#i was originally gonna go with the demonic Lucifer design
vixy-exists · 1 year
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The Tragedy
This is actually a redraw of a screenshot I took from The Tragedy of Man! I love this film and the play so much and since I got to talk about it in my exams, I felt it was fitting to draw
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The characters here from right to left are Lucifer, Adam and Eve.
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thesupernaturalhouse · 5 months
Ooooookay! Hazbin Hotle redesigns....but not really? Honestly, it's just me drawing them in my style, but they could be considered redesigns, I guess, specifically Charlie
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Uhhhh I guess we start form left to right sooo, Emily!
Right, so, Emily is obviously a fallen angle. Thiguht this isn't her fallen look, since we already kneo what she looks liek with wings and a halo I didn't think about making a 2nd version of her without the demon disguise- but maybe I should
Either way, I kinda kept her original dress, with the symbols and what not, I feel liek blue and purple really suit her so, indigo
I tried to add red to her, but it just didn't look good. It gave me an eye strain.though her till and horns have a sort of dark magenta color going on
I wanted to add more 'freckles' cause, thier cute, and I have a bunch of freckles ove rmy arms and legs and face and stuff so, added them to em, I put a few on her ears and tail and horns to
Gave her gold buttons and fishnets on her arms, i forget what their called cause they are cute, and I like Athnek(?) Posts about Emily and uh, goth Emily, I think, is pretty cool and so boom, fishnet glive things- I gitta look up what there called
Lso ehr shoes look liek dolphins, which I didn't mean to do but it happened and I've accepted it
Next is Charlie!!
Um. Obviously, Charlie is the most changed from her canon design, I relaly like her hooves and others redesigns of her looking more liek a goat
Originally, I was just gonna add gaot ears and stuff, but the more I thought about it, the more I liked the idea of her having fur soooo tadaaaaa~
I gave her a little red stripe between her eyes and fade on her legs and ears to match Razzle and dazzle, and since lucifer was a high angle a seraphm/archangels hoenstly I dotn see a difference. I gave her some white freckles as well to sorta, show that connection
Also, toe beans! If she has claws, she can have beans, I think that Emily would have a normal human hand while vaggie would have little soft spikes on her like moths do, tho that's not shown
I also drew charlies wings cause it's cnaon she has them, and I wanted to play around with the demon/angle wing/s she could have, my irl friend K helped me decide which one to choose
I also drew her leg so you can see the fade in full. Side note that her belly has the same cherry red fur
I also added some chest fluff because why not?
As for her horns, I kept them the same color but added rings like Lilith has to show a connection between them. She also has her mom's eyes and heart tail point. I wanted her to have some demon stuff out just cause, she is a demon, she should......also realizing just how long I made her tail-
Uhhh, oh, right, side note, which I'll have to make a separate post about, Lucifer/eve/lilith are all dating each other, and Chalrie is all 3s kid. Eve is where she got the goat aspect from, inckuding horn shape, her scaly tail, snake fangs, red cheeks and color scheme over all are from dad, and Lilith is where she got her eyes and horn rings and heart point from, and beans to I guess
Maybe I should make a gene sheet one day; I gave her Jean shorts, like how I usually wear just cause I didn't want to add too much red or black
Okay, vaggie time!
Vaggie is the least changed. The most I really change about her is how her wings look. Her hand snow has soft spikes like moths do, and her hair
I do think when she fell, she got more demon aspects, but since her wings were torn off, she doesn't have to many physically other than fangs and the spikes
I also made her hair shorter because please, nobody has their hair that long!! or if they do, then I've never seen them!
I know it's a show, but it was driving me crazy! I'm not that skilled at draw front view bodies yet, so if vaggie looks off I'm sorry:(
Play that should be it!-
Oh wait, hold on, right. The reason they have gold rings/objects on them is because in term software demon courting their all technically married, okay bye-
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circeyoru · 6 months
Hi, really random, BUT!
Is Collector!Reader in your Collection of Souls fic a seraphim? I keep imagining them with big black feathery wings and brown skin and white freckles/hair...would that be why their so powerful? Idk
Go to MASTERLIST for the works. This is for {Collection of Overlords}.
HA! No!! Nope nope!! In part 1, it's heavily implied that you're a demon of greater power. If you read the request and the first ask for this series, you'll see that Reader/you was the Ruler of Hell before Lucifer's arrival. As the original ruler, you hold immense power but just didn't 'fight for the throne' when Lucifer and Lilith were in Hell. You opted to co-exist in peace and taught them how to take over your position as the King and Queen.
As for a design, not sure yet. I'm writing as I go, maybe later there's gonna be a design for you like {Unwanted Soul}.
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bjornensuckler · 1 year
Obey me! Silly little headcannons
Nightbringer has made me so so so sad, so I'm making silly little headcannons for the original timeline to make me happier :,)
When Leviathan has to go to RAD, he spends most of his free time in the back corner of the library with Satan and reads Manga
When Solomon is very stressed or overworked, he likes to have green tea with honey (Sometimes Luke brings it to him if he stays in his room for too long)
Mammon does little dances with his hands when he's walking somewhere if there's no one around
Sometimes, when Lucifer is listening to his records, he imagines himself dancing with MC and ends up having to turn it off cause he's too distracted
Asmo listens to screamo when he's by himself (occasionally with MC)
When Beelzebub is watching a movie with MC, he'll hold their hand and encourage them to lean against him
Belphegor has Crossy road on his phone but gets unreasonably frustrated with it causing him to play it for around a week before ignoring it for months only to replay the cycle
Barbatos kisses MC's knuckles on both of their hands everytime he greets them
Diavolo will occasionally attempt to learn about devildom internet culture only to go to Barbatos and ask him what it all means
Siemon really enjoys drawing wand will sketch little birds in his note books
Luke has secret handshakes with Simeon and Solomon (wants to make one with Barbatos but is too scared to ask)
Mephistopheles frequently listens to Beyoncé and Lady Gaga
Once Thirteen had found out what crazy frog was, she played it on repeat to try and get Solomon to leave (It is still stuck in her head and she hums it a lot)
Raphael once got a mood ring as a present from Luke and would stare at it for hours out of confusion (He'd be like 'But I'm not angry?? What is this trickery??') It's in a locked draw now
The House of Lamentation has bi-weekly hot chocolate night where everyone sits in the living room together with hot chocolates (Satan does little designs for them, and purposefully messes up Lucifer's)
Purgatory House has movie night Fridays where any of Solomon's choices have to be checked first cause he keeps recommending horror movies
Diavolo wants to have weekly events like that but never has much time so he settles on bi-weekly wednesday tea times with Barbatos, MC , and occasionally Lucifer
MC has clothes, toothbrushes, etc, at both Purgatory house and the Demon Lord's Castle cause of how much they stay over
Oki Doki, that is it for now!! I think I'm finally gonna start posting stuff so hello everyone!! Can someone also please tell me how to do that 'under the cut' stuff?? I wanna make NSFW headcannons :(
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baby--charchar · 7 months
What does Charlies regression look like with lucifer? And how did he find out? Was he insanely supportive or confused?
Charlie has come to love spending time with Daddy when regressed (or 'dada,' age depending). But originally, she never intended for him to find out.
She and Vaggie were just starting to get the hang of it themselves and had no intention of telling others. One night after a LONG workday at the hotel, Vaggie was cooking up supper while Charlie was watching Disney in the main room. She was feeling about 2 or so, and was finally easing into her regression and learning to be content in it.
Cue untimely Lucifer and his ignorance on boundaries. Just has a great new idea on operating focus groups for residents, and barges into Charlie's and Vaggie's room. Well of course there's Charlie smack dab in the middle of the room, her thick hair out of its usual ponytail, pacifier in her mouth, surrounded by baby toys, and wearing a matching red pajama set clearly designed for toddlers. Charlie screamed her fucking head off and Vaggie stormed into the living room thinking she was going to have to kill someone. Alas, it was just poor Lucifer looking confused as hell and now covering his bleeding ears (that demon shriek of Charlie's is again, NO JOKE). Vaggie took control of the situation and shouted at him to leave. No pleasantries and definitely not how she "should" have been talking to the king of hell. But hey, he listened.
When he got back to his room he texted Charlie in a panic.
"Charlie is everything okay?"
"I'm not mad baby, I promise. I didn't mean to scare you. Talk to me."
"Answer me when you can, okay? I love you Charlie."
Back in the girls' room, Vaggie took dinner off the stove to rock poor Charlie in her arms. She was absolutely bawling. Vaggie just held her tight and shushed in her ear trying to get her to soothe. Charlie kept rambling on about how Lucifer was gonna hate her and think she's so gross and she just FINALLY got her dad back in her life just to scare him off. Vaggie just held her tight and tried to get Charlie to focus on her toys and movies. Once she finally settled, she asked her a question.
"Can you let me handle this?"
Charlie nodded after a moment. After Vaggie wrapped up her cooking, and got Charlie settled back in with her sippy cup and movie, Vaggie quietly stepped out.
She charged into Lucifer's room shouting, scaring the fuck out of him.
She breaks the news to him that yes, her daughter does in fact experience age regression. Basically, her mind goes into a state where it emotionally and cognitively functions like someone much younger than her real age. It's not her fault and she can't always control it, it's just how her mind is processing the immense pressure that she feels. Baby Charlie needs safety, love, and space to be herself no matter how she's presenting. And he was going to give all that to his little girl or...or else, dammit!
Lucifer was so confused. But unlike Charlie's worst fears, he was not disgusted at all. He wanted to know more. He knew Char Char was stressed, but he had no idea how strained she had been feeling. How is this supposed to help her? Can she control it at all? Does she actually enjoy it? Is it making her miserable, or is it really helping her be happy?
Vaggie did her best to answer every question. Eventually though, she could tell that something just wasn't clicking for Lucifer despite trying his hardest to understand. She sighed and pulled put her phone.
"Don't you EVER let her know these exist. You understand? She'd kill both of us if she knew I took these."
A video appeared of Charlie sitting on the floor in her red pajamas, banging on a small xylophone to the beat of a Disney Princess song playing in the background. Her little voice sang along, just barely audible over her clanging. Her grin was so contagious, Lucifer thought. Then a pang of nostalgia engulfed him out of nowhere.
Vaggie swiped and a new video appeared. This time Charlie was toddling around their living room, a stuffed animal held in the crook of her arm and her thumb in her mouth. Vaggie could be heard off screen chuckling.
"Go sit, Char Char. Dinner's almost ready." Charlie grinned at her and started walking over, her uncoordinated steps glaringly obvious.
"No.....no.....! Vee vee's gotta cook! Go sit down on the bed....go sit.... good girl! Good girl." Charlie looked back towards Vaggie and cackled before trying to get up again.
Lucifer's heart was absolutely aching. His daughter looked so sweet. So happy and relaxed, something he hasn't truly seen in ages. She absolutely radiated the same joyous energy that she had as a toddler. And Vaggie just kept swiping. Photos and videos of Charlie finger painting, taking naps in weird spots, sitting in baths with bubbles all the way up to her neck. By the end of it Lucifer was tearing up.
He asked if 1, he could get some of those pictures, and 2, when he could see Charlie again. With Charlie's permission he was able to come back over that night for dinner. Even though Charlie painfully shy, she was clearly fascinated by her daddy being around and wanted him to pay attention to her. Lucifer was happy to brush her hair, pull out toys, and even carry her around all night long.
So yes...both! Insanely supportive after being insanely confused. And it's all thanks to Vaggie sorta taking the lead on caring for and speaking up for Charlie.
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obeiii-mee · 2 years
Can I please request the demon brothers' and undateables' reactions when they find out MC has a tattoo?
The Brothers and Nowdateables reacting to an MC with a tattoo
I have a few angsty/comfort requests that are gonna take a while to finish so now I'm taking a break by writing slightly shorter HCs of the brothers and nowdateables, I've had these asks sitting in my inbox for so long-I am genuinely sorry ;-;
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, Satan, Asmo, Beel, Belphie, Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, Solomon, Luke
Warnings: Just mild cursing
-Lucifer feels pretty neutral about tattoos in general
-Since they have been popular for a long time now, it wouldn’t be his first time seeing a human with a tattoo and honestly has no impact on him at the beginning of the programme because it’s just a quirky human thing y’know
-Demons can technically get tattoos but there is no point since many of them can shapeshift anyway and their human forms can have any number of oddities such as piercings or tattoos
-It's mostly a human thing, turns out we started the whole 'injecting ourselves with ink to see how it goes' trend and kinda ran for the fields with it-demons and angels don't really see the appeal
-Once he warms up to you, if you explain the reasoning or meaning behind it (whether you had it in memory of someone or just because you liked the design) he might actually appreciate it a bit more
-At the end of the day, he thinks it adds to your character and it also indirectly tells him something about you in general, which is a subject he is more than just a little interested in
-He doesn't understand it but he thinks it looks good on you and if you like it then who is he to judge?
-Honestly, he thinks it's one of the coolest things about you, even though he'd drop dead before admitting this to your face
-Even if it's a really simple, small tattoo he's going to internally fawn over it because, in his eyes, it makes you look badass af
-Lowkey offended you've been hiding this from him for so long
-Actually, you might just persuade him to get one himself and knowing him, he would totally go over the top with it
-I mean, think about it, if he hasn't already Mammon is definitely the type of person to get sleeves of tattoos and look hot whilst doing it
-100% would get matching tattoos with you, would not even hesitate and it seems like a good idea except you'd inflate his head bigger than it already is so-
-Is a dumbass and would probably try to colour in the tattoos if they are accessible to him at any given moment and he happens to have sharpies on him
-You know, funnily enough, I think Levi would look really good with tattoos, especially if he got some that were related to either his sin or water
-But an MC with a tattoo would absolutely amaze him since it definitely gives off protagonist vibes and he will probably find a way to relate you back to almost every anime he's ever watched that happened to have a character with a tattoo in it
-Honestly, he'd be more than willing to listen to you about the meaning or origin behind your tattoo/s if you feel like disclosing it to him (or if there is a meaning) since you often listen to his rants without a second thought and he wants to return the favour
-Actually, you might encourage him enough to get his own
-But I wouldn't count on it for the foreseeable future, he was kind of put off by what sounds like a painful procedure and thought of his brothers never letting him hear the end of it
-Also, he is part of the military and I like to think that, for disciplinary reasons, members might have a strict dress code (then again they are demons so probably not)
-Either way, he likes tattoos and even though he gets a tad too excited when you start telling him about your own and might ask some personal questions, he has good intentions
-Kinda in the same boat as Lucifer though don’t tell him I said that
-He has many human acquaintances and seems to be on good terms with many of them so it’s more than likely he has met several people with tattoos in the past
-He didn’t expect you to have any, naturally but when he finds out about it, he’s pretty chill though he might try to make small talk and ask what it symbolises, etc.
-Sometimes, if you’re sitting close to him whilst reading or something, and your tattoo is accessible (like on your forearm) then he might trace it with his own hand absentmindedly
-Weirdly enough, I also think he’d like seeing his pact mark somewhere near your tattoo-there’s no real reason for this I just thought he’d be into that
-I think maybe sometimes he uses the physical appearance of someone to judge and analyse them as if he was Sherlock Holmes so that might happen during your first couple of days in Devildom 😭😭
-Other than that, he doesn’t think about it or bring it up all that much. He’s usually too distracted by your annoyingly attractive face y’know
-You already know where I’m going with this one
-There’s no way in Hell that Asmo is not the type to flirt and use your tattoos as a reason for that
-This might not sound right but, like Mammon, I also think he’d have a tattoo if possible though definitely not whole sleeves. More like small tattoos on his ankles or wrists
-He would definitely get tattoos for the aesthetic rather than the actual meaning behind it because he wants to look good for his Devilgram story and the tattoo needs to fit whatever theme he’s obsessed with
-But when it comes to you, no matter what tattoo or how big or small it is, he immediately finds it endearing
-Whilst his brothers are mostly in the neutral zone about this kinda thing I feel like Asmo would 100% encourage and support you getting one even if you don’t have one already
-And then obviously, all further shopping trips and the type of clothes he’s gonna get you will be altered with the tattoos in mind in order to show them off as often as possible
-I just hope you don’t have a tattoo of a certain type of food anywhere on your body because that might trigger him
-Especially at the beginning, he’s already watering at the thought of eating you so a tattoo of a burger or something would not help
-Otherwise, he also sort of falls in the neutral category when it comes to tattoos
-After all, he didn’t start hanging out with you because of your accessories, regardless of how cool they are
-Then again, he is interested in you and therefore, once you’re more comfortable with each other, I see him as the type to ask quiet but sweet questions about any tattoos you might have
-Like he might talk about his past and then conversation may lead to you getting that tattoo in the past for whatever reason
-Just really little things that he’ll remember and then surprise you with next time you talk
-Also, he’d be hesitant to get one himself but he’d look good with it. Like really good. Just wanted to point that out
-He sort of hated it at the beginning but that’s only because he hated you 💀
-Once he stops acting like a little bitch he becomes a lot more neutral about it
-Or at least he says he’s indifferent towards it but you’re starting to think he’s lying because every time he falls asleep now, his head happens to lean against your tattoo
-He still likes his pact mark better
-I like to think that Belphie would also look good with tattoos but I really don’t think he’d get any just because he couldn’t be bothered
-If you like talking about yours though, he encourages it because your voice whilst you speak about anything but especially if it’s about you puts him to sleep like nothing else (in a good way, he loves it)
-Might also have tried to colour your tattoo in but not because he’s an idiot. He’s just a mischievous little shit
-Naturally, he assumes it’s part of human culture and will be as interested in it as every other aspect regarding you
-In fact, you could probably feel him marvel at your tattoo from miles away and he always compliments it if he happens to pass you by in the corridors
-Though he was definitely confused about it when he first learned tattoos were a thing, he didn’t really get it but it doesn’t matter!
-He would sympathise if he learned that getting one hurts quite a bit but eventually he’d convince himself he’d want to get one himself
-And he’s dead serious about it too but thankfully Barbatos puts a stop to it by reminding him that maybe the future ruler of Devildom shouldn’t go too crazy with tattoos
-He might get small ones to match with yours but either way he will be fascinated by the meaning behind yours (if there is one)
-I’d see him as the type to also trace it with his hands but out of curiosity on how it feels more than anything and he always asks first cuz polite prince things yk
-He gives off this air of aloofness which you interpret as disinterest when in reality it’s politeness that is holding him back from asking you about it
-Of course, unless you bring the conversation to focusing on your tattoo, he feels he has no right to comment (this tbh would include stuff like dyed hair, piercings, etc.)
-And obviously, being the mysterious butler he is, he’d much rather hear you talk about yourself so the meaning behind your tattoo is a perfect example of leading the spotlight away from him
-Still, he can’t say he doesn’t find your tattoo/s endearing but I believe that is simply because he finds all of you endearing so eh
-Though you noticed that whenever your tattoo is on display in public he does tend to stare at it sometimes when he is not need by Lord Diavolo
-He’d also be the type to trace it, I think. It feels like it would relax him or something idk, maybe I’m pulling at straws here
-He’s probably not overly fond of tattoos in general but honestly you rock everything you wear and that includes tattoos so he’s not complaining
-He’s just annoying bruh
-Like, he does not understand personal space (something that even Mammon has understood to an extent) and will ask as many personal questions as possible within a 60 second interval
-Obviously he backs off and apologises if he makes you uncomfortable but he does the thing where he clearly stares at something without saying anything
-And you have to ask if he wants something and then he goes “How long have you had this tattoo for?” Or something similar to that
-And that’s another thing-the questions he asks about it are so bloody random. Like “What nationality was your tattooist?” And “What was the weather like when you got it” which is just weird
-I think he’d have a couple of tattoos of his own but I don’t think you’d be able to tell them apart from the dozens of pact marks he has with other demons
-He won’t talk about his but if you’re willing to talk about yours without shutting him down then he’s all ears
-See I’m conflicted about this
-Because as an angel, I don’t think he’d be particularly supportive of tattoos mostly because he would maybe think that they are staining your beautiful skin or something
-But on the other hand, he’s down bad for you and for some reason, tattoos look a lot better on you than they do on others he’s seen
-Of course, he’s very complimentary when he first met you about it and asked small, polite questions but never intruded unlike a certain someone *coUGH COuGH-solomon-COUgh*
-Once the two of you grow closer, his curiosity might might get the better of him and he would feel more comfortable talking about stuff like that in general
-It was kind of a big thing about you at first but the more time he spends in your presence, the more accustomed he gets to it-meaning it no longer stands out to him all that much
-Will probably stare as well but unlike that embarrassing sorcerer, he actually would get pretty flustered about it
-He’s never seen a tattoo in his life
-He’s quite young and hasn’t had many interactions with humans before ok, give him a break
-You were the first person with a tattoo he’s ever met and he is confused beyond measurement
-“Simeon why does the human exchange student have drawings on their skin?”
-He doesn’t want to be rude obviously but he questions it the same way most children would 😭😭😭
-He doesn’t think it’s bad or anything but it’s kinda like tasting a new type of food and trying to decide whether it’s good or not
-He’s very curious about it but Simeon told him not to ask anything personal unless you gave the green light for that to happen
-Obviously his whole reaction would be what you would expect a child’s to be, a lot of staring but it’s not malicious and he’s definitely all about finding out more about it if you’re willing to tell him. He does think they look good on you
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demvalhaken · 2 months
I want coffee. (Art for you :D
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*Insert funny thing here to keep your attention and hypnotise you into ignoring the anatomy*
Okay everything past this point is literally just me talking about this shit
Greed demons originally had green eyes and not yellow ones. Idk but the yellow colour slays girl! It left no crumbs and cleaned the entire table! Butttttt…. There’s a sub-ring (Ring inside a ring) in the Greed Ring… LET ME COOK FOR A SECOND.
The Sub-Ring is basically just the Land of Gold as seen in Dante’s Inferno (Which inspires some rings). It’s a giant lake in the ring that has its own kind of ecosystem and society and stuff… So what if I just keep the green eyes and say “FUCK IT SHES PART GOLD THING!” Actually I think I’ll do that-
Let me just say, all marking on Greed demons are just poker symbols and stuff like that. Their tail tips will probably stay consistently either diamonds or hearts. Do you wanna know why Ace is named Ace? ACE OF SPADES BABYYYYYYY!!! Her lore is basically, you get born with luck curse, use it to win hundreds of casino winnings, get rich, get banned, get sad, be overprotective with sister. It’s been like that since 2023, don’t judge.
The rings of Hell aren’t really fully developed yet, they’re pretty underdeveloped like Limbo… I ignore that poor ring so much because I honestly don’t care about it. Plus I need to figure out sinners, AND I NEED A PROPER DESIGN FOR LUCIFER, SATAN, BEELZEBUB, MAMMON, ASMODEUS, LEVIATHAN, AND BELPHEGOR!!! AGHHHHHH!!! I’m literally just gonna make Satan fatherly goat man because that’s how he seems tbh
I HAVE SO MUCH TO DEVELOP AND ITS LITERALLY BEEN A YEAR OR TWO SINCE THIS STARTED!!! Also I literally don’t know which sin to draw first
Me talking for two paragraphs because I’m deranged :D
Is it just me or am I kinda dreading school, how am I gonna post frequently?! At least everyone sees me as a chill background character, so I probably won’t be bullied. Maybe I might be bullied for my outrageous body hair as a woman, idk I’ve never shaved except once like two years ago and I absolutely fucking hated it.
Completely unrelated rambles: you could probably tell but I am an avid fan of Vivzie’s works. Verosika deserved better tbh, she’s like my favourite character, go girl!!! I might sound crazy, but she’s not really a villain for me. Also people are getting mad at Vivzie’s tribute in the new Weird Al vid? I mean, I understand the hate… but I FIND IT FUCKING HILARIOUS THAT IT’S LITERALLY THE ALASTOR BASE MEME. I sound delusional, that’s fine I guess.
Oh yeah, here’s Ace’s original atrocious design. She ain’t got no lips and she got a receding hairline! Devious ahh smile 😭
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Edit 2: Dem fell off… fell off a cliff!!! Please don’t bully Dem
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chaifootsteps · 11 months
gonna drop my initial thoughts on the recent episode here real quick-
my first thoughts is that is wasn’t THAT bad, at least from the last few episodes I think it’s a step up. It just doesn’t clutch the same impact Ozzie’s had for me though
Glitz and Glam kind of fucked honestly- I think I like them. Sad that they’re probably just gonna be one-offs cause I liked the general idea of their designs and whole vibe. Wish we saw more of them (granted they’re female Viv characters so I’m not surprised). Wished they didn’t blend into the background and their designs didn’t have so many patterns it hurt my brain when they moved. Sad how they didn’t feel much like antagonists and were just sort of there
Mammon sure does exist. I somehow got more disappointed and frustrated with his design. Mostly because when I realized he was also supposed to be a spider I really wish Viv leaned more into the spider aspect than the fucking Christmas tree motif. Even his big demon form is lackluster it just looked like his original design but bigger- more Christmas tree and with a vague spider body and tiny ass eyes that got really fucked up the further away they were
bet you that Viv only really thought about the circus theming how hell with Mammon as a clown and Lucifer as a ring leader and just stopped it there- but she’s gonna insist it’s present!
Blitz felt sort of pointless in this episode. To keep it brief it didn’t feel like his and Fizz’s relationship went anywhere and it was just replaying emotions they already had from the previous episode.
Im trying to keep this short lol- another thing is that I think they really struggle with writing these more complex and emotional themes. They just keep repeating the same “are you okay” “I’m fine” “you don’t have to do this” “it’s for Mammon” “I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine” over and over and over again
It felt like they had the same scene over and over again but it also felt like we didn’t even learn much
as usual the episode was very fast paced but it also felt like nothing really happened
that sign language scene was nice though. So glad they didn’t ruin it with a shitty joke, for a moment they actually cracked how to write a nice wholesome scene
Fizz and Ozzie are fine. Much better than Stolas and Blitz by a mile.
I’m curious to see where they go from here- like how Mammon intends to make Ozzie “regret saying he loves Fizz”
I really wanna analyze and critique this episode more in depth later but uhhhhh real quick Viv thought she was being cheeky with the “women aren’t funny” joke that was followed up by her credit popping up. Ironic cause I didn’t laugh at all during this episode and the entire opening humor was just more cursing and expecting the audience to laugh
I have things I want to say turning in my head- I will very likely be back lol
They're good thoughts! I didn't even really notice just how repetitive the scenes were until you pointed it out, but it's true. It was just the same exchange over and over.
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cerine0357 · 5 months
HII i’m here for more requests, but just little headcanons with the morningstar court!! basically, the reader is like, blind without glasses, and they finally decided to get contacts and they went shopping with beelzebub, satan, solielin, rosealine, isahine, hervelia and diavolo, but the problem is that the reader is terrified to place contacts in their eyes. so it takes them like 30 minutes to put one contact in, and they’re like suffering (jokingly) and i just want the characters reactions to it!!
— @macrylys
OC: MorningStar court:-
Beelzebub, Satan, Solielin, Isahine X Reader
❀ Synopsis: Oh you're finally getting contacts? That's great, let them accompany you....oh my god, you're gonna blind yourself with the way you're putting in your contacts, your nervousness is gonna hurt you!! My god! Let them help...
❀ Fluff, crack?|| Established relationship|| Scenario|| normal versions of OCs
❀ Author's notes: I liked this one!! Thank you for requesting this and I love you all!! Also the characters in this imagine are not married to their original spouses, they're best-friend or only have a marriage of convenience and thus have no love in the relationship! Changed the request a bit
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Blind Love.......Literally..
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"I CAN'T STAND THIS!!" You say throwing your glasses across the floor making your S/O laugh as they nearly fell back into bed, before you walked it up and picked it up before placing it on your face again "..Jk, I need them to see.." you say making them giggle again...why are they like this?
"...you know you don't need to wear them right?" They say with a grin as she laid on their bed on their back and looked at your upside down with a smile, making you confused. s they see your confused face, they say "..Yeah, I mean there is something called contact lenses in this world,, you know that right?"
"..Right forget this place isn't like Victorian era anymore...shit.."
"..Yup, let's go shopping!!" They say as you became nervous...so of-course you denied as they tried their hardest to convince you saying they'll try to reduce your pain as much as they can! Sighing, you agreed...
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Beelzebub MorningStar
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◈ He took you to to like a lavish place...and please for the love of god, don't ask him to put in your contact...He eats a lot, he's the avatar of Gluttony and first of all, always has something in his hands whether it be rock chips, blood shakes, or something of the sort...and you don't know what he ate last and how clean his hand might be...
◈ ....Yeah, if he ends up using his hands to put in your contacts, you're going to go blind from the tiniest bit of spice from the rock chips he ate last or sugar crystal from his skull sugar puffs...I'm sure you don't want that and he knows and he doesn't want this either!
◈ offers to find some colours that will look good on you or some styles which in his opinion make your eyes look sexier, and he will pay for them no matter how much you yell at him to not, he will hold you upside down with his tail and he will pay for everything!
◈ Beelzebub knows Lucifer wears contact lenses at times, so he tries to guide you through it through actions doing it on himself like Lucifer does, but it's super awkward and you both always miss one or the other thing and it's funny as hell...
◈ He always makes sure you don't forget your contact lenses juice and makes sure you remove them before sleep at night cause he don't want them to get crusty like you do in the night during when you sleep...
◈ He gets you new contacts every time they expire, because you're lazy and he gets this excuse to buy more designs and styles of lenses! He does this all the time and you have to end up modelling your face with contacts whenever you can...
◈He gets Lucifer to calm your fear of contacts by showing you how he puts them on even with demon claws and not gonna lie it looks like a horror movie but it's hellishly sick and cool! Beel now thinks of stabbing his elder brother for trying to scare you...
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Satan MorningStar
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◈ "I'm not sure helping you put in contacts is the best idea...What if I get nervous and my claws come out?!"
◈Satan of-course helps you pick out lenses and first takes you to an eye doctor to check your eyes and your sclera,especially if you're a demon cause scelra is the important part if you're a natural demon and have black sclera like Raemous, Diavolo, Behemoth, Nightmare or Desion.
◈ Anyways, he will find something clear, he's not too much of a fan of TOO big ones just incase they don't have the best vision, he doesn't want you to feel blind despite having things which is meant to clear out your blindness...
◈ He is a generally a bit of a jittery person, despite being a prince, in a relationship or marriage, he will still be a bit nervous especially holding a rather delicate part of you like your beating heart after you ripped it out in a bet, or in this case your gorgeous face and your eyeball...
◈ He will generally get a bit nervous and when he gets nervous he turns into his demon form in accident at times, and in his demon forms his claws and SUPER large and sharper than the sharpest knife in the world...and he fears he will do that...so does not matter if you're an angel a human or an immortal, he will not put in your contacts...
◈ He will make sure your contacts don't dry out, you don't place them randomly and makes sure to help you buy new ones when yours expire...he's a sweet heart....
◈ He will also remind you to not sleep in them and if you do end up sleeping in them, that is the only time he will remove your lenses, making 8 HUNDRED SEPTILLION PERCENT SURE that he won't transform!
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Solielin MorningStar
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◈ "......Oh god, what was the spell to calm the pain...Let me check my book!" "NO-!" *cue 3 hours later* "..Okay, I FOUND I-...are you sleeping?....babe?"
◈ Okay no seriously, she's good at making sure she's doing everything right, she will take you to the doctor, pay for your checkup and make sure you take eye -drops, take in vitamin A and get you some comfy eye contact lenses.....
◈.....she will get distracted by them...don't...it's just better to go with someone else unless you like sitting in one position for next five hours cause she's gonna have a hard time choosing one...
◈ She finds one pair comfy but is rather blurry, one which is perfect vision for you but is very painful and one which is both but not spicy enough for your eyes...I don't know...ask her...
◈ Okay, she will not remember to change your expired lenses, so she will keep it in her large calendar in minuscule writing and forget until the calendar yells at her to do her shit... she will apologize for a bit, beofre running to get some new pairs!!
◈ Honestly she herself needs some, so you decide to make it a stupid little date where you both try to find eye-lenses for each other which are matching and seeing how much similarities you both have...It's weird, I know, but it makes you both happy, so who am I to complain?
◈ She finds it a hard time to put in eye-drops or her contact lenses, and you try to help each other and it always ends up with either one of you crying or you sleeping and her scrolling through the library for a book on eye-lenses...
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Isahine MorningStar
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◈ "I don't think I should put in your lenses, I got my manicured done and my nails are super long..."
◈ Isahine happily pays for everything you want even if you demand that she doesn't she will still do it, she just loves to spoil you!! She sometimes wears lenses and glasses herself for modelling and seven glasses during studying, albeit rarely..
◈ She is also worried for your eyes, she'll take you to a eye doctor and see if the number of your glasses is correct, she'll also does eye exercises with you after studying or during night before sleep as she does her skin-are routine with you!
◈ she makes sure you take good contact lenses, she herself wears them at times after studying for too long or she is happy to make your glasses more comfortable if you're not willing to want to wear contacts!
◈ She is also scared to put in your contacts, though she knows how to do it well, she's worried if she might accidentally stab you in the eyes with her manicured nails cause putting contact lenses on someone else is different than putting in your own...
◈ she is always making sure you don't wear them for too long if they hurt, she is a super worried mama bear type of girl, she loves you and you're precious to her! How dare anything hurt you!?
◈ stares at you while you stab yourself in the eye for 30 minutes trying to put in one contact, will not help cause again nails, but moral support counts, right? She herself does this too often, wondering how she isn't blind yet..but it's fine...
◈ Always happily buy new ones for you, she loves to spoil you and it's one small things she likes to buy you new pair every time yours get expire along with a care package, it's flowers, candy and soda...you're gonna be fine!!
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:: Tagging: @roseadleyn, @sweetlyvibe, @amxto, @thalliian, @achy-boo, @dxmoness, @writerig, @astrililu @lumiidouce
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© All three characters belong to me, Lxdymoon, Aurelia, Moon, Cerine. Reblogging is appreciated, but plagiarizing or copying my works is forbidden, thank you for ready and if you like this check out my blog!
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Character design rant below because this still bothers me but the gist is: Making Beezlebub a literal queen bee instead of a winged furry is actually more generic
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(Note these aren’t bad designs, generic designs can work and are not inherently bad,there’s no real original ideas it just how you express them. I just think being literal with Bee doesn’t work in the context of the narrative and character Viv has shared)
Making Bee a literal Queen Bee doesn’t make sense for her personality, role or even symbolically
For one she’s likely meant to be (part) hover fly than an actual bee. You know “you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar”? Plus the “Bee” aesthetic is likely meant to hide the uglier side of the gluttony ring (similar to how junk food looks good while being bad for your health)
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But for starters making her aesthetic more military/royalty, while it fits the general theme of “animal tamer queen bee”, you have to remember she’s meant to be below Lucifer in the hierarchy of Vivziepop’s Hell.
Lucifer is already meant to be the “Ring Leader” , so Bee dressing more like a traditional animal tamer would conflict with Lucifer’s role , as both ring leader and animal tamer have similar clothing.
(seriously Google “ring leader costume” and “animal tamer costume” and tell me it not just the same outfits being shown)
More than that, Bee is a party animal, and idk about everyone else but when I see someone in a formal outfit or even uniform with a matching crown , a serious hive mind army of bees and who may or may not be holding a whip , I think “this person is serious and strict, likely doesn’t even like sleeping past 9 pm” not “wow this person is gonna throw the wildest party in all of literal hell!”
If you want to ignore that the “original” Beezlebub was “lord of the flies”(and represented the sin of envy as well as gluttony), making her a literal bee still doesn’t make sense.
In nature bees are a hive species who are willing to sacrifice themselves for the safety of their hive. Bees are so hard working that they literally symbolise hard work , as well as wisdom and teamwork. 
Nothing about bees actually connects them to the sin of gluttony besides maybe honey, and other animals such as bears who steal honey would make a better fit for gluttony than bees.
If anything , making a demon lord have bee aesthetics while dressed in royalty/military clothing and heavy in the “animal tamer” role (who was an animal abuser actually) is more….wrath than gluttony (I seen someone say they wanna give Bee Lion features to better suit the animal tamer element and uh, dude, lions are symbolically wrath or pride come on)
As gluttony is about lack of control and overindulgence , with a lot of the elements people have added to “fix” /redesign Bee give her the opposite elements that fit a character who is over controlling and strict.
Side note but which one would stick out like a sore thumb more in a hell hound party?
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So than, why did Vivziepop make her a fox of all things? Instead of a bear to fit better with the bee aesthetic , or a pig which is more traditionally seen as a symbol of gluttony
And yes it is partly a reference to Viv’s older animations such as Jay from “Die Young”, and because Viv likes furries
It’s more likely because foxes do symbolise gluttony , unlike bees
okay foxes are usually used for greed not gluttony, but people misinterpret greed and gluttony as the same just for money and food respectively. But even if we go with the proper meanings of them (greed being hoarding while gluttony being overindulgence) in many stories and folktales, what are foxes most known for?
Biting off more than they can chew
From “9”fantastic mr fox” getting cocky with his plans to steal food for his community, to folktales such as “the gingerbread man” where the fox betrays the gingerbread man for a quick snack and even to other countries such as Korea’s “the fox sister” where a fox spirit eats the livers of her brothers to try to become human
technically a wolf would work too, considering the role the big bad wolf has in various stories, though there’s other elements as to why Bee suits being a fox furry
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Yep, that sounds much more like a drug stealing party queen than the bee symbolim, yeah?
I know technically if Bee is meant to be the animal tamer than there should be various animal themed demons than just hellhounds and such but at that point one is better off making their own concept of a demon queen bee than remake Viv’s existing story fit their own standards
(Side note but if anyone wants to make their own hell story, I think a strict bee queen who does animal taming would work great as the ruler of the Seventh layer of hell if you use Dante as inspiration)
If you made it this far I do actually have criticisms of Bee’s original design
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Hair is an eye strain (especially in motion)
her fringe looks distracting and makes her lava lamp hair even more eye straining
(though I’d keep the lava lamp hair, just balance it better)
i don’t like that she’s meant to be the actual Beezlebub, I actually thought she was the daughter or even a custom made hellhound of Beezlebub’s
was disappointed my headcanon wasn’t true ;-;
Her wings should be more noticeable
I would personally keep her design with minor edits but have the real Beezlebub be a wolf fly hybrid demon, to play off the big bad wolf tropes and have Bee be someone who represents him in public so people aren’t as wary of the gluttony ring (like how the big bad wolf in little red riding hood and the 7 kids disguised himself to be more presentable before eating them)
Last point: Pretty sure her palette is meant to be the colours of the pansexual flag
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lagblowz · 2 months
7 sins 7 demons 7 robots out to make sure you have a great time in Vegas
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You thought Manny was the only robot in Vegas? Naturally, with The 7th Circle being hell themed, they went all in with demon themed robots to populate the hotel and casino, each given a name corresponding to their roles, and the seven deadly sins (though how much it seems to apply to each of them seems to vary).
Mammon: Manny is the main operator of The Circle, acting as host, and filling in where needed. He was originally designed and intended to manage the gambling hall and deal tables, however, once able to freely think for himself, he quickly became averse to gambling after witnessing its effects. He can still cut cards, but he refuses to play for anything material, he'd much rather focus on hospitality. Is currently in a loving relationship with Amie.
Lucifer: One would reasonably assume the one named for the great king of evil would be the leader of the robotic band of demons, and up until some time ago, this was true. Luci, despite his robotic body, mostly exists as a server bank in a back room, tasked with managing and somewhat controlling the other robots, and this he does. Save for Manny, who is far more independent due to legal reasons. Of course, if Luci were to crash or otherwise become inoperable, The Circle's operations would be severely impacted, and it is because of this very real threat (which has occurred at least once) that it was agreed Manny should be leader, as he would be relatively unaffected, and thus the one most able to take action. Luci continues to manage the hotel and casino, a role he's always felt suited to, and takes pride in seeing guests being happy.
Asmodeus: Modes can often be found serving drinks from behind the bar. If you happen to find yourself on that "night on the town" sort of situation, he does have what he'd call his "wingman protocols", and while he can't slip anybody a mickey, he can back you up. Now, of course as somebody who can and does facilitate quite a few hookups, he's not gonna let you leave to the rooms upstairs without some... essentials. While he can't ever actually get drunk, he does act like it from time to time if he really wants to, less to encourage people to indulge more, and more to get them to cut themselves off.
Leviathan: Lev, in his snazzy bowtie, works the front desk, checking people in and out, handling guest issues, and taking orders for room service. He has been known, on many occasions, to be a bit pushy; deftly persuading guests to upgrade rooms or get more food or drink from room service. Never to the point where guests go massively out of their budget, and always making sure guests get what they want, ensuring a good impression, and them coming back. His earpiece is entirely non-functional, and is really only there for decoration, though he has used it as part of an excuse to ignore or handoff anyone being particularly rude.
Beelzebub: As one can imagine, Bee spends a lot of time in the kitchen. The only robot with the ability to taste and smell thanks to added sensors (accessed via openable slots in his cheeks), he has a great passion for food. Some of his more experimental dishes can be hit or miss, but the rest of his menu is lauded for its quality and taste. Be warned though, he has an affinity for chocolate, the dessert menu is full of it, and he can go a little bit overboard sometimes. He wears a chef hat to contain as much of his hair as he can while cooking, though has trouble with gloves and aprons, as very few are actually his size.
Satan: S is very no nonsense, and as head of security, he has to be. If you don't see him out on the floor, that's generally a good thing. If you do, it's best to not get in his way. If you find him going up to you, just cooperate, if you don't, or he's concluded you're a problem, god help you. He almost never goes further than kicking someone out and/or calling the police, but he does have the strength to crush bone if it were to come to that. Thankfully, it hasn't, as most troublemakers and punch drunks are intimidated into ceasing their activities. He can be quick to anger sometimes, but is generally kind to those who don't cause issues, and can be a bit of a softie if you actually get to know him.
Belphegor: Bel is often the least appreciated of the seven, and outside of the group of robots, his name is rarely spoken. Ironically for the one named for sloth, he is practically always on his feet, running up and down throughout the building as room service. He's quite efficient, having developed the best routing and shortcuts through the casino hotel, both to keep service fast, and (hopefully) so he can go back to being on break as quickly as possible. If you find anything the 245th and 246th page of the local travel guide (the book provided in most of the hotel's rooms), leave it, guests leave things for him there.
If you managed to get all the way through that, sorry for the massive text dump, and thanks for reading it all the way through
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kurosurintomasu · 1 year
How did giegue become brain damaged giegue?
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[Writer's Note: This post took forever to friggin write. It's written in-character as this Purple Guy. Also, it may have a bit more than the answer you'd want. It's very text heavy. If you're using a screen reader, then you're gonna have a bad time, especially whenever there's images. Have a friend read this to you instead. There's gonna be a lot of shit explained, from DG's origins to Gen's life outside of this. So, press Keep Reading if you interested in those sorts of things. Here we go.]
Before I can answer your question, I have to give you a bit of backstory.
My name is Sangen Demoli, but my friends call me Gen. I am a demon. I live in hell as its (technical) ruler. I'm 13.8 billion years old, as I was one of the seven demons that were created along with the universe. My father is BUBBA. Here's a picture of him.
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[Writer's note: Bubba (the big black one) and Herbert (the small white one), creators of the Universe. Image dated July 22, 2020. Drawn by @bowbi.]
I'm an easily entertained guy. I created Earth, and some of its inhabitants, such as the Colormen, who were created in my image. For 4.5-ish billion years, I've essentially done nothing but sit on my ass while the current actual ruler of hell, Lucifer, tortures all those sinning souls. Even though I created Earth, and along with it, Hell. Why does he get the awesome giant castle while I have to live in a shitty fucking mobile home?! It's bollocks, I say, bollocks!
(ahem) Anyways, it was only until the mid 80's, Earth years, that I decided to do something with my life. I decided to keep watch on a small, rabbit-ish type creature throughout its life, watching it grow old, and eventually die. It lived in a village, located in a cave, which itself was situated on a floating island. And a couple years later I learned it was actually a he, not an it.
The rabbit-thing's name? I uh. I forgot. All these years going by makes me forget a lot of things. I remember what he looked like though! Lemme just....
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There, this is what he looked like. This is... um... the small rabbit-ish guy. I also remember he had a crush on a girl rabbit-y creature for all of his life... her name was... um... Toroko, I think. Can't remember for the life of me what she looked like though.
Anyways, I was like a sort of... guardian angel (guardian demon?) to the little dude. Watched him grow into a fine young man.
But then... disaster. Sometime in Earth year 2003, he was murdered. In cold blood. By... I don't remember, but it was either a red ogre-type thing, or some megalovaniac- I mean megalomaniac scientist wearing an evil hat. I can't recall.
But, he was dead. I grew so attached to this little goober's life, that when I saw his mangled corpse on the ground, I couldn't help but cry.
I also felt like I failed as a guardian. I just. I needed to do something. So started the first of my many "experimental projects". I dubbed this... "Project Doppelganger."
Here's a very basic re-enactment of what I did in the project.
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Of course, this is just a basic re-telling. There was no "remake person" machine that I've made... or at least, there was one, but Project Doppelganger took so long to finish because of me having to design, program, and use the machine. And it finally finished... on Earth date July 10, 2003.
It was called Project Doppelganger due to the fact that I basically remade him in my image. Thing about it though, was that while he had his previous personality, he had essentially no memories of his past.
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He didn't even know who he was, so I had to make up some sort of fake backstory for him (which I will not get into, as the Project you now know as DG learned exactly who he was back in Earth year 2022, much to his dismay. He hated me for months lmao) just to make him... less confused as to who he is.
What does this have to do with "Giegue?" though? I'm getting to it.
Essentially, after Project Doppelganger, I never experimented with these sorts of "Creation/Recreation of life" projects. I've made strange inventions, such as a Shard Finder, but nothing as massive as Project DG.
That was, up until earlier this year. DG was playing this game. It was called EarthBound. I saw him get up to the final boss. The little runt on the screen in the spider mech, Porky Minch, unleashed what I can only describe as a horrorterror found in a childrens game from the 90's.
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I asked DG what this whole deal was, and he just... started explaining all of the lore. Like, all of it. From the whole "George and Maria" bullshit, to whatever the "Seven Needles" plotline is, and even treating a fanmade project known as "Cognitive Dissonance" as if it were official canon, and basically explaining that as well.
When I asked him what was up with the horrorterror on my screen, he lit up even more and started gushing about this "Giygas" character, as I know know it is named. He continuously talked about his species, and continued to gush on about how it was underutilized canonically or whatever.
So, after all that, he told me "Man, I wish aliens were real," sorta like that Splatoon "I wish squids were real" meme. But... that gave me an idea.
I went home, and started brainstorming.
Now, lemme ask you this. Have you ever heard of an "alternate universe" before? Of course you have, this is Tumblr, for crying out loud.
Basically, there are multiple universes held in one entire Multiverse. Millions upon billions of them, even. And each of those universes have multiple alternate timelines. Think Homestuck. Doomed timelines, and allat.
So, I did a bit of research, and found an alternate universe, much like the universe the MOTHER series takes place. And in it, an alternate, doomed timeline where...
The chosen four, Ness, Paula, Jeff, and Poo. They were all dead. Killed before they could pray the Universal Cosmic Destroyer out of existence.
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And tens of thousands of years passed by with Giygas being this... amorphous brainless horrorterror, not knowing what he is doing, having no control over his actions....
What did I do about it?
I put him in a bag. Like, a tote bag or whatever. Just, shoved him inside.
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So, I had Giygas now.
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Kept him in a jar, like a bunch of preservatives, or pickles, or other... unsavory fluids. What was I gonna do with him now? I had no clue.
Then, DG's words echoed through my brain. He's only like this because he "...was torn to shreds, molecule by molecule, due to high amounts of stress, anger... and PSI power."
I then knew what I had to do. I asked myself, "Y'know what'd be funny?", and started work on my first "Creation/Recreation of life" project in 20 years, "Project: Reconstruction," named after the "Reconstructed X" enemies from Mother 3.
I gave myself two rules for the project, however. The first one? NO PSI. If PSI was one of the main factors of him becoming the UCD, then I'd think I'd rather prevent that from happening to the VOIDLANDS.
Rule 2? No prior memories. Mostly because I don't want some evil guy roaming around punching people or whatever just because he doesn't have PSI. Also, those daddy-issue memories are one of the other main factors of his... self-destruction. Once again, better safe than sorry.
Anyways, I essentially had no point of reference on what he used to look like, so I basically went on the internet and cross-referenced a whole lot of shit, like the Spriters Resource, Giygas-based Tumblr blogs such as askgiegueandcrew, and... well... Highly unsavory artwork posted on that one furry art site (you know the one) just to get a basic reference for what I wanted him to look like.
[Writers' Note: askgiegueandcrew was/is my main point of reference for whenever I draw Gieegs (though it now has a major touch of my own art-style put in it whenever i do draw them)]
I even drew a blueprint of what I wanted out of Project: Reconstruction.
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Here it is. Now, if I had the vision I wanted perfectly fine, then by the project's completion, Earth Date July 10, 2023, it would look a lot like this, now wouldn't it? Then, why don't you tell me...
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I kid, of course, I know exactly why.
I took a lot of shortcuts.
A lot of them, in fact.
As I was putting him back together, molecule by molecule, I wanted to be pretty lazy, so I took a lot of them, but just enough to get it to this sort of "acceptable" state. These shortcuts led to a lot of the things you Hellsite Browsers know him for, his dead/blind left eye, his... being shorter than I thought he'd be... the fact that some of his limbs are still very... Giygas-y, red mist-type stuff... And, to answer the original question, his major high-functioning autism. (Though, to be fair, there were also no mind pieces to be found, so I had to make do with other pieces.)
None of these disabilities hurt him, per se, he's living pretty happily I'd say. But, I'm getting ahead of myself.
What did I decide to do to celebrate this "successful" project?
Give him to DG as a gift! I mean, it was the 20th anniversary of Project Doppelganger, wasn't it?
I'll let the following images speak for themselves.
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Needless to say, DG was not at all happy with me. But then I explained what I did and, while still sort of pissed at me for BRINGING WHAT WAS ONCE THE UNIVERSAL COSMIC DESTROYER TO HIS HOUSE AS A BIRTHDAY PRESENT, he calmed down a bit. They live together now. I dont wanna say DG's happy about it, but I think he's happy about it.
And now, to answer your question, for realsies this time...
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snake-and-goat · 4 months
some of my children, comparing their designs/redraws because I realize now how much I've progressed. IMAGE HEAVY.
Roxie- (none of these are hazbin hotel ocs istg if one more person says she looks like one I'm gonna snap. demons are not reserved for one fandom guys, fuck off.)
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and her old design (so old and so crusty oml also I can't believe I didn't give her the scene kid hair considering that's like. Her thing.)
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Lucifer (almost every artist in the history of the universe has ocs based on the 7 deadly sins and I am one of them)
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His design before this (I have it on paper but the lighting is shit)
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and even older... (not the fuckin. not the fukin notebook paper noo)
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Cilas now, I rarely draw him on paper for some reason even though he's my baby boy.
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Vs Cilas then, not a huge redesign but I think it's better. Although looking at it now, I might change the color of his jacket. (I wonder if he had The Trauma when I was drawing him earlier)
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Mary/Puppeteer now
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Vs her then (the colors oml)
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Sentharaas went through a few redos. This is him now, I think I'll be keeping this, maybe some minor tweaks here and there though.
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Sentharaas then (fairly recent actually)
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and then.... (you can definitely see that there are some base elements of his design I keep coming back to)
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And he's got a different look in my banner...
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and... so long ago. Oh, so long ago. HE HAD LEGS. L E G S. This was from a frame of an animation which is partly why it's so low detail but the point stands that this was pretty much what he looked like.
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Arengellius now
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Arengellius then (arguably the better drawing. The one above was more concept than a refined piece of art.)
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Karitori now (the eyessss)
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Karitori then (I forgot he was white originally before I was like hey wait and changed it immediatly after)
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And for the last one, Indigo, who somehow seems different every time I draw them. Now,
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an unfinished one of them, but the design still stands. (this is icky)
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Before that (this is worse)
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there was a design previous to this but it made me cringe so hard I don't wanna post it. It's like 5 years old from when a friend let me borrow their ipad for the first time and I just started going ham on the brushes lmaoo. hey fun fact. Indigo was based off a minecraft skin and then kept going from there.
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moemoemammon · 3 years
. Have you ever seen those tiktoks titled "Ask your boyfriend to go do things he loves." Can I ask for the MC to to that with the demon brothers?
"Hey, Can We Do that Thing You Like?"
(Feat. GN!MC and the Demon Bros!)
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
What did you do
Or what did HE do? Are you trying to butter him up? Did you do something wrong? What did you break where's Mammon-
The fact that you're genuinely interested in a FACTORY TOUR is... well, Lucifer always knew you were the type to understand his refined tastes. ✨
And what's there not to be excited for? He's sure you'll both have a great time, with him as your guide. Don't tell anyone, but Lucifer's so excited he got his coat stuck in the door twice-
"I'll clear my schedule for the day, then. I have to admit, MC, I never thought you'd have an interest in something like this. I wonder if we have more in common than I originally thought?"
*comedic spittake*
Legit?? So excited?? You actually want to go gambling?? He didn't think it’d be your sort of scene!
Wait what did he do to deserve this- Nah, it's probably that you've finally recognized how great THE Great Mammon really is!!
Already clearing his schedule just for you- There's no way he’d miss a chance like this for the world! He's even canceling that modeling gig he's got later!
"Wait, seriously?? Y-ya wanna go gamblin' with me? Then.... let's do it! Let's make a night of it! I know all the best spots for a beginner like you, so just stick with me, alright? The Great Mammon's gonna make sure we're rakin' in a FORTUNE tonight!"
SERIOUSLY?? Like, you're not joking?!
You want him to tell you about EVERY PIECE of Ruri-chan merch he owns?! You promise you won't get bored? No no, of course you can't get board when you're in the presence of the ever-radiant Ruri-chan!!
He'll even show you the stuff he's got in storage! See, he has so much that it can't all be displayed, so he rotates them out every week, and-
But you really wanna see?? There's no backing out now! And try not to let your head spin. It's okay to be jealous of his amazing collection! 😤
"Isn't she cute? The craftsmanship for this figure is the reason I HAD to have her. Aside from it being Ruri-chan, of course. They really caught the details in such an accurate way that it makes it seem like she's in the room with me! Do you want to listen to the albums too? I've even got vinyl! Oh right, I've got a ton of stuff recorded! Let's watch those! Here, this is one of my most prized possessions! See? I got this from the time I went to my very first expo, and-"
Wait that was super loud ehem-
So you don't mind helping him turn the garden into a cat paradise..? It'll give you both the perfect view of the strays that might be attracted!
He's already got a ton of ideas. He wants to install a little perch near the window, put up some steps that wind up the tree, clear out a space for a napping spot...
"I've already worked out a design plan for the entire thing. I planned on doing it in secret, but knowing you want to help me makes this even more exciting. Should we also plant some catnip in the garden? I'd like to watch them play in it. Ah, and maybe I'll make a large community feeding bowl? Hm..."
Wait.. really? Are you sure you wouldn't rather just bask in his beauty instead??
You actually want to help him organize his closet?? You know how big it is, right? Maybe it's because you want to take in all his lovely vibes, but he's still touched! It's not like people normally want to help with something so boring.
But he's been meaning to update his entire wardrobe, and not even Satan wanted to help with that! The fact that you're offering with no strings attached.... 🥺💕
Everyone knows how fashion forward Asmo can be, and he's got SO many clothes, it takes ages to get it all organized! It could take days, or even WEEKS! But it's sure to pass in a breeze with your help!
"You're a DOLL, MC~! I love you! Now then, I've been thinking that I should add a couple of pieces that are better suited for cold weather. You know how I HATE the cold, so I don't usually add many winter outfits. But wouldn't it be cruel to deny the world my beauty just because it's cold outside?? Here, should I go with this, or this?"
ARE YOU SURE?! You really wanna go on that food tour of the devildom he signed up for?!?!!?!
Beel immediately gets out of his chair, wide eyed like a little kid who was told they'd be going to Disney World.
Scrambles around to find his phone because he's gonna get your ticket RIGHT NOW
A day of trying every food in the devildom, AND he gets to spend it with you?? Pinch him, he had to be dreaming. Was this heaven?
"Okay. I'll call so I can add you into the tour with me. There's this black apple pie I really want to try with you. Oh, and I heard the blood orange meringue pie is good, too! There's also the black boar platter where they flambé the meat in demonus, and the fat becomes caramelized...."
You don't mind..? You know it's cold out, right? And the hike is gonna take forever??
You actually WANT to go stargazing with him?? Belphie's gotta admit that there's nothing like seeing the stars in person so he can understand why you'd wanna go, but it really IS a long way...
Still, he's not gonna let you take back your offer. AND you're offering to let him use your lap as a pillow?!?!? He'd be suspicious if he weren't so happy right now. Not that he'll let you see it-
Trying his damndest not to be all giddy, but you've never seen him move so fast to get ready in your life.
"Don't tell the others we're going, okay? I want this to be our secret. And maybe... we could do it more often? We could even invite Beel next time to carry me up on his back, unless you're up for that too. Eheh, I'm joking."
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inactive334884 · 2 years
I was extremely dissapointed when I saw the lust, wrath, greed and pride rings designs of their cities and how they looked/behaved as characters, this is coming from the person who's into mythology because they are interesting to look at.
The seven deadly sins in the show don't even feel threatening at all, from what I saw in some scenes are: Satan runs some sort of gym, Asmodeus runs a sex club, Mammon is a rockstar and as for lucifer i don't know. It feels like i'm looking at different characters rather than what they're supposed to be, deadly and threatening.
I'm kinda worried of how the Envy, Sloth and Gluttony rings are gonna look like in this show.
(Sorry if I bothered you, just wanted to give out my opinion)
We haven’t seen Mammon or Satan yet?
Unless this was a name mistake?
We’ve only seen Lucifer and Asmodeus.
But with your main point, I can definitely see where you’re coming from as someone who also tends to be interested in mythology. Trust me, I know what 2D animation is capable of, and the creators clearly have the budget to make colorful and interesting worlds seeing how the inside of Asmodeus’s club looked like. But otherwise, the worlds outside the buildings are just random human looking buildings with a bunch of random ocs.
Nothing engaging, no context, no context behind anything besides the bare minimum of “hell sucks and has jerks lol!” When the Earth in this series is the exact same way besides the humans being entirely stupid. It managed to be less creative and more empty than the stereotypical christian hell from film, how does one even do that??? We dont even know how this type of hell works besides “they’re punished by self indulgence” (yeah right viv…) from the streams and that everyone there are just jerks. Then the fandom keeps wondering “when” we will get genuine lore and world building and are still acting as if we’re only on the pilots, when we’re not, and we’re now in about a total of (including the pilots):
Not joking here.
So trust me Hazbin Fandom (I know that some of you are reading this since you tend to stalk our tags), its not that we’re “waiting for the “real” world building/lore” to begin like it was in the pilots, you’ve already seen half the full picture, the world of Hazbin Hotel just happens to be that empty that we’ve already seen half of the world (Wrath, Greed, Pride, Lust: four rings out of seven!) with the only original places so far being that Greed has a bootleg fair, pride has random buildings and lust having sex clubs. The reason the world feels so empty in this series is because IT IS EMPTY! You have already seen half the world building in the span of the two whole hours.
Even after two hours all that we know about the world is:
Everyone in hell are assholes (wow!)
The only interesting things are from different media altogether.
They have random buildings
Their overlords are rich (wow, you think so?) Their Ring Leaders are demon Elon Musk with random (albeit cheap looking outside of Ozzie’s which, looks nice, but like the rest of the show that’s all it has going for it.) businesses in some random earth looking cities and random demons lying about.
No coherent species lore, no coherent location lore, just… nothing.
The humans are dumb.
Their leaders? (Except they dont have any laws so, more Elon Musk’s?) are Lilith and Lucifer. Except they’re shown here to have just as much power as the other ring leaders, so who’s the leader?
The wrath ring has farmer ocs who “provide?” to the other rings.
Greed has a random theme park that seems to make barely any profit, and the leader owns a bank and is a rockstar because they need a excuse to have more songs apparently? (Laaame….)
Pride has random buildings with neons signs with “sex!” and “drugs!” everywhere.
Lust just being a recolor of Pride.
Yes, theres stream info, but half of that is either forgotten and never becomes canon or is shown in the series in a extremely irrelevant way.
Everything else you all “know” is either headcannons from random theory videos, yourselves, and that’s it. There is truly nothing to see here, and we’re not getting much else later on in the “main place for the world building” (Helluva Boss) seeing how that show mostly takes place on Earth anyway. We know less than a minute’s worth of lore and world building after over two hours of content.
But does anyone know why that’s been the case here for the past three years?
Why you still feel that the “real lore/world” hasn’t started and that you’re “waiting” for it to start still after two years?
It’s because the world of Hazbin Hotel has almost nothing to offer, you’ve already seen half of it’s world, but yet it has nothing really in it outside of Pride recolors and half empty backgrounds. Its below the bare minimum, which is why it feels that “nothing has started” because there is nothing to see besides the occasional sin theme park and Pride recolored over and over and over again and a few differences spread out in between. The actual world building and lore already started over two hours ago after two and a half years of seeing it develop, You’ve already seen half the lore and world building. What “you’ve been waiting for” when it comes to both Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss was already here.
It’s not even a full fantasy world, all that we’re seeing is recolored earth with ocs, except even less than Earth since at least we already know the lore/world building of Earth since its based on the world we live in.
Other that that… its just a Earth recolor.
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You waited two whole years to see world building like this, that sink in…
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catboyantichrist · 3 years
Hi there! Can you please do relationship headcanons of a gender neutral MC with autism and ADHD dating the seven brothers? I’d love to see more positive writing of a neurodivergent MC and how each of the brothers would love and respect them regardless of their disabilities. Feel free to do this if you want to. If not, that’s ok! Have a great day! 😁👍🌷🌹🌺🌸🌼🌻🌷🌹🌻🌼🌸🌺
This ask literally made me squeal- my neurodivergent ass is gonna have way too much fun with this- LMAO Just a warning, I'm basing this mainly off of my personal experiences (I have ADHD and am possibly getting tested for atypical autism in the future.). Ill try to be as broad as possible but I'd just like to give a heads up.
Just know that if you don't relate to this post or something in it, that doesn't mean you aren't valid! Everyone experiences neurodivergencey differently ^^
☆The Brothers Dating A GN!MC With Autism & ADHD☆
Day-to-day life has always been a struggle. As it feels like no human truly understands why you function the way you do. From bosses, to teachers, to neurotypical friends. Life can feel draining and like a chore when you're living in a world that doesn't function the way you do.
Then your world literally changes. You're in the devildom now. Most people would be terrified that they're living in a house full of demons. But you weren't. You felt like you finally belonged, and eventually you finally found love. Something that people assumed you'd never be able to find. Well jokes on them because your lover treats you with so much respect and kindness, and of course you do the same. This is some of what your lover does that just makes your heart spin:
-Much to your dismay, before Lucifer started to get to know you he was similar to the humans you've encountered in the past. This doesn't last long though as one of the brothers (most likely Leviathan or Mammon) try to explain. He begins to go a bit easier on you, and also falls for you.
-When you guys start dating, he makes it his goal to help make your day-to-day life easier. Dare I say, he takes pride in it. (Hahahah aren't I funny?)
-He notices how you need a schedule to function, but how much you hate schedules. So with your permission, he makes a loose schedule and follows it WITH you. It simultaneously helps you function more than usual, and it helps Lucifer take breaks when he needs to.
-You two begin to do everything together, as doing stuff together and holding each other accountable is a lot easier than doing it alone
-If someone ever dares to make a rude comment about you Lucifer will um... "take care of them".
-If you ever get overstimulated from the environment you're in, Lucifer keeps his office wide open as a quiet place for you. He keeps a weighted blanket, some headphones and any stim toys you usually use in a corner of his office. If you're not comfortable with them out in the open he'll keep them in a special box somewhere in his office that others can't get into.
-Executive Dysfunction gang! The both of you are relieved that you understand each other and some dumbass wont just go "jUsT gEt Up aNd dO iT!"
-If you guys are struggling with it at different times, you'll try to help each other do small tasks that require very limited effort so that one of you don't get overwhelmed and stressed out. If its a particularly difficult day, you'll just stay there to support the other if they want that.
-If both of you are struggling that day, you do nothing ✨together✨ and just vibe with each others company.
-This man brings you shiny things. They don't even have to be worth anything, they're just shiny. You proceed to do the same. You two now have a designated spot for shiny things you bring each other. If you have an interest in art, you and him will probably end up using the shiny objects as art projects.
-A LOT of impulse shopping. You guys enable each other. Although you quickly realize that you impulse shop for each other. Every second day you end up bringing each other gifts and laughing about it after.
-Y'know that arm thing two neurodivergent people do when they find out that the other person is neurodivergent? Yeah you two did that. And still continue to do that. It's your greeting now.
-You two spend tons of time either cuddling and talking about your special interests together, or both of you are pacing around Levi's room talking about your special interests together.
-And if you end up having the same special interest?? Oh man the serotonin you two both get just being AROUND each other.
-If you have a hard time around tons of people (in general or just at certain times) he's more than willing to share his room with you and for you two to do online school together. I mean hey, doing school by yourself online is difficult. (Even if it's more comfortable for you both)
-Will he get you a matching pair of noise cancelling headphones if you have auditory sensory issues, or if you just like the pressure on your head. (I don't know if that's a neurodivergent thing but I will wear my headphones just so that I feel some sort of pressure on my head)
-You both communicate what you need, and whether you need alone time or not. Making sure not to trigger any form of rejection sensitivity dysphoria for eachother.
-If you were one of those neurodivergent kids that spent all of their time in the library, going through books like wildfire in middle school, get ready for that to be reignited.
-You two will read together all the time, and if you're having a day where you're more fidgety and don't wanna stay still, Satan is more than happy reading to you while you pace around.
-Satan has a natural curiosity, and loves to learn about anything that he doesn't already know about. So if you have a special interest about your own neurodivergency, he is more than happy to listen to you ramble about your life experiences and symptoms.
-Honestly, it doesn't even have to be about neurodivergency, Satan is happy to listen and learn about anything you're interested currently.
-If you aren't big on physical affection from humans or, well... humanoid people, that's perfectly fine! That's what animals are for! He'll take you to a cat cafe and will enjoy spending time with the animals with you.
-Similar to Lucifer, if anyone makes a comment about the way you act, they wont live to see another day. Unlike Lucifer, the demons who say these comments don't even finish their sentence. They're dead before MC blinks.
-When Asmodeus finds out that you have sensory issues that affect what you wear, he decides to hand-make clothes with fabrics of your choice. He has no issue with you prioritizing comfort over appearance, but if you want to put effort into your appearance and texture is stopping you, he's more than happy to design some stuff for you.
-Asmodeus has always been a touchy person, but if you aren't comfortable with that he'd never force you to cuddle. If you are interested in physical affection one of his favourite things to do is put makeup on your face, or just touch your face.
-Speaking of which, if you ever impulsively cut your hair whether it be from breakdown, normal impulsivity, or sensory issues with your hair being longer. He'll always help you cut your hair. He wants to make sure that once you cut it, you wont regret it the next day.
-Depending on whether you like going outside or not (or if its depending on the day) he's more than happy to take you to the fall! He'll make sure you're always comfortable and if you need the attention diverted from you if you need a break!
-If you don't like going outside, Asmo will dedicate certain nights for just you two to hang out. He can always energy match you. Hyperactive? Oh he's right there with you bouncing of the walls. Calmer? He doesn't mind just vibing with you. Comfort? Oh you've come to the right guy.
-Asmodeus is very emotionally intelligent, it may have originally been for the wrong purposes (charming others) but now he can use it to help you work through issues with socializing with others, past traumas from other people, he'll always do his best to support you as long as you'd do the same for him!
-Beel is always well meaning, but whether you're neurodivergent or neurotypical, communication is key with him. So, if you're unintentionally blunt to neurotypical people, that's exactly what Beel needs and wants. He knows you don't mean it out of harm, you're just trying to state your boundaries.
-Do you need a weighted blanket? This man will become the weighted blanket. He wants to make sure you're comfortable at all times!
-If you have trouble eating, Beel is here to help. If you take meds for ADHD and they make you lose your appetite, or just general forgetfulness, he'll remind you to have at least some sort of small snack throughout the day. Nothing too filling, just enough so that you aren't running on zero food throughout the day.
-All the go-to and comfort foods that you had in the human world? Beel would make it his MISSION to get them, and TONS of it too. It's the only food in the house he wont eat because he knows how important it is to you. He will tear up a bit if you offer to share though.
-If you're in a hyperactive mood, or anxious, Beel will convince you to do some light exercise with him to help calm you down
-If you have trouble sleeping, Belphie will definitely try and help. Ranging from cuddling, aroma therapy, getting Beel to do exercise with you. To more magical means (if you're comfortable with it) like sleeping powder.
-If you just have a different internal clock than the average person, that's fine too! It may be permanent but that's okay- Belphie will sleep at any time with you.
-Isn't generally a social person so if you're not that big of a fan of social interaction you don't have to worry. Belphie would even do online school with you!
-He would let you use his pillows and blankets to stim if that's something you're interested in. He'd also listen to you ramble about your interests while doing so! As long as you don't mind him talking about the stars afterwards.
-Definitely the most blunt out of his brothers, so communication wouldn't be an issue between you two. If his bluntness is a bit too harsh for you he'll try to tone it down a bit, but it would probably just end up as him trying to explain the reasoning behind the bluntness and how it's not out of harm.
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