#i was really tired when writing it so i hope i didnt miss too much
midnightsunnyday · 2 years
So, once again, here I am at 2 AM with another hot take, this time on Lucifer.
If you really look at it, from the very beginning of the story, Lucifer isn't that horrible to us. You might think this is my Lucifucker bias kicking in, but for the first few chapters of the story, Lucifer is somewhat amicable to us being there. Authoritative, autocratic, patronizing, kinda scary, and well, prideful (duh), but otherwise...tolerable and leaves us to our own devices, for the most part.
The only time he begins to show hostility is when he starts to suspect us of having ulterior motives for making pacts with his brothers and getting too involved in his family's business. The two times where he does attack us may seem unwarranted to the player, but narratively, makes sense in regards to Lucifer's characterization.
So yes, it's time to get ready for...
Me analyzing the two times Lucifer tried to kill the ever loving shit out of us because I'm a simp, but also one who can read (somewhat):
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So, let's look at Lesson 6 or the first time Lucifer tries to murder bomb us. We, the reader, know that Luke, despite his feelings towards demons, wouldn't intentionally do anything to harm the brothers and obviously, had no idea what he was holding was a grimoire. He was a lost kid who unfortunately, stumbled across something he shouldn't have touched.
Yet from Lucifer's perspective, he sees an angel (beings who he's shown to hold bias against...for obvious reasons) trying to "steal" the very book that if in the wrong hands, could put his entire family in danger, along with the human who's protecting him (who he's shown to be already skeptical of), and his own brother, who hid the angel in their very home and allowed him the opportunity to do so.
Right now, he's not looking at the situation like we are because we already have that information. We know why Luke is in the underground tomb. We know why Beelzebub tried to hide him. But for Lucifer, all he sees is the enemy invading his home. This is the first time we see Lucifer enraged past the point of reason, so much so that if not for Diavolo, he would've killed MC.
Remember the beginning title of Lesson 6: There Are Some Wounds Time Can't Heal. Lucifer's reaction may not have been logical to us, yet considering what we learned about the secret room, about the brothers being former angels and fighting in the Celestial War and Lilith's death from Beelzebub two chapters earlier, it was logical to Lucifer and Lucifer alone. It doesn't excuse him from doing it, but it's an important part of his characterization and purposely done to show how these events still affect him.
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The same is true with Lesson 12. Lucifer tries to straight up dead us again, yet only after learning that we disobeyed his warnings about going up into the attic and conversed with Belphegor. Add that with him finally beginning to trust us (even developing small hints of a crush, flirting with us more than once) and the rather heartwarming bonding moment before it and Lucifer's trust is completely broken. Considering we learn later on why Belphegor was locked in the attic and what really happened to Lilith, Lucifer's reaction is not surprising. Not great, but not surprising.
It's then you begin to understand the basis of Lucifer's rage. Before making his vow to Diavolo, Lucifer states that whether demon or angel, he will always stay true to his convictions. Right then and there, we see what truly matters to Lucifer. His love for Lilith, his family. Even if it means sacrificing his pride and serving Diavolo. Even if it means becoming the bad guy to his brothers. He did, especially with the lack of options, what was necessary to save his sister. In turn, said decision also saved his brothers.
And so we see that the only two times where Lucifer is ready to attack is due to the perceived threat against his family, going so far as to risk Diavolo's goals of uniting the three realms not once, but twice, something that he surely knows the consequences for.
So yeah, I write all that to say that you can dislike Lucifer all you want. You can argue about how he punishes his brothers, especially Mammon. You can argue how he's a stubborn ass with the emotional communication skills of a sun-dried turd. You can argue that he's too subservient to Diavolo, to the point where he takes for granted his brothers wishes or feelings (arguments in which I do have opposing opinions on, but to do so will make this post longer than it needs to be).
Yet to call him evil is to ignore so many pieces of his characterization that shows otherwise. How vulnerable he can be, how affectionate, how silly, how he truly loves his brothers and will go out of his way for them, etc.
But to call him good isn't quite right either since well...he has no qulams about killing people, threatening them, attacking his siblings in a rage induced tantrum, lying, locking people in attics...
He's the well-intentioned extremist. The lawful evil. The noble demon. A rabid dog who snaps and barks at the slightest threat but pet him once and tell him he's a good boy and he'll melt in your hand.
Like, I know this shit is long, and I could go even further, but for now I'm going to defend the fact that Lucifer is just...he's a good character, ok? A good, complicated, mess of a character.
And I absolutely love him for it.
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deoidesign · 4 months
#ok finally making a post about meds#I've not ever tried taking medication before. I was sorta raised with that classic 'dont rely on meds you have to learn to manage without'#I mean I was also raised with the idea that therapy is stupid unless you have 'real' trauma. and also like idk.#can't stay home from school unless your temp is over 100 or you're throwing up. etc. very suck it up mindset#so I was just really nervous to start. also of course worried about losing myself or whatever I know that's a silly fear but#it's also a common fear for a reason!!! anyways#so I finally was like 'I need to do something' when I realized I was so anxious I couldnt even get myself to go outside alone#like I just don't want to do ANYTHING alone to a detrimental effect. and it was butting into my ability to do my work...#for various reasons. but then ALSO adhd has been a constant issue with my work as well!#it is SO hard to write and draw on a weekly pace like I am without being able to focus#my whole life I've had these terrible nightmares constantly and I've always woken up constantly in the night#sleep has always been terrible so I've always dreaded going to bed.. ESPECIALLy because it didnt even make me less tired#it was more something that I just did because I had to.#but going to bed was always terrible. there have been times I was too scared to go to sleep for weeks on end...#I've been mitigating this for years of course. and recently I've been taking melatonin which has been helping too.#but I've also always struggled to get up. because I've always been EXTREMELY exhausted#but also anxious of what the day might bring... idk.#anyways it has all hit a point that I was like okay. I am doing as many coping mechanisms as I can. the psych said they were good too#but... it just has never been enough. it's never been enough to make me not tired it's never been enough to make me not scared#so I finally talked to the doc about it. and she was like youve def got smth wrong basically. which yah I know.. but yknow#anyways so I started taking wellbutrin. and I am so frustrated now. because it's WORKING#that constant looming sense of dread is gone. I'm excited to get up. I'm excited to go to bed BECAUSE I'm excited to get up#I feel like for years I've been holding on to the idea that I have to get up because I have to put something good out into the world#and I've been clinging to knowing that if nothing else. I am able to help other people feel better.#but now for the first time in my life I'm like. free of it. I didnt even know it was possible... and I'm so sad how much I've lost out on#and so frustrated how my whole life I've been told to put up with it and push through it. and treated like a failure for it being too much.#and just. It has only been 2 weeks. but the lack of anxiety is SO noticeable I'm so...#I'll never miss it. the adhd is still pretty present but like whatever. I can manage that better.#and I'm just crying because of all this combined.#I just. I hope I get to finally be the best I can be now. for myself but also for you guys!
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badgyalshii · 6 months
word count: 1.7?
Paul atreides x Reader (Always safe for POC + PLUS SIZE) Paul POV!!!
warnings: signs of depression? were happy in there tho, proof read? yeah something like that (god i am not good at these😭) y/n is not in this chapter but ofc shes mentioned entirely throughout the text.
A/N: AHHHHHH THE FINAL CHAPTER BEFORE THE FINALE, IM EXCITED TO POSTTTT, i hope you guys enjoyed and i love the feedback i recieved! i love you all, have a good day/night, whenever you get this! (Also, considering that this is from pauls POV i thought that i might add an extra title)
Hey! Have you read the first chapters? You didnt? What! Read it here!! I . II . III . IV.
Hmm? You said you like shii’z writing?! Omg me too! Check out her masterlist!
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He let out a heavy breath before he ripped his mask off of his face. He wasn't supposed to be out alone considering he was the new crowned emperor. But he was, and he was searching for you and he wasn't gonna give up until he did. He wore heavy clothing to try and hide his identity from others, and a bag that slung around his shoulder consisting of his journal, water, and other things he might need. He settles for the night in a rock. A rock with a beautiful view. He has been on the road for so long, he's forgotten how long, he didn't really care to remember either, considering it would help motivate to find you. He walks around the rock, searching for anything to give him clues of you or if you might've been here.
As he looked around, It was clear that someone had been there before. He looked at the bad attempt of making a bed, but he didn't touch it. His eyes slightly closed from trying to study the bed, there were still prints of a body, maybe two, on the bed. He hunches over. There was a piece of hair, as disgusting as it sounds…he picked it up. It was the same as yours, he took a rather long pause before thinking, maybe he should smell the bed? No, what if he smells something he doesn't like. He shook his head before looking at the single strand of hair that was in his hand. He sat down on the bed, setting the hair gently aside before taking off his glove and putting the strand back in his palm. Everybody's hair could be similar, he thought. He let out a sigh before looking ahead of him. He didn't know what time it was, but all he knew was that he was tired and heart broken. He didn't miss his home, not at all, not with you not there.
He put his glove and his mask back on before placing the hair into his bag. Out of everything that was going on, at least the view was beautiful. He stood and walked to the view of the rock, carelessly taking footsteps before he sighed and dropped down, his legs open and his elbows on his knees as he took in the view. He let in a deep breath. ¨tired. I am tired¨ he let out in a whisper. He fought his sleep often because he knew it would make him less confident and he would grow to slack, but sometimes he just couldn't take it anymore. The yawns leaving his lips, difficulty holding onto the hooks that latched onto the sandworm, but he thought he could finally settle here for a while, as a reward for finding a piece of hair that have a 5 percent chance of being yours.
As he watched the view, he thought of you. He didn't cry as much anymore. When he cried, he cried alone in private. And during that time, he cried until he couldn't anymore. Every time he saw Irulan it made him sick to his stomach. As much as he wanted to blame her, he couldn't. His heart was too good and he knew better than to let a weak desperate moment turn into anger. ¨why did i offer?¨ he would think over and over, countless times, wondering how could he be so careless. But he wasn't, he didn't want to marry her for the reason of love, just wanted to keep her safe as a promise to the retired and overthrown emperor. Thinking about it made him question his character, who has he grown to be? hed remembered what you said, he always thought of the smart and wise things you had to say.
¨its okay to feel how you feel, paul¨ you looked at him with a pity smile on your face while your hand was on his cheek. He had another nightmare. He didn't want it to be true. ¨this is gonna make me go crazy, y/n¨ paul whispered back, leaning into y/ns touch. ¨don't let it fool you, don't let it phase you, don't let it change you¨ you replied. At times, all paul wanted to do was give up. He didnt wanna be the chosen one. It was all too much. He could stay here forever, with you. For all eternity if he could.
Paul sighs and looks to the side. Remembering what you said, he wished things weren't so quiet.he laughed to himself, all the dreams he had of the future, but none of you. He sat alone, all alone, not one book, not one sound, just him, by himself. He felt empty, he wants you, he needs you, he needed someone to make him feel complete again, but days spread thick and long, bored, fighting himself back and forth between hope for finding you and wondering if you had just moved on. He wished he had a dream of you, of your blue eyes glistening in the sun, of your laugh, He wished it was so vivid that he touched you, that he could control his dream and talk to you, make love to you, but he had nothing, nothing at all. Nothing to remember you by, just a stupid suspicious piece of hair, tears brimmed his eyes, he needs you. There was no one he could pray to if he was the chosen one. No matter how hard he fought, how he tried to distract himself from work, it all lead up to one person, not one other thought, never out of sight out of mind, he knew what he wanted and he fell so deep he felt like he just couldn't grasp it anymore, how was he supposed to live his life without you. Your soft gentle hands grazing his face and answering the stupid and goofy questions he asked. There was no one else and he knew that now, didn't even find anyone else attractive. Lonesome nights, he didn't want to be on his own, ever again. Once he found you he vowed to never let you go, no matter how loud your voice is, no matter if you kicked him down, your in his heart and he just cannot let go, but how long could he search? Huh? How long would it be until he found you? When will he hear your voice again? When will he kiss you again? He didn't even say I love you before you walked off, for all he knew, that was his last goodbye.
On the first day, he acted as if nothing happened, but then he realized you weren't there, he couldn't pick at your dinner plate, he could hear your laughs, he couldn't feel your pity hits after he whispers a dirty joke. He had no one to talk to, no one to ask him if he was okay. Was he...okay? Had he known he was okay? Or has he grown so long to the point where he wasnt and he just didn't know it. He wished he said more, begged you to stay, cried about it, weeped about it, there was so much he could've done and he didn't, he only said a short explanation of how he was waiting for you and now he's on the run, on the search. He was so tired, so tired of looking at the same spice on the ground, carving on the rock of the walls. He wanted to be next to you, holding your head in his shoulder, hear your soft snores as you slept like there wasn't a care in the world. He'd never expect this, a life without you. He sighed and shook the thought out of his head, noticing he was in too deep and he wiped the tears that slowly dropped from his face, letting out a sniffle as he looked ahead. He didn't want to be too deep, of course he missed you, but he wanted to find you with a clear conscience, a healthy mind. He needed something to keep him going. His eyebrows furrowed as he looked to the ground. He placed a palm down and leaned closer to the floor. What is this? This imprint on the floor? Looks familiar.
He looked over it, careful not to move or make any sudden movements. ¨y/n?¨ he muttered. Any normal person would've thought paul as crazy, looking like he's searching for spice on the floor, and then wanting to jump and cheer, because, well, because what?
The necklace
The necklace Paul got for her. It was there! Clear as day. What a time to cheer! He couldn't fight off the smile on his lips. She's alive! She's alive! What a joy, out for two years! Been all around Arrakis, and at such a time he was going to give up, go home, force himself to get comfortable with his new situation, you were out there. Shall he go home? To tell stilgar and have a celebration? Sweet red wine sounded like heaven. He wiped his eyes as finally, finally tears came down. Tears of joy, he waited for this moment, oh so long! He was so happy he could take the dirt and put it in his bag also.
He laughed, he found it funny how he grew so tired of being next to his queen that he went and found you himself after he told you to come back. He grew impatient. He took out his journal and wrote, writing his life away as he thought of you, as the warmness of love and hope crowded his vision and spreaded throughout his body. This is all he wanted, to find you. And he was so close, so, so close.
He hadn't felt like this in a long time. He got up and collected the dirt from the necklace in his hand and watched it fall from his gloves. Looking around and seeing the footsteps, all yours he believed! He looked before following the footsteps, he followed them foot by foot until he was in the sand again. He hunched over, trying to search for the footsteps as they were getting lost from the wind of the sand until he couldn't anymore. He stood and pulled out his compass for the direction that you went. When it pointed he saw and lifted his head in the direction you went. This was it, this was the final piece, this was the end.
You were home.
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@ennycutie @cookiezxx
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e-m-ma-lmfao · 9 months
hi! i literally love how you write❤️
could you write a fluff with a little bit of nsfw (if you dont take nsfw requests, just do it all fluff, i love fluff so i doesnt bother me) with a fem reader x cloud?
here's how i want the story, but you can obviosuly change it to your preferences.
y/n was a childood friend of cloud,and she didnt see him in A LOT of years. then she encounters him and they basically talk about rhe the good old times. a month passes and it's y/n's birthday, they all celebrate at the bar and give y/n a present. then it's cloud turn to give her the present, and he gives her a boquet and a letter with some photos from much years ago. after that, he kisses her and she kisses back. after the birthday party, cloud was a little bit drunk so y/n took him at her house to take care of him and cloud gets all clingy and says things to y/n. (if you want to add some nsfw, you can add it in this part of the story)
thank you❤️
Happy Birthday Slowpoke
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pairing : cloud strife x fem! reader
description : an unexpected reunion leads to birthday wishes, unspoken love confessions, and drunken kisses.
warnings : small make out sesh but no smut, drinking alcohol (clouds gets drunk)
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Sector 7 gets quieter at night. Never silent. But quiet. Walking through the streets is much nicer at night when there aren't so many people pushing to get through. It’s easier to think. Easier to take in your surroundings. 
There’s a certain hum that brings you comfort as you walk through the nearly empty streets. You remember when you first came to Sector 7, nervous and scared, and still dealing with the aftershock of Nibelheim. 
Nibelheim. Cloud.
God. How was he still stuck so deep in your head after years? 
You missed him. Him and his stupid blond hair. 
It was embarrassing how fast your head would turn at the sight of any blond man. Any. Even children sometimes. You had to catch a second glance to make sure you hadn’t just seen your childhood friend run past you as he giggled with his friends. It was never him, but you hoped. 
The peace of your walk was disturbed by a man walking past you. Bright blond hair fluff led up like the feathers of a chocobo in black clothes, and heavy footsteps. He pays you no mind as he walks past you, but you force yourself to do a double take. 
But this man is different. Even with his back turned to you he feels familiar. His hair stands up, the way Clouds did when he was a child. He’s dressed in the garb of a SOLDIER with a big sword on his back, Clouds always promised he’d become a SOLDIER. And he even walks the same way Cloud would as a kid, trudging along his path, god forbid someone think of him as anything but independent.
It all feels too coincidental. And without thinking your lips open to speak, “Cloud?” 
“Hm?” The man turns, only his head and shoulder so as to not pay you too much care, to face you. And your mind is flooding with nostalgia.
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You're running after a young boy, blond haired, breathless laughs leave yours and his mouths. 
“Cloud!!! Wait for me!!” You squeal after the older 
boy whose legs carry him much faster than you can keep up with. And your tired legs, mixed with your lack of available air, are making it harder to match his pace. 
For a minute you think he doesn’t hear you, or maybe, that he doesn't want to listen. But soon enough he skids to a stop, looking back at you as he pants lightly. He wears a stupid smile on his face, cheeks flushed.
“Sorry y/n.. I keep forgetting I’m too fast for you. Your little legs can’t keep up,” He teases and lets out a juvenile giggle.
Finally you meet his side, matching his breath, “They can so!”. 
“Yeah right slow poke.” A childlike pout appears on your face, fitting for an 8 year old you. Always pouting. Always following after Cloud. 
You were never really sure why Cloud kept you around. But when you were kids, it never really mattered for more than a second. You just liked being around him, and him you.
“It’s not fair. You're older, your legs are longer!” He smiles down at you, laughing between heavy breaths.
“Only a year older.” 
“Still!” He stays quiet for a minute, letting you catch your breath without teasing you further. 
When you finally straighten back up, he’s still showing a giddy smile on his lips. Without a word, he grabs your hand in his, and takes off running the same way he had been before. Only this time you can keep up with him, pulled behind him.
“Hm?” He turns to look behind him, a wide smile full of teeth on his face and eyes bright and blue. Still hopeful. 
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His eyes meet yours and you realize the same blue eyes are looking into yours, only they are tired and the hope of his youth has been long gone. Yours probably look the same, usually. But right now they are wide and beginning to tear up. And his pupils, blown in recognition, are nearly as wide as yours.
“Cloud!” In an instant you latched onto him, arms wrapped tightly around his torso. Your face squished against his hard chest, probably wetting the front of his tank top from the tears slipping from your eyes.
He’s hesitant, but eventually one hand lands on your back and the other grabs onto your waist, pulling you in impossibly closer to his body. When you were kids, hugs were nothing out of the ordinary, but this one feels so different. You’ve been longing to hug him since you were 13, longing to see him since you were 17.
It’s overwhelming, the amount of emotion flowing through your body. You're happy to see your best friend again. You're sad that you haven’t seen him in so long. And you're angry that he left without ever saying goodbye. 
“Y..you.. are you real?” 
You look up to find his voice, wiping away the wetness from your face. His hands move to touch your face, then to your shoulders and finally fall to his sides. 
“Yes, Cloud. I'm real. When..how.. It’s been years Cloud.” 
“I know.”
There are a million things you’d like to say to him. You’d like to scream at him and punch at his chest until he bruises, not likely you could hit him hard enough to leave any marks but you’d try. But then you want to hug him, and run through the streets with him hand and hand like when you were kids. You don’t know what to say to him, where to start, or if you even should. 
“I missed you.” 
“I know.” He doesn’t say it back, and the lack of emotion that he shows is almost aggravating. But you don’t make it known to him how annoyed you are at him for his underwhelming reaction to this reunion. 
You invite him back to your apartment and, with a lot of convincing no and many ‘pleases’, he agrees to join you for an hour tops. His hesitancy hurts your feelings, you don’t admit that to him though, god forbid he realize that you hadn’t changed much since you were young. Since he clearly had. 
“You can sit down, you know.” He raises his brows, your acknowledgment of his awkwardness unexpected, but he takes a seat at your small table. The chair he sits in is the perfect size for you, and while he’s not the tallest man you’ve ever encountered, he almost seems to not fit on it. 
He is so silent, it stirs up years of pent up sadness and frustration deep within you, and inside you deeper still a fury of anger festers. But you push it away, locking those emotions up for another night when you haven’t just stumbled into your best friend of 10 years after 4 years of being apart. And you offer him a drink. 
“Are you gonna tell me what you’ve been up to for the last 4 years?” He is silent, stoic, hides his face by taking a sip from the glass of water you offered him.
“Not tonight.” Your teeth grind together inside your mouth, holding back your tongue from spewing words better left unsaid. He must see the clench in your jaw, the anger and disappointment in your eyes, “But another time. I will.” 
You fill the rest of the night with slow, and awkward, conversation. He doesn't make much effort to initiate it, but he answers your earnest questions without any complaint. At least the ones that don’t involve his work, his past, his lack of a goodbye. So the night moves slowly.
It doesn’t feel like very long has passed at all by the time he tells you he has to leave. 
“Yes. I’m sorry, my days are busy.” 
“Are you staying in Sector 7?” He nods, you're not appreciating this strong and silent thing he has going on. 
“Working?” Another nod. “Well..if you find yourself free next month, we’re celebrating my birthday at the Seventh Heaven..uh.. it’s Tifa's bar actually.!”
“I know.”
“Oh.. yeah I guess, you would’ve gone to see her.” 
“I didn’t go t- .. I’m sorry. I should go.” He walks to the door, posture straight and stoic expression broken by a look of pity for just a moment. You walk him out. 
You can’t help yourself from speaking as your eyes meet his back, your mind is lacking in self restraint tonight, “Will you come?” 
He faces you, mouth parted before a small smile plants itself there, “I’ll try, y/n, goodnight.” And he’s gone into the night with quickened steps.
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“Hey! Have some faith in him. I’m sure he’ll make it.” Tifa leans over the counter with a bright smile, sliding a drink into your hands. 
“Yeah, I’m sure.” 
The bar isn’t full, but the people that matter are here, most of them anyway. 
Biggs and Wedge, probably already tipsy based on the volume they're producing, are playing darts in the corner. Barret sits on the other end of the bar, Marlene seated beside him as they whisper between each other. And Tifa stands in front of you, a positive grin lingering on her face. 
“Y/n!” Marlene springs off the barstool, with the help of her father, and rushes over to you with a clumsily wrapped gift in her hands. 
“For me? Well thank you, Marlene.” You smile down at her, gently taking the gift from her hands and unwrapping it to find a bracelet made of beads and charms. 
“I made it for you. And I have one too! See?” She holds up her wrist, which you hadn’t realized was hidden behind her back, to show you the matching bracelet she wears. You lift into your arms, holding her in a tight hug. 
“They’re perfect Marlene, thank you.” 
With her still in your arms, you resume conversation with Tifa, and are promptly joined by Barret. You love them, like family of course. But you are so focused on the lack of Clouds presence that you forget to fully no appreciate the ones around you. 
Tifa reaches behind her, into the fridge and pulls outs an obviously homemade cake. “We decorated it together,” She slides a wink Marlene’s way and begins lighting the candles. “Make a wish y/n.” 
You think for a moment, it’s childish that you're hoping for your wish to work so genuinely, but you take a deep breath and blow out your candles with a heavy breath. One sweep. 
“What’d you wish for y/n?” Marlene’s voice is loud beside you. 
“Hey now.. you know the rules, I can’t tell you or else it won’t come true.” She pouts for a minute but her smile quickly returns when Tifa hands her a piece of cake. You take your own piece in your hands, sharing a smile with Tifa and Marlene. 
“Hey man! Good to see you. Glad you could make it.” 
Your eyes are moving faster than you can focus on the sound of Biggs’ words, finding the one person your wish standing in the doorway. In his hands he holds a bouquet, flowers of your favorite colors wrapped with paper and a pink bow.
He approaches you with a sheepish smile on his face, “Sorry I’m late. I didn’t know what to get you as a gift, I hope I got the colors right. Oh! And there’s this,” He reaches into his back pocket and hands you a sealed envelope. On its cover, your name is written in messy writing.
“These are ..beautiful, Cloud, thank you.” 
“Drink?” Tifa is cheery, as always, if not more so. 
“Yeah, thanks.” He takes a seat beside you and you try to hide the way your eyes linger on him. The muscles in his grown arms. The familiarity of his spiky hair. You're not so angry anymore, now that you've had time to process his return, rather longing for the relationship you had as kids. The closeness you’d been lacking in your friendships since he left.
“Are you gonna open it?” 
“What?” His voice brings you back to the moment, and you realize you’ve been ogling at him.
“The envelope..” 
“Oh! Yeah, right. Yeah.” 
You reach for it and carefully open it, trying not to rip the paper too badly. Tucked inside the envelope is a photo of the two of you as children and a folded up letter, reading : 
This is stupid. But I tried to write something so I wouldn’t have to say all this out loud.
I haven’t been around for a long time, so I don’t really know where we stand anymore. But as far as I know, you’ve been the only person I’ve been able to open up to about everything. 
Without you, I probably would’ve spent my childhood alone. 
When we were kids, I swore I’d be a SOLDIER. But to be honest it wasn’t all I thought it would be. And I’m sorry I left you for shinra.
And I know I should’ve said goodbye, and I probably hurt you when I left. But I’m here now, and I don’t plan on leaving anytime soon. 
You were my best friend or you are my best friend, doesn't matter. 
Happy Birthday Slowpoke.
He looks at you intensely as he tries to gauge your reaction. It’s a simple letter, and could be written by a child with a little effort. But it’s Cloud, and it’s the most you can ask from a man like him. It still has your hands wiping at your eyes.
“Hey, did you make her cry? No crying on your birthday!” Tifa returns, leaning over the counter to slide Cloud his drink, looking over at you. “Y’alright?”
“Yeah I’m okay. I’m really good actually, thank you.. for this, Cloud”.
He nods, and you swear his cheeks redden, but he looks away before either you or Tifa can comment on it.
Cloud's drink is gone in moments, and he is asking for another, whilst making comfortable conversation with you. A ‘happy birthday’ ‘how’s your day been’ ‘what do you do for work now’ kind of comfortable. He doesn’t ask anything personal, does not dwell on the past, you almost wish he would. 
But you indulge him and his calculated questions, being satisfied with any conversation at all, and let the night flow.
It doesn't take long to realize that Cloud is not a drinker, or at least that he does not know his limits. It’s dark out now, and music plays from the jukebox, and Cloud sways drunkenly to a song. You can’t help but laugh, whilst also feeling weird seeing him be so free and not high strung. Not a SOLDIER, just a man.
He stands up, grabbing onto your arm to pull you over in front of the jukebox where Wedge is dancing with Tifa. 
“Careful Cloud!” You stumble after him, bumping into his chest as he pulls you. He doesn’t seem to notice, grabbing onto your hands to spin you and move you around. 
“You're a pretty good dancer now,” He moves you to face him, moving to the music still with a goofy smile on his face, “Do you remember.. when we..when we were kids and you would step on my feet ..everytime we danced.” 
You giggle at his slurred words, “You're so drunk right now.” 
“And you’re ..sso pretty..” He moves in closer, close enough that you can smell the liquor lingering on his lips. 
“Oh wow.. you're really drunk.. haha.” You make no effort to move away from him, but you laugh at his actions to relieve the awkwardness flowing from your body. 
“Mhm..” He closes the gap and places his lips against yours. Your hands find his chest, eyes falling close as you kiss him back. Your self control is weak, and you want to keep his lips against yours. But he's drunk, and your head is starting to spin.
Somehow you find the strength to push him away and he moves away with a pout on his puffy lips. 
“Let’s.. uh.. get you home, yeah?” 
“But I’m having fun!” He attempts to spin you, but he ends up making himself dizzy, “Actually, yeah.. that’s probably a good idea.”
“Yeah.” You laugh at his flushed face, holding onto his arm as you say goodbye to everyone and leave the bar.
“Can we go to yours?” He doesn't let go of you, even after you’ve walked halfway down an empty Sector 7 road, but he has instead moved his grip to hold your hand to keep you close to him.
“My apartment?” 
“Yeah..yeah sure.” He leads you to your own apartment like he knows the route by heart, he’s only been there once and yet he acts like he lives there by the speed he finds it.
Once inside he collapses onto your bed, not much space in the apartments, so you suppose that was normal considering there was no couch. 
“Do you want some water?” He shakes his head, laying on his back to stare up at the ceiling. 
You move towards the stereo on the opposite wall, turning on the radio so there is noise for you to focus on instead of his arms as they rest underneath his head.
“I missed you too .. y'know.” Clouds words barely make their way to you, his voice quiet and music humming just loud enough.
“Hm?” You turn to face him, moving to sit on the ledge of the bed in front of where he lays. 
“The night I saw you,” He leans on his elbow to hold himself up, “you said that you missed me. and I didn’t say it back. I did. I missed you. I just didn’t know what to say to you then.”
You don’t say anything, you're not sure what to say anyways. 
He looks into your eyes for a few minutes before pulling you by your arm so you lay beside him, but he shifts positions so he holds himself above you with his hands. 
“Can I kiss you?” 
His lips meet yours once more. But unlike the bar this kiss is calculated, not clumsy and childish. He is drunk, and it’s obvious by the taste that remains on his lips even after he has licked them clean multiple times.
Your fingers find his hair, his knee finds its way between your legs and your chest begins to move quicker. He moves to latch his lips onto your neck, sucking spots that will definitely be purple and red tomorrow, while his hands find their place under your shirt on your hips.
And while you’d love for Cloud to continue his journey, the fact remains that he is drunker than a teenager on their 18th birthday, and you want this moment to be one enjoyed sober. So you pull his head up to meet his eyes, and very puffy lips. 
“Your drunk Cloud. I think we better save this for another night.” 
He pouts, face flushed, but he nods with a sigh. Getting comfy he finds a place to rest his head, on your chest, but his hands don’t move from your skin. If anything you feel his grip tighten, keeping you close as he practically lays on top of you. 
“I missed you, a lot. I thought I'd never see you again when you left.” Your fingers find his hair once more, rubbing at his scalp and playing with blond strands.
“I know. I didn’t think I’d see you either.” 
The room is quiet, except for the soft hum of music flowing from the stereo. His fingers tense and relax again in sync with his slow breaths, moving to trace the softness of your skin. But eventually his movements stop and he seems to still. 
There are still a million things you’d like to ask, like to say. And so many years of words you’d like to catch up on between him, months of love confessions that you had admitted to Tifa that you’d like to share with him. But the soft snores that begin to leave his mouth tell you he’s in no mood to talk right now.
“Goodnight soldier..”
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ranhaitanisgf · 8 months
can i request a quiet gf reader who plays bass in a band with her friends and like this guy has been making fun of her and she gets enough and punches him infront of her bf with kazutora, smiley, and mikey
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get out of my face!!
synopsis: how will they react when you punch the creep who's been bothering you and your band?
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☆ a/n ˎˊ˗ haii thank u anon for requesting ! :3 this was super fun to write, so i hope you all enjoy!! xoxo [just as a note, i didnt rlly see a reason to make this fem reader + there was really just not any relevance so i made it gn! i hope you dont mind ╥﹏╥]
☆ characters ˎˊ˗ kazutora hanemiya, nahoya [smiley] kawata, manjiro [mikey] sano x g/n!reader
☆ wc ˎˊ˗ 3.4k+
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kazutora hanemiya: 
❥ he loves the fact that you’re in a band!! he thinks it’s so cool, and he is constantly asking all kinds of questions about all of it, like ‘do you get nervous when you see all the people?’ and ‘is it hard to play fast songs?’. he’ll ask you the same questions over and over again whenever the two of you are talking, but he can’t help it! he’s just so interested about all of it!
❥ while it’s a bit unrealistic for him to be able to attend every single show you perform, he tries his best to come to all the ones he possibly can, (really, he’s only missed two which is quite impressive). he’ll always send you encouraging messages before the show if he can’t see you, and he’ll send little messages while you’re performing for you to read later. 
kazu <3: you look so cool! kazu <3: i can hear your bass playing right now! it sounds so good! 
❥ he doesn’t want to cause a scene in the crowd because he doesn’t want to make more trouble for you, but he will death glare anybody who is cheering for you, (minus your friends). why are they cheering for you? he’s the only one who should be cheering for you!! will proceed to shout your name ten times louder. 
❥ when he has the funds for it, kazutora will bring you your favorite snack or drink after a show!! he knows that you get tired afterwards, so he likes to contribute a little bit to your recharging. he’ll usually be the one taking you home too since it’s usually late by the time your band finishes up, (when he’s there, he will not entrust you to anybody else). 
❥ your number one bodyguard!! he’s always with you whenever you’re not on stage, making sure that there aren’t any creeps who are trying to approach you. if there’s anybody who has the nerves to do so, he’s immediately threatening them and making sure they leave. 
❥ kazutora had been suspecting that you’d been keeping something from him, but he wasn’t sure what. lately, you’d seemed a bit more jumpy and uptight at your gigs, your eyes looking around as if you were searching for someone. when he asked what was going on, you had said it was nothing. 
❥ after this particular gig, he found out it wasn’t nothing. 
“hey!! you really think you guys are gonna be one of those bigshot bands??” a twisted laugh echoed through the hallway, making kazutora perk up, his eyes locking onto a boy who was approaching you and the rest of your friends. he heard you sigh, your eyebrows knitting together in frustration and annoyance; did you know this guy? 
“uju! you have some goddamn nerve showing up here!!” one of your friends yelled, their voice tainted with rage. “you’d really pay a 4000 yen entrance ticket just to cause trouble?!” 
“you really think i’d do that? i snuck in.” the boy scoffed, shaking his head. “i just had to come and tape this so i could have a record of how much you guys fuckin’ suck.” 
kazutora could feel his eye twitching, anger flooding through him at the boy’s words. how dare he badmouth your band like that? does he not know talent when he sees it?!
“(y/n), do you want me to-?” he began, but you shook your head, giving him a small smile. 
“no, it’s alright. i got this.” he looked at you confusedly but you’d already started walking away, moving through your friends to face the boy. he started laughing, leaning closer to as you as if he were sizing you up, (it made kazutora’s blood boil, but he restrained himself because you said you could handle it). 
“wowww, the big time bass player!! you reallyyyy have some nerve coming up to me like this; you’re usually so quiet i can’t even see you!” he said, his voiced laced with malice. “just like the bass, you’re always in the background-” 
one moment he was talking, and the next you had driven your fist right into his face, your punch making a solid impact with his jaw. the boy lost his balance, falling to the ground and making a loud thump! sound. 
silence hung over everyone for a few moments, all eyes on you as you continued to stand there, looking down at the boy. after the shock passed, you shook out your hand, wincing a bit as you did so. 
“i didn’t know punching someone would hurt like this.” 
your words triggered reactions from everyone, your friends huddling around you and hyping you up for finally beating some sense into the boy. 
“someone had to do it soon, i just didn’t know it was going to be you, (y/n)! haha!” you smiled a bit at their comments, obviously feeling a bit shy from all the attention that was on you. 
“let’s go get something good to eat in honor of (y/n) kicking his ass!!” 
“let’s go!!” you laughed at your friend’s rowdiness, telling them that you would come out soon. after they all left, you hesitantly looked at kazutora, wondering if he hated you. 
he was staring at you with his eyes open so big they could fall out of his sockets and his jaw was hanging open; it was the most shocked you’d ever seen him. 
“(y/n)...you totally just punched him…” he managed to get out. you shyly smiled, coming closer to him. 
“yeah, i learned it from watching you…i hope that’s alright.”
“alright…? it was amazing!!” he exclaimed, wrapping his arms around your waist. kazutora easily picked you up, swinging you around with a wild and excited grin on his face. “you were so cool! it was like something out of a comic!!” he was planting kisses all over your face, making you laugh from the ticklish feeling. 
“h-hey! stop!” 
“no! you were so so awesome!” he put you down, but he continued kissing your face, the gleeful look on his face being absolutely adorable. “lemme take you to go with your friends, hm? i can take you home too.” 
“are you sure? it’s already pretty late…” 
“it’s not even question, c’mon.” he answered, pressing a final kiss to your temple. his hand found yours, lacing your fingers together as he started to lead you to the parking lot, passing by the boy who was rubbing his jaw on the floor. when the two of you walked by, he let out a sound of fear, his eyes flicking between you and your boyfriend. 
“if i see you again in here, you’re dead meat, you got that?” kazutora threatened, his voice suddenly stony cold. 
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nahoya [smiley] kawata: 
❥ he’s surprisingly very into the music scene! he’s always hyping you up before and after your shows, ruffling your hair and telling you to give it your all. 
❥ he’s always bragging about the fact that you’re his s/o! he loves to brag to everybody he knows, talking about how his amazing and perfect s/o is so talented, talented enough to be in a band! he keeps videos of your performances on his phone to show people, (they are poor quality and you can hear him screaming your name in the background). 
❥ when at your shows, he does the same thing! my apologies to anybody who is standing near him; he is going to be talking their ear off the whole time about you, saying how ‘their bass playing really brings the whole thing together, don’t you think?’, (they are forced to agree). 
❥ he’s not afraid to make a scene and he will punch anybody who is booing your band or is overall just being negative. one thing he won’t stand for is a negative and unwelcoming atmosphere, so you best believe he’s going to do his part to make sure that the audience is welcoming for you and your band!
❥ regularly drags his brother and friends to come and watch you perform, making them cheer as loud as him. they are happy to do it though! they all think that you are super talented and they are always super supportive, congratulating you and telling you that you did an amazing job after the show. 
❥ screams your name while you are performing! he gets really into music, and he’s even more into it because you’re the one who's performing! there won’t ever be a time when you don’t hear his voice while you’re playing, and despite the fact that he always loses his voice by the end of the night, he thinks it’s completely worth it if he’s supporting you!
❥ he never misses your sets! he doesn’t usually have a whole lot going on, and even if he does, he absolutely would not miss them for the world! he’s even skipped toman meetings before to go see you, (he got in trouble, but again, he thought it was absolutely worth it). 
❥ his rowdy personality and your more shy and quiet one make for an interesting pair, but all of your friends agree that the two of you are perfect for each other. smiley is there to give you more confidence when you don’t have it, and you’re there to calm him down when he gets a little bit too unruly. 
❥ tries to get you to teach him how to play bass, and he fails horribly at it, (‘it’s so hard to put my damn fingers where i want them to go!!’).
“oi, you got a problem bud?” you suddenly heard. following your boyfriend’s gaze, your mood immediately soured when you saw who he was looking at. 
uju had been bothering you and your friends for a few weeks now for no particular reason, (maybe he was just bored) and you were all beginning to tire of it quickly, his negative presence ruining the vibe of the set. 
“hah, you guys think you’re such big hotshots that you need security? talk about lame!” he sneered, shaking his head. “why don’t you guys just go back to playing in your garage? at least then the rats will listen to you.” 
“hah?! you think you can stay shit like that and get away with it??” nahoya asked, his grin turning violent. “you’re in for a world of pain if you think that-” he paused when he felt a tug on his sleeve, your expression as you looked at him being strangely resolved. 
“nahoya, it’s fine. let me handle this.” 
“hmm…whatever you say, lover~” he hummed, giving you a confident grin. “go show them what you’re made of.” 
you nodded at his words, giving a small smile before approaching the sneering boy, his face twisted in hostility as he saw you approaching. your friends were whispering to each other as they watched you approaching him, talking to nahoya. he just shook his head at them, subtly pointing to you and keeping his confident smile. 
“you need to leave.” 
“you’re telling me to leave? i’m just out here telling the truth! everyone at school is embarrassed to see you guys doing this, so really, you could say that i’m helping you all out!” he laughed, rolling his eyes at your annoyed expression. “you should just deal with the hard truth and move on-” 
“you’re such an asshole.” you stated, your voice sharp enough to cut. “if you say one more word about us, you’ll regret it.” 
“riiight, like the little background character is gonna do anything. at least your little bass isn’t terrible, but the others…whew, they just don’t know how to-” 
your fist flew into his face, knocking straight into his cheek and making him collide against the wall beside the two of you. he fell to the ground, too shocked to even process what had just happened. 
“yeah!! that’s my amazing (y/n) right there!!” you heard nahoya yell, his voice booming through the chatter of the venue. it was mostly empty now, but the remaining people turned to stare at you as you walked back to your friends, wincing a bit when your hand brushed against your side. 
nahoya was the first the greet you, his hand landing on top of your head to ruffle your hair. his grin was huge as he looked at you with pride. 
“you didn’t tell me you were such a badass, (y/n)!! that was a solid punch!” 
“ahh, i’m really not…he was just pissing me off.” you answered, a bit embarrassed that you’d let your anger out in such a violent way. 
“either way, he totally deserved it!” one of your friends piped up. the rest of them agreed, complaining about how he had been bothering your band for a while. 
“yeah, he was such a jackass!! we gotta celebrate this! meet us in the parking lot, yeah?” 
“oh, yeah, okay!” you responded, watching as they all walked off, giving you big smiles and thumbs up as they were leaving. you shook your hand out, a bit of your discomfort showing on your face as you felt pain shoot up your knuckles. 
“first time punchin’ someone?” nahoya asked, gently taking your hand in his. 
“yeah, i didn’t know it was gonna hurt so much.” 
“well, it does hurt when you’re not used to punchin’ people.” he explained, gently tracing your knuckles. when he saw which spots were most painful for you he put your hand down again. “you don’t know how to correctly punch, but you still sent him into the wall like that? you’re cool as hell for that. and when we get back, i’ll wrap your hand for you.” 
“mm…thanks, nahoya.” 
“of course, sweets. now, let’s go celebrate your victory, yeah?” 
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manjiro [mikey] sano:
❥ he thinks you’re literally the coolest person ever!! he doesn’t have a single clue how to play any instruments, so he loves watching you play! he thinks you look the most attractive when you’re tearing it up on the bass, the enjoyment and happiness on your face making you look absolutely amazing, (secretly tries to take pictures during your set, but he keeps getting blocked by other people’s heads). 
❥ asks if you can play the bass for any of his favorite songs!! he’s definitely the type who will be absolutely shocked, amazed, and somehow even more in love if he ever hears you learning how to play them for him! 
❥ he can’t attend all of your shows, but he does make you promise to have somebody record it so that he can watch it later! he insists on watching the videos with you so that he can tell you at which moments you look the coolest, (he loves to see your embarrassed expression as you shyly thank him). 
❥ definitely brings all his friends to watch you! they all jam out to your band’s music and think you’re super cool! 
❥ because of mikey’s height, he will most likely ask if you can get him better seats so he has a good view of you. it’s not something in your power which makes him sad, so he’ll do his best to try and see you from where he’s at, (will yell at the people in front of him if they are too tall). 
❥ adding on to this, he might invite draken for the sole purpose of having him lift him up so he can see you better. 
❥ he creates a whole fanpage for you! mikey will compile all his different photos and videos of you and posts them to myspace, adding the most fanboy comments about you under the posts! 
mmikey_78: (y/n) was so cool at this show!  mmikey_78: my amazing (y/n) with their band performing their top song!!
❥ he likes to watch you and your band practice quickly before you guys perform, always teasing you by sending you cute winks and finger hearts. 
❥ you’re the only person he will share his snacks with!! he usually will split half of one with you before you play and then after, saying that you need it to get your energy up so that you can play really well. he also does it because he likes to give you a few moments of quiet before you go on stage so that you can calm your nerves, and then give you a few moments after your show to gather yourself since he knows you’re a bit shy. 
❥ he’s friendly with all your bandmates too, telling them that they all did a great job after you guys finish performing! 
❥ always makes sure to drive you wherever you need to go; he even got a special super secure holder on his motorbike for your bass so that you don’t have to leave it somewhere else, (he spent a lot of his money on it, but he would do anything to make you happy). 
“hm? (y/n)-cchi, do you know that person? he’s been staring at you guys for a while.” mikey whispered, his lips close to your ear. 
“gah! manjiro! don’t scare me like that…” you murmured, looking around to see who he was talking about. “who? i don’t see anyone.” 
mikey planted his hands on the sides of your head, turning it slowly until your head was facing who he was talking about. 
“ah, him…he’s just this guy from our school who’s been bothering us.” you explained, moving your eyes away from him. “it’s not really a big deal though. he’s just a weirdo- gah!” mikey suddenly turned your head to look back at him, a pout on his lips. 
“it’s a big deal if he’s bothering you guys! why didn’t you say anything about it before?” he whined, his brows furrowed together. “i could easily wipe the floor with him, y’know. do you not have faith in meee-!?” 
“no, it’s not that manjiro! i just don’t want to cause any trouble, y’know…?” you trailed off when you saw from the corner of your eye the boy approaching the two of you. “man, speak of the devil…” 
“hey!! where’s the rest of your little ‘band’? did they finally realize that you’re the most expendable?” he cackled. 
“what’d you just say?” mikey asked, his voice flat. “who do you think you are talking to (y/n) like that, huh?” he moved to step in front of you, but you gently grabbed his arm, shaking your head. 
“manjiro, it’s fine. it’s really not worth it.” you murmured, avoiding making eye contact with uju. “he’s just a jerk.” 
“really, it’s fine! let’s just go.” you pleaded. “i really don’t want to get into it with him right now.” mikey seemed hesitant, but after a few moments he relented. 
“fineee. let me take you home then-” 
“you’re ignoring me? hah, that’s rich. everybody knows you don’t have the guts to actually do anything.” uju leered, stepping forward to stand right in front of you. mikey had an intense look in his eyes, but you shook your head at him, making uju scoff. “oho, calling off your scary guard dog? wow, i’m soo scared!” he leaned forward getting right in your face. “i bet all your little friends left because they know that they would be better off without you! how does it feel to have the harsh truth shoved in your face? go on, tell me-!” 
before you knew what you were doing, your hand had formed into a fist and flew straight into his nose, sending him flying back. 
“gah, that hurt!!” you exclaimed, immediately cradling your hurt hand with your other. after a few seconds, you looked up, realizing that mikey was staring at you with a surprised expression and that uju was still laying on the ground. “oh my god, what did i just do?!” 
you suddenly felt a pair of arms around you and you heard laughing in your ear, mikey’s voice ringing throughout the room. 
“(y/n)-cchi, you punched him!! you actually punched him!! that was so funny!” he managed to get out. “you sent him flying!!” 
“i-i didn’t mean to! he was just all up in my face and then i just…! agghhh, i shouldn’t have done that!” all you got in response was mikey’s arms tightening around your waist, pulling you closer to his side. 
“you did so good! oh, but let’s get out of here before anybody notices!” he exclaimed, grabbing your hand and pulling you in the direction of the parking lot. “i’ll drive you home!” 
“am i going to get arrested?!” 
“don’t worry, i won’t ever let them catch you!” 
“ohh my god, i’m gonna go to jail!!”
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soapels · 2 years
HEYYYYY, I saw your requests open and I thought why not trying it. So, could you please please please write something with König and like, they're training or something and the reader or König (dc about who's going to do it) does that move that you take down the other person but you sit on their lap if you're not fast enough. And they're like panting from training.
I have more things in mind, so I'll be here for a while 😁
grim reaper
könig x female reader
content: slight suggestive themes, sfw, konig is down bad for reader but also a bit cheeky lol
hii nonnie! hehe i didnt know if u wanted sfw or otherwise, so i ended up somewhere right in the middle- or teasing at the latter, at least 😳 lol but i hope u enjoy!! i really love this idea so much! i wanna do this eventually with alejandro too ♡ good day! c:
all hearts, comments & reblogs are very appreciated!
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König’s a tough guy.
Big, solid, more of a fucking mountain than a living breathing man, to be entirely honest- and it certainly don’t help when you put a gun in his hand- or worse, when his eyes are set on you.
Those shimmering blues are pretty, you can’t help but think even as he slowly rounds the mat with you. So pretty that they might succeed at distracting some poor bastard behind enemy lines, make them believe it’s an angel come to save ‘em from war rather than a ravenous, feral beast responding to the dinner bell.
There’s a reason he wears a hood.
All grim reapers do.
The air is somewhat thick between the two of you. Growingly tired. A healthy amount of sweat beading below your lighter fatigues.
You’re both a panting mess of missed punches and a few exchanged, light jabs. You managed to score a low kick at the back of his calf- perhaps your hardest hit yet- and it’s probably why he’s limping now. Just slightly.
It must still sting a bit, though. Because his delayed dodging time is enough for you to swoop in and pull the rug right out from beneath him, immediately pouncing on him as he falls.
Eager, you’re overwhelmingly eager to finish sparring, because while it’s fun being pitted up against Konig (he’s your favorite partner for these sessions), you’ve been at it for closer to an hour and supper will be served soon.
Straddling his waist, you pin his brawny arms back over his head, your smaller fingers struggling to wrap around his thick wrists.
He’s so much bigger, so much stronger, such a pain in the ass to immobilize.
And still, pinning him down on the mat, your hips anchored firmly over his- you know with one mindless buck, jerk, or thrash on his end, you’d go flying.
So it’s a mercy, really, hair hanging over your head and almost touching the tip of his nose, that instead of that- perpetuating the session and perhaps stinging your pride- Konig merely lies there beneath you.
Accepts it and you.
Lets out a little, breathy sort of giggle.
“Ah, you got me.” He surrenders, yet your hands must be completely deaf to his words because they don’t loosen at all.
His broad chest shakes with every heaving breath he takes, jostling you both, but it’s only when you feel him make an uncomfortable shift beneath you that you truly realize just how exhausted he is.
Blues eyes glinting tiredly through the holes of his hood, holding an odd little twinkle to them as he runs them over you— nervous, but curious, too.
So, so curious.
As if common sense hits you, you let a playful grin finally carve into your cheeks. “Did I?” You ask softly, and his head tilts some at you. “I’ve got the feeling you could switch our positions easily, if you really wanted to.”
He’s vaguely jittery, your sparring buddy, but when you make that mindless comment, for reasons beyond you, König visibly flusters, jerking his chin the other way.
His cheek rubs against the mat through his mask, mumbling a polite rebuttal.
“Y-You underestimate yourself, Y/n… You knocked me right off my feet! Isn’t that good?” His gaze does find yours again, then- quietly, “…I think you are good…”
It’s your turn to giggle.
The sound is pleasant, the sort of sound that he’d play on repeat if he could. But… those are feelings that the brute of a man is vaguely aware are offhanded, and certainly not the kind you divulge to your comrade.
So he nibbles on his lips, though you don’t see, and keeps quiet on it.
“Well, thank you, König,” your cheeks are a bit warm, either from tussling with him or just the fact that it’s him and not anyone else, you’re not so sure.
“I think you are good, too.”
That feels nice to hear… And your mouth looks so pretty when you say it, too.
You are beautiful, the man steadily comes to terms with- in one staggering, full gust of wind beneath you- you are so beautiful and you are straddling his hips and you said with your own tongue that he is good in your eyes.
You don’t know just what possesses him when he turns to you after, letting a nervous, yet deft hand rake the entirety of his hood over his head. But the truth is that he also doesn’t know why- or anything, to be fair, in that brilliant, awing moment- just that you are the prettiest girl he’s ever seen and he loves sparring with you and he can’t fully stop himself in time from saying—
“Yes,” he admits. “For you.”
And you are so startled by his sudden spur of confidence, and also the hint of a cheeky grin curling at his lips, that you are silent for a moment.
Stunned, perhaps.
An addicting, bubbly sort of feeling rises between you.
…S-Something else does, too, but lower— poking persistently at the start of your tummy.
You blink owlishly at the belated realization. So does he, all blue and hopeful yet also, apparently, growingly excited.
You clear your throat, slowly sliding off of his lap, praying to God your buddy doesn’t see the evident stirrings of something smitten on your face.
“H-How nice,” you murmur. And you mean it.
The both of you stand up, inconspicuously brushing off the fronts of your thighs, trading off see you in a bit’s and good spar’s, the male following shortly after you- sort of like a lost puppy- towards the shower block.
Washing off sounds nice- even better, settling down at the cafeteria and digging into his meaty portion of dinner- but to be entirely honest, he’s still basking in the sweet afterglow of his small (yet no less revolutionary) victory.
…Maybe he ought to let you win more often.
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soggyriceee · 1 year
I'd love to request a fic with John "Soap" Mactavish, if you are okay with writing him. If not, you can 7se whatever character you think will fit to this!
And my idea is:
Soap finally got his days off the work, so reader wanted to make him a welcome home suprise. He came home very tired, to eat his favourite food that she made him for dinner, and go to sleep with reader. But reader bought a new pajama. A sexy pajama, that instantly turned him on.
Anddd we all know where it goes hehe.
I would really love if this was a soft, gentle smut. They're very happy to finally touching themselves again c:
- 🦝 (That's me :D)
missed you | John "Soap"
yess, guys plzz request more of the other MW2 men I write for all of themmm~ (not edited)
warnings: oral(f!receiving), soft dom Soap, fingering, praise, missionary, cowgirl, breeding kink but like..cutely??? just really romantic, lovey dovey seggs, listener and Soap orgasm twice
you knew what you were doing. wearing the lace pink, see-through lingerie dress, with a light pink matching set. what you loved the most about it, was that flowers were decorated all over. you had white ribbons on the side of your underwear, a light pink flower in the center. your bra had tiny 'John' chain in the center, the cups a lacy pink. it was beautiful.
but of course, you hadn't put it on until you got out the shower. you wanted to have a romantic night with him. you hadn't seen him in 7 months, he was off in Chicago for another mission he had given you little information about. he hated you knowing how many people he'd have to kill.
"dinner was delicious my love." he smiled, kissing your palm, looking into you eyes. your cheeks couldn't help but turn pink, giggling as he pulled away. you had cooked his favorite meal for dinner, wanting to make sure the night was entirely perfect for him. you both missed each other so much, you couldnt help but spend the whole day perfecting your house. and he couldnt help but bring you far too many gifts from Chicago consisting of clothes, food and random items he found in gift shops or stores.
" go shower, I'm gonna clean up before we get too comfortable in the bed." you smiled, standing from the table. "I can help you baby, dont be silly." he chuckled, grabbing his own plate before you could. but no. as much as you loved cleaning with him, you needed a reason to shower and put on the lingerie. " please, I dont want us both to stay up late. for tonight let me clean for you, you go rest and relax. you had a long mission." you said, taking his plate.
thankfully that excuse was good enough. he agreed and went to shower, quietly sad you didnt want to shower with him. aside from the sexual factor of showering together, he truly did just want to have an intimate, romantic moment with you after the romantic dinner you set up for him. but he knew you were a stubborn woman and he wasn’t going to argue with you.
stepping out the shower, you grabbed the towel he had laid out for you, drying your body. successfully, you were able to sneak in the new set, hiding it in the sink cabinet. of course, it worked. why would he look under there anyways?
you pulled it out, examining the new set with a smile spread across your face. John always loved pink on you. it was the color you wore when you met him. you remember it like it was yesterday. and it always brought a smile to your face when you thought about it when he was away.
it was actually pretty funny. you hated him at first. but he fell in love with you the second he walked into the bakery you used to work at. he came in every day, ordering the same coffee with a croissant. and he’d flirt with you the entire time you’d take his order. you of course, being a college student focusing on nothing but your studies and money, paid him no mind and found him pretty annoying. especially with the constant bragging of his muscles.
“you know, when you get off there’s still this ice cream bar open down the street. i think you’d like it.” he smiled, leaning on the counter completely oblivious to the long line of people forming behind him. with a sarcastic smile, you handed him his receipt. “great i’ll check it out. next.” you responded, looking past him.
but he never gave up obviously. it got to the point even your manager was encouraging you to give him a chance. so, the next time he came in, before he could even say anything, you agreed. “okay. let’s go out.” you said, handing him the croissant you already had beside you.
from then on he’s been completely unable to leave you alone, still making his daily trips to your job to see you. and naturally, as time went on, you became equally obsessed with him. that was three years ago, and a year ago, he officially asked you to move in with him.
of course with that came a lot of alone time. with him being away in the military, which was something he had bragged a lot about during his little flirting moments. “i shoot guns and stuff y’know? lots of super hero activities.” he would joke, wiggling his eyebrows to you, despite the blank stare your give in return.
but with time, you got used to it. not fully. nights were the worst. but it got easier. he called you every chance he could. sent you letters that ,sometimes, never ended up getting to you until even after he got back from wherever he was stationed at.
you snapped back from your little day dream when a small knock came to the bathroom door. “my love.. is everything okay?” he asked, twisting the door knob. quickly, you pressed against the door, holding the knob still. “y-yea just looking on my phone. i’ll be out in a second.”
you began to apply the lotion, rushing so he doesn’t actually walk into the bathroom, spoiling the surprise. you felt a bit rushed, and you were praying you looked as beautiful as you were imagining you would. with the last fix of your hair, you walked out the bathroom and into the connecting bedroom.
on the bed, John laid on his back, pillow over his head. it was a technique he told you he learned in the military that helped him and a few others sleep when away from home. but once you walked closer to him, he removed the pillow, sitting up. and his jaw, literally, dropped. “oh my.. "
as you stood shyly at the door, John slowly made his way over to you, his eyes moving up your body slowly before meeting your eyes. "you look beautiful.." he breathed out, his hands moving to grab your waist. " so beautiful."
as he pressed further against you, his hard on became more and more difficult to ignore. he leaned down, pressing his lips to yours. the kiss wasn't rough, but it wasn't gentle either. it was more so passionate. his fingers gripping your waist, pulling you more into him as if that was even possible, your boobs hurting from the pressure. your hands found his cheeks, cupping them as his tongue slid into your mouth.
he began to back away, keeping you on his body. when his legs his the end of the bed, he fell, back pressing to the mattress. your hands found their way on either side of his head, holding yourself up as the kiss continued.
pulling away, he looked up at you. " you look so beautiful I just.. I wanna worship you.. can I do that?" he asked, his hands moving up and down your body, your smooth skin putting him in a trance like state. when you nodded, he smiled brightly, flipping you over.
your head rested on the cotton pillows, your legs being spread apart and John's head in between your legs before you could even realize. his fingers hooked around the waistband of your lacy underwear, dragging them down slowly. he took in how your bare pussy gleamed for him, his bottom lip tugging between his teeth. oh how he'd dreamed of this moment since he got on that plane back home.
once your underwear got to your ankles, he kept them there, lifting your legs to dip underneath them and allowing them to rest on his shoulders. his hands found your hips, pulling you onto his face. yes he was desperate and he for sure was excited. but he didnt know if it was how long he was gone for this time, or just the fact you looked so beautiful, but he wanted to take his time with you tonight. he wanted to make love with you.
the second he felt the heat from your pussy on his lips, he leaned in, sighing in pleasure as he tasted you for the first time in 7 months. your mouth opened slightly, a short breath leaving your lips as he pulled you clit between his lips. his eyes fluttered shut, head resting on your thigh as he gently, slowly made out with your cunt.
"J-Johnny.." you breathed out, fingers finding his hair. that was his favorite. whether it was to simply massage his head or when he was between your legs, he loved the feeling of your tugging his hair. it was peaceful for him.
his tongue slid in and out your cunt, soft squelching sounds coming from it. your head rested on the pillow, back arching slightly off the bed. his hands gripped around your waist tighter, holding you close to his face. it wasn't like you were going anywhere, but he loved the idea of controlling your body movements.
he opened his eyes, looking up at your arched back and slightly open mouth. "feels good love?" he said into your pussy, circling his tongue right to your clit. you nodded, whimpering at the circular movement. he chuckled, continuing exactly that.
your breathing picked up, head lifting to look down at him. he smiled up at you while pulling your clit into his mouth, sucking right back on it. you hadn't even realized it, but his fingers pressed right at your entrance and slowly, made their way inside you. gasping at the double pleasure, your head fell right back onto the pillow.
"oh fuck Johnny.. too good." you whined, your feet now pressing flat on the bed. he felt you trying to pull away from him, but he was far too drunk off your pussy to give you a break. his fingers slowly moved in a "come here" motion, hitting right at your g spot, his tongue moving in circles around your clit at the same pace.
your stomach turned pleasurably, preparing for the first orgasm you'd be having in months. of course, with Johnny being gone you managed to buy yourself toys to keep you company. not even just for that, but also to try and incorporate them into sex with Johnny. but you only ended up using them for maybe a month or two before realizing it wasn't the same as the real thing. it wasn't the same as Johnny.
" look so beautiful love, so beautiful." he whispered, kissing your clit while his fingers continued to move inside you. your slick ran down to his knuckles, only making him harder. he couldn't help but move his hips against the mattress, trying to relieve some of the pain. but it didnt do much. and it only got worse once your legs began to shake on either side of his head.
it was embarrassingly fast you were going to cum. and you tried to think of a billion other things to help you not cum around his fingers and tongue. but Johnny made that increasingly more difficult. " cum for me baby. show me how much you missed me." he moaned against your pussy, grinding faster onto the mattress.
panting, you raised your head to look down at him. that sight alone made your orgasm take over. "I-im cumming.. oh Johnny~" you cried, your legs shaking fingers gripping onto the sheets. Johnny whimpered beneath you, slurping every last but you had to give him. he held your hips down onto his face, helping you ride out your orgasm.
as your legs began to calm down, he slowed down his tongue movements. "j-johhny please" you choked out, trying to get him off of you. but he wasn't budging. his hands sunk around your thighs, squeezing them gently before tugging you back onto his face further. as he did so, his tongue slid right back into your still throbbing hole, sighing as he tasted the sweetness of your juices on his tongue.
your head pressed back into the pillow, whimpering out as he moved his wet muscle in and out of your hole slowly. "missed the taste of you so much.. gimme one more. can you do that for me love? please." he begged between your thighs, taking his thumb to rub at your sensitive, puffy clit. you gave him a weak yes, gripping onto the sheets firmer, nails digging into your palm simultaneously.
his thumb moved in a faster circle, tongue moving to match that speed. "taste so good. love being between your legs." he moaned, shoving his face deeper into your pussy.
your eyes crossed as you felt his tongue rub right against your spongy g-spot, the feeling of his thumb on your clit adding to the sensation. "i'm s-so close.. " you whimpered, grinding your hips on his face. moaning into your pussy, he looked up at you. keeping eye contact, his thumb rubbed faster against your puffy clit.
he didn't even have to say much before you felt your second orgasm take over your body. "thats it baby.. feel good for me." he cooed, sucking gently over your overstimulated clit. weakly, you shove him away, this time successfully. " sorry.. just missed you so much." he smiled, lifting himself up from the mattress.
as your legs stopped shaking, he positioned himself between your legs, rubbing his tip up and down your slit. "did you miss me too my love?" he whispered, looking up into your eyes. your head nodded quickly, pushing up slightly enough for his tip to push inside. a gasp slipped past you both, his hips quickly moving back.
giggling, he moved his hands to your hips. "so impatient. but its okay. i'm impatient to." he whispered before slowly pressing into your tight warmth. your hands were quick to ball up, mouth forming into an 'O' shape. as he bottomed out into you, his forehead pressed against yours. "fuck I missed this." he groaned, pulling his bottom lip in-between hips teeth.
your hands cupped his cheeks, pressing his lips onto yours. the kiss was passionate. not your usual desperate, sloppy makeout. this one was surprisingly slow. slow but deep. your tongues danced together as his hips slowly pushed away and slowly moved forward again. he sped up a tad bit, nothing to the point bed was creaking or shaking. it was a steady, deep speed. one that allowed you both to just feel each other.
his hands roamed your body, cupping your boobs through the bra. you pulled away to look up at him, a smile on both faces. "I know.. we keep saying I-it but.. I missed you a lot." you said, small moans coming from you before the words could. he chuckled at your small struggle, rubbing his thumb against your cheek. " I missed you so much more my love.." he whispered, leaning down to press a kiss to your cheek.
his other hand made busy with your clit, thumb rubbing it slowly and adding just enough pressure to the still puffy nerve. it didn't take long for his finger to get coated in your slick. "so wet.. don't know how long I can take." he moaned, picking up the pace slowly. you weren't complaining about this. and you honestly weren't expecting him to last too long after 7 months of using his hand alone. maybe a DIY flesh light if he even had the time and tools to make one. which you figured was very unlikely.
his balls slapped against the curve of your arse, his head falling into your neck. his moans slowly turned into whimpers and you knew by that alone he was definitely close. your hands wrapped around his neck, his head slowly lifting up. his eyes were hooded slightly, bottom lip again caught between his teeth. "g-gonna wait for you love.. so we c-can cum.. together." he groaned, looking in your face but quickly looking away. but where else was there to look? your face alone was enough to make him finish right then and there, so that wasn't an option. your body was perfect, the way it looked in the lingerie. the way the lighting in the room illuminated your skin and every curve you have. and oh how your moans and whimpers only made his balls tighten.
through all his struggle, he lost the battle and ended up cumming right then and there. "f-fuck..” he groaned, pressing his body over yours, panting into your neck. you smiled softly, running your hands through his hair as he grinds his hips into yours. “i.. thought i’d last a bit longer.” he breathed out. you could feel the heat from his cheeks against your neck.
you tugged his hair, pulling his head up gently. “sit back.” you said, pushing him off you. as he slid out, you fell his cum seep out of your pussy. he lazily sat back against the headboard, looking up at you as you shifted yourself over his semi hard on. you grabbed it with your hand, using his own cum and your juices as lube.
his hips bucked up a bit, still sensitive. “god you so beautiful.” he breathed out, scanning over your body. his hands reached out, pulling you closer into his chest. he leaned in, biting your nipple through your bra. you whimpered, gripping onto him a bit firmer. he smiled, pulling away to look up at you. “sorry.” he said.
rolling your eyes, you pumped him a bit more. when he was fully up again, you rubbed the tip against your folds, humming as the mix of your wetness and his cum covered your pussy. “come on baby.. don’t do this to me.” he whined, thrusting up gently. giggling, you gave into him and slid down onto his length. gasping, you both leaned your heads back.
his hands were quick to find your hips, guiding you up and down slowly. your body’s moved together, filling the room with little quiet skin slaps with a mix of your moans mixed together. “oh fuck Johnny.. love you so much.” you whimpered, looking down at him. his mouth was slightly ajar, eyes rolled back. as much as he did wanna respond, your pussy was too much for him to even process fully what you said.
your slick ran down to his balls, only making his fingers dig deeper into you. gently, he began to thrust up into you. your fingers remained in his hair, tugging on it gently. his eyes met yours, hands still gripping your hips. “so perfect.. your so perfect.” he panted, “w-wanna start a.. family with you.”
at first you thought it was simply the sex making him talk like that. but you remembered how before he left he’d talk about starting a family, what it would be like to be a military dad. every time you both went to the store he’d make a 10 minuet pit stop to look at the baby clothes.
as you processed what he said, you began to feel your stomach turning and you knew you were close. “i love you so much.” he moaned, picking up his pace slightly. his legs very gently began to shake, his head falling into your chest. “come on love make love with me. show me how much you love me too.” he whimpered.
your hips matched his speed, the sound of skin clapping growing louder. you grabbed his chin, forcing him to look up and kiss you. another deep, passionate kiss. for some reason, you loved this type of sex more than the rough “coming back home” sex. you felt like you both were bonding. spiritually and physically. you loved it. and you loved the idea of carrying his baby even more.
“i w-wanna start a family t..too.” you whined, pulling away from the kiss. he smiled up at you, slowing his hips down. as your hips continued to move, you felt yourself coming closer to the end. your pussy pulsed around his length, hands gripping onto him firmer. “g-gonna cum.” you whimpered, moving slightly quicker.
just as you came around him, body shaking and head tilting back, he thrusted up deeply into you, moaning your name out. his head found the crook of your neck, panting into it as his hips thrusted up into you slowly, pushing all his cum inside you. your hips came to a halt, letting him ride out his and your orgasm. “fuck i love you.” he whispered, slumping back against the bed again.
you smiled, resting your head on his chest while he softened inside of you. you both ended up staying like this, discussing the risks of having a baby right now. but also the positives. “i’m ready for this if you are.” you said as he slid out from below you. gently, he laid you on the bed, pressing a kiss to your neck.
“i’m ready to spend the rest of my life with you my love. whatever you want to do, i’ll do. if you wanna have this baby with me, i’ll make it the best and easiest pregnancy i possibly can.” he said, standing from the bed.
smiling at him, you nodded your head. “okay. let’s start a family.”
omg i really hope you all like this😭 i’ve never written a vanilla smut but the idea was so cute it honestly is one of my favorite works. anyways PLEASE REQUEST OTHER CHARACTERS I WRITE FOR ALL OF THEMM
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romanceuntold · 9 months
hi everyone! it's jen, back at it again since i always come around with a long, heartfelt "end of the year" wrap up! i just gotta be there. i hadn't had the time to come up with an actual heart-to-heart message this year, so i would like to share something else with you guys instead (aka my personal ending ment hehe) i hope this finds you all well! 🩵
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a message for the upcoming year - "if you knock on a door and it remains closed, it means there is nothing behind it. theres no magical, mysterious, alternative life you are being denied. there is nothing you are missing out on. what you are grieving is an idea of what might have been. if you feel you have spent too much of your life in disappointment and regret, perhaps is that you have tried to turn too many dead ends into pathways, empty rooms into more than they were ever intended to be. if you knock on a door and it remains closed, it means that the path is unfolding somewhere else, and you're now one step closer to finding it. it is not your dreams that must be released, but your sense of posibility that must be awakened."
another one goes... "if today was difficult for you, i hope you know that tomorrow can be better, i hope you know that the moments that are uncomfortable or hurt or dont make sense will pass. i hope you remind yourself of all the times you didnt think you were going to feel better but you did. as you go through your days, remember that every moment is just a moment.
when you cant take it one day at a time, try to take it one breath at a time, take really good care of yourself and know that it's okay if you don't accomplish everything you told yourself you needed to today. you dont have to start a new routine or healthy habit today if it feels like too much. you dont have to be as productive as the people that you see everywhere. your life is yours and you only have this one. tomorrow it will feel a little bit better. and then better. and then better. you are safe. you will have everything that you need."
and finally, before the next 12 months begin, here's your checkpoint - if you're carrying a weight that doesnt belong to you, it's time to release it. forgive yourself for those lessons that were learned a little too late. you're human, navigating a path that's both complex and beautiful. embrance the wisdom you gained, even if it came at a cost. remember, growth knows no timeline and you're exactly where you need to be.
your timing is yours alone, nobody else's!
@hyunpic ♡ @shorelinnes ♡ @xiaoxiongmaos ♡ @choibeomggyu ♡ @yeonjune ♡ @choi-soobin ♡ @heelicopter ♡ @minhosblr ♡ @innielove ♡ @crazy-form ♡ @facethesuns ♡ @dokyeomis ♡ @moonsua ♡ @hooned ♡ @lveclouds ♡ @exocean ♡ @dowoonyoon ♡ @bcomgyu ♡ @seungkwan-s ♡ @xiaojuun ♡ @usertae ♡ @bestleader ♡ @yutito ♡ @tmpttion ♡ @dykeyeonjun ♡ @wayvmp3 ♡ @oddinarys ♡ @woozis ♡ @jeonwonwoo ♡ @tbzuyeon ♡ @twiceland ♡ @soujisetas ♡ @yeonbins ♡ @heesungs ♡ @ddominho ♡ @isitstraightvodka ♡ @euphhorias ♡ @beomieblr ♡ @gyusgal ♡ @jaeyuned ♡ @5oobin ♡ @hueningkai ♡ @pookiez ♡ @waketoearth ♡ @deerseungs
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to my cosmos (bc who am I if not the one who writes a bunch of words to yall lol):
🍜🐕 chesca: you are NOT at all the mean words stuck at the back of your mind. no way! you're as pretty as the flowers, the water, the weather, (specially the ORANGE SHADES) in each of those monet's paintings. with that, art might not be everyone's cup of tea, sure, but is still ARTWORK for a reason. you're not behind on anyone, you don't need to rush, to keep up, i've told you this before, so please... take great care of yourself. i want you to be as proud of yourself one day as i am on the daily. one day that will turn into everyday. you will get there, you will be your greatest inspiration one day.
🌻 sun: of all the things i wish to tell you, felix wrapped it all in one go: just take your time, if you want to take a break, take a break. dont force yourself to do something. if you feel tired or if it's too hard for you, no need to stress. you still have time. every single person is good at something. you still have so much time. this is your checkpoint: tend to your wounds, let them heal, if it hurts too bad, i'll help you bandage them til you are good to go. i promise!
🐱 maja: as a grand poet (lee know) once said: "no matter how you look at the sky, it is still blue. when it rains it turns gray. there are also times when it's dark but above the clouds, it's still blue. it'll all be over soon, it's just an extra headache if you worry about it". you will be alright! and yes, even if that one issue (or a few issues) is still weighing down in your heart a little, it's just a bigger cloud. the bluest of skies will still be there, for you, and so will i!
🎨 agnes: i wish i could just cup your face with my hands and yell at you about all the necessary things you need to remind yourself. for now, here goes something: "you are not meant to be ornamental, you are meant to be a person. that means taking up space and being loud and standing up for your needs (and sometimes wants) and being inconvenient because that's what people are." 100 becomes 99 if a number is missing, the set will never be whole without that 1 number to it. the space will be there for it to take up, bc 1 belongs there. much like us, much like the world. so please, just allow yourself to be.
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finally - to all of you beautiful people, if you guys must, just take a moment to yourselves, to reflect upon everything. love is such a beautiful and messy thing, but when it comes to the end of that line, what are we if not love personified? whenever i write these, know that i am speaking to you all specifically, heart to heart. i dont know about the rest of the world, but I know about my friend-tuals. you guys deserve the world, i dont care what anyone says, you. deserve. peace. so rest well, we got another 12 months ahead! among such violent ends, you are bound to be a wonderful start.
i hate goodbyes, but if it means opening up space for a better something, i'm willing to bid farewell for a change. so much has happened, which makes me think... what a privilege it is to be able to still be here, able to use words to reach out to you all. thank you to everyone on this list. we will all be okay, eventually. we will be okay! let's meet again soon, and then again and again and again. i love you guys so so much. happy new years!!! 🎉
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badbatchergray · 7 months
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Dying spirits (chapter 1)
Dying spirits master list—https://www.tumblr.com/badbatchergray/742948447929417728/dying-spirits-chapter-1
A/n- SPOILERS FOR SEASON 3 BEGINNING OF EPISODE 1 , IF YOU DIDN'T WATCH YET PLEASE DO NOT READ AND READ AFTER YOU WATCH ⚠️‼️‼️ But enjoy the first chapter for this series for those who do read 🤠, there will be a use of y/n and this is female reader , so uh enjoy lol. Also don’t shit on me for my writing , I’m tired but I swear my writings decent. Also I didnt proofread anything 😭
It’s been about a week since omega has been brought to the facility where she has been held ever since the day the empire had caught up with her and her brothers after the had retreated to cids with an unfortunate outcome. For the time being she had been kept in a room that was dark , only shades of gray looming around and the only source of light coming from the decent sized gated off window in her cell like confines. She had a bed and sink with a little box she held her lunch in and other items she had kept with her that she took as she worked throughout the day. She sighed as she looked outside her gated off window , seeing the bright blue sky with puffy clouds above as well as in the distance grassy mountains and a lot of brush that lied below.
She stood looking out her window with a look that spoke volumes , a look of one that showed a dying hope yet an unspeakable feeling of loneliness. She looked around her before moving away from the window and she paced around thinking about something. She thought of you for a moment. You were about 26 years old and you had wound up joining the group of rouge clones after you had been encountered by them on led mantell. Cid had gotten you to do a job with them as you didn’t have much and didn’t really have a place to go and hunter , who didn’t really trust you at first made the decision to take you with them after they had seen your skill as you worked with them.
He wasnt sure at first of the idea of you joining but omega practically had begged him to let you stay. Which in your luck it was allowed and you had gotten the chance to run with them and you gladly took it. After your own experience with the empire and such you learned of there situation and told them about yours , about how your home had been destroyed and taken over by them. How you’ve lost almost everything that you loved and the others on clone force 99 could sympathize with you as the empire had taken a lot away from them as well.
Echo wasn’t much for the subject as it was touchy for him as he often thought about his brothers and umbara and such he didn’t say much but all he had told you was that he lost family too. Echo struggled with it and thought about daily as those days still lingered deeply in his mind. As for hunter earlier on He saw the potential in you and after about a month in with them he noticed how you were with omega , almost like a motherly figure to her. Hunter often noticed how you kept a watchful eye on her if she wandered or if something was up with her you knew what was wrong , you tended to be good at reading people but another thing was your skill. You were skilled , learning from that of your own family when they were around. Your father had taught you military intelligence and weaponry skill. As well as teaching you tactics and ways to survive if out on your own or stranded on a planet you didn’t know much about.
As of now ; Omega stood still pacing about , thinking of you. Thinking of the good times you had with her ord mantle and the times you would tell her story’s about you time as a little girl and the times you’d teach her skills that were passed down to you by your learnings as a young one.
She not only missed you but she missed her brothers , most of all crosshair. She told you about crosshair as when you had joined you never got the chance to meet him. She told you a bit about him how he was a little rough around edges but he was good deep down an how he could be a bit grouchy at times. She told you often that she missed him and hoped that he was okay and you’d most of the time comfort her telling her that you’d all find him in the end and be back together but as the empire rose it grew harder to believe that.
Not to mention the day you all presumably lost tech. The day he had sacrificed himself for all of you , That day crushed all of you and most of all omega. Everyone was in shambles as you all tried to escape in one piece but you all left with injuries but most you all left yet without another teammate but most of all a brother. Omega thought about how you’d comfort her during those recent times but the fact that going back to cids left her in her current postion. She should’ve ran like hunter told her to but she was determined to keep everyone together but that wasn’t the case. In the end she got captured and her brothers including the added addition which was you , were left behind but she knew deep down that they were going to look for her. She knew that you’d come looking for her.
She soon was broken from her thoughts as her cell door swooshed open , her sister Emerie standing before her as she held a holopad , her hair put up in a ponytail and her usual outfit which consisted of gray like pants and a gray and white long sleeved shirt. A uniform of sorts with hints of red in it as well.
“Good morning omega , how are you feeling today?”
Emerie asked as she looked down at omega.
“Like a prisoner , I want to leave.”
Omega's eyes narrowed a bit.
“Prisoner ? Omega you are no such thing. It will take time to adjust but you will acclimate.”
Her sister's tone was calm and sophisticated yet it held a suspicious undertone.
“It is far safer in her than it is out there.”
She added and omega looked away for a moment as she thought about something but she soon looked back at emerie as she spoke up again.
“Come , we have much to do.”
She says as she turned on her heel and out of the cell , not looking behind her as she knew omega would follow. Not to much surprise she did , but before omega could leave she kneeled and grabbed something from under her bunk , a small tin box with a handle , the looks of a lunchbox and she pulled it out from under taking it with her as she hurried into the hallway walking behind emerie and as she did so her cell room door closed behind her. She walked through the hallways , seeing other troopers and officers walking around seemingly working and getting things done. She often looked at emerie seeing as she typed on the holopad she held in her hands and she averted her gaze as she kept her gaze ahead only to see that one familiar person.
It was crosshair.
she let off a small gasp as she saw crosshair as his eyes were glued to the floor as he walked , a look of lost hope plastered on his face as he was in cuffs , led behind others like him through the hallway. The faces of broken hopes and dying spirits. She turned and kept looking but soon looked ahead of her as she walked passed them. She wanted to say something but no words left her mouth. As she walked she was led into a medical bay. Omega watched as emerie walked over to a clone who had been lying down on the medical bed seemingly struggling to keep his eyes open as he was loopy and emerie grabbed this epipen like tube and grabbed the clones hand , placing it on the back of his palm and she clicked a button as she drawn blood.
As emerie was finished she grabbed the small vile and she placed it with other testing pieces that omega was holding on a tray and set it down before grabbing another syringe and turning her gaze towards omega as she grabbed a holopad as well.
“ and now i need to take a blood sample from you.”
Emerie spoke calmly as she placed down the holopad at her side and set it back in its deserted place.
Omega questioned.
“The sample is used for various research projects , all of us serve a purpose here.”
Emerie says as she set up the testing process as the clone she had drawn blood from left.
“It won’t hurt.”
She added as omega lifted herself up onto her medical bed , setting her lunch box next to her as she watched as her sister prepared the sample.
“Can you at least tell me where my brothers are? As well as where y/n is..”
Omegas tone was soft as she held out her hand as the epipen like syringe was placed on the back of her palm and she looked away closing her eyes as her blood was taken.
“If your a clone like me…how come i never saw you on kamino?.”
She asked as she looked at the floor beneath her.
“Because I was sent elsewhere, until doctor hemlock took me under his wing. He saw potential in me.”
Emerie explained as she looked at omega.
“Like Nala se sees in you”
She added.
“I never knew I had a sister…closest thing I had was y/n.”
Omega let off a small noticeable closed lipped smile as she mentioned your name.
“It’s nice not being alone yknow…”
Omega mentioned and emerie stood silent as she finished taking the blood sample , leaving a red circle mark on her hand. Emerie grabbed the vial of red crimson and gently swished it around as she inspected it before placing it in the tray with all the other blood vials and she handed the tray to omega as she got up off the medical bed making sure to grab her little tin lunchbox as well.
“Head to the lab , Nala se is expecting these.”Emerie informed and omega gave a tiny nod as she headed down the hall to get to her destination.
Dying spirits left all around , leaving room for little hope to be found.
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mango-bango-bby · 2 years
Yandere royal momo yaoyorozu x fem normal reader where the reader saved momo from thiefs (without knowing that momo was the princess since she wore a disguise)in the past and momo never saw a lady with a sword and arrows so she fell for her and stalked her and knew she was a bakers daughter and then she asked her father if the reader could be her personal guard but he said no cuz women cant be guards so when her parents died and she became the queen she asked (forced) the reader to marry her ( and if she didnt marry her she would murder her whole family and make them suffer in front of her until she say yes )
♡ The Queen ♡
(A/N: This was really fun to write!! I haven’t written for Momo in a while but I missed writing for her 😭😭 I hope you like, I think it’s really cute and I love royalty au 💖)
Content Warning ⚠️: Yandere, royalty au, kidnapping, mostly just fluff 
Summary: After unknowingly saving the queen of the kingdom, she becomes obsessed with you (Yan!Momo x GN!reader)
Masterlist ➸ ♡
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♡ Momo had been in love with you for as long as she could remember. At least since the first time she saw you, when you two were both younger. Two years ago Momo, the princess soon to be queen of the kingdom, went into town just to see how things were. She was disguised so she was cornered by a couple thieves. Luckily for her, you happened to by near.
♡ Your father owned a small bakery in the kingdom. You had been working with him since you were a young child, you had also been trained with a sword since you were a child. The bakery wasn’t exactly in the best part of the kingdom so you often found yourself need self defense. So when you saw a woman around your age being cornered by some thieves you were quick to pull out your sword, threatening the thieves to stay away.
♡ Momo only thanked you before returning to the castle, completely star struck. You were so beautiful. You were selfless as well, trying to help her. You were so strong. You were so graceful. Of course, after such a chance encounter she wanted to know more about you.
♡ After ordering the guards to learn more about you, she only fell in love more. You were always helping with the bakery. Your family loved the bakery even if you didn’t get much money in it. She thinks though, if you were to just marry her, she’s sure she could help put your family. She wants you to be hers. She could help you, give you a better life.
♡ She knows you stay up late to help your family. She knows you give some of your little money to other families to help them. She knows you give free bread and sweets to the local children. She knows you help people in the community. Shoe knows you don’t go to bed until very late. She knows you’re tired. You need to be cared for too sometimes, and she can do that. She could coddle and care for you when you need it.
♡ So the moment she becomes queen, she’s ordering guards to go out and bring you to her. The moment guards turn up at the bakery, ordering you to come with them, you’re terrified. You think you’re being arrested and you’re terrified because you have no idea what you did wrong.
♡ The moment you arrive at the castle, Momo is just smiling so widely. You’re even more lovely than she remembers. Sadly, it doesn’t seem like you remember her. She loves seeing you again, but she also sees the bags underneath your eyes and she sees how tattered your clothes are.
♡ She will be able to give you a better life by her side.
Thank you for reading, darling!!
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megismorallysunny · 1 year
i truthfully dont know how to blog or do anything like that, ive always struggled even keeping a diary or just simply writing but idk that might just be a me thing, and by me thing i mean quite a lot of people aswell. Ive always seen people talk about how keeping a diary has been really good for them and im like woohoo great but kind of confused how.
i think i get the image i just dont know how to get to the end point.. and thats why im writing a blog, ive never read a blog like ever, i think its just people talking about their lives, id much rather talk a lil bout my life and more bout my interest. i dont have too many i just get back into them really quickly and then fall out of them really hard.
so.. i guess i should start talking about my day, well i woke up at 8am, ive recently gotten into the habit of feeling tired at like 10 or 11pm, i try to get to sleep then even though it makes me miss a lot of twitch streams. anyways i woke up ate a granola bar then did a little spanish learning, french duolingo then played on my switch. i really love learning languages but im terrible in my countrys native language, no one really knows it fully and its taught horribly (i got 23% in my last test).
i take french in my school and my teachers really strict and mean but a great teacher and pretty funny and nice when in a good mood. I also do woodwork and my teacher doesnt do anything, he doesnt talk to us ,he doesnt teach us, NOTHING. I would a hundred times over choose to do 2x french rather than woodwork. I started learning spanish because i seen a spanish stream by Roier and he seemed really funny and cool, i started learning spanish just then, i dont watch roier much now, mostly just foolish, i really like him ( i didnt think i ever would) and now i tune in for nearly every other stream.
ive recently reached 50 days on duolingo and im pretty happy about it, im not nearly fluent and im 100% ok with that. im not sure how to send this off, i know i talk a little formally but im a minor (14) and im hoping to meet friends if i can.
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princesstillyenna · 1 year
I finished reading the group chat fics and let me tell its becoming my comfort fic these past few days, my job is emotionally demanding and there was a lot of stuff in my personal life that were stressful and didnt want to talk about cus I felt no one would listen, but I found you fic by accident and let me tell its the best part of my day were I get home and relax and read it, I relate to matty T a lot and he somehow became my comfort character 😂, I feel a tiny but nervous about commenting on ao3 so I got the website for Tumblr since its banned from my country and I feel scared that you may take this the wrong way and feel stressed about how you help me deal with personal stuff but I just wanted to say this cus you deserve to hear it, I feel truly nervous and scared avout sending this so you could ignore it if you feel pressured about being my comfort person these days especially since you dont even know me, thank you gor being there for me through fics and I will try my hardest to comment on your fics but I wouldnt make any promises,
lastly I was wondering if there was a specific schedule that you stick to when updating? I’m just exited for the next update so sorry if that question felt invasive
First of all friend, like, thank you SO much for this message. You have no idea what messages like this means to authors. It really means the fucking world. I'm so glad this fic could help you - I actually started writing this not long after I came out of a psych unit, and it really took on a life of it's own when my marriage fell apart, so it's got me through some times also!
Also I like tumblr messages so I'm always just as happy to read either messages on tumblr or anons on tumblr as Ao3 comments. And I'm infinately more likely to reply here. Also Matty T is the BEST comfort character. He's such a poor little meow meow. I feel ZERO pressure from the fact that this is your comfort fic, because nonny, it's MY comfort fic too :) so we absolutely have that in common. No pressure at all, but if you feel brave enough/you want to, feel free to send me a message asking about joining the discord because honestly, team "english as an additional language" are DESPERATE to out-number the native english speakers. And they're really close damnit. Finally, I'm afraid there is never any schedule. I publish chapters as soon as they're completed, which means they happen as and when they happen. I've been unwell the past few months since I returned from my holiday (which was expected, but still has slowed my writing down) but I'm hoping as the summer continues I'll be able to pick up speed again. I also have quite a few WIPs in progress. For extra content, feel free to browse my "GCU" tag on my tumblr page here and there might be some snippets that didn't ever make it to Ao3 As you are so lovely... you can have a snippet from the current GC WIP document:
“I just hate everything right now.” Nolan sighs, “I fucking hate everything.”
“You had your buddy’s wedding,” Travis says, giving away how much he stalks Nolan’s Instagram, “That can’t have sucked.”
“Where I had to wear the worlds dumbest looking shades because my eyes don’t fucking work…”
“I mean…” Travis teases gently, “I’ve definitely seen you looking dorkier than that.”
Nolan barks out a tired laugh, “This is why I miss you Teeks.”
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jackpotgirl · 2 years
I just wanted to say the biggest thank you for your wonderful Haladriel fic which is one of the most beautiful fanfictions that I've ever read. And I've read a lot, with a lot of pairings. It feels like home, like old times when I was 13 and I found out there is a whole new world behind the books or series: the fans incredible talents and imagination. It was mesmerizing. It feels like when I first read a wonderfully wellwritten dramione or spuffy or bethyl or dumbeldore/grindelwald fic throughout my years. I didnt know how i missed this feeling and this kind of fanfiction until I read yours. Because yes, there is a lot of lovely fanfic in this fandom too, cute oneshots, more cuter humanHalbrand and Sauron angst, smut and AUs which are good but we know they could never be true - and I like them too. But your work... Your work grab some really true part of them, that make the whole thing REAL. That IT COULD BE. I think the writers of the rings of power truly find something incredible what hidden under Tolkien's wise, old, and sometimes too white OR black books. They found GREY, there were little hints in a huge world where the story goes to different ways and had no time or intrest show other ways. But the hint was there and I belive that the writers did good. And its so rare when something feels real true PLUS the actors chemistry and LOVE for their roles hit the whole thing a different level and an OTP is born. Ahhhh. (When I read your story I wished couple of times that Charlie Vickers read this!!! I think he would love this redemption arc, he truly understands Mairon and Sauron goals)
So what you wrote in this fic could be real, could be canon, its hanging in the air, like a cloud (♥️♥️♥️) above the series and the books. I really feel that and in my nearly 20 years of reading fics I felt the same max 3 times. And the last time was so long ago!
So yeah, reading this was truly magical, i read at night and couldnt stop, I read under breastfeeding my baby, i read every 5 minute when I could, I was so tired but I had to read more! And I felt the adrenalin rush, the giggling like a 13 years old, my cheeks were burning because I was so excited whats happening, I teared a lot, mostly when Sauron tried to explain his very being to Galadriel and sometimes I had to reread parts because how true they were. I feel they will rent free in my head forever and Tolkien's Galadriel and Sauron never will be the same for me and its wonderful because yeah, I feel this could be true for them. Of course not in the show, not in the books, but after that when no one knows what Tolkien wants, yes... Their relationship is truly cosmic, not just a simple love story.
You are a very talented writer and I hope your passion for writing cause you many many happy hour. You did such a great job at maping up feelings and love. I thought a lot of my marriage and how the years flying and we are getting older and see things in different levels, understand each other deeper, studied like Galadriel did with Mairon. There was always love but it could be even more.
And in the end because I wrote too much sorry: im glad that in my early 30s I found a total different Sauron because I think its wonderful and shows how is the life is going truly: when I was a child and innocent etc it was easy the see the world like Tolkien did. Good and bad, simple choices etc. But when you getting older and you made mistakes and others too and you are not too good and not too bad... And sometimes you've got the control and sometimes not... You just understand that you cant hardly judge anyone... Even the Dark Lord himself... :) Everyone wants to be Aragorn in the begining and a few will be Sauron, but mostly we just some random guys in the middle(Earth, haha), trying navigate and understand both sides and live a happy life.
Oh my God how I wrote such a sentimental mess, sorry! My english is worn too, agh but im tired and couldnt practice long ago! But I wanted to THANK YOU that feeling. Of course I will wait chapters till the end! ♥️
Oh my god, thank you so so much for this beautiful message! never apologise for long messages, I relished every word!! It means so much to me that I could help spark that joy in you and you are such a rockstar, breastfeeding (I am sure that takes a lot out of you) and being a mom to a baby, so I am incredibly happy that I can offer some distraction from that too!
Thank you thank you thank you, I am so happy to have received this and I hope you will enjoy the rest of the story, too <3<3<3
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vvh0adie · 2 years
Aaahhh 💖 I love youuu 💖 how have you been doing? How's drawing and writing going? Did I miss any new updates btw? 😭
lil big life update ig🙃
i released Strawberry Kisses which is a cute yoongi fic. some mutual masturbation and miscommunication trope👀 its my most liked fic atm. theres even a drabble for this couple.
i’ve been working on a hobi period sex fic thats already 13k for the 1st part, so its a long series🌚
thinking about doing a drug dealer hobi x stripper reader wip. i already have too many wips. and i wanted to do another hopekook series🤦🏽‍♀️
also working on illumi zoldyck fic after starting a rewatch of hxh (1 of my fav animes). two in the works: one with just illumi and another with illumi/machi/shizuku/reader😭 a fourple?
thinking about BTS blog hiatus so i can focus on KCG bc ppl are asking about my All of Us Are Dead fic. so i need to write the second chapter to that.
[more personal below | tw: race relations]
need to practice driving😐 my bitch ass is 20yrs and cant drive. im a lil scared no lie bcuz memphis drivers are wild😭 i gotta get my license by november or i have to take the permit test over again😰
im finally starting to do technical labs for biotech/forensics🎉 one step closer to my internship!
a little behind on criminal investigation😞
im a little scared how chemistry 2 is gonna go this year. i dont know whats going on😦 im so lost😭
i started my laptop but never opened clip studio😭 i really wanna draw hobi tho. and i need to make stuff for my shop that i really wanna open. i need motivation😞
thinking about learning to code😭 it seems easy; just a lot of words. i wanna design websites. maybe some BT21 themed. now javascript kinda scares me.
overall im doing aight so far this year. could be better i think
ive only cried twice this month😀 having some self-image/identity issues and managing to keep my sanity in check with Black History Month after that police brutality murder here in memphis and Ron Desantis bullying the College Board into turning AP Black History into a whitewashed history and Black Conservatism. i feel too hyperaware of the fuckery that is america. it feels like me and every other black person are the only ones really seeing this shit. its tiring and makes me harbor a different kind of hate in my heart for the concept of whiteness that i didnt even know was there. its somewhat hard to see people’s humanity or feel safe around them. i hate to even say this, but since something major happened january, maybe nothing will happen this summer unlike May 2020. im trying to take it one day at a time tho... hehe
you probably weren’t expecting all that but i figured id turn this into a general post😭 sorry if this was too much, even the non heavy stuff. i know when people ask how someones doing they’re prolly asking for something simple but this feels more like a diary entry than anything.
but thanks for asking, not many people do💖 i hope everyone has a kinder year
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causenessus · 1 month
HI LOVILNESS !! good morning evening or afternoon, i just got home and im like super tired but i miss you so much so i wanted to write back, literally was passed out majority of the drive back BUT we stopped by earls (i think… if i recall….) but it was my first time trying it !! i just had some pasta and it was okay i mean it was food and i was hungry and i literally just passed out again after LOL the night before the drive back i literally just stayed up so i could just sleep the whole drive and it worked!! my neck AND back are super sore so when i came home i took a salt bath and just laid down(i’ve been stuck to my bed ever since coming back home) and i was like i miss ness </3 i have so much to say so this one im gonna be yapping a lot AS PER USUAL LOL
OMG SO the concert was so great like i went with friends right and it was such a good experience like my ears ringing my throat dry TEARS WERE SHEDDED I MUST SAY some of the songs did hit a little too much LOL but it was so so so good like im usually not a concert person because i get overstimulated a lot but this one was so worth it (this is like my third concert though so maybe im a liar) before the concert me and my friends were just walking around the area and shopping(window shopping) and it took us like 20 minutes to actually find where the arena is because we got lost but we followed this other group that had like concert outfits on and we eventually made it! also merch is literally SOOO expensive like my minimum wage job cannot handle it, after the concert i literally just had pizza and stayed up the whole night for the road trip so i was EXTREMELY EXTREMELY TIRED LOL
i hope your day has been better :( like i wish i could sprinkle some special glitter on you like a little tooth fairy and make it all better, I DIDNT KNOW YOU HAD TWO JOBS THATS CRAZY and school on top of all that?? i don’t know how you even manage because i’m barely holding on with just one job that i’ve almost quit like MORE times than i can count (the stress of uni and work is not something i was ever prepared for) but pls take care of yourself !! i understand it gets hard some days so make sure you rest properly after work and between literally… everything you’re juggling like it sounds like so much i don’t know how you do it
IM GLAD I MADE U LAUGH !! no but literally after that experience i pack snacks in my bag now because i wanted to DIE like i wanted to explode right then and there, i like to gaslight myself into thinking that NO ONE remembers but the little voice inside my head is always like (they remember)(they see you as the girl whose stomach was barking the whole class) i totally get the carrot thing because there has been like sometimes where i would be eating and I HEAR MYSELF CHEWING SO LOUD like chips and stuff and it would be so awkward because i was like I DONT NEED TO BE MUNCHING THAT LOUD?? and then putting away the chips too and it’s just CRUMBLING like it’s terrible we need an irl mute button </3
AND YES I GET WHAT YOU MEAN BY THE SOUND AND LIGHT TECH DUO LIKE THATS LITERALLY US?? me and you are so soulmates we are meant to be BUT THATS CRAZY LIKE i was thinking back when reading your response and i was like wait.. YEAH THERE IS A SOUND AND LIGHT TECH DUO!! like someone make a new smau with this idea (LMFAO IM JOKING) (maybe maybe) AND PLS MY SOUND DAYS LIKE no sometimes it was so hard to hear the cast when they’d go through their lines because of the background noise and also the fact that it was just a shitty school play so our mics were terrible BUT IT WAS FUN! being in tech and band like i was literally a high school loser but that’s okay i will say it PROUDLY!! ALSO I KIND OF HAVE A SIMILAR STORY? but it wasn’t me like it was this girl in my year who became like the tech manager?? i’m not really sure how it worked but there was this other kid who was a year above us who was like talking about how he deserved it because seniority and whatever and it caused a HUGE tech drama because the poor girl didn’t ask to be manager like she was assigned and this guy was literally like talking down on her AND I FELT SO BAD?? like tell me why tech crews have so much drama and toxicity it’s literally a common thing LOL
also i will protect you from the weird men do not worry i will stand STRONG AND TALL ON A PODIUM FOR YOU !! BUT PLS THE SKATER BOY ™️ NESS LORE DROP AGAIN? i love the random lore drops this is like minecraft maps where i just walk around and fill in the map but instead its ness lore and a timeline LOL unfortunately i was victim to not one but two of the typical valorant discord people </3 I WILL BLAME IT ON ME BEING YOUNG but now i’m literally just trying to live another day and not fall to the hands of the education system, i will not let them take me down!!
next time i go to a grocery store im gonna try the poke bowls because you talk about it a lot and now i want to try and share my experience LOL im actually like i don’t eat poke bowls that much?? IDK WHY it’s not like i avoid them but i’ve never been like, damn. i want a poke bowl. YK WHAT I MEAN? like i haven’t actually had the whole poke bowl experience but next time i will! your day sounded so hectic i hope you were able to settle down when you got home!!
life is gonna get busier now that school is back up so make sure you remember to eat and take care of yourself !! i hope your days get better because you deserve it !! if any customer or anyone is being mean you can send them my way and i’ll respectfully deck them !!! <3 (said with love for you) (always for you) (never for anyone else) (so maybe not respectfully) I’m so SO SORRY THIS WAS SO LONG OH MY GOD IM SO SORRY FOR PEOPLE WHO HAVE TO SCROLL PASS THIS </3 but but i do sincerely hope your days get better! (i’ve said this maybe three times now) and make sure you eat and take proper care of yourself!! have a good night ness! or morning or afternoon !! xoxoxo
AAAAAAAAA I MISSED YOU SO MUCH MY LOVE!! I'M GLAD YOU'RE BACK HOME SAFELY <3 I HOPE YOU RESTED AND ARE DOING GOOD!! sorry it took me a little bit to reply </3 i've never heard of earls but i'm sorry the pasta wasn't life changing 😭😭😭 i'm glad you're home though and were able to sleep most of the time!! and aa a salt bath -> bed sounds like the most relaxing combo ever i hope you had a good sleep and your neck is better now <3
I'M GLAD THE CONCERT WAS GOOD!!! I WANTED TO ASK WHAT CONCERT IT WAS but only if you're comfortable sharing!! and i also totally get not liking them a lot 😭 tbh i've only ever been to one concert (it was for declan mckenna <3) and it was SO good it was super niche but also like,,, i was fighting my life with all these cool scary girls with septums and bleached hair in pigtails with their twink bfs smelling like weed,,, and also i got super distracted by their bassist and he was kind of eating it up bc i was recording him the whole time.....and it was super loud and lowkey overstimulating being near so many other people who are all screaming 😭 BUT THEY'RE KIND OF FUN AT THE SAME TIME!! ESP IF THE VIBES ARE GOOD SO IT SOUNDS LIKE YOU HAD A GOOD TIME <3 and omg fr merch is so expensive 😭 like i think mitski is coming to my state this month??? and i was lowkey interested?? but tickets ALONE were like $100+ and i was like....oh....so actually i can't afford that... 🤠🤠 I'M SURE YOU WERE TIRED AFTER THO!!! AND CONCERTS ARE ALWAYS IN LIKE THE MOST FAR AWAY PLACES EVER TRYING TO DRIVE HOME AFTER THEM IS THE WORST THING EVER
AND NO 😭 UNI + SCHOOL IS SO STRESSFUL basically (this is super just over the top details u don't have to read this part if u don't want to) but this second job as a hostess i have is an on and off job i've had for years. i think i started it my sophomore year in school??? when i was like 15 so it lowkey was not legal... but ANYWAY i kept that up for like maybe a year but that job was SO stressful i felt so bad like i was at fault everytime the servers got a bad table that i had to quit (and also i hated how mundane it felt working EVERY friday and saturday bc they were like the only full days i got to really rest bc of school but work took up that time) but sometimes they ask if i can come in and i will since it's not too bad ever so often??? but then i got looped in to working like every saturday there lately 😭 bc their actual hostess like went on vacation in july and then injured her knee so i'm basically covering for her all of august AND THEN SHE FELL AND INJURED IT AGAIN before her surgery so now i'm also working there all of september......which is also when i start the horrors of stage managing so it'll be uni + theatre + work!!!!! (i will kms) (mango anon talking to u will be my only saving grace i swear) (since this job takes up my saturday nights and mon-fri + saturday mornings takes up school + uni but i also have to work at my retail job especially starting in october bc that's when we get really busy i will be working every sunday so basically i'll just be a skeleton!!!)
THE GIRL WHOSE STOMACH WAS BARKING THE WHOLE CLASS PLEASE I LAUGHED SO HARD LMAOAOAO but ur so right!! with all this technology we should NOT be having such loud crinkly bags and we need a mute button!!
SOUND LIGHT TECH DUO!! I DON'T JUST THINK MANGO ANON I KNOW WE'RE SOULMATES!! please and ik that working sound with u would have made my high school career 100000x better like,,, mango anon pls fly here and run sound for this show i'm stage managing so i don't have to deal with stupid kids... 😭😭 AND AAA A LIGHT + SOUND DUO SMAU???? MANGO ANON YOU ARE GIVING ME IDEAS!!! i literally paused to write things down omg... it's another suna smau xxx i will never be over him AND I DON'T WANT TO BE OVER HIM!!! AND YOU BEST BELIEVE I WILL BE MENTIONING YOU AS A NOTE IN THE MLIST AND BE LIKE "THIS IDEA CAME FROM MY AMAZING MANGO ANON!!!" but PLEASE that's always the struggle like u can never hear the cast during plays bc none of them can project to save their lives and then during musicals their mics all die at the worst points ever so like wtf why do we even try anyway 😭😭😭 watching the sound people go through the five stages of grief and like every single layer of hell whenever mics die is the worst i always feel so so bad 😭😭 i once helped them completely rewire their ethernet connection bc we had no idea why like the sound board was NOT speaking to the rest of the system omg i don't want to think about those times anymore 💀 /lh AND I FEEL SO BAD FOR THE TECH MANAGER GIRL TOO LIKE BRO IF SHE GOT THROWN IN AND EVERYTHING LIKE THIS GUY HAS NO RIGHT TO BE TALKING HER DOWN IK SHE WAS UNDER SO MUCH PRESSURE TOO THAT'S HORRIBLE </33 I'LL BE SENDING AN ETSY WITCH HIS WAY NOW!! but ig ur right tech crew (and actor) toxicity is inevitable </3
LMAOAOAOAOO THE MINECRAFT MAPS IT'S OKAY ANON i was victim to a discord man as well </33 hold on we'll lore drop him here instead and do skater boy next time and like I'M THROWING NAMES IN HERE IDGAF IF HE'S READING SILLY HAIKYUU X FEM READERS THAN I THINK HE HAS BIGGER THINGS TO WORRY ABOUT THAN ME NAME DROPPING HIM /J not really name dropping but i called him omelette king LMAO but anyway i met OK (omelette king for short LMAOAO) on roblox during peak quarantine and we had like a 4 person group but him and me got really close and he'd do things like call me cutie and i was just 😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃 STOP SORRY i'm having ptsd flashbacks we had a lot of discussions that were very strange. and then he'd make me play knockoff undertale pvp roblox games with him but i was so bad at them and he called me boring for not wanting to play them with him and yeah!! long story short one day i messaged him a paragraph about how toxic he was and then blocked him like a boss!!! if u have any lore drops I WOULD LOVE TO ALSO HEAR THEM!!!
but YES!! if u try a poke bowl lmk what you think of it!! i'm sure i could find better ones at like an actual poke place but like groccery stores are most convenient for me 😭 and i like their cheap rice idk it's just the imitation crab and whatever makes it spicy that throws me off i think just bc i'm not used to eating anything like it </33
AND PLEASE DO NOT BE SORRY FOR HOW LONG THIS WAS!!! I LOVED LIKE WRITING MYSELF NOTES ON HOW I WANTED TO REPLY AAA THIS WAS SO SO FUN I CANNOT WAIT TO HEAR FROM YOU AGAIN AND I LOVE YOU SM MANGO ANON!! <333 INSTEAD OF SENDING BAD CUSTOMERS UR WAY U SHOULD JUST COME TO ME!!! and make sure to take care of yourself as well please!! AND TODAY WAS A BIT BETTER!! hopefully this week goes better and i think it will as i get more into the groove of my new schedule </3 (which is unfortunate but it's my reality so ALAS) and thank you so much lovely!! DW um honestly like i got home from work today and was like "man i just want a bagel for dinner" and then i was like "wait what have i even eaten today?" and i realized i completely skipped lunch on accident 😭😭 bc i ate breakfast at like 10 and then went to work at 2 so i had no time!! but then my first thought was immediately "OH NO MANGO ANON'S GOING TO BE SO DISAPPOINTED IN ME </3" so i made sure to like actually eat an actual meal (eggs and toast again bc i'm in my depression meal era rn and am trying to get out of it rn but it's very hard. also i lost my appetite halfway thru but i ate it anyway LMAOAO)!! I HOPE YOU HAD A GREAT DAY AND THAT YOUR NECK IS FEELING BETTER! I CAN'T WAIT TO HEAR FROM U AGAIN <33
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orchidyoonkook · 8 months
hey yoonieee !! how are you today ? hope you have/had an amazing day just like you 🫶🫶 make sure you grab something yummy and warm to eat (it's so cold wtf 😭), hydrate and take good care of yourself 💕💕
long time no talk (i swear i half forgot this app even exists and half been working on a book 😭) had a great day today. i somehow managed to sleep till like 1pm, stay in bed for another 3 hours i think and then cleaned my living room floor just to get it dirty again like 10 mins later 😭 then i just chilled around before baking FOR 3 FUCKING HOURS (had to do 34 cupcakes for our christmas fair tomorrow at school (also i may or may not just simply skipped school today...)) but i'm happy that christmas break is finally here cuz i've had a crazy af week. i missed a test last week and i've been shaking in my boots cuz i wasn't sure if i had to take it this week (and believe me when i say i'm absolutely shit at this class 😭). but this week has been amazing. i had a simulation of an exam on tuesday and it was so funny cuz the whole class was really really nervous before (even tho they don't write the marks) and after it like half of the class started dancing 😭
btw sorry for the long paragraph 😭 i wanted to text you i think two days ago but as i was writing the message i accidentally opened a notification so the text got deleted and i was so tired (pretty sure it was like 5 am) so i said fuck it and that i will text you the next day. i've seen you haven't been feeling the best so i really hope you're feeling better and that you're doing good 💕💕 also again no pressure in responding just make sure you take care of yourself 🫶🫶
Hi Baby Star!
i suck cuz this is from dec 21 but i didnt have a computer for 2 weeks and then work and this is me getting on a personal computer for the first time since Dec 19th to finally answer this!!
long time no talk (i swear i half forgot this app even exists and half been working on a book 😭)
That's okay!! I was barely online in general those few weeks so I feel ya
had a great day today. i somehow managed to sleep till like 1pm, stay in bed for another 3 hours i think and then cleaned my living room floor just to get it dirty again like 10 mins later 😭 then i just chilled around before baking FOR 3 FUCKING HOURS (had to do 34 cupcakes for our christmas fair tomorrow at school (also i may or may not just simply skipped school today...))
omg im so happy you'd had a good day!! with so much sleep and rest time???!!! that sounds PERFECT <<<3333 And then you even got some cleaning AND baking done??? Star you're kicking so much butt im so proud!!!
(34 cupcakes is insane but i just KNOW your house smelled amazing!!! and one skipped day is fine that late into the semester as long as it didn't interfere with exams imo)
but i'm happy that christmas break is finally here cuz i've had a crazy af week. i missed a test last week and i've been shaking in my boots cuz i wasn't sure if i had to take it this week (and believe me when i say i'm absolutely shit at this class 😭).
Me too!! I was so looking forward to the break! I hope yours was super good! Please let me know how you did on your exam!! I bet you knocked it out of the park! But even if you didnt, it wont make or break anything.
but this week has been amazing. i had a simulation of an exam on tuesday and it was so funny cuz the whole class was really really nervous before (even tho they don't write the marks) and after it like half of the class started dancing 😭
YAYAYAY!!! literally so happy so extremely happy your week was so good. That makes my heart so full because you deserve your weeks to be good!
Duuuuuuuude!!! dance party after exams???? Helllllllllls yes. that sounds amazing!
btw sorry for the long paragraph 😭 i wanted to text you i think two days ago but as i was writing the message i accidentally opened a notification so the text got deleted and i was so tired (pretty sure it was like 5 am) so i said fuck it and that i will text you the next day.
that is perfectly alright! I adore hearing from you whenever you are able to manage, and I promise to try and get better at answering your asks a little faster now that I have the computer back!
i've seen you haven't been feeling the best so i really hope you're feeling better and that you're doing good 💕💕 also again no pressure in responding just make sure you take care of yourself 🫶🫶
I'm better!! Still a little stressed cuz things keep adding up, but I'm also slowly crossing things off the list! And I absolutely will respond! Just maybe not in the timeliest manner sometimes 😅
I'll take care of myself <3
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