#i was so brave about it (almost started weeping)
chronicowboy · 1 year
chrome updated on my phone without my knowledge yesterday and opened a new window and i thought id lost all my fanfic tabs. i haven't known fear like that in a long time.
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cosmerelists · 2 months
If Other Stormlight Characters Served as the King's Wit
As requested by anon. :)
"The King's Wit" is there to insult people in the king's stead. In this role, Hoid basically gets to stand at the entrance to feasts and make fun of people. It's a good gig for him. But what if other characters had this job?
1. The Stormfather
Stormfather (rumbling with displeasure): You have broken an oath today. Stormfather: You promised your son that you would play "Shattered Plains" with him this afternoon, but you did not. Stormfather: Though you feast for today, my storm winds shall one day scatter your dishonored bones. Elhokar (visibly sweating): Ha ha my new Wit sure is, ah, intense!
2. Kaladin
Kaladin: Ew. Another Lighteyes... Kaladin: Sniff, sniff! Smells like the exploitation of the powerless in here! Kaladin: I can name a dozen men better than you and guess what--they're ALL darkeyed. Kaladin: Nice outfit--did it come free with your ancestral privilege?  Elhokar (muttering to himself): I will not put him in jail again, I will not put him in jail again, I will not...
3. Shallan
Shallan: [sketching] Hapless Lighteyed guest: Is that...me? Shallan: It is! [shows Ideal Self portrait--it's the same person, only their sadness and distrust is gone and they shine with an earnest and honest light, looking out toward their future] Hapless Lighteyed Guest (visibly tearing up): I...It's beautiful. Shallan: Please, go ahead & take it! Elhokar: Shallan-Wit, why is everyone at my feast introspective and crying? Shallan: I'm really good at art.
4. Adolin
Adolin: Wow! You are so brave to put those colors together, and in a style from two years ago ago! Adolin: You are almost pulling it off. 
5. Dalinar
Dalinar: Hello. I could not help but overhear your heated argument, my friends. Dalinar: It reminds me of a tale from the Way of Kings, which I will now quote from memory... Dalinar: ... Dalinar: Aaaaand, they fled. Dalinar: That's the third time that's happened this evening.
6. Ialai
Ialai: [hands hapless lighteyed guest a folded-up sheet of paper] Hapless Lighteyed Guest: W-Where did you get this information about me? And my husband? And my...former boyfriend's sister's cousin? Ialai: [merely smiles] Hapless Lighteyed Guest: W-What do you want? Please! I'll do anything! Ialai: Why...nothing at all. Yet. Please enjoy the feast.
7. Lift
Lift: Mmmm....4. Lift: A solid 6! Lift: Perhaps a 5, but ONLY because of those pants. Lift: Wow! An 8! Wyndle: P-Please mistress, I don't think the job of the King's Wit is to rank the butts of all attendees! Lift: They need to know.
8. Jasnah
Hapless Lighteyed Guest: Ugh, I don't think it's right for the king to employ a heretic as his Wit! Jasnah: It's strange--one might think that your faith in the Almighty would inspire you to strive to be a good man, yet in reality your mother weeps each and every night to have produced a son who loves drinking and gambling more than he loves his children, his wife, or indeed the Almighty. Jasnah: Should you wish to inspire faith in others, perhaps you should try to demonstrate even the smallest reason why yours has produced an iota of good for anyone in this world aside from yourself. Elhokar (across the room, watching): I...am afraid.
9. Lopen
Lopen: Hey, I know you! I got a cousin in your army! Lopen: He always laughs 'bout how weird it is that your officers make the men pay for their own boots 'n' stuff 'cause it's an army not a charity, right? But then your officer son gets an allowance which is funny 'cause that kinda seems like the 'charity' thing that an army isn't! Lopen: We Herdazians tend to use a word to mean a thing, yeah? But you Alethi sure like to make a word mean whatever it is you want!
10. Szeth & Nightblood
Nightblood: Evil. Evil. Evil. Definitely evil. Big evil! Little evil, but still evil. Szeth: You've identified every guest so far as evil, sword-nimi. Nightbood: Yeah, I'm so good at detecting evil! So when does the slaying start? Szeth: I told you. I don't murder entire parties anymore. That is my past, but it does not have to be my future. Nightblood: But you're the King's Wit! You got wit-tle down the evil, right? Szeth: That is not what that means, sword-nimi. Nightblood: ... Szeth: ... Nightblood: People sure do speed up when they have to walk past us, huh? Szeth: I am pretty sure that means we're doing a good job.
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pigeonpeach · 8 months
Yandere Genshin
Prompt: youve caught their eye but… you’re already taken… that won’t be a problem…
Cw: yandere duh, mentions of murder and violence, manipulation, kidnapping, etc. fem reader
Characters: Jean, Diluc,Yelan, Neuvillete
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Jean finds herself more and more infuriated with your commitment everyday. A simple hunter from Springvale is the one that catches your eye? How absurd! She knew she should’ve been more forward with her tatics. Oh this frustration and heartbreak has been tormenting her, impacting her work ethic as she tries to give you space. But its hard because you work for her. A cutesy little maid. You belong to her.. you’re everything she could want in a partner. So delicate, so plump, you’re the perfect bride. There’s no way she’s letting a man who can’t read s kid’s book without struggle surpass her!
So… she staged a little accident lets say.. she happened to cut the patrols in the area, making them closer to the city itself. That way there still was protection for the city… just not for the hunters. For awhile they’d been complaining sbout how the patrols spooked the boar. Even though those patrols were meant to cut down and discourage hilichurl camps. From a political perspective she just gave the hunters what they wanted. To up the anti more she had Kaeya tell him about a legendary boar deep into the wilderness. How the boars get bigger in hilichurl camps because they’ve started to fence them off and fatten them up, if he goes at night when they’re asleep, he could surely nail himself a big boar and pass it as a authentic catch…
The short of it was this. Your almost boyfriend snuck into one of the biggest hilichurl camps without the knights patroling nearby. And Kaeya knowing Jean’s work was negatively impacted by him.. may or may not have done something to alert the hilichurls to the the intruder. Quickly he was overwhelmed and beaten. With no knight in sight he was all alone. His struggle only made the hilichurls more violent. They threw him out, beaten to a pulp. When he saw Kaeya he was relieved thinking he was saved. But Kaeya had orders to finish the job of need be.
His death? A accident. Later hunters found him rotting near the camp, no foul play found. No one knew of his idea or who gave it to him, or who gave that person the idea. In your devastation you ended up right in her arms weeping.
“I am so sorry for your loss. I’ll make sure patrols return to normal and those camps are wiped out soon enough. I won’t let you experience such hardship ever again.” Crying to your boss felt so unprofessional but Jean was just so comforting to you. You had been putting on a brave face until now. You stood as she held you. “Lisa bought me this tea recently. It helps to steady my mind when I’m stressed, would you like me to give you some. I know it won’t remove your pain but it should help you somewhat. Unfortunately I can’t give you time off as two others are currently sick. But once they’re back I’ll give you some vacation okay?” She wiped your tears as you nodded.
“Th-that’s reasonable.. th-thank you.. oh god i must be such a burden. You’re already so stressed i didn’t mean to make it worse for you-“
“That’s not the case at all. I care about you. I want you to be safe and happy as every citizen in Mondstadt should be.” She kissed your forehead as she handed you the cup she prepared. “Here drink some tea. It was originally for me but I figure you need it more. I haven’t dranken from it.”
“Y-you’re sure that’s okay? I don’t mind waiting for another cup.” You asked. Oh how innocent you looked. Jean hated how she had to come to this, asking Lisa for a love spell to be put into the tea. But she couldn’t risk doing this to every suitor who got close to success. She needed to make sure you chose her otherwise she might go further next time.
“Its fine.” She said. You drank it with no further complaints.
Diluc was certain this was some sick prank. You, his beloved little maid, in love with nothing more than a simple merchant? Its not uncommon for the route from dawn winery to be used. But a certain merchant he purchased seeds from seemed to be getting far too close to you. Sure you two weren’t dating, he hadn’t even made the first step. But now he was absolutely was going to take drastic measures.
The first step: Distract you. You found yourself being assigned to chores more indoors an less outdoors. Diluc could sense how you would look out beyond hoping to see him again and he didn’t want that to continue. The second step was to lure said merchant back on a day you weren’t working. His arrival was horrible as the maids had all gone home leaving Diluc and Adelinde to recieve him, on a new moon, there was no moon to illuminate his path home so Diluc offered him to stay the night. He thought of this gratefully, originally the death Diluc planned was a simple killed in his sleep. But when he asked about you… oh it activated something in him. He even brought you a gift… how thoughtful… Diluc struggled to maintain his composure.
The merchant never did make it past the night. Despite his struggles. His body found beneath the bridge near Stone Gate. A investigation launched but ultimately blamed on bandits. With it his gift was smashed. You were devastated yes but your employer seemed to suddenly be more attentive than usual. He offered you meals and tea. Often requesting just to talk to you.
“Its getting late. I really should be going.” You set the tea cup back. “This was nice though. I wouldn’t mind doing this again but… oh.. is it raining?” You look out to see water coating the windows as what sounding like rain came from outside.
“Oh my it appears to be. At this hour you would be most vulnerable if you left now. You have no pets correct?”
“No.. oh dear…” you silently began to worry.
“You could always.. stay over. There is many a guest room and there’s spare pajamas for you. I’m certain it’ll be better than getting sick. Besides there’s bandits on the roads at these hours. You remember what happened to that merchant.” His voice luring you to s false sense of safety.
“Yes… I’ve been quite nervous going home now to be honest. Do you know if they ever found who did it?”
“Still nothing. Guards are posted more though. But it wpuld be easier. You do have a early shift here anyways in the morning so you wouldn’t need to go home right away. If that sounds alright.” He says, you jolted slightly as his hand gently grazed yours as you held your jacket. At that moment thunder clapped, startling you.
“I suppose that makes sene. I’ll take you up on that offer then..” you smiled shyly.
“I’ll lead you to your room then.”
He wasn’t going to let you leave.
(A/n: this is a alternative route to my other work Yelan vs Pantalone, dont consider this cannon to that piece but as its own spinoff)
Everyone has secrets. And Yelan’s is the fact that she stole a bride straight from Pantalone. It was mostly just to spite him, and also because she’s a sucker for a pretty face and couldn’t stand letting that happen. But oh they’re far more irresistible than she could’ve imagined. Now that they’re safely hidden in the jade chamber, working as a intern. She’s been visiting them when she comes to visit Ninguang, lucky her that Ninguang would allow her little damsel to stay in the jade chamber. But while her back was turned to her former life, she set her eyes on the people once known as parents to them. Her little Damsel cannot return to her former identity ever. And thus its better for her to believe that Pantalone went back on his word and killed them.
And that’s exactly what ended up happening. The Fatui’s search was halted and stopped because the Millieth wasn’t going to let the Fatui kill civilians just because they lost a bride. Even though they insisted they didn’t all signs pointed to that. She then forged documents to show to her beloved little damsel that this was the plan from the beginning, that Pantalone would have killed her parents upon acquiring her. Like the others so far, she used this opportunity to soothe them and bring them closer. At least this way they are alive and safe rather than in the hands of their families killer. Only… they are infact in the arms of their families killer. All seemed well until some stupid guard started poking around. He seemed more interested in courting them, believing they myst secretly be from s powerful family outside of Liyue and hiding. It was a rumor she purposely started to cover for their true identity. But now it backfired as this man saw a opportunity to climb up the social ladder. She isn’t quite sure what his exact plan was but her guess was he intended to make her fall for him and then marry him when she returned to her life, this guaranteeing a life of luxury. Unfortunately for him that won’t be the case. But Yelan can’t go killing her own. So she decided to simply use her influence to have him demoted to ground work instead. Convincing Ningguang that if allowed to stay he’ll uncover their scheme. The reason given to him was that apparently he was too loud or social than was acceptable in such environments. Afterwards he died to a hilichurl raid. Whoops.
“You.. you got my stuff?” You were surprised when she came to you with a crate.
“Yes, since legally you’re dead, your parents stuff was sold at auction at request of your family members. I grabbed what I remembered you valued myself.” She said with s smile as you beamed at the sight of your old things.
“It won’t raise suspicions will it?” Yu asked.
“I won’t let it. Don’t worry your pretty little head about the details.” She said patting you.
“I-i don’t know what I could do to repay you. You’ve done so much for me i-i truly have never had someone like you in my life.” You looked at her expecting a sort of humble brush off or something to actually be named.
“A date would be nice. Once everything cools down of course.” Her voice was like a purr, making you flustered.
“O-oh sure.. as long as it won’t cause you any trouble.”
“Perfect.” She said. You didn’t see it but she was considering drugging your tea that sat on the table behind her. A love potion, how typical but how effective. But seeing your blush she could tell you had infact fallen for her already. Which made the potion more of a backup if you ever lost feelings.
Neuvillete is anything but dishonest. But… seeing you cling to the arm of a guard, how happy you two looked.. it left him green with envy and red with wrath. To control himself he decided to simply change the guards routine to be out of your way. But you just went to meet them after work. His favorite little employee falling for the guard rather than him.. he felt deeply insulted.
Time for more drastic measures. He asks a favor from the clueless and happy Sedene (a simple melusine) to sneak into his house. To which she happens to find something. Just as planned he spends his time arranging scenarios to increase suspicion causing the other guards perform a check up right as he is planted with primordial sea water. He is quickly taken away to be questioned. Meanwhile you are distraught. You never thought him capable of such feats. But alas he was hardly the man you thought he was.
“I-I’m so sorry.. i truly didn’t know anything… i- Oh god ll this time..” you were hyperventilating as you were brought into questioning. “I-i.. oh god.. am i in danger? I could’ve ended up just like those missing girls..” Neuvillette’s hands reached out to your space as if to tell you to quiet down.
“I understand this situation is difficult. If necessary I’ll give you a moment to compose yourself. There isn’t any reason I have to suspect you but I still have to take precautions. You agreed to the random house search and no trace of seawater was found. I’m simply asking if he told you of anything suspicious or gave you any implications of his true nature.” He lowered his voice in a more gentle manner than he would in court. You sniffled as you wiped your tears.
“He.. he did keep inviting me to his place. I never went though. I didn’t think we were far along to do such things.. you know like… intimacy..” you nervously muttered. He still heard you, he was pleased to know you two didn’t get too serious.
“Were you two officially a couple?”
“No.. but we were close… i was going to ask him but then this all happened and… you know the story from there.”
“Hmm.. I see. It appears you infact were a target. Is there any reason you can think of?” He says. The sight of you so heartbroken and shaking is strangely attractive to him. So timid, so easily manipulated.
“No.. no not at all.. i don’t understand why?” You seemed more and more frightened. “S-should i not leave the house for a bit. This sounds very scary.. i don’t know if I can continue my routine as normal like this!” You whimpered as your hands seemed to get closer to your body. As if you retreating into she’ll to hide in.
“Fear not, I’ll have the secret patrol watch over. And each guard will undergo inspections from here onward. But i will be seeing you more. I want at least weekly updates to know of any strange activities or unexpected changes. Understand?” He said. You nodded. “With my life, I promise you, you will be safe. And I will let no harm come to you.. ever.”
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speedycoffeedelight · 3 months
An Animalistic Disaster
CH- 22 : A love confession and a sharp toothed friend?
Summary: Where you remember far more of your memories you didn't want to. You also get finally confessed! Yay! :)
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A.n : TW for unconsented touch, trauma, hints at pedophelia. Again, remember to take a breather if you need to. (1)
" Settle down now (Y/n). Today's a big day okay?"
Your mom was fixing your dress for you. Why did she look so huge all of a sudden, also younger...you looked down at yourself and brought out your hands in front of you. You no longer had your adult body, but a body of a child. What happened...?
You mom fixed some of your loose hair strands and patted your cheeks. "Alright, you're all ready to go." Go where? You didn't know. But your body automatically started to move. You could feel you were really excited in your mind.
Running out of your room and down the stairs, you ran into your best friend, Melody. She was also a child like you. She was dressed in beautiful pink frilly dress. You both let out an excited squeal seeing each other and jumped.
The scene changed to a party. There were a lot of people walking around, holding a glass in their hand. You small form was taking everything in, laughing and running around. Beside you were Melody and a few other children you couldn't remember. A boy took your hand while pointing at something and laughing. It was fun. You could sense you and that boy were close. But no matter how much you thought, you couldn't remember his name.
The scene yet again changed. This time you found yourself beside sitting beside a man. This man was your father. He was dressed in a classy suit while talking with others. You sat beside him dutifully with a smile on your face. That was your job. Just as it was your job to greet every guest with a polite smile with a courtesy. Everyone was talking about how cute and obedient you were. It was hard to find someone like you. You know every line of that made your dad prouder.
Suddenly you found yourself in front of a large man. His body was huge. You recognized him as your uncle. However, there were scribbles on his face. Like your brain didn't want to remember him at any cost. Warning bells rang in your mind. You told yourself to run, get away from that man. But you couldn't control your body. This dream wasn't yours to control was it? You can only watch.
You watched in horror as your dad placed yourself in that pig's arms. You could somehow see how your small face almost srunched up from the excessive perfume he was wearing but your forced yourself to smile. You forced yourself to smile as he squeezed your small form against him while talking with your father who never seemed to notice your distress. You smiled as his hands were holding you in places where you were sure he wasn't supposed to.
You were screaming, crying inside your body. You felt dirty. You felt like bugs were crawling all over your body where he touched. However, the small you didn't flinch or understood anything. She played the role of the perfect daughter. You were weeping, holding yourself close as you tried to bang the cage that was holding you captive in this body. You would do anything to get out of this situation. Anything.
You woke up in cold sweat, barely suppressing a scream. You became largely aware of all the bodies that were far too close to you. A tear suddenly fell from your face. You reached out your hand and touched your cheek to already find it wet. How long had you been crying?
You slowly tried to get up. However it still stirred up Charlie and Niffty who were the most close to you. They watched you get up as they poofed back to human and rubbed their eyes. "(Y/n)...? What's wrong?" Charlie asked slowly.
" It's... it's nothing.. really...just a nightmare." You tried to sound brave, however the cracks in your voice proved otherwise. "Why are you crying? Don't cry. I don't like it. " Niffty suddenly grabbed you cheeks as she tried to wipe your tears. But you flinched away from her touch making them both surprised.
"I-i'm sorry. I just need a moment to catch up. I'll be right back." You whispered quickly while standing up. "Don't worry, I'll just be in the balcony. You guys can go ahead and sleep okay?" You didn't wait their response as you quickly fled. You didn't know why you suddenly remembered that from the back of your head. You tried so hard to forget it, suppress it all this time. You almost did too. Actually you know why you remembered. It's because of that episode yesterday.
You opened up the front door to your balcony and slowly closed it behind you. You weren't sure what time it was. But everything was quiet save for a few crickets. Cold wind was blowing. The night view looked almost ethical. You remembered exactly why you bought this place. You took a deep breath in the fresh air as you leaned on the railing and fresh tears started to flow from your eyes. Cry, cry now then in front of others. Besides you were strong now and you knew better than the small you. No man could ever touch you like that again. That was your only source of relief.
Inside Charlie and Niffty were both confused and worried. They didn't miss the panic in your eyes when Niffty tried to touch you. You had the same look as Angel's. It was clear the nightmare you had clearly shook you to the core. She gently shook Vaggie awake to discuss what to do. She didn't trust enough in herself to handle this alone.
After slight discussion, they both admitted it would best to let the man, who knows what to do in these situations best, handle it. They slowly began to woke up Angel. They felt really bad to do this, however there wasn't any other choice. They didn't even notice when Niffty was gone from the room.
" Angel...Angel wake up.. please.."
" Ugh...what..huh? Charlie..?" Angel grumbled as he woke up and poofed to human. He could see it wasn't morning yet. " What's wrong?" " It's about (Y/n)...she.." Charlie looked down. Angel understood this situation was serious as he quickly leaned down to listen to her better. He also noticed that (Y/n) wasn't in the room anywhere. Something was definitely wrong.
" What happened with 'er?"
Husk was still pretending to be asleep as he kept his ear out to listen in the conversation that was happening. "So you're telling me... She had a bad dream? And ran out to the balcony? Are you sure it's serious?" He said scratching his neck. "Yes, we're sure. She had a look on her face that we hadn't seen before. She looked like...you earlier.." His hands stopped at his neck. What did they you had the same look as him? Did you see something similar to him?
" I'll go talk with her.. you girls go back to sleep." He quickly got up from the bed and headed towards the door. Leaving two worried girls behind.
Your tears had almost stopped by the time he came beside you. You were so in your head that you got startled when he stood beside you. You quickly looked away, not wanting him to see your tear stained face.
"....did they wake you up?"
" Yeah....they did.... toots, what happened..?"
You stiffened a bit. " Ah, it's nothing. It's just..just a nightmare that's all. You can go back to sleep. I'll head back soon." You quickly wiped your face and turned to him, trying your best to procure a smile.
Angel wasn't having any of that. He knew that smile too well. It resembled his. It was an act, he knew. He knew it was meant to fool others. And you would have succeeded, if it wasn't Angel dust you were talking to. The king of all the actors.
He went ahead to hold you hand, but you moved it away with a sniff and again looked away. " J-just go inside okay? Don't worry about me. I'm fineee" With this, it was confirmed.
" (Y/n).. did you have a nightmare cause of the episode yesterday? "
" Did any of the events triggered you? Made you remember something? "
Another long silence. Angel sighed and looked ahead at the forest. " You know you aren't alone right? You can talk to me about it...you know I won't judge you no matter what happens, right? You already know what kinda fucked up person I am. " He looked back at you with a small smile. You peeked at him from the corner. Your walls slightly down. You.. could trust him. After all , he trusted all of you with his back ground.
But you didn't know where to start. You've never told anyone this before. Not even your mom or Melody. You hugged you body close. Just thinking about saying those things out of your mouth was enough to make you feel like vomiting. Angel noticed that.
" Wanna talk by the staircase? We don't have to worry about anyone listening there. "
You weakly nodded. Angel guided both of you to sit at the top of the steps of the staircase. " You can..begin whenever you feel ready alright? I'm here for you." You took a deep breath, readying yourself for the shit you were about to say.
You slowly opened you mouth and mumbled something. But it was far too quiet to reach his ears so he scooted closer. Finally you began to tell the contents of your dream. You broke down while telling about that shitty excuse of an uncle of yours as you wept in your hands. Angel slowly patted your back, rubbing soothing circles over it.
" Shh, it's going to be alright. You're very brave for telling me this okay?" Angel softly whispered in your ears. You felt like a rock was lifted of your chest. However you also felt afraid of how he'd think of you after that.
" Can I hug you?" He asked softly. You looked up at him with tear ridden eyes. He wanted to...hug you..after the shit he saw tonight. Would you...be okay with it? However seeing the honest small smile on his face made all you worries disappear like air as you nodded. He slowly tugged you towards him till you were sat in middle of him. It was a bit awkward for the both of you, but finally you settled down. The side of your face buried in his chest fluff as you let out few small hiccups.
His chest fluff felt like a warm pillow. You could feel yourself drowning in it. " I..I didn't know letting walls down could feel so great..I was so so afraid...of being judged.." Angel held your face closer to him, almost enclosing you in with his arms in a protective manner.
" But letting walls down..can sometimes
Set you straight..~"
Angel's soft singing voice cut throughout the night. You blinked in confusion. Was he singing the song you guys saw today. You closed your eyes and sang the next part together.
" We're all living in the
            Same shit sandwich ~ "
Lulled by his soft singing voice and the sound of his heartbeat, you found peace once again as you closed you eyes. Angel, who had his head rested on top of yours, closed his eyes as well. Two broken and bruised heart found solace in one another and the night moved on.
" ...looks like we didn't need to do anything" Vaggie whispered. The whole crew was right around the corner. All of them except Alastor had turned into their animal forms to not form a large crowd and make space for others. Alastor deer form would take up more space as a human. As such he was the only one who didn't change.
While Charlie was waking up Vaggie, Niffty quickly scampered onto the other room to inform Alastor. However she wasn't as quiet as she thought she was. The talking made the other animals wake up as well. They all gathered up together later as they decided to listen in for now. Looks like it was the right course of action.
Alastor took a lighter and lit up a cigarette he borrowed from the effeminate fellow before. This seemed like a good time. Each by each, everyone's backstory is being revealed to the crew. Their deepest darkest things they never wanted anyone to know. He wondered if his turn was coming soon. If so, what would they show?
Charlie brought a blanket from the inside and slowly draped it over you two. She then turned into a sheep and nuzzled close to the pair. Vaggie flew and sat on your head. Niffty very slowly climbed on top of your lap. The other animals soon also joined as they surrounded you and Angel.
The next morning was pleasant surprise for you. Your eyes slowly fluttered open as sunlight fell on them. "Wha-what? " At first you didn't realise when you came out of the cabin but the memories soon came rushing in. But before it could spiral any father you were brought back to reality by a gentle squeeze from Angel who gave you a big toothy grin as others also began to wake up slowly.
After eating breakfast and waving Charlie and Vaggie as they went to their workplaces. You realised you didn't have much to do. After helping around the house, which there weren't much space in the first place. You were left with nothing. But suddenly you had an idea.
You hadn't worked out in quite a while. Years actually. You had been too lazy. Your body was less fit then before. Otherwise that day that shitty guy named Ajax or whatever wouldn't be able to move you so easily.
With newfound determination, you started jogging outside around the lake. You asked Niffty to join you because of the butterfly incident before and she was more then happy. After a bit of running, you began to stretch a bit.
Angel and the rest of the crew were watching you two exercise. Pentious wanted to join you seeing you all laughing but felt too shy. You took a break in the middle as you sat down beside the lake to cool off and others joined you. Cherri threw you guys a bottle of water. " Thank Cherr, appreciate it." You whispered before drinking it.
All this exercise made you really sweaty. Especially since you did it after a long time. You picked up the corner of your top to remove the sweat of your face. However this action caused your abdomen to be visible to others. You knew it but didn't really think much about it .
They however, very much did. Angel almost had nose bleed seeing the toned body of yours. You didn't have any six pack abs or something like that but it was clear you once had. Sweat stuck to you like water droplets as it dropped downwards from your body. Down and down till it met with the hem of your pants. Every curve of your body, every inch of your belly was perfect to them. The mere image of it caused all the members except Niffty to blush.
" Fuck, I want to be that shirt..." Cherri whispered. All the heads whipped around at her.
" Hm, did you say something?" You looked up at Cherri since you didn't quite catch what she said. Only to find everyone staring at you. "What? Is something wrong?" You looked at all their faces.
Alastor coughed. " N-no, it's fine dear. Do you need some towels?"  He walked up to you, his hands behind his back leaning down towards you.
You couldn't help but be a little suspicious of the way they were acting but decided to ignore it. "Yeah a towel would be appreciated."
Immediately multiple people started to head back towards the cabin. Leaving only you, Niffty and Alastor outside. Niffty was laying down on the grass, comparing clouds.
" Hehe, that one's looks like a needle! If only I had such a big needle to stab the cockroaches with.."
Alastor sat down next to you. You were throwing stones in the pond, seeing how far you can make them skip. " Can you swim? " He suddenly asked making you raise your eye brows. " Yeah I can. Why?" You said while throwing a another stone as you watched it skip away. " Nothing, just curious, that's all " He hummed.
Suddenly you remembered something as you turned at him with a grin.
" Remember the time I patted your ears and apparently you wagged your tail-"
Loud splashing noise.
That motherfucker pushed you into the goddamn lake! You fell face first as you quickly moved your arms and legs to float up to see Alastor standing in front of you with a shit eating grin on his face. Niffty quickly joined his side hearing the splashing noise.
" My my, I believe we might need more towel. Niffty be a dear and let Angel know."
You pouted at him, half wanting to drag him inside. However you don't know how much mad that would make him. You didn't want to wake up one day with a knife to your throat.
When you were thrown into the lake, a very small cut of you reopened unbeknownst to you. Small amount of blood seeped onto the water, making the already hungry and alerted being go crazy. It was waiting, patiently waiting for a prey to catch and now you were here, in the water. It made a beeline towards you, jaws with sharp glistening teeth opened wide.
Alastor's ears twitched in middle of laughing as his keen eyes caught what seemed to be movement in the water. His survival instincts were on a roll.
" (Y/n). ( Y/n) Give me your hand. You need to get out."
" What what's going on-"
As soon as you gave him your hand, he pulled you to him in such a quick pace that you faceplanted onto his chest, knocking both of you to the ground. The sharks jaw missed your leg by an inch.
Alastor saw it jump up from the water.  Their eyes locked together. The blue eyes between his red, piercing into Alastor's brown ones. The sharks open jaw closed upon finding it's prey has gotten away. The girl that was supposed to be his lunch tucked away in the arms of who resembled far too much like his Number one enemy, Alastor.
Vox splashed back into the water. But how was this even possible ? Alastor had been missing for seven years now. Was he here in this...human world all these time? As a human??
Water from your body was soaking Alastor's shirt thoroughly but he payed it no mind. His attention was at the blue steel fin that was on circling on top of the lake. You also followed his gaze as your heart almost stopped seeing the fin. You realised just how close to death you were.
You stood up while looking at it as the shark also peeked it's head up. It had sharp red teeth ready to bite. Since when did your tiny lake had a robotic shark swimming in it and why weren't you informed of it? Unless..
Alastor stood up beside you. His grin had returned despite the drenched appearance he found himself in. He had both of his hands behind his back as he leaned forward.
" It's good to see you again old pal. "
Turns out, this robotic shark who almost killed you was Vox. Vox the TV overlord, Alastor's rival. Alastor and Vox had a long talk with each other. You couldn't hear what Vox was saying but you did hear Alastor's and they were quarreling. Angel and the others soon joined you guys as they become engaged in the conversation as well.
" You tried to destroy Charlie's hotel!  " You yelled at Vox.
' What the fuck are you talking about woman?! I don't even know you! '
After many jib jabs and more arguing later, Vox was able to learn two things. First, he was from a cartoon. He was from a damn cartoon! He wouldn't have believed it if Val's famous porn star hadn't came and shown him a video of him and Alastor. Second, everyone already knew how to turn back to human form but when he asked, no one said anything.
There was another familiar face in the crowd. Honestly he wouldn't have recognised him if he immediately didn't show an interest towards him. Vox asked for some food, swallowing his pride. But Alastor banned others from giving it.
" Only and if only he agrees to be locked down, then he will be fed. Like any proper pet. "
' Why the fuck would I let you do that? '
" To ensure you can't harm us of course. If it was up to me, I would have let you starve. But miss princess bleeding heart and our most gracious host wouldn't want that "
' There's no fucking way! '
" Your choice. Come now darling, let's not waste any more time with him. You'll catch a cold. " Alastor put a hand behind your back as he guided you back to the cabin. You took a peek behind to see Vox looking at you all in disbelief and hurt.
You took a shower and by the time you came out, it was already night. Charlie and Vaggie had joined the others as they also learnt what happened. " Really? Vox is here? That piece of shit! I'll go give him a piece of my mind-"
Alastor stopped her before she could storm out. " Now now my dear Vaggie. You don't need to worry. I'm sure he is suffering enough by himself." Alastor said laughing while stirring the pot. He insisted on making dinner tonight and made sure the windows of the kitchen were as open as they could be so the smell reaches Vox and makes him more desperate. He was a sadist alright.
Charlie sat down next to you as she and Vaggie talked to you about their day. Apparently Charlie's place was hiring another guy since their success. Adrian told her she could bring Vaggie if she wanted. But Vaggie was already enlisted in a another job. Though Adrian also added this time, he needed an extra hand in the kitchen. So you needed someone who could also cook well.
There was also a another thing you had been waiting to react to. A song that came some time after the release of the first few episodes. ' Thank you and goodnight ' from the old cast. Honestly you'll miss them a lot. And now was the perfect time to react to it. You all collected your bowl of gumbo Alastor cooked and sat down to react. It started with Alastor.
' Well, it's been a wild ride and we've enjoyed every insane minute of it! We don't know what the future holds. But we're grateful for every moment we got to spend with you! '
You were very grateful as well. They gave you so many good memories and laughs.
' But all good things must come to an end
And I guess this is our time
So so long,farewell and we'll
See you in the other side!
But it's not goodbye forever
Cause we're all down here together
And we hope we get to see you
when you die.. '
The lyrics were really touching your heart. And thankfully from a some twist of fate, you got see them before you died.
' We may be monsters creeps and killers
But we'll miss you just the same ! '
You'll miss them too. But that won't be easy considering they are with you right now. Charlie was really enjoying this song as well, you could tell. Almost everyone was singing this part now.
' If anyone out there can hear me
I have one last thing to say
Despite the unideal location
We hope you enjoyed your stay '
You did, you really did. You were eating and sniffing at the same time.
' We had so much fun so thank you
And goodnight! '
You sniffed looking at the crew as the song ended. " You guys have to sing this in real life. Please?" You gave them your best puppy eyes. Charlie was super on board. Alastor, Angel and Husk wasn't sure what to feel completely. But it was a sweet song targeted towards their audience, that much they all admitted. It was nice.
" How was the gumbo my dear?" Alastor asked as he was taking back the plates to wash.
" It was absolutely delicious! Can you cook more dishes as well?"
" I'm glad you think so. And of course I can. My mother showed me many recipes so may not overburden my partner in future. " He said proudly.
" That's amazing! And I've decided you're going to work as a cook with Charlie!"
"..... What??"
Alastor was almost about to drop the plates in the sink from shock. Him? As a cook? That's outrageous! " My dear I truly have to ask for you to reconsider your decision. Perhaps I can work as a radio broadcaster here as well. I'm sure people will be charmed to hear my voice!"
" I'm sure they would, but I don't think they have any vacant spots left. Besides there might be too much of paparworks for that..so Cafe it is! Besides your cooking is far too good!"
You walked away without giving him any more chance to argue as he grumbled. ' Damned woman...'
Another reason for choosing Alastor was so he can't target you during the day. So keeping him busy with work should be a well enough solution. And you knew he couldn't reject since he was still a 'gentleman' and he had to pay you back some way. You knew guys like him doesn't like to owe anyone anything. So it was two birds in one stone for you.
You were forced by the others to sleep in your bed tonight alone. Angel slept at one corner of the bed. And Husk at the other. Around two or three am, you stood up from the bed and looked around to make sure everyone was asleep. When they were, you tiptoed into the kitchen and brought out a big fish and slowly went outside.
Vox was going crazy with hunger. He felt weak and small. Earlier arguments drained a lot of his energy away from him. He cursed Alastor from his soul. If it wasn't for his intervention, he might have been able to get some food. That bastard also purposely made sure he could smell the food being cooked inside. And god it smelt so good. He wanted to choke the life out of him.
Was this how he was going to die now? As a damn robotic shark in middle of nowhere? Why? Why him? He could feel his stomach grumbling, demanding food. Hell, he was even ready to beg for it now. Who knew hunger felt so cruel..so torturing..
Blood..? Did he just smell blood? And..there are small waves up above. There was someone there! He quickly began to swim upwards. A lost hope kindling inside fast.
You went around the lake after you got out of the cabin. Your hand clutching the fish hardly as you crouched down. You tried think about how to call him up. You couldn't call out his name. It might wake up others at the cabin.
So you tore of some bits of the fish and splashed it around the lake. Sharks could detect movement and smell blood right? Turns out they indeed could. As not even after minutes of doing that Vox came upwards with his jaw wide open.
You were prepared this time as you quickly backed away as you watched him try to get those small pieces. Soon he brought up his head and locked eyes with you.
' You...what are you doing here? Did you finally come here to feed me? Please god, I'll do anything!'
You of course couldn't understand what he might have been saying. But you guessed he was desperate seeing how he was circling around and peeking at you and the fish with big eyes. You crouched down again and whispered.
" Listen, I brought you some food so you don't die. But you can't tell the others. Only if you agree to come back with us in the cabin civilized tomorrow, then I'll give it to you. Do you agree to these terms? "
He nodded agressievly. He wasn't even paying much attention to the things you were saying. His eyes glued to the fish. "Alright you promised it. If you break it Alastor would actually starve you to death."
You threw the fish at him and he jumped from the lake to catch it between his jaws as you watched agape. Again feeling reassured that you didn't become his food yesterday. As soon as Vox ate the whole fish it felt like someone poured cold water on his burning hunger. He was finally relieved as he looked up at his saviour. Moonlight was shining on your face. You were smiling at him, at him. You were giving him such a tender smile.
He felt something twist within him. He wanted to see that face closer. The one who fed him, saved him. It was like he was looking at the face of an Angel.
Golden lights surrounded him as you watched awe struck. You were stuck to your place as the light slowly subsided as and Vox pushed himself up using his arms till your faces were inches apart.
You gaped looking at his form. Water was cascading down from his black hair and his lower half was still under the water as he looked at you. His blue eyes were shining like jewels. You could see he still had sharp teeth and he had a hat on him as well. Somehow he also had two antenna's on him as he looked at you like you were the greatest thing alive. The next three words that came from his mouth left you in shock.
" I love you. "
" HUH???"
A.n :  Let me say this first, what [reader] went through is actually a very common thing around us sadly. I was a victim of similar act so I know just how shitty it can make someone feel. But please, if something like that happens, do not keep it between yourself and share it so the preparator can be brought under justice. And just know I'm here for you. ❤️
We finally got an official confession! Hooray! It was at the heat of the moment but hey, a confession is a confession! Let's see how it affects the others. :)
Also thank you for all the kind messages in the last chapter sniff. Y'all are too sweet.
A bad news though, my year final exam starts from the next month till August. So I'll have to go on a small hiatus. Pray that it goes well otherwise I'll probably be disowned by my Asian parents (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠) and the future of this fic will be uncertain.
Tag list: @legostars @glowinthedarkbones1150 @darifes @aria-tempest @rainbowcake1212 @luxylucylou
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nomsfaultau · 4 months
The Lambs Wolves Wear part 7
Dark SBI AU where Philza’s human children were replaced by monsters. Start of The Lambs Wolves Wear is here.
“You promise you won’t get mad?” “Tommy” asked nervously, pacing before him.
“I could never be mad at you,” Philza gently told the thing that had stolen his son from him. The shapeshifting demon dithered, wringing his claws. Then the towering beast crouched before him, piercing yellow eyes skewering the tiny mortal. The muzzle housing sharp fangs and rancid breath butted its nose against his chest. 
“Can you pleeeease make that a blood oath?” A growl hissed in his throat as Philza refused, but it turned into a whimper as Philza gave him a disappointed look. Philza wasn’t exactly sure how he’d gained dominance over a demon, but “Tommy” was utterly terrified of his wrath today. Strange. Usually he scoffed at mortal disapproval. The demon mulled his quandary over, then declared: “If you get mad at me, I shall slaughter you and raze your land. I shall curse your bloodline to a thousand generations so that your ancestors are ashamed and your descendants revile you. 
“What have I said about death threats?” “Tommy” snarled in a lash of embers, and Philza braced himself not to flinch. Fear only encouraged “Tommy” further, and any threat could be turned into a bluff if you challenged it bravely enough. Not that he was all bark and no bite; the beast had wicked fangs, but only if you didn’t evade in time. After months living with the expectation he would be ripped to shreds the moment he slipped up, Philza was far less phased than he used to be. 
“But it’s a special occasion. Can’t you make an exception this one time?” Philza stood his ground, and the demon’s eyes darkened, thunder rolling overhead. Body contorting in gut wrenching ways, the shapeshifter surged forward in a blur of morphing form. “Tommy” twisted himself into the disguise of Philza’s son once more, tears blossoming in his adorable eyes as the demon begged. 
It felt like the wind was sucked out of Philza as the arms of his missing son wrapped around his waist, nuzzling into his side. So rarely had “Tommy” worn the skin of Tommy after the deceit was revealed that Philza had forgotten how potent it was. The plaintive cries mewling out of his not-son-never-my-son’s throat pierced his heart as the demon manipulated the soul of the bereaved parent. With a shaking gasp Philza remembered to breathe. “Tommy, I said no.” 
“But I’m really, really scared, and if I was allowed to rend you limb from limb it would make me feel much safer.” 
“Unfortunately, sometimes we have to be brave and kind even when we’re terrified. It becomes easier the more you try.” When Philza carded his hands through the golden hair of the thing pretending to be his son, it didn’t destroy him like it used to. Quiet was the terror so palpable he once choked on it, the grief so soul wrenching he thought he should break down weeping. He’d spent so long surviving that the revulsion no longer registered. Now, it was simply a necessity. 
The boy in his arms unraveled with a growl, the giant demon towering over him once more. “Tommy’s” fangs snapped close around Philza, ripping into his shirt and dragging him upward like a kitten caught by its scruff. “Tommy” prowled away from the home, roaming over pasture and shying away when a hoard of “Technoblade’s” undead warriors surged out in waves of phantasmal forces to rebuke him for almost trampling the crops. “Tommy’s” growl reverberated Philza’s bones, narrowly avoiding dropping the dangling human and causing him to splatter on the ground far below. 
Eventually, Philza was dropped a nearly safe amount. Groaning, he peeled himself off the grass. Having grown comfortable with the demon, who hardly ate any of them ever, the cows didn’t even look up from grazing. Well, save for a young calf, who blinked with languid eyes and trotted up to Philza, nudging him for treats. “Tommy” dithered, pacing in a fashion that left scorch marks across the ground. He scowled at the calf and shoved it carelessly away from Philza. “--and, and you promise you won’t get rid of me. Right dad?” 
“I could never.” What type of power did “Tommy” imagine he had? The beast butted his horned head against Philza, and he stroked “Tommy’s” muzzle as scarlet slit eyes narrowed upon him. He’s never seen the demon so cagey, but his assurances seem to soothe his bristling spines. 
“Tommy” sighed as he was scratched behind the ears, and came to a resolve. Before he could react, a nova built in his maw, plasma crackling fiercely into blinding radiance. His jaw unhinged into bristling flames, and “Tommy” breathed out pure hellfire in an all consuming column, smiting the calf. Philza sighed. Sure. Why not. “Did you drag me out here just to barbecue a cow?”
“You said you wouldn’t get-!”
And then Philza saw the charred husk of the calf. Or rather, the lack of it. Because sitting in a pile of charred grass was Tommy. He crawled away to fresh vegetation, and continued happily munching grass. 
Philza whipped around to the demon. “You turned my son into a COW?!” 
“What if I sold him? Or ate him???”
The demon paused. “...I didn’t think about that…” 
Tommy was incredibly disorientated as Philza helped him to his feet. He didn’t stop chewing the grass in his mouth. “Oh hey Dad, I had the weirdest dream…” the rest of his sentence was muffled by Philza wrapping him in a bone crushing hug. Philza sunk to his knees, clutching his child to his chest. He felt so, so cold, absent of the hellfire that coursed under the skin of the demon who wore his small body like a pretty mask. The real Tommy. His Tommy. He cradled the boy’s face reverently, soaking it in. 
“Huh?” Tommy blinked at him as Philza began to cry. “What’s wrong dad?” 
“Nothing,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to his son’s forehead. “Nothing at all.”
And then Tommy was ripped from his arms, “Tommy” snarling at him. “You said you wouldn’t replace me. You SAID–” The demon was cut off as Philza gathered him in a tight embrace. “Tommy” went utterly still, but Philza didn’t let go even as his skin began to burn, thanking the demon for returning his son. At his words, “Tommy” began to tremble. “I’m sorry. I’m really, really, sorry, I should’ve given Tommy back weeks ago. I thought– I thought you’d get rid of me once you had him.” He sounded guilty for his doubt, despite the fact that had been Philza’s plan for months. 
“Of course not. My heart is big enough for the both of you.” He held the both of them close. 
Tommy squirmed, not entirely sure what was happening. “Uh that’s nice Dad. Can I go back to eating grass now?” 
“Tommy” brightened. “Yeah! Now that you know you can stop worrying about him! He was really happy as a cow, I promise.”
“NO!” It snapped out harsher than Philza intended, and his stomach flipped. He couldn’t ruin this now that he had his real son back. In fact, it would only become harder now that he had to protect a vulnerable child incapable of matching the monsters wit for wit. A deep breath. Okay. “It’s not nice to turn people into animals, okay?” Tommy was at once enticed, demanding to know if the demon could turn the baker into an ugly toad. The pair’s mischievous smile matched perfectly, and Philza winced. “And, now that Tommy is back, I don’t want the two of you to get mixed up. It will be a lot easier if you pick a different name and form. We talked about indoor forms, remember? Like the cat? You make a very formidable cat, I think-”
“Nah,” Tommy dismissed. He stuck his tongue out, and “Tommy” matched it with a forked one. “I think I can work with this.” An evil grin spread over both Tommy’s faces.
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afreakingdork · 4 months
This is a bit embarrassing to admit and I’ve been putting off sending an ask for weeks, but seeing as Weak Spot is almost complete I figured it’s now or never; I daydream about the world you’ve created all the time, it’s like my go-to happy place in my head. Before I say anything I just wanna make sure you know I’m not asking you to write this, Weak Spot is your story and I already know what you have planned will make me weep on another Saturday morning. I just really want to share my thoughts because your story has been living in my head rent free like ever since I binge read 1-39 in one weekend. Do you think it’s possible that Donnie and Chester will ever meet again? I’ve been imagining what a wedding chapter might be like since 45 and my favourite ‘what if;’ I’ve come up with is what if Y/N were to send an invitation to Chester? I think I just really want Chester to see how much Donnie has grown and give him that ✨approval of a parental figure✨ he so craves. Perhaps the invitation being instrumented exclusively on Y/N’s behalf as a surprise for Don? I really wanna know what you might think 人´∀`)
Oh gosh, no need to be embarrassed because I do the same thing! It's literally how I come up with all my little ideas! I really appreciate you sharing this and I'm proud of you for being brave to do so.
Narratively, it doesn't make sense for Donnie to meet Chester again sadly. Sometimes you bounce of people in your life and the interactions don't go the way you want. That doesn't mean that because you had to part ways that they weren't important. Sometimes those people you meet in blips are the most important of all (exactly why Sandwich Spot exists, but outside the main story because while it helps point the exact moment Donnie realized life existed outside of himself, it's not something reader will ever know firsthand, but they do know it because it shaped how Donnie is now).
So Donnie will never see Chester again, but that being said... I couldn't help but be inspired by what you wrote. so please, have this gift...
A moment in time in the not so far flung future that may or may not happen in Soft Spot:
He was getting too old for this.
"Come now! Violet can walk herself." Chester urged.
Or Harry had a point.
"But, pop-pop! She's so slow!" Jade whined where she was pulling her little sister.
Those morning swim classes were looking more and more appealing.
Violet pulled back on the arm that was wrenched in her sister's grasp.
Harry had been more spry since he started attending.
"What was it you were teaching me about sayings?" Chester tried a new tactic.
Meanwhile, Chester had only gotten lazier in retirement.
"Oh!" Jade lit up and let go to think with her entire body. "Let's see..."
His chair sat him so well, though.
Violet righted herself from where she toppled over and took a breath.
He'd always thought with his first grandchild getting older, he'd have to do less lifting.
"It's the one about the cow!" Jade hopped.
With the second, however, it had doubled his required strength.
"Close... How about another animal?" Chester smiled.
He wouldn't trade them for the world though.
This time recognition came to Jade with a slow glow. "You lead a horse to water..."
What a happy life he had the honor of living.
"But..." Chester nodded for her to continue.
Violet got herself onto her two feet and took a few shuffling steps toward him.
He prepared for that weight on his hips and held his hands out ready for her.
"You can't make him drink..." Jade curled a finger to her lips. "So with Vi...?"
With a grunt and groan, Chester got Violet up in his arms.
The little one curled against him, fatigued.
The park was a big, exciting world for a toddler.
"It means..." Chester paused in case Jade wanted to come to the conclusion herself.
Instead, her eyes shined as she stared up at him, ready for the answer.
"You can do everything in your power to help someone, but you can't force them to accept it." He explained.
Jade took a few steps toward him and pondered so hard it made her forehead scrunch up.
She was adorable.
A huge stock of black fabric passed by like a moving obelisk.
It pulled Chester's eye where he readjusted Violet's load.
It wasn't an inanimate object, but a long black coat.
It donned a very tall man who moved to the other side of the playground.
There, he found a spot to stop and in a turn revealed a blotch of green.
Topped with a shock of rich purple.
Eyes wide and free hand suddenly flapping anxiously for Jade's, Chester felt himself pale.
He hadn't seen the boy in years.
After the first few, Chester had been left to hope that Donatello had only taken his advice.
Despite the bitter end, he wished him nothing, but the best.
Donatello spoke.
Too far away and with a bustling park between them, there was no way Chester could hear.
What he could do was look down.
Where a joyful, albeit tired looking counterpart animatedly responded.
Chester's lips parted.
The second person then looked down before offering something up.
A small bundle whose lavender blanket wriggled to reveal another, much, much smaller green mutant.
Donatello took the baby and brought the child up to his face to coo something.
The older mutant's eyes gleamed.
Chester knew that look.
The one that topped eye bags as deep as canyons.
It was one he once sported.
It was the one his son-in-law now wore.
It was the look of a new father.
The way they looked at their own.
Donatello had a partner.
Donatello had a child.
"What's wrong, pop-pop?" Jade's voice broke in, thunderous amongst the many others.
Chester looked down and felt the tears streaking his cheeks.
He only gave a bright smile and continued to hold his hand out.
Jade took it and continued to stare up at him. "Are you hungry? Vi cries when she's hungry. Let's get you some lunch!"
Chester nodded and moved to leave the park with Jade in tow. "That sounds wonderful."
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lovelyo · 4 months
Why Eloise is My Favorite Character
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First off, look at that beautiful face. Claudia is deadass pretty. But besides that, she’s the one that has visibly gone through the most character development and it was subtle as well. When I watched season 3 part 2 trailer(garbage like I predicted it’d be) watching Eloise and the maturity and concern she had for her brother, insisting Penelope to tell him, that she can’t lie to him and expect him to love her(which he’ll end up doing anyway but fuck Polin) and even given Penelope a chance to tell him. The mercy she showed Penelope despite what she’s done and the pain she caused her; the trailer made me finally come to the conclusion that she’s my favorite character.
I was iffy bout Eloise at the beginning of season 1. I know many were annoyed with her and said she was a pick me girl—I even thought, “booo, here we go, one of those annoying buffoon feminists who don’t know how good they have it.” She wasn’t annoying, but she sure was self-righteous about women’s roles in society and how they shouldn’t have to be subjected to the marriage mart and all the feminist bible thumping bs and saying this from her ivory tower.
But you know what she did? She walked down those tower steps, willingly left that ivory tower to go expand her views and learn outside of it, something that women in the ton wouldn’t do. She put herself at risk to broaden her horizon.
“You wish to follow your heart. I wish to nurture my mind.”
Eloise didn’t reject Theo’s criticism of her limited understanding and her privileged position. She took that to seek greater understanding beyond what she knows so I really don’t know how in the living shit people think she’s self-absorbed, especially after she starts interacting with Theo.
Eloise is brusque and may come off as abrasive, but she has integrity, is gracious, and is kind-hearted. She sought out LW for a selfless cause: to help Penelope and her family from ruin. She helped LW escape from the Queen.
The times Penelope has come with her crocodile tears, Eloise dropped everything to comfort her despite Pen insulting with her “pretty Bridgerton” comments(but she’s a bad friend, amirite?)
She didn’t see the lower class as beneath her but as people to learn from(but she’s blind to her privilege, right Penelope stan?)
She was one of the few who showed compassion and understanding for Marina's situation. Despite her being sheltered(that a lot of anti-Eloise fans get their rocks off in exaggerating), she knew that Marina was in a shit place and treated shamefully.
She knows there aren’t many women who share her views and thought processes, but that doesn’t stop her from having them and voicing them and hopes that women would also go against social conditioning.
“How else should I be? Married and silent?”
She kept Penelope’s secret for months. She didn’t try to destroy Penelope or get back at her. She just cut her off and moved on with her life. She took the high road in this situation, a thing that some adults don’t even do.
When she realized that her gossiping hurt Penelope, she sought her out, admitted fault, and apologized. That was incredibly brave and mature. She might be angry at Penelope, but she pushed back when Cressida was mean, even apologized to Pen on Cressida’s behalf.. She didn’t push Colin to be cruel to Penelope just because she had a fall out with her. Eloise is A LOT better than me because if I was in her shoes, Colin finding out bout Whistledown would be the least of Penelope’s problems.
Eloise is just a joy to see on screen, especially in S3 where she is literally the only voice of reason and her suffering with this LW business got me weeping(especially since we know Pen will suffer nothing from it). She better have a good conclusion by the end of the season. The show has failed in almost everything this season.
Don’t fail on Eloise.
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icystorm76 · 1 month
Inertia is here!
Chapter 1 done! I'm actually somewhat proud of this, which is rare for me and my work. This is the longest single chapter I've ever written, which is cool! This chapter is a lot of setup, but it's necessary for the fic. I tried to keep the exact rehashing of content to a minimum. That might have screwed with the pacing a bit, but I think it's ok. 
Now for the specific notes. Read the chapter first then come back to read this. 
I love Dipper and therefore I'm going to hurt him. That's kinda how it goes with my characters. I love them and they suffer for it. Don't worry, he's going to come out of it with more questionable parental figures and less morals!
I definitely had trouble with Mabel's character in this. I love her so much and I didnt want to paint her in a bad light, but it was almost necessary. She's a 12 year old, so not exactly perfect. Another factor was the fact that she simply didn't know how bad it was outside the bubble until it was too late. Those factors combined to make a bad call on her part. I absolutely have big plans for her in this fic so don't worry, she will make up for it.
I have slightly less love for Stan. The love is still there, but the way he sometimes treats Dipper really rubs me the wrong way. I recently rewatched the show and there's SO MANY instances of Mabel and Stan teaming up to make fun of Dipper. Mabel is 12 and his twin, so she's understandable, but Stan doing it has always made me kinda angry. He's a grown ass man bullying a 12 year old kid. This is my fic so i'm going to force him through some character development.
I've also decided to make a playlist for this fic. Each chapter I'm going to add two songs so here are the first two!
Little Lion Man- A song about growing up and suffering because of it. Dippers going through a lot right now so this song reflects that. 
“Weep, little lion man
You're not as brave as you were at the start”
“Take all the courage you have left
And waste it on fixing all the problems
That you made in your own head”
Allies or Enemies- The twins' relationship is absolutely going through the shredder. They love each other but they're really not in a good place right now. 
“Remember when I could tell you not to smile, when you were mad?
And you would always crack”
“Do we have another go? (Oh)
Do we bow out, and take our separate roads? (Oh)”
“All is fair in love, and war
But I can't fight with you anymore”
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popodoki · 2 months
*rings bell* Come get your Catwin NSFW besties x
Edwin wants, and is fucked by the hilt of a rapier in this.
Boy has a strength and danger kink, and the Cat King swinging a rapier around with ease is doing things to him, mostly to his dick lbr.
The whole mess was an embarrassment, one that he had never intended to share with anyone, let alone the Cat King, his lover. There was nothing strange about a young man getting, well, excited during fencing matches, the heat of a brawl. It was a simple bodily reaction. Years spent in an all-boys school tempered much more of such kinds of shame than one might think. 
But Edwin knew better, now. Knew himself better, more specifically, though it was still far too startling to realize that all it took was the threat of violence, a proper show of strength, to leave him gasping with desire.  
He was working to control himself though, trying to at least delay his reaction to a reasonable time, not right in the middle of watching his lover take on imaginary opponents with real ease. Heart pounding, he watches that rapier flash and twirl in his lover’s firm grip, the raw power of the Cat King on display with every flex of those muscles. The glistening stretch of skin on display, toned arms, shoulders, abs. Edwin can’t imagine anyone could have resisted, could resist watching, not when it was Thomas. 
But not everyone would be hard as steel, just from watching. If Edwin had just stayed where he sat, if he hadn't drifted closer, book slipping from his hands in favour of a much more compelling sight, if he hadn’t been watching at just the right time to catch the Cat King pulling off a truly athletic spin, rapier swinging through the air in such a dramatic arc Edwin could almost viscerally imagine the scene, a terrific beast, slain by the brave strong knight. Hells. If Edwin’s hand hadn’t been down the front of his pants by the time Thomas finished his move, turning on his feet so deftly he ended in the perfect position to spot his little voyeur, they both might have been able to ignore the entire debacle. Edwin wouldn't have learned his lesson, but they wouldn't have needed to talk about his little... kink. 
Instead, Thomas now loomed over him, the tip of his rapier digging into Edwin's spread thighs as he babbled away all his deepest secret desires. 
"You really like this," Thomas drawls, dragging the tip of his silver rapier along the soft flesh of Edwin’s inner thigh. 
"Did you think I was lying? Just weaving a tale, to humiliate myself in-" Edwin cut off abruptly, as the sharp point dug in, threatening to break skin. 
"I only thought you were confused. Adrenaline can do many things to a man, not the least that." His lover looks pointedly at Edwin's cock, twitching red, hard enough that it was starting to weep lightly against his stomach. Edwin flushes, heat spreading under the skin of his cheeks, doesn't respond. There was nothing he could really say. 
"Is this what you want? Why you stay silent during practice sometimes..." He didn't finish the sentence, but Edwin knew what he was implying. His lover was always indulgent, and he could understand why Thomas might think Edwin was just looking to get a specific itch scratched. It was a kinder interpretation, than pure hedonism. 
"Not, not just this. Not just the rapier. You. You make me so reckless, I can't even stop to think- moving like you were born to dance, not just fight. I want the danger, but more than anything I want you. " 
"And my rapier." Edwin gasps as the blade rotated against his skin, twisting on its point. 
"The rapier is, um, nice, too. But you could be swinging about a dull kitchen knife, and I'd still..." Edwin gestured helplessly. Finding the words shouldn't be so difficult, but now that he had spilled the shameful part, the words just seemed to dry up in his throat. "It's never been the only thing I want. Danger is just a mindset. And not one I often indulge. Consciously, at least." He finished with a flush. He wouldn't pretend that certain memories weren't shaded a little differently, now that he understood himself better.  
But that had no bearing now. "If- if you want, we can forget all this. There's no need- If you wouldn't enjoy-" 
Thomas drops the rapier into the grass, crouching down between Edwin's legs, warm, rough leather scraped hands coming down to press Edwin’s thighs down when they hitch, in response to his smirk. "No. Do you know how many times I've stroked myself, fed only by memories of your pleasure? Thinking of you, with your layers undone, your mouth hanging open, dripping with spit, as you gasped out your pleasure, at my hands, my actions?" 
"Yes, Edwin. Yes." Thomas nods at him, persuading, smooths both his hands down creamy thighs, over the faint red scratches left by the silver rapier. "I can't forget this, even if I wanted to, Ghostie. I know it now. Your desires, your wants." The way he whispers it, makes Edwin feel like a meal, one that Thomas had full intentions of devouring. He licks his lips, clenches his hands, nervously. Thomas looks over his body, assessing, calculating, and Edwin knows he’s not found wanting. 
A warm calloused hand travels down, down. Edwin groans along with the Cat King when a thumb probes behind his balls, presses a stripe down his taint and slips between his ass cheeks. "Edwin. You're already wet? Is this what you did, when I told you I was going outside, going to work out? Did you plan on losing control, filling yourself with your fingers, thinking of my stretches, thinking of fencing practice?" 
"N-no, I just thought, ah-" Edwin wiggles, "If I was... satisfied, I might be able to control myself." 
Thomas smirks so wide at that, it stretches his cheeks. "How wrong you were," he murmurs, pushing his thumb more firmly against Edwin's hole, sliding easily inside with the layer of slick, “to think mere fingers were going to satisfy you. To think that I, your lover, your king, would leave you unsatisfied.” If Edwin had known all it would take was a smidge of embarrassment, he might have revealed his little problem a lot sooner, as it is, his hands clutch and tear handfuls of grass, as his lover summons a little jar of lubricant in his one hand, and reaches for the rapier lying close with the other. Seeing the glinting hilt in his lover’s hand made it all much more real, intense in a way Edwin had never experienced before. His lover has barely touched him, already Edwin feels like he's wavering right on the edge. Unbidden, he lifts his legs, bends his knees and presses them close to his chest, the motion bringing his throbbing cock into slapping contact with his stomach, dribbling more precum with each little jerk as his breathing needlessly picks up. From between his trembling thighs, he watches as Thomas drizzles the lubricant over the rapier’s hilt, until it’s dripping, excess splashing onto the grass.  
Edwin nearly chokes on his groan, clenching down almost in anger at the intrusion of fingers instead of the hard unyielding pressure of the rapier. His lover tuts and coos at him in equal measure. “If we’re doing this, we’re doing this properly, Ghostie. I’m not hurting you, I’m giving you everything you want, need, and more, okay?” Edwin grunts, bears down on the fingers as they move and spread him, slowly opening him just that bit further. His lover waits until his moans turn sharp, and Edwin near sobs in a mix of relief and anticipation when the Cat King’s fingers leave, and are replaced by steel. 
His teeth nearly draw blood, as Thomas presses relentlessly forward, just how he needs. The hilt so much, all at once, that for a moment all Edwin can feel is the harshness of the burn, his legs starting to tense, pull taut. But he knows he can take it, welcomes the hint of pain, as a promise for the pleasure to come. It stretches him like nothing else Edwin has taken before. Thomas handles the rapier just as well as he always does, angling it just right to push past any lingering resistance from Edwin's body, until the wide round length of steel was seated all the way inside him. 
Edwin squeezes his legs tighter to his chest, clenching his fists in tandem to their trembles, knowing that if he relaxed for even an instant, he could hurt himself even on this side of the rapier. The thought just made his cock throb harder, tip smearing precum across his stomach, sending sparks through his veins. The danger of the weapon now splitting him, made the feeling hit twice as hard. 
"Edwin. Feeling good, doing okay?" 
"Good! I'm good, promise! More, please, I-" Edwin cuts off with a punched-out moan. At his begging, Thomas shoved the hilt the rest of the way inside, in one smooth motion. Edwin's back arches off the ground, his vision whiting out as he took it all. He nearly comes right there. It's so deep inside him, he swears he can taste steel in the back of his throat. 
His lover waits patiently for Edwin to relax again, watching intently, as the blade of the rapier jerks, moved by Edwin’s body clenching rhythmically around the hilt. If he could spare the focus through the onslaught of sensations, Edwin might even feel the cool steel of the guard nestled in between his cheeks, in contrast to the blazing hot handle now deep inside him, warm from Thomas's hand. He sucks in another deep breath, his knuckles almost white, where his grass-stained fingers dig into the dirt. 
By the time Edwin could feasibly speak again, if he tried, if he had anything else to offer aside from pleas, his lover’s already moving, sliding the hilt in and out of him, in powerful thrusts. The ridges of the handle drag against his rim, catching just enough to twinge. Edwin moans and whines, helpless to do anything else, as Thomas's sharp movements, the power in those toned muscles he so admired earlier, make him skid across the ground. 
Every time his lover adjusts his grip, slowing down for just a moment, checking, changing the angle just enough, he still manages to hit that perfect spot deep inside. Edwin sees stars, an entire universe dancing behind his eyelids, behind his closed eyes. At any moment, Thomas could miscalculate, fumble, his slick hands slipping on the handle, wrist cramping from the repetitive movement. Just an instant was all it would take, to injure Edwin, but his lover was perfect. Thomas gave him everything he needed. The threat, the weapon, and the inhuman strength and skill to pull it off. Such a strong, noble knight. A King. Fucking him with a rapier cause Edwin got hard at the sight of his abs. Edwin's laugh catches in his throat as Thomas rolls his wrist, the hilt dragging against his walls. Hells, he was going to combust before he came, from the intensity of it all. 
It's building, rapidly, below his stomach, his cock keeps twitching across his skin, smearing slick everywhere. Edwin reaches down, wipes his hand absently on his rumpled shirt, to try to grip his cock in a semi-clean palm. Thomas veritably hisses at him, slamming the hilt into him, hard enough to knock the breath out of his chest, making his point, without a single word. 
That display is all Edwin needs. He keens, his legs jerking in the air as he comes. The intensity makes his head spin, disorienting and euphoric at the same time, everything crashing down around him. His balls tighten, thick white spurts paint his stomach. Edwin's mouth hangs open, as he pants, his hair stuck to his forehead with the slick of his sweat. 
Vaguely, Edwin registers his lover carefully working the hilt free, amid the last weak clenches of his ass, as he recovers from his violent orgasm. Edwin moans softly, exhausted, as the wide hilt twinges one last time at his rim, sprawling out his legs and limbs as soon as it’s safe to do so. When he feels like he could actually sit up without getting dizzy, Edwin does so, reaches for his lover’s hips, eager to return the favour in whatever way he can. A slick palm catches his, preventing Edwin from touching the tantalizing stretch of bare skin that can still tempt an interested twitch from his soft cock. Edwin whines in the back of his throat. That can't be right. 
"But don't you want-" 
Thomas rolls his eyes, pointedly, the moment Edwin’s pleading eyes search and find his, not releasing Edwin’s hand. "For such a brilliant detective, you’re a bit of an idiot some times, Ghostie." he says, with a little reproachful growl. And a generous dusting of pink across his cheeks, Edwin can’t help but note, as his hand is tugged, pulled firmly to his lover’s crotch.  
Edwin looks up at Thomas, with wide eyes, registering a real red blush now across the Cat King’s face. Thomas had enjoyed himself. Immensely. The wet spot beneath his palm is unmistakable. Edwin himself hadn't come untouched since he was a teenager, more hormones than blood running through his veins. And now Edwin had- had provoked it, just by giving in to his own desires.  
"Well," he says, trying and failing not to let a grin break across his face. "Seems like this has made for some good memories, for the both of us." 
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the hound - Hallie
the hound: loyalty, chains, promises
“—thus brought low, the warrior stumbled from one house to the next, crying out for anything that was familiar, but he recognized nothing, and nothing, in turn, recognized him. The sudden storm had left puddles all down the streets. He looked in each one, and in each one he saw a different face, but none of them were his.
“It was not until he fell to his knees outside the temple that someone saw through the curse, and the Lady Almalexia came forth from her shrine to see the warrior who had once been so brave, now weeping into his own strange reflection.
“‘You have forgotten your name,’ said Lady Almalexia, ‘but by name do I know you; by name do I love you.’” Llaalam’s eyes are all ember-glow with story, his whole body leaned forward and half off his cushions. “She touched the warrior’s head as he knelt there before her, and his mind was cleared of darkness, and he knew himself once more.”
Haldryn finds herself nearly scooted off the cushion saved for her too. She wriggles back onto it, remembering too late her handmade tail when the end of it bonks the wall behind her. “So—so what was his name?”
“He doesn’t know.” Amil leans over his husband’s shoulder with a wry twitch of his thin mouth. He drapes a blanket over Llaalam’s lap for him.
Llaalam reaches up to pat Amil’s bald head fondly. “That’s between the warrior and the Sacred Lady, I think.”
“But she knows it,” Haldryn presses, because it’s important. “Because—because he prayed, before Sheogorath got him?”
“She knows it,” says Llaalam, lifting a finger, “as Lord Sotha Sil does, and as Lord Vivec does. If you forgot yourself—”
“I wouldn’t!”
“—your ma would still know you, wouldn’t she?”
She opens her mouth, then closes it again, bewildered. She hikes her belt up to make her tail sit higher, the squished end of it dragging on the floor. There is no world she can think of where Ma wouldn’t know her. “She’s my ma,” she says. It’s the only answer there is.
“And you’re her Haldryn.” Llaalam makes a grand sweeping motion that she suspects is mostly to make his sleeves swish. “The Three are ours; we are theirs. If a Daedra knows your name, it means they’ve deigned to take special interest in you. The Three are gods because they love you. They are for us and we for them.”
“Or,” says Amil from where he’s gone back to the other room, sounding faintly amused, “you don’t worry about all that, Haldryn; just do your best. That’s all we can really do, any of us, even them.”
She recognizes the tone that means they’re about to start talking the boring bits that they disagree about, policies and stuff, so she scrambles to her feet and tugs at her belt again, tail swinging behind her. “Thank you mu—sera?” she corrects herself when Llaalam starts to huff a laugh. “I have to be home to help with dinner, but I’ll come back tomorrow, and on Fredas!”
“Tell your ma we said thank you for that soup.” Amil reemerges with a familiar jar held with both hands. “Washed it, don’t worry.”
The gold man joins her again right outside, with the jar tucked under her arm and a nice straight stick she’d left by the door dragging patterns in the dirt beside her. “You don’t have to like storytime,” she says, and kicks a stray little stone ahead of herself out of the way of her stick. “But it’s rude when you don’t even say goodbye or anything. You should pay attention to manners next time Ma explains them.”
He doesn’t say anything, staying alongside her with his head bowed to watch her stick squiggle through the dirt.
Haldryn stops to squint up at him. “Do you know anything about gods?”
His face does something awful, then, like he’s got a bad stomachache maybe. No, he says. Or at least: I know that I don’t know anything.
“Oh.” She uses the flat of her heel to smooth out some of the dirt, draws very carefully. “Well, this is supposed to stand for—”
The jar almost slides out from under her arm. The crook of her elbow is getting sweaty. “So you know your letters but not anything about gods?”
He’s crouched in front of where she’s drawn the letter. The tail shouldn’t be so long.
“I did it right,” she insists, insulted. “Anyway—” She scratches out another letter next to it. “That one means the Sacred Lady, and sometimes people call her after it too. She’s got a sword that’s on fire, and she’s tall as a mountain and stronger than ten bears—”
Is that what they tell you, at your storytime?
“I mean—not all of it, no, but she chopped up Mehrunes Dagon, so. But she’s really nice too, she helps people. And her hair’s red, and it curls like mine, except lots longer.” She points to the second letter. “This one’s for me, it’s a hekem. Nobody calls me that though, because it’s not my name, it’s just a letter. But it looks neat, right?”
His face isn’t doing anything now. She doesn’t know what that means. But he nods, slowly, and says, You’ll be late for dinner.
“Won’t either!” But she drops the stick and hugs the jar to her chest to start back for her own front door again, trotting a little faster. “Llaalam says they know everybody without even having to be introduced. But it’s sort of rude not to introduce yourself,” Haldryn says, pointedly. The gold man does a very good job not reacting to that. Maybe he didn’t get it. She continues, “I don’t want to be rude. Ma says the Hist recognizes its own, too, but if I met one I would—when I meet one I’ll still say hi, and tell it my name. And so I think when I pray I should say it’s me, too, so they know, and then when I meet them and they know me maybe they’ll remember easier what I’ve told them. Do you think if—”
But when she pushes open the front door and looks up, he’s gone off somewhere again. She huffs out a breath—maybe his ma just didn’t know manners as good as Ma does.
The eyes of the goddess are golden, as vivid-bright as the lava under Red Mountain, burning right through her and on out to the other side. The perfect serenity of the Lady Almalexia’s face ripples, a pebble of recognition tossed into an endless fathomless lake.
Do you really know me, Haldryn wants to ask, but her throat is closing up and she’s blinking very fast and the goddess is only looking at her as at an open window. Do you know me, can you see me, did you hear every time I prayed—
Neht is very still, behind her. She can’t look, can’t turn away, but she doesn’t need to, to know. He says nothing, nothing at all. The cold patterned floor judders all her bones when her knees hit.
The sound of the Mercymother’s voice is the top of a waterfall, great heights on the edge of thunderous force, lingering at the precipice, and the name she speaks is:
“My Nerevar.”
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y2ksnowglobe · 9 months
Deep appreciation for episode 30 (Van on the Run)
This is a long post where I just ramble on all the moments that make me love this episode.
The dethroning of fleshlight tag as the worst thing that anyone ever said.
The "Hey Andrew" story
Big old butt crack down the middle of the orb
Terry Jr. asking why Ron isn't wearing pants
"I'd better write that down as a note. Terry Jr., easy to lie to."
Lark literally taking a note about how unpaid interns die sometimes. (This turns into my firm belief that Mae Hailes is a paid intern)
Ron insisting Paeden is his half-brother. "My dad is my dad too!"
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just gonna weep and tear my hair out real quick over that one.
Ron's insights on the patriarchy
"My stepson is here, and I am looking at him in the eye right now and it's not weird at all. It's not weird. We're just making eye contact right here." "It's a little weird. You have not blinked in several minutes." "Now it hurts to blink, so I'm not going to ever…" "That's not how it works. You have to blink." "No. It's like my eyes are getting…" "Dad, blink." Like what a way to start normalizing Terry Jr. calling Ron "Dad"
Sparrow's stealth hug
Just...starting to really see the dead inside Grant is both heartbreaking and really funny.
Nick's shaky fist bump makes me wanna cry.
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I am always there for a good low perception roll joke.
Reveal that Ron just carries to lure that killed Willy around with him.
"Yeah! Your dad is George Washington!"
THEORY TIME: Like this episode is where we get most of our information about the kids' time in Ravenloft, and like...I don't buy it. Looking at how the kids phrase things, I've been solidly convinced that the O-Dads have Geas'ed the hell out of these kids so they can't give any specific details about what was done to them, but I feel like there's a loophole where they can talk about things that weren't done. So, for example: Nick specifies that Bill ignored him. I'll keep coming back to this as we keep going.
Weird detail: Darryl is with Glenn on the murder Henry's dad train at the start.
God I love to hate Barry Oak so much, he makes me skin crawl and he is in top form in this episode.
"I AM DRIVING WITH MY FRIENDS, FATHER! I'LL TALK TO YOU LATER!" It's such a teenager-y thing to say and I feel like it really gives a snapshot into what their relationship was like back in the day.
I really wanna get a snapshot into Nick's mind as he hears his dad completely lose his cool about Barry. Like, my boy did such a good job trying to act unbothered and brave, and then Glenn just is deeply and visibly upset about Barry almost killing him (which is valid, I just feel like it's a new experience for Nick)
Lark and Sparrow jumping in to drive when Henry lets go of the wheel. Like, not sure what happened with Sparrow, but Lark has been an epic driver from the get-go.
ANOTHER THEORY: Sparrow is really interesting in this episode. He willingly covers his ears when asked by Henry, and he's the one who hits the brakes when Henry tells them to stop the car. He's also just weirdly chill and forgiving, and like...I do not buy this as love wolf shit, he is clearly under some kind of magical influence to make him more compliant. You do not get the Sparrow that looks scared in the drone footage in episode 28 to this remarkably chill and forgiving kid without magical interference.
Freddie putting his foot down that Glenn would not mess with firearms while drunk
Barry's "Oh kakaw kakaw" when he's shot is probably in my top ten vocal stims from this show.
Lark enthusiastically supporting Glenn shooting Barry makes me so happy
Henry going from trying to be firm and calm as Glenn loses his shit, and immediately shifting to "ooooh, I hate you so much" as soon as Barry starts talking to him is so funny. Just all the ideals fly out the window.
Find it super interesting how Henry cites "respecting his choices" as a thing here considering what happens later on with the bracelets.
I both do and don't want to know if Anthony already had the idea for the Lark and Sparrow homunculi when Barry offers letting Henry take his kids and run and giving up all the other kids. Like regardless of whether or not it was planned, I do love the idea that Barry is giving this offer because he knows he's got the real ones tucked back in Oakvale.
I love the word abscond, okay?
Love Barry framing his failure as a father as disappointment in Henry's choices. I want to kick him in the face.
Mr. Mustache calling Ron "Honey"
"No. You just exasperatedly asked why a bunch of times. A.k.a. the Henry Oak special."
Geas theory follow up: Lark telling them they forgot to feed them fits into the loophole of being something the granddads didn't do, so they're allowed to mention it. Also this part of starting to hint at what exactly went down is so just *chefs kiss.*
Freddie's "WHY?" When Matt asks if Darryl can perceive that Ron peed his pants.
Freddie being told the charm needs to be in an enclosed space and immediately going "What if we had an umbrella?"
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Freddie picking the first audio result for Fantasy Tavern for the sound.
"Bring us your hottest moms!"
This next bit always slays me and I don't even know why:
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The jokes about the level one adventurer group is beautiful. I hope things turned out okay for that fighter and four rogues.
Henry making up Mr. X only for Mr. X to be real.
Ron thoroughly describing the fake voice he's going to do, only to reveal it's just his normal voice.
Ron's whole exchange with the other rogues.
Henry describing Glenn's fantasy voice as Italian
Anthony trying to keep up with what the crew are trying to do as they're attempting to get a room.
Also, everything is in shillings now for no adequately explained reason?
The random bar patrons who are gonna be so disappointed when they make it to the other side of town to find out that Hi I'm Ron is not playing.
The start of the NPCs realizing they could have asked for more money gag.
Glenn almost going to see what's up with Mr. X but then getting bored.
Anthony doing a C3P0 impression
Geas Theory update: Grant phrases it as "they weren't nice" and the most detail we get from Grant is that "Willy's really mean" only for him to then say, "It was fine, I guess." Terry tops out at saying that Willy "shouted at them a fair number of times" and that's as intense as any of their descriptions get. Like this is sus as heck. Especially since at minimum, we know that Lark and Sparrow got homunclui'd and that somehow, Barry got the twins to sit quietly. The boys are underselling this and the only one that would be in character for would be like...Nick (who we already saw was super shaky). Darryl even prompts Grant saying it's okay if it was rough and they were scared and we still get no further information.
Ron's scary story is so good for so many reasons. Like the way he tries to make it spookier by making Willy a man with a fishingpole for an arm, by calling fish "food that breathes underwater" like that mixed with the realization that he's telling the story of how Willy died is just...an excellent combo of scary and not scary and it's just a baffling bunch of weird that is pure Ron.
Terry being baffled by Ron asking if they want to sing Rock-a-bye Baby, only for it to turn out Ron doesn't know the words.
"You find more knives than not knife in his pants."
The fact that Lark was smuggling knives for a breakout attempt is just so lovely, go off my murderous little weirdo.
Also seeing Henry taking weapons from his kids knowing where this ends up is just (collapses into a ball of sad)
Henry deflecting from the werewolf questions by just switching to the topic of puberty, only for Sparrow to be too receptive to wanting to learn.
Darryl overhearing Paeden saying that Grant's dad is cool only for Grant to not say anything in response.
"Did Ron kill his dad?"
Seeing Darryl be actually upset about the fact that he's the only one who'd want to see his dad, but his dad's not there. And seeing Darryl actually grapple with the idea that he doesn't understand Glenn, Henry, and Ron's relationships with their dads, and like the weird feeling of not being able to relate being isolating, but still realizing it's an isolation you should be thankful for.
Ghost football ft. George Washington and one of his slaves
"Dude, that was the entire snarling id of the American masculine psyche in one image…It was like football, George Washington, your dad, and the Sword of Damocles that is slavery."
Glenn in the dream space
Bill Close calling Glenn tiger is just like such a small detail but it's like one of those moments that we really can actually see him being a dad, I think?
The gut punch of "Do you love me?" and "You wake up." like God DAMN!!!!!
Like this episode is such a buffet of character dynamics, and jokes, and lore, and room for theories, and I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!! WHY DID IT TAKE ME SO LONG TO REALIZE IT'S MY FAVORITE????????
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lynmars79 · 4 months
Midst Season 3 Eps 14 & 15 Time Comparisons
Cuz I just really needed to see certain lines and events as Saskia's doubling really gets a work out here, as the narrators also play with their foreshadowing and narrative doubling, and I am desperate to know how it's going to resolve (I had to pace for awhile after finishing "Breach"). For everyone else, but especially Saskia, all things considered. I may know by the time this posts the morning ep 15 goes public, but I wouldn't be surprised if that question is left hanging for a few more weeks.
I'll put the transcriptions of the images' content under the cuts (since I cannot put the words into the columns), but they are 2 side by side document images, with timestamps taken from the videos on the main site, of episodes "Shindig" and "Breach", including their taglines and run times. Certain lines in each transcript are bolded.
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Shindig Transcript “Life is a cabaret, old chum.” Episode length: 26:55
33 secs through 1:08: Narrator 3: That’s not to say that Saskia’s own inner torment and agony have dwindled. Indeed, if anything, she is at maximum rebellion, and is real, real hoppin’ mad, and sad, and betrayed. Narrator 2: But she’s putting on a brave face, with her Midst face, and true to her word has said nothing to anyone about her new moon knowledge. Nobody needs to know that here tonight. Her other self… we don’t need to worry about her just yet. But putting on nice parties for her community has always made her feel better.
1:48 through 1:59: Narrator 2: (Saskia) “Let’s get this party started! Wait, oops…” Narrator 1: She looks around for a second, wondering which one of her bodies that was. Narrator 2: (Saskia) “Did I say that here or there? Shit. Well, works either way. Anyway…”
3:00: Narrator 3: We’re all back at the Black Candle Cabaret you guys! It’s so wholesome. It’s basically late afternoon and unlight streams in through the open door and windows.
3:30: Narrator 1: Everyone is back together again. Well, almost everyone.
4:17: (Narrator 1) And many, many others. All here, all alive, and together. Narrator 2: Goddamn, this town’s been through a lot.
(Emmet’s toasts, “Fuck Moc Weepe”, dancing begins)
12:43 through 12:51: Narrator 2: Within moments, the floor of the cabaret is absolutely on fire. Narrator 3: With dancing, not with fire. That would be bad. Narrator 2: That WOULD be bad.
14:33 through 15:00: Narrator 3: (Sherman) “I wish both of, uh, you, were home, too.” Narrator 1: Tzila glances skyward at this comment. (Tzila) “Yeah, what are you doing up there right now, Saskia? Are you with Lark and Phineas? What’s going on?” Narrator 2: (Saskia) “It’s, uh, well, if you don’t mind, I’d just rather focus on what’s here right now. Let’s pretend I’m not anywhere else, just for tonight. If anything important happens, I’ll fill you in later.”
16:47: Narrator 3: Saskia has that way of looking at everything all at once. Narrator 2: Even moreso now.
17:38: Narrator 2: Saskia smiles at (Sherman). He sees her affection for it all, but he also sees a great deal of pain underneath all that.
18:53: Narrator 3: (Sherman) “Maybe we can all stay.” Narrator 2: (Saskia) “Maybe we can.”
19:57 through 24:17: Town rounds through That Damn Moon Mining Song. 20:19 is Saskia’s verse, following Goe’s opening. She passes it to Ettie.
24:18 through 24:42: Narrator 3: As the town works their way through their verses, Saskia takes a moment to slip off on her own. [The singing and party sounds recede into the background as the scene transitions outdoors. Cricket ambiance.] Narrator 2: The party’s in full swing now. Her work is done. Narrator 3: She’s an excellent host. Narrator 2: She gratefully takes a seat on the stoop out front of the cabaret, takes her heels off. Emotions are very high. Narrator 3: This has been a beautiful, difficult night.
24:48: Narrator 2: Stationary Hill glimmers in the desert night before her. A warm, fold-safe glow emanates from the cabaret behind.
25:09: Narrator 1: Sherman examines Saskia. She looks tired. He can scarcely imagine what it’s like to be here, but to still be up THERE at the same time. No wonder she’s exhausted. Narrator 2: She’s been through a lot.
25:56 through 26:18 Narrator 2: Saskia, who had been a little lost in thought just now, returns to herself and looks clearly at Sherman. Narrator 3: Really looks at him, a remarkable rarity, taking him in. She gives him a tiny smile and shakes her head. Narrator 2: (Saskia) “It’s okay,” she says quietly. “You go on without me.” Narrator 3: And he does, returning to his daughter, giving Saskia a moment alone.
Breach Transcript “Trickle-down economics.” Episode length: 43:55
43 seconds: (First mention of Saskia) Narrator 1: And a stunning blonde dreamy-eyed assistant who’s pushing a handcart of official-looking Trust-stamped Valor and Caenum sacks, one of each.
3:06: Narrator 1: Ms. Ledge and Saskia offer up the two bags for inspection.
8:39 through 9:32: Narrator 2: (Saskia) “Let’s get this party started!” Saskia says, a little too loud for comfort. “Wait, oops!” Narrator 1: Hieronymous and Lark look at her sharply, and then scan for passersby. Narrator 3: Nobody in the hallway right now. Narrator 2: (Saskia) “Did I say that here or there?” Saskia looks alarmed, glancing around, wondering which of her bodies said that. Narrator 1: Both, apparently. Narrator 2: (Saskia) “Shit. Well, works either way. Anyway…” Narrator 1: Loxlee leans in to Saskia. (Hieronymous) “Are you okay there? You gonna be a problem for yourself?” Narrator 2: (Saskia) “Nope,” says Saskia. Her cheeks are a little bit red. “Momentary distraction. All good.” Narrator 1: Hieronymous doesn’t seem entirely convinced, but he drops it, warily. Narrator 2: The Breach team has all been briefed at this point on Saskia’s unique condition, but they are by no means used to it. She’s an oddity. Hopefully not a liability.
9:32 through 9:45: Narrator 1: The party proceeds apace. Narrator 3: We meant this party of saboteurs, but technically yes, the dance party in Stationary Hill, many miles away down on the Mediun, is moving right along also.
(Party travels through the Vault and down even past the Arca, and S2 Ep 13 “Inside” tells us the elevator from the lobby to that level is a long ride.)
15:19: Narrator 2: In any case, no one moves a fucking muscle — other than Saskia, hastily shrinking herself into the background to hopefully avoid Imelda’s notice.
17:06: Narrator 3: Saskia has been attempting to lurk in the background, but nothing can evade the light of the Trust forever. Imelda’s brow furrows and her mild expression falters minutely as she begins to recognize a truly inconvenient number of them.
29:40: Narrator 3: Boom. [A sizzling of muffled explosions, like firecrackers at a distance.] Narrator 3: Fire flashes through the Caenum tubes. Narrator 2: Half the room blows up. [A massive explosion.] The floor rips asunder, heaving and splitting, and everyone is thrown off their feet.
(Jonas turns, Weepe orders him and the breach party killed except for Lark, the Company prepares to fire, Gretel’s flying a ship below the hole)
40:38: Narrator 2: And Saskia Del Norma finally pulls herself up out of the rubble to stand at the end of the wheezing bank machine, next to the one hopper still full of unexploded Valor.
41:27: Narrator 2: The following happens in the next five seconds.
41:43: Narrator 2: The Breach all exchange a look, and Saskia, beside the remains of the bank machine, lays her hand on the routing lever for the other still-uncirculated funnel full of white Valor beads. They all see what she’s thinking.
42:21: Narrator 2: Saskia looks to her compatriots in Breach — really looks at them, a remarkable rarity, taking them in. Their eyes are going wide with realization. Saskia gives them a tiny smile and shakes her head. (Saskia) “It’s okay,” she says quietly. “You go on without me.”
42:56 through 43:19: Narrator 1: And the remaining Breach survivors and Jonas Spahr lean back, fall over the lip of the crevasse, and plummet into the void… as Saskia stays behind, locks eyes with Weepe, and gently routes the funnel of Valor beads to “Shred.” [screen goes white] Narrator 2: Boom.
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xolliwritez · 1 year
hiii, congratz on 100+ followers!! i saw you were doing an event and i have a few ideas. ik you said we can send up to 3 requests but you can choose whichever demon slayer request i send in peaks your interest!
enmu and rui bothering douma for fun but in retaliation, douma tickles them until kokushibo tells him to stop bullying the two (even though they were bullying douma first)
daki and douma teaming up to tickle gyutaro since he never smiles or laughs
kyojuro tickling sejuro to make him feel better the night before he leaves for his first assignment as a hashira
Departure Day || KNY Tk Fic
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A/N:Hello anon!! It's been a good while since I last wrote about Rengoku, so do forgive me for not choosing the other's! I may get to them in future!! Enjoy!
Summary: Senjuro is feeling rather down that Kyojuro is leaving so soon, it's Rengoku's first mission as a Hashira to bring a smile to his lively brother's face.
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Dusk came in rather quickly, and so did Kyojuro's departure train to the demon slayer corps. Senjuro was seriously stressing out, despite being proud for his big brother. He would refuse to eat or sleep after hearing the news for the last few night's, and Rengoku had to put a stop to this onslaught.
As Rengoku packed the last of his thing's for tomorrow, he heard soft sobbing coming fron the other room, he could recognize that cry no matter where he was, and quickly stopped and dropped whatever he held to quickly arrive outside his little brother's door.
"Hey little firefly! What's wrong?" He obviously knew what was wrong, but he wnted Senjuro to be brave and explain it anyways, knowing how much he struggled to explain his emotions, it was part of being an older sibling, after all, Kyojuro wouldn't be there forever, and Senjuro knew that.
Rengoku sat silently beside Senjuro, his hand rubbing his shoulder as Senjuro leaned against his touch, now sobbing into his shoulder, his weeping calming at the comfort of his bigger brother. "I'm going to miss you, Kyojuro.. after all you've done for me, I can't even repay it back." He explained between sniffles and slight chokes to hold back his tears, and Rengoku's heart swollened.
"You've done enough." Rengoku said in his usual soft tone whenever his brother was upset, his response made Senjuro look into his eye's, full of confusion, waiting for an answer. "Being my brother is enough for me, I couldn't of been any luckier." Rengoku ended it with a wide smile that could rival the sun with it's brightness, and Senjuro smiled a bit, yet he looked away, still upset, causing Rengoku to sigh softly, a small yet mischievous smile replacing his soothing one, and Senjuro was oblivious as Rengoku's hands hovered over his little brother's side's, and as soon as he heard a small sob, it setted him off, hands descending playfully against his little brother's small torso, scribbling at his side's and ribs in unison, amusement tugging on his lips as Senjuro sobs turned into surprised gasps and adorably childish squeals of laughter.
"You know, the tickle monster doesn't like it when his favourite victim is sad!"
"K-Kyojuhuhuro! Ihihi'm nohot fihive anymore!"
"So?" Rengoku laughed at his reply, smiling ever so more wider as he heard his little brother shriek, a few fingers hitting a particularly sensitive spot on the side's of his ribs, making him wriggle around like a worm. "Look at you wiggling around! How adorable! I guess some things never change when you're no longer five, hm?" He opted to tease, and it was became quite effective, as the final results showed a red faced little brother.
Senjuro and Kyojuro continued to play like this for awhile longer, making the younger brother almost forget why he was uoset in the first place, and once he started growing limp, Rengoku stopped, holding his brother into a gentle yet firm hug.
"I promise you, whenever I can, I'll come and visit you, alright?" He smiled, as Senjuro giggled, nodding in reply.
The next morning, Kyojuro waved his brother off, giving eachother a long hug before he left, and Senjuro smiled, awaiting for the next time he could see his brother with his now signature wide smile.
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bebepac · 2 years
The Vampires Live On: Part 2
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I thought this was too good not to use it given my choice of using eye color to identify a very key characteristic of The First Family. Heh heh heh :)   
I am participating in @choices-november2022​  day 1:  “All is Well”  which will appear in bold.
In case you missed the first part:   The Vampires Live On
The Book: TRR Word Count: 2618 Ratings and Warnings:  Teen / Mention of character deaths,  blood Pairings:  Liam (Richard) x Riley (Alice) Summary:  Alice begins to get acquainted with her “new” life.
Song Inspiration:  Golgotha Tenement Blues by Machines of Loving Grace
Original Post: 11/1/22 at 5:21PM EST.
I have seen many horrors in my life. 
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Bodies torn limb from limb, disemboweled, beheaded, but nothing prepared me for what I saw that night. NOTHING in my whole existence of walking this earth in the days or in the nights. I had never seen anything like it.
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  I do not consider myself an overly emotional man, but the scene displayed before me would have brought me to tears, even if She hadn’t been a part of it.  Beautifully tragic is the only way I can describe it.  It almost didn’t seem real; it was like some sort of cruel artistic masterpiece.
The moonlight breaking through the trees 
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illuminated the pair as if it was casting its light down from the heavens above only for them, to show me their infinitely beautiful souls; living angels had lost their lives that night.  The twin sisters’ lifeless bodies lay next to each other, close enough that their hands were linked. They were true mirror images of each other.  Alice was holding the wound to her neck with her left hand, Clara was holding hers with her right.  Their free hands  locked in an eternal grip showing their connection to each other in life, and in death.  The true love these sisters displayed for each other  in such a horrific moment, such pure unconditional love for each other, who had shared everything, including their mother's womb from the moment of conception that  even at the point of death, they reached to comfort and hold each other.  Clara's eyes, though devoid of life, were still fixed on Alice.  I had to turn away for a moment from the scene to weep,
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 because in that place you could still feel remnants of the sister’s love  for each other, imprinted in that spot where the two died together.
I  closed Clara's eyes, and touched her face; the face she shared with her younger sister.  Her beautiful face was stained with blood and dirt, and cheeks were still wet with tears, not for herself, but for her sister. I took my handkerchief from my breast pocket  to wipe her face clean.
"Fearless Clara, you were so very brave. You saved her long enough for me to get here. I'm sorry that I could not save you too. I’m so sorry." I whispered to her wishing she could hear me.
The next part, I didn't want to do. I pulled Clara's hand free from Alice’s grip, I kissed her hand  before I lay it to rest at her side.
"Thank you for your sacrifice.  I promise you, it was not in vain.  I will take care of Alice for you, for eternity. She is now part of the First Family, my family. You will not have to worry about her wellbeing. I will keep her safe."
I kneeled at Alice’s body next.  
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“I’m sorry you will not be able to say a proper farewell to your sister and your friend.   But we must leave the country immediately to ensure your safety.”
In only a few minutes the wound to her neck was already starting to heal, and the coloring of her skin was beginning to change. Alice’s eyes were closed, I opened them.  Spontanous healing was only the start, the other changes within her body had already begun, her eyes were no longer brown, they had turned gray, symbolizing she was residing in the realm of the dead for the moment until her transformation was complete.
I scooped her limp body from the ground to my arms, and ran to my home in that area.  Our maids and servants were shocked by the sight of me, covered in blood, carrying what appeared to be a dead woman.
“My Lord what has happened?”
“She was attacked, her party she was with, murdered.  She needs to be bathed and dressed in clean clothing.  Then we must  prepare to leave.”   The two maids carried Alice out of the room being discreet as they always had been. They were trusted servants of The First Family.
“Where are we going now?  What did you do?”  
“That is her isn’t it?  The mortal you’ve been keeping time with.  You turned her?”
“She was attacked Sister.  She consented to the gift I could give her. She would have died otherwise.”
“You should have let her. That’s why she was born a mortal being. They live to die.”  
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“Alice is special.”
Katherine let out a knowing laugh.
“Because, she awakens the fire in your loins?”
“I could not let her leave this world, and leave me in it without her. I had to do it.”
“Why Brother?”  
“BECAUSE I LOVE HER!!!!!  We need to make arrangements for her family and then we must leave this place.”
Katherine nodded.  “Alright brother, I will aid you in what you ask, but I’m picking the place this time.”
The Awakening
The hunger had me almost incoherent.  After dressing, Richard helped me out to the backyard where it appeared a party was going on.
“Where are we?”  
“We’re in Greece. More specifically Oia Santorini.  My family has homes on every continent, in most countries. Safe havens for us.  The people here are our subjects, loyal and have pledged allegiance to the First Family.  Pick one of them to join us. Ignore the music playing  and listen to their heartbeats. Find the one that beats a song that is just for you.”  
“How do I….”  
It was almost like Richard's simple suggestion had made it happen.  I could no longer hear the music, yet the people were still gyrating to its rhythm.
There was a symphony of heartbeats around me.  Some fast, some slower, and then one seemed louder than the rest.
“You found one.” He whispered.  
I pointed to a gorgeous woman dancing alone as she spun in a white dress. She was enchanting.  
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 When Richard nodded in her direction, she immediately started walking towards us.  
“As have I.” He motioned in the opposite direction and another woman began heading in our direction.  
Richard led us back inside, followed by me, the two women trailing behind us.  
“Would you mind waiting here for a few moments darling?”  He gently stroked the cheek of the woman of his choosing, I felt a slight twinge of jealousy.
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“Anything for you, my Lord.”  
We walked into the sitting room with the woman of my choice.
“Have you been a part of the First Feed?” He asked the woman.
The woman surprisingly looked at me as her heart immediately began to race.
“No, My Lord.”  She stammered. She looked at me again.
“Are you afraid of me?” I timidly asked.
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“No, My Lady, not at all.”  She smiled at me in an attempt to reassure me, but I knew that she was lying.
Richard spoke to the woman in a soothing tone, and immediately her heart rate began to slow again.
“Would you like some wine to relax you a bit?”
“Yes, my Lord, that would be rather enjoyable.”  
As she sipped her wine, Richard spoke to me.
“I am speaking to you now at such a low level that she can’t hear it, but only beings like us can decipher.”  
I watched the woman who was still drinking her wine, glancing casually around the room.  
I lowered my voice and spoke back to him.  He nodded in affirmation.
“You are picking this up quickly like it’s second nature for you. A first feed is difficult for a new vampire because they are unable to control their thirst.  They can accidentally kill humans because they feel so starved.   You feed only until their heart starts to slow. You never drain a human dry because they will take you to death with them.  We can only survive on blood that is alive, that is being pumped through a living heart.”
“I understand.”  
“I’ll be here with you the whole time.  I’ll be listening to her heart too, and will remind you when to stop.”
I nodded.
“Are you ready, My Lady?” She inquired.
The woman stood setting down her empty wine glass. She slid her dress off her shoulder, and brushed her hair to one side giving me complete access to her neck.  I grabbed her neck and in an uncontrolled manner beared my fangs.
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She flinched.      
“Gently Alice.  With the transformation, physical strength is something you carry with you in spades now.”  
I lessened my grip on her neck.  
“Better.  Do you see the pulsing vein in her neck?  That is where you bite her. Whenever you are ready.”  
The pulsing of the vein was mesmerizing. I licked my lips; this hunger felt like no other. I couldn’t wait any longer.  I had to taste… her.  
When I bit into her neck, she whimpered.
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The taste of the blood was rich, nothing like I had ever experienced in previous human existence.  I pulled her closer to me, tightening my grip on her, continuing to feed off her life force.  Her heart still remained steady.  I felt my own body relax in this place with her where I felt like only her and I existed.  She. Was. Delicious.
“Alice stop.”  
I heard him, but I didn’t want to, instead I held her tighter and sunk my fangs deeper into her skin.
The woman cried out in pain.  I felt her grab my shoulder digging her nails into my flesh, but I did not feel any discomfort.
“Alice, that's enough.”
I was greedy and wanted more, so I continued.
“ALICE STOP!!!!”  Richard screamed, pulling me away from her.  
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The woman stumbled backwards away from me falling to the floor.  
I hissed at him.  
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What in the world?  I hissed at him like an animal?
“I don’t know what came over me.  I’m sorry.”
He gently caressed my face. “It’s alright Alice, these are new feelings for you. It’s difficult to control, I know, and I’m here for you Love.”  
“Is she alright?”  
I glanced down at the woman that was now sitting on the floor disoriented.
“All is well.  She will be fine.  She needs to eat, and rest.”  
Richard called for maids that removed the woman from the room.
He smiled at me.  
“Now it’s my turn.  I want you to watch, and listen.”  
He opened the door and held his hand out to the woman, she took it walking into the room.  
“Are you enjoying this evening’s festivities?”  
“I am My Lord, it’s always a very lively time when members of the First Family are here in attendance for the gatherings.”
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“I’m sure it is.”  
Both him and the woman laughed.   He was so charismatic, and charming as he spoke, and she was fawning all over him.   Was that how I was with him?  Maxwell had said he looked like he fancied me, but he looked like he fancied her too.
The woman leaned in to kiss him but instead, he turned her face away from him exposing her neck.  
“My heart belongs to another.”  
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He whispered as he bared fangs.
I watched him be gentle with her.  I had been savage and bruised the woman.  He caressed her skin with what looked like a feather like touch, almost like a lover.  When her heartbeat started to slow, he pulled away immediately.
“Thank you for your gift to me.”
“You’re welcome, my Lord.”  
“Now go, get some nourishment for yourself, and enjoy the rest of the festivities.” 
“I will My Lord.”  
She did a little curtsy to him walking by me and she smiled.  
“My Lady.”  
I nodded to her.  
Richard wiped his lips. And smiled at me.  
“Now that we have both fed, and you can think clearly, I’m sure you have a lot of questions.”  
“Do you fancy her?”  Why was the first question that flew out of my mouth? What was I thinking?
“No. I said there was another that has my heart. She is frequently part of my fantasies in both the dream and waking world.”  
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Richard smiled. Why was he smiling like that?
“Why are we here?”
“For your safety, we had to create distance between you and your old life.”
“I need to go back, my sister needs to be buried…. Her…. Maxwell…”  
“Do not worry about it,  while you were healing I made arrangements for your sister and her paramour to receive burials reminiscent of a Lord and a Lady.”  
“I need to be there.”
“You can’t be there.”
“Why not?”
“You died Alice.”
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He nodded,  he took my hand leading me over to the couches.  
“I understand your anger, pain, frustration, and also desire to be with them. Alice, I came to that first show out of sheer curiosity. I had heard rumors of twin witches that used their femine wiles and love spells to charm men into giving them money.”  
“We are not witches.”  
“I know, and if you go back now, how are you going to explain the blood, Alice? The amount of blood you lost, would not have someone walking around after it.  And you don’t even have a scratch on you. How would you explain surviving the attack to your party?”
“They saw you leave with them, they knew you were together, and you were miraculously the sole survivor? They could even pervert the events to say it was you that killed them all.”  
“But that’s not what happened Richard?”
“Alice, they wouldn’t care, because they’re human and with that comes fear of things they do not understand.  If you weren’t a witch before to them, you would be one now, 
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and they would burn you for it.  I’ve seen it happen too many times.  Your life as you knew it is over. Alice Hughes is dead. They don’t have a body, but they saw how much blood you lost.”  
“But what is this life for me now? 
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 I sustain myself on blood alone? That’s all I need?”  
“Your life can be anything you want it to be.  Yes, you sustain yourself on the living’s blood. You no longer require conventional nourishment.”  
“You always ordered spirits.”  
“That I never drank, but would gradually get rid of in movements too fast for the human eye to see, to appear that I was.”  
“Will I ever be able to return home again?”  
“In time, when the people that knew you are dead. You can’t risk being recognized by any people you currently know.”  
“Will you teach me how to fight?”  
"Alice, I won't let anyone hurt you, you are safe with me."
"And I believe that Richard, but that's not why I need this."
“Why do you want to learn?”  
“Because, I don’t want anyone else I care for to die for me, ever again.”  
Richard wiped my tears away from my eyes and I embraced him.  
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“Yes, I promise I will teach you everything I know about combat, and I have friends that can help. But I will always protect you because I care deeply for you Alice.”
I pulled away from him to stare him in the face.
“You care for me?
“I do, and if you had decided to follow your sister into death, I don’t know that I would be able to have walked this earth one more day, knowing you are not on her.”  
“You really care for someone like me Richard? I’m poor, I’m an orphan. I have nothing.”
“Someone like you?!?!? You are amazing in every way Alice Hughes!!!!!!  How did you not realize?  I went there every night just to catch a glimpse of you. And paid a small fortune for you just to sit next to me.  When you screamed for help, I heard you, and I ran as fast as I could. I care for you. So much so I want to tell you my real name, as I know yours.  My real name is Gabriel Rhys.”
“And how long have you walked this earth…. Gabriel?”  
“Over five hundred years.”  
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goshdangronpa · 1 year
In SDR2, Ibuki Mioda bites the dust as a result of Monokuma’s latest diabolical motive, the Despair Disease. This element, and Chapter 3 as a whole, remain controversial in the fandom. I’ve seen quite a few YouTube videos proposing “fixes” for the storyline (TinyLeaf’s thoughtful rewrite comes to mind). Many fans think the whole motive is too nonsensical to be salvaged. I happen to find it interesting, and I’d like to keep it in "I DISAGREE: An Ibuki Mioda SDR2 Protag Swap AU" … with a few radical changes of my own.
Down with the Sickness: Starting the Game with Despair Disease
First, let’s review the basics of the Despair Disease. It’s …
A motive! One of Monokuma’s ways to push ordinarily non-homicidal teenagers into concocting and enacting fiendish murder plots. I’m not sure if I’ll invent any new ones for this AU. The ones currently in SDR2 really compel me. That said, I’m definitely not just copying and pasting them. AUs are for bold rethinking, and I’d like to twist this thing around and freshen things up.
More literally, a communicable illness. While symptoms include fevers and fatigue, the standout side effect is a major reversal of the sufferer’s personality. Some say it turns people into their exact opposite, which seems … a bit simplistic, but it’s a good starting point. It might be most accurate to say that the infected is definitely not acting like themself.
Well … a bit bullshit. I agree with many of the criticisms often leveled at this plot device. The drama of Danganronpa comes from thoroughly fleshed-out characters taking desperate actions based not just on their circumstances, but on who they are and what they value or stand for. A magical personality rewiring doesn’t keep with that. Still, there’s something spicy about characters suddenly becoming different, becoming unpredictable, losing control over themselves …
So yeah, I’m keeping it for this AU. But I’m not keeping Chapter 3 intact. This most contentious of Danganronpa plot points will actually move to the very beginning of the story!
Well, almost. The beats of the beginning will stay the same, with virtually the only differences being that Mikan wakes up Ibuki (who foams at the mouth and faints from the island reveal) and they meet everyone at the beach (besides Hajime, who passed out cold). This story still needs those precious few days before things start really going downhill. Time for characters to discuss their options over communal breakfasts, explore their surroundings, and grapple with the reality of their new nightmare lives. Time for them to get to know each other … but not much time at all.
One morning, a few of them are acting out. Granted, they all still think of each other as a little strange, but this erratic behavior seems different. It’s not long before Mikan Tsumiki notices that those classmates’ foreheads are running hot, and Monokuma finally confirms that the first motive is a contagious illness. He’s stingy with details, asserting that the Ultimate Nurse and all these other Hope’s Peak smarties can figure out the details. What he will reveal is that it’ll keep spreading until another life ends through less natural causes.
What a world of difference this rearrangement of events would make! Consider: by Chapter 3, the characters (and the player) already know each other well enough to recognize exactly what’s happening with the Despair Disease. They know to be weirded out by Akane’s nonstop weeping, Nagito’s baseless conspiracy theories, and Ibuki’s mindless obedience. At this early point, (almost) no one will know what to think of their infected classmates’ behavior. Is it that hysteria is a symptom, showing differently in each person? Is it just a normal psychological reaction to an abnormal situation, exacerbated by high body temperature? Is it … something else?
That’s what Mikan and her brave volunteers, including our plucky protag, will spend Chapter 1 investigating. One change cascades into an entirely fresh chapter, and those changes in turn will affect the entire narrative.
To be clear, I’m not doing any of this to “fix” SDR2 Chapter 3. It’s not like I think I’m fixing SDR2 by recasting another character as the main! This is all a creative exercise, a writer’s playtime between the boring day job and more serious personal projects. With that said, I wonder if Despair Disease haters might get something out of what comes from this decision. I’ll share more of this story next time.
PREV: The Major Side Characters
NEXT: The AU Narrative's Chaotic First Three Mornings
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phoenix-downer · 2 years
Where I Belong Chapter 3
Fog and Sleep: ~3170 words. After Sora disappears, Kairi spends a year asleep so her heart can be searched for clues. When she awakens, she trains with Aqua until she’s ready for her first mission: a visit to Olympus Coliseum with Donald and Goofy to follow their best lead they have on finding a dead person. 
Story Info: Sora/Kairi. Starts during the end of KH3/during ReMind and moves into KH4. Kairi POV. Angst, Romance, Fluff.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
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Kairi was home now. Her world tour with Sora was over, and his time on this world was almost through. They were sitting on the paopu tree as if nothing had happened since the last time they’d sat here and shared the fruit that had altered their destinies.
She wished they could go back to that moment and redo everything that had happened at the Keyblade Graveyard, but they couldn’t. 
He was smiling at her with this radiant, serene look on his face, like he couldn’t be happier than to spend his final moments with her. This sunset was one of the most beautiful ones she’d ever seen on Destiny Islands, and yet his focus was completely on her, like he thought she was the most beautiful sight he could possibly see.  
She was trying really hard to keep it together. Trying to be brave. Trying not to cry. She didn’t want his last memory of her to be of her sobbing her eyes out. She wanted their parting to be a happy one. Or if not happy, then at least bittersweet.
He tilted his head and sighed. The way he was looking at her…was he gonna try to kiss her? He had that same look in his eyes as before.
But instead he gently squeezed her hand. “I love you,” he said, the words simple but spoken with all his heart. Spoken so softly only she could hear, but with the full force of his confidence behind them. Her eyes widened and her lips parted, then she smiled bigger than ever, a tear rolling down her cheek. 
To hear the confirmation in his own words, in his precious voice, made her so happy she could sing; to know it was because he was about to die made her feel like weeping. 
Instead she did neither, just smiled a pained, bittersweet smile as he faded away before her very eyes, hoping he’d understand what she didn’t have the words to say. It all happened so quickly, and all too soon he’d vanished like he’d never even been there.
Sora was gone. He was really, truly gone, and the universe felt so hollow and empty without him. 
Even though Kairi had had plenty of time to prepare for it, his disappearance still felt like someone had torn her heart out and ripped it into shreds. She slumped and curled in on herself once she no longer had to be brave for him. The sun was gone like it had taken him and all the light in the universe along with it, and a cold wind tore at the leaves of the paopu tree, whipping them back and forth.
The others tried to comfort her, but she barely registered their presence. Nothing could change the fact that Sora was gone. No amount of nice words or warm hugs made any difference.
She cried and cried and cried until she couldn’t cry anymore, then came the numbness like a fog. Everything was pointless, just like Hercules said. Life apart from the person she loved most felt empty. 
And like a fool she hadn’t told him she loved him too. He’d told her he loved her as they’d sat on the paopu tree together, and all she could do was smile and cry. He’d wanted to kiss her, too, she just knew he had, but he’d run out of time and chose to tell her he loved her instead. And she didn’t even have the decency to return the favor. 
Now she’d never be able to tell him she loved him. If only she’d done so before he’d disappeared.
A part of her hadn’t wanted to tell him, because then it would mean he was gone forever. That she had nothing else to say to him. This way, she had to find him again to tell him what he deserved to hear. 
Or maybe he was gone forever without any confirmation she loved him. 
No, she couldn’t think like that. Sora deserved better. She’d find him, she had to. And so she volunteered to go to sleep so they could search her heart and memories for any clues as to his whereabouts. 
An entire year like this passed till at last they found a lead. But Riku and Riku alone went after Sora. She was scared she’d mess things up again. Afraid she’d be a burden and get Riku killed too. And Riku had concerns of his own about her going with him. 
But that didn’t mean she had to passively wait at home. No, she had to get stronger, faster. So she asked to train with Master Aqua. She needed to be better than ever if she wanted to have a shot at helping Sora.
And so the months passed until finally, Master Aqua thought she was ready for a mission. So here she was on the Gummi Ship with Donald and Goofy, accompanying them as they followed their best lead on finding a dead person. The ship whirled and whizzed through the stars, dodging asteroids and battling Heartless ships and collecting treasures.
Donald was driving, which normally would’ve been Sora’s job. Another reminder that he was no longer with them. She and Goofy were on the other two seats flanking the driver’s seat, and she wondered about all the times Sora had ridden in the ship with them. What kinds of jokes they’d told, what they’d talked about. If he’d ever confessed anything about her or—
“Sora took ya to Herc’s world before, right Kairi?” Goofy asked, trying to make small talk with her. She knew she was a bit of a stick in the mud these days, and Goofy’s little moments of kindness cheered her up in spite of herself. 
“That’s right,” she replied. “We went before he…disappeared.” She didn’t have the heart to say Sora was dead. She just didn’t. 
“I bet it was nice,” Donald said, chiming in. He was carefully maneuvering the ship past a crystalline rock formation, and Kairi sighed and wished she could share this moment with Sora. He’d have some comment to make about its shape, about the way the pink rock shone and sparkled.
“It was,” she said. “It was really nice.” Tears threatened to well up in her eyes again. It had already been a year and a half since he’d disappeared, and yet the pain still felt so fresh sometimes.
Goofy gave her a knowing look. “I’m sorry we’re not goin’ back under better circumstances.” 
“It’s okay. I’m just glad I can be useful for once.” 
Donald and Goofy exchanged glances. “Kairi…”
“It’s okay, you don’t have to sugarcoat things,” she said, smiling ruefully. “It’s my fault Sora isn’t here. If I had been strong enough, I wouldn’t have gotten kidnapped, and if I hadn’t gotten kidnapped, Xehanort wouldn’t have been able to strike me down, and if Xehanort hadn’t struck me down, Sora wouldn’t have had to—” 
“Waaak!” Donald cried, popping out of the driver’s seat and startling her. “Enough of that, it’s not true.”
Goofy nodded. “It’s not. Don’t blame yourself for the things Xehanort did.”
She sighed deeply. Hadn’t she told Sora the exact same thing? Why was she so much harder on herself than she was on everyone else? 
Don’t hate yourself, Kairi, she urged as she fiddled with her necklace. Sora didn’t. Doesn’t. 
“Besides,” Donald continued, “you’ve been training! You’ve gotten a lot stronger.” 
“Ya have!” Goofy nodded. “Aqua’s real proud of ya, a-hyuck.” 
“I hope I live up to her faith in me,” Kairi said quietly. She’d let everyone down before. She didn’t want to do it again. And Aqua had poured so much into her training. She couldn’t bear the thought of disappointing her.
“And you know who else has faith in you?” Goofy asked. 
“We do!” Donald crowed, and Kairi couldn’t help but smile a little. Donald and Goofy were always so encouraging, so uplifting. No wonder Sora enjoyed traveling with them so much. 
“And of course there’s one other person who has faith in ya too,” Goofy said.
“You mean Sora?”
Donald and Goofy nodded. Kairi knew that was true, or at least it had been true. But she and Sora had been separated for a year and a half now. Wherever he was, did he still believe she would find him, or had he given up hope? She felt like Psyche wandering the ends of the earth and for what? Sora was still hidden away from her.
“I just want to see him again, you know?” she mumbled, fiddling with her necklace. “Just one more time…” One more time so she could tell him what she needed to tell him. That was all she asked.
“I’m sure he wants to see you too.” Goofy smiled, and she felt a little less lonely, a little less hopeless. 
“And he will when we find him and bring him home,” Donald promised. “The first thing he’ll want to do is give you a big old hug.”
Kairi nodded. That was what they were here for. They all just wanted to find him and bring him home. 
After a rocky descent (quite literally considering how close they came to hitting Mount Olympus a few times), Donald parked the Gummi Ship in a lush green meadow outside of Thebes that was full of wildflowers. The ship sputtered as its engines shut down, and Donald and Goofy popped out of their seats.
“Sorry for asking, Donald, but why don’t we just park the ship at the Coliseum?” Kairi asked as they gathered their things and got ready to disembark. That would mean they’d get to their goal (Hercules) a lot faster, but instead Donald had chosen to park in the middle of nowhere.
“The world order!” Donald said, holding a finger up. “The people here aren’t anywhere close to this level of technology, so we gotta hide the ship!” 
“Donald’s right,” Goofy said as he grabbed a few extra potions from the ship’s stores and tucked them into his baggy pockets. “We gotta hide the existence of other worlds from most folks, so we hafta sneak around a little, and sometimes that means parkin’ the Gummi Ship in odd places.”
“Ohhhh, okay, gotcha,” Kairi replied. That made sense. When she and Sora had gone on their world tour, he hadn’t held back on using the Power of Waking since he had nothing left to lose, and that meant they got to pop in and out of worlds at their leisure. With the Gummi Ship things were different though. 
“I’m guessin’ Sora didn’t explain this to ya?” Goofy asked, and Kairi shook her head. 
Donald sighed dramatically and rolled his eyes. “Figures. He never was very good at sticking to the rules. Kept getting confused too and thought I was talking about a world border…” 
Kairi giggled into her hand. “That sounds like him.” Man, she missed his dorky self. He’d never been super booksmart, but he made up for it in just how good he was at reading people. He was really good at learning how his enemies fought and using their tactics against them, too. Maybe the teachers at school just didn’t know how to play to his strengths.
Goofy scratched his head. “Hmmm, I don’t know that he was confused about the concept, just how you said it.”
“WAAAAK!” Donald protested, quacking loudly and indignantly. Kairi burst into laughter and Goofy covered his mouth with his hands as he giggled. Donald scowled at them both, fuming, which just made them laugh even harder until he finally relented and joined in their revelry. 
When they’d laughed themselves out, Goofy asked if she was ready to go.
“Oh! I just need to grab one more thing.” Her new pink and black coat that the fairies had given her. It was knee-length and paired nicely with her black boots. She put the coat on over her white blouse and black skirt with plaid ruffles, then glanced at her reflection. The passage of time was visible in her appearance: her hair was longer again and she’d gotten taller. Curvier. She was never going to be some leggy, statuesque supermodel, but she wanted to look nice and well put-together. For her own sake, of course, but also because…
If she found Sora, she wanted him to think she was beautiful. She understood why Psyche had looked in that box with Persephone’s beauty in it despite being warned not to. A year and a half away from Sora…what if he’d met someone else? Someone prettier and funnier and cuter? What if he’d rather be with that person instead of her?
“Ready?” Goofy asked again, interrupting her thoughts. This time she nodded. There was no point in torturing herself over things she didn’t have the answer to. All that mattered was finding Sora. The rest could come later, because it was time to go to the Coliseum.
“You want to go back to the Underworld?” Hercules asked, eyeing their group quizzically. They were at the Coliseum at long last, and he’d just finished a round of training with Phil and Pegasus. Their little group was hanging out in the atrium by the entrance, and a bunch of trophies and awards lined the walls.
Kairi, Donald, and Goofy all nodded.
“Are you crazy?” Phil demanded. “Most people never want to set foot in there even when they’re dead, let alone when they’re alive!”  
“Well, Sora’s dead, so we figured that might be a good place to search for clues,” Goofy explained. 
“Trust me, we’ve already looked,” Hercules said, his head drooping. “Pegasus, Meg, Phil, and I spent days searching as soon as we heard the news.” 
Pegasus nodded, his head drooping too. Kairi gently stroked his forehead, and he whinnied softly. It seemed like just yesterday she and Sora had had their exciting flight on his back.
“Did you talk to Hades?” Donald asked. 
Hercules started and rubbed the back of his neck. “Well, um, he doesn’t like me very much. I ruined his plans for world domination, so…” 
“A-ha!” Donald cried. “So you haven’t talked to the one person who could help!” 
“I tried talking to him, trust me!” Hercules protested. “But you know how he is. He said, ‘You think I’m gonna help my greatest enemy find the little runt who keeps putting a damper on my plans?’ And then he doused his own hair, laughed at his own joke, and disappeared with a puff of smoke. I haven’t been able to find him since. And Meg doesn’t want to work with him again, she was his prisoner for years.”
“That’s okay,” Kairi hurriedly said, waving her hands. “I don’t want Meg to be stuck with him again, and you’ve done all you can to help.” She turned to Donald and Goofy. “That means it’s up to us to find him and talk to him.” 
Goofy scratched his cheek. “I don’t know that he likes us much either,” he said, frowning, “but gawrsh, it’d be worth a shot if he could help us find Sora.” 
Donald chuckled nervously. “I know he doesn’t like us, but I would do anything to find Sora.”
“Me too,” she said. “Besides, he’s never met me, at least I don’t think he has. Maybe he’ll be curious enough that he’ll give me a chance.”
“Kairi, be careful,” Hercules warned. “The kinds of deals Hades makes…they’re always for his benefit and no one else’s. I only got the better end of the deal because he didn’t count on my godhood being restored after I saved Meg.” 
Phil stomped over to her. “Three words, Freckle-Face: Don’t be a schmuck!”
Donald and Goofy tilted their heads and counted the words to see if they matched up with what Phil had said. They did not, which made Donald cackle under his breath and Goofy plaster his hands over his mouth to keep from laughing.
Kairi rested her hand over her heart. “I’ll be careful, I promise. I’m no goddess, but I do have powers beyond what most people have. That might be enough to entice Hades…and keep me safe.”
“Powers? What kind of powers?” Hercules asked, tilting his head. 
“She turned Sora from a Heartless into a human again!” Donald crowed. 
Goofy nodded vigorously. “And she stopped him from dyin’, too.” 
Hercules gave her another look. “Wow, seriously? Now that is impressive, Kairi. Are you sure you’re not a goddess of some kind?”
She waved her hands in front of her. “No no, not at all, I’m just a regular girl. I just so happen to have a Keyblade thanks to my friend Riku, and then I—”
Goofy cupped a hand around his mouth and dropped his voice to a loud whisper. “Kairi here is a Princess of Heart, and her light’s helpin’ hold the worlds together.” 
Donald nodded and also dropped his voice to the best approximation of a whisper he could manage. “We think that her heart of pure light combined with her feelings for Sora gives her powers beyond what a normal Princess of Heart has.” 
Hercules’s face lit up. “A-ha! The power of love. Never underestimate how strong that is, Kairi. It saved my life, and it saved Meg’s too.” 
“You called?” Meg said. She was lounging against the doorway, a half-smile on her face. They all greeted her and caught her up about what was happening, about what they were planning.
“Ugh, sorry you have to deal with the devil,” Meg said, shuddering as a look of pure disgust crossed her face. “I’d offer to help, but I never want to see that snake oil salesman’s ugly mug again.” She looked right at Kairi, her gaze unflinching. “Hercules is right, you’ll need to be careful about what kinds of deals you make with Hades. Under no circumstances should you exchange your freedom or your life for power from him.” 
“Got it,” Donald and Goofy said, but Kairi said nothing.
“I know it’ll be tempting to offer your soul in exchange for Sora’s,” Meg continued, and Kairi fidgeted because it was like Meg was seeing right through her and the possible plan she’d cooked up, “but trust me, there are always strings attached to his little deals. You’ll wind up a puppet and a pawn, and Sora’s soul won’t be worth whatever he offers you.” 
Kairi hesitated for a moment, then finally said, “Understood.” So her original plan was a no go. That didn’t mean she couldn’t think of something else. 
Meg looked to Hercules. “Well, Wonderboy? We might not be able to go with them, but we can take them to the entrance, don’t you think?” 
“We can do that much for sure, and we’ll stand guard at the entrance until you return.” 
“If you scream IX-I-I, we’ll know to come running,” Phil said, and Pegasus nodded.
“Thank you,” Kairi said, grateful for the help of their friends. Donald and Goofy thanked them too, and with that, their group set off for the Underworld.
A/N: Thank you all for reading! I really enjoyed writing the Kairi, Donald, and Goofy friendship moments in this chapter. See you next week! 
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