awkward position once again. Before you could get up however, the sound of his voice left you frozen.
“I hope you know I love your voice. Love it almost just as much as I love you,” He rasped.
Your brows cinched together and you heart stopped momentarily. Did Bradley just say he loves you? You looked to him again to see his eyes flutter open, searching your face for any kind of reaction.
“You don’t have to say anything Y/N, I just wanted to tell you. But if anything, I do want you to stay with me. Just for tonight?”
You obliged, setting your guitar down on the coffee table in front of you and lying down next to Bradley, allowing him to hold your once again and you allowed his warmth to consume you like a love.
You knew you would talk about this tomorrow morning, but for now you could only hope it wasn’t just for tonight.
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moonshinemusings · 2 years
General John "Soap" MacTavish headcanons (Pt.1)
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Warnings: slight mentions of canon typical violence, mentions of PTSD, anxiety and sensory issues
A/N: My head is full with so many dumb ideas but I kept it mostly serious here lol
• He flirts with everyone when he's drunk, and yes, that includes his teammates (once Price wanted to count how many times he hit on Ghost during the night, but eventually gave up)
• His favorite color is green
• Would totally own a motorcycle that he takes good care of. He has a knack for mechanical stuff and often repairs vehicles they use on missions
• Has a sweet tooth and others often tease him about it. If they let him, he could probably eat a whole cake by himself (and whine how bad his stomach hurts afterwards)
• Most of the time he's dealing well and he keeps himself together, but sometimes his emotions break through the surface. He rarely cries, but when a wave of PTSD or lethargy hits him, the tears flow without resistance. He powers through his emotions though, and he knows his teammates are always there to support him if he needs them
• His anxiety isn't as bad as some others, but from time to time he struggles with staying calm and rational. These incidents usually happen when he overthinks missions or panics when someone gets injured, but someone is always there to help him calm down
• Most likely he has some sensory issues too, but only with very specific things that he fortunately doesn't often counter every day
• Often takes pictures while working out. Mirror selfies are his go-to, but videos of him doing push ups or lifting weights is also in order
• He was never that good at school, that's partly why he chose to serve in the military
• His music taste is really inconsistent. He listens to rock most of the time, but then he suddenly switches to pop songs and country out of nowhere. The worst part? He knows a bunch of country songs and will sing along loudly. Ghost thinks it's atrocious, especially with his accent
• Hug lover, an enthusiast if you will. He's a touchy-feely guy to begin with, but he loves hugs more than any other kind of touching (bet he has the warmest and most comfy ones)
• He's afraid of spiders. He likes to say he's not afraid of mundane things like animals, but spiders send shivers down his spine (once Price had to take one out from his bag because he was too afraid to touch it. No, they don't talk about it.)
• In his younger years he experimented with different hairstyles and colors. For a while he rocked a mullet, then came the idea of the mohawk that stayed ever since. He's had green, red and blue hair once, but never kept them longer than a few weeks
• As much as he acts like it annoys him, he likes dad jokes and those really bad ones Ghost usually comes up with
• No musical talent whatsoever, but that won't stop him from singing when he's drunk or when his favourite songs come up
• Has thought about getting more tattoos, but couldn't decide what to ask for so he never got them
• His favourite meal of the day is breakfast. Don't know why, don't ask, I just feel like he would be a breakfast "I stuff my face with calories in the morning" type of guy
• A morning bird, which used to annoy the shit out of Ghost because he was too cheery for someone who was awake at like 5 AM
• He's a deep sleeper, once he's safe and asleep even a bomb won't wake him up. He can fall asleep anywhere too. Once he conked out on the plane on the way to a checkpoint and Ghost has never let him live it down ever since
• We know that he used to play football, but he was also good at every other sport (except maybe gymnastics). He loved basketball, but he was always teased about being too short to reach the nets. That didn't stop him from scoring though
• He used to go to a lot of concerts with his friends. He's totally the type of guy to have a girl on his shoulders so she can see better
• He's not a womanizer by any means; he's only ever had one serious relationship and that didn't last too long either. He had a few one night stands, but he doesn't really seek any relations outside of his work related ones
• As a kid he used to have those sticky glow in the dark stars on his ceiling/wall
• He can't keep plants alive for the life of him
• His favourite season is spring because he's not too cold but not too hot either. The weather is perfect for his morning jogs
• He might seem egotistical sometimes, but in reality he just loves basking in the attention he gets. And he knows he looks good, so why wouldn't he talk about it
• It's not easy to rile him up and he's good at keeping his cool, but when he's frustrated or downright angry you better hope he doesn't attempt to fix the situation with fists instead of words
• Others might tease him for being stupid sometimes, but he's actually smart. Not academically smart, but street-smart if you know what I'm talking about
• In the future, he wants to have children of his own. In the present he focuses on his job and takes it very seriously, since it's the most important in his life next to his family. But he doesn't shy away from the thoughts of retiring and settling down with his children and a wife
• He enjoys cartoons in some situations. He knows they are dumb and not even funny, but after difficult missions he likes to have them as a background noise or something that can take his mind off the things that happened
• He has two older sisters, so has a lot of experience living with women. Once they waxed his arms as a joke, but he kind of liked it. They settled on an agreement after that: whenever they were all home and had the time, they would do it for him again if he wanted
• Also, because of that his room is also one of the cleanest out of everyone. He keeps everything organized and tidy, and doesn't like when his stuff is out of order
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illfoandillfie · 9 months
2023 Advent: Day 15
This idea was partially inspired by an episode of Neighbours lmao. I was checking out the revival and in one scene Toadie was making breakfast for his new wife and something about it made me want to write newly married Ben.
Warnings: Again, nothing more than minimal editing, it's another sweet one.
It was closer to midday than you were accustomed to waking, but you had a good excuse. The wedding reception had continued late into the night. Though not for all your guests. The first to leave the party were the older members of the crowd, picking a much more reasonable hour to call it a night. Then, not long after, those who had young kids and couldn’t burden babysitters all night said their last congratulations and goodbyes. There were a handful of others, those who had early starts and other responsibilities, who trickled out reluctantly. But most of your closest friends stayed, as well as a handful of family members close to your age, celebrating long into the night. You’d drunk as much as the bartender would serve, danced to every song the DJ had and, all in all, felt you’d done all you could to celebrate your marriage.  
Ben’s parents had, kind-heartedly, warned you not to overdo it before they left, but neither you nor Ben paid them much mind. You didn’t have any plans for the next day – it was a Sunday for one thing, and those were usually fairly relaxed, but your honeymoon also wasn’t starting for another half a week, so there was no need to worry about over sleeping or anything like that. But the slight delay also meant you had no intentions of holding off having sex until you were away. So, still amped up from the night of partying and more than a little horny from the sheer amazement that you and Ben were really, actually, married now, you and Ben ended up fooling around once you finally got home. Not that you were in a fit state to do too much. Mostly you just clumsily made out, giggling a lot, until you fell asleep. 
Ben was still asleep when you woke and stumbled to the bathroom, snoring a little louder than you thought necessary, and completely oblivious to your getting up. It wasn’t until you headed to the kitchen looking for water and perhaps some pain killers for your headache, that you even noticed how long you’d slept in. And then you realised how long it had been since you had eaten anything. If you were at all worried about waking Ben as you pottered about the kitchen, you needn’t have been. There wasn’t so much as a sound from his part of the house, even when you accidentally banged a cupboard door shut. You ended up pulling out so much from the fridge and pantry that you figured you might as well make a full English. It wasn’t something you had often, so it felt sort of special, perfect for the morning after your wedding. There was something about the idea of making your new husband breakfast that felt kind of cute, like you were playing grown up. Plus, keeping so many things from burning helped keep you alert while you waited for the coffee to brew. Ben didn’t surface until you were practically finished cooking, which was something of a relief since you’d been weighing up whether or not to wake him or let him keep sleeping it off. He stumbled into the kitchen, still looking half asleep, groaning at how bright it was.   “I made breakfast, or lunch I guess” you said, pressing a glass of water into his hands, “coffee too if you want it.”  Ben downed the water and wiping his mouth said, “best wife ever.”  The word made you feel warm and happy as you turned back to the various frying pans you had on the stove top, dolling everything out onto two plates.   As you went, Ben made a coffee, becoming more himself with each sip, eventually awake enough to add, “It smells so good babe,” and then more jokingly, “I could get used to this.”  “But you won’t,” you laughed back, “tomorrow it’s back to making your own toast.”  “Maybe I’ll make us something nicer tomorrow. Crepes or something fancy like that.”  “Since when have you known how to make crepes?” you asked, turning around with a full plate in each hand.   Ben shrugged, “can’t be that difficult. Here, let me,” he swooped in to take the plates from you, sneaking in a quick kiss at the same time.  “Best husband ever,” you giggled, following him out to the table. 
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linasofia · 2 years
Petite Voleuse
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Part 5
Fandom: Pilgrimage
Relationship: Raymond de Merville x OC
Summary: When stealing something of great value and importance from a man like Raymond de Merville you never could have foreseen how your life would change.
Words: 4,6K
Warnings: 18+
A/N: This is the last chapter of this fic but an epilogue will follow. You can read the previous parts here.
Special thanks to @lathalea & @legolasbadass for your support.💙💙
French Ma petite voleuse - My little thief Le Baron exige votre présence - The baron requests your presence J'arrive sous peu - I will arrive shortly
The long winter was nothing more than an cold, endless waiting; waiting for the sun to rise, for new logs to catch fire and increase the temperature in the tent, and then, the nervous waiting for Raymond to return sometimes during the evening, never knowing if his mood will make him crave me in a way that leaves me bruised, or if he will settle for a less rough treatment. During the darkest months, it felt like the warmth would never return to these lands, and the merciless winds from the sea would tear the canvas of the tent apart. Then suddenly my prayers are heard and the birds start to wake me again with their songs and longing for love. They are not the only ones, I realize as I watch the sleeping man next to me. During the early mornings, when the encampment is silent and Raymond’s arm rests heavily around me, I allow myself to dream about intimacy underother circumstances. If I was free to come and go as I please like the birds outside, how would it feel to be held by the man by my side?
When you sleep together with someone long enough, you get to learn a lot about them. Raymond is a restless sleeper, his nights are often active and he seems to dream a lot. I cannot ask him about the contents of his dreams, but sometimes he hugs me tightly as if he is seeking comfort and if I, in those moments, return the hug, he calms down. I am sure he has no memories of it when he enters the conscious state, but on a few occasions, I have suspected he is awake, but still lets his arm rest around me.
The sun has not yet stretched its rays of light over the horizon and the tent is dark apart from the red glow from the fire. I am carefully pulled from my dreamless sleep and instantly recognize Raymond’s chest against my back, his breath warm against my neck and his unmistakable hardness pressed against my naked skin. At first I wonder if he is experiencing a dream, but when his hand glides over my stomach and down my thigh I no longer doubt that he is awake. My dizzy mind tries to fathom his actions; Raymond has never woken me for lusty moments before and the way he caresses me makes me shiver with delight. His calloused hand teases my skin while his short beard scratches my shoulder and his teeth scrape my skin when he gives me a possessive bite.
As his hand finally reaches the softness between my thighs, I let out a weak moan and part my legs just enough to give him a little more room.
“You have become such an obedient voleuse,” Raymond rasps into my ear. His fingers slip easily between my folds, and he grunts as I dare to lean against him. “This belongs to me,” he mutters as he gently circles his fingers deep inside me. I try to be quiet as he crooks his fingers just the right way, but he knows far too well how to play my sleepy body so it suits his interest.
“Give the guard something to dream about, let him hear you.” Raymond continues and my cheeks burn as I think of the poor man outside, who can most certainly hear my filthy noises. But I know it pleases Raymond, and when he is pleased, I get rewarded. So I do not hold back. After teasing me beyond sanity, he abruptly removes his fingers, and I whimper at the loss. I was so close and Raymond knew it. If I could, I would have cursed at him.
With a deep groan, he takes his hot spear in his hand, adjusts himself, and without even giving me a moment to brace myself, he forces his thick length all the way to the bottom of my aching womanhood. I cry out and his raw chuckle reminds me of how much he enjoys this. When he moves, I feel every inch of him, but he is more gentle when he is lying on his side. His large hand closes over my breast and he holds me in something that feels like an embrace. In this position, his thrusts are slow and deep and the sensation both arouses and confuses me. He must be just as sleepy as I am, why else would he take me like this and not on my back, or his personal favorite, the position which gives him the most control over me; on my stomach with my head held down into the furs. Raymond rocks his hips against me and his massive girth is in a way easier to handle like this, but at the same time, the slow movements make my core burn in the most sensual way. When he suddenly withdraws, I almost beg him to continue, but I press my lips tightly together, to prevent such words slipping from me. I feel his hand between our bodies, teasing me with his hard shaft and when the thick head brushes over my rear opening, I hold my breath.
“It has been several full moons since I used you this way.” I bite my lip at his words. Raymond has different ways of taking what he wants from me, and a few times he has preferred an even more barbaric style. The first time I was shocked, but as with everything else the cruel knight has done to me, my body accepted and great pleasure followed.
He pushes through my folds again, this time with a more determined pace. My eyes have adjusted to the darkness and with one hand he holds me close as the climb towards relief starts again. I know what he wants and he knows how to get it, and with a combination of harsh words and praise he has me trembling in his grip. Raymond finally climaxes with a hoarse moan and he pulls the deepest cry of relief from me as I shatter around him. We both gasp for air, but he does not let me go as he usually does as soon as he has emptied his load. Instead he rests behind me, lets his breathing calm down against my shoulder, and when he eventually slides out of me, it is with a deep, satisfied sigh. For the first time, he seems to hesitate, but then he rolls away from me and pulls the blanket over his body. I should join him and go back to sleep, but my mind refuses to rest. Raymond’s odd behavior occupies my thoughts, making sleep impossible. And then there is that remark which I try my best to not think of.
“It has been several full moons since I used you this way.”
The first time he parted from his familiar routine was when he found out that my body followed the phases of the moon. When the moon is full, my body twists in pain and colors my hands red when I wash myself. Deep in my heart, I know what he says is true: there have been full moons without pain, no boiling of a red stained cloth over the fire and certainly no delusional dreams that often follow in the footsteps of my monthly suffering. The meaning of his words sends cold, unpleasant shivers down my spine, and the anxious beating of my heart keeps me awake until the birds wake to perform their morning serenade.
A few mornings later, I stare, devastated, at my breakfast which left my stomach not long after I finished it. Nausea tears me apart from the inside, and I can no longer ignore my suspicions. As I do my best to clean myself up, I map the signs my mind did its best to make me forget. With a tortured sigh, I lay down on the bed while the whole world is spinning fast around me. The tent seems to close in on me and I shut my eyes to protect myself from my blurry vision. It can’t be true!
Eventually, the dizziness and the nausea stop and I manage to sit up. With a clouded mind, I realize that I have a long time to go before the next meal is served. But I shall not complain, I have lived through worse. Hunger is not an uncommon feeling for me. I have seen and felt all the stages of starvation.
It started with the passing of my father. Everything was arranged for me, I was to marry the son of one of my father’s newest acquaintances, a man I knew nothing about and had no interest in learning to love. I only saw him once, but that was enough to have me running in another direction. The man’s dead, pale eyes were something I knew I would never grow accustomed to. If my father had been in good health, I am sure he would have turned the offer down, but he wanted to secure my future. May the Lord forgive me, I did not stay to see his body being lowered down into his grave. From that day I was a free woman, but far away from my roots, I soon discovered that life was hard for a loner.
My father was never rich, but as a simple tradesman, he saw wealth in different things. The old woman next to our home wrinkled her nose in a displeased grimace every time she heard me repeat the foreign words my father taught me. Apparently it was highly unseemly but I greedily learned it all, for as my father’s only child, I wanted to make him proud. He, in turn, raised me both like a daughter and a son.
Sadly, I have no memories of my mother. She died while bringing me into this world and my father never spoke of her. I always assumed that his grief was more than he could bear, and that it shortened his life. What I learned about men and women before I ran away from what was left of my home, I learned from the old lady. With time I realized that the truth was far from her terrifying stories, clearly told to scare me and keep me untouched. I was not inexperienced when Raymond forced himself upon me, but until then I had never been with a man not of my choosing.
I curse the day I saw him from afar, entering the river, naked. His belongings lay on a large rock, the decorations on the hilt of his sword and dagger glittered in the sun, and as he dived under the water and swam further from the bank, I made a dangerous decision. With haste I approached the rock, grabbed the dagger, then turned and fled. It was the opportunity that made me a thief. I did not plan to steal from the Baron’s son, but the temptation and the protection the dagger would give me was greater than the knowledge of how wrong it was. Besides, Raymond was never meant to find out and I trusted that my feet were fast enough. I had not counted on meeting his closest man in the outskirts of the forest, but Dugald did not say anything, he simply looked briefly at me. It took a long while before I understood that they had figured out what had happened to the dagger, and more importantly, in what direction I was running.
Tears sting in my eyes and I bite hard on my knuckles to prevent myself from crying. I had been so close to getting away. If I only had stayed in the forest and not tried to reach the other side of the beach. The memory of Raymond’s ferocious look when he pulled me from the water will never leave me. He has always been frightening, even if the many nights in his bed have taken the edge of the worst fear. I know most of his temperamental moves and have accepted the fact that his heated body is keeping me pleasantly warm at night. Even so, I still dread what will happen when he gets tired of me. Will he let me go, or will he give me to his men for their loyal services?
In the following days, I become even more sure of my catastrophic state. The pattern repeats itself and it is only the pure fear of Raymond finding out that stops me from collapsing at his feet when I help him with his armor in the morning. I am no oblivious maiden, I know very well what grows inside me. Thankfully, the period with nausea passes quickly and my strength returns to me, but the worry in my heart grows stronger every day. I do not know how long it will take before Raymond can see the changes my body is preparing itself to undergo.
Late at night, while he sleeps calmly with his arm around me, I go over my options again. I cannot tell him, it will only result in tragedy. I highly doubt he will set me free, so I fear he will send the child away after it is born. Or worse. Even if I do not face the same faith as my unfortunate mother, I will never see my son or daughter in their eyes, Raymond will certainly make sure of that. While I suppress a whimper, I think of the only thing I can do to save both myself and the little life I secretly carry. I need to escape, there must be a way, and I do not have much time.
With spring comes more light and longer days gives me even more time alone. Raymond’s duties keep him away from the encampment for increasingly longer periods and I can only guess that it will continue this way. I need to act. I cannot sit and wait any longer. When the time comes, I will take the leap, but if I hesitate, I will never be free from his tight grip. Raymond told me after our first night that I was not allowed to touch the opening in the tent and so far I have not dared to disobey him.
My hands tremble as I carefully peek out from the tent the first time. Outside the landscape is bursting with colors. The sun is shining from a clear blue sky and I need to shield my eyes for a while before I gaze up and see the large black birds circling above the encampment. They seem to play a game with rules known only to them and their excited cries travel far. My gaze comes to rest on the treeline where life is returning to the old and sturdy beeches and fair green leaves rustle in the wind. Everything around us is reborn, only the muddy path between the tents bear the memory of the long and hard winter. No wonder Raymond’s boots are always covered in dirt.
Suddenly, I spot a small caravan emerging from the forest and I instantly recognize Raymond on his horse. Tall and broad, he stands out among the men in armor. Some of his men are walking behind him and then follows a cart, accompanied by a smaller group of men. They do not appear to be soldiers and my curiosity makes me stand completely still next to the small opening in the tent. As they come closer I frown. The men are dressed as monks. What is a group of monks doing here?
As they come closer, I can see their faces clearly and some of them look nervous. A young novice walks beside an unsettling looking man dressed in white. He reminds me of Raymond’s distrustful squire and I shiver with discomfort. When the men approach, it is obvious that they are heading towards the Baron’s tent. Raymond turns his head just as his horse carries him by and for a short moment it feels like he can see me. I gasp and take a step back. My heart races and my stomach transforms into a hard knot. What if he did? I have broken a rule and now I fear his punishment.
That evening, the laughter and shouting never seem to end. The newcomers have clearly woken the fire in the Baron de Merville and I hear his voice louder than I ever have. I can tell by the noise that he is not skimping on his fine wine, and when I finally fall asleep, the night by the fire is far from over.
Raymond is drunk when he returns, far worse than he has ever been. His shouting at the guard wakes me and to not upset him further, I throw myself out of bed, ready to assist him. As I methodically help him to undress, layer after layer, his mood seems to soften. When I place the final piece of his armor in its place on the bench, he suddenly pulls me close. There is a dark heat in his eyes, but also something else. Eagerly, he covers my lips with his and kisses me roughly. His tongue demands access to my mouth and I obey, unable to protest. The kiss is raw and filled with carnal needs, nothing like the kisses I have received previously in my life. He tastes of wine and tobacco and when his fingers dig into the skin on my back, I whimper into his mouth. He groans in response but then, without a warning, he releases me.
”You drive me crazy sometimes, ma petite voleuse.”
Then he stumbles resolutely to bed, motions for me to follow and when I do, he pulls me close again. Soon his heavy snoring fills the tent and I do not dare to move. He must have been both more exhausted after a day in the saddle and much more drunk than I first assumed. The warmth from his body makes me sleepy and when I drift back to sleep again, it is with the taste of him on my lips.
”Sire Raymond!” The unfamiliar voice outside the tent wakes us both. A low curse is heard from Raymond as he pushes himself up to a seated position.
”Sire Raymond, le Baron exige votre présence!”
Raymond groans and smacks the frame of the bed.
"J'arrive sous peu!" he then roars back and I flinch beside him. His temper is showing its worst side today. Raymond rises from the bed, stretches his body and for a short while I cannot stop myself from admiring his muscular back and strong thighs.
”You are forgetting your duties, voleuse.” His voice is hard, as if he needs to remind me of my place after the kiss last night. ”Do not make me wait.”
I rush out of bed and hurry to grab his first layer of clothes. Since it became warmer he never lets me get dressed before he takes his leave so I stand before him naked, and for some reason, I feel more exposed than ever. I know he cannot possibly see any change in my body, but when his tired eyes roam my body, I involuntarily hold my breath. He lifts his hand and to my great surprise, he cups my cheek.
”Be good,” he mutters and when I meet his gaze, he gently runs his thumb over my lower lip. With a grunt, he then storms out of the tent, leaving me breathless and confused. It felt like a goodbye.
I dress and finish the few tasks I have invented for myself, in order to have something to do during the day. When I am done, I suddenly become aware of how quiet it is. The usual shouting and all the other noises belonging to life in the encampment are silenced, as if a storm has swept over the tents and erased all living things. Not even the dogs are barking.
I peek out in the gap by the opening and the scene at the far end of the encampment is something I have never witnessed before in my life. All the men are gathered, including Raymond and Baron de Merville, and they are all down on one knee with their heads worshipfully bowed. Only one man is standing; the monk in white.
I take a few steps back while my brain is processing what I just saw. Then I look back out again. All of the men, with their backs against me, even the guards. Even my guard. The monk seems absorbed by the ritual he is performing and— Then it hits me. This is it. This is the moment I have been waiting for. Praying for. In the blink of an eye, I swiftly grab the blanket from the bed, fold it sloppily and tucks it under my arm. I ignore the scent of Raymond, captured in the fabric, for I know it will make me hesitate. Instead I picture the treeline behind the tent, I know it is not far. It is now or never. With a hammering heart, I slip out of the tent and make it undiscovered to the backside. Still no sound from the crowd. I breathe through my nose, trying to calm myself down. My whole body is trembling with fear but I take one final look over my shoulder and then I do it. I run. For my life.
A part of me expects turmoil behind me, but I reach the forest without even a raised voice from the group of men. As I continue to run, as fast as I can, I think of the monk in white. I wonder if he saw me. It is possible, since he was the only one facing my way. But if he witnessed my escape, he did not say anything out loud. Maybe he understood. Or maybe a desperate, fleeing woman was not important enough for him to stop the Mass he was celebrating.
I do not dare to take the road over old farmer Byrne’s fields. The risk of being seen when he is out with his mare is too big. For the right price, or simply out of fear, he will tell Raymond or his men anything they want to know, if they come by and ask him. Old Byrne is a gentle soul but I do not dare to try my luck at his house again.
When our paths crossed, several summers ago, he was kind enough to give me shelter and in return I worked on the fields. I was used to hard work and the quiet life on the small farm suited me. Most of the harvest went directly to Baron de Merville. In return, Byrne received a few silver pennies and protection. It was during one of our many deliveries, I saw Raymond the first time. His gaze was merciless as he barked out orders from the back of his horse, and Dugald was silently waiting next to him. I averted my eyes before Raymond could pierce me with his stare and I let out a sigh of relief when he urged his beautiful horse forward and rode away from the encampment.
I choose the opposite direction, with unknown terrain but less risk of exposing myself. My naked feet stumble over rocks and treacherous roots, I slide down steep paths and low hanging branches scratch my face as if to mark me as a con. But I have already paid for my crime with my body and it has to end. Today. So I keep pushing myself forward even though my lungs burn in my chest. The air is fresh in the forest, no smoke from the fire and no stench from animals or humans pollute the surroundings. I can taste the freedom and it fills me with strength. This time I will make it. My life can start again. Our lives.
Far off in the distance, I suddenly hear dogs barking.
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aromantic-enjolras · 2 years
Amis sleep headcanons
Have a very stupid bunch of headcanons (shoutout to @pumpkinspice-prouvaire for brainrotting these with me)!
Enjolras doesn’t sleep often. And I don’t mean “he’s so occupied he forces himself not to sleep”, I mean “he feels no need to sleep regularly, and trying to do 8 hours a night actually makes him feel groggy”. He usually either sleeps a couple of hours per night or goes three days straight without sleep and then crashes for eight hours. Joly almost has a heart attack when he tells him.
Combeferre is a night owl. He suffered through morning classes in undergrad, but ever since he has been able to decide on his own schedule he has been going to bed at four and waking up at twelve. He just works better that way, and anyway he tends to hyperfixate on things and forget to go to sleep.
Courfeyrac is one of those horrible people who is perfectly awake by 6am. The Triumvirate joke that Enjolras plays the relay between the two Cs. If he needs to wake up one of his friends, he does it with a chipper voice and a song. On the other hand, he goes out like a light super early. It’s very inconvenient, because he loves partying!! He’ll be at the club, arguing that he wants to stay longer, he’s having fun! while his eyes droop and he keeps yawning. He always falls asleep on Enjolras’ shoulder on the way home.
Jehan has a super elaborate going-to-sleep routine. Face masks, hair care, relaxing music. He carries a dreamcatcher made with small crystals to hang over his head. Do not disturb his routine if you value your life.
Bahorel is a big fan of sleeping. Big fan. Full marks for that one. They can fall asleep at any place, any time. They rarely sleep less than nine hours per night, and they will be very grumpy if you wake them up. There are bets about whether someone can find a place Bahorel can’t fall asleep.
Feuilly is a morning person, but it’s not by choice. He used to like staying up at night, but they have been working stupidly early morning shifts for so long that now his body has just gotten used to it and he wakes up at 7am at the latest, even without an alarm. He also sleepwalks. A lot. And not mild sleepwalking “I walked around the room and went back to bed”: he had to put a lock on their bedroom door because he went outside his building more than once. He once called Bahorel at 2am, and when they took the call in a panic they only heard a very deep breathing noise.
Joly has read so much about healthy sleep schedules and how sleeping badly is Bad. He keeps a notebook with detailed notes of how long he’s slept every day and whether he woke up in the middle or not.
Grantaire is an insomniac.
Hope you enjoyed them!
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survey--s · 2 years
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What is the best part of your life?  I feel like I’m in it, to be honest. I’m married, healthy, happy, child-free, earning a decent income and have no real stresses to worry about.
Do you care about gun laws? Not really, in the sense that I live in the UK and we have gun restrictions in place already. Knife crime is a MUCH bigger thing here and you can’t really legislate against that as much, for obvious reasons.
Would you ever consider getting a facial piercing? I’ve had my nose pierced for about a decade but I’m not really interested in any others.
Do you listen to '80s metal? Sure, I listen to songs from loads of different genres and decades.
Do you like acoustic or electric guitar better? Acoustic, though it does depend on how it’s being played.
What was the last major city you visited? Manchester.
Have you taken a painkiller today? Nope.
Have you ever had a pumpkin latte and if so, did you like it? I have - they’re decent enough but I wouldn’t go out of my way to get one - it’s just something I order if they happen to be available at the time.
Are you currently in a relationship? If so, do you think it will last? Yes, and yes - I wouldn’t have married him if I didn’t think that.
Have you ever been camping in the wilderness? No. Part of me quite likes the idea of sleeping under the stars and having a campfire, but I suspect the reality is somewhat different lol.
Did your parents go to college? If so, what did they study? Yeah - my dad studied medicine and my mum studied nursing, though she originally wanting to be an archaeologist.
Name the strangest game you’ve ever played (video game or real game): I don’t know - nothing specific is coming to mind.
Would you pay if your dog needed an operation? Yeah, of course I would. That’s what insurance and credit cards are for lol.
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve seen in a grocery store? Live lobsters in a tank for sale.
Have you ever met any bands/band members before? Yeah, a few people.
What states have you been to in the past year? Zero.
Have you ever fostered an animal? No - I’d struggle to give them back lol.
Who did you last talk to in Facebook chat? My mum.
What do you think of guys wearing colored skinny jeans? People can where whatever they want.
Would you ever get blonde highlights? Sure, I got highlights a lot as a teenager.
Will you go to your high school reunion? Fuck no.
What animal have you always wanted as a pet but couldn’t have? Sugar gliders.
Have you ever been in a hospital and not felt safe? No, thankfully not.
What’s the highest fever you’ve ever had? I have no idea, I haven’t taken my temperature since I was about eight.
One thing you promised yourself you’d never do and then did? Quit my job without another one lined up. I’ve done that twice now lol.
Have you ever had to call 911? Yeah, twice for a client who was an alcoholic and in withdrawal.
Do you get along with your significant other’s friends? He doesn’t really have any friends, but the ones I know are nice enough.
Are you one of those people who will not use a public washroom? No, I use one pretty much everyday when I’m working.
What is something that you do often with your family? Go for walks.
Do you enjoy the sound of crickets at night and birds in the morning? Yeah, as long as they’re not keeping me awake or waking me up lol.
Do you need a haircut? I do.
What is the most expensive gift you have ever given someone? Uh, no idea - nothing much as I’m broke lol.
Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth? Yeah, when I was younger.
Do you feel bad when you kill bugs? Not really.
Do you like animal print things? No.
Do you have any pets that you had since you were born? No, we never had pets growing up.
Are all your pets micro chipped? The dog is and so is Purrlock as he was a rescue, but the others aren’t.
Would you ever cope in a jail? I mean, I’d do my best.
Have you ever seen an alligator in person? Yeah, at the zoo.
Are you a liberal? I’m more liberal than conservative.
Were you fearless or a coward in the face of the child hunter in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang? I don’t even remember seeing that film. I must have done but it really doesn’t stick in my memory at all.
Did you ever hit anything while learning to drive? Yeah, but nothing major - just the curb a few times and maybe a rock?
Have you or a pet ever gotten a tapeworm? No, thankfully not.
Do you know any furries? Yeah - well, we’re acquaintances rather than anything else.
Do you snore? Steal the covers? Roll around in your sleep? I am guilty of all three of those things lol.
Is the lion the best character in The Wizard of Oz? I liked the Tin Man.
Would you immediately look for someone right after you broke up with your bf/gf? I mean, I wouldn’t do it intentionally, but I met Mike very quickly after I ended things with Chris and it worked out well lol.
Have you ever studied any new age or occult religions such as Wicca? No.
Do you want someone aggressive or passive in bed? More aggressive than passive.
Are you someone who actually likes to babysit children? No, not really. I’d rather dog-sit.
Do you find any of your friends’ parents creepy or really mean? No.
Who did you last have over your house, and why were they there? Uhh, I have no idea - we pretty much never have people over lol.
Recently, who in your house has gotten on your nerves the most? I only live with Mike and he annoyed me last night by keeping me up until 2am with his ridiculous snoring.
Ever kissed a friend’s crush? No.
If something was wrong who is the first girl you would go to? My mum.
What do you dislike about your smile? I just feel like it looks really awkward.
Have you ever kissed in the snow? Yeah.
Have you ever liked a football player? Yeah, one of my ex’s was really into football.
Has the last person you kissed taken their shirt off in front of you? Yeah.
Are you good at hiding your feelings? It depends on the situation.
When was your first kiss? I was eleven and a half.
What’s your most popular post? None of them, but I don’t post on here to be popular.
Is anyone in your family over six feet tall? My maternal granddad was about 6′4″ or something, apparently.
Has anyone lost their virginity to you? Yes.
What improvement would be the most beneficial to your life right now? An unlimited supply of money would be amazing thanks.
Have you ever merged finances with a significant other? Nope. We’re married and still have separate finances and bank accounts.
What’s the least amount you’ve weighed since reaching your full height? I have absolutely no idea.
What were your high school’s team colors? Dark blue, pale blue and white.
Who were your best friends in high school? Linnet, Agnes, Kirsty, Fiona and Becca.
Have you ever been to Chicago? No, I’ve never been to the US.
Are you close with your cousins? Nope.
Are you close to any aunts or uncles? No. That’s what happens when you’re raised on the opposite side of the world to all your family lol.
What was your favorite thing to do at sleepovers when you were younger? Gossip, watch movies, tell ghost stories, have midnight feasts, dance, play games - the usual stuff, really.
Does your town have a big fountain in it? No.
What’s your favorite rock band? The Beatles.
Who’s your favorite country singer? Dolly Parton.
Has your hair color changed since you were a toddler? No.
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blazingtheway · 5 months
Dream a Little Dream for Me – Storyline 20- Together
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“Dare to dream big, then do something about it..” - Unknown.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
People say you need to worry when you feel you’re settling into a routine. But I don’t understand why.
Would I say Embry and I had begun to live a life of routine? No, not really… or had we? Maybe some part of us did a little?
It was the fact that Waking up to the sound of the spirits on the wind, and the soft breathing or mumbling of Embry asleep had become something I looked forward to. (As much as I wouldn’t admit it to the Wisearse on the best of days.)
Those quite moment, before the world pulled us towards the day and our commitments, they were ones to cherish. And this morning was no different.
We’d fallen asleep curled up once again, skin to skin, his hands always reaching out to find me if I stayed away, and now I found myself always coming back to him even in my sleep as though he were a magnet.
As my mind came around this morning, my sleep filled eyes opened to see the sun has come out. The perfect weather for what my day had planned for me. But it was difficult to think past the bubble, when the sunlight shone a bright stream into my bedroom. It kissed his cheeks like a dream coming true.
I could hear the murmuring of his voice while he slept. This was a sign I’d become aware of. When Embry dreamt deeply, sometimes he lived them, he felt them, and it made me smile.
I often told him to dream a little dream for me. Because I couldn’t remember a time where I could dream for myself. Embry on the other hand dreamed vividly. So, listening to him telling me the stories his mind conjured up was beginning to become a highlight of our mornings together. I didn’t ask him to share them all. Just when he felt he wanted to. They were enough to keep me going.
Leaning in I placed three softest of kisses to his lips while he slept, before slipping out of bed, pulling his shirt over my head, and leaving him to sleep in.
Embry had been working at Glamor last night before that his day had been full. Mine had began with my run with the pups and #Jake, followed by last minute errand ensuring the bar and Ma had everything needed for today’s festivities. #Seth, #Mac, #Charlie has worked long into the night after closing to set up the bar and the parking lot for today. Everyone had been working hard for a long time to make sure nothing happened that hadn’t been planned.
With my hair pulled up into my signature messy bun on the top of my head, I made my way into the kitchen. I wanted to cook us a good breakfast. But before anything could commence the first thing I had to do was switch on the radio. Smiling as the song began to play. It felt perfect for the occasion.
(Music: Dream A Little Dream Of Me (Acoustic) · Amber Leigh Irish)
Humming to myself, I set to turning on the coffee maker, gathering the ingredients for a Spanish omelette, while I now sang alone in a whisper.
“Stars shining bright above you. Night breezes seem to whisper.....
Birds singin' in the sycamore trees. Dream a little dream of me
Say "Night-ie night" and kiss me. Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me.
While I'm alone and blue as can be. Dream a little dream of me”
•- Embry Call -•
There were noises from inside the house, and I knew it made no sense because the only other person here; was Leah. I could feel her, the heat of her skin, her scent filling the space even with the window I knew she always left open. Her skin against mine… the next sound I  heard came from me. the soft hum of contentment. While the house was alive with something I could never identify… no matter how deeply I dreamt.
She was waking up, as it always did, Leah was a force and when she was awake, she charged the world in her immediate vicinity that could only be called: Get-shit-done energy. I wasn’t ready to let go of this half-dreaming state. Not until I figured out that strange presence was… that sound… Was it laughing?
Three kisses… they said everything and nothing, reinforcing everything she’d ever made me  feel; deeply enough that there was never any room for doubt. Then she was gone, and I clung to this moment, still too deep in this world of half waking. But it was okay, the only loss I felt was her skin on mine. But there was an unbreakable connection between us now, one I  felt no matter how far away she was.
She was cooking… I smiled… we had established some kind of routine… but wasn’t what I thought it would be… routines were boring… but Leah brought a different sort of energy to it. Then the music floated to me through the haze of that  lingering dream. The phantom tingle of three kisses was still on my lips as I smiled at the light trickling in the window. Just what we needed today.
I was awake now, trying to string together the pieces of the dream… I pulled the pillow from her side of the bed towards  me. Burying my face into it and inhaling her scent deeply, was there any other way to start the day? I waited for a moment… listening to her singing along in the kitchen.
Leah was a woman used to her space, and this home… this was where she let her walls down. So, I had  taken to staying in bed and giving her a few moments to herself in the morning. But even in those moments, she was sharing one of the most important things in her life. Her home.
But her music always drew me out to her. I grinned as I made my way barefoot and in nothing but my boxers (it wasn’t my fault she took my t-shirt… ignoring the fact there was a drawer with a few folded far too neatly) to the bathroom to brush my teeth before I went find to her.
She was standing at the stove those too-sexy-to-be-legal legs bare from where my shirt skimmed the top of her thighs. The cover of one of my mother’s favourite songs playing and her whispering along with the lyrics. I made my way across the cool tiles and rested my hands on her hips, pressing a light kiss to her shoulder. The last verse played and I sang quietly into her year.
“Sweet dreams 'til sunbeams find you Gotta keep dreaming leave all worries behind you But in your dreams, whatever they be You gotta make me a promise, promise to me…
You’ll dream, dream a little dream of me.”
•- Leah Clearwater -•
The moment I heard the bed move I set the toast on and set the table. Then the running water in the bathroom gave me a gauge of time it would take him to walk into the kitchen. I couldn’t help the smile growing on my lips as I continued to sing, something I’d never have done in the presence of another person before him.
When his arms curled around me, when he placed that kiss, listening to the sound of his voice singing the finale verse of the song, I couldn’t help but feel the warmth in my chest rising, as the spirits sounded their joy at us being here and listening to him sing too.
Leaning myself into his chest I closed my eyes for a breath. Just for the count of two before I was back. In bed, on the sofa, or here beside the cooker. His arms always seemed to fell perfectly welcoming. Add to the fact that, his scent mingling with that of the food as he stepped back now felt so normal. Something I’d began to miss when he didn’t stay over.
By the spirits! What had Embry Call done to me? A question I asked him often and he would reply. ‘The same as what you did to me.’ Which wasn’t a lie.
“Good morning, Dimples. How did you sleep.” I asked as I curled the edge of the omelette over.
The lack of him attempting to distract me wasn’t lost on me. But I knew it, he understood how important it was for today to go smoothly and without any hiccups. Which made me smile again. The next song began to play. The shuffle gods were playing some good ones this morning. Dermot Kennedy started singing.
(Music: Kiss Me (Guitar) · Dermot Kennedy - https://youtu.be/xBWM1ISPQXE?si=fpvQnoA2mpXodKuw)
Looking over my shoulder at the man finally the space in my kitchen. His hair showing evidence of the night’s sleep, his skin showing no signs of what occurred before sleep stole us away, and when he turned away to pour the coffee, his arse looked perfect in those boxers! I wasn’t blind. And I knew if the tables were turned… he’d so check me out and bite those perfect lips of his.
•- Embry Call -•
“Oh, you know me.” I grinned. “I sleep in vivid colour, lately. Especially here…” Even when I was at home, I still dreamt of her… those ones were normally a little more graphic… but they got me through the night.  I felt her eyes on me when the song changed, and I may have spent a little longer than necessary with my back to her while I poured us both a mug of coffee. It wasn’t like she could let on she was enjoying the show this afternoon, she might as well look her fill now.
“I can hear you checking me out, you know…” I grinned and turned  back to her. Setting her coffee next to the stove so she could reach it while she finished cooking. “You could just go all in and grab a handful.” I chuckled, my free hand brushing up the middle of her back over the age softened fabric of my shirt on her toned, hot… fucking  perfect… Nope! If I started down that road, we would never get out of this house on schedule. I cleared my throat and pretended like my heart hadn’t just kicked up a gear. “But if you do I accept no responsibility if your plans for the day are delayed.”
I glanced at the table, and she had already set everything out. “Anything I can do to help? Seems like you are even more on the ball than normal…” I sipped my coffee. “And I gotta tell you… That’s kinda scary.” I teased.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
“I’m glad my home can help you with your technicolour dreams.” Giving him a side glance as my hands continued working, my eyes retuning to the hob.
The music didn’t distract me away from the way his heart told on him. It made me smile and continue as though nothing happened at all. A cool breeze moved from the open windows through the kitchen as I thanked him for the coffee he set beside me with a smile.
“Don’t act like you’re the only one here with super sensitive hearing. Neither of us is the kid, but even I can hear what’s up in your chest, Dimples.” Flipping the cooked omelette into one of the plates. Taking a sip from the coffee mug, I begin to make the next one.
“I’m fully aware of my surroundings and what I could do. But I’m in control of my actions. My list is made, and we aren’t deviating from it today. So… what I am saying is… I know full well where my groping you will end up… and We don’t have time today for it.” Coughing with a grin. “If …. the ladies win today. Then you may get lucky tonight.”
Just as he asked to help, the toaster popped out two thick nicely toasted slices of a bloomer. “You could grab those and sit down. This one is nearly ready too.” Edging my chin to the pan.
•- Embry Call -•
My heart had betrayed me when I got distracted… let’s be honest I never tried to control it any more. Not here… it was hard enough with our families and at the bar. Here, I could be free about how my body reacted to anything she did. “Hey, I never said I didn’t want to  grope… or be groped for that matter. I’m just trying to behave myself and not throw off your meticulous plans.” I teased.
I headed for the toaster as she started to ask me to grab it, I set it all on a plate and took it to the table with my coffee. Then I gasped and clutched at my imaginary pearls. “Are you trying to blackmail me into throwing the bet? Leah Clearwater! So unlike you to cheat.”
I slid into the seat… my seat…  at 𝕙𝕖𝕣 kitchen table. “And if you think I’ll be going easy on you because you made me breakfast… you are  wr…” My stomach growled loudly, and I smirked. “… Probably onto something.” I laughed and glanced down at my impressive abs and whispered. “Traitor.”
But no matter how impressive they were it was going to depend on who decided to visit us today. Wet, soapy women were hard to compete with! And a lot of these women I thought of as sisters… I wasn’t sure how the guys would react to them getting checked out by others.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
Okay this got him an eye roll. “Meticulous plans? There is no such thing with you and the pups in the mix. Let’s face it, you will have something up your sleeve to test me and the spirits today.”
I turned the hob off, before walking the two plates over to the kitchen table. “Do I look like someone who needed to Blackmail? It hadn’t even crossed my mind.”
Returning to the counter for my mug of coffee, I took a sip. “I have faith in the ladies. They won’t need to pull any tricks to make the most money. They also know how much I dislike giving rides on my baby. So, the pup is in for some disappointing times today.”
Sitting down I couldn’t help but smirk at him across from me. “The ladies have this in the bag. I need you, Embry Call, to set your expectations low for your side.”  Setting my mug down, I jumped up  again to grab the hot sauce from the fridge. The sound of his stomach giving him away making me laugh.
By the time I sat back down, the music had stopped playing, making me hum ‘Dream a little dream of me.’ My eyes warm with my body relaxed.
•- Embry Call -•
I laughed… “No such thing and yet you keep trying,” I smirked and sipped on my coffee.
“Yeah, yeah… we just need to make sure the boys are distracted. They don’t react well when people check out the girls.” I pinched my brows and grinned at her. “Neither do you, even if you are… quieter about it.”
I thanked her when she set the plate on the table in front of me. It should have been almost normal at this stage… I had lost count of the number of times she had cooked for me in the morning. But every single time I was stunned, not that her food  was so good… which was proven by the sound I made when I chewed a forkful of the omelette… still each time I was amazed that I was in Leah Clearwater’s kitchen, eating a breakfast she’d cooked for me.
“We aren’t out of this race yet.” I boasted. “As long as your girls  don’t cheat and try to distract our weak links.” Of course, the imprinted boys weren’t actually weak links… but they were definitely easily distracted by their girlfriends, fiancés, and wives.
I couldn’t help but sit back and watch her… listening to her humming. She was  truly mastering this living-in-the-moment thing… I knew if she’d woken up alone today, she would already be out the door getting her day started. She was relaxed… happy. And a little bit of that was because of me… And that was even harder to believe than the fact I was sitting here eating breakfast with her.
“You know… I’m starting to see the benefit of these lists and schedules and things.” I grinned and took another bite. “If having your day plotted out to the minute, has you this relaxed… It goes right into the pro column for me.”
•- Leah Clearwater -•
Scoffing with a mouthful I crossed my long legs under the table, hitting my neck on the wood because his words made me growl a little.
“No one is ‘checking’ the women out. They have all been told, I’ll put them in a bloody burka if needed.” Shaking my head at the thought. “It’s a community event, with the Aunties and the uncles of those women bringing their cars over to #HwH for a clean, some music, some BBQ, a drink. Nice and clean.” That was the plan at least.
Continuing to eat, my eyes moved over my kitchen table and the man sat across from me as ease as a walk to the spirits. He had made himself at home, giving this home of mine, and me something different and unexpected to look forward to.
“Paul is your problem today. I’m not even going to smack him up the side of the head.” Let’s face it, he was the first name to come to anyone’s minds when it came to being distracted by his wife. They were still like teenagers in their honeymoon period, even after all this time.
Now he had my eyebrows raised, this time with the crunch of the toast in my mouth. I had to sip on my coffee before replying to this time around. “By the name of the spirits. Who are you and where is Embry Call? I never knew those words could spill from your lips.” And yes, my eyes linger on his lips as I spoke.
My own lips curled up into a broad smile, giving him a wink. “The first lesson of having a list... Is to stick to the time slots…. It’s where all the relaxation comes from. Knowing you can take the time to enjoy breakfast, before everything kicks off.”
Setting the cup down, I continued with another forkful of the omelette.
“Hey, how is your mom feeling? Do you think she will be up for a visit to the event?”
Our moms had working so hard to organise everything that was needed today. The car wash was only one of the many things they did for the community. All the proceeds from today were going to redecorate the community centre, and to make it more teenager friendly.
“I really want her to be there to see what it all looked like in its full swing.”  I added, knowing it may not be possible. And I had a backup plan if she did miss it.
•- Embry Call -•
I shook my head with a mouth full of food as I piled butter onto a slice of toast. I swallowed my food and laughed. “Trouble… you know what townies expect at a charity car wash right?” I grinned and bit into the toast. Even bread tasted better here.
“I can handle #Lahote…” I shuddered a little… “Not hands on flesh handle… I already told Rachel to take a pair of scissors to the mankini. Plus, I think the bragging rights of being let take your bike on a ride is far too good of a prize to pass up. If you can manage to keep #Rachel from cheating, we should be good…” I thought about it… “I’m 74% positive.”
I laughed again; we both knew those lists would only work for me in the bubble. My smirk grew cheeky. “Wait…” I sipped my coffee. “So, what I’m hearing is… you scheduled time to have breakfast with me?” The cheeky smirk became wicked. “So, this is kinda like a date?” I teased. My heart lurched. Traitorous letch.
I knew how badly she wanted Mom to see the fruit of her labour. And Mom wanted to be there too. “As of last night, she was feeling up for it. I told #Quil that I had to help put this morning; so he said he’ll pick Mom up and take Little Bear with him. He’ll text me as soon as he gets there. She won’t miss this though.” The last part was pure hope, I knew how excited she was.
“She’s been looking forward to it for a really long time. And there is nothing like a visit from Claire to give you a burst of energy.” That is true. Even I was excited to see her… It had been two weeks since her last visit. I missed the little sass machine when she wasn't around to give me a hard time. I took another mouthful of coffee… the food on my plate rapidly dwindling. “Spirits Trouble… you really can cook.” I flashed her that smile over the table. That one that is only for her.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
Swallowing the food in my mouth.
“Dimples… It’s a good thing I don’t give a crap what the townies exactly want.” I choked a little frowning. “It’s a good think I trust the ladies of La Push to have my back while I’m working. They will do their best to keep you boys in  your line while they win this bet for me.” Biting on the inside of my cheeks, wondering if I should’ve help them out for with car wash too? My gaze settled on his face, with the sound of his laughing echoing from the walls, it made me smile again. A Reminder of how far the two of us had come.
“He wasn’t joking about the mankini? He’d been in #HwH talking about it. But I put it down to jokes.” Shaking my head, “I should have really known better.” Pointing my fork to the window. “And I’m not sure Rachel would destroy it. Sometimes that woman likes seeing the disapproval on my face too much.”
I heard his heart, unsure what caused the change in it and then I was laughing too. “No… I made time for my own breakfast, you just happen to be here, Wisearse.” He was so asking for a kick on the arse. If only we weren’t eating!
When the eggs were gone from my plate, I buttered my toast and sat back. Listening to Embry’s plan for his mom today. “If you need some help let me know. We’ll have a seating arrangement set up for all the elders who want to stop by. That way, she won’t feel like we are babying she.” #TiffenyCall was a proud woman, and some o e I look up to.
“And we all know,  Bear will Mother Ma and MsC. She likes telling them both what to do.” And they adored the kiddo so much, that they didn’t complain. I took about bite from my slice of toast rolling my eyes at the man across from me.
“I will remind you. Tell anyone about this.” My hand moved over the table. “And you will be ten-foot underground.”
Narrowing my eyes to emphasise the point I’m making.
•- Embry Call -•
I laughed because we all knew it was the truth. Leah didn’t put on a show for anyone else, so it meant she didn’t really care what others thought... she did what she thought was right and best, then dealt with the consequences of those actions; the good and the bad. And she had always done that alone.
She was doing that thing… biting her cheek like she did when she was thinking and making those perfect cheekbones completely irresistible. Making me want to bite that cheek and kiss those dimples. She really wasn't making this easy. “As long it's unfindable today… I don’t care what she does with it.” I chuckled again. “I made sure to remind her that Claire was gonna be there… A lot.” I stressed the last part.
“Oh right…” I smiled and sipped my coffee. When she claimed that I was just coincidental to her planning; if I wasn’t part of her plan… I wouldn’t be here. “My mistake.” But the smugness was impossible to hide.
I knew she meant that; which was why it meant so much. “It's all covered… I can make plans too. But if anything falls through then you’ll be the first person I come to.  I told her she should sit back and enjoy… the Masterminds like her and a #Sue makes the plans then sit back and delegate. I’m hoping she listens… with everyone around… I know that they look out for her. She’ll have a good day.”
I laughed again, almost choking on another  mouthful of coffee. “Even if I did tell… no one would believe that I was sat in Leah Clearwater’s kitchen, at the crack of dawn… eating breakfast with her in my boxers.” I finished my toast too and leaned back, stretching out a long leg to find her foot beneath the table.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
There it was again, the sound my home craved so much. Gone were the silent mornings, there were replaced by his laughter, his beating heart, and of course music. 
I closed my eyes for a moment to shake the thoughts which kept coming, no matter how often he spent the night. I should be used to it by now. But I wasn’t. And it wasn’t a bad thing to feel this way. 
“Hmm….” Right then and their image of #Paul flashed in making me push it out as fast as it came. “Spirits… No…” shaking my head “Nope… Not even touching that with a barge pole. And if he doesn’t show up with nothing but a Mankini, he can be the one to explain to Emily why her little niece was made to witness his stupidity.” Safe to say, I’ll have kicked his arse by then. 
“Oh… moms… the elders… they will keep Paul in line too. Maybe I won’t ever need to get my foot dirty after all.” Smirking at the new image of Ma and #MsC smacking #Paul upside the head came to life. (Of course, the man was fully dressed in this image.) 
His foot found its way to mine under the table, making my eyes locked on his with a perfectly raised eyebrow. “Are you turning into a Footsie player now Embry Call.” My foot stroked the curve of his. 
By the spirits! What was this man doing to me? 
Clearing my throat, I moved to stand up before my mind went to places, we didn’t have time for this morning. Taking my dishes over to the sink. 
“Do you want more coffee?” I asked over my shoulder towards him sat at the table. 
•- Embry Call -•
She truly was 100% here right now, even with us talking about the car wash… she was still all ours. I bit my lip when her foot grazed mine. Laughing at her reaction… “He will keep it family friendly. He might be all talk but when he sees the Aunties and Nieces and Nephews  it’ll change his mind.”
#Paul was the kinda guy you had to trust to read the room… He was always going to talk big, but when push came to shove, he would behave himself when it was needed. “I’m turning into an anything-it-takes-to-touch-you player, Trouble.” I smiled watching her move across the room…
“And it was clearly effective if you had to jump up to avoid temptation…” I teased, my foot still tingling where hers had stroked. But I didn’t need to point that out, right?
As badly as I wanted to say yes to that second coffee, I  didn’t. There was plenty of time for morning coffees with her. “I should probably take a shower and head out… The boys will be on the move around the village early today.” I smiled. I didn’t say I needed to not smell like her before I left, we both knew that already… My  jeep was in the village centre car park, and I wasn’t planning on going home before heading to the bar to help with the set-up. “They are all very keen to impress the Clearwater women today.” I teased. They did want to make Leah proud, #Sue too… But with Leah spending more time with them outside of patrol and training… they were eager to prove themselves in this way too.
I stood up and took her my dishes. I set them next to the sink and grabbed a dish towel… the little routine we had established where she washed, and I dried made me smile. In  Mom’s house, the cook didn’t clean… But Leah seemed to like her process; so, I just found a way to fit myself into it and make myself useful.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
“Shut it, Dimples. Like I said. We have a plan to keep up with.” His that small touch of his foot had bolts of electrical energy shooting all over my nerves. But we didn’t need to give him a big head first thing.
“Jake and Sam have changed today’s runs up a little, giving all the guys time to come enjoy the show, and participate too.” Filling the sink with soap and hot water, I began to wash, handing the clean dishes off to Embry for drying.
“Ma and the elders will be impressed with anything the pups will do; they are good kids. Even if I still like kicking their arses.”
Speaking to them more, spending time with them off runs, and opening up some more had given me the opportunity to learn so much more. Like #Brady … and his stage presence and shyness. I didn’t the pup could perform the way he did at the open mic night.
Handing off another dish, I smiled. Yet another moment that felt so familiar and open between us right now.
“Why don’t you go jump in the shower now? I can finish off these?”  He was right about the pups being up and raring to go as soon as possible today.
“I don’t want you bumping into anyone... don’t want you to find excuses or tell lies.”  I didn’t do it. I wasn’t going to put him into a position to need to do it too.
•- Embry Call -•
I chuckled and played dumb. “That is exactly what I have been doing… I have been on my very best behaviour, thank you very much!” I nodded when she mentioned the runs. “He told me yesterday that I won’t be running because Mom would wonder where I went. But I told him I’ll sub  in if she goes home early. I don’t want the boys thinking I’m slacking.” I chuckled. I did feel a little guilty about that, but I would be happy to take a spot tonight and let the young one enjoy a few drinks in celebration. It was the least I could do after a whole day off.
“They’ll work hard… I know they will. And bet or no bet the moms will get their dream budget for the centre. And a little arse kicking is good to keep egos and work ethics in check.” I laughed. “Once it’s balanced with a little praise.” I couldn’t help the grin; Leah had made such a huge stride with the younger ones… And they were responding. There might even be a few budding but innocent crushes forming, not that they would ever act on it. But that is just how these hormone bombs reacted to people they looked up to, it was hard to separate those feelings at that age.
“I can spare five minutes to help clean u since you cooked... It's still weird to be letting you wash up. And if you ever tell Mom that… I’ll tell her you threatened me with bodily harm.” I smirked. I dried the dishes as she passed them to me, setting them into their correct places. “And I wouldn’t need to lie. They rarely hear me tell them to mind their own business, so when I do say it they leave it alone… Probably because they assume they really don’t wanna know if I’m not willing to brag about it.
But it gets the desired result in the end.”
I couldn’t say I was 100% opposed to lying. I lied every day to my mom, keeping her in the dark about what I was. I lied when I needed to protect the pack… I lied to the pups about my past… by omission, but it was almost the same thing. But I have managed to never lie about us. I knew how Leah felt about lying, and it wasn’t as though I enjoyed the sensation either. But her honesty was ingrained into the deepest parts of her being. It made lying about something that so profoundly included her at its core; feel like a betrayal.
It was when we finished up the dishes and I hung the dish towel back up that I leaned in and pressed my lips to her forehead for a long moment. My hands (respectfully) on her waist because anything else would have me breaking the schedule. I  kissed the end of her nose and then her lips just once, softly. Telling myself all the while that I had innumerable days ahead to kiss her and touch her as much as I wanted. Then I rested my cheek against her hair and inhaled her scent deeply. I couldn’t get this close to her once I showered, not today. When I was going on patrol, I left my clothes behind and on other mornings I normally went to see Mom or take her to appointments… her human nose couldn’t tell who I had been with beforehand. It was just one day that I needed to show a little  restraint… next time I had her all to myself I’d find a way to make up for it.
With my lips so close to her ear I couldn’t help but whisper. “Try not to miss me too much today while I’m right in front of you.” I dropped my voice low, knowing those words would sink in.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
I closed my eyes letting his low whispered voice sink in deep. Everything about this morning felt so good, so together, like we had found a rhythm, and the true beat of our hearts and life.
Even if the sound of his voice and the heart of his breath on my skin sent a ripple through my nerves.
I turned into him, my arms moved to wrap around his neck, and I held him to me. The feel of his breath on my ear, the warmth and strength of his arms and body, the promise of what we had built and how we were on this journey together too.
“You’re only asking me not to miss you, because you know… you’re the one who is going to crack.” Whispering it right back to him.
I kissed him below his ear, the feel of his lips still lingering on mine as I pulled back to look at him. Resting my forehead to his I took a best of five, then glanced at him.
“You need to shower. And then so do I. Chop chop, Dimples. Before I roll up a towel to spank your arse.” Thoughts of the pups and all their hard work in the run up to this car wash still  fresh in my head. I knew what Embry was saying about them trying so hard, I wasn’t blind to it. Maybe I could ease up a little on them the rest of the week. Or at least give them a chance to get some fun while we trained?
Letting my arms drop, I kissed Embry once more. Soft, light, gentle before taking a few steps away.
“Are you waiting for me to kick your arse now?” My hands crossed over my chest with a smirk on my lips. Nodding my head towards the hallway.  “Get to it Call, we have got all day.”
•- Embry Call -•
That intense yet still subtle energy passed through me… over my skin and down my spine like it only ever did when I was near her. I told myself again that we had plenty of time for these moments later. But that thought slipped away when her arms came around me.
I smiled… the  kiss on my neck caused a tremor that I knew she felt. “Oh, I have no doubt.” I brushed my nose to the tip of hers. It didn’t cost me a thing to admit that I would crack first… We were built differently and somehow… unbelievably, built to fit together perfectly. It was how  the Spirits kept bringing us together. “But… you’ll still let me in. So that counts in my book.”
She was right, I knew she was right. But it felt wrong to step out of this hold, to break the contact between our foreheads. “Threatening me with a good time is not going to get me outta here any faster, Trouble.”
The kiss had that one-last-kiss sort of vibe. So, I lifted my hands to her cheeks and leaned into it. Then I stepped away at the same time as her. “Still threatening me with a good time…” I said, turning on the ball of my foot  and grabbing the clothes she cleaned the night before. Thankfully my usual style of black jeans, a band tee or a V-neck meant no one would ever notice if I wore the same thing two days in a row.
In her bathroom, I grinned at my reflection as I grabbed a towel and set my  clothes down. When the water was running; I stepped under it and started to sing as I washed away the lingering scent of her from my skin… my wolf grumbled in the back of my mind, but he knew we had to. To keep him at bay I kept singing.
(Music: Dream A Little Dream Of Me Cover - Chris Monaghan
•- Leah Clearwater -•
“By the spirts…” Shaking my head as I walked towards the cupboard with my cleaning supplies in it.  “What has this man done to me.”
The answer was clear for me to see, he had done what the Spirits had guides towards, but more importantly what we both agreed to.
‘His voice is blessed by the ancestors.’ My warrior lazed within the walls of our soul. We both stood still listening to the sound of his singing with the running water, and the beating of his heart. We both smiled getting to work.
The day was going to get away from us at some point, of course, I’d planned time in for it too. But it meant the chores around the house couldn’t wait until after my shift at the bar. Walking into the living room, humming along to his voice I began to set the furniture straight, dusting the table and the bookshelf. The TV had a good layer coating it, telling of how little we felt the need to turn it on.
‘He fills our time with more delight that a TV show could provide.’ She wasn’t wrong. ‘And music. Let’s also not forget the facts… He imbues our time with the pleasure of music too.’ Okay, not where I thought that was going. But. Also, true.
I worked around the house, cleaning and tidying while my warrior worked off a list of things which had evolved since the night Embry Call showed up on my doorstep  to kiss me. And because she was on a roll, she reminded me of the fact that I’d punched him in the jaw for pleasure, before running across the street to kiss him back.
‘And now…’ She was bloody talkative this morning. ‘…He is a part of us bubble, and we like it this way.’  I rolled my eyes at her. Reminding her that she was the reason Dimples hadn’t been killed ten times over.
She has stopped me in my tracks. When he had said something or done something like he’d said before going into the shower; “Stop threatening me with a good time, my arse.” Rolling my eyes and smiling at the same time as I thought about it.
‘Look, how you have evolved too.’ This deserved a snap of my teeth, but I was too busy hoovering the floor, still  feeling the lingering effects of him around the house.
•- Embry Call -•
She knew I could hear her, but that just made me smile even more. All those things others would miss… all those things that showed her openness. Her willingness to feel things out loud.
By the time I stepped out of the shower I heard her moving around the house… was she  cleaning? By the spirits, it wasn’t even 7:30 yet! Or was it? My phone was still on her bedside table. Regardless, it was too early for chores!
I chuckled as I brushed my hair and shaved… all in the name of putting my best foot forward for the tribe. My mind drifted to the  night before. Nope!
I put a stop to that right away. How about the first night we spent together? How well we both fit together on her couch? I smiled. That one would do. I kept that feeling close, living in that moment as I dried off and dressed then hid away any signs I  had been here. But I knew the only people that came here were #Seth and #Sue… they would be too busy to stop by today. Everything else I needed was in the Jeep waiting for me.
I stepped out of the bathroom and grabbed my phone and the hospital beeper, shoving both into my pocket. I found her in the living room cleaning. I chuckled. “You had housework on your list? Really? At this hour?”
•- Leah Clearwater -•
The sound of the water in the shower turned off, and I could hear him padding about the bathroom. The thought of how I could tell what he was doing next made me smiles again.
This was the unexpected part of this journey. The way this had become my mornings when he stayed the night. Breakfasts, showers, sounds of laughter and teasing.
Shaking my head, I turned to face him. “If I don’t do it now, I will have to do it tonight. And knowing the pack, I have a feeling it’s going to be the last thing I’ll want to do.” Keeping the house and the bar clean and tidy were things I could control. It gave me a sense of security in some ways, to know no one else could control the tasks.
Leaning on the hoover I titled my head. The overnight growth was gone from his face, his wet hair drying before my eyes, and his freshly laundered clothes giving off the fragrance of clothes softer.
My gaze lingered on his lips a bet too long. Especially when I knew that o couldn’t walk over to him, and I definitely couldn’t kiss him now.
•- Embry Call -•
I grinned… leaning against the doorway… not daring to step all the way into the living room… not while she was looking at my mouth like that. Any other day? I chuckled. “Oh… right… of course. How silly of me to forget that the world would start spinning in the opposite direction if you skipped a day of dusting.” I teased her.
“They’re gonna work hard today. We need to let them celebrate afterwards.” I knew she would, she was starting to see the other sides of the guys, understanding the need to blow off a little steam with everything else  they had going on.
I looked at the lightening day outside her window. “Looks like the weather is on our side today.” I gave her that smile, the one that was only hers. “I told you today would be perfect. But… Time continues to be a cruel mistress.” I straightened up and stepped back from the doorway. “I should get going… The Jeep is in the village. Gotta has the boys test their skills on a real beauty.” I winked at her.
I checked the group chat. “#Seth is on his way…” I laughed. “#Littlesea is threatening to climb through #Fuller’s  window because he deadbolted the door and won’t answer it.” The pup had clearly seen the messages, is status read ‘online’. It was perfect timing. If I was the first to arrive it would raise eyebrows. Early mornings weren’t an issue for me… but being on time? I could  probably try a little harder. “Looks like I’m right on time!”
I headed down her hallway and slid my feet into my boots by her door. “See you soon, Trouble.” I said, sticking to our rule.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
I wasn’t OCD by any means when it came to cleaning. But when the majority of your time was spent rolling and running in we mud in a forest, wanting the comfort of your home to remain in some form of order had become a necessity.
In the early day of moving in it had also been a ritual for me to calm that temper of mine. And now. It was a habit. One which helped when I needed time to think.
“Hey. I have fully giving into the fact that all of you need your time to celebrate any achievements. Now tonight unfortunately is going to be licking of wounds for you guys.”  Trash talk was all a part of the fun of the day, and it didn’t hurt to start now.
“Just make sure they don’t cut themselves on that rust bucket. We don’t need the pups showing off their healing skills to the rest of the tribe or townies as a side show.” I knew they wouldn’t, but didn’t hurt to remind the ring leader of Trouble of the dangers of showing off, right?
My eyes were on the sky past the windows, the storm from last night had passed leaving the day fresh. His phone began to come to life, making me turn to face him again. Watching as he made his way to his boots, and the front door.
“See you soon, Dimples. Have a good time today.”
Giving him the answer to that smile, with one of my own backs. His rule to never say ‘goodbye’, still going strong. As soon as he closed the door to my home, I’d began to replace parts of my wall. Today was going to be a test for the both of us.
•- Embry Call -•
I knew that her cleaning was all about routine… she liked to do things a certain way… it was one thing in the vast number of details that made up Leah Clearwater. Something I thought I knew before our evolution. But honestly… it was exactly and nothing like what I thought I  knew back then. And I had a feeling that my view of it would probably be a little different at some stage. Because this woman was constantly growing before my eyes.
“Oh!” I smirked. “Are you going to lick my wounds personally?… that might be worth throwing the game  entirely.” I laughed. “Hey!! My baby doesn’t have a spot of rust on her…” Then I added. “Anymore.”
I flashed her that smile… My hand was on her door. “You too, Trouble. And please… feel free to think about me in the shower.” I said before I slipped out and closed the  door. Damn! I wanted to kiss her!
But the door was closed, and my feet were moving. There was no turning back. I needed to get into the village before more of the Pups hit the streets to get their jobs started for the day. As I walked, I texted the group and told #Seth, I would meet him at the parking lot in fifteen minutes. Then #Brady to tell him if he wasn’t out of bed in five minutes; I was going to send #Paul over. And right on cue #Lahote texts back.
‘𝙲𝚊𝚗 𝙸 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚜? ‘
Followed by #Brady:
‘𝙸'𝚖 𝚞𝚙! 𝙻𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚎  𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚎!’
I grinned to myself. “Mission accomplished.” I reached my Jeep and climbed in. “Showtime!”
•- Leah Clearwater -•
The house was silent once again. The sounds of life were waking outside, but here in these four walls things were different.
I couldn’t help but glance towards the small hallway and then my front door. How could one man make all this sense so much more? My feet took me to my speaker, turning it towards the heart of my home. Before hiring play on shuffle.
(Music: Take It From Me (Stripped) - Jordan Davis)
“Of course!” Biting the inside of my cheeks, I continued to smile, then went back to work, singing along to the song.
My song shuffled from song to song, each one growing in tempo, leaning to the perfect tune to set me up for the rest of the day.
(Music: Pour Some Sugar On Me - DEF LEPPARD)
The song played low so my neighbours  wouldn’t be disturbed, but to me the sound was crisp and just want I needed. The shuffle gods were moving me along. With most of the cleaning, I gazed at the time.
“Spirits! I need to get a move on.”
Running into my room, I slipped out of the t-shirt I’d slept in, leaving it on the made bed. I knew I should change the bedding, but I’d run out of time. And then again, my warrior reminded me, he wouldn’t be back tonight. The pups would want to celebrate, and they deserved it.
“I’ll change it later tonight before I sleep.” It was a good plan.
I pushed the thoughts out of my head, “By the spirits! What is that man doing to me!”  Shaking my head I ran into the bathroom to shower and dress.
•- Embry Call -•
I connected my phone to the sound system and hit shuffle on the playlist I had put together for the day. I smirked and started the engine with a little love tap on the gas… She purred to life. “That’s my girl!” I stroked the wheel affectionately and pulled out of the car park a little quickly… but it was empty, so it was fine.
(Music: Imagine Dragons | Symphony (Inner City Youth Orchestra of Los Angeles Version)
I sang along as I drove through the village, tempted to crank the volume and wake people up to get them to the car wash. But I decided to behave for now.
“So, tell my mom I love her, call my baby sister
Should've hug and kissed her…
'Cause life is just a mystery…”
I pulled into the bar’s parking lot, and I wasn’t shocked to see people there already. #Seth was laying out cones for the different lanes. #Sue was setting up a table with the cash box and all kinds of community centre pamphlets. #Nessie was setting up a sound system. She was the closest to me, so I stopped the Jeep and called out the window. “Hey… where’s your lesser half?” I asked.
She didn’t even blink at the joke. ‘He’s picking up the meat for the barbeque. #Sam didn’t want it in his car. The smell of raw meat makes #Emily nauseous.’ She spoke. I instantly thought we needed a spot for her away from the cooking area, but Ness continued. ‘Text me the link to your playlist. I’ll add it to the mix.’ She said as she stripped a wire with just her fingernails and disappeared behind a speaker that was big enough for her to hide inside. I chuckled and told her I would send it.
“It’s gonna be a party.” I laughed and pulled over to the other side of the lot close to #Seth.
I jumped and header to see where we were in the setup. I wasn’t surprised to see Mac come out from behind the bar. He waved and I waved back… #Seth looked me up and down. “See something you like kid?” I teased.
‘You wish!’ He teased back, and it was all kinds of gross considering I just climbed out of his sister’s shower. I covered by shoving him playfully. ‘Seriously though… are you going to wash cars in jeans and motorcycle boots?’
“Is that a bad idea?” I looked at myself with a perfectly straight face, then back at him. “I thought I looked good.”
Seth looked at me like he thought  I was serious. “Kidding!!! Dude, I have shorts and trainers in the Jeep.”
He laughed and shook his head. ‘Sorry… haven’t had my coffee yet.’
“You should have said… The twins are on the way I’ll get them to pick it up.” I pulled out my phone.
‘No, Mom and I drove by, and Gemma was only arriving, they aren’t open…’ He started. But I already had my phone to my ear.
“Hey Gem!... How is my absolute favourite waitress?…” #Seth just rolled his eyes.
#Gemma was happy to help us out with our charitable endeavours today. I gave her all the coffee orders, teas to the mom and one of those weird, iced milk drinks with a tiny bit of coffee for #Claire. I’d tell #Quil it was deaf… but she could have a treat. I was sure she’d earn it. and texted the Pups to pick them up along the way.
“Okay!” I stuffed my phone into my pocket. “Where do you need me Pup?” He tossed a traffic cone at me, and I caught it, laughing… Then we got stuck in.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
The call to feel the wind in my wet hair was too strong this morning. Rushing to leave the house once  I was showered and dressed meant I got my wish.
As soon as I received a text message from #Michael telling me my order was ready, meant I had no time to waste. The cloud casted over the sun for a little while, but it didn’t take away from the pleasure of ridding my baby down the still quiet streets.
Those who were up, waved a hand as I rode by. I knew Ma would be told once again, her daughter was racing the streets or the  Rez without her helmet on.
So much for wishing people would mind their own business. The less they knew about me, the more they were intrigued to learn. But as much as I allowed it to annoy me in the past, now it just made me nod my head and smirk.
Kicking up a gear, I leant in to the speed and the call of Grandfather as he sang my name telling me to take in his light, and let it shine bright.
Words danced on my lips, a song unheard, foaming and into something I’d never felt before. I could feel it deep inside of my soul, and it made me want to live this day with all its beauty and strength.
As I came to the parking lot before the bakery, I could hear the conversation between #June and her daughter #Jessica inside.
#June maybe be a Clearwater by marriage; however she had the blood of a warrior, and the heart of a mother rolled up in one. Most of the time she was kind, sweet, and easy going. Until someone crossed her with the wrong intentions.
She must have seen me through the window parking my baby up, because the next thing I heard made me groan.
‘Let’s see what your cousin has to say about this. Why can’t you be more like her? Look how she carries herself.’ The words no girl wanted to hear from the lips of her mother.
‘Mom! Stop… Leah doesn’t need to hear about this.’ #Jessica moaned, defeated.
I walked across  the lot, acting as though I heard none of what was taking place inside.
‘We are family. She will want to know.’
Really. No. I didn’t want any part of this conversation.
I pushed the door open, the chiming sound from the bell over the top sang, their heads turned at once towards me.
“Hach Chii.” (Good morning.) I said stepping inside.
‘I’m so glad you are here Leah. Hach Chii.’ My auntie moved to come around the counter.
“Hmm… your husband messaged to say my order is ready.” Hoping if i reminded her I had to go, she would back down.
‘Sure… Sure…. But I need your opinion on a situation first…’ she didn’t wait for my response and continued. ‘Your cousin is planning to wear this today at the charity event. Tell her how inappropriate it is, how all the aunties will talk, and what will the uncles think?’
#Jessica shrivelled up her shoulders and looked so uncomfortable as her mom held up a short cut tank top and ripped tiny shorts.
The first thing I thought was she would freeze! The sun was out today sure, but it was still spring. With the water spraying all over the place. She would be hypothermic before the morning was out. But it’s not what I said.
“What’s wrong with it?” This time I didn’t wait for a reply. “She isn’t a baby; Jessica is a young lady with her head on the right way. You can’t expect her to live her life in fear of what people will say. Or think.
If this is something you are happy to wear Jessica. Then fine. As long as you are wearing it for yourself.”
As much as Embry’s words about the Rez girls bugged me. I would never stop them from their choices. I would just punch anyone who looked at them inappropriately in the face?
No…. Spirits! Apparently, my warrior told me evolution meant, using my words and not my hands first!
‘Leah… you know how they all—‘ #June started, I knew where she was taking the conversation, and from the look on her daughter’s face, she knew too. But #June was cut off.
‘That’s enough!’ #Michael came out from the back with four bags full of buns and doughnuts. ‘This topic is over. We have work to do.’ He smiled warmly at his daughter and then me.
My heart stopped, his side profile was the same as his  brother, my father! But he was taller, a little more rounded, a little more worn  in his face. The first thought I had was about my Da. And if he would have the same look about him, if he were here today?
‘Hach Chii, I have everything you asked for here in these bags.’ Setting them down on the counter. ‘And Jessy there is packing everything we are donating.
Jessy will set it all up for sale. And when the Bakery closes, I will come by with more to help. Your mom works so hard for the community, this is our way to help too.’
“Thank you, but I’m not sure how I will take all this.” I should have known to bring a car and not my baby.
‘It’s okay. I’ll bring it all with me now.’ #Jessica told me, she’s taken the morning off from the practice to help. Her boss would be joining us a little later once today’s appointments were seen too.
•- Embry Call -•
#Seth and I finished laying out the lanes… making sure they were wide enough to accommodate trucks and still let people move around them. I watched as more people trickled in #Sue gave them jobs and then tried to do three jobs by herself. A light breeze came around us in circles, Sue scrambled to keep her flyers from scattering across the lot, weighing them down with little wooden carvings and totems… because of course, she came prepared. I knew this little whispering wind meant Leah was on the move. Watching #Sue I realised how much of her mother she had in her, despite being entirely unique… “Clearwater women.” I laughed and shook my head.
‘Huh?’ #Seth said from behind.
“Just noticing how well prepared the Clearwater women are and wondering what the hell happened with you,” I teased him.
‘Shut up.’ He  laughed and shoved me. ‘I’m surprised Leah isn’t here yet.’ He took out his phone like he was checking for a text.
“Oh, I’m sure she’s off doing something that no one else has thought about.” I looked up and saw #Littlesea’s truck pull in; with a hungover looking #Brady in the passenger seat. #Seth made a beeline for them, craving his caffeine fix.
‘You got Gemma to open early?’ The Pup asked getting out with the tray of drinks, while #Fuller passed one out of the window to #Seth, then climbed out with more. ‘You know she already works ten-hour days, right?’
“Not open early… Just help us out with the early start. I’ll make it up to her.” I told him and #Brady slapped my back. ‘I bet you will!’
I rolled my eyes. “She’s a baby… don’t be gross.” Gemma was a pretty girl, but I remembered when she sat in the corner of the diner; colouring pictures for her favourite regulars. She always preferred #Jake… I never knew why.
‘She’s like… nineteen…’ #Brady said like that wasn’t what I just said. The three of them started debating whether she was eighteen or nineteen.
“Guys!” I called to get their attention. “Can you continue this debate after I get my coffee please!” And #Littlesea handed me mine. “Thank you! Besides… if you’re all so concerned with Gemma… maybe one of you should take her out and treat her.”
‘Maybe I will.’ #Brady waggled his  brows.
‘What would your date from last night think about that?’ #Collin asked.
‘Who?’ He asked and Collin proceeded to fill us in and details of the half-naked guy in Brady’s house this morning.
I left them to it and took #Sue her tea, setting a green tea down for Mom when she got here. ‘Thank you… Well, aren’t they all rowdy this morning?’ Sue laughed.
“Just getting them energised for the big day.” I smiled at her.
‘Well… Let’s stick to one coffee each. Shall we?’ She suggested as someone called out to #Ness to remember to act human…  She’d crossed a lot a little quickly… and apparently the irony of what they said and how loudly they said it was lost on them.
“Good idea… Excuse me while I go crack some heads.” I said and by the way #Sue nodded I knew she’d heard it too.
Crossing back to the guys  gathered around the truck, they each got a swift slap upside the head (apart from Ness). Then I promptly reminded them all that we were in civilian mode (including Ness). And that Mac was still here, and other humans could show up any minute.
A few more texts came into the  groups saying that people were on the way. Then #Collin looked at me and spoke. ‘Hey, ’Bry… are you really going to wash cars in that.’ He pointed to what I was wearing.
“Why is everyone so obsessed with what I’m wearing today?” I grumbled.
‘Honestly…’ #Nessie chimed. ‘I’m just glad you didn’t show up in a thong.’
‘Please don’t give him ideas!’ #Seth groaned and I smirked at them all like it might just happen. They all cracked up.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
The scent of the pups was in the air as I turned the corner and began the straight run towards #HwH. Nothing could prepare me for what the day held.
‘You will thrive today. We are helping Ma, and the tribe. The young who will become our future.’ I knew she was right, but I also knew I had to ready myself for it too.
I never really did well in a crowd, I wasn’t a bloody wallflower in any way. But I knew my limits on how much craziness I could take too.
‘Well… today is a test.’ She sounded too happy and ready to dive into the depths of  the madness!
Turning into the parking lot of our bar, I slowed down seeing two of the younger pups trying to put the big banner up on the road.
They joked, and teased until they heard the purring of my baby. They knew the sound well, so I wasn’t shocked by the wave and the call of my name.
Stopping I winked at them. “That banner needs to be straightened out pups.” Pointing to side which had been dropped.
‘Sure, Leah. Right away.’ One of them side, while the other smiled his eyes coveted my  baby.
I shook my head smirking. “You got to win the bet first pup, daydreaming about riding on my back of my boy… isn’t going to happen by itself.”
‘Sorry… he is just so beautiful…. and the sound….’
I knew what he felt so well. The rumble vibrated in our chests, the speed made you feel as though you were flying, and the revving of the engine… it was spectacular!
Reaching out my hand, messing  his hair up. “Get back to work. I’m sure there will be some breakfast waiting for you when you head back.” Kicking off, I rode nice and slow. Taking in the sound, sights, and smells as the surrounding area. Everyone had put in a lot of hard work.
My bike stopped behind the table and cover set up for Ma, as she worked on the flyers. She saw me coming and gave me her heart filled smile. ‘Good morning, Usdi, how were your uncle and auntie?’
Parking up, my long leg flew over the top of my baby, before I stood up. “Nothing new there. Michael said he is coming over after they close up later.” Walking over, leaning down  I kissed her forehead.
“And June…” Shaking my head. “I wish she would stop using me as an example.”
She listened to me as I explained the situation I found myself in before. Her brows pulled together, head nodding. ‘It’s not her fault, Usdi.  We were brought up to be unseen. Because it was safer that way. I’ll speak with her.’ She squeezed my arm.
‘Finally! I’ve been waiting for you.’ #Mac came up from the back of the bar. ‘The delivery came in last night as you planned. I don’t know what’s for today, and what we need to keep for Stock.’
Ma smiled patting my arm. ‘I think the boys have everything in hand out here.’ Her way to give me leave to get to work.
Shrugging out of my jacket, I raised my eyebrow seeing the group standing around the orange truck we all knew belonged to the Littlesea Pup. Embry in the middle, like a king  holding court with my kid stood right beside him.
“Work. Doesn’t happen by standing around. You gonna move those arses!” Walking away from the madness.
‘But it’s such a fine arse, Lee!!’ I had to smirk.
“Keep it up little Cullen, we’ll see where that lands you.” She giggled; it sounded like sweet bells chiming in the wind.
‘I lo… L… LIKE YOU TOO!’ She sang over the sound of the music.
Followed by a mutter. ‘Wow, Ness didn’t even get a snap for that one?’
Another voice added. ‘Don’t push your luck.’ Making me smirk. The sound of #Jessica’s car engine came down the street as I made my way inside to see what #Mac needed my help with.
•- Embry Call -•
I gave a quick glance to acknowledge Leah’s arrival… no one could ignore the beautiful bike… the sound of the engine. If I did… it would look like I was hiding something if I acted like I hadn’t heard her ride up.
I laughed and #Ness and Leah’s banter. “Should I toss your  coffee too then and Mac can just have his?” I called across the lot (just for the sake of the human) to her with a smirk. I handed to cups to #Seth and told him to take them to his sister. I could see the minute he took them he was confused. “Cappuccino for #Mac and Mocha for Leah,” I told him.
‘Since when does Leah drink Mocha’s?’ He chuckled and headed over like he knew she was going to send it right back.
“Chocolate is NEVER a bad idea.” I laughed… plus… she had made me breakfast, and I could repay it a tiny bit with a sweet treat.
As Jess pulled up noses lifted into the air, subtly enough that I didn’t need to correct them
‘Is that breakfast?’ #Brady groaned.
And #Jess parked the car, the door open and it was indeed breakfast. The boys almost swarmed her. The boxes in her arms.
“Oi!” I called to them. “Stop.” They did. “Stay!” I smirked and stepped between them to hand #Jessica a coffee cup. Patting the youngest pup on the head as I did. “Good boys.”
#Jessica laughed. “Vanilla latte for the lady…” I smiled.
‘How did you…’ She shook her head and took the cup. ‘Thank you.’
I asked her if she’d eaten, and she told me she had and couldn’t eat another bite after all the baking happening this morning. I relieved her of the boxes and grabbed a cup. I walked over to #Sue’s table and offered her first choice of food. “Auntie. Tea and first pick?” I smiled. She touched my cheek and smiled. ‘Such a good boy.’ She whispered.
Then I took the food back to the truck and set it on the open tailgate. “Have at it you savage! Save a doughnut for #Emily and a cinnamon roll for #Rachel.”
‘I see what you are doing Embry Call.’ Jessica wagged her finger at me and sipped her latte.
“And what exactly am I doing?” I asked and bit into a bear claw.
‘You are being all sweet and considerate to the girls to get them on your side today!’ She set a hand on her hip and gave a sassy little pop that  made me laugh.
“Am I?” I asked, my expression full of suspicion.
‘Dude!’ #Brady slapped my back. ‘That’s genius! Hey, #Jessica. You look gorgeous today.’
She clearly flushed but managed to effortlessly look him up and down and say ‘Ew’. Which was received with raucous  laughter and the pup faking a heart attack… or a gunshot wound. I shook my head… whatever it was it was very dramatic.
They were all having a good time… it was a good thing. “Okay, eat up and then back to work guys.” The two pups that had been hanging the banner came  back and I waved them over. “And save something to eat for #Leah and #Mac too.”
•- Leah Clearwater -•
‘Who is tossing coffee?’ #Mac questioned as I dropped my jacket in the office and pull my hair up over the top of my head into a messy bun.
‘Wow… Miss Clearwater!’ Turning to face him with a questioning raise of my eyebrow. ‘Are you trying to steal hearts today?’ This earned #Mac an eye roll.
“Are you looking for an arse kicking?” He just laughed and reached a hand out towards me.
‘You best save me a dance today. That’s all I’m saying.’ The sound of #Seth’s footsteps save me from replying. ‘So, there is a cappuccino here with  your name on it bro. And sis…’ he handed #Mac is coffee and then came to place mine down on the bar before me. ‘A mocha… for you?’ Shaking my head. ‘I think Call is trying to butter all the ladies up. He should know better than trying it on with you.’
I didn’t say  anything, just get myself to work.
“Less talk and more work. Bring me up to speed while you drink your coffee.” The both of them quickly rattled off a progress report as I moved stock around.
What was meant for the event today, I placed in a couple of tables in front of the bar, the other things I set down on the bar themselves.
Once I had most of the boxes in place, I stood taking the cup from the bar and sipped on it. Would I buy one of these for myself? No. But it was nice, and I could tell #Gemma had been the one to make it. Her scent lingered in the background of the cup.
Under the sound of the music outside, I could hear the way Embry had taken some form of control over the pups. They were all good kids, but I couldn’t tell the excitement of the morning meant they needed a little nudge to remind them why we were doing this.
“Ma. Why don’t you go grab yourself some breakfast. Jess is out there with some stuff from the bakery.” His eyes widened and he didn’t need to be asked twice. As soon as he was out of the door I turned to #TheKid.
“What is the plan for the runs today?”
He’s taken my cup from me, trying the drink and from his reaction liking it. ‘Sam, Jake, Jay have it covered, I’ll slip out later on, so Sam can bring Emily and Kishil down.’
Nodding my head as I listened. “You don’t need to slip out. I’ll do it. Take the late run too so you can kick back with the pups.”
He shook his head now. ‘We’ve got it in hand. So nope. You need to keep all this rowdy bunch in line.” He nudged me in the arm.
“Sure, sure. But it looks like Embry had it in hand.” #Seth stopped sipping from the cup. ‘Wow. Was that praise coming from your lips, Sis?’
•- Embry Call -•
It didn’t take long for the oy to start polishing off whatever they had selected for breakfast. And then I assigned the jobs that #Seth and I had talked about. Most of the kids were unloading supplies at the end of the temporary lanes. Making sure what we had was evenly distributed and each lane had everything we needed. We had a separate area for anyone willing to pony up a little extra for a full-on polish and buff with the repaired buffer from the carwash in Port Angeles.
I sent #Collin and #Brady to organise the hoses, Brady was, in general, a joker… but when it came to making sure everything was safe, those two worked the best together. They would make sure nothing was going to be a tripping hazard for us and anyone stopping by.
‘Someone told me there was food out here!’ #Mac came back outside. I told  him to help himself and he went to eat with the last kids who were finishing up their food.
I heard a familiar car pulling up and I smiled, already walking across the lot to meet it. #Quil pulled up right next to the table where #Sue was still sitting working away with only two bites of her muffin taken. I opened Mom’s door and helped her out.
‘Good morning sweetheart!’ She beamed… she looked good… she was even wearing just a little make-up. She was feeling good today. I was so glad… she’d so looked forward to today.
“Hey, you look great  today!” I smiled and hugged her. Walking her to the seat set out for her as #Claire and #Quil climbed out of the car. “Hey, Little Bear!” I turned just in time to catch her as she jumped up for a hug.
‘Look!! Momma T painted my nails!’ She was trying to show me her fingers  before I even set her down… each one was a different colour. I looked at Mom and laughed.
‘She couldn’t decide.’ Mom shrugged. ‘I was teaching her that a girl can have everything she wants.’ I grinned… I knew if I asked; what about boys? She’d tell me they grew up in a  different world and she was right.
“Hell yeah, they can!” I gave Claire a high five and #Quil went to move his car out of the way.
‘So… it’s looking good out there. When will we be up and running?’ Mom was all business.
“I’d say we could start washing cars any time now…  I’m not sure if we are supposed to wait on the food and everything, or if all that is for later in the day.” I told her.
‘We can get everything ready, but I don’t think we need to fire up the grill for a while. No one will want a burger at nine AM.’ #Sue said.
‘Burgers?’ #Quil said walking back… ‘There’s burgers?’ He looked around. The moms laughed.
‘Well, we can’t count these boys… they never stop eating.’ Mom teased. ‘They have to keep those muscles fuelled up.
Claire complained when we asked her to stay here and help out Mom and #Sue, only agreeing to stay put because we promised she could help with the fun part.
I was about to walk off and get back to work when Mom called out. ‘Sweetheart… are you really going to wash cars in those?’
I rolled my eyes. “Why is everyone so obsessed with my clothes?” I huffed. “I have shorts in the jeep.”
‘What are you waiting for then?’ Mom crossed her arms and popped a brow. There were snickers across the lot. I surrendered and went to grab my backpack and change behind my jeep.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
‘Oh, my goodness! Leah…. You didn’t tell us there would be a show to watch this morning. I didn’t bring any ones with me!’
The mother, daughter duo who were our cleaning team came shaking their heads, and butts as they shrugged out of their coats. ‘Yeah Leah, I’d have offered to help that one out there with changing!’ The daughter added laughing.
#Seth beelined it out the back with the cooler boxes to fill them with ice. ‘Of course, Embry is putting on a show.’ He was laughing. Because of course he heard the full  conversation taking place outside. ‘He is setting up his dates for tonight.’ Then the sound of the ice machine came to life.
‘Jokes aside, I just told Sue this is such a good idea. And look at the young ones all coming to help out there.’ The mom moved to pick up the hoover.
‘Look more like a photoshoot for Abercrombie and Fitch if you ask me.’ Her daughter leaned over to look out the windows at the front of the bar. ‘We have some fine-looking boys and girls on our Rez.’ I mean, could we really disagree with her? “Okay ladies, you know the drill. Could I ask you to give it all a once over. And then you’re back tomorrow for a deep clean.” They got themselves to work. Singing around to #Nessie’s playlist.
Picking up two cases of beers (even if I could take more. But… humans…  I made my way outside. Stopping at the doorstep to let my glance fall over the view before me. The place was starting to come together.
‘Lealea!!!’ #Claire came bounding up from behind the table next to Ma and #MsC.
Setting the cases down I caught the teenager before she jumped up giving her a look. Bringing her into my side and kissing the top of her head.
“You’re growing a mile a minute, Bear. Didn’t we talk about slowing it down on your last visit?”
She beamed giving me a full 360 turn. ‘Dada  says I’m not allowed to grow. But Mom told him girls grow up too far.’ A conversation I was sure she wasn’t meant to overhear.
‘We’ve got to make the move of it Usdi.’ The two of us had started to walk up to see the moms.
#MsC nodding her head in agreement with her friend.
“Hey beautiful, ready to steal some hearts today?” Leaning down I kissed the top of her head.
‘Oh... stop…’ she blushed smiling up. Her temperature was okay for now, knowing full well the blankets were close by ready in case the wind picked up.
“You know Leo is coming with the Pizza truck. I’m sure he is going to be fighting for both your attentions.” I winked at them both. Turning my attention to the truck pulling up.
‘And not the party can kick into action.’ #Paul was hanging out of the passenger side of his truck while #Rach drove, with #Kim in the back.
“Here we go!” Giving him the mother of all eye rolls. “Bear, don’t you dare listen to a word that one says.” She giggles running off to meet the girls.
•- Embry Call -•
I heard the conversation inside and muttered. “Dammit!” to myself.
‘Really ‘Bry…’ #Quil called over. ‘There are bathrooms inside!’
I stuffed my legs into the shorts and pulled them up. I made sure not to look in the direction of the window. You know, acting human and all. “It's not like I got naked! I have boxers on.” My best friend just rolled his eyes, and I walked back towards the others. “Besides! If we have the ladies of the Rez worked up already then, we’re three steps ahead! Wait until the guys all take off their shirts.”
‘I’m not taking off anything!’ #Littlesea called out and I waved him off.
‘He’ll change his mind when that sweet new girlfriend of his shows up.’ #Quil chuckled. But I wasn't so sure. The pup was confident around his pack brothers… but today? Not that anyone would give him a hard time.
I  had to hold back a smile when I heard #LittleBear talking to Leah. But #Quil’s was on full power, and he watched the two completely unhindered. “She’s in a good mood today,” I noted.
‘Leah?’ He asked me with brows pinched.
“Claire.” I laughed and he joined me. “But Leah too.”
‘Yeah… for at least another week and a half.’ He smirked.
“She’s going through a lot… She’ll be fine.” I slapped his back. “Go do some work, will you? set an example for these layabouts.” I patted #Brady on the head as we passed. But he was clearly extremely busy; untangling a length of hose and he stuck out his foot to try to trip me which I side-stepped easily. “Nice try! Better luck next time.”
#Claire was running off to #Rachel and #Kim, getting great big hugs from them both. I gave both of the imprints a kiss on the cheek when Claire released them. “Good morning, ladies!”
‘I heard your uncle game was on point on #Claire’s last visit.’ #Kim beamed at me when she was sure #Claire was distracted by #Paul trying to teach her a ridiculous not-so-secret handshake. I just shook my head.
“Not really…  that was the bare minimum effort,” I admitted. “But if you deem it worthy of praise, who am I to deny you the opportunity?”
‘You know… sometimes I think you really would be perfect boyfriend material for someone out there…’ She patted my arm. ‘And then you open your  mouth.’
I laughed but tried to look offended as I said. “Rude!’
‘Are you pissing off the girls already? That wasn’t the plan Call!’ #Lahote jumped on my back monkey style and messed my hair. Then he jumped back down.
I whistled to the Pup nearest the orange truck and beckoned him over. He came running with coffee and whatever was left of the bakery boxes. “Coffee for the ladies.” I smiled and handed them each their cups. “And I can’t take credit for the breakfast… but only because Leah is right there, and I would like my arse to remain thoroughly un-kicked today.”
They both laughed and #Paul gave me a thumbs up. Then I spoke to anyone that was gathered around the table, the moms, Leah and even Claire sipping on her weird cold coffee thing. “We are pretty much ready to go in terms of washing cars… Is there anything else we need to set up before then?”
A few more of #Sam’s Pups came into the car park... walking, probably just off the night run.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
I stood behind the two moms with my arms crossed over my chest. Watching, listening, taking in all the conversations, and best of all not reacting to any of it.
People were in their element with the new arrivals being welcomed, and those who were working already stepping  closer to the gazebo erected over the mom’s table.
Ma’s hand came to rest on my waist as she sat, when I let my gaze drop down to see her, I found her and #Seth sharing a smile and a look. “What are you both up to?”
‘Nothing at all.’ She gave me her hundred-watt smile, sharing something with #TheKid for sure.
“Sure, Sure. I’ll believe you, but a full jury of your peers may not, Ma.”
#TheKid carried the cooler out setting it down beside the table, before going to correct the cases of beers I left beside the door.
All eyes turned to me when Embry asked the question. I just shook my head and dropped my chin down to the two moms. “This is their show… Ma… MsC… What’s next?” They beamed glancing at one another.
Ma dropped her hand from me, and from my vantage point I saw her taking #MsC’s hand under  the table to squeeze it. ‘I think we should kick start the BBQ?’ #TriffanyCall came to life.
‘I know Leah has bacon and sausage in for a breakfast grill. The scent of food will pull the crowd in.’ She pointed out the cars and trucks in the parking lot that belonged to everyone here. ‘If it’s okay with Leah, Seth, and Mac’ The two boys straighten up hearing their names. ‘We could park them around the back, leaving space for people who want to spend money to park up front. Also…’ Now she was on a roll.
‘Maybe let’s begin cleaning some of them.’ She pointed at a few which really had a foot of mud hanging off the sides. ‘The best adverts are visual. People driving by will notice the signs, however seeing all of you at work will make them pull in.’ 
My lip curled up into  a grin. “You heard the lady.” I pointed to the far side of the parking lot. #Mac knew what I was about to say so began running towards his truck to start the parking line.
‘This way guys, If I park in the back, you can all block me in. I’m here until closing tonight.’ I raised my eyebrow at #Mac’s statement. We would see about. He could stay until closing tonight, but he wouldn’t be working all that time.
“Hey, Mac… Hold up...” Turning to follow him before he jumped into his truck.
‘What’s up?’ he asked, pulling the door open. I lowered my voice, aware of all the ears who could hear us. “Take today easy, okay. Have fun, help. But don’t let me catch up trying to keep up with the young ones.”
#Mac dropped his head little, kicking his boot into the ground, as he did when he was considering what  was being said to him. ‘I’ve got this. I’m doing better these days.’
He knew I would take him at his word. But I would kick his arse if he didn’t take care too.
•- Embry Call -•
I gave #Sue and #Seth a quizzical look when  Leah asked them what they were up to… I hadn’t noticed anything. But since when was Leah ever wrong about these things? Maybe today would have an interesting twist.
I was definitely not volunteering to start the grill, cooking for me and #Quil was risky enough… but humans? Nope… I couldn’t inflict that on the Reservation.
“Well, I’m not cooking!” I said quickly and I tossed my keys to #Fuller. “I’m gonna stick to my strengths...." Which they all knew was attracting attention. “Let’s have the twins move the cars around back. Pull up my Jeep and the goofy ones truck into the lanes and we can wash those, let people see what they’re in for today.” I swatted #Paul on the arm as his imprint laughed to #Kim about how she still thought it was weird we called them twins. Which made sense for a real twin. “You with me?” I winked at #Paul. The Pups were already moving the vehicles I asked them to.
‘You know it!’ He winked back.
I called across the lot to #Ness (for the benefit of the humans.) “Good to go #Ness?” She gave me a thumbs up. “You know  the one I want! Crank It!” She skimmed the screen of her laptop and laughed before the music changed.
(Music: Thin Lizzy - The Boys Are Back In Town - https://youtu.be/bawlZLHMEas?si=h_G6ctzoNsAO7fsn)
#Paul already stripped his shirt off and tossed it at #Rachel, who rolled her eyes. I did the same as I headed back to the lanes and tossed mine at a horrified #Seth.
Mom and Sue were in hysterics and trying to hide it behind their hands. #Sue shrugged at her son who was  holding my shirt between two fingers like it was a smelly sock. ‘At least they kept their shorts on.’ She laughed.
‘For now.’ #Rachel watched her man walk across the parking lot fanning herself. #Paul spun and blew her a kiss. I just laughed.
‘Boys are weird.’ I heard #Claire says and then #Kim… ‘You said it sister.’ Then she asked Claire to help her start getting everything ready for the grill.
I didn’t trust Paul not to mess with the Pup’s truck, but he respected the Jeep, so I let him wash it while I started on the bright orange and  perfectly clean truck. The rest of the vehicles in the lot were starting to move around the back. We could drive them back around if we didn’t catch any fish this time around. #Paul was singing along with Phil Lynott as he hosed off my Jeep.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
Listening to #Paul’s voice singing ‘Boys Are Back In Town.’ I found myself rubbing my forehead, I drop my chin to hide the glimmer of laughter making itself known to me. She was smiling too, enjoying what we saw and heard all around us.
#Nessie was in her element, dancing and singing, with way more energy for this time of the day than anyone should have. 
‘All the packs coming together for one goal. This is how it is meant to be. How our warriors are meant to lead the way forward. Together.’ Lifting my gaze, to take all of it in. The ease, the teamwork, the laughter, the teasing. Things I had been blind to for so many years.
‘Well, you see them now. It’s why it’s called evolution.’ She wasn’t wrong.
Our eyes flowed over in the direction of Embry, moving over and then passed him as any other day  He has been the one to pull me down this side of the life I’d left myself out of. There was no question in my mind. Would I have ended up here by myself? Maybe. But it wouldn’t have been for a long time.
‘We want people to spread the word and spend their cash ‘Bry. No one wants you to give out food poisoning.’ #Seth laughed throwing the shirt in his fingers over the back of a chair. He pointed towards the pup. ‘Hey goofball, you’re the best of us when it comes to food. Take on the grill this morning? Billy will be here in a while to take over.’ 
#CollinLittlesea went beet red in his ears, telltale signs the boy was embarrassed by the compliment.
Turning I left them to it making my way back inside with two Danish pastries wrapped with napkins. “Ladies, breakfast is on the bar when you are  ready for it. I’ll put the coffee pot on too. So, help yourself.” They both acknowledged me as they hummed and danced inside the bar.
Shaking my head, I rolled up the sleeves of my button down, pulled my hair back up again into a messy bun, and began my own jobs indoors.
‘Leah?’ The pup’s voice came from the door, with only his head showing when I turned to follow the sound of his voice. ‘Uhm… well… you…’ I raised my eyebrow, telling him to spit it out. But I didn’t push him. ‘The food… for the grill…’ He finally asked.
“Hmm… Yeah. Of course.” Nodding my head towards the stock room behind the bar. “It’s in the big fridge back there. Want me to help you take it out?” He slowly moved to stand in the doorway and then slow ran around the bar.
‘No… no... It’s all good. I got it.’ His red  ears were still a beacon.
“Take out only what you need for now. We came always add to the grill.” I called out behind him.
‘Yes… Sure. We need to serve the food fresh and hot.’ This was why #TheKid picked him to work the grill. The pup got it.
“Exactly, pup… Exactly.”
•- Embry Call -•
I heard #Seth assign the pup to cook and smiled. A glance over confirmed that he had turned red and I chuckled. He’d do fine and he was even fussier than Leah so any humans eating his food would be safe as houses… like the houses the Pup built for a living… He was going to do  just fine. #Brady and some of the younger pups came over and started helping us out.
We took our time with the jeep and the truck since we really just wanted to draw people in. It didn’t take long before we had a car pull in. The smell of the food on the grill blew across  the lot. #Fuller looked up from where he was scrubbing his best friend's alloys and told me to go ahead and start and he would find the truck.
The driver stepped out and I knew immediately… I threw the Pup a glare. This was the date… He had showered… but any Spirit’s  Warrior worth his salt could smell the Pup and night activities still clinging to him. And he was currently doing everything possible to avoid the guy.
Any other day I would be all for wing-manning his way out of this. But there were bigger fish to fry today. Of course, I talked to him about cleaning his car I let on I knew none of this. “There’s food over by the bar doors… and the lovely ladies over there can tell you all about the event today. Why don’t you help yourself? We’ll get started on the car.”
He just mumbled a ‘Sure thing.’ And  handed me the keys. Then seeming to think that might have been rude he gave a more enthusiastic ‘Thank you’ before weaving carefully through the cones.
“Really! You’re just going to act like you don’t know him?” I sprayed the pup with a hose as I passed him.
He tried to  play dumb and gave up. ‘He wanted to come today and volunteer… just a little clingy… Not sexy.’
I looked back over at the guy. “He looks good from here,” I smirked. The Pup rolled his eyes. “What did you tell him?”
‘I told him it was private property and we’d already iled all the names of volunteers with the insurance company.’ He spoke as we each worked on the separate cars. #Paul was now driving my gleaming Jeep around the back.
“That was quick thinking,” I laughed. “But if he is going to hang out for a while you will have to speak to him.”
He groaned. ‘I’ll tell him I’m not out and I’ll text him later.’
“No!” #Paul and I said in unison, as he walked up to help me now. The pup's furrowed brow was all the question I needed to continue.
“I think you’ve forgotten that we had a front-row seat to you coming out, Pup. You can tell him anything you want but you won’t disrespect yourself like that.” #Paul slapped me on the back with a soapy sponge.
‘What he said!’ He agreed and I glared and pulled the sponge out of his hand.
The pup huffed. ‘Fine, I’ll go say hi! I’ll park this  first.’ He drove the truck around the back. I glanced over to see Mr. Clingy talking to #Collin across the grill.
‘Is that how you’re going to react when your previous hookups show up?’ #Paul teased.
“They won’t…” I glared…. Teasingly… mostly.
‘Or they will… and you won’t remember them.’ He laughed.
“Shut up and get to work Lahote… it's an actual paying customer this time.” I tossed the sponge at him. Even though there was no doubt that both Collin and I would drop a few bills into the kitty today.
‘Do you think the Pup knows his date  is loaded? This car isn’t even a year old and this model starts at thirty-five grand?’ #Paul was looking over at Mr. Clingy.
Then he started to sing along with the next song Nessie played. (Music: BANNERS - Someone To You)
•- Leah Clearwater -•
As the Banners blared out of the speakers. Stopped chopping the fruit for the bar.
My phone pinged in my pocket, it’s was #Leo’s son letting me know they were on their way. I hadn’t expected them to both come over, as I knew Leo liked to be present at their permanent truck in Port.
Replying to them quickly, giving some extra directions I spoke to #TheKid through the havoc taking place outside.
“Kid… Leo and his son are on their way. Can you make sure the electric regenerator is in place where we want to park them up?” I didn’t shout or call out. No one but him would know I was talking to him.
Pocketing my I went back to finishing off the morning setup for the bar. No customers would be allowed inside other than to use the restroom until midday. But I wanted to make sure that the place was clean and set to go.
‘Are you planning on coming outside anytime soon.’ #Rach stood in the door smiling in my direction.
“Why, are you bored of watching your hubs already?” I volley back.
She rubbed her hands together giggling. ‘Never… that man keeps me wanting more each and every day.’
“Rachel! Stop!” Screwing up my nose. “I’ve told you a million times. Somethings need to stay out of my head.
‘Leah Clearwater! Are you imagining my husband in bed?’ She pretended to look shocked.
Not missing a bet, I replied. “Nope… I’m  imagining your cum face and hearing your climactic moans!”
She went red in the face and cried laughing as she pulled her small frame up on top of the bar stool. ‘Okay… okay… you win!’ Lifting her hands into the air.
“You should know better by now, woman.” I couldn’t  sell alcohol, and I knew she was there for it. So, I turned my back on her, pouring coffee into the takeaway cups we’d bought.
‘The Aunties really did a great job putting all this together.’ She said changing the subject.
“Hmm… You should tell them.”
‘I did, but I wanted to tell you too.’ I raised my eyebrow looking at her through the mirror in front of me. #Rach was watching me work.
“Okay….” Facing her with a tray full of paper cups I crossed to set it down in front of her. “Why does it feel like there is more you’re trying to say?”
She smiled shaking her head. Jumping down to pick up the tray. ‘There isn’t. Other than…. It’s good to see our family all together doing amazing things.’ She started to walk back towards the door. ‘You should come out… we have our first paying customer.’  
I called out after her. “Oh, trust me… the first two will be paying too.” It didn’t have to be with money. But they were working hard for Ma and #MsC and the children of the Rez.
•- Embry Call -•
Another familiar truck drove past from the direction of. #Jacob was hanging out of the window wolf whistling and catcalling at the me and the guys washing the car. I just laughed… even with her headphones on #Nessie heard him… But she managed to react like a human. She waited until he pulled in and ran to him. Almost forgot to take off the headphones attaching her to the decks, she jerked back and slipped them off before sprinting (though it probably felt like walking to her) and jumping up into #Jake’s arms before he even had both legs out of the door. He caught her one-armed and laughed about only having seen her two hours ago and still covering her face with kisses.
#Brady’s clinger watched the scene with a big goofy smile that made me like him more… even if the pup had a point about the clingy thing.
‘One day someone will be that excited to see you, Call.’ #Paul would have sounded like he was teasing anyone else, even in his own pack. But I knew him in ways other people didn’t. He meant it… he meant to tease too… but more.
I just laughed and shook my head. “You think I’m pining?” I scoffed and tossed a chamois at him while I went to get a dry one. “I’m just happy for my friends.” And who knew when we would all be in the same place as this again? I looked over to Mom, the pup was handing her a bacon sandwich. And she was quizzing him about  his new girlfriend, he was only too happy to gush about her, which would, of course, make my mom’s day. She loved nothing more than a real-life love story.
And as he walked away, he said, for my benefit. ‘It’s turkey bacon.’ I think they all knew what Mom’s stomach could and couldn’t handle from listening to my internal monologues… no matter what pack they were from.
‘She looks really good today.’ He noticed with a goofy grin, now. ‘I’m glad she made it… she worked so hard… Hey, remember when I used to have a massive crush on your mom when we were kids?’ He whipped me with the cloth he had been using to polish water spots off the chrome finish of this fucking beautiful car… I mean it would be nicer in red… but damn!
I laughed remembering a recent conversation with #Leah regarding passed crushes and I tried  really hard not to look at Rachel; who picked this exact moment to come back outside.
#Brady was talking to Mr. Clingy now, he even leaned in and kissed his cheeks. “Do you know who that guy is?” I asked #Paul.
‘Not his name no… he just moved here from Neah Bay. He’s looking after the Fox kids… while their grandmother is recovering.’ He explained.
“Wow… kinda young to be an uncle. There’s what… three kids in that house?”
‘Had to… or they’d have probably been placed with townies. And there’s four… the eldest girl had a baby last  year.’ #Paul said this like it was a normal thing. And it was around here. We really needed this community project.
Okay… So maybe I liked this guy a little more, now. #Brady needed to make up his mind about this guy before letting it get too far. I’d always told all of  them to make the boundaries clear if it was a one-and-done situation.
“Might be a good idea for them to use some of the money made here today for sex-ed,” I muttered.
‘Didn’t you read any of the pamphlets they printed up?’ #Paul scoffed and I looked at him as if to say Did you? ‘They want to have sexual health talks and a parenting class. It’s a little bit of a contradiction… but I guess those kids need support too.’
“Wait… Hold up…” I stopped and looked confused. “You can read?” I said it with near-perfect conviction, right  before he tried to tackle me around the middle, but I was ready for him, and we tussled a little.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
Giving the ladies inside a helping hand to reach the taller areas, I gave them their cheque for the last month. Thanking them for their hard work and reminding them to help themselves to food outside and to stay or come back depending on what jobs they had going on. I wasn’t surprised to hear they had changed their jobs around a little, so they could hang out and see how the morning pans out here.
Handing them two of them sodas I went to give the bar its final wipe down before standing back.
My ears heard the song, making me smirk. The girl had been busy finding the right tunes from playlists to set the mood today. This one had to have been pulled from mine.
(Music: Car Wash – Rose Royce)
As soon as the first notes played, I knew the song. It was one Ma and #MsC would appreciate.
I heard my name coming  from outside, so I set the cloth in my hands down to the side making my way to the owner of the voice.
“What’s up Jess?” I asked.
My eyes finding #Jake, giving him a nod, getting one back telling me the run had gone well this morning. And then I saw the reason, #Jess called me.
I crossed my arms over my chest at the sound of the bike turning around in the strew to come back towards the parking lot.
“Is this your doing?” I asked her. My young cousin vehemently denied having anything to do with the new visitor with the  Harley-Davidson Pan America 1250.
Juan Diaz was the part time vet on the Rez, and a helping hand to the pup’s new imprint. The man seemed full of himself, until you got him alone without an audience to play up to. He had taken care of the Pup’s imprints practice giving her a much-needed break from working 24/7! Which she had been doing happily alone until my cousin talker her into a job, and Juna’s family agreed to a partnership.
He parked his bike up and sat smiling in our direction. “Have you lost your way?” I called out. “The practice is about three miles down in the other direction from here.”
Setting his hand on his heart he laughed. ‘You wound me, Miss Clearwater. I saw the sign.’ Pointing his thumb over his shoulder. ‘And wanted to see if you were willing to give this beauty a once over?’
The mom’s sat up taking notice, the pups all rushed forward, I couldn’t feel them trying to fight one another to get there first.
“Hey. Stop!” I called out and then all did. “Take two steps back.” They took three. “I believe the man was asking me the question. This is a competition after all. Just because we gave you guys the first ride; doesn’t mean you get the next.”
#Juan sat on his bike smirking, watching it all unfold.  “Kim, grab my bike kit from the back office?” I called out.
‘Oh it…’ she told #Claire to head back to  the Aunties.
“Jess, you can help me.” I called out next.
‘Yes, Leah.’ She run over to #Juan giving a hug.
‘Hey sunshine. Did you miss me?’ He asked her. I turned my head distracted when the wind changed and it brought the scent of the new guy sat to the side, but it  was the mixture of him and…
“Pup?” I called out to #Brady who came half running, and half moseying on over. “That’s not going to be a problem today, right?” Raising my eyebrow. Ma didn’t need drama today or any day.
‘Nope… not today…’ he gave him is attempt of a charming smile, which didn’t fool me the slightest.
“Hmm…” my ears picked up on #MsC’s voice asking Ma who the cute guy on the bike is. And I stopped listening.
‘Here you go, Leah. It’s all here.’ I took the bucket from #Kim with a wink.
“Thanks. Now we need a  board up. I’m not having the guys accusing us of cheating when we wipe the floor with them last on.” 
#Kim giggled running over to the gazebo to see if there was something she could use. #Seth met her half way, telling her he would go grab one of the specials chalkboards from inside.
•- Embry Call -•
Mine and #Paul’s little wrestling match was over fast… mostly because I won. I saw the bike pull in… It was a thing of beauty but still paled in comparison to Leah’s. Until Leah spoke, I wasn’t quite sure who it was, I smirked... this dude liked her… I remembered him trying to flirt with her that same night he realised the Pup’s new girl only had eyes for the Pup. To his credit it wasn't that one girl blew off him and he moved on to the next; he had cast a wide net. Kept his options open… until he laid eyes on her. And who could blame him?
He had good taste. No chance… but good taste.
‘Oh, I call dibs on that one!’ #Paul grinned at the bike.
“I think the girls already called it.” I laughed.
‘Damn! I mean… About time!’ He called across the lot. ‘Leaving us lads out here to do all the dirty work! Get moving ladies!’
I muttered. “You are going to pay for that!”
I refused to let #Paul drives the fine car out of the lanes because:
A. I won the wrestling match.
2. I had the keys.
C. Didn’t trust him to not take a little joy ride.
Leah was definitely rubbing off on me.
In hindsight, I should have let him, the car was automatic, which was an instant demerit in my book. Also, the second I turned the key something started rolling against the small of my back making me flinch until I found the button that turned it off…
So, this thing was nice to look at… but definitely not for me.
I parked the car close to the exit hoping that Mr. Clingy would take a hint and not make the rest of the day awkward for the pup. I headed over to him and gave him back his keys. “That is one good-looking vehicle,” I told him.
He looked at me far too intently. ‘You are really tall!’ I laughed… he was not looking at my height. #Jake came to stand next to me just to make a point. He put his arm around my shoulders and pulled it back fast, brushing off the sleeve of his shirt… ‘Ugh!! You’re wet!’ he  groaned… I snorted and just shrugged as if to say… It is what it is.
‘Wow! I guess everything is bigger in La Push.’ He was shameless! And I could appreciate that. I sensed restrained laughter all around me.
“Actually, I’m Makah.” Jake elbowed me and quickly realised I  wasn’t just wet but also covered in something a little sticky… bordering on slimy. I was blaming #Paul. “And Quileute... but most of my family is from Neah Bay.”
‘Ah! A hybrid… Like me… my mom was from Beecher Bay. But I grew up in Neah Bay. Do you have any family there?’ He asked genuinely interested.
“Oher side of the border!” I chuckled. “Not anymore… but a lot of people will still remember the Call’s up there,” I explained.
‘Oh!’ He snapped his fingers. ‘It was after I graduated but... the high school got a new auditorium, and they named it the Call Memorial Hall.’
“The Chenoa Call Memorial Hall… I voiced my complaint about the lazy rhyme, but I was overruled. But yeah... that would be my grandmother. She was very dedicated to all the arts programs in the high school.”
‘DUDE!’ #Brady looked shocked. ‘Your Grandma has an auditorium?’
I laughed. “No, they just named it in her memory.”
‘Everybody knows this!’ #Claire chimed in and #Jake nodded.
I saw #Seth re-emerges chalkboard in hand, and I rubbed my hands together. “Oh! If you’ll excuse me… I have a contest to win!” I made a beeline for him to make sure we got our fair shake.
Mom rattled the cash box to me as I passed, kissing the top of her head… ‘This isn’t a charity mister… you had your car cleaned!’
“Yes, it is and all my cash is in the jeans you bullied me into taking off! I’m good for  it… probably!” I teased her and she laughed.
I glanced briefly at Leah; the sight of the specials board reminded me of the bet I lost that prompted me to sing in public.
‘Feeling lucky?’ #Seth asked.
I shook my head. “You chose this one on purpose, didn’t you?” He just  nodded and smirked.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
‘Hey, it’s not my fault the spirits are with my sis when it comes to you trying to bet with her.’ I head #TheKid teasing Embry.
When I turned my head back to look in their direction, Seth had placed an arm over Embry’s shoulder and promptly removed it. ‘Yuck, ‘Bry!’ Jumping back away.
‘You have an…. Interesting bunch to keep you company.’ #Juan had returned to my side, kneeling down with a microfibre cloth in his hand to help.
“Yeah… you know what they say about that...” I said nodding over my shoulder.
‘If you can’t beat them  join them?’ He laughs.
“No…” shaking my head. “Kick their arses anything they fall into line.” I smirked.
‘Oh… I like yours better.’ He agreed.
‘You know, you’re not meant to help with the cleaning. It’s the point of a car wash.’ We both glanced at #Claire with her hands on her hips standing over us. I felt her coming so wasn’t surprised, but #Juan jumped a little unawares we were being watched.
‘Okay…’ he looked to me, but I wasn’t going to help him. ‘I have to get to work soon, so thought I’d help Miss Leah here?’ He added with a shoulder shrug.
#Claire was now tapping her foot on the wet ground. ‘You know this is a boys versus girls competition. You are on the wrong side.’ She added.
I pressed my lips together. “So, does that mean you’re going to pick up a cloth and free me Bear?” Asking without  looking away from the frame.
She went quiet, shifting on the spot. ‘Oh look… Mama T is calling me.’ #MsC was not. But I let it slide. The teachable moment would come later. I’d let her go for now.
‘Damn… All the girls in this place are ball smashers!’ #Juan let out a  heavy sigh.
“It’s in the water.” I amused hearing a car pulling up.
‘That’s Mom… don’t worry I’ll find a lift home.’ The youngest pup of the park jumped out from the back seat waving at his mom who drove him. Running towards us all. His mom was turning her car around when she saw Ma and #MsC and decided to park up to go see them before she left.
‘Auntie, would you like us to clean your car while you have something breakfast and coffee?’ #Rachel put on her charm. ‘Kim and Jess will do an excellent job for you.’
The keys were exchanged  and the girls all jumped around a little too excited.
“Hey... young one… come here.” I called him over to the bike I was cleaning. His eyes widened with enthusiasm. I wasn’t sure for what exactly.
‘Morning, Leah…’ he acknowledged #Juan too. ‘Sorry I’m late.’ I waved the comment off. “Don’t worry about that. Why is your mom driving you?’ I asked.
‘Oh… Uhm...’ he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Spit it out…” giving him my no-nonsense glare.
‘My kid sister crashed our other run around. She’s still learning, you see... and she didn’t make the turn…’ he shifted on his feet.
“So, your ma came to drop you off after working nights?” I asked. “You didn’t think to call one of us?” Raising my eyebrow. “Next time you need a lift. Call me or Seth. We will make sure you and your siblings get to where you need to go. Let your ma sleep.”
His looked at me with doe eyes. And my heart was locked down, otherwise it would had dropped.
‘Thanks… thanks Leah… can I help you with the bike?’ He asked.
 “No, go and eat something first. Littlesea is on the grill.” I sent him off.
‘That was nice of you.’ #Juan had remained silent during the exchange.
“We look out for those who are younger than us.” Now my brown eyes were on him. “Not so different from when you let our vet have the time she needs when she told you she had a family emergency.” I saw him.
He may be tried to hide behind this personality he had created. But I saw the good, the bad, and the not so ugly. Just as I did with most people.
‘Leah just spoke to me!’ I smirked hearing the pup telling the others as they  clapped him on the back welcoming him.
•- Embry Call -•
I laughed at #Seth. “It was #Paul! And its shampoo… it may be sticky… but it's clean…” I sniffed myself and muttered. “I think.”
‘We’ll hose you off later.’ #Seth laughed and somewhere near the grill, I heard Mr Clingy mutter. ‘Oh, I’m definitely sticking around for that.’
#Fuller bristled… Maybe he likes this guy more than he lets on.
We were all chuckling at #Bear. We all knew she would be helping #Quil when the novelty of the contest wore off and she just wanted to spend time with him. I turned to #Quil and set my hand on his chest  when #Juan made his comment about the girls being ball smashers. “Easy brother… it was a joke… she didn’t hear it… and he kinda has a point,” I whispered. He took a breath and calmed quickly, shaking his head and laughing…
‘It’s okay I don’t like that guy either.’ Paul added. I shook my head. We all kept our voices low.
“You don’t like him because the Pup didn’t. He’s over it, you should be too.” It was hard to separate emotions sometimes, which we had all gotten good at… but the Uley Pack had an out-of-the-blue imprint… it was a strong  emotion for all of them the protective instinct and then being bonded with the Pup’s mind too… It was a lot and #Paul, for all his bravado, his biggest flaw was he 𝕗𝕖𝕝𝕥 too much and covered it with much macho bullshit that no one really paid attention to it.
I heard the  youngest speaking to #Leah and #Jake nodded to me, going to speak with Auntie to have it towed to his place. #Quil and I could help with labour and if it wasn’t fixable we could make them a few dollars stripping the parts. He seemed very excited to hear the Goofball was  cooking… but who wasn’t? The Pup knew food.
I followed him to the grill, not until I confirmed #Seth had written up the scores properly. ‘Hey if you need to take the bike for a few weeks let me know, okay? You know where the keys are.’
‘Yeah, that would be great… but I can’t pick up my sister from school on a bike… Mom would kill me.’ He laughed. ‘But if it's just me… then it would help out. Thanks. I’ll look after it,’ He promised.
“I know… but Leah is right. Someone can help you okay? Just ask.”
He nodded and smiled wide… taking a  sausage sandwich from #Littlesea. ‘Leah said I could call her.’
“Well, Leah never lies. So, you better take her up on that.” I patted his back and grabbed a fork, stealing a sausage off the grill. The pup yelled after me as I fled; that it was not fully cooked yet… but it was close enough in my opinion.
‘The girls are closing the gap! We gotta pick up the pace.’ #Quil called out.
I pulled out my phone. “I guess we'll be finding out if this model really is waterproof,” I muttered… it was soaked! I fired off a quick text and got a reply right away.
𝟷𝟶 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚞𝚝
“Don’t worry guys I have us covered.” I grinned and Mom started scolding me about my phone and told me to leave my phone with her.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
‘Earth to Leah, are you okay there?’ #Juan leant over the saddle, his arched brow giving me an intense expression.
“Yeah, all good.” Shaking it off.
I froze midway through standing up. Unable to understand what had happened. My intention was to stand up from what I was  doing, to go check on #Quil, I knew overhearing the conversation #Juan and #Bear had shared and his comment, as innocent as it was, they could provoke the warrior. We all knew if unchecked, it wouldn’t end well for the vet. But before I could make it across the parking lot…
No… Before I could even get up from where I was… Embry had stepped in to calm the situation.
Then when I let my gaze move to Embry over the body of the bike, catching the look shared between him and #Jake. I knew… I knew they were doing for the pup and his mom, what I had been thinking, before I even had a chance to walk over and speak to #Jake. This was proven right by the follow-up conversation between Embry and the pup. He… Embry… Embry Call… picked up where I left off?
‘This is the path you both walk. Now that you have let him in, he sees more than you have shared with another person in a long time.’ She watched from her lounging position. She was completely at ease here. After the initial checks we always did, she curled up to rest. Hers and my sight always returning to the mom’s and the Imprints whenever we took in the scene.
‘Of course…’ she continued. ‘We cannot take away from his own hard work. His learning… his evolution coming to life before our eyes.’ And of course she was right.
‘Oh good…’ #Juan had continued to speak. ‘I thought you were about to go running.’
“Why would I go running? And where?” I had several places I ran, but what did he mean.
‘Far… far..., away?’ He whispered. ‘That big one over there.’ Nodding his chin towards #Paul. ‘He looks like he wants to eat me alive.’ At this I had to grin, standing up to wipe my brow with the back of my hand.
“Don’t worry. His wife will make sure you are dead, cleaned, and cooked before she lets him get his teeth into you. She likes to know where his mouth has been, at all times.”
Winking at him. Of course, at the same time #Paul made a point to walk past snapping his teeth into the air, before offering to help his wife with the car she was cleaning.
“Spirits give me strength.” I murmured.
‘Hey, you gave me the idea!’ His low reply came with a heartly laugh.
“Arsehole!” I batted back.
‘Just, as you like me!’ another laugh.
“That wash still counts as one of ours.” I called out when #Rachel handed the sponge over to her husband. “Don’t go getting any ideas.” #Paul just laughed.
‘You are really competitive, aren’t you?’ #Juan questioned.
‘Oh. You don’t know the half of it.’ #Kim giggled skipping past for what reason I didn’t know.
“Get back to work Kim!” I growled, rolling my eyes. “If you’re going to do something.” This was to #Juan. “You do it right, and the best.” Moving on to cleaning his wheels. Spirits, it was a good-looking Harley. But my baby… he was something else!
Turning my head fully, this time making a point to look at Embry Call with narrowed eyes.
“What are you playing at?” in a low tone, but in a louder one I called out to his mom. “You tell him, beautiful. Your kid is up to no good over there!”
•- Embry Call -•
As I was speaking to the pup, I kept glancing back at #Quil, but he was standing by the #Mom’s now, talking with #Claire telling her she was too big to get carried around all the time when she was asking for a piggyback. We had talked about how Claire seems to not act her age around him and that he should try and encourage her to be a little more independent.
I knew it wasn’t going to be easy, I knew he would give in… but it was a step in the right direction. My wolf knew that Leah’s eyes were on me, and it was really hard not to look over to where she was. I gave her a quick glance and a cheeky wink that no one who saw would believe it was nothing more than an attempt to wind her up.
“#Lahote! Stop fraternizing with the enemy!” I called out. “Plan A is rolling in in five minutes!” He flipped me off and #Sue immediately reprimanded him.
‘I have no idea what Plan A is!’ He called out, for the sake of the humans.
“It’s the one that comes before plan B!” I laughed. #Rachel batted her eyelashes at her husband, and he got right back to work.
I saw #Sam and #Emily’s car coming up the street… and I turned to the Pup on the grill. “Give them some time to get settled and then let #Sam takes over…” I grinned at him. “I’m gonna need your eye for detail. Luckily the timing was perfect to cover a completely different smirk when the vet noticed Leah’s competitive streak… He really didn’t know the half of it, just like #Kaya said.
“Me? I’m raising money for the community centre.” I smirked.  “Why what are you doing?” I quirked a brow concealing that smile my wolf and I consistently wanted to flash her.
And right on cue  the cavalry rolled up… one van and two cars… The van emblazoned with 𝕽𝖆𝖎𝖓𝖉𝖗𝖔𝖕𝖘 𝖔𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖂𝖎𝖓𝖉𝖘𝖍𝖎𝖊𝖑𝖉 and image of four boys driving the rain printed on both sides. And contact information for the band.
“Nice one ‘Bry!’ A few of the pups called out, many of the of-age Pups met the band when I invited them to gigs to make sure the guys had a friendly crowd to play to. They pulled in just after #Sam and #Emily. I stopped to greet the Alpha who high-fived me and smirked. ‘Well played, Call.’
‘Or cheating!’ #Emily pointed to us both then laughed, hand on the belly. She knew it was all for a good cause.
“How are you?” I asked her.
‘Sore, tired, huge… full of joy… I can’t find my ankles and I need to pee.’ She was still beaming a smile.
I winked at her. “Keep it up!” I teased her. “You’ve never  looked better.” I kissed her cheek, and she shuffled off to the bathroom… or so I hoped.
‘You know she really appreciates that right?’ #Sam said.
“My backhanded compliments?” I chuckled. They weren’t… but the cheekiness made her smile. I grinned then, watching #Collin closes the lid of the grill as she walked by. He was a good kid.
‘Now the fact that you always ask about her before the baby.’ #Sam said and my brows knit.
“Oh… I mean, yeah… the baby isn’t growing another human…” #Sam just patted me on the shoulder.
‘You just keep on being spectacularly clueless, Embry. It's working for you.’ He said and made his way over to #Littlesea. I wasn’t sure what I had done to earn the praise, but I’d take it.
#Tony and his bandmates were climbing out of their vehicles now and I started heading across to them. I whistled. “Boys! Let’s get to work!”
Jessica’s head popped up from behind the Auntie’s car and she called out Tony’s name giving him an enthusiastic wave. Claire turned at that and squealed for #Tony. She didn’t see him a lot, but she remembered him from when we bought her guitar. She started to run across the parking lot, and I was already too far away to get to her before she stepped into the lanes. All at once fourteen guys and, of course, Leah reacted. Hands were reached out and 𝕊𝕥𝕠𝕡𝕤, 𝕟𝕠'𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕨𝕒𝕚𝕥'𝕤 were all called out. 
#Jake got there just a second before #Quil and the only sound for a few seconds was the music.
Music: Movie Central - Ready For The Fire - https://youtu.be/xNDOhWxAIdc?si=Rnx6zzBPhGwxXBdW)
Claire wasn’t phased by the reaction however, she had seen this side of the guys all her life, but there were a few people who might think it was weird. #Jake explained to her that I wasn’t busy yet, but she couldn’t be running out into the lanes without looking, probably to spare #Quil the potential bad mood if she felt like she was told off.
I turned back to the band making a fuss about their arrival to deflect from the scene, #Jake had Bear; everything was fine. I got loud and fired up to see the band, hugging #Tony and lifting him off his feet. I high-fived and fist-bumped the guys. ‘Christ, Embry!!” he rubbed his fingers together and touched his shirt, his nose wrinkled up. ‘What the heck are you covered in?’
“It’s been an exciting morning #Tony…” I shrugged and now the guys I had high-fived were taking the  wet rags the boys offered to wipe their hands.
The Pups came over to get to work. #Claire was working her way across the lanes now, watching carefully and I could hear all the raised heartbeats around us. ‘Hi Tony!!’ #LittleBear bounced on her toes and proceeded to rattle off all the new chords and songs that she had learned since the last time she saw him and my friend was all ears.
“Okay boys a wash and full detailing on the cars and wash and dry the van carefully, it was only wrapped two weeks ago… be kind.” A couple of the boys mentioned that they had no idea how to use the buffer. “Leave all of that to the twins.”
#Fuller and #Littlesea were making their way to us now that their Alpha had taken over the grill. The drummer of the band looked at them and leaned in to… ‘Wait, they are twins? They don’t even look related…’ He was amazed.
“Oh well… that’s because they aren’t really…” I offered no other explanation, it was likely they were very distantly related, but many generations passed.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
“By the spirits!” Muttering the words to myself I stood still once things eased off. My eyes darting around to check on each and every person in the parking lot.
Claire’s antics were going to get her a good telling off too. And the war breaking me down internally was witness  to this fact.
The reality of our relationship was entangled in so many soul strings, that to break down the anger, annoyance, frustration, worry, fear…  the list of emotions was endless. And all the while, no one in this country, sharing this air with me could see them all battling inside as I stood here with my walls built high.
‘Is the kid going to be okay?’ #Juan asked coming to stand beside me again. ‘That looked…’ his words cut off when my eyes moved to him. ‘Well.. Uhm… thanks for the wash.’ He stepped away seeing something in  my face now. ‘I’ll just go and pay those delightful ladies over there.’ Speaking as he was already making his way towards Ma and #MsC.
‘Why does it look like that child isn’t learning to grow up?’ #Mac came to hand me a bottle of water. ‘Everyone loves her so much, maybe  they aren’t giving her the room to learn and spread her wings.’ He stood next to me watching #Jake with #Bear, and #Quil.
I didn’t snap #Mac’s head off, because this man beside me I trusted. He didn’t know the truth of what we were, but his ethics were aligned with those we lived.
‘Sometimes, teens need to make mistakes.’ He added.
He wasn’t wrong, I knew that. But remember all those emotions waring inside my head? They weren’t so easy to control at times when #Claire or any of the imprints were  unsafe.
‘Anyway. Leo just called; they are a few minutes out. Are we still parking their truck over by the front of the lot?’ He asked. Nodding my head I gave him his answer.
Letting my gaze falling to #Quil, I knew  how hard all this will be on him. Always wanting what was best for #Claire.
‘Lee?’ My head slowly turned to follow the voice. #Rachel beckoning me over.
Packing up my cleaning kit, I picked the bucket up and made my way over the car they were cleaning. ‘Did you see the ace ‘Bry pulled out of his back pocket?’ She had her eyes on the guys all  getting to work on new arrivals. Crossing her arms over her chest, attempting to mimic me when I am thinking about a way out of situations.
A few minutes passed without me saying anything. ‘So… what’s our plan?’ She gave up waiting for me.
‘Clearwater, always has a plan.’ #Paul was about to chuckle but cleared his throat and got back to work.
“It’s early Rach, let’s see where the day takes us.” I make my way over to the moms, to set my bike cleaning supplies down behind where Ma sat. Opening the bottle of water #Mac has given me, I handed it to #MsC.
‘Thank you darling.’ She took a sip or two before smiling up tapping my arm. ‘Doctor Diaz was so charming.’ #Juan waved from his bike before he rode away.
“Yeah. Are you looking at two timing me and Leo now?” Giving her a huff, which just made the two moms giggle.
‘Not for me silly.’ She wiped her eyes.
“He is a little old for Jess, but if you want… I’ll ask her.” This set them all off into hysterical laughter.
‘I have a niece if he is free.’ The pups mom chimed in.  Setting the three moms off some debate or another.
I stood watching the guys, my arms crossed over my chest. I had to give it to Embry, he most definitely came with a game plan.
I saw #Emily coming out from the bar, making her way over as she spoke to everyone. I moved to reach for another chair, setting it beside Ma.
‘Leah.’ She smiled. Her beautiful face glowed even if she looked a little tired. She came to hold my arms, bringing her forehead to mine.
“May the spirits give you strength and comfort, cuz.” I whispered in our  language.
‘May they guide you to your destiny, sister.’ She wished for me. She closed her eyes holding me for a moment longer before letting go.
“Come on, you look like you need a seat.” I told her. “Are you sleeping, okay?” I asked.
‘Careful, Leah. People will start saying you’re going soft.’ She teased sitting down on the cushion I set on the chairs to make them a little better for the ladies.
“Please, they wouldn’t believe false rumours.” I shot right back.
‘Well, they don’t know you like we do.’ She asks the moms to join in. Which of course, they did.
Thankfully before they could drag me in deep, #Leo’s pizza truck turned the corner. “I gotta go…”
•- Embry Call -•
I had heard that some of the humans had noticed the pack's overprotectiveness. I would have to mention it to them to leave her safety to #Quil and I… he would have easily gotten to her before she’d been in one of the lanes.
But asking them to turn off the instinct for an  imprint. Some things just weren’t possible, but I knew they would try.
I watched #Quil as he heard what #Mac said to Leah, and when his eyes met mine, I knew my friend was seeing it all from an outside perspective. #Claire was more than capable of being a responsible  fourteen-year-old. She did it all the time at home… but when she was here, she was too used to being looked after. It was our fault, not just #Quil’s.
Once #Clair was done telling #Tony all about the new things she had learned I asked her if she wanted to go help the girls and finish up the car. And she just looked a little disgruntled. ‘Well, would you mind showing me where I can pay for the washes instead then? Maybe show me around this cool set-up you have here.’ This seemed to be a much more agreeable idea as she took #Tony’s hand and led him to the table where Mom beamed at him, and he leaned over the table to kiss her cheeks. Turning the conversation from setting up Leah with #Juan, or #Juan with several other nieces… to which niece would be perfect for #Tony. Who managed to smoothly dodge bringing up his disastrous date with #Jess.
I headed over to #Quil who had just moved the band's van and was climbing out the start washing it. “You, okay?” I asked.
‘I think she’s mad.’ He sighed quietly… and this was the part where the pups knew to keep out of it.
“Of course she’s mad…. She wants to be treated like a child, but then when she is treated like a child all of a sudden, she becomes a grown-up. That’s just how fourteen-year-olds work.” I said and he nodded. He started to hose down the van. I let him and just followed; working was how he  worked through his issues. I could always tell what kind of day he had, by the state of the house. The cleaner it was the more dire the situation. “She’ll get over it… But we all need to start letting her grow up. It's not just you.”
He started to spray the van with the  foaming shampoo I was sure had left the sticky residue with which I was currently covered in. ‘Am I really holding her back?’ He asked as quietly as he could.
“Yes,” I said plainly, everyone stopped working for a second. But Quil wasn’t the type to blow up over the answer to a question he had asked. “But it is not irreversible. You have different challenges than the rest #Quil. You see #Claire as she is, perfectly happy and content. You think that everything should stay the same. That’s not how people work, especially kids. We’ve all got to work  on it. She won’t like it but she’ll be okay.” I started cleaning the van with him and said no more about it. I had told him about #Claire worrying that #Quil wouldn’t want to look after her if she grew up. I knew he had this talk with her, but now he needed to follow up on it.
When we started rinsing the shampoo off the car, I found myself accosted by two hoses. The Pups yelled that they were cleaning off the goo I was covered in, #Quil shrugged and joined in too. I tried to dodge it… but I really couldn’t spend the day like this. So, I gave a let them hose me off… It the barely a second before  #Nessie changed the music mid-song.
(Music: Pour Some Sugar On Me - DEF LEPPARD)
I just laughed and ducked my head under one of the hoses. When I slicked my hair back to wring out the excess water, one of the ladies that cleaned for #Seth and Leah, #Brady’s not-boyfriend and the Pup’s auntie all made an array of sounds and exclamations. “Shit!” I laughed  and got right back to washing the van, pulling my shorts up a little higher they were soaked and slung low now.
#Brady grumbled. ‘Since when are you modest?’ His partner in crime rolled his eyes at his mood.
“My mom and #Sue are right over there,” I said… It was a convenient and honest excuse.
#Fuller pulled a face and I saw #Sam considering reprimanding him for disrespect, but I shook my head subtly.
‘If you keep sulking, I’m going over there to tell that man you aren’t interested. So, kill the attitude or go over there and lock it  down.’ #Collin leaned across the car they were cleaning together. I stifled a laugh and winked at the pup. Being imprinted suited him, he had really started to come out of his shell. He’d corrected the pup before I had a chance to, so I decided to leave it at that. We all left him alone to finish the job and think about it.
The #Ness showed her skill again and picked a song that would break even a jealous pup's mood. After the first chorus we were all singing along as we worked.
(Music: Believer – Imagine Dragons)
•- Leah Clearwater -•
Shaking #Leo’s hand as soon as he stepped out of his truck, I thanked him for coming out this far for our event. Once again, I told him I would cover his event costs and the man places his hand over his heart.
‘You offend me, Bella Signora. Helping you here today. It is a joy for me and my son, we like to support those who have been there for us too.’ The man had an old-time fascination about him. I could see why women were drawn towards this man’s charisma. #Leo’s accent, his Italian looks, with is grey hair well cut, and his facial hair groomed. Add the scent of pizza as his cologne. Yeah… I got it.
It didn’t take long for #Mac to explain the plan of the day to #Leo, who had brought three assistants along with him. His son staying back to man their main truck in Port. #Mac took the blackboard with their name; Pizza A Legna. The Best Authentic Woodfired Pizza, written on the top, followed by today’s menu. They explained how they would provide a basic set of choices, to make sure everyone got something they would enjoy eating.
‘Not one person will leave without licking their fingers, I promise you this...’ #Leo said clapping his hands.
As we all spoke, my ears kept finding their way into listening to Embry’s voice. Following the rhythm of his beating heart. I would pull myself back, because I didn’t want to eavesdrop into the conversation between him and #Quil. But then again, I found myself drawn into him again.
I shook my head, biting the inside of my cheeks, when I heard #Mac thanking the two girls and the young guy with #Leo.
This was when the Pizza master turned to take in the bar and then his eyes lit up seeing the moms. #Leo excused himself to ‘Pay his respects.’ Leaving #Mac and I stood shaking our heads.
‘I so want to be Leo when I grow up.’ #Mac laughed.
“Sure, you do,” softly nudging my shoulder  into #Mac’s side. “But for now. Why don’t you take these guys inside and show them around. Make them feel at home.” #Mac was gone taking the assignment like a champ. My ears heard the giggles coming from the gazebo, the moms and #Emily too were taking #Leo’s charms in  their stride. But the way in which I caught #Tony’s gaze worship the older man, I could guess he too wanted to be him when he grew up.
#Claire had #Tony by the hand, telling him how much the washes would come to, telling him all about the work the moms were doing to make today a success. This told me this teen saw it and heard it all. She just picked and chose when to use what she had learnt.
‘Just a normal, perfect teen.’ She whispered to me.
“Playing the sides.” I told her, but she was busy observing the imprints here so far, making certain they were safe and happy. “Push over.” I growled at her but didn’t stop her from continuing… for now.
The audible gasps brought my attention back to the sight before me, making me really roll my eyes. Of Course he was putting on a show. And #Ness!  She was right there with the right music setting the mood for the whole thing!
‘Lee?’ #Kim called my name, and I saw her waving in a couple of cars. ‘We are taking these ones?’ I nod my head towards her.
“Sure, I’m with you.” I told her.
‘How come no one is telling Leah to get out of her jeans?’ One of the pups teased, earning himself a smack over the head from #Seth.
‘Because she knows how not to mess shit up.’ #TheKid told him. ‘Now get back to work.’
The place was picking up, laughter being in the atmosphere fuelling the energy of the people. Other than the one moody pup, who’s partner in crime had stepped up to correct him.
‘Look at that, who would have believed the goofball would step up to the challenge?’ My warrior’s chest doubling with pride. #CollinLittlesea may not be in our pack, but we saw them all as one.
‘Leah!!! I need you… I cannot reach the top.’ #Kim pouted her lips at me.
Making me raise my eyebrow at her.  “Did you really think that would work on me?” I asked, making my way over to her side. “Give me the clothe woman. I’ll go high, you go low.”
•- Embry Call -•
I grinned as we all worked, which was fine as we were all singing along to Nessie’s tunes… The arrival of #Leo and his famous pizza truck brought up memories of Leah now too. My time with her had become the first thing to come to mind when I looked back… and I had no  complaints! Whatever had this woman done to me? I liked it.
I heard #Quil chuckle. ‘#Leo still has game!’ he laughed watching how the moms giggled.
‘The man is a legend.’ One of the pups chimed in. ‘Do you think he’d teach us his ways?’
I rolled my eyes. “Even if he did, you couldn’t pull off his moves Pup!” The kid flicked the towel he had me and I caught hold of it before it made contact. “Nice try! Keep practising.” I teased and he scurried to the other side of the van.
‘Mamma T looks happy.’ #Quil smiled at me.
“Yeah, she’s having a  good day. She loves to have #Bear around, she always wanted a little girl.” I said, starting to dry the van.
‘Oh, please! She wouldn’t have traded you, even when you had her tearing her hair out.’ He scoffed and I laughed. She had always been one of those overprotective mothers.
“Okay let me rephrase. She always wanted a little girl, 𝕥𝕠𝕠.” I added.
#Littlesea laughed, he and the pup across the lot were the only ones here with younger sisters. ‘I’m just trying to imagine you as a big brother! Scaring off her dates.’
“Not scare them off… just lay out clear and vivid consequences!” I laughed. I honestly wouldn’t know how I’d react. “Just because you’re happy to let your sis run wild!” I teased. He was a great brother… there wasn’t much he wasn’t good at… if you didn’t count socialising outside of the pack.
‘Hey, I don’t need to worry about her… if anything I should worry about the guys. She’s the heartbreaker in our family.’ He laughed.
I looked and… more people were pulling in, #Collin and #Brady was getting ready to bring the two cars over for buffing and polishing. The girls were getting to work, and Nessie was leaving her set up and going to get her hands dirty at last. The moms were still flushed from their encounter with #Leo. Who was now speaking in enthusiastic Italian to #Tony… He was a regular at the truck in Port.
I  was pretty sure it was the only pizza she allowed into her home that she hadn’t made from scratch. #Claire was fussing like a pro over mom now, handing her a bottle of water while chattering away to her #AuntieEmily to hide the fact she was being minded. The watch on # Sue's wrist beeped, and she reached into a bag for my mother’s medication.
#Sam appeared a second later with grilled veggie skewers, so she wouldn’t be taking them on an empty stomach. #Quill was watching me watch everyone else and he threw his arm around my shoulders. ‘It’s gonna  be a good day, brother.’ He beamed and planted a kiss on my cheek. I laughed and shoved him away.
“Fuck off!” I teased and tossed him the keys. “Park the van will you, I’ll go and get #Seth to mark us down for three more.”
I passed the girls and winked at #Kim. “Hey, Kaya… next time you need a few inches just call my name!”
She rolled her eyes. ‘My fiance is taller! I’ll wait for him… if Leah here is already occupied.’
I waved her off and continued across the lot. He wasn’t… he was just a little shorter than me… but arguing with an imprint about inches would never end well. I’d let her have that one.
#Seth updated the board, and I just watched the scene of the day for a little while until #Sam whistled for me. He handed me a burger and filled me in quickly on the next shift for the Pups to patrol so I  could help him round up the busy ones without it looking like a mass exodus.
A tiny green vehicle rolled into the lot and out of it came the newest member of our massive family and a familiar rotund ball of black and white fur. “Of course, he had her bring the dog!” I  scoffed.
‘All her sitters are here today.’ #Sam chuckled. #Claire squealed with delight and fell to her knees for puppy kisses. ‘Looks like we found her a caretaker for the day.’ It was his turn to laugh now.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
See… this is what I called evolution…  Embry Call and his smart-arse mouth should have gotten him a wet sponge at the back of his head, for what he said to #Kim. But instead, I just narrowed my eyes making a note to bay him back for it later on.
While I continued to work, the girls all ran off to hug and welcome the newest addition to the pack family. She still looked like a deer in headlights as some points, and then other times , the girl knew her shit and owned her space.
My attention followed her, watching to see how well she had come to independently finding her place in the universe she had chosen to occupy. First, she made sure the puppy was safe, letting #Bear take responsibility of taking care of her. Then she went back to her emerald green bug to bring out jugs of.. juice? I heard her saying.
‘Watermelon and mint, carrots, apples, and ginger. And pineapple with oranges.’ When the moms asked.
She spoke to the moms with respect. Calling them all aunties! Taking the attention from the pups, just like a sister would, becoming a part of the imprints like she had  always been here.
Seeing the way everyone worked so well together gave me hope for this and the next generations. My lips curled up into a smirk.
‘Leah Clearwater. Are you smirking?’ #Sam had made his way around the parking lot to come stand beside me. ‘She is a good fit.’ His eyes were on the vet too.
“Hmm…” I moved to scrub the roof of the car I was left cleaning on my own for now.
‘I like how the pup has begun his journey to change.’ He added.
“Evolution… it’s not the same thing as change.” I told him. This made #Sam laugh.
‘You always have all the answers, Lee.’ Shaking my head and then shrugging. I pointed my chin over the goofball.
“That is evolution. He is cleaning that car, doing what he was doing. When in truth he most likely wants to run over there, sweep  the girl off her feet and kiss her.” #Sam followed me as I moved. “And the same for her. She is greeting the elders, the young ones. When her eyes are searching for him.”
#Sam chuckled. “None of you arses had that much control. To be able to deal with your emotions and  carry on with what was needed, when your partners were near.” He was nodding his head, listening as though it hadn’t occurred to him.
“Evolution… the next generation is doing something those before them couldn’t.”
We watched, as the vet filled glasses of the juice, sharing them out before she picked up the last glass and crossed the parking lot.  The pup stopped what he was doing, now he wasn’t hiding his sneak peeks at his imprint. They exchanged words, she gave him the glass, and he kissed her cheek.
‘Do you remember Paul and Rachel?’ #Sam shook his head. We’d all heard them at one stage or another going at it.
“Don’t remind me!” I scoffed and smirked again.
•- Embry Call -•
Had I felt Leah’s gaze on the back of my head as I walked away? Yes. Was I expecting some form of retaliation? Absolutely! Did I brace? Hell yes! Because regardless of whether or not I woke up in her bed this morning… This was kind of what we did.
I caught sight of Leah after #Sam left me to go and speak to her. A few of the pups and guests were fawning over the dog now, under #Claire’s strict instructions to be gentle and take turns. The girl was a paradox. It made me smile. Our newest addition was passing out juice and offered me a selection. “Have any recommendations?” I smiled at her.
‘The watermelon is #Collin’s favourite.’ She blushed.
I picked up the one that she pointed to. “Well, that settles it… the Pup has great taste.” I chuckled and she flushed a deeper shade of red. It had nothing to do with me and  everything to do with her fighting her instinct to run right to him. I sipped the juice… “Wow…” I looked at her impressed. “You’re doing great Doc…” I didn’t wink or hug her like I would with the other girls… It was still fresh. I was sure the Pup would deal, but she was  still getting used to us all. I wondered if she’d even registered, she was in a carpark full of shirtless guys… It was shocking how quickly they stopped noticing that detail.
I tried not to watch her reunite with her new boyfriend. But it was like looking away from Leah when she was in her kitchen, wearing my t-shirt before the sun was even up… they were so happy you just couldn’t help but want to witness it. Everyone else was thinking the same thing so it was the perfect chance for me to sneak a peek at Leah as she cleaned the car solo and talked to #Sam.
I finished my juice and made my way over to the car, calling to the girls. “C’mon, ladies! Where is the sense of teamwork?”
I moved to the other side of the car and started on the hood. #Sam was still watching the Pup. “You did good with that one… his focus and control are probably the best I’ve ever seen… even better than his cousin.”
Sam nodded and turned to me with a laugh. ‘I can’t take much credit for it… he was more or less like that when I got him.’ The pup across the lot flushed, hearing everything we were saying.
•- Leah Clearwater -•
“Stop eavesdropping pup, and don’t even think about stealing her car. I’m calling dibs on it next.” #Sam bursts out laughing when he heard me talking to the goofball.
‘Good luck with that one. He isn’t going to let anyone but himself, and maybe his twin touch her little bug.’   I knew #Sam was right. I only said it to see if I got a rise out of him.
The pup dropped his head, and then shook it. Glancing at me and smiled with red ears. He clearly saw me smirking.
The music was on auto play now, a mix of playlists which I know both #Ness and Embry  would have put some effort into collating for the day.
Only our people here could turn a car wash into a full-on party, as more people began to pull up. The scent of wood fire danced in the air, and I knew that in its own, would draw in anyone who thought they could drive on by.
‘I did come over to give you a helping hand. But looks like your third is on the ball here today.’ #Sam walked off, patting Embry on his shoulder before leaving to go talk to the others. ‘I’m going to go try that juice before there nothing left. Want me to  bring you some?’ I shook my head at him.
“Nah, let the pups drink it up.”  #Sam waved over his head at me. Telling me I was missing out.
I knew this already, but I also got to taste the drink when the vet brought a jug or two over to Ma’s home. Whenever she came over for dinner, or breakfast. The girl never came empty handed.
My eyes moved over to the other pup and his not so one-night stand. The two of them were laughing and smiling now, small touches, certain looks shared. I shook my head again.
“Clingy my arse.” I muttered. The pup was going to learn a valuable lesson. Sooner or later. I just hoped it didn’t come with heart break for him or anyone else.
Working on the roof I arched my perfectly shaped eyebrow. Watching the interloper making himself at home, on the same car as I was cleaning. “If you think I’m giving your credit for this car, you’re mistaken Embry Call.”
Pointing to the patch beside his hand.
“You missed a spot.”
•- Embry Call -•
I chuckled at the interaction between Leah and the pup. That kid was truly one of a kind. I laughed at #Sam… “If you stop cooking, we’ll lose half of our volunteers #Uley!” I clapped him on the shoulder.
I gave Leah a smirk over the hood of the car. “Sometimes it takes a minute to actually see what’s right in front of you.” I kept working, no one here would think I was talking about anything other than the wild twin. “Besides… we all know that no one can go wrong with a good-looking Makah boy.” I saw #Brady choke on the juice in his hand and Mr-Not-So-Clingy patting his shoulder and wiping his chin with a napkin… Oh yeah, he was the type of person #Bray needed. That boy was a walking dumpster fire. We all knew that his twin was the only reason he didn’t live off cereal and takeout. I was also pretty sure he  had his mom do his laundry.
He needed someone who expressed themselves by looking after people and he had plenty to give back.
“I didn’t hear you give #Lahote this kind of grief!” I acted offended. “You were there first, this one all for the ladies… I just don’t like to be  idle.” It was a little fib… I loved to be idle… sitting around with the guys… playing guitar… talking about nothing in particular… That was idle, right?
And other things I couldn’t think about right now… but there wasn’t much I did with Leah you could call idle… even sitting in silence (as silent as I could manage, at least) was filled with meaning.
I mock glared at her… “I’m getting to it.” I deliberately avoided the spot. “I have a complex system. You have to trust the process.” I glanced around, smiling. “It’s getting busy now…”
Then out of the corner of my eye, I caught sight of the fur ball trying to climb onto Claire's lap where she was sitting on the folding chairs. One of the pups gave the actual pup a careful boost and both the troublemakers looked very happy.
“#Bear is going to regret that in about ten minutes.” I chuckled. You tell by a glance at the dog she was about to knock out for a legendary nap. “And #Quil is scheduled to be bugged by #Claire a puppy in about an hour.” I looked at my non-existent watch.
“It's great having almost everyone in the same place… isn’t it?” I grinned in the direction of the mom’s. “They’re having a great day so far too… I really hope #Sue knows how thankful I am for how well she takes care of her.”
•- Leah Clearwater -•
That perfect arch of my eyebrow was back. The double meaning wasn’t lost to me. It was a good thing I had learnt a long time ago to control myself and my emotions.
Things like skipping hearts, or blushes on cheeks, any slight change would be picked up by all non-humans. And I wasn’t in the business of being seen.
Shaking my head I continued working, my ears picking up the kerfuffle behind me.
“I don’t need to give Lahote any grief, because that’s what his wife is here for. Anyway. It’s not my fault if Paul did a  good job without being told.. for once.” I knew the fool would be puffing his chest out at hearing me say this. “Now if only she would stop talking for an award and get some cars cleaned.” I could see #Paul telling his wife what I was saying. Then she turned to look at me and blow a kiss. Taking the girls to another car.
Now I glanced over the car, to the tall shirtless muscled man, making himself glisten under the light of the day. As he stretched out…..
By the spirits!
Where the hells did those thoughts come from? Frowning internally  as she lay there with not a care in the world. And I knew right away. She did that to take me off my guard! Damn! My warrior was going to be the end of me!
Biting the inside of my cheeks, I stepped back to look over the roof of the car. Making sure I had it all. “Idle is your dream state, and we all know it.” I told him, even if my mind was listing a number of things we’d witnessed him doing.
I finally glanced around the lot again, seeing the puppy getting herself comfortable on #Bear and smirked. The imprints were popping about Catching up, the moms were in their element, the pups all busy with goofing around while they got their jobs done.
Setting the rag in my hand down, I moved on to cleaning the windows, he wasn’t wrong when it came to seeing the atmosphere around us.
“Yeah, it’s always nice to see everyone come together. And for the moms, and the community... Trying to achieve something they had dreams of awhile. It’s… it’s a moment to appreciate”
Standing to catch his eyes when I spoke. “She wouldn’t want you to think of it like that. You know how the two of them are.” Nodding my head back over to our mom’s. “They do it for each other, without thinking about you or me.”
As I looked back over my shoulder, I saw #TheKid smile. His eyes melted when they caught mine. He knew this too, and the slight nod of  his head in agreement told me he saw it in the same way I did.
•- Embry Call -•
If that eyebrow thing was an Olympic sport Leah Clearwater would take the gold. I would have said it out loud… but then she’d have to throw something at me, and I had just had a hosepipe shower… so I gave her 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 smile… for a second. Just long enough for her the know I was thinking something I shouldn’t say out loud.
I laughed… “Oh come on! A wedding ring has never stopped you from kicking arses and taking names when arses need kicking and names… well, you get the message.”
Judging by her reaction my smile had the desired effect.
I  knew that Leah was right… but still, the gratitude was there. I knew if it wasn’t for #Sue being here I probably wouldn’t be messing with the pups and singing along to #Nessie’s tracks with the guys. I would just be looking after Mom. She didn’t want that, #Sue had a way  that she looked after people… and they never knew she was doing it. I wondered if it was purely a mom thing because I had only ever seen moms pull it off.
“Yeah, I know. She doesn’t look after people because she’s supposed to or because she feels responsible. She does it  because it just wouldn’t ever occur to her not to. She sees someone who needs something, and she helps as naturally as breathing.” I pretended not to notice the kind looks the siblings exchanged… feeling that age-old pang of having wanted a sibling all my life… It didn’t sting like it used to when I was a kid. I had more brothers and sisters than I knew what to do with now… but it wasn’t the same as sharing a home and a childhood with someone.
All the same, I sought out #Jacob and #Quil standing and making some kind of plan together… I grinned. I could have done a lot worse with my found family.
Just as I thought that an elder drove in and #Seth was right there… opening the door and offering a hand to the driver. I chuckled. “Apparently it's genetic. ” I nodded towards her brother… but this was Leah, she wouldn’t have missed it. “Definitely #SueClearwater’s son.” I knew he could hear me. But he did a good job of acting like he didn’t.
I moved the clean the front bumper, once I finished the hood… including the spot that she’d said I missed. “And he even claimed a car for the  team!” I chuckled. He had been trying to stay neutral in the competition, but I was only going to let that slide for so long. Two pups in muddy trainers came into the lot casually and Jake whispered to another two to grab a bite, then head off the take their place on patrol. Two at a time wasn’t our normal rotation… but it meant we didn’t have too many kids arriving and vanishing at once.
I lowered my voice so only those with super hearing might pick up my words. “I still feel bad not pitching in on the runs today… I mean it makes sense and  all… but I don’t like not pulling my weight.”
•- Leah Clearwater -•
By the spirits! That smile.. yes 𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕆𝕟𝕖.. the one which told me nothing good was happening in his head, was on show. Making me bite the inside of my cheeks, all I could do was narrow my eyes, telling him ‘𝔻𝕠𝕟’𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕕𝕒𝕣𝕖!’ Not that I knew what it was in the  first place.
“Hold up… who said anything about a wedding ring stopping me? You who she is…” clearly meaning the fact that she is an imprint. “And how we all like seeing her smile and happy…” pointing my thumb over my shoulder. “Those two… weird
arse kinks.” As I said it, the parking lot all groaned, made vomiting sounds,  or (I knew it was #Sam) said if ‘Nope. I’m out.’
I of course grinned, as they all tried to turn their respective reactions into something believable by the humans surrounding us.
‘There is nothing wrong with having a few exciting things in the bedroom.’ #Rachel played a long as soon as she was told what I said. But my eyes went to the newest member of this dysfunctional group. Making me smirk seeing her face as red as a beet.
When my gaze moved back to the car Embry and I were  working on, I caught his attention following it to #Jacob and #Quil. Just like that, I knew his mind had gone to Family! With his questions about growing up in the same house
, and that sibling rapport which only came from the corresponding closeness.
“Blood is not the only form of brotherhood. Who knows that better than you.” My voice low for him to know I got it. But he had something with Jake and Quil no one else could come close too. Again, I wasn’t going to undermine he’s emotions or feel of missing some part of life too  My smile was back when he spoke about #TheKid. And of course, I knew what was happening behind me. I hadn’t switched myself off from knowing exactly what was happening where, and with whom.
“Yeah. He and Jess are the best of what the Clearwater’s having to offer this world.”  I truly believed it with all my heart. And now it was #Jacob’s voice I heard. ‘We all have our way to help, Bry. Today you are needed here more than ever. We’ve all got this.’
Listening I didn’t say anything, because Embry and I were in the same basket. I felt extremely  uncomfortable with not leading one of the runs today.
‘Leah?’ The nerd rolled her sleeves up. ‘Where would you like me to start.’ She asked. Followed by. ‘I could take the roofs of the cars?’ She was the next tallest of the women here. At 5’10 the woman wasn’t so far from my own height.
“Sounds like a good plan, but make sure you eat something too. I know you started early to make the time up for being here.” She blushed red again. Pushing her glasses up her nose. “You should know, nothing goes unnoticed by me.” Giving her a wink. “Maybe you can do a better job than this one. Look he missed another spot.”
•- Embry Call -•
I laughed… the reaction of the Pups around the lot… But really, they all loved to see how happy and passionate those two were. But I was sure they would love to see less of the private pictures that Paul shared with his wife when he sent them to our group chat instead of to her alone.
“A few?” I mouthed to Leah, so Paul couldn’t see or hear and relay this to #Rachel… we all knew those two had more than a few of these so-called exciting bedroom habits.
I followed Leah’s gaze to the vet… chuckling quietly at her reaction. Most of the time I would say it was only a matter of time before a new imprint would get used to this pack banter… but with this one… I think the only thing she was going to get to was a near-permanent blush when she was around her soulmate’s friends. Her newfound family and by the way the  pup leaned in to kiss that blush… he was just fine with that too.
“I know.” I smiled at her. But still, I knew, always in the back of my mind that one of these men… was my brother by blood. I knew it didn’t matter; they were still my family. But it was a fact I could only push to the back of my mind and never truly forget.
I nodded to #Jake, I knew it was true. With mom here… I needed to not have her question why I was running off in the middle of the day. There is a low chorus of approvals from the others that only those of with heightened  senses would pick up… There was no one else here that would ever view my not taking a run today as anything but what was needed to be done.
I grinned at the interaction between the two women. “I’d tell you you’d get used to her, doc… but it would be a bald-faced lie…  We’ve had a lifetime, and she still keeps us all guessing.”
“Okay ladies… I know that my assistance is invaluable, but I gotta go wrangle some Pups for their shift.” I grinned noticing that #Littlesea had claimed the little green bug for the boy's team. He was doing me  proud.
I headed off the the two young ones who were due to swap out next, I took their place finishing up the car that they were washing.
By lunchtime, the scoreboards were still playing a game of chicken and the banter was high starting to get busy. The Chief had shown up  and was settled under the gazebo with to the moms and other elders that had shown up. And I wasn’t too sure when I had decided to do it… but I pulled Billy aside for a private conversation. Or as private as it could be with two whole wolf packs in the lot.
“I wanted to talk to you about… um…” I took a breath. “About enrolment… in the tribe.”
#Billy locked the wheels of his chair and looked at me. ‘You’ve never wanted that before… Embry… You’re enrolled as Makah and that gives you all the same rights as any Tribal member on this reservation.’
“I know… but…people have dual enrolment, right?” I asked him.
‘Of course… but.. why now Embry?’ The Chief looked serious.
“Because…” I looked around. “This is my family.”
‘Enrolment won’t change that, Nephew… But come to me tomorrow and we will talk about it, okay? And I promise you, I’ll hear you out and do whatever I can to help.’ Then he looked over his shoulder. ‘Have you spoken to your mother about this?’ I shook my head. ‘Well, I think you should… think about it and if you decide to tell her, you can bring her when we speak tomorrow.’
I had assumed that this would be a simple thing… I had lived here all my life; it would hardly be an ordeal to have ℚ𝕦𝕚𝕝𝕦𝕖𝕥𝕖 stamped next to 𝕄𝕒𝕜𝕒𝕙 on my ID card. I just nodded respectfully and spoke. “Okay, Thank you, Uncle.” And I wheeled  him back to his spot with the moms.
Then I did what I was good at… get back to the task at hand.
0 notes
pr1ncesspopstar · 1 year
Duet Across Stars and Time - FFXIV Write 2023 - Day 24: Duet (Free Day)
Spoilers for Shadowbringers and Endwalker (in-between patches for both as well) | Ao3
Halditar yawned loud, her exhale almost overtaking the gentle plucking on the strings on her lute. What was morning to most was winding down to be evening to her. Since arriving in Novrandt it had thrown her internal clock into chaos, made worse by the return of night and her habits of late. With news of a man slaying sin eaters and calling himself by her title in the Source, she took it upon herself to patrol the Lakelands at night in search of this mystery man. It ripped whatever remained of her sleep schedule to shreds.
She’d spent most of her waking hours at the end of her treks across the woods in the bar beneath the Wandering Stairs. The Crystarium never slept, but she found during these moments before dawn broke, it was at its most quiet. Her voice sailed over the stone and metal paths, softly floating from ear to ear. The only acknowledgement of her song being the occasional sway she’d see in a merchant or passerby as they walked, wrapped within her melody.
“You’re gonna put me to sleep if you keep it up with that song…” Giott yawned from the seat across the table. The dwarf was the only other person Halditar’s had met with sleeping habits, perhaps worse than her own. Often, they were each other’s only company between the hazy hours where few were awake.
“Ale benders finally slowing you down?” Halditar teased the shorter girl.
“You wish. You’re just jealous I can down more than you and still stand straight.” Giott said, as cheeky as ever, a finger tracing the rim of a half-empty cup. The moments of silence stretched on as the roegadyn (or galdjent, in this land) kept playing, her eyes closed and basking in the sound. A question broke it.
“So what’s with those words you sing? Can’t say I’ve ever heard a language like that spoken like that in all my years…” The dwarf’s ever shined with a soft curiosity. “Is that the language of you and the Exarch’s home?”
Halditar chuckled, a soft sound that rolled out easily with the warm, comforting music. “No,” she said, shaking her head. “It’s just a bunch of nonsense I came up with when I was little. There’s not much thought, just feeling.”
That’s only part true, but to explain anymore would complicate things. She wasn’t sure how she could describe this idea, that one day rang through her whole being, clearer than crystal. It felt primordial, tied to her core. Yet it was all her own creation and hers alone, of that she was sure. Unless she taught them, no one would know the song as she did.
“Really? Could have tricked me… I’m not one for ‘poetics,’ but it really is a pretty sound. Kind of short, though.”
“Well, it’s only half done. It’s supposed to be a duet, I think, since I never figured out the other words.” Halditar’s fingers slowed over the strings, leaving more space for silence to fill. The air itself seemed to yearn for something to join the space, though it never would. As if the world knew this was a song cursed to stay incomplete. “But haven’t been able to find the other person who knows the rest. It’s fine though-”
The song’s crawl picked up once more. Though it was certainly missing something if one knew it as Giott did now (though what may be a question with no answer), it did not belie the strength the incomplete verse had. A soothing, soulful melody that conveyed strength and sadness. It would not sound out of place in a tragedy.
“I can feel them, somewhere. I look forward to meeting them. It’s a small world, it’s only a matter of time.” Her fingers slowed a last time. The song faded gracefully through the open air. She set her lute down, exhausting seeping in at the weight of her own peaceful music finally hit her.
“You know, I never believe all that schmancy bard talk. It usually sounds like a lot of bullshit to me. But when it’s you? Well, it’s hard not to believe in it.” Giott said softly and raised her cup to her towards the Warrior of Darkness. “Here’s hoping you find the bastard. When you do, you better come back and share the full song, ya hear?”
The sun’s beams pierced through the glass, welcoming the day and signaling Halditar needed to sleep. She hummed the song still as she went to her room. It came as natural as breathing.
Amaurot was but a mote of light on the horizon, a sliver of gold on the vast blanket of stars above her. Even this far that felt too close, it was a blemish on the sea of rolling soft grass that waved in the wind, with gentle hills perfect to race and roll over. Somewhere above, the soft babbling of a brook carved its way through the mountain. A bird sang its nightly warble in the branches above her head, a contrast to her own song.
She had morphed and shaped her staff into a lute, but her strumming was minimal. Instead, her fingers took to the polished wood, rapping and knocking against its hollow body to create a rhythm. Her foot crunched against the stones beneath her as a beat. It’s reminiscent of the ticking of a clock, hypnotic in its own way. Most of the melody comes for her voice, strong as it echoed unto verdant plains and up the mountainside.
She threw her gaze over her shoulder, surprised, but unfaltering in the crafting of her song.
“Themis,” she greeted quietly betwixt lyrics. He looked tired, hair tousled with pale skin flushed a gentle pink. The bottoms of his robes dusted with dirt as a trophy of the long journey he’d taken to reach her. “You’re quite far from home tonight.” She shifted over to make room on the rock for him.
He flustered for a moment, mouth opening and closing, eyes wide as he struggled with words. She couldn’t help but smile. He sometimes seemed caught between boyhood and manhood, still growing into the mighty role he was asked to fill. His moment of shock passed, and he joined her, overlooking the expanse before them.
“I’d say the same to you, but I know you’ve gone much farther.” She felt his gaze move between her face, her instrument, and the small golden pearl that was their city in the distance. “No one knew where you went. We thought you just disappeared. If not for the note you left, I wouldn't have known where to search…”
“I apologize for making you and the others worry.” She said. Though there was an unspoken assurance she would slip away without a word again, as she was wont to do. She couldn’t help it, when the thoughts filled her head to the point of splitting out, and she needed to escape somewhere to let them out, sort them and explore them without the weight of being ‘Azem’ coming. The needless decorum and restrictions were much too stifling for her thoughts, which often went against the grain of her fellows.
“This is where you come to think, then?” His voice was barely a whisper, eyes shining as those blue eyes saw this new angle of the world.
“No, I just found this place while wandering and thought it’d be as fine as any other destination.” Her words were plain for one of her stature. She did not use her words lightly. Her tongue was as much a tool as any other. To dull it with pointless words and muddle her meanings, she could imagine no worse action.
Perhaps that’s why the sounds falling from her tongue felt so refreshing. They were nothing but true, phonetics and morphology dancing with these ideas and feelings that resonated from all about her.
“That’s beautiful music,” her guest seemed to agree, Themis having pulled his eyes from the city to stare at her. She kept her focus on the start above, imagining how different they would be next time this song played. “Is that a new language you’re developing?”
“An incantation then?”
“No. It’s something just for us”
He seemed confused now, brow furrowing as her movement stilled. Silence was so loud, the world filling the air with the sound of insect chitters and the wind rustling leaves to make up for her silence. A noble attempt to fill the space in her song, but fruitless.
“I’m afraid I don’t understand… Are you working on this song with someone?”
“That’s the easiest way to explain it.” Elea nodded, fingers taking up the rhythm once more. Melodies danced in her head about what could join the beat, but it wasn’t her song to finish. Her role was already done.
“I had a dream, many nights ago,” her eyes locked onto the space between stars, thinking of the person playing music at the same time as her, blind in the eye of most of the world. That even with a friend, she should still feel a painful loneliness thanks to the stranger she’d never make music with. “A premonition is maybe a more accurate word. But I thought of a song, a duet in which I have half, and another person has the other. So I’ve been writing my half and wondering who it is that might have the other.”
“You mean you’re writing a song with someone you haven’t even asked yet? How are you supposed to finish it?” Themis’ voice was pitched high with shock, confusion only settling heavier on his brow when she shook her head.
“I haven’t even met them yet. I don’t need to think too hard, as it’s not mine to finish. All I can do is play what I have and wonder what the person who will finish it will be like.” She looked down at her hands, soft still despite all her work, magic, such a thoughtless task for her natural talents, and hardly with the time now to spare to curiosities, unless she snuck off. “I think they are someone I would very much like to meet someday. I worry though, I may not have the chance.”
“Elea... Are you truly alright?” Themis stared at her with naught but worry in his voice. “These thoughts and words, they are unlike you…”
She smiled kindly to her younger friend, though it was strained against her teeth. These thoughts were like her, they always were, but it was for that confusion she spoke them less often. Feeling and ideas deep from her core, close to her heart, to expose them. Often met with confusion rather than curiosity, a failure to understand time after time. The constant doubts of her deeper thoughts... She was exhausted long ago by it all and simply stopped sharing, except with her closest confidants. It was easier, if not lonely, to only speak some of her truth instead of all of them. She wondered, often, how long that would last before she cracked under pressure.
“You needn’t worry, sweet boy. Just talking to myself, as usual.” She said and raised a hand to pay his head. Stroking his hair, the boy blushed and went frigid, surprised by such familiar affection. An idea came to mind, something to at least distract him, spare him from worrying over her words. “Why don’t you do me a favor? In the future, keep an ear out for the other part of this song, and find the singer.”
“But how will I recognize part of a song I’ve never heard before?” He asked, struggling to keep up with her.
“You’re a smart one, and I trust in you. I know you will recognize it.” She reassured him. A thousand more questions danced in his eyes, but he asked the one she had hoped to hear most.
“And what should I do, when I find them?”
“Complete the duet... and get to know that person for me. I would like to think that whoever carries the other half of this song, they must be a terribly interesting person. Someone I think you’d like very much, in my stead.” She said it with all her heart, because she knew it would be true. “Won’t you do that for me?”
Themis hesitated, uncertainty and confusion seen in the tug downwards of his lip, the furrow of his brow, but he nodded. His unfaltering trust warmed her heart. “Yes, Elea.”
“Thank you, sweet boy.”
“May I ask something of you, then?” He asked, looking at her guitar. “Play your part of the song until dawn comes, so that way I won’t forget it. To find this 'half' of your duet easier.”
A request she was happy to comply with, singing until it rendered her throat raw upon the first beams of dawn. A melody that begged kindness, and mercy, and freedom from burdens, with words only she could know. She trusted in fate that somewhere, this song continued. It would compete, even if it was only long after she and all she knew was gone.
Elidibus wandered the Lakeland ruins in his stolen skin. It fit well, or at least sufficiently enough to vanquish sin eaters with a single cleave of this mighty axe. Still biding his time, waiting for the right moment to take action. Despite the rising tension, he was ever patient. Impossibly so. It was his duty, after all.
He came across the skins of eaters, aetheric burns and precise cuts along their most vulnerable parts. Dead in an instant, far too quick, too proficient to be the work of Crystarium guards or even skilled mercenaries. This was done by someone that had vanquished every known sin eater beneath the sun.
A voice floated between the purple trees, carried by the wind. Elidibus froze, stuck in space and time as the sound danced about him. Flames from a campfire licked into the air between the trees, silhouetting the figure from whom the music came.
He knew no language or magic that used the words flowing from her mouth, yet it was familiar to him. Familiar in such a way that his chest ached, this body’s heart struggling to pump blood through its veins on his behalf. His skin prickled in excitement, feeling his hair stand on end as if he had just been given an answer he longed to know. But the question was more than an eternity away, as lost as so many things were. This made the pain only amplify.
On instinct, he hummed. Some sound that held no meaning, but it was innate. A gentle melody that could quell any heart. Fitting into the spaces between the shadow’s song. An act the figure did not fail to notice.
“Who’s there?!” Halditar’s swung a torch behind, nouliths darting into the night to search for and disarm any living threat that wandered to close. No magic glow or light of fire was quick enough to catch the figure that melted into shadows. She stared long and hard, trying to catch any signs of anything, but gave up only when her weapons faltered at the very edge of her mental limits.
She recalled her weapons, and lowered her torch, snuffing it out in the dirt as she sat before the fire.
She sang her lonely duet again, only softer this time. Mind pulled to the whisper on the wind that sounded so familiar.
So close, yet so far from being complete.
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keigosbirdie · 4 years
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Of all Hawks’ secrets, you are the most well-kept.
Version: Female Reader version | Male Reader Version Links: Gifset (art only) | Mood Music
NIGHTHAWK Rating: Explicit   |   Word Count: 13k  | Art: 14 animations, 2 stills (Technically no spoilers, but if you aren’t caught up on the events of the manga you’ll be missing important context. The fic takes place after Hawks’ meeting with the commission.) Synopsis: Casual was the word you used when you first agreed to sleep together. As weeks turned into months turned into a year, those quick and dirty nights blossomed into private moments that earned him little pieces of you. Warnings: Dom!Hawks, Nurse!Reader, animalistic behavior, rough sex, quirk/feather play, light bondage, biting, praise kink, hurt/comfort, secret relationship, talk of past lovers, mentions of death, panic attacks, PTSD, mention of a past, non-canon event. Spicy, then bitter, then sweet.
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There was nothing exceptional about your life from an outsider’s perspective. You lived in an apartment on the outskirts of Jaku City, unmarried and childless. During the day you attended medical school where you studied for your doctorate. During the evening you worked as a nurse in the intensive care unit. Then, when you were home, you sat alone for dinner at a kitchen table meant for two.
Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
For the past year, however, an occasional tap at your sixteenth-story window would break up the lonely monotony. The tap was quite a scandalous secret, not that anyone would believe you if you let it slip. Even you still had a hard time accepting the bizarre reality of the situation; but it was real. Just as real his voice, which you could hear echoing faintly through your apartment.
You glanced up from your lukewarm dinner and dropped your fork. For a long moment, you sat in silence, listening intently until you heard it again. It was him; it was his voice. Your heart pounded against your ribs as you shoved out of your chair and jogged to the window. The part between your curtains opened, but when you peeked through you saw only the glow of city lights below a blanket of darkness.
A frown found your face, and a sigh spilled past your lips. You heard his voice; you would never mistake it for another. It echoed casually against your dim walls again, and you turned your head towards the sweet sound. The television was on in the living room. Your heart dropped at the realization. The little square thing sat on your end table and taunted you with his image. 
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There he was. Hawks, the winged hero, being interviewed by a woman in a pantsuit. It wasn’t often he did interviews, so you left your dinner to go cold in favor of watching the program.
He was dressed in his hero costume, his visor lifted to rest atop his blond, wind-whipped hair, and his scarlet wings folded politely against his back. A wide grin graced his face as he exchanged charming banter with the woman. She seemed enamored with his expression, but she didn't know him like you knew him. He was smiling, yes, but the edges of his eyes were crinkled with tension. When he chuckled, his wings folded a little harder against his back. His beats of laughter were calculated. Uncomfortable, that's what he was.
He’d been that way a lot lately.
"So, I'm sorry, I have to ask- Every bachelorette in the country is wondering, is there any special lady in your life?" the interviewer asked. It was airy and friendly in intent, but your lip twitched with faint annoyance anyway. Your face fell slack and you leaned back into your chair. 
"Well, I don't know about every bachelorette," he quipped. His face was a little grainy on your old TV screen, but you could see the slight pink in his cheeks. He was cute. So, very cute. It made you miss him that much more. "But my personal life, well, how alluring would I be if I didn't keep a few things a mystery?"
And a mystery it was, to everyone but you.
Thankfully, the woman interviewing him had enough tact to know when to move on. Their conversation mercifully veered away from his sex life—your sex life—and towards his agency. The television was a wondrous thing. His voice rang through your home despite his absence. It brought sadness, but also a bittersweet comfort. Viewing him live stung your soul. You watched until his interview ended with a commercial break, and then decided not to wait up for him again. That would only lead to another sleepless night. 
Still, the window remained unlocked for him as you called it a night. The yellow glow of your desk lamp died with a click, and you climbed into your bed. Sleep was always difficult. Many nights you laid awake as you thought about your ICU patients. The things you saw in the ward were enough to scar anyone. But if it wasn’t work that plagued your mind, it was him.
Casual was the word you’d used when you’d first agreed to sleep together. It was easy to swallow when he only snuck into your apartment at night for sex. For the first few months, that was it. He’d steal into your home through the cover of darkness and you’d share a violently passionate night. Then, he would vanish out your window until he craved you again. Which, thankfully, was often.
As weeks turned into months turned into a year, however, those quick and dirty nights blossomed into private moments that earned him little pieces of you. You realized you were in too deep when it became difficult to be unbothered by the casual daydreaming of others. His face was clipped to girls’ backpacks long before you knew him, but others, covered so openly in his merchandise, began to make you a touch bitter. His sex life had been speculated about in tabloids since his debut, but to keep your mouth shut while your friends contemplated the size of his penis became hurtful and emotionally taxing.
The only one you could confide those pains in was the man who unintentionally caused them, but Hawks was too sweet. If he knew just how much it tore you up, he’d surely break things off to spare you the misery.
You cursed yourself for getting lost in thoughts of him. Bemoaning the casual chatter of others as he gracefully balanced the weight of the world on his shoulders made you feel weak. You allowed your eyes to close, your breathing slowed, and your body relaxed into your mattress. By the mercy of whatever god watched over you, sleep slowly overtook all your other thoughts.
At least until a shuffle and a squeak made you toss in your sheets. A faint light spilled into your room from the window, and a coolness settled into your bed. You shivered. It was the fresh winter air from outside. The cold wasn't the only intruder. It was him. 
The light was dim, but a dark silhouette of flared wings blocked out the moonbeams. Your heart lurched in your chest at the dominant display. It was a habit of the bird in him to fluff up when his blood was hot. His predatory energy kept you submissively silent rather than greet him.
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Floorboards creaked beneath his shoes. The pulls of their zippers clicked with the movement. His breath was heavy as he moved to your bed. You caught a vision of your lover’s face. Little flecks of snow followed in. They danced around the brilliance of his wings and settled into his hair. In the blue light of winter’s night, his gold eyes looked dazzling. They also harbored a glint of violence akin to the blown-out eyes of a predator in pursuit of prey.
It was a familiar look from the strange animal. He’d seemed so open and friendly when he’d first snuck into your hospital room to talk, but he shrugged away at hugs and only laughed awkwardly when you told him he was your best friend. He didn't understand that kind of closeness.
You’d learned how deep his discomfort ran through him when the relationship became sexual. His inept understanding of touch translated to violence in the bedroom. Sex was most comfortable for him when he thought of it as a battle. He'd hold you down and force you open. You'd dig teeth into his arms and rip out feathers with your fists. To submit to his pounding was capture, but to overstimulate him until he was too weak to hold you down was victory. Extreme? Perhaps to those who didn’t understand your trust in one another.
He'd at least offer a sappy hello before he pulled his dick out, though. Not tonight. He eyed you as if expecting you to run, as if he'd give chase if you decided to. Fuck, it caused the warmest tingle between your thighs. You’d missed him too badly to try to put up a fight.
He left his jacket abandoned on the floor, which offered a much better view of his slim body wrapped in his black bodysuit. His canines dug into the leather of his glove before he yanked his hand free with his teeth. You laid silent and already breathless. It'd been far too long since you last felt him. Your body was hot with need at the sight of his rigid wings alone. His eyes swept over you as he toyed with the front of his tan jeans. He didn't come very often in uniform. To watch him fondle himself through his costume was- god, was there a stronger word than ecstasy?
“I want you,” he said from your bedside.
"You can have me..." You breathed out. It was intended to sound sultry, but your tone was more akin to a pleading whisper. Your body ached for him before your heart did, after all. Old habits were hard to break.
"You've been waiting for me, like a good girl, haven’t you?" he cooed. Cooed, quite literally. A low and rumbling song reverberated from somewhere deep in his throat. Not a bit of you was avian, but your body reacted instinctively when you heard your mate's call.
"I should reward you."
His visor glinted in the dim light as he pulled it off his face and let it land on the floor. His earmuffs, too.
You bit down your grin as the weight of your mattress shifted under his knee. His ungloved hand neglected the bulge in his jeans to tend to you instead. Warm fingertips slipped beneath your covers and found the skin of your thigh. A small sigh spilled from his lips, and your body trembled.
"You missed my hands on you, didn't you?"
You only managed a nod as his fingers slid up and beneath your pajama top.
Your body sank deeper into your covers when he moved over you. One knee landed on either side of your hips. His bare hand played with your breast while the still gloved one ran through your hair. The leather of the glove was frigid from the cold, but his body radiated warmth. The sweetness of his cologne mingled with the harsh musk of sweat. The smell of him fogged your mind.
The pads of his fingers pinched and tugged at the pink bud he discovered on your chest, which earned him a harsh gasp.
"That's it. I love it when you sing like that," he chimed. His hot breath ghosted over the shell of your ear. Wefts of his hair brushed against your face as his teeth nibbled at your throat. You were trapped beneath the cage his body made. 
"These cute little tits of yours- god."
He wasn't usually so chatty when he was about to mount you, but every grumble that reverberated in his throat added to the tingle between your thighs. He could devour you whole and you would thank him for the honor.
Your hands slid up the sides of his tight bodysuit. The inky black fabric was harsh beneath your fingertips. You traced the patterns of its gold accents around to his back and up towards his wings. He stiffened when he felt you slide nearer to them. Between the plush feathers at the base of a wing, you wiggled a finger until you found the skin beneath. Then you gave the joint a brutal squeeze.
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Instinctively, that glorious wing of his outstretched and shivered. The stems of his plumes flexed against your hand as they puffed twice their usual size. The longest of them brushed against the ceiling of your room, dwarfing your bodies beneath it.
You were always in awe of the sheer size and beauty of them.
"F-fuck. Not fair," he growled, and then his teeth sunk hard into your neck in vengeance. The harsh bite only made you desperate for more, so you fisted his feathers in your hand and gave a sharp yank. He gasped a hot breath into the nape of your neck. Fuck. You couldn't take the teasing anymore. 
Your hands relieved him of their cruelty to pull off your shirt. He faltered when your bare breasts were exposed. His golden irises became thin rings as the darkness of his pupils devoured them. The tip of his glistening tongue wetted his lips.
It was your turn to stare with sharp desire as you heard the click of his belt, then the pull of a zipper. You pushed yourself up to get a good view of him working his dick out of his bodysuit. The throbbing muscle hit him in the stomach. The sensation made him hiss between his teeth, and you whimpered in reply. 
"Hhm, you must be really hungry, the way you're staring at it," he mused before he spat into his palm and ran the wetness along the shaft. He quivered at the sensation. You quivered, too.
"Please." Your cheeks were flushed, and your chest quaked with desire. "I want to feel it, please." 
"Oh, don't worry. You’re gonna have all of this. Gotta get that pretty little pussy ready for my cock, though, don't we?" he hummed.
He reached into his plumage and pulled out a long, red feather. The thing wriggled between his pinched fingers as he presented it to you. The way it moved was unnatural, but you timidly took it in your grasp. The look on your face must have been telling of your confusion because he chuckled at your expression. He gave no direction. Instead, he watched with a mischievous curiosity as you turned it in your palm. The barbs vibrated independently of one another against your skin.
Your breath heaved when you realized why he had given it to you. His hands slid down your stomach as a pair of red feathers brushed against your sides. They dipped into the hem of your shorts, then pulled the fabric, sliding them down your legs until you were deprived of them. The cold from the open window seeped into your most sensitive places as his hands caressed your hips.
His fingertips stopped over a series of divots and deformities in your flesh. They were painful mementos of the night you met, and reminders of the sacrifice you had made for him a couple of years prior. He was a stranger when you chose to forgo your own survival to shield him from death. His bottom lip disappeared between his teeth as he relived the agony with you, but placed kisses all over the scars. It felt like a plea for forgiveness, so you ran a loving hand through his hair.
A soft sound spilled from him, and then his head dipped down to drink in the sight of your bare body. You were naked beneath your shorts, so he hummed through gritted teeth when he teased your legs apart. He'd seen it all many, many times before, but the sight of your glistening pink sex brought about his cooing again. The sound was a deep and beautiful melody unlike anything you'd ever heard, but also purely sexual. It was his body's call to yours. It beckoned you like a siren.
“No panties, huh?” he murmured. His breath hitched and vibrated with his lustful song. “You’re already so wet, my god… how about you put that feather of mine to use?”
He sat back on his haunches. Those narrow eyes bore holes into your exposed body as he spat another thick glob of saliva onto his palm. His hand found his cock. His eyelids fluttered at the contact and he groaned softly as he pumped around it. His eyes drank your every movement. 
You spread your legs for his gaze and then brought the pulsing feather between your thighs. He could feel through them, in a sense. The thought alone caused you to exhale a soft moan, but it was anything but soft when the vibration teased your sex. He groaned, too, at the contact. 
Your body flexed and wiggled when you pressed it hard against your clit. The sensation made your eyes roll back. Your slickness dampened its vanes despite its semi-hard state, and your hips ground into the pleasure. He observed. His hand pumped faster with each desperate whimper his feather worked out of you. 
It wasn't long before he couldn't take simply watching anymore. 
The roughness of his stubble dragged along your breast as he closed his teeth around one of your pink buds. He suckled, and your fingers tangled in his hair as his feather jolted from your grasp. It worked your clit without your help, and hot air blew from his nose as he jerked himself off. You used the distraction to sneak a hand between your bodies. You wanted the hot skin of his cock against you. You wanted to touch and play; to taste and feel. A thick whimper spilled out of him when you ensnared his throbbing dick in your palm and squeezed.
His feather stopped pleasing you.
"I didn’t give you permission to touch, did I?" His wings flexed. The feathered limbs grew massive as their quills stood on end in a frightening display. They were beautiful and plush, but deadly weapons all the same. “Testing me, huh? You're that desperate for my cock?”
Yes, fuck yes you were. You opened your mouth to reply, but your voice cut out when he grabbed you by the wrist. He jerked your hand away from his sex, and you whined. Usually, you were a bit of a hardass. It wasn’t easy to make you crumble, so he looked so devilishly proud of himself when you’d submit beneath the weight of him.
His teeth bared in a deliciously appealing smirk. "I’m gonna have to do something with these hands of yours if you’re gonna grab at shit without permission, yeah?"
You nodded a little too eagerly. His voice was heavy and deep with a depraved need to dominate you. To sully your skin with his desire. You weren’t going to stop him.
A cluster of feathers gathered in the air around you. You had nothing to fear, but watching them circle like small predators overhead made your heart pound against your ribs like a drum. They swarmed you and ensnared your wrists. The strength of his quirk easily had you overpowered. Your hands slammed into the headboard, pinned down by his feathers which trembled with excitement. You were now at his mercy.
“You’ll get your hands back when you’ve earned them,” he informed you through gritted teeth, but you were so mesmerized by the features of his face you hardly heard his words. Beautiful, that's what he was. You'd never told him how his appearance left you breathless. It could scare him away if you said such sweet things too often, but you’d held your heart back for so long it only felt fair to let it beat this once. 
“You’re so gorgeous,” you whispered.
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He trembled. His eyes widened in startled confusion, and then his cheeks dusted the faintest shade of red. God, that only made your heart thump harder. His did, too; you could feel it rattle through his chest and against your stomach.
"What was that?"
You bit your lip, embarrassed, but echoed the statement a bit more sheepishly. "I said… you're gorgeous."
Your mattress groaned as he folded back onto his knees. The flaming red limbs on his back lowered until they rested against your sheets. Something about that sweet little compliment tore into him like nothing you had ever said before. That desire that flickered behind his eyes blazed out of control. His kisses landed on your knees before he placed a gentle caress of his lips on the innermost part of your thigh. So close to your pussy that the heat of his breath made you slick.
His other glove was abandoned somewhere on the floor, which rendered both his hands bare. A low groan spilled from him as he pressed his thumbs into either side of your heat. His jaw went slack and his breath erratic as he spread you open.
"So are you," he said, but it was muttered so softly you almost didn't hear.
His head dipped down. The tendrils that framed his forehead fell over your midriff as his tongue caressed your twitching flesh. The hot, wet muscle lapped hungrily between your folds. It flicked at your clit, and your legs trembled on either side of his head. His mouth working you open like that was enough to fog your mind entirely.
“You like that?” he cooed between the slurps of his mouth against you. "Oh, I bet you fucking do."
You replied with only a strangled whimper as you tugged uselessly at the feathers that bound you. You were desperate to comb your fingers through his downy hair, to fist it in your hands and press his face hard into you. A low chuckle flowed from his open mouth and tickled your flinching flesh. Another cry tore from your throat.
“My poor baby, so desperate,” he sighed after placing a kiss against your clit.
His poor baby. He hummed that phrase with such possessive intensity. He was right. Even if it was unspoken, you and your body belonged to him and him alone.
The warmth of his palms traveled back up your stomach and squeezed your breasts roughly. “Forcing you to wait so long for me, did I neglect my sweet little Chickpea? Hmm, I better make up for it, huh?"
God, the way his husky voice reverberated against your flesh was the most delicious form of torture. You bit your lip and nodded, and he rewarded you with a finger. It slid carefully into you, and his hand caressed your insides. You cried a loud, indecipherable string of mangled words. All grasp on language left you as he curled his fingers up and flicked his wrist.
“Aw, what are you trying to say, Sweetheart?” he huffed. All the little nicknames only pushed you further into your need for him. “You wanna feel my fat cock push into that pretty little pussy?”
A sharp inhale burned your throat.
“P-please!” you choked. Your voice was cracked and pitiful when it finally tore from you, and a wonderfully wonton sound fell from him.
“Please what, huh? Please what?” he gasped.
“Fuck me! I want it- I want your cock- PLEASE.”
“Ohhhhh, that sounds so pretty comin’ outta your mouth,” came his long, low growl. As a reward for your begging, he dragged the wetness of his tongue along the length of your little pink slit.
The rough material of his jeans slid down your inner thighs as he mounted you. The shaft of his hot, bare cock pressed flush against your sex. Clusters of his feathers bunched behind the bends in your knees and forced them back, which splayed you helplessly open. You watched as he bit into his lip and rubbed himself against your wetness. You couldn't look away as the most intimate part of his body sheathed itself in yours. 
The most delicious pressure overwhelmed your aching senses. Fuck. FUCK.  He moved slowly. It may have been meant as mercy, but to your sex-starved body, it felt torturous. The ridges of his dick caught at your swollen walls before the tip of it pressed agonizingly slow into the bottom of you. 
“Hawks! Oh my god, I can’t fucking take this!” your throat jerked and trembled just like your aching thighs. Your hips pumped in desperation for friction where your bodies connected. “Give it to me, give it- I swear to god- FUCK!”
Once you gave him control of your body, he lost control of his own. The mattress groaned when he slammed into you. His teeth dug into your throat, laying his claim on you as he panted for breath. His loose belt buckle beat at your outer thighs, and your bed frame groaned in protest with each merciless thrust. His hands dug into your flesh and locked you into his jarring pumps. He pinned you down as if he expected you to play the fighting game, but you didn't resist his cock this time. You didn't want a battle. You wanted your lover. Your moaning whimpers broke and cracked as his jerking hips rocked the wind from you.
He pounded into you too fast for your mind to keep up. Your scarred body buckled and stung under his animalistic need, but the shockwaves of pleasure that rolled through your core kept you begging him for more. More. More. 
His mind was so fogged that he lost his focus on his feathers. The clusters binding you down came loose without his influence, and you easily pulled out of them to throw your arms around his neck. His wings spread out and bristled until they were pressed against the walls, puffed and massive. His forehead was against yours. His hot breath puffed in your face, and his beautiful body was pleasured with yours. 
"Fuck, fuck! Please- Let me come inside you," he pleaded. His eyes were hazy and fogged, his mouth was slack and face a deep red. His body’s cooing song was so loud you could feel it in your own chest. The familiar smell of his cologne intermingled with the musk of sex and blurred your mind. You wanted every piece of him he'd give you.
"Y-yes, please, please," you begged between the hard smacks of his skin against yours. 
Your eyes shot open as his pace quickened. His wings… they were falling apart. Those beautiful eyes of his lulled further into the back of his head with each bone shivering slap of flesh. His teeth bared and his lips twitched as he pressed your bodies roughly together. Shivers rolled through his muscles, and those fierce wings of his were reduced to twitching little nubs on his back as he came.
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You ran your hands between his shoulder blades as you marveled at his feathers. They littered the air as they weaved feverishly around one another. The gentle touch of your hands brought Hawks down from his high, and his feathers slowed until they lazily spun like autumn leaves. You pulled him down into a tight embrace and buried your face into his hair. He heaved into your chest, and you watched all the little pieces of him flutter around your room in the light of the moon.
He often lost control of his wings when you made love. They'd fluff up and flap wildly when he came, which often knocked shelves from your walls and your lamp from your bedside table. That was the first time he shed his feathers, and you were in awe.
"Are you okay?" he asked. His voice was gravely and shuttered between labored breaths.
“Yeah, I’m just... admiring," you said as you stared over his shoulder. He glanced behind him, and his cheeks tinted the faintest shade of pink when he realized the pitiful state of his wings. The little red feathers spread all around your room stilled in the air and swarmed to his back, returning his iconic limbs to their full glory.
“Er, you managed to pluck me. How embarrassing,” he quipped. You were so sore and exhausted from his sex all you could manage was a little laugh. You were a gasping mess, though, when he finally pulled out of you. The loss of pressure was a relief, but it also left you feeling empty. You laid quiet and trembling as he leaned back to marvel over the mess he made of you. His thumbs spread you open again, and he let out a breathless moan as you felt his come leak from you. His head dipped between your thighs. That beautiful tongue of his flicked out and lapped at the mess on your pussy. The warm wriggling of the muscle shocked your swollen clit and made you cry out, but you couldn't bear to ask him to stop. It satisfied something in you to watch as he licked you clean of your slick and his own come.
When he was content that he'd cleaned you thoroughly, he laid his body carefully beside you in your bed. His fingers tangled in your hair as he locked you into a kiss. You could taste the sex he licked from you on his tongue. 
The sex was always feverish and ravishing, but the afterglow was your addiction. In the beginning, it was rare. To kiss and caress crossed the line into his discomfort, but the more he learned to trust you the more of his affection you earned. The man who feared human touch began to ask for hugs every visit. Kisses became frequent and pleasant the more he let you do it. Then came sex that felt less like vicious wars and more like making love. Yes, after everything you did to earn his intimacy, nothing felt as lovely as lying naked beneath his plush plumage. 
His feathers caressed every inch of your aching body. His warm mouth, still wet from the sex, pressed gentle kisses onto your face. Your head rested against his arm as your breath slowly steadied. His wing flexed and rested on your shoulder as if tucking you in beneath a plush comforter.
“Mm. You like that?” he pondered breathlessly. His fingers trailed up your scarred side until they combed through your hair. There was a ginger softness to the touch that made your heart quiver. He smiled at you, those yellow eyes pierced through the dim light and into your soul. as you reached your hand out to run your fingers under his jaw. 
“Do you need to ask?” you hummed. Your cheeks were still red and your chest quaked as you slowly came down from the high. 
He laughed. What a lovely, airy sound. You hummed in the glory of the moment. And, for the first time in what felt like a lifetime, you could breathe again. Typically, he’d spend his days off kicked back on your living room couch with a tall bottle of something hard in his hand. You’d go a week or so without seeing him when things got tense in the hero world, of course, but in the last two months, you’d had him for only a handful of nights. It was concerning, but you knew better than to ask. No matter how close the two of you had become he would never talk to you about work.
“It's been a while since you last flew in,” you noted as you got comfortable beneath his plumage. His body beside yours was the definition of comfort. Your mind could only be at peace when he was safe in your bed. “It’s nice to see you again, I was worried.”
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“I know, it’s been too long. No need to worry, though, Chickpea, I’m right here,” he replied. His slow exhale tangled in your hair, and his hand's gentle touch found your cheek. He offered no explanation for his lengthy absences, but he and his crimson wing caressed you with apologies. 
You relaxed to the sound of his steady breath through the dim blue light of your bedroom. The wing he draped over you was so plush and warm you could easily fall asleep. You might have, if not for the fear of waking up without him. You scooted closer to wind your arms around his chest and bury your face in his neck. 
"I really wish you could stay," you whispered. 
To let your love get in his way was the last thing you wanted, but it was the utterance of a moment of weakness. It was uncharacteristic of you, the pathetic way it sounded, and you felt him stiffen under your arm as he soaked in your request. While there was never a confession of love, you'd tamed the wild bird with years of patience and earnest affection. He was loyal to you. It was cruel of you to ask for something you knew he couldn't give.
“Ah… I would if I could help it, you know that,” he sighed into your forehead, “but I can try to stay until morning.”
“Please. I’d like that.” It came out like the voice of a frightened child, but it was difficult to hide your need for him anymore. 
If you dwelled any further on the possibility of him vanishing, your emotions were going to get the better of you. You played with the feathers draped over your shoulder to calm yourself. A small one by your face was pinched between your fingers as you rolled the barbs around.
"Your wings are filthy," you mused. Dirt particles littered the poor things. You were sure, with some rooting, you'd find a few bugs he’d picked up in the air, too. "Actually, all of you is filthy. You got dirt all in my sheets, bird brain."
"Oh. Shit, my bad," he murmured as he sat upright. You shivered when the warmth of his wing left you.
"Hm, it's fine. Throw your clothes in the wash and I'll get a shower ready for you, sound good?"
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“Sounds good.”
The bed creaked in relief when he stood. His frame was slender and small, but his wings at least doubled the weight of him. That was evident with how smothering being beneath him could feel. He kicked off his pants, though his body was still covered by the black and gold bodysuit he wore beneath them. It warmed your heart to see him carry his uniform out of your room and hear him tinker with the washer on the other side of the wall. The sound of the cloth being tossed inside followed by the creak of an opening cabinet seeped through the drywall, followed by the pop of the detergent lid coming off.
He was intimately familiar with your tiny abode. You’d made sure things stayed in the same place so he'd know where everything was the next time he'd visit. You'd been especially anal about it since he'd often be gone for such long periods at a time. When he returned, you wanted your home to feel like it belonged to him, too.
A sensation overcame you as you laid alone in your bed. The sheets were warm from the love you’d just made. Despite his tongue cleaning you off, you could still feel the faint warmth of him inside of you. His contented sigh found you through the wall and your heart burst.
To the rest of the world, he was a hero, but he was so much more to you. You'd give anything to have him completely. For his voice to echo, groggy and sheepish, against your walls every morning. To get to kiss him goodbye before the sun rose, and to welcome him home every afternoon with a warm embrace. For a ring on your finger; a crib in the bedroom. That wasn’t the kind of life that was meant for him, though. As long as he was afraid of you being hurt, those secret nights were all you’d ever have. It made sense. He had enemies, and you could only imagine how your quiet life would turn upside down if you ended up in the pages of a tabloid.
You only spent time together in the privacy of your apartment. Even after two years of being close to him, there was so little you knew about his life separate from you. What little you did know only made you frustrated on his behalf. You held out hope that it could eventually change, for your sake and his.
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Preening Hawks was your favorite thing to do with him. There was something special about being across from one another in the shower, naked, warm water rushing over your bodies as your fingers smoothed and placed his dampened feathers. It took the first year of your friendship for him to allow you to touch them at all, so it was an obvious display of his trust in you. Which was understandable. His wings were an integral part of his identity. You watched as he ran his hands over his face and into his hair. His expression was in a relaxed state of bliss as your fingers picked through his plumage.
With his massive wings on either side of you like plush, padded walls, it felt like nothing in the world could get you. His laughter echoed around the small room as he told jokes and stories. It was okay if you didn't have anything to say, or if you just wanted to listen. He would talk for you when you fell short, and that's usually what got you laughing. 
Through the gentle moment, though, you couldn't help but let your emotions get the better of you. During times like those, when his visits were few and far between, your mind danced around the question of why. The possibilities bounced between him either being in danger or losing interest in you. Both were scary thoughts since he had become such an integral part of your life.
"Would you mind if I ask something?" you pondered, which accidentally interrupted a story he'd been telling about an intern of his.
"Depends what it is.”
"Well… there are a million girls out there who'd gladly do this with you," you mused, and it was true, even if it stung a little to remember. "Did you decide to do this with me because it was convenient?" 
That had been your reason, initially. Hawks spent a lot of time hanging around your apartment and he just happened to be wildly attractive. There were no feelings when he’d first asked if he could fuck you. That didn't come until later.
He laughed, and you glared at him.
“Self-doubt, huh? That isn’t like you. Me being away a lot’s really shaken you up, huh?” 
"It's not self-doubt, I'm just genuinely curious," you quipped as you pulled a feather from his wing. They'd moult if they hung around too long, so pulling out the loose ones was a help to him.
"Well… what we have going on is far from convenient," he said. "If that's what I was going for, I'd go after a pro that could keep a secret. It ain't easy to sneak away like this, you know."
So even a pro hero would have to be a secret for him? Did Hawks have any chance at all for a normal life?
“I wanted you, and if I want something, I go for it.”
You swallowed down a breath you’d been holding, but you didn’t say anything else as you watched his eyes dance around the bathroom in thought. 
"And I wanted you because… well, there were a lot of reasons. The night we met was a big one, I guess.”
You looked away. That night felt taboo to mention, considering all the guilt you knew he harbored. Your scars weren’t his fault. Several villains were on a rampage, and your hospital was in the destructive path. You were just another civilian, caught in the crossfire. His feathers tried, but they couldn’t get you out of the building. You’d been partially crushed beneath the rubble. 
“I was sure it was the end of the road for me. It would have been if you and your quirk hadn’t been trapped inside with me. You have a forcefield. You could have used it to protect yourself, but you bubbled me instead. You were gonna die. I was so sure you were gonna die and there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it.”
Still, your lips wouldn’t move. You’d spent ten months in an ICU after you were crushed beneath the weight of two stories of concrete. If not for the healing quirks of EMTs, you wouldn’t have survived at all. If not for your sacrifice, Hawks wouldn’t have, either. Still, it wasn’t his fault.
 “Still hurts to know I couldn’t help you when you needed me most, but when I looked in your eyes, there wasn't a hint of fear. All I saw was determination. I never met someone who was so sure of their choices, even in the face of death," he recalled. Your emotions skirted between sadness and flattery as you heard his thoughts. If only you could live up to that selfless picture of you, now. “I know a lot of pros who could only hope to have that kind of resolve.”
“Damn, when you tell it you make me sound like a badass,” you quipped, and your laughter bounced around the shower stall.
“I mean, what are the requirements to be donned with the title of badass? I’m sure you’re overqualified. Either that or you’re fucking crazy, which is also a possibility.”
You snorted.
“I'm not crazy. My job is to help people after they've been hurt. If I bubbled you instead, I’d be saving every person you’d live to protect. Before they would need a nurse like me. It’s just what made sense.”
He was silent for a moment as he absorbed your reasoning. You tended to be rational, even in the most emotional of situations. But that borderline-robotic way of thinking was a by-product of your own miseries.
You were a nurse in a world overcome by demigods and treachery. Some of the things you'd seen in the OR would haunt you for the rest of your life. And, sometimes, those ghosts came to torment you in your dreams. That made it hard the first time Hawks slept in your bed. You would sometimes wake with tears in your eyes as your voice quivered out sobs. Your past lovers didn't understand that part of you. The broken part. The part that had been poisoned by the darker side of this superpowered world. 
That's what fostered your love for Hawks. When he had awoken early that morning to you crying beside him, he’d only reacted with a patient embrace. He adored the bright parts of you, but he also had a solemn understanding and respect for your darkness. Having that connection through your mutual suffering was a kind of bond you’d never had before him. And now that you had it, you couldn't imagine life without. 
You went back to preening. You pressed up on your knees to reach a bit higher on his wing, and he watched intently. His voice died into silence as his gaze swept over your naked form, which dripped from the steam of the shower. It wasn't a surprise. Often, he would get lost in himself as he observed you, like a curious bird. It felt like a wordless compliment, so you silently allowed his eyes to explore you. Not that his hands and mouth and cock hadn't already drawn a map of you in his mind.
"Whatcha thinking about?" you teased playfully, and he hummed in response.
"How you look at my wings… I like it."
"Everybody looks at your wings," you said dismissively. A half-smile graced your face.
"You’re right. They do. People admire me because of what they’re capable of. It's what people think of first when they think of me, and rightfully so. They're hard to ignore. But when you look at me, you look at my face first, my wings second. It's like you admire them because they're a part of me, not because of what they can do. I appreciate that." 
Your fingers in said feathers slowed to a stop as he spoke. You smiled a little to yourself as you brushed them against a feather. He shivered. "Your quirk is a part of who you are. That's why I like cleaning them for you. It feels like I get to give you something special, but wings or not, I'd still want you."
Falling in love with Hawks was the best and worst thing you’d ever experienced. The pleasure of those beautiful moments seeped into your soul like a warm cup of tea. But the anguish that followed after he flew out your window… there wasn't a simile that could correctly describe the immeasurable pain. 
Your response must have triggered a long series of difficult thoughts for the bird. His head tilted slightly, his eyes hardened in expression and his brows furrowed as he soaked in your confession.
"In the year we've been doing this… has there ever been another man?" he pondered. The question jarred you. Occasionally, he'd get a touch possessive of his time with you. He’d asked a time or two who you were texting. You knew him well enough to pick up the hint of jealousy despite his light tone, but he never asked anything so outright.
“Well, look who's got self-doubt now. You sure are eager for a lot of questions and confessions tonight. What’s gotten into you?” you asked.
He shrugged. “You asked a question, so it's my turn now. Besides, we’ve been close for a couple of years. We've been intimate for half of that. just seems a little silly to keep up the fuck buddies act. Or is it just me?”
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Fuck buddies act? You bit your lip. Hard. When he was with you he was so relaxed. This seriousness was unusual, and it made your wet skin rough with goosebumps.
"It's not just you," you confessed. 
For a short while, the bathroom was filled with only the sound of the running shower as you collected your confession. 
"There hasn't been another man since you. I mean… I've gone on dates a few times, but it never got that far," you replied. The moment another man kissed you… Well, kisses felt dirty if they were with anyone other than Hawks. "I know this thing you and I have going on was meant to be a no strings attached kind of affair, but… Well, if I’m being honest with you, it feels wrong trying to sleep with anyone but you. I like what we have, and I've always got the impression that you really do, too."
He didn't say anything. You weren't sure whether or not that was what he wanted to hear.
"Have you?" you asked. "Been with anyone else?"
You’d never asked before. At first, it was because it didn't feel like your business. Then, when the thought eventually made your heart ache, you didn't ask because you didn't want to know. But now that you had come clean, it only felt fair that he did, too.
Air left his nose and his head bobbed back until his wet hair pressed against the shower stall.
"Once,” he confessed, and he sounded ashamed now that he knew you never did. “I used to have this on again, off again thing, before I knew you. I messed with her a few weeks after you and I first… well, you know. But only once, then never again.”
You’d thought it would crush you to learn he’d been with someone else, but it didn’t sting like you thought it would. Probably because you didn't know specifics. If you knew what woman had her hands on him, if you could see it, it probably would destroy you. But the apologetic way he said it put your heart at ease. He mumbled like he knew it would hurt you, and he didn’t want it to. But you weren’t wounded, and your feelings weren’t perturbed. He never promised you anything, just as you’d never made promises to him.
“Why’d you stop seeing her?” you asked as you scooted closer to smooth shampoo suds down in his hair. He only shrugged at first, then sighed in contemplation when your fingers combed along his scalp.
“I’ve never had a place I could go to, you know?” he said. “I’ve never had somewhere like this, where I can lay my head for a little while and just be…”
“Pampered?” you suggested as your hands moved to massage his shoulder blades between his wings.
He breathed out a little laugh, but shook his head. “Yeah, but that’s not what I was thinkin’.”
“Out with it then,” you teased.
“Well… I’ve never had somewhere I’ve felt safe and... cared about?” he said, though his eyes were distant and lost when he said it, as if he wasn’t sure he should have.
“I gotta always be looking over my shoulder. Gotta always have a mask on and hope no one ever sees through it. But here, everything’s relaxed. You couldn’t care less what my ranking on some chart is or how much money is in my pocket. You don't give a shit about heroing or the tabloids. You’re the only person in my life who asks for nothing other than my company. I feel human here. I didn’t want to jeopardize that, or what I had with you. That’s why I stopped seeing her.”
Your mouth went dry. While your nights were long and passionate, you’d never whispered sweet nothings. You’d never told him how much he and his company meant to you because you felt he wouldn’t want to hear it, but he kept coming back. For a year he had clung wordlessly to what little affection you gave him. If he’d told you this a year prior, you would have given him so much more love.
“So you do have deeper feelings for me. Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
He was silent, as you’d expected him to be. He both craved and feared the closeness he’d formed with you. At times he’d drown you in sweet little bits of affection, but, when things got too deep, he would shut down. Through the last couple of years, you’d broken through a lot of his walls, but the cold influence of the commission would always be with him. Even if he was in love with you, he’d never understand how to tell you.
"Because of who I am when I fly out your window,” he began. The reverb of his voice against the shower stall took you off guard. You didn’t expect him to answer. "There are things I know you want from me… things that I can’t give you right now, and you deserve more than that. That’s why I never planned on telling you… Fuck. It was never supposed to be like this…”
He spoke more to himself than he did to you at that moment. There was an internal battle going on in his mind; one you'd never really be able to understand, but you wanted to try. 
"You mean you never meant to get attached?"
His silence was telling.
"It's okay," you said. "We don't have to talk about anything you don't want to." You took a hold of his hand, but he flinched away from you. He was regressing back into old habits. It had been months since he’d last recoiled to your affection. Something was terribly wrong. The recoil was fine. It was okay. Whatever he needed to feel comfortable. "I'm sorry-" 
"No, I'm sorry," he interrupted. He rubbed the wrist you had touched as if you'd burned him. His brow was knit and his mouth became a harsh line. "Sometimes it feels easy and other times it doesn't, but I'm trying."
"I know you are. Like I said, we don't have to talk about feelings." 
He stared at you, and the longer his gaze rested on your face, the softer it became, "I want to try." 
You nodded and wrapped your arms around your naked knees. The shower had been turned off long ago by a cluster of his feathers, but the soothing steam still lingered around you. 
“It's just… this is difficult. One day someone may shoot me out of the sky. The thought of you still being right here, waiting for me, when I can never come back… It... kills me." He paused, his eyes hazed over as he swallowed his emotion down. The rawness in his voice struck such an unpleasant chord that your own eyes pricked with bitter water. "That's why I didn’t want attachments like this. But I didn't mean for all this between you and me. You snuck into me slowly, I didn't even notice until it was too late."
"Is this supposed to be flattering? It sounds like you're likening me to a parasite or something- heartworm," you quipped in an effort to dispel the heavy tension. He smiled, but only for a moment before he rolled his eyes at you. 
"Just… listen to me," he said, and your eyes trained on his as your mouth closed. "If that ever happens… If there comes a day you've been waiting for me, only to find out I'm never coming back, please know that I cared for you."
He didn't use the word love, but that's very much what he was trying to convey. In a way, you’d kind of always knew. It was why he’d said it, how he’d said it, that made your eyes prick with tears at their corners. The thought of what he was implying petrified you. Hawks was so skilled, so powerful, so almighty. Despite all his power, though, he was human, just like you. The night you’d met proved how possible death was for him. Nothing could keep him safe forever, not even your forcefields.
But he’d never talked like this before. He was always so light-hearted and relaxed. His work and the dangers associated with it was off the menu of conversion topics. What had happened to bring all this darkness up now?
"You talk like you’re preparing for death." 
Again, he didn’t reply. His silence was more terrifying than anything he could have said, but trying to pry him open would only break him, it seemed. So you didn’t.
“May I kiss you?” you asked instead. 
He nodded.
You leaned forward and breathed into his ear. He shivered when you placed a gentle kiss on the shell of it. His earring pressed against your lip was a gentle and familiar feeling, but after you heard all he had to say it also felt fleeting. He always had some ulterior motive or hidden reason for every little thing he did. It's as if he said all this because tomorrow would be the day he was gone.
“I’m not preparing to die.” Your kiss gave him the courage to speak. "I have too much to live for. It’s just always a possibility- for anybody, really. But heroes especially. I just wanted it off my chest is all."
He smiled at you, but you’d seen every smile in his repertoire, and this one was faker than your stick-on-backsplash. The air never felt so tense between you. Not even the night you met, dying feet away from each other. It all felt so… heavy. The weight of it pressed hard into your chest.
“Er, this reminds me, while we're on topic, I got some things going on at the agency. I hate to say it, but you won't see me again for a little while. I don’t know how long. It could be a couple of months.” His disposition remained fake casual. His shoulders and face were relaxed as he enjoyed the steam of the shower, but his wings tensed. You felt it in your palms as you preened him.
"You're in trouble," you said. Your mouth went dry as the realization drained the color from your face. 
"Trouble? Me? Nah. Just work stuff."
He spoke with a relaxed air about him, but he couldn’t lie to you. 
"No. You've been acting off all night. You’ve been making all these confessions. Talking about death, telling me you're going away for a while. I know you better than you think I do; something big happened and you're trying to tie up loose ends in case you don't get out of it okay," you rambled, and the more you talked the higher your voice became. It trembled and wavered with building fear. 
He stared at you. That silly face of his melted into a thin line and sharp, angular eyes. Those tricks worked when no one was close enough to see through them, but you knew his genuine smile like the back of your hand. You saw right through his facade, and he was annoyed by the very determination he just prided you for. 
"Can't get anything past you, can I?" 
You didn't whimper, but your eyes became glossy with emotion. It was a strange mixture of panic, sorrow, and rage. You had no idea what he'd gotten into, but you also knew he would never tell. He placed preserving missions above all else, which made sense but was frustrating.
"I don't know what's going on, but you need to get out of it if you're thinking it's something you may not come back from." 
"Things aren't that simple. I chose this life, I gotta follow through."
"No, I chose to be a nurse when I was sixteen and understood the implications of what I'd have to go through. You were fucking six when the commission took you, and they spent all that time gaslighting and taking advantage of you-"
"We aren’t talking about that right now, don't use it against me.” 
"Use it- what? I'm not using anything against you! You’re the one alluding to death! There’s nothing wrong at the agency, there’s something else- something terrible-" 
"Drop it.”
“How can I?!”
"Because I said so." His eyes were narrow and mouth a tight, thin line. You could read him so well. He was regretting this. All of this, because now you were onto whatever suicide mission he was embarking on. But, as his lover, how could you just sit back and silently watch him throw himself into a danger that had even him shaken?
You got louder, and he got louder. You tossed bitter, confused words back and forth until he was screaming. Until you were screaming back at him. Your calm, laid back demeanor slipped through your fingers the moment you realized he could be in over his head. That, if you let him leave, this could be the last night you’d ever spend with him. Your anger was driven by your fear for his life, and his was driven by your inability to let it go. 
He was still screaming. You were still screaming. You were fighting him. He just told you you were the most important person in his life, and you were spitting venom. 
You stopped.
He stopped.
Your hand came to your bare chest as it heaved in an attempt to steady your breath. The other came up to wipe the tears budding in your eyes. He looked away from you, his brow tugged heavily downward, his jaw clenched together in shame.
"Let’s just breathe, okay?" you pleaded.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize," you whimpered into your hand. "Out of everyone in the world, you're the last who needs to say sorry, so don't. It's just- it's not right, okay? You're too… I don't know, selfless? I watch all the time as that gets taken advantage of. Doesn’t it get tiring? Even your name is some dirty secret. I've been sleeping with you for a year and I don't even know what it is-"
"Yes, you do," he argued, his lip wavered with weakness for one vulnerable moment. "You know me- you know my name."
Desperation laced between his words and strung the sentence together. It wasn't easy to see your lover look at you that way, just begging for you to let pieces of him go. It was hard to accept it, but whatever name he went by prior to heroism didn't exist anymore. Neither did the once innocent child it belonged to. You tried to respect that, but it was unfair he was denied a basic human right: to have a name. 
"You're Hawks, I know, I'm sorry… it's just… how much is left of yourself that actually belongs to you? How long until there’s nothing left to give? People have taken so much from you that you’ve become numb to it; do you even know what you're missing out on? Do you even know how lonely you are? When’s the last time anybody even asked if you were okay?"
He realized, then, that you weren't angry at him.
You were angry for him.
His eyes shifted to yours, and he nibbled at his bottom lip before he muttered with the quirk of his mouth: “Well, you ask me that pretty much every time you see me.”
There it was. The crack in your voice. The crinkle of your nose and the tremble of your lip. You cried, and he sat there across from you, still bare as his wings lowered to either side of you. His expression didn't change, and, for once, you couldn't read it. You didn't want to be so upset, but knowing he was in some kind of dangerous trouble that shook even him was too much for you to bear.
"I’m sorry I jumped to conclusions. It’s just… Do you have any idea how many heroes I've wheeled into the morgue? People die on my table all of the time. Every time is just as hard as the last, but the heroes- those are the ones that destroy me. Because every time someone in a cape lands on the table I know their families are waiting for them at home, just like I wait here for you.
"I saved you once, but you're so far away from me, too far for my forcefields to reach you. Hearing you say you’re going away- all I can think of is coming into work one day and finding you c-... covered in a sheet."
His wings moved up from the shower floor. The feathers were dark with dampness as their joints pressed into your back. You sat there like that as he let you cry. Really, what else could he have done? What else could you have done? Of course you were angry. You would be for the rest of your life over how his panned out. His childhood was taken from him, his understanding of human affection was still stunted, even after all the time you spent gently undoing what damage had been done. Now he talked like one wrong move would end it all.
"It's… difficult," he began, though he couldn't make eye contact with you. He usually couldn't when you had discussions like this. "Being a hero isn’t what I imagined I would be when I was a kid. And sometimes I do ask myself: 'what is this all for? There's always going to be a new bad guy. Why does it matter?' And then I think about you…" 
He went silent for a moment; you could see the little battle behind his eyes. The battle between his affection deprived confusion and his need to be closer to you. To explain himself. 
"I think about you and it reminds me there are good people who are worth fighting for. As long as you are here and there are bad people out there that could hurt you, I have to be out there, too. And, yeah, sometimes I get afraid. But as long as I have these wings, I'm going to use them to keep this world safe for you."
He’d never felt so close to you, and yet so far away. He thought even more of you than you anticipated. A part of you felt touched you'd become a cornerstone for his sanity in such a hostile world, but the other part felt sick. If he wanted to fight for you, that was fine.
But to die for you; that would be unforgivable.
The urge to argue the worth of his life weighed heavy on your heart. If you did, he would call you hypocritical, considering your own history of self-sacrifice. It wasn’t the same, though. His self-worth depended on his usefulness to others and little else, and you feared the day that usefulness ran out. What would Hawks be, if not a hero? It should have such a simple answer, like what you would be if not a nurse. But it didn't. It never would.
You leaned forward to pull him into a tight hug. Perhaps when he was anywhere else you were unable to protect him, but right there, in your arms, you'd use whatever you could to keep him safe. Your bubbles, your kind words, anything. 
"I understand," you said, because you knew there were no words that could keep him away from the hero path. It wasn't just a part of his identity; it was all he'd ever known. "Just… don't forget when the heroing is said and done, you'll always have a place here if you need it."
He hummed a small, contented coo at your kindness. Of course, you didn't have to tell him that. He already knew. Why else would he spend so much of his precious little free time cuddled up to you? 
"I'll remember," he promised as his arms and damp wings curled in to squeeze you against him. 
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You and Hawks bathed in the comforting darkness of your bedroom. Your window was frosted from the bitter cold outside, but his body heat kept you warm in the safety of your bed. Or nest, rather, as Hawks tended to construct mounds of tangled comforters and wadded up bedsheets to hide in as he got comfortable. You were buried beneath the mass of cloth and the cocoon of his wings as you tried to fall asleep. It was a difficult undertaking since you didn’t know when you’d see him again. You were so tired, but you wanted to be awake to hold him for what little time you had left. 
You wouldn’t have gotten any sleep, anyway.
Often when Hawks slept in your bed you'd awaken at strange hours. Sometimes this was due to your own nightmares. The subject bounced between the traumatic things you’d seen at the hospital and the night you’d met. You'd wake to find that you’d encased your bed in your protective bubble during your sleep, and Hawks' wings squeezed you gently against his chest. Other nights, it was Hawks' anxiety that would keep you awake.
During the day, his guard was discreetly up. He carried carefree conversations as if unbothered, but those well-trained feathers of his were on constant guard. Really, he never had a moment to breathe. This was something you never would have understood the depths of if you weren't woken by his anxiety in the midst of the night. The anxiety he kept bottled during the day often let itself out in the form of night terrors. He'd mumble. Roll. His wings would twitch over you. His face would morph into an agonized expression, and he chirped in distress. A good, gentle shake was usually all it took to pull him out of the bad dream. 
That night his nerves reared their head, though in an unorthodox way. Apparently, you did fall asleep, because you awoke with a small grumble when you felt the mattress groan, followed by a heavy weight draping over your body. You let out a long whine of displeasure, but the weight just got heavier. You turned your head and opened your eyes to find Hawks, but he wasn't gasping in his sleep. He laid over you, wings puffed but flat on either side of your bed as he stared at the bedroom door.
"Hawks? You're squishing me." 
He didn't answer or turn to look at you. Those sharp eyes of his danced around in panic, his feathers raised as they sensed every small movement in your apartment. You dropped your head back onto your pillow with a sigh. 
"What's the matter?" you pondered.
"Shh," he hummed. "I felt something…"
You laid and listened for a short while, but all you could hear was the lady in the apartment above you walking across her floor.
"It's my neighbor."
"What if it's not?" 
Whether the display was the primal instruction from the bird in him to protect his mate or if it was a by-product of the harsh reality of the life he lived, you weren't sure. Either way, his calm and almost lazy facade cracked. When the world was quiet and his feathers could sense every mundane movement in your apartment, his anxiety that those small bumps in the night might be something that could hurt you overwhelmed him.
The little display was an annoyance to your sleep-deprived brain, but his first thought in the midst of his worry was to protect you. That spared him from your groggy wrath. 
"Lay down, McNugget. There's no one there," you grumbled, but he didn't turn his head away from the door. 
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Feeling your hand on his face seemed to snap him back into the moment, even if just a little. He leaned into you and encased you in his wings. It felt like a protective gesture, but the warmth you found beneath them made you hum pleasantly. The fluffy white cloth of his hoodie rubbed your cheeks as he cuddled into you. Well, actually, it was your hoodie. 
At one time it was just some old thing you'd snagged from a thrift store on a chilly day. It was much too large for you, though. When Hawks came into your life later on, you'd cut holes out of the back and hemmed it up. That way he'd have a little something to throw on when it got chilly at your place. He never said it out loud, but he loved the thing. He'd go looking for it if you didn't leave it laying out in the living room. 
"I know you usually have a lot to be afraid of, but you don't have to worry about protecting me. I'm a badass, remember?" you whispered into the shell of his ear. His shoulders relaxed just a bit, and he puffed out a little chuckle. 
"Yeah, I know. I just… I want you to be safe. That's all." 
Your gaze softened, though he couldn't see it in the darkness. You didn't need Hawks to protect you. You didn't need a hero. You needed a best friend; a lover. Between the both of you, he was the one in most need of saving.
"Shh," you hummed gently. Your hair lifted from your pillow and danced slowly around your face as if gravity was lost to you. He scrunched his nose as your locks brushed his cheeks, and his wings settled flat as a ring rose from the floor around your bed. The translucent wall came together above your bodies to form a hard, bubble shell.
"You've been the hero long enough. Let me be the protector tonight,” you said. His throat bobbed against your shoulder as his arms wound around you. He settled, but you still felt his unease.
“What’s got your feathers ruffled?”
“You shouldn’t have to protect me,” he said. His voice was muffled since his mouth was pressed into your skin, but you still heard the sadness in it. “I should be taking care of you.”
You blinked as you soaked in his words. For a year you pined for such romantic things to come out of his mouth. Of course he’d wait for a night like that night to say such sickeningly sweet things. The future that used to feel so full of mystery and excitement had become dangerous, uncertain, and disappointing.
“You don’t have to be the hero every time,” you replied.
“But if I’m not a hero, what am I?”
His question was an echo of your fears. The ambient light from your window filtered dimly into your forcefield, but your eyes couldn’t adjust with tears in them.
“I don't know if I have the answer you're looking for, but... Do you remember when I was in the hospital?" you asked. "When you first came to see me you brought a twenty-piece box of chicken nuggets, and while I was trying to eat one you laughed until you were crying because it looked vaguely like a penis.”
“Vaguely? It had balls and everything,” he recalled, and you rolled your watering eyes.
“Whatever. It was stupid, but it was the first time I laughed since I was trapped in that hospital. And, well… when they said I’d never walk again you helped me out of bed. I cried myself to sleep some nights, but you were there, still trying to save me. You were trying to be a hero then, too, but you became my best friend. If nothing else, that's what you’ll always be to me.”
A sound came out of him akin to laughter. You shot him a look, then hooked your finger under his chin. You wanted to see his dumb grin when you berated him for poking fun at you. When his eyes met yours, though, they weren’t crinkled with laughter. They were red and watering.
“Oh, Hawks,” you breathed, and he tucked his face back into your arm to hide his vulnerability. He never cried before. At least not in front of you. He was always the immovable one, virtuous and strong. Moments like this reminded you just how human he was beneath it all.
“I’m right here. I’ve got you,” you assured him in a whisper. Gentle promises spilled from your lips like lullabies, and he clung to every word with heart-breaking desperation. You whispered every sweet nothing you could think of to ease his pain, but you didn’t have that kind of power. 
You had no power at all.
His world always seemed scary to you. You feared for his life every day, but the thought of him being ripped from your arms overwhelmed you that night more than it ever had before. The protective bubble that encased your bed would keep him safe for as long as you could fight sleep, but what of the morning? You’d be safe at home, and he’d be lost somewhere in the dangerous fray of his duties. Far away from your warmth and the apartment he found so much comfort in. 
This would not be the last time you held him. You had to believe that, but what if it was? What if this sleepless night was your last together? 
Tell him you love him, you thought to yourself. Tell him before you never get the chance again. 
You bit your lip as you felt his trembling breaths on your collar. You prepared your lips for the taste of the confession, but he was so vulnerable, more so than he may have ever been before. He didn’t need you to tell him about your affections, he needed you to use them.
You placed a reassuring crown of kisses along his forehead, and he gripped you so hard his knuckles were surely white. 
When you’d cried as a child, your mother would lay in your bed and sing lullabies until you fell asleep. Your voice was untrained and awkward compared to hers, but you tried your best to use it. Your off-key tune echoed back to you in the dome of your forcefield, and your cheeks pinkened with how childlike it sounded. Your embarrassment interrupted your lullaby. He stirred against your chest.
“Don’t stop,” he said. “Please, sing to me.”
You cleared your throat as you gathered the courage to start again. His eyes fell closed as your song settled into the safety of your shield. His feathers relaxed, and his face went slack as sleep slowly overtook him. You sang until his tears stopped flowing. You sang until he was asleep in your arms. For as long as you could, you laid awake. If you succumbed to sleep, so would your forcefield. So would your promise to keep him protected through the night. As time moved slowly forward, sleep inevitably began to settle into you, too. It was as terrifying and as peaceful as death.
“I love you,” you whimpered as you felt your eyes grow too heavy to fight back open. “Please… stay safe.”
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A massive thank you to my wonderful friend and editor, @fuwafuwagem​! If you thought the fic looked especially polished, it’s thanks to her efforts!
Also a big thank you to my buddies and beta readers: @dendriticheep​ and @narcolepticroses​! Thanks you guys for being such sweet friends to me ;u;
And a huge thanks to YOU, for reading !
Authors Note:
I’d love to do a lot more fanfictions like these! If you have any suggestions or requests for animations or animated stories like this one feel free to submit it to me!
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angst-and-fajitas · 3 years
Guide to Pulling All-Nighters
(as written through the lens of someone with ADHD, because I have literally no idea what it's like to do homework without adhd)
Let's face it, sometimes all-nighters are unavoidable. Sometimes you really do have to force yourself to stay awake and plug through your work all through the night in order to meet a deadline. With finals and exams coming up for many, I wanna use my experience to help you take care of yourself and stay focused while you work.
1) Keep yourself warm
When your body is tired, it struggles to maintain its warmth. Even when it's not cold in the house, you may find yourself getting a bit shakey and shivery, so dress warmer than you might think you need to, or have a blanket with you to wrap up in.
2) Eat a good, solid meal
Have you noticed that when we stay up late, we tend to snack a lot? Of course, it's because the body needs energy! During the day, we're used to eating full meals every couple of hours to keep up our energy, but yet it feels strange to eat a whole meal at night because we aren't used to that. But when you're staying up all night, that would be a whole eight to twelve hours without any meals, right? So, instead of just eating snacks all night, it's a good idea to fix yourself a full meal-size portion of food to eat when you start getting hungry. It's Dark Lunch, babey!! This will provide you with a longer-lasting and steadier stream of energy while you work, and will reduce the distractions created by hunger and frequent snack breaks. Make this even more effective by eating longer-lasting energy sources like carbohydrates and proteins. Warm food will also help to keep your body temperature up.
3) Outline what you need to do
This is especially useful if you have executive dysfunction that makes it difficult to do tasks when you don't know where to start, but honestly it's useful for anyone who has a lot to do or who is feeling overwhelmed. If you have lots of tasks to do, list them and decide which one you're best equipped to tackle first. If you have one task with several steps, break the task down and figure out what those steps are, and then pick one to start with as well. Having a literal list you can look at can help you to stay on task as you progress.
4) Drink lots of water
Everyone says it, I know, but it will help you to stay awake and combat sleepiness. A warm drink can also be nice, but keeping yourself hydrated is just overall important. Alongside helping you stay awake, it can help you ward off headaches that may come from stress or exhaustion.
5) Remove distractions
Your phone may be a big one of these, so consider removing it from your sight, not just putting it out of reach, if that's a big problem for you. If you like music while you work, make sure you're picking the right type of music for you. I know that, for me, music with lyrics is too distracting because it makes my brain want to imagine things. Consider ambient music or video game soundtracks: often, those are made to play in the background and keep you focused on your main tasks! Choose a long playlist or looped tracks if you can, that won't distract you with the need to always be switching or skipping songs, or with intrusive ads
6) Hold yourself accountable
In the dead of night, there will likely be no one around but you, so you're the only one who can hold you accountable for staying on task and getting work done. You really need to commit to it, and don't back out of promises you make to yourself. Set mandatory periods of focus and work where you sit down and churn out work, even if it's not perfect or even especially good at all. For me, I use a little trick where I have music, a single looped track a little shorter than half an hour, and for the whole duration of that song I MUST work to the end, no exceptions. If you break the deal with yourself then the magic fails and your brain figures out it's been tricked and it doesn't actually have to keep anything. So, never let distraction creep into the dedicated Focus Time. Don't look at a single notification, don't open another tab, don't derail. I can barely manage that twenty minute period, frankly it starts feeling kinda painful towards the end and I want to wriggle and squirm free or gnaw my leg off, but you have to force yourself to finish that focus period before taking a break. You'd be surprised how much you can get done in that period, too.
(For me, my accountability song is the DJ Cutman "Hip Shop" Deltarune remix 20 min loop LOL)
7) Take breaks
That brings me to this one. Taking breaks can be good for your brain, and for your body, so long as the breaks are a decent proportion to the work periods, and the work isn't just a little sprinkle of seasoning on top of a big break pile. Take the type of breaks that you actually need, and the type that will help you to stay awake. Getting up and doing some physical movement will be a good one for keeping your body and brain awake, for example. Try walking around the room, jumping up and down, or stepping outside for a breath of fresh night air. Avoid engaging in anything long or deeply distracting that will be hard to pull yourself away from.
For those with ADHD, this can be a good way to keep your brain stimulated, since that's another frequent cause of our inability to focus. I haven't totally figured this one out yet for myself, though, since trying to stimulate your brain without distracting it can be really hard when you're Inattentive type. It may take some trial and error to figure out what works for you, but don't give up!
8) Do something Weird
When you feel yourself getting sleepy to the point that you're struggling, but you know have to keep going, you might try shaking up your brain by doing something weird and unexpected that you wouldn't normally do. No one's around to watch you, so try rolling around on the floor! Do a funky little dance, bite a lemon, whatever it takes to surprise yourself and get that little burst of energy you need to keep going!
9) Know when to call it quits
Honestly, sometimes you really may not be able to go on. If you try everything but still find yourself locked up and unable to get anywhere, or if you're getting really sleepy, nodding off, and you just can't shake it, and you know deep down that you aren't gonna be able to get any more done even if you keep staying up, then it's time to cut your losses and go to bed. Sleep is valuable, so very valuable, and it's vital to your mental and physical health. When you truly can't work, head to bed and get as much sleep as you can, and try again in the morning. If your assignment is late, then it's late. Try talking to your professor or teacher--they're more willing to help you than you might fear. There's no shame in it, I promise.
Final Notes:
The more all-nighters you pull in a row or within a short range of each other, the more exhausted you are going to become physically, mentally, and emotionally. It is a recipe for extreme burnout to keep doing this for too long. Get sleep whenever you can, get a friend or family member to help wake you up when needed, but try and avoid getting to this point if you can. Don't be shocked when your ability to focus and to even just think straight starts to degrade after a long period of depriving yourself of enough sleep. If you do burn out in the process of finishing whatever you gotta finish, then please, please give yourself an extra-long self care period afterwards to let your body recover.
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tteokdoroki · 4 years
awake with you | s.todoroki
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♡ pairing: shoto todoroki x fem!reader.
♡ word count: 1.7K
♡ rating: everyone.
♡ genre: ua student!au, angst, comfort, fluff.
♡ summary: during the night, bad things happen but your boyfriend is always there to keep them away. by your side always, shoto todorki makes it his mission to fight your demons and make sure you know that you’re loved.
♡ warning(s): please read ! character death, mentions of car accidents, nightmares, guilt, lack of sleep, but a lot of fluff and the best boyfriend in the whole world :(
♡ author’s note(s): guys! it’s shoto��s birthday, so here i am postiing this shoto request from anon a while back, i hope you all enoy and have celebrating the beautiful boy’s bday <3
♡ masterlist | requests
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it was hard for you to sleep.
harder, when shoto wasn’t around.
sometimes it was your thoughts that kept you up; late at night— dark thoughts that swirled around in your head and slowly poisoned your brain with heavy black venom. it was hard to sleep when your mind was heavy with fear, but ever since dating shoto todoroki; those nights became easier and sleep wasn’t so hard to come by.
you weren’t so sure what it was about your boyfriend that made it easier for you to get some shut eye; it’s not like he really knew either. todoroki just didn’t like seeing you in pain, the way your face twisted with discomfort or the way sleepy tears would wet your cheeks under the moonlight— but you had somewhat of an idea, that his fresh peppermint smell and warm arms are what often helped you.
shoto would so lovingly sneak into your room, no matter the time, dusk or dawn— he would hold you tight under the sheets until you drifted off to dream land. even if it meant being teased by the others for stumbling out of your room in the morning, his pretty hair a wild mess creating the image that’d you’d both been up to no good, he’d face it all for you, over and over again.
but tonight, your loving, caring and doting boyfriend was nowhere to be seen— everyone’s second internships had begun and todoroki had chosen to work with his father along with izuku and katsuki, so it was no doubt that they wouldn’t be home until late. what with endeavour being the number one and all.
your friends knew about your struggles to sleep, of course, todoroki bluntly mentioning how you ‘like to sleep together’ to soothe your nightmares ( iida had lectured you about it after, saying it was inappropriate while deku and ochako turned as red as your boyfriend’s hair ) so offered to stay up with you— but you needed rest, today’s training sessions  having taken a toll on your body, and wave them off with a smile laced with tiredness.
you could call him, he wouldn’t mind and you know it— but he’s with his father and that takes enough out of him as it is.
you decide, instead, to trudge to the dual quirked boy’s bedroom, instantly calmed by his sweet peppermint scent embedded into every inch of his dorm. you swipe one of his clean sweaters straight from the closet before hitting the lights and snuggling into his bed.
tonight would be fine, todoroki would come home, wrap you in his arms and with the aid of his scent surrounding you— you would sleep safe and soundly.
is what you hoped as you drifted off to the land of dreams.
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when you were younger, you watched your older brother, haru, get hit by a car.
the scene haunts you to this very day, crawling up on you while you rest at night— choking you out in your dreams. you see it now, feet glued to the ground as you’re forced to watch the younger version of you, mess with your older brother using your new found quirk. your parents had called it scenery, back then your powerful quirk had been their pride and joy, giving you the ability to create a mirage in a certain targets mind— make them see things that weren’t really there.
back then it was fun to play tricks on your sibling— you made haru see all of his worst nightmares, everything but the road.
everything but the oncoming car.
everything but his untimely death.
you want to scream at little you— tell her to stop and that it’s not funny anymore as she forces your brother back into the road— he’s giggling, he doesn’t know it yet and neither do you. but the words you want to say die down deep in your throat, suffocating you from the inside although they burn at your lungs to burst through.
why cant you speak? why cant you stop her?
adrenaline trickles into your blood stream as you will yourself to run out into the street and protect haru from the oncoming traffic just as he slips off of the sidewalk. your senses are blown out of the water, static noise filling your ears and intertwining with childish screams and the sound of a not so distant honking horn.
you claw harshly at your throat. speak. save him. for god’s sake; do something.
“you’ll kill him! stop! you’re going to kill him!”
the flickering of artificial, yellow light behind your closed eyes has you jolting awake, sweat forming at your brow and hands clenched tightly around your boyfriend’s plain bedsheets. your gaze darts across the room while your heart thumps loudly in your ribcage from the fear that struck you in your dream and finally, your stare settles on a shirtless, bewildered shoto todoroki. his face is a little scratched up no doubt from being on his father’s patrol and he looks exhausted but that doesn’t stop the concern he has for you taking over his expression. “yn—?”
“s-sho,” you hate how your voice caves so easily, the single syllable of your nickname for him falling wetly from chapped lips. todoroki is by your side in an instant, not caring that he’s only half dressed and half awake. he’ll deal with that later.
with tender hands shoto cups the back of your head, letting you sink into the warmth of his flesh. you reach out for your boyfriend and he’s there, taking your free hand in his and giving it a gentle squeeze to help ground you. “love, what happened? why didn’t you call? you know i don’t mind—” his timbre voice fills your ears like warm honey, calming your rapid breathing but all you can do is shake your head.
“nightmare ‘n you were working,” you pant, cutting him off while the death grip on your lover’s hand begins increasing. you feel so far from the ground, the scene of haru’s death dancing across your mind. “i killed him, again—“
shoto watches your body twitch with fear and your usually glimmering eyes gloss over in away that makes him feel sick. you’re not here with him yet, still tangled up in the black string of your bad dreams. the world around the dual eyed boy begins to change and it seems you’ve activated your quirk by accident— showing him scenes of the day your brother died.
you screw your eyes shut as flashes of his body tangle with reality to the point where you don’t know what’s real and what’s not. you’re losing control of yourself so easily, fresh sets of tears stinging their way down your streaked cheeks. trapped. you feel trapped like a bird in a cage even while you’re awake and the sounds of cars and screaming burn at your ears once more.
make it stop, please.
“yn... come back to me love, i’m right here,” todoroki’s calm voice cuts through the suffocating song of death, dragging you back to reality while the effects of your quirk drift away. his fingers, although contrasting temperatures, now cup your cheeks to tilt your face towards him so that your eyes lock with his under the crescent moon. “you didn’t kill him. that wasn’t you. it wasn’t your fault.”
you blink away more tears like a helpless child, chest heaving but todoroki doesn’t give up. “but—“
“no.” your boyfriend says softly, yet sternly, leaning down to place an eskimo kiss to your nose. your eyes flutter shut at his simple gesture, although it raises saftey and warmth across your body— black radiates behind your closed eyelids, no longer plagued broken bones and blood. it’s easy to keep breathing from there, focusing on that as todoroki pulls you into his lap and the sheets fall away from your body.
“no,” you repeat back to him while shoto’s arms settle on your waist and his familiar scent of fresh peppermint fills your senses. “not my fault.”
it wasn’t your fault, that day the car had come speeding down a usually safe road in a residential area. the accident was a hit and run, but being a child made you feel every ounce of the blame. shaking the thought away you curl into your lover’s chest, listening for sounds of his heartbeat while he toys with a lose string on his sweater— the one you wear.
“that’s right, good girl...not your fault, here with me yet, love?”
when you glance up, todoroki is looking right back down at you— brows creased with worry but there’s love in his stare, overwhelming amounts that make you hum into his bare chest, grounded by the feeling of his skin against yours. “present and accounted for,” his chest rumbles with relieved laughter, soothing you even more. “thank you, sho. i’m sorry for making you do this so late at night.”
this time, shoto shakes his head— sending locks of red and white flying. “don’t thank me and don’t apologise,” his words are feather light in the dark while he manoeuvres you both onto his back to settle into bed. you’re about to mention that he’s still half in his suit, but your boyfriend doesn’t seem to care, already closing his eyes. “i’m yours, your boyfriend and i’m going to support you no matter what. i’ve got you, okay? you’re always here for me so i’ll do my best to do the same for you. what kind of man would i be if i wasn’t?”
“a very unmanly man,” you tease with a kitten like yawn, already feeling the confines of a more comfortable sleep, taking over.
todoroki rolls his eyes but pulls you closer to him anyways. “you’ve been spending too much time with kirishima.”
“at least i don’t spend everyday working with bakugou, now that’s true nightmare.” you counter, narrowly missing a pinch to the side from your boyfriend.
the pair of you sleep soundly that night, wrapped in each other’s arms. you feel safe, knowing that nothing could ever harm you, as long as you were with him. shoto todoroki would give anything for to you to have a goodnight’s rest. no matter what. even if it meant staying awake with you and being late to patrol with endeavour the next day.
not like he cared, he hated his dad anyway.
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sweetberrysmooch · 3 years
HC: And There Was Only One Bed (Affectionate) [pt. 1]
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(This is unfortunately gonna have to be in several parts, mainly so I can get something out to you guys while still being able to work on the rest ^^)
Basic sleeping hcs with ya boys, and sort of... smell hcs? Idk, I got into a mood and couldn’t stop writing about smells so here it goes lol.
Characters: Dream, Techno, Wilbur.
Warnings: There’s mentions of nightmares in Dream’s and a emotional breakdown in Wilbur’s, but that’s it.
Song Recommendation: Dream A Little Dream Of Me- The Mamas & Papas.
Up Next- Quackity, George, and Bad. [pt. 2]
Hope you have nice day today <3 Enjoy!
Depending on where you’ve fallen asleep, Dream will kind of work with your position before he lets himself relax.
He prefers it when the two of you are in your bed, with him near the closest door and on his back and with you sleeping against his side, arm stretched over his middle. It’s a good way for him to be between any intruders that may come and to still have you close. But no matter where you are, he has to make sure that he can protect you before he lets his guard down.
Another position he likes is when you’re tucked against his chest under his chin, sitting on his lap or curled up together in bed. Being tall with a broad chest means he makes a pretty good pillow, so use those puppies when you can 👀👀
Smells like a forest, most times. Almost like wild honey, but it’s a very delicate smell. You don’t notice it until your first hug, when you were upset and crying and he pulled you to into his arms so you could hide your face. Now you smell it everywhere he is, in your house, on your bed, even your clothes smell like him. Neither of you say anything, but he slowly begins leaving his soap at your house. Just in case, y’know, if you ever run out.
Other times, when he seems a little more... off, he smells like the beginning to a storm, like ozone and petrichor. Those days he doesn’t speak that much, and keeps you at arms length. He sits quietly and watches your doors and windows with obvious intent, and is gone before morning. You don’t think he even moved from his spot throughout the night, much less slept there. You don’t see him for a few days afterwards.
Usually he remains as still as a log, but sometimes he has fidgeting fits where he twitches and grumbles to himself. Sometimes you’ll even catch him speaking full-on sentences, though they don’t make much sense. Mostly normal out of place stuff, but once you heard him talking about someone called DreamXD, and figured you’d ask him about his oc the next morning.
He has nightmares often too. It’s hard to tell when he’s asleep but he’ll wake up sweating and trembling and lean over you to check you’re still breathing. He won’t ever tell you what they’re about, but it isn’t hard to guess when he buries his nose into your hair and holds you tightly like you might leave him.
If the two of you aren’t sleeping in your house or completely alone, he won’t sleep until you are. Sleep loss doesn’t quite affect him like it does others until after a pretty long time of not doing it, to which he’ll become surlier and more angry until he eventually just clocks out. He wakes up extremely well rested 2 days later and the process repeats. Sleeping at your house is the closest he gets to proper sleeping, and it’s the only time he can ever feel truly relaxed when doing so.
When he can’t fall asleep, he goes straight to watching you. He gently plays with your hair and fiddles with your fingers, relishing in how unmarred and soft they are in comparison to his much rougher, bigger ones. It’s a sure fire way to get him to mellow out and relax, and he finds that sleep ends up coming much quicker.
(Dream wakes up in warmth one night, with rain knocking on window panes instead of what ever shelter he could scrape together and a fire crackling far off. He deduces immediately that he’s in someones house, and it doesn’t take long before he notices the owner, asleep in his lap. 
Your legs are slung over the arm of the padded chair he’s sitting in, a book (one of his own, he acknowledges, an older version of a well known storybook that he has memorized already) loosely held onto in your hands, and your head rests on his shoulder. 
He expects to feel worried soon, the fear of you getting close to him reappearing to ruin another close moment. But it never comes. All he can feel is the safety and comfort you always emanate, driving away his tension and soothing his mind. He closes his eyes, and falls back asleep.)
Techno is very very touch starved ^^; While he may not be the only one on this list that is, Techno is definitely the most…. shy about it. He won’t ever directly ask to sleep next to you, and will actively try to avoid that. He’s afraid of making you uncomfortable but also of being close to you in general? It’s an odd mix of emotions, like eating mints and a hot pepper at the same time and then feeling hell fire burn inside of your body. Anytime the two of you have to sleep in the same room as each other, he will immediately offer you the better spot and go find a chair to sleep in, and he won’t accept a no.
The most you can do is make the choice to go sleep next to him. It’ll weird him out a little before becoming overwhelmingly endearing when he processes the fact that you would rather sleep next to him than somewhere more pleasant. When you’re asleep however, he’ll pick you up and move you to the place where he wanted you to be. He’ll drape his massive cape over your body and (after assuring himself six different times that you are in fact asleep) softly press a kiss to the crown of your head. If he runs his thumb over your cheek once, then thats his business.
Later on in your relationship though, after he relaxes and settles a bit, it’s pretty unusual if you don’t fall asleep next to him. He still won’t outright ask for it, but he kinda just hopes that when he starts his nightly routine before bed that you’ll just join him without needing to be asked. Having you there helps him sleep better, you act as both a silencer for the voices and someone to hold close when he’s at his most vulnerable.
When sleeping in bed together, he prefers to pull you close and curl around you in a half pulled fetus position. He’s usually a heavy sleeper, and actively clings on to you when asleep. It's an impressive feat if you can break free from his strong arms while they’re wrapped around your middle, and you leaving inevitably wakes him up. He’ll go searching for you then, barely awake, just to pull you back to bed to be his teddy bear again.
And speaking of the voices, while generally they’re loud and insistent, occupying his mind more than he does at times, their reaction to you baffles him so much. In place of the usual screaming is gentle mumbling, quiet whispers about how nice you look today or how pink and soft your cheeks look. It’s a welcome relief, and no matter how he hard he ignores the fact that he’s wrapped around your finger, he’s glad to know they care for you as much as he does.
He also smells pretty nice, it’s this natural musk he has mixed with a muted minty scent. The mint smell comes from this fancy soap Phil had gotten him a while back that he hadn’t given much thought about until you said something. Techno’s already a clean kind of guy, but after hearing your praises of his smell he almost begs Phil to get him more.
Snores, but in a quiet reserved way. Sometimes he makes soft cute noises, like little happy sounds when you snuggle into him more, or bashful grumbles when you kiss him before bed.
(Sunlight flickers through the blinds of Techno’s room, streaking across your face and waking you from sleep. Sighing quietly, you lift your head a little and stretch as best you can while being held in place at his side, before snuggling back into your spot, fully content to stay there for the rest of the morning. 
As you enjoy the moment, you savor the gentle snores that rumble in his chest, his strong heart thumping beneath your ear, and the way his hand kneads your hip as he wakes. 
‘It’s a good morning to sleep in.’ Your mind says quietly, and with how he rolls over to face you and kiss your forehead, it seems Techno thinks so too.)
The way Wilbur sleeps really depends on what Wilbur it is.
To start off though, a few general things. He’s a neat sleeper, doesn’t snore, doesn’t move a whole lot, and smells pretty nice too. His smell also came from a fancy soap he got from Phil, but it smelled like sugar and lemons and it was a lot heavier than Techno’s. He would always take showers before bed because he knew you liked how it smelled, and often he would offered to share it with you (so that you would smell like him). Once he was exiled, he didn’t have the liberty of bathing as frequently as he used to, and he stopped using the fancy soap because he thought it felt tainted. He’d end up smelling like stale air and gunpowder, though he’d never tell you what the smell was from.
With sleep, if it’s pre-Pogtopia Wilbur, you get a fairly standard sleeping arrangement of him crawling up into between your legs to flop down on your stomach with a sigh, waiting impatiently for you to get comfortable and curl around him like you usually do. Your hand comes to cradle his head closer to your chest and he nuzzles into your collarbone before falling asleep near immediately. The two of you wake up tangled completely together and immensely comfortable. Wilbur used to sleep in on days like that, quietly savoring the peace that came with you and your generous hands that would slowly brush through his sleep-messed hair. Even after the election, when he starts descending into madness, the memories serve as a final comfort to him.
Post-Pogtopia Wilbur (Vilbur, if you will) is a stark contrast to his old self. He’s more bitter, more reserved, and even more paranoid. He doesn’t sleep with you anymore, at least never consistently, and the only times he does is when he’s so emotionally fraught that he passes out from the stress and lack of sleep midway through you trying to calm him down. You usually end up just kind of holding him close, praying that when he wakes up you can settle him before he works himself up again. You fall asleep like that, tired and restless.
(He rouses from sleep a few hours later, curled up in your arms and still exhausted from the breakdown. Your chest rises and falls slowly behind him, face smushed into his hair and completely relaxed. 
For a moment, all is calm again. He can pretend that it’s just how it used to be before the election had happened, that the two of you are back at home, happy and stable. 
His hands tremble when they reach for yours, and he grants himself the freedom to cry while you’re still sleeping, ignoring the fact that the next day will be just like the last, and that nothing has changed.)
See you next time :D
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seacottons · 4 years
—ateez as boyfriends [ domestic au ]
notes: swearing. suggestive dialogue. fluff. i blame a certain someone for this, not gonna say who. @kireiwoo
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— hongjoong
very caring and attentive towards you
so much so, that even his friends have complained how it isn't fair he doesn't scold you like the way he does to them
he enjoys many activities with you, such as
helping him dye his hair an ungodly color every other month
he'll insist you try experimenting with your own tresses
but you only have the courage to dye the very ends of your strands
"i don't think i can pull off that color as well as you do," you'd say.
"that's a load of bull. you'll suit every hair color."
you'll just roll your eyes playfully at his biased behavior.
other activities include getting tiny matching tattoos together.
the tiny flower and butterfly on your wrists was most likely your favorite due to its simplicity in design and the meaning behind it as well.
spontaneous dates are his favorite.
behind closed doors, he loves to constantly shower you with pecks and smooches.
often gets teased by his friends from how whipped he is for you.
randomly books vacations for you two to relax and unwind every so often.
although he enjoys it, he is a big, tired baby when it comes to traveling
always wanting to lean his head against your shoulder
or cuddling you close for warmth due to the airport's air conditioners blasting frigid air.
has written many songs about you
and when he's finally ready, he'll not only ask you to listen to them, but to also spend the rest of your life with him and share his last name as well.
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— seonghwa
constant pet names
"the sun to my stars."
"the moon to my sun."
"love of my life."
you like to call him mars, mostly.
but he revels when you call him 'twinkle eyes' for some reason.
has a habit of pulling you into his lap.
you'll subconsciously play with the strands of his hair as he does so, him being too distracted bickering with his friends to realize sometimes.
will always give you pleading looks whenever wooyoung or san tease him.
sometimes, you walk in to find wooyoung settling onto your boyfriend's back while he greedily devours the bowl of popcorn entirely by himself.
or other times when both wooyoung and san constrict his limbs with their arms whenever you're near.
"y/n can't save you now, so cut the whining."
you'll only sigh and shake your head in amusement.
"what are you guys doing to my poor boyfriend?"
"he changed the movie we were watching without our permission!"
"because i have no damn clue what's going on, and harry potter is too confusing!"
coffee dates.
loves to sleep with you tucked against his chest.
always has an arm draped around your frame.
butterfly kisses on your neck.
soft touches against the small of your back and waist.
his favorite pastime with you would be stargazing.
"baby, look. it's me, mars-io," he'd say whilst pointing up to the large, bright star in the night sky.
when it's too cloudy outside, or when the weather isn't forgiving, he'll turn on the indoor star projector he bought so the two of you can stargaze in the comfort of your own bed.
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— yunho
is the epitome of romantic.
is constantly smothering you in love and affection.
always has heart eyes and admiration in his eyes at whatever small task you do or say.
rant about an ancient dynasty?
heart eyes.
bombard him with useless information about a certain abandoned island.
heart eyes.
gush about the new cute bakery that recently opened up?
heart eyes.
if you had a money jar for every time he says 'i love you', you'd have enough money to buy a plane ticket or two.
always willing to drop everything to help you with whatever it is you need.
will wake up in the middle of the night when you text him to ask if he's awake or not.
willingly stays up to keep you company.
but sometimes, when he's too tired, he'll knock out accidentally and profusely apologize to you in the morning.
very supportive of your life choices.
hates seeing you cry because it makes him want to bawl his eyes out as well.
his hugs are bone-crushing.
but he is a gentle giant nonetheless.
likes to attempt to bake pastries with you.
half of the time, the goods either turn out undercooked or burnt.
"they have love in them, that's all that matters."
will always insist that you can rant to him about anything and everything.
you've never felt so valued in your life before meeting him.
is the most understanding human being you've ever gotten the pleasure of knowing.
"i wish we were vampires," he says one day.
you give him an amused look, lips outstretched into a smile, "why, silly?"
"so we can spend an eternity together."
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— yeosang
his heart flutters when you notice the smallest things he does.
it makes him feel appreciated and acknowledged.
like when he changes up his hairstyle or earrings.
or when he wears a new sweater.
a big, big softie when it comes to you.
can and will want to spend all day in your arms on his days off.
quick witted and has a knack for noticing the tiniest detail.
very shy and awkward at first.
but when he gets more comfortable as time passes on, you won't be safe from his snarky little comments anymore.
will constantly bring up the thing you said or did months ago to prove a point.
"oh, you like this flavor? three months ago you told me it tasted like vomit."
"remember that time you woke up in a rush to get to work thinking you were late, only for me to drag you back inside because it was three in the fucking morning?"
you stop mid-chew and peer up from your plate of rice.
"your point, yeosang?"
"oh, nothing this time. i just wanted to tease you."
is the type to have a mid-life crisis when you can't decide on a restaurant.
"but i don't want to eat at the chicken place again," you'll whine.
"it's been thirty minutes, and you still haven't decided what you want!"
"you're rushing me!"
"y/n! just pick!"
loves to cuddle with you, especially in the colder months.
wraps a blanket around your frame and tugs you in closer against his chest.
pretends not to understand your jokes just to spite and tease you.
loves when you cling onto him.
his favorite pastime with you would be just walking around together at night and trying out different types of street food.
or even visiting any of the local beaches for a relaxing walk together.
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— san
persistently keen about whenever you feel upset or down.
he reads you better than any open book.
sometimes, it scares you, but you appreciate how he's always so eagle-eyed about your behavior.
loves to hug your head.
you allow wooyoung to crash some of your dates with san sometimes.
other times, san will whine and tell him to go find his own date.
"if y/n accepted you as a boyfriend, then you should've disclosed that i'm part of the deal as well. buy one get one free."
"as what exactly?"
"the hot, clingy best friend."
will take numerous duck-faced selfies of himself because you think they're cute.
often times, he'll ask you to mirror his expression, only for him to press his lips against yours a second before his phone snaps the picture.
likes when you kiss his dimple.
"y/n! it looks like a crater from the amount of times you've kissed it."
he likes to tease you.
a lot.
very touchy.
always has an arm around you.
rests his chin against your shoulders.
playfully smacks your rear when you're sassy with him.
or leans in to hold your jaw whilst whispering teasing words into your ear that has you becoming docile and bothered in mere seconds.
has you wrapped around his finger as much as you have him wrapped around your own.
likes to have weekly picnics with you at the park and admires all the dogs running about.
"i should bring byeol next week. maybe she'll like to play fetch too."
"i don't think that's a good idea.."
you often find him fast asleep holding onto a plushie for dear life whenever you're away.
you'll pull it away from his arms, causing him to stir awake groggily.
he'll stare in confusion as you throw the plushie aside, before pulling you in tighter as you wriggle into his arms.
"you're softer than shiber," he'll mumble sleepily against the crown of your head.
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— mingi
mingi is sometimes self-conscious around the public eye and others, but when it comes to you, those layers of fear and insecurity get stripped away instantly.
doesn't mind being vulnerable with you.
he craves affection, adores it even, but is insecure about not being able to return it well enough for his liking.
likes when you give him attention.
easily gets jealous when someone else grabs your interest.
reassuring him 24/7.
"yes, mingi. you're the love of my life."
kissing his pouting lips for good measure.
the smallest of gestures has him a blushing mess.
even holding hands in public.
when he's not being a sentimental sap, he'll like teasing you lovingly.
"wow, you have this many photos of me in your phone?"
you'll scrutinize him in confusion.
"are you that obsessed with me, y/n?"
"mingi! you told me to take half of those photos of you!"
"oh, right. i forgot."
a silence weighs down onto the two of you.
"but would you have taken them if i never asked you to?"
constantly laughs about the things you say, although you don't think you're that funny.
always seeks your approval subconsciously.
will always shield you from the rain, playfully yelling at the droplets sometimes.
"you can't make y/n wet! only i can!"
"mingi! we are in public!"
wanted to go strawberry picking because he saw a celebrity try it out on instagram live.
accidentally steps on many berries though.
"it's okay, they'll just make another plant. i did them a favor."
brags about you like no tomorrow.
even for the tiniest, minuscule thing.
"oh, i've already tried the brand of ice cream. y/n always buys that for me."
"i don't need to pay all this money for a measly slice of cake. y/n's cakes are much better."
"no, wooyoung. i'm not jealous of your new shoes." he'll lightly pinch the boy's side, "y/n and i have already bought ourselves matching pairs."
"you two are so fucking cheesy, it hurts."
when he's not bragging about you, he's boasting about himself.
but if that's what helps him raise his confidence levels up, you'll gladly sit down hours on end listening to how he has more 'swag' and 'charisma' than all of his older friends combined.
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— wooyoung
teases you like his life depends on it.
says you can't get enough of him, when in reality it's the other way around.
but you let him believe whatever he wants.
but deep down he just really gets satisfied with himself if he raises your mood and makes you smile.
especially when you're not having a great day.
uses way too many emojis when texting you.
"wooyoung, why am i saved as as 'clingy bug' on your contacts?"
he'll squawk indignantly and laugh awkwardly for a second.
"who told you this lie!?"
always wants to show off your love in front of his friends.
"no, i don't want my early birthday gift now. wait until the others show up, and do it front of them."
"but why?"
"so everyone can see how much you love me. can you also cry for good measure?"
"absolutely not."
he enjoys the dates you have in his apartment the most.
the ones where he cooks for you and asks for your help, only for him to pester you about over-seasoning or undersalting something.
"okay, fine! we'll just order take out if it tastes that bad," you pout, flinging a small piece of onion on his face.
his head instantly snaps back to eye you judgingly, fist gripping the poor spatula.
"over my dead body."
"so, y/n. how does my plating look?"
"it's beautiful, wooyoung. you've outdone y-"
"what else is beautiful?" he demands, face leaning over the table to give you a knowing grin.
you shove a piece of meat and rice into his mouth, shrugging nonchalantly.
he deflates at your answer, spluttering pieces of rice onto your face.
"jung wooyoung, you slob!"
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— jongho
is the type of boyfriend to stop you in the middle of the road to tie your shoe for you.
very charming and goofy in his own way.
takes pride in himself and his abilities to cater to your every whim and need.
even when you don't ask for his help.
aggressively opens jars for you when you struggle to pry them open.
"no one messes with my y/n."
"you're fussing at a jar of pickled radish, baby."
the type to cling close to you in public in fear of any of the bicyclists or pedestrians bumping into you and harming you in any way.
sometimes acts like you're made of glass.
while it's endearing occasionally, it is a bit suffocating at other times.
doesn't believe you when you say you're tough and don't need protection.
very selfless and willing to help you with anything you need.
never one to shy away from social gatherings with his friends, always pulling you along with him despite you being shy and clingy most of the night.
also a big tease.
when you help him hold down his legs for sit ups, he asks for a smooch.
pulls away from you when you try to kiss him.
and will laugh at your pouting face as he urges you to try once more.
"stop moving, i just want to kiss you!"
after numerous tries, he finally allows you ( you truly think you over-powered him though ) to kiss his cheeks or lips.
he then proceeds to squawk loudly in retaliation and playful disgust.
although he loves teasing you, when the game is flipped the other way, he'll be a shy mess of embarrassment.
"i don't mumble your name in my sleep."
"you always do, silly."
tucked underneath his macho exterior, you know he's prone to criticism and takes it to heart much more than he likes to show and admit.
so, whenever you get the chance, you always fulfill his need to be appreciated, loved, and taken care of.
is utterly and extremely protective of you.
"who just whistled at you?" he grumbles, "i'll break their jaw like an apple, you know i will."
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