#i was so excited and nervous he would bolt before i could snap this
lesbianshepard · 1 year
i was out on the porch and a baby possum came to visit me for my birthday
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“His Night”
MGK x Female Reader
Warnings - Angst, mentions of mental illness and anxiety but fluffy ending. 💕
Prompts used - Credit goes to original creators :
1) “Wait don’t pull away … not yet”
2) it’s nearly 2am, what are you doing up”
3) “I didn’t ruin tonight did I?”
You can’t help but smile fondly at your boyfriend as he enters his element in the home based studio. You admire his talent, creativity and dedication. Even with a jam packed day full of single promo and an award ceremony this evening he still finds time to complete another part of his upcoming album.
You leave him to his business, walking back into the main house you, him and his team all share. Sometimes it felt like a college frat house but deep down you knew you wouldn’t want it any other way.
An hour or so later and a few episodes down from your newest Netflix obsession, Kells comes up from behind the sofa and wraps his arm around your small frame. Leaning around to kiss your forehead he asks you the question that’s been rattling around your head the past few days.
“Hey baby, did you give any thought to tonight, you wanna come with me?”
His voice was soft with a hint of nervous energy as if the question was going to make you bolt and if you was being honest you couldn’t trust yourself not to run.
You loved Colson with all your being, he was so kind and loving and everything you wanted in a man and a relationship but this didn’t mean you didn’t find his lifestyle hard.
His talent deserved to be known by the world and he had such an amazing community of fans that were like his family.
What you found difficult was the constant spotlight and invasion of your privacy. You weren’t oblivious, you knew that dating a celebrity would come with feelings like this, but to you he wasn’t this big famous star he was just Colson. Your Colson.
To try and regain some control of your life you tend to avoid the spotlight as much as possible. Meaning no public interviews, trying to ignore paparazzi and staying away as often as possible from red carpets. The odd time you were seen out at these events were at your boyfriends request. He thrived from showing you off to the world and the love that flows between the both of you. You could never really say no to the rapper which is what lead to your answer.
Taking a deep breath, you look up to him with an anxious smile.
“Sure baby, I know it’s important to you”
Your heart became a puddle as his eyes lit up with excitement.
He leaps from his spot behind you and launches into a bear hug. You squeal from underneath him as his tall body squashes yours. He peppers your face with kisses before sitting up and looking at you with sincerity.
“I promise, hand on heart, I will not leave your side all night”
This eases your anxiety a little, knowing that Colson is always true to his word.
Come 5pm everyone is suited and booted and waiting by the door.
You take one last look in the mirror, smoothing down your hair as you try and control your breathing before stepping out of the bedroom and making your way down the staircase.
You find Colson waiting at the bottom, his mouth wide open in shock.
When you reach the bottom you gently tap his chin upwards to close it.
“Close your mouth darlin’ you’ll catch flies” you attempt at a joke to lighten your sensing dread.
The man you love just stares you up and down continuously as if he can’t escape his shock.
“You look … absolutely exquisite, oh my god. I can’t believe you are mine” he breaths.
You blush deeply. No matter how many times you receive compliments you still go extremely shy, never knowing what to say.
“Come on lovebirds! We need to get going” both Slim and Rook shout from the hallway, causing you both to snap out of the moment.
Colson takes your hand and leads you forward towards the door and the car waiting outside to transport everyone to the award show.
Upon arrival your heart begun racing and you almost refuse to get out the car all together.
Sensing your hesitation, Colson rests his hand on your leg, knowing you’d grab it for comfort.
With his free hand he holds your face, forcing you to look at him directly.
“I promise I’ve got you. Just stay close and you will be just fine. I won’t let anything happen to you”
You nod and force yourself from the vehicle and onto the event sight.
Without the shelter of the car you are suddenly blinded by the multiple lights and cameras. Paparazzi pounce on you immediately even though Colson and the group do their best to protect you from the harsh lights and comments.
“Kells are you excited to be here tonight?”
“Do you expect to win anything tonight, we hear you are nominated!”
“Give us a smile Y/N”
“How about a kiss for the cameras huh?”
“Y/N it’s been awhile since we’ve seen you, is everything okay with the relationship?”
Sensing the change in my body language as I start to become overstimulated with all the commotion, your rockstar man envelopes you into a full body hug. I breath in his scent to calm myself for what felt like the 100th time that night.
His actions lead to another onslaught of comments from the camera men but this time you manage to ignore them. Focusing on how safe being in your lovers arms always makes you feel.
He goes to pull away but you don’t feel ready. You look into his ocean eyes, a slight plea in your own.
“Wait don’t pull away … not yet” you whisper so gently that you were unsure if he even heard you. He gave you confirmation by giving your hand a squeeze and allowing the hug to continue for another moment longer.
Knowing that you had to move on you force your feet to move forward. Noticing that you are taking control of your fears, Colson lets you lead but keep ahold of your hand, letting you know silently that he’s there if you need him.
You quickly move down the red carpet and are grateful that Ashleigh guides you to your seat while kells handles the press.
The night goes smoothly and soon it’s the final award of the night - Music Award for Top Rock Album.
“And the winner is …. MACHINE GUN KELLY.”
Forgetting where you were momentarily you couldn’t help yourself as you smush your face into your boyfriends and give him a kiss in front of every single person in the event. Colson keeps the kiss going as he lifts you from the ground with ease and spins you in his arms. He has a huge grin that covers his face and even though you know he hates his smile he doesn’t attempt to cover it.
You watch, filled with pride as he makes his way to the stage to accept his award.
“I would like to thank every single member of my EST family who voted for me on this award, I wouldn’t be if it wasn’t for you guys, your support is well and truly appreciated. I would also like to thank my absolutely amazing team who are constantly working around the clock with me and dealing with me 24/7, you guys are my life and my family I love you, and lastly but certainly not least I would like to thank my absolutely wonderful girlfriend who is here with me tonight. Tonight is just as a big night for her as it is me and I am so so so proud and thankful for her. She and my daughter are my rock. I couldn’t do this without them…”
He pauses for a minute to find your eyes in the crowd before finishing. “I love you Y/N. Have a good night everyone!”
You blow him a kiss, doing your best to ignore all the faces looking towards and the fact that your own face is now plastered out on the display screens at the front.
You shyly shrink back into your seat, your face down as you wait for Kells to come back.
As the night winds down you start to feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.
Rook, slim and Baze plan to go to an after party they had found not too far from the venue but when they ask Colson if he wanted to join he simply shook his head.
You can’t help but look at him confused.
“Are you sure babe, you can if you like I won’t mind?”
You never stopped him from celebrating, no matter how you felt, especially on a night like this, but he just looked down at you with such love in his eyes and said “nah not tonight guys. I just wanna be with my girl.”
You were happy to be home just as the clock stuck 11pm. Clambering out your dress that had felt tight and uncomfortable against you all night, despite how pretty it was, you sighed content as you changed into one of Kell’s t-shirts.
You were so tired that you could legitimately feel it seeping into your bones, get your mind refused to let you sleep.
“Was you okay tonight?”
“Did you embarrass yourself ?”
“Worse did you embarrass Kell’s?”
“Was it worth you going?”
All these thoughts running around over and over in your head to the point where sleep was physically impossible.
You sighed as you felt your eyes water. You took a deep breath and looked over at your sleeping boyfriend who had passed out half way though the SpongeBob marathon you both decided upon.
No. You wouldn’t cry. Not tonight, not on his night.
Instead you careful lifted yourself from under the duvet and silently slipped down into the kitchen to get yourself a glass of water.
You weren’t sure how long you’d sat there at the kitchen counter with this glass of water until Colson came down to find you after he realised you where missing from the bed.
Still half asleep he rubs at his eyes as he seats himself next to you.
“Hey sweetheart, it’s nearly 2am, what are you doing up”
He looks at you with such concern that you almost lied to him - not wanting him to worry about you after having such a special night , hut you knew that it wouldn’t get you anywhere. Honesty was always the best policy.
“I didn’t … I didn’t ruin tonight did I? Ya know with my stupid emotions and constant anxiety?”
You couldn’t look at him, scared of his reaction as you waited for a reply.
You let out a small gasp as instead of responding, he lifts you up onto his lap so that you are straddling him.
He holds you close to him as you begin to trace his tattoos along his chest.
“Baby listen to me okay, hear my voice, hear these words. You didn’t ruin a single thing, in fact you made the night so so so much better just by being there. Your emotions aren’t silly. I know that sometimes my lifestyle can be super difficult for you and I’m so so proud that you faced your fear tonight. I love you and whatever you need from me to help you through this you got.”
You felt your mouth tremble and your eyes sting as tears steadily steamed from your face and you curse at yourself in your head as you broke your promise of not crying tonight, but you couldn’t help yourself, Colson’s sweet words and comforting demeanour were just too much.
“Sometimes I just feel like I’m drowning. I wish I didn’t struggle with the limelight so much, I wish I didn’t care what other people thought of us, of me. Then I wouldn’t get so scared” you whisper, finally admitting how you felt.
You knew Colson understood this but hearing you say it aloud was different.
He cradles your body and hums in response to show that he’s listening.
“Why don’t me, you and even Casie if she wants, take a week away. Somewhere nice, warm and Most importantly somewhere quiet. We can get away from everything just for a little while? Hmm? We can reconnect with the world and nature and not have to worry about anything. How’s that sound?”
To you, that sounded like heaven. You’d been so wrapped up in your head that it’s exhausting. Colson doesn’t get to take breaks often but when he does this is what the both of you would do. Somewhere quiet and peaceful. It’s just what you needed.
You kiss him in response and as he runs patterns down your back in a calming motion. You both stay like for awhile, simply enjoying being in each others company, before you notice that your eyes start to droop. Colson notices this also and picks you up from his lap. You cling to him as he carries you upstairs.
“Come on Angel, let’s go to bed. A new adventure awaits us”
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whumpshaped · 11 months
helle's pov of this :)
tw vampire whumper, vampire whumpee, murder, death, animal abuse/death (beck feeding on rats), emotional whump, past trauma, paranoia, dehumanisation
Well... This was it.
As Helle stared at their human's motionless body in their arms, the finality of their decision was beginning to set in. They could still stake him, of course, but that wouldn't undo it. If anything, it'd only make their actions more final.
They hated the way his warmth seeped out of his body, slipping away from them forever. They'd never see him blush again, nor would they hear the adorable pounding of his heart whenever he was nervous or excited. He was so still, and it was unnatural after having gotten used to his constant fidgeting.
But it was inevitable, wasn't it? They'd gone overboard. Beck was losing his personality, the thing that had kept them coming back over and over, night after night. This was the only way to efficiently reverse it and try again — except this would also get rid of most of his memories, all that conditioning, all the stupid little moments they'd shared.
It would get rid of the adoration. All of it; both the result of enthrallment and... and the part they'd felt was real. They'd get a squeaky clean slate, with a Beck who would barely remember his own name. They'd have to start over, from square one.
"You said you do not require magic to keep around," they whispered mostly to themself. "That was not you, was it? That was the very magic you wanted me to stop using. Will you wake up and immediately try to run?" They pulled him closer, licking up the last remnants of his mortal blood. "Should I stake you now and spare us both the heartache?"
Helle had never been one to oppose a bit of healthy struggle. They liked to see Beck scared, even disgusted. They definitely loved to see him fight conflicting feelings and shameful urges. But the thought of him loathing them like they had loathed Lady Marie was one that plagued them endlessly, making them put off the siring of a new vampire for far longer than was reasonable.
So did they want a clean slate, or did they want Beck to remember? Did they want a brand new chance at creating a deeply toxic dependency, or did they want to build on what they had already worked for and risk him bolting? It could go in either direction. They didn't exactly know how the memories of enthrallment would carry over to the afterlife, but they doubted that Beck would appreciate those fake feelings without the active involvement of magic.
They spent several hours in Beck's bed, mulling it over while holding him. In the end, they left the apartment with the body in their arms and Boba in their coat pocket.
Helle stared at the coffin they were supposed to bury Beck in. Well, they didn't have to. It was mostly bitter resentment that made them want to put him through the same experience they had gone through centuries ago. And yet... they didn't think they could do it.
They let out a frustrated sigh before placing Beck's body inside, telling themself to snap out of this stupid nostalgic streak. It wasn't them in the coffin this time, it was another stupid human, and they had to move on. They nailed down the lid and sat Boba next to it, vowing to finish the whole thing a bit later. Maybe tomorrow night. Just not right now. They had better things to do.
As amusing as the thought of Beck waking up in an utterly neglected and filthy mansion was, having their first guest in nearly two hundred years did motivate them to finally stop living in denial. It wasn't like their siblings had left yesterday. The mansion had been mostly empty for centuries, and it was time to get rid of the old clothes and the cobwebs. None of them were coming back.
They couldn't help it. They went back and packed up most of Beck's possessions before his family could've gotten to it, bringing it over to the mansion suitcase by suitcase. They couldn't bear the thought of change, the thought of Beck getting a new wardrobe, or even new bedsheets instead of the deligtfully childish space themed ones he had owned before he died.
They knew it was stupid. Nothing would really be the same now that Beck was dead, no matter how desperately they tried to pretend that if only they worked hard enough, they would be able to make it happen. But what else were they going to do? Sit with the discomfort? Think about him running away, or staking them like they'd done to their sire?
No, it had to be the same. Or– well– different, but in a good way. Different, but in a way that wasn't too jarring. Different, yet not really.
Besides, all the familiar items would surely help recover his memories; even his personality, from before he nearly lost his mind to the magic. He would be the same awkward, jittery kid they'd met so many nights ago in the alley.
He wouldn't come back wrong. Not their Beck. He wouldn't come back wanting to murder them.
Helle was sitting on the couch, eyes fixed on the coffin they hadn't ended up burying. It was easier this way. They just didn't want Beck to be covered in dirt and worms.
He got out soon after the first little whimper, immediately jumping on the injured rat they'd tossed onto the floor just seconds prior. Seeing him like that brought up more memories than they would've cared to admit. It didn't pair well with their already guarded demeanour — the result of multiple nights of tormenting themself with hypotheticals and worst-case scenarios.
They threw him another rat, barely conscious of how outwardly disgusted they must've looked with the display. They didn't make an effort to dial it back even when they saw Beck's hurt expression, despite it not fitting into the doomsday image they were trying to ward off.
At least not until they took a moment to really look at him.
The fact that he remembered their name but not his own wasn't anything unusual... it was the way he'd said it that sparked some hope in their soul. But then again, it could've been leftover charm, it could've been anything.
It could've been anything when he looked up at them with those huge, grateful eyes after he'd spotted Boba. It could've been anything when he flinched back from the tone of their voice, looking like a puppy that had been kicked by its owner.
It could've been absolutely anything when he called them Master without hesitation.
It would wear off. It would certainly wear off. Beck would remember more and more of the horrible things they'd put him through, and it'd pass. But just for tonight, Helle couldn't help but bask in the fantasy that maybe their darling Beck wouldn't turn out to be like them.
taglist: @whumpsday @the-scrapegoat @hidden-dreamland @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @delicateprincepaper @whumppmuhw @florissimps @nicolepascaline @oliversrarebooks @the-cyrulik @pirefyrelight @there-will-always-be-blood @pigeonwhumps @echo-goes-mmm @whumpycries @morning-star-whump @d-cs @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @tauntedoctopuses @blueyellow8green @typewrittenfangs
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irisopranta · 1 year
Rarepair Week - Day 1 - Meetcute
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I know that this is a huge favor to ask of you but I have no other choice. We need tools for the artisans that are working on the firmament project. I’m putting in a formal request with the Skysteel Manufactory to make them. Please, they are sorely needed.
Stephanivien read over the note that his younger brother sent him. He wanted him to succeed in this venture. It’s something that would prove that House Haillenarte still is a great house of Ishgard. His engineers work tirelessly to make these tools. Hopefully they are to the standards of the artisans. He carried the crate of tools to the Firmament to deliver them.
As he arrived, the place was bustling. Artisans all over the place, busily making all sorts of things for the project. He spotted his brother. Running up to him with all the tools in hand. “Francel!” excited to see him, “I brought those tools you requested.”
Francel was grateful that his brother had the tools at hand. With a sigh of relief “Stephan, I’m so glad that you did this for me.” As Francel was about to open up the crate to look at them and hand them out, Aurvael ran up to him.
“F-Francel” he pants in a panic “Count Charlemend wants a word about the Firmament. He doesn’t seem all that pleased.”
Shocked that the count wanted to speak with him. Afterall the young Elezen thought he was doing a great job coordinating the efforts in the Firmament. “Now what does the good count want now?” He grumbled. Francel takes a look at his eldest brother. “Stephan, can I ask you to hand out those tools to the artisans? I’ll be back before long.”
“Wait, Francel!” Trying to stop his younger brothers. However, he was too late as both of them bolted leaving him there alone with the tools he just delivered. Besided himself he sighs, ultimately deciding that he should do what his brother asked him.
Time passes and he is bored out of his mind. He handed the tools out to the artisans that approached him. He was grateful that they all appreciated the hard work that the manufactory did but he much rather be back there than here working on his newest ideas. He was starting to zone out.
“Excuse me.” a sweet voice called out to him. He looked up and saw a purple haired woman. He noticed her deep blue eyes which he got lost in. She was quite cute in his opinion. He felt that his heart swell. “Excuse me.” she chimed up again, snapping Stephanivien out of his thoughts.
“Y-yes, c-can I help you.” He felt extremely nervous that he could barely get any words out.
“I heard that there were tools being handed out for the artisans. You wouldn’t be the one handing them out would you?” she inquired.
He cleared his throat, “Why yes,” He perked up, “which one do you need?”
She hummed for a moment, cheerful that she found the right place. “I need new sewing supplies. My current supplies broke, probably due to age.”
Stephanivien dug out the supplies  that he had and handed them over to her. “I take it you are a seamstress.”
“Aye, though it’s been a while since working on a project this size.” Iris looked over the supplies, “oh my these look very high quality.” Hearing those words from her made his heart skip. She looked back at him and gave him a smile. “My name is Iris by the way.” she said cheerfully.
He calmed himself down, “Stephanivien”
“Are you all alone? If you want I can keep you company.”
“I am and I would love the company.”
“Let me get my stuff and I’ll be right back.” she skipped away.
It was at that moment he knew he was done in. He wasn’t expecting her to offer some company but glad that she did. She returned with her work. The two chatted to pass the time. Mostly over their work as crafters and their life growing up. She’d work while Stephanivien continued handing out the tools. After a few hours Francel returned to relieve Stephanivien so he could go back to the manufactory. 
He felt a bit sad. While he yearned to go back to the manufactory he also didn’t want to leave being with Iris. He would invite her to come with him but it’s not the place for stray fabrics and threads. Before thinking he uttered the words “Iris, maybe we can hang out some more later.”
Iris was grateful to hear him say that “Yeah that would be great.” she smiled back at him. “I’m to assume that I can come by the manufactory?” He nodded to her and headed out.
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rea-grimm · 8 months
Otaku guardian of gate - Chapter 3
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You decided to take the day off. You were in a lazier mood and the research went much easier with the help of the sea snake. That's why you decided it wouldn't hurt if you took a day off.
The sea serpent was already watching your ship, waiting for you to come out. You greeted him and showed him the computer. It was smaller than the canvas, but you needed darkness or shade for that.
After a few hours of the anime marathon, just when it was getting exciting you heard a pop and noticed she was gone. It was strange because he had never missed an episode before. You couldn't even skip a single opening or ending.
You hit it off, grabbed your basic scuba gear and jumped into the water. From a distance, you could see the end of his tail disappearing into his cave.
You swam to the underwater cave and climbed into the anime room with the bathtub. But you didn't see the snake anywhere. However, your eyes fell on the young man who stood with his back to you. The strangest thing about him was the snake marks.
He had a long scaly tail like a sea serpent. Two corals of the same colour were sticking out of his indigo-coloured hair, and his back and overall body were covered in a lot of scales.
Overall, he reminded the humanised version of a sea serpent. The only clothes he was wearing were shorts that looked like they were made of his snakeskin.
You heard him grunt something before he crumpled up the piece of paper in his hand.
"Why now?" he complained to himself as he turned and stopped. Your eyes met. You had no idea what to do and you both stood there frozen. Before you could say anything, he appeared at your side like a bolt from the blue
You yelped in surprise, taking a step back and falling onto your ass. He also took a step back as if he was startled too before he bent down and helped you to your feet.
"How?" you finally breathed out and couldn't think of any better questions. He furrowed his brows and opened his mouth several times before closing it again.
He looked around you before muttering, “Not here.”
You wanted to answer something in the sense of “why?” But you didn't have a single chance, because he took you around the waist and jumped into the water with you. It didn't matter what he looked like. Whether he was a giant snake or a human, he swam just as fast, maybe faster, and you were at your ship in no time.
You leaned against the railing and stared at him. What was he? What was he doing here? How was he able to change? Why did he change now? What kind of paper was that? Before he knew it, you bombarded him with these questions.
"A normie like you wouldn't get it anyway!" he replied, crossing his arms over his chest as if to protect himself from the questions.
“Says weirdo like you!” you snapped. If you're a normie, then he's a weirdo.
"Hey, don't call me a weirdo," he snapped back, his hand defence starting to crumble.
“So don't call me normie, weirdo,” you just weren't going to give up.
"Fine!" you almost screamed but it looked like you calmed down a bit now. Instead, you sat down and there was a moment of silence.
“For starters, I'm Y/N. I think it would be nice to know our names so we don't have to call each other by those nicknames,” you said, wanting to add weirdo but didn't. You had the impression that you wouldn't get anywhere then.
"I'm Levi," he replied. After that, you asked him what he was and what was going on.
"I don't have to tell you anything" he replied and you noticed how he played with his fingers. Like he was nervous.
"Whatever you want, but say goodbye to the anime," you replied as if it was nothing. You only watched it for him anyway.
"You won't. Now that's exciting!" his eyes widened and he didn't understand what you were thinking.
“I will,” you replied with icy calmness.
“I… guard it here from prying people as punishment,” Levi finally said nervously, watching you hesitantly. You could tell he didn't want to talk about it much.
“Okay,” you replied, taking him completely by surprise. You would have liked to ask him about other things as well, but you didn't want to push the saw. You could see how he was relieved.
"Would you like to finish watching the episode we've been watching?" you asked him after a moment of silence. Levi's eyes immediately lit up and he nodded in agreement. Honestly, it was better this way than watching it with a giant snake.
Since that incident, Levi has been spending more time in his more human form. He was still helping you underwater with your research and you watched anime in the evenings and sometimes had some snacks.
Slowly but surely you found out more about him. You asked him now and then, but he didn't have to answer if he didn't want to. 
You found out he was a demon. Under other circumstances, you would have laughed it off, but now? Now you trusted him. In addition, he had 6 other brothers. That's what you called family.
You spent almost all of the previous day underwater and went to bed sometime after midnight. No wonder you didn't want to get out of bed.
You would have liked to go back to your dream, but a strange sound coming from your ship made you give up your sleep and go investigate. It was suspicious since you hadn't come across any other ships in the entire time you were here.
You reluctantly left your bed, noticing that the sun was still relatively low. It barely climbed above the sea. You tiptoed and headed to your study where the noise was coming from. Along the way, you took a heavy relic you found with the plan to use it as a weapon against a potential intruder.
Ready to defend yourself, you walked into the open door. You found out that it was Levi who turned his back on it and was probably studying your documents.
You placed the relic on the table and Levi was startled as it thumped. He jumped up in shock and dropped the papers that scattered on the floor. With a weak yelp, he turned to face you.
"You shouldn't scare others like that," he said, still startled.
“Funny you should say that,” you replied and laughed. It might have occurred to you that it was a demon all along. "Why are you up so early?" you asked him, because usually when you watched anime late at night, you slept much later.
"I couldn't sleep," he shrugged. "I was bored," he explained simply.
"Sure. Will you have breakfast while you're here?" you asked heading towards the kitchen. Levi hesitantly accepted. He was still shy and always thought too much when you were kind to him. He followed you anyway.
You sat down at a small table and had some cereal with milk. It wasn't anything extra, but it was a welcome change for the demon. Out of curiosity, you asked during the meal what he had for breakfast so far.
He answered that he ate raw fish like a giant snake. As a demon, he doesn't mind such things, although he was glad to finally have something more normal.
Then when he told you that he slept in that bathtub when he was in this form, you didn't even want to believe it. You finally decided to invite him to dinner. You had some supplies in the freezer and wanted to treat him to some nice warm food.
Levi was completely taken aback by your offer but eventually accepted it. Then the conversation turned to you and your research. The demon was very interested in what you were working on here and was amazed at how far you had come.
You went diving again during the day, but you ended it much earlier to prepare dinner. You dined on chicken and potatoes in the skins while enjoying the sounds of the surroundings. You even offered to let him sleep on the boat with you so he wouldn't have to sleep underwater or in a bathtub.
You completely disarmed him with that. Levi turned red as a tomato and protested that he couldn't sleep in your bed, he wasn't good enough for that. And where would you sleep? It's your bed, you should sleep there.
In the end, you decided that you would both sleep there, back to back. The demon finally agreed to that. You each laid down on your part of the bed and you said good night.
Before you fell asleep, you felt something wrap around your leg. You carefully turned over your shoulder and noticed it was Levi's tail. You smiled to yourself and rolled onto your side again before falling asleep.
Slowly but surely you started to get closer, and sleeping in the same bed became more regular. You were starting to like being here more than just for your research.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Obey me! Masterlist
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melishade · 1 year
Attack on Prime Autobot Anthology: New Arrivals
Main Story
Halloween Anthology
Winter Anthology
“Wheeljack,” Arcee spoke as she gestured to the Jackhammer.
“Right, I need to put this somewhere,” Wheeljack proclaimed.
“No! Keep the ship here!” Hanji exclaimed as she bolted to the ship and clung to the side, “It’s a working ship! I’ve always dreamed of this day!”
“What?” Arcee questioned.
“She’s insane, don’t worry about it,” Levi told them.
Arcee saw Wheeljack asking Hanji to let go of his ship. She turned her attention to the crowd and realized...how many eyes were on her. Military personal were staring at her with caution. However, she didn’t like how some of those expressions looked a little greedy. She looked past them, and found the eyes of the human sparklings staring at the two of them in awe and excitement. They kept peering through the windows of the cabins, trying to get a better look at them. She wasn’t going to lie. She expected...fear. She expected them to run away in terror or something, but reactions right now were quite calm.
“‘Cee, I got her to let go. Let’s go move this thing before she tries to sneak on board,” Wheeljack told her as he walked back onto the Jackhammer. Arcee turned to leave and enter the ship, sparing a quick glance at Optimus. The crowd watched the doors to the ship close before hovering off the ground and flying off in a different direction. The military couldn’t help but marvel at the sight of the machine, while the children were chatting with excitement.
“Optimus Prime, we need you to come with us in order to discuss how to proceed.” Zackley glanced up at the Prime.
“I understand,” Optimus said.
“We will remain here and wait for our new arrivals to return!” Hanji exclaimed with joy.
“I assume that you would.” Zackely shrugged. Optimus transformed into his alt mode before following the rest of the military to explain future plans.
“Oh, this is so exciting!” Hanji clapped with delight, “I have so many questions I want to ask!”
“Did you think that we would ever see more like Optimus and Megatron?” Jean asked.
“I didn’t think I’d live long enough to,” Connie agreed.
“More Cybertronians,” Armin mumbled before realizing something, “Wait, what about Mikasa?! She’s not even here! She’s still in Hizuru!”
“I’m sure that Megatron will tell her.” Hanji waved off casually.
Ymir snorted at that. “I thought the guy’s shtick was that he wasn’t honest.”
“He’ll tell the truth when it matters,” Hanji proclaimed.
“Eh...” Sasha made a ‘so-so’ gesture with her hand.
“You don’t get to say anything!” Hanji pointed at Sasha in anger, “You kept this a secret!”
Armin watched Sasha and Hanji argue with each other before turning his attention to Eren. Armin froze when he saw the sheer panic and terror written all over his friend’s face. Why was he this shaken up about it? They were Autobots. They were going to play by the rules. That was a good thing, wasn’t it?
“Eren?” Armin tapped his friend on the shoulder, causing him to snap out of his thoughts at focus on him. “Are you okay?”
“I...,” Eren paused, looking like he wanted to say something important, but he quickly swallowed it down, “I’m fine. I’m fine.”
“Eren, I’m sure that this will all be sorted out soon enough,” Armin reassured.
“Will it?” Eren demanded in anger, causing Armin to recoil. Before either of them could say anything else, Hanji squealed in excitement at the sight of Arcee and Wheeljack returning to their location. Armin still caught how nervous Eren, and grew fearful. Was Eren okay?
(And the Autobot Anthology has begun. This is going to be more of a sporadic posting. It’s not a set once a day thing like the Halloween Anthology, or a seasonal timeframe like the Winter Anthology. I have a few ideas geared up, but I’m also open to suggestions for this Anthology. It will probably be a little tricky to write for spoiler reasons, but I can work around it.)
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mystiiknight3 · 2 years
Wanna Practice?
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Wanna Practice?
They sat on the tall grassy hill overlooking the sunset. Mikey stretched his legs, his blonde locks blowing in his eyes. Mika couldn’t help but stare at him; he was so handsome, cool and charismatic. She couldn’t understand why he wanted to hang out with her, an outsider nonetheless.
Mika wasn't born here in Japan. Her father was, but had studied law in America. That's when he met her mother, an aspiring artist. Mika moved here when her mother passed away. On her second day of school she had class with Mikey, not knowing who he was, or even that he was friends with her own cousin Tora. All she had known was that he was rude, snarky and a smart ass kid.
Her opinion changed about him when he saved her from some street punks who were trying to assault her. From that day forward she was enamored by him. He made her nervous and anxious, even though she doubted that he noticed her slight panic attack every time he smiled at her or if he would touch her slightly she would almost pass out from the pure excitement.
Now here she is, alone with him at his favorite place to sit and think. He was steadily talking about the food that they had just eaten, but she was barely paying attention to him. All she could think about was why? And that he was so handsome.
“Mika you ok?” he spoke, snapping her out of her own thoughts.
“Huh? Yeah I am ok,” she lied, laughing it off.
“Then what did I say?” he asked, smiling slightly.
Mika blushed, she couldn’t stand that smile. It made her heart yearn for him. He was too handsome for his own good.
She was nervous but figured she might as well build the courage to ask him why. “I was thinking about why you were hanging out with me?” she asked shyly, fidgeting with her fingers.
Mikey stared at her and wondered when she would ask. He knew she had a crush on him. Tora had told Baji, and Baji had come to tell him. Mikey never really paid attention to a lot of the girls that liked him, he would date them for a little and once they got too annoying or clingy he just ghosted them and acted like they never existed.
But Mila was completely different. She was smart, creative, goofy, nerdy and beyond beautiful. Her tan skin was a smooth brown, her brunette hair was long with blonde highlights at the ends of her tight curls that framed her face, and those big brown eyes… He could get lost staring at them for days.
“Mika, I know,” he said flatly, staring at her.
“You know what Mikey? What kinda cryptic shit is that?” she questioned. Mika was so confused about what he could mean.
“That you have a crush on me.” he smiled seductively.
Mika could feel her cheeks turn red. She wanted to run and hide from the embarrassment. “I….I um don’t know…” she laughed nervously,
“It's cool Miks,” he laughed effortlessly.
The last thing Mika wanted was to be rejected like before, having everyone laugh at her. She wouldn't let that happen again: thinking she would like the coolest guy in school and that he would like her back.
She got up and began packing her school bag, frantically scrambling to get away, before she started crying in front of him.
“Miks where are you going?”
She bolted.
Mikey could barely keep up with how fast she was moving. “Why are you running?” he asked, catching his breath.
She shook her head, her curls bouncing. She kept her head down, afraid to look back into his dark eyes. “I refuse to let you reject me and see me cry then tell everyone about it!” she shouted at him. “You're not about to make me the laughing stalk of our school!” When he caught up to her, she pushed him out of her way.
“Miks, I never said I was going to reject you!”
Mika stopped in her tracks.
“Yeah, Baji told me a week or two ago. So I wanted to spend some time with you, and show you around.” he voiced, walking up behind her. “Why would I reject you? You’re the smartest, hottest girl around, and I just don't let anyone ride on the back of my bike,” he whispered in her ear.
Her tan cheeks were burning from what he said.
“Aww, did I make you speechless?” he asked sarcastically.
If Mika could move she would have punched him in the chest.
Instead, Mikey moved to stand in front of her. Even though he was short, Mika was still smaller than him. He softly brushed the curls out of her face and lifted her chin, so he could look into her watering eyes.
Mika couldn’t believe what she heard him say and the way he stared at her.
Mikey could barely hold back from kissing her, but he moved slowly. Her lips were perfect and plump.
Mika’s heart started to race, she began to sweat like crazy the closer he got to her face. Before he got any closer she slapped him.
“Owww! What the hell was that?!” he shouted at her holding his cheek.
She immediately regretted that reaction. “Oh my, I am so sorry Mikey. I didn't mean to do that, ugh I am so stupid.” she whined covering her eyes.
Mikey looked at her confused, has she never kissed anyone before?  “Miks, have you never kissed a boy before?” he asked, concerned.
“I have kissed someone before, ughh… When I was in my old school, the girls who I thought were my friends told the boy I liked that I had a crush on him. He took me out on a date and unbeknownst to me our whole grade was there, and they poured a smoothie on my head which ruined my hair, and before that happen the boy I liked kissed me and it was super weird and all over the place, but he went around school and told everyone that I was a terrible kisser. I haven't kissed or kissed since.” she sighed explaining part of her school trauma.
Mikey felt bad for her. Why would anyone pull such a dumb prank? “Miks. I'm sorry.” he smiled at her.
Mikey’s smile turned mischievous when he looked at her.
“What's that look for?” she asked him.
“Well you know the only way to become a better kisser right?” he responded, moving back in closer to her face.
Mika felt her blood rushing to her face, her heart began to throb; she shook her head no to his question.
“Wanna Practice?” He replied gently, kissing her on the lps, softly not rushing or too aggressive.
Mika didn't know what to do, but she followed Mikey’s lead.
He wrapped his hands around her waist, pulling her close to him; he broke apart from the kiss looking down at her flushed face. “See you're not bad at all.” Mikey whispered to her.
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the-fiction-witch · 2 years
The Ballerina P4
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Media IRL
Character Thomas brodie sangster
Couple Tbs X reader
Rating Dark + Sweet
Concept The Ballerina and her patron
I was nervous honestly, firstly due to the fact this was my first performance, secondly because Thomas had always stopped patronising girls once they got their roles even if he assured me he was still going to look after me, and thirdly this director made me feel very uncomfortable. 
But whenever I felt too bad I would glance at Thomas who always smiled and looked so proud of me. Once the rehearsal was done I much like every other girl scampered off to my patron.
"How did I do?"
"You look beautiful" he Cooes 
"You think so?"
"I know so. You're going to make an excellent… what are you playing again?"
"Backing fairy seven" 
"Well you shall be my favourite little fairy" he smiled giving my head a kiss 
"I'm a little nervous"
"Why? I told you. You have nothing to worry about I'm not going to ship of my prize investment now am I?"
"I know. But still" I answered glancing at the director who still loomed 
"Umm. I know." He muttered slightly giving him a glare "I don't like the way he was looking at you."
"He's the director he has to look at me"
"Doesn't mean I have to like it" he snapped putting a hand on my waist and keeping me fairly close "now. Is there anything? Anything my little fairy wants before her big show on Friday?"
"I don't think so."
"No? No new dress? New shoes? A nice new ribbon for your hair? A nice new perfume perhaps?" 
"I don't need anything Thomas thank you"
"Come on. Please. Something" he whines "what will the other boys think of me if I'm not spoiling my little fairy" 
"Well, I don't need anything"
"Want something then? Come on, there must be something."
"Surprise me"
"Yeah? Alright. You will be surprised" he smiled
I did my last rehearsal finishing my last little fairy costume even if I felt nervous and concerned as I danced with my fellow fairies the director walked around us all correcting us when we make mistakes, and of course, his hands travelled and wondered when he was correcting mistakes, the scent of his aftershave filling my nose enough to almost make me cough I didn’t want him near me but such is the situation with getting a part, as soon as I was finished with the rehearsal I bolted upstairs to my bed trying to make sure to stay away from him, but as soon as I got to the bed I saw something a large cream paper box tied with a baby blue ribbon bow with a small card tucked under it 
‘For Y/n 
A little gift for you to wear after your big performance tomorrow night 
I’ll be watching my darling,
X Thomas’ 
I smiled and sat on my bed pulling at the ribbon until it was free and opening the box pulling back the sweet cream tissue paper revealing a beautiful clearly expensive brand new cotton and tulle sky blue dress with little white ribbons and a new pair of shoes of the same blue and white, I couldn’t help my smiled standing up to hold the dress to me doing a little spin with the many fabric layers, but quickly packed it back into the box so I could wear it after the show.
My heart was beating out of my chest I only had one scene but I had to get ready with all the other girls to perform. Just standing on the backstage listening to people file in from the lobby for the second act. I watched the performance from the sidelines unable to stop my excitement but… I felt a hand on my back I could smell the director's aftershave behind me, he ran his hand down the small of my back and gripped my ass. As well as the girl beside me. “Lillian. Back to the practice room” he told the girl beside me 
“But I-” she began as our scene was only moments away 
“Miss Penelopy will dance your part”
“But sir I-” she began but he moved to face her and slapped her face hard so hard that her cheek went bright red and her lip busted with a slight bit of blood 
“Go back to the practice room. Now,” he demanded 
“Yes sir” she nods tears welling up in her eyes as she bolts away from the stage immediately being replaced by Penelope I tried not to worry about it even if I felt awful for Lillian 
“Knew it.” Alice said beside me
“What?” I asked quietly 
“Penelope told her patron she’d do anything to be in the show.”
“What do you mean?” I asked 
“Her patron promised he’d make a deal with the director.”
“I can hear you” Penelope spoke up “Don’t you glare at me, everything I did I did for my part same as you”
“Not all of us suck the director off to kick another girl out of the show Penelope”
“And you didn’t let your patron blow your back out for that new dress Miss Alice.”
“Hum.” Alice pouted 
“I- I-” I shuttered unsure how to reply 
“Don’t even try to defend yourself. We all know what you did for those shoes.” Penelope snapped at me
“I- I didn’t do anything.” 
She simply gave me a side eye but her expression changed when she saw my face “No. you didn’t.” she says “Be careful. Pretty soon your patrons going to want his payment.” she says 
The moment she did the que came in the music so we had to scamper onto the stage for our scene. I did my best not to make mistakes but I found myself like a dear in the headlights my heart racing I almost forgot to breathe seeing all the lights on me, it was terrifying and my concerned for every single step in my little fairy costume, as soon as the music was finished we rushed off backstage again. I couldn’t help my smiles and blushes waiting through the rest of the performance, once the show was over the curtain call plaid as a fairy being such a small part I was actually back on first taking a bow to the crowd of applause all the eyes watching me I felt so proud of myself I looked out beyond the blinding lights to the sea of well-dressed people I rushed over with the other fairies to the side watching as everyone else in the ballet came out to take their own bows, and as I looked out a the sea of people I meet those chocolate eyes. 
He sat in the second closest box on the left-hand side with a few other men I had often seen him around he leaned on the wall of the box his elbow on the wall his chin on his hand smiling at me, he saw me looking and he winked at me moving his hand to press a gentle kiss to his palm and blowing me a kiss which only turned me even redder. Once Valerie took her bow as the main princess of our ballet we all hurried backstage I couldn’t help my smile quickly rushing up to get changed into my new dress and shoes doing my hair as best as I could before waiting with the other performers, brought in team by team by the director into the main backrooms to the waiting patrons and supporters all of them happy to see us, as a fairy we didn’t get much interest but still from the right people. I quickly found Thomas so I rushed over to him where he smiled giving me applause and welcoming me with open arms wrapping his arms around my waist and giving my cheek a kiss “My perfect little fairy. You did brilliantly”
“You think so?”
“The best fairy on that stage my darling” 
“I don’t think most care”
“No no trust me, the whole backstage has been buzzing about my little fairy, had quite a few offers for you.”
“You have?”
“I have. Six already”
“But I told you already, I’m not getting rid of my favourite.”
“You won’t?”
“Of course not.” he says “you were my first investment, no matter what I’m not getting rid of you, someone could offer me a million pounds and I still wouldn’t let anyone else have my little fairy” he smirked “In fact. Shall we disappear”
“Everyone wants to do trading post performances, and I am not doing any trading or selling. So how about you and I take you out in your sweet little dress somewhere special where you can be treated properly”
“I’m not sure… shouldn't I stay.”
“Come on. For me my little fairy?”
“Okay” I nodded
“Good girl. Go get your coat and we’ll go”
“I don’t have a coat.”
“Oh. I’ll buy you one on the way” he smirked sitting his hand on my waist and tugging me along towards the door. 
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mochithealchemist · 5 months
Chapter six about that silly dog
Oats swiveled his head to see a beautiful husky. Her fur was spritzed with a layer of dirt and her face held an obstinate shit-eating grin. She stood confidently blocking the duo’s way out of the alley. To her side a small pomeranian yapped with excitement. They both looked to be the same age as Oats and Cran and carried themselves like delinquents. 
“Oh come on. Do you really think we haven't noticed how much money you have whiskers”
The husky jeered at Cran, who scowled in response.
“You think I can’t smell the dye they use in those-.”
Cran interrupted her with a violent hiss. The pomeranian stopped its constant growls and yips. 
“I’ll claw your eyes out and sew them back on your butt where they belong.”
Cran’s fur started to rise, making the kitten twice her original size. Oats was completely flabbergasted by his friend's display of barbarity. His eyes darted from cran to their assailants like a nervous pendulum. Cran was inching forward claws out. 
Without thinking Oats hoisted Cran by the skin of her neck and bolted away from the strangers. His paws slammed against the crumbled concrete of the alleyway running like he had never before. Cran seemed at a loss for action or words and simply hung limp in Oat’s jaw. The husky and her friend did not seem alright with Oat’s escape. He could hear their animalistic yipping as if they were some type of wild animal. 
“Hey, I had em doofus!” 
Cran shouted as Oats leaped over a pile of detritus. 
Oats tried to answer without realizing that his mouth was occupied. He hadn't run anywhere near this fast in a while. He hoped he could keep up the chase until they could find some help. Wait, was he lost? Oats looked around searching for a recognizable landmark in the barren street but his memory came up empty.
“Turn left TURN LEFT!”
Cran screamed as Oats almost missed his turn. He swerved into a more populated road greeting everyone there with his conflict. 
“Keep running ivory picker!”
The Husky shouted. The expletive “ivory picker” was nowhere in Oat’s vocabulary but he guessed it wasn't a nice thing to say. As oats galloped feverishly into newer and more familiar parts of the city he could hear his assailants were falling behind. They were escaping not because they asked for help but because Oats had put in the effort and ran. He felt very happy about this fact. With one last turn, Oats lost the husky and her minion. He dropped Cran and panted heavily.
“What was that?! I had those geeks!”
Cran angrily spat at Oats.
“Cran, you’re the size of a can of beans. Also, what would have happened if you did beat them? Hmmm. Oh, I'm sorry officer, they wanted my money so I clawed their eyes out and attached them to their butts.”
Oats was too tired to be worried about Crann’s disapproval. He hated to be mean but It was clear she needed a reality check. 
“Fuck the cops. What are the Pinkertons gonna do, huh? I’d leap on the first one's face and take all his teeth. Then I’d throw them like ninja stars at the other one and they’d explode!”
Cran jumped around playing out her power fantasy for Oats who was starting to realize just how much energy his new friend had. He would have criticized her use of expletives but was way too pooped to care. With nothing else to do, he started laughing. It had been such a strange day. Before this, when he lived in the small farming village with his father, he would have never had a day this eventful. Oats was consumed with joy. He felt open and in the moment. He felt like nothing stressful had happened. Any responsibility he had was cut from his memory. His momentary joy was even enough for him to almost forget about his kitchen window. As the thought crossed his mind Oats snapped back into focus. The amount of fun he had today didn't change the fact that he was in for a world of trouble when he got home. His expression soured. Cran, who had stopped her violent bouncing around noticed Oat's demeanor. 
“Hey, everything's gonna be cool ok.”
Cran said comfortably. Oats appreciated Cran’s care but it didn't do anything to change his mood. He stood up straight to his full height startling Cran. Typically Oats was in a constant state of awkward anxiety which caused him to shrink into himself. In reality, he was very tall for his age. With a deep breath, Oats made a silent promise to himself.
“Everything will be fine when I get home.”
The affirmation was not true at all but Oats was a good liar. 
Oats turned to Cran in a professional sort of way. 
“Thank you so much for showing me around Houndsburg.”
“You're welcome, dude.”
Cran met Oat’s stark professionalism with a casual attitude that deflated his ego. Even so, he was thankful for meeting Cran. He hoped that they could hang out tomorrow if he wasn't grounded.
“Well, I should be going. My dad will most likely think someone robbed the house. I should probably explain what happened to the window.”
“Good luck with that man. Hey, do you wanna hang out tomorrow?  I can show you my trebuchet!”
“That sounds fun. I'll ask my dad if I can come but I'm not sure he'll let me after today.”
Cran looked ashamed.
“I can help you break it to him if you want. I mean I broke the window.”
“I doubt that would work but if your there he’ll be less mad. Are you sure you don't mind?”
“Pphht what are friends for doofus”
The duo decided who would say what to make Barley less mad and shifted through the streets of Houndsburg to the Cane household. 
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Pairing: Lumberjack! Steve Rogers x Bunny! Fem! Reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Summary: A sweet, innocent, game of tag becomes something much dirtier when Steve finally catches you, his sweet little bunny. 
Warnings: throat fucking, blowjob, petnames, praise kink, daddy kink, teasing, 6′5 steve rogers in a red flannel bc holy god 
Notes: i wrote this little blurb today for easter, so happy easter for those who celebrate! this was inspired by the song tag, you’re it by melanie martinez. enjoy!
-claire bear
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It had started off as a silly, little game. 
Tag- you’re it! You had giggled, swatting your boyfriends arm playfully, a mischievous gleam in your eyes as you ran from Steve. 
It was supposed to be innocent. Playful. 
You didn’t know what you had just started as you turned the corner, his thundering footsteps nearing as you hid. You covered up a giggle with your hand, scurrying towards the front door. Running through it, you wildly look for a place to hide from Steve.
 Your heart shuddered loudly in your chest, breaths coming in quick shallow pants. You knew it was a game, that it was nothing more than good fun. Steve would find you, eventually, swing you up in his arms, and shower you in kisses.
 That was always the outcome with the little games you played. 
Yet, your hair stood on edge as you ran from the lumberjack, legs trembling slightly as you scurried towards the woods. 
He told you not to go in there. 
Steve told you it was too dangerous for little girls like you in there, that it wasn't safe. So you tugged up your knee-high socks, adjusted your bunny ears and bolted towards the bush. This way, Steve would have no choice but to come to your rescue, to be your prince charming. 
He would save you from the big bad wolf stories he told you about late a night by the fireplace, when you’d snuggle a little closer in his arms when the animals would howl. 
Your hair whipped behind you as you surged forward, knowing he was on the front porch, the place you had just left from. Meaning, he wasn't far. 
The bark was rough on your skin as you gripped it tighter, his footsteps coming closer as you hid behind the evergreen. “Come out, come out wherever you are baby bunny!” he sang gently, a branch snapping from under his weight. 
The birds chirped as you giggled, scurrying deeper into the bush. He was getting closer, tracking your every move. He heard the brush of your skirt among the leaves, saw a peek of your bunny ears from behind a tree. But he wanted to let you have your fun. 
He wanted this to be a chase, something that would make you excited- on edge. His tactic was working it seemed, your heart beating faster with every second that passed. 
“I thought I told you to stay out of the woods bunny…” he tsked, shaking his head in mock disappointment as he neared. You peaked your head out from behind the bark, seeing his crimson flannel through the twigs. You clenched your thighs in excitement, arousal seeping your little lace panties he had put on you this morning. 
Suddenly, the woods became too quiet. You couldn't hear anything but the odd crick of the cicadas, the rustle of leaves as the gentle breeze blew. Steve’s flannel was nowhere to be seen. 
You were nervous, thoughts racing through your head at a million miles an hour. Before any could slip past your tongue, a sudden grip made you squeal, Steve’s arms wrapping you in a bear hug.
 “Tag.” he whispered, pulling you tight to his chest as you giggled with delight. “You caught me daddy!” you smiled up at him, getting lost in his baby blues as he took you in. “I’ll always catch my little bunny. But do you mind telling me why she was poking around the scary forest, a place where she's not supposed to be?” he cooed softly, hands slipping down to stroke your sides and grip your ass. 
“Wasn't scary daddy I promise. I knew you would save me if there were any wolves around.” you reassured in a soft tone, biting your lip sharply as he smacked your ass with his palm, making you jolt in surprise.
 “Oh baby, haven't you learned? I’m the big bad wolf.” he teased, hands coming up to press down on your shoulders, dropping you to your knees.
 You whined in protest as the sharp twigs bit into your knees, causing indents to form in your skin as Steve walked around so he was in front of you. You looked up at him obediently as he smiled down at you, running a hand through his blonde locks. 
This was how you always sat, perched and ready for him. He was to use you as he pleased, your body at his every whim. You were growing needy and impatient for him, wanting nothing more than for him to fuck you hard and deep. 
But you knew you’d have to earn that first.
 “ My beautiful little bunny.” he smiled, admiring the bunny ears that lay upon your head. “So good for daddy aren't you sweetheart?” 
“Yes daddy.” you smiled, desperately trying to keep your hands to yourself, knowing you'd be punished if you touched him without permission. You wrung them, toying with your fingers as he gathered your hair into a makeshift ponytail between his fingers. “Go on bunny.” he coaxed, urging you on gently. 
You wasted no time sliding up to unbuckle his belt, zipping down his jeans and his boxers with ease. Your mouth watered at the sight of his throbbing cock, all hard and dripping with precum. It was red and throbbing as you looked up at your daddy with doe eyes, wrapping your mouth around the tip. A low hiss emitted from his throat, grip tightening as you kissed it, placing little kitten lips upon the end. 
Your eyes widened in alarm, a muffled moan leaving you as he jerked your head forward, forcing you to take him in. You choked as he hit the back of your throat, spit dribbling down the sides of your lips.
 “Shhh, shh that's a good bunny. Takin daddy's cock so well, like the little slut she is.” he praised, eyes never leaving yours as you forced yourself to take him all, a lump now formed in your throat. 
The twigs underfoot dug into your skin as you clenched your thighs together tighter, your grip on his thighs the same. Steve allowed no time for you to get used to the feeling, already beginning to use you for his pleasure like a toy. 
“This is why little bunnies like you don’t get to come out into the woods.” he moaned, head thrown back in pleasure against the tree as he fucked your mouth, using your hair to guide your mouth. Tears pooled in your eyes, dripping down to mingle with your spit as he abused your throat, not allowing you to breathe. 
“Fuckkkk bunny. Atta girl. Attaaa girl.” he hissed through clenched teeth, his orgasm nearing. Your cries reverberated around his cock, pushing him over the edge. Steve came with a grunt of your name, spilling his hot seed down your throat. You welcomed it happily, savouring every last drop as he praised you, telling you what a good girl you were, how you were his and only his. 
Your throat was raw as Steve slid out of you, making you cough and sputter for breath. “Was I good daddy?” you croaked out, holding your throat as if your grip on it would take the pain away. “So good for me button. You were such a good baby bunny.” 
His hand came down to caress your cheek, large fingers swiping away the tears that continued to fall. “Now how bout we get you a little tail hmm?”
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thekittytat · 2 years
Screaming in the Night
Eddie x female reader one shot
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Summary: You and Eddie successfully draw away all the demobats from Vecna’s lair, only to be presented with the issue of what to do once they got there. Tensions are high and with the adrenaline pumping, you two find yourselves needing to release it the moment you’re safe. The timeline of this is the same, Hawkins falls, Max is in a coma, etc. only Eddie doesn’t die in this alteration. Reader takes the place of Dustin in being bait for the demobats.
Warnings: Smut fr 18+ Both characters are over 18. Violence, suspense, language, derogatory names, pet names, bodily fluids, oral sex (f receiving), teasing, dom Eddie Munson, praising, unprotected p in v
Song: Screaming in the Night by Krokus
“The gates was gettin' rusty, as we sailed into the dark
The stars were out and shinin' against the moonlit hour
The wolves were out and howlin', most of the time
And I was cold and shiverin' and bleedin' in the night”
Word Count: 3,143
  Eddie slammed the cage door shut at the very last second, causing an enraged demobat to screech and claw angrily through the wires. It wasn’t but seconds before that he had drawn the swarm of them away from Vecna’s lair by shredding his guitar at the loudest possible decibel. You had watched in awe at his skilled fingers dancing along the strings, marveling the way he transformed. He had become this deranged metal persona, effectively making an entire new dimension his own. This was something far different from his usual performances in the boring hole in the wall bars across rural Indiana. He was playing for no one but you and a hoard of vicious creatures unknown to your realm, yet it was the most metal show you’d ever witnessed as he tore up the makeshift stage. You felt privileged to even be witness to this and wished beyond measure that everyone else could be there to see it too.
The rest of your party, however, were waiting where the nesting demobats had begun their flight, waiting for Eddie and you to draw their attention so they could continue their assault on the inter dimensional demon. It was a success, and now the entire army of these creatures were racing to get to the two of you.
  “Go go go,” he shouted urgently, holding open the modified trailer door. Once inside you slammed it shut, bolting it with all the new renovations you two had added. You whipped back around to Eddie, both breathing heavy with wide eyes full of adrenaline.
  “Holy shit, dude,” you began breathlessly, Eddie matching your energy as you grabbed each other’s arms. “That…was the most. Metal. Fucking. Show! In the history of both goddamn dimensions!!” You were both yelling with excitement, jumping together as the euphoric feeling of escaping death washed over you. Your final battle cry was cut short as you heard the high pitched sound of scraping metal from the roof.
  “Shit,” Eddie gasped, his head whipping around the trailer to locate the source of the sound. You both snapped your heads towards the vent in the ceiling before looking back to the other with panicked expressions. In a frantic rush, you picked up your weapon while Eddie grabbed his, and you cautiously shifted over to the spot from where the sound was coming. Suddenly the scraping stopped and the only sound was your joined nervous panting. You looked at each other, labored breathing coming to a terrified gasp when the vent was suddenly ripped open from the inside by a monstrous creature with an ear-splitting screech.
  You both screamed back as you began stabbing at the demobat wildly, blood from the demonic beast splattering below. After what felt like an hour, Eddie pulled back from the attack to grab a chair from the vine-tangled table in the kitchen and set it directly underneath the vent. He jumped up onto it and slammed his modified shield of nails onto the opening, effectively plugging it closed by stabbing the bodies together, holding them in place. It wouldn’t last long, but it would give you both time to escape. One after the other you hastily climbed your way back to your dimension through the portal in the trailer ceiling, collapsing on the mattress below and breathing heavily.
Your eyes closed in relief briefly before shooting back open at the sound of rustling from the other side of the gate to the Upside Down. Eddie sprung to his feet and sprinted down the hall while you retrieved your spear from the floor, standing your ground in a fighting stance as you waited for any movement. He was back just as quickly, a can of hairspray in his hand. You gazed at him incredulously as he rooted around in his jacket pocket, pulling out a lighter. Realization hit you suddenly and you stepped back to allow Eddie to take his place underneath the pulsating gate.
His knees bent and the lighter and hairspray at the ready, he was ready for any sign of a disturbance. And then they came. Eddie let out a war cry as he positioned the can just behind the lighter and hit the nozzle, flames shooting forward as he flicked open the Zippo. The demobats that had congregated around the entrance screamed in pain as the fire scorched them, and the lot of them began backing away. Any that dared to come within range was immediately shot with the flames and roasted. After a few minutes, they could be seen flicking around the Upside Down living room but not daring to come through the portal. You both waited a few moments to gauge whether the entrance was secure, and eventually the bats had filtered out one by one, enticing a relieved exhale from you and Eddie.
And then it was as if your thoughts were one. One glance in the others’ direction told you all you needed to know before diving towards one another in a heated embrace. Spear cluttered to the floor and everything he had been holding was thrown to the couch as each hand found something else to grip, your lips colliding as if magnetically. One of Eddie’s hands firmly and confidently grasped you by the side of the neck, while the other pulled your hips into him by the small of your back. You hurriedly ran your hands up his chest, diving underneath his jacket to slide it down his arms. It fell to the floor with a thud before his hands quickly resumed their positions; one hand around your throat as the other guided your hips into motion as he walked you back to the counter of his small kitchen.
You softly whimpered into his lips as he briefly squeezed the sides of your neck, sending an intoxicating rush to your head. The sickeningly sweet sound vibrating through your lips into his made Eddie stiffen against the rough denim of his jeans and he groaned back. He broke away momentarily in order to grip the backs of your thighs in an effortless hoist onto the counter. For a second, a greedy expression splayed across his face as he watched your tits bounce with the sudden motion before helping you lift your shirt over your head and then returning to your longing lips. Both hands came to rest at your thighs, sliding purposely underneath the fabric of your skirt that was already bunched up at your hips.
Eddie’s thumb eagerly drifted towards the heat between your legs, sending a warm jolt through your core and resting in your lower abdomen. Your body had never ached for anyone this desperately before and all of the fear and stress of the night that was pent up up inside was begging to be released. You could feel a proud smirk forming on his lips as your slick coated the pad of his thumb from the outside of your panties. Your knees involuntarily squeezed his rib cage when he managed to slip his thumb underneath the damp garment, sliding your wetness around to your clit. Eddie groaned into your mouth at the sensation of your arousal, gaining more confidence to push forward and delve deeper. He shifted the panties to the side, allowing access for more fingers to participate, and carefully curled one, then two digits into your waiting core.
“Fuck…” he grunted, rocking his two fingers into you gently. “You’re so ready for me.”
You paused kissing him back as you gasped into his lips, ceasing all movements to get lost in the sensation. Eddie continued to prod your pleasure center in perfect rhythm until he had you clenching around his fingers. You rode out your climax by locking your joints and throwing your head back to groan towards the ceiling. He delivered a soft kiss to the side of your neck while he slowly removed his fingers coated in your wetness.
“Hmm…Good girl,” he praised as he knelt down between your legs—one knee and one boot on the floor—and gazed up at you as he politely folded back the hem of your skirt and pulled your panties down your legs. “Oh, sweet mmm—”
Eddie growled at the sight of your dripping slit, he closed his eyes and smiled, hanging his head down before looking up at the ceiling. He brought both hands to his mouth in a praying gesture as if he was praising the Lord for the generous opportunity presented to him. His eyes flicked back to yours as one corner of his mouth lifted in a smirk before he dove in, his tongue slowly leading the way from the inside of one knee and up your inner thigh. You gripped his hair with one hand as his nose brushed against your most sensitive area. He reveled in inhaling your feminine scent, wanting to capture the moment for as long as he could.
You threw your head back, your eyes fluttering closed as you felt the tip of his tongue tauntingly swirl around your clit. Eddie had now gripped your thighs in a tight squeeze as he darted his tongue around your entrance. It was agonizingly slow the way he licked around you, only getting you wetter with the anticipation. Biting your lip you look back down at him, meeting his gaze and the resulting smirk from him.
“Eddie,” you whined, pulling your eyebrows together in pleasure as he gave you another quick lap.
“What is it sweet pea?” he asked in an amused tone. As he gazed at you, he suddenly resumed curling his fingers into you deeply, smiling open-mouthed at your reaction.
“Mmmm…don’t…don’t you think…we should hurry?” you gasped, squeezing your thighs around his head when he dove back in underneath your skirt and sucked your clit between his lips. He flicked his tongue around for a few more seconds.
“Such a needy little kitten,” he grinned at your small whimper once he reappeared, still rocking his fingers in and out of you. His playfulness peeled away as he studied you, his eyes darkening and his expression changing to one of wicked desire. Very carefully Eddie stood up in front of you, his eyes not leaving yours as he began to unbuckle his belt. Once he had removed his shirt and unzipped his jeans, he pulled you into another heated kiss, tongues dancing together as he freed himself from his pants. You moaned softly into the kiss as you felt his weeping tip coming closer to your flesh. He teased your entrance once again, parting your folds gently but pulling back before returning to push in deeper. Each time he pulled back, he would push just a bit further in, but never enough. You couldn’t stop your hips from grinding forward onto him, earning a mocking chuckle from him.
Eddie grit his teeth with malice as he swiftly thrusted into you in one movement, bottoming out and settling into your warmth briefly before pulling back again. You inhaled deeply at the sudden intrusion and gripped him by the shoulders, fingernails burying little crescent shapes into his skin. He growled into your lips as he pushed forward again, and again giving you his entire length. As his pace increased, you wrapped your legs around his and shifted your hips to a better angle for him to hit. He slammed into that perfect spot at a rapid momentum, earning a high-pitched squeal of pleasure from you. His hips jutted forward and backward in confident and deliberate thrusts as his lips traveled down your neck, ending at the nape. You inhaled sharply as Eddie's teeth had found your skin and he nipped at you, giving gentle bites along your neck to your shoulder.
“Aaah…Eddie,” you breathed into his long, wild curls. “Don’t…stop.”
His pace picked up slightly but came to a blissful sustained speed as he listened to your body and your cries of pleasure, correctly ascertaining the right movement. His cock slammed into you in quick succession as many times as it would take to have you clenching around him through your orgasm. The pleasure built higher and higher until it was overflowing, having your walls trembling around his entire length again. Eddie grunted in sheer ecstasy at the sensation as his eyes fluttered closed and his head fell back. When he looked back down at you, his jaw clenched. He abruptly grasped your hips and shifted you until he was holding you up by the back of your thighs while still locked inside you.
Eddie supported your weight with both hands while he walked you back to his bedroom, thrusting in and out of you slightly with every step. As he passed the doorway, he spun you around and roughly pulled himself out of you before throwing you onto his bed. Your face planted in the pillows at the head of the bed while your ass angled straight upward, giving him a taunting view of your dripping cunt just waiting for him. He eyed you greedily as he pushed down his jeans all the way, kicking them and his shoes to a corner before crawling onto the bed behind you.
Eddie's strong hands pressed his rings into your skin as he lustfully squeezed your ass. You sat on your elbows and tilted your head to the side to eye him through the pillows, but he took one hand to shove you back down into the mattress while the other reached to his bedside table towards his box of Trojans.
“Mm, mm,” you protested, daring another glance in his direction. He furrowed his brow at you as he paused. “It’s the end of the world, Eddie. Mm-makes no sense to worry about that now.”
Eddie smirked at you before returning to his position behind you, grasping his shaft to guide the head towards your entrance. You moaned into the sheets as he sheathed you with his entire length once again. You felt yourself fluttering around his cock as he settled into you, stilling before pulling out again. In one swift movement he slammed back all the way to the back of your core before pulling back to resume his rough pace. He didn’t waste any moment in fucking you this time, only wanting to pound brutal thrusts into you over and over. You gasped at the harsh thrusting and balled the sheets up in your fists.
“You can fucking take it, slut. I know it,” he snarled harshly from behind you. Your walls flexed around him at those words, evoking a cocky growl from Eddie. “Hmm…is that what you like? Bein’ a little whore?”
You nodded into the sheets as he drilled into you mercilessly. His hips never faltered as he spoke, but continued their relentless pounding, stuffing you full of his thick girth. With one hand he held onto your hips while the other reached down to grip your hair into a ponytail, forcing your head up to where you could meet his eyes. As your mouth hung open with this new position, your breathing halted with every thrust, forcing a light moan every time his hips smacked yours.
“You can use your words, sweetheart,” Eddie grinned with an arrogant expression. “You can scream until everything in the Upside Down can hear you.”
“Yes…yes p-please,” you managed to say with him still rocking into your cunt. “I want…Want it so bad.”
“Oh yeah? Want what, baby?” he taunted. You could barely even form a sentence in your head with the way he was hitting your sweet spot over and over, much less string two coherent words together out loud. You just closed your eyes and bit your lip to revel in the delicious feeling of his cock, pleasure building again. Eddie yanked on your hair gently but firmly to make you look at him again.
“Fucking tell me. Tell me what it is you want, angel,” he pressed.
“Want…mmm…want you to f-fill me up,” you squeaked, eyes fluttering closed once again. At that Eddie pushed your entire body down into the bed where he could sink into you more tightly as your thighs squeezed together around him. He fucked you with that ruthless pounding again and again until the pressure started to build within you once more. A white hot flame was released in your abdomen as you rode out another orgasm, eyes screwed shut while stars twinkled behing your eyelids. You felt Eddie's thrusts slowing out of rhythm as he reached his own climax.
“God…Jesus…Fffuck!” he croaked as he spilled into you, filling you to the brim. You moaned at the warm sensation and the feeling of his cock twitching as he pumped rope after rope all along your walls. As he gently pulled out of you, you shuddered at the sudden emptiness but basked in the euphoric tingling feeling his seed left within you. Eddie collapsed on top of you, panting as he rolled over to lay beside you to enjoy the waves of ecstasy that were settling over you. As you caught each other’s eye, you both exhaled an out of breath laugh. Slowly you crawled into his arm to lay your head on his chest, pulling a strand of his hair from your mouth with a satisfied sigh.
“That was a mind-altering…fucking, world ending, explosive nuclear bomb fuck!” Eddie exasperated, looking over at you. You giggled at him, gazing back up at the ceiling.
“God, if only the world could end every day,” you replied through heavy breathing. He chuckled and ran his fingertips lightly over your arm, sending a pleasant chill down your spine. Such a chaotic night had drained your energy, with sleepiness creeping up on you quickly.
Your eyes had barely begin to droop when a sudden rumble around the trailer jolted you both fully awake, both frantically searching around the room for what caused the crash. You turned your gazes back towards each other in a terrified expression for a brief moment, before the room quaked again. You both bolted off the bed, grabbing handfuls of whatever article of clothing you could get to the quickest, and sprinted out of the room to the front door. Eddie flung it open and you both lept outside to join the other neighbors in the panic. The earth was shaking, a deafening crack sounded from inside the trailer and they watched in horror as it begin to fold into itself and dissolve, leaving a hellish red canyon forming from ground zero of the portal.
“Get to the van,” Eddie screamed, eyes wide with fear. “GO!”
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cloudninetonine · 3 years
Okay I’d kill for some four x player stuff… like part 2 to the minis four thing pls
or just player lovingly caressing fours ears …both are good very good
(I gotcha Honey! I'm sorry if it's different to what you expected tho!)
Silence once again.
Your eyes snapped open to reveal the darkness of the bedroom with the smallest hero’s home. His grandfather had let you all stay within the space when you had been transported to Four’s Hyrule. You’d already been here for about a week, relaxing safely in the comfort of your friend’s home area but you had overheard the other day that there were possible black-blood sightings in a village out West, so the boys had already prepared for departure and this was the last night here.
It saddened you, it really did. After all, you had gotten to meet Four’s Zelda (Dot) and had bonded off so well. The Princess had happily shown you around her castle and the surrounding town, so it was sad that you had to leave when you had only really just met. You were promised that you’d all return, but it was important to first investigate this incident and who were you to argue with that?
You hummed, your voice deadly quiet within the room. “Yeah?”
It was Four’s voice that reached your ears “Come on, I want to show you something”
A small whine fell from your lips “Can it wait till morning?”
“Not quite” You turned over in your bedroll to look at the man leaning over you, the colours within his eyes dancing under the light of the moon from the window nearby “Will you be so kind as to accompany me?”
His hand was held out, a small, nervous smile on his lips that made you grin back sleepily, grabbing his outheld palm gently “Of course, hero”
The others lay sleeping nearby, some practically dead to the world while others snored their heads off, tossing and turning in their sleep rolls from what you could see thanks to the moonlight, the both of you carefully hopping over multiple bodies with the gracefulness of a pig with its arse on fire before practically bolting down the stairs and out the front door, your giggles catching the wind as you ran into the forest closeby with your hands still intertwined.
“Where are we going!?”
“You’ll see!”
It was a few minutes later, you finally stopped. You leaned over to catch your breath while your friend pulled out a lantern from one of his pouch pockets (damn that magic was cool-) and lit it with a small spell, grabbing your hand once again and tugging it in the direction he wanted to go.
It only took you a few seconds to realise exactly what was happening when it came into view.
Your mouth dropped “No way”
Four looked surprised but it melted away into an excited grin “So you know what this is?”
“Of course I do! Wait- are we gonna…?”
“We sure are”
The Hero of the Four Sword stepped up, pulling you gently to join him to stand upon the Minish Portal Gateway then glancing up at your excited face, you bouncing on the tips of your toes as you waited patiently for what happened next.
Four bit his lip “That Minish you saw a few days ago was actually me”
You blinked “Huh?”
“It was me that you saw, not a Minish.” He looked down at his shoes “You…you sounded really excited when it happened- you even gave me some food! Most people would try to shoo a Minish away thinking they were mere mice- I’m getting ahead of myself….I’m sorry for getting your hopes up that day”
Silence fell between you and a nervous feeling churned in the smallest Hero’s gut. Were you upset? Disappointed? He hadn’t meant to make you feel that way, he simply felt the need to be honest with you. You deserved the truth after all but now that he said it he felt pained. Why couldn’t you live the beautiful lie? Why did he need to give you the ugly truth? Why-
“Four, you’re thinking too much again”
You smiled something sweet and the man tried to keep his heart from bursting in his chest “You know when you and the boys are thinking a little too hard you look like your whole brain crashes! Relax! I’m not upset- I mean, why would I be upset, now, when you’re about to introduce me to a whole bunch of Minish?! I’m pumped!”
The colours swam. Blue, Red, Green, Vio, Blue, Red, Green, Vio, Blue, Red, Green, Vio- then a smile burst onto his face.
“Of course! Now, let’s drop this little angst hour and get to the shrinking!”
With an understanding nod, Four muttered a few words under his breath.
And the world around you grew.
Oh, what a wonderful night this would be, once you’ll always remember.
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irisopranta · 1 year
Role Reversal AU
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((I did ask for it))
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It was a cold brisk morning. Iris de Haillenarte, chief of the Skysteel Manufactory, was delivering something for her brother Fancel. He had requested for her and the manufactory engineers to make tools for the Firmament artisans. She was grateful to be able to help her little brother and the name of House Haillenarte.
“Francel!” excited to see him, “I brought those tools you requested.” Her voice was it's usual chipper tone.
With a sigh of relief “Iris, I’m so glad that you did this for me.” As Francel was about to open up the crate to look at them and hand them out, Aurvael ran up to him.
“F-Francel” he pants in a panic “Count Charlemend wants a word about the Firmament. He doesn’t seem all that pleased.”
Shocked that the count wanted to speak with him. After all the young Elezen thought he was doing a great job coordinating the efforts in the Firmament. “Now what does the good count want now?” He grumbled. Francel takes a look at his eldest brother. “Iris, can I ask you to hand out those tools to the artisans? I’ll be back before long.”
“Wait, Francel!” Trying to stop her younger brothers. However, she was too late as both of them bolted leaving her there alone with the tools she just delivered. Besided herself she sighs, ultimately deciding that he should do what his brother asked her.
Time passes and she was bored out of her mind. She handed the tools out to the artisans that approached her. She was grateful that they all appreciated the hard work that the manufactory did but she much rather be back there than here working on her newest ideas. She was starting to zone out.
“Excuse me.” a baritone but gentle voice called out to her. She looked up and saw a blonde hair man. She noticed his pale, icy blue eyes which she got lost in. He was quite handsome in her opinion. She felt that her heart swell. “Excuse me.” he chimed up again, snapping Iris out of her thoughts.
“Y-yes, c-can I help you.” She felt extremely nervous that she could barely get any words out.
“I heard that there were tools being handed out for the artisans. You wouldn’t be the one handing them out would you?” he inquired.
She cleared his throat, “Why yes,” She perked up, “which one do you need?”
He hummed for a moment, cheerful that he found the right place. “I need new sewing supplies. My current supplies broke, probably due to age.”
Iris dug out the supplies  that she had and handed them over to him. “I take it you are a tailor.”
“Aye, though it’s been a while since working on a project this size.” Stephanivien looked over the supplies, “oh my these look very high quality.” Hearing those words from him made her heart skip. He looked back at her and gave him a smile. “My name is Stephanivien by the way.” she said cheerfully.
She calmed herself down, “I'm Iris”
“Are you all alone? If you want I can keep you company.”
“I am and I would love the company.”
“Let me get my stuff and I’ll be right back.” he ran off.
It was at that moment she knew she was done in. She wasn’t expecting him to offer some company but glad that he did. He returned with his work. The two chatted to pass the time. Mostly over their work as crafters and their life growing up. He’d work while she continued handing out the tools. After a few hours Francel returned to relieve Iris so she could go back to the manufactory. 
She felt a bit sad. While she yearned to go back to the manufactory she also didn’t want to leave being with Stephanivien. She would invite him to come with her but it’s not the place for stray fabrics and threads. Before thinking she uttered the words “Stephanivien, maybe we can hang out some more later.”
Stephanivien was grateful to hear her say that “Yeah that would be great.” he smiled back at him. “I’m to assume that I can come by the manufactory?” She nodded to him and headed out.
((Thanks for the ask @scholarlostintime and @sasslett))
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fandom-puff · 3 years
Teach Me Tiger- Tywin Lannister
Warnings: political/arranged marriage, smut, loss of virginity, sketchy medieval sex Ed (ie, reader thinks the only purpose of sex is procreation), masturbation/guided masturbation, older man/younger woman
This is inspired a little by my Tywin Lannister marriage HCs a did a few weeks ago :). Also soz it took so long I was working on this for quite a while and I DEFINITELY got carried away oops xx
Gif creds to owner
Song creds to owner
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Teach me Tiger how to kiss you
Show me Tiger how to kiss you
The heavy velvet draped over your shoulders, in Lannister red and gold, almost weighing you down as you turned back to the septon, not daring to look up at the old lion you now called husband. Barely processing the words of the septon, you stood stock still, until it was time for you to turn to Tywin, tip your chin up and receive his kiss. It was a chaste, barely there kiss, done out of duty rather than love. Of course there wasn’t any love behind it; this marriage was done only out of duty, duty to Casterly Rock, which needed a suitable heir without a tarnished reputation for incest and whoreing, duty to your house, which desperately needed Lannister gold and men. Nevertheless, the ghost of a kiss still left you a little breathless and dizzy, and you couldn’t help but think of the bedding ceremony later on that night.
Take my lips, they belong to you
“We do not have to consummate the marriage right this instant,”
You looked over your shoulder, lip drawn into you mouth nervously. “But-”
“You’re young, inexperienced. And you’ve been tense with nerves since you walked into the sept. Come. Sit. We’ll have some wine. Talk, if you’d like,” Tywin gestured to a simple couch, big enough for the two of you to sit without being too close.
Still worrying your lip between your teeth, you perched on the edge, accepting your Lord husband’s offer of a goblet of wine. “I- I thought... my purpose was to give you an heir, my Lord,” you murmured, staring at the dark red liquid in the cup.
Tywin sighed and sat down, leaving just over a foot between you, nursing his own goblet. “It is. Eventually,” he said. “When you are ready. I would not force myself on you,”
“But the king said-”
“Never mind what the king said. My grandson has no say in what happens in my- our marriage chamber,”
A little more relaxed, you braved a look up at your husband, admiring his chiselled jaw, his blonde hair streaked with white, before quickly draining your goblet, feeling a little more relaxed as you stood to set it down. Tywin watched with fascination as you put your cup back on the tray, eyes fixed on you as you came to sit back down- he was very much aware of the fact that you sat a little closer to him. Happy to go off your lead, he continued to nurse his drink, eyes occasionally flicking to you as you shuffled a little closer. He tensed briefly as you leaned into him, before relaxing slowly.
“I-I’d like you to kiss me, please,” you murmured, your soft voice barely reaching his ears. Tywin arched his brows, locking eyes with you, silently asking if you were sure.
You nodded your head, tipping your chin up the same way you had done in the Sept.
But teach me first, teach me what to do
Tywin gave you another chaste kiss that had your tummy fluttering, and you found yourself leaning further forward as he was pulling away. A low laugh rumbled in his chest. “Easy now,” he said.
“I’m sorry,” you sighed, looking away, cheeks heating with embarrassment.
“For what?” Tywin asked, standing up and offering you his hand.
“For... being inexperienced, I suppose. I doubt I’m the most exciting bedfellow you’ve ever had,” you rubbed your arm, self conscious. Despite the heat of kings landing, you felt a soft chill skitter over your flesh. “I don’t... know...” you looked at the floor, suddenly very interested in the grain of the wood.
“You’re a maid, I take it?” When you nodded quickly, Tywin held up his hand. “It matters not to me. Not in that way. But I presume you’ve never known a man? I presume you’ve never... known yourself?” He added in an undertone, and you let out a little gasp, shaking your head.
“Will you...” you gulped, looking up at him, seeing his pupils slowly expand. “Teach me? To know...”
“Teach you to know me, or yourself?”
You straightened your back, chest raising and falling with each breath. “Both,”
Touch me Tiger when I'm close to you
The small sitting area, with its couch, desk, bookshelves and table, was most certainly not the place for the consummation of your marriage. Tywin led you through a small passageway and a door to his sleeping chambers. Instantly, your eyes made contact with the bed, already turned down, pillows plumped. Clearing his throat, Tywin directed your attention back to him. “Help me with these buttons. They are much too fiddly,” he said, gesturing to his doublet. You smiled softly, happy to carry out the simple task to put your nerves at ease, knowing full well that Tywin could undo his own buttons. “Shall I undo your braids?” He asked as you folded the expensive scarlet fabric, leaving him in his linen shirt and his trousers.
“Yes please,” you murmured. “The hairpins have been stabbing me all day and night,”
Tywin smirked, stepping behind you and towering over you as he began unpinning the intricate braids, letting you unravel them as they fell to your shoulders. “We can’t have that,” he said and you smiled, running your fingers through your hair. When the final braid was loosened and unraveled, you couldn’t help but lean back into Tywin, sighing softly as his hands came to rub the tension out of your shoulders. Eyes fluttering shut, you tipped your head back to rest it against his shoulder, exposing your throat and allowing him to undo your necklace and cast it aside as your apprehension melted away. Slowly, Tywin’s elegant hands moved from your shoulders to smooth over your waist, making you gasp as his fingers kneaded the flesh there.
“My Lord-”
“Tywin,” he whispered into your ear, relishing in your little shudder.
“Tywin...” you sighed. “Please... the dress...”
“Off?” He asked, just to be sure, not wanting to rush you. With your eager nod, he made a noise of content, stepping back a little to access the lacing of your dress, slowly unthreading it, allowing the delicate fabric to flutter to the ground, leaving you in your chemise and stockings and bodice. You kicked off your shoes, dropping a few inches in height as you began fumbling with the fiddly laces of your bodice. His eyes were firmly on you as you began the painstaking process of unlacing your bodice, and you did not miss the way his tongue darted out to moisten his lips as your nimble fingers worked the end of the lace through the many holes. When the structured garment finally fell to the ground with a dull thud, you looked back up to him, resisting the urge to cross your arms over your chest- the thin chemise you wore as a buffer between your corset and your skin was sheer enough that you were sure he could see your tightening nipples through it.
Tywin flicked his eyes over your form briefly, before approaching you slowly. You were fully aware that he still had his boots and trousers on, though now that his doublet was off, you could see the tightness in them. Arching his brow in amusement, he asked “would you like me to undress?”
Chewing your lip, you nodded, sitting on the foot of his bed as you watched him take off his shirt. You gulped, eyeing up his chest shamelessly; you were surprised at how... well he looked, especially at his age, your eyes lingering on his sinewy yet strong form. Snapping out of your little trance, you looked to the floor, face flooding with heat as Tywin smirked at you. “You can look, you know. I am your husband after all,”
You let out a nervous laugh at his remark, though as he kicked off his boots and began to unlace his trousers, you couldn’t unlock your eyes from his stare, drawing your lip into your mouth as his trousers dropped to the floor. “S-should we... get into bed?” You murmured.
“We shall. But I will say this now, YN, if you do not want to be intimate tonight, I can wait until you’re ready. We could just lay and talk, or you could sleep,”
You smiled slightly. Tywin was surprising you more and more; at the wedding feast you had heard bawdy remarks that the head of house Lannister would simply have his wicked way with you and then bundle you off to Casterly Rock whether you liked it or not. It seemed he would do nothing of the sort. “I’d like to lay a while,” you murmured. Tywin nodded and gestured for you to make himself comfortable in the grand bed. It was difficult not to, what with the soft pillows and comfortable mattress. Tywin lay by your side, leaving a gap between you both as he had done on the couch, drawing the covers up to cover you both.
Help me Tiger, I don't know what to do
You lay in relative silence for a while, occasionally glancing at one another, making small remarks here and there. Eventually, a streak of boldness bolted through you and you turned on your side, facing Tywin, your chin propped up by your hand.
“you know before...” you began, trying to avoid Tywin’s gaze as he looked at you with amusement. You sighed, changing tack. “You said you would help me to know you,”
“That I did,” he prompted, knowing there was something more to your rambling.
“But... you also said you’d help me... know myself,” Tywin nodded slowly, urging you on. “How?” You finished bluntly.
“I assume you know... the mechanics,” he said vaguely.
“Yes. Well, what my septa taught me,”
“Ah. What your septa failed to tell you was that it can be quite... an enjoyable experience. For both parties. You may feel intense pleasure, that is,”
“But... the purpose is to... make an heir,” you said, frowning slightly.
“And there is more chance of success if you enjoy yourself doing it,”
You bit your lip slightly. “Can you show me?” You asked, voice barely more than a whisper. Tywin looked at you intensely, and instantly, you answered the silent questions that blazed in his eyes. “Please. I’m sure,”
Nodding, Tywin eased you onto your back, proving himself up on his elbow as he hovered over you. “It is very important that you prepare yourself... there are many places in your body that the simplest touch-” still beneath the sheets, he dragged his knuckle over your clothes waist, smirking at your shiver, “-will bring you pleasure. Touch your body, YN, through your chemise,” you nodded slowly, shutting your eyes as you ran your fingertips up, over your thighs, your hips, your waist... then back down. On every other journey, you’d swipe your thumbs over your clothed nipples, gasping and arching your back. Tywin hummed in approval, tipping your chin up so he could press several kisses to your throat. “Very good...” he whispered into your ear, relishing in your pleased shudder. He placed his large hand over one of yours and guided it further south. You gulped, aware of the hot wetness gathering between your thighs. “Now... here...”
You took a breath, hitching your chemise up until it was bunched over your hips. Tywin could not see thanks to the covers, but he could just imagine your wetness, giving the way you had been wriggling your hips. “Spread your legs,” he murmured, feeling his cock twitch in wake of your pretty sighs. “Good,” he praised, and you nodded, biting your lip hard. “Now, touch yourself, between your legs,”
“How will I know if...”
“You will know,” he affirmed and you nodded, beginning to stroke around the general vicinity until-
Your back arched and you let out a shuddery moan. He was right. You definitely knew. Quickly becoming both breathless and speechless, you allowed yourself to succumb to pleasure as your lord husband watched. Gasping for air, you felt yourself climb further and further and further, until you toppled over the peak, aided by a slight pinch to your nipple. Shaking, you stared up at the ceiling, feeling gentle lips pressed against your forehead as you recovered from your high. You felt yourself leaning into him, moaning softly at the dull throb between your legs. When you finally trusted yourself to speak without an embarrassing wobble to your voice, you looked up at your husband, eyes blown wide with desire for the lion. “Please...” you whispered.
I know that you could love me to
But show me first, show me what to do
This is the first love that I have ever known
What must I do to make you my very own?
Tywin nodded, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. You knew his tenderness was to calm you down. It wasn’t out of love; how could you love one another? Your marriage had been one of political strategy, and you were well aware that the only love Tywin Lannister ever knew was for his late wife Joanna.
Teach me Tiger how to tease you
But as Tywin manoeuvred himself between your thighs, the candle light casting shadows from his high cheekbones, you felt... something. He was being so gentle with you, so tender, his large hands splaying over your waist and stomach and hips as you tugged your chemise over your head, leaving you completely nude beneath him. You licked your lips quickly, feeling undoubtedly exposed as you were spread out beneath him, thighs parted to cradle him between them. Eyeing the bulge in his linen underwear, you bit your lip, your nerves running through you again, mile a minute.
Sensing your nervousness, Tywin took your hand, guiding it slowly to his prominent bulge. You gasped, feeling the hot, hard flesh through the fabric as you palmed him. Even through the fabric you could tell how well endowed he was. As your hand ran over the ridges of his cock, Tywin let out a suppressed groan. “Clever girl,” he praised softly and you smiled, nibbling your lip.
Eventually, Tywin knocked your hand away, reaching to fish his cock from his underwear. You barely got a look before he was hovering above you, holding one of your thighs apart with one hand, the other guiding his cock over your wet entrance. “This may hurt... only for a moment,” he murmured, and you nodded- your septa had not spared you the details of procreation.
As he eased his cock into your waiting hole, you felt yourself tense up. He was barely in you, yet you felt so full. The fullness was soon accompanied by a slight pain that had you gasping, but pretty soon you were overcome by the sensation of being stretched out. Giving an experimental rock of your hips, you groaned out, the noise guttural and wanton, and your lips were unable to stop it escaping. “Move,” you whispered. “Move, please,” you hooked your legs around his hips for good measure, heels beginning to press into his lower back as he began rocking his hips, pulling almost all the way out before easing back in.
Once he was sure you had adjusted properly, Tywin’s thrusts became a little rougher, shallower, and you could feel his cock drag over the sensitive walls then clenched tightly around it. He knelt up, dragging you further down the mattress as he rutted into you, skin slapping hard against yours as you wriggled, head tipped back to groan and cry out. Your hair was a mess, your lips were swollen, and your noises steadily grew louder and louder despite your attempts muffle them. Tywin did not try to quiet you, relishing in the cries of passion he was able to draw from you. It gave him a sense of pride to know that his wife was in ecstasy, that his wife was taking her pleasure beneath him like she were a common harlot and he a lowly peasant. And most of all, he relished in the fact that you would soon have a belly full of his children, swelling with the continuation of the Lannister dynasty.
Tiger, Tiger I wanna squeeze you
Clutching onto any inch of his skin you could find, your back arched upwards off the bed as your nails dragged down his arms, you came with a lusty, broken cry, your entire being quivering around him as a sensation more intense than your previous orgasm washed over you. Tywin growled, letting out a low shuddering groan as he finished, and you felt the odd, yet erotic, sensation of his seed filling you to the brim.
All of my love I will give to you
Panting, twitching, and letting out soft whimpers, you fell back among the pillows as Tywin moved to your side. “Are you alright?” He asked you, pressing the pads of his thumbs against your cheeks, swiping away your fallen tears. You didn’t even realise you were crying, too distracted by your crashing release. You managed a small nod and a hum of reassurance as you slowly regained the ability to move. Already you felt your thighs aching, your core still throbbing. You could feel a bit of your husband’s seed slipping from your body, trailing lazily between your thighs. The rest, you knew, was deep inside of you. Tywin sat up, tugging the sheets back over you before laying back down beside you. You hummed contentedly as Tywin pulled you into his side, and you could feel his heart still pounding as you both settled into post coital bliss.
“Do you think... it’ll work?” You murmured, already nodding off as the room became dimmer, the candles close to their ends.
“What, that you’ll be with child after tonight?” When you have a slight nod, Tywin chuckled. “Part of me hopes so. As you’re aware, I am in desperate need of a suitable heir,”
“And the other part?” You whispered.
“The other part of me hopes that you don’t fall pregnant just yet...” you picked up on the suggestive edge to his voice, increasingly grateful for the darkening room as your eyes widened.
“If I don’t... if I’m not... then we will try again. Maybe even... recreationally,” you cringed inwardly at your own formality; the man had been balls deep in you only moments ago. “But I will do my best to fulfil my duties as your lady wife,”
“Hmm... and the lady of Casterly rock?” He teased and you rolled your eyes.
“Casterly rock too. On one condition though,”
But teach me Tiger or I'll teach you
Tywin arched his brows, not used to being given conditions.
“You treat me well. You obey your vows. You don’t treat me like a whore or a thing to fuck and throw away as soon as you’ve got an heir and a spare. You treat me as your lady wife. Protect me, guide me, and at the very least, try to love me. Because that is exactly what I will be doing for you,”
Tags: @sociallyawkward-princess @lazyotakujen
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nyxdelanuit · 4 years
Feral (Tendou x F! Reader)
Hey! Here’s Nyx being super late with a collab fic for the Haikyuu Headquarters Collab, which can be found here! 
Special shout outs to @the-great-queen and @fallingintoimagination for getting me hooked on Feral Tendy <3 and @mammonrights for bein a heathen with me.
Warnings: Biting, Marking, Slight breeding kink cause it’s me, A lil bit of predator/prey play, and NSFW abound~ 
You quite enjoyed the calm, lazy weekends where you curled up with a book or movie, ignoring the outside world and the coming work week. The same couldn’t be said for your friend, currently draped over your lap, whining.
 "I'm so bored, let's do something fun." Tendou looked up at you with pleading eyes as you kept watching your show. You were only a few episodes out from the season finale, and you weren't too keen on stopping now.
 "I am having fun, Sa-to-ri." You grinned, glancing down at him, "It's not my fault you don't have any taste." He pouted at you, the teasing something that had thrived in your friendship.
 “It’s not my fault I’ve already read the whole series before the show started. I could tell you what happens if you want.” Your attention turned fully to him, what he wanted all along.
 "You wouldn't dare, Tendou." You tried to keep your gaze hard on him, despite the growing grin on his face.
“Ooh, pulling out the last name, that hurts.” He put a mocking hand over his chest. “And I wouldn’t have to ruin the whole series for you if you just entertained me a little.” You huffed, pausing the show and giving him an unamused glare.
"Fine, and what do you want to do exactly?" He sat up, leaning in close to you. You could feel the heat of your face at his nearness but kept up your mask. It wasn't new for you and Tendou to flirt like this, but it never failed to excite you.
 “Would you believe me if I said you?” The coy grin he wore made you roll your eyes.
 “No.” You turned your face away, trying to calm your desperate heartbeat before you gave him more ammunition to tease you. His calloused fingers slid under your chin, bringing your face back to his gaze.
 "I think you're lying… you want it, don't you?" You bit your tongue softly, trying to weigh your options. Tendou would notice right away if you lied, and you wouldn't dare tell him the truth, that you had been dreaming of the day he'd finally make a real move.
 It seemed Tendou was especially impatient that day, pressing a light kiss to your lips before retreating, hopping off your couch to stretch. “Let’s play tag.”
 You were snapped out of your stupor at the kiss by his words, wondering if you had possibly imagined it. "W-what?" His eyes drifted to yours with a predatory smile.
 “Tag. If you can keep away from me for… hmm… fifteen minutes, you win. We keep watching your show, no more complaints from me.” You furrowed your brows.
 “Satori, we’re not kids anymore. I figured you’d want to go out to a club or something, why tag?”
 “Cause it’s fun. Live a little, play tag with me.” He shrugged and held out a hand, which you reluctantly took, pulling you to your feet.
 “Fine, and what happens if I lose?” His eyes glittered with a curious mischievousness, and you were almost tempted to pull your hand away.
 "I'll think of something. Now for the rules. No leaving the house, no locking doors. I'll give you a 30-second head start. You can hide if you really want to." His grin only grew as he spoke, showing his excitement for your little game. You rolled your eyes again, ignoring the spark of adrenaline that ran through your veins. "Sound good to you?"
 "Yeah, sure, Satori."
 "Then… Run." The look in his eyes sent a shiver down your spine, and you couldn't help but wonder if this was how a rabbit felt staring into the eyes of a wolf. Once he started counting, you were pulled from your frozen state, turning and bolting down the hallway. You could still hear him, his singing echoing through your house as he counted down the seconds to his hunt. With no more than a handful of seconds left, you crept into the ancient wardrobe in your room, thankful you hadn't had the time to fill it properly. You bit at your lip, trying to get the door to close from the inside was harder than you expected.
 Your breath hitched as you heard his footsteps, far too close for you to fiddle with the door anymore. You pressed yourself into the dark of the wardrobe, hoping it was enough to conceal you as his shadow snuffed out what remained of the light.
 Your hands flew to your mouth, holding in your breath along with the whine that threatened to escaped as he paused in front of you.
 “Come on out sweetness, maybe I’ll make your punishment something we’ll both enjoy?” His voice was deeper than usual, a darkness you’d only caught glimpses of before now on full display. You shouldn’t be enjoying this as much as you were, the heat pooling in your stomach as he lingered. Something about the tension, the anticipation of being found was a drug to you.
 He slowly moved away, something you only noticed by the return of the light. You sat for several long moments, trying to hear past the blood rushing in your ears as you peeked through the door. The room in front of you was empty, and he could no longer be heard. If you wanted to run, now would be the time. Cautiously, you pushed open the door, creeping out one leg at a time until you released a shuddering breath, straightening your clothes.
 "You should probably run now, little lamb." The voice made you jump, even more so the sight of Tendou, leaning against the door you had just open, a malicious grin splitting his face in two. You ran without any thought, slamming doors behind you as you tried and failed to remember your house's layout. Every step, every labored breath you took, you could hear him nearing. You could feel him hot on your heels, to the point where the doors were no longer falling closed behind you, merely bouncing off his extended arm, slamming against the wall.
 You had made a mistake somewhere in your panic. A room with no other doors, no easy means of escape, just you and Tendou standing at separate sides of the room. All you could do was watch as he closed in, your heart jack-hammering against its cage. The only way out was around, to fake out the former Guess Monster of Shiratorizawa.
 Breathe in, breathe out- glance to the side, opposite of where you were planning of going. Your mind was working faster than you thought possible, acting on the barest hint of thoughts as Tendou's hands neared you. You ducked, somehow slipping through the narrow escape between his arm and his body. Your lungs burned as you ran, the peals of laughter echoing throughout the halls as the hunt continued. How long could fifteen minutes be?
 Each step, each ragged breath sent a fire through your veins. Maybe Tendou had the right idea, when was the last time you felt this alive? Slipping through doorways, skidding along tiled floors, nervous laughter seeping through your lips as his cackling rang in your ears. Faster, quicker, just seconds ahead of his hands, you ran. You couldn't hide, not anymore, all you could do was hope that you were faster than him until the clock ran out.
 You somehow found yourself back where you started, the timer of his phone counting down the last seconds of your game. You had won, you knew it, just a few more seconds…
 A shrill scream tore through your throat; you had let yourself get distracted. Calloused fingers wrapped around you, holding your arms tight to your chest as the alarm rang through the house. You had almost won… Tendou pulled you flush against his chest, every inch of him wrapped around you, pressed against your back.
 “Too bad, little lamb.” He taunted, his lips brushing against your ear. “You were so close.” You hadn’t even noticed the whine that escaped you until you heard him chuckle, low and dark. “You stopped there near the end… did you want me to catch you that bad?” You shook your head, belatedly noticing how his hands sunk into the plush of your chest. “You can deny it to yourself all you want, but your body says differently. You haven’t even tried to slip away.” He moved his head to brush his lips against your neck, the barest brushes of skin. There was no fighting the shiver of pleasure that ran down your spine or the gasp that slipped past your lips.
 You resisted even less when he turned you, pressing your chests together as his head dipped to kiss you hungrily. You opened to his whims easily, tongue and teeth clashing with no other thought than the hunger that burned deep in your stomach. When had your hands buried themselves in his? When had he stopped kissing you in favor of trailing bites down the length of your neck? It was happening so quickly, and yet it seemed as if this had been building up as long as you could remember. He devoured you, as he did so many other things. Headfirst into his passion with little regard to anything else as his rough hands slid under your shirt, quickly pulling it up and over your head. He barely pulled away to pull his own off by the collar, whipping it to the abyss that existed outside of you and him.
 Throughout the house, he led you, a trail of clothes littering your path. He was nothing but a storm of lips and teeth, marking every inch of skin he could reach, claiming you as his prize. He hadn't even stripped you of your underwear, but the way he was grinding against you, laving his tongue over the deep imprints of his teeth had you writhing for release. Finally, a single finger dipped between you, dragging over your covered folds and feeling the dampness that made the fabric cling to your skin.
 “Pretty little lamb, I’m going to destroy you.” He chuckled, his breath falling heavily against your neck. You nodded, already a whining mess.
 “Please, Satori… I want you, please.” Was that your voice? You hardly recognized it, buried beneath all the lust and longing weighing down the tone.
 He spoke mockingly as he slowly pulled the last scrap of fabric down your legs. “I knew you wanted me, little lamb… but I didn’t mind playing our little game to make you admit it. You opened your mouth to refute him, to say something in your defense, but the only thing that came out was a sinful moan as his teeth sunk into your thigh, marking you so close to where you wanted him.
 Words failed you, lost in the haze that was Tendou Satori, and all you could do was pull him in closer, desperate to feel him inside of you. He fit against you so well, the feeling of his lips on yours was a drug like no other. You melted against his touch, conforming to his body as he hitched your leg high up on your hip. His touch on your hip was firm, holding you still as he teased at your entrance, watching your face with a sadistic smile.
 Ever so slowly, he sunk in, his mouth open as he let the softest of groans escape him while he watched you writhe as you tried to push down further on his length. "You know, little lamb… I never said what I would take as my prize…" You attempted to clear your cloudy eyes, focusing on his gluttonous face.
 "I thought this…" A sharp thrust, bottoming Tendou's length inside you brought your sentence to a breathy end, but you tried to continue on, "I thought I was your prize?"
 “Hmm… but you gave yourself over to me without me even asking… I guess I’ll just have to cum in you as my prize.” It shouldn’t sound so appealing falling from his lips, but all you could do was keen out, desperate for him to take you in any and all ways he wanted. He won you fair and square.
 “Please, Satori, whatever you want, just move!” His smile darkened, a calloused finger coming up to brush lightly against your cheek.
 “How can I resist when you beg so nicely for it?” With that last word, his hands returned to your hips, holding on in a bruising grip as he pulled out slowly, watching the tears gather on your lashes as you pleaded for him to move faster. As soon as the tip traced your entrance, something in him snapped. He bucked into you wildly, pulling a loud moan from your lungs.
 Gone was your lazy, teasing friend that you spent calm Sundays with, replaced with a hungry animal, intent on devouring you from the inside out. Each roll of his hips pushed you further from your thoughts, focusing only on the carnal way he hunched over you, sucking deep marks into your skin to remind you long after this was over of what he turned you into. Just a mewling, desperate mess, falling apart underneath him, pliant to his every touch. And touch he did, imprints of his hands seemed to be carved into your hips, the ghost of his teeth in every bite he laid on your skin still stinging, only heightening the pleasure of his cock pistoning within you.
 The pleasure became overwhelming, and you dug your nails into his shoulder, desperate for anything to ground yourself in this moment. It only spurred him on further, a deep growl rumbling in his chest as you marked him in kind. Some small stake that showed you weren't just a passive participant in his game. You pulled him close with the grip you held on his shoulders, panting heavily on his shoulder before you bit into his neck, mirroring one of the many marks he had left on you. The whine you pulled from his throat only made you moan against his skin as he pushed your legs higher, trying to find a better angle to sink into you as you savagely attacked his neck.
 You only pulled away when you felt the peak growing impossibly close, a breathy moan of his name bringing him back to himself.
 “Please, Satori, I’m so close.” You let the tears spill from your lashes, twin rivers framing your face as you stared up at him, pleading. “Fill me up, please.” He groaned lowly, pulling back just enough to sneak a hand between your bodies. Those stupid, calloused fingers you had grown to appreciate so quickly deftly found your clit, sensitive from all the friction of his rutting, and he relentlessly assaulted the swollen nub. You felt him start to twitch inside you as you tensed, finally cresting in pleasure.
 He was thrown violently into his orgasm as you cried out his name, clenching your fists around his shoulders once more. Each thrust as he worked through his release brought you closer to over-stimulation, the added friction on the edge of pain as he filled you.
 The house was finally quiet, the only sound coming from your intermingling breaths, heavy and satisfied. He collapsed next to you, content to relax against your pillows as you processed all that had just happened. When you remained silent, he turned his eyes to you with a grin. “We can go watch that show now.”
 You couldn’t stop the nervous giggle that escaped you. “After all that, you want to go watch that show?” He nodded, smirking.
 "Yeah, why not?" He sat up, stretching out his shoulders, and giving you a good view of the angry red lines you had left all over him.
 “So… do we just pretend this didn’t happen?”
 "I don't know what you mean, I thought I made it pretty clear." You wished you could see his face as he got up for even a hint of how he felt.
 “What do you mean, Satori?”
 “I won you.” He sung, “I marked you inside and out. You’re mine now.” He turned with a mischievous grin, and you wouldn’t be surprised if this was the outcome he wanted when he walked through your door this morning. Still, you stood, walking over to him and running a hand down his chest.
 “You did, didn’t you?” With your confirmation, his grin softened to a more sincere smile, ducking to place a kiss to your cheek.
 “So, time for your show, little lamb?”
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mandoalorian · 3 years
Chicken Nuggets [Marcus Moreno x F!Reader] *SMUT*
Summary: Marcus is back on the dating scene for the first time since his wife passed. Tonight is the night, and he’s a little insecure, but he hopes he can show you how much you mean to him.
Warnings: 18+ SMUT, car sex!!!, male receiving oral/road head (do not try at home!!), food mention, alcohol mention, feelings, tooth rotting fluff, Marcus is so adorable I’m gonna cry.
Word count: 2000>
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Marcus Moreno was a gentleman. He was caring, and affectionate -- and unlike any other guy  you had ever been with, he was an excellent listener. He’d always ask about your day and he loved to find out quirky little facts about you. It always made you smile when he brought up a menial piece of information that you told him in passing conversation weeks ago. He made you feel cared for, and important.
Marcus was completely and utterly smitten with you. He hadn’t been with anyone since his ex-wife, who had passed away two years ago. Getting over the heartbreak alongside his daughter wasn’t something he’d wish on his worst enemy. But he was getting there. And with you by his side, your company seemed to make things just that little bit easier. He wouldn’t trade you for the world.
So it was your fifth date, and Marcus felt as though he was finally ready to get intimate with you. Both you and him had discussed sex, and he knew it was something you wanted, but you would always reassure him that there was absolutely no pressure and you were fine waiting until he was ready. Marcus Moreno was too good of a man to just let go for that reason.
It was Saturday night and you had decided to meet him at the small Italian restaurant located on the coastline. It was the most perfect, romantic destination for a date. Marcus was always punctual, arriving at least fifteen minutes early no matter the reason. But to your surprise, not this time. He was so nervous, knowing that tonight would be the night. He’d cut himself shaving, he’d drowned himself in cologne and he tried to put in contacts but they’d somehow slipped out of his eye and landed in the sink, all mushed up and ruined. So he was back to doting his thick rimmed glasses that you adored. He was only five minutes late, and you didn’t mind too much, already cracking into the bottle of red wine. His smile when his gaze locked onto you was enough to fill your body with fuzzy butterflies. He presented you with a bouquet of roses and tried to hide the blush that crossed his cheeks.
“Hi,” he said nervously. He looked down when you pressed a gentle kiss over his lips. “Wow, everything smells so good,” he acknowledged as he sat down opposite you. “What do you think you’ll order?”
“Maybe the pasta,” you returned, checking the menu. “What about you?”
“Well, I promised Missy I’d bring her a slice of pizza home, so…” Marcus admitted and you giggled. Hating your laugh, you brought your hands to your face and covered your mouth. Marcus noticed immediately and took your hands, brushing his thumbs over your knuckles. “Don’t hide yourself from me,” he cooed, looking up at you through his dark eyelashes. “You’re beautiful.”
You bit your lip and felt your cheeks flush under his sweet words. You didn’t know what it was -- perhaps the adrenaline of knowing what was to come after dinner, but his touch alone was enough to drive a bolt of anticipation through your core. You swallowed, losing your appetite for pasta and beginning to crave something else. He didn’t let go of your hands once, his fingers carefully tracing comforting circles into your skin as he gazed into your eyes and admired your beauty. 
“Marcus…” you whispered, pushing your thighs together as you felt arousal begin to pool between your legs.
He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t turned on too, if the tent in his pants was anything to judge by. “Yes?” he answered almost immediately, hating the way the word left his lips. He prayed the desperation that dripped from his tongue wasn’t evident to you.
“I… we… could get dinner later, if you wanted.” you suggested.
Marcus knew exactly what you meant, but he hadn’t realised it would be happening so soon. Nervous but excited, he bit his lower lip and nodded his head, a twinkle of lust sparkling in his honey brown eyes. He paid the bill, just for the bottle of wine, and took your hand before leading you out the restaurant. 
During the drive back to his place, you were feeling pretty restless. As his dark eyes focused on the road ahead, you let your hand wander across his denim clad thigh and towards his crotch. Your fingers delicately danced along his bulge and you felt more than satisfied when you heard a dark string of curses leave his lips. You’d never heard Marcus be so vulgar in his life.
“Shit hermosa, you trying to make me crash?” he chuckled, his eyebrows furrowing together with concentration. He was throbbing, but he figured he’d be able to handle it, as long as you didn’t go inside his jeans. The blood rushed to the tip of his cock as you palmed him softly. You hummed at his question but opted not to give him an answer, or at least, not with words. Popping open the top button of his pants and then finding his zipper, you pulled it all the way down. “You can’t wait, huh?” he countered further, already trying to resist the urge to thrust upwards into your hand. 
Finding that he wasn’t wearing any underwear, you swallowed, and looked up at him with doe-like eyes. “Marcus…” you purred, wasting no time and pulling out his thick length. He was hot and heavy, and under the artificial amber lights that illuminated the front of the car, you gave his cock a few pumps. “I had no idea you were so big.” you praised with a nervous giggle. 
Marcus didn’t say a word. He hadn’t been touched like this in a long time. Yeah, he’d used his own hand on plenty of occasions but it had never felt like this. He forgot how good it could feel.
The adrenaline was coursing through his veins as your thumb wiped up the precum that had beaded at the tip of his cock. 
“Your hand is cold, sweetheart.” Marcus murmured as you shimmied your fingers down his length to cradle his balls. As you squeezed them and played with them, you could feel him getting harder and harder.
“Do you prefer warmth?” you cooed quizzically. Marcus shuddered but remained silent, his eyes still fixated on the road. His patience surprised you, but he was a Heroic, after all. 
Clicking open your seatbelt, you shuffled down to your knees and crawled over the control panel in the car. Leaning over and finding a comfortable position, you placed your tongue flat against the slit and began to suck at his head. Marcus gripped down on the steering wheel as his eyes snapped shut, a heavy pant leaving his lips. His eyes must’ve been closed a little too long because the car swerved and you squealed his name. Thankfully it was late and the road was more or less empty.
“Tha- that could’ve been bad, baby,” Marcus gasped, his cock twitching in your mouth.
“Mhm.” you agreed as you bopped your head up and down his shaft.
He moved one hand from the wheel to your head, grabbing a fistful of your hair as you continued to go down on him. You could feel his cock twitching in your mouth as you pushed him closer and closer to the edge.
“So- so fucking good. Oh f-fuck, I forgot how good this coul-could feel… princess,” He admitted and you smirked around his length. “Mm, I’m close.” 
After only a few more pumps of his cock, Marcus came in your mouth, his salty seed spurting across your tongue. His load was large and you couldn’t swallow it all, but as you pulled off him, and the milky coloured substance dripped down your chin, he couldn’t have looked more proud. He pulled over at some place and let you regain your balance as you crawled back up to the passenger seat and strapped yourself back in. 
“Th- thank you.” Marcus blushed, leaning over and wiping his cum from your lips, doing his best to clean you up.
“You don’t have to thank me Marcus,” you returned his smile and gave his thigh a little squeeze. Marcus tucked himself back in and zipped his pants up. You looked out the window at the bright yellow and red lights. “Marcus, where are we?”
Marcus grinned sheepishly. “I thought you might’ve worked up an appetite after that. We uh- we’re at McDonalds.”
Of course. Of course DILF dad Heroic Marcus Moreno would take you to McDonald’s drive thru after receiving road head. It just made sense. You burst into a fit of giggles and rest your head on his shoulder. He wrapped a strong arm around you and pressed a kiss into your forehead.
“You’re unbelievable,” you laughed, shaking your head incredulously. “You’re so- God… Marcus… I think I lo-”
You cut yourself off immediately, your heart sinking in your chest as you realised what you were about to say. Praying that Marcus hadn’t clicked on, you tore yourself from him and rolled down the car window, peering out to gaze at the illuminated menu on the wall. 
“What do you normally get?” you asked, unable to bring yourself to look at him.
Shit, it had only been five dates and you weren’t even sure if he was completely over his wife yet. But all of a sudden, everything made sense. You really were in love with him. Was it too soon? Of course, you’d known him forever, but there was no telling how he’d react to your confession. 
“Uh-- I like cheeseburgers…” Marcus replied. “And fries. And a cola. What about you?”
You closed your eyes and sunk back into the chair. It was okay. It was going to be okay. When you turned back to face him, Marcus’ eyes were already boring into you, admiring your beauty.
“I like chicken nuggets.”
Marcus grinned. “So does Missy.”
He continued down the drive thru and ordered a chicken McNugget sharebox. Parking in the isolated lot, he passed you your soft drink and pierced the straw into his own cola before setting out the box of chicken nuggets. 
You and Marcus sat in comfortable silence as you dipped your nuggets in the assortment of sauces. “I really like you,” Marcus confessed. “And Missy likes you too. Which is important to me. We’ve been friends forever and I just think we’re good… together. Shit. That wasn’t meant to rhyme. I--”
You laughed when you saw how adorably flustered Marcus got. “I like you too.” You admitted and Marcus nodded, taking a sip of his drink.
“Are you still up for coming back to my place tonight? Missy is with her abuela.” 
“Yes.” you replied and his grin only deepened.
“Okay, good.”
You finished the box of chicken nuggets and slouched back into the chair, rubbing your tummy. “That was so good,” you beamed. “I’m stuffed though. I need to lie down.”
Marcus felt his cheeks heat up as he turned his key and switched on the engine. “When we get home.” he promised, his cock already hardening again as he imagined you spread out on his bed with your legs open. All the things he could do to you…
Sure, you didn’t expect your fifth date to end up with road head and chicken nuggets, but it was perfect, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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