#i was so confused that this is how playing two sims feels like
episims · 7 months
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Household: Fletcher
During the last round, Cedric and Melody got married! They didn't move together, though – why bother when their houses are right next to each other. They both appreciate their independence, too.
Shay grew up to an adult and found out he's rather good at uh... casting illusions. A handy little trick, especially as he happened to be curious about what others carry in their pockets.
And Atty got bullied by a local wolf :( he could use some of his human partner's magic skills too.
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candychasse · 9 months
Yandere Sim Male Rivals dealing with the, 'me, my s/o, and their 500 dollar life sized mareep plush' meme being their reality.
Characters: Osano, Amao, Kizano, Oko, Aso, Osoro, Megamo.
Contains: g/n reader, not proofread, fluff. At least five of the guys having beef with a plushie.
"What the hell is that."
^ exact words he said when you came home with the adorable pokemon plush.
Despite his harsh words he does think the sheep is cute.
He will complain, like a lot.
"Move the damn sheep." He says loudly as he tries to get comfy in bed. You groaned slightly and moved the sheep to the other side of you. "Thank-" he stops himself as you turn your back to him! "Y/n." He calls out. You turn again to face him, bringing the Mareep to face him too. "Yes?" You ask, a grin slowly growing. "...whatever." He says turning his back to you, 'two can play that game' he thinks.
Two actually cannot play that game. In the morning you found him turned facing you, holding the Mareep tight. You snicker to yourself as you take a photo of him.
He's not particularly the biggest fan of mareep, however, he does understand how much the plush means to you.
I'd imagine he'd try to convince you to move mareep somewhere else like, "Why don't we move Mareep to the couch so they can watch TV?"
^when that obviously didn't work. He accepted his fate.
You had just wrapped up closing the bakery for the day and headed upstairs in order to destress and enjoy the rest of your evening. You headed into your room to pick out pajamas, when you saw it. Amao carefully making the bed and placing Mareep front and center on the freshly made bed. "There!" He said with a smile. Your heart melted and you practically tackled him in a bear hug for his kindness toward Mareep.
He actually hates the sheep. No secret love of it or anything.
He thinks mareep is ugly and takes up too much space in bed.
It's the dead of night, you're sleeping peacefully in bed curled up with mareep. Kizano had just got home from a late night film shoot. He did his skincare routine and prepared for bed, but as he gets into bed he feels an unfamiliar lump in the bed. He tries not to make much noise as he pulls back the blanket and investigates the lump....
It's an ugly sheep?
He blinks in confusion for a few moments then simply casts the sheep aside to the ground, adjusting his body to replace the sheep's former place in your arms.
In the morning he pretends not to know of the plushie when you point out it must've fallen in the middle of the night.
"What plushie, my love?"
I think he'd just get depressed.
Like, I think he'd get self conscious. He really does like snuggling with you late at night, it's even better than summoning demons to him! But now all you do is snuggle Mareep.
Is he not good enough?
You only find out about his feelings towards Mareep during a late night while your a cleaning a stain off her.
"Hey.. Why don't we leave Mareep somewhere else, because she's dirty..?" Oko asks cautiously. You giggle slightly at the thought. "Nah! I'm sure I can clean her up enough!" You replied, dead set on removing the stain. "...great..." He whispers. "What was that?" You question. "I mean great! It'd be a shame if you couldn't cuddle them." He elaborates, but you know Oko, and you know when he's lying, so you decide to toy with him a little. "Well, if I couldn't get the stain off I'd just cuddle with you probably." You say 'off handedly'. "..oh so now you'd want to cuddle with me...." He mutters under his breath. You gasp finally putting the pieces together. "You're jealous of Mareep!" You exclaim loudly. His face turns flush from embarrassment, "..no." He replies turning his face away from you. A common tell of him hiding his feelings. "Well, if you are jealous of Mareep, which I know you're not, I would want you to know that I only got Mareep because I got lonely those nights you would run off to summon demons..." You confess, awkwardly looking down. "Oh, well, uhm, I'm not going out tonight.." He says and your eyes sparkle a little. "Get over here!" You say with a small smile, pushing Mareep to the side and holding Oko closely.
He does however unintentionally abuses the Mareep. Think accidentally sitting on it, using it as a table, etc.
he says sorry to the Mareep everytime.
Throws it in the air really high that it hits the ceiling, BUT he does catch it!
It was a rare occasion where Mareep was chilling on the end of the bed while you and Aso cuddled. Right as the familiar embrace of sleep enveloped you both, a familiar thud was heard. "Aso, Aso, you kicked Mareep off the bed." You said while rubbing his shoulder to try and awaken him. He groaned "huh? Oh shoot! My bad..." He whispered, getting out of the warm bed and picking Mareep up from the floor. You giggled slight at the sight of him placing it carefully onto the bed and returning to your side.
Intentional Mareep abuse. Have you seen those tik toks of squishmallow girls' boyfriends beating up their squishmallows instead of just like, hugging it? Yeah that's Osoro.
HE DOESN'T HATE MAREEP THOUGH! Shockingly (heh get it) he likes the plushie.
"Osaro you're so mean! Mareep didn't do nothin' to you!" You exclaim with a gasp as he absentmindedly punches the mareep. "He's an inanimate object Y/n, he can't feel pain." Osaro replies while punching the Mareep again.
But like Kizana he is not above tossing it a side in order to cuddle with you.
Unlike Kizana he wouldn't put it on the floor but just to the side opposite of the one you're laying on.
Osaro tossed and turned in the middle of the night, to say he had a rough dream would be the least to say. He tries to move closer to you but is blocked by the giant Mareep. Grunting he grabs the Mareep and tosses it to where he was formerly laying. He wraps his arms around your waist and sighs. Now that he's in your arms his dreams seem nicer, even if that does sound silly.
He's a busy guy, being the heir to a mega corp, having his own passions, it's a lot on his plate. So most days he come home by the time you're already asleep.
I doubt he noticed you owned a life sized Mareep until one day...
Once again, we begin our story in the dead of night, you're tucked in, nice and warm. Meanwhile Megamo had just came in from the frigid rainstorm outside. He wasn't all too wet so he just changed clothes and headed to bed. Little did he know, the lump he was cuddling was not you.
In the morning, Megamo was face to face with a sheep's face instead of yours. To say he was a little upset would be an understatement.
He tries bribery, offering you any normal sized plushie you want.
He tries threatening saying that since you're cuddling Mareep you can't cuddle with him.
He even thinks about just throwing it out. But he knows how much it means to you. So he just silently moves it to the couch everyday, and every evening it's back on *his spot* on the bed.
He despises that damn sheep.
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seoktized · 5 months
coulomb’s law (s.jy + s.mt)
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working on a science project with two jocks wasn’t the worst thing ever.. even if you all got locked in a room together.
word count: 3.1k (unedited 😀)
genre: college au, smut
warnings: fingering, creampie, tit play, oral (m. receiving), unprotected sex. literally just smut idk what to tell u 😭
a/n: LOWKKKey self indulgent bc AWRF i love matthew and jake. finally back writing yayy!!! first long fic too omgomg pls tell me if u like, it means a lot!
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you always had a like for all things science, so when you heard you’d be completing a science project you were ecstatic.
‘this would be easy’ you told yourself.
you believed that until you were paired with seok matthew and jake sim who happened to be your former crushes and star football players for your college.
the two of them knew they were stars. matthew and jake didn’t care about doing school work, often paying another student with daddy’s money.
the two were untouchable. because who would bench their best players? especially when they’re so close to making it to the championship?
when your professor announced your name along with the two boys’ you quickly realized easy was an understatement.
after everyone was given their partners, your professor dismissed class in order for everyone to get started on the project.
you stood up and collected your things, mentally preparing yourself to hear either boy to scoff and tell you do the project yourself.
you made your way down the aisle to the area matthew and jake were sitting in, the two of them were engaged in a conversation
‘they probably didn’t hear what the professor even said’ you thought.
your suspicions were confirmed when jake looked up at you with a puzzled look on his face. the three of you rarely crossed paths, so he had the right to be confused.
matthew saw jake’s expression and followed his eyes. the two boys staring at you made chills run down your arms, you could sense the judgment in their eyes.
“are you just going to stand there or…” matthew asked, an awkward expression was present across his face.
“right, um, we were assigned as a group for the science project.” you had a tight grip on your books, the way jakes eyes scanned your figure made you feel small.
“science project?” matthew looked over to jake who shrug his shoulders, “what science project?”
you rolled your eyes, “the professor was literally talking about it the whole time.”
jake chuckled, “all i heard was blah blah blah.” matthew laughed at jakes words.
“well, it’s due in two weeks so i’d like to get started,” you reached into your pocket to grab your phone.
“give me your numbers so we can arrange time to work on it.” you stuck your phone out in their direction.
matthew’s eyebrows raised and jake had a smirk growing across his face.
“woah, asking for my number already? i don’t even know your name sweetheart.” jake teased.
you visibly cringed at jakes attempt at flirting, it was no surprise jake would try and fuck anything on legs. you swore to yourself you’d never give in his advances, or so you thought.
matthew grabbed your phone and typed in his name and number before handing it to jake to let him do the same. jake laughed a little as he was typing in his information. he handed the phone back and you saw a heart emoji next to his name.
you glanced up at him and he shot you a wink. quickly looking back down to your phone, you created a groupchat for the three of you. sending a ‘hi’ to make sure they were in the chat.
“anyways, i’ve gotta get going. i’ll text you guys later to work out the details.” you gave an awkward smile to which matthew responded with a wave.
“bye, doll.” jake grinned. after you turned you heard a hand collide with someone’s chest. you assumed that matthew smacked jake because of how desperate he seemed.
texting them was even harder. the boys barely replied. when one of them did respond, it was a short ‘can’t we have practice’
looking down at your phone, you read matthew’s text which was another excuse as to why they couldn’t join you.
sighing, you set your phone down and decided to start on the project on your own. you knew from the beginning it would be like this. you felt a bit silly for almost believing they’d try to work with you.
you were honestly glad they weren’t able to show up. the whole process would go by much faster without the two of them goofing off the whole time.
you pulled out your laptop and placed it on the table. glancing out the door of the small room you were in, you noticed the usually crowded library was empty. just you and the nice librarian who was busy tidying up her desk area.
opening your laptop you began to type away, looking at different sources to complete the research portion of the assignment. you were pulled away from your research by a buzz from your phone. flipping it over you saw a text from matthew.
matt: practice was canceled and we don’t have anything else to do
we’re coming to work on the project
y/n: okay. i’m in room 28
‘*they really wanna work on this project?*’ you thought. you shrugged your shoulders and continued to work as much as you could before they arrived.
minutes go by and you hear jake being obnoxiously loud. the librarian told him to be quiet and he said a small “sorry, sorry.”
matthew entered first, jake following behind like a lost puppy. jake shut the door behind him and the two walked over to you. jake slammed his backpack on the table a little too hard making you jump.
“shit- sorry,” he quickly apologized.
“so what do you want us to do?” matthew asked, pulling out a chair so he could sit down.
“well, i’ve started on the research part,” you turned your laptop around to the boys, showing them the progress you’ve made so far.
“so you guys could go through and start writing out the experiment we have to do. i’ll send it to you.”
the two nodded and brought out their own laptops. you quickly typed away on your computer, sending them the doc you were working on.
matthew was actually focused on working. jake on the other hand kept sighing as his short attention span was creating a problem for him.
“why the hell do you keep sighing?” matthew snipped, starting to get frustrated.
“i cant focus.” jake whined, his hands combing through his hair in frustration.
matthew rolled his eyes, “dude it’s only been 30 minutes.”
“actually, it’s been an hour. an hour of doing nothing!” jake exclaimed.
matthew shook his head in annoyance at jake. you felt your body start to ache from being slouched over for so long.
you stood up to stretch, “should we get snacks? there’s a vending machine around the corner.” you closed your laptop.
the two boys agreed and stood up to leave the room.
jake reached the door first and twisted the handle. it didn’t budge. he started to twist it more in panic until matthew pushed him out of the way to try himself.
the door was locked from the outside.
your eyes widened, realizing you were locked in a room with jake and matthew.
you pushed the two out of the way trying the handle as if you were stronger than the two of them. unlucky for you, the door did not open.
jake groaned and rubbed his face with his hands.
“ms. kim! can you come open the door?” you yelled out, hoping the librarian heard you.
seconds passed there was no answer. you let your forehead fall against the door, sighing in defeat.
“let me try again,” jake stepped up to the door, attempting to open it again. it didn’t work.
“i guess we’re stuck in here.” matthew shrugged.
you didn’t reply, instead you made your way back to where you were sitting. plopping down in the chair, you opened your laptop back up.
the two boys exchanged glances for a second. jake smirked and nodded at matthew. they returned to their seats as well.
“let’s play a game.” jake said.
his facial expression told you he was up to no good. but you didn’t want to bore yourself to death with work so, you agreed closing your computer once again.
“what game?” you asked.
“truth or dare” matthew smirked.
you pressed your lips into a line, nodding at matthew.
it could be fun. what could go wrong?
“alright jake first, truth or dare.” matthew asked.
“mm.. truth.” jake replied.
“you’re no fun. but hmm.. what’s your.. biggest turn on?” a wicked grin was on matthew’s face.
your eyes widened at matthew’s words. you quickly realized this wasn’t gonna be a fun game. jake chuckled at your expression before pretending to think.
“i don’t know.. probably… begging? something about a girl begging for my dick seems so sexy,” his words were laced with cockiness. matthew nodded and turned to you.
matthew’s gaze made chills run down your spine.
“truth or dare?” jake sat up, waiting to hear your answer.
“um, truth.” you quickly said. matthew shook his head.
“have you ever thought about fucking one of us?” matthew raised his eyebrows, both boys leaned in waiting for your answer. matthew was bold.
“n-no.” you lied. the two of them could see right through it though, nodding and continuing on with the game.
“matt! truth or dare?” jake exclaimed.
“ooh!” jake rubbed his hands together, you on the other hand was scared for what jake was going to say.
“i dare you to… makeout with her for 30 seconds.”
your wide eyes shifted from matthew over to jake, staring at him in bewilderment.
matthew turned to you, “is that okay?” you looked back over to him and paused for a second before slowly nodding.
“i need to hear you say it, love.” he purred.
“yes.. it’s okay” you squeaked.
matthew moved closer to you, turning his head to jake, “count for us.”
“alright, go.” matthew placed his hand on your cheek, pressing his lips to yours. quickly melting into the kiss, you let matthew slip his tongue into your mouth.
your own hands that were once in your lap had found their way to his hair. matthew was a good kisser causing you to almost go drunk on his lips.
“times up!” jake interrupted.
matthew pulled away and you chased his lips, wanting more.
“woah, doll, we gotta continue our game yeah?” he chuckled at your eagerness.
pouting, you leaned back into your chair.
“mkay jake, truth or dare?” matthew asked.
“mm i’ll go with dare now.”
“i dare you to play with y/n’s tits.” matthew’s eyes were glued to your chest watching as it moved up and down from your breathing.
jake shot up and moved around the table to where you were. feeling a little bold, you took off your own jacket and shirt. your white lacy bra on display for the two of them to see.
jakes eyes looked as if they were about to pop out of their sockets. to your right, you heard matthew chuckle.
jakes hands made their way to the back of your bra, swiftly unclipping it. he slid your bra off slowly, his eyes never leaving your chest.
moving in closer, he stuck his tongue out, giving kitten licks to your hardened nipples.
even though it was something small, the pleasure he was giving you was overwhelming. you were completely turned on from making out with matthew and this was the cherry on top.
you remember how you told yourself you wouldn’t let jake have you this vulnerable, but all those thoughts subsided the moment he latched onto your mound.
you bit your lip in an attempt to suppress the whimpers that threaten to slip from your mouth.
jake was basically making out with your chest at this point, one of his hands was fondling with the one he didn’t have in his mouth.
you let your head tilt back before you heard matthew’s voice ring through your ears
“time’s up!”
you lifted your head up, looking at matthew who was visibly hard and who obviously didn’t want the two of you to stop.
jake detached himself from your tit with a loud pop before sitting back in his own chair. his eyes were still glued to your chest.
“did you enjoy yourself?” matthew asked.
you nodded—not being able to speak— the two boys and their previous actions was the only thing on your mind.
“alright princess, truth or dare?” jake’s voice was a bit deeper signaling that he must be as turned on as you are right now.
“dare.” you breathed out.
the two boys exchanged a glance before smiling at you. they both stood from their chairs, moving closer to you. and though you were almost their height, them standing above you like this made you feel small.
“we dare you to let us fuck you.” matthew’s hand went to your jaw once again, stroking it softly.
jake bent down to let his hand trail up your thigh, rubbing dangerously close to your heat. they were waiting for you to give them the green light, which you did with a small “go ahead,”
jake’s hand had now traveled to the waistband of your pants, tugging on them to signal that he wanted to take them off. you lifted your hips up in order for him to slip them off of you.
matthew, on the other hand, was placing kisses all over your exposed chest, tasting what his friend previously did.
jake’s hand pressed against your clothed cunt, watching as the wetness seeped through your panties.
“matt look,” he chuckled, matthew detached from your chest to look down.
“fuck, doll, you’re so wet for us. such a good girl,” matthew praised, you let out a whine at his words.
the want, the need for them was getting stronger. who would thought that a science project would’ve led to you getting this wet for two star football players.
you pushed your hips against jake’s hand, trying to get some friction where you needed him the most.
“you want us to fuck you, baby?” jake asked, letting his hand pull away from your core. he wanted you to beg for them, for him.
“mhm, please. please fuck me.” you whimpered.
“okay love, we will.” matthew replied before jake could.
the two of them raised from their positions for a second in order to rid themselves of their clothes. they were hard. and big. you were in for it.
“i want her mouth. her pretty swollen lips would look so good around my dick.” matthew told jake. he nodded in response to matthew.
“hop on the table for us, doll.” jake said. you quickly moved to the table, laying down for them.
matthew came over to one side and leaned down to place a kiss on your lips. when he pulled back he let his thumb rub over your bottom lip. his other hand was wrapped around his aching cock, stroking it slowly.
“alright baby. i’m gonna fuck your mouth, okay?” matthew asked.
you nodded, sticking your tongue out for him. he grinned in response before placing his dick on your tongue. you let your lips close over his girth and he began to thrust in and out slowly.
jake was now on the side adjacent to matthew. he pulled off your panties, discarding it with the rest of your clothes.
his thumb came in contact with your clit, making you moan around matthew’s cock. matthew winced at the feeling, whispering that your mouth felt so good.
two fingers were now circling your hole. jake pushed his fingers into your warm cunt, thrusting in and out before adding another finger. he continued his ministrations before deeming you prepped enough for his cock.
“gonna fuck you now.” he said before he slowly pushed in.
you all groaned in unison, pleasure on high. matthew was now thrusting at a faster pace, getting lost in the heat of your mouth.
jake was letting you adjust to his size before bottoming out. he stayed there for a second to relish in the feeling of your tight cunt squeezing around him so deliciously.
“fuckk you’re so tight-” jake winced. you tapped your foot on his thigh, signaling that he could move.
he started a quick but deep pace, watching as your tits bouced with every movement. his thrusting cause you to move against matthew’s cock, every thrust hitting the back of your throat.
matthew admired how you were gagging and sputtering on his cock. his hand brushed against your jaw, gripping it a little to thrust faster. you noticed he was starting to near his high as his breaths and groans started to increase.
he slipped himself out of your mouth, “fuck- open up.” he said as he started to stroke his length.
you obeyed and opened your mouth letting your tongue slip out too. he came on your face tongue with a loud groan.
“so so good for me, fuck.” he said as he came down from his peak.
jake’s thrusts were now relentless in an attempt to get both of you to cum. matthew intensely watched the area where you and jake were connected. he felt himself getting hard again at the sight.
your loud moans weren’t supressed anymore which boosted jake’s ego.
“fuck fuck fuck i’m close jake please!” you begged.
“me too, doll, fuck! can i cum inside?” he was roughly gripping your waist, rough enough to leave bruises.
“yeah, i’m on the pill!” you whined at the thought of him filling you up.
matthew was stroking his cock at the scene before him, his eyes flicking between your face and your cunt.
“god, i’m gonna fill this pretty pussy up,” jake moaned. you nodded at his words.
one more thrust was all it took for you to some undone, your back arching off the table, moaning loudly. jake came soon after with a “shit!” leaving his mouth from the way you were clenching around him. his hips were flush against yours, letting your cunt milk him dry.
he pulled out slowly and you whined from the loss of contact. matthew had came in his hand beside you, all three coming down from your highs.
the room was full of panting, everyone attempting to catch their breath.
“hello? is anyone in there?” you heard from outside the door.
all three of your heads shot up towards the door.
“yeah! we’re still studying. give us a second!” matthew shouted.
you stood to put on your clothes, struggling a bit due to your wobbly legs.
the two boys did the same before packing up their things. matthew saw how you were having trouble so he placed his things down to help you out. jake helped by packing your things into your bag.
you all made your way to the door, matthew’s hand was on the small of your back to stable your walking. jake opened the door, smiling at the librarian before you all brushed past her to leave.
“maybe we should work on projects together more often,” jake smiled. matthew made a noise of agreement and you nodded.
and that you did, always making A after A on every project with your new group.
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reallyromealone · 24 days
Another part to the Spencer Reid x reader accidental mating plz
Title: accidental mating
Chapter 3 1/2
Fandom: criminal minds
Characters: criminal minds cast, extra characters with no names
Fic type: omegaverse
Pairings: Spencer x male reader
Warnings: male reader, reader insert, omegaverse, fluff, angst, reader faces gender discrimination, mpreg, a half chapter for now
Notes: been writing this in my off time
Summary: the team has a new mission and feelings are slowly rising while Spencer learns something about his mate while trying to not throttle someone
It had been a month and a half since the two agreed to live together and it's been... Rocky to say the least.
"He puts bread in the fridge!" (Name) Groaned angrily, sitting with Prentiss in her car while they went to get lunch to satisfy (name)s newly developed cravings. "He is a weirdo, other than fridge bread is everything good?"
Minus Spencer avoiding him or treating him like glass and somehow keeping him at an arms length... Everything was fine...
"Just tell him you wanna be with him!" Morgan groaned out and Spencee looked less than thrilled at his best friends words, ever since (name) and him moved into the house together, (name)s scent was hard to ignore and frankly driving Spencer up the wall in the most annoyingly best way possible.
He was just tired of how his alpha reacted to it all, his body practically moving on its own to try and make sure (name) was well cared for always only for him to snap back and push away.
"I don't want to be with him! My alpha is just reacting to the fact he's carrying my children! It's purely biological!" Morgan just stared unimpressed with him, it was clear as day that Spencer had been developing feelings but was too far up his own ass to figure it out. Who would have figured that the smartest man in the room would be so dumb. "Well how are things going at home?" Morgan asked the other who groaned "he keeps moving things, always complaining how it doesn't feel right"
It was another form of nesting, especially with pregnant people. Instead of just making cute nests, they cleaned the house with an aggression like no other and treated the furniture like they were playing sims. (Name) Was no exception, rearranging the house and subsequently dragging Reid along as the Alpha didn't want him hurting himself or the babies "he's really putting you to work" Morgan teased much to the other alphas frustration.
Giggling could be heard across the bullpen, the two looking over to see (name) and Prentiss with a few sandwiches "there you two are, where have you guys been off too?" Morgan teased while (name) took a sandwich out of the plastic bag and handed it to Reid "you didn't eat breakfast" (name) said simply and the Alpha looked down at the sandwich from the deli a few blocks down, the sticker on it showing it had everything he liked on it.
"O-oh uh... Thanks" (name) looked confused at the doctor but didn't pay him too much mind as his belly rumbled and immediately went to his desk to go eat his monstrosity of a sandwich, everyone both horrified and fascinated at the combination of things between some sourdough.
"Pregnancy is a fascinating yet horrifying thing" Spencer said taking a bite of his sandwich while his mate enjoyed his foo-- not his mate.
They weren't mates.
"I heard he seduced him and baby trapped him"
"Well I heard that he blackmailed him"
(Name) Ignored the gossip and whispers about him, Hitch needing to use the restroom and (name) walking ahead back to the alphas office "clearly he had to do... Favors to get this job" if it wasn't him being accused of being a whore it was something...
He loved his pups but he wished it was different and he could have done this on his own time...
"(Name)?" Spencer's voice broke him out of his thoughts, a look of concern on his face... Spencer... God despite being well him, (name) would be a liar if he said he didnt feel attraction to him. "Are you alright?" The Alpha asked concerned, his alpha slipping out subconsciously and (name) just sighed at him. "I'm fine" (name) said calmly, these comments weren't anything new to him and he didn't need his alpha by technicality going all bubble wrap and worry even if it wasn't actually him caring... It was nice though he wouldn't lie.
Another mission, another plane ride.
"You sure he's good?" JJ asked worried while (name) threw up in the washroom "just morning sickness, it will pass" spencer mumbled, already having water and crackers ready.
"Remember (name), you are not to leave our sides" hotch warned seriously and (name) nodded, a calm and casual look on his face and to everyones surpise went closer to Reid, gently looping his arm around the alphas.
"What? It's easier to just have you be seen as my alpha to avoid issues" (name) explaimed but Spencer didn't decide to push, the omegas scent just faint enough for Spencer to smell and his back straightened slightly because of it.
(Name) Felt eyes on him, his belly and the whispers already began "the Omega do something?" A cop asked and hotch glared at him "FBI, we are here on special business, this is my assistant" the Alpha was deeply protective of his assistant and would not tolerate any harassment of him, especially with what happened last time. (Name) Seemed unphased and frankly more calm than he should as the team went to go see the Sheriff to collect more information and begin the investigation.
The sheriff was an older alpha, mustache and rougher skin from not wearing sunscreen in the hot weather, years of work showing on each wrinkle "my, the big guns in our little town? I'm honored" his voice laced with nothing but pure sarcasm and disdain while combing through the team slowly before looking at (name) with an expression that the Omega couldn't recognize "didn't know they let 'megas in the FBI" he grumbled and (name) bit his cheek "he's my assistant" hotch said seriously "we both want those teens to be found, you want this to be over and we want to do our jobs now... Shall we get to work?"
"Fine but the omega doesn't see the evidence" the sheriff said simply and (name) mentally began counting "hes not a cop, he's a citizen and this is under my rules and besides... You know state laws with omegas 'round these parts, don't you?"
"..." Hotch looked ready to explode, (name) never seen him so furious "Reid, take (name) to his hotel" hotch hissed out, eyes not leaving the sheriff's while the rest of the team looked pissed to say the least.
(Name) Was silent, ignoring the snickers from the cops around them while they went to one of the SUVs, Reid's knuckles white while helping (name) in "I can't believe it!" The Alpha grumbled and (name) shrugged "you get used to it... The amount of jobs I was denied for being an Omega... I was shocked hotch took a chance on me" it's why he worked so hard, he always wanted his boss and the person he admired deeply to know he was capable.
That he was worthy of being there.
"You shouldn't be used to this!"
"Trust me, I wish I wasn't but I'm not an alpha who has every door open for him" like Reid, an attractive alpha who was smarter than every person in the room "hell if it weren't for my sister, I wouldn't have even been able to apply without it getting tossed"
"Whose your sister?" (Name) Was happy to distract the genius who seemed genuinely curious about (name)s life "well she's more my step sister but her names Temperance, her parents took me in when I was five... She's the closest family I have"
"Wait... Temperance as in temperance Brennan?" Reid was incredulous at this, how did he not know that his friend was related to his mate?!
Well to be fair, they weren't blood related so they wouldn't look the same...
"She contacted Boothe and he got into contact with hotch who was willing to give me an interview..."
"If... You didn't get the job, what would you have done?"
"My sister would have dragged me to be her assistant or something... I avoided it though because i know her and I would butt heads, she mind of reminds me of you" (name) mumbled and Reid didn't know if he was touched or not but took it as a compliment anyways "I just can't believe Hotch just sent you off like that though!"
"Oh he didn't, he is sending me all the information once Garcia scans it through"
Well now Reid felt silly.
"Can we get pizza? Babies want pizza with honey"
And a bit disgusted.
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vivvangel · 8 months
earned it | jake sim.
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viv's note 💌: i'm so fucking pissed at tumblr, so sorry you req got deleted anon! anon who requested "jake fucking you in a dim light, red room with either the weeknd, drake or chase atlantic playing", this is for u! also part two? 👀 lmk.. 🤭
synopsis: jake being a hot menace, that's it. › pairings & contents: hard!dom jake x fem reader. smut!!! ✧ warnings: jake is mean kinda, pussy slapping, orgasm denial (?), fingering (F receiving), the weeknd's music is playing in the background, mentions of LED lights, degrading, nicknames such as slut, and baby.
🫧 earned it (fifty shades of grey), often, angel, & prisoner by the weeknd
you often found yourself wondering how your boyfriend could be so sweet. how is someone that fine AND sweet? and that's exactly what you were wondering as you laid on his chest, your red LEDs making the room feel rather sensual. almost as if to make things worse, earned it by the weeknd was playing, jake absolutely loved the weeknd and you occasionally found yourself bopping your head to his music too.
you and jake were comfy, jake scrolling on tiktok and his other hand rubbing your thigh slowly. little did he know that it was giving you a thousand butterflies, and lowkey turning you on. just when you thought it was only you, you felt something almost poking your back, you looked up at jake with a confused expression, but before you could say anything — jake's hand slid onto your lower hip, rubbing it with a smirk on his pretty devious face.
"jake.." you bit your lower lip, almost as if you were nervous about what he'd do, even though this same scenario took place several, several times. "mind sitting on my cock, pretty?" jake blurts out, and you swear you felt your jaw drop. it wasn't like you were gonna refuse him, so you hesitantly nod, your hands in a frenzy as they go up to his pants, unzipping and pulling them down — and of course he wasn't wearing boxers, classic jake. his tip leaked with precum, and it looked...angry. jake's cock was so fucking pretty, you lost all sense of self control and respect when you saw it — and he knew that, very well.
"she asks me if I do this everyday, i said often"
"actually baby, lay down" he says softly, but it sounds like an order and you don't feel like being a brat today, so you comply, laying down on your back, jake sits up, his eyes basically fucking you before he slides down your trousers. when his eyes meet your drenched panties, he scoffs. "spread your legs slut, that’s it, no, wider.” he commands and you spread yours legs are far apart as you could, making him grin. "such a pretty pussy, my little slut to ruin, mhm? aren't you?" he says in a husky, low tone and all you could do was nod repeatedly. "words, slut" he hisses and you breathed out a "yes.. jake.. all yours to ruin,, please-- please touch me"
if it was even possible, his devilish grin grew wider. "good girl", he praises and it goes straight to your core, the wet patch on your underwear more evident than ever. he slides your panties off you, groaning at the sight of your dripping cunt. "holy shit.."
jake slaps your cunt and you almost flinch, he's never done that before. he starts rubbing your clit gently, "did it hurt, pretty? and you nod pathetically. jake slid his fingers inside of you, immediately finding your g-spot, but instead of massaging it with his fingers, he slides his fingers out, making you whine. he slapped your pussy one more, and then another time. "if it hurts, why do you keep getting so wet?", you couldn't explain why it aroused you even more, and your lack of response made him slide his fingers in again, and when he found that sweet spot again, you were a moaning, verge of tears, mess on his fingers.
"jakey, 'm gonna cum, c-can i cum, please?" you ask, and you're met with another slap on your pussy, making you moan out. "not until i tell you to, slut"
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f14fun · 2 months
pixelated love (!simmer x mv1) - chapter 6
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synopsis: in which the famous three time world champion max verstappen wants to learn how to play the sims 4. except, he doesn't really know how to. so what does he do, search up a youtube tutorial. low-and-behold, y/n's video is the first he watches.
smau ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ profile | masterlist ⋆.˚✮🎧✮˚.⋆ prev | next | series index ˚୨୧⋆。
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liked by maxverstappen1, landonorris and 187,306 others
yourusername: living out my best sugar baby life thanks to @/maxverstappen 1 😈😈 ty schatze ❤️💦🤤
view comments:
maxverstappen1: You're welcome mein leibling ❤️
user1: BYE what alternate reality joke thingie have i stumbled upon🧍🏻🧍🏻🧍🏻
user2: i feel lost, confused, and BETRAYEDDD
user3: she got that million dollar baby life coming her wayy 🤑🤑💸
user4: chat... i fear that the flirting... erm... m-m-may not be a joke anymore
yourusername: hmmm... maybe not... do you agree?? senpai-san? 🥹🥹🥹
maxverstappen1: GTFO my face with that bullshit.
user5: deffo still friends (that fuck) BUT FRIENDS. 😭😭
user6: BYEEEE 😢😓
landonorris: Well well well... aren't YOU the reason why Max is "booked out" for the next week.
landonorris: YOU TRAITOR 😡😡😡
yourusername: @/maxverstappen go tell your girlfriend, that i'm your girlfriend
user7: WHAT?
user8: ???? I AM CONFUSION
maxverstappen1: Now Y/n, what did we say about quoting pop culture references/song lyrics to me...
yourusername: 😢😢😢 i'm super duper sworry
maxverstappen1: @/landonorris GTFO 🚪
landonorris: WHAT WHAT WHAT???
landonorris: I'm just friends with a big bunch of traitors 😓
georgerussell63: Wtf mate??
oscarpiastri: Hello?? So mean Lando... Not chill at all 😞
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taglist: @hiireadstuff @sinofwriting @mehrmonga @the-untamed-soul @glai1023-blog @loloekie @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @sheastri @llando4norris @gwginnyweasley @carmenita122 @ririyulife @pausmoon @ur-fav-ave @eveninggstar @maddie-naps @erin-odonnell04 @rexit-mo @ems-alexandra @si1ver06 @iamred-iamyellow @bibissparkles @percypie @formula1blog @lanadelray1989 @rylieverstappen-sargent @luvsforme @eiaaasamantha @kaysmiles42 @mvaldez7821 @stinkyjax @sweate-r-weathe-r @laneyspaulding19 @mingyusbigrighttoe
some of these didn't get tagged, and i'm having trouble (?) it's being very weird, idk, so please let me know if your name is here and it didn't tag you ❣️
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author's note: ty guys for reading this fic! 😍🫶🏾
pls let me know if this chapter was funny, i'm feeling extremely unfunny these days y'all's (ik right, impossible 🤡🤡😞) just because i've been burdened with the task of *unfortunately* summer school
soon, all the next published parts will be published on a schedule, and i won't really be able to add anyone to the taglist for two-ish weeks
comment if you want to be added to the taglist! ⋆.˚✮🎧✮˚.⋆
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starrgazed22 · 2 months
Jim Halpert x fem!reader Word count: 900 words Warnings: Nothing, just fluff, I guess. Summary: You decide to play this game you bought, The Sims 2, to cure your boredom in the office.
Another boring day at Dunder Mifflin’s, but not really.
The camera zooms in on your computer monitor from a distance, revealing you’re playing The Sims 2. You hear a door thud, Michael coming out of the office, and you quickly hide The Sims with your mail.
(your interview with the camera crew)
“Jim helped me install this game I bought yesterday, called The Sims. It’s so addicting.” Cut. “No, just random characters, that I chose at the start of the game,” you clear your throat. “No one specific.”
(Jim's separate interview with the crew)
“Yeah, I helped her install it, but if she gets into trouble because of it,” he throws his hand into the air, “I have nothing to do with it.”
The cameraman pans over to your face, catching you being extremely focused on the game.
Time today goes really slowly, but the game is saving it. Not for Jim though. Jim is so bored, he hasn’t talked to you the whole afternoon because of the game. The game literally sucked you in. He decides to walk over to see what you’re playing. You quickly hide it, acting like nothing just happened. Jim raises his eyebrows.
“What? Nothing,” you try to play it cool.
“Come on, let me see! I am curious what it looks like.” He tries.
You blush a little, pretending you’re going through your mail. “No.”
He looks at you hurt. “Alright then, I’ll go back to boring myself, also known as, doing work.” He playfully grunts.
You chuckle at his joke, minimizing the mail window to play the game again.
After some time, the lunch break comes. You decide not to worry about the game being opened, because no one will go around your desk anyway.
Jim, still on a call with a client, signals you to go ahead, and you walk to the break room first. Jim finishes the call, hanging up the phone. He wants to throw away his Jell-O cup, still from the morning. He goes to the nearest trash can, which is next to your desk. He throws it away, suddenly amazed by something on your desk. He leans to get a closer look at your screen. He smiles to himself.
“She did us in that game. Me and her.” He smiles downwards. “Oh, she said those are random characters?” He chuckles. “What a coincidence.” He stretches all the a’s in the last sentence.
Jim finally comes into the break room, sitting down at the table.
“Hey.” He says.
“Hey, Jim.” You smile at him as you slurp in your noodles.
“So, how are we doing?” He asks casually.
You respond, not getting the secret message behind it. “I’m doing pretty good, did all the calls Michael told me to do.”
“No...” He chuckles. “I meant, how are we doing?” He asks, pointing his head back to the main room.
You look at him, genuinely confused. Suddenly you realize it. You put your head into your palm, covering your eyes in embarrassment.
Jim chuckles, his eyes glinting with amusement. “It’s okay, really,” he reassures you, sensing your embarrassment. “It’s funny. By the way, thanks for making me look like Prince Charming.”
You peek through your fingers, a hint of a smile on your lips. “I might have spent a little too much time on your character,” you admit.
Jim grins, taking a bite of his sandwich. He leans back in the chair, the chair making a small squeak. “Alright, so, what’s our story in The Sims? Are we a family? Colleagues? Maybe lovers?” A small smirk plays on his lips.
You feel your cheeks heating up again. “Well, I didn’t get too far with the storyline yet, but we’re housemates. We live together.”
“Oh, really?” Jim raises an eyebrow, clearly enjoying this. “Housemates, huh?”
You shrug, trying to act nonchalant. “It just seemed easier than having to switch between two houses all the time, you know. Plus it saves money.”
“Yeah, right,” Jim says with a big amused smile on his lips. He leans forward, his eyes locking with yours.
You stare at him, heart pounding. “What?”
Jim shrugs, still smiling. “What if we let that game decide what we do in real life.”
Your eyes widen. “What?”
He chuckles softly. “Whatever happens in the game we have to do. Up for the challenge?”
You feel a smile spreading across your face. “Alright, then.”
Jim’s grin widens. “Great.” He stands up, finishing his sandwich. “Shall the computer decide our destiny.”
You shake your head with a smile, feeling a rush of excitement as you watch Jim leave the room.
You decide to make yourself a cup of coffee before heading back to your desk. You walk up to your desk, stopping in disbelief. You see the screen, the characters stopped in time while they’re kissing. You look over at Jim, who is trying to hold in his laugh, avoiding eye contact. You deduce he did that. But you still feel a bit of blush run over your cheeks.
“Very funny, Jim.” You roll your eyes, but you can’t help but smile.
“What! You agreed to let it run our destiny.” He shrugs his shoulders at you.
You resume the gameplay, seeing what the characters will do next.
“Wow, they’re heading to bed now,” you announce with sarcastically no emotion.
He bursts out laughing, trying to keep quiet.
Such a dork.
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malarign · 1 year
say it back
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(when you don’t say “i love you” back)
contains: bf!ot7 x gn!reader | genre: fluff | tw! kissing (i think that’s it 🤔) | wc: 1,8k
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Lee Heeseung | 이희승
uhm don’t do that
unless you want to deal with pouty and sad hee you better say i love you back
cause let me tell you he LOVES hearing that confession from you
and overthinks if you don’t :(((
Heeseung shoot to the basket after his friend passed him a ball. Earning a point he ran to you to get his congratulatory kiss. You gladly planted a chaste peck first on his cheek and then his lips.
“Ew,” his friend made a disgusted face seeing how lovey-dovey you two were.
“Get lost,” Heeseung remarked and turned around to face you again. “I love you,” he said and quickly got up. He expected you to answer him with the same confession so he waited. He watched as you took your phone back to your hand and started to scroll social media again. You noticed he was still standing in front of you so you asked.
“Aren’t you going to play with your friends some more?” you asked confused.
But Heeseung was even more confused. “Yeah, I guess.” He scratched the back of his neck and returned to the court with his head hanging low.
You smiled at his reaction and ran up to him. You climbed on your toes and kissed his cheek sweetly.
“I love you more.”
Park Jongseong | 박종성
pretty chill about it tbh
like you may not feel like confessing and it’s okay with him
unless you do that for the whole day
then he worries
like A LOT
Jay popped on a couch next to you, only to lay his head on your lap. His eyelids were already closing involuntarily from exhaustion. You tangled your fingers in his hair, messing it along the way.
“Tired?” you simply asked to which he nodded.
“The tour is coming soon and we needed to practice. Like a lot more than usual, but that’s okay,” he spoke blissfully at your loving touch.
“I’m so proud of you,” you confessed making him face you by laying on his back.
“I love you, baby,” he said and tucked your hair behind your ear. You only hummed, just like before today whenever he told you he loves you. Too tired to sit up he remained in his position and asked emotionlessly. “Did I do something to not deserve an “I love you” back?”
You smiled at his reaction. “I thought you would never ask,” you giggled and kissed his forehead earning a confused eyebrow raise from him. “I love you, baby,” you finally said the three words he craved for the whole day making him smile and close his eyes in both satisfaction and sleepiness.
Sim Jaeyun | 심재윤
confusion, dumbfounding, shutting the system down
why would you not say it back?
have i done something to upset them?
no need to say that and don’t do that he will be sad
we don’t want sad jake over here
“Love, I need to go already!” Jake shouted from the front door making you stop what you were doing immediately and skip your way to give him a goodbye kiss. He smiled at the view and bit his lower lip at the thought of a sweet kiss you were about to give him. You stopped right in front of him, cupped his cheeks gently, and planted a chaste kiss on his lips. “I love you so much.”
“Have a good day, baby,” you responded smiling widely. But you couldn’t say the same about Jake. His smile dropped and looked at you confused, now a slight sad pout forming on his lips.
“Did I do something wrong? Tell me and I won’t do that again,” he spoke not breaking an eye contact, looking for any answer in them. He held your both hands gently and tilted his head when you started giggling.
“I just wanted to see your reaction,” you confessed and he immediately understood it was all a prank.
“That’s brutal you know?” he remarked in a bumptious way.
“That’s the point,” you winked at him earning a deep sigh. Knowing he wouldn’t leave without you saying that (but also not wanting to let him go without it) you finally said: “I love you much more.”
“Impossible.” He leaned closer to you and rubbed your nose with his.
Park Sunghoon | 박성훈
please he would give you the biggest side eye you could imagine
would sassily turn around and go away
doesn’t matter if you’re with friends outside, or alone at home
nah you didn’t actually think you wouldn’t get off for it?
(i’m sorry but i’m actually living for sunghoon and skating dates so bear with me this one more time ☝️)
You watched from behind the edge as Sunghoon gracefully skates on an empty ice skating rink. You could swear with your whole heart his charm was shining even brighter while sliding on the icy surface. You smiled uncontrollably seeing how he still enjoyed it, even though he ended his career a while ago. He noticed your dreamy expression and skated towards you.
“I see you’re ready,” he stated and offered his hand to guide you to the proper rink.
You hesitated and finally took his hand.
“Since it’s your first time in skates do you want some tips?” he asked and you nodded. After a short introduction to the basics, he skated backward in front of you to have everything in control. “That’s right!” he said seeing how you started to get more comfortable and confident.
“I think I get it,” you said excitedly, eyes still glued to your feet. Before you knew it you slipped making both of you fall.
Sunghoon was the first to start laughing at you before you even knew what exactly happened.
“Are you okay, lovely?” he asked still laughing. You dramatically laid on ice, with arms and legs straight. He leaned on his elbow and kissed you, cupping your cheeks with his other hand. “I love you,” he softly murmured breaking the kiss.
You just smiled and asked: “Can you help me stand up?”
He raised his eyebrows. “Wow, what a nerve you have,” he said pettily.
You also leaned on your elbows to plant a kiss on his jawline and whisper a shivering “I love you” that he couldn’t stop thinking about for the rest of the day.
Kim Sunoo | 김선우
another sassy one
“that’s how you wanna play?”
you don’t, you really don’t
for the sake of peace at home say it back
“Y/nie guess what I bought us!” Sunoo exclaimed the second his foot stepped into your apartment. You curiously went to the front door where he was currently taking off his shoes.
“No idea, but I’m sure you’ll be glad to tell me.”
“That ruins the whole point of guessing, doesn’t it?” he said and gave you a quick kiss while walking past you.
You thought for a while and remembered his recent obsession with buying matching outfits for you two. “Another matching clothes?”
“Bingo!” he said and took what he bought out from the shopping bag.
You watched as he presented you with two pairs of trousers and shirts as you clapped your hands.
“They’re so cute, Sunoo!”
“No, you’re cute,” he spoke and bopped your nose. “I love you Y/nie,” he said casually and turned around to place your part in the wardrobe. But when he heard you walking away without saying it back his head snapped behind you and left a gasp in pure shock.
“Is there something wrong?” you asked still pretending.
He slowly stood straight and gave you THE look. “You don’t wanna start this,” he said in a deadly serious tone which immediately led to you wrapping your arms around his neck and repeating the phrase he practically demanded. “Yeah, that’s more like it.”
Yang Jungwon | 양정원
🤨 i said i love you
he knows how much you love to prank him with things like that
but let me tell you he’s not having this one
usually plays along but he will actually give you a lecture about it sshsh
Jungwon laid his head comfortably on your chest and with closed eyes enjoyed his daily head scratches. He let out occasional sighs of satisfaction and serenity at the comfort you gave him.
“I wish I could lay like this forever,” he mumbled and placed his head on the left side of your chest to listen to your heartbeat.
“Well then we can stay like this as long as you want,” you smiled and continued playing with his hair with your fingers.
He suddenly raised his head to face you, smiling softly.
“I love you,” he spoke, closed his eyes, and laid his head on your chest again. But when he didn’t get any response from you he raised his head again this time with a frown.
“What?” you asked innocently.
“I said I love you,” he said patiently.
“Thank you, Won.”
“Y/n stop with this madness.”
His seriousness made you let out a giggle.
“I love you, Won,” you whispered and brought him closer, crushing his body in a tight embrace.
“Can you love me a little bit more gently?”
Nishimura Riki | 西村力
for your own well being better not do something like that
cause he will do everything to make you say it back
he will repeat it over and over again
until you respond with the same phrase
You were currently sitting on your living room’s couch fighting for your life. Riki never gave you a head start when playing any games and there wasn’t a prospect for any change in that.
Suddenly he jumped on the couch in victory and you buried your face in your palms in defeat.
He laughed heartily. “Ha! Another one, thank you!” He stood up and did his signature winning dance conspicuously to piss you off even more.
“Oh my sweet Y/n, you need to practice some more before you decide to battle it out with me,” he spoke in a fake manner and placed his hand on his heart. After you glared at him (which he honestly found nothing more but cute) he stopped the teasing and side hugged you.
“You’re lucky you know when to stop,” you said and turned on another round.
He giggled. “I love you,” he said dragging out the last syllable. Not hearing any response he turned his head to look at you and repeated: “I love you.”
Your gaze was still focused on the screen and brushing off his every word. He scoffed and leaned closer to your ear only to scream: “I said I love you!”
You covered your ears and looked at him dumbfounded.
“Oh, so you can hear? God forbid having not only gameplay issues but also hearing problems,” he said and sulked.
“You know your pain in the ass right?”
“Do you want me to scream again?” he asked and prepared his voice to yell again but you covered his mouth hurriedly.
“I love you!”
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thank you for reading! back to the masterlist
permanent taglist: (send an ask to be added) @nicholasluvbot, @en-chantedtomeetyou, @kpopstanmeg, @skzenhalove, @nfrgirl
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cathers-world · 11 months
here me out.
accidentally walking in on Wilbur jerking off to the sims sex mod.
AFAB they/them but you can change them
Context: you and Wilbur are roommates and besties!
not proof read
you and wilbur have been friends for a long time, so you decided to buy a house together. soon after wilbur had to go on tour but that's ok.
after wilbur came back he started getting into the Sims 4, you ever thought anything of it because... why would you its just the Sims you never played it yourself but you knew what it was.
whenever wilbur was playing the Sims he left the door open but recently he been closing the door which made you wonder what he was doing.
so one day you go up to his door and knock "oh shit one second!" he yelled clearly in a panic, you hear shuffling and... clothes moving?
"come in!" he says "what are you doing?" you ask looking at his computer which was off but you knew he was playing the Sims, he told you! so you were confused
"oh um- nothing..." he looked scared like he just got caught, which you thought was weird. you guys had been friends for years you never hid anything from each other.
"ok..." you say suspiciously, closing his door confused
*time skip*
it was a few days later and you forgot about the incident. "WILL I'M GOING OUT!" you yell to him in his office where he was playing the sims...again "OKAY!" he yelled back. he sounded out of breath but ok.
*wilburs pov*
I know this is wrong and fucking stupid. making me and my roommate and best friend in the Sims, downloading a sex mod just to watch our sims fuck.
but it turned me on so much I didnt mean for it to get this far I dont even play the fucking game i just make us fuck and I just jerk off to it.
Y/N left and they always are gone for hours so I didn't close the door this time. so I hopped on the Sims and ya know
*Y/N pov*
I went out with my friends but it got boring so... I left.
I opened the door to me and wilburs house and the moment I open the door I hear a loud moan. wondering what wilbur was doing i slip off my shoes and slowly walk over to his office.
I peek inside and I see two Sims characters fucking not like how they normally do hiding under the covers not showing anything, no i see those Sims who look EXACTLY like me and Wilbur having the most intense sex like insane hentai shit. and wilbur moaning jerking off, whimpering in fact
"what the fuck?!" I state telli from what i'm seeing "OH FUCK" wilbur yells pulling up his pants and shutting off his PC
"im..im so sorry I um" wilbur studdard out looking down face bright red from embarrassment
I walk over getting on my knees in front of him " you really couldn't have just asked to fuck me like a normal person?"
he looked shocked, breathing heavily " I um" he whispered looking down at me as i take out his cock, licking my hand and start stoking it
"fuck" wilbur moans as I put his cock in his mouth "i'm not going to fuck last long with you like this" he whimpered out
I put him all in my mouth gagging on his length i feel his cock twitching in my mouth telling me he's about to cum
wilbur cums in my mouth and i swallow it whole
"fuck" he says wiping my mouth with his thumb shoving it in my mouth to get the extra cum off my mouth
I stand up sliding off my shorts and underwear getting on his lap, I line my hole up with his cock and slowly sink down "omg" i moan taking his length wilbur throws his head back and opens his mouth with a silent moan
Wilbur grabs my hips to help me bounce up and down on his cock, I rest my head on his shoulder enjoying my time on his cock.
"fucking creep, making you and your roomate in a fucking game and having them fuck" you degrade still going up and down chasing both your highs "please im so sorry please let me cum" he cried out "cum, cum with my"
you sit fully on his cock feeling his hot liquid squirt into you as you cum yourself,
"thank you" wilbur whispers in your ear giving your neck a kiss.
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pix-writes · 20 days
Playing Swooning Over the Stans (also, have you played it? omg is so fun) made me think; what would happen if the reader is friends with Stan? Like the reader actually likes Ford but becomes really good buddies with Stan, would Ford assume something is going on with them? Would Stan act like a matchmaker? sorry for asking so many questions omg
I did play it aaaaaaaaaaages ago, when it first came out! ^^ but I didn't get very far in it I have to say, I downloaded it a couple weeks ago and only got as far as the forest with ford again. I like dating sims but idk my adhd just really plays up when I try to play this one, I guess I got disheartened because some people have said its hard to complete?
This is an interesting one! This took me a while to think about.
I think being buddies with Stan would be a good way to then become friends with Ford himself, in a way, he's more on the periphery, you hanging out at the mystery shack whilst ford is absorbed in his research work. You're likely to get swept into Ford's experiments/adventures. But it makes you crush on him HARD.
Stan might not pick up on it immediately, but it only takes something little for him to notice, he's got a good read on people's tells whether they're lying or nervous and you've played cards together enough times to know yours well.
Will definitely say something immediately after Ford leaves the room, like 'so you got the hots for my brother, huh? What's that nerd done to catch your attention? Haha!' and will gauge your reaction and floundering to see just how serious this crush is and make mild, humourous threats about not doing anything in the shack/in front of him/not breaking his brothers heart etc etc.
He'd definitely joke about it like 'alright, quit with the goo goo eyes at my brother' 😠 or even 'hey! what does pointdexter have that I don't 🥺 pay attention!' definitely don't get distracted when you're playing a betting game, you may be friends but he'll pocket or switch cards whilst you're paying attention to Ford/ daydreaming as punishment. Stan will definitely tease/mock you until you make some kind of move and embarrass you cause he's not the most subtle 😅
Though, he'd be jealous at first, not because he likes you that way, you're more like an annoying little sibling to him, but because he feels the insecurity that your friendship will be taken away from him, which hits harder for him when it's his brother (who has little/no idea that this is happening) due to all they're been through in the past.
Stan is deep down a very loyal person to the people he cares about the most, so it can be a little more conflicting and awkward for him than he likely shows, cause you're his best buddy and Ford's his twin brother, so if you two get together, who is he going to fight if one hurts the other? If you break up, how will that affect all of your relationships together, will he just end up losing a friend? If you get married, he can't be both your best man! He wishes there was a manual for conundrums like this. He'd joke like he isn't affected by this, but also will be quite defensive and distant with you at times as well, which might confuse you.
He'll get over it once he realises that its more mutual, if he sees his brother is taking a noted interest in you too, and/or when you spend time together his brother is significantly happier, he'll start to play wing man to both of you! Ford will get the talk of 'so you have feelings for them, sixer, admit it!' and 'why don't you just talk to them, knucklehead'. I can imagine Ford getting all stuttering and blushy.
As for Ford thinking something is going on between you...... no, I don't think he would? It would definitely depend on the circumstances, like if you're freindship enters that flirty type of joking around or he assumes a situation to be more romantic than it actually is - he might question himself into whether there's something between you, but he's likely to outrightly ask stan out of curiousity. It's only if stan puts him off of you that he'll suspect there's any deeper feelings involved, but knowing his brother, if he did truly like you romantically, he would have said specifically that you were off limits. If this happens, it will give him some time to chew on what he does feel for you, as well as wonder if you like either of them...
If you both pine (no pun intended) over each other as friends and it becomes quite obvious to everyone else but you two don't act on it, Stan would get fed up with it! It won't take him long for this to go on, especially if you're out adventuring together, for him to (unpleasantly) break the ice for you. Cue the, 'oh, spare me' type speech "just cut the tension already, and admit you wanna smooch each other!"
If that doesn't work, Mabel definitely will find out in the summer and do the work that Stan failed at, to get you two nerds to go on a date. Just don't forget to spend some time with your pal like old times. Though that's easy enough to do, since you were practically like in-laws before, the dynamic doesn't change drastically for you, there's just more grumbling and jokes about your relationship with his brother, but now you get to tease him back! Tell him you're next project is collaborating with Mabel to set him up on a date and he'll change tact quick 😅😂 So, ultimately, both twins are happy with the outcome.
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wonijinjin · 11 months
all nighter with seventeen’s 96 line
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synopsis: what the title says
word count: 0.9k | genre: fluff | pairings: 96 line x gn! reader | warnings: mentions of food
“seriously, are you gonna stay up? because i doubt that you can make it.” jun raised an eyebrow, not liking how you want to ruin your sleep cycle. “look junnie i need to see the final of this show! it is not my fault it comes out at like 3am!” you shouted in excitement, pouting a bit at him. he put his hands on his ears jokingly, indicating how loud you were even though it was like 10pm already; you were usually very tired at this point of the night, but not tonight. “well, if a show is more important to you then your health…” he said, trying to make you feel guilty, trailing off. “jun don’t worry, you don’t have to stay up with me if you don’t want to. don’t risk your already not so bright sleep schedule.” you giggled while he started shaking his head, walking closer to you. “no! i wouldn’t let my baby stay up alone, plus we could cuddle until it comes out!” he kissed your forehead, pulling you close.
- worries about your health so much, afraid that you will get used to not sleeping enough and will get sick eventually
- loves your passion though; he will let it slide because you just look so cute when excited for watching the movies
- makes you stay up all day to contain your sleep cycle, preventing you from messing it up completely
“oh my god this is gonna be so fun!” hoshi squeeled while looking kind of like a maniac. you burst out laughing, finding him so cute. “ahw you are adorable my tiger. you were really waiting for me! and you really have a lot of energy in you, huh?” you said while squeezing his cheeks, giving him a chaste kiss. he just nodded while smiling, bouncing up and down just like he always does when he is excited. “let’s prepare some food for the night. when we have all the nutrients for the whole night you can drag me to the practice room to make the new choreo.” you advised, already going to the kitchen to start cooking some warm food. “alright baby tiger, understood! it is gonna be so exciting, having you with me!” he grinned, picking you up and spinning you around.
- hyper tiger, he is thrilled to have you with him and have some company as he is often lonely in the early hours of sunrise since the members usually leave after midnight
- will make the two of you take breaks though; getting silly and dancing and jumping for fun (and to keep you awake)
- very grateful that you pulled the night off for him, definitely would finish the choreo a lot faster since you are there
“are you sure you won’t fall asleep? i know you don’t really like this game that much.” wonwoo questioned as you sat down next to his gaming chair, head on his shoulder, ready to watch your boyfriend pull a gaming night till sunrise. “i am more than confident that i can do it sweetie.” you mocked him in a silly tone to which he giggled. “alright, alright. are you comfortable?” he wondered while looking down at you attentively. “yes, very much, thank you.” you replied as you snuggled into him, his focus already back to the computer screen. “are we gonna play together during the night though? like sims? or animal crossing?” you peeked up at him curiously. “of course sweetheart, whatever you want. just let me finish this game first.” he said while patting your head.
- he is very soft for you, and would love to teach you how to play some new games (if you want to of course)
- you would doze off for a bit at 2am though; he would look at you with so much adoration before nudging you to wake up and telling you how you promised yourself you could do it
- would stop to make you ramen in the middle of the night and have a deep conversation about life
“you know it is not healthy to drink that much coke, right?” you stared at woozi who was opening another can of the beverage. he stopped and gave you a confused look. “but i need it to stay awake. plus, it is better than energy drinks and you know that. you’d rather i drank those?” you sighed in defeat. “this will be your last one. not only will you stay up tonight but for the next three days with that much sugar.” you laughed. he put down the can and pulled you close to him, leaning close to your ear. “don’t worry about me babe. i will not break your stupid rules.” he smirked, his statement earning a smack on the arm from you. “okay, enough. get back to work or you will never sleep! i will be chilling here on the couch.” you shushed him. “thank you for staying.” he said while pecking your cheek.
- pretends to be annoyed but in reality really appreciates your gesture of not letting him work alone all night (again)
- shows you his process and tells you how you inspired the lyrics of one of the songs, you would instantly melt upon hearing it since it was so beautiful
- would let you baby him when he is at the turning point, barely holding on (denies it the next day and calls it a moment of weakness)
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jungwnies · 2 years
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warnings : pussy eating , first time eating out , cursing , kinda cheating , smut , very descriptive , mdni pairing : bestfriend!jake x afab!reader
                              𖤐 kinktober masterlist 𖤐
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"so she gave you head and then what?" you ask your best friend as the two of you sat on your bedroom floor together.
"then, she asked if i could eat her out." jake confesses sighing, "but i didn't do it."
"why didn't you do it, were you scared that it would taste bad or something?" you continue to question.
jake sighs and turns towards you, "look at me."
you turn towards jake and now the two of you were face to face, "what?"
"i don't even know where the clit is, how was i supposed to please her y/n?" jake whines turning onto his back again.
"well, do you want to know?" you ask laughing.
"what are you suggesting y/n?" jake mumbles annoyed.
you go on to your back again, "like, do you maybe want to try eating me out?"
"are you serious?" jake laughs.
you shrug, "i was just wondering, i could help you out."
jake sits up and turns his head towards you, "you're joking, right?"
"isn't that what best friends are for?" you laugh.
"to joke or to experience firsts with?" jake asks you back.
"both?" you question confused. "i'll just be straight forward jake, do you want to practice eating someone out on me or not?"
it wouldn't be the first time you and jake have been intimate. but you've never actually had sex, just a few kisses here and there, so i guess it's not really intimacy. at least, not like that.
"i mean, if you're willing..." jake says trailing off, "but only if your comfortable."
"if i wasn't comfortable i wouldn't have brought it up dummy." you joke. "let's get on my bed then, i don't think the floor would be that comfortable."
the two of you get onto the bed and sit next to each other, "so..." jake trails.
you grab the boy by his collar and kiss him, "jake, you've been my first kiss, my first make out session, and i learned how to give a hand job with you, don't make this awkward." you tell him as you break the kiss.
you move up your bed against your headboard and position yourself, spreading your legs. jake gets in-between you and smiles at you, "i'm kind of nervous."
"yeah, well you're making me kind of embarrassed just sitting here with my legs open." you tease laughing.
jake leans forwards towards you and kisses your, trailing down to your neck, his fingers playing with the cotton that covered your core, "you're already so wet y/n."
"shut up." you say breathily as he sucked on your neck.
he moved down, bringing your panties with him. his breath hitting your core, "you smell, sweet." he says before placing a kiss on your pussy, causing you to let out a moan.
"was that okay?" jake asks lifting his head.
"i think you know more than you think you do, sim." you say breathily.
jake licks your pussy and sucks on your clit causing you to moan a little louder.
"sim, that feels so fucking good, more." you moan as his tongue began to make figure eight's on your clit. your hands move to his hair holding onto the strands lightly.
the feeling of his warm breath hitting your core, and his tongue making swirls around your clit was a feeling you've never felt before. "fuck jake, are you sure you don't know what you're doing?" you moan and jake inserted a finger into your hole as his tongue continued to make kitten licks onto your bead.
another finger inserting causing you to let out a lewd moan. "you taste so good, y/n."
the continuous kitten licks, and the pumps in and out of your pussy sending you to your high. you feel the knots forming your stomach and your back beginning to arch more and more with each pump, and each lick.
eventually causing you to let out the most lewd noise, that could wake neighbors if you lived in an apartment. "fuck, jake!" as you came you feel jake lick it up cleaning you up with nothing but his tongue.
jake sits up besides you and moves the hairs from your face, "so things aren't awkward between us, right?" he asks smiling.
you shake your head, "never."
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2022 © jungwnies
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taglist [closed] : taglist : @luvsoobs , @floweryjessy , @fairyoftaehyun , @toxicccred , @suga-nya , @baldi-2 , @effielumiere , @army24–7 , @felixpapi , @sk1reader , @choihyunsuk02 , @synnfulqt , @8211997 , @ruefulposts , @sunnyteume , @dinosaur-i-am , , @number1jihyofan , @bollocks-io , @lilactangerine , @itbtoblikethatsometimes , @l1a00 , @lexxxtxt , @kayleeshinee , @emonatural191 , @emmaroseb8729 , @jerrykarrot , @peachymccnsthoughts , @strawberr1esandcream , @linlovejunhui ,
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loservernon · 9 months
𐙚⊹₊⋆☆ nice guy | sim jake
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𐙚 idol!jake x student!reader (she/her)
𐙚 angst no fluff, the little fight that snowballs into heartbreak
𐙚 1.6k, mentions of cheating, not proofread oops!
𐙚 note // this is my first time ever writing for a group other than nct so i hope you guys like it ^~^ i’m on a break from school, and kpop bedrot has been my best friend thus this was born!! there will most likely be a part two that’s not depressing teehee
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at the second hour of this seemingly never-ending fight, jake has yet to show any sign of giving up. it’s baffling to you, who — just as much as he does — thinks you’re the one in the right. you’re sure of it, which is why you aren’t backing down so easily.
“so you’re saying it’s your job to buy a drink for every person that looks miserable at the bar?”
“i’m not saying it’s my job,” he defends, “i’m just saying i saw her sitting alone looking particularly glum and that i had the capability to do something nice for someone, so i did.”
“so you’re playing the nice guy now, huh? you can’t possibly be at fault because it was simply an act of kindness.”
“(name), don’t put it like that. i’m not trying to play at anything. i’m just telling you what i did and why i did it.”
“and i’m telling you that it was wrong, that it hurt, that it might’ve been a nice act to her, but buying another girl a drink is not nice to your girlfriend.”
jake rises from his spot on the couch. he walks a few steps until his back is facing you. his hands are set square on his hips and his head is hung low in disappointment, or defeat, or just dejection, you can’t tell.
he stays that way for a few moments; the heated tension that once shrouded the room is now replaced with an eerie silence. jake breaks it with the most bewildering conclusion possible. “i get it now. you’re jealous.”
at this, you’re caught off guard, though it only takes a few breaths for your surprise to morph into anger. you stand up as well, and jake turns around just as your anger reaches its climax.
“jealous? you think i’m jealous of a random ass girl who seemed to be down in the dumps?”
the furrow in his brow deepens at the thickness in your voice. jake’s countenance is back to a defensive state, but his tone almost assumes confusion when he queries, “if you’re not jealous of her then what’s the issue here? what reason could you possibly have–“
“it’s you, jake.” you take measured steps towards him, tears springing in your eyes from the sheer emotion leaking through your being. your body is almost shaking, pupils quivering, and fists clenching when you push forward, “you’re the issue. you think you’re such a nice guy for buying some girl a drink, when really you don’t seem to understand the insinuations of your actions.”
“what do you mean i don’t underst–“
“were you flirting with her?”
“did you express your interest in her?”
“of course not.”
“then why would she come up to me right before we were leaving to tell me that the guy i was with was hitting on her?”
jake throws his hands up as a show of innocence and frustration, “how am i supposed to know why she lied to you?”
“did you tell her that you had a girlfriend?”
“there was no reason to.”
“are you really that dense?”
“single guys buy drinks for girls that they’re interested in at bars. come on jake, you weren’t born yesterday. the more you try to make it seem like you were just ‘doing it to be nice,’ the more it feels like you had other intentions that you’re scared to tell me. just admit that you did something wrong, apologize for it, and never do it again.”
now it’s his turn to be caught off guard. you think he gets it, and he’ll do as you say and you guys will both hug and make up and hurry on to bed. however, it doesn’t seem that way. he’s stuck on a single part, arguably the least important part, of your whole entire spiel.
“you really think i had other intentions?”
jake’s challenging you. you know that look well, the one where he feels so severely wronged that his vision blurs and all he can think about is defending himself.
“jake…” you don’t give in to the challenge because you know it’d only fuel him.
“you think i was cheating on you? in front of you? why’s it so hard for you to believe i was just doing it from the kindness of my heart?”
“no, jake…” you try again, but it’s futile. you know from the look on his face that he’s about to say things he doesn’t mean. you know it’s going to hurt.
“fine. if you really don’t believe that my act of kindness was really just an act of kindness then i should be more mean, shouldn’t i? next time you have a group project with a guy in it, i’m not talking to you until the project’s over. you can’t have guy friends, or else i might misunderstand your intentions towards them. if you ever go up to a guy and talk to him for any reason, we’re over. and i’ll apply the same rules to myself. are you satisfied now?”
it doesn’t just hurt. it breaks you. tears are streaming down your cheeks and your heart rate speeds uncontrollably. you’re standing opposite of him, barely able to breathe, and yet he looks close to normal, save for the sternness set in his brows. it utterly shatters you to know that jake would rather break your heart knowingly than apologize for something that now seems so minor.
through hitched breaths, you force out weakly, “so by your rules, we’re over.”
at first, he doesn’t get it. the placidity with which he had regulated his face falls briefly into panic. cautiously, jake lets, “what do you mean we’re over?”
congestion has clogged your sinuses, so you hold your breath as you clarify, “you’re applying the same rules to yourself, aren’t you? earlier tonight, did you not go up to a girl and talk to her? for whatever reason?” any composure jake held on to cracks. his eyes go wide and he takes a hesitant yet desperate step towards you as you hammer in the final nail to his coffin. “you’re saying we’re over, right?”
you have jake backed into a corner. he’d fallen for his own trap, one that he’d built trying to corner you. he’d say he’s ready for it, your attack. he’d even go as far as to admit he deserves it, apologize for it, beg for it. he can’t take back what he did and he can’t take back what he said, even if he never meant to even remotely cause doubt of his loyalty to you, and even if he had sworn early on in your relationship that he would never hurt you on purpose. but even when he’s backed into a corner, defenseless and entirely at fault, you never land your final blow. instead, you retreat.
“i’m going to stay at yeji’s tonight. please don’t contact me until i reach out first.”
you turn away from him and head towards your shared bedroom. jake’s eyes have unfocused and he’s rooted rigidly in his spot. his mind tricks him into thinking that if he doesn’t move, or speak, or hear, or see anything, then this must not be his reality. for minutes it seems, jake dissociates just like this. but the sound of you packing your bag sets his nerves alight, and he’s jolted into action like the galvanization of a dead man emerging from the ground. he awakens to this reality, and the realization that he has to change it.
jake barely crosses the threshold of the door before he’s stopped at the sight of your zipping closed your suitcase. just how long were you planning on leaving for? you look up at him to catch the disbelief and hurt in his eyes. your face has been washed and you refuse to let up anymore signs of vulnerability on your end, so you look back down.
“please don’t go.”
“don’t push it.”
“i thought we agreed to never go to bed mad at each other.”
with your suitcase zipped close, you still your emotions before looking up at him. “i’m not mad at you, jaeyun.”
at the sound of his full name, jake almost dissociates again. his heart has gone completely still. “then why are you leaving?”
you make your way across the room, and he moves to block the entrance of it. you sigh. “i just want some space to rethink our relationship and what happened tonight.”
jake hangs his head low, “i’m sorry. i’m at fault.” but his head snaps back up when he hears you laugh in response, “it’s a little too late for that, don’t you think?”
he doesn’t put up a fight, for he’s done more than enough of that already. instead, he moves out of the way.
you leave.
jake wonders who’d get the apartment if you guys broke up. he wonders what he’d tell his parents who love you so, how he’d break it to layla that her favorite person in the world will never see her again. jake wonders if he could ever get used to the silence in the room that now sits heavy on his shoulders. mostly he wonders if he would ever forgive himself for being stubborn at the worst moment, and being selfish when it mattered the most.
it’s only now that jake thinks he would prefer you yelling at him any day for any reason, over the silence of your shared apartment for the rest of his life.
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copyright © 2024 loservernon all rights reserved.
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lostiolite · 2 months
Two request ideas (sorry if that’s too much)! One for my boy Hyuk (I’m down bad ofc I’m gonna ask for him) and one for Hyun because I have a cute angst/comfort idea.
One - Some basic Hyuk romance headcanons. How does he deal with and express his feelings, how does he confess, what is he like in the relationship, etc.
Two - Can be a fic or headcanon. Hyun obviously has gone through a lot, so how would he open up to his S/O about everything? What topic does he lean towards first and how does it come up? Can work both in universe or even no-apocalypse AU.
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LEE EUN HYUK romantic headcannons
(dw ill do the hyun one, just in a separate post :P)
when it comes to most things, Hyuk best shows his affection through silly actions and jokes. “If you really loved me, you’d binge watch the entirety of maria with me ^_^". In return he'd probably play/watch/read that one piece of media you’re obsessed with.
If he goes out and sees anything related to the media you really like, he'd buy it and say something like "i thought of you". It would be an unconscious thing, before he'd realize he likes you. Obviously the buying of little trinkets catches the attention of his little sister. They aren't too well off & buying treats is usually reserved for special occasions.
I feel like when he realizes his feelings he'd be conflicted on wether to go for it or not. Esp eun, she really likes you and really wants hyuk to pull bitches. 💯💯💯
She'd probably not-so subtly try and interogate your opinion on him. To which he lowkey panics because he doesn't want things to get awkward.
He would make flirty jokes then immediately retract them because he feels like its out of place.
He can be serious, just he perfers not to.
But he has to.
He'd probably ask you out outside so if things go south he could just leave and lock himself in his room.
Hes very thoughtful, he already knows who you are, what you are and the type of things you like / dislike.
Generally hes very protective, i dont feel like he'd be jealous all that often. Theres definitely anxiety in him that makes him think that you would leave him for somone "better" but hes also very rational and will ignore it because he knows its not true.
I feel like in the very rare occasions where those thoughts do get to him, he'd become a bit more attention seeking. "Would you love me if i became a worm? :P" he'd ask you stupid silly questions because he doesn't wanna go "do you love me???" .
Arcade dates. Gaming dates. Plays sims with you and your sims are married btw, Your bed's are together in Minecraft, he visits your island all the time in animal crossing, he does your commissions in genshin / Honkai impact/star rail.
Love's doing the stupid crane games with you.
You've memorized the maria lore, because hyuk always plays it as background noise. You somtimes just lay down in each others presence not doing anything, its nice, its calm.
HALLOWEEN!!!! You cosplayed as maria in the sky characters btw!!!!
Matching pfp's on your socials, he doesn't really post
If you post alot, your friends are so confused cus whos the guy that you tag in your photos with a matching pfp.
Lowkey wanna do a smau (social media au) with hyuk but i fear id mischaracterize him💔
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thebramblewood · 6 days
Apologies if you've answered this before, but I was looking through your asks and couldn't find anything.
Do you have any advice on how you take such good screenshots of your game? You have such a knack for lighting, having variety of shots, and making them immersive.
This is so sweet. Thank you! 🥰
If I'm being honest, it's 90% vibes and gut feelings for me. I don’t have any formal background in filmmaking or photography, and everything I know is by sheer osmosis. There’s a lot of fancy terminology to describe why certain image compositions look better than others. I admire and respect anyone who purposefully keeps that in mind. But I am definitely not that person. I think I’ve watched enough film and TV, though, to subconsciously be doing the "right thing" - or at least what looks right to me.
That being said, I think the best way to improve is practice. If you spend enough time doing something you'll obviously get better at it, even if you don't realize it at first. So the most important thing is to give yourself the patience to grow and the freedom to experiment! At any rate, here are some things I've learned that will maybe be helpful to others.
Camera Tricks: We all know the camera in TS4 can be a little wonky at times. I use Buckley's camera mod. It hasn't been updated in eons but still works as far as I can tell. It gives you more freedom with movement, and I've found it especially helpful for getting shots that are lower to the ground.
Now that I've realized how sneakily useful first person camera can be, I also take advantage of that all the time. There's the trick of making your Sim look in a specific direction. (This works with poses and gameplay actions, by the way! For example, I used it to turn Caleb's head toward Lilith while he was trimming the bonsai tree.) There's the Dutch angle trick explained in this video. This is great for moments of disorientation and unease. I also just straight-up used first person camera to convey Helena's confusion upon waking after being turned.
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Also, saved camera positions are your best friends. You can save up to five positions using CTRL+5-9. Then you just click the corresponding number to return to that position. I've used these for so many reasons. By taking two shots in the same position and Photoshopping them together, I've been able to edit Sims in (like Vlad below), fix accessory clashes (the book was in the hat category, so Lilith couldn't actually wear it at the same time as the towel on her head), and to pose Sims in open doorways (Helena had to walk through the door to open it for the Vatores, so I shot both halves separately).
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Zoom: I love smashing that zoom button, whether it's zooming way in or way out. Zoomed out shots are perfect for establishing setting or as interstitial shots during a long conversation when you don't want to always focus on Sims' faces. They're also great for the draaama. Extreme close-ups are great for emphasizing emotion or a tiny but significant detail. Playing around with the extremes of zoom is one of the best ways to achieve shot variety!
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Focus: I don't think Reshade is a necessity for good visual storytelling, but it does make certain things easier. I rely a lot on depth of field shaders to pull focus in shots. I like using cinematic depth of field especially in conversations to blur some characters while emphasizing others. I feel like this helps ground conversations because it reminds us there are multiple participants instead of always zeroing in on the speaker alone. Another way to play with focus is to allow the angle to mirror the emotions of the conversation. It's an older shot, but I always liked how Caleb seems to cower beneath Lilith's bat form here even though she's technically smaller. And in the recent conversation between Lilith and Helena, I kept the camera to Lilith's back to emphasize her vulnerability and discomfort and put the focus on Helena's reaction to it.
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Framing/Angles: I do this by pure instinct, honestly, and have gotten better at getting it right on the first shot over time. I used to take half a dozen shots of the same pose from different angles and choose the best one. Nowadays, I'm quicker to commit and often take only one shot. I've learned that if something immediately tickles my brain, it's usually the way to go. I usually angle shots so that the characters aren't looking directly at camera, as it seems more natural that way. On the other hand, sometimes the direct to camera look can actually work in more confrontational or unsettling moments.
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Environment: If I can help it, I don't do my own builds. In some ways, this is a disadvantage because I have to set up the scene within a space that wasn't specifically catered to it. On the other hand, it makes for fun little surprises, like the ability to peek in through a skylight or frame two characters within perfectly placed archways. I like using objects and structures to create interest when I can. I often don't discover things like this until I'm pulling the camera around and randomly happen upon them. I definitely recommend navigating all around to see what you've got to work with before committing to any specific angle. You might find one you didn't even think of!
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Lighting: I do what I can with the game's lighting. I avoid placing ceiling lamps or at least turn the brightness down much lower, and I don't usually turn all the lights on in a room at once. I tend to change the color to one of the warmer golden hues to avoid a stark white that washes everything out. I always like when I can get some sources of light into frame because it adds a lot to the ambience. But I've also been using Relight on all of my posts lately. It's an addiction, and it truly makes all the difference. I'll use it to give light sources a stronger glow so they stand out more and also to create shadows on Sims' faces. It's also very good for flashlights and computer screen glow!
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After having self-indulgently written all this, I'm not sure how much is usable advice versus rambling musings. I find it hard to give storytelling "tips" because so much of it feels innate and personal and hard to put into generalized terms. I also don't want to imply that every one of my shots is perfect or that there aren't a million other ways to go about achieving good results. But thank you to anyone who's made it this far, and I hope you found it worthwhile. 💕
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mistkisbiggestfan · 1 year
do you write for the male yansim rivals?? if not the female ones are ok too :>
could i ask for male!osoro headcanons with a girlfriend who's in the cooking club?
To be clear, I fucking hate Yandere Dev, so sad the game is like it is fr. Please note none of this is or will be connected to that creep. Male! Osoro and Fem! Osoro x Cooking club! Reader hc
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A/N: No TW for this, remember that I don't support Yandere Dev and Yan Sim in any way, I just write fics of the characters. Word count: 0.5 k
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Male! Osoro:
Since you’re in the cooking club people would assume you’re a total sweetheart and a kind, probably sensitive person, so when Osoro was caught looking at you a bit too long or making sure you were safe it came off as a surprise.
At first everyone thought you pissed him off somehow, but how? What did you do to him? Then you thought, did I do something to him? Only after that it turned out that his stares weren’t the ones of hatred.
And oh god was it a shock, at first between his friends. “Hey Osoro? We can take care of that cooking club punk you’ve been after.” After he shuts them down (almost with his fist) they realize he wasn’t mad at you, he was madly in love with you. 
They are playing the biggest matchmaker wtf, like trying to set you up and shit.
And after the two of you end up together? Prepared to have “the talk” with his friends. 
Other than that your relationship is very sweet, you often bring something to him when he’s with his goons and although he seems annoyed at it he folds instantly. 
The biggest bodyguard ever, someone looks at you the wrong way? They get sent to the Nurse instant. 
People in the cooking club are surprised, some kinda scared but quickly grow to understand you two, something Osoro will never understand.
You get hurt? Damn someone is going to prison.
Surprisingly Ayano leaves you and him alone, one rival off the list ig. 
Female! Osoro
Omg this woman is down bad fr (Not in a weird ways fucking incels), she’ gone soft and it shows, maybe not a lot but still.
You give her a baked good or a sweet kiss when no ones looking? You have protection till the end of the world.
The delinquents were mad confused when you two became a thing. What do you mean, Osoro having a sweet and cute girlfriend?? 
A very lovely relationship, she may come off as harsh, rough and tough but she just loves you so much.
Her gang or squad whatever you call them were even more confused when you gave her cookies, kissed her cheek and just left. I feel like the concept of Osoro being a genuine, good girlfriend was just too much for their brains to handle.
And when you find time outside your clubs activities when you can just sit together and chill with each other, she’s head over heels.
If someone looks at you or flirts with you it’s on, broken teeth were not the only problem the person had to deal with after Osoro was done with them. “Hands off my girlfriend fucking bitch.” 
You guys are so cute, a typical bad boy and a typical sweetheart cook, can this get any sweeter? Yeah it can.
At one point you tried to teach her how to cook or/and bake, the kitchen was in flames, good thing she knew how to put it out. After that you stick to just having her as company while cooking.
If you ever give out your baked goods with your club you can be sure as hell she’s there watching over you, it’s like you’re giving a cookie and the person looks behind you just to see a tall, muscular ass woman looming over you. While you’re smiling and shi, she’s standing with this dark aura surrounding her.
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